Human Genetics and Genomics, PhD

School of medicine, ph.d. program.

The Johns Hopkins Human Genetics Training Program provides a training in all aspects of human genetics and genomics relevant to human biology, health and disease. 

Advances in human genetics and genomics continue at an astounding rate and increasingly they are being integrated into medical practice. The Human Genetics Program aims to educate highly motivated and capable students with the knowledge and experimental tools that will enable them to answer important questions at the interface between genetics and medicine. Ultimately, our trainees will be the leaders in delivering the promise of genetics to human health.

The overall objective of the Human Genetics program is to provide our students with a strong foundation in basic science by exposure to a rigorous graduate education in genetics, genomics, molecular biology, cell biology, biochemistry and biostatistics as well as a core of medically-related courses selected to provide knowledge of human biology in health and disease. 

This program is also offered as training for medical students in the combined M.D./Ph.D. program.  Students apply to the combined program at the time of application to the M.D. program. (See section entitled Medical Scientist Training Program).

Research Facilities

Research laboratories are well equipped to carry out sophisticated research in all areas of genetics. The proximity to renown clinical facilities of the Johns Hopkins Hospital, including the Department of Genetic Medicine, and Oncology Center provides faculty and students with access to a wealth of material for study. Computer and library facilities are excellent. Laboratories involved in the Human Genetics Program span Johns Hopkins University; consequently supporting facilities are extensive.

Financial Aid

The program is supported by a training grant from the National Institute of General Medical Sciences. These fellowships, which are restricted to United States citizens and permanent United States residents, cover tuition, health care insurance and a stipend during year one.  Once a student has joined a thesis lab, all financial responsibilities belong to the mentor.   Students are encouraged, however, to apply for fellowships from outside sources (e.g., the National Science Foundation, Fulbright Scholars Program, Howard Hughes Medical Institute) before entering the program.

Applicants for admission should show a strong academic foundation with coursework in biology, chemistry and quantitative analysis.   Applicants are encouraged to have exposure to lab research or to data science.  A bachelor's degree from a qualified college or university will be required for matriculation.  GREs are no longer required.

The Human Genetics site has up-to-date information on “ How to Apply .” For questions not addressed on these pages, please access the contact imformation listed on the program page: Human Genetics and Genomics Training Program | Johns Hopkins Department of Genetic Medicine ( .

Program Requirements

The program includes the following required core courses: Advanced Topics in Human Genetics, Evolving Concept of the Gene, Molecular Biology and Genomics, Cell Structure and Dynamics, Computational Bootcamp,  Pathways and Regulation, Genomic Technologies, Rigor and Reproducibility in Research, and Systems, Genes and Mechanisms of Disease. Numerous elective courses are available and are listed under sponsoring departments.

Our trainees must take a minimum of four electives, one of which must provide computational/statistical training.

The HG program requires the “OPTIONS” Career Curriculum offered by the Professional Development and Career Office.  OPTIONS is designed to provide trainees with the skills for career building and the opportunity for career exploration as well as professional development training

Human Genetics trainees also take a two-week course in July at the Jackson Labs in Bar Harbor, Maine entitled "Human and Mammalian Genetics and Genomics: The McKusick Short Course" which covers the waterfront from basic principles to the latest developments in mammalian genetics. The faculty numbers about 50 and consists roughly in thirds of JAX faculty, Hopkins faculty and “guest” faculty comprising outstanding mammalian geneticists from other US universities and around the world.

The courses offered by the faculty of the program are listed below. All courses are open to graduate students from any university program as well as selected undergraduates with permission of the course director.

Trainees must complete three research rotations before deciding on their thesis lab.  They must also participate in the Responsible Conduct of Research sessions offered by the Biomedical Program; starting at year 3, students must attend at least two Research Integrity Colloquium lectures per year. 

Our trainees participate in weekly journal clubs, department seminars, monthly Science & Pizza presentations as well as workshops given twice a year on diversity, identity and culture.

At the end of the second year, trainees take their Doctoral Board Oral Examination.  Annual thesis committee meetings must be held following successful completion of this exam.

Average time for completion is 5.3 years.

Graduates from the Human Genetics program pursue careers in academia, medicine, industry, teaching, government, law, as well the private sector.  Our trainees are encouraged to explore the full spectrum of professional venues in which their training my provide a strong foundation. Driven by curiosity and a desire for excellence, our trainees stand out as leaders in the chosen arenas of professional life. They are supported in the development of their career plans by a program faculty and administration who are dedicated to their success, and by a myriad of support networks across the Johns Hopkins University, many of which are provided by the Professional Development Career Office of the School of Medicine.

Ph.D. Program

Graduate studies.

The Genetics Ph.D. program provides opportunities for graduate study in all major areas of modern genetics, including identification and analysis of human disease genes, molecular evolution, gene therapy, statistical genetics, application of model organisms to problems in biology and medicine, and computational and experimental approaches to genome biology.

An underlying theme in our Department is that genetics is not merely a set of tools but a coherent and fruitful way of thinking about biology and medicine. To this end, we emphasize a spectrum of approaches based on molecules, organisms, populations, and genomes.

We provide training through laboratory rotations, dissertation research, seminar series, didactic and interactive coursework, and an annual three-day retreat.


Students receive a competitive stipend ($51,600) for the 2023-24 Academic Year), tuition, health insurance, and a dental care stipend for a full four years. We also encourage students to seek additional fellowships, including but not limited to: NSF GRFP , NIH F31 , NDSEG , Stanford Bio-X fellowship , Stanford DARE , and Stanford CEHG Fellowship .

Lab Rotations

Students rotate through 3 laboratories during their first year in the Genetics Graduate Program. Rotations typically last one quarter each, but can be less and are contingent upon the faculty member agreeing to the rotation request. All Genetics students must rotate with at least 1 Genetics faculty member (primary or secondary appointment). Other rotations may be done with any Bioscience faculty.

While most students start in Fall Quarter, students are encouraged to consider participating in the Advance Summer Institute for a smoother early transition into graduate school. There is a nomination & selection process. The department nominates, so if you are interested please let the department student services officer know. The program is not meant to be a source of summer bridge funding or simply an early rotation opportunity. There are many components to the program that require commitment of time and effort; and the funding, reflects both the expectation of full participation and belief that participants should be compensated for these efforts. The Office of Graduate Education does the selection for ADVANCE. There is no guarantee that if you are nominated that you will be admitted into ADVANCE.

While students may select a thesis laboratory after completing their third rotation, you can do more Selection of the dissertation research laboratory must be done with the faculty member's approval. Prior to committing to a dissertation laboratory, students are invited to discuss their selection with the Graduate Program Director. Students are welcome to join labs outside of the Genetics Department; if so, they will discuss with the Graduate Program Director whether transferring into that department would be beneficial.

Dissertation Research

Once a student selects a permanent laboratory, they begin their dissertation research that will last for approximately four years. All students are expected to publish at least one first-author paper about their research during this time period, and the work culminates with a thesis defense presentation and written dissertation. See the Genetics Student Handbook for more information.

Coursework, Qualifying Exams, and other Requirements

Students in the Genetics Graduate Program take the Qualifying Examination in the Fall Quarter of their second year of study. There are two parts to the exam, a written research proposal and an oral examination.


Ami Bhatt, Dylan Maghini, and collaborators from the University of the Witwatersrand visit with researchers and staff at the MRC/Wits Public Health and Health Transitions Research Unit in Agincourt, South Africa.


Ami Bhatt, Dylan Maghini, and collaborators tour the MRC/Wits Public Health and Health Transitions Research Unit labs and biobank facility in Agincourt, South Africa.

Service Requirement

Service and outreach are a critical component of a student’s development as a scientist, and offer unique opportunities to learn by interacting with individuals outside the Department. Students are expected to participate in a minimum of 60 hours of service and/or outreach work prior to defending their dissertation.

Supplementary Educational Activities

In addition to your courses, qualifying exams, and dissertation, the Genetics Department has arranged additional educational activities for students. These regularly occurring meetings are:

Current Issues in Genetics (CIG) Two people from the Genetics Department give 20-25 minute presentations about their current work at this weekly Friday meeting. Students in their third year and above are expected to present their work annually. This series gives students the chance to learn about the range of science going on in the department and provides a great opportunity to give formal presentations to peers and colleagues. 

Graduate Student Journal Club This weekly journal club is organized completely by graduate students from the Genetics and Developmental Biology Departments. At each meeting, one or two graduate students lead 30 minute discussions on their choice of a recent journal article. For the first three years of the Ph.D. program, each student presents once per academic year.

Refreshments are provided by the graduate students and reimbursed up to the current year limit. Reimbursement requires an original receipt to the Student Services Coordinator.

Frontiers in Biology  Every week, the Departments of Genetics, Developmental Biology, and Biochemistry host an external speaker through the “Frontiers in Biology” seminar series. First year students also take a course related to this seminar (GENE 215), where they discuss a relevant paper the day before and meet the speaker after the presentation. 

Frontiers is held most Wednesdays at 4pm in Clark Auditorium.

Other Seminar Series There are many other regular seminar series on campus that students choose to attend. Some of the most popular include:

Center of Law and the Biosciences lunchtime talks. See CLB events calendar or subscribe to the listserv

Evolgenome (organized by CEHG). See CEHG website or subscribe to the listserv

Teaching and Mentoring Academy Events. See TMA website or subscribe to the listserv

Discussing Developmental Data (3D). See events schedule

Biomedical Seminars. See events schedule or subscribe to the listserv


Important forms.

Service Requirement Form Click Here

Other Important Info

Please examine the research interests and laboratory descriptions available from the Department Faculty page.

The Office of Postdoctoral Affairs maintains a list of open postdoctoral positions. This site also provides useful information to those considering postdoctoral positions at Stanford.

Begin PhD Study in Genetics

Students enter the PhD program through the Indiana BioMedical Gateway (IBMG) Program for PhD Study , which provides a shared first-year experience for all IU School of Medicine biomedical science PhD students. Students have the freedom to explore research areas through three rotations in laboratories across programs and choose entry into any of the ten PhD programs at the conclusion of the first academic year. The open enrollment system enhances the community of graduate students by offering a shared collaborative culture; a vital component of today’s inter-disciplinary nature of biomedical science research.

Students in the Genetics PhD program have the opportunity to participate in medical genetics clinics to facilitate an understanding of the bench to bedside approach to medical science.

Advisory Committee

Each PhD student who declares Medical and Molecular Genetics as their departmental choice will have chosen a major advisor (and advisory committee) by the end of their first year in open admission (by July). The student’s research committee is formed after admission to candidacy to supervise the progress of the student’s research toward the dissertation, evaluate the thesis, and administer the doctoral defense.

Program Requirements

The requirements for graduation from this program include completion of coursework, successful performance on the department qualifying examination, successful defense of a research proposal, completion of an original research project, and defense of the thesis. Helpful degree progression information.

  • Coursework Graduates from the program are knowledgeable in the spectrum of medical genetics and take courses in molecular and biochemical genetics, cytogenetics, clinical genetics, and population genetics. All PhD students in Medical and Molecular Genetics are required to take a minimum of 30 hours of course work (of that, six hours are G718 rotations), and the remaining hours are research and seminar credits, for a total of 90 credit hours. A student must maintain an average 3.0 GPA for all coursework; courses with less than a B- do not count toward degree requirements.
  • Examination The Qualifying Examination consists of two parts: Part I, Written Comprehensive Exam and Part II, Written Research Proposal and Defense of Proposal.  All parts of the qualifying examination must be passed before candidacy status is awarded, preferably by the end of the third year of graduate school.
  • Dissertation A dissertation on a research project in the area of Human/ Medical and Molecular Genetics is required.
  • Minor All Medical and Molecular Genetics PhD students are required to complete at least 12 coursework hours in a chosen PhD minor. Medical and Molecular Genetics PhD students who chose the Life Sciences minor using the core open admission curriculum may not count G716 Molecular Biology and Genetics toward the 12 hours of required MMGE coursework. These students need to take an additional three credits to replace G716 used in the Life Sciences minor.

Financial Aid


Required Forms

Credit Transfer

Genetics, Molecular and Cellular Biology

Integrated training across fundamental biomedical areas.

GMCB Program Guide

The Genetics, Molecular and Cellular Biology Program (GMCB) offers strong interdisciplinary training across a spectrum of fundamental biomedical areas, including classical and molecular genetics; structural & chemical Biology; and cell & developmental biology.

The GMCB program participates fully in the MS in Biomedical Research .

Our faculty of over 100 offer research opportunities applying these fundamentals to a wide range of disease areas, such as cancer, cardiovascular biology, musculoskeletal disorders, and eye disease.

working in the lab

Opportunities to train at different sites

GMCB offers students a unique mix of training sites. Many of our faculty are located on the Health Science Campus of Tufts University in downtown Boston. However, GMCB includes faculty on the Tufts Medford Campus in the College of Arts & Sciences and the School of Engineering as well as at the Cummings School of Veterinary Medicine in Grafton, MA.

Our students also have the opportunity to train at The Jackson Laboratory in Bar Harbor, Maine through the Mammalian Genetics at JAX track

Students can also train at MaineHealth Research Institute in Scarborough, Maine.

GMCB Admissions

Students seeking admission to the  Genetics, Molecular & Cellular Biology program apply to the Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences.

Most successful applicants have had significant research experience and completed courses in biology and related sciences in college.

Students interested in the Mammalian Genetics at JAX track must select this track when they apply.

student in the lab

GMCB Curriculum

Our curriculum is grounded in the fundamentals of genetics and molecular biology and cell biology. Students acquire a firm grounding in fundamentals while obtaining the knowledge to attack contemporary biomedical problems in these areas.

Students conduct three laboratory rotations and begin their thesis research by the end of May of their first year.

Students benefit from an interactive faculty, experienced in mentoring and are also advised by a thesis committee expert in their area of research.

Seminar-based Courses

GMCB students enjoy a robust seminar program with speakers from laboratories across the world.

Our students also receive training and mentoring in presenting their research and have opportunities to present their data in beginning in their first year.

Journal clubs supplement the learning experience and help students become familiar with reading the research literature.

student at the microscope

Meet Our Students

student in the lab

Our students come from across the US and the world and are pursuing a wide range of thesis projects.

GMCB Students

Student Publications

fluorescent cells

Publication of research is a key part of training and our students publish their work in excellent journals.

GMCB Student Publications

Program Outcomes

students at commencement

Over 93% of our students complete an advanced degree and go on to pursue a wide range of careers.

GMCB Graduation Stats and Career Outcomes

Phil Hinds, PhD Program Director

Administrative Office M&V 501 Phone: 617-636-0393

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Arabidopsis used as a model organism

Graduate training in genetics emphasizes study and research leading to a Ph.D. degree in genetics. 

The goal of the genetics graduate training program is to train the next generation of professional geneticists. This includes selecting the most promising university graduates for admission to the program and training those students in the methods and logic of genetic analysis. Such analyses are increasingly important in contemporary biological and biomedical research. The curriculum includes:

  • coursework on the principles of genetics and on the methods of genetic and genomic analyses, and
  • original research in a specialized area, which culminates in the writing and defense of a doctoral thesis. 

The genetics graduate program is supported by the oldest and one of the largest NIH-funded genetics training grants in the country. 

The strength of genetics research at Wisconsin derives in large part from the Laboratory of Genetics, but state-of-the-art genetics research is conducted in many campus departments and centers. Mentoring faculty of the genetics Ph.D. program includes over 80 mentors selected from 22 campus departments and schools based on the strength of their scholarly genetics research. A key feature of the mentors is that they conduct genetic research, using any number of tools, and can therefore provide students with a solid foundation of genetic knowledge and experiences. The genetics research pursued on campus provides an exceptional community.

Genetics Ph.D. students choose one of the mentoring faculty as the graduate thesis advisor and mentor. Genetics graduate students spend time during the first semester of graduate school rotating in the laboratories of three or four faculty mentors, selected by the student. Following rotations, a graduate thesis advisor is chosen by mutual consent of both student and mentor. Students are expected to acquire a broad and fundamental knowledge of genetics during their coursework, after which they conduct independent scholarly research based on individual interests and under the guidance and mentoring of the thesis advisor. Formal coursework requirements are modest, and independent study that includes original research is of paramount importance in the program. Students choose an individualized thesis advisory committee that approves formal coursework and provides scientific and career development advice throughout a student's graduate career.

Laboratory of Genetics

The Laboratory of Genetics is the oldest and one of the finest centers of genetics in the nation. It is highly regarded for its research contributions in the areas of  disease genetics ,  cell biology , neurogenetics ,  developmental genetics ,  gene expression ,  genomics ,  evolutionary and population genetics , and  computational biology . The laboratory consists of two departments: Genetics, in the College of Agricultural and Life Sciences; and Medical Genetics, in the School of Medicine and Public Health. Although administratively distinct, these two departments function as one at both the faculty and student levels.

Please consult the table below for key information about this degree program’s admissions requirements. The program may have more detailed admissions requirements, which can be found below the table or on the program’s website.

Graduate admissions is a two-step process between academic programs and the Graduate School. Applicants must meet the minimum requirements of the Graduate School as well as the program(s). Once you have researched the graduate program(s) you are interested in, apply online .

Ph.D. students in genetics choose to attend Wisconsin because of their commitment to the discipline of genetics and because of Wisconsin's strength in that area. For admission to graduate study in genetics, the student should have earned a grade average of B or better and completed a B.S. or B.A. degree in a recognized college or university. There are no specific requirements in supporting fields, but students are encouraged to acquire adequate background in mathematics, physics, and biology. There is no formal language requirement for the Ph.D. in genetics.  Undergraduate research experience is also strongly recommended in order to be competitive.

Admission to the genetics Ph.D. program is highly competitive. A committee of the Laboratory of Genetics reviews applications each fall, invites meritorious applicants for personal interviews each January and February, and accepts approximately 15 percent of total applications received. An application for admission consists of:

  • a personal statement that discusses the reasons for pursuing a genetics Ph.D.,
  • an  transcript of undergraduate college or university coursework,
  • three or more letters of recommendation,
  • a report, if appropriate, of scores received on either the TOEFL or IELTS exams of English language proficiency, and
  • any other information or documentation that would help the admissions committee evaluate an applicant's potential for success in graduate study.

The application deadline is December 1 . 

Graduate School Resources

Resources to help you afford graduate study might include assistantships, fellowships, traineeships, and financial aid.  Further funding information is available from the Graduate School. Be sure to check with your program for individual policies and restrictions related to funding.

Program Resources

The  Genetics Training Program is supported by an NIH Training Grant. Domestic students receive 1–2 years of funding, typically their first year and second or third  year. We encourage students to apply for fellowships. Other funding sources include professors research grants and university fellowships. The Genetics Training Program nominates competitive applicants for fellowships including the Advanced Opportunity Fellowships and Wisconsin Distinguished Graduate Fellowships . Funding includes a stipend, health care benefits, and tuition costs. Students must be making satisfactory progress towards their degree.

Prospective students should see the program website for funding information.

Minimum Graduate School Requirements

Major requirements.

Review the Graduate School minimum academic progress and degree requirements , in addition to the program requirements listed below.


Mode of instruction definitions.

Accelerated: Accelerated programs are offered at a fast pace that condenses the time to completion. Students typically take enough credits aimed at completing the program in a year or two.

Evening/Weekend: ​Courses meet on the UW–Madison campus only in evenings and/or on weekends to accommodate typical business schedules.  Students have the advantages of face-to-face courses with the flexibility to keep work and other life commitments.

Face-to-Face: Courses typically meet during weekdays on the UW-Madison Campus.

Hybrid: These programs combine face-to-face and online learning formats.  Contact the program for more specific information.

Online: These programs are offered 100% online.  Some programs may require an on-campus orientation or residency experience, but the courses will be facilitated in an online format.


Required courses.

GENETICS/​MD GENET  707 Genetics of Development and GENETICS/​MD GENET  708 Methods and Logic in Genetic Analysis are taken by the first and second years together; GENETICS/​MD GENET  707 is offered one year and GENETICS/​MD GENET  708 the next.

Permission must be obtained to register from the cancer biology department.

Students wishing to take a course outside of Genetics course offerings may petition the Graduate Program Committee.

Graduate School Policies

The  Graduate School’s Academic Policies and Procedures  provide essential information regarding general university policies. Program authority to set degree policies beyond the minimum required by the Graduate School lies with the degree program faculty. Policies set by the academic degree program can be found below.

Major-Specific Policies

Prior coursework, graduate work from other institutions.

For well-prepared advanced students, the program may accept prior graduate coursework from other institutions toward the minimum graduate degree credit and minimum graduate coursework (50%) requirement. The minimum graduate residence credit requirement can be satisfied only with courses taken as a graduate student at UW–Madison. Coursework earned ten or more years prior to admission to a doctoral degree is not allowed to satisfy requirements.

UW–Madison Undergraduate

For well-prepared advanced students, the program may decide to accept up to 7 credits numbered 300 or above completed at UW–Madison toward fulfillment of minimum degree and minor credit requirements. This work would not be allowed to count toward the 50% graduate coursework minimum unless taken at the 700 level or above. Coursework earned ten or more years prior to admission to a doctoral degree is not allowed to satisfy requirements.

UW–Madison University Special

The program may decide to accept up to 15 University Special student credits as fulfillment of the minimum graduate residence, graduate degree, or minor credit requirements on occasion as an exception (on a case-by-case basis).

UW–Madison coursework taken as a University Special student would not be allowed to count toward the 50% graduate coursework minimum unless taken at the 700 level or above. Coursework earned ten or more years prior to admission to a doctoral degree is not allowed to satisfy requirements.

The Graduate School regularly reviews the record of any student who earned grades of BC, C, D, F, or Incomplete in a graduate course (300 or above), or grade of U in research credits. This review could result in academic probation with a hold on future enrollment or in being suspended from the Graduate School.


When students have identified a major professor and joined their lab, that professor will assume the duties of their advisor. At that time students will form a Ph.D. Advisory Committee consisting of three to five faculty members (ultimately it must be five) three of whom must be Genetics trainers, including two members of the Laboratory of Genetics faculty, and one minor advisor, if needed. One member must also be from a different department (all 5 cannot be Genetics faculty members). The Ph.D. Advisory Committee should be established no later than the end of the second semester. Under normal circumstances, the committee membership will remain in effect for the entire tenure of the student’s graduate career.

The Ph.D. Advisory Committee will advise the student with regard to major and minor requirements. It will also act as their Prelim B Examination Committee and as the Final Oral Ph.D. Examination Committee. After the advisor, this committee is the primary monitoring instrument to assure satisfactory progress toward degree. The Ph.D. Advisory Committee will meet with the student at least once per year. During these annual meetings anticipated timelines for progress of the thesis project will be discussed and concrete guidance will be given about completing the thesis. The student will complete an annual committee meeting form each year during the meeting. The annual meeting will address the assessment of the student’s progress and outline any suggestions or recommendations, in addition to verifying the discussion of the student’s  Individualized Development Plan .


Time constraints.

Doctoral degree students who have been absent for ten or more consecutive years lose all credits that they have earned before their absence. Individual programs may count the coursework students completed prior to their absence for meeting program requirements; that coursework may not count toward Graduate School credit requirements.

A candidate for a doctoral degree who fails to take the final oral examination and deposit the dissertation within five years after passing the preliminary examination may by require to take another preliminary examination and to be admitted to candidacy a second time.

grievances and appeals

These resources may be helpful in addressing your concerns:

  • Bias or Hate Reporting  
  • Graduate Assistantship Policies and Procedures
  • Office of the Provost for Faculty and Staff Affairs
  • Dean of Students Office (for all students to seek grievance assistance and support)
  • Employee Assistance (for personal counseling and workplace consultation around communication and conflict involving graduate assistants and other employees, post-doctoral students, faculty and staff)
  • Employee Disability Resource Office (for qualified employees or applicants with disabilities to have equal employment opportunities)
  • Graduate School (for informal advice at any level of review and for official appeals of program/departmental or school/college grievance decisions)
  • Office of Compliance (for class harassment and discrimination, including sexual harassment and sexual violence)
  • Office of Student Conduct and Community Standards (for conflicts involving students)
  • Ombuds Office for Faculty and Staff (for employed graduate students and post-docs, as well as faculty and staff)
  • Title IX (for concerns about discrimination)

College of Agricultural and Life Sciences: Grievance Policy  

In the College of Agricultural and Life Sciences (CALS), any student who feels unfairly treated by a member of the CALS faculty or staff has the right to complain about the treatment and to receive a prompt hearing. Some complaints may arise from misunderstandings or communication breakdowns and be easily resolved; others may require formal action. Complaints may concern any matter of perceived unfairness.

To ensure a prompt and fair hearing of any complaint, and to protect the rights of both the person complaining and the person at whom the complaint is directed, the following procedures are used in the College of Agricultural and Life Sciences. Any student, undergraduate or graduate, may use these procedures, except employees whose complaints are covered under other campus policies.

  • The student should first talk with the person at whom the complaint is directed. Most issues can be settled at this level. Others may be resolved by established departmental procedures.
  • If the complaint involves an academic department in CALS the student should proceed in accordance with item 3 below.
  • If the grievance involves a unit in CALS that is not an academic department, the student should proceed in accordance with item 4 below.
  • If informal mediation fails, the student can submit the grievance in writing to the grievance advisor within 10 working days of the date the student is informed of the failure of the mediation attempt by the grievance advisor. The grievance advisor will provide a copy to the person at whom the grievance is directed.
  • The grievance advisor will refer the complaint to a department committee that will obtain a written response from the person at whom the complaint is directed, providing a copy to the student. Either party may request a hearing before the committee. The grievance advisor will provide both parties a written decision within 20 working days from the date of receipt of the written complaint.
  • If the grievance involves the department chairperson, the grievance advisor or a member of the grievance committee, these persons may not participate in the review.
  • If not satisfied with departmental action, either party has 10 working days from the date of notification of the departmental committee action to file a written appeal to the CALS Equity and Diversity Committee. A subcommittee of this committee will make a preliminary judgement as to whether the case merits further investigation and review. If the subcommittee unanimously determines that the case does not merit further investigation and review, its decision is final. If one or more members of the subcommittee determine that the case does merit further investigation and review, the subcommittee will investigate and seek to resolve the dispute through mediation. If this mediation attempt fails, the subcommittee will bring the case to the full committee. The committee may seek additional information from the parties or hold a hearing. The committee will present a written recommendation to the dean who will provide a final decision within 20 working days of receipt of the committee recommendation.
  • If the alleged unfair treatment occurs in a CALS unit that is not an academic department, the student should, within 120 calendar days of the alleged incident, take his/her grievance directly to the Associate Dean of Academic Affairs. The dean will attempt to resolve the problem informally within 10 working days of receiving the complaint. If this mediation attempt does not succeed the student may file a written complaint with the dean who will refer it to the CALS Equity and Diversity Committee. The committee will seek a written response from the person at whom the complaint is directed, subsequently following other steps delineated in item 3d above.

Take advantage of the Graduate School's  professional development resources to build skills, thrive academically, and launch your career. 

  • Demonstrate a broad understanding in the principles of genetics and heredity in all organisms. They will develop particular expertise in at least one of the broad subject areas of the doctoral program.
  • Demonstrate a broad understanding of major current and past theories, research findings and methodologies and techniques in genetics, with particular expertise in their area of concentration, both orally and in writing.
  • Develop critical thinking skills. They will retrieve and examine scientific literature, evaluate evidence for and again hypotheses, identify knowledge gaps, strengths and weaknesses in existing literature, synthesize knowledge, develop conclusions, and formulate plans for moving the current state of knowledge forward.
  • Develop and complete original research that advances a specific field of study within one of the broad areas subject areas in genetics.
  • Retrieve, evaluate and interpret professional peer-reviewed literature and use this information to develop theoretical frameworks, testable hypotheses, and predictions for their own research projects.
  • Design research projects that are feasible, based on well-designed and internally controlled experiments, and address important unsolved problems in genetic or biomedical research.
  • Conduct independent research, critically evaluate and interpret the resulting data, and, based on that analysis, design future experiments that advance the state of the field.
  • Write, edit, and assemble manuscripts resulting from their independent research and submit these for publication in peer-reviewed professional journals.
  • Communicate effectively to diverse audiences in writing, through oral presentations, and during formal and informal discussions.
  • Write clear and concise research articles for publication in professional journals.
  • Present at scientific conferences and in both formal and informal seminars.
  • Master methods of communicating and interacting effectively with professional colleagues, and will prepare successful applications for research grant support.
  • Articulate their research and its significance both formally and informally to diverse audiences.
  • Give and receive feedback on communication skills both orally and in writing.
  • Be provided with opportunities to engage in public outreach and education.
  • Effectively teach the principles of genetics and the methods used in contemporary genetic research.
  • Receive in-class educational training by serving as teaching assistants for at least one semester of an undergraduate genetics course.
  • Be provided with opportunities to mentor other students (for example, undergraduate students) in a laboratory research setting. Interested students will have opportunities to perform outreach activities in which they educate school-age students or individuals from other fields on the principles of modern genetics.
  • Be provided with diverse training that will prepare them for a range of flexible and sustainable careers in, for example, academia, industry, government, science policy, administration, commerce, journalism, law, education and community outreach.
  • Develop broadly applicable skills in critical thinking and problem solving.
  • Be provided with opportunities for teamwork, written and oral communication skills and collaborations.
  • Receive training in professional ethics and the responsible conduct of science.
  • Be trained to use scientific rigor when designing experiments, collecting and analyzing data, and interpreting and reporting results.
  • Discuss and formulate opinions on the many situations that working scientists encounter involving professional ethics and conflicts of interest.
  • Receive training in laws, regulation, permits and licenses, occupational health, safety standards and best practices, will demonstrate understanding of such and adhere to compliance.

Pelegri, Francisco (Chair); Chang, Qiang; Drummond-Barbosa, Daniela; Gasch, Audrey; Hittinger, Chris; Ikeda, Aki;  Masson, Patrick; Payseur, Bret; Perna, Nicole; Pool, John; Prolla, Tom; Schwartz, David; Skop, Ahna; Wassarman, David;  Yin, Jerry


Brunkard, Jake; Richardson, Claire; Schrodi, Steven; Sharp, Nathaniel; Werling, Donna

  • Requirements
  • Professional Development
  • Learning Outcomes

Contact Information

Genetics College of Agricultural and Life Sciences

Nicole Perna, Director of Graduate Studies [email protected]

Martha Reck, Graduate Program Manager [email protected]

Graduate Program Handbook View Here

Graduate School

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  • Art History
  • Asian Languages and Cultures
  • Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences
  • Bacteriology
  • Biochemistry
  • Biological Systems Engineering
  • Biomedical Engineering
  • Biostatistics and Medical Informatics
  • Business -​ School-​Wide
  • Cell and Regenerative Biology
  • Chemical and Biological Engineering
  • Chicana/​o and Latina/​o Studies
  • Civil and Environmental Engineering
  • Civil Society &​ Community Studies
  • Classical and Ancient Near Eastern Studies
  • Communication Arts
  • Communication Sciences and Disorders
  • Community and Environmental Sociology
  • Computer Sciences
  • Counseling Psychology
  • Curriculum and Instruction
  • Educational Leadership and Policy Analysis
  • Educational Policy Studies
  • Educational Psychology
  • Electrical and Computer Engineering
  • Engineering -​ College-​Wide
  • Food Science
  • Forest and Wildlife Ecology
  • French and Italian
  • Gaylord Nelson Institute for Environmental Studies
  • Gender and Women's Studies
  • Genetics, Doctoral Minor
  • Genetics, M.S.
  • German, Nordic, and Slavic
  • Graduate -​ School-​Wide
  • Horticulture
  • Human Ecology -​ School-​Wide
  • Industrial and Systems Engineering
  • Information School
  • Institute for Clinical and Translational Research
  • Institute for Regional and International Studies
  • Integrative Biology
  • Journalism and Mass Communication
  • Kinesiology
  • La Follette School of Public Affairs
  • Language Institute
  • Language Sciences
  • Law -​ School-​Wide
  • Life Sciences Communication
  • Management and Human Resources
  • Materials Science and Engineering
  • Mathematics
  • Mead Witter School of Music
  • Mechanical Engineering
  • Medical Physics
  • Medicine and Public Health -​ School-​Wide
  • Nuclear Engineering and Engineering Physics
  • Nursing -​ School-​Wide
  • Nutritional Sciences
  • Operations and Information Management
  • Pharmacy -​ School-​Wide
  • Planning and Landscape Architecture
  • Plant Pathology
  • Political Science
  • Population Health Sciences
  • Real Estate and Urban Land Economics
  • Rehabilitation Psychology and Special Education
  • Religious Studies
  • Risk and Insurance
  • Sandra Rosenbaum School of Social Work
  • Soil Science
  • Spanish and Portuguese
  • Veterinary Medicine -​ School-​Wide
  • Nondegree/​Visiting Student Guide
  • Pharmacy Guide
  • School of Medicine and Public Health Guide
  • Undergraduate Guide
  • Veterinary Guide

PhD in Molecular Genetics and Genomics

The PhD In Molecular Genetics and Genomics is a challenging, research-intensive graduate program which prepares students for careers in academia or industry and emphasizes eukaryotic molecular and cellular biology with applications in genetics and molecular medicine.

Doctoral candidates receive intensive laboratory training, working closely with faculty on projects at the forefront of biomedical research. The first year is spent taking the Interdisciplinary Biomedical Sciences core curriculum and completing laboratory rotations to sample the research environment in laboratories of potential interest to them. The core curriculum provides students with a solid foundation in the areas of molecular and cellular biology and genetics. By the end of the first year, students begin thesis research, completing additional coursework tailored to their background and area of research in their second year.

Students also participate in the Center’s seminar series that covers the breadth of research areas in current molecular biology, molecular medicine, and genetics.

Program Overview

90 credit hours in didactic and laboratory course work is required, including

Interdisciplinary Molecular and Cellular Biology (IBS 7015)

Responsible Conduct of Research (GS 0900)

Complete course work (major courses designated for the MGG degree plus electives)

Original research upon reaching doctoral candidate status (MGG 9990, 9991, 9992, 9993, 9994)

A typical program timeline is here

Questions about the program?

For general questions and more informtion about how to apply, please see the FAQs or contact the CMMG Program Coordinator, Ms. Suzanne Shaw at 313-577-5325 or [email protected] . If you would like to talk with our Graduate Officer Professor Russell Finley, Ph.D. about the program please feel free to contact him at  [email protected]

Financial Support

Ph.D. students in good standing are funded by a Graduate Research Assistantship (GRA) that includes a competitive stipend, paid tuition, and subsidized medical insurance. 

Research Training and Laboratory Rotations

During the Fall and Winter terms of their first year students complete three laboratory rotations. The goal of these rotations is to select a PhD advisor, develop working relationships with different faculty, and learn scientific techniques. Students receive a grade for each rotation. The overall grade will be the average of the three rotation grades and will be credited to MGG 7460 in the Winter term. Correcting for holidays and Spring break, each rotation is approximately 10 weeks long.

Students are supported by Graduate Research Assistantships, which means that there are no teaching requirements. Students are therefore expected to spend the maximum amount of time in the lab, as determined by the faculty member. Near the end of each rotation students will give a 10-minute oral presentation on each rotation in the Research Conference series.

At the end of the third rotation all students will communicate their choice of PhD training laboratory to the respective faculty member and to the Graduate Director. All student-faculty matches must be approved by a vote of the CMMG faculty.

CMMG Seminars and Research Conferences

Students are required to attend all CMMG seminars and Research Conferences for the duration of their studies. Excuses in advance of an absence must be reported to the Graduate Director.

Each student will be required to give one presentation each year in the Research Conference series beginning in the second year. No course credit is given for these presentations. Students are encouraged to invite the members of their dissertation committee to attend their presentation, and schedule their yearly committee meeting to follow shortly after the presentation. The outcome of this meeting is reported to the Graduate Director using the dissertation meeting report form.

Timeline for Required Coursework and Advancing to PhD Candidacy

MGG students register for 10 credit hours in the Fall, 10 credit hours in the Winter and 2 credit hours in the Spring/Summer terms.

Students must maintain a 3.0 GPA to retain their Graduate Research Assistantship. A grade of B- in a required course is considered passing. A grade of C+ or lower in any required course is considered failing. More than two C grades in general course work will be grounds for immediate dismissal from the program.

At the end of the first year students select an advisor and a laboratory in which to do their dissertation research, file a Plan of Work developed in consultation with the Graduate Director and advisor, and then complete the Written Qualifying Exam.

At the end of the second year, students complete a written Dissertation Prospectus (a proposal for their dissertation research), and defend the proposal at an Oral Examination/Prospectus Meeting. Upon successful completion of the Oral Examination/Prospectus Meeting, students advance to Ph.D. Candidacy. 

After advancing to Candidate Status, students are required to enroll for 4 successive Fall/Winter terms as Candidate Status in MGG 9991, 9992, 9993, 9994.  If the dissertation is not completed after 4 terms the student will enroll in Maintenance Status, MGG 9995.


Molecular Genetics and Genomics (MGG) Course Requirements

During their first 2 years, MGG students enroll in the following core courses.

MGG 7015 Introduction to Genetics (Cr. 2)

MGG 7030 Functional Genomics and Systems Biology (IBS 7030) (Cr. 2)

MGG 7600 Advanced Human Genetics (Cr. 4)

MGG 7050 Bioinformatics: Theory and Practice (Cr. 3)

MGG 7091 Scientific Communication II (Cr. 2)

MGG 7460 Research Training in Molecular Genetics and Genomics (Cr. variable)

FPH 7015 Biostatistics (Cr. 4)

Examples of Elective Courses

MGG 7020 Metabolism and Disease (Cr. 2)

MGG 7400 Molecular Biology of Cellular Signaling (Cr. 2)

MGG 8010 Quantitative Data Analysis for Biological and Medical Sciences (Cr. 3)

MGG 8680 Advanced Topics in Molecular Biology and Genetics (Cr. 1-3)

MGG 8770 Molecular Biology of Mitochondrial Disease (Cr. 2)

IBS 7030 Functional Genomics and Systems Biology (Cr. 2)

IBS 7050 Biomedical Neurobiology (Cr. 2)

IBS 7090 Biomedical Immunology (Cr. 2)

IBS 7100 Biomedical Neuropharmacology (Cr. 2)

IBS 7110 Introduction to the Business of Biotechnology (Cr. 2)

IBS 7115 Special Topics in Biotechnology Commercialization (Cr. 1)

IBS 7140 Foundations of Computational Biology (Cr. 3)

Miller School of Medicine QA

  • Seeking Patient Care?
  • Graduate Studies
  • Doctoral Programs

Human Genetics and Genomics (Ph.D.)

Application process.

The Interdepartmental Ph.D. Program in Human Genetics and Genomics (HGG) is a multidisciplinary program aimed at training scientists broadly in areas of human genetics and genomics relevant to human health and disease. All students receive training in three core competencies: molecular, computational, and clinical genetics. Students are exposed to all aspects of human genetics research, from the patient to the underlying mechanism. Students are prepared to be the next generation of genomic scientists with various skills, e.g., induced pluripotent stem cells, animal modeling, family studies, and large-scale population-based datasets. They are also trained to translate their research results into improved medical care and public health interventions.

This program is a perfect fit for students from many scientific disciplines (such as biology, chemistry, biochemistry, mathematics, and computer science) who wish to train in molecular or statistical genetics. Our focus on genetics and genomics as applied to human diseases and traits makes this program unique; such focus is currently not present in other departmental or interdepartmental programs. The program includes a clinical training component, whereby students will rotate through medical genetics clinics and observe the application of human genetics in a health care setting. This activity will be coordinated with the existing Medical Genetics residency program and provide an opportunity for Ph.D. students to interact with M.D. medical geneticists.

Why a Ph.D. in Human Genetics and Genomics?

Key areas of research, dr. john t. macdonald foundation department of human genetics, john p. hussman institute for human genomics.

Human Genetics and Genomics offers a comprehensive program that prepares Ph.D. trainees for the challenges of modern science. I loved the clinical genetics rotation and the teaching module. I learned bioinformatics and worked in a molecular biology lab having state-of-the-art technology and supportive advice at hand. All in one program, all in the sunny and vibrant city of Miami. 

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UCL Division of Biosciences


Each PhD student joins a research group headed by a member of the Academic Staff , who serves as their Primary Supervisor. A research group might comprise other postgraduate and undergraduate research students, technicians, postdoctoral researchers, and research fellows, all of whom interact and work closely together on their research. PhD students also form broader academic connections through their Secondary and Tertiary supervisors, by attending GEE research seminars, by presenting at the Friday student/postdoc seminar series and the annual Graduate Symposium, by contributing to undergraduate teaching, and by participating in social events like the Monday departmental coffee meetings. GEE provides a friendly collegiate environment, supporting all its members, and nurturing outstanding research.  

Funding your PhD

The chart on the right shows that our PhD students are funded in many different ways. The costs of a PhD include the tuition fees that UCL charges, the costs of the research itself, and the costs of living in London. Some funding sources, such the UKRI doctoral training programs (DTPs), cover all these costs; others do not, and will need to be supplemented by other sources. We will always try to help prospective students find and access funding sources.  

phd funding sources graph


A majority of our PhD students are fully-funded for four years by Doctoral Training Programmes (DTPs) or Centres for Doctoral Training (CDTs) from UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) research councils, like NERC and BBSRC.

red bus in front of UCL Portico

Scholarships Finder

We have several students in receipt of UCL scholarships, including the prestigious Graduate Research Scholarship ( GRS ) and Overseas Research Scholarship ( ORS ), which provide full funding. Outstanding students are strongly encouraged to  contact potential supervisors  in research areas that interest them.

statue at ucl

All UCL Funding Schemes

There are many possible sources of financial support for PhD students. This page gives a full description of funding for current and prospective PhD students at UCL.

grant museum

UK Doctoral Loan Scheme

A Postgraduate Doctoral Loan can help with course fees and living costs while you study a postgraduate doctoral course, such as a PhD.

Display case in the Grant Museum up close

How much does a PhD cost?

Many of our students have independent funding, such as foreign government schemes, private support, small scholarships, and savings. Make sure you have enough to cover the 3 or 4 years a PhD takes.

statue of thinker in park near UCL London

Find a PhD Supervisor

If you already have funding in place or in preparation, the next step is to contact potential supervisors whose work interests you to design a project which you can propose on your UCL application form.

Visit the Genetics, Evolution and Environment MPhil/PhD Prospectus Page

Meet our 2021 PhD students and hear about their research

Because of COVID-19, we’re having to communicate a lot more through computer screens. Our PhD students have been experimenting with this medium to make short videos about their research experiences. We first watched and discussed these movies in small groups, then each group voted on their favourite. These favourites each won £50 and were presented in a “Film Festival” online on the 28th August 2021, which was open to all in GEE. The audience voted for their favourite, which won £250, with two runners up each winning £150. 

The most remarkable thing about these films was the range of entertaining styles and clever techniques that our students devised. Many were genuinely thrilling and funny, and they show that there are myriad ways to communicate science effectively. We see this variety even among the three main prize winners. Our overall winner, Zikmund Bartonicek, employs a conventional documentary style, but uses surprising props, high-speed jaunts through the Natural History Museum, and Fleabag-style deadpans to the camera to enliven his subject. Carolyn Thompson uses a cheerful magazine style presentation, bringing together different media to draw a vibrant picture of her professional research world. And Aaron Halpern, our resident surrealist, demonstrates the use of metaphor in science by presenting his work on the origin of the genetic code from his bathtub.

Congratulations to these prizewinners, to the £50 winners of the first round (Sasha Bradshaw, Hugh Carter, Shawn Dove, Ashleigh Marshall, Santiago Martínez, and Emily Watt), and to all who contributed their fabulous videos and wonderful ideas to this event.

If you missed out, you can watch some of the videos on a playlist on our public UCL Life Sciences Youtube channel.  If you would like your video featured in either of these places, please let us know. Here are a few highlights:

YouTube Widget Placeholder

Sasha Bradshaw - Meiotic drive in the stalk eyed fly

YouTube Widget Placeholder

Carolyn Thompson - Investigating the human-gibbon interface

YouTube Widget Placeholder

Santiago Martinez Balvanera - Listen

What’s it like to do a PhD?

Instead of learning things that are already well known, PhD students discover things that were previously unknown. So a PhD is less structured and less predictable than other academic qualifications. PhD students are often the most active and productive people in their research group, and we value them highly.

PhD projects

Looking at the projects that our students have done can inspire you and help you find suitable supervisors for your PhD project.

Postgraduate Symposium

This is an annual event run by GEE that showcases the current research being undertaken by our postgraduate students.

MPhil/PhD Handbook

This gives details of the support you will receive and the milestones you will pass during your PhD journey. GEE Thesis Committees comprise your primary supervisor, your secondary supervisor, and your tertiary supervisor, who usually acts as the committee chair. Each student upgrades from MPhil to PhD status after 12-18 months if approved by their Committee, and must submit their thesis after 3-4 years (5 years if part-time).

UCL Doctoral Skills Development Programme

The UCL Doctoral Skills Development Programme (UCL DocSkills) is designed to help you to expand your research and transferable skills in order to support your research, professional development and employability.

These are the things we do to assist our PhD students with career opportunities and what some of our alumni have gone on to do.

Diversity and inclusion

PhD students are part of a friendly, fair, and respectful GEE community. GEE embraces diversity and inclusion.

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30 Fully Funded Ph.D. Programs

These fully funded Ph.D. programs are in fields like business, computer science, education and nursing.

Two women standing in the modern library

(Getty Images) |

Many Ph.D. programs are fully funded.

Students interested in graduate research in various fields, from public health and English to computer science and engineering, have numerous options for Ph.D. programs that offer full funding. These programs typically provide waived tuition and fees and an annual stipend. Some also offer health insurance and other benefits. Gaining admittance into these small cohorts can be highly competitive, and the programs can be time-consuming . Here are 30 fully funded Ph.D. programs at U.S. colleges and universities. Keep in mind this is not a comprehensive list – there are others out there.

A man handling papers from the Hulton Archives, wearing white gloves.

  • Ph.D. in anthropology at the University of Chicago

Anthropology Ph.D. students at the University of Chicago can receive funding for up to eight years of study, assuming they are in good standing at the university. During that time, they will receive a full-tuition scholarship plus health insurance and a living stipend – which equated to $33,000 for the 2022-2023 school year – and can apply for external fellowships.

Radcliffe Quad undergrad housing at Harvard University in Fall in Cambridge, MA, USA on November 2, 2013.

Ph.D. in biological sciences in public health at Harvard University (MA)

Harvard University's T.H. Chan School of Public Health in Boston offers a Ph.D. in biological sciences in public health that aims to provide students with expertise in disease prevention and treatment. This program includes tuition, a stipend and health insurance for five years as long as the student maintains satisfactory academic progress. International students receive the same benefits. Current research in the school's laboratories involves diseases like AIDS, cancer, diabetes, kidney disease, malaria and tuberculosis.

MIT, a private university

(Dominick Reuter) |

  • Ph.D. in business at Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Students enrolled in the Sloan School of Management at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology can study a range of fields like organization studies, accounting and information technology. Those pursuing a Ph.D. will receive a full-tuition scholarship plus a monthly stipend of $4,267, capped at $51,204. They will also receive medical insurance, new laptops at the beginning of their first and fourth years of study and $4,500 over five years for conference travel expenses.

Rice University

(Tommy Lavergne | Rice University)

Ph.D. in business at Rice University (TX)

At the Rice University Jones Graduate School of Business in Texas, students enjoy full financial assistance upon admission to the Ph.D. program. Aiming to prepare students to teach in fields like accounting, finance, organizational behavior and strategic management, the program provides students with a research or teaching assistantship. Students receive a tuition waiver and a $40,000 annual stipend contingent on making satisfactory academic progress and maintaining full-time student status.

fully funded phd programs in genetics

Office of Strategic Communication | University of Iowa

  • Ph.D. in business at the University of Iowa

The University of Iowa's Tippie College of Business offers Ph.D. degrees in fields such as accounting, economics, business analytics and marketing. The college says it provides full funding to "virtually all admitted students." This includes tuition and fees, a minimum nine-month stipend of about $20,000 with annual adjustments and comprehensive health insurance covered at 90%. Some departments offer funding for research presentations at major conferences, summer fellowships and paid time off for independent research.

Cornell University buildings viewed from McGraw Tower

Ph.D. in chemical engineering at Cornell University (NY)

According to Cornell University 's website, all students admitted to the chemical engineering Ph.D. program at the New York school receive a full tuition waiver, health insurance and a stipend. This funding can come from a teaching assistantship, research assistantship or fellowship, and full stipends are granted for nine months with the likelihood of additional aid in the summer.

fully funded phd programs in genetics

Chris Taggart | Columbia University

Ph.D. in clinical psychology at Columbia University (NY)

Students enrolled in Columbia University 's Ph.D. program in clinical psychology at the Teachers College in New York receive fully funded tuition and a $25,000 stipend annually for three years. The stipend also carries into a student's fourth year. These doctoral fellows "may be expected to serve" as graduate teaching or research assistants. Students typically complete the mentor-matched program, which includes a full-year internship, in five to seven years.

Unidentified individuals, and University Hall  on the campus of Brown University.

Ph.D. in computer science at Brown University (RI)

Brown University 's Ph.D. students in computer science have access to "full financial support while completing the degree," plus the option to take classes at nearby schools without incurring additional costs, according to the school's website. In fact, doctoral students in any program at the Rhode Island university are guaranteed five years of financial support, which includes tuition remission, a stipend, health services fees and a subsidy for health insurance.

fully funded phd programs in genetics

Georgetown University |

Ph.D. in computer science at Georgetown University (DC)

Georgetown University 's Ph.D. program in computer science provides scholarships and assistantships that cover full tuition at the Washington, D.C., school and include a stipend and health insurance for the first five years. Once enrolled in the program, students must complete the Apprenticeship in Teaching Program and ultimately write and defend a full research dissertation in a seminar open to the public.

Cherry trees in bloom in the campus of Washington university in springtime

Ph.D. in computer science at Washington University in St. Louis

Ph.D. students in the computer science or computer engineering program at Washington University in St. Louis receive full tuition support and health insurance. According to the university's website: "As a doctoral candidate, you will also receive a generous stipend to cover living expenses and a new, high-end Apple laptop computer. This support is guaranteed as you continue to make satisfactory progress towards your degree." Doctoral students may also qualify for one of three fellowships.

fully funded phd programs in genetics

Jeff Miller | UW-Madison

  • Ph.D. in counseling psychology at the University of Wisconsin—Madison

Incoming Ph.D. students at the School of Education at the University of Wisconsin—Madison are guaranteed full funding for the duration of the time that they are expected on campus, according to the university's department of counseling psychology website. Doctoral students also receive a benefits package that includes health insurance. Funding may come from financial aid, fellowships, assistantships and/or traineeships.

fully funded phd programs in genetics

Emory University |

Ph.D. in economics at Emory University (GA)

Students enrolled in the economics Ph.D. program at Emory University typically receive full funding, according to the Georgia university's website. The stipend provided to students is $36,376 per year for five years, starting in fall 2023, and the full tuition scholarship is worth $70,200 per year. Funding for admitted students also includes a $4,370 annual subsidy that covers 100% of a student's cost of health insurance. First-year students have no stipend-related work requirements.

New York City, New York, USA - September 13, 2013: Street view of New York University NYU in Greenwich Village Manhattan. There are people visible in this image.

  • Ph.D. in education at New York University

New York University's Steinhardt School of Culture, Education, and Human Development offers more than 30 degree programs. Many can be pursued on campus or online. Ph.D. degrees are offered in areas like developmental psychology, educational leadership and childhood education. Full-time NYU Steinhardt Ph.D. students are eligible for a funding package that includes an annual stipend – $32,000 for the 2022-2023 academic year – tuition coverage for required coursework and student health insurance for five years.

fully funded phd programs in genetics

L.A. Cicero, Stanford News Service |

Ph.D. in education at Stanford University (CA)

Stanford University's Graduate School of Education allows students numerous fellowship and assistantship opportunities at the California school, along with a "five-year funding guarantee that provides tuition aid, fellowship stipend, and assistantship salary, and covers the standard cost of attendance," the program website reads. At the Graduate School of Education, doctoral students can choose from a range of academic areas like curriculum studies and teacher education, and developmental and psychological sciences.

Two friends working in a public library, using a computer to find some specific books for their studies together.

  • Ph.D. in education at the University of Pennsylvania

The University of Pennsylvania Graduate School of Education provides full funding to Ph.D. students as part of a fellowship and research apprenticeship package. This funding includes a living stipend, health insurance and coverage of tuition and fees for up to four years if the student maintains full-time enrollment. Some students may also qualify for additional summer funding.

Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA - November, 20 2010: The Computer Science and Engineering Building on the University of Michigan's North Campus has an eco-friendly design.

  • Ph.D. in engineering at the University of Michigan—Ann Arbor

Doctoral students in engineering at the University of Michigan—Ann Arbor can choose from numerous areas of specialization under umbrella categories like aerospace engineering, biomedical engineering, macromolecular science and engineering, and robotics. All engineering doctoral students are guaranteed full funding, a monthly living stipend and health insurance. The exact amount can vary, according to the program's website, and funding comes from a range of sources, including graduate student instructor positions and fellowships.

fully funded phd programs in genetics

Boston University Photography |

  • Ph.D. in English at Boston University

Annually, doctoral students studying English at Boston University receive a stipend plus full tuition, fees and basic health insurance. This funding is guaranteed for at least five years, with two of those years typically free from teaching requirements. Funding can sometimes be extended up to seven years, according to the university's website, but it's not guaranteed. Students may also apply for various prizes, fellowships and short-term research and travel grants.

fully funded phd programs in genetics

(Stephanie Diani) |

  • Ph.D. in English at the University of California—Los Angeles

Applicants to the Ph.D. in English program at the University of California—Los Angeles are automatically considered for various funding options. A six-year funding package includes "a minimum of two years of full fellowship, four years of summer stipend support and up to four years of teaching assistantships," according to the school website. Beyond tuition, fees and health insurance are also covered.

fully funded phd programs in genetics

Jeff Watts |

Ph.D. in international relations at American University (DC)

American University offers doctoral students in its international relations program who do not have external funding a renewable four-year Dean's Fellowship that is contingent on making satisfactory academic progress. The fellowship includes the cost of tuition, fees and a stipend that must be earned via a part-time role as a teaching or research assistant. Students also must "demonstrate competency in a modern foreign language" before graduating.

fully funded phd programs in genetics

Jonathan Cohen | Binghamton University

  • Ph.D. in management at Binghamton University—SUNY

All students admitted to the interdisciplinary management Ph.D. program at the Binghamton University—SUNY School of Management in New York receive a combination of a full-tuition scholarship and a teaching or research assistantship for each academic year, up to four years. This STEM-designated business doctoral degree prepares students for careers in academia and work in the public and private sectors, and has a student-faculty ratio of 1-to-1, according to the university's website.

fully funded phd programs in genetics

Duke University Communications |

Ph.D. in materials science and engineering at Duke University (NC)

Doctoral students at Duke University in North Carolina studying materials science and engineering generally receive full tuition, a stipend and fee support for the first five years. Students also receive up to six years of health insurance if they are on the university's student medical insurance plan. The doctoral program aims to help students publish with a faculty adviser and develop research skills, with the opportunity to present research at professional conferences.

fully funded phd programs in genetics

Homewood Photography | JHU

Ph.D. in nursing at Johns Hopkins University (MD)

The School of Nursing at Johns Hopkins University in Maryland provides most doctoral students with three fully funded years of study. Available financial aid includes graduate assistantships, targeted fellowships and nursing-specific funding. The university aims to "advance the theoretical foundation of nursing practice and healthcare delivery" with the degree, its website reads. "By graduation, most Hopkins nurse scholars have been awarded grants that continue their research and set them well on their way to a successful career."

"The Lawn in late afternoon at the historic University of Virginia campus in Charlottesville, Virginia. The lawn was part of Thomas Jefferson's campus design."

  • Ph.D. in nursing at the University of Virginia

All students admitted to the University of Virginia 's Ph.D. in Nursing program are eligible for four years of scholarship funding to cover tuition, insurance and fees, as well as annual stipends. To receive certain aid, students must work 10 hours per week as a graduate teaching assistant. With a heavy research focus, students can expect courses in qualitative, quantitative and historical research, and will have to submit a research proposal for peer review.

Yale University

Ph.D. in nursing at Yale University (CT)

At Yale University in Connecticut, the School of Nursing offers full funding to its Ph.D. students. They receive a monthly stipend for four years in addition to paid tuition and health care. The program allows students to gain in-depth knowledge in a particular area of study. Every incoming Ph.D. student gets paired with a faculty adviser "whose area of expertise and active research most closely matches with the student’s scholarly interest," according to the school's website.

fully funded phd programs in genetics

University of Minnesota |

  • Ph.D. in psychology at the University of Minnesota—Twin Cities

Students admitted to the Ph.D. program to study psychology at the University of Minnesota—Twin Cities are guaranteed full funding for five years as long as they maintain satisfactory performance and degree progress. This funding includes full-time tuition, a nine-month stipend and subsidized health insurance. Funding comes from some combination of teaching assistantships, traineeships, research assistantships and fellowships. Students in the program can specialize in areas like cognitive and brain sciences, industrial-organizational psychology and social psychology.

fully funded phd programs in genetics

Matt Cashore | University of Notre Dame

Ph.D. within the Romance languages and literatures department at the University of Notre Dame (IN)

University of Notre Dame doctoral students who focus on French and Francophone studies, Iberian and Latin American studies or Italian studies are guaranteed five years of funding. Funding includes a full scholarship, including tuition and fees, plus a stipend and health insurance. Anyone who completes the Ph.D. degree requirements at the Indiana university within five years will automatically receive a one-year postdoctoral fellowship via the university's 5+1 Program. Fellows will have a teaching load limited to one course per semester.

fully funded phd programs in genetics

Ph.D. in social work at Bryn Mawr College (PA)

Students admitted to Bryn Mawr College 's Ph.D. program in social work receive full tuition waivers and "substantial stipends" toward living expenses. The Pennsylvania college's website says: "Consistent with our model, all Ph.D. students are funded equally, and do not compete for basic financial support during coursework." The program's cohorts typically include only three or four students each year. According to the college, it awarded the first Ph.D. degree in social work in the U.S. in 1920.

fully funded phd programs in genetics

Vanderbilt University |

Ph.D. in special education at Vanderbilt University (TN)

Funding is guaranteed for all admitted doctoral students enrolled in the special education Ph.D. program at the Peabody College of Education and Human Development at Vanderbilt University in Tennessee. This includes full tuition, a "competitive" monthly stipend and health insurance for up to four years. Students may also be nominated for additional honor scholarships and fellowships. Areas of focus within the Ph.D. program include high-incidence disabilities and early childhood education.

Chicago, Illinois in the United States. Entrance to Northwestern University - School of Law.

Ph.D. in theatre and drama at Northwestern University (IL)

This interdisciplinary Ph.D. program at Northwestern University in Illinois combines coursework in humanities, social science and the visual arts. The program's students receive a five-year full-tuition scholarship plus an annual living stipend. Ph.D students enrolling at this program in fall 2022 will receive a living stipend of at least $36,960 during the 2023-2024 school year. Stipend amounts may change from year to year. Students can apply for subsidies to facilitate conference travel and summer language study.

COLLEGE PARK, MD - OCTOBER 4:   Testudo is pictured on the University of Maryland Campus. The University of Maryland announced a transformative investment of $219486,000 in the university on October 4. In a first of its kind announcement, university and government officials unveiled the investment in a celebration event for the campus community.

(Photo by Sarah L. Voisin | The Washington Post via Getty Images)

  • Ph.D. in women, gender and sexuality studies at University of Maryland

At the University of Maryland 's Harriet Tubman Department of Women, Gender and Sexuality Studies, Ph.D. students without a master's degree usually have five years of guaranteed funding. Those with a master's degree usually are funded four years, with awards stemming from a mix of departmental fellowships and graduate teaching assistantships. Since the program's establishment in 1999, the department has granted 36 Ph.Ds, according to UMD's website.

fully funded phd programs in genetics

Learn more about paying for graduate school.

Finding a fully funded program isn't the only option to offset the costs of graduate school. See these seven strategies to pay for graduate school to learn more. Check out the latest Best Graduate Schools rankings to see the country's top business, medicine and law programs – and more. For additional grad school tips, follow U.S. News Education on Facebook , Twitter and LinkedIn .

Locust Walk with students in fall, University of Pennsylvania, University City area, Philadelphia, PA, USA

Ph.D. programs that are fully funded

  • Ph.D. in biological sciences in public health at Harvard University
  • Ph.D. in business at Rice University
  • Ph.D. in chemical engineering at Cornell University
  • Ph.D. in clinical psychology at Columbia University
  • Ph.D. in computer science at Brown University
  • Ph.D. in computer science at Georgetown University
  • Ph.D. in computer science at Washington University—St. Louis
  • Ph.D. in economics at Emory University
  • Ph.D. in education at Stanford University
  • Ph.D. in international relations at American University
  • Ph.D. in materials science and engineering at Duke University
  • Ph.D. in nursing at Johns Hopkins University
  • Ph.D. in nursing at Yale University
  • Ph.D. within the romance languages and literatures department at the University of Notre Dame
  • Ph.D. in social work at Bryn Mawr College
  • Ph.D. in special education at Vanderbilt University
  • Ph.D. in theatre and drama at Northwestern University

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fully funded phd programs in genetics

Graduate Funding

The Georgetown Biology PhD program is fully funded; a stipend and tuition waiver will be provided for all five years of the program. Students in the program receive their stipends through a combination of research assistantship jobs, teaching assistantship jobs, university fellowships, and external fellowships. 

Stipend funding


Many students are funded by paid assistantships for all five years. This means that students work as Research Assistants or Teaching Assistants (sometimes called “Teaching Fellows” in the biology department), depending on the semester. For the purpose of managing working conditions and hours, the graduate school differentiates between work you are doing for a stipend (your “employment”) and work you are doing for your degree and dissertation (your “academics”). Teaching Assistants typically help run recitation or lab sections for a course taught by a professor. Research Assistants usually work in the lab of their PI, and can be asked to do work that is not directly related to their dissertation. Both of these jobs are unionized, and subject to the contract negotiated between Georgetown and the Georgetown Alliance of Graduate Employees . Under this agreement, your employment duties cannot exceed 15 hours per week; the remainder of your time is reserved for your own coursework and dissertation research. 

External fellowships

Students are encouraged to pursue external fellowship funding. Fellowships are prestigious, and provide a stipend that is not dependent on a work, or “service” obligation. This can provide more time to focus on your dissertation research, and more flexibility in pursuing research topics outside of the interests of your PI. 

We encourage you to read about fellowship opportunities; here are some places to start:

  • Johns Hopkins list of Graduate Student Funding Opportunities
  • Pathways to Science STEM Graduate Programs and Fellowships
  • UC Santa Barbara EEMB Diversity, Inclusion and Wellness list of funding opportunities (EEB specific)
  • Científico Latino Fellowship database

The most common fellowship that graduate students in the department have won is the NSF Graduate Research Fellowship . This fellowship provides funding for three years of your dissertation; if you are awarded this or other fellowships before you begin graduate school it will strengthen your application and may allow the department to accept you even if funding is limited. If you reach out to a potential advisor in advance, they may be interesting in working with you to develop a GRFP proposal on research you could do in their lab.

Internal fellowships

The Graduate School provides a number of Dissertation Fellowship Awards each year.  Typically, each award will include two semesters of Thesis Research scholarship support.

These capstone awards are intended for doctoral candidates who are in the final stages of their research and writing. Nominees must have completed all coursework and language requirements for their program, passed their comprehensive examinations, and have an approved thesis proposal on file with the Graduate School by the nomination deadline. Each Main Campus doctoral program may nominate one doctoral candidate for a Dissertation Fellowship. The Committee for Graduate Students and Studies will meet to determine the eligibility of students and help to prepare the nomination packet to send to the Graduate School. Interested students or faculty mentors should contact CGSS for more information. 

Internal Professional Development and Research Funding

Travel funds .

The Graduate School and the department support the professional development of graduate students by providing Conference Travel Grants to doctoral students. These grants may be used toward travel and other expenses associated with attendance at a professional meeting and may be requested in advance. The amount of the individual grants will depend on the nature of the student’s participation and the location of the conference.  Please check the Graduate School’s pages for additional information and deadlines. The department travel grants operate on a rolling basis; contact CGSS for more information.

Dissertation Research Travel Award

The Graduate School provides a number of Doctoral Dissertation Research Travel awards of up to $5,000 each. These awards will support the travel costs of doctoral students engaged in archival or field research outside the United States. Grants will not exceed $5,000; the actual amount awarded will depend on budgets submitted by nominees.  

Nominees must have completed all coursework and language requirements for their program, passed their comprehensive examinations, and have an approved thesis proposal on file with the Graduate School by the nomination deadline. Each Main Campus doctoral program may nominate one doctoral candidate for a Dissertation Research Travel award . The Committee for Graduate Students and Studies will meet to determine the eligibility of students and help to prepare the nomination packet to send to the Graduate School.  Interested students or faculty mentors should contact CGSS for more information.

Initiative for Maximizing Student Development (IMSD)

The Georgetown University Initiative for Maximizing Student Development (GU IMSD) reflects our institutional commitment to diversity and scientific workforce development. Leveraging an interdisciplinary network of more than 60 faculty across seven graduate programs and departments, the GU IMSD program will develop a diverse cadre of scholars prepared for careers in the biomedical scientific workforce.

For more information, please visit the IMSD website

fully funded phd programs in genetics

Plant Science, Ph.D.

Harness the power of plants..

From crop-based biofuels to pest-resistant plants, discoveries of plant scientists make a profound impact on the world’s food production, natural resources and the environment.

This program prepares you to make your own contribution to this exciting field through the in-depth study of the production, protection, breeding and genetics of plants. Gain a sophisticated understanding of the interdisciplinary field, with specialized skills in areas like biotechnology, weed science, crop management, plant pathology and more.

Much of your experience will take place in the on-campus plant science farms, climate-controlled greenhouses and laboratories, where you will conduct independent research alongside leading faculty experts in the field.

This program could be a good fit if you:

  • Hold an undergraduate degree in agriculture, biology, botany, horticulture, agriculture, environmental science, natural resources or other related field
  • Have a strong interested in advancing the field of plant science
  • Want to lead research in the lab and out in the field
  • Can think critically and creatively about complex problems

Career Outcomes

With this degree, you could become a/an:

  • Agricultural consultant (domestic or international)
  • Agricultural chemical researcher or sales manager
  • Commercial crop or greenhouse manager
  • Food processing scientist
  • Plant biotechnologist
  • Plant breeder
  • Plant industry or biofuels researcher
  • Plant-pest protection specialist
  • Senior scientist or program leader for a federal or state agriculture, environmental quality or land management agency
  • University professor, research support scientist or extension educator
  • Urban landscape consultant or manager

Available On-Campus

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fully funded phd programs in genetics

Family and Consumer Sciences, M.S.

Learn scientific research methods to understand and solve problems of human development, family relations, personal and family finance, nutrition and community.

fully funded phd programs in genetics

Plant Pathology, M.S.

Explore interactions between plants and microbes. Learn to develop innovative solutions that keep plants safe from diseases.

More degrees below. Enjoy!

Nutritional sciences.

Explore cutting-edge nutrition research to help improve human health.

Animal Physiology

Lead original research in areas such as animal growth, nutrition or reproduction.

Child Development

Gain advanced knowledge and skills to make a lasting impact in the lives of children and families.

Family and Consumer Sciences

Applied economics.

Apply advanced statistical and mathematical analysis to solve complex issues involving agriculture, communities, natural resources and other applied topics.

Soil & Land Resources

Develop valuable expertise in the sustainable use and management of soils.

Animal Science

Develop your expertise and research skills in animal growth, nutrition, reproduction and other areas in animal agriculture.

Turn your passion for health and wellness into a career as a registered dietitian nutritionist.

Agricultural Education

Master the skills and techniques of teaching youth and adults about agriculture, leadership and life.

Plant Pathology

Develop the skills to solve complex pest-control problems, tackle pressing pollination issues, and battle insect-borne diseases.

Food Science

Learn to research and develop new food products, improve the safety and quality of food products, and design safer and more efficient food processes.

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Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Health Policy and Management

Offered By: Department of Health Policy and Management

Onsite | Full-Time | 4–5 years

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  • Concurrent School-Wide Master of Health Science Program in Biostatistics
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  • Master of Health Science Online (MHS) - Department of Population, Family and Reproductive Health
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Tuition and Funding

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  • Independent Professional Project and Final Essay 
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  • Master of Science (ScM) - Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
  • Master of Science (ScM) - Department of Biostatistics
  • Master of Science (ScM) - Department of Epidemiology
  • Master of Science (ScM) - Department of Molecular Microbiology and Immunology
  • ScM Faculty Advisers
  • Master of Science in Engineering (MSE) in Geography and Environmental Engineering
  • Bachelor's/MSPH in Health Policy
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  • 38-Week Dietetics Practicum
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  • Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) - Department of Biostatistics
  • Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) - Department of Epidemiology
  • Program Goals and Expectations
  • Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) - Department of Molecular Microbiology and Immunology
  • Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) - Department of Population, Family and Reproductive Health
  • Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Clinical Investigation
  • Track in Environmental Sustainability, Resilience, and Health
  • Track in Exposure Sciences and Environmental Epidemiology
  • Track in Health Security
  • Track in Toxicology, Physiology and Molecular Mechanisms
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  • JHU-Tsinghua Doctor of Public Health
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  • Concentration in Health Equity and Social Justice
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  • Adolescent Health Certificate Program
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  • Climate and Health Certificate Program
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  • Environmental and Occupational Health Certificate Program
  • Epidemiology for Public Health Professionals Certificate Program
  • Evaluation: International Health Programs Certificate Program
  • Food Systems, the Environment and Public Health Certificate Program
  • Frequently Asked Questions for Certificate Programs
  • Gender and Health Certificate Program
  • Gerontology Certificate Program
  • Global Digital Health Certificate Program
  • Global Health Certificate Program
  • Global Health Practice Certificate Program
  • Health Communication Certificate Program
  • Health Disparities and Health Inequality Certificate Program
  • Health Education Certificate Program
  • Health Finance and Management Certificate Program
  • Health and Human Rights Certificate Program
  • Healthcare Epidemiology and Infection Prevention and Control Certificate Program
  • Humane Sciences and Toxicology Policy Certificate Program
  • Humanitarian Health Certificate Program
  • Implementation Science and Research Practice Certificate Program
  • Injury and Violence Prevention Certificate Program
  • International Healthcare Management and Leadership Certificate Program
  • Leadership for Public Health and Healthcare Certificate Program
  • Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Queer (LGBTQ) Public Health Certificate Program
  • Maternal and Child Health Certificate Program
  • Mental Health Policy, Economics and Services Certificate Program
  • Non-Degree Students General Admissions Info
  • Pharmacoepidemiology and Drug Safety Certificate Program
  • Population Health Management Certificate Program
  • Population and Health Certificate Program
  • Product Stewardship for Sustainability Certificate Program
  • Public Health Advocacy Certificate Program
  • Public Health Economics Certificate Program
  • Public Health Informatics Certificate Program
  • Public Health Practice Certificate Program
  • Declaration of Intent - Public Health Preparedness
  • Public Health Training Certificate for American Indian Health Professionals
  • Public Mental Health Research Certificate Program
  • Quality, Patient Safety and Outcomes Research Certificate Program
  • Quantitative Methods in Public Health Certificate Program
  • Requirements for Successful Completion of a Certificate Program
  • Rigor, Reproducibility, and Responsibility in Scientific Practice Certificate Program
  • Risk Sciences and Public Policy Certificate Program
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  • Programa en Epidemiología para Gestores de Salud, Basado en Internet
  • Consultants
  • Britt Dahlberg, PhD
  • Joke Bradt, PhD, MT-BC
  • Mark R. Luborsky, PhD
  • Marsha Wittink, PhD
  • Rebekka Lee, ScD
  • Su Yeon Lee-Tauler, PhD
  • Theresa Hoeft, PhD
  • Vicki L. Plano Clark, PhD
  • Program Retreat
  • Mixed Methods Applications: Illustrations
  • Announcements
  • 2023 Call for Applications
  • Jennifer I Manuel, PhD, MSW
  • Joke Bradt, PhD
  • Josiemer Mattei, PhD, MPH
  • Justin Sanders, MD, MSc
  • Linda Charmaran, PhD
  • Nao Hagiwara, PhD
  • Nynikka R. A. Palmer, DrPH, MPH
  • Olayinka O. Shiyanbola, BPharm, PhD
  • Sarah Ronis, MD, MPH
  • Susan D. Brown, PhD
  • Tara Lagu, MD, MPH
  • Theresa Hoft, PhD
  • Wynne E. Norton, PhD
  • Yvonne Mensa-Wilmot, PhD, MPH
  • A. Susana Ramírez, PhD, MPH
  • Animesh Sabnis, MD, MSHS
  • Autumn Kieber-Emmons, MD, MPH
  • Benjamin Han, MD, MPH
  • Brooke A. Levandowski, PhD, MPA
  • Camille R. Quinn, PhD, AM, LCSW
  • Justine Wu, MD, MPH
  • Kelly Aschbrenner, PhD
  • Kim N. Danforth, ScD, MPH
  • Loreto Leiva, PhD
  • Marie Brault, PhD
  • Mary E. Cooley, PhD, RN, FAAN
  • Meganne K. Masko, PhD, MT-BC/L
  • PhuongThao D. Le, PhD, MPH
  • Rebecca Lobb, ScD, MPH
  • Allegra R. Gordon, ScD MPH
  • Anita Misra-Hebert, MD MPH FACP
  • Arden M. Morris, MD, MPH
  • Caroline Silva, PhD
  • Danielle Davidov, PhD
  • Hans Oh, PhD
  • J. Nicholas Dionne-Odom, PhD RN ACHPN
  • Jacqueline Mogle, PhD
  • Jammie Hopkins, DrPH, MS
  • Joe Glass, PhD MSW
  • Karen Whiteman, PhD MSW
  • Katie Schultz, PhD MSW
  • Rose Molina, MD
  • Uriyoán Colón-Ramos, ScD MPA
  • Andrew Riley, PhD
  • Byron J. Powell, PhD, LCSW
  • Carrie Nieman MD, MPH
  • Charles R. Rogers, PhD, MPH, MS, CHES®
  • Emily E. Haroz, PhD
  • Jennifer Tsui, Ph.D., M.P.H.
  • Jessica Magidson, PhD
  • Katherine Sanchez, PhD, LCSW
  • Kelly Doran, MD, MHS
  • Kiara Alvarez, PhD
  • LaPrincess C. Brewer, MD, MPH
  • Melissa Radey, PhD, MA, MSSW
  • Sophia L. Johnson, PharmD, MPH, PhD
  • Supriya Gupta Mohile, MD, MS
  • Virginia McKay, PhD
  • Andrew Cohen, MD, PhD
  • Angela Chen, PhD, PMHNP-BC, RN
  • Christopher Salas-Wright, PhD, MSW
  • Eliza Park MD, MS
  • Jaime M. Hughes, PhD, MPH, MSW
  • Johanne Eliacin, PhD, HSPP
  • Lingrui Liu ScD MS
  • Meaghan Kennedy, MD
  • Nicole Stadnick, PhD, MPH
  • Paula Aristizabal, MD
  • Radhika Sundararajan, MD
  • Sara Mamo, AuD, PhD
  • Tullika Garg, MD MPH FACS
  • Allison Magnuson, DO
  • Ariel Williamson PhD, DBSM
  • Benita Bamgbade, PharmD, PhD
  • Christopher Woodrell MD
  • Hung-Jui (Ray) Tan, MD, MSHPM
  • Jasmine Abrams, PhD
  • Jose Alejandro Rauh-Hain, MD
  • Karen Flórez, DrPH, MPH
  • Lavanya Vasudevan, PhD, MPH, CPH
  • Maria Garcia, MD, MPH
  • Robert Brady, PhD
  • Saria Hassan, MD
  • Scherezade Mama, DrPH
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About the PhD in Health Policy and Management Program

The PhD in Health Policy and Management is a full-time doctoral program that trains its students to conduct original investigator-initiated research through a combination of coursework and research mentoring. The curriculum includes core coursework that is common across the four concentrations and courses specific to each individual concentration. Applicants to the PhD in Health Policy and Management apply directly to one of four concentrations. All four options have the same deadline, structure, and funding.

Concentration Areas

This concentration is designed for students interested in conducting independent research on ethical issues in public health policy, research and practice such as domestic and international research ethics, learning health systems, emerging biomedical technologies, ethics and public health genetics, national and global food policy, access to care and health care priority setting. By the end of their training, students are equipped to function as independent researchers, conducting empirical research related to bioethics, public health and health policy, as well as prepared to provide practical and normative recommendations regarding ethics and public health policy.

View more program information about the Concentration in Bioethics and Health Policy.

This concentration is designed for students interested in preventing leading public health problems through the development, analysis, implementation and evaluation of public health policies. Students affiliated with this concentration employ an interdisciplinary approach to their research in areas such as environmental and occupational health policy, injury prevention and control, social policy, and health and the practice of prevention.

View more program information about the Concentration in Health and Public Policy .

This concentration prepares doctoral students for conducting innovative and rigorous research on the economics of health and healthcare. The curriculum stresses a solid grounding in applied modern microeconomic theory, quantitative methods, and econometrics applications. Students take courses through the Department of Economics in the Krieger School of Arts and Sciences.

View more program information about the Concentration in Health Economics and Policy.

This concentration prepares doctoral students for conducting innovative and rigorous quantitative and qualitative research and evaluation in health services delivery. The curriculum includes exposure to a wide variety of research methods, content areas, and datasets. It also offers the opportunity for in-depth study in areas such as public health informatics, quality of care and patient-centered outcomes research, including a focus on older adults, and health care disparities.

View more program information about the Concentration in Health Services Research and Policy.

Curriculum for the PhD in Health Policy and Management

Browse an overview of the requirements for this PhD program in the JHU  Academic Catalogue  and explore all course offerings in the Bloomberg School  Course Directory .

What Can You Do With a Graduate Degree In Health Policy And Management?

Our graduates graduates pursue research careers in top-tier universities, research and policy-making organizations, the health care industry and government agencies. Visit the  Graduate Employment Outcomes Dashboard to learn about Bloomberg School graduates' employment status, sector, and salaries.

Admissions Requirements

For general admissions requirements, please visit the How to Apply page. All concentrations follow the same admission process. Please see below for full details on the scope of each concentration.

PhD in Health Policy and Management – Bioethics and Health Policy

PhD in Health Policy and Management – Health and Public Policy

PhD in Health Policy and Management – Health Economics and Policy

PhD in Health Policy and Management – Health Services Research and Policy

For general information regarding tuition and fees, visit the Bloomberg School’s  Tuition and Fees  page.

For program-specific information regarding funding and scholarships available, please visit the individual program/concentration pages.

Need-Based Relocation Grants Students who  are admitted to PhD programs at JHU  starting in Fall 2023 or beyond can apply to receive a $1500 need-based grant to offset the costs of relocating to be able to attend JHU.   These grants provide funding to a portion of incoming students who, without this money, may otherwise not be able to afford to relocate to JHU for their PhD program. This is not a merit-based grant. Applications will be evaluated solely based on financial need.  View more information about the need-based relocation grants for PhD students .

Questions about the program? We're happy to help. [email protected] 410-955-2488

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  • Published: 13 May 2024

Integrating population genetics, stem cell biology and cellular genomics to study complex human diseases

  • Nona Farbehi   ORCID: 1 , 2 , 3   na1 ,
  • Drew R. Neavin   ORCID: 1   na1 ,
  • Anna S. E. Cuomo 1 , 4 ,
  • Lorenz Studer   ORCID: 3 , 5 ,
  • Daniel G. MacArthur 4 , 6 &
  • Joseph E. Powell   ORCID: 1 , 3 , 7  

Nature Genetics volume  56 ,  pages 758–766 ( 2024 ) Cite this article

2742 Accesses

13 Altmetric

Metrics details

  • Population genetics
  • Transcriptomics

Human pluripotent stem (hPS) cells can, in theory, be differentiated into any cell type, making them a powerful in vitro model for human biology. Recent technological advances have facilitated large-scale hPS cell studies that allow investigation of the genetic regulation of molecular phenotypes and their contribution to high-order phenotypes such as human disease. Integrating hPS cells with single-cell sequencing makes identifying context-dependent genetic effects during cell development or upon experimental manipulation possible. Here we discuss how the intersection of stem cell biology, population genetics and cellular genomics can help resolve the functional consequences of human genetic variation. We examine the critical challenges of integrating these fields and approaches to scaling them cost-effectively and practically. We highlight two areas of human biology that can particularly benefit from population-scale hPS cell studies, elucidating mechanisms underlying complex disease risk loci and evaluating relationships between common genetic variation and pharmacotherapeutic phenotypes.

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fully funded phd programs in genetics

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Takahashi, K. & Yamanaka, S. Induction of pluripotent stem cells from mouse embryonic and adult fibroblast cultures by defined factors. Cell 126 , 663–676 (2006).

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Liu, G., David, B. T., Trawczynski, M. & Fessler, R. G. Advances in pluripotent stem cells: history, mechanisms, technologies, and applications. Stem Cell Rev. Rep. 16 , 3–32 (2020).

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Efrat, S. Epigenetic memory: lessons from iPS cells derived from human β cells. Front. Endocrinol. 11 , 614234 (2020).

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Figures were generated with and further developed by A. Garcia, a scientific illustrator from Bio-Graphics. This research was supported by a National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) Investigator grant (J.E.P., 1175781), research grants from the Australian Research Council (ARC) Special Research Initiative in Stem Cell Science, an ARC Discovery Project (190100825), an EMBO Postdoctoral Fellowship (A.S.E.C.) and an Aligning Science Across Parkinson’s Grant (J.E.P., N.F., D.R.N. and L.S.). J.E.P. is supported by a Fok Family Fellowship.

Author information

These authors contributed equally: Nona Farbehi, Drew R. Neavin.

Authors and Affiliations

Garvan Weizmann Center for Cellular Genomics, Garvan Institute of Medical Research, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia

Nona Farbehi, Drew R. Neavin, Anna S. E. Cuomo & Joseph E. Powell

Graduate School of Biomedical Engineering, University of New South Wales, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia

Nona Farbehi

Aligning Science Across Parkinson’s Collaborative Research Network, Chevy Chase, MD, USA

Nona Farbehi, Lorenz Studer & Joseph E. Powell

Centre for Population Genomics, Garvan Institute of Medical Research, University of New South Wales, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia

Anna S. E. Cuomo & Daniel G. MacArthur

The Center for Stem Cell Biology and Developmental Biology Program, Sloan-Kettering Institute for Cancer Research, New York, NY, USA

Lorenz Studer

Centre for Population Genomics, Murdoch Children’s Research Institute, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia

Daniel G. MacArthur

UNSW Cellular Genomics Futures Institute, University of New South Wales, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia

Joseph E. Powell

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All authors conceived the topic and wrote and revised the manuscript.

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Correspondence to Joseph E. Powell .

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D.G.M. is a founder with equity in Goldfinch Bio, is a paid advisor to GSK, Insitro, Third Rock Ventures and Foresite Labs, and has received research support from AbbVie, Astellas, Biogen, BioMarin, Eisai, Merck, Pfizer and Sanofi-Genzyme; none of these activities is related to the work presented here. J.E.P. is a founder with equity in Celltellus Laboratory and has received research support from Illumina. The other authors declare no conflict of interest.

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Farbehi, N., Neavin, D.R., Cuomo, A.S.E. et al. Integrating population genetics, stem cell biology and cellular genomics to study complex human diseases. Nat Genet 56 , 758–766 (2024).

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Received : 24 January 2023

Accepted : 20 March 2024

Published : 13 May 2024

Issue Date : May 2024


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fully funded phd programs in genetics

Graduate School

Fyodor d. urnov: pioneering gene editing for medical breakthroughs.

A trailblazer in the field of therapeutic genome editing, Fyodor D. Urnov’s research focuses on developing medicines for devastating genetic diseases.

Fyodor Urnov image in front of a staircase

Fyodor D. Urnov ‘96 Ph.D. is Professor of Molecular Therapeutics in the Department of Molecular and Cell Biology at the University of California, Berkeley and Director of Technology and Translation at the Innovative Genomics Institute (IGI). He co-developed the toolbox for human genome and epigenome editing, co-named the term “genome editing”, and was on the team to advance the first-in-human applications in a clinic. 

Urnov also helped identify the genome editing target for the first medicine approved to treat sickle cell disease and beta-thalassemia. A major goal for the field of genome editing and a key focus of Urnov's work is expanding access to CRISPR therapies (which modify genomes) for genetic diseases to those most in need. 

He will receive the Horace Mann Medal at the Doctoral Ceremony during Brown University’s Commencement weekend. 

Prior to attending Brown, Urnov completed his undergraduate studies in biology at Moscow State University in Russia. He then joined the Molecular and Cell Biology and Biochemistry (MCB) department at Brown where he earned his doctoral degree. His dissertation work focused on the DNA structure and chromatin dynamics of one of the scarce origins of replication that are thoroughly understood, initiating DNA synthesis prior to cellular division. He worked in the lab of Susan Gerbi, the George Eggleston Professor of Biochemistry and founding chair of the MCB department. 

Urnov credits his pioneering work on gene editing to the doctoral training he received at Brown. Urnov then completed postdoctoral training at the National Institutes of Health before joining Sangamo BioSciences, a biotech firm in the San Francisco bay area as a Senior Scientist and Team Leader. 

At every stage of his career, Urnov’s exceptional work has been marked by medical breakthroughs and awards. One of the most groundbreaking biological advancements in recent years involves the ability to safely and precisely modify DNA sequences within genes - gene editing. This innovation began with the development of proteins designed to selectively bind to specific DNA sequences and enact targeted alterations. These proteins, known as "zinc-finger nucleases" or ZFNs, have paved the way for transformative research in genetic engineering.

In 2005 at Sangamo, Urnov spearheaded a pivotal study showcasing the efficacy of ZFNs to precisely target a disease-causing  sequence in the genome and correct it. The study was published in the journal Nature. The field of therapeutic genome editing, which Urnov co-named, was thus born. This paper marked the inaugural instance of mutation correction in human cells. The study demonstrated remarkably efficient repair (i.e. editing) of a mutated gene linked to severe combined immune deficiency, underscoring the potential of gene editing technology in addressing genetic disorders - potential that has recently started to be realized.

After this initial publication, interest in using gene editing technology exploded. Stuart Orkin, the David G. Nathan Distinguished Professor of Pediatrics at Harvard Medical School and Investigator at the Howard Hughes Medical Institute collaborated with Urnov to use gene editing to cure sickle cell disease (SCD) and beta-thalassemia (both inherited blood disorders), ushering in the first CRISPR gene editing clinical trial for a genetic disease, treating both SCD and thalassemia patients. In both of these inherited diseases, the gene for making beta-hemoglobin is disrupted. 

“Fyodor Urnov has been a visionary in the field of gene manipulation and editing, and is widely recognized both for his scientific contributions and his remarkable skill in communicating the work to other scientists and the public,” shares Orkin.

The outcome of the clinical trials have thus far been transformative for the around 100 patients involved; all have been symptom-free after gene editing. Based on these results the FDA has approved this approach as the first-ever gene-editing based medicine - a medicine for which a key foundation was the work Urnov did in collaboration with Orkin.

Urnov’s other collaborations at Sangamo led to the deployment of genome editing in human pluripotent stem cells (hPSCs) for basic science and translational applications. Examples include applied gene editing to Down syndrome and in vivo therapeutics for Huntington’s disease and Alzheimer’s dementia.

In 2019 Urnov moved to the University of California, Berkeley, where he took on the challenge of building CRISPR Cures research and development teams for genetic diseases of the blood and the brain, genetic disorders of the immune system, radiation injury, cystic fibrosis, and neurological disorders. 

Urnov explains gene editing technology in a New York Times article from December of 2022.

“Gene editing relies on a molecular machine called CRISPR, which can be instructed to repair a mutation in a gene in nearly any organism, right where that “typo” occurs. Impressively versatile, potential applications for CRISPR range from basic science to agriculture and climate change. In medicine, CRISPR gene editing allows physicians to directly fix typos in the patients’ DNA. And so much substantive progress has been made in the field of genetic medicine that it’s clear scientists have now delivered on a remarkable dream: word-processor-like control over DNA.” 

As Urnov explains in this piece, a wealth of regulatory hurdles and healthcare economics challenges have, to date, prevented gene editing from making a greater impact. Urnov shares, “the invention of CRISPR gene editing gave us remarkable treatment powers, yet no one should do a victory lap. Scientists can rewrite a person’s DNA on demand. But now what? Unless things change dramatically, the millions of people CRISPR could save will never benefit from it. We must, and we can, build a world with CRISPR for all.”

An effort to bring us closer to that world is now the centerpiece of Urnov’s professional life. His work currently focuses on developing scalable, affordable platforms to engineer gene editing cures on-demand for severe disorders of childhood. Urnov directs a unique academia-industry partnership, the IGI-Danaher Beacon for CRISPR Cures, that is advancing to the clinic innovative treatments for inborn errors of immunity that cause severe diseases of infancy.

Urnov has made an impact at UC Berkeley and IGI beyond his research. As the Covid-19 pandemic commenced, he assumed the task of organizing resources to set up a nonprofit diagnostic clinical laboratory at IGI for swift testing of the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus. The objective was to offer greater throughput, faster results, and enhanced accuracy compared to existing commercial options - and provide such testing for free to communities most in need. 

As described in Walter Isaacson’s best selling book, The Codebreaker , Urnov emerged as a pivotal figure in this initiative, playing a significant role in resource mobilization encompassing equipment, personnel, and funding - and ultimately providing over 500,000 free COVID tests to individuals in socioeconomically disadvantaged communities when for-profit testing laboratories failed at the task.

Not only is Urnov renowned in the field of gene editing, but his list of publications, teaching ability, and public speaking acumen is also exceptional. Urnov has authored more than 100 scientific publications and is an inventor on 87 published patents related to genome editing and targeted gene regulation technology. His 2005 Nature paper has been cited over 2000 times, and a subsequent paper he wrote for Nature Reviews Genetics has been cited over 2500 times. Many of his other papers have been cited over 1000 times.

“Fyodor is a world class researcher at the forefront of arguably the most exciting and important biomedical research advance in our lifetimes – genome editing – because he is perhaps the most engaging orator I have ever heard speak, because he is a scholar of truly extraordinary depth and breadth of knowledge in biomedicine, and because he is a dedicated and highly effective teacher and mentor,“ shares David Drubin, Ernette Comby Chair in Microbiology and a professor of Cell and Development in the Department of Molecular and Cell Biology at UC Berkeley.

Urnov is also known for being a dynamic public speaker and teacher and is much sought after. Urnov credits his experience as a graduate student instructor here at Brown for his interest in teaching, starting with watching faculty at Brown, including George Eggleston Professor of Biochemistry, Susan Gerbi and Professor of Molecular Biology, Cell Biology and Biochemistry  Kenneth Miller, in his first stint as a graduate student instructor. 

Urnov’s awards, not surprisingly, are quite notable. As far back as his time at Brown he was selected for the Barry J. Rosen Memorial Award For High Achievement In Molecular Biology and the President’s Award for Excellence in Teaching.

In 2014 he was named as one of “The World’s Most Influential Scientific Minds” by Thomson Reuters and received a Fellows Award for Research Excellence from the National Institutes of Health.

  • Mon. May 27th, 2024

Best Global Research Positions in Agriculture and Biosciences

PhD Position Fully Funded in Evolutionary Genomics – Diversity and Evolution on Lichen-Associated Basidiomycetes at Uppsala University in Sweden

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By Agristok

fully funded phd programs in genetics

PhD Position Fully Funded in Evolutionary Genomics – Diversity and Evolution on Lichen-Associated Basidiomycetes at Uppsala University in Sweden; The Department of Ecology and Genetics (IEG) is an international environment with staff and students from all over the world. Our research spans from evolutionary ecology and genetics to ecosystem studies. We are now looking for a PhD student in evolutionary genomics, with specific focus on diversity and evolution on lichen-associated basidiomycetes within the Evolutionary Biology program at IEG. The project is led by Dr. Veera Tuovinen Nogerius. The PhD position is fully funded for 4 years.

Project description: Despite the symbiotic nature of lichens being discovered over 150 years ago, they remain highly enigmatic to this date. Recent studies have shown that basidiomycete yeasts are frequent and diverse components of many lichens. However, in general we lack comprehensive knowledge about the lichen-associated basidiomycete diversity, distribution, and roles in the symbiosis.

We are looking for a PhD student who will study the diversity and genome evolution of lichen-associated basidiomycete yeasts in common lichens, and their interactions with other organisms in the thalli. The diversity of lichen-associated basidiomycetes will be studied by long-read metabarcoding and high-throughput sequencing. In addition, cell-sorting and single cell genomics will be employed to generate genomic data of selected basidiomycete taxa from lichen thalli. The data will be used to build a genomic framework for lichen-associated basidiomycetes, and to assess their genomic features for signatures of the symbiotic lifestyle and their functional potential. Furthermore, the organismal landscape and interactions within lichen thalli will be studied with state-of-the-art advanced microscopy methods.

Duties: The PhD student will be expected to conduct molecular laboratory work and to prepare samples for sequencing with modern NGS technologies. The project will include generating targeted high-throughput amplicon data, whole genome sequencing of axenic cultures, method-development for extracting basidiomycetes from lichen thalli for single cell genomics, and advanced microscopy. Field work and preparing and maintaining axenic cultures will/can be part of the project. The student is expected to learn to analyze the produced data, write scientific articles and a thesis and take courses relevant to the research project.

PhD-students at IEG are encouraged to enroll in teaching. The levels and content of teaching depend on the availability of teaching duties and the interests of the student, but will in general not exceed 20% of full-time employment and mainly consist of teaching assistant roles in different undergraduate courses offered by the biology section. Teaching adds additional time to their contracts.

Qualifications required: To meet the entry requirements for doctoral studies, you must

  • hold a Master’s (second-cycle) degree in evolutionary biology, genetics, microbial ecology, systematic biology, bioinformatics, or other relevant field, or
  • have completed at least 240 credits in higher education with at least 60 credits at Master’s level including an independent project worth at least 15 credits, or
  • have acquired substantially equivalent knowledge.

We attach great importance to personal qualities such as curiosity and drive for continuous learning and problem solving, scientific maturity, resilience, ability to take initiative and work both independently as well as in a group. Candidates must be able to express themselves very well in English, both orally and in writing.

Qualifications desired   Familiarity with lichens, fungi and/or microbial symbioses will be advantageous. Experience in molecular laboratory work, bioinformatic analyses and advanced microscopy are meriting. About the employment The employment is a temporary position according to the Higher Education Ordinance chapter 5 §7. Scope of employment: full-time. Starting date september 2024 or as agreed. Location: Uppsala. Rules governing PhD students are set out in the Higher Education Ordinance chapter 5, §§ 1-7 and in Uppsala University’s rules and guidelines.  For further information about the position, please contact Veera Tuovinen Nogerius, [email protected] .

Application instructions The application should include 1) a letter describing yourself, your research interests, why you want to pursue a Ph.D., and why you are suitable for the position, max. 2 A4 pages 2) your CV, 3) a brief description of your education, max. 1 A4 page 4) a copy of your master’s degree and your course grades, along with a copy of your master’s thesis, 5) names and contact details of at least two referees (email addresses and phone numbers), and 6) any publications if applicable. The application should be written in English.

You are welcome to submit your application no later than June 11, 2024. UFV-PA 2024/1705 . Uppsala University is a broad research university with a strong international position. The ultimate goal is to conduct education and research of the highest quality and relevance to make a difference in society. Our most important asset is all of our 7,600 employees and 53,000 students who, with curiosity and commitment, make Uppsala University one of Sweden’s most exciting workplaces.

Last application date: 11.Jun.2024 11:59 PM CEST

See More Opportunities Like this here .

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Stories from The University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston (UTHealth Houston)

UTHealth Houston receives $3.4 million in grants to spearhead revolutionary trauma research initiatives

Written by: Laura Frnka-Davis | Updated: May 21, 2024

Ten UTHealth Houston researchers received grants for research encompassing diverse focus areas, from liver and traumatic brain injuries to blood clot prevention, pediatric blood vessel injuries, and spinal cord recovery. (Photo by UTHealth Houston)

Groundbreaking research initiatives to advance the treatment of traumatic injuries at UTHealth Houston have been funded with $3.4 million in grants from the Trauma Research and Combat Casualty Collaborative (TRC4), an initiative of The University of Texas System. 

“These research awards from UT System are a testament to the amazing work of our McGovern Medical School faculty and will ultimately improve the care and outcomes for trauma patients,” said John Hancock , MA, MB, BChir, PhD, ScD, executive dean of McGovern Medical School at UTHealth Houston, who holds the H. Wayne Hightower Distinguished Professorship in the Medical Sciences and the John S. Dunn Distinguished University Chair in Physiology and Medicine.

Ten UTHealth Houston researchers received grants for research encompassing diverse focus areas, from liver and traumatic brain injuries to blood clot prevention, pediatric blood vessel injuries, and spinal cord recovery:

The role of white blood cells in traumatic liver injuries : Yankai Wen , PhD, instructor in the Department of Anesthesiology, Critical Care and Pain Medicine, will focus his research on the impact of hypoxia-inducible factor 1-alpha (HIF1α) in patients who have sustained traumatic liver injuries. By examining how neutrophils, a type of white blood cell, respond to low oxygen levels during these injuries, Wen and his team will aim to uncover the potential effects of HIF1α. This deeper understanding of the process could not only help patients with traumatic liver injuries recover more fully, but also significantly advance the field of liver injuries and treatment, opening new avenues for innovative approaches. 

Understanding the impact of traumatic brain injuries (TBI) in senior citizens and possible links to neurodegenerative disorders: Some studies suggest that older adults without cognitive issues have an accumulation of a protein called beta-amyloid in the brain, which is often associated with Alzheimer’s disease and other neurodegenerative disorders. Currently, researchers don’t know if the presence of the protein worsens the consequences of a TBI. Pramod Dash , PhD, will examine if reducing brain beta-amyloid load would improve outcomes for older people who sustain concussions. Dash is a professor and chair of the Department of Neurobiology and Anatomy and the Nina and Michael Zilkha Distinguished Chair in Neurodegenerative Disease Research. He is also a member of The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center UTHealth Houston Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences.  

Unlocking the potential of using green plasma: Over the past 20 years, the use of plasma in trauma patients has increased. However, the amount of plasma donated doesn’t meet the current demand. Plasma donated by pregnant women or those taking birth control pills often looks green, so it is frequently discarded even though there is no evidence that it is harmful or not useable. Bryan Cotton , MD, MPH, John B. Holmes Professor in the Clinical Sciences and director of the Surgical Critical Care Fellowship in the Department of Surgery, will examine the potential promise green plasma may hold in treating excessive bleeding. 

Unraveling how genes affect brain swelling after traumatic injury : Charles S. Cox , Jr., MD, will investigate the influence of specific genes, known as SUR1/TRMP4 polymorphisms, and their potential to mitigate brain damage in patients who have suffered head trauma. Swiftly identifying these differences within four hours of an injury could allow physicians to tailor treatment, potentially enhancing a patient’s chances of survival. In a novel approach, Cox and his team will also explore the use of freeze-dried particles made from substances produced by stem cells. These stem cells are grown in a container known as a bioreactor, which encourages them to release proteins that reduce inflammation. The innovative use of these proteins could revolutionize the treatment of brain injuries by significantly decreasing swelling and inflammation in the brain after an injury. Cox, professor of pediatric surgery, is the George and Cynthia Mitchell Distinguished Chair in Neurosciences, Glassell Family Distinguished Chair, and director of the Pediatric Translational Laboratories and Program in Children’s Regenerative Medicine. He is also a member of MD Anderson Cancer Center UTHealth Houston Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences.

Exploring new ways to treat severe liver injuries by harnessing white blood cells to speed healing : Damage to the liver sustained during accidents or wartime situations has traditionally been challenging to treat. Previous research has shown that a type of white blood cell known as eosinophils might help protect the liver after trauma. Cynthia Ju , PhD, professor and Joseph C. Gabel, MD, Endowed Chair in Anesthesiology, will grow eosinophils from cord blood to determine if the white blood cells reduce liver damage and accelerate healing, leading to novel ways of treating severe liver injuries. 

Advancing the management and treatment of pediatric blood vessel injuries: As firearm incidents continue to rise, so do pediatric blood vessel injuries, which are complicated to treat. Multicenter databases have greatly enhanced data collection for adult cases; however, obtaining meaningful data for pediatric patients poses challenges. Natalie Drucker , MD, MS, surgical critical care fellow and staff physician in the Department of Pediatric Surgery, and her team will create a dedicated pediatric registry providing essential data for informed decision-making and improving care for children who sustain these life-threatening injuries. The pediatric database will eventually be merged with the adult database, increasing treatment options and approaches. 

Investigating how white blood cells aid in the recovery of patients with traumatic liver injuries: When the liver is injured and experiences a lack of blood flow, it releases a substance known as IL-33, activating a type of white blood cell known as eosinophils that plays a role in the body’s immune system response. Yang Yang , PhD, instructor in the Department of Anesthesiology, Critical Care and Pain Medicine, will further study eosinophils and how they protect the liver after a patient sustains life-threatening injuries.  

Exploring the use of statins for blood clots: Blood clots remain a severe complication for patients with life-threatening injuries, increasing the risk of death. Gabrielle Hatton, MD, acute care surgery fellow and staff physician in the Department of Surgery, will conduct an observational study that will strive to uncover further evidence that statins, drugs routinely prescribed for high cholesterol, could be used to treat blood clots. She and her team will collect blood samples from patients and compare blood vessel function markers and blood clot rates in patients who do or do not take a regularly prescribed statin. They also will interview physicians and patients to better understand their experiences with standard blood clot prevention methods and their willingness to take a statin if it reduces the risk of blood clots after injury. 

Protecting kidneys after traumatic injuries using proton pump inhibitors (PPIs): Kidney failure is common after a traumatic injury and is one of the primary reasons why patients don’t survive. If they do survive, kidney issues can lead to long-term complications, resulting in long hospital stays and increased health care costs. Previous research has indicated that PPIs, commonly prescribed for acid reflux, may help protect the kidneys. Yafen Liang , MD, associate professor and chief of the Division of Cardiovascular Anesthesiology in the Department of Anesthesiology, Critical Care and Pain Medicine, and Memorial Hermann Chair, will take the research one step further to determine if administrating PPIs intravenously can prevent kidney problems in trauma patients, potentially saving more lives. 

Determining the most effective strategy for blood pressure management after spinal cord injuries: David E. Meyer , MD, MS, assistant professor in the Department of Surgery, will delve into the most effective ways to manage blood pressure to improve blood flow to the spinal cord after traumatic spinal cord injury. The study will focus primarily on recovery. Meyer’s research will assess a patient’s ability to move, feel sensations, and perform everyday tasks at six weeks, six months, and one year after injury. By examining various strategies for managing blood pressure and intraspinal pressure, Meyer and his team aim to identify interventions that hold promise of enhancing patients’ quality of life and functional abilities over time. 

UTHealth Houston, in collaboration with The University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio and The University of Texas at Tyler, was also awarded two other significant grants totaling $1.5 million to advance research in critical areas of trauma. 

The first grant of $500,000 will fund research to identify genetic factors that influence the extent of brain swelling following traumatic brain injury. By identifying specific genetic variations, researchers hope to develop more personalized treatment strategies to improve patient outcomes. The second grant, totaling $1 million, will support the iRemedyACT project, which focuses on identifying and addressing delays in providing definitive care to critically injured patients within the Texas Trauma System. 

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UW Graduate Medical Education

  • GME News & Notes: May

May 24, 2024 | Announcements , Events , GME News & Notes , News

fully funded phd programs in genetics

Cindy Hamra Associate Dean, GME

It’s time to share May’s GME News & Notes.  First, as we approach the Memorial Day weekend, I want to express our gratitude to the members of our GME community who have served.  May is also Asian American, Native Hawaiian, and Pacific Islander Heritage Month. The Huddle’s ANHPI Heritage Month page contains digital assets and learning resources.

In addition to the multiple events, resources and other items below, a few additional celebrations:

Envisioning a Better Future for Residents and Fellows : Dr. Joyner has created the Vision Fund in Graduate Medical Education to support diversity, equity, and inclusion in our residency and fellowship programs.

Forbes Recognizes UW Medicine as a Best Employer for Diversity : UW Medicine is proud to be among the 41 hospitals and health systems listed by Forbes for prioritizing equity, diversity, and inclusion.

It’s a busy time of year for everyone, and I want to take the time to call out the fantastic GME Team , which always inspires me with their tireless commitment to and work on behalf of our trainees and programs.

Feel free to share anything you’d like to see in future News & Notes.

Celebrating Asian, Native Hawaiian and Pacific Islander Heritage Month

Policies and Processes

  • GME Float Administrator: The GME Office is currently hiring for a second Float Administrator (Req # 233223 ). If you have any questions about the position, please feel free to contact Gabrielle Pett ( [email protected] ).
  • Visiting Resident and Fellow Policy : updated to clean up outdated language, clarify the restriction section, and expand guidance on program expectations.

Program Information

  • Alissa Darden , Pediatrics and Pediatric Medical Genetics and Genomics
  • Sarah Greenberger , Emergency Medicine
  • Borah Hong , Pediatric Cardiology
  • The ACGME has a weekly e-Communication .  If you wish to receive it, email [email protected] .  

Events of Interest

  • May 16: Final Evaluations + Training Verifications; Moonlighting Update; Workplace Safety – recording and slides now available
  • June L&L: cancelled
  • AY25 Lunch & Learn schedule is posted to the GME website
  • The fourth session of our Cultivating Skills in Feedback and Critical Conversations Education Series is Tuesday May 28 from 11:30am to 1:00pm (Zoom) . The topic is: Eval-Palooza: Optimizing Your Evaluation System for Effective Outcomes . Program directors, associate program directors, program administrators and faculty are welcome. For planning purposes, please RSVP . Please reach out to Amanda Easton  if you have questions.
  • We are excited to announce a comprehensive Four-Part Leadership Lecture Series designed specifically for residents and fellows ! Each month, we will delve into crucial areas that shape effective leadership in the medical profession, presented by experts in the field. Mark your calendars and join us! Please see the January 18 email from Jennifer Best for more information.
  • Program Directors and Program Administrators are invited to join a Thalamus Demo on Tuesday, July 9 from noon-1pm . A calendar invite has separately been sent to programs via email from Gabrielle Pett.
  • The recording and slides from the May 14 Program Administrator Meeting “ ACGME Annual Educational Conference Recap ” presentations are now posted. The July Program Administrator has been cancelled as the Thalamus meeting noted above will take place same day.
  • We’re pleased to invite training programs to enroll in the 2024-2025 GME Quality and Safety Foundations Course . Developed by the UW Center for Scholarship in Patient Care Quality and Safety, this course provides high-quality, efficient instruction in Quality Improvement (QI) and Patient Safety (PS) for residents and fellows. Through two interactive 5-hour sessions, it equips trainees with the skills to improve quality and engage with safety systems at UW and Seattle Children’s, helping programs meet crucial ACGME common program requirements. Detailed information on fees and the curriculum is available on the GME Quality and Safety Foundations Course Website. Enrollment is at the program level, based on total program size.  We’re excited to share that the Dean’s office and GME have provided substantial funding to reduce course costs. In the 2024-2025 academic year, the course will host seminars six times per year, including four sessions at South Campus Center (Room 316) and two at Seattle Children’s Sand Point Learning Center (Auditorium).
  • As a reminder, PDDS is now EDGE! In an effort to enhance inclusivity and because we welcome individuals other than program directors to our events, we are rebranding PDDS as Educator Development for GME Excellence (EDGE). Please keep an eye out for new messaging and program description. SAVE THE DATES! AY25 Fall EDGE will be held on September 19th and October 22nd, 2024. NOTE: Each of these dates will feature distinct content.
  • Thank you again to those who attended the Scheduling Workshop Series ! A lot of content was covered, and we appreciate your attendance and engagement. If you haven’t already shared, we would welcome your feedback on the series and/or thoughts for future training in this short, anonymous survey. Each of the workshop recordings are now available on the GME MedHub site under “Scheduling Resources” along with other helpful resources below:
  • Workshop Recordings: Scheduling 101 , Scheduling 102 , Scheduling 103
  • GME Finance
  • Leaves of Absence
  • Other GME Events  can be found on our calendar .

Projects and Resources

First Page of GME Annual Program Timeline

  • The UW GME Office has updated our Recruitment Resources for 2024-2025. There are no substantive changes regarding interview formats from last academic year.
  • The GME Office would like to update our collection of trainee photos for use on our website, promotional materials, and articles for The Huddle/other in-house publications. We would very much appreciate programs submitting photos of trainees engaged in training, wellness, learning, or volunteering activities.  Please use our GME Photos Request form to upload any available photos. Please note that for compliance purposes there must be a photo waiver on file for any individual in the photo.
  • Learn about UW Medicine initiatives that support gender-diverse staff and patient: Fostering Belonging in Gender Diverse People
  • The 2024-2025 SCH QI Scholars Program Request for Applications (RFA) has been released. Applications are due on June 28, 2024. The Quality Improvement (QI) Scholars Program is a year-long training program designed to support physicians and quality leaders seeking advanced training in QI methods. Please read more online at: How to Apply | Seattle Children’s ( Please contact Dr. Lori Rutman, Program Director, with questions [email protected]
  • The recent post ‘ Inside UW Alert and UW Advisory messages ’ features helpful information and a deeper dive into both safety resources.
  • In February, UW GME launched the new UW GME WhatsApp group exclusively for residents and fellows . Since its launch, we’ve welcomed over 70+ trainees to the community, and we have Expanded our Opportunities to include interest groups like “GME Parents” and “Quick Meals on the go!” Additionally, some other WhatsApp groups, such as “UW IMG Residents & Fellows” and “UW Surgery,” have linked up with the UW GME community, further enhancing connectivity and collaboration.
  • The GME Office has put together a resource regarding information about legal matters for trainees . This document was created with input from Risk Management and Claims Services and is designed to be used by both trainees and programs. The resource is posted to the GME Website and can be found on the Current Residents and Fellows page under UW Resources.
  • Physicians Anonymous is a peer based nonprofit organization which offers free anonymous support groups with med students, residents/fellows and MD/DOs who are suffering from burnout/mental health/suicidal ideation and substance use. There are a couple of groups during the week (free) and they also offer coaching (nominal fees).  The group is fully anonymous so there is no mechanism for documentation or mandating referrals.
  • Get legal services through the WA EAP : If you or your family are facing a legal issue, the Washington State Employee Assistance Program can help with free expert advice from a qualified attorney, plus online support with legal forms, simple wills and a library of legal articles.
  • Use your backup care benefit at select summer camps : Your backup care benefit through Bright Horizons applies to discounts at Steve & Kate’s Camps around the Puget Sound, where your child can design their own day of activities.
  • Keep moving with Fitness Day partner discounts : Feeling energized by UW Fitness Day and want to keep moving? The Whole U’s community fitness partners offer great discounts to UW employees on classes and memberships.
  • Brad Anawalt , Chief of Medicine, UWMC, is featured in “ Low testosterone in men linked to premature death ” from Everyday Health.
  • Check out the Department of Medicine staff spotlight on Leila Armas-Valencia , program operations specialist and fellowship administrator for sleep medicine (Pulmonary, Critical Care and Sleep Medicine) and Department of Medicine Bias Navigator. Learn more about her on the Department of Medicine news site .
  • Jennifer Best , Associate Dean for GME, is featured in “ Macy Catalyst Awards: Supporting Change Agents in the Clinical Learning Environment ” from the Macy Foundation.
  • Yaacoub Chahine , R1, is lead author, and Nazem Akoum, professor (Cardiology) is senior author of “ Machine learning identifies esophageal luminal temperature patterns associated with thermal injury in catheter ablation for atrial fibrillation ” in the Journal of Cardiovascular Electrophysiology.
  • Richard Cheng , Advanced Heart Failure/Transplant Cardiology Program Director, is co-author of “ Cardiovascular Burden of the V142I Transthyretin Variant ” in JAMA.
  • Richard Ellenbogen , Neurological Surgery Chair and Program Director, is mentioned in “ Rapping about brain cancer: One survivor’s journey ” from Right as Rain.
  • Check out the Department of Medicine staff spotlight on Monica Fawthrop , administrator for the Divisions of Gerontology and Geriatric Medicine and Pulmonary, Critical Care and Sleep Medicine. Learn more about her on the Department of Medicine news site .
  • Mira John , fellow, is lead author, and Başak Çoruh , Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine Program Director, is senior author of “ Variable Practice, Variable Results: Impact of Postinterview Communication Practices Among Critical Care Medicine/Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine Fellowship Applicants and Program Directors ” in Chest.
  • Vishesh Kapur , Sleep Medicine Program Director, is quoted in “ This Extremely Common Sleeping Behavior Is Never Normal ” in Inverse.
  • Internal Medicine – Boise Associate Program Directors, Michael Krug and Andrea Christopher , are published in “ The Impact of Changing From a 6+2 to a 3+1 Residency Block Schedule on Patient Access and Other Outcomes” from Journal fo Graduate Medical Education. ”
  • Ari Leonhard , fellow (Pulmonary, Critical Care and Sleep Medicine) has been selected by the American Thoracic Society (ATS) for the 2024 Academic Sleep Pulmonary Integrated Research/Clinical Fellowship (ASPIRE) fellowship. The ATS ASPIRE fellowship is a novel training program to develop the next generation of pulmonary and sleep physician-scientists and leaders.
  • Congratulations to Benjamin Lidgard , acting assistant professor (Nephrology) who has joined the 2024 cohort of scholars for the ITHS KL2 Multidisciplinary Clinical Research Career Development Program. His research focuses on lipid molecule metabolism as a cardiovascular risk factor in patients with kidney disease. The support of the KL2 program will allow him to further develop the essential skills in translational science required for his career goal of investigating cardiovascular disease in patients with kidney disease as an independent physician-scientist.
  • Emily Liang , fellow, is lead author, and Jordan Gauthier, associate professor (Hematology and Oncology) is senior author of “ Development and validation of an automated computational approach to grade immune effector cell-associated hematotoxicity ” in Bone Marrow Transplantation. She has also received the Hartwell Innovation Fund award (funding for this award cycle provided by Swim Across America) for her project, “Characterization of the biological effects of prophylactic anakinra in patients undergoing CD19-targeted CAR T-cell therapy with lisocabtagene maraleucel.”
  • Joshua Hill, associate professor (Allergy and Infectious Diseases) is senior author of “ Human Herpesvirus-6 Reactivation and Disease Are Infrequent in Chimeric Antigen Receptor T-cell Therapy Recipients ” in Blood. Department of Medicine co-authors are Mandeep Sekhon, Emily Liang (Hematology and Oncology Chief Fellow), Andrew Cowan, Andrew Portuguese, Jennifer Huang (Hematology and Oncology Chief Fellow), Jordan Gauthier, and Michael Boeckh.
  • James McCabe , Structural Heart Program Director, is co-author of “ Transcatheter aortic valve implantation in patients with high-risk symptomatic native aortic regurgitation (ALIGN-AR): a prospective, multicentre, single-arm study ” in The Lancet.
  • Hayato Mitaka , fellow, is lead author, and Paul Pottinger, professor (Allergy and Infectious Diseases) is senior author of “ Characterizing Ertapenem Neurotoxicity: A Systematic Review and Experience at a Tertiary Medical Center ” in Open Forum Infectious Diseases. Department of Medicine co-authors are Kristine Lan, Rupali Jain, and Robert Rakita.
  • Ganesh Raghu , Interstitial Lung Disease Program Director, is co-author of “ Zinpentraxin Alfa for Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis : The Randomized Phase III STARSCAPE Trial ” in the American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine.
  • Namrata Singh , Rheumatology Associate Program Director, is co-senior author of “ Notes from the field: irAE consortium ‘organizing’ providers across specialties ” in Healio Rheumatology. She is also co-author of “ The Need for Classification Criteria of Immune Checkpoint Inhibitor-induced inflammatory Arthritis: A Scoping Review ” and lead author of “ Immune Checkpoint Inhibitor-induced Inflammatory Arthritis: Current Approaches to Management ” in Rheumatic Diseases Clinics of North America.
  • Congratulations to Monica Soni , R2, who won a Spring 2024 CARE Award .
  • Congratulations to Vidhushei Yogeswaran , fellow (Cardiology), one of the 2024 recipients of the Department of Medicine Diversity Academic Development Scholarship Award. Learn more about the DADSA award winners .

Recent Posts

  • Wellness Corner – May 14, 2024
  • Dr. Joyner’s Blog: UW Dermatology program involved in ACGME Back to Bedside Narrative
  • Dr. Joyner’s Blog: Improving the Clinical Learning Environment and Incorporating EDI
  • GME News & Notes: April

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  1. Fully Funded PhD Programs In Genetics

    fully funded phd programs in genetics

  2. Fully Funded PhD Programs In Genetics

    fully funded phd programs in genetics

  3. Fully Funded PhD Programs In Genetics

    fully funded phd programs in genetics

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  5. best genetics PhD programs

    fully funded phd programs in genetics

  6. 13 Best Fully Funded PhD Programs For Students In 2023

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  1. Genetics (fully funded PhD) PhD Projects, Programmes ...

    Fully funded PhD in Biology - The interplay between viruses and bacteria in soil and human microbiome. University of York Department of Biology. Lead supervisor. Dr S Meaden. Co-Supervisor. Prof J P J Chong. The student will be registered with the Department of Biology. Abstract.

  2. Fully Funded PhD Programs in Genetics

    The University of Iowa, based in Iowa City, IA, offers a fully funded PhD in Genetics. The interdisciplinary PhD program trains students on the frontiers of Genetics research and develops leaders that meet the upcoming challenges in the field of Genetics. Students in the Interdisciplinary Graduate Program in Genetics are eligible for financial ...

  3. Human Genetics and Genomics, PhD

    The overall objective of the Human Genetics program is to provide our students with a strong foundation in basic science by exposure to a rigorous graduate education in genetics, genomics, molecular biology, cell biology, biochemistry and biostatistics as well as a core of medically-related courses selected to provide knowledge of human biology in health and disease.

  4. Ph.D. Program or M.S.

    Graduate Studies. The Genetics Ph.D. program provides opportunities for graduate study in all major areas of modern genetics, including identification and analysis of human disease genes, molecular evolution, gene therapy, statistical genetics, application of model organisms to problems in biology and medicine, and computational and experimental approaches to genome biology.

  5. PhD in Medical and Molecular Genetics

    All PhD students in Medical and Molecular Genetics are required to take a minimum of 30 hours of course work (of that, six hours are G718 rotations), and the remaining hours are research and seminar credits, for a total of 90 credit hours. A student must maintain an average 3.0 GPA for all coursework; courses with less than a B- do not count ...

  6. Genetics, Molecular and Cellular Biology

    The Genetics, Molecular and Cellular Biology Program (GMCB) offers strong interdisciplinary training across a spectrum of fundamental biomedical areas, including classical and molecular genetics; structural & chemical Biology; and cell & developmental biology. The GMCB program participates fully in the MS in Biomedical Research.

  7. Genetics, Ph.D. < University of Wisconsin-Madison

    The genetics graduate program is supported by the oldest and one of the largest NIH-funded genetics training grants in the country. The strength of genetics research at Wisconsin derives in large part from the Laboratory of Genetics, but state-of-the-art genetics research is conducted in many campus departments and centers.

  8. PhD in Molecular Genetics and Genomics

    The PhD In Molecular Genetics and Genomics is a challenging, research-intensive graduate program which prepares students for careers in academia or industry and emphasizes eukaryotic molecular and cellular biology with applications in genetics and molecular medicine. Doctoral candidates receive intensive laboratory training, working closely ...

  9. Human Genetics and Genomics (Ph.D.)

    Human Genetics and Genomics (Ph.D.) The Interdepartmental Ph.D. Program in Human Genetics and Genomics (HGG) is a multidisciplinary program aimed at training scientists broadly in areas of human genetics and genomics relevant to human health and disease. All students receive training in three core competencies: molecular, computational, and ...

  10. UCL Research Department of Genetics, Evolution and Environment PhD

    PhD. The department has a thriving postgraduate student community, with over 70 people undertaking research for a PhD degree. Our students come from all around the world to join our department. Their ground-breaking research covers a wide range of topics within the fields of Genetics, Evolution, and Environment.

  11. Apply

    Successful applicants are fully funded throughout the entire graduate school years. The funding covers full tuition, health insurances, and fees, as well as a monthly stipend. For the first two years, the program provides the funding; starting in the third year, the thesis advisor takes over.

  12. Genetics, Genomics & Cancer Biology

    The PhD Program in Genetics, Genomics & Cancer Biology provides aspiring students with the background, training and experience necessary to launch careers as independent scientific investigators and scholars in the field of molecular genetics of disease, genomics and cancer biology. The Program is designed to take a multidisciplinary approach ...

  13. Best 70 Genetics PhD Programmes in United States 2024

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  14. 69 PhD programmes in Genetics in Europe

    Biology and Sport Biology. 6,000 EUR / year. 4 years. The Biology and Sport Biology PhD programme from University of Pécs provides studies in wide range fields of biology and sportbiology including genetics, microbiology, plant biology, ecology, regulatory biology, fitness, stress, sport and immune system. Ph.D. / Full-time / On Campus.

  15. 30 Fully Funded Ph.D. Programs

    Full-time NYU Steinhardt Ph.D. students are eligible for a funding package that includes an annual stipend - $32,000 for the 2022-2023 academic year - tuition coverage for required coursework ...

  16. Bioinformatics and Integrative Genomics (BIG) PhD Track at HMS DBMI

    The Bioinformatics and Integrative Genomics (BIG) PhD track is an interdisciplinary program that trains future leaders in the field of bioinformatics and genomics. Our mission is to provide our graduate students with the tools to conduct original research in the development of novel computational approaches to address fundamental questions in biomedical research and its application to medicine.

  17. Graduate Funding

    The Georgetown Biology PhD program is fully funded; a stipend and tuition waiver will be provided for all five years of the program. Students in the program receive their stipends through a combination of research assistantship jobs, teaching assistantship jobs, university fellowships, and external fellowships. Stipend funding Assistantships Many students are funded by paid assistantships […]

  18. Plant Science, Ph.D.

    This program prepares you to make your own contribution to this exciting field through the in-depth study of the production, protection, breeding and genetics of plants. Gain a sophisticated understanding of the interdisciplinary field, with specialized skills in areas like biotechnology, weed science, crop management, plant pathology and more.

  19. Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Health Policy and Management

    The PhD in Health Policy and Management is a full-time doctoral program that trains its students to conduct original investigator-initiated research through a combination of coursework and research mentoring. The curriculum includes core coursework that is common across the four concentrations and courses specific to each individual concentration.

  20. Skoltech

    To be eligible for the Ph.D. program, by the time of enrollment at Skoltech, applicants should hold an M.Sc. degree or equivalent (specialist degree) from a recognized institution of higher education and in a relevant area of study. Stage 1. Application at Skoltech's online portal.

  21. Integrating population genetics, stem cell biology and cellular

    Here we discuss how the intersection of stem cell biology, population genetics and cellular genomics can help resolve the functional consequences of human genetic variation.

  22. Fyodor D. Urnov: Pioneering Gene Editing for Medical Breakthroughs

    Join us on Saturday, May 25 at 11 am at Stephen Robert Hall, True North Classroom for his forum presentation, A Gene-Edited Future for Medicine: CRISPR Cures For All In Need. Fyodor D. Urnov '96 Ph.D. is Professor of Molecular Therapeutics in the Department of Molecular and Cell Biology at the University of California, Berkeley and Director of Technology and Translation at the Innovative ...

  23. PhD Position Fully Funded in Evolutionary Genomics in Sweden

    By Agristok. May 27, 2024. PhD Position Fully Funded in Evolutionary Genomics - Diversity and Evolution on Lichen-Associated Basidiomycetes at Uppsala University in Sweden; The Department of Ecology and Genetics (IEG) is an international environment with staff and students from all over the world. Our research spans from evolutionary ecology ...

  24. fully funded phd programs in genetics

    The recommended minimum yearly stipend for full-time Medical Genetics thesis-based students (Canadian and international) is $28,000 (PhD). The duration of the annual stipend is no

  25. McGill University Scholarships 2024 in Canada [Fully Funded]

    There are 60 fully funded scholarships and 20 partially funded scholarships available for graduate students. Founded in 1821, McGill University is a public research university located in Montreal, Quebec, Canada. It has more than 40,000 national and international students enrolled. McGill offers over 300 programs in 12 faculties and schools.

  26. UTHealth Houston receives $3.4 million in grants to spearhead

    Groundbreaking research initiatives to advance the treatment of traumattric injuries at UTHealth Houston have been funded with $3.4 million in ... Skip Navigation and Go To Content ... BChir, PhD, ScD, executive dean of McGovern ... The first grant of $500,000 will fund research to identify genetic factors that influence the extent of brain ...

  27. GME News & Notes: May

    The 2024-2025 SCH QI Scholars Program Request for Applications (RFA) has been released. Applications are due on June 28, 2024. The Quality Improvement (QI) Scholars Program is a year-long training program designed to support physicians and quality leaders seeking advanced training in QI methods.