
We develop language and communication skills

We learn through play and exploring the world around

We develop self-knowledge and form skills of self-expression

We develop imagination, creative thinking

Children attending Park Kultury Nursery will follow a learning-focused curriculum based on the British Early Years Foundation Stage.

This will build a strong foundation for a love of lifelong learning. Through self initiated and teacher led experiences, learners will have the opportunity to explore and understand different languages and cultures.

Children will learn through play, song, stories, social interaction and rich real world experiences. Themes and topics will allow them to learn about themselves and the world around them.

British education program

Qualified native teachers

A light, spacious and purpose built Nursery facility

Safe and elite living compound with secured playground

Our own kitchen

Balanced five meals menu

Medical support

Mandarin Chinese as an additional language club

Location in the centre of Moscow in a safe and elite living compound

Nursery school

At Park Kultury Nursery, we aim to give your child the smartest start. Park Kultury Nursery is committed to developing early language and communication skills, culture, creativity and curiosity in all of our learners.

Nursery Class

Age: 3-4 years

Reception Class

Age: 4-5 years

Year 1 Class

Age: 5+ years

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Get started with our weekly clubs

Park Kultury Nursery offers extensive after school activities to its little residents. We offer a variety of clubs to our residents as well as to children from the local community, including weekend clubs. It offers a unique learning experience and preparation for onward education in Russia, in the international school system or abroad.

Baby College

Age: 0-3 years

Chinese club

Age: 3-5+ years

Russian club

Age: 3-6 years

Our teachers

Highly qualified and experienced English and native teachers deliver lessons every day during purposefully created sessions.

Attention to each child’s learning and wellbeing needs will be ensured by a class teacher, two teaching assistants and a matron in each year group.

Jordan Robinson

Jason moran, danielle clark, zhang yuebo, keith storey, natalya ugryna, nursery director, cristian aceldas, teacher assistant.

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Follow our news, recent searches, commentary: should holiday homework be banned, advertisement.

The June school holidays have started, but many students and families are experiencing a familiar mix of anticipation and dread, says Dr Eugenia Koh-Chua, a former lecturer and mother of two.

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holiday homework of nursery class

Eugenia Koh-Chua

MELBOURNE: The June school holidays  have started for primary and secondary schools as well as junior colleges.  With school out, the fun should begin - but does it really?

While many look forward to a respite from the daily grind of school , the burden of holiday homework hangs over them.

For many parents and tutors, the mid-year break is also the perfect time for an extra academic boost. Let’s not forget June holiday boot camps and intensive revision programmes arranged by teachers and enterprising tuition centres for Primary 6 students taking their Primary School Leaving Examination (PSLE) this year.

The term “holiday homework” itself is contradictory, prompting the question: Should school breaks be a protected sanctuary from homework, or is the expectation of holiday assignments an unavoidable reality?


The debate surrounding holiday homework extends beyond the borders of Singapore.

In the Philippines, legislative attempts to enforce a weekend homework ban have been ongoing since 2016.  In 2021, the Chinese government enacted the Double Reduction Policy , which includes a limit on homework and a ban on private tutoring classes.

Meanwhile, in Poland, a ban on graded homework for students in lower primary took effect in April. Homework for children in upper primary levels is optional and does not count towards a grade.

These efforts share a common goal: To alleviate the burden of excessive homework and promote greater student well-being.  However, the effectiveness of these measures remains questionable.

In China, the mandate has driven the industry underground and led to exorbitant rates , exacerbating educational inequity. The Chinese experience suggests the potential pitfalls of using a simplistic solution like a hard legislative ban to address a complex social issue.

Drawing lessons from these global examples, I wonder: Should the focus shift from eliminating homework to understanding why parents and schools perceive it as necessary?

holiday homework of nursery class

Commentary: A China-like tuition ban may not work, but Singapore can still find ways to address overreliance

holiday homework of nursery class

China launches campaign to halt school bullying, excessive homework

Is homework beneficial.

While the debate on homework rages on, educational research has acknowledged the many potential benefits it serves.

Homework helps to reinforce academic concepts at home, develops time management skills, and encourages independent learning in children. 

Learning at home can offer a more adaptable environment that caters to individual student’s learning pace and needs, particularly benefiting those who thrive with additional support.  Moreover, homework functions as a crucial link between school and home, allowing parents to stay informed of their children’s academic progress.

At the same time, however, an Institute of Policy Studies (IPS) survey published in 2017 showed that 66.7 per cent   of parents with primary school children agreed or strongly agreed that they were stressed over assisting with homework and ferrying them to and from school, and tuition or enrichment classes.

Additionally, nearly 94 per cent of parents in the study expressed a need for the primary school curriculum to be more manageable, reflecting the struggle many parents face in grasping the modern curriculum while balancing work demands in typical dual-income Singaporean households.

In my doctoral study on Singaporean parents’ tensions within education reform, one parent candidly remarked on this struggle: “I don’t think I can impart the (knowledge) skills to them. And I don’t want my children to lose out."

Consequently, many parents delegate homework guidance to educational experts - tuition teachers.

Families spent an estimated S$1.4 billion (US$1 billion) on tuition in 2018, based on data from the last Household Expenditure Survey in 2017 and 2018, up from S$1.1 billion in 2012 and 2013.

These insights highlight parents’ challenges in supporting their children’s learning at home due to a lack of knowledge, skills, time, and energy. Consequently, schools must consider these factors when designing and assigning homework.

Daily Cuts:

holiday homework of nursery class

Commentary: Parents, getting your preschoolers to cram for P1 can backfire

holiday homework of nursery class

Commentary: Parents play an outsized role in academic stress children face

Perceived benefits of after-school learning.

Research consistently emphasises the importance of play in nurturing the holistic development of children. What then motivates parents to enrol their children in tuition classes during school holidays?

Many parents I’ve spoken say they feel like they have “no choice” as they mitigate the pressures of a high-stakes education system.

They question how much play alone can contribute to children’s social-emotional well-being if they fail to perform academically. One parent stated, “I don’t need (my child) to be at the top, but I don’t want him to be at the bottom either”.

Parental guilt also motivates many to enrol their children in out-of-school classes. As one parent explained: “If my kids are idle or roaming around at home, I will feel bad as a parent … because it feels like my child is wasting his life away”.

Teachers participating in my doctoral study also reluctantly acknowledge the value of tuition classes for “weaker students”. Unfortunately, in a class size of 40, teachers lack the time and staffing to cater to each child’s learning needs while covering the school curriculum.

They also cited pressure from school leaders and managing familial expectations to assign homework as an indicator of a “good teacher”.

holiday homework of nursery class


Amid the ongoing discussion on finding the right balance between work and play for students, the term “balance” implies a rigid 50-50 split between “work versus play”, overlooking the unique needs and strengths of each child, family, and school.

Rather than fixating on achieving a static “balance”, might it be better to consider striving for a harmonious blend between work and play? This approach encourages families and schools to identify the optimal mix that suits their specific contexts, fostering an environment where children can thrive in both learning and well-being.

The ideal combination of work and play will naturally vary in each family, classroom, and school, based on their diverse values, cultures, and aspirations. Nonetheless, this optimal mix should be viewed as fluid and dynamic, constantly adapting to suit the evolving needs of children.

Student agency is an essential ingredient in this optimal blend. Schools should actively seek student input on their homework experiences and understand their preferences for how it is assigned and evaluated.

This not only empowers students but also ensures that homework policies are responsive to their needs and interests.

Schools could consider moving away from compulsory holiday homework towards recommended assignments. Allow parents to determine and decide the homework load that best suits their child based on their family values and aspirations.

Many teachers are already offering non-mandatory assignments in the Student Learning Space online portal during mid-year and end-of-year school holidays. However, it is crucial to complement these assignments with online explanatory videos that provide solutions.

This approach is essential to support struggling students and enhance their self-efficacy by ensuring they understand how to approach and solve the questions independently at home.

Ideally, homework tasks should prioritise inquiry-based learning, embracing a play-based approach that fosters engagement and creativity.

Given the absence of time constraints in the classroom, these tasks can encourage students to explore core learning concepts with scaffolding prompts, developing learner autonomy, and stimulating greater engagement and creativity.

holiday homework of nursery class

Commentary: Voices of tensions behind the 'kiasu parent' label

holiday homework of nursery class

Commentary: PSLE stress – a question of not too much, not too little

Through collaborative efforts, schools and families can create a supportive environment that fosters student success and well-being.

In an ideal scenario, if schools and families can embrace a unified approach to revamping homework practices and reimagining the objectives of holiday assignments , we may just be able to find that sweet spot between work and play during the June holidays.

Dr Eugenia Koh-Chua is a sessional lecturer and educational researcher at Swinburne University of Technology (Melbourne). She is a mother of two and a former lecturer in Singapore.

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holiday homework of nursery class

Russia is the largest nation in the world, with land in both Europe and Asia. The capital of Russia is Moscow and the national language is Russian.

One of the world's richest and most powerful countries , Russia has undergone huge change in the last century.

Russian landscapes vary hugely, ranging from polar conditions, mountains and forests in the north to enormous grasslands called steppes and warm beaches in the south of the country. Russia is known for being a very cold country and has a high snowfall.

Top 10 facts

1. Russia is the largest country in the world. Over 142 million people live in Russia.

2. Russia borders 14 different countries on two continents and has the longest coastline in the world.

3. Most Russian people live in cities. The largest, the capital Moscow, has 12 million inhabitants. St Petersburg is the second-largest city.

4. Russia has lots of natural resources ; it sells more gas than any other country and is the second-largest exporter of oil.

5. Russia is home to the longest river in Europe, the Volga (3690km long), and the deepest lake in the world, Lake Baikal (over 1km deep in places) .

6. Russian is the official language, spoken by the majority of Russians. Russian is a Slavic language and uses an alphabet called Cyrillic. The main religion is Orthodox Christianity.

7. The currency of Russia is the Russian ruble.

8. Brown bears live in forests across Russia and are considered the country's national animal. 

9. Chess, ballet and gymnastics are very popular hobbies in Russia and lots of children take classes in them from a very young age.

10. The Russian space program was very successful. In 1961, Russian cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin was the first person to travel into space. The first woman in space was also Russian, Valentina Tereshkova.

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Did you know?

Russia is so large that it has 11 different time zones , more than any other country in the world!

The Winter Palace in St Petersburg used to be the home of the Russian royal family (it is now a museum). There are 1500 rooms and 117 staircases in the palace! There are so many works of art on display that it's been estimated that it would take 11 years to see them all!

People who have seven or more children in Russia are awarded an Order of Parental Glory.

At Christmas Russian children receive gifts not from Father Christmas but from Grandfather Frost and the Snow Maiden.

Only a third of Russian people own a car and most people travel by train.

It takes six days to travel the length of the Trans-Siberian railway (9288km)!

Russia has the largest number of forests in the world and is also home to over 40 national parks and 100 wildlife reserves .

White Nights is the name of the summer evenings in St Petersburg; from mid June to July it is light all day and all night in the city.

Russian people love to grow some of their own food: two thirds of people who live in cities have an allotment.

The Metro (Underground) in Moscow is filled with paintings, chandeliers and statues and was built to be a 'palace for the people'. It is the busiest underground railway system in Europe, carrying 2.4 billion passengers every year.

Yakutsk in the north of Russia is the coldest city on Earth, with average winter temperatures of -40°C. The city is built on stilts because the ground it sits on is frozen all year round and can be very unstable.

Look through the gallery and see if you can spot the following:

  • Moscow at night
  • The Russian flag
  • The Ural mountains
  • A dacha , a traditional Russian country house
  • The Russian winter landscape
  • Traditional decorated bread
  • A Russian Orthodox church
  • Red Square in Moscow
  • Matruschka stacking dolls
  • St Petersburg
  • Singers wearing traditional costumes
  • Blini, Russian pancakes served with sour cream and caviar
  • The Winter Palace in St Petersburg, the official residence of the Russian monarchs from 1732 to 1917
  • Peterhof Palace
  • Pelmeni dumplings
  • The Russian currency is the ruble
  • Moscow's GUM, the largest department store in Russia

holiday homework of nursery class

Russia is the largest country in the world and in its entirety occupies about one-ninth of the total land on earth. Russia spans two continents, Europe and Asia.

Russia shares land borders with 14 other countries. Some of them used to belong to the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR), a communist state from 1922 to 1991. The USSR was also known as the Soviet Union.

From the 1400s Russia was ruled by emperors called tsars , but in 1917 the Russian Revolution abolished the monarchy and in 1922 the world's first communist state, the USSR, was established . The communist government aimed to create a fair way of life for everyone, not just the rich ruling class. By 1929, however, a general called Joseph Stalin had seized power and imposed lots of new rules on the people, causing huge suffering. In World War II the Russians fought against Nazi Germany and millions of Russians were killed in the fighting.

In 1945 the USSR became one of the world's superpowers. In the following decades the USSR and the United States of America were on opposite sides in many conflicts; this is known as the Cold War.

In 1989 the communist regime fell; two years later the USSR split into 15 independent countries (the Russian Federation).

Under communism religion was banned, but the Church is now very popular, and around 75 per cent of Russians are Orthodox Christians . Around 10-15 per cent of the population are Muslim.

The Kremlin in Moscow is Russia's centre of government and the home of the Russian president. Vladimir Putin has been president of Russia since 2012; he was also president from 1999 to 2008 and was the country’s prime minister from 2008 to 2012.

The country's second-largest city, St Petersburg, was renamed Leningrad in 1924 to honour the Russian Revolution leader, Lenin. The city's name was changed back to St Petersburg in 1991.

Russia has a growing economy. The country is a manufacturer of machines, transport equipment and chemicals, and also has huge resources of oil, gas and minerals like coal, metals and diamonds. Oil, gas and minerals make up 80 per cent of what Russia exports to other countries. Fishing and farming are important industries, and Russia also produces lots of wood products like paper.

The massive region of Siberia, known as the Asian part of Russia, occupies three quarters of Russian land but only a quarter of the Russian population live there. It is very, very cold with average winter temperatures of -25°C. Siberian tigers, who live in the forests of Siberia, are one of the world's most endangered species. It's estimated that there are only 500 Siberian tigers left in the world.

Summers can be very hot in Russian cities, and lots of people have a small house in the country (called a dacha ) where they go at weekends and grow fruit and vegetables. Picking mushrooms and berries are old Russian traditions.

Lots of traditional Russian foods are made from ingredients that grow well in the cold Russian climate, like beetroot, cabbage and potato. Pirogi is a type of pastry with sweet fillings like fruit and honey and savoury fillings like mushrooms, rice and salmon. Soup, rye bread and porridge are often on the menu.

Russians love tea, but they don't use a kettle to make it! Instead they have a very large metal hot water boiler called a samovar . Russians traditionally add sugar, lemon or jam to their tea!

New Year is Russia's biggest festival, celebrated with a special dinner and fireworks. Before Lent (the 40 days before Easter), Russians celebrate Maslenitsa (Pancake Week). During the festival they eat thin pancakes ( blini ) with sour cream, jam or caviar (fish eggs) and make large straw dolls which are burnt on a bonfire.

Russian nesting dolls,  Matryoshka , are famous around the world. They are wooden figures that open and contain smaller and smaller dolls inside, painted as if they are wearing traditional Russian dress.

Russia has been a world leader in sport, space exploration and culture, renowned for its music, arts and literature. Some of the most famous composers in the world are Russian, including Tchaikovsky, the composer of The Nutcracker. Famous writers include Leo Tolstoy, author of War and Peace , and playwright Anton Chekhov. Ballet is a hugely popular art form and the Bolshoi Ballet in Moscow and the Mariinsky Ballet in St Petersburg are two of the best ballet companies in the world.

Russian athletes and sportspeople are incredibly successful, especially at the Olympic Games. One of the most popular sports in Russia is ice hockey; there are lots of ski resorts, too, and some people swim in ice-cold waters, making a hole in the ice to jump in! Football is the most popular spectator sport.

Story-telling is a big part of Russian cultural tradition. One of the most famous traditional characters is Baba Yaga, a wise but scary witch who lives in a house with chicken legs.

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Just for fun...

Read some Russian folk tales , including the stories of Baba Yaga and the story of the Crimson Flower   Have a go at some Russian-themed craft activities , including decorating a Faberge-style egg and making Matryoshka Dolls out of different materials

Make paper Matryoshka Dolls

A step-by-step guide to making a Russian clay bird, a  dymkovskaya toy

Download some Russian colouring pages

Make your own Kandinksy art

Try making piroshki ,  small Russian dumplings filled with finely chopped meat or vegetables

Learn to say some basic Russian phrases

Read about some of the traditional games children play in Russia

Listen to songs and rhymes in Russian

See pictures of traditional clothing for Russian children

Make your own paper model of Saint Basil’s Cathedral in Moscow

Best books about Russia for children

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Find out more

Facts about Russia from National Geographic Kids

The Kiddle encyclopedia guide to Russia

Find out about the native peoples of the Russian North

Read  CBBC's Newsround guide to the Russian Revolution

The Trans-Siberian Express is the longest train journey in the world, stretching from Moscow to Vladivostok across 6 time zones and landscapes ranging from forest to mountain to desert to steppe

Find out more about the Space Race and Russian achievements in space exploration

A guide to Russian food and drink

Steam baths, or banya , are a traditional place to visit in Russia

See behind the scenes in Saint Petersburg's world-famous Mariinsky Ballet Theatre

See pictures of Russia's Kamchatka Peninsula , one of the most volcanologically active regions on Earth

Information about festivals and holidays in Russia

See for yourself

See pictures and guides to Russian attractions in the Lonely Planet guide to the country

Facts and advice about visiting Russia

A guide to Baikal Lake , the deepest lake in the world

Read about Moscow's most famous tourist attractions

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International Schools in Moscow - List with Reviews

Quick Links:  British Schools in Moscow ( 12 )   |   American Schools in Moscow ( 1 )   |   IB Schools in Moscow ( 2 )   |   All Schools in Moscow ( 23 )

Read about the different types of international school if you aren't sure what the difference is.

Don't miss our report on the Best Schools in Moscow

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Cambridge International School, Skolkovo Campus 

Cambridge International School (CIS) Moscow was established in 2009 and soon became one of the leading international schools in Moscow and Saint Petersburg. Its principal aim continues to be the provision of an excellent education based on the Cambridge International Curric... Read More

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Cambridge International School, Skolkovo Campus

The International School of Moscow, Rosinka 

The International School of Moscow (ISM) Rosinka offers a contemporary English international education to students aged from 2 to 11. Established in 2007, the School has a student body of over 1000 and boasts more than 60 nationalities. ISM Rosinka welcomes students aged 2-11. ... Read More

Hinkson Christian Academy 

Hinkson Christian Academy (HCA) is an English language elementary and secondary school located in Moscow, Russia. For over 20 years, Hinkson has served the needs of expat and local families who desire their children to receive a quality English-language education that is informed b... Read More

Britannia School 

Britannia School Moscow is a traditional British Nursery and Primary school that teaches students from the age of 1,5 years old to 7 years old. We follow the British Early Years Foundation stage (EYFS) and the English national curriculum. All lessons at Britannia School are taught... Read More

Embassy of India School 

Embassy of India School (KV) Moscow is a vibrant educational institution in Moscow catering to the educational needs of the wards of the Embassy of India personnel and community of Indian origin. The main objective of the School is to impart quality education of an international st... Read More

English International School Moscow 

English International School Moscow offers a warm and welcoming setting, in which students can develop a love of learning and parents are an integral part of our school community. We encourage regular communication with parents as we believe that working in partnership is the key t... Read More

The Finnish School in Moscow 

The Finnish School in Moscow is an official Finnish foreign school that provides education for Finnish-speaking children living in Moscow. The school is a private school governed by the Finnish Basic Education Act, maintained by the Finnish Educational Association. The school offe... Read More

English Nursery and Primary School 

English Nursery and Primary School (ENS) is a family of 5 schools in Moscow and the Moscow region, aimed specifically at the needs of children from 2 to 12 years of age. ENS has 17 years of experience in childhood development and education, basing their specialised provision on th... Read More

The International School of Moscow, Krylatskoe Campus 

The International School of Moscow (ISM) is a leading international school in the region, with a strong academic track record. ISM welcomes students aged 2-18 and offers unique Secondary and Sixth Form opportunities due to the large international student body and a wide variety ... Read More

International School of Tomorrow 

International School of Tomorrow Moscow was started in 1992 to cater to the academic needs of the diplomatic community. Today the School offers its services to both Russian and International students providing the best university-bound education. From the very beginning the School ... Read More

British International School Moscow 

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Deutsche Schule Moskau 

Deutsche Schule Moskau (DSM) , is the school of the German Embassy in Moscow and one of 140 German schools abroad. DSM is aware of its guest role in Russia. The teaching of the common history of the two countries is a subject of learning at school. We promote contact and exchange ... Read More

Moscow Economic School 

Moscow Economic School (MES) , is a private, non-governmental, IB World School. Founded as a result of democratic changes in our country, MES was the first and has grown into one of the largest private, non-governmental schools in Russia. Today, we have 600 students, boys and girls ... Read More

Heritage International School 

Heritage International School offers a supportive international environment and world-class education and care for children from 2 years old in Moscow. The education is based on the British curriculum with lessons conducted in English by highly qualified international teachers. ... Read More

Scuola Italiana Italo Calvino 

Scuola Italiana Italo Calvino was Founded in 1973 for Italians living in Moscow and today the school is also open for children of other nationalities who want to join one of the richest European cultures. One of the priority tasks of the school is to disseminate the Italian langu... Read More

Brookes Moscow International IB School 

Brookes Moscow International School is a member of the Brookes Education Group (BEG), a global family of IB schools with seven campuses around the world, including major ones in Cambridge (founded in 1982), Vancouver and Seoul. The 800-pupil capacity Brookes Moscow site welcom... Read More

The English School of Science and Technology 

International English School of Science & Technology (ESS)  is a co-educational independent school that offers students from diverse backgrounds the best of English national education. The school is firmly based on the academic standards found in a typical, high-quality British ind... Read More

Russian International School 

Russian International School (RIS) is an international school which is dedicated to educating children from 2 to 18 years old. RIS implements the highest standards of International and Russian education, which provides exceptional academic success to students at all levels.  T... Read More

Cambridge International School, Moscow Campus 

Cambridge International School (CIS) was established in 2009 and soon became one of the leading international schools in Moscow and Saint Petersburg. Its principal aim continues to be the provision of an excellent education based on the Cambridge International Curriculum wh... Read More

Lycée Français de Moscou – Alexandre Dumas 

Lycée Français Alexandre Dumas de Moscou (LFM) was established in direct management of the AEFE (agency for French education abroad). The LFM guarantees the implementation of school programs and learning methods of the French education system. LFM is a place of training, culture... Read More

Anglo-American School of Moscow 

The Anglo-American School of Moscow (AAS) is currently closed. Read More

The Swedish School in Moscow 

The Swedish School in Moscow is a Swedish school open to children aged from 2 to 16 years of age who have links to Scandinavia. We are located amidst gardens, not far from Leninskij Prospekt in southwest Moscow. The school follows the Swedish curriculum and instruction is give... Read More

Cambridge International School, Gorki Campus 

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Nursery Teacher

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  • English Nursery and Primary School
  • € 3 400 - € 3 600 per month
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Job overview

ENS is seeking to appoint an enthusiastic, qualified and experienced Nursery Teacher to commence work ASAP. This is an excellent opportunity for an outstanding and creative teacher who is motivated, flexible, calm, adaptable, patient, takes initiative, is independent and strives for good teamwork to provide professional expertise, and high quality teaching.

ENS was established in 2004 as a private nursery school in Moscow. We have 18 years experience teaching children in our 5 branches where classes range from Pre-Nursery to Year 6.

We follow the English National Curriculum teaching mostly Russian children. The teaching experience with us is truly an enjoyable one. Our teachers have up to 3 teaching assistants to help in a classroom of up to 25 children.

During the school day children have separate lessons with a range of specialist teachers such as music, drama and sport.

We have an individual approach to each child. We are concerned with the child’s holistic development with particular emphasis on their English language skills.

Our package includes:  

  • Salary of EUR 3500 per month
  • Full HQS visa coverage and 24/7 post placement support (HQS - highly qualified specialist visa)     
  • Accommodation walking distance from the campus or an accommodation allowance including assistance in finding a flat    
  • Annual flight allowance      
  • Emergency medical insurance     
  • Free delicious meals during the work day (breakfast, lunch, snack)     
  • Use of school`s sports facilities (indoor and outdoor sport areas)      
  • Supportive community of 65 teachers and assistant teachers from the UK     
  • Continuing Professional Development opportunities     
  • Bursary for teachers` children     
  • 60 leave days per annum including paid holidays and half-terms

If you feel you are the right person for the post, we would love to hear from you!

Please send your CV along with a letter of application to [email protected].

For more information about the schools, please feel free to visit our website:

ENS is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children. This will involve us checking with current / past employers and seeking references from them. Applicants will also be required to submit a current police criminal clearance check or equivalent from their home country and/or current country of residence prior to appointment. Every employee is personally responsible for being vigilant and carrying out their responsibilities under our Safeguarding, Child Protection and Health and Safety Policies.

About English Nursery and Primary School

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  • 4th Dobrininsky Pereulok, Lane 8
  • Russian Federation

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ENS was established in 2004 as a private nursery school in Moscow.  We have more than 15 years’ experience teaching children up to Year 6 in our 5 branches.

We follow the English National Curriculum teaching mostly Russian children; nearly all our teachers are UK graduates with B.Ed or PGCE qualifications.  The teaching experience with us is truly an enjoyable one as our teachers each have up to 3 teacher assistants and a local nanny to help in a classroom of 25 children.  ENS has an intimate feel and our parents say that ‘it’s not just a school, it’s almost a family’.

We have an individual approach to each child, focusing on his or her intellectual, physical, creative and emotional development.  Our school programmes dedicate a lot of time to sports, music and art.

  • Highly competitive salary
  • 5 weeks’ paid holiday throughout the academic year
  • End of service gratuity
  • Opportunity for extra income with private tuition and extra-curricular clubs
  • Furnished accommodation close to school
  • Emergency medical insurance
  • Additional baggage allowance
  • Return flight and work permit
  • Regular training
  • Continued Professional Development
  • Yearly staff party for all branches - with fancy dress!
  • Constant support from the English-speaking administrative staff as well as help with settling in to Moscow life
  • All expenses paid trial week in May, giving the teacher plenty of time to plan for their return and starting the new academic year with ENS

ESL is a major part of teaching in a foreign country.  The fantastic work of our teachers has meant that many of our children enroll as native speakers when they join international schools upon graduating from ENS; producing bilingual students is one of our main goals.

We are excited to share the fact that we take part in many charity activities.  Our chosen charity is ‘To Russia with Love’ helping Russian orphanages.  We run many initiatives throughout the year as well as orphanage visits with our staff.

Teaching with us:

  • allows freedom to continue teaching the English National Curriculum without the pressure of OFSTED
  • Superbly-equipped teaching environment; smartboards and tablets in each spacious classroom and generous budgets for materials
  • More time for focused, one-on-one teaching rather than ‘crowd control’, thanks to teacher assistants and a nanny on hand in each class

We welcome teacher couples, and have gladly seen many of our teaching staff return to us after working in other countries, often bringing along a partner or teaching family member on their return!

Our 6 branches will be covering many areas of the city, from bustling city centre to relaxing countryside, so everyone can find their perfect place in Moscow.  We will try to consider all applicants’ branch preferences when confirming placements.

We are an innovative school with dynamic and creative staff.  Programmes such as Parents’ Week where some of the children's parents were a ‘child for a day’ in an ENS classroom proved to be an absolute hit with everyone.  We plan to make it a tradition!

Our bet is that Moscow will take your breath away.  The sheer amount of history and culture embedded into so much of the city, everywhere you look, will leave you in awe.  You will soon see that the cost of living is relatively low, so many of our teachers can comfortably save up to 60% of their salary.

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  • School Education /

9 Creative Activities for Holiday Homework for Class 7 Social Science 

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  • Updated on  
  • May 30, 2024

Holiday Homework for Class 7 Social Science

Social science is a great subject. There are a lot of ideas and activities that can be given as holiday homework to students that will keep them engaged. In this blog, we are providing you with 9 creative activities for holiday homework for Class 7 Social Science. These are fun ideas that students will enjoy implementing. These ideas will also keep them in touch with their studies. Let us look at them now. 

Holiday Homework for Class 7 Social Science 

  • Mystery Box

Search the internet for historical artefacts and then, using paper mache, recreate them, paint them, and put them in a box themed on history. 

  • Myth Busting  

Search for a historical myth. Then create a presentation on it to be presented to the teacher in front of the class. In your presentation, try to debunk that myth. 

Also Read : Holiday Homework for Class 3: English  

  • The Historic Comic  

Create a comic book that can include any event from history. The plot of the comic should be your own but the events can be taken as a reference from your history book. Create the drawings of the characters too. 

  • Museum in a Box  

Take a big box, select the theme or topic for it and using infographics and pictures, paste them inside the box to create a museum. You can also use modeling clay to make little people in that museum. 

  • Making a Map  

Create a historical map of any civilisation or empire by making labels and illustrations. 

  • Investigation  

Research an ongoing social, environmental, etc. issue and create a news report on it. 

Also Read : 5 Summer Camp Ideas for Preschoolers  

  • Historical Monument  

Select a historical monument of your choice and create a 3D model of the same using paper mache, etc. 

  • Social Studies Board Game  

Based on a historical period, create a board game that includes historical concepts, events, questions, challenges, etc. 

Choose an era of your own choice and create a timeline of the events held in that era on chart paper by pasting pictures and writing about them. 

Ans: To create your holiday homework on time, do it by planning your time. Manage your time in such a way that you give enough attention to your holiday homework.

Ans: To spend time on your holidays, there are a lot of fun ways too. You could do gaming, watch movies, go for an outing, go for a walk in the evening, or even go swimming. These are just some of the ways to enjoy your holidays.

Ans: Yes, vacation is an “American English word.”

Explore interesting ideas for school children here : 

To refer to interesting ideas related to children’s school education activities, follow Leverage Edu now!! 

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Deepansh Gautam

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  28. Nursery Teacher, Moscow

    4th Dobrininsky Pereulok, Lane 8. Moscow. 119049. Russian Federation. +7 95 987 1552. View on Google Maps. Visit employer website. ENS was established in 2004 as a private nursery school in Moscow. We have more than 15 years' experience teaching children up to Year 6 in our 5 branches.

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