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Ten simple rules for choosing a PhD supervisor

Contributed equally to this work with: Loay Jabre, Catherine Bannon, J. Scott P. McCain, Yana Eglit

* E-mail: [email protected]

Affiliation Department of Biology, Dalhousie University, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada

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  • Loay Jabre, 
  • Catherine Bannon, 
  • J. Scott P. McCain, 


Published: September 30, 2021

  • https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pcbi.1009330
  • Reader Comments

Fig 1

Citation: Jabre L, Bannon C, McCain JSP, Eglit Y (2021) Ten simple rules for choosing a PhD supervisor. PLoS Comput Biol 17(9): e1009330. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pcbi.1009330

Editor: Scott Markel, Dassault Systemes BIOVIA, UNITED STATES

Copyright: © 2021 Jabre et al. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License , which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.

Funding: The authors received no specific funding for this work.

Competing interests: The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.


The PhD beckons. You thought long and hard about why you want to do it, you understand the sacrifices and commitments it entails, and you have decided that it is the right thing for you. Congratulations! Undertaking a doctoral degree can be an extremely rewarding experience, greatly enhancing your personal, intellectual, and professional development. If you are still on the fence about whether or not you want to pursue a PhD, see [ 1 , 2 ] and others to help you decide.

As a PhD student in the making, you will have many important decisions to consider. Several of them will depend on your chosen discipline and research topic, the institution you want to attend, and even the country where you will undertake your degree. However, one of the earliest and most critical decisions you will need to make transcends most other decisions: choosing your PhD thesis supervisor. Your PhD supervisor will strongly influence the success and quality of your degree as well as your general well-being throughout the program. It is therefore vital to choose the right supervisor for you. A wrong choice or poor fit can be disastrous on both a personal and professional levels—something you obviously want to avoid. Unfortunately, however, most PhD students go through the process of choosing a supervisor only once and thus do not get the opportunity to learn from previous experiences. Additionally, many prospective PhD students do not have access to resources and proper guidance to rely on when making important academic decisions such as those involved in choosing a PhD supervisor.

In this short guide, we—a group of PhD students with varied backgrounds, research disciplines, and academic journeys—share our collective experiences with choosing our own PhD supervisors. We provide tips and advice to help prospective students in various disciplines, including computational biology, in their quest to find a suitable PhD supervisor. Despite procedural differences across countries, institutions, and programs, the following rules and discussions should remain helpful for guiding one’s approach to selecting their future PhD supervisor. These guidelines mostly address how to evaluate a potential PhD supervisor and do not include details on how you might find a supervisor. In brief, you can find a supervisor anywhere: seminars, a class you were taught, internet search of interesting research topics, departmental pages, etc. After reading about a group’s research and convincing yourself it seems interesting, get in touch! Make sure to craft an e-mail carefully, demonstrating you have thought about their research and what you might do in their group. After finding one or several supervisors of interest, we hope that the rules bellow will help you choose the right supervisor for you.

Rule 1: Align research interests

You need to make sure that a prospective supervisor studies, or at the very least, has an interest in what you want to study. A good starting point would be to browse their personal and research group websites (though those are often outdated), their publication profile, and their students’ theses, if possible. Keep in mind that the publication process can be slow, so recent publications may not necessarily reflect current research in that group. Pay special attention to publications where the supervisor is senior author—in life sciences, their name would typically be last. This would help you construct a mental map of where the group interests are going, in addition to where they have been.

Be proactive about pursuing your research interests, but also flexible: Your dream research topic might not currently be conducted in a particular group, but perhaps the supervisor is open to exploring new ideas and research avenues with you. Check that the group or institution of interest has the facilities and resources appropriate for your research, and/or be prepared to establish collaborations to access those resources elsewhere. Make sure you like not only the research topic, but also the “grunt work” it requires, as a topic you find interesting may not be suitable for you in terms of day-to-day work. You can look at the “Methods” sections of published papers to get a sense for what this is like—for example, if you do not like resolving cryptic error messages, programming is probably not for you, and you might want to consider a wet lab–based project. Lastly, any research can be made interesting, and interests change. Perhaps your favorite topic today is difficult to work with now, and you might cut your teeth on a different project.

Rule 2: Seek trusted sources

Discussing your plans with experienced and trustworthy people is a great way to learn more about the reputation of potential supervisors, their research group dynamics, and exciting projects in your field of interest. Your current supervisor, if you have one, could be aware of position openings that are compatible with your interests and time frame and is likely to know talented supervisors with good reputations in their fields. Professors you admire, reliable student advisors, and colleagues might also know your prospective supervisor on various professional or personal levels and could have additional insight about working with them. Listen carefully to what these trusted sources have to say, as they can provide a wealth of insider information (e.g., personality, reputation, interpersonal relationships, and supervisory styles) that might not be readily accessible to you.

Rule 3: Expectations, expectations, expectations

A considerable portion of PhD students feel that their program does not meet original expectations [ 3 ]. To avoid being part of this group, we stress the importance of aligning your expectations with the supervisor’s expectations before joining a research group or PhD program. Also, remember that one person’s dream supervisor can be another’s worst nightmare and vice versa—it is about a good fit for you. Identifying what a “good fit” looks like requires a serious self-appraisal of your goals (see Rule 1 ), working style (see Rule 5 ), and what you expect in a mentor (see Rule 4 ). One way to conduct this self-appraisal is to work in a research lab to get experiences similar to a PhD student (if this is possible).

Money!—Many people have been conditioned to avoid the subject of finances at all costs, but setting financial expectations early is crucial for maintaining your well-being inside and outside the lab. Inside the lab, funding will provide chemicals and equipment required for you to do cool research. It is also important to know if there will be sufficient funding for your potential projects to be completed. Outside the lab, you deserve to get paid a reasonable, livable stipend. What is the minimum required take-home stipend, or does that even exist at the institution you are interested in? Are there hard cutoffs for funding once your time runs out, or does the institution have support for students who take longer than anticipated? If the supervisor supplies the funding, do they end up cutting off students when funds run low, or do they have contingency plans? ( Fig 1 ).


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Professional development opportunities—A key aspect of graduate school training is professional development. In some research groups, it is normal for PhD students to mentor undergraduate students or take a semester to work in industry to get more diverse experiences. Other research groups have clear links with government entities, which is helpful for going into policy or government-based research. These opportunities (and others) are critical for your career and next steps. What are the career development opportunities and expectations of a potential supervisor? Is a potential supervisor happy to send students to workshops to learn new skills? Are they supportive of public outreach activities? If you are looking at joining a newer group, these sorts of questions will have to be part of the larger set of conversations about expectations. Ask: “What sort of professional development opportunities are there at the institution?”

Publications—Some PhD programs have minimum requirements for finishing a thesis (i.e., you must publish a certain number of papers prior to defending), while other programs leave it up to the student and supervisor to decide on this. A simple and important topic to discuss is: How many publications are expected from your PhD and when will you publish them? If you are keen to publish in high-impact journals, does your prospective supervisor share that aim? (Although question why you are so keen to do so, see the San Francisco Declaration on Research Assessment ( www.sfdora.org ) to learn about the pitfalls of journal impact factor.)

Rule 4: It takes two to tango

Sooner or later, you will get to meet and interview with a prospective PhD supervisor. This should go both ways: Interview them just as much as they are interviewing you. Prepare questions and pay close attention to how they respond. For example, ask them about their “lab culture,” research interests (especially for the future/long term), and what they are looking for in a graduate student. Do you feel like you need to “put on an act” to go along with the supervisor (beyond just the standard interview mode)? Represent yourself, and not the person you think they are looking for. All of us will have some interviews go badly. Remember that discovering a poor fit during the interview has way fewer consequences than the incompatibility that could arise once you have committed to a position.

To come up with good questions for the prospective supervisor, first ask yourself questions. What are you looking for in a mentor? People differ in their optimal levels of supervision, and there is nothing wrong with wanting more or less than your peers. How much career guidance do you expect and does the potential supervisor respect your interests, particularly if your long-term goals do not include academia? What kind of student might not thrive in this research group?

Treat the PhD position like a partnership: What do you seek to get out of it? Keep in mind that a large portion of research is conducted by PhD students [ 4 ], so you are also an asset. Your supervisor will provide guidance, but the PhD is your work. Make sure you and your mentor are on the same page before committing to what is fundamentally a professional contract akin to an apprenticeship (see “ Rule 3 ”).

Rule 5: Workstyle compatibility

Sharing interests with a supervisor does not necessarily guarantee you would work well together, and just because you enjoyed a course by a certain professor does not mean they are the right PhD supervisor for you. Make sure your expectations for work and work–life approaches are compatible. Do you thrive on structure, or do you need freedom to proceed at your own pace? Do they expect you to be in the lab from 6:00 AM to midnight on a regular basis (red flag!)? Are they comfortable with you working from home when you can? Are they around the lab enough for it to work for you? Are they supportive of alternative work hours if you have other obligations (e.g., childcare, other employment, extracurriculars)? How is the group itself organized? Is there a lab manager or are the logistics shared (fairly?) between the group members? Discuss this before you commit!

Two key attributes of a research group are the supervisor’s career stage and number of people in the group. A supervisor in a later career stage may have more established research connections and protocols. An earlier career stage supervisor comes with more opportunities to shape the research direction of the lab, but less access to academic political power and less certainty in what their supervision style will be (even to themselves). Joining new research groups provides a great opportunity to learn how to build a lab if you are considering that career path but may take away time and energy from your thesis project. Similarly, be aware of pros and cons of different lab sizes. While big labs provide more opportunity for collaborations and learning from fellow lab members, their supervisors generally have less time available for each trainee. Smaller labs tend to have better access to the supervisor but may be more isolating [ 5 , 6 ]. Also note that large research groups tend to be better for developing extant research topics further, while small groups can conduct more disruptive research [ 7 ].

Rule 6: Be sure to meet current students

Meeting with current students is one of the most important steps prior to joining a lab. Current students will give you the most direct and complete sense of what working with a certain supervisor is actually like. They can also give you a valuable sense of departmental culture and nonacademic life. You could also ask to meet with other students in the department to get a broader sense of the latter. However, if current students are not happy with their current supervisor, they are unlikely to tell you directly. Try to ask specific questions: “How often do you meet with your supervisor?”, “What are the typical turnaround times for a paper draft?”, “How would you describe the lab culture?”, “How does your supervisor react to mistakes or unexpected results?”, “How does your supervisor react to interruptions to research from, e.g., personal life?”, and yes, even “What would you say is the biggest weakness of your supervisor?”

Rule 7: But also try to meet past students

While not always possible, meeting with past students can be very informative. Past students give you information on career outcomes (i.e., what are they doing now?) and can provide insight into what the lab was like when they were in it. Previous students will provide a unique perspective because they have gone through the entire process, from start to finish—and, in some cases, no longer feel obligated to speak well of their now former supervisor. It can also be helpful to look at previous students’ experiences by reading the acknowledgement section in their theses.

Rule 8: Consider the entire experience

Your PhD supervisor is only one—albeit large—piece of your PhD puzzle. It is therefore essential to consider your PhD experience as whole when deciding on a supervisor. One important aspect to contemplate is your mental health. Graduate students have disproportionately higher rates of depression and anxiety compared to the general population [ 8 ], so your mental health will be tested greatly throughout your PhD experience. We suggest taking the time to reflect on what factors would enable you to do your best work while maintaining a healthy work–life balance. Does your happiness depend on surfing regularly? Check out coastal areas. Do you despise being cold? Consider being closer to the equator. Do you have a deep-rooted phobia of koalas? Maybe avoid Australia. Consider these potentially even more important questions like: Do you want to be close to your friends and family? Will there be adequate childcare support? Are you comfortable with studying abroad? How does the potential university treat international or underrepresented students? When thinking about your next steps, keep in mind that although obtaining your PhD will come with many challenges, you will be at your most productive when you are well rested, financially stable, nourished, and enjoying your experience.

Rule 9: Trust your gut

You have made it to our most “hand-wavy” rule! As academics, we understand the desire for quantifiable data and some sort of statistic to make logical decisions. If this is more your style, consider every interaction with a prospective supervisor, from the first e-mail onwards, as a piece of data.

However, there is considerable value in trusting gut instincts. One way to trust your gut is to listen to your internal dialogue while making your decision on a PhD supervisor. For example, if your internal dialogue includes such phrases as “it will be different for me,” “I’ll just put my head down and work hard,” or “maybe their students were exaggerating,” you might want to proceed with caution. If you are saying “Wow! How are they so kind and intelligent?” or “I cannot wait to start!”, then you might have found a winner ( Fig 2 ).



Rule 10: Wash, rinse, repeat

The last piece of advice we give you is to do this lengthy process all over again. Comparing your options is a key step during the search for a PhD supervisor. By screening multiple different groups, you ultimately learn more about what red flags to look for, compatible work styles, your personal expectations, and group atmospheres. Repeat this entire process with another supervisor, another university, or even another country. We suggest you reject the notion that you would be “wasting someone’s time.” You deserve to take your time and inform yourself to choose a PhD supervisor wisely. The time and energy invested in a “failed” supervisor search would still be far less than what is consumed by a bad PhD experience ( Fig 3 ).


The more supervisors your interview and the more advice you get from peers, the more apparent these red flags will become.



Pursuing a PhD can be an extremely rewarding endeavor and a time of immense personal growth. The relationship you have with your PhD supervisor can make or break an entire experience, so make this choice carefully. Above, we have outlined some key points to think about while making this decision. Clarifying your own expectations is a particularly important step, as conflicts can arise when there are expectation mismatches. In outlining these topics, we hope to share pieces of advice that sometimes require “insider” knowledge and experience.

After thoroughly evaluating your options, go ahead and tackle the PhD! In our own experiences, carefully choosing a supervisor has led to relationships that morph from mentor to mentee into a collaborative partnership where we can pose new questions and construct novel approaches to answer them. Science is hard enough by itself. If you choose your supervisor well and end up developing a positive relationship with them and their group, you will be better suited for sound and enjoyable science.

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  • 5. Smith D. The big benefits of working in a small lab. University Affairs. 2013. Available from: https://www.universityaffairs.ca/career-advice/career-advice-article/the-big-benefits-of-working-in-a-small-lab/

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Graduate College

Top tips for choosing a phd supervisor.

Özge Özden lays out the pros and cons you need to consider when choosing a supervisor, as well as five key qualities to look out for

Selecting a PhD supervisor is one of the most crucial – and difficult – decisions a young researcher will have to make. And while there is no failsafe method of choosing one, your decision will undoubtedly be influenced by the subject in which you intend to work, the sort of research you wish to do and your checklist of goals for your PhD.

It is unwise to dismiss the importance of any personality traits that you think may make a relationship with a supervisor difficult. Remember that, when doing research, there will be extreme highs and extreme lows throughout the duration of your PhD studies, so you should try to choose a supervisor with whom you can collaborate effectively during challenging circumstances. There are many supervisors out there, and it is almost always feasible to find someone with whom you can work well and produce a good research project.

  • Ten platinum rules for PhD supervisors
  • Tips for new PhD supervisors: how to hold effective meetings
  • Bullying by supervisors is alive and well – now is the time to tackle it

A good PhD supervisor has experience overseeing PhD students through to completion, has a strong publication record, is active in their research field, has enough time to provide adequate supervision, is genuinely interested in your project, can provide mentorship and has a supportive personality.

Numerous PhD students criticise their adviser/s and, due to unstable supervisor-student interactions, end up dropping out. Ineffective and uncooperative supervisors may cause a lot of research students to feel quite uncomfortable. This is doubly important given that 32 per cent of PhD candidates are at risk of developing or already suffer from depression.

The ideas and opinions of your adviser are very important when you choose your doctoral research topic. If a doctoral student works on a subject that always arouses their curiosity and excites them then their discoveries will also often be interesting and they will be more likely to succeed. Of course, if the doctoral supervisor is interested in the subject chosen by their student, then that supervisor will be able to guide their student better.

In my opinion, the key difficulty with completing a PhD is not so much found academically, rather the process is incredibly difficult psychologically and emotionally. And there is added emotional weight if you are pursuing a PhD in a foreign nation far from your home, family and friends. As a result, selecting a good, friendly PhD supervisor is critical for engendering a healthy, long-term educational programme in which you are supported psychologically and emotionally.

What are the qualities of a good supervisor?

1. Effective communicator

Let’s assume you have a supervisor, but it’s still early days and you still have time to leave his or her domain. If you don’t receive a response to your emails from them within a fair amount of time, you need to discuss this. Always talk first, but if it continues you might seriously think about switching supervisors, because if you end up with one who ignores your emails and/or social media communications, such inactivity will always end up causing you issues, either directly or indirectly. An ideal supervisor should reply to your emails and messages promptly, even those sent via WhatsApp or other messaging apps, and offer helpful criticism.

2. Passionate

An excellent supervisor is passionate about the work of their pupils. They should be someone who is inspiring and uplifting, who helps their students reach new heights. Someone is not a good supervisor if they lack enthusiasm and interest in their role as your mentor and do not offer verbal encouragement.

3. Knowledgeable

Your supervisor ought to be informed and skilled in your area of study and have top-notch study methods and data analysis skills. If they do not, there is a higher probability you will experience difficulties with your academic studies.

4. Supportive of your career

You should try to choose a supervisor who has a demonstrable history of assisting students in launching their careers. Typically, a good supervisor would introduce pupils to his or her co-workers and let PhD students know about any seminars or conferences that are pertinent to their field of study and future plans. Additionally, a competent supervisor should encourage future partnerships once their student’s PhD studies are finished and make the publishing of their research products easier.

In order to support their academic careers, some faculty members who are not actively engaged in research take on PhD or masters students. How can you determine if they are active or not is the question. For a start, try looking up the potential supervisor’s research articles on Google Scholar, ResearchGate or other academic websites.

One of the most important aspects to consider when it comes to supervisors is their previous track record. Feel free to enquire how many research fellows or PhD students they have previously educated and what those fellows went on to achieve. How many went on to become successful academics? Finally, remember that it is usually helpful to spend some time working with your potential supervisor voluntarily before making your final decision.

Above all, remember that this is a significant choice; you should not make it without careful consideration.

Özge Özden is the dean of the faculty of agriculture at Near East University, North Cyprus, where she has been working since 2012.

Original post: https://www.timeshighereducation.com/campus/top-tips-choosing-phd-supervisor

How to Choose Your PhD Supervisor

Your PhD supervisor will be one of the most influential people in your academic life. Throughout the course of your doctorate, your supervisor will play the role of mentor, confidant, cheerleader, and advisor. They will be crucial to your PhD’s success so it’s important to make a prudent choice.

Social sciences, arts, and humanities PhD programs often require applicants to indicate a potential supervisor when applying. It is recommended that you contact this person before submitting your application. However, in STEM fields it is more common to apply for a predetermined PhD research project with a supervisor attached. In this case, applicants can still benefit from either researching or contacting the supervisor assigned to the research project.

Before you can start evaluating potential supervisors you must have a clear idea of what you want to research. Since you’re planning on doing a PhD it’s likely you have already identified some of your research interests. Your supervisor should be someone who has expertise in one of these areas. If you want to pursue a PhD in social sciences, arts, or the humanities it’s a good idea to develop a project proposal or at least some specific research questions in mind before starting to contact potential supervisors.

Come Up With a List

Now it’s time to do some research and come up with a list of potential supervisors. Are there certain names that come up again and again when you research this topic? If you’re having a hard time coming up with some scholars on your own, it can be incredibly helpful to talk to a professor in your department about potential supervisors. They know the field better and will be able to suggest some researchers who work on your research topic.

Once you make the initial list, it’s time to whittle it down. Read up on each person on your list. Are they still an active researcher? Do they still work on your research topic? Are they currently supervising students? What are the admissions criteria for the institution they work at? The answers to these questions will probably eliminate a few potential supervisors from your list leaving you ready for the next step.

Make Contact

The easiest way to approach the people on your shortlist of potential supervisors is by sending them a quick email. To make a good impression, this email should be well-written, concise, and personalized to the recipient. Your email should:

  • Clearly state your interest in doing a PhD with them
  • Describe your academic background and research interests
  • Explain why they are the perfect person to supervise you (by making reference to their work)
  • Mention any funding you are applying for
  • Ask if you can arrange a time to meet or talk on the phone about the project
  • Include your CV ( here’s a handy template ) and research proposal
  • If you don’t hear back from them in two weeks, send a follow-up email. If you don’t hear back in another two weeks, start to look elsewhere. There may be many reasons the professor doesn’t answer you; don’t take it personally.  

Meeting Face to Face

When a professor responds that they are interested in you and your project, they will probably want to meet you (either in person or virtually on Skype ). This meeting will allow your potential supervisor to learn more about you and determine if your personalities are a good fit. The will have several questions for you and, likewise, you should prepare some questions for them so that you can decide if you really want to do a PhD with them. Relevant questions would be:

  • What are the characteristics of a successful PhD student?
  • What do you expect of the students you supervise?
  • How do you mentor students?
  • What are your past students doing now?
  • How many students are you currently supervising?
  • How much time would you have for me?
  • What do you think of my research proposal?
  • Do you have any sabbaticals planned during the time I would be doing my PhD?  

The answers to these questions will tell you a lot about their supervision style. Choosing a supervisor is a personal choice and each applicant will value different qualities over others. Generally, your supervisor should be someone you get along with who is approachable, has a good placement and publication record, and is enthusiastic about your project.

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Stanford University

Interviewing and Talking with Prospective Faculty

The graduate application process varies broadly and depends on your specific academic program.

The variations might include:

  • Admission decision based only on an online application
  • In the cases where you are admitted to work with a specific faculty member, you should contact faculty directly
  • A short list of applicants are invited for an on-campus interview trip
  • Applicants are admitted first, and then invited for an on-campus recruiting trip

Because of the range of possible application processes, it’s critical to learn about each program's requirements. For some graduate programs, you will need to directly contact faculty because a specific professor will decide whether to admit you as their own graduate student. In these circumstances, make sure to contact the faculty directly. (When contacting faculty for the first time, see the side box below for suggestions.)

It will be important in your decision-making process to determine if you envision working closely with that faculty member and if you have complementary working and communication styles. The faculty member will also want to assess your experiences and how you work by communicating with you. Thus you will want to sharpen your interview skills as you communicate with faculty.

Some graduate programs will invite you to conduct a phone interview or invite you to the university for a campus visit (common in the biosciences). The interview is your opportunity to more thoroughly demonstrate that you have what it takes to be in the graduate program. You will want to show your understanding and enthusiasm for the research that you have done. Some suggestions to prepare for the interview are provided below.

Bryen E Irving's portrait

My advice to the next generation of scholars is to never be afraid to ask for help. At times it may seem like brilliance is a singular, herculean effort, but a lot of great ideas have been shaped and molded from the minds of many. Whether it’s your advisors or peers, we’re all here to help. Never be afraid to acknowledge that you don’t fully understand something—collaboration is encouraged and celebrated.

— Bryen Irving, PhD candidate in Physics

1. Before the interview

  • For campus visits, it’s OK to ask what is expected of you and how to prepare (e.g., if your travel expenses will be covered, how to dress, if you should bring your CV, etc.).
  • Learn about the faculty and people you will be meeting or communicating with. Read about the research interests of the faculty, including abstracts or papers. Prepare at least 1-2 specific research questions for each interview.
  • Review the research that you conducted. If it was published or presented at a conference, reread the paper, abstract, or poster. Prepare a brief (1-2 minutes) oral summary of your past work. What was the research question? How did you address it? What did you specifically complete and achieve? What are some possible questions that faculty might ask?
  • Prepare detailed questions you have of the program you are considering. Generic questions (e.g., tell me about your program) indicate that you didn’t read the basics on their website, and so won’t leave a positive impression. Determine what’s important for you (specific research facilities, professional development activities, student groups, opportunities for collaborations, etc.) and research them online.
  • Determine and list the questions you have about the program, university, and location of where you are visiting. What are you hoping to see and learn?
  • Ask a peer or friend (e.g. a current grad student or postdoc who is familiar with grad school interviews) to help you sharpen your interview skills.
  • Come prepared to the mock interview in professional attire and with your materials (CV, papers, etc.).
  • If possible, video record your mock interview. Although many cringe at watching themselves, the video can be incredibly helpful in revealing blind spots.
  • If your interview will be conducted via Skype or another video platform, some helpful tips are provided in this YouTube video .
  • After the mock interview, ask your peer for honest and critical feedback. Listen actively without being defensive and allow your peer to speak openly, which will help you improve.

2. During the interview

  • For campus visits, dress appropriately (usually business casual, but be comfortable); be on time; organize your papers (e.g., résumés/CVs, slides or images, questions).
  • Even for phone/Skype interviews, dressing professionally will help you to mentally prepare for the interview.
  • Speak enthusiastically about your work. Highlight your research accomplishments and/or professional growth. If asked to speak about a weakness, phrase your answer in a forward-looking manner to demonstrate learning and growth, and awareness of your weaknesses.
  • You’ll want to sound positive and enthusiastic. But avoid excessive enthusiasm, which could be interpreted as naiveté or desperation. This is a tough balance to achieve, so practice with others.
  • Listen actively to your faculty interviewers as they talk about their research.
  • Ask questions, using your prepared lists. Take notes to remember comments and suggestions.

3. After the interview

  • Summarize your perceptions of the program, university, and environment. Make a table listing the pros and cons. List the people whom you met on your visit, and write a brief comment for each person to help you remember your interactions. Is it a good fit for you?
  • Email your interviewers and thank them for their time. Follow up if you promised to provide any materials. Even if you determine that you don’t wish to work with that faculty member, this isn’t the time to burn bridges, and you might bump into them in the future.
  • Reflect on your interview performance and make adjustments to strengthen your next interview.

contacting faculty for the first time

Your first contact with faculty is absolutely critical, because you don’t get second chances to make a first impression. You’ll need to craft an initial email message that will clearly communicate who you are, and why you’re reaching out to them specifically.

This can be very challenging because you’ll need to be clear and concise in a brief email message. Provided below is a sample email message with additional suggestions.

Don’t simply copy this message, but this example provides a template that can be used to customize your own initial email message.

Subject: Ecology PhD Program at Stanford

Dear Professor Peter Beak, I am currently a senior and McNair Scholar at UC Davis, and would greatly appreciate an opportunity to briefly speak with you about your research and the Ecology and Evolution PhD program at Stanford. I am seeking to pursue a PhD in Ecology, and my research advisor (Professor Emilio Laca) spoke highly about Stanford’s graduate program. I am particularly fascinated by studies on the influence of infectious diseases on population dynamics and community interactions. I have conducted similar research here at UC Davis, and also at Northwestern University using freshwater plankton, and won an oral presentation award at ABRMCS. These are further described in my attached CV. I carefully reviewed your website, and would greatly appreciate speaking with you on the phone (~15 min) to learn more about future directions of your research, particularly on developing mathematical models. I am available during these time slots. Please let me know if any of these work for you, and I’d be happy to offer more time slots if needed.

Sept 1, Wed 12-5 pm Sept 3, Fri 12-7 pm Sept 6, Mon 12-7 pm Sept 7, Tue 9-12 pm

Steve Lee McNair Scholar splee "at" ucdavis.edu (cell) 650-555-1234

  • Use a brief subject line. Avoid vague subjects (e.g., “question” or “request”).
  • Address them by their full name and professional title. Don’t use “Hi” or “Hey” or other informal greetings.
  • In the very first sentence, quickly summarize who you are and why you’re contacting them. If a person known to the professor suggested that you reach out to them, include that info also.
  • Explain why you’re contacting them specifically. Describe your highlights briefly. Attach CV and/or link to LinkedIn profile. Include other links as needed.
  • State your request; be specific. Make it easy for them to say yes to your request; provide ample times when you’re available.
  • Include your full name. If you’re in a graduate prep program, include info. Include your email and phone.

Stanford University

© Stanford University, Stanford, California 94305

how to find phd professor

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From PhD to Professor: Advice for Landing Your First Academic Position

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I am living the dream.

At least, my professional dream, that is. I have the perfect job for me. And I’m going to share with you how I got it.

First, a little about me. This August, I started my second year of being a tenure-track assistant professor at the University of Pennsylvania in the School of Social Policy & Practice, a program that is consistently ranked in the Top 15 in the country by  U.S. News & World Report  and one of only two Ivy League social work programs.

As new junior faculty member, I only teach one course each semester so that I have the time to launch my independent program of research. No dumping major course loads on the new assistant professors here! And as with all faculty at my school, I will only ever be required to teach two courses per semester at most, with the option of “buying out” of teaching when I have grant funding.

Additionally, as a new assistant professor, I am given priority selection for the courses I teach, having the school try its best to accommodate my expertise and interest. As soon as I started last year, my dean set up “meet and greets” with key players in my research area in Philadelphia and supported the development and submission of my application for a small, internal grant from the Provost’s Office for the first study in my research portfolio.

I could actually keeping going with why my job is so awesome, but that’s not the point of this article! Instead, I’m going to share what I learned getting to this point—my advice for other PhDs and aspiring professors out there on how to play the academic job search game and win big. Here are five strategies that really boosted my application and helped me land my dream position.

Related:   Go to Grad School Guide: PhD Programs

1. Prioritize Publishing

The same publishing rule that echoes through the halls of academia for professors holds true for emerging scholars and newly minted PhDs: “Publish or perish.”  A recent article  published in  The Conversation  confirms what I found as true with my own experience: The best predictor of long-term publication success is your early publication record, or the number of papers you’ve published by the time you receive your PhD. And long-term publication success is at the top of the list for what chairs and deans hope their new assistant professors achieve, as this is what ultimately leads to tenure at places like Penn.

In other words, it’s crucial to prioritize publishing now, long before you graduate. I entered my PhD program in 2005, my first two papers came out in 2007, and I published at least two papers per year through my graduation in 2009. When I visited Penn to interview, I had another four papers on my  CV , and I know that this early publication success was critical throughout the steps of my candidacy, from the invitation for the conference interview to the campus interview to the job offer.

Of course, a lot of your early publishing success as a PhD student will depend on your research advisor and mentor. I was very fortunate to have a mentor who took great joy in mentoring doctoral students and prioritized getting them involved in paper-writing early on. If you find yourself with someone who is not prioritizing your publication record, however, I recommend having a serious conversation with him or her about your needs and the importance of publishing early—or finding a new mentor. As you probably already know, you have limited time to publish while pursuing your PhD, and the publication process is notorious for taking a very long time to unfold. Prioritize it now.

2. Have a Mission Statement—and Show it Off

My professional mission is to improve the lives for youth who age out of foster care, and I intend to achieve this mission by working to reform the child welfare system so that no youth leaves foster care without a lifetime connection to a caring adult.

Having this mission—and having it spelled out—is what I believe sold my dean during my conference interview. In fact, I provided him and the other two faculty interviewers with a handout of the image below, a visual depiction of the principles and values that guide my mission and a plan for how I intend to achieve it. I think my colleagues were impressed by the fact that I had a visual plan that I could easily explain for how I imagined achieving my professional mission, and also by my creativity. Although a bulleted list could have accomplished the same thing, I believe the packaging made a difference.

Johanna Greeson

Think about how you can explain your own vision and your tactical goals in a compelling way, and be specific about how you’ll make a difference as an assistant professor. For those of us at research-intensive institutions, this will generally take the form of ideas about how you will fund your research mission with grants. If you’re pursuing teaching-oriented places, you can develop a similar vision and mission statement, but make it oriented toward educating, mentoring, and inspiring students.

3. Know the Game

And a game it is. Up until this moment, my experience, probably like many of you, had been that if you work hard, do the right things, and make good choices, you are rewarded—a meritocracy. However, that’s not how the faculty game works (and no one really tells you this)!

Rather, academic hiring decisions are based on “fit,” and if you’re not the right fit, for whatever reason, you won’t receive the offer no matter how impressive your  CV  is. “Fit” can mean everything from your area of research to what you teach to what a given school may need with respect to faculty demographics and diversity to such mercurial things as faculty personality. Although job postings do tend to detail the research or teaching areas a given school may be looking for, these are often broad, and there can be more than one in a given announcement.

You might think the answer here is to try to be what any particular program wants you to be in order to “fit” in, but I think the real lesson is to take the game for what it is: It’s about them—not about you. Although demonstrating how you see yourself fitting in to a particular program—for example, by showing how your research would complement or add value to a department—is very important to do, in the end, you can’t make a square peg fit a round hole. All you can do is to apply, give it your best shot, and realize that in the end, it’s about them.

4. Have a Plan B

The first time I went on the job market, despite several conference interviews with an array of schools and a successful campus visit and job talk at Michigan, I received no offers. My colleague and fellow new assistant professor Antonio Garcia identified with my experience: “I, too, completed several successful interviews, but to no avail. I did not receive any offers for a tenure track position during my last year of dissertation work.”

So what happened? We both fell back on Plan B: post-doc positions. Although I didn’t want to do a post-doc, it bought me some time and allowed me to further build my CV and professional identity. I went on the market a second time following the first year of my two-year post-doc and was then in an even stronger position than the first time. Professor Garcia also landed his tenure track position following the first year of his post-doc. “Although my first choice was not to delay the tenure clock, it has since worked to my advantage,” he explains. “I benefitted from having time to a meticulously develop my research agenda, publish manuscripts, and develop and maintain long-lasting inter-disciplinary relationships. I strongly believe the two-year post-doc will ultimately provide me with better odds of receiving tenure.”

Fact is, you may not land the assistant professor job of your dreams—or even  an  assistant professor job—the first time you try. So, it’s incredibly important to have a Plan B, whether that’s a post-doc or a job with a private research firm that still allows you to build your publication record and gain other worthwhile experience that can translate to academia, like presenting your work at professional conferences.

Related:   3 Steps to Turn Any Setback Into a Success

5. Swallow Your Pride

I actually applied to Penn twice—the first time I went on the market I was unsuccessful, but after the first year of my post-doc, I saw another job posting and as best I could tell, I was a good “fit.” I had a bit of a pride issue about knocking on Penn’s door again, but I also realized that if I didn’t, only one thing was certain: I would never work there. So I swallowed my pride, I knocked again, and I landed the job of my dreams. In fact, as I was leaving the hotel suite where I had my conference interview, one of the faculty interviewers said, “I’m so glad you decided to apply again.”

Finding your first professorship isn’t an easy road, but it’s important to persevere and to stay focused on your long-term goals. Penn psychology professor and recently named MacArthur “genius” Fellow Angela Duckworth defines this philosophy as “grit.”

I liken it to surfing. In fact, during my job talk at Penn, while sharing my vision with the hiring committee, I also shared this: “When considering a research-oriented career, a particular quote comes to mind, ‘You can’t stop the waves, but you can learn to surf.’ If we think of a research career as the surface of a lake or ocean, there are always waves, sometimes big, sometimes small. Nothing we do can stop the waves, but we can learn to surf.”

There are no guarantees that, even if you do all these things, you will land your dream faculty job. But I hope these tips will help you feel perhaps a little more in control while the waves splash over. Try to have fun with this process, at least as much as you can, and may you, too, soon find yourself living the dream.

Link to original article: https://www.themuse.com/advice/from-phd-to-professor-advice-for-landing-your-first-academic-position

About the Author:

photo of woman with reddish-brown hair braided to the side and hair falling at her shoulders, smiling, wearing a black blazer and floral shirt underneath

Johanna Greeson of The University of Pennsylvania School of Social Policy & Practice

Johanna K.P. Greeson, PhD, MSS, MLSP, is an Assistant Professor at Penn. She is passionate about reforming the child welfare system, using research to build better futures for youth who age out of foster care, and realizing the power of connections to caring adults for all vulnerable youth. Her research agenda is resiliency-focused and based in the strengths and virtues that enable foster youth to not only survive, but thrive.

We respectfully acknowledge the University of Arizona is on the land and territories of Indigenous peoples. Today, Arizona is home to 22 federally recognized tribes, with Tucson being home to the O'odham and the Yaqui. Committed to diversity and inclusion, the University strives to build sustainable relationships with sovereign Native Nations and Indigenous communities through education offerings, partnerships, and community service.

how to find phd professor

  • Find Your Perfect PhD
  • Finding a PhD

Find Your PhD, Fast Finding a PhD has never been this easy – search for a PhD by keyword, location or academic area of interest. Search Now

  • When looking for PhD research projects, a great place to start is with our comprehensive and up-to-date database .
  • Speak with lecturers within your area of interest about potential PhD opportunities they may have.
  • Attend Postgraduate Events . Whilst there, speak to current PhD students and career advisors to get an awareness of what PhD projects are on offer.
  • Visit the postgraduate section of university websites and the PhD Research Council section of the GOV.UK website

Finding A PhD

Searching for PhD research projects can sometimes feel like daunting process. Often, it’s difficult to know where to find a PhD position or where to even start.

To make this searching process as easy as possible for you, we’ve curated a collection of the best places to search for PhD projects. By using our recommended collection, you should hopefully gain a greater insight into where your interests lie and which programme is best suited for you.

Our Comprehensive and Up-To-Date Directory

We can’t create a list of great resources and not include ourselves! At DiscoverPhDs, our primary aim is to connect great students to great PhD projects. To enable this, we provide a comprehensive database of PhD projects offered from universities all across the UK.

We regularly add to our database to ensure you’re getting the latest opportunities and the most relevant information and programme details. On top of this, we’ve created our database to be as easy to use as possible; all our PhD listings provide a direct ‘apply’ link or contact email address of the lead supervisor. This enables you to:

  • Request further information about any aspect of the position,
  • Enquire about the specific applications process,
  • Connect directly with the supervisor

Universities Websites

Search on the website of the universities you are interested in as some many only be listing PhD research projects internally or may link you to other opportunities such as Professional Doctorate Programmes. As examples, have a look at the research pages of The University of Cambridge , Cardiff University , University of Leicester , Sheffield University and The University of Glasgow .

Your Current Supervisor

If you’re currently undertaking a research project or dissertation as part of your undergraduate or master’s degree, it would be a good idea to speak to your current supervisor. Not only would you have already built a good rapport with them, but having worked with you they will have a good idea on what PhD positions would utilise your strengths or best interest you. In fact, a noticeable percentage of past and current PhD students came into their PhD programme because of being recommended by their undergraduate supervisor. Your supervisor will be well-connected – make sure you take advantage of these opportunities.

Tip: Don’t just limit your discussion to your own personal supervisor. All supervisors are within their field of work because they have a natural passion for research and teaching. As such, most supervisors will be more than happy to help any student who wishes to follow in their footsteps and make their own impact.

Postgraduate Events

Nearly all universities hold regular Postgraduate Fairs and Open Days. As part of these events, current postgraduate students may be on hand to share their experiences of their projects and university. This is a fantastic opportunity to not only find out what PhDs the university is offering but to find out more about their facilities, research labs and library collection, etc. Given that you will be heavily relying on these resources during your PhD, it’s important that you know what’s provided by each university. Hearing student stories about what PhD life is really like, what to expect from supervisors and some of the challenges that current students have encountered can be really useful in your decision making process.

Besides the above, career advisers may also be available at these events. Speaking to them will help you understand what you can do with a PhD, whether a PhD is right for you, what degree class you’re expected to hold and how best to prepare for research projects. Seeing as they would have helped many PhD candidates through the decision-making process before, they will provide you with some invaluable insight that you would otherwise be oblivious to.

To help bring all Postgraduate Fairs and Open Days offered across all universities together, we’ve created a helpful Postgraduate Events page which we highly recommend you check out.

Research Councils

Research councils are nationally funded agencies which offer sponsored PhD research projects (also known as a PhD studentship). Different research councils cover different areas of research, these include:

  • The Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC),
  • The Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC),
  • Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC),
  • The Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC),
  • Natural Environment Research Council (NERC).

The GOV.UK website has a full list of nationally-funded research councils available online. You can find further details on these councils on the GOV.UK website.

Although our database includes PhD programmes offered by these research councils, it would be a good idea to regularly browse the website of the ones you are particularly interested in case they list some internal only. These councils play an important role in supporting and encouraging doctoral researchers and they regularly hold calls for applications for PhD funding. If you or your potential supervisor have a PhD project proposal defined but need funding, then applying to these calls may become a key first milestone in your postgraduate research journey.

For example, the EPSRC offers a Doctoral Training Partnership programme in which a research student is given funding to pursue postgraduate study with a research question that aligns with the Councils core engineering and physical sciences themes. These awards often have eligibility criteria linked to them, impacting which postgraduate research students can apply; an international student, for example, may not be able to apply to a certain UK based scholarship scheme but there are several other options that can still help you fund your doctoral research; this may involve taking out a postgraduate loan (or more specifically a postgraduate doctoral loan).

To make this searching process as easy as possible for you, we’ve curated a collection of the best places to search for a PhD. By using our recommended collection, you should hopefully gain a greater insight into where your interests lie and which programme is best suited for you.

Further Resources

As you continue your search of PhD research projects, be sure to check our our PhD advice articles, including how to prepare for your PhD application, and interviews with current and past doctoral students. Many of the people we’ve interviewed have completed degrees within a STEM discipline; they offer a wide range of advice on their individual approaches to applied research and independent study, as well as sharing some the impact their work has had. Many have continued the research of their projects within academia after finishing, whilst some have developed successful careers in industry and business sectors.

It’s worth noting that when you apply to undertake doctoral study, you may first be registered as an MPhil researcher, depending on the specific doctoral programme you apply for, officially become a full PhD student after passing an upgrade viva. At the upgrade stage, some students do decide to graduate with an MPhil research degree rather than pursuing further PhD study however this is less common.

We hope the above list will help you find the perfect PhD position and earn your doctoral degree.

If you have any recommendations besides these resources, please let us know at [email protected] so we can look to add it.

If you’re ready to start your search for your PhD, start now with our  PhD database .

Browse PhDs Now

Join thousands of students.

Join thousands of other students and stay up to date with the latest PhD programmes, funding opportunities and advice.

Finding Faculty That Interest You!

Now that you have some ideas, it’s time to find people studying what you want to explore. build your academic network – whether you end up working with them or not, the more people you talk to, the stronger your research project will be..

Effectively Using Resources to Identify Faculty

Start with who you know.

  • Professors you have taken classes with/ are currently enrolled in their class (stop by their office hours!);
  • Faculty Fellows of Residential College;
  • Peers and Classmates;
  • Friends already involved in research;
  • Teaching assistants;
  • Events/Calendar page for your department (look for seminars and events where people share scholarly work).

Talk to these people and pick their brains! Share your interests and your story about why you’re interested in those things. Ask them who you should be talking to and what you should be reading given your interests– chances are, if they’re in a similar field they’ll be able to refer you to applicable readings and people. These conversations can be helpful because they can give you meaningful recommendations based on the things that you discussed instead of having to blindly search through Google Scholar or another database. Even if they aren’t an exact match to what you’re interested in, they still might be able to give you direction!

Wheel Metaphor.jpg

Searching Departmental Websites

Department websites can be a really good resource for finding people that do work you’re interested in.

  • To get there, you can either google “Northwestern” and the department name or click   here  to explore different areas and the research involved in each. 
  • Focus on the “People” or “Faculty” section to identify individuals whose research seems exciting to you.

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  • If you need help narrowing down faculty, check and see if you can sort by subfield. For example, in Biology you can sort faculty by “Molecular Sciences” and “Plant Biology and Conservation,” and in Anthropology you can sort by “Archaeology,” “Biological Anthropology,” “Cultural Anthropology,” and “Linguistics”.

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  • To look for people, open different tabs for faculty members you find interesting and take a look at their research interests, biography, and selected publications. If you’re not interested, don’t worry and focus on the ones that you do like!

In your search for interesting people, you’ll come across a variety of different academic rankings. Here’s a quick guide to what they are and what they do!

  • Graduate Student:  masters or doctoral student
  • Postdoctoral Scholar:  has PhD, usually research is their main focus
  • Research Professor:  beyond postdoc, usually research is primary job
  • Adjunct Professor:  Short-term contract primarily for teaching
  • Instructor:  hired to teach, may or may not conduct research
  • Assistant Professor:  tenure track, research AND teaching
  • Associate Professor:  received tenure, research AND teaching
  • Professor:  tenured, progressed through all faculty ranks
  • Professor Emeritus:  retired with distinction, involvement varies

Once you have a list of faculty you’re interested in, keep digging to learn more about them! 

  • Google their names to see if they have a personal page or lab website.
  • How long have they been there? What is their job title? 
  • What department(s) are they affiliated with? Do they hold any additional jobs that might impact their ability to serve as a research mentor?  
  • What courses (if any) do they teach? Is there a class you can take?
  • What topics do they work on? What publications or creative work were recently completed relating to the topic that interests you most?
  • What methodologies did they use to complete this work? Do you know what this methodology is? Can you take a course on it?

In your search, dig deeper than the information on their faculty profile on the department page! You’re gearing up to make a first impression, and knowing a lot about them and their interests can show your motivation!

If you’re interested in working with  Feinberg   faculty, sometimes it can be difficult to discern which faculty members have active research (often, in addition to their other roles, such as clinicians). One strategy is to pretend you are a prospective graduate student, since PhD programs are functionally research degrees.

Similarly, you can work with faculty in other Northwestern schools such as  Kellogg .

This approach also doesn’t have to be limited to Northwestern! If you’re interested in doing work at another institution, perhaps near your home, just substitute “Northwestern” with the other institution’s name AND “department name.”

Northwestern Scholars Database

Northwestern Scholars is a faculty research database that can be found  here . When you’ve found people you’re interested in, this tool can be a great resource to check them out even further. Note:  this database will not be  as helpful for faculty pursuing creative endeavors, such as artists or journalists as it pulls mainly from scientific databases.

how to find phd professor

  • Northwestern Scholars can be a great resource when you have faculty in mind and you’re interested in learning more about them!
  • When you get to the database, you can plug their names into the search bar shown here!

how to find phd professor

  • Once you hit enter, you’ll be taken to a screen where their profile will live– click on the person you’re interested in to be sent to their page.

how to find phd professor

  • Once you’re at their page, there’s a few things that you should check out to learn more about their work– “Network,” “Research Output,” and “Similar Profiles.”

how to find phd professor

  • “Network” can show you who a person is collaborating with, regardless of whether they’re at NU or not. This can potentially be helpful if you’re interested in doing research at a location outside Evanston/Chicago.

how to find phd professor

  • “Similar Profiles” can help broaden your list of people by providing you with faculty that are doing similar work to the person you’ve already found.

how to find phd professor

  • “Research Output” can be used to give you a hyperlinked list of all their publications. This can be helpful for the next step, reading their work. Note: You’ll have to be connected to the Northwestern VPN in order to access these materials.

Global Research and Opportunities Database

There are three primary ways to search through the site: the directed search, search bar, and the opportunities index.


No matter which way you choose to conduct your search, you’ll be able to go through the different opportunities using the following filters:

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I Have a List of People...Now What?

Okay! I have a list of people. Now how to read research they’ve published?

Doctor of Philosophy in Education

Ph.D. Commencement robing Martin West and Christopher Cleveland

Additional Information

  • Download the Doctoral Viewbook
  • Admissions & Aid

The Harvard Ph.D. in Education trains cutting-edge researchers who work across disciplines to generate knowledge and translate discoveries into transformative policy and practice.

Offered jointly by the Harvard Graduate School of Education and the Harvard Kenneth C. Griffin Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, the Ph.D. in Education provides you with full access to the extraordinary resources of Harvard University and prepares you to assume meaningful roles as university faculty, researchers, senior-level education leaders, and policymakers.

As a Ph.D. candidate, you will collaborate with scholars across all Harvard graduate schools on original interdisciplinary research. In the process, you will help forge new fields of inquiry that will impact the way we teach and learn. The program’s required coursework will develop your knowledge of education and your expertise in a range of quantitative and qualitative methods needed to conduct high-quality research. Guided by the goal of making a transformative impact on education research, policy, and practice, you will focus on independent research in various domains, including human development, learning and teaching, policy analysis and evaluation, institutions and society, and instructional practice.   

Curriculum Information

The Ph.D. in Education requires five years of full-time study to complete. You will choose your individual coursework and design your original research in close consultation with your HGSE faculty adviser and dissertation committee. The requirements listed below include the three Ph.D. concentrations: Culture, Institutions, and Society; Education Policy and Program Evaluation; and Human Development, Learning and Teaching . 

We invite you to review an example course list, which is provided in two formats — one as the full list by course number and one by broad course category . These lists are subject to modification. 

Ph.D. Concentrations and Examples

Summary of Ph.D. Program

Doctoral Colloquia  In year one and two you are required to attend. The colloquia convenes weekly and features presentations of work-in-progress and completed work by Harvard faculty, faculty and researchers from outside Harvard, and Harvard doctoral students. Ph.D. students present once in the colloquia over the course of their career.

Research Apprenticeship The Research Apprenticeship is designed to provide ongoing training and mentoring to develop your research skills throughout the entire program.

Teaching Fellowships The Teaching Fellowship is an opportunity to enhance students' teaching skills, promote learning consolidation, and provide opportunities to collaborate with faculty on pedagogical development.

Comprehensive Exams  The Written Exam (year 2, spring) tests you on both general and concentration-specific knowledge. The Oral Exam (year 3, fall/winter) tests your command of your chosen field of study and your ability to design, develop, and implement an original research project.

Dissertation  Based on your original research, the dissertation process consists of three parts: the Dissertation Proposal, the writing, and an oral defense before the members of your dissertation committee.

Culture, Institutions, and Society (CIS) Concentration

In CIS, you will examine the broader cultural, institutional, organizational, and social contexts relevant to education across the lifespan. What is the value and purpose of education? How do cultural, institutional, and social factors shape educational processes and outcomes? How effective are social movements and community action in education reform? How do we measure stratification and institutional inequality? In CIS, your work will be informed by theories and methods from sociology, history, political science, organizational behavior and management, philosophy, and anthropology. You can examine contexts as diverse as classrooms, families, neighborhoods, schools, colleges and universities, religious institutions, nonprofits, government agencies, and more.

Education Policy and Program Evaluation (EPPE) Concentration

In EPPE, you will research the design, implementation, and evaluation of education policy affecting early childhood, K–12, and postsecondary education in the U.S. and internationally. You will evaluate and assess individual programs and policies related to critical issues like access to education, teacher effectiveness, school finance, testing and accountability systems, school choice, financial aid, college enrollment and persistence, and more. Your work will be informed by theories and methods from economics, political science, public policy, and sociology, history, philosophy, and statistics. This concentration shares some themes with CIS, but your work with EPPE will focus on public policy and large-scale reforms.

Human Development, Learning and Teaching (HDLT) Concentration

In HDLT, you will work to advance the role of scientific research in education policy, reform, and practice. New discoveries in the science of learning and development — the integration of biological, cognitive, and social processes; the relationships between technology and learning; or the factors that influence individual variations in learning — are transforming the practice of teaching and learning in both formal and informal settings. Whether studying behavioral, cognitive, or social-emotional development in children or the design of learning technologies to maximize understanding, you will gain a strong background in human development, the science of learning, and sociocultural factors that explain variation in learning and developmental pathways. Your research will be informed by theories and methods from psychology, cognitive science, sociology and linguistics, philosophy, the biological sciences and mathematics, and organizational behavior.

Program Faculty

The most remarkable thing about the Ph.D. in Education is open access to faculty from all Harvard graduate and professional schools, including the Harvard Graduate School of Education, the Faculty of Arts and Sciences, the Harvard Kennedy School, the Harvard Law School, Harvard Medical School, and the Harvard School of Public Health. Learn about the full Ph.D. Faculty.

Jarvis Givens

Jarvis R. Givens

Jarvis Givens studies the history of American education, African American history, and the relationship between race and power in schools.

Paul Harris

Paul L. Harris

Paul Harris is interested in the early development of cognition, emotion, and imagination in children.

Meira Levinson

Meira Levinson

Meira Levinson is a normative political philosopher who works at the intersection of civic education, youth empowerment, racial justice, and educational ethics. 

Luke Miratrix

Luke W. Miratrix

Luke Miratrix is a statistician who explores how to best use modern statistical methods in applied social science contexts.

how to find phd professor

Eric Taylor

Eric Taylor studies the economics of education, with a particular interest in employer-employee interactions between schools and teachers — hiring and firing decisions, job design, training, and performance evaluation.

Paola Uccelli

Paola Uccelli

Paola Ucelli studies socio-cultural and individual differences in the language development of multilingual and monolingual students.

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View Ph.D. Faculty


The following is a complete listing of successful Ph.D. in Education dissertations to-date. Dissertations from November 2014 onward are publicly available in the Digital Access to Scholarship at Harvard (DASH) , the online repository for Harvard scholarship.

  • 2022 Graduate Dissertations (265 KB pdf)
  • 2021 Graduate Dissertations (177 KB pdf)
  • 2020 Graduate Dissertations (121 KB pdf)
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Explore examples of the Doctor of Philosophy in Education experience and the impact its community is making on the field:

Mary Laski

Improving the Teacher Workforce

With her research work, doctoral marshal Mary Laski, Ph.D.'24, is trying to make teaching in K–12 schools more sustainable and attractive

Doug Mosher

Building The ‘Bridge’ Between Research and Practice

Marshal Doug Mosher, Ph.D.'24, reflects on his journey to the Ed. School and the lessons — musical and teaching — learned along the way

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How to Find, Approach, and Interview Potential Faculty Mentors

Postdoc appointments at Stanford are initiated by an offer from a faculty member. Selecting the best faculty mentor requires thought and investigation. Consider the following guidelines:

Start with your research interests and career aspirations.

What are your research interests? Your career aspirations? What excites you in your research field? Can you identify a productive research area that fits your values and career plans? Who is engaged in research that is complementary to your interests? Do you have geographical limitations?

What kind of mentor best fits your needs?

Famous mentors have connections and resources but may travel a lot and have big labs. Up-and-coming mentors may be in the lab every day but may still be developing resources. Do you prefer hands-on guidance or a more removed mentoring approach? Are they nurturing? Is that important to you? Are they collaborative? Competitive? What kind of connections do they have in academia? In industry? Where have former postdocs from that lab ended up? Read their work and work from their lab widely and critically.

Approaching potential mentors:

Introduce yourself via a succinct cover letter or email.

  • The story of your current research (question, approach, results, and significance)
  • Your career goals, your plan to achieve them, and how a postdoc position in that lab fits into that plan
  • Your postdoc project interests (be creative!) and proposed approach
  • A description of how this collaboration is a great match

Preparing for the interview:

Read up on the field in general, read the last several papers from the group, and research their current interests and projects. Think about the lab’s ongoing work. Conceive of complementary projects that aren’t in their current inventory. Prepare a 30-minute talk in advance; in this talk make it clear why you did what you did and the foundation of that work. Be prepared to answer some hard questions - don’t be defensive; discussing and defending your work is part of the process.

Questions to ask current/past group members (be selective, the focus should be on your science):

About them: Ask about their science and the lab environment.

About the PI:

  • Is the PI a micro-manager?
  • How often do you meet?
  • Are they available for guidance?
  • Do they play favorites?
  • Are lab meetings confrontational or supportive?
  • How responsive are they with manuscripts and deadlines?
  • How is authorship/project ownership handled?
  • About opportunities: Are there opportunities to teach/mentor? Leadership development?
  • About the lab environment: What is the lab work ethic? What is the time off with pay policy in practice? Is there encouragement/financial support to attend major meetings? Who represents the groups at department functions? Is there formalized, regular feedback? How long do postdocs usually stay?

Questions to ask the faculty mentor:

What are the mentor’s expectations of a postdoc? How is a postdoc’s research program determined? How many postdocs has the mentor had? Where did they go? How many others are in the lab (grad students, staff, etc.)? How many papers are being published, and where? What is the mentor’s policy on travel to meetings? Are there opportunities for practice in grant writing, teaching and mentoring, oral presentations, and reviewing manuscripts? How long is financial support guaranteed? On what does renewal depend? Are there adequate research funds to support the proposed research? What is the mentor’s approach to help in finding a next position? How are projects shared?

Adapted from John Boothroyd’s “Finding the Right Postdoc for YOU,” Preparing for Faculty Careers, and “Questions to Ask When Choosing a Postdoc Advisor,” Pathways to Science.

Other Resources:

  • How to Find a Mentor and Lab (Stanford Biosciences)
  • Advising and Mentoring : the value of multiple mentors (Stanford Biosciences)
  • Quintessential Careers : how to find a good mentor
  • Council of Graduate Schools : mentoring topics for each stage of training
  • How to get the mentoring you want  (University of Michigan)
  • How to obtain the mentoring you need : links to other resources and guides (University of Washington)
  • Stanford T32 Institutional Awards for Postdocs
  • Postdoc Benefits
  • Open Postdoc Positions
  • Diversity in Postdoctoral Scholar Training
  • Postdoc Emergency Resources
  • Verify Appointments
  • Funding Guidelines
  • Budgeting for Fellowships

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Find your PhD position in Germany

Before you start your search ....

Before you start your search you should know that there are different PhD models:

  • Individual doctorate  or
  • Structured PhD programmes

What's the difference? Check out our  overview of the various ways to do your PhD in Germany  

Find your individual doctorate

Two young researchers are sitting on a lab desk listening to a standing professor and taking notes. The professor holds a molecular model in his hands.

The "traditional" or "individual" path to a PhD remains the most common in Germany. An individual doctorate involves a thesis or dissertation that is produced under the  supervision of one professor . This form of PhD study offers a great deal of  flexibility , but demands a high degree of  personal initiative  and responsibility.

How to find your PhD supervisor

In Germany there is no central admissions or selection office for doctoral students. Therefore, your first step is to find a suitable professor who is willing to be your supervisor.

One way to find a supervisor is to look for a university institute that matches your area of research. The following online search engines might help you find a suitable supervisor:

  • GERiT – German research institutions GERiT is a website containing information on approximately 29,000 research institutions in Germany. GERiT allows the user to search easily by location or subject. It provides all the information needed to choose an institution at which to research, study or do a doctorate. www.gerit.org
  • Finding a PhD position PhDGermany publishes PhD openings in Germany that specifically target international applicants. Accordingly, in most cases the working language is English. Fluent knowledge of German is only required for certain special positions. PhDGermany helps you find the right PhD opening or supervisor for your doctoral thesis and assists you with the online application process. www.phdgermany.de
  • Higher Education Compass   This database provides up-to-date information from universities about doctoral opportunities in Germany. The search engine enables you to carry out targeted searches on the basis of departments, admission requirements and form of doctoral thesis. www.higher-education-compass.de

Furthermore,  your contacts with your professors or previous university  could help direct you to a suitable department or potential supervisor in Germany.

It is also helpful to attend  academic conferences  in your own subject area. There you will be able to exchange information and make contacts ­– and perhaps even find a future PhD supervisor.

Find your structured PhD programme

Students are sitting in a modern study hall on red chairs at grey desks.


Structured PhD programmes in Germany are frequently very similar to the PhD programmes in English-speaking countries, in which a  team of supervisors  look after a  group of doctoral students . Around 12,000 doctoral students from abroad – roughly one in four – do their PhDs in structured programmes. As a rule, it is possible to complete a doctorate in four to five years.

Where to find your PhD programme

There is no central database of all structured PhD programmes in Germany. You can usually find these programmes directly through the respective universities, graduate schools or non-university research institutions. The German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) database is also a good place to look. Here you will find a large number of PhD programmes that are specially aimed at international doctoral students.

International doctoral programme database

Are you interested in an international doctoral programme in Germany? This DAAD database presents a selection of roughly 230 international doctoral programmes in Germany. The database can be searched according to different criteria.  www.daad.de/international-programmes 

Doctoral programmes at universities

Many universities offer structured doctoral programmes, which they publicise on their websites. The Student Advisory Service or Graduate Centre at the respective university will also provide help here. You can find the relevant addresses using the Higher Education Compass provided by the German Rectors’ Conference. www.higher-education-compass.de

​​​​​​​DFG-funded research training groups

Research training groups are also funded by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (German Research Foundation, DFG) for a period of up to nine years. Their key emphasis is on the qualification of doctoral researchers within the framework of a focused research programme and a structured training strategy. www.dfg.de > Current Research Training Groups

Helmholtz Research Schools, Colleges and Graduate Schools

The Helmholtz Association is Germany’s largest scientific organisation. In collaboration with various institutions of higher education, Helmholtz Association research centres have established structured PhD programmes under the auspices of Helmholtz Graduate Schools, Helmholtz Research Schools and Colleges.  www.helmholtz.de > PhD Candidates 

Leibniz Graduate Schools

The Leibniz Association connects 97 research institutes that conduct problem-oriented research and provide scientific infrastructure of national and international importance. Together with universities they run structured PhD programmes in Leibniz Graduate Schools. www.leibniz-association.eu > Leibniz Graduate Schools

International Max Planck Research Schools

The Max Planck Society specialises in innovative basic research and its institutes are able to offer up-and-coming researchers excellent infrastructure and support. The website lists the programmes available at International Max Planck Research Schools (IMPRS):  www.mpg.de > International Max Planck Research Schools  

Max Planck Schools

In Germany, the best researchers in a specific field are often work at different universities and non-university research institutions spread throughout the country. The Max Planck Schools serve as hubs which gather this distributed knowledge. Here, the brightest minds in their fields have come together from within the scientific community to interconnect in faculties made up of active researchers. Students gain access to these unique networks, learn in close personal exchange from leaders in their fields and their peers, and enjoy access to outstanding infrastructure. Currently, three Schools are operating in the fields of Cognition, Matter to Life, and Photonics. www.maxplanckschools.de

Where can I find out about requirements?

Application procedures  differ from programme to programme . The precise requirements and deadlines can be found on the website of the respective university, research training group or graduate school. You should therefore first choose a PhD programme and/or graduate school.

You've found the position you want to apply for, but how does applying to a potential supervisor or structured PhD programme work in Germany? Find out more here.

DAAD/Jan Zappner

We help you navigate through the large number of job portals that specialise in openings for academics and scientists. These are some of the sites that may get you started.

DAAD/Uta Konopka

The cover of the brochure "Doing a PhD in Germany". It depicts a graduation cap and a diploma. On the bottom left there is the logo of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research. On the bottom right is the logo of "Research in Germany"

Check out our brochure

Doing a phd in germany (2019, 40 pages).

This booklet for (prospective) international doctoral students presents the different options for doing a doctorate in Germany. It explains the formal requirements and gives some practical advice on finding the right supervisor or doctoral programme. It also outlines different sponsorship and funding options.

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Beth-Ann Cummings receives 2024 IHSE Research and Scholarship Catalyst Award

Beth-Ann Cummings smiles at the camera as she receives a glass award from Meredith Young on stage at the McGill Faculty Club

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Beth-Ann Cummings, MDCM, MSc (HPE), is the 2024 recipient of the Institute of Health Sciences Education (IHSE) Research and Scholarship Catalyst Award.   

The award recognizes IHSE members who have shown a commitment to catalyzing, supporting and facilitating research and scholarship in health sciences education.  

An Associate Professor of Medicine at McGill University and a member of the IHSE, Dr. Cummings was nominated for the award by her peers.   

She was presented with the honour at the Richard and Sylvia Cruess Symposium on Scholarship in Health Sciences Education: Insights and Innovations, which took place at the McGill Faculty Club and Conference Centre on Tuesday, May 14, 2024.   

“I am overwhelmed with a sense of surprise and gratitude,” said Dr. Cummings. “Receiving this award feels particularly meaningful, because it represents what I do and who I am, rather than a single accomplishment.”  

Meredith Young, Associate Director, Research at the IHSE, said: “Dr. Cummings is an unparalleled and invaluable collaborator and a very deserving recipient of this award.”  

“Having worked with Beth and having seen her work with others over the years, she has an uncanny ability to balance good scholarship, good practice, and how work can be communicated effectively to a variety of audiences,” she added. “She always has ideas as to how to improve a piece of scholarship, other angles to consider, and how to ensure innovations are woven into practice. I’m so pleased that she has been recognized by her peers though this award – she is a try catalyst for research, scholarship, and all those involved in it.”  

Elizabeth Anne Kinsella, Director of the IHSE, said: “We initiated this award to recognize people who are exceptional team players and catalysts for the advancement of medical and health sciences education research. Beth is a truly deserving recipient. She is catalyzing research and fostering networks at McGill and across Canada, and making an important difference in our ecosystem and in the field.”   

Generous, creative and thoughtful  

Nominating Dr. Cummings, Robert Sternszus, MDCM, MA (Ed), Associate Professor in the Department of Pediatrics and Faculty Member at the IHSE, said: “As I look at the ‘key words’ used to describe this award, namely generosity, enthusiasm, initiative and creativity, I can’t help but think about Beth.”  

“She has been a valued mentor to so many and has helped countless people develop their careers as medical educators,” he added. “Beth takes great pride in the success of others and is always prepared to try and contribute to it in any way that she can.”  

In her nomination letter, former Vice-Dean, Education, Annette Majnemer, OT, PhD, recalled her time working with Dr. Cummings when she held the role of Assistant Dean, Health Professions Education. She commended Dr. Cummings for her “ongoing commitment to catalyzing and supporting research and scholarship in health professions education”.   

 “Her enthusiastic work in community building as a context in which to support scholarship and evidence-based educational practices has been critical to our Faculty’s educational excellence,” she added.   

In another nomination letter, Deborah Danoff, MD, Affiliate Member of the IHSE, praised Dr. Cummings’s thoughtful feedback and support to her colleagues and students at the IHSE’s weekly meetings.   

“I am constantly impressed by her validation of the presenter at the same time as she extends the discussion in depth and new directions,” she wrote. “As novices present their ideas, she is never pedantic and offers positive meaningful suggestions.”  

Asked about her philosophy of supporting others, Dr. Cummings paid tribute to the many individuals in the IHSE, McGill and beyond who have acted as catalysts for her in every aspect of her career.  

She also highlighted the IHSE as a place where health sciences education researchers and scholars can find guidance and encouragement from peers across disciplines.   

“The IHSE is a really special place that is about community, sharing and mutual support,” she said. “It’s a space where people can bring ideas and explore them, and you can only do that when you have people who are generous with their thoughts, time and spirit.”  

“Calling this place a community of practice is so important. The philosophy of paying it forward and more senior people recognizing potential in others who don’t have opportunities yet really fosters that sense of community.”  

Congratulations, Dr. Cummings!  

Stay tuned for more coverage of the Richard and Sylvia Cruess Symposium on Scholarship in Health Sciences Education: Insights and Innovations over the coming weeks.

Department and University Information

Institute of health sciences education.


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  14. Interviewing and Talking with Prospective Faculty

    2. During the interview. For campus visits, dress appropriately (usually business casual, but be comfortable); be on time; organize your papers (e.g., résumés/CVs, slides or images, questions). Even for phone/Skype interviews, dressing professionally will help you to mentally prepare for the interview.

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    Finding Faculty That Interest You! Now that you have some ideas, it's time to find people studying what you want to explore. Build your academic network - whether you end up working with them or not, the more people you talk to, the stronger your research project will be. Talking to Faculty - Grant Man, Episode 3. Watch on.

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  21. How to Find, Approach, and Interview Potential Faculty Mentors

    Preparing for the interview: Read up on the field in general, read the last several papers from the group, and research their current interests and projects. Think about the lab's ongoing work. Conceive of complementary projects that aren't in their current inventory. Prepare a 30-minute talk in advance; in this talk make it clear why you ...

  22. Find your PhD position

    The "traditional" or "individual" path to a PhD remains the most common in Germany. An individual doctorate involves a thesis or dissertation that is produced under the supervision of one professor.This form of PhD study offers a great deal of flexibility, but demands a high degree of personal initiative and responsibility.

  23. Study in the USA: the ultimate guide for a PhD in 2024

    You can find more than 35,000 Master's degrees on Master's Portal. Apply for a PhD: The highest academic qualification you can get. A PhD is a research-based degree that allows you to study your chosen field in depth, and results in research that adds to the sum of human knowledge. We list over 3,000 PhDs in the United States.

  24. Beth-Ann Cummings receives 2024 IHSE Research and Scholarship Catalyst

    Beth-Ann Cummings, MDCM, MSc (HPE), is the 2024 recipient of the Institute of Health Sciences Education (IHSE) Research and Scholarship Catalyst Award. The award recognizes IHSE members who have shown a commitment to catalyzing, supporting and facilitating research and scholarship in health sciences education. An Associate Professor of Medicine at McGill University and a member of the IHSE, Dr ...