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I Need to Do My Homework Poem

I need to do my homework poem for kids.

The poem "I need to do my homework" is a short english poem written by Kenn Nesbitt is a relatable and humorous take on the struggles of procrastination. It follows the story of a student who wants to do their homework but is easily distracted by other things, such as messages, videos, and games. The poem uses repetition and a light-hearted tone to convey the theme of procrastination and its consequences. It is a reminder of how we can all get sidetracked from our responsibilities and how important it is to stay focused and manage our time effectively. The poem is a great way to introduce the topic of procrastination and its negative effects to students and it can also be a good way to make them reflect on their own behavior.

The Poet, Kenn Nesbitt

The Poet, Kenn Nesbitt

I Need To Do My Homework Poem

I need to do my homework.

I really shouldn’t wait.

If I don’t do it right away,

my homework will be late.

But first, I’ll check my messages.

Oh, look, I got a text.

I probably should answer it,

then do my homework next.

My friend says there’s a video.

I simply have to see.

I’ll watch it first,

and do my homework momentarily.

But now I’m feeling hungry, so

I need a snack.

I’ll get myself a bite to eat

and then I’ll come right back.

Hey, I just remembered

there’s a game I want to play.

Just twenty minutes won’t make

that much difference anyway.

I’d better do my homework now

and not procrastinate.

Except, oh no! It’s time for bed

My homework will be late.

 â€” Kenn Nesbitt

Theme of the I Need to Do My Homework Poem with Picture

The theme of the poem "I need to do my homework" by Kenn Nesbitt is procrastination and the consequences of putting things off. The poem describes the struggles of a student who wants to do their homework but is easily distracted by other things, such as messages, videos, and games. The poem uses humour and repetition to convey the theme of procrastination and how it leads to the student's late homework. The poem also touches on the theme of distractions and how they can prevent one from completing their responsibilities. The poem is a reminder of the importance of time management and focusing on the task at hand rather than getting sidetracked by other things.

Reading poem

Reading poem

The Literary Meaning of the Poem

The poem describes the inner thoughts of a student who wants to do their homework but is easily distracted by other things, such as messages, videos, and games. The poem conveys the theme of procrastination and its consequences through repetition and a light-hearted tone. The poem highlights the common distractions that can prevent one from completing their responsibilities and how they can lead to late homework.

The poem also touches on the theme of time management and how it is essential to focus on the task at hand rather than getting sidetracked by other things. The student's inner thoughts, such as "I’ll watch it first, and do my homework momentarily" and "I’ll get myself a bite to eat, and then I’ll come right back", reflect on how we often convince ourselves to put things off and how it becomes a cycle of procrastination.

Overall, the poem is a relatable and humorous take on the struggles of procrastination and its consequences. It serves as a reminder of the importance of time management and staying focused on our responsibilities. The poem is a good way to introduce the topic of procrastination and its negative effects on students and to make them reflect on their behaviour.

For more information, students can refer to the I Need To Do My Homework Poem Pdf available on the website.

I Need To Do My Homework Poem Summary

The poem highlights the common distractions that can prevent one from completing their responsibilities and how they can lead to late homework. It also touches on the theme of time management and how it is important to focus on the task at hand rather than getting sidetracked by other things. The poem also shows that procrastination is a common human tendency, and it is important to be aware of it and take action to overcome it.

FAQs on I Need to Do My Homework Poem

1. What common distractions are mentioned in the poem "I need to do my homework"?

Examples of common distractions mentioned in the poem "I need to do my homework" include checking messages, watching videos, playing games, and getting a snack. These distractions are relatable and show how easily we can get sidetracked from our responsibilities.

2. How does the poem "I need to do my homework" relate to students and their experience with procrastination?

The poem "I need to do my homework" is relatable to students as it describes their common procrastination struggles. The poem's relatable and humorous tone makes it an enjoyable way for students to reflect on their own behavior and learn about the negative effects of procrastination.

3. How does the poem "I need to do my homework" convey the theme of time management?

The poem "I need to do my homework" conveys the theme of time management through its emphasis on staying focused on our responsibilities and not getting sidetracked by distractions. The poem serves as a reminder of the importance of managing our time effectively and not wasting it on procrastination.


  • Short Poems About Homework: A Reflection on the Student Experience

Homework, a word that can evoke mixed emotions in students across the globe. It is a necessary part of education, but often seen as a burden. Yet, in the realm of poetry, even the most mundane topics can be transformed into something beautiful. In this collection, we present a series of short poems that capture the essence of homework - the struggles, the procrastination, and the triumphs.

Poem 1: The Battle

The clock ticks on, seconds pass, My heart pounds, anxiety amassed. Paper and pen, a battlefield donned, With homework as my opponent, I'm drawn.

Through the equations, I trudge and brawl, My brain aches, threatening to fall. Though weary, I refuse defeat, For knowledge and growth, I must compete.

As I conquer each problem, one by one, A smile emerges, the battle won. Homework, my nemesis, now my friend, A stepping stone to success, I comprehend.

Poem 2: Procrastination's Grasp

Homework lies before me, a daunting sight, Yet distractions surround, tempting me to flight. The allure of social media, a siren's call, As I succumb, my motivation stalls.

The hours slip away, like sand through my hand, Procrastination's grasp, I can't withstand. But as deadlines loom, reality strikes, A race against time, my focus hikes.

With determination, I forge ahead, Conquering distractions and doubts, I tread. Homework demands my attention, I oblige, For triumph awaits, on the other side.

Poem 3: The Light of Understanding

Homework, a puzzle, complex and vast, But with every challenge, I learn and contrast. Through research and effort, I seek the light, For understanding, my ultimate delight.

In textbooks and notes, wisdom resides, As I dive deep, my curiosity guides. Each concept mastered, a spark ignites, Knowledge blossoms, like stars in the night.

Homework, a gateway to discovery's door, Expanding horizons, forevermore. Though it may seem mundane, a chore to some, Homework unveils the universe, where wonders thrum.

These short poems about homework encapsulate the myriad of emotions and experiences that students face. From the battle against time to the grip of procrastination, and ultimately, the pursuit of knowledge, these verses remind us that even in the mundane, poetry can find beauty. So, the next time you sit down to tackle your assignments, remember that within the realm of homework lies the potential for growth, understanding, and even a touch of poetic inspiration.

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Homework Stew

Famous children poem, making homework stew is not quite what the teacher had in mind. this funny children’s poem shows what can happen when we mishear something. famous poet kenn nesbitt writes humorous poetry for children, and he served as the children’s poet laureate from 2013-2015..

I loved this poem because I loved how it said "I sprinkled up my book report". When at the end the teacher said "Your quite a chef but you get a F, I did not say homework stew, I said...

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i need to do my homework poem

I cooked my math book in a broth and stirred it to a steaming froth. I threw in papers—pencils, too— to make a pot of homework stew. I turned the flame up nice and hot and tossed my binder in the pot. I sprinkled in my book report with colored markers by the quart. Despite its putrid, noxious gas, I proudly took my stew to class. And though the smell was so grotesque, I set it on my teacher’s desk. My teacher said, “You’re quite a chef. But, still, you’re going to get an F. I didn’t ask for ‘homework stew,’ I said, ‘Tomorrow, homework’s due.'” “Homework Stew” copyright © 2005 Kenn Nesbitt. All Rights Reserved. Published in When the Teacher Isn’t Looking . Reprinted by permission of the author.


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Nathaly Tanner

  • 9 months ago

I loved this poem because I loved how it said "I sprinkled up my book report". When at the end the teacher said "Your quite a chef but you get a F, I did not say homework stew, I said tomorrow homework's due".

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Kenn Nesbitt

Kenn Nesbitt


Kenn Nesbitt Homework Poems

My teacher ate my homework, which I thought was rather odd. He sniffed at it and smiled with an approving sort of nod. ...

Homework, I love you. I think that you're great. It's wonderful fun when you keep me up late. I think you're the best when I'm totally stressed, preparing and cramming all night for a test. ...

I cooked my math book in a broth and stirred it to a steaming froth. I threw in papers—pencils, too— to make a pot of homework stew. ...

I hope that you believe me, for I wouldn't tell a lie. I cannot turn my science homework in and this is why: ...

My dog does my homework at home every night. He answers each question and gets them all right. ...

Attention all students! Attention all kids! Hold onto your horses! Hold onto your lids! We have just exactly the thing that you need whenever you've way too much homework to read. ...

My computer ate my homework. Yes, it's troublesome, but true. Though it didn't gnaw or nibble and it didn't chomp or chew. ...

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i need to do my homework poem

My School Promise

Each day I'II do my best,

And I won't do any less.

My work will always please me,

And won't accept a mess.

I'II color very carefully,

My writing will be neat.

And I will not be happy,

'Till my papers are complete.

I'II do my homework,

And try my best on every test.

I won't forget my promise,

To do my very best.

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i need to do my homework poem

Oh, Did You Need That Homework? [poetry friday]

  • May 7, 2015

i need to do my homework poem

One of the highlights of my month was this email I got from Mrs. Angie Rider, a fifth-grade teacher in Minnesota. She said, in part:

Around the March Madness that was taking place in March, my class decided to do a poetry tournament where they would listen to many different forms of poetry as they were learning about each one and decide which poems to move forward on our LARGE classroom brackets. As you can see on the photo that is attached, there were many great poems and poets shared with the students to illustrate couplets, quatrains, cinquains, concrete, acrostic, etc. A couple of your poems from Do Buses Eat Kids and BookSpeak! moved forward several brackets. The final winner was ?Oh, Did You Need That Homework?? The students felt that poetry was one of their favorite writing units this year as they could express themselves in many different ways and use a voice of their choice to share something with other readers. My class wanted to extend a big thank you to you and other poets for inspiring them to enjoy the art of poetry writing and say congratulations for winning our final brackets in our poetry tournament.

How. Awesome. Is. That? And they sent this picture, which I’m sharing with permission.

Mrs. Rider's awesome fifth-grade class!

Really, there’s not much a writer likes to hear more than, “I liked your writing.” Getting an email from a teacher and her kids–that is totally amazing. When you as a teacher share something like this with a writer, you inspire and cheer that person. Thank you so much!

And, here’s the poem, which is from Do Buses Eat Kids? Poems About School (Capstone, 2008).

Homework Pup

Here I am reading it, too. I did a short Skype with Mrs. Rider’s class, and I got to read them this poem, which was fun. I haven’t read it in years! And I got to hear a fun poem by one of the students and answer a few writing questions. What a nice connection for me to make. [soundcloud url=“” params=“color=ff5500&auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false” width=“100%” height=“166” iframe=“true” /]

Thank you, Mrs. Rider and 5th-graders, for celebrating poetry and for your lovely email, poem, and Skype chat!

And don’t forget to visit Michelle at Today’s Little Ditty for the Poetry Roundup . Enjoy!

  • Categories: Poems for Teachers
  • Tags: audiopoems , Capstone , Laura's books , Laura's poems , nifty news , poetry books , Poetry Friday , rhyming poems

36 Responses

Wow Laura — what a wonderful (and well-deserved) way to finish Poetry month. I adore the poem and I love that there are schools doing such amazing work with poetry.

Exactly, Sally! I get so excited when I hear about/from teachers who really celebrate poetry in the classroom–especially since reading and writing poetry strengthens so many non-poetry literacy skills, too. Thanks:>)

Laura, it is wonderful that the 5th grade class celebrated poetry and brought your poem to the top of the class. After reading it, I can see why they loved your poem so much. It is clever, fresh, and filled with fun.

Thanks, Carol–the school poems for that book were tough for me to write. Out of a set of 10 Capstone poetry books, the school and food ones just about killed me! But the dog poem was fun to write:>)

Laura, One of the best awards of all–a class award by students who love poetry! Congratulations!

Thanks, Linda! That really did make me feel so good:>)

Fabulous, Laura! I’d take a teacher note over a Thinkier trophy any day. 🙂 And I thought “my dog ate my homework” was just an excuse. Silly me.

Me, too! Thanks, Michelle. It was very exciting. And all cliches have to start with the truth, right;>)

Ha! (
or should I say, “WOOF!”)

Exactly–I was wagging my tail in excitement:>)

Congratulations! What a great surprise, and I love the March Madness poetry brackets! I can see why that “homework chomping pup” won the hearts of Mrs. Rider’s fifth graders.

Thanks, Catherine:>)

I love this version of “the dog ate my homework”
which I’ve heard SO many times!

Thanks, Tara! It’s amazing that kids are still trying to use that.

Wonderful poem and great kudos, what fun!

Thanks, Brenda–it was really kind of the teacher to contact me and let me know!

I tried to do my homework Miss really Miss I did I bought myself a brand new pen but struggled with the lid.

I tried to do my homework Miss I wouldn’t tell a lie sadly it was stolen by a pig as he flew by.

I tried to do my homework Miss you know I love to write A goblin came and took my thumb as I slept late last night.

I tried to do my homework Miss but had to take a break I used the time constructively and baked a wedding cake.

I didn’t do my homework Miss I didn’t even try would it help my cause Miss if I started to cry?!

I really liked your homework poem. I hope you don’t mind me sending you this one I wrote.

Heehee, Maria–there’s always an excuse, isn’t there?

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She had to do her homework. Does it suggest that she did complete her homework or that she was simply required to complete it? Thank you! See a translation

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The latter (second part). If you want to say she completed her homework using "do": She did her homework. She had done her homework.

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@Kammy73 You're welcome. Also, there's an idiomatic meaning to "do one's homework": 2. To be thoroughly prepared and informed about something or something, especially in advance of some process, action, or decision. Be sure you do your homework before heading into that meeting; there's a lot at stake, and no one's going to like it if you aren't up to speed. I always do my homework before I make big purchases. As a coach, I have to do my homework on our opponents so that my players are prepared heading into games.

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i need to do my homework poem

Doing Homework: Ins and Outs for Students

Difficulties in doing homework.

Have you ever thought about the most trouble-free period of your life? Most people would say “nursery school”. No wonder, as all you had to do was play and have fun. If you had an idea about your future responsibilities, did you have a desire to grow up? 

However, nobody can stop time, and here you are, a student who has little time to play but many duties to fulfill. Being a student means studying, doing homework, going to the library, and dealing with many other things that can sometimes be annoying. It’s really tough, especially in the first year of college or university. The new reality and surroundings require much mental and physical effort: new professors, new classmates, more disciplines, and more homework assignments as well. 

Doing homework at college can often be a challenge, as its complexity level differs from that of school. The dilemma becomes more apparent when you apply for sports and have training. Another obstacle arises when you’ve accumulated assignments with short deadlines for submission. It’s understandable if the question is, Can I pay money for someone to get homework assistance? , and the website mentioned above, can be of great use in this situation. Your assignments will be completed within the required time limit. Difficulties with doing homework can appear at any moment and for any student. 

Can Someone Do Your Homework?

The huge amount of written academic papers to compose and theory to learn need a lot of time. Moreover, some personal circumstances can contribute to being overwhelmed with homework. In these moments, causing you some distress and anxiety, how many times have you thought, “Can someone do your homework?” instead of doing it yourself 

Actually, the answer to this question is affirmative, and you can refer to different websites on the Internet. Such a service was invented with the purpose of assisting students with their homework. As a rule, these companies have hired a team of specialists from various fields. Personnel working in these companies includes teachers, professors, and last year students as well. There is an option to read the reviews of completed works, students’ opinions, and general feedback about the provided service. 

By registering on one of these websites, you can rely on experts to do your homework as fast as you need. Over the years of studying at college or university, you will face tasks of different types, from the most important to the least significant. However, the less significant doesn’t mean the fastest. Sometimes, it can happen to spend hours writing academic work that, in reality, doesn’t have much research value. 

Useful Homework Helper App

Using technology in the right way can help you to solve many problems. The Internet is an enormous digital library, a well of knowledge to use correctly. If you learn how to effectively utilize its sources, you will definitely simplify your life. For example, the use of some homework helper apps can facilitate the process of completing assignments:

  • Khan Academy: it was created by an engineer with the purpose of offering services and study materials for free, and it has become one of the most valuable sources. You can find playlists of exercises and problems, lessons in various subjects, videos, and other educational content.
  • Photomath: this app helps you solve math problems instantaneously just by taking a photo with your tablet or smartphone. Moreover, it recognizes even handwritten tasks and provides step-by-step solutions. 
  • Quizlet: by creating an account, you’re able to generate tests, quizzes, and other games, using available lexical items or creating your own study tools. It allows you to personalize the way you study according to the required level of difficulty. 
  • The list of other useful and effective online platforms is very long, and you are able to examine them on this page . The ability to combine various accessible tools plays an important role in achieving successful results. Many platforms are free, and some of them are for payment. Based on your necessities, you may choose the most suitable for you. 

Unfortunately, learning in the classroom is not enough. By mixing traditional tools such as books, textbooks, and classroom learning with digital ones, your chances of becoming an excellent specialist are great. 

Help Doing Your Homework

The study schedules and other commitments often leave you little time for rest. As you can imagine, homework help with school subjects differs from help with college or university materials. The Internet provides many solutions for all types of students, including school, college, or university students. 

In the case of school, it’s not indispensable to have in-depth knowledge, unlike at the college level. When you need help doing your homework, take into consideration the person’s experience that counts a lot. When visiting websites that offer this service, examine the reviews and feedback. It will help you understand if their services suit you or not. Each reputable company has a skillful crew with knowledge in different fields of science. 

Don’t forget, therefore, to not exaggerate and ask for assistance when you really need it. On this website , you will discover interesting information that can be useful regarding homework. You learn from your mistakes, and trying to do your assignments alone is an effective method of learning. Nevertheless, having the possibility to ask for help with your homework gives you an assurance that it will be done in any case. So, if after several attempts, you fail to complete an assignment and don’t have time to retry, visit a website and ask for help. 

The post Doing Homework: Ins and Outs for Students appeared first on Mom and More .

Difficulties In Doing Homework Have you ever thought about the most trouble-free period of your life? Most people would say “nursery school”. No wonder, as all you had to do was play and have fun. If you had an idea about your future responsibilities, did you have a desire to grow up?  However, nobody can [

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i need to do my homework poem

My Teacher Ate My Homework

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From the book Revenge of the Lunch Ladies

My Teacher Ate My Homework

My teacher ate my homework, which I thought was rather odd. He sniffed at it and smiled with an approving sort of nod.

He took a little nibble — it’s unusual, but true — then had a somewhat larger bite and gave a thoughtful chew.

I think he must have liked it, for he really went to town. He gobbled it with gusto and he wolfed the whole thing down.

He licked off all his fingers, gave a burp and said, “You pass.” I guess that’s how they grade you when you’re in a cooking class.

 — Kenn Nesbitt

Copyright © 2007. All Rights Reserved.

Reading Level: Grade 4 Topics: Food Poems , School Poems Poetic Techniques: Imagery , Irony , Narrative Poems , Onomatopoeia Word Count: 101

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  1. I Need to Do My Homework

    If I don't do it right away, my homework will be late. But first I'll check my messages. Oh, look, I got a text. I probably should answer it, then do my homework next. My friend says there's a video I simply have to see. I'll watch it first, and do my homework momentarily. But now I'm feeling hungry, so I guess I need a snack.

  2. I Tried to Do My Homework

    when my mother called my name. I looked up at the clock. and it was time to go to bed. I didn't get my homework done; just other stuff instead. I hope my teacher listens. to the cause of my inaction. It's really not my fault the world. is just one big distraction.

  3. I need to do my homework (Humourous poem)

    I Need to Do My Homework" by Kenn Nesbitt is a humorous poem that playfully explores the various comical excuses children often come up with to avoid doing t...

  4. I Need to do My Homework An Easy and Short Poems for Kids

    The poem "I need to do my homework" is a short english poem written by Kenn Nesbitt is a relatable and humorous take on the struggles of procrastination. It follows the story of a student who wants to do their homework but is easily distracted by other things, such as messages, videos, and games. The poem uses repetition and a light-hearted ...

  5. I Need to Do My Homework || Poet: Kenn Nesbitt

    Poem: I Need to Do My Homework Poet: Kenn Nesbitt #recitation #homeworkpoem My School Book- Youtube channel link:-👇👇👇

  6. I Love to Do My Homework by Anonymous

    I love to do my homework, It makes me feel so good. I love to do exactly. As my teacher says I should. I love to do my homework, I never miss a day. I even love the men in white. Who are taking me away. Source: Kids Pick the Funniest Poems (1991)

  7. I need to do my homework

    I need to do my homework. I need an hour. I need to spend the duration of a sunset. in a poorly-lit room on my keyboard clacking and clacking and clacking away. until each finger can reward me with a a confused mass of zeroes and ones lining up to give my optic nerves the likeness of a character in the Latin alphabet.

  8. Short Poems About Homework: A Reflection on the Student Experience

    Poem 1: The Battle. The clock ticks on, seconds pass, My heart pounds, anxiety amassed. Paper and pen, a battlefield donned, With homework as my opponent, I'm drawn. Through the equations, I trudge and brawl, My brain aches, threatening to fall. Though weary, I refuse defeat,

  9. I Finished My Homework

    My book When the Teacher Isn't Looking contains about 50 poems about all the silly things that happen at school, including Homework, I Love You, My Dog Does My Homework, My Computer Ate My Homework, and this one. Of course, it's not likely you have so much homework that you have to stay up all night to do it. So, this poem is a bit of an ...

  10. Poem About Getting Homework Done, Do Your Homework Now

    Forgetting homework just isn't nice. Homework is like getting dressed; got to do it to be your best. You say it isn't fair, but people do it everywhere. Do it now, get it done. I know, I know it isn't fun. Homework is like cleaning your room, except you don't have to use a broom. Do it now; we'll give you a treat, something tasty good to eat.

  11. Homework Poems

    Love Shel Silverstein. Ricky was 'L' but he's home with the flu, Lizzie, our 'O,' had some homework to do, Mitchell, 'E' prob'ly got lost on the way, ... Read Poem. Grounded anais vionet. You "adults", you exasperate me. with your evasions and delays.

  12. Homework Stew By Kenn Nesbitt, Famous Children Poem

    Famous Children Poem. Making homework stew is not quite what the teacher had in mind. This funny children's poem shows what can happen when we mishear something. Famous poet Kenn Nesbitt writes humorous poetry for children, and he served as the Children's Poet Laureate from 2013-2015.

  13. Kenn Nesbitt Homework Poems

    7. My computer ate my homework. Yes, it's troublesome, but true. and it didn't chomp or chew. ... Kenn Nesbitt homework poems collection on this page. Read best of homework poems by Kenn Nesbitt. Kenn Nesbitt's homework poetry.

  14. Homework by Allen Ginsberg

    Homework. By Allen Ginsberg. Homage Kenneth Koch. If I were doing my Laundry I'd wash my dirty Iran. I'd throw in my United States, and pour on the Ivory Soap, scrub up Africa, put all the birds and elephants back in the jungle, I'd wash the Amazon river and clean the oily Carib & Gulf of Mexico, Rub that smog off the North Pole, wipe up ...

  15. My School Promise

    Each day I'II do my best, And I won't do any less. My work will always please me, And won't accept a mess. I'II color very carefully, My writing will be neat. And I will not be happy, 'Till my papers are complete. I'II do my homework, And try my best on every test. I won't forget my promise, To do my very best.

  16. Homework, I Love You by Kenn Nesbitt

    You boggle my mind and you make me go blind, but still I'm ecstatic that you were assigned. Homework, I love you. I tell you, it's true. There's nothing more fun or exciting to do. You're never a chore, for it's you I adore. I wish that our teacher would hand you out more. Homework, I love you. You thrill me inside.

  17. Homework, I Love You

    You boggle my mind and you make me go blind, but still I'm ecstatic that you were assigned. Homework, I love you. I tell you, it's true. There's nothing more fun or exciting to do. You're never a chore, for it's you I adore. I wish that our teacher would hand you out more. Homework, I love you. You thrill me inside.

  18. I TRIED TO DO MY HOMEWORK (a poem + questions) worksheet

    Homework Level: elementary Age: 3-9 Downloads: 67 Live Worksheets Worksheets that listen. Worksheets that speak. Worksheets that motivate students. Worksheets that save paper, ink and time. Advertise here Teaching resources > Homework > I TRIED TO DO MY HOMEWORK (a poem + questions)

  19. Oh, Did You Need That Homework? [poetry friday]

    I tried to do my homework Miss I wouldn't tell a lie sadly it was stolen by a pig as he flew by. I tried to do my homework Miss you know I love to write A goblin came and took my thumb as I slept late last night. I tried to do my homework Miss but had to take a break I used the time constructively and baked a wedding cake. I didn't do my ...

  20. I need to do my homework by Kenn Nesbitt @kennnesbitt

    Poem Recitation Competition at School Poem : I need to do my homework Poem by : Kenn NesbittSchool : JG International School ..I need to do my homework.I rea...

  21. She had to do her homework.

    The latter (second part). If you want to say she completed her homework using "do": She did her homework. She had done her homework.|@Kammy73 You're welcome. Also, there's an idiomatic meaning to "do one's homework": 2. To be thoroughly prepared and informed about something or something, especially in advance of some process, action, or decision. Be sure you do your homework before heading ...

  22. Doing Homework: Ins and Outs for Students

    Being a student means studying, doing homework, going to the library, and dealing with many other things that can sometimes be annoying. It's really tough, especially in the first year of ...

  23. Primary Resources

    KS1 Teaching Resources. KS2 Teaching Resources. KS3 & GCSE Teaching Resources. KS5 Teaching Resources. SEND Teaching Resources. EAL Teaching Resources. TEFL & ESL Resources. Twinkl Original Books. Twinkl Book Club.

  24. My Mother Does My Homework

    My mother does my homework. She thinks it's loads of fun. She says that she's just "helping" me. but, soon enough, it's done. We sit down at the dinner table. every single night. She answers all the questions. and she always gets them right. And now and then, she'll tell me.

  25. God

    God. Representation (for the purpose of art or worship) of God in (left to right from top) Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, Sikhism, Judaism, and the BahĂĄÊŒĂ­ Faith. In monotheistic belief systems, God is usually viewed as the supreme being, creator, and principal object of faith. [1] In polytheistic belief systems, a god is "a spirit or being ...

  26. Homework Stew

    From the book When the Teacher Isn't Looking. I cooked my math book in a broth. and stirred it to a steaming froth. I threw in papers—pencils, too—. to make a pot of homework stew. I turned the flame up nice and hot. and tossed my binder in the pot. I sprinkled in my book report. with colored markers by the quart.

  27. william_and_mary

    Move-In looks a little different this year, and we know there are mixed emotions right now. We want to extend a warm W&M welcome to our new students moving in this week, and can't wait to kick off a new semester with all of our students - both near and far - next week.

  28. My Teacher Ate My Homework

    From the book Revenge of the Lunch Ladies. My teacher ate my homework, which I thought was rather odd. He sniffed at it and smiled. with an approving sort of nod. He took a little nibble —. it's unusual, but true —. then had a somewhat larger bite. and gave a thoughtful chew.