Best Social Issues Essay Topic Examples


Table of contents

  • 1 What Are Social Justice Topics for Essay?
  • 2 How To Choose The Right Social Justice Persuasive Essay Topics
  • 3 Good Social Justice Argumentative Essay Topics
  • 4 Social Issues Topics About Health
  • 5 Social Issues Essay Topics About Environment
  • 6 Social Issues Topics About War and Peace
  • 7 Social Issues Topics About Police and Criminal
  • 8 Social Issues Topics About Pornography
  • 9 Social Issues Topics About Feminism
  • 10 Social Issues Topics About Abortion
  • 11 Social Issues Topics About Racism
  • 12 Social Issues Topics About Migration and Refugees
  • 13 Social Issues Topics About Human Rights
  • 14 Social Issues Topics About Education
  • 15 Tips For Writing Social Issues Essays

Students often look for social issues essay topics to write about, but it can be challenging to come up with one that both sounds interesting and important.

For example, finding a problem in society that can be an essay topic for social science issues can be tricky. And many of them go like, “should I pay someone to do my essay .” So, before you decide, we have prepared a list of examples of social issue essay topics.

These topics are diverse and exciting because they provide food for thought and teach potential writers how to think critically. Furthermore, these are all original ideas with nothing plagiarized or copied from somewhere else, so they’re perfect for any student struggling with coming up with a subject. So, check out this list of social justice issues essay topics!

What Are Social Justice Topics for Essay?

Social justice is a complex matter covering various problems affecting a group of individuals. Thus, social issues essay topics affect our society as a whole. It can be anything from pollution to poverty, racism, etc., and it usually has a negative impact on the lives of others.

The said issues are not limited to what is happening in the world today and have broad coverage. Social problems can be about something that happened in the past or something that could happen in the future; therefore, they are not bound by time.

The main reason why you should care is that it affects you too. The environment in which we live is constantly changing, and if we don’t take action, then our future will be bleak. That’s why, when writing examples essays about social issues , you ought to gain insights into the matter and express your position. Below you will see social justice essay topics, essay examples, and more that will significantly aid you when you need ideas.

How To Choose The Right Social Justice Persuasive Essay Topics

Choosing a social issue essay topic is more challenging than it seems. However, there are a few things to consider which may help you before you decide on one.

The first thing is to make sure that the essay topic is interesting and relevant to the audience. You want your essay to be exciting and engaging so that the reader will stay interested in your writing. In addition, you must pick a topic that will resonate with your readers, something they can relate to.

Secondly, you should always try to pick a topic that has some connection with your life experience or personal passions. That will help you stay motivated while writing the essay because you will be eager to learn more and, accordingly, write more. This connection will also make it easier for you to come up with ideas for your paper.

Lastly, remember the length of the essay is crucial! Make sure that your choice won’t leave too little space for all of your thoughts and explanations because this can make writing difficult and tedious.

Now you know what a social justice essay is and how to pick the right subject for it, even without an essay title generator . Then it is time to check our well-written social issues topics list, with various examples that can help you.

Good Social Justice Argumentative Essay Topics

  • Define the meaning of modern gaming and its relation to students’ violence boom.
  • Racism and reverse racism, are they equally bad, and why?
  • Define the term justice and its place in our society.
  • Are the effects of social media catastrophic to young people’s relations?
  • Do countries need visas, and if not, then why?
  • Utopia and world peace, is it possible or just a wishful fantasy of the young rebels?

Social Issues Topics About Health

  • Why is obesity in America one of the significant health issues?
  • Elderly people, who should be responsible for taking care of them and why?
  • Should the legal drinking age be lowered, and what issues can it cause?
  • Porn, what it means to the modern world, and how it affects people’s health?
  • Against vaccines, why do people not believe in medicine?
  • Free healthcare for anyone defines the benefits of changes in the healthcare system.

Social issues essay topics are a great way to tackle important topics in society. With the help of essay writers online , students can gain insights into the issues and develop a well-informed opinion about them. Such essays can lead to a better understanding of the diverse issues that plague our society and can help us in finding solutions.

Social Issues Essay Topics About Environment

  • Climate changes, how traveling the world affects them, and what to avoid.
  • Drinking water and its pollution ensure everyone has access to it.
  • How do plastic products affect the environment, and how can social media change that?
  • Global warming and the rising levels of the oceans define the possible threats.
  • The issue with climate change and what modern society should do to avoid it.
  • Waste reduction, describe how it will protect our planet’s ecosystem.

Social Issues Topics About War and Peace

  • Peace and wars, their relation, and can one exist without the other?
  • European countries’ restoration after the first and second World Wars.
  • Technology and scientific revolutions, can they be war aftermaths?
  • What are the population’s thoughts about the war in our peaceful times?
  • Are war monuments necessary, and what are their effects in calm times?
  • How do war and peace influence children’s minds?

Social Issues Topics About Police and Criminal

  • Underage people and how to respond to their crimes?
  • What is the importance of racial profiling for criminal cases?
  • Deescalating riots, modern measures to avoid conflicts and harm.
  • Futuristic ways of decreasing criminal activities.
  • Should the police officers’ recruitment standards and education be stepped up?
  • How should drug usage be punished, or should it be legal?

Social Issues Topics About Pornography

  • What are the effects of pornography, and how does it affect the perception of sex?
  • In the porn industry, is the concept of permission a valid issue or not?
  • How should we perceive paid sex? Is it legal, and should it be?
  • Adult industry and how pornography should be controlled?
  • Porn stars and the unfair contract strategies they have to deal with.
  • Pornography, what is its acceptance in our society?

Social Issues Topics About Feminism

  • Has feminism always existed, or is it a plot of modern society?
  • Feminism, radical or not, which is the best current option?
  • Waves of feminism throughout the ages.
  • Who created the feminist movement and why?
  • Is feminism still a must in the 21st century?
  • How powerful women in history made the first feminist movements that shook the world.


Social Issues Topics About Abortion

  • What are the possible aftermaths of delegalizing abortion?
  • Modern society, thoughts on abortion, and outlook towards past tendencies.
  • Should men be allowed to speak up and make decisions in matters like abortion?
  • How does abortion affect psychological health in women and men?
  • Religion, health, and abortion, the connection between them, and how they affect each other.
  • Birth control and abortion, what is the impact and importance of non-hormonal birth control pills?

Social Issues Topics About Racism

  • Racism and how did it change over the years?
  • Can racism be tracked back in history, how, and where?
  • Did racism come out as an aftermath because of colonialism or not?
  • How does racism affect our society, and how should it change?
  • Everyday racism, and how can it be prevented?
  • Is racism an over-discussed matter, and how does it affect the population?

Social Issues Topics About Migration and Refugees

  • How has migration changed the world over the past 50 years?
  • Ancient migration and its effect on the continents and our civilization.
  • Importance of immigrants’ integration in our society.
  • Chinese settlers in Europe and America and the marks they left in the local culture.
  • Immigrants and the tension between the American and Mexican borders.
  • How did immigration enrich world cuisine?

Social Issues Topics About Human Rights

  • Male circumstantial right after birth, is it a legit violation of human rights and why?
  • Freedom of speech, how does it affect society?
  • How should the world act against the issues with human rights in some countries?
  • Should we consider access to the internet a human right in our modern society?
  • Human rights during history, and how did they affect the world back then?
  • Civil and human rights describe the difference between them and their effects.

Social Issues Topics About Education

  • Define the benefits of free education and how it benefits the world.
  • Should all schools have a dress code or not?
  • How does the education system prevent modern-day bullying?
  • Is the educational system accessible to everyone, and why?
  • What is the impact of cyberbullying on the education and life of young students?
  • Schools and the issue with discrimination and poor treatment of students.

Tips For Writing Social Issues Essays

We have explained how to pick your topic. That can serve you as a great social justice essay topic example. Now you are almost ready to start writing. The last thing left for you is to take these few tips we have prepared. They will aid you beyond our website and help you write your essay.

  • Carefully select the subject of your essay. Do not pick something boring but something exciting that has an impact on the life we live or our society. It should be something relevant to the latest issues happening.
  • Make sure your essay topic is not too narrow or broad-minded. It must be a social issue with a lot to be said, yet not too much, so everyone can speak whatever they want.
  • Make sure you conduct a proper background check on the social issue you plan to write about. Do not write only from experience but with proven facts.
  • When writing any type of essay, the best thing you can do is bring out facts. An essay paper may be about anything, but without being backed by examples, it is just empty words.
  • Please keep it simple, make the tone friendly or informative, and do not get too emotional over the topic you have selected to write about.

In addition, when writing a social issue essay, make sure you check your facts. You do not want to write about facing issues that can cause you problems. Lastly, check and proofread your work a few times before submitting it, making sure it’s full.

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write an essay about social problems

100+ Social Issue Essay Topics


In today’s rapidly changing world, society grapples with a multitude of pressing issues. Exploring these topics through writing not only offers a lens to scrutinize the world, but it also provides an avenue for personal reflection. One of the most potent tools for this exploration is the Social Issue Essay.

Table of Contents

What is a Social Issue Essay?

A Social Issue Essay is a form of writing where the author examines and discusses societal problems, their causes, impacts, and possible solutions. These essays often incorporate research, personal experience, and a call to action. By exploring complex challenges, such essays foster a deeper understanding of the world around us and encourage critical thinking.

Choosing the Right Social Issue Essay Topic

Picking the perfect topic is essential to write a compelling essay. Here’s a quick guide to help you select:

  • Personal Connection : Opt for an issue that resonates with you personally. It will add depth and authenticity to your essay.
  • Researchable : Ensure ample resources and perspectives are available on the chosen topic. This will aid in presenting a well-rounded view.
  • Relevance : It’s always best to choose a timely and pertinent issue that sparks current discussions and debates.

Social Issue Essay Topics Lists

Gender equality and bias.

  • The role of media in shaping gender stereotypes
  • The impact of the #MeToo movement on workplace policies
  • Gender wage gap: Myths and realities

Racial and Ethnic Inequalities

  • Examining the effects of racial profiling
  • The roots and repercussions of cultural appropriation
  • Ethnicity and its influence on individual identity

Environmental Challenges

  • The imminent threat of climate change
  • Plastic pollution and its global consequences
  • Urban sprawl and its environmental implications

Mental Health Awareness

  • The stigma surrounding mental health in various cultures
  • Effects of social media on adolescent mental health
  • The link between urban living and increased mental health issues

Technology and Society

  • The ethical implications of AI and machine learning
  • The digital divide: Impact on education and opportunities
  • Social media’s role in shaping societal values

LGBTQ+ Rights and Acceptance

  • The journey towards legalizing gay marriage worldwide
  • Transgender rights in the workplace
  • Challenges faced by LGBTQ+ youth in conservative societies

Migration and Displacement

  • The refugee crisis and international responsibilities
  • Economic migration and its implications on host countries
  • Forced displacement due to climate change

Digital Age Challenges

  • The psychological impacts of constant digital connectivity
  • Digital misinformation and its effects on democracies
  • Cyberbullying and its long-term consequences
  • The right to digital privacy in the age of surveillance
  • The generational divide in adapting to rapid technological advancements

Sustainability and Consumption

  • The environmental cost of fast fashion
  • Overconsumption and the culture of waste
  • The importance and challenges of transitioning to renewable energy sources
  • Sustainable food production and the rise of plant-based diets
  • Impact of mass tourism on local communities and environments

Human Rights Violations

  • The ongoing challenges of modern-day genocide
  • Human rights implications of surveillance states
  • Treatment and rights of prisoners of war
  • The widespread issue of forced disappearances
  • Injustices faced by indigenous populations worldwide

Social Mobility and Class

  • Barriers to upward social mobility in capitalist societies
  • The trap of generational poverty
  • Class discrimination and its subtle presence in daily life
  • Education as a tool for class mobility: Myths and realities
  • The illusion of the “self-made” individual in media and its social consequences

Relationships and Societal Norms

  • The evolving definition of family in the 21st century
  • Long-term effects of the normalization of hookup culture
  • The challenges and implications of interfaith and intercultural marriages
  • Societal pressures and mental health implications of the “biological clock”
  • The shifting dynamics and expectations of masculinity and femininity

Healthcare Disparities

  • The impact of socioeconomic status on access to quality healthcare
  • Universal healthcare: Pros and cons
  • Mental health services: Accessibility and stigmas
  • Obesity and food deserts in urban areas
  • The effects of pharmaceutical monopolies on medicine prices

Education System Flaws

  • Standardized testing and its implications for student success
  • The rising costs of higher education and student debt
  • Inequalities in public school funding
  • The benefits and challenges of online education
  • The role of sex education in schools and its impact on teen pregnancies

Economic Inequalities

  • Wealth distribution and the growing income gap
  • Child labor in the globalized world
  • The future of work in an automated age
  • Gig economy and its implications for workers’ rights
  • The effects of corporate tax evasion on public services

Children and Youth Challenges

  • The implications of child marriage in certain cultures
  • Impact of digital addiction among teenagers
  • Child soldiers and the loss of innocence
  • Bullying in schools and online platforms
  • The effects of broken homes on childhood development

Crime and Justice

  • Police brutality and racial bias
  • The prison industrial complex and its social implications
  • Rehabilitation vs. punishment: The future of incarceration
  • White-collar crime and its overlooked impact on society
  • Human trafficking and modern-day slavery

Globalization and Culture

  • Cultural erosion due to global media dominance
  • The paradox of cultural exchange vs. cultural appropriation
  • Impact of globalization on indigenous communities
  • The effects of fast fashion on labor rights and the environment
  • Western beauty standards and their global influence

Addiction and Substance Abuse

  • Opioid epidemic and the role of pharmaceutical companies
  • The societal costs of alcoholism
  • Rehabilitation and de-stigmatization of drug addicts
  • The benefits and risks of marijuana legalization
  • The hidden epidemic of prescription drug abuse

Elderly and Aging

  • Ageism and its implications in the job market
  • Challenges of dementia and Alzheimer’s in an aging population
  • The loneliness epidemic among the elderly
  • Elder abuse: Unseen and unspoken
  • The financial challenges of longer life expectancy

Religious and Cultural Tensions

  • Islamophobia in the post 9/11 world
  • The role of religion in modern political conflicts
  • Balancing freedom of expression and religious sensitivities
  • Cultural identity in a multicultural society
  • The rise of religious extremism and its societal impacts

Animal Rights and Ethical Treatment

  • The ethics of animal testing for medical research
  • Factory farming and its environmental and ethical implications
  • The challenges of wildlife conservation in urbanizing areas
  • Animal cruelty and its link to human violence
  • Ethical dilemmas of zoos and wildlife parks

Need help crafting your Social Issue Essay? At WriteOnDeadline , our team of professional writers is ready to help you articulate your thoughts with precision and clarity. Dive deep into societal challenges with a compelling essay tailored just for you. Get started with our essay writing service today!

Useful References:

  • Purdue OWL – Argumentative Essays
  • Harvard Writing Center – Essay Structure
  • UN Social Issues

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25 Major Social Problems (Examples)

social problems examples and definition

Social Problems constitute a key topic in Sociology. They refer to different kinds of troubles negatively affecting a society, its social structure , and its values.

Social problems can consist of global issues such as poverty, displacement, and terrorism. They can also include issues in a specific society or region, such as the pressing homelessness issue in Seattle and Portland.

Unlike personal problems or natural disasters, social problems are created by society and they can be solved by it.

Definition of Social Problems

In simple terms, social problems are issues that harm a group of people in the society.

They also refer to:

“Social conditions, processes, societal arrangements or attitudes that are commonly perceived to be undesirable, negative, and threatening certain values or interests…” (Jamrozik & Nocella, 1998, p. 1)

Social problems can be seen in a single country or affect the international global society. They can affect the society through harming its harmony, stability, safety or freedom.

Unlike physical issues or natural problems, social problems are related to social processes and social interactions . For instance, while malnutrition might seem like a physical condition, it is actually a social problem resulting from war, conflict, poverty, or abuse.

Most of the social problems are results of social inequality and its implications (Jamrozik & Nocella, 1998). For example, socioeconomic inequality leads to lack of affordable housing and homelessness.

A social problem can be identified by three main characteristics:

  • Social Reasons: A condition must have social reason in order to be considered a social problem.
  • Negative Impacts: A social problem should have a negative impact on the society by threatening its safety, freedom, or other values.
  • Social Solutions: A social problem should be a condition that can be ended by social solutions (Jamrozik & Nocella, 1998). 

Quick Examples of Social Problems

  • Unemployment and Underemployment : While unemployment refers to not having a job, underemployed people only have part-time, casual, or temporary work. Both unemployment and underemployment are social problems on a global level. They harm individuals and communities by limiting their productivity and harming their socioeconomic status.
  • Racial discrimination : Racial discrimination includes all kinds of hostile treatment against an individual or a group based on their race. It is a social problem resulting from racial inequalities. Racial discrimination leads to unfair social and economic conditions for individuals and communities who are discriminated against.
  • Housing Crisis : Lack of affordable housing is an increasing social problem which affects most of the Canadian cities as well as parts of the United States and Europe. It includes rising costs of housing and renting, and it can lead to homelessness.
  • Malnutrition : Lack of access to nutritious and affordable food is a social problem that affects various societies globally. While in countries like Yemen, malnutrition is a result of war and conflict, in some other countries such as the United States it is a result of growing income inequality.
  • Healthcare Shortage : Lack of access to timely and quality healthcare is a social problem that is increasingly affecting Canadian and American societies, leading to extremely long waiting times for seeing a doctor. It also affects the overall quality of mental and physical healthcare negatively.
  • Displacement : Forced migration and displacement of individuals from their home countries is a social problem on a global level. Every year, thousands of people have to become refugees because of wars, conflicts, poverty, and climate change. 
  • Political Corruption : Political corruption refers to the abuse of power by government officials to gain personal benefits. It is a social problem which leads to mistrust and suspicion towards political authorities. 
  • Substance Abuse: The problem with substance abuse is often that it make society less safe, and can bring instability and harm into households with vulnerable people.
  • Obesity: Poor quality food in stores, high cost of fresh food, and poor social education campaigns can lead to obesity which lowers life expectancy.
  • Social Isolation: Social isolation often happens to elderly people or vulnerable populations with low social capital. Their isolation can be detrimental to their mental health.
  • Glass Ceiling : As a result of the social injustices in hiring practices , women make up just 19% of executive positions and 6% of S&P 500 CEO positions.
  • Gender Pay Gap: Women earn 83 cents for every dollar men earn. This is due to a range of complex social and cultural factors .
  • Ageism : This involves the mistreatment or bias against people due to their age. Up to 64 percent of older workers say they have seen age discrimination in the workplace.
  • Gerrymandering : This involves the rigging of electoral districts to preference one part over another. The USA is ranked as a flawed democracy due to gerrymandering.
  • Gender in Education: In the developing world, millions of girls are denied an education due to gender discrimination.
  • Forced Marriage: There are over 15 million people forced to marry against their will around the world. 88% of the victims are women.
  • Religious Discrimination: Christians face government-sanctioned discrimination in 168 countries . Muslims face government-sanctioned discrimination in 121 countries.
  • Child Poverty: Children from poor families in the USA perform 10% lower , on average, in tests scores, and face more mental health issues in childhood.
  • Unequal Service Delivery: Rural and remote areas often suffer most. For example, there are still 71 remote Indigenous communities in Canada without clean drinking water.
  • Human Trafficking: Vulnerable people are often taken from their homes illegally or with coersion so they can work for low wages. There are over 20 million victims of human trafficking worldwide today.
  • Stereotyping: Gender, racial, class-based, and other stereotypes continue to work to suppress people of various social identities.
  • Child Labor: There are 160 million victims of forced labor in the world today. Often, this is because families are too poor to send their children to school.
  • Disability Discrimination: People with disabilities are more likely to face discrimination and physical threats, and less likely to be taken seriously by police.
  • Digital Divide: Poor access to technology is increasing the gap between rich and poor. Only 39% of people in Africa have access to the internet, compared to 94% of people in the United States.
  • Colonial Practices: Indigenous people account for 5% of the global population but make up 15% of the world’s people in extreme poverty.

5 Best Examples

1. social isolation.

Social isolation is a pressing social problem for elderly people. It occurs when elderly people lose contact with their families or their families die out, and no friends or community members are available to step in to help.

It can lead elderly people to fall into depression and, in worse case scenarios, mean they do not have the support to survive in their own homes. Some societies deal with this through free or subsidized assisted living, while others do not have sufficient infrastructure and policies in place to alleviate social isolation.

Note that social isolation may occur at younger ages, especially among the disabled, neurodivergent, and others who struggle to interact with the community.

2. Malnutrition

Malnutrition is a significant social problem both in developed and developing countries, threatening the safety and functioning of these societies.

Many communities in the United States suffer from malnutrition as a result of living in food deserts: Areas which do not have affordable grocery stores or other sources of healthy nutrition in close proximity (Christian et al., 2020).

Another reason for malnutrition is having an eating disorder, such as anorexia, bulimia, or binge eating disorder. Studies show that eating disorders are an ongoing problem among teenagers, particularly teenage girls (Chamay-Weber et al., 2005).

3. Substance Abuse

Substance abuse is a social problem that causes thousands of deaths in Canada and other parts of the world (Rehm et al., 2006).

It also harms the society by causing healthcare costs, law enforcement costs, and loss of safety and productivity (Rehm et al., 2006).

Studies show that substance abuse closely interact with other social problems includng lack of access to proper mental healthcare and homelessness (Folsom et al., 2005). Increasingly, society is addressing this addiction as a mental health problem rather than a criminal one in order to help people to recover.

4. Housing Crisis

Housing crisis refers to the shortage of affordable, safe, and available housing and shelter options in a region. It also includes more specific social problems such as homelessness and housing insecurity.

Housing crisis has been prevalent in several North American and European cities for a long time.

However, recent global health events have worsened the crisis by increasing housing prices and rents in multiple countries such as the United States and Turkey (Li & Zhang, 2021; Subaşı & Baycan, 2022).

As a social problem, the housing crisis negatively affects the society by adding to the existing socioeconomic inequalities and making disadvantaged communities more vulnerable.

5. Displacement

Forced migration and displacement are global social problems which currently affect more than 89 million people worldwide (UNHCR, 2022).

Each year, millions of people have to escape from their home countries because of wars, conflicts, persecution, or climate change (UNHCR, 2022).

As social problems, forced migration and displacement reflect the injustices faced by refugees and asylum seekers who experience unsafe living conditions.

Thousands of asylum seekers lose their lives by drowning in the Mediterranean Sea each year while trying to reach Europe (Statista, 2021).

In many cases, refugees continue to face challenges even after reaching a safe country.  In this sense displacement also interacts with other social problems such as racial discrimination.

Social problems refer to various types of issues and troubles that negatively affect a society’s safety, freedom, harmony, and other values.

Social problems are different from individual, physical, and natural problems as they have societal roots. They are social conditions that harm or threaten the society in any way. They can be solved through social means and measures.

Social problems can exist in one specific society, or they can affect multiple societies globally. Examples of contemporary social problems include poverty, homelessness, and displacement.

It is important to study and understand social problems as they illustrate how different forms of social inequalities can harm the society in various ways.

Chamay-Weber, C., Narring, F., & Michaud, P. A. (2005). Partial eating disorders among adolescents: A review. Journal of adolescent health , 37 (5), 416-426.

Christian, V. J., Miller, K. R., & Martindale, R. G. (2020). Food insecurity, malnutrition, and the microbiome. Current nutrition reports , 9 (4), 356-360.

Folsom, D. P., Hawthorne, W., Lindamer, L., Gilmer, T., Bailey, A., Golshan, S., … & Jeste, D. V. (2005). Prevalence and risk factors for homelessness and utilization of mental health services among 10,340 patients with serious mental illness in a large public mental health system. American Journal of Psychiatry , 162 (2), 370-376.

Jamrozik, A., & Nocella, L. (1998). The sociology of social problems: Theoretical perspectives and methods of intervention . Cambridge University Press.

Rehm, J., Baliunas, D., Brochu, S., Fischer, B., Gnam, W., Patra, J., … & Taylor, B. (2006). The costs of substance abuse in Canada 2002.

Statista. (2021, September 17). Deaths of migrants in the Mediterranean Sea 2021 . Statista. Retrieved from

UNHCR. (2022). Global Trends . UNHCR. Retrieved from


Sanam Vaghefi (PhD Candidate)

Sanam Vaghefi (BSc, MA) is a Sociologist, educator and PhD Candidate. She has several years of experience at the University of Victoria as a teaching assistant and instructor. Her research on sociology of migration and mental health has won essay awards from the Canadian Sociological Association and the IRCC. Currently, she is am focused on supporting students online under her academic coaching and tutoring business Lingua Academic Coaching OU.

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Chris Drew (PhD)

This article was peer-reviewed and edited by Chris Drew (PhD). The review process on Helpful Professor involves having a PhD level expert fact check, edit, and contribute to articles. Reviewers ensure all content reflects expert academic consensus and is backed up with reference to academic studies. Dr. Drew has published over 20 academic articles in scholarly journals. He is the former editor of the Journal of Learning Development in Higher Education and holds a PhD in Education from ACU.

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  • Chris Drew (PhD) #molongui-disabled-link 25 Dissociation Examples (Psychology)
  • Chris Drew (PhD) #molongui-disabled-link 15 Zone of Proximal Development Examples
  • Chris Drew (PhD) #molongui-disabled-link Perception Checking: 15 Examples and Definition

2 thoughts on “25 Major Social Problems (Examples)”

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Dear Sanam Vaghefi, I am a retired Environmental Engineer, working on a book project now. I am trying to write a chapter on the relationships between social problems and environmental issues, to suggest how low income communities can work on both kinds of these issues on self-help basis. I congratulate you for writing such a beautiful and sensible article, which is the best piece of text I found on the internet, and which is EXACTLY what I needed. I wish you best luck in your PhD research. Please accept my sincere thanks for sharing your valuable effort online. You are a hero. My thanks also to Dr. Chris Drew, and your supervisors, and every one who is helping you! If I succeed in completing the book, I will proudly cite your name where I use points from your text! Regards, Wali

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I read flowed and I agreed to 100% these liste of social problems

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How to Write Social Issues Essay? Topics and Example

social issues

Writing a Social Issues Essay

If your teacher assigned you to write a social issues essay, then the first thing you should do is to start looking for some latest trending social issue ideas. Here we provided the best tips for choosing social issues research topics and writing an excellent essay about them.

Sometimes writing an essay on social issues can be challenging, as these topics are often complex and controversial. However, with a clear understanding of the subject and the right approach, it's possible to craft a compelling essay that sheds light on important social problems and encourages readers to think critically about potential solutions. Social issues are a critical aspect of modern society, and addressing these problems can promote positive change.

This article will provide a step-by-step guide on writing and choosing suitable social issues topics, covering themes such as conducting research, developing a thesis, and organizing your thoughts into a well-structured essay.

Social issues profoundly impact individuals and communities, and examining these problems through writing can help raise awareness. Whether you are a student, activist, passionate about social justice, or interested in current events, this article will help you hone your writing skills and make a meaningful contribution to important social discussions.

How to Craft a Social Essay Issue

Choosing the right topic for an essay on social issues is the first and arguably the most important step in the writing process. With so many pressing social problems to address, selecting just one to focus on can be overwhelming. However, the key to a successful essay is to select a topic that is both relevant and manageable so that you can research it thoroughly and present a well-argued and insightful analysis.

social essay

To make the process easier, it's essential to consider several main factors when choosing your topic. This includes your interests, the relevance and timeliness of the issue, the availability of resources and information, and the scope of the issue. Considering these factors, you can select a social issue essay topic that will allow you to write a well-researched and persuasive essay that makes a significant addition to vital societal debates.

Here are some tips to help you choose the right social issue essay topic:

Pick Your Topic Carefully

Picking your topic carefully is a critical step in writing successful essays on social issues. Your subject matter will determine the direction and focus of your paper, so it's essential to choose one that sets the foundation for the entire essay. A well-chosen topic can help ensure that your writing is relevant, well-researched, and impactful.

While thinking of choosing the right topic for your essay, consider that it should cause some controversy in readers and keep them interested. Choose a relevant 2024 social problem topic on which you can elaborate with strong and meaningful arguments.

When choosing your topic, consider these aspects:

  • Relevance - By selecting a current, pressing, and widely debated topic, you can ensure that your essay is timely and of interest to your audience.
  • Personal Interest - Consider your personal beliefs and passions. Select the topic that aligns with your values and interests. This can make the writing process more enjoyable and allow you to present a more compelling argument.
  • Research - Choose a topic on which there is information and research available. This will help you to support your argument with credible and relevant sources.
  • Manageability - Considering the scope of the issue and ensuring that it can be thoroughly addressed within the limits of your assignment will help you produce a well-structured and focused essay.

By considering these factors, you can pick a topic that will allow you to write a compelling and impactful social issues essay that makes a meaningful contribution to solving social problems.

Spend Some Time Researching

Researching is important in any essay, enabling the writer to gather accurate and up-to-date information on the discussed topic. It's crucial in building a strong and credible argument, as the author can provide facts, statistics, and other relevant data to support their position.

Research has the same importance in writing a social issue essay as in other types of essays because it helps to gather and evaluate needed information, data, and perspectives on the issue, which can inform and shape your understanding and analysis. By conducting research, you can gain a deeper insight into the complexities and nuances of the issue and identify relevant arguments, facts, and statistics that support your stance.

Researching also helps to ensure the accuracy and credibility of your essay and provides a strong foundation for your writing. Without sufficient research, an essay may be based on assumptions or outdated information, weakening the overall argument and decreasing its effectiveness in making an impact. Conducting research also helps to avoid accidental plagiarism by providing sources and references in your essay. By exposing yourself to multiple viewpoints, you can better understand and address counterarguments and strengthen your position.

Explain Your Position Using Examples

Explaining your position using examples in social issues essay is crucial as it helps to make the argument clearer, stronger, and more persuasive. By providing specific examples, you can effectively illustrate your stance and make it easier for the reader to understand your perspective. The concrete evidence provided by examples adds credibility to the essay and makes your claim more difficult to dismiss. So, staying attentive to finding relevant examples is crucial for making your paper impactful. Since you're elaborating on a current social topic, quality examples about this problem are often easily available on the internet.

Using examples makes the essay more engaging and interesting for the reader, encouraging them to consider the writer's point of view. By incorporating examples, the writer not only provides a more comprehensive understanding of their position but also strengthens the overall structure and impact of the essay.

Maintain Simplicity

Originality is highly valued in essay writing, but sometimes expressing your opinions and beliefs requires just simple wording. Remember, you can always be creative without using complex words and sentences. You just have to use the right words to express your point of view.

Maintaining simplicity in writing a social issue essay is important as it helps to ensure that your argument and perspective are clearly communicated to the reader. A simple writing style makes the paper easier to read and comprehend, allowing the reader to focus on the content rather than the language. This can help to enhance understanding and avoid confusion, making it more likely that the reader will be able to fully grasp your position.

A simple writing style has also added the benefit of making the essay more accessible to a wider audience, including those who may not have a strong background in the topic being discussed.

Check for Grammar and Spelling

Essays on social issues are impactful in spreading awareness and thinking of different solutions for these problems. For example, by creating a social issue essay about domestic violence, gender discrimination, or mental health, you can contribute to eliminating these issues by communicating about existing problems and making people aware of them with real-life examples. Everybody knows that these issues are real, but most of the time, no one pays attention until they see the real consequences of these problems.

To make your essays on social issues perfect and play your part in eliminating them, the last tip to consider is checking your writing for grammar and spelling. Before submitting your paper, always ensure it's error-free and flawless. Complete spelling and grammar checks and proofread your work to ensure that essay is clear and effective in conveying your ideas. If grammatical errors plague your writing, they can detract from your message and make you appear unprofessional or uninformed.

By checking for every error, you can be sure that your writing is polished and professional and that your ideas are presented in the best possible light.

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write an essay about social problems

Social Issues Research Topics

From income inequality to climate change, the world faces many pressing social issues that demand attention and solutions. When writing about these complex and important topics, choosing the right subject matter can be challenging.

Social issues are a pervasive aspect of society and can impact individuals, communities, and the world at large. As a result, there is a wealth of essay topics on social issues to explore when writing your paper.

In the following paragraphs, we provided interesting topics for different social issues you can write about or order an essay on such topics from DoMyEssay. You can also choose one for your college case study topics .

Social Justice Essay Topics

In this paragraph, we're going to list impactful topics you can use for your essay on society.

  • Gender equality and the fight for women's rights
  • Income inequality and its effect on social mobility
  • Police violence and the need for police accountability
  • Climate justice and the impact of climate change on marginalized communities
  • Access to education as a social justice issue
  • LGBTQ+ rights and struggle for acceptance
  • The risk of microtransactions in online gaming
  • The impact of immigration policies on families and communities
  • The role of social media accounts in perpetuating social issues
  • Disability rights and the need for accessible and inclusive environments
  • The fight against voter suppression and efforts to secure voting rights
  • How do marginalized groups benefit from social media?
  • Gender identity - promotion of equality
  • The impact of poverty and health problems on individuals
  • Are online networks promoting stalking?
  • How does obesity influence the social life of people?
  • What basic ethical principles go overboard on the internet?
  • The need for access to mental health as a social issue
  • The struggle for reproductive rights and women's control over their body
  • The right to clean water and environmental justice
  • The role of the private prison industry in perpetuating mass incarceration

Criminal Justice Essay Topics

Criminal justice is an important aspect of society. It helps to maintain social order and prevent crime, which contributes to public safety and the overall well-being of communities.

Here we provided social issues examples for students. 20 topics you can use to write a criminal justice essay.

  • The effects of the privatization of prisons
  • The history and impact of the 'Three Strikes' law
  • The ethics of solitary confinement
  • The effectiveness of rehabilitation programs in prisons
  • The impact of the death penalty on crime rates
  • The role of police discretion in the criminal justice system
  • The impact of mandatory minimum sentencing laws
  • The use of police technology and its impact on privacy
  • The need for criminal justice reform
  • The history of the juvenile justice system
  • The use of alternatives to incarceration, such as electronic monitoring and drug courts
  • The use of racial profiling by law enforcement
  • The impact of the 'Broken Windows' policing strategy
  • The use of DNA evidence in criminal trials
  • The effectiveness of community policing programs
  • The role of media in shaping public perception of crime and justice
  • The impact of mandatory arrest laws for domestic violence
  • The use of eyewitness testimony in criminal trials
  • The impact of the school-to-prison pipeline on communities

Migration and Immigration Topics

Migration and immigration are complex and multifaceted issues that profoundly impact individuals, communities, families, and societies. Throughout history, people have moved from one place to another for various reasons, such as seeking better economic opportunities, escaping conflict or persecution, reuniting with loved ones, or simply exploring new frontiers.

Below, we have compiled 20 migration and immigration essay topics to help you delve into this complex subject. They may seem like easy social issues to write about, but you need to explore the subject deeply.

  • Is immigration from developing countries a threat to wealthier nations?
  • The impact of globalization on migration patterns
  • The effects of the refugee crisis on host countries
  • The role of border control and border security in immigration
  • The ethics of restrictive immigration policies
  • The impact of the 'Dreamers' policy on undocumented immigrants
  • The relationship between immigration and national security
  • The role of religion in shaping attitudes towards immigration
  • The impact of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) on migration
  • The effects of immigration raids on communities
  • The effect of immigration on the housing market and availability of affordable housing
  • The integration of immigrants into political and civil life
  • The social and cultural diversity brought by immigration
  • The impact of climate change on migration patterns
  • The impact of the U.S.-Mexico border wall on migration
  • The effects of the European Union's open border policy on migration
  • The impact of visa restrictions on international students
  • Immigration's effect on the job market and employment opportunities
  • Prejudice and discrimination against immigrants
  • The effects of xenophobia and racism on immigration policy

Peace and War Topics

Peace and war are two opposing forces that have been present throughout human history. For centuries, individuals, communities, and nations have struggled to find a balance between these two forces, and the impact of this struggle has been felt in every corner of the world.

By examining the many facets of peace and war, we can gain a deeper understanding of the complexities of human conflict and work towards creating a more peaceful world. In this compilation, we have assembled essay topics on peace and war that will assist you in delving into the subject and creating excellent social issues essay examples.

  • The causes and consequences of the armed conflict
  • The role of diplomacy in resolving international conflicts
  • The ethics of just war theory
  • The impact of war on civilians and the environment
  • The history of peace movements and their impact on society
  • The impact of technology on modern warfare
  • The effects of nuclear weapons on international relations
  • The role of the media in shaping public perceptions of war
  • The influence of ethnic, religious, and cultural differences on conflict
  • The history and current status of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict
  • The impact of terrorism on international peace and security
  • The history of peacekeeping missions and their effectiveness
  • The relationship between economic development and peace
  • The role of education in promoting peace and understanding
  • The effects of cyber warfare on international security
  • The impact of humanitarian disasters, such as famine and displacement, on peace and security
  • The history and ongoing conflict in the Middle East
  • The history and impact of the Geneva Conventions
  • The effects of colonialism on international conflict
  • The role of arms control and disarmament in promoting peace
  • The impact of economic sanctions on conflict resolution

Bias & Discrimination Topics

Bias and discrimination are pervasive and complex social issues that significantly impact everyone. These issues stem from various factors, including prejudice, ignorance, and systemic inequalities, and they can manifest in many forms, such as racism, sexism, homophobia, and religious intolerance.

We've gathered 20 social issue ideas for your bias and discrimination essay in this collection. These topics will aid you in investigating this crucial and relevant issue.

  • The impact of LGBT discrimination on the individual and society
  • The effects of disability discrimination in the workplace
  • The history of discrimination against the minority in the United States
  • The effects of prejudice and stereotypes on group behavior
  • The impact of age discrimination on older adults
  • The role of community-based organizations in promoting equality and combating discrimination
  • The effects of implicit bias on decision-making in various industries
  • The role of education in combating discrimination and bias
  • The impact of racism on individuals and society
  • The influence of cultural differences on bias and discrimination
  • The history of the women's rights movement and its impact on gender discrimination
  • The history of LGBTQ rights and its ongoing struggle for equality
  • The role of law enforcement in addressing and combating bias-based violence
  • The relationship between gender inequality and discrimination
  • The effects of body shaming on individuals
  • The impact of anti-Semitism on Jewish people
  • The impact of gender-based violence on women and girls
  • Civil rights movement history and its impact on racial discrimination
  • The role of Government in promoting diversity and combating discrimination
  • The impact of bias and discrimination on mental health

Humanity Essay Topics

Humanity is a complex concept that encompasses a wide range of social issues, from basic human needs, such as food, shelter, and safety, to more abstract concepts, such as dignity, equality, and freedom; the issues surrounding humanity touch every aspect of our lives.

Here is the list of social issues topics you can use to write a humanity essay.

  • Link the connection between human rights and freedom
  • Does climate change impact human populations?
  • Human trafficking history and modern-day slavery
  • The role of religion in establishing human values and morality
  • The impacts of war on human rights and dignity
  • Link the relationship between hunger and malnutrition with poverty and inequality
  • What role does healthcare have in human well-being and equality?
  • The effects of political oppression on individual rights and freedom
  • The role of ethics in shaping human behavior and decision-making
  • Natural disasters and their impact on human populations
  • Economic globalization impacts human development
  • Humanitarian intervention history and its influence on populations
  • The role of human agency in shaping the course of history
  • The role of art in promoting human expression and understanding
  • What impact does the media have on shaping public perception of humanity?
  • Link relations between food security and human health
  • The role of technology in shaping humanity
  • A brief history of human evolution
  • What is the role of education in promoting equality and human potential?
  • Air pollution's role in human health and the environment

While delving into these complex and meaningful topics, one can come up with the idea of creating a movie, right? These topics can widely be spread into an interesting and impactful film or tv series.

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Best social issues topics for your essay – find them here.

November 13, 2019

Social issues influence people within a society, and people strive to find solutions to them. Often, they are the consequences of factors extending beyond an individual’s control. Social issues are the source of a conflicting opinion on the ground of what is perceived as morally correct or incorrect personal life.


Different individuals and societies have different perceptions. Therefore, what is considered a social problem in one culture may be an entire typical event in another community.

Some Social Issue Tips You Include in Your Essay are:

  • Religion. Different religious settings and places of worship have bonds that bring their followers together. Some of these religious groups also tend to be healthy and glued together by the values they share.
  • Gender identity. How we identify ourselves makes a huge social difference in the way we interact with one another. For example, lesbian bars are social meeting places for lesbians. Some joints only attract men or women.
  • The government and social life. The government follows our posts on social media, therefore hindering what we can and cannot post. The government does this to control political comments that may stir hatred in the country.
  • War. Various wars have created a rift in different social settings; for example, people from Arabian countries are strictly on what they can post on social media.
  • Family and single parenthood. Single-parent families also cause social issues in different social settings. Family, primarily single parenthood, may affect growth in children, especially criticism from their peers, and may also affect the children’s mental and emotional health.
  • Drugs and alcohol abuse. Drugs may have a significant effect on people’s health and emotional issues because of addiction and changes they may have on an individual’s behavior in society.
  • Social media and bullying. Bullying can cause suicidal thoughts and changes in a person’s behavior.
  • Materialism. Fashion and lifestyle trends can have an impact on how both teenagers and adults communicate with each other in society.
  • Obesity and social life. Body shaming is also an issue that affects how people interact in a social setting.
  • Education. Educational disparity, which also impacts one’s financial status, may also be a cause for social differences in society.
  • Social life and the economy. Social life and finances can also be a line between people in some social setups.
  • Poverty and social life. Economic and financial status may also cause a difference among people.
  • National pride and identity. These two also determine how people communicate with one another.
  • The internet versus social life. The internet also differentiates how people interact with one another.
  • The power of advertisements. Different types of products also define different types of people.
  • Suicide and social media. Social media has been one of the major causes of suicidal thoughts.
  • Procrastination. Students, for example, may put off assignments for other fun activities. While procrastination may improve one’s social life, it may ruin their academic performance.
  • Racism. Racism is one of the types of categorization in the contemporary world that ultimately affects how people interact socially.
  • Gender discrimination and anti-harassment movements that are popular, especially at places of work, social media, or other social settings, also affect people’s social lives.
  • The issue of pornography is also some social issues that may affect how people interact with each other.
  • Isolation of people living with HIV/AIDS. Symptoms like HIV/AIDS and other diseases also determine whether people are accepting or disapproving others in their social circles.

List of Current Social Issues

Current social issues refer to the numerous modern-day problems that have hit conventional media as well as social media headlines. They include the following:

  • The question of abortion
  • Gay marriage
  • Marital rape
  • Government mandates
  • The frequent power advertisement
  • Obesity and social life
  • Poverty and social life
  • Materialism
  • Social media propagating bad vices, especially among the youths
  • Cyberbullying
  • Social stratification
  • Sex work also referred to as paid rape
  • Beauty standards

Social Issues in America

Considering the great diversity in America, there are issues with the following:

  • An expensive educational system that does not meet the needs of society
  • Inequality in terms of wealth and income
  • Equality of standing, concerning race, sexual orientation, ethnicity or religion
  • Accessible and affordable healthcare
  • Unfair law enforcement and a lousy prison system
  • The fight over the need for guns
  • Unemployment
  • Illegal migration
  • Discrimination and racism
  • Environment and climate change

Causes of Social Issues

These are the general factors that affect society. They transform an individual’s real lives. The principal objectives of social problems are poverty, rapid population growth, unemployment, urbanization, lack of education, gender discrimination, as well as superstitious beliefs.

In most cases, people practice and promote social injustices because they are ignorant of the adversities. Nonetheless, several organizations are working on trying and eliminating these social problems. Below are some of the causes of social issues:

  • Rapid population growth – this is the increase in the number of individuals. Human migration and demographic factors cause rapid population growth as well as increasing the birth rate. Often, population growth comes with an increase in unemployment and poverty.
  • Urbanization – refers to the population shift from rural to urban areas. People believe that living in a city can provide opportunities, diversities, and market place completion. Yet, with urbanization comes enormous social, economic, and environmental changes. It comes with an increased cost of living, stress, and negative social aspects that result from a mass.
  • Lack of education – people with poor education, are at risk from a lifetime of extensive manual work and mental healthcare, poor diet, living conditions, and social situations. Due to lack of education, people do not take care of themselves because they are less educated about topics such as family planning and good hygiene.
  • Unemployment – this occurs when a person who is actively searching for employment is unable to find work. The reason why unemployment is one of the causes of social problems is that it leads to frustration — leading the victims into burglary, looting, murder, theft, robbery, etc.
  • Poverty – this is the lack of a certain amount of material possessions or money. With poverty comes the lack of food, health services, basic human needs, and others.
  • Superstitious beliefs – certain superstitious beliefs are deeply rooted in some societies which promote social problems. The beliefs in various traditions may also impact an individual’s progress. Superstitious beliefs happen because people are innocent; they are not conscious of the consequences of their beliefs and practices. Such people are very gullible. Hence, they are easily convinced and cheated.
  • Gender discrimination profoundly influences our societies. The males finalize most decisions. In most cases, perception may not be visible on the surface.

Social issues transform almost every aspect of society. Therefore, while writing an essay on social problems, you need to pick a topic that is most appealing to you. Selecting a topic is vital and goes a long way in determining your grade. So, before choosing any topic, make sure you pick a topic you find interesting and one that you can research and write on with ease. Here are examples of essay topics on social issues:

  • Define racism and describe the impact it can have on society.
  • Write a persuasive essay explaining how social media has impaired face-to-face conversations.
  • Write an essay and demonstrate the challenges single parents face.
  • Define gender and explain how it impacts the lives of people around you.
  • Explain five stereotypes used towards the LGBT people.
  • Explain how teen pregnancy and how it affects young girls.
  • Does domestic violence affect children?
  • Discuss the causes of bullying in school.
  • Why is prostitution not legal in many countries
  • Explain how cybercrime affects people’s lives

There are more examples of social issues essay topics on different categories, which include the following:

Social Justice Essay Topics:

  • Is ageism similar to racism?
  • What are the consequences of deprivation of health?
  • Do convicts still get punished even after serving time?
  • How fair are labor laws?
  • What is society’s perception of domestic violence towards men?
  • Is discrimination towards pregnant women on the rise?

Pornography Essay Topics:

  • Dealing with pornography addiction
  • Children and pornography.
  • Shaming of pornstars in society.
  • Is suicide common in the porn industry?
  • How a society treats pornstars who cross over to other industries
  • Does pornography addiction affect family life?

Migration and Immigration Topics:

  • Refugees in the world
  • What are the consequences of building a wall between Mexico and America?
  • Living undocumented: the deportation of illegal immigrants
  • What is the history of Australian immigration?

Peace and War Topics:

  • Impact of war on terrorism in society
  • Is society keen on peace education?
  • What role do women play in war?
  • War crimes across the world.
  • What role does the media play in wartime?

Discrimination and Prejudice Topics:

  • Stereotypes in the US.
  • Racial profiling: How does it affect society?
  • Discrimination in sports
  • Hate speech in the job market
  • White privilege in society
  • Perception of same-sex couples

Cultural Property Topics:

  • Cultural heritage theft
  • Protection of cultural heritage
  • Food culture and the differences it stirs in society

Illiteracy Topics:

  • Illiteracy in the digital age
  • Problems caused by illiteracy
  • How does emotional illiteracy affect families?
  • Examples of illiteracy and how they affect American society

Violence Topics:

  • The effect of political unrest on domestic violence.
  • Rape culture in society
  • How gangs and violence affect Miami

Consumption and Development Topics:

  • Overconsumption in the US
  • The consumption culture in America
  • Consumption in different industries.

In conclusion, writing essays on social issues is not a big challenge, as some students believe. The secret in writing, such as essay, is to understand or have an idea about a specific social issue you wish to handle. But in case you’re not ready to write such an essay on your own, don’t be afraid to ask for help of the best writing service out there.

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Writing an Essay on Social Issues

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If you are assigned to write an essay on social issues, then you must look for some latest and trending ideas online. It is, of course, unless you have already found an essay writer for best price from a reliable writing service and decided to use their help.

Your professor may ask you to look for interesting social issues for your upcoming essay writing assignment. Such type of essay allows students to express their opinion about the latest social topics and how they affect everybody. So, if you are wondering who can help write my essay for me? Follow the step-by-step guide below for writing a great essay. 

essay writing social issues

Step 1: Choose an interesting topic 

You should choose the latest and relevant social issue topic to write your essay on. You should look for some controversial ideas to keep your readers interested. Make sure you choose something you can easily find enough evidence to support your ideas. 

Step 2: Conduct initial research. 

Don’t forget to do initial research on the topic you choose to write your essay on. Always look for reliable and credible sources to get information on your topic. It won’t make sense if you write your opinion without backing it up with strong evidence and examples from verifiable sources. 

Step 3: Back Up Your Ideas With Examples.

Include relevant examples in your essay to support your opinion. Since you are writing about a social topic, you are required to find relevant examples in daily life that you can include in your writing piece. The examples will help the readers to understand the whole purpose of your essay. If you are struggling with this, ask an  essay writer  for help.

Step 4: Keep a simple and clear tone throughout 

Remember your essay is your opportunity to express what you think about a particular topic. This is why it is important for you to use simple and clear language so that the readers can easily comprehend what you want to convey. 

Step 5: Edit and Proofread 

Never submit your essay without proper editing and proofreading. You need to make sure your essay is free from any kind of language error. You can do it yourself or ask someone else to edit and proofread your essay for you. 

Follow these step-by-step guidelines whenever you are assigned to write an essay on social issues. Otherwise, you can also go for ‘write my essay help online if you find it difficult to write a great essay on your own. 

What are some excellent social issues topics for an essay? 

Finding a perfect topic for an essay is not an easy task. You have to make sure that you have selected a topic that you write an amazing essay on. So, below you can find some excellent social issues essay topics from an  essay writing service . 

  • Compare ageism to racism and sexism 
  • How to deal with the consequences of deprivation of health care?
  • Are convicts still punished after serving their sentence?
  • Discuss the failure of labor laws
  • Discrimination against gay people
  • How does society view domestic violence towards men?
  • How to combat pregnancy discrimination? 
  • How does our society deal with poverty?
  • Write about the refugees across the world
  • Discuss the role of women in war
  • What is discrimination in sports?
  • Discuss ten major problems related to illiteracy
  • Write about ethnic profiling and violence
  • How to stay safe on the internet
  • Write about Egyptian illegal immigrants in Italy
  • Online gaming and the risks of microtransactions 
  • How important is data safety? Discuss 
  • Should abortion be legalized? Share your thoughts 
  • What are the reasons for nations to wage war?
  • Discuss the use of war monuments?
  • How to overcome adult illiteracy?

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Social and Political Issues Essay (Critical Writing)

Introduction, ruler of the united states of america, what the society should be doing to help the family, relevance of religion to a culture.

This paper discusses a number of social and political issues. First, it discusses about the actual rulers of the United States of America. Second, it discusses about problems affecting the family and how the society can help solve those problems. Lastly, the paper examines the relevance of religion in a culture.

The politics of 12 st century in the United States of America is quite different. This is because it no longer centers on leadership but on the pursuit of private interests. The rulers of the United States of America are the multibillion dollar corporations and the wealthy individuals. The wealthy Americans who own means of production have very significant influence in the United States of America.

It is important to point out that the corporations and the wealthy individuals have business interests both locally and internationally. Due to this, their primary interest is to protect their local and international investments. This can only be done effectively when they have significant say on the way United States is being ruled. The corporations and the wealthy have powerful influence on both domestic and foreign policies, especially those with economic implications.

The men and women in the United States’ political scene are both owners of businesses and investments. They are also representatives of major corporations with significant influence on national and foreign policies.

Vividly, these corporations and wealthy Americans are the ones controlling the nation’s economy; they are to be found in the real estate industry, agricultural and financial industries. These are key industries in the development of the nations.

Therefore, they will do everything possible to ensure they influence the way policies are formulated and implemented both domestically and internationally. Besides, the wealthy, corporate organizations and the military personnel also have significant control over the nation’s rule.

The military has been used by the corporations and the wealthy individuals to protect the interests of the nation, which are actually the interests of the corporations and the wealthy. The military is therefore rewarded by being allowed to have some influence on the rule of the United States, especially when it comes to implementation of foreign policies with respect to national and international security.

One of the major problems facing the families today is that of divorce. Divorce in the American society is rising at an alarming rate. The consequence of this has been the broken families. Many children are being brought up in dysfunctional families; this is quite detrimental to the society at large since families are the primary units of the entire society.

Moreover, with the growing information technology, information has become so easy to obtain that the contents of information are not being appropriately regulated to ensure only target recipients are reached. This has led to the problem of pornography in families. Children can now access pornographic materials. This has contributed to moral and ethical decadence not only within the family, but also within the society at large.

The federal government should take an initiative to reduce the rate of divorce. This should be made a national goal and every citizen be sensitized on the importance of maintaining marital sanity within the family units.

The non-governmental organizations, in collaboration with the government, should also play an important role in finding out the real courses of divorce and hence recommend and encourage the citizens on the dangers of divorce on individual selves and the children.

Besides, even though there is freedom of worship within the entire American society, it is important that Christians and Muslims take a lead in teaching the public on the importance of having a unity family where children grow up with both parents, unless either of them dies.

The marriage principles of both religious groups promote a harmonious family environment. In relation to pornography, both the federal government and the parents should be obliged to ensure children and underage individuals do not access pornographic materials. The government should play the part of coming up with legislations prohibiting use of pornographic materials in public places.

The legislations should also restrict the availability of pornographic materials in certain websites. Parents’ role is to openly talk to their children about the dangers of accessing the pornographic materials and the moral implications such materials have on them.

Religion is good for a culture. At individual level, everyone has some spiritual need that needs to be satisfied. In this case, it is important for the social cultures to tolerate religion irrespective of the kind of religion one subscribes to.

Moreover, religion has played a major role in creating harmony in the society. For instance, the Christian belief on forgiveness and good neighborliness has served to promote good morals amongst the members of many cultures.

In other words, religion creates a sense of togetherness and belonging amongst a group of individual subscribing to particular religious beliefs. The fact is that culture defines what a society is, but it does not tell where life originates from. This is where religion comes in to bridge the gap. Culture may explain what kind of society there is; however, religion plays a major role in helping the societal members to reflect on the beginning of life and existence.

The big corporations, the wealthy and also the military are the ones ruling the United States of America. Also, families have problems related to divorce and pornography. The government and parents should be concerned. Religion also is important to cultures for various reasons.

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Social Issues Argumentative Essays Samples For Students

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Essay on Contemporary Issues

Students are often asked to write an essay on Contemporary Issues in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on Contemporary Issues

What are contemporary issues.

Contemporary issues are problems or challenges that society is facing today. These issues can be local, national, or global. They often involve topics like the environment, technology, social issues, and politics. Understanding these issues can help us make better decisions for our future.

Environmental Issues

One of the biggest contemporary issues is environmental problems. These include climate change, pollution, and loss of biodiversity. Climate change is causing extreme weather events, like hurricanes and droughts. Pollution is harming our air, water, and land. Loss of biodiversity means many animal and plant species are disappearing.

Technological Issues

Technology is changing our lives in many ways. But it also brings new challenges. For example, cybercrime is a growing problem. This includes things like hacking and identity theft. There are also concerns about privacy and data security. We need to find ways to use technology safely and responsibly.

Social Issues

Social issues are another important contemporary issue. These include things like poverty, inequality, and discrimination. Many people lack access to basic needs like food, shelter, and healthcare. Inequality means some people have much more wealth and power than others. Discrimination is when people are treated unfairly because of their race, gender, age, or other characteristics.

Political Issues

Political issues can also be considered contemporary issues. These can include things like corruption, lack of democracy, and conflicts between nations. It’s important for people to be informed about these issues and to participate in the political process. This can help ensure that governments are accountable and responsive to their citizens.

250 Words Essay on Contemporary Issues

What are contemporary issues.

Contemporary issues are problems that we face in today’s world. These problems affect a lot of people, and they are often the subject of a lot of debate. They include things like climate change, inequality, and technology use.

Climate Change

Climate change is one of the most pressing contemporary issues. It refers to long-term changes in temperature and typical weather. Many scientists believe that human activities contribute to climate change. As a result, we see more extreme weather events, like hurricanes and droughts, that can harm people, animals, and our environment.

Inequality is another important contemporary issue. This can mean that people don’t have the same opportunities because of their race, gender, or how much money they have. It can affect many parts of life, like jobs, education, and health. Many people are working hard to fight against inequality and to ensure that everyone has the same opportunities.

Technology Use

Technology use is a newer contemporary issue. As more people use smartphones, tablets, and computers, we need to think about how this affects us. Some people worry that we spend too much time on these devices and not enough time talking to each other. There are also concerns about privacy and how data is used.

In conclusion, contemporary issues are problems that affect us all and are the subject of much debate. By understanding these issues and thinking about how we can solve them, we can make the world a better place. It’s important for everyone, including students, to learn about these issues and think about how they can help.

500 Words Essay on Contemporary Issues

Introduction to contemporary issues.

Contemporary issues are topics that are important in the present time. These are problems or challenges that we face today. They can be about many things like politics, society, environment, or technology. Understanding these issues can help us make better decisions and improve our world.

In the world of politics, there are many current issues. One of them is the fight for human rights. In many parts of the world, people are not treated equally. They do not have the same rights as others because of their race, religion, gender, or beliefs. This is a big problem that we need to solve.

Another political issue is corruption. Some people in power use their position for their own benefit, not for the good of the people. This is wrong and it harms society. We need to fight against corruption to make our world better.

Social issues are problems that affect people in society. One example is poverty. Many people in the world do not have enough money to live a good life. They struggle to get food, shelter, and education. This is a sad reality that we need to change.

Another social issue is discrimination. Some people are treated badly because they are different. This can be because of their skin color, their gender, their age, their religion, or other things. Discrimination is not fair and it hurts people. We need to respect and value everyone’s differences.

Our environment is facing many challenges. One of them is climate change. The world is getting warmer and this is causing problems like more extreme weather and rising sea levels. This is a big threat to our planet and we need to take action to stop it.

Another environmental issue is pollution. Many places in the world are dirty and polluted. This is bad for our health and for the health of the planet. We need to clean up our environment and stop polluting it.

Technology is changing our lives in many ways. But it also brings some problems. One issue is privacy. With so much information online, it is hard to keep our personal data safe. We need to find ways to protect our privacy in the digital world.

Another technological issue is the digital divide. Not everyone has access to the internet and digital devices. This is not fair and it can make it harder for people to learn and work. We need to make sure that everyone can benefit from technology.

Contemporary issues are important topics that we need to understand and address. By learning about these issues, we can work together to solve them and make our world a better place. Remember, change starts with understanding and action.

That’s it! I hope the essay helped you.

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Feb 15, 2023

6 Example Essays on Social Media | Advantages, Effects, and Outlines

Got an essay assignment about the effects of social media we got you covered check out our examples and outlines below.

Social media has become one of our society's most prominent ways of communication and information sharing in a very short time. It has changed how we communicate and has given us a platform to express our views and opinions and connect with others. It keeps us informed about the world around us. Social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn have brought individuals from all over the world together, breaking down geographical borders and fostering a genuinely global community.

However, social media comes with its difficulties. With the rise of misinformation, cyberbullying, and privacy problems, it's critical to utilize these platforms properly and be aware of the risks. Students in the academic world are frequently assigned essays about the impact of social media on numerous elements of our lives, such as relationships, politics, and culture. These essays necessitate a thorough comprehension of the subject matter, critical thinking, and the ability to synthesize and convey information clearly and succinctly.

But where do you begin? It can be challenging to know where to start with so much information available. comes in handy here. is an AI application built exclusively for students to help them write essays more quickly and easily. provides students with inspiration and assistance on how to approach their essays with its enormous database of sample essays on a variety of themes, including social media. is the solution you've been looking for if you're experiencing writer's block or need assistance getting started.

So, whether you're a student looking to better your essay writing skills or want to remain up to date on the latest social media advancements, is here to help. is the ideal tool for helping you write your finest essay ever, thanks to its simple design, an extensive database of example essays, and cutting-edge AI technology. So, why delay? Sign up for a free trial of today and begin exploring the worlds of social networking and essay writing!

Want to learn how to write an argumentative essay? Check out these inspiring examples!

We will provide various examples of social media essays so you may get a feel for the genre.

6 Examples of Social Media Essays

Here are 6 examples of Social Media Essays:

The Impact of Social Media on Relationships and Communication


The way we share information and build relationships has evolved as a direct result of the prevalence of social media in our daily lives. The influence of social media on interpersonal connections and conversation is a hot topic. Although social media has many positive effects, such as bringing people together regardless of physical proximity and making communication quicker and more accessible, it also has a dark side that can affect interpersonal connections and dialogue.

Positive Effects:

Connecting People Across Distances

One of social media's most significant benefits is its ability to connect individuals across long distances. People can use social media platforms to interact and stay in touch with friends and family far away. People can now maintain intimate relationships with those they care about, even when physically separated.

Improved Communication Speed and Efficiency

Additionally, the proliferation of social media sites has accelerated and simplified communication. Thanks to instant messaging, users can have short, timely conversations rather than lengthy ones via email. Furthermore, social media facilitates group communication, such as with classmates or employees, by providing a unified forum for such activities.

Negative Effects:

Decreased Face-to-Face Communication

The decline in in-person interaction is one of social media's most pernicious consequences on interpersonal connections and dialogue. People's reliance on digital communication over in-person contact has increased along with the popularity of social media. Face-to-face interaction has suffered as a result, which has adverse effects on interpersonal relationships and the development of social skills.

Decreased Emotional Intimacy

Another adverse effect of social media on relationships and communication is decreased emotional intimacy. Digital communication lacks the nonverbal cues and facial expressions critical in building emotional connections with others. This can make it more difficult for people to develop close and meaningful relationships, leading to increased loneliness and isolation.

Increased Conflict and Miscommunication

Finally, social media can also lead to increased conflict and miscommunication. The anonymity and distance provided by digital communication can lead to misunderstandings and hurtful comments that might not have been made face-to-face. Additionally, social media can provide a platform for cyberbullying , which can have severe consequences for the victim's mental health and well-being.


In conclusion, the impact of social media on relationships and communication is a complex issue with both positive and negative effects. While social media platforms offer many benefits, such as connecting people across distances and enabling faster and more accessible communication, they also have a dark side that can negatively affect relationships and communication. It is up to individuals to use social media responsibly and to prioritize in-person communication in their relationships and interactions with others.

The Role of Social Media in the Spread of Misinformation and Fake News

Social media has revolutionized the way information is shared and disseminated. However, the ease and speed at which data can be spread on social media also make it a powerful tool for spreading misinformation and fake news. Misinformation and fake news can seriously affect public opinion, influence political decisions, and even cause harm to individuals and communities.

The Pervasiveness of Misinformation and Fake News on Social Media

Misinformation and fake news are prevalent on social media platforms, where they can spread quickly and reach a large audience. This is partly due to the way social media algorithms work, which prioritizes content likely to generate engagement, such as sensational or controversial stories. As a result, false information can spread rapidly and be widely shared before it is fact-checked or debunked.

The Influence of Social Media on Public Opinion

Social media can significantly impact public opinion, as people are likelier to believe the information they see shared by their friends and followers. This can lead to a self-reinforcing cycle, where misinformation and fake news are spread and reinforced, even in the face of evidence to the contrary.

The Challenge of Correcting Misinformation and Fake News

Correcting misinformation and fake news on social media can be a challenging task. This is partly due to the speed at which false information can spread and the difficulty of reaching the same audience exposed to the wrong information in the first place. Additionally, some individuals may be resistant to accepting correction, primarily if the incorrect information supports their beliefs or biases.

In conclusion, the function of social media in disseminating misinformation and fake news is complex and urgent. While social media has revolutionized the sharing of information, it has also made it simpler for false information to propagate and be widely believed. Individuals must be accountable for the information they share and consume, and social media firms must take measures to prevent the spread of disinformation and fake news on their platforms.

The Effects of Social Media on Mental Health and Well-Being

Social media has become an integral part of modern life, with billions of people around the world using platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter to stay connected with others and access information. However, while social media has many benefits, it can also negatively affect mental health and well-being.

Comparison and Low Self-Esteem

One of the key ways that social media can affect mental health is by promoting feelings of comparison and low self-esteem. People often present a curated version of their lives on social media, highlighting their successes and hiding their struggles. This can lead others to compare themselves unfavorably, leading to feelings of inadequacy and low self-esteem.

Cyberbullying and Online Harassment

Another way that social media can negatively impact mental health is through cyberbullying and online harassment. Social media provides a platform for anonymous individuals to harass and abuse others, leading to feelings of anxiety, fear, and depression.

Social Isolation

Despite its name, social media can also contribute to feelings of isolation. At the same time, people may have many online friends but need more meaningful in-person connections and support. This can lead to feelings of loneliness and depression.

Addiction and Overuse

Finally, social media can be addictive, leading to overuse and negatively impacting mental health and well-being. People may spend hours each day scrolling through their feeds, neglecting other important areas of their lives, such as work, family, and self-care.

In sum, social media has positive and negative consequences on one's psychological and emotional well-being. Realizing this, and taking measures like reducing one's social media use, reaching out to loved ones for help, and prioritizing one's well-being, are crucial. In addition, it's vital that social media giants take ownership of their platforms and actively encourage excellent mental health and well-being.

The Use of Social Media in Political Activism and Social Movements

Social media has recently become increasingly crucial in political action and social movements. Platforms such as Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram have given people new ways to express themselves, organize protests, and raise awareness about social and political issues.

Raising Awareness and Mobilizing Action

One of the most important uses of social media in political activity and social movements has been to raise awareness about important issues and mobilize action. Hashtags such as #MeToo and #BlackLivesMatter, for example, have brought attention to sexual harassment and racial injustice, respectively. Similarly, social media has been used to organize protests and other political actions, allowing people to band together and express themselves on a bigger scale.

Connecting with like-minded individuals

A second method in that social media has been utilized in political activity and social movements is to unite like-minded individuals. Through social media, individuals can join online groups, share knowledge and resources, and work with others to accomplish shared objectives. This has been especially significant for geographically scattered individuals or those without access to traditional means of political organizing.

Challenges and Limitations

As a vehicle for political action and social movements, social media has faced many obstacles and restrictions despite its many advantages. For instance, the propagation of misinformation and fake news on social media can impede attempts to disseminate accurate and reliable information. In addition, social media corporations have been condemned for censorship and insufficient protection of user rights.

In conclusion, social media has emerged as a potent instrument for political activism and social movements, giving voice to previously unheard communities and galvanizing support for change. Social media presents many opportunities for communication and collaboration. Still, users and institutions must be conscious of the risks and limitations of these tools to promote their responsible and productive usage.

The Potential Privacy Concerns Raised by Social Media Use and Data Collection Practices

With billions of users each day on sites like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, social media has ingrained itself into every aspect of our lives. While these platforms offer a straightforward method to communicate with others and exchange information, they also raise significant concerns over data collecting and privacy. This article will examine the possible privacy issues posed by social media use and data-gathering techniques.

Data Collection and Sharing

The gathering and sharing of personal data are significant privacy issues brought up by social media use. Social networking sites gather user data, including details about their relationships, hobbies, and routines. This information is made available to third-party businesses for various uses, such as marketing and advertising. This can lead to serious concerns about who has access to and uses our personal information.

Lack of Control Over Personal Information

The absence of user control over personal information is a significant privacy issue brought up by social media usage. Social media makes it challenging to limit who has access to and how data is utilized once it has been posted. Sensitive information may end up being extensively disseminated and may be used maliciously as a result.

Personalized Marketing

Social media companies utilize the information they gather about users to target them with adverts relevant to their interests and usage patterns. Although this could be useful, it might also cause consumers to worry about their privacy since they might feel that their personal information is being used without their permission. Furthermore, there are issues with the integrity of the data being used to target users and the possibility of prejudice based on individual traits.

Government Surveillance

Using social media might spark worries about government surveillance. There are significant concerns regarding privacy and free expression when governments in some nations utilize social media platforms to follow and monitor residents.

In conclusion, social media use raises significant concerns regarding data collecting and privacy. While these platforms make it easy to interact with people and exchange information, they also gather a lot of personal information, which raises questions about who may access it and how it will be used. Users should be aware of these privacy issues and take precautions to safeguard their personal information, such as exercising caution when choosing what details to disclose on social media and keeping their information sharing with other firms to a minimum.

The Ethical and Privacy Concerns Surrounding Social Media Use And Data Collection

Our use of social media to communicate with loved ones, acquire information, and even conduct business has become a crucial part of our everyday lives. The extensive use of social media does, however, raise some ethical and privacy issues that must be resolved. The influence of social media use and data collecting on user rights, the accountability of social media businesses, and the need for improved regulation are all topics that will be covered in this article.

Effect on Individual Privacy:

Social networking sites gather tons of personal data from their users, including delicate information like search history, location data, and even health data. Each user's detailed profile may be created with this data and sold to advertising or used for other reasons. Concerns regarding the privacy of personal information might arise because social media businesses can use this data to target users with customized adverts.

Additionally, individuals might need to know how much their personal information is being gathered and exploited. Data breaches or the unauthorized sharing of personal information with other parties may result in instances where sensitive information is exposed. Users should be aware of the privacy rules of social media firms and take precautions to secure their data.

Responsibility of Social Media Companies:

Social media firms should ensure that they responsibly and ethically gather and use user information. This entails establishing strong security measures to safeguard sensitive information and ensuring users are informed of what information is being collected and how it is used.

Many social media businesses, nevertheless, have come under fire for not upholding these obligations. For instance, the Cambridge Analytica incident highlighted how Facebook users' personal information was exploited for political objectives without their knowledge. This demonstrates the necessity of social media corporations being held responsible for their deeds and ensuring that they are safeguarding the security and privacy of their users.

Better Regulation Is Needed

There is a need for tighter regulation in this field, given the effect, social media has on individual privacy as well as the obligations of social media firms. The creation of laws and regulations that ensure social media companies are gathering and using user information ethically and responsibly, as well as making sure users are aware of their rights and have the ability to control the information that is being collected about them, are all part of this.

Additionally, legislation should ensure that social media businesses are held responsible for their behavior, for example, by levying fines for data breaches or the unauthorized use of personal data. This will provide social media businesses with a significant incentive to prioritize their users' privacy and security and ensure they are upholding their obligations.

In conclusion, social media has fundamentally changed how we engage and communicate with one another, but this increased convenience also raises several ethical and privacy issues. Essential concerns that need to be addressed include the effect of social media on individual privacy, the accountability of social media businesses, and the requirement for greater regulation to safeguard user rights. We can make everyone's online experience safer and more secure by looking more closely at these issues.

In conclusion, social media is a complex and multifaceted topic that has recently captured the world's attention. With its ever-growing influence on our lives, it's no surprise that it has become a popular subject for students to explore in their writing. Whether you are writing an argumentative essay on the impact of social media on privacy, a persuasive essay on the role of social media in politics, or a descriptive essay on the changes social media has brought to the way we communicate, there are countless angles to approach this subject.

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    A social issue essay is an assignment meant to test our thoughts about social problems existing in our world today. These social issues have significant impacts on our modern society. The main idea behind writing a social issues essay is an expression of our opinions, ideas, or sentiments about the latest social topics and how it affects everybody.

  3. Essay on Social Issues Stand Out from the Crowd

    Writing an Essay on Social Issues. Social issues are complex and pervasive challenges affecting individuals, communities, and societies. These issues include poverty, inequality, discrimination, healthcare access, and education disparities. For example, in many countries, poverty is a significant social issue that affects millions of people ...

  4. 149 Social Issues Topic Ideas to Write about & Essay Samples

    Social Issues in "Too Young to Wed" by Cynthia Gorney. In the case of 10-year-old Ayesha who was married off to a 50-year old, the women in the family tried to stop the marriage. The Social Cost Issue. The concept of "social cost" is applied in the economic analysis and estimation of most impacts.

  5. 100+ Social Issue Essay Topic and Ideas

    A Social Issue Essay is a form of writing where the author examines and discusses societal problems, their causes, impacts, and possible solutions. These essays often incorporate research, personal experience, and a call to action. By exploring complex challenges, such essays foster a deeper understanding of the world around us and encourage ...

  6. Essay on Social Issues

    Introduction. Social issues are pervasive problems in society that affect a significant proportion of the population. These issues are a direct result of social structure and are often complex and interconnected, reflecting the intricate nature of society itself. Some prevalent social issues include poverty, racial and gender inequality ...

  7. Social Issues: 8 Common Examples of Social Issues for Your Essays

    Social Issues Climate Change. You don't need to be told that this issue is something that affects everybody in the world. Whether your research paper requires you to examine attitudes, behaviors, opinions, or monitor changes over time in either human, animal, or plant species - you're going to be able to include climate change somewhere, because it is a social issue that is so deeply ...

  8. 20 New Topics For Your Social Issues Essay

    In this article, you will find recommendations on how to write a good social issue essay. This article will help you with picking a topic. It will offer you some important tips on how to compose a decent social issues essay. The Structure of a Social Issues Essay. A social issue essay is a normal academic essay and it has the same structure.

  9. Social Issues Essay Topics

    Social Issues Essay Topics. Clio has taught education courses at the college level and has a Ph.D. in curriculum and instruction. Getting students writing about social issues can be an exciting ...

  10. 25 Major Social Problems (Examples) (2024)

    25 Major Social Problems (Examples) Social Problems constitute a key topic in Sociology. They refer to different kinds of troubles negatively affecting a society, its social structure, and its values. Social problems can consist of global issues such as poverty, displacement, and terrorism. They can also include issues in a specific society or ...

  11. How to Write Social Issues Essay?

    Here we provided social issues examples for students. 20 topics you can use to write a criminal justice essay. The effects of the privatization of prisons. The history and impact of the 'Three Strikes' law. The ethics of solitary confinement. The effectiveness of rehabilitation programs in prisons.

  12. Social Problems and Ways to Solve Them

    The most solvable social problem in society today is homelessness. An innovative way to tackle this problem is by building simple permanent houses where many people can live for free (Spector & Kitsuse, 2017). Most countries are trying to eliminate homelessness because it affects many individuals' social lives.

  13. List Of Social Issues Essay Topics For 2022

    Here are examples of essay topics on social issues: Define racism and describe the impact it can have on society. Write a persuasive essay explaining how social media has impaired face-to-face conversations. Write an essay and demonstrate the challenges single parents face. Define gender and explain how it impacts the lives of people around you.

  14. Social Problems: Causes and Solutions

    Another reason why social problems occur is due to peer group or family pressure. Disagreement between individuals or groups in a society can also lead to social problems. This is called the interaction perspective. Fall out between different cultures and religion in a society is a reason why social problems occur.

  15. Writing an Essay on Social Issues · The Inspiration Edit

    If you are assigned to write an essay on social issues, then you must look for some latest and trending ideas online. It is, of course, unless you have already found an essay writer for best price from a reliable writing service and decided to use their help.. Your professor may ask you to look for interesting social issues for your upcoming essay writing assignment.

  16. 70 Top Social Issue Essay Topics [2024 Updated]

    Writing social issue essays can be challenging and time-consuming. However, the following ideas could make the writing enjoyable. Write on relevant social issues: New social issues continue to arise every day. However, when writing an essay, identify an issue that has a significant impact on individuals and societies.

  17. Social and Political Issues Essay (Critical Writing)

    Introduction. This paper discusses a number of social and political issues. First, it discusses about the actual rulers of the United States of America. Second, it discusses about problems affecting the family and how the society can help solve those problems. Lastly, the paper examines the relevance of religion in a culture.

  18. Social Issues

    Prompts About Social Issues. Essay Prompt 1: In approximately three to four paragraphs, write an essay that explains the definition of social issues or problems, and explains the factors that are ...

  19. Social Issues Argumentative Essays Samples For Students

    Over the course of studying in college, you will definitely need to write a bunch of Argumentative Essays on Social Issues. Lucky you if putting words together and turning them into relevant content comes naturally to you; if it's not the case, you can save the day by finding a previously written Social Issues Argumentative Essay example and using it as a model to follow.

  20. 100 Problem Solution Essay Topics with Sample Essays

    After you have chosen your topic, you can find instructions about how to develop your ideas, find a unique solution to the problem, and organize your essay in "How to Write Your Problem Solution Paper." 4 Parts of Problem Solution. Describe a problem vividly. Propose a solution. Argue that the solution is practical, feasible, cost-effective ...

  21. Essay on Contemporary Issues

    Students are often asked to write an essay on Contemporary Issues in their schools and colleges. And if you're also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic. ... Social issues are problems that affect people in society. One example is poverty. Many people in the world do not have enough money ...

  22. 6 Example Essays on Social Media

    People's reliance on digital communication over in-person contact has increased along with the popularity of social media. Face-to-face interaction has suffered as a result, which has adverse effects on interpersonal relationships and the development of social skills. Decreased Emotional Intimacy.