How to Write a 10-Page Research Paper

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  • M.Ed., Education Administration, University of Georgia
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A large research paper assignment can be scary and intimidating. As always, this large assignment becomes more manageable (and less scary) whenever you break it down into digestible bites.

Start Early

The first key to writing a good research paper is starting early. There are a few good reasons to get an early start:

  • The best sources for your topic might be taken by other students, or they might be located in a faraway library.
  • It will take time to read the sources and write those note cards.
  • You will find that every rewrite of your paper makes it better. Give yourself plenty of time to polish your paper.
  • If you wait until the last minute, you could find that there is no information available to support your topic or thesis. You might need to find a new topic.

Write in Stages

The timeline below should help you get to the number of pages you desire. The key to writing a long research paper is writing in stages: You will need to establish a general overview first and then identify and write about several subtopics.

The second key to writing a lengthy research paper is to think of the writing process as a cycle. You will alternate researching, writing, reordering, and revising.

You will need to revisit each subtopic to insert your own analysis and arrange the proper order of your paragraphs in the final stages. Be sure to cite all information that is not common knowledge. Consult a style guide to make sure you are always citing properly.

Use a Timeline

Develop your own timeline with the tool below. If possible start the process four weeks before the paper is due.

Research Paper Timeline
  Understand the assignment completely.
  Obtain general knowledge about your topic by reading from the internet and from encyclopedias.
  Find a good general book about your topic.
  Take notes from the book using index cards. Write several cards containing paraphrased information and clearly indicated quotes. Indicate page numbers for everything you record.
  Write a two-page overview of your topic using the book as a source. Include page numbers for the information you use. You don’t have to worry about format just yet—just type page numbers and author/book name for now.
  Pick five interesting aspects that could serve as subtopics of your subject. Focus in on a few major points that you could write about. These could be influential people, historical background, an important event, geographical information, or anything relevant to your subject.
  Find good sources that address your subtopics. These could be or books. Read or skim those to find the most relevant and useful information. Make more note cards. Be careful to indicate your source name and the page number for all of the information you record.
  If you find these sources aren’t providing enough material, look at the bibliographies of those sources to see what sources they used. Determine whether you need to find the original source material rather than relying on secondary references.
  Visit your library to order any articles or books (from the bibliographies) that are not available in your own library.
  Write a page or two for every one of your subtopics. Save each page in a separate file according to the subject. Print them out.
  Arrange your printed pages (subtopics) in a logical order. When you find a sequence that makes sense, cut and paste the pages together into one big file. Don’t delete your individual pages, though. You may need to come back to these.
  You may find it necessary to break up your original two-page overview and insert parts of it into your subtopic paragraphs.
  Write a few sentences or paragraphs of your analysis of each subtopic.
  Now you should have a clear idea of the focus of your paper. Develop a preliminary thesis statement.
  Fill in of your research paper.
  Develop a draft of your paper.
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How To Write A 10-Page Research Paper: Some Of The Best Tips

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You’re finally writing your research paper. That means you’re done with reading and absorbing knowledge and are ready to contribute some of your own. It is inspiring, and there are no two opinions on that. However, all things come at a price, and all exciting things come with challenges. Especially when you are faced with the question of how to write a 10-page research paper, that sounds like strict guidelines, and we can understand your concern.

Table of Contents

How To Write A 10-Page Research Paper Fast?

How To Write A 10-Page Research Paper Fast?

You have been procrastinating because for weeks, and now the deadline is closer than ever. It’s a natural phenomenon. Sometimes even the best of us keep delaying the things that challenge us and force us out of our comfort zones. Trust me; we know the feeling. Even our writers are prone to such problems and writer’s block. Now it’s getting late. Let’s bury all these worries for a bit and talk about how to write a 10-page research paper the fastest way possible.  Our writers  have written everything down in simple and easy-to-understand steps. Read on! We can’t wait to make your day.

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How To Write A Research Paper By Breaking It Into Smaller Parts?

How To Write A Research Paper By Breaking It Into Smaller Parts?

One of the most remarkable techniques to achieve bigger goals is to break your challenges into smaller parts. The small things make more significant parts and make the difference. So when someone asks you how to write a 10-page research paper? Always tell them to make it out of smaller pieces. But how to do that? Let’s go and take a peek at it.

2 Paragraphs, Or 1 Page Of Introduction

An introduction is a crucial aspect whether you’re looking for a 20-page research paper or how to write a 10-page research paper. In the Introduction, you will summarize everything you’re going to write ahead. For a 10-page research paper, the ideal introduction size would be a single page. A single page typically consists of two paragraphs. Being comprehensive is the key, and you want to remain right on the topic. You won’t have much space like a thesis or dissertation. Try to be brief and concise and cover everything you can within a single page, between two to three paragraphs.

18 Paragraphs, Or 6 Pages Of The Body (Further Divided Into Three Parts)

After you’re done with the Introduction, the next step is writing the main body of your research paper. But how to write a 10-page research paper body? Well, that’s easy. Remember that you have six pages to spare for this task. You will have to suffice within this given guideline. We will break this into three further steps.

Argument Position / Acknowledgement Of The Existence Of The Problem / Defining The Case

The first two pages of the body acknowledge your stance on the issue or phenomenon you will talk about. You have to understand your position and the problem’s existence in the observations and experiences. You will utilize most of the data that you collected in this part. What are your arguments, and what makes them essential? Are there any researches that have come before? 6 Paragraphs of this lot, more or less two pages, would be a great length.

Roots / Causes Of The Problem / Explaining The Case

What is it that motivated you to choose this problem? Why this problem exists, or what caused the phenomenon in our discourse? In this part, you can include surveys and interviews with your audience and record your observations related to root causes. This is the most critical part of your research as it is based on public opinion. In a democratic state, there is nothing more important than public opinion.

Solutions To The Problem / Results Of The Case

Now we know the problem exists, and we also see the root causes of the problem. The final step in the body of your ten pages research paper is to define a solution. We must remember that the primary purpose of research writing is more than just finding a problem and extending it. A good research paper will also propose a solution and many answers to the existing questions. The final part of your body tells the reader how we can solve this problem, what measures we need to take, and what the solution will lead to.

2 Paragraphs, Or One Page Of Concluding The Case

The final step when answering the day’s question, “how to write a 10-page research paper?” would be to conclude the paper. We bet you already knew that. Just summarize everything you have written before in the final two or three paragraphs, in more or less 1-2 pages, and your paper is complete.

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How To Write A 10 Page Research Paper in 10 Steps

how-to-write-a-10-page-research-paper-in-10-steps (1)

Understanding The Assignment

You got the assignment. Congratulations! Because that means you’re finally finishing your year and going a step further. There is no time to hurry that much. Sit back and breathe. Keep calm and look at the given assignment. Consult a couple of friends. Even ask a couple of questions to your supervisors. Once your confidence is built, it will take no time to get a hold of the assignment.

Going Through A Feasibility Check

Once you have understood the assignment, it is best practice to check if it is a feasible topic you will discuss in your research. Has there been enough data available that you can use? If there is a lack of data and previously published research on your topic, you will not be able to finish the study. If there is too much redundancy, you might find a lack of interest from your institute.

Choosing A Topic

Choosing a research paper topic is a critical decision. It can be frustrating when you can’t come up with anything and you end up with a blank page. But there is a way to get over writer’s block and choose the topic that will get you thinking.

You can Google “ research paper topics ,” and you will find a lot of options. The first thing you need to do is to decide what interests you. If you are facing writer’s block, choosing the topic that triggers your thought process is essential. If you are interested in education, you might want to select a topic about education reform. If you are interested in politics, you might want to choose a case about the 2016 presidential election.

By following these steps, you can get over writer’s block and choose a topic that will get you thinking.

Making Initial Research

Once you have chosen the topic, it is time to research it. You don’t have to do much research, but you need a general idea of your writing. If you are writing about the 2016 presidential election, you might want to read articles about the candidates and the campaign. Looking into some  political science research topics  will help too. If you are writing about education reform, you might want to read articles about education systems worldwide.

Gathering Sources

When writing your research paper, it is important to use credible sources. Credible sources are those that you can trust to provide accurate information. You can find credible sources by doing your research or using the resources provided in this guide.

When you are doing your research, be sure to use reliable sources. A reliable source is one that you can trust to provide accurate information. You can charge a reliable source if you have read and understood the article or spoken to someone who has read and understood the article.

Ask Questions Related To Your Topic, Talk To Your Sources

Collecting data for your research paper can be daunting, but by taking a walk around and asking questions to people, you can get a lot of valuable information. Even a non-specialist could provide you with a lot of data and insights.

One of the best ways to collect data is to ask people their opinions on some issues. You can do this through surveys, interviews, or even talking to community members. This information can be used to help you understand your audience, as well as the issues that are important to them.

Interviewing The Participants / Volunteers

Once you have determined your sources, you will need to prepare a list of questions to ask them. This list should be tailored to the individual basis and reflect the information you have determined about them.

When interviewing your sources, it is essential to be respectful and attentive to their time. It would be best if you also were prepared to take notes during the interview and be prepared to ask follow-up questions.

By  interviewing your sources effectively , you will be able to provide a more in-depth and accurate account of the topic you are writing about.

Form A Stance

It is essential to have an understanding of your position. This means that you need to know the facts about the topic and be able to articulate your thoughts on the matter. When you can express your thoughts, you can defend your stance and be more likely to find accurate information.

Create An Outline

An outline is one of the essential tasks in writing research papers. It helps you stay organized and focused and makes the writing process more manageable.

There are a few different types of outline, and the one that’s most effective for you will depend on the kind of paper you’re writing and your specific writing style. However, some general tips will help you create an outline regardless of the type of outline you use.

One of the most important things to remember when  writing an outline  is to keep it concise. Don’t include too many details in your strategy, or you’ll quickly become bogged down in a sea of information. Instead, focus on having the main points of your paper and then expanding on them as you write.

Also, be sure to outline the main points of your paper before you start writing. This will help you stay on track and avoid getting sidetracked. Once you have a rough outline, you can begin filling in the details.

Start Writing

All the daunting tasks are almost finished. Let’s get to writing your research paper. You already know how to write a 10-page research paper. If you already know the answers and everything you need, let’s put them down on paper. Remember to take breaks to avoid burnout.

Cite Your Sources

“Always remember to cite your sources. Your sources are the people and institutes that provide you with data. Ignoring them would be severe injustice and will be considered an act of plagiarism.”

Plagiarism is a severe offense and can result in a loss of academic credibility and future opportunities. It is, therefore, vital to be aware of the guidelines for citing and to follow them correctly.

When citing a source, always include the following:

  • The author’s name.
  • The title of the article or book.
  • The page number(s) where the information can be found.

It is also essential to include the date of publication.

Be Your Critic (It’s fun!)

You’re almost finished. Let’s have a look at what you have written. It is always fun to be a critic. Trust me; it is the same when you’re your critic. Find if there are any mistakes and correct them for grammar and context.

Re-read, Enjoy Your Work, and Then Submit

Do you enjoy reading? Don’t we all? It is one of the few pleasures of this dark, wicket world. It is okay to read your works. You will not only enjoy reading your works but will also find yourself a little proud. It’s good to feel proud in a while. After you know it’s all okay and ready, go to the site of your institute, upload your document, and hit the submit button.

How to write a 10-page research paper? Answering this could be challenging. It is a challenge no more. You have everything you were looking for. Now write your essay and surprise the world with your excellence. If you still think it will be difficult to find time to write your research paper, that is totally understandable. You can hire someone for  paper writing help  from Paper Perk, and they can lift your academic weight for you for a while.

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Home > Blog > Tips for Online Students > Tips for Students > Hacks How to Write a 10 and 20 page Paper in One Night

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Hacks How to Write a 10 and 20 page Paper in One Night

8 10 page research paper

Updated: June 19, 2024

Published: April 19, 2020


It’s the night before a big paper is due. For whatever reason, you find yourself needing to write an entire research paper in a very short amount of time. While procrastination isn’t ideal, extenuating circumstances may have caused your timeline to get pushed back. So, here you are, looking for how to write a 10-page paper or how to write a 20-page paper in one night.

It goes without saying the best way to write a paper is to give yourself enough time to outline, draft, and edit. Yet, it’s still possible to write in less time. Take heed of these best tips and tricks to organize your thoughts and get your thesis on paper as fast as possible.

Photo by  Adolfo Félix  on  Unsplash

How to prepare before you write, 1. create a schedule to maximize your time.

You’ve likely already spent time panicking. Once you calm yourself of the anxiety of having to finish a 10- or 20-page paper in one night, organize your plan of attack. First, you should designate an area free of distractions so that you can focus. Aside from a few breaks and snacks, it’s best to set up a comfortable place to write. Give yourself some time to outline and find/cite research . Once you know how you’re going to approach the subject, then you can start drafting.

2. Determine your Main Topic

If you’ve been given a prompt, then your topic is clear. However, sometimes you have the freedom to choose what your research will be about. In this case, it’s smartest to choose a topic that you are already knowledgeable about. That way, you will save yourself key time that would have otherwise been spent on research. If you don’t feel strongly about any particular topic, then at least try to pick one that has a lot of information available.

3. Perform Research

Start looking up sources to cite that support your thesis, or main argument. As you research, be sure to take notes. One of the best ways to do this is to use a word processor like Google Docs or Microsoft Word to copy and paste URLs. For each source, it would be best to copy/paste one main sentence that covers its point.

Then, you can write brief notes in your own words that summarize what you have read from that source. While you are performing research, you can start to put together an outline, or the flow of how you will present your ideas broken down by topic and argument.

4. Outline 3-5 subtopics

Once you’ve chosen your topic, then try to pull 3-5 subtopics from it. Each sub-topic should be juicy enough to be able to write a lot about it. The subtopics are your supporting paragraphs which fill the body of the research paper. They should basically be mini essays within themselves.

Writing in One Night

Writing a long research paper in one night isn’t ideal, but it is doable. Some of the best ways to get it done is to follow these 5 tips:

1. Plan and Outline

Take those few extra moments to plan and outline your paper. While it may feel like a waste of valuable time, it is going to help you stay on track. When you have an outline and you get to the middle of your paper, you won’t feel lost as to how to continue. An outline will be useful to you like a map is on a journey.

2. Use Specialized Search

Take advantage of search tools that are designed for scholars. For example, a few of these include: Google Scholar and Elsevier .

3. Leverage Tools

There are citation management tools that will help you find sources for your topic. Mendeley is just one of them. You can type parts of your paper into the tool and find quotes of value. Be sure to cite everything you use to avoid plagiarism .

4. Proofread and Edit

Once you complete writing 10 to 20 pages, you may feel like throwing in the towel and going to sleep for a few hours. However, it is crucial to power through and proofread your paper. If you have anyone available who can read your paper over, that would be best because it’s hard to catch mistakes when you’ve been looking at the same thing for so long. But, if no one is available, try to read your paper back to yourself out loud. This way, you may be able to catch typos better.

5. Check Formatting

Every research paper needs to adhere to a particular format guideline. Whether it’s APA, MLA, or another standard formatting practice, be sure to double check that your layout adheres to the guidelines.

Photo by  Christin Hume  on  Unsplash

When to start writing.

If you have yet to find yourself trying to write a paper at the last minute and all the notes above are scaring you out of procrastination, then that’s a good start! Perhaps you were recently assigned a research paper. In this case, the best way to tackle the project is to do the following:

Start Early

Get started right away. Even if it means just performing early research or writing an outline, starting early is going to save you from having to write a paper in one night down the line. When you start early, you benefit greatly because you can: leverage peers for ideas, take the necessary time to edit and rewrite, and you lower your risk of picking a topic with too little information and having to change topics at the last minute.

Writing in Stages

Starting early also affords you the opportunity to write in stages. You can think of writing as a cycle when you write in stages. First, you can create your outline. Then, you can write the introduction, edit it, and rewrite anything you may need to before moving on to the next piece (or the first body paragraph, in this case).

Use a Timeline

Create a timeline for your writing in stages. If you start four weeks in advance, for example, you have time to do all of the following:

  • Fully understand the assignment and ask any questions
  • Start to read and document sources
  • Create notecards and cite books for sources
  • Write a summary of what you’ve discovered so far that will be used in some of your paper
  • Create 3-5 subtopics and outline points you want to explore
  • Look for more sources on your subtopics
  • Start writing summaries on each subtopic
  • Write some analysis of your findings
  • Start to piece together the research paper based on your notes and outline (almost like completing a puzzle)
  • Edit and proofread / ask for feedback

The Writing Process

The actual writing process is a little different for everyone, but this is a general overview for how to write a 20-page paper, or one that is shorter.

  • Start with a Thesis: Your thesis is one sentence that clearly and concisely explains what you are going to prove with research.
  • Include a Menu Sentence: At the end of your introduction, you will briefly outline your subtopics in what is often referred to as a “menu sentence.” This allows the reader to understand what they can expect to learn about as they continue to read your paper.
  • Create a Detailed Introduction: Your introduction should be detailed enough so that someone with little to no knowledge about your subject matter can understand what the paper is about.
  • Keep References: Be sure to write your references as you go along so that you basically can create your bibliography in the process of writing. Again, this is where a tool like Mendeley may be useful.
  • Write First: Write first and edit later. You want to get all your ideas down on the page before you start judging or editing the writing.
  • Save Often: Create the draft on a cloud platform that is automatically saved (i.e. Google Docs in case your computer crashes) or email the work to yourself as you go.

The Breakdown of a 10-Page Paper

The Breakdown of a 10-Page Paper infographic table

Sources to Consider Using

When writing your research paper and finding sources, it’s best to use a mix of sources. This may include:

  • Internet: The Internet is filled with limitless possibilities. When you use the Internet, it’s best to find credible and trustworthy sources to avoid using fake news as a source. That’s why tools like Google Scholar can be so helpful.
  • Textbooks: It’s more likely than not that you’ll be able to use your class textbook as a source for the research you are conducting.
  • Books: Additionally, other books outside of those you read within your class will prove useful in any research paper.

Final Steps: Editing and Formatting

Once you’ve written all your ideas on the page, it’s time to edit. It cannot be stressed enough that editing is pivotal before submission. This is especially true if you’ve been writing under immense pressure.

Writing a 10- or 20-page research paper in one night is not easy, so there are bound to be mistakes and typos. The best way to catch these mistakes is to follow these tips:

  • Take a break before you edit so you can come back to the page with somewhat fresh eyes and a clearer head
  • Read it out loud to edit and catch mistakes because sometimes your brain will override typos or missing words to make sense of what it is reading
  • If possible, ask someone else to look it over
  • Consider using footnotes or block quotes
  • Format according to how your university asks – MLA or APA, etc.

The Bottom Line

Life throws curveballs your way without warning. Whether you are holding yourself accountable for procrastinating or something out of your control came up, you may find yourself needing to write a big research paper in one night. It’s not the best-case scenario, but with the right tools and tricks up your sleeve, you can surely get it done!

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8 10 page research paper

How To Write A Research Paper

Step-By-Step Tutorial With Examples + FREE Template

By: Derek Jansen (MBA) | Expert Reviewer: Dr Eunice Rautenbach | March 2024

For many students, crafting a strong research paper from scratch can feel like a daunting task – and rightly so! In this post, we’ll unpack what a research paper is, what it needs to do , and how to write one – in three easy steps. 🙂 

Overview: Writing A Research Paper

What (exactly) is a research paper.

  • How to write a research paper
  • Stage 1 : Topic & literature search
  • Stage 2 : Structure & outline
  • Stage 3 : Iterative writing
  • Key takeaways

Let’s start by asking the most important question, “ What is a research paper? ”.

Simply put, a research paper is a scholarly written work where the writer (that’s you!) answers a specific question (this is called a research question ) through evidence-based arguments . Evidence-based is the keyword here. In other words, a research paper is different from an essay or other writing assignments that draw from the writer’s personal opinions or experiences. With a research paper, it’s all about building your arguments based on evidence (we’ll talk more about that evidence a little later).

Now, it’s worth noting that there are many different types of research papers , including analytical papers (the type I just described), argumentative papers, and interpretative papers. Here, we’ll focus on analytical papers , as these are some of the most common – but if you’re keen to learn about other types of research papers, be sure to check out the rest of the blog .

With that basic foundation laid, let’s get down to business and look at how to write a research paper .

Research Paper Template

Overview: The 3-Stage Process

While there are, of course, many potential approaches you can take to write a research paper, there are typically three stages to the writing process. So, in this tutorial, we’ll present a straightforward three-step process that we use when working with students at Grad Coach.

These three steps are:

  • Finding a research topic and reviewing the existing literature
  • Developing a provisional structure and outline for your paper, and
  • Writing up your initial draft and then refining it iteratively

Let’s dig into each of these.

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8 10 page research paper

Step 1: Find a topic and review the literature

As we mentioned earlier, in a research paper, you, as the researcher, will try to answer a question . More specifically, that’s called a research question , and it sets the direction of your entire paper. What’s important to understand though is that you’ll need to answer that research question with the help of high-quality sources – for example, journal articles, government reports, case studies, and so on. We’ll circle back to this in a minute.

The first stage of the research process is deciding on what your research question will be and then reviewing the existing literature (in other words, past studies and papers) to see what they say about that specific research question. In some cases, your professor may provide you with a predetermined research question (or set of questions). However, in many cases, you’ll need to find your own research question within a certain topic area.

Finding a strong research question hinges on identifying a meaningful research gap – in other words, an area that’s lacking in existing research. There’s a lot to unpack here, so if you wanna learn more, check out the plain-language explainer video below.

Once you’ve figured out which question (or questions) you’ll attempt to answer in your research paper, you’ll need to do a deep dive into the existing literature – this is called a “ literature search ”. Again, there are many ways to go about this, but your most likely starting point will be Google Scholar .

If you’re new to Google Scholar, think of it as Google for the academic world. You can start by simply entering a few different keywords that are relevant to your research question and it will then present a host of articles for you to review. What you want to pay close attention to here is the number of citations for each paper – the more citations a paper has, the more credible it is (generally speaking – there are some exceptions, of course).

how to use google scholar

Ideally, what you’re looking for are well-cited papers that are highly relevant to your topic. That said, keep in mind that citations are a cumulative metric , so older papers will often have more citations than newer papers – just because they’ve been around for longer. So, don’t fixate on this metric in isolation – relevance and recency are also very important.

Beyond Google Scholar, you’ll also definitely want to check out academic databases and aggregators such as Science Direct, PubMed, JStor and so on. These will often overlap with the results that you find in Google Scholar, but they can also reveal some hidden gems – so, be sure to check them out.

Once you’ve worked your way through all the literature, you’ll want to catalogue all this information in some sort of spreadsheet so that you can easily recall who said what, when and within what context. If you’d like, we’ve got a free literature spreadsheet that helps you do exactly that.

Don’t fixate on an article’s citation count in isolation - relevance (to your research question) and recency are also very important.

Step 2: Develop a structure and outline

With your research question pinned down and your literature digested and catalogued, it’s time to move on to planning your actual research paper .

It might sound obvious, but it’s really important to have some sort of rough outline in place before you start writing your paper. So often, we see students eagerly rushing into the writing phase, only to land up with a disjointed research paper that rambles on in multiple

Now, the secret here is to not get caught up in the fine details . Realistically, all you need at this stage is a bullet-point list that describes (in broad strokes) what you’ll discuss and in what order. It’s also useful to remember that you’re not glued to this outline – in all likelihood, you’ll chop and change some sections once you start writing, and that’s perfectly okay. What’s important is that you have some sort of roadmap in place from the start.

You need to have a rough outline in place before you start writing your paper - or you’ll end up with a disjointed research paper that rambles on.

At this stage you might be wondering, “ But how should I structure my research paper? ”. Well, there’s no one-size-fits-all solution here, but in general, a research paper will consist of a few relatively standardised components:

  • Introduction
  • Literature review
  • Methodology

Let’s take a look at each of these.

First up is the introduction section . As the name suggests, the purpose of the introduction is to set the scene for your research paper. There are usually (at least) four ingredients that go into this section – these are the background to the topic, the research problem and resultant research question , and the justification or rationale. If you’re interested, the video below unpacks the introduction section in more detail. 

The next section of your research paper will typically be your literature review . Remember all that literature you worked through earlier? Well, this is where you’ll present your interpretation of all that content . You’ll do this by writing about recent trends, developments, and arguments within the literature – but more specifically, those that are relevant to your research question . The literature review can oftentimes seem a little daunting, even to seasoned researchers, so be sure to check out our extensive collection of literature review content here .

With the introduction and lit review out of the way, the next section of your paper is the research methodology . In a nutshell, the methodology section should describe to your reader what you did (beyond just reviewing the existing literature) to answer your research question. For example, what data did you collect, how did you collect that data, how did you analyse that data and so on? For each choice, you’ll also need to justify why you chose to do it that way, and what the strengths and weaknesses of your approach were.

Now, it’s worth mentioning that for some research papers, this aspect of the project may be a lot simpler . For example, you may only need to draw on secondary sources (in other words, existing data sets). In some cases, you may just be asked to draw your conclusions from the literature search itself (in other words, there may be no data analysis at all). But, if you are required to collect and analyse data, you’ll need to pay a lot of attention to the methodology section. The video below provides an example of what the methodology section might look like.

By this stage of your paper, you will have explained what your research question is, what the existing literature has to say about that question, and how you analysed additional data to try to answer your question. So, the natural next step is to present your analysis of that data . This section is usually called the “results” or “analysis” section and this is where you’ll showcase your findings.

Depending on your school’s requirements, you may need to present and interpret the data in one section – or you might split the presentation and the interpretation into two sections. In the latter case, your “results” section will just describe the data, and the “discussion” is where you’ll interpret that data and explicitly link your analysis back to your research question. If you’re not sure which approach to take, check in with your professor or take a look at past papers to see what the norms are for your programme.

Alright – once you’ve presented and discussed your results, it’s time to wrap it up . This usually takes the form of the “ conclusion ” section. In the conclusion, you’ll need to highlight the key takeaways from your study and close the loop by explicitly answering your research question. Again, the exact requirements here will vary depending on your programme (and you may not even need a conclusion section at all) – so be sure to check with your professor if you’re unsure.

Step 3: Write and refine

Finally, it’s time to get writing. All too often though, students hit a brick wall right about here… So, how do you avoid this happening to you?

Well, there’s a lot to be said when it comes to writing a research paper (or any sort of academic piece), but we’ll share three practical tips to help you get started.

First and foremost , it’s essential to approach your writing as an iterative process. In other words, you need to start with a really messy first draft and then polish it over multiple rounds of editing. Don’t waste your time trying to write a perfect research paper in one go. Instead, take the pressure off yourself by adopting an iterative approach.

Secondly , it’s important to always lean towards critical writing , rather than descriptive writing. What does this mean? Well, at the simplest level, descriptive writing focuses on the “ what ”, while critical writing digs into the “ so what ” – in other words, the implications . If you’re not familiar with these two types of writing, don’t worry! You can find a plain-language explanation here.

Last but not least, you’ll need to get your referencing right. Specifically, you’ll need to provide credible, correctly formatted citations for the statements you make. We see students making referencing mistakes all the time and it costs them dearly. The good news is that you can easily avoid this by using a simple reference manager . If you don’t have one, check out our video about Mendeley, an easy (and free) reference management tool that you can start using today.

Recap: Key Takeaways

We’ve covered a lot of ground here. To recap, the three steps to writing a high-quality research paper are:

  • To choose a research question and review the literature
  • To plan your paper structure and draft an outline
  • To take an iterative approach to writing, focusing on critical writing and strong referencing

Remember, this is just a b ig-picture overview of the research paper development process and there’s a lot more nuance to unpack. So, be sure to grab a copy of our free research paper template to learn more about how to write a research paper.


Can you help me with a full paper template for this Abstract:

Background: Energy and sports drinks have gained popularity among diverse demographic groups, including adolescents, athletes, workers, and college students. While often used interchangeably, these beverages serve distinct purposes, with energy drinks aiming to boost energy and cognitive performance, and sports drinks designed to prevent dehydration and replenish electrolytes and carbohydrates lost during physical exertion.

Objective: To assess the nutritional quality of energy and sports drinks in Egypt.

Material and Methods: A cross-sectional study assessed the nutrient contents, including energy, sugar, electrolytes, vitamins, and caffeine, of sports and energy drinks available in major supermarkets in Cairo, Alexandria, and Giza, Egypt. Data collection involved photographing all relevant product labels and recording nutritional information. Descriptive statistics and appropriate statistical tests were employed to analyze and compare the nutritional values of energy and sports drinks.

Results: The study analyzed 38 sports drinks and 42 energy drinks. Sports drinks were significantly more expensive than energy drinks, with higher net content and elevated magnesium, potassium, and vitamin C. Energy drinks contained higher concentrations of caffeine, sugars, and vitamins B2, B3, and B6.

Conclusion: Significant nutritional differences exist between sports and energy drinks, reflecting their intended uses. However, these beverages’ high sugar content and calorie loads raise health concerns. Proper labeling, public awareness, and responsible marketing are essential to guide safe consumption practices in Egypt.

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8 10 page research paper

How to Write a Ten Page Research Paper

Writing a ten-page research paper may seem like a daunting task, but with proper planning and organization, it can be a manageable and even enjoyable process. This article will guide you through the steps of writing a ten-page research paper, from selecting a topic to revising your final draft.

Step 1: Choose a Topic

Selecting a topic is the first and most crucial step in writing a research paper. Consider your interests, the requirements of your assignment, and the availability of credible sources. Make sure your topic is specific enough to be explored in-depth within the scope of a ten-page paper.

Step 2: Conduct Preliminary Research

Once you have chosen a topic, conduct preliminary research to gain a better understanding of the subject and to identify potential sources. Begin by consulting general references such as textbooks, encyclopedias, or reputable websites. Note down key ideas, arguments, or theories that emerge during this stage.

Step 3: Develop a Thesis Statement

Based on your preliminary research, develop a clear and concise thesis statement that presents your main argument or position. Your thesis statement should guide your research and serve as a foundation for your paper.

Step 4: Create an Outline

An outline is a helpful tool to organize your thoughts and ensure that your paper flows logically. Divide your paper into sections, including an introduction, body paragraphs, and a conclusion. Within each section, outline the main points you will discuss and the evidence or examples you will use to support your argument.

Step 5: Conduct In-Depth Research

Now that you have an outline, conduct in-depth research to gather evidence and support for your thesis statement. Utilize academic journals, books, reputable websites, and other scholarly sources to find relevant information. Take detailed notes and keep track of the sources you use for proper citation later.

Step 6: Write the First Draft

With your research completed, it’s time to write the first draft of your paper. Start by writing an engaging introduction that hooks the reader and clearly presents your thesis statement. Then, develop each main point in separate body paragraphs, providing evidence and analysis to support your claims. Finally, craft a strong conclusion that summarizes your main arguments and emphasizes the significance of your research.

Step 7: Revise and Edit

After completing the first draft, take a break before revising your paper. During the revision process, focus on improving the clarity, coherence, and organization of your ideas. Check for grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors, and ensure that your citations are accurate and properly formatted.

Step 8: Finalize Your Paper

Once you have revised your paper, read it once again to make sure everything is in order. Pay attention to the overall structure, flow, and the strength of your arguments. Make any necessary changes and proofread your paper one last time before submitting it.

1. How long should each body paragraph be? There is no standard length for a body paragraph, but it is generally recommended to include around 3-5 paragraphs in a ten-page research paper. However, the length may vary depending on the complexity of your topic and the amount of evidence or analysis you need to present.

2. How many sources should I use in my research paper? The number of sources you use depends on the requirements of your assignment and the depth of research needed. As a general guideline, aim for at least five credible sources for a ten-page paper. However, remember that quality is more important than quantity, so prioritize using reliable and relevant sources.

3. Can I use websites as sources for my research paper? Yes, websites can be used as sources, but it is crucial to evaluate their credibility. Look for websites that have a reputable domain, author expertise, and accurate information. Scholarly databases and online academic journals are often reliable sources for research papers.

4. How do I avoid plagiarism in my research paper? To avoid plagiarism, always properly cite your sources within the text and provide a complete bibliography at the end of your paper. Use citation styles such as APA, MLA, or Chicago, depending on the requirements of your discipline or instructor. Additionally, paraphrase or summarize information obtained from sources, giving credit to the original authors.

5. How can I manage my time effectively while writing a ten-page research paper? To manage your time effectively, create a realistic schedule that includes specific deadlines for each step of the research and writing process. Break down the tasks into smaller, manageable chunks and set aside dedicated time for research, writing, and revising. Avoid procrastination by starting early and sticking to your schedule.

6. Should I write the introduction and conclusion first or last? It is generally recommended to write the introduction and conclusion after completing the body paragraphs. By doing this, you will have a better understanding of your arguments and the evidence you have gathered. This allows you to create a more accurate and cohesive introduction and conclusion that align with the content of your paper.

7. How do I choose the best sources for my research paper? Choose sources that are reputable, relevant, and current. Consider academic journals, books, and articles written by experts in the field. Peer-reviewed sources are often the most reliable. Additionally, check the credibility of the author and ensure that the source is up-to-date to guarantee the accuracy and reliability of the information.

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  • How to write a research paper

Last updated

11 January 2024

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With proper planning, knowledge, and framework, completing a research paper can be a fulfilling and exciting experience. 

Though it might initially sound slightly intimidating, this guide will help you embrace the challenge. 

By documenting your findings, you can inspire others and make a difference in your field. Here's how you can make your research paper unique and comprehensive.

  • What is a research paper?

Research papers allow you to demonstrate your knowledge and understanding of a particular topic. These papers are usually lengthier and more detailed than typical essays, requiring deeper insight into the chosen topic.

To write a research paper, you must first choose a topic that interests you and is relevant to the field of study. Once you’ve selected your topic, gathering as many relevant resources as possible, including books, scholarly articles, credible websites, and other academic materials, is essential. You must then read and analyze these sources, summarizing their key points and identifying gaps in the current research.

You can formulate your ideas and opinions once you thoroughly understand the existing research. To get there might involve conducting original research, gathering data, or analyzing existing data sets. It could also involve presenting an original argument or interpretation of the existing research.

Writing a successful research paper involves presenting your findings clearly and engagingly, which might involve using charts, graphs, or other visual aids to present your data and using concise language to explain your findings. You must also ensure your paper adheres to relevant academic formatting guidelines, including proper citations and references.

Overall, writing a research paper requires a significant amount of time, effort, and attention to detail. However, it is also an enriching experience that allows you to delve deeply into a subject that interests you and contribute to the existing body of knowledge in your chosen field.

  • How long should a research paper be?

Research papers are deep dives into a topic. Therefore, they tend to be longer pieces of work than essays or opinion pieces. 

However, a suitable length depends on the complexity of the topic and your level of expertise. For instance, are you a first-year college student or an experienced professional? 

Also, remember that the best research papers provide valuable information for the benefit of others. Therefore, the quality of information matters most, not necessarily the length. Being concise is valuable.

Following these best practice steps will help keep your process simple and productive:

1. Gaining a deep understanding of any expectations

Before diving into your intended topic or beginning the research phase, take some time to orient yourself. Suppose there’s a specific topic assigned to you. In that case, it’s essential to deeply understand the question and organize your planning and approach in response. Pay attention to the key requirements and ensure you align your writing accordingly. 

This preparation step entails

Deeply understanding the task or assignment

Being clear about the expected format and length

Familiarizing yourself with the citation and referencing requirements 

Understanding any defined limits for your research contribution

Where applicable, speaking to your professor or research supervisor for further clarification

2. Choose your research topic

Select a research topic that aligns with both your interests and available resources. Ideally, focus on a field where you possess significant experience and analytical skills. In crafting your research paper, it's crucial to go beyond summarizing existing data and contribute fresh insights to the chosen area.

Consider narrowing your focus to a specific aspect of the topic. For example, if exploring the link between technology and mental health, delve into how social media use during the pandemic impacts the well-being of college students. Conducting interviews and surveys with students could provide firsthand data and unique perspectives, adding substantial value to the existing knowledge.

When finalizing your topic, adhere to legal and ethical norms in the relevant area (this ensures the integrity of your research, protects participants' rights, upholds intellectual property standards, and ensures transparency and accountability). Following these principles not only maintains the credibility of your work but also builds trust within your academic or professional community.

For instance, in writing about medical research, consider legal and ethical norms , including patient confidentiality laws and informed consent requirements. Similarly, if analyzing user data on social media platforms, be mindful of data privacy regulations, ensuring compliance with laws governing personal information collection and use. Aligning with legal and ethical standards not only avoids potential issues but also underscores the responsible conduct of your research.

3. Gather preliminary research

Once you’ve landed on your topic, it’s time to explore it further. You’ll want to discover more about available resources and existing research relevant to your assignment at this stage. 

This exploratory phase is vital as you may discover issues with your original idea or realize you have insufficient resources to explore the topic effectively. This key bit of groundwork allows you to redirect your research topic in a different, more feasible, or more relevant direction if necessary. 

Spending ample time at this stage ensures you gather everything you need, learn as much as you can about the topic, and discover gaps where the topic has yet to be sufficiently covered, offering an opportunity to research it further. 

4. Define your research question

To produce a well-structured and focused paper, it is imperative to formulate a clear and precise research question that will guide your work. Your research question must be informed by the existing literature and tailored to the scope and objectives of your project. By refining your focus, you can produce a thoughtful and engaging paper that effectively communicates your ideas to your readers.

5. Write a thesis statement

A thesis statement is a one-to-two-sentence summary of your research paper's main argument or direction. It serves as an overall guide to summarize the overall intent of the research paper for you and anyone wanting to know more about the research.

A strong thesis statement is:

Concise and clear: Explain your case in simple sentences (avoid covering multiple ideas). It might help to think of this section as an elevator pitch.

Specific: Ensure that there is no ambiguity in your statement and that your summary covers the points argued in the paper.

Debatable: A thesis statement puts forward a specific argument––it is not merely a statement but a debatable point that can be analyzed and discussed.

Here are three thesis statement examples from different disciplines:

Psychology thesis example: "We're studying adults aged 25-40 to see if taking short breaks for mindfulness can help with stress. Our goal is to find practical ways to manage anxiety better."

Environmental science thesis example: "This research paper looks into how having more city parks might make the air cleaner and keep people healthier. I want to find out if more green spaces means breathing fewer carcinogens in big cities."

UX research thesis example: "This study focuses on improving mobile banking for older adults using ethnographic research, eye-tracking analysis, and interactive prototyping. We investigate the usefulness of eye-tracking analysis with older individuals, aiming to spark debate and offer fresh perspectives on UX design and digital inclusivity for the aging population."

6. Conduct in-depth research

A research paper doesn’t just include research that you’ve uncovered from other papers and studies but your fresh insights, too. You will seek to become an expert on your topic––understanding the nuances in the current leading theories. You will analyze existing research and add your thinking and discoveries.  It's crucial to conduct well-designed research that is rigorous, robust, and based on reliable sources. Suppose a research paper lacks evidence or is biased. In that case, it won't benefit the academic community or the general public. Therefore, examining the topic thoroughly and furthering its understanding through high-quality research is essential. That usually means conducting new research. Depending on the area under investigation, you may conduct surveys, interviews, diary studies , or observational research to uncover new insights or bolster current claims.

7. Determine supporting evidence

Not every piece of research you’ve discovered will be relevant to your research paper. It’s important to categorize the most meaningful evidence to include alongside your discoveries. It's important to include evidence that doesn't support your claims to avoid exclusion bias and ensure a fair research paper.

8. Write a research paper outline

Before diving in and writing the whole paper, start with an outline. It will help you to see if more research is needed, and it will provide a framework by which to write a more compelling paper. Your supervisor may even request an outline to approve before beginning to write the first draft of the full paper. An outline will include your topic, thesis statement, key headings, short summaries of the research, and your arguments.

9. Write your first draft

Once you feel confident about your outline and sources, it’s time to write your first draft. While penning a long piece of content can be intimidating, if you’ve laid the groundwork, you will have a structure to help you move steadily through each section. To keep up motivation and inspiration, it’s often best to keep the pace quick. Stopping for long periods can interrupt your flow and make jumping back in harder than writing when things are fresh in your mind.

10. Cite your sources correctly

It's always a good practice to give credit where it's due, and the same goes for citing any works that have influenced your paper. Building your arguments on credible references adds value and authenticity to your research. In the formatting guidelines section, you’ll find an overview of different citation styles (MLA, CMOS, or APA), which will help you meet any publishing or academic requirements and strengthen your paper's credibility. It is essential to follow the guidelines provided by your school or the publication you are submitting to ensure the accuracy and relevance of your citations.

11. Ensure your work is original

It is crucial to ensure the originality of your paper, as plagiarism can lead to serious consequences. To avoid plagiarism, you should use proper paraphrasing and quoting techniques. Paraphrasing is rewriting a text in your own words while maintaining the original meaning. Quoting involves directly citing the source. Giving credit to the original author or source is essential whenever you borrow their ideas or words. You can also use plagiarism detection tools such as Scribbr or Grammarly to check the originality of your paper. These tools compare your draft writing to a vast database of online sources. If you find any accidental plagiarism, you should correct it immediately by rephrasing or citing the source.

12. Revise, edit, and proofread

One of the essential qualities of excellent writers is their ability to understand the importance of editing and proofreading. Even though it's tempting to call it a day once you've finished your writing, editing your work can significantly improve its quality. It's natural to overlook the weaker areas when you've just finished writing a paper. Therefore, it's best to take a break of a day or two, or even up to a week, to refresh your mind. This way, you can return to your work with a new perspective. After some breathing room, you can spot any inconsistencies, spelling and grammar errors, typos, or missing citations and correct them. 

  • The best research paper format 

The format of your research paper should align with the requirements set forth by your college, school, or target publication. 

There is no one “best” format, per se. Depending on the stated requirements, you may need to include the following elements:

Title page: The title page of a research paper typically includes the title, author's name, and institutional affiliation and may include additional information such as a course name or instructor's name. 

Table of contents: Include a table of contents to make it easy for readers to find specific sections of your paper.

Abstract: The abstract is a summary of the purpose of the paper.

Methods : In this section, describe the research methods used. This may include collecting data , conducting interviews, or doing field research .

Results: Summarize the conclusions you drew from your research in this section.

Discussion: In this section, discuss the implications of your research . Be sure to mention any significant limitations to your approach and suggest areas for further research.

Tables, charts, and illustrations: Use tables, charts, and illustrations to help convey your research findings and make them easier to understand.

Works cited or reference page: Include a works cited or reference page to give credit to the sources that you used to conduct your research.

Bibliography: Provide a list of all the sources you consulted while conducting your research.

Dedication and acknowledgments : Optionally, you may include a dedication and acknowledgments section to thank individuals who helped you with your research.

  • General style and formatting guidelines

Formatting your research paper means you can submit it to your college, journal, or other publications in compliance with their criteria.

Research papers tend to follow the American Psychological Association (APA), Modern Language Association (MLA), or Chicago Manual of Style (CMOS) guidelines.

Here’s how each style guide is typically used:

Chicago Manual of Style (CMOS):

CMOS is a versatile style guide used for various types of writing. It's known for its flexibility and use in the humanities. CMOS provides guidelines for citations, formatting, and overall writing style. It allows for both footnotes and in-text citations, giving writers options based on their preferences or publication requirements.

American Psychological Association (APA):

APA is common in the social sciences. It’s hailed for its clarity and emphasis on precision. It has specific rules for citing sources, creating references, and formatting papers. APA style uses in-text citations with an accompanying reference list. It's designed to convey information efficiently and is widely used in academic and scientific writing.

Modern Language Association (MLA):

MLA is widely used in the humanities, especially literature and language studies. It emphasizes the author-page format for in-text citations and provides guidelines for creating a "Works Cited" page. MLA is known for its focus on the author's name and the literary works cited. It’s frequently used in disciplines that prioritize literary analysis and critical thinking.

To confirm you're using the latest style guide, check the official website or publisher's site for updates, consult academic resources, and verify the guide's publication date. Online platforms and educational resources may also provide summaries and alerts about any revisions or additions to the style guide.

Citing sources

When working on your research paper, it's important to cite the sources you used properly. Your citation style will guide you through this process. Generally, there are three parts to citing sources in your research paper: 

First, provide a brief citation in the body of your essay. This is also known as a parenthetical or in-text citation. 

Second, include a full citation in the Reference list at the end of your paper. Different types of citations include in-text citations, footnotes, and reference lists. 

In-text citations include the author's surname and the date of the citation. 

Footnotes appear at the bottom of each page of your research paper. They may also be summarized within a reference list at the end of the paper. 

A reference list includes all of the research used within the paper at the end of the document. It should include the author, date, paper title, and publisher listed in the order that aligns with your citation style.

10 research paper writing tips:

Following some best practices is essential to writing a research paper that contributes to your field of study and creates a positive impact.

These tactics will help you structure your argument effectively and ensure your work benefits others:

Clear and precise language:  Ensure your language is unambiguous. Use academic language appropriately, but keep it simple. Also, provide clear takeaways for your audience.

Effective idea separation:  Organize the vast amount of information and sources in your paper with paragraphs and titles. Create easily digestible sections for your readers to navigate through.

Compelling intro:  Craft an engaging introduction that captures your reader's interest. Hook your audience and motivate them to continue reading.

Thorough revision and editing:  Take the time to review and edit your paper comprehensively. Use tools like Grammarly to detect and correct small, overlooked errors.

Thesis precision:  Develop a clear and concise thesis statement that guides your paper. Ensure that your thesis aligns with your research's overall purpose and contribution.

Logical flow of ideas:  Maintain a logical progression throughout the paper. Use transitions effectively to connect different sections and maintain coherence.

Critical evaluation of sources:  Evaluate and critically assess the relevance and reliability of your sources. Ensure that your research is based on credible and up-to-date information.

Thematic consistency:  Maintain a consistent theme throughout the paper. Ensure that all sections contribute cohesively to the overall argument.

Relevant supporting evidence:  Provide concise and relevant evidence to support your arguments. Avoid unnecessary details that may distract from the main points.

Embrace counterarguments:  Acknowledge and address opposing views to strengthen your position. Show that you have considered alternative arguments in your field.

7 research tips 

If you want your paper to not only be well-written but also contribute to the progress of human knowledge, consider these tips to take your paper to the next level:

Selecting the appropriate topic: The topic you select should align with your area of expertise, comply with the requirements of your project, and have sufficient resources for a comprehensive investigation.

Use academic databases: Academic databases such as PubMed, Google Scholar, and JSTOR offer a wealth of research papers that can help you discover everything you need to know about your chosen topic.

Critically evaluate sources: It is important not to accept research findings at face value. Instead, it is crucial to critically analyze the information to avoid jumping to conclusions or overlooking important details. A well-written research paper requires a critical analysis with thorough reasoning to support claims.

Diversify your sources: Expand your research horizons by exploring a variety of sources beyond the standard databases. Utilize books, conference proceedings, and interviews to gather diverse perspectives and enrich your understanding of the topic.

Take detailed notes: Detailed note-taking is crucial during research and can help you form the outline and body of your paper.

Stay up on trends: Keep abreast of the latest developments in your field by regularly checking for recent publications. Subscribe to newsletters, follow relevant journals, and attend conferences to stay informed about emerging trends and advancements. 

Engage in peer review: Seek feedback from peers or mentors to ensure the rigor and validity of your research . Peer review helps identify potential weaknesses in your methodology and strengthens the overall credibility of your findings.

  • The real-world impact of research papers

Writing a research paper is more than an academic or business exercise. The experience provides an opportunity to explore a subject in-depth, broaden one's understanding, and arrive at meaningful conclusions. With careful planning, dedication, and hard work, writing a research paper can be a fulfilling and enriching experience contributing to advancing knowledge.

How do I publish my research paper? 

Many academics wish to publish their research papers. While challenging, your paper might get traction if it covers new and well-written information. To publish your research paper, find a target publication, thoroughly read their guidelines, format your paper accordingly, and send it to them per their instructions. You may need to include a cover letter, too. After submission, your paper may be peer-reviewed by experts to assess its legitimacy, quality, originality, and methodology. Following review, you will be informed by the publication whether they have accepted or rejected your paper. 

What is a good opening sentence for a research paper? 

Beginning your research paper with a compelling introduction can ensure readers are interested in going further. A relevant quote, a compelling statistic, or a bold argument can start the paper and hook your reader. Remember, though, that the most important aspect of a research paper is the quality of the information––not necessarily your ability to storytell, so ensure anything you write aligns with your goals.

Research paper vs. a research proposal—what’s the difference?

While some may confuse research papers and proposals, they are different documents. 

A research proposal comes before a research paper. It is a detailed document that outlines an intended area of exploration. It includes the research topic, methodology, timeline, sources, and potential conclusions. Research proposals are often required when seeking approval to conduct research. 

A research paper is a summary of research findings. A research paper follows a structured format to present those findings and construct an argument or conclusion.

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How to Write a Research Paper

Research papers are a requirement for most college courses, so knowing how to write a research paper is important. These in-depth pieces of academic writing can seem pretty daunting, but there’s no need to panic. When broken down into its key components, writing your paper should be a manageable and, dare we say it, enjoyable task.

We’re going to look at the required elements of a paper in detail, and you might also find this webpage to be a  useful reference .

Guide Overview

  • What is a research paper?
  • How to start a research paper
  • Get clear instructions
  • Brainstorm ideas
  • Choose a topic
  • Outline your outline
  • Make friends with your librarian
  • Find quality sources
  • Understand your topic
  • A detailed outline
  • Keep it factual
  • Finalize your thesis statement
  • Think about format
  • Cite, cite and cite
  • The editing process
  • Final checks

What is a Research Paper?

A research paper is more than just an extra long essay or encyclopedic regurgitation of facts and figures. The aim of this task is to combine in-depth study of a particular topic with critical thinking and evaluation by the student—that’s you!

There are two main types of research paper: argumentative and analytical.

Argumentative  — takes a stance on a particular topic right from the start, with the aim of persuading the reader of the validity of the argument. These are best suited to topics that are debatable or controversial.

Analytical  — takes no firm stance on a topic initially. Instead it asks a question and should come to an answer through the evaluation of source material. As its name suggests, the aim is to analyze the source material and offer a fresh perspective on the results.

If you wish to further your understanding, you can  learn more here .

A required word count (think thousands!) can make writing that paper seem like an insurmountable task. Don’t worry! Our step-by-step guide will help you write that killer paper with confidence.

How to Start a Research Paper

Don’t rush ahead. Taking care during the planning and preparation stage will save time and hassle later.

Get Clear Instructions

Your lecturer or professor is your biggest ally—after all, they want you to do well. Make sure you get clear guidance from them on both the required format and preferred topics. In some cases, your tutor will assign a topic, or give you a set list to choose from. Often, however, you’ll be expected to select a suitable topic for yourself.

Having a research paper example to look at can also be useful for first-timers, so ask your tutor to supply you with one.

Brainstorm Ideas

Brainstorming research paper ideas is the first step to selecting a topic—and there are various methods you can use to brainstorm, including clustering (also known as mind mapping). Think about the research paper topics that interest you, and identify topics you have a strong opinion on.

Choose a Topic

Once you have a list of potential research paper topics, narrow them down by considering your academic strengths and ‘gaps in the market,’ e.g., don’t choose a common topic that’s been written about many times before. While you want your topic to be fresh and interesting, you also need to ensure there’s enough material available for you to work with. Similarly, while you shouldn’t go for easy research paper topics just for the sake of giving yourself less work, you do need to choose a topic that you feel confident you can do justice to.

Outline Your Outline

It might not be possible to form a full research paper outline until you’ve done some information gathering, but you can think about your overall aim; basically what you want to show and how you’re going to show it. Now’s also a good time to consider your thesis statement, although this might change as you delve into your source material deeper.

Researching the Research

Now it’s time to knuckle down and dig out all the information that’s relevant to your topic. Here are some tips.

Make Friends With Your Librarian

While lots of information gathering can be carried out online from anywhere, there’s still a place for old-fashioned study sessions in the library. A good librarian can help you to locate sources quickly and easily, and might even make suggestions that you hadn’t thought of. They’re great at helping you study and research, but probably can’t save you the best desk by the window.

Find Quality Sources

Not all sources are created equal, so make sure that you’re referring to reputable, reliable information. Examples of sources could include books, magazine articles, scholarly articles, reputable websites, databases and journals. Keywords relating to your topic can help you in your search.

As you search, you should begin to compile a list of references. This will make it much easier later when you are ready to build your paper’s bibliography. Keeping clear notes detailing any sources that you use will help you to avoid accidentally plagiarizing someone else’s work or ideas.

Understand Your Topic

Simply regurgitating facts and figures won’t make for an interesting paper. It’s essential that you fully understand your topic so you can come across as an authority on the subject and present your own ideas on it. You should read around your topic as widely as you can, before narrowing your area of interest for your paper, and critically analyzing your findings.

A Detailed Outline

Once you’ve got a firm grip on your subject and the source material available to you, formulate a detailed outline, including your thesis statement and how you are going to support it. The structure of your paper will depend on the subject type—ask a tutor for a research paper outline example if you’re unsure.

Get Writing!

If you’ve fully understood your topic and gathered quality source materials, bringing it all together should actually be the easy part!

Keep it Factual

There’s no place for sloppy writing in this kind of academic task, so keep your language simple and clear, and your points critical and succinct. The creative part is finding innovative angles and new insights on the topic to make your paper interesting.

Don’t forget about our  verb ,  preposition , and  adverb  pages. You may find useful information to help with your writing!

Finalize Your Thesis Statement

You should now be in a position to finalize your thesis statement, showing clearly what your paper will show, answer or prove. This should usually be a one or two sentence statement; however, it’s the core idea of your paper, and every insight that you include should be relevant to it. Remember, a thesis statement is not merely a summary of your findings. It should present an argument or perspective that the rest of your paper aims to support.

Think About Format

The required style of your research paper format will usually depend on your subject area. For example,  APA format  is normally used for social science subjects, while MLA style is most commonly used for liberal arts and humanities. Still, there are thousands of  more styles . Your tutor should be able to give you clear guidance on how to format your paper, how to structure it, and what elements it should include. Make sure that you follow their instruction. If possible, ask to see a sample research paper in the required format.

Cite, Cite and Cite

As all research paper topics invariably involve referring to other people’s work, it’s vital that you know how to properly cite your sources to avoid unintentional plagiarism. Whether you’re paraphrasing (putting someone else’s ideas into your own words) or directly quoting, the original source needs to be referenced. What style of citation formatting you use will depend on the requirements of your instructor, with common styles including APA and  MLA format , which consist of in-text citations (short citations within the text, enclosed with parentheses) and a reference/works cited list.

The Editing Process

It’s likely that your paper will go through several drafts before you arrive at the very best version. The editing process is your chance to fix any weak points in your paper before submission. You might find that it needs a better balance of both primary and secondary sources (click through to find  more info  on the difference), that an  adjective  could use tweaking, or that you’ve included sources that aren’t relevant or credible. You might even feel that you need to be clearer in your argument, more thorough in your critical analysis, or more balanced in your evaluation.

From a stylistic point of view, you want to ensure that your writing is clear, simple and concise, with no long, rambling sentences or paragraphs. Keeping within the required word count parameters is also important, and another thing to keep in mind is the inclusion of gender-neutral language, to avoid the reinforcement of tired stereotypes.

Don’t forget about our other pages! If you are looking for help with other grammar-related topics, check out our  noun ,  pronoun , and  conjunction  pages.

Final Checks

Once you’re happy with the depth and balance of the arguments and points presented, you can turn your attention to the finer details, such as formatting, spelling, punctuation, grammar and ensuring that your citations are all present and correct. The EasyBib Plus  plagiarism checker  is a handy tool for making sure that your sources are all cited. An EasyBib Plus subscription also comes with access to citation tools that can help you create citations in your choice of format.

Also, double-check your deadline date and the submissions guidelines to avoid any last-minute issues. Take a peek at our other grammar pages while you’re at it. We’ve included numerous links on this page, but we also have an  interjection  page and  determiner  page.

So you’ve done your final checks and handed in your paper according to the submissions guidelines and preferably before deadline day. Congratulations! If your schedule permits, now would be a great time to take a break from your studies. Maybe plan a fun activity with friends or just take the opportunity to rest and relax. A well-earned break from the books will ensure that you return to class refreshed and ready for your next stage of learning—and the next  research paper  requirement your tutor sets!

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How to Write a Research Paper

Use the links below to jump directly to any section of this guide:

Research Paper Fundamentals

How to choose a topic or question, how to create a working hypothesis or thesis, common research paper methodologies, how to gather and organize evidence , how to write an outline for your research paper, how to write a rough draft, how to revise your draft, how to produce a final draft, resources for teachers .

It is not fair to say that no one writes anymore. Just about everyone writes text messages, brief emails, or social media posts every single day. Yet, most people don't have a lot of practice with the formal, organized writing required for a good academic research paper. This guide contains links to a variety of resources that can help demystify the process. Some of these resources are intended for teachers; they contain exercises, activities, and teaching strategies. Other resources are intended for direct use by students who are struggling to write papers, or are looking for tips to make the process go more smoothly.

The resources in this section are designed to help students understand the different types of research papers, the general research process, and how to manage their time. Below, you'll find links from university writing centers, the trusted Purdue Online Writing Lab, and more.

What is an Academic Research Paper?

"Genre and the Research Paper" (Purdue OWL)

There are different types of research papers. Different types of scholarly questions will lend themselves to one format or another. This is a brief introduction to the two main genres of research paper: analytic and argumentative. 

"7 Most Popular Types of Research Papers" (

This resource discusses formats that high school students commonly encounter, such as the compare and contrast essay and the definitional essay. Please note that the inclusion of this link is not an endorsement of this company's paid service.

How to Prepare and Plan Out Writing a Research Paper

Teachers can give their students a step-by-step guide like these to help them understand the different steps of the research paper process. These guides can be combined with the time management tools in the next subsection to help students come up with customized calendars for completing their papers.

"Ten Steps for Writing Research Papers" (American University)  

This resource from American University is a comprehensive guide to the research paper writing process, and includes examples of proper research questions and thesis topics.

"Steps in Writing a Research Paper" (SUNY Empire State College)

This guide breaks the research paper process into 11 steps. Each "step" links to a separate page, which describes the work entailed in completing it.

How to Manage Time Effectively

The links below will help students determine how much time is necessary to complete a paper. If your sources are not available online or at your local library, you'll need to leave extra time for the Interlibrary Loan process. Remember that, even if you do not need to consult secondary sources, you'll still need to leave yourself ample time to organize your thoughts.

"Research Paper Planner: Timeline" (Baylor University)

This interactive resource from Baylor University creates a suggested writing schedule based on how much time a student has to work on the assignment.

"Research Paper Planner" (UCLA)

UCLA's library offers this step-by-step guide to the research paper writing process, which also includes a suggested planning calendar.

There's a reason teachers spend a long time talking about choosing a good topic. Without a good topic and a well-formulated research question, it is almost impossible to write a clear and organized paper. The resources below will help you generate ideas and formulate precise questions.

"How to Select a Research Topic" (Univ. of Michigan-Flint)

This resource is designed for college students who are struggling to come up with an appropriate topic. A student who uses this resource and still feels unsure about his or her topic should consult the course instructor for further personalized assistance.

"25 Interesting Research Paper Topics to Get You Started" (Kibin)

This resource, which is probably most appropriate for high school students, provides a list of specific topics to help get students started. It is broken into subsections, such as "paper topics on local issues."

"Writing a Good Research Question" (Grand Canyon University)

This introduction to research questions includes some embedded videos, as well as links to scholarly articles on research questions. This resource would be most appropriate for teachers who are planning lessons on research paper fundamentals.

"How to Write a Research Question the Right Way" (Kibin)

This student-focused resource provides more detail on writing research questions. The language is accessible, and there are embedded videos and examples of good and bad questions.

It is important to have a rough hypothesis or thesis in mind at the beginning of the research process. People who have a sense of what they want to say will have an easier time sorting through scholarly sources and other information. The key, of course, is not to become too wedded to the draft hypothesis or thesis. Just about every working thesis gets changed during the research process.

CrashCourse Video: "Sociology Research Methods" (YouTube)

Although this video is tailored to sociology students, it is applicable to students in a variety of social science disciplines. This video does a good job demonstrating the connection between the brainstorming that goes into selecting a research question and the formulation of a working hypothesis.

"How to Write a Thesis Statement for an Analytical Essay" (YouTube)

Students writing analytical essays will not develop the same type of working hypothesis as students who are writing research papers in other disciplines. For these students, developing the working thesis may happen as a part of the rough draft (see the relevant section below). 

"Research Hypothesis" (Oakland Univ.)

This resource provides some examples of hypotheses in social science disciplines like Political Science and Criminal Justice. These sample hypotheses may also be useful for students in other soft social sciences and humanities disciplines like History.

When grading a research paper, instructors look for a consistent methodology. This section will help you understand different methodological approaches used in research papers. Students will get the most out of these resources if they use them to help prepare for conversations with teachers or discussions in class.

"Types of Research Designs" (USC)

A "research design," used for complex papers, is related to the paper's method. This resource contains introductions to a variety of popular research designs in the social sciences. Although it is not the most intuitive site to read, the information here is very valuable. 

"Major Research Methods" (YouTube)

Although this video is a bit on the dry side, it provides a comprehensive overview of the major research methodologies in a format that might be more accessible to students who have struggled with textbooks or other written resources.

"Humanities Research Strategies" (USC)

This is a portal where students can learn about four methodological approaches for humanities papers: Historical Methodologies, Textual Criticism, Conceptual Analysis, and the Synoptic method.

"Selected Major Social Science Research Methods: Overview" (National Academies Press)

This appendix from the book  Using Science as Evidence in Public Policy , printed by National Academies Press, introduces some methods used in social science papers.

"Organizing Your Social Sciences Research Paper: 6. The Methodology" (USC)

This resource from the University of Southern California's library contains tips for writing a methodology section in a research paper.

How to Determine the Best Methodology for You

Anyone who is new to writing research papers should be sure to select a method in consultation with their instructor. These resources can be used to help prepare for that discussion. They may also be used on their own by more advanced students.

"Choosing Appropriate Research Methodologies" (Palgrave Study Skills)

This friendly and approachable resource from Palgrave Macmillan can be used by students who are just starting to think about appropriate methodologies.

"How to Choose Your Research Methods" (NFER (UK))

This is another approachable resource students can use to help narrow down the most appropriate methods for their research projects.

The resources in this section introduce the process of gathering scholarly sources and collecting evidence. You'll find a range of material here, from introductory guides to advanced explications best suited to college students. Please consult the LitCharts  How to Do Academic Research guide for a more comprehensive list of resources devoted to finding scholarly literature.

Google Scholar

Students who have access to library websites with detailed research guides should start there, but people who do not have access to those resources can begin their search for secondary literature here.

"Gathering Appropriate Information" (Texas Gateway)

This resource from the Texas Gateway for online resources introduces students to the research process, and contains interactive exercises. The level of complexity is suitable for middle school, high school, and introductory college classrooms.

"An Overview of Quantitative and Qualitative Data Collection Methods" (NSF)

This PDF from the National Science Foundation goes into detail about best practices and pitfalls in data collection across multiple types of methodologies.

"Social Science Methods for Data Collection and Analysis" (Swiss FIT)

This resource is appropriate for advanced undergraduates or teachers looking to create lessons on research design and data collection. It covers techniques for gathering data via interviews, observations, and other methods.

"Collecting Data by In-depth Interviewing" (Leeds Univ.)

This resource contains enough information about conducting interviews to make it useful for teachers who want to create a lesson plan, but is also accessible enough for college juniors or seniors to make use of it on their own.

There is no "one size fits all" outlining technique. Some students might devote all their energy and attention to the outline in order to avoid the paper. Other students may benefit from being made to sit down and organize their thoughts into a lengthy sentence outline. The resources in this section include strategies and templates for multiple types of outlines. 

"Topic vs. Sentence Outlines" (UC Berkeley)

This resource introduces two basic approaches to outlining: the shorter topic-based approach, and the longer, more detailed sentence-based approach. This resource also contains videos on how to develop paper paragraphs from the sentence-based outline.

"Types of Outlines and Samples" (Purdue OWL)

The Purdue Online Writing Lab's guide is a slightly less detailed discussion of different types of outlines. It contains several sample outlines.

"Writing An Outline" (Austin C.C.)

This resource from a community college contains sample outlines from an American history class that students can use as models.

"How to Structure an Outline for a College Paper" (YouTube)

This brief (sub-2 minute) video from the ExpertVillage YouTube channel provides a model of outline writing for students who are struggling with the idea.

"Outlining" (Harvard)

This is a good resource to consult after completing a draft outline. It offers suggestions for making sure your outline avoids things like unnecessary repetition.

As with outlines, rough drafts can take on many different forms. These resources introduce teachers and students to the various approaches to writing a rough draft. This section also includes resources that will help you cite your sources appropriately according to the MLA, Chicago, and APA style manuals.

"Creating a Rough Draft for a Research Paper" (Univ. of Minnesota)

This resource is useful for teachers in particular, as it provides some suggested exercises to help students with writing a basic rough draft. 

Rough Draft Assignment (Duke of Definition)

This sample assignment, with a brief list of tips, was developed by a high school teacher who runs a very successful and well-reviewed page of educational resources.

"Creating the First Draft of Your Research Paper" (Concordia Univ.)

This resource will be helpful for perfectionists or procrastinators, as it opens by discussing the problem of avoiding writing. It also provides a short list of suggestions meant to get students writing.

Using Proper Citations

There is no such thing as a rough draft of a scholarly citation. These links to the three major citation guides will ensure that your citations follow the correct format. Please consult the LitCharts How to Cite Your Sources guide for more resources.

Chicago Manual of Style Citation Guide

Some call  The Chicago Manual of Style , which was first published in 1906, "the editors' Bible." The manual is now in its 17th edition, and is popular in the social sciences, historical journals, and some other fields in the humanities.

APA Citation Guide

According to the American Psychological Association, this guide was developed to aid reading comprehension, clarity of communication, and to reduce bias in language in the social and behavioral sciences. Its first full edition was published in 1952, and it is now in its sixth edition.

MLA Citation Guide

The Modern Language Association style is used most commonly within the liberal arts and humanities. The  MLA Style Manual and Guide to Scholarly Publishing  was first published in 1985 and (as of 2008) is in its third edition.

Any professional scholar will tell you that the best research papers are made in the revision stage. No matter how strong your research question or working thesis, it is not possible to write a truly outstanding paper without devoting energy to revision. These resources provide examples of revision exercises for the classroom, as well as tips for students working independently.

"The Art of Revision" (Univ. of Arizona)

This resource provides a wealth of information and suggestions for both students and teachers. There is a list of suggested exercises that teachers might use in class, along with a revision checklist that is useful for teachers and students alike.

"Script for Workshop on Revision" (Vanderbilt University)

Vanderbilt's guide for leading a 50-minute revision workshop can serve as a model for teachers who wish to guide students through the revision process during classtime. 

"Revising Your Paper" (Univ. of Washington)

This detailed handout was designed for students who are beginning the revision process. It discusses different approaches and methods for revision, and also includes a detailed list of things students should look for while they revise.

"Revising Drafts" (UNC Writing Center)

This resource is designed for students and suggests things to look for during the revision process. It provides steps for the process and has a FAQ for students who have questions about why it is important to revise.

Conferencing with Writing Tutors and Instructors

No writer is so good that he or she can't benefit from meeting with instructors or peer tutors. These resources from university writing, learning, and communication centers provide suggestions for how to get the most out of these one-on-one meetings.

"Getting Feedback" (UNC Writing Center)

This very helpful resource talks about how to ask for feedback during the entire writing process. It contains possible questions that students might ask when developing an outline, during the revision process, and after the final draft has been graded.

"Prepare for Your Tutoring Session" (Otis College of Art and Design)

This guide from a university's student learning center contains a lot of helpful tips for getting the most out of working with a writing tutor.

"The Importance of Asking Your Professor" (Univ. of Waterloo)

This article from the university's Writing and Communication Centre's blog contains some suggestions for how and when to get help from professors and Teaching Assistants.

Once you've revised your first draft, you're well on your way to handing in a polished paper. These resources—each of them produced by writing professionals at colleges and universities—outline the steps required in order to produce a final draft. You'll find proofreading tips and checklists in text and video form.

"Developing a Final Draft of a Research Paper" (Univ. of Minnesota)

While this resource contains suggestions for revision, it also features a couple of helpful checklists for the last stages of completing a final draft.

Basic Final Draft Tips and Checklist (Univ. of Maryland-University College)

This short and accessible resource, part of UMUC's very thorough online guide to writing and research, contains a very basic checklist for students who are getting ready to turn in their final drafts.

Final Draft Checklist (Everett C.C.)

This is another accessible final draft checklist, appropriate for both high school and college students. It suggests reading your essay aloud at least once.

"How to Proofread Your Final Draft" (YouTube)

This video (approximately 5 minutes), produced by Eastern Washington University, gives students tips on proofreading final drafts.

"Proofreading Tips" (Georgia Southern-Armstrong)

This guide will help students learn how to spot common errors in their papers. It suggests focusing on content and editing for grammar and mechanics.

This final set of resources is intended specifically for high school and college instructors. It provides links to unit plans and classroom exercises that can help improve students' research and writing skills. You'll find resources that give an overview of the process, along with activities that focus on how to begin and how to carry out research. 

"Research Paper Complete Resources Pack" (Teachers Pay Teachers)

This packet of assignments, rubrics, and other resources is designed for high school students. The resources in this packet are aligned to Common Core standards.

"Research Paper—Complete Unit" (Teachers Pay Teachers)

This packet of assignments, notes, PowerPoints, and other resources has a 4/4 rating with over 700 ratings. It is designed for high school teachers, but might also be useful to college instructors who work with freshmen.

"Teaching Students to Write Good Papers" (Yale)

This resource from Yale's Center for Teaching and Learning is designed for college instructors, and it includes links to appropriate activities and exercises.

"Research Paper Writing: An Overview" (CUNY Brooklyn)

CUNY Brooklyn offers this complete lesson plan for introducing students to research papers. It includes an accompanying set of PowerPoint slides.

"Lesson Plan: How to Begin Writing a Research Paper" (San Jose State Univ.)

This lesson plan is designed for students in the health sciences, so teachers will have to modify it for their own needs. It includes a breakdown of the brainstorming, topic selection, and research question process. 

"Quantitative Techniques for Social Science Research" (Univ. of Pittsburgh)

This is a set of PowerPoint slides that can be used to introduce students to a variety of quantitative methods used in the social sciences.

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How to Create a Structured Research Paper Outline | Example

Published on August 7, 2022 by Courtney Gahan . Revised on August 15, 2023.

How to Create a Structured Research Paper Outline

A research paper outline is a useful tool to aid in the writing process , providing a structure to follow with all information to be included in the paper clearly organized.

A quality outline can make writing your research paper more efficient by helping to:

  • Organize your thoughts
  • Understand the flow of information and how ideas are related
  • Ensure nothing is forgotten

A research paper outline can also give your teacher an early idea of the final product.

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Table of contents

Research paper outline example, how to write a research paper outline, formatting your research paper outline, language in research paper outlines.

  • Definition of measles
  • Rise in cases in recent years in places the disease was previously eliminated or had very low rates of infection
  • Figures: Number of cases per year on average, number in recent years. Relate to immunization
  • Symptoms and timeframes of disease
  • Risk of fatality, including statistics
  • How measles is spread
  • Immunization procedures in different regions
  • Different regions, focusing on the arguments from those against immunization
  • Immunization figures in affected regions
  • High number of cases in non-immunizing regions
  • Illnesses that can result from measles virus
  • Fatal cases of other illnesses after patient contracted measles
  • Summary of arguments of different groups
  • Summary of figures and relationship with recent immunization debate
  • Which side of the argument appears to be correct?

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Follow these steps to start your research paper outline:

  • Decide on the subject of the paper
  • Write down all the ideas you want to include or discuss
  • Organize related ideas into sub-groups
  • Arrange your ideas into a hierarchy: What should the reader learn first? What is most important? Which idea will help end your paper most effectively?
  • Create headings and subheadings that are effective
  • Format the outline in either alphanumeric, full-sentence or decimal format

There are three different kinds of research paper outline: alphanumeric, full-sentence and decimal outlines. The differences relate to formatting and style of writing.

  • Alphanumeric
  • Full-sentence

An alphanumeric outline is most commonly used. It uses Roman numerals, capitalized letters, arabic numerals, lowercase letters to organize the flow of information. Text is written with short notes rather than full sentences.

  • Sub-point of sub-point 1

Essentially the same as the alphanumeric outline, but with the text written in full sentences rather than short points.

  • Additional sub-point to conclude discussion of point of evidence introduced in point A

A decimal outline is similar in format to the alphanumeric outline, but with a different numbering system: 1, 1.1, 1.2, etc. Text is written as short notes rather than full sentences.

  • 1.1.1 Sub-point of first point
  • 1.1.2 Sub-point of first point
  • 1.2 Second point

To write an effective research paper outline, it is important to pay attention to language. This is especially important if it is one you will show to your teacher or be assessed on.

There are four main considerations: parallelism, coordination, subordination and division.

Parallelism: Be consistent with grammatical form

Parallel structure or parallelism is the repetition of a particular grammatical form within a sentence, or in this case, between points and sub-points. This simply means that if the first point is a verb , the sub-point should also be a verb.

Example of parallelism:

  • Include different regions, focusing on the different arguments from those against immunization

Coordination: Be aware of each point’s weight

Your chosen subheadings should hold the same significance as each other, as should all first sub-points, secondary sub-points, and so on.

Example of coordination:

  • Include immunization figures in affected regions
  • Illnesses that can result from the measles virus

Subordination: Work from general to specific

Subordination refers to the separation of general points from specific. Your main headings should be quite general, and each level of sub-point should become more specific.

Example of subordination:

Division: break information into sub-points.

Your headings should be divided into two or more subsections. There is no limit to how many subsections you can include under each heading, but keep in mind that the information will be structured into a paragraph during the writing stage, so you should not go overboard with the number of sub-points.

Ready to start writing or looking for guidance on a different step in the process? Read our step-by-step guide on how to write a research paper .

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If you want to cite this source, you can copy and paste the citation or click the “Cite this Scribbr article” button to automatically add the citation to our free Citation Generator.

Gahan, C. (2023, August 15). How to Create a Structured Research Paper Outline | Example. Scribbr. Retrieved August 26, 2024, from

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Research Paper – Structure, Examples and Writing Guide

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Research Paper

Research Paper


Research Paper is a written document that presents the author’s original research, analysis, and interpretation of a specific topic or issue.

It is typically based on Empirical Evidence, and may involve qualitative or quantitative research methods, or a combination of both. The purpose of a research paper is to contribute new knowledge or insights to a particular field of study, and to demonstrate the author’s understanding of the existing literature and theories related to the topic.

Structure of Research Paper

The structure of a research paper typically follows a standard format, consisting of several sections that convey specific information about the research study. The following is a detailed explanation of the structure of a research paper:

The title page contains the title of the paper, the name(s) of the author(s), and the affiliation(s) of the author(s). It also includes the date of submission and possibly, the name of the journal or conference where the paper is to be published.

The abstract is a brief summary of the research paper, typically ranging from 100 to 250 words. It should include the research question, the methods used, the key findings, and the implications of the results. The abstract should be written in a concise and clear manner to allow readers to quickly grasp the essence of the research.


The introduction section of a research paper provides background information about the research problem, the research question, and the research objectives. It also outlines the significance of the research, the research gap that it aims to fill, and the approach taken to address the research question. Finally, the introduction section ends with a clear statement of the research hypothesis or research question.

Literature Review

The literature review section of a research paper provides an overview of the existing literature on the topic of study. It includes a critical analysis and synthesis of the literature, highlighting the key concepts, themes, and debates. The literature review should also demonstrate the research gap and how the current study seeks to address it.

The methods section of a research paper describes the research design, the sample selection, the data collection and analysis procedures, and the statistical methods used to analyze the data. This section should provide sufficient detail for other researchers to replicate the study.

The results section presents the findings of the research, using tables, graphs, and figures to illustrate the data. The findings should be presented in a clear and concise manner, with reference to the research question and hypothesis.

The discussion section of a research paper interprets the findings and discusses their implications for the research question, the literature review, and the field of study. It should also address the limitations of the study and suggest future research directions.

The conclusion section summarizes the main findings of the study, restates the research question and hypothesis, and provides a final reflection on the significance of the research.

The references section provides a list of all the sources cited in the paper, following a specific citation style such as APA, MLA or Chicago.

How to Write Research Paper

You can write Research Paper by the following guide:

  • Choose a Topic: The first step is to select a topic that interests you and is relevant to your field of study. Brainstorm ideas and narrow down to a research question that is specific and researchable.
  • Conduct a Literature Review: The literature review helps you identify the gap in the existing research and provides a basis for your research question. It also helps you to develop a theoretical framework and research hypothesis.
  • Develop a Thesis Statement : The thesis statement is the main argument of your research paper. It should be clear, concise and specific to your research question.
  • Plan your Research: Develop a research plan that outlines the methods, data sources, and data analysis procedures. This will help you to collect and analyze data effectively.
  • Collect and Analyze Data: Collect data using various methods such as surveys, interviews, observations, or experiments. Analyze data using statistical tools or other qualitative methods.
  • Organize your Paper : Organize your paper into sections such as Introduction, Literature Review, Methods, Results, Discussion, and Conclusion. Ensure that each section is coherent and follows a logical flow.
  • Write your Paper : Start by writing the introduction, followed by the literature review, methods, results, discussion, and conclusion. Ensure that your writing is clear, concise, and follows the required formatting and citation styles.
  • Edit and Proofread your Paper: Review your paper for grammar and spelling errors, and ensure that it is well-structured and easy to read. Ask someone else to review your paper to get feedback and suggestions for improvement.
  • Cite your Sources: Ensure that you properly cite all sources used in your research paper. This is essential for giving credit to the original authors and avoiding plagiarism.

Research Paper Example

Note : The below example research paper is for illustrative purposes only and is not an actual research paper. Actual research papers may have different structures, contents, and formats depending on the field of study, research question, data collection and analysis methods, and other factors. Students should always consult with their professors or supervisors for specific guidelines and expectations for their research papers.

Research Paper Example sample for Students:

Title: The Impact of Social Media on Mental Health among Young Adults

Abstract: This study aims to investigate the impact of social media use on the mental health of young adults. A literature review was conducted to examine the existing research on the topic. A survey was then administered to 200 university students to collect data on their social media use, mental health status, and perceived impact of social media on their mental health. The results showed that social media use is positively associated with depression, anxiety, and stress. The study also found that social comparison, cyberbullying, and FOMO (Fear of Missing Out) are significant predictors of mental health problems among young adults.

Introduction: Social media has become an integral part of modern life, particularly among young adults. While social media has many benefits, including increased communication and social connectivity, it has also been associated with negative outcomes, such as addiction, cyberbullying, and mental health problems. This study aims to investigate the impact of social media use on the mental health of young adults.

Literature Review: The literature review highlights the existing research on the impact of social media use on mental health. The review shows that social media use is associated with depression, anxiety, stress, and other mental health problems. The review also identifies the factors that contribute to the negative impact of social media, including social comparison, cyberbullying, and FOMO.

Methods : A survey was administered to 200 university students to collect data on their social media use, mental health status, and perceived impact of social media on their mental health. The survey included questions on social media use, mental health status (measured using the DASS-21), and perceived impact of social media on their mental health. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics and regression analysis.

Results : The results showed that social media use is positively associated with depression, anxiety, and stress. The study also found that social comparison, cyberbullying, and FOMO are significant predictors of mental health problems among young adults.

Discussion : The study’s findings suggest that social media use has a negative impact on the mental health of young adults. The study highlights the need for interventions that address the factors contributing to the negative impact of social media, such as social comparison, cyberbullying, and FOMO.

Conclusion : In conclusion, social media use has a significant impact on the mental health of young adults. The study’s findings underscore the need for interventions that promote healthy social media use and address the negative outcomes associated with social media use. Future research can explore the effectiveness of interventions aimed at reducing the negative impact of social media on mental health. Additionally, longitudinal studies can investigate the long-term effects of social media use on mental health.

Limitations : The study has some limitations, including the use of self-report measures and a cross-sectional design. The use of self-report measures may result in biased responses, and a cross-sectional design limits the ability to establish causality.

Implications: The study’s findings have implications for mental health professionals, educators, and policymakers. Mental health professionals can use the findings to develop interventions that address the negative impact of social media use on mental health. Educators can incorporate social media literacy into their curriculum to promote healthy social media use among young adults. Policymakers can use the findings to develop policies that protect young adults from the negative outcomes associated with social media use.

References :

  • Twenge, J. M., & Campbell, W. K. (2019). Associations between screen time and lower psychological well-being among children and adolescents: Evidence from a population-based study. Preventive medicine reports, 15, 100918.
  • Primack, B. A., Shensa, A., Escobar-Viera, C. G., Barrett, E. L., Sidani, J. E., Colditz, J. B., … & James, A. E. (2017). Use of multiple social media platforms and symptoms of depression and anxiety: A nationally-representative study among US young adults. Computers in Human Behavior, 69, 1-9.
  • Van der Meer, T. G., & Verhoeven, J. W. (2017). Social media and its impact on academic performance of students. Journal of Information Technology Education: Research, 16, 383-398.

Appendix : The survey used in this study is provided below.

Social Media and Mental Health Survey

  • How often do you use social media per day?
  • Less than 30 minutes
  • 30 minutes to 1 hour
  • 1 to 2 hours
  • 2 to 4 hours
  • More than 4 hours
  • Which social media platforms do you use?
  • Others (Please specify)
  • How often do you experience the following on social media?
  • Social comparison (comparing yourself to others)
  • Cyberbullying
  • Fear of Missing Out (FOMO)
  • Have you ever experienced any of the following mental health problems in the past month?
  • Do you think social media use has a positive or negative impact on your mental health?
  • Very positive
  • Somewhat positive
  • Somewhat negative
  • Very negative
  • In your opinion, which factors contribute to the negative impact of social media on mental health?
  • Social comparison
  • In your opinion, what interventions could be effective in reducing the negative impact of social media on mental health?
  • Education on healthy social media use
  • Counseling for mental health problems caused by social media
  • Social media detox programs
  • Regulation of social media use

Thank you for your participation!

Applications of Research Paper

Research papers have several applications in various fields, including:

  • Advancing knowledge: Research papers contribute to the advancement of knowledge by generating new insights, theories, and findings that can inform future research and practice. They help to answer important questions, clarify existing knowledge, and identify areas that require further investigation.
  • Informing policy: Research papers can inform policy decisions by providing evidence-based recommendations for policymakers. They can help to identify gaps in current policies, evaluate the effectiveness of interventions, and inform the development of new policies and regulations.
  • Improving practice: Research papers can improve practice by providing evidence-based guidance for professionals in various fields, including medicine, education, business, and psychology. They can inform the development of best practices, guidelines, and standards of care that can improve outcomes for individuals and organizations.
  • Educating students : Research papers are often used as teaching tools in universities and colleges to educate students about research methods, data analysis, and academic writing. They help students to develop critical thinking skills, research skills, and communication skills that are essential for success in many careers.
  • Fostering collaboration: Research papers can foster collaboration among researchers, practitioners, and policymakers by providing a platform for sharing knowledge and ideas. They can facilitate interdisciplinary collaborations and partnerships that can lead to innovative solutions to complex problems.

When to Write Research Paper

Research papers are typically written when a person has completed a research project or when they have conducted a study and have obtained data or findings that they want to share with the academic or professional community. Research papers are usually written in academic settings, such as universities, but they can also be written in professional settings, such as research organizations, government agencies, or private companies.

Here are some common situations where a person might need to write a research paper:

  • For academic purposes: Students in universities and colleges are often required to write research papers as part of their coursework, particularly in the social sciences, natural sciences, and humanities. Writing research papers helps students to develop research skills, critical thinking skills, and academic writing skills.
  • For publication: Researchers often write research papers to publish their findings in academic journals or to present their work at academic conferences. Publishing research papers is an important way to disseminate research findings to the academic community and to establish oneself as an expert in a particular field.
  • To inform policy or practice : Researchers may write research papers to inform policy decisions or to improve practice in various fields. Research findings can be used to inform the development of policies, guidelines, and best practices that can improve outcomes for individuals and organizations.
  • To share new insights or ideas: Researchers may write research papers to share new insights or ideas with the academic or professional community. They may present new theories, propose new research methods, or challenge existing paradigms in their field.

Purpose of Research Paper

The purpose of a research paper is to present the results of a study or investigation in a clear, concise, and structured manner. Research papers are written to communicate new knowledge, ideas, or findings to a specific audience, such as researchers, scholars, practitioners, or policymakers. The primary purposes of a research paper are:

  • To contribute to the body of knowledge : Research papers aim to add new knowledge or insights to a particular field or discipline. They do this by reporting the results of empirical studies, reviewing and synthesizing existing literature, proposing new theories, or providing new perspectives on a topic.
  • To inform or persuade: Research papers are written to inform or persuade the reader about a particular issue, topic, or phenomenon. They present evidence and arguments to support their claims and seek to persuade the reader of the validity of their findings or recommendations.
  • To advance the field: Research papers seek to advance the field or discipline by identifying gaps in knowledge, proposing new research questions or approaches, or challenging existing assumptions or paradigms. They aim to contribute to ongoing debates and discussions within a field and to stimulate further research and inquiry.
  • To demonstrate research skills: Research papers demonstrate the author’s research skills, including their ability to design and conduct a study, collect and analyze data, and interpret and communicate findings. They also demonstrate the author’s ability to critically evaluate existing literature, synthesize information from multiple sources, and write in a clear and structured manner.

Characteristics of Research Paper

Research papers have several characteristics that distinguish them from other forms of academic or professional writing. Here are some common characteristics of research papers:

  • Evidence-based: Research papers are based on empirical evidence, which is collected through rigorous research methods such as experiments, surveys, observations, or interviews. They rely on objective data and facts to support their claims and conclusions.
  • Structured and organized: Research papers have a clear and logical structure, with sections such as introduction, literature review, methods, results, discussion, and conclusion. They are organized in a way that helps the reader to follow the argument and understand the findings.
  • Formal and objective: Research papers are written in a formal and objective tone, with an emphasis on clarity, precision, and accuracy. They avoid subjective language or personal opinions and instead rely on objective data and analysis to support their arguments.
  • Citations and references: Research papers include citations and references to acknowledge the sources of information and ideas used in the paper. They use a specific citation style, such as APA, MLA, or Chicago, to ensure consistency and accuracy.
  • Peer-reviewed: Research papers are often peer-reviewed, which means they are evaluated by other experts in the field before they are published. Peer-review ensures that the research is of high quality, meets ethical standards, and contributes to the advancement of knowledge in the field.
  • Objective and unbiased: Research papers strive to be objective and unbiased in their presentation of the findings. They avoid personal biases or preconceptions and instead rely on the data and analysis to draw conclusions.

Advantages of Research Paper

Research papers have many advantages, both for the individual researcher and for the broader academic and professional community. Here are some advantages of research papers:

  • Contribution to knowledge: Research papers contribute to the body of knowledge in a particular field or discipline. They add new information, insights, and perspectives to existing literature and help advance the understanding of a particular phenomenon or issue.
  • Opportunity for intellectual growth: Research papers provide an opportunity for intellectual growth for the researcher. They require critical thinking, problem-solving, and creativity, which can help develop the researcher’s skills and knowledge.
  • Career advancement: Research papers can help advance the researcher’s career by demonstrating their expertise and contributions to the field. They can also lead to new research opportunities, collaborations, and funding.
  • Academic recognition: Research papers can lead to academic recognition in the form of awards, grants, or invitations to speak at conferences or events. They can also contribute to the researcher’s reputation and standing in the field.
  • Impact on policy and practice: Research papers can have a significant impact on policy and practice. They can inform policy decisions, guide practice, and lead to changes in laws, regulations, or procedures.
  • Advancement of society: Research papers can contribute to the advancement of society by addressing important issues, identifying solutions to problems, and promoting social justice and equality.

Limitations of Research Paper

Research papers also have some limitations that should be considered when interpreting their findings or implications. Here are some common limitations of research papers:

  • Limited generalizability: Research findings may not be generalizable to other populations, settings, or contexts. Studies often use specific samples or conditions that may not reflect the broader population or real-world situations.
  • Potential for bias : Research papers may be biased due to factors such as sample selection, measurement errors, or researcher biases. It is important to evaluate the quality of the research design and methods used to ensure that the findings are valid and reliable.
  • Ethical concerns: Research papers may raise ethical concerns, such as the use of vulnerable populations or invasive procedures. Researchers must adhere to ethical guidelines and obtain informed consent from participants to ensure that the research is conducted in a responsible and respectful manner.
  • Limitations of methodology: Research papers may be limited by the methodology used to collect and analyze data. For example, certain research methods may not capture the complexity or nuance of a particular phenomenon, or may not be appropriate for certain research questions.
  • Publication bias: Research papers may be subject to publication bias, where positive or significant findings are more likely to be published than negative or non-significant findings. This can skew the overall findings of a particular area of research.
  • Time and resource constraints: Research papers may be limited by time and resource constraints, which can affect the quality and scope of the research. Researchers may not have access to certain data or resources, or may be unable to conduct long-term studies due to practical limitations.

About the author

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Muhammad Hassan

Researcher, Academic Writer, Web developer

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10 Page Research Paper Outline

  • Research Paper Writing

At some point along your academic journey, your college instructors will require you to demonstrate good research paper writing skills.

The research paper is usually considered a higher level of writing that demands high competency and skills levels.

A good understanding of the steps for writing a research paper come in handy.


1. it enhances organization, 2. it helps avoid stagnation, 3. it helps in alignment, 4. it helps produce in-depth work, 5. it enhances motivation, 6. it acts as schedule, introduction (2 paragraphs: 125-140 words per paragraph), body (18 paragraphs: 3 sections, 6 paragraphs each), conclusion (2 paragraphs), introduction, summary of a 10 page research paper outline template, topic: lead poisoning.

  • Step 1: Choosing the Topic[nbsp]

Step 2: Determining the Research Problem

Step 3: determining the audience, step 4: conducting research, step 5: creating the main category, step 6: creating the subcategories.

Note that one key element of research paper writing is proper organization.

In such organization, there is a particularly focus on the appropriate research paper format.

This organization is the basis of a well-developed research paper. An organized research paper should:

  • Be focused on a thesis statement
  • Use sources to support the thesis
  • Apply different sources to use different ideas and information to support an argument
  • Cite the sources used

Usually, a 10 page research paper should be crafted in a manner that optimizes the respective research paper topics.

This involves adopting an organization that enhances effective articulation of the different ideas supporting the research topics.

Such organization can be realized through the 10 page research paper outline.

It is important to note that college research papers could assume different formats.

Particularly, research papers in business and social sciences are likely to adopt different research paper formats from those in life and physical sciences.

Accordingly, the 10 page research paper outline is more common among business and social science research papers.

Importance of a 10 Page Research Paper Outline

The 10 page research paper outline plays an important role in developing the appropriate research paper format.

Adhering to this outline is likely to accord you some advantages throughout the process of writing your college research paper.

Some of these advantages include:

The outline is central to organization of ideas in the research paper.

Such organization helps to enhance the coherence of ideas in the research paper.

In this, the outline acts as a guide on the ideas to be included, how they will be developed, and their sequence.

It is acts as a solid guide on how to writer your college research paper.

The 10 page research paper outline is very effective in reducing incidences where you are likely to get stuck when writing the college research paper.

This is because it facilitates the development of a structure on how to navigate through the target research paper topics.

The outline is key in ensuring that you remain on course when writing the research paper.

Herein, it can act as research paper template that guides you through the writing process to ensure you remain within the context of the entailed research paper topics.

The outline comes in handy when you want to evaluate different perspectives in the research paper.

It is important to note that a good research paper should evaluate different ideas within a particular context.

As such, by relying on the outline, you can easily determine the most appropriate approach in the analysis of these perspectives.

The 10 page research paper outline can help you remain focused and motivated throughout the college research paper writing process.

With the outline, it is possible subdivide the research paper into sections and milestones, where achievement of each milestone can act as a source of motivation.

As noted above, the outline can be used to mark respective milestones in the writing process.

You can use it to mark and adhere to deadlines on the different tasks requisite to the whole writing process.

Note that in some cases, you may be required to submit the work in bits.

Structure of a 10-Page Research Paper

Breaking a 10-page research paper into smaller sections helps make the writing process easy.

Note that hypothetically, a ten-page paper should be between 20 and 22 paragraphs.

This is the same for a 10 pages essay.

So, how should a 10 page paper outline look like?

What sections should you include?

What should be the length of each section?

These are pertinent questions and their answers are explored below.

As evidenced in a typical 10 page research paper example, a research paper should have 3 main parts, including:

The breakdown of each part is as expounded below:

A 10 page paper outline should have a 2 paragraphs’ introduction.

An ideal paragraph should be about 125 words.

In some cases, it could be as much as 140 words.

As shown in a typical 10 page research paper example, the introduction should be between 250 and 280 words in total.

The first paragraph should:

  • Stipulate the research question
  • Provide a brief background and
  • Explain what requires to be interpreted

The second paragraph should:

  • Explain how the 10 page paper will answer the research question
  • Highlight the thesis statement (in one sentence)  

The body of a 10 page essay or research paper should be divided into about 3 sections.

Accordingly, each section in a good 10 page paper outline should have up to 6 paragraphs.

  • Section III

Section I could focus on one position of the argument.

Section II could explore the opposing position.

Section III could expound on how the conflict between the two positions was resolved.

Each paragraph of a 10 page paper body should begin with a topic sentence that aligns with both the section’s point/ argument and the research paper’s thesis.

To make writing easy and coherent, you should create a 10 page paper outline with about 18 topic sentences (6 for each section).  

As reflected in a good 10 page research paper example, the conclusion should have two paragraphs (125- 140 words each).

  • Reiterate the thesis
  • Show why the thesis presented the most effective way of exploring the evidence presented in the body.

The second paragraph should explain:

  • Why the argument matters
  • How the research paper and derived interpretations help understand the issue under study

Template of a 10 Page Research Paper Outline

A good research paper is founded on a solid template. The research paper template looks at different parts of the research paper.

Precisely, the template of a 10 page research paper outline covers three key areas. These areas include:

The introduction is usually two paragraphs in length. It encompasses a brief story about the entailed research paper topic, where it stipulates the reason why the story requires exploration.

The body should encompass different parts with clear subheadings.

For a 10 page research paper outline, the body could be in as many parts as 4, 5, or even more, depending on the number of ideas being advanced and their requisite depth. [nbsp]

The conclusion should be 2 paragraphs long. The first paragraph should recapture the thesis statement in relation to the evidence adduced in the college research paper.

On the other hand, the second paragraph should explain why the paper’s argument(s) is/are characteristic to the understanding of the entailed phenomenon.

General overview of the topic

Statement of relevance

Thesis statement

Transition to the first Body paragraph

Key argument #1

Topic sentence

Evidence (quote)[nbsp]

Transition to the next Body paragraph

Key argument #2

Evidence (quote)

Key argument #3

Transition to the Conclusion

Restatement of the thesis statement

Summary of the key points

Food for thought


Sample Research Paper Template

-Lead poisoning definition

-Importance of the study

-Key terms and their definitions

-Symptoms of lead poisoning

-Effects of lead poisoning

-Treatments for lead poisoning

-Summary of key points

-Recommendations (Handling lead poisoning hazards).

Steps in Developing a 10 Page Research Paper Outline

Developing the 10 page research paper outline is a systematic process. The process is defined by numerous steps as illustrated below.

Step 1: Choosing the Topic [nbsp]

This step requires you to identify the topic to write about or issue to investigate.

It is important to ensure that you choose a topic that is interesting to you. Where the topic is chosen for you, you can go ahead and determine the viewpoint you intend to assume.

After selecting the research topic, it is time to identify the main argument in your research paper.

This entails the point around which the research paper will be built around. To do this, you should sum up the point in a single short phrase.

Developing a good 10 page research paper outline requires you to clearly identify your target audience.

It is important to ensure that the target audience will relate with or appreciate your point of view.

A good outline must be founded on in-depth research. This research is supposed to give you a thorough idea on all issues relating to your topic.

In this step, you should investigate and note down different views about the topic. Collect adequate evidence on all these views.

With details on the topic, it is time to create the key categories that characterize the 10 page research paper outline.

This requires you to note down each of the major points you intend to cover in the research paper. These points should derive from the research earlier conducted.

This step entails developing a list of different points meant to support the major points.

The number of subcategories should be determined by the amount of details you intend to provide in the major points.

10 page research paper outline

How to write a whole research paper in a week

8 10 page research paper

Writing up a full research article in a single week? Maybe you think that’s impossible. Yet I have done it repeatedly, and so have students in my courses. This is an exceptionally joyful (even if demanding) experience: being so productive just feels great! You are not wasting any time, and a paper produced in one go is typically coherent and nice to read. Even if you are a slow writer, you can write a whole paper in a single week — if you follow my strategy. Read below about what you need to prepare and how to approach this project.

I wrote my first scientific research article in 7 days. It started as a desperate effort to stop my procrastination and “just do it”. But I was surprised what a positive experience it was: focused and efficient, I was making daily progress, feeling motivated and content. Finally, the fruits of my hard work were gaining shape — and they did it so quickly!

I realized it was highly effective to write up a paper like this: writing for the whole day, every day until the first draft was finished. My writing project was firmly present in my mind — I didn’t lose time catching up with what I have written in the last session. Since I was not doing anything else, my wandering mind settled in very fast, and I was getting into a routine. The daily progress was clearly visible and motivated me to continue. And the result was a coherent paper that was easy to revise.

Meanwhile, this paper-a-week approach is my favorite. That’s how I write my papers, and that’s what I teach to students. In on-site courses young scientists draft a whole paper in 5 days, writing one major section per day. At the beginning of the week, many participants have doubts. But at the end of the week, they are all excited to see how much they managed to write in just a single week.

If you would also like to try out this approach, then read on about the necessary preparations, the optimal setting, and a productive writing strategy.

If you would like to get support during the preparation, drafting and revising of your research article, check out my online course Write Up Your Paper .

Prepare well

8 10 page research paper

  • First, think about your audience and pick a suitable journal . This is an important step because the audience and journal determine the content & style of your paper. As a reference, pick two recent papers on a similar topic published in your target journal.
  • Create a storyline for your paper. What is the main message you want to convey, and how are you going to present your results?
  • Put together all the results that you need to present your story convincingly: collect the necessary data, finish analyses, and create figures and tables.
  • Select and read the relevant background literature as well as studies you want to compare your work with. As you read, note down any point that comes to your mind as something to be mentioned in the Introduction or Discussion section.
  • Draft a preliminary Abstract : it will help you keep the direction and not get distracted by secondary ideas as you write the individual sections.

Depending on how complete your results already are, you might need 2-4 weeks to finish all these preparations. To help you keep an overview, I created a checklist with detailed steps that you need to take before you attempt to write up your paper in a week. Subscribe to our Newsletter and get your copy of the checklist.

Reserve a whole week for writing

Now, writing a paper in a single week is a serious business. You can’t do it if you don’t focus solely on the writing and create good writing conditions. Therefore, I recommend the following settings:

  • Find a place where you can write without distractions. I have written my first paper over the Easter holidays when there was nobody in the office. You might choose to write at home or in a library. Though if possible, the best is to go for a retreat: removing yourself from your everyday settings immensely helps focus on the writing.
  • Cancel (all) social obligations for the week. While it’s crucial to relax in the evening, you want to avoid disturbances associated with social events. Anything that makes your thoughts drift away from your work because it requires planning, exchanging of messages with others, or simply because it’s too exciting is better left for some other week. On the other hand, a quiet meeting with a good friend over a glass of wine or beer might be just the perfect way to unwind and rest after a productive, yet exhausting day of writing.
  • Get support from the partner, family or friends — if possible. It’s best when you don’t need to run errands, cook and clean during this week. If you live alone, you can probably easily arrange yourself for undisturbed work. If you live with other people, ask them for consideration and support.

What I described above are the *ideal* conditions for undisturbed writing. But don’t give up if you can’t create such conditions for yourself. Work with what is possible — maybe it will take you 7-8 instead of 5-6 days but that’s still a great result, right?

Do you need to revise & polish your manuscript or thesis but don’t know where to begin?

Get your Revision Checklist

Click here for an efficient step-by-step revision of your scientific texts.

Maybe you think that you can never ever draft a research article in a single week. Because you write so slowly, producing only few paragraphs per day. Well — I agree that if you don’t optimize your writing strategy, it would be hard to impossible to write up a whole paper in a week.

8 10 page research paper

  • Separate the processes of writing and revising. That’s the most important principle. Resist the urge to revise as you write the first draft. Moreover, don’t interrupt your writing to look up missing information. Work with placeholders instead. This allows you to get into the state of flow and proceed much faster than you can imagine.
  • Start your writing day with 10 minutes of freewriting . Write without stopping about anything that comes to your mind. This helps you to warm up for writing, clear your head of any unrelated thoughts, and get into the mood of writing without editing.
  • Take regular power breaks. I recommend to follow the Pomodoro technique : write for 25 minutes and then take a 5-minute break. After 3-4 such sessions take a longer break of 0.5-1 hour. During the breaks get up, walk a bit, stretch, look around, and breathe deeply. These breaks help you sustain high focus and productivity throughout the whole day.
  • Eat and sleep well. What you are doing is similar to a professional athlete. So take care of your brain and body, and they will serve you well.
  • Reward yourself. Every day celebrate the progress you have made. You have full right to be proud of you!

Write the individual sections in a reasonable order

If you have written a research paper before, you have probably realized that starting with the Introduction and finishing with the Discussion is not the ideal order in which to tackle the individual sections. Instead, I recommend the following procedure:

8 10 page research paper

  • Start with the Methods section. This is the easiest section to write, so it’s great as a warm-up, to get into writing without the need to think (and procrastinate ;)) too much. Look at your figures and tables: what methods did you use to create them? Then describe your methods, one after another.
  • Results section: Writing the Methods section refreshes your memory about the research you have done. So writing the Results section next should not be too hard: Take one display object (figure or table) after another, and describe the results they contain. While you do so, you will come across points that need to be discussed in the Discussion section. Note them down so you don’t forget them.
  • Introduction : When your results are fresh in your mind, you are in a great position to write the Introduction — because the Introduction should contain selected information that gives the reader context for your research project and allows them to understand your results and their implications.
  • Discussion : When you have taken notes while writing the Results section, the Discussion section should be quite easy to draft. Don’t worry too early about the order in which you want to discuss the individual points. Write one paragraph for each point , and then see how you can logically arrange them.
  • Abstract and title : On the last day, revise the preliminary Abstract or write a new one. You could also take a break of a few days before tackling the Abstract, to gain clarity and distance. Generate multiple titles (I recommend 6-10), so that you and your co-authors can choose the most appropriate one.

Just do it!

8 10 page research paper

Once you have written the whole draft, let it sit for a week or two, and then revise it. Follow my tips for efficient revising and get your revision checklist that will guide you step-by-step through the whole process.

Now I am curious about your experience: Have you ever written up an academic article quickly? How did you do it? Please, share with us your tips & strategies!

Do you need to revise & polish your manuscript or thesis but don’t know where to begin? Is your text a mess and you don't know how to improve it?

Click here for an efficient step-by-step revision of your scientific texts. You will be guided through each step with concrete tips for execution.

7 thoughts on “ How to write a whole research paper in a week ”

Thank for your guide and suggestion. It gives to me very precious ways how to write a article. Now I am writing a article related to Buddhist studies. Thank you so much.

You are welcome!

excellent! it helped me a lot! wish you all best

Hi Parham, I’m happy to hear that!

I have never written any paper before. As I am from very old school.

But my writing skill is actually very good. Your help is definitely going to help me as this has inspired me alot. Will let you know, once done. I really like the outline that you have given. Basically you have made it so easy for me .

Hope fully will be in touch with you soon.

Thanks and ki d Regards, Shehla

Dear Shehla, that sounds great! I’m looking forward to hearing about your paper!

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How to write a ten-page paper: expert tips.

how to write ten page paper

Writing a 10-page paper is not the easiest task in the world, especially if you have to turn it in within a short time. However, with a proper strategic approach, you can successfully write a 10-page paper in one night! Ready to learn how to write a 10-page paper? This article covers the best approach to writing a ten-page paper within a short period without compromising the quality of the paper. With our 10-page research paper example guide, we shall show you how to concentrate your effort, clear brain clutter, and cut to the chase!

In writing a 10-page research paper, there are some vital things to pay attention to. These are:

  • The paper structure , which should be in line with the recommended guidelines of your school or instructor. Slight deviations are sometimes acceptable.
  • The sources of information , which should be relevant, reliable, and research-oriented. The quality of your work will be evaluated based on the uniqueness of your resources.
  • The format of the paper , which should be the format accepted in your school. Don’t overlook your format as it will count to the final grading.
  • Your proofreading and revision , which determines how sleek and elegant your paper will be. This stage, though often overlooked, can make or break your essay.

These factors chronicle the general things to pay attention to. Let’s delve fully into how to write a ten-page paper in one day or as quick as a night!

How to Write a 10-Page Paper in One Night.

Short of time so much so that you’re tempted to use space-fillers in your ten-page paper? You needn’t do that! Writing a 10-page paper in one night may seem like an arduous task, but it is doable. The best way to tackle a 10-page paper is to do it without procrastinating. However, sometimes many things happen, and we don’t end up following up on things as we planned. If you’ve already delayed and the deadline for submission of your 10-page research paper is tomorrow, or if you just want to get over with that ten-page paper and spend your time on other things, I’m glad to tell you that it’s possible! It all boils down to playing your cards well, which we will show you how.

Sometimes, it is difficult to resist the temptation of just jumping to writing without a structure. But on such a night like this, you need a well-laid out structure because of the number of hours’ worth of corrections it can save you. This plan should contain the topic of the 10-page paper, how you choose to introduce the topic, the thesis statement for your research paper, etc. Once this is complete, all you need to do is to wear more flesh on each point and viola! you have your 10-page research paper right in front of you!

After you’ve written down appropriate plans, you need to dedicate a particular amount of time to each section. This time allocation will help you control the amount of time you will take to write the entire paper. For example, you could dedicate 1 hour to collecting and collating sources, 2 hours to reading these sources, 3 hours for the writing, 1 hour for the proofreading, etc. Allocate this time as you deem fit, as long as you’ll still be able to make it before the sun rises.

Knowing the right tools to carry out research goes a long way in saving lots and lots of time. And immediately organize these sources to what chapter or area they come to play. Elsevier, Google Scholar, etc., are excellent places to start. So how many sources for a 10-page paper? On average, about 5-7 sources are enough for a ten-page research paper. The bibliography section in your textbook could be of great help. It is advisable not to use Wikipedia as it is not a primary source of information and can be edited by almost anybody.

Citation/reference management tools are huge time savers. Believe me, you don’t want to be the one trying to manually keep a tab of your sources and reference at a time like this. Tools such as Endnote and Mendeley are relevant and reliable citation managers. Even though pressure may be high on you, don’t be tempted to plagiarize.

Strict formatting rules (e.g., APA, Harvard, MLA, etc.) apply to every academic paper. Therefore, you have to format your paper appropriately according to your school guidelines.

It is common to make some errors and huge oversights while working under pressure. Take time off when you are done and come back after a while to proofread it. Chances are, some things will not look right! Avoid the use of passive voice, slang, colloquial language, etc.

So here we are! How to write a ten-page paper in one day or night! Despite the limited time, you may have just written your best paper ever!

10-Page Research Paper Outline

Even when you’re short of time, always remember that there is a prescribed outline when writing a 10-page paper. This outline may vary as decided by your school, discipline, or type of essay. Generally, a 10-page paper outline goes as follows:

The introduction is meant to get readers interested in your work. Start with a striking quoted statement, statistics, etc., and serve them the basics of your work in this part. Divide the introduction into two paragraphs, the first posing the research question (thesis statement) and the second explaining how your paper will answer the question. End this paragraph with a sentence that summarizes the argument of the essay.

The body is the major part of your essay as it contains a chunk of the information. The body can be divided into three sections, each with a subheading. Each of these sections can contain six paragraphs. Each body paragraph should begin with a topic sentence, and emphasize only an idea following this pattern: the idea, the evidence supporting it, a rebuttal possible counter-arguments, stating how the point affects the overall topic, and then connecting the paragraph with the point in the next paragraph. You can also divide body paragraphs into chapters, following the same pattern.

This conclusion part summarizes your findings in two paragraphs. The first, which reiterates your thesis, and the second, which tells why your arguments matter. Keep it short and straight to the point.

How Many Words Is A 10-page Paper?

So now that you know how to write a ten-page paper, how many words is a ten-page paper? A 10-page paper word count is only 2,500 words. If you type at an average speed of 40wpm, that will take you about an hour to complete. You, however, can’t finish a 10-page paper within an hour, because, of course, you don’t have it all in your head.

10-page paper topics

There is a wide array of 10-page research paper topics. These topics could cut across all fields of discipline. Here are five 10-page paper topics to help you get an idea of possible topics to expect.

  • Do Children Learn Better In Single-Sex Schools?
  • What Are The Effects Of China’s One-Child Policy?
  • How Can Bullying Be Effectively Reduced In Schools?
  • Should Steroids Be Legalized?
  • Is Terrorism Justifiable?
  • The Effect Of Global Warming
  • The Growth Of World’s Population
  • The Development Of Social Media
  • Populism And Democracy
  • Space Exploration And Its Prospects

Writing a 10-page paper is easy once you know the right thing to do. If you’re short of time, just take a deep breath, relax, and get to work! You can finish writing a ten-page paper in one night if you hire professional writers right now!

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How to Write an 8 Page Paper: Time Needed for Fast Research

How to Write an 8 Page Paper: Time Needed for Fast Research

How to Craft an 8-Page Paper

How to Craft an 8-Page Paper

An 8-page paper is a short type of essay, written on a topic or an issue. The paper explores the issue or subject matter analytically organizing it in one significant movement. It moves forward intending to substantiate the main point with facts, opinions, ideas, and logical explanations.

The paper intends to prove that the point of view held by the author is valid regardless of the counterarguments by opposing views.

8 10 page research paper

Before starting your 8-page paper, consider using these tips to build a paper that is concise and well-written.

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How to Write an 8 Page Paper

1. choose an interesting topic.

writing pages

Choose a topic that interests and challenges you. Your attitude towards the topic may well determine the amount of effort and enthusiasm you put into your research. Focus on a limited aspect, e.g. narrow it down from “Religion” to “World Religion” to “Buddhism.”

Obtain teacher approval for your topic before embarking on full-scale research. If you are uncertain as to what it entails to complete the assignment or project, re-read your assignment sheet carefully or ask your teacher.

Select a subject you can manage. Avoid subjects that are too technical, learned, or specialized. Avoid topics that have only a very narrow range of source materials.

2. Write your Thesis

Your thesis statement is also where you state your position on the topic of your essay. Write your thesis statement in a separate sentence. It should be clear and specific. If it is not clear and specific, you will have difficulty writing your paper and supporting your argument.

Because this is a research paper, there should not be any remarks that you make that cannot require the support of facts from your research. To correct this, you need to limit your thesis statement.

3. Do Research

Before you can write your paper, you have to have something to write about. Start with a general idea, then start researching it. It is much easier to write a paper if you already have a topic picked out.  So, pick one that catches your attention and has good sources available.

Doing research means doing experiments and analyzing data that you collect during these experiments or by literature review and analysis of previous works made by other authors on the same topic.

Go online, head to the library, search an academic database, or read newspapers. You can also ask a reference librarian. Know which sources are acceptable to your teacher.

Does your teacher want a certain number of primary sources and secondary sources? Has your teacher indicated the age of your references ? Is your teacher picky about what’s considered reliable sources?

Can you use Wikipedia? Wikipedia is often a good starting point for learning about a topic, but many teachers will not let you cite it because they want you to find more authoritative sources.

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4. Create your Outline

write essay outline

The purpose of an outline is to help organize your thoughts so that you can present them clearly and coherently. Without an outline, you might find yourself rambling or going off-topic.

Outlines can help you structure information into categories that make it easier to process and recall later on.

The outline does not have many details, and it can change as you do more research.  Better yet, you should have a clear idea of what information will go in each section.

Write short notes in the margins that highlight the main points you want to cover in each section. Don’t worry about perfect grammar or spelling at this point; just get ideas down on paper.

5. Write an Introduction

The introduction should grab the reader’s attention and prepare for an explanation of the topic. The reader should finish the introduction thinking that the essay is interesting or has some sort of relevance to their lives.

A good introduction is engaging; it gets the audience thinking about the topic at hand and wondering how you will be proving your argument.

A good way to convince your reader that your essay is worthwhile is to provide information that the reader might question or disagree with. Once they are thinking about the topic and wondering why you hold your position, they are more likely to get engaged in the rest of the essay.

A good introduction provides the reader with a brief overview of your topic and an explanation of your thesis. A good introduction is fresh, engaging, and interesting.

6. Set up Body Paragraphs

Include your topic sentences and some supporting detail for each body paragraph. You should have at least three body paragraphs; you can add more if you want. Make sure that the flow of the paragraphs is logical, and that the transitions between paragraphs are smooth. A rough outline might look like this:

Body Paragraph 2: [Introduce your second main point here.

The body of your paper will contain all of the important information. You should have at least three supporting details for each topic sentence that you write. Each of these supporting details should be a separate paragraph.

7. Conclusion

Needless to say, it is quite important to know how to write a conclusion. No matter what type of paper you are working on, the conclusion recaps all of its major points. In other words, all points that you made in your introduction and body paragraphs should be in the conclusion.

writing essay conclusion

Usually, this section is only one paragraph long, but if permitted by your instructor or your topic is complex, you might make it longer.

At this point, you do not need to mention any new arguments to avoid confusing the reader.

If a certain phrase seems unnatural and difficult for you to write down or if you simply cannot find any worthy words for your work, then use some of the conclusion transition words.

They will help keep everything clear and concise for readers.

8. Cite Sources Accordingly

Citing sources properly is essential to avoiding plagiarism in your writing. Not citing sources properly could imply that the ideas, information, and phrasing you are using are your own, when they originated with another author.

Citing sources properly can also help readers find the information you used to write your paper and can give credit to the authors of that information?

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Frequently Asked Questions

What is the 8-page paper word count.

The length of an 8-page paper could vary depending on several factors, such as font size, space between lines, and margins. If you need to use Times New Roman 12 point’s font, it will take approximately 2 pages for 1,000 words and 8 pages for 4000 words.

You will easily calculate how many words you need to write on a specific subject.

Can you write an 8-page paper in 3 hours?

You may write an 8-page paper in 3 hours. Brainstorm for just 10 minutes. Then, organize your thoughts into an outline. Next, write your first draft in 1 hour.

Also, revise and edit your paper in 1 hour. Finally, write your second draft in 30 minutes.

How long does it take to write an 8-page paper double spaced

We believe that anywhere from four to eight hours is pretty good for double spaced, 12-point type, Times New Roman or Arial font, 1-inch margins.

If you are using a font other than Arial or Times New Roman, you will notice a difference in the number of pages you write as well.

8-page essay example topics

  • The Growth of Language and its impact on Culture in the USA
  • Forbidden Love: A Study of Relationships in Pride and Prejudice, Emma, and Persuasion.
  • An Analysis of Consumer Behavior concerning Marketing Of Mobile Phones and Youngsters

Josh Jasen

When not handling complex essays and academic writing tasks, Josh is busy advising students on how to pass assignments. In spare time, he loves playing football or walking with his dog around the park.

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How Long Does It Take to Write a 10-Page Paper? It’s Sorta Up to You

How Long Does It Take to Write a 10-Page Paper? It’s Sorta Up to You

The 10 page research paper is probably the most common assignment students get in their coursework. It seems like a good length for most topics that instructors want students to research and write about. Plus, it doesn’t seem horribly discouraging – in terms of how many words is a ten page paper double spaced, it will vary from about 2500 – 2750. Now that you know how many words in a ten page paper, let’s consider what it takes to produce that text.

If you ask students how much time it takes them to complete such a paper, they will have a variety of answers, everything from a day or two to a week.

How Long Does It Take to Write a 10 page Paper Double Spaced?

How Long Does It Take to Write a 10-Page Paper

If you know how to write a 10 page paper, then you know that there is a process involved – that process has very specific and sequential steps . Don’t try to skip any of them, or your final product will be poorly done. So, if you are wondering how long does it take to write a 10 page paper? The answer lies in how long it will take you to get through each step of the process. Here are those steps:

Don’t Panic

Keep things in perspective. Remember that 10 pages double spaced is only five pages single spaced writing. If you think about it that way, that’s not too terribly long. Don’t let panic set in! You can do this.

Choosing that Topic

Obviously, you will not be writing on a large general topic. You may have an area of interest, but writing a 10 page paper means narrowing that general interest into smaller sub-topics as you look at your options. One tip that has helped students on their quest for how to write a 10 page paper with a good topic choice is to do some research, look at some examples, and see what topics will fit that length requirement. 

The last thing you want to do is start writing a paper on an interesting topic, only to find that there just aren’t ten pages of information to provide. Remember that most instructors can tell when you’ve tried to stretch a paper to meet the word count. 

One word of caution – don’t even think about “lifting” a paper – the consequences for plagiarism in academic institutions are pretty harsh.

Getting to that Research

Finding the right resources can be a challenge. Again, if you find some sample papers on the same topic, take a look at the used resources. If they are current and primary (original research or produced by known experts), then you might want to use them. Part of learning how to write a 10 page essay is knowing what resources to use and how many sources for a 10 page paper is enough. Generally, six resources should be a minimum, although there really is no maximum limit. Be aware that some professors limit the number of online sources you can use. Be prepared to hit the stacks.

Identifying Sub-Topics

This is how you begin to organize your paper. How to write a ten page paper well means that you sift through your research and identify the major sections that you will want to cover. These sections will let you get organized for writing, whether you choose to make an outline or not. At least, put the sub-topics in a logical order so that the paper will flow well. Later, this will help you determine the topics you will cover in your body paragraphs.

Two Drafts – Rough and Final, with a Review and Edit in Between

Writing a ten page paper means that you will have some mistakes the first time through – awkward sentences, run-ons, fragments, missing transitions. All of these need to be fixed, and that is what the review and edit are for. Do not ever turn in the first draft. It will not be polished.

You are probably getting the idea that you will probably not be learning how to write a 10 page paper in one night. Unless you are an amazing expert on the topic, and already know the content of the resources you intend to use, it can’t be done (unless you are willing to take a bad grade).

Some students state they know how to write a ten page paper in one night. What they do is take a pre-written paper they find online and try to re-write it or use “spinning” software. These are pretty “iffy” strategies and are often caught by a smart instructor. Writing a 10 page paper in one day is possible but only if a professional writing service is used, and a topic expert is producing it.

What to Do About a 10 Page Research Paper Due Tomorrow

You are in a bit of trouble, if you have not started on your paper. You probably already know that, though. So here is the best solution:

Find a reputable college research paper writing service

Let them know you have a 10 page research paper due tomorrow, identify the topic and any other specifics, and let them go to work for you. They will have the topic expert you need – someone who has written on the topic many times before and who probably has the resource materials in his/her head and pretty much memorized.

Provide as much information as possible, including research sources, access to academic databases, and even writing samples. The idea is to ensure the writer can just get to work without asking questions or clarifying things.

Be prepared to pay. It takes a talented writer to know how to write 10 page research paper this quickly.

You’ll get your paper on time, and it will be of high quality.

Learning how to write a 10 page essay is not rocket science. But it does take time and practice. There’s certainly more to it than quickly writing something, then verifying the word count. Learn how to do this right and get the help you need in the meantime.

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10 Page Essay: Examples, Topics, & Word Count

What does a ten page essay look like? If you’re a student, you’ve probably asked yourself this question. 10 page essays are usually assigned to check one’s ability to formulate their thoughts. A ten page essay word count is 2450 to 2500 words (12 pt double-spaced). A paper of 10 pages usually consists of 25 to 33 paragraphs.

When choosing a topic for a 10 pages essay, remember that it is quite a short piece. That’s why your topic shouldn’t be too complicated. You might want to focus on football, speeding, COVID-19, or respect.

If you’re searching for 10 page essay examples, look at the list below. We’ve gathered a collection of A+ samples for you to get inspired. Knock them dead!

10-page Essay Examples: 4417 Samples

Problems of everyday addictions in society.

  • Subjects: Health & Medicine Public Health
  • Words: 3048

Policies and Procedures: Managing Harbor Staff

  • Subjects: Business Management
  • Words: 2704

The Impact of Globalization in Malaysia

  • Subjects: Economics Globalization
  • Words: 2857

The Second Industrial Revolution and Its Social Consequence

  • Subjects: History World History
  • Words: 3120

Role of Technology in Business and Advertising

  • Subjects: Business Case Study
  • Words: 2508

Green Consumers and Its Characteristics

  • Subjects: Business Marketing
  • Words: 2830

Cultural and Racial Inequality in Health Care

  • Subjects: Health & Medicine Medical Ethics
  • Words: 2661

McDonald’s Corporation: Analyzing Fast Food Industry

  • Subjects: Business Industry
  • Words: 2731

Singing River Education Association

  • Subjects: Education Study Courses and Education Programs
  • Words: 2744

The Evolution of Electricity

  • Subjects: Physics Sciences
  • Words: 2790

The Question of African Agency in Colonial Courts and Social Conflict

  • Subjects: History Western Europe
  • Words: 3051

The Catholic Church and the Black Death in the 14th Century

  • Subjects: History Medieval History
  • Words: 2655

Marketing the Human Microchip

  • Words: 2690

Organizational Behavior and Theory

  • Subjects: Business Management Theories
  • Words: 5509

How Can Teachers Teach Critical Thinking?

  • Subjects: Education Pedagogical Skills
  • Words: 2742

Branding as a Significant Business Strategy

  • Subjects: Brand Management Business
  • Words: 2763

Women in US Armed Forces

  • Subjects: Gender Studies Sociology
  • Words: 3133

A Modern Cinderella and Other Stories

  • Subjects: Comparative Literature Literature
  • Words: 2970

Trading on the Stock Markets

  • Subjects: Economics Finance
  • Words: 2684

Legal & Ethical Issues in Global Business: Shell and Topshop

  • Subjects: Business Business Ethics
  • Words: 2975

Comparative Analysis of Coca-Cola Company and PepsiCo

  • Words: 2829

If Every Person in the World Understood Basic Principles of Psychology, the World Would Be A Better Place

  • Subjects: Psychological Principles Psychology
  • Words: 2703

Creationism vs. Evolution

  • Subjects: Religion Religious Education
  • Words: 2746

Contemporary Issues in the Middle East

  • Subjects: Asia History
  • Words: 3572

History of the Networking Technology

  • Subjects: Internet Tech & Engineering
  • Words: 2699

McDonald’s: Planned Change Project

  • Subjects: Business Strategy
  • Words: 3020

Work-Life Balance in the Military

  • Words: 2732

The “Great” Humanitarian/Utopianist

  • Subjects: Art Musicians
  • Words: 2607

Philosophies that Challenge Religion’s Dominance

  • Subjects: Religion Religion, Culture & Society
  • Words: 2851

Theme of Knowledge in Frankenstein: The Modern Prometheus by Mary Shelley

  • Subjects: British Literature Literature
  • Words: 2934

Groupthink in a Virtual Environment Work Team

  • Words: 2724

The Role of Marketing and Research in Managing Customers and Markets

  • Words: 2946

Music in Pre-Reformation and Post-Tridentine Generation

  • Words: 2668

The Legacy of George W. Bush

  • Subjects: American Ex-Presidents History
  • Words: 2817

Strawberries History

  • Subjects: Biology Sciences
  • Words: 1484

Six Creative Positions on Production: The Role and Job Description

  • Subjects: Design Fashion
  • Words: 2595

Themes in A Farewell to Arms

  • Subjects: American Literature Literature
  • Words: 2743

Customer Service Coordination

  • Words: 2654

US History of US health care

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113 Great Research Paper Topics

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General Education


One of the hardest parts of writing a research paper can be just finding a good topic to write about. Fortunately we've done the hard work for you and have compiled a list of 113 interesting research paper topics. They've been organized into ten categories and cover a wide range of subjects so you can easily find the best topic for you.

In addition to the list of good research topics, we've included advice on what makes a good research paper topic and how you can use your topic to start writing a great paper.

What Makes a Good Research Paper Topic?

Not all research paper topics are created equal, and you want to make sure you choose a great topic before you start writing. Below are the three most important factors to consider to make sure you choose the best research paper topics.

#1: It's Something You're Interested In

A paper is always easier to write if you're interested in the topic, and you'll be more motivated to do in-depth research and write a paper that really covers the entire subject. Even if a certain research paper topic is getting a lot of buzz right now or other people seem interested in writing about it, don't feel tempted to make it your topic unless you genuinely have some sort of interest in it as well.

#2: There's Enough Information to Write a Paper

Even if you come up with the absolute best research paper topic and you're so excited to write about it, you won't be able to produce a good paper if there isn't enough research about the topic. This can happen for very specific or specialized topics, as well as topics that are too new to have enough research done on them at the moment. Easy research paper topics will always be topics with enough information to write a full-length paper.

Trying to write a research paper on a topic that doesn't have much research on it is incredibly hard, so before you decide on a topic, do a bit of preliminary searching and make sure you'll have all the information you need to write your paper.

#3: It Fits Your Teacher's Guidelines

Don't get so carried away looking at lists of research paper topics that you forget any requirements or restrictions your teacher may have put on research topic ideas. If you're writing a research paper on a health-related topic, deciding to write about the impact of rap on the music scene probably won't be allowed, but there may be some sort of leeway. For example, if you're really interested in current events but your teacher wants you to write a research paper on a history topic, you may be able to choose a topic that fits both categories, like exploring the relationship between the US and North Korea. No matter what, always get your research paper topic approved by your teacher first before you begin writing.

113 Good Research Paper Topics

Below are 113 good research topics to help you get you started on your paper. We've organized them into ten categories to make it easier to find the type of research paper topics you're looking for.


  • Discuss the main differences in art from the Italian Renaissance and the Northern Renaissance .
  • Analyze the impact a famous artist had on the world.
  • How is sexism portrayed in different types of media (music, film, video games, etc.)? Has the amount/type of sexism changed over the years?
  • How has the music of slaves brought over from Africa shaped modern American music?
  • How has rap music evolved in the past decade?
  • How has the portrayal of minorities in the media changed?


Current Events

  • What have been the impacts of China's one child policy?
  • How have the goals of feminists changed over the decades?
  • How has the Trump presidency changed international relations?
  • Analyze the history of the relationship between the United States and North Korea.
  • What factors contributed to the current decline in the rate of unemployment?
  • What have been the impacts of states which have increased their minimum wage?
  • How do US immigration laws compare to immigration laws of other countries?
  • How have the US's immigration laws changed in the past few years/decades?
  • How has the Black Lives Matter movement affected discussions and view about racism in the US?
  • What impact has the Affordable Care Act had on healthcare in the US?
  • What factors contributed to the UK deciding to leave the EU (Brexit)?
  • What factors contributed to China becoming an economic power?
  • Discuss the history of Bitcoin or other cryptocurrencies  (some of which tokenize the S&P 500 Index on the blockchain) .
  • Do students in schools that eliminate grades do better in college and their careers?
  • Do students from wealthier backgrounds score higher on standardized tests?
  • Do students who receive free meals at school get higher grades compared to when they weren't receiving a free meal?
  • Do students who attend charter schools score higher on standardized tests than students in public schools?
  • Do students learn better in same-sex classrooms?
  • How does giving each student access to an iPad or laptop affect their studies?
  • What are the benefits and drawbacks of the Montessori Method ?
  • Do children who attend preschool do better in school later on?
  • What was the impact of the No Child Left Behind act?
  • How does the US education system compare to education systems in other countries?
  • What impact does mandatory physical education classes have on students' health?
  • Which methods are most effective at reducing bullying in schools?
  • Do homeschoolers who attend college do as well as students who attended traditional schools?
  • Does offering tenure increase or decrease quality of teaching?
  • How does college debt affect future life choices of students?
  • Should graduate students be able to form unions?


  • What are different ways to lower gun-related deaths in the US?
  • How and why have divorce rates changed over time?
  • Is affirmative action still necessary in education and/or the workplace?
  • Should physician-assisted suicide be legal?
  • How has stem cell research impacted the medical field?
  • How can human trafficking be reduced in the United States/world?
  • Should people be able to donate organs in exchange for money?
  • Which types of juvenile punishment have proven most effective at preventing future crimes?
  • Has the increase in US airport security made passengers safer?
  • Analyze the immigration policies of certain countries and how they are similar and different from one another.
  • Several states have legalized recreational marijuana. What positive and negative impacts have they experienced as a result?
  • Do tariffs increase the number of domestic jobs?
  • Which prison reforms have proven most effective?
  • Should governments be able to censor certain information on the internet?
  • Which methods/programs have been most effective at reducing teen pregnancy?
  • What are the benefits and drawbacks of the Keto diet?
  • How effective are different exercise regimes for losing weight and maintaining weight loss?
  • How do the healthcare plans of various countries differ from each other?
  • What are the most effective ways to treat depression ?
  • What are the pros and cons of genetically modified foods?
  • Which methods are most effective for improving memory?
  • What can be done to lower healthcare costs in the US?
  • What factors contributed to the current opioid crisis?
  • Analyze the history and impact of the HIV/AIDS epidemic .
  • Are low-carbohydrate or low-fat diets more effective for weight loss?
  • How much exercise should the average adult be getting each week?
  • Which methods are most effective to get parents to vaccinate their children?
  • What are the pros and cons of clean needle programs?
  • How does stress affect the body?
  • Discuss the history of the conflict between Israel and the Palestinians.
  • What were the causes and effects of the Salem Witch Trials?
  • Who was responsible for the Iran-Contra situation?
  • How has New Orleans and the government's response to natural disasters changed since Hurricane Katrina?
  • What events led to the fall of the Roman Empire?
  • What were the impacts of British rule in India ?
  • Was the atomic bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki necessary?
  • What were the successes and failures of the women's suffrage movement in the United States?
  • What were the causes of the Civil War?
  • How did Abraham Lincoln's assassination impact the country and reconstruction after the Civil War?
  • Which factors contributed to the colonies winning the American Revolution?
  • What caused Hitler's rise to power?
  • Discuss how a specific invention impacted history.
  • What led to Cleopatra's fall as ruler of Egypt?
  • How has Japan changed and evolved over the centuries?
  • What were the causes of the Rwandan genocide ?


  • Why did Martin Luther decide to split with the Catholic Church?
  • Analyze the history and impact of a well-known cult (Jonestown, Manson family, etc.)
  • How did the sexual abuse scandal impact how people view the Catholic Church?
  • How has the Catholic church's power changed over the past decades/centuries?
  • What are the causes behind the rise in atheism/ agnosticism in the United States?
  • What were the influences in Siddhartha's life resulted in him becoming the Buddha?
  • How has media portrayal of Islam/Muslims changed since September 11th?


  • How has the earth's climate changed in the past few decades?
  • How has the use and elimination of DDT affected bird populations in the US?
  • Analyze how the number and severity of natural disasters have increased in the past few decades.
  • Analyze deforestation rates in a certain area or globally over a period of time.
  • How have past oil spills changed regulations and cleanup methods?
  • How has the Flint water crisis changed water regulation safety?
  • What are the pros and cons of fracking?
  • What impact has the Paris Climate Agreement had so far?
  • What have NASA's biggest successes and failures been?
  • How can we improve access to clean water around the world?
  • Does ecotourism actually have a positive impact on the environment?
  • Should the US rely on nuclear energy more?
  • What can be done to save amphibian species currently at risk of extinction?
  • What impact has climate change had on coral reefs?
  • How are black holes created?
  • Are teens who spend more time on social media more likely to suffer anxiety and/or depression?
  • How will the loss of net neutrality affect internet users?
  • Analyze the history and progress of self-driving vehicles.
  • How has the use of drones changed surveillance and warfare methods?
  • Has social media made people more or less connected?
  • What progress has currently been made with artificial intelligence ?
  • Do smartphones increase or decrease workplace productivity?
  • What are the most effective ways to use technology in the classroom?
  • How is Google search affecting our intelligence?
  • When is the best age for a child to begin owning a smartphone?
  • Has frequent texting reduced teen literacy rates?


How to Write a Great Research Paper

Even great research paper topics won't give you a great research paper if you don't hone your topic before and during the writing process. Follow these three tips to turn good research paper topics into great papers.

#1: Figure Out Your Thesis Early

Before you start writing a single word of your paper, you first need to know what your thesis will be. Your thesis is a statement that explains what you intend to prove/show in your paper. Every sentence in your research paper will relate back to your thesis, so you don't want to start writing without it!

As some examples, if you're writing a research paper on if students learn better in same-sex classrooms, your thesis might be "Research has shown that elementary-age students in same-sex classrooms score higher on standardized tests and report feeling more comfortable in the classroom."

If you're writing a paper on the causes of the Civil War, your thesis might be "While the dispute between the North and South over slavery is the most well-known cause of the Civil War, other key causes include differences in the economies of the North and South, states' rights, and territorial expansion."

#2: Back Every Statement Up With Research

Remember, this is a research paper you're writing, so you'll need to use lots of research to make your points. Every statement you give must be backed up with research, properly cited the way your teacher requested. You're allowed to include opinions of your own, but they must also be supported by the research you give.

#3: Do Your Research Before You Begin Writing

You don't want to start writing your research paper and then learn that there isn't enough research to back up the points you're making, or, even worse, that the research contradicts the points you're trying to make!

Get most of your research on your good research topics done before you begin writing. Then use the research you've collected to create a rough outline of what your paper will cover and the key points you're going to make. This will help keep your paper clear and organized, and it'll ensure you have enough research to produce a strong paper.

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Christine graduated from Michigan State University with degrees in Environmental Biology and Geography and received her Master's from Duke University. In high school she scored in the 99th percentile on the SAT and was named a National Merit Finalist. She has taught English and biology in several countries.

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CWP: Craft of Prose: Researching the White Paper

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Research the White Paper

Researching the white paper:.

The process of researching and composing a white paper shares some similarities with the kind of research and writing one does for a high school or college research paper. What’s important for writers of white papers to grasp, however, is how much this genre differs from a research paper.  First, the author of a white paper already recognizes that there is a problem to be solved, a decision to be made, and the job of the author is to provide readers with substantive information to help them make some kind of decision--which may include a decision to do more research because major gaps remain. 

Thus, a white paper author would not “brainstorm” a topic. Instead, the white paper author would get busy figuring out how the problem is defined by those who are experiencing it as a problem. Typically that research begins in popular culture--social media, surveys, interviews, newspapers. Once the author has a handle on how the problem is being defined and experienced, its history and its impact, what people in the trenches believe might be the best or worst ways of addressing it, the author then will turn to academic scholarship as well as “grey” literature (more about that later).  Unlike a school research paper, the author does not set out to argue for or against a particular position, and then devote the majority of effort to finding sources to support the selected position.  Instead, the author sets out in good faith to do as much fact-finding as possible, and thus research is likely to present multiple, conflicting, and overlapping perspectives. When people research out of a genuine desire to understand and solve a problem, they listen to every source that may offer helpful information. They will thus have to do much more analysis, synthesis, and sorting of that information, which will often not fall neatly into a “pro” or “con” camp:  Solution A may, for example, solve one part of the problem but exacerbate another part of the problem. Solution C may sound like what everyone wants, but what if it’s built on a set of data that have been criticized by another reliable source?  And so it goes. 

For example, if you are trying to write a white paper on the opioid crisis, you may focus on the value of  providing free, sterilized needles--which do indeed reduce disease, and also provide an opportunity for the health care provider distributing them to offer addiction treatment to the user. However, the free needles are sometimes discarded on the ground, posing a danger to others; or they may be shared; or they may encourage more drug usage. All of those things can be true at once; a reader will want to know about all of these considerations in order to make an informed decision. That is the challenging job of the white paper author.     
 The research you do for your white paper will require that you identify a specific problem, seek popular culture sources to help define the problem, its history, its significance and impact for people affected by it.  You will then delve into academic and grey literature to learn about the way scholars and others with professional expertise answer these same questions. In this way, you will create creating a layered, complex portrait that provides readers with a substantive exploration useful for deliberating and decision-making. You will also likely need to find or create images, including tables, figures, illustrations or photographs, and you will document all of your sources. 

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8-10 page research paper - APA format

Discussion in ' General Distance Learning Discussions ' started by Abner , Dec 23, 2008 .


Abner Well-Known Member

Does anyone have an idea of what the word count should be on a 8-10 page APA format research paper? I have an email out to my Professor, but he is gone for a few days. Thanks, Abner  

Ted Heiks

Ted Heiks Moderator and Distinguished Senior Member

Abner said: ↑ Does anyone have an idea of what the word count should be on a 8-10 page APA format research paper? I have an email out to my Professor, but he is gone for a few days. Thanks, Abner Click to expand...


-kevin- Resident Redneck

Abner, Mine are about the same as Ted's count, some less, some more. Just some info, if you use Courier font you can save yourself some writing as opposed to say Times New Roman. If your professor gives a page count instead of a word count or doesn't specify the font, experiment and you will find some that work to your advantage. Also if use the right type of quotes you can cut into the actual thinking part of your paper because of the way APA formats quotes. Best of luck with your papers.  


Bruce Moderator

Just remember that sticklers for APA will insist on size 12 Times New Roman.  
Bruce said: ↑ Just remember that sticklers for APA will insist on size 12 Times New Roman. Click to expand...


Randell1234 Moderator

8 pages = 1,703 words. Courier New, 12 Font, Left/Right/Top/Bottom margin is 1".  


-kevin- said: ↑ APA recommends using a Serif font, of which Times New Roman is one. Courier is another. MLA style also makes the same recommendation. However, one would be wise to follow the established procedure when under the auspices of sticklers. Click to expand...


JimLane New Member

Usually about 250 words/page. As mentioned, you cannot play around with fonts if it is APA formatted. Of course, if you are fond of sesquepedalian verbiage, the word count per page should drop significantly. j.  

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  • Published: 21 August 2024

Observation of the antimatter hypernucleus \({}_{\bar{{\boldsymbol{\Lambda }}}}{}^{{\bf{4}}}\bar{{\bf{H}}}\)

Star collaboration.

Nature volume  632 ,  pages 1026–1031 ( 2024 ) Cite this article

2032 Accesses

492 Altmetric

Metrics details

  • Experimental nuclear physics
  • Experimental particle physics

At the origin of the Universe, an asymmetry between the amount of created matter and antimatter led to the matter-dominated Universe as we know it today. The origins of this asymmetry remain unknown so far. High-energy nuclear collisions create conditions similar to the Universe microseconds after the Big Bang, with comparable amounts of matter and antimatter 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 . Much of the created antimatter escapes the rapidly expanding fireball without annihilating, making such collisions an effective experimental tool to create heavy antimatter nuclear objects and to study their properties 7 , 8 , 9 , 10 , 11 , 12 , 13 , 14 , hoping to shed some light on the existing questions on the asymmetry between matter and antimatter. Here we report the observation of the antimatter hypernucleus \({}_{\bar{\Lambda }}{}^{4}\bar{{\rm{H}}}\) , composed of a \(\bar{\Lambda }\) , an antiproton and two antineutrons. The discovery was made through its two-body decay after production in ultrarelativistic heavy-ion collisions by the STAR experiment at the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider 15 , 16 . In total, 15.6 candidate \({}_{\bar{\Lambda }}{}^{4}\bar{{\rm{H}}}\) antimatter hypernuclei are obtained with an estimated background count of 6.4. The lifetimes of the antihypernuclei \({}_{\bar{\Lambda }}{}^{3}\bar{{\rm{H}}}\) and \({}_{\bar{\Lambda }}{}^{4}\bar{{\rm{H}}}\) are measured and compared with the lifetimes of their corresponding hypernuclei, testing the symmetry between matter and antimatter. Various production yield ratios among (anti)hypernuclei (hypernuclei and/or antihypernuclei) and (anti)nuclei (nuclei and/or antinuclei) are also measured and compared with theoretical model predictions, shedding light on their production mechanisms.

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New directions in hypernuclear physics

8 10 page research paper

Measurement of anti- 3 He nuclei absorption in matter and impact on their propagation in the Galaxy

Data availability.

All raw data for this study were collected using the STAR detector at Brookhaven National Laboratory and are not available to the public. Derived data supporting the findings of this study are publicly available in the HEPData repository ( ) or from the corresponding author on request.

Code availability

The codes to process raw data collected by the STAR detector are publicly available on GitHub 77 ( ). The codes to analyse the produced data are not publicly available.

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We thank the RHIC Operations Group and RCF at BNL, the NERSC Center at LBNL, and the Open Science Grid consortium for providing resources and support. This work was supported in part by the Office of Nuclear Physics within the US DOE Office of Science, the US National Science Foundation, National Natural Science Foundation of China, Chinese Academy of Science, the Ministry of Science and Technology of China and the Chinese Ministry of Education, the Higher Education Sprout Project by Ministry of Education at NCKU, the National Research Foundation of Korea, Czech Science Foundation and Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the Czech Republic, Hungarian National Research, Development and Innovation Office, New National Excellency Programme of the Hungarian Ministry of Human Capacities, Department of Atomic Energy and Department of Science and Technology of the Government of India, the National Science Centre and WUT ID-UB of Poland, the Ministry of Science, Education and Sports of the Republic of Croatia, German Bundesministerium für Bildung, Wissenschaft, Forschung and Technologie (BMBF), Helmholtz Association, Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science, and Technology (MEXT), Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) and Agencia Nacional de Investigación y Desarrollo (ANID) of Chile. We thank the Joint Department for Nuclear Physics, co-founded by the Lanzhou University and Institute of Modern Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, for the contributions of its students J. Wu and F. Zhao to this paper.

Author information

Deceased: W. B. Schmidke

Authors and Affiliations

American University in Cairo, New Cairo, Egypt

M. I. Abdulhamid & A. Hamed

Texas A&M University, College Station, TX, USA

B. E. Aboona, C. A. Gagliardi, Y. Liu, S. Mioduszewski & J. Tyler

Faculty of Nuclear Sciences and Physical Engineering, Czech Technical University in Prague, Prague, Czech Republic

J. Adam, J. Bielcik, J. Ceska, P. Chaloupka, A. Das, L. Holub, R. Licenik, O. Lomicky, O. Mezhanska, J. Mrazkova, S. Pal, V. Prozorova, M. Robotkova, M. Svoboda, T. Truhlar & B. A. Trzeciak

Faculty of Physics and Applied Computer Science, AGH University of Krakow, Cracow, Poland

L. Adamczyk & M. Przybycien

The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH, USA

J. R. Adams, J. D. Brandenburg, T. J. Humanic, Y. V. Khyzhniak, L. K. Kosarzewski, M. A. Lisa, X. Liu & M. Stefaniak

Panjab University, Chandigarh, India

I. Aggarwal, M. M. Aggarwal, A. Dhamija, L. Kumar, A. S. Nain, N. K. Pruthi, A. Rana & J. Singh

Variable Energy Cyclotron Centre, Kolkata, India

Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton, NY, USA

E. C. Aschenauer, W. Christie, X. Chu, J. C. Dunlop, O. Eyser, Y. Fisyak, W. Guryn, A. Jentsch, J. Jia, K. Kauder, A. Kiselev, J. M. Landgraf, J. Lauret, A. Lebedev, J. H. Lee, N. Lewis, R. S. Longacre, R. Ma, A. Ogawa, B. S. Page, R. Pak, L. Ruan, W. B. Schmidke, P. V. Shanmuganathan, A. H. Tang, P. Tribedy, O. D. Tsai, C. Y. Tsang, Z. Tu, T. Ullrich, G. Van Buren, J. Vanek, F. Videbæk, J. C. Webb, K. Yip, Z. Zhang, M. Zhao & M. Zurek

Indian Institute Technology, Patna, India

S. Aslam & N. Shah

Abilene Christian University, Abilene, TX, USA

J. Atchison & J. L. Drachenberg

Instituto de Alta Investigación, Universidad de Tarapacá, Arica, Chile

V. Bairathi & S. Kabana

University of Houston, Houston, TX, USA

J. G. Ball Cap, R. Bellwied, C. Broodo, R. Manikandhan & A. R. Timmins

University of California, Riverside, Riverside, TX, USA

K. Barish, D. Chen, D. Kapukchyan, X. Liang, E. M. Loyd, A. Paul, C. Racz & R. Seto

University of Jammu, Jammu, India

P. Bhagat, A. Bhasin, A. Gupta, A. Jalotra & M. Sharma

State University of New York, Stony Brook, NY, USA

S. Bhatta, S. L. Huang, J. Jia, R. Lacey, N. Magdy, C. Sun & Z. Yan

ELTE Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest, Hungary

S. R. Bhosale, M. Csanád, D. Kincses & M. I. Nagy

Nuclear Physics Institute of the CAS, Rez, Czech Republic

J. Bielcikova, R. Licenik, J. Mrazkova, M. Robotkova, M. Sumbera & M. Svoboda

Shanghai Institute of Applied Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shanghai, China

Yale University, New Haven, CT, USA

H. Caines, F. A. Flor, J. W. Harris, T. Liu, I. Mooney, D. B. Nemes, N. Smirnov, Y. Song & A. C. Tamis

University of California, Davis, Davis, CA, USA

M. Calderón de la Barca Sánchez, D. Cebra, M. D. Harasty, M. C. Labonte & Z. W. Sweger

Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Berkeley, CA, USA

I. Chakaberia, X. Dong, Y. Hu, Y. Ji, H. S. Ko, G. Odyniec, A. Pandav, J. H. Thomas, H. Wieman, N. Xu & Z. Ye

University of California, Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA, USA

B. K. Chan, Y. Cheng, H. Z. Huang, D. Neff, S. Trentalange, O. D. Tsai, G. Wang, X. Wu & Z. Xu

Indiana University, Bloomington, IN, USA

Z. Chang, W. W. Jacobs & S. W. Wissink

National Institute of Technology, Durgapur, India

A. Chatterjee

Shandong University, Qingdao, China

J. Chen, Z. Chen, T. Gao, X. Gou, Y. He, T. Lin, M. Nie, D. Shen, Y. Shi, J. Wang, X. Wang, Z. Wang, Q. H. Xu, Y. Xu, G. Yan, C. Yang, Q. Yang, L. Yi, Y. Yu, J. Zhang & Y. Zhang

Fudan University, Shanghai, China

J. H. Chen, S. Choudhury, W. He, L. Ma, Y. G. Ma, T. Shao, D. Y. Shen, Q. Y. Shou, B. Xi, C. Zhang & J. Zhao

Tsinghua University, Beijing, China

J. Cheng, X. Huang, Y. Huang, K. Kang, Y. Li, Z. Qin, Y. Wang, Z. G. Xiao & X. Zhu

University of California, Berkeley, Berkeley, CA, USA

H. J. Crawford, J. Engelage, E. G. Judd, J. M. Nelson & C. Perkins

University of Illinois at Chicago, Chicago, IL, USA

G. Dale-Gau, O. Evdokimov, T. Huang, G. Nigmatkulov, G. Wilks & Z. Zhang

University of Heidelberg, Heidelberg, Germany

I. M. Deppner, N. Herrmann, Y. H. Leung, Y. Söhngen & P. C. Weidenkaff

Indian Institute of Science Education and Research, Berhampur, India

P. Dixit, M. Nasim, A. K. Sahoo & N. Sharma

Kent State University, Kent, OH, USA

E. Duckworth, D. Keane, Y. Liang, S. Margetis, S. K. Radhakrishnan, A. I. Sheikh, C. Y. Tsang & Z. Xu

Rice University, Houston, TX, USA

G. Eppley, F. Geurts, Y. Han, C. Jin, W. Li & T. Ljubicic

University of Tsukuba, Tsukuba, Ibaraki, Japan

S. Esumi, M. Isshiki, T. Niida, T. Nonaka, K. Okubo, H. Sako, S. Sato & T. Todoroki

University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY, USA

R. Fatemi, H. Harrison-Smith, D. Kalinkin & M. A. Rosales Aguilar

University of Calabria and INFN-Cosenza, Rende, Italy

National Cheng Kung University, Tainan, Taiwan

C. J. Feng, H. Huang, Y. Yang & Z. J. Zhang

Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN, USA

Y. Feng, H-S. Li, C. W. Robertson, M. J. Skoby, B. Srivastava, F. Wang & W. Xie

Southern Connecticut State University, New Haven, CT, USA

Institute of Modern Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Lanzhou, China

C. Fu, X. H. He, Q. Hu, C. Liu, T. Lu, A. K. Pandey, H. Qiu, S. Singha, X. Sun, J. Wu, X. Zhang, Y. Zhang & F. Zhao

Technische Universität Darmstadt, Darmstadt, Germany

T. Galatyuk, S. Harabasz & F-J. Seck

Temple University, Philadelphia, PA, USA

N. Ghimire, J. D. Nam, B. R. Pokhrel, M. Posik & B. Surrow

Valparaiso University, Valparaiso, IN, USA

A. Gibson, D. Grosnick, T. D. S. Stanislaus & D. G. Underwood

Indian Institute of Science Education and Research, Tirupati, India

K. Gopal, C. Jena, N. R. Sahoo, R. Sharma, S. R. Sharma & P. Sinha

University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China

C. Hu & G. Xie

Central China Normal University, Wuhan, China

Y. Huang, C. Li, H. Liu, L. Liu, Z. Liu, X. F. Luo, K. Mi, S. S. Shi, Y. Wang, J. Wu, Y. Xu, Y. Zhang, S. Zhou & Y. Zhou

University of Science and Technology of China, Hefei, China

X. Ju, D. Li, X. Li, Y. Li, Z. Li, J. Luo, K. Shen, F. Si, Y. Su, Y. Sun, Z. Tang, I. Upsal, K. Wang, Y. Wang, X. Wu, W. Zha, Y. Zhang & J. Zhou

Wayne State University, Detroit, MI, USA

A. Khanal, G. McNamara, J. Putschke, D. J. Stewart, V. Verkest & S. A. Voloshin

Warsaw University of Technology, Warsaw, Poland

D. P. Kikoła, D. Mallick, D. Pawlowska, J. Pluta, P. Roy Chowdhury, S. K. Tripathy, D. Wielanek & H. Zbroszczyk

Frankfurt Institute for Advanced Studies, Frankfurt, Germany

I. Kisel, I. Vassiliev & M. Zyzak

Lehigh University, Bethlehem, PA, USA

A. G. Knospe, T. Protzman, R. Reed & B. C. Schaefer

Wuhan University of Science and Technology, Wuhan, China

Guangxi Normal University, Guilin, China

South China Normal University, Guangzhou, China

G. Liu, S. Yang, Z. Ye, D. Zhang & W. Zhang

University of Texas, Austin, TX, USA

C. Markert & R. L. Ray

National Institute of Science Education and Research, Homi Bhabha National Institute, Jatni, India

B. Mohanty & M. M. Mondal

Sejong University, Seoul, South Korea

Rutgers University, Piscataway, NJ, USA

T. Pani, D. Roy & S. Salur

Institute of Nuclear Physics PAN, Cracow, Poland

Max-Planck-Institut für Physik, Munich, Germany

N. Schmitz & P. Seyboth

Creighton University, Omaha, NE, USA

J. Seger & D. Tlusty

Ball State University, Muncie, IN, USA

M. J. Skoby

Huzhou University, Huzhou, China

Y. Sun, J. S. Wang & H. Xu

Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI, USA

T. Tarnowsky & G. D. Westfall

Argonne National Laboratory, Argonne, IL, USA

D. G. Underwood & M. Zurek

United States Naval Academy, Annapolis, MD, USA

Chongqing University, Chongqing, China

  • M. I. Abdulhamid
  • , B. E. Aboona
  • , J. Adam
  • , L. Adamczyk
  • , J. R. Adams
  • , I. Aggarwal
  • , M. M. Aggarwal
  • , Z. Ahammed
  • , E. C. Aschenauer
  • , S. Aslam
  • , J. Atchison
  • , V. Bairathi
  • , J. G. Ball Cap
  • , K. Barish
  • , R. Bellwied
  • , P. Bhagat
  • , A. Bhasin
  • , S. Bhatta
  • , S. R. Bhosale
  • , J. Bielcik
  • , J. Bielcikova
  • , J. D. Brandenburg
  • , C. Broodo
  • , X. Z. Cai
  • , H. Caines
  • , M. Calderón de la Barca Sánchez
  • , D. Cebra
  • , J. Ceska
  • , I. Chakaberia
  • , P. Chaloupka
  • , B. K. Chan
  • , Z. Chang
  • , A. Chatterjee
  • , D. Chen
  • , J. Chen
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  •  & M. Zyzak


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Extended data figures and tables

Extended data fig. 1 illustration of the decay topology of a hypernucleus and the variables for the selection criteria..

The arrows indicate the relation between variables and their corresponding geometric distances.

Extended Data Fig. 2 Reconstruction efficiency as a function of L /( β γ ) obtained from the embedding Monte Carlo technique.

Hypernuclei have stricter topological cuts than antihypernuclei to suppress knock-out 3 He and 4 He, resulting in lower efficiencies.

Extended Data Fig. 3

\({}_{\Lambda }{}^{3}{\rm{H}}\) , \({}_{\bar{\Lambda }}{}^{3}\bar{{\rm{H}}}\) , \({}_{\Lambda }{}^{4}{\rm{H}}\) and \({}_{\bar{\Lambda }}{}^{4}\bar{{\rm{H}}}\) candidate invariant-mass distributions in different L / β γ intervals.

Extended Data Fig. 4 d N / d ( L / β γ ) as a function of L / β γ for Λ and \(\bar{\Lambda }\) .

The exponential fits are applied to obtain their lifetimes.

Extended Data Fig. 5 Efficiency corrected p T spectra for 3 He, \({}^{3}\bar{{\rm{He}}}\) , \({}_{\Lambda }{}^{3}{\rm{H}}\) , and \({}_{\bar{\Lambda }}{}^{3}\bar{{\rm{H}}}\) .

The spectra are in the phase space of ∣ y ∣  < 0.7 with only minimum-bias triggered events. The spectra are not normalized by the number of events. The lines represent the BW-function fits.

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STAR Collaboration. Observation of the antimatter hypernucleus \({}_{\bar{{\boldsymbol{\Lambda }}}}{}^{{\bf{4}}}\bar{{\bf{H}}}\) . Nature 632 , 1026–1031 (2024).

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Received : 20 October 2023

Accepted : 12 July 2024

Published : 21 August 2024

Issue Date : 29 August 2024


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Enhancing depression detection: a stacked ensemble model with feature selection and rf feature importance analysis using nhanes data.

8 10 page research paper

1. Introduction

  • Identifying the primary socio-demographic and psychological determinants contributing to the development of depression.
  • This study aims to investigate several machine learning algorithms and feature selection techniques to detect the presence of depression effectively.
  • This study aims to facilitate the interpretation of high-risk groups of depressive disorders in primary care settings for primary physicians. Primary care clinicians will achieve this by applying the Depression Ensemble Stacking Generalization Model (DESGM) to identify and analyze the essential determinants associated with these high-risk groups.

2. Related Work

2.1. risk factors, 2.2. ensemble learning techniques, 3. proposed method—depression ensemble stacking generalization model (desgm), 3.1. data source representation, 3.2. data pre-processing.

  • Let A = ∅ .
  • If f may indicate a symptom (e.g., trouble sleeping or sleeping too much), then add f to A.
  • Let S o denote the projection of S F o onto A.

3.3. Feature Selection: Iterative with Floating Elimination Algorithm (IFEA)

Iterative with Floating Elimination Algorithm
Y = {y , y … y }//Y—set of all features
: X = {xi\i = 1, 2, …, d; x Y} where d = {1, 2 … k} d is the number of desired features
1.Initialize X = Y
2.for i = 1 → k–d:

// maximizes criterion function upon removal
       //Remove feature from the feature subset
3. (X

3.4. Stacked Ensemble Model—DESGM

Base learners.

  • Initialize w = 0.
  • For each training sample X i , the output value y ^ ( i ) is computed using the following activation function: y ^ i : = Φ w T x i (2)
  • Update the weights.
  • The weight vector w is then updated based on the computed output and the actual class label y ^ ( i ) of the ith training sample using the update rule:

3.5. Artificial Neural Network (ANN)

3.6. k-nearest neighbor (knn), 3.7. linear support vector machine (lsvm).

  • Compute the gram matrix. G i j = y i y j x i x j (7)
  • Let α * value: max ∝ ⁡ ∑ i = 0 N α i − 1 2 ∑ i = 1 N ∑ j = 1 N α i α j y i y j x i x j   S u b j e c t   t o 0 ≤ α i ≤ C , ∀ i , ∑ i = 1 N α i y ( i ) = 0 (8) The value of parameter C controls the margin’s width.
  • Determine the weight. w * = ∑ i = 1 N α * i y ( i ) x ( i ) (9)
  • Calculate the intercept. w 0 * = 1 − min i : y i = 1 ⁡ w * T x i (10)
  • Determine the support vector’s x ( i ) . k i = x · x ( i ) (11)
  • Calculate f(x). f ( x ) = w 0 * + ∑ i α * i y i k i ( : w 0 * + w * T x ) (12)
  • Examine sign (f(x)).

3.8. Linear Discriminant Analysis (LDA)

  • Let X k be the collection of d-dimensional samples for class k, represented as { x ( 1 ) , x ( 2 ) , … , x ( N k ) } .
  • Let X ∈ R d × N be the data matrix, stacking all the samples from all classes, with each column representing a sample, where N = ∑ k N k .
  • Let us specify how samples x are transformed onto a line in [(c 1)-space, for c = 2]. z = w T x = w · x ,   s u b j e c t   t o   w ∈ R d is a projected vector.

Meta-Learner—Logistic Regression (LR)

3.9. depression ensemble stacking generalization model (desgm).

Depression Ensemble Stacking Generalization Algorithm (DESGM)
Input: Healthcare Survey Data
B-base learners [LSVM, LDA, ANN, KNN, Perceptron], each individual classifier
is optimized for each sub-dataset, Meta-learner LR
Output: An Optimized stacking ensemble classifier H
1Using the questionnaire data as the base, construct the dataset .
2Aggregate features about seven psychological functions.
3Feature selection using SBFS(A ).
for algorithm A in
return the sorted feature subset )
end for
4Using a 5-fold cross-validation procedure, randomly divide the dataset
into k subgroups of equal size.
for each sub-dataset do
For k = 1 to K do
//4.1 Classifiers of level 0 should be learned.
For t = 1 to T, do
Construct a classifier using
end for
//4.2 Design a training set at the level-1
For do
= Create a new instance
end for
end for
5Concatenate the SB produced by all base classifiers.
6//Learn a classifier at level 2.
Construct a new classifier h’ using the obtained SB//LR data.
7Rebuild all of the level-1 classifier.
For t = 1 to 5, do
Develop the classification model using
end for

4. Results and Discussions

4.1. performance metrics, 4.2. results of feature selection method, 4.3. results of ensemble model, 4.4. results of desgm, 4.5. role of feature importance—random forest (rf), 4.6. discussion, 5. conclusions and future work, author contributions, institutional review board statement, informed consent statement, data availability statement, conflicts of interest.

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Click here to enlarge figure

DatasetNo. of FeaturesFeature Selection
NHANES (1999–2014) [ ]157Reduce multi-collinearity, Remove self-reported depression questions
KLoSA [ ], UFMG [ ]50, 55Genetic algorithm
NHANES (2005–16) [ ]20Features taken from factors based on related work and the PHQ-9 depression questionnaire
NHANES (2005–2012) [ ]51Features selected based on Type 2 diabetes mellitus and those factors correlated with depression
Thasala Hospital [ ]12Max-Relevance Min-Redundancy (MRMR)
Class LabelNo. of Participants
Not depressed4719
No. of FeaturesDESGM Accuracy
MRMR 0.8214
MRMR 0.8355
MRMR 0.8674
MRMR 0.8956
MRMR 0.9015
MRMR 0.8967
IFEA Algorithm
Feature SubsetNo of Features
Socio-Life Style9
Physical Health Status7
Physical Activity10
Food Behaviour4
Depression Screener9
Published Research PaperYearTechniques UsedAccuracy
Jihoon Oh et al. [ ]2019Deep learning algorithm92.00%
Amita Sharma and Willem J [ ] 2020Extreme gradient boosting90.00%
Xiaohui Tao et al. [ ]2021Ensemble model95.40%
Masood Habib et al. [ ]2022Posterior probability multi-class Support vector machine91.16%
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Share and Cite

Selvaraj, A.; Mohandoss, L. Enhancing Depression Detection: A Stacked Ensemble Model with Feature Selection and RF Feature Importance Analysis Using NHANES Data. Appl. Sci. 2024 , 14 , 7366.

Selvaraj A, Mohandoss L. Enhancing Depression Detection: A Stacked Ensemble Model with Feature Selection and RF Feature Importance Analysis Using NHANES Data. Applied Sciences . 2024; 14(16):7366.

Selvaraj, Annapoorani, and Lakshmi Mohandoss. 2024. "Enhancing Depression Detection: A Stacked Ensemble Model with Feature Selection and RF Feature Importance Analysis Using NHANES Data" Applied Sciences 14, no. 16: 7366.

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Republicans Gain Edge as Voters Worry About Economy, Times/Siena Poll Finds

With elections next month, independents, especially women, are swinging to the G.O.P. despite Democrats’ focus on abortion rights. Disapproval of President Biden seems to be hurting his party.

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8 10 page research paper

By Shane Goldmacher

  • Oct. 17, 2022

Republicans enter the final weeks of the contest for control of Congress with a narrow but distinct advantage as the economy and inflation have surged as the dominant concerns, giving the party momentum to take back power from Democrats in next month’s midterm elections, a New York Times/Siena College poll has found.

The poll shows that 49 percent of likely voters said they planned to vote for a Republican to represent them in Congress on Nov. 8, compared with 45 percent who planned to vote for a Democrat. The result represents an improvement for Republicans since September, when Democrats held a one-point edge among likely voters in the last Times/Siena poll. (The October poll’s unrounded margin is closer to three points, not the four points that the rounded figures imply.)

With inflation unrelenting and the stock market steadily on the decline, the share of likely voters who said economic concerns were the most important issues facing America has leaped since July , to 44 percent from 36 percent — far higher than any other issue. And voters most concerned with the economy favored Republicans overwhelmingly, by more than a two-to-one margin.

Which party’s candidate are you more likely to vote for in this year’s election for Congress?

8 10 page research paper

Likely voters

65 and older




degree or higher

No bachelor’s

Don’t know/refused to answer

8 10 page research paper

Democratic candidate

Republican candidate

18 to 29 years old

Bachelor’s degree

No bachelor’s degree

Both Democrats and Republicans have largely coalesced behind their own party’s congressional candidates. But the poll showed that Republicans opened up a 10-percentage point lead among crucial independent voters, compared with a three-point edge for Democrats in September, as undecided voters moved toward Republicans.

The biggest shift came from women who identified as independent voters. In September, they favored Democrats by 14 points. Now, independent women backed Republicans by 18 points — a striking swing given the polarization of the American electorate and how intensely Democrats have focused on that group and on the threat Republicans pose to abortion rights.

4 Takeaways From the Campaign Trail

Ken Bensinger

With elections less than a month away, our reporters are across the country following candidates. Scandal roiled the Los Angeles City Council, Mitch McConnell affirmed his support for Herschel Walker, and Senate and governor candidates in Nevada sought endorsements.

Here’s a look at the week in political news →

Los Angeles was rocked by news that three City Council members took part in a secretly recorded conversation involving racist comments . Faced with swirling public condemnation, including from President Biden, the Council president, Nury Martinez, resigned, while the other two officials have so far stayed put.

In the critical swing state of Nevada, the Democratic Senate incumbent, Catherine Cortez Masto, received an endorsement from 14 family members of her Republican opponent, Adam Laxalt. In the governor’s race, the state’s largest teachers’ union announced that it wouldn’t endorse either candidate.

Polling in Georgia found less support among female, Black and independent voters for Herschel Walker, the Republican Senate candidate. He trails Senator Raphael Warnock, but by just three points, within the margin of error. Senator Mitch McConnell said he’d “stick with Walker,” an anti-abortion candidate who has been accused of paying for an abortion.

Two Democratic groups said they would pour millions of dollars into local races in a half dozen states before the midterms in hopes of winning back legislatures. The groups, the States Project and the National Democratic Redistricting Committee, are particularly focused on protecting voting and abortion rights .

Catch up on more political news.

Senator Lindsey Graham introducing a Republican abortion bill at the Capitol on Tuesday.

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  26. Applied Sciences

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  27. Cisco Secure Firewall

    Watch the video on the story page to find out. National Football League. Read the NFL story. Share your experience. Create a safer digital world. Join us in shaping the future of cybersecurity and creating a safer digital world, one story at a time. Let's get started. Previous. Next.

  28. Republicans Gain Edge as Voters Worry About Economy, Times/Siena Poll

    With elections next month, independents, especially women, are swinging to the G.O.P. despite Democrats' focus on abortion rights. Disapproval of President Biden seems to be hurting his party.