
Speech on Believe In Yourself

Believing in yourself is like unlocking a secret superpower. It’s the key to reaching your goals and dreams.

When you trust your abilities, you become unstoppable. So, let’s explore why it’s important to believe in yourself.

1-minute Speech on Believe In Yourself

Ladies and Gentlemen,

I stand before you today to speak on a topic that is as simple as it is profound, ‘Believe In Yourself.’ Yes, this is an idea, a notion, a spark that can ignite a revolution within your world, shaping the trajectory of your life.

Each one of us has dreams, goals, objectives, and aspirations. However, more often than not, we find ourselves doubting our abilities or strengths. We question if we are capable enough to achieve our dreams. But remember, every great achiever, every successful individual started with two things – a dream and the belief in their ability to accomplish that dream.

Believing in ourselves is not about being overconfident or disregarding the advice and opinions of others. Instead, it is about having faith in our potential, trusting our journey, and understanding our worth. It’s about knowing that we are more than capable of overcoming the obstacles that life throws at us.

The road to our dreams may not always be easy. There may be twists and turns, failures and setbacks. But it’s our self-belief that acts as a guiding light, illuminating our path even in the darkest of times. It gives us the courage to push forward, to get up every time we fall, to learn from our mistakes and to never stop trying.

In conclusion, ladies and gentlemen, I would like to say – believe in yourself, even when no one else does. Trust in your abilities, even when the world doubts you. Remember, you are your most significant supporter and your most cruel critic. The power to achieve your dreams lies within you. So stand tall, dream big, believe in yourself, and watch as the world unfolds its magic before you.

2-minute Speech on Believe In Yourself

Today I’m here to speak on a topic that may sound simple but is incredibly profound – ‘Believe in Yourself’. This phrase might appear as a cliché in the world of motivational speeches, but its depth and impact on our lives are undeniable.

Belief in oneself is the very crux of our existence. Without it, we are like a rudderless ship in a stormy sea. Believing in yourself means acknowledging your own capabilities, understanding your strengths, and having faith in your own decisions. It’s about trusting yourself enough to take that leap of faith.

Just imagine a world where Thomas Edison did not believe he could create the light bulb, where the Wright brothers did not believe they could make a plane fly or a world where Bill Gates did not believe in his vision of a computer in every home. These people achieved greatness because they believed in themselves and their vision, even when the world was skeptical.

What makes this belief so important? When we believe in ourselves, we set the stage for continuous growth and learning. It enables us to overcome the fear of failure, because we understand that failure is not a dead end, but a stepping stone to success. Self-belief empowers us to take risks and to venture into unknown territories with courage and confidence.

However, we often let self-doubt creep in, undermining our self-belief. We start questioning our abilities and skills. We let the opinions of others sway us, and we allow failure to dampen our spirit. This self-doubt acts like a chain, holding us back and preventing us from achieving our full potential.

How then, can we cultivate and strengthen this belief in ourselves? Firstly, we need to acknowledge our achievements, no matter how small they might seem. We must celebrate our victories, for they are the testament of our capabilities. Secondly, we must not let our failures define us. Instead, we should learn from them and use these lessons to grow. Lastly, we must surround ourselves with positivity, with people who support and believe in us.

In the end, ladies and gentlemen, the truth is that the only person who can truly hinder your journey to success is yourself. So, believe in yourself, your dreams, your abilities and your potential. Have the courage to trust your own decisions, to make mistakes and learn from them.

In the words of the great American poet, E.E. Cummings, “Once we believe in ourselves, we can risk curiosity, wonder, spontaneous delight, or any experience that reveals the human spirit.”

So, with this, I urge each one of you, to believe in who you are, believe in where you want to be and believe that you possess the strength within you to make your dreams come true. And remember, to believe in yourself is the first secret to success.

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It’s a very motivated speech script thanks

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a speech about believing in yourself


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Believe In Yourself – Inspirational Speech by Ashley Zahabian

Believe in yourself – inspirational speech by ashley zahabian (ft. fearless soul).

Download or Stream to any device, worldwide! Available on iTunes   | Spotify  |  Google Play  or  Amazon MP3

It doesn’t matter what anyone says you can or can’t do. It doesn’t matter what opinions others have for your life, and what they consider possible. If you BELIEVE IN YOURSELF, then ANYTHING IS POSSIBLE!

Believe In Yourself – Inspirational Speech – Transcript:

Why is it we don’t believe it ourselves? That as soon as things get tough in our lives we start doubting ourselves We start thinking that we may not make it Stressing, worrying, imagining things that may go wrong in the future

We need to understand, the human mind is the most powerful tool we own, but it can also be the most DESTRUCTIVE… And we need to learn how to take control of the direction of our mind and our emotions

You mind is going to provide you your greatest challenges in life, because it is so powerful So, if you can conquer your mind, you can pretty much conquer anything else around you, literally.

When writing the story of your life – make sure YOU hold the pen. Make sure not only that you hold the pen, but you write the script from your heart. Be brave when writing your script, it’s your story and there are NO LIMITS to what you can have, what you can do or what you can be. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({ google_ad_client: "ca-pub-1604773209528901", enable_page_level_ads: true });

How bad do you want it? You have to prove it to yourself that you want it bad enough, it’s gotta hurt you not to get it. And that’s when you’re going to learn to conquer your mind. Your mind will no longer be able to say no, because your inner heart and mind are aligned, and now NOTHING can stop you!

It’s easy to be all positive and consistent when everything is going your way But that’s not life, that’s not realistic! Are you going to be one of the very few to stand up when things are tough, when everything is going against you. Will you be able to believe in what’s right, and what brings results to your life. THAT’S WHEN YOUR CHARACTER WILL SHINE! THAT’S WHEN YOUR STORY WILL BE BORN! YOUR story is valuable! YOUR story of success!

You can’t build a STORY if you stop now. If you give up. The world is full of people who gave up. THE WORLD NEEDS HOPE. WE ALL DO. The world needs you to STAND UP – to fight through your challenging moments, To SHINE through the dark times To love through the hate, and to be the difference in an indifferent world. To BELIEVE IN YOURSELF

Most people are bloated with ordinary thoughts and mindsets They’re so full of average that they have no more appetite But you have to have an appetite for EXTRAORDINARY Beyond what people are doing – think beyond them

THERE WILL ALWAYS BE DOUBTERS, and people below you, and people trying to put you down so they can feel higher, but you gotta STAY TRUE TO YOURSELF. BELIEVE in your mind. Have some tunnel vision. Then one day you will have your moment. Because ANYTHING is possible if you just BELIEVE!

FEED your DREAMS. If you can suffer through setbacks, through pain, RISE up with resilience once again, and again, and again! ONE DAY THIS WORLD WILL TAP YOU ON THE SHOULDER & say…
“This is your time to shine” YOU CAN HAVE BE AND DO ANYTHING YOU WANT You just have to believe

What did you think of Ashley Zahabian’s delivery and passion? Do you believe in yourself? Let us know in the comments below.

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30 Famous and Short Inspirational Speeches (5 minutes or less)

  • December 13, 2023

This post is all about the best short inspirational speeches.

Short Inspirational Speeches.

If you are in need of a quick boost of inspiration and motivation, you will find that in this post. I am one of those people who loves to get motivated. That sounds weird, right?

Well, a lot of people these days tend to give motivation a hard time because they don’t believe that it has lasting effects. In other words, they believe that what’s most important is your own self-discipline, because that’s what you have to rely on when motivation isn’t there.

And while I do agree with that sentiment in general, I will never pass up a great motivational podcast or YouTube video! 😀 There’s just something about them that even if they might not have lasting effects, they do truly help pump me up in the moment to get work done. And that’s usually what matters to me the most when I am looking for them in the first place.

So, here are the very best short motivational speeches so you can get that quick fix of motivation that you’re looking for, and ultimately move closer to your goals and dreams.

Short Inspirational Speeches

Believe in yourself speeches.

If you lack confidence or you are doubting yourself, these short motivational speeches will help you to believe in yourself again.

1. Rocky’s Inspirational Speech to His Son | ROCKY BALBOA

In less than 5 minutes, you’ll watch Rocky Balboa (Sylvester Stallone) explain to his son that if he wants to have the life he desires, he needs to believe in himself. He needs to stop listening to the people that tell him who he is, and instead go be his own person, and stop looking for someone to blame when things aren’t working out for him because ultimately it’s on HIM. This is one of the greatest inspirational speeches of all time.

2. Find Your Purpose | David Goggins – Motivational Speech

David Goggins is truly incredible. A former Navy SEAL, he has broken records and ran more races than you’d imagine. But the one thing that really stands out about him is his mindset.

Listen to this video if you want to be great. He tells you exactly what you need to do to get there.

Also, if you’ve never read David Goggins’ book “Can’t Hurt Me” , I highly recommend it. He talks about his rough upbringing, and how he was able to essentially become an entirely new person to become a Navy SEAL.

3. BELIEVE IN YOURSELF – Motivational Video (ft. Jaret Grossman & Eric Thomas)

This video is all about how important it is to have the proper belief system. If you truly believe that you are one of the best, you will start acting that you are one of the best, and eventually you may just be one of the best.

4. DON’T LET YOUR DREAMS DIE – Motivational Speech

This YouTube short by Mel Robbins is so good, I had to share it. A light bulb went on in my head when I first watched this. If there is something that is always on your mind, don’t let it haunt you forever because you never put yourself out there to try it. Go and DO!

Motivational Speeches About Not Giving Up

The following short motivational speeches are all about not giving up on your dreams. If you are losing hope, these short motivational speeches will inspire you to keep going.

5. Brené Brown It’s Not The Critic Who Counts

This speech will give you chills, and it is packed with great lessons about life. Brené Brown is a researcher who went viral for a Ted Talk, and here she talks about how to overcome critics and to keep believing in yourself no matter what. If you are worried about what people think of you, you NEED to watch this.

6. Amazing Motivational Speech by Denzel Washington 

This is another video that gave me chills. The main theme of this famous speech is “ease is a greater threat to progress than hardship”. Stay consistent even when it’s hard. Easy task after easy task won’t get you to where you want to be.

7. Steve Harvey – Inspirational Speech | Motivational Short Video | Incredible You

This short motivational speech by Steve Harvey is short but impactful. If you are someone who stepped out of your comfort zone to pursue something really difficult, and you’re thinking about giving up, this speech may just prevent you from doing so.

8. Ed Mylett on The Power of One More

Ed Mylett shares the story of how his father stayed sober until his dying day, and how Ed himself uses that same philosophy to never give up. Personal stories like these are always the most inspiring.

By the way, if you REALLY want to push yourself and become the best, read Ed Mylett’s most recent book on this same topic, “The Power Of One More” .

Motivational Speeches If You’re Feeling Behind

Are you feeling behind in life? If so, let’s change that. Watch these videos to be reminded that you are on your own unique path. You have no competition other than your past self. These short motivational videos will help you believe that.

9. Before You Feel Pressure – WATCH THIS | by Jay Shetty

Jay Shetty talks to a school class about how there’s no one “perfect” life timeline to follow, and that we are all on our own clock. 

10. Kevin Hart Motivational Speech

If you’ve made mistakes in your life (haven’t we all) this is a great story from Kevin Hart (famous comedian and actor) that will remind you of the power of making mistakes and pushing through hard times.

11. Oprah Winfrey | 5 Minutes For The NEXT 50 Years of Your LIFE

In this video, Oprah talks about the importance of really knowing who you are and what you want in your life. She talks about surrounding yourself with great people, and how to have enormous success. “Let excellence be your brand.”

Listen To These If You Need Perspective

Sometimes in life, we get so caught up in the day to day that we forget what truly matters – the people we love. If you are having trouble with something in life, give these videos a listen, because they just might help you realize what is really important.

12. Arnold Schwarzenegger – Organize Your Day | 1 MINUTE MOTIVATIONAL VIDEO

Are you the kind of person who always complains that you don’t have enough time to do something? If so, you’re not alone. We are all busy humans, running around doing a million things. But if you aren’t prioritizing what you know you should be doing, listen to this video.

13. How to Judge Your Life Using 3 Simple Questions | Brendon Burchard Speech| Goalcast

Have you ever heard of Mortality Motivation? It’s essentially what it sounds like… being motivated by the impending reality of your death. It sounds a little morbid, but it’s actually quite beautiful and it can be really beneficial if you harness it for good.

In this video by motivational speaker Brendon Burchard, he shares how a car accident when he was 19 gave him mortality motivation and changed everything for him.


This speech by Oprah was given to Harvard graduates, and it’s a unique speech because she talks about failing, even after the major success of her television show for over 20 years.

It’s refreshing to hear that even the most successful people fail. What really matters, though, is what you do with your failure. Do you learn from it and move on? Or do you give up?

15. YOU VS YOU – Best Motivational Video

This is a pretty intense video about competition. If your #1 competition is someone else, you need to change your perspective. Your only competition is YOU. The only thing preventing you from moving forward is you.

16. The Speech That Brought This Entire School To Tears

This is a speech about a man who never really paid much attention to his mother, until she passed away. It’s an emotional reminder to cherish the time you have with your loved ones, because you never know if the next time you see them will be the last time.

In my opinion, this speaker embodies many qualities of the best motivational speakers because he really knows how to capture the audience’s attention and pull on their heart strings.

17. 5 Minutes to Start Your Day Right! – MORNING MOTIVATION

This motivational speech is by a Navy SEAL who will remind you to start each day with a task completed, respect everyone, take risks, step up during tough times, and never give up. If you do these things, the next generation, and the generations that follow, will live better lives than we live today.

18. The Real You – Jim Carrey

This video is one of the best motivational speech examples because it reminds you of something so important: sometimes we can be so focused on earning more money, gaining fame, and becoming admired that we lose ourselves or we lose sight of what’s really important to us in the process.

Jim Carrey talks about how he is a great example of that. He got all of the money, fame, and admiration, and admits that that wasn’t really who he was. Sometimes it’s nice to be reminded that money and fame, or even getting to the top of the corporate ladder, while nice, aren’t going to be the thing that brings you fulfillment when it’s all said and done.

19. Ed Mylett Motivational Speech

I posted another motivational video by Ed Mylett above, but if you don’t know much about him, prepare to have your world rocked. He’s probably my absolute favorite motivational speaker because he is successful and he works hard, but he’s also (seemingly) a kind, family guy who’s been through a few things.

In this video, he talks about being “the one” that changed his family tree. Take a listen because I’m sure it’ll get you thinking on whether or not you can be “the one” in YOUR family.

P.S. If you love personal growth content, you should check out Ed Mylett’s podcast . I listen to it every week and it is one of my favorites.

20. If You Feel LOST, LAZY & UNMOTIVATED In Life, WATCH THIS! | Tony Robbins Motivation

If you are someone who is constantly blaming others or your circumstances for your unhappiness, you need to listen to this video by Tony Robbins . Bad things happen to us all, it’s up to you to focus on what you can control.

Great Inspirational Speeches About Hard Work

How hard do you think you work? Could you be doing more? If there’s a little voice inside of your heart that knows you could be doing more and better, these motivational videos about the value of hard work will help you push yourself.

And a side note: your chances of having good luck increase the harder and longer you work.

21. You’re Not Tired, You’re Just Weak – David Goggins Motivation

If you’re feeling lazy or like you don’t want to do something, watch this video til 2:25 . It will give you the push you need to put your head down and do the work. It’ll remind you to keep pursuing your goals and to keep challenging yourself. Key takeaway: push yourself beyond your perceived limits.

22. Hard Work & Patience – A Gary Vaynerchuk Original Film

If you want to be motivated to work hard, listen to Gary Vaynerchuk. Gary Vaynerchuk is a creative genius known for his marketing tactics. This famous motivational speech is all about playing “the long game”, as in, working for a long time and having patience instead of working hard for a short period of time and expecting to win quickly.

23. OBSESSION – Best Motivational Speech

This is one of my favorite short motivational speeches because it makes me feel a little more normal for being “weird”. I’m the kind of person who chooses to work on the weekends instead of hanging out with people. Crazy, right? But it’s because I’m working toward a dream of mine and it’s something that’s really important to me. The most important thing to remember: it’s okay to devote yourself to something. It’s the only way to get what you want in life.

24. WORK LIKE HELL – Best Motivational Video

This is a series of motivational speeches about doing a little bit more and outworking your competition. I’m not going to lie – I’m up late writing this post and listening to this very video is what’s motivating me to keep going.

25. The video EVERY woman should watch!

Whether or not you’re a Rachel Hollis fan may be up for debate (and that’s okay!) but I happen to think she’s a great motivational speaker. This entire speech will inspire you to work hard and take massive action – today.

26. NEVER SURRENDER – Powerful Motivational Speech (by Kobe Bryant)

This one minute video by the late Kobe Bryant is one of the most famous short speeches. I read a book recently by his former personal trainer and I learned that Kobe really outworked everyone. He talks about a quote in this video that really stuck with him, and I think it’s great advice if you’re the kind of person who needs motivation to keep working hard.

Motivational Speeches About Working Smart

Have you ever heard the saying “work smarter, not harder”? That saying is all about ensuring that the work you are doing is actually efficient. Are you getting to where you want to go with all of the work that you are putting in? Are you getting closer to your goals and your dreams? Or are you sprinting like a hamster on a wheel and just running in circles?

Here are great videos on the importance of working hard but also working intentionally.

27. SET SYSTEMS RATHER THAN GOALS – Motivational Speech – James Clear

A goal gives you a sense of direction, but if you don’t spell out precisely how you are going to get to a goal, it is useless. You must develop systems. Listen to this James Clear video to gain valuable life lessons.

By the way, James Clear is an author who wrote perhaps my favorite book of all time: “Atomic Habits” . It’s life-changing if you haven’t read it yet.

28. Matthew McConaughey | 5 Minutes for the NEXT 50 Years of Your LIFE

This is one of the best motivational speeches of all time about how to live a great life for YOU. It’s filled with little pieces of wisdom that’ll really get you thinking about how you live your life and in what direction you want to go.

29. Visualization is the key – Bob Proctor

Do you believe in the Law of Attraction? If not, I have to say I’m surprised! I’ve experienced it in my own life more than once, and it is incredibly powerful. Here’s a great video that sums up the power of visualization, and if you want to learn more about the Law of Attraction or manifestation in general, read this post .

This video shows the true power of words, thoughts, and feelings that you have.

30. How to Stay Motivated – Carla Harris

Here is a YouTube short with very practical advice from Carla Harris on HOW to stay motivated. It’s all about having a vision!

This post was all about short inspirational speeches. Which one was your favorite?

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Building Strong Self-Belief: 16 Tips & Activities

man smiling - How to Build Self-Confidence and Self-Belief (Definition + Quotes)

“Whether you think you can or whether you think you can’t, you’re right.”

This classic quote from automobile magnate Henry Ford is a perfect lead into this piece. The topic is self-confidence and self-belief, two ingredients to a healthy and happy life.

According to Ford, your belief in yourself is a determining factor in your success.

Was he right? Read on to find out!

Before you read on, we thought you might like to download our three Self-Compassion Exercises for free . These detailed, science-based exercises will not only help you increase the compassion and kindness you show yourself but will also give you the tools to help your clients, students or employees show more compassion to themselves.

This Article Contains:

What is the meaning of self-confidence and self-belief, the psychology of self-confidence and self-belief, 3 examples of healthy self-belief, 12 tips for building self-confident skills, activities and exercises for developing self-confidence, hypnosis and hypnotherapy, guided meditations to boost self-confidence, motivational speeches and popular ted talks and videos, 19 quotes and affirmations on self-confidence, a take-home message.

Researchers have a tough time agreeing on what, exactly, self-confidence is. Some say it is simply believing in yourself, while others go into more detail about your expectations for and evaluations of yourself and your performance.

For non-academic purposes, however, we have a pretty solid definition; this definition comes from the Psychology Dictionary Online :

“Our self-assurance in trusting our abilities, capacities, and judgments; the belief that we can meet the demands of a task.”

This definition works pretty well for the average person and is easy to understand. To be self-confident is to trust in your own abilities and believe that you can do what you set your mind to.

As you can see from the definition, self-belief is a necessary—but not sufficient—component of self-confidence. You must have at least some self-belief to have self-confidence, but self-belief does not guarantee you self-confidence.

Along with characterizing your beliefs about yourself, self-confidence is a trait that permeates your thoughts, feelings, and actions. Think about a confident person you know; now, think about how you know this person is confident. You cannot get inside their head to know how they feel about themselves, so you base your judgment of their self-confidence on their words and actions.

To be truly self-confident is to exude confidence in your words and actions, in addition to believing in yourself and feeling capable.

woman arms up high - The Psychology of Self-Confidence and Self-Belief

Thanks to William James, we learned that self-confidence is an important predictor of success. His formula for self-esteem (a related, but slightly different, construct than self-confidence) proposes that it is built on the foundations of two elements (Nayler, 2010):

  • How we feel and what we believe about ourselves (our self-confidence/self-belief)
  • How well we actually perform (our successes)

This concept was not a new one, but James was one of the first to lay it out in detail. The idea stuck and influenced the work of another important theory in the area of self-confidence and self-esteem : Bandura’s Self-Efficacy Theory.

Bandura’s theory states that self-efficacy is built on one’s beliefs in the likelihood of future success; those who believe they can influence the events of their lives have high self-efficacy, while those who feel they are not in control and have little to no impact on what will happen to them in the future, have low self-efficacy (Bandura, 1977).

Self-efficacy is focused on current beliefs about the future; while self-confidence is also concerned with beliefs about the future, there is a definite link to the past—after all, our self-confidence is built on our past experiences.

Deci and Ryan drew from Bandura’s work to create their own theory on another “self-” construct: self-esteem. Self-Determination Theory posits that we are all born with an inherent drive to explore our environment and thrive, and that self-esteem results from humanity’s basic needs being met:

  • Relatedness
  • Autonomy (Ryan & Deci, 2000)

This theory expanded the boundaries of the self-confidence/self-esteem literature by adding in the needs component; when our needs are met, according to the theory, we have all the ingredients necessary to experience healthy self-esteem and to grow and flourish as a person.

Based on these three theories, and countless other reports, articles, and studies by other researchers in the field, we have been able to put together a more coherent picture of what self-confidence is. It is a sense of belief in oneself and feeling assured of your own abilities and chances of future success, and it is in large part based on your experiences.

We explore this further in The Science of Self-Acceptance Masterclass© .

Self-Confidence vs. Self-Esteem

So, although self-confidence and self-esteem have crossed paths at many points and share some common features, they are considered two distinct constructs.

Self-esteem is a fairly stable trait that doesn’t change much in individuals—unless they put in some dedicated effort to improve it. It can generally be defined as our beliefs in our own inherent value, worth, and how deserving we are of love, happiness , success, and other good things in life.

By contrast, self-confidence does not take into consideration any beliefs about worthiness or overall value; rather, it focuses on the ability to succeed and beliefs about one’s likelihood of succeeding.

a speech about believing in yourself

Download 3 Free Self-Compassion Exercises (PDF)

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Healthy self-belief is not narcissism, bragging, or boasting. Rather, it is a realistic but optimistic evaluation of yourself and your abilities and a sense of trust and confidence in yourself.

Examples of healthy self-belief and self-confidence include:

  • A woman goes on a date and has a great time; she feels like she and her date clicked and is looking forward to hearing from him. When he doesn’t call within a few days, she refrains from falling into a negative thought spiral and instead thinks, “Maybe he just isn’t the type of guy who calls right away. Or, maybe we just aren’t right for each other. I had fun and that’s what matters!”
  • A man is looking for a job and sees a posting that has several requirements; he meets most of them, but he doesn’t quite reach the cutoff on a couple of them. Instead of passing it up and assuming he would never get an interview, he applies anyway and explains how he has other traits and qualifications that make up for any lack in the requirements in his cover letter.
  • A student is interested in taking an Advanced Placement class at her high school and talks to her friends about it. Those who have already taken the class tells her it’s really hard and that she probably wouldn’t pass. She could trust in their judgment and pass up the opportunity, but instead, she holds firm in her belief about her own abilities and signs up anyway.

woman smiling - Common Characteristics of Self-Confident Individuals

So, how do you become one of those people described above?

It isn’t necessarily an easy road, but you will probably find it more than worth the effort. Below are some tips on building your self-confidence and boosting your belief in yourself.

The team from the Mind Tools (2016) website listed several tips and suggestions for improving your self-confidence based on where you are on your journey:

  • Preparing for your journey a. Take inventory of what you have already achieved. b. Think about your strengths and weaknesses (but especially your strengths). c. Think about your goals and values . d. Practice ceasing negative self-talk in its tracks and replacing it with positive thinking. e. Commit to the journey to self-confidence!
  • Setting out a. Identify and enhance the knowledge and skills you need to succeed. b. Focus on the basics—don’t get bogged down in details or reaching for perfection. c. Set small goals and achieve them to “pile up successes.” d. Keep working on your positive thinking and self-talk.
  • Accelerating towards success a. Celebrate your successes. b. Keep yourself grounded. c. Assess your current level of self-confidence and identify what strategies you can use to keep building it up.

If you hit a roadblock on your journey to self-confidence, don’t worry! They happen to everyone. Try to get back on track as soon as you can. You may find the following activities helpful.

Worksheets for Adults and Students (PDF) self-confidence self-belief

Here are activities and exercises you can do to work on your self-confidence and self-esteem.

Of course, the most important thing you can do to build your self-confidence is to get some success experiences under your belt—no matter how small—but here are some other things you can try as well.

Recognizing negative thoughts

Negative thoughts are so often a drain on our self-confidence, and we may not even realize it. Negative thoughts can be sneaky, so we need to be extra-vigilant in identifying and addressing them.

Practice “listening” to your own thoughts; notice the automatic thoughts that pop into your head and pay attention to the way you talk to yourself. When you notice a negative thought, grab onto it and either write it down or just sit and think about it for a moment.

Don’t spend long thinking about the thought in its current form, though. Instead, spend your time thinking about how it can be rephrased and adapted to become a positive (or at least neutral) thought.

For example, if you catch yourself thinking, “You’re such a failure! You can’t do anything right!” try to replace it with a more forgiving phrase like, “Everyone makes mistakes sometimes. I bet I can do better next time!”

This replacement thought not only offers you forgiveness and compassion , it also helps you boost your belief in your ability to succeed in the future. Give it a try and see if it works for you!

Challenging yourself

The best way to boost your self-confidence is to open yourself up to positive new experiences and allow yourself to succeed.

If you have low self-confidence, you probably don’t like taking risks—whether those risks involve physical activity, going for a new job or promotion, talking to someone you like, or just trying a new activity. It is a classic catch-22: your low self-confidence encourages you to avoid doing the exact things that would help you build up your self-confidence.

If uninterrupted, this can lead to an ever-deepening spiral of low self-confidence; you don’t have any exciting new successes, so your self-confidence is even lower, so you feel even less like trying new things.

To break this cycle, you know what you need to do: put yourself out there, try something new, and challenge yourself!

Find one thing you are interested in and go for it. It might be a cooking class, a running group, marathon training, or volunteering for a cause you are passionate about. Whatever it is, push yourself to take a risk and watch your confidence grow.

Giving yourself the self-care you need

Self-care is incredibly important for a lot of things, but it can be especially impactful for our self-confidence.

Engage in self-care to show yourself how valuable you are, and you will feel more confident in your abilities and motivated to prove that you are right about yourself.

Remember that self-care is about much more than just getting a massage or allowing yourself to indulge in some extra-tasty food or on a Netflix binge. Make sure to take care of your body, mind, and soul by eating healthy, exercising, giving yourself a break, and engaging in whatever other self-care you need to feel good.

Practice accepting failure

This isn’t an especially fun exercise to practice, but it is a necessary one. We all fail at some point, and it does us absolutely no good to pretend that we don’t—or won’t—ever fail.

To practice accepting failure, engage in some activities that you know you will fail at. I know, it sounds terrible! Why would you do something when you know you will fail? Because practicing failure can be just as important as practicing success.

Take risks and set stretch goals for yourself. Sometimes you will achieve them, and sometimes you won’t. Whether you achieve them or not, make sure to tell yourself the same thing after: “You put a lot of effort into this and I’m proud of you for working hard.”

You don’t need to succeed to be proud of yourself and confident in your abilities (Coleman, 2017).

You have certainly heard of hypnosis before, but you may not be as familiar with hypnotherapy —and you may not know what that has to do with self-confidence.

Hypnosis is an alternative treatment that is generally not practiced as a first-line approach, but it is not uncommon for a therapist to use hypnosis in cases that call for it. A lack of self-confidence can be one such case.

While CBT and other behavioral therapies can do a great job of tackling your conscious thoughts and helping you manage your feelings and behavior, we know that there is also a lot going on in your subconscious. Hypnotherapists believe that hypnosis can help treat low self-confidence by breaking into the negative things happening in your subconscious and injecting a dose of positivity.

If you’re interested in giving it a try, check out this sleep hypnosis on YouTube.

If you’re interested in trying hypnotherapy with a qualified professional, you can learn more here .

If you’re a fan of meditation and would like to try some that are geared toward improving your self-confidence, these might be just what you’re looking for:

Guided Meditation: Self-Esteem from The Honest Guys

Guided Meditation for Confidence, Self Love, and a Better Self Image from Joe T at Hypnotic Labs

Healing Spirit: Guided Meditation for Self Esteem and Acceptance, Anxiety, and Depression from MeditationRelaxClub

If you’re ready to get pumped full of confidence and motivation, but you don’t have time to watch a whole feature-length movie, check out these TED Talks and inspirational speeches:

The Skill of Self Confidence by Dr. Ivan Joseph

Success and Self-Confidence Through Rejection by Ted Ladd

The Surprising Secret to Speaking with Confidence by Caroline Goyder

The Power of Believing You Can Improve by Carol Dweck

If you’re looking for some inspirational self belief quotes or motivating affirmations to help you boost your self-confidence, check out this list of 19 quotes and affirmations.

“A great figure or physique is nice, but it’s self-confidence that makes someone really sexy.”

Vivica A. Fox

“One important key to success is self-confidence. An important key to self-confidence is preparation.”

Arthur Ashe

“Nothing builds self-esteem and self-confidence like accomplishment.”

Thomas Carlyle

“To excel at the highest level—or any level, really—you need to believe in yourself, and hands down, one of the biggest contributors to my self-confidence has been private coaching.”

Stephen Curry

“With realization of one’s own potential and self-confidence in one’s ability, one can build a better world.”
“Self-confidence is the first requisite to great undertakings.”

Samuel Johnson

“Smile, for everyone lacks self-confidence and more than any other one thing a smile reassures them.”

Andee Maurios

“The way to develop self-confidence is to do the thing you fear and get a record of successful experiences behind you.”

William Jennings Bryan

“My self-confidence didn’t come from my appearance, it came from other things that I did. But certainly not my appearance.”

Alex Spanos

“I’ve studies the lives of the 20th century’s great businessmen and concluded that self-confidence was instrumental in all their success.”

Ron Perlman

“Once we believe in ourselves, we can risk curiosity, wonder, spontaneous delight, or any experience that reveals the human spirit.”

E.E. Cummings

“Because one believes in oneself, one doesn’t try to convince others. Because one is content with oneself, one doesn’t need others’ approval. Because one accepts oneself, the whole world accepts him or her.”

If these quotes don’t quite hit the spot, you may benefit from creating some self-confidence affirmations. You can also create your own, but these are some good examples that can help get you started:

  • “I am smart, competent, and capable.”
  • “I am growing and changing for the better.”
  • “I believe in myself and my abilities.”
  • “I can do anything I set my mind to.”
  • “I act with confidence and with a plan, but I accept that plans can change.”
  • “It is enough to have done my best.”
  • “I have the power to change myself.”

a speech about believing in yourself

17 Exercises To Foster Self-Acceptance and Compassion

Help your clients develop a kinder, more accepting relationship with themselves using these 17 Self-Compassion Exercises [PDF] that promote self-care and self-compassion.

Created by Experts. 100% Science-based.

I hope you found this piece a useful and informative dive into self-confidence and self-belief. It turns out that Henry Ford was mostly right—although self-confidence isn’t necessary to function in our world, it can make all the difference between “just getting by” and thriving!

If you found any of these exercises useful, bookmark this page so you can come back to it at any time and remind yourself that you can do it—whatever it is!

What are your thoughts on this topic? Do you think self-confidence is the key to success? How do you give yourself a boost of confidence when you need it? Let us know in the comments section!

We hope you enjoyed reading this article. Don’t forget to download our three Self Compassion Exercises for free .

  • Bandura, A. (1977). Self-efficacy: Toward a unifying theory of behavioral change. Psychological Review, 84, 191-215.
  • Coleman, C. (2017). Activities to build self-confidence. Live Strong. Retrieved from https://www.livestrong.com/article/17120-activities-build-self-confidence/
  • Mind Tools Content Team. (2016). Building self-confidence: Preparing yourself for success! Mind Tools. Retrieved from https://www.mindtools.com/selfconf.html
  • Mowday, R. T. (1979). Leader characteristics, self-confidence, and methods of upward influence in organizational decision situations. Academy of Management Journal, 22.
  • Nayler, C. (2010). What is self-esteem? 3 theories on the function of self-esteem. Positive Psychology.org.uk. Retrieved from http://positivepsychology.org.uk/self-esteem-theory/
  • Ryan, R. M., & Deci, E. L. (2000). Self-determination theory and the facilitation of intrinsic motivation, social development, and well-being. American Psychologist, 55 , 68-78.

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I never recieved access to the 3 items, only the ones for 17.00. Thank you, Shari

Julia Poernbacher

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It was a good experience to read this article.


GREAT content, however the free download link leads to a buy page for 17 excerciese tool book, that is a bit of a shoddy move, you should not promise anything free if you are not delivering it

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Speech on Self-Confidence

Self-confidence is believing in oneself. According to E.E. Cummings, “Once we believe in ourselves, we can risk curiosity, wonder, spontaneous delight, or any experience that reveals the human spirit.” Do you want to know more about self-confidence? Go through the following article, collect ample information regarding the topic, and share your thoughts with the world.

Table of Contents

Self-confidence speech in english, short speech on self-confidence, top quotes to use in a speech on self-confidence, frequently asked questions on self-confidence, sample speeches on self-confidence.

A few samples of speeches on self-confidence are given below. Go through these speeches and utilise them to improve your knowledge on the topic.

Self-confidence means having belief in oneself. It is the attitude developed by an individual based on one’s skills and abilities. Self-confidence is  important for a positive lifestyle. It helps you to develop trust in yourself and bring a sense of control to your life. An individual’s self-confidence gets boosted when one realises one’s own strengths and weaknesses. It helps in understanding one’s true self, and thus, develops an optimistic personality within the individual.

Let’s remember the words said by Eleanor Roosevelt, “No one can make you feel inferior without your consent”. Self-confidence is something that is developed internally. It helps an individual to set goals for winning in life. Low self-confidence results in self-doubt, which in turn, makes an individual feel inferior and sensitive to criticism. Unwanted doubts about oneself negatively affect one’s perception of life. It drags a person down and ultimately results in failures.

The aftereffects of different experiences shape the life of an individual. Unsupportive environment negatively affect the self-confidence of an individual. Obstacles are part of life; it is important to make sure that you never let those obstacles design your life. Work to counter such troubles and don’t dwell on failure. Learn from experiences; no master is better than them.

Self-confidence is undoubtedly the key to success. It makes a person feel independent, optimistic, and positive in life. With all these characteristics, a person can easily deal with difficult situations in life. Self-confidence helps an individual to successfully face day-to-day challenges and demands. People feel more motivated and energised when they are confident in their abilities. With this trait vested inside, people develop the strength to face all the challenges in their lives. The strength developed by the people pushes them to do more and achieve goals in life. As a result, it paves the way for happiness in an individual’s life.

There are multiple ways to improve self-confidence in a person. Try to recognise your strength and who you are. This is one of the major steps that can be taken to increase your self-confidence. Realise your abilities and learn to use them. Mark your progress and praise your efforts. List down all your abilities and things that you are confident to do. Perform a close analysis of the list and choose the things that you want to ameliorate.

Try to surround yourself with positive, successful people and experience the vibe generated by them. Express yourself. Always try to express your voice, feelings, and beliefs directly. You don’t need to feel guilty for expressing your thoughts and ideas.

Start believing in yourself. Self-confident people perceive themselves as the best. Perceptions greatly influence one’s life and shape their growth. “You become what you believe, not what you think or what you want.” These are the words told by Oprah Winfrey. So start believing in yourself, and live a life by acting on your beliefs.

  • “With realisation of one’s own potential and self-confidence in one’s ability, one can build a better world.” – The Dalai Lama.
  • “If you have no confidence in self, you are twice defeated in the race of life. With confidence, you have won even before you have started.” – Cicero.
  • “Life is not easy for any of us. But what of that? We must have perseverance and, above all, confidence in ourselves. We must believe that we are gifted for something and that this thing must be attained.” – Marie Curie.
  • “Trust yourself–you know more than you think you do.” – Benjamin Spock.
  • “Believe in yourself! Have faith in your abilities! Without a humble but reasonable confidence in your own powers, you cannot be successful or happy.” – Norman Vincent Peale.
  • “Self-confidence can be learned, practised, and mastered–just like any other skill. Once you master it, everything in your life will change for the better.” – Barrie Davenport.
  • “One important key to success is self-confidence. An important key to self-confidence is preparation.” – Arthur Ashe.
  • “Don’t waste your energy trying to change opinions … Do your thing, and don’t care if they like it.” – Tina Fey.
  • “The confidence which we have in ourselves gives birth to much of that which we have in others.” – François de la Rochefoucauld.
  • “Always remember you are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think.” ­-Christopher Robin.

Why is self-confidence so important?

Self-confidence means having a belief in oneself. It is the attitude developed by an individual based on skills and abilities. Self-confidence is very important for a positive lifestyle. It helps you to develop trust for yourself and bring a sense of control to your life.

How can we improve self-confidence?

Try to recognise your strength and who you are. Start believing in yourself. Self-confident people perceive themselves as the best. Mark your progress and praise your efforts. List down all your abilities and things that you are confident to do. Perform a close analysis of the list and choose the things that you want to ameliorate.

List some quotes to use in a speech on self-confidence.

  • “Life is not easy for any of us. But what of that? We must have perseverance and, above all, confidence in ourselves. We must believe that we are gifted for something and that this thing must be attained.” ­- Marie Curie.

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Marianna Pogosyan Ph.D.


The power of believing in yourself, 8 insights on the psychology of self-efficacy..

Posted July 22, 2022 | Reviewed by Tyler Woods

  • What Is Self-Esteem?
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  • Self-efficacy is the confidence we have in our abilities in specific life domains.
  • Finely-grained self-efficacy beliefs are more useful in predicting outcomes than global self-confidence measures.
  • Self-efficacy is a key ingredient of self-regulation and achieving our goals.


Years ago, right before starting on a big new project, I bought a framed note that spelled with golden letters:

She believed she could so she did.

I didn’t know who she was and what she did , but somehow, the words offered encouragement for my own undertaking.

The contract that humans draft with their loftiest dreams is surprisingly straightforward. Yes, we need skills to accomplish our goals . Yes, we need effort, strategy, resources, creativity , character, and even luck. But before we set the world in motion, we need the blessing of an inner ally, who, whether with a coy wink or a full-blown orchestra, makes us believe that we can .

This confidence in our abilities in specific life domains is known as self-efficacy . After studying self-efficacy for decades, psychologist James Maddux concluded that believing that we can accomplish what we want to accomplish is one of the most important ingredients for success . Indeed, countless research studies have shown that having high self-efficacy can help us pursue our goals , cope effectively with stress , engage in health-promoting behaviors, and have better psychological well-being .

Why do our thoughts and convictions have such a consequential hold on us? Is it the courage they impart to dream in the first place? Is it the resolve they extend when we stumble? Or is it because when we believe in ourselves, we can “risk curiosity, wonder, spontaneous delight, or any experience that reveals the human spirit,” as poet E.E. Cummings writes.

Here are 8 insights from Maddux on the key role self-efficacy plays in our lives.

Self-efficacy can be more adaptive than self-confidence

Traditionally, psychologists have defined and measured self-confidence as a global construct that is consistent over time and across situations. It’s almost like a personality trait that people tend to have to varying degrees. The trouble with thinking of ourselves in global terms, such as having high or low self-confidence, is that it’s very easy to mis-predict outcomes.

Research shows that when it comes to our ability to predict behavior, situation-specific measures (i.e., self-efficacy beliefs) outperform global measures such as self-confidence. Thus, if you are considering setting a new goal, you’ll be better off breaking down your general self-confidence into components and thinking about your abilities in various specific situations. This is particularly important for people with low self-confidence, which can often become a self-fulfilling prophecy. For example, in cognitive behavioral therapy , the client who complains of low self-confidence is invited to explore some areas in life where they actually do well. This exercise can help individuals think about their particular competencies in various situations that they feel good about and move away from self-defeating thinking patterns.

Self-efficacy is a key ingredient of self-regulation

Self-regulation refers to the way we guide our behaviors, thoughts, and emotions in the pursuit of our goals, desired outcomes, and values . It involves using our past experiences and knowledge about our skills as reference points to develop expectancies about future events and states. Consider self-regulation as a circular process where complex networks, factors, and predictions interact with each other and unfold over time.

Being a good self-regulator is an acquirable skill that includes learning how to generate better self-efficacy beliefs, setting and pursuing effective goals, incorporating feedback, and having adaptive self-evaluations of performance. Self-regulatory skills (as well as the belief that one is a good self-regulator) is fundamental for psychological well-being because they can usher a sense of agency over one’s life.

Self-efficacy is not wishful thinking or a fake-it-till-you-make-it attitude

Self-efficacy is best viewed in terms of having confidence in your ability to apply your skills in particular situations. It is a much more nuanced concept than a blind belief of “I believe I can do it, and therefore I will succeed.” Notably, it entails having a clear understanding of your skills. Skills and beliefs about skills usually go hand-in-hand. This is why overconfidence without actual preparation (or lack of skills) can set people up for failure.

Self-efficacy can help in challenging and uncertain times

A powerful source of self-efficacy is actual performance—things you’ve done well in life. Often, when people encounter what appears to be a new problem, they see it as being entirely different from what they have experienced before. That’s rarely the case. Any challenge, if you live long enough, will have some similarity to other challenges you’ve faced and overcome before. If you stop and think about the ways in which a current challenge is similar to other challenges you successfully dealt with in the past, you can draw upon your experience and boost your sense of self-efficacy for managing this “unprecedented” circumstance. It can also attenuate the fear of uncertainty and of encountering something you have never encountered before.

a speech about believing in yourself

Even the pandemic had elements that were not entirely new to us. Everyone, for example, has had times in their life when they felt isolated—perhaps they were separated from loved ones or felt alone in a foreign place. When we break things down to their components, most things can be considered a matter of degree of variance, as opposed to being a whole different kind of experience. This insight can help us deal with our circumstances more effectively, however uncertain and ambiguous they may appear.

Self-efficacy is important for resiliency

Resilience is often defined as the ability to bounce back from adversity and recover our equilibrium when we’ve been caught off balance. Resilience comes into play when we encounter barriers in our pursuit of desired goals. Research suggests that when facing a challenge, low-efficacy individuals might self-reflect in negative ways (“I knew I couldn’t do this…”) or disengage, while high-efficacy individuals will have more confidence in their abilities to find solutions to their problems, and thus be more resilient. A growth mindset (as opposed to a fixed mindset) promotes resilience and an acquirable view of skills, thus providing a better foundation for developing self-efficacy beliefs.


Experience fosters self-efficacy

What helps most in gaining self-efficacy is experience—trying something new and working at it, usually by breaking down goals and skills into manageable pieces and practicing them separately, again and again. When we think of a big goal simply as a series of small goals one after the other, it can give us the courage to dive in. Over time, as people acquire a sense of mastery over various skills, they will also accumulate self-efficacy beliefs. Once you realize the principle of these learnable self-regulatory skills, you can apply them to different situations.

Believe in yourself, but let your actions speak for you

It’s difficult to accomplish great things without believing in oneself. However, watch out for people who are constantly telling others how good they are at things. I would argue that a person who truly believes they are good at something is not going to feel the need to broadcast it. They will let their actions speak for them. In fact, someone who is constantly boasting about their greatness is probably trying to give themselves a pep talk, because their self-efficacy is not high after all.

Advice from a self-efficacy researcher for leading a happier life

For me, it goes back to trying not to think of ourselves in global, all-or-nothing terms or even fixed personality traits and aptitudes (“I’m not good at math—that’s just the way I am.”) Instead, it could be more helpful to see ourselves as complex individuals, with different skills and abilities that are not fixed and pre-determined, but rather are subject to change and growth.

Success, whichever way you define it, includes becoming better self-regulators by continuously honing our skills and engaging them in the right way. If people pay attention to the anatomy of their successes, they will likely realize that the skills they use to accomplish their goals can be generalized to accomplishing other goals. This is how self-efficacy beliefs are formed and a growth mindset is established.

Many thanks to James Maddux for his time and insights. Maddux is University Professor Emeritus at George Mason University and Senior Scholar at GMU’s Center for the Advancement of Well-Being .

Maddux, J.E., & Kleiman, E.M. (2020). Self-Efficacy. The Oxford Handbook of Positive Psychology, 443.

Maddux, J.E., Kleiman, E.M., & Gosselin, J.T. (2018). Self-efficacy. In D. S. Dunn (Ed.), Oxford bibliographies online: Psychology. New York: Oxford University Press.

Maddux, J.E., & Gosselin, J.T. (2003). Self-efficacy. In M. R. Leary & J. P. Tangney (Eds.), Handbook of self and identity (pp. 218–238). The Guilford Press.

Conner, M., & Norman, P. (1995). Predicting Health Behaviour: Research and Practice with Social Cognition Models. Buckingham: Open University Press.

Diseth, Å. (2011). Self-efficacy, goal orientations and learning strategies as mediators between preceding and subsequent academic achievement. Learning and Individual Differences, 21 (2), 191-195.

Zhao, F. F., Lei, X. L., He, W., Gu, Y. H., & Li, D. W. (2015). The study of perceived stress, coping strategy and self‐efficacy of C hinese undergraduate nursing students in clinical practice. International Journal of Nursing Practice, 21 (4), 401-409.

Milam, L. A., Cohen, G. L., Mueller, C., & Salles, A. (2019). The relationship between self-efficacy and well-being among surgical residents. Journal of Surgical Education, 76 (2), 321-328.

Marianna Pogosyan Ph.D.

Marianna Pogosyan, Ph.D. , is a lecturer in Cultural Psychology and a consultant specialising in cross-cultural transitions.

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Self Refinery

Boost Your Motivation with the Best Speech: Believe in Yourself

Looking for a way to boost your motivation and confidence? Look no further than the power of speech. The right words can have a profound impact on the way we think and feel, especially when it comes to believing in ourselves. Whether you’re struggling with self-doubt or just need a little extra push to reach your goals, the best motivational speeches are an excellent tool for helping you get there. In this post, we’ll explore some of the most powerful speeches out there and how they can help you believe in yourself and achieve your dreams.


Motivation and self-belief go hand in hand. It’s easy to become demotivated when things don’t go your way or when obstacles come your way. However, when you believe in yourself, you’re better equipped to overcome challenges and pursue your goals with greater determination. In this article, we’ll explore the ways in which you can boost your motivation with the best speeches that encourage self-belief, helping you maintain your self-confidence even when the going gets tough.

Believe in Yourself: The Best Motivational Speeches

Motivational speeches have become increasingly popular among individuals who want to achieve their goals and fulfill their dreams. These speeches are designed to inspire, encourage, and motivate individuals to believe in themselves and their abilities. Here are some of the best motivational speeches that can help you boost your motivation and self-belief:

  • Pursue Your Dreams with Passion

One of the most famous motivational speeches is Steve Jobs’ commencement address at Stanford University in 2005. In this speech, he talks about his own journey and the importance of pursuing your dreams with passion. Jobs encourages his listeners to follow their hearts and not let anything deter them from achieving their goals.

  • The Power of Positive Thinking

Another great speech is by Norman Vincent Peale, author of “The Power of Positive Thinking.” In his speech, Peale emphasizes the importance of positive thinking and how it can impact our lives. He encourages his listeners to replace negative beliefs and thoughts with positive ones, helping them build confidence and belief in themselves.

  • Believe You Can and You’re Halfway There

Theodore Roosevelt’s speech, “Citizenship in a Republic,” is one of the most famous speeches in history. In this speech, he talks about the importance of believing in oneself and the power of perseverance. The quote, “Believe you can and you’re halfway there” has become a mantra for many individuals who seek to achieve their goals.

  • Find Your Purpose

Les Brown, one of the top motivational speakers in the world, emphasizes the importance of finding one’s purpose in life. In his speech, “It’s Not Over Until You Win,” he encourages his listeners to identify their passions and pursue them with dedication and hard work. Brown urges individuals to define their own success and not be influenced by others’ opinions.

  • The Power of Action

Tony Robbins is a well-known motivational speaker who has empowered millions of people around the world. In his speech, “Unleash the Power Within,” Robbins emphasizes the power of taking action and how it can transform our lives. He encourages his listeners to take the first step towards their goals, no matter how small, and build momentum from there.

Motivational speeches are powerful tools for boosting motivation and self-belief. These speeches have the ability to inspire individuals to pursue their goals and fulfill their dreams, even in the face of adversity. By listening to the best motivational speakers, you can learn how to believe in yourself and develop the confidence to pursue your passions. Remember, true happiness comes from purpose, not material wealth. Follow your heart and trust in your abilities, and you’ll be amazed at what you can achieve.

Why is self-belief important for motivation? Self-belief is important for motivation because it helps individuals overcome obstacles and face challenges with greater confidence and determination.

How can I find my purpose in life? Finding your purpose in life involves exploring your passions, interests, and strengths. It may also involve taking risks, trying new things, and stepping out of your comfort zone.

Can motivational speeches really make a difference? Yes, motivational speeches can make a significant difference in your life. They have the ability to inspire and empower you to believe in yourself and achieve your goals.

Is it necessary to prioritize my own emotions over other people’s opinions? Yes, it’s important to prioritize your own emotions over other people’s opinions. It’s easy to become swayed by others’ views, but ultimately, you are the one who knows what’s best for you.

How can I stay motivated on a daily basis? Staying motivated on a daily basis involves setting small goals, celebrating small victories, and surrounding yourself with positive influences. It also involves reminding yourself of your purpose and why you started in the first place.

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Motivational Speech to Know your Worth

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Many people are incredibly talented, and they don't even know it.

Their potential is limited not by their circumstances but by their internal assessment of themselves. Self-doubt will leave you precariously clawing at the world to give you any sign of significance.  Some people can become desperate and clingy. They are hoping for any accolade to make them feel worthy.

To have energy to climb outside yourself, you need lots of positive affirmation. Surround yourself with positive messages. Here is a short motivational speech to help you believe in yourself. As a keynote speaker I know the power of words to transform you.

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Below is a motivational speech you can read to yourself (or others) that will inspire you to know your worth. Read it, write it out again, say it out loud, watch the YouTube video. Repetition is critical to crowd out negative, doubtful thoughts. Replace them with thoughts that believe in your self-worth.

Anytime you look outside yourself for your value, you instigate self-doubt. It's like telling yourself you don't matter, but perhaps someone else can assess you and give you meaning.  What you are forgetting is that your worth is inside you. Only you can determine it.

Today we rely heavily on others likes on social media to give us a boost of self-worth. It's making us long for something that someone else can't give us. Only you can determine your worth. And you should. If doubt holds you back, you need to build yourself back up.

Deeply embroiled in our stress response is a trigger that has you doubt yourself. It's automatic, and it instantly makes you question yourself. Deep in our survival instinct are mechanisms that have us protect ourselves. Fear causes us to shy away from situations that too risky and make us question ourselves. Fear is a strong emotion that most people flee. Don't let fear get it's way.

If you don't know your worth, you are in a very precarious position.

Short Motivational Speech - You know your worth

Anytime you look outside yourself to determine your value, your looking in the wrong place.

Look inside you. You know your worth. Your value is inside you.

Nobody can take it away from you. Nobody can take it away because it's yours.

When you look to others for validation or signs of significance, you weaken yourself. They don't know you. You know you.

When you want approval from others, you weaken your resolve.

When you need approval from others, you go further from your truth.

When you need approval from others, you do things for the wrong reasons.

Your value is in you. Know your worth. Don't let anyone ever tear you down. Build yourself back up. Don't let other people put their self-doubt inside you. It's their not yours. 

Let go of limiting beliefs and grab onto hope. Trust.

You can't ask for something new and expect nothing to change. Let go of the doubts that hold you back. Let go of fears that consume. Let go of needing others approval. 

Within you right now is all that you need to accomplish what you want. In you right now is all you need to be happy and prosperous.

When something you don't like happens, negative limiting and draining energy will bring you down.

Now you must lift your energy back up. Don't let stress have its way with you. 

When something doesn't feel right.

When you feel heavy.

When people's words make you feel bad. Run. Leave.

They don't Determine your Worth. You do. 

Protect your value. Don't let other people's negativity lead you astray.

You can clear your energy through your mind. When someone or something puts doubt or fear in you, turn it into hope.

Your thoughts are powerful. You are powerful.

Some days you will need extra motivation. Say inspiring thoughts to yourself every day. Alter how you think.

Your thoughts create your future.

Turn doubt into hope

Turn fear into a belief

Turn resentment into love.

You create the future you deserve. Nobody else does

You're on the right track.

Don't let doubt bring you down.

Don't let others doubt make you hide.

Trust yourself.

Trust your value.

Know your worth. 

Immerse yourself in patience. Keep believing in yourself.

Your mind is powerful. Everything happens because of your thoughts.

That's why you need to believe in yourself.

You limit yourself through your thoughts. You define your future because of your thoughts.

Protect your thoughts.

Deny negative people in your life.

Do things that inspire you. Believe in yourself today. 

Chose to experience something different. Life is full of possibilities. Forget what others tell you. Tell yourself how important you are.

Tell others about your dreams. Believe in yourself; feel your power. Know your worth.

Topics: motivational speech , keynote speakers , motivational talks , Motivational Speech to Change , safetyspeech , climb outside yourself , know your worth

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How To Believe In Yourself

After personally experiencing the good that focusing on positive thinking can bring, I can confidently say your ability to believe in yourself can change your life.

The process of thinking and talking about what you want and how to get it actually makes you feel happier and in greater control of your life. 

And when you feel in control of your life, you start to believe in yourself more and boost your confidence. 

Why Believe in Yourself?

Have you ever heard the quote, “if you believe it, the mind can achieve it?”

Or, “whether you think you can or think you can’t, you’re right?”

These quotes exist because the mind is incredibly powerful, and your self-belief has the power to either limit you from reaching your full potential or propel you to do great things.

Confidence in yourself equips you to take action. It also helps you  take bigger risks , which can result in bigger rewards.

Positivity works similarly.  Scientific studies have proven that when you experience positive emotions (such as love, joy, or contentment), you’ll see more possibilities in life. Positive thoughts can even build your skill set! Because positive emotions broaden your sense of possibilities, they also help you build new skills and resources. Negative emotions do the opposite.

Bottom line? If you believe in yourself, you’re more likely to succeed–and to be happier in all areas of life. . That is true believe in yourself meaning.

What Does It Mean to Believe in Yourself?

Now that you know why it’s important to believe in yourself, it’s time to define what that actually means and looks like, as it can be a bit different for everyone.

Start by thinking about a goal you have set for yourself. How likely do you think it is that you will take part in actions to accomplish that goal? This is a good indicator of your self-belief.

If you don’t think you’ll accomplish that goal, it may be time to start believing in yourself more.

Self-belief is also about positivity. A positive mindset and positive self-belief go hand in hand. If you have a positive outlook on life, you are more likely to believe in yourself.

Psychology Today explains that if you believe in yourself, you have:

  • Self-worth (the sense that you have value as a human being)
  • Self-confidence (a  positive attitude about your abilities, qualities, and judgment)
  • Self-trust (faith that you can rely on yourself)
  • Autonomy (feeling able to choose and direct your own behavior)
  • Environmental mastery (your belief that your efforts will result in the changes you desire)

If you feel like you don’t believe in yourself, don’t panic. There are actionable steps you can take to have more confidence, trust, and positivity–all of which will lead to a stronger and better sense of self-belief.

Learning how to believe in yourself starts with thinking positively and vocalizing positive statements to yourself to build your self-esteem.

It also includes identifying what your highest values and aspirations in life are and setting expectations so you can be true to yourself — which will let you live your best life.

At the end of the day, believing in yourself doesn’t have to be a complicated process.

Try some of these proven methods to help you believe in yourself and even boost self-confidence.

Believe You Have Confidence

Perhaps one of the hardest things to do in life is to accept how extraordinary you really are, believe in yourself, and then incorporate this awareness into your attitude and personality.

But there is no one like you. You have unique contributions to share with the world that only you can give.

After all, we all have our own talents, skills, and abilities that make us extraordinary.

So one key to having confidence is by saying it. Tell yourself you have confidence, and then believe it.

Your thoughts become words and your words become your actions. So if you continue to tell yourself that you believe in yourself, eventually you really will believe in yourself.

Start by repeating affirmations such as, “I believe in myself,” every day.

It’s that simple.

Have the courage to accept yourself as you really are — not as you might be, or as someone else thinks you should be — and know that taking everything into consideration, you really are worthy to have the kind of life you want. You are an extraordinary person.

Know Your Value

Your beliefs determine your expectations. 

If you have positive values, you will believe yourself to be a good person . And, if you believe in yourself to be a good person, good things will happen to you. 

When you expect good things to happen to you, you will be more positive, cheerful, and future-oriented. You will look for the good in other people and situations.

For example, if your value is that this is a good world to live in and your belief is that you are going to be very successful in life, you will expect everything that happens to you is helping you in some way.

As a result, you will have a positive mental attitude toward other people, and they will respond positively toward you, helping you be a more cheerful and optimistic person that others will want to work with and for, buy from and sell to, and generally help to be more successful.

Build Self-Esteem

When you take steps toward building your self-esteem, your confidence grows and the natural outcome is that you start to believe in yourself. Use these six elements of self-esteem building to help you learn how to believe in yourself:

Setting clear, accomplishable goals gives you purpose and makes you feel good about yourself. Each step you take toward achieving your goals builds your self-esteem.

People with high self-esteem have high standards, and they make choices that are consistent with their standards. Develop values and ideals that you can be proud of, and make sure your goals are aligned with them. 


When you are setting your goals, write down the smaller milestones it will take for you to reach them.  Each positive experience you have with success — large or small — will add to your belief in yourself. 


Identify people you respect and look up to, whose standards align with the ones you want to have. As you progress, compare yourself to see how you measure up and get clues about how you can improve.


Recognition from people who are important to you, such as your family members, boss, or mentor builds your self-esteem. Striving to achieve your goals will attract recognition.

Along with recognition are tangible rewards. Your self-esteem grows as you work toward and receive a bonus at work, certification or licensure, an advancement in position or level of trust, or other status markers. 

Identify, Question, and Overcome Feelings of Self Doubt

If you’re trying to focus on self-improvement, doubt is an important area to tackle. Self-doubt can have a major impact on our lives and whether we reach our goals.

Self-doubt is a feeling of uncertainty about the truth. People who are experiencing self-doubt are unable to accurately judge their own abilities. If you feel unsure of your abilities, this may signal self-doubt.

You can fight against doubt by working on developing self-love and showing yourself more compassion. Give yourself grace when you fail; we all fail from time to time. Think about your strengths and focus on those more than your weaknesses.

Positive self-talk and daily affirmations are also methods that can help you start believing in yourself. We’ll cover those later in this post.

Use Visualization

One final way to better believe in yourself is visualization. Visualization is the practice of imagining your goals coming true–the process you’ll take to reach them, and what it will feel like when they come true.

Visualization  motivates you to get to work. It also helps reduce anxiety and build your self-confidence.

To start trying visualization, sit quietly and take deep breaths to start your visualization practice.

You may want to visualize what your life would ideally look like one year from now.

Do you have a new job? Are you spending lots of quality time with your family? Have you reached a certain goal? Include lots of detail in this visualization (which is almost like a daydream).

You can also get more specific and visualize certain goals coming true. If you want to write a book, picture yourself sitting down at your desk, creating an outline, and beginning to write. Then imagine how it will feel when you sign with a publisher and host your first book signing.

The power of visualization can help us do amazing things.

How to Be More Positive

While believing in yourself and staying positive isn’t something you have to do every hour of every day, it is important to incorporate even a little bit into your everyday life.

Even during the toughest days, try these things to help you experience more positivity in your life.

Incorporate Positive Self-Talk

Positive self-talk is a powerful tool to help you feel better about yourself. According to Healthline, practicing positive self-talk can allow you to enjoy benefits such as:

  • increased vitality
  • greater life satisfaction
  • improved immune function
  • reduced pain
  • better cardiovascular health
  • better physical well-being
  • reduced risk for death
  • less stress and distress

Having a positive attitude is clearly important, and self-talk is a great way to get there.

You can incorporate positive self-talk by speaking to yourself aloud or in your head. Don’t compare yourself to others–just focus on yourself and what you’re doing right.

This might sound like positive affirmations, such as, “I am kind,” “I have value,” or “I will work hard today.” You could also choose to highlight your positive qualities or think about small successes.

Practice Daily Gratitude

Gratitude is one of the key components involved to help you tap into the power of positive thinking. When you practice gratitude, you’re more focused on the blessings that are already in your life. You’ll focus on positive things like your friends, family, and past successes instead of constantly wanting something new.

According to Harvard Health,  studies have actually proved the association between gratitude and a person’s well-being. In one study, people who practiced daily gratitude were more optimistic and felt better about their lives! Your work and personal relationships can improve, too.

Start pursuing gratitude to remind yourself that you have a good life here and now, even if it’s not quite the way you want it to be. Keeping a gratitude journal where you write a few lines every day is a simple method to start shifting your mindset. Follow these tips as you write about what you’re grateful for in your everyday life:

  • Instead of naming something general (“my job”), be specific with an event that happened that day (“my boss investing in me by paying for a webinar”).
  • Stick to the same time of day, each day to help stay consistent.
  • Write a minimum of one thing per day.
  • Record something different every day.

Try Meditation

Meditation is a form of self-reflection that, among other benefits, can help you move past self-doubt and foster a more positive attitude. When you meditate, you clear your mind of distractions. This helps you relax and reduce any anxiety.

There are multiple  types of meditation . You might practice mindfulness meditation, where you quietly observe your thoughts as they pass through your mind. Try focused meditation to concentrate on any of your five senses. Or practice mantra meditation, where you can chant a repetitive sound to clear your mind.

If you struggle with negative thoughts, meditation could be a helpful method of moving past feelings of unsupportive self-disbelief to feel confident in your own life.

Yoga Journal recommends noticing negative thinking patterns and  intentionally replacing them with an opposite thought.

Did you know that regular exercise can help build confidence, foster a growth mindset, and increase your overall self-worth as a human being?

The Mayo Clinic states that  physical exercise stimulates chemicals in your brain that can help you feel happier, more relaxed, and less anxious. Plus, you’ll gain a myriad of physical health benefits–such as improved sleep,  which can make you feel happier , too.

There’s no one “right” way to exercise. The best kind of physical activity for you is whatever fits your own abilities and makes your body feel good.

If you’re new to the fitness world, start exercising by performing simple movements like squats or lifting dumbbells. If you have access to workout equipment, you can walk on a treadmill, ride a bike, or use an elliptical.

A mixture of cardiovascular exercise (like walking, running, or cycling) and strength training (like push-ups and squats) is best.

Make sure to check with your doctor before beginning any new exercise routine.

Being kind to someone isn’t just about the recipient. It benefits you, too. Kindness has been shown to increase self-esteem , empathy, and compassion. It also improves your mood and helps your mind–showing kindness to somebody boosts serotonin, dopamine, and endorphins, which create feelings of happiness.

How can you show kindness to someone else today? Often, small gestures mean just as much as big, flashy ones. Consider using one of the many ideas on this list to take action with kindness:

  • Give a compliment or a word of encouragement
  • Buy a coffee
  • Let someone merge in front of you
  • Give someone your seat
  • Pick up litter
  • Write a good online review
  • Write a thank-you note
  • Talk to a lonely stranger
  • Donate items you no longer need to a local charity
  • Anonymously leave a favorite treat in the break room
  • Mentor someone
  • Babysit for free

How to Improve Self Confidence

Self-confidence is a feeling of complete trust in your abilities , knowledge, and skills.

To be confident means that you have a generally positive attitude and a healthy way of thinking about yourself.

The more you believe in yourself, the more self-confidence you will naturally have.

Read Self-Confidence Books

The more positive elements you have in your life, the easier it is to gain confidence and believe in yourself even more. 

Deciding to make small changes in your routine and surroundings can have a big impact on your ability to develop confidence and stay positive. One of the best ways to achieve this is by reading self-confidence books.

When it comes to building self-confidence, there are so many authors who have written about proven methods to help do just that. 

Consider reading a few of these works to help you understand how to build self-confidence:

  • “The Power of Self-Confidence” by Brian Tracy
  • “The Confidence Code” by Claire Shipman
  • “Get Out of Your Own Way” by Philip Goldberg and Mark Goulston
  • “The Six Pillars of Self-Esteem: The Definitive Work on Self-Esteem by the Leading Pioneer in the Field” by Nathaniel Branden
  • “Can’t Hurt Me: Master Your Mind and Defy the Odds”  by David Goggins
  • “The Self Confidence Workbook: A Guide to Overcoming Self-Doubt and Improving Self-Esteem” by Barbara Markway, Celia Ampel, and Teresa Flynn

Remember Your Past Achievements

One of the best ways to combat negative self-talk and boost low self-confidence? Spend some time reflecting on your past success.

Making a list of your accomplishments is a powerful way to gain more confidence in yourself. The list will remind you that you’ve done it before, and you can do it again.

Grab a pen and paper and get to work listing your achievements over your life. You might start out the list something like this:

  • Graduated from college summa cum laude
  • Received an award after six months in my first job
  • Wrote a book on the weekends

If you’re having trouble coming up with items to add to your list, get out of your comfort zone and ask a friend, family member, or colleague for their input on your own abilities.

When your list is complete, stick it somewhere you’ll see it every day, such as your refrigerator door or bathroom mirror.

Improve Your Self Belief

It might take a little work. But over time, you’ll get a sense of where your struggles lie when it comes to self-belief –which will allow you to take action to overcome them.

Need a little help along the way? Check out my 14-step goal-setting guide. This free resource teaches you how to set and achieve any goal you can imagine. You’ll grow your self-confidence and self-belief as you learn which mistakes to avoid and where to focus your energy.

Download the guide here and take the first step on the road to success!

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About Brian Tracy — Brian is recognized as the top sales training and personal success authority in the world today. He has authored more than 60 books and has produced more than 500 audio and video learning programs on sales, management, business success and personal development, including worldwide bestseller The Psychology of Achievement. Brian's goal is to help you achieve your personal and business goals faster and easier than you ever imagined. You can follow him on Twitter , Facebook , Pinterest , Linkedin and Youtube .

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English Summary

1 Minute Speech On Believe In Yourself In English

A very good morning to one and all present here. Today, I’ll be giving a speech on the topic ‘believe in yourself’.

To believe in one’s own self is very important in life. It is even more important than having goals in life as you need faith in yourself to fulfill them. More so,  if you do not believe in yourself, then who will?

Self-doubt and self-depreciation should have no place in one’s life. For they not only decrease one’s overall morale but also leads one to spiral into depression. 

Never pay heed to your obstacles. Never pay heed to taunts and mockery. Have faith in yourself and what you strive to achieve. That combined with hard work and dedication will surely bear fruit and bring forth success.

Thank you! 

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Trump Tries To Answer Anchor's Question, Starts Speaking In Potato

A local TV anchor for Detroit's WJBK-TV tried to pin Donald Trump down for a source over the former President's claim about crime statistics in Venezuela. The anchor, Roop Raj, asked Trump for a source over his repeated claim of why there has been a 72 percent reduction in crime in the last year in Venezuela. According to the twice-impeached former President, it's because they sent all of their criminals to this country. This is reminiscent of Trump in 2016 claiming that Mexico "isn't sending their best" people. I think Raj, like the rest of us, knows there isn't a sender department in each country.

"One stat before we go," the former President said. "Venezuela was very crime-ridden. They announced the other day [a] 72 percent reduction in crime in the last year. You know why? They moved all their criminals from Venezuela right into the good old U.S.A., and Biden let them do it. It's a disgrace."

Note: There is no evidence to back that up, but Republicans keep parroting that claim.

Raj asked Trump where he got those stats, so he tried to say words and ended up speaking in Potato.

"Uhhhhhhh, I guess I get them from the papers in this case," Trump insisted. "I think it's a federal statement or, well, they're coming actually from Venezuela. They're coming from Venezuela."

"We'll have to check on that," Raj shot back, then invited him to debate President Joe Biden in Michigan.

"I'll be there, I'll be there," Trump told Raj. "Thank you very much."

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Horoscopes | Horoscopes May 1, 2024: Tim McGraw, believe in…

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Horoscopes | update: kidnapping suspect apprehended in carmel valley, things to do, horoscopes | horoscopes may 1, 2024: tim mcgraw, believe in yourself, celebrities born on this day, today's birthday horoscope and numbers and the daily horoscope for each zodiac sign..


Happy Birthday: Let your intuition guide you. Emotions will surface quickly; planning is necessary to avoid impulsive mistakes. Positive change and opportunities are apparent, and your integrity and insight will encourage stellar results. An energetic approach and allowing your creativity to take over will keep you at the forefront when you encounter a challenge. Believe in yourself, and so will others. Love and personal improvements are on the rise. Your numbers are 6, 13, 22, 24, 30, 38, 43.

ARIES (March 21-April 19): A compromise will help speed things up. Hear what others say, and incorporate words of wisdom and ideas into your plans. Accepting input and help may not be easy for you, but in the end, it will save you time, energy and money. 4 stars

TAURUS (April 20-May 20): Don’t take on the impossible when chipping away at something doable will lead to better results. Protect your physical and emotional well-being by supporting a routine that offers exercise and relationship standards and boundaries. Change whatever isn’t working for you. 2 stars

GEMINI (May 21-June 20): Size up your situation, think and execute your plans behind closed doors. Giving yourself the space and convenience you require to do things properly is essential. Don’t invite outside interference into matters that require undivided attention. Patience will lead to perfect timing. 5 stars

CANCER (June 21-July 22): What you do will have an impact on others. Distance yourself from anyone pressuring you to contribute cash or time. Personal gain will come from doing for yourself and applying your skills to benefit you. Be innovative and discover an easy alternative that offers good results. 3 stars

LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): Negotiate on your behalf. Outside interference will set you back. Put your energy where it counts, and educate yourself before meetings that can influence your reputation, position or goals. A partnership appears problematic if you are trusting or eager to please. 3 stars

VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): Don’t trouble the universe. Everything will flawlessly flow if you leave well enough alone and proceed with a positive attitude. Concentrate on learning, expanding your skills and making updates that ensure you take advantage of every opportunity that comes your way. Choose kindness over criticism. 3 stars

LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22): You don’t have to spend to have fun. Use your imagination to implement a plan that includes someone you enjoy being around. An activity that prompts a lifestyle change or home improvement will encourage you to pursue your dreams. Stop procrastinating. 5 stars

SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): Unusual people, places and pastimes will draw you. Learn from the experience, but refrain from buying into someone else’s dream. Let what you discover pique your imagination, and you’ll find the path that offers positive change, opportunities and new beginnings. Romance is on the rise. 2 stars

SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): Pay attention and make revisions, and you’ll lower your overhead. Home improvements you can do yourself will save you a bundle. Show patience with others; you’ll receive respect and support when needed. 4 stars

CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): Make home your comfort zone. Rid yourself of complications. An emotional issue will substantially grow if you don’t act fast. Get together with friends or colleagues who challenge and spark your imagination. The outcome of a conversation will take you on a worthwhile adventure. Romance is prominent. 3 stars

AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): A transformation is in order, but first, ask questions, learn and be sure that whatever you do is for the right reason. Don’t follow someone else or allow anyone to manipulate what you do next. Take the helm. 3 stars

PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20): Dig in and get things done. Don’t let money slip through your fingers. You can’t buy love and shouldn’t make a habit of paying for others. Your stability and security stem from changing situations that aren’t ideal. 3 stars

Birthday Baby: You are emotional, stubborn and innovative. You are thorough and persuasive.

1 star: Avoid conflicts; work behind the scenes. 2 stars: You can accomplish, but don’t rely on others. 3 stars: Focus and you’ll reach your goals. 4 stars: Aim high; start new projects. 5 stars: Nothing can stop you; go for gold.

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Opinion | Alex Shams: Universities should defend…

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  • Clarence Page

Opinion | Alex Shams: Universities should defend students’ right to free speech, not aid their repression

Columbia University students participate in an ongoing pro-Palestinian encampment on their campus April 25, 2024, in New York City following the arrest of more than 100 protesters the previous week. (Stephanie Keith/Getty)

The university cited unspecified “security” risks. But valedictorian Asna Tabassum has said she believes it had something to do with the fact that she’s Muslim and has a minor in “resistance to genocide.” The a dministration apparently feared Tabassum would reference Israel’s ongoing assault on Gaza. Rather than let her speak, officials silenced her.

Not long after, Columbia University shut down a pro-Palestinian sit-in on campus. Students set up tents on the quad, demanding the university divest from companies linked to Israel’s occupation of Palestinian territories. The a dministration called the New York police to the campus. Officers arrested more than 100 students, even though police admitted students presented no danger and were peaceful.  Since then, hundreds more students have been taken over the quad. The encampment has been rebuilt.

Gaza solidarity encampments have gone up across the country — from USC and Michigan to Harvard, Emory and the University of Chicago. Universities have long been America’s conscience, a bellwether for youth opinion. They are where we see generational shifts most clearly. When universities treat protests as attacks on public order, they create a repressive atmosphere that bodes ill for free speech in the country as a whole. Calling police to arrest students who set up protest tents is a betrayal of our nation’s commitment to freedom of expression.

For students, this isn’t just about free speech; it’s about upholding promises of human rights and democracy that America claims to hold dear. 

The last time U.S. universities witnessed protests on this scale was 1968, amid rising resistance to the Vietnam War, when Columbia also called the NYPD to the campus to arrest students. 

Today, Palestinians are at the center of national debate. Just as during Vietnam, our government is supporting human rights abuses on a horrifying scale . And again, students are at the front line demanding an end to violence. Nearly 50% of American adults from 18 to 29 years old believe Israel is committing genocide in Gaza, according to an Economist/YouGov poll conducted earlier this year.

In contrast, 81-year-old President Joe Biden has sent Israel billions in military support. He has repeatedly declined to impose conditions even as Israel has bombed hospitals, killed aid workers and slaughtered families.

When students see their tax dollars used to kill — more than 34,000  Palestinians at last count, not including thousands more buried under the rubble — they are right to question our government’s policies.

But not only are universities silencing them. Congress is pushing administrators to go further, with a bipartisan consensus forming around punishing students who question pro-Israel policies. Biden and Congress have repeatedly linked campus protests to antisemitism. But not only is antisemitism firmly rejected by most activists, groups such as Jewish Voice for Peace can be found leading protests as part of diverse student coalitions. At Columbia, the Gaza solidarity camp hosted a Passover Seder, with Jewish students sharing the holiday’s liberation story with peers.

Universities should be defending students’ right to question political consensus, not aiding their repression. And for free speech to thrive, students must be protected from harassment. Universities must provide that space — not with rhetoric but with action.

As a University of Chicago student, I saw the administration regularly call security guards to surround us when we held campus protests. Yet, the university presented itself as a bastion of free speech to the nation through the so-called Chicago principles.

But when outside pro-Israel groups put up posters targeting students and professors who’d advocated for Palestinian human rights with false accusations of supporting terrorism, the university failed to take action against those responsible. When an online blacklist circulated labeling students as antisemitic in an attempt to prevent them from gaining future employment, the university again declined to act.

What are free speech principles worth if universities fail to stand up to hate groups targeting students for saying what they think? 

Over the last few months, pro-Israel harassment tactics have gone into overdrive. We’ve seen a level of attacks on students previously unimaginable — from trucks covered in students’ faces roaming near campuses to online harassment campaigns. 

For years, I’ve conducted research on protest in the Middle East. Universities are crucial sites of dissent for activists, places to organize and envision social change. But when administrations cave in to government pressure, tolerate outside harassment, and invite police to crush protests, they not only surrender an important space of freedom, but they also sacrifice their students’ lives and futures.

This is what is now occurring across America.

At Columbia, protesters were not only arrested; they were suspended and some evicted from their housing. Their arrests will go on their permanent record and will inhibit access to future employment, potentially condemning them to poverty if they’re unable to pay back student loans. The university didn’t just silence them; it potentially robbed them of a future. All in response to using their voices to express outrage over human rights abuses.

Is this how America should treat its young people? 

Our universities must remain a bulwark of freedom against this onslaught — places to critically reflect on our role in the world rather than silencing those who question orthodoxies. It is not too late. Administrations can still change course.  They must lead the way out of this darkness by protecting students — and creating a campus atmosphere that welcomes debate rather than silencing it.

USC must reverse its ban and let the valedictorian address graduates. Columbia must apologize for silencing student voices and should consider students’ demands. Other universities must allow students to hold events and protests questioning their complicity in events in the Palestinian territories.

And Biden must listen to the voices of the largest student movement America has seen in decades — and take seriously their demands to cut aid to Israel.

Alex Shams is a writer and political anthropologist with a Ph.D. from the University of Chicago. 

Submit a letter, of no more than 400 words, to the editor here or email [email protected] .

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College protesters vow to keep demonstrations as schools shut down encampments amid reports of antisemitism

Updated on: April 27, 2024 / 8:44 PM EDT / CBS/AP

Hundreds of students protesting the Israel-Hamas war at college campuses across the nation vowed to keep their demonstrations going despite some universities moving to shut down the encampments after reports of antisemitic activity among the protestors.

As the death toll mounts in the war in Gaza, protesters nationwide are demanding that schools cut financial ties to Israel and divest from companies they say are enabling the conflict. 

Meanwhile, some Jewish students say the protests have veered into antisemitism and made them afraid to set foot on campus.

Over 100 arrested in Northeastern University protest

Early Saturday, police in riot gear cleared out a student encampment on the campus of Northeastern University in Boston . The school said the demonstration, which began two days ago, had become "infiltrated by professional organizers" with no affiliation to the school.


The school said in a statement that antisemitic slurs, including "Kill the Jews," were used.

"We cannot tolerate this kind of hate on our campus," said the statement, which was posted on the social media platform X.

As workers pulled down tents and bagged up the debris from the encampment, several dozen people across from the encampment chanted, "Let the Kids Go," and slogans against the war in Gaza. They also booed as police cars passed and taunted the officers who stood guard over the encampment.

The Huskies for a Free Palestine student group disputed the university's account, saying in a statement that counterprotesters were to blame for the slurs and no student protesters "repeated the disgusting hate speech."

Students at the protest said a counterprotester attempted to instigate hate speech but insisted their event was peaceful and, like many across the country, was aimed at drawing attention to what they described as the "genocide" in Gaza and their university's complicity in the war.

Massachusetts State Police said about 102 protesters were arrested and will be charged with trespassing and disorderly conduct.

University of Pennsylvania seeks to disband encampment 

The University of Pennsylvania took similar action to Northeastern on Friday, when interim President J. Larry Jameson called for an encampment of protesters on the west Philadelphia campus to be disbanded, saying it violates the university's facilities policies, though about 40 tents remained in place Saturday morning.

The "harassing and intimidating comments and actions" by some protesters violate the school's open expression guidelines as well as state and federal law, Jameson said, and vandalism of a statue with antisemitic graffiti was "especially reprehensible and will be investigated as a hate crime."

A faculty group said Saturday that it was "deeply disturbed" by the university president's email, saying it included "unsubstantiated allegations" that "have been disputed to us by faculty and students who have attended and observed the demonstration."

The university's chapter of the American Association of University Professors said Jameson's statement "mischaracterizes the overall nature of an antiwar protest that necessarily involves strong emotions on both sides but has not, to our knowledge, involved any actual violence or threats of violence to individuals on our campus."

What sparked the college protests?

Student protesters say they are drawing attention to the war in Gaza, where an Israeli offensive has killed over 34,000 Palestinians, displaced about 80% of the population and pushed hundreds of thousands of people to the brink of famine. The war was triggered by Hamas' Oct. 7 attack into Israel, in which militants killed some 1,200 people, mostly civilians, and took another 250 people hostage.

Israel and its supporters have branded the protests as antisemitic, while critics of Israel say it uses such allegations to silence opponents. Although some protesters have been caught on camera making antisemitic remarks or violent threats, organizers of the protests, some of whom are Jewish, say it is a peaceful movement aimed at defending Palestinian rights and protesting the war.

Pro-Palestine protest, University of Minnesota campus, Minneapolis, Minn.

Columbia University protest enters 11th day

At Columbia University, whose encampment — now in its 11th day on the school's main lawn — inspired the wave of protests across the country, there have been reports of "outside agitators" who have infiltrated the protest "to spew hate and antisemitism," NYPD Deputy Commissioner Kaz Daughtry said in a post to social media .

"What may have started as a group of Columbia students wanting to express their constitutional right to protest has drawn crowds of outside agitators who are trying to hijack a peaceful protest and turn it something far more sinister," he said.

In a statement on the university's website  Friday, school officials condemned the reports of antisemitism, calling them "intolerable."

"And the safety situation has become concerning, particularly with the involvement of individuals not associated with Columbia," said the letter, attributed to President Minouche Shafik, Provost Angela Olinto, and David Greenwald and Claire Shipman, co-chairs of the board of trustees.

"Chants, signs, taunts, and social media posts from our own students that mock and threaten to 'kill' Jewish people are totally unacceptable, and Columbia students who are involved in such incidents will be held accountable. We can report that one individual whose vile videos have surfaced in recent days is now banned from campus," the letter said.

In a statement Saturday evening on Columbia University's website, Ben Chang, a school spokesperson, said there was "no truth to claims of an impending lockdown or evictions on campus." The university canceled a planned press briefing Saturday, saying it was "a quiet day on campus."

Students representing the Columbia University encampment said Friday that they reached an impasse with administrators and intended to continue their protest.

The university's senate passed a resolution Friday that created a task force to examine the administration's leadership, which last week called in police in an attempt to clear the protest, resulting in scuffles and more than 100 arrests.

Though the university has repeatedly set and then pushed back deadlines for the removal of the encampment, the school sent an email to students Friday night saying that bringing back police "at this time" would be counterproductive.

Also Friday, Columbia student protester Khymani James walked back comments made in an online video in January that recently received new attention. James said in the video that "Zionists don't deserve to live" and people should be grateful James wasn't killing them.

"What I said was wrong," James said in a statement. "Every member of our community deserves to feel safe without qualification."

James, who served as a spokesperson for the pro-Palestinian encampment as a member of Columbia University Apartheid Divest, was banned from campus Friday, according to a Columbia spokesperson.

Protest organizers said James' comments didn't reflect their values. They declined to describe James' level of involvement with the demonstration.

The decisions to call in law enforcement, leading to hundreds of arrests nationwide, have prompted school faculty members at universities in California, Georgia and Texas to initiate or pass votes of no confidence in their leadership. They are largely symbolic rebukes, without the power to remove their presidents.

But the tensions pile pressure on school officials, who are already scrambling to resolve the protests as May graduation ceremonies near. The University of Southern California, which had already canceled its valedictorian's speech , said it would not hold a graduation ceremony, citing safety concerns.  

Cal Poly Humboldt announces "hard closure" of campus

California State Polytechnic University, Humboldt, had given protestors who had barricaded themselves inside a building since Monday until 5 p.m. Friday to leave and "not be immediately arrested." The deadline came and went. Only some of the protesters left, others doubled down. After protesters rebuffed police earlier in the week, the campus was closed for the rest of the semester .

On Saturday afternoon, Cal Poly Humboldt announced in a statement that a "hard closure" of the campus was in place," and "anyone on campus without permission is subject to citation or arrest."

Students who live in campus residence halls "have permission to remain in the limited area of the hall they live in and dining facilities," the school said, but cannot be on other parts of campus. 

Israel Palestinians Campus Protests

Dozens arrested in Denver

In Colorado, police swept through an encampment Friday at Denver's Auraria Campus, which hosts three universities and colleges, arresting around 40 protesters on trespassing charges.

Denver mayor Mike Johnston visited the campus on Friday night for a brief conversation with pro-Palestinian protestors who have occupied the lawn in front of the Tivoli Student Union. He was peppered with questions and taunts as he called for an end to the encampment. 

"We are here to try to make sure we can help you all exercise to protest peacefully. We want this to be a campus where you can exercise your First Amendment rights and be respected to do that," said Johnston. "We also have to have a campus that can continue to operate here so our ask is we need to you all to be able to pull down the tents. That is against campus policy. You can continue to protest peacefully once the tents come down."

The protests have inspired students around the world.

In France, students at the Paris Institute of Political Studies, which counts President Emmanuel Macron among its many famous alumni, students blocked access to a campus building and classes went online as the wave of protests reached overseas.

  • Columbia University
  • Northeastern University

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