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AP U.S. History Notes

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Sample Essays

Use these sample AP U.S. History essays to get ideas for your own AP essays. These essays are examples of good AP-level writing.

1. The ‘50s and ‘60s: Decades of Prosperity and Protest (DBQ)

ap us history essay topics

The 1950s were characterized as a prosperous and conformist decade for many reasons. The first and most widespread of these reasons was the development of the suburbs. As masses of Southern blacks migrated northward to the big cities, more rich and middle-class families left to live in the suburbs t...

2. American Foreign Policy: Isolationism to Interventionism (DBQ)

World War I had left a bitter taste in the mouths of many Americans; many believed that the U.S. had been tricked into joining the war for the wrong reasons, and they were determined to avoid making the same mistake twice. After the Great War, Americans were disappointed to realize that the war was ...

3. American Identity and Unity

Throughout the 17 and 18 centuries Americans developed a unique system of government with revolutionary ideals – never seen anywhere else before. Americans adopted representative governments with democratic principles that allowed each person to have a voice in the decisions about their countr...

4. Urbanization in the 19th Century U.S.A.

Cities attracted a diverse population composed of hundreds of ethnicities from around the globe. German and Scandinavian immigrants poured into America during the late 19 century, attracted by extravagant stories of the wonderful American lifestyle: three meals a day, freedom, and social equality. S...

5. Flip-Flopper Thomas Jefferson: From State’s Rights to Federalism

Throughout his early political career, Thomas Jefferson had always been a strong supporter of states’ rights and a major critic of Federalist policies. However, after being elected as President in 1801, Jefferson altered his earlier philosophy of government. Documents A and B show Jefferson&r...

6. Abraham Lincoln and the Struggle for Union and Emancipation (DBQ)

President Abraham Lincoln was faced with a monumental challenge during his two terms as Commander-in-chief of the United States: reuniting the shattered halves of the Union. This was his sole purpose in fighting the Civil War—nothing more, nothing less. However, Lincoln was flexible enough to ...

7. Roosevelt and the Revolutionary New Deal

President Franklin D. Roosevelt’s “New Deal” was the ultimate reform movement, providing bold reform without bloodshed or revolution. Although many Americans criticized President Roosevelt for his “try anything” approach and wasteful spending, Roosevelt saved the Americ...

8. Agrarian Discontent in the Late 19th Century

Midwest farmers expressed further discontent with the U.S. government on the issue of taxes. During the Civil War, the U.S. government had increased taxes to raise revenue for the relentless war machine, but had neglected to lower them back down after the conflict had concluded. The high taxes and t...

9. Post-Civil War Reconstruction in the South

Even before the Civil War had concluded, Northern politicians were busy making Reconstruction plans for the Confederate States. Reconstruction—the process by which seceded states were to re-enter back into the Union—was a difficult process for the United States for two reasons. Firstly, ...

10. Winners and Losers in the American Revolution

The American Revolution was an important event for the North American continent because it affected so many differing parties. As in all conflicts, the American Revolution resulted in “winners” and “losers”. The Patriots were the obvious winners in the Revolution; they gained...

11. The Transformation of Colonial Virginia (DBQ)

During the time period between 1606 and 1700 hundreds of settlers flocked to the Virginia colony seeking riches – only to find hardship, and no gold. However, after many years, and much effort, the Virginians managed to secure a solid social and economic system that would eventually make Virgi...

12. The United States: A Date with Manifest Destiny

Since the first Puritan settlement of America by the Massachusetts Bay Colony (“City on a Hill”) to the United States’ current involvement in the affairs of foreign countries, it is clear that Americans find a need to spread their democratic ideals abroad. The idea of Manifest Dest...

13. Challenges to American Democracy: Trends and Similarities

American democracy has faced numerous challenges from the 1700s to modern day. However, the American dream has never faltered for a moment; even in the face of sure failure, and sure destruction, the United States has triumphed. The years 1805, 1905, and 2005 were no exception to this tradition; tho...

14. "Duck Soup" and American Beliefs in the 1930s

The Marx Brothers’ film was first released in 1933. At first, many critics deemed the film to be a commercial failure because its popularity paled in comparison to other Marx Brothers’ productions like , , and . Furthermore, many sensitive American audiences were offended at the rampant...

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Every AP US History Practice Exam Available: Free and Official

Advanced Placement (AP)


If you want to do well on the AP US History exam, you have to practice! Practice tests can help you organize your prep logically around areas of the curriculum that are most challenging for you. This article provides a complete list of all official and unofficial AP US History practice test materials available online , as well as detailed instructions and tips on how to use them in your studying.

Official AP US History Practice Exams and Questions

This section lists all the free official practice tests and questions available online for AP US History. These practice tests and free-response questions come directly from the College Board. You can use the free-response questions to practice writing essays at any point during the school year, but I'd save the full exams for the final stages of your study process .

The closer you get to the AP US History exam, the more important it'll be to understand exactly where your weaknesses lie and which aspects of the test present the most significant challenges. Official materials provide the best practice because the questions are a consistently accurate representation of the content and format of the real test .

Full-Length AP US History Practice Exams

There is one full-length, official AP US History practice tests available for download:

  • 2017 Practice Exam

Though the practice test comes with answer keys for the multiple-choice part, you'll have to use the official scoring guidelines to score your own free-response answers. You could also ask your AP US History teacher if they'd be willing to grade your practice essays for you.

This test is the very best free practice exam available online, so try to save it for when you're closer to test day and want to get an accurate estimate of your score level.

AP US History Free Response Questions, 2015-2020 and 2021

Free-response questions for AP US History have undergone some minor changes in recent years, but these sample questions will still closely resemble the format of the free-response section of the test that you're taking . You'll also find scoring guidelines here and some sample student responses.

I encourage you to save the most up-to-date questions for later on in the study process so that you can get a better idea of what your scores will look like on the real AP test.

AP US History Course and Exam Descriptions

Official AP US History Course and Exam Descriptions offer plenty of multiple-choice questions and free-response questions—just not in the format of a full-length test . You can get some great practice with these materials, especially if you're looking to zero in on specific weaknesses.

Here are the APUSH Exam Descriptions that are currently available online:

  • Course and Exam Description : Updated for current AP exam format. Contains 17 multiple-choice questions, one short-answer question, one DBQ, and one Long Essay prompt.
  • 2017-18 Course and Exam Description : Mostly updated for current exam format. Contains the same questions as those in the 2017 practice test linked above.

There is also this document with sample questions from the 2012 AP US History curriculum framework . With this, you'll get 11 multiple-choice questions, three short-answer questions, one DBQ, and two Long Essay prompts.

AP Classroom

This new and innovative tool by the College Board allows you to complete and submit homework for your AP US History class online through a special portal managed by your US History teacher. What's really cool, though, is that your teacher can also assign you official practice questions here as a way to supplement your exam prep.

AP US History Document-Based Questions, 1973-1999

This document includes a bunch of DBQs from past versions of the AP US History test. This question has remained relatively consistent throughout the years, so I'd say these are totally fine to use as practice materials.


You never know exactly what the documents will look like on the test, so you should practice analyzing them until you feel comfortable with all different types of sources.

Unofficial AP US History Practice Tests and Questions

The following AP US History tests are not directly from the College Board, but they will still help you become familiar with the material. This section includes links to both full unofficial practice tests and small-scale, topic-specific quizzes. The short quizzes may be useful in the early stages of your studying when you want to target certain eras or avoid questions on material your class hasn't covered yet.

AP US History Prep Books

Even though I'm emphasizing online practice materials in this article, it's also worth mentioning that some APUSH prep books include high-quality practice tests that are modeled directly after the newest version of the exam. If you're willing to part with some of that sweet cash money, check out our list of the best review books for AP US History .

High School Test Prep Practice Tests

This site has nine quizzes, each covering a different time period. The quizzes are each 20 questions long and are multiple choice. They're not a great match for the actual AP US History exam, but they can be good practice for basic dates and facts, especially if there's a time period you're particularly shaky on.

Full Old-Format Practice Exam

This old-format AP US History practice test was created by an AP teacher. It has 80 multiple-choice questions, each with five answer choices (the current test format has 55 questions and four answer choices for each question, so you'll need to tweak this old exam a lot). It also has one DBQ and some essay prompts that are a little different from the current Long Essay requirement.

Historyteacher.net Mini Practice Quizzes

Here, you'll find practice quizzes for every topic covered in the US History course. There are multiple-choice questions and for some topics "short answer" questions (there's a drop-down menu of 12 answer choices). These won't help much with the more analytical elements of the test, but if you want to test your factual recall, they'll serve you well.

Albert AP US History Practice Quizzes

Albert maintains a series of free, high-quality practice quizzes on every topic covered by the AP US History curriculum (and all have been updated for the 2020 exam format and units). Some resources other fee, other require a paid membership. As you take them, the site will display stats that detail how you're faring on questions of each difficulty level. This should help you figure out the areas in which your memory is shakier.

Practice Quizzes for The American Pageant , 12th Edition

This site has chapter-by-chapter practice quizzes organized around an old edition of The American Pageant textbook. Questions are multiple choice and true/false. Again, this is more helpful for factual recall than for analysis questions.

AP US History Notes Multiple-Choice Practice Test

This test has just 40 questions, but the website also includes a list of frequently asked AP US History multiple-choice questions that will prepare you better for the exam.

McGraw-Hill American History Chapter Quizzes

This site contains 32 multiple-choice quizzes, one for each chapter of the 13th edition of the McGraw-Hill US History textbook. The quizzes follow the organization of the textbook, but they can still be useful even if your class uses a different book. Each quiz is titled so you can know what part of US History it's testing you on.

Looking for help studying for your AP exam? Our one-on-one online AP tutoring services can help you prepare for your AP exams. Get matched with a top tutor who got a high score on the exam you're studying for!

Additional Resources for Practice Quizzes on All US History Topics

These are a few additional sites that have a bunch of short practice quizzes on every topic in the APUSH curriculum. Use these resources if you're looking for additional questions that will test your basic knowledge of events in US History, or if you're looking for more questions dealing with a specific time period.

  • CourseNotes Practice Quizzes for AP US History
  • Varsity Tutors AP US History Practice Quizzes  
  • Matching and Multiple-Choice Short Practice Quizzes
  • Crack AP Multiple-Choice Practice Tests


How to Use AP US History Practice Exams in Each Semester

Now, you have all sorts of AP US History practice resources—but what's the best way to use them? In this section, we go over exactly how you should be studying with AP practice exams during each semester of the APUSH class.

First Semester

At this point, you can mostly rely on unofficial AP US History tests and quizzes that only deal with the topics your class has covered. Many of the websites listed above have large collections of questions for each unit of the course. Work on building a strong foundation of knowledge so that you'll be prepared to answer more advanced analytical questions in the future.

You can also look through the official free-response practice questions to find some you feel confident answering based on what you've learned so far. It's never too early to start practicing for the free-response section, especially when it comes to the Document-Based Question, or DBQ.

Writing a coherent argumentative essay that incorporates six or seven different sources in just 50 minutes is a tough skill to master! Try to come up with an essay-writing process that works well for you so that you're a pro by the time the AP test rolls around.

Second Semester

Start taking full AP US History practice tests and assessing your score level midway through the second semester (March is a good time to get the ball rolling on this). By then, you've learned enough of the material for your scores on APUSH practice tests to be fairly accurate predictions of your final AP exam scores.

Since the US History test has undergone various changes in recent years, you won't have many full official practice tests that reflect the current format. Use your limited resources wisely by carefully assessing your performance on each practice test and studying your weak areas before you take additional tests.

We recommend taking and scoring an initial APUSH practice test (with accurate time constraints!) before you do any studying. As you take the test, mark any questions you're unsure about; you will want to study that material later even if you end up guessing correctly. After you score your test, categorize your mistakes by time period and theme to see whether there are any patterns .

Next, start studying the areas that need work . You can turn to unofficial AP US History practice questions here to test your knowledge. You should also practice writing essay outlines so you're more prepared for the free-response section. Once you feel that you've mastered all the AP topics that stumped you on the first test, take another practice test to see whether you've improved.

Decide whether or not you want to repeat this process based on your score on the second test. If you haven't improved much, you should reconsider your prep methods. Spend a longer time checking in with yourself to make sure you've retained information. You can also plan on doing more practice questions between full tests so that you're prepared for both the format and the content tested.


AP US History Practice: 4 Essential Testing Tips

Before we wrap up, here are four critical test-day tips to remember on the day of your US History exam.

#1: Read Excerpts Carefully and Look for Direct Evidence

The multiple-choice section on AP US History is based on excerpts from historical source materials, or stimuli, so it tests both analytical skills and factual recall. You'll have to read the source material carefully to find the correct answer.

In many cases, several answer choices are historically accurate, but only one will be directly supported by the evidence in the excerpt or illustration. Look for direct connections, and don't make too many assumptions based on your prior knowledge.

#2: Plan Out Your Essays

When you have to write a timed essay, it can sometimes end up an unfocused, disorganized mess. This is exactly what you don't want to happen on the AP US History exam. Hold yourself back from starting the writing process immediately, even if you're anxious about not finishing in time.

Writing a preliminary outline is critical on this test. Without an outline, you run the risk of rambling and getting stuck when you can't identify a good piece of supporting evidence! It'll be far easier to write your essays if you already have a structure in place that makes sense.

#3: Get Comfy With the Document-Based Question

The Document-Based Question is different from other essay questions that you'll encounter on AP tests. In fact, it's probably the only question of its kind that you've ever seen on any test. DBQs can seem intimidating and weird, so make sure you practice them as much as possible before the real exam.

Write notes next to each piece of source material to give yourself a basic idea of what it is and how it could be used to support the points you plan on making in your essay. You should also come up with a strategy for approaching these questions that works well for you before you're face-to-face with the DBQ on test day.

#4: Incorporate Background Information (Wisely)

It's a great move to include outside historical references that support your arguments for the DBQ and/or Long Essay. Even though you're given seven sources to use as evidence in the DBQ, making additional outside connections will show that you've really mastered the material .

Just remember to be careful with using outside information. Don't fact-vomit all over the essay with everything you've ever learned about a topic. Structure your thoughts so that any outside information relates directly to the main argument of your essay.


Recap: Using AP US History Practice Tests to Ace the Exam

The AP US History practice tests in this article should serve as useful resources for you as you prep for the AP exam and any in-class assessments. Remember that official College Board questions are the highest quality practice materials, so use them wisely. We recommend trying to save most of the official practice resources for when you're closer to the actual APUSH test. You can use unofficial materials throughout the school year to brush up on specific topics in the course.

To recap, here are our four top study tips for AP US History :

  • Read excerpts carefully and look for direct evidence in the source(s)
  • Practice planning out and outlining your essays for free-response questions
  • Get comfortable with the Document-Based Question
  • Use background information without over using it

With these tips in mind, you can take full advantage of the practice materials, become a master of US History, and show the AP test who's boss!

What's Next?

Are you missing some of your notes from class? We've got links to great notes for AP US History that will give you tons of information on every topic in the course.

How can you know whether your AP US History practice test results are equivalent to a high or low AP score? Learn more about how AP tests are scored in our guide .

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Samantha is a blog content writer for PrepScholar. Her goal is to help students adopt a less stressful view of standardized testing and other academic challenges through her articles. Samantha is also passionate about art and graduated with honors from Dartmouth College as a Studio Art major in 2014. In high school, she earned a 2400 on the SAT, 5's on all seven of her AP tests, and was named a National Merit Scholar.

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AP US History Practice Tests

The AP U.S. History Exam consists of two main sections: a multiple-choice and short-answer section and an essay questions section. See the table below:

Section Description Number of Questions Time Allotted Percentage of Total Exam Score
Section I Part A: Multiple-choice 55 55 min 40%
Part B: Short-answer 4 50 min 20%
Reading Period     15 min  
Section II Part A: DBQ 1 40 min 25%
Part A: Long essay 1 35 min 15%

If you are a mobile user, click here: Do AP US History Practice Questions .

AP US History Multiple-Choice Practice Tests

  • AP US History Practice Test 1
  • AP US History Practice Test 2
  • AP US History Practice Test 3
  • AP US History Practice Test 4
  • AP US History Practice Test 5
  • AP US History Practice Test 6
  • AP US History Practice Test 7
  • AP US History Practice Test 8
  • AP US History Practice Test 9
  • AP US History Practice Test 10
  • AP US History Practice Test 11
  • AP US History Practice Test 12
  • AP US History Practice Test 13
  • AP US History Practice Test 14
  • AP US History Practice Test 15
  • AP US History Practice Test 16
  • AP US History Practice Test 17
  • AP US History Practice Test 18
  • AP US History Practice Test 19
  • AP US History Practice Test 20
  • AP US History Practice Test 21
  • AP US History Practice Test 22
  • AP US History Practice Test 23
  • AP US History Practice Test 24
  • AP US History Practice Test 25
  • AP US History Practice Test 26
  • AP US History Practice Test 27
  • AP US History Practice Test 28
  • AP US History Practice Test 29
  • AP US History Practice Test 30
  • AP US History Practice Test 31
  • AP US History Practice Test 32
  • AP US History Practice Test 33
  • AP US History Practice Test: Early Contact with the New World (1491–1607) Colonization of North America (1607–1754)
  • AP US History Practice Test: Conflict and American Independence (1754–1800)
  • AP US History Practice Test: Beginnings of Modern American Democracy (1800–1848)
  • AP US History Practice Test: Toward the Civil War and Reconstruction (1844–1877)
  • AP US History Practice Test: The Industrial Revolution (1865–1898)
  • AP US History Practice Test: The Early Twentieth Century (1890–1945)
  • AP US History Practice Test: The Postwar Period and Cold War (1945–1980)
  • AP US History Practice Test: Entering Into the Twenty-First Century (1980–Present)
  • AP US History Practice Multiple-Choice Questions: Period 1: 1491–1607
  • AP US History Practice Multiple-Choice Questions: Period 2: 1607–1754
  • AP US History Practice Multiple-Choice Questions: Period 3: 1754–1800
  • AP US History Practice Multiple-Choice Questions: Period 4: 1800–1848
  • AP US History Practice Multiple-Choice Questions: Period 5: 1844–1877
  • AP US History Practice Multiple-Choice Questions: Period 6: 1865–1898
  • AP US History Practice Multiple-Choice Questions: Period 7: 1890–1945
  • AP US History Practice Multiple-Choice Questions: Period 8: 1945–1980
  • AP US History Practice Multiple-Choice Questions: Period 9: 1980–Present
  • AP U.S. History Practice Test (Period 1: 1491-1607)
  • AP U.S. History Practice Test (Period 2: 1607-1754)
  • AP U.S. History Practice Test (Period 3: 1754-1800)
  • AP U.S. History Practice Test (Period 4: 1800-1848)
  • AP U.S. History Practice Test (Period 5: 1844-1877)
  • AP U.S. History Practice Test (Period 6: 1865-1898)
  • AP U.S. History Practice Test (Period 7: 1890-1945)
  • AP U.S. History Practice Test (Period 8: 1945-1980)
  • AP U.S. History Practice Test (Period 9: 1980-Present)
  • AP U.S. History Period 1: 1491-1607 Practice Questions
  • AP U.S. History Practice Tests: 1491-1607
  • AP U.S. History Period 2: 1607-1754 Practice Questions
  • AP U.S. History Practice Tests: 1607-1754
  • AP U.S. History Period 3: 1754-1800 Practice Questions
  • AP U.S. History Practice Tests: 1754-1800
  • AP U.S. History Period 4: 1800-1848 Practice Questions
  • AP U.S. History Practice Tests: 1800-1848
  • AP U.S. History Period 5: 1844-1877 Practice Questions
  • AP U.S. History Practice Tests: 1844-1877
  • AP U.S. History Period 6: 1865-1898 Practice Questions
  • AP U.S. History Practice Tests: 1865-1898
  • AP U.S. History Period 7: 1890-1945 Practice Questions
  • AP U.S. History Practice Tests: 1890-1945
  • AP U.S. History Period 8: 1945-1980 Practice Questions
  • AP U.S. History Practice Tests: 1945-1980
  • AP U.S. History Period 9: 1980-Present Practice Questions
  • AP U.S. History Practice Tests: 1980-Present

AP US History Free-Response Practice Tests

  • AP US History Short-Answer Practice Test 1
  • AP US History Short-Answer Practice Test 2
  • AP US History Free-Response Test 1: Document-Based Question
  • AP US History Free-Response Test 1: Long Essay
  • AP US History Free-Response Test 2: Long Essay
  • AP US History Free-Response Test 3: Long Essay
  • AP US History Short-Answer Practice Test 3
  • AP US History Short-Answer Practice Test 4
  • AP US History Free-Response Test 2:Document-Based Question
  • AP US History Free-Response Practice Test 4: Long Essay
  • AP US History Free-Response Practice Test 5: Long Essay
  • AP US History Free-Response Practice Test 6: Long Essay
  • AP US History Short-Answer Practice Test 5
  • AP US History Short-Answer Practice Test 6
  • AP US History Free-Response Test 3:Document-Based Question
  • AP US History Free-Response Practice Test 7: Long Essay
  • AP US History Free-Response Practice Test 8: Long Essay
  • AP US History Free-Response Practice Test 9: Long Essay

AP US History Downloads

  • AP US History Exam 2017 PDF download
  • AP US History Practice Exam download
  • AP US History Test Bank download
  • 200 AP US History Practice Questions pdf download
  • The Official U.S. History Cram Packet
  • AP US History Practice Test: Period 1 (1491–1607) pdf download
  • AP US History Practice Test: Period 2 (1607–1754) pdf download
  • AP US History Practice Test: Period 3 (1754–1800) pdf download
  • AP US History Practice Test: Period 4 (1800–1848) pdf download
  • AP US History Practice Test: Period 5 (1844–1877) pdf download
  • AP US History Practice Test: Period 6 (1865–1898) pdf download
  • AP US History Practice Test: Period 7 (1890–1945) pdf download
  • AP US History Practice Test: Period 8 (1945–1980) pdf download
  • AP US History Practice Test: Period 9 (1980–Present) pdf download
  • AP US History Practice Questions: Pre-Columbian/Nativc American History
  • AP US History Practice Questions: Early Exploration and Spanish and French in the Colonies of the New World
  • AP US History Practice Questions: Eariy English Colonies
  • AP US History Practice Questions: The Era of Discontent
  • AP US History Practice Questions: Tbe Constitution and Early U.S. Government
  • AP US History Practice Questions: The Era of Good Feelings to the Age of Jackson
  • AP US History Practice Questions: Antebellum Reform Movements
  • AP US History Practice Questions: Antebellum Cultural Movements and Manifest Destiny
  • AP US History Practice Questions: The Mid-19th Century and Causes of the Civil War
  • AP US History Practice Questions: The Civil War
  • AP US History Practice Questions: Post Civil War and Reconstruction
  • AP US History Practice Questions: The Gilded Age and the American West
  • AP US History Practice Questions: U.S. Imperialism and the Progressive Movement
  • AP US History Practice Questions: The First World War and the Roaring Twenties
  • AP US History Practice Questions: Hie Great Depression and the Second World War
  • AP US History Practice Questions: The Cold War and Postwar America
  • AP US History Practice Questions: Civil Rights, the 1960s, and Vietnam
  • AP US History Practice Questions: End of the Cold War, the 1970s to the Present
  • More AP US History Downloads

153 US History Topics [2024 US History Essay Ideas]

American history is not as long as the European one. However, it’s one of the richest histories in the world. It’s full of controversies, different opinions, and interesting facts. Those who study American history will find how many voices, perspectives, and points of view can coexist.

When writing an essay about America, you should try to stay as objective as possible. Think creatively and consider historical events from a new perspective.

This abundance of information and events can intimidate anyone. That’s why it can be very challenging to select one single US history topic to write about. There are so many!

To decide on it, students should answer several questions:

  • What time period interests me the most?
  • What specific event sounds the most appealing to me?
  • What historical figure impresses me?

It is indeed a daunting task to attempt to put the remarkable story of the US into an essay list. Fortunately, we’re not trying to do so.

Tired of researching historical encyclopedias? This is the perfect article for you – read through this collection of 153 US history essay topics prepared by our team .

🌎Top 10 American History Topics to Write about

  • 🏗️ Topics before 1877
  • 🌻 Topics: 1878-1899
  • 🏙️ US Topics: 1900s

🧊 Cool American History Topics

  • 🧐 US Regents Topics
  • ✊ Black History Topics

🎉 Fun US History Essay Topics

👌 easy american history essay topics, ❓ us history essay questions, 📋 how to cite an american history essay.

  • The 20th Century.
  • America’s Role in Normandy Landings.
  • Conquest of California.
  • The Great Depression.
  • USA: Colonial History.
  • The Oregon Trail.
  • African American Slave Trade.
  • Who was Harriet Tubman?
  • America in the Modern World.
  • Klondike Gold Rush.

☝️ Good US History Topics by Period

This is the IvyPanda list of American history topics that can help students get inspired!

We divided the history into epochs and organized the US history essay topics accordingly. Besides, this US history topics list structured thematically. It, hopefully, will make it easier to navigate and get started.

One of the best ways to look at history is to examine it from a chronological perspective. The topics in this section are structured based on the time period.

Every period is filled with key events and figures. American society is the product of those events—it’s vital to have a closer look at it.

🏗️ History Topics before 1877

  • America before Columbus . In this topic, you can talk about the first people in the Americas and what historians know about them. There are a lot of archeological findings and artifacts that survived thousands of years. Write about Christopher Columbus and how “the discovery” was not a discovery. The Americas have been inhabited and had developed civilizations long before Europeans put their foot there.
  • The first landing of Christopher Columbus and the New World

These ideas are for essays and research papers.

  • Christopher Columbus: Biography, Discoveries, Contributions . You can talk about Christopher Columbus and his biography. Track how his image has been changing throughout history. Modern historians see him as a person who contributed to the genocide of Native Americans. What is your opinion about him?
  • The British Rule in the Americas and the first British Settlements. Explore the first permanent colony in North America and what English wanted the colonies to be. There were a lot of obstacles, which first settlers had faced before Jamestown became a prosperous city. They suffered from a shortage of food, severe climate conditions, and disease. Plus, there were problems with the Indians. Research what “the middle ground” was and why this concept is relevant to this topic.
  • What is Puritanism?
  • Puritans in Great Britain
  • The Puritan Ethic in the United States . Who the Puritans were? Why were they sent to the New World? What were their religious beliefs? Explore the influence puritans had in the past. Is puritanism still relevant in the US today?
  • The Effects of the Spanish Rule and The Conquistadors in the Americas. Spanish Colonization of the Americas laid foundations for the Latin American identity. It is also considered the very first mass genocide in the world. It is indeed a matter of perspective. You can talk about how the contact between the Native Americans and the Spaniards affected both parties.
  • The Protestant Reformation and its influence on the US History. Religion was one of the main reasons why the first settlers decided to travel to the New World. Write about the connection between the freedom of religion in the US. What influence did it have on the nation as a whole in the future? Why is it crucial? How did it affect the lifestyle of people in the US?
  • Native Americans and “the Middle Ground” . Not everyone knows that the famous Disney cartoon Pocahontas is based on the true story. If this story was told by a Native American, it would be different. In this essay, you can comment on the role that Native Americans played in the European Colonization. Elaborate on the disappearance of “the Middle Ground.”
  • The beginning of slavery in British America and the Middle Passage. You can analyze the way this institution was established. Write about the factors that influenced it in the 17th century, try to include first-person accounts of slavery. Use the American Slave Narrative , for instance, Olaudah Equiano, or Gustavus Vassa . This inclusion will demonstrate how inhumane slavery was and will open a good discussion.
  • Christianity, slavery, and colonialism in the US
  • The witchcraft trials . Elaborate on religious views of the New England public. How such views made it possible for more than 200 people to be accused of witchcraft. Discuss a Puritan code, the structure of the society, and what type of women were prosecuted.

Salem was an epicenter of the witchcraft trials in the US.

  • The Boston Tea Party as the key event of the American Revolution. The Boston Tea Party is a highly celebrated event in the history of the US. Discuss why is that? Why is it so important for the Americans? Talk about the birth of patriotism, resistance and the revolt against colonialism. What did the rebels mean by “taxation without representation?”
  • The American Revolutionary War and the Declaration of Independence. This topic is one of the most popular in the history of the United States. First, you could write about a military battle with Great Britain and the reasons for it. Second, talk about political battles within the US at that period. Examine the establishment of the new nation.
  • How the Revolutionary war changes American Society
  • Why was the Declaration of Independence written?
  • Was the American Revolution really revolutionary?
  • The meaning of the Constitution. This is one of the most fruitful and fascinating debates in US history. Some people argue that it is written in a very vague way to allow American society to evolve. Others say that its text allows minorities to be deprived of the very things it promises to establish. Elaborate if you find the Constitution to be a liberal, radical, or a conservative document.
  • Why the Bill of Rights was added to the Constitution. Talk about the first 10 amendments to the Constitution and explore why these amendments are so important. What did the amendments guarantee? Why was The Bill of Rights added to the Constitution in the first place?

James Madison wrote the amendments in response to calls from several states for greater constitutional protection for individual liberties.

  • The Founding Fathers’ influence on the US. The Constitution, the Bill of Rights, and the Declaration of Independence are sacred documents. The Founding Fathers are major figures for the Americans as well. Writing about the influence of the Founding Fathers, select one or two members to focus on. Consider the diversity among the members. How did it help the Founding Fathers in leading the war and framing a sustainable government?
  • What is the role of the Founding Fathers in American society and religion?
  • European Colonization influence on the Native American population
  • Removal of Indian tribes. American History is unjust at times. Explore how unconstitutional the treatment of Indian Americans was and why they find it this way. Look at the way the Founding Fathers addressed this issue. Examining the Indian Removal Act of 1830 will allow you to fully develop this topic. Analyze why the policy was accepted in the first place. Why is it called “ethnic cleansing” by the majority of historians nowadays?
  • Native Americans lost their freedom
  • The impact of railroads in America. The rapid expansion of America would be impossible without the railroad construction. The railroads triggered the development of the Midwest and the West. Despite that, the construction of the railroads was highly monopolistic and undemocratic. Comment on the richest men in the US – John D. Rockefeller, Andrew Carnegie, and Cornelius Vanderbilt.
  • The role of cotton in the American economy. The American Economy in the 19th century heavily depended on cotton production. There was even a saying “Cotton is King” that was very popular at that time. Besides cotton, it heavily depended on the slaves. This period in American History is called the Antebellum Era. Look at the role of cotton from several perspectives. How profitable was it? How did slaves contribute to the American economy? How financially unviable was the abolition of slavery?

he cotton plantation is “the Second Middle Passage.

  • History of American Transcendentalism.
  • Why was Transcendentalism important for American Culture? The essay can start with a broad explanation of what transcendentalism is. Explain where it started and how it evolved. Explore what views the group had on women’s rights, slavery, education, government, and religion. You could write about the most prominent transcendentalists – Ralph Waldo Emerson and Henry Thoreau.
  • Religions in the 19th Century America. Known as the Second Great Awakening or Christian Revivalism, religion in the 19th century America was altered. Look back at the beginning of the American Revolution. Anglicans, Methodists, and Quackers were the fastest-growing religious groups then. Discuss all of them.
  • The abolition of slavery and the Civil War . A lot of historians believe that slavery in itself did not cause the conflict. In this essay, you could elaborate on this idea and consider the other point of view. For a long essay, write about Abraham Lincoln’s thoughts on slavery. His ideas about slavery and racial inequality were one of the most discussed aspects of his entire life. Look at his letters and write about the complexity of his views.
  • The causes of the Civil War and the aftermath of war. This essay is one of the easiest American history essays to write. Talk about the causes and effects of the Civil War (1861-1865) in the US. Why did it happen? What was achieved?
  • The struggle over the goal and the meaning of the Fourteenth Amendment . You can elaborate on the goal of the amendment. Was it able to protect the rights of black citizens? Why was it still possible for the states to deny them their right to vote?
  • How did Reconstruction change the United States after the Civil war?
  • The Reconstruction governments. What type of reforms did the reconstruction government implement? What positive reforms happened during the Reconstruction Era? You could discuss radical reconstruction and white supremacy that spawned during the Reconstruction period. Elaborate on the idea of manifest destiny. Why was it so popular in the 19th century in the US?
  • The Compromise of 1850 . Why was reaching the compromise necessary? You can describe the terms of the compromise. Explain what results were achieved: political, economic, and cultural.

🌻 American History 1878-1899

The United States was going through many changes during this period: from various social changes and changes in foreign and domestic policies to rapid economic and cultural changes. This time saw the country changing for the best in some aspects and for the worst in others.

  • Industrialization after the Civil war. Industrialization of the United States was going on for almost half a century. However, the most impressive growth happened in 1880-1900. The expansion of the steel, iron and oil industries drove the American economy. Comment on all the inventions, technological advancements that happened in the US at that time.
  • Immigrants and their ideas of the American Dream
  • Social reforms during the Progressive Era
  • American Foreign Policy in the 1890s

George Washington's quote from his Farewell Address to the American people.

  • The importance of the Progressive Era reforms
  • Race relations during the Progressive Era reforms
  • Japanese Americans Immigration in the 19th century

🏙️ 20th Century US History Topics

The 20th century for the United States and the world, in general, was highly eventful. Economic crises, two World Wars, the Cold War, and the fight over civil rights. Plus, a huge economic and technological upheaval, the space program.

This list of American History topics after 1900 can be great for those looking for inspiration for a paper.

Here you go:

  • The door to America— Ellis Island. What are America’s best features? Economic opportunities, political and religious freedom? An abundance of jobs and opportunities? Land and natural resources? All of these made the United States experience the migration flux from all over the world. Elaborate on how Ellis island is a symbol of American immigration and the American dream.

Many immigrants entered the US through Ellis Island

  • The rise of capitalism
  • Work environments during the Progressive Era
  • Women’s suffrage movement in America
  • The causes and effects of women’s suffrage movement in the US
  • Changes in American Government after WWI
  • Is prohibition to blame for the organized crime in The United States?
  • The economic impact of the Great Depression. The Great Depression is one of the longest economic downturns in the history of the United States. You can talk about several main causes of the crisis. Another good approach would be to analyze the way American presidents handled this crisis.
  • Japanese American discrimination during the Great Depression
  • How did Roosevelt plan to end the Great Depression?
  • The Great Depression and what is the new deal?
  • The Role of the United States during World War 2
  • Why did the United States fight and lose the Vietnam War?
  • The war in Vietnam and the Civil Rights Movement
  • A Comparison of the traditional and the revisionist arguments regarding the Origins of The Cold War
  • The Cold War and US diplomacy
  • The Cold War and how it influenced American society

History is tough, but some significant historical events take our breath away even centuries later. Here is our list of cool American history topics. Even if you don’t find any topic that works for you, it can inspire you to look for moments in history that appeal to you personally.

  • The true Story of Pocahontas: An untold story of a Native American girl. The true story of Pocahontas is covered with myths. Critically examine the story of her life and death. Try to understand it from a standpoint of a 12 years old Native American girl kidnapped by a white colonizer.
  • Native American tribes in the US History
  • What was discussed at the Constitutional Convention?
  • The history of the Statue of Liberty
  • Henry Ford and how his inventions changed America
  • Moon landing conspiracy
  • The war on drugs in US History
  • Illegal immigrants in the US
  • The American sense of humor
  • American pop culture in the 1920s . This time period is called “the roaring twenties.” It was filled with drastic political and cultural changes in the United States. Jazz, flapper culture, prohibition, and economic abundance are important elements of the 1920s.

The 20s were“roaring” due to the popular culture of the decade.

  • The history of gangs in the US
  • What did hippies believe in?
  • History of Hippie’s Culture
  • Presidential assassinations in the United States History. Abraham Lincoln, James Garfield, William McKinley, and JFK were the only US Presidents murdered while in office. You don’t have to retell the stories of their deaths! Instead, explore how these assassinations triggered some vital political reforms.
  • The history of the Fifth Amendment

🙌 Most Interesting American History Topics

Use the following list of most interesting US History topics for your next essay. Choose what US history interesting event or a historic figure captures your attention the most.

🧐 US History Regent Topics

  • The Relationships Between Federal and State Governments
  • Was there a need to bomb Hiroshima and Nagasaki?
  • The Cold War: Origins, Causes, Phases, and the Results
  • Why and How the Cold War Was Fought
  • The US Army in the Iraq War
  • The Iraq War: Background and Issues
  • Why did the Iraq War go against the plan?
  • Executive Orders and Presidential Power in the United States
  • History of the American Constitution
  • The Turning points of the American Revolution

The Battle of Saratoga was a key turning point of the Revolutionary War.

✊ Black History Essay Topics

Studying the history of the United States without studying slavery is impossible, mainly because the issue of race is ingrained into the DNA of America.

Black African American history allows students to get a different perspective on the same events. It lets them hear the voices that are so often erased from the history books. These African American history essays can help anyone looking for a good topic to write about.

  • Slave Resistance in the Eighteen Century. Continuously throughout history, African American slaves were portrayed as voiceless and victimized. Others presented them as almost indifferent and passive to their own destiny. You can examine a different perspective, an Afrocentric one. The history of slavery was not the history of passivity, it was a history of black resistance.
  • African American Music as a Form of Resistance
  • African American Religion and Spirituality in the United States
  • The 13th Amendment and the End of Slavery
  • The Jim Crow Laws in the United States History . Jim Crow Laws were the laws that enforced racial segregation in the country. Dedicate an introduction to discuss where the name “Jim Crow” comes from. Give a historical background to how the laws were used. This topic can make a strong essay because no one can stay indifferent.
  • Gender and Jim Crow
  • The Role of Martin Luther King, Jr in The Civil Right Movement
  • Martin Luther King’s speech “I have a dream”
  • Brown vs The Board of Education . The ruling in Brown vs. The Board of Education was one of the most fundamental changes in the US educational system. How did the general public receive the news about the desegregation of public schools? How did the American educational system change after this case?
  • The Significance of the Harlem Renaissance
  • Barack Obama: The First African American President
  • Barack Obama’s healthcare reforms
  • Has Obama’s Presidency changed America?

Obama prevented a few crises in the US.

  • The Cowboy Culture in the US
  • How Did Yellow Journalism Start?
  • Why is Superman the most American of all the heroes?
  • The History of American Flag
  • History of Sports in the United States
  • History of Thanksgiving Turkey in the United States
  • How Did Highways Change the United States of America?
  • American History through Hollywood Film

Sometimes you simply do not have enough time to write a profound essay. These American history topics are relatively easy, and you don’t have to research them a lot. Even if you do, there is a ton of information available.

  • British Colonization of the Americas
  • Slavery and racism in the United States
  • The Puritans Influence on the American Society
  • The pilgrims and the puritans
  • The Causes of the Vietnam War
  • Why Was Martin Luter King Assassinated?
  • American Moon Landing
  • What Are Major Events in the US History?
  • What Started the US History?
  • What Is the Most Important Piece of the US History?
  • What Is the US History Summary?
  • What City Was the First Capital in the US History?
  • What Was the First American State in the US History?
  • What Are Some Controversies in the US History?
  • How Far Was the New Deal a Turning Point in the US History up to 1941?
  • How the Airplane Industry Changed US History?
  • What Was President Reagan Known For in the US History?
  • How Reagan’s Ideology Shaped the US History?
  • Why Is the Reagan Revolution in the US History?
  • How Richard Nixon Influenced the US History?
  • What Vietnam War Showed About US History?
  • Did the Concept of Imperialism Exist in the US History?
  • Why Did the Wars in the Middle East Go Down in the US History as Unnecessary?
  • What Is the Most Popular Ideology in the US History?
  • How Does the US History Describe George W. Bush?
  • How Did the Use of Nuclear Weapons in Japan Affect the US History?
  • What Are Some Horrible and Forgotten Events in the US History?
  • Is Donald Trump the Second Worst President in the US History?
  • What Was the Biggest Political Miscalculation in the US History?
  • Who Is the Most Overrated First Lady in the US History?
  • How Well Do US History Teachers Really Know About the US History?
  • Who Was the Wimpiest President in the US History?
  • Who Are Some of the Great Asian Americans in the US History?
  • What Was the Most Corrupt Time in the US History?
  • What Was the Bloodiest Single Day Battle in the US History?
  • Who Is the Greatest Hero in the US History?
  • How Did King Philip’s War Change the US History?

Your citation will depend on the type of requirements your instructor will provide you with. You can ask your teacher which style of citation is preferable before the essay writing. The school itself may have specific guidelines for every typeof academic writing.

Chicago, MLA, APA are the main styles of citation in academic writing.

For history essays, there are two key methods of referencing both primary and secondary sources:

  • In-text citation. In this method, you mention the author and the year in the body of the essay. The list of references is placed at the end of the essay.
  • Footnote Referencing. In this method, you put a number in the body. It corresponds with the reference at the bottom of each page. At the end of the essay, a list of works read rather than cited should be included.

All the citation entries should be listed in alphabetical order. If you mention the same author multiple times with different works, use chronological order.

Keeping track of all the sources, both read and cited, is time-consuming. For that, students can try to use different online software systems. These systems can help arrange the list alphabetically and correctly organize all the citations.

Reference list

These digital tools are worth checking out:

Thank you for reading so far! Now you’re ready to start an amazing paper on US history. Share this article with those who may find it helpful, and leave a comment below.

🔗 References

  • U.S. History and Historical Documents: USAGov, the Official Guide to Government Information and Services.
  • All Topics: National Museum of American History.
  • TIMELINE, United States History: World Digital Library.
  • How Do I Cite Sources: Plagiarism.org.
  • Citing Primary Sources, Chicago: Teacher Resources, Library of Congress.
  • Black History, Topical: National Archives.
  • Black History Month: National Geographic Society.
  • College Writing: The Writing Center, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.
  • Writing Historical Essays, A Guide for Undergraduates: Department of History, Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey.
  • Writing an Essay Introduction: Research & Learning Online.
  • Research and Citation Resources: Purdue Writing Lab, College of Liberal Art.
  • Citing Your Sources, Citing Basics: Research Guides at Williams College Libraries.
  • Citing Electronic Sources: Academic Integrity at MIT, a Handbok for Students.
  • Generate Topic Ideas Quickly and Easily: Online Research Library Questia.
  • Colonization Essay Ideas
  • Political Parties Research Ideas
  • Culture Topics
  • Demography Paper Topics
  • Financial Crisis Paper Topics
  • Ethnographic Paper Topics
  • Obamacare Questions
  • Urbanization Ideas
  • Chicago (A-D)
  • Chicago (N-B)

IvyPanda. (2024, March 12). 153 US History Topics [2024 US History Essay Ideas]. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/us-history-essay-topics/

"153 US History Topics [2024 US History Essay Ideas]." IvyPanda , 12 Mar. 2024, ivypanda.com/essays/topic/us-history-essay-topics/.

IvyPanda . (2024) '153 US History Topics [2024 US History Essay Ideas]'. 12 March.

IvyPanda . 2024. "153 US History Topics [2024 US History Essay Ideas]." March 12, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/us-history-essay-topics/.

1. IvyPanda . "153 US History Topics [2024 US History Essay Ideas]." March 12, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/us-history-essay-topics/.


IvyPanda . "153 US History Topics [2024 US History Essay Ideas]." March 12, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/us-history-essay-topics/.

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AP US History Long Essay Example

AP U.S. History Long Essay Example

The second part of Section II of the AP exam contains three long essay questions—you must respond to one. The AP U.S. History long essay question assesses your ability to apply knowledge of history in a complex, analytical manner. In other words, you are expected to treat history and historical questions as a historian would.

This process is called historiography—the skills and strategies historians use to analyze and interpret historical evidence to reach a conclusion. Thus, when writing an effective essay, you must be able to write a strong, clearly developed thesis and supply a substantial amount of relevant evidence to support your thesis and develop a complex argument.

The College Board’s characteristics of a high-scoring long essay question response are listed below. Note that the requirements are very similar to those of the DBQ; the primary difference is that any requirements related to use of the documents are removed from the scoring requirements for the long essay question.

[ RELATED: Reading Strategies for AP US History Exam ]

Long Answer Sample Question

Evaluate the extent to which the migration of European colonists and the resulting encounters with American Indians affected social patterns in the period from 1495 to 1650.

Step 1: Analyze the Prompt

As you choose which question you will answer, begin thinking about what your thesis will entail and how your essay will demonstrate a complex understanding. The notes of a sample high-scoring writer are below.

Thesis (with complex understanding): Spanish, French, and British each used territory differently; result: distinct social patterns

This writer claims that three different countries’ approaches to settling territories resulted in different types of social development, but other types of thesis claims are possible. For instance, the thesis could make a single claim about overall social patterns (such as “Europeans’ economic goals in the New World and their attitudes of superiority over American Indians resulted in exploitative and hierarchical social structures”) or focus on only one or two European nations.

Step 2: Plan Your Response

  • Context : motives for European exploration: new technology, navigation techniques, and trade routes
  • Thesis   (with complex understanding ):  Spanish, French, and British each used territory differently; result: distinct social patterns
  • goals: wealth and spread Catholicism
  • methods: mining, large-scale agriculture, encomienda, disease/weapons, missions
  • results: forced assimilation, social structure
  • goal: fur trade
  • method: mutually profitable trade relationships
  • result: alliances
  • goals: permanent settlements, Jamestown, religious freedom (New England)
  • methods: occupying more land for farming, smallpox, Metacom’s War
  • results: deaths of indigenous populations
  • Âś conclusion: where Europeans sought permanent settlements or forced labor, resulted in American Indian population decline, upheaval, and threats to tradition

Step 3: Action! Write Your Response & Step 4: Proofread

See the following high-scoring response, and be sure to read the rubric to help you identify what makes this response effective. Think about what features you can incorporate into your own free- response answers.

Sample High-Scoring Response

The Spanish had two major goals: to gain wealth and to spread Catholicism to the native populations. Realizing the potential to mine precious metals and profit from large-scale agriculture, the Spanish forced American Indians into labor, such as through the encomienda system. Violence and deception were often used to subdue the indigenous populations, aided by the technological superiority of European weapons and the spread of devastating diseases. Although some Spanish came as missionaries with the goal of converting American Indians to Christianity and often protested the abusive treatment of the American Indians, even missions sometimes essentially forced labor and coerced assimilation to Spanish culture. In the long term, a hierarchical social structure developed in the Spanish colonies in which the Spanish-born and their descendants (peninsulares and creoles) dominated those of mixed background (mestizos and mulattos) and especially those of pure African or American Indian heritage. Overall, millions perished between disease and mistreatment, devastatingly weakening traditional cultures but enriching the Spanish.

The French differed from the Spanish in their relationship with the indigenous populations. Using the St. Lawrence River for transportation and trade, the French profited from trading fur pelts, particularly beaver, with the American Indians, and then sending the pelts to Europe. These traders profited from the knowledge and goods of the American Indian populations who lived there, and certainly desired to develop mutually profitable relationships with them. Overall, this more cooperative relationship helped preserve American Indian cultures and led to alliances between the French and different American Indian nations. These alliances benefited the French in later wars with the British.

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Six Things To Know About AP US History Period 3

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This course can help prepare students who wish to continue their social studies education after high school, as well as students who wish to perform exceptionally well on the SAT exam. The level of aptitude in this subject will assist students wishing to excel on the SAT and in college courses.

According to the College Board’s website, AP US History is designed to provide students with the analytical skills and factual knowledge necessary to deal critically with the problems and materials in US history. It should prepare students for entry level and intermediate level history courses on the college level. While there is no prerequisite for AP US History, students should make sure that they are prepared for the course load associated with an Advanced Placement History course.  Most social studies classes include extensive readings of both textbooks and case studies.  Students should be prepared to both read and analyze what they read in order to apply it to the class.

AP US History is a serious course and includes many course goals. According to the College Board’s website, by the time students take their AP US History exam (or the SAT exam) they should be prepared to know about the following themes:

  • American Diversity- Students will come to understand the diversity of the American people and the relationships between these groups is very important. The roles of race, class, ethnicity, and gender are crucial to understanding key points of US history.
  • American Identity- Students will become acquainted with individual views of the American character and ideas about American exceptionalism.
  • Culture- Students will gain an appreciation for individual and collective expression through art, philosophy, music, theater, and film throughout history.
  • Demographic Changes- Students will learn about changes in birth, marriage, and death rates, and how they affect the population as a whole. They will also come to understand life expectancy, family patterns, population size and density, as well as the political and social effects of immigration internal migration.
  • Economic Transformations- Students will gain an understanding of how changes in trade, commerce, and technology affect a nation across time. The effects of capitalism, labor disputes, and consumerism will also come into play.
  • Globalizations- Students will begin to understand the United States’ influence around the world, and their effect on ecological, social, and environmental conflicts across the globe.
  • Religion- Students will learn about a variety of religious beliefs and practices in America from prehistory to the 20 th century, and how religions influence politics, economics, and society as a whole.

Students will also learn to use study notes and other study techniques in conjunction with such AP US History textbooks as The American Pageant, United States History, and America: Past and Present.

Students considering taking AP US History or any other Advanced Placement course should keep in mind that taking advanced classes requires a higher level of commitment than other high school classes. Students that commit themselves to their coursework and do well in their classes will see a huge payoff in both their SAT scores as well as their college preparedness level

Students that wish to get accepted into more prestigious or highly-selective schools should definitely look into taking AP courses. Advanced Placement courses not only set students apart through their transcripts, but they can also give students an extra boost when thinking about what kind of courses they want to take in college. They can also earn college credit while still in high school, saving valuable time, money, and headaches. Most importantly, they can also aid students in developing the study habits they need to succeed over the course of their college career and give students valuable skills that they can use both in and out of the classroom. 

Here you find AP US History outlines, notes, vocabulary terms, topic notes, practice quizzes, court cases, political parties, political timelines and biographies. Many of these resources correspond to the American Pageant textbook. We are always adding more AP US History notes so if you have any requests, please use the Contact Us form to let us know what we can do to help.

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Your total resource for Advanced Placement United States History Review. This website is the sole creation of Adam Norris and is not endorsed by the College Board, AP, or any school district.

AP Essay Topics

In this section, you will find videos that were created to cover information for AP essay topics.

APUSH Review: Rebellions and Conflict in the Colonial Era

If you would like to download the PowerPoint used in the video, click here: APUSH Review, Rebellions in the Colonial Era

If you would like to download a Fill-in-the-Blank Guide for the video, click here: Rebellions and Conflict in Colonial America

APUSH Review: Religion in the Colonies

If you would like to download the PowerPoint used in the video, click here: Colonial Religions

If you would like to download a Fill-in-the-Blank Guide for the video, click here: Religion in the Colonies

APUSH Review: The Growth of Slavery and its Consequences

If you would like to download the PowerPoint used in the video, click here:  APUSH Review- Reasons For The Growth Of Slavery

If you would like to download a Fill-in-the-Blank Guide for the video, click here:  APUSH Review- The Growth Of African Slavery In Colonial America And Its Consequences

APUSH Review: The French and Indian War

If you would like to download the PowerPoint used in the video, click here: APUSH Review, The French And Indian (7 Years) War

APUSH Review: The Revolutionary War

If you would like to download the PowerPoint used in the video, click here: APUSH Review, The Revolutionary War

If you would like to download a Fill-in-the-Blank Guide for the video, click here: The Revolutionary War Video Guide

APUSH Review: The Revolution of 1800

If you would like to download the PowerPoint used in the video, click here: APUSH Review, The Revolution of 1800 Final

If you would like to download a Fill-in-the-Blank Guide for the video, click here: APUSH Review, The “Revolution” of 1800

Comparing the 1st and 2nd Party System

If you would like to download the PowerPoint used in the video, click here:  APUSH Review: Comparing And Contrasting The 1st And 2nd Party Systems

If you would like to download a Fill-in-the-Blank Guide for the video, click here:  APUSH Review- Comparing And Contrasting The 1st and 2nd Party Systems

APUSH Review: Causes of Sectional Conflict: 1820 – 1860

If you would like to download the PowerPoint used in the video, click here:  APUSH Review: Causes of Sectional Conflict: 1820 – 1860

If you would like to download a Fill-in-the-Blank Guide for the video, click here:  APUSH Review- Causes of Sectional Conflict- 1820 – 1860

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September 17, 2014 at 7:17 PM

Hello Sir, I was wondering do you have the power point used in the Religion in the Colonies as the one posted for viewing, if so, I would like to use

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September 17, 2014 at 11:11 PM

Feel free to use it. It’s right under the video on this page.

September 18, 2014 at 11:45 AM

Thanks Adam but it seems to be a different variation of the video posted

September 18, 2014 at 1:45 PM

Sorry about that. I believe it’s fixed now.

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November 16, 2014 at 12:54 AM

Hey Mr. Norris, I would like to say a very big THANK YOU to your videos. I started searching online for study guides for the new APUSH exam and I came across your channel on youtube which led me to this website. I think this will be a great resource for study for my APUSH exam coming May. One thing I noticed for the Revolution of 1800 video that I thought you might have missed was the 12th Amendment and how that changed the way people voted b/c of the tie and the whole House of Reps business that happened when Aaron Burr was a part of it. I guess you could add it to the Politics section…I only say this bc I had to do this essay in class. Other than that, I think your videos are perfect. Keep doing what you are doing. I am really thankful of this site. 😀 🙂

November 17, 2014 at 1:07 AM

Thanks for adding that, I did forget to mention that in the video. I appreciate your continued support throughout the year. Good luck!

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January 8, 2015 at 2:22 AM

You are amazing! This is such a helpful website and you seem very kind and generous for putting out all this help for free! What inspired you to do this?

January 8, 2015 at 11:33 PM

Long story short, I started the videos for my students. More and more people started watching and asked for my resources (PPTS, Fill-in-the-blank guides, etc.) I figured since I have them anyway for my students, I’m happy to share with others if it works. I’m blown away by how many people use them and am very grateful.

' src=

January 22, 2017 at 3:58 AM

This is great work you are doing, and I really appreciate it (so does my grades–I want from a “B-” at an “A”!). Keep up your great work. 😉

' src=

October 12, 2017 at 10:32 AM

There is not a link to download the powerpoint for “Growth of Slavery and its consequences”. Is it available for use? Thanks so much for your lessons.

October 12, 2017 at 11:12 AM

Thanks for letting me know it wasn’t up. I didn’t realize it wasn’t. I just uploaded it, so feel free to use it. Thanks for the support.

October 12, 2017 at 5:51 PM

' src=

September 16, 2018 at 4:30 PM

So, I am just starting Ap US this year and I would love it if you could give a shoutout from me, Maddy to Mr. Burns 5th period class in Warwick, NY in your next youtube video! It would mean a lot and I could also get extra test points if our class gets a shout out haha!

September 16, 2018 at 8:07 PM

I’ll be recording more videos this week. I will do it then. Good luck this year.

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AP Research Topics: History, Chemistry, Psychology & More

ap us history essay topics

Have you ever found yourself so wrapped up in a project that you forget to check the time? That's what happens when you choose the right AP Research topic. Whether you're curious about how technology shapes our lives or fascinated by the ways people think, picking good AP research paper topics can make your experience more than just another assignment—it can be an adventure.

AP Research is a course that lets high school students dig deep into a subject they care about. It gives you a chance to think critically and create something truly your own. But before you get started, you need to choose a topic that not only sparks your interest but also meets the course requirements. That's where we're here to help.

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Our experts will craft a paper that's smart, sharp, and totally stress-free.

What Does AP Research Do

AP Research allows you to take control of your learning. You'll learn how to ask the right questions, gather and analyze data, and present your findings in a way that's both clear and compelling.

One of the best parts is the freedom it offers. You're not just following a textbook—you're exploring something that genuinely interests you. This exploration can lead to impressive results, like the students who've used EssayPro's resources to write top-notch research papers. By connecting with experts and using reliable tools, they've turned their curiosity into polished projects that stand out.

Whether you're interested in social issues, science, or the arts, AP Research helps you develop skills that go beyond the classroom. You're able to solve problems and communicate your ideas effectively—all essential skills for college and beyond. And with the right support, like the guidance from EssayPro, you can take your research to the next level.

Don't miss out—check out our related article on why is critical thinking important for students and see how these skills can improve your AP Research process.

The List of AP Research Topics

Now that you know what this research is all about, it's time to find a topic that speaks to you. Having a good list of ideas can also make the process easier. Below, our expert admission essay services team gathered a selection of AP research paper topics that are not only interesting but also offer plenty of opportunities for deep exploration.

Best AP Research Topics

  • How do urban heat islands affect local weather patterns and public health?
  • The impact of early childhood education on long-term social and emotional development
  • What are the effects of climate change on global water resources and availability?
  • How do social movements utilize digital platforms to mobilize support and influence policy?
  • The role of genetic engineering in agriculture: benefits and ethical concerns
  • How do cultural differences influence the effectiveness of mental health interventions?
  • The effects of gamified learning on student engagement and retention in STEM subjects
  • How does the rise of remote work affect team dynamics and productivity?
  • The influence of historical narratives on modern national identities
  • What are the psychological and social impacts of long-term space travel on astronauts?
  • The role of artificial intelligence in personalized medicine and its potential for transforming healthcare
  • How do different teaching methods impact students with learning disabilities?
  • The impact of environmental sustainability practices on corporate social responsibility
  • What are the effects of food labeling on consumer behavior and dietary choices?
  • How do societal attitudes toward aging affect elderly care and policies?
  • The role of traditional knowledge in contemporary environmental conservation efforts
  • How do different approaches to urban design influence community well-being and social interaction?
  • The impact of digital detox practices on mental health and productivity in the workplace
  • What can be learned from studying the long-term effects of major historical pandemics on societies?
  • How do contemporary art movements challenge traditional notions of aesthetics and value?

Good AP Research Topics

Here are some more good topic choices curated by EssayPro. If you've found one you love, our experts are ready to offer help with writing an essay .

  • How does the design of public spaces impact community engagement and safety?
  • The influence of storytelling techniques on public awareness of social issues
  • What are the effects of dietary changes on cognitive function in older adults?
  • How do global supply chain disruptions affect local economies and businesses?
  • The impact of bilingual education on cognitive development and academic performance
  • How does exposure to different cultural perspectives shape attitudes toward global issues?
  • What are the psychological effects of participating in extreme sports or adventure activities?
  • How do social and economic factors influence access to clean drinking water in developing countries?
  • The role of artificial intelligence in detecting and preventing cyber threats
  • How do virtual communities influence real-world social interactions and relationships?
  • The impact of renewable energy adoption on rural versus urban areas
  • What are the effects of early intervention programs on children with developmental delays?
  • How do different types of exercise affect mental health and stress levels?
  • The influence of political satire on public opinion and political engagement
  • What can be learned from the success and failure of international environmental agreements?
  • How do personal finance education programs impact financial decision-making and stability?
  • The effects of digital media consumption on attention spans and learning abilities in adolescents
  • How does the portrayal of diversity in media affect societal attitudes and inclusion?
  • The role of community gardens in promoting local food security and social cohesion
  • What are the benefits and challenges of integrating technology into traditional classroom settings?

AP Seminar Topics

These AP Seminar research topics are sure to inspire and engage you. They're practical and interesting, perfect for exploring important issues.

  • How has the rise of influencer culture altered consumer trust in advertising?
  • The impact of urban farming initiatives on food security in densely populated cities
  • What role do emerging technologies play in the future of remote education?
  • How does the portrayal of mental health in media affect public perceptions and stigma?
  • The influence of digital privacy concerns on the development of new technologies
  • How do alternative justice systems, like restorative justice, impact community rehabilitation?
  • The effects of gamification on student motivation and learning outcomes in education
  • What can the evolution of language in internet memes tell us about cultural shifts?
  • How do local art movements contribute to global conversations on social justice?
  • The role of wearable technology in personal health monitoring and its implications for privacy
  • How does the concept of 'ethical fashion' challenge traditional fashion industry practices?
  • What are the psychological effects of participating in online communities versus physical communities?
  • The influence of microdosing psychedelics on creativity and productivity in professional settings
  • How do fictional narratives in popular media shape our understanding of historical events?
  • The impact of virtual reality therapy on treating phobias and PTSD
  • What role does citizen science play in advancing environmental research and policy?
  • How do different cultures approach the concept of work-life balance, and what can we learn from them?
  • The effects of digital art on the traditional art market and artist recognition
  • How does the rise of autonomous vehicles impact urban planning and traffic management?
  • The role of narrative in shaping public perceptions of scientific research and technology

AP World History Research Paper Topics

  • How did the Silk Road influence cultural exchange between Asia and Europe?
  • The impact of the Mongol Empire on global trade and communication
  • The role of women in ancient Egyptian society
  • What led to the fall of the Roman Empire?
  • Exploring the causes and effects of the Protestant Reformation
  • The significance of the Magna Carta in shaping modern democracy
  • How did the Black Death reshape European societies in the 14th century?
  • The rise and fall of the Byzantine Empire
  • What were the key factors in the success of the Ottoman Empire?
  • The influence of Confucianism on Chinese government and society
  • How did the Age of Exploration change global economies and cultures?
  • The impact of colonialism on Indigenous populations in the Americas
  • What were the causes and consequences of the French Revolution?
  • The development and spread of Islam during the Middle Ages
  • How did the Industrial Revolution transform societies in Europe and beyond?
  • The influence of Greek philosophy on Western thought
  • What were the driving forces behind the unification of Germany?
  • The role of the Transatlantic Slave Trade in shaping the modern world
  • How did World War I lead to major political changes in Europe?
  • The cultural and technological achievements of the Gupta Empire in India

AP US History Research Paper Topics

  • The causes and effects of the American Revolution
  • How did the Louisiana Purchase shape the future of the United States?
  • The role of women in the American Civil War
  • What were the main challenges faced by the early colonies in America?
  • The impact of the Emancipation Proclamation on the Civil War
  • How did the Gold Rush influence westward expansion in the United States?
  • The significance of the Monroe Doctrine in American foreign policy
  • What were the key factors leading to the Great Depression?
  • The influence of the Harlem Renaissance on American culture
  • How did the Civil Rights Movement change American society?
  • The causes and consequences of the Mexican-American War
  • What role did the New Deal play in America's recovery from the Great Depression?
  • The impact of World War II on American domestic life
  • How did the Cold War shape US foreign and domestic policies?
  • The significance of the Supreme Court case Brown v. Board of Education
  • What were the driving forces behind the Women's Suffrage Movement?
  • The effects of the Vietnam War on American society and politics
  • How did the Watergate scandal change public trust in government?
  • The influence of the Industrial Revolution on urbanization in America
  • What were the causes and outcomes of the American involvement in World War I?

AP Lang Research Paper Topics

  • How does the use of rhetorical questions in speeches influence audience engagement?
  • The role of persuasive language in shaping public opinion during elections
  • How does the choice of narrative perspective affect a reader's connection to a story?
  • The impact of social media on modern journalism and news reporting
  • What are the linguistic techniques used in effective political debates?
  • How do advertising slogans use language to create brand identity and consumer loyalty?
  • The influence of Shakespeare's use of imagery on modern literary analysis
  • How does the use of irony in literature enhance thematic elements?
  • The role of dialogue in character development in contemporary novels
  • How does language in public health campaigns affect community behavior and awareness?
  • What are the rhetorical strategies used in motivational speeches to inspire action?
  • The impact of tone and mood in setting the atmosphere in Gothic literature
  • How do different genres of writing, such as satire and tragedy, affect reader perception?
  • The role of metaphor in political rhetoric and its impact on policy discussions
  • How does the structure of an argumentative essay influence its persuasiveness?
  • The effects of language simplification in educational materials on student comprehension
  • How do authors use symbolism to convey deeper meanings in their works?
  • The influence of cultural context on the interpretation of literary texts
  • What are the effects of direct vs. indirect speech on character relationships in drama?
  • How do historical speeches reflect the values and concerns of their time periods?

Don't forget to buy analytical essay if you've nailed down your ideal topic!

AP Environmental Science Research Paper Topics

  • The impact of deforestation on global biodiversity
  • How does climate change affect polar ice caps and sea levels?
  • The role of renewable energy in reducing carbon emissions
  • What are the environmental consequences of plastic pollution in oceans?
  • The effects of industrial agriculture on soil health
  • How does urbanization contribute to habitat loss and species extinction?
  • The importance of wetlands in maintaining ecological balance
  • What are the challenges and benefits of sustainable farming practices?
  • The role of environmental policies in protecting endangered species
  • How does air pollution impact human health in urban areas?
  • The significance of the ozone layer in protecting life on Earth
  • What are the environmental impacts of fracking on water resources?
  • The effects of climate change on coral reef ecosystems
  • How does deforestation contribute to climate change?
  • The importance of conservation efforts in preserving biodiversity
  • What are the environmental benefits and challenges of electric vehicles?
  • The role of national parks in protecting natural resources
  • How do invasive species disrupt local ecosystems?
  • The impact of overfishing on marine life and ocean health
  • What are the environmental and social implications of e-waste?

AP Chemistry Research Paper Topics

  • The process of photosynthesis and its chemical significance
  • What are the effects of heavy metals on human health?
  • The chemistry behind pharmaceuticals and drug development
  • How do detergents and soaps work at the molecular level?
  • The significance of oxidation-reduction reactions in energy production
  • What are the chemical principles behind climate change mitigation efforts?
  • The role of catalysts in speeding up chemical reactions
  • How do acids and bases interact in everyday life?
  • The importance of the periodic table in modern chemistry
  • What are the environmental impacts of chemical fertilizers?
  • The chemistry behind renewable energy sources like solar cells
  • How do chemical bonds determine the properties of substances?
  • The significance of pH in maintaining biological systems
  • What are the applications of nanotechnology in medicine?
  • The process and importance of water purification techniques
  • How do greenhouse gases contribute to global warming?
  • The role of chemical reactions in food preservation
  • What makes enzymes so crucial in biochemical reactions?
  • The chemistry of batteries and how they store energy
  • How do polymers impact everyday products and the environment?

AP Biology Research Topics

  • How do genetic mutations contribute to evolution?
  • The role of enzymes in cellular processes
  • What are the effects of climate change on animal migration patterns?
  • The significance of the human microbiome in health and disease
  • How do plants adapt to extreme environmental conditions?
  • The impact of antibiotic resistance on public health
  • What are the mechanisms of gene expression and regulation?
  • The role of natural selection in shaping species diversity
  • How do hormones regulate growth and development in organisms?
  • The process of photosynthesis and its importance in the carbon cycle
  • What are the effects of habitat destruction on biodiversity?
  • The role of the immune system in defending against pathogens
  • How do organisms maintain homeostasis in varying environments?
  • The impact of invasive species on native ecosystems
  • What are the genetic factors involved in inherited diseases?
  • The process of cell division and its significance in growth and reproduction
  • How do environmental toxins affect the nervous system?
  • The role of symbiotic relationships in ecosystems
  • What are the effects of pollution on aquatic life?
  • The significance of epigenetics in gene expression and inheritance

AP Research Psychology Topics

  • How do different parenting styles impact child development?
  • The effects of sleep deprivation on cognitive performance
  • What are the psychological impacts of social media addiction?
  • The role of genetics vs. environment in determining intelligence
  • How does mindfulness meditation influence stress levels?
  • The effects of early childhood trauma on adult mental health
  • What are the cognitive benefits of bilingualism?
  • The impact of exercise on mental health and mood
  • How do stereotypes and prejudices develop and affect behavior?
  • The role of attachment theory in understanding romantic relationships
  • What are the psychological effects of prolonged isolation?
  • The influence of parental involvement on academic achievement
  • How do cognitive biases affect decision-making?
  • The effects of music therapy on anxiety and depression
  • What are the psychological mechanisms behind placebo effects?
  • How does exposure to violent media influence aggression?
  • The role of self-esteem in coping with life challenges
  • What are the effects of nutrition on cognitive function?
  • How does early intervention in autism spectrum disorder affect developmental outcomes?
  • The impact of stress management techniques on overall well-being

AP Capstone Research Topics

  • How did the rise of digital nomadism change the concept of work-life balance?
  • The impact of virtual reality on empathy and understanding of social issues
  • How do small, community-based conservation efforts contribute to global environmental change?
  • The role of crowdfunding in transforming startup culture and innovation
  • What can ancient agricultural practices teach us about modern sustainable farming?
  • How do storytelling techniques in video games influence player behavior and decision-making?
  • The effects of cross-cultural exchanges on traditional art forms in the digital age
  • What are the social and psychological impacts of living in a hyper-connected world?
  • How do grassroots movements influence national policy changes?
  • The role of biohacking in personal health and ethical considerations
  • How do urban green spaces impact community well-being and social interactions?
  • The influence of speculative fiction on real-world scientific advancements
  • What are the psychological effects of experiencing extreme weather events on communities?
  • How do traditional storytelling methods in indigenous cultures address modern social issues?
  • The role of augmented reality in enhancing educational experiences and learning outcomes
  • How do cultural festivals contribute to local economic development and global awareness?
  • The impact of immersive theatre on audience engagement and social change
  • What can historical patterns of migration reveal about current refugee crises?
  • How do alternative economic models, like time banking, challenge traditional concepts of value and work?
  • The effects of digital detox programs on mental health and productivity

AP English Language Research Paper Topics

  • How does rhetoric influence public opinion in political speeches?
  • The role of satire in social and political commentary
  • How do language and style vary between formal and informal writing?
  • The impact of social media on modern communication practices
  • How does persuasive writing shape consumer behavior in advertising?
  • The use of metaphor in shaping cultural narratives
  • What are the linguistic features of effective storytelling in literature?
  • How does the choice of diction affect the tone of a piece?
  • The role of rhetorical devices in Martin Luther King Jr.'s speeches
  • How do different genres of writing influence reader perception?
  • The impact of globalization on language and communication styles
  • How does the structure of a persuasive essay affect its effectiveness?
  • The use of imagery and symbolism in shaping the reader's emotions
  • How does the language used in news media influence public understanding of events?
  • The role of ethos, pathos, and logos in crafting compelling arguments
  • How does narrative voice affect reader engagement in memoirs and autobiographies?
  • The influence of historical context on the language of classical literature
  • How do language and rhetoric contribute to the development of national identity?
  • The effects of censorship on literary expression and freedom
  • How do authors use rhetorical strategies to address social justice issues?

Characteristics of a Good AP Research Paper

Strong AP research topics stand out due to several key features that ensure their impact. Here's what to keep in mind:

  • Timeless Relevance: Select a topic that maintains its significance over time. Avoid subjects likely to become outdated quickly. Instead, focus on issues with long-term importance that can be referenced by future researchers.
  • Supported by Credible Sources: Your research must be backed by reliable sources. For example, research supported by academic databases like JSTOR or publications from trusted institutions such as the National Institutes of Health (NIH) adds credibility.
  • Clear and Insightful Research Questions: Good questions help define the scope of your paper and shape your analysis, ensuring that your research is both relevant and insightful. For example, if your topic involves the impact of digital marketing, questions inspired by case studies from companies like Google or Adobe can provide a structured framework for your analysis.
  • Specific Focus: Narrow your topic to address specific issues, avoiding overly broad subjects. For instance, if researching the effects of climate change, focus on a particular aspect such as its impact on urban agriculture.
  • Logical Structure and Clarity: Ensure your paper has a clear introduction, body, and conclusion. Each section should flow logically, with well-organized arguments and evidence. A clear structure helps readers follow your argument and enhances the overall readability of your paper.

By considering these pointers suggested by EssayPro, your paper will make a valuable contribution to your field of study. It'll also be easy for you to draw on the best practices and examples from leading research institutions and industry experts.

Tips for Choosing an AP Research Topic

Here are some useful tips to help you choose standout AP research topic ideas:

  • Examine Current Trends: Look at recent news, technological advances, or social movements for inspiration. Topics like the effects of remote work on productivity or the rise of sustainable fashion can be both timely and impactful.
  • Reflect on Your Passions: Whether it's a hobby, a cause, or a field you're curious about, your enthusiasm will make the research process more enjoyable and your writing more compelling.
  • Seek Out Gaps in Existing Research: Identify areas where there's a lack of information or where current research is outdated. For example, if you notice few studies on the psychological effects of digital detoxes, that might be a unique angle worth exploring. EssayPro can also help you find existing research and identify gaps that need further investigation.
  • Consult with Experts: Talk to teachers, mentors, or professionals in fields you're interested in. Their insights can help you identify important topics. You might also find useful examples and advice from Essaypro's expert writers.
  • Consider Practical Applications: Choose a topic with real-world applications or implications. Researching the impact of new educational technologies on classroom dynamics, for example, can provide valuable insights and practical solutions.
  • Look at Your Local Community: Local issues or events can offer unique and relevant topics. Investigate how local policies affect community health or how a local environmental issue is being addressed. These topics can provide fresh perspectives and direct relevance.
  • Use Personal Experience: Leverage your own experiences or observations. If you've noticed a trend or issue in your daily life, such as the impact of social media on teen behavior, it can provide a unique and personal angle for your research.

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How to Find a Good Research Topic in AP Research?

How long should my ap research paper be, what are some popular ap research topics.

Annie Lambert

Annie Lambert

specializes in creating authoritative content on marketing, business, and finance, with a versatile ability to handle any essay type and dissertations. With a Master’s degree in Business Administration and a passion for social issues, her writing not only educates but also inspires action. On EssayPro blog, Annie delivers detailed guides and thought-provoking discussions on pressing economic and social topics. When not writing, she’s a guest speaker at various business seminars.

ap us history essay topics

is an expert in nursing and healthcare, with a strong background in history, law, and literature. Holding advanced degrees in nursing and public health, his analytical approach and comprehensive knowledge help students navigate complex topics. On EssayPro blog, Adam provides insightful articles on everything from historical analysis to the intricacies of healthcare policies. In his downtime, he enjoys historical documentaries and volunteering at local clinics.

Grey, S. (2024, August 7). What Is The AP Capstone Program? Everything You Should Know. Forbes . https://www.forbes.com/advisor/education/online-colleges/what-is-ap-capstone/

Science Fair Project Ideas


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  4. Ap us history essay topics. 135 US History Essay Topics. 2022-10-25

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  5. The Ultimate Guide to the AP US History Exam

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  6. 2018 AP US History Essay Prompts All Eras 1-9 with Answers by Zachary Safi

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  3. How to Figure Out ANY DOCUMENT on Your AP History Exam

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  1. AP United States History

    Unit 6: Period 6: 1865-1898. You'll examine the nation's economic and demographic shifts in this period and their links to cultural and political changes. Topics may include: The settlement of the West. The "New South". The rise of industrial capitalism. Immigration and migration. Reform movements.

  2. The Ultimate Guide to the AP US History Exam ¡ PrepScholar

    DBQ: Multiply your raw DBQ score out of 7 by 5.36. Long Essay: Multiply your raw Long Essay score out of 6 by 3.75. Finally, add all the scores together to get your final scaled AP score for US History! Here is a chart to show you approximately how these scaled scores translate to final AP scores: Scaled Score.

  3. AP United States History Exam Questions

    Score Distributions. Introduction and Preface. Short Answer Question 1. Short Answer Question 2. Short Answer Question 3. Document-Based Question 1. Long Essay Question 2. Long Essay Question 3. Download free-response questions from past AP United States History exams, along with scoring guidelines, sample responses, and scoring distributions.

  4. AP United States History Exam

    Recommended time: 40 Minutes | 15% of Exam Score. Students explain and analyze significant issues in U.S. history. Students develop an argument supported by an analysis of historical evidence. The question choices focus on the same skills and the same reasoning process (e.g., comparison, causation, or continuity and change), but students choose ...

  5. AP United States History Exam

    The topic of the document-based question will include historical developments or processes between the years 1754 and 1980. Long Essay 1 Question | 40 Minutes | 15% of Exam Score ... Go to the Exam Questions and Scoring Information section on the AP United States History Exam page at AP Central to review the latest released free-response ...

  6. AP US History Study Guide

    The AP US History exam covers United States history from 1491 to the present, divided into nine time periods. The exam is scored on a scale from 1 to 5, with a score of 3 or higher often earning college credit (depending on the particular university). Sections of the test include. 55 Source-Based Multiple Choice Questions (55 minutes)

  7. PDF AP U.S. History Sample Questions

    These sample exam questions were originally included in the AP U.S. History Curriculum Framework, published in fall 2012. The AP U.S. History Course and Exam Description, which is out now, includes that curriculum framework, along with a new, unique set of exam questions. Because we want teachers to have access to all available questions that ...

  8. The Ultimate AP US History Study Guide ¡ PrepScholar

    Step 1: Take a Full-Length Practice Test. Time: 3 hours 15 minutes. The first step is to take a full, official AP US History practice test under realistic conditions. Time yourself in accordance with the actual test and write out both essays (DBQ and Long Essay) completely.

  9. AP United States History Exam Tips

    AP United States History Exam Tips. The following strategies for answering the free-response questions were developed by faculty consultants to help you on exam day. Answering essay questions generally requires a good deal of training and practice. Students too often begin to write immediately, creating a string of disconnected, poorly planned ...

  10. AP US History

    Study guides with what you need to know for your class on AP US History. Ace your next test. All Subjects. Light. Unit 1 - Interactions North America, 1491-1607 ... APUSH - Trends & Possible Essay Topics By Skill. 🌶 All of US History in 2 Hours. APUSH Trivia . APUSH for New(er) Teachers. Classroom Technologies & Other Resources.

  11. AP U.S. History Topic Outlines

    Students who are taking the AP U.S. History Exam should familiarize themselves with the following topic outlines. These important U.S. history concepts are essential to your success on the AP US History (APUSH) exam. Licensed from the Monterey Institute for Technology and Education (under Creative Commons). Discovery and Settlement of the New ...

  12. AP U.S. History Sample Essays

    Use these sample AP U.S. History essays to get ideas for your own AP essays. These essays are examples of good AP-level writing. 1. The '50s and '60s: Decades of Prosperity and Protest (DBQ) The 1950s were characterized as a prosperous and conformist decade for many reasons. The first and most widespread of these reasons was the development ...

  13. Long Essay Question (LEQ)

    Breakdown of Essay: The AP U.S. History exam gives students a choice between two long-essay questions. You chose ONE! A thesis statement is required. You will have 35 minutes to answer the one question you select. Makes up 15 % of final exam score. Graded on a 0-6 point scale.

  14. PDF AP United States History

    APÂŽ U.S. History 2021 Scoring Guidelines. Row D Analysis and Reasoning (0-2 points) 0 points. Does not meet the criteria for one point. 1 point. Uses historical reasoning (e.g., comparison, causation, continuity and change) to frame or structure an argument that addresses the prompt. 2 points.

  15. Every AP US History Practice Exam Available: Free and Official

    Full Old-Format Practice Exam. This old-format AP US History practice test was created by an AP teacher. It has 80 multiple-choice questions, each with five answer choices (the current test format has 55 questions and four answer choices for each question, so you'll need to tweak this old exam a lot).

  16. How to Approach the AP U.S. History Long Essay Question

    Step 1: Analyze the Prompt. Each long essay question will ask you to "evaluate the extent" of some factor in American history. Since you are evaluating, you will need to develop an argument that addresses the prompt. Make sure to read all three prompts carefully. Think of the evidence you could use and the argument you could develop in ...

  17. PDF AP United States History

    • The Louisiana Purchase added to the territory of the United States that was accessible for national expansion. • The War of 1812 and the defeat of Tecumseh's Indian Confederacy opened the Old Northwest to United States settlement. • Promotion of the idea of opportunities in the West through the press and by journalists (e.g., John

  18. AP US History Practice Tests

    AP US History Practice Test: Period 1 (1491-1607) pdf download. AP US History Practice Test: Period 2 (1607-1754) pdf download. AP US History Practice Test: Period 3 (1754-1800) pdf download. AP US History Practice Test: Period 4 (1800-1848) pdf download. AP US History Practice Test: Period 5 (1844-1877) pdf download.

  19. 153 US History Topics [2024 US History Essay Ideas]

    153 US History Topics [2024 US History Essay Ideas] American history is not as long as the European one. However, it's one of the richest histories in the world. It's full of controversies, different opinions, and interesting facts. Those who study American history will find how many voices, perspectives, and points of view can coexist.

  20. AP U.S. History Long Essay Example

    The second part of Section II of the AP exam contains three long essay questions—you must respond to one. The AP U.S. History long essay question assesses your ability to apply knowledge of history in a complex, analytical manner. In other words, you are expected to treat history and historical questions as a historian would.

  21. AP US History Notes, Outlines, DBQs and Essays

    Here you find AP US History outlines, notes, vocabulary terms, topic notes, practice quizzes, court cases, political parties, political timelines and biographies. Many of these resources correspond to the American Pageant textbook. We are always adding more AP US History notes so if you have any requests, please use the Contact Us form to let ...

  22. Khan Academy

    For example, we use Google Analytics cookies to help us measure traffic and usage trends for the Service, and to understand more about the demographics of our users. We also may use web beacons to gauge the effectiveness of certain communications and the effectiveness of our marketing campaigns via HTML emails.

  23. AP Essay Topics

    AP US History Curriculum Period Reviews In 10 Minutes! AP US History Curriculum: Period 1 (1491 - 1607) ... In this section, you will find videos that were created to cover information for AP essay topics. APUSH Review: Rebellions and Conflict in the Colonial Era.

  24. AP Research Topics: EssayPro's Carefully Curated List

    Tips for Choosing an AP Research Topic. Here are some useful tips to help you choose standout AP research topic ideas: Examine Current Trends: Look at recent news, technological advances, or social movements for inspiration. Topics like the effects of remote work on productivity or the rise of sustainable fashion can be both timely and impactful.