how to write a cover letter to recruiter

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5 Recruiter Cover Letter Samples & Writing Tips in 2024

Stephen Greet

  • Recruiter Cover Letter
  • Entry-Level Recruiter
  • HR Recruiter
  • Technical Recruiter
  • Senior Recruiter
  • Writing Your Recruiter Cover Letter

It might seem ironic for you to have to write a cover letter since recruiters usually read everyone else’s! But now, you’ll have to show how you’re qualified to find top talent.

You’re essential to the success of any company, serving as gatekeepers who develop an eye for the greatest additions to the company team. Recruiters also do their fair share of paperwork like drafting contracts, non-disclosure agreements, and other documents for the employment process.

You’re probably not pumped about writing a cover letter to complement your recruiter resume , but a recruiter needs to demonstrate their  job skills  like any other professional! Fortunately, we’ve assembled five example recruiter cover letters for your inspiration. Coupled with our AI cover letter generator , you’ll be off to a great start.

how to write a cover letter to recruiter

Recruiter Cover Letter Example


Microsoft Word

Google Docs

Block Format

Recruiter cover letter template

Why this cover letter works

  • Anytime you can show you already embody the qualities listed in the job description, do so! Then, quantify them with examples and metrics to provide credibility in your recruiter cover letter.
  •  Dig through the  recruiter job description  and company website for flecks of gold that align with your own experiences, such as a program you’re great with, a soft skill you naturally exemplify, or a goal similar to one you’ve previously met.

Level up your cover letter game

Relax! We’ll do the heavy lifiting to write your cover letter in seconds.

Entry-Level Recruiter Cover Letter Example

Entry-level recruiter cover letter template

  • Capture that experience like Lila does—detail what skills you applied (in this case, data analysis and reporting), tools you employed (cue Tableau), and the accomplishments and lessons you gathered along the way.

HR Recruiter Cover Letter Example

HR recruiter cover letter template

  • Dedicate a line or two of your HR recruiter cover letter’s experience sections to how you used those software programs to effect improvement in the recruitment phases across different workplaces in your career journey. An example could be how Hugo shaves off 32% of onboarding time using DocuSign.

Technical Recruiter Cover Letter Example

Technical recruiter cover letter template

  • Mind the job description’s tone and mirror it while you present your overlapping personal traits and qualifying abilities. It’s not just about the job—it’s also about the interpersonal workplace dynamic.
  • If you’re applying as a technical recruiter, researching the company and studying the job ad is imperative. Your selling points lie in your alignment with industry specifics.

Senior Recruiter Cover Letter Example

Senior recruiter cover letter template

  • This letter establishes personal connections before presenting the hard qualifications necessary to land a senior role. There’s much to condense, so choose your words wisely!
  • Picking which details to include in your senior recruiter cover letter can be intimidating since your professional history is undoubtedly extensive. The key is to research the company and examine the job description for specific needs you can fulfill.    

Is Your Recruiter Resume Ready to Wow?

As a recruiter, you know your resume is the most important document in your job application. Follow our  resume tips  and start building yours now with this easy, breezy interactive resume that you can edit. 

or download as PDF

Senior recruiter resume example with 4+ years of experience

Beat the Competition with Your Recruiter Cover Letter

Job seekers compare recruiter cover letter on purple laptop and presentation

Now that you’ve looked at three recruiter cover letter samples, let’s get into some of the broader themes that make them great: Customize your cover letter to the particular job and company, go in-depth with your biggest couple of achievements, and polish your tone.

how to write a cover letter to recruiter

Step 1: Knowledge is power

Oh, how many generic letters get tossed aside with a sigh. But you want yours to dazzle, and the quickest means to that end is tailoring your cover letter to the  recruiter job listing . Your cover letter shouldn’t read like it could apply to any recruiter position: You want the company to know that you want to work for  them .

A great start is taking some notes while combing through the job description. Jot down anything you find that makes you think, “That’s me!” so that you’ll have a handy list to refer to once you start writing your first draft. Look for specific needs you can fill. Also, research the company—especially its mission statement—so you can show you’re a great fit in that area.

how to write a cover letter to recruiter

Step 2: Leverage your success

Many people jump into writing their cover letters, only to wind up repeating what they’ve written in their resume—but your potential employer has already skimmed it in bullet-point form.

Instead of repeating your resume’s bullet points, go beyond them to explain why they matter. For good measure, revisit Step 1 to pick the accomplishments most relevant to where you’re applying.

Your recruiter cover letter should explain how one or two accomplishments benefitted your previous company.

  • Your resume might mention that you onboarded 5 employees—but how did that increase revenue? 
  • Did your work impact retention rates, showing that you improved the work environment? 
  • Did you lead an impressive workplace strategy overhaul that left employees quantifiably happier in their positions?

Make sure you shine a spotlight on these sorts of accomplishments!

how to write a cover letter to recruiter

Step 3: Presentation is key

Imagine you’re conducting an interview with someone to help place them in a job role, and they have good experience and qualifications—but when they talk about themselves, they sound like they don’t even care.

What you say is important, but  so is  how  you say it . The tone and overall message of your recruiter cover letter are well worth the time it takes to refine them.

Not to sound like a broken record—but, once again, referring to the company website and job description will help you. Does the company come across as corporate and formal? Or is it more laid-back, emphasizing employee familiarity and a creative work environment? Company culture is your key to nailing the right tone.

What you say is important, but  so is  how  you say it .

Ensure your overall message is ideal, too—even if that means switching out an accomplishment that isn’t as relevant as you first thought. Your letter should be no more than a page and should send the message that you already know the company’s job role and exactly how you’ll fit in. Don’t skimp on proofreading, editing, revising, and rewriting to get this right.

A Simple Outline for Your Recruiter Cover Letter

Job seekers stands behind a work-in-progress screen that depicts outlining a recruiter cover letter

It’s time for you to take a crack at writing your recruiter cover letter, so keep those last three tips in mind as you think about each section. You may or may not have found a  resume outline  helpful, but chances are, a cover letter outline will really help yours take shape. 

how to write a cover letter to recruiter

How to start a recruiter cover letter

Your contact info:  Include your name, address, phone number, and email address (along with your LinkedIn or other professional social media) if you’re using a cover letter template.

  • Formatting : Leave your name out of your address if you’re using a block format.

190 Fictional Court Wilson, NC 27893 (123) 456-7890

Date:  This should reflect the exact submission date of your application materials.

February 3, 2023

  • Formatting : The date should reflect the submission date of your application materials.

Inside address:  The inside address is just the address where you’re sending your cover letter! Make sure you research and use the person’s real name and company role, shunning generic phrases like “Dear Sir or Madam.”

Eloise Kemper Electronic Arts Hiring Manager 209 Redwood Shores Parkway  Redwood City, CA 94065

  • Formatting : Each part of the address should be on a fresh line. Double-space between the inside address and greeting—it looks much nicer!

Greeting:  Your greeting, or salutation, is crucial in making the right first impression. Always   do your homework and find out the name of the person you’re writing to (hint: LinkedIn will help ya!).

Dear Ms. Irwin, Dear Ms. Kemper:

  • Formatting : Colons are more formal, so you’ll usually default to these. However, if the company culture is more friendly and casual, you can use a comma to reflect that.

how to write a cover letter to recruiter

How to write your recruiter cover letter

Body:  Your cover letter’s body should include 3-4 paragraphs that show your interest in the recruiter position, your credentials that make you the ideal hire, and your excitement for future contact.

  • Formatting : Keep text single-spaced within body text but double-spaced between paragraphs.

Opening paragraph:  Many cover letters run together with nothing that makes them stand out. Make sure yours isn’t one of them by putting in the effort to make it unique to the job position and company!

I love video games. Especially arena games. And I’ve worked as a recruiter for other companies before, so I’d fit in well with you guys.

Why It’s Bad:  While leading with a personal connection is good, this applicant over-stresses the gamer aspect at the expense of their qualifications—where are those? Also, the company culture is laid-back, but this tone takes informality too far.

With 6 years of well-rounded experience as a recruiter—and gamer—plus a background of rapid growth fueled by my finance degree and knack for managing high-volume interview funnels, I would love to use my overarching communication and strategy skills as your senior recruiter to set the roadmap for successful, inclusive hiring. I pride myself on being inquisitive and would love to help Electronic Arts by recruiting top talent to provide games, online services, and worlds with infinite possibilities. 

Why It’s Good:  This applicant has a lot of info to cover in a limited space for a senior role! They make a quick mention of their gaming connection and then move on to the skills that qualify them for the job, wrapping up with a direct reference to the company’s mission statement. Perfect! 

Paragraphs 2-3:  Now’s the time to show that your opening paragraph wasn’t full of empty claims! Use this space to provide examples of your best accomplishments, keeping each section focused on a single achievement.

You don’t have much room, so stick to that one time you drastically improved time-to-hire or that prestigious strategy overhaul you led multiple departments through.

While documenting employee data and feedback, I couldn’t shake the feeling that there was room for improvement. So, I researched and fine-tuned a new employee benefits package that improved current employees’ satisfaction by 8%—and then I pushed things further by creating and streamlining data management plans inspired by my educational background. These infrastructures optimized employees’ processes and boosted satisfaction rates by 14%. 

Why It’s Good:  Taking the opportunity to demonstrate growth within your career is smart! This one’s a winner for highlighting various skills and two metrics that come together to further the same core goal, maintaining the paragraph’s focus while demonstrating ambition and versatility.

Closing paragraph:  It’s time for your grand finale! Summarize how your qualifications and values align with the needs specified in the job listing and the company’s vision statement. Finally, provide a call to action that blends seamlessly with the rest of your paragraph and invites further communication.

Can’t wait to work for your company. Helping people find their ideal jobs sounds good, and I’m qualified to help them navigate. Contact me for more info if needed.

Why It’s Bad:  The choppy sentence structure is informal, abrupt, and disinterested. We also see a lack of detail and an indifferent call to action.

I care about clients’ well-being and have the self-motivated management and interpersonal skills to make it count. I would love to use this people-focused outlook to proactively reach clients who view me as the long-term solution as they let me know what they’ll need next. I’d love to meet soon to share more about how my ability to juggle performance objectives and hiring needs can empower TalentCare’s teams—and clients. 

Why It’s Good:  The enthusiasm here is genuine. This applicant feels passionate about the recruiter job role and is eager to use their position to help others, which the company values. Additionally, the references to the job description’s wording and the warm call to action reinforce compatibility.

how to write a cover letter to recruiter

How to end a recruiter cover letter

Signature:  If you didn’t thank the reader for their time in your closing paragraph, then there’s no time like the present! Once you say “thank you,” sign off with your real name.

Thank you so much for your time and consideration, 

Tomas Zepeda

  • Formatting :  If you’re presenting hard copies of your recruiter cover letter, quadruple space in order to sign your name by hand in blue/black ink.

Enclosure(s):  This part of your cover letter is important since it signals that there’s more to your application package! For example, a recruiter would include their job resume and any needed certifications.

Enclosures: Resume Application IPMA-CP certificate 

  • Formatting : Make sure you use the proper singular or plural form of “enclosure,” depending on how many items you’re enclosing.

Secure Your Next Recruiter Role with a Resume That Wins

Job seeker builds recruiter resume on blue laptop after finish cover letter

You’re so close—congratulations on investing in your cover letter! But before you call it a day, it’s essential to take this opportunity to write or  review your resume  and cover letter to ensure that your entire application package is thoughtfully put together, polished, and impressive.

Pro tip: It’s actually easier to write your cover letter once you’ve completed (or at least drafted) your resume! When you  build your resume , you get to see all your bullet-point accomplishments laid out in one place so that you can pick out the finest achievements to address in more depth.

And don’t worry if you’re not sure where to start. We have a treasure trove of versatile  resume templates  you can use to start writing your own, including this one here. 

Technical Recruiter Resume

Need a resume to pair with your technical recruiter cover letter?

Technical recruiter resume example with 3+ years of experience

We want to make it as easy as possible for you to get your next recruiting role as you use our resources and tools. We’re rooting for you every step of the way, so you can get to finding and retaining the best talent at your next dream job.

While what you write in your cover letter should be customized for each job, using a template can be extremely helpful to speed up the process and present a consistent, professional look for each one. Think about how you were probably impressed when prospective employees you were recruiting handed in cover letters that were well laid out. It’ll help you stand out to hiring managers and show you know how to approach hiring when making those key decisions yourself.

Standing out as a recruiter can feel like a tough task. After all, the other applicants are also very knowledgeable in the hiring process, just like you are. A great way to stand out is by using key metrics from your achievements and being very specific to the needs of each role you apply to. For instance, if the company wants to reduce turnover after hirings, you could explain how improving recruiter job descriptions in your last position helped boost candidate satisfaction rates post-hiring by 58%.

Your cover letter shouldn’t be longer than one page. Think about how many applicants you’ve generated during recruiting. It can be tough to manage all the information about each candidate, so concisely focusing on key abilities like social media recruiting and job boards will help those primary skills grab attention.

Create my free resume now

9 Recruiter Cover Letter Examples

Recruiters are the gatekeepers of the job market, expertly sifting through countless resumes to find the perfect match for a position. Similarly, your cover letter is the key that can unlock the gate, presenting your skills, experience, and potential in a way that stands out from the crowd. In this guide, we'll delve into the best cover letter examples for aspiring recruiters, showcasing how to make your application as compelling as the candidates you'll be seeking.

how to write a cover letter to recruiter

Cover Letter Examples

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The best way to start a recruiter cover letter is by addressing the recipient by name, if known, to make it personal. Then, introduce yourself and state the position you're applying for. Make sure to grab their attention by mentioning a notable achievement or skill relevant to the job. For example, "As a recruiter with 5 years of experience in tech industry, I've successfully filled over 100 positions, 80% of which were senior roles." This shows you're qualified and results-driven, which is what recruiters are looking for.

Recruiters should end a cover letter by summarizing the key points, expressing enthusiasm for the opportunity, and providing a clear call to action. This could be a statement indicating the recruiter's availability for a follow-up conversation or interview. For example, "I am excited about the possibility of bringing my unique skills to your team and would welcome the opportunity to discuss further how I can contribute to your company's success. Please feel free to contact me at your earliest convenience." It's also important to end with a professional closing such as "Sincerely" or "Best regards," followed by the recruiter's full name. This ending reiterates the recruiter's interest, provides a clear next step, and maintains a professional tone.

A recruiter's cover letter should ideally be no longer than one page. This is because the purpose of a cover letter is to provide a brief overview of your qualifications and to pique the interest of the reader, rather than to provide a comprehensive account of your experiences and skills. A one-page cover letter is usually sufficient to convey the key points without overwhelming the reader with too much information. It's important to keep the content concise, relevant, and tailored to the specific role or company you're applying to. Remember, the goal is to entice the reader to look at your resume for more details.

Writing a cover letter with no experience as a Recruiter can seem daunting, but it's entirely possible and can still make a strong impression. Here's how: 1. Start with a strong introduction: Begin your cover letter by introducing yourself and expressing your interest in the position. Mention where you found the job posting and why you're interested in the role. 2. Highlight relevant skills: Even if you don't have direct experience as a recruiter, you likely have skills that are relevant to the role. For example, if you have experience in sales or customer service, you can highlight your communication skills, ability to build relationships, and persuasive abilities. If you have experience in HR or administration, you can highlight your organizational skills, attention to detail, and understanding of HR processes. 3. Show your knowledge of the company and industry: Research the company and the recruitment industry and show your knowledge in your cover letter. This can demonstrate your interest and initiative, and show that you're serious about the role. 4. Discuss your willingness to learn: If you're new to recruitment, it's important to show that you're willing and eager to learn. You can discuss any relevant courses or certifications you're planning to take, or express your willingness to learn on the job. 5. Close with a strong conclusion: In your conclusion, reiterate your interest in the role and your eagerness to contribute to the company. Thank the reader for considering your application and express your hope for a chance to further discuss your qualifications. 6. Proofread: Finally, make sure to proofread your cover letter for any spelling or grammar mistakes. A well-written, error-free cover letter can make a strong impression. Remember, everyone starts somewhere. Even without direct experience, your transferable skills, eagerness to learn, and knowledge of the company and industry can make you a strong candidate for a recruitment role.

Related Cover Letters for Recruiters

Human resources cover letter.

how to write a cover letter to recruiter

Social Worker Cover Letter

how to write a cover letter to recruiter

Technical Recruiter Cover Letter

how to write a cover letter to recruiter

Recruiter Cover Letter

how to write a cover letter to recruiter

Senior Recruiter Cover Letter

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How to Write a Recruiter Cover Letter (With Template)

Gabriele Culot

Key takeaways

  • A cover letter can be the most important element in a job application. Ensuring your profile stands out to recruiters is crucial to your professional success.
  • A well-tailored cover letter should provide relevant information clearly and concisely. Focus on detailing your skills and why you are the right person for that specific role.
  • The included Recruiter cover letter template provides an easy starting point to craft your own cover letters. Adapt and personalize it to fit your profile.

A well-written cover letter is key to quickly getting the attention of prospective employers. Among countless job seekers, resumes, and application letters, yours need to stand out on first impression if you want to ensure your job search   translates to a new role .

In this post, you will discover:

  • Reasons why a well-crafted cover letter is key to professional success, from entry-level roles to senior positions
  • Cover letter do’s and dont’s
  • A Recruiter sample cover letter you can easily adapt and personalize

A well-tailored   cover letter : The key to   job application   success

Ensuring you know how to write a cover letter that is clear, informative, and tailored to the role you are applying to will benefit you in many ways. Well-crafted cover letters have many benefits, which include:

  • Showcasing relevance:   Tailoring your cover letter allows you to emphasize the most relevant skills, experiences, and achievements that align with the specific job requirements. This immediately captures the attention of the   talent acquisition   team, recruiters, or human resources reps.
  • Demonstrating research:   A good cover letter conveys your understanding of the organization's needs and illustrates how you can contribute to its success, signaling to potential employers that you've done your homework.
  • Telling your story:   Each job application is unique, and a tailored cover letter enables you to craft a personalized narrative. It lets you connect your professional journey with the role's specific challenges and opportunities, making your application more compelling.
  • Highlighting cultural fit:   Your cover letter allows you to address the company's values, mission, and culture. By aligning your experiences and values with those of the organization, you demonstrate a cultural fit and convey your enthusiasm for being part of the team.
  • Addressing specific requirements:   Job postings often include   specific skills or qualifications   the employer is seeking. Tailoring your cover letter enables you to address these requirements directly, showcasing how you possess the desired attributes and can meet the company's expectations.

Cover letter tips

A great cover letter should reflect your professional profile and personality. However, no matter what your cover letter's content is, the tips below will help ensure the message you want to convey is clear and easily accessible to hiring managers.

  • Keep it concise:   Aim for a cover letter length of 250-400 words. Be succinct in presenting your qualifications and experiences.
  • Use a clean layout:   Opt for a professional and clean cover letter format with a standard font (e.g., Arial, Calibri, or Times New Roman) and a font size of 10-12 points.
  • Include   contact information :   Provide your contact information at the top of the cover letter, including your name, phone number, and professional email address.
  • Use   headers   and sections:   Organize your cover letter into clear sections with headers such as Introduction, Work Experience, and Achievements for easy readability.
  • Maintain a professional tone:   Keep the tone of your cover letter professional and upbeat. Avoid overly casual language, and focus on showcasing your skills and experiences.
  • Use keywords:   Incorporate relevant keywords from the Agile Project Manager   job description   and company website into your cover letter. This can help your application pass through   applicant tracking systems (ATS)   used by many employers.
  • Highlight achievements with bullet points:   Use bullet points to list specific accomplishments or notable projects. This makes it easier for the reader to grasp your accomplishments quickly.
  • Use quantifiable data:   Whenever possible, include quantifiable data to demonstrate the impact of your achievements. Numbers provide concrete evidence of your contributions.
  • Match company tone:   Adapt your writing style to match the tone of the company and industry. Research the company's culture to strike the right balance between professionalism and personality.
  • Showcase company knowledge:   Demonstrate your understanding of the company by referencing its values, mission, or recent achievements. Explain why you're excited about the opportunity to work for this specific organization.
  • Address employment gaps (if applicable):   If you have employment gaps, briefly address them in a positive light, focusing on any skills or experiences gained during those periods.
  • Proofread   thoroughly:   Eliminate typos and grammatical errors by proofreading your cover letter multiple times. Consider using tools like Grammarly to catch any overlooked mistakes and ensure your English (or any language you use) is correct.
  • Include a   call to action :   Conclude your cover letter with a call to action, expressing your enthusiasm for the opportunity and indicating your readiness for an interview.
  • Follow submission instructions:   If there are specific instructions for submitting the cover letter, such as naming conventions or document formats, ensure that you adhere to them.
  • Save as a PDF:   Save your cover letter as a PDF before submitting it. This ensures that the formatting remains consistent across different devices and software.

While understanding the correct steps to write a cover letter is crucial to your professional success, knowing what mistakes to avoid is equally important. The best cover letter can easily be made useless by a tiny blunder. Avoid making the mistakes listed below; you will be halfway to your new job.

  • Don't use a generic greeting:   Avoid generic salutations like "To whom it may concern," “Dear sir or madam, “ or “Dear hiring manager.“ Whenever possible, address the cover letter to a specific person.
  • Don't repeat your resume:   An effective cover letter should complement your resume, not duplicate it. Focus on specific experiences and achievements that showcase your qualifications for the role.
  • Don't exaggerate or lie:   Be truthful in your cover letter. Exaggerating your qualifications or providing false information can harm your chances and damage your professional reputation.
  • Don't use unprofessional email addresses:   Ensure that the email address you use in your contact information is professional. Avoid using nicknames or unprofessional terms.
  • Don't include irrelevant information:   Keep your cover letter focused on the job. Avoid including unrelated personal details or experiences that do not contribute to your suitability for the role.
  • Don't use jargon unnecessarily:   While demonstrating your knowledge is essential, avoid unnecessary jargon that may confuse the reader. Use clear and straightforward language.
  • Don't sound overly eager:   Expressing enthusiasm is positive but can easily feel unauthentic if overdone.

Remember, the goal of a practical cover letter is to present your qualifications in a clear, organized, and compelling manner while adhering to professional standards.

How to structure your Recruiter cover letter

Express your genuine interest in the Recruiter position in the opening paragraph. Convey your passion for talent acquisition and your eagerness to contribute to a dynamic and results-driven recruitment team. If applicable, mention any referrals that have influenced your decision to apply for this specific role.

About your current role

Highlight your achievements that have positively impacted the success of your current team. Emphasize your role in implementing specific recruitment procedures or tools that have streamlined processes, demonstrating your proficiency in identifying and attracting top-tier talent.

Use this section to outline your current responsibilities and ongoing projects, emphasizing how they align with the requirements and objectives of the Recruiter role.

About your experience

Detail your hands-on experience in recruitment tasks, underscoring your commitment to finding the right talent and contributing to the overall organizational success. Clearly communicate that your recruiting skills and readiness for the role are well-established. 

This section is also an opportunity to highlight the number of years you've spent as a Recruiter and any additional skills acquired throughout your recruitment career path .

Notable achievements

Highlight notable accomplishments that showcase your effectiveness as a Recruiter. Whether you played a key role in successfully filling critical positions, implementing innovative sourcing strategies, or improving the efficiency of the recruitment process, use this section to concisely mention your achievements, how they were measured, and their impact on the overall talent acquisition efforts.

Why you want to work there

Express your interest in the company by highlighting specific aspects of its workplace culture, mission, and values related to recruitment that resonate with you. Convey how these align seamlessly with your professional goals and how you envision contributing to the company's success through your expertise in recruiting. Be concise but articulate about your motivations.

Specific projects or initiatives that motivated you to apply

Demonstrate your understanding of the organization by referencing specific recruitment-related projects or initiatives that have captured your interest. Draw connections between these initiatives and your skills and experiences, emphasizing how your contributions align with the company's recruitment goals. This shows your genuine interest and proactive approach to aligning with the company's mission.

In the closing paragraph, reiterate your enthusiasm to contribute to the company's success as a Recruiter. Express your eagerness to discuss how your skills align with the company's recruitment objectives and invite the reader to reach out with any questions they may have. Sign off with a professional salutation.

Recruiter   cover letter template

Dear [Hiring Manager’s name],

I am writing to express my keen interest in the Recruiter position at [Company Name], as advertised. With a dedicated background in talent acquisition and a proven track record of successfully identifying and securing top-tier candidates, I am confident in my ability to contribute effectively to your organization.

About my current role

In my current position as a Recruiter at [Current Company], I have:

  • Conducted end-to-end recruitment processes, from job requisition to candidate onboarding, ensuring a seamless and positive experience for both candidates and hiring managers.
  • Utilized a variety of sourcing methods, including online job boards, social media, and networking, to identify and attract high-caliber candidates.
  • Collaborated with hiring managers to understand staffing needs, define job requirements, and develop effective recruitment strategies.

About my Recruiter experience

My experience extends to:

  • Evaluating resumes, conducting interviews, and assessing candidates for cultural fit and alignment with organizational goals.
  • Managing candidate pipelines and ensuring timely communication to provide a positive candidate experience.
  • Staying updated on industry trends and best practices to enhance recruitment strategies and processes.

Some of my notable achievements include:

  • Successfully reducing time-to-fill by [percentage] through the implementation of streamlined recruitment processes.
  • Spearheading campus recruitment initiatives that resulted in the hiring of top graduates and strengthened the company's talent pipeline.
  • Implementing a diversity hiring program that increased the representation of underrepresented groups within the organization.

Why I want to work for [Company]

I am particularly drawn to [Company Name] due to its [mention aspects unique to the company and are a core part of its mission and values such as commitment to attracting top talent, dedication to fostering a diverse workforce, growth,...]. I am excited about the opportunity to apply my recruitment skills to contribute to [Company Name]'s success in building a high-performing and diverse team.

Specific projects or initiatives of [Company] that motivated me to apply

In researching [Company Name], I was impressed by your recent initiatives in [specific recruitment-related project or achievement]. I believe my experience in recruitment aligns seamlessly with your organizational objectives. My commitment to identifying and securing the best talent and my dedication to delivering high-quality recruitment services would make me a valuable addition to your team.

Thank you for considering my application. I am eager to further discuss how my skills and experiences align with the Recruiter role at [Company Name]. I look forward to contributing to your team's success.

[Your Full Name]

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Your job application is your chance to tell your professional story, and a well-tailored cover letter is your narrative's opening chapter. Remember that personalization is key. Make each word count, emphasizing how your background uniquely positions you as the ideal candidate, and get your dream job. 

Looking for even more inspiration?   Discover how to write a stellar cover letter in 5 steps .

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How To Write an Effective Cover Letter for a Recruiter (With Examples)

flat art illustration of a Recruiter

When applying for a job through a recruiter, your cover letter is your first chance to make a good impression. It's important to tailor your cover letter to the position and show your enthusiasm for the job.

Here are some tips for writing an effective cover letter for a recruiter:

  • Address the recruiter: Start your cover letter by addressing the recruiter by name. This helps personalize the letter and shows that you've done your research. If you don't know the recruiter's name, you can address it to the hiring manager.
  • Introduce yourself: Start your cover letter by introducing yourself and providing a brief overview of your experience and qualifications. Mention any relevant experience you have in the industry or similar roles.
  • Show your enthusiasm: Let the recruiter know why you're interested in the job and why you'd be a good fit for the company. This is a great opportunity to show your passion for the industry and the company's mission.
  • Highlight your skills: Use specific examples to highlight your skills and experience. This helps the recruiter see why you would excel in the position. Make sure to focus on the skills that are most relevant to the job.
  • Keep it concise: A cover letter should be one page or less. Keep your writing concise and to the point. The recruiter will appreciate a cover letter that gets right to the point.
  • Show your professionalism: Use a professional tone and avoid using slang or overly casual language. This helps show that you take the job seriously and are professional.
  • Thank the recruiter: End your cover letter by thanking the recruiter for their time and consideration. Let them know that you're looking forward to hearing back from them.

By following these tips, you can write an effective cover letter that grabs the recruiter's attention and shows why you're the perfect candidate for the job.

Example Cover Letters

Dear Hiring Manager,

I am excited to submit my application for the Recruiter position at XYZ Company. With seven years of experience in talent acquisition, I possess a unique understanding of the recruitment process and am confident in my ability to source and hire the best candidates for your company.

During my time at ABC Company, I successfully recruited top-performing sales professionals, resulting in an increase in sales revenue by 20%. I am confident that these skills will transfer to your company and contribute to your continued success.

I am impressed with XYZ Company's dedication to providing top-notch services to clients and maintaining a positive and supportive work culture for employees. I feel that my skills and values align well with your company's mission and I would be honored to join your team.

Thank you for considering my application. I look forward to the opportunity to discuss in person how my skills and experience can positively impact XYZ Company.

[Your Name]

Dear [Hiring Manager's Name],

I was excited to see the opening for a Recruiter at [Company name]. As a seasoned recruiter with [Number of years of experience] years of experience, I am confident in my ability to bring value to your team.

Throughout my career, I have helped companies of all sizes find quality candidates and build strong teams. I have experience with various recruiting tools and techniques, including Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS), sourcing passive candidates, and conducting interviews.

One aspect of [Company name] that particularly intrigues me is the company's focus on [insert company's focus]. I appreciate that [Company name] is committed to [insert company value or mission statement].

I am eager to apply my skills and experience to help [Company name] continue to grow and succeed. Thank you for considering my application.

Best regards,

Dear Hiring Manager at XYZ Corp,

I'm excited to apply for the Recruiter position you recently posted on With over 5 years of experience in talent acquisition, I'm confident that I have the expertise needed to excel in this role.

As a previous Recruiter at ABC Inc, I led the recruitment process from sourcing and interviewing candidates to negotiating offers and onboarding employees. I was able to develop strategies that kept the company's recruitment costs low, while still attracting top talent. I believe that my experience in high-volume recruiting and building relationships with candidates and hiring managers would make me the perfect fit for the job at XYZ Corp.

I would be honored to be part of the team at XYZ Corp as your next Recruiter. Thank you for your time, and I look forward to the opportunity to discuss how I can contribute to your company's growth.


Writing an effective cover letter for a Recruiter can be challenging, but it can make all the difference in landing your dream job. Remember to tailor your letter to the job description, highlight relevant experience, and demonstrate your enthusiasm for the role.

One of the next steps is to prepare a great resume. You can find tips on how to create a standout resume for a Recruiter position in our guide to creating a great CV .

If you're looking for remote Recruiter jobs, make sure to check out our dedicated page to remote recruitment jobs .

Don't forget to prepare yourself for interviews. Keep up the confidence and remember that you have a lot of value to bring to your future employer. Good luck!

If you're preparing for your interviews, we're here to help! We've created comprehensive guides that cover interview questions and answers for various recruiter specializations, including Technical Recruiter , Executive Recruiter , Healthcare Recruiter , Diversity and Inclusion Recruiter , and Campus Recruiter .

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Recruiter Cover Letter Samples & Examples That Worked in 2024

Milan Šaržík — Certified Professional Résumé Writer

How to build a compelling recruiter cover letter in 5 easy steps

While small businesses can handle hiring on their own, larger companies rely on the skills of professional recruiters to find the best available talent to join their teams. To earn a job as a recruiter, you need a cover letter that highlights your best abilities and accomplishments, as well as your dedication to the position.

In this guide, we will teach you 5 easy steps for writing a recruiter cover letter. Keep reading to learn all about how to:

  • Create your recruiter cover letter header & headline
  • Personalize the content & greeting of your recruiter cover letter
  • Construct a compelling recruiter cover letter introduction
  • Describe your best skills & accomplishments as a recruiter
  • Write a strong conclusion for your recruiter cover letter

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Recruiter at RapidSOS Cover Letter Example

1. Create a proper recruiter cover letter header & headline

To begin, the very first step to writing a cover letter as a recruiter is to write a well-formatted header and headline.

A cover letter header comes first, containing all the need-to-know information about the applicant and the employer. This information should include:

  • Your name and professional title
  • Your professional contact information
  • The name of the company & department you are applying to
  • The address of the company

Ensuring your header is nicely organized helps to give your cover letter greater structure and visual appeal, so pay attention to how you list this information and make sure it is orderly.

Here is an example of a well-formatted recruiter header

Jack King , Professional Recruiter (123) 456-7890 | [email protected] |

To: Tech Gods United HR & Recruitment Department 1234 Street Address Philadelphia, PA, 19019

After you have crafted your recruiter header, the next step is to write an engaging cover letter headline that attracts the attention of employers.

To write this headline as a recruiter, you should always use a keyword related to the position, an eye-catching number or trigger word, a powerful adjective or verb, and a promise.

Here is an example of an effective recruiter headline, followed by a brief explanation of its key components

Looking for a Recruiter with a High Onboarding Success Rate? Here’s Why I am Perfect for this Role

Trigger Word/Number : Looking for, Here’s Why Keyword: Recruiter, Onboarding Success Rate Adjective/Verb: High, Perfect Promise: for this Role – this part of the headline indicates to the employer that you will specifically explain why your skills are a good match for their current opening.

2. Personalize the content & greeting of your recruiter cover letter

Before you begin writing the introduction and body paragraphs of your cover letter , it is crucial to have the proper information handy to personalize the letter for a specific job.

Personalization is the process of tailoring a cover letter using precise details about a company gained from thorough research. By doing so, you not only show the employer your excellent attention to detail but also a high level of effort within your job application.

When researching a company, look for key details such as:

  • What the company’s stated goals and values are – look specifically for what kind of language they use and find ways to incorporate this language into your cover letter.
  • What projects or major clients the company is currently involved with – use these details to explain how your skills and experience can benefit the company’s ongoing business affairs.
  • The exact person at the company who will review your letter – you will use this information to create a personalized greeting that addresses this person by name.

Here are 3 examples of personalized recruiter cover letter greetings

Dear Ms. Mary Green,

  • Dear Recruitment Manager Mary Green,
  • Dear Ms. Mary Green & the Recruitment Team,

Pro Tip: Always double-check that you are using the correct honorific (Mr., Ms., Mrs., Dr., etc.) for a person before submitting your cover letter. Never blindly guess – if you are unsure, remove the honorific entirely.

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3. Construct a compelling recruiter cover letter introduction

Now that you know how to personalize and tailor your cover letter for the job at hand, it’s finally time to begin writing the body content – starting with your introduction .

A strong recruiter cover letter introduction will be compelling, including details such as:

  • An overview of your professional history (years of experience, specializations, etc.)
  • A brief explanation of why you are applying for the position
  • A mutual acquaintance (when possible) – including mutual acquaintances helps you build initial rapport and credibility with an employer

Pro Tip: Having mutual acquaintances with a company you are interested in is not the most common scenario. However, you can take matters into your own hands by using a professional platform like LinkedIn to grow your network and connect with current employees and associates of companies that interest you.

Here is an example of a compelling introduction from a recruiter’s cover letter

I am a professional recruiter with more than 6 years of experience working in corporate consulting firms. Recently, I had the pleasure of meeting your company’s Head of HR, John Doe, at a business conference. Mr. Doe reviewed my resume and strongly recommended I apply for this position – and after speaking with him more about your company’s values and goals – I have determined I am the ideal candidate for this job.

4. Describe your best skills & accomplishments as a recruiter

With your introduction in place, it’s time to write the body paragraphs. Ideally, a recruiter’s cover letter should contain between 2 to 4 body paragraphs that offer key insights into your best professional attributes, including:

  • What key skills and competencies do you possess
  • What relevant accomplishments make you stand out as an applicant
  • How do you plan to apply your skills and experience in the role
  • What value can you contribute to the company

As you write this information, make sure the details about your skills and accomplishments are as specific and quantifiable as possible. This will make your cover letter more impactful for the employer by showcasing the value you have to offer.

Here are 6 examples of recruiter skills that are excellent to describe in a cover letter

  • Creating and posting job descriptions to various platforms (Indeed, LinkedIn, etc.)
  • Candidate outreach methods
  • Electronic file management
  • Onboarding procedures (interviewing, hiring, etc.)
  • Knowledge of employment laws
  • Conducting job interviews

Here is an example of how to describe an accomplishment in a recruiter cover letter

As a recruiter for [Former Employer], I helped raise the onboarding success rate by more than 20% by introducing new hiring marketing materials and a streamlined recruitment process. This process included the use of a new digital platform designed for recruitment, which I played a vital role in sourcing and implementing.

5. Write a strong conclusion for your recruiter cover letter

Finish off your recruiter cover letter strong with a well-written closing statement. Your cover letter conclusion should include:

  • An enthusiastic sentence saying you are looking forward to hearing from them
  • An additional sentence stating you will follow up, including how you will contact them or how they can contact you
  • A formal sign-off

Here is an example of a strong closing statement from a recruiter’s cover letter

I am greatly excited by the prospect of working for your excellent company and hope to hear from you within a week to further discuss this opportunity. I am available to meet or speak directly any weekday between the hours of 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. If I have not heard back by next Wednesday, I will reach out to check on my application’s status. The best way to reach me is at (123) 456-7890.

With Appreciation,

[Applicant Name]

If you have ever wondered how a cover letter differs from a resume, this article will tell you everything about the key differences between the two .

Milan Šaržík — Certified Professional Résumé Writer

Milan Šaržík, CPRW

Milan’s work-life has been centered around job search for the past three years. He is a Certified Professional Résumé Writer (CPRW™) as well as an active member of the Professional Association of Résumé Writers & Careers Coaches (PARWCC™). Milan holds a record for creating the most career document samples for our help center – until today, he has written more than 500 resumes and cover letters for positions across various industries. On top of that, Milan has completed studies at multiple well-known institutions, including Harvard University, University of Glasgow, and Frankfurt School of Finance and Management.

All human resources cover letter examples

  • Human Resources Assistant
  • Talent Acquisition Specialist
  • Training Specialist

All recruiter cover letter examples

Corporate Recruiter Cover Letter Example

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How to Write an Effective Recruiter Cover Letter and Resume

Without recruiters, companies would have no employees. As the person responsible for much of the hiring process, a recruiter is an important employee, so companies must ensure they choose the right person for this integral role. To have a fighting chance as a prospective recruiter, you’ll need a glowing recruiter cover letter, alongside an effective recruiter resume.

Recruiters are responsible for finding applicants to fill open roles and then screening the applicants. Their role also includes advertising open roles, reviewing cover letters and resumes, and interviewing applicants. Recruiters also work with hiring managers to get the best fit for a role.

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If you want to prove you’re a qualified candidate, you need to create an excellent resume and an amazing cover letter. After all, you’ll be reviewing others’ resumes, so you’ll need to prove that you know what makes a resume shine. This guide will highlight how to write an effective recruiter cover letter and resume.

Recruiter Cover Letter Guide

For a cover letter to stand out, it needs to contain several elements, such as a proper header, a greeting, an introduction, and your qualifications. A cover letter must be tailored to the job requirements while summarizing the contents of your resume.

Why Does Your Recruiter Cover Letter Matter?

A recruiter cover letter matters because it lets you succinctly sell your skills to the hiring manager. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), the number of recruiters in the US is expected to rise 10 percent by 2030 , meaning that hundreds of thousands of US citizens want to become recruiters. 

Plus, it’s no surprise that recruitment is a competitive field, thanks to the median pay of $63,490 per year. So, what makes you a better option for this high-value role? Your cover letter narrates why the hiring manager should choose you over other applicants. 

Aside from selling your skills, the cover letter eases the job of the hiring manager, since they can skim through to determine if your resume should get a closer look. Hiring managers see hundreds of cover letters and an effective cover letter will catch their attention. When a cover letter is customized, it also shows them that you value their time and the job you’re applying for. 

Essential Components of Your Recruiter Cover Letter

An effective recruiter cover letter needs to follow the right structure. As a potential recruiter, you should follow this structure because it shows you will be a good candidate for the job. It also shows that you will know what to look out for when you are hired. Adding the essential components will give your cover letter the structure it needs to draw the hiring manager’s eye.

  • Contact information. A cover letter must have correct and current contact information so that the hiring manager can contact you. This section usually contains your name, phone number, address, and email address. Also, ensure that your email address is professional and not the one you created as a 13-year-old.
  • Greeting. This cover letter section involves greeting the hiring manager and introducing yourself. If possible, use the name of the hiring manager to personalize your cover letter and show your attention to detail. To find the hiring manager’s name, check the job description or the company website.
  • Introduction. This section gives the human resource manager basic details about you and why you are a good fit for the job. It helps to add the recruiter job title in this section as well as an overview of why you would thrive in this role. You can add how you found out about the vacancy or add the name of the person who referred you. 
  • Qualifications. This section contains your qualifications and work history. The hiring manager is searching for the ideal applicant and will examine this section to determine if you will be a good fit for their team. This part needs to offer more details about what you added to your resume. 
  • Call to action. This final section summarizes your interest in the role and encourages the hiring manager to contact you with information for the next stage. The section also summarizes how you can benefit the company and expresses your availability for an interview at their earliest convenience.

5 Tips for Writing a Strong Recruiter Cover Letter

The cardinal rule for creating a good recruiter cover letter is customization. This shows the employer that you have the skills they are looking for, and that you are committed to obtaining this particular role within their company. This section details other important rules you should abide by when creating a strong recruiter cover letter.

  • Craft a targeted cover letter. It helps to create a targeted cover letter that is customized to match the needs of the employer. Before starting, compare the job advertisement to the cover letter and make sure to use the skills listed on the ad. The main focus should be your abilities and skills. These factors determine how suitable you are for the role.
  • Edit. Editing is essential when creating a strong recruiter cover letter. Errors should be removed because they can make the document appear rushed and sloppy, harming your chances of getting called back. A hiring manager may assume that you are not serious about the job because you couldn’t take time to proofread your cover letter.
  • Keep it short. Hiring managers are often swamped with large pools of applicants. It helps to keep the letter concise. For a strong cover letter, do not write more than one page. Use each line to bring out strong points on why you should be hired and avoid waffling. Explain why you are excited about the role. 
  • Highlight experiences. The experience and skill sections are important while writing a cover letter. Skipping this section or omitting important experiences is a sign of a bad cover letter. Since you can’t write about every experience, stick to the most recent ones that relate to the job you are applying for. The same guidelines apply to adding skills.
  • Use proper greetings. Don’t just add a generic salutation like “dear hiring manager” or “to whom it may concern.” Instead, learn the name of the hiring manager or recruiter to make it more personal. This shows that you are conscientious and willing to work hard if you get the job. It also shows that you are excited about the role. 

Recruiter Cover Letter Example

A recruiter cover letter needs to be perfect because the recruiter role is important in every organization. Your cover letter needs to prove that you are prudent, hardworking, skilled, and that you pay attention to details. Essentially, it must portray you as the ideal candidate. Here is a sample cover letter to give you a better idea of how to write a cover letter .

Recruiter Cover Letter Sample

[Your name]

[Your address] 

[Your phone number]

[Your email address]

Dear [Hiring manager’s name], 

I am writing to express my strong interest in the recruiter position listed on your website for [company name]. I am confident that I am the ideal person for the role. I have five years of experience in sourcing and building teams of professionals for Big Five tech companies, such as [company name]. I also have excellent interpersonal and communication skills. 

During my five years in the field of recruitment, I have recruited over 1,000 applicants across different roles and departments. My previous role also included tracking applicant pools to find suitable candidates for roles. This experience will help me perform efficiently while recruiting and managing applicants for your company. 

In my position as a recruiter within [company name], I was responsible for the human resources, development, and operations departments. My programming knowledge made it easier to find suitable candidates for software engineering roles. I increased retention rates by 20 percent and promoted a better work environment for employees.

My years of experience, strong communication skills, and proven record of success with employee hiring and retention make me ideal for the recruiter position in your company. I have attached my resume and I am available for a virtual or in-person interview at your earliest convenience. Thank you for your time and I hope to chat soon.

Recruiter Resume Guide

two white pieces of printer paper on a brown desk near a MacBook. Recruiter Cover Letter

An effective recruiter resume needs to highlight your educational qualifications, skills, and work experience. This helps the hiring manager to check if your qualifications are a match for the role. Writing a strong resume will make sure you don’t miss out on a job opportunity. 

Why Does Your Recruiter Resume Matter?

Your recruiter resume is an important document because hiring managers use it to screen potential employees, and screening is quick. According to Indeed, on average, employers spend six to seven seconds scanning a resume before choosing what pile it gets sent to. 

If your recruiter resume is well written and follows the right guidelines, it will be pushed to the pile that gets a second look. In some cases, applicant tracking systems are used to sort the first batch of resumes before the hiring manager takes a second look. 

It is important to create a strong resume that makes a good impression and prompts the hiring manager to give it a second look. One of the best strategies to employ is to use a template . Hiring managers often have to scan through lots of resumes to fill a single position, so they don’t have a lot of time to spend on each one. 

A good resume presents the right points in the right format to increase your chances of getting invited for an interview. The resume also gives the recruiter a good impression of you, as it answers most of the basic questions you would be asked in person.

Essential Components of Your Recruiter Resume

What should be contained in a recruiter resume? There are some basic components you must add to a recruiter resume to make it stand out. These components help to structure your resume so that the hiring manager or applicant tracking system can skim through the important parts.

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"Career Karma entered my life when I needed it most and quickly helped me match with a bootcamp. Two months after graduating, I found my dream job that aligned with my values and goals in life!"

Venus, Software Engineer at Rockbot

  • Header. The header section contains your contact information. If the hiring manager wants to reach you, they will use the information in the header. The header should contain your full name, mailing address, phone number, and email address. It is important to use the same contact details on your resume and cover letter.
  • Resume summary. This section summarizes why you are applying for the job. It should not be more than one short paragraph. This section is used to outline your career experience if you have some experience in the field. If you don’t, then it can be swapped with a resume objective, which lists your career goals, achievements, and skills. 
  • Work experience. This section is for your professional work experience. You should add any relevant experience that shows you can competently perform the job of a recruiter. However, if you’re lacking work experience, you should focus on other jobs or skills that show you can thrive as a recruiter and are passionate about the work. 
  • Education. The education section covers your academic credentials. The structure in this section can be varied in some cases, but it should contain the degree, school, and graduation date. You can also add any relevant courses or programs you attended recently. It helps to only list the most recent and relevant courses and degrees.
  • Skills. Another essential component of a recruiter resume is the skills section. Here, you need to list the skills that make you an excellent fit for the recruiter position. It helps to use the job ad when creating this section so you can add the specific skills employers are looking for. 

5 Tips for Writing a Strong Recruiter Resume

There are some general rules when it comes to writing solid resumes for all job applications. The most important rule is structure. Many large organizations use applicant tracking systems and an improper structure could reduce your chances of beating the system. Below are five other tips for a stronger recruiter resume.

  • Customize your resume. As a hopeful recruiter, you should know the dangers of using a generic resume to apply for a job. Your resume should be tweaked and tailored to a specific job ad and not generalized. It will not have the right effect if it is missing some crucial keywords.
  • Optimize for visual scanning. Hiring managers scan through each resume quickly, in search of major keywords and qualifications. This is why parts like the summary section are important. Employers can use this section to see the full summary of the resume. This helps them to determine if a resume needs to be trashed or revisited later. 
  • Use bulleted power statements. Your resume needs to convey your experience concisely and effectively in a few sentences or bullet points since hiring managers are unlikely to read every single part at first glance. A strong recruiter resume will allow the hiring manager to assess the candidate within a few seconds at most.
  • Resume formatting. Clear and consistent resumes stand a better chance of getting picked for an interview. Always use proper formatting and one font type. You don’t need to add any special characters or designs to make it look fancy. Reverse chronological order is used for all academic qualifications and work experience. 
  • Highlight skills. The skills you gained in your previous roles need to be highlighted. However, you should ensure that the skills listed in your resume are only those required for the role. Skills complement your experience while proving that you are better suited for the job than other applicants.

Recruiter Resume Examples

A strong recruiter resume needs to highlight your strengths and skills, as well as your qualifications. If you add the essential components and follow the right structure, you will have a better chance of getting called back for an interview. Here is a good sample resume for a recruiter position.

Recruiter Resume Sample: The Work Experience Section


Recruiter Sept 2018 – Nov 2021

Idol Recruitment Services 

  • Managed 10 main company accounts, recruited over 50 contracted and permanent employees monthly. 
  • Delivered seamless support and recruiting expertise to diverse and high-industry clients in sourcing top talent. 
  • Increased hiring through recruitment and networking activities.
  • Lead full recruitment life cycle including sourcing, recruitment, negotiation, and onboarding.

Recruiter Intern Jan 2018 – August 2018

  • Successfully filled more than 100 permanent positions and 60 contract positions for important clients.
  • Increased candidate pipeline using recruitment resources such as ATS, social media, and referrals.
  • Drove profitability in targeted accounts in the company’s portfolio.
  • Lead high-volume recruitment exercises across three states to source for potential candidates.

Strong references are available upon request.

Sample Recruiter Resume Template

[Telephone number]

[Email address]

[The objective highlights why you should be hired over others for the job. It also emphasizes your top skills, experiences, and qualities.]

[This section includes your recent degrees and certifications.]

Work Experience

[Here, you should add your work history. If you have an extensive work history, then focus on your recent jobs only.]

[This section covers your skills and proficiencies.]

Recruiter Resume Template Resources

  • Zety . This platform is an excellent resource when it comes to templates. Zety offers customizable templates for different experience levels. Users can edit the templates to build their own resumes. 
  • Indeed . Indeed does not only post job vacancies, but it also offers resume and cover letter templates for different fields and industries. You can choose a template that fits your needs and customize it.
  • EnhanCV . This site offers resume templates and allows you to easily build your resume from scratch. 

Importance of a Recruiter Cover Letter and Resume

A recruiter cover letter summarizes the contents of your resume, and your resume details your qualifications and experience. Both documents work together to convince the employer that you are an excellent fit for the role. This is why they must highlight the necessary skills, history, and experience. 

Recruiter Cover Letter and Resume FAQ

A modern resume does not have fancy colors and fonts. Rather, it is a uniform document including several main components such as the header, summary, experience, education, and skills sections. While some parts can be tweaked to suit different job roles, it helps to maintain the structure of the modern resume.

A cover letter is important because it introduces your resume and answers some questions the recruiter may have about you. Cover letters also summarize your resume in more succinct words to catch the hiring manager’s attention and convince a potential employer that you’re passionate about the job.

A strong recruiter cover letter must contain contact information, a salutation, introduction, qualifications, and a call to action. All these elements form the structure of the cover letter. They also make it easier for the hiring manager to scan the document.

A recruiter resume must contain a header that contains the contact information of the applicant, a resume summary, work experience, education, and skills. These sections are the most important parts of a recruiter resume. The resume should also contain references or a willingness to provide references upon request.

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How to Address a Cover Letter to Recruiter or Hiring Manager

5 min read · Updated on November 24, 2021

Lisa Tynan

Knowing how to effectively address a cover letter makes you a very visible and appealing candidate.

Did you know that the cardinal rule of cover letters is personalization? It impresses a hiring manager or recruiter because it tells them you took time to research the specific information for the letter rather than sending a generic version.

What many people forget, however, is that the greeting or salutation in a cover letter must also be personalized with the hiring professional's first and last name whenever possible.

There are several effective ways to find the hiring manager's name for your greeting — and some acceptable back-up strategies when you can't. Either way, knowing how to address a cover letter effectively can prevent you from ending your hiring chances before they even begin. 

When you know the hiring manager's name

More often than not, you'll be given the name of the hiring professional or the manager that you'll work for. Whoever it is, use their full name (first and last name) in the greeting. 

If you cannot definitively tell the gender of the hiring person, do not use a gender-based title such as “Mr.” or “Ms.” in the greeting. Instead just use the person's full name.

For example, Alex Johnson could be male or female. To avoid a gender mistake, use Dear Alex Johnson, Hello Alex Johnson, or simply Alex Johnson .

However, professional titles such as “Professor” or “Dr.” are definitely acceptable as a cover letter salutation and should be used as a sign of respect. Be on the lookout for these and other titles to include.

How to find a hiring manager's name for your cover letter

If you're not given the name of the hiring manager, here are some effective ways to discover their name by using:

The job description: Check this document for the hiring manager's name. While it's not generally listed, you never know. If it's not obvious, there's also a trick to quickly discover an email in the job description that might contain the name; while in the document, press Ctrl +F or run Command + F and search for the @ symbol.

An email address: If you discover an email address, it may not have a full name but rather a first initial and last name or just a first name like [email protected] or [email protected] . A Google search combining the person's name as shown in the email and the company name might find you the person's full name.

 A LinkedIn post: A name connected to the LinkedIn job posting is probably that of the hiring professional who posted it, so use that name in your greeting.

The supervisor's title: It's more likely that a job description will list who the new hire will report to — such as the director of accounting — without listing a name. In this case, there are several search options:

Search the company's website for listings of staff members by title.

Run an advanced LinkedIn or Google search for all directors of accounting at that specific company.

Check with your network for someone who might know the person's name or search the appropriate professional networking sites.

Contact the company by phone or email. Tell them you're applying for [job title] and want to address your cover letter to the right person.

In the end, this research can be the difference between making a great first impression and getting noticed for the position — or getting totally ignored by the hiring manager. 

Acceptable options in lieu of a name

If you try the steps above and come up empty, there are still some alternative greeting options that will put you in a professional light.

The idea is to show that you've read the job description and tailored your greeting based on the company department where the job is located, the hiring manager's title, or the team with which you'll potentially work.

Some good examples include:

Dear Head of Design

Hello IT Department

Dear Accounting Manager

To Company ABC Recruiter/Hiring Professional

Hello Marketing Hiring Team

Dear Customer Support Hiring Group

Dear Human Resources

If you still can't find any specific name or department information, go with “Dear Hiring Manager.” It sounds professional and it's not gender-specific. In fact, a recent survey of over 2000 companies by Saddleback College showed that 40 percent preferred “Dear Hiring Manager” as the best greeting when a manager's name can't be found. 

“Dear Sir or Madam” is another option that works because it's gender-neutral and respectful. However, it sounds a bit old-fashioned and may signal a hiring professional that you're an older worker or just not aware of other greeting options. It's perfectly acceptable, but the better choice is “Dear Hiring Manager.” 

In the end, an actual name or any of the alternative examples will let you stand out from the crowd, so do your best to find and use those whenever you can.

Never leave the greeting blank

Whatever information you may or may not find, it's important to never leave your greeting line blank.

A blank greeting line can make you come across as lazy or rude, or imply that you simply don't understand how to write a cover letter — all of which will immediately put you out of contention for the job. There's no reason to leave the greeting blank when there are so many options that can be used effectively.

When you spend the time and effort to personalize your cover letter, you don't want to come across as “just another candidate” by using a generic greeting or no greeting at all.

A personalized greeting will impress any hiring professional, increasing the chance they'll read your entire cover letter — and ask you for an interview.

Not sure if your cover letter is cutting it? Our writers don't just help you with your resume . 

Recommended Reading:

Do Hiring Managers Actually Read Cover Letters?

5 Things to Say in Your Cover Letter If You Want to Get the Job

How To Write a Cover Letter (With Example)

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How To Write A Cover Letter Recruiters Will LOVE

Recruiter holds a job candidate's resume and cover letter during an interview

True or false? Recruiters don't read cover letters.

Most people may think this is true, but guess what? They're wrong!

Recruiters do, in fact, read the good cover letters.

So, what does that tell us? If most people don't hear back from recruiters, and recruiters only read good cover letters, that means a majority of cover letters aren't written well and, therefore, don't stand out to them.

That may be hard to hear, but it's the truth.

CRITICAL Cover Letter Mistakes

Often, there's WAY too much "blah, blah, blah" and "brag, brag, brag" going on in a cover letter. If you write a cover letter that only focuses on how great you are, recruiters are going to toss it.

Why? Because it's exactly like all the other cover letters they've read.

Think about it. Why should they think you're incredible when they've read hundreds of other cover letters saying other people are incredible, too?

If you want to stand out in the hiring process, you MUST have an attention-grabbing cover letter. This an important tool to have, and one that shouldn't be glossed over. In some cases, your cover letter can hold more power than your resume . That's huge, right?

Getting Personal On Your Cover Letter

Because the cover letter holds so much power, you need to know how to write one that stands out from the rest. One way to do that is to show a personal connection with the employer.

So, how exactly do you do that?

You can explain how you learned that what they do is special. Showing them that you personally connect with their brand will make you memorable.

Another thing you can do is tell them what it was like the first time you used their product or service. That also shows recruiters that you understand the company and that you believe in what they do.

Lastly, you can tell them about an overall life experience that helps you feel connected to their tribe. This shows that your values and beliefs align with theirs.

The big fact here is that the more personal the cover letter, the better! When you have a cover letter that really has recruiters at "hello," you know you have their heart AND their mind engaged.

Creating That Crucial Connection

The reason you want to get personal in your cover letter is because you want to create an emotional connection with a recruiter . Once you establish that connection, you're not just a piece of paper anymore.

This is what we at Work It Daily call a disruptive cover letter . Why? Because it disrupts the reader and gets them to snap out of autopilot mode and really think about who you are as a candidate.

The First Step When Writing A Disruptive Cover Letter

The first thing you need to do is watch a quick video tutorial on how to write this kind of cover letter. You're going to want to see specific examples so that you know how you should be writing them.

Step 2: Fill Out A Simple Template

You'll have a template that tells you where the beginning, middle, and end of your cover letter are, and what content should be where. This gives you a great foundation for how to fill out a cover letter properly.

Step 3: Submit That Cover Letter For Review

Once you're done with your amazing cover letter, have someone review it.

It's always good to have a second set of eyes on this, especially someone who understands cover letters, recruiters, and the hiring process. This person should be checking grammar , spelling, etc.

So, when all is said and done, how long should it take you to craft a disruptive cover letter ? The average time is between one and two hours. That may seem like a lot of time, but think of it this way: once you've built a cover letter you know will grab a recruiter's attention, you'll be able to use that cover letter format for other job opportunities. You'll just have to tweak the content in your disruptive cover letter here and there to match the company and job you're applying to.

Does The Disruptive Cover Letter REALLY Work?

Here at Work It Daily, we know these disruptive cover letters work. We've seen hundreds of our clients write KILLER cover letters and get calls for their dream jobs!

So, wouldn't learning how to write your own disruptive cover letter be good for your career? If so, how much would it be worth?

All of us at Work It Daily personally believe that it's priceless.

Owning your career change or job search process is a powerful thing, and we believe you can take control of that process and do incredible things.

Need more help writing a disruptive cover letter recruiters will love?

We'd love it if you signed up for Work It Daily's Event Subscription ! Get your career questions answered in our next live event!

This article was originally published at an earlier date.

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  • How to Write a Cover Letter ›
  • How to Write a Successful Cover Letter | Glassdoor ›

Spring Cleaning: 4 Ways To Fix Your Job Search

Is your job search turning into a grind with no end in sight? It may be time to take a step back and reevaluate your entire approach.

In cold weather climates, the beginning of spring is a time to clean the house and get organized—a practice known as spring cleaning. Through the years, spring cleaning has taken on a larger meaning with people using the time to organize and declutter things in their lives.

For professionals on the job hunt, a little spring cleaning (metaphorically speaking) could be a great way to reinvigorate your job search. Here are a few strategies your job search spring cleaning should include.

Reevaluate Your Job Search Approach

Make a list of the last handful of jobs you applied for and see if you can identify any positive or negative trends. Consider things like:

  • How did I learn about this job?
  • How did I apply for the job?
  • Did I earn an interview?
  • What was the ultimate result?

A lot can be learned about your job search approach just by answering these questions and identifying patterns. For example:

Negative Trends

You discovered five jobs through job boards, applied to all of them via the job boards, and never heard back from any of them.

The common pattern here is applying through job boards. This isn't to say that job boards don't serve a purpose in the job search process, but they have their limitations , and you can't run your job search entirely off of them. When you apply through a job board, there's a good chance that your materials will never get past the applicant tracking system (ATS) and never be seen by an actual person.

One simple fix is to research who the hiring manager or recruiter is that posted the position and email your materials to them directly.

The more efficient fix would be to take a proactive approach by putting together a bucket list of companies that you want to work for and start making connections on LinkedIn with people who work at those companies. You may already know some people who work there or have connections that can refer you to some individuals.

This is a great way to network your way onto a company's radar.

Positive Trends

You applied to three jobs via referral, were invited to two job interviews, and made it through multiple rounds of interviews for one of the jobs before being passed over for someone with a little more experience.

The pattern here is that getting referred to a job by a professional acquaintance is a great way to land a job interview . This indicates that you're leveraging your network well and you should continue to focus on your networking efforts.

The next step is to review the interview process and determine what went well and what needs to be improved. Sometimes the interviewer will provide feedback , and that feedback can be valuable. However, not everyone is comfortable with giving feedback.

Chances are you probably have a good idea about areas of improvement and the skills you need to gain. Put together a plan for addressing those shortfalls.

The good news in making it deep into any interview process is that it indicates that the company likes you as a potential employee (even if the timing just wasn't right) and the experience could be a roadmap to a job with that company at a later date, or another similar opportunity elsewhere.

Give Your Resume & Cover Letter Some Much-Needed Attention

Are you continuously sending similar resumes and cover letters to each job opening with only minor adjustments? If so, your strategy needs some serious spring cleaning.

Let's start with resumes!

Every resume should be tailored to the position in order for it to stand out to recruiters and hiring managers . It may seem like a lot of work, but it's actually less work than submitting the same resume over and over again and never hearing back.

The reason why it's so important to tailor your resume is that throughout your career, you acquire numerous skills, but the job you're applying for may only be focusing on 6-8 of those skills. In that case, those skills must rise to the top of the resume with quantifiable examples of how you successfully used those skills at previous jobs.

Remember, recruiters go through hundreds of resumes. They need to be able to tell from a quick glance whether or not you're a potential candidate for the position.

While updating your resume, you could also spruce up your LinkedIn profile by highlighting the skill sets that you want to be noticed for by recruiters.

As for writing a good cover letter , the key to success is writing a disruptive cover letter . When you write a disruptive cover letter , you're basically telling a story. The story should focus on how you connect with the particular company and job position. The story could also focus on your personal journey, and how you got to where you currently are in your career.

If your resumes and cover letters aren't unique, now is the time to clean things up and get on track.

Build Your Personal Brand

Just because you're looking for work doesn't mean that you don't have anything to offer. Use previous career experiences and passions to build your personal brand .

Ask yourself, "How do I want other professionals to view me?"

Pick an area of expertise and start sharing your knowledge and experience with your professional network by pushing out content on your LinkedIn and social media accounts. Good content can include blogs, social media posts, and videos.

By sharing content about your experiences and passions, you slowly build your personal brand, and others will start to notice. The content could lead to good discussions with others in your network. It could also lead to reconnecting with connections that you haven't spoken to in years, or making new connections.

You never know when one of these connections could turn into a job lead or referral. The trick is to get on people's radars. So, when you're cleaning up your job search, be sure to build a plan for personal branding.

Maintain Healthy Habits During Your Job Search

Your job search is important, but it's even more important to know when to pull back and focus on personal health and spending time with family and friends.

There are actually things that you can do for your own enjoyment that could help your job search in the long run, such as:

  • Grab coffee with a friend - It's good to engage in light conversation with friends during challenging times. And if your job search does come up, remember that most people have been through it themselves and you never know when a friend may provide you with a good idea or lead on a job.
  • Volunteer - Volunteering is a great way to get involved in the community and help others. In addition, if you develop a little bit of a career gap while looking for a job, you can always talk about how you filled that time volunteering, if you're asked about it during a job interview.
  • Continue to focus on other passions - Are you a fitness nut? Blogger? Crafter? Continue to do the things that bring you happiness. And if you're in a position to profit from your passion through a freelance job or side hustle , even better!

Spring is the perfect time to clean up and improve your job search so you can land the job you want. If you're struggling to find a job, follow the tips above to reinvigorate your job search—and watch your career blossom!

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Reactive vs. Proactive Job Search Strategies

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how to write a cover letter to recruiter

How to Write a Cover Letter

S omebody hiring you for a job will skim your resume, or may use an applicant tracking system to review it, but they will read your cover letter if considering you for a position .

Resumes are a vital tool for landing a job, and no job seeker should rush writing it, but the cover letter is worth lavishing time and attention on, too.

So if you’re looking for tips on how to write a cover letter, open up a document, and let’s get writing.

What Is a Cover Letter?

A cover letter is a letter that you’ll submit to an employer along with your resume and anything else, like a portfolio of your work, when you apply for a job. The cover letter makes a case for why you’re the person the company should hire.

If your resume is analogous to your brain – offering the facts and the logical reason why you should be hired – the cover letter is your heart – possibly striking an emotional chord with the employer and at least getting to the heart of the matter of why you, and no one else, is right for the job.

The resume should convince the employer that you have the background for the job; the cover letter should make it clear that you’re going to be an amazing employee and a pleasure to work with. After all, if all goes well, these people may be hanging out with you on their lunch break or working closely with you when you’re dealing with stressed out or difficult clients. That's arguably almost as important as you actually being capable of doing the work you're being hired for. And because of that, an employer would like to have a sense of your personality and who you are. A well-crafted cover letter can do that.

Choosing a Header

So how should you start the cover letter? Most resume experts will tell you to try and find the hiring manager's name, if at all possible. Assuming you have it, then you'd go with "Dear Mr. Smith" or "Dear Ms. Smith." You might want to address the person by their first name, according to Jennifer Fishberg, founder of Career Karma Resume Development & Career Services, which is based out of Highland Park, New Jersey.

That is, if you’ve already had contact with the person, or there has been a referral, going with a first name might be fine, Fishberg says.

“But if you’re unsure, err on the side of the formal,” Fishberg says.

And what if you’re applying blindly and have no idea who is going to read the cover letter? Perhaps the classic and tried-and-true “To Whom It May Concern”?

That would be a hard no, according to Fishberg.

“’To Whom It May Concern’ is a non-starter,” she says. “It just screams that this is one of a hundred mass-produced letters you've sent out and couldn't be bothered. Part of the job of the cover letter is to humanize you to the reader, so an impersonal greeting doesn't help your cause there,” Fishberg says.

So what should you go with? “If you really can't find a name, then ‘Dear Hiring Team’ can work,” Fishberg says.

The Opening

So once you’ve addressed whom you’re writing to, as you can imagine, you’d better seem pretty compelling quickly. You’re competing with a lot of job applicants.

“A strong cover letter grabs the reader's attention from the first line,” Fishberg says.

Easy to say, not always easy to pull off. But Fishberg suggests that you might want to highlight what you know of your employer’s “pain points” and your ability to offer solutions. Your employer has some sort of problem or wouldn’t need to hire somebody. The employer hopes that by hiring you, you will solve those problems.

“Start with an attention-grabbing sentence,” says Deb Harrison, a former high school English teacher and now growth and change consultant who has worked with companies in recruiting and with individuals searching for jobs. She is based out of Montgomery, New York.

Harrison says that attention-grabbing sentence might involve a relevant quote, statistic or anecdote. But don’t go overboard with your quotes, statistics or anecdote. “Make it clear in the first paragraph why you are applying for the specific job,” Harrison says.

Writing the Body

OK, you feel good about how you’ve addressed whoever is reading your letter. You’ve got the reader hooked. Now here’s where things can either soar or start to fall apart.

There’s so much to think about, including:

Length. Most job sites will encourage you to write a cover letter that’s half a page to a page long. Harrison says that “recruiters have a lot to look through, so too much information may not even get read, but it should provide enough to stand out to the recruiter.”

Tone. “Type like you are speaking in an interview ,” says Pete Milne, managing director of Robert Walters North America, a professional recruiting firm. “It is so easy to be overly formal in written form.”

That may sound like the opposite of what you want since formal would seem to equate being professional, but no, Milne asserts. Being overly formal can really backfire.

“The tendency to use bigger words or complex language is tempting in order to show your intelligence levels. However, long sentences, difficult to read paragraphs and convoluted language are all signs of poor communication,” he says. “No one should have to dissect what you are trying to say. Make it obvious and super easy to read.”

Milne adds: “Also, imagine the shock when you turn up to an interview and sound nothing like your highly formal, legal-sounding cover letter. Stay true to yourself and be confident with your real tone of voice and personality.”

Details. As in, they matter, but don't go overboard here either. “Stick to the important stuff – a cover letter isn’t a biography,” Milne says. “As much as I encourage professionals to spend a good amount of time on a cover letter, there also needs to be an understanding that this will likely be scanned over by your prospective employer – hence the need to keep the language simple. See a cover letter as your highlights reel."

And only, Milne adds, including the highlights that are relevant to landing the job.

But if you feel like your cover letter needs a little something else, even if it has nothing to do with the job, you can probably get away with it, within reason, according to Milne.

“There is no harm in including that you are an avid surfer, but don’t go on about it unless you like to compete on a professional level, and tie in how getting to the finish line is a core makeup of your personality," Milne says. "All roads lead back to whether you will be good at this particular job or not.”

You may start to feel like this cover letter is as hard to write as a novel or television script, but you don’t have to close with a powerful ending for the ages or a cliffhanger, fortunately. Harrison advises that in your final paragraph and sentences you encourage the reader to take action – that is, reply to you (and be sure to provide your contact information). She also suggests you reiterate your enthusiasm for the position and thank the reader for considering your application.

Kyle Elliott, a career coach who lives in Santa Barbara, California, had a suggestion for the ending, if you have room and think it needs more punch.

"Because social proof is powerful, a creative and powerful way to end your cover letter is with a testimonial from a supervisor, colleague or client. You don't need to ask for an entire letter of recommendation here either. You can repurpose a testimonial from your LinkedIn profile or take a snippet from a performance review you received at work," he says.

And there you go. You’re done. Almost.

Review Your Cover Letter

That was just a first draft. You need to look over your cover letter again, especially if you really want this job . There are a lot of pitfalls that you want to make sure you didn’t stumble into while writing your letter.

For instance, you shouldn't only worry about typos or misspelling names, but getting basic facts incorrect.

“Frustratingly, the No. 1 thing that professionals can often get wrong in a cover letter is the company name or role that they are applying for,” Milne says.

Think about how that looks to a recruiter or potential employer, misnaming the company or even the type of job you’re applying for.

“Often the reason this happens is because job hunters typically use the same cover letter for multiple applications – barring a few tweaks,” Milne says.

"A copy and paste job when it comes to cover letters is lazy and can be borderline offensive or off-putting to recruiters or organizations depending on how obvious it is that you are firing off the same cover letter to multiple organizations," Milne says.

Repetition can also be a problem. In other words, are you repeating everything in the cover letter that you put in the resume? Not a great idea, according to Elliott.

“You want to avoid the common mistake of summarizing your resume when writing your cover letter. Instead, use your cover letter as an opportunity to express your interest in the company and role, as well as what sets you apart from other candidates,” Elliott says.

Sure, you knew that already – but it’s still easy to fall into the repetitive trap.

“Specificity is your friend when writing your cover letter. Give specific examples as to why you're drawn to this company compared to its competitors,” Elliott says. “Additionally, explain what distinguishes you from other applicants. If you offer a specific type of experience, knowledge or skill, be sure to call this out in your cover letter.”

Final Tips on Writing a Cover Letter

Finally, the important thing is to take writing a cover letter seriously.

"Cover letters often get a bad rap these days, both from job seekers and from the hiring side," Fishberg says. "Treating the cover letter as an obligatory nuisance is a missed opportunity to differentiate yourself from other applicants."

And if you can differentiate yourself, you'll have really pulled something off. You may even get hired .

"The perfect cover letter is the one that shows you've done your homework and understand this particular job and this company's needs. It's not one-size-fits-all," Fishberg says.

Copyright 2023 U.S. News & World Report


Cover letter: How to convince every recruiter

Whether it's an internship, apprenticeship or permanent position - the first step on the way to your dream job is always a successful application . Have you found lots of interesting job vacancies , but writing applications is giving you a headache? Don't worry, you're not alone. For many people, the letter of application is a major obstacle, as it requires an honest self-assessment and involves a lot of time-consuming formulation of your own skills.

But it's worth the effort, because only a successful application letter will open the door to a personal interview and bring you one step closer to your dream job . Below you will find out what you should pay attention to when writing your application.

Why a letter of application is important

The cover letter is an integral part of every application. While you should include your hard skills in your CV , you should dedicate your cover letter to your soft skills . These have become increasingly important in recent years, which is why the personal cover letter has become more of a focus in the selection process.

With a cover letter, you have the opportunity to present yourself confidently and emphasize your positive qualities. On the one hand, it is about self-presentation by listing relevant qualifications, and on the other hand, it is about standing out from the crowd of applicants in terms of language.

The preparation for your cover letter

Before you start writing, you should create an information sheet . After all, you need information about the company, the requirements and of course an overview of your own qualifications so that you can tailor your application letter to the job advertisement.

Use your computer to research the Internet to gather information about the company.

Use various sources for your research.

A structured approach will help you to work out relevant information and not write too much later on. The cover letter is based on your application documents . You should compile these beforehand and adapt them to the job advertisement if necessary.

Find relevant qualifications in six steps

  • Read the job advertisement carefully and write down what is expected of you.
  • Compare the requirements profile with your certificates, knowledge and experience . Look for matches that qualify you for the position and add important qualifications to your CV if you have not already mentioned them.
  • What are my strengths and what can I improve?
  • Which tasks do I do with enthusiasm ?
  • What do I want from the new job? In which area would I like to learn something?

These questions should reveal what makes up your personality and what sets you apart from others. To check the relevance of the insights gained above, it helps to present them in a table.

Various hard and soft skills are relevant for a cover letter.

Combine the soft skills you have learned with the corresponding hard skills.

  • Write all your hard skills in the left-hand column of the table. In addition to professional experience, these include degrees, internships, foreign language and computer skills, as well as voluntary work.
  • The right-hand column contains soft skills that you have acquired or developed during your work. These include, for example, team spirit, enthusiasm or assertiveness.
  • Now mark which skills were mentioned in the job advertisement and should therefore be included in your application letter.

You can put aside any qualifications that you have not marked as relevant to your application . Be consistent and also delete information that says something positive about you but does not fit the position.

Create application overview

You should create a table so that you don't lose track of where you have applied, when and with which documents during your job search. SeaTable offers you a structured application overview so that you always have the information and documents you have prepared to hand. See all your applications and the associated documents at a glance and make it easier for you to create cover letters with the page design .

If you would like to use SeaTable for your application planner, simply register free of charge. You can find the template here .

Formalities in your letter of application

Choose a suitable font, line spacing and font size.

Look for a suitable font and pay attention to font size, line spacing and margins.

How you design your documents is entirely up to you, as there is no prescribed format. However, make sure that your writing is legible and that you structure your application letter clearly. Below you will find some recommendations:

  • Font : easy to read, not too fancy, e.g. Times New Roman or Arial, ideally in 10-12 point size
  • Line spacing : minimum single line and maximum 1.5 lines
  • Length : maximum one DIN A4 page
  • Margins : top and bottom 2cm each, left and right 2.5cm
  • Flush : left-aligned, exception: date

Of course, you can also apply these formalities to other application documents in order to create a uniform and coherent image.

The structure of your cover letter

The structure of an application letter always looks the same and can be divided into six sections.

The perfect structure for your cover letter consists of six steps.

Follow the structure and fill it with content.

The letterhead is traditionally used when you send your application letter by post. However, you should also add a letterhead to your cover letter when submitting it online. This contains your contact details as well as the address of the company and the recipient to whom you are sending your application. Make sure that you enter the address details in the correct order, as shown in the illustration.

The address should always be free of errors and without gaps. Check that the company name is complete. To avoid unnecessary errors, copy the spelling of the company from the website. The name of your contact person should be correct and, if given, with an academic title.

The date then follows, some distance to the right. In Germany, this is structured as follows:

Place, day.month.year .

You can write the month either as a number or as a word.

This is followed by the subject line with two to three blank lines. You can emphasize this with bold letters or a larger font, for example. This allows the company to identify your request immediately, which enables quick processing. Indicate here which position you are applying for and add the reference number if applicable.


Before you have the opportunity to shine with your qualifications, you need to attract the attention of your contact person. Address them personally by name and only use the impersonal terms ladies and gentlemen in an emergency if you don't know anyone by name. For more conservative companies, choose a classic form of address such as Dear Ms. XY to introduce your request politely. For start-ups, you can also try an informal form of address such as Hello dear marketing team, dear Ms. XY .

Write politely, because you want to sell yourself and your skills well in your cover letter.

Write politely to create a good first impression with your counterpart.

The first impression counts. You should therefore pay particular attention to the first sentence in your application letter. This is because it should arouse interest and decide whether the recruiter reads your application further. You should definitely avoid sentences such as " I hereby apply for position XY ", as these do not provide the recruiter with any relevant information about you as a person.

It is important that the first sentence does not get lost in the crowd with a boring phrase. Make it clear what sets you apart from the other applicants. Use concise keywords that describe your personality and skills and that you can pick up on in the main body. For example, start with a personal connection to the company, your uniquely high motivation or an exciting unique selling point.

The main section is the core of your cover letter. Here you should include all relevant information in five to seven rows . The aim is to present your skills and motives briefly and concisely and at the same time give the recruiter a comprehensive impression of your personality.

Your qualifications

What makes you special? Address this question in detail here. Make it clear that you are qualified for all the tasks in the job advertisement and that you are also able to take on new challenges with your skills. To do this, combine the skills already listed in your CV with your soft skills. Give specific examples of situations in which you have acquired or applied skills in a professional or private context.

Cultural fit to the company

It is also important whether you fit in with the company on a personal level in addition to your professional qualifications. Show that you identify with the company's values and want to integrate yourself into the corporate culture. You can achieve this by explaining how you will enrich the company and what motivates you to work there.

We've saved the best for last. Here you can enter your salary expectations or earliest starting date .

The final sentence is particularly important, as this is what the recruiter will remember the longest. It is therefore important that you radiate self-confidence and make it clear once again that you expect positive feedback. To achieve this, you should avoid the subjunctive mood. A conclusion such as " I would be delighted to be invited to an interview " comes across as reserved, as if you are unsure of your own qualifications for the position.

The aim of the application letter is to be invited to an interview.

Keep your goal in mind: Go to the interview with self-confidence.

Find a good middle ground to sound friendly, polite and confident at the same time. A clear statement such as "I look forward to meeting you in person at an interview " is a good way to do this.

Greeting and signature

As with the salutation, the greeting should be appropriate to the company. "Yours sincerely" is always the safest choice for you.

Now all that is missing is your handwritten signature . You can either place this on the printed application letter or, in the case of an online application, sign digitally via touchpad or scan your signature and insert it into your document.


List the required attachments at the end of your cover letter under the heading Attachments . These usually include your CV, work and internship references and certificates . Attach these to your application in a separate PDF file .

Special forms of the letter of application

The classic application letter, as explained above, can vary in certain cases. Depending on which case applies to you, you should adapt your application documents accordingly.

If you would like to apply as part of a school or university internship, recruiters require no or few professional qualifications . Instead, you will score points with suitable soft skills and interests that you pursue in certain subjects, vacation jobs, your free time or as part of your own projects and voluntary work.

Soft skills can be demonstrated through voluntary work.

Demonstrate your social commitment by volunteering.

Your contact person is also interested in your motivation . Why exactly do you want to work for this company? What do you hope to gain from the practical experience? Show what inspires you.

Unsolicited application

You may not always find a suitable position among the vacancies advertised by your dream employer. But that's no reason to give up, because most companies offer the opportunity to send unsolicited applications. Your focus here is on extended research , as you have to gather all the information for your documents yourself. Be careful not to overload your application and reduce your cover letter to the aspects that seem most important to you.

E-mail application

Most applications are sent online these days. If you send your documents by e-mail, the letter of application should be attached as a PDF document . The subject, i.e. the position you are applying for, should be placed in the subject line provided. Write a short two-liner in the text field in which you name your contact person and refer to the documents in the attachment . End the text with a greeting and your name.

Tips and tricks for your cover letter

Is the content of your application ready and you want to put the finishing touches to it? Then you will find some helpful tips and examples here to perfect your application.

Dos and don'ts

You can enhance your cover letter by paying attention to the dos and don'ts.

Make sure you use appropriate wording.

To express self-confidence, use active sentences and address people directly. Make sure you personalize your cover letter and stay true to yourself.

Sample wording for your letter of application

Here you will find formulation aids for various situations in the cover letter:

Establish company and topic reference

"I have already gained insights into journalistic work during several internships in the media industry. Now I would like to apply the skills I acquired there to the PR of your international company and develop them further."

Packaging professional experience profitably

"Thanks to my 10 years in sales, I know how to inspire customers in direct contact, which is why I can successfully increase turnover in your sales team."

Developing professional qualifications

"Thanks to my Romance studies, I have a B2-level command of Spanish and French and have applied and deepened this knowledge during internships abroad in Madrid and Paris."

Establish soft skills

"In my position as deputy team leader, I have developed a collegial management style in which I treat my employees as equals and assign them tasks based on their individual skills. Together, we completed the project in half the allotted time."

Before you send off your application, you should proofread it. In addition to a spell check , the following checklist will help you to ensure that your cover letter is complete:

  • Are all the names correct and are they spelled correctly?
  • Have you formulated your letter of application clearly and not too clichéd?
  • Does the recruiter get a comprehensive picture of your qualifications?
  • Have you worked out your unique personality sufficiently?
  • Can the recruiter assess what added value you bring to the company and whether you identify with the culture?

Now nothing stands in the way of writing your next successful application. SeaTable has created an online application planner for you so that you don't lose track of your documents even if you have several applications. This will help you to plan your next steps, organize your documents and always stay up to date with the application process.

If you would like to use SeaTable for your application overview, simply register free of charge. You can find the template here .

how to write a cover letter to recruiter

" * " indicates required fields

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Your Introduction Matters: How To Write A Professional Email When Sending Your Resume And Cover Letter

When applying for jobs, we tend to send our resumes and cover letters through email in the wrong way. Scroll down to learn what to write when sending the same via email. 

Anukriti Srivastava

  • Anukriti Srivastava
  • Updated - 2024-04-20, 12:42 IST

email when sending job application

Basic Guidelines While Drafting Email

  • Keep the subject line clear and concise with the job title and your name mentioned.
  • Express your interest in the position and how you found out about the job in the opening line of the email.
  • Briefly summarise your qualifications and relevant experience in the body of the email.
  • Introduce yourself briefly and elaborate on your interest in the position, skills and experience that make you a suitable fit for the position.
  • Attach your resume and cover letter in PDF format and rename it for easy reading.
  • Include contact information such as your phone number and email address, so that the recipient can easily get in touch with you.
  • Include a closing statement, thanking the recipient for their time and consideration.
  • Proofread your email and attachments for grammatical errors before sending.


Sample Email To Send Resume For Job

cover letter

Image Courtsey: Freepik/Unsplash

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12 Recruiting Email Examples I Love (For Your Inspiration)

Updated: April 25, 2024

Published: March 27, 2024

If you’re active on LinkedIn, you’ve probably received random messages from recruiters inquiring about putting you in their talent pipeline.

recruiter reviewing recruiting email examples

I’ve received countless generic recruiting messages that make it clear that no one paid attention to my account. Messages have arrived in languages that I don’t speak, or they’ve sent a copy-pasted recruiting email template to dozens of potential candidates that hasn’t been customized at all.

→ Download Now: The Beginner's Guide to Email Marketing [Free Ebook]

While cold recruiting messages can be highly effective, they often make the hiring process feel impersonal before you even formally get involved.

The recruiting process doesn’t have to feel that way. With the right recruiting email templates, recruiters and recruiting agencies can save time and effectively fuel their talent pipeline. Let’s dive into successful recruiting emails, why they work, and a template that you can use yourself.

Table of Contents

The Best Recruiting Emails

How to write a recruiting email, other types of recruiting emails.

how to write a cover letter to recruiter

A Beginner's Guide to Email Marketing

How to execute and measure successful email marketing campaigns

  • Growing an email list.
  • Remaining CAN-SPAM compliant.
  • Using email automation.
  • Segmenting your audience.

You're all set!

Click this link to access this resource at any time.

I’ve gathered 12 emails from professional recruiters, executive search firms, and headhunters.

Use these examples to create unique recruiting email templates that can be customized for your own outreach, whether you’re drafting cold recruiting email templates or nurturing existing relationships.

Many of these recruiting emails have been anonymized for privacy.

1. Director of Tax Email

how to write a cover letter to recruiter

This email example from the HubSpot marketing recruiting team has been anonymized to serve as a short recruiting email template for your own outreach.

While some emails will go into the interview process and shine a light further down the hiring road, this is short and sweet and focuses on getting a response from any interested candidates.

Recruiting email templates can call recipients to directly apply to a position, or they can offer to further the conversation.

The latter is the case in this HubSpot recruiting email template: The call-to-action (CTA) in this email makes the recipient feel like their time is respected. Further, the hiring manager isn’t trying to funnel anyone into the hiring process.

What I like : While many recruiting email templates include extensive company details, an email this direct can help have a higher response rate with passive candidates.

3. Physical Therapist Email

how to write a cover letter to recruiter

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8 Ways ChatGPT can Help You to Find Your Dream Job (2024)

Undeniably, job search is a challenging task for people amidst many layoffs. With many people looking for the same job, you must make your profile stand out. Why not use ChatGPT for job search ? ChatGPT has become a go-to tool for job hunters to learn in-depth about the companies you are applying for. Change your cover letter and resume, leverage your LinkedIn profile, and prepare for job interviews using ChatGPT.

We will let you take a deep dive into how to use ChatGPT for job search .

Table of Content

Why use ChatGPT To Search for a Job?

Research the companies you are applying using to chatgpt for job search, write a cover letter using chatgpt for job search, use chatgpt to make convincing resumes, how to use chatgpt for your job search, improve your linkedin profile using chatgpt, write messages to hiring managers using chatgpt for job search, use chatgpt for job interview preparation, use chatgpt for job search websites, conclusion on chatgpt for job search.

  • FAQs – How To Use ChatGPT for Your Job Search

The ChatGPT power is not confined to offering valuable career guidance or preparing you for an interview. There are a few job search prompts that you can use to start the job hunt process.

These prompts will help you with questions the interviewer might ask and offer you the best career advice you need. ChatGPT job search plugins are also available.

You can use these plugins to look for job opportunities based on your skill set, experience, and package. It also helps you improve your profile and gives you good profile visibility to employers on job sites.

Here is how to use ChatGPT for your job search:

ChatGPT will check for companies in your domain and suggest one that is a perfect fit. ChatGPT can guide you through the job search process in these ways:

  • You can check the work culture, stress, environment, pay scale, and other factors in the company you are applying for. You can also learn about career opportunities you might have at the company.
  • You can also learn the milestones and financial health of the company.
  • Highlight companies’ weaknesses, strengths, and opportunities based on your information. It helps you to evaluate and find the best match.

The following prompts can be asked to ChatGPT for job search include:

Prompt: Tell me about this ABC company and give me more details about its mission, products, key executives, and vision.

ChatGPT for Job Search

Prompt: Can you compare how this company is best compared to its competitors regarding growth, financials, innovation, and culture?

Company Comparison

How do you use ChatGPT for job search ? ChatGPT will also help you with an appealing and highly impressive cover letter. You can prompt ChatGPT to write the cover letter based on the provided job description.

Though ChatGPT will provide accurate paragraphs, you must also check personally by proofreading it. You should submit a cover letter about your skills and experience and not make it look fake.

You can ask ChatGPT to create a cover letter for your resume when using ChatGPT for job search :

Prompt : Create a compelling cover letter for a digital marketing manager. Or Create a cover letter based on the job description for the digital marketing manager.

Prompt for Cover Letter Writing for Digital Marketing Manager

ChatGPT offers resume-building tips to help you create an effective resume customized to your experience, accomplishments, skillset, and career goals.

You can provide the summary section of your resume, and ChatGPT can rephrase this section to create a maximum impact.

ChatGPT can tweak any section of your resume to make it effective, from the summary to the bullet points you have under work experience. You can ask this to write a resume based on the job description. Within a few seconds, it will incorporate all the skills and responsibilities in the job description into the resume.

You can provide ChatGPT search job prompts while building the resume:

Prompt: Create a resume highlighting the skills mentioned in this job description.

Prompt for Highlighting Skills in Resume

With the help of this chatbot, you can create headlines for your LinkedIn profile to grab the attention of recruiters and hiring managers who want to view your profile.

While writing the About section of your LinkedIn profile, this bot can help you develop an engaging story by including all your skills, experiences, and achievements to employers.

ChatGPT will create the best experience section that will showcase your accomplishments and contributions you made to the company.

Following are the ChatGPT for job search prompts you can use while creating a LinkedIn profile:

Prompts: Create a creative LinkedIn profile for a digital marketing manager role focused on creating the best marketing campaigns for the company. or Write a LinkedIn headline for a digital marketing manager role with eight years of experience.

Prompt for LinkedIn Profile Writing

You will need a highly effective and impressive LinkedIn message to build a strong connection with the hiring managers.

The following are a few prompts that you can provide to ChatGPT for job search . You can use the messages given by ChatGPT to send to the hiring managers after proofreading once.

Prompts: Can you customize a message to send to a company recruiter wherein I can showcase my knowledge and show my interest in joining their company? Also, can you add to the message asking them to refer me to their company for the digital marketing manager role? Or Can you write a message within 100 to 150 words to send to a hiring manager emphasizing the digital marketing experience and skills I have acquired so far? The message you provided conveys to the recruiter my interest in networking with them and learning about the job openings in their company. Keep the tone professional.

Prompt for Writing Messages to Hiring Managers

Job hunting can be an exhaustive process for all. Finding suitable job sites and tools can make the whole process easy and let you land the job of your dreams.

Can you use ChatGPT for job applications ? ChatGPT will answer your questions based on the prompts you give to it. You can learn about the interview questions the interview will ask:

I am being interviewed for the senior digital marketer or digital marketing manager role for a startup in development and want some interview questions. The startup wants the marketer to develop robust strategies to increase the company’s review.

Can you please list down the relevant questions.

Prompt: Ask me related questions to these.

Prompt for Job Interview Questions

You can use ChatGPT for job search websites wherein you can post your profile and get a lot of interview calls and schedules.

You can request ChatGPT with the following prompt:

Prompt : Provide a list of job websites for high-paying digital marketing manager jobs.

Prompt to Provide Job Search Websites

You can check with ChatGPT for job search to provide some tips for searching for LinkedIn jobs. This can guide you through the process to catch the eye of recruiters on LinkedIn and get placed sooner.

Related Articles: 15 Best ChatGPT Prompts for Job Seekers in 2024 50 Best ChatGPT Prompts You Can’t Miss in 2023

How to use ChatGPT for job search? ChatGPT is the best and most powerful tool to help you with the chances of your profile being shortlisted and standing out. Use this to make your resume impressive, improving LinkedIn profile, prepare for interviews, and create powerful cover letters. All of this will help you navigate the job market with high confidence.

FAQs – Use ChatGPT to Find Your Dream Job

How to use chatgpt to write a resume.

ChatGPT will work effectively based on how you provide the prompt. The more personalized the prompts are, the better the results will be. You can ask ChatGPT to generate a resume by sharing some action verbs, skills, and past experiences to get good results.

Can I draft a cover letter using ChatGPT?

Yes. You can use this tool to craft an impressive cover letter necessary to apply for jobs. However, you must humanize and personalize this cover letter before sending it to the recruiter.

Will the results be the same if every candidate uses ChatGPT to create a cover letter?

The output produced by ChatGPT would be monotonous. It would help if you personalized the prompt to generate the cover letter as you want.

Can a recruiter learn I used ChatGPT to create a cover letter or resume?

Hiring managers and recruiters can use the ChatGPT detection tool if they suspect that you have created a resume through it.

Can ChatGPT help me with interview preparation?

Yes, ChatGPT will help you practice the standard interview questions the recruiter asks. It provides you with good feedback and refines the answers. This boosts your confidence and helps you to crack the interviews.

Please Login to comment...

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    Free Recruiter cover letter example. Dear Ms. Oliver: With this letter and the attached resume, I would like to express my sincere interest in the Recruiter position you have available. As an accomplished human resources specialist with extensive experience and finely honed abilities in talent acquisition and candidate management, I possess a ...

  16. How to Address a Cover Letter to Recruiter or Hiring Manager

    Whoever it is, use their full name (first and last name) in the greeting. If you cannot definitively tell the gender of the hiring person, do not use a gender-based title such as "Mr." or "Ms." in the greeting. Instead just use the person's full name. For example, Alex Johnson could be male or female. To avoid a gender mistake, use Dear ...

  17. How to Write a Good Cover Letter… Recruiters Will Actually Want to Read

    If the purpose of a cover letter is differentiation, you'll want to make sure that your cover letter stands out from the very beginning. Which means starting with a format that respects what recruiters need - and eschews everything they don't. So recognizing that recruiters are in a massive hurry (the average recruiter is juggling 30-40 ...

  18. Cover Letter Tips: How to Stand out to a Hiring Manager

    Create your cover letter template. Recruiters and hiring managers notice when applicants submit a generic cover letter—78 per cent of those surveyed said it's "easy" to distinguish between generic and tailored cover letters. ... writing a tailored cover letter for each application can quickly become an overwhelming task for a job seeker ...

  19. How To Write a Cover Letter (With Examples and Tips)

    Middle paragraph (s) Closing paragraph. Letter ending and signature. Your cover letter should be one page long and use a simple, professional font, such as Arial or Helvetica, 10 to 12 points in size. Your letter should be left-aligned with single spacing and one-inch margins. Show Transcript.

  20. How To Write A Recruiter Cover Letter (With Example)

    Include your first and last name, degree and certification, if relevant, in the first line of the header. In the second line, specify your mobile number, email, city and state or union territory. Mention the date of writing the letter below the header. Include the name of the company you are applying to below the date.

  21. How To Write a Cover Letter (With Examples)

    The time spent in writing a cover letter is well worth the effort. About 49% of hiring managers, 53% of employers, and 47% of recruiters prefer applications that include cover letters because it shows motivation and adds information and personality to the resume. An effective cover letter gives your application an edge and helps you stand out.

  22. How To Write A Cover Letter Recruiters Will LOVE

    Step 3: Submit That Cover Letter For Review. Bigstock. Once you're done with your amazing cover letter, have someone review it. It's always good to have a second set of eyes on this, especially someone who understands cover letters, recruiters, and the hiring process. This person should be checking grammar, spelling, etc.

  23. Best Recruiter Cover Letter Examples for 2024

    A strong call to action. The cover letter sample provided ends with a strong call to action, inviting the hiring manager to contact the candidate for further discussion. Hiring managers will also expect your job application to be in line with the most recent formatting standards. To ensure that this is the case, use the CVHelp CV builder.

  24. How to Write a Cover Letter to a Recruitment Agency

    Here's a step-by-step guide you may find helpful when writing a cover letter to a recruitment agency: 1. Conduct research on the recruitment agency. Because there are a variety of different types of recruitment agencies, it can benefit you to research your desired agency to make sure they offer the services you require.

  25. PDF How to Write a Cover Letter

    foregone the tradition of writing a cover letter to accompany their CV when applying for a practice opportunity. Some may feel that the first introduction of themselves to the physician recruiter, program director, or hospital CEO, can be adequately captured in a paragraph or two in an email when sending their CV. Sending a cover

  26. How to Write a Cover Letter

    Final Tips on Writing a Cover Letter Finally, the important thing is to take writing a cover letter seriously. "Cover letters often get a bad rap these days, both from job seekers and from the ...

  27. Cover letter: How to convince every recruiter

    Why a letter of application is important. The cover letter is an integral part of every application. While you should include your hard skills in your CV, you should dedicate your cover letter to your soft skills. These have become increasingly important in recent years, which is why the personal cover letter has become more of a focus in the ...

  28. 4 Steps How To Write A Professional Email for Your Resume and Cover

    Follow these tips when writing an email to send a resume and cover letter for job (linkedin job post ideas).. Don't Miss:HZ Educate: A Guide To Documents That You Require To Study Abroad is Jagran New Media's gender and lifestyle vertical, catering to women of all age groups, helping them remain updated, on-trend and aware. To improve our performance and understand our readers ...

  29. 12 Recruiting Email Examples I Love (For Your Inspiration)

    7. Cybersecurity Position "I crafted this for a candidate I recently encountered while searching for top application security talent," shares Conor Hughes, an HR professional and consultant.Hughes relayed his expertise on SMB Guide and gave these insights into why he drafted this recruiting email this specific way. "I initially discovered this individual after reading an in-depth article ...

  30. 8 Ways ChatGPT can Help You to Find Your Dream Job (2024)

    You should submit a cover letter about your skills and experience and not make it look fake. You can ask ChatGPT to create a cover letter for your resume when using ChatGPT for job search: Prompt: Create a compelling cover letter for a digital marketing manager. Or Create a cover letter based on the job description for the digital marketing ...