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The process of problem-solving is frequently used to achieve objectives or resolve particular situations. In computer science, the term "problem-solving" refers to artificial intelligence methods, which may include formulating ensuring appropriate, using algorithms, and conducting root-cause analyses that identify reasonable solutions. Artificial intelligence (AI) problem-solving often involves investigating potential solutions to problems through reasoning techniques, making use of polynomial and differential equations, and carrying them out and use modelling frameworks. A same issue has a number of solutions, that are all accomplished using an unique algorithm. Additionally, certain issues have original remedies. Everything depends on how the particular situation is framed.

Artificial intelligence is being used by programmers all around the world to automate systems for effective both resource and time management. Games and puzzles can pose some of the most frequent issues in daily life. The use of ai algorithms may effectively tackle this. Various problem-solving methods are implemented to create solutions for a variety complex puzzles, includes mathematics challenges such crypto-arithmetic and magic squares, logical puzzles including Boolean formulae as well as N-Queens, and quite well games like Sudoku and Chess. Therefore, these below represent some of the most common issues that artificial intelligence has remedied:

Depending on their ability for recognising intelligence, these five main artificial intelligence agents were deployed today. The below would these be agencies:

This mapping of states and actions is made easier through these agencies. These agents frequently make mistakes when moving onto the subsequent phase of a complicated issue; hence, problem-solving standardized criteria such cases. Those agents employ artificial intelligence can tackle issues utilising methods like B-tree and heuristic algorithms.

The effective approaches of artificial intelligence make it useful for resolving complicated issues. All fundamental problem-solving methods used throughout AI were listed below. In accordance with the criteria set, students may learn information regarding different problem-solving methods.

The heuristic approach focuses solely upon experimentation as well as test procedures to comprehend a problem and create a solution. These heuristics don't always offer better ideal answer to something like a particular issue, though. Such, however, unquestionably provide effective means of achieving short-term objectives. Consequently, if conventional techniques are unable to solve the issue effectively, developers turn to them. Heuristics are employed in conjunction with optimization algorithms to increase the efficiency because they merely offer moment alternatives while compromising precision.

Several of the fundamental ways that AI solves every challenge is through searching. These searching algorithms are used by rational agents or problem-solving agents for select the most appropriate answers. Intelligent entities use molecular representations and seem to be frequently main objective when finding solutions. Depending upon that calibre of the solutions they produce, most searching algorithms also have attributes of completeness, optimality, time complexity, and high computational.

This approach to issue makes use of the well-established evolutionary idea. The idea of "survival of the fittest underlies the evolutionary theory. According to this, when a creature successfully reproduces in a tough or changing environment, these coping mechanisms are eventually passed down to the later generations, leading to something like a variety of new young species. By combining several traits that go along with that severe environment, these mutated animals aren't just clones of something like the old ones. The much more notable example as to how development is changed and expanded is humanity, which have done so as a consequence of the accumulation of advantageous mutations over countless generations.

Genetic algorithms have been proposed upon that evolutionary theory. These programs employ a technique called direct random search. In order to combine the two healthiest possibilities and produce a desirable offspring, the developers calculate the fit factor. Overall health of each individual is determined by first gathering demographic information and afterwards assessing each individual. According on how well each member matches that intended need, a calculation is made. Next, its creators employ a variety of methodologies to retain their finest participants.


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  • Part 2 Problem-solving »
  • Chapter 3 Solving Problems by Searching
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Chapter 3 Solving Problems by Searching 

When the correct action to take is not immediately obvious, an agent may need to plan ahead : to consider a sequence of actions that form a path to a goal state. Such an agent is called a problem-solving agent , and the computational process it undertakes is called search .

Problem-solving agents use atomic representations, that is, states of the world are considered as wholes, with no internal structure visible to the problem-solving algorithms. Agents that use factored or structured representations of states are called planning agents .

We distinguish between informed algorithms, in which the agent can estimate how far it is from the goal, and uninformed algorithms, where no such estimate is available.

3.1 Problem-Solving Agents 

If the agent has no additional information—that is, if the environment is unknown —then the agent can do no better than to execute one of the actions at random. For now, we assume that our agents always have access to information about the world. With that information, the agent can follow this four-phase problem-solving process:

GOAL FORMULATION : Goals organize behavior by limiting the objectives and hence the actions to be considered.

PROBLEM FORMULATION : The agent devises a description of the states and actions necessary to reach the goal—an abstract model of the relevant part of the world.

SEARCH : Before taking any action in the real world, the agent simulates sequences of actions in its model, searching until it finds a sequence of actions that reaches the goal. Such a sequence is called a solution .

EXECUTION : The agent can now execute the actions in the solution, one at a time.

It is an important property that in a fully observable, deterministic, known environment, the solution to any problem is a fixed sequence of actions . The open-loop system means that ignoring the percepts breaks the loop between agent and environment. If there is a chance that the model is incorrect, or the environment is nondeterministic, then the agent would be safer using a closed-loop approach that monitors the percepts.

In partially observable or nondeterministic environments, a solution would be a branching strategy that recommends different future actions depending on what percepts arrive.

3.1.1 Search problems and solutions 

A search problem can be defined formally as follows:

A set of possible states that the environment can be in. We call this the state space .

The initial state that the agent starts in.

A set of one or more goal states . We can account for all three of these possibilities by specifying an \(Is\-Goal\) method for a problem.

The actions available to the agent. Given a state \(s\) , \(Actions(s)\) returns a finite set of actions that can be executed in \(s\) . We say that each of these actions is applicable in \(s\) .

A transition model , which describes what each action does. \(Result(s,a)\) returns the state that results from doing action \(a\) in state \(s\) .

An action cost function , denote by \(Action\-Cost(s,a,s\pr)\) when we are programming or \(c(s,a,s\pr)\) when we are doing math, that gives the numeric cost of applying action \(a\) in state \(s\) to reach state \(s\pr\) .

A sequence of actions forms a path , and a solution is a path from the initial state to a goal state. We assume that action costs are additive; that is, the total cost of a path is the sum of the individual action costs. An optimal solution has the lowest path cost among all solutions.

The state space can be represented as a graph in which the vertices are states and the directed edges between them are actions.

3.1.2 Formulating problems 

The process of removing detail from a representation is called abstraction . The abstraction is valid if we can elaborate any abstract solution into a solution in the more detailed world. The abstraction is useful if carrying out each of the actions in the solution is easier than the original problem.

3.2 Example Problems 

A standardized problem is intended to illustrate or exercise various problem-solving methods. It can be given a concise, exact description and hence is suitable as a benchmark for researchers to compare the performance of algorithms. A real-world problem , such as robot navigation, is one whose solutions people actually use, and whose formulation is idiosyncratic, not standardized, because, for example, each robot has different sensors that produce different data.

3.2.1 Standardized problems 

A grid world problem is a two-dimensional rectangular array of square cells in which agents can move from cell to cell.

Vacuum world

Sokoban puzzle

Sliding-tile puzzle

3.2.2 Real-world problems 

Route-finding problem

Touring problems

Trveling salesperson problem (TSP)

VLSI layout problem

Robot navigation

Automatic assembly sequencing

3.3 Search Algorithms 

A search algorithm takes a search problem as input and returns a solution, or an indication of failure. We consider algorithms that superimpose a search tree over the state-space graph, forming various paths from the initial state, trying to find a path that reaches a goal state. Each node in the search tree corresponds to a state in the state space and the edges in the search tree correspond to actions. The root of the tree corresponds to the initial state of the problem.

The state space describes the (possibly infinite) set of states in the world, and the actions that allow transitions from one state to another. The search tree describes paths between these states, reaching towards the goal. The search tree may have multiple paths to (and thus multiple nodes for) any given state, but each node in the tree has a unique path back to the root (as in all trees).

The frontier separates two regions of the state-space graph: an interior region where every state has been expanded, and an exterior region of states that have not yet been reached.

3.3.1 Best-first search 

In best-first search we choose a node, \(n\) , with minimum value of some evaluation function , \(f(n)\) .


3.3.2 Search data structures 

A node in the tree is represented by a data structure with four components

\(node.State\) : the state to which the node corresponds;

\(node.Parent\) : the node in the tree that generated this node;

\(node.Action\) : the action that was applied to the parent’s state to generate this node;

\(node.Path\-Cost\) : the total cost of the path from the initial state to this node. In mathematical formulas, we use \(g(node)\) as a synonym for \(Path\-Cost\) .

Following the \(PARENT\) pointers back from a node allows us to recover the states and actions along the path to that node. Doing this from a goal node gives us the solution.

We need a data structure to store the frontier . The appropriate choice is a queue of some kind, because the operations on a frontier are:

\(Is\-Empty(frontier)\) returns true only if there are no nodes in the frontier.

\(Pop(frontier)\) removes the top node from the frontier and returns it.

\(Top(frontier)\) returns (but does not remove) the top node of the frontier.

\(Add(node, frontier)\) inserts node into its proper place in the queue.

Three kinds of queues are used in search algorithms:

A priority queue first pops the node with the minimum cost according to some evaluation function, \(f\) . It is used in best-first search.

A FIFO queue or first-in-first-out queue first pops the node that was added to the queue first; we shall see it is used in breadth-first search.

A LIFO queue or last-in-first-out queue (also known as a stack ) pops first the most recently added node; we shall see it is used in depth-first search.

3.3.3 Redundant paths 

A cycle is a special case of a redundant path .

As the saying goes, algorithms that cannot remember the past are doomed to repeat it . There are three approaches to this issue.

First, we can remember all previously reached states (as best-first search does), allowing us to detect all redundant paths, and keep only the best path to each state.

Second, we can not worry about repeating the past. We call a search algorithm a graph search if it checks for redundant paths and a tree-like search if it does not check.

Third, we can compromise and check for cycles, but not for redundant paths in general.

3.3.4 Measuring problem-solving performance 

COMPLETENESS : Is the algorithm guaranteed to find a solution when there is one, and to correctly report failure when there is not?

COST OPTIMALITY : Does it find a solution with the lowest path cost of all solutions?

TIME COMPLEXITY : How long does it take to find a solution?

SPACE COMPLEXITY : How much memory is needed to perform the search?

To be complete, a search algorithm must be systematic in the way it explores an infinite state space, making sure it can eventually reach any state that is connected to the initial state.

In theoretical computer science, the typical measure of time and space complexity is the size of the state-space graph, \(|V|+|E|\) , where \(|V|\) is the number of vertices (state nodes) of the graph and \(|E|\) is the number of edges (distinct state/action pairs). For an implicit state space, complexity can be measured in terms of \(d\) , the depth or number of actions in an optimal solution; \(m\) , the maximum number of actions in any path; and \(b\) , the branching factor or number of successors of a node that need to be considered.

3.4 Uninformed Search Strategies 

3.4.1 breadth-first search .

When all actions have the same cost, an appropriate strategy is breadth-first search , in which the root node is expanded first, then all the successors of the root node are expanded next, then their successors, and so on.


Breadth-first search always finds a solution with a minimal number of actions, because when it is generating nodes at depth \(d\) , it has already generated all the nodes at depth \(d-1\) , so if one of them were a solution, it would have been found.

All the nodes remain in memory, so both time and space complexity are \(O(b^d)\) . The memory requirements are a bigger problem for breadth-first search than the execution time . In general, exponential-complexity search problems cannot be solved by uninformed search for any but the smallest instances .

3.4.2 Dijkstra’s algorithm or uniform-cost search 

When actions have different costs, an obvious choice is to use best-first search where the evaluation function is the cost of the path from the root to the current node. This is called Dijkstra’s algorithm by the theoretical computer science community, and uniform-cost search by the AI community.

The complexity of uniform-cost search is characterized in terms of \(C^*\) , the cost of the optimal solution, and \(\epsilon\) , a lower bound on the cost of each action, with \(\epsilon>0\) . Then the algorithm’s worst-case time and space complexity is \(O(b^{1+\lfloor C^*/\epsilon\rfloor})\) , which can be much greater than \(b^d\) .

When all action costs are equal, \(b^{1+\lfloor C^*/\epsilon\rfloor}\) is just \(b^{d+1}\) , and uniform-cost search is similar to breadth-first search.

3.4.3 Depth-first search and the problem of memory 

Depth-first search always expands the deepest node in the frontier first. It could be implemented as a call to \(Best\-First\-Search\) where the evaluation function \(f\) is the negative of the depth.

For problems where a tree-like search is feasible, depth-first search has much smaller needs for memory. A depth-first tree-like search takes time proportional to the number of states, and has memory complexity of only \(O(bm)\) , where \(b\) is the branching factor and \(m\) is the maximum depth of the tree.

A variant of depth-first search called backtracking search uses even less memory.

3.4.4 Depth-limited and iterative deepening search 

To keep depth-first search from wandering down an infinite path, we can use depth-limited search , a version of depth-first search in which we supply a depth limit, \(l\) , and treat all nodes at depth \(l\) as if they had no successors. The time complexity is \(O(b^l)\) and the space complexity is \(O(bl)\)


Iterative deepening search solves the problem of picking a good value for \(l\) by trying all values: first 0, then 1, then 2, and so on—until either a solution is found, or the depth- limited search returns the failure value rather than the cutoff value.

Its memory requirements are modest: \(O(bd)\) when there is a solution, or \(O(bm)\) on finite state spaces with no solution. The time complexity is \(O(bd)\) when there is a solution, or \(O(bm)\) when there is none.

In general, iterative deepening is the preferred uninformed search method when the search state space is larger than can fit in memory and the depth of the solution is not known .

3.4.5 Bidirectional search 

An alternative approach called bidirectional search simultaneously searches forward from the initial state and backwards from the goal state(s), hoping that the two searches will meet.


3.4.6 Comparing uninformed search algorithms 


3.5 Informed (Heuristic) Search Strategies 

An informed search strategy uses domain–specific hints about the location of goals to find colutions more efficiently than an uninformed strategy. The hints come in the form of a heuristic function , denoted \(h(n)\) :

\(h(n)\) = estimated cost of the cheapest path from the state at node \(n\) to a goal state.

3.5.1 Greedy best-first search 

Greedy best-first search is a form of best-first search that expands first the node with the lowest \(h(n)\) value—the node that appears to be closest to the goal—on the grounds that this is likely to lead to a solution quickly. So the evaluation function \(f(n)=h(n)\) .

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How Does Artificial Intelligence Solve Problems? An In-Depth Look at Problem Solving in AI

What is problem solving in artificial intelligence? It is a complex process of finding solutions to challenging problems using computational algorithms and techniques. Artificial intelligence, or AI, refers to the development of intelligent systems that can perform tasks typically requiring human intelligence.

Solving problems in AI involves the use of various algorithms and models that are designed to mimic human cognitive processes. These algorithms analyze and interpret data, generate possible solutions, and evaluate the best course of action. Through machine learning and deep learning, AI systems can continuously improve their problem-solving abilities.

Artificial intelligence problem solving is not limited to a specific domain or industry. It can be applied in various fields such as healthcare, finance, manufacturing, and transportation. AI-powered systems can analyze vast amounts of data, identify patterns, and make predictions to solve complex problems efficiently.

Understanding and developing problem-solving capabilities in artificial intelligence is crucial for the advancement of AI technologies. By improving problem-solving algorithms and models, researchers and developers can create more efficient and intelligent AI systems that can address real-world challenges and contribute to technological progress.

What is Artificial Intelligence?

Artificial intelligence (AI) can be defined as the simulation of human intelligence in machines that are programmed to think and learn like humans. It is a branch of computer science that deals with the creation and development of intelligent machines that can perform tasks that normally require human intelligence.

AI is achieved through the use of algorithms and data that allow machines to learn from and adapt to new information. These machines can then use their knowledge and reasoning abilities to solve problems, make decisions, and even perform tasks that were previously thought to require human intelligence.

Types of Artificial Intelligence

There are two main types of AI: narrow or weak AI and general or strong AI.

Narrow AI refers to AI systems that are designed to perform specific tasks, such as language translation, image recognition, or playing chess. These systems are trained to excel in their specific tasks but lack the ability to generalize their knowledge to other domains.

General AI, on the other hand, refers to AI systems that have the ability to understand, learn, and apply knowledge across a wide range of tasks and domains. These systems are capable of reasoning, problem-solving, and adapting to new situations in a way that is similar to human intelligence.

The Role of Problem Solving in Artificial Intelligence

Problem solving is a critical component of artificial intelligence. It involves the ability of AI systems to identify problems, analyze information, and develop solutions to those problems. AI algorithms are designed to imitate human problem-solving techniques, such as searching for solutions, evaluating options, and making decisions based on available information.

AI systems use various problem-solving techniques, including algorithms such as search algorithms, heuristic algorithms, and optimization algorithms, to find the best solution to a given problem. These techniques allow AI systems to solve complex problems efficiently and effectively.

In conclusion, artificial intelligence is the field of study that focuses on creating intelligent machines that can perform tasks that normally require human intelligence. Problem-solving is a fundamental aspect of AI and involves the use of algorithms and data to analyze information and develop solutions. AI has the potential to revolutionize many aspects of our lives, from healthcare and transportation to business and entertainment.

Problem solving is a critical component of artificial intelligence (AI). AI systems are designed to solve complex, real-world problems by employing various problem-solving techniques and algorithms.

One of the main goals of AI is to create intelligent systems that can solve problems in a way that mimics human problem-solving abilities. This involves using algorithms to search through a vast amount of data and information to find the most optimal solution.

Problem solving in AI involves breaking down a problem into smaller, more manageable sub-problems. These sub-problems are then solved individually and combined to solve the larger problem at hand. This approach allows AI systems to tackle complex problems that would be impossible for a human to solve manually.

AI problem-solving techniques can be classified into two main categories: algorithmic problem-solving and heuristic problem-solving. Algorithmic problem-solving involves using predefined rules and algorithms to solve a problem. These algorithms are based on logical reasoning and can be programmed into AI systems to provide step-by-step instructions for solving a problem.

Heuristic problem-solving, on the other hand, involves using heuristics or rules of thumb to guide the problem-solving process. Heuristics are not guaranteed to find the optimal solution, but they can provide a good enough solution in a reasonable amount of time.

Problem solving in AI is not limited to just finding a single solution to a problem. AI systems can also generate multiple solutions and evaluate them based on predefined criteria. This allows AI systems to explore different possibilities and find the best solution among them.

In conclusion, problem solving is a fundamental aspect of artificial intelligence. AI systems use problem-solving techniques and algorithms to tackle complex real-world problems. Through algorithmic and heuristic problem solving, AI systems are able to find optimal solutions and generate multiple solutions for evaluation. As AI continues to advance, problem-solving abilities will play an increasingly important role in the development of intelligent systems.

Problem Solving Approaches in Artificial Intelligence

In the field of artificial intelligence, problem solving is a fundamental aspect. Artificial intelligence (AI) is the intelligence exhibited by machines or computer systems. It aims to mimic human intelligence in solving complex problems that require reasoning and decision-making.

What is problem solving?

Problem solving refers to the cognitive mental process of finding solutions to difficult or complex issues. It involves identifying the problem, gathering relevant information, analyzing possible solutions, and selecting the most effective one. Problem solving is an essential skill for both humans and AI systems to achieve desired goals.

Approaches in problem solving in AI

Artificial intelligence employs various approaches to problem solving. Some of the commonly used approaches are:

  • Search algorithms: These algorithms explore a problem space to find a solution. They can use different search strategies such as depth-first search, breadth-first search, and heuristic search.
  • Knowledge-based systems: These systems store and utilize knowledge to solve problems. They rely on rules, facts, and heuristics to guide their problem-solving process.
  • Logic-based reasoning: This approach uses logical reasoning to solve problems. It involves representing the problem as a logical formula and applying deduction rules to reach a solution.
  • Machine learning: Machine learning algorithms enable AI systems to learn from data and improve their problem-solving capabilities. They can analyze patterns, make predictions, and adjust their behavior based on feedback.

Each approach has its strengths and weaknesses, and the choice of approach depends on the problem domain and available resources. By combining these approaches, AI systems can effectively tackle complex problems and provide valuable solutions.

Search Algorithms in Problem Solving

Problem solving is a critical aspect of artificial intelligence, as it involves the ability to find a solution to a given problem or goal. Search algorithms play a crucial role in problem solving by systematically exploring the search space to find an optimal solution.

What is a Problem?

A problem in the context of artificial intelligence refers to a task or challenge that requires a solution. It can be a complex puzzle, a decision-making problem, or any situation that requires finding an optimal solution.

What is an Algorithm?

An algorithm is a step-by-step procedure or set of rules for solving a problem. In the context of search algorithms, it refers to the systematic exploration of the search space, where each step narrows down the possibilities to find an optimal solution.

Search algorithms in problem solving aim to efficiently explore the search space to find a solution. There are several types of search algorithms, each with its own characteristics and trade-offs.

One commonly used search algorithm is the Breadth-First Search (BFS) algorithm. BFS explores the search space by systematically expanding all possible paths from the initial state to find the goal state. It explores the search space in a breadth-first manner, meaning that it visits all nodes at the same depth level before moving to the next level.

Another popular search algorithm is the Depth-First Search (DFS) algorithm. Unlike BFS, DFS explores the search space by diving deep into a path until it reaches a dead-end or the goal state. It explores the search space in a depth-first manner, meaning that it explores the deepest paths first before backtracking.

Other search algorithms include the A* algorithm, which combines the efficiency of BFS with the heuristic guidance of algorithms; the Greedy Best-First Search, which prioritizes paths based on a heuristic evaluation; and the Hill Climbing algorithm, which iteratively improves the current solution by making small changes.

Search algorithms in problem solving are essential in the field of artificial intelligence as they enable systems to find optimal solutions efficiently. By understanding and implementing different search algorithms, developers and researchers can design intelligent systems capable of solving complex problems.

Search Algorithm Description
Breadth-First Search (BFS) Explores all possible paths at the same depth level before moving to the next level
Depth-First Search (DFS) Explores a path until it reaches a dead-end or the goal state, then backtracks
A* Algorithm Combines the efficiency of BFS with heuristic guidance
Greedy Best-First Search Prioritizes paths based on a heuristic evaluation
Hill Climbing Iteratively improves the current solution by making small changes

Heuristic Functions in Problem Solving

In the field of artificial intelligence, problem-solving is a crucial aspect of creating intelligent systems. One key component in problem-solving is the use of heuristic functions.

A heuristic function is a function that guides an intelligent system in making decisions about how to solve a problem. It provides an estimate of the best possible solution based on available information at any given point in the problem-solving process.

What is a Heuristic Function?

A heuristic function is designed to provide a quick, yet informed, estimate of the most promising solution out of a set of possible solutions. It helps the intelligent system prioritize its search and focus on the most likely path to success.

Heuristic functions are especially useful in problems that have a large number of possible solutions and where an exhaustive search through all possibilities would be impractical or inefficient.

How Does a Heuristic Function Work?

Heuristic functions take into account various factors and considerations that are relevant to the problem being solved. These factors could include knowledge about the problem domain, past experience, or rules and constraints specific to the problem.

The heuristic function assigns a value to each possible solution based on these factors. The higher the value, the more likely a solution is to be optimal. The intelligent system then uses this information to guide its search for the best solution.

A good heuristic function strikes a balance between accuracy and efficiency. It should be accurate enough to guide the search towards the best solution but should also be computationally efficient to prevent excessive computation time.

Advantages of Heuristic Functions Limitations of Heuristic Functions
1. Speeds up the problem-solving process 1. May lead to suboptimal solutions in certain cases
2. Reduces the search space 2. Relies on available information, which may be incomplete or inaccurate
3. Allows for efficient exploration of the solution space 3. Requires careful design and calibration for optimal performance

Overall, heuristic functions play a crucial role in problem-solving in artificial intelligence. They provide a way for intelligent systems to efficiently navigate complex problem domains and find near-optimal solutions.

Constraint Satisfaction in Problem Solving

Problem solving is a key component of artificial intelligence, as it involves using computational methods to find solutions to complex issues. However, understanding how to solve these problems efficiently is essential for developing effective AI systems. And this is where constraint satisfaction comes into play.

Constraint satisfaction is a technique used in problem solving to ensure that all solution candidates satisfy a set of predefined constraints. These constraints can be thought of as rules or conditions that must be met for a solution to be considered valid.

So, what is a constraint? A constraint is a limitation or restriction on the values that variables can take. For example, in a scheduling problem, constraints can include time availability, resource limitations, or precedence relationships between tasks.

The goal of constraint satisfaction in problem-solving is to find a solution that satisfies all the given constraints. This is achieved by exploring the space of possible solutions and eliminating those that violate the constraints.

Constraint satisfaction problems (CSPs) can be solved using various algorithms, such as backtracking or constraint propagation. These algorithms iteratively assign values to variables and check if the constraints are satisfied. If a constraint is violated, the algorithm backtracks and tries a different value for the previous variable.

One advantage of using constraint satisfaction in problem solving is that it provides a systematic way to represent and solve problems with complex constraints. By breaking down the problem into smaller constraints, it becomes easier to reason about the problem and find a solution.

In conclusion, constraint satisfaction is an important technique in problem solving for artificial intelligence. By defining and enforcing constraints, AI systems can efficiently search for valid solutions. Incorporating constraint satisfaction techniques into AI algorithms can greatly improve problem-solving capabilities and contribute to the development of more intelligent systems.

Genetic Algorithms in Problem Solving

Artificial intelligence (AI) is a branch of computer science that focuses on creating intelligent machines capable of performing tasks that typically require human intelligence. One aspect of AI is problem solving, which involves finding solutions to complex problems. Genetic algorithms are a type of problem-solving method used in artificial intelligence.

So, what are genetic algorithms? In simple terms, genetic algorithms are inspired by the process of natural selection and evolution. They are a type of optimization algorithm that uses concepts from genetics and biology to find the best solution to a problem. Instead of relying on a predefined set of rules or instructions, genetic algorithms work by evolving a population of potential solutions over multiple generations.

The process of genetic algorithms involves several key steps. First, an initial population of potential solutions is generated. Each solution is represented as a set of variables or “genes.” These solutions are then evaluated based on their fitness or how well they solve the problem at hand.

Next, the genetic algorithm applies operators such as selection, crossover, and mutation to the current population. Selection involves choosing the fittest solutions to become the parents for the next generation. Crossover involves combining the genes of two parents to create offspring with a mix of their characteristics. Mutation introduces small random changes in the offspring’s genes to introduce genetic diversity.

The new population is then evaluated, and the process continues until a stopping criterion is met, such as finding a solution that meets a certain fitness threshold or reaching a maximum number of generations. Over time, the genetic algorithm converges towards the best solution, much like how natural selection leads to the evolution of species.

Genetic algorithms have been successfully applied to a wide range of problem-solving tasks, including optimization, machine learning, and scheduling. They have been used to solve problems in areas such as engineering, finance, and biology. Due to their ability to explore a large solution space and find globally optimal or near-optimal solutions, genetic algorithms are often preferred when traditional methods fail or are not feasible.

In conclusion, genetic algorithms are a powerful tool in the field of artificial intelligence and problem solving. By mimicking the process of natural selection and evolution, they provide a way to find optimal solutions to complex problems. Their ability to explore a wide search space and adapt to changing environments makes them well-suited for a variety of problem-solving tasks. As AI continues to advance, genetic algorithms will likely play an increasingly important role in solving real-world problems.

Logical Reasoning in Problem Solving

Problem solving is a fundamental aspect of artificial intelligence. It involves finding a solution to a given problem by using logical reasoning. Logical reasoning is the process of using valid arguments and deductions to make inferences and arrive at a logical conclusion. In the context of problem solving, logical reasoning is used to analyze the problem, identify potential solutions, and evaluate their feasibility.

Logical reasoning is what sets artificial intelligence apart from other problem-solving approaches. Unlike human problem solvers, AI can analyze vast amounts of data and consider numerous possibilities simultaneously. It can also distinguish between relevant and irrelevant information and use it to make informed decisions.

Types of Logical Reasoning

There are several types of logical reasoning that AI systems employ in problem solving:

  • Deductive Reasoning: Deductive reasoning involves drawing specific conclusions from general principles or premises. It uses a top-down approach, starting from general knowledge and applying logical rules to derive specific conclusions.
  • Inductive Reasoning: Inductive reasoning involves drawing general conclusions or patterns from specific observations or examples. It uses a bottom-up approach, where specific instances are used to make generalizations.
  • Abductive Reasoning: Abductive reasoning involves making the best possible explanation or hypothesis based on the available evidence. It is a form of reasoning that combines deductive and inductive reasoning to generate the most likely conclusion.

Importance of Logical Reasoning in Problem Solving

Logical reasoning is crucial in problem solving as it ensures that the solutions generated by AI systems are sound, valid, and reliable. Without logical reasoning, AI systems may produce incorrect or nonsensical solutions that are of no use in practical applications.

Furthermore, logical reasoning helps AI systems analyze complex problems systematically and break them down into smaller, more manageable sub-problems. By applying logical rules and deductions, AI systems can generate possible solutions, evaluate their feasibility, and select the most optimal one.

In conclusion, logical reasoning plays a vital role in problem solving in artificial intelligence. It enables AI systems to analyze problems, consider multiple possibilities, and arrive at logical conclusions. By employing various types of logical reasoning, AI systems can generate accurate and effective solutions to a wide range of problems.

Planning and Decision Making in Problem Solving

Planning and decision making play crucial roles in the field of artificial intelligence when it comes to problem solving . A fundamental aspect of problem solving is understanding what the problem actually is and how it can be solved.

Planning refers to the process of creating a sequence of actions or steps to achieve a specific goal. In the context of artificial intelligence, planning involves creating a formal representation of the problem and finding a sequence of actions that will lead to a solution. This can be done by using various techniques and algorithms, such as heuristic search or constraint satisfaction.

Decision making, on the other hand, is the process of selecting the best course of action among several alternatives. In problem solving, decision making is essential at every step, from determining the initial state to selecting the next action to take. Decision making is often based on evaluation and comparison of different options, taking into consideration factors such as feasibility, cost, efficiency, and the desired outcome.

Both planning and decision making are closely intertwined in problem solving. Planning helps in breaking down a problem into smaller, manageable sub-problems and devising a strategy to solve them. Decision making, on the other hand, guides the selection of actions or steps at each stage of the problem-solving process.

In conclusion, planning and decision making are integral components of the problem-solving process in artificial intelligence. Understanding the problem at hand, creating a plan, and making informed decisions are essential for achieving an effective and efficient solution.

Challenges in Problem Solving in Artificial Intelligence

Problem solving is at the core of what artificial intelligence is all about. It involves using intelligent systems to find solutions to complex problems, often with limited information or resources. While artificial intelligence has made great strides in recent years, there are still several challenges that need to be overcome in order to improve problem solving capabilities.

Limited Data and Information

One of the main challenges in problem solving in artificial intelligence is the availability of limited data and information. Many problems require a large amount of data to be effective, but gathering and organizing that data can be time-consuming and difficult. Additionally, there may be cases where the necessary data simply doesn’t exist, making it even more challenging to find a solution.

Complexity and Uncertainty

Another challenge is the complexity and uncertainty of many real-world problems. Artificial intelligence systems need to be able to handle ambiguous, incomplete, or contradictory information in order to find appropriate solutions. This requires advanced algorithms and models that can handle uncertainty and make decisions based on probabilistic reasoning.

Intelligent Decision-Making

In problem solving, artificial intelligence systems need to be able to make intelligent decisions based on the available information. This involves understanding the problem at hand, identifying potential solutions, and evaluating the best course of action. Intelligent decision-making requires not only advanced algorithms but also the ability to learn from past experiences and adapt to new situations.

In conclusion, problem solving in artificial intelligence is a complex and challenging task. Limited data and information, complexity and uncertainty, and the need for intelligent decision-making are just a few of the challenges that need to be addressed. However, with continued research and advancement in the field, it is hoped that these challenges can be overcome, leading to even more effective problem solving in artificial intelligence.

Complexity of Problems

Artificial intelligence (AI) is transforming many aspects of our lives, including problem solving. But what exactly is the complexity of the problems that AI is capable of solving?

The complexity of a problem refers to the level of difficulty involved in finding a solution. In the context of AI, it often refers to the computational complexity of solving a problem using algorithms.

AI is known for its ability to handle complex problems that would be difficult or time-consuming for humans to solve. This is because AI can process and analyze large amounts of data quickly, allowing it to explore different possibilities and find optimal solutions.

One of the key factors that determines the complexity of a problem is the size of the problem space. The problem space refers to the set of all possible states or configurations of a problem. The larger the problem space, the more complex the problem is.

Another factor that influences the complexity of a problem is the nature of the problem itself. Some problems are inherently more difficult to solve than others. For example, problems that involve combinatorial optimization or probabilistic reasoning are often more complex.

Furthermore, the complexity of a problem can also depend on the available resources and the algorithms used to solve it. Certain problems may require significant computational power or specialized algorithms to find optimal solutions.

In conclusion, the complexity of problems that AI is capable of solving is determined by various factors, including the size of the problem space, the nature of the problem, and the available resources. AI’s ability to handle complex problems is one of the key reasons why it is transforming many industries and becoming an essential tool in problem solving.

Incomplete or Uncertain Information

One of the challenges in problem solving in artificial intelligence is dealing with incomplete or uncertain information. In many real-world scenarios, AI systems have to make decisions based on incomplete or uncertain knowledge. This can happen due to various reasons, such as missing data, conflicting information, or uncertain predictions.

When faced with incomplete information, AI systems need to rely on techniques that can handle uncertainty. One such technique is probabilistic reasoning, which allows AI systems to assign probabilities to different possible outcomes and make decisions based on these probabilities. By using probabilistic models, AI systems can estimate the most likely outcomes and use this information to guide problem-solving processes.

In addition to probabilistic reasoning, AI systems can also utilize techniques like fuzzy logic and Bayesian networks to handle incomplete or uncertain information. Fuzzy logic allows for the representation and manipulation of uncertain or vague concepts, while Bayesian networks provide a graphical representation of uncertain relationships between variables.

Overall, dealing with incomplete or uncertain information is an important aspect of problem solving in artificial intelligence. AI systems need to be equipped with techniques and models that can handle uncertainty and make informed decisions based on incomplete or uncertain knowledge. By incorporating these techniques, AI systems can overcome limitations caused by incomplete or uncertain information and improve problem-solving capabilities.

Dynamic Environments

In the field of artificial intelligence, problem solving is a fundamental task. However, in order to solve a problem, it is important to understand what the problem is and what intelligence is required to solve it.

What is a problem?

A problem can be defined as a situation in which an individual or system faces a challenge and needs to find a solution. Problems can vary in complexity and can be static or dynamic in nature.

What is dynamic intelligence?

Dynamic intelligence refers to the ability of an individual or system to adapt and respond to changing environments or situations. In the context of problem solving in artificial intelligence, dynamic environments play a crucial role.

In dynamic environments, the problem or the conditions surrounding the problem can change over time. This requires the problem-solving system to be able to adjust its approach or strategy in order to find a solution.

Dynamic environments can be found in various domains, such as robotics, autonomous vehicles, and game playing. For example, in a game, the game board or the opponent’s moves can change, requiring the player to adapt their strategy.

To solve problems in dynamic environments, artificial intelligence systems need to possess the ability to perceive changes, learn from past experiences, and make decisions based on the current state of the environment.

In conclusion, understanding dynamic environments is essential for problem solving in artificial intelligence. By studying how intelligence can adapt and respond to changing conditions, researchers can develop more efficient and effective problem-solving algorithms.

Optimization vs. Satisficing

In the field of artificial intelligence and problem solving, there are two main approaches: optimization and satisficing. These approaches differ in their goals and strategies for finding solutions to problems.

What is optimization?

Optimization is the process of finding the best solution to a problem, typically defined as maximizing or minimizing a certain objective function. In the context of artificial intelligence, this often involves finding the optimal values for a set of variables that satisfy a given set of constraints. The goal is to find the solution that maximizes or minimizes the objective function while satisfying all the constraints. Optimization algorithms, such as gradient descent or genetic algorithms, are often used to search for the best solution.

What is satisficing?

Satisficing, on the other hand, focuses on finding solutions that are good enough to meet a certain set of criteria or requirements. The goal is not to find the absolute best solution, but rather to find a solution that satisfies a sufficient level of performance. Satisficing algorithms often trade off between the quality of the solution and the computational resources required to find it. These algorithms aim to find a solution that meets the requirements while minimizing the computational effort.

Both optimization and satisficing have their advantages and disadvantages. Optimization is typically used when the problem has a clear objective function and the goal is to find the best possible solution. However, it can be computationally expensive and time-consuming, especially for complex problems. Satisficing, on the other hand, is often used when the problem is ill-defined or there are multiple conflicting objectives. It allows for faster and less resource-intensive solutions, but the quality of the solution may be compromised to some extent.

In conclusion, the choice between optimization and satisficing depends on the specific problem at hand and the trade-offs between the desired solution quality and computational resources. Understanding these approaches can help in developing effective problem-solving strategies in the field of artificial intelligence.

Ethical Considerations in Problem Solving

Intelligence is the ability to understand and learn from experiences, solve problems, and adapt to new situations. Artificial intelligence (AI) is a field that aims to develop machines and algorithms that possess these abilities. Problem solving is a fundamental aspect of intelligence, as it involves finding solutions to challenges and achieving desired outcomes.

The Role of Ethics

However, it is essential to consider the ethical implications of problem solving in the context of AI. What is considered a suitable solution for a problem and how it is obtained can have significant ethical consequences. AI systems and algorithms should be designed in a way that promotes fairness, transparency, and accountability.

Fairness: AI systems should not discriminate against any individuals or groups based on characteristics such as race, gender, or religion. The solutions generated should be fair and unbiased, taking into account diverse perspectives and circumstances.

Transparency: AI algorithms should be transparent in their decision-making process. The steps taken to arrive at a solution should be understandable and explainable, enabling humans to assess the algorithm’s reliability and correctness.

The Impact of AI Problem Solving

Problem solving in AI can have various impacts, both positive and negative, on individuals and society as a whole. AI systems can help address complex problems and make processes more efficient, leading to advancements in fields such as healthcare, transportation, and finance.

On the other hand, there can be ethical concerns regarding the use of AI in problem solving:

– Privacy: AI systems may collect and analyze vast amounts of data, raising concerns about privacy invasion and potential misuse of personal information.

– Job displacement: As AI becomes more capable of problem solving, there is a possibility of job displacement for certain professions. It is crucial to consider the societal impact and explore ways to mitigate the negative effects.

In conclusion, ethical considerations play a vital role in problem solving in artificial intelligence. It is crucial to design AI systems that are fair, transparent, and accountable. Balancing the potential benefits of AI problem solving with its ethical implications is necessary to ensure the responsible and ethical development of AI technologies.


What is problem solving in artificial intelligence.

Problem solving in artificial intelligence refers to the process of finding solutions to complex problems using computational systems or algorithms. It involves defining and structuring the problem, formulating a plan or strategy to solve it, and executing the plan to reach the desired solution.

What are the steps involved in problem solving in artificial intelligence?

The steps involved in problem solving in artificial intelligence typically include problem formulation, creating a search space, search strategy selection, executing the search, and evaluating the solution. Problem formulation involves defining the problem and its constraints, while creating a search space involves representing all possible states and actions. The search strategy selection determines the approach used to explore the search space, and executing the search involves systematically exploring the space to find a solution. Finally, the solution is evaluated based on predefined criteria.

What are some common techniques used for problem solving in artificial intelligence?

There are several common techniques used for problem solving in artificial intelligence, including uninformed search algorithms (such as breadth-first search and depth-first search), heuristic search algorithms (such as A* search), constraint satisfaction algorithms, and machine learning algorithms. Each technique has its own advantages and is suited for different types of problems.

Can problem solving in artificial intelligence be applied to real-world problems?

Yes, problem solving in artificial intelligence can be applied to real-world problems. It has been successfully used in various domains, such as robotics, healthcare, finance, and transportation. By leveraging computational power and advanced algorithms, artificial intelligence can provide efficient and effective solutions to complex problems.

What are the limitations of problem solving in artificial intelligence?

Problem solving in artificial intelligence has certain limitations. It heavily relies on the quality of input data and the accuracy of algorithms. In cases where the problem space is vast and complex, finding an optimal solution may be computationally expensive or even infeasible. Additionally, problem solving in artificial intelligence may not always capture human-like reasoning and may lack common sense knowledge, which can limit its ability to solve certain types of problems.

Problem solving in artificial intelligence is the process of finding solutions to complex problems using computer algorithms. It involves using various techniques and methods to analyze a problem, break it down into smaller sub-problems, and then develop a step-by-step approach to solving it.

How does artificial intelligence solve problems?

Artificial intelligence solves problems by employing different algorithms and approaches. These include search algorithms, heuristic methods, constraint satisfaction techniques, genetic algorithms, and machine learning. The choice of the specific algorithms depends on the nature of the problem and the available data.

What are the steps involved in problem solving using artificial intelligence?

The steps involved in problem solving using artificial intelligence typically include problem analysis, formulation, search or exploration of possible solutions, evaluation of the solutions, and finally, selecting the best solution. These steps may be repeated iteratively until a satisfactory solution is found.

What are some real-life applications of problem solving in artificial intelligence?

Problem solving in artificial intelligence has various real-life applications. It is used in areas such as robotics, natural language processing, computer vision, data analysis, expert systems, and autonomous vehicles. For example, self-driving cars use problem-solving techniques to navigate and make decisions on the road.

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Deepak Khemani. A First Course in Artificial Intelligence, McGraw Hill Education (India), 2013.

Stefan Edelkamp and Stefan Schroedl. Heuristic Search: Theory and Applications, Morgan Kaufmann, 2011.
John Haugeland, Artificial Intelligence: The Very Idea, A Bradford Book, The MIT Press, 1985.
Pamela McCorduck, Machines Who Think: A Personal Inquiry into the History and Prospects of Artificial Intelligence, A K Peters/CRC Press; 2 edition, 2004.
Zbigniew Michalewicz and David B. Fogel. How to Solve It: Modern Heuristics. Springer; 2nd edition, 2004.
Judea Pearl. Heuristics: Intelligent Search Strategies for Computer Problem Solving, Addison-Wesley, 1984.
Elaine Rich and Kevin Knight. Artificial Intelligence, Tata McGraw Hill, 1991.
Stuart Russell and Peter Norvig. Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach, 3rd Edition, Prentice Hall, 2009.
Eugene Charniak, Drew McDermott. Introduction to Artificial Intelligence, Addison-Wesley, 1985.
Patrick Henry Winston. Artificial Intelligence, Addison-Wesley, 1992.

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AI accelerates problem-solving in complex scenarios

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While Santa Claus may have a magical sleigh and nine plucky reindeer to help him deliver presents, for companies like FedEx, the optimization problem of efficiently routing holiday packages is so complicated that they often employ specialized software to find a solution.

This software, called a mixed-integer linear programming (MILP) solver, splits a massive optimization problem into smaller pieces and uses generic algorithms to try and find the best solution. However, the solver could take hours — or even days — to arrive at a solution.

The process is so onerous that a company often must stop the software partway through, accepting a solution that is not ideal but the best that could be generated in a set amount of time.

Researchers from MIT and ETH Zurich used machine learning to speed things up.

They identified a key intermediate step in MILP solvers that has so many potential solutions it takes an enormous amount of time to unravel, which slows the entire process. The researchers employed a filtering technique to simplify this step, then used machine learning to find the optimal solution for a specific type of problem.

Their data-driven approach enables a company to use its own data to tailor a general-purpose MILP solver to the problem at hand.

This new technique sped up MILP solvers between 30 and 70 percent, without any drop in accuracy. One could use this method to obtain an optimal solution more quickly or, for especially complex problems, a better solution in a tractable amount of time.

This approach could be used wherever MILP solvers are employed, such as by ride-hailing services, electric grid operators, vaccination distributors, or any entity faced with a thorny resource-allocation problem.

“Sometimes, in a field like optimization, it is very common for folks to think of solutions as either purely machine learning or purely classical. I am a firm believer that we want to get the best of both worlds, and this is a really strong instantiation of that hybrid approach,” says senior author Cathy Wu, the Gilbert W. Winslow Career Development Assistant Professor in Civil and Environmental Engineering (CEE), and a member of a member of the Laboratory for Information and Decision Systems (LIDS) and the Institute for Data, Systems, and Society (IDSS).

Wu wrote the paper with co-lead authors Sirui Li, an IDSS graduate student, and Wenbin Ouyang, a CEE graduate student; as well as Max Paulus, a graduate student at ETH Zurich. The research will be presented at the Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems.

Tough to solve

MILP problems have an exponential number of potential solutions. For instance, say a traveling salesperson wants to find the shortest path to visit several cities and then return to their city of origin. If there are many cities which could be visited in any order, the number of potential solutions might be greater than the number of atoms in the universe.  

“These problems are called NP-hard, which means it is very unlikely there is an efficient algorithm to solve them. When the problem is big enough, we can only hope to achieve some suboptimal performance,” Wu explains.

An MILP solver employs an array of techniques and practical tricks that can achieve reasonable solutions in a tractable amount of time.

A typical solver uses a divide-and-conquer approach, first splitting the space of potential solutions into smaller pieces with a technique called branching. Then, the solver employs a technique called cutting to tighten up these smaller pieces so they can be searched faster.

Cutting uses a set of rules that tighten the search space without removing any feasible solutions. These rules are generated by a few dozen algorithms, known as separators, that have been created for different kinds of MILP problems. 

Wu and her team found that the process of identifying the ideal combination of separator algorithms to use is, in itself, a problem with an exponential number of solutions.

“Separator management is a core part of every solver, but this is an underappreciated aspect of the problem space. One of the contributions of this work is identifying the problem of separator management as a machine learning task to begin with,” she says.

Shrinking the solution space

She and her collaborators devised a filtering mechanism that reduces this separator search space from more than 130,000 potential combinations to around 20 options. This filtering mechanism draws on the principle of diminishing marginal returns, which says that the most benefit would come from a small set of algorithms, and adding additional algorithms won’t bring much extra improvement.

Then they use a machine-learning model to pick the best combination of algorithms from among the 20 remaining options.

This model is trained with a dataset specific to the user’s optimization problem, so it learns to choose algorithms that best suit the user’s particular task. Since a company like FedEx has solved routing problems many times before, using real data gleaned from past experience should lead to better solutions than starting from scratch each time.

The model’s iterative learning process, known as contextual bandits, a form of reinforcement learning, involves picking a potential solution, getting feedback on how good it was, and then trying again to find a better solution.

This data-driven approach accelerated MILP solvers between 30 and 70 percent without any drop in accuracy. Moreover, the speedup was similar when they applied it to a simpler, open-source solver and a more powerful, commercial solver.

In the future, Wu and her collaborators want to apply this approach to even more complex MILP problems, where gathering labeled data to train the model could be especially challenging. Perhaps they can train the model on a smaller dataset and then tweak it to tackle a much larger optimization problem, she says. The researchers are also interested in interpreting the learned model to better understand the effectiveness of different separator algorithms.

This research is supported, in part, by Mathworks, the National Science Foundation (NSF), the MIT Amazon Science Hub, and MIT’s Research Support Committee.

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Problem-Solving Methods in Artificial Intelligence

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May 31, 2023

Improving mathematical reasoning with process supervision

Improving Mathematical Reasoning With Process Supervision

Illustration: Ruby Chen

We've trained a model to achieve a new state-of-the-art in mathematical problem solving by rewarding each correct step of reasoning (“process supervision”) instead of simply rewarding the correct final answer (“outcome supervision”). In addition to boosting performance relative to outcome supervision, process supervision also has an important alignment benefit: it directly trains the model to produce a chain-of-thought that is endorsed by humans.


In recent years, large language models have greatly improved in their ability to perform complex multi-step reasoning. However, even state-of-the-art models still produce logical mistakes, often called hallucinations . Mitigating hallucinations is a critical step towards building aligned AGI.

We can train reward models to detect hallucinations using either outcome supervision , which provides feedback based on a final result, or process supervision , which provides feedback for each individual step in a chain-of-thought. Building on previous work 1 , we conduct a detailed comparison of these two methods using the MATH dataset 2 as our testbed. We find that process supervision leads to significantly better performance, even when judged by outcomes. To encourage related research, we release our full dataset of process supervision.

Alignment impact

Process supervision has several alignment advantages over outcome supervision. It directly rewards the model for following an aligned chain-of-thought, since each step in the process receives precise supervision. Process supervision is also more likely to produce interpretable reasoning, since it encourages the model to follow a human-approved process. In contrast, outcome supervision may reward an unaligned process, and it is generally harder to scrutinize.

In some cases, safer methods for AI systems can lead to reduced performance 3 , a cost which is known as an alignment tax . In general, any alignment tax may hinder the adoption of alignment methods, due to pressure to deploy the most capable model. Our results below show that process supervision in fact incurs a negative alignment tax, at least in the math domain. This could increase the adoption of process supervision, which we believe would have positive alignment side-effects.

Solving MATH problems

We evaluate our process-supervised and outcome-supervised reward models using problems from the MATH test set. We generate many solutions for each problem and then pick the solution ranked the highest by each reward model. The graph shows the percentage of chosen solutions that reach the correct final answer, as a function of the number of solutions considered. Not only does the process-supervised reward model perform better across the board, but the performance gap widens as we consider more solutions per problem. This shows us that the process-supervised reward model is much more reliable.

We showcase 10 problems and solutions below, along with commentary about the reward model’s strengths and weaknesses.

It is unknown how broadly these results will generalize beyond the domain of math, and we consider it important for future work to explore the impact of process supervision in other domains. If these results generalize, we may find that process supervision gives us the best of both worlds – a method that is both more performant and more aligned than outcome supervision.

Uesato, J., Kushman N., Kumar R., Song F., Siegel N., Wang L., Creswell A., Irving G. and Higgins, I., 2022. Solving math word problems with process- and outcome-based feedback. arXiv preprint arXiv:2211.14275.

Hendrycks D., Burns C., Kadavath S., Arora A., Basart S., Tang E., Song D. and Steinhardt J., 2021. Measuring Mathematical Problem Solving With the MATH Dataset. arXiv preprint arXiv:2103.03874.

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Understanding AI Problem Formulation Basics

what is problem formulation in artificial intelligence

In artificial intelligence, problem formulation is the process of identifying, analyzing, and defining the problems that need to be solved using AI techniques. It involves breaking down complex problems into smaller, more manageable components and formulating a clear problem statement. Problem formulation plays a crucial role in shaping efficient and smart solutions in the field of AI. It helps AI agents define the goals, initial state, actions, transitions, and goal test required to solve a problem. By understanding the basics of problem formulation in AI , you can gain insights into the techniques and algorithms used to solve various problems in artificial intelligence.

  • 0.1 Key Takeaways
  • 1 The Three Types of Problems in AI
  • 2.1 Step 1: Problem Definition
  • 2.2 Step 2: Problem Analysis
  • 2.3 Step 3: Knowledge Representation
  • 2.4 Step 4: Problem-Solving
  • 2.5 Step 5: Formulating Associated Problem Components
  • 3 Problem-Solving Approaches in AI
  • 4 Conclusion
  • 5.1 What is problem formulation in artificial intelligence?
  • 5.2 What are the three types of problems in AI?
  • 5.3 What are the steps for problem solving in AI?
  • 5.4 What are the problem-solving approaches in AI?
  • 5.5 What is the role of problem formulation and problem solving in AI?
  • 6 Source Links

Key Takeaways

  • Problem formulation is the process of identifying, analyzing, and defining the problems in artificial intelligence.
  • It involves breaking down complex problems into smaller, more manageable components.
  • Problem formulation helps AI agents define the goals, initial state, actions, transitions, and goal test required to solve a problem.
  • Understanding problem formulation is essential for implementing problem-solving techniques in AI.
  • Various techniques and algorithms are used in problem formulation to solve problems in artificial intelligence.

The Three Types of Problems in AI

In the domain of artificial intelligence, there are three types of problems: ignorable, recoverable, and irrecoverable. Understanding these problem types is crucial in determining the appropriate problem-solving techniques and algorithms to be applied.

Ignorable problems are those where certain solution steps can be ignored without affecting the final outcome. These problems usually involve redundant or unnecessary actions that can be omitted in the solution process.

Recoverable problems , on the other hand, are those where solution steps can be undone or reversed if needed. This type of problem allows for flexibility in the problem-solving process, as mistakes or incorrect steps can be rectified along the way.

Irrecoverable problems are the most challenging type, as the solution steps cannot be undone once executed. This means that careful consideration and analysis must be undertaken before taking any action, as there is no turning back.

Examples of problem formulation in artificial intelligence can include tasks such as:

  • Pathfinding: Finding the optimal route from one point to another in a given environment.
  • Constraint Satisfaction: Satisfying a set of constraints or conditions while searching for a solution.
  • Optimization: Maximizing or minimizing a specific objective within a given set of constraints.

By understanding the different types of problems in AI and their corresponding examples, you can approach problem formulation and problem-solving with a clear strategy and direction, optimizing your chances of finding effective solutions.

Type of Problem Description Example
Ignorable Solution steps can be ignored without affecting the final outcome. Redundant or unnecessary actions in a problem-solving process.
Recoverable Solution steps can be undone or reversed if needed. Rectifying mistakes or incorrect steps during problem-solving.
Irrecoverable Solution steps cannot be undone once executed. Careful consideration and analysis required before taking any action.

Steps for Problem Solving in AI

Problem-solving in AI is a multi-step process that allows you to tackle complex problems using various techniques and algorithms. By understanding and following these steps, you can effectively solve problems in the field of artificial intelligence.

Step 1: Problem Definition

Problem definition is the first crucial step in problem-solving. It involves clearly specifying the inputs and acceptable system solutions for the given problem. By defining the problem accurately, you provide a solid foundation for finding the right solution.

Step 2: Problem Analysis

Once the problem is defined, the next step is to analyze it thoroughly. This involves examining the problem from different angles, identifying any patterns or underlying factors, and gaining a deeper understanding of its complexity. Problem analysis helps you uncover valuable insights that can guide your problem-solving approach.

Step 3: Knowledge Representation

Knowledge representation involves collecting detailed information about the problem and exploring possible techniques and algorithms for solving it. By understanding the available resources and methodologies, you can choose the most effective approach to tackle the problem at hand.

Step 4: Problem-Solving

Once you have analyzed the problem and gathered the necessary knowledge, it’s time to apply problem-solving techniques. This step involves selecting the best techniques and algorithms based on the problem’s characteristics and constraints. By using the right tools, you increase the chances of finding an optimal solution.

Step 5: Formulating Associated Problem Components

To achieve the desired goal, it’s crucial to formulate the associated problem components. This includes defining the initial state, actions, transitions, goal test, and path costing required to solve the problem effectively. By carefully formulating these components, you create a structured framework that aids in problem-solving.

Understanding these steps is essential for implementing problem-solving techniques in AI. By following a systematic approach and leveraging the power of AI algorithms, you can overcome complex challenges and find innovative solutions.

problem-solving techniques in artificial intelligence

Step Description
Step 1 Problem Definition
Step 2 Problem Analysis
Step 3 Knowledge Representation
Step 4 Problem-Solving
Step 5 Formulating Associated Problem Components

Problem-Solving Approaches in AI

In the field of artificial intelligence, there are various approaches to problem-solving. These approaches utilize different algorithms and techniques to tackle complex problems and find effective solutions. Three common problem-solving approaches in AI include heuristic algorithms , searching algorithms , and genetic algorithms .

Heuristic algorithms are used to experiment and test different procedures in order to understand the problem and generate a solution. While they may not always provide the optimal solution, heuristic algorithms offer effective short-term methods for achieving goals. By leveraging prior knowledge and experience, these algorithms can guide problem-solving processes and provide valuable insights.

Searching algorithms are fundamental techniques used by rational agents or problem-solving agents to find the most appropriate solutions. These algorithms involve creating and exploring a search space to identify the desired solution. By systematically traversing the search space, searching algorithms can efficiently navigate through complex problem domains and identify potential solutions. They play a crucial role in solving problems such as pathfinding, constraint satisfaction, and optimization tasks.

Genetic algorithms are inspired by evolutionary theory and natural selection. These algorithms employ a population-based approach and simulate the natural process of evolution to solve problems. By generating and evolving populations of potential solutions, genetic algorithms mimic genetic variation, selection, and reproduction to find optimal or near-optimal solutions. Genetic algorithms are particularly effective in solving complex problems with multiple variables and constraints.

Understanding these problem-solving approaches is essential in selecting the most suitable technique for a given problem in artificial intelligence. Whether utilizing heuristic algorithms , searching algorithms , or genetic algorithms, each approach offers unique benefits and trade-offs. By leveraging these approaches, AI practitioners can develop intelligent systems and applications capable of solving complex problems effectively and efficiently.

Approach Description
Heuristic Algorithms Experiment and test procedures to understand the problem and generate a solution. Effective short-term methods for achieving goals, but not always optimal.
Searching Algorithms Fundamental techniques used by rational agents to find the most appropriate solutions. Create and explore a search space to identify the desired solution.
Genetic Algorithms Inspired by evolutionary theory, use natural selection to solve problems. Generate and evolve populations of potential solutions based on fitness criteria.

Note: The table above summarizes the main characteristics of each problem-solving approach in AI.

problem-solving algorithms

Problem formulation is a critical component of problem-solving in artificial intelligence. By identifying, analyzing, and defining the problems that need to be solved using AI techniques, you can lay the foundation for efficient and smart solutions. Through problem formulation, AI agents can define clear goals, initial states, actions, transitions, and goal tests required to achieve the desired outcome.

To successfully solve problems in AI, it is essential to follow the steps for problem-solving in AI. These steps include problem definition, problem analysis, knowledge representation, problem-solving, and formulation of associated problem components. By systematically going through these steps, you can gain a deep understanding of the problem and select the most suitable techniques to solve it.

Various problem-solving approaches, such as heuristic algorithms, searching algorithms, and genetic algorithms, can be applied in AI. Heuristic algorithms allow for experimentation and testing, offering effective short-term methods for achieving goals. Searching algorithms explore a search space to find the most appropriate solutions, while genetic algorithms generate and evolve potential solutions based on fitness criteria.

In conclusion, problem formulation and problem solving in AI play a vital role in shaping the field of artificial intelligence. By applying these techniques and approaches, intelligent systems and applications can be developed to tackle complex challenges and improve our lives.

What is problem formulation in artificial intelligence?

Problem formulation in artificial intelligence is the process of identifying, analyzing, and defining the problems that need to be solved using AI techniques. It involves breaking down complex problems into smaller components and formulating a clear problem statement.

What are the three types of problems in AI?

The three types of problems in AI are ignorable, recoverable, and irrecoverable. Ignorable problems are those where certain solution steps can be ignored without affecting the final outcome. Recoverable problems are those where solution steps can be undone if needed. Irrecoverable problems are those where solution steps cannot be undone.

What are the steps for problem solving in AI?

The steps for problem solving in AI include problem definition, problem analysis, knowledge representation, problem-solving, and formulation of associated problem components. Problem definition involves specifying the inputs and acceptable system solutions, while problem analysis entails analyzing the problem thoroughly. Knowledge representation involves collecting detailed information about the problem, and problem-solving is the selection of the best techniques to solve the problem. Formulating the associated problem components includes defining the initial state, actions, transitions, goal test, and path costing.

What are the problem-solving approaches in AI?

The problem-solving approaches in AI include heuristic algorithms, searching algorithms, and genetic algorithms. Heuristic algorithms experiment and test procedures to generate a solution, searching algorithms involve creating and exploring a search space, and genetic algorithms generate and evolve populations of potential solutions based on fitness criteria.

What is the role of problem formulation and problem solving in AI?

Problem formulation and problem solving in AI play a vital role in shaping efficient and smart solutions. Problem formulation helps AI agents define the goals, initial state, actions, transitions, and goal test required to solve a problem, while problem solving techniques and approaches enable the development of intelligent systems and applications in the field of artificial intelligence.

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Problem Solving in AI

Problem-solving in AI includes various techniques like efficient algorithms, heuristics, and performing root cause analysis to obtain desirable solutions. For a given problem in AI, there may be various solutions by different heuristics and at the same time, there are problems with unique solutions. These all depend on the nature of the problem to be solved.

Characteristics of problem in AI

Each problem given to an AI is with different aspects of representation and explanation. The given problem has to be analyzed along with several dimensions to choose the most acceptable method to solve. Some of the key features of a problem are listed below.

  • Can the problem decompose into subproblems?
  • Can any of the solution steps be ignored?
  • Is the given problem universally predictable?
  • Can we select a good solution for the given problem without comparing it to all the possible solutions?
  • Whether the desired output is a state of the world or a path to a state?
  • Did the problem require a large amount of knowledge to solve?
  • Does it require any interaction with computers and humans?

The above-listed characteristics of a problem are called 7-problem characteristics. The solution for the given problem must take place under these characteristics. 

Problems in AI can basically be divided into two types. Toy Problems and Real-World Problems.

Toy Problem:

It can also be called a puzzle-like problem which can be used as a way to explain a more general problem-solving technique. For testing and demonstrating methodologies, or to compare the performance of different algorithms, Toy problems can be used. Toy problems are often useful in providing divination about specific phenomena in complicated problems. Large complicated problems are divided into many smaller toy problems that can be understood in detail easily. Sliding-block puzzles, N-Queens problem, Tower of Hanoi are some examples.

Real-World Problem:

 As with the name, it is a problem based on the real world. Real-world problems require a solution. It doesn't depend on descriptions, but with a general formulation. Online shopping, Fraud detection, Medical diagnosis are some examples of real-world problems in AI.

Steps performed in problem-solving

Steps performed in problem-solving

  • Goal formulation : The first step in problem-solving is to identify the problem. It involves selecting the steps to formulate the perfect goal out of multiple goals and selecting actions to achieve the goal.
  • Problem formulation : The most important step in problem-solving is choosing the action to be taken to achieve the goal formulated.
  • Initial State : The starting state of the agent towards the goal.
  • Actions :  The list of the possible actions available to the agent.
  • Transition Model : What each action does is described.
  • Goal Test : The given state is tested whether it is a goal state.
  • Path cost :  A numeric cost to each path that follows the goal is assigned. It reflects its performance. Solution with the lowest path cost is the optimal solution. 

Example for the problem-solving procedure

Eight queens puzzle

Eight queens puzzle

The problem here is to place eight chess queens on an 8*8 chessboard in a way that no queens will threaten the other. If two queens will come in the same row, column, or diagonal one will attack another.

Consider the Incremental formulation for this problem: It starts from an empty state and the operator expands a queen at each step. Following are the steps involved in this formulation:

  • States : Arranging  0 to 8 queens on the chessboard.
  • Initial State : An empty chessboard
  • Actions : Adding a queen to any of the empty boxes on the chessboard.
  • Transition model : Returns the new state of the chessboard with the queen added in a box.
  • Goal test : Checks whether 8-queens are kept on the chessboard without any possibility of attack.
  • Path cost : Path costs are neglected because only final states are counted.

Problem-solving methods in Artificial Intelligence

Let us discuss the techniques like Heuristics, Algorithms, Root cause analysis used by AI as problem-solving methods to find a desirable solution for the given problem.


A problem-solving algorithm can be said as a procedure that is guaranteed to solve if its steps are strictly followed.  Let's have a simple example to get to know what it means: A person wants to find a book on display among the vast collections of the library. He does not know where the book is kept. By tracing a sequential examination of every book displayed in every rack of the library, the person will eventually find the book. But the approach will consume a considerable amount of time. Thus an algorithmic approach will succeed but are often slow.

Types of AI Algorithms

  • Regression Algorithms.
  • Instance-Based Algorithms. 
  • Decision Tree Algorithms. 
  • Clustering Algorithms. 
  • Association Rule Learning Algorithms. 
  • Artificial Neural Network Algorithms. 
  • Deep Learning Algorithms.
  • Search Algorithms


A problem-solving heuristic can be said as an informal, ideational, impulsive procedure that leads to the desired solution in some cases only. The fact is that the outcome of a heuristic operation is unpredictable. Using a heuristic approach may be more or less effective than using an algorithm. Consider the same example discussed above. If he had an idea of where to look for the book, a great deal of time could be saved. This can be said as searching heuristically. But if one happens to be wrong on the first trial, He has to try another heuristic. The frequently used problem-solving heuristics are 


It is a forward approach problem-solving solution. In this method, the problem is solved from the beginning itself and working to the end.


It is a backward approach problem-solving solution. Here the problem is solved from the endpoint or goal to steps that led to the goal.


A problem-solving technique where a mixture of the above two directions. This method is appropriate for solving complex and large problems. MEA is a strategy to control the searching procedure in problem-solving. It is centered on evaluating the difference between the current state and the goal state. First, the difference between the initial state and the final state is calculated. Then select various operators for each difference. The application of these operators will reduce the difference between the current state and the goal state.


The Generate-and-test method is a problem-solving heuristics that involve an alternate set of actions in a random method. Each alternate method is to check whether it will solve the problem.  It ensures that the selected best possible solution is checked against the generated possible solutions.

Difference between algorithm and heuristics

Algorithm Heuristics


The terms heuristics and algorithms overlap somewhat in AI. A heuristic may be a subroutine that can be used to determine where to look first for an optimal algorithm. Heuristic algorithms can be listed under the categories of algorithms. In a sense of heuristics are algorithms, heuristic makes a guessing approach to solve the problem, granting a good enough answer rather than finding the best possible outcome. The level of indirection is the main difference between the two.

3. Root Cause Analysis

Like the name itself, it is the process of identifying the root cause of the problem. The root cause of the problem is analyzed to identify the appropriate solutions. A collection of principles, techniques, and methodologies are used to identify the root causes of a problem. RCA can identify an issue in the first place.

The first goal of RCA is to identify the root cause of the problem. The second goal is to understand how to fix the underlying issues within the root cause. The third goal is to prevent future issues or to repeat the success.

The core principles of RCA are:

  • Focus on correcting the root causes.
  • Treating symptoms for short-term relief.
  • There can be multiple root causes.
  • Focus on HOW? and WHY?
  • Root cause claims are kept back up with concrete cause-effect.
  • Provides information to get a corrective course of action.
  • Analyze how to avoid a root cause in the future.

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book: Artificial Intelligence and Problem Solving

Artificial Intelligence and Problem Solving

  • Danny Kopec , Christopher Pileggi , David Ungar and Shweta Shetty
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  • Language: English
  • Publisher: Mercury Learning and Information
  • Copyright year: 2016
  • Main content: 350
  • Keywords: Artificial Intelligence
  • Published: June 29, 2016
  • ISBN: 9781683922414

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Title: creative problem solving in artificially intelligent agents: a survey and framework.

Abstract: Creative Problem Solving (CPS) is a sub-area within Artificial Intelligence (AI) that focuses on methods for solving off-nominal, or anomalous problems in autonomous systems. Despite many advancements in planning and learning, resolving novel problems or adapting existing knowledge to a new context, especially in cases where the environment may change in unpredictable ways post deployment, remains a limiting factor in the safe and useful integration of intelligent systems. The emergence of increasingly autonomous systems dictates the necessity for AI agents to deal with environmental uncertainty through creativity. To stimulate further research in CPS, we present a definition and a framework of CPS, which we adopt to categorize existing AI methods in this field. Our framework consists of four main components of a CPS problem, namely, 1) problem formulation, 2) knowledge representation, 3) method of knowledge manipulation, and 4) method of evaluation. We conclude our survey with open research questions, and suggested directions for the future.
Comments: 46 pages (including appendix), 17 figures, under submission at Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research (JAIR)
Subjects: Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI)
Report number: Vol. 75
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Journal reference: Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research 2022
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When Should You Use AI to Solve Problems?

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Not every challenge requires an algorithmic approach.

AI is increasingly informing business decisions but can be misused if executives stick with old decision-making styles. A key to effective collaboration is to recognize which parts of a problem to hand off to the AI and which the managerial mind will be better at solving. While AI is superior at data-intensive prediction problems, humans are uniquely suited to the creative thought experiments that underpin the best decisions.

Business leaders often pride themselves on their intuitive decision-making. They didn’t get to be division heads and CEOs by robotically following some leadership checklist. Of course, intuition and instinct can be important leadership tools, but not if they’re indiscriminately applied.

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  • Bob Suh is the founder and CEO of OnCorps, which provides AI-based decision guidance systems to the financial services industry. The firm works with leading scientists at Yale, Oxford, and Harvard to test decision making and behavioral algorithms. Previously, he was the chief technology strategist at Accenture.

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Ingenious self-ask prompting technique boosts generative ai.

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Use the self-ask prompting technique to your advantage when using generative AI.

In today’s column, I am continuing my ongoing coverage of prompt engineering strategies and tactics that aid in getting the most out of using generative AI apps such as ChatGPT, GPT-4, Bard, Gemini, Claude, etc. The focus this time will be on the use of an ingenious prompting strategy known as a self-ask.

Essentially, you tell generative AI to solve problems by pursuing an internal question-and-answer divide-and-conquer approach that is to be made visible to you during the solving process. The AI is performing a stepwise self-ask that is an added-value version of chain-of-thought (CoT). No worries if that technobabble doesn’t seem to make sense to you. I’ll be explaining it all step-by-step and in plain language. Hang in there.

The payoff of using a self-ask prompt is that you can at times markedly boost your AI-generated results. An added plus is that you get transparent visibility into how the AI arrived at a solution. All told this is a praiseworthy technique for your prompt engineering skills and venerated prompting toolkit.

For those of you who are new to prompt engineering or even those longtime prompt engineering pros wanting to round out your prompting capabilities, you might find of interest my comprehensive guide on over fifty other keystone prompting strategies, see the discussion at the link here . There have been a lot of important techniques ironed out and please know that the use of generative AI depends greatly on how smartly you compose your prompts. Because of that precept, I’ve been doing an ongoing in-depth series on each of the prevailing and newly emerging prompting tactics and strategies. Take a look at my coverage to learn and astutely make use of the best-in-class or world-class prompt engineering approaches.

Okay, let’s get going.

Tighten your seatbelt and get yourself ready for yet another engaging and useful journey that intertwines art and science when it comes to wisely composing prompts and getting the most out of generative AI.

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Introducing The Self-Ask As Your New Go-To Technique

Before I get into the intricate nature of self-ask as a prompting tactic and strategy, I’d like to bring up something similar that I’ve closely showcased previously. Please bear with me, thanks. This will be useful background.

In my prior prompt engineering postings about the use of self-reflective prompts and self-improvement prompts, see the link here , I made these salient points:

  • AI self-reflection: Generative AI can be prompted to do a double-check that we will refer to as having the AI be self-reflective (which is computationally oriented, and we won’t think of this as akin to sentience).
  • AI self-improvement: Generative AI can be prompted to do a double-check and subsequently adjust or update its internal structures because of the double-check, which we will refer to as AI self-improving (which is computationally oriented, and we won’t think of this as akin to sentience).

I am abundantly cautious in using phrases such as being self-reflective or self-improving when it comes to discussing AI.

My caution is due to worries that some might inadvertently interpret those phases as implying that today’s AI is sentient. To be clear, today’s AI is not sentient. Anytime there are uses of wording that suggest human cognition related to AI, there is a danger that anthropomorphizing of AI is taking place. I trust that you can readily discern that there aren’t any magic beans underlying the act of AI being self-reflective or self-improving. The entire confabulation is a computational and mathematical undertaking.

This is a perfect segue into discussing self-ask.

Let’s consider this new point that I aim to go over with you in detail:

  • AI self-ask. Generative AI can be prompted to undertake a series of steps akin to chain-of-thought and do so in a directed fashion of asking a question and answering the question, one at a time. This effort of identifying sub-questions and answering the sub-questions can potentially generate better overall answers out of generative AI.

The concept is straightforward.

You enter a prompt that tells generative AI to proceed to identify a relevant question and answer the question, as it relates to an overarching problem being solved. This is to be done in a series. Each question posed ought to be vital to answering the overall problem at hand. Each question and its answer should contribute toward answering the overall problem.

We don’t want any superfluous questions. I say this because you must be careful when asking generative AI to do things for which the AI might go overboard. In other words, even if doing a series of sub-questions and sub-answers is a wasted effort, the AI will likely proceed on that path due to your urging that the AI does so. Make sure to devise a self-ask prompt to try and keep the AI on track during the self-asking endeavor.

I hope you also realize that the AI isn’t asking itself questions in any kind of sentient way. A human that is doing a self-ask would presumably be using their sentient capacity to ask themselves various questions. In the case of generative AI, the AI is just mathematically and computationally doing so.

Enough said on that.

Unpacking Self-Ask

Self-ask relies upon a very popular prompting technique known as chain of thought (CoT).

The chain-of-thought approach entails telling generative AI to proceed on a stepwise basis. As I explain and analyze at the link here and the link here , this simple addition to a prompt can produce amazingly improved results from generative AI. There are all sorts of variations to CoT, such as skeleton-of-thought, see the link here and many others that I lay out in detail at the link here.

With a conventional chain of thought, you merely tell the AI to do step-by-step processing. The odds are that you indeed will be shown each step of a problem-solving effort. This won’t necessarily be in a question-and-answer format. There are a multitude of ways that the steps might be devised and portrayed. A typical chain of thought prompt allows the generative AI to go in whatever direction arises as to what kinds of steps there are, how many steps are to be identified, etc.

The beauty of self-ask is that you explicitly indicate that you want to do a stepwise approach that incorporates performing a series of sub-questions and sub-answers. It can be instrumental in generative AI solving a problem, plus it can be highly beneficial as a means of understanding how the AI reached a particular solution.

My usual caveats about specialized prompts and generative AI are worthy of consideration, so let’s quickly cover a few notable ones.

First, there is likely an added cost to using a self-ask in your prompt. An additional cost will usually occur when the AI is step-by-step identifying the sub-questions and sub-answers. There are other ways the AI might solve the problem in a faster way, but you are directing the AI to explicitly take a somewhat more costly route. That being said, if you are using generative AI for free or at a nominal cost, perhaps the added cost is unimportant to you or considered negligible.

Second, via specialized prompts, you can potentially prod generative AI into incurring a so-called AI hallucination, see my discussion at the link here . I don’t like the catchphrase of “AI hallucinations” because it tends to anthropomorphize AI. Simply stated, these are instances of AI going computationally off the rails and generating falsehoods. Typically, it is something stated in an answer that turns out to be fictitious and misleadingly looks like it is grounded in facts.

A self-ask could produce a response that has falsehoods. One way that this can happen is that in the effort to provide a sub-question, the AI might go a bridge too far and concoct a question that has no bearing on the matter at hand. An answer that is derived from an essentially irrelevant question might also be messed up. That foul-up then gets included in the series of questions and answers, causing the final answer to go askew.

I’d rate this as relatively unlikely with a self-ask. Nonetheless, always remain on your toes.

Third, if you’ve ever used a common prompt that says, “Are you sure?”, this seems related to doing a self-ask. I can see why it does. With the “Are you sure?” you are asking the generative AI to question itself. That certainly seems like a self-ask.

I vote that the “Are you sure” is not a true self-ask.

A true self-ask is a prompt that explicitly guides the generative AI toward doing a series of questions and answers when solving a problem. The classic “Are you sure?” rarely stokes that kind of effort by generative AI. In a sense, you often get a flippant response from AI that says the AI is indeed sure of the answer that was derived. You aren’t necessarily going to get a double-check. My general advice is that if you are tempted to use the “Are you sure” you either switch to a true self-ask or be more obvious by telling the AI to do a double-check of the work presented.

Research About The Self-Ask Provides Reassurance

Time to dig into some pertinent research on this weighty topic.

A research paper that notably examined the self-ask is entitled “Measuring and Narrowing The Compositionality Gap In Language Models” by Ofir Press, Muru Zhang, Sewon Min, Ludwig Schmidt, Noah A. Smith, and Mike Lewis, arXiv , October 17, 2023, and provided these notable points (excerpts):

  • “We investigate the ability of language models to perform compositional reasoning tasks where the overall solution depends on correctly composing the answers to sub-problems.”
  • “We measure how often models can correctly answer all sub-problems but not generate the overall solution, a ratio we call the compositionality gap.”
  • “We evaluate this ratio by asking multi-hop questions with answers that require composing multiple facts unlikely to have been observed together during pretraining.”
  • “We then demonstrate how elicitive prompting (such as chain of thought) narrows the compositionality gap by reasoning explicitly. We present a new method, self-ask, that further improves on chain of thought.”
  • “In our method, the model explicitly asks itself (and answers) follow-up questions before answering the initial question. We finally show that self-ask’s structured prompting lets us easily plug in a search engine to answer the follow-up questions, which additionally improves accuracy.”

The researchers made use of self-ask to augment the chain of thought techniques and defined the nature of what a self-ask prompt consists of.

They note that you can either do a self-ask fully contained within a generative AI app, or you can proceed to go outside the AI app if you wish to do so. For example, you might generate a series of sub-questions and feed those into an Internet search engine, deriving answers from the web. Those answers might be compared to whatever the generative AI provides or possibly be given to the AI as said-to-be suitable answers.

I am going to focus this discussion on the use of self-ask in a self-contained manner, namely used solely within a generative AI app.

The researchers provide a handy explanation for why they believe that self-ask provides an uplift in getting better answers from generative AI (excerpts):

  • “Our method builds on chain-of-thought prompting, but instead of outputting a continuous un-demarcated chain-of-thought, our prompt has the model explicitly state the next follow-up question it wants to ask before answering it. In addition, our method inserts scaffolds like “Follow up:”, which we found to improve the ability to output the correct final answer in an easily parseable way.” (ibid).
  • “As in chain of thought, our method is completely automatic: we simply input the prompt and the test-time question, and the model executes the entire process by itself, including deciding how many follow-up questions to ask.” (ibid).
  • “We hypothesize that the advantage of self-ask over chain of thought is that it disentangles the decomposition of the full question (by formulating sub-questions) from the actual answers to those sub-questions.” (ibid).
  • “In addition, the rigid scaffolding self-ask provides makes it easier for the model to state the final answer in a concise, parseable way.” (ibid).

One key point is that perhaps the self-ask disentangles generative AI and keeps it from inadvertently treating the solution process as a monolithic blob. We already seem to know that chain-of-thought derives advantages via forcing AI to not shortcut the solving process. It is a divide-and-conquer scheme. The same is likely for self-ask.

They also nicely emphasize that to use the self-ask you merely compose your prompts accordingly. I mention this nicety because some prompting strategies require that you use an external tool to get the prompt technique to adequately perform. You can’t just enter a prompt and hit a return. The self-ask allows you to tell the AI in a regular prompt what you want to have done.

Moving on, a bit of an interesting angle was that they opted to give generative AI some examples of what they wanted the self-ask prompt to invoke (excerpts):

  • “Self-ask requires a one- or few-shot prompt that demonstrates how to answer the questions.” (ibid).
  • “Our prompt starts with those examples, after which we append the inference-time question. We then insert the phrase “Are follow-up questions needed here:” at the end of the prompt since we found that doing so slightly improves results.” (ibid).
  • “The model then outputs a response.” (ibid).
  • “In most cases it first outputs ‘Yes.’, meaning that follow-up questions are necessary. The LM then outputs the first follow-up question, answers it, and continues asking and answering follow-up questions until it decides it has sufficient information; at this point, it outputs ‘So the final answer is:’ before providing the final answer; this makes the final answer easily parseable as what appears after ’:’ on the last output line.” (ibid).
  • “In rare cases, the LM decides that it need not ask follow-up questions and can answer the question immediately.” (ibid).

Allow me to provide some thoughts about this.

Sometimes, if you believe that generative AI won’t get the meaning of your instructions by simply writing out the instructions, you can give the AI a leg-up by showcasing some examples. The examples will potentially spur generative AI to get the drift of what you want to have done. I use this approach all the time.

I don’t particularly see the need for showcasing examples of a self-ask when using modern-day generative AI. Written instructions alone will usually suffice. I am not saying that using examples is a bad idea. Not at all. You are welcome to use examples that you give to the generative AI as a means of guidance and allowance for pattern matching.

I will momentarily be showing you my experiments using self-ask in ChatGPT. I opted to use examples at first. I then started a completely new and separate conversation. I proceeded to only use written instructions about self-ask. In the end, it seemed to me, based admittedly on just a few runs, that the examples were not a necessity. I don’t think they hurt anything, and maybe they might in some circumstances add something, but I found that they generally could be averted without adverse consequences.

That’s just a seat-of-the-pants perspective.

Using ChatGPT To Explore The Self-Ask Prompting Technique

I will next proceed to examine further the nature of a self-ask as a specialized prompting technique.

This will consist of a series of dialogues with ChatGPT. ChatGPT is a logical choice in this case due to its immense popularity as a generative AI app. An estimated one hundred million weekly active users are said to be utilizing ChatGPT. That’s a lot of people and a lot of generative AI usage underway.

A few quick comments before we launch into using ChatGPT.

If you are going to try to do the same prompts that I show here, realize that the probabilistic and statistical properties will likely produce slightly different results than what I show here. That’s the nature of generative AI and how it is devised.

You also should expect that different generative AI apps will respond in different ways. Not all generative AI apps are the same. The key is that sometimes a particular prompt will work in one generative AI app and not another. Nonetheless, the odds are relatively high that you will get roughly similar responses from all the major generative AI apps such as GPT-4, Gemini, Bard, Claude, etc.

There is also a timing factor to be considered. A prompt that worked today might not work the same way tomorrow. Most of the generative AI apps are continually being updated. The updates might alter internal mechanisms that could change how the generative AI reacts to your prompting.

We are ready to get underway with ChatGPT. I shall begin by asking a straightforward question and do so without invoking the self-ask technique.

This is going to be a raw baseline for further experimentation.

Here we go.

  • My entered prompt : “Who lived longer, Abraham Lincoln or George Washington?”
  • ChatGPT generated response: “George Washington lived longer than Abraham Lincoln.”

That was easy.

Do we know whether ChatGPT was right about claiming that George Washington lived longer than Abraham Lincoln?

I did an Internet search, and the answer consistently seems to be that George Washington died at the age of 67, while Abraham Lincoln tragically died at the much earlier age of 56. Thus, ChatGPT is correct that George Washington lived longer than Abraham Lincoln.

As an aside, do you think I was right to utilize the Internet to find the answer? Maybe the Internet got it wrong too. Always keep your eyes open when surfing the web.

Next, we will bring forth the self-ask capability.

Let’s start by telling ChatGPT about the self-ask prompting technique.

  • My entered prompt: “I want you to answer my questions by performing a series of steps involving asking sub-questions as you proceed to derive a final answer. You are to identify relevant sub-questions one at a time, answer each such sub-question one at a time, and then use those series of answers to reach a final overall answer. Do you understand these instructions on how I want you to solve problems?”
  • ChatGPT generated response: “Yes, I understand your instructions. I'll break down problems into sub-questions, answer each one step-by-step, and then use those answers to reach the final overall conclusion.”

Observe the wording that I used to invoke a self-ask. Any similar type of wording would do the trick. Make sure to be as direct and transparent as possible. Do not be tricky in your wording.

The wording I used was this (as shown above): “I want you to answer my questions by performing a series of steps involving asking sub-questions as you proceed to derive a final answer. You are to identify relevant sub-questions one at a time, answer each such sub-question one at a time, and then use those series of answers to reach a final overall answer. Do you understand these instructions on how I want you to solve problems?”

You could refine and enhance the wording to indicate that you want generative AI to proceed to do that process for all subsequent prompts and any questions that you subsequently ask. Another thing you can do is label the prompt as being a “self-ask” and thus indicate to generative AI that this is now to be added to the ongoing vocabulary of your use of generative AI.

Now that we’ve notified ChatGPT that we are essentially seeking to do a self-ask, let’s see what difference it makes in the response to our baseline question.

Ponder for a moment what might occur.

Will we get a series of questions and answers? Will this be useful? Will the AI go off the deep end and go zany with too many questions and answers? Will the world potentially implode or explode?

  • My entered question: “Who lived longer, Abraham Lincoln or George Washington?”
  • ChatGPT generated response:

“Let's break down this question into a series of sub-questions to find the answer.”

“Sub-question 1 : When was George Washington born and when did he die?”

“ Answer to Sub-Question 1 : George Washington was born on February 22, 1732, and died on December 14, 1799. To calculate George Washington's lifespan: Birthdate: February 22, 1732, Death date: December 14, 1799. Let's calculate his age at death. Thus, George Washington lived 67 years and nearly 10 months.”

“ Sub-question 2 : When was Abraham Lincoln born and when did he die?

“ Answer to Sub-question 2: Abraham Lincoln was born on February 12, 1809, and was assassinated on April 15, 1865. To calculate Abraham Lincoln's lifespan: Birthdate: February 12, 1809, Death date: April 15, 1865. Let's calculate his age at death. Thus, Abraham Lincoln lived 56 years and about 2 months.”

“ Final Answer: George Washington lived longer than Abraham Lincoln: George Washington: 67 years and nearly 10 months, Abraham Lincoln: 56 years and about 2 months.”

End of ChatGPT response

We got the same answer as we received with the baseline prompt.

That’s reassuring.

In addition, the answer provides more details. There were two sub-questions. Each sub-question focused respectively on the age at death for each man. The age was figured out. The final answer was then more readily believable or verifiable since we can inspect the sub-questions and the sub-answers.

I assume you can readily discern why this might be more expensive to run in generative AI. The additional formulation is going to likely cause additional processing cycles. Also, we don’t know how the baseline formulation was calculated, and perhaps a faster means was used.

Is the added cost worthwhile?

It depends.

If you don’t care to see the intermediate questions and answers, the display of those elements isn’t something you would want to pay for.

Another factor would be whether the problem to be solved is tough enough to warrant a self-ask. In this use case of George Washington and Abraham Lincoln, it was a rather simplistic question at the get-go. We probably were doing overkill by using self-ask.

Let’s see what ChatGPT has to say about the situations of using self-ask.

  • My entered prompt : “Would using this type of problem-solving involving identifying sub-questions and answering the sub-questions potentially improve the performance of generative AI in terms of reaching accurate or correct answers?”

“Using this type of problem-solving involving identifying sub-questions and answering them step-by-step can indeed potentially improve the performance of generative AI in reaching accurate or correct answers. Here are a few reasons why.”

“Structured Approach : Breaking down a problem into smaller, manageable sub-questions provides a clear structure, reducing the complexity of the task and minimizing the chances of errors.”

“Focus on Details : Addressing each sub-question individually ensures that all relevant details are considered, reducing the likelihood of missing important information.”

“Verification : Each sub-question serves as a checkpoint, allowing for verification of intermediate results before proceeding to the next step. This can help catch and correct errors early in the process.”

“Clarity : A step-by-step approach improves the clarity of the reasoning process, making it easier to follow and understand the logic behind the final answer.”

“Improved Understanding : This method encourages a deeper understanding of the problem by breaking it into its constituent parts, leading to more thoughtful and accurate answers.”

“Error Isolation : If a mistake is made, it can be more easily isolated and corrected within a specific sub-question, rather than having to re-evaluate the entire problem.”

Those are indeed the upsides of using a self-ask.

We ought to push ChatGPT to share the downsides too.

  • My entered prompt: “Are there any downsides to this approach?”

“While the step-by-step approach of breaking down problems into sub-questions can improve accuracy and clarity, there are some potential downsides to consider.”

“Time-Consuming : This method can be more time-consuming compared to more direct approaches, especially for simpler questions that don't require detailed breakdowns.”

“Overcomplication : For straightforward problems, breaking them into multiple sub-questions might overcomplicate the process, making it less efficient.”

“Scalability Issues : For very large or intricate problems, the number of sub-questions can become overwhelming, making it difficult to manage and synthesize the final answer.”

“Dependency on Intermediate Answers : If an error occurs in an early sub-question, it can propagate through the subsequent steps, leading to an incorrect final answer. This requires careful verification at each step.”

“Potential for Redundancy : Some sub-questions might overlap or be redundant, leading to unnecessary repetition and inefficiency.”

Yes, those are all downsides that you ought to consider when mulling over whether to use self-ask.

Sometimes a self-ask might be insightful when the question or problem is open-ended. By this, I mean that rather than an exact answer such as whether George Washington lived longer than Abraham Lincoln, the answer is fuzzy and not precise.

I’ll get ChatGPT to use the self-ask on an open-ended problem.

  • My entered prompt: “Can you give me an example of an open-ended problem that would be better answered by generative AI when using this self-ask approach? You can just outline the questions and answers rather than answering them all.”

“Let's consider a more complex problem where a self-ask approach would be particularly beneficial: Determining the best location for a new retail store.”

Prompt: “ A retail company wants to open a new store in a city. They need to determine the best location based on factors like population density, average income, competition, and accessibility. Use a self-ask approach to solving this problem.”

Sub-question 1: What are the population densities of different neighborhoods in the city?

How to answer sub-question 1: Gather and analyze population density data for all neighborhoods.

Sub-question 2: What are the average income levels in these neighborhoods?

How to answer sub-question 2: Collect data on the average income levels for each neighborhood.

Sub-question 3: Where are the existing competitors located?

How to answer sub-question 3: Identify and map the locations of competing retail stores.

Sub-question 4: How accessible are these neighborhoods?

How to answer sub-question 4: Evaluate the accessibility of each neighborhood in terms of public transportation, parking facilities, and traffic patterns.

Sub-question 5: Are there any zoning regulations or restrictions?

How to answer sub-question 5: Review local zoning laws and restrictions that might affect store placement.

Sub-question 6: What is the cost of real estate in these neighborhoods?

How to answer sub-question 6. Compare the costs of real estate in different areas of the city.

Sub-question 7: What are the demographic trends and projections?

How to answer sub-question 7: Analyze demographic trends and future projections to understand potential growth.

“ This methodical approach helps in making well-informed, data-driven decisions for complex problems like choosing the best location for a new retail store.”

In this instance, I told ChatGPT that it didn’t need to pursue the respective answers and could merely outline what would need to be done.

You could readily have generative AI undertake the detailed analysis. If so, seeing the types of questions being generated and the answers, along with whatever final answer was provided, I dare suggest that it would be a lot more believable and actionable than not doing a self-ask.

I’ve said a zillion times that the best way to feel comfortable with any prompting technique is to abide by three words, practice, practice, practice. The bottom line is that if you are interested in using the self-ask, go ahead and play around with the technique. Get into it. Try all kinds of questions and problems that you might find interesting to pursue.

The key is that you want to have a strong sense of the strengths and weaknesses. That way, when the pressing moment arises that you think self-ask is going to be your golden ticket to get generative AI to produce an amazing response, you will have the self-ask ready to go.

A final thought for now.

Voltaire famously said that we should judge a person by their questions rather than their answers. I would slightly alter the saying and proffer the following updated version. We should judge generative AI by the questions generated rather than only the answers produced.

I’m putting generative AI on notice that this is considered a prime directive. No questions asked, unless, of course, the questions are worthy.

Lance Eliot

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Characteristics of Artificial Intelligence Problems

Problems in Artificial Intelligence (AI) come in different forms, each with its own set of challenges and potential for innovation. From image recognition to natural language processing, AI problems exhibit distinct characteristics that shape the strategies and techniques used to tackle them effectively. In this article, we delve into the fundamental characteristics of AI problems, providing light on what makes them so fascinating and formidable.

Characteristics of Artificial Intelligence Problems-Geeksforgeeks

Table of Content

Key Terminologies in Artificial Intelligence Problems

Addressing the challenges of ai problems, examples of ai applications and challenges across domains, characteristics of artificial intelligence problems – faqs.

Before exploring the characteristics, let’s clarify some essential AI concepts:

  • Problem-solving: Problem-solving is a process that is a solution provided to a complex problem or task. When dealing with AI, problem-solving involves creating algorithms and methods of artificial intelligence that will empower machines to imitate humans’ capabilities of logical and reasonable thinking in certain situations.
  • Search Space: Searching space refers to the area where an agent involved in the problem-solving process can examine all the possible states or settings with the hope of discovering a solution. It covers a gamut of options that the agent might select for arriving at the same destination.
  • State: An entity represents some unique and specific arrangement of elements in a problem-solving situation. States can be assigned to different locations, challenges, or dangers that the problem-solving agent faces while looking for a solution to the problem within the search space.
  • Search Algorithm: A search algorithm describes any process or method targeted for examining and exploring the given problem space to find a solution. Algorithm decision-making has diverging levels of complexity and effectiveness. They are studied to help in the discovery of the most suitable results.
  • Heuristic: Heuristic is a thumb rule or guiding principle that is used to make intelligent decisions or solve the problems that are encountered during the process. Applying heuristics in AI is prevalent in prioritizing search paths or evaluating probable solutions based on their likelihood of finishing successfully.
  • Optimization: The problem of optimization implies finding the best solution for process selection among the set of feasible alternatives submitted to some previously set objectives or criteria. AI optimization approaches are employed to deal optimally with complex issues through performance and efficiency improvement.

By understanding these key terminologies, we can better grasp the characteristics of AI problems and the techniques used to address them. These concepts form the foundation of AI problem-solving and provide the framework for developing innovative solutions to real-world challenges.

Let’s explore the core characteristics that differentiate AI problems:

  • Learning and adaptation: AI systems should be capable of learning from data or experiences and adapting their behaviour accordingly. This enables them to improve performance over time and handle new situations more effectively.
  • Complexity: AI problems often involve dealing with complex systems or large amounts of data. AI systems must be able to handle this complexity efficiently to produce meaningful results.
  • Uncertainty: AI systems frequently operate in environments where outcomes are uncertain or incomplete information is available. They must be equipped to make decisions or predictions under such conditions.
  • Dynamism: Environments in which AI systems operate can change over time. These changes may occur unpredictably or according to specific rules, requiring AI systems to continually adjust their strategies or models.
  • Interactivity : Many AI applications involve interaction with users or other agents. Effective AI systems should be able to perceive, interpret, and respond to these interactions in a meaningful way.
  • Context dependence: The behavior or performance of AI systems may depend on the context in which they operate. Understanding and appropriately responding to different contexts is essential for achieving desired outcomes.
  • Multi-disciplinary: AI problems often require knowledge and techniques from multiple disciplines, including computer science, mathematics, statistics, psychology, and more. Integrating insights from these diverse fields is necessary for developing effective AI solutions.
  • Goal-oriented Design: AI systems are typically designed to achieve specific objectives or goals. Designing AI systems with clear objectives in mind helps guide the development process and ensures that the resulting systems are focused on achieving meaningful outcomes.

These characteristics collectively shape the challenges and opportunities involved in developing and deploying AI systems across various domains and applications.

The characteristics of AI problems present unique challenges that require innovative approaches to solution development. Some of the key aspects to consider in tackling these challenges include:

  • Complexity and Uncertainty: AI difficulties are sometimes characterized by highly variable domains that are difficult to predict exactly. Hence, AI algorithms should be installed with the skill of dealing with unclear circumstances and should make decisions that are based on imperfect data or noisy information.
  • Algorithmic Efficiency: Among the key challenges of this approach are the enormous search spaces, computational resources, and the efficiency of the algorithms in terms of problem-solving. Strategies like caching, pruning, and parallelization are among the most widely used implementations for better algorithmic speed.
  • Domain Knowledge Integration: Such numerous AI problems involve the ability to capture the rules and reasoning of the real world to model and solve the questions correctly. The AI machines that have been trained with expertise from relevant domains improve the accuracy and effectiveness of the applications in the real world.
  • Scalability and Adaptability: AI solutions should be able to process large datasets and complex cases at the same time, and they should also be versatile by responding to shifts in conditions and requirements. Strategies such as machine learning and reinforcement learning allow systems to do more than just perform according to the given tasks at hand; they empower systems to learn and progress over time.
  • Ethical and Social Implications: AI technologies elicit ethical and social limitations concerning problems of bias, justice, privacy, and responsible office. Taking these implications into account, along with ethical frameworks, compliance frameworks, and stakeholder engagement, is essential. This approach will help position cryptocurrencies as a secure and trustworthy investment.
  • Interpretability and Explainability: To achieve interpretability and explainability of AI algorithms for the sake of understanding and confidence among users and stakeholders, these algorithms should be knowable and comprehensible enough. Examples like chatbots producing natural-like conversation could better clarify the working scheme of AI technology.
  • Robustness and Resilience: AI machinery should perform against its being hacked or affected by adversarial attacks, inaccuracies (errors), and environmental changes. Robustness testing, the construction of mechanisms for error handling, and the building up of redundancy must be taken seriously by AI systems to ensure their reliability and stability.
  • Human-AI Collaboration: Successful human-AI entente is the key component to making the most of our advantages as well as artificial intelligence skills. Achieving AI solutions that are capable of supporting human skills and more importantly, preferences will reduce human efforts correspondingly and bring the best performance.

By addressing these challenges through innovative methodologies and interdisciplinary collaboration, we can harness the full potential of AI to solve complex problems and drive societal progress.

1. Robotics

Problem: A delivery robot navigating a busy warehouse to locate and retrieve a specific item.


  • Complexity: Industrial storage is networked, in the middle of things, with obstacles, and other robots and people moving unpredictably. This robot must process the visual scene, plan the route effectively, and detect and avoid possible collisions.
  • Dynamism: A combination of outside factors leads to change, which is a constant inside the warehouse. Unpredictable system failures or spontaneous tasks can make the robot change its means and decision-making at the moment of need.
  • Uncertainty: Sensor data (such as images obtained from a camera) might be noisy, incomplete, and unstable. The robot could be handling decisions based on fragmented or formless pieces of information.

2. Natural Language Processing (NLP)

Problem: A sentiment analysis system in NLP classifying customer reviews as positive, negative, or neutral.

  • Subjectivity: Human language is nuanced. Sarcasm, irony, and figurative expressions can be difficult for machines to accurately interpret.
  • Need for Context: Understanding sentiment may depend on cultural references, product-specific knowledge, or even the reviewer’s prior interactions with the company.
  • Ambiguity: A single word or phrase could have multiple meanings, affecting the overall sentiment of the text.

3. Computer Vision

Problem: A medical image recognition system in Computer Vision designed to detect tumors in X-rays or MRI scans.

  • Complexity: Medical images are highly detailed and can exhibit subtle variations. The system needs to distinguish between healthy tissue and potential abnormalities.
  • Uncertainty: Images may contain noise or artifacts. The presence of a tumor might not be immediately obvious, requiring the system to handle ambiguity.
  • Ethical Considerations: False positives or false negatives have serious consequences for patient health. Accuracy, transparency, and minimizing bias are crucial.

The premises of AI-based problems – complexity, uncertainty, subjectivity, and more, – bring an unavoidable difficulty to the table. These features must be known for building appropriate AI because this is necessary. Through the use of machine learning, probabilistic reasoning, and knowledge representation which are referred to as the tools in AI development alongside the ethical considerations, these designers and scientists can face such complexities well and give shape to AI in a way that will be beneficial to society.

Q. What are the core characteristics that differentiate AI problems?

The core characteristics of AI problems include complexity, uncertainty and ambiguity, lack of clear problem definition, non-linearity, dynamism, subjectivity, interactivity, context sensitivity, and ethical considerations.

Q. Can you explain the concept of problem-solving in AI?

Problem-solving in AI involves creating algorithms and methods that enable machines to imitate human capabilities of logical and reasonable thinking in certain situations.

Q. What is meant by the term “search space” in AI?

Search space refers to the area where an agent involved in the problem-solving process can examine all the possible states or settings with the hope of discovering a solution.

Q. How do AI algorithms address challenges such as complexity and uncertainty?

AI algorithms are designed to handle unclear circumstances and make decisions based on imperfect data or noisy information.

Q. What are some examples of AI applications and the challenges they face?

Examples include robotics (e.g., delivery robots navigating busy warehouses), natural language processing (e.g., sentiment analysis of customer reviews), and computer vision (e.g., medical image recognition for detecting tumors).

Q. What role do ethical considerations play in AI development?

Ethical considerations are crucial in AI development to address issues such as bias, justice, privacy, and responsibility, ensuring that AI technologies are deployed responsibly and ethically.

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Tanya Malhotra

Tanya Malhotra is a final year undergrad from the University of Petroleum & Energy Studies, Dehradun, pursuing BTech in Computer Science Engineering with a specialization in Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning. She is a Data Science enthusiast with good analytical and critical thinking, along with an ardent interest in acquiring new skills, leading groups, and managing work in an organized manner.

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  • Top Large Language Models (LLMs): A Comprehensive Ranking of AI Giants Across 13 Metrics Including Multitask Reasoning, Coding, Math, Latency, Zero-Shot and Few-Shot Learning, and Many More
  • Mixture-of-Experts (MoE) Architectures: Transforming Artificial Intelligence AI with Open-Source Frameworks
  • Graph Attention Inference for Network Topology Discovery in Multi-Agent Systems (MAS)


Minicpm3-4b released by openbmb: a versatile and efficient language model with advanced functionality, extended context handling, and code generation capabilities, this ai paper introduces data-free knowledge distillation for diffusion models: a method for improving efficiency and scalability, understanding the hidden layers in large language models llms, mapf-gpt: a decentralized and scalable ai approach to multi-agent pathfinding, surf: an unsupervised surface-centric framework for high-fidelity 3d reconstruction with region sparsification, powerlm-3b and powermoe-3b released by ibm: revolutionizing language models with 3 billion parameters and advanced power scheduler for efficient large-scale ai training, minicpm3-4b released by openbmb: a versatile and efficient language model with advanced functionality, extended..., this ai paper introduces data-free knowledge distillation for diffusion models: a method for improving..., powerlm-3b and powermoe-3b released by ibm: revolutionizing language models with 3 billion parameters and..., apple researchers propose a novel ai algorithm to optimize a byte-level representation for automatic..., fpt software ai center introduces hyperagent: a groundbreaking generalist agent system to resolve various..., optimizing document understanding with docowl2: a novel high-resolution compression architecture, stanford researchers explore inference compute scaling in language models: achieving enhanced performance and cost....

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  1. Problem Solving Agents in Artificial Intelligence

    problem solving method in ai

  2. Problem Solving in Artificial Intelligence

    problem solving method in ai

  3. PPT

    problem solving method in ai

  4. Problem Solving Artificial Intelligence Ppt Powerpoint Presentation

    problem solving method in ai

  5. Lecture 4 part 2: Artificial intelligence : Problem solving agent

    problem solving method in ai

  6. Problem Formulation & Method Solving in Artificial Intelligence (AI)

    problem solving method in ai


  1. problem solving method

  2. Problem Solving Method RM13000 SMIG (Tokyo Supplier Forum)

  3. The Problem Solving Method Week 2

  4. Notes Problem Solving Method Pedagogy of social studies B.ed 1st Semester punjab university chd

  5. how many types of actions for problems resolving Hindi

  6. How To Solve Any Science Problem


  1. Problem Solving in Artificial Intelligence

    There are basically three types of problem in artificial intelligence: 1. Ignorable: In which solution steps can be ignored. 2. Recoverable: In which solution steps can be undone. 3. Irrecoverable: Solution steps cannot be undo. Steps problem-solving in AI: The problem of AI is directly associated with the nature of humans and their activities.

  2. PDF AI Problem-Solving Methods

    John and Mary. John and Mary loved each other and decided to be married. Just before the wedding, John discovered that Mary's father was secretly smuggling stolen art through Venice. After struggling with his conscience for days, John reported Mary's father to the police.

  3. Problem Solving Techniques in AI

    Problem Solving Techniques in AI. The process of problem-solving is frequently used to achieve objectives or resolve particular situations. In computer science, the term "problem-solving" refers to artificial intelligence methods, which may include formulating ensuring appropriate, using algorithms, and conducting root-cause analyses that identify reasonable solutions.

  4. Chapter 3 Solving Problems by Searching

    Chapter 3 Solving Problems by Searching . When the correct action to take is not immediately obvious, an agent may need to plan ahead: to consider a sequence of actions that form a path to a goal state. Such an agent is called a problem-solving agent, and the computational process it undertakes is called search.. Problem-solving agents use atomic representations, that is, states of the world ...

  5. Introduction to Problem-Solving using Search Algorithms for Beginners

    Introduction. In computer science, problem-solving refers to synthetic intelligence techniques, which include forming green algorithms, heuristics, and acting root reason analysis to locate suited solutions. Search algorithms are fundamental tools for fixing a big range of issues in computer science. They provide a systematic technique to ...

  6. PDF AI Handbook

    In Artificial Intelligence the terms problem solving and search refer to a large body of core ideas that deal with deduction, inference, ... The paper presented a framework for comparing the methods used in problem-solving programs up to that time. The basic framework, there called heuristic search, was the one called state-space search in the

  7. PDF Problem Solving and Search

    6.825 Techniques in Artificial Intelligence Problem Solving and Search Problem Solving • Agent knows world dynamics • World state is finite, small enough to enumerate • World is deterministic • Utility for a sequence of states is a sum over path The utility for sequences of states is a sum over the path of the utilities of the

  8. Problem Solving in Artificial Intelligence by Search Algorithms

    The initial stage of problem-solving always involves setting a goal. This goal serves as a reference point, guiding the intelligent agent to act in a way that maximizes its performance measure ...

  9. Understanding problem solving in artificial intelligence

    What is problem solving in artificial intelligence? Problem solving in artificial intelligence is the process of finding solutions to complex problems using computer algorithms. It involves using various techniques and methods to analyze a problem, break it down into smaller sub-problems, and then develop a step-by-step approach to solving it.

  10. Artificial Intelligence Search Methods For Problem Solving

    In this first course on AI we study a wide variety of search methods that agents can employ for problem solving. In a follow up course - AI: Knowledge Representation and Reasoning - we will go into the details of how an agent can represent its world and reason with what it knows. These two courses should lay a strong foundation for ...

  11. AI accelerates problem-solving in complex scenarios

    AI accelerates problem-solving in complex scenarios. ... One could use this method to obtain an optimal solution more quickly or, for especially complex problems, a better solution in a tractable amount of time. This approach could be used wherever MILP solvers are employed, such as by ride-hailing services, electric grid operators, vaccination ...

  12. Problem-Solving Methods in Artificial Intelligence

    Artificial intelligence (AI) is the Science and Engineering domain concerned with the theory and practice of developing systems that exhibit the characteristics we associate with intelligence in human behavior.

  13. Search Algorithms in AI

    Artificial Intelligence is the study of building agents that act rationally. Most of the time, these agents perform some kind of search algorithm in the background in order to achieve their tasks. A search problem consists of: A State Space. Set of all possible states where you can be. A Start State.

  14. Improving mathematical reasoning with process supervision

    We've trained a model to achieve a new state-of-the-art in mathematical problem solving by rewarding each correct step of reasoning ("process supervision") instead of simply rewarding the correct final answer ("outcome supervision"). ... In some cases, safer methods for AI systems can lead to reduced performance 3, a cost which is known ...

  15. Understanding AI Problem Formulation Basics

    In artificial intelligence, problem formulation is the process of identifying, analyzing, and defining the problems that need to be solved using AI techniques. ... heuristic algorithms offer effective short-term methods for achieving goals. By leveraging prior knowledge and experience, these algorithms can guide problem-solving processes and ...

  16. What is Problems, Problem Spaces, and Search in AI?

    Conclusion. To sum up, the foundation of AI problem-solving is comprised of the ideas of problems, problem spaces, and search. In AI issue solving, efficient search algorithms are crucial for efficiently navigating vast and intricate problem spaces and locating ideal or nearly ideal answers. They offer an organized method for defining ...

  17. Problem Solving in Artificial Intelligence

    Problem-solving methods in Artificial Intelligence. Let us discuss the techniques like Heuristics, Algorithms, Root cause analysis used by AI as problem-solving methods to find a desirable solution for the given problem. 1. ALGORITHMS. A problem-solving algorithm can be said as a procedure that is guaranteed to solve if its steps are strictly ...

  18. Find the AI Approach That Fits the Problem You're Trying to Solve

    Find the AI Approach That Fits the Problem You're Trying to Solve. by. George Westerman, Sam Ransbotham, and. Chiara Farronato. February 06, 2024. Illustration by Agnes Jonas. Summary.

  19. Artificial Intelligence and Problem Solving

    This book lends insight into solving some well-known AI problems using the most efficient problem-solving methods by humans and computers. The book discusses the importance of developing critical-thinking methods and skills, and develops a consistent approach toward each problem. This book assembles in one place a set of interesting and challenging AI-type problems that students regularly ...

  20. [2204.10358] Creative Problem Solving in Artificially Intelligent

    Creative Problem Solving (CPS) is a sub-area within Artificial Intelligence (AI) that focuses on methods for solving off-nominal, or anomalous problems in autonomous systems. Despite many advancements in planning and learning, resolving novel problems or adapting existing knowledge to a new context, especially in cases where the environment may change in unpredictable ways post deployment ...

  21. When Should You Use AI to Solve Problems?

    Jorg Greuel/Getty Images. Summary. AI is increasingly informing business decisions but can be misused if executives stick with old decision-making styles. A key to effective collaboration is to ...

  22. Ingenious Self-Ask Prompting Technique Boosts Generative AI

    It can be instrumental in generative AI solving a problem, plus it can be highly beneficial as a means of understanding how the AI reached a particular solution. ... We present a new method, self ...

  23. Characteristics of Artificial Intelligence Problems

    Problem-solving: Problem-solving is a process that is a solution provided to a complex problem or task. When dealing with AI, problem-solving involves creating algorithms and methods of artificial intelligence that will empower machines to imitate humans' capabilities of logical and reasonable thinking in certain situations.

  24. Strategic Chain-of-Thought (SCoT): An Unique AI Method Designed to

    A new method that incorporates strategic information into the process of reasoning has been put out. This two-step process finds an efficient approach to problem-solving and then directs the creation of superior Chain-of-Thought (CoT) paths. Better results are guaranteed because the final answers are generated using these revised reasoning ...

  25. Solve business problems with AI

    Solve business problems with AI. Each business problem asks for a specific method within Artificial Intelligence. With deep learning techniques headlining today's news and commercial applications being powered by ever more complex models, organizations may be tempted to try to solve their use cases with state of the art AI models. ...