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The Impacts of Junk Food on Health

thesis statement on junk food

Energy-dense, nutrient-poor foods, otherwise known as junk foods, have never been more accessible and available. Young people are bombarded with unhealthy junk-food choices daily, and this can lead to life-long dietary habits that are difficult to undo. In this article, we explore the scientific evidence behind both the short-term and long-term impacts of junk food consumption on our health.


The world is currently facing an obesity epidemic, which puts people at risk for chronic diseases like heart disease and diabetes. Junk food can contribute to obesity and yet it is becoming a part of our everyday lives because of our fast-paced lifestyles. Life can be jam-packed when you are juggling school, sport, and hanging with friends and family! Junk food companies make food convenient, tasty, and affordable, so it has largely replaced preparing and eating healthy homemade meals. Junk foods include foods like burgers, fried chicken, and pizza from fast-food restaurants, as well as packaged foods like chips, biscuits, and ice-cream, sugar-sweetened beverages like soda, fatty meats like bacon, sugary cereals, and frozen ready meals like lasagne. These are typically highly processed foods , meaning several steps were involved in making the food, with a focus on making them tasty and thus easy to overeat. Unfortunately, junk foods provide lots of calories and energy, but little of the vital nutrients our bodies need to grow and be healthy, like proteins, vitamins, minerals, and fiber. Australian teenagers aged 14–18 years get more than 40% of their daily energy from these types of foods, which is concerning [ 1 ]. Junk foods are also known as discretionary foods , which means they are “not needed to meet nutrient requirements and do not belong to the five food groups” [ 2 ]. According to the dietary guidelines of Australian and many other countries, these five food groups are grains and cereals, vegetables and legumes, fruits, dairy and dairy alternatives, and meat and meat alternatives.

Young people are often the targets of sneaky advertising tactics by junk food companies, which show our heroes and icons promoting junk foods. In Australia, cricket, one of our favorite sports, is sponsored by a big fast-food brand. Elite athletes like cricket players are not fuelling their bodies with fried chicken, burgers, and fries! A study showed that adolescents aged 12–17 years view over 14.4 million food advertisements in a single year on popular websites, with cakes, cookies, and ice cream being the most frequently advertised products [ 3 ]. Another study examining YouTube videos popular amongst children reported that 38% of all ads involved a food or beverage and 56% of those food ads were for junk foods [ 4 ].

What Happens to Our Bodies Shortly After We Eat Junk Foods?

Food is made up of three major nutrients: carbohydrates, proteins, and fats. There are also vitamins and minerals in food that support good health, growth, and development. Getting the proper nutrition is very important during our teenage years. However, when we eat junk foods, we are consuming high amounts of carbohydrates, proteins, and fats, which are quickly absorbed by the body.

Let us take the example of eating a hamburger. A burger typically contains carbohydrates from the bun, proteins and fats from the beef patty, and fats from the cheese and sauce. On average, a burger from a fast-food chain contains 36–40% of your daily energy needs and this does not account for any chips or drinks consumed with it ( Figure 1 ). This is a large amount of food for the body to digest—not good if you are about to hit the cricket pitch!

Figure 1 - The nutritional composition of a popular burger from a famous fast-food restaurant, detailing the average quantity per serving and per 100 g.

  • Figure 1 - The nutritional composition of a popular burger from a famous fast-food restaurant, detailing the average quantity per serving and per 100 g.
  • The carbohydrates of a burger are mainly from the bun, while the protein comes from the beef patty. Large amounts of fat come from the cheese and sauce. Based on the Australian dietary guidelines, just one burger can be 36% of the recommended daily energy intake for teenage boys aged 12–15 years and 40% of the recommendations for teenage girls 12–15 years.

A few hours to a few days after eating rich, heavy foods such as a burger, unpleasant symptoms like tiredness, poor sleep, and even hunger can result ( Figure 2 ). Rather than providing an energy boost, junk foods can lead to a lack of energy. For a short time, sugar (a type of carbohydrate) makes people feel energized, happy, and upbeat as it is used by the body for energy. However, refined sugar , which is the type of sugar commonly found in junk foods, leads to a quick drop in blood sugar levels because it is digested quickly by the body. This can lead tiredness and cravings [ 5 ].

Figure 2 - The short- and long-term impacts of junk food consumption.

  • Figure 2 - The short- and long-term impacts of junk food consumption.
  • In the short-term, junk foods can make you feel tired, bloated, and unable to concentrate. Long-term, junk foods can lead to tooth decay and poor bowel habits. Junk foods can also lead to obesity and associated diseases such as heart disease. When junk foods are regularly consumed over long periods of time, the damages and complications to health are increasingly costly.

Fiber is a good carbohydrate commonly found in vegetables, fruits, barley, legumes, nuts, and seeds—foods from the five food groups. Fiber not only keeps the digestive system healthy, but also slows the stomach’s emptying process, keeping us feeling full for longer. Junk foods tend to lack fiber, so when we eat them, we notice decreasing energy and increasing hunger sooner.

Foods such as walnuts, berries, tuna, and green veggies can boost concentration levels. This is particularly important for young minds who are doing lots of schoolwork. These foods are what most elite athletes are eating! On the other hand, eating junk foods can lead to poor concentration. Eating junk foods can lead to swelling in the part of the brain that has a major role in memory. A study performed in humans showed that eating an unhealthy breakfast high in fat and sugar for 4 days in a row caused disruptions to the learning and memory parts of the brain [ 6 ].

Long-Term Impacts of Junk Foods

If we eat mostly junk foods over many weeks, months, or years, there can be several long-term impacts on health ( Figure 2 ). For example, high saturated fat intake is strongly linked with high levels of bad cholesterol in the blood, which can be a sign of heart disease. Respected research studies found that young people who eat only small amounts of saturated fat have lower total cholesterol levels [ 7 ].

Frequent consumption of junk foods can also increase the risk of diseases such as hypertension and stroke. Hypertension is also known as high blood pressure and a stroke is damage to the brain from reduced blood supply, which prevents the brain from receiving the oxygen and nutrients it needs to survive. Hypertension and stroke can occur because of the high amounts of cholesterol and salt in junk foods.

Furthermore, junk foods can trigger the “happy hormone,” dopamine , to be released in the brain, making us feel good when we eat these foods. This can lead us to wanting more junk food to get that same happy feeling again [ 8 ]. Other long-term effects of eating too much junk food include tooth decay and constipation. Soft drinks, for instance, can cause tooth decay due to high amounts of sugar and acid that can wear down the protective tooth enamel. Junk foods are typically low in fiber too, which has negative consequences for gut health in the long term. Fiber forms the bulk of our poop and without it, it can be hard to poop!

Tips for Being Healthy

One way to figure out whether a food is a junk food is to think about how processed it is. When we think of foods in their whole and original forms, like a fresh tomato, a grain of rice, or milk squeezed from a cow, we can then start to imagine how many steps are involved to transform that whole food into something that is ready-to-eat, tasty, convenient, and has a long shelf life.

For teenagers 13–14 years old, the recommended daily energy intake is 8,200–9,900 kJ/day or 1,960 kcal-2,370 kcal/day for boys and 7,400–8,200 kJ/day or 1,770–1,960 kcal for girls, according to the Australian dietary guidelines. Of course, the more physically active you are, the higher your energy needs. Remember that junk foods are okay to eat occasionally, but they should not make up more than 10% of your daily energy intake. In a day, this may be a simple treat such as a small muffin or a few squares of chocolate. On a weekly basis, this might mean no more than two fast-food meals per week. The remaining 90% of food eaten should be from the five food groups.

In conclusion, we know that junk foods are tasty, affordable, and convenient. This makes it hard to limit the amount of junk food we eat. However, if junk foods become a staple of our diets, there can be negative impacts on our health. We should aim for high-fiber foods such as whole grains, vegetables, and fruits; meals that have moderate amounts of sugar and salt; and calcium-rich and iron-rich foods. Healthy foods help to build strong bodies and brains. Limiting junk food intake can happen on an individual level, based on our food choices, or through government policies and health-promotion strategies. We need governments to stop junk food companies from advertising to young people, and we need their help to replace junk food restaurants with more healthy options. Researchers can focus on education and health promotion around healthy food options and can work with young people to develop solutions. If we all work together, we can help young people across the world to make food choices that will improve their short and long-term health.

Obesity : ↑ A disorder where too much body fat increases the risk of health problems.

Processed Food : ↑ A raw agricultural food that has undergone processes to be washed, ground, cleaned and/or cooked further.

Discretionary Food : ↑ Foods and drinks not necessary to provide the nutrients the body needs but that may add variety to a person’s diet (according to the Australian dietary guidelines).

Refined Sugar : ↑ Sugar that has been processed from raw sources such as sugar cane, sugar beets or corn.

Saturated Fat : ↑ A type of fat commonly eaten from animal sources such as beef, chicken and pork, which typically promotes the production of “bad” cholesterol in the body.

Dopamine : ↑ A hormone that is released when the brain is expecting a reward and is associated with activities that generate pleasure, such as eating or shopping.

Conflict of Interest

The authors declare that the research was conducted in the absence of any commercial or financial relationships that could be construed as a potential conflict of interest.

[1] ↑ Australian Bureau of Statistics. 2013. 4324.0.55.002 - Microdata: Australian Health Survey: Nutrition and Physical Activity, 2011-12 . Australian Bureau of Statistics. Available online at: (accessed December 13, 2019).

[2] ↑ National Health and Medical Research Council. 2013. Australian Dietary Guidelines Summary . Canberra, ACT: National Health and Medical Research Council.

[3] ↑ Potvin Kent, M., and Pauzé, E. 2018. The frequency and healthfulness of food and beverages advertised on adolescents’ preferred web sites in Canada. J. Adolesc. Health. 63:102–7. doi: 10.1016/j.jadohealth.2018.01.007

[4] ↑ Tan, L., Ng, S. H., Omar, A., and Karupaiah, T. 2018. What’s on YouTube? A case study on food and beverage advertising in videos targeted at children on social media. Child Obes. 14:280–90. doi: 10.1089/chi.2018.0037

[5] ↑ Gómez-Pinilla, F. 2008. Brain foods: the effects of nutrients on brain function. Nat. Rev. Neurosci. 9, 568–78. doi: 10.1038/nrn2421

[6] ↑ Attuquayefio, T., Stevenson, R. J., Oaten, M. J., and Francis, H. M. 2017. A four-day western-style dietary intervention causes reductions in hippocampal-dependent learning and memory and interoceptive sensitivity. PLoS ONE . 12:e0172645. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0172645

[7] ↑ Te Morenga, L., and Montez, J. 2017. Health effects of saturated and trans-fatty acid intake in children and adolescents: systematic review and meta-analysis. PLoS ONE. 12:e0186672. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0186672

[8] ↑ Reichelt, A. C. 2016. Adolescent maturational transitions in the prefrontal cortex and dopamine signaling as a risk factor for the development of obesity and high fat/high sugar diet induced cognitive deficits. Front. Behav. Neurosci. 10. doi: 10.3389/fnbeh.2016.00189

Junk Food Essay for Students and Children

500+ words essay on junk food.

The term ‘junk food’ itself says a lot about this food. It indicates how it is harmful to our health. Furthermore, junk foods are basically trash which harms our bodies in different ways. They have high levels of cholesterol, sugar, calories and more. We see how nowadays, the younger generation is getting indulging in more and more junk food. This is putting their lives in danger and giving them an unhealthy lifestyle .

Junk Food Essay

Furthermore, junk food does not have a single benefit. It only has ill-effects as they do not contain nutritional value . Parents must teach their kids about the ill-effects of junk food. Moreover, they must provide them with healthy meals at home so they won’t have to go out to eat fast food.

Rising Popularity of Junk Food

We all know that the fast-food industry is increasing by leaps and bounds these days. People these days are more attracted to junk food because it is appealing. Why is that? People are using manipulative ways to entice people to buy their fast food.

Moreover, junk food is prepared very easily. It takes minimum time to prepare it as it does not have any nutritious ingredients. We see how junk food does not have any special ingredients. It just contains common harmful ones in excess like oil, sugar, and more.

Furthermore, junk food is very reasonable. As it does not require any healthy material, it is not that costly. We see how it is available at very reasonable pricing. It is one of the main reasons why people buy it frequently.

Most importantly, junk food has become very accessible now, more than ever. With the onset of numerous food delivery apps, you can now get junk food with a single click. You have a plethora of options now which will deliver all sorts of junk food right at your doorstep.

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Ill-effects of Junk Food

The major characteristic of junk food is that it spikes the energy levels instantly. It does not really benefit your body, just satisfies your taste buds. If we intake junk food regularly, we get moody more often.

Moreover, regular consumption of junk food causes a drop in the concentration levels of a person. This is why we see how kids these days are easily distracted. Moreover, you may also notice how obesity becoming common these days. It is a very chronic disease which is only enhanced by eating junk food.

Further, you may also notice how junk food increases blood pressure and sugar. A person gets more prone to heart diseases due to the fattening products used in it. Similarly, junk food is not easy to digest. This may gradually damage your brain function because it creates a lack of oxygen levels.

Junk food does not only damage the heart but the liver as well. It causes diabetes amongst people from an early age. Moreover, the lack of fibers in junk food equals to a damaged digestive system. This may cause constipation as well. Therefore, we see how junk food companies are fooling people. They are deceiving them into consuming their junk food to increase their sales. Thus, we need to realize this fact as soon as possible. Try to replace junk food with healthy food. Prepare your meals at home instead of ordering outside.

FAQ on Junk Food Essay

Q.1 Why is junk food getting popular?

A.1 Junk food is getting popular because it is easily accessible now. It is appealing and fast food companies are fooling the public for increasing their sales.

Q.2 State the ill-effects of junk food.

A.2 Junk food causes a lot of chronic diseases like diabetes, cholesterol, heart diseases. It drops your concentration level and messes with your digestive system.

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Thesis Statement For Fast Food

Title: FAST FOOD POPULARITY A. Introduction: Nowadays, most people -especially kids and youngsters- prefer to eat fast food, such as McDonald, pizza, fried food, and etc. Why it has become so popular? It is tastes better than homemade food? B. General Statement: Fast food industry has grown dramatically and become so popular. According to the research, people spend more money on fast food than the education. McDonald, Burger King and Subway are the most popular fast food company. C. Thesis statement: Popularity of the fast food are getting an increase due to easy and quick service, inexpensive meanwhile there are also consist of negative effects if the fast food is becoming more common in society. Body A. Topic sentence: The reasons for …show more content…

Sub-supporting point: Today, people are very busy with their working lifestyle as they tend to find fast foods as a good choice because they don't have enough time to find a healthy food. ( Cornwall , 2014) b. Sub-supporting point: Besides, the packaging of fast foods make it easy to take away or bring it wherever you go. 2. Supporting point: Secondly, the services that provided is convenient with very quick response a.Sub-supporting point: Mc Donald has 24 hours services of home delivery whenever you order the food. It is quick and cheap. b.Sub-supporting point : Nowadays fast foods homemade are more easily available and fast delivery. i. Sub-sub-supporting point: Fast food restaurant even at home made fast food is more easily to sell out (sally Sampson : Wednesday, September 16 2009) . Topic sentences : In addition, fast food now has become more cheap and common. 1). Supporting point: Fast food restaurant offer cheaper price compared to the other restaurants. a. Sub-supporting point : Fast food restaurant server a supersized of burger for a low cost compared to the price of fresh fruit and vegetable (J.Nutr,2003,pg133) b. Sub-supporting point : Fast foods are popular because they serve filling foods that taste good and don’t cost a lot of money. (Young Women Health, 5th December

The Fast Food Industry Has Shaped American Culture

Fast food has turned into a genuine fundamental of our everyday life and made a religion of establishments that reaches out to the millions of Americans across the country. The Fast Food industry in a few eyes has been one of the sharpest developments this world has seen. It has been driven by our stomachs and our wallets for 40 to 50 years it's as yet developing to this date. The man who make-believe it can be known as the best representative, this nation has ever observed. The Fast Food Industry is big to the point that it has influenced our wellbeing, changed our way of life, and misshaped our territory as far back as the very first moment.

Fast Food Nation Essay

Fast food is very popular amongst today’s society. Fast Food Nation has reasons for the explosion in popularity of fast food restaurants in the mid-1900’s. It also explains negative effects on American Culture in today’s society. The fast-food industry has multiplied across America and changed the food industry. Eric Schlosser describes in Fast Food Nation the way people think about what they eat and what people think of the fast food industry, and also its impact on society.

Eric Schlosser's Fast Food Nation: Fast Food's Impact on Society

  • 1 Works Cited

“Fast food is popular because it's convenient, it's cheap, and it tastes good. But the real cost of eating fast food never appears on the menu.” – Eric Schlosser --

Eric Schlosser's Fast Food Nation

The McDonald’s “Speedee Service System” launched in 1948 and made meals terribly cheap and fast. In Fast Food Nation, Eric Schlosser wrote, “The McDonald brothers’ Speedee Service System revolutionized the restaurant business… as word spread about the low prices and good hamburgers.” (20) For the first time, working-class families could afford to buy their children restaurant food. Customers were purchasing their “Pure Beef Hamburger” for 15 cents, and “Tempting Cheeseburger” for 20 cents.

The Fast Food Industry Has a Harmful Effect on Society

"We provide food that customers love, day after day after day. People just want more of it”(Ray Kroc, Founder of McDonald’s). Coronary Artery Disease is a type of heart disease and the most common cause of heart attacks. Plaque from eating unhealthy foods, builds up in the arteries, the arteries harden and begin to become narrow and can cause chest pain and heart attacks. Fast food popularity is the amount of customers a fast food establishment has and retains. Popularity is important to fast food establishments because it’s what keeps the company going. The environment is affected by the fast food industry because of the amount of pollution and trash they produce on a daily basis. The fast food industry has a harmful affect on society.

Fast Food: An Annotated Bibliography

This book discusses the fast-food industry and seeks to describe the impact of the industry on the U.S. economy and society. Also, it talks about the guys who has been investigating the fast food industry for many years. From his broad research, he has uncovered an abundance of little-known, frequently unsettling truths about the fast food industry.

Fast Foods And Fast Food

Fast food has become so dependable in America because it seems everyone is on the go. Many parents are constantly working, children have late activities at school, and some days just the thought of and going home to make food is no fun. It seems like everyone is doing something and they can 't stop to make food for themselves. Going to a fast food restaurant is quick. Most of the time a person is in a drive-thru for around five minutes. Some fast foods such as Jimmy John 's is freaky fast and deliver quickly after the order. Fast food facilities are everywhere. Eric Schlosser in the Fast Food Nation said, "Fast food is now served at restaurants and drive-throughs, at stadiums, airports, zoos, high schools, elementary schools, and universities, on cruise ships, trains, and airplanes, at K-Marts, Wal-Marts

  • 2 Works Cited

Fast food has become a comfort food during struggling economic hardship can provide comfort and reduce stress, increase satisfaction feeling and security. With promotions items or dollar value meals, some families which eat at fast food restaurant can find it cheaper to eat their rather than going to local grocery store and purchase food for the family. Another reason fast foods restaurants have been part of comfort foods is because they have been around for over 50 years, so for generations families have been eating there and can recall found memories of family time together. Consumers don’t like change and fast food restaurants can provide that consistence deliver of goods. Fast Food Chains are easily chosen during times that restrict personal finances, because during those times families still seek to have a way to "escape" the chains that are tightening them towards debt. Fast foods is there are no tipping policies, many often have deals where children under 12 eat free on certain days, many offer coupons through out the week to help save even further.

Review of Eric Schlosser's 'Fast Food Nation'

We live in a world that is in a continuous process of transformation, considering that progress manages to control all the aspects of individual's life. Being part of a society which is always changing makes it essential for people have to adapt to all these aspects. One of the biggest problems for the American society is that it has no time to eat, since it is always on the run. Fast food came as the greatest solution for this problem. Since the process of modernization of the American society is accelerated day by day, the fast food industry has gained its place on the market. Even if individuals are well aware of the problems they can and will encounter if they eat fast food, they are forced by the circumstances to fall back on it.

Essay An Analysis of Eric Schlosser's Fast Food Nation

  • 6 Works Cited

Explaining just about one quarter of the United States population eats fast food every day , he claims that fast food restaurants have “not only [changed] the American diet, but also our landscape, economy, work force and popular culture…and the consequences have become inescapable regardless ” how often you eat it ( Schlosser, 2004, p.3). According to DATAMONITOR a market research firm’s Fast Food Industry Profile,” [in] the United States fast food market grew by 0.2% in 2009 to reach a value of $71.4 billion. And, the compound annual growth rate of the market in the period 2005–09 was 3.7%” showing even years after the book was written, fast food continues to take a greater market share of consumer’s food dollars (“Fast Food Industry profile”,2010, pg. 12).

Informative Speech- Fast Food Essays

B. Fast food may taste good, but have you ever thought of the effects it has on your body, and wallet?

Argumentative Essay About Fast Food Industry

The fast food industry has been growing dramatically during the last few years. For this reason, we should try to find out what are the several factors why fast food consumption keeps growing among young people and adults. Therefore, as we have seen, the popularity of fast food is spreading rapidly among many people due to the following three main reasons: good taste, convenient time, and price. Personally, working for a fast food restaurant for a brief moment in my life, I can attest to this. Marketing also plays a big part to more people eating fast food. It’s in our culture in America to expect fast food companies to market and strategize their ways to make us, the consumers, to buy more food and consume more food so they can make more profit. Especially now with commercials and social media. The fast food industry has thrived in the modern era. It’s thriving so much, the industry is growing faster than the U.S economy, at

Analysis Of In Praise Of Fast Food

All aspects of fast food have been criticized significantly, especially since the health food trend craze came around. An argument by culinary Luddites that is often thrown around is that our ancestors never had the access to these options and lived a much happier natural lifestyle. Rachel Laudan brought these points to the forefront to be critiqued in her writing “In Praise of Fast Food”. Rachel Laudan brings the argument that individuals have always participated in the consumption of convenience based foods, the goal in growing and producing food has always been to alter produce to make it more convenient as well as better tasting. Fast food is not as new of an invention as many believe it to be. Modern mainstream media outlets have pushed the belief that processing food has been the worst thing for the well being of the human body. Rachel Laudan makes some very solid points in the fast food debate that should be noted.

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Sub-sub-supporting point: Ingredients of fast food contains high amount of sugar and fat that tends to lead into diabetes.

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We consider one of the top reasons of eating fast food the modern, busy life that a big percent of families workers have. People who have a busy schedule usually do not have time to cook at home,

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The Junk Food Crisis

thesis statement on junk food

Table of Contents


The use of junk food in the United States and other parts of the world is alarming because such type of food is connected with the health risks. Heart disease is identified by health experts as the leading killer disease in the United States of America and is closely linked with poor diets (Robbins 5). Various scholars try to explain why people continue using them despite the knowledge in the public domain about the health risks of junk foods. For instance, Ross-Flanigan in her study is bothered about the eating disorder, and advocates for an active engagement of the public to address poor eating habits that expose people to junk foods (Ross-Flanigan 12). Gidney, on the other hand, illuminates the way junk foods are promoted in schools despite an effort to deal with the menace (Gidney 39). It implies that the fight against junk food is a tough one, but the good news is that it can be won. This study examines different research works on the problem of junk food to inform the readers about some of the existing remedies that they can adapt to avoid the health risks associated with junk food. It also climaxes some of the efforts the stakeholders such as the government and health experts can undertake to save the public from the problem of junk food, which is on the high rampancy.

thesis statement on junk food

Thesis statement

Even though people are aware of the health effects of junk food, they continue using them, and this means that the government and health experts should work more vigorously to deal with this matter since a big number of people are exposed to information promoting fast foods more than healthy foods.

Research Questions

  • What are some of the health effects of junk food?
  • Why do people consume junk food even if they are aware of their health risks?
  • What are the risks of junk food on human growth and development?
  • What should be done differently to deal with the problem of junk food in the contemporary society?

Research Background

The consumption of junk foods is thriving higher in the United States and other parts of the world. Yet to be demonstrated in this study, the continued use of junk foods among children and adult is exposing the society to health risks, which means it is a problem that should be addressed at the right time. For example, the problems of obesity, heart disease, diabetes and cognitive problems are associated with the consumption of junk foods (Harris and Graff 219). It is apparent in this milieu that the government must multiply its efforts in dealing with the problem of junk foods, lest a lot of money would be spent taking care of unhealthy generation. This research addresses the risks of junk foods, why people continue using them even though they know that they are unhealthy, and also, the remedies to deal with the challenge of fast foods in the society. One of the things to note is that junk foods are easy to access these days. As a result, many people are exposed to junk foods. Another thing is that they are cheap and sweet. Due to this, many people are addicted to them and are unable to resist them. Another thing to note is that the information about junk foods is supplied in the public domain compared to the information about healthy foods. This means that the government in conjunction with the health experts should act with speed to deal with it, so as to save people who are seriously habituated to junk foods.

Study Methods

Importantly, this study vastly relies on the existing research works to inform the findings presented herein. The existing information helps to enlighten people about some of the physical health effects associated with junk foods. This is done with the objective to address the audience to adopt a healthy living style to save the government and the public from saving large amounts of money in treating chronic infections that are caused by unhealthy diets. It is important to note that the articles and scholarly sources used in this study are credible and inform the audiences about the effects of junk foods, and the reasons why they should be discouraged in the contemporary society. Using existing information is similarly important to identify the research gaps that should be addressed in regards to the effect of fast food in the society. More importantly, the sources used in this study are properly acknowledged according to intellectual property requirements. The study is significant in addressing the research questions and addressing the intended audiences concerning the need for them to partake in the fight against junk food, which affects the society today.

Junk Food and Health Effects

Junk foods have far-reaching effects on human health.  In fact, it is not something new in the public domain. Several pieces of research and studies have made it profound that processed foods and fast foods are responsible for childhood obesity, diabetes, heart infections and other chronic illnesses. On the same pedestal, Thompson (40) pointed out that exposing young children is dangerous, something that affects them holistically. On the study, Thompson indicated that besides affecting their physical health, it also affects their mental health, which in turn would be a deterrent to their class performance in school. Research shows that people who consume junk foods perform poorly on cognitive tests, in regards to attention, mood, and attention. In other words, eating junk foods deteriorates memory. Toxic or poor diet is not fine for health since they trigger some chemical reactions that promote the inflammation in the hippocampus zone of the brain, an area associated with special recognition and memory. Foods like cheeseburgers, chicken nuggets, and chips are unhealthy, but people seem to be addicted to them that besides their side effects, they are sold in the restaurants and other outlets and people buy them daily.

thesis statement on junk food

Another thing to note is that foods high in sugar, as well as fat, affects the way chemical activities in the brain work, which in turn makes it highly dependent on such foods, which would also be referred to in other terms as addiction.   In this regard, junk foods increase stress and depression. When consumed for a long time, junk foods lead to the loss of amino acid tryptophan, which leads to the feeling of depression (Owen BJ, et al 965). In addition, an imbalanced ratio of fatty acids in the body similarly increases chances of depression among many people. This may explain the reason for many cases of suicide in the contemporary society. From this understanding, it is essential for the stakeholders like the government and health experts to work in unity to save the generation that would be ruined by the rampant consumption of junk foods. Just as evident in this study, people are aware of the side effects of junk foods, but they continue existing in the stores where they are bought. However, people spend a great amount of money to treat diseases caused by junk foods. For example, bariatric surgery used as a therapy for obesity is costly and only the rich people can afford (MacDiarmid et al. 636). Also, the federal government of the united states allocates billions of dollars on health bill to take care of people with chronic infections like cancer, heart disease, obesity, and diabetes. When many people in the country adopt healthier diets, the large amount of money spent on medical care to chronic infections would be used in other development projects. Therefore, the public needs more information to act live healthily.

Why People Consume Junk Foods, yet Aware Of the Health Risks

The greatest question that this study endeavors to answer is why people continue eating junk foods, even if they are aware of the risks associated with them. The study by Gidney is shocking in the manner public schools could make secret arrangements with the beverage companies to continue selling junk foods to the children (Gidney 39). Despite efforts by the parents, teachers and the government to adopt policies geared to promote healthy diets, but the companies continued supplying the unhealthy meals to the said schools. This is a common problem, to not only schools and similar institutions, but in the public domain too. For instance, shops, restaurants, and cafes use some tricks and tactics to influence the public to buy fast foods. A study by Bradshow points out the effects of Junk Food Marketing (JFM), which employs tactful means, appealing techniques, and strategic marketing, which are geared to address the demands of people of different ages (Bradshow 4). Most of the foods advertised through this method have low nutritional value and continue to affect the generations. According to her study, Bradshow points out that the consumption of junk foods increases every time people see these enticing adverts. In fact, the companies producing the junk food spend sufficient amount of money on such adverts, which make them more exposed to the market.

Another reason is that junk foods are cheap and easy to prepare. This is a common problem among the developing countries. When the price of traditional foods like maize, wheat, and rice goes up, they switch to the western style foods as their alternatives, but the bad news is that they are high in sugar, salt, fat and other chemicals that make them unhealthy. Notably, junk foods stocked in many developing countries led to a cultural shift, where people stopped using their traditional foods and adopted the western style-processed foods. For examples, countries like Kenya that relied on their traditional diets of grains like sorghum, millet, and traditional vegetables to the American processed diets such as fizzy drinks, cookies, and sugary cereals. Another thing is associated with the time spent in work, which constraint time for many people. During lunchtime, people rush to cafes, restaurants, and order fast foods, which appear to be tasty and cheap. In the evening, many people reach home when tired and want things that would not consume a lot of their time. They buy and prepare unhealthy foods and serve them to the family since they take very little time to prepare. This explains the reason why junk foods are consumed despite the knowledge about their side effects. In addition, junk foods are sweet and addictive, hence many people find themselves so habituated to them even if they know they are bad.

What Should Be Done

It is so alarming that junk foods continue to place people at higher risk of an unhealthy society. Today, the United States of America is struggling with obesity in both children and adults. It means that if the problem is not addressed at the right time that the government in the near future would be spending a huge amount of money on health care for its sick people. In this regard, there is a need for a concerted effort from the government and the health experts to continue informing the public about the health effects associated with fast food (Ross-Flanigan 18).  This should not be assumed since the continued trend is affecting the society immensely. On the same note, the government should come up with radical measures to deal with the problem of fast foods in the United States of America. For example, a vegan diet should be encouraged in the society for a healthy future of Americans. A plant-based diet is healthier, safer, cheaper and good to address the world hunger. Therefore, there is a need for more effort from the government and the public to promote a healthy lifestyle in the United States.

thesis statement on junk food

Another approach would be to lower the incentives that the companies processing these junk foods are enjoying. The government can levy a heavy tax on the junk foods, and use that money for the promotion and supply of healthy foods. Levying heavy taxes on the junk foods would make them expensive and discourage many people from buying them. In the United States, $33 million is spent on advertising and promoting fast foods, whereas only $1 million is spent in promoting healthy foods. This shows that there is a great competition between fast food and healthy foods in approaching the public with awareness. The information about junk foods is more in the public limelight compared to that of healthy foods.  It means that when more levies are vested on fast food, more money would be available to create awareness about healthy foods. In fact, this would encourage people to go for healthy foods more than they do to fast foods.

Another tactic would be to introduce the study of cooking healthy foods in school so that children are more grounded in promoting healthy lifestyles. It can be made a compulsory credit course so that young people are more informed about promoting a healthy lifestyle in the society. They should also be properly informed about the way eating unhealthy diets would affect their general success in their studies (Bradshow 3). Another thing to do is to label the products that contain combinations of unhealthy materials so that people limit them. Just the same way some products like alcohol and cigarettes have warning against excessive consumption, it should be indicated in some products about the ingredients of excess sugar, salt, and fat so that people can make an informed decision when buying them. Another thing to do is for the local authorities to discourage the promotion of such food products in their localities. For example, the former first lady, Michelle Obama fighting against childhood obesity introduced new nutrition standards to schools as an enterprise of her “ Let’s Move ” initiative (Guidice 2). Through this, the first lady sought to see schools give healthy diets to children to promote their healthy growth. As a result, the public should be more informed and see the sense in campaigning junk foods out of their areas.

This study obligates the government and health experts to maximize their efforts in dealing with the problem of junk foods to support a healthy generation. It is apparent that people access fast foods easily than they access healthy foods. Another problem is that the companies processing and supplying fast foods are more vigorous in their campaigns that those promoting healthy foods. These with other reasons explain why many people continue consuming junk foods even though unhealthy. That is why this study promotes high levies on junk foods to discourage people from buying them. This is so because this study establishes that fast foods are cheap and easily accessible. When levies are increased, they would be expensive to discourage people from accessing them. More importantly, the campaigns against junk foods in favor of healthy foods should be more profound. This is necessary to save the government from saving huge amounts of money in taking care of unhealthy people in the near future. On the same plinth, this study is significant in pointing out these facts so that the readers can be more informed in the need to discourage junk foods for a healthy society.

  • Beth Bradshow.  Junk Food Marketing – a Crisis in the Marketplace | Food …  Food Active, 1  Dec. 2016
  • Carter, Owen BJ, et al. “Children’s understanding of the selling versus persuasive intent of junk  food advertising: Implications for regulation.”  Social science & medicine  72.6 (2011): 962-968.
  • Gidney, Catherine. “‘Nutritional wastelands’: vending machines, fast food outlets, and the fight  over junk food in Canadian schools.” Canadian Bulletin of Medical History , vol. 32, no.2, 2015, p. 391+. Academic OneFile 
  • Guidice, Rachel. “Why Have Michelle Obama’s Healthy School Meals Been  Junked?” 
  • Harris, Jennifer L., and Samantha K. Graff. “Protecting young people from junk food  advertising: implications of psychological research for First Amendment law.”  American journal of public health  102.2 (2012): 214-222.
  • MacDiarmid, Jennie I., et al. “Sustainable diets for the future: can we contribute to reducing  greenhouse gas emissions by eating a healthy diet?–.”  The American journal of clinical nutrition  96.3 (2012): 632-639.
  • Robbins, John.  The food revolution: How your diet can help save your life and our world .  Conari Press, 2010.
  • Ross-Flanigan, Nancy. “ Eating disorders.” The Gale Encyclopedia of Science , edited by K. Lee 
  • Lerner and Brenda Wilmoth Lerner, 5th ed., Gale, 2014.
  • Thompson, June. “‘Junk food’ at age three years may impact on school attainment.” Community  Practitioner , vol. 81, no. 9, 2008, p. 40. 
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  • Food Security
  • Weight Loss
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thesis statement on junk food


Thesis Statement On Fast Food

Title: FAST FOOD POPULARITY A. Introduction: Nowadays, most people -especially kids and youngsters- prefer to eat fast food, such as McDonald, pizza, fried food, and etc. Why it has become so popular? It is tastes better than homemade food? B. General Statement: Fast food industry has grown dramatically and become so popular. According to the research, people spend more money on fast food than the education. McDonald, Burger King and Subway are the most popular fast food company. C. Thesis statement: Popularity of the fast food are getting an increase due to easy and quick service, inexpensive meanwhile there are also consist of negative effects if the fast food is becoming more common in society. Body A. Topic sentence: The reasons for fast foods becomes more popular is due to easy and quick services 1. Supporting point: Firstly, the customers able to get their food as soon as they order. a. Sub-supporting point: Today, people are very busy with their working lifestyle as they tend to find fast foods as a good choice because they don 't have enough time to find a healthy food. ( Elena utaru , 2014) b. Sub-supporting point: Besides, the packaging of fast foods make it easy to take away or bring it wherever you go. 2. Supporting point: Secondly, the services that provided is convenient with very quick response a.Sub-supporting point: Mc Donald has 24 hours services of home delivery whenever you order the food. It is quick and cheap. b.Sub-supporting point :

Summary Of Fast Food Nation

Matt Kozek 8/24/15 Dooley Fast Food Nation Fast Food Nation is a book written by Eric Schlosser, the book is divided into two both sections being about entirely different things. The first section is called “The American Way,” which interrogates the beginnings of the Fast Food Nation within the context of post-World War II America. The second section is called “Meat and Potatoes,” and it is about the specific mechanizations of the fast-food industry, including the chemical flavoring of the food, the production of cattle and chickens, the working conditions of beef industry, the dangers of eating meat, and the global context of fast food as an American cultural export. The important part of the book is the second section where Schlosser

Fast Food Nation Rhetorical Analysis Essay

Novelist, Eric Schlosser, in his novel, “Fast Food Nation”, expresses how fast food has spread. Schlosser’s purpose is to make us see how addicted we are to fast food. He adopts a shocking tone through the use of diction, Logos, and diction in order to get people to make better choices. For starters, one of the strategies that Schlosser used in this text is diction. Diction can be defined as style of speaking or writing determined by the choice of words by a speaker /writer.

David Zinczenko Don T Blame The Eater

Fast food restaurants are also pulling people in to go eat there for example Wendy’s and McDonald’s offer salads with fruits and nuts in it but people think that the salad is fresh. So instead of going to the market to get the food people choose fast food. People have to work but instead of packing their lunch they find getting fast food is more convenient for them to buy food there. If people don’t like to cook they will choose to go to a fast food restaurant because in their minds there is no other alternative for fast

The novel Fast Food Nation written by Eric Schlosser explains the monstrosity behind fast food and the secrets it holds. Schlossar talks about widely known fast food chains. He explains the secrets behind McDonald’s , Burger King, and other fast food restaurants you might eat on a regular basis. Fast Food Nation contains a detailed description of how these restaurants got started and what is inside those pre-heated hamburger, burrito, and french fries you are holding in your hand. Fast Food Nation is a well written (a bit boring) detailed book that may make you avoid fast food for a while.

Fast Food Begins In Home Analysis

Obesity due to unhealthy food has been a long-lasting problem in America. Many people blame the government, and other blame the fast food companies directly. In the article “The Battle Against Fast Food Begins in Home” the author argues that parents are the ones who are really to blame. This is actually true because who better than parents to tell their children what to do? Parents are responsible for the obesity of their children because children listen mostly to their parents, and because it’s their obligation to take care of their children.

Argumentative Essay On Food Inc

The documentary, Food Inc., takes a deeper look at the food industry and how it has changed over the years. The McDonald brothers played a huge part in changing the food industry forever. The brothers began to run their restaurant in a factory style. Each worker only had one specific job to do. Because the workers were assigned simple tasks, they were all paid a low wage and were easily replaced.

The Ritual Of Fast Food Analysis

Travelers who go places to visit family, or any other reason, gets hungry and would like to see a familar fast food restaurant they can go to everytime they travel. As Visser said “When a huge modern business conglomerate offers fast food to travelers on the highway, it knows that its customers are likely to desire No Surprises. They are hungry, tired, and not in a celebratory mood; they are happy to pay—provided that the price looks easily manageable—for the safely predictable, the convenient, the fast and ordinary”(129). The restaurant that is known for travelers to stop at when tired and hungry is McDonalds. You can find a McDonalds about anywhere you go in the world and its always fast service most of the time.

Informative Speech: An Attention Getter For Fast Food

I. Introduction A. Hook/Attention getter: “Fast food” is named as fast food because of the whole process from ordering, preparing and serving the food just take several minutes. B. General statement: Fast food is becoming more and more popular among people around the world because of the changing of lifestyle from the past times to the present times. C. Thesis statement: Due to the convenient, affordable price and good taste of fast food, consumption of fast food is rising according to studies but it also brings negative effects on our health in the long run. II. Body A. Topic sentence: Fast food restaurant such as McDonalds (McD) or Kentucky Fried Chicken (KFC) are available almost anywhere in the world, and you can even get it with a simple phone call and get it delivered right in front of your door step or by ordering through their websites without leaving your work desk.

Fast Food Who's To Blame Essay

Fast Food: Who 's to Blame? Why is it that America is the fattest country in the world? Who’s to blame? The parents or the fast food industries?

Persuasive Speech: An Attention Getter For Fast Food

I.Introduction A.Hook/Attention getter: “Fast food” is named as fast food because of the whole process from ordering, preparing and serving the food just take several minutes. B.General statement: Fast food is becoming more and more popular among people around the world because of the changing of lifestyle from the past times to the present times. C.Thesis statement: Due to the convenient, affordable price and good taste of fast food, consumption of fast food is rising but it brings negative effects on our health in the long run. II.Body A.Topic sentence: Fast food restaurant such as McDonalds (McD) or Kentucky Fried Chicken (KFC) are available almost anywhere in the world, and you can even get it with a simple phone call and get it delivered

Compare And Contrast Coke And Mcdonald's Global Branding Strategies

ANSWER: INTRODUCTION Mc Donald’s is the largest hamburger fast food restaurant chain in the whole world. Mc Donald’s has more than 35000 outlets and serves around 68 million people daily. Primary selling items of Mc Donald’s include hamburgers, cheese burgers, French fries, chicken, breakfast items, milkshakes, soft drinks and desserts.

Fast Food Begins At Home Analysis

America changed by people getting obese. ”Some schools have contracts to sell fast food; others have special days allotted for fast food” (Barboza,Page 8). In the article “If You Pitch It, They Will Eat It” by David Barboza is about schools are making contracts to sell fast food. The schools are persuading the students to eat fast food by selling it to them. The students will come obese by eating too much fast food from their school.

Ethical Issues In Fast Food

Fast food is considered popular because it 's convenient, it 's cheap, and it tastes good. But the real cost of eating fast food never appears on the menu. Fast food marketers marketing to children and adolescents has skyrocketed throughout the last century. According to The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, funded by the government, "In the United States, the percentage of children and adolescents affected by obesity has more than tripled since the 1970 's" ("Healthy Schools"). In fact, this statistic is predicted to increase significantly as fast food restaurants are continuously being built everywhere in the U.S. Fast food restaurants are everywhere.

Fast Food Persuasive Essay

Our country is in a state of panic over the child obesity issue, but yet our schools still serve children over processed junk for lunch. I think that it would benefit not only the school, but the country to switch to healthier food options in the cafeteria, even if it means cutting out someone's favorite food.     Yes, in high school kids should know to choose the healthiest food they can when given an option of pizza or a salad, but what about children in elementary and middle school? We need to put our healthy foods in all schools across the country, that way they are learning young what foods are good for them.

Benefits Of Fast Food Essay

Most people have changed their lifestyles nowadays. You will realize that most people usually take processed foods instead of natural foods. Most of them, usually prefer taking fast foods instead of taking natural foods. This has made many people to gain a lot of weight. Some of them are even obese.

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Good Example Of Essay On Junk Food

Type of paper: Essay

Topic: Social Issues , Fat , Body , Food , Leadership , Medicine , Health , Obesity

Published: 03/16/2020


Thesis statement: Junk food a main cause of obesity, overweight and many other diseases

Introduction: - Junk Food A healthy nutritional diet consists of minimal quantity of fast food consumption. Junk and fast foods have high quantities sodium, fat, and sugar, which leads to obesity and several other health issues. A large amount of fat that junk food consists will make an individual obese and gain weight. The higher consumption of junk food, the higher weight one gains and a higher risk of serious diseases such as diabetes, heart disease and arthritis would exist. (

- Effects of Junk Diet: - Junk food causes a damage to heart & liver A greater risk of heart disease would exist due to high levels of fat and sodium in junk food which would raise cholesterol levels in the body. The Trans fatty acids found in higher levels in most of the junk foods can lead to fatty deposits of liver, and can cause liver dysfunction and disease over a period of time. - Junk food leads to Diabetes The blood sugar level will fall soon after consumption of junk food because protein or intense carbohydrates required by the body which need to sustain blood sugar levels, aren’t a part of the diet and a person would want to eat sweet and might end up eating more and more junk food. ( - Junk food plays a role in poor performance of an individual and obesity Eating junk food causes diseases like hypertension or high blood pressure. Excessive dietary sodium in the junk food can even lead to a kidney disease. Junk food leads in poor performance of the body, making a person feel tired and lazy which might also affect the concentration level in the body due to a shortage of oxygen in the body. (Obesity Prevention Source)


As we all know that junk food isn’t healthy for our body, but our lack of knowledge regarding its symptoms. Moreover, the negative effects that make us ignore these facts and we continue to make junk food a part of our daily lives which leads to diseases and severe illnesses being caused in our body, including obesity. (Zee News)

Works Cited,. 'Fast Food Nutrition: Junk Food’S Effect On Your Body / Nutrition / Healthy Eating.' N.p., 2014. Web. 20 Nov. 2014. Obesity Prevention Source,. 'Food And Diet.' N.p., 2012. Web. 20 Nov. 2014. Zee News,. 'Junk Food Main Cause Of Obesity, Diabetes: CSE.' N.p., 2012. Web. 20 Nov. 2014.


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Module: Academic Argument

Argumentative thesis statements.

Below are some of the key features of an argumentative thesis statement.

An argumentative thesis is . . .

An argumentative thesis must make a claim about which reasonable people can disagree. Statements of fact or areas of general agreement cannot be argumentative theses because few people disagree about them.

Junk food is bad for your health is not a debatable thesis. Most people would agree that junk food is bad for your health.

Because junk food is bad for your health, the size of sodas offered at fast-food restaurants should be regulated by the federal government is a debatable thesis.  Reasonable people could agree or disagree with the statement.

An argumentative thesis takes a position, asserting the writer’s stance. Questions, vague statements, or quotations from others are not argumentative theses because they do not assert the writer’s viewpoint.

Federal immigration law is a tough issue about which many people disagree is not an arguable thesis because it does not assert a position.

Federal immigration enforcement law needs to be overhauled because it puts undue constraints on state and local police is an argumentative thesis because it asserts a position that immigration enforcement law needs to be changed.

An argumentative thesis must make a claim that is logical and possible. Claims that are outrageous or impossible are not argumentative theses.

City council members stink and should be thrown in jail is not an argumentative thesis. City council members’ ineffectiveness is not a reason to send them to jail.

City council members should be term limited to prevent one group or party from maintaining control indefinitely is an arguable thesis because term limits are possible, and shared political control is a reasonable goal.

Evidence Based

An argumentative thesis must be able to be supported by evidence. Claims that presuppose value systems, morals, or religious beliefs cannot be supported with evidence and therefore are not argumentative theses.

Individuals convicted of murder will go to hell when they die is not an argumentative thesis because its support rests on religious beliefs or values rather than evidence.

Rehabilitation programs for individuals serving life sentences should be funded because these programs reduce violence within prisons is an argumentative thesis because evidence such as case studies and statistics can be used to support it.

An argumentative thesis must be focused and narrow. A focused, narrow claim is clearer, more able to be supported with evidence, and more persuasive than a broad, general claim.

The federal government should overhaul the U.S. tax code is not an effective argumentative thesis because it is too general (What part of the government? Which tax codes? What sections of those tax codes?) and would require an overwhelming amount of evidence to be fully supported.

The U.S. House of Representative should vote to repeal the federal estate tax because the revenue generated by that tax is negligible is an effective argumentative thesis because it identifies a specific actor and action and can be fully supported with evidence about the amount of revenue the estate tax generates.


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At all times people were thinking about how to eat on the run and not to stain your hands. Even in ancient Rome, commercial squares traded flat bread with vegetables, cheese and grilled meats. The pellets were used as edible plates, and bazaar visitors was spared from having to wipe their hands on togas and tunics. Over time mankind became more and more inventive. So, the creator of hot dog, a sausage dealer from Louisiana, was initially distributed gloves to […]

How Fast Food Effects on Us

Fast-food is appetizing, but is it worth consumer's health. It is no secret that fast-foods are bad for customers and can cause obesity. Obesity is defined as a person that is extremely overweight. Obesity is a serious disease that needs to be eradicated due to death tolls that occur each year. Fast-food is made of very unhealthy ingredients; consisting of by-products, fats, and steroids. Fast-food restaurants are easily accessible in communities everywhere. Therefore, even if a consumer wanted to eat […]

Obesity is Fast Food the Leading Cause

According to the National Center for Health Statistics, approximately 93.3 million adults in the United States alone were affected by obesity in 2015  ("Adult Obesity"). In today's society, obesity continues to grow, but what is the real cause? Most popular and stereotypical views on obesity assume that an unhealthy diet and food choice are the leading factors at fault for the vast majority of obesity cases, but research proves that fast food or diet (in general) is not the prime […]

What does Fast Food do to the Brain

Almost everyone on Earth has had fast food at least once in their life. Fast food is fast, tastes good, inexpensive, and is literally everywhere. Most people worry about how unhealthy fast food is, and the harm it can cause to the body. However, most people don't think about how fast food can affect and influence the human brain. As it turns out fast food affects the brain in many ways, such as our emotional state, hunger, happiness, and many […]

My Favorite Food and Childhood Memories

My favorite food since I have been very young is a hamburger topped with cheese, cooked medium rare. An obvious reason for why this would be my favorite food is the fact that a cheeseburger is the single best tasting food that has ever been prepared. There are, however, many other explanations for my choice, which are rooted in sociological factors related to the environment in which I raised. These factors have no doubt crept themselves into the subconscious of […]

Quality of Food from Fast Food Franchises

Consumers in South Africa have become increasingly aware about the food they eat from fast food franchises. The fact that there was a listeriosis outbreak earlier this year and all the scares regarding the preparation and cooking process last year has taken its toll on South African fast food franchises. Consumers are prioritizing the hygiene of their food rather than the taste. All this negative publicity has resulted in the healthier restaurants having a competitive advantage. However, fast food franchises […]

The North American Fast Food Industry

The emergence stage, or the introduction stage, is where entrepreneurial firms are seen entering the industry with hopes to one day emerge as the leader in the market. In the emergence stage, I think the North American fast food industry would have had many small competitors. Since it would have been a fairly new industry, there would have been lots of room for new entrants. Also, since it would have been the industry's early years, there would have been lots […]

Question of Breakfast Foods

Morning for me, is the gloomiest part of the day. Anyone who feels this way probably feels like they are missing hours and hours of sleep. As much as the morning stinks, it's important to wake up for breakfast. There is always that dilemma on what to make for breakfast. The hardest part on making this decision is how to be more creative when it comes to choosing food. There are a few options on which to choose, those include: […]

Demise of Public Transportation and the Rise of Fast Food

American culture revolves so heavily on cars, we do not even notice it. U.S roads and highway systems exist to move people and resources as fast as possible. Research conducted by the U.S Department of Transportation shows that "...on average, American drivers spend just under an hour driving every day.". ( yet no one asks how these roads came to be. In the 1930s the U.S experienced a upshift in the usage of cars and this boom inspired those in […]

David Zinczenko: “Don’t Blame the Eater”

In 'Don't Blame the Eater,' the editor-in-chief of Men’s Health magazine David Zinczenko, discusses the recent lawsuits against fast-food chains. David Zinczenko believes the fast food industry is responsible for America’s obese children and also believes fast food should come with a warning label. He shares a personal story of how he used to eat fast food twice a day and how he learned to manage his diet. Zinczenko states that before 1994, diabetes in children was provided generally caused […]

Fast Food: a Friend or Foe

Fast food is one of the worst things for yourself financially and in regards to health. There are many reasons why you should cut fast food out of your diet. For example it is cheaper to eat at home, it is safer to eat at home, and it will affect your appearance and body if you eat it all the time. First of all, it is cheaper to eat at home. According to AOL finance the average cost of fast […]

How the Growth in Fast Food Industry Today Can Lead to Obesity

In the present society, fast food has turned into a substantial piece of numerous American's lives. With the rising quantities of hefty individuals, it is hard not to draw a connection between the expansion in fast food and corpulence. Most stout individuals would prefer not to be fat and wish they could get thinner, yet they keep on struggling with their fast food admission and weight. This is because of the promoting done on the shoppers, the profoundly addictive nourishment […]

Fast Food and Cooked Meal

When cooking something wet, similar to a stew or steamed vegetables, the warmth of your cooking is constrained to the breaking point of water (100°C). In any case, with the steam's weight now the breaking point can get as high as 138°C. This higher warmth encourages the nourishment to cook quicker. Raises the weight, driving fluid into the sustenance. The caught steam builds the climatic weight inside the cooker by 15 pounds for each square inch (psi), or 15 pounds […]

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Essay About Fast Food Fast food, ruining the families of America. Wendys, Mcdonalds, Taco Bells are everywhere, seriously its like you can't go five minutes without seeing one of these places here. The truth is fast food is easy and not pricey, perfect dinner for the busy family. Fast food is destroying America by families eating too many calories causing disease, higher obesity rate, and ruining quality time with family. America has the highest obesity rate in the world. 1 in 6 people are obese and it is predicted by 2020, 75% of America is likely to be overweight or obese. That is 244,275,000 people. Fast food is one of the main reasons. Most fast food contains a large number of fats and carbs and less healthy ingredients, also fast foods have exceeding levels of sugar. One of the main reasons people cannot stop eating fast food is the low costs it is available. A diet containing 2000 calories of fast food costs much less than a diet with 2000 calories of healthy food. This makes it more affordable than going for healthy food and is a leading cause of obesity in lower-income classes. Fast food restaurants offer convenience. You can always find one close to your home and can also get food easily delivered to your house. This makes it a convenient option than making food at home using healthier ingredients. When you eat fast food you don't spend as much time with your family as you would if you were eating a home-cooked meal. It is scientifically proven that eating with your family causes you to choose better eating habits, preventing sickness. Social improvements were also linked to the frequency of family meals. Teens who ate at the family table more often were more likely to show fewer signs of depression and feel that their family was more supportive, compared with teens who dined less often at home. So even if you do decide to eat a fast food meal make sure to at least eat it with your family because it can highly affect your life. Fast food highly affects your health and not in a good way. Eating a poor diet high in junk food is linked to a higher risk of obesity, depression, digestive issues, heart disease, and stroke, type 2 diabetes, cancer, and early death. That single fast food meal can narrow your arteries, leading to an increase in blood pressure, that's just one meal. A small study of 12 healthy young men found eating junk food for just five days led to a reduced ability of their muscles to turn glucose into energy. Over the long term, this change could lead to insulin resistance and eventually type 2 diabetes. I don't think anybody would want to have to go through and deal with any of this. The simple fix to this is to make healthier food choices! Those were some of the main reasons why fast food is ruining America, but there are many more. It was also proof that we need to start making healthier choices because as you can see they really can impact our life. Hope you make healthy decisions!   

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With the alarming rise in obesity rates among Americans in the past few decades, numerous debates have arisen over how (or if) public policy should be changed to help improve this trend. One promising strategy, already adopted by seven states, has been to try and deter consumers from purchasing unhealthy foods through a tax on soda or sugary drinks and junk food (Lohman, 2002). These taxes address the issue that Americans today are consuming almost 20% more calories than they did in the early 1980’s, and those calories are coming from increasingly less-healthy sources, mainly high-fat and high-sugar processed foods (USDA, 2002). Furthermore, processed foods and drinks are increasingly more affordable than the fruits, vegetables, and whole grains needed to sustain a healthy diet (Marsh, 2011). Assuming that cost is a more pertinent factor of food choice than personal taste, increasing the price of soda and junk food through taxes, while using that revenue to subsidize unprocessed fruits and vegetables would entice consumers to choose healthier products as they become more affordable than their unhealthy counterparts.     There is evidence to suggest that cost, more so than preference, influences purchasing choices. A year after New York increased cigarette taxes from $1.25 to $2.75, smoking rates dropped by 12% to a historic low (Harutyunyan, 2009). Although some might argue that smoking is more of a lifestyle choice than eating, it is rather the choice of what foods to eat which will hopefully be affected in the long run. Additionally, this tax might hurt those in areas with little access to fresh produce and whole grains, such as in low-income urban areas; therefore the “junk food tax” would only work if healthy food choices are made not only affordable but easily available to low-income consumers through the use of subsidies (Marsh, 2011). However, if precautions are taken to ensure equal access to healthy food among all citizens, then using the “carrot” of subsidized healthy food and nutrition education along with the “stick” of a food tax, the typical American diet can-- and should-- be changed for the better.


  • Harutyunyan, R. (June 6, 2009). “Cigarette Tax Increase Lowered NY Smoking Rates.” EmaxHealth . Retrieved from
  • Lohman, J. (2002). Taxes on junk food. Washington DC: Office of Legislative Research.
  • Marsh, B. (July 23, 2011). “Bad Food? Tax It, and Subsidize Vegetables.” The New York Times. Retrieved from
  • US Department of Agriculture (2002). Profiling food consumption in America. In Agriculture Factbook: 2001-2002 . Retrieved from

1) What is the author's claim in this piece?

Show Answer? The claim is stated in two places-- at the beginning of the piece, when the author states that the tax is a 'promising' strategy against obesity, and re-stated at the end when the author writes using the carrot of subsidized healthy food and nutrition education along with the stick of a food tax, the typical American diet can,and should, be changed for the better. These two statements condense the main point which the author is trying to impart-- that a junk food tax has a good chance of being successful and should be implemented.

2) Where does the author present evidence in this piece?

Show Answer? The main evidence to support her claim is given in the form of statistics about food consumption in the US to highlight the need for a program encouraging healthy food consumption. Specifically, she states Americans today are consuming almost 20% more calories than they did in the early 1980’s, and those calories are coming from increasingly less-healthy sources, mainly high-fat and high-sugar processed foods. Furthermore, processed foods and drinks are increasingly more affordable than the fruits, vegetables, and whole grains needed to sustain a healthy diet.

3) What is the warrant in this piece? Is it stated explicitly?

Show Answer? Because the author is arguing that a tax on unhealthy food would encourage healthy food consumption, the warrant linking evidence of unhealthy eating to the use of a food tax is that customers make purchasing decisions largely on the basis of cost. This idea is explicitly stated when the author writes mentions that we might assume cost is a more pertinent factor of food choice than personal taste .

4) Where does the author present backing for her warrant?

Show Answer? The author cites backing for the warrant through the effects of cigarette taxes on smoking habits in New York. Specifically, she writes that a year after New York increased cigarette taxes from $1.25 to $2.75, smoking rates dropped by 12% to a historic low (Harutyunyan, 2009).

Show Answer? Yes, the author addresses two possible counterarguments by bringing them up, and then refuting them. She notes that with regard to the legitimacy of comparing smoking to eating habits, some might argue that smoking is more of a lifestyle choice than eating, it is rather the choice of what foods to eat which will hopefully be affected in the long run . She also notes the issue of food deserts by writing additionally, this tax might hurt those in areas with little access to fresh produce and whole grains, such as in low-income urban areas; therefore the “junk food tax” would only work if healthy food choices are made not only affordable but easily available to low-income consumers through the use of subsidies (Marsh, 2011).

Show Answer? The author adds qualification by addressing the issues brought up by lack of access to healthy options in her re-statement of the claim. Specifically, the qualifier appears as the statement "however, if precautions are taken to ensure equal access to healthy food among all citizens, then..." . The claim is again stated as she continues with using the “carrot” of subsidized healthy food and nutrition education along with the “stick” of a food tax, the typical American diet can-- and should-- be changed for the better. .

Show Answer? This answer is dependent upon your own analysis of the argument. However, there are many issues worth noting. The evidence provided does explain that there is a trend in unhealthy eating, but does not give evidence for why this trend is harmful, nor does it provide evidence for why this trend exists. The overall claim that a junk food tax should be implemented would be stronger if evidence were given explaining the consequences of allowing this unhealthy trend to continue; also, the warrant that cost is a primary factor of food purchasing choices would be more valid if evidence was provided outlining other factors in this type of decision-making. Additionally, the rebuttal and qualifier addressing the lack of accessibility to healthy food in low-income areas would be stronger if the author had suggested specific measures by which the accessibility issue would be resolved.

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It has been said that kids who went to a school without junk food were less overweight and more attentive then that of those whose schools allow junk food . However‚ in schools with junk food regulations and bans‚ some parents allow the child to bring snacks from home so those children are still subjected to junk food . Of course‚ this brings the question: Should junk food be banned from schools altogether? Meaning‚ should parents be banned from sending snacks as well as the schools providing them

Free Nutrition Junk food

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make it more interesting. I think most schools are still on the food pyramid and such which in my opinion is boring. Kids don’t want to listen to that kind of thing. Also‚ they can try things like you have to buy one healthy thing before they buy a junk food . And my last point‚ schools should try and make the healthy things taste better. There are some schools with awful food which makes the kids want to buy junk food . Therefore junk food should not be banned in schools. Instead find interesting alternatives

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Fighting Junk Food Marketing to Kids: a toolkit for advocates Fighting Junk Food Marketing to Kids: a toolkit for advocates Berkeley Media Studies Group Contents 1 Introduction Why we developed this toolkit‚ how you can use it 2 Food and Beverage Marketing: Targeting our kids Unhealthy foods are hurting our kids Kids’ purchasing power Food ads target kids Most food ads are for unhealthy foods Ethnic target marketing: it’s worse for communities of color 3 Marketing: More than just advertising

Premium Marketing Junk food Fast food

The argument as to whether or not schools should be able to sell junk food is a highly controversial topic. To begin with‚ there is the problem to defining junk foods . Are we talking about potato chips‚ soda‚ and Twinkies? What about fried chicken fingers‚ cheeseburgers‚ and pizza- foods many schools serve? Most cases‚ when faced with the decision‚ a child will no doubt choose what is offered without knowing it is a health issue. What would a change in the availability of these snacks teach children

thesis statement on junk food

December 2012 Junk Food Is Addictive Junk food like soda pop‚ candy‚ donuts‚ and chips are addictive. Most teenagers‚ young adults‚ and children in America are addicted to junk food because they tend to crave sweet and salty things because it tastes good. People are addicted to junk food because sugar stimulates people to want more and more. Eating junk food may even be as addictive as people using illegal drugs. There are so many people addicted to junk food that they lost interest

thesis statement on junk food

Effects of junk food Napoleon Bonaparte once said‚ ”A man’s palate can‚ in time‚ become accustomed to anything.”Hundreds of millions of people buy junk food every day without giving it much thought‚ unaware of the subtle and not so subtle ramifications of their purchases. As the name suggests‚ junk food is just pure junk . Actually the term " junk food " refers to foods that are relatively high in caloric content‚ but low in nutritional value. A few examples of foods often considered to be junk food

Jessica Junk Food Junk food is considered an unhealthy food which only contains a small amount of nutrients‚ or provides much more energy than body needs. Examples of junk food include frozen desserts‚ hamburgers‚ pizzas‚ carbonated beverages‚ fried chickens. Nowadays‚ a great many individuals buy junk food frequently. At the same time‚ people are overweight from day to day. This essay will analyse why junk food is particularly popular. To some extent‚ junk food has negative effect

Fast Food Whos to Blame On-Demand Writing Assignment You will have 45 minutes to plan and write an essay on the topic assigned below. Before you begin writing‚ read the passage carefully and plan what you will say. Your essay should be as well-organized and carefully written as you can make it. As Americans add pounds‚ critics are increasingly blaming the fast- food industry. Teenagers have filed lawsuits blaming McDonalds for their health problems‚ and a public health group in California has asked

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Jennifer Rose June 28‚ 2013 Text Analysis (Project & Paper 1) For The Love of Junk Food Everybody have an uncontrollable weakness to a certain type of junk food . That desirable craving you have to satisfy right then and there. Being able to binge once you see a platter or buffet table with all the junk food in the world‚ we just don’t like the idea of eating increments at a time. We as a society like the idea of a quick cheap fix whenever hunger comes over us. Instead of either taking

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Should junk food advertising be banned on TV? Over the years‚ junk food businesses have grown and expand to be one of the successful and leading commerce. Personally‚ I believe that junk food is one of the many extravagant foods . It may be delicious‚ savory and tempting but despite all those heavenly aspects‚ it can cause devastating effects. Society‚ including me are constantly eager and tempted to eat these harmful substance‚ and it is my belief that food advertising on TV should be banned‚

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  1. The Impacts of Junk Food on Health · Frontiers for Young Minds

    Figure 2 - The short- and long-term impacts of junk food consumption. In the short-term, junk foods can make you feel tired, bloated, and unable to concentrate. Long-term, junk foods can lead to tooth decay and poor bowel habits. Junk foods can also lead to obesity and associated diseases such as heart disease.


    Junk refer to fast food which are easy to make and easy to consume. Michael Jacobson aptly coins the phrase junk food in 1972 as slang for foods of useless or low nutritional value. Junk food so ...


    THESIS STATEMENT: The Effects of Junk Foods on our Health What is junk food? Why junk food is so addictive? What are the effects of it in our health? Junk foods are those foods that we can buy anywhere. In short, these are easily accessible and affordable foods but are low in nutritional content. These foods are higher in calories, salt, saturated fat and contain less iron, calcium and dietary ...

  4. Junk Food Essay for Students and Children

    A.1 Junk food is getting popular because it is easily accessible now. It is appealing and fast food companies are fooling the public for increasing their sales. Q.2 State the ill-effects of junk food. A.2 Junk food causes a lot of chronic diseases like diabetes, cholesterol, heart diseases.

  5. Thesis Statement For Fast Food

    B. General Statement: Fast food industry has grown dramatically and become so popular. According to the research, people spend more money on fast food than the education. McDonald, Burger King and Subway are the most popular fast food company. C. Thesis statement: Popularity of the fast food are getting an increase due to easy and quick service ...

  6. The Junk Food Crisis Essay [2511 Words] GradeMiners

    Thesis statement. Even though people are aware of the health effects of junk food, they continue using them, and this means that the government and health experts should work more vigorously to deal with this matter since a big number of people are exposed to information promoting fast foods more than healthy foods. Research Questions

  7. Thesis Statement On Fast Food

    C. Thesis statement: Popularity of the fast food are getting an increase due to easy and quick service, inexpensive meanwhile there are also consist of negative effects if the fast food is becoming more common in society. Body A. Topic sentence: The reasons for fast foods becomes more popular is due to easy and quick services 1.

  8. PDF Junk food marketing and childhood obesity: the evidence

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  9. Free Junk Food Essay Examples

    Thesis statement: Junk food a main cause of obesity, overweight and many other diseases. A healthy nutritional diet consists of minimal quantity of fast food consumption. Junk and fast foods have high quantities sodium, fat, and sugar, which leads to obesity and several other health issues. A large amount of fat that junk food consists will ...

  10. Argumentative Thesis Statements

    Example. Junk food is bad for your health is not a debatable thesis. Most people would agree that junk food is bad for your health. Because junk food is bad for your health, the size of sodas offered at fast-food restaurants should be regulated by the federal government is a debatable thesis. Reasonable people could agree or disagree with the statement.

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    Thesis Statement Generator . Generate thesis statement for me . Home / Essay Examples / Medicine And Health / Food / Junk Food / Fast Food Essays. ... Fast food or junk food is food that does not have the right nutrition's for our bodies. According to Ashakiran and Deepthi R (2012), fast food contains excessive amounts of flour, sugar, fat ...

  12. Writer's Web: The Thesis Statement

    One promising strategy, already adopted by seven states, has been to try and deter consumers from purchasing unhealthy foods through a tax on soda or sugary drinks and junk food (Lohman, 2002). These taxes address the issue that Americans today are consuming almost 20% more calories than they did in the early 1980's, and those calories are ...

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    Examples of junk food include frozen desserts‚ hamburgers‚ pizzas‚ carbonated beverages‚ fried chickens. Nowadays‚ a great many individuals buy junk food frequently. At the same time‚ people are overweight from day to day. This essay will analyse why junk food is particularly popular.

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