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Essays About Attitude: Top 5 Examples Plus Prompts

Your attitude and demeanor affect all aspects of your life. We have found an inspiring list of essays about attitude to help you choose your own angle.

Attitude refers to a person’s way of thinking about something that affects their behavior. One can say that the proper attitude is vital to leading a fruitful life, whatever that might be for specific individuals. A “good” attitude and a positive outlook can better ascertain success, while a “bad” attitude predisposes a person to fail.

One’s attitude is founded upon knowledge, beliefs, and feelings and reflected in behavior. However, it is also shaped by your experiences.

If you want to write an essay about attitude, here are 5 essay examples and 5 prompts we have prepared to make the process easier for you. 

For help with your essays, check out our round-up of the best essay checkers .

1. Attitude changes everything – it can change your life by Kate Darbyshire Evans

2. 6 ways to banish negative thoughts by emily co, 3. our life is a reflection of our attitude. by iqra shehzadi, 4. watch your attitude: your students are counting on you by amber chandler, 5. how to develop a positive attitude in the workplace by jennifer post, 5 writing prompts on essays about attitude, 1. why is a good attitude so important, 2. how can you change your attitude for the better, 3. is a bad attitude really as detrimental as it is said to be, 4. how has your attitude affected your life, 5. does attitude reflect character.

“Attitude changes everything. Change your attitude, and you can change your life. You cannot always control what happens to you in life but you can always control how you respond to the challenges or difficult situations you encounter. The attitude you approach anything with is entirely your choice. The way you choose to respond mirrors your attitude and so by changing your attitude you can change your perspective and change your life.”

Evans talks about how genuinely present one’s attitude is in the different aspects of their life. It can, quite literally, “change your life.” Regardless of your challenges, Evans believes that a positive attitude can help you steady your course and maintain a good life. She also gives readers tips on developing a good attitude and a more positive outlook on life, including being more grateful, not taking life too seriously, and stepping out of your comfort zone. 

“It’s easy to become jaded when life gets tough, but don’t get caught up in negative thoughts because it may hinder your progress. Seeing the world as a glass half empty may lead you to give up easier and not try as hard because you may think that it’s pointless to even make an attempt.”  

In this short essay, Co lists down a few ways in which we can maintain a positive attitude by keeping negative thoughts out of our minds. These include keeping a gratitude journal, keeping good company, being around animals, and looking for new hobbies. Co believes these activities help promote positivity so that we are not as affected when life gets challenging. You might also be interested in these essays about discipline .

“Our mind has sufficient bandwidth to focus on one thought at a time. All you must do is keep it attentive on inspiring thoughts until you achieve your goal or establish a new habit. After adopting a positive attitude, I have noticed amazing changes all around. I also have noticed a major boost in my confidence and I feel more capable of taking on new projects and challenges which might have formerly been outside my comfort zone.”

Shehzadi reflects on the importance of a positive attitude. She briefly goes over its benefits, like increased confidence and reduced stress. To develop a better attitude, surround yourself with positive people. From there, you can practice kindness, patience, and tolerance. As our attitude reflects itself in how we live, a positive attitude leads to a more productive life. Training your mind to be positive is an excellent investment for your well-being, both mentally and physically. 

“It’s human nature to express ourselves, sure, but I think adults underestimate the impact our ‘attitudes’ have on our own children and students. As we deal with the new variants, head back to school and face another uncertain school year, our attitudes are going to shape the experiences of our students. Why not make a concerted, intentional effort to be the one place where your students can let their guard down and take a break from the attitudes that are everywhere?”

Chandler, an educator, discusses the importance of the right attitude in an environment with kids and the importance of setting a good example. She believes that an authentic, positive attitude helps students thrive, but she also stresses the importance of empathy. To her, the ideal attitude is positive, practical, humble, and empathetic. She wants adults to be more mindful of their attitude, especially in front of kids- they may have certain mannerisms or habits that children will quickly pick up on.

“Not everyone is going to be positive all the time. That’s an unrealistic idea. But even when people are down and at their most negative, there are things one can do to deal with those emotions and actions around the office to keep them from impacting others. Even if it’s just one co-worker causing an issue, take matters into your own hands for your own happiness at work.”

Post’s essay elaborates on the importance of having an attitude suited to your work. Like in Co’s essay, Post discusses certain things we can do to improve our attitude and make us more productive in the workplace. Most significantly, she says that simply saying “yes” more can help develop a better attitude. Even if we cannot always be positive, Post wants us to maximize the positivity in every situation, to look at it from a “glass half full” perspective.

Everyone talks about how the proper attitude helps you go far in life, but how does this work? In your essay, you can explore what makes attitude so vital. You can find examples where people have improved their attitude and attribute it to real-life benefits such as happiness or success. You can also check out these essays about character .

Many people often talk about fixing their attitude and getting out of bad habits. You can use the sample essays to decide which methods you can adopt to improve your attitude. Keep your selection short, simple, and meaningful. Do you think they could be successfully applied to anyone?

Would you say that a good attitude is as important as people say it is? And does a bad attitude indeed dictates one’s fortune or misfortune? Based on research and your own beliefs, decide on your position and provide evidence to support your argument.

Write about something as simple as the effects of your attitude on your life. How does your outlook on life affect you? Do you feel that your attitude is helping you live your life well? Do you think there is anything that you can change to optimize your daily life? Try and provide examples of when a different attitude may have produced a different outcome in a scenario.

Essays about attitude: Does attitude reflect character?

Often people are told they have a bad attitude and are misjudged for it. However, is their attitude a true reflection of their character or simply masking a hidden agenda? Think of examples when people may be misjudged by their attitude, or perhaps their behavior was misconstrued, and discuss how difficult it is to remedy this after the event. There are numerous examples of this in literature that you can reference. If you cannot think of a real-life example pick one from an appropriate piece and discuss the character’s attitude, and others’ perceptions of them.

Tip: If writing an essay sounds like a lot of work, simplify it. Write a simple 5 paragraph essay instead.

bad attitude essay

Martin is an avid writer specializing in editing and proofreading. He also enjoys literary analysis and writing about food and travel.

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Live Bold and Bloom

Do You Have A Bad Attitude? 17 Signs You Do And How To Change It

Do you have a bad attitude? I mean, how can you tell, really?

One person’s bad attitude is another’s comic relief, right? 

Turns out, not so much. 

You’re just getting a reputation for being one of those people with attitude. And it’s never a compliment. At some point, even your friends stop pretending you’re funny. 

So, you want to know, what is a bad attitude? And if you have one, where did it come from? And what can you do to change it?

What Does It Mean to Have a Bad Attitude? 

1. you’re (always) comparing yourself to others. , 2. you expect other people to operate according to your schedule., 3. everyone irritates you. , 4. you expect deference from people whose jobs are less prestigious than yours. , 5. you expect others to respect you before you show them respect. , 6. you’re always in a hurry. , 7. your expectations have never met reality. , 8. you misinterpret everything others do and say. , 9. you’re stuck in all-or-nothing (or black and white) thinking. , 10. you’re fixated on conflicts with people you care about. , 11. you’re carrying a grudge against someone. , 12. you’re expecting bad things to happen to you. , 13. you’ve gotten used to seeing yourself as unlikable., 14. deep down, you honestly believe you’re superior to others. , 15. a recent disappointment has you discouraged. , 16. a recent tragedy has you feeling indifferent to everyone and everything else. , 17. people have been calling you out for your attitude..

Ready to turn your bad attitude around?

This day has been on your case from the moment you got up this morning.

And for some reason, other people have been acting as if you are the problem.

You’re the one having an attitude that makes everything and everyone in your life an antagonist. 

Maybe you’re asking yourself, “Why do I have a bad attitude?” And, at first, habit steers you toward blame. Someone or something else has given this day a bad start. 

You were just minding your own business when, for no reason, the universe flicked you in the head. Back up a bit more, though, and you can probably point to one of the following as the reason why your attitude is so negative. 

  • You’re working through something, and you just can’t with people right now. 
  • You pride yourself on your grumpiness; it’s just who you are. 
  • You’re a glass-half-empty (or just empty) person, and you’re okay with that. 
  • You think people today are too sensitive , and it’s your job to toughen them up.
  • You woke up with your usual mindset, which can be roughly translated as “Ugh!”

The good news, once you know why your attitude is making your life harder, you can exchange it for one that makes it easier and more enjoyable. 

But first, you need to be honest with yourself about where that attitude came from. 

17 Signs You Have a Bad Attitude 

There are reasons behind your attitudes, including the ones that make life harder.

And those reasons serve as telltale signs you need to take a moment and examine your thinking.

sad woman sitting at desk Signs You Have a Bad Attitude 

Once you identify the signs of a bad attitude, you can take steps to improve it.

If you’re always comparing yourself to others, you’re bound to end up with a negative attitude , at least whenever you feel inferior to the other person. 

What you can do: When you hear of someone else’s success or good fortune, be as happy and grateful for them as you would be for yourself. Make it a habit to see everyone’s wins as a win for you, too. 

You’ve got things to do and places to go. How dare anyone make you late for something! If you react harshly, it’s only because you take your duties seriously. 

What you can do — Remember that while you have an idea of how long it should take to do something, other people are dealing with things you can’t see. It’s easier to be patient when you choose instead to think of how grateful you are for what they do. 

You’re always looking for a fight, and it doesn’t take much for you to get mouthy or abrasive . You’re rude to anyone who doesn’t meet your high standards. 

What you can do — Get to know yourself. And get to know other people. Your own attitude is what keeps you in a hair-trigger state, and that’s no way to live. You’re choosing to feel irritated; no one can make you feel that way unless you let them.

Somewhere along the way, you started looking down at people who work low-income jobs or who never earned a college degree. Whatever your background, it’s never too late to educate yourself and learn how to see people as they are.

What you can do — Find a volunteer opportunity that involves serving people, either in foodservice, cleaning, or something else. It’s not the fault of essential workers that society doesn’t value the hard work they do.

Not only that, but you don’t feel respected unless other people do as you ask. If the other person doesn’t obey or indulge you, you see no reason to treat them like human beings. 

What you can do — Practice being the first to show respect and appreciation. Don’t worry if others don’t return the favor. Act as if you see the good in everyone, and you will. 

I mean, who isn’t, right? So much to do! The nerve of some people slowing you down when all you’re trying to do is check everything off on your to-do list. 

What you can do — Slow down and learn to appreciate what’s around you. Learn to appreciate the people in your life and all that they do. Most, if not all the people you meet, are doing their best. And a kind word of thanks goes a long way. 

You base your expectations on what you want — and on the assumption that, if only others were as competent and hard-working as you, they’d have no trouble meeting those expectations. 

man sitting on bench covering face Signs You Have a Bad Attitude 

What you can do — Get better acquainted with other people’s reality. Its defiance of your expectations doesn’t have to lead to disappointment. Adjust your expectations to allow for the unexpected variables that go with being human. 

No one can do right by you. And every little thing they do is setting you off. You’re so busy thinking, “Why are people so annoying?” you’re oblivious to your effect on others.

What you can do — Remember you’re not a mind-reader. And it doesn’t cost you a thing to flip your default interpretation to a positive one. It doesn’t mean you have to assume everyone has good intentions. Just don’t be quick to think everyone hates you .

Either someone is 100% on board with what you want to do, or they’re against you. There is no in-between. And no one has either the will or the ability to be the kind of “friend” you want. 

What you can do — A good friend will have your back but will also tell you when they disagree. Learn to appreciate the people in your life who care enough about you to be honest.

You don’t have room or time to deal with people when your mind is stuck thinking about a conflict with someone you care about. Your mind builds that conflict into something catastrophic and all-consuming. 

What you can do — Instead of dwelling on the negative aspects of a conflict, focus on what you love about the other person, what you’re grateful for, and how you can show it.

It’s a righteous grudge, you keep telling yourself. You’re convinced that letting go of that grudge would let the other person win. But the only person your grudge is hurting is you. 

What you can do — Decide to forgive this person, not for their sake, but for yours. And, as hard as it may be, go the extra mile and make a list of things you’re grateful for or that you admire about this person. 

You’re doomed. Nothing ever goes the way you want it to. So, why wouldn’t you have a bad attitude? Your whole life is a cruel joke, and everyone else sees it when they look at you. So, you scowl back. 

What you can do — Your attitude is exactly why it seems the universe is against you. You’ve decided to believe that, so that’s exactly how you feel. Instead, choose to believe that the universe wants you to be happy and have a life you love.

You don’t expect people to like you, so you don’t give them any reason to. If you don’t like yourself, you won’t expect others to, either. 

What you can do — Focus on cultivating authentic self-respect and self-love. And work on building self-confidence. The better you feel about yourself, the less likely you are to “cut to the chase” and do or say something you know will alienate other people.

Maybe you can do something few others can. Or perhaps you’ve been encouraged to see yourself as superior. Whatever the reason, your arrogance hasn’t done you any favors — especially when it comes to relationships. 

older couple outside sad Signs You Have a Bad Attitude 

What you can do — Get better acquainted with others and learn how amazing they are. Get out of your head and practice gratitude for the beauty and brilliance you see outside of it. 

It’s hard to think about anything or anyone else when you’re fixated on a disappointing experience. Whatever you expected to happen didn’t. So, what have you learned? 

What you can do — Give yourself some time to reassess the situation and see that it doesn’t diminish your value. You are stronger than your disappointments. 

You’re in pain, and it’s hard to see past that. All it takes is one thoughtless act, and you vent your grief and frustration as complaints and insults. It seems that’s all you have the energy for.

What you can do — The best way to start the healing process is to think, not only of what you love about this person but of what you can do and enjoy now. Think about what you love, and make more room in your life for that. 

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The biggest clue that your attitude is not serving you or anyone else is when people around you are calling you out for it. They’ve had enough, and they’re not afraid to tell you you’re being a jerk. However carefully they might do this, you feel attacked. 

What you can do — If your attitude is putting people off, they’re doing you a favor by pointing that out. It’s on you to change your attitude by changing your thinking. 

What Causes that Pesky Bad Attitude?

We've all been there, haven't we? It's one of those days where everything just seems to be out to get you. You're not trying to spread misery; life just seems to have given you a raw deal today.

And there's this nagging voice in your head, blaming everyone and everything for today's sour mood.

If you take a step back, you'll realize that the root of this bad attitude is a bit closer to home. Maybe you're wrestling with something personal, and you just don't have the patience for other people today.

Recognizing the birthplace of that gloomy attitude of yours is like finding a treasure map; it's the first big clue to making a change. Sometimes these irksome attitudes have their roots in the shadows of your past.

Maybe you've tasted the bitterness of failure one too many times, or perhaps your past includes trauma, neglect, or abuse. These experiences have a way of sticking around. But remember, awareness is the first step towards clearing out these dark clouds.

How Do You Fix a Bad Attitude? 

Now that you’ve looked through these signs of a bad attitude let’s sum up the best ways to exchange that attitude for a better one: 

  • Start each day by making a list of ten things you’re grateful for. 
  • When you’re angry with someone, write ten things you admire about them. 
  • When it’s tempting to think you’re having a bad day, think of ten reasons it’s a good one. 
  • Practice mindfulness meditation every day to be fully present and grateful for the good in your life. 
  • Think about what you love and spend time imagining, in vivid detail, what you want. 

In other words, the more positive your thinking, the better you feel, and your feelings are powerful. Adopt even one of these habits today, and it will change your life.

How Does a Bad Attitude Play Out in Relationships?

Has anyone told you lately that your bad attitude is messing with your relationships? Maybe they've pointed out that you're always picking fights or that you're the local killjoy. Or worse, they've stopped pointing out your negativity because it's like wading through a swamp, and it's tiring.

The worst part? Over time, this bad attitude might push people away, causing you to feel isolated. It's like being in a room full of familiar people and still feeling alone.

Final Thoughts

Now that you have an answer to the question, “Why do I have a bad attitude?” what will you do today to improve it and to build a life you love? 

The quality of your life is up to you, after all, and no one else. What you do with your time, energy, and other resources will depend on how you choose to think and feel. 

Choose carefully. Make every moment an opportunity to give love with your thoughts. You’ll be amazed at the difference that makes. 

Psychology For

Negative Attitudes: What They Are, Types, And How They Affect Us

Negative attitudes

Attitudes are what mark an orientation based on which to act towards life, so we could say what attitudes mark would be the way people are or behave. There are different types of attitudes: positive, negative, defeatist, neutral, passive, aggressive, empathetic, etc.

Negative attitudes make up a series of dispositions, thoughts and behaviors of a negative nature that people can show temporarily or over a longer period of time. Some examples of negative attitudes may be: focusing only on the negative side of each situation, blaming other people for what happens to oneself, having negative internal dialogue, etc.

In this article we will see What are negative attitudes? and we will also discuss some examples that can be found in everyday life.

Table of Contents

What are negative attitudes?

An attitude within psychology can be understood as the usual mode of behavior of a person in various circumstances, with attitudes also playing a determining role in the emotional life of each person Likewise, attitudes can also be understood as an underlying disposition that, together with the influence of other factors, contributes to determining people’s behaviors in relation to an object, another person or group. Furthermore, attitudes include the reaffirmation of feelings and beliefs about behaviors of rejection or attraction.

Among the different types of possible attitudes are negative attitudes that make up a series of behaviors, dispositions and thoughts of a negative nature that people can show temporarily or over a longer period of time.

In this sense, a person with negative attitudes will have negative opinions and vision towards an object or group, and may even behave in a negative and/or harmful way towards that group that generates rejection.

Negative attitudes can also include a pessimistic view towards oneself, various life circumstances and/or towards other people. In this way, the person will always focus on the negative side of things, leaving aside the positive part, he will tend to compare himself with other people who he considers that things are going better, he will think that life is not treating him as deserves and that, therefore, owes him something.

It is also common for a person with negative attitudes Do not value what you have and always be focused on what you want to achieve thus suffering a lot of frustration.

As we can see, there are various examples of negative attitudes. In the next section we will see some of the most common examples to help us understand this concept in greater detail.

Types of negative attitudes

Negative attitudes refer to unfavorable or pessimistic views, beliefs, or feelings toward oneself, others, or various aspects of life. These attitudes can manifest as cynicism, criticism, resentment, or hostility, impacting individuals’ emotions, behaviors, and relationships. In this article, we explore the causes, effects, and coping strategies for negative attitudes to promote self-awareness and psychological well-being.

Causes of Negative Attitudes

Negative attitudes can stem from various factors, including:

  • Past Experiences : Negative experiences, traumas, or disappointments can contribute to the development of pessimistic outlooks and defensive attitudes as a means of self-protection.
  • Cognitive Biases : Cognitive biases such as confirmation bias, negativity bias, and overgeneralization can distort perceptions and reinforce negative attitudes by focusing on flaws, failures, or threats.
  • Social Influences : Negative attitudes may be influenced by socialization processes, cultural norms, or peer pressure that reinforce negative stereotypes, prejudices, or stigmatization.
  • Personality Traits : Certain personality traits such as perfectionism, neuroticism, or pessimism predispose individuals to adopt negative attitudes toward themselves, others, or life in general.
  • Environmental Factors : Stressful or challenging environments, such as high-pressure work environments, dysfunctional families, or socioeconomic disparities, can exacerbate negative attitudes and coping mechanisms.

Effects of Negative Attitudes

Negative attitudes can have significant consequences on individuals’ mental, emotional, and social well-being, including:

  • Decreased Self-Esteem : Negative attitudes can erode self-esteem and self-worth, leading to feelings of inadequacy, self-doubt, or self-criticism.
  • Impaired Relationships : Negative attitudes can strain interpersonal relationships, causing conflicts, misunderstandings, or distancing from others due to criticism, defensiveness, or pessimism.
  • Impact on Mental Health : Persistent negative attitudes can contribute to mental health issues such as depression, anxiety, or stress-related disorders, affecting mood, motivation, and overall quality of life.
  • Reduced Resilience : Negative attitudes can undermine resilience and coping abilities, making it difficult to adapt to challenges, setbacks, or adversity in a constructive manner.
  • Negative Self-Fulfilling Prophecy : Negative attitudes can create self-fulfilling prophecies, reinforcing negative beliefs and expectations that influence behavior and outcomes in a self-perpetuating cycle.

Coping Strategies for Negative Attitudes

Addressing negative attitudes involves self-awareness, cognitive restructuring, and behavioral changes. Coping strategies include:

  • Mindfulness and Awareness : Cultivating mindfulness and self-awareness can help individuals recognize and observe negative thoughts and attitudes without judgment, allowing for greater emotional regulation and self-control.
  • Cognitive Restructuring : Challenging negative beliefs, assumptions, and cognitive distortions through cognitive-behavioral techniques such as reframing, reality testing, and thought challenging can promote more balanced and constructive thinking patterns.
  • Positive Affirmations : Practicing positive affirmations and self-talk can counteract negative self-perceptions and foster self-compassion, resilience, and optimism.
  • Behavioral Activation : Engaging in pleasurable, meaningful activities and social interactions can counteract negative attitudes and increase feelings of fulfillment, satisfaction, and connection.
  • Seeking Support : Seeking support from trusted friends, family members, or mental health professionals can provide validation, perspective, and guidance in addressing and coping with negative attitudes.

Types of common negative attitudes

Below we will briefly explain some of the most common negative attitudes that we can find in people around us and that we may have had ourselves at some point.

It is common that behind these negative attitudes there are some cognitive distortions (e.g., overgeneralization, personalization, absolutist thinking, maximization of negative aspects and minimization of positive ones, etc.).

1. Focus only on the negative side of each situation

One of the most frequent negative attitudes It occurs when a person only focuses on the negative side of each situation and, therefore, is never satisfied with anything Furthermore, this negative vision makes it difficult for the person to be motivated to achieve his goals because he will always object and think that the conditions are not ideal to do so.

2. Anchor yourself in the past

Thinking about the past more than we should, leaving aside the present moment, which is actually the only thing we can control , is another of the most common negative attitudes. This attitude can cause people to be unable to turn the page and continually think about events from the past, which can lead to melancholy, regret, and even guilt in some cases for something they regret having done in the past.

Negative rumination about one’s past often causes more problems for one’s mental health than it benefits. We must learn from our past; However, it is not healthy for us to stay stuck in it and continually go back without being focused on the present because we would possibly be missing out on the opportunities that the present offers us and in a few years when they become the past and we remember it we will regret it.

3. Discourage other people

Discouraging other people when they have the illusion of achieving a goal It is one of the negative attitudes that can cause the most damage, since no one should believe that they have the power to tell other people that they cannot achieve something.

We should also do this to ourselves so as not to become discouraged when trying to achieve what we set out to do, no matter how difficult it may seem to us and no matter how many obstacles there are.

4. Compare yourself to other people

One of the negative attitudes that has increased the most in recent years is the one that has to do with the act of continually comparing oneself with other people, and Social networks have greatly influenced this where photos of the “best version” of each person are continually uploaded, so that whoever enters to view them may come to think that things are going better for others and are more attractive, even though those photos do not reflect reality.

5. Blaming other people for what happens to yourself

One of the negative attitudes that can do the most damage to interpersonal relationships is the one that triggers someone to continually blame other people for their own misfortunes instead of doing a self-reflection and assessing what part of the responsibility she herself has and what is in her power to change the situation.

6. Have negative self-talk

Internal dialogue is another of the most common negative attitudes, and may be the cause of others and consists of speaking to oneself in a pessimistic and negative way This makes it easier to distort reality, causing the person to feel bad and wrongly facing problems by always focusing on the bad side of everything and also with respect to oneself. This negative internal dialogue can become like self-destructive speech.

7. Not valuing what you have and always thinking about what you don’t have

Another of those negative attitudes that tend to occur quite frequently is the one that leads people to not value what they have, so They tend to continually complain about having what they wish they had , so they are never satisfied. It is also common that when they achieve what they wanted, they immediately want to have more or have different things and thus they get into a vicious circle from which it is very difficult to get out.

  • You may be interested: “ Personal Development: 5 reasons for self-reflection “

8. Despise others

Another of the most harmful and deplorable negative attitudes is contempt for other people, being a sign of having low self-esteem , since feeling above other people and continually comparing ourselves is not going to help us have solid self-esteem. And fundamentally you have to value yourself, but without it being at the cost of despising others.

9. Believing that life or others owe us something

Among the negative attitudes we can also find the victim role played by some people who continually complain about the setbacks that life may have given them and They have the belief that life or other people must reward them for this when the reality is that you cannot be at the expense of others since we do not know if they are also going through a complicated situation.

10. Instill our negativity in the people around us

Instilling our negativity is another of the most harmful negative attitudes since we are not doing any favors to those around us by infecting them with our negativistic vision, nor is it going to help us change our attitude to a more positive one.

When we are having a bad day and we are not in the mood to speak in a more positive way with our loved ones, rather than infusing them with our negativity that is not going to solve anything, perhaps it is more advisable that day to be sparse in words so as not to lose the cordiality.

  • Related article: “ Emotional vampires: 7 personalities that steal your emotional well-being “

11. Overgeneralize

Another of those negative attitudes that tend to occur quite frequently is overgeneralization, which consists of extrapolate a specific negative event into a general conclusion ; In other words, this occurs when we generalize from an isolated case, we generalize what happened, and use it as if it were a valid conclusion for any other future situation. Based on this, it is common to use words like “always”, “never”, “everything”, etc.

Negative attitudes are common human experiences that can arise from various sources and have significant impacts on mental, emotional, and social well-being. By understanding the causes, effects, and coping strategies for negative attitudes, individuals can cultivate greater self-awareness, resilience, and positivity in navigating life’s challenges and fostering healthier relationships with themselves and others.

Happier Human

17 Signs You Have a Bad Attitude & How to Fix It

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When you have a bad attitude (permanently, or more often than not), there’s no way that you are happy and enjoying your life.

My friend Andrea has a poor attitude and an aptitude for finding a problem when there’s a solution or a gray cloud when most people would focus on the silver lining. 

Andrea’s cynicism, bitterness, and negativity have become a self-fulfilling prophecy. She expects the negative in life, and so the negative happens (she attracts negativity into her life because of her “stink” attitude). 

Andrea believes that she’s unlovable and no one cares about her because no one sticks around.

The truth is that her negativity , anger, and ability to misinterpret everything pushes safe people (those who are emotionally and mentally healthy) away . I mean, who wants to hang around a Sour Sally?  

Are you worried that you have a poor attitude? Do you want to work on it so you can be a safe person for your friends, family, and colleagues to be around? 

Then you’re in the right place since I’ve got everything you need to know about having a bad attitude and fixing it right here. 

Table of Contents

What Is a Bad Attitude? 

When someone has a bad attitude (also called a poor, negative, or stink attitude), they behave in ways that are not constructive, cooperative, or optimistic .

And because of their poor emotional and mental state, they don’t achieve the results they actually desire or there are no constructive outcomes. 

You hold space for negative emotions , such as doubt, worry, frustration , anger, hostility , jealousy, and envy that spiral out of control and take over how you think and how you act.

Those around you would describe you as arrogant, aggressive , blunt, callous , dishonest, critical , distant, guarded , indifferent, intolerant , unemotional, selfish , rude, resentful , and pessimistic.  

If you are in a mood , you automatically impact everything around you in a negative way . It’s harmful behavior , and you hurt yourself and those around you because you are difficult to live with , get along with, and work with. 

But it’s not easy to recognize that you are the problem because our instinct is usually to apply blame : It’s someone or something else’s fault that X happened, that Y worked out the way it did, or that Z doesn't want anything to do with you. 

Ernest Benn has a quote about politics, but I think it’s just as suitable as having a negative attitude. He says, “ [A bad attitude] is the art of looking for trouble , finding it everywhere, diagnosing it incorrectly , and applying the wrong remedies. ” Fitting, right? 

Factors that Come into Play When You Have an Unhealthy Attitude

Having a poor attitude in life affects everything around you . It hinders you from seeing and experiencing life as it actually is and finding joy in small and big moments.

It also prevents you from growing as a person , learning healthy coping strategies, and experiencing new and exciting things . 

When you have a stink attitude and behavior to match, it’s quite possible that you’ll end up lonely, stressed, and depressed . 

While you should be realistic about the effects your poor behavior has, it’s also important to understand the causes of your attitude and what triggers it. 

Here are some reasons why you have a negative attitude : 

  • Your temperament
  • Learned behavior and your habits reinforce a poor attitude 
  • Poor role models    
  • An unhealthy environment and trauma, failures, and hardships  
  • Clinical depression or a chemical imbalance 
  • Having a medical condition that predisposes you to suffering from anxiety or depression 
  • Stress  
  • Grief  

Temporary vs Permanent Attitudes  

A temporary negative attitude is when something happens to trigger your bad mood and behavior. You may behave badly for an hour, a day, or a week, and then it passes , and you act as your normal realistic or positive self. 

When you have a stink attitude once in a while, you realize that a bad moment is really just a bad moment. It isn’t a bad day , a bad chapter in your life, or a bad life. Something happened, and you reacted negatively for a while. Now it’s over and done, and you move on. 

On the other hand, some people are in a permanent or perpetual state of having a negative outlook and behaving badly. It’s like they can’t shake their bad moods (unless they identify that they have a negative attitude and actively work on it). 

Attitude Adjustments 

Your attitude (your personality and the way you think, feel, and act) affects how you see life , how you communicate, and your behavior. When you have a poor attitude and it negatively affects everything in your life, it may be time for an attitude adjustment . 

You see, while you may feel and behave negatively and poorly now and again, your thinking patterns and attitude eventually become automatic and habitual as they develop. So it’s very likely that a temporary negative mood will become more and more permanent if you aren’t mindful and purposeful in how you act, feel, and think.  

Thus, a change to your attitude may be necessary. 

Getting more sleep , exercising, regularly eating nutritious and healthy meals , and introducing more good and joy in your life are a few ways to help you feel better , and when you don’t feel so tired and grumpy, your mood improves . 

Other things you can do to adjust your attitude is to watch your action s and words, give people the benefit of the doubt, learn to let go , smile and practice kindness , and start your day with gratitude .

17 Signs You Have a Bad Attitude 

Here are the signs that you have a negative attitude (which is making your life much harder than it has to be):  

Sign #1. It’s Your Way or the Highway

When you believe that it’s either your way or the highway , your attitude stinks. You are highly inflexible in accepting anything that isn’t your way, because your way is the only right way, right? 

bad attitude examples | bad attitude department | bad attitude at work

Well, wrong. We are all unique and there are multiple ways of doing something and achieving the goal. Imposing your way as the only way on others is very unhealthy .  

Sign #2. You Always Compare Yourself to Others

Do you always compare yourself to others ?

This can be in real life , when you compare how you are doing versus your family, friends, and colleagues when they share stories about their lives and their accomplishments. Or it can be online via social media platforms where you see all the picture-perfect lives. 

It can be the other way around too where you see and hear how badly others are doing , while it’s going rather well with you.  

Either you feel like you are doing way better , making you feel superior to others, or you feel like you are down in the dumps (and inferior ) because your life comes up short. Your chapter 4 isn’t the same as someone else’s chapter 4, and moreover, you never get the whole or real story , so why compare yourself? 

You’ll only feel negative (whether you are doing better or worse than others). 

Sign #3. You Look Down on Others 

If you have a superiority complex and believe you are God’s gift to the world, you’ll look down on other people who don’t have what you have. It could be that they lack a fancy house or car, a college degree , a partner and kids, or riches in the bank.

Truth be told, we can’t all be rich, beautiful, and famous, and just because you have what others don’t have doesn’t make you better than them. 

Sign #4. Everyone Annoys You 

Another sign of having a negative and unhealthy attitude is when everyone annoys you . It annoys you when they are around you , what they do annoys you, and even what they say has the power to get on your nerves.  

And so you are rude to everyone. 

Eleanor Roosevelt said, “ No one can make you feel inferior without your consent, ” and similarly, no one can make you feel annoyed unless you choose to feel irritated . 

Sign #5. You Are Always in a Hurry

There is a lot to do every day. I get it. Everyone is busy . 

But when you are always in a hurry and feel like others are (purposefully) trying to slow you down or keep you from your tasks, you make people feel like they are in the way and not worth your time. 

Who would want to be around such a person? 

Sign #6. Your Expectations Are Too High

Having unrealistic expectations is another sign of a poor attitude. Chances are high that no one will meet your standards and expectations, and everyone will come up short as incompetent and lazy . I can tell you now that you will always be disappointed . 

When you have expectations that are too high, you aren’t able to empathize with other people – with what they experience, their problems, and their imperfect human-ness. 

It’s possible that you feel a sense of entitlement when you demand that others cater to your unrealistic needs and desires, and you never compromise unless it works in your favor. 

Sign #7. You See the World as Black or White

There are always shades of gray , and nothing is ever truly just black or white . Yet, you, with your unhealthy attitude, see the world as black or white, right or wrong , good or bad, us or them . There’s no middle ground or an in-between.   

Life is complicated , yet you make it even more so when you can’t see the gray or bigger picture because everything needs to fit into your narrative of good and bad . And when you can’t connect with the black or white because some things simply aren’t so clear set, you get upset, angry, and scared . 

Sign #8. You Misinterpret Everything Other People Say and Do 

Nothing anyone does is ever right by you or enough for you. Everything they do or say sets you off because you – on purpose – misinterpret their actions or what they say. 

Someone might bring you a coffee or a piece of birthday cake because they are kind and want to connect with you, but you assume that they want to suck up or butter you up for something.

bad attitude synonym | bad attitude in relationship | bad attitude quotes

Or maybe your boss picks on you during the meeting (because they happen to look at you at that moment); yet you now believe your boss hates you and that you’re going to be fired. 

You can’t read minds, and it’s dangerous to assume , but you do – all the time. 

Sign #9. You Fixate on Conflict

You ruminate on past events and conflict like it’s the only thing that has ever mattered in your life. And the more you think about the conflict, argument, or fight, the more catastrophic and all-consuming it becomes. 

It’s all you can think about , and if there’s someone you talk to, the past is all you talk about . 

Sign #10. You Always Expect the Worst 

When you’re about to climb down a flight of stairs , your mind automatically jumps to you falling , humiliating yourself, and breaking an arm or leg (or both). Or if you’ve applied for a job , you expect that the interview will go horribly wrong and the interviewer will trash your name so you can never get another job interview. 

You may think these examples of expecting the worst are silly, but they aren’t – not when you have a bad attitude. You believe that you are always doomed , and nothing will work out .

Sign #11. You Carry Grudges 

Another sign of having a negative attitude is when you carry grudges and you can’t forgive the person who wronged you .

After all, you can’t forgive and forget because then you’ll just be a sucker again when your colleague uses you again or when your partner makes you look like a fool again. 

And so you hold grudges and can’t let go of the resentment and anger . You fixate on it, becoming sad, angry, and hostile. 

Sign #12. You Always Believe You Are Unlikeable

Do you believe that no one will ever like or love you? Then it’s possible that you don’t give people a chance to like you (and you probably don’t even like yourself). 

You are probably proud of the fact that you are a “Class A” jerk to everyone, and you use this façade to cover your insecurities and low self-esteem . Instead of waiting to be rejected and not liked, you pre-reject (reject people before they can reject you). 

Sign #13. You Can’t Be Happy for Other People 

When you learn about someone else’s success , how do you feel? Do you get angry because it should be you who deserves that promotion? Or do you feel envious or jealous because you also want what they have? 

You’re unable to be happy for other people, and this in itself is emotionally and mentally draining , which fuels your negativity.  

Sign #14. You Can’t Let Go

It’s not easy to let go , and while other people struggle with this, you simply just won’t let go at all. You’re struggling and you’re in pain , and it’s not easy to see past the hurt and trauma. 

You act thoughtlessly, venting your anger, grief, and frustration in the form of chronic complaints, critique, and insults. 

Sign #15. People Call You Out on Your Bad Attitude

When one person tells you that you have an unhealthy attitude , you can chalk it up to you or them having a bad day, but when quite a number of people actively avoid you and tell you that your attitude stinks, they are likely onto something . 

These individuals have had enough of how badly you are treating them and others, and they’ll take their chances to say what a royal jerk you’ve been. Instead of listening to them and taking responsibility, you’ll feel attacked and lash out . 

Sign #16. Everyone Else Is Competition or the Enemy 

You don’t really see any person as being your friend. The people in your life fall into one of two camps: competition or enemy . You believe that everyone is out to harm you because the world is a dangerous place. 

bad attitude signs | bad attitude quotes | bad attitude synonym

People are there to use and abuse you , work against you, and take what you have . They purposefully set out to take advantage and harm you. 

And so, you need to squash the competition like a bug or defeat the enemy , using any means necessary to protect yourself from (falsely) perceived threats and harm. 

Sign #17. You Demand Respect and Never Respect Others 

Everyone wants to be respected , including you. The difference is that you don’t respect others. 

You expect people to be kind, generous, and compassionate toward you (and hold you in high esteem), yet you are rude and mean (and act in other disrespectful ways) to them. 

How to Overcome Having a Bad Attitude 

Having a negative attitude is completely in your control , and it’s also in your power to fix it and change for the better (aka do an attitude adjustment). 

Here are some of the best tips to help you fix your poor attitude : 

  • Identify that your attitude stinks. 
  • Stop the blame game and take responsibility for what you think and feel and how you behave (as well as the impact this has on other people).  
  • Become aware of what triggers your bad mood or why you have a negative attitude , and work through this. 
  • Desire to change . You have to want it before you can work on bettering your attitude. 
  • Work on improving your thoughts . Think positively and let go of negative beliefs. 
  • Develop good habits . 
  • Surround yourself with safe people who have a good influence on you. 
  • Be kind to yourself. 
  • Visualize how your life can change (for the better) when you adjust your attitude. 
  • Be grateful and take stock of the good and amazing in your life. 
  • Use positive self-talk and affirmations. 
  • So no to “victim mentality.”
  • Remember that a bad moment is temporary and it’ll pass. 
  • Practice mindfulness meditations daily. 

Final Thoughts on Having a Bad Attitude 

You’ll know whether you have a negative attitude by now if you weren’t sure before, and you’ll also realize how unhealthy and harmful it is to you and those you care about. 

It’s essential to remember that while you don’t have power and control over a lot (or everything) in life, you are in control of yourself .

You can change your attitude, and your quality of life is your responsibility.  Besides the tips I’ve shared, do you want more help to change your attitude? Then check out these affirmations for positive thinking or ways to be a more fun person to be around .

And if you're looking for more resources on personal development, be sure to check out these blog posts:

  • 9 Signs You’re Socially Inept & How to Stop Being This Way
  • 105 Negative Self-Talk Examples That Hold You Back
  • 11 Steps to Stop Living in the Past and Move Forward

bad attitude | bad attitude examples | bad attitude of a person

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How to Change a Negative Attitude

Last Updated: September 27, 2022 Fact Checked

This article was co-authored by Rahti Gorfien, PCC . Rahti Gorfien is a Life Coach and the Founder of Creative Calling Coaching, LLC. She specializes in working with artists, entrepreneurs, and college students in creative fields. Rahti is accredited as a Professional Certified Coach (PCC) by the International Coach Federation, an ACCG Accredited ADHD Coach by the ADD Coach Academy, and a Career Specialty Services Provider (CSS). In addition, she has personal experience in the fields she coaches - she is an alumnus of the New York University Graduate Acting program and has been a working theater artist for over 30 years. She was voted one of the 15 Best Life Coaches in New York City by Expertise in 2018. There are 18 references cited in this article, which can be found at the bottom of the page. This article has been fact-checked, ensuring the accuracy of any cited facts and confirming the authority of its sources. This article has been viewed 358,291 times.

Studies have shown that how people react to other individuals and events is largely influenced by their perception and not the actual individuals or events. [1] X Research source If you have a negative attitude, you’re more likely to negatively impact everything around you. By taking active steps to cultivate positivity, you can counteract and change a negative attitude.

Letting Go of Negativity

Step 1 Take responsibility for your thoughts and actions.

  • Negative thoughts cultivate negative actions. If you decide to have a positive attitude, you’ll cultivate positive changes. [3] X Research source
  • For example, if you are passed over for a promotion at work, it is not because your boss doesn’t like you and probably related to your work performance. Instead of blaming your boss, talk to him about how you can improve at your job and actively make these changes.

Step 2 List negative things in your life and begin to change them.

  • On a piece of paper, list anything in your life that you consider negative. Read the list and check off what you can change. For example, you can change negative relationships with others by removing them from your life or you can change bad finances by taking steps to save money.
  • Once you’ve thought about how to change the negative influences in your life, burn the paper to symbolize letting go and write a new list with positive things in your life.

Step 3 Let go of expectations.

  • Accept that nothing is perfect. Imperfection adds character and letting go of any expectations of perfection will help you focus on the positive in any person or situation.
  • Whenever something bad happens, forget it as much as possible and then actively imagine things you want to happen. Likewise, if a person says something negative, consider it briefly and then let it go. Dwelling on negativity will only make you feel negative.

Step 4 Forgive yourself and others.

  • The act of forgiveness will remove negative attitudes and create space for positive attitudes. But it will also decrease stress and increase peace and calm in your life. [7] X Trustworthy Source Greater Good Magazine Journal published by UC Berkeley's Greater Good Science Center, which uses scientific research to promote happier living Go to source

Step 5 Limit or remove negative people from your life.

  • If you can’t remove a person from your life entirely, or you don’t want to hurt him, you can limit your exposure to him. You can also counteract his negative attitudes and viewpoints by pointing out the positive in what he says or does. This way, you don’t get drawn down his negative path.

Step 6 Respond to change.

  • You can’t control all situations or people, but you can choose how you’ll respond to them. Meeting a negative situation or person with positivity will keep your attitude positive and may also result in a positive resolution to anything. [10] X Research source
  • For example, if someone sends you a nasty email, don’t react to it immediately. Draft a response and wait 24 hours to send it. Revisit the email the next day and you will likely tone down your response, which can keep a situation from escalating.
  • If something bad happens, such as losing your job, thank your employer for the opportunity and say “this is a change to find something better that I truly love.”

Step 7 Keep moving forward.

Focusing on the Positive

Step 1 See the positive in everything.

  • Even in the worst situations, there is always something positive. It might take some time to recognize, but being able to see the positive aspects in anything will help you avoid negativity.
  • One study showed that a positive attitude contributes to success more than anything else, including knowledge or skills. [13] X Research source

Step 2 Make a list of everything for which you’re grateful.

  • In situations where you feel negative, read the list of things for which you’re grateful. This will remind you to stay positive.

Step 3 Use positive words.

  • Use phrases like "I am hopeful” or "we will find a resolution". These will help you—and others around you—stay positive. [16] X Research source
  • Giving yourself a positive affirmation every morning when you wake up will set off your day on a positive path. For example, you can say to yourself “today is going to be a great day. I feel good and I’m ready to make a difference.”
  • Write positive quotes and put them in strategic places. If you have reminders of positive things, you’ll be more likely to have positive thoughts and feelings throughout the day. [17] X Research source

Step 4 Surround yourself with positive people.

  • Consider volunteering at a hospital or soup kitchen. Realizing that you are healthy and have the means to support yourself will put your life in perspective. Doing this can also help you to actively choose to change negativity in your life.
  • Helping friends and family members can also help you change a bad attitude because you’re making someone else feel good, which in turn will make you feel good.
  • Giving and receiving love and support will make your perspective on life increasingly positive.

Expert Q&A

Rahti Gorfien, PCC

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About This Article

Rahti Gorfien, PCC

To change a negative attitude, you must take responsibility for your negativity. No one is making you think negatively, so take the first step and let go of any unrealistic expectations you have of yourself or others. Then, let go of any grudges you may have to prevent negative thoughts from coming up in the first place. Next, make a list of all the things that are going well for you and focus on those. If you need extra support, surround yourself with positive people and let them rub off on you! To learn more from our Counselor co-author, like how to cut negative people out of your life, keep reading the article! Did this summary help you? Yes No

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Attitude in the Workplace Essay


Organizations are faced with a variety of problems which come from different angles, both internal and external. The most complex ones are however those that are associated with the human resource or workforce.

This is because these are the driving force towards the success of an organization, through their manipulation of other resources for instance the assets, to come up with a productive and profitable result. Success in any activity in an organization requires unity and cooperation among all the individuals involved, failure to which malfunction is almost automatic.

This piece of work gives an in-depth discussion of attitude, as an issue that affects progress in the workplace with much emphasis being given to how it impacts on individuals and an organization at large and how a solution could be implemented and its success evaluated.

A review and a brief description of the original problem selected by my Learning Team

There are various problems that are linked with workplaces and all the practices and activities undertaken therein. For the sake of this assignment, my team chose attitude in the workplace as the problem of discussion for which a plan to help solve the issue will be identified and implemented.

This is because this is a very prevalent problem in workplaces and it has led to fall down of most organizations. Attitude entails the way a given individual thinks or perceives various things or situations. It is a very influential aspect and it plays a great role in determining how things are undertaken. Various employees express different attitudes, some positive and others negative.

Under all circumstances, positive attitude among all the individuals involved in an organization should be advocated for and maintained since nothing can be successful where negative attitude prevail. There is usually a tendency of people to bring their home problems into the workplace thus affecting their ability to perform as expected, which should not be the case.

The encouraging thing is the fact that there are ways that have been established in an effort to change people’s attitudes through sensitizing them to be positive and optimistic in their undertakings so as to achieve success. This is however possible through effective decision making that entail critical thinking and effective plan and strategies (Shumake, 1992).

A plan to implement the identified solution

In every plan especially that involved with implementing a given solution to a problem, it is important to have an effective evaluation of the required resources, the resistance management plan and most importantly timeframe. Decision making and critical thinking was a key aspect in the determination of the plan that we would implement in order to curb the ordeal of negative attitude among members of the workforce.

It entails identification of the problem, definition of the aims and objectives, evaluating the impact of the problem, determining the causes of the problem, coming up with alternative solutions, evaluating the impacts of the alternatives, making the decision and implementing it.

The process is however not complete before its impact is measured to ascertain its progress and hence make necessary actions(Roth & Mullen, 2002). The best plan that we came up with is effective communication aimed at creating awareness on the aspect of attitude and the effects it has on both individual as well as organizational performance.

It will also encompass teaching on the importance of critical thinking as opposed to acting under personal feelings and prejudices. This will ensure that employees’ behavior and attitudes are in line with the organizational core values thus ensuring that the goals and objectives are achieved hence increasing productivity and profitability as a result of enhanced efficiency and effectiveness.

It will also ensure that attitudes and thoughts are evaluated in an objective manner without any form of biasness. Another aspect that we considered in the implementation plan was to identify and implement appropriate tools that allow for effective thinking and avoid negative attitude. This includes impacting them with critical thinking and problem solving skills (O’Rourke, 2008).

An evaluation of the success of the solution chosen above

In order to conclude that a given implemented solution has been successful or not, it is important that the progress is monitored or evaluated. There are various ways through which a decision’s effectiveness could be evaluated more especially through measuring the success or failure achieved after its implementation.

One of the ways is to measure the impact of the implemented solution against the organizational goals and objectives. A good solution should adequately match with the organization’s goals and objectives to avoid any form of conflict that would make the situation even worse. Communication is also another very critical concept that can be utilized in gauging the impact of a given decision for instance the actions taken towards eliminating the vice of negative attitude in the workplace.

Effective communication entails giving every involved member a chance to give ideas and opinions in regard to certain a particular decision. This allows for taking of the right measures in respect to any aspect as well as allowing for inner satisfaction which is brought about by people knowing they are well represented and their voices incorporated in an organization’s decision.

Another very significant step in the evaluation of the progress of a decision that was made is the observation of the trends in the organization. There should for example be positive movement of activities following positive change of attitudes among employees.

This could be seen in aspects like communication where the employees ought to communicate effectively, increased efficiency and effectiveness in carrying out activities and processes, enhanced customer service and treatment of fellow colleagues as well as the general change of attitude that can be seen in the way people treat each other. In our case the decisions taken was successful since positive changes were experienced, the final results being increased productivity and productivity (Paul & Elder, 2006).

It is evident that organizations are faced with a variety of problems including those that are linked with the employees. Attitude in the workplace is for example very influential in determining how various activities and practices are carried out, with negative attitude being a leading factor to individual failure as well as pull down of the performance of an organization as a whole. It is therefore advisable that negative attitude among employees is dealt with in an appropriate manner to avoid any negative performance.

Negative attitude among employees could be demonstrated by aspects such as impoliteness, unwillingness to share ideas and opinions, being anti-social, failure to adhere to stipulated rules and regulations, complains to the management and constant conflicts among others.

Dealing with negative attitude like any other organizational problem necessitates that effective decision making and critical thinking is done so as to appropriately deal with all the internal and external elements that are associated with workplace attitude.

Reference List

O’Rourke, J. (2008). Relationships, Managing Conflicts at Workplace. New York: Cengage Learning.

Paul, R., & Elder, L. (2006). Critical Thinking: Tools for Taking Charge of Your Learning and Your Life. Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall.

Roth, M.B., & Mullen, D. J. (2002). Decision Making: Its Logic and Practice . Maryland: Rowman & Littlefield.

Shumake, G. (1992). Increasing Productivity And Profit In The Workplace: A Guide To Office Planning And Design. New York: Wiley-Interscience.

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IvyPanda. (2018, June 6). Attitude in the Workplace.

"Attitude in the Workplace." IvyPanda , 6 June 2018,

IvyPanda . (2018) 'Attitude in the Workplace'. 6 June.

IvyPanda . 2018. "Attitude in the Workplace." June 6, 2018.

1. IvyPanda . "Attitude in the Workplace." June 6, 2018.


IvyPanda . "Attitude in the Workplace." June 6, 2018.

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The Toxic Effects of Negative Self-Talk

Elizabeth Scott, PhD is an author, workshop leader, educator, and award-winning blogger on stress management, positive psychology, relationships, and emotional wellbeing.

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Amy Morin, LCSW, is a psychotherapist and international bestselling author. Her books, including "13 Things Mentally Strong People Don't Do," have been translated into more than 40 languages. Her TEDx talk,  "The Secret of Becoming Mentally Strong," is one of the most viewed talks of all time.

bad attitude essay

PeopleImages / Getty Images

What Is Negative Self-Talk?

Consequences of negative self-talk, other damaging effects.

  • How to Minimize Negative Self-Talk

Negative self-talk refers to your inner voice making critical, negative , or punishing comments. These are the pessimistic, mean-spirited, or unfairly critical thoughts that go through your head when you are making judgements about yourself.

We all have an inner critic. At times this little voice can actually be helpful and keep us motivated toward goals—like when it reminds us that what we're about to eat isn't healthy or what we're about to do may not be wise.

However, this voice can often be more harmful than helpful, particularly when it gets into excessive negativity . This negative self-talk can really bring us down.

At a Glance

Negative self-talk is something that most of us experience from time to time, and it comes in many forms. It also creates significant stress, not only for us but for those around us if we're not careful. Here's what you need to know about negative self-talk and its effects on your body, mind, life, and loved ones.

Negative self-talk can take many forms. It can sound:

  • Grounded ("I'm not good at this, so I should avoid attempting it for my own personal safety.")
  • Mean ("I can never do anything right!")
  • Hopeless ("I don't deserve to be happy!")
  • Apathetic ("I'll fail anyways, so what's the point of trying.")
  • Defeated ("That looks really hard. Even if I tried, I'd never be able to do it."

It may seem like a realistic appraisal of a situation ("I got a C on this test. I guess I'm not good at math."), only to devolve into a fear-based fantasy ("I'll never be able to go to a good college").

The musings of your inner critic may sound a lot like a critical parent or friend from your past. It can follow the path of typical cognitive distortions : catastrophizing , blaming, and the like.

Basically, negative self-talk is any i nner dialogue you have with yourself that may be limiting your ability to believe in yourself and your own abilities and to reach your potential. It is any thought that diminishes your ability to make positive changes in your life or your confidence in yourself to do so.

Negative self-talk isn't just stressful; it can also make it difficult to get motivated and achieve your goals.

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Negative self-talk can affect us in some pretty damaging ways.

Higher Risk of Mental Health Problems

Research has found that excessive rumination is linked to an increased risk of mental health problems, including:

  • Generalized anxiety disorder
  • Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
  • Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD)
  • Social anxiety disorder

Focusing on negative thoughts may lead to decreased motivation and greater feelings of helplessness . This type of critical inner dialogue has even been linked to  depression , so it's definitely something to fix. 

Increased Stress

Those who frequently engage in negative self-talk tend to be more stressed. This is in large part because their reality is altered to create an experience where they can't reach the goals they've set for themselves.

Negative self-talk can lead to a lowered ability to see opportunities and a decreased tendency to capitalize on these opportunities. This means that the heightened sense of stress comes from both the perception and the changes in behavior that come from it.

Reduced Success

One of the most obvious drawbacks of negative self-talk is that it's not positive. This sounds simplistic, but research has shown that positive self-talk is a great predictor of success.

For example, one study on athletes compared four types of self-talk (instructional, motivational, positive, and negative) and found that positive self-talk was the greatest predictor of success.

People didn't need to remind themselves how to do something as much as they needed to tell themselves that they were doing something great and that others noticed it as well. 

Other consequences of negative self-talk can include:

  • Limited thinking : The more you tell yourself you can't do something, the more you believe it.
  • Perfectionism : You begin to really believe that "great" isn't as good as "perfect," and that perfection is actually attainable. In contrast, mere high achievers tend to do better than their perfectionistic counterparts because they are generally less stressed and are happy with a job well done. They don't pick it apart and try to zero in on what could have been better.
  • Feelings of depression : Some research has shown that negative self-talk can lead to an exacerbation of feelings of depression . If left unchecked, this could be quite damaging.
  • Relationship challenges : Whether the constant self-criticism makes you seem needy and insecure or you turn your negative self-talk into more general negative habits that bother others, a lack of communication and even a "playful" amount of criticism can take a toll.

How to Minimize Negative Self-Talk 

There are many ways to reduce the self-talk in your daily life. Different strategies work better for different people, so try a few on and see which ones are most effective for you.

Catch Your Critic 

Learn to notice when you're being self-critical so you can begin to stop. For example, notice when you say things to yourself that you wouldn't say to a good friend or a child. 

Remember That Thoughts Are Not Facts

Thinking negative things about yourself may feel like astute observations, but your thoughts and feelings about yourself can definitely not be considered accurate information. Your thoughts can be skewed like everyone else's, subject to biases and the influence of your moods.

Give Your Inner Critic a Nickname

There was once a "Saturday Night Live" character known as Debbie Downer. She would find the negative in any situation. If your inner critic has this dubious skill as well, you can tell yourself, "Debbie Downer is doing her thing again."

When you think of your inner critic as a force outside of yourself and even give it a goofy nickname, it's not only more easy to realize that you don't have to agree, but it becomes less threatening and more easy to see how ridiculous some of your critical thoughts can be.

Contain Your Negativity

If you find yourself engaging in negative self-talk, it helps to contain the damage that a critical inner voice can cause by only allowing it to criticize certain things in your life, or be negative for only an hour in your day. This puts a limit on how much negativity can come from the situation.

Change Negativity to Neutrality

You may be able to catch yourself when engaging in negative self-talk. However, it can sometimes be difficult to force yourself to stop a train of thought in its tracks.

It's often far easier to change the intensity of your language. "I can't stand this" becomes, "This is challenging." "I hate..." becomes, "I don't like..." and even, "I don't prefer..."

When your self-talk uses more gentle language, much of its negative power is muted as well.

Cross-Examine Your Inner Critic

One of the damaging aspects of negative self-talk is that it often goes unchallenged. After all, if it's going on in your head, others may not be aware of what you're saying and thus can't tell you how wrong you are.

It's far better to catch your negative self-talk and ask yourself how true it is. The vast majority of negative self-talk is an exaggeration, and calling yourself on this can help to take away its damaging influence.

Think Like a Friend

When our inner critic is at its worst, it can sound like our worst enemy. Often we'll say things to ourselves in our heads that we'd never say to a friend. Why not reverse this and—when you catch yourself speaking negatively in your head—make it a point to imagine yourself saying this to a treasured friend.

If you know you wouldn't say it this way, think of how you'd share your thoughts with a good friend or what you'd like a good friend to say to you. This is a great way to shift your self-talk in general. 

Shift Your Perspective

Sometimes looking at things in the long term can help you to realize that you may be placing too great an emphasis on something. For example, you may ask yourself if something you're upset by will really matter in five years or even one.

Another way to shift perspective is to imagine that you are panning out and looking at your problems from a great distance.

Even thinking of the world as a globe and of yourself as a tiny, tiny person on this globe can remind you that most of your worries aren't as big as they seem. This can often minimize the negativity, fear, and urgency in negative self-talk.

Say It Aloud

Sometimes when you catch yourself thinking negative thoughts in your mind, simply saying them aloud can help. Telling a trusted friend what you're thinking about can often lead to a good laugh and shine a light on how ridiculous some of our negative self-talk can be. Other times, it can at least bring support .

Giving a name to your feelings, known as affect labeling, can also help reduce the intensity of those emotions.

Even saying some negative self-talk phrases around under your breath can remind you how unreasonable and unrealistic they sound. This will remind you to give yourself a break.

Stop That Thought

For some, simply stopping negative thoughts in their tracks can be helpful. This is known as " thought-stopping " and can take the form of snapping a rubber band on your wrist, visualizing a stop sign, or simply changing to another thought when a negative one enters your mind.

This can be helpful with repetitive or extremely critical thoughts like, "I'm no good," or, "I'll never be able to do this," for example.

Replace the Bad With Some Good

This is one of the best routes to combating negative self-talk: Replace it with something better. Take a negative thought and change it to something encouraging that's also accurate.

Repeat until you find yourself needing to do it less and less often. This works well with most bad habits: replacing unhealthy food with healthy food, for example. It's a great way to develop a more positive way of thinking about yourself and about life.

What This Means For You

Negative self-talk can be devastating for your mental well-being. It undercuts your motivation, leaves you susceptible to mental health problems, and makes it harder to be successful in life. Fortunately, you can take steps to change negative thoughts into more realistic or positive ones.

Challenging negative self-talk, replacing negative thoughts, and treating yourself like you would a friend are just a few tactics that can help. If you still struggle to keep those negative thoughts under control, consider talking to a mental health professional.

Press Play for Advice on Negative Thinking

Hosted by therapist Amy Morin, LCSW, this episode of The Verywell Mind Podcast shares an effective way to help you curb negative thinking. Click below to listen now.

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Wong SMY, Chen EYH, Lee MCY, Suen YN, Hui CLM. Rumination as a transdiagnostic phenomenon in the 21st century: The flow model of rumination .  Brain Sci . 2023;13(7):1041. doi:10.3390/brainsci13071041

Walter N, Nikoleizig L, Alfermann D. Effects of self-talk training on competitive anxiety, self-efficacy, volitional skills, and performance: An intervention study with junior sub-elite athletes . Sports (Basel). 2019;7(6):148. doi:10.3390/sports7060148

Tod D, Hardy J, Oliver E. Effects of Self-Talk: A Systematic Review . J Sport Exerc Psychol . 2011;33(5):666-687. doi:10.1123/jsep.33.5.666

Porter AC, Zelkowitz RL, Gist DC, Cole DA. Self-evaluation and depressive symptoms: A latent variable analysis of self-esteem, shame-proneness, and self-criticism .  J Psychopathol Behav Assess . 2019;41(2):257-270. doi:10.1007/s10862-019-09734-1

Levy-Gigi E, Shamay-Tsoory S. Affect labeling: The role of timing and intensity .  PLoS One . 2022;17(12):e0279303. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0279303

By Elizabeth Scott, PhD Elizabeth Scott, PhD is an author, workshop leader, educator, and award-winning blogger on stress management, positive psychology, relationships, and emotional wellbeing.


Essay on Attitude And Values

Students are often asked to write an essay on Attitude And Values in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on Attitude And Values

Understanding attitude and values.

Attitude is the way we think and feel about something. It is our mental outlook on things. For example, we may have a positive attitude towards studying or a negative attitude towards cleaning.

What are Values?

Values are the things that are important to us. They guide our actions and decisions. For example, if honesty is a value, we will always tell the truth.

Link Between Attitude and Values

Our values shape our attitudes. If we value hard work, we will have a positive attitude towards it. Our attitudes also reflect our values.

Importance of Positive Attitude and Values

Having a positive attitude and good values is important. It helps us to be happy and successful. It also helps us to make good choices and be good people.

In conclusion, our attitude and values are very important. They shape who we are and how we act. So, it is important to have a positive attitude and good values.

250 Words Essay on Attitude And Values

Attitude and values are two important parts of our life. They shape our thoughts, actions, and how we see the world. Attitude is how we feel about something or someone. It can be positive or negative. Values are the things we believe are good and important. They guide our behavior and choices.

The Role of Attitude

Attitude is like a mental filter through which we see the world. It can shape our thoughts and actions. For example, if we have a positive attitude towards school, we will enjoy learning. We will be eager to go to school and study. But if we have a negative attitude, we might not like school. We might feel bored or unhappy there. So, our attitude can change our experiences.

The Importance of Values

Values are like a compass that guides us. They help us decide what is right and wrong. For example, if we value honesty, we will always tell the truth. If we value kindness, we will be kind to others. So, our values guide our actions and behavior.

Attitude and Values Together

Attitude and values are closely related. Our values can shape our attitude. For example, if we value hard work, we will have a positive attitude towards challenges. We will see them as opportunities to learn and grow. So, our values can influence our attitude.

In conclusion, attitude and values are very important. They shape our thoughts, actions, and experiences. They help us become better people. So, we should always try to have a positive attitude and good values.

500 Words Essay on Attitude And Values

Introduction to attitude and values.

Attitude and values are two key concepts that help us understand our thoughts, feelings, and actions. Attitude is the way we think and feel about something or someone. It is like a mental filter through which we experience the world around us. On the other hand, values are the beliefs that guide our decisions and behavior. They are like a compass that shows us the right way to act.

Understanding Attitude

Attitude is a mix of thoughts and feelings. It is not something we are born with, but something we learn from our experiences and surroundings. For example, if you have a positive attitude towards studying, you might see it as a chance to learn new things and enjoy the process. But if you have a negative attitude, you might see studying as a boring task.

Our attitude can change depending on the situation and our experiences. This is why it is important to always try to keep a positive attitude. A positive attitude can help us overcome challenges, make us happier, and lead us to success.

The Role of Values

Values are the deep beliefs that we hold about what is right and wrong, good and bad. They are the rules by which we live our lives. For example, if honesty is a value for you, you will always try to tell the truth. If respect is a value, you will treat others with kindness and understanding.

Values are usually learned from our family, culture, religion, and education. They shape our character and influence our choices. They help us decide what is important in life and guide us in our actions.

Connection between Attitude and Values

Attitude and values are closely linked. Our values often shape our attitudes. For example, if you value hard work, you might have a positive attitude towards challenges and see them as opportunities to grow. On the other hand, if you value comfort and ease, you might have a negative attitude towards hard work and see it as something to avoid.

In the same way, our attitudes can influence our values. If we have a positive attitude towards kindness, we might start to value it more. If we have a negative attitude towards dishonesty, we might start to value honesty more.

In conclusion, attitude and values are two important factors that shape our thoughts, feelings, and actions. They interact with each other and influence our behavior. By understanding our attitudes and values, we can better understand ourselves and make better decisions. We can also work on improving our attitudes and values to become better people and lead more fulfilling lives. Remember, a positive attitude and good values can make a big difference in our lives.

That’s it! I hope the essay helped you.

If you’re looking for more, here are essays on other interesting topics:

  • Essay on Attitude
  • Essay on Atoms
  • Essay on Atomic Bomb

Apart from these, you can look at all the essays by clicking here .

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Essay on Attitude: Top 6 Essays | Employees | Values | Management

bad attitude essay

In this essay we will discuss about ‘Attitude’. Find paragraphs, long and short essays on ‘Attitude’ especially written for school and college students.

Essay on Attitude

Essay Contents:

  • Essay on the Importance of Attitude

Essay # 1. Definition of Attitude:

Attitude is defined as ones’ feelings or mood toward things, circumstances or people. Each individual is made up of various physical, vital, and mental parts. Everyone is having physical body and its organs, muscles, etc; the vital being with its sensations, emotions and feelings, and the mental part with its thoughts, memories, reasoning power, beliefs, etc. Somewhere between emotions and thought processing lie attitudes; one’s emotional perceptions about oneself, others, and life itself.


Attitude is how one behaves towards somebody or something. It is one’s personal view, opinion or judgment. It also describes one’s general emotional approach toward a person or situation.

Attitudes are evaluative statement favourable or unfavourable related to person, object or event. They reflect that how one feel about something. For example if someone says that he likes his job, this statement expresses his attitude towards his job. Each and every person has different attitude at different conditions.

Attitude is the state of mind with which one approach a task, a challenge, a person, love, life in general.

Essay # 2. Components of Attitude:

There are three components of attitude:

(i) Cognitive component.

(ii) Effective component.

(iii) Behavioural component.

(i) Cognitive Component:

It refers to that part of attitude which is related in general know how of a person, for example, if a person says that smoking is injurious to health, such type of idea of a person is called cognitive component of attitude.

(ii) Effective Component:

This part of attitude is related to the statement, which affects another person. For example, if in an organization a personal report is given to the general manager. The report indicates that production staff is not performing their duties responsibilities. The general manager forwards a written notice to production manager to find out the cause of above said.

(iii) Behavioural Component:

The behavioural component refers to that part of attitude, which reflects the intension of a person in short run or in long run. For example, before the development of a new product, a report is prepared by the production department, which consists of their intention in near future and long run, and this report is handed over to top management for the decision.

Essay # 3. Types of Attitude:

Attitude is a way of thinking. People are often identified as having positive or negative, right or wrong, good or bad, optimistic or pessimistic, mindset. Attitudes generally express positively and negatively. For example, when a person is having good feelings towards his/her work or co-worker, his/her attitude is positive. When he/she feels reluctant to do certain things that are necessary, or show hostility towards certain individuals, then his/her attitude is negative.

(i) Positive Attitude:

A positive attitude means having an optimistic outlook. One responds constructively to stress and be able to deal with problems effectively. People having positive attitude see the glass as half full instead of seeing it as half empty.

A person’s attitude influences his/her social status, finances, health, the way he/she challenge obstacles and the kind of people they attract to their life. A positive attitude is important to people’s social status, health, work, the way they challenge obstacles and the kind of people they attract to their life.

A positive attitude will bring more positive opportunities into life. It attracts successful people who share the same goals. A positive attitude helps the body to heal faster from illness. A positive attitude helps in getting a job.

(ii) Negative Attitude:

Negative attitudes come from thinking negative thoughts over and over until they have become a part of person’s subconscious. One may not even realize that he/she is having a negative attitude because it’s been with him/her for so long.

A person having a bad attitude expects failure and disaster. An example of a negative attitude towards life is being pessimistic that things will never turn out well. These are destructive feeling and emotions that cannot help but worsen life’s conditions.

Essay # 4. Functions of Attitude:

Attitudes serve four important functions from the organization’s viewpoint behaviour.

These are as follows:

(i) Adjustment Function.

(ii) Ego-Defensive Function.

(iii) Value-Expressive Function.

(iv) Knowledge Function.

(i) Adjustment Function:

Attitudes often help people to adjust to their work environment. Well treated employees tend to develop a positive attitude towards their job; management and the organization in general while ill-treated organizational members develop a negative attitude. In other words, attitudes help employees adjust to their environment and form a basis for future behaviour.

(ii) Ego-Defensive Function:

Attitudes help people to retain their dignity and self- image. When a young faculty member who is full of fresh ideas and enthusiasm, joins the organization, the older members might feel somewhat threatened by him. But they tend to disapprove his creative ideas as ‘crazy’ and ‘impractical’ and dismiss him altogether.

(iii) Value-Expressive Function:

Attitudes provide individuals with a basis for expressing their values. For example, a manager who values hard and sincere work will be more vocal against an employee who is having a very casual approach towards work.

(iv) Knowledge Function:

Attitudes provide standards and frames of reference that allow people to understand and perceive the world around him. If one has a strong negative attitude towards the management, whatever the management does, it can be perceived as something ‘bad’ and as actually against them.

Essay # 5. Methods of Changing Attitude:

Employee’s attitudes can be changed and sometimes it is in the best interests of managements to try to do so.

Some of the possible ways of changing attitudes are:

(i) Providing New Information.

(ii) Use of Fear.

(iii) Resolving Discrepancies.

(iv) Influence of Friends and Peers.

(v) Co-Opting.

(i) Providing New Information:

Attitude can be changed by providing relevant and adequate information to the person concerned.

(ii) Use of Fear:

Attitudes can be changed through the use of fear. People might resort to change their work habit for the fear of unpleasant consequences.

(iii) Resolving Discrepancies:

Whenever people face a dilemma or conflict­ing situation they feel confused in choosing a particular course of action. For example when a person has to choose from between two alternative courses of action, it is often become difficult for him to decide which is right for him. If someone helps him in pointing out the positive points in favour of the chosen course of action, this helps in resolving his dilemma.

(iv) Influence of Friends and Peers:

A very effective way of changing one’s attitude is through his friends and colleagues. Their opinion and recommendation for something often proves to be more important.

(v) Co-Opting:

Co-opting is another method if there is need to change the attitude of some body that belongs to a different group. This can be done by including that person in the group.

Essay # 6. Importance of Attitude :

Attitude plays an important part in person’s life. It is important to remember attitude is everything. Attitude, whether positive or negative, shows in person’s daily lives. Many people say attitude is more important than experience or education. They often use attitude as the tie-breaker between two equally qualified candidates.

Person’s attitude determines the state of world he/she live in. It is the foundation for every success and every failure one has had and will have. Attitude is important because attitude truly is everything. It drives virtually every decision one makes and how one lives each day of life. Attitude will shape a person’s career. A great attitude will propel him forward, while a poor attitude will get him fired.

It has been found that people who have a good attitude remain healthier than their counterparts. This is because an optimistic attitude helps in preventing sadness, depression, anger, stress and anxiety and this in turn helps in preventing various medical problems.

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  • Essay on Attitude: Definition, Formation and Functions
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The Only Disability in Life is a Bad Attitude

Favorite Quote: "Zero is where everything starts. Nothing would ever be born if we didn't depart from there!"

Everyone should be thankful to live and enjoy every day, not complain about bad things that happen to you. There are definitely people who have worse problems than we do. Even today, while we are living peacefully, hundreds of people die each day. Girls can’t go to school in parts of Africa, there are still small wars that make more refugees, and it’s easy to spot a beggar or a person who starves. In-stead of complaining, you can try to help those people around the world in any way you can and try to have a positive attitude. Besides, things won’t get better if you just sit and complain and have a bad attitude.

Attitude is the most important thing in life. One should approach everything with a positive atti-tude. Scott Hamilton, a retired American figure skater and Olympic gold medalist who survived cancer said, “The only disability in life is a bad attitude.” Scott Hamilton had a cancer and it’s hard to have a positive mind when you had a cancer. But, Scott said that he became happier after he had cancer, not before. This means that he found something more important than being healthy. Everything he used to own, like healthy body, was normal to him. But now, he thinks a healthy body is a gift that one has to be always thankful for. Having a cancer made his thinking change 180 degrees. This is a good example of changing 180 degrees after having a positive attitude.

If a man has a positive attitude and has a tent to live in, he might not be comfortable but he will still thank for at least having a shelter and a place to sleep in. Or, if a man buys a car, he’s just thankful for having a car whether it’s luxury and expensive or not. But, if he is the type of person who complains all the time, he might become greedy to have more cars. In that case, he will keep buying cars to makehimself happy and keep buying it until he finally realizes that he can’t get happiness from wealth.

Scientists researched and found out that the world’s happiest countries are not the wealthiest countries with good technology, but poor countries that have fewer resources. When one approaches things positively, you are mostly happy with what you already have. It is said, “Money can’t buy happiness.” Everybody knows that happiness is not a thing one would go to a store and buy it. Happiness is a thing that one gets by having a positive attitude. However, if a person uses the money in a good way, like donating some money to poor families or giving money to charity, he would get happiness from it. Except that this quote means just being rich won’t bring happiness. Scientists also researched and found out another interesting fact: people who won lottery are suddenly 120% happy (happier than usual) after they get the news, but they will go back to their normal happy range after a few weeks later.

Is money more important than attitude? If not, why do people want to be rich rather than have a positive attitude? The simplest answer to these two questions is that people think that money is themost important thing in life. They think that they can do anything if they have a lot of money. But, there are many things you can’t just buy with money. Some things like hope, happiness, love, friendship (friends), sympathy and even sadness have to be gained by many experiences a person gains in their life. And those things that can’t be bought are much more important than money itself.

The best way to think positively is to think that nobody knows when they die and one might suddenly die today or tomorrow. In that way, people can always thank for being alive and healthy when they wake up in the morning. Think of everything one possesses and thank for it. Try to have a positive attitude and the person’s life is going to change 180 degrees. Let’s think positive and smile. Everything is going to turn out good.

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bad attitude essay

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  • Employee Negative Habits and Attitudes

Employee Negative Habits and Attitudes - Essay Example

Employee Negative Habits and Attitudes

  • Subject: English
  • Type: Essay
  • Level: College
  • Pages: 3 (750 words)
  • Downloads: 3
  • Author: coralie75

Extract of sample "Employee Negative Habits and Attitudes"

Unfortunately, bad workplace habits and negative employee attitudes create serious problems: poor workplace performance, workplace conflicts, and failure to achieve strategic organizational outcomes are just some of the numerous effects caused by bad workplace habits on organizations and their members. Bad habits make suffer both employees and employers. Workers may loose their job and the reputation of the company may suffer greatly. Bad workplace habits are numerous and varied. No one knows what exactly can fire the flame of conflict and disobedience within an organization.

At times, employees can be extremely sophisticated in their negative habits and attitudes. Yet, in most instances, bad habits can be easily detected and addressed. Absenteeism and sick list abuse is, probably, one of the worst employee habits. Dozens of workers miss work intentionally, since they are unwilling to attend their workplace and are pretty satisfied with getting their sick list payments on time. Others are convinced that spending half of the work day in a smoking room is absolutely normal and even necessary for their emotional stability.

Such employees will not rush to deal with their obligations. Most probably, they perceive their work as some kind of entertainment and do not understand that the success of business and its profitability largely depends upon the contribution each and every worker makes on a daily basis. Other bad habits include gossiping and unnecessary sarcasm: some employees cannot be serious even when it is crucial for the organization’s survival. Employees may tend to withhold important information or will make excuses every time they fail to cope with their responsibilities.

These are further supplemented by the negative attitudes, which employees hold about their work: it is no secret that not all employees like their job and these negative attitudes have far-reaching implications for strategic performance within organizations. Bad habits and negative attitudes of employees affect all aspects of organizational performance. Employees who miss work, fail to cope with their obligations, find excuses, and do not assume responsibility for their acts cannot be useful for the organization.

Instead, they increase the burden of organizational problems and concerns. Moreover, their presence in organizations always comes at a cost: they receive salaries and benefits for doing nothing. It should be noted, that bad habits and negative attitudes work like an infection – they can infect other employees, who slowly learn a valuable lesson of laziness and non-productivity. As a result, one employee can negatively affect the whole organization and cause a chain reaction of bad attitudes toward work.

Eventually, bad habits and negative attitudes of employees may threaten organizational safety. Gossiping may lead to information leakages. Withholding important information may disrupt the stability and operation of the organization’s security systems. Employees who do not share information with others will not let their colleagues and co-workers cope with their job tasks. Consequentially, other employees may fall victims to the bad habits and negative attitudes of their co-workers. What to do with employees and their bad habits depends upon the situation.

No matter the seriousness of the problem, firing an inefficient employee should always be a measure of

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bad attitude essay


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Here is a compilation of essays on ‘Attitude’ for class 9, 10, 11 and 12. Find paragraphs, long and short essays on ‘Attitude’ especially written for school and college students.

Essay on Attitude

Essay Contents:

  • Essay on the Theories of Attitude

Essay # 1. Meaning and Definition of Attitude :

Attitudes are learned predispositions and represent cluster of beliefs, assessed feelings and behavioural intentions towards aspects of our environment like a person, object or event. Attitudes are evaluative statements either favourable or unfavourable concerning objects, people or events and are a persistent tendency to feel and behave in a particular way toward some object.

Measuring the A-B Relationship Recent research indicates that attitudes:

(A) Significantly predict behaviours

(B) When moderating variables are taken into account.

According to G.W. Allport, “Attitude is a mental and neutral state of readiness organized through experience, exerting a directive or dynamic influence upon individual’s response to all objects and situations with which it is related.”

Krech and Crutchfield defined “attitude as an enduring organization of motivational, emotional, perceptual and cognitive processes with respect to some aspect of the individual’s world.”

According to Katz and Scotland, “Attitude is a tendency or predisposition to evaluate an object or symbol of that object in a certain way”. In effect attitude is used in a generic sense, as to what people perceive, feel and express their views about a situation, object or other people. Attitude cannot be seen, but the behaviour can be seen as an expression of attitude.

Essay # 2. Characteristics of Attitude :

The attitude is the evaluative statements or judgments concerning objects, people, or events. More precisely attitudes can be defined as a persistent tendency to feel and behave in a particular way toward some object which may include events or individuals as well.

Attitude can be characterized in three ways:

(a) They tend to persist unless something is done to change them.

(b) Attitudes can fall anywhere along a continuum from very favourable to very unfavourable.

(c) Attitudes are directed toward some object about which a person has feelings (sometimes called “affect”) and beliefs.

Essay # 3. Components of Attitudes :

The three basic components of attitude are cognitive, affective and behavioural part:

(a) Cognitive Component:

Cognitive component of attitude is related to value statement. It consists of belief, ideas, values and other information that an individual may possess or has faith in. Quality of working hard is a value statement or faith that a manager may have.

(b) Affective Component:

Affective component of attitude is related to person’s feelings about another person, which may be positive, negative or neutral.

Example: I do not like Maya because she is not hard working, or I like Mina because she is hard working. It is an expression of feelings about a person, object or a situation.

(c) Behavioural Component:

Behavioural component of attitude is related to impact of various situations or objects that lead to individual’s behaviour based on cognitive and affective components.

Example: I do not like Maya because she is not hard working is an affective component, I therefore would like to disassociate myself with her, is a behavioural component and therefore I would avoid Maya.

Development of favourable attitude, and good relationship with Mina is but natural. Individual’s favorable behaviour is an outcome of the fact that Mina is hardworking. Cognitive and affective components are bases for such behaviour. Former two components cannot be seen, only the behaviour component can be seen. Former is important because it is a base for formation of attitude. These components are explained in Figure.

Essay # 4. Formation of Attitude:

Direct Experience with the Object:

Attitudes can develop from the personally rewarding or punishing experience with an object.

(a) Classical Conditioning:

People develop associations between various objects and the emotional reactions that accompany them.

(b) Operant Conditioning:

Attitudes that are reinforced, either verbally or nonverbally, tend to be maintained.

Vicarious Learning:

Where person learns something by the observation of others helps in attitude development where individual has no direct experience with the object of attitude.

Formation of attitudes is influenced by:

(i) Family and Peer Groups:

A person may learn attitude through the imitation of family members and peers.

(ii) Neighbourhood:

The neighbourhood has a certain structure in terms of having cultural facilities, religious groupings and possibly ethnic differences. The neighbours tolerate condone or deny certain attitudes.

Economic Status and Occupations of the Person:

Mass communication like news-paper, TV, radio etc.

These in turn give rise to development of one’s attitudes.

(a) Attitudes Help Predict Work Behavior:

The following example might help to illustrate it. After introducing a particular policy, it is found from an attitude survey, that the workers are not too happy about it. During the subsequent week it is found that the attendance of the employees drops sharply from the previous standard. Here management may conclude that a negative attitude toward new work rules led to increased absenteeism.

(b) Attitudes Help People to Adapt to their Work Environment:

An understanding of attitudes is also important because attitudes help the employees to get adjusted to their work. If the management can successfully develop a- positive attitude among the employees, they will be better adjusted to their work.

Essay # 5. Functions of Attitude :

According to Katz, attitudes serve four important functions from the viewpoint of organizational behaviour.

These are as follows:

(a) The Adjustment Function:

Attitudes often help people to adjust to their work environment. Well-treated employees tend to develop a positive attitude towards their job, management and the organization in general while berated and ill-treated organizational members develop a negative attitude. In other words, attitudes help employees adjust to their environment and form a basis for future behaviour.

(b) Utilitarian Function:

An attitude may develop because either the attitude or the attitude object is instrumental in helping one to obtain rewards or avoid punishments.

(c) Ego-Defensive Function:

Attitudes help people to retain their dignity and self- image. When a young faculty member who is full of fresh ideas and enthusiasm, joins the organization, the older members might feel somewhat threatened by him. But they tend to disapprove his creative ideas as ‘crazy’ and ‘impractical’ and dismiss him altogether.

(d) The Value-Expressive Function:

Attitudes provide individuals with a basis for expressing their values. For example, a manager who values hard and sincere work will be more vocal against an employee who is having a very casual approach towards work.

(e) The Knowledge Function:

Attitudes provide standards and frames of reference that allow people to understand and perceive the world around him. If one has a strong negative attitude towards the management, whatever the management does, even employee welfare programmes can be perceived as something ‘bad’ and as actually against them.

Essay # 6. Change of Attitudes :

Employees’ attitudes can be changed and sometimes it is in the best interests of managements to try to do so. For example, if employees believe that their employer does not look after their welfare, the management should try to change their attitude and help develop a more positive attitude in them.

However, the process of changing the attitude is not always easy. There are some barriers which have to be overcome if one strives to change somebody’s attitude.

There are two major categories of barriers that come in the way of changing attitudes:

1. Prior commitment when people feel a commitment towards a particular course of action that has already been agreed upon and thus it becomes difficult for them to change or accept the new ways of functioning.

2. Insufficient information also acts as a major barrier to change attitudes. Sometimes people simply see any reason to change their attitude due to unavailability of adequate information.

Some of the possible ways of changing attitudes are described below:

(a) Providing New Information:

Sometimes a dramatic change in attitude is possible only by providing relevant and adequate information to the person concerned. Scanty and incomplete information can be a major reason for brewing negative feeling and attitudes.

(b) Use of Fear:

Attitudes can be changed through the use of fear. People might resort to change their work habit for the fear of fear of unpleasant consequences. However, the degree of the arousal of fear will have to be taken into consideration as well.

(c) Resolving Discrepancies:

Whenever “people face” a dilemma or conflicting situation they feel confused in choosing a particular course of action. Like in the case where one is to choose from” between two alternative courses of action, it is often become difficult for him to decide which is right for him.

Even when he chooses one over the other, he might still feel confused. If someone helps him in pointing out the positive points in favour of the chosen course of action, the person might resolve the dilemma.

(d) Influence of Friends and Peers:

A very effective way of changing one’s attitude is through his friends and colleagues. Their opinion and recommendation for something often proves to be more important. If for example, they are all praise for a particular policy introduced in the work place, chances are high that an individual will slowly accept that even when he had initial reservations for that.

(e) Co-Opting:

If you want to change the attitude of somebody who belongs to a different group, it is often becomes very effective if you can include him in your own group. Like in the case of the union leader who are all the time vehemently against any management decision, can be the person who takes active initiative in implementing a new policy when he had participated in that decision making process himself.

Essay # 7. Types of Attitude :

1. Job Satisfaction:

Job satisfaction is related to general attitude towards the job. A person having a high level of satisfaction will generally hold a positive attitude while dissatisfied people will generally display negative attitude towards life. When we talk about attitude, we generally speak about job satisfaction because they are inter-related in organizational behaviour.

2. Job Involvement:

Job involvement refers to the degree to which a person identifies himself (psychologically) with his job, actively participates and considers his perceived performance level important to self-worth. (Robbins). High level of involvement indicates that the individual cares for his job that has an impact on high productivity. Higher the job satisfaction, lower will be absenteeism and employee turnover.

3. Organizational Commitment:

Organizational commitment refers to degree to which an employee identifies himself with the organizational goals and wishes to maintain membership in the organization. He wants to “belong” to the organization and take an active part in its functioning.

Absenting or resigning from the job versus job satisfaction is a predictor of organizational commitment. The concept has been very popular in the recent times. Organizational commitment depends upon job enrichment factor and degree to which the workers enjoy autonomy and freedom of action while performing.

Nature of Employee Attitudes :

Attitudes are the feelings and beliefs that largely determine how employees will perceive their environment, commit themselves to intended actions and ultimately behave. Managers of organizational behavior are vitally interested in the nature of the attitudes of their employees toward their jobs, toward their careers and toward the organization itself. Employee attitudes which are important to employers are Job satisfaction, Job Involvement, Organizational Commitment and Work moods.

Moderating Variables for Attitude in Organization:

1. Importance of the attitude

2. Specificity of the attitude

3. Accessibility of the attitude

4. Social pressures on the individual

5. Direct experience with the attitude

Essay # 8. Theories of Attitude :

(a) Cognitive dissonance

(b) Self-perception theory

(a) Cognitive Dissonance Theory :

Tension arises when we are aware of two simultaneously inconsistent cognitions. To reduce the dissonance, we change our attitudes so that they will correspond to our actions. We correct discrepancies between attitudes & behaviors. Festinger’s Famous Cognitive Dissonance Study Had Ss perform dull tasks (turning knobs).

Afterwards, Ss were told the study was on how expectations affect performance. Experimenter asked Ss to tell a new S outside that the experiment was really exciting. Ss were either given $1 or $20 to lie. Ss told the new S (confederate) how great the experiment was & then filled out a questionnaire asking how much they liked the study.

Those who earned $1 were more likely to say they liked the study. Why? We often experience dissonance when making big decisions. To reduce the dissonance after making our choice, we upgrade the chosen alternative and downgrade the unchosen option.

(b) Self-Perception Theory :

When unsure of our attitudes, we examine our behavior & the circumstances under which it occurs. Wells & Petty (1980) had Ss test headphone sets by making either vertical or horizontal head movements while listening to a radio editorial. Those nodding their heads up & down agreed with the editorial most as it is associated with “yes” responses.

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Attitude , Essay , Essay on Attitude , Human Behaviour , Psychology

Home — Essay Samples — Life — Memories — Effect of Good and Bad Memories on Attitude and Emotion


Effect of Good and Bad Memories on Attitude and Emotion

  • Categories: Memories Mind

About this sample


Words: 1408 |

Published: Nov 5, 2020

Words: 1408 | Pages: 3 | 8 min read

Table of contents

Positive memories, negative memories, works cited:.

  • Christie, A. (1939). And Then There Were None. HarperCollins Publishers.
  • Knapp, R. H. (1995). A study guide for Agatha Christie's "And Then There Were None". Gale.
  • Spoto, D. (1993). The complete films of Agatha Christie. Citadel Press.
  • Thompson, L. R. (2000). Agatha Christie: An English mystery. Headline Book Publishing.
  • Smith, J. A. (2015). The murder mystery in literature. McFarland.
  • Doležalová, J. (2014). Agatha Christie’s And Then There Were None in the light of postmodernism. Brno Studies in English, 40(1), 83-100.
  • Guntern, G. (2008). Detecting a detective novelist's use of psychology. Journal of Investigative Psychology and Offender Profiling, 5(2), 117-123.
  • Wan, Y. H. (2017). An Analysis of the Classic Detective Story Elements in Agatha Christie's And Then There Were None. The Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, 25(2), 65-77.
  • Simaika, M. S. (2017). The Concept of Justice in Agatha Christie's And Then There Were None. Journal of the College of Languages and Translation, 2(2), 93-102.
  • Selinger, E. (2012). And Then There Were None: A Comparative Analysis of the Different Endings of the Novel and the Play. Texas Studies in Literature and Language, 54(2), 167-184.

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bad attitude essay

How to Professionally Say Someone Has a Bad Attitude?

how to professionally say someone has a bad attitude

Addressing an employee with a bad attitude in a professional manner requires a delicate balance between clarity and sensitivity.

When an individual’s negative demeanor impacts the workplace, it’s essential to navigate the conversation with tact. Aim to encourage a change in behavior without exacerbating the issue.

Crafting a message that is direct yet respectful prevents misunderstandings and promotes a positive work environment.

It is also crucial to be well-prepared before engaging in such a discussion.

Understanding the patterns of negative attitudes and having a strategy for constructive feedback is imperative.

Communication should be private to maintain the employee’s dignity. It should also be conducted in accordance with company policies to ensure consistency and fairness.

Leaders should equip themselves with techniques to handle these situations, keeping in mind legal and HR guidelines to protect all parties involved.

Key Takeaways

  • Approach the situation with a balance of clarity and tact to maintain professionalism.
  • Prepare by understanding negative patterns and plan constructive feedback.
  • Conduct discussions in private, adhering to company policies and legal guidelines.

Identifying Negative Attitudes

In the workplace, recognizing when an employee exhibits a bad attitude is crucial for maintaining a positive and productive environment. Your ability to identify these behaviors will help in taking appropriate measures to address them.

A photo of a male office worker, looking visibly frustrated and disengaged, sitting alone at his desk with a cluttered workspace. His arms are crossed, and he's staring off into the distance, reflecting reluctance to cooperate and a negative attitude towards his work.

Recognizing Behavior Indicative of a Bad Attitude

When you’re assessing an employee’s demeanor, specific behaviors can indicate a bad attitude .

Look for patterns of negative verbal comments , reluctance to cooperate with colleagues, or a sense of indifference towards company goals.

You may also notice a lack of enthusiasm or unwillingness to accept feedback, both of which are telling signs.

  • Reluctance to Cooperate : Refusing to work with others, not sharing information.
  • Negative Verbal Comments : Persistent criticism, sarcasm, or complaints.
  • Indifference : Lack of interest in tasks or outcomes that affect the company.
  • Resisting Feedback : Disregarding constructive criticism or becoming defensive.

Examples of Detrimental Workplace Conduct

Detrimental workplace conduct undermines teamwork and can manifest in various ways.

For instance, consistently arriving late or failing to meet deadlines signals a disregard for team reliance.

Similarly, an employee who engages in gossip or spreads rumors is displaying an unsupportive attitude , which can poison the team dynamic.

  • Tardiness : Regular lateness to work or meetings.
  • Missed Deadlines : Not completing tasks on time.
  • Gossip : Spreading unverified or harmful information about colleagues.

Assessing Impact on Team Performance

Evaluating how an employee’s poor attitude affects team performance is critical.

If you notice a decline in morale or productivity, it may be time to address the issue.

An attitude problem can lead to increased conflicts, reduced cooperation, and overall inefficiency.

Pay attention to:

  • Team Morale : Is there a noticeable drop in the team’s spirit or motivation?
  • Productivity Levels : Are there declines in output or quality of work?
  • Conflict Frequency : Have disputes become more common amongst the team?

It’s important to acknowledge these behaviors promptly to minimize their impact on your team.

Constructive Approaches to Feedback

Effective feedback fosters professional growth and positive change. It’s crucial to be prepared, communicate clearly, and acknowledge improvement when addressing someone’s behavior in the workplace.

A private office setting where a female manager is providing feedback to a young male employee. The manager, showing a calm and supportive demeanor, is pointing towards a document or performance chart, while the employee listens attentively, looking concerned yet open to feedback.

Preparing for Feedback Sessions

Plan Your Points: Before providing feedback, identify specific behaviors that require attention.

Prepare concrete examples to cite during your feedback session, grounding your observations in recent events to avoid vagueness.

  • Be Objective: Base your feedback on observable behavior rather than personal feelings.
  • Anticipate Reactions: Consider how the individual may respond and plan accordingly to maintain a constructive dialogue.

Delivering Feedback Effectively

Start with the Positive: Begin the conversation by highlighting what the individual does well. This approach sets a more receptive tone for the session.

  • Be Clear and Precise: Clearly articulate the issue, using specific instances to illustrate your points.
  • This helps to avoid misunderstandings and focuses the discussion on behaviors rather than perceived attitudes.
  • Listen and Engage: Encourage a two-way conversation.
  • Listening shows respect for the individual’s perspective and can lead to mutual understanding.

Reinforcing Positive Behavior

Acknowledge Progress: Follow up on improvements, recognizing efforts to change behavior.

This positive feedback reinforces good practices and supports a positive outlook.

  • Set Clear Expectations: Clearly outline the steps and changes desired.
  • Offer assistance or resources if necessary to support the individual’s development.

The Importance of Clear Communication

Effective communication skills are vital in conveying a message about someone’s attitude while maintaining professionalism.

Your ability to address and outline the issue clearly can foster understanding and lead to positive change.

A conference room scene where a male team leader is clearly articulating project expectations to a small group of attentive team members, consisting of both male and female professionals. Everyone is looking towards a shared document or screen, symbolizing clear and effective communication.

Setting Clear Expectations

When you clearly communicate expectations, you create an objective benchmark for behavior. This allows you to:

  • Articulate performance standards in an unambiguous manner.
  • Clarify responsibilities to mitigate confusion and prevent poor attitude from arising due to misunderstandings.

For instance:

Maintaining Openness and Transparency

Open communication is essential to address issues effectively and to foster an environment of trust. To do this:

  • Encourage honest dialogue where feedback is shared constructively.
  • Listen actively to understand the perspectives and concerns of others.
  • An open approach signals receptiveness to improvement and change.
  • Transparency ensures that feedback is not clouded by ambiguity, thus preventing defensiveness.

By mastering these communication skills and focusing on clear communication, you can approach sensitive topics , such as discussing a bad attitude, with professionalism and tact.

Performance Reviews and Progress Tracking

When addressing issues like a negative attitude during performance reviews , it is pivotal to track progress and set measurable goals.

These practices allow you to provide clear, objective feedback and support employee improvement.

A male manager and a female employee during a performance review in a bright, modern office. The manager is discussing progress with the employee, who is taking notes. Both are examining a performance tracking chart on a tablet, highlighting the constructive nature of the review.

Conducting Effective Performance Reviews

To navigate the sensitive topic of a bad attitude in a professional manner during performance reviews , it’s essential to focus on specific behaviors and their impact on the team’s productivity .

Begin by gathering concrete examples of the concerning behavior.

Use a table like the one below to organize your thoughts before the meeting:

During the review, employ clear and non-judgmental language.

For instance, instead of saying “You have a bad attitude,” you could say, “I’ve noticed there are times when it’s hard for you to collaborate with the team, such as during our recent project.”

Offer employee feedback that is focused on growth and development. Encourage the employee to share their perspectives, ensuring the conversation is two-way.

Setting and Reviewing Goals

Part of managing an employee’s performance involves supporting them to set goals for improvement.

When addressing a bad attitude, it’s beneficial to formulate behavior-oriented goals alongside traditional performance objectives.

Here’s an example of how to phrase goals for attitude adjustment:

  • Short-term Goal: Demonstrate cooperation in all team meetings for the next quarter.
  • Long-term Goal: Become a team advocate who contributes positively to the team culture by the year’s end.

Goals should be SMART: Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound.

After setting goals , set regular check-ins to review progress.

These reviews should be scheduled and outlined as follows:

These check-ins provide an opportunity to acknowledge improvements , reevaluate goals as necessary, and continue to give balanced feedback that praises positive changes and constructively addresses remaining issues.

Handling Breaches of Workplace Standards

In managing workplace conduct, it is crucial to address violations related to attendance and adherence to company guidelines.

Your role is to enforce company policies firmly and fairly to maintain a productive environment.

A female HR professional is having a serious conversation with a male employee about punctuality issues, in a neutral office space. The HR professional is showing a document indicating the employee's attendance record, while the employee looks apologetic and ready to make amends.

Dealing with Attendance and Punctuality Issues

Attendance Expectations:

  • Consistency : You are expected to arrive on time and adhere to the schedule set forth by your employer.
  • Reporting Absences : Immediately notify management in the case of an unavoidable delay or absence.

Corrective Steps for Punctuality Issues:

  • First Incident : Issue a verbal warning and remind the employee of the punctuality standards.
  • Subsequent Incidents : Implement a written reprimand and discuss potential impacts on the team’s performance.

Late Arrival Table:

It is important to document each incident to track patterns and justify any disciplinary actions taken.

Addressing Repeated Non-Compliance

When an employee consistently fails to comply with company policies, a straightforward and systematic approach is required.

Steps to Handle Non-Compliance:

  • Identification : Clearly identify instances of non-compliance and gather any necessary documentation.
  • Meeting : Arrange a private meeting to discuss the issue, aiming to understand potential causes such as lack of motivation.
  • Action Plan : Collaborate to develop an action plan that includes clear consequences for continued non-compliance.
  • Follow-Up : Schedule regular follow-up meetings to assess progress and reinforce the importance of compliance.

In cases where non-compliance persists, it may be necessary to escalate the matter to higher management or take more severe disciplinary action, such as termination of employment.

Remember that consistency in addressing breaches of workplace standards is crucial for upholding the integrity of your company’s policies and the well-being of your team.

Developing Leadership Strategies

Effective leadership strategies are essential for navigating the challenges of fostering a positive work environment and promoting professional growth .

By implementing the right approaches, you can encourage collaboration and creativity among your team members.

A workshop environment with a female leader facilitating a small group discussion among her team, consisting of both male and female professionals. She's using a whiteboard to illustrate leadership concepts, promoting a positive work environment and teamwork.

Fostering a Positive Work Environment

Company Culture:

  • Encouragement and Support: You play a crucial role in nurturing a company culture where everyone feels valued.
  • Regularly recognize your team’s achievements and provide constructive feedback to foster a sense of accomplishment.
  • Cooperation Over Competition: Cultivate an atmosphere that prioritizes teamwork .
  • Encourage your employees to support one another, enhancing overall productivity and cooperation.


  • Be transparent with your team.
  • Provide clear expectations and open channels for feedback, which can lead to a more engaged and proactive workforce.

Creativity and Flexibility:

  • Embrace new ideas and be willing to adjust strategies. This can lead to a dynamic workplace where creativity thrives.

Promoting Professional Growth

HR and Leadership Collaboration:

  • Work closely with HR to identify and create opportunities for professional development. Tailor programs to the needs of the individual and the team.

Continuous Learning:

  • Training sessions
  • Conferences
  • Online courses

Implementing these professional growth opportunities demonstrates your commitment to your team’s career development , which can result in increased loyalty and job satisfaction.

Private vs. Public Handling of Attitude Issues

When addressing someone’s poor attitude , private meetings are the preferred approach.

Discussing such issues privately ensures confidentiality and shows respect for the individual’s dignity. It allows you to express your concerns without putting the individual in a situation where they might feel embarrassed or become defensive .

A compassionate female supervisor is having a one-on-one meeting in her office with a male employee who appears stressed and defensive. The supervisor is leaning forward, offering guidance and support, demonstrating a private and empathetic approach to addressing attitude issues.

  • Confidentiality: Conversations are between you and the individual, safeguarding personal reputation.
  • Focus: Personalized dialogue enables focus on specific issues without distractions.
  • Receptivity: One-on-one discussion often leads to better reception of feedback.

Conversely, handling such matters publicly can result in negative outcomes .

  • Embarrassment: Public criticism can lead to loss of face and morale.
  • Defensiveness: It increases the likelihood of a defensive reaction .
  • Spectacle: Others may view the encounter as dramatic or entertaining, which detracts from the seriousness of the issue.

When facilitating an attitude adjustment , it’s vital to frame your feedback positively and constructively.

Make your comments supportive, not accusatory, to foster a productive conversation.

Choose the right setting and approach to maintain a professional atmosphere and effectively manage attitude issues.

Legal and HR Considerations

When you’re addressing an employee’s bad attitude, it’s crucial to engage HR and understand the legal framework within which you can operate.

Doing so helps protect both your organization and the employee’s rights.

A serious meeting between a male HR representative and a female manager in an office, reviewing documents that outline legal and HR considerations related to an employee's behavior. Both are focused and engaged in a thoughtful discussion, emphasizing the importance of compliance and fairness.

Navigating Legal Risks with HR Involvement

Understanding Protected Categories: Firstly, you must recognize that employees have legal protections against discrimination.

Ensure your evaluation of their attitude is not influenced by race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, disability, or genetic information which are protected by law.

  • Document Performance and Conduct: Consistently Document : Throughout your interactions, maintain a clear record of incidents that demonstrate the attitude issue.
  • Include dates, times, specific examples, and eyewitness accounts, if any.

Determine Policy Violations: Carefully compare the employee’s behavior against your company’s code of conduct or employee handbook.

Look for specific policies that the bad attitude might violate.

  • Consult with HR: Be sure to work closely with the Human Resources department. They will provide guidance and ensure the steps you take are consistent with company policy and labor law.

Addressing the Issue Professionally: When it’s time to address the behavior:

  • Prepare a clear message about the impact of the attitude on the team and the work.
  • Discuss potential consequences if the behavior doesn’t improve.
  • Offer support or resources for improvement, such as training or counseling.

Legal Support and Advice: If there is uncertainty about the appropriate steps, it may be necessary to seek legal counsel to ensure all actions are compliant with employment laws.

  • In the Event of a Complaint: If the employee lodges a complaint claiming unfair treatment or discrimination, your documented evidence and HR’s involvement will be paramount in addressing the complaint while minimizing legal risk for your company.

In addressing a colleague’s behavior, being direct yet respectful is key.

Your communication should reflect a desire to maintain professionalism while acknowledging the issue at hand.

Here’s how to concisely offer feedback:

  • Identify Specific Behaviors: Pinpoint exact actions that convey a negative attitude; avoid general statements.
  • Provide Evidence: Cite instances where the behavior was evident; factual examples aid clarity.
  • Offer Support: Express your willingness to assist with improvements; this shows consideration for their growth.

When considering the impact of attitudes in the workplace, it’s important to recognize that successful employees often exhibit a positive attitude .

It correlates directly with team dynamics and productivity.

Your approach in delivering feedback should not only communicate the bottom line but also serve as actionable advice that encourages a behavioral shift towards a more positive and collaborative mindset.

Should improvement be slow, know that structured warning procedures exist as a recourse.

Using them may become necessary to uphold standards and protect team morale.

Handling such situations with tact and clear expectations can foster a professional environment where every individual is encouraged to contribute positively.

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College Essays


Just as there are noteworthy examples of excellent college essays that admissions offices like to publish, so are there cringe-worthy examples of terrible college essays that end up being described by anonymous admissions officers on Reddit discussion boards.

While I won't guarantee that your essay will end up in the first category, I will say that you follow my advice in this article, your essay most assuredly won't end up in the second. How do you avoid writing a bad admissions essay? Read on to find out what makes an essay bad and to learn which college essay topics to avoid. I'll also explain how to recognize bad college essays—and what to do to if you end up creating one by accident.

What Makes Bad College Essays Bad

What exactly happens to turn a college essay terrible? Just as great personal statements combine an unexpected topic with superb execution, flawed personal statements compound problematic subject matter with poor execution.

Problems With the Topic

The primary way to screw up a college essay is to flub what the essay is about or how you've decided to discuss a particular experience. Badly chosen essay content can easily create an essay that is off-putting in one of a number of ways I'll discuss in the next section.

The essay is the place to let the admissions office of your target college get to know your personality, character, and the talents and skills that aren't on your transcript. So if you start with a terrible topic, not only will you end up with a bad essay, but you risk ruining the good impression that the rest of your application makes.

Some bad topics show admissions officers that you don't have a good sense of judgment or maturity , which is a problem since they are building a class of college students who have to be able to handle independent life on campus.

Other bad topics suggest that you are a boring person , or someone who doesn't process your experience in a colorful or lively way, which is a problem since colleges want to create a dynamic and engaged cohort of students.

Still other bad topics indicate that you're unaware of or disconnected from the outside world and focused only on yourself , which is a problem since part of the point of college is to engage with new people and new ideas, and admissions officers are looking for people who can do that.

Problems With the Execution

Sometimes, even if the experiences you discuss could be the foundation of a great personal statement, the way you've structured and put together your essay sends up warning flags. This is because the admissions essay is also a place to show the admissions team the maturity and clarity of your writing style.

One way to get this part wrong is to exhibit very faulty writing mechanics , like unclear syntax or incorrectly used punctuation. This is a problem since college-ready writing is one of the things that's expected from a high school graduate.

Another way to mess this up is to ignore prompt instructions either for creative or careless reasons. This can show admissions officers that you're either someone who simply blows off directions and instructions or someone who can't understand how to follow them . Neither is a good thing, since they are looking for people who are open to receiving new information from professors and not just deciding they know everything already.


College Essay Topics To Avoid

Want to know why you're often advised to write about something mundane and everyday for your college essay? That's because the more out-there your topic, the more likely it is to stumble into one of these trouble categories.

Too Personal

The problem with the overly personal essay topic is that revealing something very private can show that you don't really understand boundaries . And knowing where appropriate boundaries are will be key for living on your own with a bunch of people not related to you.

Unfortunately, stumbling into the TMI zone of essay topics is more common than you think. One quick test for checking your privacy-breaking level: if it's not something you'd tell a friendly stranger sitting next to you on the plane, maybe don't tell it to the admissions office.

  • Describing losing your virginity, or anything about your sex life really. This doesn't mean you can't write about your sexual orientation—just leave out the actual physical act.
  • Writing in too much detail about your illness, disability, any other bodily functions. Detailed meaningful discussion of what this physical condition has meant to you and your life is a great thing to write about. But stay away from body horror and graphic descriptions that are simply there for gratuitous shock value.
  • Waxing poetic about your love for your significant other. Your relationship is adorable to the people currently involved in it, but those who don't know you aren't invested in this aspect of your life.
  • Confessing to odd and unusual desires of the sexual or illegal variety. Your obsession with cultivating cacti is wonderful topic, while your obsession with researching explosives is a terrible one.


Too Revealing of Bad Judgment

Generally speaking, leave past illegal or immoral actions out of your essay . It's simply a bad idea to give admissions officers ammunition to dislike you.

Some exceptions might be if you did something in a very, very different mindset from the one you're in now (in the midst of escaping from danger, under severe coercion, or when you were very young, for example). Or if your essay is about explaining how you've turned over a new leaf and you have the transcript to back you up.

  • Writing about committing crime as something fun or exciting. Unless it's on your permanent record, and you'd like a chance to explain how you've learned your lesson and changed, don't put this in your essay.
  • Describing drug use or the experience of being drunk or high. Even if you're in a state where some recreational drugs are legal, you're a high school student. Your only exposure to mind-altering substances should be caffeine.
  • Making up fictional stories about yourself as though they are true. You're unlikely to be a good enough fantasist to pull this off, and there's no reason to roll the dice on being discovered to be a liar.
  • Detailing your personality flaws. Unless you have a great story of coping with one of these, leave deal-breakers like pathological narcissism out of your personal statement.


Too Overconfident

While it's great to have faith in your abilities, no one likes a relentless show-off. No matter how magnificent your accomplishments, if you decide to focus your essay on them, it's better to describe a setback or a moment of doubt rather that simply praising yourself to the skies.

  • Bragging and making yourself the flawless hero of your essay. This goes double if you're writing about not particularly exciting achievements like scoring the winning goal or getting the lead in the play.
  • Having no awareness of the actual scope of your accomplishments. It's lovely that you take time to help others, but volunteer-tutoring a couple of hours a week doesn't make you a saintly figure.


Too Clichéd or Boring

Remember your reader. In this case, you're trying to make yourself memorable to an admissions officer who has been reading thousands of other essays . If your essay makes the mistake of being boring or trite, it just won't register in that person's mind as anything worth paying attention to.

  • Transcribing your resume into sentence form or writing about the main activity on your transcript. The application already includes your resume, or a detailed list of your various activities. Unless the prompt specifically asks you to write about your main activity, the essay needs to be about a facet of your interests and personality that doesn't come through the other parts of the application.
  • Writing about sports. Every athlete tries to write this essay. Unless you have a completely off-the-wall story or unusual achievement, leave this overdone topic be.
  • Being moved by your community service trip to a third-world country. Were you were impressed at how happy the people seemed despite being poor? Did you learn a valuable lesson about how privileged you are? Unfortunately, so has every other teenager who traveled on one of these trips. Writing about this tends to simultaneously make you sound unempathetic, clueless about the world, way over-privileged, and condescending. Unless you have a highly specific, totally unusual story to tell, don't do it.
  • Reacting with sadness to a sad, but very common experience. Unfortunately, many of the hard, formative events in your life are fairly universal. So, if you're going to write about death or divorce, make sure to focus on how you dealt with this event, so the essay is something only you could possibly have written. Only detailed, idiosyncratic description can save this topic.
  • Going meta. Don't write about the fact that you're writing the essay as we speak, and now the reader is reading it, and look, the essay is right here in the reader's hand. It's a technique that seems clever, but has already been done many times in many different ways.
  • Offering your ideas on how to fix the world. This is especially true if your solution is an easy fix, if only everyone would just listen to you. Trust me, there's just no way you are being realistically appreciative of the level of complexity inherent in the problem you're describing.
  • Starting with a famous quotation. There usually is no need to shore up your own words by bringing in someone else's. Of course, if you are writing about a particular phrase that you've adopted as a life motto, feel free to include it. But even then, having it be the first line in your essay feels like you're handing the keys over to that author and asking them to drive.
  • Using an everyday object as a metaphor for your life/personality. "Shoes. They are like this, and like that, and people love them for all of these reasons. And guess what? They are just like me."


Too Off-Topic

Unlike the essays you've been writing in school where the idea is to analyze something outside of yourself, the main subject of your college essay should be you, your background, your makeup, and your future . Writing about someone or something else might well make a great essay, but not for this context.

  • Paying tribute to someone very important to you. Everyone would love to meet your grandma, but this isn't the time to focus on her amazing coming of age story. If you do want to talk about a person who is important to your life, dwell on the ways you've been impacted by them, and how you will incorporate this impact into your future.
  • Documenting how well other people do things, say things, are active, while you remain passive and inactive in the essay. Being in the orbit of someone else's important lab work, or complex stage production, or meaningful political activism is a fantastic learning moment. But if you decide to write about, your essay should be about your learning and how you've been influenced, not about the other person's achievements.
  • Concentrating on a work of art that deeply moved you. Watch out for the pitfall of writing an analytical essay about that work, and not at all about your reaction to it or how you've been affected since. Check out our explanation of how to answer Topic D of the ApplyTexas application to get some advice on writing about someone else's work while making sure your essay still points back at you.


(Image: Pieter Christoffel Wonder [Public domain] , via Wikimedia Commons)

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Too Offensive

With this potential mistake, you run the risk of showing a lack of self-awareness or the ability to be open to new ideas . Remember, no reader wants to be lectured at. If that's what your essay does, you are demonstrating an inability to communicate successfully with others.

Also, remember that no college is eager to admit someone who is too close-minded to benefit from being taught by others. A long, one-sided essay about a hot-button issue will suggest that you are exactly that.

  • Ranting at length about political, religious, or other contentious topics. You simply don't know where the admissions officer who reads your essay stands on any of these issues. It's better to avoid upsetting or angering that person.
  • Writing a one-sided diatribe about guns, abortion, the death penalty, immigration, or anything else in the news. Even if you can marshal facts in your argument, this essay is simply the wrong place to take a narrow, unempathetic side in an ongoing debate.
  • Mentioning anything negative about the school you're applying to. Again, your reader is someone who works there and presumably is proud of the place. This is not the time to question the admissions officer's opinions or life choices.


College Essay Execution Problems To Avoid

Bad college essays aren't only caused by bad topics. Sometimes, even if you're writing about an interesting, relevant topic, you can still seem immature or unready for college life because of the way you present that topic—the way you actually write your personal statement. Check to make sure you haven't made any of the common mistakes on this list.


Admissions officers are looking for resourcefulness, the ability to be resilient, and an active and optimistic approach to life —these are all qualities that create a thriving college student. Essays that don't show these qualities are usually suffering from tone-deafness.

  • Being whiny or complaining about problems in your life. Is the essay about everyone doing things to/against you? About things happening to you, rather than you doing anything about them? That perspective is a definite turn-off.
  • Trying and failing to use humor. You may be very funny in real life, but it's hard to be successfully funny in this context, especially when writing for a reader who doesn't know you. If you do want to use humor, I'd recommend the simplest and most straightforward version: being self-deprecating and low-key.
  • Talking down to the reader, or alternately being self-aggrandizing. No one enjoys being condescended to. In this case, much of the function of your essay is to charm and make yourself likable, which is unlikely to happen if you adopt this tone.
  • Being pessimistic, cynical, and generally depressive. You are applying to college because you are looking forward to a future of learning, achievement, and self-actualization. This is not the time to bust out your existential ennui and your jaded, been-there-done-that attitude toward life.


(Image: Eduard Munch [Public Domain] , via Wikimedia Commons)

Lack of Personality

One good question to ask yourself is: could anyone else have written this essay ? If the answer is yes, then you aren't doing a good job of representing your unique perspective on the world. It's very important to demonstrate your ability to be a detailed observer of the world, since that will be one of your main jobs as a college student.

  • Avoiding any emotions, and appearing robot-like and cold in the essay. Unlike essays that you've been writing for class, this essay is meant to be a showcase of your authorial voice and personality. It may seem strange to shift gears after learning how to take yourself out of your writing, but this is the place where you have to put as much as yourself in as possible.
  • Skipping over description and specific details in favor of writing only in vague generalities. Does your narrative feel like a newspaper horoscope, which could apply to every other person who was there that day? Then you're doing it wrong and need to refocus on your reaction, feelings, understanding, and transformation.


Off-Kilter Style

There's some room for creativity here, yes, but a college essay isn't a free-for-all postmodern art class . True, there are prompts that specifically call for your most out-of-left-field submission, or allow you to submit a portfolio or some other work sample instead of a traditional essay. But on a standard application, it's better to stick to traditional prose, split into paragraphs, further split into sentences.

  • Submitting anything other than just the materials asked for on your application. Don't send food to the admissions office, don't write your essay on clothing or shoes, don't create a YouTube channel about your undying commitment to the school. I know there are a lot of urban legends about "that one time this crazy thing worked," but they are either not true or about something that will not work a second time.
  • Writing your essay in verse, in the form of a play, in bullet points, as an acrostic, or any other non-prose form. Unless you really have a way with poetry or playwriting, and you are very confident that you can meet the demands of the prompt and explain yourself well in this form, don't discard prose simply for the sake of being different.
  • Using as many "fancy" words as possible and getting very far away from sounding like yourself. Admissions officers are unanimous in wanting to hear your not fully formed teenage voice in your essay. This means that you should write at the top of your vocabulary range and syntax complexity, but don't trade every word up for a thesaurus synonym. Your essay will suffer for it.


Failure to Proofread

Most people have a hard time checking over their own work. This is why you have to make sure that someone else proofreads your writing . This is the one place where you can, should—and really must—get someone who knows all about grammar, punctuation and has a good eye for detail to take a red pencil to your final draft.

Otherwise, you look like you either don't know the basic rules or writing (in which case, are you really ready for college work?) or don't care enough to present yourself well (in which case, why would the admissions people care about admitting you?).

  • Typos, grammatical mistakes, punctuation flubs, weird font/paragraph spacing issues. It's true that these are often unintentional mistakes. But caring about getting it right is a way to demonstrate your work ethic and dedication to the task at hand.
  • Going over the word limit. Part of showing your brilliance is being able to work within arbitrary rules and limitations. Going over the word count points to a lack of self-control, which is not a very attractive feature in a college applicant.
  • Repeating the same word(s) or sentence structure over and over again. This makes your prose monotonous and hard to read.


Bad College Essay Examples—And How to Fix Them

The beauty of writing is that you get to rewrite. So if you think of your essay as a draft waiting to be revised into a better version rather than as a precious jewel that can't bear being touched, you'll be in far better shape to correct the issues that always crop up!

Now let's take a look at some actual college essay drafts to see where the writer is going wrong and how the issue could be fixed.

Essay #1: The "I Am Writing This Essay as We Speak" Meta-Narrative

Was your childhood home destroyed by a landspout tornado? Yeah, neither was mine. I know that intro might have given the impression that this college essay will be about withstanding disasters, but the truth is that it isn't about that at all.

In my junior year, I always had in mind an image of myself finishing the college essay months before the deadline. But as the weeks dragged on and the deadline drew near, it soon became clear that at the rate things are going I would probably have to make new plans for my October, November and December.

Falling into my personal wormhole, I sat down with my mom to talk about colleges. "Maybe you should write about Star Trek ," she suggested, "you know how you've always been obsessed with Captain Picard, calling him your dream mentor. Unique hobbies make good topics, right? You'll sound creative!" I played with the thought in my mind, tapping my imaginary communicator pin and whispering "Computer. Tea. Earl Grey. Hot. And then an Essay." Nothing happened. Instead, I sat quietly in my room wrote the old-fashioned way. Days later I emerged from my room disheveled, but to my dismay, this college essay made me sound like just a guy who can't get over the fact that he'll never take the Starfleet Academy entrance exam. So, I tossed my essay away without even getting to disintegrate it with a phaser set on stun.

I fell into a state of panic. My college essay. My image of myself in senior year. Almost out of nowhere, Robert Jameson Smith offered his words of advice. Perfect! He suggested students begin their college essay by listing their achievements and letting their essay materialize from there. My heart lifted, I took his advice and listed three of my greatest achievements - mastering my backgammon strategy, being a part of TREE in my sophomore year, and performing "I Am the Very Model of a Modern Major-General" from The Pirates of Penzance in public. And sure enough, I felt inspiration hit me and began to type away furiously into the keyboard about my experience in TREE, or Trees Require Engaged Environmentalists. I reflected on the current state of deforestation, and described the dichotomy of it being both understandable why farmers cut down forests for farmland, and how dangerous this is to our planet. Finally, I added my personal epiphany to the end of my college essay as the cherry on the vanilla sundae, as the overused saying goes.

After 3 weeks of figuring myself out, I have converted myself into a piece of writing. As far as achievements go, this was definitely an amazing one. The ability to transform a human being into 603 words surely deserves a gold medal. Yet in this essay, I was still being nagged by a voice that couldn't be ignored. Eventually, I submitted to that yelling inner voice and decided that this was not the right essay either.

In the middle of a hike through Philadelphia's Fairmount Park, I realized that the college essay was nothing more than an embodiment of my character. The two essays I have written were not right because they have failed to become more than just words on recycled paper. The subject failed to come alive. Certainly my keen interest in Star Trek and my enthusiasm for TREE are a great part of who I am, but there were other qualities essential in my character that did not come across in the essays.

With this realization, I turned around as quickly as I could without crashing into a tree.

What Essay #1 Does Well

Here are all things that are working on all cylinders for this personal statement as is.

Killer First Sentence

Was your childhood home destroyed by a landspout tornado? Yeah, neither was mine.

  • A strange fact. There are different kinds of tornadoes? What is a "landspout tornado" anyway?
  • A late-night-deep-thoughts hypothetical. What would it be like to be a kid whose house was destroyed in this unusual way?
  • Direct engagement with the reader. Instead of asking "what would it be like to have a tornado destroy a house" it asks "was your house ever destroyed."


Gentle, Self-Deprecating Humor That Lands Well

I played with the thought in my mind, tapping my imaginary communicator pin and whispering "Computer. Tea. Earl Grey. Hot. And then an Essay." Nothing happened. Instead, I sat quietly in my room wrote the old-fashioned way. Days later I emerged from my room disheveled, but to my dismay, this college essay made me sound like just a guy who can't get over the fact that he'll never take the Starfleet Academy entrance exam. So, I tossed my essay away without even getting to disintegrate it with a phaser set on stun.

The author has his cake and eats it too here: both making fun of himself for being super into the Star Trek mythos, but also showing himself being committed enough to try whispering a command to the Enterprise computer alone in his room. You know, just in case.

A Solid Point That Is Made Paragraph by Paragraph

The meat of the essay is that the two versions of himself that the author thought about portraying each fails in some way to describe the real him. Neither an essay focusing on his off-beat interests, nor an essay devoted to his serious activism could capture everything about a well-rounded person in 600 words.


(Image: fir0002 via Wikimedia Commons .)

Where Essay #1 Needs Revision

Rewriting these flawed parts will make the essay shine.

Spending Way Too Long on the Metanarrative

I know that intro might have given the impression that this college essay will be about withstanding disasters, but the truth is that it isn't about that at all.

After 3 weeks of figuring myself out, I have converted myself into a piece of writing. As far as achievements go, this was definitely an amazing one. The ability to transform a human being into 603 words surely deserves a gold medal.

Look at how long and draggy these paragraphs are, especially after that zippy opening. Is it at all interesting to read about how someone else found the process of writing hard? Not really, because this is a very common experience.

In the rewrite, I'd advise condensing all of this to maybe a sentence to get to the meat of the actual essay .

Letting Other People Do All the Doing

I sat down with my mom to talk about colleges. "Maybe you should write about Star Trek ," she suggested, "you know how you've always been obsessed with Captain Picard, calling him your dream mentor. Unique hobbies make good topics, right? You'll sound creative!"

Almost out of nowhere, Robert Jameson Smith offered his words of advice. Perfect! He suggested students begin their college essay by listing their achievements and letting their essay materialize from there.

Twice in the essay, the author lets someone else tell him what to do. Not only that, but it sounds like both of the "incomplete" essays were dictated by the thoughts of other people and had little to do with his own ideas, experiences, or initiative.

In the rewrite, it would be better to recast both the Star Trek and the TREE versions of the essay as the author's own thoughts rather than someone else's suggestions . This way, the point of the essay—taking apart the idea that a college essay could summarize life experience—is earned by the author's two failed attempts to write that other kind of essay.


Leaving the Insight and Meaning Out of His Experiences

Both the Star Trek fandom and the TREE activism were obviously important life experiences for this author—important enough to be potential college essay topic candidates. But there is no description of what the author did with either one, nor any explanation of why these were so meaningful to his life.

It's fine to say that none of your achievements individually define you, but in order for that to work, you have to really sell the achievements themselves.

In the rewrite, it would be good to explore what he learned about himself and the world by pursuing these interests . How did they change him or seen him into the person he is today?

Not Adding New Shades and Facets of Himself Into the Mix

So, I tossed my essay away without even getting to disintegrate it with a phaser set on stun.

Yet in this essay, I was still being nagged by a voice that couldn't be ignored. Eventually, I submitted to that yelling inner voice and decided that this was not the right essay either.

In both of these passages, there is the perfect opportunity to point out what exactly these failed versions of the essay didn't capture about the author . In the next essay draft, I would suggest subtly making a point about his other qualities.

For example, after the Star Trek paragraph, he could talk about other culture he likes to consume, especially if he can discuss art forms he is interested in that would not be expected from someone who loves Star Trek .

Or, after the TREE paragraph, the author could explain why this second essay was no better at capturing him than the first. What was missing? Why is the self in the essay shouting—is it because this version paints him as an overly aggressive activist?


Essay #2: The "I Once Saw Poor People" Service Trip Essay

Unlike other teenagers, I'm not concerned about money, or partying, or what others think of me. Unlike other eighteen year-olds, I think about my future, and haven't become totally materialistic and acquisitive. My whole outlook on life changed after I realized that my life was just being handed to me on a silver spoon, and yet there were those in the world who didn't have enough food to eat or place to live. I realized that the one thing that this world needed more than anything was compassion; compassion for those less fortunate than us.

During the summer of 2006, I went on a community service trip to rural Peru to help build an elementary school for kids there. I expected harsh conditions, but what I encountered was far worse. It was one thing to watch commercials asking for donations to help the unfortunate people in less developed countries, yet it was a whole different story to actually live it. Even after all this time, I can still hear babies crying from hunger; I can still see the filthy rags that they wore; I can still smell the stench of misery and hopelessness. But my most vivid memory was the moment I first got to the farming town. The conditions of it hit me by surprise; it looked much worse in real life than compared to the what our group leader had told us. Poverty to me and everyone else I knew was a foreign concept that people hear about on the news or see in documentaries. But this abject poverty was their life, their reality. And for the brief ten days I was there, it would be mine too. As all of this realization came at once, I felt overwhelmed by the weight of what was to come. Would I be able to live in the same conditions as these people? Would I catch a disease that no longer existed in the first world, or maybe die from drinking contaminated water? As these questions rolled around my already dazed mind, I heard a soft voice asking me in Spanish, "Are you okay? Is there anything I can do to make you feel better?" I looked down to see a small boy, around nine years of age, who looked starved, and cold, wearing tattered clothing, comforting me. These people who have so little were able to forget their own needs, and put those much more fortunate ahead of themselves. It was at that moment that I saw how selfish I had been. How many people suffered like this in the world, while I went about life concerned about nothing at all?

Thinking back on the trip, maybe I made a difference, maybe not. But I gained something much more important. I gained the desire to make the world a better place for others. It was in a small, poverty-stricken village in Peru that I finally realized that there was more to life than just being alive.

What Essay #2 Does Well

Let's first point out what this draft has going for it.

Clear Chronology

This is an essay that tries to explain a shift in perspective. There are different ways to structure this overarching idea, but a chronological approach that starts with an earlier opinion, describes a mind changing event, and ends with the transformed point of view is an easy and clear way to lay this potentially complex subject out.


(Image: User:Lite via Wikimedia Commons)

Where Essay #2 Needs Revision

Now let's see what needs to be changed in order for this essay to pass muster.

Condescending, Obnoxious Tone

Unlike other teenagers, I'm not concerned about money, or partying, or what others think of me. Unlike other eighteen year-olds, I think about my future, and haven't become totally materialistic and acquisitive.

This is a very broad generalization, which doesn't tend to be the best way to formulate an argument—or to start an essay. It just makes this author sound dismissive of a huge swath of the population.

In the rewrite, this author would be way better off just concentrate on what she want to say about herself, not pass judgment on "other teenagers," most of whom she doesn't know and will never meet.

I realized that the one thing that this world needed more than anything was compassion; compassion for those less fortunate than us.

Coming from someone who hasn't earned her place in the world through anything but the luck of being born, the word "compassion" sounds really condescending. Calling others "less fortunate" when you're a senior in high school has a dehumanizing quality to it.

These people who have so little were able to forget their own needs, and put those much more fortunate in front of themselves.

Again, this comes across as very patronizing. Not only that, but to this little boy the author was clearly not looking all that "fortunate"—instead, she looked pathetic enough to need comforting.

In the next draft, a better hook could be making the essay about the many different kinds of shifting perspectives the author encountered on that trip . A more meaningful essay would compare and contrast the points of view of the TV commercials, to what the group leader said, to the author's own expectations, and finally to this child's point of view.


Vague, Unobservant Description

During the summer of 2006, I went on a community service trip to rural Peru to help build an elementary school for kids there. I expected harsh conditions, but what I encountered was far worse. It was one thing to watch commercials asking for donations to help the unfortunate people in less developed countries, yet it was a whole different story to actually live it. Even after all this time, I can still hear babies crying from hunger; I can still see the filthy rags that they wore; I can still smell the stench of misery and hopelessness.

Phrases like "cries of the small children from not having enough to eat" and "dirt stained rags" seem like descriptions, but they're really closer to incurious and completely hackneyed generalizations. Why were the kids were crying? How many kids? All the kids? One specific really loud kid?

The same goes for "filthy rags," which is both an incredibly insensitive way to talk about the clothing of these villagers, and again shows a total lack of interest in their life. Why were their clothes dirty? Were they workers or farmers so their clothes showing marks of labor? Did they have Sunday clothes? Traditional clothes they would put on for special occasions? Did they make their own clothes? That would be a good reason to keep wearing clothing even if it had "stains" on it.

The rewrite should either make this section more specific and less reliant on cliches, or should discard it altogether .

The conditions of it hit me by surprise; it looked much worse in real life than compared to the what our group leader had told us. Poverty to me and everyone else I knew was a foreign concept that people hear about on the news or see in documentaries. But this abject poverty was their life, their reality.

If this is the "most vivid memory," then I would expect to read all the details that have been seared into the author's brain. What did their leader tell them? What was different in real life? What was the light like? What did the houses/roads/grass/fields/trees/animals/cars look like? What time of day was it? Did they get there by bus, train, or plane? Was there an airport/train station/bus terminal? A city center? Shops? A marketplace?

There are any number of details to include here when doing another drafting pass.


Lack of Insight or Maturity

But this abject poverty was their life, their reality. And for the brief ten days I was there, it would be mine too. As all of this realization came at once, I felt overwhelmed by the weight of what was to come. Would I be able to live in the same conditions as these people? Would I catch a disease that no longer existed in the first world, or maybe die from drinking contaminated water?

Without a framing device explaining that this initial panic was an overreaction, this section just makes the author sound whiny, entitled, melodramatic, and immature . After all, this isn't a a solo wilderness trek—the author is there with a paid guided program. Just how much mortality is typically associated with these very standard college-application-boosting service trips?

In a rewrite, I would suggest including more perspective on the author's outsized and overprivileged response here. This would fit well with a new focus on the different points of view on this village the author encountered.

Unearned, Clichéd "Deep Thoughts"

But I gained something much more important. I gained the desire to make the world a better place for others. It was in a small, poverty-stricken village in Peru that I finally realized that there was more to life than just being alive.

Is it really believable that this is what the author learned? There is maybe some evidence to suggest that the author was shaken somewhat out of a comfortable, materialistic existence. But what does "there is more to life than just being alive" even really mean? This conclusion is rather vague, and seems mostly a non sequitur.

In a rewrite, the essay should be completely reoriented to discuss how differently others see us than we see ourselves, pivoting on the experience of being pitied by someone who you thought was pitiable. Then, the new version can end by on a note of being better able to understand different points of view and other people's perspectives .


The Bottom Line

  • Bad college essays have problems either with their topics or their execution.
  • The essay is how admissions officers learn about your personality, point of view, and maturity level, so getting the topic right is a key factor in letting them see you as an aware, self-directed, open-minded applicant who is going to thrive in an environment of independence.
  • The essay is also how admissions officers learn that you are writing at a ready-for-college level, so screwing up the execution shows that you either don't know how to write, or don't care enough to do it well.
  • The main ways college essay topics go wrong is bad taste, bad judgment, and lack of self-awareness.
  • The main ways college essays fail in their execution have to do with ignoring format, syntax, and genre expectations.

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Want to read some excellent college essays now that you've seen some examples of flawed one? Take a look through our roundup of college essay examples published by colleges and then get help with brainstorming your perfect college essay topic .

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Anna scored in the 99th percentile on her SATs in high school, and went on to major in English at Princeton and to get her doctorate in English Literature at Columbia. She is passionate about improving student access to higher education.

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12 Negative Filipino Traits and Values We Need To Get Rid Of

12 Negative Filipino Traits and Values We Need To Get Rid Of

Let’s admit it; at some point in our lives, we have been guilty of one or two (or more) of the negative Filipino traits listed below. Although these negative traits do not diminish the fact that Filipinos are fantastic people, it’s sad that they have continued to pull us down personally and as a nation.

Therefore, for the good of ourselves and our country, we must discard the following negative Filipino traits and values:

Table of Contents

1. crab mentality.

Simply put, this refers to the behavior of preventing someone from achieving something due to jealousy or envy. Instead of praising or rendering assistance, someone with a crab mentality would think, “if I can’t have it, then you can’t as well,” and will purposely try to bring his/her victim down. And nothing ever gets accomplished, just like the crabs who could have escaped from the bucket if they only stopped pulling each other down.

2. Ningas-Kugon

One reason we sometimes exert half-hearted effort in our undertakings is this attitude. Translated to “burning cogon grass” in English, this idiom illustrates how Filipinos exhibit great enthusiasm at the beginning of a project. Our eagerness, however, fades away just as quickly as the fire is extinguished, leaving our work either half-baked or unfinished.

Also Read: 11 Filipino Slang Words With Surprising Origins

3. Mañana Habit

Ironically, the Spanish would accuse Filipinos of being lazy when they taught us the ma ña na habit in the first place. Known as “tomorrow” in English, the practice encourages procrastination, an “ability” we Filipinos have since turned into an art form. Even the most urgent of projects and tasks can be relegated to some other time; we are only forced to work on them when the deadline is near. It’s a miracle we get things done in this country.

4. Filipino Time

Regarding the mañana habit, Filipino time refers to the Filipinos’ unique brand of time, which is minutes or hours behind the standard time. In other words, we tend not to observe punctuality at all. This behavior usually drives time-observant foreigners crazy.

While we Filipinos, with our easy-going ways, have somewhat become used to Filipino time, it still is a bad habit that needs to be dropped.

Also Read: The Intriguing History of ‘Filipino Time’

5. Being Onion-Skinned ( Balat Sibuyas )

We Filipinos are famous for being onion-skinned or easily slighted at perceived insults. While it’s perfectly normal for us to taunt and criticize others, we can’t handle the same when it’s being hurled back at us.

Incidents showcasing our extra-sensitivity to insults usually involve a foreigner making either a bonafide racist remark or a humorous jab at us Filipinos. True to form, our reactions range from righteous indignation to excessive grandstanding. While it is alright to feel incensed, throwing a fit in front of the world would inevitably do us no good.

6. General Disregard For Rules

Why is it so hard for Filipinos to obey the rules? This social phenomenon is not exclusive to hardened criminals either—a look at everyday life in the country shows Filipinos from the entire social strata nonchalantly breaking the rules, whether as benign as jaywalking or as dangerous as beating the red light.

Also Read: 27 Things You’ll Only See in the Philippines

An interesting theory is that Filipinos’ penchant for law-breaking goes beyond mere lack of discipline or failure to implement the rules. It is something that is ingrained in our very culture. Being oppressed under the yoke of colonization for such a long time made our ancestors defiant of the rules they believed to be discriminatory.

Although such “self-righteous disobedience” may have been alright during their time, the behavior would continue to manifest among the later Filipinos, resulting in an utter lack of respect for the rules.

7. Colonial Mentality

One of the most significant flaws we have as a nation is our colonial mentality, a preference for all things foreign over our own, a negative trait we acquired from our days under the Spanish and the Americans. As a result, we Filipinos have been imbued with the misconception that our culture is inferior to our past colonizers.

Glaring examples of colonial mentality include patronizing foreign instead of local brands, favoring foreign values over our own, and even desiring to look more “Western” (think whitening products) .

If we can’t even have pride in our own country, we will be stuck with this self-defeating mentality.

8. Balikbayan Box Mentality

While there is nothing wrong with giving gifts to one’s family and friends (we Filipinos highly value them), it becomes a different matter when said family and friends misconstrue or abuse the OFW’s generosity.

This has become known as the “Balikbayan box mentality” in local parlance . People ingrained with this mentality either become exploitative or jealous of the success of the OFW, not knowing that he/she is working hard away from their loved ones in a foreign country. Some also believe the practice undoubtedly contributes to the Filipinos’ colonial mentality.

9. Bahala Na Attitude

Roughly translated as “come what may,” Filipinos’ version of fatalism is the belief in leaving everything to the hands of fate.

While not inherently detrimental, this attitude is still a double-edged sword. On the one hand, positive aspects of this behavior include belief in Divine Providence and national social responsibility. On the other hand, the attitude can also promote a sense of helplessness and resignation of one’s fate at the local level and a countrywide lack of empathy and collective action on the national level.

This is also why we tend to have amnesia over past wrongdoings committed by our leaders.

10. Corruption

One of the biggest social ills our country has continued to face since time immemorial is the issue of corruption. Let’s face it, our “culture of corruption” is embedded deep within our system and reinforced by a complex web of economic and social factors, which include personal ambitions and a twisted sense of loyalty to friends and kin. The Philippines is in for a long haul if our officials and we do not eliminate this harmful habit.

11. Maintaining Double Standards

This behavior can be observed in just about every sector of Philippine society, with the most common example being the condemnation of an adulterous woman while applauding a polygamous man. On the national scale, we see politicians spouting promises of reform and good governance only to break them. Long story short, some Filipinos are hypocrites to the core.

Related Article: 15 Weird Laws Filipinos Still Have To Live With

12. Excessive Partying

Now there’s nothing wrong with enjoying a fiesta and party now and then; it’s just that we Filipinos tend to overdo it. 

Birthdays, anniversaries, graduations, and even sad funerals are celebrated by Filipinos like there is no tomorrow. Sometimes we even make up the slightest of reasons so that we can have an excuse to party. Moreover, a host would sometimes even strain his finances to impress his guests .

As for fiestas, every LGU down to the smallest barangay in the country has a fiesta to celebrate. As we said, it’s alright to party, but we should focus on austerity and working hard first.

Written by FilipiKnow

in Facts & Figures

Last Updated April 13, 2023 10:33 AM

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