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The 25 Best Writing Websites for Authors in 2024

POSTED ON Feb 12, 2024

Linda Cartwright

Written by Linda Cartwright

There are many writing websites that are useful hubs of information for aspiring authors of all types and genres.

Apart from the desire to become an author and a bit of determination, what makes a successful writer? According to veterans of the industry, it’s lots of reading, writing, and a supportive community . 

The writing websites in this blog can provide you with all three. So, without further ado and in no particular order, let me introduce these top book writing websites to learn more about the craft, stay up-to-date with industry news, and find fellow writers in your network.

The blog on the best writing websites will cover:

The 25 best writing websites.

Here are our favorite writing websites that can help you perfect your craft:


What kind of writing website would we be if we didn't include ourselves in this list of writing websites?

At , we are proud of our educational blog and are always creating new content to help writers turn their dream of publishing a book into reality.

If you're looking to improve your writing skills, learn how to self-publish a book , market a book , or even create your own author website – this is the ideal place to learn.

2. Self-Publishing School

Self-Publishing School is the leading educational self-publishing company . It's our second choice for the best writing websites to keep on your radar.

If you're interested in learning all about Amazon self-publishing to how to create an online course to build your author brand, Self-Publishing School produces informational articles, videos, and podcast content on a variety of topics.

In addition, there are several author education programs offered, depending on what your goals look like.

3. Self-Publishing Advice

Self-Publishing Advice is a watchdog community organized by the Alliance of Independent Authors. It aims to protect self-publishing writers from untrustworthy publishers. It also reviews other writing websites (mostly in the independent and self-publishing services spaces).

The site has a collection of reviews on various publishers, with rating scores ranging from “excellent” to “watchdog advisory”. The authors themselves report dishonest publishers and regularly update their base. However, the site’s usefulness isn’t restricted to that. 

There is also a blog with loads of advice on self-publishing (obviously!), audiobook creation, inspiration, and everything of interest to an indie author.

4. The Book Designer

Joel Friedlander is a graphic designer with an extensive background in book design and advertising. He has created The Book Designer , which is a treasure trove of articles on book marketing, self-publishing, and, of course, book design (including book covers , typography basics, and text layout).

His series “eBook Cover Design Awards” is particularly instructive, since every nominated book cover is dissected with respect to genre aesthetics, intended audience, and all the minute details that can make a difference between a bestseller and an obscure title no one notices.

Even if you don’t create covers yourself, it’s always good to know what to look for when you outsource the task to a designer, which is what makes this one of the best writing websites.

Apart from valuable advice, Friedlander shares free book cover templates, a book launch toolkit, and a media kit for authors to optimize the marketing of your book.

5. Paper Help

Typos are the worst. I have yet to meet a writer who could be 100 percent sure their text was absolutely typo-free, even after rounds of editing. Because it never is.

Authors are notorious for their typo blindness because by the third draft, they know the text like the back of their hand and familiarization handicaps your ability to pick out mistakes.

That’s why we need editors – or at least editing services that will comb through the text for misspelled words and other pesky oopsies. 

Paper Help is a service that specializes in writing and editing of all sorts of papers. If you need a second pair of eyes to go through your manuscript before its debut, it can be a nice low-cost compromise between a literary editor and doing it yourself, which has earned it a spot on our list of the best writing websites.

6. Grammar Girl

Of course, to make your editing less of a struggle, it’s better to make fewer mistakes in the first place. That’s why one has to have go-to writing websites for all things grammar. Mignon Fogarty’s blog is just the right sort of resource for that. 

Grammar Girl is a section on the Quick and Dirty Tips portal devoted to everything that a writer needs to know about spelling and grammar.

You can read your daily dose of nicely summed-up linguistic wisdom and build your competency bit by bit – and have lots of fun in the process.

7. AutoCrit

Okay, with grammar off the table, you still need to edit your drafts with regard to consistency, adverbs, repetition, readability, useless filler words, etc. Here is where AutoCrit comes in.

This is not so much a book writing website, but a word-processing tool with editing features and guidance based on real-world publishing standards.

AutoCrit makes our list of writing websites because it analyzes your text and gives recommendations on how to improve it. For example, it can flag poor dialogue , misuse of adverbs, or relying on clichés. This tool has subscription plans with more robust professional features, but they also offer a free option with essentials that every author needs. 

Plus, the site has a collection of articles with tips about the craft and the business of writing, from adding depth to your characters to DIY proofreading techniques.

8. Janice Hardy’s Fiction University

Janice Hardy, a teen fantasy novelist, is the founder of Fiction University . With the help of fellow writers and guest contributors, she has amassed more than 2,500 articles on fiction writing. They deal with every stage of penning a novel – from brainstorming ideas and developing a story to self-publishing your finished opus.

Starting soon the creators of the website plan to organize workshops where they will introduce some practice to go with the theory. Still, the scope of the material on the website is impressive as is, making it one of the best writing websites.

Fiction University is comprehensively organized by relevant topics, making it a true writing encyclopedia and a go-to place for anyone who starts their writing career or simply wishes to improve their skills.

9. 750 Words

You know what makes you a better writer? More writing. 750 Words is a simple website for writers that has just one goal – helping you to build a good habit of writing every day. 

You have probably heard about the technique called “morning pages”. Morning pages are three pages of text (or 750 words) that you write, preferably in the morning to get everything distracting out of your head and shift focus on putting thoughts into words.

With gamification devices like badges and competitiveness (via anonymous statistics), 750 Words encourages you to stick to a schedule and write those pages every day. It’s minimalistic and private – no one will see your writing but you.

10. Build Book Buzz

Marketing strategy is often overlooked by self-publishing authors. Too bad, even the best books don’t sell themselves.

This website for writers has some tips on how to prepare the launch and how to promote a book when it’s already out and about. The blog section is full of detailed how-to guides on working with beta readers, coming up with promotion strategy, boosting sales via various social media channels, partnering up with influencers, and more.

Build Book Buzz is one of the best writing websites with just the right ratio of figures and statistics vs. insider tips on how to build an online presence.

11. Language is a Virus

With writing games and exercises galore, Language is a Virus makes a perfect playground for word enthusiasts. It never fails to spark imagination and get your creative juices flowing.

From the prompt of the day greeting you on the homepage, to avant-garde techniques of Jack Kerouac and Salvador Dali, this is one of those writing websites that is truly committed to getting you writing.

Poem visualization, surrealistic word definitions, generating reverse poetry from your text, or adding your line to a never-ending story by thousands of other writers – not one bizarrely mesmerizing activity here will leave you indifferent.

So next time you need a little writer's block help , don’t waste your time and head here straight away.

12. Six-Words Memoirs

Six-Word Memoirs is a charming little project with a big goal. It aims to inspire the participants to get to the essence of who they are and what matters most. To do that, they have to answer some pretty existential questions in six words – no more, no less.

This can be quite a challenge even for experienced writers, which means it's a great writing tool to get down to the basics. Sci-fi and fantasy stories in six words, seismic shifts in six words, your personal paradise in six words – a nice exercise in eloquence and one of the best writer’s block remedies I’ve seen. 

13. The Writing Cooperative

The Writing Cooperative is a diverse resource for writers by writers. A piece of advice on any situation under the sun from writer’s block to existential crisis and burnout. Everything is specifically tailored for a fellow writer like yourself, so this is a true hub for diverse topics.

Anyone with something to say can submit a post and the community is quite diverse and supportive. There are also some secrets of the craft shared here, from where it is best to share your writing to why digression can sometimes be a boon for your story. These tips make The Writing Cooperative one of the best writing websites.

14. The Write Life

At first glance, The Write Life seems geared more towards bloggers and freelancers, yet it has much to offer to anyone whose livelihood depends on their writing talent. How to come up with great titles, how to find a critic to improve your text, how to self-publish your book, how to market it, how to hire a freelance editor , how to prevent burnout, and other secrets of the craft.

In the tools section, there are eBooks and courses for writing professionals as well as some handy tools, such as editing apps, invoicing software, marketplaces, and communities for freelance writers.

15. Helping Writers Become Authors

For those of you who have long been creating content for a living but never dipped your toes into long-form prose, Helping Writers Become Authors is a perfect boot camp.

Award-winning author K.M. Weiland tells how to create a compelling character with a story arc, what mistakes authors most often make, how to make readers love every page of your novel, and why even movies falling short of our expectations is always a bad writing problem.

If for some reason blog is not your preferred format, there are instructional eBooks, vlogs, and a podcast.

16. Association of Ghostwriters

If you want to find a ghostwriter or are just curious to know more about this particular specialization, Association of Ghostwriters has answers to your questions. Although it has paid membership plans, lots of valuable information is free for grabs, making it one of the best writing websites.

How to write a memoir , what to do when your work on a big project slows down, and why ghostwriting might be an intermediate step between freelancing and getting a good publishing deal on your own book. If you want to learn how to publish a book traditionally, Association of Ghostwriters has you covered. 

17. NaNoWriMo

NaNoWriMo (National Novel-Writing Month) is an epic creative writing event where participants work towards writing a 50,000-word novel in the month of November. Although professional writers are ambiguous about this marathon, it can work for some authors who understand how speed drafts fit into the entire writing process.

The NaNoWriMo website was created especially for the event. Here you can track your progress, set milestones, and get pep talks and support from other writers in an ever-growing community. There are online and offline events that help you finish your novel.

Whether you are a seasoned writer or an enthusiastic beginner, NaNoWriMo is one of the best writing websites, with inspirational posts, a company of fellow contestants, tips, tools, resources, and encouragement. Just remember, if your word count is lower and you didn’t get that badge – you are still a writer. It’s only a game!

18. Scribophile

Every writer needs feedback to improve, and it’s always better when this feedback is detailed, informed, and comes from someone who knows what they are talking about.

Better still, if you get this feedback before you publish your work and start receiving bad reviews from underwhelmed readers. (That’s what beta-readers and writing workshops are for.)

At Scribophile , you will find a supportive community of writers like yourself. Here, they are willing to give you feedback to improve your text with their critique instead of tearing you down.

If you are still tentative, there are writing tutorials and publishing tips available without even signing in.

Do clichés and passive voice actually have a place in your prose?

How to start writing poetry if you never had done it before?

Come and have a look at one of the best writing websites.

19. Self-Publishing Formula

Mark Dawson is an author who makes a living by self-publishing . On Self-Publishing Formula , he shares his journey with other writers who want to take this path.

Blog posts with valuable tips, resources, and guides are available for everyone and there are free, paid, or limited-access courses you can subscribe to.

Mark also co-hosts weekly free podcasts with James Blatch where they interview top-selling indie authors, successful debutants from traditional publishing , and industry insiders to shed light on the process of publishing and promoting a book independently.

20. Almost An Author

Almost An Author provides a wealth of resources for writers at various stages of their careers. It has new content every day, from writing tips and craft advice to publishing insights and author interviews. You can get genre-specific advice or emotional support to get you through your publishing journey.

21. Creativity Portal

As the name suggests, Creativity Portal is a treasure trove of inspiration and resources for writers looking to tap into their creativity. It offers writing prompts, exercises, and articles on topics like mindfulness and overcoming creative blocks, making it an invaluable resource for writers and one of the best writing websites around.

22. Writer's Digest

Writer's Digest might just have more resources than any of the other writing websites on this list. It's like an encyclopedia of knowledge for writers, after all, the magazine has been around for almost a century! You'll discover a plethora of articles, events, competitions, webinars, templates, tutorials, and various other resources neatly organized by genre and vocation.

23. Insecure Writer's Support Group

Writing can be a solitary and often daunting endeavor, and the Insecure Writer's Support Group aims to provide a supportive community for writers grappling with self-doubt and insecurity.

Through blog posts, forums, and online events, members of the group can connect with fellow writers, share their experiences, and receive encouragement and advice, creating a nurturing environment for writers to grow and thrive.

24. LitReactor

With its focus on the craft and business of writing, LitReactor offers a range of courses, workshops, and articles designed to help writers hone their skills and navigate the publishing industry. Whether you're looking to improve your writing craft, learn about the latest trends in publishing, or connect with other writers, LitReactor provides a valuable platform for writers at all levels.

25. Now Novel

Now Novel is a comprehensive platform that helps writers plan, outline, and write their novels. With tools like step-by-step writing courses, personalized feedback from experienced coaches, and a supportive community of fellow writers, Now Novel provides the structure and guidance that writers need to turn their ideas into finished manuscripts.

Make use of the best websites for writers

So there you have it! Those are 25 writing websites that you should absolutely be following.

Of course, in the sea of online blogs, there are plenty of other valuable writing websites to follow. We just had to choose our favorites.

best writing websites for writers

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Home » Blog » The 17 Best Writing Websites to Become a Better Writer

The 17 Best Writing Websites to Become a Better Writer



In the competitive world of writing, no one is perfect. Even the best of the best can make improvements to their craft. No matter how accurate you think you are, there are always things to learn.

This can be done in a few ways, with writing websites being one. These websites exist with the sole purpose of helping writers of all levels and types.

Writing websites can provide many things to a writer looking to improve themselves:

  • Tips to strengthen your stories.
  • Tighten up your publishing knowledge and skills.
  • Empower writers to work hard and do a good job.
  • Improve your methods of writing and storytelling.
  • Provide daily motivation, inspiration, and general advice.

These are resourceful places to get all the information we might need as writers. The owners of these websites are, usually, genuine people who want to help growing writers become the best they can be.

Writing websites are a comfort zone for writers. You can go to them in times of distress, writer’s block, or uncertainty around your plotting. You will be able to find resources to help you know how to write a novel or a helpful nonfiction book.

Benefits of Using Writing Websites

  • Writing websites give specific pieces of writing advice to all writers – established and aspiring.
  • Writers get the ultimate guidelines from successful authors, whether they are looking for help writing or publishing.
  • These sites offer literary techniques to help writers reach their full potential in their writing endeavors.
  • Writers will learn how to correct mistakes and create credible work.
  • Writing websites will provide resources, exercises, and things you can do to improve your writing skills.
  • They offer writers free courses on a variety of subjects, so you are sure to learn a lot.
  • Writing websites help writers learn how to market themselves and their work. This can help them get both published and hired.
  • All the learning, whether from people or courses, is (mostly) free.
  • Writing prompts are posted daily on some writing sites which can be useful for many writers struggling to find inspiration.
  • Writing sites help a writer to keep on writing; it can give writers a boost and a push when they are feeling down and unmotivated.

Classification of Writing Websites

There are numerous writing websites online and of course, they all offer something a little different. You will need to look around a little to find what you are looking for, specifically.

Writing websites are generally classified into five categories, depending on the content.

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The 1 7 Best Writing Websites

There are so many helpful writing websites online. They all help writers learn different things. Listed below are some of the best ones.

The guides, tools, and advice on these writing websites are fantastic when used in conjunction with quality writing software. A good example of this is Squibler.

Squibler helps a writer do the actual writing. Organization, research, development, settings – it can help you put into practice everything you learn from these resources.

Daily Writing Tips

This writing website helps writers improve their grammar construction and word usage. The site gives writing tutorials and advice to writers.

The tips provided here are free, but if you want to gain some additional features, a $5 monthly price can be paid to get premium access. This includes comprehensive courses to help you improve your writing. 

Janice Hardy’s Fiction University

This website will help a writer that has a rigorous weekly schedule. You will be able to develop the discipline that can help you get through the week without giving up on your writing halfway through.

This blog publishes articles about writing, with a focus on novels. There are many areas in which you can find advice:

  • Planning your novel
  • Writing your novel
  • Common writing problems
  • Editing your novel
  • Selling your novel
  • The general life of a writer

With over 2500 articles published, there is a lot of good information here. In addition to their own articles, they also offer a comprehensive list of other resources. Some of these include:

  • Other writing sites
  • Agents and querying resources
  • Writer’s conferences
  • Editing and writing services
  • Publishing-themed websites
  • Communities
  • Critique sites
  • Writing blogs
  • Book review blogs

The website is run by Janice Hardy, a writing teacher who is passionate about helping everyone learn to write. She offers her own expertise as well as plenty of posts and articles from guests who offer a different perspective.

Helping Writers Become Authors

This writing website is run by K.M Weiland, who has written a number of books – both fiction and nonfiction. She strives to help writers make the transition to authors.

She has many articles about the most basic elements of writing a novel. These include:

  • Story structure
  • Character arcs

She has published several books that are also written to help writers become authors. These books are an extension of the information found on the blog.

She offers a couple of freebies to start, with the rest being available for purchase on her website. 

Kristen Lamb

Best-selling author Kristen Lamb runs a blog that offers tips, advice, and help for writers. She has a fun and casual demeanor that is welcoming for readers.

Her posts are relatable and easy to understand.

She also offers a number of courses where she will teach on different aspects of writing. Some of these are downloadable courses while others are live classes.

At its core, Reedsy wants to create beautiful books. They do this by giving authors and publishers access to quality professionals, useful tools, and educational content.

If you are looking for a professional to help you make your book better, Reedsy offers a diverse team including:

  • Ghostwriters
  • Web designers

In addition to this they also offer a free writing tool that helps you with the actual process of writing your book. The software provides a space to create and organize your different sections and elements – such as characters, research, etc.

You can use the software yourself, but it also has a fantastic collaboration feature. With this, you can seamlessly write with others. This is especially useful for new writers who are still learning how to write a book .

Lastly, Reedsy offers a large database of writing prompts to get you started.

writing websites

You can pick from a list of different genres, and get some specific ideas start writing about. You can use these to begin your next big novel, or to do some practice.

Write to Done

Write to Done is a writing website that covers many different areas of writing. They have sections for:

  • Freelancing
  • Copywriting

They have articles from several different writers who all have different perspectives and opinions to offer.

Writers in the Storm

This is a unique writing blog that focuses on inspiration and motivation. If you are in a metaphorical writing “storm” this is a good place to go before deciding to give up.

The blog is run by a few different writers who all come from separate genres. This offers a wide range of perspective.

They also have some articles and information on improving your writing craft itself.

The Book Designer

This site is one that focuses more on the physical book itself and the publishing process.

It is run by Joel Friedlander who uses his own extensive experience to create articles on design and self-publishing. His wealth of information has already helped thousands of writers.

Jerry Jenkins

Jerry Jenkins is a 21-time New York Times best-selling author who is revealing his secrets.

One thing he offers on his site is an extremely helpful free guide: How to Become an Author: Your Complete Guide.

Once you’ve downloaded this, you can join his network of thousands of other writers and sign up for his newsletter which sends writing advice right to your inbox.

He also offers a list of writing tools to help you learn how to write a book. These are tools that assist with editing, organization, and distraction. These are programs that he endorses personally, so you can be sure they offer a quality service.

Lastly, his blog covers pretty much everything you need to know to learn how to write a novel or nonfiction book . From ideas, to characters, to plot, you can find advice right from the mouth of a seasoned writer.

Writers Helping Writers

This writing website does exactly what it says – it has writers helping other writings. They offer coaching services in addition to their articles on writing and publishing.

They also have a series of writing tools available for download. These are designed to help writers in a few different areas:

  • Character arc progression
  • Setting planner
  • Character profile questionnaire
  • And many more

The website is run by two women: Angela Ackerman and Becca Puglisi. n addition to running the site, they have co-authored a series of books to help writers.

The books are all part of the “thesaurus” series. It includes titles such as The Emotion Thesaurus and the Positive Trait Thesaurus.

Language is a Virus

Here you will find some articles on the writing craft. However, this is not their focus. This website contains several tools to help you either get started or keep going in your writing.

Their home page itself has a writing prompt right on it, with the option to generate another if you don’t like it.

They have a series of writing games, exercises, and generators to help you get inspired and motivated.

This is a fantastic resource for writers who may be feeling stuck or defeated.

Story a Day

Story a Day is an initiative that hopes to inspire creativity. They run two month-long challenges each year – one in May and one in September. The challenge is to write a short story every day.

This alone can be inspiring for writers, but they offer many extras:

  • Accountability group. On the first of each month you can publicly post your commitments for the coming month.
  • Weekly writing lessons and prompts.
  • A blog with regular posts on writing and creativity.
  • Twice-monthly podcasts with writing prompts and pep talks.

This writing website provides a community based challenge. this not only stimulates a writer’s imagination, but it does so with the support and accountability that others can provide.

The Intern Archives

While no longer an active blog, this archive can be extremely helpful to those embarking on a publishing journey. “The intern” also known as Hillary Smith, worked as an intern for several years.

In these archives, she shares insider information about the publishing industry that she thinks will be helpful to new and aspiring authors.

Positive Writer

This site was created to help writers stay positive. The blog contains posts on many positivity themed categories:

  • Writer’s doubt
  • Positive thinking
  • Goal setting

In addition to these inspiring and motivational articles you can also find information on writing, blogging, and publishing

Writer’s Digest

 This site is for writers who want to be successful. The website is vast and extensive, but a few of the key features include:

  • Writing Prompts
  • Competitions
  • Online writing workshops

From poetry, fiction, and nonfiction,you can find advice, tips, and resources to help you. The workshops and communities available will only serve to enhance your ability by connecting you to others.

Poets & Writers

Poets and Writers is a non-profit that looks to serve creative writers of all kinds. In addition to their helpful and informative website they offer a number of other services:

  • A magazine.
  • Financial support for readings and other events.
  • sponsorship of writing prizes and awards.

The website offers articles on writing itself, as well as publishing, agents, awards, and writing news.

Writer Beware

Everyone appreciates getting help with their writing and publishing efforts. There are many people out there telling writers what they should do, or at least consider doing.

Authors everywhere choose some programs or websites to endorse, and they send their readers on their way. Writer Beware has taken it upon themselves to warn writers and authors of scams, schemes, and fraud they should be avoiding in the writing world.

Founded in 1998, they have been around long enough to see a lot of shady things go down. They know what they’re talking about.

Especially if you are close to publishing, take a look around this website. Make sure you don’t fall victim. This would make your experience learning how to write a book more negative, where you should only be doing positive things to move forward.

Improve Your Craft with These Writing Websites

This collection of writing websites should be enough to get you going. With a combination of advice, tips, insight, prompts, inspiration, and tools, you have more than enough to start learning how to write a novel or book of any kind.

Josh Fechter

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best writing websites for writers

Sites for notes and writing

6. evernote.

This bookmarking tool is a great way to collect moments of inspiration and ideas for your story together in one place, where they can be filed and organized, ready to be put to good use. It might be a ‘how to’ article you want to read, a quote that reminds you of one of your characters, or an image that would be the perfect setting for your next scene. Inspiration strikes in the most unexpected places, but as Evernote is available on almost every platform, you can collect notes wherever you are. You can choose to have one notebook that you throw everything into, or you can set up separate notebooks to help you organize your thoughts and ideas as you go. If you’re working on a novel, why not set up separate notebooks for each character or each chapter?

7. Scrivener

While some writers prefer to stick with the traditional pen and paper or word processor, for others, technology can be a game-changer. Scrivener is a powerful writing tool that allows you to organize your notes, research, and writing all in one place. You can create separate documents for each chapter, scene, or character and easily move them around as needed. You can also set word count goals and track your progress, making it an empowering tool for both planning and writing your work.

8. Storyist

Another popular writing app is Storyist , which offers a wide range of features for novelists, screenwriters, and playwrights. From corkboard view to character and plot development tools, Storyist helps you bring your stories to life in an organized way. It also has a distraction-free writing mode, making it easier to focus on your writing without any distractions. Plus, with its built-in formatting tools, you can easily export your work into a professional-looking manuscript when it’s time to self-publish.

9. Calmly Writer

For those who prefer a clean and minimalist interface, Calmly Writer is a great option. This writing app allows you to focus on your writing without any clutter or interruptions. You can also save your work as you go, making it easy to come back to where you left off. And with its auto-save feature, you don’t have to worry about losing your work in case of any technical issues. It’s available on both desktop and mobile devices.

10. Ommwriter

For writers who need a tranquil and calming environment to get their creative juices flowing, Ommwriter is the perfect writing app. With soothing background music, minimalistic design, and customizable backgrounds, this app offers a meditative experience for writers. It also has a “focus mode” that allows you to hide everything on your screen except for your writing, helping you stay in the flow and avoid distractions. Ommwriter also has a mindfulness timer that reminds you to take breaks and practice self-care while writing.

Two writers helping each other, who found each other from writing community resources online!

Writing community resources

In the realm of writing, the adage “It takes a village” is extremely true. Having a community as a writer isn’t just important—it’s essential. While writing is often seen as a solitary endeavor, there’s nothing like the support, inspiration, and feedback from fellow wordsmiths. It’s about belonging to a group that gets the highs and lows of the creative process and turns struggles into shared successes.

Here are a few of our favorite sites to find your village.

11. Catapult’s Don’t Write Alone

The blog Don’t Write Alone was created by the team at Catapult, a publisher and magazine dedicated to nurturing and enhancing writers’ talents. Founded in 2005, Catapult showcases a diverse range of literary works and is now sharing its vast knowledge. The platform offers a huge collection of content, including insightful interviews, detailed essays on the craft of writing, and explorations of the writer’s life. Its mission is to offer comprehensive support and inspiration to writers at any stage of their journey.

12. Gutsy Great Novelists

Are you a novelist seeking motivation, accountability, and encouragement? Look no further than Gutsy Great Novelists , a free online community just for you. With the tagline “where serious creative writers gather to finish their novels,” you can’t really go wrong. Award-winning novelist Joan Dempsey founded this platform to help writers feel less isolated. Members get access to critique groups, lots of online resources, and events and classes that will keep you on track until your novel is complete.

13. Lambda Literary

For writers and readers alike, Lambda Literary is a community-driven organization that champions LGBTQ+ literature. With a mission to elevate voices and stories that have been historically marginalized, this platform offers various resources for writers, including workshops, literary events, and publishing opportunities. It also hosts an annual writing retreat for emerging queer writers, providing a safe and supportive space for creative expression. Sign us up!

15. is one of the largest online writing communities out there. It’s a super supportive environment for writers of all levels—and you have a portfolio to store and share your writing. You can also join various groups based on your interests or genres, providing opportunities for networking and collaboration with other writers. Plus, regularly hosts contests and challenges to help improve your writing skills and gain recognition for your work. Whether you’re seeking support or looking to expand your audience, this community has something for everyone.

16. Reddit’s r/WritersGroup

If you’re a Reddit fan, you probably already know about r/WritersGroup . This subreddit serves as a testament to the strength of community in the writing process, offering a space where writers from all walks of life can share their drafts, seek advice, and provide constructive criticism. Whether you’re battling writer’s block, seeking feedback on a new chapter, or just in need of inspiration, this is your go-to sanctuary.

17. She Writes

Created by women, for women, She Writes is a supportive community that celebrates their diverse voices and experiences. With more than 32,000 members and 350 groups, it’s the largest online community of women writers in the world! With forums and tons of articles, this platform provides a safe space for women to share their work and receive feedback from other writers. 

18. SFF Chronicles

For science fiction and fantasy writers, SFF Chronicles is a valuable resource for learning, connecting, and honing your craft. With forums dedicated to discussing the latest trends and tropes in the genre, as well as sections for feedback and critique, this is your virtual writing workshop. It also hosts contests and interviews with established authors, if you’re seeking insight and inspiration.

19. The Insecure Writer’s Support Group

Imposter syndrome is hard to battle alone. Step into the Insecure Writer’s Support Group , where those whispers are drowned out by the resounding voices of support, encouragement, and understanding. This haven is dedicated to writers at any stage of their journey, providing you with resources, advice, and, most importantly, a community that gets it. Conquer your insecurities by reading their blogs and monthly newsletters, joining their social media groups, and joining their pitch event to find an agent or publisher (every January).

20. Underlined

Formerly known as Figment , Underlined is a website that provides story starters, writing inspiration, and advice from published authors . You can also join a community of aspiring writers, share excerpts of your work, and provide feedback to each other—all valuable parts of the creative life.

Writer using 750 Words to practice writing.

Sites for improving your writing

Now that you’re equipped with a plethora of platforms to connect and expand your creative horizons, it’s time to take your writing to the next level. Improving your craft is a continuous, evolving process—whether you’ve just penned your first poem or are on your tenth novel.

Here are the resources you need to refine your skills, find your unique voice, and perfect the art of storytelling. From grammar guides to story structure tips, these sites offer the tools you need to elevate your writing.

21. 750 Words

As with any skill, the best way to improve your writing is to practice, practice, practice. The website 750 Words provides a daily nudge to get your creative juices flowing. Based on The Artist Way ‘s morning pages , the goal is to write 750 words (roughly three pages) every day, without any distractions. By just writing without an agenda and without judgment, you’ll make writing every day a regular productive habit and steadily build your confidence.

22. Helping Writers Become Authors

The Helping Writers Become Authors site, created by award-winning author K.M. Weiland, offers practical tips and advice on story writing, from structure and plot to character identity and dialogue. It’s a great, regularly updated resource to take you from writer to professional.

23. Grammar Girl

Get a grip on the quirks of language and the rules of good grammar with this entertaining and useful podcast based on the hugely popular blog by the same name. Top listened-to Grammar Girl episodes include “Affect Versus Effect” and “Active Voice & Passive Voice.”

24. Coursera

Looking for a more structured approach to learning? Coursera offers online courses on writing, from writing your first novel to academic writing . With options from top universities such as Stanford and Wesleyan, you’ll have access to expert instruction and peer feedback to hone your skills.

25. Masterclass

Masterclass brings together some of the biggest names in writing, like David Sedaris , Margaret Atwood and Neil Gaiman , for online video courses on pretty much any aspect of writing you’re looking to learn. With a subscription, you’ll have access to their wisdom and techniques for crafting powerful stories that captivate your readers.

26. Critique Circle

Join a community of writers, both published and aspiring, on Critique Circle to get feedback on your writing and provide critiques for others. With tools for tracking your progress, finding beta readers, and connecting with fellow writers, this platform offers valuable resources for improving your craft. Plus, the supportive atmosphere encourages growth and development as a writer.

27. Now Novel

For those looking for a more structured approach to writing, Now Novel offers personalized coaching and guidance throughout the writing process. From outlining and character development to editing and publishing, their team of experts will provide valuable feedback and support to help you bring your story to life. Whether you’re just starting or need help revising, Now Novel offers a community and resources tailored to your specific needs as a writer.

Resources for characters and plot

We’re betting you have more than one favorite character from more than one book. Characters like Elizabeth Bennett, Albus Dumbledore, and Bilbo Baggins live on in our minds long after we’ve turned the final page. Your characters should become like old friends that you know inside and out to add depth and humanity to your story. These are the resources you need to make it happen.

28. Writer’s Digest’s Character Development Sheets

Subscribing to the Writer’s Digest mailing list gets you access to this free worksheet designed to flesh out each of your characters. Working through a series of questions, you’ll develop their key hopes, fears, and skills, their personality quirks, how they might act in different situations, and how all of this will be revealed to the reader throughout your story.

29. The Write Practice’s Characterization 101

This free course from The Write Practice guides you through seven key steps to creating memorable characters, covering important character archetypes, character motivations, how not to introduce a character to your story, and much more.

30. The Novel Factory’s 150+ Character Questions

Building on the idea of character development sheets, The Novel Factory offers a comprehensive list of over 150 questions to help you fully flesh out each character in your story. From physical appearance and background to their biggest secrets and flaws, this resource will help you create well-rounded and dynamic characters that readers will connect with.

31. TV Tropes

Ever come across a character or plot twist that seems oddly familiar? That’s because many writers use common tropes and archetypes in their stories. TV Tropes is a user-edited wiki page that outlines these common patterns and themes found in media, providing examples and analysis for each one. It’s a helpful resource for understanding how to effectively use, subvert, or avoid these tropes in your writing.

32 Fantasy Worldbuilding Questions

Need some guidance in creating a fictional world for your story? This list of 123 questions from Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America can help you think through all aspects of your world, from its physical laws to its social structure and cultural customs. By taking the time to fully develop your world, you’ll make it feel more immersive and believable for readers.

33 Reedsy’s Plot Generator

When you’re stuck on where to take your story next, Reedsy’s plot generator can help spark new ideas. Simply select a genre and hit “generate” to receive a random plot outline that you can use as a starting point for your own story. It’s a fun tool for getting unstuck and exploring new directions for your plot.

Writer editing a script on paper after using online writing resources.

Resources for editing and reviewing

In addition to proofreading for spelling, language, and grammar errors, two other forms of editing should form part of your review process. Developmental editing, which is editing for the structure, flow, and consistency of your story, and substantive editing, which is concerned with clarity, accuracy, and reader comprehension.

When your manuscript or first draft is complete, let it sit a while before reviewing. It also helps to have a second and third set of eyes on your work. Even better, if your budget allows, hiring a professional editor can give your story the polished finish it deserves.

34. Grammarly

Available as a Google Chrome extension or device app, Grammarly works across your web pages and documents as you write to help you catch common writing errors. It highlights and fixes grammar, punctuation, and contextual spelling mistakes. The premium version can also suggest alternative vocabulary choices.

Remember not to rely on online spell checks alone to proofread your work. Always give your text a thorough check yourself, too.

35. ProWriting Aid

ProWriting Aid takes your writing beyond mere spell checks, offering a holistic approach to improve your writing style, tone, and clarity. What sets it apart from Grammarly is its in-depth focus on your writing’s overall readability and engagement level. It provides detailed reports on style, overused words, sentence length variation, and even readability scores, making it invaluable for writers looking to polish their manuscripts to perfection. While Grammarly excels at real-time grammar and spelling corrections, ProWriting Aid is the go-to tool if you’re looking for comprehensive feedback on your structure and style.

36. Hemingway Editor

As the name suggests, Hemingway Editor is an online editing tool and website that will help make your writing clearer, bolder, and more direct—just like the author it’s named after. Simply copy and paste your text into the tool to check for overly complex sentences, overuse of adverbs, and the passive voice. It will also highlight instances where a shorter word could serve the same purpose.

Every writer needs a good editor, and Reedsy only works with the best. Their hand-picked, experienced, professional editors can review your story development, structure, consistency, and style, helping to perfect and polish your manuscript. Reedsy also offers a tool to easily write and format a book , the same way a professional typesetter would. (You can print from their tool with Blurb, too!)

Code, showing the backend of AI tools for writers.

Artificial Intelligence for writers 

AI gets a bad rap, but in our digital age, its emergence is nothing short of a revolution in creativity. Whether you’re battling writer’s block, seeking the perfect synonym to elevate your prose, or plotting a novel, AI-powered writing assistants can offer a wealth of resources at your fingertips. These innovative tools are not doing the writing for you—they’re about enhancing your creativity and offering insights and suggestions that might not have crossed your mind.

38. Sudowrite

Using artificial intelligence, Sudowrite offers suggestions and ideas to help you improve your writing. It can generate plot twists, character names, and even entire paragraphs based on the information you provide. While it’s not meant to replace human creativity and imagination, Sudowrite can be a helpful tool for sparking new ideas and breaking through writer’s block.

Claude has emerged as a dynamic counterpart to ChatGPT, due to its ethical and safer approach to AI. What sets Claude apart is its focus on nuanced, open-minded text generation—working to understand context and intent before replying. It can help you with brainstorming, research, structural analysis, line edits, critique, and even productivity—with writing sprints, prompts, word count, and positive reinforcement. It’s not replacing creativity, but supporting you from blank page to final polish.


Jasper is another AI-powered writing tool that can assist with plot development, character creation, and even research for your story. Jasper also has a feature that allows you to collaborate with other writers in real time, making it a useful tool for team projects or brainstorming sessions. What’s great about Jasper is that it has a document feature, so you can write, edit, and save your work like you would in Word or Google Docs, rather than chatting back and forth with AI.

Writer signing books at a book promotion event.

Resources for promoting and marketing

Once your masterpiece is polished and ready to shine, the next thrilling chapter of your author’s journey begins: promoting and marketing your book. This can seem like a Herculean task, especially in a world flooded with content. But with the right tools and strategies, you can cut through the noise and get your book into the hands of eager readers.

We’ve lined up the best resources to transform you from a writer into a savvy marketer!

41. Wattpad

Use this storytelling platform to connect with writers and readers around the world, build an audience, and even get discovered. On Wattpad , you start by sharing a story, and then if you build a big enough fan base, you may have a chance to work with entertainment companies and publishers looking to feature your work. Just remember, some publishers won’t print work that appears online, so be sure to do your research before uploading your entire novel!

On this writing and reading hub, you’ll find stories, articles, and inspiration that are curated to your taste and written by people like us. Want to share your own writing, photos, or videos? You can do that on Medium —and potentially earn money. The platform lets you see how your stories are performing and what kinds of readers like your writing. It also offers tips for starting a newsletter, submitting to publications, and curating your work.

43. Kindlepreneur

Kindlepreneur is a treasure trove of resources for authors, especially those venturing into self-publishing. From book marketing and advertising strategies to optimizing your Amazon sales page, author Dave Chesson has got you covered with his helpful blog posts, videos, and courses. He also offers free downloadable templates and worksheets to help you plan and execute your book marketing strategy.

44. NY Book Editors

Need help proofreading your manuscript or marketing your book? NY Book Editors provides editing and proofreading services, as well as an extensive blog full of helpful advice for writers. They also offer a free guide to writing the perfect query letter to help you attract agents or publishers—and plenty of other useful publishing and marketing information.

45. Agency Query

If you want to get an agent or a publisher, use Agency Query to build your list of potential agents and publishers. The website also provides features like tracking the status of pitches sent out to agencies, keeping notes on each agency’s submission requirements, and more.

46. The Creative Penn

The Creative Penn is a website run by bestselling author Joanna Penn . It offers a wealth of information on how to, “write, publish and market your book—and make a living with your writing.” Penn also has a vibrant YouTube channel and podcast where she shares advice for authors, helpful if you are a visual or auditory learner.

47. Publishers Weekly

Stay up to date on the publishing industry and get insider tips from publishers, editors, and literary agents with Publishers Weekly . This website offers news, reviews, job postings, and other helpful resources for writers. They also have a dedicated section for independent authors if that’s you.

48. Storiad

Storiad is a tool designed to help you promote and market your book through social media, website creation, book trailers, and more. They offer various packages for authors at different stages of their careers, from beginners to established writers. Storiad can also help you create a professional author website with built-in marketing tools.

49. BookBub

BookBub is a popular platform that lets you promote your book to millions of readers through daily email newsletters, targeted ads, and featured deals. You can submit your book for consideration or use their blog for free marketing advice and trends in publishing. BookBub also offers webinars, courses, and other resources for writers.

50. Author Marketing Club

Author Marketing Club is a community of authors helping each other promote their work through free and paid book promotion tools, tutorials, webinars, and more. They also offer a powerful search engine that allows you to find relevant blogs, websites, and book promotion sites to submit your work for exposure. Joining this club can help you reach a wider audience and get more readers interested in your writing.

How Blurb can help

From collecting inspiration to the final finishing touches, there’s a whole world of tools , websites, support, and advice out there to help you with every stage of writing your own story and making your own book. You have all the tools you need. Now write!

And when you’re ready to publish and share your work with the world, Blurb can help. Our self-publishing platform allows you to turn your manuscript into a professional-quality book, whether it’s a novel, memoir, poetry collection, or any other genre. With customizable book formats and design tools, as well as tons of options for distribution, we make it easy to bring your writing to your fans.

So what are you waiting for? Start creating and sharing your stories with the world today. We believe in you!

Blurb is your platform designed to turn the dream of publishing your book into reality. Whether you’re crafting a photo book, a novel, or a poetry collection, we’ve got the tools and support to help you professionally design, self-publish, promote, and sell your work.

Reedsy , writing

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7 Best Websites To Hire Freelancers For Rhetorical Writing In Africa

Chukwudumebi Amadi

  • May 29, 2024
  • Freelancing Tips

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What is rhetorical writing, why is rhetoric important in writing, logos (or logic), pathos (or emotion), ethos (or credibility), 1. writersgig, 2. truelancer, 3. the writer finder, 4., 6. kolabtree, 7. peopleperhour, faqs on rhetoric writing, we also recommend.

Rhetoric writing is the art of using language persuasively to influence an audience’s beliefs, emotions, or actions. Writers adopt this technique to craft compelling arguments, enhance the impact of their messages, and effectively communicate their ideas in various contexts, from speeches to advertisements.

To hire the best rhetoric writers, it is essential to seek professionals with a proven track record, a strong understanding of rhetorical principles, and the ability to tailor their writing to specific audiences. Utilizing reputable freelance platforms like WritersGig and reviewing portfolios can help in selecting skilled writers for your project.

In this article, we’ll look at the best websites to hire freelancers for rhetorical writing in Africa; carefully read through.

Rhetoric writing is the use of language that’s carefully constructed to persuade, motivate, or inform the reader or listener about the speaker or writer’s position. You might have heard the term used in discussions about politicians and political goals. That’s because politicians, alongside people in other roles that involve public speaking, employ rhetoric regularly. In fact, the word “rhetoric” comes from the Greek “rhetorikos,” which means “oratory.”

This form of writing requires an understanding and control of language and knowledge of culture; the rhetorical situation which includes the purpose, audience, topic, writer, context, genre; and other aspects to achieve an intended purpose. In many cases, rhetorical appeals (ethos, pathos, logos) can also contribute to this intended purpose.

Rhetoric is important because it is the use of language to convince people, resolve conflicts, and reach a specific target audience. Whether you’re giving a political speech, arguing in court, writing an academic essay, or pitching a new product or idea, understanding the fundamentals of rhetoric can help you make your point. It can also help you identify the tools that other rhetoricians use, allowing you to debate or replicate them.

Using rhetoric makes the writing process effective, and reflects your capabilities as a writer, persuader, and logician. Using rhetoric is an art everyone should master.

What are the 3 Types of Rhetoric?

The concept of rhetoric dates back to the Greek philosopher Aristotle.

Aristotle puts forward some very intelligent arguments. In his argument, he talks of three appeals (or three divisions of rhetorical appeals) that are very effective for public speaking, writing and persuasion. These are  logos ,  pathos , and  ethos .

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This is what Aristotle claims to be the logical appeal of the argument. It uses cause and effect, data, facts, and evidence to back up an argument. In philosophy, logic has a distinct branch in which premises are established and supported by supporting arguments. These are called syllogisms.

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This represents the argument’s emotional appeal. It uses the audience’s emotions, sentiments, and morality to deliver a compelling argument. Pathos allows readers to engage with the text on a deeper level and is commonly utilized in commercials to market a specific product. It is commonly employed by writers and media to encourage readers or viewers to invest in themselves.

Ethos establishes credibility for the writer. Why will readers read you? What qualifies you as an expert in the subject matter on which you write? Ethos is the process of establishing or confirming your status as a subject matter expert. This may involve declaring your further education, life experiences, work history, and any other resources that can help you establish yourself as a reputable writer.

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7 Best Websites to Hire Freelancers for Rhetorical Writing in Africa

Here’s a list of the best websites to hire freelancers for rhetorical writing in Africa:

WritersGig has meticulously curated a network of professional writers with extensive experience in various types of rhetorical writing. It is the best freelance platform for Africans with qualified rhetoric writers.

As a buyer, you’ll experience seamless collaboration through our user-friendly platform. From initial briefings to revisions, our unique interface makes every process easy, allowing you to focus on achieving your professional writing objectives.

As a writer, you can work with a free mind knowing that the platform works with an escrow payment system where your payment is secured. The buyer cannot receive your work and refuses to make payment. 

Visit Website

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Truelancer is a curated freelance marketplace with thousands of top-rated professional writers in Nigeria. On Truelancer you will find and hire freelance professionals offering their expertise in various freelancing writing services.

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The Writer Finder is an online resource that connects clients with the best rhetorical writers. Whether it’s an academic essay, a story, or a politician seeking help with a political speech, the Writer Finder can forge these relationships and create a win-win scenario for both parties. is another freelancing site in Nigeria that connects employers with rhetorical writers. It provides a platform for both freelancers and employers to find each other.

Freelancer is not just focused on connecting people who need help with people who are willing to help; they also offer tools for employers like job boards, project management software, payment processing services, and more

If you’re looking for a budget-friendly freelance rhetorical writer, Fiverr is the ideal place. The marketplace for freelancers on Fiverr is huge, so you can easily find expert writers for various types of writing services.

On Fiverr, you can easily pick the best freelance rhetorical writer for your needs. You can use advanced filters to search for rhetorical writers. Once you find a good fit, you can check out the qualifications and customer reviews on their profile.

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Kolabtree is an online marketplace for rhetorical experts. Post your project, get bids, and hire qualified experts quickly and easily.

To select the right expert for the job, you will receive detailed proposals directly from Kolabtree. These proposals will include a comprehensive Statement of Work (SOW), project fees, milestones, and deadlines.

On PeoplePerHour you will find quality freelance rhetoric writers who know the job. Here, freelancers complete work quickly and at a set price.

Rhetoric writing is the art of using language effectively and persuasively to communicate a message. It involves crafting arguments, speeches, essays, and other forms of communication to influence an audience’s thoughts, beliefs, or actions.

Rhetoric in writing is important because it helps in effectively conveying ideas and persuading others. It is a critical skill in various fields, including politics, marketing, education, and law, enabling individuals to present their arguments convincingly.

Rhetoric encompasses all aspects of persuasion, including the use of language, strategies, and devices to influence an audience. Persuasive writing specifically refers to the act of writing to convince the reader to adopt a particular viewpoint or take action.

Rhetorical writing aims for persuasion, information, or a simple good argument. It can be the persuasion of the writer’s point of view, or a political agenda, or an appeal for justice. Hiring a freelance rhetoric writer makes the writing process effective, and gives the project a professional touch.

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  • – Rhetoric in Writing (Definition, How To Write + Examples)
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Liberty’s 100% online Master of Arts (M.A.) in Professional Writing – Research Administration and Sponsored Programs blends studies in writing with practical business applications, which can help you become a more marketable job candidate.

Creative Writing – Christian Literature

Liberty’s 100% online Bachelor of Science (B.S.) in Creative Writing – Christian Literature allows you to study prominent authors and works of Christian literature of the past and present. 

Creative Writing – English

Liberty’s 100% online Bachelor of Science (B.S.) in Creative Writing – English offers you the chance to develop a deep understanding of the English language.

Creative Writing – Journalism

Liberty’s 100% online Bachelor of Science (B.S.) in Creative Writing – Journalism allows you to develop investigative and reporting abilities and build your portfolio. 

English and Writing

English and Writing – Christian Literature

Liberty’s 100% online Bachelor of Science (B.S.) in English and Writing – Christian Literature can help you hone your writing and critical thinking skills as you explore the works of some of the greatest Christian writers in history.

English and Writing – Creative Writing

English and Writing – Journalism

Associate of Arts in Creative Writing

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Apply Now Request Information    

Liberty’s 100% online Bachelor of Science (B.S.) in Creative Writing – English offers you the chance to develop a deep understanding of the English language while sharpening your writing skills.

Bachelor of Science in English and Writing – Creative Writing

Liberty’s 100% online Bachelor of Science (B.S.) in English and Writing – Creative Writing  offers you advanced training in composition and literature, creative writing, and modern grammar.

Master of Fine Arts in Creative Writing

Liberty’s 100% online Master of Fine Arts (M.F.A.) in Creative Writing can help you learn new concepts, grow your understanding, and hone your writing skills to their highest form.

Which kind of creative writing program fits my needs?

  • If you don’t have a degree and aren’t ready to commit to a bachelor’s – Liberty’s online Associate of Arts in Creative Writing gives you an entry point into creative writing. Designed as a halfway step to a bachelor’s degree, our A.A. in Creative Writing will cover foundational courses and training that can help you get started while opening the door to a more in-depth Bachelor of Science in English and Writing – Creative Writing after you graduate. 
  • If you want a full bachelor’s degree focused on creative writing and English language – Liberty’s Bachelor of Science in English and Writing – Creative Writing is designed to equip you with a thorough background in English language studies to support your creative writing skills. The skills you learn in this program can also help you pursue teaching or roles in communication and writing for business. 
  • If you already have a bachelor’s degree and want a career in writing – Liberty’s online Master of Fine Arts in Creative Writing could be the best choice for you. The M.F.A. in Creative Writing is designed to help you refine your craft and gain a mastery in your writing discipline. And because an M.F.A. is considered a terminal degree, earning a Master of Fine Arts in Creative Writing can open the door to university teaching. 
Karen Kingsbury Center for Creative Writing An exciting part of our creative writing programs is that you will have the opportunity to take courses that were created in partnership with #1 New York Times bestselling author and Christian novelist Karen Kingsbury. Kingsbury has contributed course content to the degrees above, providing firsthand training in all areas of interest. We are proud to partner with her through our Karen Kingsbury Center for Creative Writing .

Potential Career Options with a Creative Writing Degree

  • Book and magazine writer
  • Business communications specialist
  • Creative writing instructor
  • Professional blogger
  • Public relations
  • Publications editor
  • Screenwriter
  • Social media coordinator
  • Website copy editor and writer
  • Writing manager

What Are the Benefits of Studying Creative Writing at Liberty University?

  • We are recognized by multiple institutions for our academic quality, affordability, and accessibility . Our commitment to excellence also helped us rank in the top 10% of’s best online schools in America . Earning your online creative writing degree from a nonprofit university with this kind of recognition can help set you apart from others in your field.
  • Liberty University’s state-of-the-art online learning environment offers you a wide variety of learning methods, including simulations, recorded lectures, and digital collaboration tools that will help you engage with your studies and learn practical teaching skills.
  • The majority of tuition for undergraduate, graduate, and doctoral programs has not increased in 9 years. While many other online colleges have raised tuition, Liberty has been able to keep costs low as a nonprofit university.
  • You can complete your online creative writing program in less time than you think, due to our 8-week format and 8 start times per year.

Military Benefits

Service is important to us, so whether you’re currently serving in the Armed Forces, have served, or are married to someone who serves, we’re here to serve you. Liberty’s military benefits are available to:

  • Active duty service members of the U.S. Armed Forces
  • Reserve/National Guard
  • Veterans/retirees
  • Spouses of service members and veterans/retirees
  • Current Department of Defense employees

We are proud to support you in your pursuit of a flexible and affordable online education by offering you the following benefits: 

For undergraduate programs:

  • Tuition discounts –  $250 per credit hour for undergraduate courses
  • Additional discount for veterans who serve in a civilian capacity as a  First Responder (less than $565 per course)
  • 8-week courses, 8 different start dates each year, and no set login times (may exclude certain courses such as practicums, internships, or field experiences)
  • Potential college credit for military training

For graduate programs:

  • Tuition discounts – $275 per credit hour for graduate courses
  • Additional discount for veterans who serve in a civilian capacity as a First Responder (less than $625 per course)

Areas of Interest

Choose your area of Interest:

Training Champions for Christ

Liberty’s promise to you is an education that expertly brings knowledge and faith together. Here, education is designed around you. It connects you to people and opportunities that help you develop the skills and confidence you’re looking for. At Liberty, you’ll find the knowledge, experience, and mentorship you want to make your career — and life — a fulfilling one.

Image thumbnail describing Why Liberty

Why Liberty

Liberty University is not just another school. It is the realization of a dream, the product of thousands of prayers. It was built to invite students into a bigger, better story. Discover the Liberty difference for yourself.

Image thumbnail describing Scholarships


When it comes to choosing a college, finances make a difference. That’s why at Liberty, we believe in offering you a top-notch education — that’s also affordable. Discover how Liberty can help you keep your college costs down.

For residential students

Image thumbnail describing Online Discounts

Online Discounts

At Liberty University, we believe everyone should have an equal opportunity to pursue higher education, and it's our job to keep private education affordable. Explore the many ways a Liberty education can be an affordable one.

For online students

Image thumbnail describing Academic Excellence

Academic Excellence

Liberty University is institutionally accredited by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges, and certain programs have earned additional field-specific accreditation as well.

best writing websites for writers

73 Sites That Pay You To Write Content

D o you want to work from home as a writer? If so, you've definitely landed on the right page. Below is a huge listing of companies that hire freelance writers to work from home either on an ongoing or semi-regular basis. Some require past experience, and some don't.

The full list is below.

Get Paid to Write For ...

A Pass Education  - Possibly worldwide. Educational assessment writing. Minimum of a bachelor's degree required plus 2-5 hours of availability per day. Job listings say $25 to $45 hourly is possible.

A List Apart  - They look for web industry content, pays between $50 and $200 a piece.

Athlon Sports  - They are regularly looking for contributors to write about sports topics. Rate of pay not listed.

iWorkWell  - Usually looking for subject matter experts to write and edit instructional articles. Pays up to $195 for content.

Verblio  - Read  Verblio Review  - Possibly open worldwide. Write blog posts for Verblio's clients. If the client likes your post, you get paid.

BookBrowse  - Get paid to write book reviews. They hire a pool of regular contributors who review about one book per month. They describe the payment as "modest," but don't give an exact number.

Buy Keyword Articles  - Read  BKA Review  - US only. Pays every two weeks with Paypal. Pays from one to five cents a word with most writers averaging $9 to $14 hourly.

ClearVoice  - You have to wait to be matched to an assignment after applying. ClearVoice allows you to set your own rates.

Content Remarketing  - Always on the lookout for freelance writers with demonstrated content writing expertise.

Content Runner  - Possibly US only. This is an article marketplace where you can write articles and post them for sale. They pay with US bank account. You can find the writer registration page by going to the bottom of their main website and looking under the "Useful Links" heading.

Copy Press  - Read  Copy Press Review  - Worldwide. Hires freelance writers in United States, Canada, United Kingdom, and Australia. Pays with direct deposit or Paypal twice a month.

Cracked  - Possibly worldwide. They claim to pay $100 for your first accepted article. You will also get a byline, so it could be good for exposure.

Crowd Content  - Read  Crowd Content Review  - Accepts writers from US, CA, UK, and AU, possibly other countries. Earn 2 to 6.6 cents per word depending on your writer level.

DesertUSA  - A website about desert ecosystems, including scientific articles, historical content, and stories about living in the harsh terrain. Payment is $50 dollars for articles they choose to publish, and you have to submit photos along with the article.

Distance Web  - Experienced writers desired for generating copy for ads, web sites, and email marketing initiatives.

Doctor of Credit  - This site focuses on deals and consumer credit issues. You submit an article idea, and if you're accepted you get paid $50. If they like your work well enough you might get taken on as a regular contributor.

EditFast  - Write about EditFast following one of their three guides with keywords and earn $10.

Fansided  - Must have knowledge of NBA to write for this site. Pay is not listed, but the site says they offer competitive pay-per-pageview revenue sharing (eight published pieces per month minimum) as well as flat-rate payment options.

Fiverr  - Read  Fiverr Review  - You can offer your writing services on Fiverr and get paid. While there is a lot of competition since many people do this, it is a way to earn some extra money here and there. You can have a portfolio on your profile to showcase your work, and you will be rated by your clients. The higher your rating, the more likely you will have repeat business.

getAbstract  - This is a self improvement website, looking for educational content related to that subject. According to rumor they sometimes pay over $300 per article, but pay is not mentioned on their contact form.

Get a Copywriter  - Read  Get a Copywriter Review  - Worldwide. Work at home copywriting. Pays $5 to $9 for every 100 words.

Great Content  - Worldwide. This company is always looking for American writers to create great content for their clients. You can request your pay once you have earned $25.

Make a Living Writing  - This is a high-quality, popular site on freelance writing that does pay for guest posts. Currently, they pay $75 to $150 for guest posts. You can pitch ideas on a variety of writing topics, including blogging, copywriting, marketing, and more.

HotGhostWriter  - Read  HotGhostWriter Review  - They are looking for writers that can commit and are looking to work long-term. Pay rate is not disclosed on website.

Hire Writers  - Read  Hire Writers Review  - Worldwide. Get paid up to $20 per article you write once you become established on  - Write articles about homesteading and get paid. They are currently offering $100 for well-written manuscripts.

The Hoth  - Read  The HOTH Review  - US only. Regularly hiring native English speaking writers to create SEO content. Pay not listed, but it appears they prefer that you've attended a US based college. They pay with Paypal.

How Stuff Works  - Pay is $100+ per article. They are extremely selective.

Income Diary  - This is a site focused on making money online, creating websites, and things of that nature. They accept submissions, and pay up to $200 dollars per article.

JustParents  - They're in need of articles from contributors related to parenting and pregnancy. Avoid pitching topics they've already covered at some point in the past. There is no mention of the pay rate.

Kirkus Media  - Read  Kirkus Review  - Worldwide. Hires freelance book reviewers, editors, and copywriters on a freelance basis. Work from anywhere.

Knitty  - If you enjoy knitting and have advice to share on that topic, then this website might pay you to write articles. They like for writers to add some personality in their articles, and a little bit of humor is fine. The pay is $175 to $200 per published submission.

Life Tips  - Worldwide. Needs SEO Specialists, copywriters, and editors.

Listverse  - Read  Listverse Review  - Worldwide. Will pay $100 for accepted 1,000 word lists. Please note that Listverse does claim all rights to submitted content (even if not published).

LovetoKnow  - Rate of pay not listed. Must provide samples. They regularly accept writers with expertise in the topics they publish content on.

Medium  - You can write articles on just about any topic for Medium and get a byline! Many bloggers and authors looking to build up their portfolios and online presences do use Medium for those purposes. Medium will also pay you for your content.

Metro Parent  - A website for parents living in Michigan, covering local issues. It sounds like this is an ongoing job where you can get consistent work potentially, but they also accept submissions. Pay ranges from $40 to over $200.

Modern Farmer  - Like the name suggests, this is a blog about farming in the modern world. You have to pitch article ideas, and see if the bite. The pay rate is not listed, but rumor has it that they offer around $150 for articles they accept.

Morning Chores  - This is a website focused on homesteading and self-sufficiency. They pay $50 per published article.

New Reach Agency  - Guest posting outreach. They pay $15-40/hour depending on your level of expertise on the subject matter, required post-writing editorial work, and the niche.

Online Writing Jobs  - US only. Get paid up to $50 an article. Weekly payments made via Paypal or mailed check.

Motherly  - They need articles about parenting, and sometimes prefer content with a bit of an irreverent edge. You can submit anything you like without having to pitch it. They pay $50 for work they accept, and you aren't eligible for payment until you've had two pieces published on their site.

Pretty Designs  - They describe themselves as a magazine dedicated to women and women's interests. They're looking for articles on hair, health, beauty, and literature, along with other related topics. They want bloggers who can write multiple articles on an ongoing basis. The pay rate is not mentioned.

Ranker  - Read  Ranker Review  - Ranker is regularly looking for freelance list-makers. Must be able to do 5 to 30 lists per week. Rate of pay is not listed.

Reason  - Political site with a Libertarian slant that pays for freelance submissions. Rate is not listed, and they do not like unsolicited manuscripts.

RiseSmart  - US and Canada. Hires remote resume writers. Pays hourly to start.

Screen Rant  - Worldwide. Has a regular need for entertainment writers. They claim this is good part-time pay.

Search Influence  - Possibly worldwide. Make roughly $15 an hour writing SEO content. They supply the articles you need to write plus keywords & other info. Pretty much everything comes with a 24 hour turnaround time.

Shoutvox  - ShoutVox is regularly looking for freelance writers to help create engaging content on a wide variety of topics, including finance, technology, pop culture, and entertainment. Pays $18 to $30 hourly.

Sitepoint  - This company is looking for writers to join its pool of contributors. They produce monthly articles based around particular themes, teaching different skills. The pay rate is not listed.

Skyword  - Worldwide. Some upfront pay but also offers revenue share.

Talent, Inc.  - Worldwide. Get paid $20 per project to create resumes for Talent, Inc.'s clients.

Tempesta Media  - This company regularly looks for freelance, remote writers to cover health, IT, technology, corporate insurance, tax, business insurance, and many other topics for its clients. Pay rate is not disclosed.

Textbroker  - Read  Textbroker Review  - Worldwide (several countries). Textbroker hires beginners & experienced writers to create content for their clients. Pay is weekly via Paypal on Fridays.

Textbroker UK  - The UK version of the Textbroker website. Hiring writers from the UK, Australia, Canada, and Britain.  - Work from anywhere. Writing opportunities available across many different categories. Funds are available to cash out once you've earned at least $10. They pay up to $0.03 per word.

Theme Park Tourist  - They will pay you $50 for short form articles consisting of between 750-1000 words. This is a long-term commitment if you're accepted, not a site to just write articles for occasionally. They make payments at the end of each month.

Upwork  - Read  Upwork Review  - Worldwide. Always accepting freelance writers. You must bid on the work you're interested in.

Vida  - Looking for remote creative writers. They are in the business of creating dating profiles and matchmaking. Rate of pay is not listed.

VQR  - They publish, literary fiction, poetry, along with articles about literary art and cultural criticism. Quality standards are very stringent. But the pay is very nice. $1000 dollars for short fiction and essays. $200 dollars for poems.

WebFX  - Regularly looking for remote copywriters. Hourly Rates from $18 to $21. An annual income equivalent to $42k to $46k (potentially higher based on work experience).

WL Marketing  - Maybe open worldwide. This a company that provides SEO services. They appear to have an ongoing need for article writers.

Word Gigs  - US residents can earn between $1 and $4 for blurbs and short articles.

Words of Worth  - Read Review - Open to US, Canada, France, Germany, UK and more. Pays out once a month via bank transfer.

Wow Women  - This site specializes in content aimed at women readers, written by women. You have to send in a query letter about any article ideas you have before submitting, and they pay between $50 and $80 dollars.

Writer Access  - US only. Similar to Textbroker, but pay is higher and there is less work. Pays out once a month if you have at least $10 earned.

Writer's Domain  - Hires English, French, and Spanish speaking writers on occasion. Pays with Paypal.

Zerys  - Possibly worldwide. This is a content site that is usually open to writers.

Mental Floss  - Mental Floss is usually looking for writers to contribute lists and/or short features across a wide variety of different categories including entertainment, history, science, and more. They do give you a bio and pay you for accepted content ($125 to $150 starting rates).

Freelance Mom  - Accepts guest post submissions between 900 and 1,500 words. Pay is $75 to $100 via Paypal, with monthly bonuses available if your article is the most shared.

Consumer Press  - This site needs people to write about products, stores, consumer topics, etc. and in return they give 70 percent Adsense revenue share.

Her View From Home  - Accepts writers to write faith and parenting articles. Geared toward women. You earn a certain amount per views of your article. So if you want to do well with your content, you need to promote it.

Unanchor  - Get 50 percent of revenue share from your published travel itineraries sold.

Do you want to work from home as a writer? If so, you've definitely landed on the right page. Below is a huge listing of

Screenwriting Software for Productions

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Story Outline

Map out your plot

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Path to Production

From script through pre-production.

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Import and keep writing.

Whether you have a script in Final Draft, PDF, Fountain, or Word doc, simply drag it in.  We retain formatting so you don't miss a beat

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Outline your entire plot.

StudioBinder screenwriting software auto-formats margins, fonts, and screenplay elements to industry standards. Predictive features like auto-completes, keyboard shortcuts, and auto-save let you focus on what counts — storytelling.

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Organize and track every script version.

StudioBinder’s scriptwriting software gives you an unlimited number of versions with WGA-standard color-coding, and a detailed revision history. Drafts are encrypted online, and backed up on your device for added peace of mind.

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Write with collaborators.

Share your script and receive notes as you write. Add and resolve comments, script notes, task lists, and make the project stronger from the get-go.

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Once your screenplay is locked, it will update across your entire project so your team can start the pre-production process, including script breakdowns, shooting schedules, storyboards, call sheets, and more.

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Explore Features

More screenwriting features.

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Import Scripts

Import existing scripts in file types such as Final Draft, Fountain, PDF, etc.

Generate a title page for your script that exports with your PDFs.

Autosave Settings

Select the frequency of autosaves between 20 seconds and 10 minutes.

A notepad and checklist for all your inspirations, ideas, and reminders.

Scene Numbering

Choose between digits, letters, or a custom shot numbering system.

Incremental Versions

Scenes added from other modules generate a new version automatically.

Lock Screenplay

Lock your script version to prepare it for the remaining pre-production steps.

Generate PDF

Export PDFs with custom settings like layout, color, scenes, and more.

Export a .SBX file to import into other StudioBinder accounts.

Header & Footer

Add a custom header and/or footer to your exported script PDF.

Add watermarks to your exported script PDF for extra security.

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Screenplay Example

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Industry-standard scriptwriting software and note taking.


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Production note taking

Identify all the pre-production details you need to know

Script Breakdowns

Tag script elements

Script Sides

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Make shooting schedules

Create DOOD reports

Visualize the script to get everyone on the same page


Envision every scene

Mood Boards

Convey look and feel

Break down shot details

Collaborate with department heads as you prepare for production

Production contacts hub

A timeline of production

Team collaboration

File Sharing

Share docs and media

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Call Sheets

Trackable call sheets

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Today’s productions use StudioBinder to streamline their process, and collaborate on better content together.

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  • A Better Film Crew List Template Booking Sheet
  • Best Storyboard Softwares (with free Storyboard Templates)
  • Movie Magic Scheduling
  • Gorilla Software
  • Storyboard That

A visual medium requires visual methods. Master the art of visual storytelling with our FREE video series on directing and filmmaking techniques.

We’re in a golden age of TV writing and development. More and more people are flocking to the small screen to find daily entertainment. So how can you break put from the pack and get your idea onto the small screen? We’re here to help.

  • Making It: From Pre-Production to Screen
  • How to Get a Film Permit — A Step-by-Step Breakdown
  • How to Make a Storyboard: Ultimate Step-by-Step Guide (2024)
  • VFX vs. CGI vs. SFX — Decoding the Debate
  • What is a Freeze Frame — The Best Examples & Why They Work
  • TV Script Format 101 — Examples of How to Format a TV Script


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Best Writing Apps in 2024

Showing 128 writing apps that match your search.

So, You’re looking to write a book. Well, wavemaker is here to help. It’s much much more than a text editor.

Platforms: Mac, Windows, Chrome, Android, Online, PC

Best for: Outlining, Drafting, Book, Story, and Free


Base price:

Premium price:

★★★ Performance

★★★ Features

★★★★ Accessibility

Also rated 3.7 ★ on Google Play


Start your book, plot your book, write your book, organize your book, and export it for publishing all in one place. Leave your word processor in the dust.

Platforms: Online, Windows, Mac, iPhone, iPad, PC

Best for: Outlining, Drafting, Publishing, Book, and Story


Also rated 3.5 ★ on the App Store

Prompts for Writing

Open to write and follow the prompt suggestions, it's that easy. Good for poetry writing, journal writing, storytelling, narration, cinema, and more. All using a patented artificial intelligence technology.

Platforms: iPhone, iPad

Best for: Brainstorming, Story, Book, and Poetry


★★★★ Performance

★★ Accessibility

Also rated 4.6 ★ on the App Store

Learn more about Reedsy Studio .

WriteItNow is designed to help anyone writing a novel. Keep the novel text and all the background information in one place. Each novel is saved in a single file, and the program has two main sections: one for chapters and scenes and the other for background details

Platforms: Windows, Mac, PC

Best for: Drafting, Book, and Story


★★ Features


Writemonkey is a Windows zenware writing application with an extremely stripped down user interface, leaving you alone with your thoughts and your words. It is light, fast and free.

Platforms: Windows, PC, Mac

Best for: Drafting, Book, Essay, Journal, Poetry, Story, Blog, and Free


★★★★★ Performance

★★★★★ Value

Also rated 4.5 ★ on TechRadar

The only online writing and editing platform that guides your hand based on data from real, bestselling books, AutoCrit is built to match the genuine demands of publishing professionals and discerning readers.

Platforms: Online

Best for: Outlining, Drafting, Proofreading, Book, Story, and Free


Also rated 4.0 ★ on TechRadar

Lists for Writers

Lists for Writers is a great addition to any writer’s toolbox. Helpful to both novice and expert writers alike, this app delivers list after list of prompts and ideas for your brainstorming sessions: names, character traits, plot lines, occupations, obsessions, action verbs, and much more!

Platforms: iPhone, iPad, Android

Best for: Note-taking, Outlining, Drafting, Book, Story, and Essay


★★★ Accessibility

Also rated 4.7 ★ on the App Store

Unload your thoughts by creating a personal layout with notes, links and media in a second to visualize your creative process and move forward faster.

Platforms: Mac, Windows, iPhone, iPad, Android, Online, PC

Best for: Note-taking, Journal, Blog, Essay, Story, Book, and Free


★★★★★ Accessibility

Also rated 4.9 ★ on Capterra


Mind mapping starts with a main idea in the center of your mind map. As your map takes shape, add context to topics with attachments, embedded media and more. MindMeister’s features guide you through your first mind maps onto maximum creativity.

Platforms: Online, iPhone, iPad, Android

Best for: Outlining, Journal, Poetry, and Free


Also rated 4.7 ★ on Capterra

Google Docs

Build your best ideas together, in Google Docs. Create, edit, and collaborate with others on documents from your Android phone or tablet with the Google Docs app.

Platforms: Online, Chrome, iPhone, iPad, Android


★★★★ Features

We’re more than a doc. Or a table. Customize Notion to work the way you do.

Platforms: Mac, iPhone, iPad, Android, Windows, Chrome, PC

Best for: Note-taking, Outlining, Journal, Book, Story, Essay, Poetry, Blog, and Free


★★★★★ Features

Werdsmith turns your iPhone, iPad, Mac and Apple Watch into a powerful writing studio that inspires you to write. With features to motivate you and help you break through writer‘s block, you‘ll find yourself writing more than ever.

Platforms: iPad, Mac, iPhone

Best for: Drafting, Book, Story, Poetry, and Free


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  6. How Health Writers Earn $350 per Article


  1. The 50+ Best Writing Websites of 2024

    Find writing websites and blogs for craft, inspiration, publishing, and more. Whether you're a beginner or a veteran, you'll discover useful resources and tips from experts and authors.

  2. The 100 Best Websites for Writers in 2021

    Find the best websites for writers in 10 categories, from freelancing to publishing, recommended by readers and experts. Learn from guides, tips, podcasts, newsletters and more to improve your writing skills and career.

  3. 100 Best Writing Websites: 2020 Edition

    Find helpful support, inspiration and advice for your writing career on these websites, recommended by readers and experts. Browse categories such as freelancing, blogging, travel writing, creativity and more.

  4. The 25 Best Writing Websites for Authors in 2024

    It offers writing prompts, exercises, and articles on topics like mindfulness and overcoming creative blocks, making it an invaluable resource for writers and one of the best writing websites around. 22. Writer's Digest. Writer's Digest might just have more resources than any of the other writing websites on this list.

  5. Writer's Digest 101 Best Websites for Writers 2023

    See the complete 2023 list here. Amy Jones, Moriah Richard and Michael Woodson. Jul 30, 2023. Over the past several weeks, we've shared our 101 Best Writing Websites for 2023. Now in its 25th year, the Writer's Digest 101 Best Websites for Writers aims to guide writers of all ages, genres, and skill levels to reputable and useful resources to ...

  6. Writer's Digest 101 Best Websites for Writers 2021

    Sep 8, 2021. Over the past several weeks, we've shared our 101 Best Writing Websites for 2021. Originally featured in our May/June 2021 issue, these websites will help inspire, educate, and connect you to other writers as you start or continue on your writing journey. Click each image to be taken to the respective lists.

  7. Writer's Digest 101 Best Websites for Writers 2022

    Writers Digest Staff. Jul 27, 2022. Over the past several weeks, we've shared our 101 Best Writing Websites for 2022. Originally featured in our May/June 2022 issue, these websites will help inspire, educate, and connect you to other writers as you start or continue on your writing journey. Writer's Digest Best Creativity Websites 2022.

  8. The 17 Best Writing Websites to Become a Better Writer

    Reedsy. At its core, Reedsy wants to create beautiful books. They do this by giving authors and publishers access to quality professionals, useful tools, and educational content. If you are looking for a professional to help you make your book better, Reedsy offers a diverse team including: Editors.

  9. 15 of the Best Online Writing Communities for Aspiring Authors

    Top online writing communities. 1. Absolute Write Water Cooler. With over 68,000 members, this is a large and highly active community. Here you can find threads on every genre imaginable, as well as discussions about freelance writing, the publishing industry, pop culture, writing prompts and exercises, and much more.

  10. The 17 Best Writer Websites to Inspire Your Portfolio

    6. Francesca Nicasio. Copywriter Francesca Nicasio's writer website aptly showcases her expertise in writing B2B content around retail, eCommerce, technology, and more. The entire website is structured around one goal: informing readers about her capabilities the very moment they get to her site.

  11. 13 Author Websites That Get It Right

    Start quiz. Author websites tip #2: Invest in branding and user experience. Click to tweet! 3. LJ Ross. (Screenshot: You can make your website stand out from the crowd by adding dynamic and interactive elements, and self-published author LJ Ross is no stranger to this strategy.

  12. 100 Best Writing Websites: 2019 Edition

    35. Ann Kroeker. Ann Kroeker, an author and writing coach, helps established and emerging writers be more curious, creative and productive so they can overcome hurdles and reach their writing goals.Her website is home to numerous blog posts, podcasts and resources for writers.

  13. Best Writing Websites for Fiction, Nonfiction, and Bloggers

    Teen Ink is a literary magazine and website for teens that helps them use their voice and make a difference through writing. This great site is devoted entirely to writing, art, and photos by teens. This site is best for teens who are interested in writing nonfiction essays, articles, poems, and short stories. 3. One Teen Story.

  14. Novlr: the creative writing workspace designed with your writing goals

    Join them to thrash out ideas, share your struggles, get advice, or just hang out with a likeminded community. Get involved. Write for free. With Novlr, you can achieve your writing goals. Built by writers and owned by its writing community, Novlr helps you progress along every stage of your writing journey.

  15. 50 Writing Websites & Online Resources │ Blurb Blog

    20. Underlined. Formerly known as Figment, Underlined is a website that provides story starters, writing inspiration, and advice from published authors. You can also join a community of aspiring writers, share excerpts of your work, and provide feedback to each other—all valuable parts of the creative life.

  16. Top Websites for Writers: 10 Online Writing Communities

    Each year we scour the web for our annual 101 Best Websites for Writers, a comprehensive collection of online resources for writers. Year after year, we review dozens of reader nominations, revisit sites from past lists, consider staff favorites and search the far-flung corners of the web for new additions—aiming for a varied compilation that will prove an asset to any writer, of any genre ...

  17. 20 Best Freelance Writing Sites for Serious Writers

    Pricing: Free to create a profile and post your resume. You decide whether to make your profile visible to employers. 4. Draft. Draft offers clients quality content writers on demand; for you as a freelancer, it offers you unlimited work that matches your interests, availability, and skills.

  18. DeepL Write: AI-powered writing companion

    Get perfect spelling, grammar, and punctuation. Sound fluent, professional, and natural. Fine-tune your writing with word and sentence alternatives. Choose a writing style and tone that fits your audience. DeepL Write is a tool that helps you perfect your writing. Write clearly, precisely, with ease, and without errors. Try for free now!

  19. What are some good websites for writers? : r/writing

    Preditors & Editors: a great free resource for writers to look out for signs of bogus agents, literary contests, vanity publishing resources, and more. Query Shark. If you're at the point of querying a novel, this is an almost unparalleled resource for query writing help. Any free, online available, and good short story markets at which you can ...

  20. The 23 Best Writing Tools of 2024: A Guide for Writers

    5. Milanote. Cost: Free for basic plan or $12.50/month for premium. Milanote is an easy-to-use creative writing app to organize your research, ideas, characters and outline in one place. The vast majority of novelist-oriented writing software is organized around the idea of a linear document.

  21. 7 Best Websites To Hire Freelancers For Rhetorical Writing In Africa

    Here's a list of the best websites to hire freelancers for rhetorical writing in Africa: 1. WritersGig. WritersGig has meticulously curated a network of professional writers with extensive experience in various types of rhetorical writing. It is the best freelance platform for Africans with qualified rhetoric writers.

  22. Online Creative Writing Programs

    If you don't have a degree and aren't ready to commit to a bachelor's - Liberty's online Associate of Arts in Creative Writing gives you an entry point into creative writing. Designed as ...

  23. 73 Sites That Pay You To Write Content

    A List Apart - They look for web industry content, pays between $50 and $200 a piece. Athlon Sports - They are regularly looking for contributors to write about sports topics. Rate of pay not ...

  24. Free Screenwriting Software for Your Entire Production

    From script through pre-production. StudioBinder's screenwriting software is designed for today's writers. Write and sync your screenplay with our suite of pre-production modules that will guide you all the way to production — including storyboards, sides, schedules, and call sheets.

  25. Top Websites for Writers: 7 Websites to Fuel Your Creativity

    This selection represents this year's creativity-centric websites for writers. These websites fuel out-of-the-box thinking and help writers awaken their imaginations. 1. Creative Thinking. Here, "creativity expert" Michael Michalko shares creative exercises, thought experiments, and explanations of the workings of your ...

  26. 101 Best Websites for Writers

    Writer's Digest Best Writing Advice Websites for Writers 2023. By Amy Jones, Moriah Richard and Michael Woodson Jun 26, 2023. From the Magazine. Writer's Digest Best Live Streams, Podcasts, and YouTube Channels 2023. By Amy Jones, Moriah Richard and Michael Woodson Jun 22, 2023.

  27. The Ultimate List of 128 Writing Apps in 2024

    A comprehensive directory of 128 writing apps in 2024, vetted by the team at Reedsy. Filter for the perfect writing apps by genre, platform, and more! ... Best Writing Apps in 2024 Showing 128 writing apps that match your search. ... A powerful writing tool from Reedsy. Write and export a beautifully typeset book. This is the beloved app made ...

  28. 6 Best Assignment Writing Services Helped Me Survive College

    First of all, you get 11% off your assignment/essay/HW when you register. Second, you can recommend Speedy as the best assignment writing service to your friends and get 10% discounts. But also!! There are just many promos, normally at least two monthly, that make your papers 8-30% cheaper.

  29. Multilingual Writing

    The journey of multilingual writing is an ongoing adventure. Stay curious, explore new languages, and continuously hone your linguistic skills. Embrace challenges as opportunities to grow and expand your repertoire of languages. The more you immerse yourself in different linguistic landscapes, the more adept you'll become at crafting ...