Descriptive Essay

Descriptive Essay About My Mother

Caleb S.

Descriptive Essay About My Mother - A Guide to Writing

descriptive essay about my mother

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Have you ever wanted to convey the depth of your feelings and appreciation for your mother through words, but felt unsure about how to do it effectively?

Crafting a descriptive essay about your mother can be a challenging task. You want to capture her essence, the love she's given you, and the incredible person she is. 

But how do you put all those emotions into words that truly do her justice?

In this blog, we'll provide you with a step-by-step guide on how to write a heartwarming and meaningful descriptive essay about your mother. 

We’ll also provide essay examples to assist you in crafting an enhanced paper, complemented by valuable tips and guidance.

Let’s get started.

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  • 1. Descriptive Essay - What You Need to Know
  • 2. How to Write a Descriptive Essay About My Mother - 8 Easy Steps
  • 3. Examples of Descriptive Essay About My Mother
  • 4. Tips to Write a Descriptive Essay About Mother

Descriptive Essay - What You Need to Know

A descriptive essay is a type of essay that uses words to describe an object, person, experience, or place. The purpose of writing this type of essay is to provide the reader with a vivid and clear description of something. The writer must use sensory details, such as sight, hearing, smell, touch, and taste to make the reader experience the topic.

When writing about a person such as your mother, you need to describe the characteristics that make her unique. It can include personality traits or experiences that make her special.

Reading a few essay samples will help you out! So read on to find good examples and tips.

How to Write a Descriptive Essay About My Mother - 8 Easy Steps

Writing a heartfelt and vivid descriptive essay about your mother requires careful consideration. 

Here, we'll guide you through the process step by step, helping you express your feelings and admiration effectively:

Step 1: Choose a Focus

Decide on a specific aspect or trait of your mother that you want to describe. It could be her appearance, personality, nurturing qualities, or a particular event that showcases her character.

Step 2: Brainstorm Descriptive Words

Make a list of adjectives and descriptive words that come to mind when you think about your mother. Try to capture the essence of her being.

Step 3: Create an Outline

Organize your thoughts by creating a descriptive essay outline . Decide on the structure, such as the introduction, body, and conclusion, and what aspects you'll cover in each section.

Step 4: Start with a Hook

Begin your essay with an engaging hook or an anecdote that draws the reader in. It can be a personal memory or a captivating description of your mother.

Step 5: Descriptive Details

In the body of your essay, use sensory details to paint a vivid picture. Describe her appearance, mannerisms, and the emotions she evokes. Incorporate the descriptive words from your brainstorming list.

Step 6: Emotions and Memories

Share your personal emotions and memories associated with your mother. How does she make you feel, and what experiences have shaped your relationship with her?

Step 7: Use Metaphors and Similes

Employ metaphors and similes to enhance your descriptions. Compare her to elements from nature, objects, or anything that can add depth to your portrayal.

Step 8: Show, Don't Tell

Instead of simply stating qualities, show them through actions, interactions, and specific examples. Let the reader experience her through your words.

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Examples of Descriptive Essay About My Mother

Exploring essay examples can provide valuable insights for crafting an essay that deeply connects with your readers. 

Below, you'll find both a descriptive essay about my mother and an analysis of its content.

Why This Descriptive Essay Works

Here are several reasons why this descriptive essay is effective:

  • Emotional Connection

The essay immediately establishes an emotional connection with the reader through its theme of a mother's love. The use of descriptive language and personal anecdotes invites the reader to empathize and relate to the feelings and experiences described.

  • Vivid Imagery

The essay employs vivid imagery to paint a clear picture of the mother and her attributes. The descriptions of her eyes, hands, voice, and smile create a sensory experience for the reader, making them feel as if they are present with the author.

The essay uses symbolism effectively to convey the depth of the mother's love. The mother's eyes, for example, symbolize her wisdom and the shared experiences with the author. The use of the mother's hands as a source of healing symbolizes her nurturing and caring nature.

  • Structure and Flow

The essay is well-structured and flows seamlessly from one descriptive element to another. 

It begins with a general introduction, moves into specific descriptions, and ends with a strong, heartfelt conclusion. This organization keeps the reader engaged and ensures a logical progression of ideas.

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  • Emotional Impact

The essay's emotional impact is profound. It not only describes the mother's physical attributes but also delves into the intangible qualities that make her special. The reader is left with a deep sense of appreciation for the role of a mother and the love she provides.

  • Relatability

The essay's theme of maternal love is universal, making it relatable to a broad audience. Most readers can connect with the feelings of love, protection, and guidance that the author describes. 

If you still find it challenging to write a descriptive essay, consider these additional examples for guidance.

Descriptive Essay About My Mother PDF

Descriptive Essay About My Mother My Hero

Descriptive Essay Example About Mother

Descriptive Essay About My Mother 200 Words

Descriptive Essay On My Mother's Kitchen

Sample Descriptive Essay About My Mother

Here is a video of another short essay example about mother:

Want to read descriptive essays on other topics as well? Here are more descriptive essay examples that will help you out!

Tips to Write a Descriptive Essay About Mother

Now that you’ve read the examples, let’s look at some tips that will lead you to essay writing success.

  • Start with the Basics

Begin by brainstorming ideas of what makes your mother special and why she is important to you. Think about her personality traits, accomplishments, quirks, and unique qualities. In addition, consider the ways that your mother has influenced you and shaped your life.

You can also practice your writing skills with other descriptive essay topics . So write away!

  • Create an Outline

Once you have all of your ideas written down, create an descriptive essay outline that will guide the structure of your essay. This should include sections for your introduction, body paragraphs, and conclusion.

  • Capture Her Essence

Use vivid language to capture the essence of who your mother is. Utilize descriptive words and phrases that will help your reader understand who your mother is and what she means to you.

  • Show, Don’t Tell

Instead of simply telling the reader about your mother’s traits or accomplishments, use stories and examples to illustrate them. This will make your essay more interesting to readers.

  • Keep Your Tone Consistent

Maintaining a consistent tone throughout ensures a cohesive narrative without feeling disjointed or scattered. This keeps readers interested until they reach their conclusion!

  • Don’t Forget the Conclusion

Summarize the main points of your essay in your conclusion and provide a call to action for readers. Maybe you’ll leave them feeling inspired or motivated to do something special for their own mother.

  • Revise & Edit Diligently

Revision is key when putting together any written piece. Read over your work multiple times and fix any errors in spelling, grammar, punctuation, etc. Also improve any awkward phrasing or unclear ideas that might not be conveyed effectively enough.

To sum it up,

Writing a descriptive essay about your mother doesn't have to be difficult. With our guide and examples, you can easily write an effective essay that will make your mother proud! So get started today, and create the perfect essay for her!

By following these tips and examples, you will find it easier to write a meaningful descriptive essay about your mother. Good luck!

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Essays About Your Mom: Top 5 Examples and 5 Prompts

Some of the most important memories in our lives involve our mothers. If you need to write essays about your mom, our guide will help. 

A mother is a female parent of a child. Mothers nurture their children throughout childhood and, for many, throughout adulthood as well. The desire to support and protect our children is never ending for many mothers. 

Motherhood, however, is not always a genetic role. Many people foster or adopt children or find themselves acting in a parental role for someone else’s children. What matters is the effort you put into a motherly role; for most, the instincts are all there. 

It can safely be said that a mom is one of the most significant role models one can have in life and one whose influence continues to inspire. I once read a statement that said, ‘one day, you will realize your Mom is the best friend you will ever have.’ That is certainly true for me, and I hope for many of you.

If you are writing essays about your mom, our essay examples should prove inspiring.

5 Top Essay Examples

1. story of my mom by wilbur mckenzie, 2. an open letter to my mom, and all moms by samantha wolf , 3. my mom is a movie star by dan moore, 4. leader of my life: my mother by chelsea gonzales.

  • ​​5. Your Mom Doesn’t Hate You, She’s Just Trying to Help You by Carly Newberg

5 Writing Prompts On Essays About Your Mom

1. the best memory of your mom, 2. a lesson your mom taught you, 3. what is your mom’s best quality, 4. your mom as a role model, 5. who is your mom.

“My mother believes in me, in everything I do, and is always positive about it. Every decision, task, and every level that I concur, my mom is always there, believing in me that I will succeed. Graduating 5th grade and moving up to 6th grade was a big step, just like graduating 8th grade and moving up to 9th grade was. But my mother believed that I would still do well in school and would enjoy it a lot.”

Mckenzie writes about his mother as his greatest influence and inspiration. He reflects on how his mom always makes sure he is well and how she loves the family unconditionally. He also describes her selflessness, as she volunteers for those in need and raises money for charity. Her mother’s love, selflessness, and encouragement inspire Mckenzie to try his best in everything he does, and he is genuinely grateful for her. 

“All I can say is thank you for being an amazing mother and all I want for you is to keep doing what makes you happy and brightens your day. Keep creating and going to the beach just to look at the ocean. Keep running, even if it’s not in marathons and don’t forget how awesome of a mother you are. Keep collecting seashells and spreading your positive energy everywhere you go. I love you, Mom.”

Wolf’s essay is addressed to her own mother and is composed of different notes and letters. According to Wolf, her mother is hardworking, optimistic, and devoted, and she recalls several moments they shared. The moments she describes are heartfelt and profound experiences that many can relate to. 

“To this day, she wakes up every morning, marches into our living room, and talks with cancer patients on the phone, lending them her empathy and expertise. It’s amazing, and I wanted her to know I saw all that. I wanted her to know I knew she’s always been a badass. I wanted her to know she’s an inspiration to me, a dynamic, courageous, capable, remarkable person I admire and study every day.”

Moore discusses his mother’s life beyond her role in his life. He briefly tells her life story, then writes about her work for a colon cancer foundation. She spends most of her time consoling and caring for cancer patients; only now is Moore able to appreciate what she is doing. He is in awe at all that his mom has been able to accomplish besides being a great mother to him.

“She utilizes her wisdom by teaching me the ways of life. She rejoices as I apply her teachings in my life and she understands me. The abundance of knowledge my mother has supplied me with continuously fills my life with rare and beautiful treasures.”

In her essay, Gonzales reflects on the spiritual lessons her mom has instilled in her. Her mother is a role model of a strong, Christian woman devoted to her family and God. She is always there for her daughter, giving her advice on how to handle difficult situations. Gonzales aspires to be just like her mother in everything she does, especially when raising her own children.

​​ 5. Your Mom Doesn’t Hate You, She’s Just Trying to Help You by Carly Newberg

“I’m not a parent (yet). However, I hope that when I am, I can take what I’ve learned from the obstacles I’ve faced with my mom, to keep the generational progress moving forward. After all, that is one of the beautiful gifts we’re given on Earth; To learn from the mistakes of our loved ones, map out our route accordingly, do our best to get where we are going, and accept the detours along the way knowing those after us will use them to love harder and live wiser.”

In this essay, Newberg discusses a phenomenon we are all too familiar with: mothers arguing with us. She explains that despite their seemingly curtailing actions, mothers always want what is best for us and are even struggling with whether their decisions are correct. Newberg suggests that we should be understanding of our mothers and use these experiences as lessons for how to parent in the future. 

Essays About Your Mom: The best memory of your mom

For your essay, reflect on an experience with your mom that you treasure. Perhaps it is a birthday celebration, a trip out of town, or simply a conversation you had. Describe the events that transpired, how they made you feel, and why you treasure them as you do. Also, consider if your perception of this event has changed. Perhaps it has taught you more than you first thought.

One of a mother’s primary roles is to teach her children essential skills and lessons to prepare them for the future. Think about one or more things your mom taught you, whether life skills, values, or otherwise. You can be as general or in-depth as you want regarding what you’ve learned from your mom, but be sure to explain it adequately.

For an interesting essay topic, write about a quality of your mom’s that you seek to emulate- her patience, kindness, or fortitude. Discuss why you have chosen it, how it is essential to who your mom is, and how you hope to use it in the future. 

Essays About Your Mom: Your mom as a role model

Mothers are role models to everyone, not only their kids but also to others they interact with daily. In your essay, you can reflect on a time your mom did something truly admirable that cemented her position as your role model. As with the other essays, describe the events, what you learned, and why you chose this. You may also comment on how it has shaped you as a prospective or active parent. Discuss any aspects of parenthood you would like to emulate and those you would not!

This essay topic may seem simple, but one can learn much about a person from a simple biography and reflection. Give readers a general idea of what your mom does, her role in your life, and how she has made you who you are today; paint a picture of this fantastic woman and why she is so important. You can include something about her background and note how it has influenced her, making her the mom she is. Also, you may consider whether any of her inherited traits have been passed to you. 

For help with your essays, check out our round-up of the best essay checkers . For help picking your next essay topic, check out our 20 engaging essay topics about family .

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Martin is an avid writer specializing in editing and proofreading. He also enjoys literary analysis and writing about food and travel.

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Creative Writing Prompts

Mother’s Day Writing Prompts: Honor Moms with Stories

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My name is Debbie, and I am passionate about developing a love for the written word and planting a seed that will grow into a powerful voice that can inspire many.

Mother’s Day Writing Prompts: Honor Moms with Stories

Types ‍of Writing Prompts for Mother’s Day

1. reflective⁤ writing: remembering ⁤special ⁤moments with mom, 2. expressing gratitude: thanking mom for her love and support, 3. a ‌mother’s legacy: writing about lessons ⁢learned and passions passed down, 4.⁤ creative writing: crafting‌ fictional stories inspired by ​mothers, 5. writing from a mother’s perspective:‍ understanding the joys and challenges of motherhood, 6. in her shoes: imagining ⁣the world through mom’s eyes, 7. writing ‌letters ‍to mom: capturing emotions and memories on ⁤paper, 8. ⁢my mother, ‍my hero: celebrating mom’s strength and ⁣resilience, frequently asked‍ questions, in ​conclusion.

Mother’s ⁤Day is a wonderful opportunity ‌to celebrate and appreciate the amazing women ⁤in ⁣our lives. Whether you’re a ⁣teacher ⁢looking for writing prompts to inspire your students or a parent seeking⁢ creative ideas to engage your⁣ little ones, ⁢here are some unique ‍types of writing prompts that can spark imagination‍ and help ⁤express gratitude towards mothers.

1.‌ Reflective prompts:​ Encourage ‍children to reflect ‌on their⁤ favorite memories ‌with their mom, such‍ as a special trip or a funny moment, and ‍write a heartfelt letter expressing their love and appreciation. This not​ only allows them to reminisce⁢ about happy times but also​ strengthens their emotional bond with their mother.

2. Imaginative prompts: Unleash your child’s‌ creativity by giving them ‍prompts that⁣ involve storytelling. Ask‌ them to imagine ⁣their mom as a superhero and ‌write‌ a short story⁢ about her superpowers. Alternatively, they can create‌ a fictional scenario where​ they and their​ mom⁣ embark on ​an‍ exciting‍ adventure together. This ​type of prompt allows children ⁢to let ⁣their imagination run wild while honoring their mom’s strength and love.

3. Question prompts: Encourage children to ask their mom thought-provoking questions, such as “What is your⁣ favorite‌ memory‍ of‍ your own‍ mother?” or “What was your ‍dream job before becoming a mom?” This not only facilitates a meaningful conversation ‌between ​a child ⁤and their mom but also allows them to gain‌ insights into their ⁢mother’s ‌life experiences and aspirations.

4. Acrostic prompts:⁤ Provide a word ​related to motherhood, such​ as “LOVE” or “CARE,” and ask children to create ‌an acrostic poem using positive ‌adjectives that describe⁣ their mom. This⁢ activity not only‍ enhances their vocabulary and ⁢linguistic skills but also helps ⁢them‌ appreciate the various qualities and characteristics that‌ make their mom special.

Remember, ‍the goal of these writing prompts is to celebrate mothers and nurture the ⁤bond between a child and​ their mom. Encourage children to express their⁣ love, admiration, and gratitude towards their moms through‌ their writing.‌ Let their ⁣creativity⁤ flourish and watch their appreciation for their mothers grow even stronger. Happy writing!

1.​ Reflective Writing: Remembering Special Moments ‍with ⁢Mom

In life, there are moments⁢ that we hold close to our hearts forever. These moments become⁤ cherished memories, and when it comes to‌ our mothers, they hold a special significance. Whether it’s a ​heartwarming conversation over⁣ a cup of tea or a​ fun-filled family vacation, these moments with mom have a ‌way ⁢of leaving a ‌lasting impression. They ⁤shape‌ not only ⁣our bond with our mothers but also our ⁢own identity. Here, we invite you to take⁤ a trip​ down ​memory lane as ⁣we ⁤reflect on some of the⁤ most unforgettable moments ⁤shared with‍ the ‍incredible women who⁣ have shaped ​our ⁤lives.

Unconditional Love:

  • That reassuring hug after a ⁢long day
  • Waking up to the smell of freshly baked cookies
  • When she⁣ knew exactly what to ‌say to ease ⁢your worries

Creating⁣ Traditions:

  • The annual⁢ family camping trip where laughter filled the ⁤air
  • Her secret recipe handed down through ⁢generations
  • Painting Easter eggs⁤ together and making a‌ mess, but⁤ having the most ​fun

2. Expressing Gratitude: Thanking⁣ Mom for Her Love and Support

Mom, ⁣you are the‌ epitome of love‍ and support, and words cannot‌ adequately express my gratitude for everything you ⁤have done for me. From the moment I came into this world, you have been‌ there, ⁣showering me with affection, guidance,⁤ and unwavering support. Your ​love has been my ​anchor,⁣ giving me the confidence‍ to face life’s⁤ challenges head-on, ⁢knowing that I have your​ unwavering support behind⁤ me.

Whether it was your comforting hugs⁢ after a tough day at school or your encouraging words before a nerve-wracking⁣ exam, your love has been a constant source of ⁤strength ⁣for me.⁣ Through every triumph and ⁤each stumble along the ⁤way, your unwavering support has‌ pushed me to achieve greatness and be the best version of myself. From late-night ​conversations ‌to countless sacrifices, ‍you ​have‍ shown me what⁣ selfless love truly ⁤means.

  • Thank you for always being my biggest ‌cheerleader, celebrating my successes as‌ if they ‍were your own.
  • Thank you ⁣for the countless sacrifices you have made to ​provide for me⁤ and ensure my happiness.
  • Thank you for ⁣the countless‌ life lessons and ‌valuable‌ advice that have ‌shaped me into the⁤ person I am today.
  • Thank you​ for your⁤ endless patience, understanding, and unwavering‍ belief in me, even during ⁢my ⁣darkest​ moments.

Mom, you⁢ are an incredible ⁣woman, and I am forever grateful for the love and support you have given​ me. You have ‌taught me the importance ⁢of compassion, resilience, and the​ power of unconditional ⁢love. I ‌am ‍truly​ blessed​ to have you ⁢as my⁤ mother, mentor, and friend. As the ⁣years go by, I will continue to cherish and appreciate⁤ all that you do for me. So, on‌ this⁤ day and⁤ every ‍day, ‍thank you ⁢for your boundless‌ love, unwavering‍ support, and⁣ for ⁣being the⁢ extraordinary mom that‍ you ⁣are.

3. A Mother's Legacy: Writing about‍ Lessons Learned and Passions Passed​ Down

When it ⁢comes to a ⁤mother’s legacy, there is often an abundance of ‌wisdom, ⁢lessons, and⁤ passions that are passed down from generation to generation. Writing about these ‌invaluable life experiences can ‌be a beautiful⁢ way⁣ to honor our mothers and preserve their memories​ for‌ future generations.‌ Here are some ​ideas to get you started on capturing the​ essence ‌of your ‌mother’s legacy:

  • Reflect on the lessons learned: Think about the valuable life​ lessons your mother taught you throughout your upbringing. Did she impart⁤ any wisdom about kindness, resilience, or the⁣ importance ​of staying true to ⁣oneself? Take time to ‍reflect on these lessons⁣ and jot⁣ down specific⁣ examples that resonate with‌ you.
  • Explore shared passions: Mother-child relationships often involve a special connection through shared interests and⁣ passions. Dive into exploring ‍these passions ‌that were passed down to you. Whether​ it’s cooking, art, literature,⁣ or something else entirely, write​ about how your mother’s love for these activities influenced⁣ your own interests.

Writing about a mother’s legacy⁣ provides⁢ an opportunity to​ delve ​into the ⁣depths of familial connection and the⁤ profound impact our⁤ mothers have on us. By ⁢capturing and‍ sharing these ⁣experiences, we not​ only celebrate​ our mothers but⁤ also create ⁢a lasting‍ tribute that can resonate with others who appreciate the beautiful‍ bond of motherhood.

4. Creative⁢ Writing: Crafting Fictional⁢ Stories ‍Inspired by Mothers

Mothers are an ⁤endless source⁤ of inspiration for‌ storytellers. ⁣Their unconditional ‍love, strength, and sacrifices often become⁣ the cornerstone of ‍powerful narratives. In this creative writing section, we invite you‌ to delve into the ⁢depths of your imagination and ⁤craft fascinating fictional stories that pay⁢ homage to the remarkable influence of ‍mothers. Whether ⁣you​ want ​to explore ‌their nurturing ⁤role, their unyielding determination, or the ⁤complexities of their relationships, ⁤let your creativity soar ⁣as ⁣you bring these characters to ⁤life.

To help spark your‌ imagination, we’ve ⁣put ​together a‌ list of prompts and suggestions that can‌ serve as ‌jumping-off points for your⁣ storytelling journey:

  • Create a‍ story about a single mother ⁢who embarks ​on a life-changing adventure with her ‌child.
  • Imagine a world where mothers‌ possess extraordinary supernatural powers ​and explore the consequences of their abilities.
  • Write a tale about ‍a mother-daughter duo ‍who must ⁢overcome their differences to save their⁢ family legacy.

Remember, the goal is to craft fictional‍ stories that‌ capture the ‍essence of ​motherhood while also captivating your readers. Whether ⁤you choose ⁣to develop relatable ⁤characters, weave intricate⁢ plots ,​ or⁢ simply ‌explore the everyday challenges faced by‌ mothers, let⁣ your⁤ creativity flow and ​surprise us with your unique perspective. Happy writing!

5. Writing from a Mother's Perspective:​ Understanding the Joys and ⁢Challenges of Motherhood

Being a mother is a transformative ⁤experience that brings immense joy and‌ fulfillment, ​but it also comes with its fair share of challenges. From the moment ⁣you hold your‍ baby in ⁣your arms,⁤ you‍ enter a world where unconditional love and endless‌ sacrifices become‌ the norm.⁤ This journey is a rollercoaster⁢ ride of emotions, with ⁢both highs and lows, shaping ⁣you into a strong and resilient individual.

Joys ⁤of​ Motherhood:

  • Unconditional love:‍ The⁤ love a mother feels for ⁢her child is unmatched. It is‌ a love that knows no bounds and ​is pure​ and selfless.
  • Milestone ⁣moments: Watching your child ⁤take their first ⁣steps, say their first words,⁣ or​ achieve ⁤their goals ​brings an indescribable ‌sense of pride and joy.
  • Bonding moments: The⁢ deep connections formed with your child ‌through⁢ cuddles, bedtime stories, and ‍quality ‍time spent together are precious memories that ⁣last a⁢ lifetime.
  • Teaching and guiding: As a ⁢mother, you have the privilege⁣ of imparting ​knowledge, values, and life lessons to ⁤your child, shaping them into the person they⁤ will‌ become.

Challenges of Motherhood:

  • Sleep deprivation: The early years of‍ motherhood often⁢ involve numerous sleepless nights, leaving you tired ⁣and drained.
  • Time management: ⁣Balancing​ the demands⁣ of motherhood ​with other responsibilities can be overwhelming. Prioritizing and organizing your time⁤ becomes crucial.
  • Mom guilt:‌ It’s common ‌to feel guilty for not‍ being able to ⁢do ‌it all or for making ⁤mistakes​ along​ the way. Remind yourself⁤ that you’re doing your⁢ best.
  • Emotional rollercoaster: Hormonal changes and‌ the challenges of⁣ parenting can⁤ lead to mood swings and emotional ups and downs.

Despite the challenges, the⁢ joys of motherhood far outweigh the difficult ‍moments.⁤ It is a ⁤journey of growth, love, and self-discovery, allowing you to witness the⁢ world ‌through⁢ the ‌innocent ⁢eyes⁢ of your child. Embrace⁣ the⁤ joys, ⁢face the‌ challenges head-on,​ and cherish every‍ precious moment along‍ the way.

⁣ As mothers play an invaluable role⁢ in‌ our lives, it‍ is essential ⁣to take​ a‍ step⁤ back and ⁢try to understand their perspective. We⁤ often underestimate the ⁣challenges ⁣they face and⁣ the sacrifices they make daily. ‍By attempting ‌to see the world through Mom’s⁤ eyes, ⁣we can‌ develop a deeper appreciation for⁤ all‍ the hard⁣ work she puts in. ‍

1. Empathy: Imagining the⁣ world ‌through Mom’s‍ eyes allows us ⁢to cultivate empathy, putting ourselves in⁢ her shoes and recognizing the immense ⁤responsibility she ​undertakes. Understanding the joys ​and ‍struggles she experiences⁤ not only strengthens our bond ⁤with her but also helps⁣ us develop a more compassionate⁤ outlook towards all ​mothers. 2. Grace under pressure: By putting ourselves⁣ in Mom’s shoes, we gain insight into the incredible feat of balancing⁣ multiple ⁣roles with grace. Whether it’s ‍juggling work ​responsibilities, managing household‍ chores,⁢ or ⁣nurturing relationships, ⁢understanding her ​daily challenges fosters admiration for her resilience and dedication. ​ 3. Unconditional love: ⁤ Trying to view⁣ the world​ through Mom’s eyes allows us⁣ to glimpse the depth⁢ of⁣ her unconditional​ love. From sleepless nights‌ taking ‌care​ of‌ us as infants to endless support ⁤as we ⁣grow older, ‍her love ‌remains⁣ unwavering. This ‍understanding helps us value‍ her ⁣even ⁤more​ and encourages us to reciprocate that love and support⁢ in return.

7.‍ Writing ⁤Letters ‍to ⁣Mom: Capturing⁢ Emotions and Memories⁤ on Paper

Mother’s love is unconditional and everlasting, and a great ⁤way to​ express ⁣your love and gratitude⁤ is ⁣by ⁣writing ‌heartfelt letters to mom.​ It’s⁤ a beautiful way⁤ to capture emotions and ​memories ‍on paper, creating a treasure​ trove of moments to look back⁢ on. Whether it’s a simple thank you ‌note or a detailed‌ account of your adventures, writing letters to mom allows⁢ you to convey your‌ thoughts and feelings ⁣in ⁢a​ meaningful and lasting way.

When⁢ writing a letter to⁣ mom, it’s important to⁤ be genuine and‍ sincere. Pour⁣ your ⁢heart out and let your emotions‌ flow ⁤onto the paper. Be specific about your memories⁣ and experiences together, reminiscing​ about the⁣ moments that have shaped⁢ your relationship. Use descriptive language to⁣ paint‍ a vivid picture, evoking nostalgia and creating ⁢a powerful connection with your reader.

  • Start ⁢by expressing your love and gratitude.
  • Share a specific memory‍ or experience⁣ that holds‍ a ⁤special place in ⁢your heart.
  • Highlight qualities and‍ characteristics of your ⁣mom that you deeply ⁢admire.
  • Thank ⁢her for her ⁤love, ​guidance, ‌and support throughout‌ your life.
  • Include ⁢little details that⁤ will make her smile, like inside​ jokes or⁤ references to shared experiences.

Remember, the goal is ‌to make your‍ letter ‌personal⁢ and unique to your relationship with your mom. Don’t hold back on expressing your emotions and​ sincerity, ‌as these ⁢letters will ⁢become cherished keepsakes for years⁣ to come.

There⁢ are superheroes in​ books‌ and movies, but my real-life hero is⁤ undoubtedly⁣ my mother. Her strength and resilience have shaped me⁢ into the person ‍I am today. ‍From​ facing countless challenges to providing‍ unwavering support, my mother’s⁤ determination is truly admirable.

My mother’s strength can ⁣be witnessed‍ in ⁣various aspects of her life. ⁢Whether it’s her relentless work ethic‌ or her ability to⁣ juggle multiple responsibilities ⁣effortlessly, she never fails to amaze ​me. ⁣Despite facing setbacks and⁢ obstacles, she remains determined and ‌focused on her goals. Her unwavering perseverance​ has taught ‍me the value of dedication and the‍ importance of ‍never‌ giving up‍ despite the ​hardships.

  • Through⁣ thick and thin, my mother has⁢ been ⁢my rock, consistently offering a shoulder to lean​ on.
  • In times when life felt overwhelming,‌ she would ⁤cheerfully ​remind me to take a step back, breathe, and face ​each challenge head-on.
  • Her resilience has taught me that setbacks can be​ stepping stones to ‍greatness,‌ and that every obstacle⁤ can be⁢ overcome ⁣with the ‍right​ mindset.
  • She⁣ has instilled in⁣ me the belief⁢ that no dream is ‍too​ big‍ and that hard work is the key to realizing those ⁤aspirations.

As I reflect on​ my⁢ journey with my mother, I am ⁢forever grateful for her ⁢unwavering strength and resilience. She has shown me that ⁤even in the‍ face of adversity, we‌ can rise above and⁤ achieve greatness.‍ My mother truly ⁣embodies the ⁤essence ⁣of⁤ a​ hero, and I will⁣ forever celebrate her amazing spirit.

Q: What are some writing prompts that can be used ⁤to ‍honor moms on Mother’s Day? A: ‌There ‍are plenty of​ writing ⁤prompts that ‌can ‍help you ⁤celebrate and honor‌ your mom on‍ Mother’s Day. Here⁣ are a few ideas to​ get you started:

Q: What ​is‍ a special memory you have with your mom? A: Reflect on a special ⁣memory you have⁤ shared with your mom. It could‍ be ⁢a cherished moment from‍ your ⁣childhood or⁣ a recent experience ‍that⁣ brought‍ you closer. Describe⁣ the event in detail and explain why it is significant to you.

Q: ⁣How has your relationship with your mom ​evolved over the years? A: Think ⁣about how your relationship ‌with your mom has grown⁣ and changed.‌ Write about the⁢ different stages you’ve ‍gone through ⁣together, such as childhood,‍ adolescence,​ or adulthood. Discuss any challenges⁣ you’ve faced ‌and ‍how​ your bond ⁤has strengthened over time.

Q: What ⁣qualities do you admire ⁢most about⁤ your mom? A: Take a moment to consider the qualities that make your mom special to you. Whether it’s her ⁢kindness, resilience, or ⁢sense of⁣ humor, describe why these qualities inspire​ and⁢ touch you. ​Share anecdotes or examples that highlight these ⁤traits.

Q:‍ How has​ your mom influenced you and shaped ⁣who‌ you are today? A: Reflect on the ways your mom has influenced your life.⁣ Maybe she introduced ⁤you to a particular passion or taught⁢ you valuable life lessons. Write about ⁤how her ⁢guidance has shaped ​your ambitions, values, and overall character.

Q: What ⁢does being a mom ‌mean to‍ you? A:⁢ If​ you ​are a mother yourself, ​this writing prompt is​ an opportunity to express your thoughts and​ feelings about motherhood. ‍Delve into the joys, challenges, and transformations you’ve experienced since becoming a⁣ mom. Share your unique perspective on the ⁤profound role of motherhood in your ⁢life.

Q: Can these ​writing prompts⁣ be⁢ adapted for different forms of expression? A: ⁣Absolutely!​ While writing ⁣is ⁣a ‍popular choice, these prompts can be adapted for​ various forms​ of creativity.⁣ Consider using them ​as inspiration for a heartfelt poem, ⁢a song, a painting, ⁢or even a short film. ‍Adapt the prompts to the medium that best​ suits your‌ artistic talents or ‌aspirations.

Q: How can⁣ these writing prompts be used to create a⁤ meaningful⁣ gift⁤ for Mother’s Day? A:​ These‍ prompts offer an excellent opportunity to craft a‍ thoughtful and ​personalized gift for your mom on Mother’s Day.‌ Once you’ve written your stories or ⁢reflections, consider turning them⁣ into a beautiful journal, a​ handmade card,​ or a framed piece‌ of artwork. Adding personal touches and⁤ artwork will ‌make⁢ the gift ​even more impactful.

Q: Can these writing prompts be used ⁣for group activities or classroom assignments? A: Definitely! These writing prompts are‍ versatile and can be ‌utilized in various​ settings. ⁤Teachers can assign these⁤ prompts ⁣for students to write ⁣about their‍ own moms ‍or⁤ host group discussions around the topics. Sharing ‌stories⁤ and ​experiences can foster a ⁤sense of community and⁢ appreciation among students ‍or group members.

Q: Are there any other ways to honor moms ⁣on Mother’s Day besides writing​ prompts? A: Absolutely! While writing⁣ prompts are a wonderful way‍ to honor moms, there are countless ‌other ways to show appreciation.‌ You can‌ cook⁤ her favorite meal, create a photo collage or album,‍ organize a⁤ family outing, ‍give her a ⁣spa day, ‌or​ simply spend quality time together. The key is ⁣to ​make her ‌feel loved and appreciated in ⁣a way that resonates​ with her interests and preferences.

In conclusion, Mother’s Day writing prompts ‍offer a ‍heartfelt and creative ‍way to‍ express ‌gratitude ​and honor ​mothers through⁤ stories. ​

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How To Write A Descriptive Essay On Mother?

Jason Burrey

Table of Contents

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Got a bit lost by trying to find out how to write an essay “the person I admire is my mother”?

Let’s start off with an obvious setting. Your mom is the most important person in your life but writing a good descriptive paper, where you explain what kind of person she is and why she is special, may be more than challenging.

Although you have to talk about your personal experience and feelings, you should also appeal to your audience’s senses and evoke emotions.

That is not easy.

We are about to provide you with all the necessary information, that would help you create an interesting, thought-provoking essay on mother, impress your teacher and classmates, and get a high grade.

What is a descriptive essay?

Let’s start with a simple definition.

Descriptive essay is a piece of writing where you describe something in a highly detailed manner, using sensory information and colourful words.

It can be an object, place, thing, experience, situation, or a person. It’s an artistic writing form, often poetic in nature. The purpose of this type of writing is to reveal the meaning of a subject, using sensory observation.

Actually, you have to create a detailed picture for readers with specific vivid words and evoke a strong sense of familiarity and appreciation. Your task is to describe something in a way the audience could see, hear or feel whatever you are talking about.

You can do it, utilizing illustrative language and including a lot of sensory details. It’s not enough to provide readers with several random facts; you should express your own feelings and appeal to your audience’s senses and emotions.

There are certain useful techniques you should follow if you plan to achieve these goals. But before we start discussing how to write a descriptive essay about a person, let’s talk about specific features of descriptive writing when it comes to creating an impressive paper on mother.

Specifics of essay on mother

In a strong paper on mother, you actually need to describe a person you love and it’s important to ensure that this description is sensory-based.

You should utilize the most specific concepts to help readers see your mother and understand what feelings she invokes in you.

You should show rather than tell readers what your mom is like and what kind of person she is.

Remember: when you just tell something, your words can be interpreted in a variety of ways, as words are vague. But when showing the picture via describing specific details, you create a vivid, real picture.

What are the qualities of a good mother essay? Let’s see.

  • The text is clear and concise;
  • It presents colourful images and appeals to the readers’ imagination;
  • The key to a perfect descriptive essay about my mother is painting a picture in your readers’ mind by engaging all five senses – sight, smell, sound, taste, and touch.

How to write a descriptive essay about a person?

How To Write A Descriptive Essay

Descriptive writing has a unique power and appeal. Its main goal is to create a dominant impression.

If we analyze any good descriptive essay sample about a person, we will see that it’s a sensory description, that helps create a certain mood or atmosphere in a paper. Utilizing sensory details, you will be able to recreate the picture that you have in your mind for all readers.

Here are some effective techniques you should apply to make your descriptions more impressive. You can apply them to the other essay types and get an interesting and memorable result.

  • Use sensory-packed language instead of vague general words.
  • Figurative language such as similes, metaphors, comparison, contrasts, and analogies can help you make descriptions more lively and paint a picture in your reader’s mind.
  • Use  precise language like strong action verbs, specific nouns, and adjectives to give life to this great picture. Appropriate nouns and verbs help deliver a strong emotional impact on any audience.
  • Keep thoughts organized . Use any order you think is appropriate, like due to importance, spatial order (location) or chronological order (time). Each would be good for a descriptive paper.

How to start a descriptive essay about a person?

You may begin with the description of the physical appearance. Proceed with the explanation of how the person feels, thinks, and acts. Don’t forget about the interests, hobbies, and talents.

Remember that clear, logical, and well-balanced structure is the key to success of high-school writing or a college paper.

Although a descriptive paper relies on emotional appeal and allows students to be more creative than other types of high-school projects, you should brainstorm a lot of different ideas and create a basic outline to put ideas in the logical order.

The outline should include an intro with a thesis statement, the main body, and a conclusion.

In the main body, you should focus on the specific qualities of the person you describe.

Think of several ideas to support the main topic idea and use at least 3 other ideas to support topic in each paragraph.

You should do your best to make the content as appealing as possible, and leave your audience (not acquainted with your mom) with a strong feeling that they have actually met her and have built an emotional connection.

General recommendations for an essay about mom

  • When writing an essay about mom, you need to describe a real person so you should think about your mother’s life and background.
  • Before you start writing, think about the purpose of the whole paper. Decide what overall impression you want to convey. Create your general point, your unique thesis statement. Organize the entire paper around it.
  • You can start with an interesting relevant quote or provide a short funny story about your mother in the introduction to grab readers’ attention. You can also present a variety of reasons, explaining why you want to describe your mother .
  • Another great way to make a descriptive paper more engaging is to include a short dialogue .
  • In conclusion, you should present the main ideas of your description and emphasize their significance.
  • When you describe your mom’s appearance, don’t use a list-like approach. The task is not to describe everything from the top of her head down to her toes. Speak of particular aspects of your mother’s appearance, instead. That can help reveal her unique personality.
  • Don’t describe the full picture. Create an engaging description that will encourage your readers’ imagination .
  • Don’t use the same subject-verb pattern in all sentences because it will make your tone rather monotonous. Embed descriptive details and combine different sentences, instead. Utilize subjective clauses and compound sentences to express thoughts .
  • Don’t use too many adjectives when describing your mother’s appearance or character. Include only the most powerful words .
  • Avoid using clichés because they signal a lack of imagination. Be creative and use a dictionary to find vivid descriptive words.
  • Don’t use too many adverbs, they make any writing weak. It’s better to use specific verbs to describe actions . They make writing more powerful.
  • Use different transition words to connect all ideas and make the description of your mother logical .
  • When you finish your first draft, focus on improving your descriptions . Add some sensory details to make your paper appeal to readers’ emotions.
  • When you are satisfied with the content, proofread the final draft . Fix minor grammar mistakes, punctuation, spelling errors, and typos.

Now you know the basics on how to compose a descriptive essay about a person you love.

But before you start writing your own paper, there is the last advice we got for you.

Try reading a well-written descriptive essay about a person you admire example. It would provide you with a better understanding of the effective techniques you can use.

No time for writing the essay about your mom? No worries. Leave the essay to the top-notch professionals and spend more time with your family!

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About My Mother: A Descriptive Portrait

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How to Write a 5 Paragraph Essay About My Mother

Writing about someone close to you, such as your mother, can be a meaningful and rewarding experience. One of the best ways to structure your writing is to use the 5-paragraph essay format.

In this guide, we’ll walk you through the steps of writing a 5-paragraph essay about your mother, with detailed examples and lists to help you along the way.


The introduction is your chance to hook your reader and provide a preview of what’s to come in your essay. Here are some tips for crafting a strong opening paragraph about mother :

  • Start with a strong opening sentence that grabs your reader’s attention. For example, you could begin with a quote about mothers or an anecdote that illustrates your relationship with your mom.
  • Provide some background information about your mother, such as her name, age, occupation, and any other relevant details to your essay.
  • Explain why you’ve chosen to write about your mother and what makes her so unique to you. This will help your reader understand the significance of your essay.
  • Finally, give a brief overview of the structure of your essay. Tell your reader what they can expect to learn from your writing and how you’ll be organizing your thoughts.

The First Paragraph

The first body paragraph of your essay should introduce your topic (your mother) and provide a thesis statement that ties your focus/theme to your mother’s significance in your life. Here are some things to keep in mind:

  • Start with a sentence introducing your mother and explaining why she is important to you. For example, you could say, “My mother is the most important person in my life because she has always been there for me, no matter what.”
  • Provide some background information about your mother, such as her age, occupation, and any other relevant details.
  • Explain the focus/theme of your essay. This could be anything from your mother’s resilience in adversity to her impact on your personal growth and development.
  • Finally, provide a clear and concise thesis statement that ties your focus/theme to your mother’s significance in your life. For example, your thesis statement could be, “My mother’s unwavering support has been the driving force behind my success.”

The Second Paragraph

The second paragraph of your essay should provide examples and anecdotes that support the focus/theme you introduced in the first paragraph. Here’s how to do it:

  • Start by introducing the specific example or anecdote you’ll be sharing. For instance, you could say, “One of the best examples of my mother’s support came when I was struggling in school.”
  • Share the details of the example or anecdote. This could include specific conversations with your mother, her actions to support you, or challenges you overcame together.
  • Analyze the impact of your mother’s actions on your life. How did her support make a difference for you? What did you learn from the experience? How did it strengthen your relationship with your mother?
  • Tie your analysis back to your thesis statement. Make it clear how this example or anecdote supports your focus/theme and your overall argument.

The Third Paragraph

The third paragraph of your essay should continue to explore the impact of your mother’s actions on your life. Here are some tips for writing this section:

  • Start by introducing a new example or anecdote that supports your focus/theme. For instance, you could talk about how your mother helped you through a difficult time.
  • Provide details about the example or anecdote, just as you did in the previous paragraph.
  • Analyze the impact of your mother’s actions on your life. What did you learn from this experience? How did it shape who you are today?
  • Again, tie your analysis back to your thesis statement. Make it clear how this example or anecdote supports your overall argument.

The Fourth Paragraph

The fourth paragraph of your essay should provide a counterargument or opposing viewpoint. Here’s how to do it:

  • Start by acknowledging that there may be other perspectives on your mother’s impact on your life. For example, you could say something like “While my mother has had an overwhelmingly positive impact on my life, I know that not everyone has had the same experience.”
  • Introduce a counterargument or opposing viewpoint. This could be something like “Some people might argue that a mother’s impact on her child is overstated and that other factors, such as genetics or upbringing, are more important.”
  • Analyze the counterargument or opposing viewpoint. Explain why you disagree with this perspective and provide evidence to support your argument. This could include personal anecdotes, statistics, or expert opinions.
  • Finally, tie your analysis back to your thesis statement. Make it clear how your counterargument supports your overall argument and reinforces the importance of your mother’s impact on your life.

The Fifth Paragraph

Your essay’s fifth and final paragraph should summarize your main points and provide a conclusion. Here’s how to do it:

  • Start by summarizing the key points you’ve made in your essay. Remind your reader of your focus/theme, thesis statement, and the examples and anecdotes you’ve shared.
  • Provide a final analysis of your mother’s impact on your life. Explain why she is so important to you and what you’ve learned from your experiences with her.
  • End with a firm conclusion. This could be a call to action, a personal reflection, or a final thought that ties everything together. For example, you could end with something like, “My mother will always be my role model and inspiration. I hope I can be as supportive and loving as she has always been to me someday.”

Example essay about my mother

My mother is the most important person in my life. She has been there for me through thick and thin, always supporting and encouraging me to be the best I can be. Her unwavering love and dedication have been a constant source of strength for me, and I am forever grateful for everything she has done for me. Firstly, my mother is the epitome of selflessness. She always puts the needs of others before her own, and she never complains about it. Whether it is cooking my favorite meal or staying up all night to help me with my homework, she never hesitates to go the extra mile to ensure I am happy and well taken care of. My mother is sage and insightful. She has a wealth of life experience and a deep understanding of human nature, and she has always been there to offer me sage advice whenever I need it. Her words of wisdom have helped me navigate many difficult situations and have given me the tools to face any challenge that comes my way. I believe that my mother is the embodiment of hard work and perseverance. She has always been a role model for me when it comes to putting in the effort to achieve one’s goals. Watching her work tirelessly day in and day out to provide for our family has taught me the value of hard work and the importance of never giving up. Also, my mother has a great sense of humor and an infectious zest for life. Even in the most challenging of times, she always finds a way to make me laugh and to see the bright side of things. Her positive attitude and sunny disposition have taught me the importance of looking on the bright side and never giving up hope. In conclusion, my mother is the most amazing person that I know. Her selflessness, wisdom, hard work, and sense of humor have impacted my life immeasurable, and I am so grateful for everything she has done for me. I hope that one day I can be half the person that she is, and that I can make her as proud of me as I am of her.

Example 2: A Portrait of Strength and Love: My Mother

In the tapestry of my life, there is one thread that shines brighter than all others – the unwavering presence of my mother. She is not just a figure in my life; she is the cornerstone, the guiding light, and the epitome of love and strength. In this essay, I aim to paint a vivid portrait of the woman who has shaped me into who I am today. Body: My mother’s love knows no bounds. It is a force of nature, gentle yet unyielding, like the steady flow of a river that nourishes all in its path. From the moment I came into this world, she cradled me in her arms, her touch a soothing balm that could heal any wound, physical or emotional. Her love is not confined to mere words; it is expressed through her actions, through the countless sacrifices she has made for our family. One of the most remarkable traits of my mother is her boundless strength. She has weathered storms that would have broken lesser souls, yet she emerged from the tempest stronger than ever. I have seen her face adversity with grace and courage, never once faltering in her resolve. She is the backbone of our family, the one we turn to in times of need, knowing that her strength will carry us through even the darkest of days. But my mother is not just a beacon of strength; she is also a source of wisdom and guidance. Her words are infused with a depth of knowledge that can only come from a life well-lived. Whenever I am faced with a difficult decision or grappling with uncertainty, I know that I can turn to her for counsel, and she will always steer me in the right direction. Despite the many roles she juggles – mother, wife, daughter, friend – my mother always finds time to nurture her passions and pursue her dreams. Whether it’s tending to her garden, losing herself in a good book, or simply enjoying a quiet moment of reflection, she reminds me of the importance of self-care and staying true to oneself. Conclusion: In the tapestry of my life, my mother is the brightest thread, the one that adds color and meaning to the fabric of my existence. She is my rock, my confidante, and my greatest source of inspiration. As I navigate the journey of life, I am grateful to have her by my side, guiding me with her love, wisdom, and unwavering strength. My mother is not just a woman; she is a force of nature, and I am blessed to call her mine.

Final remarks

In conclusion, writing a 5-paragraph essay about your mother can be a meaningful and rewarding experience. By following the structure outlined in this guide, you can organize your thoughts and ideas clearly and effectively.

Remember to introduce your mother, explain your focus/theme, provide examples and anecdotes, and tie everything back to your thesis statement.

With these tips and tricks, you’ll be well on your way to crafting a compelling essay about the most important woman in your life.

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Essay prompts about extraordinary mothers | Creative writing prompts for teens

by Gina Glenn | Apr 4, 2018 | High school , Writing & Journal Prompts

Creative essay prompts about mothers | Teens will enjoy these essay prompts about extraordinary or famous moms from stardom, books, and history.

Although mothers have been around forever, Mother’s Day didn’t become a national holiday until 1914 . Challenge your teens with these creative essay prompts about mothers, which feature extraordinary or famous moms from stardom, books, and history!

1. My Famous Mom

Imagine what it’s like to be the son or daughter of a famous mother. Paparazzi with cameras tail you as you hang out with your friends or go to lunch with your family. As a matter of fact, it seems that everywhere you go, you’re recognized because your mother is so well known. Write a brief essay explaining the benefits and drawbacks of having a famous mom .

2. My Literary Mom

No longer confined to time and space, you discover you’ve suddenly swapped places with a teen in one your favorite works of literature . You sleep in a different bed, have a different mom, and live a very different life. Choosing one of these writing activities, either:

  • Describe a day with your fictional family; or
  • Compare and contrast your literary mother with the real mom you left in the 21st century.

3. My British Mom

The year is 1775. Torn between your fledgling American patriotism and your loyalty to England, you must make a difficult decision regarding enlistment in the Continental Army. You want to stay in Boston, but your mother, a fierce  Loyalist , strongly urges you to return to Britain with the rest of your family. Write a persuasive letter to your mother explaining your reasons for staying behind and enlisting in the Continental Army.

If you enjoyed these middle- and high-school essay prompts about mothers, be sure to check back each week for more  Writing Prompt Wednesdays ! Once a month, we feature topics  especially suited for teens , such as:

Compare and Contrast Essay Prompts

Persuasive Essay Prompts

Expository Essay Topics

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How to Write an Essay About My Mother

Writing an essay is one of the most challenging tasks that a student might get. It is essential to learn how to write different types of essays to perform well in assignments. Students are commonly asked to write an essay to their mothers in their school lives.

creative writing on my mother

What is a Mother Essay

Importance of writing essays about mothers.

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Catchy Titles for Essays About Mothers

How to start an essay on my mother, writing body paragraphs.

  • How to Write a Conclusion in A Mother Essay

Finalizing Essays

  • Proofreading
  • Making Citations

Short Example Of A College Essay About My Mother

A mother essay is something that every student writes once in their lifetime. This essay must contain all the qualities of your mother. It must give the reader an idea of how much you value your mom and how she impacted your life. You can write about her hobbies and her daily routine. Mother essays are normally very personal. They contain information about what the writer feels about her mom. Some students also discuss past experiences and events that were related to their mothers. This makes them more expressive as they can relate to the event that happened.





Writing an essay about your mother will help you unleash your creative writing side. Since most people are very close to their moms, they won’t have any problem crafting something from memory. A good mother essay is the easiest kind of essay because it does not require any research from the internet. You can write it from past experiences and memory. Teachers usually require mother essays because they want to check if students have developed the perfect writing skills to help them in real-life communications.

Finding the perfect mother topic for your essay is a challenging task. Here are 15 of the best mother essay topics that might help you create the perfect essay to ease this hassle.

  • One day in the life of my mother
  • Essay about your mother
  • The motherhood and its perks
  • I love my mom
  • Missing my mom even if she leaves for one hour
  • Attachments with mothers
  • Things my mom loves to do when she is around
  • Mom vs. Dad: The better parent
  • How to love your mom
  • Contributions of a mother towards her family

Outline Writing

Before starting the essay, it is very important to construct the perfect outline. Make the perfect plan and execute it smoothly. You can note down all your points on a piece of paper not to run out of ideas during the writing. Make sure that your outline covers all the points. An essay is normally divided into three parts. It contains the introduction, the main body, and the conclusion. Each of these parts has its importance.

An outline will give your essay a perfect shape. It will help improve the clarity of your essay and will it one of a kind.

Tips Concerning Writing An Introduction

Body paragraphs, also known as the main body, are the heart of the essay. These paragraphs are long, and each part explains one point in the essay. The main body must be free of all errors, and the vocabulary must be on point. Try to give one point to one paragraph so that the reader might easily navigate around the essay. Take each memory of your mother and write it in one paragraph. This will get you the perfect essay.

Body Paragraphs must not be that much longer. This is because a long paragraph might be boring for the reader, and he might lose attention after a while. Try to use transition words to connect all the paragraphs so that the document flows well.

How To Write a Conclusion in A Mother Essay

A mother essay conclusion must also be 10% of the entire document. Never add any new piece of information in the conclusion. The conclusion is supposed to reignite the thesis statement and not include new facts. Try to keep the conclusion short and leave the essay with good remarks.

Think of the conclusion as a summary of your essay. Try to squeeze in all the points in a few lines to make the last paragraph memorable.

Essay Revision

Give your essay a long and good read. Make sure to identify all the mistakes in the writing. Essay revision is very important because you never know the points that you missed. Doing a thorough revision will help your essay become perfect in every way.

Essay Proofreading

Even if you are an experienced writer, proofreading is very important. You can identify the grammar and vocabulary mistakes in the document to make amendments. Most people are prone to make silly mistakes, and since they don’t proofread, the entire essay suffers. Ask your friend to read the entire essay so that you might have a fresh set of eyes on the document to identify mistakes.

Make Citations

Adding references will make your essay look more authentic than the rest. Adding citations won’t be appropriate in a mother’s essay, but make sure you add them anyway. It looks professional, and the professor might be impressed.

my mother free essay example

My Mother Essay

Some people in our lives have the most impact on our personality. My mother has been the source of my happiness and clarity since I was very small. Words can’t even begin to describe what she meant to me. When I was born, I couldn’t speak, but she understood my every word and reacted accordingly. The most important person in my life is my mother because she has always been there for me in all my life ventures. She helped shape the man I am today.

I was a very spontaneous kid. My mother made sure that I knew that I had her full support in every phase of life. When I was 13 years old, I wanted to play the guitar and become a musician. No matter how unprofessional my dream was, she made sure that she was by my side. She was the first to lend me money when I started my start-up, and even though it failed, she never said one negative thing to me. And the best part is that she cares for everyone in our family with the same amount of love. When our dogs get sick, she spends hours looking after them and takes them to the vet whenever required.

My mother leads a very simple life. Her day starts with waking us up for breakfast, and she makes sure that our favorite things are made for breakfast. I enjoy chocolate syrup pancakes, so she makes sure to make them almost every day. Then she works in the garden for 2 hours. She loves looking after plants and growing them. I feel like the two hours in the garden are the best part of her day. Her caring attitude towards everything makes her the perfect person to look after our plants.

Other than gardening, she loves reading. We have our little library besides my room which is filled with books that my mom had bought. A library is a sacred place, and we aren’t allowed there at times. She makes sure that our house is spot on. My mother is a neat freak. She hates when something is untidy or dirty. My mother often scolds me because I never put my laundry in the designated pile. She makes sure that our house is spot on, and the housekeeper leaves no work behind.

The amount of dedication my mother has towards my school is surprising. She always helps me in doing my homework and asks me how my day at school was. She has the sweetest personality, and anyone who meets her instantly starts liking her.

I would not give up my mother even for one day because my life would fall apart if not for her. She has made me into the confident and high-achieving individual that I am today. My life would have been a mess if my mother wasn’t there to help me out in every step.

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National Journal Writing Month

20 Journaling Prompts for Writing About Your Mother

by Bakari Chavanu | May 13, 2017 | Journal Writing Prompts

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We don’t have to wait until Mother’s Day to write about one of the most important people in our life. But since Mother’s Day is a time for honoring our mom, writing about her is a very thoughtful and meaningful way to record your memories of her and recognize even more how important she has been in your life.

Below I share 20 journaling prompts to help you get started writing about your mom. Every prompt may not apply to you, but hopefully they will provide some inspiration for making your mom an important person to regularly write about in your journal.

Though my mom passed away six years ago, I plan to write several journal entries in her memory of her. My journal entries will be a part of a family journal that I plan to leave for my children.

A Few Suggestions for Writing

  • If you keep a paper notebook journal and you want to collect all your journal entries about your mom (and other members of your family), you might consider purchasing a special notebook just for the purpose of writing about your family members.
  • If you use a digital journal, you should consider tagging the entries about year mom so that you can filter and publish them later in life.
  • You might consider writing a journaling project in which you collect all your entries with photos and give the journal to your mother as a gift.
  • If you plan on writing several entries about your mom (and other family members), you might consider scheduling a weekly or monthly reminder to do such writing in your journal. You can print out the questions below, or copy them in your digital journal for later reference.

Writing Prompts About Your Mother

  • Write about your earliest memories of your mother.
  • Write about your most cherished experience with your mother?
  • Make a gratitude list of what you are most thankful for that your mother has done for you.
  • Write a list of the many pieces of advice your mother has given you.
  • Write about how you’re similar and different from your mother.

creative writing on my mother

Write about what you have learned from your mother that you didn’t realize was important at the time she was trying to teach you a lesson.
  • Locate a memorable photograph of your mother and write about it?
  • Write about what you have learned from your mother about parenting.
  • Write about your mother’s views about life. What does/did she cherish? What bothers/bothered her? What are/were her dreams? What gives/gave her strength.
  • Write about what you think is missing in your mother’s life
  • Write a list of the things your mother does for you, or did for you while growing up.
Write about what you plan to do for your mother on Mother’s Day.
  • If you could give your mother anything, what would it be and why?
  • Write about the funniest experience with your mother.
  • Write about the saddest experience with your mother.
  • Make a list of your mother’s favorite foods, musical artist or songs, her favorite hangouts and activities.
  • Create a bucket list of the things you could do with your mother over the next five years.
  • Write a letter of apology to your mother. Review your letter a few days after you write it, and then decide when to send it to her.
If your mother has passed away, simply write a letter to her. Tell her what’s on your mind and what do you miss about her.

Your Prompts?

If this list of prompts has inspired you, please share some of your related prompts in the comment section below.

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35 Mother’s Day Writing Prompts That Celebrate Moms

With Mother’s Day coming up, I’m sure most of you are thinking about how you can show your appreciation for your mother’s hard work and support over the years. One way to show your appreciation can be by writing your feelings down in a card or even in the form a poem. This is a brilliant way to show your mother how much you care and appreciate everything she has done for you. We know it can be difficult to put your feelings down on a piece of paper, so have created these 35 Mother’s Day writing prompts to celebrate mother’s everywhere. We also suggest you take a look at our post on 10 books for mother’s day to get some more inspiration.

Dear Mom Letter Prompts

Not many people write letters today… That’s what makes writing a letter to you mother even more special! Surprise your mom this mother’ day with a letter to show her how much you care and love her. And here are a couple of dear mom letter prompts to get you started:

  • Remember that time we went on that trip… Write about a recent trip or holiday you went on with your mother.
  • Thank you for… Write a thank you letter to your mom. Write at least 5 things you are thankful for.
  • You taught me the importance of… What one important thing or skill did your mother teach you? How has this thing helped you?
  • I always wanted to tell you… What is the one thing you always wanted to tell your mom? You can start the sentence with this:
  • I love this picture of you… Using a picture of your mom, describe everything you love about her. For example her long curly hair or her dedication for her family.
  • I always think of you when… How has your mother helped you?
  • I hope that in the future we… What would you like to do in the next few years or months with your mom?
  • I always remember that time when…What is your favourite memory of your mom and you?

You might be interested in our post on creating your own DIY animal envelopes for letters. And why not take a look at our guide on writing a letter to your best friend ?

Mommy and me Journal Ideas

Journal writing in general is great for expressing your feelings. For Mother’s Day, journaling can help you see why your mom is so important and remind you of all those wonderful moments you shared. This can be a great starting point for when you want to write something meaningful in a card or say something that warms your mother’s heart. When writing in your journal, these ideas might help you:

  • I should tell my mom that…Is there something you always wanted to say to your mother and never got the chance?
  • The first memory I have of my mom is…Think back through the years, what memories stick out to you?
  • The best thing about my mom is…
  • I can make my mom’s life easier by…What is the hardest part of being a mother and is there anything you can do to help out?
  • When I am sad, my mom…
  • My mom is happiest when she is…What makes your mother happy? Maybe try listing things that make her laugh or smile.
  • My mom always says… Think of some things your mother always says and how they make you feel. Maybe there’s a song she always sings or something she is always yelling at you about?
  • What are your plans for Mother’s Day? How will you show your appreciation to your mom?
  • Imagine your life without your mother. What would be different?
  • What names have you called your mom in the past and how have these changed? You could even think about the nicknames your mom calls you and how she came up with these.
  • My mom’s favourite story about me is… when I was…
  • In the future, my mom and I will…What plans do you have for the future? What would you like to do with your mom when you’re older?

Mother’s Day Poetry Ideas

Writing a poem to show how much you love your mom is another popular activity for Mother’s Day. Poetry is not only fun, but is a very beautiful and touching idea for Mother’s Day. Your poem can be fun or serious, long or short – it doesn’t matter as long as you have expressed your feelings! Here are a couple of poetry prompts for Mother’s Day:

  • Write an acrostic poem using the word ‘Mother’ or ‘Mom’. You can even challenge yourself by writing an acrostic poem using the words, ‘Happy Mother’s Day’.
  • Write a shape poem in the shape of a heart or flower to tell you mom how much you love her.
  • Using as many similes as you can, describe how much you love your mom in a simile poem:

My mom is as funny as a _____________ My mom is as sweet as a ____________ My mom is as caring as a ____________

  • If your mom was a superhero, what powers would she have? Write a poem in any style you like!
  • Write a poem, where every line starts with, I love my mom because… Aim for at least 8 lines.

Take a look at these fun examples of poems to inspire you!

Message Ideas for Mother’s Day cards

Whether you buy a beautiful card from the shop or make your own card, the message inside can be the hardest part! What can you write inside a Mother’s Day card to show how special your mom is? It’s so hard, but we hope these ideas along with the other Mother’s Day writing prompts in this post can help you out:

  • Use a quote from a book or movie that reminds you of your mom. Then write down how this makes you feel and why it reminds you of your mom.
  • Think about something your mom is always saying and write down how you can help out.
  • Thing of a least 10 things you love about your mom or how she has brought happiness to your life.
  • Complete this sentence: I can’t think of day without your… You can mention everything your mom has taught you and how this has helped you.
  • Mention everything (or around 10 things) you are thankful for (see our dear mom letter prompts above for more ideas)

Other writing ideas

To get you thinking about Mother’s Day and why this day is so important, here are a couple more writing prompts to inspire you:

  • What qualities make a good mom? And why do you think these are important?
  • The most common gifts for Mother’s Day include flowers and cards. What is the worst gift you could give your mom and why? (Take a look at this list of the best gift for writers for inspiration.)
  • Do you have any traditions on Mother’s Day? Is there something you always do every year on Mother’s Day?
  • Why do you think Mother’s Day is celebrated every year?
  • Do you think being a mom is a difficult or easy role? Would you ever want to take on the responsibilities of being a mom for one week?

35 Mothers Day Writing Prompts

Marty the wizard is the master of Imagine Forest. When he's not reading a ton of books or writing some of his own tales, he loves to be surrounded by the magical creatures that live in Imagine Forest. While living in his tree house he has devoted his time to helping children around the world with their writing skills and creativity.

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4 Creative Writing Prompts For Mother’s Day

4 creative writing prompts for Mother's Day

Mother’s Day is right around the corner and it’s time to begin celebrating the mothers in our families. This year, Mother’s Day is celebrated on March 27th . This annual celebration allows us to show our mothers how much we appreciate everything they do for us. However, it’s also important to be aware of the home situation of your students as this can be a difficult day for those who have lost their mothers. As an alternative children could choose a female in their family who is important to them such as their aunt, grandmother, older sister or step-mother. 

Our mothers, or other female influences, care for us, guide us and encourage us every day. This Mother’s Day, encourage your students to celebrate the women in their lives with these 4 creative writing prompts. 

Writing prompt #1: My mam always says…

We’ve all gotten great advice from our mothers throughout the years. Tell your students to think of some important things their mam has taught them. These things can either be light-hearted or inspirational. For instance; “the sky’s the limit” or “if you don’t have anything nice to say, it’s best to say nothing at all”. It’s important to let your students run away with their creativity. Alternatively, your students could take this in a different direction and write about a story she always tells or a song she always sings. 

Project idea: Firstly, discuss and brainstorm the various lessons their mother has taught them and write them down on the board. Secondly, encourage your students’ creativity by giving them examples of what life lessons the female figures in their lives have taught them growing up. After this brainstorming session, get your students to write about their life lessons and advice and publish them as fun, professionally bound classbook. What a unique and creative Mother’s Day present!

Writing prompt #2: My favourite memory with my mam

  Each child has different hobbies and interests so this writing prompt will be sure to encourage variety amongst the students’ stories. Their favourite memories with their mothers could be a trip to Disneyland, or going to a concert to see their favourite singer. Or it could be as simple as a time they went shopping together. Give your class the opportunity to learn about their classmate’s favourite things to do with their families. Moreover, it might even encourage them to pick up some new pastimes!

Project idea: Ask your students to bring in some old photographs to jog their memory of fun times they have had with their mothers or other maternal figures. Your students can recount what is happening in the picture to their classmates before writing their Mothers’ Day stories. These pictures can be included within their story or the students can even draw their own illustrations inspired by them to include within their professionally bound classbook!

Writing prompt #3: If my mam were a superhero, what powers would she have?

  Mothers everywhere consistently go above and beyond for their children. Superheroes perform extraordinary tasks on behalf of others, much like our mothers. They are smart, strong and keep the family together. These are all great points to explain to your students when sharing ideas for this story. Most importantly, this writing prompt allows the students to capture their imagination.

Project idea: Firstly, g et each student to imagine and draw what their mother would look like as a superhero. For instance, they could write a story about the villains their mother faces. Secondly, use these illustrations to inspire their Mother’s Day superhero story and publish their drawings alongside their story in an imaginative, professionally bound class book that celebrates everything our mothers do for us!

Writing prompt #4: Five Things I should tell my mam

  Both adults and children alike have things they should say to their mother. This writing prompt gives students the chance to show gratitude and appreciation towards their mothers by compiling together a list of things they would love to tell them, whether this is a list of reasons why they are loved or various things they are thankful for. Alternatively, this prompt could produce a more amusing story by inspiring students to write a list of light-hearted, innocent confessions. 

Project idea: Get each student to write a list of the things they’d like to tell their mother.  Combine this list with drawings and illustrations of their mothers and publish them as a fun, professionally bound classbook !

Publish your own professionally bound classbook!

With these fun Mother’s Day writing prompts, students can create their own imaginative stories that make great, sentimental gifts that any mother would love to receive on their special day!

  Create an exciting event for your students by publishing their stories as a classbook that your students can always refer back to. Get started today by ordering our easy-to-use classbook publishing kit ! 

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How To Write An Essay On My Mother For Grade 3 Kids

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Key Points to Remember When Writing an Essay on ‘My Mother’ for Class 3

10 lines on ‘my mother’ for class 3, short paragraph on ‘my mother’ for class 3 kids, long essay on ‘my mother’ for class 3, what will your third grader learn from my mother essay.

Essay writing is an important activity for the development of your child. When your child writes an essay on the mother, it helps them think about what that they want to write, and put those thoughts on paper systematically. While writing on this topic, they imagine all that can be expressed about their mother. In the process, they learn the basics of grammar while framing simple sentences, their thought process improves, and writing and communicative skills also leap ahead.

There are a few points to follow while writing a composition about this topic. First, you need to introduce the topic. Then you frame the body, and finally, you write the conclusion. You can write it in this fashion:

  • My mother’s name.
  • What my mother does throughout the day.
  • The lessons my mother teaches me.
  • All the work my mother does for me and any other member at home, like my pet Julie.
  • All the work my mother does for other family members.
  • The bond between my mother and me.

Forming a few lines about the topic can help children write the essay better. By simply connecting those points and expanding on them, these central ideas can form the backbone of the essay:

  • My mother’s name is <add name>.
  • She is a homemaker, and works very hard.
  • Everyone at home loves and respects her.
  • She takes care of me and Julie, my furry friend.
  • She keeps the whole house clean and organised.
  • She cooks delicious food for us.
  • She helps me with my assignments.
  • She is a kind person and cares about other animals and birds.
  • She is one of the most talented people I know, being skilled in cooking, taking care of us and doing well in everything she does.
  • I aspire to be like her when I grow up.

Mothers occupy a very special place in each child’s life. To help class 3 children articulate their feelings for their mothers, here is an example of a short essay on this topic –

My mother’s name is <insert name>. She is kind-hearted, beautiful and intelligent and takes care of the whole house. She helps me with my studies and even takes me to the park to play when I have been studying for too long. Then, she ends my day by reading me stories at bedtime. She is very kind and compassionate and helps poor people, animals and birds. She is also very active and talented in keeping the house clean and organised. Most of the day, she has so much work to do that she doesn’t get much time to rest. My father helps her at times and asks her to rest. Whenever I tell her anything, she listens to me patiently. I love my mother.

A mother is a very special person for every child. Here’s an example that children can look at to write their own essays that portray their feelings accurately:

My mother’s name is Aparajita. ‘Aparajita’ means that which cannot be defeated. The name fits my mother. She is a very strong woman. She always stands up for what is right. She is very kind. She treats every person and every animal with lots of kindness. She takes care of my grandparents. She cares for everyone else in the house, along with me and Julie, my pet. She wakes up early morning, and makes tiffin for me. She drops me at the bus stand. After I return from school, she takes Julie and me to the park nearby.

We have a very nice time at the park with the other kids. She helps me with my school assignments, homework, and projects in the evenings. All of us have dinner together. Every night she reads me beautiful bedtime stories. On Sundays, she makes a special breakfast for the whole family. My mother makes delicious meals. I love the pudding she makes, and sometimes she layers it with jelly on top. It’s so tasty. My friends also love it. She bakes gorgeous cakes on my birthdays. She also makes crispy, tasty treats for Julie. She cooks tasty food for everyone in the house. My father also helps her sometimes.

On every Sunday we go to the amusement park. My mother cares for poor people. If she sees any poor person, she gives them food. Last week, when we were coming out of the cake shop, a poor man was sitting outside. Mom got some cakes for him. She donates clothes, medicines, and blankets to the poor. She feeds strays in our neighbourhood. She also feeds birds on the terrace. She keeps a big bowl of water on the terrace for thirsty birds in summers.

My mother is very patient. She says that it’s very important to be honest, no matter what. She is the backbone of our family. She keeps the family closely knit together. She is also very courageous. I feel good when she motivates me, even though I don’t do so well in exams. She appreciates me when I do well and tells me that we should always give our best. I love my mother.

Essay writing will benefit your child in their development. When your little one writes on this topic, it develops their thought process, improves their writing skills and even the basics of grammar. 

Essay writing has its benefits. Writing about one’s mother is always special, and the mother is the person a child loves the most. There have been many quotations and work by great people revolving around the love of a mother and her child. Rabindranath Tagore’s ‘Mother and Child’ is an example of the beautiful bond between a mother and child.

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My Mother’s Touch

When my mother tries to touch me, I flinch. I don’t like her to touch me at all, ever, and I don’t remember a time when we cuddled or hugged or she took me “uppy,” although it happened. My grandmother has proof: the old black and whites of me in my mother’s arms, in a cracked, brown leather album that says, OUR FAMILY, in faded gold letters on the front.

I dread our every embrace. I feel her bones, smell her breath— sharp, like the smell of New England Novembers—hear the excitement in her voice at welcoming me home, and I can’t wait to pull away. What kind of daughter am I?

My mother and I have the same hands. They are exactly the same: veiny, bony and large-palmed. I wonder if my daughter will have my hands, my mother’s hands passed down twice.

Once, when I was 17, she refused to take me to the doctor when I had an earache. I couldn’t drive, and she said it wasn’t her responsibility to take me. I went to sleep and woke with a circle of brick-red blood, the size of a silver dollar, on my pillow. She felt terrible and took me to Dr. Marsh right away. She scrubbed the stain out of the pillowcase later, in the sink, under the faucet, by hand.

Once, when I was 8, I was in the front seat of the car and must have said something smart, because she hit me hard with a backhand across the face. It was harder than a slap, because I could feel her knuckles and her rings, which scratched my cheek and nose. Later, she felt sorry about the rings.

Once, when I was at boarding school, she spent many hours writing me cards in her enviable, flawless penmanship, her right hand moving steadily across the page. Each line was perfectly straight, and all the ƒ’s and q’ s slanted the same, beautiful way, like morning light through a window pane. The florid words always added up to the same thing: I was manipulative; I was trying to sabotage her in her job; I was blaming her for my father’s leaving us; I was the cause of her illness and near death the year before; I needed to grow up and face these facts. She always sent the same cards, reprints of Impressionist paintings. I had a box full of them, but I preferred not to read the cards more than once. I hid them under my dorm bed, content to let Monet’s gardens flower in the dark.

So I can never tell her how much I don’t want her to touch me with those hands. I just let her embrace me, like the frozen juice around a Popsicle stick, and wait, desperately, for her to let me go.

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Fourth-grader Abigail wrote an essay that describes how great her mother is. She includes both serious and fun reasons!

Do you have someone who is great, spends time with you, cares for you, and is an important person? Well, I do, and she has black hair, brown eyes, and a caring touch. That’s my mom.

My mom talks to me about many things. One of the things she talks to me about is what will happen when I grow up. She tells me what to do in case of an emergency. And one day I had a really bad day with my friends, and she told me what to do about it.

My mom and I spend a lot of time together. We play games, bake cookies, make necklaces, and draw doodle tricks. But our favorite thing to do is read. Our favorite book is If You Give a Mouse a Cookie.

Mom takes me shopping at the mall. We buy toys and clothes, and we eat at the café. We usually get Chinese food or go to a McDonald’s restaurant. When we ride the escalator, my mom pretends to fall back and says, “My shoestring’s stuck!”

My mom always laughs, and when she laughs she sounds like a hyena gone crazy! She doesn’t laugh every day, but when she does, it’s hilarious, and I have to laugh, too!

My mom is the greatest. I love how she jokes around. She is always fun no matter what, and she gives me great advice. My mom is more than a mom; she is like my best friend!

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How to Write a Beautiful Eulogy for a Mother

Updated 04/24/2024

Published 10/28/2019

Erin Coriell, BA in Mass Communication/Media Studies

Erin Coriell, BA in Mass Communication/Media Studies

End-of-life care educator and grief worker

Learn how to write a touching eulogy for a mother, including step-by-step instructions and short sample eulogies.

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A eulogy is a speech that praises the life and influence of a person who passed away. These speeches are often the starting point of a funeral ceremony and are meant to make an impact on those in attendance. Writing a eulogy for your mother, however, can feel daunting and overwhelming as you navigate grief and loss.

As you sit down and write about the life of the mom you loved, know that it won't be an easy task. It takes courage to face something the grief and move forward through those feelings. But as you begin, you'll eventually find your mother's beautiful story just waiting to be told. Keep reading below for helpful step-by-step instructions for writing a eulogy for your mother.

Virtual funeral tip:  If you're hosting a  Zoom funeral using a service like GatheringUs , make sure to test your audio before the service, so both online and in-person guests can hear your eulogy clearly.

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Tips for writing a eulogy for your mother, short eulogy examples for a mother.

Image with tips for writing a eulogy for your mother

Mothers bring us into the world and it's hard to imagine a life without them. They are with you when you take your first breath. They can help you navigate your life. And often you are with them when they take their last breath. Saying goodbye to your mother is heartbreaking. It can feel like you are alone in your grief. And learning to navigate life without their physical presence can be very difficult.

While you are processing the immediate grief, you may also have to plan the funeral . Don’t let those details fill up all your time. You’ll need to give yourself time to write a eulogy to share. It can feel overwhelming to try and fit a lifetime of memories into 500-1000 words. And the last thing you want to do is rush the process. 

These tips will help guide you as you write a eulogy for your mother:

1. Reflect   

Grab a pen and paper (or computer) and let the memories flow freely. Don't worry about sentence structures or connecting the memories. Just get your thoughts and memories out of your head and onto paper. This exercise is a writing style called stream of consciousness. It can be cathartic. And it will prepare you to write a constructive and impactful eulogy.

Pro tip: Don't worry if the memories seem jumbled at first. You are grieving and it is important to be compassionate with yourself. Let the words flow and trust that it will all come together. 

2. Focus on the positive 

Amid deep grief, it can feel impossible to focus on the positive. During the reflection process, emotions may arise and it might seem like you are stuck in your grief. Trust the process. Allow yourself to reflect on the happy times with your mother. But don’t overlook the difficult times. Make sure you remember your mother as she was. Not perfect, but herself. And find solace in the journey.

A eulogy that encapsulates the dark and light is relatable. It can offer seeds of hope to the living.

3. Celebrate her life

You may feel that your mother left this earth too soon. It might be difficult to consider celebrating during this time. When writing a eulogy, celebrate your mother's life. It's an opportunity to include the special things you loved about your mother. The things that made her shine the most.

What did she do that made her loved ones feel loved? Did she have a special tradition or saying? Talk about it. Allow these words to serve as a celebration of her life.

You could also share her favorite song, piece of poetry, or a quote that she loved. It's important to remember that a eulogy is a celebration of someone. This is your time to express the wonderful thing that made your mother the person she was . 

4. Stay human 

During times of loss, it's common to want to pretend that you are doing okay. For eulogy purposes, you do need to find some composure, but you don't need to have it all together. People respond best to honest and authentic words.

And needing time to work through your grief is important.  If you are sad, or you are struggling with a particular memory, write that. It's okay to let your guard down and show that your mother's impact was great, even in loss.

5. Don’t overthink it 

It's easy to overthink things, especially when strong emotions are at play. Be kind to yourself. Remember that whatever you write will be enough. Try not to overthink the process.

Allow yourself to write from the heart. If you permit yourself to focus on your emotions, you might find the writing will come easier.  If you're having trouble figuring out where to start, check out our guide on how to start a eulogy , or even use some funeral poems about mothers to inspire you.

6. Practice  

Once you complete your eulogy, read it aloud to yourself a few times. And then read it to a loved one or friend. This will help release the immediate grief that may arise when reading it. If you aren't fond of public speaking, these run-throughs are good practice.

And can help you feel more comfortable. It’s important to remember that no one expects a eulogy to be emotionless. Read from the heart and take pauses when you need to. 

7. Stay present

Though writing can often take you into the past, work to stay present. Being present in the eulogy writing process can open your heart. You may find that by staying present, you are experiencing an old memory again.

But this time you are a quiet observer. When you take time to reflect on the present, you realize that your loved ones are always with you. 

If you are struggling with writing the first lines of your mother's eulogy, you are not alone.  Here are some suggestions and prompts to help you get started. 

Eulogy for a mom from a son

Words seem to fail me when I reflect on my mother's life. I am fortunate to be her son and it's an honor to call her my mom. I feel like it would take a lifetime to write all of the beautiful memories I shared with her. I would like to share a few of my favorites with you. I hope they can convey how wonderful of a mother she was. [Write memories] 

Please take a moment to look at the person next to you. You may know the person. Or you might be meeting them for the first time. We all come from different walks of life. The one thing we have in common is that we all cared about [name of mother]. I am grateful to each of you for recognizing my mother as the wonderful woman she was. Thank you for taking the time to be here today.

Eulogy for a mom from a daughter

We rarely express our gratitude for someone. My mom made sure I always knew how much she cared. She reminded me every day how important I was to her. I knew she loved me because she took the time to tell me. My mom was an incredible person. I feel very lucky to have been her daughter. And I want to express my gratitude to her for everything she did for me.

My mother [name] was loved by so many. She always knew how to brighten someone's day and make them feel loved. She treated everyone with kindness and respect. She rarely got mad and when she did, you knew she had a darn good reason! Her outlook on life was inspiring. If you were lucky to spend more than five minutes in her presence, you were forever changed. I am so grateful to have had a mother who embraced each day with optimism. 

Eulogy for a mother-in-law

We all hope to have a mother-in-law who is sincere and thoughtful. [Name] welcomed me into her family with open arms. She always made sure I was comfortable. And that I felt included in the family. It was a joy to know her for the last [insert number] years. I am grateful for the things she taught me and my husband/wife. I will keep her memory alive. 

Today we celebrate a brave woman who raised [enter number] beautiful children. [Name] welcomed me into the family in [year] and it was a great honor to spend time with her. She taught me so many things and we created a lot of memories together. My heart is saddened by this loss, but I am committed to keeping her memory alive. 

Eulogy for a stepmom

It's not always easy coming into a family of [number] children and agreeing to be their stepmom. [Name of step-mom] wore this role proudly. She joined our family without skipping a beat. She was caring and kind. She helped us children grow up to be the adults we are today. I feel very lucky to have had two moms in my lifetime. I will hold [name] close to my heart as I navigate the rest of my days. 

[Name of stepmom] played a crucial role in my upbringing. She cared for my siblings and me. And she always provided us with unconditional love and support. She was a wonderful stepmom and I will remember her always. I would like to share a couple of my favorite memories with you. [Share memories and close by inviting others to share their favorite memories of her]

Crafting a Touching Eulogy for Mom

Writing a eulogy is not easy but with some time and dedication, it can be done. Take some time to reflect on memories you have with her and ways you can demonstrate her influence. Celebrate her life and focus on the good she contributed to the world. Eventually, you'll have a beautiful eulogy your mom would be proud of.

Looking for more ways to memorialize your mother? There are many creative ways to honor her through keepsake projects , keepsake jewelry  or  even creating a custom urn to reflect her unique personality.


  • Funerals & Memorial Services

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