Motivation Essay for Students and Children

500+ words essay on motivation.

Everyone suggests other than the person lack motivation, or directly suggests the person remain motivated. But, no one ever tells what is the motivation of how one can stay motivated. Motivation means to face the obstacle and find an inspiration that helps you to go through tough times. In addition, it helps you to move further in life.

Motivation Essay

Meaning of Motivation

Motivation is something that cannot be understood with words but with practice. It means to be moved by something so strongly that it becomes an inspiration for you. Furthermore, it is a discipline that helps you to achieve your life goals and also helps to be successful in life .

Besides, it the most common practice that everyone does whether it is your boss in office or a school teacher or a university professor everyone motivates others in a way or other.

Role of Motivation

It is a strong tool that helps to get ahead in life. For being motivated we need a driving tool or goal that keeps us motivated and moves forward. Also, it helps in being progressive both physically and mentally.

Moreover, your goal does not be to big and long term they can be small and empowering. Furthermore, you need the right mindset to be motivated.

Besides, you need to push your self towards your goal no one other than you can push your limit. Also, you should be willing to leave your comfort zone because your true potential is going to revel when you leave your comfort zone.

Types of Motivation

Although there are various types of motivation according to me there are generally two types of motivation that are self- motivation and motivation by others.

Self-motivation- It refers to the power of someone to stay motivated without the influence of other situations and people. Furthermore, self-motivated people always find a way to reason and strength to complete a task. Also, they do not need other people to encourage them to perform a challenging task.

Motivation by others- This motivation requires help from others as the person is not able to maintain a self-motivated state. In this, a person requires encouragement from others. Also, he needs to listen to motivational speeches, a strong goal and most importantly and inspiration.

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Importance of Motivation

Motivation is very important for the overall development of the personality and mind of the people. It also puts a person in action and in a competitive state. Furthermore, it improves efficiency and desire to achieve the goal. It leads to stability and improvement in work.

Above all, it satisfies a person’s needs and to achieve his/her goal. It helps the person to fight his negative attitude. The person also tries to come out of his/her comfort zone so that she/ he can achieve the goal.

To conclude, motivation is one of the key elements that help a person to be successful. A motivated person tries to push his limits and always tries to improve his performance day by day. Also, the person always gives her/his best no matter what the task is. Besides, the person always tries to remain progressive and dedicated to her/his goals.

FAQs about Motivation Essay

Q.1 Define what is motivation fit. A.1 This refers to a psychological phenomenon in which a person assumes or expects something from the job or life but gets different results other than his expectations. In a profession, it is a primary criterion for determining if the person will stay or leave the job.

Q.2 List some best motivators. A.2 some of the best motivators are:

  • Inspiration
  • Fear of failure
  • Power of Rejection
  • Don’t pity your self
  • Be assertive
  • Stay among positive and motivated people
  • Be calm and visionary

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How to Motivate Students: 12 Classroom Tips & Examples

How to motivate students

Inspire. Instill drive. Incite excitement. Stimulate curiosity.

These are all common goals for many educators. However, what can you do if your students lack motivation? How do you light that fire and keep it from burning out?

This article will explain and provide examples of both intrinsic and extrinsic motivation in the classroom. Further, we will provide actionable methods to use right now in your classroom to motivate the difficult to motivate. Let’s get started!

Before you continue, we thought you might like to download our three Goal Achievement Exercises for free . These detailed, science-based exercises will help you or your students create actionable goals and master techniques to create lasting behavior change.

This Article Contains:

The science of motivation explained, how to motivate students in the classroom, 9 ways teachers can motivate students, encouraging students to ask questions: 3 tips, motivating students in online classes, helpful resources from, a take-home message.

Goal-directed activities are started and sustained by motivation. “Motivational processes are personal/internal influences that lead to outcomes such as choice, effort, persistence, achievement, and environmental regulation” (Schunk & DiBenedetto, 2020). There are two types of motivation: intrinsic and extrinsic.

Intrinsic motivation is internal to a person.

For example, you may be motivated to achieve satisfactory grades in a foreign language course because you genuinely want to become fluent in the language. Students like this are motivated by their interest, enjoyment, or satisfaction from learning the material.

Not surprisingly, intrinsic motivation is congruous with higher performance and predicts student performance and higher achievement (Ryan & Deci, 2020).

Extrinsic motivation is derived from a more external source and involves a contingent reward (Benabou & Tirole, 2003).

For example, a student may be motivated to achieve satisfactory grades in a foreign language course because they receive a tangible reward or compliments for good grades. Their motivation is fueled by earning external rewards or avoiding punishments. Rewards may even include approval from others, such as parents or teachers.

Self-determination theory addresses the why of behavior and asserts that there are various motivation types that lie on a continuum, including external motivation, internal motivation, and amotivation (Sheehan et al., 2018).

Motivating students

  • Relatedness

Student autonomy is the ownership they take of their learning or initiative.

Generate students’ autonomy by involving them in decision-making. Try blended learning, which combines whole class lessons with independent learning. Teach accountability by holding students accountable and modeling and thinking aloud your own accountability.

In addressing competence, students must feel that they can succeed and grow. Assisting students in developing their self-esteem is critical. Help students see their strengths and refer to their strengths often. Promote a kid’s growth mindset .

Relatedness refers to the students’ sense of belonging and connection. Build this by establishing relationships. Facilitate peer connections by using team-building exercises and encouraging collaborative learning. Develop your own relationship with each student. Explore student interests to develop common ground.

essay for motivating students

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Motivating students while teaching a subject and providing classroom management is definitely a juggling act. Try introducing a few of the suggestions below and see what happens.


First and foremost, it is critical to develop relationships with your students. When students begin formal schooling, they need to develop quality relationships, as interpersonal relationships in the school setting influence children’s development and positively impact student outcomes, which includes their motivation to learn, behavior, and cognitive skills (McFarland et al., 2016).

Try administering interest inventories at the beginning of the school year. Make a point to get to know each student and demonstrate your interest by asking them about their weekend, sports game, or other activities they may participate in.

Physical learning environment

Modify the physical learning environment. Who says students need to sit in single-file rows all facing the front of the room or even as desks for that matter?

Flexible seating is something you may want to try. Students who are comfortable in a learning space are better engaged, which leads to more meaningful, impactful learning experiences (Cole et al., 2021). You may try to implement pillows, couches, stools, rocking chairs, rolling chairs, bouncing chairs, or even no chairs at all.

Include parents

Involve parents and solicit their aid to help encourage students. Parents are a key factor in students’ motivation (Tóth-Király et al., 2022).

It is important to develop your relationship with these crucial allies. Try making positive phone calls home prior to the negative phone calls to help build an effective relationship. Involve parents by sending home a weekly newsletter or by inviting them into your classroom for special events. Inform them that you are a team and have the same goals for their child.

The relevance of the material is critical for instilling motivation. Demonstrating why the material is useful or tying the material directly to students’ lives is necessary for obtaining student interest.

It would come as no surprise that if a foreign language learner is not using relevant material, it will take longer for that student to acquire the language and achieve their goals (Shatz, 2014). If students do not understand the importance or real-world application for what they are learning, they may not be motivated to learn.

Student-centered learning

Student-centered learning approaches have been proven to be more effective than teacher-centered teaching approaches (Peled et al., 2022).

A student-centered approach engages students in the learning process, whereas a teacher-centered approach involves the teacher delivering the majority of the information. This type of teaching requires students to construct meaning from new information and prior experience.

Give students autonomy and ownership of what they learn. Try enlisting students as the directors of their own learning and assign project-based learning activities.

Find additional ways to integrate technology. Talk less and encourage the students to talk more. Involving students in decision-making and providing them opportunities to lead are conducive to a student-centered learning environment.

Collaborative learning

Collaborative learning is definitely a strategy to implement in the classroom. There are both cognitive and motivational benefits to collaborative learning (Järvelä et al., 2010), and social learning theory is a critical lens with which to examine motivation in the classroom.

You may try assigning group or partner work where students work together on a common task. This is also known as cooperative learning. You may want to offer opportunities for both partner and small group work. Allowing students to choose their partners or groups and assigning partners or groups should also be considered.

Alternative answering

Have you ever had a difficult time getting students to answer your questions? Who says students need to answer verbally? Try using alternative answering methods, such as individual whiteboards, personal response systems such as “clickers,” or student response games such as Kahoot!

Quizlet is also an effective method for obtaining students’ answers (Setiawan & Wiedarti, 2020). Using these tools allows every student to participate, even the timid students, and allows the teacher to perform a class-wide formative assessment on all students.

New teaching methods

Vary your teaching methods. If you have become bored with the lessons you are delivering, it’s likely that students have also become bored.

Try new teaching activities, such as inviting a guest speaker to your classroom or by implementing debates and role-play into your lessons. Teacher and student enjoyment in the classroom are positively linked, and teachers’ displayed enthusiasm affects teacher and student enjoyment (Frenzel et al., 2009).

Perhaps check out our article on teacher burnout to reignite your spark in the classroom. If you are not enjoying yourself, your students aren’t likely to either.

Asking questions

Aside from encouraging students to answer teacher questions, prompting students to ask their own questions can also be a challenge.

When students ask questions, they demonstrate they are thinking about their learning and are engaged. Further, they are actively filling the gaps in their knowledge. Doğan and Yücel-Toy (2020, p. 2237) posit:

“The process of asking questions helps students understand the new topic, realize others’ ideas, evaluate their own progress, monitor learning processes, and increase their motivation and interest on the topic by arousing curiosity.”

Student-created questions are critical to an effective learning environment. Below are a few tips to help motivate students to ask questions.

Instill confidence and a safe environment

Students need to feel safe in their classrooms. A teacher can foster this environment by setting clear expectations of respect between students. Involve students in creating a classroom contract or norms.

Refer to your classroom’s posted contract or norms periodically to review student expectations. Address any deviation from these agreements and praise students often. Acknowledge all students’ responses, no matter how wild or off-topic they may be.

Graphic organizers

Provide students with graphic organizers such as a KWL chart. The KWL chart helps students organize what they already Know , what they Want to learn, and what they Learned .

Tools such as these will allow students to process their thinking and grant them time to generate constructive questions. Referring to this chart will allow more timid students to share their questions.

Although intrinsic motivation is preferred (Ryan & Deci, 2020), incentives should also be used when appropriate. Token systems, where students can exchange points for items, are an effective method for improving learning and positively affecting student behavior (Homer et al., 2018).

Tangible and intangible incentives may be used to motivate students if they have not developed intrinsic motivation. Intangible items may include lunch with the teacher, a coupon to only complete half of an assignment, or a show-and-tell session. Of course, a good old-fashioned treasure box may help as well.

If students are unwilling to ask questions in front of the class, try implementing a large poster paper where students are encouraged to use sticky notes to write down their questions. Teachers may refer to the questions and answer them at a separate time. This practice is called a “parking lot.” Also, consider allowing students to share questions in small groups or with partners.

Student motivation: how to motivate students to learn

Just as in the face-to-face setting, relationships are crucial for online student motivation as well. Build relationships by getting to know your students’ interests. Determining student interests will also be key in the virtual environment.

Try incorporating a show-and-tell opportunity where students can display and talk about objects from around their home that are important to them. Peer-to-peer relationships should also be encouraged, and accomplishing this feat in an online class can be difficult. Here is a resource you can use to help plan team-building activities to bring your students together.

Game-based response systems such as Kahoot! may increase motivation. These tools use gamification to encourage motivation and engagement.

Incentives may also be used in the computer-based setting. Many schools have opted to use Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports Rewards . This curriculum nurtures a positive school culture and aims to improve student behavior. Points are earned by students meeting expectations and can be exchanged for items in an online store.

To further develop strong relationships with students and parents, remark on the relevancy of the materials and instill a student-centered learning approach that addresses autonomy. You may also wish to include alternative means of answering questions, vary your teaching methods, and implement collaborative learning.

essay for motivating students

17 Tools To Increase Motivation and Goal Achievement

These 17 Motivation & Goal Achievement Exercises [PDF] contain all you need to help others set meaningful goals, increase self-drive, and experience greater accomplishment and life satisfaction.

Created by Experts. 100% Science-based.

We have many useful articles and worksheets you can use with your students. To get an excellent start on the foundations of motivation, we recommend our article What Is Motivation? A Psychologist Explains .

If you’re curious about intrinsic motivation, you may be interested in What Is Intrinsic Motivation? 10 Examples and Factors Explained . And if you wish to learn more about extrinsic motivation, What Is Extrinsic Motivation? 9 Everyday Examples and Activities may be of interest to you.

Perhaps using kids’ reward coupons such as these may help increase motivation. Teachers could modify the coupons to fit their classroom or share these exact coupons with parents at parent–teacher conferences to reinforce children’s efforts at school .

For some students, coloring is an enjoyable and creative outlet. Try using a coloring sheet such as this Decorating Cookies worksheet for when students complete their work or as a reward for good behavior.

These 17 Motivation and Goal Achievement Exercises were designed for professionals to help others turn their dreams into reality by applying the latest science-based behavioral change techniques. You can consider these exercises to better understand your own motivation or tweak some activities for younger learners.

“The task of the modern educator is not to cut down jungles, but to irrigate deserts.”

C. S. Lewis

While we know how challenging it is to motivate students while teaching our specific subjects and attending to classroom management, we also understand the importance of motivation.

You will have some students enter your classroom with unequivocally developed intrinsic motivation, and you will have students enter your classroom with absolutely no motivation.

Teachers have to be able to teach everyone who walks into their classroom and incite motivation in those who have no motivation at all. Motivating the difficult to motivate is challenging; however, it can be done.

As Plutarch asserted, it is better to think of education as “a fire to be kindled” as opposed to “a vessel to be filled.” In addressing the needs of students with little to no motivation, it will take more time, patience, and understanding; however, implementing a few of these strategies will put you on the fast track to lighting that fire.

We hope you enjoyed reading this article. Don’t forget to download our three Goal Achievement Exercises for free .

  • Benabou, R., & Tirole, J. (2003). Intrinsic and extrinsic motivation. The Review of Economic Studies , 70 (3), 489–495
  • Cole, K., Schroeder, K., Bataineh, M., & Al-Bataineh, A. (2021). Flexible seating impact on classroom environment. Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology-TOJET , 20 (2), 62–74.
  • Doğan, F., & Yücel-Toy, B. (2020). Development of an attitude scale towards asking questions for elementary education students. Ilkogretim Online, 19 (4), 2237–2248.
  • Frenzel, A. C., Goetz, T., Lüdtke, O., Pekrun, R., & Sutton, R. E. (2009). Emotional transmission in the classroom: Exploring the relationship between teacher and student enjoyment. Journal of Educational Psychology , 101 (3), 705–716.
  • Homer, R., Hew, K. F., & Tan, C. Y. (2018). Comparing digital badges-and-points with classroom token systems: Effects on elementary school ESL students’ classroom behavior and English learning. Journal of Educational Technology & Society , 21 (1), 137–151.
  • Järvelä, S., Volet, S., & Järvenoja, H. (2010). Research on motivation in collaborative learning: Moving beyond the cognitive–situative divide and combining individual and social processes. Educational Psychologist , 45 (1), 15–27.
  • Kippers, W. B., Wolterinck, C. H., Schildkamp, K., Poortman, C. L., & Visscher, A. J. (2018). Teachers’ views on the use of assessment for learning and data-based decision making in classroom practice. Teaching and Teacher Education , 75 , 199–213.
  • McFarland, L., Murray, E., & Phillipson, S. (2016). Student–teacher relationships and student self-concept: Relations with teacher and student gender. Australian Journal of Education , 60 (1), 5–25.
  • Peled, Y., Blau, I., & Grinberg, R. (2022). Crosschecking teachers’ perspectives on learning in a one-to-one environment with their actual classroom behavior: A longitudinal study. Education and Information Technologies , 1–24.
  • Ryan, R. M., & Deci, E. L. (2020). Intrinsic and extrinsic motivation from a self-determination theory perspective: Definitions, theory, practices, and future directions. Contemporary Educational Psychology , 61 , 101860.
  • Schunk, D. H., & DiBenedetto, M. K. (2020). Motivation and social cognitive theory. Contemporary Educational Psychology , 60 , 101832.
  • Setiawan, M. R., & Wiedarti, P. (2020). The effectiveness of Quizlet application towards students’ motivation in learning vocabulary. Studies in English Language and Education , 7 (1), 83–95.
  • Shatz, I. (2014). Parameters for assessing the effectiveness of language learning strategies. Journal of Language and Cultural Education , 2 (3), 96–103.
  • Sheehan, R. B., Herring, M. P., & Campbell, M. J. (2018). Associations between motivation and mental health in sport: A test of the hierarchical model of intrinsic and extrinsic motivation. Frontiers in Psychology , 9 , 707.
  • Tóth-Király, I., Morin, A. J., Litalien, D., Valuch, M., Bőthe, B., Orosz, G., & Rigó, A. (2022). Self-determined profiles of academic motivation. Motivation and Emotion , 1–19.

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Nice blog thanks for sharing..!


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Very educative and interesting thank a lot for the article

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Dear Dr. Tiffany, many thanks for this very useful article.

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What Motivates Me as a Student

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Motivating students.

essay for motivating students


  • Expectancy – Value – Cost Model

ARCS Model of Instructional Design

Self-determination theory, additional strategies for motivating students.

Fostering student motivation is a difficult but necessary aspect of teaching that instructors must consider. Many may have led classes where students are engaged, motivated, and excited to learn, but have also led classes where students are distracted, disinterested, and reluctant to engage—and, probably, have led classes that are a mix. What factors influence students’ motivation? How can instructors promote students’ engagement and motivation to learn? While there are nuances that change from student to student, there are also models of motivation that serve as tools for thinking through and enhancing motivation in our classrooms. This guide will look at three frameworks: the expectancy-value-cost model of motivation, the ARCS model of instructional design, and self-determination theory. These three models highlight some of the major factors that influence student motivation, often drawing from and demonstrating overlap among their frameworks. The aim of this guide is to explore some of the literature on motivation and offer practical solutions for understanding and enhancing student motivation.

Expectancy – Value – Cost Model

The purpose of the original expectancy-value model was to predict students’ achievement behaviors within an educational context. The model has since been refined to include cost as one of the three major factors that influence student motivation. Below is a description of the three factors, according to the model, that influence motivation.

  • Expectancy refers to a student’s expectation that they can actually succeed in the assigned task. It energizes students because they feel empowered to meet the learning objectives of the course.
  • Value involves a student’s ability to perceive the importance of engaging in a particular task. This gives meaning to the assignment or activity because students are clear on why the task or behavior is valuable.
  • Cost points to the barriers that impede a student’s ability to be successful on an assignment, activity and/or the course at large. Therefore, students might have success expectancies and perceive high task value, however, they might also be aware of obstacles to their engagement or a potential negative affect resulting in performance of the task, which could decrease their motivation.

Three important questions to consider from the student perspective:

1. Expectancy – Can I do the task?

2. Value – Do I want to do the task?

• Intrinsic or interest value : the inherent enjoyment that an individual experiences from engaging in the task for its own sake.

• Utility value : the usefulness of the task in helping achieve other short term or long-term goals.

• Attainment value : the task affirms a valued aspect of an individual’s identity and meets a need that is important to the individual.

3. Cost – Am I free of barriers that prevent me from investing my time, energy, and resources into the activity?

It’s important to note that expectancy, value and cost are not shaped only when a student enters your classroom. These have been shaped over time by both individual and contextual factors. Each of your students comes in with an initial response, however there are strategies for encouraging student success, clarifying subject meaning and finding ways to mitigate costs that will increase your students’ motivation. Everyone may not end up at the same level of motivation, but if you can increase each student’s motivation, it will help the overall atmosphere and productivity of the course that you are teaching.

Strategies to Enhance Expectancy, Value, and Cost

Hulleman et. al (2016) summarize research-based sources that positively impact students’ expectancy beliefs, perceptions of task value, and perceptions of cost, which might point to useful strategies that instructors can employ.

Research-based sources of expectancy-related beliefs

Research-based sources of value, research-based sources of cost.

  • Barron K. E., & Hulleman, C. S. (2015). Expectancy-value-cost model of motivation. International Encyclopedia of Social and Behavioral Sciences, 8 , 503-509.
  • Hulleman, C. S., Barron, K. E., Kosovich, J. J., & Lazowski, R. A. (2016). Student motivation: Current theories, constructs, and interventions within an expectancy-value framework. In A. A. Lipnevich et al. (Eds.), Psychosocial Skills and School Systems in the 21st Century . Switzerland: Springer International Publishing.

The ARCS model of instructional design was created to improve the motivational appeal of instructional materials. The ARCS model is grounded in an expectancy-value framework, which assumes that people are motivated to engage in an activity if it’s perceived to be linked to the satisfaction of personal needs and if there is a positive expectancy for success. The purpose of this model was to fill a gap in the motivation literature by providing a model that could more clearly allow instructors to identify strategies to help improve motivation levels within their students.

ARCS is an acronym that stands for four factors, according to the model, that influence student motivation: attention, relevance, confidence, and satisfaction.

  • Attention refers to getting and sustaining student attention and directing attention to the appropriate stimuli.
  • Relevance involves making instruction applicable to present and future career opportunities, showing that learning in it of itself is enjoyable, and/or focusing on process over product by satisfying students’ psychological needs (e.g., need for achievement, need for affiliation).
  • Confidence includes helping students believe that some level of success is possible if effort is exerted.
  • Satisfaction is attained by helping students feel good about their accomplishments and allowing them to exert some degree of control over the learning experience.

To use the ARCS instructional design model, these steps can be followed:

  • Classify the problem
  • Analyze audience motivation
  • Prepare motivational objectives (i.e., identify which factor in the ARCS model to target based on the defined problem and audience analysis).
  • Generate potential motivational strategies for each objective
  • Select strategies that a) don’t take up too much instructional time; b) don’t detract from instructional objectives; c) fall within time and money constraints; d) are acceptable to the audience; and e) are compatible with the instructor’s personal style, preferences, and mode of instruction.
  • Prepare motivational elements
  • Integrate materials with instruction
  • Conduct a developmental try-out
  • Assess motivational outcomes

Strategies to Enhance Attention, Relevance, Confidence, and Satisfaction

Keller (1987) provides several suggestions for how instructors can positively impact students’ attention, perceived relevance, confidence, and satisfaction.

Attention Strategies

Incongruity, Conflict

  • Introduce a fact that seems to contradict the learner’s past experience.
  • Present an example that does not seem to exemplify a given concept.
  • Introduce two equally plausible facts or principles, only one of which can be true.
  • Play devil’s advocate.


  • Show visual representations of any important object or set of ideas or relationships.
  • Give examples of every instructionally important concept or principle.
  • Use content-related anecdotes, case studies, biographies, etc.


  • In stand up delivery, vary the tone of your voice, and use body movement, pauses, and props.
  • Vary the format of instruction (information presentation, practice, testing, etc.) according to the attention span of the audience.
  • Vary the medium of instruction (platform delivery, film, video, print, etc.).
  • Break up print materials by use of white space, visuals, tables, different typefaces, etc.
  • Change the style of presentation (humorous-serious, fast-slow, loud-soft, active-passive, etc.).
  • Shift between student-instructor interaction and student-student interaction.
  • Where appropriate, use plays on words during redundant information presentation.
  • Use humorous introductions.
  • Use humorous analogies to explain and summarize.
  • Use creativity techniques to have learners create unusual analogies and associations to the content.
  • Build in problem solving activities at regular interval.
  • Give learners the opportunity to select topics, projects and assignments that appeal to their curiosity and need to explore.


  • Use games, role plays, or simulations that require learner participation.

Relevance Strategies

  • State explicitly how the instruction builds on the learner’s existing skills.
  • Use analogies familiar to the learner from past experience.
  • Find out what the learners’ interests are and relate them to the instruction.

Present Worth

  • State explicitly the present intrinsic value of learning the content, as distinct from its value as a link to future goals.

Future Usefulness

  • State explicitly how the instruction relates to future activities of the learner.
  • Ask learners to relate the instruction to their own future goals (future wheel).

Need Matching

  • To enhance achievement striving behavior, provide opportunities to achieve standards of excellence under conditions of moderate risk.
  • To make instruction responsive to the power motive, provide opportunities for responsibility, authority, and interpersonal influence.
  • To satisfy the need for affiliation, establish trust and provide opportunities for no-risk, cooperative interaction.
  • Bring in alumni of the course as enthusiastic guest lecturers.
  • In a self-paced course, use those who finish first as deputy tutors.
  • Model enthusiasm for the subject taught.
  • Provide meaningful alternative methods for accomplishing a goal.
  • Provide personal choices for organizing one’s work.

Confidence Strategies

Learning Requirements

  • Incorporate clearly stated, appealing learning goals into instructional materials.
  • Provide self-evaluation tools which are based on clearly stated goals.
  • Explain the criteria for evaluation of performance.
  • Organize materials on an increasing level of difficulty; that is, structure the learning material to provide a “conquerable” challenge.


  • Include statements about the likelihood of success with given amounts of effort and ability.
  • Teach students how to develop a plan of work that will result in goal accomplishment.
  • Help students set realistic goals.


  • Attribute student success to effort rather than luck or ease of task when appropriate (i.e., when you know it’s true!).
  • Encourage student efforts to verbalize appropriate attributions for both successes and failures.


  • Allow students opportunity to become increasingly independent in learning and practicing a skill.
  • Have students learn new skills under low risk conditions, but practice performance of well-learned tasks under realistic conditions.
  • Help students understand that the pursuit of excellence does not mean that anything short of perfection is failure; learn to feel good about genuine accomplishment.

Satisfaction Strategies

Natural Consequences

  • Allow a student to use a newly acquired skill in a realistic setting as soon as possible.
  • Verbally reinforce a student’s intrinsic pride in accomplishing a difficult task.
  • Allow a student who masters a task to help others who have not yet done so.

Unexpected Rewards

  • Reward intrinsically interesting task performance with unexpected, non-contingent rewards.
  • Reward boring tasks with extrinsic, anticipated rewards.

Positive Outcomes

  • Give verbal praise for successful progress or accomplishment.
  • Give personal attention to students.
  • Provide informative, helpful feedback when it is immediately useful.
  • Provide motivating feedback (praise) immediately following task performance.

Negative Influences

  • Avoid the use of threats as a means of obtaining task performance.
  • Avoid surveillance (as opposed to positive attention).
  • Avoid external performance evaluations whenever it is possible to help the student evaluate his or her own work.
  • Provide frequent reinforcements when a student is learning a new task.
  • Provide intermittent reinforcement as a student becomes more competent at a task.
  • Vary the schedule of reinforcements in terms of both interval and quantity.

Source: Keller, J. M. (1987). Development and use of the ARCS model of instructional design. Journal of Instructional Development, 10 , 2-10.

Self-determination theory (SDT) is a macro-theory of human motivation, emotion, and development that is concerned with the social conditions that facilitate or hinder human flourishing. While applicable to many domains, the theory has been commonly used to understand what moves students to act and persist in educational settings. SDT focuses on the factors that influence intrinsic and extrinsic motivation, which primarily involves the satisfaction of basic psychological needs.

Basic Psychological Needs

SDT posits that human motivation is guided by the need to fulfill basic psychological needs for autonomy, competence, and relatedness.

  • Autonomy refers to having a choice in one’s own individual behaviors and feeling that those behaviors stem from individual volition rather than from external pressure or control. In educational contexts, students feel autonomous when they are given options, within a structure, about how to perform or present their work.
  • Competence refers to perceiving one’s own behaviors or actions as effective and efficient. Students feel competent when they are able to track their progress in developing skills or an understanding of course material. This is often fostered when students receive clear feedback regarding their progression in the class.
  • Relatedness refers to feeling a sense of belonging, closeness, and support from others. In educational settings, relatedness is fostered when students feel connected, both intellectually and emotionally, to their peers and instructors in the class. This can often be accomplished through interactions that allow members of the class to get to know each other on a deeper, more personal level.

Continuum of Self-Determination

SDT also posits that motivation exists on a continuum. When an environment provides enough support for the satisfaction of the psychological needs of autonomy, competence and relatedness, an individual may experience self-determined forms of motivation: intrinsic motivation, integration, and identification. Self-determined motivation occurs when there is an internal perceived locus of causality (i.e., internal factors are the main driving force for the behavior). Integration and identification are also grouped as autonomous extrinsic motivation as the behavior is driven by internal and volitional choice.

Intrinsic motivation , which is the most self-determined type of motivation, occurs when individuals naturally and spontaneously perform behaviors as a result of genuine interest and enjoyment.

Integrated regulation is when individuals identify the importance of a behavior, integrate this behavior into their self-concept, and pursue activities that align with this self-concept.

Identified regulation is where people identify and recognize the value of a behavior, which then drives their action.

When an environment does not provide enough support for the satisfaction of autonomy, competence, and relatedness, an individual may experience non-self-determined forms of motivation: introjection and external regulation. Introjection and external regulation are grouped as controlled extrinsic motivation because people enact these behaviors due to external or internal pressures.

Introjected regulation occurs when individuals are controlled by internalized consequences administered by the individual themselves, such as pride, shame, or guilt.

External regulation is when people’s behaviors are controlled exclusively by external factors, such as rewards or punishments.

Finally, at the bottom of the continuum is amotivation, which is lowest form of motivation.

Amotivation exists when there is a complete lack of intention to behave and there is no sense of achievement or purpose when the behavior is performed.

Below is a figure depicting the continuum of self-determination taken from Lonsdale, Hodge, and Rose (2009).

essay for motivating students

Although having intrinsically motivated students would be the ultimate goal, it may not be a practical one within educational settings. That’s because there are several tasks that are required of students to meet particular learning objectives that may not be inherently interesting or enjoyable. Instead, instructors can employ various strategies to satisfy students’ basic psychological needs, which should move their level of motivation along the continuum, and hopefully lead to more self-determined forms of motivation, thus yielding the greatest rewards in terms of student academic outcomes.

Below are suggestions for how instructors can positively impact students’ perceived autonomy, competence, and relatedness.

Strategies to Enhance Autonomy, Competence, and Relatedness

Autonomy strategies.

  • Have students choose paper topics
  • Have students choose the medium with which they will present their work
  • Co-create rubrics with students (e.g., participation rubrics, assignment rubrics)
  • Have students choose the topics you will cover in a particular unit
  • Drop the lowest assessment or two (e.g., quizzes, exams, homework)
  • Have students identify preferred assignment deadlines
  • Gather mid-semester feedback and make changes based on student suggestions
  • Provide meaningful rationales for learning activities
  • Acknowledge students’ feelings about the learning process or learning activities throughout the course

Competence Strategies

  • Set high but achievable learning objectives
  • Communicate to students that you believe they can meet your high expectations
  • Communicate clear expectations for each assignment (e.g., use rubrics)
  • Include multiple low-stakes assessments
  • Give students practice with feedback before assessments
  • Provide lots of early feedback to students
  • Have students provide peer feedback
  • Scaffold assignments
  • Praise student effort and hard work
  • Provide a safe environment for students to fail and then learn from their mistakes

Relatedness Strategies

  • Share personal anecdotes
  • Get to know students via small talk before/after class and during breaks
  • Require students to come to office hours (individually or in small groups)
  • Have students complete a survey where they share information about themselves
  • Use students’ names (perhaps with the help of name tents)
  • Have students incorporate personal interests into their assignments
  • Share a meal with students or bring food to class
  • Incorporate group activities during class, and allow students to work with a variety of peers
  • Arrange formal study groups
  • Convey warmth, caring, and respect to students
  • Lonsdale, C., Hodge, K., & Rose, E. (2009). Athlete burnout in elite sport: A self-determination perspective. Journal of Sports Sciences, 27, 785-795.
  • Niemiec, C. P., & Ryan, R. M. (2009). Autonomy, competence, and relatedness in the classroom: Applying self-determination theory to educational practice. Theory and Research in Education, 7, 133-144.
  • Ryan, R. M., & Deci, E. L. (2017). Self-determination theory: Basic psychological needs in motivation, development, and wellness . New York: Guilford.

Below are some additional research-based strategies for motivating students to learn.

  • Become a role model for student interest . Deliver your presentations with energy and enthusiasm. As a display of your motivation, your passion motivates your students. Make the course personal, showing why you are interested in the material.
  • Get to know your students.  You will be able to better tailor your instruction to the students’ concerns and backgrounds, and your personal interest in them will inspire their personal loyalty to you. Display a strong interest in students’ learning and a faith in their abilities.
  • Use examples freely.  Many students want to be shown why a concept or technique is useful before they want to study it further. Inform students about how your course prepares students for future opportunities.
  • Teach by discovery. Students find it satisfying to reason through a problem and discover the underlying principle on their own.
  • Cooperative learning activities are particularly effective as they also provide positive social pressure.
  • Set realistic performance goals  and help students achieve them by encouraging them to set their own reasonable goals. Design assignments that are appropriately challenging in view of the experience and aptitude of the class.
  • Place appropriate emphasis on testing and grading.  Tests should be a means of showing what students have mastered, not what they have not. Avoid grading on the curve and give everyone the opportunity to achieve the highest standard and grades.
  • Be free with praise and constructive in criticism.  Negative comments should pertain to particular performances, not the performer. Offer nonjudgmental feedback on students’ work, stress opportunities to improve, look for ways to stimulate advancement, and avoid dividing students into sheep and goats.
  • Give students as much control over their own education as possible.  Let students choose paper and project topics that interest them. Assess them in a variety of ways (tests, papers, projects, presentations, etc.) to give students more control over how they show their understanding to you. Give students options for how these assignments are weighted.
  • Bain, K. (2004). What the best college teachers do. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.
  • DeLong, M., & Winter, D. (2002).  Learning to teach and teaching to learn mathematics: Resources for professional development . Washington, D.C.: Mathematical Association of America.
  • Nilson, L. (2016). Teaching at its best: A research-based resource for college instructors  (4 th ed.). San Francisco, CA: Josey-Bass.

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A Powerful Strategy for Fostering Student Motivation

A look at how to adapt a well-established technique for boosting student motivation in distance learning or hybrid classrooms.

Middle-school aged girl works on virtual learning assignment on her laptop

Whether in person, virtually, or in some blended or hybrid model, many teachers are finding it more difficult than ever to keep their students motivated to learn. If you’re a new teacher this year, student motivation can be an even tougher nut to crack. I’ve found it helpful to revisit ideas I explored during my teacher training, and one that has been helping me through today’s unprecedented circumstances is the ARCS Model . Developed by educational psychologist John Keller, ARCS highlights the importance of attention, relevance, confidence, and satisfaction in stimulating learners and maintaining their focus during learning activities.

For educators looking to improve student motivation, evaluating whether these elements are present in learning is a good place to start. From there, small steps can be taken to apply each element with the help of both tech-based and traditional tools, which can make a notable difference in motivating students and improve outcomes.

Like all of us, students are more willing to invest their time and focus when they are interested in a topic. Likewise, sitting through the same routine lesson structure day after day can quickly lead to disinterest.

Perceptual arousal: Capture interest with the element of surprise or uncertainty. Storytelling, humor, and active learning experiences are proven ways of grabbing students’ attention, but what about entering text upside down or in code on a slide, posing the opposite point of view from what is expected, or changing the environment, like switching up your Bitmoji classroom background? Give students a jolt of educational caffeine when their attention wanes.

Try this : Begin your lesson—or insert by surprise somewhere in the middle—a photo from the New York Times Learning Network “What’s Going On in This Picture” column or the National Geographic Photo of the Day . Allow conversations to spark interest and thought provocation, and then ride the momentum.

Interest arousal: Stimulate an attitude of inquiry by posing challenges or novel ideas. Project-based learning fits in here, as students are often driven by the desire to solve problems, explore, and create. Explore using shorter-term thinking challenges and brainstorming events that push kids to consider ideas beyond the ones you present.

Try this : Rather than a worksheet or quiz, have students create something during class to demonstrate their application of learning, like a game, a screen cast of their work, or a flipbook, then post their learning to a shared whiteboard space like Explain Everything or Jamboard. Students can then do a digital “gallery walk” through classmates’ projects, leaving feedback and sharing new learning from one another.

Variability: Following the same structure day in and day out can quickly lead to boredom, so mix it up. With kids on devices for much of the day, opportunity for variation is at their fingertips. Have them experiment with a new tech tool you’ve been hearing about, or ditch tech altogether and give kids a screen break from time to time with interesting paper-based instruction or projects.

Try this : Check out Genially , an all-in-one digital tool that enables users to create interactive presentations, animated infographics, games, and more.

In order for students to want to learn, they must feel that what they’re learning matters to them. Understanding how a new skill or information is applicable to or will help them now or later on in life can make a big difference in motivation.

Relate to goals: Be explicit in connecting what students are learning with when, why, or how they can use this in the world beyond the classroom. Help students consider and define their own goals, and support them in making connections between their goals and what they’re learning.

Try this : Invite professionals to join your real or virtual classroom (or share sites like this one from The World Science Festival ) to demonstrate how what you’re teaching matters in the real world.

Match interests/familiarity: When possible, allow learning methods to align with students’ interests. Author and professor Christopher Emdin, creator of the #HipHopEd social media movement, has integrated science and hip-hop to motivate high school students with great success. Understanding students is key to ensuring relevant instruction for them.

Try this : Engage your students with some fun get-to-know-you-better activities. Many interactive polling tools, like Mentimeter , enable you to poll your class about their interests and instantly display results.

When students believe they can succeed and feel positive about their achievements and potential, their confidence increases and motivation improves. Clear directions, useful guidance, and consistent formative feedback help students know what is expected and how to make progress.

Success expectations: Build a positive expectation for success. Enable students to take knowledgeable ownership of their progress by providing them with the steps they need to take to succeed.

Try this : Deploy an interactive rubric, like SmartRubric , to help provide clear success criteria and meaningful feedback in an accessible digital tool.

Success opportunities: Facilitate successful learning by supporting or enhancing students’ belief in their competence. Help students strike a balance between effort and results by giving the opportunity to achieve success through varied and challenging experiences that build upon one another.

Try this : Challenge students to find success while thinking outside the box with a digital escape room. Explore the many great ones (including some that are free) from Breakout EDU or create your own .

Personal responsibility: Provide students with personal control over their success. When people feel their success is based on their own efforts and abilities, rather than on external factors like luck or the decisions of others, their confidence improves. Present choices when possible so that students can select the path for which they feel most prepared.

Try this : Create a digital choice board to engage students with different interests, strengths, and ability levels.


To sustain optimal motivation, learners need to have positive feelings about their learning experiences and accomplishments. Satisfaction can come from a sense of achievement, value, or inherent joy in the act of learning; from external reward systems or praise; or from the belief in a sense of fairness.

Intrinsic satisfaction: Provide opportunities to apply new learning in personally meaningful ways and foster personal recognition. Allow students to showcase their efforts to increase a sense of accomplishment and share the positive benefits of their learning.

Try this : Teach students how to set up a paper or digital portfolio , and encourage them to add their work to it over time. Portfolios are fun to share with others and work as archives for projects and personal reflection.

Rewarding outcomes: Positive reinforcement and motivational feedback can lead to extrinsic motivation that many students desire. Grades, privileges, certificates, and other tokens of achievement can provide motivating recognition for efforts. Likewise, feedback from peers, teachers, parents, and members of the community at large can be highly satisfying for students who have put forth effort and want others to know.

Try this : Publishing to an online site (with permissions, of course) allows students to see themselves as content creators with ideas worth sharing.

Fair treatment: To feel satisfied, students must feel that there was equity in the objectives, activities, and grades in a learning activity. If they suspect favoritism, bias, or unfairness, students are more likely to be turned off and lose the motivation to learn.

Try this : Elicit student feedback often. Create a quick feedback survey with Google Forms to share with students regularly or to include with major projects. Surveys—anonymous or not—can often give quieter voices a forum in which to be heard and can tune teachers and other students in to perspectives other than their own.

All About Motivation

  • Posted September 21, 2018
  • By Usable Knowledge

abstract illustration of girl surrounded by books and question marks

When you allow autonomy and require responsibility, you encourage motivation and self-guided learning in your students — and you fuel academic achievement and a sense of excitement. Here, we explore these and other insights into student motivation  from researchers and experts in the field of education.

Ask a Researcher , a project from Digital Promise and the Harvard Graduate School of Education , offers evidence-based guidance on classroom dilemmas. We pair questions from educators across the country with answers from researchers and experts. Are you in need of insight for your own teaching challenge? You can submit your question here .

Does offering students a choice in assignments lead to greater engagement?

Decades of psychological research concludes that providing students with choices leads to increased in autonomy and, in turn, motivation and learning. Students, like adults, tend to be more motivated to complete a task — and perform better on it — when they choose to engage in the task themselves, rather than having the task chosen for them.

But when it comes to giving choices — just like ice cream and movie sequels — more is not always better. Faced with too many choices, students can become overwhelmed, and they instead prioritize ending the choice-making process, rather than making the choice they really think is best. Research suggests three to five options may produce the most satisfaction and motivation.

Read more from Carly Robinson , a Ph.D. candidate at the Harvard Graduate School of Education, on Digital Promise.

How do we allow for inquiry while still ensuring learning (the proficiency of standards)?

Inquiry and learning are not meant to be mutually exclusive, but rather complementary parts of any teaching and learning experience. Inquiry is a vehicle for understanding. And understanding, different from the accumulation of knowledge, entails being flexible with what one knows. It is this flexibility that, we hope, will support young people in exhibiting the proficiency of standards that are required of them in many school settings, while also giving them the opportunity to further flex their understanding in new and exciting ways. Allowing students autonomy — the ability to choose how to express their knowledge to their teacher — is an essential gateway to engagement; when students feel empowered, they become more excited to learn.

Read  more from Edward Clapp,   a principal investigator at Project Zero ,  on Digital Promise.

What are the most effective practices for facilitating diverse youth leadership in schools?

Most young people are inherently driven to create positive change and to be leaders. Unfortunately, we don’t always make it easy for young people to see their inherent motivation as something useful for, or related to, school. How can we foster young people’s natural capacities to be leaders, in ways that are equitable and collectively beneficial?

When designed correctly and allowed to work on substantive issues, student government can be an authentic leadership body. If this group is designed in ways that fully represents the demographics of the school and the interests of students, then it can play a fundamental role in shaping the school’s values and structures. A representative group of students could also collect data from their peers about what they want, and then share these data with adults. This process would allow students to think about their needs and desires, and how these connect to the heart of the school’s pedagogy. For all young people, but particularly for young people who have been oppressed in society, getting the tools and opportunities to create change can start to help undo the trauma of feeling powerless.

Read more from Gretchen Brion-Meisels , an expert in adolescent development and a lecturer at the Harvard Graduate School of Education, on Digital Promise.  

Do digital learning materials improve student achievement or motivation?

I can think of two main ways that technology can effectively increase engagement with the kind of tasks traditionally found on worksheets: giving feedback and tracking student performance. You want computers to offer feedback that reinforces the work that led to a correct response, or feedback that helps guide the learner to pathways to correct answers. Feedback for correct answers, from the teacher or the computer, should highlight the steps that led to success. Feedback for incorrect answers should promote reflection on the error.

Digital technology can use past performance and the performance of similar students to dynamically determine what item, tasks, or bit of instruction should come next. The focus on learning can be reinforced by a focus on growth, and digital systems can display that growth graphically and immediately. That kind of progress feedback can be very motivating. We all like to see ourselves getting better.

Read more from David Dockterman , a researcher and lecturer at the Harvard Graduate School of Education, on Digital Promise.

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  • Essay On Motivation

Motivation Essay

500+ words essay on motivation.

Motivation, the word itself, means positive vibes which push an individual to go through tough times. We all are unaware of what drives one to stay motivated. We have different sources, such as our role models, parents, teachers, etc. Everyone should have some infrequent motivation intervals to move forward in their life.

Meaning of Motivation

Motivation provides us with positive energy to achieve our goals and makes us feel optimistic and enthusiastic. It pushes us to perform our work specifically to get results. In our life, it gives us the energy to stay focused on our work. Every individual needs the motivation to achieve their dreams and aspirations. Human beings have numerous things to motivate themselves, such as encouragement from loved ones, friends, etc. Motivation from our parents makes us feel more confident about the path we pursue. It encourages us to believe in ourselves and make us stronger. Sometimes, we fail to achieve success, and at that phase, we require motivation. Once we get motivated, we start fresh with energy and hope.

Motivation comes with constant practice, meaning getting moved or inspired by someone that will help you achieve your goals. Everyone needs motivation, whether in a workplace, school, institution, etc.

Role of Motivation

Motivation comes with the right mindset irrespective of your goal, too big or long term. It helps us to move ahead mentally and physically. To keep ourselves motivated, we require a driving factor or tool and to become successful; we need to push our boundaries. Also, you need to come out of your comfort zone to reveal your true potential.

Types of Motivation

An individual might have various types of motivation, but in my opinion, motivation can be self-motivation and motivation by others.

Self-motivation: Self-motivation means keeping ourselves motivated without the influence of other people and situations. If you are self-motivated, you can complete the given task without guidance and encouragement.

Motivation by Others: People who lack self-motivation need help from others to keep themselves motivated. They need encouragement from others to maintain their state of motivation. These people also need to listen to motivational speeches for inspiration.

Sources of Motivation

The source of motivation can be anyone, either your school teachers or your parents, depending upon the situation.

From People: When it comes to our motivation, our mothers play an imperative role. Mothers selflessly motivate their children in every stage of life. According to research, it is found that when we communicate with our mothers, our brain releases oxytocin in a reasonable amount. It makes us feel good and motivated. Also, some people are well-known about our goal clearly, so they encourage us.

Famous Personalities: We also get inspiration from our favourite personalities like social workers, writers, political leaders, film stars, presidents, cricketers, etc. We want to become like the person we follow, which indirectly becomes our motivation.

Animals: Animals also motivate us, like dogs, which always make us happy. We can also take the example of an ant who keeps on falling but never gives up, so it teaches us that we should not feel unmotivated by our failure. Similarly, if we look at our surroundings, many animals motivate us.

Nature: The season is the best example when we talk about nature. The season keeps on changing, but we might not like every season, but still, we survive and understand its significance. Rivers also inspires and teaches us to face every problem of our life.

Books: They are one of the best sources of motivation. Many books have beautiful experiences shared with some captivating stories. Books are our best friends and the best motivators.

Conclusion of Motivation Essay

It is not only you who may feel low or sad. People meet different people and get motivated, like an energy drink. Always have your inspiration with you because it will help you achieve your goals. It is good to be optimistic because it helps us achieve our goals and adds peace to our lives.

From our BYJU’S website, students can learn CBSE Essays related to different topics. It will help students to get good marks in their upcoming exams.

Frequently Asked Questions on Motivation Essay

How important is self-motivation.

In today’s competitive world, motivating oneself constantly is necessary to move forward in life and career.

Do teachers play an important role in the ‘motivation factor’ of students?

Students spend maximum time in school, and thus, teachers are solely responsible (after parents) in motivating children towards the right goal.

How do students develop motivation?

Students can keep themselves motivated by setting realistic goals, making note of their progress, following timelines and rewarding themselves for their achievements.

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Essays on Motivation

🌟 the importance of writing a motivation essay 📝.

Motivation is like that extra sprinkle of magic dust that gives us the boost we need to achieve our goals and dreams ✨✨. It's the driving force behind our actions and the fuel that keeps us going when things get tough. Writing an essay about motivation allows us to delve deeper into this fascinating topic and explore its various aspects. So, why not grab your pen (or keyboard) and let's dive into the world of motivation! 💪📚

🔍 Choosing the Perfect Motivation Essay Topic 🤔

When it comes to choosing a topic for your motivation essay, there are a few things to consider. First, think about what aspect of motivation you find most intriguing. Is it personal motivation, motivation in the workplace, or maybe the psychology behind motivation? Once you have a general idea, narrow it down further to a specific angle that interests you the most.

💡 Motivation Argumentative Essay 💪📝

An argumentative essay on motivation requires you to take a stance and provide evidence to support your viewpoint. Here are ten exciting topics to get those creative juices flowing:

  • The role of intrinsic motivation in academic success
  • The impact of extrinsic rewards on employee motivation
  • Does social media affect motivation levels in teenagers?
  • The connection between motivation and self-esteem
  • How does motivation differ between genders?
  • The influence of music on motivation levels
  • Does money truly motivate people in the workplace?
  • The effects of positive reinforcement on motivation
  • The link between motivation and mental health
  • How does goal-setting impact motivation?

🌪️ Motivation Cause and Effect Essay 📝

In a cause and effect essay, you explore the reasons behind certain motivations and their outcomes. Here are ten thought-provoking topics to consider:

  • The causes and effects of procrastination on motivation
  • How does a lack of motivation impact academic performance?
  • The relationship between motivation and success in sports
  • The effects of parental motivation on children's achievements
  • How does motivation affect mental well-being?
  • The causes and effects of burnout on motivation levels
  • The impact of motivation on work-life balance
  • How does motivation affect creativity and innovation?
  • The causes and effects of peer pressure on motivation
  • The relationship between motivation and goal attainment

💬 Motivation Opinion Essay 💭📝

In an opinion essay, you express your personal thoughts and beliefs about motivation. Here are ten intriguing topics to spark your imagination:

  • Is self-motivation more effective than external motivation?
  • Are rewards a necessary form of motivation?
  • Should schools focus more on intrinsic motivation?
  • The role of motivation in achieving work-life balance
  • Is motivation a learned behavior or innate?
  • The impact of motivation on personal growth and development
  • Does motivation play a significant role in overcoming obstacles?
  • Is fear an effective motivator?
  • The role of motivation in maintaining a healthy lifestyle
  • Can motivation be sustained in the long term?

📚 Motivation Informative Essay 🧠📝

An informative essay on motivation aims to educate and provide valuable insights. Here are ten fascinating topics to explore:

  • The psychology behind motivation and its theories
  • How to stay motivated in challenging times
  • The impact of motivation on personal and professional success
  • Motivation techniques for achieving fitness goals
  • The role of motivation in leadership and management
  • Motivation in the context of mental health and well-being
  • The history of motivation research and key figures
  • Motivation strategies for students and educators
  • Motivation and its connection to creativity and innovation
  • Motivation in different cultural and societal contexts

📜 Thesis Statement Examples 📜

Here are a few thesis statement examples to inspire your motivation essay:

  • 1. "Motivation, whether intrinsic or extrinsic, plays a pivotal role in driving individuals towards achieving their goals and aspirations."
  • 2. "This essay explores the multifaceted nature of motivation, examining its psychological underpinnings, societal influences, and practical applications."
  • 3. "In a world filled with challenges and opportunities, understanding the mechanisms of motivation empowers individuals to overcome obstacles and reach new heights of success."

📝 Introduction Paragraph Examples 📝

Here are some introduction paragraph examples for your motivation essay:

  • 1. "Motivation is the driving force behind human actions, the invisible hand that propels us toward our goals. It is the spark that ignites the fire of determination within us, pushing us to overcome obstacles and realize our dreams."
  • 2. "In a world where challenges often outnumber opportunities, motivation serves as the compass guiding us through life's intricate maze. It is the unwavering belief in our abilities and the fuel that keeps our ambitions burning bright."
  • 3. "Picture a world without motivation—a world where dreams remain unfulfilled, talents remain hidden, and aspirations remain dormant. Fortunately, we do not live in such a world, and this essay delves into the profound impact of motivation on human lives."

🔚 Conclusion Paragraph Examples 📝

Here are some conclusion paragraph examples for your motivation essay:

  • 1. "As we conclude this journey through the realm of motivation, let us remember that it is the driving force behind our accomplishments, the cornerstone of our achievements. With unwavering motivation, we can surmount any obstacle and turn our aspirations into reality."
  • 2. "In the grand tapestry of human existence, motivation weaves the threads of determination, perseverance, and success. This essay's culmination serves as a testament to the enduring power of motivation and its ability to shape our destinies."
  • 3. "As we bid farewell to this exploration of motivation, let us carry forward the knowledge that motivation is not just a concept but a potent force that propels us toward greatness. With motivation as our guide, we can continue to chase our dreams and conquer new horizons."

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Learning Styles and Motivation Reflection 

My motivation to undergo a masters program in business, entrepreneurship, and technology, my letter of motivation: electrical and electronics engineering, assessment of my motivation and values, overview of the motivational theories for business, autonomy, mastery, and purpose: motivation, applying work motivation theories to business situations, drive-reduction theory and motivation, the impact of motivation and affect on judgement, my motivation to study biomedical engineering in the netherlands, research of the theories of motivation: expectancy theory and the equity theory, understanding of my personal motivation, the motivation letter for you, herzberg two-factor theory of motivation, motivation in different aspects of our lives, the importance of motivation in human resource management, my motivation to get a bachelor degree in nursing, my potential and motivation to excel in the field of medicine, my motivational letter: mechanical engineering, motivation letter for computer science scholarship.

Motivation is what explains why people or animals initiate, continue or terminate a certain behavior at a particular time. Motivational states are commonly understood as forces acting within the agent that create a disposition to engage in goal-directed behavior.

There are four main tyoes of motivation: Intrinsic, extrinsic, unconscious, and conscious.

Theories articulating the content of motivation: Maslow's hierarchy of needs, Herzberg's two-factor theory, Alderfer's ERG theory, Self-Determination Theory, Drive theory.

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essay for motivating students

How-To Writing: Motivating Students to Write for a Real Purpose

How-To Writing: Motivating Students to Write for a Real Purpose

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What do students need to know to succeed in fourth grade (or third or fifth)? What supplies are needed? What rules and steps should be followed? These and many other questions provide the framework for students to write how-to essays for a specific audience—future fourth graders. Although this lesson focuses specifically on fourth grade, it can be easily adapted for third or fifth graders. Students first learn about the how-to writing genre by reading an assortment of instruction manuals. This also demonstrates how how-to writing relates to their everyday lives. The teacher then models each step of the writing process as the students write about how to be successful fourth graders. After students publish their writing, the final drafts are saved for the following year's fourth graders to read at the beginning of the next school year.

Featured Resources

  • Power Proofreading : Students can use this interactive site to complete activities to build their proofreading skills.  
  • Essay Map : Using this interactive site, students can organize the information they will include in their essay.

From Theory to Practice

  • Students need to understand that there are purposes for writing other than for the teacher to read and grade it. Writing how-to essays has been found to be a successful alternative to the traditional research paper or teacher-based essay.  
  • How-to writing is a genre that appeals to most students because it is applicable in the world. This genre involves exploring interests and needs to identify a topic, conducting several research methods, and working through the writing process.  
  • When students' writing has an authentic audience beyond the classroom teacher, they can see a direct connection between their lives and their literacy development.

Common Core Standards

This resource has been aligned to the Common Core State Standards for states in which they have been adopted. If a state does not appear in the drop-down, CCSS alignments are forthcoming.

State Standards

This lesson has been aligned to standards in the following states. If a state does not appear in the drop-down, standard alignments are not currently available for that state.

NCTE/IRA National Standards for the English Language Arts

  • 1. Students read a wide range of print and nonprint texts to build an understanding of texts, of themselves, and of the cultures of the United States and the world; to acquire new information; to respond to the needs and demands of society and the workplace; and for personal fulfillment. Among these texts are fiction and nonfiction, classic and contemporary works.
  • 4. Students adjust their use of spoken, written, and visual language (e.g., conventions, style, vocabulary) to communicate effectively with a variety of audiences and for different purposes.
  • 5. Students employ a wide range of strategies as they write and use different writing process elements appropriately to communicate with different audiences for a variety of purposes.
  • 12. Students use spoken, written, and visual language to accomplish their own purposes (e.g., for learning, enjoyment, persuasion, and the exchange of information).

Materials and Technology

  • Computer with Internet access and LCD projector  
  • Assortment of instruction manuals as examples of how-to writing  
  • Chart paper  
  • Overhead projector and transparencies
  • How to Succeed in the Fourth Grade: Graphic Organizer  
  • How to Succeed in the Fourth Grade: Writing Rubric  
  • Correcting and Proofreading Checklist


Student objectives.

Students will

  • Recognize that how-to writing is a genre they encounter in their everyday lives  
  • Identify the characteristics of the how-to writing genre and incorporate them into a how-to essay about succeeding in the fourth grade  
  • Identify the audience for their how-to essay (i.e., future fourth graders) and shape the essay to appeal to this audience  
  • Apply the steps of the writing process to complete the how-to essay

Note: This prewriting activity allows students to work together to brainstorm ideas for their writing, but it also allows for each essay to be different, as students may choose different materials, rules, or steps for success in the fourth grade.

Students may choose a topic of interest to write another how-to essay. For example, students may choose to write instructions for how to play a board game or a sport that they enjoy.

Student Assessment / Reflections

Use the How-To Succeed in the Fourth Grade: Writing Rubric to assess students' writing.

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This strategy guide explains the writing process and offers practical methods for applying it in your classroom to help students become proficient writers.

The Essay Map is an interactive graphic organizer that enables students to organize and outline their ideas for an informational, definitional, or descriptive essay.

Students examine the different ways that they write and think about the role writing plays in life.

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Cultivating enthusiasm

Pritesh Raichura

There’s nothing more motivating than a motivated teacher. Use these 7 tips to become one – and grow your learners

A teacher waters his students who are growing in flowerpots

Source: © Aleksei Naumov/Getty Images

Help your students grow – all it takes is a little praise and enthusiasm, and all will be coming up roses in your classroom

Great teachers are a lot like personal trainers: they know exactly how to motivate those in their care. Observing an engaged class can make the art of motivation appear complex and mysterious. This is mostly because building motivation is a long-term project, ultimately amplified by building strong relationships with students. Here I share seven concrete strategies you can use to build motivation.

1. Narrate joy

When I’m about to teach a new topic, I like to start with a story that builds excitement. ‘My water bottle can keep my water hot for five hours. How on earth can a bottle like this keep my water hot for so long? Isn’t it incredible that we’re going to learn all about that in our next six lessons?’ The more enthusiastic we are about the science we’re teaching, the more excited the students feel about learning. Always find a way to narrate how much you love a topic, even if it’s one you find boring. Enthusiasm is infectious and motivating.

1. Communicate enthusiasm

When I’m about to teach a new topic, I like to start with a story that builds excitement. ‘My water bottle can keep my water hot for five hours. How does it keep my water hot for so long? Isn’t it incredible that we’re going to learn all about that in science?’ The more enthusiastic we are about the science we’re teaching, the more excited students feel about learning. Always narrate how much you love a topic, even if you find it boring. Enthusiasm is infectious and motivating.

2. Ask easy questions while explaining

2. ask questions.

I am a big advocate of using questions I call checks for listening . They’re easy for students to answer because they do what they say on the tin. ‘The three states of matter are solids, liquids and gases. What are the three states of matter?’ Once correctly answered, flip the question: ‘Solids, liquids and gases are called the three … what?’ The more opportunities you give your students to answer such questions, the more opportunities you create for them to feel successful. Success breeds motivation.

3. Give lots of praise

Reward the behaviours you want to see more of. Answered a check for listening question correctly? ‘That’s a merit for you.’ Asked a fascinating question? ‘Sir, if positive charges repel each other, then how do the protons remain in the nucleus together?’ ‘What a brilliant question! You are thinking like a scientist – a merit for you!’ Make sure your praise is really warm: if your face lights up, you give a thumbs up and you’re genuinely proud of your student, then they will feel the authenticity.

3. Give praise

Reward behaviours you want to see more of. Answered a check for listening question correctly? ‘That’s a merit for you.’ Asked a fascinating question? ’Thinking like a scientist – a merit for you.’ Make sure your praise is really warm; your students will feel the authenticity.

4. Don’t play guess what’s in my head

If a question requires knowledge students haven’t acquired in class, you’re only motivating students who acquired that knowledge elsewhere (home, usually). Some parents take their children to museums every summer, fill their homes with books and watch David Attenborough together. Other families might not. It’s easy to guess which student is likely to be rewarded for answering the question: ‘Does anyone know what the biggest animal migration event in the world is?’ Who will feel motivated by it? More importantly, who might feel demotivated?

4. Don’t play guessing games

If a question requires knowledge students haven’t acquired in class, you’re only motivating students who acquired that knowledge elsewhere (home, usually). Some families go to museums and watch David Attenborough together. Other families might not. It’s easy to guess which student is likely to be rewarded for answering the question: ‘Does anyone know what the biggest animal migration event in the world is?’ Who will feel motivated by it? More importantly, who might feel demotivated?

5. Culture curiosity

The more you know about a topic, the more curious you become. So, explicitly teach lots of knowledge, rehearse it, and you’ll see curious questions shoot up. Teachers often use student questions as a gauge of curiosity before explicit teaching. However, this is simply repeating the mistakes in point 4. Students need knowledge before they can be curious.

6. Show students the link between hard work and knowing lots

Test students frequently so they can see their hard work translate into success. After all, seeing is believing. For example, teach acids and bases, rehearse the knowledge lots in class and set homework that requires embedding knowledge of acids and bases. Then, test on acids and bases. When students succeed, praise what they remember. This powerful cycle shows students that becoming smarter is both possible and desirable, and shatters demotivating illusions about innate intelligence.

6. Let hard work do the work

Test students frequently so they can see their hard work translate into success. After all, seeing is believing. For example, teach acids and bases, rehearse the knowledge lots in class and set homework that requires embedding the knowledge. Then, test on the topic. When students succeed, praise them. This powerful cycle shows students that becoming smarter is possible, shattering demotivating illusions about innate intelligence.

7. Praise errors

In Teach like a champion , the author writes about how the best teachers create a culture of error in their classrooms. ‘Thank you for sharing that mistake! It’s one I see in my classroom all the time’ or ‘That’s not correct - but I’m so glad you made that mistake. We can all learn from this’ is common parlance in the most motivating classrooms. Keep these phrases up your sleeve and whip them out the next time a student says, ‘Particles in a solid have no motion’.

I hope the concrete nature of these strategies has motivated you try them out with your next class. After all, there’s nothing more motivating than having a motivated teacher.

Great teachers create a  culture of error  in their classrooms. ‘Thank you for sharing that mistake! I see it all the time’ or ‘That’s not correct - but I’m glad you made that mistake. We can all learn from this’ is common parlance in the most motivating classrooms. Keep these phrases up your sleeve and whip them out the next time a student says, ‘Particles in a solid have no motion’.

Pritesh Raichura

Pritesh Raichura

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The Importance of Students’ Motivation for Their Academic Achievement – Replicating and Extending Previous Findings

Ricarda steinmayr.

1 Department of Psychology, TU Dortmund University, Dortmund, Germany

Anne F. Weidinger

Malte schwinger.

2 Department of Psychology, Philipps-Universität Marburg, Marburg, Germany

Birgit Spinath

3 Department of Psychology, Heidelberg University, Heidelberg, Germany

Associated Data

The datasets generated for this study are available on request to the corresponding author.

Achievement motivation is not a single construct but rather subsumes a variety of different constructs like ability self-concepts, task values, goals, and achievement motives. The few existing studies that investigated diverse motivational constructs as predictors of school students’ academic achievement above and beyond students’ cognitive abilities and prior achievement showed that most motivational constructs predicted academic achievement beyond intelligence and that students’ ability self-concepts and task values are more powerful in predicting their achievement than goals and achievement motives. The aim of the present study was to investigate whether the reported previous findings can be replicated when ability self-concepts, task values, goals, and achievement motives are all assessed at the same level of specificity as the achievement criteria (e.g., hope for success in math and math grades). The sample comprised 345 11th and 12th grade students ( M = 17.48 years old, SD = 1.06) from the highest academic track (Gymnasium) in Germany. Students self-reported their ability self-concepts, task values, goal orientations, and achievement motives in math, German, and school in general. Additionally, we assessed their intelligence and their current and prior Grade point average and grades in math and German. Relative weight analyses revealed that domain-specific ability self-concept, motives, task values and learning goals but not performance goals explained a significant amount of variance in grades above all other predictors of which ability self-concept was the strongest predictor. Results are discussed with respect to their implications for investigating motivational constructs with different theoretical foundation.


Achievement motivation energizes and directs behavior toward achievement and therefore is known to be an important determinant of academic success (e.g., Robbins et al., 2004 ; Hattie, 2009 ; Plante et al., 2013 ; Wigfield et al., 2016 ). Achievement motivation is not a single construct but rather subsumes a variety of different constructs like motivational beliefs, task values, goals, and achievement motives (see Murphy and Alexander, 2000 ; Wigfield and Cambria, 2010 ; Wigfield et al., 2016 ). Nevertheless, there is still a limited number of studies, that investigated (1) diverse motivational constructs in relation to students’ academic achievement in one sample and (2) additionally considered students’ cognitive abilities and their prior achievement ( Steinmayr and Spinath, 2009 ; Kriegbaum et al., 2015 ). Because students’ cognitive abilities and their prior achievement are among the best single predictors of academic success (e.g., Kuncel et al., 2004 ; Hailikari et al., 2007 ), it is necessary to include them in the analyses when evaluating the importance of motivational factors for students’ achievement. Steinmayr and Spinath (2009) did so and revealed that students’ domain-specific ability self-concepts followed by domain-specific task values were the best predictors of students’ math and German grades compared to students’ goals and achievement motives. However, a flaw of their study is that they did not assess all motivational constructs at the same level of specificity as the achievement criteria. For example, achievement motives were measured on a domain-general level (e.g., “Difficult problems appeal to me”), whereas students’ achievement as well as motivational beliefs and task values were assessed domain-specifically (e.g., math grades, math self-concept, math task values). The importance of students’ achievement motives for math and German grades might have been underestimated because the specificity levels of predictor and criterion variables did not match (e.g., Ajzen and Fishbein, 1977 ; Baranik et al., 2010 ). The aim of the present study was to investigate whether the seminal findings by Steinmayr and Spinath (2009) will hold when motivational beliefs, task values, goals, and achievement motives are all assessed at the same level of specificity as the achievement criteria. This is an important question with respect to motivation theory and future research in this field. Moreover, based on the findings it might be possible to better judge which kind of motivation should especially be fostered in school to improve achievement. This is important information for interventions aiming at enhancing students’ motivation in school.

Theoretical Relations Between Achievement Motivation and Academic Achievement

We take a social-cognitive approach to motivation (see also Pintrich et al., 1993 ; Elliot and Church, 1997 ; Wigfield and Cambria, 2010 ). This approach emphasizes the important role of students’ beliefs and their interpretations of actual events, as well as the role of the achievement context for motivational dynamics (see Weiner, 1992 ; Pintrich et al., 1993 ; Wigfield and Cambria, 2010 ). Social cognitive models of achievement motivation (e.g., expectancy-value theory by Eccles and Wigfield, 2002 ; hierarchical model of achievement motivation by Elliot and Church, 1997 ) comprise a variety of motivation constructs that can be organized in two broad categories (see Pintrich et al., 1993 , p. 176): students’ “beliefs about their capability to perform a task,” also called expectancy components (e.g., ability self-concepts, self-efficacy), and their “motivational beliefs about their reasons for choosing to do a task,” also called value components (e.g., task values, goals). The literature on motivation constructs from these categories is extensive (see Wigfield and Cambria, 2010 ). In this article, we focus on selected constructs, namely students’ ability self-concepts (from the category “expectancy components of motivation”), and their task values and goal orientations (from the category “value components of motivation”).

According to the social cognitive perspective, students’ motivation is relatively situation or context specific (see Pintrich et al., 1993 ). To gain a comprehensive picture of the relation between students’ motivation and their academic achievement, we additionally take into account a traditional personality model of motivation, the theory of the achievement motive ( McClelland et al., 1953 ), according to which students’ motivation is conceptualized as a relatively stable trait. Thus, we consider the achievement motives hope for success and fear of failure besides students’ ability self-concepts, their task values, and goal orientations in this article. In the following, we describe the motivation constructs in more detail.

Students’ ability self-concepts are defined as cognitive representations of their ability level ( Marsh, 1990 ; Wigfield et al., 2016 ). Ability self-concepts have been shown to be domain-specific from the early school years on (e.g., Wigfield et al., 1997 ). Consequently, they are frequently assessed with regard to a certain domain (e.g., with regard to school in general vs. with regard to math).

In the present article, task values are defined in the sense of the expectancy-value model by Eccles et al. (1983) and Eccles and Wigfield (2002) . According to the expectancy-value model there are three task values that should be positively associated with achievement, namely intrinsic values, utility value, and personal importance ( Eccles and Wigfield, 1995 ). Because task values are domain-specific from the early school years on (e.g., Eccles et al., 1993 ; Eccles and Wigfield, 1995 ), they are also assessed with reference to specific subjects (e.g., “How much do you like math?”) or on a more general level with regard to school in general (e.g., “How much do you like going to school?”).

Students’ goal orientations are broader cognitive orientations that students have toward their learning and they reflect the reasons for doing a task (see Dweck and Leggett, 1988 ). Therefore, they fall in the broad category of “value components of motivation.” Initially, researchers distinguished between learning and performance goals when describing goal orientations ( Nicholls, 1984 ; Dweck and Leggett, 1988 ). Learning goals (“task involvement” or “mastery goals”) describe people’s willingness to improve their skills, learn new things, and develop their competence, whereas performance goals (“ego involvement”) focus on demonstrating one’s higher competence and hiding one’s incompetence relative to others (e.g., Elliot and McGregor, 2001 ). Performance goals were later further subdivided into performance-approach (striving to demonstrate competence) and performance-avoidance goals (striving to avoid looking incompetent, e.g., Elliot and Church, 1997 ; Middleton and Midgley, 1997 ). Some researchers have included work avoidance as another component of achievement goals (e.g., Nicholls, 1984 ; Harackiewicz et al., 1997 ). Work avoidance refers to the goal of investing as little effort as possible ( Kumar and Jagacinski, 2011 ). Goal orientations can be assessed in reference to specific subjects (e.g., math) or on a more general level (e.g., in reference to school in general).

McClelland et al. (1953) distinguish the achievement motives hope for success (i.e., positive emotions and the belief that one can succeed) and fear of failure (i.e., negative emotions and the fear that the achievement situation is out of one’s depth). According to McClelland’s definition, need for achievement is measured by describing affective experiences or associations such as fear or joy in achievement situations. Achievement motives are conceptualized as being relatively stable over time. Consequently, need for achievement is theorized to be domain-general and, thus, usually assessed without referring to a certain domain or situation (e.g., Steinmayr and Spinath, 2009 ). However, Sparfeldt and Rost (2011) demonstrated that operationalizing achievement motives subject-specifically is psychometrically useful and results in better criterion validities compared with a domain-general operationalization.

Empirical Evidence on the Relative Importance of Achievement Motivation Constructs for Academic Achievement

A myriad of single studies (e.g., Linnenbrink-Garcia et al., 2018 ; Muenks et al., 2018 ; Steinmayr et al., 2018 ) and several meta-analyses (e.g., Robbins et al., 2004 ; Möller et al., 2009 ; Hulleman et al., 2010 ; Huang, 2011 ) support the hypothesis of social cognitive motivation models that students’ motivational beliefs are significantly related to their academic achievement. However, to judge the relative importance of motivation constructs for academic achievement, studies need (1) to investigate diverse motivational constructs in one sample and (2) to consider students’ cognitive abilities and their prior achievement, too, because the latter are among the best single predictors of academic success (e.g., Kuncel et al., 2004 ; Hailikari et al., 2007 ). For effective educational policy and school reform, it is crucial to obtain robust empirical evidence for whether various motivational constructs can explain variance in school performance over and above intelligence and prior achievement. Without including the latter constructs, we might overestimate the importance of motivation for achievement. Providing evidence that students’ achievement motivation is incrementally valid in predicting their academic achievement beyond their intelligence or prior achievement would emphasize the necessity of designing appropriate interventions for improving students’ school-related motivation.

There are several studies that included expectancy and value components of motivation as predictors of students’ academic achievement (grades or test scores) and additionally considered students’ prior achievement ( Marsh et al., 2005 ; Steinmayr et al., 2018 , Study 1) or their intelligence ( Spinath et al., 2006 ; Lotz et al., 2018 ; Schneider et al., 2018 ; Steinmayr et al., 2018 , Study 2, Weber et al., 2013 ). However, only few studies considered intelligence and prior achievement together with more than two motivational constructs as predictors of school students’ achievement ( Steinmayr and Spinath, 2009 ; Kriegbaum et al., 2015 ). Kriegbaum et al. (2015) examined two expectancy components (i.e., ability self-concept and self-efficacy) and eight value components (i.e., interest, enjoyment, usefulness, learning goals, performance-approach, performance-avoidance goals, and work avoidance) in the domain of math. Steinmayr and Spinath (2009) investigated the role of an expectancy component (i.e., ability self-concept), five value components (i.e., task values, learning goals, performance-approach, performance-avoidance goals, and work avoidance), and students’ achievement motives (i.e., hope for success, fear of failure, and need for achievement) for students’ grades in math and German and their GPA. Both studies used relative weights analyses to compare the predictive power of all variables simultaneously while taking into account multicollinearity of the predictors ( Johnson and LeBreton, 2004 ; Tonidandel and LeBreton, 2011 ). Findings showed that – after controlling for differences in students‘ intelligence and their prior achievement – expectancy components (ability self-concept, self-efficacy) were the best motivational predictors of achievement followed by task values (i.e., intrinsic/enjoyment, attainment, and utility), need for achievement and learning goals ( Steinmayr and Spinath, 2009 ; Kriegbaum et al., 2015 ). However, Steinmayr and Spinath (2009) who investigated the relations in three different domains did not assess all motivational constructs on the same level of specificity as the achievement criteria. More precisely, students’ achievement as well as motivational beliefs and task values were assessed domain-specifically (e.g., math grades, math self-concept, math task values), whereas students’ goals were only measured for school in general (e.g., “In school it is important for me to learn as much as possible”) and students’ achievement motives were only measured on a domain-general level (e.g., “Difficult problems appeal to me”). Thus, the importance of goals and achievement motives for math and German grades might have been underestimated because the specificity levels of predictor and criterion variables did not match (e.g., Ajzen and Fishbein, 1977 ; Baranik et al., 2010 ). Assessing students’ goals and their achievement motives with reference to a specific subject might result in higher associations with domain-specific achievement criteria (see Sparfeldt and Rost, 2011 ).

Taken together, although previous work underlines the important roles of expectancy and value components of motivation for school students’ academic achievement, hitherto, we know little about the relative importance of expectancy components, task values, goals, and achievement motives in different domains when all of them are assessed at the same level of specificity as the achievement criteria (e.g., achievement motives in math → math grades; ability self-concept for school → GPA).

The Present Research

The goal of the present study was to examine the relative importance of several of the most important achievement motivation constructs in predicting school students’ achievement. We substantially extend previous work in this field by considering (1) diverse motivational constructs, (2) students’ intelligence and their prior achievement as achievement predictors in one sample, and (3) by assessing all predictors on the same level of specificity as the achievement criteria. Moreover, we investigated the relations in three different domains: school in general, math, and German. Because there is no study that assessed students’ goal orientations and achievement motives besides their ability self-concept and task values on the same level of specificity as the achievement criteria, we could not derive any specific hypotheses on the relative importance of these constructs, but instead investigated the following research question (RQ):

RQ. What is the relative importance of students’ domain-specific ability self-concepts, task values, goal orientations, and achievement motives for their grades in the respective domain when including all of them, students’ intelligence and prior achievement simultaneously in the analytic models?

Materials and Methods

Participants and procedure.

A sample of 345 students was recruited from two German schools attending the highest academic track (Gymnasium). Only 11th graders participated at one school, whereas 11th and 12th graders participated at the other. Students of the different grades and schools did not differ significantly on any of the assessed measures. Students represented the typical population of this type of school in Germany; that is, the majority was Caucasian and came from medium to high socioeconomic status homes. At the time of testing, students were on average 17.48 years old ( SD = 1.06). As is typical for this kind of school, the sample comprised more girls ( n = 200) than boys ( n = 145). We verify that the study is in accordance with established ethical guidelines. Approval by an ethics committee was not required as per the institution’s guidelines and applicable regulations in the federal state where the study was conducted. Participation was voluntarily and no deception took place. Before testing, we received written informed consent forms from the students and from the parents of the students who were under the age of 18 on the day of the testing. If students did not want to participate, they could spend the testing time in their teacher’s room with an extra assignment. All students agreed to participate. Testing took place during regular classes in schools in 2013. Tests were administered by trained research assistants and lasted about 2.5 h. Students filled in the achievement motivation questionnaires first, and the intelligence test was administered afterward. Before the intelligence test, there was a short break.

Ability Self-Concept

Students’ ability self-concepts were assessed with four items per domain ( Schöne et al., 2002 ). Students indicated on a 5-point scale ranging from 1 (totally disagree) to 5 (totally agree) how good they thought they were at different activities in school in general, math, and German (“I am good at school in general/math/German,” “It is easy to for me to learn in school in general/math/German,” “In school in general/math/German, I know a lot,” and “Most assignments in school/math/German are easy for me”). Internal consistency (Cronbach’s α) of the ability self-concept scale was high in school in general, in math, and in German (0.82 ≤ α ≤ 0.95; see Table 1 ).

Means ( M ), Standard Deviations ( SD ), and Reliabilities (α) for all measures.

Task Values

Students’ task values were assessed with an established German scale (SESSW; Subjective scholastic value scale; Steinmayr and Spinath, 2010 ). The measure is an adaptation of items used by Eccles and Wigfield (1995) in different studies. It assesses intrinsic values, utility, and personal importance with three items each. Students indicated on a 5-point scale ranging from 1 (totally disagree) to 5 (totally agree) how much they valued school in general, math, and German (Intrinsic values: “I like school/math/German,” “I enjoy doing things in school/math/German,” and “I find school in general/math/German interesting”; Utility: “How useful is what you learn in school/math/German in general?,” “School/math/German will be useful in my future,” “The things I learn in school/math/German will be of use in my future life”; Personal importance: “Being good at school/math/German is important to me,” “To be good at school/math/German means a lot to me,” “Attainment in school/math/German is important to me”). Internal consistency of the values scale was high in all domains (0.90 ≤ α ≤ 0.93; see Table 1 ).

Goal Orientations

Students’ goal orientations were assessed with an established German self-report measure (SELLMO; Scales for measuring learning and achievement motivation; Spinath et al., 2002 ). In accordance with Sparfeldt et al. (2007) , we assessed goal orientations with regard to different domains: school in general, math, and German. In each domain, we used the SELLMO to assess students’ learning goals, performance-avoidance goals, and work avoidance with eight items each and their performance-approach goals with seven items. Students’ answered the items on a 5-point scale ranging from 1 (totally disagree) to 5 (totally agree). All items except for the work avoidance items are printed in Spinath and Steinmayr (2012) , p. 1148). A sample item to assess work avoidance is: “In school/math/German, it is important to me to do as little work as possible.” Internal consistency of the learning goals scale was high in all domains (0.83 ≤ α ≤ 0.88). The same was true for performance-approach goals (0.85 ≤ α ≤ 0.88), performance-avoidance goals (α = 0.89), and work avoidance (0.91 ≤ α ≤ 0.92; see Table 1 ).

Achievement Motives

Achievement motives were assessed with the Achievement Motives Scale (AMS; Gjesme and Nygard, 1970 ; Göttert and Kuhl, 1980 ). In the present study, we used a short form measuring “hope for success” and “fear of failure” with the seven items per subscale that showed the highest factor loadings. Both subscales were assessed in three domains: school in general, math, and German. Students’ answered all items on a 4-point scale ranging from 1 (does not apply at all) to 4 (fully applies). An example hope for success item is “In school/math/German, difficult problems appeal to me,” and an example fear of failure item is “In school/math/German, matters that are slightly difficult disconcert me.” Internal consistencies of hope for success and fear of failure scales were high in all domains (hope for success: 0.88 ≤ α ≤ 0.92; fear of failure: 0.90 ≤ α ≤ 0.91; see Table 1 ).


Intelligence was measured with the basic module of the Intelligence Structure Test 2000 R, a well-established German multifactor intelligence measure (I-S-T 2000 R; Amthauer et al., 2001 ). The basic module of the test offers assessments of domain-specific intelligence for verbal, numeric, and figural abilities as well as an overall intelligence score (a composite of the three facets). The overall intelligence score is thought to measure reasoning as a higher order factor of intelligence and can be interpreted as a measure of general intelligence, g . Its construct validity has been demonstrated in several studies ( Amthauer et al., 2001 ; Steinmayr and Amelang, 2006 ). In the present study, we used the scores that were closest to the domains we investigated: overall intelligence, numerical intelligence, and verbal intelligence (see also Steinmayr and Spinath, 2009 ). Raw values could range from 0 to 60 for verbal and numerical intelligence, and from 0 to 180 for overall intelligence. Internal consistencies of all intelligence scales were high (0.71 ≤ α ≤ 0.90; see Table 1 ).

Academic Achievement

For all students, the school delivered the report cards that the students received 3 months before testing (t0) and 4 months after testing (t2), at the end of the term in which testing took place. We assessed students’ grades in German and math as well as their overall grade point average (GPA) as criteria for school performance. GPA was computed as the mean of all available grades, not including grades in the nonacademic domains Sports and Music/Art as they did not correlate with the other grades. Grades ranged from 1 to 6, and were recoded so that higher numbers represented better performance.

Statistical Analyses

We conducted relative weight analyses to predict students’ academic achievement separately in math, German, and school in general. The relative weight analysis is a statistical procedure that enables to determine the relative importance of each predictor in a multiple regression analysis (“relative weight”) and to take adequately into account the multicollinearity of the different motivational constructs (for details, see Johnson and LeBreton, 2004 ; Tonidandel and LeBreton, 2011 ). Basically, it uses a variable transformation approach to create a new set of predictors that are orthogonal to one another (i.e., uncorrelated). Then, the criterion is regressed on these new orthogonal predictors, and the resulting standardized regression coefficients can be used because they no longer suffer from the deleterious effects of multicollinearity. These standardized regression weights are then transformed back into the metric of the original predictors. The rescaled relative weight of a predictor can easily be transformed into the percentage of variance that is uniquely explained by this predictor when dividing the relative weight of the specific predictor by the total variance explained by all predictors in the regression model ( R 2 ). We performed the relative weight analyses in three steps. In Model 1, we included the different achievement motivation variables assessed in the respective domain in the analyses. In Model 2, we entered intelligence into the analyses in addition to the achievement motivation variables. In Model 3, we included prior school performance indicated by grades measured before testing in addition to all of the motivation variables and intelligence. For all three steps, we tested for whether all relative weight factors differed significantly from each other (see Johnson, 2004 ) to determine which motivational construct was most important in predicting academic achievement (RQ).

Descriptive Statistics and Intercorrelations

Table 1 shows means, standard deviations, and reliabilities. Tables 2 –4 show the correlations between all scales in school in general, in math, and in German. Of particular relevance here, are the correlations between the motivational constructs and students’ school grades. In all three domains (i.e., school in general/math/German), out of all motivational predictor variables, students’ ability self-concepts showed the strongest associations with subsequent grades ( r = 0.53/0.61/0.46; see Tables 2 –4 ). Except for students’ performance-avoidance goals (−0.04 ≤ r ≤ 0.07, p > 0.05), the other motivational constructs were also significantly related to school grades. Most of the respective correlations were evenly dispersed around a moderate effect size of | r | = 0.30.

Intercorrelations between all variables in school in general.

Intercorrelations between all variables in German.

Intercorrelations between all variables in math.

Relative Weight Analyses

Table 5 presents the results of the relative weight analyses. In Model 1 (only motivational variables) and Model 2 (motivation and intelligence), respectively, the overall explained variance was highest for math grades ( R 2 = 0.42 and R 2 = 0.42, respectively) followed by GPA ( R 2 = 0.30 and R 2 = 0.34, respectively) and grades in German ( R 2 = 0.26 and R 2 = 0.28, respectively). When prior school grades were additionally considered (Model 3) the largest amount of variance was explained in students’ GPA ( R 2 = 0.73), followed by grades in German ( R 2 = 0.59) and math ( R 2 = 0.57). In the following, we will describe the results of Model 3 for each domain in more detail.

Relative weights and percentages of explained criterion variance (%) for all motivational constructs (Model 1) plus intelligence (Model 2) plus prior school achievement (Model 3).

Beginning with the prediction of students’ GPA: In Model 3, students’ prior GPA explained more variance in subsequent GPA than all other predictor variables (68%). Students’ ability self-concept explained significantly less variance than prior GPA but still more than all other predictors that we considered (14%). The relative weights of students’ intelligence (5%), task values (2%), hope for success (4%), and fear of failure (3%) did not differ significantly from each other but were still significantly different from zero ( p < 0.05). The relative weights of students’ goal orientations were not significant in Model 3.

Turning to math grades: The findings of the relative weight analyses for the prediction of math grades differed slightly from the prediction of GPA. In Model 3, the relative weights of numerical intelligence (2%) and performance-approach goals (2%) in math were no longer different from zero ( p > 0.05); in Model 2 they were. Prior math grades explained the largest share of the unique variance in subsequent math grades (45%), followed by math self-concept (19%). The relative weights of students’ math task values (9%), learning goals (5%), work avoidance (7%), and hope for success (6%) did not differ significantly from each other. Students’ fear of failure in math explained the smallest amount of unique variance in their math grades (4%) but the relative weight of students’ fear of failure did not differ significantly from that of students’ hope for success, work avoidance, and learning goals. The relative weights of students’ performance-avoidance goals were not significant in Model 3.

Turning to German grades: In Model 3, students’ prior grade in German was the strongest predictor (64%), followed by German self-concept (10%). Students’ fear of failure in German (6%), their verbal intelligence (4%), task values (4%), learning goals (4%), and hope for success (4%) explained less variance in German grades and did not differ significantly from each other but were significantly different from zero ( p < 0.05). The relative weights of students’ performance goals and work avoidance were not significant in Model 3.

In the present studies, we aimed to investigate the relative importance of several achievement motivation constructs in predicting students’ academic achievement. We sought to overcome the limitations of previous research in this field by (1) considering several theoretically and empirically distinct motivational constructs, (2) students’ intelligence, and their prior achievement, and (3) by assessing all predictors at the same level of specificity as the achievement criteria. We applied sophisticated statistical procedures to investigate the relations in three different domains, namely school in general, math, and German.

Relative Importance of Achievement Motivation Constructs for Academic Achievement

Out of the motivational predictor variables, students’ ability self-concepts explained the largest amount of variance in their academic achievement across all sets of analyses and across all investigated domains. Even when intelligence and prior grades were controlled for, students’ ability self-concepts accounted for at least 10% of the variance in the criterion. The relative superiority of ability self-perceptions is in line with the available literature on this topic (e.g., Steinmayr and Spinath, 2009 ; Kriegbaum et al., 2015 ; Steinmayr et al., 2018 ) and with numerous studies that have investigated the relations between students’ self-concept and their achievement (e.g., Möller et al., 2009 ; Huang, 2011 ). Ability self-concepts showed even higher relative weights than the corresponding intelligence scores. Whereas some previous studies have suggested that self-concepts and intelligence are at least equally important when predicting students’ grades (e.g., Steinmayr and Spinath, 2009 ; Weber et al., 2013 ; Schneider et al., 2018 ), our findings indicate that it might be even more important to believe in own school-related abilities than to possess outstanding cognitive capacities to achieve good grades (see also Lotz et al., 2018 ). Such a conclusion was supported by the fact that we examined the relative importance of all predictor variables across three domains and at the same levels of specificity, thus maximizing criterion-related validity (see Baranik et al., 2010 ). This procedure represents a particular strength of our study and sets it apart from previous studies in the field (e.g., Steinmayr and Spinath, 2009 ). Alternatively, our findings could be attributed to the sample we investigated at least to some degree. The students examined in the present study were selected for the academic track in Germany, and this makes them rather homogeneous in their cognitive abilities. It is therefore plausible to assume that the restricted variance in intelligence scores decreased the respective criterion validities.

When all variables were assessed at the same level of specificity, the achievement motives hope for success and fear of failure were the second and third best motivational predictors of academic achievement and more important than in the study by Steinmayr and Spinath (2009) . This result underlines the original conceptualization of achievement motives as broad personal tendencies that energize approach or avoidance behavior across different contexts and situations ( Elliot, 2006 ). However, the explanatory power of achievement motives was higher in the more specific domains of math and German, thereby also supporting the suggestion made by Sparfeldt and Rost (2011) to conceptualize achievement motives more domain-specifically. Conceptually, achievement motives and ability self-concepts are closely related. Individuals who believe in their ability to succeed often show greater hope for success than fear of failure and vice versa ( Brunstein and Heckhausen, 2008 ). It is thus not surprising that the two constructs showed similar stability in their relative effects on academic achievement across the three investigated domains. Concerning the specific mechanisms through which students’ achievement motives and ability self-concepts affect their achievement, it seems that they elicit positive or negative valences in students, and these valences in turn serve as simple but meaningful triggers of (un)successful school-related behavior. The large and consistent effects for students’ ability self-concept and their hope for success in our study support recommendations from positive psychology that individuals think positively about the future and regularly provide affirmation to themselves by reminding themselves of their positive attributes ( Seligman and Csikszentmihalyi, 2000 ). Future studies could investigate mediation processes. Theoretically, it would make sense that achievement motives defined as broad personal tendencies affect academic achievement via expectancy beliefs like ability self-concepts (e.g., expectancy-value theory by Eccles and Wigfield, 2002 ; see also, Atkinson, 1957 ).

Although task values and learning goals did not contribute much toward explaining the variance in GPA, these two constructs became even more important for explaining variance in math and German grades. As Elliot (2006) pointed out in his hierarchical model of approach-avoidance motivation, achievement motives serve as basic motivational principles that energize behavior. However, they do not guide the precise direction of the energized behavior. Instead, goals and task values are commonly recruited to strategically guide this basic motivation toward concrete aims that address the underlying desire or concern. Our results are consistent with Elliot’s (2006) suggestions. Whereas basic achievement motives are equally important at abstract and specific achievement levels, task values and learning goals release their full explanatory power with increasing context-specificity as they affect students’ concrete actions in a given school subject. At this level of abstraction, task values and learning goals compete with more extrinsic forms of motivation, such as performance goals. Contrary to several studies in achievement-goal research, we did not demonstrate the importance of either performance-approach or performance-avoidance goals for academic achievement.

Whereas students’ ability self-concept showed a high relative importance above and beyond intelligence, with few exceptions, each of the remaining motivation constructs explained less than 5% of the variance in students’ academic achievement in the full model including intelligence measures. One might argue that the high relative importance of students’ ability self-concept is not surprising because students’ ability self-concepts more strongly depend on prior grades than the other motivation constructs. Prior grades represent performance feedback and enable achievement comparisons that are seen as the main determinants of students’ ability self-concepts (see Skaalvik and Skaalvik, 2002 ). However, we included students’ prior grades in the analyses and students’ ability self-concepts still were the most powerful predictors of academic achievement out of the achievement motivation constructs that were considered. It is thus reasonable to conclude that the high relative importance of students’ subjective beliefs about their abilities is not only due to the overlap of this believes with prior achievement.

Limitations and Suggestions for Further Research

Our study confirms and extends the extant work on the power of students’ ability self-concept net of other important motivation variables even when important methodological aspects are considered. Strength of the study is the simultaneous investigation of different achievement motivation constructs in different academic domains. Nevertheless, we restricted the range of motivation constructs to ability self-concepts, task values, goal orientations, and achievement motives. It might be interesting to replicate the findings with other motivation constructs such as academic self-efficacy ( Pajares, 2003 ), individual interest ( Renninger and Hidi, 2011 ), or autonomous versus controlled forms of motivation ( Ryan and Deci, 2000 ). However, these constructs are conceptually and/or empirically very closely related to the motivation constructs we considered (e.g., Eccles and Wigfield, 1995 ; Marsh et al., 2018 ). Thus, it might well be the case that we would find very similar results for self-efficacy instead of ability self-concept as one example.

A second limitation is that we only focused on linear relations between motivation and achievement using a variable-centered approach. Studies that considered different motivation constructs and used person-centered approaches revealed that motivation factors interact with each other and that there are different profiles of motivation that are differently related to students’ achievement (e.g., Conley, 2012 ; Schwinger et al., 2016 ). An important avenue for future studies on students’ motivation is to further investigate these interactions in different academic domains.

Another limitation that might suggest a potential avenue for future research is the fact that we used only grades as an indicator of academic achievement. Although, grades are of high practical relevance for the students, they do not necessarily indicate how much students have learned, how much they know and how creative they are in the respective domain (e.g., Walton and Spencer, 2009 ). Moreover, there is empirical evidence that the prediction of academic achievement differs according to the particular criterion that is chosen (e.g., Lotz et al., 2018 ). Using standardized test performance instead of grades might lead to different results.

Our study is also limited to 11th and 12th graders attending the highest academic track in Germany. More balanced samples are needed to generalize the findings. A recent study ( Ben-Eliyahu, 2019 ) that investigated the relations between different motivational constructs (i.e., goal orientations, expectancies, and task values) and self-regulated learning in university students revealed higher relations for gifted students than for typical students. This finding indicates that relations between different aspects of motivation might differ between academically selected samples and unselected samples.

Finally, despite the advantages of relative weight analyses, this procedure also has some shortcomings. Most important, it is based on manifest variables. Thus, differences in criterion validity might be due in part to differences in measurement error. However, we are not aware of a latent procedure that is comparable to relative weight analyses. It might be one goal for methodological research to overcome this shortcoming.

We conducted the present research to identify how different aspects of students’ motivation uniquely contribute to differences in students’ achievement. Our study demonstrated the relative importance of students’ ability self-concepts, their task values, learning goals, and achievement motives for students’ grades in different academic subjects above and beyond intelligence and prior achievement. Findings thus broaden our knowledge on the role of students’ motivation for academic achievement. Students’ ability self-concept turned out to be the most important motivational predictor of students’ grades above and beyond differences in their intelligence and prior grades, even when all predictors were assessed domain-specifically. Out of two students with similar intelligence scores, same prior achievement, and similar task values, goals and achievement motives in a domain, the student with a higher domain-specific ability self-concept will receive better school grades in the respective domain. Therefore, there is strong evidence that believing in own competencies is advantageous with respect to academic achievement. This finding shows once again that it is a promising approach to implement validated interventions aiming at enhancing students’ domain-specific ability-beliefs in school (see also Muenks et al., 2017 ; Steinmayr et al., 2018 ).

Data Availability

Ethics statement.

In Germany, institutional approval was not required by default at the time the study was conducted. That is, why we cannot provide a formal approval by the institutional ethics committee. We verify that the study is in accordance with established ethical guidelines. Participation was voluntarily and no deception took place. Before testing, we received informed consent forms from the parents of the students who were under the age of 18 on the day of the testing. If students did not want to participate, they could spend the testing time in their teacher’s room with an extra assignment. All students agreed to participate. We included this information also in the manuscript.

Author Contributions

RS conceived and supervised the study, curated the data, performed the formal analysis, investigated the results, developed the methodology, administered the project, and wrote, reviewed, and edited the manuscript. AW wrote, reviewed, and edited the manuscript. MS performed the formal analysis, and wrote, reviewed, and edited the manuscript. BS conceived the study, and wrote, reviewed, and edited the manuscript.

Conflict of Interest Statement

The authors declare that the research was conducted in the absence of any commercial or financial relationships that could be construed as a potential conflict of interest.

Funding. We acknowledge financial support by Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft and Technische Universität Dortmund/TU Dortmund University within the funding programme Open Access Publishing.

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Motivating Middle School Students to Read Essay

Introduction, motivation to read, intrinsic motivation, strategies to motivate, why reading is critical, concluding remarks.

Reading is an essential skill people use for facilitating learning and developing as well-rounded individuals. However, in the middle-school educational setting, motivating students to read can be challenging due to their lack of concentration, interest in the learning process, and the overall limited dedication to the process. Thus, there should be a set of cohesive guidelines set in place to ensure a high level of students’ reading motivation and the meeting of established goals. This paper will present a synthesis of the literature on motivating students to read to gain a better understanding of effective strategies that teachers can use in their practice. While it is essential to find methods that will benefit the motivation to read, there is no single approach that will be effective in every setting as students’ needs and levels of preparation vary significantly.

Motivation is a concept that is used for denoting the reasons for people’s actions, goals’ achievement, and willingness to do something. In many instances, motivation implies a person’s need for reaching satisfaction, with the desires and wants being acquired through the influence of lifestyles, society, and culture. In this discussion, the concept of motivation will be explored from the perspective of education. As mentioned by Tohidi and Jabbari (2012), motivation refers to “powering people to achieve high levels of performance and overcoming barriers in order to change” (p. 820). This definition applies to discussions of education, especially as learners are expected to modify their behaviors and be persistent in gaining new knowledge.

Similar findings about the role of motivation were presented by Strobel and Borsato (2012) who explored the ideas of caring and motivation in middle school classroom settings. For instance, it was concluded that the motivational beliefs and actions of students were directly associated with the establishment of caring classroom practices and positive environments. Besides, researchers found that learners’ perceptions regarding effective classroom practices ranged from one individual to another, suggesting that there was no single approach that would suit all students. This study is important to the discussion about motivation because it encourages educators to consider not only assignments or learning tools but also environments within which they practice pedagogy. Further discussion on intrinsic motivation will reinforce the importance of positive learning environments in increasing readers’ likelihood to enjoy the process of learning.

The orientation on specific goals within the educational process was also shown to influence the shaping of motivation. Mensah and Atta’s (2015) research is an important study that considered motivation and goal orientation. It was found that there was a gap in students’ and teachers’ perceptions about how motivation should be encouraged. For instance, teachers placed emphasis on the achievement of long-term goals oriented on mastery. Students’ opinions were different as they valued performance over mastery. These findings suggest that collaboration between teachers and their students is needed to ensure the meeting of motivational goals from both perspectives.

Cham, Hughes, West, and Im (2014) also studied the concept of motivation for educational attainment, focusing on such factors as teachers’ educational expectations, peer aspirations, and the overall value of attaining new skills and knowledge. Students’ motivation to become educated was found to depend on four particular dimensions. To be specific, motivation increases through the support of educational competence, the economic valuing of educational attainment, peer educational aspirations, and teachers’ educational expectations. These findings align with the expectancy-value theory, which suggests that self-efficacy and the engagement in positive behaviors are distinct constructs related to motivation.

In the context of middle school teaching, the topic of student motivation is often approached with humor; as mentioned by Davis and Forbes (2016), motivating middle school students means “doing the impossible” (p. 14). Indeed, teachers often struggle with motivating their students, which is why the researchers propose to rely on communication instead of using external incentives. When students are approached with respect and are engaged in a conversation about learning and motivation, they are more likely to show positive attitudes toward their education (Daniels & Steres, 2011). However, it is important to note that the researchers did not address the issue of some students being introverted and not willing to engage in regular conversations with their teachers regarding learning and motivation. Constant groupwork and collaboration can often be tiring in classroom settings, which is why it is essential to consider the other side of the argument.

It is also important to account for underachievers when it comes to motivating students to gain knowledge and skills. The study by Rahal (2010) focused on the procedures of identification and motivation of underachievers who are often viewed as “lazy or difficult” (p. 1). The author addressed several myths associated with motivation and underachievement, which are “some students are just not capable of learning” or “underachievers respond best to rewards and/or punishments” (Rahal, 2010, p. 2).

These misconceptions are highly likely to prevent students from reaching the desired level of motivation and engagement. The creation of motivating classrooms is linked to the strategy of building a community of learners, integrating activities of appropriate difficulty and learning outcomes, as well as using both moderation and variation when it comes to motivational strategies (Rahal, 2010). This means that there are no students that cannot be taught; rather, it is largely the fault of teachers and school managers who fail to cater to students’ demands. Besides, it is essential to understand that each student is different in what they need to receive to become successful in learning.

Getting students to read and enjoy the process is a complicated task for both parents and children. In the middle school setting, students start losing engagement and focus on learning because of the development of their social lives as well as the start of the teenage period associated with major mental and physical changes. Because of this, teachers should be more attentive to the experiences of their students. As motivation shows to be the main contributing factor in successful reading, it is important to mention how the subject has been approached in the scholarly field. Molotja and Themane’s (2018) study explored the improvement of reading habits through the application of reading bags within the secondary school setting.

Reading is perceived as a complex processing skill in which students interact with different texts for the purpose of creating meaning. Therefore, the possession of effective reading skills is key for accessing information and deciphering meanings out of the text that is being read. Coming up with new ideas on how to motivate learners to read and testing them in educational settings will allow teachers to collect information on positive strategies and ultimately engage students.

Teachers, parents, and school managers should understand that not all students can be motivated in the same way, especially since their experiences and family backgrounds vary significantly. For example, struggling students are less likely to adhere to even the most effective practices of motivation and engagement because the level of their knowledge and skills is lower overall (Parenti, 2016). This can be attributed to the lack of parental involvement or the general disinterest of children to learning.

To address such an issue, Parenti (2016) studied the motivation of middle school readers with the help of digital images as self-monitoring aids. The scholar linked the various influential ideas associated with best motivation practicing to enhancing learning through mental imagery, reading comprehension, and self-monitoring. Connections between reading motivation and technologies are notable in regards to Parenti’s (2016) study. Various devices that can offer the aspect of imagery to the process of learning can help struggling students develop mental images of certain concepts and attribute social meanings to them during the process.

Following the discussion of motivating struggling students, it is imperative to note the study by Vaughn et al. (2008) that explored intervention for secondary school students with various reading difficulties. To address the problem of students who struggle with reaching, the researchers considered the implementation of a Response to Intervention (RTI) model. This approach is developed with the help of such components as universal screening, the monitoring of progress, and multi-level instructional service delivery (Vaughn et al., 2008). Through the use of accountability tests and a multi-dimensional framework of instruction, it was possible to improve the reading skills of struggling students. While the study is valuable for its findings, it fails to provide a practical set of guidelines that teachers can easily use in multiple educational settings. This means that further research on this topic is needed to offer teachers the opportunity to use the RTI model in practice.

Within the educational context, the use of standardized tests has been associated with the assessment of students’ learning. Despite the controversy associated with the reliability of such assessments in showing the real level of achievement, they are still used to evaluate the degree of knowledge. Because of this, studying the connections between the performance of students on standardized testing and their reading motivation is beneficial.

For instance, Mucherah and Yoder (2008) explored this relationship through conducting a questionnaire including 388 middle-school students. A major finding of the research referred to certain aspects of reading motivation being related to students’ performance in standardized reading tests (Mucherah & Yoder, 2008). Those students who had higher levels of self-efficacy in reading were more likely to enjoy processing challenging texts and therefore show better performance in standardized assessments. Although, it is notable that those students who read for social reasons or pleasure were not as successful in performing on tests. The study is notable to the discussion about reading motivation because it shed light on the connections between reading motivation and students’ success in reading texts.

Lastly, Wigfield, Gladstone, and Turci (2016) reviewed studies on children’s reading motivation in regards to their comprehension. Interestingly, it was found that girls showed greater levels of positive motivation for reading compared to boys. Besides, there were ethnic differences in learner’s reading motivation: African-American students reported higher levels of self-efficacy, intrinsic motivation, and valuing reading compared to their European American counterparts (Wigfield et al., 2016). Among Asian-Americans, intrinsic motivation was positively related to reading achievement than for Latino students (Wigfield et al., 2016).

These findings suggest that teachers should account for such differences in the process of learning and assess the preparedness of every student. However, relying heavily on their ethnic background may not be effective since the findings may not be applied in every educational context.

Intrinsic motivation refers to a range of behaviors that are driven by internal rewards. This means that in order to engage people into specific practices, the latter should be potentially satisfying and interesting. This type of motivation is opposite in nature to extrinsic reinforcement, which is associated with engaging in specific behaviors in order to earn external rewards or avoid punishment.

According to Akin-Little, Eckert, Lovett, and Little (2004), intrinsically-motivated behaviors recognize no other rewards except the activity itself. This means that there are no external controls that can influence the positive outcomes of an activity. Thus, there is a debate over the best possible type of motivation. While intrinsic motivation encourages learners to be focused on the act of gaining knowledge and new skills, external rewards exist outside the process of learning.

Nevertheless, it is important to note that while the dichotomy between the two types of motivation is generally accepted in the scholarly field, intrinsic encouragement is assumed to have greater value (Akin-Little et al., 2004). This belief is associated with the Western “conceptualization of the human as autonomous and individualistic. In this view, humans are driven toward self-actualization, and any occurrence that impinges on self-determination causes dissonance” (Akin-Little et al., 2004, p. 346). External reinforcements are seen as controlling and those that limit self-discovery and creativity, thus reducing the capacity of learners to reach the desired objectives.

In studying intrinsic motivation in the classroom, it is important to mention the study by Valerio (2012). The scholar acknowledged the fact that motivation played a significant role in students’ learning and development, suggesting that it was part of teachers’ pedagogy to reinforce a desire for new knowledge and understanding. Intrinsic motivation is associated with establishing a supportive learning environment to assist learners in developing effective skills. Such a setting imperatively involves teachers having very high expectations of students’ learning abilities as well as ensuring that the ultimate outcomes align with the challenges offered to students. A supporting learning environment assists in increasing motivation because it encourages diversity and goal setting without the need for external rewards (Valerio, 2012).

Teachers act as facilitators when assisting in the learning process and ensure that tasks align with the assessment criteria. Goal setting is another important aspect of intrinsic motivation because it enables students to focus their attention on achievement, mobilize resources available to them, facilitate persistence, and enable accomplishment (Valerio, 2012).

Oudeyer, Gottlieb, and Lopes (2016) explored intrinsic motivation within the learning context through the lens of application to educational technologies. The study is notable for its exploration of intrinsic motivation from the perspective of neuroscience and psychology. The scholars found that the brain could be motivated and rewarded by complexity, novelty, and other informational measures. This means that learning is reinforced in cases when individuals can find new information and get positively challenged within the process of reinforcement learning (Oudeyer et al., 2016). The findings of the research can be applied not only in regards to computational models in educational technologies but also within conventional learning settings in which it is needed to boost the motivation and engagement of students.

Another notable study associated with the stimulation of intrinsic motivation among students was conducted by Kusurkar, Croiset, and Cate (2011). The scholars applied Self-Determination Theory (SDT) to facilitate autonomy-supportive teaching as it enhanced students’ independence and made them competent in learning. The research is relevant to the current discussion on motivation as it provides a framework of practical tips derived from SDT that teachers can use in their practice.

For example, the authors suggest that teachers should identify and nurture what students want and need to structure the process of learning in a way that will account for those requirements. Another tip is to encourage students to take more responsibility for their learning to facilitate autonomy and independence. Emotional support is also among the recommendations given by the authors due to the need to create environments in which students are respected, nurtured, and feel safe. It is essential to consider the twelve tips proposed by Kusurkar et al. (2011) because they approach intrinsic motivation from the perspective of learners’ needs that may be often overlooked.

Lastly, Hesek’s (2004) contribution to the study of intrinsic motivation in educational settings should be considered. The researcher aligned intrinsic motivation with learners’ retention because the former is extremely useful for fostering educational environments that cater to the needs of students. In the author’s opinion, choice is an essential component of intrinsic motivation and students’ self-determination because the autonomy of supporting environments makes students behave freely and remain engaged. Self-efficacy is also closely correlated with intrinsic motivation because it enables students to develop self-concept in regards to specific situations.

Strategies for motivating learners are all focused on helping them reach established goals. Usually, motivational strategies depend on the needs and capabilities of learners and can, therefore, include a range of processes and steps taken to increase engagement. Scholars explored various methods of enhancing motivation in educational settings to reveal the most effective practices. For example, Ling (2018) studied the strategy of meaningful gamification as a method of increasing students’ motivation. Gamification is a recent pedagogical method that implies the use of digital games within the educational setting to enhance learning. In relation to reading, the application of meaningful gamification has shown to motivate students to read background materials on games and further their understanding of key concepts. The term ‘meaningful gamification’ was initially proposed within the framework of the self-determination theory that prioritized such aspects of learning as autonomy, competence, and relatedness.

Setting high expectations in an educational setting has been attributed to a greater likelihood of students being motivated. As mentioned by Ruiz (2012), it is essential to instill a sense of confidence in learners to promote positive attitudes and behaviors for increasing motivation. Supporting classroom environments help to establish high expectations by setting short-term goals through challenging but achievable tasks (Ruiz, 2012). By setting and communicating the expectations of high performance within positive environments, teachers can motivate students to engage in their own learning. The study is valuable for providing a comprehensive look at practices that enhance students’ motivation beyond collaboration and communication between teachers and learners.

Suhr (2018) analyzed various strategies targeted at increasing the motivation and engagement of adolescent aged learners within a middle school setting. The findings of the study suggested that such strategies as the setting of goals, the growth mindset, and the creation of a positive environment in classrooms were the most effective for motivating students. The value of the study is attributed to the fact that the findings can be applied to a wide range of educational settings because motivation-enhancing strategies are universal and are not targeted to a specific population.

Motivational strategies were also explored by Wang and Han (2001) who proposed a framework, the six Cs of motivation, for engaging students into the learning process. The six Cs include “choice, challenge, control, collaboration, constructing meaning, and consequences” (Wang & Han, 2001, p. 2). Such a framework is valuable to the discussion of strategies to motivate students toward reaching the established goals, especially in the context of open-ended tasks. When teachers integrate the six Cs into the design of the learning curriculum, they must be aware of each student’s or group’s progress and provide constructive feedback based on that information. In cases when students participate in the completion in meaningful, open-ended tasks, their motivation rises, with the effect on learning being greatly powerful.

Reynolds and Goodwin (2016) studied the use of motivational scaffolding to help students read complex texts. The strategy explored in the study represented a responsive in-person support provided by an expert to a novice reader to enhance comprehension. After the implementation of interactional scaffolding, students who participated in the intervention showed higher levels of vocabulary processing and comprehension. In addition, their fluency enhanced through the greater emphasis on sentence-level processing. Comprehension was also shown to increase because students were encouraged to engage in self-monitoring as their read and thus activate existing knowledge and provide the necessary background information.

In regards to motivation, the scaffolding technique was the most beneficial because the tests using within the intervention presented a great range of diverse and complex motivational challenges. The findings of this research are relevant to the discussion of strategies targeted at increasing reading motivation because the implemented scaffolding strategy can be applied in a wide variety of educational settings. As mentioned by the authors themselves, “the significant finding about motivational scaffolding also suggests that examining interactional scaffolding at this grain size is promising, and its effects can be detected on standardized measures of independent reading” (Reynolds & Goodwin, 2016, p. 12). Nevertheless, more research in this area is needed to develop methods in which teachers can implement the strategy both responsively and contingently.

Protacio (2017) studied reading engagement of middle-grade English learners. Students with high levels of reading engagement are those who are motivated to do so, use multiple strategies when working with text, and use reading as a way to infer meanings from new information. Strategies targeted at increasing students’ motivation can include modeling and demonstration, error correction and prompting, repeated practices, and shaping or reinforcement. For example, the strategy of modeling implies teachers demonstrating reading by simultaneously explaining and showing a student how to read successfully.

When doing so, they should verbalize the process with as much detail as possible, including the position of the book or the act of turning a page. In the strategy of shaping, teachers are expected to reinforce appropriate behaviors to strengthen the comprehension and motivation of students (Joseph, 2007). When students start applying strategies to read words accurately and associate meanings with them, they should be provided with reinforcements to emit correct responses (Protacio, 2017). Overall, there is no one approach toward reaching the desired level of motivation in reading, which means that teachers should assess each situation separately to apply relevant strategies accordingly.

There is a generally accepted statement that reading is a critical skill that everyone should possess in order to function in society effectively. Through reading, people expose themselves to new knowledge, various ways of problem-solving, as well as new methods of achieving something. This is likely to lead to self-improvement as reading helps people understand the world more and gain a better grasp on topics that interest them. Since people who write books, articles, and Internet posts want to transfer their knowledge to others, those who read them gain valuable experiences that they did not have. This can increase the likelihood of succeeding in various goals as people will not have to repeat the same mistakes that were made previously.

Reading comprehension has shown to be of great importance in the middle school learning setting, especially since students are usually expected to extend their skills from elementary grades to next levels. Comprehension in reading refers to the ability of students to give meanings to words and distinguish them within different genres, contexts, and settings. It is especially important for students’ future success in content areas, such as social studies or science, when it is imperative to understand information on various topics (Baker, 2009).

This means that comprehension is an important aspect within the entire curriculum as it encourages students to apply the already earned knowledge and use it across a range of disciplines. Baker’s (2009) approach toward reading comprehension is especially relevant to note because the scholar attributed the skill to reaching high levels of learning sustainability. Thus, when students have positive outcomes in comprehension, they are much more likely to sustain their learning and be susceptible to different teaching approaches in the long-run.

Kaya (2015) studied the role of students’ reading skills in enhancing reading comprehension ability within the Turkish context. As mentioned by the author and also supported by Whitten, Labby, and Sullivan (2016), reading is an essential part of people’s daily lives and is performed for both pleasure and information. Children cannot achieve the desired levels of comprehension to study new subjects or pass exams without having cohesive reading skills. According to Kaya (2015), students are more likely to enhance their comprehension ability in cases when they were taught effective reading skills. The study has a potential to contribute to future studies on the importance of reading for enhancing comprehension in different educational settings as the results were shown to be reliable within the Turkish English as a Foreign Language learning context.

An interesting perspective on reading was provided by Goodman (2005) in her article “The middle school high five: Strategies can triumph.” The author suggested that reading was necessary for elevating students’ skills and making them more successful in their future learning. The five strategies proposed by Goodman (2005) were developed on the basis of general knowledge that teachers have in regards to introducing children to language arts. The skill of reading is seen as highly important because it equips students with knowledge that cannot be attained through other processes such as writing or listening.

According to Pardo (2004), reading comprehension is an important contributor to students’ development because of its role in helping them extract and construct meaning from newly-attained knowledge. As the number of meanings grows and expand with learning, students are able to synthesize new information easier. This view is also supported by Butler, Urrutia, Buenger, and Hunt (2010) who suggested that as students’ academic progress expanded, they were more likely to understand what they read. Those who cannot understand that are less likely to acquire the skills necessary to participate in the learning process.

This review of the literature on the topic of motivating middle school students to read revealed that learners’ needs must be met in order to reach the established objectives regarding engagement. The role of fostering positive learning environments was emphasized in multiple studies as scholars recognized that students should feel safe, valued, respected, and emotionally supported when being motivated to read. Besides, intrinsic motivation was shown to be a positive contributor to increasing the motivation of students in multiple settings. Such aspects as complexity, novelty, and other informational measures enhance the process of reading and increase the overall motivation of students. Nevertheless, further research into motivational strategies for reading is needed to develop a set of recommendations that teachers can use in middle school educational settings and cater to their students’ needs.

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Tips for Writing Your Motivational Statement and Essays

While it’s one of our favorite parts of the application reading experience, we know that writing essay components can be anxiety-inducing for applicants. As you start or continue your application , we hope you find this guidance on the motivational statement and essays helpful.

Motivational Statement

All students applying to the Master of Public Policy (MPP) , MA in Public Policy (MA) , MS in Computational Analysis and Public Policy (MSCAPP) , and MA in Public Policy with Certificate in Research Methods (MACRM) programs are required to submit a 300-word motivational statement answering the questions: Why policy? Why Harris? (Or a version of these questions more specific to your program).

Some suggestions as you are thinking about your answers to these questions:

Answer the prompt. Don’t worry about using precious space to introduce yourself—jump right into answering the question. 

Write first, edit later. Get your ideas onto the page—whether that means bullet points, idea webs, or a journal entry. Don’t worry about crafting the perfect opener, meeting the word count, or checking grammar when you are first getting started.  

Reflect. Think about the professional, personal, or academic experience that has inspired you. 

Be specific. When answering Why Harris? , be specific to the University of Chicago and Harris. Analyze why certain programs, centers, classes, or professors made you want to apply here. 

Optional Essay Questions

Although the Motivation Statement is required, the essay questions are optional. For all optional essay questions, we aren’t just interested in the “right answer,” but how you are thinking about and approaching these complex questions.

Students applying to the Master of Public Policy (MPP) program may pick any of the three questions below. Completing question three will allow you to be considered for Pearson fellowships open only to MPP students.

Students applying to the MA in Public Policy (MA) , MS in Computational Analysis and Public Policy (MSCAPP) , and MA in Public Policy with Certificate in Research Methods (MACRM) programs may choose to complete optional essays 1 and

Option 1: Challenge—Describe briefly the biggest challenge you have ever faced. How did you tackle it and what did you learn? (max 300 words)

Tip: In essay one, you may write about a personal, professional, or academic challenge when answering this question. Perhaps more than the challenge itself, we are interested in how you tackled the challenge, and what you learned in the process.

Option 2: Community—Where do you see yourself getting involved in the community during your time at Harris—either at the University of Chicago or in the city of Chicago? (max 300 words)

Tip: If you are answering essay two, please make sure to speak specifically to Harris or UChicago.

Option 3: Pearson—If you would like to be considered for  The Pearson Fellowship , please answer the following: In reflecting on the complexities of past and present protracted global conflicts, please analyze what singular global conflict most puzzles you personally, and discuss why.

Tip: Please note that “global conflict” can refer to a range of conflicts (i.e. inter/intra state; those involving non-state actors, etc.) and a range of issues associated (i.e. refugee crises, religious conflict, gang violence, drug wars, domestic violence, etc.). Remember to consider: Is the conflict actually puzzling? For example, does it involve actors acting against their own best interest, or operating irrationally?​ And finally, for the purposes of this essay, you will not need to cite sources.

We hope you find these tips helpful as you move your application forward.

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Essays On Motivation for Students In The Classroom

Type of paper: Essay

Topic: Teaching , Students , Strategy , Goals , Learning , Classroom , Realism , Motivation

Words: 1300

Published: 12/07/2019


Motivating Students in the Classroom

Learning in the classroom is largely dependent on the levels of motivation amongst the students. While certain students are naturally enthusiastic, others require inspiration and stimulation. A teacher has an important role to play in motivating a student. Each student has an individual level of motivation, which should be enhanced by the teacher. A student can be intrinsically motivated which means that motivation stems from self interest, desire to acquire knowledge on the subject material, and a sense of enjoyment (Kirk, 2011). A student can also be extrinsically motivated; this means that the student’s desire to succeed is fuelled by a desire to achieve a certain goal, for example, to pass examinations (Davis, 2011). The teacher influences motivation through his teaching style, behavior, course structure, type of assignments, and informal interactions with pupils (Davis, 2011).

General Strategies for Motivating Students

It is best to understand what the existing needs of the students are before capitalizing on them. A student will be more motivated if the incentives offered in studying the course will fulfill their personal motives for taking up the course (Kirk, 2011). Examples of motives could be: the need to learn a particular skill so as to complete an activity; to explore new experiences; the need to sharpen skills to surmount challenges; achieve competency; or to interact with others. When the course is able to satisfy these needs, the student will feel rewarded and will be able to keep up the learning process better than the prospect of high grades. As emphasized by Davis, (2011), the teacher should be able to design the assignments, discussions, and class activities to attend to these needs. Students should also be encouraged to participate actively in class activities. They should be involved in creating, designing, writing, solving, and doing things so as to help them in their learning process (Kirk, 2011). It is usually better to solve a problem or ask a question rather than telling it to them directly. The students can be asked to suggest various solutions to a problem or the outcome of an experiment, this serves to engage them mentally in the class. In addition, group work should be encouraged whenever possible. All these techniques serve to ensure that the students are participating actively in their classrooms (Davis, 2011).

A teacher can also involve the students in finding out what makes the students find their classes motivating. This can be done by asking students to recall a class where they were highly motivated and to articulate what aspects made the class fulfilling (Davis, 2011). Similarly, they can be asked to recall a class where they lacked motivation and articulate the aspects which caused this unfortunate state. In this way, the teacher may be able to formulate and restructure a course to impart maximum motivation to the student.

Specific Strategies in Motivating Students

Incorporating Motivating Instructional Behaviors The teacher should display high expectations which are realistic. Kirk, (2011), points out that when a teacher holds the student’s potential in high regard, the student may fill more motivated and inspired. When the teacher projects the message to the students that they can be hardworking and interested in the course, the students are likely to conform to that image. When preparing assignments, examinations, or presentations, the teacher should set realistic goals for the students. Realistic goals are those which are high enough to be met, but not too high as to inevitably frustrate the students. It is vital that the student believes that he or she can achieve the goal; the teacher must therefore provide the students with the occasions for success (Davis, 2011). The students should be helped to set their own goals which they can achieve. They should be supported in focusing on continual improvement, not on succeeding in one exam or test. The personal goals which are set should be attainable so that the student does not get frustrated in the process of trying to achieve unattainable goals (Davis, 2011). The teacher should be engaged in assisting the student to evaluate progress through self-critique, strength analysis, and improving weaknesses. As a teacher, it is good to tell students what the requirements are to succeed in your class. This will help them to have a clear picture and set goals accordingly. The teacher should also position himself or herself as being approachable to solve problems or address inquiries (Kirk, 2011). The teacher should help the student get self motivated by using language which implies the success of the student and not emphasize the teacher’s authority or create too much competition amongst the students. It is more productive to have the students work as teams and focus on self improvement than to encourage competition between them.

Configure the Course to Promote Motivation

The teacher can structure the course in such a way that it can relate to the interests of the students. This can be done by creating assignments or example which the students can relate to. For example, a chemistry teacher may enlighten the students on the contribution of chemistry towards solving nature’s problems, like environmental concerns (Davis, 2011). The teacher should also take time to explain to the students how the course will help them attain their goals in various dimensions either personally, professionally, or educationally. During certain occasions, the teacher can change the routine by allowing the students to choose which work they will do. For example, present them with options during term papers or let them choose between two locations for a class field trip. Other methods which can be used to break routine include: discussions; role playing; group work; demonstrations; audiovisual presentations; case studies; and many others (Davis, 2011).

De-emphasizing Grades

A teacher should encourage the students to focus on mastering the content of the subject rather than earning top grades (Kirk, 2011). This will assist the students to gain interest in the subject matter and therefore turn their energies towards learning. It is recommended that teachers should not use grades to control bad behavior like decreasing grades due to disciplinary issues. The teacher can also encourage learning by designing tests which make use of the particular type of learning which enable students to evaluate and synthesize facts.

Motivation through Feedback

It is important to give students prompt feedback about their work. Praise and rewards should be given publicly. Studies have demonstrated that praise works by building the confidence and esteem of a student (Kirk, 2011). Negative feedback should be dispensed carefully, with focus being directed at the task and not the student as an individual. The students should be encouraged to earn from commendable work done by their classmates so that the thoughts, and knowledge expressed.

Motivation levels in students can be raised by an educator who pays attention to his students and is interested in their self improvement. The teacher can employ several strategies to raise the motivation of individual students. These strategies generally focus on changing the perception of the student into finding value in the course. They also shape the attitude of the teacher from a more rigid approach into one that centers the educational, emotional, academic, and professional needs of the student. This entails understanding the needs of the students so that course materials and instructions can be structured to fulfill those needs as opposed to simply passing examinations. As a result, the student will experience satisfaction from the classroom and therefore will be motivated to engage in the learning process.

Davis B. (2011). Motivating students. Available at Kirk K. (2011). Motivating students. Available at


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  • Tips for Helping Your Student Stay Motivated

Monday, April 1, 2024 Tips for Helping Your Student Stay Motivated

Students looks on with head leaning on their hand

Keeping up motivation through a long school year can be difficult for many students. As students reach the middle of spring semester, they may find themselves spread thin between their academic work, social engagements, and other responsibilities. Trying to balance everything may lead to feelings of burnout that create low mood, loss of interest, and difficulty with motivation. Here are some tips to connect with your student and provide support when experiencing these concerns.

Encourage doing first things first.

Help your student prioritize their most important scholarly tasks. It can be easy to lose motivation in courses without a clear plan for studying. Encourage your student to prioritize their study time by working on the most high-impact tasks first. For example, if your student has an exam coming up and they also have some general reading for courses, they will benefit from studying for their exam first. Even though this may be the more anxiety-producing task that they want to put off, getting the harder and more important task out of the way first can be a huge relief, and it helps students make the best use of their limited time and energy.

Remind them to recharge.

Encourage your student to maintain as balanced a life as possible. It turns out that overwork can make students less productive and more fatigued. Studying too much can drain energy, lower mood, and damage motivation to continue. If you want to help your student stay focused, encourage them to get plenty of sleep, prioritize their physical and mental health, and make enough time for fun hobbies and nourishing relationships. Allowing time to rest and recharge will help your student maintain energy over the long haul.

Support them to take failure in stride.

Help your student maintain focus after a setback. It’s easy to get discouraged when something doesn’t go your way. However, failure is a learning opportunity. A disappointing outcome can be a moment to assess what happened and learn more about yourself and your own needs going forward. Treating failure as a moment to learn will help you understand what didn’t work for you this time, and how you can proceed differently the next time.

Help them keep their eye on the prize.

It can be hard to stay motivated without a clear sense of purpose and direction. Support your student to take a step back and get in touch with why they are pursuing their degree in the first place.

  • Are they hoping to challenge themselves by gaining new knowledge?
  • Do they want to increase their earning potential?
  • Are they hoping to serve others?
  • Do they want to learn new skills?
  • Are they aiming to change the world for the better?

Each student’s vision for their future will be different. Helping your student remember the end goal of their education can help them push through the challenging periods.

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Atlas Shrugged Essay Contest

Students      >      Essay Contests      >     Atlas Shrugged

✓    Open to all high school, college, and graduate students worldwide.

Annual Grand Prize

June 14, 2024

Summer Entry Deadline

Book Length

Interested in participating?

Fill out the contact form below, and we’ll email you with more information about this year’s contest—including instructions on how to enter.

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We’ll email you more information about this year’s contest—including instructions on how to enter. In the meantime, please let us know at [email protected] if you have any questions. We’re happy to help.

What is Atlas Shrugged?

The astounding story of a man who said that he would stop the motor of the world—and did.

Tremendous in scope, breathtaking in its suspense, Atlas Shrugged is unlike any other book you have ever read. It is a mystery story, not about the murder of a man’s body, but about the murder—and rebirth—of man’s spirit.

How It Works

Every three months there is a new seasonal entry round, with its own unique essay prompt. You may compete in any or all of these entry rounds.

The top three essays from each season will be awarded a cash prize. The first-place essay from each season will advance to compete for the annual grand prize.

The first-place essay from each season will be eligible to contend for the annual first-place title, with the opportunity to secure a grand prize of $25,000.

Challenging Essay Topics

Each entry round features a unique topic designed to provoke a deeper understanding of the book’s central themes and characters.

Essays must be written in English only and be between 800 and 1,600 words in length.

Questions? Write to us at [email protected] .

  • Summer Prompt
  • Fall Prompt
  • Winter Prompt

The essay prompt for our fall entry period has not yet been determined. We will post it here as soon it’s available.

The essay prompt for our winter entry period has not yet been determined. We will post it here as soon it’s available.

Grand Prize

Master our grading standards.

Essays are judged on whether the student is able to justify and argue for his or her view, not on whether the Institute agrees with the view the student expresses. 

Our graders look for writing that is clear, articulate, and logically organized.  Essays should stay on topic, address all parts of the selected prompt, and interrelate the ideas and events in the novel. 

Winning essays must demonstrate an outstanding grasp of the philosophic meaning of Atlas Shrugged .


Understanding, contest timeline, discover the power of atlas shrugged.

Atlas Shrugged  is a mystery novel like no other. You enter a world where scientists, entrepreneurs, artists, and inventors are inexplicably vanishing—where the world is crumbling.

And what you discover, by the end, is an uplifting vision of life, an inspiring cast of heroes, and a challenging new way to think about life’s most important issues.

Learn more and request a free digital copy of the book today.

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Learn from Past Winners

Curious to know what makes for a winning essay in the Atlas Shrugged   contest? Check out some of the essays written by our most recent grand-prize winners. 

To varying degrees, they all display an excellent grasp of the philosophic meaning of Atlas Shrugged .

Click here to see the full list of 2022 contest winners.

Jacob Fisher

Graduate Student

Stanford University

Stanford, California

United States

Mariah Williams

Regis University

Denver, Colorado

essay for motivating students

Nathaniel Shippee

University of Illinois

Chicago, Illinois

essay for motivating students

Samuel Weaver

St. John’s College

Annapolis, Maryland

essay for motivating students

Patrick Mayles

Graduate student

Universidad Nacional de Colombia

essay for motivating students

Christina Jeong

College Student

University of Notre Dame

Notre Dame, Indiana

essay for motivating students

Improve Your Writing Skills

Other than endorsing perfect punctuation and grammar in English, the Ayn Rand Institute offers no advice or feedback for essays submitted to its contests. However, we do recommend the following resources as ways to improve the content of your essays.

The Atlas Project

Writing: a mini-course.

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Sign Up for Contest Updates!

Want to stay up-to-date on any new developments to the contest? Sign up to our email list below.

We’ll send you periodic reminders about the contest deadlines, as well as helpful resources to ensure you get the most out of your experience reading and writing about Ayn Rand’s  Atlas Shrugged .

Great! Let's get you a copy of the book.

Atlas Shrugged is a mystery novel like no other. You enter a world where scientists, entrepreneurs, artists, and inventors are inexplicably vanishing—where the world is crumbling.

What you discover, by the end, is an uplifting vision of life, an inspiring cast of heroes, and a challenging new way to think about life’s most important issues.

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Enter your school details below to receive a free digital copy of Atlas Shrugged .

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We've received your request for a free copy of Atlas Shrugged and will be emailing you details on how you can access it shortly. In the meantime, are you ready to begin the entry process?

Please enter your password below, either to create a new account or to sign in to your existing account for the contest. Once you're logged in to your account, you'll be able to save your entry progress and return later to complete it.

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Now that you've logged in to your account, let's get you started on your entry for the contest. It's OK if you haven't finished reading the book or writing your essay yet. We'll save your progress for you to continue later.

Then, when you're ready to submit your essay, just return to our platform. Your saved entry will be right where you left off. So, why wait? Take the first step, and start your entry today.

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Should college essays touch on race? Some feel the affirmative action ruling leaves them no choice

CHICAGO — When she started writing her college essay, Hillary Amofa told the story she thought admissions offices wanted to hear. About being the daughter of immigrants from Ghana and growing up in a small apartment in Chicago. About hardship and struggle.

Then she deleted it all.

“I would just find myself kind of trauma-dumping,” said the 18-year-old senior at Lincoln Park High School in Chicago. “And I’m just like, this doesn’t really say anything about me as a person.”

When the Supreme Court ended affirmative action in higher education, it left the college essay as one of few places where race can play a role in admissions decisions. For many students of color, instantly more was riding on the already high-stakes writing assignment. Some say they felt pressure to exploit their hardships as they competed for a spot on campus.

Amofa was just starting to think about her essay when the court issued its decision, and it left her with a wave of questions. Could she still write about her race? Could she be penalized for it? She wanted to tell colleges about her heritage but she didn’t want to be defined by it.

In English class, Amofa and her classmates read sample essays that all seemed to focus on some trauma or hardship. It left her with the impression she had to write about her life’s hardest moments to show how far she’d come. But she and some of her classmates wondered if their lives had been hard enough to catch the attention of admissions offices.

“For a lot of students, there’s a feeling of, like, having to go through something so horrible to feel worthy of going to school, which is kind of sad,” said Amofa, the daughter of a hospital technician and an Uber driver.

This year’s senior class is the first in decades to navigate college admissions without affirmative action . The Supreme Court upheld the practice in decisions going back to the 1970s, but this court’s conservative supermajority found it is unconstitutional for colleges to give students extra weight because of their race alone.

Still, the decision left room for race to play an indirect role: Chief Justice John Roberts wrote universities can still consider how an applicant’s life was shaped by their race, “so long as that discussion is concretely tied to a quality of character or unique ability.”

“A benefit to a student who overcame racial discrimination, for example, must be tied to that student’s courage and determination,” he wrote.

Scores of colleges responded with new essay prompts asking about students’ backgrounds. Brown University asked applicants how “an aspect of your growing up has inspired or challenged you.” Rice University asked students how their perspectives were shaped by their “background, experiences, upbringing, and/or racial identity.”


When Darrian Merritt started writing his essay, he knew the stakes were higher than ever because of the court’s decision. His first instinct was to write about events that led to him going to live with his grandmother as a child.

Those were painful memories, but he thought they might play well at schools like Yale, Stanford and Vanderbilt.

“I feel like the admissions committee might expect a sob story or a tragic story,” said Merritt, a senior in Cleveland. “And if you don’t provide that, then maybe they’re not going to feel like you went through enough to deserve having a spot at the university. I wrestled with that a lot.”

He wrote drafts focusing on his childhood, but it never amounted to more than a collection of memories. Eventually he abandoned the idea and aimed for an essay that would stand out for its positivity.

Merritt wrote about a summer camp where he started to feel more comfortable in his own skin. He described embracing his personality and defying his tendency to please others. The essay had humor — it centered on a water gun fight where he had victory in sight but, in a comedic twist, slipped and fell. But the essay also reflects on his feelings of not being “Black enough” and getting made fun of for listening to “white people music.”

“I was like, ‘OK, I’m going to write this for me, and we’re just going to see how it goes,’” he said. “It just felt real, and it felt like an honest story.”

The essay describes a breakthrough as he learned “to take ownership of myself and my future by sharing my true personality with the people I encounter. ... I realized that the first chapter of my own story had just been written.”


Like many students, Max Decker of Portland, Oregon, had drafted a college essay on one topic, only to change direction after the Supreme Court ruling in June.

Decker initially wrote about his love for video games. In a childhood surrounded by constant change, navigating his parents’ divorce, the games he took from place to place on his Nintendo DS were a source of comfort.

But the essay he submitted to colleges focused on the community he found through Word is Bond, a leadership group for young Black men in Portland.

As the only biracial, Jewish kid with divorced parents in a predominantly white, Christian community, Decker wrote he constantly felt like the odd one out. On a trip with Word is Bond to Capitol Hill, he and friends who looked just like him shook hands with lawmakers. The experience, he wrote, changed how he saw himself.

“It’s because I’m different that I provide something precious to the world, not the other way around,” he wrote.

As a first-generation college student, Decker thought about the subtle ways his peers seemed to know more about navigating the admissions process . They made sure to get into advanced classes at the start of high school, and they knew how to secure glowing letters of recommendation.

If writing about race would give him a slight edge and show admissions officers a fuller picture of his achievements, he wanted to take that small advantage.

His first memory about race, Decker said, was when he went to get a haircut in elementary school and the barber made rude comments about his curly hair. Until recently, the insecurity that moment created led him to keep his hair buzzed short.

Through Word is Bond, Decker said he found a space to explore his identity as a Black man. It was one of the first times he was surrounded by Black peers and saw Black role models. It filled him with a sense of pride in his identity. No more buzzcut.

The pressure to write about race involved a tradeoff with other important things in his life, Decker said. That included his passion for journalism, like the piece he wrote on efforts to revive a once-thriving Black neighborhood in Portland. In the end, he squeezed in 100 characters about his journalism under the application’s activities section.

“My final essay, it felt true to myself. But the difference between that and my other essay was the fact that it wasn’t the truth that I necessarily wanted to share,” said Decker, whose top college choice is Tulane, in New Orleans, because of the region’s diversity. “It felt like I just had to limit the truth I was sharing to what I feel like the world is expecting of me.”


Before the Supreme Court ruling, it seemed a given to Imani Laird that colleges would consider the ways that race had touched her life. But now, she felt like she had to spell it out.

As she started her essay, she reflected on how she had faced bias or felt overlooked as a Black student in predominantly white spaces.

There was the year in math class when the teacher kept calling her by the name of another Black student. There were the comments that she’d have an easier time getting into college because she was Black .

“I didn’t have it easier because of my race,” said Laird, a senior at Newton South High School in the Boston suburbs who was accepted at Wellesley and Howard University, and is waiting to hear from several Ivy League colleges. “I had stuff I had to overcome.”

In her final essays, she wrote about her grandfather, who served in the military but was denied access to GI Bill benefits because of his race.

She described how discrimination fueled her ambition to excel and pursue a career in public policy.

“So, I never settled for mediocrity,” she wrote. “Regardless of the subject, my goal in class was not just to participate but to excel. Beyond academics, I wanted to excel while remembering what started this motivation in the first place.”


Amofa used to think affirmative action was only a factor at schools like Harvard and Yale. After the court’s ruling, she was surprised to find that race was taken into account even at some public universities she was applying to.

Now, without affirmative action, she wondered if mostly white schools will become even whiter.

It’s been on her mind as she chooses between Indiana University and the University of Dayton, both of which have relatively few Black students. When she was one of the only Black students in her grade school, she could fall back on her family and Ghanaian friends at church. At college, she worries about loneliness.

“That’s what I’m nervous about,” she said. “Going and just feeling so isolated, even though I’m constantly around people.”

The first drafts of her essay focused on growing up in a low-income family, sharing a bedroom with her brother and grandmother. But it didn’t tell colleges about who she is now, she said.

Her final essay tells how she came to embrace her natural hair . She wrote about going to a mostly white grade school where classmates made jokes about her afro. When her grandmother sent her back with braids or cornrows, they made fun of those too.

Over time, she ignored their insults and found beauty in the styles worn by women in her life. She now runs a business doing braids and other hairstyles in her neighborhood.

“I stopped seeing myself through the lens of the European traditional beauty standards and started seeing myself through the lens that I created,” Amofa wrote.

“Criticism will persist, but it loses its power when you know there’s a crown on your head!”

Ma reported from Portland, Oregon.

The Associated Press’ education coverage receives financial support from multiple private foundations. AP is solely responsible for all content. Find AP’s standards for working with philanthropies, a list of supporters and funded coverage areas at .

essay for motivating students

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Should college essays touch on race? Some feel the affirmative action ruling leaves them no choice

Hillary Amofa listens to others member of the Lincoln Park High School step team after school Friday, March 8, 2024, in Chicago. When she started writing her college essay, Amofa told the story she thought admissions offices wanted to hear. She wrote about being the daughter of immigrants from Ghana, about growing up in a small apartment in Chicago. She described hardship and struggle. Then she deleted it all. "I would just find myself kind of trauma-dumping," said the 18 year-old senior, "And I'm just like, this doesn't really say anything about me as a person." (AP Photo/Charles Rex Arbogast)

Hillary Amofa listens to others member of the Lincoln Park High School step team after school Friday, March 8, 2024, in Chicago. (AP Photo/Charles Rex Arbogast)

essay for motivating students

When the Supreme Court ended affirmative action, it left the college essay as one of few places where race can play a role in admissions decisions. (AP Video: Noreen Nasir)

Hillary Amofa listens to others member of the Lincoln Park High School step team after school Friday, March 8, 2024, in Chicago. When she started writing her college essay, Amofa told the story she thought admissions offices wanted to hear. She wrote about being the daughter of immigrants from Ghana, about growing up in a small apartment in Chicago. She described hardship and struggle. Then she deleted it all. "I would just find myself kind of trauma-dumping," said the 18 year-old senior, "And I'm just like, this doesn't really say anything about me as a person." (AP Photo/Charles Rex Arbogast)

Hillary Amofa listens to others member of the Lincoln Park High School step team after school Friday, March 8, 2024, in Chicago. When she started writing her college essay, Amofa told the story she thought admissions offices wanted to hear. She wrote about being the daughter of immigrants from Ghana, about growing up in a small apartment in Chicago. She described hardship and struggle. Then she deleted it all. “I would just find myself kind of trauma-dumping,” said the 18 year-old senior, “And I’m just like, this doesn’t really say anything about me as a person.” (AP Photo/Charles Rex Arbogast)

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Hillary Amofa, laughs as she participates in a team building game with members of the Lincoln Park High School step team after school Friday, March 8, 2024, in Chicago. When she started writing her college essay, Amofa told the story she thought admissions offices wanted to hear. She wrote about being the daughter of immigrants from Ghana, about growing up in a small apartment in Chicago. She described hardship and struggle. Then she deleted it all. “I would just find myself kind of trauma-dumping,” said the 18 year-old senior, “And I’m just like, this doesn’t really say anything about me as a person.” (AP Photo/Charles Rex Arbogast)

Hillary Amofa stands for a portrait after practice with members of the Lincoln Park High School step team Friday, March 8, 2024, in Chicago. When she started writing her college essay, Amofa told the story she thought admissions offices wanted to hear. She wrote about being the daughter of immigrants from Ghana, about growing up in a small apartment in Chicago. She described hardship and struggle. Then she deleted it all. “I would just find myself kind of trauma-dumping,” said the 18 year-old senior, “And I’m just like, this doesn’t really say anything about me as a person.” (AP Photo/Charles Rex Arbogast)

Max Decker, a senior at Lincoln High School, sits for a portrait in the school library where he often worked on writing his college essays, in Portland, Ore., Wednesday, March 20, 2024. (AP Photo/Amanda Loman)

Hillary Amofa stands for a portrait after practice with members of the Lincoln Park High School step team Friday, March 8, 2024, in Chicago. When she started writing her college essay, Amofa told the story she thought admissions offices wanted to hear. She wrote about being the daughter of immigrants from Ghana, about growing up in a small apartment in Chicago. (AP Photo/Charles Rex Arbogast)

Hillary Amofa, second from left, practices with members of the Lincoln Park High School step team after school Friday, March 8, 2024, in Chicago. When she started writing her college essay, Amofa told the story she thought admissions offices wanted to hear. She wrote about being the daughter of immigrants from Ghana, about growing up in a small apartment in Chicago. She described hardship and struggle. Then she deleted it all. “I would just find myself kind of trauma-dumping,” said the 18 year-old senior, “And I’m just like, this doesn’t really say anything about me as a person.” (AP Photo/Charles Rex Arbogast)

Max Decker, a senior at Lincoln High School, stands for a portrait outside of the school in Portland, Ore., Wednesday, March 20, 2024. (AP Photo/Amanda Loman)

*Hillary Amofa, reflected right, practices in a mirror with members of the Lincoln Park High School step team after school Friday, March 8, 2024, in Chicago. When she started writing her college essay, Amofa told the story she thought admissions offices wanted to hear. She wrote about being the daughter of immigrants from Ghana, about growing up in a small apartment in Chicago. She described hardship and struggle. Then she deleted it all. “I would just find myself kind of trauma-dumping,” said the 18 year-old senior, “And I’m just like, this doesn’t really say anything about me as a person.” (AP Photo/Charles Rex Arbogast)

Max Decker, a senior at Lincoln High School, sits for a portrait outside of the school in Portland, Ore., Wednesday, March 20, 2024. (AP Photo/Amanda Loman)

Hillary Amofa, left, practices with members of the Lincoln Park High School step team after school Friday, March 8, 2024, in Chicago. When she started writing her college essay, Amofa told the story she thought admissions offices wanted to hear. She wrote about being the daughter of immigrants from Ghana, about growing up in a small apartment in Chicago. She described hardship and struggle. Then she deleted it all. “I would just find myself kind of trauma-dumping,” said the 18 year-old senior, “And I’m just like, this doesn’t really say anything about me as a person.” (AP Photo/Charles Rex Arbogast)

Hillary Amofa sits for a portrait after her step team practice at Lincoln Park High School Friday, March 8, 2024, in Chicago. When she started writing her college essay, Amofa told the story she thought admissions offices wanted to hear. She wrote about being the daughter of immigrants from Ghana, about growing up in a small apartment in Chicago. She described hardship and struggle. Then she deleted it all. “I would just find myself kind of trauma-dumping,” said the 18 year-old senior, “And I’m just like, this doesn’t really say anything about me as a person.” (AP Photo/Charles Rex Arbogast)

FILE - Demonstrators protest outside of the Supreme Court in Washington, in this June 29, 2023 file photo, after the Supreme Court struck down affirmative action in college admissions, saying race cannot be a factor. (AP Photo/Jose Luis Magana)

CHICAGO (AP) — When she started writing her college essay, Hillary Amofa told the story she thought admissions offices wanted to hear. About being the daughter of immigrants from Ghana and growing up in a small apartment in Chicago. About hardship and struggle.

Then she deleted it all.

“I would just find myself kind of trauma-dumping,” said the 18-year-old senior at Lincoln Park High School in Chicago. “And I’m just like, this doesn’t really say anything about me as a person.”

When the Supreme Court ended affirmative action in higher education, it left the college essay as one of few places where race can play a role in admissions decisions. For many students of color, instantly more was riding on the already high-stakes writing assignment. Some say they felt pressure to exploit their hardships as they competed for a spot on campus.

Amofa was just starting to think about her essay when the court issued its decision, and it left her with a wave of questions. Could she still write about her race? Could she be penalized for it? She wanted to tell colleges about her heritage but she didn’t want to be defined by it.

In English class, Amofa and her classmates read sample essays that all seemed to focus on some trauma or hardship. It left her with the impression she had to write about her life’s hardest moments to show how far she’d come. But she and some of her classmates wondered if their lives had been hard enough to catch the attention of admissions offices.

“For a lot of students, there’s a feeling of, like, having to go through something so horrible to feel worthy of going to school, which is kind of sad,” said Amofa, the daughter of a hospital technician and an Uber driver.

This year’s senior class is the first in decades to navigate college admissions without affirmative action . The Supreme Court upheld the practice in decisions going back to the 1970s, but this court’s conservative supermajority found it is unconstitutional for colleges to give students extra weight because of their race alone.

Still, the decision left room for race to play an indirect role: Chief Justice John Roberts wrote universities can still consider how an applicant’s life was shaped by their race, “so long as that discussion is concretely tied to a quality of character or unique ability.”

“A benefit to a student who overcame racial discrimination, for example, must be tied to that student’s courage and determination,” he wrote.

Scores of colleges responded with new essay prompts asking about students’ backgrounds. Brown University asked applicants how “an aspect of your growing up has inspired or challenged you.” Rice University asked students how their perspectives were shaped by their “background, experiences, upbringing, and/or racial identity.”

*Hillary Amofa, reflected right, practices in a mirror with members of the Lincoln Park High School step team after school Friday, March 8, 2024, in Chicago. When she started writing her college essay, Amofa told the story she thought admissions offices wanted to hear. She wrote about being the daughter of immigrants from Ghana, about growing up in a small apartment in Chicago. She described hardship and struggle. Then she deleted it all. "I would just find myself kind of trauma-dumping," said the 18 year-old senior, "And I'm just like, this doesn't really say anything about me as a person." (AP Photo/Charles Rex Arbogast)

Hillary Amofa, reflected right, practices in a mirror with members of the Lincoln Park High School step team after school, March 8, 2024, in Chicago. (AP Photo/Charles Rex Arbogast)


When Darrian Merritt started writing his essay, he knew the stakes were higher than ever because of the court’s decision. His first instinct was to write about events that led to him going to live with his grandmother as a child.

Those were painful memories, but he thought they might play well at schools like Yale, Stanford and Vanderbilt.

“I feel like the admissions committee might expect a sob story or a tragic story,” said Merritt, a senior in Cleveland. “And if you don’t provide that, then maybe they’re not going to feel like you went through enough to deserve having a spot at the university. I wrestled with that a lot.”

He wrote drafts focusing on his childhood, but it never amounted to more than a collection of memories. Eventually he abandoned the idea and aimed for an essay that would stand out for its positivity.

Merritt wrote about a summer camp where he started to feel more comfortable in his own skin. He described embracing his personality and defying his tendency to please others. The essay had humor — it centered on a water gun fight where he had victory in sight but, in a comedic twist, slipped and fell. But the essay also reflects on his feelings of not being “Black enough” and getting made fun of for listening to “white people music.”

“I was like, ‘OK, I’m going to write this for me, and we’re just going to see how it goes,’” he said. “It just felt real, and it felt like an honest story.”

The essay describes a breakthrough as he learned “to take ownership of myself and my future by sharing my true personality with the people I encounter. ... I realized that the first chapter of my own story had just been written.”

Max Decker, a senior at Lincoln High School, sits for a portrait in the school library where he often worked on writing his college essays, in Portland, Ore., Wednesday, March 20, 2024. (AP Photo/Amanda Loman)

Max Decker, a senior at Lincoln High School, sits for a portrait in the school library where he often worked on writing his college essays, in Portland, Ore., March 20, 2024. (AP Photo/Amanda Loman)


Like many students, Max Decker of Portland, Oregon, had drafted a college essay on one topic, only to change direction after the Supreme Court ruling in June.

Decker initially wrote about his love for video games. In a childhood surrounded by constant change, navigating his parents’ divorce, the games he took from place to place on his Nintendo DS were a source of comfort.

But the essay he submitted to colleges focused on the community he found through Word is Bond, a leadership group for young Black men in Portland.

As the only biracial, Jewish kid with divorced parents in a predominantly white, Christian community, Decker wrote he constantly felt like the odd one out. On a trip with Word is Bond to Capitol Hill, he and friends who looked just like him shook hands with lawmakers. The experience, he wrote, changed how he saw himself.

“It’s because I’m different that I provide something precious to the world, not the other way around,” he wrote.

As a first-generation college student, Decker thought about the subtle ways his peers seemed to know more about navigating the admissions process . They made sure to get into advanced classes at the start of high school, and they knew how to secure glowing letters of recommendation.

Max Decker reads his college essay on his experience with a leadership group for young Black men. (AP Video/Noreen Nasir)

If writing about race would give him a slight edge and show admissions officers a fuller picture of his achievements, he wanted to take that small advantage.

His first memory about race, Decker said, was when he went to get a haircut in elementary school and the barber made rude comments about his curly hair. Until recently, the insecurity that moment created led him to keep his hair buzzed short.

Through Word is Bond, Decker said he found a space to explore his identity as a Black man. It was one of the first times he was surrounded by Black peers and saw Black role models. It filled him with a sense of pride in his identity. No more buzzcut.

The pressure to write about race involved a tradeoff with other important things in his life, Decker said. That included his passion for journalism, like the piece he wrote on efforts to revive a once-thriving Black neighborhood in Portland. In the end, he squeezed in 100 characters about his journalism under the application’s activities section.

“My final essay, it felt true to myself. But the difference between that and my other essay was the fact that it wasn’t the truth that I necessarily wanted to share,” said Decker, whose top college choice is Tulane, in New Orleans, because of the region’s diversity. “It felt like I just had to limit the truth I was sharing to what I feel like the world is expecting of me.”

FILE - Demonstrators protest outside of the Supreme Court in Washington, in this June 29, 2023 file photo, after the Supreme Court struck down affirmative action in college admissions, saying race cannot be a factor. (AP Photo/Jose Luis Magana)

Demonstrators protest outside of the Supreme Court in Washington, in this June 29, 2023 file photo, after the Supreme Court struck down affirmative action in college admissions, saying race cannot be a factor. (AP Photo/Jose Luis Magana)


Before the Supreme Court ruling, it seemed a given to Imani Laird that colleges would consider the ways that race had touched her life. But now, she felt like she had to spell it out.

As she started her essay, she reflected on how she had faced bias or felt overlooked as a Black student in predominantly white spaces.

There was the year in math class when the teacher kept calling her by the name of another Black student. There were the comments that she’d have an easier time getting into college because she was Black .

“I didn’t have it easier because of my race,” said Laird, a senior at Newton South High School in the Boston suburbs who was accepted at Wellesley and Howard University, and is waiting to hear from several Ivy League colleges. “I had stuff I had to overcome.”

In her final essays, she wrote about her grandfather, who served in the military but was denied access to GI Bill benefits because of his race.

She described how discrimination fueled her ambition to excel and pursue a career in public policy.

“So, I never settled for mediocrity,” she wrote. “Regardless of the subject, my goal in class was not just to participate but to excel. Beyond academics, I wanted to excel while remembering what started this motivation in the first place.”

Hillary Amofa stands for a portrait after practice with members of the Lincoln Park High School step team Friday, March 8, 2024, in Chicago. When she started writing her college essay, Amofa told the story she thought admissions offices wanted to hear. She wrote about being the daughter of immigrants from Ghana, about growing up in a small apartment in Chicago. She described hardship and struggle. Then she deleted it all. "I would just find myself kind of trauma-dumping," said the 18 year-old senior, "And I'm just like, this doesn't really say anything about me as a person." (AP Photo/Charles Rex Arbogast)

Hillary Amofa stands for a portrait after practice with members of the Lincoln Park High School step team, March 8, 2024, in Chicago. (AP Photo/Charles Rex Arbogast)


Amofa used to think affirmative action was only a factor at schools like Harvard and Yale. After the court’s ruling, she was surprised to find that race was taken into account even at some public universities she was applying to.

Now, without affirmative action, she wondered if mostly white schools will become even whiter.

It’s been on her mind as she chooses between Indiana University and the University of Dayton, both of which have relatively few Black students. When she was one of the only Black students in her grade school, she could fall back on her family and Ghanaian friends at church. At college, she worries about loneliness.

“That’s what I’m nervous about,” she said. “Going and just feeling so isolated, even though I’m constantly around people.”

Hillary Amofa reads her college essay on embracing her natural hair. (AP Video/Noreen Nasir)

The first drafts of her essay focused on growing up in a low-income family, sharing a bedroom with her brother and grandmother. But it didn’t tell colleges about who she is now, she said.

Her final essay tells how she came to embrace her natural hair . She wrote about going to a mostly white grade school where classmates made jokes about her afro. When her grandmother sent her back with braids or cornrows, they made fun of those too.

Over time, she ignored their insults and found beauty in the styles worn by women in her life. She now runs a business doing braids and other hairstyles in her neighborhood.

“I stopped seeing myself through the lens of the European traditional beauty standards and started seeing myself through the lens that I created,” Amofa wrote.

“Criticism will persist, but it loses its power when you know there’s a crown on your head!”

Ma reported from Portland, Oregon.

The Associated Press’ education coverage receives financial support from multiple private foundations. AP is solely responsible for all content. Find AP’s standards for working with philanthropies, a list of supporters and funded coverage areas at .


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Guest Essay

Elite College Admissions Have Turned Students Into Brands

An illustration of a doll in a box attired in a country-western outfit and surrounded by musical accessories and a laptop. The doll wears a distressed expression and is pushing against the front of the box, which is emblazoned with the words “Environmentally Conscious Musician” and “Awesome Applicant.” The backdrop is a range of pink with three twinkling lights surrounding the box.

By Sarah Bernstein

Ms. Bernstein is a playwright, a writing coach and an essayist in Brooklyn.

“I just can’t think of anything,” my student said.

After 10 years of teaching college essay writing, I was familiar with this reply. For some reason, when you’re asked to recount an important experience from your life, it is common to forget everything that has ever happened to you. It’s a long-form version of the anxiety that takes hold at a corporate retreat when you’re invited to say “one interesting thing about yourself,” and you suddenly believe that you are the most boring person in the entire world. Once during a version of this icebreaker, a man volunteered that he had only one kidney, and I remember feeling incredibly jealous of him.

I tried to jog this student’s memory. What about his love of music? Or his experience learning English? Or that time on a summer camping trip when he and his friends had nearly drowned? “I don’t know,” he said with a sigh. “That all seems kind of cliché.”

Applying to college has always been about standing out. When I teach college essay workshops and coach applicants one on one, I see my role as helping students to capture their voice and their way of processing the world, things that are, by definition, unique to each individual. Still, many of my students (and their parents) worry that as getting into college becomes increasingly competitive, this won’t be enough to set them apart.

Their anxiety is understandable. On Thursday, in a tradition known as “Ivy Day,” all eight Ivy League schools released their regular admission decisions. Top colleges often issue statements about how impressive (and competitive) their applicant pools were this cycle. The intention is to flatter accepted students and assuage rejected ones, but for those who have not yet applied to college, these statements reinforce the fear that there is an ever-expanding cohort of applicants with straight A’s and perfect SATs and harrowing camping trip stories all competing with one another for a vanishingly small number of spots.

This scarcity has led to a boom in the college consulting industry, now estimated to be a $2.9 billion business. In recent years, many of these advisers and companies have begun to promote the idea of personal branding — a way for teenagers to distinguish themselves by becoming as clear and memorable as a good tagline.

While this approach often leads to a strong application, students who brand themselves too early or too definitively risk missing out on the kind of exploration that will prepare them for adult life.

Like a corporate brand, the personal brand is meant to distill everything you stand for (honesty, integrity, high quality, low prices) into a cohesive identity that can be grasped at a glance. On its website, a college prep and advising company called Dallas Admissions explains the benefits of branding this way: “Each person is complex, yet admissions officers only have a small amount of time to spend learning about each prospective student. The smart student boils down key aspects of himself or herself into their personal ‘brand’ and sells that to the college admissions officer.”

Identifying the key aspects of yourself may seem like a lifelong project, but unfortunately, college applicants don’t have that kind of time. Online, there are dozens of lesson plans and seminars promising to walk students through the process of branding themselves in five to 10 easy steps. The majority begin with questions I would have found panic-inducing as a teenager, such as, “What is the story you want people to tell about you when you’re not in the room?”

Where I hoped others would describe me as “normal” or, in my wildest dreams, “cool,” today’s teenagers are expected to leave this exercise with labels like, Committed Athlete and Compassionate Leader or Environmentally Conscious Musician. Once students have a draft of their ideal self, they’re offered instructions for manifesting it (or at least, the appearance of it) in person and online. These range from common-sense tips (not posting illegal activity on social media) to more drastic recommendations (getting different friends).

It’s not just that these courses cut corners on self-discovery; it’s that they get the process backward. A personal brand is effective only if you can support it with action, so instead of finding their passion and values through experience, students are encouraged to select a passion as early as possible and then rack up the experience to substantiate it. Many college consultants suggest beginning to align your activities with your college ambitions by ninth grade, while the National Institute of Certified College Planners recommends students “talk with parents, guardians, and/or an academic adviser to create a clear plan for your education and career-related goals” in junior high.

The idea of a group of middle schoolers soberly mapping out their careers is both comical and depressing, but when I read student essays today, I can see that this advice is getting through. Over the past few years, I have been struck by how many high school seniors already have defined career goals as well as a C.V. of relevant extracurriculars to go with them. This widens the gap between wealthy students and those who lack the resources to secure a fancy research gig or start their own small business. (A shocking number of college applicants claim to have started a small business.) It also puts pressure on all students to define themselves at a moment when they are anxious to fit in and yet changing all the time.

In the world of branding, a word that appears again and again is “consistency.” If you are Charmin, that makes sense. People opening a roll of toilet paper do not want to be surprised. If you are a teenage human being, however, that is an unreasonable expectation. Changing one’s interests, opinions and presentation is a natural part of adolescence and an instructive one. I find that my students with scattershot résumés are often the most confident. They’re not afraid to push back against suggestions that ring false and will insist on revising their essay until it actually “feels like me.” On the other hand, many of my most accomplished students are so quick to accept feedback that I am wary of offering it, lest I become one more adult trying to shape them into an admission-worthy ideal.

I understand that for parents, prioritizing exploration can feel like a risky bet. Self-insight is hard to quantify and to communicate in a college application. When it comes to building a life, however, this kind of knowledge has more value than any accolade, and it cannot be generated through a brainstorming exercise in a six-step personal branding course online. To equip kids for the world, we need to provide them not just with opportunities for achievement, but with opportunities to fail, to learn, to wander and to change their minds.

In some ways, the college essay is a microcosm of modern adolescence. Depending on how you look at it, it’s either a forum for self-discovery or a high-stakes test you need to ace. I try to assure my students that it is the former. I tell them that it’s a chance to take stock of everything you’ve experienced and learned over the past 18 years and everything you have to offer as a result.

That can be a profound process. But to embark on it, students have to believe that colleges really want to see the person behind the brand. And they have to have the chance to know who that person is.

Sarah Bernstein is a playwright, a writing coach and an essayist.

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  1. What motivates you essay examples in 2021

    essay for motivating students

  2. Strategies for Motivating Students

    essay for motivating students

  3. Student Essay

    essay for motivating students

  4. Essay About Student Motivation

    essay for motivating students

  5. Motivational Speech For Students Examples

    essay for motivating students

  6. Motivating Students Essay.docx

    essay for motivating students



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  1. Motivation Essay for Students and Children

    Q.1 Define what is motivation fit. A.1 This refers to a psychological phenomenon in which a person assumes or expects something from the job or life but gets different results other than his expectations. In a profession, it is a primary criterion for determining if the person will stay or leave the job. Q.2 List some best motivators.

  2. Essay on Motivation for Students and Children in English

    Long and Short Essays on Motivation for Students and Kids in English. If you are searching for an essay on motivation, you will find below two different articles that you can use to complete your class assignments. Here is the best long essay on motivation for the students of classes 7, 8, 9, and 10. Short essay on Motivation is helpful for ...

  3. Strategies for Motivating Students

    Motivational Strategies. Student involvement is essential to the success of the learning process. Self-determination theory suggests that individuals have a need for autonomy and if this need is met, greater involvement can be fostered (Eggen & Kauchak, 2007). This statement is corroborated by Shergill (2009) who asserts that the most important ...

  4. How to Motivate Students: 12 Classroom Tips & Examples

    Help students see their strengths and refer to their strengths often. Promote a kid's growth mindset. Relatedness refers to the students' sense of belonging and connection. Build this by establishing relationships. Facilitate peer connections by using team-building exercises and encouraging collaborative learning.

  5. What Motivates Me as a Student [Free Essay Sample], 550 words

    From the pursuit of knowledge to personal growth and future aspirations, my motivations are diverse and ever-evolving. This essay will explore the multifaceted factors that inspire me to excel as a student. Pursuit of Knowledge: A Lifelong Adventure. The pursuit of knowledge is a primary motivation that fuels my commitment to learning.

  6. How to Motivate Students in the Classroom: Essay Example

    Among the very many factors that affect the motivation of learners, include interest in a given area, an aspiration to achieve, self-confidence, doggedness, expediency of knowledge and determination. The motivating factors such as principles, wishes, needs and wants vary from on student to another meaning. For example, to some, endorsement of ...

  7. Motivating Students

    Fostering student motivation is a difficult but necessary aspect of teaching that instructors must consider. Many may have led classes where students are engaged, motivated, and excited to learn, but have also led classes where students are distracted, disinterested, and reluctant to engage—and, probably, have led classes that are a mix.

  8. Maintaining Students' Motivation for Learning as the Year Goes On

    Motivation has a major impact on students' effort, academic success, and joy of learning. Providing choices for your learners to engage with new learning and to progress through achievable challenges, with feedback on their progress toward their chosen goals, will make a difference in sustaining their motivated effort throughout the school ...

  9. A Powerful Strategy for Fostering Student Motivation

    Rewarding outcomes: Positive reinforcement and motivational feedback can lead to extrinsic motivation that many students desire. Grades, privileges, certificates, and other tokens of achievement can provide motivating recognition for efforts. Likewise, feedback from peers, teachers, parents, and members of the community at large can be highly satisfying for students who have put forth effort ...

  10. All About Motivation

    When you allow autonomy and require responsibility, you encourage motivation and self-guided learning in your students — and you fuel academic achievement and a sense of excitement. Here, we explore these and other insights into student motivation from researchers and experts in the field of education. Ask a Researcher, a project from Digital ...

  11. Motivation Essay for Students in English

    500+ Words Essay on Motivation. Motivation, the word itself, means positive vibes which push an individual to go through tough times. We all are unaware of what drives one to stay motivated. We have different sources, such as our role models, parents, teachers, etc. Everyone should have some infrequent motivation intervals to move forward in ...

  12. Motivation Essay

    Motivation strategies for students and educators; Motivation and its connection to creativity and innovation; Motivation in different cultural and societal contexts; 📜 Thesis Statement Examples 📜. Here are a few thesis statement examples to inspire your motivation essay: 1.

  13. How-To Writing: Motivating Students to Write for a Real Purpose

    1. Pass out the instruction manuals you have gathered in advance of the lesson to groups of students (see Preparation, 1) and ask them to take five minutes to scan the manuals, focusing in particular on the characteristics they notice in the samples. 2. After five minutes, ask groups what they found in each manual.

  14. 7 ways to motivate your students

    Always find a way to narrate how much you love a topic, even if it's one you find boring. Enthusiasm is infectious and motivating. 2. Ask easy questions while explaining. I am a big advocate of using questions I call checks for listening. They're easy for students to answer because they do what they say on the tin.

  15. The Importance of Students' Motivation for Their Academic Achievement

    Theoretical Relations Between Achievement Motivation and Academic Achievement. We take a social-cognitive approach to motivation (see also Pintrich et al., 1993; Elliot and Church, 1997; Wigfield and Cambria, 2010).This approach emphasizes the important role of students' beliefs and their interpretations of actual events, as well as the role of the achievement context for motivational ...

  16. Motivating Students Essay

    Motivating Students Essay. The purpose of this research paper is to present research findings that show motivational teaching strategies to encourage the academic performance and achievement of students. Motivation is the drive on one's thoughts and actions. Motivation is key to arouse the brain and to activate your senses.

  17. Motivating Middle School Students to Read Essay

    These misconceptions are highly likely to prevent students from reaching the desired level of motivation and engagement. The creation of motivating classrooms is linked to the strategy of building a community of learners, integrating activities of appropriate difficulty and learning outcomes, as well as using both moderation and variation when it comes to motivational strategies (Rahal, 2010).

  18. Tips for Writing Your Motivational Statement and Essays

    Although the Motivation Statement is required, the essay questions are optional. For all optional essay questions, we aren't just interested in the "right answer," but how you are thinking about and approaching these complex questions. Students applying to the Master of Public Policy (MPP) program may pick any of the three questions below.

  19. Essays On Motivation for Students In The Classroom

    A student can also be extrinsically motivated; this means that the student's desire to succeed is fuelled by a desire to achieve a certain goal, for example, to pass examinations (Davis, 2011). The teacher influences motivation through his teaching style, behavior, course structure, type of assignments, and informal interactions with pupils ...

  20. Motivating Students Essay Example For FREE

    Some of the teaching methods discussed are: being understanding of children's development, interests, and needs. "One of the best teaching methods is to motivate children by modeling enthusiasm and curiosity about the topics studied" (Bentham, 2011). There are two types of motivation: intrinsic (from within) and extrinsic (from outside self).

  21. Ultimate Guide to Writing Your College Essay

    College essays are an important part of your college application and give you the chance to show colleges and universities your personality. This guide will give you tips on how to write an effective college essay. ... Student Story: Admissions essay about personal identity Get the perspective of a current college student on how she approached ...

  22. Essay About Motivating Students

    Essay About Motivating Students. 723 Words3 Pages. MOTIVATING STUDENTS: One of the most difficult points of becoming a teacher is learning how to motivate students. It is also one of the most important aspect. Students who are not motivated by someone will not learn effectively. They won't keep hold of information, they won't involve in ...

  23. Motivating Students Essay

    Motivating Students By Brian Whitley Summary. A quote from Brian Whitley, and research author, reveals the sincerity of most students, "On college campuses across the country, legions of students spend their weekends compulsively refreshing their email inboxes, noshing on snacks, and maybe doing a month's worth of laundry.


    Motivation at the side of Students. IJSRP Journal. Intrinsic motivation is an energizing of behavior that comes from within an individual, out of will and interest for the activity at hand. No external rewards are required to incite the intrinsically motivated person into action. The reward is the behavior itself.

  25. A Few Tips for Helping Your Student Stay Motivated

    Keeping up motivation through a long school year can be difficult for many students. As students reach the middle of spring semester, they may find themselves spread thin between their academic work, social engagements, and other responsibilities. Trying to balance everything may lead to feelings of burnout that create low mood, loss of interest, and difficulty with

  26. Atlas Shrugged Essay Contest

    Essays are judged on whether the student is able to justify and argue for his or her view, not on whether the Institute agrees with the view the student expresses. ... Essays should stay on topic, address all parts of the selected prompt, and interrelate the ideas and events in the novel. Winning essays must demonstrate an outstanding grasp of ...

  27. Should college essays touch on race? Some feel the affirmative action

    Like many students, Max Decker of Portland, Oregon, had drafted a college essay on one topic, only to change direction after the Supreme Court ruling in June. Decker initially wrote about his love ...

  28. College application: Should race be in essay after affirmative action

    When the Supreme Court ended affirmative action, it left the college essay as one of few places where race can play a role in admissions decisions. Yet the added weight of the college essay has fallen unevenly on students of color, who often feel pressure to exploit their hardships as they compete for a spot on campus.

  29. Daniel Kahneman, pioneering behavioral psychologist, Nobel laureate and

    Daniel Kahneman, the Eugene Higgins Professor of Psychology, Emeritus, professor of psychology and public affairs, emeritus, and a Nobel laureate in economics whose groundbreaking behavioral science research changed our understanding of how people think and make decisions, died on March 27. He was 90. Kahneman joined the Princeton University faculty in 1993, following appointments at Hebrew ...

  30. Elite College Admissions Have Turned Students Into Brands

    Ms. Bernstein is a playwright, a writing coach and an essayist in Brooklyn. "I just can't think of anything," my student said. After 10 years of teaching college essay writing, I was ...