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Harvard Guide to Using Sources 

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How to Avoid Plagiarism

It's not enough to know why plagiarism is taken so seriously in the academic world or to know how to recognize it. You also need to know how to avoid it. The simplest cases of plagiarism to avoid are the intentional ones: If you copy a paper from a classmate, buy a paper from the Internet, copy whole passages from a book, article, or Web site without citing the author, you are plagiarizing. Here's the best advice you'll ever receive about avoiding intentional plagiarism: If you're tempted to borrow someone else's ideas or plagiarize in any way because you're pressed for time, nervous about how you're doing in a class, or confused about the assignment, don't do it . The problems you think you're solving by plagiarizing are really minor compared to the problems you will create for yourself by plagiarizing. In every case, the consequences of plagiarism are much more serious than the consequences of turning in a paper late or turning in a paper you're not satisfied to have written.

"...the consequences of plagiarism are much more serious than the consequences of turning in a paper late..."

The consequences of accidental plagiarism are equally daunting and should be avoided at all costs. Whether or not you intended to plagiarize, you will still be held responsible. As a member of an intellectual community you are expected to respect the ideas of others in the same way that you would respect any other property that didn't belong to you, and this is true whether you plagiarize on purpose or by accident. The best way to make sure you don't plagiarize due to confusion or carelessness is to 1) understand what you're doing when you write a paper and 2) follow a method that is systematic and careful as you do your research . In other words, if you have a clear sense of what question you're trying to answer and what knowledge you're building on, and if you keep careful, clear notes along the way, it's much easier to use sources effectively and responsibly and, most of all, to write a successful paper. If you have questions about plagiarism at any point in your research or writing process, ask. It's always better to ask questions than it is to wait for an instructor to respond to work that you have turned in for a grade. Once you have turned in your final work, you will be held responsible for misuse of sources.

With these principles in mind, here are some guidelines for conducting research responsibly:

Keep track of your sources; print electronic sources

While it's easy enough to keep a stack of books or journal articles on your desk where you can easily refer back to them, it's just as important to keep track of electronic sources. When you save a PDF of a journal article, make sure you put it into a folder on your computer where you'll be able to find it. When you consult a Web site, log the Web address in a separate document from the paper you're writing so that you'll be able to return to the Web site and cite it correctly. You should also print the relevant pages from any Web sites you use, making sure you note the complete URL and the date on which you printed the material. Because electronic sources aren't stable and Web pages can be deleted without notice, beware of directing your readers to sources that might have disappeared. Check when the Web site you're using was last updated and update the URLs as you work and once again right before you submit your essay. If an electronic source disappears before you submit your work, you will need to decide whether or not to keep the source in your paper. If you have printed the source and can turn it in with your paper, you should do so. If you have not printed the source, you should consult your instructor about whether or not to use that source in your paper.

The library has several helpful resources for managing your sources, including RefWorks .

Keep sources in correct context

Whenever you consult a source, you should make sure you understand the context, both of the ideas within a source and of the source itself. You should also be careful to consider the context in which a source was written. For example, a book of essays published by an organization with a political bias might not present an issue with adequate complexity for your project.

The question of context can be more complicated when you're working with Internet sources than with print sources because you may see one Web page as separate from an entire Web site and use or interpret that page without fully understanding or representing its context. For example, a definition of "communism" taken from a Web site with a particular political agenda might provide one interpretation of the meaning of the word—but if you neglect to mention the context for that definition you might use it as though it's unbiased when it isn't. Likewise, some Internet searches will take you to a URL that's just one Web page within a larger Web site; be sure to investigate and take notes on the context of the information you're citing.

Research can often turn out to be more time-consuming that you anticipate. Budget enough time to search for sources, to take notes, and to think about how to use the sources in your essay. Moments of carelessness are more common when you leave your essay until the last minute and are tired or stressed. Honest mistakes can lead to charges of plagiarism just as dishonesty can; be careful when note-taking and when incorporating ideas and language from electronic sources so you always know what language and ideas are yours and what belongs to a source.

Don't cut and paste: File and label your sources

Never cut and paste information from an electronic source straight into your own essay, and never type verbatim sentences from a print source straight into your essay. Instead, open a separate document on your computer for each source so you can file research information carefully. When you type or cut and paste into that document, make sure to include the full citation information for the print source or the full URL and the date you copied the page(s). For Web sources, make sure to cite the page from which you're taking information, which may not necessarily be the home page of the site you're using. Use logical and precise names for the files you create, and add citation information and dates. This allows you to retrieve the files easily, deters you from accidentally deleting files, and helps you keep a log of the order in which your research was conducted. It's a good idea to add a note to each file that describes how you might use the information in that file. Remember: you're entering a conversation with your sources, and accurate file names and notes can help you understand and engage that conversation. And, of course, always remember to back up your files.

Keep your own writing and your sources separate

Work with either the printed copy of your source(s) or (in the case of online sources), the copy you pasted into a separate document—not the online version—as you draft your essay. This precaution not only decreases the risk of plagiarism but also enables you to annotate your sources in various ways that will help you understand and use them most effectively in your essay.

Keep your notes and your draft separate

Be careful to keep your research notes separate from your actual draft at all stages of your writing process. This will ensure that you don't cut language from a source and paste it into your paper without proper attribution. If you work from your notes, you're more likely to keep track of the boundaries between your own ideas and those in a source.

Paraphrase carefully in your notes; acknowledge your sources explicitly when paraphrasing

When you want to paraphrase material, it's a good idea first to paste the actual quotation into your notes (not directly into your draft) and then to paraphrase it (still in your notes). Putting the information in your own words will help you make sure that you've thought about what the source is saying and that you have a good reason for using it in your paper. Remember to use some form of notation in your notes to indicate what you've paraphrased and mention the author's name within the material you paraphrase. You should also include all citation information in your notes.

When you decide to use paraphrased material in your essay, make sure that you avoid gradually rewording the paraphrased material from draft to draft until you lose sight of the fact that it's still a paraphrase. Also, avoid excessive paraphrasing in which your essay simply strings together a series of paraphrases. When the ideas taken from your sources start to blend in deceptively with your own thinking, you will have a more difficult time maintaining the boundaries between your ideas and those drawn from sources. Finally, whenever you paraphrase, make sure you indicate, at each logical progression, that the ideas are taken from an authored source.

Avoid reading a classmate's paper for inspiration

If you're in a course that requires peer review or workshops of student drafts, you are going to read your classmates' work and discuss it. This is a productive way of exchanging ideas and getting feedback on your work. If you find, in the course of this work, that you wish to use someone else's idea at some point in your paper (you should never use someone else's idea as your thesis, but there may be times when a classmate's idea would work as a counterargument or other point in your paper), you must credit that person the same way you would credit any other source. On the other hand, if you find yourself reading someone else's paper because you're stuck on an assignment and don't know how to proceed, you may end up creating a problem for yourself because you might unconsciously copy that person's ideas. When you're stuck, make an appointment with your instructor or go to the Writing Center for advice on how to develop your own ideas.

Don't save your citations for later

Never paraphrase or quote from a source without immediately adding a citation. You should add citations in your notes, in your response papers, in your drafts, and in your revisions. Without them, it's too easy to lose track of where you got a quotation or an idea and to end up inadvertently taking credit for material that's not your own.

Quote your sources properly

Always use quotation marks for directly quoted material, even for short phrases and key terms.

Keep a source trail

As you write and revise your essay, make sure that you keep track of your sources in your notes and in each successive draft of your essay. You should begin this process early, even before you start writing your draft. Even after you've handed in your essay, keep all of your research notes and drafts. You ought to be able to reconstruct the path you took from your sources to your notes and from your notes to your drafts and revision. These careful records and clear boundaries between your writing and your sources will help you avoid plagiarism. And if you are called upon to explain your process to your instructor, you'll be able to retrace the path you took when thinking, researching, and writing, from the essay you submitted back through your drafts and to your sources.

Enago Academy

How to Avoid Plagiarism in Research Papers (Part 1)

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Writing a research paper poses challenges in gathering literature and providing evidence for making your paper stronger. Drawing upon previously established ideas and values and adding pertinent information in your paper are necessary steps, but these need to be done with caution without falling into the trap of plagiarism . In order to understand how to avoid plagiarism , it is important to know the different types of plagiarism that exist.

What is Plagiarism in Research?

Plagiarism is the unethical practice of using words or ideas (either planned or accidental) of another author/researcher or your own previous works without proper acknowledgment. Considered as a serious academic and intellectual offense, plagiarism can result in highly negative consequences such as paper retractions and loss of author credibility and reputation. It is currently a grave problem in academic publishing and a major reason for paper retractions .

It is thus imperative for researchers to increase their understanding about plagiarism. In some cultures, academic traditions and nuances may not insist on authentication by citing the source of words or ideas. However, this form of validation is a prerequisite in the global academic code of conduct. Non-native English speakers  face a higher challenge of communicating their technical content in English as well as complying with ethical rules. The digital age too affects plagiarism. Researchers have easy access to material and data on the internet which makes it easy to copy and paste information.

Related: Conducting literature survey and wish to learn more about scientific misconduct? Check out this resourceful infographic today!

How Can You Avoid Plagiarism in a Research Paper?

Guard yourself against plagiarism, however accidental it may be. Here are some guidelines to avoid plagiarism.

1. Paraphrase your content

  • Do not copy–paste the text verbatim from the reference paper. Instead, restate the idea in your own words.
  • Understand the idea(s) of the reference source well in order to paraphrase correctly.
  • Examples on good paraphrasing can be found here ( https://writing.wisc.edu/Handbook/QPA_paraphrase.html )

2. Use Quotations

Use quotes to indicate that the text has been taken from another paper. The quotes should be exactly the way they appear in the paper you take them from.

3. Cite your Sources – Identify what does and does not need to be cited

  • The best way to avoid the misconduct of plagiarism is by self-checking your documents using plagiarism checker tools.
  • Any words or ideas that are not your own but taken from another paper  need to be cited .
  • Cite Your Own Material—If you are using content from your previous paper, you must cite yourself. Using material you have published before without citation is called self-plagiarism .
  • The scientific evidence you gathered after performing your tests should not be cited.
  • Facts or common knowledge need not be cited. If unsure, include a reference.

4. Maintain records of the sources you refer to

  • Maintain records of the sources you refer to. Use citation software like EndNote or Reference Manager to manage the citations used for the paper
  • Use multiple references for the background information/literature survey. For example, rather than referencing a review, the individual papers should be referred to and cited.

5. Use plagiarism checkers

You can use various plagiarism detection tools such as iThenticate or HelioBLAST (formerly eTBLAST) to see how much of your paper is plagiarised .

Tip: While it is perfectly fine to survey previously published work, it is not alright to paraphrase the same with extensive similarity. Most of the plagiarism occurs in the literature review section of any document (manuscript, thesis, etc.). Therefore, if you read the original work carefully, try to understand the context, take good notes, and then express it to your target audience in your own language (without forgetting to cite the original source), then you will never be accused with plagiarism (at least for the literature review section).

Caution: The above statement is valid only for the literature review section of your document. You should NEVER EVER use someone else’s original results and pass them off as yours!

What strategies do you adopt to maintain content originality? What advice would you share with your peers? Please feel free to comment in the section below.

If you would like to know more about patchwriting, quoting, paraphrasing and more, read the next article in this series!

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Nice!! This article gives ideas to avoid plagiarism in a research paper and it is important in a research paper.

the article is very useful to me as a starter in research…thanks a lot!

it’s educative. what a wonderful article to me, it serves as a road map to avoid plagiarism in paper writing. thanks, keep your good works on.

I think this is very important topic before I can proceed with my M.A

it is easy to follow and understand

Nice!! These articles provide clear instructions on how to avoid plagiarism in research papers along with helpful tips.

Amazing and knowledgeable notes on plagiarism

Very helpful and educative, I have easily understood everything. Thank you so much.

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How To Fix Plagiarism

  • Posted on September 26, 2022

Writing a research paper involves plenty of issues and stress. After all, you must pick a topic, write down your own ideas, and avoid any plagiarized content. However, you can run into many types of plagiarism as you cite sources, so you’ll need to learn how to fix plagiarism to avoid it in your academic paper.

Learning how to correct plagiarism and remove it from your writing is vital to prevent any problems that could appear in a TurnItIn search. As you understand plagiarism and how to prevent it, you’ll pass a plagiarism check and get a good grade while displaying your own work.

What Is Plagiarism?

Plagiarism refers to copying, stealing, or using someone else’s words without citing the source material. You’ll need to understand what type of plagiarism you could run into to form original content.

  • Direct plagiarism
  • Accidental plagiarism
  • Self-plagiarism
  • Patchwork plagiarism
  • Mosaic plagiarism

Direct plagiarism is the most common version since you simply copy and paste content from web pages. Instead, focus on your own ideas while writing so you don’t face the problem in the first place.

When learning how to get rid of plagiarism, you may find that it can sometimes happen by accident. Accidental plagiarism means you did your own work, but you just happened to phrase it the same as someone else. You must still check for this and remove the plagiarized content to avoid accusations.

Some people question why using your own words counts as plagiarism. Self-plagiarism means you copy your previous words and don’t reference the source. You should always reference any source you use in your assignment.

Patchwork plagiarism involves taking work from multiple sources and pasting them together. People take this approach to avoid plagiarism checkers since they think the checker won’t notice if they take a few words from different sources.

Mosaic plagiarism takes a similar approach to patchwork. They may directly quote work without quotations but swap words with synonyms. For example, instead of saying “stay” like the source, they may change it to “remain.”

Each of these plagiarism types can lead to your work popping up as stolen in different checkers. Therefore, make sure you never plagiarize since it has severe consequences no matter what you try. Luckily, you have tools available to help you fix plagiarism.

Avoiding Plagiarism

Now that you understand what it involves, you’ll want to learn how to fix plagiarism to make your paper plagiarism-free. As you utilize free tools and plagiarism solutions, you’ll avoid problems while improving the overall quality of your paper. Make sure to apply all of them to keep it safe.

Paraphrase, Summarize, and Quote

When learning how to remove plagiarism, you can start by using three major points to create original content. First, you should paraphrase, summarize, and quote when possible.

Sometimes, you’ll have to paraphrase information into your own words. Doing so means taking the original content and letting people know the key information you want to share. Then, you phrase it in your own words while also mentioning the source.

If you decide to paraphrase, use a paraphrasing tool to create original content. 

Summarizing is similar to paraphrasing, except it involves the entire work. You discuss the main points, focus on rewording, and use synonyms to put them into your own words. If you summarize, cite the source and use a plagiarism checker.

You’ll have to copy and paste the content into your work if you want to quote the source. However, instead of claiming it as your own, you add quotation marks around the copied portion and cite the source. Some assignments may have you use in-text citations.

Always use quotation marks when you add quotes so your lecturer immediately knows you didn’t steal them. Doing so indicates that you don’t claim the words as your own.

Whenever you want to fix any plagiarism issues, start with these ideas. They’ll help you get started before you dive into other approaches.

Utilize Proper Citations

You must always credit the source and author whenever you use their information in your writing. Not only does it help you avoid plagiarism, but it also allows people to check the original source if they want more information.

The authors put in tons of effort while creating these articles, so ensure you give them credit. You can also face expulsion if you plagiarize material, so never fall into that trap. Such plagiarism can even lead to legal problems if you do it in your career.

You apply different citation styles based on what your professor requires you to do. For example, MLA, APA, and Chicago are different citation types, so you’ll have to follow different rules depending on the style you use.

You can even utilize text citations to provide information about sources you quote or reference. Make sure you take some time to learn the different styles, so you don’t get confused or run into problems.

Use a Plagiarism Checker

Some writers will perform a plagiarism check whenever they want to avoid issues. You can do so by identifying a plagiarism detector and using it, but what benefits can you expect from such a tool?

  • Receive a plagiarism report
  • Highlight any plagiarism detected
  • Give you the source material

First, these checkers will provide you with a report. The report lets you know what percentage of your work appeared as plagiarized so that you can look into it. Doing so will help you stay below a percentage depending on your professor’s requirements.

A checker will also highlight the text that the plagiarism fixer detected as stolen. You can then look at your paper, find the text, and adjust it. Doing so will help you fix plagiarism issues with your paper.

The checker will also add links to the source. You can see the highlighted section and click on it to get the link. Doing so can help you find more sources to utilize while allowing you to cite the citation if you want to keep the information in your paper.

Make sure you learn how to fix plagiarism so that you can always remove it before you submit your assignment. Doing so will require you to take advantage of a plagiarism report or other free tools. Make sure you utilize the tips provided earlier to minimize plagiarized content.

If you want an excellent online plagiarism checker , you can go with QueText. Its DeepSearch Technology offers excellent tools while making it simple to use. It can even create citations, so use it along with the plagiarism checker to improve your writing.

Sign Up for Quetext Today!

Click below to find a pricing plan that fits your needs.

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Six Ways to Remove Plagiarism

Plagiarism detected in your content? Well, you have landed in the right place; in this article, we will discuss the six most authentic and fool-proof ways to help you remove plagiarism from your content.

Plagiarism refers to stealing someone’s work and presenting it as one’s own. This can bring many consequences, including loss of reputation, dismissal or expulsion, and even loss of a license or qualification. 

Most writers today use advanced plagiarism checker tools to scan their drafts to eliminate any unwanted traces of duplication/similarities. Finding plagiarism has undoubtedly become easy, but it is still a complicated process for most. 

Out of dozens of different ways, we have discussed in detail the six proven ways in this article. 

How to Remove Plagiarism from Content Without Wasting Any Time?

Let us investigate the expert-suggested ways to remove plagiarism from your content within less than minutes. 

1. Use Quotation Marks Where Required

One of the common reasons behind the accusation of plagiarism is the use of excessive quotes from other authors. Marking quotes with proper quotation marks is the best way to show the reader that the marked phrases or sentence belongs to another author.

It will put you out from the accusation of plagiarism. By seeing the quotes in your content, the reader can also know that you have done your research and have successfully presented the work and point of view of others.

Here, however, we suggest writers not to add excessive quotes as it can damage your authority. 

2. Use Quotation Marks Where Required

Adding quotes is not enough if you want to remove plagiarism and not face any negative consequences. You have to cite and reference every source from which you borrowed information.

You must cite the reference sources, especially if you are writing a research paper or an academic document. Having in-text citations and references at the end of your document can save you a lot from plagiarism in your content. 

3. Try Using a Different Structure and Tone

Sometimes, having the same structure and headlines as your reference sources can also get you into the accusation of plagiarism. If your work has been rejected because it is similar to other sources, it is best to change the structure altogether.

You can change the tone of your content by replacing active voice sentences with passive ones. You can also change the order of headings/subheadings to give your content a completely different look.

4. Add Personal Value to Your Content 

You have to consciously attempt to give your personal perspective on the topic instead of simply repurposing or stating other people’s work in your own words. When you give your opinion, make arguments, and write content using your vocabulary, you can easily create unique content and prevent excessive plagiarism. 

To add personal value, you must spend time reading multiple sources and do ample research work. Once you have collected enough information, you can easily explain it in your own words and give a unique perspective. 

5. Use Plagiarism Checker and Remove Duplicates

You can always use an AI- free plagiarism checker to find plagiarism content in your drafts. Modern plagiarism scanner tools would give you the percentage of similar content and highlight it in color.

The easiest approach to remove plagiarism from your content is to delete the highlighted content and add more if you want to meet a certain word count requirement.

6. Use the Paraphrasing Technique to Repurpose Duplicates

You can also paraphrase plagiarized text in your own words or use different words to remove plagiarism. Paraphrasing duplicate text manually can be hectic, so you can also get help from modern AI-powered paraphrasing tools.

An AI paraphrasing tool is a cloud-based utility that uses advanced technologies, including machine learning and natural language processing, to paraphrase plagiarized text in different words. 

There are many online paraphrase tools that can help you remove plagiarism from your content, but here we have mentioned the one that doesn’t only remove plagiarism but also enhances the quality of your write-up while retaining the human touch.

Rephraser.co | Best Plagiarism Remover for Writers

how to remove plagiarism in research paper

If you have checked plagiarism and have found more than you can remove manually, you can always get help from Rephraser.co , as this site offers one of the most intelligent plagiarism remover tools for content writers, students, researchers, and all others related to the writing fraternity.

The tool is so popular, and this is all because it can easily remove duplication and recreate 100% unique content within seconds. 

All you have to do is upload the plagiarized text in the respective field/input box of the tool, complete the security captcha, and hit the “ Remove Plagiarism ” button. The tool would analyze the input text and understand its main ideas and context of it.

On the basis of its understanding, the tool would rewrite the text using different words and phrases and with a new sentence structure. The paraphrased content generated by this tool would be free of plagiarism and all kinds of human errors.

The best thing about this tool is that it uses AI, so the results it creates are always close to that of a human writer. To ensure originality, you can also check for plagiarism in the output text. 


In this guide, we have discussed in detail the six different methods to remove plagiarism from your content. You must know that even the most expert writers can end up having plagiarism in their work. This is why it is important for all writers to follow these expert tips and ensure originality in their work.

Manually fighting plagiarism can take a lot of your time and effort. Therefore, you can also employ the services of the best AI rephraser tools like the one we mentioned. By using these tools, you can get duplicate content rewritten in the most unique style and tone! 

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  • Plagiarism Remover

To remove plagiarism, copy & paste your text or "Choose File" button to upload files and click Submit.


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Removing Plagiarism

Plagiarism-Free Text

Run Remover Again

Online Plagiarism Remover

Plagiarism Remover helps to remove plagiarism from the content whether it is an article, essay, or research paper.

The development of this free plagiarism changer is done with modern algorithms that are dedicated to providing accurate results with modern vocabulary.

It rewrites content using Natural Language Processing (NLP) and Deep Learning technology which helps to generate plagiarism-free content by keeping the original context of the underlying text.

All you need is to copy the content and paste it into the given space to make your content free from plagiarism.

How to use Plagiarism remover?

To use this tool, follow the below steps.


  • Select the mode i.e., Plagiarism Remover , Word Changer , Formal , or Shorten .


  • Click on the Submit button to remove plagiarism.


What is plagiarism?

Plagiarism is not only limited to the text which you write. If you copy an image and use it as your own content, it can also be considered plagiarism.

The simple concept of plagiarism is, anything you copy and use in your content then it will consider as a term plagiarized.

It is very important to remove plagiarism when you are willing to publish your content on the internet.

According to Neil Patel, it can be very easy to use plagiarized content but there are so many difficulties after using it and the most common is a bad reputation.

Why choose this plagiarism remover?

Our plagiarism remover has many advanced features that can easily differentiate it from others. By using it, you can get a unique article.

Plagiarismremover.net offers the following features:

1. Upload files from Your Device

It offers a direct uploading option from your device, browse from your device to do this.

2. Advanced Plagiarism Removal Modes

With our plagiarism changer, there are a total of four modes that you can choose from as per your needs and requirements. Here is a brief description of each mode.

This is the basic mode that works to eliminate plagiarism from your content by making different changes such as synonymizing and altering sentence structures.

  • Word Changer

The Word Changer mode focuses on changing the words in the given content rather than making other types of changes. This is a great mode for learning new words and eliminating plagiarism from your content at the same time.

The Formal mode is made to give your content a professional and crispier look. This can be an excellent mode for eliminating plagiarism from your text while giving it a formal tone.

The Shorten mode of our plagiarism fixer shrinks the length of your given text. If you want to summarize your content while making it plagiarism-free as well, this is the mode you need to pick.

3. Multiple language support

This plagiarism remover can be used around the world as it supports 15+ languages. Some of those languages are listed below.

4. Plagiarism-free content

Because of using Artificial Intelligence technology, this plagiarism remover can easily make your content plagiarism free.

5. Displays word count

You don’t need to go searching for a word counter specifically. By using it, you can also check the word count of your content.

6. Human-level Plagiarism Removal

Our AI plagiarism remover makes your text unique in a human-natural way, retaining the original meaning with enhancing the readability of content.

Who can use Plagiarism Remover?

Removing plagiarism is not only limited to a specific group of people or any specific field, it can be used by anyone.

This service can be used by the following people along with several others.

1. Bloggers

When it comes to blogging, it requires adding unique or plagiarism-free information on the internet and for this purpose, using a plagiarism remover is compulsory. It helps bloggers to make their content unique by removing duplication.

2. Students

This plagiarism fixer is widely used in the educational sector. Most of the students are searching for free plagiarism remover to make their assignments and research papers free from duplication.

Students can check multiple assignments or research papers while using this tool.

3. Content writers

It is also important for content writers to attain uniqueness in their content. By using this tool, content writers can make their writing projects unique and duplication-free.

4. Freelancers

It is a great platform for freelancers to rephrase their content and remove plagiarism before submitting the project.

Frequently asked questions (FAQs)

1. how can i make my content unique in less time.

You can use plagiarismremover.net to make your content unique in less time. It can be a hectic job to remove plagiarism on your own. This tool will provide you with plagiarism-free content in no time.

2. What percentage of plagiarism is acceptable?

Search engines and educational organizations like universities, colleges, etc. do not accept even one percent plagiarism. It’s illegal and considered a crime to use or steal someone’s content or research paper.

3. Is it a good choice to use a free Plagiarism Remover?

If a free tool like plagiarismremover.net fulfills your requirement, then it is perfectly fine to use a free tool either it is a plagiarism remover or any other plagiarism fixer.

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Best Practices for Avoiding Plagiarism

The entire section below came from a research guide from Iowa State University.  To avoid plagiarism, one must provide a reference to that source to indicate where the original information came from (see the "Source:" section below).

"There are many ways to avoid plagiarism, including developing good research habits, good time management, and taking responsibility for your own learning. Here are some specific tips:

  • Don't procrastinate with your research and assignments. Good research takes time. Procrastinating makes it likely you'll run out of time or be unduly pressured to finish. This sort of pressure can often lead to sloppy research habits and bad decisions. Plan your research well in advance, and seek help when needed from your professor, from librarians and other campus support staff.
  • Commit to doing your own work. If you don't understand an assignment, talk with your professor. Don't take the "easy way" out by asking your roommate or friends for copies of old assignments. A different aspect of this is group work. Group projects are very popular in some classes on campus, but not all. Make sure you clearly understand when your professor says it's okay to work with others on assignments and submit group work on assignments, versus when assignments and papers need to represent your own work.
  •  Be 100% scrupulous in your note taking. As you prepare your paper or research, and as you begin drafting your paper. One good practice is to clearly label in your notes your own ideas (write "ME" in parentheses) and ideas and words from others (write "SMITH, 2005" or something to indicate author, source, source date). Keep good records of the sources you consult, and the ideas you take from them. If you're writing a paper, you'll need this information for your bibliographies or references cited list anyway, so you'll benefit from good organization from the beginning.
  • Cite your sources scrupulously. Always cite other people's work, words, ideas and phrases that you use directly or indirectly in your paper. Regardless of whether you found the information in a book, article, or website, and whether it's text, a graphic, an illustration, chart or table, you need to cite it. When you use words or phrases from other sources, these need to be in quotes. Current style manuals are available at most reference desks and online. They may also give further advice on avoiding plagiarism.
  • Understand good paraphrasing. Simply using synonyms or scrambling an author's words and phrases and then using these "rewrites" uncredited in your work is plagiarism, plain and simple. Good paraphrasing requires that you genuinely understand the original source, that you are genuinely using your own words to summarize a point or concept, and that you insert in quotes any unique words or phrases you use from the original source. Good paraphrasing also requires that you cite the original source. Anything less and you veer into the dangerous territory of plagiarism."

Source: Vega García, S.A. (2012). Understanding plagiarism: Information literacy guide. Iowa State University. Retrieved from  http://instr.iastate.libguides.com/content.php?pid=10314 . [Accessed January 3, 2017]

Plagiarism prevention.

  • Plagiarism Prevention (onlinecolleges.net) This resource provides information about preventing plagiarism, understanding the various types of plagiarism, and learning how to cite properly to avoid plagiarism.

UCLA has a campuswide license to Turnitin.com. Faculty may turn in student papers electronically, where the text can be compared with a vast database of other student papers, online articles, general Web pages, and other sources. Turnitin.com then produces a report for the instructor indicating whether the paper was plagiarized and if so, how much.

For more information, go to Turnitin.com .

Plagiarism in the News

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Plagiarism In Research Papers: 6 Steps To Eliminate Plagiarism?

Plagiarism has caused many problems for researchers over the years. Many people have faced many severe issues, from content writers to the affected people by plagiarism.But, research or any other content has no room for duplicate content. Thus, what exactly is it? And how do you eliminate its possibilities?

how to remove plagiarism in research paper

For all authors, their works are of great importance to them. However, when such works are copied or recreated without permission, it becomes unethical and unlawful in academic view. In such instances, plagiarism checkers become a very convenient and useful tool.

Plagiarism in research papers

Research paper plagiarism is a massive problem in today's academic world. It is beyond a matter of the student being caught and penalized. Still, it also affects the reputation of the institution where they are studying.

When writing an essay, one should always double-check their work using a plagiarism checker before submitting it for assessment because many types of plagiarism can be committed, depending on the context. The two most common types are:

Intentional plagiarism occurs when the researcher copies or paraphrases another person's work and passes it off as their own.

Accidental plagiarism is when a researcher observes another writer's work without knowing. It could also happen when a writer accidentally forgets to cite the source.

Researchers must be careful with how they refer to other people's work in their writing to avoid plagiarism. It can be done using parenthetical citations or footnotes to ensure the reader knows where you had your information.

6 steps to eliminate plagiarism from research papers

In any research, removing plagiarism is necessary. It is a critical issue for a student or a professional. It is essential to eliminate plagiarism and retain credibility as a research writer.

In this section, we will explore 6 steps and practices that you can employ to steer clear of plagiarism in research.

1. Lead with originality

Originality is one of the key requirements of any content. The work must be outstanding and integral to stand out against other research papers. For that, you need original ideas and topics.

As similar topics are one of the primary reasons for plagiarism, it also helps to come up with something unique. Hence, how exactly do you lead with originality? Here are a few things to remember:

Write on a topic that you can handle if you have a choice to pick such topics;

Research a lot and take in as much information as you can, or talk to an expert;

Watch videos, read books, or research from any sources you can find;

Write the original outline, so you do not overlap with any writer's work.

These few factors can help determine the path of your research paper. Therefore, leading with originality from the get-go, you will not need to eliminate plagiarism. Or, you will have to eliminate plagiarism as little as possible—because all your content is original.

Accordingly, leading with originality is perhaps the number one way of eliminating plagiarism from your research papers.

2. Write a draft, then correct it

The first thing any writer should do is correct their first draft before finalizing it. In addition to removing plagiarism, it helps with many things, such as content quality and grammatical mistakes. Therefore, you need to create the first draft before you move forward.

Then, what happens when you do? After you create the first draft, here is what you should do:

Proofread to find missing citations;

Correct errors and other mistakes;

Rewrite plagiarized parts or remove parts you cannot cite the source for.

These factors will help you write something that stands out and ensure that it is plagiarism-free. However, you might need the help of a plagiarism checker—which we will explore in a while.

3. Use quotations to save time

Quotations are a writer's best friend in many ways. For instance, saving time can be a key requirement when you are writing content from scratch. Therefore, you can save time by using another writer's work as a quote.The thing with quotations is that they are not plagiarized as long as you give the original author their credit. Moreover, your quotes should be as minimal as possible. Anything exceeding over 30-40 words might be excessive. Thus, try to avoid that.

4. Rephrase using your own words

When you are paraphrasing, finding words not overlapping with that of the original author is critical. For instance, many writers make this mistake when they rewrite the content and use the same words as the original writer. Here is an example:

"Good research is extensive and time-consuming."

Badly rephrased:

"Good research can be time-consuming to be extensive."

Well rephrased:

"Quality research takes time and requires a lot of work."

Therefore, the thing about badly rephrased content is that it is nothing new. The well-rephrased quote makes it seem original despite not.

5. Use a plagiarism checker, then paraphrase

This step can save you much time and trouble. But for that, you need a plagiarism checker . So, once you find a plagiarism checker, here is what you should do:

Scan your content

Analyze the percentage of plagiarism

Locate the source of the original text

It will help you pinpoint precisely where the plagiarism in your content is. Once you find the source, rephrase the content using the techniques mentioned.

6. Cite The Source In the Proper Format

The final step you will have to take is to cite the source in a proper format. Remember, citation in research papers is one of the key pillars of it. Without citations, your research paper can fall flat. Therefore, try to use one of the following citation styles:

Each style is ideal for specific industries or niches. Hence, try to use the one most suitable for you.

These are the key factors in removing plagiarism from research papers. It is imperative to focus on writing original content through and through so you do not confront problems. However, to double-check, make sure you use a plagiarism checker, then eliminate plagiarism from your content.

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According to the Office of Research Integrity (ORI), plagiarism is considered “both the theft or misappropriation of intellectual property and the substantial unattributed textual copying of another's work.” Since the consequences of plagiarism can be fatal, this article seeks to discuss 5 practical ways to avoid plagiarism in academic essays.

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Understanding the common types of plagiarism will help us to comprehend the scope of the question and answer the question of ‘‘what is plagiarism’’. Some common examples of plagiarism are copying texts or ideas without referencing, incorrect referencing, without referring to someone else's sentence structure even if you change words.

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Paraphrasing is a regular exercise in academic writing. High school students, college students, and research scholars are required to paraphrase to demonstrate their understanding of a text. However, there are cases when, due to ineffective paraphrasing, instances of plagiarism dot an academic manuscript. Therefore, academic writers must correctly understand the fundamentals of academic paraphrasing and apply them to their writings to avoid any occurrence of any academic offense. This article will peruse the anatomy of academic paraphrasing. In addition, it will examine how paraphrasing is different from summarization and suggest ways to paraphrase effectively.

Result Generating

No worries, subscribe to our premium plans and remove plagiarism upto 1500 words.

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Plagiarism Remover

  • Anti Plagiarism

Freeze Words

Suggested Words:

0 / 250 Words

Rephrased text will be shown here

Unique Text Will be shown Here

Go Pro to Remove Plagiarism Up to 90%

Who Can Use Plagiarism Remover

how to remove plagiarism in research paper

Our plagiarism fixer is widely and frequently used in the academic sector. Plagiarism is always students' biggest concern. This plagiarism remover helps them write perfectly unique plagiarism-free papers.

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Researchers quite often take references from published papers and articles to complete their papers. Using this plagiarism rewriter, they can smartly repurpose the published content and finish their papers.

how to remove plagiarism in research paper

Content Writers

Content writers are supposed to provide unique and fresh content in every submission. With this plagiarism changer, they can comfortably make their write-ups unique and duplication-free.

how to remove plagiarism in research paper


This AI plagiarism remover is a great handy tool for freelancers. It helps them enhance their productivity by removing duplicate content and rewording it as a completely original text.

What Are the Quick Benefits of this Plagiarism Remover?

Our smart plagiarism remover can be valuable for a variety of purposes, both for individuals and organizations, to fix plagiarism.

Our tool is designed to identify and eliminate the slightest traces of plagiarism in written content, ensuring the final draft is original and free from unauthorized copying. Here are some great things that can be achieved using our online plagiarism remover.

  • Students can implement and maintain academic integrity
  • Content creators can ensure high quality in their write-ups
  • Digital marketers can get SEO benefits by making content unique
  • General writers can ensure and guarantee legal protection

Human-level plagiarism removal

Contextual content flow

Swift one-click operation

Smooth easy to understand language

How This Plagiarism Remover Works

Simply paste the text in the input field or import a file from your system

Click on Remove Plagiarism Button

Once you are done with the text placement, hit the remove plagiarism button and wait for the process

Export the File or Copy text

Once the process is complete, the plagiarism-free, fully unique content is ready to export in your desired format.


Repurpose and Reuse High-Quality Original Content in Seconds

This plagiarism fixer is an AI-supported tool. It helps completely remove content duplication within no time and transforms plagiarized text into an original write-up by rewording it ins the simplest possible words.

Smooth Language

Dynamic Modes

Three Major Content Types for Plagiarism Removal

Academic and research content.

Academic plagiarism is the most significant concern of students and teachers. Our tool smartly remove plagiarized content from essays and research papers and rewords the entire text formation without altering critical quotes, references, and citations. It also helps remove copied content from homework and assignments to ensure originality and uniqueness. In short, it greatly supports the academic fraternity in maintaining academic integrity.

Online SEO Optimized Content

Plagiarism in a website can harm its ranking and credibility. The same is true with blogs and articles where one cannot use published write-ups. Our tool efficiently removes copied sentences, paragraphs, and even full length write ups to recreate them in different words for repurposing. It also detects plagiarism from social media posts and removes it effectively by rephrasing.

Professional and Creative Writing

Professional content includes formal communication and write-ups. In comparison, creative writing is the original creation of professional writers and journalists, such as novels, short stories, poems, news articles, etc. Our anti-plagiarism tool expertly removes plagiarism from this type of content by rewording it differently, leaving no room for plagiarism.

Handy Features of Our Plagiarism Changer

This advanced plagiarism detector and remover help user effectively identify and eliminate plagiarism, ensuring the integrity of their work.

Academic Integrity Protection

Our tool ensures that the entire text, especially in academic papers, is completely plagiarism-free and does not contain copied text. This helps maintain and ensure absolute academic integrity for students.

Comprehensive Detection

This smart plagiarism detector and remover scans a wide range of sources and is not only limited to text but also to structure and formatting, leaving no traces of duplication in the document.

Customization Options

Its built-in dynamic modes give you freedom of customization and enable you to adjust the functioning according to the sensitivity of plagiarism checks and retain citations, references, keywords, etc.

Accuracy & Reliability

This AI-powered intelligent tool guarantees full accuracy and reliability in identifying and removing the minutest instances of plagiarism by maintaining a clear difference between borrowed and original text.

What Do Users Think of Our Plagiarism Remover?


Clark Griffin

As a student plagiarism is always a literal pain in every paper but not anymore. This smart tool is lietarlly doing woders for me. Doing homework was never so easy.

Octavia John

As a scientist, researcher, and scholar, I am compelled to rate this free tool as 5 star. It hes helped me in every step of my publication and made my job much easy. Keep up the good work guys.

Murphy Steve

Well, after using it for one week I can comfortably say its by far the best online plagiarism remover. It rewords each sentence in such professional way that there remains no trace of plagiarism left. Just the ads are a bit annoying rest everything is perfect. Strongly recommended.

What Makes This Plagiarism Remover a Smart Choice?

Human-level plagiarism removal.

This is the biggest advantage that this tool performs exactly like professional human beings, leaving no traces of robotic or automated work. Its human-level plagiarism detection and removal cannot be detected or challenged.

Scalability and Efficiency

Its ability to handle large documents and bulk uploads sets the user free from the pain of repeated inputs. It ideally performs for educators and digital marketers who usually deal with multiple submissions and bulk content.

Suggestive Functioning

This is another added advantage where the user gets multiple suggestions in synonyms and selects between different dynamic modes, giving you full control over the use of this plagiarism remover, which is great.

Privacy & Security

Another common concern of users is whether their uploaded papers are safe. Since it is a cloud-based utility, once you are done working, we instantly remove the paper and never store it in our database.

Why Can You Trust It?

Besides its functionality and performance, its human-level working aspect is so comprehensively tried and tested that you can comfortably trust its results. It doesn’t spare even the remotest traces of copied or duplicate content.

  • Its human-level functioning guarantees complete plagiarism removal
  • The transformed text is completely in line with the pretext
  • You can freeze keywords, quotes, citations, references and tone
  • Its ease of use is maximum. Even a first-timer can easily operate it.

Reasons to Use Our Plagiarism Remover!

  • Students can use it to remove plagiarism and maintain academic integrity
  • Educators can automate their assessments by detecting plagiarism
  • Writers and authors can benefit by safeguarding work against plagiarism
  • Content creators and bloggers can leverage to ensure the originality
  • Researchers can use it to validate their findings and ensure integrity


Free Mode: 3 Paraphrases Max

Wait for 24 hours to get 3 more credits.

Unlock Unlimited Paraphrasing and Eliminate Plagiarism in Your Essay Blogs, Assignments, and Other Texts by Clicking 'Go Pro'

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Go Pro for unlimited paraphrasing and plagiarism removal

how to remove plagiarism in research paper


Rephrase easily to avoid plagiarism. Free and Easy to use!

Still not satisfied?

Hire a professional editor to paraphrase your essay.

How to use paraphrasing tool:

  • Paste the text you need to be reworded in the box and click the “paraphrase” button.
  • You will see a series of highlighted words in your text. Click on each to view a list of prospective synonyms with which to replace said words.
  • Replace the original word with the synonym of your choice by clicking on it.
  • Once you have changed all the words from the original text you deem necessary, click “finish.”
  • If you are satisfied with the results, copy and paste the text to your desired location.
  • If you think more changes are necessary at this point, click “retry” to start again, or the “paraphrase another text” button to repeat the process on a new text you need reworded.

(Votes: 0 )

How to avoid plagiarism?

Proper citation style.

Avoid plagiarism by always listing the source and formatting it correctly when you are note-taking. Take care of the proper formatting and citation style when using content from outside sources.

Write on your own

Avoid borrowing and overusing large pieces of the content from outside sources, especially Wikipedia. Write your own thoughts and use sources only to support your opinion (remember to cite it though!).

Rewriting Service

PapersOwl Expert can rewrite up to 75% of your content, and edit and proofread your paper to make it plagiarism free and ready to use.

Editing Service

PapersOwl expert can edit up to 50% of your content, proofread and polish your paper to make it plagiarism free and ready to use.

Writing Service

PapersOwl expert can rewrite your paper from scratch according to instructions and guidelines and make it plagiarism free and ready to use.

Suits your similarity index. Consider using it!

Free Top Paraphrasing Tool Trusted by Students

Being a student isn't always easy, especially when there're many essays waiting to be written. Every paper requires research, a particular number of words, top-quality text that's understandable and enjoyable to read, and more. Following all those requirements isn't always simple. Plus, the text should be original. Is using an online rephraser a good idea? Sometimes, you lack inspiration or time to create the paper you want. In such situations, an essay rephraser can do miracles. Here, you'll learn about the steps to use it and more. Let's dive in.

How Does Essay Re phraser Work?

Using a parahrasing tool is effortless. Its purpose is to complete essay rephrasing and create content that'll be 100 % authentic. Again, being a student can be hard some days. When such days arrive, it's good to be ready and complete it in time. Getting an online paraphrasing tool's help is useful. Plus, it will make your life easier.

The process of getting things done requires a few minutes only. You enter the text in the desired field and then click on a Paraphrase button. Several seconds later, another area will show rephrased text. You can use a free plagiarism checker by Papersowl to check for originality and ensure the essays are authentic. When you complete all the steps, your paper will be ready!

These tools are pretty straightforward so that first-time users can handle it all simply without any fuss.

What Makes Our Free Paraphrasing Tool the Best?

There're many rephrasing tools on the market these days, but still, you should choose one carefully. After all, your goal is the best experience. You'll achieve it by selecting the top option.

Our rephrase tool is designed for those interested in text creation of any kind. Use the online paraphrase tool for:

  • Research papers
  • Other types of text

With it, you can paraphrase anything, from sentences to paragraphs, simply and effortlessly. By using the tool, you'll get original content and more. When using it regularly, you'll improve your writing skills as well.

A student can also struggle with title creation. To avoid such issues, use a free title page generator that'll help you create unique and catchy titles for your papers and articles. The tool will design the title in any style you need, from APA and MLA to Chicago, AMA, or Harvard.

A reword tool doesn't cost a thing and can help you in many ways. Having a rich vocabulary can become much easier with this simple-to-use article rewriter. You'll save many hours and a lot of energy. Yet, all your papers will be excellent. You can stop asking - can someone rephrase my essay. Instead, you'll do it yourself. One thing is guaranteed - the results will astonish you.

Papersowl's Paraphrasing Tool: When to Use?

Creating original and effective essays requires a lot of research, work, and patience. These tasks don't always go smoothly. When chasing better grades, you want everything to be fantastic, right?

You don't always feel inspired, motivated, or have enough hours or days on your hands to complete your papers, ensuring they're excellent and completely authentic. What to do?

A paraphrasing tool for essays is an option worth considering. It's ideal for many reasons. It'll help you complete the texts without changing their meaning. Plus, the content is 100 % authentic. Forget about plagiarism issues. Every single sentence will be authentic. You'll save hours, if not days. In addition, count on more energy to complete other tasks.

If you don't feel comfortable using the tool to paraphrase the original text, there's another option. That's using a custom writing essay service , which is affordable and gives impressive results. Qualified and experienced writers create content at low prices no one can beat. Plus, the authors are creative and know to structure the texts and create unique content.

The vital thing is there're many options to consider. Eventually, you'll select what's working for you. You can pick a tool. Or, get a rewriter. Both online solutions will be helpful, that's for sure.

How Does This Professional Paraphrasing Tool Work?

There's nothing complicated about it. It all goes smoothly and effortlessly. The only requirement is to follow several steps to rephrase essays easily.

  • Open the page with a rephraser
  • Enter the content you want to reword
  • Select Paraphrase by clicking on it
  • The content will feature many highlighted words
  • By clicking on each, you'll see the synonyms
  • Simply change the word you wish by clicking on offered synonym of your choice

Once the changes have been made, end the task by clicking on Finish and copying the content to any desired location.

That's it! The content is rephrased! There's nothing simpler than this.

If you want additional changes, you can start again by clicking on Retry. You can continue rewording other texts as well. You can complete tasks the way it suits you, by alternating sentences or paragraphs, at the pace that works for you.

When working using the paraphrase generator, there's no need to spend hours searching for synonyms. All are presented right there. Thus, you won't waste a minute. Plus, more ideas and words will flow.

Difference Between Rephrasing & Plagiarism

Understanding the difference between these two terms isn't complicated. As you know, when working on articles or another type of content for school or college, it's vital to deliver 100 % authentic textual content that is plagiarism-free. It means that copying isn't an option. That's where the reword option comes. When you reword the content, you'll ensure it is plagiarism-free. The PapersOwl designed a word changer to allow everyone to complete their tasks and deliver originality.

Getting around the sentence rephraser is straightforward. Even first-time users can complete the tasks in minutes. Avoiding copying issues has never been easier. Everything can be managed through the tool that suggests suitable synonyms, and all texts will be authentic and plagiarism-free.

Wrapping It Up

If you struggle with creating articles or essays for school or college and need help, use a PapersOwl rephraser. It's the top option that doesn't require some special skills to be used. The content will look and sound completely different in just a few clicks. Plus, it'll be 100 % authentic. Yet, the meaning of the content will remain the same. Get everything done much faster and easier. Let's not forget to mention the service won't cost you a cent. You can basically paraphrase an essay in minutes. You'll have lots of fun doing this. Simultaneously, you'll improve your vocabulary and textual content creation skills.

PapersOwl is a well-known provider of all types of academic papers.

  • Research paper
  • Dissertation

and many more

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How Does Paraphrasing Tool Work?

  • Copy the desired text or manually enter the text you need to paraphrase. Click on the button, and the artificial intelligence algorithm will define the series of words in the text for you. The result will appear on your screen instantly.
  • Click on the words highlighted in blue to change them to synonyms. Two lines will appear under the text window. The first one is the source word, and the second one is the suggested alternatives. Choose the synonyms that seem most relevant to you and click on them. This place will automatically change in the text. Modify the source text until you are satisfied with the result. Once you have completed editing the text, hit the finish button.
  • After the editing stage, the window's initial text will be changed. If you like the final version, copy the ready text into your document. If you want to edit the text or start the rewriting process again, click on the retry button. You can check it for plagiarism at the end for free. To start rewording a new text, click on the paraphrase button.
  • The last stage is optional. You can get assistance from experts if you have difficulties with the rewrite or don't like your final version. To do this, click on the "I need expert help" button. You can place your order there by specifying the deadline and the number of pages and providing detailed instructions.
  • Reliable Editors
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  • 01 May 2024

Plagiarism in peer-review reports could be the ‘tip of the iceberg’

  • Jackson Ryan 0

Jackson Ryan is a freelance science journalist in Sydney, Australia.

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Time pressures and a lack of confidence could be prompting reviewers to plagiarize text in their reports. Credit: Thomas Reimer/Zoonar via Alamy

Mikołaj Piniewski is a researcher to whom PhD students and collaborators turn when they need to revise or refine a manuscript. The hydrologist, at the Warsaw University of Life Sciences, has a keen eye for problems in text — a skill that came in handy last year when he encountered some suspicious writing in peer-review reports of his own paper.

Last May, when Piniewski was reading the peer-review feedback that he and his co-authors had received for a manuscript they’d submitted to an environmental-science journal, alarm bells started ringing in his head. Comments by two of the three reviewers were vague and lacked substance, so Piniewski decided to run a Google search, looking at specific phrases and quotes the reviewers had used.

To his surprise, he found the comments were identical to those that were already available on the Internet, in multiple open-access review reports from publishers such as MDPI and PLOS. “I was speechless,” says Piniewski. The revelation caused him to go back to another manuscript that he had submitted a few months earlier, and dig out the peer-review reports he received for that. He found more plagiarized text. After e-mailing several collaborators, he assembled a team to dig deeper.

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Meet this super-spotter of duplicated images in science papers

The team published the results of its investigation in Scientometrics in February 1 , examining dozens of cases of apparent plagiarism in peer-review reports, identifying the use of identical phrases across reports prepared for 19 journals. The team discovered exact quotes duplicated across 50 publications, saying that the findings are just “the tip of the iceberg” when it comes to misconduct in the peer-review system.

Dorothy Bishop, a former neuroscientist at the University of Oxford, UK, who has turned her attention to investigating research misconduct, was “favourably impressed” by the team’s analysis. “I felt the way they approached it was quite useful and might be a guide for other people trying to pin this stuff down,” she says.

Peer review under review

Piniewski and his colleagues conducted three analyses. First, they uploaded five peer-review reports from the two manuscripts that his laboratory had submitted to a rudimentary online plagiarism-detection tool . The reports had 44–100% similarity to previously published online content. Links were provided to the sources in which duplications were found.

The researchers drilled down further. They broke one of the suspicious peer-review reports down to fragments of one to three sentences each and searched for them on Google. In seconds, the search engine returned a number of hits: the exact phrases appeared in 22 open peer-review reports, published between 2021 and 2023.

The final analysis provided the most worrying results. They took a single quote — 43 words long and featuring multiple language errors, including incorrect capitalization — and pasted it into Google. The search revealed that the quote, or variants of it, had been used in 50 peer-review reports.

Predominantly, these reports were from journals published by MDPI, PLOS and Elsevier, and the team found that the amount of duplication increased year-on-year between 2021 and 2023. Whether this is because of an increase in the number of open-access peer-review reports during this time or an indication of a growing problem is unclear — but Piniewski thinks that it could be a little bit of both.

Why would a peer reviewer use plagiarized text in their report? The team says that some might be attempting to save time , whereas others could be motivated by a lack of confidence in their writing ability, for example, if they aren’t fluent in English.

The team notes that there are instances that might not represent misconduct. “A tolerable rephrasing of your own words from a different review? I think that’s fine,” says Piniewski. “But I imagine that most of these cases we found are actually something else.”

The source of the problem

Duplication and manipulation of peer-review reports is not a new phenomenon. “I think it’s now increasingly recognized that the manipulation of the peer-review process, which was recognized around 2010, was probably an indication of paper mills operating at that point,” says Jennifer Byrne, director of biobanking at New South Wales Health in Sydney, Australia, who also studies research integrity in scientific literature.

Paper mills — organizations that churn out fake research papers and sell authorships to turn a profit — have been known to tamper with reviews to push manuscripts through to publication, says Byrne.

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The fight against fake-paper factories that churn out sham science

However, when Bishop looked at Piniewski’s case, she could not find any overt evidence of paper-mill activity. Rather, she suspects that journal editors might be involved in cases of peer-review-report duplication and suggests studying the track records of those who’ve allowed inadequate or plagiarized reports to proliferate.

Piniewski’s team is also concerned about the rise of duplications as generative artificial intelligence (AI) becomes easier to access . Although his team didn’t look for signs of AI use, its ability to quickly ingest and rephrase large swathes of text is seen as an emerging issue.

A preprint posted in March 2 showed evidence of researchers using AI chatbots to assist with peer review, identifying specific adjectives that could be hallmarks of AI-written text in peer-review reports .

Bishop isn’t as concerned as Piniewski about AI-generated reports, saying that it’s easy to distinguish between AI-generated text and legitimate reviewer commentary. “The beautiful thing about peer review,” she says, is that it is “one thing you couldn’t do a credible job with AI”.

Preventing plagiarism

Publishers seem to be taking action. Bethany Baker, a media-relations manager at PLOS, who is based in Cambridge, UK, told Nature Index that the PLOS Publication Ethics team “is investigating the concerns raised in the Scientometrics article about potential plagiarism in peer reviews”.

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How big is science’s fake-paper problem?

An Elsevier representative told Nature Index that the publisher “can confirm that this matter has been brought to our attention and we are conducting an investigation”.

In a statement, the MDPI Research Integrity and Publication Ethics Team said that it has been made aware of potential misconduct by reviewers in its journals and is “actively addressing and investigating this issue”. It did not confirm whether this was related to the Scientometrics article.

One proposed solution to the problem is ensuring that all submitted reviews are checked using plagiarism-detection software. In 2022, exploratory work by Adam Day, a data scientist at Sage Publications, based in Thousand Oaks, California, identified duplicated text in peer-review reports that might be suggestive of paper-mill activity. Day offered a similar solution of using anti-plagiarism software , such as Turnitin.

Piniewski expects the problem to get worse in the coming years, but he hasn’t received any unusual peer-review reports since those that originally sparked his research. Still, he says that he’s now even more vigilant. “If something unusual occurs, I will spot it.”

doi: https://doi.org/10.1038/d41586-024-01312-0

Piniewski, M., Jarić, I., Koutsoyiannis, D. & Kundzewicz, Z. W. Scientometrics https://doi.org/10.1007/s11192-024-04960-1 (2024).

Article   Google Scholar  

Liang, W. et al. Preprint at arXiv https://doi.org/10.48550/arXiv.2403.07183 (2024).

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Note: This tool is not like most plagiarism checkers. Unlike a free plagiarism checker, this tool does not generate plagiarism reports. It is an advanced online sentence rewriter which is used for paraphrasing and article rewriting purposes.     

SEO Magnifier Online Plagiarism Remover FAQs

How do you fix plagiarism.

You can fix plagiarism by adding the plagiarized text to the plagiarism changer tool. This tool will analyze your content and remove plagiarism from it. 

How can I remove plagiarism for free?

The plagiarism changer is free to use online tool that you can use to remove plagiarism from your content for free.

How can I fix plagiarism online?

Online plagiarism changer is a powerful online article rewriter that you can use to fix plagiarism online. This tool will help you fix plagiarism from web content as well as academic papers online.

How do you rewrite an article without plagiarizing?

You can either rewrite the content manually in your own words. Or you can use the plagiarism changer by SEOMagnifier to automatically rewrite essay online , article or content for yourself.

How can I change my plagiarism online?

If you have found plagiarism in your content, you’d need to use a plagiarism changer to remove the plagiarism. You can use our free plagiarism for that purpose.

How do I change a sentence to avoid plagiarism?

You can try changing the sentence format or structure to avoid plagiarism. For example, you can change the passive voice to the active voice. You can also change words with their synonyms to avoid plagiarism. 

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You need to copy and paste the content in our free plagiarism changer. This tool will analyze your content and change the plagiarism from it. 

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Using the plagiarism changer by SEOMagnifier is your best choice for rewriting a paper in a short amount of time. Copy your research paper in the Plagiarism Changer and click on the change plagiarism button to rewrite it.

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Ways To Avoid Plagiarism In Your Research Paper

Introduction The best way to avoid plagiarism is not to plagiarize the work intentionally. It might sound simplistic, but some people can perceive themselves as copying just a few concepts or ideas that will help them meet their deadlines. This might be suitable for the corporate setting, but it is a fool’s game in academic writing. Thus, unintentional plagiarism is common, but since it is considered unintentional, it does not make it an expectation. The rest of the paper examines how to avoid common practices that risk unadvertised plagiarism in your research paper. While you must know how to avoid plagiarism, some of you might be completely unaware of the concept. In this article, we will emphasize tricks and tips for avoiding plagiarism in your research paper. What Is Considered Plagiarism In A Paper? Copying someone else’s work as a reference for writing your work is considered plagiarism. But, if you cite the source, it adds credit to the author as well as supports your evidence. Thus, look at things and practices that constitute plagiarism and that you need to avoid while writing a research paper:  Avoid using direct quotations without using quotation marks.  Cheating by copy-pasting.  Do not use in-text citations and source the reference of the article used.  An incorrect reference style can lead to plagiarism when detected using a plagiarism tool.

 Using someone else’s work as your own without any citation and acknowledgment. As a student, you must be utterly mindful when adding citations and references to avoid plagiarism and protect yourself from academic dishonesty. So, carefully consider these points and save your research paper from cancellation or deduction of marks. Tip To Avoid Plagiarism In Your Research Paper The majority of research and academic institutions generally have zero-tolerance policies toward plagiarism. However, some journals sometimes allow up to 12% to 15% plagiarism in a research paper. What can you do if you need to learn how to remove or avoid plagiarism without a specific strategy? Here is a list of tips to help you avoid plagiarism in your research paper.

  • Conduct In-depth Research To avoid plagiarism, you must conduct your research for your thesis or dissertation paper. Thus, before writing your introduction or thesis statement, you must cite the text sources in your academic research. This will help you avoid plagiarism detection when you upload your file to Turnitin. However, the concept or theory you use as a reference ensures you paraphrase them accurately without leaving any trace of plagiarism in the research paper. In addition, you need to understand the research’s thesis and topic and aim to avoid quoting, copying, and paraphrasing the text already in the database. If you are running out of time and your deadline is near, hire a paper writing service. This will be helpful as paraphrasing takes sufficient time.
  • Express Main Ideas In Own Language Instead of copying or pasting the sources’ ideas or concepts, you can explore what you have to say about them. Moreover, ask yourself what innovative perspective or concept you can contribute to your writing that is entirely your own. Therefore, try to keep in mind that if you are referring to a source’s idea to frame your own point, you will still need to cite the source.

So, recycling some of the previously used words can be tempting if you are writing on the same topic in different assignments. This is known as self-plagiarism. You need to avoid them from further plagiarism detection.

  • Change The Sequence If Paraphrasing There must be more than paraphrasing a particular concept or idea to avoid plagiarism. So, knowing the right technique for unplagiarized and effective paraphrasing is important. So, altering a phrase or a word with its synonyms in a sentence structure is a tapestry. For instance:  Original sentence: icebergs are increasing exponentially due to global warming.  Good paraphrasing: global warming leads to expeditious and extensive icebergs and defrosting.  Bad paraphrasing: Icebergs are defrosting at a massive speed due to global warming.
  • Use Quotation Marks It is always better to write something in your own words rather than just copy-pasting the definition or saying by a particular author. Thus, to avoid plagiarism, you should use paraphrasing or summarised techniques. Here is a quick way you can fix the issue:  Original sentence: AI is on the rise, leading to greater demand for emerging tools.  Warong way of saying it: The use of AI in the present days is resulting in greater demand for emerging technologies.  Proper use: The application of AI in technology is on the rise, leading to massive demand for innovative tools.
  • Citing Own Material If some of the material you are using for the research paper was originally used in your present class or previous academic year, then you must cite it yourself. You only need to treat the text the same as you would for someone else. While it might sound appropriate, using material you had used before is called self-plagiarism, and it is not acceptable.
  • Make A Reference List

Ensure you use a reference list, as it is mandatory nowadays. But you can be reassured if you are not aware of the full details of how to generate one. All you need to do is use Google Scholar or cite this for me and create citations for your sources. Therefore, maintain a reference list in a separate file and incorporate it at your research’s end. Hence, the reference list will help you pass the test easily without revealing any similarity to the work already present in the database.

  • Check Content With Plagiarism Checker While researching a topic, certain sentences stick with you so well that you end up including them. To save yourself from these situations, ensure to check your entire piece of work. Thus, you can use an online plagiarism-checking tool to help you catch the issues before making the final submission. Why Should You Avoid Plagiarism In Academic Writing? You need to avoid plagiarism for the following reasons:  To avoid hampering your reputation in the class or workplace.  To ensure academic integrity.  To ensure ethical research practice.  Credit should be given to the authors of the work you are referencing because it is a form of respecting someone’s work and effort. Wrapping Up This, adopting measures and watts stated in the above section, allows one to submit a plagiarism- free paper. However, you can use a plagiarism checker to ensure the uniqueness and novelty of your paper. This will mark out the faulty areas and assist you in making rectifications in the required areas. However, these tips and tricks can help make your research

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  1. How to Avoid Plagiarism

    To avoid plagiarism, you need to correctly incorporate these sources into your text. You can avoid plagiarism by: Keeping track of the sources you consult in your research. Paraphrasing or quoting from your sources (by using a paraphrasing tool and adding your own ideas) Crediting the original author in an in-text citation and in your reference ...

  2. How to Avoid Plagiarism

    How to Avoid Plagiarism. It's not enough to know why plagiarism is taken so seriously in the academic world or to know how to recognize it. You also need to know how to avoid it. The simplest cases of plagiarism to avoid are the intentional ones: If you copy a paper from a classmate, buy a paper from the Internet, copy whole passages from a ...

  3. How to Avoid Plagiarism in Research Papers (Part 1)

    Guard yourself against plagiarism, however accidental it may be. Here are some guidelines to avoid plagiarism. 1. Paraphrase your content. Do not copy-paste the text verbatim from the reference paper. Instead, restate the idea in your own words. Understand the idea (s) of the reference source well in order to paraphrase correctly.

  4. How To Fix Plagiarism

    Doing so will help you stay below a percentage depending on your professor's requirements. A checker will also highlight the text that the plagiarism fixer detected as stolen. You can then look at your paper, find the text, and adjust it. Doing so will help you fix plagiarism issues with your paper.

  5. Free Plagiarism Checker in Partnership with Turnitin

    Our plagiarism checker, AI Detector, Citation Generator, proofreading services, paraphrasing tool, grammar checker, summarize, and free Knowledge Base content are designed to help students produce quality academic papers. We make every effort to prevent our software from being used for fraudulent or manipulative purposes.

  6. How to avoid plagiarism in research papers

    Record the bibliographic details of sources accurately. Citing a source is a simple way to avoid plagiarism, but you must have the correct details of each source that you cite. Although tracing original papers is a lot easier now, it is also easier to make mistakes while copying or transcribing. Always cross-check all the citations and references.

  7. Plagiarism in Research explained: The complete Guide

    These aspects help institutions and publishers define plagiarism types more accurately. The agreed-upon forms of plagiarism that occur in research writing include: 1. Global or Complete Plagiarism. Global or Complete plagiarism is inarguably the most severe form of plagiarism — It is as good as stealing.

  8. Six Ways to Remove Plagiarism

    All you have to do is upload the plagiarized text in the respective field/input box of the tool, complete the security captcha, and hit the " Remove Plagiarism " button. The tool would analyze the input text and understand its main ideas and context of it. On the basis of its understanding, the tool would rewrite the text using different ...

  9. How to avoid plagiarism in your research paper

    Lastly, she advises using quotation marks only when you cannot paraphrase the text or think only quoting the exact words will make the desired impact. Watch this video to know more! You can always consult our experts at Editage for professional support at https://bit.ly/3O7C3Em or run your paper through iThenticate and receive your Plagiarism ...

  10. How to Avoid Plagiarism in Literature Reviews

    Cite Early, Cite Often: A cardinal rule in crafting a plagiarism-proof literature review is to integrate citations seamlessly. The moment you weave an idea from an existing source into your narrative, cite it. Consistency is key; make it a reflex to acknowledge the intellectual debts you incur. Dance with References: Your references section is ...

  11. Plagiarism Remover

    Online Plagiarism Remover. Plagiarism Remover helps to remove plagiarism from the content whether it is an article, essay, or research paper. The development of this free plagiarism changer is done with modern algorithms that are dedicated to providing accurate results with modern vocabulary.

  12. How to Avoid Plagiarism When Writing a Research Paper

    4.5 Use a plagiarism checker. 4.6 Use quotation marks if you can't do without a certain sentence. 4.7 Keeping track of your sources. 4.8 Make a list of references in the research paper. 5 The Final Words. Every researcher needs to work on writing their research paper without plagiarism at some point in their career.

  13. Research Guides: Citing Sources: How to Avoid Plagiarism

    To avoid plagiarism, one must provide a reference to that source to indicate where the original information came from (see the "Source:" section below). "There are many ways to avoid plagiarism, including developing good research habits, good time management, and taking responsibility for your own learning. Here are some specific tips:

  14. Plagiarism In Research Papers: 6 Steps To Eliminate Plagiarism?

    2. Write a draft, then correct it. The first thing any writer should do is correct their first draft before finalizing it. In addition to removing plagiarism, it helps with many things, such as content quality and grammatical mistakes. Therefore, you need to create the first draft before you move forward.

  15. 3 Techniques to avoid plagiarism in your research paper

    Translate your research into a publication-worthy manuscript by understanding the nuances of academic writing. Subscribe and get curated reads that will help you write an excellent manuscript. Plagiarism is one of the most common reasons for journal rejection and is considered a highly unethical practice. As an author, if you are found guilty ...

  16. Plagiarism Remover

    1. Open your browser and navigate to the HIX.AI plagiarism remover tool page. 2. Enter or paste the content or text you wish to check for plagiarism. 3. Click the "Rewrite" button and witness the tool elevate your content's originality.

  17. What is plagiarism and how to avoid it?

    Self plagiarism: "Publication of one's own data that have already been published is not acceptable since it distorts scientific record." 1 Self-plagiarized publications do not contribute to scientific work; they just increase the number of papers published without justification in scientific research. 8 The authors get benefit in the form of increased number of published papers. 8 Self ...

  18. Plagiarism Remover

    Academic and Research Content. Academic plagiarism is the most significant concern of students and teachers. Our tool smartly remove plagiarized content from essays and research papers and rewords the entire text formation without altering critical quotes, references, and citations.

  19. Free Online Paraphrasing Tool For Avoiding Plagiarism

    Rephrase easily to avoid plagiarism. Free and Easy to use! How to use paraphrasing tool: Paste the text you need to be reworded in the box and click the "paraphrase" button. You will see a series of highlighted words in your text. Click on each to view a list of prospective synonyms with which to replace said words.

  20. How To Remove Plagiarism from Your Paper?

    Here are key strategies to effectively remove plagiarism: Understanding the source material: Before revising, ensure a thorough understanding of the original source. Re-read the material, take ...

  21. Plagiarism in peer-review reports could be the 'tip of the iceberg'

    Plagiarism in peer-review reports could be the 'tip of the iceberg'. Researchers say swathe of copied text could indicate a widespread problem. Time pressures and a lack of confidence could be ...

  22. Plagiarism Changer Online [100% Free Plagiarism Remover]

    Plagiarism Changer is a free tool by SEOMagnifier that will help you identify and remove plagiarism online from your content. This tool works on powerful AI-based algorithms to generate plagiarism free content that you have written for your web pages. Search Engine doesn't like plagiarism. If they detect plagiarism in your content, they can ...

  23. Ways To Avoid Plagiarism In Your Research Paper

    writing a research paper: Avoid using direct quotations without using quotation marks. Cheating by copy-pasting. Do not use in-text citations and source the reference of the article used. An incorrect reference style can lead to plagiarism when detected using a plagiarism tool.