
Lester B Pearson Scholarship: 13 Facts and Guide

  • by Desmond Amos
  • September 11, 2023

Lester B Pearson Scholarship

Education has long been heralded as the cornerstone of progress and development, with scholarships acting as beacons of opportunity that empower exceptional individuals to shine brighter and contribute meaningfully to society.

Among these prestigious awards, the Lester B. Pearson Scholarship stands tall as a testament to fostering global leadership, academic excellence, and cross-cultural collaboration.

In this article, we delve into the essence of this scholarship, its origins, its impact, and its role in nurturing the leaders of tomorrow.

Lester B Pearson Scholarship

The Lester B. Pearson International Scholarship is a prestigious award offered by the University of Toronto, honoring the legacy of the Nobel Prize-winning Canadian statesman and former Prime Minister, Lester Bowles Pearson.

This scholarship is a symbol of Pearson’s commitment to international cooperation, diplomacy, and positive change. Here are 13 essential facts and a comprehensive guide to understanding and applying for the Lester B. Pearson Scholarship:

1. Named after a Global Visionary:

Lester Bowles Pearson’s legacy as a visionary diplomat and statesman is firmly rooted in his unwavering dedication to promoting global peace and cooperation.

His instrumental role in the establishment of the United Nations Emergency Force (UNEF) during the Suez Crisis marked a watershed moment in international relations, emphasizing his commitment to finding peaceful solutions to conflicts.

Pearson’s tireless efforts, driven by diplomacy and collaboration, laid the foundation for fostering understanding and unity among nations.

The Lester B. Pearson Scholarship serves as a testament to this enduring legacy, encapsulating Pearson’s ideals of international harmony and positive change.

By naming the scholarship after him, the University of Toronto pays homage to a man who embodied the spirit of diplomacy and global citizenship.

This recognition underscores the profound impact that a single individual can have on shaping the course of world events and inspires scholarship recipients to carry forward his vision of a more peaceful and interconnected world.

2. A Beacon of Excellence:

The Lester B. Pearson Scholarship stands as a beacon that illuminates the path of excellence for exceptional international students.

Beyond academic prowess, the scholarship seeks individuals who exhibit outstanding leadership potential and a genuine commitment to addressing the pressing challenges that transcend national borders.

Pearson Scholars are not only academically gifted but are also poised to become catalysts for change in their communities and beyond.

This award recognizes not only past achievements but also the promise of a future where these scholars will harness their talents and passion to effect positive global transformation.

3. University of Toronto Connection:

The scholarship’s exclusive affiliation with the University of Toronto’s St. George campus provides an unparalleled academic experience.

Nestled in the vibrant city of Toronto, this campus offers a world-class education in the heart of Canada’s most diverse and culturally rich metropolis.

Scholars become an integral part of this dynamic environment, contributing to and benefiting from the intellectual tapestry that this prestigious institution has to offer.

4. Annual Awards:

Every year, a carefully chosen group of Pearson Scholars is selected from a pool of exceptional candidates. These scholars represent the embodiment of the qualities and values that Lester B. Pearson himself championed the qualities such as leadership, dedication, and a commitment to fostering positive global change.

5. Financial Support:

The scholarship’s financial support is a cornerstone of its impact. It goes beyond addressing tuition costs; it ensures that Pearson Scholars can focus on their education and personal growth without the financial burden that often accompanies higher education.

Covering tuition, books, incidental fees, and full residence support for four years, this scholarship empowers recipients to fully immerse themselves in their academic journey.

6. Rigorous Selection Process:

The scholarship’s selection process is designed to identify the brightest and most promising individuals who align with Lester B. Pearson’s legacy.

Applicants undergo a meticulous evaluation that includes academic transcripts, letters of recommendation, demonstrated leadership abilities, and a personal statement that articulates their dedication to fostering positive global change.

7. The Personal Statement:

The personal statement is a pivotal element of the application. It offers candidates an invaluable opportunity to articulate their aspirations, shed light on their personal journey, and detail their vision for contributing to their communities and the broader world.

It is a platform for applicants to convey their passion, values, and commitment to becoming agents of positive transformation.

8. Holistic Development:

Being a Pearson Scholar means becoming part of a vibrant and diverse community of students. Engaging in cross-cultural exchanges and intellectual discussions enriches scholars’ personal and academic growth.

This holistic approach to education fosters a well-rounded perspective, preparing scholars to navigate a globalized world with insight and empathy.

9. Empowering Global Citizens:

The scholarship goes beyond financial assistance; it creates an environment that empowers scholars to immerse themselves fully in academic pursuits, research endeavors, and extracurricular activities.

This immersion nurtures scholars’ growth into empowered global citizens who are equipped with the knowledge, skills, and mindset needed to drive positive change.

10. Fostering International Networks:

Pearson Scholars enjoy the privilege of connecting with like-minded peers from around the world. This network transcends borders and backgrounds, fostering enduring collaborations that extend beyond the years of scholarship.

The relationships formed among Pearson Scholars become a lifelong source of support and inspiration.

11. Alumni Impact:

The impact of the Lester B. Pearson Scholarship extends beyond the tenure of the scholarship itself. Graduates of the program often emerge as leaders in various spheres, contributing their expertise to academia, business, government, nonprofit sectors, and beyond.

Their collective endeavors contribute to a global tapestry of positive change, leaving an indelible mark on the world.

12. Application Timeline:

Prospective applicants should be mindful of the scholarship’s application timeline, which typically opens in November and closes in January of the following year.

It is essential to thoroughly review the official University of Toronto website for specific dates and detailed requirements.

13. Nurturing Tomorrow’s Leaders:

The Lester B. Pearson Scholarship encapsulates the spirit of Lester B. Pearson’s diplomatic legacy. Beyond empowering individuals to realize their potential, it equips them with the tools and mindset needed to become effective global leaders.

The scholarship embodies principles of diplomacy , cooperation, and positive transformation, inspiring recipients to shape a world that reflects the values and vision of Lester B. Pearson himself.

As scholars embark on their transformative journeys, they embody the promise of a brighter, more harmonious future.

How Do You Get the Lester B Pearson Scholarship?

Getting the Lester B. Pearson Scholarship is a competitive and multi-step process that involves demonstrating your academic excellence, leadership skills, and community involvement. Here’s a general overview of the steps you need to take to be considered for the scholarship:

1. Apply for Admission to the University of Toronto: To be eligible for the Lester B. Pearson Scholarship, you must first apply for admission to the University of Toronto’s undergraduate program of your choice. Make sure to review the admission requirements and deadlines for your desired program.

2. Demonstrate Academic Excellence: Maintain a strong academic record throughout your high school years. The scholarship committee places significant emphasis on your academic achievements, so aim for high grades and standardized test scores.

3. Engage in Leadership and Extracurricular Activities: Participate in extracurricular activities, leadership roles, and community service that showcase your leadership potential and your commitment to making a positive impact in your community. This could include volunteering, sports, clubs, student government, research projects, and more.

4. Prepare Your Application: Once you’ve submitted your application for admission to the University of Toronto, you will need to complete the separate Lester B. Pearson Scholarship application. This application will likely include essays or personal statements that allow you to showcase your achievements, leadership experiences, and aspirations.

5. Highlight Your Contributions: In your application, provide detailed information about your academic accomplishments, leadership roles, community involvement, and any other relevant experiences. Use concrete examples to demonstrate how you’ve made a difference and contributed positively to your school or community.

6. Obtain Strong Letters of Recommendation: Request letters of recommendation from individuals who know you well and can speak to your academic abilities, leadership potential, and character. These letters should provide additional insights into your qualifications for the scholarship.

1.What is the Lester B. Pearson Scholarship?

The Lester B. Pearson Scholarship is a prestigious and highly competitive international scholarship program offered by the University of Toronto in Canada. It is named after former Canadian Prime Minister Lester B. Pearson and aims to recognize and support outstanding international students who demonstrate exceptional academic achievement, leadership skills, and community involvement.

2. Who is eligible to apply for the Lester B. Pearson Scholarship?

International students who are entering the University of Toronto at the undergraduate level are eligible to apply for the Lester B. Pearson Scholarship . Applicants must demonstrate strong academic performance, leadership potential, and a commitment to making a positive impact in their communities.

3. How do I apply for the Lester B. Pearson Scholarship? To apply for the scholarship, you need to submit your application for admission to the University of Toronto and complete the Lester B. Pearson Scholarship application form. Detailed instructions and deadlines can be found on the official University of Toronto website.

4. What is the selection criteria for the scholarship? The scholarship selection committee considers various factors including academic excellence, leadership abilities, involvement in extracurricular activities, and a commitment to community service. It is important to showcase your achievements and contributions in these areas in your application.

5. How many Lester B. Pearson Scholarships are awarded each year? The number of scholarships awarded each year can vary. Generally, a limited number of scholarships are awarded annually to the most outstanding applicants.

As the world faces an increasingly complex array of challenges, the Lester B. Pearson International Scholarship stands as a testament to the enduring power of education, collaboration, and visionary leadership.

It is more than a scholarship; it is a catalyst for positive change that empowers remarkable individuals to realize their full potential and contribute meaningfully to the global community.

The legacy of Lester B. Pearson lives on through the scholars who bear his name, as they leverage their knowledge, skills, and passion to bridge divides, champion diplomacy, and shape a more harmonious and interconnected world.

  • lester b pearson scholarship

lester b pearson scholarship essay

Desmond Amos

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How I got fully-funded Lester B. Pearson International Scholarship to study at the University of Toronto

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Arnencha from Thailand 🇹🇭

Campus Image of University of Toronto

My Background

Why i wanted to go abroad, why i chose canada, why university of toronto, application process, essays and recommendations, my stats and extracurriculars, how to stand out in your application, scholarship acceptance rate, scholarship benefits, academics at uoft, choice of campus, final piece of advice, to stay in touch.

Hi! I’m Arnencha and I’m from Bangkok, Thailand! I come from a high school that is located right in the center of Bangkok and follows a conventional Thai curriculum. My school is considered the best high school in the Thai system, it's the place where students who aim for Thai universities go. The students there are the smartest kids in Thailand, but not because they attend classes; almost everyone takes tutoring and extra classes outside of school time and that’s where people spend the most time. I was in the science and mathematics cohort. Everyone in my class took the central entrance exam and got into the top medicine/dental/engineering school. And here I am in Business Management! There’s actually a name we use to call students like me in our school, it’s ‘wit-ka-bot’ which means ‘rebel science’!

A very real and personal reason for wanting to study abroad is that I'm actually not good at writing Thai. I struggle with writing using a pen or pencil in Thai, and even though I can retype, I generally prefer English for these kinds of tasks. A less specific reason is that I feel more aligned with the international community. This is because I've travelled a lot and have been in various environments. For instance, I lived in Australia for a month when I was very young, went on an exchange year in France, and spent a week exploring a university town in Germany alone. I've had a lot of experiences like this and feel a stronger connection with the more individualistic and Western world. I also believe there's so much more potential for my growth studying abroad.

I speak three languages, and though France was an option for me, I'm not yet comfortable enough with French to study there. So, I decided to look for an English-speaking country or something similar. I'm not the biggest fan of the US, the UK, or Australia for various reasons, leaving Canada as an appealing choice. Also, many of my friends are heading to the US or UK, and I wanted to do something different, to step into the unfamiliar and diversify my experiences.

There's also this notion that in the US and UK, it's hard to get into universities but easy to graduate, whereas in Canada, it's easier to get admitted but harder to graduate. This aspect I love, as being constantly challenged is what makes it fun and rewarding for me.

lester b pearson scholarship essay

I remember I didn't know much about post-high school education at all, I didn’t feel like doing intensive research on the overwhelming number of options either. So, when I decided to go to Canada, I thought, why not just aim for the top one, which is U of T? I also mistakenly thought Toronto was Canada's capital for a while, so it felt like a good idea overall. Another big reason for choosing U of T was the availability of a scholarship. I wouldn't have been able to study abroad without financial assistance, and my school was nominating students for scholarships at U of T and UBC. I had to choose between the two because the school wouldn't nominate the same person for both. I’m the kind of person who thinks you should either go big or go home, so I aimed for the more risky, more rewarding option.

The special thing about the Lester B. Pearson scholarship is that to be eligible, you must first be nominated by your high school . Each school can nominate only one student, who then becomes the sole applicant for the scholarship from that school. After being nominated, you receive an email instructing you to apply through the OUAC portal, which is the central application system for Canadian universities, similar to the Common App or UCAS. You go through the standard application process first, and after registering in the OUAC portal and submitting your university application, you receive the scholarship application. You have about a month to complete it, with the essays totalling around 1800 words combined. Typically, the university application deadline is mid-December, and the scholarship application is due by mid-January. After submitting everything, you wait for about four months. The results are announced around mid-April, and that's it.

I’ve talked more in-depth on details and advice on the application process here!

The application for the Lester B. Pearson scholarship only required a nomination letter, no actual recommendation letters from others. For the applicant, there's a central essay of about 800 words, which is the main storytelling part where you discuss a significant aspect of your life.

I won't give away the specific question, but it's focused on what you've accomplished, your contributions, and how these experiences have shaped you.

The second largest essay is quite unique – you essentially write a self-recommendation letter following specific guidelines. This raises questions like how much to praise oneself, whether to remain modest and what highlights to include. Additionally, there are shorter essays, around 100 words each, answering brief questions. The real challenge is in striking the right balance in this self-recommendation – not too modest, not too boastful, but just right. It's a tricky but interesting part of the process.

When I applied, my GPA was 3.89/4. However, I don't believe the scholarship placed much emphasis on GPA. My SAT score was 1500, achieved in a single attempt. As for language proficiency, my IELTS score was 8.5 and my TOEFL was 115.

My extracurricular activities fall into three main topics. Firstly, debate. I've been involved in debating since I was 12 and am now 20. My journey in debate has evolved from being a national debater and winning competitions to coaching school teams and becoming a national tournament adjudicator. Like debate, you’ll notice a pattern in all my journeys that I progress from being a competitor/participant to being on the other side, organizing, working on providing the same opportunity to others, and giving back to the community.

My second area is case competition. I went through a phase of intense competing in 11th grade, which I wouldn't recommend as it was quite exhausting. After some successes, I shifted from competing to organizing competitions, eventually becoming the president of a national-level history competition and founding my own.

Lastly, there's AIESEC, an international youth organization working on international exchanges. I joined AIESEC in Thailand back in 2021. This involvement led me to organize case competitions and work on various social projects, sadly I didn’t get to work on exchanges due to COVID-19. I'm now a part of AIESEC in Canada and Toronto, maintaining the connection and community from Thailand to Canada, and hoping to continue to contribute back to the community and join Thailand and Canada’s national team in the future.

I have my high school portfolio shared to the public which you can access here! It has all the information on what I’ve worked on and what I learned from them! I didn’t use this in my scholarship application but it sums up my content pretty well!

High School Portfolio

lester b pearson scholarship essay

Often, when I mention my scholarship, people assume I must have excellent grades, but I believe not much attention was given to transcripts. What they're really interested in is the extent of your contributions and the significance of the impact you’ve made as an individual. I receive messages from people detailing their achievements, like competing in various events, winning awards, or excelling in academic Olympiads. While these accomplishments demonstrate performance, they don’t necessarily reflect a contribution to meaningful change or impactful initiative tendencies.

The scholarship, as its name suggests, seeks individuals who have genuinely made a difference – those whose presence has brought about change or created something valuable in their community or school. It’s about the scale of impact you’ve had. That's why I always advise people to focus on and emphasize the impact they’ve initiated and created. Someone talking about a passion project they started that went on to help others definitely shines in a pool of academically strong and solely competitive applicants.

The Lester B. Pearson scholarship is extremely competitive, considering that high schools from all over the world can nominate one applicant each. I think in 2019, the acceptance rate was about 1.68%. This is a global scholarship, attracting applicants from numerous countries, but they only accept 37 people per year. From what I've observed and the increasing number of inquiries I receive about the scholarship, it seems the number of applicants will continue to grow significantly.

The Lester B. Pearson scholarship covers four years of tuition for undergraduate studies and residence during study terms. I mention study terms because I’m doing a co-op program, which includes work terms. During these work terms, I’m expected to cover my residence costs, but the earnings from the co-op are sufficient for that. Additionally, for those staying on campus, meal plans are included. At UTSC, for instance, we have an all-you-can-eat meal plan, which is pretty great.

The scholarship also covers books and incidental fees. You receive 1,000 dollars per term for books and other necessary expenses like lab coats and equipment. However, it doesn't cover plane tickets or visa fees.

In terms of living expenses, the scholarship pretty much covers the basics – rent and food. For instance, in Scarborough, where I am, we don't need to commute from residence to school. In St. George, some buildings are far apart, but I know friends who choose to walk since it's a small city. So, you can save on commuting costs. If you're just looking to survive, you don’t need extra money, except for plane tickets if you plan to travel back and forth.

lester b pearson scholarship essay

I'm studying for a Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) at U of T Scarborough, hoping to specialize in management and IT or do a minor in statistics. The difficulty level, I would say, is that business studies are generally manageable compared to other programs. On top of that, compared to the academic rigour in Asia, I find the coursework here a bit less challenging. For instance, the calculus course I took last term was relatively easy compared to what I had learned back in Asia. We probably bring a more advanced foundation from our high schools in Asia than domestic students do.

The challenge for Asian students might lie more in adapting to a new educational style that emphasizes engagement, participation points, essays, and more interactive exams, as opposed to the multiple-choice focus common in some Asian schools. However, I've really enjoyed my first term. The professors are supportive, especially when you show interest in specific topics. There are also many clubs and organizations that provide great support for career and academic advancement.

When selecting a campus at the University of Toronto for the scholarship, it really depends on your academic interests and preferred environment. Each campus offers different programs and has its own unique atmosphere. My campus, UTSC, doesn't offer engineering, while others lack co-op programs. The campuses are also geographically distant from each other, almost two hours apart.

Your choice should align with what you want to study and the type of community you wish to be part of. I've grown to love UTSC for its close-knit community vibe. Unlike St. George, which is bustling and in the heart of downtown, UTSC offers a more peaceful environment, conducive to studying and saving money.

lester b pearson scholarship essay

When I applied, I didn't fully understand co-ops, but now I find them incredibly valuable. Essentially, co-ops are like mandatory internships but with added support. Students in co-op programs need to complete three work terms in addition to their eight study terms. They can arrange these terms flexibly, often studying for a full year without a summer break, followed by a co-op term, and then alternating between study and work terms. Unlike some internships, these co-op jobs are always paid. The minimum payment for co-op positions ensures that students can afford their living expenses.

In addition to job placements, there are networking events and a specialized co-op class that prepares students for the job market. Graduates from co-op programs often start with higher salaries due to their extensive hands-on experience.

To stay in the co-op program, students must maintain a GPA of 2.5 or higher. Co-op positions are competitive, similar to the job market, but there's flexibility in where you can work, including opportunities abroad or in your home country.

My key piece of advice, which might sound a bit pretentious, is not to force things, especially for applications. Cramming in more activities when application time comes is not effective. Don't push yourself to be someone you're not. It's not about refraining from striving to be an exceptional candidate, but more about pursuing activities that genuinely interest you. This approach is not only more enjoyable but also reflects who you truly are.

My own journey was never focused solely on getting into top universities. I only decided which university to apply to a couple of months before the application deadline. My goal was to use my free time to add value to myself, exploring what I liked and disliked throughout high school. This made my application authentic and focused on self-growth rather than just securing a university spot.

Avoid falling into the trap of doing things just to check boxes, like joining every possible club or volunteering without genuine interest. Admissions committees can see through that. Be true to your interests and desires. Also, don't shy away from taking risks. While my high school portfolio showcases many successful projects, there were also numerous unsuccessful attempts. Embrace these experiences as learning opportunities. Remember, sometimes when you fail, that's when you learn the most important lessons!

lester b pearson scholarship essay




Duration of Study

Jun 2023 — Dec 2028

Business Administration (BBA)

University of Toronto

University of Toronto

Toronto, canada 🇨🇦.

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I will be grateful if i am selected as one the international scholarship student in the university of Toronto which is my dream.


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How I Won the Lester B Pearson Scholarship: A Success Story

By knbbs-sharer

lester b pearson scholarship essay

Winning a scholarship is the dream of many students, and the Lester B Pearson Scholarship is one of the most prestigious scholarships available for international students pursuing undergraduate degrees in Canada. In this article, we’ll dive deep into how I won the Lester B Pearson Scholarship and what tips and tricks you can use to win one too.

My journey in winning the Lester B Pearson Scholarship started when I was in high school. I knew I wanted to study in Canada, but I wasn’t sure how I was going to fund my education. I found out about the scholarship from my counselor, and it immediately caught my attention.

The first step I took was to research everything about the scholarship. I read and re-read the scholarship’s website and asked for advice from past scholarship winners. In doing so, I found out that the scholarship was very competitive, and I needed to have excellent grades to be considered.

With that in mind, I focused all my energy on doing well in school. I studied hard, attended every class, and worked with my teachers to ensure that I was mastering the concepts taught. I also researched the universities I wanted to attend in Canada and ensured that I met the admission requirements.

Additionally, I involved myself in extracurricular activities. I volunteered in community events, took part in school clubs, and participated in sports. I did all of this to showcase my leadership skills, teamwork, and community involvement.

When it was time to apply for the scholarship, I was confident in my academic and extracurricular accomplishments. However, I knew that the application process was highly competitive and had to create a unique and compelling application.

To create an outstanding application, I started by reading the scholarship’s criteria and guidelines thoroughly. I made sure that my application met all the requirements and answered the provided prompts thoroughly. I also developed a unique scholarship essay that revealed my personality and demonstrated my passion for education.

Finally, I asked for assistance from my high school guidance counselor to proofread and provide feedback on my application. When I submitted my application, I had confidence in the quality and uniqueness of my application, which I believe was instrumental in my winning the Lester B Pearson Scholarship.

In conclusion, winning the Lester B Pearson Scholarship was a significant accomplishment in my life. However, it did not come easy. I had to put in significant time and effort to ensure that I met all the criteria and submit an exceptional application.

If you are interested in applying for the Lester B Pearson Scholarship or any other scholarship, I recommend that you start by researching the criteria and guidelines thoroughly. Focus on your academic and extracurricular accomplishments while developing a unique application. Lastly, get feedback from your counselor or anyone who can provide a fresh perspective on your application.

Ultimately, with dedication, hard work, and a well-thought-out application, you too can win the Lester B Pearson Scholarship or any other scholarship you set your sights on.

(Note: Do you have knowledge or insights to share? Unlock new opportunities and expand your reach by joining our authors team. Click Registration to join us and share your expertise with our readers.)

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How To Get Full Scholarship at University of Toronto as an International Student

lester b pearson scholarship at university of toronto

Today, I’ll be sharing with you everything you need to know to get a 100% scholarship at University of Toronto for your undergraduate studies. Not only this, I’ll be telling you the exact steps you need to take to apply and become a recipient of this scholarship.

Are you ready? okay, let’s get started.

Firstly, I want to warn you that if are a Canadian student, I’m sorry, but this post is not for you as I’ll be covering the Lester B. Pearson Scholarship Program which only International students can apply for, but don’t worry University of Toronto has a slightly better scholarship program for Canadian Students and with a similar application process to Lester B. Pearson scholarship called the National Scholarship Program which fully funds the studies of fifteen Canadian students to U of T every year. You can find out more about it’s application, eligibility criteria, and deadlines on U of T’s National Scholarship Page .

Ok, my international friends, let’s talk about the Lester B. Pearson Scholarship. But before that, if you are like me, who prefers watching videos over reading posts 😅, you can watch my video on the Lester B. Pearson Scholarship down below 👇 and get back to the post for essential links.

Lester B. Pearson Scholarship

In simple terms, the Lester B. Pearson Scholarship is an annual, fully funded scholarship awarded by University of Toronto to incoming international students for their undergrad studies at U of T.

When I got to know about the Lester B. Pearson scholarship, I wondered why it was called Lester B. Pearson Scholarship and why not just U of T International Scholarship?

This is because, the scholarship is named to honour Canada’s 14th Prime Minister Lester Bowles Pearson who was also a U of T graduate. He won a Noble Peace Prize in 1957 for organizing UN peacekeeping force to resolve the Suez Canal Crisis.

Maybe after you become a recipient of this award and you’ll be expected to know who he was 😅

What’s interesting about this scholarship is that it is open for all majors at U of T. It’s not just for CS students, or law students it’s open for all the areas of studies. So from the 700 undergraduate programs U of T has, you can chose any program you’re planning to pursue and apply for this scholarship.

Now that U of T made it so open, you can guess how competitive it’ll be. It is U of T’s most competitive scholarship for international students because every year only 37 students from all over the world receive this scholarship.

Let me put the competitiveness of this scholarship in perspective, this scholarship is given to at least one student from every faculty at U of T, so every faculty will have at least one Pearson scholar in their department which means that for each and every major, students are competing against top students from all over the world who are interested in that major for the few spots available.

For instance, you are interested in pursuing Business studies at U of T and you apply for the Lester B. Pearson scholarship. Now, your profile is competing against all the students who are interested in Business studies at U of T for the few spots for business students.

Yea, this scholarship is extremely competitive but it is worth giving a shot because the benefits you get from this scholarship are honestly life-changing.

Benefits of the Scholarship

This scholarship covers almost everything a student pays to study abroad.

Lester B. Pearson scholarship package includes your tuition fee, living expenses, book allowance, meals, transportation and any other incidental cost for all four years of your undergrad studies. Basically, you just need money to Apply to U of T and if you receive the scholarship, it’s done deal, next 4 years, you study at U of T for FREE.

✅ Tuition Fee ✅ Living Expenses ✅ Book Allowance ✅ Meals ✅ Transportation ✅ Any Incidental Cost

Eligibility Criteria

Ok, now let’s see who is eligible to apply for this scholarship and who isn’t? But before that let me caution you that the eligibility criteria I am about to share are for students who will be starting their undergrad studies in the fall of 2022. So if you are starting your studies in the fall of 2023, 2024 or later, I recommend you to check the up-to-date eligibility criteria on U of T’s Lester B. Pearson International Scholarships Page .

  • The applicant needs to be an International Student and not a Canadian national. International students studying at Canadian high schools are also eligible to apply.
  • The applicant needs to be in their final year of secondary school i.e., which is Grade 12th. And if a student has graduated, they can only apply if they didn’t graduate before June 2021—should’ve graduated after May 2021.
  • The applicant must to be a first-entry graduate and shouldn’t have started studying at any other post-secondary institution.

Yea, so these are eligibility criteria and if you are meeting all three of them, you can and you should apply for the Lester B. Pearson Scholarship 😉

but now the question is, How do you apply?

Application Process (Step-by-Step) and Deadlines

1. get yourself nominated by your school.

The Scholarship application process is quite simple but unique, in the sense that you do not apply for this scholarship directly, but rather your school has to nominate you for the scholarship and the school can only nominate one person for one academic year based on a few factors (which I’ll discuss in a while).

Even if a school feels that there are 10 brilliant students in their school who can win the Lester B. Pearson Scholarship, there will be only one student nominee from one school for one year .

Now you might be thinking of changing your school because there are students more accomplished than you, No no !! you need to work hard and show your school that you are an ideal student for this scholarship, but how? will discuss it in a while.

Now, if you are an aspiring Lester B. Pearson scholar, you’ll be in one of the two conditions I am about to mention.

Your school has no idea about the Lester B. Pearson scholarship or they know about the scholarship but have never nominated any student for this scholarship.

In this case, you need to approach your school counselor and if you don’t have one, approach your school’s headmaster or principal, inform them everything about this scholarship, tell them that you’d like to be nominated and in order for you to get nominated, the school needs to submit an application to U of T which is available on the U of T’s Lester B. Pearson Scholarship Page, so that University of Toronto can verify the school’s identity and give them the access to nominate a student.

When I was applying for the Lester B Pearson scholarship my school had no counselor and no idea about the scholarship, so I informed my school principal about this and on September 17, 2020, I sent him an email and asked him to submit the school participation form to U of T.

Here is the email I wrote:

I am planning to apply to the University of Toronto and to be considered for their 100% scholarship programme the school has to nominate a student first.  Only after  nomination, the university will send a scholarship application form to be filled. Before nominating the student, the school (counselor or headmaster) needs to fill a form to be verified by the University of Toronto. Sir, I request you to please fill this form, so our school can get verified at the earliest and we can then proceed to the nomination process. “In order to nominate an outstanding student for the Lester B. Pearson Scholarship at U of T, we require additional information about your school. Please complete the form below and submit your school for verification. Once submitted, you will be sent a confirmation email at the address you provide. You will then be sent instructions for nominating your student directly” Form Link: Sir, if you have any questions please let me know.

In my case, it took University of Toronto more than a month to verify the school, so I would encourage you to ask your school authority to fill this application form as soon as possible, ideally in early September, so the school gets verified and can then proceed with the nomination.

Now, if you are in the second category of students that is

Your School knows about the Lester B. Pearson Scholarship program and has previously nominated a student from the school .

In this case, you don’t need to worry about asking your school to fill the school participation form because they are already verified by U of T. You just need to ask your school counselor or headmaster about getting nominated because once they decide who to nominate, they will nominate the person without you having to worry about explaining anything to them.

But don’t just tell them and rely on them, you need to follow up with them so they don’t miss the nomination deadline because they would already know the nomination process but they can miss the nomination deadline.

The School Nomination Deadline is November 30, 2021, so ensure that your school is verified and has completed the student nomination before this deadline.

After your school has nominated you, you will receive an email from Lester B. Pearson International Scholarship acknowledging your nomination and giving you all the necessary information and instructions to complete the rest of the scholarship application.

Now, the next steps for the scholarship application process will be the same for both category of students because your school has completed the first step, to nominate you for the scholarship.

2. Apply to University of Toronto

The second step is to Apply to University of Toronto by creating an OUAC Account and submitting your OUAC Application before the Deadlines.

If you want to know how to apply to university of Toronto for your undergrad studies without missing out on anything, I have already created a detailed step-by-step post on this, in which I also share my best tips to maximize your chances of admission.

Check Here 👉 How to Apply to University of Toronto (Step-by-Step Guide) for Canadian and International Students

Here I want to reiterate one thing that I have already said in that video, which is that even though Student OUAC Application Deadline is December 15 every year , make sure you are submitting your OUAC Application as soon as possible, ideally by November 7, to increase your chances of admission and also because spaces of popular programs may fill out before the application deadlines.

Another thing to keep in mind while filling the OUAC Application is to carefully choose your programs and rank them properly because you will be considered for the Pearson Scholarship for your first choice program ONLY.

In the program choices section of your OUAC Application, you can choose and rank 3 U of T programs you want to apply for, and if you receive the Lester B. Pearson scholarship it will be valid only for your first choice program, you’ll not be able to change it afterwards.

Program Choices Section (OUAC Application to University of Toronto)

For instance, you apply for CS an all the 3 campuses of U of T. Your first choice is St. George Campus, second is Scarborough and third is Mississauga. If you become a Lester b. Pearson scholar, you can’t say “no!! no!! now, I want to go to Scarborough for CS.” In this case, you’ll have to study at St. George, if you want to be a Lester B. Pearson scholar because you chose it as you first choice. Therefore, chose your first choice program carefully and double-check it before submitting.

After you’ve submitted your OUAC Application, U of T will sent you an email acknowledging the submission of your OUAC Application and providing you with the login details to activate your Join U of T portal’s account.

Once your U of T account gets activated, you need to go back to the email you received after your school nominated you for the scholarship. In that email you will find a personalized link to the Student Scholarship Application , which you can now access through your activated login details.

3. Complete the Student Scholarship Application

Now that you are able to access the Student Scholarship Application, the third step is to complete the Student Scholarship Application and submit it before January 17 , 2022. Last year this deadline was January 18, 2021, so if you are watching this video in 2022 or later, I’d recommend you to again check the up-to-date deadlines on U of T’s Lester B. Pearson Scholarship Page .

If you have completed all the steps, you have successfully applied for Lester B. Pearson scholarship at University of Toronto 🙌

Student Scholarship Application Questions

Now a lot of you might be wondering what exactly is asked in the Student Scholarship Application ?

Honestly, I don’t know the questions you’ll be asked for the year 2022, 2023 or 2024. I will tell you all the questions I had to answer to complete the scholarship application for the fall of 2021 and there is a high probability that you’ll be asked the same or similar questions for your scholarship application.

There were 4 sections in the application:

1. Academic Objectives Section

First, Ac ademic Objectives Section, which had 1 question.

Describe your academic objectives and indicate how these are appropriate to your long-range goals. Please include specifically how a Bachelors degree from the University of Toronto will contribute to your achieving your longer-range goals. (100 word maximum)

2. Self-Letter of Reference Section

Second, Self-Letter of Reference Section, which had one question:

The students who are nominated for the Lester B. Pearson International Scholarship are students who have demonstrated exceptional academic achievement and creativity, who are accepted as leaders within their school, and who have the potential to contribute to the global community in the future. They can be distinguished from other students who may have equally high academic results by virtue of their breadth of interest, intellectual energy and impact on the life of their school and community. Write a letter of reference for yourself in the third person describing how the applicant (you) meets these criteria. The letter should refer to the specific achievements and experiences. It may also comment on any weaknesses. (300 word maximum).

3. Essay Section

Third, Essay Section, which required a one long-answer question:

Describe a personal life experience that has had particular significance for you and highlight the reason(s) it was significant, whether it had an impact on others, and any insights or understandings you gained from it. (800 word maximum)

4. Additional Questions Section

Fourth, Additional Question Section, which had two questions:

If you are not awarded a Lester B. Pearson International Scholarship, what are your plans for the next four years? (100 word maximum)

S econd question was related to the family income where I was not required to write anything but answer it in numerical values.

Criteria for the Scholarship

Ok, so I know what U of T will ask me, but how should I answer these questions and how should I make them stand out? There are certain attributes and achievements that U of T looks in your answers and in the second question of the student scholarship application, U of T actually laid it all out.

Unlike the U of T International Scholar Award which almost covered 60% of my total cost of attendance to U of T, the deciding factor for the Lester B. Pearson scholarship is not your Academic Performance because there is no one determiner for this scholarship, there are several factors that should be considered alongside high academic performance for you to become a recipient of this scholarship.

These factors include your background, financial need, leadership skills, community involvement, future potential, intellectual rigor, passion, impact you had in school and in your community.

These factors or criteria help the school decide who to nominate for this scholarship and the scholarship committee to decide who to grant the scholarship and the only way you can demonstrate them is through extra-curricular involvements.

U of T mentions that what distinguishes Lester B. Pearson scholars from other top scoring students is their breadth of interest, intellectual energy and impact on they had on the life of their school and community.

So U of T doesn’t just wanna see extracurricular involvement. First, they want to see extracurriculars in the areas you are interested in and are passionate about, which means that your extracurricular activities should be related to the programs you are applying to. For example, if I am interested in pursuing law, some great extracurriculars to show this can be engaging in debate competitions, MUNs, public speaking events, leadership positions in student council etc.

Second, they wanna see your commitment for the things you are interested in and you care about, your commitment to your extracurriculars shows in time you have spend doing these activities and how far have you gone in your extracurriculars? It’s not enough to participate in MUNs or other public speaking events once in a while. You should’ve engaged in these competitions for a long time ideally for a number of years or even throughout high school. Moreover, they expect you to show your growth, for example maybe you first participated in in-school MUN, then you made your way up to state, national or even international conferences.

Third, they wanna see how you have made an impact on your school or any community through your extracurriculars. From your past contributions to people around you, they will see your future potential to become a leader in the modern world. So, it’s not enough to be the president of the student council, what did you do? did you bring major positive change in school? what policies you implemented and how they impacted your community?

Now, this might seem a lot and it is !! but big things never come easy. Imagine doing your whole undergrad education in one of the best universities in the world without paying a cent. You need to start putting in the work, no matter whichever position you are in right now.

If you are in middle school, don’t think you’ve got time, identify your interest and start working towards them and if you are in high school, utilize your time and take up every opportunity to engage in your interests and contribute to your community.

To get a better idea of who gets accepted, I recommend you to see the profiles of previous Lester B. Pearson scholars, which you can check out on Lester B. International Scholarships page on U of T’s website.

If you’d like to know my experience of applying for the Lester B. Pearson scholarship, my advice and the mistakes which got me waitlisted for the scholarship (seriously, you must avoid them if you’re planning to apply!). I highly recommend you check out my post on it down below 👇

Why I Got Waitlisted For The Lester B. Pearson Scholarship at University of Toronto

Thank you so much for reading this post. In case you’ve missed my previous posts, I recommend you read them as well so you don’t miss out on anything.

I hope you liked this post and if you did, let me know in the comment section.

If you have any questions, do comment them down below.

See you in the next one. Good Bye and Take Care 🙂

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How do I apply

I’ve already shared U of T’s application process in this post.

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The Lester B. Pearson International Student Scholarship

  • Updated On December 21, 2023
  • Published In Scholarships 💰

The Lester B. Pearson International Student Scholarships, offered by the University of Toronto, are highly prestigious and competitive awards designed to attract exceptional international students to Canada. Named after former Prime Minister Lester B. Pearson, these scholarships aim to recognize and support students who have demonstrated outstanding academic achievements, leadership skills, and a commitment to community service. Recipients of this scholarship are granted the opportunity to pursue their undergraduate studies at one of Canada’s leading universities, fostering a diverse and enriching academic environment. With the scholarship’s generous financial support, students can realize their full potential and significantly impact their chosen fields and communities.

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Eligibility Criteria

To be eligible to apply to the Pearson International Scholarship, you must be:

  • an international student (i.e. a non-Canadian requiring a study permit);
  • currently in your final year of secondary school or have graduated no earlier than June 2023
  • beginning your studies at the University of Toronto in September 2024 (students already attending post-secondary studies cannot be considered; students starting their studies in January 2024 at another post-secondary institution cannot be considered).

Scholarship Benefits

The Lester B. Pearson International Scholarships will cover the following for four years,

  • Incidental fees
  • Full residence support 

The Lester B. Pearson International Student Scholarship

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How to apply?

To apply, you must first:

  • Receive a nomination from your school (High schools that have not yet been contacted/verified are required to fill out an application to participate in our programme, which can be found here.)
  • Apply to study at the University of Toronto and submit your application for admission by the necessary deadlines to begin your studies in 2024. 
  • Please know the Pearson Scholarship will be considered for your first programme choice at U of T. 
  • You may apply to many programmes and be accepted to all of them, but if you are awarded the Pearson Scholarship, you will be limited to your first choice of study at U of T when our scholarship choices are announced.

For more information, visit here .

In conclusion, the Lester B. Pearson International Student Scholarships represent a remarkable opportunity for exceptional international students seeking to pursue their undergraduate education at the University of Toronto. The university celebrates and supports academic excellence, leadership, and community engagement through these prestigious awards. Recipients receive substantial financial assistance and become part of a diverse and inclusive academic community where they can thrive and contribute to positive global change. As these scholars embark on their educational journey, they are empowered to make a lasting impact, both within their chosen fields of study and in society at large, embodying the ideals of Lester B. Pearson’s legacy.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q. who is eligible to apply for the lester b. pearson international student scholarships.

The scholarships are available to exceptional international students applying for an undergraduate program at the University of Toronto in Canada. Eligible candidates must demonstrate outstanding academic achievements, leadership qualities, and a strong commitment to community service.

Q. How many scholarships are awarded each year?

The number of scholarships awarded each year may vary. However, the University of Toronto typically grants a limited number of Lester B. Pearson International Student Scholarships to exceptional candidates.

Q. What is the value of the scholarship?

The scholarship covers tuition fees, incidental fees, and full residence support for four years of undergraduate study. Its total value may vary based on the student’s program and duration of study.

Q. Is there a separate application for the scholarship?

Yes, to be considered for the Lester B. Pearson International Student Scholarship, applicants need to submit a separate scholarship application in addition to their application for admission to the University of Toronto.

Q. What are the selection criteria for the scholarship?

The scholarship selection process is highly competitive and is based on academic excellence, leadership potential, community involvement, and other factors. An assessment committee reviews scholarship applications and selects the most outstanding candidates to become Lester B. Pearson Scholars.

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Saket Kohli

An International Higher Ed professional with 7+ years of experience studying, working, and living across three geographies, currently on a mission to share his journey as an International Student.

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Lester B. Pearson International Scholarship 2024: How to Apply Successfully

The Lester B. Pearson International Scholarship is a highly competitive program awarded to outstanding international students who possess remarkable academic achievement and remarkable leadership skills. The scholarship was launched in 2008 at the University of Toronto in honor of former Prime Minister of Canada, Lester B. Pearson, who was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1957.

Table of Contents

Brief description.

The Lester B. Pearson International Scholarship provides full tuition fees for up to four years, along with living expenses, travel expenses, and books. The scholarship is awarded annually to 37 students from around the globe. The award aims to attract the brightest and most talented students to study in Canada without worrying much about study expenses.

Host Institution

The Lester B. Pearson International Scholarship is available at the University of Toronto, which is recognized as a leading academic institution worldwide. It has three campuses offering undergraduate, graduate, and postgraduate programs in various fields.

Level  of Study and Target Group

The Lester B. Pearson International Scholarship is available for undergraduate studies at the University of Toronto. It is targeted towards international students who have demonstrated excellence in their academic endeavors and leadership skills.

Scholarship Value and Duration

The Lester B. Pearson International Scholarship offers a full tuition fee waiver for up to four years of undergraduate study, along with living expenses, travel expenses, and books. The scholarship will be automatically renewed each year, provided the student maintains excellent academic standing.

Eligibility Criteria for Lester B. Pearson International Scholarship

To be eligible for the Lester B. Pearson International Scholarship, applicants must meet the following criteria:

  • International students who are not Canadian citizens or permanent residents.
  • Students must be applying to their first undergraduate degree program at the University of Toronto.
  • Students must have demonstrated leadership skills and community involvement.
  • Students must have achieved academic excellence, usually, a minimum admission average of 90% or equivalent.

Required Documents for Lester B. Pearson International Scholarship Application

The following documents are required for the application process:

1. Completed Lester B. Pearson Scholarship application form: Mandatory document with basic information about the applicant. Applicants should follow all guidelines. Incomplete applications may not be considered.

2. A personal statement: Showcase personal attributes, and educational and career goals. Concise and persuasive with good examples. Demonstrates critical thinking, articulation, and effective expression.

3. A letter of recommendation from the school.

4. A copy of your high school transcript: Certified copy of academic record. Includes grades, GPA, courses, and academic achievements. Helps the assessment of academic potential and ability to succeed at the university level.

How to Apply for the Lester B. Pearson International Scholarship?

To apply for the Lester B. Pearson International Scholarship, students must first apply to the University of Toronto before the scholarship deadline. 

You can use the tips and examples in the article “ How to Get Full Scholarship at the University of Toronto as an International Student ” by Zohair Ansari as inspiration and guidance. Zohair Ansar went through the application process and he knows different tips on how to write essays for the Lester B. Person  scholarship application .

These steps to make your application process as smooth and efficient as possible:

Step 1: Get Yourself Nominated by Your School .

One important thing to keep in mind when applying for the Lester B. Pearson Scholarship is that you need to be nominated by your high school. Only one student from each school can be nominated, so make sure you stand out among your peers.

Talk to your guidance counselor or another faculty member who can put you forward for the scholarship. Moreover, you should keep in touch with the school to ensure that they do not miss the nomination deadline, which is usually in the fall of your final year of secondary school.

To become an eligible nominee for the Lester B. Pearson Scholarship, you need to show academic excellence, leadership potential, extracurricular involvement, and community engagement. Therefore, it is important to build a strong CV that highlights your achievements in these areas. For example, you might have a high GPA, have won awards or competitions, have held positions in student government or clubs, have done volunteer work or community service, or have contributed to research or social causes.

Be sure to gather evidence of these accomplishments, such as transcripts, certificates, recommendations, or photos.

Step 2: Apply to the University of Toronto .

Once you have been nominated by your high school, you can proceed to apply to the University of Toronto through the Ontario Universities Application Centre (OUAC). This is an online platform that collects your personal, academic, and financial information and sends it to the universities you have chosen. You will need to create an OUAC account and follow the instructions on how to fill out your application form.

When applying to the University of Toronto, you need to specify that you are also applying for the Lester B. Pearson Scholarship. This will require you to write a personal statement, which is a key part of your application. The personal statement should explain why you are interested in studying at the University of Toronto, what your academic and career goals are, and why you think you deserve the scholarship.

Step 3: Complete the Student Scholarship Application .

Finally, you need to complete the Student Scholarship Application, which is a separate form from the OUAC application. This application asks for more specific information about your academic and extracurricular achievements, as well as your financial need and merit. You will need to upload supporting documents, such as transcripts, test scores, resumes, and reference letters. Make sure to submit the application before the deadline, which is usually in mid-December.

The Student Scholarship Application will be reviewed by the University of Toronto’s Scholarship Committee, which will select the finalists for the Lester B. Pearson Scholarship. If you are chosen as a finalist, you will be invited to an interview, which can be conducted in person or online, depending on your location. During the interview, you will be asked to elaborate on your personal statement and respond to questions related to your academic and leadership potential.

How to make your application stand for the Lester B. Person scholarship

Studying overseas can be a significant financial burden, but there are options and a lot of scholarship programs for international students . The Lester B. Pearson Scholarship is one of many financial assistance for international students.

To maximize your chances of receiving this award, it’s essential to understand the requirements and prepare thoroughly and the following is one of the things you need to follow through:

  • Focus on achieving academic excellence and maintaining a high GPA. Only one student from the school can be nominated for the scholarship this means to increase the chances of being nominated for the scholarship, the student should focus on achieving academic excellence and maintaining a high grade point average (GPA).
  • Follow up with the school to ensure they don’t miss the nomination deadline. If the school misses the nomination deadline, their students will not be eligible for the scholarship. Therefore, it is important to follow through to ensure everything is on date.
  • Write a strong personal statement that explains why you are interested in studying at the University of Toronto and why you think you deserve the scholarship.
  • Include specific examples of your achievements and experiences that make you stand out from other applicants. 
  • Create a strong CV that showcases achievements in academic excellence, leadership potential, extracurricular involvement, and community engagement.

This is a highly prestigious and generous scholarship that can open many doors for your academic and professional future. Therefore, it is worth investing your time and effort into applying for it. Good luck!

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Lester B. Pearson, the 14th Prime Minister of Canada Essay (Biography)

Introduction, lester pearson, lester pearson: the international leader, lester pearson in the canadian politics, other achievements.


Lester Pearson was a former prime minister of Canada. His life was coupled by success and achievements that were not only recognized in Canada but also in the entire world. Among the achievements of Pearson include academic achievements that earned him recognition in the diplomatic world.

He was also a statesman and Nobel peace prize winner. This paper seeks to discuss the achievements, both as an individual and as a leader, of Lester Pearson that qualifies him to be considered as a hero in the publications of History-Dominion Institute. The paper will look into the life of Lester Pearson. It will also discuss the various achievements of Pearson in academic, political and international arena.

Lester Bowles Pearson a diplomat and political leader was born in the year 1897 in Ontario. His father was a devoted Christian who ministered in a Methodist church. Pearson together with his brothers received their early education from the towns of Ontario such as Peterborough and Aurora among others.

He then joined the University of Toronto for his undergraduate in Bachelor of Arts. Pearson was at the university between the years 1913 and 1915 before he joined a Salonika military service as a medical orderly. Two years later, Pearson sought and succeeded to get a transfer to Hendon to study. During his time of training in an air school, Lester was involved in a plane crash though he escaped unhurt.

Another accident was to surprise him later in London when he was hit by a vehicle during a power failure. The car accident led to his return to Canada after which he continued with his university education. After his first degree from the University of Toronto, Pearson moved to Chicago where he worked in two companies, a meat factory and a fertilizer firm. He then joined Oxford University on a scholarship program. [1]

Mr. Lester returned to Canada and briefly worked with the University of Toronto in its department of history. Pearson joined the civil service and served as secretary in the department of external affairs. Some series of events led him to different sections like being the secretary to commission on wheat futures as well as serving as a secretary to a commission that was established to investigate prices of commodities.

During this period of time, Mr. Pearson got opportunities that sent him to participate in international activities such as: “The Hague conference on codification of international law (1930); Geneva world disarmament conference (1933-1934); London naval conference of 1935 and session of the league nations in 1935.” [2]

The busy scheduled life of Lester took him through a series of promotions in state offices. First was his appointment to serve as the Canadian high commissioner to England which came barely a year after the naval conference and the League of Nations.

He spent six years in the capacity before being recalled to Canada to serve as the “assistant undersecretary of state for external affairs.” [3] He was then relocated to serve as a minister-counselor “at a Canadian legation in Washington.” [4] He then moved to serve at the capacity of a minister and then an ambassador to the United States of America by the beginning of the year 1945.

Also included in his profile are his participation and contributions in a number of international conferences which included the establishment of the United Nations’ Relief and Rehabilitation administration and United Nations’ food and agriculture organization. He also participated in the conferences for preliminary talks on the establishment of the United Nations and in the final establishment of the world body. [5]

Also inclusive in his international debut was the establishment and service to the North Atlantic Treaty Organization. It was Lester who drafted for the then Canadian prime minister the speech that was used to initiate the establishment of NATO. He then proceeded to sign the NATO treaty on behalf of his country before leading the Canadian team to the organization.

Pearson then managed to be in the following positions: “chairperson of NATO in the year 1951; the captain of the Canadian team to the United Nations in the decade that ended in 1956.” [6] In the period of 1952 to 1953, Lester Pearson served as the president of the general assembly of the United Nations. In this capacity, he headed a special team that was mandated to look into the issue of the then Palestinian crisis.

Together with his team, Lester established the basis upon which Israel gained its sovereignty as a nation. He was also influential in the resolution of the Suez crisis in which Egypt was under attack from a joint force of Britain, France together with Israel. Pearson sponsored a proposal to the conflict which was adopted by the United Nations. [7]

The active participation in politics by Lester Pearson became evident when he won the Algoma east seat into the House of Commons in a by election in 1948. The active involvement in politics, the entry into the House of Commons, enabled him to rise from being a deputy minister to a minister in the ministry of external affairs.

He then became the opposition leader in 1958 after taking on the party leadership in the same year. Pearson strengthened his liberal party and managed to win the 1963 general elections. He however did not gather the majority support and ended up ruling with a minority government. His attempt to further strengthen his party did not bear much fruit as he again failed to win a majority government in the year 1965.

Pearson however made a number of achievements that went to records under his political career. Among his achievements as the Canadian prime minister were: the establishment of the Canada pension plan, the deal that was established between Canada and the United States over automotive, the promulgation of the Canadian new national flag and the introduction of general Medicare for all Canadians in the year 1966. He then left politics in 1968 in circumstances described as retirement. [8]

The annals of the Canadian prime ministers describe Pearson’s political career as having taken rapid developments just like his leadership and diplomatic careers. Entering elective politics in 1948, he won the bi-election. He was then elected the party leader of the liberals in the year 1957.

He failed to gather a majority support in two elections but managed to enlist the support of some opposition leaders in the times. He however marginally improved the support for his party as his won more seats in the second election. Lester Pearson then opted to resign from party leadership and the country’s premiership in the year 1968. [9]

Lester Pearson joined Victoria College of Toronto University in the year 1913. His studies were interrupted by the First World War but he later continued and graduated, attaining honors degree in 1919. He also studied law before being awarded a scholarship to study history at master’s level at English Oxford University. [10] He was awarded the prize following his “vision, wisdom, perseverance and skillful success in establishing an international police force to resolve the 1956 Suez crisis”. [11]

His move also led to the establishment of the United Nations’ mission of peace keeping. Lester demonstrated his passion to achieve a peaceful environment throughout his time of mission in the United Nations. He spear headed several peace initiatives for the United Nations. Apart from the Suez crisis, Lester Pearson led in the resolutions of many conflicts some of which include the Korean War, Cyprus crisis and the Palestinian crisis in which Israel was established as a nation. [12]

Lester made his achievement very quickly for instance when he was promoted to the capacity of the Minister of external affairs, it did not take very long for him to be promoted to the level of being Canada’s top representative in the UK and US. Actually his successes are above average and there is a need for a special tribute to be paid to him.

The Historic-Dominion Institute should include Pearson in its programs because, apart from his contributions in Canada as a citizen and a leader, he established a pillar for Canada in the international community. The big question therefore should be, “if Lester’s achievements accorded him a global recognition to be awarded a global Nobel Prize honor, how much more should a national body accord him in the face of national history?” I believe that many Canadians will concur that he deserves more.

The right honorable Lester Pearson is obviously an outstanding figure both in the history of Canada and the global history. He originated from a humble background as his father was just a church minister. Lester beat the odds of his background to rise to positions that are normally occupied by influential wealthy businessmen and politicians.

Besides, he was just an ordinary person who wanted to make achievements. Because of his ambition and determination, he joined the military at a younger age, when the authorities could not even take him to the battle field. His ordinary nature is evident when he quit air training after crashing an aircraft on his first training flight.

He however picks on his education and develops his career to incredible levels. He made great motivational achievements as he developed his career both in the Canadian diplomatic arena as well as in the Canadian politics and international diplomacy. His popularity that spread across the globe was not only attributable to his career, but to his personality. Probably the combination of his personality and career made him rise faster in ranks whenever he served.

Collections Canada. “ Biography ”. Library of archives Canada, 2006. Web.

  • Council Irma. Canada’s Prime Ministers, Governors General and Fathers of Confederation. Canada: Pembroke Publishers Limited, 2005.

Nobel Prize. “ Nobel Peace Prize 1957 ” Nobel Prize, 2011. Web.

Robinson library. “Lester Bowles Pearson”. The Robinson Library, 2010. Web.

Sympatico. “ The right honourable ”. Canadian Menu. Web.

UNA-CANADA. “Lester B. Pearson’s Nobel Peace Prize (1957-2007)”. UNA-CANADA. Web.

  • Collections Canada, Biography. (Library of archives Canada).
  • Nobel Prize, Nobel Peace Prize 1957 (Nobel Prize, 2011).
  • Sympatico, The right honourable. (Canadian Menu.).
  • Council Irma, Canada’s Prime Ministers, Governors General and Fathers of Confederation. (Canada: Pembroke Publishers Limited, 2005)
  • Robinson library, Lester Bowles Pearson. (The Robinson Library, 2010).
  • UNA-CANADA, Lester B. Pearson’s Nobel Peace Prize (1957-2007). (UNA-CANADA.)
  • Chicago (A-D)
  • Chicago (N-B)

IvyPanda. (2022, June 3). Lester B. Pearson, the 14th Prime Minister of Canada.

"Lester B. Pearson, the 14th Prime Minister of Canada." IvyPanda , 3 June 2022,

IvyPanda . (2022) 'Lester B. Pearson, the 14th Prime Minister of Canada'. 3 June.

IvyPanda . 2022. "Lester B. Pearson, the 14th Prime Minister of Canada." June 3, 2022.

1. IvyPanda . "Lester B. Pearson, the 14th Prime Minister of Canada." June 3, 2022.

IvyPanda . "Lester B. Pearson, the 14th Prime Minister of Canada." June 3, 2022.

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European Scholarship

The Lester B. Pearson Scholarship 2024 in Canada | Apply

Scholarships in canada 2024-2025.

Photo of Rizwan Hameed

Lester B. Pearson Scholarship 2024 in Canada provides an opportunity for students with a bright future to attend one of the most prestigious universities around the globe – that of the University of Toronto.   This University of Toronto is the most renowned university in the world for study and education.   Its full-time scholarships offered by Toronto university offers an opportunity for students in their pursuit of academic pursuits within a community of learning that is close-knit.   Furthermore to that, there is the Lester B. Pearson International Scholarship provides the chance for international students to live for four years living in a diverse and multicultural city.   This opportunity will assist students develop into more resilient and compassionate individuals.

The Lester B. Pearson International Scholarship 2024 at the University of Toronto provide  unique opportunity for exceptional international students to attend one of the top institutions in one of the most diverse cities.   The purpose of the scholarship program is to recognize students who exhibit outstanding academic performance and imagination and are considered to be leaders within their schools.   Particular emphasis is put on the impact that the student has made on the lives of their school and the community and their ability to positively contribute to the world community.

These scholarships are awarded every year. They are awarded to outstanding students from around the world, which includes international students who are studying on Canadian secondary schools.   It is the University of Toronto’s most prestigious and competitive award that is open to students from abroad.   It is the Lester B. Pearson International Scholarships can be used to pay for the cost of tuition and books, as well as incidental costs and residence expenses over the course of four consecutive years.   The scholarship is only available for students attending the University of Toronto for first-entry undergraduate programs.   Each year , around 37 students will be awarded Lester B. Pearson Scholars.

These fully funded undergraduate scholarships in Canada are granted each year to undergraduates who are nominated by their high school for their outstanding and exceptional academic performance.   Every year, 37 students are chosen for the position of Lester B. scholars who are able to continue their education at University of Toronto.   In addition to the academic accomplishments that the scholars have, they are judged on their personal conduct and the expected influence on the world.   The expectation is for students of the Lester B. Pearson Scholars to be a positive influence within the world and help to create a better world by their creative thinking.

University of Toronto Scholarships recipients are able to enjoy many financial benefits , as well as the opportunity to develop for the future of.   International Pearson scholars could be from any discipline which is studied by the University of Toronto ranging from humanities as well as social sciences, physical sciences, life sciences and sciences, mathematics such as commerce and management engineering, kinesiology, as well as physical education to architecture.   Therefore, students who excel must apply to be eligible for this fully funded international scholarship offered in Canada.   The specifics of admissions process and eligibility are explained in the next paragraphs.

The Lester B. Pearson Scholarship 2024 in Canada:

Table of Contents


  • University of Toronto
  • Bachelor’s Degree Program

Study Fields:

Pearson scholars can select one of 700 undergraduate programs within

  • Commerce & Management
  • Humanities & Social Sciences
  • Kinesiology and Physical Education
  • Physical & Mathematical Sciences
  • Life Sciences
  • Engineering
  • Computer Science
  • Music, Architecture and Architecture

Check Also: University of Calgary Scholarship 2023-2024 | Canada

Lester B. Pearson Scholarship 2024 in Canada Benefits:

It is the U of T international scholarships in Canada provide coverage;

  • All incidental costs will be compensated.
  • The cost of accommodation is covered completely by the host company.
  • All tuition costs over four consecutive years will be paid for.
  • Book allowances will be provided.

The Lester B. Pearson Scholarship in Canada 2024 Eligibility Criteria:

  • The applicant has to be recommended by the college or school.
  • You must apply as a student in the last term of the secondary school.
  • If the applicant has graduating in high school graduation must not occur earlier than June 2023.
  • The applicants should have applied to Toronto’s University of Toronto.
  • The applicants cannot have begun their postsecondary studies at any university.
  • It is required that the applicant be a first-entry student.
  • Students from all over the world can apply.
  • The applicant cannot be a Canadian citizen.
  • A student from outside the country who is in an education in Canada is also eligible to apply.

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Application procedure For Lester B. Pearson Scholarship 2024 in Canada:

  • You can choose your preferred course from your University of Toronto.   Only the first selection to study will be considered when determining The Pearson Scholarship 2024.
  • After the nomination has been received and the students have submitted their applications to the university, a customized link as well as a secured link of the Lester B. Pearson International Scholarship will be sent to applicants.
  • Fill out the online application using the link provided.
  • The applicant is applying for an undergraduate degree within Toronto’s University of Toronto for 2024.
  • The applicant has to be recommended by the institute/school , and be nominated by the school.
  • The applicants should make sure that their high schools have been contacted and verified in order to be eligible to apply for the scholarship.   If they’re not verified, the institutes first need to submit an application to participate

Please note that the Lester B. Pearson Scholarship Program at the University of Toronto does not collaborate with educational agencies or “agents” in order to solicit students or provide scholarships.   Be aware of agents offering false acceptances or demanding fees from unaffiliated third party.   Pearson Scholarship recipients can only be selected by their secondary school via our online application process. The award is only available for undergraduate students.

In the case of awards that are funded by donors, University advancement may share the names, names of programs, and the years of study of award winners with donors.   If you have questions regarding the University advancement’s collection or use of your personal data,

Check Also:  UBC Scholars Award Canada 2023-2024 | Fully Funded

Application Deadline:

  • The deadline to nominate a student is November 30, 2023.
  • Pearson Scholarship Deadline: January 16 2024.

Apply Now   Official website 

Photo of Rizwan Hameed

Rizwan Hameed

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lester b pearson scholarship essay

The Lester B. Pearson International Student Scholarships

Meet the 2019 pearson scholars.

The Lester B. Pearson International Scholarship was created to bring exceptional students from around the world to study at the University of Toronto. We are pleased to announce and welcome these outstanding students as members of the 2019 cohort of award recipients.

If you have any questions you would like to ask about the Pearson Program or of the Pearson Scholars, please send all your questions and enquiries to [email protected]  

Atharv Agrawal

Hiranandani Foundation School International Powai India

Faculty of Arts & Science, Victoria College, Mathematical and Physical Sciences

“I am Atharv Agrawal, from Mumbai, India! I study at Hiranandani Foundation School, Powai. My core system in life is to proactively and positively contribute to society to the best of my capabilities, and it has guided me in all my endeavors.

“My academic interests lie in economics, mathematics, public policy, and international relations; however, more than anything, I like to learn new things! This led me to engage in an academic enquiry on the socioeconomic impacts of caste-based affirmative action in India under the guidance of a social anthropologist. I have been involved in a lot of leadership roles—I was the Secretary-General of my school’s Model United Nations conference for three years, served on the executive board of Harvard MUN Beijing, and was a Youth Delegate at the United Nations Youth Assembly. Community service has been an integral part of my life. Some noteworthy projects I have been involved in are a food-collection drive for underprivileged cancer patients at the Tata Memorial Hospital, Mumbai, and a value-based education program for children of construction-site workers. I am a national-level swimmer—swimming competitively for the past nine years—and swimming has played a crucial role in shaping me into the person I am today. I have also dabbled in sports journalism, writing for local and national newspapers.

“Given my myriad interests, the Lester B. Pearson International Scholarship provides me with more than I could have ever dreamed of—an institution as diverse as the University of Toronto, a city as vibrant as Toronto, and the freedom to explore the world and chart my path. I cannot wait to start my journey at U of T!”

Muhammad Shahmeer Athar

Faculty of Arts & Science, St. Michael’s College, Computer Science

Froebel’s International School Lahore Pakistan

“Hi! I’m Shahmeer from Pakistan. I plan on studying computer science and economics, along with exploring other academic areas from philosophy to cinema studies to bring my interdisciplinary passions to life. I’m an avid photographer and you can almost always spot me with my camera in hand. My interests in photography and CS have led me to study computational photography and computer vision in a bid to research and develop photo enhancement algorithms, applications for autonomous systems and learning environments for visually disabled individuals. I am also always available for a chat on topics from horror movies (I’m a huge fan of the genre!) to watchmaking and everything in between. I am honoured to be a Pearson Scholar and am looking forward to developing a strong bond with such a diverse and talented group.”

Nikiela Baptiste

Shiva Boys’ Hindu College Trinidad and Tobago

University of Toronto Mississauga, Forensic Science

“My mission in life is not merely to survive, but to thrive; and to do so with some passion, some compassion, some humour and some style.

“My name is Nikiela Baptiste. I am currently completing my CAPE studies at Shiva Boys’ Hindu College. I was born and raised in Trinidad and Tobago. Words can’t describe how excited and honoured I am to be awarded a Lester B. Pearson Scholarship. I strive to excel in all my endeavours and cannot wait to embark on this new chapter in September.

‘Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness, that most frightens us’ (Marianne Williamson) “Daily, my goal is to embrace this light and unselfishly allow others to do the same.”

Rohan Chadha

The Shri Ram School India

University of Toronto Scarborough, Co-op Management and Quantitative Finance

“Hi! My name is Rohan Chadha, I have recently completed my senior year of high school from the Shri Ram School in India. Along with my academic endeavors, I have actively been involved in basketball, music and travelling.

“Having been born and brought up in India, I have had first-hand experience in what a city like Delhi has to offer. It is largely due to this that I started getting involved in community service. I found that a large section of the economically weaker section of the society had very limited access to healthcare. This is when I decided to start my own initiative to provide these villagers with healthcare services and education. It is my goal to continue my efforts in improving the community in any way I can.

“I have always been interested in numbers and the financial aspect of things. Moreover, it has been my dream since the age of 11 to become an investment banker and I hope to make that a reality at U of T. Most of all, I am very excited to start my U of T journey and to meet and interact with new people from all walks of life!”

Vidur Narayan Channa

Pathways World School, Aravali India

Faculty of Arts & Science, New College, Social Sciences

‘If we were meant to stay in one place, we would have roots instead of feet’ (Rachel Wolchin)

“My name is Vidur Channa, and I have had the opportunity to live in multiple cultures with experiences spread across India, Indonesia and Malaysia. Through this journey, I have developed an internationally oriented way of thinking alongside a passion to drive change across various levels of society using economics.

“I am also an avid debater and a passionate MUN member, having won several accolades and held leadership positions across several international conferences. I believe that diplomacy is the key to solving many of humanity’s greatest issues, such as the migrant crisis in Southeast Asia, which I’ve seen firsthand through interactions with refugees in both Indonesia and Malaysia.

“Joining the University of Toronto as a Lester B. Pearson Scholar is the opportunity of a lifetime, and I look forward to making a difference in the community!”

Podar International School India

Faculty of Arts & Science, Trinity College, Computer Science

“Hello! My name is Aryan Dhar, an IB student of Podar International School from Mumbai, India. Prior to Mumbai, I was born and brought up in the United Arab Emirates. Over the course of the last four years, I strove to achieve the best, academically and in terms of extracurriculars. Most notably, I have organized a TEDxYouth Conference, emerged 7th globally in the World Scholars Cup, and engaged in Natural Language Processing Research at Mumbai University, amongst other achievements. Academically, I was recognized as the candidate with the highest score globally in my Further Pure Mathematics and French IGCSEs, and also attained the highest score nationally, in my Economics and Physics IGCSEs. With regards to sports and the arts, I greatly enjoy horseback riding and have been recognized for my poetry, nationally and internationally. Being honored with the Lester B. Pearson Scholarship, I anticipate continuing to develop my intellectual curiosity and utilizing the skillset I acquire to make a positive difference in the world.”

Nadia Khaled Elkafrawy

El Alsson British and American International School Egypt

University of Toronto Mississauga, Communication, Culture, Information & Technology

“Hello! My name is Nadia Elkafrawy, and I am from Cairo, Egypt. I am currently completing my final year as an A-Level student. Aside from being extremely passionate about business studies, my interests go beyond the realm of academia; they include global citizenship, community service and sports. Having represented Egypt abroad at several international youth leadership programs like CISV International and Camp Rising Sun, I have grown to appreciate the true value of both diversity and common humanity. Back home, I like to give back to my community by volunteering at the Egyptian Food & Clothing Banks as well as caring for stray dogs in my neighborhood. Playing soccer has also been an integral part of my life; I have competed for my school, and played in the Egyptian National Soccer League for Women and the U20 League. I am extremely grateful to have been chosen as a Lester B. Pearson Scholar and granted this opportunity to study in one of the world’s most prestigious and multicultural universities. I cannot wait to start my journey at the University of Toronto.”

Lidia Usama Fawzy Estreed

British Columbia Canadian International School in Cairo Egypt

University of Toronto Mississauga, Social Sciences

“I’m Lydia Estreed, and I was born and raised in Cairo, Egypt. Whilst growing up in this MENA region, I would see videos on the news of violent outbreaks and protests: civilians being gassed, and angry mobs of people yelling incomprehensible chants. As a 10-year-old, I did not understand how anything could warrant such violence or anger. As I became older and I could comprehend the context of this situation, my views shifted from wondering why people could be so outraged, to wondering how the inequalities among our people could have been left for so long without interference. Witnessing the pursuit for change during the Arab Spring pushed me to seek a deeper understanding of the economic and political realities of our world. Constructing meaning for the theories and applications of these studies will help me navigate and comprehend what seemed to be a broken society and a lost democracy. It is my hope that the foundations of knowledge and learning offered at U of T will then allow me to work towards empowering those disadvantaged in society, namely anyone at a loss because of their race, gender, or socio-economic class.”

Takapuna Grammar School New Zealand

Faculty of Arts & Science, New College, Rotman Commerce

“My name is Kate Fan and I was born and raised in beautiful New Zealand. I aim to explore my passion for social justice and the environment through assimilating mathematics, statistics, and computer science in my major. As UNICEF’s school ambassador and the environmental group leader of my high school, I aim to help level the playing field between the world’s most impoverished nations and the most affluent by investing quantitative skills in technological innovation. My other interests include travelling, playing the flute, table tennis, and tutoring work. I am truly honoured to be a recipient of the Lester B. Pearson International Scholarship and am very excited to call Toronto my new home. I look forward to studying alongside a diverse group of talented students at the University of Toronto.”

Santiago Gomez Montenegro Fernandez

International School of Panama Mexican student studying in Panama

Faculty of Applied Science & Engineering; Materials Engineering

“The notion that seemingly insignificant actions can have substantial effects has always fascinated me. This phenomenon is what catalyzed my passion for materials engineering in the first place. The slightest variations at the atomic and molecular levels can completely alter the properties of a material, ranging from electrical to chemical aspects. From such a niche curiosity stems my ultimate dream to process and design efficient and sustainable materials. Considering that engineering is exposed to frequent paradigm shifts, as are the needs and wants of society, I plan to engage in research, entrepreneurship, and other extracurricular activities at the University of Toronto to build essential skills to adapt to these unpredictable changes and achieve my dreams while facing the known and the unknown.

“The idea that minute actions have significant effects is not confined to the field of materials science. Even the smallest contributions towards the common good can influence the lives of our families, friends, and neighbors for the better. Working with the Engineering Team of my school, installing photovoltaic systems in the homes of underprivileged families, taught me that simple engineering projects can improve entire communities. I came across this realization again when I worked alongside a small team to produce a successful Model United Nations conference in Panama, allowing international students to discuss issues of global importance. I intend to continue striving for social progress during my undergraduate years and beyond, even if it means taking small steps. Education is what a student makes of it. Propelled by the prestigious Lester B. Pearson International Scholarship and the brilliant community and resources of the University of Toronto, I am confident that my academic journey here will be boundless.”

Charlotte Goss

Floral Park Memorial High School New York, U.S.A.

Faculty of Music, Music Performance

“I am Charlotte Goss, from Floral Park, New York. I’ve always loved singing, and am very excited to study voice at the University of Toronto. I ultimately want to become an opera singer, and I know attending such a dynamic and distinguished university will help me achieve that goal. Besides my interest in music, I am an avid reader and aspiring writer. I’m proud to have volunteered extensively with my religious community, such as my work in the Pine Ridge American Indian Reservation. I am deeply passionate about sexual health and rights, which has led me to become a leader in my local community. As president of my school’s Sexuality and Gender Alliance (SAGA), I have successfully advocated for LGBTQ-focused health classes and staff development aimed at increasing tolerance among students and faculty alike. I am currently negotiating for gender-neutral school bathrooms, which will make the school a more comfortable environment for our genderqueer and transgender students. I like to think I have made my school a better place. I am honored to receive the Lester B. Pearson International Scholarship, and plan on continuing my activism at U of T and beyond.”

Phuong Hanh Hoang

Auckland International College Vietnamese student studying in New Zealand

Faculty of Arts & Science, Innis College, Humanities

“Hi! I’m an 18-year-old Vietnamese student from Ho Chi Minh City. I spent most of my life there before coming to New Zealand in 2016 to study the International Baccalaureate Diploma Program at Auckland International College. I am both honored and humbled to have been selected as a recipient of the Lester B. Pearson Scholarship. At U of T, I plan to study Ethics, Society and Law, with the ultimate aim of contributing towards improving welfare systems in developing countries – starting with Vietnam.

“Outside of school, I am an ardent fan of Brooklyn 9-9, a sort-of bookworm, and an amateur pianist. I have also recently discovered a love for musicals and knitting. I’m also interested in languages; it is a personal goal of mine to have mastered 10 languages by the time I’m old (loosely defined to give myself more time if necessary!).”

Mai Inagaki

Elgin Park Secondary School Japanese student studying in Canada

University of Toronto Scarborough, Co-op Psychological and Health Sciences

“My name is Mai Inagaki and I am beyond honoured and humbled to be considered as a recipient of this year’s Lester B. Pearson International Scholarship Program. Even though I was born and raised in Japan, I have a Chinese father, making me half Japanese and half Chinese. Moving to Canada in 2011 with my mother and brother introduced me to the multicultural city of Vancouver, where I learned to welcome diverse cultures and be open to new experiences. As a high school student, I taught Japanese to children in my community and have been organizing an international trip for my students to study in Japan during the summer. Working with children brings me so much joy, and I hope to become a pediatric nurse or a pediatrician in the future. During my free time, you will most likely catch me busy with a book in one hand and a cup of tea in the other. Even though a part of me feels nostalgic to have to leave beautiful British Columbia, I am very excited to begin my next adventure in Toronto!”

Iman Lalani

Southbank International School United Kingdom

“I have grown up in Kenya, Pakistan and the U.K.; I am currently the recipient of the Milton Toubkin Scholarship award, which enabled me to study the International Baccalaureate in London. My interest in sustainability stemmed from having spent my formative years living overseas, where I interacted with spirited local communities and led various volunteering, afforestation and educational projects. The combination of achieving meaningful results whilst remaining aware that a plethora of obstacles still exist has been pivotal in motivating me to pursue a career in sustainable development. My leadership positions of student body president, Africa’s regional RoundSquare conference ‘Baraza’ leader and participant at the Ismaili program Global Encounters taught me the importance of cultural cohesion and mutual learning. I have tried to integrate the Sustainable Development Goals within my own life by adopting an ecocentric mindset, interning at NGOs and participating in Debate Club, Model United Nations, Students for the Environment and Global Issues Network. With the rise of anthropogenic activity, catalytic urbanization and social metabolism, I believe the goal ‘Climate Action’ should be prioritized as we rapidly encroach on our target to keep the global temperature rise to a minimum of 1.5 degrees. I am incredibly grateful to be awarded the Lester B. Pearson Scholarship and I know that this opportunity will allow me to continue to excel academically and work towards contextualized solutions that result in holistic development. I believe that studying at the University of Toronto will empower me to work towards a future that emphasizes green growth in the Anthropocene as a necessity, rather than an option.”

Silvia Carolina Lopez Portillo

Escuela Internacional Sampedrana Honduras

Faculty of Applied Science & Engineering; TrackOne Engineering

“My name is Silvia Carolina Lopez, and I am currently finishing my senior year at Escuela Internacional Sampedrana in San Pedro Sula, Honduras. I am honored and thrilled to be receiving this incredible scholarship opportunity at the University of Toronto. My academic interests tend to center around mathematics and the physical sciences. However, I’ve also spent years refining my passion for the visual arts through drawing, painting, and two-dimensional animation. I envision my future as an engineer because it’s a practical way of fusing logic and creativity. I am excited to begin the TrackOne Engineering program at U of T to be a step closer to my goal of returning to Honduras to stimulate growth and progress through innovation.”

Prerna Magon

Police DAV Public School, Jalandhar India

“I am incredibly honored to have received the Lester B. Pearson Scholarship. I am a high school student from India with a keen interest in psychological research. I recently developed a card and board game aimed at reducing implicit biases and will be representing India at the Intel International Science and Engineering fair. Psychological theory has always interested me and the analysis of human behavior fuels me but my ingenuity expressed through this board game is a brain-child inspired by life incidents that impacted me. I also enjoy debate and philosophy. I have also participated in several Model UN conferences as a moderator, organizer and a delegate, landing several awards. Aside from intellectual interests, I enjoy playing several sports. I have played Table Tennis and Wushu at the National Level and am proficient in several other sports, such as basketball. I am looking forward to being a part of the University of Toronto’s diverse community.”

Samantha Moura Novais de Quadros

Brookswood Secondary School Brazilian student studying in Canada

Faculty of Arts & Science, Victoria College, Humanities

“Hi! My name is Samantha Moura Novais de Quadros and I am from Salvador, Bahia—the first ever capital of Brazil. For the past two years, I’ve been living in Langley, a small city in the province of British Columbia. In Brazil, I was Class President for five years, being part of the team that revised the school’s statute, adapting the document for a new generation of students. In Canada, I’m a member of the Leadership Team, which allowed me to be involved and organize both school and community-wide events. I’m also very passionate about acting and writing. I’m part of the theatre club at my school and the director of my own play, which was selected as a YouthWright winner at the annual British Columbia Drama Festival. My enthusiasm and curiosity to gain more knowledge led to my participation in the Law, Politics and Economics summer program at Yale Young Global Scholars. That, combined with my multicultural experiences as an international student, fueled my interest to study international relations and has ignited my ambition to become a diplomat in the future. I am looking forward to being a part of the Humanities at the University of Toronto, as it will help me understand more thoroughly how history, law, social circumstances and political systems are rapidly molding society, and how poverty and inflation are a consequence of the international system’s failures. I’m ready to begin a new journey, becoming even closer to reaching my dream, while also witnessing history with my own eyes and partaking in the transformation and construction of a better and more ethical society. I feel honored to be a Lester B. Pearson Scholar and I will make a great effort to contribute as much as possible to this great academic institution.”

Arailym Mussilim

Nazarbayev Intellectual School of Chemistry and Biology Shymkent Kazakhstan

University of Toronto Scarborough, Co-op Management

“Hello! I am Arailym Mussilim from Shymkent, Kazakhstan—a Kazakh girl with ambitious goals, who is a curious and persistent reader and do-er, willing to be a leader in the future. Having participated in various events and clubs, I am on the way to unlocking the path to my full potential. Along with achieving high academic performance, I am deeply motivated to learn more about cultures and languages. With the multicultural student body at U of T, I will have a golden opportunity to find dynamic, enthusiastic and like-minded individuals, as well as a chance to experience a diversity of thoughts, beliefs and perspectives. In the formation of the best version of myself, I am honored that the next stage will happen at U of T and I will become a tiny part of this fantastic environment. I believe limits do not exist at all; they are created in our minds by ourselves. Therefore, let the dreams come true.”

Vanessa Nyambura Ndirangu

International School of Kenya Kenya

Faculty of Arts & Science, St. Michael’s College, Mathematical and Physical Sciences

“My name is Vanessa Ndirangu and I am 18 years old. I was born and raised in Nairobi, Kenya, which is where I live to date. As it is with many Nairobians, some of the values that I abide by closely are compassion, hard work, and positivity. When people first meet me, they sometimes get the impression that I am very serious, but that could not be further from the truth. Depending on my surroundings, I can really be an extrovert. I love adventure, meeting new people and I enjoy public speaking as well. I also have a passion for mathematics and have recently acquired a liking for dance, which I hope to explore further.

“Living in the busy city of Nairobi has really made me appreciate the hard work it takes to economically lift a country from low to middle income. It has also opened my eyes to the unfair wealth distribution that happens when policies are not well-implemented. For this reason, I hope to study economics at the University of Toronto, in order to gain a clear understanding of how such policies work and decide on how I want to make a difference in my country. I hope to pursue the specialist program in Economics and Mathematics offered at the St. George campus so that I can continue exploring my passion for mathematics further.”

Sai Vipin Nikam

Fergusson College, Pune India

Faculty of Arts & Science, New College, Humanities

“My name is Sai Nikam and I am from India, the land of pluralistic and multi-cultural diversity with a rich tapestry of religions, languages, festivals and traditions.

“I believe that being human is an experience in itself, and I love to delve into the depths of its essence and try to decipher it as much as I can. I am passionate about Indian Classical Music which I have been learning for nearly 6 years, and which I hold to be a connection with the self. I want to major in Cognitive Science, which is the interdisciplinary study of mind and brain, integrating psychology, neuroscience, linguistics, and philosophy. I feel incredibly honoured and humbled to receive the Lester B. Pearson International Scholarship, and I shall strive to personify the principles of utmost diligence and dedication towards my work, and hence make the most out of this phenomenal opportunity! I believe that the University of Toronto can provide me with the best possible resources to enrich myself not only as a student but also as an individual.”

Amanda Marie Rokicky

Our Lady of the Elms Ohio, U.S.A.

“My name is Amanda Rokicky, and I am from Northeast Ohio in the United States. Ever since I was a little girl, I used to look up at the stars and dream of all the endless possibilities and opportunities in this world. Each one of us is a unique constellation in the galaxy of humanity, and each one of us has a profound impact on those around us. I hope to make a powerful impact on those around me, and being a Lester B. Pearson Scholar has given me the chance to do just that. Through the years, I have been actively involved in my community through volunteering at STEM camps for underprivileged children and serving at local hunger centers. Athletics has always been an important part of my life, and I have played softball for nine years, basketball for eight, and soccer for six. In high school, I held several leadership positions, including class president, class treasurer, class secretary, and softball team captain. I love STEM and have furthered my mathematics education by taking classes at a local college for several years. I am truly honored to receive this award and look forward to meeting my University of Toronto family.”

Alyssa Anne Rosenzweig

Dougherty Valley High School California, U.S.A.

Faculty of Arts & Science, Innis College, Mathematical and Physical Sciences

“I’m fascinated by mathematics as a tool to understand and improve the world in the digital era, driving me to study, tutor, and tinker with math. I also enjoy creating visual art, combining math with a creative spark on a digital canvas.

“Outside school, I lead Panfrost, an open-source computer graphics driver, writing software and collaborating with a geographically diverse community. I have shared my work on Panfrost at international technical conferences. And hay, wherever I go, I’m horsing around with quirky puns! I’m honoured to be named as a Lester B. Pearson Scholar and to have the opportunity to study and contribute at the University of Toronto.”

Vera-Ann Yaa Ahemba Sackey

Morgan International Community School Ghana

“Hello! My name is Vera-Ann Sackey. My home is in Akosombo, Ghana, and I am a final-year International Baccalaureate (IB) Diploma student in Morgan International Community School, Ghana. Having entered Boarding School at age 12, I learnt to be independent at an early age. I developed the ability to challenge myself by continuously stepping out of my comfort zone. As a result, I am involved in a wide range of extra-curricular activities ranging from sports, theatre, animation, community service, journalism, catering, and music and I have balanced these perfectly with my academic work. I have participated in many international conferences, so I appreciate the value of being global-minded. Thus, I am honoured to have been granted the opportunity to study in one of the most diverse cities in the world, in Canada’s leading university. Aside benefitting from U of T’s world-class education, I look forward to contributing immensely to this already prestigious community.”

Thaisa Tylinski Sant’Ana

International School of Curitiba Brazil

University of Toronto Mississauga, Life Sciences

“For the past 18 years, I have lived in Curitiba: a lively city known for its many parks, its iconic eye-shaped museum, and its four-seasons-in-a-day weather. Ever since I was four years old and began studying at the International School of Curitiba, I found myself a second home. In the school’s tight-knit community, I was able to build lasting friendships, delve into my passions, and make the most of unforgettable experiences that range from engaging in annual academic competitions to participating in international sports championships. Learning about the pivotal importance of genetically modified crops for the Brazilian economy sparked my interest in biotechnology, along with a desire to foster positive change through science. Attending the University of Toronto will prepare me academically for work in research while allowing me to experience different cultures in its truly international environment. I am deeply honored to embark in this new adventure as a Lester B. Pearson Scholar and I can’t wait to be a part of the U of T community!”

Maya Shankar

Bridgewater Raritan Regional High School New Jersey, U.S.A.

Faculty of Arts & Science, Victoria College, Computer Science

“My name is Maya Shankar and I’m from Bridgewater, New Jersey. I enjoy meeting new friends, singing or listening to music, or just a nice cup of tea. My academic interests vary widely, and I’ve never found a subject I didn’t want to learn.

“At school, I pursue my passions as the Executive Producer of my school TV program, as a section leader in my honors choir, or by tutoring as a member of the French Honor Society or National Honor Society. Outside school, I enjoy teaching music through my Sunday school and volunteering at community events. I am also an accomplished Carnatic vocalist and am pursuing certification from an Indian university.

“I aspire to research and develop socially responsible artificial intelligence, and apply it to improve accessibility to technology. U of T presents unique opportunities to learn, explore, and share my own knowledge at one of the best research universities in the world, surrounded by the beautiful and diverse city of Toronto. I am excited and honored to join the University of Toronto family as a 2019 Lester B. Pearson International Scholar.”

Diktshya Sharma

Regent’s International School Bangkok Bhutanese student studying in Thailand

“Hello! I am Diktshya, a student currently studying in Thailand and originally from Bhutan, a small country nestled in the mighty Himalayas. I am so excited to add yet another colour to the vibrant diversity of the University of Toronto. I have always been keen on understanding international systems and their impacts, and it is such an honor to be able to pursue this as my field of education at U of T. I am deeply inspired by many humanitarian workers, fascinated by their commitment to help others and hope to also make a difference. I believe that I am just as everyone is and hope to contribute to social change in order to provide equal opportunities for all. I love platforms where I can express, as well as learn from, contemporary art and music. Through my university years, I wish to cultivate a wider mindset and develop more as a global citizen.”

José Pablo Siliézar Carrillo

Antigua International School Guatemala

Faculty of Applied Science & Engineering; Industrial Engineering

“Hi! My name is José Pablo Siliézar, and I am a 17-year-old high school student from Antigua Guatemala, Guatemala. I was raised in Retalhuleu, a small coastal town in the south of Guatemala, and grew up to set the highest academic standards for myself. Driven by curiosity, I have always been naturally attracted to learning. Eventually, my family and I took the hard decision to move to Antigua Guatemala, to help me accomplish my academic goals. In Guatemala’s most diverse and beautiful city, I was not only able to pursue and fulfill my intellectual curiosity, but I also discovered unknown passions for sports, music and community service. I have been part of my school’s soccer team, a board member of student-led organizations like the Interact Club and the Student Council, and learned to play the piano.

“As of now, it is impossible for me to describe how honored and thankful I am for being selected as a Lester B. Pearson Scholarship recipient. I am looking forward to exploring Toronto and being able to call it my second home. I am incredibly excited to meet people from every corner of the world, get to know their culture, and work alongside students who are as driven and passionate as I am to find solutions to global problems. I plan to take advantage of every opportunity that U of T has to offer, try to become the very best version of myself every day, and pursue my passions at one of the world’s best academic institutions.”

Lucy Evelyn Stark

Cab Calloway School of the Arts Delaware, U.S.A.

Faculty of Arts & Science, University College, Humanities

“Hi! My name is Lucy Stark and I’m graduating from Cab Calloway School of the Arts in Wilmington, Delaware. I’m currently completing a digital media major with a specialization in filmmaking and digital design. By combining my artistic interests and passion for history, I’ve been able to produce two historical documentaries for a National History Day competition. My first documentary, about the American eugenics movement, won my team a place at the national competition. My current documentary project focuses on Patient HM, who was subjected to a bilateral lobotomy that destroyed his ability to create new memories. Among other activities, I also lead my school’s Abolitionists Club, a group that spreads awareness about human trafficking in order to educate our school community and take steps towards aiding victims. I’m incredibly honored to have been named a Pearson Scholar and am beyond excited to join the University of Toronto’s Class of 2023. I hope to further pursue my interests in history and economics through this incredible opportunity, as well as participate in undergraduate research and student government opportunities.”

Suddene O-Wayne Stone

Saint Jago High School Jamaica

University of Toronto Scarborough, Psychological and Health Sciences

“Hi there! I am Suddene Stone, the Head Boy for St. Jago High School 2018-2019. I may be described as a very friendly, open-minded and enthusiastic individual. During my time in secondary school, I have been involved in various co-curricular activities/service organizations such as Key Club International, The Emerging Global Leaders Jamaica, and the Peer Counselling Unit, and I was the student manager of my school’s girls’ football team. My life philosophy stems from the famous quote by Apple founder Steve Jobs: ‘The people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world are the ones who do.’ With this mindset, my time at the University of Toronto will be geared towards equipping myself with the relevant knowledge and expertise in order to make a contribution towards global change. It is a sincere honour and privilege to be a part of the Pearson Scholars community and I look forward to the challenging and rewarding experience it will bring.”

Ecem Sungur

The Koç School Türkiye

John H. Daniels Faculty of Architecture, Landscape, and Design; Architectural Studies

“I am Ecem Sungur: a future architect, innovator, musician and most importantly a student who aspires to make a change with diligence, ambition, and grit.

“I was born and raised in Istanbul, a multicultural and historic city in Türkiye with 16 million people. The crowded nature of Istanbul with its variety of buildings made me realize my passion for developing new ideas related to architecture.

“My interest in architecture relies on how much architecture has an effect on our lives. Even though shelter has always been searched for by humanity, I believe architecture to be a mode of transferring ideas, emotions and culture while remaining functional. Today, due to the increasing effects of global warming and energy needs, architecture is transforming its focus from mere buildings to living forms.

“To teach students the terms of design and architecture, and how these terms can be implemented in real life concerning external circumstances, I wrote a guide book on the design steps I applied and how design could be developed. I discovered the boundaries of a science that uses art, research, innovation and creativity through a variety of projects that take design and architecture into account.

“I am very honored to win the Lester B. Pearson International Scholarship. I hope that I can contribute to the scientific, creative and academic ecosystem of U of T and share my inspiration and motivation with the community.”

Naw Cindy Sweet

Cambridge Tutors College Myanmar student studying in the United Kingdom

University of Toronto Scarborough, Co-op Life Sciences

“After losing my grandmother to a cancer that should have been diagnosed sooner and treated, I was shocked to realize that there are many other people in Myanmar, my home country, who are in a similar situation to mine, overlooking the need for regular medical check-ups and treatments, in many cases due to financial reasons. I wanted to find a solution; I aspire to develop affordable personalized treatment, especially for patients with cognitive problems.

“Since then, I have been determined to achieve my goal and I never gave up trying. In 2016, I was awarded a full scholarship to study A-levels in the UK, thanks to generous sponsors. Besides academic study, I like to spend my time dancing and singing. I also try to raise health awareness in communities and villages, and by volunteering in care homes and hospitals, where I share my personal story at the same time as educating others.

“I am deeply honored to be the Lester B. Pearson International Scholar for Co-op Life Sciences (Biological Sciences and Neuroscience) as the knowledge of mechanisms of the brain and behaviors gained at the University of Toronto will bring me one step closer to achieving my goals. I believe that every person should never give up on their future and work their hardest to better themselves because there is always an award, big or small, at each step of their lives.

“I would like to thank everyone for this amazing opportunity and I cannot wait to enter a new and exciting phase of my life in the University of Toronto community.”

Victoria Shanghai Academy Hong Kong

Faculty of Arts & Science, Trinity College, Life Sciences

“Hello, my name is Yee, and I am from Hong Kong. From my experience of attaching to a local hospital the last two summers, and from what I have learned in various courses and programmes, I realize that medicine has limits in curing the incurable and preventing diseases at the societal level. This reinforces my aspiration to become a physician-scientist and my interest in medical research and public health, areas that I intend to pursue during my time here. I am very excited to begin the next chapter of my life at U of T, a world-class research university. I am sure that the opportunities U of T offers will equip me with the international-mindedness, skill set, and knowledge necessary for me to work towards improving others’ lives.

“Although I am more science-oriented, I am also an artist at heart. Painting allows me to express my feelings, and my interest in the human condition drives my compassion for others. I love spending my free time doing something active, like hiking, cycling, jogging and playing hockey. Having played ball hockey for five years, I can’t wait to try ice hockey and go to my first NHL game!”

Fondzenyuy TonyLouis Verberi

St. Augustine’s College, Nso Cameroon

University of Toronto Scarborough, Physical and Environmental Sciences

“I am a 16-year old boy who grew up in the Western highlands of Cameroon, situated in Central Africa. The diversity of this region in all its forms sparked my curiosity and tenacity towards achieving my academic goals. I am one of the few African kids who got contaminated by the contagious joy and love for astrophysics during my high school studies. Out of the classroom, I love singing, watching the red African sky and volunteering. In September 2018, I participated in the STEM Aerospace challenge organised by the New York Academy of Sciences. Also, I attended the OpenDreams Summer Academy in July 2017, which provided me with mentorship and facilities that I needed to successfully apply for undergraduate scholarship programs during the most difficult times in my community. In a nutshell, my vision is to change the view of astrophysics on the African continent. I believe an empowered community would only be realised when the young generation is educated in an innovative curriculum that permits the exploration of new fields such as aerosciences. I look forward to joining the holistic community of the University of Toronto, which is home to some of the brightest minds on the globe.”

Urvi Verkhedkar

Garden International School, Kuala Lumpur Indian student studying in Malaysia

Faculty of Applied Science & Engineering; Engineering Science

“Hello, I’m Urvi Verkhedkar and I’m currently completing my A Levels at Garden International School in Malaysia, after having moved here from India 9 years ago. I’m very passionate about sustainable development and equality, and I want to use my engineering knowledge/experience to help our cities (especially in India) progress with environmental and social interests in mind. In my free time, I enjoy hiking/running in the beautiful Malaysian rainforests, trying out new recipes from different cuisines and reading. I’m very grateful for the opportunity to become a Pearson Scholar, and I truly hope to give back to my community one day.”

Hamza Bin Waheed

Roots School System DHA-1 Flagship Campus Pakistan

University of Toronto Mississauga, Commerce

“I’m from Islamabad, Pakistan, and my excitement of studying at the University of Toronto is over the top.

“Breaking the stereotypical social views that the only real professions are doctors and engineers, I’m pursing a commerce degree. My passion for attaining an education that provides both perspective and depth across diverse disciplines led me to studying multiple extra subjects in high school that were contrasting and discrete. Meeting new people and discovering new places has always been charming for me and the diversity that surrounds U of T has a special appeal for me. After postgraduate education and a few years of employment experience, I intend to return to Pakistan and start teaching so that I can extend my exclusive experience at U of T to others around me.

“I’m grateful to my family, teachers and friends who have supported me throughout my journey.”

Daniel Wurgaft

Aleph High School of the Arts Israel

‘Science knows no country, because knowledge belongs to humanity, and is the torch which illuminates the world’ (Louis Pasteur)

“This quote resonates with me deeply as I believe that science can become a bridge between cultures and countries, for the language of knowledge can be spoken by all. My name is Daniel Wurgaft and I am from Tel Aviv, Israel. I was born in a country torn by conflict and I have watched with pain how war wracks people’s lives. Moreover, hate blinds people to the fact that we are all stranded on a tiny speck of dust, floating in space, and that we all share the same fate. I would like to pursue a career in science exploration and public policy-making and contribute to the use of science for uniting humanity and as a tool for its advancement rather than its demise.

“Beyond my passion for science, I am also enthusiastic about art and its power to express the human essence. I have been performing and writing music since the age of nine, with guitar and piano as my primary instruments. As part of my high school’s film department, I led a group of students in the making of two original films, for which I was the director and screenwriter. I have also been volunteering as a group counselor in the Israel Scouts movement for three years, striving to broaden my cadets’ horizons and encouraging them to always remain curious.

“I am endlessly grateful to the University of Toronto for awarding me the prestigious Lester B. Pearson Scholarship. I plan to fully embrace this amazing opportunity in order to acquire new perspectives and become a citizen of the world. I can’t wait to join the U of T community this coming fall!”


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  1. My Lester B. Pearson Scholarship Essays + Tips For Yours

    3 BIG Tips that can make you the next Pearson Scholar. Plan your answer according the demands of the question. Be Specific and avoid generic, vague stuff. Show first and tell later. This was the complete scholarship application for the Lester B. Pearson scholarship and my answers to all the questions.

  2. Reading My Lester B. Pearson Scholarship Essays

    Hey Friends, Today, I'll be reading the essays I submitted for the Lester B. Pearson Scholarship application for the fall of 2021. I applied to University of...

  3. The Lester B. Pearson International Student Scholarships

    The Lester B. Pearson International Scholarships at the University of Toronto provide an unparalleled opportunity for outstanding international students to study at one of the world's best universities in one of the world's most multicultural cities. The scholarship program is intended to recognize students who demonstrate exceptional ...

  4. Why I Got Waitlisted For The Lester B. Pearson Scholarship At

    Today I will be sharing my experience of applying for the Lester B. Pearson Scholarship at University of Toronto.I applied to U of T Scarborough and U of T Mississauga for the fall of 2021. Luckily, I received acceptance letters from both of the campuses with some good scholarships, but when I applied for the Lester B. Pearson scholarship program, I was waitlisted first then rejected a month ...

  5. Lester B Pearson Scholarship: 13 Facts and Guide

    This scholarship is a symbol of Pearson's commitment to international cooperation, diplomacy, and positive change. Here are 13 essential facts and a comprehensive guide to understanding and applying for the Lester B. Pearson Scholarship: 1. Named after a Global Visionary:

  6. How I got fully-funded Lester B. Pearson International Scholarship to

    The Lester B. Pearson scholarship covers four years of tuition for undergraduate studies and residence during study terms. The Lester B. Pearson scholarship is extremely competitive, I think in 2019, the acceptance rate was about 1.68%. ... You have about a month to complete it, with the essays totalling around 1800 words combined. Typically ...

  7. I got U of T's Lester B. Pearson scholarship: my journey and advices

    Let's talk about the University of Toronto's Lester B. Pearson scholarship! In this video I discuss all you need to know before and during your application ...

  8. The Lester B. Pearson International Student Scholarships

    About the Scholarship . Apply to U of T . Meet the 2019 Pearson Scholars . Meet the 2020 Pearson Scholars ... Lester B. Pearson was one of Canada's greatest prime ministers and the only Canadian ever to win the Nobel Prize for Peace. As a statesman, politician and public servant, Pearson helped shape and define Canadian identity both at home ...

  9. Guideline Bachelor's Degree Essay of The Lester B. Pearson Scholarship

    Guideline Bachelor's Degree Essay of The Lester B. Pearson Scholarship at University of Toronto (S1) - Canada(revised) - Free download as Word Doc (.doc / .docx), PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free.

  10. Lester B. Pearson Scholarship

    The Lester B. Pearson International Scholarships at the University of Toronto provide an unparalleled opportunity for outstanding international students to study at one of the world's best universities in one of the world's most multicultural cities. Awarded annually, this is U of T's most prestigious and competitive scholarship for ...

  11. The Lester B. Pearson International Student Scholarships

    Meet the 2023 Pearson Scholars. The Lester B. Pearson International Scholarship was created to bring exceptional students from around the world to study at the University of Toronto. We are pleased to announce and welcome these outstanding students as members of the 2023 cohort of award recipients. If you have any questions you would like to ...

  12. Winning the Lester B Pearson Scholarship

    A couple days ago I had the chance to talk with a Pearson Scholar at the University of Toronto about what it takes to win the scholarship. Lester B Pearson S...

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    Winning a scholarship is the dream of many students, and the Lester B Pearson Scholarship is one of the most prestigious scholarships available for international students pursuing undergraduate degrees in Canada. In this article, we'll dive deep into how I won the Lester B Pearson Scholarship and what tips and tricks you can use to win one ...

  14. The Lester B Pearson Scholarship 2022: Overview, Eligibility & Process

    The Lester B Pearson Scholarship is a merit-based scholarship offered by the University of Toronto. The institute offers this scholarship to its international students based on their academic performance, creative pursuits, and achievements. ... This scholarship requires applicants to submit a written piece of work or essay. So, one must ...

  15. How To Get Full Scholarship at University of Toronto as an

    Your school has no idea about the Lester B. Pearson scholarship or they know about the scholarship but have never nominated any student for this scholarship. Your School knows about the Lester B. Pearson Scholarship program and has previously nominated a student from the school. 2. Apply to University of Toronto. 3.

  16. My Lester B. Pearson Scholarship Experience, Mistakes, Advice and Tips

    Hey friends,Today, I'll be sharing my experience & mistakes I made when applying of the Lester B. Pearson Scholarship at University of Toronto for the fall o...

  17. The Lester B. Pearson International Student Scholarship

    Share this post. The Lester B. Pearson International Student Scholarships, offered by the University of Toronto, are highly prestigious and competitive awards designed to attract exceptional international students to Canada. Named after former Prime Minister Lester B. Pearson, these scholarships aim to recognize and support students who have ...

  18. Lester B. Pearson International Scholarship 2024: How to Apply Successfully

    Step 1: Get Yourself Nominated by Your School. One important thing to keep in mind when applying for the Lester B. Pearson Scholarship is that you need to be nominated by your high school. Only one student from each school can be nominated, so make sure you stand out among your peers.

  19. The Lester B. Pearson International Student Scholarships

    Meet the 2022 Pearson Scholars. The Lester B. Pearson International Scholarship was created to bring exceptional students from around the world to study at the University of Toronto. We are pleased to announce and welcome these outstanding students as members of the 2022 cohort of award recipients. If you have any questions you would like to ...

  20. International Students

    The Lester B. Pearson International Scholarships at the University of Toronto provide an unparalleled opportunity for outstanding international students to study at one of the world's best universities in one of the world's most multicultural cities. This scholarship program is intended to recognize students who demonstrate exceptional ...

  21. Lester B. Pearson, the 14th Prime Minister of Canada Essay ...

    Lester Pearson. Lester Bowles Pearson a diplomat and political leader was born in the year 1897 in Ontario. His father was a devoted Christian who ministered in a Methodist church. Pearson together with his brothers received their early education from the towns of Ontario such as Peterborough and Aurora among others.

  22. The Lester B. Pearson Scholarship 2024 in Canada

    Application procedure For Lester B. Pearson Scholarship 2024 in Canada: You can choose your preferred course from your University of Toronto. Only the first selection to study will be considered when determining The Pearson Scholarship 2024. After the nomination has been received and the students have submitted their applications to the ...

  23. Meet the 2019 Pearson Scholars

    Meet the 2019 Pearson Scholars. The Lester B. Pearson International Scholarship was created to bring exceptional students from around the world to study at the University of Toronto. We are pleased to announce and welcome these outstanding students as members of the 2019 cohort of award recipients. If you have any questions you would like to ...