Creative Writing

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Creative Writing is the 5th episode of Season 3 of My Name Is Earl , and the 52nd episode overall. The prison holds a class for creative writing, but Earl can't think of anything to write. While Earl struggles to write, Randy, Joy, Darnell, and Catalina have no trouble coming up with creative story ideas of their own and take a few trips into their own fantasy worlds.

  • 1 Episode guide
  • 2.1 Flashbacks
  • 2.3 Featured music
  • 3 Memorable quotes
  • 5.3.1 Starring
  • 5.3.2 Recurring cast
  • 5.3.3 Guest starring

Episode guide [ ]

Prisoners like to complain, but they're not the only ones who feel trapped. For instance, Darnell feels trapped in a crab-killing job that doesn't reflect his gentle nature; Catalina's trapped by being too pretty; Joy is trapped in motherhood; and Randy's hand is trapped in the pickle jar. The prison Creative writing teacher challenges her class to escape into their imagination by writing a story about themselves where they can do anything they want.

Earl's bunkmate Sonny is writing a story about beating up a gymnast, but Earl can't get a word on paper. Sonny tells him to close his eyes like he's driving on meth, and enter his imagination. Earl's imagination is totally white - the only thing there is the pesky gymnast, who won't leave until Earl stops thinking about him. Randy thinks writing sounds cool. He's already living in a world of his own, and has lots of story ideas.

Randy's a superhero in his story. His right hand is H.R. Pufnstuf, and orangutan Richard is their driver. Evil Mr. Horn has kidnapped Earl and Catalina, and is holding them in the Crab Shack , which is guarded by a sumo guy with a bazooka and a puppet sniper. Randy shrinks himself to break in, then does battle with a bunch of ninjas to unmask Joy. He would never hurt a lady. Snap! Randy breaks Joy's neck. Lucky for him she's not a lady.

Joy's having trouble with the boys, so Randy suggests that she write a story to cheer herself up. Once upon a time, there were two whiny brats who wouldn't do their homework. Their hot mother flies the boys through the air to meet someone who didn't do their homework, a giant dummy, who looks just like Earl. She asks Earl a math question - when will the train arrive? Standing on the railroad tracks, Earl gets it wrong and is smashed by a train. His bloody head pops off and the kids scream.

Joy takes the boys to visit a big slob, who looks just like Randy. He's so nasty that moss grows on him, and things start sticking to him. First crumbs, then mice, then cars and buildings, Canada, etc., until he gets so heavy he falls off the Earth onto God's desk. God squishes Randy with his coffee cup. Joy tells the frightened boys the moral of the story: listen to what she says or God will kill them.

Earl's bummed that everyone is more creative than him. Even Darnell writes a song to help him cope with the horror of killing crabs. Catalina writes her own Latin soap opera, "Catalina, Woman of 1000 Tears." On the eve of her wedding to rich Javier, Catalina risks it all. She has to spend one more night stripping in order to free her kidnapped brother. If Javier finds out, she will lose him.

Evil Joy tips off Javier. When he sees Catalina dancing, he leaves, but she runs after him, to explain that she was just trying to free her brother. She didn't tell him because she's not interested in his money, only his heart. Javier forgives, and Catalina is finally able to cry tears of happiness for the first time.

Earl tries everything to write a story, even using everyone else's stories. But nothing works, and ultimately God squishes him with his coffee cup. Finally he decides to stop trying to write something cool, and just write about regular stuff, like hanging out with the gang at the Crab Shack. Suddenly the words flow. Everyone can feel trapped in their everyday life, but when you're in jail, everyday life is the best fantasy of all. The class loves Earl's story and gives him a standing ovation.

  • When Catalina imagines a soap opera, her full name is finally revealed: the Spanish-speaking voice in the opening sequence calls her "Catalina Aruca" multiple times.
  • There is a reference to Greg Garcia in this episode.
  • This is the last time Van Snowden played HR Pufnstuf, 38 years after the show (and segment in season 2 of The Banana Splits Adventure Hour despite 2 pufnstuf segments being Unaired) premiered on NBC and 37 years after The feature film (Pufnstuf zaps the world) was released. This is the only time Van Snowden appeared as HR Pufnstuf without Jack Wild (Jack Wild died a year prior to this episode's airing). Van Snowden died in 2010. Pufnstuf would return to NBC for The Banana Splits 50th Anniversary Special with new actors for Pufnstuf & Jimmy in Living Island, which is scheduled to air on March 3, 2018 at 8/7 on NBC.
  • In Randy's story the villian appears as a man dressed in white with a horn on his forehead. This may be a reference to the stinging man from "The Dark Tower" by C.S. Lewis

Flashbacks [ ]

Featured music [ ].

  • "Please Respect the Meat" sung by Eddie Steeples
  • "Ripple" by the Grateful Dead

Memorable quotes [ ]

  • Joy: Boys, clean up this mess! It looks like a toy store took a dump in here.
  • Joy: And they went back to their trailer and lived happily ever after. OK you two, clean up and go to bed, and remember, if you don't listen to what I say, God will kill you.
  • Darnell: While I disagree with your view of a conventional anthropomorphic God, I respect you using that myth to discipline them rascally boys.
  • Joy: I'm a creative van, Darnell. I mean think about all that stuff I yell at the movie screen and all those great Mad Libs I've done. The purple Christina Aguilera flew into...
  • Joy and Darnell: ...the horny Carol Burnett!
  • Randy: I know what'll cheer you up, Joy! Writing a story. You should do it.
  • Joy: Here's a story: Once upon a time, Randy shut up. The end.
  • Sorry about this but I need to use this page for my movie idea

TOTALLY SPIES ISLAND SPECIAL sam Alex Clover Brittany and Mandy are going on a plane to Florida they get on the plane then the plane takes off then then they sit in a box then at night the box drops into a portal then the girls get put into there spy uniforms then they get put into escape pods then they get shot out then clover wakes up then she sees two strange little firey creatures then they say she's awake then she screams then she says what's going on here then a strange firey creature dressed like a Pope with a stick walks in then says the great among us the prophecy is among us then clover says what prophecy the old firey creature says I am caneko leader of the fitors you are the hero of the prophecy what prophecy are you talking about says clover caneko says along time ago the sacred wise council told that a titan would help save us from our enemies what enemies says clover caneko says our enemies the waters and the earthtors and the nators and the airtors we fought and died at there hands and they will die at ours they make clover a new out fit then clover says why am I in my spy uniform then they finish the outfit then clover puts on her out and takes off her spy uniform then puts on her new out fit it was a little red pair panes attached to a red skirt and a little red clothe rapped around her private part but revealing the rest of her bare body parts with no shoes or socks on then the fitors put red warpaint on her then the women and children and men get ready for battle then clover joins them then they march then clover follows them then a few hours later they another army comes then clover says what's that then caneko says it's the earthtors and then a titan joins them then three more armies with titans join them the caneko says its the waters and nators and airtors then the titans take off there goods it was Alex with the earthtors and Mandy with the airtors and and Sam with the nators and Britney with the wators Britney Mandy Sam Alex had the same war paint and outfit as clover but Mandy's warpaint and outfit was pink and purple and Sam's was green and Alex's was yellow and Britney's was blue then they hug each other then they airtors and wators and earthtors and nators and fitors fight then Alex and clover and Mandy and Britney tell them everything clover says it's okay these titans and I are friends then they keep fighting then Mandy yells that is enough is then they keep fighting then Sam Alex Clover Brittany Mandy make native American Indian noise then they tell that's enough then they grab the leaders and then make native American Indian noises again then they yell that's enough then they look up then they see the leaders they say caneko nabo poton yoto yanick the earthtors say nabo the wators say yoto the nators say poton the airtors say yanick then Sam Alex Clover Mandy Brittany run then they go after them then Brittany says this is crazy Alex says yes there's got to be a way to get them to together then Sam says that's it together maybe we can trick them into working together then they put the leaders hanging on a rope then they see and work together to save them then Sam Alex Clover Brittany Mandy jump out then Sam says ha ha ha ha ha then she says we tricked you into working together then Alex says this what you can do when you work together we trapped your leader and you worked together to save them then caneko says your right not says this fighting must stop then Sam says why do you fight the poton says along time ago before the fighting we lived in Pease then a flash back appears then a big city appears then poton says the fitors and earthtors and wators and nators and airtors lived in harmony we we're comandra we lived in harmony but then the darmiti came they in invaded our city but the guardians came then our greatest treasure was destroyed then the elements argued with each other then the tribe were born that's terrible says Alex then Brittany says that's terrible that's so sad then the tribe go back to there villages then the lift them then they United them then noto yanick poton caneko nabo say Chamandra is restored then at night Sam Alex Clover Brittany Mandy make a big base next to the city of Camandra and put on different coloured warpaint on and Mandy lights the fire then Sam Mandy clover Brittany Alex dance around it they play drums then they make native American Indian battle cries then Alex hunts they she makes a stew then she puts it in five holes then she gives four of them to Mandy and clover and Brittany and Sam then Alex gets her holes then they eat then they put more different coloured warpaint on there legs faces arms backs bellys faces then put patterns on it than they put warpaint on each others faces then they play drums and dance around the fire a few hours later they put out the fire and fall a sleep then the episode ends


  • In new York Andy and Mike and Liv are walking to school but three hours ago Andy is having a dream of when he is in a plane and he sees an island and then he lands the plane on the island and then he jumps out of the plane and he walks through the jungle and he sees a basket ball stadium with his name in its place and then he goes towards it and he hears a crowd calling his name ANDY ANDY ANDY ANDY ANDY ANDY ANDY ANDY ANDY ANDY then he sees a ball and grabs it and then when he gose to play he hears a voice saying don't hurt me don't hurt me don't hurt me then the voice says turn me around then he turns the ball around and he sees that it has eyes and it says don't hurt me don't hurt me don't hurt me don't hurt me and then more balls with eyes come then the crowd terns into basket balls with eyes and then they fly to andy and say don't hurt us don't hurt us don't hurt us don't hurt us don't hurt us then a big hole opens up and Andy falls in a then he wakes up and he goes down stairs and jay walks out of the bathroom and Andy says I had that dream again and what happened this time says jay Andy says I was flying in a plane then I saw an island and then I landed on it and then I walked into the jungle and then I saw a basket ball stadium and then I got a ball and the I herd a voice the it said Tern me around and then I saw that the ball had eyes and then the crowd terned into balls and then the balls came to life and then a hole fell opened and I fell in then I woke up then jay says that's sad then he says it's better the an nightmare I keep having a movie director for a wife and a city full of ghosts and one daughter and one son and me and my wife making a movie about a super hero named solar man and ghosts attacking us while we are making a movie then Liv says dad why are you talking so long oh it's a living nightmare jay says then Andy walks out the door to school then when Liv and Andy and Mike get to school proffesor Pascale tells the class some good news he says we have been selected to compete in a very special contest a great organisation in Australia that terns ocean plastic into sports wear is sponsoring it they took plastic waste into incredible sports wear they built sanctuary's all over the costs of the beach and they cleaned up Eney oil spills and terned the oil into Paint and they want I invite kids to there HQ because they in inspire there spirit what do we have to do to win the contest says Rajat proffesor Pascale says great question Rajat proffesor Pascale says we do five good deeds for new York five and then proffessor Pascale says if we win the contest we will get Marlo drum roll please marlo uses two pencils as drum sticks and plays his desk as a drum and proffesor Pascale says a class trip to the great barrier reef yes says Andy but not all of us can go only one team can go on this trip so proffesor Pascale grabs a box with paper with names in it and then he says with ever name I pull out of this box will be on one of the teams five teams five members five good deeds proffesor Pascale pulls out a peace of paper out of the box and it says Tom Fred Chris Sally KC and Lucy lean Ann Mandy sandy Rajat drake Bobby Marlo Mike Andy Liv Charlie Stacy Jane Carla you will be in five teams then Andy and Mike and Liv go to the base and Andy tells miss Jones he says we have been selected to compete in a very special contest a great organisation in Australia called disiners for the ocean is sponsoring it proffesor Pascale said he split us all into five teams but except for me and Mike we been selected into a team with six members Rajat drake marlo Bobby and Liv was selected into a team with Carla Jane Stacy Charlie and we have to do five good deeds for new and we will win a free trip to the great barrier reef but only one team can go to the great barrier reef then miss Jones says that great and she tells glowboo and Liv says now all we need to do is something good then Liv says maybe we could build a play ground in the echto cloud then they get to work on the play ground and the next day they finish and then a few hours later Liv Charlie Stacy Jane Carla are thinking of something good then Carla says maybe we could do a charity event for dogs that aren't lucky as us then they get to work then the next day they get all of the dogs adopted then they clean the lake in central park and then they take recyclables out of the trash and send them to factories in India that use recyclables to make shoes and they give toys to hospitals and orphanages and then next week they win the contest then a reporter says there you have it Charlie Liv Carla Jane Stacy win contest then a strange man sees it on a computer and watches the ghost blog and sees the video with octacat and dose an evil laugh and then the next day Liv is packing her stuff and then a few hours later Liv and Andy and Mike are in the base and Liv is sad what's up says Andy it's nothing says Liv then Liv says it's that I don't think I am doing the right thing going on this trip to the great barrier reef but what if there's a ghost attack don't work says miss Jones and then she says I got a suprise and then she tells close your eyes and then she gets a box and she says you can open your eyes now and then they open there eyes and then miss Jones opens the box and the revealing a robot like glowboo but dark red pink female and then her eyes and says I am nejenda and glowboo falls in love with her then a few hours later a fair is on a voice says welcome to the great barrier reef fair and the voice says play go on rides win prizes while you say good bye to the winners of the contest then a few hours later Liv Charlie Stacy Jane Carla are getting on to the boat while they say bye to everyone and then a few hours later they shove off a few months later the girls are swimming in the sea Liv swims with a dolphin and Jane and Stacy splash each other with water and Charlie is swimming under water and Carla is swimming to the mid night zone then she gose back to the suffice the next day the girls are swimming in the pool and the next day they are sun bathing the next day the girls are on deck chairs sun bathing in bathing suits and Liv is looking out at the sea and then Carla says what's wrong nothing says Liv then she says I feel home sick I don't think I am doing the right thing going on this trip then Carla says it's okay Liv then the next day Carla gose to wake up Liv then Liv falls out of bed and then Liv says did I over sleep then they see the great barrier reef and a bunch of rocks and then the the ship hits the rocks then they get stuck and then a kraken grabs the boat and the girls go to there rooms and grab all of there clothes and sowing needles a threads and some materials and pack in to there suit cases and they build a raft and then they throw there suit cases into the water and then they throw the raft into the water and they jump on to the raft and then they jump on to the raft then they grab there suitcase's and the they paddle away from the kraken and then Liv sokes her feet in the water and then Jane and stacy say we're all doomed then Charlie says don't worry we have our phones then the girls get there phones but a wave of water splash's the phones and then they turn off then the girls try turn the phones but some writing appears and says there has been a malfunction this device cant Turn on then Jane and stacy say NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! then mean while a strange boat in immerge's out of the fog and the in the boats window a man is at a desk is looking at paper a old documents and old bills and the he says what am I over looking then some on knocks on a door to his office the man says come in a man in brawn overalls and and a grey shirt with a brawn bag over his head with eye holes in it comes in and says boss why are we out here again then the man at the desk says we're looking for some of our victim's yoo know how we set that fake contest we made up and that word disiners for the ocean uh okay says the man with the bag over his face but why he says the man at the desk says it's the octacat one of them have it and don't want us to take it from them we will have to take it by force won't I then the man at the desk hears a strange sound saying help help then he sees a light and he looks through the telescope and sees the girls and he steers the boat to and gets there suit cases and and gets them of the raft and Liv says thank you for saving us but who are you and then the man says I am vonsombra vongamble and the man with the sack on his head is my right hand man Wiggins and then what's your name says Liv says I'm Liv that's Charlie and that's stacy and that's Jane and that's Carla tell us about your self vonsombra vongamble why are you doing here says Liv okay let me tell every thing about me you need to know Wiggins squeezebox Wiggins plays the squeezebox then vonsombra vongamble sings 🎶 let me tell you a thing or two or maybe two let me tell you about me 🎵 I buy things that need buying and I sell things that need selling and buy things that need buying and I hide things that need hiding🎶and I sell things that need buying and I sell things that need buying and I sell things that need hiding and I sell things that need buying and I hide things that need buying and I hide things that need buying 🎶 and I hide things that need selling and I hide things that need buying a I sell things that need buying and I sell things that need buying 🎶 let me tell you a thing or two again 🎵here you are on boat but I won't say your stuck you been saved by the being that rules these waters so forget about your mother's and father's and I would say that your in luck 🎵 I'm a brave great pirate buccaneers and these are my great pioneers all once lost souls like you 🎶 it's true he rescued us he saved our butts for that we owe our lives to Von if he doesn't hurt you you will owe him too 🎶 who is vonsombra vongamble he's a robbing thieving we really should be leaving says Carla weapons throwing we should be going says Charlie swob slaying Jane says we could be staying 🎵 master of the sssssssseeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaasssssssss🎵 then vonsombra vongamble says maybe could stay the night and have a hot dinner and dry up and have a rest in a warm bed get some warm clothes on have a nice bath and enjoy the stay on my ship then the Liv and Stacy and Charlie and Carla and Jane get settled in then the next day Wiggins vonsombra vongamble wakes the girls up and they put there clothes on and they look out and then vonsombra vongamble says welcome to skeleshores then they get off the boat with there suit cases and then they see little spears moving out of the grass and the strange little brawn men with masks on that look angry and then vonsombra vongamble says be hold the Teke people they are friendly he says then Jane says what about our place where will we stay vonsombra vongamble says the Teke people will guide you to your rooms them the angry mouths on the teke peoples masks turn into happy faces and they guide them to there rooms and then the teke guide Carla Jane Stacy Charlie Liv to there rooms one of the teke takes Liv to a black hut with a pink roof and one of the teke people takes Carla to a pink hut with a turquoise roof and then two teke guide Jane and Stacy to two gold huts with yellowy black roofs and one of teke people takes Charlie to a pink hut with a blue roof and then Liv and and Carla and Jane and Stacy and Charlie look in there huts and in there huts they see a bed then a few hours later vonsombra vongamble says every listen up we have guests here and to night we will feast in there honer then vonsombra vongamble tells Charlie Stacy Jane Carla Liv to help set up he tells Liv to get the stage ready and he tells Stacy to get the food ready and he tells Stacy to get the tables ready and he tells charli and Carla get the coconuts ready then they get to work Liv gose to get the stage ready and then she tells Vonsombra vongamble what props to get then vonsombra vongamble says a chair with a lever that you pull to make it extend and fake palm trees and bushes and a paper puppet in Safari suit and the she gets them mean while Stacy is having trouble with the food she can't make all of the food at once then Liv sees it and helps her then Jane rolls the tables in position meanwhile Carla and Charlie are having trouble with the coconuts there to hard to brake open says Carla then Charlie comes up with a plan she says I got an idea she grabs a spear then she grabs a hammer and a axe and a bucket she cuts a coconut a axe then she puts the Coconut in the bucket and stabs the coconut with the spear and she bangs the spear with the hammer and it cracks open and then she takes the coconut shell out of the bucket and then they do it again and again again then they go to the shamans hut and grabs some of his ice magic and carla gets a coconut shell and scope some milk up into it and use the ice magic on it and they make snow cones then a few hours later vonsombra vongamble tells a story about the teke people he says along time ago the teke people had a human friend she was an adventurer her name was merry and she was amazing but on day a big purple monster with horns of a goat a a thousand feet tall and brown panes and the teke people tried to stop it but the monster was too powerful so the teke people had no choice but to feed merry to the monster then they never saw her again that's so sad says Liv and then they eat then a few hours later they still feast but then they hear strange stomping then a big purple monster comes stomping to words them and Vonsombra vongamble says it's the monster it's returned for its revenge then the teke people grab bows and arrows and spears and attack then Liv says what is that thing vonsombra vongamble then vonsombra vongamble says you know about that monster from my story I told you a few hours ago yes the girls say then vonsombra vongamble says that is it behind you then the girls look at the monster and then Carla says okay then the monster walks towards them then Liv sees some spears and bows an arrows and a catapult then Liv says I got an idea and then the girls go to grab weapons Jane and stacy grab two spears and Carla and Charlie grab two bows and a lot of arrows and then Carla and Charlie fire arrows at the monster then it makes the monster mad then Jane and Stacy attack the giant then it makes him even more mad then Liv gets a bolder into the catapult in and lights it on fire and Vonsombra vongamble fires the bolder at the monster then he retreats then vonsombra vongamble sneaks into one of the huts and he calls Wiggins and then Wiggins gose to vonsombra vongamble then vonsombra vongamble says it's perfect Wiggins the octacat will be good as mine then Wiggins says what now boss vonsombra vongamble says it's simple I will lead three of the girls and the teke people to follow the monsters trail and attack him simple really but they won't know it's a trap once were from the over two we can lure the other girls too into my trap then Vonsombra vongamble says to the girls and the teke people we know what happened to merry all those years ago now I say it's time to attack the monster that took our poor merry I say at day brake we attack then Vonsombra vongamble says I will need three generals to help me then he says Charlie and Stacy and Carla who's with me he says then they charge then he tell the female teke people to Guard Liv and Jane with there life or else then vonsombra vongamble makes a cracking noise then they get scared and and then they march into battle then the mother teke people and the children teke people and the teke people that we're hiding in the huts and the teke people that we're hiding in the cave Jurong the monster attack come out and take Liv and Jane to a hut with bars and then lock them in then Jane says you have made a big mistake once my daddy finds out about this you will pay for this you hear me you hear me then a few hours later Liv says the others have been gone for a while then a teke child with keys in his hands guards the cage then Liv says maybe those are the keys to the cage then Liv takes off her shoe and hits the Teke boy and then she steals the keys and opens the door then they escape from the village then they get there stuff and Carla's stuff and Charlies stuff and Stacy's stuff and then they escape then mean while the others are following the monsters trail and then vonsombra vongamble says it's only a few hours until we get to the monsters whereabout's a few hours later they arrive at the monsters territory then vonsombra vongamble says to Carla and Charlie and Stacy to scout for the monster then they do it but they fall in to a trap then the teke people put a bamboo net on it they try to escape but vonsombra vongamble says escape is Impossible then Stacy says let me out if my daddy finds out about this you will be sorry you will pay for this and then vonsombra vongamble says ha ha ha very funny then he walks away and then he says to the teke people to Guard them then two of them grab bamboo sticks and then they poke Charlie and Carla and Stacy meanwhile Jane and Liv are walking in the jungle and then they follow the Teke peoples foot prints then they keep following them mean while Carla and Charlie and Stacy are being poked by the teke people and then Charlie says could you stop this poking us please then the teke people say Chiba Chiba Chiba Chiba Chiba then they keep poking them mean while Liv and Jane are still walking in the jungle a few hours later they see two teke people with bamboo sticks and then they hear screaming then Liv takes off her shoes and then she throws them at the teke people then the teke people see Liv and Jane and they run to them then Jane takes off her shoes and then wack's them knocking them out unconscious then they go to then Liv puts her shoes back and Jane puts her shoes on then they go to where the teke people were poking bamboo sticks and then they see Stacy and Carla and Charlie in a hole then Liv says what happened I thought you were hunting the monster Stacy says it was a big horrible dirty by that vonsombra vongamble then they try to open the hatch but doesn't move and then Liv comes up with a plan to open it she grabs an axe and an knife and then she passes the knife to Jane and then Liv cuts the bamboo and it snaps and then cage snaps and then they help the girls out and then vonsombra vongamble says well well well you finally caught up to us then Wiggins grabs them then vonsombra vongamble says let's go then they walk through the jungle then the go to a strange fort then vonsombra vongamble says onward then they go inside the fort then Wiggins drops them and then vonsombra vongamble steps up on to a stage and then he says you Dum little worms you fell right into my trap and now are all my prisoners and then Jane says this is crazy then Stacy says ye crazy then Jane says we're leaving then vonsombra vongamble presses a button on the stage and then he tabs some buttons on a screen and then it locks the doors and then vonsombra vongamble says you are staying I went through a lot of trouble to arrange that silly contest and class trip jest to lure Liv here then he tells Wiggins to come down then Wiggins gose behind the stage and take the sack off his face revealing his big ears and then Carla says what's happened to his ears then vonsombra vongamble says he's a bigbobaeared ogre then he says there rare creatures from these parts of skeleshores then he tells Wiggins to put on the light and on in the room behind the stage then revealing a lot of treasure and he says you see I have been making a career of stealing and selling every kind of treasure from every temple that is property of the Philippines but one treasure plagues me the octacat you see a few months ago I watched the ghost blog and then I saw it the octacat I hacked into the spectral family I found when eney thing that brakes the spectral family appears and I ordered ghost hunting gear of line for month I went after the spectral family to get my hands my hands on there mysterious octacat and then he tells Wiggins to put on another light and he puts it on and then it reveals a big purple monster and then vonsombra vongamble says this is the monster that attack us his name is Steve then he says lock them away them away then Liv says this is all my fault then Carla says what's your fault my fault that we went on this trip my fault we're prisoners my fault we're in this mess then Liv comes up with a plan to escape she tells Carla to get Wiggins education then she tells Charlie to get the key and then she gets the key then she unlocks the door and they escape with there stuff and then they escape into the jungle they make outfits Liv was a black shirt with a black and and pink with a black skirt with pink lines and no shoes or socks on Jane's outfit was like Livs but yellow but with no shoes or socks on and Stacy's outfit was the same colours as Jane's but with a smaller gold black yellow no shoes and socks on Carla's out fit was like Stacy's but with a white vest and a pink and blue skirt and no shoes or socks on and Charlie out fit was like Stacy's but with a pink top and a blue and red skirt then Liv says let's go then they get watched then Liv says let's build a shelter then they get to work then a few hours later Liv cuts down a Palm tree then she cuts down more and more then Charlie and Carla grab some palm leaves then Jane and stacy grab sticks then they build the shelter then Liv and Jane and Stacy put some palm leaves on the roof then they finish then they go out looking for food then something flies out of the bushes and grabs Livs feet then Liv falls then bird people come out and then one of them says I am well stift and you will come with us then they grab the gang one of them grab Carla and one of them grab Charlie and one of them grab Stacy and one them grab Liv and one of them grab Jane then they run with them then they take them to a big then well stift the green bird person with green wings and blue feathers and red feathers on the ends of his wings and yellow feet then one of the bird people that is a girl says to Liv hie I'm mala the female bird person with purple feathers on the ends of her arms then with green feathers and purple feathers and then well stift says mala what are you doing then nuteri the green bird person with blue feathers and black feathers says what are you doing right now keep moving to the girls then mesombo the bird person with black feathers and red feathers and and blue feathers and brown feathers then says what were you doing there with the prisoners then mala says nothing then they take the girls to a tree then they go inside the tree with lots more bird people then they go to two bird people one female with yellow feathers and red feathers and one male with brown feathers and red feathers and yellow feathers and red feathers and gold feathers come then one of them says then the bird person with the red feathers and yellow feathers says mala mesembo well stift nuteri then nuteri says t su tey to the bird person with brown feathers and red feathers and yellow feathers and gold feathers we found these creatures in our territory then t su tey says then stay away thats why we go out like a hayo fa hayo fa what's he saying says Liv my brother t su tey is telling the story of the hayo fa hayo fas says neturi your brother says carla then she says it's nice to meet you then we'll stift and the other bird people grab her then the bird with red feathers and yellow feathers says okay okay I'm most by the way she says then a big bird person walks down and says well well well well well you have returned but did you get the wrong key well stift who is that says Liv then the big bird person says I said did you get the wrong key well stift then mala says that is mother she is a geek the one who interrogates the eye of evwa who's evwa says Carla the the bird people grab them then mother checks them then she grabs an knife and cuts Liv trout then she licks the blood off then she says why did you come to us then Liv says I'm Liv this is Carla and this is Jane and this is and this is Stacy Stacy and Jane are sisters then mother says what are you then Liv says we are Humans then Jane says we we're building a shelter then you grabbed us then mother says we tried to teach all of the humans it is hard to fill a Hole that is full then Liv says our hole is empty you could teach us then mother says then it is decided mala will teach you warrior ways learn well then we will see if your sensitive can be cured then they sit around a fire with the bird person with red feathers and yellow feathers then Liv says what is your name moat says the bird person nice to meet you moat says Liv then she goes to mother then she says we're me and my friends are not from around here were from a place called new York could you please send a message to my friends then mother says yes then she makes a strange bird then she makes a big leaf then she cuts it into a square then the she writes on it then the bird she made takes it and flies away then a few hours later they fall asleep on giant leaves then the next day they get on to weird blue horses then mala says feel there heart beat and there legs then now you tell them where to go then they say go over there then the horses go over there then they go into a jungle then mala goes after them mean while the bird mother created fly's to new York then the school then it goes to the lair then it drops the note next to miss Jones then miss Jones sees it then she picks the note up then she reeds it then she calls the guys then they rush as fast as they can then Andy and Mike and nejenda and glowboo get there and nejenda and glowboo says I love you honey boo then what happened says Andy then miss Jones says its this note it's about the girls it says they were out on the sea then they were attacked by a kraken and then they escaped but they made it to shore then they were captured by a pirate a pirate says Andy yes a pirate says miss Jones then miss Jones says A PIRATE !? a pirate named vonsombra vongamble but wait there alive where says Mike miss Jones says why on skeleshores in the middle of the sea middle of the sea says Mike we got to go after them he says then they go to the ghost car then mean while the girls are on a cliff on a branch then something strange moves in the leaves then a strange dragon comes down then scoops mala on its back then more come down and scoop the girls on the fly on then they fly then mala says meglen is not a horse you must be the place then they see a window of opportunity you must tell them where to go then they say go then the meglens go down mean while the gang are getting into the ghost car then miss Jones stops them then says but this vonsombra vongamble I heard of him he's a pirate of a pirate and skeleshores it's a place you never come back from that joint and besides it's dangerous then krush says the Liv Jane Stacy Charlie Carla need our help we can't leave them then they jump in to the ghost car leave then Miss Jones says but it's dangerous this skeleshores it's a place where you never come back from its dangerous there I mean it's full with dangerous beast's and monsters they will eat you up alive then krush says sorry miss Jones then he freezes her then they fly of mean while the girls are on horses again then mala says this is your last try you loose then you will fail then the girls say go over there then the go into the bushes then mala chase's after them through bushes and trees and shrubs and plants and trees in the path then they get attacked by strange creatures on a path then a strange creature bumps into them then they fall then a few hours later they have


In Egypt 22million years ago a Fon like genie is flying with someone in a purple orb then a dark cloud chases then


In the toy store andrew is walking out of where axel and the power players first met then axel comes down then he says hey uncle Andrew then uncle Andrew says axel I want to give you this keep it safe then axel says a big box with keys then Zoe comes over then he tells Zoe and sarge and Bobby and and slobot and joyride and bearbarian and masko and galiao then it gives him an idea then films himself on a camera then he says hie every one I'm axel and today I'm going to be experimenting with this weird box my uncle Andrew Gave to me then says what's that smell then he says that couldn't be me then he says I jest showered a few hours ago then he says experiment one crash magic perfume then he fingers with the box then the box glow then it spray's every on with pink gas then they flout in zero gravity then weird squid arms pop out then a flying car then Zoe turns off the camera then she says whom I kidding then axel puts his bans on the box then he says to Zoe why did you do that because all your experiments were crazy says Zoe then axel says my experiments were crazy your crazy then they argue then the box glows than it flouts then the toys try to tell axel and Zoe but they keep arguing then a portal opens then axel grabs his power bands then they get sucked in to the portal then the box goes through the portal then a few hours later they crash into another dimension then when they land get knocked out cold and when they wake up they see a mummy then the mummy says hie new friends then they get scared and the they see a vampire and a kid who transforms into a ware wolf then the mummy says we're nice I'm Cleo that's Luke and that's resus resuss is the vampire and Luke the ware wolf Cleo says then axel says I'm axel and this is Zoey and bearbarian and masko and galiao and joyride and and that's sarge and that's slobot well you see that we what axel says then he says where's the box what box says Cleo the box my uncle Andrew Gave me you see its how we got here says axel then mean while madcap tells porcupunk to spy on the power players then he finds that that used the box then mad cap calls Nautilus to bring a robot and one of invention the speed ray a gun that make things go really fast then mad cap tells him about the box then Nautilus programs the robot to track the box he uses the speed ray on it and it quickly builds a portal then mad cap and his gang go through then a few hours later they join forces with sir Otto to get rid of the paper players and Cleo mean while axel and his friends are at lukes house for dinner then Luke introduces them to his parents then these are my friends he says there names then they eat then axel gets every one to listen to him then he says I miss my home then axel says were from Canada then we're going home very soon if we can find the box then they go up to lukes room then axel puts his bans on Luke's bed then they glow a portal then opens then Andrew appears then he says is this thing rolling I haven't got long look I know one day you will have this then the box appears then axel says that's my uncle Andrew and that's the box he gave me that's how we got here then Andrew says axel I know this video will come in handy this is the sacred box of minergy don't fight with someone then it will teleport you to another world to get you need to find these keys there the sacred of minergy put the keys in the

right key holes then you get back but not with out the scroll of the sacred keys of minergy it ells you how use the keys and the box to get back home then axel says maybe if we find the key we can get home then axel all we need to do is find the keys then Luke says maybe we go to the federal office of information then the next day when they get there the workers are partying then they leave but axel says there's got to be someone here still working then they ask one of the workers if there's someone working then they say yes then they tell them where to go then the see a skeleton on a computer then axel looks up and sees writing that says bob skully and he says to the skeleton is your name bob skully yes the skeleton says then axel says could you help us that computer can find eney thing right bob says yes then axel says can you find these he draws the sacred minergy keys and the sacred minergy box and the sacred minergy scroll for the sacred minergy keys and the sacred minergy box then he puts it in bobs face then bob says no I'm sorry I have work to do I'm sorry there's a party down the hall then they leave then a phone rings then bob answers it then he says it's my wife then he says no dear I haven't don the shopping don't worry I got the shopping list right here I got a lot of the work then axel hears them then he says maybe we could do your shopping then bob says ok if you do my shopping maybe I could find your keys box and scroll then they go every shopping for the things on the list bob gave then then one last thing on was Nancy's belony snow boots then they go a shop then they say to the keeper we like Nancy's belony snow boots then the shop keeper laughs then he says sorry I can't we been sold out then they go to other shops then the shop keepers laugh then the see a Nancy's belony snow boots then they tell the shop keeper to get the snow boots then they get the boots then they go back to the federal office of information then they give bob the stuff then he says this is not everything you forgot the scarf its almost closing time says bob then axel looks at a box of Donuts then he says monas Donuts then he says no more monas then bob says what then axel says you don't it was to save Mona Donuts from the bull dozer remember after that no more monas then bob says but I love those Donuts I been going there for twenty years I don't think I can get through a morning with out them how could do this that's jest savage then axel gets the guys then bob says what are you thinking of going we got some stuff to find the they search on the computer then a few hours later bob says when this machine spins out of cod it will tell us every thing we need to know about where your stuff is then they pull a pease of paper out then it has some writing on it then it says the location of your things are unknown then they then bon says I'm sorry then Zoe says that's okay bob you did your best then they leave then bon goes to them and then they stop then he says this is not something that is good enough for you guys to know but I know a guy he a nut but he can find anything or anyone or anywhere maybe he can help you find the stuff your looking for axel says where can we find him then a few hours later they end up at a creepy house then they enter then resuse says anyone here then go into a room with writing on it that says cold room then they see bodies everywhere then a sheet flies up then a zombie comes out then he says hello I was taking a nap I'm cornor then axel says I'm axel then says yes I think I can help you this is my latest invention the finder o matik then he uses it to find what there looking for then he says two things at address called 444for one rover life hotel then they take the bus then axel says 441 442 443 were getting closer then they see a big then Zoe says that is one big building not jest Eney building says Cleo it's sir Ottos building then they enter and then they go to sir Ottos office then resuse says come on Ottos office is this way then cameras spot them then security guards grab them then they take them sir Ottos office then sir Otto tells the guard's what happened then they say dickt Tay scrandle dush then axel says what did that said what are they saying Otto says they said we found them sneaking in the halls then axel says look we jest herd that there is a something that can help us get home then Otto says you know I herd about that too and you know what they found nothing it's not real then a few hours later they go home with the PJS on then the phone then axel answers it he says hello then a person says the stuff your looking for exists there hiding it from you axel says who are you call me deep voice says the voice says then deep voice and I can tell you that Otto is up to no good and the only thing that can stop him is the stuff your looking for its a scroll and key says where are they deep voice says the scroll is hidden in a lock safe deposit box in Ottos campaign head quarters and sir Otto has the key where is the key says axel follow sir Otto and you'll find the key says Otto then deep voice hangs up then axel wait then Zoe says okay what's the plan then axel says we find Otto following him every where he goes until we find out where he's keeping the key and scroll then take the key and the scroll then find the box and the other keys then we get home then Zoe says that's a long plan then sarge says we will need special gear for that then resuse says I know this women named bagga yagga then he gets a peace of paper then he writes on it then he says here's bagga yaggas adrees then the next day they split up then the toys go to bagga yaggas and the kids go to the bus to find Otto then they axel says he sees sir Otto then they follow him to an art gallery then they see Otto going in to the gallery then they see a window then jump on to it then they see sir Otto with a security guard then they sneak in through an air vent and then they see sir Otto taking with the security guard then axel looks at them and says game on then he transforms into action axel then he hears them taking about a key then he tells the guy he says there talking about a key then Luke says maybe it was one of the keys deep voice was taking about then axel looks at them then Otto tells the guard about the key then he says you have the key we wouldn't want it to fall into the wrong hands then the guard says dickt Tay scrandle dush then takes out a book then he pulls a key out of his shirt then axel sees it then he says the key its around his neck then Otto says good now guard with your life then Otto leaves then a few hours later they follow the security guard to his apartment then the security guard sits on a chair watching television then axel says once he falls a sleep we can grab the key then a few hours later Luke says he been watching TV for hours then zoe put an app on her phone and says how long have that guy been watching TV for then it says four hours then a phone rings and the guard answers then axel says somebody's calling him then he says Zoe is there anything on your phone that can help us no axel then Luke says give me phone I got a plan then he hacks the phone he downloads a delivery app on it and hacks it then he orders and 3D printer then it makes ear buds then he puts them in Zoe's ears then plugs them into the her phone then Zoe says I won't be involved in this then axel says we got to find out who's calling him it might be a clue then she puts in the ear plugs then she says it's sir Otto then the guard says dickt Tay scrandle dush then sir Otto says okay you got the key good night then the Guard keeps watching TV then Zoe downloads another app on her phone then she tells Cleo to give her some bandage then she ties to her phone then he lures it down to the security guard then he falls asleep then Cleo raps some bandage around axels waist then they lure him down to the security guard then he grabs the key very careful then a drop of sweat fall on the security guard then axel sees the security guard waking up then it says dickt Tay scrandle dush then he falls asleep then they bring axel up then escape then a phone in a phone buff rings then axel answers it then he says says hello then deep voice says good job getting the key then axel says deep voice how you know then deep voice says don't worry about that I'm watching your every movement I'm everywhere and I'm nowhere then deep voice says let's jest say I know and I know where the second key is it's in Cornell Sargent Von decks campaign head quarters Cornell who now Cornell Sargent Von deck he is worst we went into his campaign head quarters then we got caught says Luke then axel says we have to sneak back in to his office then deep voice says yes but this time don't get caught you got to find a way to distract the guard's away from the main entrance the second key is in the room behind Cornell Sargent Von decks office then they go the place they need to go on the bus then they see two security guards blocking the entrance then axel gets an idea he turns into action axel then he uses his drone to lure the guards away from the entrance then they enter the building then they go to Cornell Sargent Von decks office then resuse says Cornell Sargent Von decks office this way then they get to the office then they look around for the key then resuse says maybe it's over here then he goes over to the book case then axel says deep voice said to look into the room behind Cornell Sargent Von decks office then resuse looks at the book case then the book case turns then resuse gets trapped in it then Zoe and Cleo realizes it then Cleo says where's resuse then they go to the book case then the book case turns again then resuse grabs them then he says what are you waiting for then they enter a dark room then a light turns on then they see a lot of drawers then Zoe says the key must be in one of those drawers then resuse but there's so many drawers witch one then they look in the drawers mean while the others are going down an alley way then they see a cart then they go into it sarge checks the paper resuse gave him then he says it's the same address then masko says this must be the place Eney the there then they see a window then Bobby says I got this then makes a bridge then the door opens then they enter then an old women says are shopping or buying no says sarge we need your help says bearbarian then masko says are you the bagga yagga the old lady says yes our friend need your services barbarian says then slobot says our new friend and our old friends need your stuff resuse send us here oh resuse him and his perants came for new drain pipes says bagga yagga we resuse said that you had special gear says sarge selfie says Galileo then they take a selfie then bagga gets three suit cases then she say 2222000 vision binoculars with info red vision and Trimble wire in case of a daring escape and a invisibility suit how much is it says Galileo since it's for a good cause says bagga it will cost 30000000 dollars says bagga we don't have that much says Galileo only joking I will make that money for charity says bagga then they leave mean while Cleo resuse Luke axel Zoe are looking through the drawers then resuse says how many drawers have we been in Zoe says 21 million then mean while the toys go to cornor then they get his finder o matik then they find out where the other are then they go then a few hours later they go there then they see the other then Galileo says what's going on then axel says we're looking for the second key we got one it must be one of these drawers then sarge checks in a suit case then he finds gogles then the turn his size then he sees something in one of the drawers then he tells the gang to go there then they find the key then they escape the campaign head quarters then they hear a phone ring then resuse answers then deep voice says good job deep voice how do you know says resuse don't worry about that says deep voice then he says I'm everywhere and I'm nowhere now the third key is in near by its hidden in the museum of fine arts and lost and found of sir Ottos museum the key is hidden in a titanium case the security guard has the key then he hangs up then resuse says man that deep voice is a pain in the ass then they catch the bus then they get to the museum then they sneak in through the sky line then they see a dark room then Zoe hears foot steps then she says hide someone's coming then a security guard with a flash light comes in the place then axel looks around for the key then joyride spots the security guard putting on a light then he sees the key then he tells everyone then they see the key then the security guard leaves then they go to open the box then it doesn't budge it won't budge says Zoe then Luke transforms into a ware wolf then he runs into the box but it doesn't budge then resuse pulls butter out of his cloak and rubs it around the sides and they pull then it doesn't budge then sarge uses a gadget that bagga have him then it uses a Lazer to cut it but it doesn't work then Zoe sees some writing then it says this glass is unbreakable then Cleo says maybe we should follow the guard then they follow him then they see him in the security room then a phone rings then he answers it then he holds a ball in his other hand then he answers it then he says ye ye ye ye I know those girl scouts we're nice giving me that key and I put it in a unbreakable case only this key can open it then he says the way the knocked on the door then I answered it then they gave me the key and I promised keep it safe until they found the owner those scouts ye ye I can keep Eney thing safe that's why the call me safety Sammy then he pulls out a key this key can open Eney thing in the museum then axel sees the key then he says maybe we get that key we can open the case then we can get the key then they get see the key then see an air vent then axel transforms into action axel then destroys the vent then sarge and the others climbs in the vent then resuse pulls yarn and lavender out of his cloak then he gives it to sarge then he goes into the vent then he uses the lavender to put Sam to sleep then they use the yarn to lour him down then sarge grabs the key then they open the case then they get the key then they cheer then axel transforms into action axel then Luke transforms into a ware wolf then they cheer then they all cheer the a phone rings then Luke and axel transform back then axel answers it then he says hello good job getting the keys deep voice how do you know about this then deep voice says don't worry about that the last keys are safe the yellow key is in the mall and the red one is in the Circus I will tell you where the box is the once that you can go to the near the phone and then I will tell you how to use the box than I can tell you where Otto hid the scroll then he hangs up then Zoe says I can get the keys then resuse pulls a bag out of his cloak then he says here then axel gives her the keys then she puts the keys in the bag then she goes to the federal office of information then the other get on the bus mean while at the security guards apartment the guard is asleep then he hears a knock on the door then he goes to answer it then it is sir Otto and madcap then mad cap says do we just wanted to know if you still have the key then the security guard says dickt Tay scrandle dush then he checks the key then he says dickt Tay scrandle dush then madcap says what's he saying he said he can't find it Otto says what says madcap you lost it then the security guard goes to the place where he was asleep then he dickt Tay scrandle dush what did he says mad cap Otto says he was sleeping here before it happened then mad cap looks up and says the windows open then Otto says it couldn't be madcap says what do you mean Otto says my enemies Luke resuse Cleo there the worst they must of Brocken in here and stole the key then madcap grabs a phone then he calls porcupunk then porcupunk says hey boss wha up mad cap says terrible news porcupunk they key is missing I think Ottos enemies took it then porcupunk asks orangutank are you getting this then orangutank barbles bible yangya or should I say what do you mean porcupunk then porcupunk says the boss said the key is missing he thinks that Ottos enemies took them then he says there names are Luke resuse Cleo then he tells every one about it then sugar salt what is going on here porcupunk says the boss says the key is missing he says that Ottos enemies took it he says there names are Luke resuse Cleo o dear says Dickson you know those suckers says porcupunk then Dickson draws then the sugar salt says don't worry about that I will tell the police but are there any police eeh says ice crusher then Nautilus says what do you think fool we got to stop them says sugar salt let's go mean while Zoe is at the federal office of information with Bob Bob prints something for then he says here you go the map to the mall then Zoe follow it then she arrives at the mall


In new York a strange cart has appear the an weird old lady with a beak of a bird comes out of a window then uses magic to put up posters mean while


Elena Gabe Naomi Mateo Chloe Valentina Rebecca are out on sea Elena looks out at the sea and then she sees big spikes rocks and then she tells Naomi to turn the boat then they see a storm and they get coat up in it Rebecca and Valentina and Chloe are pulling the sail to keep the mast from braking Elena goes over board and Naomi says man over board the Mateo says the ships taking up more water then Gabe gose to rescue elena he takes of his clothes and he grabs Elena's under water dress and jumps into the water and then he sees Elena and swims to her and takes off her shoes and her dress and puts on her under water dress and hugs Elena and swims back to the boat and Rebecca and Valentina and Chloe take off there shoes and socks and then Gabe and Elena throws Elena on to the boat and then put her dress back on and puts her shoes back on and puts his shoes back and his clothes back on and then Elena wakes up and then Gabe put a blanket on her and he says are you okay Elena says yes then a big wave pops up and then Gabe Elena Naomi mateo Rebecca Valentina Chloe go into the basement and Valentina Rebecca Chloe get there shoes and put them back on and go into the basement then gang go back to there rooms and grab all of there clothes and they go to the craft room and grab sowing needles and thread and some materials go to the basement and then Mateo grabs his tamboureta and then Elena Mateo Gabe Naomi Rebecca Valentina Chloe go to the basement then Mateo casts a spell then he make a magic Shield after when he says shielata then the wave crash's the ship and a few seconds later they end up on an island then Chloe says we're doomed not really says Gabe then he says look there's writing on that stone they go to it and then Elena reads it and it says every twenty fitted a ferry comes to collect people then Naomi says so it's the eighteenth so seven more days then eighteenth then Gabe says okay so we have sowing needles and thread and our clothes and some materials maybe we could make some clothes for our selves okay says Naomi then she takes off her boot and water comes out then Gabe says okay we will have two Mateo will be on my team and Elena Naomi Valentina Chloe Rebecca you will be on the other team fine says Elena fine says Gabe they grab some materials and thread and needles and there clothes and get to work a few hours later they finish they are bare foot Elena's dress is half of her red swimsuit with gold branch details and gold leave details and gold bird details details and her adventurer panes died red sowed to a red blanket and a necklace shaped like a bird and no shoes or socks on and Naomi one was a blue and black skirt and a light green shirt with no shoes or socks on and was one like Naomi's but pink and purple no shoes or socks on and Chloe's one was like Elena's was like Elena's the same gold details but the dress is blue but no shoes or socks on and Rebecca's one was like Elena's island dress and Naomi's island dress but purple and gold and green and the same gold details as Elena's and no shoes or socks on then Elena says now we're island ready then she says let's build a shelter mean while Gabe and Mateo finish there out fit Gabe's was a blue pants and a white to with no shoes and socks on and metals was a white top and the same panes as Gabe's but green no shoes and socks on then Gabe says time to build a shelter mean while the girls are building a shelter then Chloe chops down a tree


Elena of avalor cursed treasure [ ].

At night Elena and her friends are dancing around the fire in the ZANEY village

Starring [ ]

  • Jason Lee as Earl Hickey
  • Ethan Suplee as Randy Hickey
  • Jaime Pressly as Joy Turner
  • Nadine Velazquez as Catalina
  • Eddie Steeples as Darnell Turner

Recurring cast [ ]

  • Trey Carlisle as Earl Jr.
  • Louis T. Moyle as Dodge
  • Leo Fitzpatrick as Sonny
  • Brandon Ficara as Kevin the Unicorn Man

Guest starring [ ]

  • Van Snowden as H.R. Pufnstuf
  • Daniel Taylor as Gymnast
  • Miguel Varoni as Javier
  • Jill Basey as Creative writing teacher
  • John Edmund Parcher as Strange Guy
  • 1 Earl Hickey
  • 2 Darnell Turner
  • 3 Billie Cunningham

TV Recap: My Name is Earl - Creative Writing

my name is earl creative writing darnell song

Sooner or later, every TV show ends up doing a musical episode. I guess that’s just a fact of tube life, and this week is Earl’s turn. It all starts when Earl takes a creative writing class in prison. The assignment? “Write something about yourself,” says his teacher, a woman who looks like she should be marking up bingo cards at the church hall.

But Earl is seriously blanking on this whole story-telling thing. So he tries taking the advice of his bunk-mate: “Just close your eyes and look inside your brain, like when you’re driving on meth.”

Ok, so Earl doesn’t have much experience with that, but he gives it a shot anyway. But when he closes his eyes, all he sees is a white room with a weird, snarky gymnast in it. Somehow, I’m not surprised. What I AM surprised about is that all of his buddies actually DO have a story.

Randy’s involves a real-live version of H.R. Pufnstuf, an orangutan driving a muscle car, a puppet sniper, x-ray vision, and Earl and Catalina being held hostage at the Crab Shack. While freeing his friends, Randy gets to kick some ninja warrior ass – namely, Joy’s.

But the best part? Randy draws a poster of his story, just in case they want to make it into a movie. Earl is impressed. “The doctor always said you’re borderline artistic!” Ok, I get it.

Catalina’s story revolves around her job as a lounge dancer – so she can pay the ransom for her kidnapped brother. But her boyfriend doesn’t like it, so drug lords Earl and Randy with their weird Cheech-and-Chong accents have to intervene. It’s “Catalina: Woman of a Thousand Tears.”

Anyway, my favorite story of the night is Darnell’s “Please Respect the Meat” -- a full-out MTV-type video with Randy singing back-up and Earl as a rapper. It’s an eco-song about the energy crisis and murdered crabs. And Darnell kicks butt as an R&B singer. Check it out here.


Your Daily Blend of Entertainment News

I’m happy to report that after a mediocre start to season three, Earl is back on track. And that’s good karma.

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my name is earl creative writing darnell song

Channel Guide Magazine

“My Name Is Earl”: Creative Writing

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Please respect the meat, my friends. Please respect the meat.

“Creative Writing” starts with Earl taking a creative writing class with some other inmates. He wants to come up with an imaginative story, but all that ever pops into his head is a male gymnast.

Randy takes up a creative writing project of his own, imagining a story in which he, H.R. Pufnstuf and a chimp battle a puppet sniper, a sumo guy with a bazooka and a bunch of ninjas. But all Earl can think of is the gymnast.

Joy has a story idea, too. (See where this is going, now?) In an animated sequence, Joy dreams up a fairy tale called Quit Your Bitchin’ which explains to her sons why they need to do their homework (so they don’t end up like Earl) and take a bath (so they don’t end up like Randy). And if they don’t obey their mother, God will crush them with His coffee cup.

Even Darnell has a story. His is a soulful music video, featuring the song “Please Respect the Meat” off his Songs for my Crabs album. In the song, Darnell expresses his guilt and sadness over having to boil his crustacean friends, and asks that people respect the meat.

Catalina’s story is a steamy telenovela called Catalina, Woman of a Thousand Tears . Catalina must pole dance to raise money to pay her brother’s ransom, but her lover Javier does not know of her secret job. While she is doing her final pole dance, Javier walks in and is shocked to find Catalina performing. He runs away, but Catalina explains the story of her brother’s ransom and … well, there’s a plug for Frijoles de Garcia.

After all that, Earl still doesn’t have anything to write about. So he just relaxes and writes about what he knows and makes him happy: being surrounded by friends and family at the Crab Shack. Earl reads his story to his class, and the inmates give him a standing ovation.

What We Learned:

Creative writing is a wonderful way to escape from prison … in your imagination.

The pen is mightier than the sword, until someone uses their pen as a sword.

Frijoles de Garcia: No. 1 in our hearts. No. 1 in our stomachs.

Wisdom From Randy: He’s here for two things: to kick some ass and drink some beers.

Crab Man Chronicles: While he disagrees with Joy’s view of a conventional anthropomorphic God, he respects her using that myth to discipline those rascally boys.

  • My Name Is Earl

my name is earl creative writing darnell song

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My Name Is Earl/Music

My Name Is Earl is known for the great music used in the show, here is a list of all the songs played in the series. The songs are listed in the order that they were played in each episode.

Episode 1x01 - Pilot

  • The Wiggles – Monkey Dance Purchase from
  • Jane's Addiction – Been Caught Stealing Purchase from
  • Rob Base & DJ E-Z Rock – It Takes Two Purchase from
  • Santana – I'm Winning Purchase from
  • Nena – 99 Luftballons Purchase from
  • Erasure – Make Me Smile (Come Up & See Me) Purchase from

Episode 1x02 - Quit Smoking

  • Wes Cunningham – La Grange Purchase from
  • Sammy Davis Jr. - Smoke! Smoke! Smoke! (That Cigarette)
  • Electric Light Orchestra - Livin' Thing Purchase from

Episode 1x03 - Randy's Touchdown

  • George Thorogood & the Destroyers - Who Do You Love? Purchase from
  • Ram Jam - Black Betty Purchase from
  • Barrett Strong - Money (That's What I Want) Purchase from
  • AC/DC - Thunderstruck Purchase from
  • Lynyrd Skynyrd - Tuesday's Gone Purchase from

Episode 1x04 - Faked His Own Death

  • Steppenwolf - Born to Be Wild Purchase from
  • The Cardigans - Lovefool Purchase from
  • The Turtles - Happy Together Purchase from
  • Chicago - Saturday in the Park Purchase from
  • George Thorogood & the Destroyers - Bad to the Bone Purchase from
  • Nancy Sinatra - These Boots Are Made for Walkin' Purchase from
  • Vaughan Penn - Ready To Rise (replacement track on DVD version) Purchase from

Episode 1x05 - Teacher Earl

  • Bad Company - Bad Company Purchase from
  • Montrose - Rock Candy Purchase from
  • The Go - Blue Eyes Woman
  • Molly Hatchet - Flirtin' with Disaster Purchase from
  • Bob Marley & the Wailers - One Love Purchase from
  • Jerry Reed - Amos Moses Purchase from

Episode 1x06 - Broke Joy's Fancy Figurine

  • Stevie Ray Vaughan and Double Trouble - Pride and Joy Purchase from
  • Tim Stack - Little Girl (performed in show) Purchase from
  • Jaime Pressly (as Joy) - Wind Beneath My Wings (performed in show)
  • Salt-n-Pepa - Push It Purchase from

Episode 1x07 - Stole Beer From a Golfer

  • Jerry Reed – East Bound and Down Purchase from
  • Journey – Open Arms Purchase from
  • Marshall Tucker Band – Can't You See Purchase from
  • Harry Nilsson – Everybody's Talkin' Purchase from

Episode 1x08 - Joy's Wedding

  • Young MC - Bust a Move Purchase from
  • Three Dog Night - The Show Must Go On Purchase from
  • Billy Idol - White Wedding Purchase from
  • Warrant - Cherry Pie Purchase from
  • Lynyrd Skynyrd - Gimme Three Steps Purchase from
  • Bob Marley & the Wailers - Is This Love Purchase from

Episode 1x09 - Cost Dad the Election

  • Eddie Grant - Electric Avenue Purchase from
  • Stevie Wonder - Higher Ground Purchase from
  • Creedence Clearwater Revival - Fortunate Son Purchase from
  • Wall of Voodoo – Mexican Radio Purchase from
  • Nick Drake - Time Has Told Me Purchase from

Episode 1x10 - White Lie Christmas

  • The Brian Setzer Orchestra - Dig That Crazy Santa Claus
  • Holiday Express "Live" - Santa Baby
  • Roy Orbison - Don't Let Go Purchase from
  • Alvin and the Chipmunks - O Christmas Tree (O Tannenbaum)
  • Sammy Davis Jr. - Jingle Bells
  • The Christmas Jug Band - Twas the Night Before Christmas
  • Bing Crosby - Jingle Bells Purchase from
  • A Taste of Honey - Boogie Oogie Oogie
  • Burl Ives - Have a Holly Jolly Christmas Purchase from

Episode 1x11 - Barn Burner

  • Red Hot Chili Peppers - Give It Away Purchase from
  • Blue Öyster Cult - Burnin' for You Purchase from
  • AC/DC - Highway to Hell Purchase from

Episode 1x12 - O Karma, Where Art Thou?

  • Free - All Right Now Purchase from
  • Johnny Paycheck - Take This Job and Shove It Purchase from
  • Nazareth – Hair of the Dog Purchase from
  • Linda Ronstadt - You're No Good Purchase from
  • Bachman-Turner Overdrive - Takin' Care of Business Purchase from

Episode 1x13 - Stole P's HD Cart

  • Billy Preston - Outa-Space
  • Stray Cats - Race With the Devil
  • Canned Heat - Let's Work Together
  • Tomoyasu Hotei - Battle Without Honor or Humanity
  • Rare Earth – I Just Want to Celebrate

Episode 1x14 - Monkeys in Space

  • The Chambers Brothers – Time Has Come Today
  • The Doors – Peace Frog
  • Joe Jackson - Got the Time
  • Jet - Are You Gonna Be My Girl
  • The Band – The Weight

Episode 1x15 - Something to Live For

  • Edwin Starr - Twenty-Five Miles
  • Black Rebel Motorcycle Club - Ain't No Easy Way
  • Gary Glitter - Rock & Roll Part 2
  • Harry Nilsson - Joy
  • Queen - You're My Best Friend

Episode 1x16 - The Professor

  • The Kingsmen - Louie, Louie
  • Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young - Teach Your Children
  • Blue Öyster Cult - (Don't Fear) The Reaper
  • Everything - Hooch

Episode 1x17 - Didn't Pay Taxes

  • Foghat - Slow Ride
  • (Cast as Male Convicts) - Beauty School Drop-Out (from Grease) (performed in show)
  • Humble Pie - 30 Days in the Hole
  • Jason Lee and Ethan Suplee (as Earl and Randy) - Believe It or Not (Theme from The Greatest American Hero ) (performed in show)
  • Los Lobos - One Time, One Night

Episode 1x18 - Dad's Car

  • 10cc - The Things We Do for Love
  • Golden Earring - Radar Love
  • The Go - Ain't That Bad
  • Deep Purple - Highway Star
  • James Taylor - How Sweet It Is (to Be Loved by You)
  • Judge Jackson - Times Been Changin'
  • Wilson Pickett - Mustang Sally

Episode 1x19 - Y2K

  • Clarence Carter - Backdoor Santa
  • Dire Straits - Money for Nothing
  • Ted Nugent - Free for All
  • R.E.M. - It's the End of the World As We Know It (and I Feel Fine)

Episode 1x20 - Boogeyman

  • John Carpenter - Theme from Halloween
  • Eric Clapton - I Shot the Sheriff
  • K.C. and the Sunshine Band - I'm Your Boogie Man
  • The Spinners - I'll Be Around

Episode 1x21 - The Bounty Hunter

  • Red Rider - Lunatic Fringe
  • Cyndi Lauper - Girls Just Wanna Have Fun
  • Rob Base & DJ E-Z Rock - It Takes Two
  • Ennio Morricone - La Resa Dei Conti
  • Carl Douglas - Kung Fu Fighting
  • Buckethead - Night of the Slunk

Episode 1x22 - Stole a Badge

  • House of Pain - Jump Around
  • Beastie Boys - Sabotage
  • Creedence Clearwater Revival - I Put a Spell on You
  • Earth, Wind & Fire - Shining Star

Episode 1x23 - BB

  • The Guess Who - American Woman
  • Lynyrd Skynyrd - Double Trouble
  • Bachman-Turner Overdrive - Roll on Down the Highway

Episode 1x24 - Number One

  • Gioachino Rossino - William Tell Overture (Finale)
  • Lynard Skynard - Simple Man
  • Dolly Parton - Here You Come Again
  • Electric Light Orchestra - Hold on Tight
  • Thin Lizzy - The Boys Are Back in Town

Episode 2x01 - Very Bad Things

  • Ozark Mountain Daredevils - If You Want to Get to Heaven
  • Steve Miller Band - Take the Money and Run
  • Ethan Suplee (as Randy ) - The Lollipop Guild (performed in show)
  • Gregg Allman - Midnight Rider
  • Deep Purple - Hush

Episode 2x02 - Jump for Joy

  • Electric Light Orchestra - Don't Bring Me Down
  • Hank Williams Jr. - I Fought the Law (and the Law Won)
  • AC/DC - Highway to Hell
  • 2 Da Groove - Everybody Get Crazy
  • The J. Geils Band - Centerfold

Episode 2x03 - Sticks & Stones

  • Billy Preston - Nothing from Nothing
  • Cat Stevens - If You Want to Sing Out, Sing Out

Episode 2x04 - Larceny of a Kitty Cat

  • Cyndi Lauper - Time After Time
  • Roger Miller - Chug-a-Lug
  • Cyndi Lauper - True Colors
  • Stray Cats - Stray Cat Strut

Episode 2x05 - Van Hickey

  • The Edgar Winter Group - Frankenstein
  • Supertramp - Give a Little Bit
  • The Guess Who - No Sugar Tonight
  • Willie Nelson - Whiskey River
  • Styx - Mr. Roboto

Episode 2x06 - Made a Lady Think I Was God

  • J. Lee, J. Pressly, E. Suplee (as Earl, Joy and Randy) - McCall's "Convoy" (performed in show)
  • The Doobie Brothers - Jesus is Just Alright With Me
  • Crosby, Stills & Nash - Southern Cross

Episode 2x07 - Mailbox

  • Mountain - Mississippi Queen
  • The Exciters - Tell Him

Episode 2x08 - Robbed a Stoner Blind

  • Tommy James & the Shondells - Draggin' the Line
  • Oliver - Good Morning Starshine
  • Donovan - Mellow Yellow
  • Ten Years After - I'd Love to Change the World
  • Joni Mitchell - Big Yellow Taxi
  • (Cast as Residents) - Michael, Row the Boat Ashore (performed in show)

Episode 2x09 - Born a Gamblin Man

  • Elton John - Saturday Night's Alright (For Fighting)
  • Mojo Nixon and Skid Roper - Chicken Drop
  • Rolling Stones - You Can't Always Get What You Want

Episode 2x10 - South of the Border, Part Uno

  • Eagles - Hotel California
  • The Gipsy Kings - Hotel California
  • David Lee Roth - La Calle del Tabaco
  • Paul McCartney & Wings - Jet

Episode 2x11 - South of the Border, Part Dos

  • John Leguizamo (as Diego) - Jump Around (performed in show)
  • (Latino guitarist) - Time After Time (performed in show)
  • (Latino guitarist) - Eye of the Tiger (performed in show)
  • Elvis Presley - Here Comes Santa Claus (Down Santa Claus Lane)
  • Survivor - Eye of the Tiger
  • David Lee Roth - Así Es la Vida

Episode 2x12 - Our 'Cops' Is On

  • Dr. John - Right Place Wrong Time
  • Inner Circle - Bad Boys (also performed in show by cast, various)
  • Terence Trent D'Arby - Wishing Well
  • Starland Vocal Band - Afternoon Delight
  • Les Davidson and Adrian Sutton - Señorita

Episode 2x13 - Buried Treasure

  • Joe Walsh - Rocky Mountain Way
  • Social Distortion - Ball and Chain
  • Faith Hill - Breathe
  • Bob Marley - Lively Up Yourself

Episode 2x14 - Kept a Guy Locked in a Truck

  • Ethan Suplee (as Randy) - High School Never Ends (performed in show)
  • Digital Underground - The Humpty Dance
  • Josh Wolf (as Josh) - Greensleeves (performed in show)

Episode 2x15 - Foreign Exchange Student

  • War - Why Can't We Be Friends?
  • Lynyrd Skynyrd - You Got That Right
  • Maurice Chevalier - Thank Heaven for Little Girls
  • The J. Geils Band - Love Stinks

Episode 2x16 - Blow

  • Billy Swan - I Can Help
  • Sly and the Family Stone - Family Affair

Episode 2x17 - The Birthday Party

  • Queen - Fat Bottomed Girls
  • K.C. and the Sunshine Band - That's the Way (I Like It)
  • Tone Lōc - Funky Cold Medina

Episode 2x18 - Guess Who's Coming Out of Joy

  • Wreckx-N-Effect - Rump Shaker
  • Jerry Lee Lewis - Wild One (Real Wild Child)
  • Three Dog Night - Black and White

Episode 2x19 - Harassed a Reporter

  • Jerry Reed - The Claw

Episode 2x20 - Two Balls, Two Strikes

  • Lynyrd Skynyrd - I Ain't the One
  • George Thorogood & the Destroyers - Bad to the Bone
  • Fine Young Cannibals - She Drives Me Crazy
  • Lynyrd Skynyrd - Free Bird (also performed in show by Jason Lee as Earl)
  • The Four Seasons - Walk Like a Man

Episode 2x21 - GED

  • The Rolling Stones - 19th Nervous Breakdown
  • Bill Withers - Lean On Me
  • Queen - Another One Bites the Dust
  • War - Low Rider
  • Sam Cooke - Wonderful World

Episode 2x22 - Get a Real Job

  • Jerry Reed - Mule Spinner Blues (Blue Yodel #8)
  • Norman Greenbaum - Spirit in the Sky
  • Rush - Working Man

Episode 2x23 - The Trial

  • Night Ranger - Sister Christian
  • Waylon Jennings - Good Ol' Boys (Theme from the Dukes of Hazard)
  • Great Caesar's Ghost - Can't You Hear Me Knocking
  • The Who - Baba O'Riley
  • Animals - House of the Rising Sun

Season Three

Episode 3x01 - my name is inmate 28301-016, part 1.

  • The Animals - I'm Crying
  • Molly Hatchett - Flirtin' with Disaster
  • George Thorogood & the Destroyers - Move It On Over
  • The Ramones - Blitzkrieg Bop
  • The Rolling Stones - Sympathy for the Devil
  • Crosby, Stills, Nash and Young - Teach Your Children
  • REO Speedwagon - Roll with the Changes

Episode 3x02 - My Name Is Inmate 28301-016, Part 2

Episode 3x03 - the gangs of camden county.

  • Jerry Lee Lewis - Great Balls of Fire
  • The Persuaders - Thin Line Between Love and Hate
  • Montrose - Rock Candy
  • The Doobie Brothers - Listen to the Music

Episode 3x04 - The Frank Factor

  • Journey - Wheel in the Sky
  • Raymond Cruz (as Paco) - Delta Dawn (performed in show)
  • The Romantics - What I Like About You
  • M. Rapaport and R. Cruz (as Frank and Paco) - Gin & Juice (Snoop Dogg version) (performed in show)
  • The Gourds - Gin and Juice

Episode 3x05 - Creative Writing

  • Eddie Steeples (as Darnell Turner ) - Please Respect the Meat (performed in show)
  • Grateful Dead - Ripple

Episode 3x06 - Frank's Girl

  • The Young Rascals - Good Lovin'
  • Orleans - Still the One
  • Percy Sledge - When a Man Loves a Woman

Episode 3x07 - Our Other COPS Is On, Part 1

  • Tim Stack - The Surrey With the Fringe On Top (performed in show)
  • The Rolling Stones - Let´s Spend the Night Together
  • The Hollies - Long Cool Woman (in a Black Dress)
  • Bob Marley & the Wailers - One Love
  • America the Beautiful (performed in show by cast, various)

Episode 3x08 - Our Other COPS Is On, Part 2

Episode 3x09 - randy in charge (...of our days and our nights).

  • The Allman Brothers Band - Jessica
  • Chicago - 25 or 6 to 4
  • Steppenwolf - Magic Carpet Ride
  • The J. Geils Band - Freeze Frame

Episode 3x10 - Midnight Bun (2)

  • REO Speedwagon - Keep Pushin'
  • The Five Stairsteps - Ooh Child

Episode 3x11 - Burn Victim

  • Johnny Cash - Ring of Fire
  • The Rolling Stones - I'm Free
  • Will Smith - Gettin' Jiggy wit It
  • Arthur Brown - Fire
  • Status Quo - Pictures of Matchstick Men

Episode 3x12 - Early Release

  • Supertramp - Take the Long Way Home
  • Focus - Hocus Pocus
  • The Animals - We've Got to Get Out of This Place
  • Bob Dylan - I Shall Be Released

Episode 3x13 - Bad Earl

  • Fleetwood Mac - Oh Well (Pt. 1)
  • Lynyrd Skynyrd - Run Rudolph Run
  • Willie Nelson - Blue Christmas
  • Ethan Suplee and Giovanni Ribisi (as Randy and Ralph) - Stille Nacht (Silent Night)
  • Thunderclap Newman - Something in the Air

Episode 3x14 - I Won't Die with a Little Help from My Friends (1)

  • Harry Nilsson - Me and My Arrow
  • The Doobie Brothers - Rockin' Down the Highway
  • Marvin Gaye - Let's Get it On

Episode 3x15 - I Won't Die with a Little Help from My Friends (2)

  • Blue Öyster Cult - Burnin' for You
  • Three Dog Night - Joy to the World
  • Bob Dylan - Knockin' on Heaven's Door

Episode 3x16 - Stole a Motorcycle

  • Jason Lee (as Earl) - The Chicken Dance (performed in show)
  • Mojo Nixon & Skid Roper - I'm a Wreck
  • The Champs - Limbo Dance (lyracised version)

Episode 3x17 - No Heads and a Duffel Bag

  • Creedence Clearwater Revival - Bad Moon Rising
  • Three Dog Night - Mama Told Me (Not to Come)
  • Stealers Wheel - Stuck in the Middle With You
  • Curtis Mayfield - Superfly

Episode 3x18 - Killerball

  • Snoop Dogg - Ridin' In My Chevy
  • Les Paul & Mary Ford - Bye Bye Blues
  • Limp Bizkit - Rollin' (Air Raid Vehicle)
  • REO Speedwagon - Roll With The Changes

Episode 3x19 - Love Octagon

  • The Smiths - Girlfriend in a Coma
  • Marvin Gaye - Sexual Healing
  • Elvis Presley - Burning Love

Episode 3x20 - Girl Earl

  • Spin Doctors - Little Miss Can't Be Wrong
  • James Brown - Papa's Got a Brand New Bag, Part 1
  • Bill Conti - Gonna Fly Now
  • Rick Derringer - Rock and Roll, Hoochie Koo

Episode 3x21 & 3x22 - Camdenites

  • Alyssa Milano (as Billie ) - Take Me Home, Country Roads (performed in show)
  • Reel Big Fish - Sell Out
  • Lynyrd Skynrd - I Know a Little
  • Stevie Ray Vaughan and Double Trouble - The House Is Rockin'
  • Nancy Lenehan (as Earl's mom ) - Jingle Bells performed in show)
  • James Brown - Get on the Good Foot
  • Foreigner - Feels Like the First Time
  • Fleetwood Mac - Never Going Back Again
  • Toots and the Maytals - Take Me Home, Country Road

Season Four

Episode 4x01 - the magic hour.

  • The Who - The Seeker
  • Gary Wright - Dream Weaver

Episode 4x02 - Monkeys Take a Bath

  • Herbie Hancock - Rockit
  • Johnny Cash - Cry, Cry, Cry (1988 Version)
  • Duran Duran - Hungry Like the Wolf
  • Survivor - Eye of the Tiger (also performed in show by Jason Lee as Earl )
  • Roy Orbison - Crying
  • Cowboy w/Duane Allman - Please Be with Me

Episode 4x03 - Joy in a Bubble

  • The B-52's - Rock Lobster
  • The Allman Brothers Band - Whipping Post
  • Electric Light Orchestra - Evil Woman
  • Heart - Barracuda
  • Bob Dylan - Just Like a Woman

Episode 4x04 - Stole an RV

  • The Who - Going Mobile
  • Quinn - Copper Miner's Jug Band
  • Electric Light Orchestra - I'm Alive

Episode 4x05 - Sweet Johnny

  • Nazareth - Love Hurts
  • Ratt - Round and Round
  • Jason Lee (as Earl) - Living la Vida Loca (performed in show)

Episode 4x06 - We've Got Spirit

  • Tag Team - Whoomp! (There It Is)

Episode 4x07 - Quit Your Snitchin'

  • Lynyrd Skynryd - Trust
  • DC Players - Silence
  • War - The Cisco Kid
  • The Rolling Stones - Under My Thumb

Episode 4x08 - Little Bad Voodoo Brother

  • Mötley Crüe - Shout at the Devil
  • Warren Zevon - Werewolves of London

Episode 4x09 - Sold a Guy a Lemon Car

  • The Edgar Winter Group - Free Ride
  • Simon and Garfunkel - America (also performed in show by Courtney Gains as Lloyd)
  • John Lee Hooker - Boom Boom

Episode 4x10 - Earl and Joy's Anniversary

  • Lynyrd Skynyrd - What's Your Name
  • Right Said Fred - I'm Too Sexy
  • Chicago - You're the Inspiration
  • Journey - Lovin' Touchin' Squeezin'

Episode 4x11 - Nature's Game Show

  • Stevie Ray Vaughan and Double Trouble - Couldn't Stand the Weather
  • Kansas - Dust in the Wind

Episode 4x12 - Reading Is a Fundamental Case

  • Dan Coscino and other cast (as themselves) - Oh! Susannah (performed in show)
  • Strawberry Alarm Clock - Rainy Day Mushroom Pillow
  • Donovan - Colours

Episode 4x13 - Orphan Earl

  • Dwight Yoakam - Santa Claus Is Back in Town
  • Gene Autry - Here Comes Santa Claus (Down Santa Claus Lane)
  • Creedence Clearwater Revival - Up Around the Bend
  • The Rolling Stones - Paint It Black

Episode 4x14 - Got the Babysitter Pregnant

  • Lynyrd Skynyrd - Sweet Home Alabama
  • Bob Seger - Old Time Rock and Roll
  • Johnny Cash - Amazing Grace
  • John Hiatt - Slow Turning

Episode 4x15 - Darnell Outed, Part 1

  • Musica Mexicana - Ooh La La
  • Bachman-Turner Overdrive - You Ain't Seen Nothing Yet
  • Journey - Any Way You Want It
  • Diana Ross & the Supremes - Reflections
  • Jamie Pressly (as Joy ) - These Boots Are Made for Walkin' (parody of) (performed in show)

Episode 4x16 - Darnell Outed, Part 2

  • The Rolling Stones - Undercover of the Night
  • Jamie Pressly (as Joy ) - The Gambler
  • Erik Estrada (as himself) - Battle Hymn of the Republic ("Mine Eyes Have Seen the Glory") (performed in show)
  • Erik Estrada and Jaime Pressly (as himself and Joy) - Dueling Banjos

Episode 4x17 - Randy's List Item

  • Luther Vandross - Here and Now
  • Creedence Clearwater Revival - Born to Move
  • Jason Lee and Neil Hopkins (as Earl and Zeke) - (I've Had) The Time of My Life (performed in show)
  • The Rolling Stones - Waiting on a Friend

Episode 4x18 - Friends with Benefits

  • Wham! - Wake Me Up Before You Go Go
  • Huey Lewis & the News - I Want a New Drug
  • Les Paul & Mary Ford - Tico Tico
  • James Brown - I Feel Good

Episode 4x19 - My Name Is Alias

  • Astrud Gilberto - The Girl from Ipanema
  • Issac Hayes - Theme from Shaft
  • Johnny Rivers - Secret Agent Man

Episode 4x20 - Chaz Dalton's Space Academy

  • Deep Purple - Space Truckin'
  • Elton John - Rocket Man

Episode 4x21 - Witch Lady

  • Donovan - Season of the Witch
  • The Who - Join Together

Episode 4x22 - Pinky

  • John Prine - Day Is Done
  • The Black Crowes - Jealous Again

Episode 4x23 - Bullies

  • Sam the Sham & the Pharaohs - Wooly Bully
  • The Doors - Roadhouse Blues

Episode 4x24 - Gospel

  • James Brown & the original J.B.s - Soul Power
  • Cast - Amazing Grace (performed in show)

Episode 4x25 - Inside Probe, Part One

Episode 4x26 - inside probe, part two, episode 4x27 - dodge's dad.

  • Bob Marley - Stir It Up
  • The Rolling Stones - Let's Spend the Night Together
  • My Name Is Earl

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my name is earl creative writing darnell song

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  1. My Name Is Earl: Creative Writing Photo: 784011

    my name is earl creative writing darnell song

  2. My Name Is Earl: Creative Writing Photo: 784106

    my name is earl creative writing darnell song

  3. My Name Is Earl: Creative Writing Photo: 784076

    my name is earl creative writing darnell song

  4. My Name Is Earl: Creative Writing Photo: 783986

    my name is earl creative writing darnell song

  5. My Name Is Earl: Creative Writing Photo: 783976

    my name is earl creative writing darnell song

  6. Eddie Steeples as Darnell Turner [Season 1]

    my name is earl creative writing darnell song


  1. Bassel Darwish

  2. MyNameIsEarl: Season 3: Earls Imagination

  3. My Name Is Earl

  4. I Am A Princess

  5. my name´s Earl

  6. My Name is Earl Season 1 Episode 24 Credits (REMAKE)


  1. Darnell Turner

    In My Name is Earl S3 E5 (Creative Writing), Earl does creative writing, but fails to come up with ideas. He shares creative writing with his friends, who use it to not feel trapped in their lives ...


    Clip from short lived NBC series (4 seasons) My Name is Earl season 3 episode 5 - Creative Writing.

  3. My Name Is Earl Soundtrack

    My Name Is Earl Songs by Season. Season 1. 24 Episodes. 107 Tracks. September 20, 2005. Season 2. 23 Episodes. 75 Tracks. September 21, 2006. Season 3. 22 Episodes. 76 Tracks. ... S3 | E5 | Creative Writing. Been wondering about Crabman's song myself. If that's a parody of a well known, it's gotten me by. Also, tune at the car scene 04:48 ...

  4. "My Name Is Earl" Creative Writing (TV Episode 2007)

    Creative Writing: Directed by Chris Koch. With Jason Lee, Ethan Suplee, Jaime Pressly, Nadine Velazquez. While Earl struggles to write a paper for his prison creative writing class, Randy, Joy, Darnell, and Catalina have no trouble coming up with creative story ideas of their own.

  5. My Name Is Earl Soundtrack

    Inspired by Earl, Billie starts a list of her own and when Earl is getting annoyed by Billie's little habits, he decides to focus on working on the list instead. He picks a task that is on both of their lists, atones for the injury of a champion grocery-bagger and discovers a unique talent of his own. But Earl soon finds out that they have ...

  6. Darnell Turner

    Darnell Turner is the alias given to Harry Monroe, a former government assassin who was in the Witness Protection Program. He is Joy's current husband. Darnell works at the crab shack he is giving off a chill vibe and mysteriously works at the Crab Shack. He keeps a tortoise called Mr. Turtle. He graduated from college at age 14. He also is a virtuoso cellist and can identify 258 types of ...

  7. Creative Writing

    Creative Writing is the 5th episode of Season 3 of My Name Is Earl, and the 52nd episode overall. The prison holds a class for creative writing, but Earl can't think of anything to write. While Earl struggles to write, Randy, Joy, Darnell, and Catalina have no trouble coming up with creative story ideas of their own and take a few trips into their own fantasy worlds. Prisoners like to complain ...

  8. TV Recap: My Name is Earl

    Anyway, my favorite story of the night is Darnell's "Please Respect the Meat" -- a full-out MTV-type video with Randy singing back-up and Earl as a rapper. It's an eco-song about the ...

  9. "My Name Is Earl": Creative Writing

    Please respect the meat, my friends. Please respect the meat. "Creative Writing" starts with Earl taking a creative writing class with some other inmates. He wants to come up with an ...

  10. My Name is Earl: "Creative Writing" Review

    Earl was stuck in a white room straight out of The Matrix, Randy was the main character in his 70's TV-inspired goofy crime-fighting show, Joy's animated story was aimed at her kids, Darnell ...

  11. My Name Is Earl Soundtrack

    October 11, 2005. When Earl meets a tough biker chick at a Halloween party, it looks like a match made in heaven--but when the costumes come off, the mismatch becomes apparent and Earl takes drastic measures to get out of the relationship. Now, years later, Earl must find a way to make amends for deceiving the girl.

  12. Eddie Steeples

    St.Louis, Missouri , United States. Occupation. Actor. Years active. 2000-present. Eddie Steeples (born November 25, 1973) [1] is an American actor known for his roles as the "Rubberband Man" in an advertising campaign for OfficeMax, Cal in Would You Rather, as Darnell Turner on the NBC sitcom My Name Is Earl, and Eddie on The Guess Book.

  13. My Name Is Earl/Music

    My Name Is Earl is known for the great music used in the show, here is a list of all the songs played in the series. The songs are listed in the order that they were played in each episode. ... Creative Writing; 3.6 Episode 3x06 - Frank's Girl; 3.7 Episode 3x07 - Our Other COPS Is On, ... Creative Writing. Eddie Steeples (as Darnell Turner ...

  14. "My Name Is Earl" Creative Writing (TV Episode 2007)

    My Name Is Earl (TV Series) Creative Writing (2007) User Reviews Review this title 3 Reviews. Hide Spoilers ... (Joy, Earl, Randy and Catalina sings in Darnell's imagination as well!), Catalina imagining herself as a star in a Spanish telenovela 'Catalina' which have Earl, Randy, Joy and Darnell plays different characters and finally Earl in ...

  15. My Name Is Earl Episode 3.05 Creative Writing

    For instance, Darnell feels trapped in a crab-killing job that doesn't reflect his gentle nature; Catalina's trapped by being too pretty; Joy is trapped in motherhood; and Randy's hand is trapped ...

  16. My Name Is Earl Soundtrack (Seasons 1-4)

    My Name Is Earl Soundtrack (Seasons 1-4) · Playlist · 213 songs · 968 likes. My Name Is Earl Soundtrack (Seasons 1-4) · Playlist · 213 songs · 968 likes ... My Name Is Earl Soundtrack (Seasons 1-4) · Playlist · 213 songs · 965 likes. My Name Is Earl Soundtrack (Seasons 1-4) · Playlist · 213 songs · 965 likes Home; Search; Resize ...

  17. My Name Is Earl

    My Name Is Earl is an American television sitcom created by Greg Garcia that aired on the NBC television network from September 20, 2005, to May 14, 2009, in the United States. It was produced by 20th Century Fox Television and starred Jason Lee as Earl Hickey, the title character. The series also starred Ethan Suplee, Jaime Pressly, Nadine Velazquez, and Eddie Steeples.

  18. List of My Name Is Earl characters

    The NBC sitcom television series My Name Is Earl created by Greg Garcia features a variety of characters, most of whom live in the fictional town of Camden and Camden County. The show centers on Earl Hickey, a small-time crook who after an epiphany involving karma, makes a list of items in which he had done wrong to others, and proceeds to make amends to the people involved.

  19. My Name Is Earl Soundtrack

    Season 1 | E8 | Joy's Wedding. Darnell and Joy decided to tie the knot while Earl learns thru Randy's invitation that he is not invited. To make things worse Joy has scheduled the wedding on Earl's birthday so that all of their friends will be unable to celebrate with him. A drunken Earl crashes the party accidentally breaking Joy's nose ...

  20. My Name Is Earl Creative Writing Darnell Song

    We have thousands of returning clients that use our writing services every chance they get. We value your reputation, anonymity, and trust in us. Economics. 4.9 (4172 reviews) Level: College, University, High School, Master's, PHD, Undergraduate. 1647 Orders prepared.

  21. List of My Name Is Earl episodes

    My Name Is Earl is an American television sitcom created by Greg Garcia that premiered on NBC on September 20, ... "Creative Writing" Chris Koch: Bobby Bowman: October 18, 2007 () 3ALJ03: 7.25: 53: 6 "Frank's Girl" ... "Darnell Outed: Part 1" Eyal Gordin: Ralph Greene: January 15, 2009 () 4ALJ15: 5.99: 85: 16

  22. My Name Is Earl Creative Writing Darnell Song

    receive 15% off. with code: myservice15. Level: College, University, High School, Master's, PHD, Undergraduate. offers three types of essay writers: the best available writer aka. standard, a top-level writer, and a premium essay expert. Every class, or type, of an essay writer has its own pros and cons. Depending on the difficulty of your ...

  23. My Name Is Earl season 4

    While Joy creates Make-A-Wish T-shirts so her boys can line jump at the grand opening of an amusement park, Earl remembers when he stole a pony from a boy named Buddy whose Make-A-Wish dream was to ride it in a parade. when Earl goes to make amends with Buddy's parents, he discovers that Buddy is still alive.Buddy does not want a pony, but he wants Earl's help to produce a sci-fi action film ...