The Write Practice

Essay Writing Tips: 10 Steps to Writing a Great Essay (And Have Fun Doing It!)

by Joe Bunting | 118 comments

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Do you dread essay writing? Are you looking for some essay tips that will help you write an amazing essay—and have fun doing it?

essay tips

Lots of students, young and old, dread essay writing. It's a daunting assignment, one that takes research, time, and concentration.

It's also an assignment that you can break up into simple steps that make writing an essay manageable and, yes, even enjoyable.

These ten essay tips completely changed my writing process—and I hope that they can do the same for you.

Essay Writing Can Be Fun

Honestly, throughout most of high school and college, I was a mediocre essay writer.

Every once in a while, I would write a really good essay, but mostly I skated by with B's and A-minuses.

I know personally how boring writing an essay can be, and also, how hard it can be to write a good one.

However, toward the end of my time as a student, I made a breakthrough. I figured out how to not only write a great essay, I learned how to have fun while doing it . 

And since then, I've become a professional writer and have written more than a dozen books. I'm not saying that these essay writing tips are going to magically turn you into a writer, but at least they can help you enjoy the process more.

I'm excited to share these ten essay writing tips with you today! But first, we need to talk about why writing an essay is so hard.

Why Writing an Essay Is So Hard

When it comes to essay writing, a lot of students find a reason to put it off. And when they tackle it, they find it difficult to string sentences together that sound like a decent stance on the assigned subject.

Here are a few reasons why essay writing is hard:

  • You'd rather be scrolling through Facebook
  • You're trying to write something your teacher or professor will like
  • You're trying to get an A instead of writing something that's actually good
  • You want to do the least amount of work possible

The biggest reason writing an essay is so hard is because we mostly focus on those external  rewards like getting a passing grade, winning our teacher's approval, or just avoiding accusations of plagiarism.

The problem is that when you focus on external approval it not only makes writing much less fun, it also makes it significantly harder.

Because when you focus on external approval, you shut down your subconscious, and the subconscious is the source of your creativity.

The subconscious is the source of your creativity.

What this means practically is that when you're trying to write that perfect, A-plus-worthy sentence, you're turning off most of your best resources and writing skills.

So stop. Stop trying to write a good essay (or even a “good-enough” essay). Instead, write an interesting  essay, write an essay you think is fascinating. And when you're finished, go back and edit it until it's “good” according to your teacher's standards.

Yes, you need to follow the guidelines in your assignment. If your teacher tells you to write a five-paragraph essay, then write a five-paragraph essay! If your teacher asks for a specific type of essay, like an analysis, argument, or research essay, then make sure you write that type of essay!

However, within those guidelines, find room to express something that is uniquely you .

I can't guarantee you'll get a higher grade (although, you almost certainly will), but I can absolutely promise you'll have a lot more fun writing.

The Step-by-Step Process to Writing a Great Essay: Your 10 Essay Writing Tips

Ready to get writing? You can read my ten best tips for having fun while writing an essay that earns you the top grade, or check out this presentation designed by our friends at Canva Presentations .

1. Remember your essay is just a story.

Every story is about conflict and change, and the truth is that essays are about conflict and change, too! The difference is that in an essay, the conflict is between different ideas , and the change is in the way we should perceive those ideas.

That means that the best essays are about surprise: “You probably think it's one way, but in reality, you should think of it this other way.” See tip #3 for more on this.

How do you know what story you're telling? The prompt should tell you.

Any list of essay prompts includes various topics and tasks associated with them. Within those topics are characters (historical, fictional, or topical) faced with difficult choices. Your job is to work with those choices, usually by analyzing them, arguing about them, researching them, or describing them in detail.

2. Before you start writing, ask yourself, “How can I have the most fun writing this?”

It's normal to feel unmotivated when writing an academic essay. I'm a writer, and honestly, I feel unmotivated to write all the time. But I have a super-ninja, judo-mind trick I like to use to help motivate myself.

Here's the secret trick: One of the interesting things about your subconscious is that it will answer any question you ask yourself. So whenever you feel unmotivated to write your essay, ask yourself the following question:

“How much fun can I have writing this?”

Your subconscious will immediately start thinking of strategies to make the writing process more fun.

The best time to have your fun is the first draft. Since you're just brainstorming within the topic, and exploring the possible ways of approaching it, the first draft is the perfect place to get creative and even a little scandalous. Here are some wild suggestions to make your next essay a load of fun:

  • Research the most surprising or outrageous fact about the topic and use it as your hook.
  • Use a thesaurus to research the topic's key words. Get crazy with your vocabulary as you write, working in each key word synonym as much as possible.
  • Play devil's advocate and take the opposing or immoral side of the issue. See where the discussion takes you as you write.

3. As you research, ask yourself, “What surprises me about this subject?”

The temptation, when you're writing an essay, is to write what you think your teacher or professor wants to read.

Don't do this .

Instead, ask yourself, “What do I find interesting about this subject? What surprises me?”

If you can't think of anything that surprises you, anything you find interesting, then you're not searching well enough, because history, science, and literature are all brimming   over with surprises. When you look at how great ideas actually happen, the story is always, “We used  to think the world was this way. We found out we were completely wrong, and that the world is actually quite different from what we thought.”

These pieces of surprising information often make for the best topic sentences as well. Use them to outline your essay and build your body paragraphs off of each unique fact or idea. These will function as excellent hooks for your reader as you transition from one topic to the next.

(By the way, what sources should you use for research? Check out tip #10 below.)

4. Overwhelmed? Write five original sentences.

The standard three-point essay is really made up of just five original sentences surrounded by supporting paragraphs that back up those five sentences. If you're feeling overwhelmed, just write five sentences covering your most basic main points.

Here's what they might look like for this article:

  • Introductory Paragraph:  While most students consider writing an essay a boring task, with the right mindset, it can actually be an enjoyable experience.
  • Body #1: Most students think writing an essay is tedious because they focus on external rewards.
  • Body #2: Students should instead focus on internal fulfillment when writing an essay.
  • Body #3: Not only will focusing on internal fulfillment allow students to have more fun, it will also result in better essays.
  • Conclusion: Writing an essay doesn't have to be simply a way to earn a good grade. Instead, it can be a means of finding fulfillment.

After you write your five sentences, it's easy to fill in the paragraphs for each one.

Now, you give it a shot!

5. Be “source heavy.”

In college, I discovered a trick that helped me go from a B-average student to an A-student, but before I explain how it works, let me warn you. This technique is powerful , but it might not work for all teachers or professors. Use with caution.

As I was writing a paper for a literature class, I realized that the articles and books I was reading said what I was trying to say much better than I ever could. So what did I do? I quoted them liberally throughout my paper. When I wasn't quoting, I re-phrased what they said in my own words, giving proper credit, of course. I found that not only did this formula create a well-written essay, it took about half the time to write.

It's good to keep in mind that using anyone else's words, even when morphed into your own phrasing, requires citation. While the definition of plagiarism is shifting with the rise of online collaboration and cooperative learning environments, always  err on the side of excessive citation to be safe.

When I used this technique, my professors sometimes mentioned that my papers were very “source” heavy. However, at the same time, they always gave me A's.

To keep yourself safe, I recommend using a 60/40 approach with your body paragraphs: Make sure 60% of the words are your own analysis and argumentation, while 40% can be quoted (or text you paraphrase) from your sources.

Like the five sentence trick, this technique makes the writing process simpler. Instead of putting the main focus on writing well, it instead forces you to research  well, which some students find easier.

6. Write the body first, the introduction second, and the conclusion last.

Introductions are often the hardest part to write because you're trying to summarize your entire essay before you've even written it yet. Instead, try writing your introduction last, giving yourself the body of the paper to figure out the main point of your essay.

This is especially important with an essay topic you are not personally interested in. I definitely recommend this in classes you either don't excel in or care much for. Take plenty of time to draft and revise your body paragraphs before  attempting to craft a meaningful introductory paragraph.

Otherwise your opening may sound awkward, wooden, and bland.

7. Most essays answer the question, “What?” Good essays answer the “Why?” The best essays answer the “How?”

If you get stuck trying to make your argument, or you're struggling to reach the required word count, try focusing on the question, “How?”

For example:

  • How did J.D. Salinger convey the theme of inauthenticity in  The Catcher In the Rye ?
  • How did Napoleon restore stability in France after the French Revolution?
  • How does the research prove girls really do rule and boys really do drool?

If you focus on how, you'll always have enough to write about.

8. Don't be afraid to jump around.

Essay writing can be a dance. You don't have to stay in one place and write from beginning to end.

For the same reasons listed in point #6, give yourself the freedom to write as if you're circling around your topic rather than making a single, straightforward argument. Then, when you edit and proofread, you can make sure everything lines up correctly.

In fact, now is the perfect time to mention that proofreading your essay isn't just about spelling and commas.

It's about making sure your analysis or argument flows smoothly from one idea to another. (Okay, technically this comprises editing, but most students writing a high school or college essay don't take the time to complete every step of the writing process. Let's be honest.)

So as you clean up your mechanics and sentence structure, make sure your ideas flow smoothly, logically, and naturally from one to the next as you finish proofreading.

9. Here are some words and phrases you don't want to use.

  • You  (You'll notice I use a lot of you's, which is great for a blog post. However, in an academic essay, it's better to omit the second-person.)
  • To Be verbs (is, are, was, were, am)

Don't have time to edit? Here's a lightning-quick editing technique .

A note about “I”: Some teachers say you shouldn't use “I” statements in your writing, but the truth is that professional, academic papers often use phrases like “I believe” and “in my opinion,” especially in their introductions.

10. It's okay to use Wikipedia, if…

Wikipedia is one of the top five websites in the world for a reason: it can be a great tool for research. However, most teachers and professors don't consider Wikipedia a valid source for use in essays.

Don't totally discount it, though! Here are two ways you can use Wikipedia in your essay writing:

  • Background research. If you don't know enough about your topic, Wikipedia can be a great resource to quickly learn everything you need to know to get started.
  • Find sources . Check the reference section of Wikipedia's articles on your topic. While you may not be able to cite Wikipedia itself, you can often find those original sources and cite them . You can locate the links to primary and secondary sources at the bottom of any Wikipedia page under the headings “Further Reading” and “References.”

You Can Enjoy Essay Writing

The thing I regret most about high school and college is that I treated it like something I had  to do rather than something I wanted  to do.

The truth is, education is an opportunity many people in the world don't have access to.

It's a gift, not just something that makes your life more difficult. I don't want you to make the mistake of just “getting by” through school, waiting desperately for summer breaks and, eventually, graduation.

How would your life be better if you actively enjoyed writing an essay? What would school look like if you wanted to suck it dry of all the gifts it has to give you?

All I'm saying is, don't miss out!

Looking for More Essay Writing Tips?

Looking for more essay tips to strengthen your essay writing? Try some of these resources:

  • 7 Tips on Writing an Effective Essay
  • Tips for Writing Your Thesis Statement

How about you? Do you have any tips for writing an essay?  Let us know in the  comments .

Need more grammar help?  My favorite tool that helps find grammar problems and even generates reports to help improve my writing is ProWritingAid . Works with Word, Scrivener, Google Docs, and web browsers. Also, be sure to use my coupon code to get 20 percent off: WritePractice20

Coupon Code:WritePractice20 »

Ready to try out these ten essay tips to make your essay assignment fun? Spend fifteen minutes using tip #4 and write five original sentences that could be turned into an essay.

When you're finished, share your five sentences in the comments section. And don't forget to give feedback to your fellow writers!


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Joe Bunting

Joe Bunting is an author and the leader of The Write Practice community. He is also the author of the new book Crowdsourcing Paris , a real life adventure story set in France. It was a #1 New Release on Amazon. Follow him on Instagram (@jhbunting).

Want best-seller coaching? Book Joe here.

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College Nut

The Best College Essays on Reddit: A Comprehensive Guide

Understanding the importance of college essays.

College essays are a crucial component of the college application process. It’s the only opportunity for students to showcase their unique personalities, experiences, and perspectives to the admissions committee. These essays allow admissions officers to get to know applicants on a personal level and make informed decisions about their fit for the university.

The Role of Reddit in College Essays

Reddit is a popular online platform where people share information and have discussions about various topics. In recent years, Reddit has become a go-to destination for college applicants seeking advice on how to write the best college essays. There are numerous subreddits dedicated to college admissions, and in particular, college essays.

Reddit Subreddits for College Essays

r/ApplyingToCollege: This subreddit is a great resource for high school students who are applying to college. It covers everything from college admissions to financial aid, and of course, college essays. Students can ask questions and receive feedback on their essays from other members of the community.

r/CollegeEssayReview: This subreddit is specifically designed for students who are looking for feedback on their college essays. Members of the community can provide constructive criticism, and help students identify areas where they can improve their writing.

r/CollegeEssay: This subreddit is a great place for students to get inspiration for their college essays. Members share their own essays, which can help students get a better understanding of what makes a great college essay.

Examples of Best College Essays on Reddit

The best college essays are those that are unique, compelling, and personal. They tell a story that captures the reader’s attention and leaves a lasting impression. Here are a few examples of best college essays on Reddit:

Example 1: The Art of Being a Sandwich Artist

This essay was written by a student who worked at Subway during high school. The student used their experiences working as a “sandwich artist” to showcase their creativity and problem-solving skills. The essay was well-written and engaging, and it demonstrated the student’s unique perspective.

Example 2: My Life in a Nutshell

This essay was written by a student who was born with a rare genetic disorder. The student used their experiences growing up with this condition to showcase their resilience and determination. The essay was powerful and moving, and it left a lasting impression on the reader.

Example 3: The Color of My Skin

This essay was written by a student who was the only African American in their high school. The student used their experiences with racism and discrimination to showcase their strength and resilience. The essay was well-written and thought-provoking, and it provided a unique perspective on the challenges faced by minority students.

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Zoterobib review, innovative college essay formats: a reddit-inspired exploration.

Lesley J. Vos

The college essay is a critical component of the application process, and choosing the right format can make all the difference. In this article, we delve into a popular Reddit thread on college essay formats to uncover unique and engaging ideas from users who have been through the process themselves. Discover how these Redditors have approached their essays and the creative formats they’ve used to make their stories stand out.

Innovative College Essay Formats: A Reddit-Inspired Exploration

The List College Essay Format

One Reddit user shared their experience using a list format for their college essay. By presenting their thoughts as a numbered list, they were able to create a unique and memorable essay that showcased their creativity and writing skills. This format can be an effective way to break down complex ideas and present them in an easy-to-understand manner.

The Letter College Essay  Format

Another Redditor suggested writing the college essay in the form of a letter to someone significant in their life. This approach allows the writer to share their personal experiences and emotions in a conversational tone, making the essay more relatable and engaging for the reader.

The Dialogue College Essay Format

A Reddit user proposed using a dialogue format for their college essay, which involves presenting the essay as a conversation between the writer and someone else. This approach can bring a fresh and dynamic perspective to the essay, making it more interesting and thought-provoking for the reader.

The Anecdote College Essay Format

One popular suggestion from the Reddit thread is using an anecdote format for the college essay. By sharing a personal story or experience, the writer can provide a compelling narrative that captures the reader’s attention and showcases their personality, character, and values.

The Chronological College Essay Format

Another Reddit user suggested using a chronological format for their essay. By presenting events in the order they occurred, this approach can provide a clear and organized narrative that demonstrates the writer’s growth and development over time.

We asked Sybil Low to rank traditional pieces of advice about college essay format guidlines: 

As demonstrated by the ideas shared in the Reddit thread, there are numerous creative college essay formats to choose from. When crafting your own essay, consider using one of these unique formats to make your story stand out from the competition. Ultimately, the most important aspect of your essay is to showcase your authentic self and communicate your experiences and values in a way that resonates with admissions officers.

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Follow us on Reddit for more insights and updates.

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12 Unforgettable College Application Essays

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It's been a long time since I penned my college application essays, but that doesn't mean I don't still appreciate them. On the contrary: I think memorable college admissions essays are to be applauded. Why? Because anyone who can make theirs interesting, thus bringing a modicum of relief to those who have to actually sit there and plow through them all, definitely deserves some acknowledgment for their work. And hey, wouldn't you know it? That's the subject of today's AskReddit thread: “ College admissions counselors of Reddit , what's the weirdest/worst/most memorable essay you've read?”

As is wont to happen in an AskReddit thread, many — possibly even the majority, although I haven't actually counted them, so do with that what you will — of the responses did not come from their intended source; in this case, we're talking about college admissions officers. Some of them were submitted by the people who wrote them; others by people who knew the writers in question; and still others have the “a friend of a friend who dated my cousin's best friend” level of remove that can sometimes bring their veracity into question. Either way, though, they're all good for a laugh — and a few of them might even teach you something. Full steam ahead for a wide variety of lessons in what to do while writing your college application essays — and what not to do, too.

Here are 12 of the most notable examples; head on over to AskReddit for more . Oh, and for anyone who's waiting on their acceptance letters? Good luck! I believe in you!

1. The Theory of Cat/Toast Equilibrium

reddit essay

But… what does happen? I must know!

While we're on the subject, the University of Chicago seems like they've mastered the art of making college applications not boring for the people who actually have to read them. Check out some of essay prompts from this year's app:

reddit essay

Not going to lie: I am considering writing answers for them just for the hell of it. Because you know what? It actually sounds — dare I say it? — fun.

2. Law and Order: College Application Essays Unit

reddit essay

I would imagine that would be a pretty terrifying read. Quick, teach her to use her powers for the forces of good!

3. The Legendary Hugh Gallagher Essay

reddit essay

You may already be familiar with this one, but for the curious, here's the story behind it: Humorist, writer, and musician Hugh Gallagher penned the glorious satiric creation excerpted here for Scholastic Press' national writing contest when he was in high school. Unsurprisingly, he won. For some years, there was confusion surrounding whether or not he actually used it as his college essay; in 1998, though, Gallagher emailed University of York comp sci professor Susan Stepney , who had posted the essay on her website, noting that he did in fact send it along with his applications. For the curious, he ultimately attended NYU. Here's the permalink for the full comment — it's worth just for the final line. Trust me.

4. The Power of the Mighty Trombone

reddit essay

I was unable to discern whether or not this one actually happened or whether it's just an urban legend — but I'm willing to bet it's the latter. Either way, though, I think it's a terrible way to try to teach the “think outside the box” lesson; I feel like it encourages laziness more than anything else. But maybe that's just me.

5. How to Get Into Yale

reddit essay

That, though? That's pretty funny. Well played.

6. The Key to Effective Multitasking

reddit essay

Here's the thing with writing humorous college application essays: They only work if you're actually… y'know… funny. I feel like maybe the right person might have been able to make this idea work, but the execution of the idea this time around just wasn't up to par. However, this also happened:

reddit essay

Small world, no?

7. Art History Is Best History

reddit essay

Either the admissions officers loved it, or they didn't actually read it. The jury's still out on which one it is.

8. We Are Gathered Here Today…

reddit essay

To be fair, I'm not totally sure what's to be gained by sending your own obituary as a college essay; unless the prompt was something like, “Write whatever you want, as long as it is at least 500 words long,” it doesn't seem like it would really answer any questions the admissions committee might be relying on the essay to fill them in about. At the same time, though, clearly someone could have used a little Journalism 101.

9. An Act of Valor

reddit essay

This one was copied from another thread and pasted in this one , but I think it's definitely a winner.

10. The Importance of Proofreading

reddit essay

Ouch. Just… ouch.

11. The Legacies

reddit essay

Oh, come on. I wouldn't blame these two for using their legacy to help them get a leg up — but relying solely on it like this? That's cheating. Also, shame on the school that let them get away with it.

12. Hardboiled Washington

reddit essay

I hope this Redditor is planning on studying creative writing. You've got a great future ahead of you, kid — even if you do need a little work with your punctuation and grammar.

Images: churl /Flickr; Giphy (2); Pandawhale

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College Essays


Just as there are noteworthy examples of excellent college essays that admissions offices like to publish, so are there cringe-worthy examples of terrible college essays that end up being described by anonymous admissions officers on Reddit discussion boards.

While I won't guarantee that your essay will end up in the first category, I will say that you follow my advice in this article, your essay most assuredly won't end up in the second. How do you avoid writing a bad admissions essay? Read on to find out what makes an essay bad and to learn which college essay topics to avoid. I'll also explain how to recognize bad college essays—and what to do to if you end up creating one by accident.

What Makes Bad College Essays Bad

What exactly happens to turn a college essay terrible? Just as great personal statements combine an unexpected topic with superb execution, flawed personal statements compound problematic subject matter with poor execution.

Problems With the Topic

The primary way to screw up a college essay is to flub what the essay is about or how you've decided to discuss a particular experience. Badly chosen essay content can easily create an essay that is off-putting in one of a number of ways I'll discuss in the next section.

The essay is the place to let the admissions office of your target college get to know your personality, character, and the talents and skills that aren't on your transcript. So if you start with a terrible topic, not only will you end up with a bad essay, but you risk ruining the good impression that the rest of your application makes.

Some bad topics show admissions officers that you don't have a good sense of judgment or maturity , which is a problem since they are building a class of college students who have to be able to handle independent life on campus.

Other bad topics suggest that you are a boring person , or someone who doesn't process your experience in a colorful or lively way, which is a problem since colleges want to create a dynamic and engaged cohort of students.

Still other bad topics indicate that you're unaware of or disconnected from the outside world and focused only on yourself , which is a problem since part of the point of college is to engage with new people and new ideas, and admissions officers are looking for people who can do that.

Problems With the Execution

Sometimes, even if the experiences you discuss could be the foundation of a great personal statement, the way you've structured and put together your essay sends up warning flags. This is because the admissions essay is also a place to show the admissions team the maturity and clarity of your writing style.

One way to get this part wrong is to exhibit very faulty writing mechanics , like unclear syntax or incorrectly used punctuation. This is a problem since college-ready writing is one of the things that's expected from a high school graduate.

Another way to mess this up is to ignore prompt instructions either for creative or careless reasons. This can show admissions officers that you're either someone who simply blows off directions and instructions or someone who can't understand how to follow them . Neither is a good thing, since they are looking for people who are open to receiving new information from professors and not just deciding they know everything already.


College Essay Topics To Avoid

Want to know why you're often advised to write about something mundane and everyday for your college essay? That's because the more out-there your topic, the more likely it is to stumble into one of these trouble categories.

Too Personal

The problem with the overly personal essay topic is that revealing something very private can show that you don't really understand boundaries . And knowing where appropriate boundaries are will be key for living on your own with a bunch of people not related to you.

Unfortunately, stumbling into the TMI zone of essay topics is more common than you think. One quick test for checking your privacy-breaking level: if it's not something you'd tell a friendly stranger sitting next to you on the plane, maybe don't tell it to the admissions office.

  • Describing losing your virginity, or anything about your sex life really. This doesn't mean you can't write about your sexual orientation—just leave out the actual physical act.
  • Writing in too much detail about your illness, disability, any other bodily functions. Detailed meaningful discussion of what this physical condition has meant to you and your life is a great thing to write about. But stay away from body horror and graphic descriptions that are simply there for gratuitous shock value.
  • Waxing poetic about your love for your significant other. Your relationship is adorable to the people currently involved in it, but those who don't know you aren't invested in this aspect of your life.
  • Confessing to odd and unusual desires of the sexual or illegal variety. Your obsession with cultivating cacti is wonderful topic, while your obsession with researching explosives is a terrible one.


Too Revealing of Bad Judgment

Generally speaking, leave past illegal or immoral actions out of your essay . It's simply a bad idea to give admissions officers ammunition to dislike you.

Some exceptions might be if you did something in a very, very different mindset from the one you're in now (in the midst of escaping from danger, under severe coercion, or when you were very young, for example). Or if your essay is about explaining how you've turned over a new leaf and you have the transcript to back you up.

  • Writing about committing crime as something fun or exciting. Unless it's on your permanent record, and you'd like a chance to explain how you've learned your lesson and changed, don't put this in your essay.
  • Describing drug use or the experience of being drunk or high. Even if you're in a state where some recreational drugs are legal, you're a high school student. Your only exposure to mind-altering substances should be caffeine.
  • Making up fictional stories about yourself as though they are true. You're unlikely to be a good enough fantasist to pull this off, and there's no reason to roll the dice on being discovered to be a liar.
  • Detailing your personality flaws. Unless you have a great story of coping with one of these, leave deal-breakers like pathological narcissism out of your personal statement.


Too Overconfident

While it's great to have faith in your abilities, no one likes a relentless show-off. No matter how magnificent your accomplishments, if you decide to focus your essay on them, it's better to describe a setback or a moment of doubt rather that simply praising yourself to the skies.

  • Bragging and making yourself the flawless hero of your essay. This goes double if you're writing about not particularly exciting achievements like scoring the winning goal or getting the lead in the play.
  • Having no awareness of the actual scope of your accomplishments. It's lovely that you take time to help others, but volunteer-tutoring a couple of hours a week doesn't make you a saintly figure.


Too Clichéd or Boring

Remember your reader. In this case, you're trying to make yourself memorable to an admissions officer who has been reading thousands of other essays . If your essay makes the mistake of being boring or trite, it just won't register in that person's mind as anything worth paying attention to.

  • Transcribing your resume into sentence form or writing about the main activity on your transcript. The application already includes your resume, or a detailed list of your various activities. Unless the prompt specifically asks you to write about your main activity, the essay needs to be about a facet of your interests and personality that doesn't come through the other parts of the application.
  • Writing about sports. Every athlete tries to write this essay. Unless you have a completely off-the-wall story or unusual achievement, leave this overdone topic be.
  • Being moved by your community service trip to a third-world country. Were you were impressed at how happy the people seemed despite being poor? Did you learn a valuable lesson about how privileged you are? Unfortunately, so has every other teenager who traveled on one of these trips. Writing about this tends to simultaneously make you sound unempathetic, clueless about the world, way over-privileged, and condescending. Unless you have a highly specific, totally unusual story to tell, don't do it.
  • Reacting with sadness to a sad, but very common experience. Unfortunately, many of the hard, formative events in your life are fairly universal. So, if you're going to write about death or divorce, make sure to focus on how you dealt with this event, so the essay is something only you could possibly have written. Only detailed, idiosyncratic description can save this topic.
  • Going meta. Don't write about the fact that you're writing the essay as we speak, and now the reader is reading it, and look, the essay is right here in the reader's hand. It's a technique that seems clever, but has already been done many times in many different ways.
  • Offering your ideas on how to fix the world. This is especially true if your solution is an easy fix, if only everyone would just listen to you. Trust me, there's just no way you are being realistically appreciative of the level of complexity inherent in the problem you're describing.
  • Starting with a famous quotation. There usually is no need to shore up your own words by bringing in someone else's. Of course, if you are writing about a particular phrase that you've adopted as a life motto, feel free to include it. But even then, having it be the first line in your essay feels like you're handing the keys over to that author and asking them to drive.
  • Using an everyday object as a metaphor for your life/personality. "Shoes. They are like this, and like that, and people love them for all of these reasons. And guess what? They are just like me."


Too Off-Topic

Unlike the essays you've been writing in school where the idea is to analyze something outside of yourself, the main subject of your college essay should be you, your background, your makeup, and your future . Writing about someone or something else might well make a great essay, but not for this context.

  • Paying tribute to someone very important to you. Everyone would love to meet your grandma, but this isn't the time to focus on her amazing coming of age story. If you do want to talk about a person who is important to your life, dwell on the ways you've been impacted by them, and how you will incorporate this impact into your future.
  • Documenting how well other people do things, say things, are active, while you remain passive and inactive in the essay. Being in the orbit of someone else's important lab work, or complex stage production, or meaningful political activism is a fantastic learning moment. But if you decide to write about, your essay should be about your learning and how you've been influenced, not about the other person's achievements.
  • Concentrating on a work of art that deeply moved you. Watch out for the pitfall of writing an analytical essay about that work, and not at all about your reaction to it or how you've been affected since. Check out our explanation of how to answer Topic D of the ApplyTexas application to get some advice on writing about someone else's work while making sure your essay still points back at you.


(Image: Pieter Christoffel Wonder [Public domain] , via Wikimedia Commons)

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Too Offensive

With this potential mistake, you run the risk of showing a lack of self-awareness or the ability to be open to new ideas . Remember, no reader wants to be lectured at. If that's what your essay does, you are demonstrating an inability to communicate successfully with others.

Also, remember that no college is eager to admit someone who is too close-minded to benefit from being taught by others. A long, one-sided essay about a hot-button issue will suggest that you are exactly that.

  • Ranting at length about political, religious, or other contentious topics. You simply don't know where the admissions officer who reads your essay stands on any of these issues. It's better to avoid upsetting or angering that person.
  • Writing a one-sided diatribe about guns, abortion, the death penalty, immigration, or anything else in the news. Even if you can marshal facts in your argument, this essay is simply the wrong place to take a narrow, unempathetic side in an ongoing debate.
  • Mentioning anything negative about the school you're applying to. Again, your reader is someone who works there and presumably is proud of the place. This is not the time to question the admissions officer's opinions or life choices.


College Essay Execution Problems To Avoid

Bad college essays aren't only caused by bad topics. Sometimes, even if you're writing about an interesting, relevant topic, you can still seem immature or unready for college life because of the way you present that topic—the way you actually write your personal statement. Check to make sure you haven't made any of the common mistakes on this list.


Admissions officers are looking for resourcefulness, the ability to be resilient, and an active and optimistic approach to life —these are all qualities that create a thriving college student. Essays that don't show these qualities are usually suffering from tone-deafness.

  • Being whiny or complaining about problems in your life. Is the essay about everyone doing things to/against you? About things happening to you, rather than you doing anything about them? That perspective is a definite turn-off.
  • Trying and failing to use humor. You may be very funny in real life, but it's hard to be successfully funny in this context, especially when writing for a reader who doesn't know you. If you do want to use humor, I'd recommend the simplest and most straightforward version: being self-deprecating and low-key.
  • Talking down to the reader, or alternately being self-aggrandizing. No one enjoys being condescended to. In this case, much of the function of your essay is to charm and make yourself likable, which is unlikely to happen if you adopt this tone.
  • Being pessimistic, cynical, and generally depressive. You are applying to college because you are looking forward to a future of learning, achievement, and self-actualization. This is not the time to bust out your existential ennui and your jaded, been-there-done-that attitude toward life.


(Image: Eduard Munch [Public Domain] , via Wikimedia Commons)

Lack of Personality

One good question to ask yourself is: could anyone else have written this essay ? If the answer is yes, then you aren't doing a good job of representing your unique perspective on the world. It's very important to demonstrate your ability to be a detailed observer of the world, since that will be one of your main jobs as a college student.

  • Avoiding any emotions, and appearing robot-like and cold in the essay. Unlike essays that you've been writing for class, this essay is meant to be a showcase of your authorial voice and personality. It may seem strange to shift gears after learning how to take yourself out of your writing, but this is the place where you have to put as much as yourself in as possible.
  • Skipping over description and specific details in favor of writing only in vague generalities. Does your narrative feel like a newspaper horoscope, which could apply to every other person who was there that day? Then you're doing it wrong and need to refocus on your reaction, feelings, understanding, and transformation.


Off-Kilter Style

There's some room for creativity here, yes, but a college essay isn't a free-for-all postmodern art class . True, there are prompts that specifically call for your most out-of-left-field submission, or allow you to submit a portfolio or some other work sample instead of a traditional essay. But on a standard application, it's better to stick to traditional prose, split into paragraphs, further split into sentences.

  • Submitting anything other than just the materials asked for on your application. Don't send food to the admissions office, don't write your essay on clothing or shoes, don't create a YouTube channel about your undying commitment to the school. I know there are a lot of urban legends about "that one time this crazy thing worked," but they are either not true or about something that will not work a second time.
  • Writing your essay in verse, in the form of a play, in bullet points, as an acrostic, or any other non-prose form. Unless you really have a way with poetry or playwriting, and you are very confident that you can meet the demands of the prompt and explain yourself well in this form, don't discard prose simply for the sake of being different.
  • Using as many "fancy" words as possible and getting very far away from sounding like yourself. Admissions officers are unanimous in wanting to hear your not fully formed teenage voice in your essay. This means that you should write at the top of your vocabulary range and syntax complexity, but don't trade every word up for a thesaurus synonym. Your essay will suffer for it.


Failure to Proofread

Most people have a hard time checking over their own work. This is why you have to make sure that someone else proofreads your writing . This is the one place where you can, should—and really must—get someone who knows all about grammar, punctuation and has a good eye for detail to take a red pencil to your final draft.

Otherwise, you look like you either don't know the basic rules or writing (in which case, are you really ready for college work?) or don't care enough to present yourself well (in which case, why would the admissions people care about admitting you?).

  • Typos, grammatical mistakes, punctuation flubs, weird font/paragraph spacing issues. It's true that these are often unintentional mistakes. But caring about getting it right is a way to demonstrate your work ethic and dedication to the task at hand.
  • Going over the word limit. Part of showing your brilliance is being able to work within arbitrary rules and limitations. Going over the word count points to a lack of self-control, which is not a very attractive feature in a college applicant.
  • Repeating the same word(s) or sentence structure over and over again. This makes your prose monotonous and hard to read.


Bad College Essay Examples—And How to Fix Them

The beauty of writing is that you get to rewrite. So if you think of your essay as a draft waiting to be revised into a better version rather than as a precious jewel that can't bear being touched, you'll be in far better shape to correct the issues that always crop up!

Now let's take a look at some actual college essay drafts to see where the writer is going wrong and how the issue could be fixed.

Essay #1: The "I Am Writing This Essay as We Speak" Meta-Narrative

Was your childhood home destroyed by a landspout tornado? Yeah, neither was mine. I know that intro might have given the impression that this college essay will be about withstanding disasters, but the truth is that it isn't about that at all.

In my junior year, I always had in mind an image of myself finishing the college essay months before the deadline. But as the weeks dragged on and the deadline drew near, it soon became clear that at the rate things are going I would probably have to make new plans for my October, November and December.

Falling into my personal wormhole, I sat down with my mom to talk about colleges. "Maybe you should write about Star Trek ," she suggested, "you know how you've always been obsessed with Captain Picard, calling him your dream mentor. Unique hobbies make good topics, right? You'll sound creative!" I played with the thought in my mind, tapping my imaginary communicator pin and whispering "Computer. Tea. Earl Grey. Hot. And then an Essay." Nothing happened. Instead, I sat quietly in my room wrote the old-fashioned way. Days later I emerged from my room disheveled, but to my dismay, this college essay made me sound like just a guy who can't get over the fact that he'll never take the Starfleet Academy entrance exam. So, I tossed my essay away without even getting to disintegrate it with a phaser set on stun.

I fell into a state of panic. My college essay. My image of myself in senior year. Almost out of nowhere, Robert Jameson Smith offered his words of advice. Perfect! He suggested students begin their college essay by listing their achievements and letting their essay materialize from there. My heart lifted, I took his advice and listed three of my greatest achievements - mastering my backgammon strategy, being a part of TREE in my sophomore year, and performing "I Am the Very Model of a Modern Major-General" from The Pirates of Penzance in public. And sure enough, I felt inspiration hit me and began to type away furiously into the keyboard about my experience in TREE, or Trees Require Engaged Environmentalists. I reflected on the current state of deforestation, and described the dichotomy of it being both understandable why farmers cut down forests for farmland, and how dangerous this is to our planet. Finally, I added my personal epiphany to the end of my college essay as the cherry on the vanilla sundae, as the overused saying goes.

After 3 weeks of figuring myself out, I have converted myself into a piece of writing. As far as achievements go, this was definitely an amazing one. The ability to transform a human being into 603 words surely deserves a gold medal. Yet in this essay, I was still being nagged by a voice that couldn't be ignored. Eventually, I submitted to that yelling inner voice and decided that this was not the right essay either.

In the middle of a hike through Philadelphia's Fairmount Park, I realized that the college essay was nothing more than an embodiment of my character. The two essays I have written were not right because they have failed to become more than just words on recycled paper. The subject failed to come alive. Certainly my keen interest in Star Trek and my enthusiasm for TREE are a great part of who I am, but there were other qualities essential in my character that did not come across in the essays.

With this realization, I turned around as quickly as I could without crashing into a tree.

What Essay #1 Does Well

Here are all things that are working on all cylinders for this personal statement as is.

Killer First Sentence

Was your childhood home destroyed by a landspout tornado? Yeah, neither was mine.

  • A strange fact. There are different kinds of tornadoes? What is a "landspout tornado" anyway?
  • A late-night-deep-thoughts hypothetical. What would it be like to be a kid whose house was destroyed in this unusual way?
  • Direct engagement with the reader. Instead of asking "what would it be like to have a tornado destroy a house" it asks "was your house ever destroyed."


Gentle, Self-Deprecating Humor That Lands Well

I played with the thought in my mind, tapping my imaginary communicator pin and whispering "Computer. Tea. Earl Grey. Hot. And then an Essay." Nothing happened. Instead, I sat quietly in my room wrote the old-fashioned way. Days later I emerged from my room disheveled, but to my dismay, this college essay made me sound like just a guy who can't get over the fact that he'll never take the Starfleet Academy entrance exam. So, I tossed my essay away without even getting to disintegrate it with a phaser set on stun.

The author has his cake and eats it too here: both making fun of himself for being super into the Star Trek mythos, but also showing himself being committed enough to try whispering a command to the Enterprise computer alone in his room. You know, just in case.

A Solid Point That Is Made Paragraph by Paragraph

The meat of the essay is that the two versions of himself that the author thought about portraying each fails in some way to describe the real him. Neither an essay focusing on his off-beat interests, nor an essay devoted to his serious activism could capture everything about a well-rounded person in 600 words.


(Image: fir0002 via Wikimedia Commons .)

Where Essay #1 Needs Revision

Rewriting these flawed parts will make the essay shine.

Spending Way Too Long on the Metanarrative

I know that intro might have given the impression that this college essay will be about withstanding disasters, but the truth is that it isn't about that at all.

After 3 weeks of figuring myself out, I have converted myself into a piece of writing. As far as achievements go, this was definitely an amazing one. The ability to transform a human being into 603 words surely deserves a gold medal.

Look at how long and draggy these paragraphs are, especially after that zippy opening. Is it at all interesting to read about how someone else found the process of writing hard? Not really, because this is a very common experience.

In the rewrite, I'd advise condensing all of this to maybe a sentence to get to the meat of the actual essay .

Letting Other People Do All the Doing

I sat down with my mom to talk about colleges. "Maybe you should write about Star Trek ," she suggested, "you know how you've always been obsessed with Captain Picard, calling him your dream mentor. Unique hobbies make good topics, right? You'll sound creative!"

Almost out of nowhere, Robert Jameson Smith offered his words of advice. Perfect! He suggested students begin their college essay by listing their achievements and letting their essay materialize from there.

Twice in the essay, the author lets someone else tell him what to do. Not only that, but it sounds like both of the "incomplete" essays were dictated by the thoughts of other people and had little to do with his own ideas, experiences, or initiative.

In the rewrite, it would be better to recast both the Star Trek and the TREE versions of the essay as the author's own thoughts rather than someone else's suggestions . This way, the point of the essay—taking apart the idea that a college essay could summarize life experience—is earned by the author's two failed attempts to write that other kind of essay.


Leaving the Insight and Meaning Out of His Experiences

Both the Star Trek fandom and the TREE activism were obviously important life experiences for this author—important enough to be potential college essay topic candidates. But there is no description of what the author did with either one, nor any explanation of why these were so meaningful to his life.

It's fine to say that none of your achievements individually define you, but in order for that to work, you have to really sell the achievements themselves.

In the rewrite, it would be good to explore what he learned about himself and the world by pursuing these interests . How did they change him or seen him into the person he is today?

Not Adding New Shades and Facets of Himself Into the Mix

So, I tossed my essay away without even getting to disintegrate it with a phaser set on stun.

Yet in this essay, I was still being nagged by a voice that couldn't be ignored. Eventually, I submitted to that yelling inner voice and decided that this was not the right essay either.

In both of these passages, there is the perfect opportunity to point out what exactly these failed versions of the essay didn't capture about the author . In the next essay draft, I would suggest subtly making a point about his other qualities.

For example, after the Star Trek paragraph, he could talk about other culture he likes to consume, especially if he can discuss art forms he is interested in that would not be expected from someone who loves Star Trek .

Or, after the TREE paragraph, the author could explain why this second essay was no better at capturing him than the first. What was missing? Why is the self in the essay shouting—is it because this version paints him as an overly aggressive activist?


Essay #2: The "I Once Saw Poor People" Service Trip Essay

Unlike other teenagers, I'm not concerned about money, or partying, or what others think of me. Unlike other eighteen year-olds, I think about my future, and haven't become totally materialistic and acquisitive. My whole outlook on life changed after I realized that my life was just being handed to me on a silver spoon, and yet there were those in the world who didn't have enough food to eat or place to live. I realized that the one thing that this world needed more than anything was compassion; compassion for those less fortunate than us.

During the summer of 2006, I went on a community service trip to rural Peru to help build an elementary school for kids there. I expected harsh conditions, but what I encountered was far worse. It was one thing to watch commercials asking for donations to help the unfortunate people in less developed countries, yet it was a whole different story to actually live it. Even after all this time, I can still hear babies crying from hunger; I can still see the filthy rags that they wore; I can still smell the stench of misery and hopelessness. But my most vivid memory was the moment I first got to the farming town. The conditions of it hit me by surprise; it looked much worse in real life than compared to the what our group leader had told us. Poverty to me and everyone else I knew was a foreign concept that people hear about on the news or see in documentaries. But this abject poverty was their life, their reality. And for the brief ten days I was there, it would be mine too. As all of this realization came at once, I felt overwhelmed by the weight of what was to come. Would I be able to live in the same conditions as these people? Would I catch a disease that no longer existed in the first world, or maybe die from drinking contaminated water? As these questions rolled around my already dazed mind, I heard a soft voice asking me in Spanish, "Are you okay? Is there anything I can do to make you feel better?" I looked down to see a small boy, around nine years of age, who looked starved, and cold, wearing tattered clothing, comforting me. These people who have so little were able to forget their own needs, and put those much more fortunate ahead of themselves. It was at that moment that I saw how selfish I had been. How many people suffered like this in the world, while I went about life concerned about nothing at all?

Thinking back on the trip, maybe I made a difference, maybe not. But I gained something much more important. I gained the desire to make the world a better place for others. It was in a small, poverty-stricken village in Peru that I finally realized that there was more to life than just being alive.

What Essay #2 Does Well

Let's first point out what this draft has going for it.

Clear Chronology

This is an essay that tries to explain a shift in perspective. There are different ways to structure this overarching idea, but a chronological approach that starts with an earlier opinion, describes a mind changing event, and ends with the transformed point of view is an easy and clear way to lay this potentially complex subject out.


(Image: User:Lite via Wikimedia Commons)

Where Essay #2 Needs Revision

Now let's see what needs to be changed in order for this essay to pass muster.

Condescending, Obnoxious Tone

Unlike other teenagers, I'm not concerned about money, or partying, or what others think of me. Unlike other eighteen year-olds, I think about my future, and haven't become totally materialistic and acquisitive.

This is a very broad generalization, which doesn't tend to be the best way to formulate an argument—or to start an essay. It just makes this author sound dismissive of a huge swath of the population.

In the rewrite, this author would be way better off just concentrate on what she want to say about herself, not pass judgment on "other teenagers," most of whom she doesn't know and will never meet.

I realized that the one thing that this world needed more than anything was compassion; compassion for those less fortunate than us.

Coming from someone who hasn't earned her place in the world through anything but the luck of being born, the word "compassion" sounds really condescending. Calling others "less fortunate" when you're a senior in high school has a dehumanizing quality to it.

These people who have so little were able to forget their own needs, and put those much more fortunate in front of themselves.

Again, this comes across as very patronizing. Not only that, but to this little boy the author was clearly not looking all that "fortunate"—instead, she looked pathetic enough to need comforting.

In the next draft, a better hook could be making the essay about the many different kinds of shifting perspectives the author encountered on that trip . A more meaningful essay would compare and contrast the points of view of the TV commercials, to what the group leader said, to the author's own expectations, and finally to this child's point of view.


Vague, Unobservant Description

During the summer of 2006, I went on a community service trip to rural Peru to help build an elementary school for kids there. I expected harsh conditions, but what I encountered was far worse. It was one thing to watch commercials asking for donations to help the unfortunate people in less developed countries, yet it was a whole different story to actually live it. Even after all this time, I can still hear babies crying from hunger; I can still see the filthy rags that they wore; I can still smell the stench of misery and hopelessness.

Phrases like "cries of the small children from not having enough to eat" and "dirt stained rags" seem like descriptions, but they're really closer to incurious and completely hackneyed generalizations. Why were the kids were crying? How many kids? All the kids? One specific really loud kid?

The same goes for "filthy rags," which is both an incredibly insensitive way to talk about the clothing of these villagers, and again shows a total lack of interest in their life. Why were their clothes dirty? Were they workers or farmers so their clothes showing marks of labor? Did they have Sunday clothes? Traditional clothes they would put on for special occasions? Did they make their own clothes? That would be a good reason to keep wearing clothing even if it had "stains" on it.

The rewrite should either make this section more specific and less reliant on cliches, or should discard it altogether .

The conditions of it hit me by surprise; it looked much worse in real life than compared to the what our group leader had told us. Poverty to me and everyone else I knew was a foreign concept that people hear about on the news or see in documentaries. But this abject poverty was their life, their reality.

If this is the "most vivid memory," then I would expect to read all the details that have been seared into the author's brain. What did their leader tell them? What was different in real life? What was the light like? What did the houses/roads/grass/fields/trees/animals/cars look like? What time of day was it? Did they get there by bus, train, or plane? Was there an airport/train station/bus terminal? A city center? Shops? A marketplace?

There are any number of details to include here when doing another drafting pass.


Lack of Insight or Maturity

But this abject poverty was their life, their reality. And for the brief ten days I was there, it would be mine too. As all of this realization came at once, I felt overwhelmed by the weight of what was to come. Would I be able to live in the same conditions as these people? Would I catch a disease that no longer existed in the first world, or maybe die from drinking contaminated water?

Without a framing device explaining that this initial panic was an overreaction, this section just makes the author sound whiny, entitled, melodramatic, and immature . After all, this isn't a a solo wilderness trek—the author is there with a paid guided program. Just how much mortality is typically associated with these very standard college-application-boosting service trips?

In a rewrite, I would suggest including more perspective on the author's outsized and overprivileged response here. This would fit well with a new focus on the different points of view on this village the author encountered.

Unearned, Clichéd "Deep Thoughts"

But I gained something much more important. I gained the desire to make the world a better place for others. It was in a small, poverty-stricken village in Peru that I finally realized that there was more to life than just being alive.

Is it really believable that this is what the author learned? There is maybe some evidence to suggest that the author was shaken somewhat out of a comfortable, materialistic existence. But what does "there is more to life than just being alive" even really mean? This conclusion is rather vague, and seems mostly a non sequitur.

In a rewrite, the essay should be completely reoriented to discuss how differently others see us than we see ourselves, pivoting on the experience of being pitied by someone who you thought was pitiable. Then, the new version can end by on a note of being better able to understand different points of view and other people's perspectives .


The Bottom Line

  • Bad college essays have problems either with their topics or their execution.
  • The essay is how admissions officers learn about your personality, point of view, and maturity level, so getting the topic right is a key factor in letting them see you as an aware, self-directed, open-minded applicant who is going to thrive in an environment of independence.
  • The essay is also how admissions officers learn that you are writing at a ready-for-college level, so screwing up the execution shows that you either don't know how to write, or don't care enough to do it well.
  • The main ways college essay topics go wrong is bad taste, bad judgment, and lack of self-awareness.
  • The main ways college essays fail in their execution have to do with ignoring format, syntax, and genre expectations.

What's Next?

Want to read some excellent college essays now that you've seen some examples of flawed one? Take a look through our roundup of college essay examples published by colleges and then get help with brainstorming your perfect college essay topic .

Need some guidance on other parts of the application process? Check out our detailed, step-by-step guide to college applications for advice.

Are you considering taking the SAT or ACT again before you submit your application? Read about our famous test prep guides for hints and strategies for a better score.

Want to improve your SAT score by 160 points or your ACT score by 4 points?   We've written a guide for each test about the top 5 strategies you must be using to have a shot at improving your score. Download them for free now:

Anna scored in the 99th percentile on her SATs in high school, and went on to major in English at Princeton and to get her doctorate in English Literature at Columbia. She is passionate about improving student access to higher education.

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The Write Stuff: 4 College Admissions Essay Editing Services Reviewed

Looking for good news about the college admissions process these days? You won't find much of it. Not only has the cost of attending college doubled on average since the 1980s, but also it's gotten considerably harder to get in. The majority of colleges in America have witnessed a plummeting acceptance rate as the number of student applications has exploded. Fifty years ago you had a 20 percent shot at getting into Harvard (all things equal, of course). Now the Crimson's acceptance rate is about 5 percent. In the last 10 years alone, the acceptance rate at many major universities has been cut in half . It's almost enough to make a kid consider trying out for the rowing team .

As if applicants didn't have enough to stress about, colleges have been making it more onerous to apply—requiring additional interviews, recommendations, and SAT Subject Tests. But the most burdensome of them all is an old standby: the application essay.

Essay requirements vary widely from school to school. The 150-plus members of the Coalition for College (which includes Harvard and Vanderbilt) requires a single 500-word essay selected from prompts such as "Describe a time when you made a meaningful contribution to others in which the greater good was your focus. Discuss the challenges and rewards of making your contribution." Those with eyes on the University of California system must write a whopping four essays, with prompts such as "Describe how you have taken advantage of a significant educational opportunity or worked to overcome an educational barrier you have faced."

Students can reuse essays with other colleges if the prompts are similar enough—or if the schools happen to be members of the same application partnership—but you'd be surprised how seldom this occurs. My daughter found that out the hard way, when she learned that she'd have to write 12 separate essays to cover just five schools.

What's a kid to do who doesn't have parents who both work full-time as writers and editors? Just run their essay through Microsoft grammar check and hope for the best? Good luck. The acceptance rate at the University of Chicago has dropped 81 percent in the last 12 years. It doesn't take a Rhodes scholar to know that if you don't put your best foot forward, you may as well not even bother.

All of this led me to the curious world of online editing services. While you can hire a consultant to help guide your child through this overwhelming maze, these consultants are expensive and much of their work involves managing the complex application process, figuring out which colleges are a good fit, and brainstorming essay topics. If you just need help whipping an already written essay into better shape, an online editor might be a better (and much cheaper) fit.

To be sure, some of these services are exorbitantly expensive. Services like EssayEdge and TopAdmit can run you close to $200 for editing a single essay of fewer than 400 words. I've seen prices as high as $379 after various upsells. Word for word, that's more than what my editor at WIRED makes. (Hi, Mike!)

The good news is there are plenty of more affordable options available. I tested four of them, all reasonably priced and seemingly legitimate. Most of these services charge based on a combination of the word count of the original essay and the turnaround time required. I used the same raw essay from my daughter as a test piece for each of the four services, and requested the slowest turnaround time each of them offered to minimize the cost. I submitted her 383-word raw essay at the same time to each of the services, on a Wednesday afternoon. I gave all the services minimal guidance with my submission, noting only (when prompted) that this was a college application essay. All four of the services allow you to upload a Microsoft Word document and receive a red-lined and comment-filled Word document in return.

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When I received the revised essays, I reviewed them along with my wife (also a professional writer) and my daughter, the author. The reviews were done blind, without indicating the source of any of the edits, and we all rated each essay on a 1 to 10 scale. I also threw in a copy that I roughly edited. For the sake of comparison, the raw essay scored an average of 4.8, while my edit garnered a 6.9.

Here's what the various services cost, and how well they performed.

Note: When you buy something using the retail links in our stories, we may earn a small affiliate commission. Read more about how this works.

Total price: $13.91, 48-hour turnaround promised. Edit received within 24 hours.

Scribendi offers seven different turnaround time tiers, but its 72-hour and one-week turnarounds were the same price as the 48-hour turnaround. A four-hour turnaround was quoted at $28.53. Scribendi returned both a changes-tracked version of the document and a "clean" version with all edits accepted. Scribendi's edit was not just the fastest, it was incredibly thorough—almost nitpicky—with 16 comments or prompts to the writer suggesting avenues for additional content or revisions that were beyond the scope of a simple edit. Oddly, the final edit didn't resonate with readers, who largely felt it was somewhat awkward and clunky in its overall flow. That said, the editor's notes and the service's overall speed were a big plusses.

Readers' rating: 5.0

Total price: $13.90, three-day turnaround promised. Edit received after two days.

Elite Editing has an Advanced Editing service for $40, but the $13.90 plan I chose offers only "basic editing," which doesn't include "suggested rewrites to eliminate awkward phrasing, repetition, passive voice, etc." and "taking into account your original assignment." Three days is the standard turnaround; one-day turnaround for the Basic Editing plan would have cost $19.90. The site crashed when I checked out, but my payment and submission both went through successfully. As promised, Elite's edit was indeed basic. Its editor made the fewest changes of any of the services and left only three comments, one of which was about whether the use of indentations and double-spacing was appropriate. While Elite's edits were correct, they weren't terribly deep—although that was enough to propel it to a second-place finish from the readers.

Readers' rating: 5.7

Total price: $15.32, five-day turnaround promised. Edit received after four days.

Wordvice has eight different pricing tiers, with rates as low as 4 cents per word for a seven-day turnaround, though that tier was limited to materials longer than 3,000 words. The five-day turnaround tier was only marginally more expensive. When I received Wordvice's edited document, I was offered an upsell for a "second look" (basically another edit) for 30 percent off. Wordvice's embedded commentary was nearly as thorough as Scribendi's, though Wordvice was less obsessive over grammar and more focused on overall clarity. Turns out that was the right move: Wordvice's edit was the overall favorite of the quartet, and the finished draft reads cleanly and clearly.

Readers' rating: 6.3

Total price: $31.33, seven-day turnaround promised. Edit received after four days.

Scribbr initially quoted a price of $25.36, but I shelled out an extra $6 for both the "structure check" and "clarity check" options, despite not really understanding what those were. Prices include a 2 percent surcharge for using a credit card. For those in a hurry, 24-hour turnaround doubles the price. Scribbr seems more focused on editing academic coursework essays than admissions essays, with a relatively formal structure applied to its edits (removing contractions completely, for example). Editor's commentary was sparse, though on target. This draft was the most divisive of the services, earning high marks from my wife but very low marks from my daughter, who thought it stripped the writing of her voice.

Readers' rating: 5.3

Any good college essay has to end with a conclusion, so here are a few takeaways. First, all of the services sent back essays that were, on average, felt to be an improvement over the original draft, with all of them catching numerous spelling and grammatical errors—so students with no professional editing help may do well to consider them, especially given how affordable these services are. That said, also remember that when you engage with an editing service, you're really engaging with a single (anonymous) editor who you won't ever meet or be able to interact with. That editor won't have any level of understanding of the writer's personality beyond what's on the page, and quality will necessarily vary from one editor to another, even within a given editing service.

Further still, remember that editing quality is always going to be subjective, just like any piece of writing. Except for this story, of course. It's amazing.

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Best Essay Writing Service Reddit

24 April, 2020

19 minutes read

Author:  Josh Carlyle

There’s a very active movement revolving around essay writing help requests these days. With so many students begging for assistance with their homework, coursework and whatnot, we decided to conduct our own research on this theme and find the best essay writing service. We’ve browsed and analyzed countless subreddits on the Reddit platform and came to the conclusion that not all providers want to give a helping hand at times of need. But still we managed to find some with good reputation and high level of trust from clients. Wonder which one it is? Keep reading our overview to know the truth.

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HandMadeWriting is the best paper writing service on Reddit that operates on professional essay writing assistance. Their writers are educated specialists who craft high-quality and original papers of any complexity, on any subject. What’s exceptional about HandMadeWriting is that this provider doesn’t tolerate violations of academic integrity, and writers always deliver papers on time. More importantly, they are a  full-sized company , not a typical dubious subreddit. These factors are definitely a great sign of a legit essay writing service reddit.  

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When I Googled “write my essay reddit”, the first result I got was PaperMarket. It’s one of the most recognised subreddits that offers to pay for essay reddit. It doesn’t allow scammers to obtrusively advertise their services. However, the rules also indicate that students’  “unnecessary” comments   will be deleted . This makes me assume that they want to show PaperMarket in the best light, not leaving a chance to tell others about their pitfalls.

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ThePaperBay is another reddit write my essay option that helps busy students with their academic tasks. Like others, it bans users who actively promote their paper writing service reddit and leave negative feedback. But ThePaperBay also hires  freelance academic service providers  to complete papers. This indicates that their staff might be not as reliable as in-house employees. 

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If you type a “write essays for money reddit” request, you’ll most likely stumble upon OnlineCourseHelp. This subreddit provides students with a wider range of services than a typical provider. Apart from homework help, they hire tutors to complete exams and even finish online courses. Nevertheless, the  scope of disciplines is quite narrow . Their list misses such crucial subjects as literature, politics, nursing, and management. 


HomeworkHelp is an essay writing service on reddit, the point of which is to assist students with their homework assignments. This reddit essay writing service does react to regular requests, but for students who need an urgent answer, this one might not be a perfect option. It often   takes  much time for writers to answer messages .


This subreddit actually belongs to EssayCrate essay writing service reddit. 

It’s a new provider that emerged not long ago and is considered to be one of the best essay writing service reddit. Their official website looks pretty good and seems to offer quality services. Yet, the fact that they strive to  put advertising in every corner  makes me think it’s a scam. 

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How to Select Top Essay Writing Services and Analyze Reviews of Writing Services on Reddit

Nowadays, advancing your career might be impossible without a degree. However, studying and working simultaneously might be difficult due to the high academic load. If you struggle to submit your assignments in time, you can entrust the task of creating them to professional essay writing services.

Selecting the best essay writing services might be challenging unless you know what to look for. There are so many threads describing writing services on Reddit that you might feel at a loss. To help you narrow down the selection, we created this short guide. Follow these tips to select a paper writing service that provides great value for the money. Here are the main things you need to consider when reading the comments about writing services on Reddit.

How to Select Top Essay Writing Services Using Reddit Reviews

A well-established paper writing service should have many glowing reviews on popular platforms. Many users leave detailed reviews of writing services on Reddit to share their positive experiences or warn others if they encounter any issues.

However, some untrustworthy paper writing services started to leverage this trend and buy positive comments posted by bots. You can easily spot such accounts if you use search tools to find other comments posted by them.

Top essay writing services have tons of detailed reviews. Besides reading information about writing services on Reddit, you can check the feedback sections on their official websites. It will let you see which services were ordered and whether clients were satisfied.

When reading posts about writing services on Reddit, pay attention to the following things:

  • Check if a review mentions a writer who worked on an order. The best essay writing services hire writers with a high level of expertise.
  • Analyze the posts mentioning the academic writing assignments you are interested in. If you need to find a writing service on Reddit that specializes in a specific topic, you can use the advanced search options to filter the results.
  • Pay attention to the text quality and check if a review left about the writing service on Reddit mentions editing.

Top essay writing services do everything to ensure client satisfaction. They offer multiple revisions, discounts to loyal clients, and several payment options. Besides, they allow you to select a writer with a specific level of expertise.

What Things to Consider When Choosing the Best Essay Writing Services?

Well-known essay writing services usually have highly-qualified writers on their teams. They can help you with a range of assignments:

  • Argumentative essays
  • Scholarship applications
  • Term papers
  • Case studies

Before making your choice, check whether a writing service specializes in several fields. Unfortunately, some companies don’t have enough technical writers among their staff members, which lowers your chances of getting a quality essay.

We have rounded up several things that a good paper writing service should have:

  • 24/7 support team that will promptly solve any issue you might face. You should be able to contact it via live chat or phone.
  • Flexible pricing policy. The most popular companies keep their prices affordable, which allows you to save a lot of money.
  • Well-deserved reputation. If a company has been delivering its services for years and has many positive reviews, it’s a sure sign that it is worthy of your trust.
  • Ability to meet tight deadlines. Such services can help you submit your assignments on time. While most charge extra for speedy delivery, it allows you to solve your problem quickly and efficiently.

In addition, a trustworthy company should offer free revisions and work with various formats.

Why Experience-Based Reviews of Reliable Essay Writing Services Are the Best

Most reviews left on writing services on Reddit are based on real-life experiences. It makes them invaluable for those who are looking for a reliable piece of advice. Unlike paid ads that promote the best essay writing services, these reviews were created by those who placed an order and received a well-written text back. It makes them more trustworthy.

If you see that many users criticize a writing service on Reddit, it might indicate that this company doesn’t cater to the needs of its clients. Services with a low ranking deliver subpar results. By contacting them, you risk wasting your money.

Detailed reviews should mention both advantages and disadvantages of essay writing services. It helps users understand that they are reading the feedback left by real users. For example, if a user is satisfied with paper writing services provided by a company, they might mention that they will work with it in the future.

Experience-based feedback will help you make the right choice and find a service trusted by many users. Even if you see that some users encountered some issues, check if the company managed to solve them.

Many essay writing services are ready to accommodate the wishes of their clients. However, you need to describe your problem to the support team and wait until it gets solved.

Remember to leave your review after ordering such services. It will help other users to make the right choice.

Things to Consider When Choosing Writing Services:

If you want to find a decent company but countless subreddits only confuse you more, here’s what you need to figure out to spot a writing service that’ll fit you best. 

Know If the Company is Fraudulent

Unfortunately, there are lots of scammers that are only interested in getting more money from customers. They invest huge sums in exaggerated advertising or post false information about their values and mission just to make profit. Of course, it’s fairly difficult to detect fraud from the first sight, but there are simple rules every student can follow to filter unreliable services and address only the most trustworthy ones. Here are the signs you need to look for to detect faulty essay writing providers:  

  • Privacy protection .  Look for essay writing services that have a website which starts with https web communication protocol. This protocol plays a pivotal role when it comes to integrity, security level and protection of communication between a server and a client. Https is also an indicator of the fact that the site you’re trying to access is authorised and trustworthy. 
  • Website content.  Best essay writing service won’t gauge time to elaborate their writing. The main website is a business card of any agency, so the quality of content should correspond to its status. If you notice poor grammar, spelling errors or other irrelevant mistakes, go look for another service. 
  • “About us” page.  If you read essay writing service reviews, you probably noticed that many services include the “about us” page on their websites. There, you can find important information about their activities, services, etc. But if there’s no registration number and billing address included, avoid such companies at all cost. 
  • Prices.  Always omit companies with suspiciously low costs for essays. If they hire professional essay writers with great experience, they should be paid accordingly. Therefore, legit companies set a fair price net that’s neither unreasonably exaggerated nor too low. 
  • Online Reviews.  Track social media responses that have to do with essay writing companies. The majority of users appreciate the freedom of expression, and they won’t miss an opportunity to write an honest feedback about any service. Also, take into account reviews on TrustPilot. This is the most trustful consumer review website where thousands of people share their impressions about this or that service. There, you can find information which the company itself would never reveal. 

Examine Writers’ Abilities

The writers’ staff of an honest essay writing company must consist of accredited and highly qualified experts who have  experience and competence to write essays for you. Ideally, all of them should have Master and PhD degrees on any concrete subject to craft excellent papers of any complexity. 

Reliable writers also need to be flexible and attentive – they have to double check all orders and make sure they’re deprived of any grammatical, stylistic, and punctuation mistakes. At last, they should be fast enough to respond to your messages, confirm order requests promptly, and write papers strictly according to set deadlines. 

Test Support Department

Any essay writing service which is consistently good in quality and performance ascribes most of its success to client support. It’s a special department responsible for effective communication with customers, as well as for providing help and answering urgent clients’ questions. The support team should be reached easily any time of the day. That’s why support representatives take turns so that the whole team could function  24/7 . 

The availability of support in the company you want to cooperate with is a foremost point you need to take into account. If they don’t have a round-the-clock support, such a service won’t be able to respond quickly in case you’ll have concerns about the essay. Therefore, you must make sure that you can order an essay  in the middle of the night  and get it in several hours before defense.

Inquire of Free Revisions

When it comes to revisions, each company has their own rules and regulations. The most promising ones will make adjustments entirely for free in the period of  10 days  or more after the paper is delivered and after it is accepted by the client. In cases when major revisions are required, the customer will then need to proceed with additional payment – the sum is defined individually by the company. In cases small fixes are necessary, writers are obliged to do them  for free . 

Find Out If Plagiarism is Their Friend

Plagiarism is a taboo which time-tested services are allergic to. In relation to essay writing, it is equal to an academic crime which is punished severely. Remember: if you use a service of the company for the first time and they deliver you a copy pasted article from the internet, there are two things you need to do. First, ask for a full refund immediately. Second, run away from this company as soon as possible and never use their services again. The likelihood of them spoiling your next order is almost  100  percent. 

What reliable providers should do instead is provide you with  best custom writing  and unique, original, and accurate assignments, no matter the complexity of the task. The originality of orders is a guarantee that writers do their work honestly, not trying to save their time and effort by tricking you on quality. 

Know Your Rights

Another important parameter that defines the reliability level of essay companies has to do with  moneyback warranties . Given that academic assistance is a rather slippery market in which scams can be found everywhere, it’s critical not to deal with unpleasant surprises connected to money. Your investments in essays have to be justified and fairly given back in several cases. 

The first situation is when the essay writer had initially misunderstood your assignment details and provided you with a wrong paper, wrong theme, and wrong formatting. The second circumstance is when you get a plagiarized paper with the level of originality much lower than expected. The third case is when the order ends up in the “dispute” status. When such a situation occurs, the dispute department will decide if the fault you issue is writer’s or yours. In case none of these rules are indicated in the terms of use or if the company refuses to give a refund, it’s a serious fraud.  

As for  quality protection , the company you’ll potentially use ought to guarantee supreme quality of content and satisfy your demands anytime, always. If you don’t see any of this information disclosed on the company’s website, avoid it and look for another service.

Ensure Financial Security 

Keep in mind that whatever company you choose ought to have safe payment options. Otherwise, it’ll be hard to take money back in case you’ll ask for a refund, especially if the service provides only credit card payments. Make sure the company works with  PayPal . This way, your transactions’ information and online purchases will be well secured.

Withhold Personal Information

Make sure that the terms of use of any company match your expectations with regard to  data protection . If the company you want to address doesn’t guarantee the protection of personal data, such an agency is considered a scam on default. Credible services always put special emphasis on this factor, and so should you. 

Find Out More About Geographical Position

If you’re looking for an adequate essay writing company with reliable customer base and decent reputation on the market, pay attention to the  spot where the company is based . Its legal address should always align with physical address. If it doesn’t, that’s a red flag which means only one thing: this provider is  100% fraud .  

Ultimately our search for the best essay writing service has come to an end. And from what we saw, reviewed, studied, and examined, we can claim for sure that there are only a few companies ready to have your back. By mentioning companies, we mean physical ones that have real offices with real full-time employees. One of them is  HandMadeWriting  – a company with quality essay writing services that won’t let you down.

Using the tips mentioned above, you can easily find a good essay writing service that meets your needs and requirements. You can read many comprehensive reviews of writing services on Reddit that will help you make up your mind. Please pay attention to the testimonials left by users who have tested many other essay writing services besides the ones they decided to review. It will allow you to see whether they are impartial.

Great essay writing services should have a team of talented writers who can create a text in your style. Top essay writing services don’t have any issues with deadlines and project completion. Detailed essay writing service reviews should mention whether a company provides free revisions.

Besides, it’s crucial to select a reliable essay writing service that will allow you to stay within your budget. Such companies guarantee that their clients will get top-quality texts that meet all their requirements.

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Essay Writing Services - Your Education, Our Experience

Every professional essay writer has the ability to handle customized essays, solve complex problems and complete urgent homework assignments.

Essay writers selected for your work

TopWwritingServices is a well-known platform that partners with the highest rated professional essay writers on the Internet. We offer top-notch online writing services that connect students in need with carefully selected professionals. Our writers are ranked by their track record and customer feedback. Check out the profiles of our experts to determine the best writer for your project.

To get started, you must first create an account. The registration process is quick and easy and only takes a few minutes. During this process, you will need to enter a password and a valid email address.

To create a "write my essay" request, simply fill out the 10-minute order form. Provide the necessary instructions, preferred sources and deadlines. If you want the writer to imitate your writing style, attach samples of your previous work.

If you want to contact TopWwritingServices for help with essay writing, our platform uses a bidding system. Browse through the bids from our writers for your request, choose one based on your qualifications, order history, and feedback, and make a deposit to start your essay.

When you receive the essay, take a moment to check if it meets your expectations. Once you are satisfied with the results, allow the writer to pay. Remember that the writing service offers free revisions.

If you decide to write an essay online, you can request multiple revisions to ensure your satisfaction. We keep our promise to provide original, high-quality content. If you commit plagiarism, you will receive a full refund. We will fully satisfy your needs, so you can choose us with confidence.

Our clients highly appreciate our services.

The writer followed my specific instructions and was able to submit the paper before the deadline. The writer is a very good conversationalist and will answer all your concerns. Highly recommended.

The best writer here, always punctual. If a correction is needed, they are very active in reading the assignment first to make corrections immediately. If you want to get good grades or you have a problem and need to pass the course, this writer is your writer.

An impressive writer. It was written with great attention to detail, very conscientiously and in a timely manner, with a good synthesis of theory and empirical data.

The best writer here, always punctual. If a correction is needed, we will make the correction immediately, so we are very proactive after reading the problem first. If you are in trouble and need help, this writer is your lighter.

This writer continues to deliver quality work, be thorough and hardworking, and communicate in a timely manner. Hire him, I have hired him again and am going to continue to use only him. In my experience, he is the best writer on this site.

Frank is the most helpful writer on this site and you will make incredible mistakes if you don't hire him. His price is the most reasonable and he communicates with us in a timely and efficient manner. Thank you, Frank. If I could give him 20 stars, I would. Guys, Frank is your man, trust me. I tried about 5 others but Frank was the best.

I would love to write this review for this writer. I am shouting to the rooftops and urging them to hire him. I've used other lighters, but none of them have given me such great work as this one, and the price can't compare to his. He doesn't try to "go bankrupt" and he works hard. He is simply the best here.

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Very well thought out. I would have liked to have more information about handing in my paper and essay after I am done, but overall I am satisfied.

Even though I wrote a similar paper once last year, I had already forgotten about this method of analysis and realized that it would take too much time to re-read the theory and write a dissertation based on it. Thank you for making my life easier!

Yesterday I felt so bad that I just lay in bed and did nothing. I couldn't read, analyze, speak, or write anything. So, I turned on the computer on which I ordered the paper on this site. Bye!

I am very satisfied with the services they provide, great work. I got 100 points for the paper on time. I am always busy with work, so it comes when there is no time.

The essay was written with all the structural elements required for an essay. I am glad that the author uses quite complex vocabulary, so the essay is convincing.

Yesterday I felt so bad that I just lay in bed and did nothing. I couldn't read, analyze, speak, or write anything. So I turned on the computer on which I ordered the paper on this site. Bye!

I am very satisfied with the services they provide, great work. I am always busy with work, so it comes when there is no time.

Very well thought out. I would like to have more information about handing in my paper and essay after I am done, but overall I am satisfied.

The essay was written taking into account all the structural elements required for an essay. I am glad that the author uses quite complex vocabulary, so the essay is convincing.

Thank you to the marketing assignment expert for composing my assignment very well. Now it is absolutely error-free.

Get unprecedented benefits, by using our essay writing services

Carefully selected essay writers, fast and excellent writing, order any paper, stay anonymous with our dissertation writing service, strict plagiarism policy and copyright protection unlimited revisions, types of dissertation writing services.

We provide writer services for all types of writing assignments. Please take a look at some samples and feel free to place an order.

Essay Writing Services Pricing Evaluation

Our professional dissertation services will help you with any topic you can think of in a timely manner and at a student-friendly price.

  • When creating assignments to be completed, the number of pages and the deadline are factors that affect the price. If you extend the deadline, the discount will be even higher.
  • a 10-question spreadsheet costs only $17.39. Together with your finished thesis, each of our essay writers will provide a detailed analysis of the answers given so that you can complete the assignment without outside help in the future.
  • Keep in mind that the longer the due date, the cheaper the price. To save money, book a discussion post with a professional essay writer in advance.
  • Research papers can be complicated, so it is better to give an online writing service a little more time. Fortunately, the longer the paper, the bigger the discount.
  • We employ a large number of professional essay writers to ensure that our services cover any topic, regardless of complexity. You can place an order by filling out the form on our website or contact one of our customer service agents to write an essay for you and you will receive a quote.

Why do I have to pay upfront to get my essay written?

Every dissertation writer working for our team is a true professional. We value their time and valuable opinions, and therefore we are responsible for their fair wages and compensation. That's why we ask our clients to provide us with an advance payment as proof that they have the funds to pay for the writer's work. To give you peace of mind, we have a money back guarantee and we will not release your funds until you are satisfied.

Is it better to pay the fee before or after the essay is written?

When you order paper writing from us, you will need to deposit funds into your account balance before the writer can start working. The money will be there until you are completely satisfied with our work and are ready to pay the essay writer. We will take into account any changes you want and make sure you are satisfied with our full money-back guarantee.

Who are the dissertation writers who fulfill your order?

Our team of writers consists of native English speakers who are experts in their fields of study. TopWwritingServices only offers proven authors with very long experience in a particular field, so you can be sure that the quality of your work is at the highest level.

How can I be sure that you are writing my essay and that it is not a scam?

Take a look at our testimonials to find out what our customers are saying. We have thousands of loyal customers who use our essay support services on every occasion. Join thousands of students who have had positive experiences using our services.

What is the shortest amount of time it takes to complete an order?

We understand that your priority is to complete your assignments on time. The minimum time within which you can fulfill a "write a paper" request is 6 hours, but it can be shorter or longer, depending on the assignment. Keep in mind that the longer the deadline, the cheaper the price.

What should I do if I am not satisfied with the essay provided by the paper service?

While our main goal is to deliver a paper of the highest quality, we understand that sometimes there may be misunderstandings that need to be corrected. In order to guarantee complete satisfaction to our customers, TopWwritingServices We offer a free 30-day revision policy.

What is the native language of the person writing my essay?

TopWwritingServices has a strict and detailed screening process to ensure that only highly qualified essay writers are nominated for essay writing requests. The first thing our team does when hiring writers is to thoroughly check their education and make sure they are native speakers from the United States with a bachelor's or master's degree in a competitive field. In addition to providing you with an impressive paper, our experts will look at all the technical details such as grammar, punctuation, and formatting.

Can I communicate directly with the essay writer?

Participating in a private encrypted chat with a professional paper writer gives you the opportunity to express your vision of what the assignment will be like while receiving feedback. You can collaborate with the writers to make sure both parties are on the same page.

How to order a dissertation writing service?

We have a streamlined ordering process that can be completed with minimal effort. Register and then follow the smooth ordering procedure. If you encounter any problems during the ordering process, let us know through our 24/7 customer support. We will respond.

If someone writes an essay, how should I use it?

In our service, we provide excellent and original papers that can be used as a reference for educational purposes, not as a completed assignment to submit to college. Buy a custom writing service today and get the best grades.

Are you looking for an expert to write my essay?

We are ready to help you with easy-to-order essay writing services that provide students with a wide range of help and top-notch support. You can easily get expert-level results by utilizing the services of experienced professionals.

Get a professional essay writing service now!

Excellent writers

Plagiarism-free papers

Price match guarantee

Different papers

Wide selection of essays

Strict deadline ethics

Individualized approach

✔️ ✍ ✔️ Get a free quote from our essay service and get an idea of how much your paper will cost before you start. If you are satisfied with the cost, accept your offer and forget about your worries. Our team is committed to ensuring that you don't have to study late at night. This professional essay writing service is known for providing the best writing, editing, and proofreading available online. What are you waiting for? Join our global educational community today!

Don't drown in assignments - let an essay writer help you!

Does a pile of essays to write keep you awake at night? We know the feeling. But we also know how to help with it. When your assignment arrives, send us a message to our support team or fill out the short 10-minute TopWwritingServices inquiry form. Our essay support exists to make your life stress-free while maintaining a 4.0 GPA. With our professional writing services, you will not only get a high quality paper, but you will also get a smooth experience. Our bonuses are the driving force that keeps our customers coming back for more. Get a free originality report, contact the writer directly, and get back to 24 Over time, a year-round, 24/7 support team is at your side and you will have the privilege of getting as many revisions as you need.

We have a team of experts who can easily handle any "write an essay" request, cover all topics and help you achieve your academic goals. Find the best one according to your topic. The benefits of a good writer do not end there. We have specialists who can handle the simplest to the most complex tasks, so we can support every client who comes to us. Whether you need help writing an essay on astronomy, geography or anything else, we are here to help. If you are unsure about choosing a writer, contact our friendly support team that is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week. They will help you find the right writer for you. Once the writer starts working on the "write an essay for me" order, it is highly recommended to keep in touch with him or her via an encrypted personal chat to explain and edit on the go. Even if there is a communication error and we are not satisfied with the initial work, we can make endless corrections and submit additional drafts in no time. Of course, the payment is free. Another reason why working with us can help you improve your academic performance is our generous bonuses. In addition to the aforementioned unlimited edits, it offers a free originality report, title and references page.

My essay writing service - Working to help you

Would you like to have more free time for personal development or fun? Or are you confused by your professor's instructions? Whatever your reason for contacting us, welcome. We are a legitimate professional writing service that aims to help you achieve academic success at a student-friendly price. By ordering our services, you maximize your chances of getting a good grade on your next assignment. Don't hesitate to contact our customer support team, which is always ready to help.

Keep your grades safe with a "write my essay" request

To be a legitimate essay service, you must provide your customers with a personalized approach and quality support. We pride ourselves on a flexible pricing system that allows us to deliver personalized creations cheaply and on time. In addition, we will fulfill your specific requirements and create your work from scratch. We care about our reputation, so plagiarism will never seep out of our dissertation writing services. Do you want to get good grades without any hassle while having free time? Get high-quality essays from the best writers to make your life easier.

How can I help you?

No matter what kind of assignment you need to complete, whether it's math or English, our essay writing service will help you cover everything. The mission requires time, patience, thorough and deep knowledge. Are you worried that you don't have everything you need? Our writers will be happy to help you with any topic upon request. One of the tasks we can take on is a research paper. This can take days or even weeks to complete. If you don't have time to read a book forever, you can turn to an online service for help with essay writing. TopWwritingServices makes it easy to succeed in your studies without stress. Another challenge we can take on is case studies. It requires good analytical skills. You have to select certain information manually, which is not easy to find in most cases. There are so many exciting activities out there, so why waste energy on this? Our writing support also allows you to write essays with critical thinking. Enlist the support of an essay writer to make your feedback successful. Do you find it difficult to understand your teacher's instructions when it comes to homework? Hire a professional writer with years of experience to get better grades and make a good impression on your parents. Send us instructions and a deadline and we are ready to work.

Our team of experts is proud of our

TopWwritingServices boasts an extensive catalog of writers. Our writers have a variety of fields of expertise, from physics to history. Thus, you can take on a variety of tasks, from easy reviewing to more complex papers. If you want a true professional, such as a practicing university professor, to write your essay for a reasonable fee, this is the place to go. Hiring an essay writer as a beginner may not be the easiest task. It is important to note here. They do not want to pay someone who hires less knowledgeable people from third world countries. Low-quality jobs are available, business owners have become business moguls, and those who work for such essay writing services are actually enduring intellectual slavery. On the other hand, our "essay writing" platform gives you the opportunity to work with professional dissertation writers. We only hire native English speakers. In addition, to be part of our team, it is mandatory to have a bachelor's, master's or doctoral degree. In addition, a minimum of 3 years of experience in the field is required. Language skills are important, but you also need other important skills to succeed in writing your thesis. If the author in question meets all of the above criteria, successfully completes trial assignments and passes several interviews, he or she will be accepted into our team.

Various advantages of TopWwritingServices

To have professional essay writers at your disposal..

TopWwritingServices strives for quality, not quantity. We may not have as many writers as other legitimate paper writing services, but our team is elite. Also, hiring writers based on their degrees can expand the depth of your overall area of expertise. Due to this variation, clients will be able to order any required assignment from our fast dissertation writing service. Be sure to choose the best person for your work.

Can I assign other assignments besides essays?

The best way to improve your presentation speech is to work with a team of professional writers. They have the experience, knowledge, and the way to make a good impression on their professors. Another task you can ask us to do is to review articles. Discounting and evaluating someone's work is not easy, especially if you are doing it for the first time. To summarize, we can say that reviewing an article is a challenging task. I am glad that you found our paper service and saved you from worries after placing your order. Are you overwhelmed by the difficulties associated with your upcoming research proposals? Our online dissertation writing service is here to help. You don't have to spend your Sunday evening reading and analyzing 100-page research papers. We have the experience and knowledge to ensure that you understand the professor's instructions and complete the project quickly and efficiently.

Hire an essay writer with years of experience to get better grades and make a good impression on your parents. Please send instructions and deadlines. You are ready to work. We are confident that we have professional writers who can handle almost any assignment. All writers at TopWwritingServices have experience with all academic disciplines, are able to complete assignments on time and deliver the highest quality research, grammar and formatting.

How to choose the most suitable writer for your essay?

The moment you make a request for "write an essay," a large number of writers will bid on your work. It's up to you to choose the professional who fits your assignment. Explore your options to make an informed decision. Read profiles, evaluate order records, and look at customer reviews to make sure you are making the right choice.

Our article writers have to identify their areas of interest to know which experts have the most relevant knowledge in their field. All you have to do is choose one of our experienced writers, set a deadline, and we will start your project.

After hiring an author to write my dissertation, can I follow their progress?

If you use our service, you can always contact the authors via chat and ask them to provide you with regular progress updates and answer any questions or concerns. Also, the writer working on your "write an essay" request can contact you via chat if you need clarification. If there is good communication, the work will be completed on time and a good result will be achieved. When working with us, you can be sure that you will receive help and support at every step. Do not hesitate to send an update request if necessary and give enough time to correct the error. This way, you can work with the author to make sure that your article is exactly what you need.

Professional essay writers work for us

We are an honest and highly paid essay writing service, so writers come in frequently. Nevertheless, in the writing community, our company is known for its strict selection process. You, as a client, can work with quality online essay writers at play, regardless of the topic or difficulty of the assignment, as all writers are tested and background checked. Our strict selection criteria ensure that only the best writers are hired. We are a company that values academic writing, reputation and past performance. As a result, we have been able to track down the top writers in the university. They will do everything in their power to complete your assignments on time and provide top-notch academic help. Nevertheless, there are challenges in being a professional online essay writing company. For example, due to the high expectations of employers, not all writers can handle the challenge of creating plagiarism-free essay content in a short period of time. Therefore, as a leading service, we have to manage everything.

How to use our dissertation writing services

The papers we provide are never intended to be submitted as finished papers. Its important role is to serve as research material for research purposes. We stand for academic integrity and comply with all organizational laws. Therefore, TopWwritingServices strongly discourages customers from using copyrighted material as a study guide, as an idea or source of information, or as a quotation.

Professional essay writing services for students who can't even do it.

Friendly support First of all, I made sure that I fully understood my assignments and all the guidelines before I started writing. My thesis was completed very quickly, well ahead of the deadline. I thought it was beautifully written. He definitely had a great understanding of the subject. Overall, he is a great writer and you can't ask for more.
Great Great service! Hasn't let me down yet! I would recommend this service to anyone who is unable to complete an assignment when faced with a difficult task.
Very good service. Professor Alicia is very professional and I am satisfied with her work. She helped me a lot and saved me a lot of time. I am very glad that I will be able to contact her again for my future studies
The thesis was written before the deadline. I asked my editor to proofread and revise my essay according to the teacher's comments. The editing was done very quickly. I am satisfied with the writer's work and recommend her services.
Wow! Exceeded my expectations! The essay was completed ahead of the scheduled deadline. Very well organized and followed all instructions. Thank you very much for the fast delivery and service.
Great site This is a great site if you don't have time to do it yourself. Make sure you choose the right writer for the right job.

Check out the features of our custom essay writing service. We guarantee that not only will your essay be delivered on time, but it will also be of the highest quality.

Pay the essay writer only after you receive a perfect paper. There are no revision restrictions.

Deadlines are met. 450 dedicated writers will complete your essay in just 3 hours.

We are always in touch and will respond in just 1 minute.

  • term papers
  • research proposals
  • final project
  • annotated bibliography

TopWwritingServices: PAPER WRITING SER Trusted Vice

Don't go by the plan. You may not meet the deadline, spend a lot of time on research, fail to come up with an interesting topic, or not have time to properly edit the text before submission. Online essay writing service TopWwritingServices was created to solve such problems and help students improve their academic skills. Our essay service brings together only the most qualified essay writers who provide original, customized reports for any level of education. Our experienced proofreading team ensures that your essay is plagiarism-free.

Types of essay writing services Types of essays that can be done with dissertation writing services

Our team of essay writing service experts can handle any academic essay, including but not limited to analysis, comparison, and reporting. Contrastive, narrative, descriptive, argumentative, persuasive, explanatory, etc. In addition, there are professionals who are ready to work on your legal cases, nursing reports, and history presentations. Our dissertation writing services can help you with any writing request.

We have experts in various subjects who are ready to work on essays in geography, international law, sociology, philosophy, culture, ethics and other classes, so do not hesitate to contact our essay writers for help. Our essay writing services can cater to any need and different types of essays, depending on the assessment rubric and discipline.

How Our Essay Writing Service Writes Your Essay

Essentially, anyone can apply to be a writer for our custom essay writing service, but first and foremost, all potential essay writers must go through all the steps of hiring that will help them. Prove your knowledge and skills. Most editors are native speakers with master's and doctoral degrees. D. degrees from an American university. They have all been students at some point in their lives, so they understand the challenges of keeping to a schedule. When we provide online texts, they are experts in various subjects, so they create only plagiarism-free content and are aware of the relevant academic rules.

TopWwritingServices strives to maintain high standards of excellence and to adhere to the resulting standards. To do this, we hire writers with the following qualities:

  • Excellent writing and skills. English-speaking
  • punctuality and a thorough English discipline by all essay writers
  • Professional writing services include editing and proofreading.
  • Professional essay writers
  • Ability to follow directions carefully
  • All writers at our essay service have good interpersonal skills
  • have experience in academic writing, editing and formatting

Our top academic help services provide each client with a unique opportunity to choose the writer they prefer. They all have their own profiles that describe their skills, education, number of completed orders, and customer feedback. Another feature that you don't often see in other essay writing services is that you communicate directly with the writer because you believe you can achieve better results by working together.

How to Order Essay Writing Services

TopWwritingServices is a professional essay writing service that cares about the quality of every paper provided to its clients. If you are looking for excellent results, provide as much information about your paper as possible to get the best writing services. Please let us know the title, number of pages, deadline, format, and number of references. Be careful and attach or copy and paste all the requirements of your university professor in the order form. This will help the essay writer to help you in the best possible way. If you can, please send us an evaluation rubric, lecture notes or presentations, textbooks or other useful materials. At this stage, a lot depends on cooperation with yourself and your personal writing assistant. Feel free to send your recommendations to the essay writer after placing your order. It's better than being late!

Overview of the writing process when contacting an essay writer

TopWwritingServices The writers of our dissertation writing service are dedicated to their work and have a built-in process to complete any order. How does the writing process usually work?

  • After accepting the project, the authors of our dissertation writing service will check all instructions to make sure there are no valuable omissions.
  • They will be familiar with the subject. Research online, find scientific sources from reliable databases, read them carefully and take notes.
  • The author creates his own plan with the work to ensure that the final work is organized, smooth and fluid.
  • The next step is to create the paper from scratch, realize the source and include evidence. You can request a draft by sending a message to the expert, checking it or providing comments for improvement, and the essay writer can revise or edit the content accordingly.
  • Finally, the essay writer prepares the final version, cites all the sources used, proofreads and edits the text before submitting it. If for some reason you are not satisfied with the assignment, you have the opportunity to request an unlimited number of revisions for free or ask other editors to improve it. And if you feel you did not follow the instructions, you can also request a refund from our documentation service in accordance with our customer satisfaction policy.

Our Essay Writing Services Are Affordable

Compared to other essay writing services, we value our customers and provide the best services for every budget. We know how hard it is for students to make or save money, so our prices start at $13.99 per page. That's why our essay writers have many loyal customers who always turn to our support for essay writing services. The mission of TopWwritingServices is to make online essay services affordable. How to Achieve Quality While Providing Writing Services

Customer satisfaction is our top priority and we work every day to improve our custom essay writing. We guarantee that only the most suitable and experienced essay writers will respond to your order. The essay writer will follow your instructions and send an email with all the details. Our essay guide editors will proofread every sentence, correct typos and correct grammatical and lexical errors.

To guarantee 100% originality of each assignment, there is no doubt that only the highest technological tools are used to scan all texts for plagiarism. Our essay service uses only reliable academic sources to support the arguments of your paper. In addition, our in-house experts double-check the formatting, citations in the text to make sure that your paper meets the first guidelines. All orders are under strict control of our professional essay writing team. Our essay writers know what is expected of them. When you use our essay writing service, you will encounter the highest quality work without plagiarism.

  • Can you find an essay writer according to your essay topic?

Definitely! We have worked hard to find the best essay writers who have experience in all fields, even in the most difficult fields such as physics, engineering and information technology.

Our service is legitimate and is used by hundreds of students every day. You can read reviews about our custom essay writing services.

All payments are secure, so you don't have to worry about security. We are certified by MasterCard, Visa, American Express and Discovery. The TopWwritingServices essay service does not have access to your personal data. In addition, the company provides a money back guarantee.

writers need at least 3 hours to write a short essay. If you need help with more complex and longer papers, please contact us in advance. Writing assistants will spend more time on analysis, which will result in a better paper.

The price starts at $13.99 per page and depends on the type of service requested, the length of the paper and the deadline. In addition, we have a bidding system where writers offer their own prices, so you can communicate directly with them and get a good deal.

Absolutely! All papers are done from scratch by TopWwritingServices writers and are double-checked with plagiarism tools. We do not provide papers that contain pre-written essays or copied texts.

Our writers are freelancers and charge a fee because their job is to write essays. There is always an option to reduce the price by increasing the delivery time, ordering fewer pages or requesting editing instead of writing.

Resume Writing Services

Student's home of best custom written essays, term papers, and research papers. 100% original essay writing services. Who we are: was founded in 2014 as an academic research and a custom writing services provider. Since then, we have been writing custom essays to students in the United States and other English speaking nations. Over the last 2 years we have earned a reputation; as one of the best custom writing companies in the industry. We offer cutting-edge academic writing and research assistance to students of any cadre including; PhD, Masters, Undergraduates and high school learners. Currently, we have over 150 full-time employees grouped into 10 different departments working for us. All of our employees are university graduates, who hold Masters and PhD degrees, covering more than 50 different fields. We ensure you get value for your money, by offering original, non-plagiarized and well researched custom papers; written strictly according to your guidelines.

We are the best Essay writing company: Unlike most of our competitors who will ask you for additional payment so as to offer V.I.P service, we offer excellent customer care for all our clients regardless of their order amount. It doesn't matter, whether you have ordered a three page essay or a 50 pages dissertation; we value all our customers without discrimination. Our support models include SMS notification, Live support/ chat, email tickets and phone services. We offer you a free draft before the final custom paper is ready. This will help you know whether the writer is within the expected scope. In the case you are not satisfied with any academic custom written essay or assignment completed by our essay writers, you can always request for amendments as many times as you can, until you are completely satisfied. Our essay writing services is dedicated to meet your satisfaction and that is why, over 65% of our customers are returning clients. This is only possible with quality, original custom writing services.

What we do: Essay Writing services, just like the name suggests, offer world standard academic research and custom writing services. Our custom writing services cover custom written essays, custom term papers, custom thesis, custom research papers, admission essay services, book review services, dissertation services, and resume writing services among others. See complete list of services here. Our documents are plagiarism free guaranteed. We refund your money back, in the case we fail to keep this promise. In such a case, we will refund you 100%. In the case you intend to buy a custom essay, you are in the right place.

Who writes your custom papers: Essay Writing Services is known for quality and original documents. We take pride in having some of the best essay writers available in the industry. Essays Writing Service, employs MBA and PhD custom essay writers from over 80 different areas of study: including Management, Accounting, Marketing, Engineering Science,Technology, Literature, Psychology, Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Physiology, Nursing, Education, History, Law, and Geography among others. All our custom essay writers undergo vigorous training to do with proper academic writing, standards, citation styles,and referencing; before they are approved to work on your projects. Our custom essay writers, are also personnel who enjoy and love writing academic papers.


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FAQs about essay writing services

I am an international student, can you write a report for me.

Absolutely! We respond to requests from domestic and international students to write essays, regardless of their level. It doesn't matter if you are a high school student, a university student or a doctoral student. D. graduates, we write essays and take the burden of studying off your shoulders. In addition, 35% of our clients are international students. So, no matter where you are from, we can connect with you and make your educational journey easier.

Do online essay writing services offer a money back guarantee?

Of course! You don't have to worry about the safety of your funds when you hire an essay helper online with EssaysSolution. With a staggering 98% satisfaction rate and a customer-centered approach, you will rarely have any problems communicating with your users. However, if a request comes in with "I want you to write an essay cheaply," we will do everything in our power to resolve it. If you are still not satisfied, you are entitled to a 100% refund.

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Of course! Just type in "write an essay" and you will be browsing a huge library of academic writers. We have more than 500 experts on our roster and can handle any request you may have to hire someone to write your dissertation, including assignments at the PhD level. All of our writers are knowledgeable professionals and some of them have earned their PhDs. D. degrees and even university professors. Regardless of your field or level of study, we will introduce you to the best people for the job.

Can I hire an essay writer who is fluent in English?

Yes. Our essay writing company has created a tool to help both high school and college students. We will do our best to help them with their studies. You never know how long the next challenge will take and how much effort it will take. That is why our essay service is ready for any situation. Our writers specialize in various academic disciplines. Everyone has at least 3 years of experience and a university degree. Therefore, the next time we need someone to "write an essay", we will gladly take it on. Each piece of paper can be customized according to the specifications specified in the order form.

Can an essay be written with a guarantee of originality?

When you hire an essay writer from EssaysSolution, you don't have to worry about plagiarism. We don't tolerate any form of fraud and thoroughly check all content before submitting it. In addition, all of our specialists create an essay from scratch, referring only to what is authentic. Therefore, rest assured knowing that you will receive a 100% authentic paper and a free originality report with your "help me write a paper" order.

Will your essay writers follow my formatting requirements?

Of course! Our professional dissertation writing services employ only highly qualified academic writers who conscientiously follow your instructions. Our experienced professionals are well versed in various format styles ranging from MLA, APA, and Chicago. If your instructors require a specific citation format, let them know when ordering essay writing services. In addition, our talented word masters will handle citations and quotations in the text to provide you with an excellent research paper customized to your needs.

Which online essay writing service should I use?

Yes. Our essay writing company has created a tool that will help both high school and college students. We will do our best to help them with their studies. You never know how long the next challenge will take and how much effort it will take. That is why our essay service is ready for any situation. Our writers specialize in various academic disciplines. Everyone has at least 3 years of experience and a university degree. Therefore, the next time you need someone to "write an essay", we will take on the task. Each sheet of paper can be customized according to the specifications specified in the order form.

Will I get a notification when my "Help me write an essay" order is completed?

Of course! When the paper writer completes the assignment, he or she will receive an email notification. You can then go to review the assignment and ask for corrections if necessary. For 30 days after the essay is completed, we offer unlimited editing for all orders. Therefore, at any time, feel free to write to your assistant and ask him to review it, and when you are satisfied, pay for the essay. In addition, we check all your scientific papers for plagiarism and send you a free originality report on request. Are the dissertation authors who offer

essay services native English speakers?

100% yes! In order to provide grade A essay writer services, we use a rigorous professional selection process. All of our professional essay writers are native English speakers from the United States, United Kingdom or Canada. We also only work with qualified wordsmiths with at least 3 years of experience and degrees from top universities. Therefore, you can trust our experts to provide you with advanced products that meet your school's standards.

How fast can you help me write an essay?

Your satisfaction and academic success is our highest reward. So, if you are in a hurry, our online essay writers will accept your dissertation request within 3 hours. Write us a message "Write an essay" and provide us with the details of your order. Keep in mind that larger assignments such as term papers, research papers, and dissertations will take longer to complete. Consider ordering in advance and get an early bird discount as a bonus.

Still not sure? Find out what students ask before they say "write my essay"

Is your report writing service legit.

Our company is a proven online essay writing service that has satisfied thousands of customers. 10 For more than a year of work, we have processed numerous dissertation requests and provided reliable and adequate solutions to students' academic problems. In addition, our writers are certified professionals and are strongly committed to delivering A-worthy content on time.

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When you ask us to "write a paper", we will be able to browse our extensive library of academic writers. There you will see detailed information about the qualifications of specialists, areas of expertise, the number of completed orders and ratings. It is also highly recommended that you read customer reviews before choosing an essay writer.

Can I track the progress of my order while writing an essay?

Of course! To ensure that you are 110% satisfied with your "write a paper" order, we are transparent throughout the entire process. You can always check the progress of the experts and even send messages to the essay writers via personal chats. At EssaysSolution, you can always contact our experts and ask them to make the necessary corrections.

Can you write an essay while remaining anonymous?

Absolutely! If you are asked to "write an essay online", we will make every effort to provide you with a safe and satisfactory experience. When working on a "Write an essay" order, we do not disclose any information about the client and use only reliable sources.

If you could help me write an essay, would you follow my instructions?

Definitely! All of our online article writers are experienced professionals with extensive academic training. Our skilled wordsmiths are perfectly equipped to meet your online essay writing request, ensuring impeccable formatting and content quality. In addition, they will carefully study your instructions and provide you with an academic paper tailored to you.

When do I need to pay for essay writing?

If you choose our professional essay writing services, you do not need to release the professional payment until the assignment is completed. So, if you are thinking: "Can someone write my essay?" But if you are worried about the safety of your funds, EssaysSolution is the best option.

If you write my paper, will you be able to edit it?

Yes, we highly recommend you do so. We want you to be completely satisfied with our service. That's why it's worth contacting the essay writer directly online and asking him or her to review it. And it is completely free of charge.

Are all essay writers for your dissertation writing service native English speakers?

Yes! Our online paper writing service values quality and academic progress above all else. That's why everyone who responds to your "write an essay" request is a native-speaking academic specialist from the United States, the United Kingdom or Canada. In addition, we steadfastly adhere to the deadlines and quality of delivery.

Does your essay service allow you to write papers online on niche topics?

Absolutely! Regardless of the subject or field of study, you can have a knowledgeable writer write an essay online. Our academic experts have more than 3 years of experience in various academic fields, so trust us to provide you with works of art. Ask us to write your essay and enjoy your amazing work with ease.

Is it possible to write an essay for free?

We believe that every work should be rewarded, so professional support is not free. However, in response to requests for "cheap essay writing", we have set the price at just $10 per page. In addition, we provide formatting, structure, proofreading and plagiarism reports for free with every "dissertation writing" order.

Improve your grades without putting in extra effort.

Meet your deadlines with essayssolution's thoughtful essay service.

Are you looking for someone to write an essay for you, but are worried that you won't be able to turn it in on time? With EssaysSolution, that's okay. We understand that students face time constraints and numerous deadlines every day. That's why we do everything in our power to take this burden off our shoulders and deliver A-worthy papers before the deadline. If you pay for essay writing for us, the minimum delivery time is only 3 hours, but we can deliver small orders even faster. Our essay writers are not only masters of their craft, but also dedicated professionals with excellent deadline ethics. Before working with us, all writers have to pass several tests and have an interview with a QA specialist to confirm their qualifications and communication skills. Besides, thanks to convenient one-to-one chats and 24-hour support with essay writers, you will never get bored.

Online Essay Writing Service with Quality Assurance

EssaysSolution will make a significant difference in your academic life. We provide support for qualified online essays without spending any money. Thousands of students have already put their trust in us and experienced firsthand how easy it is to improve their academic skills. Thanks to a large team of expert writers and strict quality checks, we can meet your specific instructions We can deliver the paper you deserve. In addition, if you share a sample of your work, the dissertation writer will study it carefully and imitate your academic style. Our professionals are able to bring your ideas to life thanks to their in-depth skills and vast experience. All you need to do is pay for an essay online and a professional will create an academic masterpiece for you. You don't need to worry about the research taking a long time, looming deadlines, or lack of motivation. Choose our service and raise your grades to new heights.

Ask them to "write my essay" to help them deal with their academic worries.

A high price does not always equal excellent quality. Many services offer low-quality content that costs a lot of money. At EssaysSolution, we believe that professional academic support should be available to everyone. Considering that many students are on a tight budget, the online essay service has adjusted its pricing model to suit every need. At EssaysSolution, you can hire the best essay helpers from as little as $10 per page. We also offer early bird discounts for customers who order in advance. The same goes for large orders where you get a 30% discount for every 7 pages or more of paper. You can also use the price calculator to find out the exact cost of support or contact a customer service representative. With us, you can hire an essay writer without spending your last 10 cents. If you need timely and convenient support, EssaysSolution will help you.

Order a "Write a Paper for Me" and enjoy these free offers.

  • Support from the most sought after online essay writers. All our specialists have a master's or doctoral degree. Graduates with extensive experience in the field of scientific papers.
  • Unlimited editing. Within 30 days of completion, request all necessary corrections.
  • Format according to the tutor's standards. Our experts can work with MLA, APA, Chicago and other citation styles.
  • Proofreading. You can easily get a perfectly polished paper.
  • summary and title page of the
  • Plagiarism report. You don't have to worry about the originality check at the university, because we will take care of it.

And the best part? We are open about the price of our paper and do not tolerate hidden costs.

confidential dissertation writing services,

confidentiality should not be a concern when you are looking for essay writer support. At EssaysSolution, anonymity is important for students who want to hire experienced essay helpers. That is why we create a safe and comfortable space for all students. Thanks to our strict privacy policy, no one will know that you have asked us to write your paper.

We guarantee a safe experience every step of the way, so you can rest assured and trust us. We do not ask for your personal data from the start. All you need to get started is your name and email address. And even this information will not be disclosed to third parties.

In addition, all transactions on our website are protected by 256-bit SSL encryption. Furthermore, all conversations with experts are kept confidential. Get in touch with EssaysSolution for support and expect the utmost quality and security.

Hire a savvy dissertation writer and save time.

With numerous assignments and other commitments on their shoulders, students often experience burnout and stress. Not to mention that they have little time to spend on recreation, social activities, and anything other than schoolwork. EssaysSolution solves this problem and provides time-saving solutions for students who need it.

Ask them to write an essay to free up their schedule. Ask a highly qualified professional to write your essay for you and have the best time of your life. Whether you're attending a party you've been wanting to attend for a long time, meeting up with friends, or focusing on your favorite topic, our word wizard will write an essay for you online.

With our service, you don't have to worry about the quality of your content. Our savvy dissertation writers have completed thousands of orders and created A-worthy academic papers tailored to the needs of each client. Don't worry. We will complete your work in the shortest possible time and give you the pleasure of your free time.

Write essays for all academic levels

We understand the diverse needs of students who come to us with requests like "I want you to write an essay". Our commitment is to provide top-notch services for all academic levels. Our skilled American writers create it with special care every time we receive your order. This ensures that the language standard of the review is perfect.

When a student asks us to write their thesis, we take pride in our rigorous hiring process. Whenever we expand our team, we make it a priority to bring professional writers with a master's or doctoral degree to our team. Whether you are a high school student, college student, or college student, rest assured that our dedicated helpers will follow your specific requirements to create an original essay just for you.

All the paper we produce is made from scratch, and we do not reuse or recycle previously created content. Our approach is comprehensive. Your academic success is our top priority.

"Who can write an essay to improve my GPA?" Do you think so?

EssaysSolution is the solution you have been looking for. A perfect combination of professionalism and friendliness, our service is the answer to your academic problems.

Hire one of our best essay writers and you will forget about sleepless nights reading textbooks. We have more than 500 qualified academics on our team who can provide you with A grade essay writing support to help you succeed without stress.

Furthermore, our service is completely legitimate as it provides you with high quality writing samples from which you can draw inspiration. This, combined with an established reputation and dedicated support, results in the perfect academic solution for students who want to pay for essay writing. ✍️

Professional academic assistants

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Write My Essay service

Write My Essays is an online essay writing service that specializes in providing high quality academic documents to English-speaking students worldwide. With our team of academic writing experts, we have helped thousands of students submit original papers of the highest quality. We can also help you.

It's not just about essays - we accept orders for all kinds of research papers, homework, business documents, and much more. Regardless of your academic level or experience, regardless of the length or complexity, we are ready to write a paper for you.

Why choose us

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We put your deadlines first. We understand the importance and always do our best to deliver your work on time.

Our writers are famous for their writing skills. They are well versed in a particular field of study.

Every paper we send you is special. Our authors create every sentence from scratch without using ChatGPT or other artificial intelligence writing tools.

We rarely make changes, but you can request up to three revisions free of charge according to our editing policy.

Our friendly support team is available at any time of the day or night. Use chat or phone to contact a manager.

Prices start at $7 per page. We are proud to offer the most affordable prices on the market.

Your personal and order information will always be kept confidential. For more information, please read our Privacy Policy.

Depending on the total amount of your order, you may receive a 5% or 10% discount. To get a discount, please contact the manager.

How it works

To get started, fill out the order form on our website. If you have any problems during the process, our support managers are ready to help.

We will assign the best lighter to you,

after you pay for the order, our manager will start searching for the lighter. Messaging You can communicate directly with the writer through the system.

View the work done.

Once your article is ready, you will receive a notification and will be able to review your work. If you want to make changes, you can ask them to fix them for free.

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WE ARE FULLY AWARE THAT PLAGIARISM CAN DAMAGE A STUDENT'S ACADEMIC REPUTATION. That is why when you order a dissertation from our essay writing service, you can be sure that everything in your thesis is original and made just for you. We strictly forbid authors from using ChatGPT and other AI-based writing tools. In addition, your paper must pass through our advanced plagiarism and artificial intelligence detection systems before it reaches you. Plagiarism reports are available upon request.

Our writers know how to write essays quickly and efficiently, so our deadlines start from 3 hours. In less time than for independent research, you can research papers, write outlines, write them and check them for plagiarism and errors. The fee depends on the deadline you choose, so plan accordingly. If the essay is not urgent, you can cut costs and give the author extra time to finalize the paper.

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Essays Writing Services is very strict on time, when you place your order, you may be sure that you'll get it before the deadline or your cash back. We ensure that the writer does the right thing in order to deliver your document earlier to be able to get enough time to undergo your essay. All of your essays’ guidelines are clearly followed so that all initial specifications of one's essay are met. Our writers can compose your custom made essay using any educational creating format like MLA, APA, Chicago, or Harvard. When you use our custom writing solutions, you will have the next benefits: 100% original written custom essay, 100% money-back guarantee, 24/7 conversation, Free revision until you are 100% satisfied offers you true solution to all of your academic needs. Buy your custom essay now!

It will be mandatory for several students to write essays within their academic coursework. Student essays help build students' creativity and they furthermore improve a student's creating and research skills. Oftentimes, students find it difficult to write good essays because of the taxing procedure for gathering information. Students could also lack the time or knowledge on how to start writing pupil essays. It proves grueling as well for any college student to write a student essay on a topic they have little interest in; especially when it is selected for them by the tutor, or if a topic is as well wide or too narrow to lack good enough information. If you have problems writing your pupil essay, worry no more, is here for you. is an on-line writing company, offering college student essay help all our clients. We are a reliable writing corporation, having established a substantial number of clients, who at all times are usually delighted with the college student essays we compose them. If you are searching for a reliable writing company to accomplish your student essay, simply the way you want to buy, may be the ideal place for you, all you need is place your purchase now with the required instructions and enjoy our professionalism! How are we distinctive? No plagiarism - At, be confident to get 100% original student essays. We make sure that all essays are created from scratch. All info from secondary sources found in your pupil essay is always properly sourced and cited. We also have a plagiarism screening software program to warrant for 100% originality. Quality - Your student essay will be written after strong and comprehensive analysis. We are here to provide you with exactly what you imagine, student essays of their kind, guaranteed to give you A+ grades. We likewise have a team of qualified editors, who proofread your essay severally to ensure flawlessness. We also present free revisions till 100% customer care, in-case clients aren't satisfied with the pupil essay submitted. Citation-, has writers fully conversant with all citation platforms for instance, MLA, APA, AMA, Harvard, Chicago, Turabian, among other citation formats. We ensure that all student essays we create are in tandem with the citation instructions given to us by our clients. If you would like your student essay written by the most reliable composing company, pace your purchase at Competent authors - All our authors are fully qualified specialists, distinctively qualified in writing top quality student essays; all of them are natives of English speaking countries, having graduated from varied universities in the UK, US and Canada, plus they are capable of writing on any essay subject given, considering the intellectual levels of each client, for example, high school, college, university, PhD etc. Services 24/7 - Experience absolve to place your student essay order anytime of one's convenience, we work at any hour to warrant ultimate satisfaction to all our clients. We also work nonstop to make sure that your pupil essay order will be submitted when you wish it. Feel free to track the improvement on your own college student essay through our free of charge 24 hour live chat service. Privacy - Your privacy is honored at, we never disclose our clients' private information, neither carry out we resell or even reuse any pupil essays completed before for the clients.


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Reddit Posts $575 Million Loss Tied to I.P.O. but Also Strong Growth

Reddit’s first earnings report as a public company showed leaps in users and advertising revenue, along with expenses related to its initial public offering.

Reddit’s logo appears above a bank of monitors that also display the logo inside the New York Stock Exchange.

By Mike Isaac

Mike Isaac has covered Reddit from San Francisco since 2010.

Reddit on Tuesday posted a more than $500 million quarterly loss in its first earnings report as a public company, largely due to stock-based compensation expenses incurred during its initial public offering in March.

But the social media company also saw robust revenue and user growth, underscoring the potential of its digital advertising business as people flock to the site. Last month, Google , Meta and Snap also reported rising advertising sales and double-digit revenue growth.

Reddit’s revenue was $243 million in the first quarter, up 48 percent from $163.7 million a year earlier and above Wall Street estimates of $214 million, according to data compiled by FactSet. The net loss was $575.1 million, compared with a loss of $60.9 million a year earlier. Stock-based compensation expenses totaled $595.5 million, versus $13.2 million a year earlier. Daily active users jumped to 82.7 million, up 37 percent from a year earlier.

The result sent Reddit’s shares soaring 17 percent to $58 in after-hours trading.

Steve Huffman, Reddit’s co-founder and chief executive, attributed the growth to the company’s improvements in product updates and content recommendations to users.

“We’ve been saying for a long time that everyone has a home on Reddit, but we’ve gotten much better about helping them find it,” he said in an interview. “We’ve hit an inflection point where our work is working.”

Reddit, which went public after more than 18 years as a private company, has turned into a kind of litmus test for technology initial public offerings. The company successfully debuted in what had been a tepid I.P.O. market, with its shares soaring 48 percent on the first day of trading and giving investors cause for optimism. Reddit’s shares continue to trade above the company’s I.P.O. price of $34.

Essentially a message board where users congregate on forums to research and discuss interests they have in common, Reddit has spent years trying to diversify its main business of digital advertising. It has struck deals with Google and Cision, public relations services company, and is in talks with other companies that wish to license its vast amounts of conversation data, such as for building artificial intelligence technology. It has also tried to spur an e-commerce business.

In a letter to shareholders on Tuesday, Mr. Huffman said he expected to continue investing in A.I. technology to improve Reddit’s content recommendations so people spend more time on the site. He also plans to invest in search technology, which could help people find information from the conversations that have occurred across the site.

Reddit projected $240 million to $255 million in revenue in the current quarter, above Wall Street’s expectations.

Users, known as Redditors, had been skittish about the company’s going public, worrying that executives would put a priority on profits, and had vented their frustrations on message boards and across social media. But some of that angst seems to have died down in recent weeks, said Mr. Huffman, who described the past month as “relatively quiet.”

“We’re in a good place with a good foundation to build on,” he said.

Mike Isaac is a technology correspondent for The Times based in San Francisco. He regularly covers Facebook and Silicon Valley. More about Mike Isaac


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