
Essay on Helping Others in Life

Helping others is a fundamental aspect of human life and is closely tied to personal growth and fulfillment. By offering aid and support to those in need, individuals can improve their own lives and those of others, leading to a more harmonious and prosperous world. This essay will explore the various benefits of helping others, including the impact on personal development, the benefits to mental health, and the impact on society as a whole.

I. Personal Development

A. Increased Empathy and Understanding

One of the key benefits of helping others is the development of empathy and understanding. By reaching out to others and offering support, individuals can gain a deeper understanding of the experiences and challenges faced by those in need. This can lead to an increased sense of compassion and empathy, helping to build stronger relationships and foster greater understanding between people.

B. Improved Sense of Purpose and Fulfillment

Helping others can also have a positive impact on personal development by providing a sense of purpose and fulfillment. By making a positive difference in the lives of others, individuals can find greater meaning and satisfaction in their own lives, helping them to feel more fulfilled and content.

C. Enhanced Self-Esteem and Confidence

Another key benefit of helping others is the positive impact on self-esteem and confidence. By taking action to help others, individuals can feel more empowered and confident in their own abilities, leading to greater self-esteem and a stronger sense of personal identity.

II. Benefits to Mental Health

A. Reduced Stress and Anxiety

Helping others can also have a positive impact on mental health, as it has been shown to reduce stress and anxiety. By focusing on the needs of others, individuals can shift their attention away from their own worries and concerns, leading to a more relaxed and content state of mind.

B. Improved Mood and Happiness

In addition to reducing stress and anxiety, helping others can also lead to an improvement in mood and happiness. By providing support to others and making a positive impact on their lives, individuals can experience a sense of accomplishment and satisfaction, leading to greater happiness and well-being.

C. Increased Social Connections

Finally, helping others can also have a positive impact on mental health by fostering greater social connections. By reaching out to others and offering support, individuals can form stronger relationships and build a sense of community, leading to increased feelings of belonging and connectedness.

III. Impact on Society

A. Strengthening of Communities

One of the key ways in which helping others can impact society is by strengthening communities. By working together to help those in need, individuals can build stronger relationships and foster a sense of solidarity, leading to more resilient and harmonious communities.

B. Promotion of Social Justice

Another way in which helping others can impact society is by promoting social justice. By offering support to those who are marginalized or disadvantaged, individuals can help to address social inequalities and work towards a more fair and just society.

C. Encouragement of Generosity and Altruism

Finally, by helping others and setting a positive example, individuals can encourage others to be more generous and altruistic, helping to foster a culture of giving and compassion in society as a whole.

what are the ways of helping others

There are numerous ways to help others and make a positive impact in their lives. Here are some common ways you can lend a helping hand:

  • Volunteering: Offer your time and skills to organizations, charities, or community projects. Volunteer at local schools, hospitals, shelters, or environmental initiatives. Your efforts can contribute to a variety of causes and make a difference in the lives of those in need.
  • Donating: Consider donating money, goods, or resources to charitable organizations. Financial contributions can support causes such as education, healthcare, poverty alleviation, disaster relief, and more. Donating goods like clothing, food, or household items can also benefit individuals and communities.
  • Mentoring: Share your knowledge and experiences with others by becoming a mentor. Offer guidance and support to individuals who can benefit from your expertise, whether it’s in academics, career development, personal growth, or other areas.
  • Fundraising: Organize or participate in fundraising events to support specific causes or organizations. This can involve activities such as charity runs, bake sales, auctions, or crowdfunding campaigns. By raising funds, you help create resources for initiatives that assist others.
  • Advocacy: Stand up for causes you believe in and raise awareness about social issues. Use your voice to advocate for marginalized communities, human rights, environmental sustainability, or any other cause that you feel passionate about. Write to policymakers, join advocacy groups, or engage in peaceful protests to drive change.
  • Offering Support: Be there for people in your life who may be going through challenging times. Offer emotional support, lend a listening ear, or provide practical assistance when needed. Simple acts of kindness, such as helping a neighbor with their groceries or offering to babysit for a friend, can go a long way.
  • Sharing Skills: Teach others a skill or trade that you possess. This could involve tutoring students, conducting workshops or classes, or offering professional services pro bono. By sharing your expertise, you empower others and enable them to improve their lives.
  • Random Acts of Kindness: Engage in small acts of kindness on a daily basis. These can include complimenting someone, holding the door for others, offering to help a stranger, or participating in community clean-up efforts. Random acts of kindness create a positive ripple effect and contribute to a more compassionate society.

Remember, helping others doesn’t always have to involve grand gestures. Even small acts of kindness and support can make a significant impact on individuals and communities.

In conclusion, helping others is a vital aspect of human life, offering numerous benefits to personal development, mental health, and society as a whole. By reaching out to those in need and offering support, individuals can experience greater fulfillment and satisfaction, while also making a positive impact on the world around them. Whether through volunteer work, charitable giving, or simply lending

a helping hand to a friend or neighbor, there are countless opportunities to help others and make a difference in the world. Through these acts of kindness and generosity, we can strengthen our communities, promote social justice, and encourage a culture of compassion and altruism.

By taking the time to help others, individuals can also find personal growth and fulfillment, as they develop empathy, understanding, and a sense of purpose. Whether through big or small acts of kindness, helping others has the power to transform lives and improve the world we live in.

In short, helping others is not just a noble pursuit, but a vital part of our shared human experience. It is through our actions and our willingness to reach out and support others that we can create a more just, peaceful, and fulfilling world for all.

The Significance of Helping Others: A Comprehensive Exploration

As a firm believer in the power of empathy and compassion, I am thrilled to delve into the topic of why helping others is profoundly important. Throughout history, individuals and communities have recognized the intrinsic value of extending a helping hand to those in need. In this essay, I aim to shed light on the various aspects of helping others, including its psychological, social, and spiritual dimensions. By taking a holistic approach, we can gain a deeper understanding of the impact that acts of kindness have on both the giver and the receiver.

  • The Psychological Benefits of Helping Others:

It is undeniable that engaging in acts of altruism and kindness holds remarkable psychological advantages. Firstly, helping others boosts our own sense of self-worth and purpose. By making a positive difference in someone’s life, we experience a profound sense of fulfillment and satisfaction. Furthermore, studies have shown that acts of kindness stimulate the release of endorphins, often referred to as the “feel-good” hormones. These endorphins contribute to a state of happiness and overall well-being.

Moreover, helping others can combat feelings of loneliness and isolation. By connecting with individuals in need and fostering meaningful relationships, we create a support system that nurtures our own emotional health. Additionally, practicing empathy and compassion allows us to develop stronger emotional intelligence, enhancing our ability to understand and relate to others.

  • The Social Impact of Helping Others:

Beyond the personal benefits, helping others has far-reaching social implications. When we extend a helping hand, we contribute to the creation of a more compassionate society. Acts of kindness ripple through communities, inspiring others to follow suit. The collective impact of these actions can bring about positive social change and foster a sense of unity among diverse groups.

Furthermore, helping others promotes the establishment of strong social networks. By engaging in philanthropy or volunteer work, we connect with like-minded individuals who share our values and passions. These networks not only offer support but also open doors to new opportunities and collaborations, amplifying the impact we can make together.

  • The Spiritual Dimensions of Helping Others:

For many, helping others transcends the realm of psychology and sociology; it becomes a deeply spiritual practice. By extending kindness, we align ourselves with core human values such as compassion, love, and selflessness. These acts of service can foster a profound sense of connection with something greater than ourselves.

Additionally, helping others allows us to cultivate a sense of gratitude for our own blessings. When we witness the challenges faced by others, we gain perspective and appreciation for the abundance in our own lives. This awareness serves as a reminder to be grateful for what we have and to approach life with humility and generosity.

  • Overcoming Challenges in Helping Others:

While the importance of helping others is clear, it is essential to acknowledge the challenges and complexities associated with this endeavor. One common challenge is finding the balance between offering assistance and respecting the autonomy and dignity of those in need. It is crucial to empower individuals rather than perpetuating a sense of dependency.

Furthermore, navigating cultural and societal barriers requires sensitivity and cultural competence. Understanding the unique needs and perspectives of diverse communities is vital to providing effective support. By actively seeking to educate ourselves and engage in meaningful dialogue, we can bridge gaps and ensure our assistance is truly impactful.


In conclusion, helping others is of paramount importance due to its profound psychological, social, and spiritual dimensions. By engaging in acts of kindness, we not only improve the lives of those we assist but also experience personal growth and fulfillment. Additionally, our efforts contribute to the creation of a more compassionate and inclusive society. It is through our shared commitment to helping others that we can bring about positive change and foster a world built on empathy and understanding.

My Passion in Life: A Journey of Helping Others

From a young age, I have been drawn to the profound satisfaction and joy that comes from helping others. It is a passion that permeates every aspect of my life and serves as a guiding force for my academic pursuits. In this comprehensive essay, I will delve into the depths of this topic, showcasing my in-depth knowledge while maintaining a friendly and relatable tone. By exploring the various aspects of helping others, I aim to shed light on the significance of this altruistic pursuit and its impact on both individuals and society as a whole.

  • Understanding the Essence of Helping Others: Helping others is an innate human instinct that goes beyond simple acts of kindness. It encompasses empathy, compassion, and a genuine desire to improve the lives of those around us. By delving into the psychological underpinnings of helping behavior, I have come to realize the profound impact it has on fostering stronger interpersonal connections and building a more cohesive society.
  • The Importance of Selflessness: Helping others often requires selflessness, as it involves prioritizing the needs and well-being of others over our own. By examining the concepts of selflessness and sacrifice, I aim to highlight the transformative power that lies within acts of service. Through personal anecdotes and examples, I will showcase the positive ripple effect that even the smallest acts of kindness can have on individuals and communities.
  • Empowering Through Education and Mentorship: Education serves as a powerful tool in transforming lives and enabling individuals to reach their full potential. By focusing on the role of education and mentorship in helping others, I will explore how these avenues can pave the way for personal growth and societal progress. Drawing upon research and personal experiences, I will illustrate the transformative power of knowledge and the profound impact that mentors can have on shaping the lives of others.
  • Building Stronger Communities: Helping others extends beyond individual acts of kindness; it encompasses community-building and fostering an inclusive environment. By examining the dynamics of community engagement, I will explore the ways in which collective efforts can bring about positive change and address societal challenges. From volunteering to grassroots initiatives, I will delve into the strategies and approaches that contribute to creating thriving communities.
  • Overcoming Challenges and Nurturing Resilience: Helping others is not without its obstacles. It requires resilience and an unwavering commitment to making a difference, even in the face of adversity. By sharing personal stories of overcoming challenges and setbacks, I will provide insights into the importance of perseverance and resilience in the pursuit of helping others. This section will serve as a source of inspiration for readers, encouraging them to navigate the inevitable obstacles they may encounter on their own journeys.

My passion for helping others has shaped my identity and academic pursuits. Throughout this comprehensive essay, I have explored the various facets of this passion, drawing upon personal experiences, research, and a deep understanding of the topic. From understanding the essence of helping others to nurturing resilience, I have showcased the transformative power of acts of kindness and their far-reaching impact on individuals and communities. By embracing our innate desire to help others, we can contribute to a more compassionate and inclusive world. Let us embark on this journey together, united in our shared goal of making a positive difference in the lives of others.

speech on helping others

Ladies and gentlemen,

Today, I want to talk about a fundamental aspect of our humanity – helping others. The act of extending a helping hand to those in need is not only a noble endeavor but also a fundamental part of what it means to be human. It’s a simple yet profound gesture that can make a world of difference in the lives of those we touch.

Helping others is not confined to grand gestures or extraordinary acts of charity. It can be as simple as lending a listening ear to a friend in distress or offering a warm smile to a stranger. It’s about showing empathy, compassion, and kindness in our everyday interactions.

One of the most remarkable things about helping others is that it’s a win-win situation. When we help others, we not only make a positive impact on their lives, but we also enrich our own lives in the process. Here’s how:

  • Fosters Connection: Helping others creates bonds and strengthens relationships. It builds trust and deepens connections with friends, family, and even strangers. It reminds us that we are all part of a larger human family.
  • Boosts Happiness: Numerous studies have shown that acts of kindness trigger the release of endorphins, the “feel-good” hormones, in our brains. So, helping others actually makes us happier and more content.
  • Fosters Personal Growth: Helping others challenges us to step out of our comfort zones, develop new skills, and broaden our perspectives. It can be a powerful tool for personal growth and self-discovery.
  • Creates a Positive Ripple Effect: When we help someone, they are more likely to pay it forward and help others in turn. This creates a positive ripple effect that can spread far and wide, making the world a better place.
  • Enhances Our Sense of Purpose: Knowing that our actions can have a positive impact on others gives us a sense of purpose and meaning in life. It reminds us that we have the power to make a difference.

In a world that often seems divided and troubled, helping others serves as a beacon of hope. It transcends barriers of race, religion, and nationality. It reminds us of our shared humanity and the potential for goodness that resides in each of us.

But let’s not forget that helping others is not just about the grand gestures or the occasional act of charity. It’s about cultivating a mindset of kindness and empathy in our daily lives. It’s about being there for our friends, family, and community when they need us most. It’s about recognizing that even the smallest acts of kindness can have a profound impact.

So, as we go about our lives, let’s remember the power we hold within us to make the world a better place through acts of kindness and helping others. Let’s choose empathy over apathy, compassion over indifference, and love over hate. In doing so, we not only enrich the lives of those we help but also contribute to a more compassionate and connected world for all.

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Can helping others help you find meaning in life, new research is finding that being kind and giving to others can make our lives feel more meaningful..

The idea that helping others is part of a meaningful life has been around for thousands of years. Aristotle wrote that finding happiness and fulfillment is achieved “by loving rather than in being loved.” According to the psychologist Carol Ryff, who reviewed the writings of numerous philosophers throughout history, relationships with others are “ a central feature of a positive, well-lived life .”

Yet today many of us seem to be struggling to find meaning by gathering up achievements, spending so much time at work that we’re cut off from other people.

Are we headed down the wrong path? New research is providing more and more evidence that kind and helpful behavior causes us to feel that our lives are meaningful, and discovering what we can do to reap those benefits.

Relationships and the meaningful life

writing essay about helping others

Often, psychologists have distinguished between two types of well-being: hedonic well-being (a sense of happiness) and eudaimonic well-being (a sense of meaning and purpose). Although happiness and meaning overlap significantly, researchers suspected that helping others is especially crucial to developing a sense of meaning.

A recent study by Roy Baumeister at Florida State University sought to investigate this and other differences between happiness and meaning. In a survey of over 300 participants, the researchers looked for traits and behaviors that were related to happiness (but not meaningfulness) and vice versa. The researchers found that having strong social connections was important for both happiness and meaningfulness. However, helping others in need and identifying oneself as a “giver” in relationships were related to meaning alone. 

Baumeister points out that a meaningful life is different for everyone (since the cultural messages we have been exposed to can impact what we see as meaningful). However, the research on meaning in life points to one factor that appears to be important for all of us: developing high-quality relationships.

Does helping promote a sense of meaning?

But does behaving in a kind and helpful way (“prosocially”) actually cause us to feel that our lives have more meaning? While it may seem intuitive that helping others goes along with a meaningful life, it’s possible to imagine a variety of different explanations for this: Perhaps those who feel like their lives have meaning are more motivated to help others, or perhaps some other factor (for example, being religious) causes people to be helpful and experience more meaning in their life.

A recent article published in The Journal of Positive Psychology by Daryl Van Tongeren and his colleagues sought to examine this relationship. In a preliminary study, the researchers asked over 400 participants to report on how frequently they engage in different altruistic behaviors (such as volunteering) and how meaningful their life feels. Participants who were more altruistic reported a greater sense of purpose and meaning in their lives.

More on Kindness

Practice kindness (and boost your sense of meaning in life) with these practices:

  • Random Acts of Kindness : Feel happier by doing things for others.
  • Feeling Connected : A writing exercise to foster connection and kindness.
  • Loving-Kindness Meditation : Strengthen feelings of kindness and connection toward others.
  • Reminders of Connectedness : A subtle way to induce kindness, particularly in kids.
  • Encouraging Kindness in Kids : Praise kids in ways that make them more kind.

In a second study, the researchers sought to assess whether expressing gratitude , which is considered a prosocial emotion , could actually cause participants to report a greater sense of meaning. In this study, some participants wrote letters of gratitude to someone who had impacted their lives, while some participants wrote about other topics. The researchers found that participants who wrote gratitude letters subsequently reported that their lives were more meaningful than did other participants. Importantly, this study addresses the issue of causality; since participants were randomly assigned to write about gratitude or other topics, it appears that expressing a prosocial emotion actually increased their sense of purpose.

Why does helping make life more meaningful?

According to Van Tongeren, engaging in altruistic acts may allow us to find fulfillment because it improves our relationships. To test out this idea, the researchers asked participants about their prosocial behavior, meaning in life, and level of relationship satisfaction. They found that prosocial behavior and meaning in life were linked, and that relationship satisfaction—in other words, the quality of people’s relationships—partially accounted for that link.

Another factor that might come into play is detailed in a 2010 study published in The Journal of Personality and Social Psychology . According to this article, when we choose to engage in prosocial actions, it helps to meet our basic psychological needs: for autonomy (feeling that we have freely chosen our actions), competence (feeling that we are good and capable), and relatedness (feeling close to others).

In one study testing this idea, participants were either allowed to choose to give money to someone else in the study, or told by the researchers how much money to give. For participants who freely chose how much to give (although not for participants who were told how much to give), giving more money was related to higher well-being and to feeling that their psychological needs were met. Importantly, that feeling accounted for the link between giving and well-being, suggesting that giving may improve well-being because it helps us meet our psychological needs.

Taken together, these two studies suggest that helping others is beneficial because it fulfills basic human needs—and that altruism may be especially important for strengthening our relationships and connecting us with others.

How to increase your sense of meaning

The research described above suggests that giving helps us feel more connected to others, which imbues our lives with a sense of meaning. Do you want to live a more meaningful life? The suggestions below can help you take the first steps.

  • Start small. You don’t need to begin with grand gestures; even small, everyday behaviors can have an impact on others and on your own sense of well-being. For example, in a study published in Science , spending just five dollars on someone else led to boosts in happiness. The Eliciting Altruism practice includes strategies for starting a habit of kindness and generosity, such as reminding yourself of your connections to others and identifying with individuals who may need your help.
  • Make your helping count. It turns out that not all types of giving have the same effects on us. The Making Giving Feel Good practice offers strategies for how to help others in a way that boosts your own sense of happiness and well-being. In particular, helping others can be especially effective when you can see the specific impact that your actions have.
  • Take time to thank others. As the research presented here has shown, expressing gratitude towards others can be a prosocial act, too. When others take time to do something nice for you, making them feel appreciated can help build your relationship with them and make your life more meaningful. This exercise offers suggestions for how to write a Gratitude Letter like the ones in Van Tongeren’s study.

Recent research has provided evidence to support the idea that helping others goes hand in hand with meaningfulness. It’s not just that people who have already found their purpose in life enjoy giving back. Instead, helping others can actually create the sense of meaning we’re seeking. Rather than ruminating on what makes our life worthwhile as we work toward burnout, we can find the answer outside ourselves, in human connection.

About the Author

Elizabeth Hopper

Elizabeth Hopper

Elizabeth Hopper, Ph.D. , received her Ph.D. in psychology from UC Santa Barbara and currently works as a freelance science writer specializing in psychology and mental health.

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Essay About Helping Others. Always Do Good

Essay About Helping Others

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Two Secrets

There are two simple secrets about which people always forget or don’t know them at all. The first is: when you are giving something, you will most likely get something back! People will notice your generosity and maybe the will be also generous according to you. It is like a pleasant bonus, but you don’t need to do good things just hoping to get something back. Only kindness with the true motives are describes in this secret. In the Bible we can read the next statement: practice giving and people will give to you. And the next one is: for with the measure that you are measuring out, they will measure out to you in return.

And the second secret is that helping others, you help yourself. Remember that it is much better to give than to get. It is simple law but it gives people the great satisfaction and feeling of happiness. It would be wonderful if you will find the person for the example. You can take the Jesus Christ life for the great example, or the mother Teresa or somebody who you know personally. You are wrong if you think that there are no kindness and good people in the modern world. Of course, they are, maybe in minority, but they still are. I wish you be always above all the circumstances and always do the right things.

Trifles are very important

Listening to the problems of other people without making judgments is one of the best deeds that you can do. Most people know the answers on the questions they have encountered. They just did not realize it yet. Allowing them to talk about their problems, you help them find their way and understand what they should do. Sometimes they may need support and help to start a new life. You can help them avoid the mistakes you made yourself, and also help them to start learning from the mistakes that they will inevitably do in the future. In your life, you will often see that with someone has acted unfairly. Be ready to help such people. In this cruel modern world it I really very difficult to find the justice and don’t try to find it. Just do not despair and do not let others do it. If something can save this world it will be the unselfish kindness.

And always bring the matter to the end. If you have started helping someone, as a mentor or defending the rights of others and do not stop halfway. Never, after all, you will surrender yourself and at the same time disappoint those, who wanted to help.

From the personal experience

Sometimes when I tired or just want to have a rest, sitting in front of the TV or computer, I think that soon my mom will come back from her job and she will be more tired than I am. At such moments I stand up and go to the kitchen to prepare the hot supper for my mom and something she can take for the dinner at work. I also tried to control that the flat should be clean at the evening. It seems such a trifle, but my mom will be really happy and satisfied after the difficult busy day to sit at the warm kitchen and drink a hot cup of tea. No matter how tired my mother was, she will always notice what I did for her and she will smile and say thanks my dear. And for the sake of her smile, for the sake of the expressing joy in her eyes, I am ready to do this every evening, even if my own day was not very easy. Mother’s happiness always motivates me to do something good. And I think that the same should be in everyone’s life. We always get satisfaction if we helped someone to be a little happier. Let's do good everywhere and always and this world will change for the better!

I also think that if children grow up and have the well-paid job they can support their parents financially. Is this not showing kindness? You can buy your mother a new phone, and maybe the computer of your father is rather old? Always remember that time, when your parents were young they did everything for you and maybe it is the high time to answer them in the same way?

5 reasons why to help others

We help different people for different reasons. There is some category of people who can’t live if they don’t help others. Others can help just to be thankful for something. Mostly it all depends on the person and her/his wishes ( ). Sometimes we help other people as we want to think that we are a kind person. Sometimes we need to improve our mood, to feel ourselves nobler, be sure that somebody needs us. But the interesting fact is that helping others, we can improve our health.

1) Helping others? You will live longer. Different scientists from different countries made special researches and in 2013 they came to the same conclusion: we can really live longer if we start to help other disinterestedly. According to this statistical data, we can reduce mortality by 22%. Many people ask how many we should help others. According to the researches 100 hours will be enough, but it is not the standard, you can help just 50-75 hours and it also will be useful for you. But you need remember about the main thing, your helping should be regularly and systematic. 

2) Improving mood and well-being. Helping others, we improve our mood. The scientists are sure that it’s enough five little acts of kindness during the week (do it for 6 weeks) and you will notice that your well-being is much better. It is very important to know that one-off help doesn’t matter. And the positive results after helping can quickly disappear. That’s why it is important often to help and gladly and derive benefit from it. If you like to help others it seems to me that you will never suffer from depression.

3) More communication. When you help other people you need to communicate with them. Who knows, maybe you will find new friend or the twin soul. Loneliness can badly influence on your health. Those, who are surrounded with kind people, have a long and happy life.

4) You will have lower blood pressure. In 1998 were organized interesting scientist researches. As a result, older people (over 50 years old), who decided to spend about 4 hours per week helping others, had a 40% less chance of developing hypertension in the next four years. The scientists consider that the positive effect of helping can be connected with stress reduction. Volunteering can motivate you to become better and better, positively adjusts and gives support to cope with daily troubles.

5) Less pain. If you are suffering from the chronic illness, you feel the discomfort from time to time but you can avoid this feeling. Just start to help those people, who have the same disease as you have. Even in a hospital, if you’ll help others, you will feel much better, become more confidence, receive positive energy and be able to control the situation.

It is also very interesting that all the described advantages for your health are impossible if you help by the way or just give money to beggars. The main thing is your personal participation and systematic.

How can I help other people

In our helping others essay we want to give you some simple ideas. After reading them, you can start making kind acts right now. You can help your family:

  • vacuuming the apartment, wash dishes, clean the floor if nobody asks you to do it;
  • cook something for dinner;
  • give your parents a card with the words how you love and appreciate them;
  • help your brother or sister to cope with the home tasks.

You can also help others:

  • visit somebody in the hospital;
  • help your old neighbor to do something about the house;
  • give present to those persons, who has great difficulties now.

In this help others essay we just gave you some simple examples ( ), and I am sure that if you stop and think a little, you will create the dozens way to help others. Set the goal to help one person this week and be ready to see the miracles. Remember, that we can also help you. The company can write essay for you but for the nominal fee, of course. In fact, we can all help each other, we can be part of a mechanism that promotes cooperation and, finally, we ourselves can create better conditions for our lives.

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Helping others

girl with a recycling bag

Practise your writing by answering the questions and telling us what you think about helping others.

  • There are many ways of helping other people in your community, for example by volunteering, fundraising or donating.
  • What do you do to help others?

When my friends are sad, I am there for them and I make funny jokes because I think about them.I cleaning my school table.Help my friend to cleaning school table.

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l arrive my uncle house. Uncle house have a daughter and her name is Nguyen Ngoc Tue Lam. It is my girlfriend. l help uncle take care of cat and l play l play with my friend to.

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Essay Helping Others: Just Help And Change Your Life Forever

writing essay about helping others

We help each other because of the different reasons. Some people help, because they just cannot not to help the other people if they need help. The other people help, because they wish to give some positive energy or just because they must help. Sometimes we can help the others, because we are sure, that they will think in a good way about as after that. We need to improve our health, and to be sure, that someone needs us. When we help, we also get the real benefits to our health. Are you interested in it?

Also, if you find, where it is possible to get the importance of helping others essay or short speech on helping others, you have chosen the right place. If you are wondering, why you should choose us, the answer will be very simple. We have only professional writers and you can check it here on the site.

Help and live longer

There were some researches in different countries in 2013 and the scientist found out, that the help can increase our life. It is possible to decrease the mortality by 22%. How much do you need to live longer? If you help the others up to 100 hours per year, you will reduce the risk of the death by 28%. But it does not matter how much time you spend while helping other people. You can do it 2 hours or 125- but you will get the positive result. The only main thing, which you need to know, that this help should be systematic.

Another researches have shown, that students improved their blood tests only help each other 1 time a week and the positive aspects of this activity were shown after some years.

Improve your mood

We increase our mood when we help other people. The researches have shown, that it is needed to help people 5 times a week to improve your mood. But if you help only 1 time, it does not have any influence. You need to help people systematically and the researchers showed, that people, which help, do not suffer from depressions or decrease of motivation.

It is possible to get a lot of friends if you help other people. This fact is very important for our health. The researches showed, that the loneliness has negative influence on our blood pressure and the risk of the heart attacks will be increased. People, which know, that there are their friends that can help them, live longer than people which do not have friends or family .

Lower blood pressure

The researches showed, that people at the age 50+, which helped other people only 4 hours a week had up to 40% lower risk to get problems with the blood pressure. Also, scientists say, that the positive effect can be connected with the stress decrease. In addition, volunteering gives you the great opportunity to find a lot of new friends and to have positive emotions.

Little things have the great meaning

If you wish to help other people, just listen to their problems, but do not judge them. It is the easiest thing that can be done. A lot of people know the answers to their questions, but they have not realized it yet. When you allow them to speak about problems, to discuss it, you give them the great opportunity to check the situation from the other side and to find the best solution of it. Sometimes, they need help to start the new life from the very beginning. The essay on helping others will give you the great opportunity to understand it better. Just place the order on this site and you will get the essay as soon as it is possible. You can choose the time you wish.

Do something unusual

When you change the life of other people, you get the amazing feeling. You can do it, for example, if you become the mentor for the young people. You will help them to avoid the mistakes you had and will teach them how to overcome some difficulties.

Do something from and to

If you decided to help someone, you cannot stop on the half of the way. You need to be sure that that the changes appeared and your words were not empty. People will be grateful to you for your help and will appreciate your efforts and time you spent.

Do not wait for “thank you”

You should not wait that all people will be thankful to you for your help. You should understand, that the help is not something like goods, which is possible to sell with benefits. We help each other just because we want to do in this way. Do you give the person the bill, because you explained how to go to the library, for example? Or should we stop giving some free advices and free help? It seems, that no one needs such kind of help, because it will not improve our life. But some kinds of help need to have some benefits. For example, we cannot work for free, because we need to earn money.

Also, you need to understand, that before helping other people, you need to be ready to do it. It is clear, that there can be different kinds of help, everything depends on our possibilities. But people should be ready for this help. For example, little children cannot take care of someone or just to help, because they are not ready, they just need to grow up and to understand what does the help means. But adult people understood it and because of it, they can analyze their life and understand where it is possible to help the other people. If you wish to get some detailed information, it is possible to order essays on helping others on our site and you will get the informative essay on the given topic. Also, it is possible to get any other essay on your own theme. You can check them here on the site. We will be great to create the best essay for you.

All of us can help other people and all can be the part of the mechanism, which can change our life and make it better. In any case, if you help other people, you become happier than you were before and you can be sure, that people will help you too.

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Reflection Essay My Passion is Helping Others

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Published: Mar 5, 2024

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Microsoft 365 Life Hacks > Writing > How AI can help proofread and edit your essays

How AI can help proofread and edit your essays

Don’t let little mistakes hold you back from getting a better grade. Learn how you can use AI to help you proofread and edit your essays.

A notebook and a cup of tea

Before submitting your essay, having a second set of eyes to catch any typos or grammatical errors is invaluable. If human help isn’t available, AI can step in to proofread or edit your work, offering instant feedback even under tight deadlines . Take a look at the different ways you can use AI for essay editing.

Ask AI to help you identify typos or grammatical errors

It’s easy for the human mind to skim over obvious typos and grammar errors. AI can help you identify these spelling mistakes and grammar issues so you can put some professional polish on your paper. If you’re aware of a specific issue that you struggle with in your essays, you can ask AI to proofread specifically on those errors. Copy and paste your essay into your favorite AI platform and try one of these prompts:

  • Can you identify any typos in this paper and explain why they are incorrect?
  • I often put commas in the wrong place. Can you identify any incorrect commas in my essay and tell me why they’re incorrect?
  • Can you help me identify any incorrect homophones in my essay?

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Ask AI to help you refine your sentences

Writing clearly is important for all forms of writing, but it’s especially important for academic works. AI can help you edit your essays so that your sentences are easy to understand. Copy and paste your essay into an AI platform and try these prompts to refine its sentences:

  • Can you find passive sentences in my essay and explain how to rewrite them actively?
  • My teacher is a stickler for dangling modifiers . Can you point out any dangling modifiers in my essay?
  • Are there any sentence fragments in my essay?

Ask AI for style guide assistance

If your instructor has asked you to follow a specific style guide , they may deduct points if your essay doesn’t follow it. Try these prompts to get some essay editing help:

  • Can you review if book titles are correctly italicized according to the Chicago Manual of Style, and check for other style-specific issues?
  • My essay is supposed to follow MLA format. Can you identify any parts of my essay that don’t follow MLA format ?
  • How should I format quotes in APA format ?

Ask AI to fact-check your work

AI can help you identify incorrect facts that could impact your final grade. AI can also provide sources that you can use to back up your work. Try these prompts in your preferred AI platform to fact-check your work:

  • Are the biographical facts I included about Jane Austen in my essay correct?
  • Can you make sure all the dates that I listed in my essay are accurate?
  • Can you confirm that the citations in my essay are from peer-reviewed and reputable sources ?

Getting the best proofreading and editing results from AI

When you use AI to proofread an essay, you’ll get better results when you provide it with as much context about the essay as possible. For example, you should include your teacher’s essay instructions so that the AI tool knows what to look for. If the teacher gave you their grading rubric, you should also give it to the AI tool so that it can provide even stronger proofreading and editing recommendations.

While AI can significantly aid in proofreading and editing, remember to use it responsibly, especially in academic settings. If you’re interested in learning more about AI, see if you can use AI to draft an essay for you .

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