संस्कृत निबंध: डॉ एपीजे अब्दुल कलाम पर || Essay on APJ Abdul Kalam In Sanskrit

Essay on APJ Abdul Kalam

 इस आर्टिकल में हम डॉ एपीजे अब्दुल कलाम पर  संस्कृत भाषा में निबंध (APJ Abdul Kalam Essay In Sanskrit) शेयर कर रहे हैं। डॉ अब्दुल कलाम भारत के एक मिसाइलमैन थे।वो एक महान वैज्ञानिक और भारत के 11वें राष्ट्रपति थे। डॉ अब्दुल कलाम जनसाधरण में ‘जनता के राष्ट्रपति’ के रुप में मशहूर हैं। उनका पूरा नाम अवुल पाकिर जैनुल्लाब्दीन अब्दुल कलाम था।  कलाम का जन्म जैनुल्लाब्दीन और आशियम्मा के घर 15 अक्टूबर 1931 को एक गरीब तमिल मुस्लिम परिवार में तमिलनाडु के रामेश्वरम् में हुआ था।

Essay on APJ Abdul Kalam

अपने शुरुआती समय में ही कलाम ने अपने परिवार की आर्थिक मदद करनी शुरु कर दी थी। उन्होंने 1954 में तिरुचिरापल्ली के सेंट जोसेफ़ कॉलेज से अपना ग्रेजुएशन और 1960 में चेन्नई के मद्रास इंस्टीट्यूट ऑफ टेक्नोलॉज़ी से एयरोस्पेस इंजीनियरिंग की पढ़ीई पूरी की।

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APJ Abdul Kalam Essay In Sanskrit

(1) भारतीयगणतन्त्रस्य एकादशः निर्वाचितः राष्ट्रपतिः अभवत् ।

(2) कलामः प्रसिद्धः वैज्ञानिकः अभियन्ता अविवाहितः च आसीत् ।

(3) अस्य जन्म मध्यमवर्गस्य मुस्लिम् कुटुम्बे अभवत् ।

(4) अस्य पिता जैनुलाब्दीन् तु धनवान् विद्यावान् च नासीत् ।

(5) सः शुद्धहस्तः अनुशासितः नाविकः आसीत् । 

(6) धीवरेभ्यः नौकाः भाटकरूपेण यच्छाति स्म । 

(7) डा. अब्दुल् कालामः भारतस्य एकादशः राष्ट्रपतिः इति निर्वाचितः अभवत् । 

(8) डा. अब्दुल् कलामः प्रकल्पनिदेशकत्वेन भारतस्य स्वदेशीयोपग्रहस्य (एस्.एल्.वी. तृतीयः) प्रक्षेपणस्य क्षिपणिनिर्माणस्य श्रेयः प्राप्तवान् । 

(9) डा.कलामः स्वव्यक्तिगते जीवने अपि परिपूर्णः अनुशासितः अस्ति । 

(10) आजीवनं ब्रह्मचर्यव्रतस्य पालनं सङ्कल्पितवान् । 

(11) एषः कुरान्ग्रन्थं तथा भगवद्गीतां च समानतया अध्ययनं करोति । 

(12) स्वयं कलामः बहुत्र उक्तवान् यत् सः तिरुक्कुरल् अपि अनुसरति इति । 

(13) अस्यभाषणे न्यूनातिन्यूनम् एकस्य कुरलस्य उल्लेखः भवत्येव ।

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Essay on Dr. A. P. J. Abdul Kalam in Sanskrit

This post is an essay on Dr. A. P. J. Abdul Kalam in Sanskrit.

डाॅ. ए. पी. जे. अब्दुलकलाममहोदयः इति विषये संस्कृते निबन्धः।

डाॅ. ए. पी. जे. अब्दुल कलाम पर निबंध।

English and Hindi translation is also given for better understanding.

This essay can be referenced by school students and Sanskrit learners.

Short Essay on Dr. A. P. J. Abdul Kalam in Sanskrit

Table of Contents

Video of Sanskrit Essay on Dr. A. P. J. Abdul Kalam

डाॅ. ए. पी. जे. अब्दुलकलाममहोदयः सम्पूर्णजगति प्रसिद्धः अस्ति। तस्य जन्म तमिलनाडूराज्ये ‘रामेश्वरम्’ इत्यत्र अभवत्। सः भौतिकशास्त्रे स्नातकः आसीत्। सः ‘एरोस्पेस इंजिनियरिंग’ इति विषयम् ‘आय. आय. टी. चेन्नई’ इत्यत्र अपठत्। सः प्रसिद्धः वैज्ञानिकः अभियन्ता च आसीत्। सः ‘मिसाइल मैन ऑफ इण्डिया’ इति नाम्ना अपि प्रख्यातः। सः भारतस्य एकादशः राष्ट्रपतिः आसीत्। सः बहुपुरस्कारैः सम्मानितः यथा – पद्मभूषणं, पद्मविभूषणं, भारतरत्नम्, आदिपुरस्काराः। सः राष्ट्रसेवायै आजीवनं कार्यम् अकरोत्। तस्य जीवनम् अस्मभ्यं सर्वेभ्यः प्रेरणादायकम् अस्ति।

ḍāॅ. e. pī. je. abdulakalāmamahodayaḥ iti viṣaye saṃskṛte nibandhaḥ।

ḍāॅ. e. pī. je. abdulakalāmamahodayaḥ sampūrṇajagati prasiddhaḥ asti। tasya janma tamilanāḍūrājye ‘rāmeśvaram’ ityatra abhavat। saḥ bhautikaśāstre snātakaḥ āsīt। saḥ ‘erospesa iṃjiniyariṃga’ iti viṣayam ‘āya. āya. ṭī. cennaī’ ityatra apaṭhat। saḥ prasiddhaḥ vaijñānikaḥ abhiyantā ca āsīt। saḥ ‘misāila maina ऑpha iṇḍiyā’ iti nāmnā api prakhyātaḥ। saḥ bhāratasya ekādaśaḥ rāṣṭrapatiḥ āsīt। saḥ bahupuraskāraiḥ sammānitaḥ yathā – padmabhūṣaṇaṃ, padmavibhūṣaṇaṃ, bhārataratnam, ādipuraskārāḥ। saḥ rāṣṭrasevāyai ājīvanaṃ kāryam akarot। tasya jīvanam asmabhyaṃ sarvebhyaḥ preraṇādāyakam asti।

Short Essay on Dr. A. P. J. Abdul Kalam

Dr. A. P. J. Abdul Kalam is famous all over the world. He was born in Rameswaram, Tamil Nadu. He did his graduation in physics. In IIT Chennai, he studied aerospace engineering. He was a renowned scientist and engineer He is also known as the ‘Missile Man of India’. He was the eleventh president of India. He has been honoured with many awards. E.g. – The Padma Bhushan, the Padma Vibhushan, and the Bharat Ratna. He dedicated his life to and worked for India. His life inspires all of us.

डाॅ. ए. पी. जे. अब्दुल कलाम पर निबंध

डाॅ. ए. पी. जे. अब्दुल कलाम महोदय पूरे विश्व में प्रसिद्ध हैं। उनका जन्म तमिलनाडू राज्य में रामेश्वरम में हुआ था। वे भौतिकशास्त्र के पदवीधारक थे। उन्होंने एरोस्पेस इंजीनीअरिंग यह विषय आय. आय. टी. चेन्नई में पढ़ा था। वे प्रसिद्ध वैज्ञानिक और अभियंता थे। वे ‘मिसाइल मैन औफ इंडिया’ इस नाम से भी प्रसिद्ध हैं। वे भारत के ग्यारहवे राष्ट्रपति थे। वे बहुत सारे पुरस्कारों से सम्मानित किए गये जैसे – पद्मभूषण, पद्मविभूषण, भारतरत्न, आदि। उन्होंने राष्ट्रसेवा के लिए आजीवन कार्य किया। उनका जीवन हम सबको प्रेरणा देता है।


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अब्दुल कलाम पर संस्कृत निबंध। APJ Abdul Kalam Sanskrit Essay

अब्दुल कलाम पर संस्कृत निबंध। APJ Abdul Kalam Sanskrit Essay : सः देशस्य एकः योग्यः पुत्रः अस्ति। कलामस्य जन्म ख्रीष्टीये १५ अक्टूबर, १९३१ मिते दिवसे अभवत्। तस्य पिता जइनुलावद्दीनः विवेकवान् उदारः अथितिपरायणः, माता आशिअम्मा सुगृहिणी स्नेहमयी च। तस्य त्रयौ भ्रातरः एकैव भगिनी। विज्ञानविषयं प्रति प्रगाढ़ानुरागः यंत्रविद्यापठनाय तम् प्रेरयत्। मद्रास-वैषयिकप्रतिष्ठाने अध्येतुं स योग्यः विवेचितः अभवत्। कलामः एकः प्रसिद्धः वैज्ञानिकः आसीत्।

APJ Abdul Kalam Sanskrit Essay

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A.P.J. Abdul Kalam

A.P.J. Abdul Kalam was an Indian scientist and politician who served his country as president from 2002 to 2007.

former indian president apj abdul kalam died at 84 in 2015


Who Was A.P.J. Abdul Kalam?

Quick facts, early years, rise to the presidency, death and legacy.

A.P.J. Abdul Kalam was an aerospace scientist who joined India's defense department after graduating from the Madras Institute of Technology. He was a central figure in the development of the country's nuclear capabilities and was hailed as a national hero after a series of successful tests in 1998. Kalam served as India's president for one term from 2002 to 2007, and died of a heart attack on July 27, 2015.

FULL NAME: A.P.J. Abdul Kalam BORN: October 15, 1931 DIED: July 27, 2015 BIRTHPLACE: Dhanushkodi, Rameswaram, India SCHOOLS: Madras Institute of Technology, St. Joseph's College ASTROLOGICAL SIGN: Leo

Avul Pakir Jainulabdeen Abdul Kalam was born into a Muslim family on October 15, 1931, on the island of Dhanushkodi off the southeastern coast of India. He developed an early fascination with flight by watching birds, which developed into an interest in aeronautics after he saw a newspaper article about a British fighter plane.

Despite his modest beginnings – his dad built and rented boats – Kalam was a bright student who showed promise in science and mathematics. He attended St. Joseph's College and went on to earn a degree in aeronautical engineering from the Madras Institute of Technology.

His hopes of becoming a fighter pilot were dashed when he narrowly missed out on a spot with the Indian Air Force. Kalam instead joined the Defense Research and Development Organization (DRDO) as a senior scientific assistant in 1958. After moving to the newly formed Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) in 1969, he was named project director of the SLV-III, the first satellite launch vehicle designed and produced on Indian soil.

Returning to the DRDO as director in 1982, Kalam implemented the Integrated Guided Missile Development Program. He then became the senior scientific adviser to India's defense minister in 1992, a position he used to campaign for the development of nuclear tests.

Kalam was a key figure in the May 1998 Pokhran-II tests, in which five nuclear devices were detonated in the Rajasthan Desert. Although the tests resulted in condemnation and economic sanctions from other world powers, Kalam was hailed as a national hero for his staunch defense of the country’s security.

In 2002, India's ruling National Democratic Alliance helped Kalam win an election against Lakshmi Sahgal and become India's 11th president, a largely ceremonial post. Known as the People's President, Kalam set a goal of conducting 500,000 one-on-one meetings with young people over the course of his five-year term. His immense popularity led to him being nominated by MTV for a Youth Icon of the Year award in 2003 and 2006.

After leaving office in 2007, Kalam became a visiting professor at several universities. He formed the "What Can I Give Movement" in 2011 with the goal of creating a compassionate society, and in 2012, his efforts to improve healthcare led to the release of a tablet for medical personnel to use in remote areas.

On July 27, 2015, Kalam suffered a massive heart attack while lecturing at the Indian Institute of Management and subsequently died at the age of 83.

Kalam was laid to rest on July 30 with full state honors in his native Tamil Nadu. In honor of the scientist and former president, the southeast Indian state government of Tamil Nadu created a "Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam Award," which recognizes exceptional individuals who promote the sciences, students and humanities. The government has also established Kalam's birthday (October 15) as "Youth Renaissance Day." Discussion about building a large-scale memorial at his burial site is underway.

Among his many accolades, including honorary doctorates from 40 universities, he was granted the Padma Bhushan (1981), the Padma Vibhushan (1990) and the Bharat Ratna (1997) — India's highest civilian awards — for his contributions in modernizing government defense technology. He also wrote several books, including the autobiography Wings of Fire in 1999.

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Cultural India

A. p. j. abdul kalam.

11 th President of India (July 25, 2002 – July 25, 2007)

Date of Birth : October 15, 1931

Place of Birth : Rameswaram, Ramnad District, Madras Presidency, British India

Parents : Jainulabdeen (Father) and Ashiamma (Mother)

Spouse : Remained Unmarried

Education : St. Joseph’s College, Tiruchirappalli; Madras Institute of Technology

Profession: Professor, Author, Scientist

Died : July 27, 2015

Place of Death: Shillong, Meghalaya, India

Awards : Bharat Ratna (1997), Padma Vibhushan (1990), Padma Bhushan (1981)

Avul Pakir Jainulabdeen Abdul Kalam, better known as APJ Abdul Kalam, was an illustrious scientist turned statesman who served as the 11 th President of India from 2002 to 2007. Kalam spent more than forty years as a science administrator and scientist mainly at the Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) and Defence Research and the Development Organization (DRDO). He was closely associated with the military missile development efforts and civilian space programme of India. For his work on launch vehicle technology and development of ballistic missile, he was given the pseudonym of ‘The Missile Man of India.’ In 1998, he played a prominent role in Pokhran-II Nuclear Tests.

In 2002, he was elected the 11 th President of the country and became widely known as the ‘People’s President.’ After serving his presidential term he pursued what he loved most – teaching, writing and reading. For his achievements and contributions as a scientist, he was honoured with the ‘Bharat Ratan Award,’ India’s highest civilian honour.

He left for the heavenly abode on July 27, 2015, while delivering a lecture at the Indian Institute of Management (IIM) Shillong. He was laid to rest with full state-honours and his funeral was attended by thousands of people including national-level dignitaries.

Photo Credit : https://www.thetalentedindian.com/dr-a-p-j-abdul-kalam-earth-received-an-honored-guest-but-a-visionary-is-laid-to-rest/

Photo Credit : https://www.thetalentedindian.com/dr-a-p-j-abdul-kalam-earth-received-an-honored-guest-but-a-visionary-is-laid-to-rest/

APJ Abdul Kalam was born into a poor Tamil Muslim family in the pilgrimage town of Rameswaram, Tamil Nadu, on October 15, 1931. His mother, Ashiamma, was a housewife and his father, Jainulabdeen, was an imam of a local mosque and a boat owner. He was the youngest in the family with four elder brothers and a sister.

Though, the family was not financially affluent yet all the children were raised in an atmosphere that was full of love and compassion. In order to add to the family’s income, Kalam had to sell newspapers during his early years.

He was an average student during his school, but possessed a strong desire to learn and was very hard working. He loved mathematics and spent hours studying the subject. He pursued his education from ‘Schwartz Higher Secondary School,’ and then graduated from ‘Saint Joseph’s College, Tiruchirappalli,’ in 1954. He wanted to become a fighter pilot but his dream could not be fulfilled as here were only eight positions available in the IAF and he secured the ninth place.

As A Scientist

In 1960, he graduated from the ‘Madras Institute of Technology,’ and joined as a scientist at the ‘Aeronautical Development Establishment,’ after becoming a member of the ‘Defence Research and Development Service.’ Kalam also worked under the eminent space scientist Vikram Sarabhai while he was a part of ‘INCOSPAR’ committee. Kalam was transferred to the ‘Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO)’ in 1969. He became the project head of the country’s foremost Satellite Launch Vehicle (SLV-III). In July 1980, SLV-III deployed the ‘Rohini’ satellite successfully near-earth orbit under Kalam’s leadership.

Kalam was a part of a number of projects, including ‘Project Devil,’ in 1970. Though the project was not successful, yet it laid the foundation for the development of the ‘Prithvi Missile,’ in 1980. He was also associated with ‘Project Valiant.’

In 1983, Kalam returned to DRDO as its chief as he was asked to lead the ‘Integrated Guided Missile Development Program’ (IGMDP).

In May 1998, he played a key role in carrying out ‘Porkhran-II’ nuclear tests by India. The success of these nuclear tests made Kalam a national hero and his popularity went skyrocketing.

As a technical visionary, he made several recommendations in the fields of technological innovations, agriculture, and nuclear energy to make India a developed nation by 2020.

Photo Credit : https://www.naukrinama.com/stressbuster/most-intelligent-persons-in-india/apj-abdul-kalam/

Photo Credit : https://www.naukrinama.com/stressbuster/most-intelligent-persons-in-india/apj-abdul-kalam/

As President

In 2002, Kalam was chosen the Presidential nominee by the ruling National Democratic Alliance (NDA), and he was elected the President. He became the 11 th President of India on July 25, 2002 and served the position till July 25, 2007.

He also became the third President of India to have received ‘Bharat Ratna’ before assuming the office of the President.

Due to his style of working and interaction with common people, especially the youth, he was affectionately called ‘The People’s President.’ According to Dr. Kalam, the most arduous decision he had taken during his tenure was that of signing the ‘Office of Profit Bill.’

During his tenure as President, he faced criticism for his inaction in deciding the fate of mercy petitions that were submitted to him. Out of the 21 mercy petitions, he acted only on one mercy plea. In 2005, he recommended for President’s rule in Bihar, which also became a controversial decision.

Photo Credit :http://www.youthconnect.in/2014/11/13/12-rare-stories-about-dr-apj-abdul-kalam-will-make-your-day-today/

Photo Credit :http://www.youthconnect.in/2014/11/13/12-rare-stories-about-dr-apj-abdul-kalam-will-make-your-day-today/

As An Academician

After the end of his presidential term, he became a visiting professor at the ‘Indian Institute of Management (IIM), Ahemdabad,’ ‘Indian Institute of Management ((IIM), Indore,’ and the ‘Indian Institute of Management (IIM), Shillong.’ He served as a professor of Aerospace Engineering at Anna University, as chancellor at the ‘Indian Institute of Space Science and Technology Thiruvananthapuram,’ an honorary fellow of ‘Indian Institute of Science (IISc), Bangalore,’ and an adjunct at a number of other research and academic institutes across the country. He also taught technology at ‘Anna University,’ and ‘Banaras Hindu University,’ and taught information technology at the ‘International Institute of Information Technology (IIIT), Hyderabad.’

With an aim to defeat corruption and bring efficiency, Kalam launched a program for the youth, called ‘What Can I Give Movement,’ in 2012.

Photo Credit : http://ias.kgisl.com/apj-abdul-kalam-sir-speech/

Photo Credit : http://ias.kgisl.com/apj-abdul-kalam-sir-speech/

Awards and Achievements

  • Kalam was honoured with the prestigious ‘Bharat Ratan,’ ‘Padma Vibhushan,’ and ‘Padma Bhushan’ from the Government of India.
  • He was bestowed upon the ‘Indira Gandhi Award for National Integration’ by the Government of India in 1997.
  • He was the recipient of Veer Savarkar Award.
  • In 2000, he was bestowed with ‘Ramanujan Award’ by the ‘Alwars Research Centre.’
  • In 2007, he received the ‘Kings Charles II Medal’ from the Royal Society.
  • The ASME Foundation, USA, honoured Kalam with the Hoover Medal.
  • He also received honorary doctorate from 40 universities.
  • The United Nations recognized Kalam’s 79 th birthday as World Students’ Day.
  • In 2003 and 2006, he was nominated for the ‘MTV Youth Icon of the Year.’

Kalam went to IIM Shillong to deliver a lecture on ‘Creating a Livable Planet Earth,’ on July 27, 2015. While climbing a flight of stairs, he expressed some discomfort, but made his way to the auditorium. Only five minutes into the lecture, around 6:35pm IST, he collapsed in the lecture hall. He was taken to ‘Bethany Hospital’ in a critical condition. He was kept in the intensive care unit but lacked signs of life. At 7:45pm IST, he was declared dead due to cardiac arrest.

Kalam’s body was airlifted in an Indian Air Force helicopter and was flown to New Delhi on July 28. Numerous dignitaries and masses paid homage to him at his residence at 10 Rajaji Marg. Kalam’s body, wrapped in the national flag, was then flown to the town of Mandapam, from where an army truck took it to his home town of Rameswaram. His body was displayed at Rameswaram in front of a bus station to allow people to pay their last respect to the departed soul. On July 30, 2015, the former President was laid to rest with full state honours at Rameswaram’s Pei Karumbu Ground. Kalam’s last rites were attended by more than 350,000 people.

Photo Credit : http://agnicollege.blogspot.com/2015/04/dr-kalam-hails-agnis-ignite-2015-step.html

Photo Credit : http://agnicollege.blogspot.com/2015/04/dr-kalam-hails-agnis-ignite-2015-step.html

Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam and the Youth

Destiny was seen being benevolent when death beseeched Kalam while he was doing what he wanted to do throughout his life – sharing knowledge. Kalam took the final gasp doing what he loved most, and amongst those whom he loved the most – the youth. His life became a paradigm for the youth of the country. He became a role model and inspiration for the younger generation due to his humble nature, simple and easy going personality, and his ability to connect with young minds.

His Writings

Dr Kalam authored and co-authored a number of instructional and inspirational books, including ‘India 2020: A Vision for the New Millennium,’ ‘Wings of Fire,’ ‘The Luminous Sparks: A Biography in Verse and Colours,’ ‘Mission of India: A Vision of Indian Youth,’ ‘You Are Born To Blossom,’ ‘Ignited Minds: Unleashing the Power within India,’ ‘Guiding Souls,’ ‘Inspiring Thoughts,’ ‘Turning Points: A Journey Through Challenges,’ ‘Transcendence My Spiritual Experiences,’ ‘Beyond 2020: A Vision for Tomorrow’s India,’ and various others.

Photo Credit : https://www.thefamouspeople.com/profiles/a-p-j-abdul-kalam-590.php

Photo Credit : https://www.thefamouspeople.com/profiles/a-p-j-abdul-kalam-590.php

Interesting Facts About Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam

  • A man who spent approximately five decades in public service that included one stint as ‘The President,’ Kalam owned precious little. He owned no property, TV, fridge, car, AC, but owned approximately 2,500 books, six shirts, a pair of shoes, a wristwatch, four trousers and three suits.
  • He never accepted any gifts from anyone, except books.
  • He never charged any fee for the lectures that he delivered within or outside the country.
  • His love for technology is no secret and he kept an eye on all the latest developments primarily through radio.
  • He was a vegetarian and was always happy with what he was served.
  • He was a pious soul and particular about his morning prayer, which he never missed.
  • He was never seen wearing his religion on his sleeves nor was he seen playing up his humble origins.
  • He never wrote his will. However, whatever was left behind was to be given to his elder brother and to grandchildren. Kalam always called his elder brother before going or returning from a significant assignment.
  • His autobiography ‘Wings of Fire,’ was initially published in English but has been translated into thirteen languages, including Chinese and French.
  • In 2011, Nila Madhab Panda directed a movie based on the life of Kalam, titled, ‘I Am Kalam.’
  • Mathematics and Physics were his favourite subjects.

A.P.J. Abdul Kalam summary

Learn about the life of a.p.j. abdul kalam, india’s first president.

apj abdul kalam biography in sanskrit

A.P.J. Abdul Kalam , (born Oct. 15, 1931, Rameswaram, India—died July 27, 2015, Shillong), Indian president (2002–07). After graduating from the Madras Institute of Technology, Kalam played a leading role in the development of India’s missile and nuclear weapons programs. He planned a program that produced a number of successful missiles, helping earn him the nickname “Missile Man.” Beginning in the early 1990s, he also served as scientific adviser to the government, and his prominent role in India’s 1998 nuclear weapons tests established Kalam as a national hero. In 2002 the Hindu nationalist (Hindutva) National Democratic Alliance nominated Kalam, a Muslim, to succeed outgoing President K.R. Narayanan. Kalam easily won the elections in 2002, and in the largely ceremonial post he sought to use science and technology to transform India into a developed country. In 2007 he was succeeded by Pratibha Patil, the country’s first woman president.

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15 October, 1931 – 27 July, 2015

Born on 15 th October 1931 at Rameswaram in Tamil Nadu, DR AVUL PAKIR JAINULABDEEN ABDUL KALAM, specialized in Aeronautical Engineering from M adras Institute of Technology(MIT) . DR ABDUL KALAM made significant contribution as project director to develop India’s first indigenous satellite launch vehicle {SLV-3} which successfully injected the Rohini satellite in the near earth orbit in july 1980 and made India an exclusive member of space club. He was responsible for the evolution of ISRO’S launch vehicle programme, particularly the PSLV configuration. After working for two decades in ISRO and mastering launch vehicle technologies,  DR. KALAM took up the responsibility of developing indigenous guided missiles at D efense Re search and De velopment O rganization (DRDO) as the Chief Executive of integrated guided missile development programme. He was responsible for the development and operationalisation of AGNI and PRITHVI missiles and for building indigenous capability in critical technologies through networking of multiple institutions . He was the scientific advisor to defense minister and secretary , department of defense research and development from July 1992 to December 1999. During this period, he led to the weaponisation of strategic missile systems and the pokharan-2 nuclear tests in collaboration with the department of atomic energy, which made India a nuclear weapon state. He also gave thrust to self reliance in defense systems by programming multiple development tasks and mission projects such as Light Combat Aircraft. As chairman of Technology Information Forecasting and Aassessments council and as an eminent scientist, he led the country with the help of 500 experts to arrive at technology vision 2020 giving a road map for transforming India from the present developing status to a developed nation. DR ABDUL KALAM has served as the principal scientific advisor to the GOVERNMENT OF INDIA in the rank of cabinet minister, from November 1999-2001 and was responsible for evolving policies, strategies and missions for many development applications. DR KALAM was also the chairman, EX-officer of the scientific advisory committee to the cabinet { SAC-C} and piloted India Millennium Mission 2020.

DR ABDUL KALAM took up academic pursuit as professor, technology and societal transformation at ANNA UNIVERSITY, Chennai from November 2001 and was involved in teaching and research tasks. Above all he took up a mission to ignite the young minds for national development by meeting high school students across the country.  In his literary pursuit his books like “ W ings of F ire” “India 2020- a vision for new millennium”  “my journey” and “ignited minds- unleashing the power within India “ have become household names in India and among the Indian nationals abroad. These books have been translated in many Indian languages. In 2015 he was particularly working for SPACE SOLAR POWER at global level along with WORLD KNLOWLEDGE PLATFORM.

DR ABDUL KALAM is one of the most distinguished scientists of India with the unique honour of receiving honorary doctorates from 48 universities all over the world. He has been awarded the coveted civilian awards- Padma Bhusan {1981} and Padma Vibhusan {1990} and the highest civilian award, the Bharat Ratna  {1997}. He has also received the King Charles-2 medal {2007}, the Woodrow Wilson award {2008}, the Hoover award {2008} and the International Von Karman Wings Award  Widespread {2009} among other international accolades.  Recognition  coupled with his extensive national service, made DR ABDUL KALAM a popular choice for high office, and he became the 11 th president of India in 2002. His popularity has endured and he is still  affectionately called the People’s President for bridging the gap between high office and common people.  His focus and the greatest ambition remains finding ways to transform India into a developed nation.  

As an elder statesman, he was in the Public eye for his role in offering counsel, reaching out to people and building bridges across religious and social divides. DR ABDUL KALAM’S focus was ever on transforming  India into a developed nation by 2020 and to this end he continued to travel across the country for his teaching assignments at IITs and IIMs, to address conferences and to meet students and people from all walks of life.

He passed away at one such lecture he had gone to deliver of Shillong on 27 July 2015. His message and influence continue to resonate with people across the country, and in all walks of life.

Books by Dr APJ Abdul Kalam

1. India 2020: A Vision for the New Millennium Publishing year: 1998

2. Wings of Fire: An Autobiography Publishing year: 1999

3. Ignited Minds: Unleashing the Power within India Publishing year: 2002

4. The Luminous Sparks: A Biography in Verse and Colours Publishing year: 2004

5. Guiding Souls: Dialogues on the Purpose of Life Publishing year: 2005 Co-author: Arun Tiwari

6. Mission of India: A Vision of Indian Youth Publishing year: 2005

7. Inspiring Thoughts: Quotation Series Publishing year: 2007

8. You Are Born to Blossom: Take My Journey Beyond Publishing year: 2011 Co-author: Arun Tiwari

9. The Scientific India: A Twenty First Century Guide to the World around Us Publishing year: 2011 Co-author: Y. S. Rajan

10. Failure to Success: Legendry Lives Publishing year: 2011

11. Target 3 Billion Publishing year: 2011 Co-author: ‎Srijan Pal Singh

12. You are Unique: Scale New Heights by Thoughts and Actions Publishing year: 2012 Co-author: S. Poonam Kohli

13. Turning Points: A Journey through Challenges Publishing year: 2012

14. Indomitable Spirit Publishing year: 2013

15. Spirit of India Publishing year: 2013

16. Thoughts for Change: We Can Do It Publishing year: 2013 Co-author: A. Sivathanu Pillai

17. My Journey: Transforming Dreams into Actions Publishing year: 2013

18. Governance for Growth in India Publishing year: 2014

19. Manifesto for Change Publishing year: 2014 Co-author: V. Ponraj

20. Forge Your Future: Candid, Forthright, Inspiring Publishing year: 2014

21. Beyond 2020: A Vision for Tomorrow’s India Publishing year: 2014

22. The Guiding Light: A Selection of Quotations from My Favourite Books Publishing year: 2015

23. Reignited: Scientific Pathways to a Brighter Future Publishing year: 2015 Co-author: ‎Srijan Pal Singh

24. The Family and the Nation Publishing year: 2015 Co-author: Acharya Mahapragya

25. Transcendence My Spiritual Experiences Publishing year: 2015 Co-author: Arun Tiwari

A.P.J. Abdul Kalam Biography

Birthday: October 15 , 1931 ( Libra )

Born In: Rameswaram, Tamil Nadu, India

A.P.J. Abdul Kalam was a prominent Indian scientist who served as the 11th President of India from 2002 to 2007. Renowned for his pivotal role in the nation’s civilian space programme and military missile development, he was known as the Missile Man of India. He made significant contributions to India's Pokhran-II nuclear tests in 1998 which established him as a national hero. An alumnus of the prestigious Madras Institute of Technology, Kalam began his career as a scientist at the Aeronautical Development Establishment of the Defence Research and Development Organization (DRDO). He was later transferred to the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) where he served as the project director of India's first Satellite Launch Vehicle (SLV-III). He eventually rejoined DRDO and became closely involved in India’s space programme. he served as the Chief Scientific Adviser to the Prime Minister in the 1990s before becoming the President of India in 2002. Immensely popular during his term, he earned the moniker of People's President. He was honored with several awards including the Bharat Ratna, India's highest civilian honour, for his contribution to the nation’s space and nuclear programme.

A.P.J. Abdul Kalam

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Also Known As: Avul Pakir Jainulabdeen Abdul Kalam

Died At Age: 83

father: Jainulabudeen

mother: Ashiamma

Born Country: India

Presidents Scientists

Height: 5'6" (168 cm ), 5'6" Males

Died on: July 27 , 2015

place of death: Shillong, Meghalaya, India

Notable Alumni: St. Joseph's College, Tiruchirappalli, Madras Institute Of Technology, Anna University

Cause of Death: Cardiac Arrest

education: Madras Institute Of Technology, Anna University, St. Joseph's College, Tiruchirappalli

awards: Bharat Ratna (1997) Padma Vibhushan (1990) Padma Bhushan (1981)

Indira Gandhi Award for National Integration (1997) Ramanujan Award (2000) King Charles II Medal (2007) Hoover Medal (2008) International von Kármán Wings Award

You wanted to know

What were a.p.j. abdul kalam's major contributions to the field of science and technology.

A.P.J. Abdul Kalam made significant contributions to missile technology and space research in India. He played a crucial role in the development of India's first indigenous satellite launch vehicle (SLV-III) and the successful testing of nuclear weapons.

How did A.P.J. Abdul Kalam inspire the youth of India?

A.P.J. Abdul Kalam was known for his motivational speeches and interactions with students. He encouraged the youth to dream big, work hard, and strive for excellence in their chosen fields. He often emphasized the importance of education, innovation, and perseverance.

What was A.P.J. Abdul Kalam's vision for India's future?

A.P.J. Abdul Kalam envisioned a developed India that excelled in science, technology, and innovation. He believed in harnessing the potential of young minds to drive the country towards progress and prosperity. He promoted the idea of sustainable development and inclusive growth for all citizens.

How did A.P.J. Abdul Kalam promote education among underprivileged children?

A.P.J. Abdul Kalam was a strong advocate for education and believed that it was the key to unlocking a brighter future for individuals and the nation as a whole. He established various initiatives and scholarships to support underprivileged children in pursuing their education and realizing their potential.

What were A.P.J. Abdul Kalam's views on leadership and governance?

A.P.J. Abdul Kalam emphasized the importance of ethical leadership and good governance in shaping a better society. He believed that leaders should be role models who lead by example, uphold integrity, and work selflessly for the welfare of the people.

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  • Dr. A P J Abdul Kalam Biography


The Missile Man of India: Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam

Great personalities are not born every day; they are born once in a century and are remembered for millennials to come. One such great personality that we will always be proud of is Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam . His full name was Avul Pakir Jainulabdeen Abdul Kalam, born in Rameswaram of Madras Presidency on 15th October 1931 and died on July 27, 2015, Shillong. He was an Indian Scientist and also a politician leader, who later became the 11th President of India. He played an important role in the development of India’s missile and nuclear weapons program.

It is an absolute honor for us to learn about his great leader in the form of his biography . Without much ado, let us start.

Dr. A P J Abdul Kalam's Biography - About His Family and Struggle Life 

Dr. A P J Abdul Kalam was born to a poor Tamil Muslim family. He lived with his family in the temple city of Tamilnadu, Rameswaram, where his father, Jainulabdeen, had a boat and was an imam of a local mosque. At the same time, his mother, Ashiamma, was a housewife. Kalam had four brothers and one sister in his family, from which he was the youngest. Kalam's ancestors were wealthy traders and landowners and had vast land and property tracts. But with time, their business of ferrying pilgrims and trading groceries suffered huge losses due to the Pamban Bridge's opening. As a result, Kalam's family had become inadequate and struggled hard to make a living. At a tender age, Kalam had to sell newspapers to supplement his family income.

Dr. A P J Abdul Kalam's Biography - Educational Background of Kalam

Although Kalam had average grades in school, he was very hard working and had an immense desire to learn. He spent a lot of time studying and had developed a particular interest in mathematics. Kalam left Schwartz higher secondary school after completing his early education and went to Saint Joseph's College, Tiruchirapalli . From Saint Joseph's College, he graduated in physics in 1954. He moved to Madras in 1955 to study aerospace engineering at Madras Institute of Technology.

Dr. A P J Abdul Kalam's Biography - Kalam as a Scientist

Kalam joined as a scientist in the aeronautical development establishment of DRDO in 1960, after graduation. His career started with him designing a small hovercraft. However, he was not convinced by his choice of a job at the DRDO. Kalam was transferred to ISRO in 1969, where he was the project director of India's first satellite vehicle launch. The satellite vehicle deployed the Rohini satellite successfully in near-Earth orbit in July 1980. Kalam received the Government's LV and Slv projects between the 1970s-90s. He directed two projects like Project Devil and Project Valiant, which aimed at developing ballistic missiles from the successful SLV program's technology Kalam somehow convinced Indira Gandhi and sought secret funds for these aerospace projects. His research and immense knowledge brought him and the nation great laurels in the 1980s.

Kalam then went on to become the scientific advisor of the defence minister in 1992 and served at the same post for five years before getting promoted to the post of principal scientific advisor to the government. His immense role in the country's 1998 nuclear weapons tests solidified India as a nuclear power. Kamal had now become a national hero, to be remembered for ages to come. However, the tests he conducted caused a huge uproar in the international community. Kamal put forward a nationwide plan called Technology Vision 2020 , which according to him, was a fantastic way for transforming the stature of India in 20 years, taking it from a developing to a developed nation. The plan envisioned the progress of the nation by adopting advanced technology, expanding healthcare facilities, and emphasizing the education of the masses.

Dr. A P J Abdul Kalam's Biography -Kalam as the 11th President of India 

Sir Kalam was entitled to be the 11th president of India. His term period of 25th July 2002 to 25th July 2007 was achieved by winning a presidential election in 2002 with a massive margin of votes. National Democratic Alliances’ nominated him to be president and it was supported by Samajwadi Party and National Congress Party. He was lovingly called as peoples’ president as he had done uncountable works for the welfare of the people and through the entire country.

He was brave and courageous enough to take decisions and implement them no matter if that was tough or sensitive or highly controversial. The “office of profit” is perhaps the hard Act that he had to sign. The “ office of profit ”, according to the English Act of Settlement in 1701 explains that no single individual who has a professional set up under the royal family, who has some kind of provision with or who is taking a pension from the prince has the right to work for the of the “ House of Commons ”. This will allow the royal family to have zero influence on the administrative conditions.

He had also become one of the most talked-about presidents Rule in 2005 for imposing the Presidents’ rule in Bihar. Kalam expressed his wish to take up the position one more time but then later changed his mind.

After taking farewell from the office, he shifted and commenced his career as a visiting professor at the Indian Institute of Management in Shillong. He served as an Aerospace Engineering professor at Anna University, Tamil Nadu. He also lit up educational institutions like the Indian Institute of Indore, Indian Institute of Bangalore with his presence and knowledge. Sir Kalam served as chancellor Indian Institute of Space Science and Technology, Thiruvananthapuram.

In 2012, he introduced a program called “ What Can I Give ?” focusing on the theme of eradicating corruption from the country.

Dr. A P J Abdul Kalam's Biography - The Demise of Abdul Kalam

Abdul Kalam was a mortal human being just like us, but for his contribution to the country he remained immortal in the hearts of people. Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam was one such personality who died at 83. It was shocking news for the entire country as a pure soul left us forever. Abdul Kalam while delivering a speech for the youth in an event at IIM Shillong. During the middle of the speech, he suffered from a cardiac arrest and collapsed. Although he got admitted to the best hospital in Shillong, the doctors could not save him.

Then his body was airlifted to Gugati, and from there, it was taken to New Delhi in an Airforce plane. Their President, vice president, and some other leaders prayed for his soul. His body was then covered in the Indian National flag and brought to his hometown. About 35000 people attended his funeral event and prayed for such a great soul.

Dr. A P J Abdul Kalam's Biography - Writings of Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam

Dr. Abdul Kalam was a person who was not only a great political leader but also a good teacher and a writer. He had many delicate qualities and visionaries. He always had an excellent dream for the country's development and realized that the youth can bring revolution. During his university career, he inspired many of the students through his inspirational speech and tremendous visionaries. Apart from this, Dr. Kalam was a great writer. He has written several books, which are mainly meant for the nation's empowerment. His creation of India 2020 was like a gift for us, and he had all the strategies to make India a Superpower. In this book, he had primarily focused on some factors like food and development in the Agriculture sector, improved health care facilities, advanced information and communication system, good infrastructure, sufficiency in electricity production, Self-reliance in some advanced technologies.

Dr. A P J Abdul Kalam's Biography - Achievements of Abdul Kalam

Abdul Kalam was a person of a golden heart who has received ample awards and achieved many things during his life journey. In 1981 Abdul Kalam received the prestigious Padma Bhushan award. In 1990 he received the Padma Bhushan award. The renowned personality, because of his tremendous effort towards the nation, received the Bharat Ratna in 1997. In the same year, he was awarded the Indira Gandhi Award for National Integration. The government of India awarded Kalam with the Veer Savarkar award in 1998. Because of his contribution to arts, science, and technology, he received the SASTRA Ramanujan prize in 2000. Finally, in the year 2013, the eminent personality was bestowed with the Von Braun Award by the National Space Society.

Abdul Kalam’s Profession

APJ Abdul Kalam

APJ Abdul Kalam

This complex persona was a notable researcher displaying huge and unending science and mechanical innovative work. It was he who made our country atomic in its most genuine sense. It was in the year 1974, under the oversight of Dr. Kalam, that India went through its most memorable atomic test. Next came the Pokhran - II in the year 1988. It was through these atomic tests Dr. Kalam showed the world India's situation and power in atomic innovation.

Abdul kalam’s Grants and Accomplishments 

His works granted him three great honours from the Govt. of India specifically Padma Bhushan, Padma Vibhushan, and the Bharat Ratna. In the year 1997, Kalam was likewise granted the Indira Gandhi Award for National Integration. He was granted the Veer Savarkar Award in the year 1980 and the Ramanujan Award in the year 2000. From 40 colleges all over the world, Kalam got privileged doctorates.

Kalam’s Works and Motivation

He was the writer of various motivational books like "India 2010", "Touched off Minds", "Mission India", "The Luminous Sparks", "Wings of Fire", and "Moving Thoughts".

His life, work, and convictions are loaded up with models and motivations. He will keep on inspiring us for eternity. Furthermore, this is the genuine justification for why individuals from every one of the segments of the general public precipitously show love for this incredible person on his miserable end at IIM Shillong on 27th July 2015.

May this Noble and faithful Soul find happiness in the hereafter!

Dr. A P J Abdul Kalam's Biography - Some Interesting Facts 

Let us now study some interesting facts about Dr. A P J Abdul Kalam:

His full name was Avul Pakir Jainulabdeen Abdul Kalam. 

He was born in a Tamil Muslim Family. 

Kalam was a vegeterian. In his words “I was forced to become a vegetarian due to financial constraints, but I eventually came to enjoy it.” Today, I am a complete vegetarian”

He was India’s ‘first bachelor President.

He was very popular among children. 

Kalam’s autobiography ‘Wings of Fire was initially published in English Language but then later published in 13 other languages. 

Although the life of Abdul Kalam was filled with struggles and hardships, he rose above the adversaries to become one of the greatest scientists of modern India. His role in nation-building will be remembered till posterity.

Abdul Kalam was elected as the eleventh president of India in 2002 with the assistance of the ruling Bharatiya Janata Party and the then-competition Indian National Congress. He is widely referred to as the "People's President". He spent four decades as a scientist and science administrator, especially on the Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO) and Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO), and became concerned with India's civilian space program and army missile improvement efforts.

Abdul Kalam lowered back to his civilian lifestyle of schooling, writing, and public career after a single term. He received Bharat Ratna for his prestigious work.


FAQs on Dr. A P J Abdul Kalam Biography

1. Why is Abdul kalam known as the Missile man of India?

Being the largest democratic country globally, India did not have the right image in front of the world. As our country did not have any ballistic missiles or nuclear missiles, it was like a weaker country. 

Abdul Kalam had a different thought in his mind, and he was the only person who tried to bring revolution to the country through modern and advanced defence power. As a scientist, he encouraged other scientists of ISRO and DRDO and developed some powerful ballistic missiles with indigenous technology. E also talked with the prime minister of India, Indira Gandhi, and arranged some secret funds, which was very much useful for running such crucial projects. However, Kalam was first tied to empower India and created a strong image in front of the world. So Kalam is famous as the Missile man of India.

2. How Abdul Kalam became the President of India?

As a professor, Kalam used to spend some happy moments with students and other professors at Anna University. He loved teaching students something interesting with tremendous enthusiasm. Although the classroom's strength was sixty every day, around 350 youths gathered in his classroom to listen to a great professor's inspiring lecture. There was nothing unusual with that; he only used to understand a dynamic youth's mind and expressed his emotions through lectures. He used to emphasize his vision of modernizing the country and social transformation. He was assigned to teach ten lessons to the postgraduate students, and in the ninth lecture, he gave the example of several case studies. This was the most crucial period of his political career. The university's VC informed that he was receiving many calls, and many of the people wanted to talk. 

Then he received a call from the Prime minister of India, and he was shocked to listen to the news that many of the party leaders and the nation want him as the President of India. He did not control his emotion during that time as many pictures came to his mind like he was teaching inside the classroom and addressing inside the Parliament. This news became viral Abdul Kalam as a presidential candidate. Finally, Abdul Kalam won the presidential election and became the PresidentPresident of India's largest democratic country.

3. Why Abdul Kalam is renowned as the Youth Icon?

Dr. Abdul Kalam was the person who brought a revolution in the country in the field of Science, technology, aerospace, and Missile technology. He was the person who witnessed the nuclear test of India twice. He played a crucial role in the advancement of DRDO and ISRO. He was also on the advisory committee of the Defence minister. Coming from a low-income family, he had shown his mission and visionaries for the country's modernization. He also became the PresidentPresident of the country once and presented his thoughts and developed many indigenous ballistic missiles. Besides this, he was like an inspiration among youth and changed many students' motto as a professor. People are mad to listen to his inspirational words. All these god gifted qualities made him a youth icon.

4. What is the “Wings of Fire” all about?

Wings of Fire is an autobiography written by our beloved late President Dr. A.P.J Abdul Kalam. The book narrates the story of Sir Kalam through an extremely inspirational path. It clearly showcases the struggles he had to go through, the discrimination he had to face, the resilience and persistence he kept alive, the achievements he had made, and the dreams that had in him which let him fly high. The book is divided into 3 sections. The first section talks about his childhood and youth life. He was born to a financially humble family, but the members including his parents had good vision and heart. With much struggle, he completed his studies and first joined as a trainer in Hindustan Aeronautics Limited. Sir also mentions the people who helped the young Kalam to transform himself into a person who influences millions of people. 

The second section, called creation, explains his seventeen years of work-life and propitiation, which is the third section, travels the journey of a scientist to the “missile man of India”. 

5. What were the 5 ways in which Dr. Kalam wanted to change India?

The five ways in which Dr. Kalam wanted to change India are the following: 

What I Can Give Movement: This Movement was launched by A.P.J Abdul Kalam in order to spread awareness and understanding among the Indian youth about the danger of corruption and defeat it. The central theme is also the same. This notion was introduced to youngsters with an aim of creating change in their mindset from “greed” to what can be given from their side for societies’ benefit.

Billion Beats: Billion Beats is an e-paper that was founded by Dr. Kalam in 2007. It got circulated for a while and later got converted into a Facebook page. This digital platform page was used by him as a medium to share his interactions with achievers and their triumphs. 

India Vision 2020: Composed by the Technology Information Forecasting and Assessment Council, this plan was primarily a document, when Kalam sir was the chairman. But later, this significant transition project is elaborately explained in his book, wherein he identifies agriculture, infrastructure, education and healthcare, information and communication technologies and so on to be some of the core areas that should be concentrated to improve the GDP rate.

Pura: Aiming to build economic opportunities outside the cities and promote different migration from urban to rural, the Provision of Urban Amenities to Rural Areas was developed. 

Igniting Minds: This program acts as a bridge that connects about I lakh students to scientists, technicians and other leaders to make the learning of science much more exciting. The project is named after his successful book. 

6. Where did Abdul Kalam live as a child?

Abdul Kalam was born in a centre-magnificence Tamil circle of relatives in the island town of Rameswaram inside the country of Madras. His father, Jainulabdeen possessed notable innate wisdom. His mother, Ashiama turned into an ideal helpmate of his father. They lived in their ancestral pucca residence, located on mosque street in Rameswaram.

7. What do APJ Abdul Kalam do?

Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam became the previous President of India and was referred to as Indian scientists. He was additionally related to India's Space and Missile Development Program, hence called Missile Man of India. Take this quiz on Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam to recognize more approximately him. Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam's complete name is Avul PakirJainulabdeen Abdul Kalam.

Avul Pakir Jainulabdeen Abdul Kalam become born on 15 October 1931, to a Tamil Muslim own family in the pilgrimage centre of Rameswaram on Pamban Island, then in the Madras Presidency and now in the State of Tamil Nadu. 

8. Why is APJ Abdul Kalam referred to as the Missile Man of India?

A.P.J. Abdul Kalam became an outstanding Indian scientist who served as the eleventh President of India from 2002 to 2007. Renowned for his pivotal role within the state’s civilian area program and army missile development, he was referred to as the Missile Man of India.

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  • Jivan Parichay (जीवन परिचय) /

APJ Abdul Kalam Biography in Hindi: मिसाइल मैन डॉ. एपीजे अब्दुल कलाम का संपूर्ण जीवन परिचय  

apj abdul kalam biography in sanskrit

  • Updated on  
  • अक्टूबर 13, 2023

ए पी जे अब्दुल कलाम

APJ Abdul Kalam Biography in Hindi: भारत रत्न से सम्मानित और ‘भारत का मिसाइल मैन’ कहे जाने वाले मशहूर वैज्ञानिक डॉ ए पी जे अब्दुल कलाम (A.P.J. Abdul Kalam) अपने बेहतरीन कार्यों के लिए आज भी जाने जाते हैं। डॉ कलाम वर्ष 2002 में भारत के 11वें राष्ट्रपति भी बने। डॉ कलाम ने भारत को प्रगतिशील बनाने में अहम भूमिका निभाई थी। डॉ ए पी जे अब्दुल कलाम का जन्म तमिलनाडु के रामेश्वरम के धनुषकोडी गांव में 15 अक्टूबर 1931 को हुआ था। 

क्या आप जानते हैं  डॉक्टर कलाम ने ISRO में भारत के पहले स्वदेशी सैटेलाइट लांच व्हीकल (SLV-III) के निर्माण में महत्त्वपूर्ण भूमिका निभाई थी। एपीजे अब्दुल कलाम अपने कार्यों और अपनी प्रेरणादायक बातों के लिए आज भी याद किए जाते है। वहीं उनके जन्म दिवस को हर वर्ष ‘ विश्व छात्र दिवस ’ के रूप में मनाया जाता हैं। आइए जानते हैं ए पी जे अब्दुल कलाम का संपूर्ण जीवन परिचय। 

नामअवुल पकिर जैनुलाब्दीन अब्दुल कलाम (डॉ. ए.पी.जे. अब्दुल कलाम)
उपनाम मिसाइल मैन
व्यवसायइंजीनियर, वैज्ञानिक, लेखक, प्रोफेसर, राजनीतिज्ञ
जन्म तिथि 15-अक्टूबर 1931
जन्म स्थानधनुषकोडी गांव, रामेश्वरम, तमिलनाडु 
पिता का नाम जैनुल्लाब्दीन
माता का नाम असीम्मा
डॉ. कलाम का निधन27 जुलाई 2015, शिलांग, मेघालय
राष्ट्रपति11 वें (25 जुलाई 2002 – 25 जुलाई 2007)
सम्मान पद्म भूषण, पद्म विभूषण, भारत रत्न आदि 
आत्मकथा विंग्स ऑफ फायर: एन ऑटोबायोग्राफी

This Blog Includes:

डॉ. ए पी जे अब्दुल कलाम का प्रारंभिक जीवन, इसरो में निभाई अहम भूमिका , क्यों कहा जाता है डॉ कलाम को मिसाइल मैन , द्वितीय पोखरण परमाणु परीक्षण में दिया अहम योगदान , डॉ. एपीजे अब्दुल कलाम की मिसाइलों के नाम और उनकी विशेषताएं , डॉ. ए पी जे अब्दुल कलाम का राजनैतिक सफर , डॉ कलाम का निधन , डॉ. ए पी जे अब्दुल कलाम की उपलब्धियां , डॉ. कलाम द्वारा लिखी गई प्रमुख पुस्तकें, डॉ. एपीजे अब्दुल कलाम पर लिखी गई जीवनी , डॉ. कलाम के 10 अनमोल विचार , सम्बंधित ब्लॉग.

APJ Abdul Kalam Biography in Hindi: डॉ कलाम का जन्म तमिलनाडु के रामेश्वरम के धनुषकोडी गांव में 15 अक्टूबर 1931 को हुआ था। उनका पूरा नाम ‘अवुल पकिर जैनुल्लाब्दीन अब्दुल कलाम’ था। लेकिन उन्हें डॉ. ए पी जे अब्दुल कलाम और मिसाइल मैन के रूप में जाना जाता है। उनके पिता का नाम ‘ जैनुलाब्दीन’ था, जो एक नाविक थे और उनकी माता का नाम ‘ असीम्मा ‘ था, जो एक गृहणी थी। डॉ कलाम के पांच भाई बहन थे। 

डॉ कलाम का शुरूआती जीवन संघर्षों से भरा रहा था। उन्होंने अपनी आरंभिक शिक्षा जारी रखने के लिए अख़बार वितरित करने का कार्य भी किया था। उन्हें बचपन से ही सिखने की बहुत इच्छा थी। रामनाथपुरम, तमिलनाडु से मैट्रिक की पढ़ाई पूरी करने के बाद डॉ कलाम वर्ष 1955 में वे मद्रास चले गए वहाँ उन्होंने ‘ मद्रास इंस्टीट्यूट ऑफ टेक्नोलॉजी’ , चेन्नई में एयरोस्पेस इंजीनियरिंग की पढ़ाई पूरी की। क्या आप जानते हैं डॉ. ए पी जे अब्दुल कलाम एक लड़ाकू पायलट बनना चाहते थे लेकिन उन्हें ‘भारतीय वायु सेना’ (IAF) की प्रवेश परीक्षा में नौवां स्थान मिला था। जबकि IAF ने केवल 8वीं रैंक तक ही रिजल्ट की घोषणा की थी इसलिए वह पायलट नहीं बन सके। 

यह भी पढ़ें – डॉ.एपीजे अब्दुल कलाम का शिक्षा में योगदान

डॉ. ए पी जे अब्दुल कलाम अपनी पढ़ाई पूरी करने के बाद रक्षा अनुसंधान और विकास संगठन (DRDO) में एक वैज्ञानिक के रूप में शामिल हुए, जहां उन्होंने ‘ हावरक्राफ्ट परियोजना’ पर काम किया। डॉ कलाम ने कुछ समय तक प्रसिद्ध वैज्ञानिक ‘ विक्रम साराभाई’ के साथ भी काम किया था। इसके बाद वह वर्ष 1962 में ‘भारतीय अंतरिक्ष अनुसंधान संगठन’ ( ISRO) में आ गए, यहाँ उन्होंने प्रोजेक्ट डायरेक्टर रहते हुए सफलतापूर्वक कई उपग्रह प्रक्षेपण परियोजनाओं में अपनी अहम भूमिका निभाई थी।

डॉ. एपीजे अब्दुल कलाम (A.P.J. Abdul Kalam) ने ISRO में प्रोजेक्ट डायरेक्टर के तौर पर भारत के पहले स्वदेशी सैटेलाइट लांच व्हीकल SLV-III के निर्माण में महत्त्वपूर्ण भूमिका निभाई थी। इस प्रथम सैटेलाइट व्हीकल से भारत ने वर्ष 1980 में रोहिणी सैटेलाइट सफलतापूर्वक अंतरिक्ष में भेजा था। इस मिसाइल को बनाने में डॉ कलाम में अपना अहम योगदान दिया था, जिस वजह से उन्हें ‘ मिसाइल मैन’ की उपाधि से नवाजा गया। इसके बाद डॉ कलाम ने देश के लिए कई महत्वपूर्ण परियोजनाओं में कार्य किया और देश के लिए कई मिसाइलें बनाई। 

यह भी पढ़ें – जानिए सत्य, अहिंसा के पुजारी ‘महात्मा गांधी’ का संपूर्ण जीवन परिचय 

इसके बाद डॉ. कलाम ने वर्ष 1992 से 1999 तक रक्षा अनुसंधान एवं विकास संगठन (DRDO) में सेक्रेटरी के रूप में कार्य किया। वह प्रधानमंत्री के मुख्य वैज्ञानिक सलाहकार भी थे। वर्ष 1998 में दूसरे परमाणु परीक्षण में डॉ. कलाम ने महत्वपूर्ण तकनीकी और राजनीतिक भूमिका निभाई थी। इस सफल परमाणु परिक्षण के बाद ही तत्कालीन प्रधानमंत्री अटल बिहारी वाजपेयी ने भारत को एक पूर्ण विकसित परमाणु देश घोषित किया और भारत विश्व में एक महाशक्ति के रूप में उभरा।  

APJ Abdul Kalam Biography in Hindi में अब हम उनकी कुछ प्रमुख मिसाइलों और उनकी विशेषताओं के बारे में बता रहे है। जिसे आप नीचे दी गई टेबल में देख सकते हैं:-

पृथ्वी सतह से सतह तक, कम दूरी की बैलिस्टिक मिसाइल
रेंज-150–300 किमी
परमाणु हथियार ले जाने में सक्षम 
अग्नि री-एंट्री टेक्नोलॉजी डेमोंस्ट्रेटर ,शॉर्ट रेंज बैलेस्टिक मिसाइल
रेंज- 700–900 किमी
त्रिशूलशॉर्ट रेंज 
सतह से हवा में वार करने वाली मिसाइल 
रेंज- 12 किमी
नाग एन्टी टैंक मिसाइल
दागो और भूल जाओ प्रणाली पर आधारित
सभी प्रकार के मौसम में काम करने में सक्षम 
आकाश मीडियम रेंज सतह से हवा में वार करने में सक्षम 
रेंज – 18 किमी
ब्रह्मोस  लड़ाकू विमानों, पनडुब्बियों, युद्धपोत के साथ-साथ जमीन पर मौजूद सिस्‍टम समेत कई अलग-अलग प्लेटफॉर्म की मदद से लॉन्च किया जा सकता है।
स्पीड – 2,9000 किमी प्रति घंटा
ध्वनि की गति से भी तेज़ 
रेंज – 300 किलोमीटर से 800 किलोमीटर के बीच। 

डॉ. ए पी जे अब्दुल कलाम 18 जुलाई 2002 को भारत के 11वें राष्ट्रपति बने। क्या आप जानते हैं कि डॉ कलाम भारत के सर्वोच्च नागरिक सम्मान ‘ भारत रत्न’ प्राप्त करने वाले भारत के तीसरे राष्ट्रपति थे। बता दें कि डॉ कलाम से पहले वर्ष 1954 में “ डॉ सर्वपल्ली राधाकृष्णन ” और वर्ष 1963 में “ डॉ. जाकिर हुसैन ” को यह सम्मान प्रदान किया गया था। डॉ कलाम वर्ष 2002 से 2007 तक भारत के राष्ट्रपति पद पर आसीन रहे और इसके बाद उन्होंने फिर से राष्ट्रपति चुनाव ना लड़ने का फैसला किया। राष्ट्रपति के पद से मुक्त होने के बाद डॉ कलाम ने देश के विभिन्न कॉलेज-संस्थानों में अध्यापन कार्य किया और कई पुस्तकें लिखी 

यह भी पढ़ें – ‘फादर ऑफ ग्रीन रिवॉल्यूशन’ कहे जाने वाले एम.एस. स्वामीनाथन के बारे में कितना जानते हैं आप? 

डॉ. कलाम ने विज्ञान और अंतरिक्ष के क्षेत्र में अपना अतुलनीय योगदान दिया है, जिसकी वजह से उन्हें वर्ष 1997 में भारत के सबसे प्रतिष्ठित पुरस्कार ‘भारत रत्न’ से भी सम्मानित किया गया था। उन्होंने अपने जीवन के बहुत से वर्ष रक्षा अनुसंधान और विकास संगठन (DRDO) के लिए काम करते हुए बिताए थे। 

देश का सर्वोच्‍च पद पर रहने के बाद भी डॉ. कलाम हमेशा अपना जीवन सादगी के साथ जीते रहे  उनका स्‍वभाव बेहद सहज, सरल और विनम्र था। वे हमेशा खुद को एक वैज्ञानिक और शिक्षक की तरह ही देखा करते थे। लेकिन 27 जुलाई 2015 को भारतीय प्रबंधन संस्थान (IIM) शिलांग में व्याख्यान देते समय हृदय गति रुकने से अचानक उनका निधन हो गया। 

डॉ. एपीजे अब्दुल कलाम (A.P.J. Abdul Kalam) ने अपने जीवन में बहुत सी विपरीत परिस्थितियों का सामना किया था। लेकिन जीवन में उन्होंने कभी भी कठिन परिस्थितियों के आगे हार नहीं मानी। यही वजह रही है कि उनका जीवन आज भी युवाओं के लिए प्रेरणा का स्त्रोत रहा हैं। डॉ. कलाम को उनके कार्यों के लिए बहुत से राष्ट्रीय और अंतरराष्ट्रीय पुरस्कारों से सम्मानित किया गया था। जिन्हें नीचे दिए गए टेबल में बताया जा रहा हैं:-

2014डॉक्टर ऑफ़ साइंस 
2012डॉक्टर ऑफ़ लॉज़ (मानद उपाधि)
2011आई.ई.ई.ई. मानद सदस्यता
2010डॉक्टर ऑफ इंजीनियरिंग 
2009मानद डॉक्टरेट
2009हूवर मेडल
2009वॉन कार्मन विंग्स अन्तर्राष्ट्रीय अवार्ड
2008डॉक्टर ऑफ इन्जीनियरिंग (मानद उपाधि)
2008डॉक्टर ऑफ साइन्स (मानद उपाधि)
2007डॉक्टर ऑफ साइन्स एण्ड टेक्नोलॉजी की मानद उपाधि
2007किंग चार्ल्स II मेडल
2007डॉक्टर ऑफ साइन्स की मानद उपाधि
2000रामानुजन पुरस्कार
1998वीर सावरकर पुरस्कार
1997इंदिरा गाँधी राष्ट्रीय एकता पुरस्कार
1997भारत रत्न
1994विशिष्ट शोधार्थी
1990पद्म विभूषण
1981पद्म भूषण

यहाँ डॉ. एपीजे अब्दुल कलाम (A.P.J. Abdul Kalam) का जीवन परिचय के साथ ही उनके द्वारा लिखित कुछ पुस्तकों के बारे में बताया जा रहा है। जिन्हें आप नीचे दिए गए बिंदुओं में देख सकते हैं:-

इंडिया 2020: ए विजन फॉर द न्यू मिलेनियम वर्ष 1998
विंग्स ऑफ फायर: एन ऑटोबायोग्राफी वर्ष 1999
इगनाइटेड माइंड्स: अनलीजिंग द पॉवर विदिन इंडियावर्ष 2002
द ल्यूमिनस स्पार्क्स: ए बायोग्राफी इन वर्स एंड कलर्सवर्ष 2004
मिशन ऑफ इंडिया: ए विजन ऑफ इंडियन यूथवर्ष 2005
द लाइफ ट्री, पोयम्सवर्ष 2005
इनडोमिटेबल स्पिरिटवर्ष 2006
हम होंगे कामयाबवर्ष 2006
अदम्य साहसवर्ष 2006
इन्स्पायरिंग थॉट्स: कोटेशन सीरिजवर्ष 2007
यू आर बॉर्न टू ब्लॉसम (सहलेखन – अरुण तिवारी)वर्ष 2008
द फैमिली एंड द नेशन (सहलेखन – महाप्रज्ञ)वर्ष 2008
स्प्रिट ऑफ इंडियावर्ष 2010
फोर्ज योर फ्यूचर: केन्डिड, फोर्थराइट, इन्स्पायरिंगवर्ष 2014
बियॉन्ड 2020: ए विजन फॉर टुमोरोज इंडियावर्ष 2014
गवर्नेंस फॉर ग्रोथ इन इंडियावर्ष 2014
ट्रांसडेंस: माई स्प्रीचुअल एक्स्पीरिएंस विद प्रमुख स्वामीजी (सहलेखन – अरुण तिवारी)वर्ष 2015
लर्निंग हाउ टू फ्लाईवर्ष 2016
एनलाइटेंड माइंड्स वर्ष 2017
फेलियर इस द बेस्ट टीचरवर्ष 2018

यह भी पढ़ें – लाल बहादुर शास्त्री की जीवनी

APJ Abdul Kalam Biography in Hindi में अब हम डॉ. कलाम के जीवन पर लिखी गई कुछ प्रमुख जीवनी के बारे में बता रहे है। जिसे आप नीचे दी गई टेबल में देख सकते हैं:-

इटरनल क्वेस्ट: जीवन और टाइम्स ऑफ डॉ कलाम एस चंद्र
द कलाम प्रभाव: राष्ट्रपति के साथ के मेरे वर्षपी.एम. नायर
डॉ. ए. पी.जे अब्दुल कलाम: भारत के विजनरीके. भूषण और जी कैट्याल
महात्मा अब्दुल कलाम के साथ मेरे दिनफ्रेट ए.के. जॉर्ज

यहाँ डॉ. एपीजे अब्दुल कलाम के जीवन परिचय (APJ Abdul Kalam Biography in Hindi) के साथ ही उनके कुछ अनमोल विचारों के बारे में भी बताया जा रहा है। जिन्हें आप नीचे दिए गए बिंदुओं में देख सकते हैं:-

  • शिक्षण एक बहुत ही महान पेशा है जो किसी व्यक्ति के चरित्र, क्षमता, और भविष्य को आकार देता हैं। अगर लोग मुझे एक अच्छे शिक्षक के रूप में याद रखते हैं, तो मेरे लिए ये सबसे बड़ा सम्मान होगा। 
  • महान शिक्षक ज्ञान, जूनून और करुणा से निर्मित होते हैं।
  • अगर तुम सूरज की तरह चमकना चाहते हो तो पहले सूरज की तरह जलो।
  • सपने वो नहीं है जो आप नींद में देखे, सपने वो है जो आपको नींद ही नहीं आने दे।
  • महान सपने देखने वालों के महान सपने हमेशा पूरे होते हैं।
  • मैं इस बात को स्वीकार करने के लिए तैयार था कि मैं कुछ चीजें नहीं बदल सकता।
  • अपने मिशन में कामयाब होने के लिए, आपको अपने लक्ष्य के प्रति एकचित्त निष्ठावान होना पड़ेगा।
  • शिखर तक पहुँचने के लिए ताकत की जरूरत होती है, चाहे वो माउंट एवरेस्ट का शिखर हो या आपके पेशे का।
  • किसी भी मिशन की सफलता के लिए, रचनात्मक नेतृत्व आवश्यक हैं।
  • जब तक भारत दुनिया के सामने खड़ा नहीं होता, कोई हमारी इज्जत नहीं करेगा। इस दुनिया में, डर की कोई जगह नहीं है। केवल ताकत ही ताकत का सम्मान करती हैं।
  • APJ Abdul Kalam Full Name in Hindi: जानिए क्या है ए पी जे अब्दुल कलाम का पूरा नाम?
  • Books of APJ Abdul Kalam: ये हैं प्रख्यात वैज्ञानिक डॉ.एपीजे अब्दुल कलाम की किताबें
  • जानिए क्या था एपीजे अब्दुल कलाम के माता-पिता का नाम? – Leverage Edu
  • पढ़िए एपीजे अब्दुल कलाम के बारे में 10 लाइन, जो कि आपको प्रेरित करेंगी – Leverage Edu
  • क्या आप जानते हैं कि अब्दुल कलाम की मृत्यु कब हुई? – Leverage Edu
  • डॉ.एपीजे अब्दुल कलाम का शिक्षा में योगदान | Leverage Edu
  • Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam: डॉ. एपीजे अब्दुल कलाम के बारे में 20 लाइन
  • अब्दुल कलाम के शिक्षा पर विचार | Leverage Edu
  • क्या आप जानते हैं कि एपीजे अब्दुल कलाम का जन्म कब हुआ था?
  • जानिए एपीजे अब्दुल कलाम को भारत रत्न कब मिला? – Leverage Edu
  • जानिए डॉक्टर अब्दुल कलाम को मिसाइल मैन क्यों कहा जाता है? – Leverage Edu

आशा है आपको डॉ. एपीजे अब्दुल कलाम (APJ Abdul Kalam Biography in Hindi) पर हमारा यह ब्लॉग पसंद आया होगा। ऐसे ही अन्य महान व्यक्तियों के जीवन परिचय को पढ़ने के लिए Leverage Edu के साथ बने रहें। 

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Leverage Edu स्टडी अब्रॉड प्लेटफार्म में बतौर एसोसिएट कंटेंट राइटर के तौर पर कार्यरत हैं। नीरज को स्टडी अब्रॉड प्लेटफाॅर्म और स्टोरी राइटिंग में 3 वर्ष से अधिक का अनुभव है। वह पूर्व में upGrad Campus, Neend App और ThisDay App में कंटेंट डेवलपर और कंटेंट राइटर रह चुके हैं। उन्होंने दिल्ली विश्वविधालय से बौद्ध अध्ययन और चौधरी चरण सिंह विश्वविधालय से हिंदी में मास्टर डिग्री कंप्लीट की है।

प्रातिक्रिया दे जवाब रद्द करें

अगली बार जब मैं टिप्पणी करूँ, तो इस ब्राउज़र में मेरा नाम, ईमेल और वेबसाइट सहेजें।

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शगुफ्ता जी, आपका धन्यवाद। ऐसे ही हमारी वेबसाइट पर बने रहिए।

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APJ Abdul Kalam, Biography, Full Name, Contributions, Awards

Apj abdul kalam, apj abdul kalam contributions.

  • Dr APJ Abdul Kalam Awards and Honours

Prelims : General Science

Mains : Achievements of Indians in Science & Technology; Indigenization of Technology and Developing New Technology.

Dr. Avul Pakir Jainulabdeen Abdul Kalam, commonly known as Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam, was an iconic Indian scientist, aerospace engineer, and visionary leader. Abdul Kalam served as the 11th President of India from 2002 to 2007 and is widely celebrated as the "People's President" for his immense contributions to science, technology, and the socio-economic development of India. He played a pivotal role in the development of India's ballistic missile and launch vehicle technology.

Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam, born on October 15, 1931, in Rameswaram, Tamil Nadu, was an exemplary scientist, statesman, and teacher who played a pivotal role in shaping India's nuclear capabilities, missile technology, and the nation's space endeavours. Kalam breathed his last on July 27, 2015, while delivering a lecture at IIM-Shillong.

APJ Abdul Kalam Early Life and Education

  • Rameswaram roots: Dr. Kalam hailed from a modest background in Rameswaram. His father, Jainulabudeen, was a boat owner, and his mother, Ashiamma, was a housewife.
  • APJ Kalam pursued a bachelor's degree in physics in 1954 fromTiruchirappalli.
  • APJ Abdul Kalam received a degree in aeronautical engineering fromMadras Institute of Technology .

APJ Abdul Kalam Career

Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam began a distinguished career that expertly combined science, technology, and defence, leaving an imprint on history.

  • DRDO: Kalam began his career as a scientist at the Aeronautical Development Establishment of the Defense Research and Development Organisation (DRDO) in 1960.
  • After joining the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) in 1969, Kalam oversaw the development of SLV-III , India's first satellite launch vehicle.
  • Project Devil and Project Valiant aimed to create ballistic missiles using the SLV program's successful technology.
  • In 1982, Kalam oversaw the development of several successful missiles, including the Agni and Prithvi missiles, earning him the title of "Missile Man of India. "
  • He played a significant political and technological role during the Pokhran-II nuclear tests in 1998.
  • He was the first scientist- President of India, with no political background.

Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam's contributions spanned various domains, making him a symbol of India's scientific excellence and technological advancements.

apj abdul kalam biography in sanskrit

Space Technology

  • This achievement catapulted India into an exclusive club of space-exploring nations.
  • PSLV: He was in charge of the evolution of ISRO 's launch vehicle programme, specifically the PSLV (Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle) configuration .

Defence and Missile Technology

  • Development of ballistic missiles: Kalam oversaw the projects Devil and Valiant, which aimed to develop ballistic missiles using the technology developed for the successful SLV programme.
  • IGMDP: Dr. Kalam's leadership in the Integrated Guided Missile Development Program (IGMDP) led to the development of the Agni, an intermediate-range ballistic missile and Prithvi, a surface-to-surface missile, reinforcing India's defence capabilities.
  • Despite criticism, his unwavering pursuit of scientific excellence laid the groundwork for India's nuclear and space capabilities.
  • It resulted in a significant reduction in the price of coronary stents , with a price reduction of more than 50% compared to when it was previously imported.
  • Kalam-Raju Tablet: In 2012, Kalam and Soma Raju collaborated on the development of a rugged tablet computer for better healthcare administration in the country's rural areas. It was known as the Kalam-Raju tablet.'
  • Literature: Aside from his scientific and political contributions, Kalam was an accomplished author, having written acclaimed books such as “Wings of Fire” , “My Journey”," Indomitable Spirit", “Ignited Minds” , India 2020 and many more, which continue to inspire generations.
  • He worked to empower Indian youth and encourage them to take up careers in science and technology.
  • Social justice: Kalam was also a champion of social justice and equality. He worked to improve the lives of marginalised and disadvantaged groups in India.
  • Technology Vision 2020: As Chairman of the Technology Information, Forecasting, and Assessment Council and an eminent scientist, he led the country with the help of 500 experts to arrive at Technology Vision 2020, which provides a road map for India's transition from developing to developed status.

Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam Awards and Honours

Dr. Abdul Kalam's unparalleled contributions to S&T and his dedication to advancing the nation have earned him numerous accolades and recognitions.

  • Von Braun Award from the National Space Society
  • Indira Gandhi Award for National Integration
  • Veer Savarkar Award
  • Padma Bhushan, Padma Vibhushan
  • Bharat Ratna in 1997
  • He received honorary doctorates from 30 universities and institutions.
  • His birthday is celebrated as "Youth Renaissance Day" in Tamil Nadu 
  • The new bacteria was discovered on the filters of the International Space Station by researchers at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory, who named it Solibacillus Kalamii in honour of Abdul Kalam.
  • Wheeler Island , a national missile test site in Odisha, was renamed Abdul Kalam Island.

APJ Abdul Kalam UPSC PYQs

Question 1: "If a country is to be corruption-free and become a nation of beautiful minds, I strongly feel that there are three key societal members who can make a difference. They are father, mother and teacher." – A.P.J. Abdul Kalam (UPSC Mains 2022)

APJ Abdul Kalam FAQs

Q1. Who was Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam?

Ans. Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam was an accomplished scientist renowned for his contributions to science and technology, particularly in the fields of space technology and missile development. He served as the President of India from 2002 to 2007.

Q2. What was Abdul Kalam famous for?

Ans. For his contributions to the development of ballistic missile technology, he was famously known as the "Missile Man of India." Kalam served as the Prime Minister's Chief Scientific Adviser and DRDO Secretary from 1992 to 1999.

Q3. What are Dr. Kalam's notable achievements in the field of space technology?

Ans. Dr. Kalam's notable achievements in the field of space technology include the successful development of India's SLV-III and PSLV.

Q4. Why is Kalam called the Missile Man of India?

Ans. Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam, the former President of India, is known as the 'Missile Man of India' for his contribution to developing India's missile projects, the Prithvi and Agni missiles. He also played a significant role in developing the first indigenous satellite launch vehicle.

Q5. Where is Abdul Kalam Island located?

Ans. Abdul Kalam Island is located off the coast of Odisha. This island is home to the integrated missile test range. The island was originally named after the English Lieutenant Wheeler, but in September 2015, it was renamed after the former President of India, Dr. Abdul Kalam.

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Dr. A. P. J. Abdul Kalam – Incomparable Contribution to Nation

contribution of apj abdul kalam

  • Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam , a distinguished scientist and former President, was born on October 15, 1931, in Tamil Nadu.
  • In honor of his dedication to students and his commitment to shaping the next generation, his birth anniversary is celebrated as World Students’ Day .
  • Dr. Kalam, often referred to as the ‘Missile Man of India’ , played a crucial role in advancing the country’s space and defence programs as a scientist.

Furthermore, his lasting legacy as an educator, author , and visionary President has made significant contributions to the development of the nation.

Glimpse of Dr. Kalam’s Life

  • Kalam, a recipient of the Bharat Ratna award, was born in Rameswaram, Tamil Nadu .
  • Throughout his career, Kalam held prominent positions as an administrator in the Defence Research and Development Organization (DRDO) and the Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO).
  • In 2002, this esteemed aerospace scientist became the 11th President of India , serving in office until 2007. Following his presidency, he continued to devote himself to teaching.
  • He took on roles as a visiting professor at the Indian Institute of Management (IIM) in Ahmedabad, IIM Shillong , and IIM-Indore.
  • For his contributions as a scientific advisor to the government of India, Kalam was honoured with the Padma Vibhushan and the Padma Bhushan awards.
  • Nevertheless, the significant contributions of Dr. A. P. J. Abdul Kalam to scientific and technological advancements in the country are still remembered today.

Some Facts about Kalam

  • Dr. Kalam was awarded the Doctor of Science degree by 28 universities . He has received several awards including the National Design Award, Dr. Biren Roy Space Award, Professor Y Nayudhamma Memorial Gold Medal (1996), GM Modi Science Award (1996), R K Firodia Award for Excellence in Science and Technology (1996), Veer Shavalkar Award (1998), For National Integration Indira Gandhi Award (1997) .
  • He is a member of numerous professional societies including Aeronautical Society of India, Astronautical Society , and Aeronautical Society of India , Indian National Academy of Engineering, Indian Academy of Sciences and Institute of Electronics and Telecommunications Engineers.
  • He is also the author of many books – India 2020: A Vision for the New Millennium, Wings of Fire: An Autobiography, and Ignited Minds-Unleashing the Power within India etc.

Contributions of Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam: In Space, Engineering and Medicine

India’s first indigenous hovercraft.

  • Dr. Kalam and his team developed Nandi , India’s Indigenous hovercraft, symbolizing strength and innovation.

India’s first Satellite Launch Vehicle

  • As project Director of ISRO, Dr. Kalam led the development of SLV III, successfully launching the Rohini satellite in 1980.

INCOSPAR committee

  • Dr. Kalam was part of the committee that established TERLS , Thumba Equatorial Rocket Launching Station , for space research.

Ballistic Missile Project

  • Leading DRDO, Dr. Kalam developed indigenous guided missiles like Agni and Prithvi based on the SLV Program. 

Chief Scientific Advisor and DRDO Secretary

  • He served as a Chief scientific advisor to the government of India coordinating the Pokhran II nuclear test.

Launch Vehicle

  • Dr. Kalam promoted and backed the advancement of different satellite launch vehicles, such as the Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle (PSLV) and the Geosynchronous Satellite Launch Vehicle (GSLV).

Integrated Guided Missile Development Program

  • Dr. Kalam at DRDO implemented this program which advanced India’s missile technology, as a result he was named as ‘ Missile Man of India’ .

Kalam- Raju Stent (Universal Healthcare Plan)

  • Dr. Kalam and D. Soma Raju collaborated to develop a coronary stent ‘ Kalam-Raju Stent ‘ to make healthcare accessible to all.

Kalam Raju Tablet

  • Dr. Kalam and Dr. Soma Raju , came up with a rough tablet computer to take care of the health of underprivileged people of rural India.

PURA – Provision of Urban Amenities to Rural Areas 

  • Dr. Kalam gives the strategy for rural development in India as discussed in his book Target 3 Billion . It proposes that urban infrastructure and services be provided in rural hubs to create economic opportunities outside of cities.

An Innovator in Fiberglass Technology

  • He played a pioneering role in the field of fiberglass technology and guided a team of young individuals to embark on this endeavour at ISRO . Their work encompassed the entire process , starting from designing and developing composite rocket motor cases, all the way to their production.

Technology Vision 2020

  • In 1998, a comprehensive plan named Technology Vision 2020 was proposed.
  • Its objective was to outline a roadmap for India’s transformation from a less-developed nation to a developed society within a span of 20 years.
  • The plan aimed to achieve this by implementing various measures, including enhancing agricultural productivity, promoting technology as a catalyst for economic growth, and improving accessibility to healthcare and education.

Dr. Kalam talked of ‘Creating a Liveable Earth’ – In Last Speech

  • “ Sustainable development enables the realisation of green clean environment without pollution, having prosperity without poverty, peace without fear of war and a happy place to live for all citizens of the nation of the world.”
  • In this last speech, Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam laid the blueprint of his ‘ World vision 2030 of a liveable planet earth’.

Thus, despite the accomplishments and contributions of Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam, he always wished to be recognized as a teacher. He breathed his last  on July 27, 2015 , and collapsed while delivering a lecture at  IIM-Shillong  and died from a cardiac arrest. Thus, his his contributions are still remembered as some of the scientific and technological developments in the country.

Question : “If a country is to be corruption free and become a nation of beautiful minds, I strongly feel that there are three key societal members who can make a difference. They are father, mother and teacher.” – A.P.J. Abdul Kalam (2022)


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APJ Abdul Kalam: The Inspiring Rocket Scientist of India

APJ Abdul Kalam: The Inspiring Rocket Scientist of India-photo

Table of Contents


APJ Abdul Kalam, also known as the “Missile Man of India,” was a renowned scientist, engineer, and statesman who served as the President of India from 2002 to 2007. Born on October 15, 1931, in Rameswaram, Tamil Nadu, India, Kalam came from a humble background and was the youngest of five siblings. Despite financial challenges, his father instilled in him a strong value system and the importance of education.

Kalam went on to study physics and aerospace engineering at the Madras Institute of Technology and later joined the Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO) and the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO). He played a key role in India’s civilian space program and military missile development, and was instrumental in the development of India’s first satellite launch vehicle.

Aside from his scientific contributions, Kalam was also known for his simplicity, humility, and passion for education. He was deeply committed to the cause of science and technology for the betterment of society and was a strong advocate for the education of the youth. During his presidency, Kalam’s focus was on education, science, and technology, and he is remembered as a visionary leader who left an indelible mark on India’s history.

In this biography article, we will delve deeper into the life and achievements of APJ Abdul Kalam, exploring his early life, education, scientific contributions, and political career.

Early life and education Of APJ Abdul Kalam

APJ Abdul Kalam was born on October 15, 1931, in Rameswaram, Tamil Nadu, India to Jainulabdeen and Ashiamma. His father was a boat owner and imam of a local mosque, while his mother was a homemaker. Kalam was the youngest of five siblings and grew up in a financially challenged family. Despite this, his father instilled in him a strong value system and the importance of education.

Kalam completed his school education in Rameswaram and was an average student, but he was hardworking and had a strong interest in mathematics and physics. He went on to study physics and aerospace engineering at the Madras Institute of Technology and graduated in 1960.

After graduation, Kalam joined the Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO) and later the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) where he played a key role in India’s civilian space program and military missile development. He was instrumental in the development of India’s first satellite launch vehicle, which successfully deployed the Rohini satellite in orbit in July 1980. He rose to fame as the “Missile Man of India” for his work on the development of India’s missile technology.

Kalam was known for his simplicity, humility, and passion for education. He was deeply committed to the cause of science and technology for the betterment of society. He went on to become the President of India from 2002 to 2007, and his tenure was marked by a focus on education, science, and technology.

In conclusion, APJ Abdul Kalam’s early life and education played a significant role in shaping his future as a scientist, engineer, and statesman. His journey from a humble background to becoming the President of India is an inspiration to millions of people around the world.

APJ Abdul Kalam’s career as a scientist

His career as a scientist spanned over four decades and was marked by numerous achievements in the field of aerospace engineering and missile technology. He started his scientific journey as a scientist at the Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO) where he worked on various projects related to missile technology.

In 1969, Kalam joined the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) where he played a key role in the development of India’s first satellite launch vehicle (SLV-III). The successful deployment of the Rohini satellite in orbit in July 1980 was a major milestone in Kalam’s scientific career and established India as a major player in the field of space technology.

After the success of the SLV-III program, Kalam was appointed as the project director of India’s Integrated Guided Missile Development Program (IGMDP). Under his leadership, India developed a range of missiles including the Agni, Prithvi, and Akash missiles, which made India self-reliant in the field of military technology.

Kalam’s contributions to India’s missile technology earned him the nickname “Missile Man of India” and brought him recognition and accolades both nationally and internationally. He was awarded the Padma Bhushan, India’s third-highest civilian award, in 1981, and the Padma Vibhushan, India’s second-highest civilian award, in 1990, in recognition of his scientific achievements.

Throughout his career, Kalam remained deeply committed to the cause of science and technology for the betterment of society. He was a strong advocate for the education of the youth and encouraged young people to pursue careers in science and technology. His work inspired generations of scientists and engineers and will continue to inspire future generations for years to come.

In conclusion, APJ Abdul Kalam’s career as a scientist was marked by numerous achievements in the field of aerospace engineering and missile technology. His contributions to India’s space and military programs have earned him recognition as one of India’s greatest scientists and have cemented his legacy as a visionary leader who paved the way for India’s progress in the field of science and technology.

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Personal life of APJ Abdul Kalam

APJ Abdul Kalam was a man of simple tastes and habits. Despite his numerous achievements and high office, he lived a modest and unassuming life, and was widely known for his simplicity and humility.

Kalam was a spiritual person and was deeply committed to his faith. He regularly recited the Quran and was an avid reader of books on spirituality and religion. He also believed in the importance of a healthy lifestyle and was a vegetarian and non-smoker.

One of Kalam’s passions was writing. He was an accomplished author and wrote several books on his experiences and views on life, including “Wings of Fire: An Autobiography,” “Ignited Minds: Unleashing the Power Within India,” and “My Journey: Transforming Dreams into Actions.” These books provide a glimpse into his personal life and his philosophy on life, education, and leadership.

Kalam never married and lived a solitary life. He was deeply committed to his work and devoted himself to the cause of science, technology, and education. Despite his busy schedule, he made time for young people and was known for his interactions with students and his inspiring speeches to the youth.

In conclusion, APJ Abdul Kalam’s personal life was defined by his simplicity, humility, and devotion to his faith, work, and the cause of education. He lived a modest and unassuming life and remained deeply committed to his beliefs throughout his life. His passion for writing and interaction with the youth have left a lasting legacy and have inspired millions of people around the world.

Abdul Kalam as precedent of India

APJ Abdul Kalam served as the President of India from 2002 to 2007. Before his presidency, Kalam had a long and illustrious career as a scientist and engineer, and was known for his contributions to India’s civilian space program and military missile development.

Kalam was born on October 15, 1931, in Rameswaram, Tamil Nadu, India. He came from a humble background and was the youngest of five siblings. Despite financial challenges, his father instilled in him a strong value system and the importance of education.

After completing his education, Kalam joined the Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO) where he worked on various projects related to missile technology. In 1969, he joined the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) where he played a key role in the development of India’s first satellite launch vehicle (SLV-III).

In 1983, Kalam was appointed as the project director of India’s Integrated Guided Missile Development Program (IGMDP) and led the development of a range of missiles including the Agni, Prithvi, and Akash missiles, which made India self-reliant in the field of military technology.

In recognition of his scientific achievements, Kalam was awarded the Padma Bhushan in 1981 and the Padma Vibhushan in 1990. He was also awarded the Bharat Ratna, India’s highest civilian award, in 1997, in recognition of his contributions to the field of science and technology.

After a long and illustrious career as a scientist and engineer, Kalam was elected as the President of India in 2002. During his presidency, Kalam’s focus was on education, science, and technology, and he is remembered as a visionary leader who left an indelible mark on India’s history.

In conclusion, APJ Abdul Kalam’s precedent life was marked by numerous achievements in the field of aerospace engineering and missile technology. His contributions to India’s space and military programs and his commitment to the cause of education made him a well-respected and widely admired leader in India and around the world.

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Writings of APJ Abdul Kalam

APJ Abdul Kalam was not only a renowned scientist and engineer, but also a prolific writer. Throughout his life, he wrote several books and articles on his experiences, views on life, education, leadership, and his vision for India’s future.

Kalam’s first book, “Wings of Fire: An Autobiography,” published in 1999, is a memoir of his life and career, from his childhood in Rameswaram to his tenure as President of India. The book provides a detailed account of his journey from a young boy from a humble background to a respected scientist and leader.

Another one of Kalam’s notable books is “Ignited Minds: Unleashing the Power Within India,” published in 2002. In this book, Kalam outlines his vision for a developed and prosperous India, and stresses the importance of education, technology, and leadership in achieving this goal. He also provides practical tips on how individuals can unleash their inner potential and contribute to the development of their communities and the nation.

“My Journey: Transforming Dreams into Actions,” published in 2006, is another of Kalam’s notable books. In this book, Kalam shares his life’s philosophy and lessons he learned along the way. He stresses the importance of dreaming big, setting goals, and taking action to turn those dreams into reality.

Kalam also wrote several articles on education, technology, and leadership, and was a frequent speaker at universities, schools, and public events. His speeches and writings have been widely read and inspired millions of people around the world, especially the youth.

In conclusion, APJ Abdul Kalam was not only a great scientist and engineer, but also a visionary writer. His books and articles provide a glimpse into his personal life, his philosophy on education, leadership, and his vision for India’s future. He remains an inspiration to millions of people around the world, especially the youth, and his writings continue to be widely read and cherished.

Awards and honours of APJ Abdul Kalam

APJ Abdul Kalam was a renowned scientist, engineer, and leader, who received numerous awards and honors for his contributions to India’s space program, military missile development, and education. Some of the most notable awards and honors that he received include:

  • Padma Bhushan: Kalam was awarded the Padma Bhushan, India’s third highest civilian award, in 1981, in recognition of his contributions to the field of science and technology.
  • Padma Vibhushan: He was awarded the Padma Vibhushan, India’s second highest civilian award, in 1990, in recognition of his exceptional work in the field of aerospace engineering and missile technology.
  • Bharat Ratna: Kalam was awarded the Bharat Ratna, India’s highest civilian award, in 1997, in recognition of his contributions to the field of science and technology and his leadership as the President of India.
  • Doctorates: Kalam was awarded numerous doctorates from several universities, including the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Delhi, the Indian Institute of Management (IIM), Ahmedabad, and the Indian Institute of Science (IISc), Bangalore.
  • Honorary degrees: Kalam was also awarded several honorary degrees from universities around the world, including the University of Waterloo, Canada, the University of Edinburgh, Scotland, and the Aligarh Muslim University, India.
  • Other awards: Kalam received several other awards, including the Veer Savarkar Award, the King Charles II Medal, the Space Pioneer Award, and the National Integrator Award.

In conclusion, APJ Abdul Kalam was a highly decorated and honored individual, who received numerous awards and honors for his contributions to India’s space program, military missile development, and education. His achievements and recognition serve as a testament to his exceptional talent and hard work, and his legacy continues to inspire millions of people around the world.

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Death of APJ Abdul Kalam

APJ Abdul Kalam passed away on July 27, 2015, while delivering a lecture at the Indian Institute of Management (IIM), Shillong. He was 83 years old at the time.

Kalam was in the middle of a lecture on “Livable Planet Earth” when he suddenly collapsed on the stage. He was immediately rushed to the hospital, but despite efforts to revive him, he was declared dead on arrival.

His death was a great loss to the nation, and was widely mourned by people from all walks of life. The Indian government declared seven days of national mourning in his honor, and he was accorded a state funeral in Delhi.

Kalam’s death was also mourned by people around the world, who remembered him as a great scientist, engineer, and leader, who had inspired millions of people with his vision, passion, and dedication. He was widely referred to as the “Missile Man of India” and the “People’s President,” and was remembered for his contributions to India’s space program, military missile development, and education.

In conclusion, APJ Abdul Kalam’s death was a great loss to the nation and the world, and he remains an inspiration to millions of people around the world, who remember him for his achievements, vision, and passion.

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``WINGS OF FIRE'': Autobiography of A P J Kalam, India's`` Missile Man'' President

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    A P J Abdul Kalam. Doctor APJ Abdul Kalam was born on 15 October 1931. He was born in Dhanushkoti in Rameswaram, Tamil Nadu. He was born in a middle-class muslim family. His father's name was Jainulabdeen. He was not educated nor rich. His mother, Ashiamma, was a housewife. Dr. Kalam was a graduate in Physics.

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    Short Essay on Dr. A. P. J. Abdul Kalam. Dr. A. P. J. Abdul Kalam is famous all over the world. He was born in Rameswaram, Tamil Nadu. He did his graduation in physics. In IIT Chennai, he studied aerospace engineering. He was a renowned scientist and engineer. He is also known as the 'Missile Man of India'. He was the eleventh president of ...

  4. अब्दुल कलाम पर संस्कृत निबंध। APJ Abdul Kalam Sanskrit Essay

    SHARE: Admin. BLOGGER: 2. अब्दुल कलाम पर संस्कृत निबंध। APJ Abdul Kalam Sanskrit Essay : सः देशस्य एकः योग्यः पुत्रः अस्ति। कलामस्य जन्म ख्रीष्टीये १५ अक्टूबर, १९३१ ...

  5. A. P. J. Abdul Kalam

    Avul Pakir Jainulabdeen Abdul Kalam BR (/ ˈ ə b d ʊ l k ə ˈ l ɑː m / ⓘ; 15 October 1931 - 27 July 2015) was an Indian aerospace scientist and statesman who served as the 11th president of India from 2002 to 2007. Born and raised in a Muslim family in Rameswaram, Tamil Nadu, he studied physics and aerospace engineering.He spent the next four decades as a scientist and science ...

  6. ए पि जे अब्दुल् कलाम्

    ए.पी.जे.अब्दुल् कलाम; १२ तमे वार्टन्-भारतीय-आर्थिकसविशिष्टगणे ...

  7. ए॰ पी॰ जे॰ अब्दुल कलाम

    अवुल पकिर जैनुलाब्दीन अब्दुल कलाम [2] (अंग्रेज़ी: A P J Abdul Kalam), जो ...

  8. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam

    A.P.J. Abdul Kalam (born October 15, 1931, Rameswaram, India—died July 27, 2015, Shillong) was an Indian scientist and politician who played a leading role in the development of India's missile and nuclear weapons programs. He was president of India from 2002 to 2007.. Kalam earned a degree in aeronautical engineering from the Madras Institute of Technology and in 1958 joined the Defence ...

  9. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam Biography, Early Life, Education, Interest

    Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam, known as the "Missile Man of India," was an inspirational leader, scientist, and the 11th President of India. His journey from a small town in Tamil Nadu to the highest office in the country is a remarkable story of perseverance, dedication, and a deep love for science and technology.

  10. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam: Biography, Scientist, President of India

    A.P.J. Abdul Kalam was an Indian scientist and politician who served his country as president from 2002 to 2007. By Biography.com Editors Published: Nov 28, 2023 10:39 AM EST Hindustan Times ...

  11. APJ Abdul Kalam Biography

    Avul Pakir Jainulabdeen Abdul Kalam, better known as APJ Abdul Kalam, was an illustrious scientist turned statesman who served as the 11 th President of India from 2002 to 2007. Kalam spent more than forty years as a science administrator and scientist mainly at the Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) and Defence Research and the ...

  12. Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam: Biography of A Saintly Scientist

    About the bookDr. Kalam was a learner all his life. He commanded subjects beyond his realm of work. He felt home with Science as well as social subjects. He did not allow anything to escape his notice and he wanted to know everything. As he toured different parts of the country and world, he made bid to learn and whenever he had a doubt, he would consult books and people to resolve it.

  13. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam as Indian President

    A.P.J. Abdul Kalam, (born Oct. 15, 1931, Rameswaram, India—died July 27, 2015, Shillong), Indian president (2002-07). After graduating from the Madras Institute of Technology, Kalam played a leading role in the development of India's missile and nuclear weapons programs. He planned a program that produced a number of successful missiles ...

  14. Dr APJ Abdul Kalam

    Dr. A.P.J. ABDUL KALAM 15 October, 1931 - 27 July, 2015 Born on 15th October 1931 at Rameswaram in Tamil Nadu, DR AVUL PAKIR JAINULABDEEN ABDUL KALAM, specialized in Aeronautical Engineering from Madras Institute of Technology(MIT). DR ABDUL KALAM made significant contribution as project director to develop India's first indigenous satellite launch vehicle {SLV-3} which

  15. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam Biography

    A.P.J. Abdul Kalam Biography (Aerospace Scientist & 11th President of India) Birthday: October 15, 1931 . Born In: Rameswaram, Tamil Nadu, India. Advanced Search. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam was a prominent Indian scientist who served as the 11th President of India from 2002 to 2007. Renowned for his pivotal role in the nation's civilian space ...

  16. Dr. A P J Abdul Kalam Biography

    A P J Abdul Kalam's Biography - About His Family and Struggle Life. Dr. A P J Abdul Kalam was born to a poor Tamil Muslim family. He lived with his family in the temple city of Tamilnadu, Rameswaram, where his father, Jainulabdeen, had a boat and was an imam of a local mosque. At the same time, his mother, Ashiamma, was a housewife.

  17. मिसाइल मैन डॉ. ए पी जे अब्दुल कलाम का संपूर्ण जीवन परिचय

    APJ Abdul Kalam Biography in Hindi: भारत रत्न से सम्मानित और 'भारत का मिसाइल मैन' कहे जाने वाले मशहूर वैज्ञानिक डॉ ए पी जे अब्दुल कलाम (A.P.J. Abdul Kalam) अपने बेहतरीन कार्यों के लिए आज ...

  18. APJ Abdul Kalam, Biography, Full Name, Contributions, Awards

    Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam, born on October 15, 1931, in Rameswaram, Tamil Nadu, was an exemplary scientist, statesman, and teacher who played a pivotal role in shaping India's nuclear capabilities, missile technology, and the nation's space endeavours. Kalam breathed his last on July 27, 2015, while delivering a lecture at IIM-Shillong.

  19. Dr. A. P. J. Abdul Kalam Award

    On 31 July 2015, Then Chief Minister of Tamil Nadu J. Jayalalithaa announced after the death of Kalam (27 July 2015) [3] that an award will be given annually in his name. The award prize will be five hundred thousand Indian rupees (about US$7,700), a certificate and a gold medal weighing eight grams. [4] The Chief Minister stated "Vibrant India; Prosperous Tamil Nadu.

  20. Contributions of Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam to the Nation

    About. Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam, a distinguished scientist and former President, was born on October 15, 1931, in Tamil Nadu.; In honor of his dedication to students and his commitment to shaping the next generation, his birth anniversary is celebrated as World Students' Day.; Dr. Kalam, often referred to as the 'Missile Man of India', played a crucial role in advancing the country's ...

  21. APJ Abdul Kalam: The Inspiring Rocket Scientist of India

    APJ Abdul Kalam, also known as the "Missile Man of India," was a renowned scientist, engineer, and statesman who served as the President of India from 2002 to 2007. Born on October 15, 1931, in Rameswaram, Tamil Nadu, India, Kalam came from a humble background and was the youngest of five siblings. Despite financial challenges, his father ...

  22. डॉ एपीजे अब्दुल कलाम का जीवन परिचय, रचनाएं, पुरस्कार और योगदान

    एपीजे अब्दुल कलाम का जीवन परिचय PDF, माता पिता का नाम, रचनाएं, साहित्यिक परिचय, हिंदी में class 12, APJ Abdul Kalam ka jivan parichay, मृत्यु कब हुई, janm kab hua tha, Dr APJ Abdul Kalam biography in Hindi, जन्म कहां ...

  23. (PDF) ``WINGS OF FIRE'': Autobiography of A P J Kalam, India's

    Abstract: APJ Abdul Kalam is renowned Indian scientist and administrator, who served as the 11th President of India from 2002 to 2007. He is compassionate soul with a beautiful mind. His co-authored autobiography with subordinate Arun Tiwari entitles "Wings of Fire". His majestic tutelage, within modest means of his Patriarch during ...