Dissertation Meaning In Urdu

سادہ مثالوں اور تعریفوں کے ساتھ dissertation کا حقیقی معنی جانیں۔, definitions of dissertation.

1 . کسی خاص موضوع پر ایک طویل مضمون، خاص طور پر کالج کی ڈگری کے لیے لکھنا۔

1 . a long essay on a particular subject, especially one written for a university degree or diploma.

Examples of Dissertation :

1 . "میرا مقالہ اور میں" پر ایک جھلک۔

1 . one thought on“my dissertation and me”.

2 . تکنیک Y'' مقالے میں غیر متعلقہ ہیں۔

2 . technique Y'' are irrelevant in a dissertation .

3 . کینن مضمون

3 . dissertation on canon.

4 . مضمون: کیا آپ اسے محسوس کر سکتے ہیں؟

4 . dissertation : can you feel it?

5 . اس نصابی کتاب میں آپ کا مقالہ؟

5 . your dissertation , in that textbook?

6 . مقالہ تحقیق (کم از کم 24 کریڈٹ)۔

6 . dissertation research(minimum of 24 credits).

7 . Giffy نے ملازمت کے ساتھ ساتھ ایک مقالہ لکھا

7 . Giffey wrote a dissertation alongside the job

8 . لارا منکس نے ابھی اپنا مقالہ مکمل کیا ہے۔

8 . Lara Minkus has just completed her dissertation .

9 . کتابوں اور مقالوں کے مضامین کی کتابیات۔

9 . bibliography of books articles and dissertation s.

10 . خبریں: لورا تیریسا نے اپنے مقالے کا دفاع کیا ہے۔

10 . NEWS: Laura Terassa has defended her dissertation .

11 . ESM 799 مقالہ (کم از کم 24 کریڈٹ کے لیے)

11 . ESM 799 Dissertation (for a minimum of 24 credits)

12 . برونٹی بہنوں کے ناولوں پر ایک مقالہ

12 . a dissertation on the novels of the Brontë sisters

13 . ونسنٹ اپنے مقالے میں دونوں منصوبوں کی وضاحت کرتا ہے۔

13 . Vincent describes both projects in his dissertation .

14 . مقالہ آپ کے EMBA کے آخری مرحلے کی نشاندہی کرتا ہے۔

14 . The dissertation marks the final phase of your EMBA.

15 . مقالوں اور مقالوں کی فوٹو کاپیوں کی اجازت نہیں ہے۔

15 . photocopy of thesis and dissertation s are not allowed.

16 . تحقیقی کام کے کم از کم 24 کریڈٹ (مقالہ)۔

16 . a minimum of 24 credits of research work( dissertation ).

17 . ایک اختتامی تحریری مقالہ عام طور پر درکار ہوتا ہے۔

17 . a culminating written dissertation is usually required.

18 . وہ نظم و ضبط میں اپنا مقالہ بھی مکمل کرتے ہیں۔

18 . they also complete their dissertation in the discipline.

19 . طب میں مقالہ: کیا کوئی خاص تقاضے ہیں؟

19 . Dissertation in medicine: are there special requirements?

20 . پیسفیکا میں مقالہ نگاری کا عمل شدید اور گہرا ہے۔

20 . dissertation process at pacifica is intense and intensive.


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Dissertation meanings in Urdu

Dissertation meanings in Urdu are تِحریری مَقالہ, توضیع, گُفتَگُو, مَقالہ, مضمون, بیان, بکھان, تقریر Dissertation in Urdu. More meanings of dissertation, it's definitions, example sentences, related words, idioms and quotations.


Dissertation Definitions

Please find 1 English and 1 Urdu definitions related to the word Dissertation.

  • (noun) : a treatise advancing a new point of view resulting from research; usually a requirement for an advanced academic degree
  • کسی موضوع پَر رَسمی گُفتَگُو

My early work and publications centered around expanding on the analysis of life insurance in my dissertation and its relationship to investment banking.

- Douglass North

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View an extensive list of words below that are related to the meanings of the word Dissertation meanings in Urdu in Urdu.

عرض شئے روشنی طبع قضیہ اوائی عیاں انکشاف اجرا جزیات مُول افشا اصل یا وجہ بتانا حیص بیص روداد کلام حجت کرنا تنازعہ پابند کرنا شفاف اگھڑا الگ خطاب کرنا صاف لیکچر بچار کرنا جلی شاکر بیانیہ خبر بحثا بحثی روز مرہ شے تکرار کرنا رعیت اعتراف کاوش تنازع گپ ہویدا تصویر انشراح قناعت پسند مظاہرہ بیان باد بباد مکّروبیان مقولہ زُبان کوئی جُز و جُملَہ توضیع ... مباحثہ کرنا بولنا کھلا کھلا پرگھٹ جدا اقرار نامہ ستھرا تعلیم کرنا خیال کرنا قانع ہونا حال شمار گفت و شنید معترض ہونا معمُول مان لینا کوشش ادل پہچان گپ شپ معلوم بیان زبانی وعظ آسودہ خاطر کشف حیثیت گُفتگُو تاویل کرنا عمل توثیق اندازِبیان چیز مسودہ قانون کو قانون بنانا الجھ پڑنا باتیں کرنا چمکدار آشکارا ممتاز تعریف ظاہر لیکچر دینا یا بیان کرنا تقریر کتھا کہنا نزاع لفظی بحث کرنا محکوم قبول جواب مضمون مشہور مکالمہ نمایاں تلقین سمجھنا نتق ظرف وضاحت جوڑ حجت تشریح کرنا باوثوق قرار دیا جانا گوشوارہ مضمون آگہی پرخاش افواہ بے داغ پرکاش تشریح کچا چٹھا مطلب ظہور دلیل دینا مناظرہ روایت بات قضیہ کرنا تکرار تابع شیشہ سا انشائیہ مختلف پتہ روشن خطبہ جاننا زبان قانع احوال کھاتا دلیل محاورہ توثیق رعایا اظہار کاہش قصہ چرچا بیضا مثال تفصیل تات پرج اعلان حساب لینا سوال جواب شرح قول دلیل کرنا اسلُوب گُفتگُو مُکالمَہ جھگڑنا بولنا چالنا صاف صاف پرسدھ علیحدہ الزام صریح درس کرنا لحاظ کرنا اجاگر یکسو داستان مرتبہ گفتگو تقریر کرنا زیرِ اثر اقبال سعی الجھاؤ شہرت کھلا درس زبانی عبارت مطمن تجلی گنتی تبادلہٴ خیال تاویل بکھان بات چیت بابت نفاذ سات پانچ کرنا بتیایا صاف شفاف صاف ظاہر خاص طرح واضح مضمون پڑھنا سبب بتانا بحث کہانی بچن کہن سنن جھگڑا فاعل ہاں کرنا جہد نشان دار گفتار محکم تعلیم گننا بولی خلاصہ اجاگری حساب مذاکرہ تفسیر کرنا تصدیق اعلان نامہ مقالہ روشن خیالی نذاع گفتگو کر چمکیلا تصریح توضیح تفصیل سے بیان کرنا مادہ درس وجہ ثبوت دینا مباحثہ نقل کہن بحثنا زيرِِ بحث لانا موضوع اُجاگر انشا صريح خطاب پیدا سبق جانچنا سخن خوش متضمن حکایت یا روایت کیفیت کہنا سننا گُفتَگُو اقرار

Idioms related to the meaning of Dissertation


What are the meanings of Dissertation in Urdu?

Meanings of the word Dissertation in Urdu are مضمون - mazmuun, تقریر - taqriir, بیان - bayaan, بکھان - Bikhan, توضیع - Touzee and گُفتَگُو. To understand how would you translate the word Dissertation in Urdu, you can take help from words closely related to Dissertation or it’s Urdu translations. Some of these words can also be considered Dissertation synonyms. In case you want even more details, you can also consider checking out all of the definitions of the word Dissertation. If there is a match we also include idioms & quotations that either use this word or its translations in them or use any of the related words in English or Urdu translations. These idioms or quotations can also be taken as a literary example of how to use Dissertation in a sentence. If you have trouble reading in Urdu we have also provided these meanings in Roman Urdu.

We have tried our level best to provide you as much detail on how to say Dissertation in Urdu as possible so you could understand its correct English to Urdu translation. We encourage everyone to contribute in adding more meanings to MeaningIn Dictionary by adding English to Urdu translations, Urdu to Roman Urdu transliterations and Urdu to English Translations. This will improve our English to Urdu Dictionary, Urdu to English dictionary, English to Urdu Idioms translation and Urdu to English Idioms translations. Although we have added all of the meanings of Dissertation with utmost care but there could be human errors in the translation. So if you encounter any problem in our translation service please feel free to correct it at the spot. All you have to do is to click here and submit your correction.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

What do you mean by dissertation.

Meanings of dissertation are مضمون - mazmuun, تقریر - taqriir, بیان - bayaan, بکھان - Bikhan, توضیع - Touzee and گُفتَگُو

Whats the definition of dissertation?

  • a treatise advancing a new point of view resulting from research; usually a requirement for an advanced academic degree

What is the synonym of dissertation?

Synonym of word dissertation are contents, narrative, distinct, affirmation, address, detail, stateprison, lecture, description, exauthoration

What are the idioms related to dissertation?

  • To have at one fingure ends
  • To have at one's fingure's ends
  • To have at ones fingures ends
  • Write with the learned but speak with the vulgar

What are the quotes with word dissertation?

  • My early work and publications centered around expanding on the analysis of life insurance in my dissertation and its relationship to investment banking. — Douglass North

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Meaning of DISSERTATION in Urdu

Use in sentences of مقالہ, meaning of dissertation in english.

  • A formal or elaborate argumentative discourse, oral or written; a disquisition; an essay; a discussion; as, Dissertations on the Prophecies.

Synonyms of ‘ مقالہ ’

Antonyms of ‘ مقالہ ’, articles related to ‘ مقالہ ’, حروف کلک کرکے دیگر الفاظ براؤز کریں.

  • سوانحی یادداشتیں۔
  • بچوں کا ادب
  • مزاحیہ طنزیہ
  • مزاحیہ میمز
  • دستکاری کا شوق
  • جرم کا جاسوس
  • شہوانی، شہوت انگیز
  • فیشن طرز زندگی
  • صحت - تندرستی
  • خوفناک غیر معمولی
  • لاء اینڈ آرڈر
  • محبت - رومانس
  • مذہب - روحانی
  • سائنس ٹیکنالوجی
  • کھیل - کھلاڑی
  • سسپنس تھرلر
  • تجارت - پیسہ
  • مٿي رجحان وارا ڪتاب
  • فهرست ڪيل ڪتاب
  • پرنٽ ٿيل ايڊيشن ڪتاب
  • جائزہ شدہ کتب
  • کتابی مقابلہ
  • نظم/ شعری مجموعہ
  • کہانی / کہانی مجموعہ
  • تمام کتابیں ...

مضمون پڑھیں

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  • किसान आंदोलन 2.0
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  • गणतंत्र दिवस 2024
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  • मकर संक्रांति
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  • हिट एंड रन कानून
  • नव वर्ष 2024
  • वीर बाल दिवस
  • क्रिसमस 2023
  • सांसदों का निलम्बन
  • संसद पर हमला
  • आर्टिकल 370
  • सशस्त्र सेना झंडा दिवस
  • विधानसभा चुनाव नतीजे 2023
  • COP-28 शिखर सम्मेलन
  • تمام کتابیں...

دوسری زبانیں

dissertation t meaning in urdu

Urdu Dictionary

Meaning of Dissertation in Urdu

Meaning and Translation of Dissertation in Urdu Script and Roman Urdu with Synonyms, Antonyms,

Urdu Meaning or Translation

dissertation maqalah مقالہ
dissertation tehreer تحرير
dissertation mazmoon مضمون

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Thesis Meaning in Urdu

Thesis meaning in English to Urdu is دعویٰ ( Dawa ). Thesis synonym words included Dissertation.


  • (n.) A position or proposition which a person advances and offers to maintain, or which is actually maintained by argument.

Thesis Urdu Meaning with Definition

Thesis is an English word that is used in many sentences in different contexts. Thesis meaning in Urdu is a دعویٰ - Dawa. Thesis word is driven by the English language. Thesis word meaning in English is well described here in English as well as in Urdu. You can use this amazing English to Urdu dictionary online to check the meaning of other words too as the word Thesis meaning.

Finding the exact meaning of any word online is a little tricky. There is more than 1 meaning of each word. However the meaning of Thesis stated above is reliable and authentic. It can be used in various sentences and Thesis word synonyms are also given on this page. Dictionary is a helpful tool for everyone who wants to learn a new word or wants to find the meaning. This English to Urdu dictionary online is easy to use and carry in your pocket. Similar to the meaning of Thesis, you can check other words' meanings as well by searching it online.


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Dissertation Meaning in Urdu

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Dictionary English to Urdu is an online free dictionary which can also be used in a mobile. To search a word all you have to do is just type the word you want to translate into Urdu and click the search button to get the result. English to Urdu Online Dictionary includes tons of different words and short sentences in English with translation in Urdu. The site is updated regularly, so by chance if you are not able to get the desired search result, you don’t need to worry because it will be noted and updated within 24 hours. As the site is always been updated so it is obvious that the quantity of vocabulary is constantly increasing day by day. The current vocabulary count to English to Urdu Dictionary is more than 50000 words and the meter is still counting more and more.

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Thesis Meaning In Urdu

Thesis Meaning in English to Urdu is دعوی, as written in Urdu and Daawa, as written in Roman Urdu. There are many synonyms of Thesis which include Contention, Contestation, Hypothesis, Idea, Line, Opinion, Point, Posit, Position, Postulate, Postulation, Sentiment, Statement, Supposition, Surmise, Theory, View, Proposal, Proposition, Principle, Presumption, Presupposition, Premise, Apriorism, etc.

Definitions of Thesis

n . A position or proposition which a person advances and offers to maintain, or which is actually maintained by argument.

n . Hence, an essay or dissertation written upon specific or definite theme; especially, an essay presented by a candidate for a diploma or degree.

n . An affirmation, or distinction from a supposition or hypothesis.

n . The accented part of the measure, expressed by the downward beat; -- the opposite of arsis.

n . The depression of the voice in pronouncing the syllables of a word.

n . The part of the foot upon which such a depression falls.

Form Noun, Plural Theses [thee-seez] /ˈθi Siz/ (Show IPA)

How To Spell Thesis [thee-sis]

Synonyms For Thesis , Similar to Thesis

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  1. Dissertation Meaning In Urdu

    There are always several meanings of each word in Urdu, the correct meaning of Dissertation in Urdu is مقالہ, and in roman we write it Maqalah. The other meanings are Maqalah, Tehreer and Mazmoon. Dissertation is an noun according to parts of speech. It finds its origins in Early 17th century (in the sense 'discussion, debate'): from ...


    DISSERTATION translate: مقالہ, مضمون. Learn more in the Cambridge English-Urdu Dictionary.

  3. Dissertation Meaning in Urdu Muqala مقالہ

    The word "Dissertation" means مقالہ (Muqala) in Urdu. Dissertation refers to (n.) A formal or elaborate argumentative discourse, oral or written; a disquisition; an essay; a discussion; as, Dissertations on the Prophecies. Synonyms for Dissertation include Thesis. Other common words starting with the letter "D" include Dissertational.

  4. Dissertation Meaning In Urdu

    Dissertation meaning in Urdu - Learn actual meaning of Dissertation with simple examples & definitions. Also you will learn Antonyms , synonyms & best example sentences. This dictionary also provide you 10 languages so you can find meaning of Dissertation in Hindi, Tamil , Telugu , Bengali , Kannada , Marathi , Malayalam , Gujarati , Punjabi ...

  5. Dissertation meaning in Urdu is گُفتَگُو, گُفتَگُو

    Meanings of the word Dissertation in Urdu are بیان - bayaan, مضمون - mazmuun, تقریر - taqriir, بکھان - Bikhan, توضیع - Touzee and گُفتَگُو. To understand how would you translate the word Dissertation in Urdu, you can take help from words closely related to Dissertation or it's Urdu translations. Some of these ...

  6. Urdu Word مقالہ

    Urdu Word مقالہ Meaning in English. The Urdu Word مقالہ Meaning in English is Dissertation. The other similar words are Maqalah, Tehreer and Mazmoon. The synonyms of Dissertation include are Argumentation, Commentary, Critique, Discourse, Disputation, Disquisition, Essay, Exposition, Memoir, Monograph, Tractate and Treatise.

  7. Meaning of Dissertation in Urdu

    Meaning of Dissertation in Urdu - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. Crafting a dissertation is a formidable task that requires extensive research, analysis, and dedication. It is both time-consuming and mentally taxing. Many students struggle with challenges like conducting thorough research, organizing the structure, managing their time, and ...

  8. Meaning of DISSERTATION in Urdu

    Meaning of DISSERTATION in Urdu. DISSERTATION کا اردو میں معنی

  9. Meaning of Dissertation in Urdu

    tehreer. تحرير. dissertation. mazmoon. مضمون. Object reference not set to an instance of an object.

  10. dissertation meaning in Urdu

    dissertation meaning in Urdu. What is dissertation in Urdu? Pronunciation, translation, synonyms, examples, rhymes, definitions of dissertation in Urdu

  11. dissertation Urdu Meanings

    dissertation meaning in Urdu (Pronunciation -تلفظ سنیۓ ) US: UK: Improve your understanding and see how the word dissertation can be used in a sentence Use of dissertation in Sentence [29 examples] 1) dissertation. Noun. A treatise advancing a new point of view resulting from research; usually a requirement for an advanced academic ...

  12. Dissertation Meaning in Urdu

    Dissertation Meaning in Urdu - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. In Urdu, a dissertation is known as "‫ "تحقیقی مقالہ‬or "‫"رسالہ‬. Writing a dissertation in Urdu involves translating existing research while ensuring clarity and precision in the language. Many students struggle with organizing their thoughts, finding credible ...

  13. Dissertations Meaning in Urdu Muqala مقالہ

    The meaning of Dissertations in Urdu is "مقالہ" as written in Urdu script, or "Muqala" as written in Roman Urdu. Other possible Urdu translations for Dissertations include "Muqala". You can find more definitions and synonyms of Dissertations on this page. Dissertations. مقالہ.

  14. Google Translate

    Google's service, offered free of charge, instantly translates words, phrases, and web pages between English and over 100 other languages.

  15. Dissertations Meaning In Urdu

    There are always several meanings of each word in Urdu, the correct meaning of Dissertations in Urdu is مقالہ, and in roman we write it Maqalah. The other meanings are Maqalah, Tehreer and Mazmoon. After English to Urdu translation of Dissertations, If you have issues in pronunciation than you can hear the audio of it in the online dictionary.

  16. Thesis vs. Dissertation [Urdu/Hindi]

    Explains difference between the terms 'thesis' and 'dissertation'.#ResearchThesis #Dissertation #ThesisFor more videos, presentations, research articles, and...

  17. THESIS

    THESIS translate: مقالہ, مضمون, تحقیق, مقالہ, مضمون. Learn more in the Cambridge English-Urdu Dictionary.

  18. Dissertation in Urdu

    Need the translation of "dissertation" in Urdu but even don't know the meaning? Use Translate.com to cover it all.

  19. Urdu Word تحریر

    Definitions of Dissertation. n. A formal or elaborate argumentative discourse, oral or written; a disquisition; an essay; a discussion. Form Noun. How To Spell Dissertation [dis-er-tey-shuh n] Origin of Dissertation Early 17th century (in the sense 'discussion, debate'): from Latin dissertatio (n-), from dissertare 'continue to discuss ...

  20. Thesis Meaning in Urdu Dawa دعویٰ

    Thesis Definition & Meaning in English. (n.) An affirmation, or distinction from a supposition or hypothesis. (n.) The depression of the voice in pronouncing the syllables of a word. (n.) The part of the foot upon which such a depression falls. (n.) Hence, an essay or dissertation written upon specific or definite theme; especially, an essay ...

  21. Dissertation Urdu Meaning

    Dissertation Urdu Meaning - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. dissertation urdu meaning

  22. Dissertation Meaning in Urdu

    Urdu Translation, Definition and Meaning of English Word Dissertation. Words matching your search are: disarm , disbursements , discharging , disclosure , disentangle , disgust , dismal , disposal , disposing , dissemination , For English to Urdu Translation Please Visit: English to Urdu Translation

  23. Thesis Meaning In Urdu

    Definitions of Thesis. n. A position or proposition which a person advances and offers to maintain, or which is actually maintained by argument. n. Hence, an essay or dissertation written upon specific or definite theme; especially, an essay presented by a candidate for a diploma or degree. n.