Paraphrase Tool

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Paraphrase variations in 18 writing modes.

Your words and thoughts matter, and we’ve designed our paraphrase tool to ensure find the best words to match your expression. Just paste or start writing your text in our input box above, and our best in class AI will help you to generate the best paraphrases from your original writing.

Write 10x faster with keywords in Compose mode

Who has time for writer’s block? Our Composer can help you write 10x faster by enabling you to create paragraphs from keywords instantly for articles, cover letters, essays, and more than 500 other types of writing in 100+ Languages. This way you can focus more on your final work rather than your first draft.

Check plagiarism in 50+ languages

None of us wants to accidentally plagiarize, especially when we spend so much time getting our ideas on paper and refining them. Be sure that your text is unique and 100% FREE of plagiarism by using our plagiarism checker for 50+ languages.

Paraphrase Tool uses state-of-the-art AI to paraphrase and compose in more than 100+ languages

Paraphrase Tool uses state-of-the-art AI to produce variations of your text in more than 100+ languages for each of the eighteen (12 free and 6 premium) styles that we offer. By doing this, we are able to offer more value and variety than any other service.

Billed every month

  • Unlimited paraphrasing in 20 styles
  • Up to 500 paragraphs/month
  • Up to 100 plagiarism checks/month
  • More powerful paraphrasing for all modes and languages

$59.88 billed every 12 months

  • Unlimited paragraph generating
  • Unlimited plagiarism checks

About Paraphrase Tool

Getting your wording just right.

Paraphrasing is a natural part of the writing process as it helps you clarify your thinking and suit your words to your audience. Using a Paraphrase Tool helps structure and streamline this work, and our paraphrase tool offers 20 modes, many of them free, for accomplishing just this. The 20 modes we offer are diverse, including a summarize tool, a free grammar checker, a mode to simplify text, and a sentence shortener. There are sentence rephrasers and paraphrase rephrase tools, and we pride ourselves on having both, since our reword generator accounts for context at both the sentence and paragraph levels.

When you google paraphrase you will get a variety of results, from a free Paraphrase Tool , to an article spinner, to a general phrase tool, and it can be hard to determine which of these rephrase tools will best help you complete your work. If you simply need to get a word rephrase, that is, reword only small elements within the sentence, many tools will suffice, but there is the risk that you end up with a tool that does not consider context and produces very awkward and ungrammatical sentences. Rephrasing is very much an art, and we’ve built our paraphrase bot to produce the most correct results in 20 modes in over 100 languages, making it the best paraphrasing tool at an exceptionally low cost. So whether you need to paraphrase deutsch, paraphrase greek, or paraphrase bahasa melayu, the next time you think, I need something to paraphrase this for me, you’ll know where to turn.

From keywords to paragraphs

Generating paragraphs with unique ideas can be challenging, and too often writers get stuck at this stage of the writing process. With our paragraph tool, you can enter keywords and let our AI generate paragraphs for you, so that you can have something to work with, refine the output, and become more engaged in your writing.

A paragraph generator creates links between your ideas, such that the output is sensible, unique, and stimulating, very close to what you would expect a thoughtful human paragraph writer to produce.

Paragraph makers are nice, but what about a short story generator? Because our AI is generalized, it serves a story generator, an essay generator, a poem generator, and much more. To generate compelling stories, you should provide the story generator with useful keywords from which it can develop plot elements, including characters, setting details, and any situational information. To generate reasonably good essays, you should likewise provide the essay maker with details around argumentative positions and any other pertinent ideas. If you more specifically want an introduction paragraph generator or conclusion paragraph generator, you can provide starter text and keywords that will best enable our essay creator to produce them.

You may well ask, “is this essay generator free?” Everything on this site is free within a 3-day trial, so you can test and develop confidence in our products. You may also be wondering where this is an essay automatic writer or if it will take a while to get results. All results appear within a matter of seconds, so you can move through your work as quickly as possible.

You may have professional needs for creating paragraphs as well, such as those needed for cover letter. Most of the time a cover letter template includes information that is not relevant to you; by using your own keywords, we can produce cover letter examples that are relevant to your use case and often require very little editing. By using this service, you can also learn how to write a cover letter and achieve the cover letter format you need.

Plagiarism checker free

Like everything else on our site, you can check plagiarism free within a trial, which is a great opportunity for those who want to check a paper for plagiarism without committing to paying before they see results. This free plagiarism checker is great for students and clearly indicates how to check for plagiarism by highlighting areas of similarity between the two texts. Just to be sure you are not accidentally plagiarizing, be sure to check all of your paraphrases as well.

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paraphrasing online deutsch

A really simple tool I regret not having discovered earlier !!!

paraphrasing online deutsch

Very handy when I need to reinterpret my documents! It's just great!


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  1. FREE Paraphrasing Tool for Deutsch

    Paraphrasing is a natural part of the writing process as it helps you clarify your thinking and suit your words to your audience. Using a Paraphrase Tool helps structure and streamline this work, and our paraphrase tool offers 20 modes, many of them free, for accomplishing just this. The 20 modes we offer are diverse, including a summarize tool ...

  2. Explore the AI-powered paraphrasing tool by DeepL

    Key features of our AI paraphrasing tool. Incorporated into translator: Translate your text into English or German, and click "Improve translation" to explore alternate versions of your translation. No more copy/paste between tools. Easy-to-see changes: When you insert the text to be rewritten, activate "Show changes" to see suggested edits.


    Ein 100% kostenloses Online-Tool. Ohne Registrierung will das Umschreiben von Texten der Web-Community zugänglich machen: Kostenfrei. Einfach. Qualitativ. Und ohne Vorkenntnisse.

  4. Online Text umschreiben mit dem Paraphrasing-Tool von DeepL

    Die Vorteile unseres Paraphrasing‑Tools. Integriert im DeepL Übersetzer: Übersetzen Sie Ihre Texte ins Englische oder Deutsche, und klicken Sie auf „Übersetzung optimieren“, um alternative Formulierungsvorschläge zu erhalten. Sie müssen den Text nicht zwischen Apps hin und her kopieren. Gekennzeichnete Änderungen: Aktivieren Sie im ...

  5. Text umschreiben hilft Ihnen, Text einfach und schnell umzuformulieren. Mit unserem Paraphrasierungstool online können Sie Texte in einem Rutsch paraphrasieren. Sie können dieses kostenlose Umformulierungstool verwenden, um Ihre Sätze, Absätze, Artikel und sogar lange Blogs mit fortschrittlicher KI-Technologie zu paraphrasieren.