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Country of in My Dream Canada

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IELTS essay Country of in My Dream Canada

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20 Reasons why Canada is the land of Dreams

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My Dream Country, City, Community & Company Essays

Dream Destinations Unveiled: Explore Paris, Switzerland, Dubai, Canada, New York, and the Maldives in this Captivating Journey of Rich Histories and Unique Experiences.

Table of Contents

My Dream Country Essay


The United States of America has always been a country that captures my imagination. Its diverse landscapes, vibrant culture, technological innovations, and democratic values have made it my dream country.

Geographical Diversity

One of the most fascinating aspects of the United States is its vast geographical diversity. From the majestic Rocky Mountains to the serene Great Lakes, the sandy beaches of California to the bustling cityscape of New York, the US offers a diverse array of natural and man-made wonders. This range of landscapes not only provides stunning scenery but also a wide range of recreational activities, from hiking and skiing to surfing and sightseeing.

Cultural Diversity

The United States is often described as a “melting pot” of cultures, a place where people from all around the world come together. This cultural diversity is reflected in its society, food, music, and festivals. It fosters an environment of acceptance and inclusion, where everyone can celebrate their unique heritage while also being part of the broader American culture.

Technological Innovation

The US has been at the forefront of technological innovation for decades, home to tech giants like Apple, Google, and Microsoft. This spirit of innovation and entrepreneurship is a major draw, offering a wealth of opportunities for growth, learning, and development. The country’s commitment to scientific research and technological advancements is something I greatly admire.

Democratic Values

The United States is founded on democratic principles, with a strong commitment to freedom, equality, and justice. The fact that every citizen has the right to voice their opinions, choose their leaders, and pursue their dreams is something that truly resonates with me.

The US boasts some of the world’s best universities and research institutions, offering high-quality education and a wealth of opportunities for students. The emphasis on critical thinking, creativity, and innovation in the education system is particularly appealing.

In conclusion, the United States, with its geographical and cultural diversity, focus on technological innovation, democratic values, and excellent education system, is my dream country. It represents a land of opportunities, where everyone has the chance to learn, grow, and contribute to society. The dream of living and working in such a dynamic and diverse country fills me with anticipation and excitement.

My Dream City Essay

New York City, often referred to as “The Big Apple”, has been my dream city since I was a child. Known as the city that never sleeps, it is a bustling metropolis filled with iconic landmarks, diverse cultures, and endless opportunities.

Iconic Landmarks

One of the most appealing aspects of New York City is its iconic landmarks. The Statue of Liberty, Times Square, Central Park, and the Empire State Building are just a few of the many sights that make this city unique. The skyline of New York, dominated by towering skyscrapers, is a sight to behold and an embodiment of human ambition and creativity.

New York’s cultural diversity is another reason why it is my dream city. With people from all around the globe calling it home, New York is a true melting pot of cultures. This multiculturalism is reflected in the city’s cuisine, music, art, and festivals. The diversity fosters an environment of acceptance and inclusion, where everyone has a place and every culture is celebrated.

Opportunities and Career Growth

New York City is known as a city of opportunities. With Wall Street, Broadway, and numerous multinational corporations based here, the city offers a plethora of career opportunities in fields as varied as finance, entertainment, technology, and fashion. The chance to work and grow in such a dynamic environment is an exciting prospect.

New York is also home to some of the world’s leading educational institutions like Columbia University and New York University, offering high-quality education and research opportunities. The city’s emphasis on education and innovation makes it a hub for learning and intellectual growth.

Arts and Entertainment

The city is a global hub for arts and entertainment. From the bright lights of Broadway to the world-renowned museums like the Metropolitan Museum of Art and MoMA, New York City offers endless cultural and artistic experiences.

In conclusion, New York City, with its iconic landmarks, cultural diversity, multitude of opportunities, excellent education system, and vibrant arts scene, is my dream city. It symbolizes a place where dreams come true, a city that runs on ambition and aspiration. The prospect of living and working in this dynamic city fills me with anticipation and excitement.

My Dream Community Essay

My dream community is a place that fosters mutual respect, understanding, and collaboration among its diverse members. It would be a community built on the principles of harmony, sustainability, education, and innovation.

Harmony and Mutual Respect

In my ideal community, everyone would respect and appreciate the differences among individuals. Regardless of one’s race, religion, age, or gender, everyone would be treated equally and with respect. This mutual respect would provide a strong foundation for a harmonious co-existence, where conflicts are resolved through dialogues and understanding, rather than aggression or violence.


Sustainability would be a key aspect of my dream community. It would prioritize environmental conservation, sustainable living practices, recycling, and the use of renewable energy sources. The community would take concerted efforts to minimize its environmental footprint and contribute positively to the planet’s health.

Education and Learning

Education would form the backbone of my dream community. It would include excellent schools and libraries that provide a wealth of learning resources and opportunities for all. The community would emphasize lifelong learning and continuous personal growth, making learning an integral part of life.

Innovation would drive the development and evolution of my dream community. It would foster a culture that encourages creativity, problem-solving and the pursuit of new ideas. This spirit of innovation would help the community to continuously adapt and thrive in the changing world.

Community Involvement

Active community involvement would be encouraged in my dream community. From participating in local governance to volunteering in community events, everyone would have a role in shaping the community’s future. This would foster a strong sense of belonging and ownership among the community members.

In conclusion, my dream community would be a place where harmony, respect, sustainability, education, and innovation thrive. It would be a community that values each of its members, celebrates diversity, protects the environment, encourages learning, and fosters innovation. This ideal community, for me, represents the perfect balance between individual fulfillment and collective well-being. The prospect of being a part of such an inspiring and nurturing community fills me with hope and enthusiasm.

My Dream Company essay

My dream company is one that encourages creativity, fosters innovation, and values its employees. This company would not only provide a platform for professional growth, but also uphold a positive work culture, empowering its employees to perform at their best.

Work Culture

Work culture plays a significant role in my dream company. It would promote a supportive and inclusive environment that respects and values diversity. Employees would be encouraged to express their ideas freely, and each person’s unique perspective would be celebrated. The company would have a flat hierarchy, promoting open and direct communication across all levels.

Employee Welfare

Employee welfare would be a cornerstone in my dream company. Along with competitive remuneration, the company would offer a comprehensive benefits package, including health insurance, retirement plans, and work-life balance initiatives like flexible hours and remote work options. Such steps would ensure employees feel valued and cared for, thereby increasing job satisfaction and productivity.

Innovation and Creativity

Innovation would be at the heart of my dream company. Employees would be encouraged to experiment, take risks, and think outside the box. The company would invest in research and development, keeping them at the forefront of technology and enabling them to stay competitive in the global market.

Skill Development and Growth Opportunities

My dream company would strongly emphasize skill development and continuous learning. It would provide various professional development opportunities, such as training programs, workshops, and mentoring. These would enable employees to consistently improve their skills and grow professionally.

Corporate Social Responsibility

Corporate social responsibility would be a key component of my dream company’s ethos. It would strive to make a positive impact on society by undertaking various social initiatives and promoting sustainable business practices. The company would aim to contribute positively to the environment, society, and economy.

In conclusion, my dream company would be one that values its employees, encourages creativity, offers growth opportunities, and commits to social responsibility. It would be a company that not only aims to achieve business success but also contributes positively to society. Being a part of such a company would give me the opportunity to grow professionally and make meaningful contributions to the world. This vision of my dream company inspires me and motivates me to work towards making it a reality.

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Why Canada is the Best Place to Be 2 Pages 502 Words

            To me, Canada is the best country in the world. There are plenty of opportunities to succeed here and have a great life. After many years of hardships and frustrations, my husband, my daughter, and I immigrated to Canada in 1996. We came here to escape the tyranny of the Romanian corrupt and vicious government and to build a better life. Some people think that the grass is always greener on the other side, and I agree. I had to go away in order to achieve my dreams. For me, Canada is unique because I will be able to fulfill my dreams and build a better life for my family.              My decision to move to Canada was largely due to the opportunities that this country has to offer. This is a great place to build a new career and gain valuable skills. Here are some of the reasons why Canada is the best place to be and work: it has a strong commitment to education, an enviable health system, and a high standard of living.              Education has two main goals: to give individuals the opportunity to develop themselves and to provide society with the skills it needs to evolve in its best interests. Canada ranks among the world's leaders for per capita spending on public education. Canada maintains this level of investment because it continues to generate healthy returns. Comprehensive diversified and available to everyone, Canada's educational system reflects the Canadian belief in the importance of education. Canada's health care system is the best in the world. The aim of the national health insurance program is to ensure that all residents of Canada have reasonable access to medically necessary insured services without direct charges. Life expectancy at birth in Canada is among the highest in the world.              Canada's approach to multiculturalism was cited as a model for other countries. The country is often described as a cultural mosaic that encourages citizens to celebrate their cultural backgrounds as well as their Canadian citizenship. It had been more ...

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3 Essays on Canada that Carve Out a Deeper Understanding of the Country!

Canada, a mosaic of landscapes, cultures, and histories, is a captivating subject of exploration. In this collection, we delve into three distinct aspects of this diverse nation.

From its breathtaking wilderness to its multicultural society and rich history, these essays provide a glimpse into the multifaceted tapestry that defines Canada.

Table of Contents

Essay 1: Why is Canada a Good Place to Live and Work

Canada, with its picturesque landscapes, vibrant cities, and diverse culture, stands as an attractive destination for individuals seeking a better quality of life and ample opportunities for personal and professional growth.

Its reputation as a welcoming and progressive nation is not unfounded, as it is supported by a multitude of factors that contribute to making Canada a prime choice for living and working.

One of the foremost reasons that make Canada a great place to live and work is its commitment to inclusivity and diversity. The country is often celebrated as a cultural mosaic, where people from various ethnic backgrounds coexist harmoniously.

This commitment to diversity is beautifully epitomized in cities like Toronto, where one can experience a tapestry of cultures, languages, and traditions. Justin Trudeau, the Prime Minister of Canada, succinctly captures this ethos, stating, “Canada is strong not in spite of our differences, but because of them.”

This emphasis on celebrating differences has resulted in an open and accepting society that welcomes immigrants and fosters a sense of belonging.

Furthermore, Canada’s robust healthcare and education systems add to its allure. The country offers universal healthcare, ensuring that every citizen and permanent resident has access to essential medical services.

This safety net provides peace of mind to residents, knowing that their health concerns will be addressed without facing crippling financial burdens. In the realm of education, Canada boasts world-class institutions that consistently rank among the top globally.

The quality of education, coupled with the multicultural environment, attracts students from around the world, creating a dynamic and intellectually stimulating atmosphere.

Canada’s natural beauty is another undeniable draw. From the breathtaking Rocky Mountains to the serene shores of its many lakes, the country offers a plethora of outdoor activities and a chance to reconnect with nature.

The preservation of its environment is a testament to Canada’s commitment to sustainable practices and high quality of life. The words of renowned environmentalist David Suzuki ring true in this context: “Canada is a country whose main exports are hockey players and cold fronts.

Our main imports are baseball players and acid rain.” The emphasis on protecting the environment for future generations underscores the nation’s dedication to both its citizens and the world at large.

Economically, Canada stands as a stable and prosperous nation. Its thriving industries, such as technology, natural resources, and finance, provide ample employment opportunities.

The country’s sound economic policies and prudent financial regulations have shielded it from the worst impacts of global economic downturns. This stability ensures job security and a promising future for those who choose to build their careers within its borders.

In addition, Canada’s commitment to social welfare is admirable. The Canadian social safety net includes unemployment benefits, affordable housing programs, and support for families and seniors.

This safety net promotes social cohesion and alleviates financial stress during challenging times. Former Canadian Prime Minister, Lester B. Pearson, encapsulated this sentiment: “We are not here to boast; we are here to do a job.” This dedication to serving the needs of its citizens speaks volumes about the nation’s values and priorities.

In conclusion, Canada’s well-deserved reputation for quality living and work is supported by diversity, healthcare, education, nature, stability, and welfare. A prime choice for a fulfilling life, Canada’s allegiance to citizens shines as a global opportunity beacon.

Essay 2: Refugees in Canada: A Path to Hope and Opportunity

Canada, renowned for its breathtaking landscapes and diverse culture, has also gained international recognition for its compassionate approach toward refugees.

The topic of refugees in Canada is one that has sparked both admiration and intrigue. In this essay, we will explore the country’s exceptional stance on refugee resettlement, the impact of refugees on Canadian society, and the role of global leaders in promoting this humanitarian cause.

Canada’s commitment to providing a safe haven for refugees is emblematic of its values and principles. Over the years, the Canadian government has consistently demonstrated its dedication to welcoming those fleeing conflict and persecution. The Canadian refugee resettlement program, which has been praised worldwide, is a testament to the nation’s belief in offering a second chance to those in need.

As former Prime Minister Justin Trudeau aptly stated, “Canada is a country built on immigration, and that diversity only makes us stronger.” These words encapsulate the essence of Canada’s approach to refugees, portraying them not as a burden, but as valuable contributors to the nation’s fabric.

In recent years, Canada has witnessed the profound impact of refugees on its society and economy. Far from being a mere humanitarian gesture, the integration of refugees has enriched Canada culturally, socially, and economically.

According to a study conducted by the Conference Board of Canada, immigrants, including refugees, play a crucial role in fostering innovation and driving economic growth. Their unique experiences and perspectives contribute to a vibrant tapestry of ideas, propelling Canada forward in an increasingly interconnected world.

This sentiment is echoed by entrepreneur and philanthropist, Elon Musk, who remarked, “The value of immigrants to the U.S. economy and to innovation is pretty much unassailable.” This sentiment holds true for Canada as well, as refugees continue to invigorate various sectors and communities across the country.

Furthermore, Canada’s support for refugees extends beyond its borders, signaling its commitment to global solidarity. The nation’s participation in international efforts to address the refugee crisis exemplifies its role as a responsible global citizen.

Former United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, António Guterres, praised Canada for being a “model for other countries,” highlighting its dedication to finding sustainable solutions for displaced populations.

Canada’s engagement in diplomatic initiatives and financial contributions underscores its belief in collective action and the importance of shouldering the responsibility of refugee protection on a global scale.

In conclusion, Canada shines as a beacon of compassion, offering hope and setting a global example with its welcoming approach to refugees. Through sanctuary, positive societal impact, and international engagement, Canada’s inclusivity and humanity stand out. Nobel Laureate Malala Yousafzai’s words remind us of the world-changing power of education. Canada’s embrace of refugees parallels this, providing a new book, a fresh start, and the chance to rewrite life stories. In doing so, Canada not only transforms refugees’ lives but also reshapes its own narrative, rooted in empathy, understanding, and the limitless potential of human resilience.

Essay 3: Multiculturalism In Canada

Multiculturalism, a concept that celebrates diversity and fosters inclusivity, has become a defining feature of modern societies. Canada, often cited as a paragon of multiculturalism, stands as a shining example of how a nation can embrace various cultures while maintaining social cohesion. This essay delves into the significance of multiculturalism in Canada, exploring its historical roots, societal implications, and the lessons it offers to the world.

Canada’s embrace of multiculturalism can be traced back to its history of immigration and settlement. Waves of immigrants from diverse corners of the globe have shaped the nation’s cultural fabric.

The policy of multiculturalism was officially recognized in 1971 when the Canadian government adopted the Multiculturalism Policy of Canada. This policy not only acknowledges the importance of cultural diversity but also promotes equality and social harmony among all citizens, irrespective of their backgrounds.

One of the remarkable aspects of Canada’s multiculturalism is its positive impact on society. Rather than creating isolated enclaves, multiculturalism has encouraged communities to interact, share, and learn from one another.

The result is a rich tapestry of traditions, languages, and perspectives that contribute to the nation’s dynamism. For instance, in cities like Toronto and Vancouver, one can find neighborhoods where Chinese markets coexist with Indian restaurants, creating a fusion of flavors and experiences that reflect the global village we live in.

In the words of former Canadian Prime Minister Pierre Elliott Trudeau, “A society that emphasizes uniformity is one which creates intolerance and hate.” This sentiment underscores the wisdom of embracing multiculturalism.

When individuals are encouraged to express their unique identities, they are more likely to feel valued and respected, reducing the potential for social tensions. The Canadian approach of recognizing and celebrating diverse cultures has led to a society where citizens proudly identify with their heritage while also considering themselves Canadian.

However, multiculturalism is not without its challenges. Striking a balance between preserving cultural traditions and fostering a unified national identity can be intricate. Some critics argue that multicultural policies may inadvertently lead to cultural silos, hindering the assimilation of immigrants into the broader society.

To address this concern, it is crucial to promote activities that facilitate cross-cultural interactions, such as cultural festivals, language exchange programs, and collaborative community initiatives.

Former United Nations Secretary-General Kofi Annan once remarked, “Tolerance, inter-cultural dialogue, and respect for diversity are more essential than ever in a world where peoples are becoming more and more closely interconnected.”

Canada’s commitment to multiculturalism aligns with this sentiment, offering a model for nations grappling with issues of identity and diversity. As countries face the challenges of globalization and increasing cultural intermingling, the Canadian experience underscores the importance of nurturing an environment where individuals from various backgrounds can coexist harmoniously.

In conclusion, Canada’s multiculturalism shines as a beacon of unity in our divided world. Its history, policies, and societal harmony showcase the power of embracing diversity. Canada celebrates differences, inspiring an inclusive global community. Let’s learn from this model and build a world that thrives on understanding and diversity. endeavor to create a global community that thrives on diversity and understanding.

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What Is the Canadian Dream?

By: Max   •  Essay  •  627 Words  •  November 17, 2009  •  1,037 Views

Essay title: What Is the Canadian Dream?

Over the years Canada has evolved into a great nation. From being ruled by Britain to the signing of the Statute of Westminster; creating the Charter of Rights and Freedoms to the making of the Canadian flag, Canada has become a symbol of love, peace and justice. One question however still remains unanswered: what is the “Canadian Dream”? Some say there is no dream, while others might believe it is the same as the illusive “American Dream”. I assure you that the “Canadian Dream” reflects a prosperous family lifestyle. It ensures the health, education, safety and well-being of a family. With such prosperity surrounding this nation, it creates unification through all and produces a country with a solid foundation.

Health care is a prime example of a reason to come to Canada and settle with a family. Health care is free and it is covered by the taxes that are paid by (most) citizens. In comparison with other countries, Canada has an exceptional health care system. Danielle Martin, board chairwoman of Canadian doctors for Medicine wrote, “In a systematic review…researchers confirmed the Canadian system leads to health outcomes as good, or better, than the U.S private systems, at less than 50 percent of the cost” (Bagnall, para. 5-6). Martin’s statement gives insight to the virtue of the health system present in Canada. She confirms the fact that Canadian health care is a leading factor in our journey to the “Canadian Dream”.

Canada is a well-educated country. We have a higher education rate than many other countries and this is an excellent reason for families to want to settle here and build a prosperous family life. Unlike the education in the United States of America that is funded by student expenditure, the “public education in Canada is run by the provinces and territories and is paid for through taxes”. Along with that, “education is free and available to every child in Canada” (Fact Sheet: Elementary and Secondary School Education, para. 1) until post secondary school. “The U.S. average per student expenditure for public elementary and secondary schools in 2004-2005 fall enrolment was $8, 661” (Ranking & Estimates 2005-2006, 10). In Canada, it is easier for a family to live a more assured life knowing

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Japan  The Country of My Dreams

Essay writing competition 2020 category: 8 - 11 years - commendation -.

dream country canada essay

Commended entry: "Japan The Country of My Dreams" by Leila El Baba from Lithuania.

The following article was submitted in the Kids World Travel Guide Essay Competition 2020 in the Junior Category 8-11 years.

Japan The Country of My Dreams

Hello, I’m Leila. When someone asks me "What country would you like to go to?" my brain explodes with different beautiful continents and tons of stunning countries that I would love to explore, but one small island in Asia shines the brightest.  It’s Japan.

Why Japan? Even the Japanese might be thinking that. Well, this country is just so extraordinary and unique that I can't even explain it to be honest with you. It's in the East of Asia, across the sea, South Korea, and straight up, Russia, from Fukuoka down, is the Philippines and from Yokohama if you go on a boat east, it will take a while but you will reach the USA.

Now that I've looked at the map I have realised that Japan isn't that small, in fact its way bigger than Cyprus, that was surprising to see because I thought Japan was so small!

Japan is a mountainous island country with over 100 active volcanoes, gorgeous beaches with clear waters and white sand and enchanting blossom trees! Lovely country with kind people and deep traditions.

The food is amazing there! I know it because I've tried sushi and ramen many times before, and even made it myself but I want to see professionals doing it! Practically that’s all I’ve been waiting for, all these years I’m learning how to use my chopsticks that I got for my tenth birthday.

I have never been to Asia except for at least a couple of measly times and that country is called Lebanon, right next to Syria, not far from Cyprus and Turkey. It’s beautiful there, the weather is always sunny, even in the winter! I haven't been further into the world than that, that's probably why I keep thinking "When will I be able to go there?"

Practically now with CoronaVirus I can't go anywhere! And of course I can't go alone cause I'm just ten, but that won't stop me from dreaming! Right? So… Japan!

Pretty far away though about eleven or more countries away from where I live now, Lithuania ( it would have been further if I wouldn’t have moved from the UK). So, I love going by plane, I just hate the airport, it is crowded and smells disgusting! Oh I'm waiting, dreaming and planning in my mind just an amazing trip to that country!

Well, I guess, I've told you how wonderful Japan is with its nature, food, amazingness and more! So… That's the country of my dreams, Japan.

In the Age category 8 - 11 years, Leila El Baba's essay takes us on a dream journey to Japan. Well, we all wish we could travel with you there to experience the 'amazingness'! And surely the time to travel will come again! Until then we dream on...

Well done, Leila! Never stop dreaming! Congratulations!

Leila attends  Šiauliai Centro Primary School in Lithuania . 

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  • May 10, 2024   •   27:42 Stormy Daniels Takes the Stand
  • May 9, 2024   •   34:42 One Strongman, One Billion Voters, and the Future of India
  • May 8, 2024   •   28:28 A Plan to Remake the Middle East
  • May 7, 2024   •   27:43 How Changing Ocean Temperatures Could Upend Life on Earth
  • May 6, 2024   •   29:23 R.F.K. Jr.’s Battle to Get on the Ballot
  • May 3, 2024   •   25:33 The Protesters and the President
  • May 2, 2024   •   29:13 Biden Loosens Up on Weed
  • May 1, 2024   •   35:16 The New Abortion Fight Before the Supreme Court
  • April 30, 2024   •   27:40 The Secret Push That Could Ban TikTok
  • April 29, 2024   •   47:53 Trump 2.0: What a Second Trump Presidency Would Bring
  • April 26, 2024   •   21:50 Harvey Weinstein Conviction Thrown Out
  • April 25, 2024   •   40:33 The Crackdown on Student Protesters

Stormy Daniels Takes the Stand

The porn star testified for eight hours at donald trump’s hush-money trial. this is how it went..

Hosted by Michael Barbaro

Featuring Jonah E. Bromwich

Produced by Olivia Natt and Michael Simon Johnson

Edited by Lexie Diao

With Paige Cowett

Original music by Will Reid and Marion Lozano

Engineered by Alyssa Moxley

Listen and follow The Daily Apple Podcasts | Spotify | Amazon Music | YouTube

This episode contains descriptions of an alleged sexual liaison.

What happened when Stormy Daniels took the stand for eight hours in the first criminal trial of former President Donald J. Trump?

Jonah Bromwich, one of the lead reporters covering the trial for The Times, was in the room.

On today’s episode

dream country canada essay

Jonah E. Bromwich , who covers criminal justice in New York for The New York Times.

A woman is walking down some stairs. She is wearing a black suit. Behind her stands a man wearing a uniform.

Background reading

In a second day of cross-examination, Stormy Daniels resisted the implication she had tried to shake down Donald J. Trump by selling her story of a sexual liaison.

Here are six takeaways from Ms. Daniels’s earlier testimony.

There are a lot of ways to listen to The Daily. Here’s how.

We aim to make transcripts available the next workday after an episode’s publication. You can find them at the top of the page.

The Daily is made by Rachel Quester, Lynsea Garrison, Clare Toeniskoetter, Paige Cowett, Michael Simon Johnson, Brad Fisher, Chris Wood, Jessica Cheung, Stella Tan, Alexandra Leigh Young, Lisa Chow, Eric Krupke, Marc Georges, Luke Vander Ploeg, M.J. Davis Lin, Dan Powell, Sydney Harper, Mike Benoist, Liz O. Baylen, Asthaa Chaturvedi, Rachelle Bonja, Diana Nguyen, Marion Lozano, Corey Schreppel, Rob Szypko, Elisheba Ittoop, Mooj Zadie, Patricia Willens, Rowan Niemisto, Jody Becker, Rikki Novetsky, John Ketchum, Nina Feldman, Will Reid, Carlos Prieto, Ben Calhoun, Susan Lee, Lexie Diao, Mary Wilson, Alex Stern, Dan Farrell, Sophia Lanman, Shannon Lin, Diane Wong, Devon Taylor, Alyssa Moxley, Summer Thomad, Olivia Natt, Daniel Ramirez and Brendan Klinkenberg.

Our theme music is by Jim Brunberg and Ben Landsverk of Wonderly. Special thanks to Sam Dolnick, Paula Szuchman, Lisa Tobin, Larissa Anderson, Julia Simon, Sofia Milan, Mahima Chablani, Elizabeth Davis-Moorer, Jeffrey Miranda, Renan Borelli, Maddy Masiello, Isabella Anderson and Nina Lassam.

Jonah E. Bromwich covers criminal justice in New York, with a focus on the Manhattan district attorney’s office and state criminal courts in Manhattan. More about Jonah E. Bromwich


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    First, a peaceful country is a quiet and calm place. We all know the peaceful country is free from war. When there is a war there is blood and people dying. The peaceful country should also be free from crime. Because the peaceful country is safe and it has less crime and the last thing in the peaceful country are respectful people.

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