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Developing and Navigating Your Personal Worldview

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What’s your personal worldview? Is it up to date?

Everyone has a worldview. Too often, we don’t think about it, much less cultivate it. Subsequently, we end up with a worldview that is outdated and fails to support our growth. We would do well to understand the importance of worldview and learn how to develop a healthy one.

Read more to learn why personal worldview matters and how to revise your own.

You Have a Personal Worldview

Whether you realize it or not, you have a personal worldview. In order to grow spiritually, you need a worldview that reflects a healthy balance between reality and your experience of it. To develop a healthy worldview, you need to constantly question and revise your understanding of reality. This section explores why developing a personal worldview supports spiritual growth, how to discard it when it is outdated, and how to develop a healthy one.

The Power of Your Worldview

Your growth in the areas of discipline, life experience, and love is equal to the growth in your understanding of the world and how you fit into it. This is your personal worldview. While everyone has one, most people aren’t conscious of it. Often, people even consider themselves devout to a traditional “religion,” when in reality their belief system indicates something entirely different than their chosen worldview. 

For example, you might consider yourself a devout Roman Catholic in practice, but your personal beliefs indicate an inherent deviation from the beliefs that would motivate genuine devotion. Perhaps your “official” religion condemns homosexuality as a sin, encouraging its followers to stay away from “practicing” homosexuals, but you personally do not believe this, have many close friends who are gay and harbor no fear or judgment of them.

The most significant factor in the development of your worldview is always the culture you grew up in. We tend to match our beliefs to that of those around us. For example, you are more likely to become a Christian in America than in India, where Hinduism is the norm. Beyond your greater societal culture, you are most influenced by the worldview of your parents. You watch how your parents behave, you experience how they treat you and others, and this is what creates your initial worldview.

Navigating Your Personal Worldview

You can run into a number of problems navigating a personal worldview.

Problem #1: A Narrow Perception of Worldview

We often have difficulty developing a personal worldview partially because our idea of worldview is too limited. There is a common assumption that worldview is theistic (that it requires a God or a belief in a God). This limited view causes suffering because an understanding of the world and one’s place in it varies from person to person. In reality, a worldview is made up of your particular set of beliefs, both intrinsic and extrinsic, about life, which influences your thoughts and behavior. 

Problem #2: Transference

The first experience you have of “God” is with your parents, and therefore, your worldview in adulthood is a result of transference. These early experiences often cause you to form a personal worldview that is not rooted in your reality. In childhood, God’s nature and the nature of our parents are indistinguishable. If our parents are loving, forgiving, and peaceful, we will believe God and the world to also be so. If our parents are domineering, punishing, and chaotic, that is how we will experience God and the world. If our parents are neglectful, we may see God or the world as uncaring, and so on.

Problem #3: Opposing Perspectives

We live in a world with huge masses of people who have totally different ideas about the nature of the world and yet must coexist. Due to each individual’s micro experience growing up, everyone believes their own worldview is universal, rather than relative. This creates conflict. To make things more difficult, most people have no real idea of what their worldview is. They are unaware of their own assumptions and blind spots, and yet, they believe they are fully aware. 

Solution: Review and Revise

No hand-me-down worldview will be adequate for a growing individual. To take on someone else’s worldview is to take on their understanding of reality. If you do that, you will express yourself through that inherited understanding, and not your own. This results in you doing, saying, thinking, and believing things that don’t reflect who you are or how you see the world. To grow spiritually, you need to actively question everything you believe. It starts by no longer trusting the original belief system and forcing it to earn its place by questioning its validity. 

To develop a realistic personal worldview, you have to be willing to revise your understanding of your external and internal reality to integrate new knowledge. You need to constantly expand your understanding of the greater world and your place in it. This is the practice of revising your reality maps, as noted in the first section of the book. You start this process by first rejecting your parents’ worldview (as it is always more narrow than yours), and replacing it with the worldview of science.

For example, perhaps you have a lifelong belief that to be a good person you must place the needs of others before your own. You might consider where this belief came from, and find that it was a belief instilled in you by your parents, who taught you to neglect your needs in favor of focusing on others. To revise this belief, you might ask yourself whether or not this belief makes rational sense. Of those you know in your life, identify the ones who place their needs above others, those who place others’ needs above their own, and those who occupy more of a middle ground. Do their varying approaches have an impact on the quality of their character? Are they happy or unhappy? How do you feel as a result of placing the needs of others above your own? Is there perhaps a different approach you can take that will allow you to take care of yourself and support others as well? 

The Scientific Method

Initially, your path to personal worldview must be based on knowledge, rather than faith. You need to learn in order to liberate yourself from the worldview established by your formative years. Learning facilitates the expansion of the self, and consequently the expansion of your worldview. Be willing to release your limited vision in order to embrace a more expansive vision. It’s more comfortable to keep your old road map, but only in the short term. In the long run, embracing the discomfort of revision will enrich your growth. 

To release your inherited worldview, you need to rigorously evaluate its validity using scientific principles. Once you have developed a new worldview, you may use the same principles to revise and maintain it: 

  • The universe is tangible and should be studied. 
  • The universe abides by natural laws, which make it predictable.
  • In order to accurately work with the laws, you need to use scientific methods to test them.
  • This can only be done through direct observation and experience. 
  • The process and results of the observations or experiences must be able to be replicated (it must be confirmable that others will experience the same results with the same process).

The more valid your personal worldview is, the more it contributes to your growth and well-being.

———End of Preview———

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Elizabeth Whitworth

Elizabeth has a lifelong love of books. She devours nonfiction, especially in the areas of history, theology, and philosophy. A switch to audiobooks has kindled her enjoyment of well-narrated fiction, particularly Victorian and early 20th-century works. She appreciates idea-driven books—and a classic murder mystery now and then. Elizabeth has a blog and is writing a book about the beginning and the end of suffering.

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Personal Worldview: Different Approaches

Introduction, different approaches, seven basic worldview questions.

Every individual has a personal worldview that he or she uses both consciously and subconsciously to answer questions and make decisions. Spirituality also plays a significant role in one’s life as it guides people and offers them a set of rules and beliefs that construct a specific view of the world. According to Paloutzian and Park (2014), there is no singular definition of spirituality as it can have a different meaning for each individual. However, the authors suggest that spirituality is most often linked to one’s personal beliefs and the search for a greater sense of life and its aspects. Moreover, some people tie spirituality and religion, stating that the former is a method of connecting one’s existence to some religious views. In this case, spirituality is related to one’s closeness to and experience with sacred beings and concepts. However, some people do not see a direct connection between these two ideas, noting that a spiritual person may not be religious and vice versa. These beliefs often describe a relationship between spirituality and one’s emotions.

Different philosophies can influence one’s worldview. Such concepts as pluralism, scientism, and postmodernism offer different explanations to the fundamental notions of one’s worldview and attempt to look at the world from different perspectives. For example, pluralism presents the idea of various beliefs and concepts coexisting together in one world, implying that it is possible to have different opinions on all matters. Here, the ultimate truth of one particular worldview is seen as impossible because all views have their importance and weight (Baghramian & Ingram, 2014).

Therefore, this concept encompasses all other approaches and considers them valid. On the other hand, scientism places science above other ideas of living, such as philosophy and spirituality (Stenmark, 2017). It is important to note that while talking about scientism, most individuals imply the significance of natural sciences and suggest that other scientific approaches are not as critical. Moreover, scientism’s opinion about different concepts that could be used as a worldview is that they are inferior. Postmodernism is another philosophical movement that explores the vagueness of all notions of the world.

To understand one’s approach to life, a person can answer seven fundamental worldview questions. First of all, it is crucial to grasp the idea of prime reality or one’s actual place in the world. For example, scientism and postmodernism view reality as material and deny the existence of a god. Some worldviews that are based on religion imply that the prime reality is linked to the presence of a god or gods and the people’s relationship with these entities. In my opinion, the prime reality is everything that surrounds a person and his or her life. The next question deals with the nature of the world or the external reality. One can see the world as chaotic or orderly, material or spiritual, and subjective or objective (Lash, 2014). In my opinion, the world can appear to humans as both objective and subjective. It is a closed system where the laws of cause and effect are the main principles of the system’s operations.

The next two questions ask about human beings. While some opinions revolve around people being the creations of God, who made them as kind and intelligent as He is, others consider humans living machines with systems that support their existence. I think that humans make themselves into individuals throughout their lives. While people can be inherently good, each person lives in a complex environment that influences his or her decisions. At death, people stop existing as physical entities. Most philosophies agree about that part, frequently arguing about the spiritual aspect of one’s being. It is unclear to me whether human beings continue to exist in some form after they die. The concept of the afterlife has no real support apart from religious teachings. Thus, it is factually impossible to prove it right or wrong.

The fifth and sixth questions infer about one’s knowledge and morality. People’s ability to know something is a part of their inherent human reason (Paloutzian & Park, 2014). The science behind human bodies and minds allows them not only to gather knowledge about the entities they see but also to create new concepts and infer some information about various intangible aspects of the universe. The issue of knowing what is right and what wrong is complicated and cannot base itself on only one statement. While religious theories believe that people are inherently kind and loving, some scientific approaches argue that every behavior may be learned. In my opinion, it is possible to influence one’s morals in society. Therefore, people may learn to have different views about what is right or wrong.

The last question deals with the meaning of human history. History is usually seen as a linear stream of events by most approaches and philosophies (Paloutzian & Park, 2014). However, its importance and the possibility of a final destination become the main topics of debate. According to my worldview, the history of people is a chain of events that happen because of people’s actions and decisions. While its final purpose is unclear, one can conceptualize some parts of history to create a model for the future and use it as an example.

All in all, one’s worldview often combines different aspects of many philosophies and approaches. It is possible to connect spirituality and science as these concepts do not counter each other in every way. While people may share a religious or spiritual belief, they can also find themselves having different opinions on some aspects of morality, knowledge, or existence.

Baghramian, M., & Ingram, A. (Eds.). (2014). Pluralism: The philosophy and politics of diversity (2nd ed.). New York, NY: Routledge.

Lash, S. (2014). Sociology of postmodernism (2nd ed.). New York, NY: Routledge.

Paloutzian, R. F., & Park, C. L. (Eds.). (2014). Handbook of the psychology of religion and spirituality (2nd ed.). New York, NY: Guilford Publications.

Stenmark, M. (2017). Scientism: Science, ethics and religion (2nd ed.). New York, NY: Routledge.

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Personal Worldview

personal worldview essay

Table of Contents


The term spirituality could derive distinct meaning among different persons in the community. A common understanding of spirituality involves a connection to something relatively bigger than ourselves and involves search for what could be a meaning of life (Myers & Nobel, 2015).  The aspects of spirituality make it a universal experience which touches all humans in the community.

The concept of pluralism refers to the conditions or systems in which two or more states, groups, principles of forms of authority coexist in the community. It may also entail the practice of holding one or more office, church or different practices at the same time.

personal worldview essay

The concept of scientism may entail the expressions or behaviors which one may perceive to be the primary characteristics of scientists (Myers & Nobel, 2015).  One may also have an understanding of the practice as the excessive belief in power of scientific knowledge and techniques in having an impact in our day to day practices.


The concept of post modernism involves abroad movement that would come into existence from the mid-20 th century across the various fields in the community such as art, architecture and the criticisms which would mark the departure from modernism.

Prime reality

The term prime reality may entail what is really real.  The prime reality would vary greatly across cultures, religions, and communities.  Responding the question of prime reality may require an individual to make inferences to God, gods or other material cosmos. My prime reality entails the belief in one God, who is the creator of heaven and earth.

personal worldview essay

Nature of the world around me

The world around me consists of the living and the non-living things. The living things include plants and animals while the non-living things entails things such as mountains, rivers, and rocks. The nature of the interactions which I handle with the things in my immediate environment have a great impact on the perception of the world around view.

A human being

A human being refers to a man, woman, child of the species Homo sapiens which is distinct from other animals be having a superior mental development, ability to hold more articulate speech and the ability to sustain an upright posture (Myers & Nobel, 2015).   A human being is a products of God’s creation. The first human beings were possibly Adam and Eve.  The rest of the human beings happen to be descendants of Adam and Eve.

Person at death

There various beliefs regarding what happens to a person at death. However, it is undeniable that the person stops taking part in the community activities as they lack life. The soul gets separated from the body. Some souls are destined for hell, heaven or purgatory. In most cases the body of the person is preserved awaiting burial (Adams, 2017).  The burial may involve lowering of the body six feet under the ground or cremation.  Burial makes it clear that upon death, the body goes back to dust.

personal worldview essay

Why is it possible to do anything

It is possible that we are able to know things in the community due to the fact that we are made in the image and likeness of God who is all knowing. We are also able to develop a conscious and rationale reasoning under the contingencies of survival in a long process of evolution.

Right and Wrong

There are many criteria which we utilize in discerning what is possibly right and what is definitely wrong. It merits recalling that we are made in image and likeness of God whose character is good. Generally, what is wrong or right depends highly on human choices towards our physical or cultural survival. Ethics may also play a critical role in defining what could be right and wrong in particular community (Pojman & Fieser, 2017).  The laws enshrined in the constitution also play a critical role in the definition of right and wrong in the society. Our conscious also enables us have a better understanding of what is either right or wrong in the community.

Meaning of human history

Human history refers to the chronological account of events.  We learn the human history in the attempt to ensure that we do not make the same mistakes. The human history may revolve around the creation of man, the fall of man and the resurrection of man. God is sovereign and in total control of the world. God had a plan for human race which was to have fellowship with him. However, man sinned and will possibly face judgment for his sins.  God would however not let man perish but instead put in place a plan which would reconcile God and man.

personal worldview essay

  • Rockenbach, A. N., Mayhew, M. J., Davidson, J., Ofstein, J., & Bush, R. C. (2015). Complicating universal definitions: how students of diverse worldviews make meaning of spirituality.  Journal of Student Affairs Research and Practice ,  52 (1), 1-10.
  • Pojman, L. P., & Fieser, J. (2017).  Cengage Advantage Ethics: Discovering Right and Wrong . Nelson Education.
  • Adams, V. (2017). Dying: What Happens to the Body after Death. In  Dying and Death in Oncology  (pp. 23-30). Springer International Publishing.
  • Myers, J., & Nobel, D. A. (2015).  Understanding the times: A survey of competing worldviews . David C Cook.
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Essay About Personal Worldview

Essay About Personal Worldview

A personal worldview is a representation or framework that includes values, beliefs, and principles, which influence one’s interpretation of reality (Denisco & Barker, 2016). My personal worldview explains the way I view life and live my life through the assumptions and beliefs I held in response to the world around me. As a professing Christian, I believe that God placed me in this world for a specific reason- to be a leader through the field of nursing. While I may have had the traits and makings of a leader, the art and science of healing have grown in me by way of health care. Nursing is a calling from God to ensure the wholeness and healing of the sick and hurting. It requires taking responsibility to continue to grow in character development, human connection, and compassion. As a nurse, one must identify his or her personal weaknesses and struggles, and be able to work through those challenges so that he or she can address the problems of other people.

Connect your worldview to cultural/spiritual competence – The basis of cultural or spiritual competence is the awareness that differences between people exist, without assigning any value, bias, or prejudice upon them. In other words, we should never assume that these differences are negative and not to demand complete assimilation toward the dominant culture.

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This viewpoint is consistent with the nursing profession’s upholding of patient advocacy, patient-centered care, and to respect the rights and dignity of all patients. Furthermore, cultural and spiritual competence is not limited to race, culture, or religion. It also addresses issues regarding gender, ethnicity, and sexual orientation. Conversely, these issues or factors can affect the patient’s worldview and interaction with the health care system. Nurses should be able to shift their perspective from what they considered normal or expected may not be an ordinary behavior in another culture or group. It is essential that nurses be able to identify that a patient’s experience with health care is influenced by his or her beliefs, culture, and religion; adjusting their behavior to fit within the norms of another culture.

Influence of worldview to cultural/spiritual competence – As a perioperative nurse, military, and an aspiring clinical nurse leader, I have a duty to support, sustain, and respect life. I can fulfill this through continued education in cultural competency, and broaden my knowledge to be mindful that all humans, particularly those under my care need relief, respect, and appreciation. Patients are vulnerable, and during the times that they are in my care, they may have fears and uncertainties, and I believe that it is my duty to help restore or preserve their health. Advancing my career will only enhance what I already know, and it should give my better perspective about concepts and principles of diversity, including interprofessional relationships.

As a part of a multi-cultural health team, we can identify mechanisms that will allow the integration of all existing knowledge affecting nursing care of various populations affected by health disparities (Yoder-Wise, 2010). It is also important to maintain a culturally diverse staff population. Nurses who belong to a diverse staff-mix are equally important to a culturally diverse patient population because the nurse who may potentially belong to a particular race or group can serve as a conduit toward the delivery of culturally competent care. Overall, cultural and spiritual competence does not require nurses to completely change their worldview; it simply means that they must accept others without judgment, and adjust their behaviors to respect other cultures (Denisco & Barker, 2016).

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    Worldview Reflection. As human beings, we all have our own unique way of looking at the world and making sense of it. This unique perspective is known as our worldview. In this essay, I will explore the concept of worldview, its history, debates, development, and resolution. I will also discuss how my own worldview has evolved over time and how ...

  7. Personal Worldview Essay Examples

    Decent Essays. 638 Words. 3 Pages. Open Document. There are many different aspects of a person that contribute to our personal worldview. For example, our family values, expectations of education,age, race, and gender roles. The main influences on my worldview are family, age, and educational values. Some people may think of age as just a ...

  8. Developing and Navigating Your Personal Worldview

    Problem #2: Transference. The first experience you have of "God" is with your parents, and therefore, your worldview in adulthood is a result of transference. These early experiences often cause you to form a personal worldview that is not rooted in your reality. In childhood, God's nature and the nature of our parents are indistinguishable.

  9. The Development of Personal Worldview

    The development of a personal worldview is an evidence-based practice that can empower and guide more people to achieve their aims and relate with their colleagues ethically or acceptably. Individuals need to go further to consider some of the best beliefs, ideas, and attitudes that resonate with their desires in life.

  10. How To Write A Personal Worldview Essay

    How To Write A Personal Worldview Essay. Satisfactory Essays. 265 Words. 2 Pages. Open Document. Someone's personal worldview can be influenced by many things is the day and time. I feel that how a child is raised is one of the biggest influences in life. Some kids are not raised in a healthly enveriment so not knowing who God is and letting ...

  11. Personal Worldview Essay Examples

    Personal Worldview Essay Examples. Decent Essays. 416 Words. 2 Pages. Open Document. My worldview: Unknown voids in one's life are filled by learned values and behaviors. Young children learn and succeed to the greatest degree when they are constantly exposed to persistent loving relationships and experiences.

  12. Personal Worldview: Different Approaches

    Seven Basic Worldview Questions. To understand one's approach to life, a person can answer seven fundamental worldview questions. First of all, it is crucial to grasp the idea of prime reality or one's actual place in the world. For example, scientism and postmodernism view reality as material and deny the existence of a god.

  13. Personal Worldview Essay [869 Words] GradeMiners

    Personal Worldview essay for free ️️869 words sample for your inspiration Download high-quality papers from GradeMiners database. Essay Samples. ... Personal Worldview. Subject: 🧓🏼 Personal Experience: Type: Personal Narrative Essay: Pages: 4: Word count: 869: Topics:

  14. Personal Narrative: My Personal Worldview

    Personal Narrative: My Personal Worldview. 1274 Words6 Pages. We all come from different back grounds and walks of life. Each one of us has our own personal view of the world and how we view it from our own lens. With each one of our experiences, good or bad, it helps shapes what we call our worldview. The worldview of each person varies; and ...

  15. Personal Worldview Essay

    Personal Worldview Essay My worldview has been shaped and expanded over the course of my lifetime by many different influences. My family, friends, coworkers, teachers, and even strangers have made impacts on my life that have in one way or another changed how I view society and the world around me. The three main components that help to form ...

  16. Personal Worldview Essay

    Words: 987. Pages: 4. Open Document. Personal Worldview Essay My worldview has been shaped and expanded over the course of my lifetime by many different influences. My family, friends, coworkers, teachers, and even strangers have made impacts on my life that have in one way or another changed how I view society and the world around me.

  17. Personal Worldview Essay

    1589 Words. 7 Pages. Open Document. Personal Worldview Essay. The three components that make up my worldview are God, knowledge and ethics. because they shape my thoughts, experiences, education and life decisions. I have. picked these three components because it is not easy to get through life without God. guiding us through our lives with our ...

  18. Personal Worldview Essay Examples

    Personal Worldview Essay Examples. For centuries humans have struggled with the complexity and ambiguity of our humanity. The first understanding of humanity is based on every person's own definition of the worldview that each individual holds. How an individual is raised up contributes to the development and the construction of one's ...

  19. ⇉Essay About Personal Worldview Essay Example

    Essay About Personal Worldview. A personal worldview is a representation or framework that includes values, beliefs, and principles, which influence one's interpretation of reality (Denisco & Barker, 2016). My personal worldview explains the way I view life and live my life through the assumptions and beliefs I held in response to the world ...

  20. Personal Worldview Essay

    A world view is a mental model of reality. It is a framework of ideas and attitudes about the world, ourselves, and a comprehensive system of beliefs. A person 's worldview is affected by many factors. These factors include inherited characteristics, background experiences and life situations. Also the values, attitudes, and habits a person has ...

  21. Personal Worldview Essay

    Personal Worldview Essay. It is no easy task to write down the core of a person's belief, let alone mine. Starting this essay I know I will begin to question these beliefs and form opinions on topics I otherwise gave no serious thought. It is precisely for this reason I find my worldview to be constantly changing.

  22. Discussion About My Personal Worldview and My Christian Beliefs: [Essay

    My own personal worldview has been crafted out of my own personal experiences, beliefs and most importantly my Christian faith. ... Overview of a Christian Worldview Essay. A Christian worldview is a framework of beliefs and values that shapes an individual's perception of the world and guides their decision-making process. It is rooted in the ...

  23. Personal Worldview Essay

    Personal Worldview Essay My worldview has been shaped and expanded over the course of my lifetime by many different influences. My family, friends, coworkers, teachers, and even strangers have made impacts on my life that have in one way or another changed how I view society and the world around me. The three main components that help to form ...