reported speech for 4 eso



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reported speech for 4 eso

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Ejercicios de discurso directo e indirecto para 4º de ESO

Ejercicios de discurso directo e indirecto para 4º de ESO

En el presente artículo, abordaremos los ejercicios de reported speech para estudiantes de 4º de la ESO. Aprenderemos a transformar discursos directos en indirectos, practicando con ejercicios que te ayudarán a dominar esta importante habilidad lingüística. Descubre cómo dominar el reported speech de manera efectiva y mejora tus habilidades de comunicación en inglés. ¡No te pierdas estos ejercicios que te llevarán al siguiente nivel!

  • Los ejercicios de reported speech en 4º de la ESO ayudan a los estudiantes a practicar la transformación de discursos directos a indirectos.
  • Estos ejercicios también permiten a los estudiantes comprender cómo cambiar los tiempos verbales y los pronombres al reportar lo que otra persona ha dicho.

¿Qué son los ejercicios de reported speech en 4º de la ESO?

Los ejercicios de reported speech en 4º de la ESO son actividades que ayudan a los estudiantes a practicar la transformación de discursos directos a indirectos. Mediante estos ejercicios, los estudiantes aprenden a cambiar las palabras y los tiempos verbales para reportar lo que otra persona ha dicho. Esto les ayuda a mejorar su comprensión y expresión oral, así como a desarrollar habilidades de escucha activa. Los ejercicios de reported speech también les permiten ampliar su vocabulario y comprender mejor el uso de las comillas y los verbos de habla en la escritura.

En resumen, los ejercicios de reported speech en 4º de la ESO son una herramienta fundamental para que los estudiantes mejoren sus habilidades lingüísticas, tanto en la comprensión como en la expresión oral y escrita. Estas actividades les ayudan a entender cómo transformar discursos directos a indirectos, ampliando su capacidad para comunicarse de manera efectiva en diferentes contextos. Además, les brindan la oportunidad de practicar el uso de comillas y verbos de habla, lo que contribuye a enriquecer su vocabulario y a perfeccionar su dominio del idioma.

¿Cuál es la estructura básica para realizar ejercicios de reported speech en español?

La estructura básica para realizar ejercicios de reported speech en español consiste en cambiar los verbos y pronombres de la oración original a la forma correspondiente en el discurso indirecto, manteniendo el mismo tiempo verbal. Además, se deben utilizar conectores como “que” para introducir la oración reportada y cambiar los pronombres y adverbios de tiempo y lugar según sea necesario. Es importante recordar que los cambios en los verbos y pronombres deben reflejar la distancia en el tiempo y el espacio entre el hablante original y el reportado, manteniendo siempre la coherencia y precisión en la información transmitida.

¿Cuáles son los verbos de reporting más comunes en los ejercicios de reported speech?

Los verbos de reporting más comunes en los ejercicios de reported speech son “decir”, “contar”, “explicar”, “preguntar”, “ordenar”, “prometer”, “admitir”, “aconsejar”, “advertir”, “pedir”, “sugerir”, “negar” y “recomendar”. Estos verbos son utilizados para transmitir la información en discurso indirecto y son fundamentales para entender y practicar el reported speech en español. Además, dominar el uso de estos verbos es esencial para comunicarse de manera efectiva en situaciones de conversación y escritura.

¿Dónde puedo encontrar ejercicios de reported speech para practicar en casa?

Si estás buscando ejercicios de reported speech para practicar en casa, hay varias opciones disponibles. En primer lugar, puedes buscar en línea en sitios web especializados en gramática y ejercicios de inglés. Estos sitios suelen ofrecer una amplia variedad de ejercicios de reported speech para diferentes niveles de habilidad, lo que te permitirá encontrar el que mejor se adapte a tus necesidades.

Otra opción es buscar en libros de gramática y ejercicios de inglés, ya que muchos de ellos incluyen secciones dedicadas al reported speech. Busca libros que estén actualizados y que incluyan ejercicios prácticos y claros para que puedas practicar de manera efectiva en casa.

Por último, también puedes buscar en aplicaciones móviles que se centren en la enseñanza del inglés. Muchas de estas aplicaciones ofrecen ejercicios interactivos de reported speech que te permitirán practicar de manera dinámica y entretenida. Además, podrás llevar contigo los ejercicios a donde quieras, lo que te permitirá practicar en cualquier momento y lugar.

Aprende a dominar el discurso directo e indirecto

¿Alguna vez te has sentido confundido al utilizar el discurso directo e indirecto en tus conversaciones o escritos? ¡No te preocupes más! Con la práctica y los consejos adecuados, podrás dominar estas formas de discurso de manera efectiva. El discurso directo se utiliza para citar las palabras exactas de una persona, mientras que el discurso indirecto se encarga de parafrasear lo que alguien ha dicho. Aprender a utilizar ambos con precisión te permitirá comunicarte de manera clara y precisa.

Una de las claves para dominar el discurso directo e indirecto es entender la estructura gramatical de cada uno. En el discurso directo, se utilizan comillas y verbos de habla para introducir las palabras exactas de una persona. Por otro lado, en el discurso indirecto, se utilizan conjunciones subordinadas y se cambian los tiempos verbales y pronombres para adaptar la cita a la oración principal. Al comprender estas diferencias, podrás aplicar cada forma de discurso de manera correcta en tus conversaciones y escritos.

A medida que practiques el uso del discurso directo e indirecto, te volverás más hábil en su aplicación. No te desanimes si al principio te resulta complicado, la práctica constante te ayudará a perfeccionar tus habilidades. Además, observar ejemplos y recibir retroalimentación de expertos en el idioma te ayudará a consolidar tus conocimientos y a dominar estas formas de discurso. ¡No pierdas la oportunidad de mejorar tu comunicación dominando el discurso directo e indirecto!

Ejercicios prácticos para entender el discurso directo e indirecto

¿Tienes problemas para entender el discurso directo e indirecto? ¡No te preocupes más! Con estos ejercicios prácticos podrás dominar ambos conceptos de forma sencilla y efectiva. El discurso directo se refiere a las palabras exactas que dice una persona, mientras que el discurso indirecto es cuando se parafrasea lo que dijo alguien. Con estos ejercicios, podrás comprender la diferencia entre ambos y utilizarlos correctamente en tus conversaciones y escritos.

Para empezar, te proponemos un ejercicio de transformación de frases. Toma una frase en discurso directo y conviértela en discurso indirecto, manteniendo el sentido original. Este ejercicio te ayudará a practicar la transformación de palabras sin perder el significado original. Además, te recomendamos realizar ejercicios de escucha activa, donde puedas identificar el discurso directo e indirecto en conversaciones cotidianas. Esto te ayudará a familiarizarte con ambos conceptos y a comprender su uso en diferentes contextos.

Finalmente, te animamos a practicar la escritura de diálogos utilizando tanto el discurso directo como el indirecto. Puedes crear situaciones y personajes ficticios para ejercitar tu habilidad para utilizar ambos tipos de discurso de forma natural y fluida. ¡Con estos ejercicios prácticos, pronto serás un experto en el discurso directo e indirecto!

Mejora tus habilidades en discurso directo e indirecto

¿Quieres mejorar tus habilidades en discurso directo e indirecto? ¡Estás en el lugar correcto! Dominar estas dos formas de expresión es esencial para comunicarte de manera efectiva en cualquier situación. En este artículo, te proporcionaremos consejos prácticos y ejemplos claros para que puedas perfeccionar tus habilidades en el discurso directo e indirecto.

Una de las claves para dominar el discurso directo e indirecto es entender la diferencia entre ambos. Mientras que el discurso directo reproduce las palabras exactas de una persona, el discurso indirecto las reformula para transmitir la misma idea. Practicar la conversión de un discurso directo a indirecto te ayudará a comprender mejor esta distinción y a utilizarla correctamente en tus propias conversaciones.

Además, es importante prestar atención a los verbos y pronombres que se utilizan en cada forma de discurso. En el discurso directo, los verbos y pronombres se mantienen tal como fueron expresados originalmente, mientras que en el discurso indirecto se adaptan para concordar con el sujeto de la oración principal. Al dominar este aspecto, podrás expresar las ideas de manera clara y coherente tanto en discurso directo como en discurso indirecto.

Domina el arte del discurso directo e indirecto con estos ejercicios

¿Quieres mejorar tus habilidades de comunicación? Practica el discurso directo e indirecto con estos ejercicios. Aprende a expresar tus ideas de manera clara y efectiva, dominando el arte de la comunicación tanto en situaciones directas como indirectas. Con estos ejercicios, podrás desarrollar tus habilidades lingüísticas y comunicativas, mejorando tu capacidad para transmitir tus pensamientos de manera precisa y persuasiva. ¡Domina el arte del discurso directo e indirecto y lleva tus habilidades de comunicación al siguiente nivel!

En resumen, los ejercicios de reported speech para alumnos de 4º de la ESO son una herramienta fundamental para dominar el estilo indirecto en inglés. A través de práctica constante, los estudiantes pueden mejorar su comprensión y habilidades de comunicación en este aspecto del idioma. Con dedicación y esfuerzo, dominar el reported speech se convertirá en una habilidad invaluable para su futuro académico y profesional.


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reported speech for 4 eso

Reported Speech - Explanation and exercises

Descripción: Reported speech en inglés. En la siguiente entrada te explicamos como formar frases en estilo indirecto en inglés. Además, puedes hacer ejercicios online con auto-corrección.

Ejercicios:   A ,  B ,  C ,  1 ,  2 ,  3 ,  4 ,  5 ,  6 ,  7 ,  8 ,  9 ,  10 ,  11 ,  12  

Reported Speech – Ejercicio de acceso libre

Escribe las oraciones siguientes en estilo indirecto. Presta atención a la adaptación de los pronombres y de las referencias espaciales y temporales.

  • Two weeks ago, he said, “I visited this museum last week.” → Two weeks ago, he said that   . I → he|past simple → past perfect|this → that|last …→ the … before Hace dos semanas dijo: «Visité este museo la semana pasada». → Hace dos semanas dijo que había visitado ese museo la semana anterior.
  • She claimed, “I am the best for this job.” → She claimed that   . I → she|present simple → past simple|this → that Afirmó: «Soy la mejor para este trabajo». → Afirmó que era la mejor para ese trabajo.
  • Last year, the minister said, “The crisis will be overcome next year.” → Last year, the minister said that   . will → would|next …→ the following … El año pasado, el ministro dijo: «La crisis habrá acabado el año que viene». → El año pasado, el ministro dijo en un año la crisis habría acabado
  • My riding teacher said, “Nobody has ever fallen off a horse here.” → My riding teacher said that   . present perfect → past perfect|here → ther e Mi profesor de equitación dijo: «Nadie se ha caído nunca de un caballo aquí». → Mi profesor de equitación dijo que nadie se había caído de un caballo allí.
  • Last month, the boss explained, “None of my co-workers has to work overtime now.” → Last month, the boss explained that   . my → his/her|present simple → past simple|now → then El mes pasado, mi jefe explicó: «Ninguno de mis empleados tiene que trabajar horas extra en este momento». → El mes pasado, el jefe explicó que ninguno de sus trabajadores tenía que trabajar horas extras entonces.

Reformula las preguntas siguientes en estilo indirecto.

  • She asked, “What did he say?” → She asked   . El sujeto va directamente detrás del pronombre interrogativo.|past simple → past perfect Preguntó: «¿Qué dijo?» → Preguntó qué había dicho.
  • He asked her, “Do you want to dance?” → He asked her   . El sujeto va directamente detrás de whether/if |you → she|present simple → past simple Le preguntó: «¿Quieres bailar?» → Le preguntó si quería bailar.
  • I asked him, “How old are you?” → I asked him   . El sujeto va directamente detrás del pronombre interrogativo + el adjetivo correspondiente ( how old )| you→ he|present simple → past simple Le pregunté: «¿Qué edad tienes?» → Le pregunté qué edad tenía.
  • The tourists asked me, “Can you show us the way?” → The tourists asked me   . El sujeto va directamente detrás de whether/if | you→ I|us→ them Los turistas me preguntaron: «¿Puede indicarnos el camino?» → Los turistas me preguntaron si podía indicarles el camino.
  • The shop assistant asked the woman, “Which jacket have you already tried on?” → The shop assistant asked the woman   . El sujeto va directamente detrás del pronombre interrogativo| you→ she|present perfect → past perfect El dependiente preguntó a la mujer: «¿Qué chaqueta se ha probado?» → El dependiente preguntó a la mujer qué chaqueta se había probado.

Reformula las demandas y sugerencias siguientes en estilo indirecto.

  • The passenger requested the taxi driver, “Stop the car.” → The passenger requested the taxi driver   . to + infinitivo El pasajero pidió al taxista: «Pare el coche». → El pasajero pidió al taxista que parara el coche.
  • The mother told her son, “Don’t be so loud.” → The mother told her son   . not to + infinitivo La madre le dijo a su hijo: «No hagas tanto ruido». → La madre le dijo a su hijo que no hiciera tanto ruido.
  • The policeman told us, “Please keep moving.” → The policeman told us   . to + infinitivo (se puede eliminar please ) El policía nos dijo: «Por favor, continúen». → El policía nos dijo que (por favor) continuáramos.
  • She told me, “Don’t worry.” → She told me   . not to + infinitivo Me dijo: “No te preocupes.”→ Me dijo que no me preocupara.
  • The zookeeper told the children, "Don’t feed the animals." → The zookeeper told the children   . not to + infinitivo El cuidador del zoo les dijo a los niños: «No deis de comer a los animales». → El cuidador del zoo les dijo a los niños que no dieran de comer a los animales.

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A terrible accident has occurred!

Bart said that a terrible accident had occurred!


What is it?

"Utilizamos el reported speech o estilo indirecto para contar lo que otra persona ha dicho" *Es por eso que se da un salto atrás en el tiempo*

I have a secret. I like Peter, but please don't tell him.

OK,don't worry

Utilizamos los reporitng verbs: suggest/recommend/invite/advise en pasado + clause or verb -ing


1. ORDER: Told to + infinitive2. Request: asked to + infinitive3. Offers: offered to + infinitive*Cuando es negativo se pone: asked not to + infinitive

Pueden ser:1. YES/NO y las introduciremos on IF or WHEATHER2. WH- Questions que serán introducidas por la WHThe reporting verb is ASK


Types of reported speech

Frases normales. Utilizamos los verbos SAY and TELL como reporting verbs

1. “Blue is my favorite color.” She said that blue ___ her favorite color.2. “The Prado has an incredible art collection.” They said that the Prado ____an outstanding art collection.

Time to practice!

3. “This mural was painted by a famous Mexican artist.” He said that this mural____painted by a famous Mexican artist.4. “I want to learn to paint.” She said that she _____to learn to paint.5. “She is a generous supporter of the museum.” He said that she ___a generous supporter of the museum.

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ESO 4 Reported speech

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  • Ed: I promise I will tell you, Claire. (promise) Ed promised Claire that he would tell her.
  • James: I love you, Mary. (tell) James told Mary that he loved her.
  • Karen: I crashed the car yesterday. (admit) Karen admitted that she had crashed the car the day before / admitted crashing the car the day before.
  • Craig: I will make you a birthday cake, Susan. (offer) Craig offered to make Susan a birthday cake.
  • Emma: I ate sushi last night. (say) Emma said that she had eaten sushi the night before.
  • Mum: Tom, eat your dinner, please. (ask) Mum asked Tom to (please) eat his dinner.
  • Michael: I have just eaten lunch. (explain) Michael explained that he had just eaten lunch.
  • Olga: I will not give him the money! (refuse) Olga refused to give him the money.
  • Margaret: Charles, please don't forget to post my letter. (remind) Margaret reminded Charles to post her letter / reminded Charles not to forget to post her letter
  • Agatha: I won't forget, Simon. (promise) Agatha promised Simon that she wouldn´t forget
  • Karen: I can't come tomorrow. (say) Karen said that she couldn't come the next day.
  • Igor: Shall we watch TV tonight? (suggest) Igor suggested that they watch the TV that night.
  • Ivan: Maria, stop talking! (tell) Ivan told Maria to stop talking.
  • Barbara: Will you go to the beach with me, Bill? (invite) Barbara invited Bill to go to the beach with her.
  • Jack: I will pass my exams. (promise) Jack promised to pass his exams / promised that he would pass his exams.

reported speech for 4 eso

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Biden is off on details of his uncle’s WWII death as he calls Trump unfit to lead the military

President Joe Biden misstated key details Wednesday about his uncle’s death in World War 2 when he suggested Ambrose Finnegan, Jr. may have fallen victim to cannibalism after his plane was shot down over New Guinea.

President Joe Biden reaches to touch the name of his uncle Ambrose J. Finnegan, Jr., on a wall at a Scranton war memorial, Wednesday, April 17, 2024, in Scranton, Pa. His uncle died in WWII. (AP Photo/Alex Brandon)

President Joe Biden reaches to touch the name of his uncle Ambrose J. Finnegan, Jr., on a wall at a Scranton war memorial, Wednesday, April 17, 2024, in Scranton, Pa. His uncle died in WWII. (AP Photo/Alex Brandon)

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President Joe Biden, and Scranton Mayor Paige Cognetti, pause at a Scranton war memorial, Wednesday, April 17, 2024, in Scranton, Pa. (AP Photo/Alex Brandon)

President Joe Biden pauses at a wall of veterans’ names at a Scranton war memorial, Wednesday, April 17, 2024, in Scranton, Pa. (AP Photo/Alex Brandon)

President Joe Biden visits the War Memorial in Scranton, Pa., with Scranton Mayor Paige Cognetti, right, Wednesday, April 17, 2024. Biden’s uncle, Ambrose J Finnegan Jr., who died in WWII, is listed on the memorial wall. (AP Photo/Alex Brandon)

President Joe Biden visits the War Memorial in Scranton, Pa., Wednesday, April 17, 2024. Biden’s uncle, Ambrose J Finnegan Jr., who died in WWII, is listed on the wall. (AP Photo/Alex Brandon)

President Joe Biden visits the War Memorial in Scranton, Pa., Wednesday, April 17, 2024, and touches the wall near his uncle’s name, Ambrose J Finnegan Jr., who died in WWII. (AP Photo/Alex Brandon)

reported speech for 4 eso

WASHINGTON (AP) — President Joe Biden on Wednesday misstated key details about his uncle’s death in World War II as he honored the man’s wartime service and said Donald Trump was unworthy of serving as commander in chief.

While in Pittsburgh, Biden spoke about his uncle, 2nd Lt. Ambrose J. Finnegan Jr., aiming to draw a contrast with reports that Trump, while president, had called fallen service members “suckers” and “losers.”

Finnegan, the brother of Biden’s mother, “got shot down in New Guinea,” Biden said. The president said Finnegan’s body was never recovered and “there used to be a lot of cannibals” in the area. Biden, who also relayed a version of the story earlier in the day after stopping by the memorial in Scranton, was off on the particulars.

The U.S. government’s record of missing service members does not attribute Finnegan’s death to hostile action or indicate cannibals were any factor.

“We have a tradition in my family my grandfather started,” said Biden, a toddler at the time of his uncle’s death in 1944. “When you visit a gravesite of a family member — it’s going to sound strange to you — but you say three Hail Marys. And that’s what I was doing at the site.”

FILE - People walk past an image of 4-year-old Abigail Edan, a hostage held by Hamas, projected onto a building in Tel Aviv, Nov 26, 2023. Edan's parents were both killed by Hamas militants in the same attack in which she was kidnapped, a cross-border assault Oct. 7 that prompted Israel to declare war on Hamas. President Joe Biden has met at the White House with Abigail Edan. (AP Photo/Ariel Schalit, File)

Referring to Trump, the presumptive GOP presidential nominee, Biden said, “That man doesn’t deserve to have been the commander in chief for my son, my uncle.”

Biden’s elder son, Beau, died in 2015 of brain cancer, which the president has stated he believes was linked to his son’s yearlong deployment in Iraq, where the military used burn pits to dispose of waste.

Some former Trump officials have claimed the then-president disparaged fallen service members as “suckers” and “losers” when, they said, he did not want to travel in 2018 to a cemetery for American war dead in France. Trump denied the allegation, saying, “What animal would say such a thing?”

According to the Pentagon’s Defense POW/MIA Accounting Agency , Biden’s uncle, known by the family as “Bosie,” died on May 14, 1944, while a passenger on an Army Air Forces plane that, “for unknown reasons,” was forced to ditch in the Pacific Ocean off the northern coast of New Guinea. “Both engines failed at low altitude, and the aircraft’s nose hit the water hard,” the agency states in its listing of Finnegan. “Three men failed to emerge from the sinking wreck and were lost in the crash.”

The agency said Finnegan was a passenger on the plane when it was lost. “He has not been associated with any remains recovered from the area after the war and is still unaccounted-for,” according to the agency.

White House spokesman Andrew Bates did not address the discrepancy between the agency’s records and Biden’s account when he issued a statement on the matter.

“President Biden is proud of his uncle’s service in uniform,“ Bates said, adding Finnegan ”lost his life when the military aircraft he was on crashed in the Pacific after taking off near New Guinea.”

Biden “highlighted his uncle’s story as he made the case for honoring our ‘sacred commitment ... to equip those we send to war and take care of them and their families when they come home,’ and as he reiterated that the last thing American veterans are is ‘suckers’ or ‘losers.’”

The Democratic president also misstated when uncles enlisted in the military, saying they joined “when D-Day occurred, the next day,” in June 1944, when they actually joined weeks after the Dec. 7, 1941, attack on Pearl Harbor.

After Finnegan’s death, a local newspaper published a telegram from Gen. Douglas MacArthur expressing condolences to Finnegan’s family:

“Dear Mr. Finnegan: In the death of your son, Second Lieutenant Ambrose J. Finnegan Jr., while in service of his country, you have my profound sympathy. Your consolation may be that he died in the uniform of our beloved country, serving in a crusade from which a better world for all will come. Very faithfully, Douglas MacArthur.”

Biden, in his 2008 book “Promises to Keep,” made only brief mention of his uncle, describing him as flyer who was killed in New Guinea.


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Over 100 Arrested at Columbia After Pro-Palestinian Protest

The university called in the police to empty an encampment of demonstrators. But students have vowed to stay, no matter the consequences.

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The Columbia lawn, with police leading students away.

By Sharon Otterman and Alan Blinder

  • April 18, 2024

More than 100 students were arrested on Thursday after Columbia University called in the police to empty an encampment of pro-Palestinian demonstrators, fulfilling a vow to Congress by the school’s president that she was prepared to punish people for unauthorized protests.

“I took this extraordinary step because these are extraordinary circumstances,” the president, Nemat Shafik, wrote in a campuswide email on Thursday afternoon.

The president’s decision swiftly sharpened tensions on campus, which has been battered for months by boisterous pro-Palestinian demonstrations that many Jewish people regarded as antisemitic. And it stood to become a milestone for the country, as campuses have been torn by the Israel-Hamas war and grappled with how to manage protests.

What was far less clear was whether the harsher tactics would form an updated playbook for officials struggling to calm restive campuses, or do little besides infuriate and inflame.

Protesters had already promised that any effort to dismantle the encampment would only embolden them.

Dr. Shafik’s message arrived as swarms of New York City police officers, clad in riot gear and bearing zip ties, marched on the encampment of about 50 tents that had sprung up earlier in the week. On Thursday, protesters clutched Palestinian flags, demonstrators sat huddled on the ground and a thicket of onlookers kept watch as officers bore down on tents in the zone that had styled itself as the “Gaza Solidarity Encampment.”

“Since you have refused to disperse, you will now be placed under arrest for trespassing,” a man repeatedly called through a loudspeaker. The protesters responded with their own repeated cry: “Columbia, Columbia, you will see — Palestine will be free!”

Mayor Eric Adams said on Thursday evening that while Columbia has a “proud history of protest,” students did not “have a right to violate university policies and disrupt learning.”

Less than an hour later, at least two buses were filled with arrested protesters, while other demonstrators thundered their displeasure toward officers. Among those arrested, according to police, was Isra Hirsi, the daughter of Representative Ilhan Omar, Democrat from Minnesota. Ms. Hirsi was issued a summons for trespassing.

“They can threaten us all they want with the police, but at the end of the day, it’s only going to lead to more mobilization,” Maryam Alwan, a senior and pro-Palestinian organizer on campus, had said before the arrests.

Barnard College, across the street from Columbia and so closely linked to the university that the two institutions share dining halls, said it had begun issuing interim suspensions against its students who participated in the encampment.

“Now and always, we prioritize our students’ learning and living in an inclusive environment free from harassment,” Barnard said in its own campus message. “Given the evolving circumstances at Columbia and in the area, we are working to ensure the safety and well-being of the entire Barnard community.”

The core of the turmoil, though, was at Columbia.

Etched into Columbia’s history is the brutal police crackdown that its administrators authorized in 1968 against student protesters who were occupying academic buildings. The fallout from the violence tarnished the school’s reputation and led it to adopt reforms in favor of student activism.

Now, the university points proudly to that activism as one of the hallmarks of its culture, and markets it to prospective students. On Thursday, Dr. Shafik insisted that university officials “work hard to balance the rights of students to express political views with the need to protect other students from rhetoric that amounts to harassment and discrimination.”

In recent months, she and administrators across the country have felt that tension acutely, as the federal government opened investigations into the handling of bias claims at dozens of schools, Congress subpoenaed records and court dockets filled with lawsuits.

Columbia, with roughly 5,000 Jewish students and a vibrant strain of support for the Palestinian cause, has drawn particular attention, which led to the appearances by Dr. Shafik and three other Columbia leaders on Capitol Hill on Wednesday.

During her testimony, Dr. Shafik said she had been frustrated “that Columbia’s policies and structures were sometimes unable to meet the moment,” and said the university had updated many of them. Some of those changes include limiting protests to certain times of day and to designated spots on campus.

Columbia’s tightened rules were being tested even as Dr. Shafik testified. By 7:15 p.m. on Wednesday, Columbia said, the university had issued a written warning to students in the encampment: They had 105 minutes to leave or they would face suspension.

Administrators also deployed intermediaries to try to defuse the showdown, only, they said, to have those entreaties rejected.

In a statement before the arrests, Apartheid Divest, a coalition of student groups, said that protesters planned to remain until the university acceded to its demands, including that the university cut its financial ties to Israel. And while Dr. Shafik’s decision drew immediate criticism from the protesters and their allies, others on and around Columbia’s campus had signaled that they would support a crackdown.

“They have guidelines and if they are violating them, I don’t see why this is a special circumstance,” said Ami Nelson, a student.

Since the Oct. 7 Hamas attacks on Israel, administrators at Columbia had tried to calibrate their approaches to the demonstrations, balancing free-speech rights with the security of Jewish students.

But before the Republican-led House Committee on Education and the Workforce on Wednesday, Dr. Shafik and other Columbia leaders signaled a tougher approach. The co-chair of the university’s board, Claire Shipman, declared that there was “a moral crisis on our campus.” And Dr. Shafik went so far as to detail some of the disciplinary actions underway, including suspensions and firings.

That conciliatory approach toward House Republicans infuriated many on campus.

In New York, some students and faculty members complained that university leaders had largely kowtowed to a Congress whose insistent questioning helped fuel the recent resignations by the presidents of Harvard and the University of Pennsylvania.

There has been no indication that Dr. Shafik, who took office last July, has lost the confidence of Columbia’s board. Thursday’s tactics, though, showed how much more aggressive she has become in her campaign to quell protests.

Five days after the attack on Israel, hundreds of protesters gathered on the campus, and the university shut its gates — a step that has now become familiar as protests have flared. Weeks later, Columbia suspended a pair of student groups, Students for Justice in Palestine and Jewish Voice for Peace, in connection with an unauthorized student walkout.

The university rolled out a protest policy in February that was designed to curtail demonstrations, and this month, Dr. Shafik announced suspensions of students who had helped organize an event that included open expressions of support for Hamas.

“This is a challenging moment and these are steps that I deeply regret having to take,” Dr. Shafik wrote on Thursday.

Tents were removed later that day. But within hours, another protest had formed on the lawn and new tents were up.

Reporting was contributed by Olivia Bensimon , Anna Betts , Karla Marie Sanford, Stephanie Saul and Chelsia Rose Marcius

Sharon Otterman is a Times reporter covering higher education, public health and other issues facing New York City. More about Sharon Otterman

Alan Blinder is a national correspondent for The Times, covering education. More about Alan Blinder

  • The Buzz on Florida Politics

Here’s what Biden said in Tampa — and how his critics responded

  • Kirby Wilson Times staff

TAMPA — At his first Tampa Bay area stop of 2024, President Joe Biden hammered Republicans on an issue that his campaign hopes will be at the top of voters’ minds come November: abortion.

Since the U.S. Supreme Court overturned federal abortion protections in 2022, Democrats have made the issue a top campaign priority, promising to protect access to abortion while Republicans around the country work to restrict it.

Florida is case in point. Biden’s visit comes just a week before a ban on most abortions after six weeks of pregnancy is set to take effect.

“In America today‚ 2024, women have fewer rights than their mothers or their grandmothers had, because of Donald Trump,” Biden said. “I don’t think we’re going to let him get away with it, do you?”

The Biden campaign stop also comes just weeks after the state Supreme Court decided that Florida voters would decide on an abortion amendment in November.

If passed by 60% of voters, the amendment would enshrine the right to an abortion in the Florida Constitution . Biden’s team hopes the abortion ballot measure can boost the president’s chances of winning what could prove to be a crucial swing state in his reelection fight against former President Donald Trump.

(Currently, Biden’s odds in Florida don’t look great. Trump won Florida in 2020, and polls show Biden lagging behind Trump again this year.)

Biden said voters in states all over the country have come out to protect abortion access, adding: “This November, add Florida to that list.”

But for all the abortion talk inside Hillsborough Community College’s partially filled gymnasium, there was plenty else that others wanted to highlight about Biden’s visit.

In a statement, Florida GOP chairperson Evan Power downplayed abortion, saying Biden had come to Florida to talk about “manufactured issues.”

He said Floridians’ “top issues are immigration, the economy, and inflation, in all three areas Joe Biden has failed.”

Sen. Rick Scott, who is up for reelection in November, called his likely Democratic opponent, former U.S. Rep. Debbie Mucarsel-Powell, and Biden “socialists” on a mobile billboard outside of the Biden event, where Mucarsel-Powell also spoke. But those ads also didn’t discuss abortion. Instead, they focused on immigration — specifically, the death of Laken Riley, a Georgia nursing student who was killed, prosecutors say, by an immigrant who was in the country illegally.

Team Rick Scott welcome wagon for President Biden in Tampa. — Rick Scott (@ScottforFlorida) April 23, 2024

The Trump campaign also criticized Biden ahead of his visit on the border and the economy.

“Joe Biden and the Democrats are radically out of touch with the majority of Americans in their support for abortion up until birth,” Trump spokesperson Karoline Leavitt said in a statement Monday. (Biden’s team says he supports abortion until the point of fetal viability.) “Women want a President who will secure our nation’s borders, remove violent criminals from our neighborhoods, and build an economy that helps hardworking families thrive.”

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Biden also faced criticism from the left on Tuesday. Demonstrators critical of the United States’ support for Israel in its war with Hamas gathered outside the Tampa event.

Around 100 protesters gathered near the entrance to the event, chanting, “Biden, Biden, you can’t hide, you’re committing genocide,” and holding Palestinian flags. A handful of conservative protesters who oppose abortion also came out to the campus Tuesday.

Ali Abdel-Qader, 24, gathered with his friends to protest Biden’s event, saying protesters want to send a clear message to Biden that the Tampa community won’t tolerate what Abdel-Qader called an ongoing genocide.

“I’m Palestinian; these people are my brothers and sisters,” he said. “Biden is supplying Israel with weapons. This is a massacre that he is aiding and supporting.”

Seneca Bristol, 17, is president of the Voices of Florida Fund, which is organizing support for Florida’s abortion amendment. Bristol said the group was invited by Biden’s staff to participate in the event, but declined because of “everything Joe Biden has done in Palestine.”

Still, Biden is hoping his record on abortion will distinguish him from Trump and motivate people to turn out and vote. When he was president, Trump appointed three of the Supreme Court justices who overturned federal abortion protections. Biden’s administration has worked to safeguard access to the procedure, including by defending medication abortion in an ongoing U.S. Supreme Court case and by issuing an executive order that seeks to expand contraception access through federal health programs.

Will abortion be enough to carry Biden in expensive and increasingly conservative-leaning Florida?

A March survey conducted by Gallup found that voters are relatively unlikely to consider abortion their top issue. They’re far more likely to list the economy, immigration or the leadership of the country as top problems.

After the 15-minute speech, Biden and Florida Democratic Party chairperson Nikki Fried met for another several minutes with grassroots Democrats, including union officials, campaign volunteers and youth leaders. In a casual address, Biden focused much less on abortion than he did at the rally.

“We’ve got a lot more work to do. We’ve built the strongest economy in the world,” Biden said. “We’ve got to get inflation even further down.”

Biden reiterated his campaign’s talking point that “Florida’s in play nationally,” adding, “the momentum is clearly in our favor.”

Times reporters Romy Ellenbogen, Divya Kumar, Justin Garcia and Lesley Cosme Torres contributed to this report.

Kirby Wilson is a politics reporter, covering the leaders of Florida and explaining the political landscape. Reach him at [email protected].


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Elon Musk sitting in a Tesla car with the door open

Tesla shares under pressure after carmaker announces price cuts

CEO Elon Musk postpones India trip ahead of results expected to show worst performance in seven years

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Shares in Tesla came under pressure on Monday after the electric carmaker announced a round of price cuts ahead of a difficult set of results for the company’s chief executive, Elon Musk.

Tesla stock fell as much as 5% in early trading before recovering slightly to a deficit of 3.4% in the wake of the price reductions around the globe, including slashing the cost of three of its leading electric vehicles (EVs) and its self-driving software.

Musk revealed at the weekend that he had postponed a trip to India , including a planned meeting with the prime minister, Narendra Modi, because of “very heavy obligations” at the company.

The CEO faces a key conference call with the investment community on Tuesday, when Tesla’s latest quarterly figures are expected to reveal its worst performance in seven years.

Tesla’s results come amid slowing global demand for EVs and pressure on prices from Chinese rivals. The company has already indicated a poor first quarter in terms of sales, after it revealed this month that deliveries missed market expectations by about 13% .

Tesla attempted to boost demand for its EVs late on Friday by cutting the prices of three of its five models in the US, then went on to cut prices around the world over the weekend, including in China, the Middle East, Africa and Europe.

It cut the US prices of the Model Y, Tesla’s most popular model and the top-selling EV, and also of the older and more expensive Models X and S. Those cuts reduced the starting price for a Model Y to $42,990 (£34,874), and to $72,990 for a Model S and $77,990 for a Model X. It also slashed the US price of its Full Self-Driving driver assistance software from $12,000 to $8,000.

It also emerged on Friday that Tesla was recalling all 3,878 Cybertrucks it has shipped since the vehicle was released in late 2023 because of a faulty accelerator pedal. A filing from the US safety regulator said owners had reported that the pedal pad could come loose and get lodged in the interior trim, causing the vehicle to accelerate unintentionally, increasing the risk of a crash.

Dan Ives, the managing director of the US financial services firm Wedbush Securities, said investors’ reaction to the price cuts on Monday showed they were worried “Tesla is panicking”, as well as reflecting concerns that the reductions would hit margins – a measure of profitability.

Tesla has already reacted to the slowdown by cutting more than 10% of its global workforce , equivalent to at least 14,000 roles.

Musk faces questions on Tuesday about growth in China, plans for a cheaper electric car known as the Model 2 and whether a reported switch in focus to self-driving robotaxis will affect the project. Shares in Tesla have declined more than 40% so far this year. Analysts at Wedbush wrote last week that Tuesday’s conference call represented a “moment of truth” for Musk and Tesla.

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“While we have seen much more tenuous times in the Tesla story going back to 2015, 2018, 2020 … this time is clearly a bit different as for the first time many longtime Tesla believers are giving up on the story and throwing in the white towel,” Wedbush wrote in a note to investors.

Reuters reported this month that Tesla had halted development of the Model 2, prompting Musk to post on X that “Reuters is lying”, without citing any inaccuracies.

Musk said this weekend he would reschedule the India trip to a later date this year. He had been due to visit on 21 April and 22 April, where he had been expected to announce an investment of $2bn-3bn in India, according to Reuters, with the spending plans focused on building a new plant.

Musk’s now-postponed visit to Delhi had also been expected to include meetings with executives at space industry startups. The billionaire is awaiting Indian government regulatory approvals to begin offering his Starlink satellite broadband service in the country.

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