the craft of essay writing

The Craft of Essay Writing

Sep 09, 2014

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The Craft of Essay Writing. Think about essay writing as a craft. Don't expect to be good at it straight away. Break things down into tasks. Stages in writing an essay:. thinking about the title gathering material getting some ideas on paper organising ideas and material (plan)

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  • link words phrases
  • quoting nb square brackets


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The Craft of Essay Writing • Think about essay writing as a craft. • Don't expect to be good at it straight away. • Break things down into tasks.

Stages in writing an essay: • thinking about the title • gathering material • getting some ideas on paper • organising ideas and material (plan) • writing a first draft • reviewing the first draft (NB the title) • writing a final draft

Read around the subject • Break the wording of the title down into phrases and even singe words • study the title • sleep on it • make sure you fully understand it and get to grips with it before you move on.

gathering material • Look at course materials, notes and reading lists. • Research where appropriate.

getting ideas on paper • Brainstorm in groups, making individual notes, to get started? • Put notes to one side and write your thoughts... questions, cases for and against an argument. Don't be organised at this stage - just cover some paper with ideas. • NB The quality of the final essay is often directly linked to the richness and range of these initial, informal jottings (GASG). If you find it hard to find enough to write about in essays, put more effort into this phase.

organising ideas and materials • Begin by thinking in terms of an overview of the essay. Simple is best. • Remember you are creating an argument. • This is the phase in which it is best to decide what to leave out in order to stay within the word limit.

writing a first draft • This is where you must explain and link your ideas together into a coherent, logical argument. • Be experimental at this stage. • At this stage of the course you are trying to find your 'voice'. Practice would help here. Try writing for ten minutes every day, on any subject at all, quickly and without constraint. Then put it away and read over it later in the week, looking for places you feel that your 'voice' breaks through.

reviewing the first draft • Print out your draft when it is complete - it's easier to see faults on paper. • Leave it until the following day (or later) to review... this helps with objectivity. • Read it out loud (ideally to someone, even if they make no comment whatsoever):

reviewing the first draft • Do the sentences work? • Are the paragraph divisions appropriate and effective? • Have you given enough explanation for your reader? • Does the argument work? Have you signalled the main flow of your argument to the reader? • Have you answered the question in the title?

writing a final draft • Do print off a final draft and sleep on it. There are often trivial errors remaining after a major review. • The phases of essay writing need not be rigid, especially in the early stages. You may prefer to treat gathering ideas, organising ideas, and getting ideas on paper as a single phase. Or you may simply move back and for between the phases.

Signposts • Importance of link words & phrases... Even if, although, either... or, but however. • Exercise: have a look at a magazine article from SoS or similar and underline the link words. Notice how the writer forms his argument.

Pace • Vary sentence and paragraph lengths to make points stand out. • Be imaginative.

Making a case • Use references. • Quoting (NB square brackets and ellipsis); be precise. • Use illustration. • Use logic and reason.

The experience of writing • Revealing yourself - all the available examples are written by professionals. • Take advantage of criticism. • It's a poorly defined task. • The uncertain relationship with your tutor. • Being too close to see.

Use of the wordprocessor • using word in layout mode • inserting notes into text • NB Follow the Style Guide

The Conclusion • Useful exercise: prepare a word template with an imaginary title, one reference and one bibliography entry.

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Craft Essays

For most writers the task of writing is a question of content. What is this paper about? Who is the audience? Who are the experts? How do I use sources? What do I want my reader to remember? These are all good things. Important things.  Essential things. But writing should be about more than just content, it should also be about the process. How do we do this thing called writing? What are the places where good writing happens? What environment helps me to become a better writer? Why am I writing? For many writers—especially students—writing loses something essential in the focus on content. It loses the element of play and experimentation that is essential to good writing and good thinking. There is a sudden absence in the process. A lack of curiosity; an edge of anticipation. The nudge that spurs a writer to create something unique and satisfying. Not just for a teacher, but for themselves.  This is what all students of writing should strive for. The need to engage in the process of writing, not just once or twice, but again and again and again, until you have explored something important and holy and true about yourself and the world around you. So write. Write about writing, about what makes you want to take the leap onto the page. Write an essay; a short one, just a page or two about what makes you want to write, and how your students can engage with ideas and the world around them. Let us know what the practice of writing means to you. Give the reader advice on how to write. What has worked for you? Describe it in beautiful, fully rendered, poetic detail. Flesh out the world of writing that we want all of our students to see and engage in. People say that writing matters, that art nourishes, and that expression can feed the soul. Get busy, start cooking, and serve us up your very best meal.

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The Craft of Essay Writing - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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The Craft of Essay Writing

Make sure you fully understand it and get to grips with it ... using word in layout mode. inserting notes into text. nb follow the style guide. the conclusion ... – powerpoint ppt presentation.

  • Think about essay writing as a craft.
  • Don't expect to be good at it straight away.
  • Break things down into tasks.
  • thinking about the title
  • gathering material
  • getting some ideas on paper
  • organising ideas and material (plan)
  • writing a first draft
  • reviewing the first draft (NB the title)
  • writing a final draft
  • Break the wording of the title down into phrases and even singe words
  • study the title
  • sleep on it
  • make sure you fully understand it and get to grips with it before you move on.
  • Look at course materials, notes and reading lists.
  • Research where appropriate.
  • Brainstorm in groups, making individual notes, to get started?
  • Put notes to one side and write your thoughts... questions, cases for and against an argument. Don't be organised at this stage - just cover some paper with ideas.
  • NB The quality of the final essay is often directly linked to the richness and range of these initial, informal jottings (GASG). If you find it hard to find enough to write about in essays, put more effort into this phase.
  • Begin by thinking in terms of an overview of the essay. Simple is best.
  • Remember you are creating an argument.
  • This is the phase in which it is best to decide what to leave out in order to stay within the word limit.
  • This is where you must explain and link your ideas together into a coherent, logical argument.
  • Be experimental at this stage.
  • At this stage of the course you are trying to find your 'voice'. Practice would help here. Try writing for ten minutes every day, on any subject at all, quickly and without constraint. Then put it away and read over it later in the week, looking for places you feel that your 'voice' breaks through.
  • Print out your draft when it is complete - it's easier to see faults on paper.
  • Leave it until the following day (or later) to review... this helps with objectivity.
  • Read it out loud (ideally to someone, even if they make no comment whatsoever)
  • Do the sentences work?
  • Are the paragraph divisions appropriate and effective?
  • Have you given enough explanation for your reader?
  • Does the argument work? Have you signalled the main flow of your argument to the reader?
  • Have you answered the question in the title?
  • Do print off a final draft and sleep on it. There are often trivial errors remaining after a major review.
  • The phases of essay writing need not be rigid, especially in the early stages. You may prefer to treat gathering ideas, organising ideas, and getting ideas on paper as a single phase. Or you may simply move back and for between the phases.
  • Importance of link words phrases... Even if, although, either... or, but however.
  • Exercise have a look at a magazine article from SoS or similar and underline the link words. Notice how the writer forms his argument.
  • Vary sentence and paragraph lengths to make points stand out.
  • Be imaginative.
  • Use references.
  • Quoting (NB square brackets and ellipsis) be precise.
  • Use illustration.
  • Use logic and reason.
  • Revealing yourself - all the available examples are written by professionals.
  • Take advantage of criticism.
  • It's a poorly defined task.
  • The uncertain relationship with your tutor.
  • Being too close to see.
  • using word in layout mode
  • inserting notes into text
  • NB Follow the Style Guide
  • Useful exercise prepare a word template with an imaginary title, one reference and one bibliography entry. is a leading presentation sharing website. It has millions of presentations already uploaded and available with 1,000s more being uploaded by its users every day. Whatever your area of interest, here you’ll be able to find and view presentations you’ll love and possibly download. And, best of all, it is completely free and easy to use.

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Brevity craft merges with the brevity blog, why trans flash, against being good, how do you know when it’s done, the power of writing in threes: the triptych, three computational methods for writing nonfiction, ghost: the flash ending that appears from nowhere, writer and editor as creative collaborators, on the aside looking in, revising with lenses, craft and creative process: loosen science writing from technical grooves, ‘caught up in the jaws’: writing for theme, close encounters of the nonfiction kind, getting lost—and found—in personal narrative, the brevity blog.

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  • The One Topic I’ve Struggled to Write About
  • Writing as Real Life
  • My Poetry Background Helped Save My Memoir—But Not Before It Nearly Did It In
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