The Write Practice

ProWritingAid Review: Will This Grammar Checker Fix Your Writing Issues?

by Alice Sudlow | 2 comments

ProWritingAid is a grammar checker and style editor meant to help you improve your writing and become a better writer. How does it work? And would it be a useful tool for you? I tested it to find out, and I’ll break it all down for you in this ProWritingAid review.

ProWritingAid Review

Want to see ProWritingAid in action? Click here to learn more.

If you’ve ever written any piece of writing, you know that grammar mistakes are inevitable. They happen to the best of us: from pesky typos to not finding quite the right word to so many grammatical nuances it’s hard to keep track.

Of course, having an editor or a writing teacher always on hand to check those sticky sentences and correct all those mistakes would be ideal. (I’m an editor myself, so I’m a little biased, but it’s true.) There’s no replacing the knowledge and experience of a real, live human who understands how language works and who can help you communicate your ideas in the best way possible.

But if you don’t have access to an editor (or if you do, but you don’t want to hire them to edit your emails or Facebook posts), grammar checking software like the ProWritingAid Desktop App is an accessible, affordable online editing tool. (It also works as a browser extension: add it to Chrome, Windows, or Google Docs to simplify your workflow.)

An Editor's Review of ProWritingAid

I’ve heard great things about ProWritingAid from other writers I trust. As an editor, though, I was dubious. Could a piece of software really find all the errors in my writing? Could it really serve as a helpful substitute for a human editor? Would it help writers find and fix the problems in their writing and grow in their craft?

And I’ll admit too that I had one more question: could I write so perfectly that ProWritingAid would find nothing to critique?

I set out to test ProWritingAid myself and see how it works.

Before we get started, I wasn’t paid to write this review, but I do want to be fully transparent and let you know that the links in this article are affiliate links. If you sign up for ProWritingAid, it will help me be able to keep writing and sharing editing advice. Of course, this won’t affect your overall price, and it didn’t affect my decision on the program — like I said, I’m starting from a place of skepticism.

Take a look at ProWritingAid here. How does it stack up? Here’s what I’ve found.

ProWritingAid Review: The Basics

First, a brief overview: what is ProWritingAid?

ProWritingAid describes itself as “a grammar guru, style editor, and writing mentor in one package.” It’s a piece of writing software that acts as an intricate system of grammar checkers, spell checkers, and style checkers.

essay checker pro writing aid

ProWritingAid is designed for writers, editors, copywriters, students, and other professional writers. Whether you’re new to writing or a seasoned author, it has features that will give your writing a boost at every level.

It’s available in both a free version and a paid premium version. Of course, in the premium version, you’ll get significantly more options and support.

What features does it include? Let’s take a look.

Grammar and Spelling Checkers

This is the cornerstone of any writing aid software, and ProWritingAid delivers. It has robust grammar and spelling checkers, more thorough than even Microsoft Word.

Errors are underlined in red for spelling and blue for grammar. My favorite feature here is that when you mouse over the underlined text, a little box pops up with not only a suggested correction but also an explanation of why it suggests this correction at all.

essay checker pro writing aid

Plus, there’s a real-time error checker that will count up all the issues it finds and point you to them with a single click. If you're looking for spelling mistakes, it'll catch them. Grammar? Yup.

Don’t want to see how many issues it spots as you write? Turn it on or off at any time.

Customization for Your Writing Style

As an editor, one of the first questions I ask of any piece of writing is, who is this writing for? Who is the audience? And with that in mind, what’s the best approach for this piece?

A Facebook post, for instance, is casual and informal. A legal document, on the other hand, is very formal. Blog posts, novels, memos, emails, and essays all fall on a spectrum in between.

ProWritingAid is designed to adjust for your specific writing purpose. You can change your writing style at any time from a drop-down list of options:

Whether you’re writing a business report or a tweet, ProWritingAid will customize its suggestions for you.

More Than a Dictionary and Thesaurus

Most writing tools come with a built-in dictionary and thesaurus. ProWritingAid takes it a step further with a dictionary, a thesaurus, and a wide variety of word suggestion tools.

Looking for the perfect word for your English paper? Try the standard dictionary and thesaurus. Hover your cursor over any underlined word, and it will offer a list of alternate suggestions.

Writing poetry and need a lyrical line—or want to avoid overusing alliteration in a serious document? There’s an alliteration analysis for that.

Drafting a brilliant new story and want to make sure you haven’t relied on a slew of clichés? The cliché and redundancy report will catch them all.

Not sure if you’ve used the right there, their, or they’re? The homonym check will evaluate your word usage and correct any misplaced words.

With all these tools, you’ll be sure to use the right word at the right time all the time.

Robust Reports on Your Writing

So far, so good. To this point, I’ll admit I was feeling pretty confident in my ability as an editor to best ProWritingAid.

But here, it provided analysis that even I, for all my love of grammar, couldn’t gather without ProWritingAid’s help.

I mentioned several of ProWritingAid’s dictionaries, reports, and checkers above. Those barely scratch the surface of the tools ProWritingAid offers.

There are more than twenty reports you can use to analyze your writing in a variety of ways. I won’t cover them all, but I want to highlight a few of my favorites.

The Writing Style Report

After the grammar and spell check tools, this might be one of the most useful reports for quickly and easily cleaning up your prose. The Writing Style report evaluates your writing for adjustments that can enhance its readability. It identifies writing style elements like:

  • Passive voice
  • Hidden verbs
  • Overuse of adverbs
  • Repeated sentence beginnings

At a glance, it will show you exactly where you can make small tweaks to your writing that can improve the style and create a better experience for your readers.

essay checker pro writing aid

The Word Count and Sentence Length Report

Many writing tools include word counters, but the Sentence Length report is so much more powerful than that.

It will count the number of words and characters in your document, yes. But it will also count every word in every sentence and display them in an illuminating visual. You’ll see your average sentence length and how much your sentence length varies, and it will warn you of any particularly long sentences.

When you know what you mean to say, it can be hard to tell where readers won’t understand. The Sentence Length report is a helpful way to catch lines that might be confusing so you can break them apart.

essay checker pro writing aid

Three Reports to Beat Repetition

ProWritingAid includes not one, but three reports to help you catch any repetitive words.

The Overused Words report will mark any overused words, ones used so many times that they’ll definitely make readers pause. Plus, it will tell you how many instances to remove so they aren’t overused anymore. It will even compare your use with other published writing to help you see how your style stacks up against other similar works.

The All Repeats report will mark words and phrases up to four words long that you’ve used repeatedly throughout your text. They aren’t necessarily over used, but it’s helpful to be aware of anything you tend to repeat.

The Echoes report will mark any words or phrases that are repeated in close proximity to one another. It will also suggest alternative words you can use to break up the repetition.

essay checker pro writing aid

The Sentence Structure Report

The Sentence Structure report is one I personally find fascinating. It reviews all the ways you structure your sentences so you can see where you’re repeating certain syntax.

For instance, 37 percent of my sentences start with a subject, but none start with a gerund. That’s neither right nor wrong, but it gives me helpful direction for how to increase the variety in my writing.

essay checker pro writing aid

The Pacing Report

This is the kind of report I wasn’t expecting, but was so excited to find. The Pacing report is an amazing tool for creative writers.

Some backstory is good; too much, and you’ll start to bore your reader. This tool will identify any sections of your manuscript that slow the pace so you can see at a glance whether it’s too much or just right.

The Plagiarism Report

Plagiarism is a huge concern for writers, and the Plagiarism report will help put your mind to rest. ProWritingAid has scanned millions of articles, books, and academic papers, and it will analyze your writing for any lines that appear in other documents.

Unlike other ProWritingAid reports, the Plagiarism checker isn’t included in the typical Premium package. You can upgrade to Premium Plus for sixty plagiarism checks per year, or you can purchase checks to use as you need.

The House Report

Do you write for an organization that has a house stylebook? Do you want ProWritingAid to check for specific rules or patterns in your writing?

The House report is a blank report you can customize to be completely yours. Tell ProWritingAid what you want it to analyze, and it will produce a report.

Analyze to Your Heart’s Content

I’ve mentioned nine of ProWritingAid’s detailed reports above, but that’s not even half of what this tool can do. I encourage you to take a look at the full list here , or even sign up for a free trial so you can play around with it yourself.

With these reports, you can get as granular as you like in your writing analysis. Take a deep dive into readability with the Readability report, nitpick every inconsistent detail with the Consistency report, or simply correct grammar errors and move on with the Grammar report.

No matter what kind of writing you’re working on, there’s a report that will help you refine your piece and become a better writer.

Where to Use ProWritingAid

You can use the ProWritingAid editor directly on the ProWritingAid website. Draft your writing there in the editing tool, or copy and paste it in from another document.

But you’re not locked in to the ProWritingAid website. Whether you write in Microsoft Word, Google Docs, or Scrivener, you can download a plugin to bring ProWritingAid’s writing analysis to your preferred word processor.

Plus, download the Chrome browser extension, and your personal writing checker will follow you around the internet. No need to worry about typos in your Facebook statuses again!

ProWritingAid Free Vs. Premium

So what’s in the box? What do you get when you sign up for ProWritingAid?

Here’s the breakdown of the free versus premium versions.

It's worth noting that there is also an Expert tier that includes all the premium package benefits and unlimited rephrases.

The free version of ProWritingAid is a great place to start. Personally, I enjoy the flexibility and increased capacity that comes with the premium version.

What does it cost to go premium? ProWritingAid operates on a subscription model. You can choose to try it for a month or a year, or go all in with lifetime subscription access.

ProWritingAid also offers a fourteen-day refund policy. If you try it out and decide it won’t help you with your writing, you can cancel your subscription within two weeks and you’ll receive a full refund. ProWritingAid offers just one refund to every customer, so if you sign up a second time, make sure you’re sure!

The Editor’s Caveat

I’ll add one caveat here that I think is important to mention in any discussion of grammar checkers and writing tools.

Grammar checkers are meant to help you find spelling errors, grammatical mistakes, and style issues in your writing and offer possible solutions. ProWritingAid is remarkably good at understanding context and usage and suggesting the correct solutions. That said, like any online editor, it’s still important that when you use it, you consider each suggestion carefully and feel free to reject any that aren’t helpful.

No matter what grammar checker you choose, if you blanket accept every change it suggests, you will introduce new grammatical errors into your writing. In that sense, grammar checkers will never fully replace a good editor.

But they’ll get you a lot closer to a perfectly edited piece of writing. And ProWritingAid’s features go so far beyond grammar checking and style suggestions, I believe it’s a useful tool for any writer.

The Verdict: Would This Editor Recommend ProWritingAid?

I’ll be honest, I came in a skeptic. I believe strongly in the value of a good editor. Even with all the reports ProWritingAid offers, I don’t think there will ever be a full replacement for the professional editor.

That said, I was blown away by all the features included in ProWritingAid. Here's my honest ProWritingAid review: I think this is an incredibly helpful tool for writers at every level.

Ready to give ProWritingAid a try yourself and see how it improves your writing? Click to sign up.

If you’re new to writing, not sure how to find all your grammar errors, or want to practice your English language writing skills, ProWritingAid’s grammar and spelling checkers will help you find issues, correct them, and learn how to avoid them in the future.

If you’re looking to refine your writing style or vary your vocabulary, ProWritingAid’s robust style and word choice tools will help you take your writing to the next level.

And if you’re like me and believe you’ve advanced far beyond what a mere writing tool could teach you, I’d encourage you to take another look. I love seeing the granular breakdown of my writing sentence-by-sentence and word-by-word. ProWritingAid identifies patterns I didn’t recognize in my own writing, so I can understand my personal style better and adjust as I like.

Whether you want an automatic tool to find and correct grammar and spelling, a teaching device to help you master grammar rules, or a style checker to help you refine your prose in more than a dozen different ways, ProWritingAid will give you the feedback you need. Try it out as a part of your writing process and see what you think. 

Ready to give it a try? Sign up here and get an exclusive discount for Write Practice readers.

Do you use ProWritingAid? Do you have any favorite features I’ve missed? Let us know in the comments.

I mentioned above that through ProWritingAid, I learned that 37 percent of my sentences start with a subject. What if all your sentences started with a subject? Your challenge today is to write a new piece based on this prompt:

She wanted water, but it was just out of reach.

Can you start every sentence with a subject?

Write for fifteen minutes .

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Alice Sudlow

Alice Sudlow is the Editor-in-Chief of The Write Practice and a Story Grid certified developmental editor. Her specialty is in crafting transformative character arcs in young adult novels. She also has a keen eye for comma splices, misplaced hyphens, and well-turned sentences, and is known for her eagle-eyed copywriter skills. Get her free guide to how to edit your novel at .

essay checker pro writing aid

Thank you, Alice, for the review. I use the paid version of ProWritingAid and find it very useful. It does not catch everything, but it catches most. I purchased a lifetime subscription during a sale, and that saved me a significant amount of money. That purchase has paid for itself many times over. ProWritingAid is a useful tool.

Tom Housden

I have the ProWritingAid plug-in for Word. If I use the web interface, can I copy and paste, or is it okay to use it in Word?


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ProWritingAid Review: Is this Grammarly for Serious Writers?

ProWritingAid is a writing tool that aims to help you improve your writing by flagging grammar, spelling, and other writing errors or weaknesses in your text and suggesting appropriate remedies. It’s available as a browser extension, an online web editor, a desktop app, and an add-on feature for Office and Google Docs.

This review will go over ProWritingAid’s functions, accuracy, cost, and how it stacks up against the competition. At the end, we’ll also provide a discount code for 20% off any subscription if you’re ready to take the plunge. But first, here's a quick summary:

Given its functions and its broad compatibility with other writing platforms, ProWritingAid is considered one of the best alternatives to Grammarly . In fact, the “Grammarly vs. ProWritingAid” question is a hot topic in the realm of grammar checkers — one which we will address later on in the post. Before we get there, let’s dive into the nitty-gritty of ProWritingAid’s functions and costs. 

For the full user experience, you have to subscribe to ProWritingAid’s Premium plan.  Beyond the basic real-time grammar and spelling checks, this package gives you access to the desktop app, where documents of various formats (Scrivener files included!) can be imported and scanned for a range of different reports. We’ll go over these features below. 

Real-time grammar, spelling, and stylistic suggestions   

Real-time suggestions are the bare minimum you should expect of any grammar app. With a real-time function and browser extensions, ProWritingAid follows whatever you type and underlines words and phrases that it thinks can do with some improvement as you go. The suggestions are color-coded for your ease of use:

  • Spelling mistakes in red; 
  • Grammatical errors in blue; 
  • Sticky words and crutch words in yellow; 
  • Passive voice in purple. 

You can then hover your mouse over the underlined word or phrase, and a list of suggestions for improvements will appear. Whether you make a correction or ignore these suggestions is entirely up to you. 

This real-time function can be used on multiple platforms, including Word, Google Docs, and our free writing tool, the Reedsy Book Editor (which also provides a real-time spell-checker). 

ProWritingAid | Used with the Reedsy Book Editor

You can also update the app’s dictionary and language preferences to suit your needs, i.e., to include the spelling of names that are not common in English or to follow British spelling and punctuation rules rather than American ones. 

Be aware, though, that not every suggestion that ProWritingAid makes will be correct — particularly regarding grammar. This, of course, is an AI limitation shared by all of PWA’s competitors.

ProWritingAid | Grammar Mistake Made by App

As such, it’s important to remember that even though ProWritingAid is good at spotting breaks from standard English syntax, it can’t replace actual human insight into the nuances of the language. It is helpful in that it visibly highlights potential mistakes. However, you still need to make a judgment call yourself on whether to act on suggested fixes or work with a professional editor with enough expertise. 

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In-app explanations are a great educational tool

If the app only makes suggestions and you still have to exercise some personal judgment, is it actually that helpful? Google Docs and Microsoft Word have grammar- and spell-checking features, while the Hemingway App also provides sentence length and passive voice recommendations. What might make a writer want to use ProWritingAid more than these other writing apps ?

Well, the added benefit of this particular tool is its focus on educating the user. Rather than expecting you to make sense of its suggestions on your own, every underlined instance briefly explains why it’s flagged. For a more extensive learning experience, you can access videos and quizzes in the desktop version. That way, you can feel better equipped to make an informed decision as you self-edit your work!

ProWritingAid | In-app Explanations for Mistakes

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Specific reports to tighten your prose 

All that said, the real thing that sets ProWritingAid apart from other programs is the range of reports that it offers. With the Premium plan, you get access to 20+ reports on different aspects of your document. Below are some of the reports available which go beyond the usual grammatical recommendations. 

  • Pacing Check: looking at paragraph length and use of dialogue to flag potential slow-paced sections
  • Readability Report: using the Flesch Reading Score’s scale to detect purple prose  
  • Dialogue Tags Check : highlighting unusual/inappropriate dialogue tags or opportunities to show, rather than tell  
  • Diction Report: flagging up instances of vague words that make sentences unnecessarily long and inefficient 

When you choose your desired report, suggestions for that particular facet of the writing craft will show up via underlines throughout your document — just as with basic errors in the real-time editor. 

With these reports, you can see why ProWritingAid claims to be a writing mentor as well as a grammar checker. What's more, the reports are fit for many purposes: the Pacing and Dialogue Tag Checks will be best appreciated by novelists , while copywriters might find more use in the Readability Report. 

However, remember that these are computer-generated recommendations, so they can sometimes be formulaic and unsuited to the context. The heftiness of the program also means the app can sometimes be slow or even crash, especially if you’re using the Web Editor rather than the desktop app and you’ve imported a heavy file. 

Plagiarism checks available on demand

The final ProWritingAid feature we want to highlight is its plagiarism detection tool. It scans your document for any sentences similar to existing sources, either written by others or yourself, so that you can either rephrase or add accurate references. The similarity is measured in percentage so you can know how far you need to adjust your writing. 

With the Premium subscription plan, you’ll have to top-up your plagiarism checking credit, the minimum amount for which is $10. With that, you get 10 checks, and each check covers a maximum of 2,000 words — the more credit you buy, the lower the price of each check. 

This added extra can be a convenient tool for any writer who wants to publish something, be it books, magazine articles, or academic papers. In any case, it's a helpful add-on for anyone who needs it on top of the editing suggestions. 

Plans available for all budget levels

Thus far, we’ve reviewed the Premium plan features since it’s the plan that would probably be the most useful to most writers. But you might be glad to know that there is also a feature-light, free version of ProWritingAid and a super-premium package for those feeling a bit flush. 

The most crucial difference between the free and Premium plan is access to the downloadable desktop app, which tends to be better for long-form writers because:

  • It’s less likely to crash due to document size than the browser version 
  • It can import and export documents in a wider variety of files, including Scrivener and Final Draft ones (the Web Editor only exports Word documents) 

The free version may suffice if you’re just writing for communication purposes (i.e., emails, presentations, short articles). But if you’re working on a lengthier project and you think you can benefit from this writing tool’s features, then the Premium plan is the way to go. 

The Premium Plus plan is similar to the Premium one, only with 60 plagiarism checks per month. Academic writers who regularly rely on these kinds of checks might find this package handy. 

20% off ProWritingAid Subscriptions

For readers of the Reedsy Blog, we’ve secured a discount of 20% off any ProWritingAid subscription! To take advantage of this rate, sign up with this unique link . 

ProWritingAid vs Grammarly

Now that we’ve covered the functions and pricing of ProWritingAid, it’s time to address the elephant in the room: how does this app compare to the grammar-checking giant Grammarly? Both are grammar checkers with free and premium plans, compatible with various platforms, and offer a desktop app. 

However, some key differences between the two might mean that one is better suited for authors and long-form writers.  

While Grammarly tends to be more accurate in its suggestions, its criteria for good writing are based mainly on how concise and efficient the text is. Unlike ProWritingAid, Grammarly is not designed to consider pacing, dialogue, and more complex aspects of the craft — as we explain more in detail in our Grammarly review .

Naturally, Grammarly thus has fewer features, even though its premium plan costs more than ProWritingAid. If you use our discount code, then the monthly subscription for the latter will only be about half the former’s!

So if you’re a writer, and you work with long texts that you’re planning on publishing, then ProWritingAid might be the more suitable option. If you want help polishing your day-to-day professional writing, Grammarly could be the way to go. 

Is ProWritingAid right for you?

If you’re still uncertain if ProWritingAid is a good fit, this 30-second quiz can provide a quick recommendation as to what writing tool will suit your needs best!

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Generally, there are several situations in which ProWritingAid can be helpful:

  • When you’re drafting your book on Scrivener and want to polish your prose as you go;
  • When you’re revising a draft before sending it for review from an editor or a peer. 

Regardless, you should try to see ProWritingAid like a pair of special glasses — ones that scan your document, highlight potential errors, and recommend amendments. These “glasses'' might help you combat the weariness of re-reading and correcting your writing by preventing things from slipping through the cracks. However, there limits to the correcting power of such a tool. Your ProWritingAid goggles cannot be used instead of a professional editor if you’re preparing your manuscript for publication. 

Hopefully, this comprehensive breakdown has given you a clear idea of what ProWritingAid offers and that you’ll find the appropriate assistance for perfecting your draft! 

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ProWritingAid Review: Honest AI Grammar Check Insight

Welcome to my objective review of ProWritingAid, a tool that has piqued the interest of writers, editors, and grammar enthusiasts. In this article, I’ll share my personal experiences and insights into this AI grammar check tool, aiming to provide a comprehensive overview of its features, usability, and value. So, if you’re curious about how ProWritingAid can enhance your writing experience, read on!

Exploring ProWritingAid’s Sphere

The genesis of prowritingaid, prowritingaid’s innovative tools, evaluating prowritingaid’s packages, areas for improvement in prowritingaid, user experience: a journey with prowritingaid, considerations before choosing prowritingaid, concluding thoughts on prowritingaid.

ProWritingAid's website screenshot highlighting AI Grammar Check Revolution.

A Revolutionary Field: ProWritingAid Review Insights

ProWritingAid has carved its niche in the groundbreaking field of AI-driven writing enhancement. It’s a realm where technology and linguistics merge, striving to transform the paradigms of writing and editing, becoming a lighthouse for writers and editors.

The Essence of ProWritingAid: More than a Grammar Checker

In this domain, ProWritingAid excels by concentrating on the true essence of writing. It’s not merely a prowritingaid grammar checker or a simple AI grammar check tool; it’s about enriching the overall writing experience, ensuring every piece of content is polished and refined.

Impact on the Writing Community: Elevating Standards

The influence of ProWritingAid in the writing community is significant. It’s not just a grammar check AI or a plagiarism checker; it’s a companion that enables writers to articulate their thoughts more clearly and effectively, raising the bar for content quality in the literary world.

A woman with a glowing head and a book laying on a table showcasing AI Grammar Check

Birth of a Vision: ProWritingAid Reviews Illuminate the Journey

ProWritingAid was conceived with a clear and profound vision: to develop a platform that could address the myriad needs of writers, offering comprehensive solutions to the myriad challenges encountered in writing.

A Beacon for Writers: ProWritingAid Grammar Checker

It emerged as a beacon, illuminating the path for writers seeking to hone their craft. It wasn’t just about creating another AI grammar check tool; it was about crafting a holistic experience that could revolutionize writing.

Transforming the Literary Landscape: A Comprehensive Companion

ProWritingAid has transformed the literary landscape, not just as a grammar check AI but as a comprehensive companion in the writing journey, enabling writers to express themselves with clarity, coherence, and impact.

A boy standing in an animated world full of paper showcasing AI Grammar Check

Grammar Checker: A Writer’s Best Friend

ProWritingAid’s Grammar Checker is not just another tool; it’s a writer’s companion, ensuring every piece is polished to perfection. It goes beyond simple corrections, offering suggestions to enhance clarity and coherence, making it a favorite among users.

Plagiarism Checker: Integrity and Originality

The Plagiarism Checker is a testament to ProWritingAid’s commitment to maintaining integrity and originality in writing. It’s not just about avoiding duplication; it’s about fostering creativity and ensuring each piece is uniquely yours.

AI-Powered Analysis: Expertise at Your Fingertips

ProWritingAid combines AI-powered analysis with human expertise, delivering thousands of improvements with a click. Whether it’s a cover letter or a fantasy epic, ProWritingAid offers expert advice, making every piece unforgettable and allowing you to write like an expert without extensive effort.

Integrations: Seamless Writing Experience

ProWritingAid offers integrations with various platforms like Google Docs and Microsoft Office, ensuring a seamless writing experience. It’s about saving time and enhancing convenience, enabling you to focus on expressing your ideas and stories with confidence.

Masterclasses and Tips: Learning from the Best

ProWritingAid provides masterclasses, tips, and inspiration from top writing experts, including college professors and bestselling authors. It’s not just about correcting; it’s about learning and growing as a writer, making every piece a masterpiece.

User Experience: Confidence in Every Word

With ProWritingAid, you can share your writing with confidence, knowing it’s been refined to its best version. It’s not just a prowritingaid review; it’s a journey of continuous improvement, making you proud of every word you write.

ProWritingAid AI Grammar Check pricing packages.

Free Package: A Taste of ProWritingAid

ProWritingAid’s Free package offers basic writing suggestions and is available everywhere you write. It has a 500-word count limit and provides 10 rephrases per day, focusing on grammar, spelling, and punctuation. It’s a glimpse into the world of ProWritingAid, allowing you to try before you buy.

Premium Package: Unleashing Full Potential

The Premium package is priced at $30 per month, billed yearly at $120, and it unlocks the full power of ProWritingAid with no limits. It includes everything in the Free package plus unlimited word count, advanced style improvements, and 24+ writing analysis reports, making it a comprehensive choice for writers.

Lifetime Package: A Long-term Companion

For those desiring a perpetual ally in their literary endeavors, the Lifetime package, priced at $399, is the optimal choice. It extends all the perks of the Premium package with a one-time payment, guaranteeing limitless access to ProWritingAid’s innovative features for a lifetime.

My Take on ProWritingAid’s Pricing

In my opinion, ProWritingAid’s pricing is reasonable, considering the extensive features and benefits it offers. The diverse packages cater to different needs and budgets, allowing writers to choose according to their preferences. The value derived from enhanced writing experiences justifies the investment, making it a worthwhile companion for every writer.

A man sitting on top of piles of books showcasing AI Grammar Check

Enhancing User Interface Responsiveness

In my experience, ProWritingAid could benefit from enhancing the responsiveness of its user interface. There were instances where clicking or hovering over underlined areas didn’t always pull up suggestions, impacting the overall user experience.

Expansion to Multiple Languages

I believe ProWritingAid could expand its reach by offering support for multiple languages. Currently, it’s available only in English, limiting its accessibility to non-English speakers and writers who could greatly benefit from such a comprehensive tool.

Intuitive Feature Integration

Lastly, integrating more intuitive and user-friendly features could elevate ProWritingAid’s usability. While the existing tools are revolutionary, the addition of more innovative features could make the platform even more versatile and accommodating to the diverse needs of writers.

A green typewriter surrounded by a pile of paper showcasing AI Grammar Check

Catering to All: Novice to Pro

ProWritingAid is designed to be user-friendly, catering to both seasoned and novice writers. Its intuitive interface and comprehensive features make the writing process smoother and more enjoyable, regardless of the user’s experience level.

Empowering Users: Confidence in Writing

The platform empowers users to write with confidence, offering support and enhancements at every step. It’s not just about correcting; it’s about learning and growing, making users feel supported and confident in their writing journey.

Seamless Integration: Enhancing Convenience

ProWritingAid’s seamless integrations with various platforms ensure a hassle-free writing experience. Whether it’s Google Docs or Microsoft Office, the platform enhances convenience, allowing users to focus more on expressing their ideas and stories.

Aligning with Needs: Finding the Right Fit

Before choosing ProWritingAid, it’s crucial to consider whether it corresponds with your specific needs and preferences. It’s about finding a tool that complements your writing style and assists you in achieving your writing goals effectively.

Evaluating Features: Beyond the Basics

It’s essential to look beyond the basic features and evaluate the advanced functionalities ProWritingAid offers. Consider whether the additional features will genuinely enhance your writing experience and if they are worth the investment.

Assessing Value: Balancing Cost and Benefit

Lastly, assess the value ProWritingAid brings to your writing journey. Evaluate the cost against the benefits and enhancements it offers to your writing. It’s about ensuring that the investment you make is justified by the value you receive.

A Versatile Companion in Writing

In conclusion, ProWritingAid is more than just a writing tool; it’s a versatile companion that offers a range of innovative features, making every writing experience enriching and enjoyable and every piece a potential masterpiece.

Personal Reflection: A Valuable Asset

From my perspective, ProWritingAid is a valuable asset for any writer, blending functionality with user-friendly design. It’s not just about correcting errors; it’s about refining your writing and learning along the way.

Final Verdict: A Worthwhile Investment

My final verdict? ProWritingAid is a worthwhile investment for anyone looking to enhance their writing. It’s a blend of innovation and convenience, making the writing process not just easier but also more rewarding.

* ProWritingAid is only one of several AI Grammar Check options available for you. Click on the link to read some information about the best AI Grammar Check out there.

ProWritingAid FAQs: Your Questions Answered

In this section, we address the most frequently asked questions about ProWritingAid, providing clear and concise answers to satisfy your curiosity and resolve any uncertainties you might have about the platform.

Question: What makes ProWritingAid stand out among other writing tools?

Answer: ProWritingAid excels due to its comprehensive suite of features, including advanced grammar check AI and plagiarism checker, making it a versatile companion for writers. It’s not just a tool; it’s a holistic writing experience that goes beyond simple corrections, offering in-depth insights and suggestions to improve overall writing quality.

Question: How user-friendly is ProWritingAid for beginners?

Question: Is ProWritingAid worth the investment?

Question: How reliable is ProWritingAid’s Plagiarism Checker?

Question: Can ProWritingAid help improve my writing style?

Question: Is ProWritingAid suitable for professional writers?

Question: How does ProWritingAid compare to other AI grammar check tools?

Question: Can I integrate ProWritingAid with other writing platforms?

Question: Can ProWritingAid help me grow as a writer?

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ProWritingAid Review Hero

TechRadar Verdict

ProWritingAid is great for those who’re serious about their writing and want to make sure that they’re doing everything in their power to improve it. It provides various suggestions, many of which are not immediately obvious even for some experienced writers, and it does so through a clean, intuitive interface. The application is loaded with features, and doesn’t take too long to get used to. It’s a great writing assist tool for both experienced writers and beginners alike, although experts might be a bit disappointed with its overall features compared to alternatives like Grammarly.

Easy to get started

Great feedback

Doesn’t cost much

Some features are not on par with competitors like Grammarly

Why you can trust TechRadar We spend hours testing every product or service we review, so you can be sure you’re buying the best. Find out more about how we test.

There is a huge market for assist tools of various types nowadays, and many professionals rely on them heavily for their daily work. The complexity and features of those tools vary across the board, but the general idea is the same – they help you get the most out of your work by pointing out areas for improvement. Writing is a field that’s seen lots of these solutions in recent years, which is a refreshing change after being dominated by Grammarly for so long.

ProWritingAid is a competitor to Grammarly that’s established its own place on the market, with a steady base of users that follow its development. This writing tool is more expensive than Grammarly, but at the same time leaves something to be desired in terms of features and usability in comparison. Grammarly is still the market leader, but ProWritingAid is not to be underestimated either, as it offers healthy competition.


Plans and pricing

The application is offered with several subscription options – you can either pay monthly, yearly, or make a one-time payment for a permanent subscription. The last option costs $399, while a monthly subscription is $20, or $6.58 with the annual plan . It’s a good idea to give the monthly plans a try before committing to a longer-running option, even though the annual subscription can be quite alluring with its huge discount.

The one-time payment option is a mixed bag, depending on what specifically you’re looking for. Some people might get their money’s worth very quickly, while for others it would make more economic sense to stick to a monthly subscription, or even switch to a cheaper service like Grammarly. ProWritingAid is clearly aimed at users who do a lot of writing on a regular basis, so if you only need it for occasional corrections and check-ups, you should probably look at an alternative option.


The application offers various features to help you get your point across more clearly and concisely. It evaluates your writing in multiple aspects, including overall readability, sentence length, use of passive voice, and other features which are common in similar tools. You have easy access to tools for checking your grammar and style, a thesaurus for quick reference, and an overview of issues like overused words and phrases, repetition, awkward phrasing, and more.

Summary Report

The application will look into how you’re transitioning between different sections of your work as well. Some of the tools are clearly aimed at specific types of writers. Those doing creative work will likely benefit from ProWritingAid more than those working on technical texts, for example. It’s important to keep this in mind, as some of the suggestions you’ll receive might not be exactly aligned with your intended style. 


Interface and in use

The program works in a browser , and doesn’t require any powerful hardware to run. This is nothing new in this corner of the market, as many other popular programs of this type work in a similar manner. The interface is nice and clean, and everything is where you would expect to find it. It doesn’t take too long to get used to the way ProWritingAid works, and if you’re coming from other similar programs, it should feel quite familiar to you right from the start. Some elements might seem a bit too big, but that’s a minor issue, and one that can be addressed to some extent with the use of your browser’s zoom feature. In fact, some users apparently use it at 80-90% scale by default, so give that a try and see how it works for you.


The company offers an extensive knowledge base, as well as several extra features that bring them closer to their community. You can take advantage of various tutorials for improving your writing, and even submit a feature request and see where it goes. Keep in mind that the popularity of ProWritingAid means that you will probably face a lot of competition if you do want to put in a feature request, so don’t be disheartened if it looks like they aren’t paying much attention to your idea.

The competition

Grammarly is the most direct competitor to ProWritingAid right now, and comparing the two is not very straightforward, as they both serve somewhat different purposes. ProWritingAid is aimed at heavier users who frequently need to verify their writing and take advantage of batch tools and similar features. Grammarly, on the other hand, is more suitable for the everyday writer who occasionally needs to check something, as well as those who need its specific features. If the pricing plans of ProWritingAid look too expensive for your needs, definitely check what the rest of the market has to offer.

Final verdict

ProWritingAid is a competent entry into a market that’s becoming quite busy lately. It faces serious competition from Grammarly, but still manages to hold its own, and stands out without too many issues. If you can afford it, it’s definitely worth spending some extra cash on. Make sure to check what Grammarly has to offer in comparison though, as you might find it perfectly suitable for your specific needs.

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Stefan Ionescu

Stefan has always been a lover of tech. He graduated with an MSc in geological engineering but soon discovered he had a knack for writing instead. So he decided to combine his newfound and life-long passions to become a technology writer. As a freelance content writer, Stefan can break down complex technological topics, making them easily digestible for the lay audience.

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ProWritingAid: Grammar Checker & Paraphrasing Tool

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App comparisons

ProWritingAid vs. Grammarly: Which app should you use?

Hero image with the Grammarly and ProWritingAid logos

Everyone's a writer in some shape or form. Whether sending a message, posting a social update, sharing your opinion, or publishing a novel, we communicate through writing. Often we don't think twice about how we write, which sometimes leads to miscommunication. But other times, we know that our writing needs to be spot on. 

I've tested and written about Grammarly and ProWritingAid previously. And although I've used Grammarly almost daily throughout my writing career, I was keen to see how the two apps fared in a direct comparison. So, for this article, I signed up and tested each platform. I spent time running various scenarios to see how they stacked up against each other. And here's my verdict.

Grammarly is slightly easier to use

Both apps offer extensive customization options 

ProWritingAid wins hands-down on analysis reports

Grammarly has better rephrasing tools

Both apps integrate nicely with other platforms

Grammarly has a better free plan

Grammarly vs. ProWritingAid at a glance

Here's a quick comparison table to get you started, but keep reading for details about the various features and my experience using each app. Or you can scroll to the end for a quick summary of which AI grammar checker will be best for you.

A quick word about accuracy

Both of these apps are running on top of large language models (LLMs) —they're not trained identically, but the accuracy will be subjective no matter how you slice it. Here are a few examples highlighting the quirks in accuracy.

Both apps flag different unknown words or misspellings. For example, ProWritingAid flags "underworked" as a misspelling and suggests "under-worked" as a replacement. 

ProWritingAid correcting "underworked" to "under-worked"

Grammarly, on the other hand, thinks it's spelled correctly:

Grammarly not correcting "underworked"

(And I'd be inclined to agree. As does Merriam-Webster .)

Sometimes, though, the apps agree. Take this sentence, for example: "Now that you know about Asana's work management features, you might be wondering what you should look for when choosing a work management tool." Both apps think it might be unclear and suggest changing "you might be wondering what you should" to "you might wonder what."

ProWritingAid suggesting "might wonder"

All this goes to show that, although these apps are great, you have to question and check anything that looks untoward. Don't go accepting every suggestion from either app.

And because it's subjective in any case, I'm going to focus on the features of the apps, not the accuracy of the suggestions.

Grammarly and ProWritingAid are available in various flavors, including desktop, mobile, web browsers, apps, and plugins. More on these later—for now, I'll focus on the web apps.

Here's Grammarly's editor.

Grammarly's editor

And here's ProWritingAid's editor.

ProWritingAid's editor

In my opinion, Grammarly has a cleaner, less-cluttered interface (although you can hide the top and side menus in ProWritingAid). Both apps highlight errors in-line, and in terms of using and accepting suggestions, there's not much difference between the apps. You work through the document, and accept or ignore the recommendations.

One niggle with ProWritingAid: every time you switch reports, like going from grammar to style, it recalculates all the real-time errors again (top left), which seems excessive. And one time, it froze completely when renaming a file.

Switching reports on ProWritingAid

Grammarly, on the other hand, toggles instantly. 

So, overall, even though it's a subtle difference, I found Grammarly more stable and slightly easier to use than ProWritingAid.

Both apps offer extensive customization options

Grammarly and ProWritingAid both have loads of customization options, which is especially important in a business setting. You can add a personal dictionary, for example, and customize the editor settings to fit your writing preferences. There's an extensive range of options on both, including things like:

Use consistent capitalization

Use a consistent style of abbreviation

Avoid using very complex sentences

Avoid using the passive voice

Avoid using clutter words

In ProWringAid, you check the boxes and select the dropdown option, though it gives you a little more flexibility in terms of where the customizations are implemented. You can see in the screenshot below, for example, that the passive voice checker is turned off for documents categorized as academic papers.

ProWritingAid's customization options

On Grammarly, you can apply broad-strokes goals to each article (more on that in a bit), but you toggle the settings on and off universally. 

Grammarly's customization options

They also differ a bit in how they apply the rules. ProWritingAid seems more rigorous. For example, it flags this sentence as complex.

ProWritingAid marking a sentence as complex

Whereas Grammarly doesn't, for the same sentence.

Grammarly not marking a sentence as complex

Again, just because the app suggests a sentence is complex, doesn't mean it is. The AI algorithms make their recommendations based on their vast training data. You should have a clearer idea of what your audience can handle—it's just that ProWritingAid seems to follow its rules more closely.

Back to those goals I mentioned: before you begin editing your work, both apps let you set goals for the piece, so the algorithms make valid suggestions. For instance, you wouldn't apply academic writing rules to your social media posts.

Grammarly offers four writing goals—domain, intent, audience, and formality—to tailor your writing suggestions, which you can set at the start of each piece.

Setting goals in Grammarly for each piece

ProWritingAid has more refinement on the domain. For example, you can select general, long, or short web content (and there are more types of writing to choose from), but doesn't include the other goals.

Setting the content type in ProWritingAid

One isn't necessarily better than the other—it's just a matter of whether it offers what you're looking for as a writer.

Part of why ProWritingAid has a bit more of a learning curve is that it focuses heavily on reports covering grammar, style, readability, consistency, and plenty of other things.

ProWritingAid reports

You can get reports on almost every aspect of your writing. Things like:

Vague wording 

Sentence length variation

Over-dependence on adverbs

Passive voice

Over-complicated sentence constructions

… and many more. Just take a peek at the screenshot above.

The idea here is that you'll become more aware of the mistakes that you make and be able to take steps to fix those problems and become a better writer—it's like having a real-life writing coach working beside you. 

For example, you can use the Sentence Length Check report to see where you have lots of long sentences—or too many sentences around the same length. Then take steps to vary the sentence length throughout your document and keep readers engaged.

ProWritingAid Sentence Length Check report

And the next time you write, hopefully you'll be thinking more about sentence length, so you can nail the report this time around.

Grammarly takes a more conservative approach. You can click on your overall performance score in the right-hand menu, and download a PDF report for further analysis, but it's nowhere near as extensive as the ProWritingAid reports.

Grammarly's PDF report

Grammarly has better (beta) rephrasing tools

Both apps currently have beta versions of their rephrasing or rewriting tools.

GrammarlyGO is Grammarly's new generative AI tool, which includes rephrasing. Simply highlight your text and click the pen icon for suggestions to improve it.

GrammarlyGO, Grammarly's generative AI tool

You can also select to shorten it, make it assertive or more confident, and many more variations, which you can see in the screenshot below. 

GrammarlyGO's options for rephrasing

In ProWritingAid, if you select the rephrase tool from the top menu, it underlines every sentence that can be rephrased—100% in this example—and you choose which sentence you want to tackle.

ProWritingAid's rephrasing suggestions, which underlined the whole text

(To me, that looks a little overwhelming. In effect, it's offering to rewrite the entire document. Imagine if you had a 50,000-word novel to trawl through!) 

When you select a sentence, ProWritingAid suggests four or five alternatives. But there are no further options like Grammarly to tailor the rephrasing.

ProWritingAid's rephrasing outputs

So, in their current state, I'd say Grammarly's rephrasing tool is more beneficial and practical than ProWritingAid's.

Both apps integrate well with other platforms

Although neither app integrates directly with Zapier , both work with other tools through multiple desktop and mobile platforms, web browsers, apps, and plugins.

Depending on your writing needs, there's definitely a case for using the integrations over the standard editors. For example, checking and enhancing an email or social media post with the browser extension is much quicker than copying and pasting text into the main app editor.

Grammarly works across 500,000+ apps, websites, browsers, and devices, checking grammar, spelling, punctuation, clarity, conciseness, and adjusting tone. 

Grammarly for Mac and Windows works on apps, word processors, email clients, and social media platforms, including Gmail, Outlook, Mail, Teams, Word, Notion, LinkedIn, Slack, Discord, and Salesforce. It also works in some browser apps, such as Gmail, but not Google Docs.

Grammarly browser extensions for Chrome, Safari, Firefox, and Edge provide real-time writing suggestions on Gmail, Google Docs, Twitter, LinkedIn, and everywhere else you write online.

Grammarly Keyboard integrates with your iOS and Android mobile apps to improve tone and eliminate mistakes in every email, message, and post you write.

ProWritingAid doesn't have a mobile app, but it does work with thousands of tools.

ProWritingAid Everywhere for Windows and Mac provides suggestions for numerous desktop apps, including Outlook, Word, PowerPoint, Mail, Pages, Evernote, LibreOffice Writer, Scrivener, Slite, Slack, Discord, and WhatsApp. 

Note: Beta for Mac doesn't fully support all apps yet. For example, Word only checks text in the currently visible window.

ProWritingAid browser extensions for Chrome, Safari, Firefox, and Edge provide real-time spelling and grammar checks in Gmail, Google Docs, WhatsApp, and more.

Note: The Google Docs add-in works better than the browser extension.

Both apps provide an API, so developers can bring real-time writing support to their software.

Grammarly has a more generous free plan (its paid plans are pricier but include a plagiarism checker)

At first glance, ProWritingAid's pricing plans appear more competitive, but there's a twist in the tale. Here's the score:

Both apps offer a free version that provides basic writing suggestions. ProWritingAid restricts usage to 500 words and 10 rephrases per day, while Grammarly has no restrictions and also includes tone detection.

For serious editing, you need the premium plans , and ProWritingAid has some great options. Although both apps start at $30/month, ProWritingAid has attractive $120/year or $399/lifetime packages. Grammarly is pricier at $60/quarter or $144/year.

But bear in mind that Grammarly's paid plans already include a plagiarism checker . Whereas with ProWritingAid, you'll need to purchase plagiarism checks as an add-on starting from $10 for 10 checks.

Suppose you want team plans for your business. In that case, Grammarly is slightly more expensive at $15/member/month (minimum 3 members) than ProWritingAid at $12/user/month (minimum 2 users). Both apps offer licenses for academic institutions, and individual students can also get 20% off ProWritingAid.

Grammarly vs. ProWritingAid: Which should you use?

After spending significant time testing Grammarly and ProWritingAid, I can confidently say that both of these apps are excellent—it's just a case of deciding which one meets your requirements.

Choose Grammarly if you want to:

Work in a less-cluttered interface

Generate better rephrasing suggestions

Integrate with more apps, including mobile

Choose ProWritingAid if you want to:

Analyze more comprehensive writing reports

Take advantage of better pricing options, including lifetime deals and student discounts

Receive more granular, rigorous suggestions

I can see the appeal of both apps, and there's a case for using them both to ensure you catch everything. If I were managing a team of writers or writing more academic pieces, I'd consider moving to ProWritingAid. But for now, I'm happy staying with Grammarly—I'm familiar with it, and it does what I need.

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David Hartshorne picture

David Hartshorne

David is a freelance writer for leading B2B SaaS and tech brands, creating detailed, actionable content that resonates with their audience. When he’s not writing, you’ll find him chilling with a thriller or roaring on the Villa.

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ProWritingAid Review: Everything You Need to Know and More!

  • by Sam Howard

There are a bunch of grammar and editing tools out there. And to be honest, a lot of them are redundant and garbage. However, I cannot say the same about ProWritingAid.

I’ll be upfront with you. ProWritingAid is hands down the best grammar/spell checker/general editing tool available for writers today. And in this ProWritingAid review, I’m going to break everything that makes this tool so great, and why it’s a worthwhile investment for any author. Check it out here.

So without wasting anymore time, let’s get into the thick of things. I’ve put in a handy table of contents, so if you want to skip ahead through this ProWritingAid review…Just click through the links below.

What is ProWritingAid?

  • How much does ProWritingAid cost?
  • ProWritingAid Free vs ProWritingAid Premium
  • How can ProWritingAid make me a better writer?

ProWritingAid Extensions and Integrations

Prowritingaid vs grammarly.

  • What I do not like about ProWritingAid

ProWritingAid Review: Is It Worth the Money?

And with that… let’s get started!

ProWritingAid is a premium editing tool for written content. It’s great for authors, bloggers, email writers… essentially if you write anything for personal or professional uses, PWA is meant for you.

At its heart, PWA is a grammar and spell checker. But that barely scratches the surface of what this editing software can do. ProWritingAid has the capacity to analyze and provide input on so many aspects of your writing including:

  • Sentence Structure
  • Cliche Usage
  • Consistency

Seriously, it’s a one-stop shop for your editing needs–especially for small business related tasks such as reports and email. For larger projects like books and novels, ProWritingAid is an amazing tool to use in conjunction with a professional editor.

If you check out ProWritingAid’s website , you’ll find that they claim to be a “grammar guru, style editor, and writing mentor” all rolled up into one neat little package. Now normally, I’d be pretty skeptical of talk like this. But ProWritingAid actually delivers.

I personally use PWA almost every single day. And I’ve been able to adjust and expand upon my writing capabilities. I’m not necessarily the best writer out there, but PWA is helping bring out the best of me. If it wasn’t, this ProWritingAid review would definitely take another tone.

ProWritingAid Review: How Much Does ProWritingAid Cost?

Well, let’s get down to brass tacks. If you wanted to start using PWA today, you could do so absolutely free.

Yep, that’s right. FREE.

All you have to do is head over to their website and sign up for an account. No credit card, PayPal, or blood sacrifice required. Simply enter your email, create a password, and you’re on your way. You can use their online web app or download the Chrome extension without any cost at all.

Here’s the thing though. The good folks over at ProWritingAid gotta eat and pay the bills too. So while they offer their services for free, they are relatively limited compared to what the paid version can do.

Don’t get me wrong. There’s no other free tool like it. But the paid version is so much better–we’ll go over that in a bit.

ProWritingAid Premium comes in three different pricing tiers.

Monthly Subscription at $30/Month

Ok, so here’s the thing. If you’re only going to need to use PWA on a short-term basis, this is the best option for you. Let’s say you’re a project writer or manager working on accomplishing some specific tasks for the month. Instead of looking out on Fiverr or Upwork for an editor, ProWritingAid could probably handle everything you need without all the extra hassle. Again, nothing against editors. But for simple case-by-case editing, PWA could handle most of your needs.

Yearly Subscription at $120/Year

I recommend this tier at a minimum for professional bloggers and writers. And I would mainly look at it as a trial period. Give it a shot and see if you like it. $79 may sound like a lot, but it’s really a great investment for your writing.

Lifetime Purchase for $399

If you’re a seasoned vet, you already know the importance of having and using pro writing software. And this tool truly is a game changer. So if you’re ready to make the plunge, this is the best option to take. And there’s no need to worry if the program upgrades because you’ll get all future enhancements for free.

Check Out ProWritingAid Now!

What’s the Difference: ProWritingAid Free vs ProWritingAid Paid Premium?

This wouldn’t be a proper ProWritingAid review if I didn’t go over the big differences between the free and paid versions.

ProWritingAid Free

For a free tool, PWA brings some serious heat. You’ve really got to give it up to them.

  • Online Use Only

When using the free version, you’re only allowed to utilize the application online. So, if you’re a stickler for Google Docs or don’t mind copying and pasting…This shouldn’t be too much of a big deal.

  • You can only check 500 words at a time.

Honestly, this is probably one of the bigger reasons I swapped over to the paid version when I first found PWA. When using the online app, you’re limited to 500 words. Now, you can always copy and paste 500 after 500. But if you’re writing longer content, this will start to get aggravating quick. However, those looking to proofread and check short emails and memos… This shouldn’t affect you at all.

  • Access to 25 Different Reports but with Limitations

ProWritingAid offers 25 different reports each on their own criteria when analyzing your writing. And the free version lets you use them all–with limitations.  If you’re really looking to utilize these–which you absolutely should–you’ll get more out of the paid version.

ProWritingAid Premium

The paid version of the program is where you really start cooking with natural gas. You get everything that comes with the free version but there’s no limitations plus a whole bunch more.

  • You can make use of their desktop app.

Let’s face it. It’s can be much nicer to have a full power desktop application instead of a lightweight online app. Plus, what are you going to do if you don’t have a connection available? PWA’s desktop app is a good solution for that.

  • Unlimited Word Count

The first time you swap over from the 500 word count limit to this… I swear it will change your life.

  • Integrations with Other Platforms

Wouldn’t it be great if PWA could integrate with your Word or Scrivener? Or Google Docs or Open Office? I can answer that. Absolutely.

  • Full Access to ProWritingAid’s Reports

Even without the other features, these reports alone are worth every single penny of the lifetime purchase. And you can take that to the bank. Having unfettered access to all 25 of PWA’s reports will allow you to fully explore every facet of your writing. This is the real secret behind PWA’s claim of being a writing coach wrapped up within a spell and grammar checker.

How Can ProWritingAid Make You a Better Writer?

ProWritingAid is one of those rare programs that doesn’t just help you fix your problems but improves your skills as well. And the more you take advantage of their different aspects, the more you’ll get out of it.

ProWritingAid can help you improve your grammar and spelling long-term.

Now, it sounds silly I know. Nobody ever really pays attention to their spell and grammar checker. You just click accept change and move to the next. Amirite? However, things are a bit different with PWA. It picks up errors in real time and actually explains to you why you are incorrect and how to fix it. And after a while of seeing those teaching tips, you’re going to start writing better without even realizing it.

ProWritingAid can enhance your vocabulary and word choice.

You ever find yourself using the exact same words over and over again? I know I do. But PWA helps to combat that and provides suitable alternative to commonly repeated words. By giving you great examples, ProWritingAid makes it easy for you to recall those selections in the future and broaden your writing horizons.

ProWritingAid can help you find the proper tone for your writing.

There’s a monumental difference between writing a technical report and a casual blog. In a technical paper, you need to really zero in and use the utmost of professional language, whereas I can throw OMGWTFBBQ on this blog and someone will get it–I hope. But learning to toe the line between different writing styles can be difficult. But with PWA it doesn’t have to be. You can actually set up the platform to read and review your writing based on different writing tones and styles. From formal scientific papers to casual emails, PWA has got you covered.

ProWritingAid’s reports are treasure troves of knowledge.

Seriously. There are 25 different reports that target completely different metrics of your writing. To not pay any attention to them kind of defeats the whole purpose. Do you know just how many cliches you’re using in your writing? PWA does. And it’s more than happy to help you iron them out. And what about your character dialogue? Is it really up to snuff? PWA can help you sort that out as well. Pretty much, if there’s something that you’re having troubles with, PWA has a report for it.

See How ProWritingAid Can Make You A Better Writer!

One of the most biggest reasons that makes PWA so versatile is the different integrations it has with common writing platforms. Through these integrations, you can ensure you always have your ProWritingAid handy whenever you need it. You’ll be able to integrate with:

  • Google Docs
  • Open Office
  • Final Draft

PWA also has browser extensions for the big 4 internet browsers.

And all of these come completely free with the Premium version.

Now, ProWritingAid isn’t the only game in town when it comes to professional editing tools. Many of you may have heard of Grammarly. It’s another premium grammar/spell checking software that can greatly help your writing quality.

As a matter of fact, Grammarly’s actually a pretty decent platform. It’s a very quick and intuitive program that picks up every little grammar issue you didn’t even think possible. But it just can’t compare to PWA for me.

And the number one reason for that is….

ProWritingAid’s different reports!

It’s just insane how much you get out of one program, and there’s no other editing tool on the market that can do it like them. But if you are interested in learning more about Grammarly, check out the in-depth Grammarly review Kindlepreneur did . Grammarly really isn’t a bad tool at all, and I’d definitely recommend them as a viable alternative to ProWritingAid.

What I Do Not Like about ProWritingAid

Alright folks, this ProWritingAid review wouldn’t be complete if I didn’t have a few gripes about it. As amazing as ProWritingAid is, it’s not perfect. There are some things that could definitely be better.

There’s no iOS or Android support.

This is kind of a biggie. With the world becoming more and more mobile, just about everyone has a mobile app. Heck, that’s normally the first thing I do when a new program comes out. I get the app for my phone setup. But… PWA doesn’t offer mobile support. Hopefully, it’s something they’re working on right now.

ProWritingAid isn’t as good for short writing as some other programs.

And this makes sense. PWA analyzes your entire writing for stylistic and tone choices. It breaks down your word choices and lets you know your inconsistencies. But when you have less data, it’s hard to really do that. While long-form writing is awesome for PWA, I really wish they’d work a little more on their short game.

You need to pay extra for plagiarism checks.

This is really the only flaw in PWA’s pricing model. You would think you would at least get a couple of checks a month for free. Sadly, this just isn’t the case. And if plagiarism checks are a deal maker, you should probably head over to Grammarly where they are included in the price. Sorry, PWA.

Despite the flaws it has, ProWritingAids is the absolute best value for your money when it comes to an editing software tool. There’s no other platform that has the power and capability of PWA. I have zero doubt that ProWritingAid will enhance the writing life for just about everybody who uses it.

But there’s one thing I need to make abundantly clear.

ProWritingAid cannot fully replace a human editor. It’s a wonderful tool to help you along your way, but there’s nothing like a human touch–especially for long-form writing such as books and novels.

That being said, there’s only one thing left to do. Break out your favorite ergonomic keyboard , sit down and write, then let PWA handle the rest.

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Debashri M Dutta

Ultimate ProWritingAid Review: Is it Worth the Price?

essay checker pro writing aid

I’ve made life easier for you by buying and testing the ProWritingAid AI assistant.

Will ProWritingAid make you more productive? Can it improve your writing? Will it win you the Nobel prize?

We’ll answer all these questions and more as we explore this AI editor in-depth. So, you can start using it with confidence to make your stories, emails, essays, or blog articles sparkle.

Never reach for a thesaurus again or fumble for the correct punctuation. Instead, read my ProWritingAid review, get started, and make the writing process easier than ever.

What is ProWritingAid?

essay checker pro writing aid


ProWritingAid is your brilliant English writing teacher or professor dedicated only to you. Except it’s AI, and you can work with it on your computer with an internet connection.

Picture an intelligent, positive, and energetic editor looking over your shoulder, offering suggestions to improve your writing. That’s what ProWritingAid is.

It’s NOT just about punctuation or grammar errors like Grammarly.

And it’s NOT a content generator like Jasper or ChatGPT.

ProWritingAid helps you become a better writer with the best and proven writing techniques offered to you at the right time and in the right place.

How? We’ll break that down in the next section, where I’ll share its features and benefits. You don’t want to miss them.

ProWritingAid Reviewed: The Free Features

You’ve got ProWritingAid free and the premium version.

ProWritingAid review - what makes it the best  writing editor ever.

And you can fix many writing errors and tighten up your writing with just the free edition. So, we’ll start there.

Further down, I’ll show you why investing in ProWritingAid premium is a NO-BRAINER.

Free Version of ProWritingAid

  • Grammar Checker: ProWritingAid will (of course) correct spelling and grammar mistakes. It’s the best grammar checker by far because it looks at context instead of making stand-alone suggestions.
  • Rephrase For Better Writing: This free feature helps you get rid of vague and abstract words by showing you variations of words and phrases. Click on a word and you’ll get a dropdown list of suggestions for rephrasing the word. Your writing will become specific and crisp in an instant.
  • Document score: Start writing in the ProWritingAid editor or past/upload content. The document score panel on the right will suggest basic grammar corrections, styling suggestions, and other tips for free (up to a limit)
  • Summary report: Get visual and text reports on your sentence length, tone, adverb usage, and other details. This visual report will bring clarity on ways to improve with the ProWritingAid editing tool.
  • Readability: This is important for marketing and blog writers. ProWritingAid will tell you if your sentences are too complex for audiences to read quickly. You’ll also learn about sticky words – common and overused words that slow readers down.
  • Echoes and repeats: Find out if you’re using the same phrases and terms too often.
  • Structure: Get a report on your use of transitions, structure, and content length.

Frankly, there are too many features to write out. It offers everything from highlighting grammar mistakes to improving your writing style.

What you should know is that ProWritingAid is THE professional author’s and writer’s assistant .

This writing tool offers serious, in-depth, and critical feedback on your work you’d expect from book editors with decades of experience. You’ll improve your work and writing skills… for free.

ProWritingAid – Premium Version and Premium Pro

Why pay for ProWriting aid premium?

Because it’s the ultimate writing toolkit to transform you into the best writer you can be.

Who needs ProWritingAid?

Creative writers, editors, marketers, researchers, bloggers, journalists, and anyone who works with words. If you want to make your own writing shine, then you need a writing aid like this tool.

Now, let’s look at why you should pay for ProWritingAid while feeling like it’s worth every penny.

  • Unlock Unlimited Word Checks: No more word limits to check grammar, get suggestions, or other powerful features.
  • Software Integration Access: Now you can use ProWritingAid on MS Word (Microsoft Word), Scrivener, all the web browsers ProWritingAid integrates with, as well as Google Docs.
  • Powerful and FREE Writing Resources: Learn how to become a published author, plan a novel, and more game-changing information for fiction writers.

Let’s break it down even further.

Sparks (or the Magical Way to Transform Your Writing)

ProWritingAid Premium gives you five Sparks a day. Premium Pro gives you 50. This means that it will use AI and transform your clunky writing into whatever you want it to be. It fixes:

  • Readability: Fix any sentence structure that’s too long and make your story more reader-friendly.
  • Fluency: Sound like a native English speaker and writer. ProWritingAid will find the best word choice to add fluency to your content.
  • Transitions: Make sentences and paragraphs flow smoothly from one to the next.
  • Sensory: Make your readers feel like they’re in your story. This editing software will add words and phrases to create sensations of taste, temperature, sounds, and more.

essay checker pro writing aid

There are many other magical ways that Sparks will improve your content. Ask this ‘Pro Writing Aid’ to make you sound like a bestselling author in no time.

Critique (A Powerful Breakdown of Your Story)

ProWritingAid will use AI (guided by a human editor) to critique your story.

I used it to check a short part of my story, and it did a great job of laying out strengths, the plot, characterization, and ideas for style improvements.

This is the only tool I know that acts as close to a human writing mentor as possible .

25+ Writing Analysis Reports

While you’ll get great reporting features with the free version of ProWritingAid, the premium versions offer the most benefits.

You get in-depth reports that range from identifying spelling errors and grammatical errors to correcting the passive voice in your work.

Also, it will highlight repeated words and phrases so you can vary your content. You’ve got your thesaurus, style editor, jargon identifier, and more like:

  • Cliche identification
  • Transition recommendation
  • Sticky words
  • Summary and much more.

You’ll be hard pressed to find any other editing tool that finds errors and explains what they are exactly.

Extensive Compatibility and Integrations

Every writer or author has their choice of software.

Fortunately, ProWritingAid plays with everything.

Here’s a list of all the platforms, products, and software ProwritingAid is compatible with or integrates with:

  • Microsoft Word: This popular Windows tool is still a favorite with many writers who like to work on their personal computers. You can download ProWritingAid and integrate it with your MS Word document.
  • ProWritingAid Desktop App: You can download ProWritingAid as an app to your Apple Mac or Windows computer. This means you can check spelling mistakes, get your sticky sentences report, and other ProWritingAid reports seamlessly from your system.
  • Scrivener integration: Scrivener is a popular novel writing software that many writers use to manage multiple storylines and chapters. You can supercharge your writing since adding ProWritingAid to your computer means you’ll access its spell checker, tone improver, and other features while working on your Scrivener project.
  • Notion: It has upcoming features for using it with this popular project management tool.
  • Outlook integration
  • Browser extensions like Google Chrome and Safari

ProWritingAid is an affordable writing aid solution.

You pay less when you take an annual subscription, but even its monthly Premium and Premium Pro versions are good value for money.

ProWritingAid costs:

  • Free with limited features
  • Premium: Starting at $9 per month
  • Premium Pro: Starting at $20 per month

Is ProWritingAid worth it?


Let ProWritingAid replace all other grammar checkers, editors, and even content generators in your toolkit.

It is the ONLY AI-assisted editing tool I’ve found so far that is truly made for serious writers.

It’s MORE than an online grammar checker. It’s a full-on literary editor/assistant that will make you sound like a professional, best-selling writer.

It creates a better reader experience since it is built with the best story/novel/creative writing practices in mind.

No other tools come close to the level of detail it offers for critiquing and reporting different aspects of a written piece of work.

It’s worth noting, however, that ProWritingAid is probably best for serious book writers.

Content writers who create blog posts, social media posts, and other materials will also benefit from it too, however.

Try ProWritingAid and Boost Your Writing Style

If you want your writing to shine, then you need a writing aid like this tool.

It’s worth the investment for any serious writer looking to improve their craft.

With its Sparks feature, Critique breakdowns, extensive reporting tools and compatibility with various platforms and software, it is definitely worth every penny.

Try ProWritingAid today and see sharp growth in your writing skills immediately!

What are the disadvantages of ProWritingAid

While ProWritingAid is a powerful tool for refining your writing, it’s crucial to remember that it’s not flawless and over-reliance on it may overlook the unique nuances and creative elements of your personal writing style.

Some users may also find the interface a bit overwhelming at first, but with practice and familiarity, it becomes easier to navigate. Additionally, some features may not be as useful for content writers who are looking for quick fixes.

Which is better between Grammarly and ProWritingAid?

While Grammarly excels as a ‘grammar check software,’ providing immediate corrections and suggestions for grammatical errors, ProWritingAid goes a step further.

It is tailored more towards building a rich, engaging narrative, with an array of features aimed at enhancing storytelling elements such as plot, characterization, and style.

It acts as both a meticulous editor and a writing mentor, offering in-depth insights and analysis to improve your overall writing craft.

Grammarly is good for basic and business writing needs . ProWritingAid is a powerful literary tool that goes beyond grammar and spell-checking.

Is there a free version of ProWritingAid?

Yes, ProWritingAid offers a free version with limited features. However, for more comprehensive reports and analysis, it is recommended to upgrade to a Premium or Premium Pro account.

Can I use ProWritingAid on my phone?

No, ProWritingAid is currently only available as a desktop app or through browser extensions.

Does ProWritingAid have a plagiarism checker?

Yes, ProWritingAid does offer a plagiarism checker. However, it’s important to note that this feature is not included in the standard subscription.

Users are required to purchase ‘checks’ separately in order to utilize the plagiarism checker. This ensures that your content is original and free from any unintentional duplications.

About the Author:

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Debashri (Deb) is a content marketing expert with 6 + years of experience. Her journey with marketing began during her Master's studies in Finland where she specialized in Marketing and International Business (At the University of Vaasa). She is an expert content writer, content strategist, and thought leadership ghost writer. She is a marketer by education, interests, and vocation.

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Free Essay Checker

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Never worry about embarrassing word choice errors again. Our grammar checker will spot and correct any errors with   commonly confused words .

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A Grammar Checker for all English variants

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Why users love our Essay Checker

Save time and upload your entire essay to fix it in minutes, ask our team.

Want to contact us directly? No problem.  We  are always here for you.

Support team - Nina

Frequently asked questions

Our Essay Checker can detect most grammar, spelling, and punctuation mistakes. That said, we can’t guarantee 100% accuracy. 

Absolutely! The Essay Checker is particularly useful for non-native English speakers, as it can detect mistakes that may have gone unnoticed.

The exact time depends on the length of your document, but, in most cases it doesn’t take more than a minute.


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