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Free Online Proofreader

Perfect your writing with ProWritingAid's proofreading tool. Try it now for polished, error-free text.

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Our writing tool goes beyond proofreading

In addition to basic proofreading, ProWritingAid has over 25 tailored reports to help improve your writing.



Sentence structure

Overused words

Transition use

Inclusive language

Homonym confusion

Sentence length variety

Business jargon

Predicted read time

...and more!

It’s just like having a real-life writing coach

Some reports provide quick grammar suggestions. Others go in depth and help you improve the strength and readability of your text.


Trusted for better writing by

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Our proofreading tool works wherever you do

We seamlessly integrate across all the apps you use, whether they’re on the desktop or online.

Proofreader FAQs

1. does prowritingaid autocorrect.

ProWritingAid provides recommendations so you can identify and correct writing errors. You have complete control over whether to accept or ignore these suggestions.

2. Can I proofread emails and social media posts?

Yes. As a matter of fact, ProWritingAid's browser extensions work across almost all websites and online apps, including Gmail, LinkedIn, and Google Docs.

3. How can ProWritingAid help?

ProWritingAid helps with a variety of writing tasks. It corrects grammar, spelling, and punctuation, while also enhancing vocabulary variety and more.

4. Is ProWritingAid free?

A free account allows you to edit up to 500 words at a time. If you want to edit larger documents, upgrading is necessary. You can find more information on our pricing page .

5. Can ProWritingAid paraphrase?

Yes! You can rewrite sentences with a single click using Rephrase. See multiple options to reword any sentence.

6. Does ProWritingAid have a plagiarism checker?

Yes! ProWritingAid’s plagiarism checker will check your work against over a billion webpages, published works, and academic papers, so you can be sure of its originality. Find out more about pricing for plagiarism checks here .

Improve your writing today

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Slick Write

Check your grammar in seconds.

Slick Write is a powerful, free application that makes it easy to check your writing for grammar errors, potential stylistic mistakes, and other features of interest. Whether you're a blogger, novelist, SEO professional, or student writing an essay for school, Slick Write can help take your writing to the next level. Curious? See why Slick Write is the best. Try the interactive demo , or check your own document . No software download or installation is required.

Why Slick Write?

The grammar checker is lightning fast

Customizable feedback to suit your style

We do not redistribute your documents

Add impact to reports

Improve your grades

Engage your audience

Inspire confidence

English is a difficult language, so using correct grammar and diverse vocabulary will set you apart from the crowd. Using good sentence structure and wording improves your content's impact and readability while building your readers' trust. Slick Write goes beyond spell checking to teach you the habits of effective writers. How does your writing rate?

Improve your resumé

The job market is competitive. Gain an advantage, impress employers, and land more interviews by demonstrating professionalism and superior communication skills on your resumé.

Get the extensions

Using an extension is the easiest way to submit your work to Slick Write. They are available for Chrome and Firefox .

Bust your writer's block, and create new metaphors by playing the word association game . To begin, type a word or phrase in the box below, and hit enter. To quickly find associations for your own text, highlight a word or phrase in it, and use the toolbox popup.

The associator learns contextual word associations from real literature, so it may return offensive results.

Results for:

I know what I'm doing. Disable these hints.

  • Submission Limit There is a limit of 200,000 characters, which is approximately 30,000 words. Anything longer should be submitted in smaller chunks, or it will be automatically trimmed.
  • No document It looks like you forgot to enter your document. Paste it in and try again.
  • Structure This tab shows sentence structure within the context of the document. Hover over a sentence to see its word count. Select a word or phrase, or click a sentence to get more information.
  • Quotes This tab shows your quotations highlighted as Slick Write sees them.

More information »

  • Sentence type flow Pieces with good flow will make use of all four sentence types, varying them to keep the reader interested.
  • Sentence length flow Sentence length is indirectly related to sentence type, and is a good indicator of flow. Flow can be altered by adding, removing, lengthening, shortening, combining, or splitting sentences. Long sentences will be indicated by a red line on the graph. Sentences that flow poorly with their surroundings will be orange, and the source of the problem can often be found in a nearby sentence.
  • Word length flow Word length is a minor contributor to overall flow, but even minor variations are signs of good rhythm.
  • Passive Voice Index This is a measure of how frequently the passive voice is used. Consider revising your document if it scores over 100.
  • Prepositional Phrase Index This is a measure of how frequently prepositional phrases are used. Consider revising your document if it scores over 100.
  • Average sentence length Sentence length is a major contributor to the level of education required to read a body of text.
  • Sentence length standard deviation This is a measure of the amount of variation in the length of a text's sentences. In texts that have broad appeal, this tends to fall between 50 and 90% of the average sentence length. You can increase this number by making long sentences longer, and short ones shorter.
  • Sentence deviation to length ratio This is a measure of the sentence variety, and a major contributor to flow. Most novels score between 0.5 and 0.9, and popular ones often score near the high end of the range. You can increase this number by making long sentences longer, and short ones shorter.
  • Just the stats preset Use this preset when you're only interested in the stats tab. Critique and Flow will be hidden.
  • Honesty preset This preset checks for common indicators of deception, either by lying or omission, and is based on the findings of this study . Areas with high concentrations of these indicators should be viewed with skepticism. Note that the presence or absence of these indicators does not guarantee that a statement is true or false, and that the study was done on spoken communications, so it might be more applicable to interviews and speeches. As always, use your brain.
  • Doubled words A word used twice in a row may be a typo.
  • Commonly confused words This will check for the internet's most frequently confused words and notify you if it looks like you misused one. It is experimental and probably the least reliable feature. Consult a dictionary when necessary.
  • Sentences starting with the same word A word should not be used to start more than one sentence in a single paragraph.
  • Misplaced conjunctions It is considered poor style to place coordinating conjunctions at either end of a sentence. Placing a subordinating conjunction at the end of a sentence is against the rules.

It is said that one day, passive voice will bring weakness to your prose.

More information » Even more information »

  • Overwriting Words like "very" and "really" make sentences wordier and weaken your message. These can be deleted in almost all cases without affecting the meaning of the sentence.
  • Abstract words Abstract words lack specificity and overusing them can make even simple concepts difficult to understand. There are times when abstract words are desirable or even necessary; it would be difficult to write about math or programming without mentioning variables or functions, but you should use more specific terms whenever possible.
  • Wordy and redundant phrases These phrases make your writing more difficult to understand. In most cases, they can be replaced with one or two words, or even deleted.
  • Legalese These antiquated, arcane words and phrases will make your writing look like a contract.
  • Double negatives Double negatives are almost always poor style.
  • Adverbs They aren't bad in small quantities, but consider revising your document if more than 5.5% of its words are adverbs. Adverbs ending in "-ly" are considered the worst offenders.
  • Adjectives They aren't bad in small quantities. A few of the words on this list can also function as other parts of speech. You have been warned.
  • Contractions In formal writing, the use of contractions is considered a fault.

The boxer decked his opponent.

  • Profanity Profanity should not be used in formal writing outside of direct quotations.

The critic's scathing review hit the nail on the head .

  • Similes Similes and metaphors should be used sparingly. This option will detect most common types of similes.
  • "Said" replacements Some people think that these substitutes for "said" are weak or obnoxious, especially if overused.

Her dress was long , and it touched the floor.

Her long dress touched the floor.

  • Gender-specific pronouns Avoid using gender-specific pronouns in formal writing when the subject's gender is unknown.
  • Weasel words Like abstract words, weasel words and phrases lack specificity. At best, they convey uncertainty. At worst, they can be used to "weasel out" of telling the truth in a straightforward manner. When checking a document that is speculative by nature, you might want to disable this detector.
  • Third person pronouns According to this study , high concentrations of third person pronouns may indicate deception.
  • Bias language These words and phrases often show the author's bias.
  • Uncommon words Uncommon words will increase the document's reading difficulty.

Hot peppers burn my mouth, but I eat them anyway .

Since burritos taste good , I like to eat them.

  • Sentence fragments A sentence must have at least one noun and one verb. Anything that does not is a fragment, and if it occurs outside of dialog, it should probably be rewritten.
  • Long sentences Long sentences tend to be more difficult to read, making them good candidates for trimming or splitting. Alternatively, parallelism may be used to improve their readability, though this will not decrease the ARI score.
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  • Basic Prose and Style Mechanics An excellent, concise resource
  • Television Tropes & Idioms Tricks of the trade
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AI Proofreader

Our online proofreader improves your writing like an expert.

Use Wordvice AI’s free online proofreader to perfect your English writing in any document. Instantly proofread any text; fix grammar, spelling, punctuation, and style errors; and receive vocabulary corrections and grammar tips to enhance your writing skills. The free AI Proofreader makes editing quick and painless, helping you avoid language mistakes and improve your writing impact.

What is an AI proofreading tool?

A proofreading tool edits and proofreads writing in real time to correct any remaining grammar, spelling, punctuation, and mechanics errors. Using AI-powered technology, it offers a reliable and affordable way to instantly improve your writing and communication skills.

Proofreading is the final step of editing before publication, so your writing needs to be as strong and clear as possible. An online proofreader like Wordvice AI puts the power of expert editing in your hands, allowing you to improve your written work before sending it to journals, reviewers, or professors.

Why choose the Wordvice AI Proofreader?

Our free proofreader helps you improve your documents by increasing fluency, clarity, and flow in your writing. Whether you need to review your paper for language errors or simplify a wordy paragraph, Wordvice AI’s free proofreader is your go-to AI writing and editing tool.

The Wordvice AI proofreading tool improves writing by increasing fluency, clarity, and flow

Comprehensive proofreading and editing

Wordvice AI is powered by the latest AI language models, giving you online proofreading that is proven to enhance your writing. Our proofreader is trained on millions of academic documents and can apply nuanced revisions nearly at the level of a professional proofreader.

English style editing for more natural vocabulary

Our free proofreader identifies awkward or unusual terms and phrases in your text and replaces them with more appropriate words, elevating the impact of your writing without altering your intended meaning. It also rearranges sentence structure to enhance clarity.

proofread sentences with revised text in bold blue font, wordvice logo in the corner

Helpful feedback on grammar and style issues

Marginal comments explain revisions and provide grammar tips, helping you improve your writing skills in ways most proofreading software apps do not.

How to Use the AI Proofreading Tool

Before entering any text into our online proofreader, apply the revision settings that best suit your needs.

Select your proofreading mode

Choose from four proofreading modes to match the amount and type of revision needed to correct your writing.

How to Use the Wordvice AI Proofreader? Select from one of 4 modes

Light proofreading

Basic AI proofreading to correct errors in grammar, spelling, punctuation, and mechanics without changing the meaning or message of your content. Perfect for work that just needs a final check before submission.

The Wordvice AI proofreading tool's light mode corrects errors without changing content

Standard proofreading

Proofreading and error check, plus style and copy editing, including vocabulary changes and light rephrasing to correct awkward or unclear terms and expressions. Sharpen your writing without changing the meaning of your text. Ideal for revising your first draft.

Intensive proofreading

AI proofreading and substantive editing, including vocabulary changes, rephrasing, and restructuring of sentences for more natural expression and improved readability, clarity, and flow. It’s like having your own personal content editor.

intensive proofreading tool example, paragraphs with blue underlined text and blue bolded text

Concise proofreading

Text-shortening tool that makes your text more concise and to the point while retaining your meaning. Reduce the length of sentences to meet your document’s word count limit or to sharpen your writing in emails, copy, and other documents where brevity matters.

Need your document edited by a professional human editor?

Sometimes you want an expert to help polish your important written work. While our AI writing and editing tools offer instant free revision, we also provide two levels of proofreading by professional human editors.

  • Use Wordvice AI’s Human Proofreading Service when you need affordable proofreading and basic style editing by human editors with a quick turnaround time. Great for polishing important work with a human touch when you need it.
  • Get Wordvice’s Professional English Editing Services for comprehensive style editing and proofreading by native English speakers with advanced degrees in your paper’s subject area. Receive detailed feedback on content and language issues. Perfect for research documents bound for publication in journals.

Choose Your Document Type

Instantly correct any kind of document. Select from several document types to ensure that your content is revised with appropriate language and conventions.

Who should use our AI proofreading tool?

Our free proofreader is useful for all writers!

Researchers need an online proofreader…

…to help them create polished research papers, journal articles, manuscripts, and dissertations and get their work published in top journals.

Students can use AI proofreading services…

…to draft application essays, CVs and resumes, class assignments, and term papers that will impress admissions officials and help them achieve their academic goals.

Authors and businesses rely on a document proofreader…

…to revise important marketing content, blog articles, reports, and creative texts that will wow their audiences and increase revenue.

Wordvice AI Proofreader FAQ

Here are some frequently asked questions about our proofreading tool.

  • Why should I use an online proofreader for documents? An online proofreading tool provides writers with a fast and efficient way to enhance their writing, and they are quickly becoming a crucial tool for correcting all kinds of text. They not only correct grammar and spelling errors but also help improve the overall clarity and coherence of your text. Using large language models and natural language processing technology, online proofreaders provide suggestions that can elevate your writing style, making it more engaging and professional. Whether you are crafting an important email, an academic paper, or a college essay, using an AI proofreading tool ensures that your message is conveyed clearly, accurately, and impactfully while saving you time.
  • What is the best free AI proofreader? The best online proofreading tool will provide error detection, user-friendly interfaces, and the ability to proofread various types of documents. Accuracy in identifying grammatical, punctuation, and spelling mistakes is crucial. Some proofreaders (like Wordvice AI) also include style corrections, revision modes to control the output of your writing, and feedback that explains the revision of the proofreader. The Wordvice Al Proofreader uses the most advanced language models to instantly fix grammar, spelling, punctuation, and style errors in your text. It is equipped to handle a variety of writing styles, including academic, admissions, business, creative, and web content. Our free AI proofreader also provides grammar tips and writing suggestions to improve vocabulary and style to accompany the specific proofreading mode you choose: Light , Standard , Intensive , or Concise .
  • How does Wordvice AI’s proofreading tool work? To get instant proofreading online for any kind of text, simply register with Wordvice AI, enter your text into the left side of the text box, choose your revision mode and document type, and click the "Proofread" button. If you would like different output text, you can simply change the revision mode and/or document type and click the "Proofread" button again. Note that the Basic plan is limited to fewer modes and fewer words of uploaded text. Upgrade to a Premium plan to unlock all revision modes and get nearly unlimited monthly submissions.
  • Can Wordvice AI replace a human proofreader? An AI proofreader can significantly complement but not fully replace a human proofreader. While Wordvice AI’s tools excel in identifying and correcting grammatical, spelling, and basic syntactical errors, they can’t quite match the nuanced understanding of context and tone that human proofreaders possess. While AI proofreading software can be invaluable for quick, basic edits, human oversight remains crucial for in-depth, context-sensitive proofreading. If you need editing and proofreading after the drafting stage of your essay or paper, use Wordvice’s professional English proofreading services . Our subject experts will polish your writing and give your paper that human touch that only a qualified editor can provide.
  • How much does the AI Proofreader cost? Wordvice AI’s online proofreader is free to use after registering. Simply create an account and enter your information to get started with instant revision of your work. You can also upgrade to a Premium plan to get more features and extended access to AI proofreading tools, including Intensive and Concise revision modes, which provide more in-depth writing assistance. See the Wordvice AI Pricing page for details on plans and a comparison of proofreading tools and features.
  • Can your proofreading tool detect plagiarism? While our proofreading solution cannot detect plagiarism in your document, our AI plagiarism detector tool is capable of detecting plagiarism in any academic text. It combs through millions of journal articles in online databases to find instances where your work might have borrowed from other sources. The AI Plagiarism Checker is included with a subscription to Wordvice AI Premium .
  • What is the turnaround time of the AI Proofreader? Our proofreading tool can edit any text in just a few seconds. It is perfect for correcting your work while drafting essays, research papers, and other documents. For more extensive editing and a human touch, use our English editing services (including essay proofreading and paper proofreading ) and select turnaround times from 9 hours to 7 days.
  • Is your online proofreader safe and secure for my documents? Any documents and text you submit to Wordvice AI are completely secure and confidential. Our site uses advanced encryption standards to protect your work and personal information. For more information about how we collect and store data, see our Privacy Policy and Terms of Service .
  • What apps can the AI Proofreader be used on? Wordvice AI currently has an MS Word add-in, with a Chrome extension under development. The MS Word add-in allows users to edit any text within their Microsoft Word document and includes the same proofreading functions and comment features as our online tool. Learn more about how to use the Wordvice AI add-in for MS Word .
  • How can I get professional proofreading and editing services? Sometimes you need an expert editor to take a look at your writing and ensure it is free of style errors, awkward wording, and unnatural phrasing. Fortunately, in addition to our free proofreading website, Wordvice offers professional proofreading services for any kind of document. Whether you are submitting a journal manuscript for publication, a statement of purpose for graduate school, or a resume for a professional position, Wordvice has you covered for all your editing needs.
  • - AI Paraphraser : instantly rephrase and sharpen your sentences
  • - AI Text Summarizer : turn the main points of your writing into a bulleted summary
  • - AI Translator : features the best AI language translation currently available
  • - AI Plagiarism Checker : check for plagiarism in any document

The free AI proofreader

Improve your writing with our free online proofreading tool. Harness the power of artificial intelligence to fix grammar mistakes, spelling errors, and enhance your writing style. Ideal for students, professionals, and anyone looking to polish their text.

Enterprise Inquiry

Share your requirements with us and our team will respond to you promptly., ai proofreading tool​, english proofreading made easy with trinka ai.

Make your writing flawless with our AI-powered Proofreading Tool. Correct grammar, spelling errors, sentence structure, punctuation, tone, consistency, and much more with a single click!

proofreader banner

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Best Online AI Proofreader for free

From grammar and spelling to sentence structure, tone, and more, Trinka ensures flawless documents. Trinka is an AI-powered writing tool that ensures your content is well-written, free of grammar and spelling errors, and uses correct punctuations. Craft exceptional content effortlessly and focus on delivering a clear message.

auto file

See How It Works

Want to know how easy it is to use Trinka's AI Proofreader Tool? Just check out this easy walk-through video and get started right away!

Have more questions? Browse through our FAQs here .

Trinka’s Online Proofreader is Ideal for:


For academics and researchers, Trinka is an essential tool for proofreading and refining scholarly articles, dissertations, and research papers. It assists in maintaining academic integrity and ensures effective communication of ideas.


Whether you're writing reports, presentations, or emails, Trinka can help polish your professional documents. It catches spelling errors, improves sentence structure, and enhances overall professionalism.

Trinka's proofreader is an invaluable tool for students of all levels. It can assist in editing essays, research papers, and assignments, ensuring impeccable grammar, clarity, and coherence.

Writers of Various Content

No matter the type of writing you engage in, Trinka is versatile enough to assist you. It can edit personal statements, cover letters, novels, social media posts, and more, helping you convey your message effectively.

Additional AI Writing Tools​

​Trinka offers immediate writing recommendations and advanced grammar assessments, assisting professionals and scholars in achieving formal, concise, and engaging writing.​​

Advanced Grammar Checks

Trinka's advanced grammar and spelling checks evaluate your writing for advanced grammar errors and suggest language enhancements to improve your writing quality.​

Neither the healthy individuals nor the patient recognize recognizes the visual discrepancies.

Sentence Structure

It helps you structure your sentences in a more formal manner based on your subject matter, making your writing easier to comprehend for your audience.

The students don't enjoy to go going over the same rules again and again.

Word Choice

Trinka accurately corrects word choice errors that obscure your writing, making it concise and clear, enabling you to communicate your intent accurately.

One of the reasons is because that the fabrication cost for of steel members depends upon the material.

Advanced Spell Check

Trinka's advanced spell checker knows the context of your writing and helps you pick the right word for your topic. No more awkward spelling errors!

The Bonferoni Bonferroni test was used to check for statistical significance.

Get Trinka Where You Need It

safari - Trinka AI grammar checker


James Smith - testimonial

First, I love Trinka. Congratulations on developing something that extensively aids editing, especially critical grammar conventions and word count reductions.

James Smith

Emmanuel Lochin - testimonial

I've been using Trinka for four months now, and I have extensive experience with other grammar checker systems. I've used the proofreader for two ten-page papers, and I must admit, I'm quite impressed by its quality and usefulness. I am very satisfied with Trinka and strongly recommend it for academic proofreading.

Emmanuel Lochin

Rosa Diaz Sandoval - testimonial

Writing texts with correct English grammar and style is not an easy task for people who speak other languages. Sometimes you cannot find little mistakes in your document without help and moreover for academic writing. I tried Trinka AI as a tool of automatic correction and was quite glad with the suggested corrections and the feedback. With the feedback you understand why the suggested change must be taken into account.

Rosa Diaz Sandoval

Fouad Khalifa - testimonial

Trinka has a robust proofreading feature that allows me to effortlessly upload entire manuscript documents and receive fully tracked changes in a single step. Moreover, its unique supporting tools such as citation checker and journal finder, significantly enhance the efficiency of my research endeavours.

Fouad Khalifa

Jesse Rumball-Smith - testimonial

I just wanted to say thank you for such a great and free service, all the other grammar checkers and writing assistants I have tried don’t have nearly the depth of features let alone all available on a free subscription. As a student with little income available I am extremely grateful that unlike all others companies you don’t limit features on the free plan. This is a fantastic product and given the income I would definitely upgrade to the premium. I've let all my fellow students know about Trinka as it is seriously a life saver.

Jesse Rumball-Smith

Dr. Farooq Rathore - testimonial

I have mainly used it to improve the language, grammar, and syntax of the scientific manuscripts that I write for national and international biomedical journals. I have found the interface to be user friendly and the procedure itself is efficient and hassle-free. The auto-edit is a great help and the supplementary page with the revision summary is an excellent idea.

Dr. Farooq Rathore

Dr. Nitin Wahi - testimonial

Trinka AI is a great tool to help beginners in research publication. Its grammar editing, online proofreading with file download, citation checker, plagiarism checker, paraphraser, and journal finder provide amazing features at your fingertips. Even the free Trinka Basic plan can be invaluable for researchers in their early stages or at PG levels, helping them improve project reports and papers to meet publication standards. Overall, I'm extremely impressed with Trinka AI, as it stands out among research writing tools. Give it a try and you will love it! Thanks Trinka AI team for this valuable tool.

Dr. Nitin Wahi

Georgieva Milena - testimonial

Trinka.ai is my most favorite choice for grammar and spelling edit. The application works correctly, is fast and tidily! Completely satisfied!

Georgieva Milena

Dinesh Gupta - testimonial

The grammar checking tool exceeds Grammarly! I re-checked some documents that I had checked earlier with Grammarly. I was pleasantly surprised to see such a product from India!

Dinesh Gupta

Aftab Hussain - testimonial

Trinka has awesome features. Advanced level of academic writing checker and suggestion are so original. I would highly recommend to others.

Aftab Hussain

Edith Davies - testimonial

I have tested Trinka and am impressed with its fine capabilities. It did better than the grammar checkers I use. Well done! I have told my colleagues in my research lab to use Trinka. Hope it is widely used in academia.

Edith Davies

Noor Al-rishi - testimonial

Trinka AI's suggested corrections and feedback astounded me. It is simple to use and extremely beneficial

Noor Al-rishi

Nwaji Jude - testimonial

It's been a wonderful experience using Trinka and I almost can't submit any manuscript without re-evaluating with it. In summary, Trinka has been a life-saver.

Stumpf Curtis - testimonial

I trust and use Trinka as a final spot check for my edited documents. It helps me find the few remaining errors that I have missed during the primary editing. I really like using this platform for my writing. One particular feature that works well for me is the thumbs down button.

Stumpf Curtis

Dyke Gareth - testimonial

I think Trinka.ai is a very interesting and potentially useful idea, especially for editors/publishers/journals. I found it very useful when I checked my editing work on the platform.

Dyke Gareth

Bhargava Sharma - testimonial

I am happy with the overall performance. I have been using Grammarly for a long while, but when it comes to academic or technical writing, Trinka is definitely a much better option. Academic document settings and auto file edit are my favorite features.

Bhargava Sharma

Ralph Bailey - testimonial

Trinka has become my go-to tool for grammar corrections. The AI-powered corrections and language enhancements made writing a lot more easier. Now I am able to focus more on research than on writing an error-free document.

Ralph Bailey

Thomas Andres - testimonial

The grammar correction and suggestion based on the AMA style guide is really impressive! Trinka is indeed the best grammar correction tool for medical writing.

Thomas Andres

What are you waiting for?

Frequently asked questions.

Proofreading tools carefully check your text, fixing any spelling, grammar, or punctuation mistakes. This helps you communicate your ideas confidently and without the distraction of errors. Try automated proofreading to enhance your writing significantly.

The quality of the original writing will determine this. A proofreader would be beneficial if you do not speak English and make several complex errors pertaining to logical construction in English. Trinka can fix thousands of grammatical mistakes and complex writing problems. However, AI is limited. If the construction is not logical, it cannot decipher your intended meaning. For those who possess sufficient knowledge of the English language to construct logically correct sentences, Trinka grammar checker can take care of tone, word choice, grammatical constructions, spelling, and a whole lot more.

Trinka’s grammar checker can be used on any web browser. It is also available as a browser plug-in for the most popular browsers such as Chrome, Firefox, Safari, and Edge, to help you get grammar corrections on your favourite websites. Trinka is also available on MS Word add-in for premium users.

Use Trinka to check your writing online for free. It is an advanced AI-powered tool that makes your writing clear and easy to understand. With Trinka, you can check your text for everything from minor punctuation errors and typos to nuanced grammatical mistakes and phrasing problems. You can check your grammar for free anywhere on the internet with Trinka's browser plugin as well as in MS Word using the Trinka add-in for Word.

In order to check the grammatical correctness of a sentence, simply paste it in Trinka's spelling and grammar checker . Trinka will thoroughly check the sentence for punctuation, grammar, and vocabulary mistakes.

6 Free Online Proofreading Tools For Perfect Writing [2022 Edition]

Photo of author

Published by Abhishek Raj

Updated on January 1, 2022

free online proofreading tools - feature image

Proofreading is a cornerstone of impeccable writing skills. Whether you are writing an email , a blog post, an essay or even an academic paper, you will appreciate how proofreading can dramatically improve your English writing skills. It is awkward to find silly spelling or grammatical errors in your writing, especially once it has been published. It is therefore imperative to scan your articles or messages for common errors before hitting the publish/send button. In this article today, I will share the best free online proofreading tools for an error-free writing experience. After-all, flawless writing not only attracts, but also helps bolster the trust and authority of an author. Agree?

The importance of proofreading and editing

Proof reading and revision are fundamental to the writing process because they:

  • Ensure that your writing is error free and up to the highest standards.
  • Provide you a second chance to review your writing tone and style.
  • Add credibility and professionalism to your work.
  • Encourage your readers to appreciate and cite your work.
  • Save you from the disgrace of being labeled as a callow writer or author.

List of the 6 best & free online proofreading tools:

Now let’s review the top 6 proofreading tools on the internet, one by one:

1. Grammarly

free online proofreading software

If you are a blogger or a freelance writer, you must have heard about Grammarly. It boldly positions itself as the world’s best free online proofreader. I am myself using Grammarly software to proofread the articles on this blog and please, believe me, it does the job incredibly well. Its online proofreader automatically scans your text using over 400 advanced grammatical rules and word-usage.

Online proofreading with Grammarly

To use Grammarly, you will first need to create a free account using your email address . You can use Grammarly in either of the following forms, as per your convenience:

  • Standalone online proofreader
  • A software application on your computer
  • Chrome extension – to help you proofread anything you write on the web, including your emails, social media posts, and even WordPress.
  • Add-in for Microsoft Word.

2. Language Tool

After Grammarly, my next recommendation is Language Tool . Funded by the European Union, this free online proofreading tool integrates well as an extension with popular web browsers like Chrome and Firefox, including support for integration with popular text-based writers like Google Docs, Microsoft Word, and Libre Office. The free version enables you to do a quick grammar check for up to 20,000 characters. In my honest opinion, this is a must-try proofreading tool.

free online proofreading software

3. Pro Writing Aid

If you are looking for a feature-rich and user-friendly interface in an online proofreader tool, look no further than Pro Writing Aid . It checks your text in real-time for grammatical errors, writing style (Active/Passive), spelling mistakes, and over-used words. Like the other fellow online proofreaders, Pro Writing Aid also integrates well with MS Word, Open Office, Google Docs, and Google Chrome, so that you can proofread your text wherever you write. The free version allows you to check a text of up to 500-words. However, if you wish to upgrade (which is a little expensive), you gain access to checks with unlimited word counts, full reports and in-depth articles. Here is a screenshot of Pro Writing Aid in action:

Pro Writing Aid - online proofreading in action

4. Google Docs

If you are looking for a trustworthy and faster spelling and grammar checker, then Google Docs is perhaps the best free online proofreading tool that you need to choose. With no fancy detailed reports and advanced language checks, Google Docs is perfect for intermediate to advanced English writers who are just looking for quick spelling and grammar checks. Once you’ve finished writing in Google Docs, either click on the Spell check icon on the top toolbar or type the keyboard shortcut (Ctrl + Alt + X).

Google docs - online proofreading in action

Google Docs will then highlight all the errors in the document, giving you a chance to review each spelling and grammatical error, one by one.

5. Ginger Software

Ginger software is yet another free and equally efficient online proofreading tool. I’ve used it and have found that it is more or less similar to Grammarly. With a strong contextual grammatical and spelling check algorithm, Ginger is hands down one of those few online proofreader tools that you can trust. What’s more? Ginger also provides support for integration with Windows/Mac (as software) and with Chrome/Safari/Office (as an extension).

Ginger - online proofreader tool in action

6. Grammar Lookup

Grammar lookup  uses artificial intelligence to check for common grammatical, spelling, and punctuation errors in your text. It also checks for sentence structuring and styling issues to make your writing more interesting and meaningful. It is lightweight, free and gets the job done in a matter of seconds.

free online proofreading software

I don’t think there is even a capping on word count while proofreading your text. All these awesome features make it eligible to be listed among the best free online proofreading tools.

Frequently Asked Questions:

Yes, you can use two or even more proofreading tools simultaneously. However, be cautious about the conflict of grammatical and punctuation rules.

Proofreading is the final stage of the writing and editing process. Once your draft is final, you may use a reliable proofreading app to iron out all the grammatical and punctuation errors.

Every proofreading software has its own pros and cons. Some are fantastic at spelling and grammatical corrections, while some excel at punctuation and sentence styling. However, as a beginner, you may start with a free Grammarly account.

Proofreading apps cannot substitute human reasoning and intelligence. So, the best technique is to first go through the draft on your own. Read it several times and make edits accordingly. Once you’ve proofread yourself, take the help of a proofreading tool to check for even further scopes to make your writing clearer and more interesting.

What’s your favorite proofreading tool?

I have just reviewed the best handpicked proofreading tools to help you write more efficiently and clearly. What has been your experience with the tools I’ve reviewed above? Can you suggest even more free and reliable online proofreading apps? Please share in the comments below.

Disclosure : This post may contain affiliate links, which means I may receive a commission if you decide to click through and make a purchase, at no additional cost to you. Read more about this disclosure

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4 thoughts on “6 free online proofreading tools for perfect writing [2022 edition]”.

Hi Abhishek

I enjoyed reviewing your post about proof-reading tools and have used your web link in a PDA I am doing to support Inclusiveness. I found your straightforward and short blog will appeal to students looking for something that ‘does what it says’.

Thank you so much, Sarah. ?

A very good compilation of the best proofreading tools on the Internet. How about the built in proofreader in MS word?

Hi Anurag. That’s also a good option. But for a better proofreading experience, I suggest you go with Google Docs.

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free online proofreading software

13 Best Free Online Proofreading Tools

  • Shubhanshi Aggarwal
  • February 2, 2022

Free Online Proofreading Tools

Table of Contents

Want to jump straight to the answer? The best free online proofreading tools for most people are definitely Grammarly and ProWritingAid .

When you want to impress your readers, make sure you fix your grammar, punctuation, and spelling errors.

Google even advises fixing poor spelling and grammar should be a priority over broken HTML. They explain that mistakes in text can confuse search bots and result in an adverse user experience.

That is where online proofreading software comes in.

A proofreading tool can be handy when you want to write an error-free article.

In this article, I have made a list of the best online proofreading apps that you can use to proofread and edit your blog, essay and research paper.

What’s is the best free online proofreading tools? Let’s find out.

grammarly logo

  • Eliminates most writing mistakes
  • Check grammar and punctuation
  • Best for bloggers, and copywriters
  • Works with Windows, iOS, Android, Mac. etc.

The Best Free Online Proofreading Tools of 2022

To create error-free content, here are the best free online proofreading tools available right now.

  • Grammarly – Best proofreading software for writers
  • ProWritingAid – Best grammar checker and style editor
  • Polish My Writing – Best alternative of Grammarly
  • Ginger – Best proofreader for Windows
  • Slick Write – Best free online paragraph correction tool
  • PaperRater – Best free AI proofreading software
  • SpellChecker.net – Best free writing checker for small blogs
  • LanguageTool – Best proofreading software for multiple languages.
  • Spell Check Plus – Best proofread writing editor app for non-english writer
  • Typely Editor – Best proofreading tool to correct english sentences
  • Hemingway Editor App – Best proofreading app for distraction-free writing
  • Writer – Best AI online editing software
  • WordRake – Best editing software for professionals

These free online proofreading tools are listed below, including their top features, pricing, and specifications.


#1. Grammarly

Best proofreading software for writers.

Grammarly is the best free tool for checking grammar, punctuation, and spelling.

This is one of the best proofreading tools for bloggers and writers.

The online proofreading app not only checks grammar and punctuation errors but also explains each mistake.

This makes it an ideal proofread app for people whose first language is not English.


It has its own dashboard where you can write content. After writing, you can paste your content into Grammarly’s editor. It will check for grammatical and spelling errors.

Grammarly has an in-built plagiarism checker that checks if your content is copied.

Additionally, it checks word count so you could know how long your article should be.

Grammarly makes sure everything you type is clear, effective, and mistake-free.

The online proofreading software has a 4.5-star rating with over 20,000 reviews.

It has also a free Chrome extension that you can add to your browser. It will help you write mistake-free content on  Gmail , Facebook, WordPress, Linkedin, and anywhere else you write on the web.

Here are key features of Grammarly proofreader app:

  • Find and fix most writing mistakes
  • Supports Gmail, Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, Linkedin, and anywhere else you write on the web
  • Over 15 million people use Grammarly every day to write error-free writing

#2. ProWritingAid

Best grammar checker and style editor.

One of the best free proofreading apps, ProWritingAid offers simple steps to help you improve your writing so you can share ideas with confidence.

Using the editing tool, you are able to analyze your text for a number of crucial issues, such as overused words, sentence structure, punctuation errors, repeated phrases, consistency, dialog, pace, and readability. It helps you learn as you edit, making you a stronger writer.

The best part?

It works with all popular platforms like MS Word, Windows, Chorme, and many more.

Key Features:

  • 20 In-Depth Writing Reports Go Way Beyond Grammar
  • Safe and secure
  • Improve the style and strength of your Writing
  • In-app suggestions and explanations
  • Enabled with a thesaurus to find you the right words
  • Easy to Integrates with MS Word/Outlook, Google Docs, Scrivener, and many more

A trusted online proofreading software, ProWritingAid has over 2 million users worldwide.

ProWritingAid is free to use and offers a premium plan for more advanced features.

#3. Polish My Writing

Best grammarly alternative.

Polish my writing is my second favorite free proofreader tool that I use to proofread my article online. It is also known as After the Deadline.

It points out the grammatical and punctuation mistakes in three different colors. A red one is for spelling error, a Blue for style suggestions, and a Green for grammatical errors.


Using Polish My Writing is easy.

Simply copy your content and paste it on the box provided on the website and click on the button “Check Writing.”

The feature I like of the Polish My Writing proofreader app is active and passive voice suggestions that help me find out if I am using active voice and passive right.

The passive voice to active voice converter tool helps you create a human proofreader like the content.

The free AI proofreading website uses natural language processing technology to find your grammatical mistakes and provide the most appropriate suggestions.

Furthermore, it provides your results fast and hassle-free which is another good feature of Polish My Writing.

Here are the key features of Polish My Writing language checker:

  • Contextual Spell Checking
  • Advanced Style Checking
  • Intelligent Grammar Checking

You can also download Polish My Writing WordPress plugin named After the Deadline from the WordPress library.

Best proofreader for Windows

Ginger is the best free online proofreading tool for proofreading and editing English articles.

Ginger software works almost the same as Polish My Writing. But it goes one step further and takes care of common errors like  THE ,  A , and  AN  that Polish My Writing doesn’t check.

Ginger Proofreader Software

If you often make silly mistakes such as (a, an, the, have, has, etc.) then Ginger Proofreading Tool should be your first choice.

You can proofread your content faster with the Ginger Proofreading tool extension.

Ginger grammar checker uses patent-pending technology to check grammar mistakes, spelling mistakes, and misused words.

Using Ginger grammar proofreading software you could create content like a human proofreader does.

Most free grammar checker tools flag mistakes but don’t provide suggestions while Ginger corrects various types of grammar mistakes. From singular vs plural errors to passive to active Ginger proofreading software takes care of everything.

Don’t let mistakes get in your way of success. Start using Ginger proofreading software online for free today.

Here are some key features of Ginger proofreading software:

  • Offers most accurate English corrections
  • Supports MS office and browsers
  • Easy-to-use lightweight grammar application
  • Boost your writing productivity
  • Contextual spelling correction
  • Built-in dictionary
  • Automatic translator

#5. Slick Write

Best free online paragraph correction tool.

Slick Write is the best free online proofreading tool when you want to write mistake free content and eliminate grammatical errors.

Slick Write comes in handy when you want to analyze your content in detail.

It takes your writing to the next level with its amazing grammar and punctuation checker and corrector that only a human proofreader can check.

Slick Write

Apart from, finding the errors in your article, Slick Write also does a complete analysis of your article including phrases, filler words, uncommon words, adverbs, passive words, prepositions, and many more.

Slick Write has helped me a lot to  improve my writing . I’d suggest you also check your content writing progress with Slick Write.

Key features:

  • The proofreader tool is lightning fast
  • Provides customizable feedback to suit your style
  • Show grades of your content

And, most importantly it’s a free online grammar checker tool.

Slick Write extension is available for both  Chrome  and  Firefox .

#6. PaperRater

Best free ai proofreading software.

PaperRater is a popular free online proofreading tool that checks grammatical and punctuation errors from your articles.

It doesn’t only check your grammatical mistakes and provides you suggestions, but also check your title and rate your overall work such as vocabulary, word choice, style, etc.

paper rator

Same as Slick Write, it also helps you analyze your article.

But there are a few options that might bother you such as education level, types of paper submitting, checking terms and conditions, etc.

PaperRater is powered by artificial intelligence that makes it an amazing grammar checking tool followed by plagiarism detection and automated essay scoring.

However, I personally don’t use it much but you can try it might suit you.

  • State-of-the-art grammar and punctuation checking
  • Duplicate content check
  • Offer useful feedback and wiring instruction
  • Vocabulary builder

#7- SpellChecker.net

Best free writing checker for small blogs.

SpellChecker is a way different online proofreading tool than the above-mentioned online proofreading tools.

It checks your article in many languages and suggests you required changes that need to apply to your article.

Spell Check

You can also spell-check your whole website using SpellChecker – it is helpful for small blogs.

Apart from American and British English, this free online proofreading software is available in 24 other languages.

It has a huge database of 100,000 entries that allows you to find more syntax errors, misused words, and punctuation errors.

Using this free grammar checker tool you can write flawless error-free content with confidence.

The SpellChecker is integrated with the thesaurus that lets you find the right word to use in your content in seconds.

#8. LanguageTool

Best proofreading software for multiple languages.

LanguageTool is an Open Source proofreading software that checks grammatical errors for English, French, German, Polish, and more than 20 languages.


You can download this free proofreading tool for offline use.

Using this amazing free proofreading tool you can easily create error-free content that a simple spell checker like MS Word can’t do.

The offline proofreading software can be used directly on Google docs. Furthermore, it is fully compatible with your browser. LanguageTool extensions are available for free for Firefox and Chrome.  

#9. Spell Check Plus

Best proofread writing editor app for non-english writer.

Spell Check Plus is the best free proofreading and editing tool to fix grammar and punctuation errors from the content.

You need this free proofreading software if you often ask yourself “Does my sentence make sense?”

Spell Check Plus

This is a powerful and advanced free proofreading application that detects grammatical errors in English content created by nonnative speakers.  

You must use this proofread writing editor app if English is not your first language.

Its interface reminds looks like MS Word but don’t get confused it will catch more errors that MS Word might miss.

Using this free grammar and punctuation check tool is easy just copy and paste your article in the text box and hit the buttons that say Check Text.

It will show all the grammatical mistakes and punctuation errors you have in your article.

The feature I love of Spell check plus is contextual spelling correction such as Their vs There, etc.

The proofreading checker catches thousands of contextual spelling errors that other free online proofreading tools often ignore.

Features of Spell Check Plus:

  • It’s an online proofreading spellchecker therefore accessible from any computer
  • It follows a pedagogical approach that encourages writing more error-free content
  • It won’t force you re-write the sentences that are already perfect and make sense
  • It targets errors that non-English native speakers make

#10. Typely Editor

Best proofreading tool to correct english sentences.

With Typely Editor, you not only get free human proofread content, but it also provides stats on word count and reading time.  

You can customize Typely editor as per your needs by adjusting setting options such as redundancy, reading ease, typography, psychology, and more.  

Free online proofreading Typely editor

While proofreading content on Typely you can generate your own PDF report that will contain both the written texts as well as Typely’s results.

If you have access to the internet, you can export your document directly to Google Docs for future use.  

It has a text-to-speech program that reads your content for you, so you can know if you made any mistakes.  

#11. Hemingway Editor App

Best proofreading app for distraction-free writing.

If you want to improve your writing then Hemingway Editor is worth trying.

This is one of the most powerful online proofreading tools that can enhance your writing skills.

You can use it in two ways: free online Hemingway editor and downloadable Hemingway app

Hemingway Editor App

You might be wondering how much Hemingway editor would cost to proofread your content?

Free and paid for both.

The online version of Hemingway Editor is FREE and it will be forever.

On the other hand, the desktop version of the Hemingway App is can be accessed via one-time payment of $19.99.

The benefit of purchasing the paid version you will get free upgrades always for a lifetime.

Using Hemingway editor is easy just copy and paste the content in editor and on the right side you’ll see the following suggestions.

  • Yellow Sentences   –  It means the sentences are lengthy and could be hard to read. It suggests splitting or simplifying yellow highlighted sentences.
  • Red Sentences –  It means these sentences can confuse readers and encourages reworking on those sentences.
  • Purple Words –  It means there could use other simple words for purple highlighted words. Hover on highlighted words and Hemingway editor will show the suggested words.
  • Blue Words –  It means adverbs or weak and hesitant language and Hemingway suggests eliminating them.
  • Green Phrases –  It shows the usage of passive voice. However, it could be right for right in some context, but the active voice is preferred.

You can also directly write on Hemingway editor for a distraction-free writing environment.

#12. Writer

Best ai online editing software.


Like other apps that help you proofread your own content, the Writer checks for spelling, punctuation, and grammatical errors.

AI-driven copyediting takes this a step further by suggesting sentence breaks for better readability, as well as checking for language redundancies.  

The Writer lets you create your own style guide and edit your rules so that corrections follow your messaging. Writing with a unified voice is easier when everyone in your company pays attention to a style guide versus constantly referring to a PDF.  

With Writer, you can meet the challenges of business writing and ensure data security. Your data is never stored after processing. When your content is “read,” it is removed from Writer’s servers.  

  • Writing support for any text on the web or in a document
  • Customizable rules so you can integrate your style guide
  • Data security
  • The ability to pause real-time suggestions to protect writers’ flow
  • Extensions for Chrome, Word, and Google Docs

#13. WordRake

Best editing software for professionals.

The only automated in-line editing software for professionals is WordRake.

With WordRake App, you can improve the clarity, format, and clarity of any document. WordRake is able to proofread your content, reports, and research papers on either Mac or Windows.

The founder of WordRake, Gary Kinder, has taught over 1,000 writing courses and is a best-selling author.

  • Eliminate throat-clearing introductory phrases
  • Remove irrelevant descriptive words or modifiers
  • Automated rules provide accurate context-specific solutions

What is proofreading?

Proofreading is the process to check the written document to see if there is any grammatical and punctuation errors are present in the content.

What is the difference between editing and proofreading?

Editing and proofreading are often confusing and unclear to people.

Expert editors can improve the quality of your writing by making changes and providing suggestions.

On the other hand, proofreading involves finding and fixing grammatical and punctuation errors. It is cheaper than editing.

Simply put, editing will improve the quality of your writing, while proofreading will ensure that it is error-free.

Why Do You Need Proofreading Software?

Error-free content is important when you’re running an online business. According to BBC , one entrepreneur said poor spelling is costing the UK internet businesses millions of pounds.

On the other hand,  TightPlease.co.uk found spelling errors decreased their conversions. Actually, they had made a small spelling mistake and misspelled the word  “Tights”  with the  “Tihghts”  and it was the reason they had less conversion. They noticed 80% conversion after fixing that spelling error.


Furthermore, you might don’t get a job if you have spelling mistakes in your CV. Because 72.2% of recruiters said they disapproved the CVs that contain one or more spelling mistakes.

Grammar Mistakes

Things to Keep In Mind When Proofreading an Article

Those who are not native English speakers are likely to make grammatical and spelling errors.  

As a blogger, your job is to write error-free, quality articles. Use correct grammar, tenses, punctuation, and commas; avoid silly mistakes.  

common grammar errors

After you are finished writing your article, take a few hours or the next day to proofread it.  

If you edit your article later, your mind will be fresh and you will be able to come up with new ideas for your article while fixing errors.  

Even so, you can still find more mistakes and proofread your article faster by using free online proofreading tools.  

Key points to remember while proofreading an article:

  • Don’t proofread just after finishing the article. Better to take a break and proofread the next day.  
  • Get a quiet place when proofreading your article; so you don’t lose your concentration
  • Re-read your article aloud, this way you can find out if your articles sound right
  • Edit as soon as you find an error
  • Use proofreading tools to save your time

For me, I prefer using both premium and free online proofreading tools.

An online proofreading tool helps me find and fix the small errors I missed while writing.

Even if you are using the best online proofreading tools to proofread your article using, read it again to see if there are any errors left to fix before hitting the Publish button.  

You can use a variety of online proofreading tools to check your article for free grammar and punctuation.  

But, using the best grammar checker tool is always good. I recommend  Grammarly proofreading software .

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20 thoughts on “13 Best Free Online Proofreading Tools”

Hi, Great article.

Thanks for providing such a great information. Free online proofreading tool is great help when you are doing content marketing.

Keep going.

Proof reading tools save lots of time. Most important it help us to write error free content because content is king. Thanks for sharing these free online proofreading tools.

WoW Awesome post I was searching for something like this. I liked the way you mention these free online proofreading tools. It would be great help for blogger like me who can’t afford a proofreader.

Proofreading is not everyone’s cup of tea. It requires extra effort and concentration. Like you mentioned If the job of proofreading gets supported by software help, it would be amazing

Hey Umesh thanks for sharing such a good post on online proofreading tools. It is really important for new web bloggers to proofread their content. Sure above mentioned tools will sort all their work for proofreading content manually. I will also prefer above tools to proofread my content thanks for sharing such a good post.

Can’t believe that Ginger is free.. I have just heard about this amazing tool first time and just signed up for it

Also I have just downloaded your pdf. I will read, learna and share my feedback.

Hii This is Very Nice Article And Very Useful Thanks For Sharing

I’m using Grammarly. Before I heard about Hemingway. I’ll give it a try with other tools as well

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Hi, well, i use Grammarly as it can be integrated with MS Word, emails, and browsers. So no matter where i am writing it can accompany me even in this comment section. Further, i can do fine with its free version so no need to look for premium. For me your first option is the only option. By the way good job.

Thanks, a useful article for a beginner blogger.

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I’m using Grammarly. Before I heard about Hemingway. I’ll give it a try with other tools as well

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Hi I like your post Currently I’m use Grammarly, I think it will be perfectly for beginners as well professionals.

Thanks for such an insightful article, Spellings is a big challenge for many of us. Thanks for giving the recommendations, used spell check plus and found it very useful, thanks once again, keep up the good work 🙂

Hey Shubhanshi, thank you for sharing this amazing list of proofreading tools. This article is really informative and very helpful. Using tools is really helpful in proofreading.

Hi Shubhanshi,

It was a great list! Proofreading is an essential need of every writer. I have a blog as well, and I am constantly looking for tools that will help me in my editing process. All of these tools sound amazing. I use Grammarly on a daily basis, and I was looking for another tool to help me proofread my work better. I will definitely be trying these out. Thanks a lot for sharing this amazing list. It was a great help.

It is not everyone’s cup of tea to proofread. It necessitates more work and focus. As you pointed out, It would be fantastic if the job of proofreading could be aided by software. Thanks a lot for sharing this information. Great Job Keep It Up!

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free online proofreading software

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Table of Contents

What Is Proofreading Software?

The 5 types of proofreading tools.

  • The Best Proofreading Tools & Editing Software

Final Thoughts

The best free & paid proofreading & editing software (to use in 2023).

free online proofreading software

If you’re looking for the best proofreading tool on the market, I’ll tell you what it is:

The best proofreading software out there is Grammarly .

But even in 2022, it still has severe limitations.

We at Scribe tested the 8 most popular editing apps on the market in 2022, and none of them could hold a candle to a human proofreader .

But that doesn’t mean proofreading tools are worthless. Not at all.

I highly recommend Grammarly for :

  • Flagging possible grammar mistakes
  • Finding repetitive words and phrases
  • Noticing “picky” details like spacing
  • Highlighting basic style issues
  • Cleaning up your writing before it goes to an editor
  • “Last looks” for typos

I do not recommend Grammarly for :

  • Accepting every suggestion
  • Blindly altering your writing style
  • Skipping a human editor

Why not? Because of writing like this:

“Our team has reviewed and requested our Chrome product team to review the GingerChrome store page again and fix any necessary correction.”

This was an actual comment from the team of the Ginger editing app (not Grammarly), on a negative review of the Ginger Chrome Extension.

As part of our test, we ran their comments through the Ginger app itself, and the app found nothing wrong with it .

Then we ran it through another app. And another. Of all the proofreading apps we tested, most found 0 errors in that sentence.

Even Grammarly, the top performer, only found 2, and one of its suggestions was arguably worse. (I’ll show you those suggestions in the Grammarly review.)

So, before you start using Grammarly , make sure you understand what it is and isn’t good for—in 2022 and beyond.

True editing apps, like Grammarly, apply artificial intelligence (AI) to proofreading.

AI is the science (and art) of programming computers to think and behave like human beings. It’s at the cutting edge of technology, but it has a long way to go.

You might think that Microsoft Word’s spell checker is pretty good—and it is—but it isn’t artificial intelligence. MS Word just checks each word you type against a dictionary.

That’s pretty basic stuff.

Editing apps are far more than spell checkers; they’re true grammar checkers. They’re even style checkers. And those kinds of mistakes are a lot harder to find than spelling errors.

Why? Because grammatical errors depend on context.

Here’s an example:

If I write, “It was the best of time, it was the worst of time,” you know right away that “time” is missing an “s.”

A spell checker wouldn’t flag it because “time” is in the dictionary. The word exists, it’s just being used incorrectly

free online proofreading software

Human beings see issues like that immediately because our brains are wired for language. But teaching a computer to do the same thing is far more complicated than you might imagine.

In fact, it’s so complicated that even the best proofreading app doesn’t do it very well.

That’s why a good proofreading app needs to explain each flagged issue, simply and clearly, to help you decide how (or even whether) to follow the suggestion.

There are 5 different types of proofreading tools, most of which can be useful to professional Authors. All 5 of them check for spelling mistakes, grammar errors, and style choices, but they’re used in different places.

1. Chrome Extensions

Proofreading extensions for Chrome or other browsers (like Firefox or Safari), evaluate your writing no matter where you go on the web. If you’re typing online, they watch what you type and offer suggestions.

You can install these like any other browser extension, and they add writing tools to your browser that check spelling, grammar, and style.

If you write in Google Docs, you’ll need more than a Chrome extension. You’ll need a grammar tool that integrates directly with the Google Docs app.

2. Online Proofreading Tools

Website apps.

Free online proofreading apps are websites that offer a simple text box where you can paste limited amounts of text to check it for spelling, grammar, and style.

They’re free, but you get what you pay for. The ones we tested ranged from bad to terrible.

Full-service online apps

Some services (like Grammarly) offer true web apps, akin to Google Docs, that let you write and save documents in your own cloud space.

They include a full range of built-in proofreading tools, but their formatting tools are limited. For professional manuscript formatting , I recommend writing in MS Word with a Grammarly addon.

3. Mobile Apps

These are keyboard extensions for phones and tablets that automatically check your writing on every text and tweet.

If you write on an iOS or Android tablet in a mobile word processor, you’ll want a mobile proofreading app.

4. MS Word Add-ons

For writers who compose on MS Word, proofreading addons provide grammar and style suggestions right in your Word documents as you type.

If you write in MS Word, this will be your best choice, but these add-ons only work on MS Office for Windows. Apple users will need to use a desktop app.

5. Desktop Apps for Mac and Windows

Desktop proofreading software provides a native word processor that’s designed for proofreading and editing .

Most of these apps don’t have great formatting options, so I recommend writing in MS Word even if you use a desktop app for editing.

If you don’t have access to an MS Office add-on, you can open any .docx file in a desktop proofreading app to check it.

The Best Proofreading Tools & Editing Software

1. grammarly.

Grammarly is far and away the best proofreading and editing tool on the market. It offers:

  • Browser extensions
  • A full-service online app
  • Mobile apps
  • An MS Office add-on for Windows
  • Desktop apps for Mac and Windows

It even has a Google Docs integration, but this is a newer offering that seems less robust than the others. It let me type “I eats the pudding” without any complaints, even though the browser extension flagged it correctly.

The MS Office add-on doesn’t work on a Mac, but the desktop app lets you drag and drop a .docx file to open it in the app and check your writing.

The Chrome extension and desktop app were extremely easy to install, and Grammarly’s features (which work the same way across every version) made it the clear winner:

  • It has the smartest AI (and best proofreading flags) of every app we tested
  • One-click suggestions make it easy to accept good changes
  • The clean, intuitive interface requires almost no learning time
  • You can filter the suggestions by category with one click
  • There’s even a “Change-all” option for pervasive errors

Basic suggestions are free, with advanced grammar suggestions (including tone) in paid plans:

  • Premium Version: $139.95 per year
  • Business Version: plans starting at $150 per member, per year

Caveat of Grammarly

1. internet requirement.

Grammarly has to be connected to the Internet to work, even with the desktop app. That’s because the AI “lives” in the cloud, not in the app that sits on your desktop.

If the app can’t communicate with the AI, it can’t understand what you’re typing.

2. The AI is still learning

Grammarly was the smartest app we tested, but that only says so much.

For our sample text:

The Grammarly desktop app suggested:

“Our team has reviewed and requested our Chrome product team to discuss the GingerChrome store page again and fix any necessary corrections .”

This isn’t much better. But I’ll let you in on a secret: this is a very hard test for any proofreading AI system.

Why? Because it probably wasn’t written by a native English speaker. “Fix any necessary correction”? Nobody would say that. The construction is just too strange.

Which is exactly the problem.

AI systems get smarter with feedback. They learn which suggestions people did or didn’t accept, and they adjust future suggestions based on that information.

But mistakes that native speakers would never make are, by definition, very rare, so the system doesn’t see them often enough to learn from them.

That’s why we chose this as a test: to push the proofreading AI’s to the limit of their capability.

The fact that Grammarly made any sense of it was impressive.

2. ProWriting Aid

ProWriting Aid was the only other app we tested that had a chance against Grammarly. It works with:

  • Google Docs
  • MS Office (in Windows)
  • Desktop app

Not surprisingly, it also needs an internet connection to work. Powerful AIs need powerful computers. They live in the cloud on fast, dedicated servers and work with your computer (or phone) remotely.

It also doesn’t work with MS Office on Apple, just like Grammarly.

But in the battle of ProwritingAid vs. Grammarly, this one lost because:

  • It offered fewer one-click fixes
  • The interface was not as clean
  • Navigation was not as intuitive
  • The suggestions were not presented as well
  • Extra features, like reports, cluttered the screen without being useful

3. Hemingway App

We included the Hemingway App in our test because it appeared in other articles on grammar checking software, but it was designed more for bloggers than professional Authors.

And it wasn’t very smart.

The one feature it did have was the ability to work offline, but that’s the tradeoff. If you want an AI that’s smarter than a word processor, you’ll need an Internet connection.

The Hemingway App failed our test because:

  • It does not offer one-click fixes
  • It gives general writing guidance but no specifics
  • It’s designed for WordPress and Medium, not book Authors

It does have a free online tool, but the tool doesn’t save your work. If you get disconnected or you close the tab by accident, you can kiss your work goodbye.

The Hemingway App is good for helping you see things that need to be fixed, but that’s about it.

4. Ginger Software

We loaded the Ginger Chrome extension to give it a try, but the AI didn’t even come close to Grammarly.

These are the folks who wrote our bad test copy, and their own software didn’t correct it.

They did a nice job designing their sales page, but the app doesn’t stand up to the hype.

5. WhiteSmoke

WhiteSmoke is the used car lot of proofreading services.

The sales page extols the virtues of proofreading apps in general, hoping you won’t notice that the “demo” video doesn’t show the product and that they hardly offer any screenshots of the app.

There’s no free version or trial version, and what little you can see of the app doesn’t look great.

This is not the app you’re looking for.

6. PaperRater

PaperRater is a website that’s supposedly designed to help students write papers (not books), but it doesn’t even do that.

  • It doesn’t offer any fixes
  • The “report” is terrible
  • If you click on “advanced analysis,” it takes you to Grammarly

Enough said.

7. LanguageTool

LanguageTool offers add-ons and/or extensions for several browsers and word processors, but the AI just isn’t up to par.

You can try it for yourself for free using the online tool, which does offer one-click changes, but if you hit “undo,” you’ll have to run the check all over again.

It found no errors in our horrible test copy, and it tags people’s names as misspellings.

8. SlickWrite

The free online version of SlickWrite is reasonably smart when it comes to finding issues, but it’s lousy at fixing them.

It doesn’t offer any suggestions, and the explanations it does offer are far too technical. You won’t understand them unless you already have a solid command of sentence structure, grammar, and style, which largely defeats the purpose of the app.

Although it’s far from perfect, Grammarly has a solid place in the professional Author’s arsenal.

It offers a ton of useful features in a simple, clean interface, and it’s the smartest proofreading AI by far when it comes to writing skills.

Authors who want to self-publish ( and 99.99% of them should ), will still need to hire an editor . But that editing will be faster, smoother, and a lot cheaper if you’ve done everything you can to clean up your writing before you get there.

The Scribe Crew

Read this next.

Roundup: The Best Professional Book Editors

10 of the Most Common Grammar Mistakes to Avoid (& How to Fix Them)

What are Beta Readers? (& How Authors Can Find Them)

Typely - Free online proofreading

Free online proofreading

A reliable proofreading tool for any writer.

Typely - free online proofreading

A complete environment

Typely is more than just a proofreading tool. It's a complete writing environment.

Thousands of checks

More than a thousand checks are being performed and we've only scratched the surface.

Inspired by the greatest writers

Gain access to humanity’s collective understanding about the craft of writing.

A proofreading tool that does not bark at every tree

Typely is precise. Existing tools for proofreading raise so many false alarms that their advice cannot be trusted. Instead, the writer must carefully consider whether to accept or reject each change.

We aim for a tool so precise that it becomes possible to unquestioningly adopt its recommendations and still come out ahead — with stronger, tighter prose. Better to be quiet and authoritative than loud and unreliable.

unobtrusive proofreading tool

Relax, focus, write your next masterpiece...

Writing presumes more than simply laying out words on a paper. Typely helps you get in the mood and keeps you focused, immersed and ready to write your story.

Whether you need a distraction-free environment, some chill relaxing sounds or a pomodoro timer to manage your time we got you covered.

Got questions? We have answers.

No. Typely is completely free and we plan on keeping it that way. We are considering some advanced features however that might be available under a premium plan.

The only limit we have applied thus far is on the number of characters you can submit and that is being set at a maximum of 50,000.

In theory yes but that will require a lot of work and professionals dedicated for this job. We are considering a way of letting the community participate somehow.

Typely does not do grammar checking because it's hard and almost impossible to get right. The aim for Typely is to be precise and reliable.

Free online proofreading


Publish confidently by proofreading to perfection


“Writing without revising is the literary equivalent of waltzing gaily out of the house in your underwear.” — Patricia Fuller

We’re pretty open-minded, but we generally recommend that writing be at least partially dressed before sharing it with the world.

Now that just about everyone is a writer, just about everyone is a proofreader too, when you think about it. Which is why we believe now is the time to get clear about what exactly proofreading entails in our modern world.

What is proofreading?

Proofreading refers to carefully checking for writing and formatting errors in a text before it’s published. It’s the final step in making sure a piece of writing is as close to “perfect” as possible by double-checking for punctuation and spelling errors, typos, and any inconsistencies. The most important purpose of writing is to communicate your thoughts effectively. This, however, is better suited for the editing phase, not the proofreading phase. While proofreaders will check for clarity in consistency, they’re more focused on minor errors that may have slipped through. When you proofread, you evaluate the content in what will be its final, published form, or a proof. (Get it now?) Proofreaders look at more than just the words — they’re scanning for any formatting errors as well. Proofreading marks are either made on paper, or in comments and digital notes in Google Docs and word processing software, to alert the writer of suggested corrections within a document. There are both US and UK English conventions for proofreading. The final step of any personal or business writing process, proofreading is the process of identifying and correcting spelling, grammar, and punctuation errors.

The difference between proofreading and editing

It’s important to note that proofreading and editing are not the same. Editing involves a different skill set and is usually more time-consuming. Though there are various stages to the entire editing process, copy editing and proofreading are the two most common. Coincidentally, they’re also the two that get mixed up the most. Though developmental, structural, and line editing all deserve their time and place , they’re seen less frequently in the world of digital content creation. These parts of the editing process are better reserved for lengthier works, such as books, investigative journalism, essays, instructional works, and magazine articles. The terms copy editing and proofreading are often used interchangeably by those not familiar with the space. These two are not the same, though, and it’s crucial to be aware of their differences if you’re anyone working with written content.

Copy editing Copy editing takes place before proofreading and involves a more thorough shake down of the content at hand. Copy editors will look for things such as readability, grammar, spelling, style, syntax, and punctuation depending on what style guide they’re following. In this stage of the editing process, it’s okay to offer revisions that will require additional writing.

Examples of what a copy editor might comment: Point out wordy sentences, suggest change in word choice, fix punctuation marks in a sentence.

Proofreading Proofreading occurs after copy editing. Though proofreaders look for grammar and punctuation, they’re also focused on the overall formatting of the piece. They’re the last set of eyes before publication, so it’s their job to ensure the text is as close to perfect as it can get. No drastic changes will happen here — that’s the job of all the editors who came before.

Examples of what a proofreader might comment: Fix bad line breaks, change improper punctuation, point out incorrect page numbers.

How to proofread

Traditionally, proofreading is meant to be a relatively rapid and focused process of making sure writing is free of minor errors, such as typos that may have occurred during a more rigorous round of editing. For online publishing and blogging — which often includes transferring of content from a word processing document to a CMS (content management system) — proofreading includes making sure that formatting is correct. Adhering to a style guide — whether that be the Associated Press Stylebook , Chicago Manual of Style , or your own — is another vital part of the process. Consistency is key, and proofreaders need to be aware of what rules to follow for the given copy.

Common things to double-check when proofreading

  • Links function properly and direct readers to the right pages
  • Words — especially names and organizations — are spelled correctly
  • Formatting appears as it was intended — bolds, italics, indentations, new paragraphs, and fonts are correct
  • Proper punctuation is used throughout
  • Capitalization is correct
  • No “bad breaks,” such as widows or orphans
  • Helpful information such as an FAQ section exists
  • Consistent tenses throughout the piece
  • No subject-verb agreement issues
  • Headline or email subject is clear
  • Citations match the brand style guide
  • No misplaced or misused commas
  • Voice and style are consistent throughout

When is the best time to proofread text?

The best time to proofread is during every project’s final stage, after revisions are done and copy editing has been completed. Proofreading is the last step. If you’re wondering what time is the best, we advise after morning coffee and before your deadline. Because the proofreading process is intended to be the final step before publishing or hitting “send,” the changes should be relatively minor — meaning, catching typos or errors that may have slipped by. In other words, proofreading is not the phase where you should be completely reworking a paragraph or changing the direction of your main points. Proofreading is not the time to decide that you’ve changed your stance on an important topic — that kind of change should happen during the initial planning, thesis-writing, or outline phase of your writing. In this stage, you also shouldn’t completely overhaul a piece of writing from, say, a 1,500-word blog post to a 3,000-word help article. That work should have been done during the developmental editing phase.

Top proofreading techniques and tricks

Ask someone else to proofread for you Get a pair of fresh eyes on your writing. After spending so much time on your work, you’ll be apt to accidentally glaze over errors and typographical errors. It’s like a crooked painting in your house — you don’t notice it until someone else points it out. If you have to proofread your own work, step away Close your document, shut down your computer, and take a break from staring at the screen for a few hours (the longer, the better). Go for a walk, sip some coffee, and you’ll have a fresher set of eyes when you return. Focus on one thing at a time When you’re on high-alert for every type of proofing error, it’s easier to miss some mistakes. Instead, try combing a paper only for punctuation, then again for spelling mistakes, and so on. Come back to it if you’re tired Don’t ever try to proofread at the end of the day when your attention span is nil, and all you want to do is sleep. Sleep on it and try again in the morning. Proofreading with a set of sleepy eyes is as good as not proofreading at all. Print it out Editing a hard copy — and not a digital one — will help you see your writing from a different perspective. It feels different, and putting pen to paper feels more substantive and also satisfying. Read it out loud Reading your own writing out loud is a great way to catch any misspelled words or wonky sentences you might’ve missed before. While it might feel funny at first, you’ll find yourself noticing things such as run-on sentences that you wouldn’t have otherwise when reading it silently. Allot two days to proofread Ideally, proofreading should happen at least two days before a deadline. This ensures that you’ll have enough time to implement changes with one more round of proofing to come. Take into consideration the length of your writing — the longer it is, the longer proofing will take. Use an AI proofreading tool You can use an AI writing assistant to help with proofreading digital content. Nowadays, the top ones on the market are programmed to catch spelling, grammatical errors, and some even help you adhere to your style guide . For example, Writer uses AI to catch and correct common writing mistakes — as well as ones personal to your company’s style guide — and ensure your text is ready to share. Proofreading example Editors and professional proofreaders usually check a printed “proof copy” of the text and make corrections using specialized marks. In the digital realm, proofreaders work with AI writing assistants. Most of these online proofreading and editing services also include plagiarism checkers to identify duplicate content on the web and provide an efficient solution for the publication.

Improve your proofreading skills with Writer

With edits occurring more frequently in the “tracked changes” on Microsoft Word or in suggestions on shared Google Docs, proofreaders find themselves doing their job digitally. And in a world flooded with copy and content, it’s crucial to ensure your words stand out, for all the right reasons. Writer is much more than just a spell check — think of it as your very own professional proofreader. And if you’re looking to implement language and content consistency company-wide, Writer has that too. Take your proofreading up a notch by publishing a living, breathing style guide that Writer implements almost anywhere you produce copy. With terminology management , custom writing style rules, snippets, and more, you don’t ever have to worry about your content being flooded with errors.

Illustration by Daniel Zender

Level-up your writing with Writer, your very own proofreader.

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May 21, 2024

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Check your work with an AI proofreader

Whether you're a student, professional, or just someone who wants to maintain a polished online presence, you understand how a simple spelling or grammatical issue can undermine your message.

That’s why using artificial intelligence to check your work can be a powerful tool. AI proofreaders can help you check your work with precision and confidence. Copilot in the Microsoft Edge sidebar  offers built-in, AI-powered proofreading capabilities to help you check your work with ease. Say goodbye to writing mistakes and hello to polished, error-free content.

How does an AI proofreader work?

Proofreading AI relies on advanced algorithms and natural language processing (NLP) to analyze your text. These AI tools identify spelling errors and check for grammar issues, such as problematic tense or subject-verb agreement. These checks can also help ensure proper usage of punctuation marks and formatting guidelines to match specific style guides, such as MLA or Chicago Manual of Style.

Your AI proofreader can also evaluate writing style and suggest improvements for clarity, coherence, and overall readability in order to make your writing stronger. AI proofreaders can suggest synonyms or alternative words to improve the variety of your vocabulary. You can even ask AI to revise your work in different styles, such as in a conversational tone, with academic authority, or from a funny or sarcastic point of view.

How can proofreading AI help your writing?

If you’re writing an academic paper, long-form news story, or any authoritative text, you understand the importance of avoiding mistakes that can weaken your voice or argument. That’s why using free proofreading AI can be an indispensable tool.

AI can be exceptionally precise, catching errors that might slip past your own review. These proofreading tools can also provide near-instant feedback, saving you valuable time compared to manually scanning your text line by line. By maintaining a consistent level of scrutiny across your entire document, AI can reduce the chances of overlooking errors or switching tones halfway through your text.

Image of a robot editing writing on a piece of paper at a desk

Credit: Image created with AI

How to use Copilot in the Microsoft Edge sidebar to proofread your work

Imagine having an assistant who tirelessly checks your work for errors and ensures it's polished to perfection. One such assistant is Copilot in the sidebar, which comes equipped with AI-powered tools to catch grammar, spelling, and other writing issues that might have otherwise slipped through the cracks.

To start proofreading with AI, select the Copilot icon in the upper right corner of the Microsoft Edge sidebar. You can then paste the text you want proofread in the Ask me anything... search box preceded by a prompt like one of these:

  • Proofread the following text to check for grammar, spelling, and punctuation.
  • Proofread the following text for general spelling and writing errors. Make a list of all errors and show me the text with errors bolded.
  • Proofread the following text to make sure it sounds formal enough for a work email.

Get suggestions to improve your work

When you input your text into Copilot , it can swiftly scan every word, sentence, and paragraph to identify potential grammar, spelling, vocabulary, and style blunders, but that’s not all. It can also offer better word choices, sentences, and structure to enhance your writing style. Try prompts like these to get suggestions for improvement from your AI proofreader:

  • Help me polish this text to perfection. Proofread the following text and check for grammar, spelling, and punctuation. Then, make a list of all problematic sentences with suggestions for a rewrite.
  • Provide three ways to rewrite this paragraph.
  • Make all the fixes you suggest to the text and bold them inline.

One of the most appealing aspects of AI proofreading tools like Copilot is that they are incredibly user-friendly. In a matter of seconds, you’ll see your text scanned and corrected, saving you valuable time and helping to ensure your writing is error-free. It's also a confidence booster for writers of all levels, whether a professional author or a student working on an essay, to know a free proofreading AI assistant can help make sure your work is as clean, clear, and effective as possible.

Try Microsoft Edge today  to experiment with this invaluable tool to enhance your writing.

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    Price: It has a free plan and three premium plan variants. Linguix has a very basic free online proofreading plan. It highlights spelling mistakes and gives you suggestions when you hover over the highlighted text. The premium plans offer a lot more, such as proper grammar check, etc. Features:

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  16. 6 Free Online Proofreading Tools For Perfect Writing [2022 Edition]

    2. Language Tool. After Grammarly, my next recommendation is Language Tool. Funded by the European Union, this free online proofreading tool integrates well as an extension with popular web browsers like Chrome and Firefox, including support for integration with popular text-based writers like Google Docs, Microsoft Word, and Libre Office.

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  21. Publish confidently by proofreading to perfection

    Publish confidently byproofreading to perfection. Publish confidently by. proofreading to perfection. "Writing without revising is the literary equivalent of waltzing gaily out of the house in your underwear.". — Patricia Fuller. We're pretty open-minded, but we generally recommend that writing be at least partially dressed before ...

  22. Check Your Work with an AI Proofreader

    AI proofreaders can help you check your work with precision and confidence. Copilot in the Microsoft Edge sidebar offers built-in, AI-powered proofreading capabilities to help you check your work with ease. Say goodbye to writing mistakes and hello to polished, error-free content. How does an AI proofreader work?