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how do facebook reviews work

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February 2, 2022

Everything You Need to Know About Facebook Reviews

a group of people each holding a star above their heads to symbolize facebook reviews

Facebook reviews — officially called Facebook Recommendations — on local business Pages can help you build your company’s online reputation, expand your search visibility, and attract more customers to your business locations.

According to research:

  • Facebook holds 19% of all customer reviews . The social media platform also ranks fourth just behind Google, Yelp, and Tripadvisor on the list of review sites people check before visiting a business. ( Online Reviews Statistics )
  • 18.3% of U.S. adults made a purchase through Facebook in the last year. ( eMarketer )
  • 2 out of 3 Facebook users visit a local business Page at least once a week. ( Hootsuite )
  • 55% consider the social network as the most common place to learn about new brands and products. Meanwhile, 66% are likely to share their thoughts, experiences, and opinions on their purchases on Facebook. ( Facebook Reputation Management guide)

google is the top site for business reviews

One thing to note: If you haven’t done so already, we suggest taking the time to learn how to claim a Facebook business page . 

Doing so ensures that you have an official place on Facebook where people can leave online reviews . For brands with multiple locations, we suggest you also check out our guide on how to manage multiple Facebook Pages with Facebook Business Manager .

What are Facebook Reviews / Recommendations?

For years, Facebook business Pages featured traditional online reviews and ratings. This changed in 2018, when the social network rolled out a series of visual changes and features that included “Facebook Recommendations.”

With the update, Facebook followed the trends set by Netflix and YouTube by ditching the 5-star rating system in favor of Yes/No options. Now, a query field appears on a business Page’s “Recommendations and Reviews” section with the question: “Do you recommend (business name)?”

screenshot of Facebook recommendations on the mobile app

Users can answer by pressing the “Yes” or “No” button and can add further context to their recommendations with tags, photos, and more text.

As a local business Page owner, you will no longer see any star-based reviews coming into your Page. Customers will rate your business simply by choosing whether or not they recommend it. 

How Do I See Facebook Reviews and Recommendations?

If you’re wondering how to see reviews on your Facebook business Page, simply go to your Page and click the Recommendations or Reviews tab found under your profile picture. (If you’re using Facebook Business Manager , you can follow the same procedures for Pages to which you have access.) 

If you previously enabled online reviews on your Page, Recommendations have been automatically turned on. To make it easier to find specific Recommendations, you can apply a “most helpful” or “most recent” filter to sort all your Recommendations and ratings.

Are Facebook Recommendations Public? 

All Facebook reviews and Recommendations are publicly displayed on your Page’s Reviews or Recommendations tab. They cannot be set to private.

What Happened to My Ratings?

If your business managed to compile a fair amount of Facebook reviews with high rating scores before Recommendations were rolled out, don’t worry: your ratings did not go away. 

They are still taken into account for your overall rating, which is also still displayed on your Page. As for how Facebook calculates this, it’s a mixture of reviews based on the past 5-star rating system and the current Yes / No Recommendations. 

How to Set Up Facebook Reviews

By default, Facebook reviews are activated when you create a Page. If, for some reason, it isn’t available when the Page is created, you can turn it on manually via the Manage Page section on the left side of the screen. To turn on Facebook reviews:

  • Go to your brand page.
  • Click on the “Settings” button on the Manage Page section.
  • A new window should appear. Click on the “Templates and Tabs” section.
  • Toggle the “Reviews” option to ON.

To make it easier for people to leave unsolicited feedback , you should make sure that people see the Reviews section on your page. You can change the order of the sections in this area through the “Templates and Tabs” section in the Page’s settings. Drag the dotted icon next to the section name to change the order.

a screenshot of the review page on the ReviewTrackers Facebook page

How Do I Respond to Facebook Reviews?

Facebook reviews and Recommendations appear like traditional posts in the Reviews section. This means you can respond to any review on a Page by commenting on it. You can also “like” or “love” a Recommendation.

An example of a Recommendation on Facebook and the business Page's response

Before you do so, make sure you’re responding using your brand’s Facebook account and not your personal profile.

Before typing a response, it’s important to learn how to respond to negative reviews as well as positive feedback. 

According to research, 44.6% of consumers are more likely to visit a business if it responds to negative reviews. But don’t wait too long before typing out a response: 53.3% expect a response from a company within seven days.

The way your brand handles criticism or praise goes a long way towards brand success. Choosing the right words and taking feedback to heart can put your brand above the competition.

Can I Delete Facebook Reviews?

Currently, you can’t delete individual Facebook reviews and Recommendations from your page. If you don’t want reviews, the only option is to disable the entire feature. To do so:

  • Go to the “Settings” section of the Manage Pages tab.
  • Click on the “Templates and Tabs” button.
  • Next to the “Reviews” section, toggle the switch from On to Off.

Turning this off might not be the best idea because it removes all reviews, including the positive reviews your brand might have accumulated throughout the years. In many ways, a page with reviews is better off than one without any reviews at all. That feedback serves as valuable social proof for consumers, and they’ll be quick to dismiss a brand if it doesn’t contain any consumer feedback.

If you believe a Facebook review contains spammy content or doesn’t meet the terms of use and content guidelines, you can send a report to Facebook .

A screenshot of where and how to report a review on Facebook

What Companies Should Know About Facebook Recommendations

Recommendations and reviews are geared towards making your brand more discoverable and trustworthy on Facebook. 

According to the social network, having great Recommendations “may make your Page easier to find in Facebook search” — similar to how Google reviews can impact your local SEO performance. 

Recommendations are also useful for understanding the customer experience. The updated interface encourages your customers to provide richer, more detailed feedback about their experiences.

After users make the choice of recommending your business or not, they will be asked to provide additional details using tags, text, and photos. Selecting a tag will allow common themes to emerge, making it easier for potential customers to see your business’s highlights.

Example of common keywords found in Facebook Recommendations

How To Get Facebook Reviews

Asking for reviews for your Facebook Page doesn’t have to be difficult (or awkward). 

If you have your customers’ contact information, you can send personalized SMS messages or emails asking for their feedback. (Make sure you get their permission to send messages to them before doing so). 

For those physically visiting your locations, you can give them physical reminders like cards or use stickers and posters in high-traffic areas to make customers aware of your Facebook page.

Screenshot of SMS Ask Tool template

Based on our own research, the best time to start asking for reviews is around 2-3 p.m. or 6-7 p.m. 

Regardless of when you ask for feedback, the important thing is to keep it short, sweet, and uncomplicated. Quickly tell people why you want their feedback and provide a short link that doesn’t require people to jump through multiple hoops before they can leave a Facebook review. 

The Importance of Facebook Reviews

Facebook reviews, along with reviews on other business review sites , are important marketing assets for any brand. 92.4% of consumers use these reviews to guide their purchasing decisions. People need social proof to know if a product or service is worth the time, and more importantly, the investment.

On a popular site such as Facebook, reviews carry plenty of weight, and you need to use it to your advantage to improve the experience, attract more customers, and beat the competition.

how do facebook reviews work

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A complete guide on Facebook Recommendations/Reviews

Facebook Recommendations: Boost Your Business’ Reputation

In today’s digital age, online reviews play a pivotal role in shaping a business’s reputation and success. Facebook started out in 2004 as a social media platform and over the past 19 years it has become so much more. Among the plethora of platforms available for customer feedback, Facebook Reviews (now called Facebook Recommendations) stands out as a useful tool for businesses to showcase their credibility, build trust and engage with their audience. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore everything you need to know about Facebook Recommendations and how to make the most of them.

What is Facebook Recommendations?

Facebook Reviews is a feature on the social media platform Facebook that allows users to share their experiences and opinions about businesses, products, or services they have interacted with. Recently, it was renamed to Facebook Recommendations. After the change, users can no longer leave a star rating from 1 to 5, instead they can either recommend or not recommend a certain business. Through Facebook Reviews, users can leave written feedback and provide valuable insights into their interactions with a particular business. These reviews are publicly visible on the business’s Facebook page and can influence the perception of the business among existing and potential new customers.

Businesses can benefit from Facebook Recommendations by showcasing positive feedback as a form of social proof, building trust with their audience, and addressing any concerns or negative feedback to improve their offerings. This feature provides a platform for customers to voice their opinions and for businesses to engage with their audience directly, fostering transparency and accountability.

Why Facebook Recommendations Matter

  • Social Proof : Positive reviews on Facebook act as social proof, assuring potential customers that others have had satisfactory experiences with your business.
  • Trust Building : Reviews contribute to building trust and credibility. They provide a sense of authenticity and transparency, showing that your business values the opinions of its customers.
  • Search Visibility : Facebook Reviews can impact your business’s visibility on search engines. Reviews that recommend your business can lead to higher search rankings, attracting more organic traffic.
  • Customer Engagement : Engaging with reviews, whether they’re positive or negative, demonstrates that your business takes ownership and is committed to improving its services.

Managing Your Facebook Recommendations

To make the most of Facebook Recommendations, you need to actively manage and engage with them. But in order to get reviews on Facebook, you’ll need a Facebook Business Page.

Claim Your Business Page

If you haven’t already, claim ownership of your very own business page on Facebook. This ensures you have control over the information displayed about your business and the ability to respond to reviews. Log into your Facebook account and click the Create button on the top-right corner of the screen, then select the Page option within the pop-up menu.

In the “Create a Page” section enter the name of your business name, choose a category, and add a description. You’ll also be able to see a preview of what the page will look like on desktop and mobile platforms after you enter the information. To finish the initial setup, click on the “Create Page” button at the bottom of the screen. Alternatively, you can just use this direct link to create a page .

Your Facebook business page is now visible, but it will be empty. To fix that, go to the “Page Settings” option on the left side of the screen and click “Page Info”. From here you can add some vital information about your business. Make sure you add a phone number, an email address, a physical address, a website and your hours of operation.

Enable Reviews

Enabling reviews on your business page establishes a two-way street of communication between your brand and your customers. It invites them to contribute to your online presence, helping potential clients gain a comprehensive understanding of your offerings through real experiences. Moreover, positive reviews serve as endorsements that boost your brand’s credibility and trustworthiness. You can find this option in your page’s settings under “Templates and Tabs.”

Respond Promptly

Swiftly addressing reviews demonstrates your responsiveness and approachability. Customers appreciate knowing that their opinions are heard and taken seriously. This practice not only enhances the reviewer’s experience but also showcases your brand’s commitment to excellence in customer service.

Engage Professionally

When you respond to positive reviews with gratitude and appreciation, you not only acknowledge the reviewer’s satisfaction but also reinforce their positive feelings towards your brand. Expressing genuine thanks creates a connection that resonates with them and encourages continued engagement. Thank reviewers for their feedback and address any issues raised.

Encourage Reviews with Magic

Harness the potential of satisfied customers by proactively encouraging them to share their experiences through reviews. By using Magic , you can not only strengthen your online presence but also foster a sense of community around your brand. Magic allows you to easily reach out to happy customers and empower them to contribute to your brand’s narrative. Positive reviews not only enhance your credibility but also attract potential customers who seek authentic endorsements. 

Dealing with Negative Reviews

Negative reviews are inevitable, but they also present opportunities for improvement for your business. In order to make the most out of them, you can take the following steps.

When faced with a negative review, it’s crucial to maintain a composed and calm demeanour. Refrain from becoming defensive or engaging in confrontational responses. Remember, approaching the situation with a level head can pave the way for constructive dialogue and resolution. By staying composed, you open the door to understanding the customer’s perspective and addressing their concerns effectively.

Address the Issue

Publicly acknowledging the issue raised in the review and proactively providing a solution is a vital step towards showcasing your commitment to customer satisfaction. By addressing concerns openly, you demonstrate your attentiveness and dedication to resolving issues promptly. This not only reassures the dissatisfied customer but also resonates with potential customers who observe your responsiveness. 

Take It Offline

Extend a heartfelt invitation to the reviewer to connect with you privately, fostering a channel for in-depth discussion on the matter at hand. This personal touch reflects your commitment to providing tailored solutions and addressing their concerns comprehensively. Private communication grants the reviewer a space to share additional details and perspectives that might not be suitable for public discourse. 

Learn and Improve

Consider each negative review as a roadmap to betterment. Examine the feedback with an open mind, seeking ways to bridge the gap between what customers anticipate and what you deliver. This continuous improvement process not only boosts customer satisfaction but also elevates your business’s reputation.

Best Practices for Facebook Recommendations

Here are some best practices to maximise the benefits of Facebook Recommendations:

  • Regularly Monitor Reviews: Set aside time to monitor and respond to reviews consistently.
  • Show Appreciation: Thank customers for positive reviews and express your gratitude for their support.
  • Use Visual Content: Share photos and videos of your products or services in action to enhance your page’s visual appeal.
  • Highlight Positive Reviews: Share positive reviews on your page to showcase customer satisfaction.
  • Stay Genuine: Authenticity matters. Avoid posting fake reviews or incentivizing customers to leave positive feedback.

Frequently Asked Questions about Facebook Recommendations

Did Facebook change reviews to recommendations?

In a 2023 update to its platform, Facebook has rebranded its ‘Reviews’ feature as ‘Recommendations.’ This transition was made with the intention of enabling customers to provide more comprehensive feedback about your business. This adjustment holds the potential to enhance your visibility within the local community and draw a larger customer base.

Who can see Facebook recommendations?

Remember that when an individual offers a business recommendation, they have the option to choose who sees it. For instance, if they opt to share a recommendation with their Friends, only those in their friend list can view it. It’s important to note that only publicly shared Recommendations contribute to a Page’s overall rating.

Is a Facebook recommendation the same as a review?

Facebook Recommendations have replaced Facebook Reviews. The way they work is straightforward: when a user visits your page, they’ll encounter a section labelled Recommendations and Reviews positioned near the top. These have their dedicated user tab, formerly called  “Reviews.”

Can you remove a bad recommendation on Facebook?

Page owners lack the ability to directly eliminate specific reviews. Nonetheless, users have the option to report a review to Facebook’s team for potential removal. However, reviews can only be reported if they have received at least one comment. Addressing negative reviews through comments requires careful consideration and a delicate approach.

Where is the reviews recommendations tab on Facebook?

enable facebook recommendations on your page

To access your Page’s Recommendations, navigate to the Reviews tab situated beneath your cover photo on your Page. In some cases, you might need to first click on “More.” Disabling Recommendations will halt their display and eliminate the associated ratings and reviews from your Page. If a Recommendation or review violates Facebook’s Community Standards, you have the option to report it.

Key Takeaway

Facebook Recommendations offer businesses a valuable avenue to engage with customers, showcase their reputation, and build trust. By actively managing reviews, responding professionally, and using feedback to improve, you can harness the power of customer opinions to enhance your brand’s online presence and credibility. Embrace reviews as opportunities for growth, and remember that every interaction is a chance to leave a positive impression on both existing and potential customers.

About Magic

Magic helps local businesses grow. Thousands of local businesses use Magic to get more online reviews, win new customers, easily manage customer conversations and grow sales. Magic offers these features:

  • Reviews: Get more reviews with automatic review requests for popular review sites like Google, Facebook, Yelp, TrustPilot, and more. Rank high on local search and enhance your visibility on Google. 
  • Inbox: Keep track of customer conversations across channels in one inbox, including SMS, Facebook, Instagram, and Gmail. Manage conversations better as a team and do more with industry specific templates. 
  • Text Marketing: Drive more sales with instant text campaigns and reach your customers at the right moment with automation. Use prebuilt templates to send out text campaigns in minutes. 
  • Webchat: Turn website visitors into customers with SMS powered Webchat. Chat to website visitors directly through SMS so you won’t miss a lead, even when they leave your website. 

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how do facebook reviews work

Making Sense of Facebook Recommendations: How They Work and Why They Matter

Image of Scott Baradell

Scott Baradell

Google, Yelp and Facebook form a triumvirate of influence when it comes to online reviews, particularly for local businesses. Think of them as the Big Three.

Google, as we know, includes companies' star ratings in millions of branded searches and map listings every day. Yelp, the pioneer of local reviews, has published more than 200 million reviews and currently has a market cap of more than $3 billion.

Facebook, of course, is the most popular social media platform of all time. Facebook claims that fully one-third of its 3 billion users look to Facebook reviews to evaluate local businesses. It made some news recently when Bing switched from sharing Yelp reviews to Facebook reviews in its local listings.

But Facebook reviews -- which officially became Facebook Recommendations in 2018 -- are different from reviews on Google, Yelp or other review sites in three important ways:

  • Having a Reviews tab is optional, so if you don't want people to leave reviews of your business on your page, you can simply reflect that in your page settings. Many companies with poor reviews choose this option to make those reviews disappear. Most review sites don't offer this option. Facebook does warn companies that choose not to accept reviews that it may reduce their business's visibility in search.
  • Facebook reviews are more likely to lead to discussion and dialogue with other customers than reviews on other sites. Facebook, after all, is built for conversation. If you have a lot of happy customers, this can lead to an online lovefest and bandwagon effect . If you have a lot of unhappy customers, they can amplify one another's complaints and even organize against you .
  • The main difference involves star ratings. While all review sites calculate star ratings differently , with some using fairly complex algorithms, no one does it quite like Facebook. You see, since 2018, individuals have not been allowed to leave a star rating for businesses. Facebook simply asks whether you would like to recommend or not recommend the business; then, you can write a post describing your experience. After you publish the post, Facebook assigns a star rating to your review that it factors into an overall star rating for the business -- although no star rating is displayed with your individual review.

Let's take a closer look at this third difference. Why does Facebook create its own star ratings for businesses based on user reviews, rather than let users leave their own star ratings? And how does it calculate a business's star rating based on these reviews?

In my research, I've found the answers to be disappointing.

Facebook scrapped user-generated star ratings when it introduced Facebook Recommendations in 2018. The reason Facebook stated for this decision at the time was that it wanted to encourage more detailed reviews (a minimum of 25 characters, anyway), and more discussion and engagement. Too many users were just dropping in star ratings without providing any explanation or context.

Of course, Facebook could have required users to leave a 25-character-plus review in order to leave a star rating -- but hey, who am I to question Facebook on UX?

Facebook doesn't explain how it determines a business's overall star rating based on reviews, beyond a cryptic message that pops up next to each page's star rating:  "This rating is based on how many people recommend or don't recommend the Page, as well as any past ratings and reviews it may have."

From what I can tell based on a little experimentation, Facebook's formula can be explained more simply:

  • When you recommend a business, Facebook assigns your review five stars.
  • When you don't recommend a business, Facebook assigns your review one star.

For example, I looked up Dallas-area plumbers and found Public Service Plumbers. They had five reviews with a 3.4 star average. 

Public Service Plumbers 3.4

I added a review recommending the service. The star rating immediately rose to 3.7.

public service plumbers facebook star ratings example

Then I deleted that review and added one not recommending the service. The star rating fell to 3.0.

Facebook star ratings example

Taking a simple average across the six reviews in each case, it was evident that my first review had been assigned five stars and my second one star.

Seems like a pretty blunt instrument, doesn't it? Honestly, considering it claims nearly a billion people turn to its reviews to evaluate local businesses, I think Facebook could do better.

Nonetheless, you're wise to take Facebook reviews seriously -- and that advice isn't just for local or even B2C businesses. Facebook star ratings appear prominently on Facebook, Google and Bing for organizations of all sizes and types -- national, global and B2B companies included.

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Scott is founder and CEO of Idea Grove, one of the most forward-looking public relations agencies in the United States. Idea Grove focuses on helping technology companies reach media and buyers, with clients ranging from venture-backed startups to Fortune 100 companies.

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Full Guide to Facebook Reviews in 2023

how do facebook reviews work

According to recent statistics, there are close to 3 billion active monthly users on Facebook. The simple fact remains that Facebook is the leader in the clubhouse regarding user engagement. This reality stimulates many proactive business owners to increase the number of positive Facebook reviews in 2023.

Facebook reviews can solidify one's online presence and increase brand visibility. They are one of the most effective marketing strategies any business owner should focus on in 2023. They can boost your brand's reputation, attract more customers, and ultimately increase sales.

But there are some key facts that you need to know about how Facebook reviews and, specifically, their Facebook ratings are used to improve social proof among future customers.

Below, we'll outline some facts about Facebook business reviews. We will explain how the Facebook rating system works, how to take advantage of Facebook ratings, and how ReviewsOnMyWebsite can help you drive your customers to your Facebook business page to write glowing reviews.

How does the Facebook rating system work? 

The Facebook rating system used to be based on a 5-star system. Before 2020, a user would click and select from 1 to 5 stars, with each star representing a different level of satisfaction or dissatisfaction.

Each star had its own meaning:

  • 1 Star - Very Unsatisfied
  • 2 Stars - Somewhat Satisfied
  • 3 Stars - Neutral
  • 4 Stars - Very Satisfied
  • 5 Stars - Extremely Satisfied

However, in 2020, Facebook changed its system to a recommendation vs. the number of ratings. Their reasoning remains a mystery, as they've been very quiet about this change. However, the business recommendation rating number - under the reviews tab on your business page - which is based on a five-point scale, is still active. 

What are Facebook star ratings?

Technically, there are no Facebook star ratings – as of 2019. The platform changed its star reviews rating system to a yes/no recommendation system. While this recommendation rating system is like a star rating in the score criteria, those numbers are collected via multiple elements beyond a simple number assigned by previous customers.

What are Facebook page recommendations?

Now, when your customers leave a Facebook review, they'll instead be asked to make a Facebook recommendation with a straightforward question - would you recommend this company?

If the answer is yes, your business is assigned a 'point.' The company's business Facebook page receives a negative point if the answer is no. While Facebook is quite vague about the actual point total assigned for positive or negative reviews, it's assumed that the number is 5 - since the recommendation in the reviews section total is based on that scale.

After a business collects a non-specified number of reviews, Facebook will assign a recommendation 'scale' - which is based on several factors, including the number of positive recommendations vs. negative recommendations, the quality of the users’ feedback, how often that social network page is shared by reviewers, and other criteria.

How many recommendations are needed for a Facebook rating?

The Facebook Help Center claims that ratings are based on multiple things, such as user reviews and recommendations. They state that only businesses that "allow" Recommendations will have a rating, meaning if there aren't enough recommendations, the business won't be assigned a recommendation rating.

However, when it comes to answering the question, we cannot provide any factual statistics.

What are the benefits of getting good Facebook reviews?

Having good reviews on Facebook is one of the critical methods to increase your business' reputation.

Not only can customers see and interact with the reviews, but they are also shown when someone looks up your page or searches for you on Google reviews.

So, it makes sense that an excellent strategy for improving your Facebook business page recommendation rating is to drive as many happy customers as possible to your platform - and recommend your business.

There are multiple benefits when you increase the number of positive reviews on your Facebook business page.

Benefit #1 - Increases your organic reach 

People will trust your brand and be more likely to engage with it when you have many positive reviews. Facebook also rewards local businesses with higher recommendation numbers than competitors with local searches.

As such, your organic reach for local searches of your business type will be ranked higher.

Benefit #2 - Improves your credibility 

For potential customers considering doing business with you, the fact that multiple other customers have left glowing reviews will make them more likely to trust your business.

This naturally leads them to think you must offer good products and services.

Benefit #3 - Enhances your professionalism 

Receiving many Facebook reviews is a great way to portray a professional image for your business. Having those 5-star ratings on your page is a great way to show that you care about customer experience.

Plus, it helps build trust in potential customers who are new to the business.

How to set up and activate your Facebook page reviews 

The top three review platforms increasing in the number of direct user business reviews are Amazon, Google, and Facebook. As such, if your small business attracts new customers via these platforms or you sell products through them - it's a wise idea to take advantage of their free business rating and review systems.

Following the step-by-step guide below, you can easily set up and activate your Facebook page reviews in just a few minutes. Before you begin, make sure you’re clear on Facebook community standards. 

Step 1 - Create your business page 

The first step is to create your business page if you still need one. Setting it up is straightforward and requires only basic information about your company and industry.

Here are some essential items to include in your business profile.

  • Your business address and phone number
  • Your website URL
  • Hours of operation
  • Industry you serve
  • General customer demographic information which can lead to more Facebook reviews and increased organic traffic

Step 2 - Enable reviews 

After creating your page, you need to enable reviews by going to the Settings tab and clicking on "Reviews." Here, you can choose whether people can leave reviews for your page. Make sure it is turned "on."

Step 3 - Invite customers to leave reviews 

Once you've enabled reviews, the next step is to invite your past and current customers to leave a review on your page. You can do this by emailing or posting through social media. If you want to get more reviews, consider creating a special offer for people who take the time to leave a review.

how do facebook reviews work

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Note: in order for your customers to leave a Facebook review, they need to have an active Facebook account.

How to see reviews on your Facebook business page? 

You can access reviews for your business anytime by going to the "Reviews" tab on your page. Here, you can view all the reviews left for your business and how many people have recommended it.

It's essential to keep in mind that Facebook typically displays only positive reviews on your timeline. If you receive negative reviews, they will not be visible unless someone clicks on the "See All" button.

Why can't I see all my Facebook reviews? 

Like Amazon and Google, Facebook does hold customer reviews in moderation in some situations. You may only be able to see some of your reviews because some are flagged as suspicious. This can be done if specific keywords are in the review or if a visitor to your Facebook business page reports it as fake or unacceptable.

If a review falls into this category, it will only appear on your business page once it has been approved by Facebook.

Received a negative review that you don't want to be visible? You can always ask Facebook to delete the review if you feel that it's fake or violates Facebook's terms, or reach out to the review author and ask them to update it.

How long do Facebook reviews take to post?

Once you've enabled reviews and invited customers to leave them, it may take some time for the reviews to appear on your page. Generally, it takes around 24 hours for a review to be posted.

Keep in mind that Facebook also has its own filtering system in place. So, if a review contains suspicious words or phrases, it may take even longer to get approved.

How to get reviews on Facebook?

Getting reviews on Facebook is a great way to build credibility and trust. Start asking your existing customers for honest feedback to get more reviews. You can also use social media to spread the word and let people know you're looking for reviews.

In addition to this, you can use ReviewOnMyWebsite to send direct SMS and email requests to your customers asking them to leave a review for your business.

How to manage Facebook reviews?

Managing your reviews is an essential part of building a successful brand. However, many business owners or marketing managers are time-strapped to continually sit on their Facebook pages to wait for customer reviews.

Every business can embrace a few essential tips that will permit them to activate an online reputation management strategy and scale it - once their number of reviews and business grows.

Tip #1 - Activate the new review notification feature

The New Review Notification feature allows you to receive an email whenever someone leaves a review on your page. This means you can stay on top of customer feedback and quickly respond if necessary.

Tip #2 - Assign a daily task to an employee

Another easy way to check your Facebook business page reviews is to assign this task to a trustworthy employee who has excellent communication skills and can speak intelligently about your company. Have them check user reviews regularly, so they can promptly respond to user reviews as soon as they are posted.

Tip #3 - Respond to both positive and negative reviews 

Whenever you receive a review, be sure to leave a response. That way, you can adequately thank customers for their feedback and address any negative comments.

Anytime a user leaves a negative comment, take it seriously. However, always reply in a calm, professional, and measured manner. If you can, ask the user to contact you privately to see if you can resolve their issue.

Tip #4 - Use review widgets to display your reviews

Several tools can help businesses manage their online reviews, including ReviewsOnMyWebsite. It will notify you via email when new reviews are posted and allow to quickly respond to reviews.

Plus, it can be configured as a widget on your website. This makes it easy to display your Facebook reviews on your high-traffic landing and conversion pages of your website.

Can you delete reviews on Facebook?

What happens if you receive a review that's either incorrect or outright malicious? You may want to remove it as soon as possible. Fortunately, there are two ways to delete reviews on Facebook:

  • People can delete their reviews within 48 hours of posting them. The easiest way is for them to go into the Settings menu on the review and click "Delete."
  • If the review is older than 48 hours, you can submit a request to have it removed by Facebook. After receiving your request, they will evaluate it and decide within 72 hours.

Managing Facebook marketplace reviews

Facebook Marketplace is the platform's buying and selling feature, allowing users to post reviews about their experience with certain sellers or buyers.

If you receive any negative feedback, it can be damaging to your reputation. However, here are a few tips on how to manage your Facebook Marketplace reviews:

1. Reply as soon as possible

Be sure to respond to a positive or negative review. If you can, try and find out what went wrong and fix it. If they had a great experience, thank them for their comment, and ask if there is any room for improvement.

2. Apologize for their poor experience

Apologizing will show the customer that you care and are willing to take responsibility for any mistakes. Offer your sincere apology and assure them you'll do whatever it takes to make things right.

3. Follow up with an email

If the customer has provided their contact information, follow up via email or phone to ask how they're doing and if there is anything further you can do to help. This shows that you're engaged and that you care about their experience.

How ReviewsOnMyWebsite can help boost your Facebook reviews

When managing your Facebook reviews, taking a holistic approach is essential. You must be consistent and proactive when responding to reviews on your social media platforms.

ReviewOnMyWebsite can help you do this by streamlining the process of collecting customer feedback across multiple channels in one place.

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Facebook Business Page Reviews How it Works and How to Turn On

A company’s online reputation is increasingly crucial for its growth in today’s tough digital market. Facebook Business Page reviews play a major role in the field. The article delves into the world of Facebook reviews for businesses, exploring how they function and providing insights into how to find reviews on Facebook. Covering key topics such as Facebook ratings and reviews, the importance of finding and managing reviews, and how to turn on the feature on one’s Facebook Business Page. Come and embark on a journey to unlock the potential of Facebook reviews for the business’s growth and credibility.

Facebook reviews for business are a powerful tool that allows customers to share their experiences and opinions about the products or services directly on the business page. The reviews come with overall rating, which provide a quick overview of the company’s general reputation. Good feedback improves trust and attracts more prospective clients, while negative reviews present opportunities for improvement and demonstrate transparency.

Facebook recommendations is a feature that empowers users on the platform to endorse and share their positive experiences with businesses with their friends within the Facebook community. The user-friendly tool allows individuals to effortlessly offer recommendations for Facebook pages associated with local businesses. Users are able to easily give valuable feedback to their social network by going to the targeted business’s Facebook page, going to the reviews section, and choosing “Yes” to recommend or “No” to not recommend.

What is a Facebook Business Page Review?

Facebook Business Page Reviews is a user-generated assessment and commentary system integrated into a business’s Facebook presence. Combining detailed feedback and evaluations with a rating system makes it an indispensable tool for businesses to evaluate customer satisfaction, establish and enhance credibility, and actively engage with their audience on the prominent platform of Facebook. A strong online presence, increased search engine rankings, and an influx of new clients are all results of maintaining an active presence on social media.

User-generated reviews on Facebook Business Pages come from clients, customers, or other stakeholders who have interacted with a business in a variety of ways, such as by making purchases, going to physical locations, or using offered services. Individuals share their perspectives and appraisals based on their interactions with the business, creating a valuable repository of feedback.

Functioning as a commentary and feedback platform, Facebook reviews on business pages allow users to offer detailed assessments of their experiences with the business. The feedback covers a broad spectrum of aspects, including product or service quality, the responsiveness of customer service, pricing considerations, and total satisfaction, providing a comprehensive view of the customer experience.

One distinctive feature of Facebook Reviews is the incorporation of a rating system spanning from zero, symbolizing a negative experience, to five, representing an exceptional one. A rating system offers a concise visual summary of a business’s reputation by aggregating the assessments of its customers into a quick reference point.

User-generated reviews and ratings are prominently displayed on the business’s dedicated Facebook Business Page, ensuring accessibility for anyone visiting the page. The visibility fosters transparency and significantly influences the perceptions of potential customers and visitors, impacting their decisions.

Facebook Reviews encourage engagement and interaction between the business and its customers. Business owners have the opportunity to respond to the reviews, expressing gratitude for positive feedback or addressing concerns raised in negative reviews. The two-way interaction demonstrates the business’s commitment to client contentment and shaping people’s perceptions.

What is the purpose of Facebook Business Page Reviews?

The purpose of Facebook Business Page Reviews is to enhance one’s business’s visibility on the Facebook search engine by allowing customers to provide feedback and ratings on a business’s Facebook page. Good evaluations and recommendations help a business gain more visibility on Facebook, as they appear in the News Feed of the reviewer’s friends or when someone asks for recommendations. Increased exposure attracts more potential customers. Facebook business page reviews serve as a tool for businesses to display their reputation, gather feedback, engage with customers, influence decision-making, and enhance their online presence. Facebook page reviews help a business grow and succeed in the digital age when used properly.

Reviews provide businesses with a platform to showcase their reputation to a broad audience. Positive reviews and high overall rating demonstrate trustworthiness and attract customers looking for credible businesses. Offering a concise snapshot of a business’s credibility and the quality of its products or services.

Facebook page reviews function as a valuable feedback mechanism. Customers openly express their thoughts and evaluations, encompassing various facets such as product quality, customer service, pricing, and overall satisfaction. Feedback is a goldmine of actionable insights that businesses utilize to identify areas for improvement, ultimately enhancing their offerings.

The reviews foster meaningful engagement between businesses and their customer base. Business owners have the opportunity to respond to reviews, regardless of whether they’re positive or negative. Active engagement demonstrates a commitment to customer satisfaction, nurturing trust and authenticity, and cultivating a positive relationship with customers.

Facebook page reviews play a pivotal role in influencing the decision-making process of potential customers. People rely on reviews when making purchasing decisions. Positive reviews sway choices in favor of the business, while negative reviews offer a balanced perspective. Providing opportunities for businesses to showcase their responsiveness in addressing concerns ultimately influences the decisions of prospective customers.

Facebook page reviews contribute significantly to a business’s online presence and search engine visibility. A well-reviewed business is more inclined to appear in search results and attract organic traffic, thereby increasing its online reach and impact. Reviews boost a business’s reputation, engagement, decision-making, and online presence.

When did Facebook Business Page Reviews begin?

Facebook Business Page Reviews began in the early 2012s. The exact launch date varies slightly due to continuous updates and rollouts. Facebook launched “Fan Pages,” dedicated business pages, in November 2007 to accommodate the growing business presence on the platform. The pages allowed businesses, organizations, and public figures to create a professional online presence and interact with their audience.

The addition of Facebook Business Page Reviews was a natural progression, aligning with Facebook’s aim to create a comprehensive ecosystem for businesses. The feature allows businesses to promote themselves and receive direct customer feedback and reviews on their Facebook pages.

Facebook continued to refine and expand its business-related features, including analytics, advertising tools, and e-commerce integrations, further solidifying its position as a significant platform for businesses to engage with their audience and manage their online presence.

Facebook updated reviews for their Recommendations feature in 2018. Star ratings and reviews from the old system appear on business review pages, but the new recommendation system no longer offers the star scale. Recommendations start with asking customers if they want to recommend a business.

What is the other term for Facebook Business Page Reviews?

The other term for Facebook Business Page Reviews is Facebook Recommendations. A Facebook Recommendation is used to describe the Facebook reviews and recommendations that users provide on a business’s Facebook page. Recommendations offer more than just a rating. Emphasizing the endorsement and approval of the business by buyers. A recommendation provided on a business’s Facebook page indicates that the reviewer has had a positive experience and is encouraging others to have the same.

The term “Facebook Recommendations” is commonly used to refer to the remarks made by people who visit a business’s Facebook page. Businesses encourage their buyers to give recommendations to bolster their online reputation and attract potential clients or customers. The recommendations cover many aspects, including product quality, customer service, pricing, and overall satisfaction, providing a comprehensive view of the customer experience.

Facebook Recommendations for businesses influence the decisions of potential customers. Consumers are swayed to choose a business that has received numerous good comments because they see it as a powerful endorsement. Businesses take harmful recommendations seriously, as they offer an opportunity to grow and solve buyer concerns, which end up leading to a more positive online reputation.

How do Facebook Business Page Reviews work?

Facebook Business Page Reviews work as a composite system, drawing from various sources, including user reviews and recommendations. The rating of a page is dependent on the feedback and endorsements shared by users about business pages on the platform. The pages that allow recommendations display a rating, whereas insufficient recommendations result in a page not having a rating at all.

Users have the choice of sharing their recommendations with a particular group of people when they recommend a business. A user’s recommendation is exclusively visible to their friends if they choose to share it with “Only Friends”. Recommendations shared publicly contribute to a page’s overall rating.

Facebook doesn’t verify whether users have purchased the product or utilized the service they are reviewing or recommending on Facebook Pages. The system is primarily based on user-generated content.

There are several steps to access the page’s review and recommendations. Navigate to the page by clicking its name in the Feed or by searching. Look for the “Recommendations” or “Reviews” section, located below the page’s cover photo. Users have to select “More” to see the content.

Facebook Business Page Reviews and Ratings aggregate user feedback and recommendations to generate a page’s rating. The visibility and inclusion of the recommendations depend on user settings, with public recommendations contributing to a page’s overall rating. Facebook’s system doesn’t validate user experiences, emphasizing the importance of transparency and engagement for businesses in managing their online reputation.

What role does Review Management play in the context of Facebook Business Page Reviews?

Review Management plays a role in the context of Facebook business page reviews, which include reputation, customer engagement, issue resolution, feedback, perception, and competitive advantage. Review Management involves the strategic process of monitoring, responding to, and influencing the reviews and feedback left by customers and users on various online platforms, including social media, review websites, and business listings, aiming to enhance a business’s online reputation, engage with customers, and address concerns or issues raised in reviews effectively. Good reviews allow potential customers to trust the business and feel comfortable purchasing because they know others have had pleasant experiences doing so. Recommendations from satisfied customers and an average Facebook review rating of four to five are the best advertising a company hopes for.

Review Management is instrumental in the proactive cultivation and preservation of a positive online reputation for a business. Review Management is achieved through diligent monitoring and adeptly handling reviews on the Facebook Business Page. Such actions underscore the business’s dedication to customer satisfaction and quality but wield considerable influence over the perceptions of potential customers as well, ultimately shaping their views in a favorable light.

Review Management places a strong emphasis on customer engagement. Providing a timely and professional response to both positive and negative reviews. Such engagement serves as a powerful testament to the business’s attentiveness and readiness to address concerns or convey appreciation for favorable feedback. The dynamic interaction fosters trust and authenticity, nurturing a positive rapport with customers.

Review Management equips businesses with strategies for effectively addressing negative reviews or recommendations. Critical voices sometimes serve as beacons, illuminating areas that require improvement. Businesses show their dedication to customer satisfaction by addressing issues openly and constructively, which turns negative experiences around.

Review Management involves harnessing the value of customer feedback shared within Facebook reviews. The wealth of insights is diligently analyzed to discern recurring patterns and identify areas ripe for enhancement, be it in products, services, or the customer experience.

How a business manages its reviews has a substantial influence on how prospective customers perceive it. Effective Review Management wields significant control over a business’s rating and the sentiment associated with it. The ability to sway the decisions of potential customers in a positive direction through strategic review handling is a potent tool in a business’s arsenal.

Having a strong online reputation, built through careful management of customer reviews, gives businesses a significant competitive edge. Today’s consumers frequently take a business’s online reputation into account when making purchasing decisions. Businesses that excel in Review Management bolster their credibility and position themselves advantageously in the marketplace.

How do Facebook Business Page and Google Business Profile Reviews differ?

Facebook business page and Google business profile reviews differ in several aspects, including the platform, the goal, the review aggregation, the social interaction, and the integration. Google reviews play a central role in local search rankings and a business’s discoverability on Google Search and Maps, while Facebook reviews are crucial for engaging the Facebook community. Understanding the differences is essential for businesses looking to manage their online reputations effectively on the platforms.

Facebook Business Page Reviews are an integral part of a business’s presence on Facebook and are primarily designed for engagement within the Facebook community. Providing a platform for users to offer feedback and endorsements directly on a business’s Facebook page. They affect a business’s Facebook search results, but their main purpose is to interact with its audience. Google Business Profile Reviews are exclusive to a business’s Google Business Profile and visible on both Google Search and Google Maps. The reviews carry significant weight in influencing local search rankings and play a crucial role in helping businesses establish their online presence, especially when targeting local customers.

Facebook Business Page Reviews present a rating, consolidating recommendations from individual user reviews. The rating offers a glance at a business’s entire reputation. Google Business Profile Reviews consider a broader spectrum of factors beyond just the number of reviews and their average rating. Google’s algorithm factors in review recency, user engagement with reviews (such as likes and shares), and the completeness of the Google Business Profile when calculating the star rating.

The Facebook Business Page Reviews feature allows for multiple modes of user participation. They are able to express their sentiments by liking, sharing, or commenting on reviews. Active engagement fosters a sense of community and facilitates open dialogue between customers and businesses. The interaction options for Google Business Profile Reviews are comparatively more limited. Users have the ability to “like” or “dislike” reviews, but the social community aspect is less pronounced compared to Facebook.

Facebook Business Page Reviews are seamlessly integrated into the Facebook ecosystem. The integration allows businesses to leverage their existing Facebook audience and utilize Facebook’s suite of tools for effective review management and engagement. Google Business Profile Reviews are tightly woven into the broader Google ecosystem. Their influence extends to a business’s visibility in Google Maps and local search results, making them an indispensable component of a local business’s online presence.

What is the importance of Facebook Business Page Reviews?

The importance of Facebook Business Page Reviews is immense, as they help shape a business’s reputation and success. They are essential for gaining potential customers, who heavily rely on reviews when making purchasing decisions. Statistics reveal that 88% of online shoppers consider reviews, with around 70% reading at least four before trusting a business. Facebook’s influence on consumer decisions is substantial, impacting more than 50% of purchase choices, especially when businesses have positive reviews, which around 80% of Facebook users are inclined to trust.

Disabling Facebook reviews results in a lack of positive feedback, which is vital for generating leads and driving sales. Research indicates that consumers are more likely to spend on businesses with excellent reviews, with positive feedback fostering trust and influencing choices. An impressive 92% of consumers select businesses with at least a 4 rating, and about 72% take action after reading positive reviews.

The absence of reviews harms a business’s credibility, as 15% of online shoppers are wary of a brand with zero testimonials. Reviews are instrumental in establishing trust with consumers, especially in a digital environment fraught with dubious claims.

Negative reviews, when managed effectively, are able to enhance a brand’s image and trustworthiness. Consumers seek transparency and authenticity and they tend to trust reviews that include both positive and negative feedback. Negative reviews provide insights and an opportunity for businesses to demonstrate their commitment to customer satisfaction, ultimately boosting conversion rates by up to 85%. Facebook Business Page Reviews are invaluable for building trust, attracting potential customers, and fortifying a business’s credibility. Disabling it results in missed opportunities and hinders a business’s competitiveness in the digital realm.

What are the advantages of having Facebook Business Page Reviews?

The advantages of having Facebook Business Page Reviews are listed below.

  • Expanded Audience Reach with Recommendations: Facebook Recommendations serve as a powerful tool to broaden the business’s audience reach. Making one’s page more visible to users actively seeking businesses similar to theirs similar to how Facebook Marketplace relies on digital word-of-mouth through reviews. Facebook Recommendations become visible to a customer’s closest friends when discussing one’s business.

The enhanced visibility increases the business’s visibility and fosters trust among potential customers, influencing their purchasing decisions in the business owner’s favor.

  • Visual Engagement through User-Uploaded Photos:  Users now have the ability to upload photos of their business to the Recommendations section with Facebook Business Page Reviews. They’re able to supplement their review with a GIF or photo of the establishment if a user mentions their business in response to a friend’s recommendation request.

The feature adds a visual dimension to customer feedback, allowing users to share their experiences more vividly. Enriching engagement with the business by providing a dynamic and immersive platform for users to connect with the business owner’s brand.

  • Enhanced Feedback with Supportive Tags:  Facebook Recommendations empower users to provide more comprehensive feedback by offering them the option to select tags that complement their recommendations. The tags operate similarly to hashtags, allowing the Facebook algorithm to generate relevant keywords and optimize search results based on previous reviews.

Tags facilitate deeper engagement, allowing customers to contribute to a more structured and categorized repository of recommendations. Making it easier for potential customers to find the business and improving their experience with the business as a whole.

What is an example of Facebook Business Page Reviews?

facebook business page review example

Eloy Macias left a review saying, “I’d love to do some shopping for my family here. There prices are great!”. Recommending the shopping outlet to the general public.

facebook business page review

Theresa A. Medina loves the outlet, thus leaving a positive review and recommending the shopping outlet to the public.

bad facebook business page review

Quen Tan, a shopper at the outlet, left a negative review after experiencing confusion over the discount prices and a bad attitude from the staff. Leaving the shopper to not recommend the outlet.

Negative Facebook business page review

Juan Cabrera experienced a bad experience with the security guard, thus leaving a negative review and not recommending the outlet.

The examples illustrate the range of sentiments and feedback that businesses receive through Facebook Business Page Reviews, from highly positive endorsements to critical evaluations of their products or services that greatly affect their Facebook page’s overall rating. Las Vegas Premium Outlets – South has thousands of reviews and a 4.3 overall rating.

How to turn on Facebook Business Page Reviews?

To turn on Facebook Business Page Reviews, follow these five steps below.

  • Navigate to the Account Tab.  Log in to the Facebook account and go to the Facebook Business Page to enable reviews.
  • Select “Settings”.  Click on “Show menu” in the top-left corner of the Facebook Page. Showing multiple options, choose “Settings”.
  • Click on “Privacy”. Click on “Privacy” to access privacy-related settings in the left-hand menu.
  • Go to “Page and Tagging”.  Under the “Privacy” settings, find and click on “Page and Tagging” to access options related to the Page’s visibility and interaction.
  • Enable “Allow others to view and leave reviews on your Page” Option. Find the setting that says “Allow others to view and review your Page” in the “Page” section of the “Page and Tagging” settings. Check that the switch is set to “on” or “enabled.”

1. Navigate to the Account Tab.

Navigate to the account tab or the Facebook Business Page by clicking the business account profile.

Navigate to the business page

2. Select the “Settings.”

Select the “settings” by clicking “show menu” on the top left hand corner of the screen..

Select show menu

3. Click on “Privacy.”

Click on “privacy” to get to the settings where “page and tagging” is seen..

Click on Privacy

4. Go to “Page and Tagging.”

Go to “page and tagging” that is shown on the multiple options in “privacy” settings..

Select page and tagging

5. Enable the “Allow others to view and leave reviews on your Page” option in the “Page Section.”

Enable the “Allow others to view and leave reviews on your Page” option in the “Page Section”. Allowing the business page to receive reviews from customers.

enabling the review tab

Where to see the Facebook Business Page Reviews?

One is able to see the Facebook Business Page Reviews on the “Reviews” tab that is seen on the Facebook Business Page. Follow the steps to answer the query “how to see reviews on Facebook”. Begin by logging into the Facebook account and navigating to the business’s dedicated Facebook Page. Locate the “Reviews” tab, typically situated in the middle menu under the Page’s profile picture and name. Click on the “Reviews” tab to enter the section where all user-generated reviews and recommendations for the business are displayed. The owner is able to read through the reviews, observe the recommendation, and engage in conversation by addressing comments or messages from customers in the section. The straightforward process allows the owner to monitor and respond to Facebook Business Page Reviews, giving them the ability to obtain significant insight into client opinions and bolster their online reputation while addressing customer concerns effectively.

How to appropriately respond to Facebook Business Page Reviews?

To appropriately respond to Facebook business page reviews, there are nine guidelines for responding to both positive and negative Facebook business reviews. Demonstrate the commitment to customer satisfaction and problem resolution.

Addressing positive reviews on Facebook is similar to addressing them on other platforms, such as Google. It’s vital that the respondent demonstrate appreciation and engage with the reviewer effectively. Here are some key tips.

Begin the response by thanking the customer for taking the time to leave a positive review. Give them a reason to be thankful. Acknowledge compliments such as “excellent customer service.”

Encourage the customer to spread the word about their positive experience with the business. Say something similar to, “We’re thrilled to hear you had a great experience! If you have friends looking for [your product or service], we’d love it if you could recommend us to them.”

Mention any specials, discounts, or freebies that interest the customer, if suitable. Say something similar to, “We have some exciting new promotions happening this month that we think you’ll love. Stay tuned for more details!”

Dealing with negative feedback on Facebook is an opportunity to make amends and improve customer satisfaction. Here’s how to respond effectively.

Ensure that one isn’t using their personal Facebook account to respond to customer’s concerns. Use the business account instead for responding to customers to maintain professionalism.

Start by acknowledging the customer’s feedback and expressing that their opinion is valued. Say something similar to, “Thank you for sharing your concerns; we appreciate your feedback.”

Use keywords from the customer’s review to demonstrate that the customer’s concern was read and understood. It shows that the respondent is paying attention and taking their concerns seriously.

Indicate how much the respondent cares about resolving their issue. Offer assistance by asking them to provide their best contact details or inviting them to reach out directly to the customer support team. Say something similar to, “We’re sorry to hear about your experience. We’d like to make it right. Could you please share your contact details, or you can reach out to our support team at [contact info]?”

Respond adeptly to both positive and negative Facebook Business Page Reviews by adhering to the guidelines, showcasing their dedication to customer satisfaction and the resolution of issues.

How to leave a Review in Facebook Business Page?

To know how to leave a review on Facebook Business Page, follow these seven steps.

  • Log into Facebook.  Start by logging into Facebook. One must have an active account to leave a review.
  • Visit the Business Page.  Go to the Facebook page of the business to review.
  • Access the Reviews Section.  Look for the “Reviews” tab located in the left-hand corner of the business page. Click on it to access the “Reviews” section.
  • Recommend or Not.  Click “Yes” or “No” under “Do you recommend (Business name?)” at the page’s bottom to indicate whether the person recommends the business.
  • Write Recommendation. Write a recommendation of at least 25 characters in the text box provided. Be concise and specific when giving feedback.
  • Add Tags or Photos (Optional).  They’re able to add tags or photos to their recommendation if they want to, but it’s optional.
  • Post Recommendation.  Review the recommendation to ensure it’s accurate and complete. Click the “Post” or “Submit” button to submit the review.

What is the character limit for Facebook Business Page Reviews?

There is no character limit for Facebook Business Page Reviews. Facebook has evolved to provide users with flexibility while maintaining concise and informative feedback. There are minimum character limits in place to encourage users to provide meaningful input.

Desktop users have a minimum requirement of 25 characters to review a business page on Facebook. The required number of characters increases to 50 for mobile users. The limits are designed to prompt users to offer concise yet helpful feedback, ensuring that their reviews are informative and relevant.

Facebook has introduced the option for users to upload photos when leaving a recommendation or review. The feature allows customers to provide visual context and share their experiences through images, enhancing the review process. The combination of character limits and the ability to post photos offers users a more comprehensive and expressive way to share their feedback and recommendations on Facebook Business Pages.

What is the maximum star rating limit for Facebook Business Page Reviews?

There is no maximum star rating limit for Facebook business page reviews because Facebook has transitioned to a recommendation system. The change aims to streamline the review process, making it more straightforward for users to provide feedback. Users add context to their recommendations through tags, text, and photos, allowing for a more detailed and informative review.

A 5 overall rating is the highest accolade that a business receives in online review. It signifies an exceptional level of satisfaction and a truly outstanding experience for the reviewer. A customer who recommends a product or service is essentially saying that it is excellent in every way.

A rating of four indicates that a product or service has performed satisfactorily according to the conventional system, but the reviewer considers there to be room for further development. implying that the business has provided a good experience, although there are some areas where enhancements must be made.

Consumer behavior places high value on reviews and ratings, with many individuals becoming cautious when considering products or services that have an average rating of less than 4. Indicating the influence that reviews, ratings, or recommendations have on consumer decision-making processes. Businesses must be mindful of it when managing their online reputation and engaging with customer feedback.

Are Facebook Business Page Reviews Public?

Yes, Facebook Business Page Reviews are public. Reviews and recommendations left by Facebook users are public and are available to be seen by anyone who visits the business’s page. The reviews and recommendations are intended to provide transparency and allow potential customers to assess the business’s reputation and the experiences of previous customers.

Public reviews influence the perceptions and decisions of potential customers, making them a crucial aspect of a business’s online presence. Transparency encourages businesses to maintain high standards of quality and customer service to receive positive reviews and recommendations, which, in turn, helps attract more customers and build trust within the online community.

Transparency serves several purposes. It builds trust and credibility as potential customers are able to see authentic feedback from others, making informed decisions about the business’s offerings and customer satisfaction. Public reviews hold businesses accountable for their performance, encouraging them to maintain high standards and respond professionally to feedback. The reviews create a sense of community on the business’s page, allowing customers to engage with and comment on them. Managing public reviews effectively is crucial, as they contribute to a business’s online reputation and impact its success.

It’s important for businesses to be aware that public reviews include both positive and negative feedback. Effective review management involves responding professionally and constructively to all reviews, demonstrating a commitment to addressing customer concerns, and enhancing the customer experience.

What are the guidelines for Facebook Business Page Reviews?

The guidelines for Facebook business page reviews are to be respectful, accurate, and constructive contributions to the community. Maintain a respectful and pertinent tone when leaving reviews on Facebook Business Pages. Avoid using hate speech, personal attacks, or any form of discrimination in your feedback. Steer clear of using reviews for spamming or self-promotion purposes, which includes refraining from posting links or excessively promoting oneself. Reviews must directly pertain to their own personal experiences with the business, avoiding unrelated content such as political statements or off-topic discussions.

Reviewing a business is a two-way street, so it’s important to be honest about one’s interactions with the business being reviewed. Don’t pretend to be someone else or make fake accounts. Every written review must be based on real experience. Respecting people’s privacy is very important. Don’t share personal information about employees or other customers without their permission.

Maintain a polite and professional tone in the reviews by avoiding offensive language or profanity. Constructive criticism is welcomed, but it must be presented courteously and helpfully. Writing separate reviews for each interaction with a company rather than updating an existing one is preferable when dealing with multiple experiences with that company. Any reviews one finds that violate Facebook’s policies must be reported for moderation. These guidelines ensure a positive and informative environment for all Facebook users.

Can Businesses delete reviews on their Facebook Page?

Yes, businesses can delete reviews on their Facebook Page to some extent, but they’re not allowed to delete a review directly. They must report the reviews that violate Facebook’s policies, and Facebook is going to take action to remove or hide those reviews if they’re found to be in violation.

Businesses have the option to hide or disable reviews altogether by toggling off the “Allow others to view and leave reviews on your Page” setting. Toggling off the “Show Reviews Tab” effectively hides the reviews section on the Facebook Business Page. Preventing users from leaving new reviews or seeing existing ones. The action is reversible, and one is able to allow reviews again at any time by following the same steps and toggling the option back on. Hiding reviews is a temporary solution to stop new reviews from being posted or if there’s no time to address any concerns or issues with the existing reviews. It’s important to approach review management professionally and address customer feedback constructively whenever possible.

Businesses must exercise caution when considering the removal of reviews. Facebook has specific guidelines for reporting reviews, and they need to violate community standards or involve spam, hate speech, harassment, or other forms of prohibited content to be eligible for removal. Simply disliking a negative review or wanting to remove critical feedback isn’t a valid reason for reporting.

Businesses are able to request that reviews be removed by filing a complaint, but they’re unable to remove reviews they find objectionable. Facebook is in charge of managing the review removal process, and the outcome depends on whether the reported review violates its rules.

Businesses have a limited ability to influence the removal of reviews on their Facebook Page by reporting violations to Facebook. Reviews that don’t violate Facebook’s policies remain visible, as Facebook generally aims to maintain transparency and authenticity in its review system.

Is it illegal to remove reviews on Facebook Business Page?

No, it isn’t illegal to remove reviews on Facebook Business Page. Businesses have the option to manage and moderate the reviews on their page, including hiding or disabling reviews that violate Facebook’s policies or guidelines. Businesses mustn’t engage in fraudulent activities to manipulate or delete reviews, as it is considered unethical and violates Facebook’s terms of service.

Facebook provides tools and guidelines for businesses to report and address reviews that contain spam, false information, or violations of their policies. It is within the rights of business owners to use the tools to maintain a fair and accurate representation of their business on their Facebook Page. The removal or hiding of reviews must be done in accordance with Facebook’s policies and mustn’t be used to suppress legitimate customer feedback or engage in unethical practices.

Can Businesses hide reviews on their Facebook Page?

Yes, businesses can hide reviews on their Facebook Page, which provides them with a degree of control over the content and feedback displayed to the public. The feature is particularly valuable in various situations, including managing reputation, inaccurate reviews, review transparency, and privacy concerns.

Businesses have the ability to hide reviews temporarily during periods of negative publicity or when they’re addressing issues that have led to negative reviews. Allowing them to take proactive measures to improve their reputation before new reviews are visible. Businesses receive reviews that contain false information, spam, or violations of Facebook’s policies. Hiding the reviews prevents them from negatively affecting the business’s overall rating and reputation while the issue is resolved.

Some businesses prefer to disable reviews if they believe that the reviews feature isn’t representative of their customer base or if they want to rely on other methods for gathering feedback, such as surveys or direct communication. Certain businesses, especially those that aren’t primarily consumer-facing, have privacy concerns and choose to hide reviews to protect sensitive information or internal communications.

Businesses have the option to hide or disable reviews. It must be used judiciously and in accordance with Facebook’s guidelines. It’s recommended to address customer feedback constructively whenever possible and to use the review management features ethically to maintain trust and credibility with the online community. Businesses have the option to enable reviews again whenever they feel it is appropriate to do so.

How to get Facebook Business Page Reviews?

To get Facebook Business Page reviews, see the list below.

  • Use ReputationStacker :  Reputation management tools such as ReputationStacker are incredibly helpful in automating the review gathering process. The tool automatically sends out surveys to the customers and directs them to review platforms, such as Facebook, where customers provide feedback to boost the reviews of the business page. It alerts the company that it has received a poor review, providing them with the opportunity to address the issue before it leads to negative reviews.
  • Ask The Customers Directly:  Personal interaction with customers is a powerful way to encourage reviews. Take advantage of the chance a satisfied customer presents to request feedback in the form of a review. A restaurant owner must say, “We are glad you liked your meal. Would you mind sharing your experience on our Facebook page? Your feedback would mean a lot to us.” The direct approach makes it easy for happy customers to leave reviews, which leads to genuine, positive feedback.
  • Engage on Social Media:  Active engagement with the audience on social media creates an environment where customers feel more comfortable leaving reviews. Respond to comments and messages promptly, express appreciation for compliments, and address any concerns or issues raised. Customers are more likely to return the favor by leaving a review after witnessing their appreciation for their feedback and positive interaction with them. Always be courteous and genuine in interactions, as it fosters a loyal customer base that willingly supports the business.
  • Run Contests or Promotions:  Contests and promotions are fun and effective ways to incentivize customers to leave reviews. Host a contest, such as the “Review and Win” contest, where customers who leave a review on the Facebook page are entered into a drawing for a prize or receive a discount on their next purchase. Ensure that the terms and conditions of the contests comply with Facebook’s guidelines and are clearly communicated to participants. Contests boost the chance to get reviews on Facebook, so it’s essential to emphasize the importance of honest and authentic feedback.

What are the disadvantages of Facebook Business Page Reviews?

The disadvantages of Facebook Business Page Reviews are listed below.

  • Negative Reviews Impact Reputation:  Negative reviews, if not managed properly, do serious harm for a business’s online reputation. They discourage prospective clients and create doubts about the quality of products or services.
  • Difficulty in Removing Inaccurate Reviews:  Facebook has strict guidelines for removing reviews, and businesses face challenges when trying to remove inaccurate or malicious reviews. Leading to unjustly negative feedback lingering on the page.
  • Competitor Interference:  Competitors or malicious individuals leave fake negative reviews to harm a business’s reputation. Addressing such reviews is time-consuming and frustrating.
  • Limited Control:  Businesses have limited control over the content of reviews. A business is able to respond to reviews, but they’re unable to edit or remove them unless they violate Facebook’s policies.
  • Inconsistent Feedback Quality:  The quality and substance of reviews vary widely. Some reviews are detailed and helpful, but others are vague or unconstructive.
  • Privacy Issues: Some customers are reluctant to leave reviews on Facebook due to privacy issues or apprehension about getting in touch with the company.
  • Spam Reviews: Businesses do encounter review spam, which consists of numerous fictitious positive or negative reviews left by automated accounts or paid services. Distorting the overall rating and reputation of the business page.
  • Potential for Bias:  Reviews don’t provide a balanced view, as customers who have extremely positive or negative experiences are more likely to leave reviews, while those with neutral experiences aren’t.
  • Resource Intensive: Managing and responding to reviews, especially if a business receives a high volume of them, is resource-intensive, requiring time and effort.
  • Algorithm Changes: Facebook’s algorithms impact the visibility of reviews, making it challenging for businesses to maintain a consistent online reputation.

Why can’t I see the reviews on my Facebook page?

A user that can’t see the reviews on the Facebook page has several reasons, such as the disabled “Allow others to view and leave reviews on your Page” option, review privacy settings, and Facebook glitches.

It is possible that the Facebook Reviews Tab on the business page is disabled, which explains why Facebook Recommendation is not showing. Navigate to the Account Tab within the Facebook business account settings. Select “Settings” from the available options once there. Click on “Privacy,” which grants access to privacy settings related to the page. One is able to find a crucial option labeled “Allow others to view and leave reviews on your Page” within the “Page and Tagging” section. Ensure that the option is enabled. Activating the setting grants permission for others to post reviews on the Facebook Page, making them visible to visitors who access the business page.

Facebook’s platform sometimes encounters glitches and errors, particularly when undergoing significant updates or layout changes. The glitches lead to issues where Facebook reviews aren’t displaying correctly or appear to be missing. It’s best to be patient in these circumstances, as the issues subside on their own. Consider taking screenshots as a precautionary measure to safeguard the reviews. Staying informed about any updates or announcements from Facebook regarding known issues is a wise practice in such times.

It is crucial to report any issues with one’s Facebook page, including problems with Facebook recommendations not displaying correctly. Reporting helps address concerns and maintain a fair and reliable platform. There are several steps to report such issues. Access the drop-down box within the personal Facebook account and navigate to the ‘Help and Support’ option located at the top right-hand corner of the screen. Follow the provided prompts to report the problem effectively. The collective effort of reporting issues prompts Facebook to take the necessary actions to resolve them and improve the platform’s functionality.

Can Bad Facebook Reviews Ruin a business?

Yes, bad Facebook reviews can ruin a business. Negative reviews on Facebook have the potential to exert a significant influence on a business’s overall reputation and its ability to thrive. Negative reviews result in decreased sales, eroded customer trust, an impact on profitability, a competitive disadvantage, and difficulty attracting new customers.

Sales decline as potential customers become wary after reading critical reviews on the business. The study conducted by BrightLocal, revealing that 94% of consumers tend to avoid businesses with negative reviews, underscores the gravity of the effect. Businesses suffer lower sales when prospective customers see critical comments or low ratings and decide to patronize competitors with better reputations.

Negative reviews erode the crucial element of customer trust. Trust is the cornerstone of the relationship between businesses and consumers. It casts doubt on its reliability, quality, and dedication to customer satisfaction when a business accumulates negative feedback. Potential customers view it as untrustworthy or undependable if a business receives more negative than positive reviews, thereby further weakening the brand’s image.

Impacts on sales and trust ultimately affect the profitability of the business. A drop in revenue resulting from reduced sales leads to financial difficulties, particularly for small businesses. Negative reviews contribute to diminished customer retention as existing clients take their business elsewhere due to concerns highlighted in the reviews.

A business is placed at a competitive disadvantage. Consumers frequently conduct online comparisons before making purchasing decisions in today’s digital era. It positions itself unfavorably compared to competitors boasting better online reputations if a business accumulates a multitude of negative reviews. Customers are more inclined to select businesses with higher ratings and positive feedback.

Negative reviews impede the ability to attract new customers. Gaining new clientele becomes increasingly challenging when a business’s online reputation is corroded. Given that many consumers rely on reviews to make informed choices, a business with consistently negative feedback finds it difficult to entice new customers. The absence of positive recommendations deters potential customers from considering the business.

Businesses must proactively manage their online reputation to navigate the potential pitfalls. Encouraging satisfied customers to leave positive reviews and addressing negative feedback in a professional and constructive manner are important. Establishing and maintaining a positive online image is crucial in the fiercely competitive modern market, where consumer perception wields considerable influence over a business’s prosperity.

What is the difference between Facebook Reviews and Facebook Recommendations?

The differences between Facebook Reviews and Facebook Recommendations are  appearance, reach, format, interactions, and specificity.

Facebook Reviews are situated on the left-hand side of a business’s Facebook page in terms of location. Contrary to that, Facebook Recommendations take a prominent place in the upper-right corner of the page.

Reviews are accessible to any Facebook user who visits the page when it comes to reach, offering a broader audience for user feedback. Recommendations, on the other hand, have a more limited reach as they target a user’s closest friends when they inquire about a particular business.

Reviews provide a comprehensive overview by including the page rating along with accompanying comments regarding format. Recommendations, however, adopt a simplified format, featuring comments and omitting ratings.

Reviews are open to comments and likes from anyone who visits the page in terms of interactions. Recommendations, however, offer more limited interactions, allowing just individuals within the reviewer’s network to comment on and such as the recommendation.

Recommendations enable users to recommend specific features of a business by using tags and sharing relevant photos to provide added detail to their feedback. Reviews, on the other hand, mostly use star ratings and text comments that do not go into as much detail.

Reviews and Recommendations are part of a business’s online presence on Facebook. They differ in terms of their location on the page, reach, format, interactions, and the level of specificity they offer. The distinctions cater to various user preferences and provide businesses with versatile ways to gather and showcase customer feedback. It’s essential for businesses to understand the differences to effectively manage and leverage both types of user-generated content on their Facebook pages.

Ian Kirby Image


Ian Kirby has been working in digital marketing for over 15 years. Having worked both with and for digital marketing agencies and in-house with multiple companies, he has a specific interest and expertise in online reputation management, online reviews, and the implementation of business systems. Ian’s writing, videos, and interviews have garnered millions of reads, views, and listens.

About Ian Kirby • Ian's Articles

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The average ReputationStacker user triples their review count in the first 3 months .

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Facebook Reviews: An Effective Guide

Table of Contents

With over 2 billion users, the social media giant Facebook is a powerhouse in digital advertising. With the ability to connect with people on all screens, Facebook is a great marketing platform for businesses worldwide. The Facebook Business Page offers the option to enable and showcase customer reviews. Your Facebook reviews can be the difference between a purchase and a pass.

Reviews are an integral marketing strategy businesses could harness to improve their brand image, boost online reputation, expand visibility, and influence buying decisions. The great news is it’s easy to enable the review functionality on your Facebook Business page! Let’s see how in this article.

What are Facebook Reviews?

Facebook reviews or recommendations, are the feedback people give to a brand based on their experience with the brand’s product/service. Businesses can leverage reviews to establish trust, build reputation, and increase visibility .

Facebook business reviews, just like those on other business platforms, are valuable marketing assets for companies. They’re targeted at making your brand more discoverable and trustworthy. Consumers use these reviews to make buying decisions. People need social proof to know whether your product or service is worth their time or money.

Reviews are also helpful for understanding customer experience. They’re a big deal, so use them to your advantage to improve the consumer experience, attract more customers, and beat the competition.

How do Facebook Business Reviews work?

As a Facebook Business page owner trying to leverage reviews for your brand’s success, you must first enable reviews on your page. Doing so can boost your brand’s online presence , build your Search Engine Optimization strategy and boost profitability.

After enabling reviews, a query field appears in the “Recommendations or Reviews” section with the question “Do you recommend (business name)?” Your customers can respond by pressing the “Yes” or “No” button and adding further context to their recommendations, including text, photos, and tags.

How To Enable Reviews On Your Business Page 

  • Log in to your Facebook Business page.
  • Click on the “Settings” tab on the Manage Page section.
  • Navigate to “Templates and Tabs”
  • Enable Reviews through the slider

How Do I View Facebook Reviews on My Business Page

  • Go to your business page.
  • Click on the “Recommendations or Reviews” tab under your profile picture.
  • To find specific recommendations, apply the “most helpful” or “most recent” filter to sort your reviews.

How Do I Respond to Facebook Reviews on My Page?

Reviews appear like posts in the “Reviews or Recommendations” section of your Facebook Business page. You can respond to them by reacting with a “like” or “love” or commenting. When responding to a review on your page, ensure you’re doing so with your Facebook business account and not your personal profile.

The reviews on your page might not always be positive. So, learn how to respond to negative reviews as you do positive ones.

How your brand handles praise or criticism from customers determines the success of the brand. Brands can stand out by choosing the right words and taking feedback to heart.

how do facebook reviews work

The Bottom line

The Facebook Business Review program is designed, so customers can leave quick feedback about their experience with your offerings. Reviews are valuable social proof for consumers. Consumers are more likely to trust a business with reviews than one without.

Reviews serve as a natural SEO rank booster ; they boost your page visibility and build reputation and profitability in the long run. You should leverage this Facebook feature for your brand’s success.

Facebook Reviews: An Effective Guide

Abir Ghenaiet

Abir is a data analyst and researcher. Among her interests are artificial intelligence, machine learning, and natural language processing. As a humanitarian and educator, she actively supports women in tech and promotes diversity.

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Facebook Review Ratings Are Now Recommendations

Picture of Lars Kristensen

Lars Kristensen

Facebook recommendations replace facebook ratings, it's now easier to get facebook reviews.

If you've ever left a review on Facebook before, it's always worked pretty much like every other rating site. You visit a company's Facebook Page, click the review tab, enter a 1-5 star rating and provide a brief comment.

This is the same pattern used by other major review sites, like Google, Yelp and TripAdvisor.

That's what makes this change pretty big news. Facebook has eliminated the 5-star rating system and replaced it with Facebook recommendations.

Now, when your customers go to leave a Facebook review, they'll instead be asked to make a Facebook recommendation with a very simple question:

Would you recommend Company X?

Here's how the new format for Facebook reviews appears on Facebook for the new Facebook recommendations:

Facebook recommendations vs. reviews: the new look.

How to Rate a Facebook Page

First thing's first: you need to create a Facebook company page and optimize it to get customer reviews. Check out our guide on   how to set up a business Facebook Page .

Secondly, there aren't really Facebook ratings anymore. A Facebook Page rating is now a recommendation, so your customers won't rank your business anymore.

So this means that a Facebook review now takes the form of recommendation. Customers will be asked if your business is worth recommending to others with a simple yes-or-no question.

You can ask to get Facebook recommendations from your customers by directing them to your Facebook Page and by clicking on "Recommendations" or "Reviews."

With a tool like NiceJob's   reputation marketing software , you can also automate getting Facebook reviews and share your Facebook reviews as social proof to easily increase sales and improve your reputation.

Easily win 4x more customer reviews

NiceJob’s set-and-forget review software automatically gets you reviews and shares them on Facebook, Instagram, and more so you can become top rated — without spending a dime on ads.

Reviews Social Proof Stories Automation-1

Facebook Recommendations vs. Reviews

Facebook reviews are now recommendations. But they're still reviews in a way, except users simply give you a Facebook review by   recommending   you with a "yes" instead of giving you a Facebook rating of between 1-5.

This means that a Facebook 5-star rating has a different functionality than it previously did.

How Are Facebook Ratings, Recommendations and Reviews Different?

Facebook ratings no longer exist. They have been replaced by Facebook recommendations, which are a yes/no review of a company's Facebook Page.

Both Facebook ratings and Facebook recommendations are types of reviews. So you can still get reviews on Facebook as Facebook recommendations. Except customers will simply recommend you or not instead of giving a Facebook 5-star rating.

However, at least for now, Facebook still shows 5-star ratings—they calculate this score "based on how many people recommend or don’t recommend the Page, as well as any past ratings and reviews it may have."

In other words, customers now leave Facebook reviews as "recommendations" instead of manually leaving a star rating. And then Facebook shows a 5-star rating based on the recommendations the business receives.

Facebook-review algorithms decide how many stars a business gets mostly based on how many customers give a yes/no recommendation of your business.

Why Facebook Switched its 5-Star Rating System

Multiple-choice rating systems are always a bit subjective. And the more choices in a rating system, the more subjective each choice becomes.

In a 5-star review rating system, some customers may view 5-star ratings as utter perfection, something that can be rarely, if ever, obtained. Other customers may rate almost any product or service five stars, as long as the product was satisfactory. The more options any decision has, the more room for interpretation there will be between the given options.

A "yes" or "no" question on the other hand is a binary decision—there's only two available outcomes. A customer is presented with a unambiguous question: "Would you you recommend Company X?" Their answer to that question is open to very little interpretation; it's either "yes" or "no."

Another advantage of limiting the potential responses is that it generally increases response rates.

Choosing between five options is intrinsically more difficult than choosing between two options. And people are generally more likely to act on the path of least resistance. Changing ratings to recommendations will likely help Facebook significantly increase their response rates.

Do I Need to Get Facebook Recommendations?

A resounding yes! Here's why.

People love social validation. Admit or not, most people really do care what other people think. So if your friends all rave about a product or a service, we feel good about making that same choice as it's already been socially validated. This influence of social validation happens all the time without us ever knowing it.

For small businesses, this kind of social validation is called social proof — and using   social proof reviews   is a great way to market your company and increase your sales.

In the past, social validation required in-person contact. Thanks to Facebook, we have the biggest social validation engine the world has ever seen (for better or for worse). Personal contact is no longer needed, a single post on Facebook can reach thousands of people.

What Happens When Someone Recommends Your Product or Service on Facebook?

Everyone a customer is connected to on Facebook can see their Facebook recommendations and reviews.

Let's say your a home-service company, like a plumber or window cleaner. You do a great job and your customer leaves you a Facebook recommendation. That customer is Facebook friends with many of the neighbours and others in the community. All these connections now see that this person recommended your company.

That should get you really excited about Facebook recommendations and the updated Facebook reviews!

91% of people trust an online review as much as a personal recommendation from a friend

5f6814a02a7482796267b723_Facebook Reviews Now Facebook Recommendations

Recommendations are powerful social proof, just like review ratings. In the coming years, businesses that don't make   reputation marketing   a core piece of their marketing will find it very hard to compete.

How to Get Facebook Recommendations

Do great work. Offer a great product. Create exceptional experiences for your customers. Customer service is paramount to collecting Facebook recommendations, so read our guide on   how to deliver exceptional customer service .

Most importantly, make sure you ask for Facebook recommendations! Customers will want to know how to leave a recommendation Facebook, so give them some direction when you ask for a Facebook review.

Your customers want to know how to leave a review on Facebook, so simply invite them to recommend you.

So many companies that have a great product or service fail to take that last step in enabling their customers to share their experiences in an easy way.

Facebook recommendations may need to be turned on for your company page, so here's the step-by-step guide from Facebook on   how to turn on Facebook recommendations .

And never forget to deliver an exceptional customer experience!

A tip that says 91% of consumers trust online reviews as much as personal recommendations.

Read more: How to Remove Fake Reviews on Google, Facebook, and Yelp

Lars Kristensen is the Founder of NiceJob, a review-marketing platform to help small businesses improve their reputation marketing, collect & share online reviews, win more sales and get the reputation they deserve. He writes about review marketing, fan culture, customer service, advice for small businesses, website marketing and Google My Business.

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How to create and use a Facebook Review Link

If you’re a business owner, you know all about the importance of online reviews. They provide social proof to help attract new customers and boost your bottom line. While there are many review sites out there, one of the most popularly used platforms is Facebook.

As a business owner, you want to make it easy for customers to leave reviews. The best way to do this is by sharing a Facebook review link. This post discusses how you can utilize the functionality available for reviews on Facebook for business and create a review link.

Free Guide: 10 Tips To Get More Customers From Facebook

What is a facebook review link.

A Facebook review link is a unique URL you create to make it easy for customers to leave reviews on your Facebook page. When customers click the link, they’ll be taken directly to the review form on your Facebook page.

Using a review link makes it easy for customers to leave reviews, and it also helps you track how many reviews you’re getting. However, creating a Facebook review link is a slightly tricky task. Unlike Google My Business, you cannot simply copy a direct link.

Before we talk about creating a review link, make sure that there is a Reviews Tab on your business account. If you don’t have it, go to the About tab on the top left-hand side of your page and click on Edit Page Info. Scroll down to the bottom of the page and click on Add a Tab. Then, select Reviews from the list of available tabs.

Now that you have the Reviews Tab, it’s time to create your Facebook review link.

How to create a Facebook review link

The biggest issue with sharing the default Facebook review link is that users need to be logged in to access it. If users click on the link without logging in first, they will be redirected to another page. This can be incredibly confusing and frustrating.

To bypass this issue, you need to modify the review link. Follow these simple steps to see how.

Step 1: Start with the URL for the Facebook login page. This will ensure that the customers are prompted to log in first before jumping to the review page.

You will start with the following URL:  

Step 2: We need to ensure that once the customers log in, they are redirected to your review page instead of their Facebook feed. To do this, we need to add the “next” command in the login page URL.

The URL should look like this:  

Step 3: We need to add the link for the review page after the “next” command. This will instruct Facebook that the customer should be taken to your review page.

Keep in mind that copying the URL of your Facebook business page after the abovementioned URL will not work. Instead, you will need to convert it into HTML code. Here’s what the final URL should look like for ABC company: ABC %2Freviews%2F

To create this link for your page, you can simply replace the characters in  bold (i.e., ABC) with the business name listed on your Facebook account. To get this, you will have to go to your Facebook page and copy the URL after from the address bar.

For example, the URL for Broadly’s Facebook page is . 

Therefore, the review link for Broadly’s Facebook page will look like this: getbroadly %2Freviews%2F

How to use a Facebook review link

Using a review link is very easy. All you need to do is share it with your customers. You can create a template to share it through email, SMS, WhatsApp, social media, or other marketing channels. Once the customers click on the link, they will be taken directly to your Facebook page’s review section.

How to embed Facebook review links

Once you have the review link, you can embed it on your website homepage or blog. This allows your customers to leave reviews without having to go to Facebook.

Here are the steps that you need to follow:

Step 1: Copy the HTML code of the review link and paste it into a text editor such as Microsoft Word or Notepad.

Step 2: Select the text where you want to embed the link, click on Ctrl/Command + K and copy the HTML code.

Once the link is embedded, customers will be able to access it directly by clicking on the text.

Why do i need Facebook reviews?

Here are some reasons why Facebook reviews are essential for your business:

  • Attract more customers: Customers are more likely to trust a business with positive reviews and testimonials. A recent study shows that 92% of customers are more likely to purchase from companies with online reviews than those who don’t.
  • Boost your SEO: Google considers reviews when ranking local businesses in search results. So the more positive reviews you have, the higher you’re likely to rank.
  • Build social proof: Reviews help build social proof, which is the idea that other people’s opinions can influence our own. When potential customers see that others have had a positive experience and left 5-star reviews for your business, they’re more likely to give you a try.
  • Generate leads: Facebook reviews can also act as a lead generation tool. When customers leave positive reviews, their friends and followers will see it and may be encouraged to check out your business.
  • Improve customer service: Reviews can help you identify opportunities to improve your customer service. If you see a trend of negative reviews, it’s a sign that you need to make some changes.

How to get more Facebook reviews

Let’s look at some of the best ways to get Facebook reviews :

  • Email marketing campaign: You can use email to reach out to customers and ask them to leave a review. Be sure to include a link to your review page.
  • Social media: You can also promote your review link on social media. Post it on your Facebook page, share it in tweets and include it in your Instagram bio.
  • Try in-store promotion: If you have a physical location, you can also promote your review link there. Add it to receipts, business cards, and any other marketing materials.
  • Offer incentives: Encourage customers to leave reviews by offering incentives like discounts or coupons. Just be sure that you’re not violating Facebook’s rules by engaging in review gating or offering bribes for reviews.
  • Engage with reviews: One of the best ways to get more reviews is to simply engage with the ones you already have. Respond to both positive and negative reviews, thank customers for their feedback and address any concerns they may have.
  • Use Facebook ads: As reviews directly come from customers, a great way to increase the number of reviews is by growing your customer base. For this, you can use Facebook ads to promote your business. Through Facebook recommendations , you can target people who live in your area and who have recently interacted with your business on Facebook.
  • Try review requests: It is easy to get lost in tricky Facebook marketing activities and forget that you can simply ask customers for reviews. As per available data , about 68% of the customers are willing to leave reviews if asked.

Let Broadly handle your business’ reputation management

Managing online customer reviews can be tedious when you’re trying to do it all on your own because you need to keep an eye on all the review sites and respond to customers promptly. 

Broadly is an all-in-one online reputation management software that gives businesses everything they need to manage their reputation and deliver amazing customer experiences at every touchpoint, from review sites and social media to in-app messaging and beyond. 

We make it easy for businesses to collect customer reviews, monitor their online reputation and get insights about their customers.

Watch your online reputation transform with Broadly

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how do facebook reviews work

Nikola Bojkov

How to leave facebook reviews with the new facebook recommendations.

Learn everything about Facebook reviews and the new Facebook recommendations.

facebook recommendations

We are all aware that Facebook reviews and recommendations are extremely important for any company’s reputation.

And positive reviews or 5-star reviews from previous customers are becoming a new channel to build trust among potential customers.

What is very interesting is that 1 in 3 Facebook users are using the platform to find reviews and recommendations.

In this post, we are publishing everything you need to know about Facebook recommendations and especially how to explain to customers to leave Facebook reviews on your Facebook page.

Facebook Reviews are Becoming Recommendations

FYI: You can embed Facebook reviews widget  automatically with  EmbedReviews platform.  Start a free trial  and display your Facebook Page recommnedations now. 

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Try EmbedReviews , generate Facebook and Google reviews, and display a social media reviews widget on your website. Automatically and in seconds.

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Facebook recently introduced new updates for Business Pages .

The main goal of the newly redesigned pages is to provide easier ways for people to interact with local businesses on social media.

According to Facebook’s VP of Local, Alex Himel, Over 1.6 billion people around the world are connected to a small business on Facebook. And starting from August 2018 Facebook is making new changes to Facebook Business Pages to help more people connect with local businesses.

One of the main updates is the further development of the feature Recommendations, which is an evolved version of the Facebook reviews system.

This new feature is already rolled out, and businesses will have the chance to see new reviews designed on their Facebook Page. The main change of the system is that the Recommendations option is integrated within the reviews and all recommendations that customers or other Facebook users previously gave will also be listed in this Reviews/Recommendations section.

As stated in the official update, Facebook is making Recommendations from the business’s community more helpful:

‘People use Recommendations to ask their communities where to go, where to eat, or where to shop on Facebook . We’re making those Recommendations more prominent on Pages.’

We are all aware that reviews and recommendations are extremely important for any company’s reputation.

facebook page stats

This means that recommendations are not only the opinions given by customers directly on the business’s Facebook page but also when people respond to their friends when they look for a recommendation on Facebook.

Note: The old Facebook reviews are safe and sound, and your Facebook Page will continue to display all previous reviews that you’ve generated.

How are Recommendations different from Reviews?

Well, there are differences:

  • Location – The Recommendations appear on the upper-right side,, and Reviews appear on the left-hand side (if not hidden).
  • Reach – Reviews are visible to any Facebook user. With Recommendations, you can limit the reach and make it more personal.
  • Format – Reviews have star ratings and comments. Recommendations have only comments.
  • Reactions – Anyone can comment and like a Review, but only people in the person’s network can comment and like a Recommendation.
  • Specifics – People can recommend a specific business feature (choose a tag that best describes their recommendation) and share a photo; Reviews don’t have such an option.

So, the bottom line is:

  • The tab is called “Reviews”
  • The feature is called “Recommendations”

How do Facebook Recommendations work?

What are the benefits of facebook recommendations.

The changes in the reviews system to recommendations are providing more options for customers to give their opinions about a certain business. Here are some of the benefits:

Facebook recommendations benefits

Increase reach with Recommendations

Your Facebook Page score will be reflected across Facebook, especially at places where customers make relevant decisions, such as Maps. Recommendations are discoverable across Facebook when people are searching for, or talking about your business. The best thing is that Facebook will show first the recommendations provided by the closest friends, which will empower the purchasing decisions and bring greater trust

photos in facebook recommendations

Post photos about the business

This option was not previously enabled in the reviews section. Now, if you tag the business in the comments section when a friend asks for a recommendation, you have the option to also post gifs or photos. The cool thing is, that all these posts will be displayed in the Recommendations section of the business’s Facebook Page as customer reviews.

The best, mobile form for leaving a recommendation has the option to upload a photo from the phone and publish it together with the text.

Note: The character limit for a desktop recommendation is 25 and for mobile is 50.

recommendations tags benefits

Tag Facebook Recommendations

When a customer leaves a recommendation directly on the Facebook page, they can choose a tag that best describes their recommendation. These Facebook tags work like hashtags for businesses, and the Facebook system generates them based on words used in past reviews.

Here is an example of how the tags are displayed when you try to add a recommendation on mobile:

recommendation tags

How the new Facebook rating score is calculated

As outlined in the official Facebook help center , the overall Facebook Page score is calculated as follows:

A Page’s rating is based on multiple sources, such as the reviews and Recommendations people share about business Pages on Facebook.

Or click the help icon below the average score in the Reviews tab, as shown below:

rating score

How to set up Facebook Recommendations?

If you’ve already activated the Reviews tab, then you don’t need to change anything. Please note that the Recommendations are a replacement of the Reviews tab and the process to activate it is the same as before.

If you still don’t have activated the Recommendations on your Facebook Page, here is how to activate the Facebook reviews tab.

Step 1: Log in to your Facebook account and go to your business Facebook page

Step 2: Navigate to the  ‘Settings’  section on your left-hand side

Activate reviews tab in Facebook

Step 3: Click the  ‘Privacy’ menu.

Enable Facebook reviews step 2

Step 3: Click the ‘Page and tagging’ menu as shown below:

Enable Facebook reviews step 2

Step 4: In this section, find the option ‘Allow others to view and leave reviews on your Page’ and make the toggle ON.

Enable Facebook reviews step 3

That’s it. Now, the reviews tab will appear on your page.

Example of Facebook page reviews tab

How to Recommend a Business on Facebook

This process is the one that has the biggest change.

To recommend a business on Facebook, you will need to open the business’s Facebook Page that you want to recommend.

Please note that previously, there was an option to ‘ Write a review ‘ and select the review score from 1-5. Now you do not actually leave a review for the business, but you are recommending it. You have only two recommendation options, to select ‘Yes’ or ‘No’, which means you want to recommend the business or not. Simple as that.

Here are the steps for how to leave a Facebook review:

  • Click the Reviews/Recommendations tab
  • Click ‘Yes’ to recommend the Page
  • Write your recommendation, and if you use mobile, upload a photo along with the recommendation text
  • You can also choose a tag such as great service, amazing staff or similar

recommend a business

Additionally, you can recommend a business by leaving a comment by tagging a business’s Facebook Page when some of your Facebook friends ask for recommendations.

And this tutorial is very important for business owners who want to get more Facebook reviews so they can explain this step-by-step process to their customers on how to navigate their Facebook Page reviews tab and how to recommend their business.

The Significance of Facebook Recommendations for Local Businesses

Here’s why these Facebook recommendations have become pivotal for local enterprises:

Boost in Credibility and Trust

Facebook recommendations serve as modern word-of-mouth referrals. When potential customers see positive recommendations from their friends or others in the community, it enhances the credibility of the business. In a digital age, many customers trust online reviews as much as personal recommendations, making these endorsements vital for establishing trust.

Enhanced Visibility and Organic Reach

When a user leaves a recommendation, it can be seen by their friends and connections. This means a local business can benefit from increased visibility without investing in paid advertising. Each recommendation acts as a mini marketing campaign, potentially reaching hundreds or even thousands of prospective clients without any added effort or expense from the business.

Influence on Buying Decisions

Recommendations can play a decisive role in a customer’s buying journey. A positive recommendation can sway uncertain customers towards trying out a local business. Conversely, negative feedback can serve as constructive criticism, allowing businesses to improve and address genuine concerns.

Enhanced Engagement and Community Building

Recommendations often spur conversations about the business, either through questions, shared experiences, or stories. This not only spreads awareness but fosters a sense of community around the brand. Engaging with these recommendations and comments can further personalize a business’s connection with its customer base, establishing loyalty and repeat business.

How to Report a Facebook Recommendation

Most of the online review platforms such as Google, TripAdvisor, and Yelp allow an option to report negative reviews that a business wants to be removed or delegated from their business listing or Facebook page in the case of Facebook reviews.

Similar to the previous option for reporting reviews, this option is now available, and you can report a Recommendation that violates Facebook’s Community Standards.

To do this, follow the steps:

  • Go to the recommendation that you want to report and click the 3 dots in the top right corner
  • Select “Find support or report Recommendation”
  • Choose the topic and click “Submit”

In this relation, we recommend reading the following blog post:

Read more: How to Respond to Negative Facebook Reviews >>

How to ask for Facebook recommendations?

if you are a business and starting out with recommendations on Facebook, getting the first batch is very important to boost your trust in this social media network.

The simple steps on how to get more Facebook reviews are the following;

  • Send emails to customers with a link to your Facebook reviews section
  • Print QR codes on menus or flyers with the Facebook review link to the reviews tab
  • Embed a ‘Review us on Facebook ‘  button on your website
  • Add a Facebook reviews badge on your website
  • Create Facebook ads  with your reviews

And for more reach and greater appeal of your Facebook reviews, you can embed them on your website. Read the section below and check the complete guide on Facebook reviews .

How to Embed Facebook Recommendations on your Website?

website reviews widget

With the evolution of the Facebook reviews system, you can use a platform such as EmbedReviews to help you generate new recommendations posted on your Facebook Page.

The system automatically generates the ‘Yes’ and the ‘No’ recommendations, which you can display on your website with a simple embeddable code.

Feel free to try EmbedReviews , collect your Facebook Recommendations, and embed a Facebook reviews widget on your website.

If you want to read the full guide, make sure you read our article on how to embed Facebook reviews on a website .

Key Takeaways

I hope this article will help you improve your Facebook presence, and if you have any thoughts, feel free to reach out.

The Facebook reviews and recommendations system allows your customers to leave feedback and ratings on a business’s Facebook page, which provide greater benefits to your website, such as:

  • Increased visibility and credibility: Positive reviews can boost a business’s reputation and attract new customers.
  • Improved customer engagement: Responding to reviews can help businesses build stronger customer relationships.
  • Enhanced local SEO : Facebook reviews can help businesses rank higher in search results for local search queries.
  • Easy to use: Facebook reviews are easy for customers to leave and for businesses to manage.
  • Insights: Review data can provide valuable insights into customer satisfaction and areas for improvement.

If you want to enable this feature via the Facebook app, follow these steps: 1. Open the Facebook app on your device. 2. Go to your Business Page. 3. Tap on the “More” option 4. Tap on “Settings”. 5. Scroll down to the “Templates and Tabs” section. 6. Find the “Reviews” or “Recommendations” tab 7. Once the tab is visible, make sure it’s set to “ON” or “Off.”

No, buying Facebook recommendations is against Facebook’s Community Standards and can result in penalties, including the removal of your page.

To post a recommendation for a business or place on Facebook, follow these steps: 1. Go to the Page of the business/place 2. Look for the “Recommendations” or “Reviews” section 3. Click on “Yes” to recommend the place 4. Write your recommendation 5. Post the Recommendation

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Aggregate user-generated content and display social proof on any website.

CEO of EmbedSocial 

Nikola Bojkov is the CEO of EmbedSocial, an entrepreneur who turns problems into products. With over a decade of hands-on experience with social media APIs, he guides EmbedSocial in its role as a technical partner for both SMEs and large agencies, maximizing the impact of their user-generated content. EmbedSocial has offices in Skopje, Tokyo and Lisbon with over 250,000 users.

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Do ultrasonic pest repellers actually work?

Stephanie Mickelson

Stephanie Mickelson is a contributing writer for USA TODAY Homefront. She specializes in home improvement, design and personal finance. Her work is also featured in Angi, Apartment Therapy, Bob Vila and other publications. A long-time DIYer, she’s always up for building a shelf or staining furniture.

Editorial note: Homefront (defined in the Disclosure below ) may earn a commission from affiliate partner links featured on our site. This commission does not influence our editors’ opinions or evaluations.

  • Ultrasonic pest repellers emit high-frequency sounds to deter pests such as roaches and rats.
  • Studies have found a lack of evidence that ultrasonic pest repellers control household pests.
  • Tried and true pest control methods — applying pesticides, setting traps and sealing entry points — are more reliable.

Ultrasonic pest repellers use high-frequency sound outside the range of human hearing to repel rats, mice, cockroaches, termites, fleas, bedbugs and other pests. Some companies even claim that their devices get rid of all types of insects and pests. But whether these devices are effective is a cause for some debate.

According to several studies that tested the effectiveness of these products, ultrasonic pest repellers do little to discourage pests from entering or taking up residence in and around your home.

In 2001, the Federal Trade Commission sent warning letters to over 60 ultrasonic pest repeller manufacturers because the companies’ advertising made claims that weren’t supported by scientific evidence. In the following years, the FTC brought complaints against other companies who claimed, without scientific evidence, that their products effectively repelled pests.

Beau Montoya, pest control expert and owner of 911 Pest Pro Solutions in Las Vegas, said that in his almost 20 years in the field, he has never seen ultrasonic repellers produce the results they claim. “I have been to thousands of customers, and I can count on one hand how many [clients] I have seen own these,” he said.

Despite the lack of evidence, ultrasonic pest repellers on the market still claim to be an effective pest control method. Here’s everything you need to know about these devices.

How do ultrasonic pest repellers claim to work?

Ultrasonic pest repellers claim to work by emitting high-frequency sounds above the range of what human ears can detect. Sounds detectable by humans fall between 20 Hz (hertz) to 20 kHz (kilohertz). Sounds above this range are detectable by other mammals, rodents and arthropods, including insects, spiders and mites.

According to ultrasonic pest repeller manufacturers, these sounds discourage pests from coming into close proximity to the devices. But because the sound doesn’t travel well through walls, multiple units are necessary to control pests throughout the entire home and outdoor area.

Insects, rodents and other pests are notoriously difficult to control, so a plug-in or battery-operated ultrasonic pest repeller seems like an easy solution. In reality, you may just be taking up an outlet or using up batteries with no real results.

What pests do ultrasonic repellers target?

Manufacturers of ultrasonic repellent devices claim that these products target a wide range of rodents and insects, but won’t affect people or pets. They claim that pests deterred by ultrasonic sounds include the following:

“Ultrasonic pest repellers are marketed to target a variety of pests, but their effectiveness varies across different pests and environments,” said Jana McDaniel, creator of eco-friendly insect repellent First Saturday Lime .

Are ultrasonic pest repellers effective?

While manufacturers of ultrasonic pest control devices claim they are effective against a variety of tiny home invaders, the science says differently. “Commercially available sonic pest devices for use in residential applications have not been shown to be effective in scientific studies,” according to a 2015 paper published by the University of Arizona College of Agriculture & Life Sciences extension.

Since the 1960s, scientists have studied the effects of sounds on rodents, insects and other pests with little results. Studies commonly place a certain number of target rodents or insects in each of two chambers, both fitted with an escape tube. One chamber includes an ultrasonic device while the other includes a control device that emits no sound.

Some studies of ultrasonic devices have shown limited results, but most have observed that while some test subjects may show a mild aversion at first, they often become accustomed to the sound.

In a 1969 study published in The Journal of Wildlife Management that tested ultrasonic device effectiveness in rats and mice, the test subjects initially showed an aversion, but then, “rather than starve or go thirsty, both rats and mice would venture into the room with ultrasound to reach known sources of food and water.” Even if food was available elsewhere, some of them would continue to get food and water from the room with the ultrasonic device.

One notable result was reported in a 2010 study published in the Journal of Vector Ecology that compared three commercial sonic devices that claimed to repel mosquitoes. The study showed that the devices actually attracted mosquitoes and resulted in a 50% bite-rate increase.  Other studies, including the one conducted at the University of Arizona, showed that ultrasonic devices had no effect on bed bugs, ants or cockroaches.

While some of these studies, such as the one studying rats and mice, were done over long time periods — either 76 or 81 days in this case — other studies tested the reactions over a much shorter period.

In the study that tested mosquitoes, the test ran for four cycles of three minutes each. Some ultrasonic pest repellers claim that it takes two to four weeks to rid the home of pests, so the study’s unpromising results could potentially be due to the test’s short duration. However, given the number of studies that lack results proving the effectiveness of the devices, it’s likely that they don’t work as they claim to.

Which ultrasonic pest repellers work best?

Several ultrasonic pest repellers on the market claim to work as effective pest control options, but scientific studies have shown that they don’t affect household pests. Montoya backed this up: “Being in this industry as long as I have and having to read and study to stay updated on different insects and characteristics and what truly eliminates them, not one time have I read that sounds will destroy them,” he said.

Are ultrasonic pest repellers safe for pets and humans?

Ultrasonic pest repellers claim to be safe for humans and pets even though the high frequency is detectable by household pets, such as cats and dogs, and other common pets, including guinea pigs and possibly even hamsters.

McDaniel said, “When used properly, most ultrasonic pest repellers are considered safe for humans and pets since the high-frequency sounds are above our audible range.” When it comes to pets, she said, “Some pets, like dogs, may potentially hear the ultrasonic pitches, which could cause distress or discomfort over prolonged exposure.”

Montoya, however, said, “There has been no proof that it has any effect on pets. The sound isn’t strong enough for them to have any real care.” If you use ultrasonic pest repellers around your pets, pay attention to any changes in their behavior to determine if the device is negatively affecting them.

“For humans, there have been some side effects,” said Montoya. In a 2018 study published in The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America on the possible adverse effects of ultrasonic devices on humans, researchers determined that “perceptual evaluation showed that 20-minute exposure to the investigated device settings did not lead to hearing damage nor to significant undesirable effects such as headache, tinnitus, nausea in the two different age groups.”

Despite their overall finding, a few people in the study did report that the sounds in the 25–28 kHz signal were disturbing. The study was careful to point out that the participants may not struggle with hearing sensitivity, and people should still use caution as higher frequencies may produce adverse effects in people who do show hearing sensitivity. 

What are better alternatives to ultrasonic pest repellers?

If you’re looking for a better alternative to ultrasonic pest repellers, Montoya recommended the following: “Stick with a pesticide or hire a pest control company that has the knowledge to take care of your problems quickly and efficiently rather than hoping something works.”

The best pest control methods will depend on the type of pest. Your approach will be different, whether you’re trying to get rid of mice in the walls or ward off German cockroaches . The infestation level will also demand varying levels of effort. Still, some tried and true pest control methods include chemical pesticides and sprays, sealing up entry points, and trapping and releasing.

What’s next?

Ultrasonic pest repellers aren’t an effective way to deter pests. If you start seeing signs of an infestation around your home, it’s best to contact a pest control service in your area that specializes in the type of pest you’re seeing. Some companies deal with many different types of pests while others may specialize in rodents, roaches, termites or other common household pests.

Many companies offer free inspections to evaluate the extent of the infestation and determine the best course of action. You can also purchase pest control sprays and traps from a local hardware store or even from Amazon. Still, without professional knowledge, DIY methods may not be as effective as professional insect and rodent control solutions.

Editorial note: The name “Homefront” refers to the alliance between USA TODAY and Home Solutions that publishes review, comparison, and informational articles designed to help USA TODAY readers make smarter purchasing and investment decisions about their home. Under the alliance, Homefront provides and publishes research and articles about home service and home improvement topics.

Homefront has an affiliate disclosure policy . The opinions, analyses, reviews or recommendations expressed in this article are those of the Homefront editorial staff alone (see About Homefront ). Homefront adheres to strict editorial integrity standards. The information is believed to be accurate as of the publish date, but always check the provider’s website for the most current information.

Stephanie Mickelson

Veronika Jelenik is an editor for USA TODAY Homefront, where she edits articles spanning from moving and home warranty to roofing and HVAC. She has a background in journalism, having worked as a news reporter covering local government and municipal planning, a content update editor for, and a freelance contributor to several major publications. Her pieces have been published in the New York Daily News, the Hartford Courant, PAPER Magazine and elsewhere. When not editing, you can find Veronika shopping for used books and vintage clothing, reading her poetry and creative nonfiction at open mics and cuddling with her Chihuahua, Beanie. She lives in Manhattan.

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Don’t Believe the Biggest Myth About Heat Pumps

Image may contain Device Appliance Electrical Device and Air Conditioner Heat pump

If you’re one of the 100 percent of humans who lives somewhere warmer than –460 Fahrenheit, we’ve got good news: You probably qualify for a heat pump . Instead of generating heat, this emissions-slashing superhero transfers warmth from even freezing outdoor air into your home. If the air is warmer than –460 F, or absolute zero, it’s got thermal energy in it.

“Just because it feels cold doesn’t mean there’s no energy available,” says Jan Rosenow, who studies heat pumps at the Regulatory Assistance Project, a policy NGO for the energy community. “There’s actually a lot of energy still in the air.”

Obviously, no heat pump is designed to operate anywhere near absolute zero. But the toughest among them can certainly operate far below 0 degrees Fahrenheit . Even in extra-cold places, heat pumps can use additional electric elements—space heaters, basically—to provide backup heat for a home. So let’s bust one of the most persistent myths about modern heat pumps: that they become worthless as soon as it gets chilly out.

If heat pumps don’t actually work in frigid weather, no one told the Nordic nations, which endure Europe’s coldest climates, with average winter temperatures around 0 degrees Celsius (32 degrees F). As of 2021, Norway had heat pumps in 60 percent of households . In 2022, Finland installed more of the appliances per capita than any other country in Europe, while Sweden has similarly gone all-in on the technology . In the United States, heat pumps are selling like hotcakes in Alaska , and last year Maine announced it had reached its goal of installing 100,000 of the devices way ahead of schedule . These places ain’t exactly perpetually sunny California. (US-wide, heat pumps now outsell gas furnaces .)

Because heat pumps are fully electric, they can run on a grid that’s increasingly loaded with renewable energy from sources like wind and solar, and backed up with lots of battery power . That makes the appliances essential for decarbonization: A study earlier this year found that if every American got a heat pump, it could cut emissions in the residential sector by 36 to 64 percent , and cut overall US emissions by 5 to 9 percent. What’s holding heat pumps back from their full potential isn’t that they can’t work in cold weather, but that we don’t have enough skilled workers to install them as quickly as possible.

Really, it’s not a question of whether the heat pump will supplant the gas furnace, but how quickly it will do so . “We are moving past combustion as our primary heat source, for our homes and our families, for the first time in human history,” says Paul Lambert, cofounder and CEO of Quilt , which makes a home climate system based on heat pumps. “We’ve either been burning wood, or burning coal, or burning natural gas, or burning oil.”

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By contrast, a heat pump works by circulating refrigerants and changing their pressure, and thus their temperature, both to grab thermal energy from outdoor air and then do the reverse in the summer to act like an air conditioner. Over the years, the appliances have gotten ever more efficient as their various components and refrigerants have improved. “It’s really all about the refrigerant,” says Katie Davis, vice president of engineering and technology for residential HVAC (heating, ventilation, and air-conditioning) at Trane Technologies, which produces heat pumps. “We’re expanding and contracting—so we’re going from liquid to gas, liquid to gas, liquid to gas—or vice versa, depending on which cycle you’re running in.”

Critically for climates with very cold winters, the boiling point of the refrigerant is typically between –55 degrees and –59 degrees F. So even if the outdoor air is below freezing, “it’s still going to boil that refrigerant,” says Davis. “You’re going to transfer heat really, really well.”

Manufacturers make heat pumps specifically designed for cold climates , which can operate continuously as temperatures plunge into the negative. Trane is developing its own cold-climate heat pump it expects to release in 2025, which uses vapor injection technology. This works like fuel injection in car engines, only it’s injecting refrigerant into a closed-loop cycle in the compressor. That boosts the heat pump’s ability to extract thermal energy. “With the addition of this vapor injection compressor,” Davis says, “we now have the added capacity that we need for our systems to run at these really cold temperatures.” In testing, Trane’s prototype operated at –23 degrees F.

When scientists are working out the efficiency of different heating techniques, they’re considering the “coefficient of performance,” or COP, which is the ratio of the energy consumed to the heat produced. If a technique is 100 percent efficient, it has a COP of 1, meaning one unit of energy going in, one unit of heat coming out. A gas furnace, for example, produces heat that blows into a home, but some of that heat is also lost during combustion, so even the most efficient models have a COP of less than 1.

Overall, it’s way more efficient for a heat pump to move heat than it is to generate it, like a gas furnace does. By running on electricity instead of fossil fuels, a heat pump can manage a COP of 3, meaning three units of heat for every one unit of energy, but in extreme cases they can get up to a COP of 6, depending on the conditions and the model.

In a study published last year, Rosenow and his colleagues looked at the data to see how a heat pump’s efficiency might decline as temperatures drop. They found that even down at –10 degrees Celsius, or 14 degrees Fahrenheit, the appliances still manage a COP of 2, or 200 percent efficiency. The study also looked at cold-climate heat pumps in more extreme environments: At a punishing –30 degrees C (–22 degrees F), a Mitsubishi model produced COPs between 1.5 and 2, and a Toshiba model between 1 and 1.5.

“These were real buildings operating in the real world, with real people living in them,” says Rosenow. “Yes, there is a decline in performance, as you would expect. But the argument that it drops off a cliff once you go below freezing, it’s really not supported by the data that we have analyzed.”

Put another way: Heat pumps may get less efficient as temperatures plummet, but they can still extract thermal energy from that cold air. If a trained technician has properly installed the heat pump, they’ll have sized it both for the volume of the home and in consideration of the lowest temperatures which that area will endure. “You have a maximum capacity that you require for that really cold day,” says Rosenow. “The temperature will drop and the heat pump will need more electricity, but it still provides exactly the right amount of heat to keep you comfortable.”

To offset such costs for the consumer, governments might implement higher taxes on fossil fuels and use the revenue to lower utility bills. They can also roll out tax rebates or grants for installing heat pumps. The US Inflation Reduction Act, for instance, provides thousands of dollars for people to switch to a heat pump and do additional electric work that may be required to run them. The bill also covers weatherization—means of weatherproofing a building, like insulation and windows—that would help a home retain heat, thus increasing the efficiency of a heat pump: The less you have to run it, the less electricity you have to use and the lower your operating costs.

For exceptionally cold winters, like in Nordic countries, some heat pumps use built-in backup electric heating elements, both to defrost the appliance and to keep providing heat to the indoor space. That usually kicks in when temperatures dip below –10 degrees C (14 degrees F). But with a COP of 1, that heating is still more efficient than burning gas in a furnace.

Even then, with the right kind of modern heat pump for the right climate, and with proper home insulation to trap heat, any dips down into temperatures that require backup heating should be rare and brief. “Ninety-five-ish percent of people will never even go to the backup system ever, even on the coldest day where they live,” says Lambert of Quilt. (Quilt says its system doesn’t include backup heating because it’s efficient enough to maintain capacity at very low temperatures.) “Only 5 percent will use it, but even then it’s a very small fraction of their heating load.”

The home of tomorrow is fully electric, with a heat pump providing both cooling and heating, even on frigid winter nights. Like the abominable snowman, heat pumps not working in cold weather is a myth.

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How a ‘humble confidence’ has powered the Phillies’ best 50-game start ever

PHILADELPHIA, PENNSYLVANIA - MAY 22: The Philadelphia Phillies react after defeating the Texas Rangers at Citizens Bank Park on May 22, 2024 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. (Photo by Tim Nwachukwu/Getty Images)

PHILADELPHIA — Matt Strahm allowed two runs on Opening Day, and in the 54 days since, he has tossed 20 1/3 scoreless innings. (He would prefer no one mention the streak.) He is here to do everything, and he has done his job. He entered Wednesday’s game in the fifth inning to extinguish a rally, then pitched the sixth to preserve a three-run lead.


The Phillies won again, and it was not close.

They are 50 games into this thing — a thing that has never started like this in 142 years of Phillies baseball. The Phillies have won 36 of their first 50 games for the first time ever. They have entered a rare stratosphere before Memorial Day. Every team wants to win. Many teams think they can win. A few teams expect to win.

Some know they can win.

“It just speaks volumes about the players and how they go about their job every day,” Strahm said after an 11-4 win over the Texas Rangers . “I mean, it’s one thing coming to the yard knowing you’re going to win. But coming in the yard knowing how you’re going to win, that’s a different thing.”

Bryce 💣 BOMB 💣 — Philadelphia Phillies (@Phillies) May 23, 2024

The Phillies clubhouse, Strahm said, is built for this. There are expectations — and they are set at 2 p.m., not 6:40 p.m. The Phillies, a franchise that has stared into the abyss for much of its existence, have created a culture that demands something greater. They are all convinced they should have won last year, that this week should have been a World Series rematch. They talked and talked and talked about beginning this season stronger. Then they authored the best 50-game start by a Major League Baseball team since the 2001 Seattle Mariners .

“What did they do?” Phillies manager Rob Thomson asked a reporter Wednesday night.

They won 116 games.

“But what did they do at the end?” Thomson said.

They did not win it all.

“That’s right,” Thomson said. “So you have to keep going. You know? You just have to keep grinding. Keep pushing. All the way through.”

So, the Phillies would rather not talk about the great start anymore. No one in the dugout has discussed the soft schedule because baseball teams are not supposed to win 72 percent of the time, no matter who they play.

Only 25 teams since 1901 had won 36 of their first 50 games before the Phillies did it. Nineteen of those teams finished with 100 wins. All but three finished with 96 wins. Only one — the 1911 Detroit Tigers — failed to reach 90 wins. The Phillies have banked wins at a rate that makes basic math appealing. They can go .500 for the remainder of the season and win 91 games.

This is Strahm’s point. He’s been in the majors with four organizations. He has seen good and bad. He came to the Phillies a year ago on a two-year contract that rival evaluators panned, has settled in Delaware County like any long-haired man who likes his open space, and signed an extension this spring.

The people who want to be here are here. They are talented. They know their job. They know the expectation.

“It’s a work environment thing,” Strahm said. “I mean, everybody’s experienced it. They don’t need to experience it on the level of Major League Baseball. But everyone’s had those five years of work where they were just super enjoyable because of the environment.

“I think that’s what we have here.”

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Brandon Marsh described it as a “humble confidence.” The left fielder will feel it during games when the Phillies fall behind early. He feels it whenever a Phillies starter leaves with a lead. Sometimes, he feels it when Alec Bohm bats with runners on base.

But it’s most noticeable hours before the Phillies are on the field.

“The feeling’s cool walking into the ballpark, just having that winning mentality,” Marsh said. “It’s very contagious. And we’re feeding off each other big time right now. There’s peaks and valleys in this game, no doubt. We are doing a good job of taking care of what we need to do. Nights when we should win, we go out there and we get it done. The nights that are going to be a grind, we try to thug it out the best that we can.”

This is the one thing that can come from a historic start.

“They’re very confident,” Thomson said. “Right now, it really doesn’t matter what type of game we’re in. They feel like somebody is going to do something to get it done. And that’s a good feeling to have.”

When you're hot 🤷‍♂️ you're hot. — Philadelphia Phillies (@Phillies) May 23, 2024

Remember the narratives from the winter: The Phillies ran it back; their biggest offseason expenditure was re-signing Aaron Nola . They passed on other upgrades to the rotation and bullpen. The only position player they added was Whit Merrifield , and he is relegated to the bench.

The Phillies are 102-60 in their last 162 regular-season games. This is why they chose this path again.

“I feel like we know each other really well,” Marsh said. “We all know our roles. It’s just a good recipe for success. People know what guys they’re playing against, when they’re coming in and stuff like that. It’s a good recipe that we got going right now. We just have to keep riding it out as long as we can.”

Because, as Marsh observed in his unmistakable style, “this game will pick you up and throw you around the second you feel like you’re King Kong.”

No one has to tell the Phillies that. They will live forever with the sting of last year’s National League Championship Series. A failure like that can bury a franchise. Had the Phillies not pounced on a lenient schedule to begin 2024, the doubts would have gotten louder and louder. This is why Thomson emphasized a better start. It’s why he has managed with more aggression at times in these first 50 games.

The Phillies have not chased pitches like they did last year. They have not dug a massive hole like they did in each of the past two seasons. And when they trail, there is no panic.

It is unsettling to a city that knows heartbreak. But there is a deal a fan base makes with its baseball team every year: It wants to be entertained for six months. Seven would be incredible. But summer is nothing without the confidence that every night, the Phillies might do something special.

To Strahm, it is quite simple.

“It’s the contagiousness of wanting to do your job,” he said, “and knowing what your job is.”


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Three Phillies takeaways: Bohm's prep, Sánchez's added velocity, what's next for Clemens?

(Top photo of the Phillies after Wednesday’s win: Tim Nwachukwu / Getty Images)

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Matt Gelb

Matt Gelb is a senior writer for The Athletic covering the Philadelphia Phillies. He has covered the team since 2010 while at The Philadelphia Inquirer, including a yearlong pause from baseball as a reporter on the city desk. He is a graduate of Syracuse University and Central Bucks High School West.

I tried the Megaformer Pilates workout, loved by Kim Kardashian and Michelle Obama. It targeted my thighs in a whole new way.

  • The Megaformer, beloved by endless celebrities, is like a souped-up Pilates reformer.
  • It provides high-intensity, low-impact workouts using spring-based resistance.
  • I tried a Megaformer workout class and was really tough, even as a fitness reporter.

Insider Today

To me, the word "Megaformer" conjures up images of a monster robot toy made for children, advertised in a booming man's voice.

But this isn't child's play.

A Megaformer is a fitness machine akin to a Pilates reformer, but souped up. Created by trainer to the stars Sebastien Lagree and patented in 2006, the Megaformer uses spring-based resistance to challenge the body with plenty of time under tension.

The list of Lagree's celebrity fans is long, including, reportedly, Jennifer Aniston, Meghan Markle, Kate Hudson, Jennifer Lopez, Michelle Obama, and Kim Kardashian. The workouts started in the US but are now available in the UK, where the industry of boutique fitness studios is booming.

The global boutique fitness studio market is currently valued at $55.16 billion and is expected to reach $79.66 billion in 2029, according to Research and Markets . In big UK cities, at least, demand for luxurious ways to workout is staying strong despite the cost of living crisis.

I'm a health and fitness reporter, and I exercise most days a week doing both a mix of strength and cardio workouts, but the Megaformer was tough. While I've done reformer pilates before and used to do lots of barre classes, I haven't done any low-impact high-intensity workouts like Pilates for a couple of years since I moved out of London.

The burn was real and my inner thighs felt it in the days afterward, and, seeing as I don't normally do Pilates-style workouts, the class reminded me how important it is to vary your training for overall fitness.

The gym was luxurious but minimalist , with club-style studios

There are a couple of fitness studios in London offering Megaformer workout classes now, both at £35 ($45). I went to Studio Fix in Kensington — an affluent area that has no shortage of bougie boutique gyms — where the gym's other classes cost £25 ($32).

The entrance has a minimalist, modern, and industrial interior (think exposed pipes on the ceiling) with gold and chrome accents.

I checked in for my class at the reception and glanced at the protein shake menu. £7.50 ($9.50) each... Perhaps a luxury I could go without.

The changing room had Dyson hair dryers and straighteners, deodorant, dry shampoo, hair spray, and hair ties, as well as Aesop toiletries.

Unlike the other light, bright studios in the gym, the Megaformer studio is decked out in mirrors and red lights with no windows, creating a club-style atmosphere.

The machines look pretty daunting: They're huge, with various handles and straps and a moving "carriage" with different markings that slides forward and back.

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I got there early so the class instructor, Andrea, could talk me and the other newbies through the basics. She told me and my five classmates (glossy, slim women in their 30s and 40s) we might find it hard on our first attempt. And she was not wrong.

It's all about time under tension

The class started with some core work and at first, it felt pretty manageable. But that core work went on, and on, and as it did, my abs fast began to burn and fatigue. There were pikes, planks, and lots of pulses.

Megaformer workouts feature a lot of small movements as well as bigger ones with a larger range of motion, and you're meant to do each movement super slowly (think four seconds down in a lunge and four back up) to maximize time under tension. It sounds easy. It was not.

As Lagree himself previously told me , moving slowly means you can't employ momentum to lift a weight.

"You will get a better response from working out because you will activate more muscle fibers. When you're just using explosive movements, you're only activating mostly the fast-twitch muscle fibers, which are responsible for building bulk."

Andrea shouted instructions and demonstrated each movement throughout the class, which meant I didn't feel clueless. I welcomed any breaks she took to demonstrate each movement first, otherwise there'd have been zero rest.

After the core section was over, we moved on to the lower body and performed a range of exercises on one side using the straps and cables before repeating on the other. We never had to do any one exercise for too long, but it was still plenty long enough to burn. Many of the exercises looked easy, but were surprisingly painful — in a good way: my muscles were burning and began to shake as I worked them in ways I wasn't used to.

The final section of the workout was upper body . It was also the easiest and the shortest, and I'd have liked it to be longer.

The class was too expensive for me to do regularly

The class went by quickly. Afterward I felt proud of myself and my body felt good from the stretching and mobility.

That afternoon and the days following, the body part where I really felt sore was the inner thighs, which reminded me that I mustn't neglect them in my own training.

It was also a good reminder of the importance of variety in exercise. You can be squatting twice your bodyweight but unable to pulse in a lunge on a Megaformer for 15 seconds if you never do it.

I wouldn't do solely Megaformer classes, as it's important to do heavier strength training and cardio too, but it would be a good addition to my workout regime if my budget allowed.

When I asked Studio Fix founder Najeeb Abunahl why the Megaformer workouts cost more than others at the studio, he told me it has to do with the licensing agreement they have with Sebastian Lagree to use and train on Megaformers.

"We also bring a Master Trainer from Europe to certify all of our instructors in the Lagree method," Abunahl said.

Unfortunately for me, the price tag is just too high. But if I had cash to splash, I'd go back for sure.

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Why Employees Who Work Across Silos Get Burned Out

  • Eric Quintane,
  • Jung Won Lee,
  • Camila Umaña Ruiz,
  • Martin Kilduff

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And how companies can better support these important cross-functional workers.

When employees collaborate across silos, there are numerous benefits for organizations. But the employees who do this critical work — also known as boundary spanners or network brokers — may end up overwhelmed, burned out, and can even develop abusive behavior toward their fellow employees. Research shows why this can happen, and suggests three key strategies companies can use to mitigate any negative effects: strategically integrating cross-silo collaboration into formal roles, providing adequate resources, and developing check-in mechanisms and opportunities to disengage.

In today’s fast-paced and complex business environment, fostering collaboration across organizational silos, whether between different teams, divisions, or regional offices, is no longer a luxury — it’s a necessity. It is key to improving performance, unlocking innovation, and speeding up coordination .

  • Eric Quintane is an associate professor of organizational behavior at ESMT Berlin. He holds a PhD in management from the University of Melbourne in Australia. His research focuses on understanding the dynamics of interpersonal networks and their consequences for individuals (such as innovative performance or burnout).
  • SL Sunny Lee is an Associate Professor of Organizational Behavior and the Deputy Director of Diversity and Inclusion at UCL School of Management. She has a PhD from London Business School. Her research focuses on identifying biases within human resources processes, such as recruitment and promotion, and the psychological implications of workplace behaviors.
  • JL Jung Won Lee is an assistant professor of organizational behavior at ESSEC Business School. She has a PhD from UCL School of Management. Her research focuses on psychological antecedents and consequences of interpersonal networks.
  • CR Camila Umaña Ruiz is a consultant and Assistant Professor in Organizational Behavior and HR at Pontificia Universidad Javeriana. She has a PhD from Universidad de los Andes. Her research focuses on interpersonal and organizational antecedents and consequences of job stress and burnout.
  • Martin Kilduff is Professor and Director of Research at UCL School of Management. He has a PhD from Cornell University. His research focuses on interpersonal social networks in organizations.

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