
How to Write a PhD Concept Paper

format of a phd concept paper

A concept paper – or concept note – is one of the initial requirements of a PhD programme. It is normally written during the PhD application process as well as early on in the programme once a student has been admitted.

A concept paper is basically a shorter version of a research proposal – in most cases between 2,000 and 2,500 words – that expresses the research ideas of the potential PhD student.

Besides being short, it should be concise yet have adequate details to convince the Department the student is applying to that he/she is worth being admitted to the programme.

Example of a title with a sub-title

References/bibliography, why do phd programmes require applicants to submit a concept paper.

A concept paper serves four main purposes:

  • It gives the Department the student is applying to an idea of the student’s research interests.
  • Based on point one, it informs the Department whether the student will be a good fit to the Department or not. To be a good fit, the research interests of the applicant should match those of the Department’s faculty.
  • Based on the two points above, it enables the Department to offer support to the student throughout his/her PhD studies in the form of supervision and mentorship.
  • Because the concept paper is written – and must be accepted – before the full proposal, it saves the student time and effort that would otherwise be spent on topics that may end up being rejected by the Department. A concept paper is therefore the first step to writing the PhD thesis/dissertation (see the figure below).

phd concept note sample

Format of a PhD Concept Paper

The format of a concept paper might vary from one university to another. A PhD student should therefore read the guidelines provided by his/her University of interest before writing a concept paper.

In general, the following is a common format of a concept paper:

Title of proposed study

The title of the proposed study is the first element of a concept paper.

The title should describe what the study is about by highlighting the variables of the study and the relationship between the variables if applicable.

The title should be short and specific: it is best to have a title that is not more than 15 words’ long.

Example of a title:

Use of Mobile Phone Applications for Weight Management in the United States

In order to add more specificity to the title, you can add a subtitle to the main title. The title and subtitle should be separated by a full colon.

Use of Mobile Phone Applications for Weight Management in the United States:

A Behavioural Economics’ Analysis

Background to the study

The background to the study contains the following elements:

  • The history of the topic, both globally and in the proposed location of your study.
  • What other researchers have found out from their own studies.
  • What the gaps in the existing literature are, that is, what the other researchers have not addressed.
  • What your study will contribute towards filling the identified gaps.

The implication of the above is that one must have conducted some literature review prior to writing the background to the study.

Statement of the problem

The statement of the problem is a clear description of the issue that the study will address, the relevance of the issue, the importance (benefits) of addressing the issue, and the method the researcher will use to address the issue.

Goal and objectives of the study

Once you have identified the problem of your study, the next step is to write the goal and objectives of the study. There is a difference between these two:

The goal of the study is a broad statement of what the researcher hopes to accomplish at the end of the study. The goal should also be related to the problem statement.

Any given project should have one goal because having many goals would lead to confusion. However, that one goal can have multiple elements in it, which would be accomplished through the project’s objectives.

The objectives of the study, on the other hand, are specific and detailed statements of how the researcher will go about accomplishing the stated goal.

The objectives should:

  • Support the accomplishment of the goal.
  • Follow a sequence, that is, like a step-by-step order. This will help you frame the activities needed to be undertaken in a logical manner so that the goal is achieved.
  • Be stated using action verbs, for instance, “to identify”, “to create”, “to establish”, “to measure”, etc.
  • Be about 3-4: having too few of objectives will limit the scope of your PhD dissertation, while having too many objectives may complicate the dissertation.
  • Be SMART, that is, Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, and Time-bound.

The video below clearly explains how to set SMART goals and objectives:


Important tip 1: depending on your PhD programme, you may be required to have at least 3 journal papers to qualify for graduation. Each of your objectives can be converted into a separate journal paper on its own.

Research questions and hypotheses

Every PhD dissertation needs research questions. Research questions will help the student stay focused on his/her research.

The aim of the research is to provide answers to the research questions. The answers to the questions will form the thesis statement.

Examples of research questions:

In the title example given earlier about use of mobile phone applications for weight management in the United States, a student may be interested in the following questions:

  • To what extent do adults in the United States use mobile phone applications to manage their weight?
  • Is there any gender disparity in the use of mobile phone apps for weight management in the United States?
  • How effective are mobile apps for weight management in the United States?

Good research questions are those that can be explored deeply and widely as well as defended using evidence. Questions with ‘yes” or “no” responses are not academic-worthy.

When developing research questions, you also need to think about the data that will be required to answer the questions. Do you have access to that data? If no, will your time and financial resources allow you to collect that data?

Important tip 2: Your PhD study is time-limited therefore data requirement issues need to be thought through at the initial stages of your concept paper writing so that you don’t waste too much time either collecting the data in the future or trying to access the data if it already exists elsewhere.

Preliminary literature review

At the concept paper stage, a preliminary literature review serves three main purposes:

  • It shows whether you have knowledge of the current state of debate about your chosen topic.
  • It shows whether you are familiar with the experts in your chosen topic.
  • It also helps you identify the research gaps.

Proposed research design, methods and procedures

This sections provides a brief overview of the research methodology that you will adopt in your study. Some issues to consider include:

  • Will your study use quantitative, qualitative or mixed-methods approach?
  • Will you use secondary or primary data?
  • What will be the sources of your data? Will you need any ethical clearance from your university before collecting data?
  • Will the data sources be readily accessible?
  • Will you use external assistance for data collection? Or will you do all the data collection yourself?
  • How will the data be analysed? Which softwares will you use? Are you competent in those softwares?

While the above issues are important to think through, please note that the research design and methods will be informed by your research objectives and research questions. As an illustration:

A research question that aims to measure the effect of one (or more) variable(s) on another variable will definitely require quantitative research methods.

On the other hand, a research question that aims to explain the existence of a phenomenon will render itself to the use of qualitative research methods.

Contribution to knowledge

This is perhaps the most important aspect of a PhD dissertation. Your concept note needs to briefly highlight how your project will add value to knowledge.

Making significant contribution to knowledge at the PhD level does not mean a Nobel prize standard of knowledge (this you can do after your PhD when you’ll have all the time in the world to do so). You can achieve this in various ways:

  • New applications of existing ideas.
  • New interpretations of previous ideas.
  • Investigating an existing issue in a new location.
  • Development of a new theory.
  • Coming up with a new technique, among others.

The last section of the concept paper is the reference list or bibliography. This is the section that lists the literatures that you have reviewed and cited in your paper.

There is a slight difference between a reference list and a bibliography:

A reference list includes all those studies that have been directly cited in the paper.

A bibliography, on the other hand, includes all those studies that have been directly cited in the paper as well as those that were reviewed and consulted but not cited in the paper.

When creating the reference list/bibliography, one should be mindful of the referencing style that is required by their PhD department (that is, whether APA, MLA, Chicago, Havard, etc).

Final Thoughts on Writing a PhD Concept Paper

The concept paper is the first step to writing the PhD dissertation. Once accepted, the student will proceed to writing the proposal, which will then be defended before proceeding with writing the full dissertation.

The concept paper is a mini-proposal and has most of the components expected in the proposal.

However, the concept paper should be short and precise while at the same time have adequate information to enable the PhD Committee of the PhD Programme the student is applying to judge if the student will be a good fit to the programme or not.

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Grace Njeri-Otieno

Grace Njeri-Otieno is a Kenyan, a wife, a mom, and currently a PhD student, among many other balls she juggles. She holds a Bachelors' and Masters' degrees in Economics and has more than 7 years' experience with an INGO. She was inspired to start this site so as to share the lessons learned throughout her PhD journey with other PhD students. Her vision for this site is "to become a go-to resource center for PhD students in all their spheres of learning."

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How to Write a Concept Paper for a PhD: A 10-Step Guide

Adela B.

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You’re ready to enroll for your Ph.D. studies but feeling anxious. You don’t know whether your application will be accepted or what it would take to be accepted.

Aside from your academic qualifications, a concept paper is one of the most critical determinants. If you’re planning to pursue a Ph.D., you need to learn how to write an effective concept paper to convince your professors.

Writing a concept paper requires strong analytical skills, advanced research knowledge, and excellent writing skills.

This blog post will give you a step-by-step guide on how to write a concept paper for a Ph.D. to get you a step closer to becoming a doctor of philosophy.

What is a concept paper for Ph.D.?

A concept paper for a Ph.D. is a written statement outlining the objectives and concepts of a proposed research study. It acts as an introduction to your dissertation or full thesis.

It is also an important part of the application process for Ph.D. programs and helps the admissions committee evaluate a student's research potential.

It typically includes background information on the topic to be studied, an overview of existing research, and the proposed research design. It also highlights potential results from the proposed study and their practical applications.

Ultimately, concept papers for Ph.D. programs help determine whether a student is qualified to pursue doctoral-level work in their chosen field.

How long is a Ph.D. concept paper?

The length of your concept paper will depend on your field of study and the requirements set by your university. Generally speaking, most universities expect concept papers to be between 3-5 pages long. Some papers may be longer or shorter depending on how much detail your project entails.

Key takeaways

A concept paper for Ph.D. includes:

  • Background information on the topic;
  • Overview of existing research;
  • Proposed research design;
  • Potential results from the study;
  • Practical applications of the study.

How to Write a Concept Paper for Ph.D.?

An effective concept paper will help you get approval from your professor or adviser to begin your doctoral work.

What are the characteristics of a good concept paper?

A good concept paper should present an idea or topic in a clear and concise manner. It should provide an overview of what the research project will cover and explain why it’s important.

Additionally, it should highlight any potential implications of the research study and how they can be addressed or minimized. The goal of the paper is to convince the reader that your proposed project is worth pursuing and that it contributes new knowledge to your field of study.

What are the 5 elements of a concept paper?

The five elements of a concept paper are:

  • Background;
  • Purpose statement;
  • Problem statement;
  • Research questions or hypotheses;
  • Significance or implications for practice.

These elements work together to provide a comprehensive overview of your proposed research project and show why it’s worth pursuing.

Here are the steps to write an outstanding concept paper that stands no chance of being rejected.

1. Define the title and purpose of your study

The first step in writing a concept paper is defining the title and purpose of your study. What will your research be about? And what are you trying to accomplish through it?

The title and purpose of your study will set the foundation for your concept paper. This part should be concise and clear so that readers understand the basis and significance of your research. When formulating the title, ensure it accurately reflects the main focus of your entire research study.

2. Describe the background and scope of your study

The next step is to provide an overview of the background information of your study topic and explain how it relates to your proposed project.

When describing the background of your study, you need to provide some context about why this topic is important enough to warrant academic inquiry.

Highlight any existing studies or theories related to your topic so that readers understand why you have chosen it as part of your dissertation research.

3. Identify the problem statement

Next, identify a problem statement that outlines what issue or gap in the knowledge you are attempting to address through your research project. Every good concept paper should include a well thought problem statement.

Your problem statement should be precise and concise so readers can easily understand what they can expect from reading further.

Here, you should make it clear why there’s a need for further investigation in your chosen field and how your research will contribute new insights into existing knowledge.

4. List your goals and objectives

Now that you’ve established your problem statement, you need to outline the specific goals and objectives that will guide you through your research.

Here, you outline what steps you’ll take and what specifically you hope to achieve in every stage of the study. This could mean anything from creating new theories, testing existing theories or models, exploring the techniques used in other studies, etc.

Your goals and objectives will give the readers a heads-up about what outcomes they can expect from the project.

Ensure whatever goals and objectives you list are measurable and achievable within the scope of your research study.

5. Formulate research questions

Next, formulate detailed research questions (and accompanying hypotheses) based on the topic you plan to explore.

These questions should include the variables you plan to manipulate or measure during data collection. Ensure the questions are clear and written in simple language so readers can understand what you’ll address through the study.

Also, don’t forget to create hypotheses for every research question you write. These are specific claims that will act as the starting points for further inquiry and potential conclusions for the study.

6. Explain the theoretical framework of the study

Once you’ve formulated your research questions, the next step is to explain the theoretical framework or foundational concept of the study.

Identify and briefly explain the theories that inspired you and connect them back to your intended study.

This will set out the context of your project and show that you’ve read and understood existing knowledge on the subject. This theoretical knowledge will come in handy if your application is accepted.

7. Write the literature review

The next step is to write the literature review. Here, you identify information and existing knowledge from previous studies and other published articles.

Your literature review should also include summaries or reviews of key texts related to your topic. You can get information for this section from peer-reviewed articles and online journals like OpenDOAR and CORE.

Remember, all the facts, statistics, and other relevant information must be accompanied by appropriate citations and references.

8. Describe the proposed research methodology

After writing the literature review, go ahead and describe the research design and methodology you’ll be employing.

Some of the critical details to include in this section include:

  • What data collection methods you’ll use? (e.g., surveys, interviews, or questionnaires).
  • How many participants will form your sample size?
  • What data analysis methods will you use? (e.g., qualitative versus quantitative).

Be sure to highlight any ethical considerations involved in your research methodology. For instance, explain the informed consent procedures you’ll use if your research involves human participation.

Also, explain how you’ll minimize the potential risks associated with participating in your research activities.

9. Explain the significance of the study (and its implications)

Now that you’ve explained the methodology, it’s time to let the readers understand why this study is important and why it makes a significant contribution to existing research.

Additionally, explain how this study will impact theory development and its significance for policymakers or practitioners in your field of study.

You should also discuss any potential implications of conducting this research (e.g., ethical considerations or political ramifications).

10. Include references/bibliography

Finally, include references or a bibliography at the end of your concept paper to build credibility for your research paper.

A bibliography enables you to give credit where it belongs by recognizing the owners of your reference materials.

Ensure you format references properly according to the style specified by the institution you’re applying to. This could be, for example, APA, MLA, or Harvard referencing style.

What is the difference between a concept paper and a research paper?

A concept paper outlines what you plan to do (in future tense), while a research paper explains what you did (in past tense) after completing your research project. In other words, a concept paper serves as an introduction to your research, while a research paper provides evidence-based results from experiments conducted during your study.

Final thoughts

The thought of writing a concept paper for your Ph.D. can be intimidating at first. However, once you know the right approach to take and invest enough time, the writing process becomes hassle-free.

Start by brainstorming your ideas, researching related topics, and creating an outline. Also, ensure you clearly define your concept and know the exact approach you’ll be taking. This way, you won’t find yourself stuck when your concept paper has been approved for further research.

After completing the paper, revise it to ensure everything is clear and accurate with no typos. In the end, you’ll have an excellent concept paper that will pave the way for you to pursue your doctoral studies.

If you need help writing a concept paper for your Ph.D., turn to Writers Per Hour for assistance. With expert Doctoral writers on the team, we can draft a compelling concept paper that is 100% original and written from scratch as per your requirements.

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A PhD concept paper

Profile image of Paul Ndomba

This study will focus on investigating and identifying the relationship between Poultry Business and Rural Development in Local Community in Tanzania. Specifically, it aims at examining the contribution of Poultry Business to rural development in local community, identifying the major challenges confronting Poultry Business and suggests possible measures to improve production so as to increase economic development to rural areas. The study intends to involve 120 respondents from 4 wards of Masasi District and 4 wards of Newala District (in Mtwara region). The study intends to collect both primary and secondary data that will enable to compile the findings. Primary data will be collected through questionnaires, interview and spot observation while secondary data will be gathered from books and various documents. Statistical analysis of data based on descriptive analysis, correlation obtained will be done by using SPSS 20.0 and MS Word 2010. The study will help to fight against poverty and reach the strategy imposed by the government in five years development plan 2015-2020 of reaching income per capital US $3000 per year.

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; Skype ID: Maprosoo2; fb: mcndomba Maprosoo Mobile: +255 712 288 012 _______________________________________________________________________________ Abstract The study focused on investigating and identifying the relationship between Poultry Business and Poverty Alleviation in Local Community in Tanzania. Specifically, it aimed at examining the contribution of Poultry Business to local community. The study involved 80 respondents from 4 wards of Mtwara Mikindani Municipality (Shangani, Majengo, Vigaeni and Naliendele) in Mtwara region. It intended to collect both, primary and secondary data which enabled to compile the findings. Primary data were collected through questionnaires, interview and spot observation while secondary data were gathered from books and various documents. Statistical analysis of data based on descriptive analysis, correlation obtained was done by using SPSS 20.0 and MS Word 2010. The findings of the study indicated that, poultry business in local community is very important for alleviation of poverty as it increases household income, increase capital and provision of high quality nutrition. Therefore, this study recommended that, there should be a comprehensive poultry policy guideline so as to ensure proper implementation of rules and regulations relating to the sustenance of poultry industry in Tanzania as well as establishment of researches. This will help to fight against poverty and reach the strategy imposed by the government in five year development plan 2010-2015 of reaching income per capital US $3000 per year.

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Concept Note

phd concept note sample

Concept notes, as its name suggests, is a brief summary that discusses the ideas regarding a project proposal  and the objectives that it is aiming to achieve. It is the product of the attempt to briefly discuss, to a client or a prospective sponsor, the highlights of the project being developed. Concept notes are often requested before the presentation of a full-fledged proposal to be able to study the contents of the project and determine whether or not it is in line with the priorities of the company and the brand message they are trying to impress.

If the project doesn’t meet the standards of the team, a presentation of the whole proposal will no longer be necessary since the main points were already discussed through the concept notes, which means that the whole organization has saved a lot of time that would have been wasted in listening to lengthy ramblings about a proposal that won’t even be accepted.

What is Concept Notes?

Concept notes are concise documents outlining the essence of a proposed project. They highlight its objectives, methodologies, expected outcomes, and potential impact, providing an overview to stakeholders or funders for consideration or funding.

What is an Example of Concept Notes?

Title: Empowering Youth Through Digital Skills Training

Introduction: The concept aims to empower underprivileged youth by providing comprehensive digital skills training.

Problem Statement: Identified a lack of access to digital education among disadvantaged youth, hindering their employability in the digital economy.


  • Equip 100 youth with basic to advanced digital skills within a 6-month program.
  • Foster entrepreneurship by offering modules on digital marketing and e-commerce.
  • Facilitate internships or job placements for 80% of trained participants.

Project Description: The program entails interactive workshops, online modules, and mentorship sessions delivered by industry experts. It covers web development, graphic design, and data analytics.

Expected Impact:

  • Enhanced employability of youth in tech-driven industries.
  • Increased digital literacy, fostering innovation and entrepreneurship.
  • Long-term socioeconomic empowerment of participants and their communities.

Implementation Plan: Phase 1: Recruitment and assessment of participants. Phase 2: Delivery of training modules through a blended learning approach. Phase 3: Internship/job placement assistance and post-training support.

Monitoring and Evaluation: Regular assessments, surveys, and feedback mechanisms to track progress and measure the impact on participants’ skills and employability.

Budget and Sustainability: Budget estimated at $50,000, sourced from grants and corporate partnerships. Sustainability ensured through partnerships with tech companies and alumni contributions.

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Concept Note Budget Template

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Concept notes can also be used to discuss the main project ideas to would-be donors who have no time, patience, or interest in listening to a proficient deliberation of the topic. Instead, they would only demand for the main points to be condensed. This will be their basis for whether or not they will fund the project.

In some cases, concept notes are meticulously structured, providing in-depth information about the topic. However, they can also be designed to only contain a general overview of the project’s main idea. Irregardless of the amount of data that the concept note holds, it is an important stepping stone toward attracting attention and support for your project.

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Draft Concept Note


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Once you have piqued the curiosity of your audience with your concentrated concept note, you may then be requested to discuss everything in detail through a presentation of your project proposal . Otherwise, it is suffice to say that your project has been rejected.

Ideally, a concept note is only 2 to 3 pages long, except if your audience has provided specific requirements about it. But, irregardless of how long or short it is, your concept note must be well-written because it is an important document that serves as the first delivery of your project, and the response you garner through it will define the future of your project.

As for the format of your concept note, there are no existing rigid rules about it. However, it is best to get to know the organization or the agency that you are applying for so that you can learn if they have any specifications about this detail.

Concept Note on Vocationalization of Education


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Design Concept Note Template


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The Advantages of Writing Concept Notes

Concept notes give you the chance to create a framework for your ideas that you can present on paper. It makes proving a point or arriving at a conclusion easier because you simply have to organize your ideas without the extensive explanation and other complexities that a proposal would necessitate.

Also, since concept notes are only the first presentation of the project and not yet the whole proposal, this gives the team another chance to work on improvements before they present the whole idea to their audience, and their audience will never know since they haven’t seen or read the full presentation yet.

In connection to this, presenting concept notes first will give the donors the chance to assess the proposal and offer suggestions to the team so that they can revise it before presenting the complete proposal. Of course, since concept notes are considerably shorter than proposals, they also take less time and resources to prepare which, after making a full-fledged proposal, is a fresh break for the team.

Concept Note on Food Authority


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APEC Project Concept Note

APEC Project Concept Note

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Writing a Concept Note

There are certain elements and parts that a concept note must contain to make sure that you are providing every necessary information through it.

  • Title.  A big part of the audience’s first impression of your work will solely be dependent on the title, and if  that much pressure is reliant on the title, making it will not be easy. Your title should be snappy and aggressive, yet fun and exciting. It should impress upon your audience the right image that you are trying to project about the content of your concept note.
  • Background.  The background you present in your concept notes must answer to crucial questions: “Why is it important that we address the problem identified in the study?” and “What means have already been conducted to try to solve the problem?” These questions, although simple, can already provide a thorough discussion of the relevance of the project being presented.
  • Objectives.  Since you have a problem that you are addressing through your concept paper, you must then be aiming at certain goals or outcomes. State these in your concept paper as well. Your objectives can either be short-termed or long-termed. They need to be as specific as possible. Providing numbers and statistics will make your objectives more convincing, so it will help if you have those to include as well.
  • Outputs.  Oftentimes, projects are proposed to donors because they are aiming for physical and tangible outputs to be constructed for them. It can be in the form of technical facilities or the publication of information materials. Intangible materials may also be mentioned in concept notes, such as raised awareness to a specific problem, and increased responsiveness toward an issue.
  • Activities and Duration.  You should also discuss the activities and tasks you need to conduct to be able to achieve your project objectives. The amount of time you need to invest in doing them should also be specified since this will give your audience an idea on how long the project has to be implemented before results start showing.
  • Beneficiaries.  When talking to prospective donors, this aspect of your concept note should be highlighted. You should do your best in discussing what they will get if they fund your project. After all, you and your project are an investment to them. They are not going to give you money for the sake of charity. The benefits are the fruits of the investment that they will reap.
  • Project Management.  This part will discuss all the necessary steps you need to follow to be able to realize your plan. Your project management plan should be well-structured and realistic so that your audience will be convinced that it is, in fact, realizable. Otherwise, even if you promise benefits and long-term products, you will not get the support and funding you will need if you cannot convince them of your ability to make it all come true.
  • Budget. This part should only be included if your audience requests for it. Otherwise, it would be best to keep your estimated amount to yourself. When presenting your budget in your concept paper, you must include into the equation all the necessary resources that you will need to realize the project. This will include the staff you will have to pay, the equipment, the materials, the facilities, the vehicles, and other things you might need.

Concept Note Project Synopsis


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Concept Note for Training Workshops


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Activity Concept Note Example


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Tips in Creating Your Own Concept Note

  • Your goal is to be able to express every important detail about your project in as few words as you can. Remember, you are trying to condense an entire project proposal into just 2 to 3 pages. Do not overwhelm your audience with too much blabbering they don’t need to hear, but avoid sounding vague either. To be sure, create bullet points of the necessary details about your project and expound on them through your concept note.
  • It is important that you consider your audience before and while you are making your concept note. Your audience is who you are trying to please, so you should try to make your content as relevant to their likes and current needs. It would help if you get to know your audience before presenting to them. Chances are, your audiences have different preferences. If you must, adjust your concept notes depending on who you will present it to.
  • It is also important for you to consider your language, of course, depending on who you are talking to. If your audience is made up of scientists, use scientific terms and jargon to more effectively establish rapport with them. Your language is your greatest tool to convince these people that your project is worth investing on. Use it well.
  • Refrain from discussing monetary issues on your concept notes. Although everybody knows that your goal is to raise funds for your project, you don’t necessarily have to include it in the discussion. Also, money is not going to help you convince your audience to support you.
  • Take care of the appearance of your paper. Needless to say, it should be presentable, clean, and professional. Since you are not being given the chance to personally talk (unless your concept note earns the approval of your audience), your concept note will represent you. How it looks will mirror you and your team’s names and personalities. Also, since it is a business document, make it look like one. Observe proper margins, and use the right font and spacing. Check for errors and don’t forget to include your name and contact information on the header. Be keen to details.
  • Don’t send concept notes just because you feel like doing so. There is a very slim chance for a randomly submitted concept note to be accepted. Make sure you have targeted organizations because your chances with them are bigger. However, if you don’t, establish connections through the people you already know. Look for people who are willing to listen to what you have to say.

Project Concept Note Template


Size: 48 KB

Creating a project proposal is already a task in itself. Having to present it to an audience  and gain their approval and support is an even bigger burden. Since you may not be given enough time or even the chance to present to a crowd the contents of your project, summarizing it all in the form of a concept note may help you in this undertaking. Consider the suggestions provided above to help you make the most out of the little time given to you.

A Quick Guide on How to Write Powerful Concept Notes

1. Clear Objective:

  • Define the project’s purpose, goals, and expected outcomes succinctly. Clearly state what the concept aims to achieve.

2. Concise Description:

  • Provide a brief overview of the project, its relevance, and how it addresses a specific need or problem.

3. Target Audience:

  • Identify the target beneficiaries or audience for the project, highlighting their needs and how the project will benefit them.

4. Unique Approach:

  • Describe the project’s innovative or unique aspects, strategies, or methodologies that set it apart.

5. Feasibility and Sustainability:

  • Outline the feasibility of the project, including the resources required, timeline, and sustainability plan beyond the initial implementation phase.

6. Impact Assessment:

  • Explain how the project’s success will be measured, detailing the indicators and methods for assessing its impact.

7. Clarity and Formatting:

  • Ensure clarity, coherence, and proper formatting. Use concise sentences, bullet points, and sections to organize information logically.

8. Compelling Conclusion:

  • Summarize key points, emphasizing the significance of the project and its potential impact.

What are the contents of the Concept Note?

  • Clear project title and a brief introduction outlining the project’s purpose and context.
  • Concise overview highlighting the project’s objectives, target beneficiaries, and anticipated outcomes.
  • Description of the problem or need the project aims to address, including relevant statistics or data.
  • Detailed explanation of the project, its activities, methodologies, and innovative aspects.
  • Identification and description of the beneficiaries or target audience and how they will benefit from the project.
  • Clear articulation of the expected results, outcomes, and the project’s potential impact on the target group or community.
  • Outline of the project’s implementation strategy, including timelines, resources required, and key milestones.
  • Description of the methods, indicators, and tools to monitor progress and evaluate the project’s success.
  • Plans detailing how the project will be sustained beyond the initial implementation phase and its potential for long-term impact.
  • Overview of the budget, funding sources, and financial sustainability of the project.

How to Write a Concept Note for a Project

  • Clearly define the project’s purpose, goals, and intended outcomes.
  • Describe the specific problem or need the project aims to address, supported by relevant data or evidence.
  • Outline the project’s objectives, stating what it intends to achieve and how it aligns with addressing the identified problem.
  • Identify the beneficiaries or target audience and explain how they will benefit from the project.
  • Provide a detailed description of the project, including methodologies, innovative approaches, activities, and strategies to achieve the objectives.
  • Clearly articulate the anticipated results and the expected impact the project will have on the target group or community.
  • Outline the plan for implementing the project, including timelines, key activities, resources required, and key milestones.
  • Describe how the project’s progress and success will be monitored and evaluated using specific indicators and tools.
  • Detail plans for ensuring the project’s sustainability beyond the initial phase and how the project will exit or transition.
  • Provide an overview of the budget, funding sources, and financial sustainability of the project.


Why is a concept note important.

A concept note is crucial as it succinctly presents a project’s essence, objectives, and potential impact, guiding stakeholders’ decisions and securing support or funding.

Is the Concept Note useful for the applying NGO as well?

Absolutely, a concept note aids NGOs by clarifying project goals, ensuring alignment with their mission, and facilitating better planning and resource allocation for impactful initiatives.

Is there a specific format for writing the Concept Note?

While flexible, concept notes typically follow a structured format with sections like problem statement, objectives, methods, outcomes, budget, and sustainability, ensuring clarity and coherence in presentation.


Note Generator

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Write a note to remind a student about upcoming homework deadlines and study tips for exams

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    Defining a Concept Note •A concept note is a brief document that presents brief summary of the proposed research. •It is a pre-proposal document with no more than three pages (preferably two pages). •This documents presents key details about the research, such as: •the rationale •research question •aim and objections •methodology

  2. How to Write a PhD Concept Paper

    The title of the proposed study is the first element of a concept paper. The title should describe what the study is about by highlighting the variables of the study and the relationship between the variables if applicable. The title should be short and specific: it is best to have a title that is not more than 15 words' long.

  3. Guidelines to Develop Concept Note for Research Students/ Ph.D

    Structure of the Concept Note/paper As a guide a nd to encourage uniformity in assessment of the concept papers, all applicants should structure their concept papers; taking into account the preceding

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    A concept paper for a Ph.D. is a written statement outlining the objectives and concepts of a proposed research study. It acts as an introduction to your dissertation or full thesis. It is also an important part of the application process for Ph.D. programs and helps the admissions committee evaluate a student's research potential.


    to interest potential funders. to develop potential solutions or investigations into project ideas. to determine whether a project idea is fundable. to serve as the foundation of a full proposal. Funders that request concept papers often provide a template or format. If templates or formats are not provided, the following can serve as a useful ...

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    Therefore, in a good research proposal you will need to demonstrate two main things: 1. that you are capable of independent critical thinking and analysis. 2. that you are capable of communicating your ideas clearly. Applying for a PhD is like applying for a job, you are not applying for a taught programme.

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    Preparing a PhD concept paper ... A PhD is a competent substantial research in a discipline that will make a contribution to theory by: - Developing a new theory or a new content area - Debunk an existing theory and/ or demonstrates fundamental shortcomings in that ... not how big the sample size is or how complicated the study design is.

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    In this video, I discuss the purpose of a concept paper at the PhD level, as well as how to write a concept paper.

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    A Concept Paper for an Interdisciplinary Ph.D. Program in Mathematical Modeling and Scientific Computing January, 2013 Sponsored by: The College of Science Participating Centers and Academic Units: Center for Applied and Computational Mathematics: CACM (cacm.rit.edu) Center for Computational Relativity and Gravitation: CCRG (ccrg.rit.edu)

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    If you resubmit in a new academic year, you will have to reapply for the PhD through the Student Enrolment Centre. School PhD Coordinator Prof. Maria Marchetti Mercer. [email protected] or 011 717 4518. PhD including publications in Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy Prof. Katherine Bain. [email protected] or 011 717 4558.

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    A concept paper is an initial stage of a Ph.D program where the candidate student submits a proposal of what they wish to study and research as part of their doctorate. A concept paper is typically two to three pages in length and covers, broadly, the research problem, the context and methods of research. The concept ...

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    Presented by R. M. Jingura. 13. • Also known as a concept paper. • A summary of a proposal. • An abridged version of a proposal. • Ideally about 3 pages long. Presented by R. M. Jingura. 14. FORMAT.

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    The concept note should not exceed 5 pages (12 pts, Times New Roman, 1.5 spacing, 1 inch margin in all sides) and Microsoft Word file type. Strictly stick to the proposal writing format. A proposal which doesn't follow the format will be rejected and will not be considered for evaluation.

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    A concept paper is meant to give your Department an idea of your area of research interest in order to avail the necessary assistance for you to develop a research proposal. Be as specific as possible in providing information Title of Proposed Study: Area of Study: Background to the Study: (What have you read that has had an impact on your ...

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    james mbaziira. Land use and land cover change is driven by human actions and also drives changes that limit availability of products and services for humans and livestock, and it can undermine environmental health as well. Therefore, this study was aimed at understanding land use and land cover changes in aregion, Nakasongola District.

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    Long-term socioeconomic empowerment of participants and their communities. Implementation Plan: Phase 1: Recruitment and assessment of participants. Phase 2: Delivery of training modules through a blended learning approach. Phase 3: Internship/job placement assistance and post-training support.