27 Conflict Resolution Skills to Use with Your Team and Your Customers

Swetha Amaresan

Published: June 28, 2023

As much as we'd all love to work in an organization that's free from disagreements and conflicts, we know that we can't. That's why conflict resolution skills are a must.

customer service representatives in need of conflict resolution skills to manage a workplace conflict

Conflict is a type of communication that helps us collaborate to solve problems and better our environments so we can thrive within them. But even with that said, many of us still fear conflict.

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In this blog post, we'll review different conflict management skills and conflict resolution strategies you can use to navigate a conflict you may be experiencing right now (or in the future).

Table of Contents

What is conflict resolution?

Conflict management skills, conflict resolution skills, conflict resolution strategies, conflict resolution examples.

Conflict resolution is the process in which two or more parties work toward a solution to a problem or dispute. The parties involved work together in a productive way to achieve a result that satisfies everyone involved.

This video talks all about what conflict resolution means and how you can better navigate workplace conflict.

Conflict management can be approached using a variety of different styles. While these styles may differ, every method utilizes the same management skills.

Below are some of the core skills and characteristics that you'll need to adopt if you want to effectively manage workplace conflicts.

1. Active Listening

Active listening focuses on being attentive to what the other person has to say.

This skill is commonly used by salespeople to better connect with customers during a pitch, but it's also a universal competency that any consummate professional should master.

To practice active listening, the most important thing you can do is have an open mind (and open ears!). Additionally, be sure to ask questions when you're confused about a point and focus on identifying the other person's goals.

Pro tip: When dealing with conflict, try to make note of the other person's phrasing. Then, respond using their same wording. This demonstrates that you were listening and helps clear up any confusion about the points being discussed.

2. Emotional Intelligence

Emotional intelligence describes the ability to perceive and understand other peoples' emotions as well as your own.

This skill is essential when managing conflict because it prevents the situation from escalating. If you can effectively interpret your opposition's emotions, it'll be easier to communicate with them without provoking them.

Pro tip: Recognizing and curtailing confusion, anger, and frustration from the conflict leaves space for everyone involved to think creatively and logically about a solution.

3. Patience

Conflicts are rarely simple to overcome. If they were, there wouldn't be thousands of people searching for "conflict resolution" on the internet each month.

Conflict resolution is so difficult because people don't like to be wrong and will often hold their stance on an issue because of it. If you're looking to resolve a conflict with a person like this, you'll need patience.

It's important to keep in mind that the problem may not be solved right away, even if the solution is obvious. Ideally, you'll want to take the time to listen to every participant and value each argument evenly.

Pro tip: Even if there's a clear answer, rushing to a resolution can make people feel like they're left out in the decision-making process. Take the time to equally consider all options — it'll save you the headache later.

4. Impartiality

Another reason conflicts can be difficult to resolve is because they don't always stay focused on the conflict itself.

The conflict can sometimes serve as an opportunity to air previous grievances that have developed between the involved parties over time. Now, the problem at hand can't be resolved until the historical issues are addressed.

In this type of situation, it's best to separate the conflict from the people who are involved with it. Don't focus on the people and their personal characteristics.

Instead, look at the problem itself and center your energy on finding a solution.

Pro tip: While it might be important to work through those past issues at some point, don't deprioritize the situation at hand now to solve the older ones. Remember the mantra: important vs. urgent .

5. Positivity

It's hard to come to agree on a solution if no one is happy about it.

Even if you do agree, a half-hearted compromise doesn't motivate you to actually follow through on your end of the bargain. This can even provide a participant with an excuse to avoid dealing with the conflict altogether.

Being positive with your conflict management actions is a great way to keep the conversation moving forward. Conflicts are full of roadblocks and you'll need to be willing to overcome them if you want to come to a resolution.

Pro tip: Having a positive attitude going into the conflict can help other participants who may be wary of the interaction feel more at ease.

6. Open Communication

Relationships between the people involved in a conflict don't always go back to normal when a problem is resolved. This relationship needs to be nurtured after a solution is found in order to prevent future issues from arising.

If new challenges arise, a precedent of open communication should make it easier for participants to address the roadblock without risking any progress they've previously made.

Pro tip: An open line of communication is the best approach for fostering a healthy, long-term relationship. This allows both parties to check in on one another and make sure that both ends of the agreement are being upheld.

While understanding these skills can help you and your team manage conflicts and prevent them from escalating, it's important to understand how you can apply them in action when a conflict emerges.

In the next section, we break down some of the ways you can use these skills to produce effective resolutions to conflict.

  • Use 'yes, and' statements.
  • Don't point fingers.
  • Let the person explain themselves, and actively listen.
  • Use 'I' statements.
  • Maintain a calm tone.
  • Show a willingness to compromise or collaborate.
  • Don't talk behind people's backs.
  • Don't take anything personally.
  • Pay close attention to nonverbal communication.
  • Prioritize resolving the conflict over being right.
  • Know when to apologize and forgive.
  • Focus on the conflict at hand and not past ones.
  • Use humor, when appropriate.
  • Remember the importance of the relationship.

The management skills that we listed above are crucial for conflict resolution because they help produce effective, long-term solutions.

Applying these skills at the right time and in the right situation will help reduce miscommunication and create more opportunities for participants to reach common ground.

If you're not quite sure how you can best use these skills to resolve your disputes, take a look at these tips we recommend considering when approaching your next conflict.

conflict resolution

1. Use 'yes, and' statements.

In any conflict, whether it be professional or personal, it's easy to jump to the defense. Your banter might include a series of "no's" and "yes, but" statements which might come across as uncooperative.

Rather than getting defensive about an attack on your argument, take it as an opportunity to see things from a different point of view. You don't have to agree with that person, but you can try to understand where they're coming from.

Pro tip: Try changing those "I hear you, but" statements into "Yes, I understand, and" statements that build off one another, rather than tearing each other down.

2. Don't point fingers.

On the opposite side, jumping on the offensive is also disrespectful. Being on the offensive creates a negative foundation that makes it nearly impossible to find a solution.

Don't put blame on others or create a space in which someone feels unsafe to voice their opinion.

Pro tip: The best way to solve a conflict is by allowing each person to frame their argument without being blamed or shut down. After all, you wouldn't appreciate the same being done to you, either.

3. Let the person explain themselves, and actively listen.

Listening is a huge aspect of conflict resolution that's typically overlooked.

It might seem imperative to get your voice in as much as possible so you can explain every little detail of your argument and try as hard as you can to get the opposing party to see your side.

But don't let this idea tempt you. The temporary satisfaction of "airing it out" isn't worth it in the long run.

Pro tip: Let the other person explain themselves, uninterrupted. You may find that you misinterpreted their original argument and you'll be more equipped to handle compromising or collaborating on a new solution.

4. Use 'I' statements.

Similar to pointing fingers, a series of statements that begin with "you" can come across as blaming.

Conflict shouldn't be about what the other person is doing wrong. It's about what you believe you're doing right and how to get the other side to understand.

Thus, using "I" statements make your argument more about your emotions, opinions, personal beliefs, and morals, rather than about all the things you don't like about the opposing party.

No one can disagree with opinions or feelings you believe or standby, plus they make for a more respectful debate that reminds all parties that cognitively complex humans are involved.

Pro tip: Use "I feel like I'm not getting the chance to explain myself" rather than "You're not listening to me" or something similar. This strategy can really transform your conversation.

5. Maintain a calm tone.

You'll benefit from remaining level-headed in order to think rationally about a solution that appeases both parties. This can be a tough one because it's not always easy to hear your tone from someone else's perspective.

Because of this, there's one trick you can practice to avoid having a discourteous tone when mitigating conflicts.

When you enter the conflict resolution meeting, you should be calm and ready to discuss with consideration for differing perspectives.

Pro tip: Wait until you've let out your emotions before you plan a time to meet and discuss with the opposing party. You're allowed to yell, cry, vent, or whatever else you need before the conversation takes place — but not during it.

6. Show a willingness to compromise or collaborate.

Depending on the situation, other conflict management styles may be more effective.

  • For smaller, trivial conflicts, avoiding them may make sense.
  • An accommodating style may work when the other party seems to care much more about the solution than you do.
  • A compromising style could be the choice when there is limited time to make a decision and you simply need to put your foot down.

However, in most other significant conflicts, it's essential to come to some sort of agreement between both parties.

Show the opposing party that, as much as you care about the conflict and presenting your side, you care more about coming to a solution that is productive for everyone involved.

Pro tip: Sometimes you'll simply need to let go of your pride and your grip on your argument. It's easier said than done, but it'll get you one step closer to a resolution.

7. Don't talk behind people's backs.

What happens between you and the opposing party should stay between you and them, unless it's absolutely necessary to divulge the details of your conflict.

But when's a good time to share the details of a conflict?

Believe it or not, there's a golden rule about sharing sensitive information like conflict resolutions — share up, not out or down.

This means that if you feel comfortable and if it's significant to your role, you can confide in your supervisor or someone in a higher position than you about the conflict.

They can help you navigate the situation and help you form a support system for future conflicts that may arise.

This also means that you should never share the details with a colleague in a similar role or someone subordinate to you as they aren't likely able to offer this same level of support.

Conflict resolution should always be built on honesty with one another and trust that what was said will remain confidential.

While you may sometimes have the urge to vent, consider other options to do so that won't affect the reputation of that person.

Pro tip: Alternatively, you could write out your feelings in a journal or talk to someone outside of work who has no ties to that person and keep their name anonymous. This way, you can protect the privacy of the conversation.

8. Don't take anything personally.

A conflict with a customer or team member is typically not a conflict with you, personally. It usually involves policies that you as an employee must adhere to or even unvoiced expectations that other people have for your role or profession.

Thus, a conflict that emerges is rarely ever an attack on you as an individual.

Many people get defensive or upset or refuse to budge on an argument because they cling to their viewpoint as a part of themselves. Try to avoid this.

Pro tip: If you can learn to separate yourself from the conflict, it will be a lot easier to accept compromise or a collaborated solution that is, at the end of the day, better for all parties involved.

9. Pay close attention to nonverbal communication.

Not everyone is great at handling conflict head-on. These are the people who might typically lean towards avoiding or accommodating conflict management styles.

Basically, these people don't like conflict and won't always be transparent with you about what they want or need. In these situations, it's important to pay attention to their nonverbal communication.

When someone says "I'm fine," you can tell they're not fine if they avert their eyes. Then, you can create an environment that makes that person feel more comfortable being honest with you.

Pro tip: Body language can tell you when someone is saying one thing but means another. By being emotionally aware , you can notice when someone's posture, gestures, or facial expressions differ from their words.

10. Prioritize resolving the conflict over being right.

A conflict in the workplace is typically one that involves more than just yourself.

Perhaps it's a frustrating call with an angry customer or an issue with a policy change implemented by your manager. Whatever it may be, the situation goes beyond you.

Thus, when you're trying to resolve the conflict, you might need to take a step back and assess the situation in such a way. Conflict resolution is occasionally about making those sacrifices.

Pro tip: Try to r ecognize that, even if you have a strong opinion on one end of the spectrum, it might be beneficial to wave the white flag if it ultimately improves the conditions for everyone else.

11. Know when to apologize and forgive.

Two of the hardest words to say are, "I'm sorry." It's not easy to apologize when you feel like you were right all along.

Don't let pride deter you from making amends with the opposing party.

Pro tip: In an instance when the other person might be responsible for apologizing to you, you may feel too riled up to forgive. But remember, these relationships are professional, first. Focus on that.

12. Focus on the conflict at hand and not past ones.

In attempting to resolve a conflict, you may start getting frustrated with the other person.

This can bring up memories of past conflicts you've had with that person. And, in the heat of the moment, it can feel like the perfect time to bring those up, too.

Any pent-up frustrations about past conflicts that were never resolved should not be brought up later on when trying to resolve a different conflict. The time has passed, and it's important to remain in the present.

Pro tip: I like to consider a 48-hour rule . If a conflict emerges or there's something that bothers you about someone else, you should reach out and ask to discuss it within 48 hours. Once that time frame has passed, let it go.

13. Use humor, when appropriate.

Using humor to lighten the mood during conflict resolution is only appropriate in conflicts that are not personal. You never want to offend someone by making a joke about a sensitive topic.

Instead, consider humor to be a tool to make you both loosen up and feel more comfortable discussing a solution.

Pro tip: Read the opposing party, and use your best judgment to decide if humor is something they would appreciate. Sometimes, that's all it takes to end an argument and turn it into a constructive conversation.

14. Remember the importance of the relationship.

At the end of the day, a conflict is usually one small roadblock in an otherwise healthy relationship.

Whether you need to remember the good times or change the scenery and discuss a different topic, try to remember how the relationship was prior to the conflict and operate within that headspace as you reach common ground.

Now that we've reviewed conflict resolution skills, let's take a look at a few strategies that can help you put these skills to good use.

The Thomas-Kilmann Model of conflict resolution describes five strategies for addressing conflict. The five strategies lie on two axes: assertive and cooperative.

Each of the strategies ranges between assertiveness and unassertiveness and cooperative and uncooperative. No strategy is right or wrong, there's an appropriate time to use each one.

conflict resolution strategies

1. Accommodating

The accommodating style is commonly seen when people want to be unassertive and cooperative. Not every conflict needs to be a war — conflicts worth accommodating are those battles that are strategically lost to win the war.

Here's an example:

Let's say a colleague or customer complains about a process, but not an outcome. Perhaps you ran a report that yielded the results the other party needed, but the report was in PDF form and not Excel.

The other person didn't specify a preference but took issue with the delivery. By simply accommodating the request, you prove to be a helpful, solutions-oriented team member. Plus, you'll get bonus points if you deliver the correct report quickly.

2. Avoiding

The avoiding conflict strategy is reserved for individuals who are more inclined to be unassertive and uncooperative in mitigating conflict.

Generally, this is an apathetic approach — people who adopt this strategy want no parts of the conflict and would rather wait for it to blow over.

This strategy is best for small annoyances, one-off mistakes, and issues that would otherwise be worsened by addressing them.

A conflict you might avoid in the workplace is when someone drinks the last of the water from the water cooler without replacing the water container.

If it's a one-time issue, leave it be. It's likely not worth the 2-minute discussion in the all-hands meeting.

3. Collaborating

If you want to keep a relationship intact and find a solution that works for everyone, try the collaborative style of conflict resolution.

This strategy is both cooperative and assertive which means that all parties will be heard and the solution that is chosen should work well for everyone.

A conflict you might collaborate on at work is a process between two separate teams. Perhaps the sales team needs to hand off customers to the support team once the deal is closed, but customers aren't being contacted after the handoff.

The two teams may collaborate to streamline the workflow. The sales team may stagger the deals they close so that support can keep up with the demand. It's a win-win for both parties.

4. Competing

Assertive and uncooperative, the competing conflict style is an intense approach to resolving grievances.

It's not uncommon for a competing conflict resolution strategy to yield a positive outcome for one party and a negative outcome for the other. This strategy isn't one to make new friends, so tread lightly.

You might see a competing conflict management strategy used when negotiating deals. Lawyers may use this strategy to get the best legal outcome for their client at the expense of the other party.

A competing strategy works here because it's highly unlikely that the lawyer will cross paths with the opposing party again, so there's no relationship to maintain or salvage later.

5. Compromising

People tend to compromise during conflicts when they are assertive and cooperative in negotiating a solution.

This strategy may sound harsh, but it's usually employed when time is of the essence and there's no time to hear everyone's concerns or opinions.

The compromise is based on the most important and urgent facts that can bring about a decision that works for the time being.

A team might compromise on a solution to cancel an event at the last minute due to issues with the venue. While it may not be the best solution for revenue, prolonging the conflict doesn't help the situation.

So a compromise to cancel the event and figure the rest out later is the best solution for customers, employees, and vendors.

In addition to these five conflict resolution strategies, the following two tips can accompany any of the above to reach a resolution.

Tip 1: Set boundaries.

Before diving head-first into the conflict discussion, establish boundaries upfront for all parties to follow. These might include the following:

  • Reminding everyone that the conflict is not personal
  • Asking everyone to keep the discussion confidential
  • Trusting everyone to manage their emotions and not make outburst, hurtful remarks, or make untrue statements

Tip 2: Have a third-party weigh-in.

In some cases, the conflict may simply be too emotional to address yourself.

If you're afraid of retaliation, discrimination, or other inappropriate or illegal ramifications for addressing conflict, it may help to have a third-party weigh in to address, or at least mediate, the conflict on your behalf.

A neutral third party can either act as a sounding board to retrieve the facts from each party to achieve a resolution, or they may simply guide the conversation and keep time so that you don't waste time having an unproductive conversation.

Next, we've highlighted some conflict resolution examples based on common conflicts in the workplace.

Conflicts can emerge from several different factors including miscommunication, prioritization, and unmet expectations.

conflict resolution examples

Below, we'll describe three scenarios that depict each of these common causes for conflict and how to resolve them with one of the strategies listed above.

Scenario 1: Unmet Expectations

Marcus and Ollie work at TechTak, a start-up that provides marketing and sales solutions to small businesses. They're working on a pitch presentation for their biggest client to date, SaveSend.

The presentation is scheduled for next Thursday with Maria, the program director at Save Send, so it's important that Marcus and Ollie finish it on time.

At the alignment meeting last week, TechTak's client services department head, Riley, delegated the presentation content to Marcus' team and gave the design responsibility to Ollie.

On the Tuesday before the presentation date, Riley sent an email to check the status of the presentation and how well the two teams were working together.

Unfortunately, Ollie hadn't received any content from Marcus' team to design the presentation around. On the other hand, Marcus hadn't received creative direction from Ollie so his team could write enough content.

With Thursday's deadline approaching and no presentation draft in sight, Ollie and Marcus are both frustrated and anxious to complete the project on time. How should both teams resolve this conflict?

Let's look at the facts:

  • Time is of the essence and delaying the presentation isn't an option.
  • Both Ollie and Marcus need more information to complete their assigned tasks.
  • The line of communication has been opened by a third party, Riley.

The Resolution

Based on what we know about each conflict resolution strategy, the collaborative style would work best for this situation. Marcus and Ollie are under a time crunch, and the work will need to be done in the next two days.

They can use Riley as a neutral third party to help them outline the specifications of the project and assign strict deadlines that both parties can agree on.

Scenario 2: Out of Order

Brenda and Candace both work as administrative assistants for the local credit union MetroMoney. Their roles are highly dependent upon one another, and as a result, they've become good friends both at work and in their personal lives.

At MetroMoney, Brenda focuses on scheduling appointments for new members to open accounts while Candace prepares the documents they'll need to sign when they arrive.

Due to the nature of the role, Brenda's workflow moves much faster than Candace's. Brenda can schedule about 10 appointments each day while Candace can prepare about five document packages in her shift.

Occasionally, some customer's documents aren't prepared at the time of their appointment as Candace prepares documents in the order that appointments are set, not the date on which they're scheduled.

On this particular day, Brenda asked Candace to expedite the documents for two customers who were set to arrive soon. Candace responded that she couldn't because her cadence would be out of order.

Instead, she asked Brenda to reschedule the customers' appointments for a week later when their documents would be ready.

How can Brenda and Candace work together to make sure the customers will have their documents when they arrive at their appointment?

  • Brenda and Candace both have goals to achieve each day, neither of which can be ignored completely.
  • Timing is important, but there is some wiggle room for both parties to work within.
  • If the customers' documents aren't ready, they won't be able to open their accounts, which affects the bottom line for both Brenda and Candace.

We know that Brenda and Candace have a strong relationship and some leeway in solving this issue, so they could collaborate to solve the conflict.

By asserting their needs and cooperating with each other, Brenda can reschedule the customers' appointments for the end of the week, and Candace can reorganize her workload to prioritize their documents first.

The benefit of collaborating on this resolution is that both Brenda and Cadance can maintain their otherwise seamless working relationship without any hard feelings later on.

Scenario 3: The Interview

Sadie is applying for a role as a customer service representative at Humbolt Hardware, a hardware subscription service for DIY home renovators.

Jim, the hiring manager, scheduled her interview for Wednesday at noon and Sadie agreed to arrive at that time.

On Wednesday, Sadie logged in to Zoom for her interview with Jim, but ten minutes passed and he didn't show up or respond to her email asking if he could still make it.

An hour later, Jim responds to Sadie's email saying he's online and ready for the interview.

Sadie was unavailable and didn't see the email until later that evening. When she responded, they both realized that they were operating in two different time zones, and neither of them confirmed which one.

Jim, unfortunately, doesn't have any openings available to reschedule the interview tomorrow and Sadie is frustrated with the process thus far.

How should Sadie and Jim proceed?

  • Sadie is applying for a role and is willing to be flexible to secure the job with Humbolt Hardware, but she still wants to make the most of her time during the interview process.
  • Jim's schedule is busy and he has several interviews scheduled aside from Sadie's.
  • Neither Sadie nor Jim intended to miscommunicate the time of the interview and both made an effort to show up at the time they thought was correct.

The accommodating conflict resolution strategy is the most applicable in this situation. The bright side is, both individuals have some motivation to accommodate the other person.

Sadie wants to put her best foot forward and be a stand-out candidate for the role. Jim wants to vet all the candidates and fill the role as quickly as possible.

So long as both parties specify the time zone of the interview this time around, they'll have solved the conflict in a way that is amicable and productive.

Manage and Resolve Conflicts Like a Pro

Conflict doesn't have to be a scary eight-letter word.

Addressing conflict is how we strengthen our relationships and express our expectations in relation to those of others.

By understanding the five conflict resolution strategies and applying the skills that make them effective, you'll know exactly when to avoid conflict and when to address it.

Your relationships with your coworkers and customers will be better for it.

Editor's note: This post was originally published in March 2019 and has been updated for comprehensiveness.

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What is conflict resolution?

5 conflict management strategies

How to resolve conflict: 11 techniques

Conflict resolution examples

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Nobody likes conflict. We shun it. We run away from it. We groan every time we have to engage in it.

But conflicts and disputes are part of the normal human experience, especially at work. 

By developing healthy responses to conflict, we develop skills that can serve us for a lifetime.

Let’s discuss what conflict resolution is and some strategies that you can use to achieve it. 

Conflict resolution is a communication skill. 

It offers a tried-and-tested way of resolving disputes among parties. The end result should be both peaceful and fruitful. It focuses on mutual respect while aiming at solutions that are a win-win for all parties involved.

The goal of conflict resolution is to bring any conflict situation to a peaceful end. It also aims to avoid any bad feelings or retribution in the future by fully resolving the matter at hand.

In business, there are many different management styles . Similarly, there are several conflict resolution strategies. 

None are necessarily better or worse than another, and they each have their own pros and cons. 

However, some management styles are better for particular situations than others.

5 conflict management strategies 

Whether you know it or not, we all have conflict management strategies that we fall back on. 

Conflict resolution experts Kenneth Thomas and Ralph Kilmann codified these strategies into five key behaviors: 

  • Avoiding 
  • Competing 
  • Compromising 
  • Accommodating 
  • Collaborating

Since we often use a variety of strategies to resolve conflict , let’s take a closer look at each behavior.

1. Avoiding

For some, the pain of confrontation is just too great. 

Those who employ an avoiding strategy withdraw. They refuse to participate in a healthy conflict resolution discussion . But without true input, a conflict can never be resolved. 

What’s more, at work, there's a real loss to the company since any contribution of fresh ideas is lost. 

2. Competing

Those entering a workplace conflict resolution discussion with a competitive mindset have a take-no-prisoners approach. And a win-at-all-costs outlook. 

There is no cooperation with the opposing side, and the person practicing this strategy expects to claim victory in the end. Unfortunately, those with differing points of view will not be acknowledged. 

Since conversations are one-sided, key issues within the conflict can easily be overlooked.

3. Compromising

Compromising is a strategy that blends both assertiveness and a willingness to negotiate. 

While you may not get all that you want, you will get enough for you to be satisfied. While both parties may not be completely happy, the conflict’s resolution will feel even-handed and just.

4. Accommodating

When we quickly give in and accept another’s position in a conflict, we are employing an accommodating strategy. 

It’s submitting to the demands of the other party without acknowledging one’s own wants and needs. While it may look like a means for resolution, it often leads to unresolved issues.

5. Collaborating

Collaboration enables one to put forth their needs while at the same time cooperating with the other side. 

Through a co-creative process, conversations are aimed at jointly creating a solution that brings everyone on board. Collaborative efforts ensure that all parties are satisfied with a solution.

If you’re not sure how to resolve conflict, try using these 11 conflict resolution techniques with your team:

1. Choose your strategy wisely

There is no right or wrong answer about how and when to employ a conflict resolution strategy. 

For example, if the matter at hand is not that important, it may be natural to use an accommodating strategy to move an issue forward. But for more important issues, it may be critical to take a firmer posture to achieve desired outcomes.

To build team cohesion and help resolve any outstanding conflicts, here are some key skills you can leverage:

2. Don’t be defensive 

We all get defensive when we feel our backs are to the wall. But such postures keep us from seeing, let alone understanding, the positions of others. 

It’s always in everyone’s interest to try and grow the mindset of the opposing party. While you don’t have to agree with their views, closing down prevents a conflict from moving forward to resolution. 

By trying to put yourself in another’s shoes, you can go a long way in diffusing a volatile situation. While you don’t have to, try to see the reason in another’s argument. Instead of saying “no,” try to actively understand the opposing side’s position. 

This is your chance to observe from a different perspective.

3. Listen actively

Listening, not talking, is the key to successful communication. 

This is especially true when it comes to conflict resolution and managing team conflict. You need to understand what someone’s underlying concern about the situation is.

While it’s natural for us to talk about our own issues, we often find it difficult to listen to the arguments of others. What’s more, for managers who want to solve problems quickly, it may seem natural to do all of the talking when faced with a conflict. 

But it’s much better to allow space for others to explain their viewpoints without disruption. Respectfully create an environment where everyone shares the spotlight, then really focus on what they’re saying. 

You may discover a new point to their argument, helping to drive collaborative problem-solving.

Coaches often employ active listening skills to be truly present for their clients. 

Working with an opposing party requires deep listening and the ability to mirror and restate what has been said. 

If you can truly understand another’s objectives, compassion can come into play and lead to a quicker resolution. What’s more, by leveraging active listening, you reduce the chance of misunderstanding and misalignment.

woman-teaching-a-colleague-conflict resolution skills

4. Be humble

Even if you hold the strongest position in an argument, there still exists the chance you could be wrong.  

That’s the key to humility. 

Consequently, humble leaders don’t use a competitive strategy when engaging with others. They listen to all opinions instead of blindly pushing their agenda forward. 

What’s more, they are consistently open to feedback, even when it’s about their conflict management skills.

5. Don’t take it personally

Your opinions are not you. 

A mature leader realizes that arguments aren’t directed at them personally but at the issues at hand. 

When an argument is attached to your ego, it will be much more difficult to engage in any level of constructive compromise. Taking an approach of active detachment will allow you to depersonalize the situation and come to a resolution faster.

6. Keep calm

Conflict resolution breaks down in the presence of anger. This happens especially when leaders are involved. 

Set the appropriate communication tone for your team and those with opposing views by remaining calm at all times. 

Of course, you can display emotion related to anger when you’re preparing your argument. But never when you’re engaged in the thick of it. Emotional awareness is key when trying to remain impartial.

But before you begin any conflict resolution meeting, it’s essential that you remain calm in order to reach a solution that works for both parties. 

A great manager has the emotional intelligence to keep their own feelings in check.

7. Look for non-verbal cues

Resistance in a conflictual situation doesn’t necessarily come in the form of raised voices and angry words. Nonverbal communication plays a big part, too.

Body language and subtle nonverbal cues can speak volumes as to what is really going on. 

This is especially true if someone is introverted or not used to dealing with conflict directly. Your ability to “read the room” and identify when someone’s body language doesn’t match their words is essential to drive an argument to resolution.

8. Show willingness

With time and effort, you can master a variety of conflict resolution skills. 

That said, your ultimate goal in any conflict is to reach an agreement between both parties. Sometimes this requires a willingness to set aside personal objectives and ego in order to reach a collective solution. 

What’s more, deadlocks between parties can be resolved early and quickly when you display a commitment and willingness to resolve the issue.

9. Practice patience

Conflict is not something to be avoided. Rather, it’s something to be managed, even when we want conflicts to be resolved quickly. 

But lasting solutions can take time, especially if both parties have a strong commitment to their argument. If you rush to a resolution, others may not feel heard, creating a tenuous agreement. 

If you apply the above skills, listen to all arguments, and cultivate patience, you’re likely to achieve a timely resolution.

10. Remain impartial

Showing favoritism or being partial to one side won’t solve the issue — in fact, it could make it worse.

Don’t immediately point fingers before you hear both parties give their explanation. Try to look at each side of the conflict for what it is. Avoid personally taking the people involved and their personalities into account.

11. Stay positive

During an interpersonal conflict, it's easy to sink to the lowest emotional state of someone involved. 

If someone is starting to raise their voice or become negative, try to cut it off early. Redirect the conversation to a more positive tone. 

Remind the parties involved that you're trying to reach a solution that everyone is happy with. 

A positive attitude will keep people more open and accepting. And it will help the conversation from devolving into a shouting match.

coach-motivating-the-team-conflict resolution skills

Conflict resolution skills examples 

Let’s take a look at two examples where a manager used their conflict resolution skills to solve a problem in the workplace:

Conflict resolution situation 1

One of your employees comes to you and complains that another employee is being too controlling over the department’s radio. They will only play their favorite station, which is a genre of music that not everyone on the team enjoys. The employee also won’t let anyone else adjust the volume. They brought the radio from home and claim it as their own.


You use a compromising resolution style to try and find an outcome that would be good for everyone. 

You listen to all sides of the conflict. Then you explain to the owner of the radio that people find it unfair they have complete control over the department’s music.

You propose a couple of solutions to the team as a compromise.

Each person could be assigned a different day of the week to choose a radio station for the department.   

Alternatively, the radio owner could take the radio home. Then, each employee could use headphones to listen to their own preferred music at their workstation. That way, everyone could get what they want, without interrupting or inconveniencing others.

Conflict resolution situation 2

An employee comes to you complaining about repetitive strain injuries from their workstation. Their arms and hands are sore. Their eyes feel strained, and their neck hurts from having to hunch over.

They say that if something doesn’t change, they’re in so much pain that they will have to quit.

You use an accommodating conflict resolution style to help them fix the problem.  

You actively listen to their problems and make them feel heard. You also let them know that you sympathize with them and want to help them fix the problem.

First, you suggest that they go over the company’s ergonomic training. They can check for themselves if their desk is properly set up. If not, they can make adjustments based on the training and see if it helps resolve their concerns.

You let them know that if they can’t set up their equipment in an ergonomic way, then you can help find another solution. You tell them that you may be able to accommodate them by buying a special ergonomic keyboard or mouse or even a new chair or desk.

Start effectively using conflict resolution skills today

The workplace, or even our personal lives, can quickly spiral out of control if we have an unresolved conflict. 

That’s why it’s important to use effective conflict resolution strategies to nip the problem in the bud.

Now you know some popular conflict resolution strategies, and you’ve seen examples of them in practice. It’s time to try applying them to your own life.

If you’re looking to create a better business environment with less conflict, give BetterUp a try.

See how BetterUp can help your business with conflict resolution by requesting a customized demo.

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Robert Carroll

Robert Carroll is a certified executive and leadership Coach recognized for his work with leaders at public companies, non-profits, and start-ups. Robert coaches leaders to build purpose-driven companies that empower employees and shape positive culture while creating work environments that are equitable, sustainable, and productive. Robert is a former journalist and technology executive who spent over 20 years working at Fortune 500 companies and startups. In addition, he is certified by the International Coaching Federation and is based in the San Francisco Bay Area.

Can’t we all just get along? A guide to conflict management styles

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Article • 9 min read

Conflict Resolution

8 ways to resolve conflict in the workplace.

By the Mind Tools Content Team

Where there are people, there is conflict. We each have our values, needs and habits, so it's easy to misunderstand or irritate one another – or worse, to fall into conflict.

Left unchecked, conflict can lead to bad decisions and outright disputes, bullying or harassment. Teamwork breaks down, morale drops, and projects grind to a halt. Organizations feel the hit with wasted talent, high absenteeism, and increased staff turnover.

But conflict can be resolved. What's more, it can bring issues to light, strengthen relationships, and spark innovation – so long as you don't try to ignore it!

In this article, we'll explore different types of conflict, what causes conflict, and how to reach a positive outcome when you find yourself in conflict with a co-worker. (To identify the signs of conflict occurring between other people and to help them overcome their conflict with one another, we recommend our follow-on article, Resolving Team Conflict .)

Conflict Resolution Definition

Generally, workplace conflicts fall into two categories:

  • Personality conflict or disagreements between individuals. These clashes are driven and perpetuated by emotions such as anger, stress and frustration.
  • Substantive conflict is tangible and task-related, like the decisions leaders make, the performance of a team member, or your company's direction.

If unaddressed, both can spiral into wider conflict between teams, departments or businesses. Conflict resolution can be defined as the process of identifying, addressing, and resolving disagreements or disputes among employees in a professional setting, thereby fostering a positive and productive work environment.

What Causes Conflict at Work?

Some of the most common causes of workplace conflict are:

  • Unclear responsibilities . Some team members may feel they do more work than others, or resent those who seem to have fewer responsibilities. Blame and frustration can build due to duplicated work or unfinished tasks.
  • Competition for resources . Time, money, materials, equipment, and skillsets are finite resources. Competition for them can lead to conflict.
  • Different interests . People may focus on personal or departmental goals over organizational ones. Or be held up and frustrated by others who they rely on to do their jobs effectively.

Read our article on Bell and Hart's Eight Causes of Conflict for more sources of – and solutions to – disputes.

Five Conflict Resolution Strategies

When you find yourself in a conflict situation, these five strategies will help you to resolve disagreements quickly and effectively:

1. Raise the Issue Early

Keeping quiet only lets resentment fester. Equally, speaking with other people first can fuel rumor and misunderstanding.

So, whether you're battling over the thermostat or feel that you're being micromanaged, be direct and talk with the other party. However, if you're afraid of making that approach, or worry that it may make the problem worse, speak with your manager first, or your HR department if the other party is your manager.

Either way, be assertive (not aggressive) and speak openly. This will encourage others to do the same – and you can get to the root cause of a problem before it escalates.

2. Manage Your Emotions

Choose your timing when you talk to someone about the conflict. If you're angry, you may say something you'll regret and inflame the situation. Be careful to avoid playing the blame game .

So stay calm, collect yourself, and ask, "What is it I want to achieve here?", "What are the issues I'm having?" and "What is it that I would like to see?"

See our article Managing Your Emotions at Work for more insight and tips.

3. Show Empathy

When you talk to someone about a conflict, it's natural to want to state your own case, rather than hear out the other side. But when two people do this, the conversation goes in circles.

Instead, invite the other party to describe their position, ask how they think they might resolve the issue, and listen with empathy .

Putting yourself in the other person's shoes is an essential part of negotiation. This helps you to build mutual respect and understanding – and to achieve an outcome that satisfies both parties.

4. Practice Active Listening

To identify the source of the conflict you have to really listen. To listen actively:

  • Paraphrase the other party's points to show you're listening and really understand them.
  • Look out for non-verbal signals that contradict what they are saying, such as a hesitant tone behind positive words. Bring these out into the open sensitively to address them together.
  • Use appropriate body language , such as nodding your head, to show interest and to make it clear that you're following them.

Go further with Empathic Listening or Mindful Listening .

5. Acknowledge Criticism

Some of the things the other person tells you may be difficult to hear. But remember that criticism or constructive feedback is about job behaviors and not you as a person.

So, keep an open mind and use criticism to help you to identify areas to improve, perform better next time, and grow.

Glasers' Three-Step Strategy for Conflict Resolution

Conflict management consultants Peter and Susan Glaser recommend a three-step strategy for resolving conflict, and it draws on many of the skills we've looked at above. You can hear the Glasers talking about their model in our exclusive interview with them. [1]

The steps for these conflict resolution skills are:

  • Prove that you understand their side.
  • Acknowledge that you are part of the problem.
  • Try again if the conversation didn't go well.

Let's try a training exercise and apply each step to a fictional conflict resolution scenario.

Conflict Resolution Training Example

Imagine that the heads of two departments are in conflict. Product Manager Sayid changed the price of a product without letting Marketing Manager Gayanne know. As a result, the marketing team sent out an email to customers with incorrect prices. They had to send out a follow-up email apologizing for the error, and make good on the price some customers paid for the product.

1. Prove That You Understand Their Side

Instead of blaming Sayid, Gayanne asks him how he came to make the decision. She uses her questioning and listening skills to get the information she needs and to show that she's truly hearing Sayid's response.

She discovers that Sayid was pressured by a major client to drop the price or risk losing a contract. She empathizes , saying, "Yes, I've had difficulties with that client before, too."

As Susan Glaser says, "Only when you believe that I understand you, will you be willing to try to understand my perspective." [2]

2. Acknowledge That You Are Part of the Problem

If you're in conflict with someone, it's unlikely you're free of all blame. So admit your part in it. This leads to mutual trust, a better understanding of one another, and makes it easier to find a solution.

In our scenario, Gayanne could say to Sayid, "I should have shared our marketing strategy and email send dates with you. I'll do that right away."

3. Try Again if the Conversation Doesn't Go Well

Despite the progress they've made, relations between the two managers remain frosty, so Sayid calls Gayanne the following week. He says, "I was thinking about our conversation, and I'd like to try again because I'm not happy with how it went. I've had time to take your points on board, and I'd like to talk about how we can work together better going forward."

Remember that you get more than one shot at resolving a conflict. Susan Glaser says, "There's a myth that if we have a bad conversation with someone it's over. In fact, 'do overs' are powerful." [3]

Frequently Asked Questions

Why is conflict resolution important in the workplace?

Unresolved conflicts can hinder productivity and damage team dynamics. Effective conflict resolution helps maintain a positive work environment, promotes collaboration, and ensures issues are addressed before they escalate.

What are some common sources of workplace conflicts?

Workplace conflicts can arise from differences in communication styles, conflicting goals, personality clashes, misunderstandings, resource allocation, or competing priorities. Recognizing these sources is crucial for timely intervention.

How can a team manager effectively address conflicts among team members?

A team manager should act as a mediator and facilitator. Begin by listening to both sides, understanding perspectives, and acknowledging emotions. Encourage open dialogue, find common ground, and work together to find a solution that is fair and beneficial for all parties.

What strategies can managers employ to prevent conflicts from escalating?

Managers can implement proactive measures such as fostering a transparent communication culture, setting clear expectations, defining roles and responsibilities, and promoting team-building activities. By addressing potential sources of conflict early on, managers can prevent minor issues from turning into major disputes.

How does effective conflict resolution contribute to team productivity?

Resolving conflicts promptly maintains a harmonious working environment where team members feel valued and understood. This leads to improved morale, increased focus on tasks, and a more efficient workflow, ultimately enhancing overall team productivity.

When is it appropriate to involve higher management in conflict resolution?

Involving higher management should be considered when conflicts cannot be resolved at the team level or when the conflicts involve larger organizational issues. Higher management can provide a neutral perspective and additional resources to facilitate resolution.

Conflict is common in the workplace. The biggest mistake you can make is to do nothing. Unresolved tensions can affect the health and performance of people and organizations.

So, hone these five conflict resolution skills to pre-empt, manage and fix conflicts with your co-workers:

  • Raise the issue early.
  • Manage your emotions.
  • Show empathy.
  • Practice active listening.
  • Acknowledge criticism.

Then try the Glasers' three-step conflict resolution strategy to resolve issues together:

  • Try again if the conversation doesn't go well.

In the process, you may even discover positives such as improved processes, strengthened relationships, and innovation!

[1] [2] [3] Mind Tools interview with Peter A. Glaser, Ph.D. and Susan R. Glaser. Available here .

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5 Strategies for Conflict Resolution in the Workplace

Business leader resolving workplace conflict

  • 07 Sep 2023

Any scenario in which you live, work, and collaborate with others is susceptible to conflict. Because workplaces are made up of employees with different backgrounds, personalities, opinions, and daily lives, discord is bound to occur. To navigate it, it’s crucial to understand why it arises and your options for resolving it.

Common reasons for workplace conflict include:

  • Misunderstandings or poor communication skills
  • Differing opinions, viewpoints, or personalities
  • Biases or stereotypes
  • Variations in learning or processing styles
  • Perceptions of unfairness

Although conflict is common, many don’t feel comfortable handling it—especially with colleagues. As a business leader, you’ll likely clash with other managers and need to help your team work through disputes.

Here’s why conflict resolution is important and five strategies for approaching it.

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Why Is Addressing Workplace Conflict Important?

Pretending conflict doesn’t exist doesn’t make it go away. Ignoring issues can lead to missed deadlines, festering resentment, and unsuccessful initiatives.

Yet, according to coaching and training firm Bravely , 53 percent of employees handle “toxic” situations by avoiding them. Worse still, averting a difficult conversation can cost an organization $7,500 and more than seven workdays.

That adds up quickly: American businesses lose $359 billion yearly due to the impact of unresolved conflict.

As a leader, you have a responsibility to foster healthy conflict resolution and create a safe, productive work environment for employees.

“Some rights, such as the right to safe working conditions or the right against sexual harassment, are fundamental to the employment relationship,” says Harvard Business School Professor Nien-hê Hsieh in the course Leadership, Ethics, and Corporate Accountability . “These rights are things that employees should be entitled to no matter what. They’re often written into the law, but even when they aren’t, they’re central to the ethical treatment of others, which involves respecting the inherent dignity and intrinsic worth of each individual.”

Effectively resolving disputes as they arise benefits your employees’ well-being and your company’s financial health. The first step is learning about five conflict resolution strategies at your disposal.

Related: How to Navigate Difficult Conversations with Employees

While there are several approaches to conflict, some can be more effective than others. The Thomas-Kilmann Conflict Model —developed by Dr. Kenneth W. Thomas and Dr. Ralph H. Kilmann—outlines five strategies for conflict resolution:

  • Accommodating
  • Compromising
  • Collaborating

These fall on a graph, with assertiveness on the y-axis and cooperativeness on the x-axis. In the Thomas-Kilmann model, “assertiveness” refers to the extent to which you try to reach your own goal, and “cooperativeness” is the extent to which you try to satisfy the other party’s goal.

Alternatively, you can think of these axis labels as the “importance of my goal” and the “importance of this relationship.” If your assertiveness is high, you aim to achieve your own goal. If your cooperativeness is high, you strive to help the other person reach theirs to maintain the relationship.

Here’s a breakdown of the five strategies and when to use each.

1. Avoiding

Avoiding is a strategy best suited for situations in which the relationship’s importance and goal are both low.

While you’re unlikely to encounter these scenarios at work, they may occur in daily life. For instance, imagine you’re on a public bus and the passenger next to you is loudly playing music. You’ll likely never bump into that person again, and your goal of a pleasant bus ride isn’t extremely pressing. Avoiding conflict by ignoring the music is a valid option.

In workplace conflicts—where your goals are typically important and you care about maintaining a lasting relationship with colleagues—avoidance can be detrimental.

Remember: Some situations require avoiding conflict, but you’re unlikely to encounter them in the workplace.

2. Competing

Competing is another strategy that, while not often suited for workplace conflict, can be useful in some situations.

This conflict style is for scenarios in which you place high importance on your goal and low importance on your relationships with others. It’s high in assertiveness and low in cooperation.

You may choose a competing style in a crisis. For instance, if someone is unconscious and people are arguing about what to do, asserting yourself and taking charge can help the person get medical attention quicker.

You can also use it when standing up for yourself and in instances where you feel unsafe. In those cases, asserting yourself and reaching safety is more critical than your relationships with others.

When using a competing style in situations where your relationships do matter (for instance, with a colleague), you risk impeding trust—along with collaboration, creativity, and productivity.

3. Accommodating

The third conflict resolution strategy is accommodation, in which you acquiesce to the other party’s needs. Use accommodating in instances where the relationship matters more than your goal.

For example, if you pitch an idea for a future project in a meeting, and one of your colleagues says they believe it will have a negative impact, you could resolve the conflict by rescinding your original thought.

This is useful if the other person is angry or hostile or you don’t have a strong opinion on the matter. It immediately deescalates conflict by removing your goal from the equation.

While accommodation has its place within organizational settings, question whether you use it to avoid conflict. If someone disagrees with you, simply acquiescing can snuff out opportunities for innovation and creative problem-solving .

As a leader, notice whether your employees frequently fall back on accommodation. If the setting is safe, encouraging healthy debate can lead to greater collaboration.

Related: How to Create a Culture of Ethics and Accountability in the Workplace

4. Compromising

Compromising is a conflict resolution strategy in which you and the other party willingly forfeit some of your needs to reach an agreement. It’s known as a “lose-lose” strategy, since neither of you achieve your full goal.

This strategy works well when your care for your goal and the relationship are both moderate. You value the relationship, but not so much that you abandon your goal, like in accommodation.

For example, maybe you and a peer express interest in leading an upcoming project. You could compromise by co-leading it or deciding one of you leads this one and the other the next one.

Compromising requires big-picture thinking and swallowing your pride, knowing you won’t get all your needs fulfilled. The benefits are that you and the other party value your relationship and make sacrifices to reach a mutually beneficial resolution.

5. Collaborating

Where compromise is a lose-lose strategy, collaboration is a win-win. In instances of collaboration, your goal and the relationship are equally important, motivating both you and the other party to work together to find an outcome that meets all needs.

An example of a situation where collaboration is necessary is if one of your employees isn’t performing well in their role—to the point that they’re negatively impacting the business. While maintaining a strong, positive relationship is important, so is finding a solution to their poor performance. Framing the conflict as a collaboration can open doors to help each other discover its cause and what you can do to improve performance and the business’s health.

Collaboration is ideal for most workplace conflicts. Goals are important, but so is maintaining positive relationships with co-workers. Promote collaboration whenever possible to find creative solutions to problems . If you can’t generate a win-win idea, you can always fall back on compromise.

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Considering Your Responsibilities as a Leader

As a leader, not only must you address your own conflicts but help your employees work through theirs. When doing so, remember your responsibilities to your employees—whether ethical, legal, or economic.

Leadership, Ethics, and Corporate Accountability groups your ethical responsibilities to employees into five categories:

  • Well-being: What’s ultimately good for the person
  • Rights: Entitlement to receive certain treatment
  • Duties: A moral obligation to behave in a specific way
  • Best practices: Aspirational standards not required by law or cultural norms
  • Fairness: Impartial and just treatment

In the course, Hsieh outlines three types of fairness you can use when helping employees solve conflicts:

  • Legitimate expectations: Employees reasonably expect certain practices or behaviors to continue based on experiences with the organization and explicit promises.
  • Procedural fairness: Managers must resolve issues impartially and consistently.
  • Distributive fairness: Your company equitably allocates opportunities, benefits, and burdens.

Particularly with procedural fairness, ensure you don’t take sides when mediating conflict. Treat both parties equally, allowing them time to speak and share their perspectives. Guide your team toward collaboration or compromise, and work toward a solution that achieves the goal while maintaining—and even strengthening—relationships.

Are you interested in learning how to navigate difficult decisions as a leader? Explore Leadership, Ethics, and Corporate Accountability —one of our online leadership and management courses —and download our free guide to becoming a more effective leader.

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About the Author

Full Guide to Conflict Resolution (Skills, Examples & Process)

Background Image

Conflict is an unavoidable (and sometimes healthy) part of life. Reasonable amounts of conflict can help us learn and consider things from others’ points of view. 

In the workplace, however, conflict can disrupt your routine, cause stress, and create an overall toxic work environment. 

As such, conflict resolution skills are an invaluable asset no matter what your profession is. 

After all, every employer wants someone who knows their way around conflict and can facilitate a friendly and collaborative work environment. 

This begs the question - what kind of conflict resolution skills do recruiters want to see and how can you make them stand out on your resume? 

This is exactly what this article is here for! We’ve put together everything you need to know about conflict resolution, including: 

Why Do Conflict Resolution Skills Matter?

10 conflict resolution skills and examples, 8 steps for resolving conflict successfully, how to add your conflict resolution skills to your resume.

Let’s dive in!

What Is Conflict Resolution?

  • Conflict resolution is the process, methods, and set of skills necessary to effectively resolve conflicts between two or more individuals. 

The ability to resolve conflict is beneficial in all areas of life, but especially so at work. That's because, whether you work in an office, remotely, or on the field, you’re bound to face work-related conflict to some extent. 

About 85% of employees experience some kind of conflict in the workplace. And, according to a CIPD report, conflict typically happens for one of the following reasons: 

  • Differences in personality or working styles
  • Individual competence or performance
  • Level of support or resources

Knowing how to overcome any such conflicts can be a huge asset both during your job hunt and in your career. Just to give you an idea, conflict management was the most in-demand soft skill among businesses hiring in 2019. 

But what is it exactly that makes conflict resolution skills so sought after? 

No matter the scale of the conflict or your level of involvement, possessing the skills to resolve it can come with a heap of benefits. 

Here are some of the most noteworthy ones: 

  • Improved productivity. A well-functioning, friendly work environment allows employees to cooperate with each other and work more productively. Conflict in the workplace, on the other hand, leads to stress, anxiety, and a drop in motivation and productivity, according to the CIPD.
  • Better work environment. Conflict resolution skills can significantly reduce miscommunications and disagreements among coworkers, and thus make the workplace a much nicer and more pleasant environment to work in.
  • Professional growth. Conflict resolution skills are among the most popular transferable skills out there, which means they come in handy for many jobs across several industries. As such, having strong conflict resolution skills can help give your career a significant boost.
  • Good customer relationships. In customer-facing roles , conflict can often occur between employees and customers. In such cases, conflict resolution skills can really save the day.
  • Saved company time and money. US employees spend around 2.8 hours each week involved in a conflict. This amounts to around $359 billion in hours paid, according to CPP, Inc. In a workplace with minimal conflict, though, employees can use that time to work, in turn saving the company time and money.

Now that we covered the basics, let us break down the most impactful conflict resolution skills that could give your resume and career a serious boost, starting with:

#1.  Communication

Communication is among the most important conflict resolution skills out there. 

It involves being able to listen attentively to what other people have to say, as well as expressing your own thoughts and opinions clearly. Many times, a good communicator is also someone who will catch on to non-verbal cues or who is able to persuade people to try and resolve a conflict. 

In a nutshell, communication skills can make or break the conflict resolution process. 

For example, think about how important communication skills are to an HR manager trying to resolve a conflict between two coworkers. They need to be able to persuade both sides to sit down and talk, listen attentively to understand the conflict, express their thoughts in an open and non-judgemental manner, and facilitate a discussion between the two parties. 

Communication is a multi-faceted skill that consists of the following: 

  • Oral and written communication
  • Non-verbal communication
  • Active Listening
  • Presentation
  • Public speaking
  • Negotiation

#2. Emotional Intelligence 

Emotional intelligence is being aware of, controlling, and expressing one’s emotions, as well as handling interpersonal relations justly and empathetically. 

When it comes to resolving conflict, emotional intelligence goes a long way in putting yourself in the other person’s shoes or understanding each side’s perspective. 

Let’s say, for example, that you got into a conflict with a coworker because they didn’t manage to meet a deadline, thus bottlenecking the entire team’s workflow. 

If you’re a highly emotionally intelligent person, you will be able to put yourself in your coworker’s shoes—maybe they had a very good reason for not meeting the deadline. The task could’ve been harder than initially estimated, there might have been some unexpected issues, or maybe the coworker had some personal problems that got in the way.

Viewing the problem from the other person’s shoes will allow you to focus on finding a solution to the problem at hand instead of just blaming them. By adopting such a neutral approach, you’re a lot more likely to avoid conflict at work, establish good relations with your coworkers, and get things done better and faster. 

Some skills associated with emotional intelligence include: 

  • Interpersonal skills

#3. Leadership

People in leadership positions are often required to resolve conflict. After all, leadership involves being able to manage and inspire others, which in itself means ensuring that your team members are getting along and collaborating effectively. 

That said, leadership skills are not only for dedicated leadership roles. 

For example, you may be working in a team and still be able to manage and inspire your teammates in such a way they see you as a “team leader.” In such cases, you will also be able to resolve conflict more effectively than others, as leaders are typically emotionally intelligent, great communicators, and natural-born influencers. 

Here are some other soft skills related to leadership:

  • Relationship-building
  • Strategic thinking

#4. Teamwork

Teamwork involves working well with other individuals, addressing problems collectively, and putting the group’s needs ahead of personal goals. 

As such, you can probably imagine why teamwork skills are important when it comes to conflict resolution. If you don’t think as a team member, you won’t be able to collaborate with others and put your differences aside to reach a common goal. 

Similarly, if you’re personally involved in the conflict, having teamwork skills is what can differentiate whether you’ll be able to sit down and resolve the conflict or act selfishly and escalate it. 

Teamwork comes in especially handy in arbitrary conflicts, where it doesn’t matter who “wins” but how fast and effectively the issue can be resolved. 

Some teamwork-related soft skills are:

  • Collaboration

#5. Patience

Patience is the ability to tolerate waiting, delay, frustration, or any other negative emotion or circumstance, without getting agitated or upset. It goes without saying that if you want to resolve a conflict successfully, you’ve got to be patient. 

This applies both to whether you’re a third party trying to resolve a conflict or if you’re part of the conflict itself. 

In the first case, you’ve got to have patience during the entire mediation process, considering that things may get heated or that the parties in conflict may need to take some time to reach an understanding and overcome the conflict. 

In the second case, you’ve got to be patient enough to hear the other party, sit through the conflict resolution process, accept opinions and advice you may not necessarily agree with, and even go through a reconciliation process, depending on the severity of the conflict. 

#6. Compromise

A compromise is an agreement or a settlement of a dispute in a way that both sides make concessions. It's almost impossible to settle a conflict without making at least some sort of concession, which makes the ability to compromise vital if you want to find a solution.

Compromise involves both coming up with such settlements and being able to accept them if you’ve been involved in the conflict yourself. 

Take, for example, two classmates who need to work together on a project but can’t agree on the topic, because each of them wants something different. The teacher may decide to assign the topic themself so they won’t have to disagree over it - in this case, each student will compromise their own choice to avoid conflict. 

Alternatively, the teacher may suggest they simply team up with other people and keep the topics they liked in the first place. This is also a compromise that can de-escalate the conflict between the two students. 

#7. Assertiveness

Assertiveness is the middle ground between aggressiveness and apathy. Meaning, someone who is assertive is someone who stands up for what’s right in a positive way, instead of getting angry or being passive in the face of injustice. 

In a conflict, assertiveness means that you can communicate with others without upsetting them or yourself. This is exactly what makes it one of the most important conflict resolution skills. 

To give you an example of assertiveness as a conflict resolution skill, think of a supervisor who decides to facilitate a meeting between two employees who have argued and are not on speaking terms.

Some other examples of assertive behavior include: 

  • Being able to admit mistakes and apologize
  • Not feeling entitled or superior to others
  • Expressing appreciation toward others

#8. Problem-Solving 

Problem-solving is the ability to identify problems, find what’s causing them, and come up with a good solution. 

Problem-solving and conflict resolution go hand in hand. A problem solver is someone who, instead of wasting time being angry or irritated when faced with conflict, will focus on understanding the problem and solving it in a way that benefits everyone involved.

For example, if you’re a team leader whose team is facing a productivity issue, you may need to redefine the roles of two team members who don’t like each other to avoid conflict between the two. 

Some skills associated with problem-solving skills include: 

  • Analytical skills
  • Research skills
  • Critical thinking
  • Decision-making

#9. Creativity

Oftentimes, you have to think outside the box to resolve a conflict. 

This is exactly where creativity comes in. In a nutshell, creativity is the ability to view situations and approach tasks and challenges inventively. 

Creative skills may be what makes the difference between an OK and a great solution to a conflict.

A restaurant server who’s facing a conflict with a customer, for example, may find more creative ways to solve the disagreement than simply calling the manager, such as offering them a complimentary drink or getting the entire table dessert at the end of their meal. 

As with most soft skills, creativity is made up of different skills, such as: 

  • Imagination
  • Open-mindedness
  • Experimentation

#10. Management

Management is being able to manage people (including yourself), situations, resources, and even processes. And, of course, to be able to master conflict resolution, you need to be able to do all of these things. 

Although management skills are typically associated with management positions, that’s not actually the case. Any professional can benefit from strong management skills, especially when it comes to successfully resolving workplace conflict. 

For example, if the HR manager at your company is mediating a conflict between you and a coworker, the stronger your management skills, the better you’ll be able to handle yourself and the process. Similarly, if you’re the one mediating a conflict, you’ll need strong management skills to manage those involved, their reactions, and the resources at your disposal to solve it. 

Some management skills include: 

  • People management
  • Project management
  • Time management
  • Risk management

5 Healthy and Unhealthy Ways of Responding to Conflict

Several things can factor into the way we respond to conflict, including our upbringing, our core values, and our previous experiences. 

Take, for example, two adults. The first grew up in an inclusive, open environment, while the second grew up in an eruptive and violent environment. As you can imagine, the person in the first example is much more likely to respond to conflict in a healthy way than the person in the second. 

The same applies to people with, say, different values; a person who believes in cooperation and understanding will most probably seek to resolve conflict, whereas someone who’s more on the selfish side might cling to it longer. 

But what exactly consists of healthy and unhealthy ways of responding to conflict? Let us give you some examples:  

  • Lack of empathy or inability to recognize the other person’s feelings and respond to the thighs that matter to them. 
  • Anger , resentment, or explosive reactions.
  • Apathy or withdrawing love, which leads to rejection, isolation, and shaming. 
  • Inability to compromise and see the other person’s perspective. 
  • Fear or avoidance due to associating conflict with a bad experience or expecting a bad outcome. 
  • Empathy and understanding of the other person’s viewpoint. 
  • Calm , inclusive, and non-defensive reactions and words. 
  • A “forgive-and-forget” attitude and the readiness to move past a conflict without holding any grudges. 
  • Seeking compromise and not acting out of spite or with intent to punish. 
  • Desire to face conflict as soon as possible so that both sides can move on. 

The more you practice conflict resolution, the better you can get at it. That said, there are some do’s and don’ts you can learn about conflict resolution that’ll help you get better at this skill.

Below, we’ll cover the 8 steps you can take in order to resolve any conflict:

#1. Keep your calm

Before you engage in a conflict resolution process, you’ve got to make sure you’re calm and clear-headed. 

After all, the people involved in the conflict likely already feel angry, impatient, or judgemental toward each other, while your job as a mediator is to eliminate negativity as much as possible. 

This, however, may be hard to do if you yourself are not calm. The conflict resolution process may be even harder if you’ve been involved in the conflict yourself and want to solve it, but you’re not able to keep your calm.

As such, you can try taking several deep breaths before beginning the conflict resolution process, relaxing your body and dropping your shoulders, or doing whatever works best for calming you down. 

#2. Set a time and place for discussion

Conflict resolution can be a strenuous and time-consuming process for those involved, and can also get very distracting for those who aren’t involved but may happen to witness it. 

So, it’s important to find an appropriate time and place for the conflict resolution process to take place. Here are some things to keep in mind: 

  • Conflict resolution takes time. For this reason, you should make sure that everyone involved has enough time and won’t have to leave for another appointment halfway through the process. 
  • The environment matters. For starters, the place should be private from the eyes of outsiders. Additionally, you should make sure that all participants feel comfortable in the agreed-upon location by choosing a neutral place. That way, you don’t run the risk of one side feeling superior or vulnerable. 
  • Conflict resolution can get tiring. Consider having water or snacks available to ease up the process. 

#3. Define the conflict or issue 

The first step to finding a solution to a problem is accepting there is a problem in the first place. 

Only once all the parties have accepted this, can the conflict resolution process begin. 

The first step here is to clearly define the issue at hand and not let it escalate into unrelated conflicts. After all, it’s not uncommon for conflict to escalate to a point where no one knows what they’re even fighting about anymore. 

Some things you can do to define the conflict successfully are:

  • Begin the process by sharing your own take on what’s causing the conflict 
  • Ask all the people involved to share their own experience 
  • Try to keep the discussion to one main point at a time 
  • Take every perspective into consideration
  • Consider how each person is contributing to the problem
  • List any past, unsuccessful attempts to resolve the issue (if it’s a persisting issue) 

If you’re personally involved in the conflict, try to use “I” statements as much as possible (e.g. “I feel like my efforts always go unnoticed” versus “you always ignore my hard work.” That way, you’re more likely to create a space where everyone can voice their opinions.

#4. Note down possible conflict triggers

Sometimes, it’s external factors that trigger people into conflict. 

Such factors typically include:

  • Personal issues

Openly discussing what may have triggered other parties into conflict can increase the empathy of all those involved, as well as make it easier to anticipate and avoid similar conflicts in the future. 

#5. Brainstorm and list possible solutions

Pick everyone’s brain on how you can go about solving the conflict. 

One of the most common issues of conflict resolution is pushing one solution and not keeping an open mind to alternative options. Brainstorming different ideas and possibilities, on the other hand, can help all parties reach a compromise or an agreement that’s beneficial to everyone involved. 

Once you’ve brainstormed and discussed different solutions to the conflict, note down the best ones or the most achievable ones. 

#6. Agree on a single plan

In many cases, the “solution” to a conflict may be to simply acknowledge both sides were wrong, agree to disagree, apologize, or move on. 

In other cases, though, you may actually need to come up with and agree on an action plan to make sure the conflict never repeats again. For example, if two team members feel like the project leader doesn’t take their ideas into consideration, the plan may be to have weekly meetings where every member is given five minutes to express their insights and thoughts. 

In such cases, before ending the conflict resolution process, make sure to clearly define the necessary actions and steps for every person involved. 

#7. Check-in to discuss progress

Following through is an essential part of conflict resolution. 

After all, even if the conflict resolution meeting goes well, there is still a chance that people won't follow through with the plan or repeat the same patterns after a while.

As such, make sure to agree on a time in the future (not too soon after the initial meeting) to check in with everyone, see how they’re feeling, and ensure there is actual progress.  

#8. Involve a third party 

Now, despite all the best intentions, there is still a chance that the conflict resolution process won’t work (or that it may require many more meetings and mediation, depending on the scale and severity of the issue). 

If that happens, the best course of action is to involve a third party to help out. In most cases, the team lead or HR manager is the right person for this.

Anyone can claim they have conflict resolution skills. It’s being able to prove them in your resume that will help you stand out from the competition. 

Below, we’ll cover the entire process of adding your conflict resolution skills to your resume effectively, step-by-step.

Before you read further, though, pick one of our resume templates and fill it in as you go!

Conflict Resolution Skills in a Resume

#1. List Them Under Your Skills Section

The most obvious place to list your conflict resolution skills is under your skills section. 

Although this part is fairly straightforward, there are some things you want to keep in mind. 

For starters, you shouldn’t just mention every conflict resolution skill we covered in this article and call it a day. Instead, you want to make sure that you add conflict resolution skills that are relevant to the position you’re applying for. 

Here is just how you can do that: 

  • Check the job description. In 99% of cases, the job description can show you exactly which skills are needed for the position. If you’re applying for a teaching position, for example, the job description may not directly mention “conflict resolution” as a skill, but a bunch of other skills related to it, such as excellent communication and interpersonal skills, creativity, and leadership. 
  • Identify the skills you possess. Now think about the skills that you can back up with your previous work experience. Only list conflict resolution skills that you possess and that you can prove you possess on your resume. 
  • Add them under your soft skills. Then, add those skills under your resume’s soft skills section. 

Here’s an example of how conflict resolution skills look on a resume’s skills section:

conflict resolution skills on resume skills section

#2. Mention Them In Your Resume Summary

Secondly, you should mention your conflict resolution skills in your resume summary . 

resume summary conflict resolution skills

In a nutshell, the resume summary is a short paragraph that usually mentions:

  • Your professional title and years of experience
  • Your top skills (up to three)
  • Your most noteworthy achievements 

Done right, your resume summary should convey you’re a great candidate from the get-go and get the hiring manager to go through the rest of your resume in more detail. 

Here’s an example of a resume summary that highlights the applicant’s conflict resolution skills: 

A dedicated customer support representative with over five years of experience helping customers and solving their problems. Excellent communication and conflict resolution skills, with over 95% customer approval rating to prove it. Looking to leverage my skills to help Company X provide quality customer service. 

#3. Back Them Up With Your Work Experience 

Last but not least, you should use your work experience section to back up all the conflict resolution skills you’ve mentioned with facts. 

This is exactly what makes this section the most important part of your resume. 

Done right, it will prove to the hiring manager that you’re exactly who they’re looking for.

Here’s just how you can do that:

  • Focus on your achievements instead of your responsibilities. Instead of mentioning things the hiring manager already knows (i.e. your responsibilities), aim to show how you made an impact with your achievements instead. So, when you’ve pinned down the conflict resolution skills to include in your resume, write down some achievements from your previous roles to prove them. 
  • Make your achievements quantifiable. To really impress recruiters, you want to make your achievements as quantifiable as possible. After all, nothing says “real” more than a data-backed claim. For example, “hit and exceeded department’s KPIs by 20% for four months in a row” sounds better than “increased sales.” 
  • Take advantage of action verbs and power words. This article lists the best action verbs and power words you can use to give your resume some color and make your achievements sound even more impressive. 

And here are some great examples of how you can describe your conflict resolution skills in your resume’s work experience section:

  • Won an American Business Award for Achievement in Diversity and Inclusion for creating a checks and balances system that decreased employee complaints and conflicts by 15% in only three months. 
  • Managed cross-department teams of 20 people without any hiccups, never missing a deadline, and in the end, exceeding the company’s KPIs by 14%.

Interview Questions on Conflict Resolution Skills - Sample Answers

Once you’ve worked on your resume, the next step in your job search process is to ace the job interview.

If the job you’re applying for involves customer support or management, there’s a very good chance that the interviewer will ask you detailed questions about your conflict resolution skills.

In this section, we’ll teach you just how you can answer them! 

The first thing you need to know is that the interviewer will most probably inquire about your conflict resolution skills through a behavioral interview question . 

Behavioral interview questions are types of questions where the interviewer asks you about how you acted in a specific situation.

So instead of a question like:

“What’s your greatest strength?”

They’re going to ask:

“What’s your greatest strength, and give us an example of a time you applied it in the workplace.”

Some other examples of common behavioral questions are: 

  • Tell us about a time when you solved a problem at your job that wasn’t part of your job description.
  • Have you ever had to work under someone who wasn’t very good at communicating? What happened?

Now, behavioral interview questions can seem trickier to answer than conventional interview questions. 

After all, anyone can answer a question like “ what’s your greatest accomplishment? ” 

Coming up with a concrete example that demonstrates how you went above and beyond to complete a work task on the spot, though, can be considerably more challenging. 

Well, it doesn’t have to be!

Lucky for you, there’s an easy way to answer behavioral interview questions called the STAR method . Here’s what STAR stands for: 

S - Situation. Describe in what situation the event took place.

T - Task. Talk about the task at hand or your responsibilities. 

A - Action. Describe the steps you took to address the issue/complete the task.

R - Results. Mention the results of your actions. 

Master the STAR method , and you’ll be able to answer any conflict resolution-related job interview question that the HR manager throws at you!

Let’s say, for example, that the interviewer asks the following question: 

“Have you ever faced conflict or disagreement with a coworker? What happened and how did you resolve it?”

Here’s how you’d answer it using the STAR method: 

Situation. “During my internship at Company X, my team and I were supposed to work together and brainstorm new talent-sourcing ideas for a client. The client was a large supermarket chain located in a very rural area, so they were struggling to source new talent.”

Task. “Basically, our task was to meet on a daily basis, brainstorm, and finally settle on three ideas. After a couple of meetings, we did have a few ideas, but none of them were really satisfactory. Meanwhile, the management wanted something they could confidently present to the client.

At this point, some of my teammates basically said “well, here are our ideas, we don’t have anything else!”. Another teammate and I, however, wanted to work on it a bit more and come up with something that WOULD work.

There was a lot of back and forth from there, the tensions were high, and the team kept shutting down all the ideas we were proposing. The deadline was super close and we had to figure out a way to move forward.”

Action. “So, I gave it some thought and realized that we’d be in a deadlock forever if we continued like this. They wouldn’t agree with our approach and we wouldn’t agree with theirs. So, we decided to bring in an unbiased third party who didn't have any emotional investment here.

We then conducted a longer meeting without any time restraints and went through each idea one by one, while the third party acted as a sort of mediator. When someone pitched something, they also had to back it up with as many facts as possible, otherwise, it wouldn’t count.”

Results. “This really helped bring something new to the table. The “mediator” helped sort through all the bad ideas, as well as infused the team with new energy, and kept tensions on the low.

We eventually came up with completely original ideas that we all agreed upon. We finished the meeting in approximately two hours and the management had three awesome ideas they could pitch to the client. The client did implement one of the ideas, which eventually resulted in three new hires.”

Simple, right?

And just to make sure you’ve really got how the STAR method works, let’s cover another example. 

Let’s say that the interviewer asks something like this:

“How do you handle angry or irritated customers? Give me an example.”

Here’s how you’d answer with the STAR method:

Situation. “Working in customer support, you really get to talk with many different kinds of people. I remember I had one angry customer that called the helpdesk once to complain. He kept repeating that the product he bought was faulty and demanded I resolve the situation then and there.”

Task. “Customers calling for refunds happen all the time, but this one was different as he just kept shouting over the phone the whole time. I had to get him to calm down if I wanted the call to go anywhere.”

Action. “Fortunately, I had experience dealing with loud customers and knew the first thing I had to do was listen to his story. Halfway through telling his story, he calmed down once he realized I was trying to help. He explained that the product was supposed to be a gift, and that’s why he was so frustrated. Then, I offered 2 solutions: a refund or a replacement for his product with express delivery.”

Results. “The customer opted for the replacement option. I called him back once they received the order just to check in if he was happy with the product. He turned out to be happy both with the product and our service, and thanked me for the help.”

Key Takeaways

And that’s a wrap on conflict resolution skills! 

Before you go and put everything we just told you to practice, let’s go over the main points covered in this article: 

  • At work, conflict resolution skills are essential because they improve employees’ productivity, ensure the work environment is enjoyable for everyone, and save the company money and time. 
  • Some important conflict-resolution skills include communication, creativity, assertiveness, compromise, and leadership. 
  • Some healthy ways to respond to a conflict are showing empathy, keeping your calm, wanting to resolve the conflict, and following a “forgive and forget” attitude. 
  • To successfully resolve conflict, make sure to properly define the issue at hand, outline possible conflict triggers, brainstorm possible solutions, agree on a single plan, and follow up to see if everyone involved is following through. 
  • To make conflict resolution skills pop, add them in the skills section, sprinkle them in your resume summary, and back them up with your work experience section.

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problem solving skills in conflict situations

10 Leadership Conflict Management & Resolution Skills 2024

Being a leader in any organization is no easy task. Not only are leaders responsible for their actions, and the ramifications thereof, they are also responsible for the behavior and actions of their team members.

Running a team like a well-oiled machine is no easy task, as more often than not it doesn't run as well as a leader may like. There will be times that there will be conflict in the workplace, which could, if left unchecked, threaten to derail the productivity and profitability of the organization, and the morale of the team. This is where leadership conflict management and resolution skills for team leaders come to the fore.

They are qualities that set a good and a great leader apart. Success requires teamwork and clear communication. When leading a team, one of your primary responsibilities is making sure your team works well together and when it doesn't, you're able to resolve the conflict.

Often, individuals with varying personalities comprise these teams. The ability to recognize potential conflicts between individual team members and develop conflict resolution strategies to resolve them quickly is essential for projects to proceed successfully.

Leaders recognize that understanding conflict management can help them resolve issues before they occur or resolve existing conflicts in such a way that your team can still work together as a cohesive unit.

conflict management in leadership roles

10 Leadership Conflict Management & Resolution Skills

1. communicate early and often .

To reduce misunderstandings and ambiguity, communicate your intentions and desires to not just one party, but rather every employee and as such all parties involved in the work environment. Ask what your colleagues need to work their best, and do your part to meet their needs or – at a minimum – avoid doing that which you know will cause harm. If you suspect conflict amongst team members, a leader must nip it in the bud quickly as problems will not just disappear, but rather linger if not. Failing to act as a leader when you spot a potential problem can create problems down the line.

2. Listen actively

Active listening is a proven leadership skill for conflict resolution, and involves developing a skill for listening to what is verbally and nonverbally communicated. Often, conflicts arise because two parties misunderstand or mishear what the other person is saying. Leaders know how to manage conflict and understand that active listening helps ensure that the sender and receiver understand one another and can more easily move towards a resolution. This is half the battle when it comes to being a mediator in resolving conflicts.

3. Emotional intelligence

Emotional intelligence is the ability to perceive, manage, and control emotions not just in oneself, but also in others. Understanding, expressing, and effectively handling emotions are vital for conflict resolution. EI skills help improve communication and relationships and therefore is included in the vital skills for conflict resolution.

4. Problem solving

Problem-solving skills help leaders or parties in conflict recognize and address the root causes of conflicts by identifying the issues and exploring possible solutions. Leaders can apply the 5 problem-solving steps or 5 conflict management styles for conflict resolution: identify the problem, list possible solutions, evaluate the solutions, choose one solution, and implement it. People can find creative and equitable solutions to their conflicts by applying problem-solving skills.

5. Negotiation

Negotiation is trying to reach an agreement between two or more parties. It can be used to resolve disputes and every conflict and is integral to conflict resolution. Negotiation skills can be learned and practiced, and one can apply them in various situations. Therefore, it is vital to have effective negotiation skills to help achieve successful outcomes in any case. Negotiation is one of the powerful skills for conflict resolution, and it can help bring parties together to work toward a common goal. 

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6. Observation

Observation is the key to effective conflict management. When a leader observes a conflict, one can understand it better and find solutions that work for both parties. You must also be able to keep track of your emotions and reactions to remain impartial. The skills required to be a practical observer will vary depending on the type of conflict you are dealing with.

7. Self-awareness

Self-awareness helps you understand your thoughts, feelings, and behavior, enabling you to identify the underlying causes of conflicts. Once you thoroughly understand the source of conflict, you can begin resolving it using other conflict management skills and techniques. This vital skill also helps you in identifying any biases you might have as a manager.

8. Team awareness

A conflict resolution team is especially important for effective conflict resolution, and must have the skills to work together effectively. One of the skills that are essential for conflict resolution is team awareness. This skill helps managers understand their team dynamics and how they interact with each other. In addition, it can help resolve conflict before it escalates into a severe issue. Conflict occurs through any disagreement and can cause rifts, so team awareness helps a manager to make their teams work through their differences and reach a consensus on a solution.

9. Patience

Conflict can mean different things to different people, but what is universal is that resolving conflict is a challenging but essential part of any relationship. It can be frustrating when an argument escalates quickly to the point of no return. But patience is critical to resolving conflict successfully. Effective leadership means that the best leaders need to take their time and not rush into a decision. When one is trying to resolve a conflict, it helps to circle back and understand the other person’s point of view to effectively manage things and develop a solution that works for both parties. By listening carefully and taking time to think about the situation, you can diffuse tense situations and build trust between you and the other person. All in all, patience can be one of the key skills for conflict resolution.

10. Impartiality 

It is often difficult to stay impartial when you manage conflict, but in any conflict, a good manager should never take sides. Being impartial means that you can listen to both sides of the story and act accordingly. A problem at hand can't be resolved unless the historical issues are addressed. In this type of situation, it's best to separate the conflict from the people that are involved with it. Effective leaders understand that they shouldn't focus on people and their personal characteristics, instead, they should look at the problem and center their energy on finding a solution. 

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Heavy is the head that wears the crown. Being a true leader is no easy task, and nor too is managing interpersonal or interdepartmental conflict within an organization. When it comes to conflict, being cool, calm, collected, impartial and able to see the wood for the trees, are skills every leader/manager worth their salt must posses or face the consequences of lost productivity and other knock-on effects that may also affect the profitability of the company. Many leaders know that their role in solving workplace conflict is to help employees involved in the conflict to clarify their needs and guide them to a fair solution that both sides will accept. All conflict situations can lead to division, so as part of the conflict resolution, be sure to address all types of different conflict right away; however, don't rush when it comes to working out a resolution.

Whilst many say that leaders are born and not made, what is apparent is that modern leaders can be coached at a university like Nexford , that offers BBA and MBA programs, on how to spot conflict early and develop ways of managing conflict in the workplace before things spiral out of control. Nexford's Leadership Management and Teams course focuses on how to create a personal and shared vision and communicate effectively with teams, as a leader, a manager and a team member. On the course learners will develop a personal philosophy of leadership, management and membership in the global workplace through a personal inventory and assessment, as well as apply conflict management skills to a personal and organizational setting. Complimenting that, Nexford's Leadership and Organizational Development course examines individual and group interaction and helps learners gain a deeper understanding of how human behavior drives organizational behavior and development. On the course learners will apply various leadership styles, conflict management strategies, and change models to organizational situations to resolve conflict at hand.

Discover how you can acquire the most in-demand skills that can help with managing conflict within the workplace with our free report. Download the free report  today!

conflict & leadership management

What is conflict management?

Conflict management is an umbrella term for the way we identify and handle conflicts fairly and efficiently and is necessary for managing diverse teams. The goal is to minimize the potential negative impacts that are involved in a conflict and can arise from disagreements and increase the odds of a positive outcome. 

What is a conflict management strategy?

Strategies for managing conflict are the ways a manager can engage with their employees productively when it seems like there is a risk of conflicts and arguments emerging. People naturally deal with conflicts in different ways, but some can be better than others when it comes to keeping everyone involved in the situation happy and productive. By combining your own natural conflict management style with any of the styles below, you can develop a range of responses to arguments and clashes in the workplace.

What types of conflict can occur in the workplace?

As no two days are ever the same, so too are the types of conflict that may occur in the office environment. Knowing how to spot them, and stop them early can help to resolve a conflict in double quick time. Experts maintain that there are 5 conflict types that occur in the workplace and they are leadership conflicts, work style conflicts, creative conflicts, personality conflicts, and task-based conflicts.

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Why is it crucial for a leader/employer to have conflict management skills?

Understanding conflict allows leaders to manage it more effectively and can provide a path to accomplishing positive outcomes. Conflict can lead to division, so every leader needs to understand that conflict management training can be an active force that will allow leaders grow healthy relationships within their organizations which can ultimately result in effective team work and productivity and make it easier to manage workplace disputes.

What does it take for a leader to resolve disputes in the workplace?

Depending on the situation, there are many skills and strategies leaders must look at for managing conflict and resolve disputes in the workplace. Leading from the front is just one and taking control of a situation before a molehill turns into a mountain. But if you had to put your finger on it, what exactly does it take for a leader to increase their resolution efforts and  resolve disputes in the workplace? Experts would maintain that as a leader, even though you can initiate a constructive conversation, the effort always involves dialogue and discussion among the people involved. Conflict is inevitable, but by adopting a positive attitude toward the conflict, leaders find the best in people and in the situation, and maintain their sense of humor. Sounds easy enough, but more often than that it isn't necessarily so.

Looking to potentially take your career even further? Consider how an  Online BBA  or  Online MBA  can help you develop these skills and increase your earning potential.

Mark Talmage-Rostron

Mark is a college graduate with Honours in Copywriting. He is the Content Marketing Manager at Nexford, creating engaging, thought-provoking, and action-oriented content.

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Moshe Ratson MBA, MFT

Managing Conflict Resolution Effectively

How to set boundaries and act assertively in conflict..

Posted January 11, 2024 | Reviewed by Jessica Schrader

  • Assertiveness and boundaries are a powerful combination for managing conflict.
  • When you are being nonjudgmental and cultivating compassion, collaboration increases.
  • Practice active listening to understand your partner while finding common ground.

Source: Moshe Ratson

Conflict resolution is a way for two or more parties to find a peaceful solution to a disagreement among them. When a dispute arises, often the best course of action is assertive communication that resolves the disagreement while maintaining a respectful relationship.

When conflicts are managed constructively, it can help build trust in relationships. Respectfully, directly, and openly discussing opposing perspectives and resolving conflicts collaboratively can create a sense of unity, shared purpose, and mutual respect within the relationship.

Assertiveness and boundaries are essential skills for managing conflict in any situation. Whether it is at work, in your relationships, or in your team, you need to be able to express your feelings, thoughts, needs, and opinions respectfully and confidently.

What is assertive communication?

Assertive communication is a style of communication based on honesty, respect, and confidence . Assertiveness is the ability to express feelings and thoughts openly and to directly defend your rights while respecting the rights of others. It is about taking care of your own needs and wants while considering the needs and wants of others. It is the ability to take responsibility without being controlling. Assertiveness is the balanced space between surrender and aggressiveness. It is not about overpowering or dominating, but rather about finding balance, harmony, and mutual understanding.

Why is assertive communication important for dealing with conflict?

Assertive communication is an essential skill for conflict resolution, as it enables you to express your needs in a respectful manner while also collaboratively resolving your disagreement with your partner. Assertiveness helps build trust and rapport with your partner, empowering your partner while enhancing your self-esteem and confidence. In addition, assertive communication minimizes stress , while ensuring your rights and boundaries are respected.

Assertive communication is important because it ensures that you deliver your points in a constructive way—respectful, clear, direct, and kind. When you communicate in that manner, it will naturally help diffuse the conflict, establish healthy boundaries, and also prevent any issue from escalating.

What are boundaries?

Boundaries are the limits and rules you set for yourself and others in your interactions. They reflect your values, preferences, and expectations and help you define what is acceptable or unacceptable for you. Boundaries help individuals establish limits and protect their emotional and physical well-being. Without boundaries, individuals may not feel safe or secure in their relationships or environments.

Set healthy boundaries

Setting and maintaining healthy boundaries with others is a skill you can learn and practice. To do so, identify your boundaries—what you want and need, what makes you feel comfortable and uncomfortable, and your non-negotiables. Then communicate them clearly, directly, and respectfully to others. Be consistent and firm, but also flexible and open to feedback. If someone crosses or violates your boundaries, let them know how you feel and what you expect. Take action to protect yourself if they persist or disrespect your boundaries. Lastly, respect the boundaries of others. Ask for permission, listen to their cues, and accept their “no” without judgment, pressure, or manipulation.

Integrate assertiveness and boundaries to resolve conflict

Handling conflict with boundaries and assertiveness is not always easy, but it is achievable and beneficial. To do so, identify your state of mind, feelings, and needs, and prepare your statements. Choose an appropriate time and location to have a discussion about the conflict and make sure that both parties are ready and willing to converse. During the talk, objectively focus on the issue rather than the person. Avoid personal attacks, put down, or allegations, and use “I” statements to express your perspective. Stay calm and listen with curiosity to understand your partner while finding common ground. Respect both of your boundaries and rights while being willing to compromise and negotiate. Stay open-minded and make sure you maintain a caring relationship with your partner regardless of conflict and its outcome. Finally, thank the other person for their time and effort, summarizing what you agreed upon, expressing appreciation, and hoping for a stronger relationship and a bright future.

Practice active listening

To identify the source of the conflict, you have to pay attention and listen carefully. To listen actively, make sure you understand your partner and paraphrase the other party's points.

Pay attention to nonverbal signals and use appropriate body language , such as nodding your head, to show interest and to clarify that you're following them.

Listen without interruption to what the other person has to say. Aspire to be objective and clear. Then, ask questions to make sure each side understands what the other person thinks, feels, and wants.

Do that before speaking

Before you communicate, ask yourself the following questions about what you wish to say:

problem solving skills in conflict situations

  • Is it true?
  • Is it kind?
  • Is it useful?
  • Is it necessary?
  • Is it going to land well?
  • Is this the right time to say it?

If one of the answers is no, consider not saying it. In these moments, silence is more productive than words. Be patient and once you find the time when the answers to these questions are yes, this is the time to speak.

7 steps for better conflict resolution

  • Define the source of the conflict. Take your time to reveal the true needs of each party. The greater knowledge you have about the cause of the problem, the more easily you can resolve it.
  • Find a common goal. Make similarities the starting point of finding a creative solution. Be open and curious to continually find common ground throughout the entire conflict resolution process.
  • Establish safety. Creative conflict resolution requires that all parties feel safe enough to not only share what they need but to challenge each other's ideas without emotional escalation.
  • Recognize your part. Be accountable and objectively assess your share in the conflict. Acknowledge your role in the problem and take responsibility for it.
  • Empathize with your partner. Demonstrate to your partner that you understand their side while considering it. When you are being non-judgmental and cultivate compassion the fear of losing diminishes and collaboration increases.
  • Review options. Remind yourself of your positive intention and what you want to achieve before you start the discussion. Be creative and discuss possible options while looking for solutions that benefit all parties.
  • Discover a win-win solution. This is the ultimate goal—to agree on an option that benefits both sides to some extent. When one party wins and another party loses, the outcome does not resolve the underlying causes of the conflict.

Conflicts and disagreements are unavoidable. It is important to realize that the benefits of conflict resolution extend beyond resolving disagreements, contributing significantly to personal growth, emotional well-being, and healthy relationships.

Moshe Ratson MBA, MFT

Moshe Ratson, MBA, MFT, is a psychotherapist and executive coach in NYC. He specializes in personal and professional development, anger management, emotional intelligence, infidelity issues, and couples and marriage therapy.

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13 Conflict Resolution and Problem Solving

Chapter 13 Check-in:

  • Identify Conflict Causes and Effects
  • Explore Conflict Approaches Solutions
  • Basic Problem Solving Strategy PDCA

Like all communication, good conflict management and resolution requires your time: listen, reflect, and consider all elements of a situation and the people involved.  It is not a simple process and there are some steps to help you navigate the process.  In the end, it is about the relationship.

Frequently considered a negative, conflict can actually be an opportunity for growth in relationship or work.  Your attitude towards the situation and person plays a role in any outcome.  Adam Grant, Professor of Psychology at The Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania and Saul P. Steinberg Professor of Management, notes that “The absence of conflict is not harmony, it’s apathy.  If you are in a group where people never disagree, the only way that could ever really happen is if the people don’t care enough to speak their minds.” (Grant, February 2021).

However, it is easy to feel at a loss in an immediate conflict situation.  Here are some brief points to consider when faced with more than just a disagreement.

Conflict is emotional: it is much greater than a difference of opinions.  It is usually an expression of not being heard, seen, valued or respected.   It is based on a deeply person need and emotional response, based on perceptions which have identified a threat in any form.  If conflict is ignored, it can fester and result in such entrenched opinions and sides that resolution appears impossible (Segal et al, 2020).

The first step is to determine what the actual problem is as perceived by all parties.  The Conflict Tree analogy is especially useful if you respond well to visuals (O’Connor, 2020).  It is an excellent activity for a group or individual to clarify the effects (branches), core problems (trunk), and even causes of the issue (roots).

Once the actual problem is identified, you can move on to tackling a resolution together.

Approaches to Conflict

There are generally five styles for approaching conflict (Benoliel, 2017) and understanding what they are and what style you lean towards, identifies how you will move through the process.  These categories are determined by whether the focus is on the relationship or the end goal of a task/project.  While these may be more specific to workplace conflicts, they certainly identify personal conflict responses as well.

Collaboration is marked by a balanced focus on the relationship with others and meeting long-term objectives.  A Competition style is marked by individuals who are assertive and probably uncooperative who demonstrate that their priority is the outcome of the project more than the relationships.  Although few people enjoy conflict, the Avoidance style focuses on the the immediate unpleasantness and therefore avoids the issues.  This traditionally marks individuals who are unassertive and uncooperative largely because they assume it is safer to ignore than face an issue.  Sometimes there are individuals who will do anything to please others: this Accommodation approach results in self-sacrifice and is usually the route taken by those who care more about the relationship than the outcome.  Unfortunately, they are frequently taken advantage of in their efforts to please others.  Lastly, there are those who prefer the Compromise strategy. This may seem expedient in the attempt to resolve the problem by aiming for mutually acceptable terms and concessions, it does frequently leaves no one side satisfied even though it allows most to maintain an assertive and cooperative stance.

Strategies for Solutions

Sometimes those involved in conflict turn to an third person for assistance to resolve a conflict.  A mediator can listen to the perspectives of those in the dispute and focuses on helping each side hear the concerns and priorities of the other.  Working with the individuals in conflict, a mediator aims to help them create a solution acceptable to both sides.  Sometimes the third party is an Arbitrator whose role is to hear each side and provide a decision to resolve the dispute.  In some cases the conflict results in the even more formal process of a trial.

There are four key skills you need to approach conflict resolution with or without a third party involved (Segal et al, 2020; Fighting Fair, n.d.).

Conflict can be a very stressful experience and your Stress Management is an essential first step.  When we are stressed, we can’t think clearly, we can’t understand someone else’s thoughts or feelings, and it makes communication very difficult.  Use whatever method works best for you to manage your stress.

Once your stress is managed, it is easier to exert Control over your Emotions.  Recognize the emotions you are experiencing to assist in your processing the experience without having a purely emotional response.

With your stress and emotions recognized and managed, it makes it easier to recognize and pay attention to the feelings you and the other people express  and you can Identify Non-Verbal Communication.   Much is said without words and body language is a good indication of how the other person feels towards the situation.

Respect each other is standard for every communication situation and essential to remember if you are in a position of conflict.  Personal attacks, or drawing on personal knowledge, has no productive part in conflict resolution.

Many resources may explain the benefits of humour, but caution should be used.  Sometimes an emotional situation is not the best time for humour as you can unintentionally be seen to diminish the importance another person places on the experience.

Work together to identify the problem by taking the time to see it from multiple perspectives.  Be clear about the desired results and end goal.  Think about the relationships and long term impacts that any course of action may have on all parties.  It takes commitment to resolve a conflict.

Problem Solving

We covered Reflection and Feedback in Chapter 12 and these are essential steps for effective conflict resolution and problem solving. Even the Trial and Error process of problem solving relies on evaluating the success of an action before moving on to another attempt.

Many different approaches to problem solving exist though the basic core approach can be seen across geographic and language borders.  The PDCA approach – Plan, Do, Check, Act – provides the basic four steps process that can be expanded to suit any profession or experience (Plan, Do, Check, Act, 2021).

Problem solving starts with a clear identification of problem.  Then you need to clarify the desired end result.  The development of a plan can be as short or as long as necessary.  Once you have a plan, you have to implement it: Do.  Check is your opportunity to evaluate the success of your plan and make any amendments necessary.  Finally, Act: put your strategy into practice.  An important point to remember is that the reflection and evaluation should be an ongoing part of the solution you implement.

Chapter 13 Check-out:

  • Explore Conflict Approaches and Solutions

Remember your last conflict with another person.  How was it resolved?  How would you like it to have been resolved?  What could you have done to implement that change in result?

How do you usually approach problem solving?  How successful has it been for you? 

What, if anything, would you like to change about how you’ve problem solved in the past?

Resources and References

Benoliel, B. (2017). Five styles of conflict resolution.  Walden University.  [Online]  https://www.waldenu.edu/news-and-events/walden-news/2017/0530-whats-your-conflict-management-style

Fighting Fair to Resolve Conflict. (n.d.).  Counselling and Mental Health Centre. University of Texas at Austin. [Online] https://cmhc.utexas.edu/fightingfair.html

Goleman, D. (April 2012). Daniel Goleman Introduces Emotional Intelligence .  Big Think. [Online] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y7m9eNoB3NU

Grant, A., (February 2021). The Easiest Person to Fool .  The Hidden Brain. NPR Podcast. [Online] https://hidden-brain.simplecast.com/episodes/the-easiest-person-to-fool-f1hbMrGr

Grant, A., (April 2021). The Science of Productive Conflict . TED Podcast. [Online] https://www.ted.com/podcasts/worklife/the-science-of-productive-conflict-transcript

O’Connor, T., (October 2020). 3 Simple Conflict Analysis Tools That Anyone Can Use. [Online] https://medium.com/p/c30689757a0d

Plan Do Check Act: A Simple Problem Solving Methodology. (2021).  Educational-Business-Articles.com [Online] https://www.educational-business-articles.com/plan-do-check-act/

Segal, J., Robinson, L., and Smith, M. (2020). Conflict Resolution Skills. Helpguide.org. [Online] https://www.helpguide.org/articles/relationships-communication/conflict-resolution-skills.htm

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  • Brain Ponder © Luc Grenier

Copyright © by Wendy Ward is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License , except where otherwise noted.

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problem solving skills in conflict situations

What Are the 5 Skills for Conflict Resolution

  • POSTED ON February 18, 2024
  • by Barbara Isla

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Conflict is an inevitable part of professional life. Throughout my career, working with a diverse array of clients, the occurrence of conflict—whether with colleagues or clients—has been a constant. Yet, it’s crucial to recognize that conflict isn’t inherently negative. On the contrary, it can be a catalyst for innovation, prompting us to challenge and refine ideas until they shine.

When I first embarked on my professional journey, my approach to conflict was less than graceful. I often took disagreements to heart, viewing them through a personal lens. However, as I gained experience and wisdom, I began to notice a pattern among those I admired in my field: their proficiency in navigating conflicts. Inspired, I turned to personal development courses , seeking to mirror their skills.

What I’ve learned has been transformative, and I’m eager to share these insights. The strategies I’m about to outline, drawn from industry veterans, are more than just techniques for conflict resolution. They are tools for fostering a culture of collaboration and respect.

5 Skills for Conflict Resolution 

Conflict resolution is an essential skill set for professionals across various industries, crucial in fostering a collaborative, respectful, and productive work environment. Given that 85% of employees experience some kind of conflict at work , mastering effective conflict resolution techniques is not just beneficial but necessary. It can lead to better teamwork, increased understanding among colleagues, and innovative solutions to challenges, transforming inevitable workplace conflicts into opportunities for growth and improvement.

Here are five key skills that are crucial for effective conflict resolution:

1. Active listening

Active listening involves fully concentrating, understanding, responding, and then remembering what is being said. 

It’s about paying attention not just to the words but the tone of voice, body language, and what is not being said. This skill allows the parties involved in a conflict to feel heard and understood, which can help de-escalate tensions and lead to a more productive discussion.

  • Fully concentrate on the speaker, seeking to understand their perspective before formulating your response. This involves paying attention to non-verbal cues such as tone of voice and body language, which can convey emotions and intentions beyond words.
  • Reflect on what has been said by paraphrasing or summarizing the speaker’s points. This ensures clarity and shows that you have listened and understood their position, helping to de-escalate tensions.

Here’s what Shivansh Bhanwariya of Shivansh Bhanwariya Digital has to say about active listening.

“Active listening is the top skill for conflict resolution. Not only does it let you dig into the cause of the conflict but it also helps preserve the relationship by building empathy. Most conflicts arise from careless miscommunication. Active listening ensures a better understanding of things, helps in exposing the right perspective, and eventually leads to enhanced collaboration. In addition, active listening promotes to-the-point dialogue resulting in more harmony.” Shivansh Bhanwariya, Founder & CEO, Shivansh Bhanwariya Digital

Empathy is the ability to understand and share the feelings of another. 

In conflict resolution, it involves trying to see the situation from the other person’s perspective and showing them that their feelings and viewpoints are acknowledged.

This does not necessarily mean agreeing with the other person but recognizing their emotions as valid. Empathy can help bridge the gap between differing perspectives and foster a more compassionate dialogue.

  • Make a conscious effort to put yourself in the other person’s shoes, even if their perspective seems very different from yours. Consider the context and factors that may influence their feelings and reactions.
  • Use empathetic language and phrases that convey understanding and respect for the other person’s experience. Statements like, “I can see why that would be upsetting,” can demonstrate empathy and acknowledgment without necessarily agreeing.

Empaths often have high emotional intelligence and this helps in understanding the other party. 

Priyanka Swamy shares the importance of emotional intelligence in ironing out conflicts.

“Emotional intelligence is the ability to recognize and manage one’s own emotions as well as to recognize and respond to the feelings of others in order to navigate conflict with grace and compassion.” Priyanka Swamy, CEO / Founder, Perfect Locks

3. Problem-solving

At the heart of conflict resolution is problem-solving – identifying the root cause of the conflict and finding a solution that is acceptable to all parties involved. 

This requires critical thinking, creativity, and the ability to stay focused on the issue at hand without getting sidetracked by personal grievances. 

Effective problem-solving often involves brainstorming solutions together, weighing the pros and cons of each option, and deciding on a course of action that addresses the needs and concerns of all parties.

  • Begin by clearly defining the problem to ensure all parties understand the core issue at hand. This step prevents misunderstandings and ensures that solutions are directly relevant to the conflict.
  • Engage in joint brainstorming sessions where all parties can contribute ideas for resolution. Encourage creative thinking and consider all suggestions without judgment, fostering a sense of collaboration and shared effort.

Andy Gillin shares his insights when it comes to working out conflicts.

“Look at the conflict as a shared problem rather than opposing views. Therefore, solutions are collaboratively developed, focusing on shared interests and mutual gains.” Andy Gillin, Attorney & Managing Partner, GJEL Accident Attorneys

Meanwhile, here are 10 innovative strategies to enhance team collaboration in the workplace .

4. Effective communication

Effective communication is key to resolving conflicts. This means being able to express your own thoughts and feelings clearly and directly, without aggression or passivity. 

It also involves using “I” statements to speak from your own experience without blaming or accusing the other person, which can lead to defensiveness. 

Clear, assertive communication helps ensure that all parties understand each other’s points of view and the reasons behind them, facilitating a more effective resolution.

  • Avoid using absolute terms like “always” or “never” which can escalate tensions. Focus on specific instances and behaviors rather than generalizing, which can help keep the conversation constructive.
  • Maintain open body language and eye contact to convey openness and willingness to resolve the issue. Non-verbal cues are as important as words in effective communication, signaling your commitment to finding a resolution.

5. Negotiation Skills

Negotiation is the process of discussing issues openly and working together to reach an agreement or compromise. 

This skill is crucial in conflict resolution as it involves finding a middle ground that satisfies all parties to some extent. 

Successful negotiation requires a willingness to give and take, as well as the ability to prioritize needs and interests over positions or demands. It’s about creating a win-win situation where everyone feels they have gained something from the resolution.

  • Prepare for negotiations by clearly understanding your own needs and interests, as well as those of the other party. This preparation helps in identifying areas of flexibility and potential compromises.
  • Focus on creating win-win solutions that address the core interests of all parties involved. Use creative problem-solving to explore options that might not have been initially considered, aiming for outcomes that offer mutual benefits.

Mastering these skills can significantly enhance an individual’s ability to handle conflicts effectively, leading to more positive outcomes in both professional and personal settings. 

Developing and refining these skills requires practice, patience, and a commitment to continuous learning and self-improvement.

You can learn the best negotiation skills for business from our post.

Expert Tips on Conflict Resolution

Apart from the skills above, here are other expert insights that can help you resolve conflicts efficiently. 

1. Your first reaction isn’t always the best

"My main tip for conflict resolution is to always keep it in your head that your first reaction isn't often your best reaction. Conflict can come from emotion. Say someone sends you an email you disagree with, your response will likely be brash and come from raw emotion. The trick, if you’re seeing red, is to type it, but sit on it for an hour, overnight or even 24 hours. I bet you change it! Your responses should always be considered and pragmatic to reduce conflict." Matt Collingwood, Managing Director, VIQU IT Recruitment

2. Don’t try to change the person

“The most important thing — don't try to change the other person. Every person on this planet subscribes to a different set of values. No matter how much you wish for it, you cannot make them come around to your way of thinking. The best thing you can do is to openly acknowledge your differences, without judging. As a result, you will start treating each other respectfully again, even without an immediate resolution.” Niels Bohrmann, Accountability Coach, nielsbohrmann.com

3. Manage your fight or flight response

“If people get overwhelmed, they need to take a break and come back calm. If you are not able to regulate your overwhelm, you will speak harshly, and the research (from the Gottman Institute) shows that if you are harsh, critical, or contemptuous in the first three minutes of a disagreement, then you can predict a negative outcome with 91% accuracy.” Nahum Kozak, Psychologist, Lighthouse Relationships

4. Ease tension with friendliness and humor

“Defusing tension through warmth and wit has always helped our team stick together when pressure boils over. Laughter...shared...heals rifts that could otherwise fracture cohesion when the going gets tough. And humor has a sly way of reframing disputes into collective challenges rather than combative opposition.” Liam Wilson, Owner, Lottery ‘n Go

5. Write down your questions

“Write down 5-10 questions you want to ask the other person/people about their position on the conflict. Then take some time to put yourself in their shoes (like actually imagine yourself as them, however you can do that, go as deep as you can). Then answer the questions as if you are that person, as authentically as possible (withdrawing your own judgment). Being able to genuinely FEEL how the other/s feel will help you be more open to their views, and also assist you in figuring out what to say about your own position- what do you really want them to know (not making a case like in a court of law). Or maybe you'll realize your position/being 'right' isn't so important and you can let this one go.” Nicole Hind, Relationship Coach, Online Counsellor, Unveiled Stories

6. Be assertive

“Being strong, stern, and uncompromising is often associated with assertiveness. But, this outdated paradigm is not only incorrect, it is also unhelpful for avoiding and working through conflict. Focusing on being the most assertive person in the room is a powerful and influential position creating a constant baseline with two critical elements. The first being, 'I will listen to what is important to you'. The second is, 'you will listen to what is important to me'. The ability to use this as a compass for conflict when emotions ride high is a practical skill to progress towards resolution.” Paul Farina, Performance Expert, www.paulfarina.com.au

Two individuals holding boxing gloves on a gray background, symbolizing conflict resolution skills in business

Process for Conflict Resolution 

The process of resolving conflicts involves communication, negotiation, and problem-solving strategies to achieve an outcome that is acceptable to all involved. 

The goal of conflict resolution is not necessarily to have one “winner” and one “loser” but to find a mutually beneficial resolution that addresses the needs and concerns of all parties .

The essence of conflict resolution lies in its ability to transform potentially harmful conflicts into constructive discussions, leading to solutions that might not have been discovered otherwise. 

The process typically involves several key steps:

  • Identifying the problem: Clearly defining what the conflict is about, including the needs, interests, and concerns of all parties involved.
  • Communicating: Allowing each party to express their viewpoint in a respectful and non-confrontational manner. This involves active listening, empathy, and openness to understanding different perspectives.
  • Finding common ground: Identifying areas of agreement or shared interests that can serve as a foundation for building a solution.
  • Exploring solutions: Brainstorming potential ways to resolve the conflict, considering the pros and cons of each option, and working collaboratively to find a solution that everyone can agree on.
  • Agreeing on a plan: Formulating a plan of action that addresses the conflict and detailing how each party will contribute to the solution.
  • Implementing and following up: Putting the agreed-upon solution into action and monitoring its effectiveness over time, making adjustments as necessary.

Conflict resolution can be informal or formal, ranging from a casual discussion to resolve a minor disagreement to structured mediation by a neutral third party for more significant disputes. 

Chloe Ballatore of Chloe’s Consciousness Training summarizes what needs to be done and questions to ask to be able to resolve conflicts. 

“The most important thing is listening to the other person. After you make your statement, or even before, solicit what they have to say. Don't get off topic. If you get distracted onto other issues, you will never resolve anything. Don't use it as a time to bring up a converse conflict, meaning, when one person brings up a conflict and the other person says, "Same here!" Accept or reject. Do not tolerate and complain. Consider the prize and price tag. Everything we do has a prize and a price tag. What are you fighting for? Is it worth it?” Chloe K Ballatore, Founder, Chloe's Consciousness Training

Benefits of Knowing How to Resolve Conflict 

Knowing how to resolve conflict effectively offers numerous benefits that extend across personal, professional, and societal realms. 

1. Improved relationships

Effective conflict resolution helps prevent minor disagreements from escalating into resentments or lasting animosities. 

By addressing issues constructively, relationships can become stronger and more resilient. This is true for personal relationships, such as those with family and friends, as well as professional relationships with colleagues and clients.

2. Enhanced communication

Learning to resolve conflicts teaches individuals how to communicate more effectively. It encourages clear, empathetic, and assertive communication, which can improve mutual understanding and cooperation in a wide range of interactions.

3. Increased understanding

Engaging in conflict resolution often involves trying to see the situation from another person’s perspective. 

This can lead to a deeper understanding of diverse viewpoints and experiences, fostering empathy and reducing prejudices.

4. Better problem-solving skills

The process of resolving conflicts requires creativity and critical thinking to find solutions that satisfy all parties involved. 

These problem-solving skills are transferable to other areas of life, enhancing an individual’s ability to navigate challenges effectively.

5. Reduced stress and increased well-being

Unresolved conflicts can be a significant source of stress, affecting mental and physical health. 

Knowing how to resolve conflicts can reduce stress levels for all involved, leading to a more peaceful and productive environment and increased overall well-being.

6. Increased collaboration and teamwork

In professional settings, effective conflict resolution can lead to better teamwork and collaboration. 

By working through disagreements constructively, teams can harness diverse perspectives and skills, leading to more innovative solutions and stronger group cohesion.

7. Prevention of escalation

Effective conflict resolution can prevent disagreements from escalating into more serious disputes or violence. This is particularly important in settings where tensions can quickly escalate, such as in communities or international relations.

8. Empowerment and confidence

Successfully resolving conflicts can empower individuals, giving them confidence in their ability to handle difficult situations. This sense of empowerment can encourage more proactive and positive engagement in various aspects of life.

9. Efficient use of resources

In organizational and societal contexts, unresolved conflicts can lead to a significant drain on resources, including time, money, and energy. 

Effective conflict resolution helps conserve these resources by finding solutions more quickly and avoiding the costs associated with prolonged disputes.

10. Fostering peace and harmony

On a broader scale, the ability to resolve conflicts contributes to creating a more peaceful and harmonious society. 

It encourages dialogue and understanding over confrontation and division, laying the groundwork for cooperative and constructive relationships.

Frequently Asked Questions 

Can conflict resolution strategies be applied in both professional and personal settings.

Yes, these strategies are versatile and can be adapted to resolve conflicts in any setting, including both professional and personal relationships.

What role does non-verbal communication play in conflict resolution?

Non-verbal cues, such as body language and facial expressions, can convey a lot of information about a person’s feelings and attitudes, which is essential in understanding the full context of the conflict.

Is it possible to resolve a conflict when the other party is not willing to participate?

While challenging, it’s possible to initiate steps towards resolution by demonstrating openness to dialogue, understanding, and by setting a positive example of communication and respect.

How can I ensure a conflict resolution process is fair and unbiased?

Engage a neutral third party to mediate the discussion, ensure all parties have a chance to speak, and focus on objective criteria rather than personal opinions or feelings.

What if the conflict resolution attempt fails to achieve an agreement?

Consider seeking external mediation or professional conflict resolution services to facilitate a more structured approach to finding a resolution.

Key Takeaways 

The essence of effective conflict resolution lies in mastering five critical skills: active listening, empathy, problem-solving, effective communication, and negotiation. These skills not only help in de-escalating tensions but also in fostering a culture of collaboration and respect, leading to more innovative and constructive outcomes. 

Adopting these conflict resolution strategies can transform how you navigate disagreements, turning potential conflicts into opportunities for growth and innovation. These skills not only contribute to personal and professional development but also to creating a more collaborative, understanding, and productive environment.

For those looking to further develop these essential skills, consider exploring the Skill Success All Access Pass . This comprehensive platform with more than 3,000 courses offers a wide range of topics, including expert-led training in conflict resolution, communication, negotiation, and more. By taking advantage of this resource, you can deepen your understanding of these critical skills, apply them with greater confidence, and achieve more positive outcomes in both your personal and professional life.

Ready to fully dive into your learning? Join All Access Pass and unlock our entire course library for only $15/month.

Click here to learn more

Barbara Isla

Barbara Isla

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What Are Conflict Resolution Skills?

problem solving skills in conflict situations

How Do Conflict Resolution Skills Work?

Examples of conflict resolution skills, types of conflict resolution skills, more conflict resolution skills, frequently asked questions (faqs).

Maddy Price / The Balance


Conflict resolution skills are abilities that enable you to mediate disputes and achieve consensus.

Key Takeaways

  • Conflict resolution is the process of resolving disagreements and coming up with solutions that are mutually agreeable to multiple parties.
  • Conflict resolution skills are useful in nearly every job and industry. 
  • To showcase conflict resolution skills to potential employers, include keywords related to these abilities in your resumes, cover letters, and during job interviews.

Conflict resolution skills are required for a wide range of positions across many job sectors. This requirement is based on the fact that conflict tends to reduce productivity and create a difficult work environment, leading to unwanted turnover in staff and reduced morale.

Individuals who can resolve conflicts are often excellent mediators, rational, and able to manage difficult personalities from a place of empathy.

What Is Conflict Resolution?

Conflict resolution is the process by which two or more parties reach a peaceful resolution to a dispute.

In the workplace, there can be a variety of types of conflict:

  • Conflict may occur between co-workers, supervisors and subordinates, or between service providers and their clients or customers.
  • Conflict can also occur between groups, such as management and the labor force, or between entire departments. 

Some conflicts are essentially arbitrary, meaning it doesn’t matter who “wins,” only that the problem is resolved so everyone can get back to work. But some conflicts reflect real disagreements about how an organization should function.

The Conflict Resolution Process

The resolution of conflicts in the workplace typically involves some or all of the following processes:

  • Recognition by the parties involved that a problem exists.
  • Mutual agreement to address the issue and find some resolution.
  • An effort to understand the perspective and concerns of the opposing individual or group.
  • Identifying changes in attitude, behavior, and approaches to work by both sides that will lessen negative feelings.
  • Recognizing triggers to episodes of conflict.
  • Interventions by third parties such as human resources representatives or higher-level managers to mediate.
  • A willingness by one or both parties to compromise.
  • Agreement on a plan to address differences.
  • Monitoring the impact of any agreements for change.
  • Disciplining or terminating employees who resist efforts to defuse conflicts.
  • Assertiveness by a supervisor who convenes a meeting between two employees who have engaged in a public dispute.
  • Interviewing and active listening skills are utilized by a human resources representative to define the nature of a conflict between a supervisor and a subordinate.
  • A supervisor encouraging empathy by asking opposing employees to describe how the other might feel in conflict situations.
  • Managers of rival departments facilitating a brainstorming session with their staff to generate solutions to ongoing points of conflict.
  • Mediation skills by a supervisor who helps rival subordinates to identify mutually agreeable changes in behavior.
  • A co-worker seeking out a rival and suggesting that she would like to find a way to co-exist more peacefully.
  • Creativity and problem-solving by a supervisor who redefines the roles of two conflict-prone staff to eliminate points of friction.
  • Accountability established by a supervisor who documents conflict-initiating behaviors on an employee's performance appraisal.
  • Assertiveness

An employee might seek out a person with whom they're having conflict to suggest working together to find ways to co-exist more peacefully.

  • Articulation
  • Balanced Approach
  • Decisiveness
  • Managing Emotions
  • Negotiation
  • Socializing
  • Voicing Opinions
  • Problem-Solving
  • Self-Control
  • Stress Management

Interviewing and Active Listening

A human resources representative might have to ask questions and listen carefully to determine the nature of a conflict between a supervisor and a subordinate.

  • Attentiveness
  • Conscientiousness
  • Consideration
  • Encouragement
  • Nonverbal Communication
  • Presentation
  • Professionalism
  • Relationship Building
  • Sense of Humor
  • Understanding
  • Verbal Communication

A mediator might encourage empathy by asking employees in conflict to each describe how the other might be feeling and thinking, and how the situation might look to the other party.

Empathy is also an important skill for mediators, who must be able to understand each party’s perspective, without necessarily agreeing with either.

  • Asking for Feedback
  • Building Trust
  • Giving Feedback
  • Handling Difficult Personalities
  • High Emotional Intelligence
  • Identifying Nonverbal Cues
  • Recognizing Differences
  • Understanding Different Viewpoints
  • Interpersonal skills
  • Self-Awareness
  • Trustworthiness
  • Welcoming Opinions


Managers of rival departments might facilitate a joint brainstorming session with their teams to generate solutions to ongoing points of conflict. Group facilitation techniques can also be used to avoid triggering conflict during group decision-making in the first place.

  • Brainstorming
  • Collaboration
  • Conflict Management
  • Organization
  • Practicality

A supervisor might guide subordinates who are in conflict through a process to identify mutually agreeable changes in behavior.

  • Compassionate
  • Decision Making
  • Emotional Intelligence
  • Problem Solving
  • Rational Approach
  • Transparency

A supervisor might redefine the roles of two conflict-prone staff to simply eliminate points of friction. Creativity can also mean finding new win/win solutions.

  • Brainstorming Solutions
  • Conflict Analysis
  • Collaborating
  • Creative Problem Solving
  • Critical Thinking
  • Convening Meetings
  • Designating Sanctions
  • Fair Resolution
  • Goal Integration
  • Monitoring Process
  • Restoring Relationships


A supervisor might document conflict-initiating behaviors exhibited by a chronic complainer as preparation for a performance appraisal. In this way, the supervisor helps establish accountability, since the employee can no longer pretend the problem isn’t happening.

  • Adaptability
  • Flexibility
  • Follow-through
  • Results-Oriented
  • Versatility
  • Accepting Criticism
  • Being Present
  • Data-Driven
  • Impartiality
  • Letting It Go
  • Prioritizing Relationships
  • Project Management
  • Respecting Differences
  • Separating Yourself
  • Technical Expertise

What are job skills?

Job skills are abilities that allow you to perform your work. These include hard skills, which are the technical knowledge that helps you do your job, and soft skills, which involve being able to work with others. 

What are soft skills?

Soft skills, otherwise known as people skills or interpersonal skills, are the abilities that help you work with colleagues, managers, and clients. Examples of soft skills include teamwork, communication skills, and work ethic. 

Harvard Law School Program on Negotiation. " What is Conflict Resolution, and How Does It Work ?"

ADR Times

Conflict Resolution Skills: A Guide

Conflict Resolution Skills

In every area of life, whether it’s at home, school, or work, conflicts are inevitable, which is why conflict resolution skills are vital. They arise due to differences in perspectives and opinions or simply because of misunderstandings. While conflicts can seem daunting, they don’t have to be destructive.

In fact, when handled properly, conflicts can lead to growth, innovation, and deeper understanding among the parties involved. This is where conflict resolution skills come into play.

This post will examine the skills required to resolve conflict and help produce a positive outcome when conflict arises between two or more parties. 

Resolving conflict doesn’t have to be difficult if you take the time to see the other person’s point and utilize various conflict resolution techniques.

What Are Conflict Resolution Skills?

Conflict resolution skills are a set of abilities that enable individuals to manage and resolve disputes in an effective, efficient, and respectful manner.

These skills are critical in maintaining healthy relationships, fostering productive teamwork, and creating harmonious environments in various settings, including home, school, or workplace.

Essential Conflict Resolution Skills

Active listening.

Active listening is a crucial skill that extends far beyond merely hearing the words being said. It involves fully engaging with the speaker, absorbing not only their words but also their body language, tone, and emotional cues.

This requires patience and respect to allow the speaker to complete their thoughts without interruption. The active listener provides feedback by summarizing what they’ve understood or by asking questions for clarity, which demonstrates genuine interest in the speaker’s perspective.

This kind of attentive listening can help dispel misunderstandings and promote mutual understanding, both of which are crucial in conflict resolution.

Empathy is the capacity to understand and share the feelings of others. In a conflict situation, empathy allows you to view the issue from the other person’s lens. This doesn’t necessarily mean agreeing with their viewpoint, but it does involve recognizing and validating their feelings.

Such acknowledgment can cool down heightened emotions, making it easier for everyone involved to openly express their thoughts and feelings. Empathy fosters an environment of respect and trust, key elements for successful conflict resolution.

Clear Communication

Clear communication forms the backbone of effective conflict resolution. It involves expressing your thoughts, feelings and needs in a comprehensible and non-aggressive manner.

Avoiding jargon, technical language, or ambiguity helps prevent further confusion. Using “I” statements, such as “I feel upset when…” allows you to convey your feelings without blaming or accusing the other party.

Clear communication also entails honesty, even when the truth may be uncomfortable to express. Honesty builds trust and facilitates genuine resolution.


Problem-solving skills are paramount in finding solutions that respect the interests of all parties involved. This process involves identifying the root cause of the conflict, brainstorming potential solutions, and evaluating these options objectively.

Creative thinking is beneficial in this phase, as it can lead to innovative solutions that may not be immediately apparent. Flexibility and willingness to compromise are also crucial in problem-solving. Remember, the objective is not to “win” but to find a mutually respectful solution.

Emotional Intelligence

Emotional intelligence refers to the ability to understand and manage your own emotions and those of others. In conflict resolution, emotional intelligence enables you to maintain composure under pressure and avoid impulsive reactions.

It aids in recognizing when emotions are escalating, allowing for timely intervention to de-escalate the situation. Emotional intelligence also involves being aware of how your words and actions might impact others, enabling you to communicate in a way that respects their feelings.

Taken together, these skills can transform potentially destructive conflicts into opportunities for growth, understanding, and strengthening relationships. The goal is not to avoid conflicts but to approach them constructively and effectively.

Benefits of Conflict Resolution Skills

Conflict resolution skills are vital in various aspects of life, from personal relationships to professional settings. Mastering these skills can lead to numerous advantages that promote healthier relationships, increased productivity, and improved leadership abilities.

Improved Relationships

Having effective conflict-resolution skills can greatly improve relationships across all aspects of life. Conflicts are part and parcel of human interaction. However, it’s not the conflicts themselves that can harm relationships, but rather how they’re managed.

When individuals can navigate disagreements with understanding and mutual respect, these moments of conflict can actually serve to strengthen bonds, deepening mutual understanding and empathy.

Conflict resolution skills encourage open and honest communication, which is a critical foundation of any healthy relationship, allowing for issues to be addressed directly and respectfully rather than being swept under the rug.

Boosted Productivity and Creativity

In the workplace, conflict resolution skills can have a significant impact on productivity and creativity. Diverse thoughts and ideas can often lead to conflicts, but when these differences are managed effectively, they can become catalysts for innovation and improvement.

A harmonious work environment, where conflicts are handled constructively, encourages the free exchange of ideas, fostering creativity and innovation. Team members can focus their energy on achieving common goals rather than being mired in unresolved disputes.

Enhanced Leadership Abilities

Individuals who possess strong conflict-resolution skills are typically perceived as leaders, irrespective of their actual positions within a group or organization. They demonstrate the ability to guide others towards peaceful resolutions, promoting harmony and cooperation.

These individuals can adeptly navigate tense situations, diffusing tension and facilitating constructive dialogues. This ability to manage and resolve conflicts enhances their credibility and influence and also contributes to a positive team dynamic and morale.

Personal Development

Conflict resolution skills contribute significantly to personal development. They involve key components of personal growth, such as self-reflection, empathy, and emotional intelligence.

By practicing these skills, individuals can improve their emotional well-being and interpersonal interactions . Conflict resolution skills also build self-confidence as individuals become more capable of handling challenging situations effectively.

Conflict Prevention

Lastly, conflict resolution skills play a crucial role in conflict prevention. They equip individuals to address minor disagreements before they escalate into major disputes.

By dealing with issues early and effectively, it’s possible to maintain a peaceful and positive environment in all spheres of life – be it at home, school, or work.

Five Conflict Resolution Strategies

You can not always avoid conflict. Whether you are dealing with workplace conflicts with another team member or conflict with family members, using conflict resolution strategies is essential for resolving conflict. Here are five commonly used strategies:

  • Communication and Active Listening : Open and honest communication is key to resolving conflicts. By actively listening to each other’s perspectives and concerns, individuals can gain a deeper understanding of the issues at hand. Encouraging respectful dialogue and creating a safe space for all parties to express themselves fosters effective communication.
  • Collaboration and Problem-Solving : Collaborative problem-solving involves bringing together conflicting parties to find mutually acceptable solutions. This strategy encourages brainstorming ideas, exploring various alternatives, and working toward a resolution that meets the needs and interests of all parties involved. By focusing on shared goals and seeking win-win outcomes, collaboration can lead to long-lasting resolutions.
  • Compromise and Negotiation : Compromise entails finding a middle ground through mutual concessions. Negotiation skills play a crucial role in this strategy, as conflicting parties discuss and bargain to reach a compromise that satisfies everyone to some extent. Flexibility, willingness to make trade-offs, and maintaining a cooperative attitude are essential in successful compromise and negotiation.
  • Mediation and Facilitation : Mediation involves the intervention of a neutral third party who assists conflicting parties in reaching a resolution. The mediator acts as a facilitator , ensuring fair and balanced communication between the parties involved. Through active listening, providing a safe environment, and guiding the discussion, mediators help parties identify common ground and work towards a mutually agreeable solution.
  • Assertiveness and Conflict Management : Assertiveness is an important conflict resolution strategy that involves expressing one’s needs, concerns, and boundaries while respecting others. It allows individuals to stand up for themselves without aggression or compromising their rights. Assertive communication promotes clarity and helps in de-escalating conflicts by addressing underlying issues directly.

Choosing the most appropriate conflict resolution strategy depends on the specific situation, the nature of the conflict, and the parties involved. Employing a combination of these strategies, tailored to the unique circumstances, can lead to effective conflict resolution and foster healthier relationships.

Conflict Management Skills Vs. Conflict Resolution Skills

Conflict management skills and conflict resolution skills are both important in dealing with conflicts effectively. While they share similarities, there are distinct differences between the two.

Conflict management skills refer to a set of abilities that help individuals or groups navigate and handle conflicts in a constructive manner. These skills focus on preventing conflicts from escalating or becoming unmanageable. Conflict management skills involve:

  • Communication : Effective communication is key to managing conflicts. It involves active listening, expressing thoughts and opinions clearly, and promoting open dialogue.
  • Negotiation : The ability to find common ground and reach mutually beneficial agreements is essential in conflict management. Negotiation skills involve compromise, problem-solving, and finding win-win solutions.
  • Emotional intelligence : Understanding and managing emotions during conflicts is crucial. Conflict management skills include empathy, self-awareness, and controlling emotional reactions.
  • Mediation : Mediation involves facilitating discussions between conflicting parties to help them reach a resolution. Mediators remain neutral and assist in finding common interests and solutions.

Conflict management skills focus on preventing and managing conflicts, while conflict resolution skills concentrate on resolving conflicts that have already occurred. Both sets of skills are valuable in effectively dealing with conflicts in various settings, whether it be personal relationships, workplace dynamics, or community interactions.

Final Thoughts 

Conflict is a normal part of life, and it’s not something we should fear or avoid. Instead, we should view it as an opportunity for growth and learning.

By developing and practicing conflict resolution skills, we can turn disagreements into opportunities for innovation, deepen our understanding of others, and foster harmonious relationships. Remember, it’s not about winning an argument but about finding a resolution that respects everyone’s perspectives.

If you want to learn more about conflict resolution skills and strategies, alternative dispute resolution, or mediation, contact ADR Times for educational courses and training materials.

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Workplace problem-solving examples: real scenarios, practical solutions.

  • March 11, 2024

In today’s fast-paced and ever-changing work environment, problems are inevitable. From conflicts among employees to high levels of stress, workplace problems can significantly impact productivity and overall well-being. However, by developing the art of problem-solving and implementing practical solutions, organizations can effectively tackle these challenges and foster a positive work culture. In this article, we will delve into various workplace problem scenarios and explore strategies for resolution. By understanding common workplace problems and acquiring essential problem-solving skills, individuals and organizations can navigate these challenges with confidence and success.

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Understanding Workplace Problems

Before we can effectively solve workplace problems , it is essential to gain a clear understanding of the issues at hand. Identifying common workplace problems is the first step toward finding practical solutions. By recognizing these challenges, organizations can develop targeted strategies and initiatives to address them.

Identifying Common Workplace Problems

One of the most common workplace problems is conflict. Whether it stems from differences in opinions, miscommunication, or personality clashes, conflict can disrupt collaboration and hinder productivity. It is important to note that conflict is a natural part of any workplace, as individuals with different backgrounds and perspectives come together to work towards a common goal. However, when conflict is not managed effectively, it can escalate and create a toxic work environment.

In addition to conflict, workplace stress and burnout pose significant challenges. High workloads, tight deadlines, and a lack of work-life balance can all contribute to employee stress and dissatisfaction. When employees are overwhelmed and exhausted, their performance and overall well-being are compromised. This not only affects the individuals directly, but it also has a ripple effect on the entire organization.

Another common workplace problem is poor communication. Ineffective communication can lead to misunderstandings, delays, and errors. It can also create a sense of confusion and frustration among employees. Clear and open communication is vital for successful collaboration and the smooth functioning of any organization.

The Impact of Workplace Problems on Productivity

Workplace problems can have a detrimental effect on productivity levels. When conflicts are left unresolved, they can create a tense work environment, leading to decreased employee motivation and engagement. The negative energy generated by unresolved conflicts can spread throughout the organization, affecting team dynamics and overall performance.

Similarly, high levels of stress and burnout can result in decreased productivity, as individuals may struggle to focus and perform optimally. When employees are constantly under pressure and overwhelmed, their ability to think creatively and problem-solve diminishes. This can lead to a decline in the quality of work produced and an increase in errors and inefficiencies.

Poor communication also hampers productivity. When information is not effectively shared or understood, it can lead to misunderstandings, delays, and rework. This not only wastes time and resources but also creates frustration and demotivation among employees.

Furthermore, workplace problems can negatively impact employee morale and job satisfaction. When individuals are constantly dealing with conflicts, stress, and poor communication, their overall job satisfaction and engagement suffer. This can result in higher turnover rates, as employees seek a healthier and more supportive work environment.

In conclusion, workplace problems such as conflict, stress, burnout, and poor communication can significantly hinder productivity and employee well-being. Organizations must address these issues promptly and proactively to create a positive and productive work atmosphere. By fostering open communication, providing support for stress management, and promoting conflict resolution strategies, organizations can create a work environment that encourages collaboration, innovation, and employee satisfaction.

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The Art of Problem Solving in the Workplace

Now that we have a clear understanding of workplace problems, let’s explore the essential skills necessary for effective problem-solving in the workplace. By developing these skills and adopting a proactive approach, individuals can tackle problems head-on and find practical solutions.

Problem-solving in the workplace is a complex and multifaceted skill that requires a combination of analytical thinking, creativity, and effective communication. It goes beyond simply identifying problems and extends to finding innovative solutions that address the root causes.

Essential Problem-Solving Skills for the Workplace

To effectively solve workplace problems, individuals should possess a range of skills. These include strong analytical and critical thinking abilities, excellent communication and interpersonal skills, the ability to collaborate and work well in a team, and the capacity to adapt to change. By honing these skills, individuals can approach workplace problems with confidence and creativity.

Analytical and critical thinking skills are essential for problem-solving in the workplace. They involve the ability to gather and analyze relevant information, identify patterns and trends, and make logical connections. These skills enable individuals to break down complex problems into manageable components and develop effective strategies to solve them.

Effective communication and interpersonal skills are also crucial for problem-solving in the workplace. These skills enable individuals to clearly articulate their thoughts and ideas, actively listen to others, and collaborate effectively with colleagues. By fostering open and honest communication channels, individuals can better understand the root causes of problems and work towards finding practical solutions.

Collaboration and teamwork are essential for problem-solving in the workplace. By working together, individuals can leverage their diverse skills, knowledge, and perspectives to generate innovative solutions. Collaboration fosters a supportive and inclusive environment where everyone’s ideas are valued, leading to more effective problem-solving outcomes.

The ability to adapt to change is another important skill for problem-solving in the workplace. In today’s fast-paced and dynamic work environment, problems often arise due to changes in technology, processes, or market conditions. Individuals who can embrace change and adapt quickly are better equipped to find solutions that address the evolving needs of the organization.

The Role of Communication in Problem Solving

Communication is a key component of effective problem-solving in the workplace. By fostering open and honest communication channels, individuals can better understand the root causes of problems and work towards finding practical solutions. Active listening, clear and concise articulation of thoughts and ideas, and the ability to empathize are all valuable communication skills that facilitate problem-solving.

Active listening involves fully engaging with the speaker, paying attention to both verbal and non-verbal cues, and seeking clarification when necessary. By actively listening, individuals can gain a deeper understanding of the problem at hand and the perspectives of others involved. This understanding is crucial for developing comprehensive and effective solutions.

Clear and concise articulation of thoughts and ideas is essential for effective problem-solving communication. By expressing oneself clearly, individuals can ensure that their ideas are understood by others. This clarity helps to avoid misunderstandings and promotes effective collaboration.

Empathy is a valuable communication skill that plays a significant role in problem-solving. By putting oneself in the shoes of others and understanding their emotions and perspectives, individuals can build trust and rapport. This empathetic connection fosters a supportive and collaborative environment where everyone feels valued and motivated to contribute to finding solutions.

In conclusion, problem-solving in the workplace requires a combination of essential skills such as analytical thinking, effective communication, collaboration, and adaptability. By honing these skills and fostering open communication channels, individuals can approach workplace problems with confidence and creativity, leading to practical and innovative solutions.

Real Scenarios of Workplace Problems

Now, let’s explore some real scenarios of workplace problems and delve into strategies for resolution. By examining these practical examples, individuals can develop a deeper understanding of how to approach and solve workplace problems.

Conflict Resolution in the Workplace

Imagine a scenario where two team members have conflicting ideas on how to approach a project. The disagreement becomes heated, leading to a tense work environment. To resolve this conflict, it is crucial to encourage open dialogue between the team members. Facilitating a calm and respectful conversation can help uncover underlying concerns and find common ground. Collaboration and compromise are key in reaching a resolution that satisfies all parties involved.

In this particular scenario, let’s dive deeper into the dynamics between the team members. One team member, let’s call her Sarah, strongly believes that a more conservative and traditional approach is necessary for the project’s success. On the other hand, her colleague, John, advocates for a more innovative and out-of-the-box strategy. The clash between their perspectives arises from their different backgrounds and experiences.

As the conflict escalates, it is essential for a neutral party, such as a team leader or a mediator, to step in and facilitate the conversation. This person should create a safe space for both Sarah and John to express their ideas and concerns without fear of judgment or retribution. By actively listening to each other, they can gain a better understanding of the underlying motivations behind their respective approaches.

During the conversation, it may become apparent that Sarah’s conservative approach stems from a fear of taking risks and a desire for stability. On the other hand, John’s innovative mindset is driven by a passion for pushing boundaries and finding creative solutions. Recognizing these underlying motivations can help foster empathy and create a foundation for collaboration.

As the dialogue progresses, Sarah and John can begin to identify areas of overlap and potential compromise. They may realize that while Sarah’s conservative approach provides stability, John’s innovative ideas can inject fresh perspectives into the project. By combining their strengths and finding a middle ground, they can develop a hybrid strategy that incorporates both stability and innovation.

Ultimately, conflict resolution in the workplace requires effective communication, active listening, empathy, and a willingness to find common ground. By addressing conflicts head-on and fostering a collaborative environment, teams can overcome challenges and achieve their goals.

Dealing with Workplace Stress and Burnout

Workplace stress and burnout can be debilitating for individuals and organizations alike. In this scenario, an employee is consistently overwhelmed by their workload and experiencing signs of burnout. To address this issue, organizations should promote a healthy work-life balance and provide resources to manage stress effectively. Encouraging employees to take breaks, providing access to mental health support, and fostering a supportive work culture are all practical solutions to alleviate workplace stress.

In this particular scenario, let’s imagine that the employee facing stress and burnout is named Alex. Alex has been working long hours, often sacrificing personal time and rest to meet tight deadlines and demanding expectations. As a result, Alex is experiencing physical and mental exhaustion, reduced productivity, and a sense of detachment from work.

Recognizing the signs of burnout, Alex’s organization takes proactive measures to address the issue. They understand that employee well-being is crucial for maintaining a healthy and productive workforce. To promote a healthy work-life balance, the organization encourages employees to take regular breaks and prioritize self-care. They emphasize the importance of disconnecting from work during non-working hours and encourage employees to engage in activities that promote relaxation and rejuvenation.

Additionally, the organization provides access to mental health support services, such as counseling or therapy sessions. They recognize that stress and burnout can have a significant impact on an individual’s mental well-being and offer resources to help employees manage their stress effectively. By destigmatizing mental health and providing confidential support, the organization creates an environment where employees feel comfortable seeking help when needed.

Furthermore, the organization fosters a supportive work culture by promoting open communication and empathy. They encourage managers and colleagues to check in with each other regularly, offering support and understanding. Team members are encouraged to collaborate and share the workload, ensuring that no one person is overwhelmed with excessive responsibilities.

By implementing these strategies, Alex’s organization aims to alleviate workplace stress and prevent burnout. They understand that a healthy and balanced workforce is more likely to be engaged, productive, and satisfied. Through a combination of promoting work-life balance, providing mental health support, and fostering a supportive work culture, organizations can effectively address workplace stress and create an environment conducive to employee well-being.

Practical Solutions to Workplace Problems

Now that we have explored real scenarios, let’s discuss practical solutions that organizations can implement to address workplace problems. By adopting proactive strategies and establishing effective policies, organizations can create a positive work environment conducive to problem-solving and productivity.

Implementing Effective Policies for Problem Resolution

Organizations should have clear and well-defined policies in place to address workplace problems. These policies should outline procedures for conflict resolution, channels for reporting problems, and accountability measures. By ensuring that employees are aware of these policies and have easy access to them, organizations can facilitate problem-solving and prevent issues from escalating.

Promoting a Positive Workplace Culture

A positive workplace culture is vital for problem-solving. By fostering an environment of respect, collaboration, and open communication, organizations can create a space where individuals feel empowered to address and solve problems. Encouraging teamwork, recognizing and appreciating employees’ contributions, and promoting a healthy work-life balance are all ways to cultivate a positive workplace culture.

The Role of Leadership in Problem Solving

Leadership plays a crucial role in facilitating effective problem-solving within organizations. Different leadership styles can impact how problems are approached and resolved.

Leadership Styles and Their Impact on Problem-Solving

Leaders who adopt an autocratic leadership style may make decisions independently, potentially leaving their team members feeling excluded and undervalued. On the other hand, leaders who adopt a democratic leadership style involve their team members in the problem-solving process, fostering a sense of ownership and empowerment. By encouraging employee participation, organizations can leverage the diverse perspectives and expertise of their workforce to find innovative solutions to workplace problems.

Encouraging Employee Participation in Problem Solving

To harness the collective problem-solving abilities of an organization, it is crucial to encourage employee participation. Leaders can create opportunities for employees to contribute their ideas and perspectives through brainstorming sessions, team meetings, and collaborative projects. By valuing employee input and involving them in decision-making processes, organizations can foster a culture of inclusivity and drive innovative problem-solving efforts.

In today’s dynamic work environment, workplace problems are unavoidable. However, by understanding common workplace problems, developing essential problem-solving skills, and implementing practical solutions, individuals and organizations can navigate these challenges effectively. By fostering a positive work culture, implementing effective policies, and encouraging employee participation, organizations can create an environment conducive to problem-solving and productivity. With proactive problem-solving strategies in place, organizations can thrive and overcome obstacles, ensuring long-term success and growth.

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problem solving skills in conflict situations

7 Examples of Problem-Solving Scenarios in the Workplace (With Solutions)

What is problem-solving anyway, problem-solving scenario #1: tight deadlines and heavy workload.

  • Problem-solving Scenario #2: Handling a Product Launch

Problem-solving Scenario #3: Internal Conflicts in the Team

Problem-solving scenario #4: team not meeting targets, problem-solving scenario #5: team facing high turnover, problem-solving scenario #6: team member facing discrimination, problem-solving scenario #7: new manager unable to motivate a team, building an effective problem-solving framework, wrapping up, frequently asked questions for managers.

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Problem-Solving Scenarios for Managers

  • Talk to the team members: John begins by asking what’s holding them back. Based on their responses, he realizes that he needs to delegate better. Immediately, John schedules meetings to  clarify each member’s expectations , priorities, and roles and ensure everyone is on the same page. He also makes a note to work on his delegation skills.
  • Plan things: John creates a project timeline or task list that outlines the deadlines and deliverables for each team member and shares this with the team to ensure that everyone is aware of what is expected of them.
  • Support the team: The team sits together to establish regular check-ins or progress updates to ensure members can ask questions or raise concerns.

Problem-solving Scenario # 2 : Handling a Product Launch

  • Review and redraw plans:  Emily revisited the project plan and identified areas where the team could reduce the scope or prioritize features to meet the budget constraints.
  • Go for alternatives:  The team then explored alternative resources or suppliers to find cost-effective options. Are there any underutilized resources, equipment, or personnel from other projects or departments that can be temporarily assigned to this project? Moreover, they revisited their suppliers and negotiated further.
  • Outsourcing parts of the project:  Emily considered outsourcing some project functions to external contractors or freelancers. Eventually, they outsourced the marketing to another team and continued working on the core features.
  • Upgrade the available capacity:  Emily and her team invested in upskilling the present workforce with additional skills. It allowed some team members to explore exciting areas and supplemented the team.
  • Get both sides onboard: Taylor begins the conflict resolution process by talking to both team members. She recognizes the issue and first goes into individual discussions with both. Later, she sets up a meeting for both to share their perspectives.
  • Mediation:  In the next step, the manager encourages the two team members to talk to each other and resolve the conflict independently. Taylor describes how the optimal contribution can look different for different team members. Additionally, she encourages them to be more open and collaborative so that they understand what the other one does.
  • Preventing mistakes again:  The team holds a meeting to discuss the issue and allow other team members to express their thoughts and feelings. By not hiding the problem that happened in front of everyone, Taylor acknowledges the issues and shows that she cares about the things happening inside the team. Further, by discussing and sharing, they can build a healthy relationship to prevent similar issues in the future. 
  • Use formal tools: Lastly, they establish clear guidelines and expectations for behavior and communication within the team to prevent future conflicts. Training and coaching are also added to help team members improve their communication and conflict-resolution skills.
  • Discussions with the Sales Representatives: Donna starts by having one-on-one conversations with each team member to understand their perspectives on why the targets are not being met. After gathering insights from personal discussions, Donna calls for a team meeting. During the session, she allows team members to share their experiences, challenges, and suggestions openly. 
  • Analysis of Sales Process: Donna conducts a detailed sales process analysis, from lead generation to closing deals. She identifies bottlenecks and areas where the team might be facing difficulties. This analysis helps her pinpoint specific stages that need improvement. 
  • Setting Realistic Targets: Donna understands that overly ambitious targets might be demotivating. She collaborates with her team to develop more achievable yet challenging sales targets based on their current performance and market conditions. She organizes training sessions and workshops to help team members develop the necessary skills and knowledge to excel. 
  • Recognition and Incentives: Donna introduces a recognition program and incentives for meeting and exceeding targets to motivate the team. This helps boost morale and encourages healthy competition within the team. She closely monitors the team’s progress toward the revised targets. 
  • Conduct Exit Interviews:  As the stream of resignation continues, Neil adopts a realistic approach and starts by attempting to understand the issues his former team members face. He conducts exit interviews with the people leaving and tries to determine what’s wrong. 
  • Understand the current team:  In the next step, Neil tries to learn the perspectives of staying people. Through surveys and conversations, he lists the good parts of working in his team and emphasizes them. He also finds the challenges and works on reducing them. 
  • Change and adapt to employee needs:  These conversations help Neil enable a better work environment to help him contain turnover and attract top talent. Moving forward, he ensures that pay is competitive and work is aligned with the employee’s goals. He also involves stakeholders to create development and growth opportunities for his team.
  • Be approachable and open: Erica first ensures she can gather all the details from the team members. She provides them with a safe space and comfort to express their concern and ensures that action will be taken. She supports the targeted team members, such as access to counselling or other resources.
  • Adopt and follow an official policy: Developing and enforcing anti-discrimination policies that clearly state the organization’s commitment to diversity and inclusion is the first step to creating a safe workplace. Erica refers to the policy and takes immediate action accordingly, including a thorough investigation.
  • Reiterating commitment and goals: Providing diversity and inclusion training to all team members to help them understand the impact of discrimination and how to prevent it is essential to create a safe workplace. Erica ensures that the team members are aware of the provisions, the DEI goals set by the organization, and 
  • Connect with the team: Andrew starts by conducting one-on-one meetings with team members to understand their personal and professional goals, challenges, and strengths. Observing team dynamics and identifying any issues or obstacles hindering motivation and productivity also helps.
  • Involving team members in the process: Seeking feedback from team members on what motivates them and what they want to see from their manager to feel more inspired.
  • Enabling and empowering: Offering opportunities for growth and development, such as training, mentoring, or leadership roles, helped Andrew contribute to his team’s development. 
  • Take help from Merlin: Andrew reached out to Merlin, the AI chatbot of Risely, to get tips whenever he got stuck. Merlin sought details about his issues and shared some tips to help out Andrew. Here is what it looked like: 

andrew motivating a new team

  • Develop a problem-solving process: To get problem-solving right for multiple scenarios repeatedly, the key is to remember and set a problem-solving approach that works across the board. A wide-ranged problem-solving process that begins with identification and concludes at the resolution helps managers navigate various challenges the profession throws us. 
  • Learn to identify problems: The key to solving problems is placing them at the right moment. If you let some problems pester for long, they can become more significant issues for the teams. Hence, building the understanding to identify issues is essential for managers.
  • Think from multiple perspectives: As a problem-solver, you must care for various parties and stakeholders. Thus, thinking from numerous perspectives and considering ideas from a broad spectrum of people is a core skill. 
  • Consistently work on skills: Like other managerial skills, problem-solving skills need constant practice and review. Over time, your skills can become more robust with the help of assessments and toolkits. Tools like Risely can help you with resources and constant guidance to overcome managerial challenges. Check out Risely today to start reaching your true potential.

problem solving scenarios

Suprabha Sharma

Suprabha, a versatile professional who blends expertise in human resources and psychology, bridges the divide between people management and personal growth with her novel perspectives at Risely. Her experience as a human resource professional has empowered her to visualize practical solutions for frequent managerial challenges that form the pivot of her writings.

How well do you perform in different problem-solving scenarios?

Learn more about your problem-solving skills with the help of a free assessment now.

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problem solving skills in conflict situations

Family Conflict Resolution: 6 Worksheets & Scenarios (+ PDF)

Conflict resolution family

It is perhaps unrealistic to expect that relationships remain harmonious all the time; occasional disconnections and disagreements are a fact of life that can help a family grow and move forward, accommodating change (Divecha, 2020).

Repeating patterns of conflict, however, can be damaging for family members, especially children, negatively affecting mental and physical wellbeing (Sori, Hecker, & Bachenberg, 2016).

This article explores how to resolve conflict in family relationships and introduces strategies and activities that can help.

Before you continue, we thought you might like to download our three Positive Communication Exercises (PDF) for free . These science-based tools will help you and those you work with build better social skills and better connect with others.

This Article Contains:

How to resolve conflict in family relationships, 2 examples of conflict scenarios, 3 strategies for family counseling sessions, 6 activities and worksheets to try, a note on conflict resolution for kids, 3 best games and activities for kids, resources from positivepsychology.com, a take-home message.

“Families typically develop certain basic structural characteristics and interactive patterns that they utilize to respond to internal and external stressors.”

Goldenberg, 2017, p. 4

Built on shared assumptions and narratives that exist within the family structure, family members support the group as it adapts and copes with shifting environments and life events.

Such structures, at times, may support and even promote conflict that occurs within families. Indeed, rifts, clashes, and disagreements within the family can take many forms, including physical, verbal, financial, psychological, and sexual (Marta & Alfieri, 2014).

Therapy has the potential to help a family understand how it organizes itself and maintains cohesion, while improving how it communicates and overcomes problems that lead to conflict (Goldenberg, 2017).

As psychologist Rick Hanson writes, “a bid for repair is one of the sweetest and most vulnerable and important kinds of communication that humans offer to each other” (cited in Divecha, 2020).

Crucially, families can learn to navigate the inevitable tension and disconnection that arise from falling out of sync with one another (Divecha, 2020).

Repairing ruptures resulting from miscommunication, mismatches, and failing to attune to one another is vital for parenting and maintaining family union. But how?

While there are many ways to recover from and resolve conflict, the following four steps are invaluable for authentic repair (modified from Divecha, 2020):

  • Acknowledge the offense Try to identify and understand the hurt you’ve caused. Whether intended and with apparent good reason or not, this is a valuable opportunity to dial down your defenses and focus on how the other person is feeling.

Acknowledging the hurt without adding caveats is a powerful way to show humanity.

It can help to check your understanding, “Did I upset you? Help me understand how.” Your approach must be open and authentic; unless heartfelt, it risks escalating emotions.

  • Express remorse Sometimes, simply saying, “I’m sorry,” is enough, or at least an excellent place to start.

Take care though. Adding a comment, such as, “Well, you shouldn’t have done X,” weakens your expression of remorse, especially when dealing with children. They are learning from what you do – right and wrong.

Also, don’t go overboard. Being too quick to say sorry or going over the top with an apology can make it more about yourself than the person hurt.

  • Offer a simple explanation If the other person is ready to listen (neither too upset nor too angry), a brief explanation can clarify the thinking behind your actions.

Remember to focus on the other person’s experience rather than a litany of excuses for poor behavior. And avoid using this as an opportunity to add grievances or assign blame for issues that have arisen recently.

  • Learn and practice expressing your intentions to fix the situation and stop it from happening again. Be sincere. Say that you are sorry and mean it.

There is little point in apologizing and recovering from conflict if you intend to repeat the behavior.

Conflict is often avoidable. But if it isn’t, then it is possible to recover and maintain family relationships through authentic activities that repair damage (Divecha, 2020).

Relationship key

Family therapy can help resolve conflicts within the family unit through multiple routes, including:

  • Exploring various relationships that make up the family.
  • Bringing couples and families together to resolve interpersonal conflicts rather than treating them separately.
  • Focusing on interventions with entire families rather than individuals.
  • Establishing the role of dysfunctional families in individual mental health problems.

Family conflict can appear in all shapes and sizes. While minor disagreements between siblings may be resolved quickly, major rifts can form between child and parent, damaging previously strong bonds.

All relationships within a family can at one time or another descend into conflict. Two such examples include (modified from Goldenberg, 2017):

  • Conflict over money Bob and Tess are married with two children. In therapy, Tess claims that Bob is mean with his money: checking grocery bills and yelling at the cost of their children’s birthday presents. Along with other relationship issues, conflict had led them to sleep in separate rooms.

Bob argues he works hard for his money and gives her a generous amount each month, but Tess spends beyond their means.

During therapy, it became clear that Bob comes from a working-class family and was taught from an early age to live frugally. His long-standing beliefs underpin (but do not excuse) his outbursts.

In time, therapy helps them become more supportive of one another, giving up their underlying power struggles and successfully moving away from stereotypical gender roles.

  • Cultural and intergenerational conflict Despite Indira and Sanjay Singh moving to the United States while they were still at preschool age, they have retained the cultural and moral values of their place of birth: India. When their two children were born, they were also taught to be compliant and respect their parents, while friends from school were discouraged.

As the children grew older, it became clear that the conflict between the old and new culture was causing a rift, dividing children and parents. Despite reluctance from the parents, in time, all four attended family therapy and began to deal with cultural differences and expectations arising from multiculturalism.

problem solving skills in conflict situations

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Conflict in family situations can be “chronic and unresolved,” cycling through “periods of emotional distance and closeness with intense negative feelings” (Metcalf, 2011, p. 45).

In family therapy, the many theories offer different lenses through which to view the world and, most importantly, help families manage and resolve conflict (Metcalf, 2011).

The following strategies can help protect the family from or cope with conflict in its many forms.

Build an environment of connection and understanding

Divecha (2020) suggests that by building an environment of connection and understanding, you can “create a family culture where rifts are expected and repairs are welcomed.”

Encourage clients to make small but vital changes to the family setting (modified from Divecha, 2020):

  • Watch out for the easily missed signs that indicate a child, young adult, or partner wishes to find a way to reconnect and recover from conflict.
  • Normalize requests, such as, “I need a repair” and “Can we have a redo?” that tell us a family member is ready to fix a damaged relationship.
  • Maintain awareness. If we think we may have caused upset or harm, circle back and check in with the other person.

Building a better environment through frequent repairs can catch problems early and reduce the likelihood of escalation.

Use “I” statements

How we say something can have a significant impact on what others hear. Encourage family members to express how they feel without blaming others, such as (modified from Goldenberg, 2017):

“I am hurt by what you said last night” rather than accusations, such as, “You were out of order last night.”

Speak directly to the therapist

There may be times during a therapy session when tension between family members heightens and the emotional intensity needs to be de-escalated (Goldenberg, 2017).

A helpful communication technique is to ask the family member talking to address the therapist directly. This refocus encourages the speaker to express themselves more calmly and allows the other person time and space to listen and respond under less pressure.

Conflict resolution narrative

The following activities focus on exploring family structures, beliefs, and problem-solving behavior to avoid or resolve conflict within the group.

Recognizing Family Narratives

Family narratives provide support for coping with upsetting events and recovering from conflict (Goldenberg, 2017).

Use the Recognizing Family Narratives worksheet to identify narratives that explain and justify the structure and interactive patterns that exist within the family.

The constructs we form can enable or inhibit how we cope with conflict and other life events within the family (Goldenberg, 2017).

Parenting With Purpose

Parenting can be difficult; it is easy to lose sight of what is important. Defining meaning and purpose for ourselves as parents and our children can offer a valuable compass for day-to-day decision-making (Hart, 2006).

The Parenting With Purpose worksheet is a helpful reminder of your values and purpose as a parent.

The answers to the questions can help you understand what kind of relationship you would like with your children and why.

What Is Working Within the Family?

While it is essential to identify and fix what is causing conflict within a family, it is equally valuable to recognize what is working.

Once we recognize where we are successful in a relationship, it can remind us that not everything is terrible. We are doing some things right, and we have something upon which we can build.

The What Is Working worksheet helps identify and share the positives in the relationships within the family.

Recognize that conflict doesn’t occur in the family all the time and encourage the activities that unite you as a group.

Meeting Our Family’s Needs

Sura Hart (2006, p. 175), former teacher and education project director for the Center for Nonviolent Communication, says that “you can find conflict in every human story, and in the conflict situation you can find the needs people are wanting to meet.”

Use the Meeting Our Family’s Needs worksheet to help each family member have their needs heard, understood, and, ultimately, accepted.

Consider Your Intentions

Words have the power to share love and anger. Without clear and conscious intention, it is possible to communicate unhelpful and even harmful messages (Hart, 2006).

Use the Consider Your Intentions worksheet to identify and understand your intentions and help you respect and care for other family members’ needs.

Perform an early check on your intentions before you engage with the other family member, especially if it has the potential to turn into conflict.

Using the answers, consider how you can show positive intentions and steer clear of harmful intentions, such as proving yourself right.

Seeing Family Conflict as a Problem to Solve

Conflict isn’t always to be avoided; clashes can be productive, stimulating learning, fostering understanding, and moving a relationship forward (Hart, 2006).

However, some conflict is unnecessary and avoidable, especially regarding daily tasks, such as tidying the house, going to bed, and completing chores.

Use the Seeing Family Conflict as a Problem to Solve worksheet to help recognize everyday actions as problems to overcome rather than points of contention.

14 Effective conflict resolution techniques – BRAINY DOSE

“Life is a series of mismatches, miscommunications, and misattunements that are quickly repaired” says family researcher Ed Tronick (cited in Divecha, 2020).

Children can learn from the family environment that conflict need not be out of proportion to the situation and may, ultimately, lead to positive change.

It helps when family relationships are overwhelmingly positive. Make sure to make “special time” available for each child, where they have control over what you do and for how long, writes Divecha (2020). Learn to show gratitude and appreciation for what the child does more readily without it becoming predictable and unthinking.

Conflict resolution for kids

Board games such as Monopoly, Checkers, and Life can be played as a pair or a family. The children see that it’s okay to make mistakes and learn from their parents’ reaction to losing.

More physical, active games such as Tag or Hide and Seek allow the whole family to have fun, while, importantly, seeing each other having fun. Children need to experience their parents as humans with a wish to enjoy themselves. Parents benefit from experiencing their family laughing – a reminder that life is not all about duty and rules.

Quieter pastimes, including art and craft, can be a time to build and use mindfulness practices, considering colors, textures, and smells. Interactive activities such as making funny characters out of play dough or houses out of Lego is fun and beyond rules or feelings of failure.

problem solving skills in conflict situations

17 Exercises To Develop Positive Communication

17 Positive Communication Exercises [PDF] to develop help others develop communication skills for successful social interactions and positive, fulfilling relationships.

Created by Experts. 100% Science-based.

Family conflict can often be avoided. The following resources help individuals gain a greater understanding of other family members’ needs and feelings.

  • Mind the Gap Identify and share the values you would like to exist within your family, such as love, trust, compassion, and teamwork.
  • Conflict at School Conflict outside the home can have an impact inside. Help your children to reflect on the relationships they have at school.

Additional reading and resources include:

  • Conflict Resolution in Relationships and Couples: 5 Strategies For more ideas on how to resolve conflict in other types of relationships, read our conflict resolution in relationships article.
  • 14 Conflict Resolution Strategies & Techniques for the Workplace This article about conflict resolution in the workplace is a helpful additional read, especially where the lines between family and work is blurred – working in the family business, working from home – these all can cause conflict so be sure to have a look at this article too.

If you’re looking for more science-based ways to help others communicate better, check out this collection of 17 validated positive communication tools for practitioners. Use them to help others improve their communication skills and form deeper and more positive relationships.

It is vital that families learn to survive – and even grow – under adverse conditions. The family unit faces daily challenges from outside and conflict from within that can upset the internal stability that rests upon existing narratives, shared beliefs, and sometimes mistaken assumptions (Goldenberg, 2017).

It can become less about preventing all conflict, which is impossible, and more about creating a family environment that reduces unnecessary friction, repairs rifts and misunderstandings, grows, and moves forward.

Our communication – what we say and how we say it – remains crucial and can improve over time with practice and an improved awareness of one another’s needs. Family members can also learn skills and techniques to improve self-regulation, resilience, and coping that strengthen internal structures.

This article introduces tools and worksheets that help remove avoidable conflict and manage and resolve it within the family unit, where disagreement is inevitable. Try them out with your clients or within your own family to improve engagement, strengthen relationships, and build a more supportive and resilient family structure.

We hope you enjoyed reading this article. Don’t forget to download our three Positive Communication Exercises (PDF) for free .

  • American Psychological Association. (2011). Family interventions. Retrieved October 6, 2021, from https://www.apa.org/pi/about/publications/caregivers/practice-settings/intervention/family
  • Divecha, D. (2020, October 27). Family conflict is normal; it’s the repair that matter s. Greater Good. Retrieved October 4, 2021, from https://greatergood.berkeley.edu/article/item/family_conflict_is_normal_its_the_repair_that_matters
  • Goldenberg, I. (2017). Family therapy: An overview . Cengage Learning.
  • Hart, S. (2006). Respectful parents, respectful kids: 7 Keys to turn family conflict into co-operation . PuddleDancer Press.
  • Marta, E., & Alfieri, S. (2014). Family conflicts. In A. C. Michalos (Ed.), Encyclopedia of quality of life and well-being research . Springer.
  • Metcalf, L. (2011). Marriage and family therapy: A practice-oriented approach . Springer.
  • Sori, C. F., Hecker, L., & Bachenberg, M. E. (2016). The therapist’s notebook for children and adolescents: Homework, handouts, and activities for use in psychotherapy . Routledge/Taylor & Francis.

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Thank you for the resources on family conflict resolution. I am working with a family that is really challenged.

Susan Salenski

We have had major conflicts in the family with me, my husband, who is the stepdad, and my grown kids. One speaks to us but lives on the northern East Coast. Haven’t seen him in 5 years. The other grown child is my daughter. She has had no contact with us of any kind for 5 years. I look forward to learning how to defuse conflicts and then grow healthy relationships, with my kids especially.

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Career Sidekick

Interview Questions

Comprehensive Interview Guide: 60+ Professions Explored in Detail

26 Good Examples of Problem Solving (Interview Answers)

By Biron Clark

Published: November 15, 2023

Employers like to hire people who can solve problems and work well under pressure. A job rarely goes 100% according to plan, so hiring managers will be more likely to hire you if you seem like you can handle unexpected challenges while staying calm and logical in your approach.

But how do they measure this?

They’re going to ask you interview questions about these problem solving skills, and they might also look for examples of problem solving on your resume and cover letter. So coming up, I’m going to share a list of examples of problem solving, whether you’re an experienced job seeker or recent graduate.

Then I’ll share sample interview answers to, “Give an example of a time you used logic to solve a problem?”

Problem-Solving Defined

It is the ability to identify the problem, prioritize based on gravity and urgency, analyze the root cause, gather relevant information, develop and evaluate viable solutions, decide on the most effective and logical solution, and plan and execute implementation. 

Problem-solving also involves critical thinking, communication, listening, creativity, research, data gathering, risk assessment, continuous learning, decision-making, and other soft and technical skills.

Solving problems not only prevent losses or damages but also boosts self-confidence and reputation when you successfully execute it. The spotlight shines on you when people see you handle issues with ease and savvy despite the challenges. Your ability and potential to be a future leader that can take on more significant roles and tackle bigger setbacks shine through. Problem-solving is a skill you can master by learning from others and acquiring wisdom from their and your own experiences. 

It takes a village to come up with solutions, but a good problem solver can steer the team towards the best choice and implement it to achieve the desired result.

Watch: 26 Good Examples of Problem Solving

Examples of problem solving scenarios in the workplace.

  • Correcting a mistake at work, whether it was made by you or someone else
  • Overcoming a delay at work through problem solving and communication
  • Resolving an issue with a difficult or upset customer
  • Overcoming issues related to a limited budget, and still delivering good work through the use of creative problem solving
  • Overcoming a scheduling/staffing shortage in the department to still deliver excellent work
  • Troubleshooting and resolving technical issues
  • Handling and resolving a conflict with a coworker
  • Solving any problems related to money, customer billing, accounting and bookkeeping, etc.
  • Taking initiative when another team member overlooked or missed something important
  • Taking initiative to meet with your superior to discuss a problem before it became potentially worse
  • Solving a safety issue at work or reporting the issue to those who could solve it
  • Using problem solving abilities to reduce/eliminate a company expense
  • Finding a way to make the company more profitable through new service or product offerings, new pricing ideas, promotion and sale ideas, etc.
  • Changing how a process, team, or task is organized to make it more efficient
  • Using creative thinking to come up with a solution that the company hasn’t used before
  • Performing research to collect data and information to find a new solution to a problem
  • Boosting a company or team’s performance by improving some aspect of communication among employees
  • Finding a new piece of data that can guide a company’s decisions or strategy better in a certain area

Problem Solving Examples for Recent Grads/Entry Level Job Seekers

  • Coordinating work between team members in a class project
  • Reassigning a missing team member’s work to other group members in a class project
  • Adjusting your workflow on a project to accommodate a tight deadline
  • Speaking to your professor to get help when you were struggling or unsure about a project
  • Asking classmates, peers, or professors for help in an area of struggle
  • Talking to your academic advisor to brainstorm solutions to a problem you were facing
  • Researching solutions to an academic problem online, via Google or other methods
  • Using problem solving and creative thinking to obtain an internship or other work opportunity during school after struggling at first

You can share all of the examples above when you’re asked questions about problem solving in your interview. As you can see, even if you have no professional work experience, it’s possible to think back to problems and unexpected challenges that you faced in your studies and discuss how you solved them.

Interview Answers to “Give an Example of an Occasion When You Used Logic to Solve a Problem”

Now, let’s look at some sample interview answers to, “Give me an example of a time you used logic to solve a problem,” since you’re likely to hear this interview question in all sorts of industries.

Example Answer 1:

At my current job, I recently solved a problem where a client was upset about our software pricing. They had misunderstood the sales representative who explained pricing originally, and when their package renewed for its second month, they called to complain about the invoice. I apologized for the confusion and then spoke to our billing team to see what type of solution we could come up with. We decided that the best course of action was to offer a long-term pricing package that would provide a discount. This not only solved the problem but got the customer to agree to a longer-term contract, which means we’ll keep their business for at least one year now, and they’re happy with the pricing. I feel I got the best possible outcome and the way I chose to solve the problem was effective.

Example Answer 2:

In my last job, I had to do quite a bit of problem solving related to our shift scheduling. We had four people quit within a week and the department was severely understaffed. I coordinated a ramp-up of our hiring efforts, I got approval from the department head to offer bonuses for overtime work, and then I found eight employees who were willing to do overtime this month. I think the key problem solving skills here were taking initiative, communicating clearly, and reacting quickly to solve this problem before it became an even bigger issue.

Example Answer 3:

In my current marketing role, my manager asked me to come up with a solution to our declining social media engagement. I assessed our current strategy and recent results, analyzed what some of our top competitors were doing, and then came up with an exact blueprint we could follow this year to emulate our best competitors but also stand out and develop a unique voice as a brand. I feel this is a good example of using logic to solve a problem because it was based on analysis and observation of competitors, rather than guessing or quickly reacting to the situation without reliable data. I always use logic and data to solve problems when possible. The project turned out to be a success and we increased our social media engagement by an average of 82% by the end of the year.

Answering Questions About Problem Solving with the STAR Method

When you answer interview questions about problem solving scenarios, or if you decide to demonstrate your problem solving skills in a cover letter (which is a good idea any time the job description mention problem solving as a necessary skill), I recommend using the STAR method to tell your story.

STAR stands for:

It’s a simple way of walking the listener or reader through the story in a way that will make sense to them. So before jumping in and talking about the problem that needed solving, make sure to describe the general situation. What job/company were you working at? When was this? Then, you can describe the task at hand and the problem that needed solving. After this, describe the course of action you chose and why. Ideally, show that you evaluated all the information you could given the time you had, and made a decision based on logic and fact.

Finally, describe a positive result you got.

Whether you’re answering interview questions about problem solving or writing a cover letter, you should only choose examples where you got a positive result and successfully solved the issue.

Example answer:

Situation : We had an irate client who was a social media influencer and had impossible delivery time demands we could not meet. She spoke negatively about us in her vlog and asked her followers to boycott our products. (Task : To develop an official statement to explain our company’s side, clarify the issue, and prevent it from getting out of hand). Action : I drafted a statement that balanced empathy, understanding, and utmost customer service with facts, logic, and fairness. It was direct, simple, succinct, and phrased to highlight our brand values while addressing the issue in a logical yet sensitive way.   We also tapped our influencer partners to subtly and indirectly share their positive experiences with our brand so we could counter the negative content being shared online.  Result : We got the results we worked for through proper communication and a positive and strategic campaign. The irate client agreed to have a dialogue with us. She apologized to us, and we reaffirmed our commitment to delivering quality service to all. We assured her that she can reach out to us anytime regarding her purchases and that we’d gladly accommodate her requests whenever possible. She also retracted her negative statements in her vlog and urged her followers to keep supporting our brand.

What Are Good Outcomes of Problem Solving?

Whenever you answer interview questions about problem solving or share examples of problem solving in a cover letter, you want to be sure you’re sharing a positive outcome.

Below are good outcomes of problem solving:

  • Saving the company time or money
  • Making the company money
  • Pleasing/keeping a customer
  • Obtaining new customers
  • Solving a safety issue
  • Solving a staffing/scheduling issue
  • Solving a logistical issue
  • Solving a company hiring issue
  • Solving a technical/software issue
  • Making a process more efficient and faster for the company
  • Creating a new business process to make the company more profitable
  • Improving the company’s brand/image/reputation
  • Getting the company positive reviews from customers/clients

Every employer wants to make more money, save money, and save time. If you can assess your problem solving experience and think about how you’ve helped past employers in those three areas, then that’s a great start. That’s where I recommend you begin looking for stories of times you had to solve problems.

Tips to Improve Your Problem Solving Skills

Throughout your career, you’re going to get hired for better jobs and earn more money if you can show employers that you’re a problem solver. So to improve your problem solving skills, I recommend always analyzing a problem and situation before acting. When discussing problem solving with employers, you never want to sound like you rush or make impulsive decisions. They want to see fact-based or data-based decisions when you solve problems.

Next, to get better at solving problems, analyze the outcomes of past solutions you came up with. You can recognize what works and what doesn’t. Think about how you can get better at researching and analyzing a situation, but also how you can get better at communicating, deciding the right people in the organization to talk to and “pull in” to help you if needed, etc.

Finally, practice staying calm even in stressful situations. Take a few minutes to walk outside if needed. Step away from your phone and computer to clear your head. A work problem is rarely so urgent that you cannot take five minutes to think (with the possible exception of safety problems), and you’ll get better outcomes if you solve problems by acting logically instead of rushing to react in a panic.

You can use all of the ideas above to describe your problem solving skills when asked interview questions about the topic. If you say that you do the things above, employers will be impressed when they assess your problem solving ability.

If you practice the tips above, you’ll be ready to share detailed, impressive stories and problem solving examples that will make hiring managers want to offer you the job. Every employer appreciates a problem solver, whether solving problems is a requirement listed on the job description or not. And you never know which hiring manager or interviewer will ask you about a time you solved a problem, so you should always be ready to discuss this when applying for a job.

Related interview questions & answers:

  • How do you handle stress?
  • How do you handle conflict?
  • Tell me about a time when you failed

Biron Clark

About the Author

Read more articles by Biron Clark

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