1. What is international aid? DevelopmentAid

    research on international aid

  2. What is international aid? DevelopmentAid

    research on international aid

  3. Here's how we can meet the need for global humanitarian aid

    research on international aid

  4. The impact of foreign aid on economic development: A systematic

    research on international aid

  5. These countries are the most principled on international aid

    research on international aid

  6. International first aid, resuscitation and education guidelines

    research on international aid


  1. International Aid

  2. What is the International Aid Transparency Initiative?

  3. Making it as international development & humanitarian aid professional

  4. What are the different types of aid?

  5. Foreign Aid: Are we really helping others or just ourselves?

  6. Foreign aid: who gives the most, and where does it go?


  1. Foreign aid and poverty reduction: A review of …

    Of the studies which showed that foreign aid was effective in reducing poverty, it was found that: (i) democracy enhances the effectiveness of aid; (ii) aid targeted at pro-poor public expenditures such as agriculture, …

  2. The effectiveness of foreign aid to education: What can be learned ...

    The purpose of this article is to review what has been learned over many decades of foreign aid to education. It discusses what works and what doesn’t and in this discussion will …

  3. Aid effectiveness in sustainable development: A multidimensional ...

    What is the impact of international aid? We answer this question by linking disaggregated aid-flows data to a large set of indicators classified into the Sustainable …

  4. Foreign Aid as Foreign Policy Tool

    Van der Veen’s research explains that the Dutch were determined to set a new international level on aid giving in order to project an image of good global citizen, while the Norwegians focused …

  5. The impact of foreign aid on economic development: A …

    Numerous empirical studies are devoted to investigating the impact of foreign aid on the economic growth/development of recipient countries. This study reviews the literature relevant to this debate using the bibliometric …

  6. Aid effectiveness and donor motives

    A vast body of literature has examined the motivations for why donors provide foreign aid. Given data availability, earlier work has focused on a single donor—the United …

  7. (PDF) Foreign aid and poverty reduction: A review of …

    Of the studies which showed that foreign aid was effective in reducing poverty, it was highlighted that: (i) democracy enhances the effectiveness of aid; (ii) aid targeted at pro-poor public...

  8. Aid, Social Policy and Development

    This paper discusses past and current social policy strategies in the international aid architecture as an introduction to the UNU-WIDER Special Issue. Beginning in the 1990s, aid strategy and policy shifted to put a stronger …