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Basic essay structure

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Organise your essays to demonstrate your knowledge, show your research and support your arguments

Essays are usually written in continuous, flowing, paragraphed text and don’t use section headings. This may seem unstructured at first, but good essays are carefully structured.

How your assignment content is structured is your choice. Use the basic pattern below to get started.

Essay structure

An essay consists of three basic parts:, introduction.

The essay itself usually has no section headings. Only the title page, author declaration and reference list are written as headings, along with, for example, appendices. Check any task instructions, and your course or unit handbook, for further details.

Content in assignment introductions can vary widely. In some disciplines you may need to provide a full background and context, whereas other essays may need only a little context, and others may need none.

An introduction to an essay usually has three primary purposes:

  • To set the scene
  • To tell readers what is important, and why
  • To tell the reader what the essay is going to do (signposting)

A standard introduction includes the following five elements:

  • A statement that sets out the topic and engages the reader.
  • The background and context of the topic.
  • Any important definitions, integrated into your text as appropriate.
  • An outline of the key points, topic, issues, evidence, ideas, arguments, models, theories, or other information, as appropriate. This may include distinctions or contrasts between different ideas or evidence.
  • A final sentence or two which tells the reader your focal points and aims.

You should aim to restrict your introduction to information needed for the topic and only include background and contextual information which helps the reader understand it, or sets the scene for your chosen focal points.

In most essays you will have a considerable range of options for your focus. You will be expected to demonstrate your ability to select the most relevant content to address your focal points.

There are some exceptions. For example, if an assignment brief specifically directs the essay focus or requires you to write broadly about a topic. These are relatively rare or are discipline-specific so you should check your task instructions and discipline and subject area conventions.

Below are examples of an opening statement, a summary of the selected content, and a statement at the end of the introduction which tells the reader what the essay will focus on and how it will be addressed. We've use a fictional essay.

The title of our essay is: 'Cats are better than dogs. Discuss.'

To submit this essay you also would need to add citations as appropriate.

Example of opening statements:

People have shared their lives with cats and dogs for millenia. Which is better depends partly on each animal’s characteristics and partly on the owner’s preferences.

Here is a summary of five specific topics selected for the essay, which would be covered in a little more detail in the introduction:

  • In ancient Egypt, cats were treated as sacred and were pampered companions.
  • Dogs have for centuries been used for hunting and to guard property. There are many types of working dog, and both dogs and cats are now kept purely as pets.
  • They are very different animals, with different care needs, traits and abilities.
  • It is a common perception that people are either “cat-lovers” or “dog-lovers”.
  • It is a common perception that people tend to have preferences for one, and negative beliefs about and attitudes towards, the other.

Example of closing statements at the end of the introduction:

This essay will examine both cats’ and dogs’ behaviour and abilities, the benefits of keeping them as pets, and whether people’s perceptions of their nature matches current knowledge and understanding.

Main body: paragraphs

The body of the essay should be organised into paragraphs. Each paragraph should deal with a different aspect of the issue, but they should also link in some way to those that precede and follow it. This is not an easy thing to get right, even for experienced writers, partly because there are many ways to successfully structure and use paragraphs. There is no perfect paragraph template.

The theme or topic statement

The first sentence, or sometimes two, tells the reader what the paragraph is going to cover. It may either:

  • Begin a new point or topic, or
  • Follow on from the previous paragraph, but with a different focus or go into more-specific detail. If this is the case, it should clearly link to the previous paragraph.

The last sentence

It should be clear if the point has come to an end, or if it continues in the next paragraph.

Here is a brief example of flow between two summarised paragraphs which cover the historical perspective:

It is known from hieroglyphs that the Ancient Egyptians believed that cats were sacred. They were also held in high regard, as suggested by their being found mummified and entombed with their owners (Smith, 1969). In addition, cats are portrayed aiding hunters. Therefore, they were both treated as sacred, and were used as intelligent working companions. However, today they are almost entirely owned as pets.

In contrast, dogs have not been regarded as sacred, but they have for centuries been widely used for hunting in Europe. This developed over time and eventually they became domesticated and accepted as pets. Today, they are seen as loyal, loving and protective members of the family, and are widely used as working dogs.

There is never any new information in a conclusion.

The conclusion usually does three things:

  • Reminds your readers of what the essay was meant to do.
  • Provides an answer, where possible, to the title.
  • Reminds your reader how you reached that answer.

The conclusion should usually occupy just one paragraph. It draws together all the key elements of your essay, so you do not need to repeat the fine detail unless you are highlighting something.

A conclusion to our essay about cats and dogs is given below:

Both cats and dogs have been highly-valued for millenia, are affectionate and beneficial to their owners’ wellbeing. However, they are very different animals and each is 'better' than the other regarding care needs and natural traits. Dogs need regular training and exercise but many owners do not train or exercise them enough, resulting in bad behaviour. They also need to be 'boarded' if the owner is away and to have frequent baths to prevent bad odours. In contrast, cats do not need this level of effort and care. Dogs are seen as more intelligent, loyal and attuned to human beings, whereas cats are perceived as aloof and solitary, and as only seeking affection when they want to be fed. However, recent studies have shown that cats are affectionate and loyal and more intelligent than dogs, but it is less obvious and useful. There are, for example, no 'police' or 'assistance' cats, in part because they do not have the kinds of natural instincts which make dogs easy to train. Therefore, which animal is better depends upon personal preference and whether they are required to work. Therefore, although dogs are better as working animals, cats are easier, better pets.

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Better Essays: Signposting

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Paragraphs main body of an assessment

Female student working on essay

Student sat writing at a table. Photo by mentatdgt from Pexels

Essay and dissertation writing skills

Planning your essay

Writing your introduction

Structuring your essay

  • Writing essays in science subjects
  • Brief video guides to support essay planning and writing
  • Writing extended essays and dissertations
  • Planning your dissertation writing time

Structuring your dissertation

  • Top tips for writing longer pieces of work

Advice on planning and writing essays and dissertations

University essays differ from school essays in that they are less concerned with what you know and more concerned with how you construct an argument to answer the question. This means that the starting point for writing a strong essay is to first unpick the question and to then use this to plan your essay before you start putting pen to paper (or finger to keyboard).

A really good starting point for you are these short, downloadable Tips for Successful Essay Writing and Answering the Question resources. Both resources will help you to plan your essay, as well as giving you guidance on how to distinguish between different sorts of essay questions. 

You may find it helpful to watch this seven-minute video on six tips for essay writing which outlines how to interpret essay questions, as well as giving advice on planning and structuring your writing:

Different disciplines will have different expectations for essay structure and you should always refer to your Faculty or Department student handbook or course Canvas site for more specific guidance.

However, broadly speaking, all essays share the following features:

Essays need an introduction to establish and focus the parameters of the discussion that will follow. You may find it helpful to divide the introduction into areas to demonstrate your breadth and engagement with the essay question. You might define specific terms in the introduction to show your engagement with the essay question; for example, ‘This is a large topic which has been variously discussed by many scientists and commentators. The principle tension is between the views of X and Y who define the main issues as…’ Breadth might be demonstrated by showing the range of viewpoints from which the essay question could be considered; for example, ‘A variety of factors including economic, social and political, influence A and B. This essay will focus on the social and economic aspects, with particular emphasis on…..’

Watch this two-minute video to learn more about how to plan and structure an introduction:

The main body of the essay should elaborate on the issues raised in the introduction and develop an argument(s) that answers the question. It should consist of a number of self-contained paragraphs each of which makes a specific point and provides some form of evidence to support the argument being made. Remember that a clear argument requires that each paragraph explicitly relates back to the essay question or the developing argument.

  • Conclusion: An essay should end with a conclusion that reiterates the argument in light of the evidence you have provided; you shouldn’t use the conclusion to introduce new information.
  • References: You need to include references to the materials you’ve used to write your essay. These might be in the form of footnotes, in-text citations, or a bibliography at the end. Different systems exist for citing references and different disciplines will use various approaches to citation. Ask your tutor which method(s) you should be using for your essay and also consult your Department or Faculty webpages for specific guidance in your discipline. 

Essay writing in science subjects

If you are writing an essay for a science subject you may need to consider additional areas, such as how to present data or diagrams. This five-minute video gives you some advice on how to approach your reading list, planning which information to include in your answer and how to write for your scientific audience – the video is available here:

A PDF providing further guidance on writing science essays for tutorials is available to download.

Short videos to support your essay writing skills

There are many other resources at Oxford that can help support your essay writing skills and if you are short on time, the Oxford Study Skills Centre has produced a number of short (2-minute) videos covering different aspects of essay writing, including:

  • Approaching different types of essay questions  
  • Structuring your essay  
  • Writing an introduction  
  • Making use of evidence in your essay writing  
  • Writing your conclusion

Extended essays and dissertations

Longer pieces of writing like extended essays and dissertations may seem like quite a challenge from your regular essay writing. The important point is to start with a plan and to focus on what the question is asking. A PDF providing further guidance on planning Humanities and Social Science dissertations is available to download.

Planning your time effectively

Try not to leave the writing until close to your deadline, instead start as soon as you have some ideas to put down onto paper. Your early drafts may never end up in the final work, but the work of committing your ideas to paper helps to formulate not only your ideas, but the method of structuring your writing to read well and conclude firmly.

Although many students and tutors will say that the introduction is often written last, it is a good idea to begin to think about what will go into it early on. For example, the first draft of your introduction should set out your argument, the information you have, and your methods, and it should give a structure to the chapters and sections you will write. Your introduction will probably change as time goes on but it will stand as a guide to your entire extended essay or dissertation and it will help you to keep focused.

The structure of  extended essays or dissertations will vary depending on the question and discipline, but may include some or all of the following:

  • The background information to - and context for - your research. This often takes the form of a literature review.
  • Explanation of the focus of your work.
  • Explanation of the value of this work to scholarship on the topic.
  • List of the aims and objectives of the work and also the issues which will not be covered because they are outside its scope.

The main body of your extended essay or dissertation will probably include your methodology, the results of research, and your argument(s) based on your findings.

The conclusion is to summarise the value your research has added to the topic, and any further lines of research you would undertake given more time or resources. 

Tips on writing longer pieces of work

Approaching each chapter of a dissertation as a shorter essay can make the task of writing a dissertation seem less overwhelming. Each chapter will have an introduction, a main body where the argument is developed and substantiated with evidence, and a conclusion to tie things together. Unlike in a regular essay, chapter conclusions may also introduce the chapter that will follow, indicating how the chapters are connected to one another and how the argument will develop through your dissertation.

For further guidance, watch this two-minute video on writing longer pieces of work . 

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Essay writing: structure.

  • Argument and criticality

Structure: Introduction

The introduction of an essay is very important because it establishes the purpose and scope of the essay - what problem is the essay addressing and what specific aspects of the problem will be examined? It should act as a guide to the reader, indicating that you will be taking them on a planned and orderly journey.  The introduction may include the following elements:

  • Establish the issue that the essay addresses and why it is interesting or significant
  • Provide academic context - theoretical perspectives, history of the issue (space permitting)
  • Indicate your aim and your approach (this may include your theoretical lens and/or your thesis)  
  • Outline the essay structure (introduce the separate parts of the essay, or aspects of the issue, in the order that they will be discussed)

The introduction is about 10% of your word count, which can help you to decide how much weight to give each of the elements above. A short, 200-word introduction should briefly deal with 1, 3 and 4 above at a minimum. 

  • Writing Introductions Guidance on writing introductions

Writing a good essay opener

The first few sentences of an essay should hook the reader in and make them want to read more, but how can you make your introductions exciting? In this video we look at 3 ways to start an essay, and some things to avoid.

Adult man beside Topic chocolate bar

Link to Writing a Good Essay Opener video - YouTube

Writing thesis statements

A thesis statement introduces the main ideas of your essay, acts as a guide the the reader, and gives structure to your work. 

Adult man beside lightbulb with three arrows.

Link to Writing Thesis Statements - YouTube

Structure: The Body of the Essay

In the body of the essay, you will develop arguments to support your thesis. Each argument should consist of  points that are supported by evidence. 

Longer essays may be divided into  headings and sub-headings  (check module leader's guidance - some departments discourage the use of headings). 

Develop a plan for your points and decide which points should be discussed first.

Progress from general points to more specific points (for example, move from theory to application of theory to cases).

Divide your discussion into themes in which related points are grouped together. 

Strong Paragraphs

Strong paragraphs are essential to a well-written essay.  

A paragraph is a group of sentences that are linked coherently around one central topic/idea.   Paragraphs are the building blocks of academic writing. Each paragraph should do a specific job, moving the argument forward and guiding the reader through your thought process.

Paragraphs should be 10-12 lines long, but variations are acceptable. Do not write one-sentence long paragraphs; this is journalistic style, not academic.

Strong paragraphs

You need to write so-called strong paragraphs wherein you present a topic, discuss it and conclude it, as afar as possible.  Strong paragraphs may not always be feasible, especially in introductions and conclusions, but should be the staple of the body of your written work. 

Topic sentence : Introduces the topic and states what your paragraph will be about

Development : Expand on the point you are making: explain, analyse, support with examples and/or evidence.

Concluding sentence : Summarise how your evidence backs up your point. You can also introduce what will come next.

PEEL technique

This is a strategy to write strong paragraphs. In each paragraph you should include the following:

P oint : what do you want to talk about?

E vidence : show us!

E valuation : tell us how the evidence does in fact support your point

L ink : what's coming next? OR how does this paragraph link to your major argument?

Example of a strong paragraph, with PEEL technique:

uk essay structure

Paragraph bridges

Paragraphs may be linked to each other through "paragraph bridges". One simple way of doing this is by repeating a word or phrase.

Structure: Conclusion

In many respects, the conclusion is the most important part of your essay, and it is also the simplest. During your essay you have presented the evidence, and now you must round up the argument. You will need to:

  • Summarise the key themes discussed (for example, briefly highlight the key points that you have made during the main body of the essay).
  • State your general conclusions (your conclusions should be based on the evidence discussed in the main body of the essay. They should not be a surprise to the reader). If taking a discussion-led approach to your essay, you need to make sure you reach a decision on the topic you discussed.
  • Directly address and answer the question (for instance, if you have been asked ‘to what extent do you agree’ with a statement you will need to indicate the level to which you agree; if you have been asked ‘what are the most important factors’ you will need to identify them).
  • Consider recommendations or new possibilities (for example, you could highlight why your conclusions are significant and/or what further work or research needs to be done to address the issue).
  • Do not add new material (new information and evidence should be discussed within the main body of the essay).
  • Writing Conclusions Guidance on writing conclusions

Resources and bibliography

  • Bailey, S. (2006).  Academic writing: a handbook for international students . Abingdon: Routledge.
  • Copus, J. (2009).  Brilliant writing tips for students.  Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan. 
  • Creme, P. and Lea, M.R. (2008).  Writing at university: a guide for students.  Maidenhead: Open University Press.
  • Godwin, J. (2009).  Planning your essay.  Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan. 
  • Greetham, B. (2008).  How to write better essays.  Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Levin, P. (2004).  Write great essays! A guide to reading and essay writing for undergraduates and taught postgraduates.  Maidenhead: Open University Press. 
  • Oshima, A. and Hogue, A. (2006).  Writing Academic English.  New York: Pearson. 
  • Osmond, A. (2013).  Academic Writing and Grammar for Students . London: Sage Publications Ltd.
  • Read, S.H. (2019). Academic Writing Skills for International Students. England: Macmillan.
  • Rose, J. (2007).  The mature student’s guide to writing.  Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.
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The basics: the anatomy of a good essay

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Titles should be short, inviting, and intriguing; they should act as springboards or signposts. Titles should sound like other titles of published books or articles, not like exam questions.

A core idea and argument

It is the task of each essay to explain and communicate clearly a single idea or argument through engagement with a primary text or texts, situated within a historical or critical context. Crucially, a good essay doesn’t progress through plot summary—resist shadowing the novel, story, or poem’s chronology in your own essay.

A fluid, logical structure 

  • An essay should have an introductory section during which the essay's central idea or argument is hinted at. The development - and complication - of this initial idea or argument should also be accounted for in the essay's conclusion.
  • Each paragraph should proceed logically from the one preceding it and lead logically into the one following it.
  • Most effective paragraphs are less than a page in length.

Rigorous, creative, attentive close analysis

  • The heart of any good essay is creative, attentive and rigorous engagement with the primary text(s).
  • It is not advisable to analyse more than two or three primary texts. Analysing a small number of texts specifically is preferable to speaking about several texts generally.
  • Always gather your own ideas about the text through close reading and note-taking before consulting secondary criticism.
  • It is important that an essay engage with works of criticism, but the aim of the essay is the elaboration of the essay's original idea or argument. Do not give too much space to other critics.
  • Engage with criticism; do not simply cite it. The best essays may often disagree with published criticism or point out its shortcomings.
  • Research can - and often should - include works of history, theory and other broader contextual scholarship, and, of course, other texts from the period. Research is not restricted to the field of literary criticism.
  • An essay may include reference to other forms of artistic production (eg, painting, film, music). If such material is introduced, then it is essential that it be engaged with seriously and specifically, not just used to illustrate superficial similarities with a literary text.
  • All essays should be typed, double-spaced; pages should be numbered.
  • Essays should be properly and carefully proofread.
  • Essays must adhere to standard grammatical, linguistic, and syntactical usage.
Citation and referencing Students at York are required to use either the MLA or Chicago Style of referencing . Please indicate on the front of your essay which style you have chosen (remember you also need to give a word count and your candidate number).

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Structure and Flow - Skills Guide

Essay structure.

  • Paragraph Structure
  • Creating Flow
  • YouTube Playlist This link opens in a new window
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  • Downloadable Resources
  • Further Reading


What is a good structure?

A good structure to your academic work is vital to make it understandable, easy to read and engaging. An essay or report tells a story, so as any good story does, it needs a beginning, a middle and an end. It's not just the work as a whole that needs structure but your paragraphs too. This section includes guidance on how to create a good overall essay structure. For more information about creating structure for your individual paragraphs see our paragraph structure guide .

Why do I need to learn structure?

To gain good marks and fulfil the learning outcomes of your assignments, you need to demonstrate that you understand the concepts and the work that you have used to form your argument. Structure also ensures that:

  • you avoid repeating yourself
  • you include information that leads from one concept to another
  • you show understanding of your thought process
  • you don't forget a piece of information along the way

How do I use structure?

The basic structure of any academic work looks something like this:

  • Title/Question
  • Introduction (approx. 10% of the word count)
  • Main body - development of argument (approx. 80% of the word count)
  • Conclusion (approx. 10% of the word count)
  • References/Bibliography

Creating sections helps you to plan how much you need to write on each area. This breaks the task down into smaller chunks.

For example:

Essay word count - 3,000 words Introduction - 300 words Main body - 2,400 words Conclusion - 300 words

If your subject has three major themes you can then break the main body down again:

Essay word count - 3,000 words Introduction - 300 words Main body - 2,400 words (theme 1 - 800 words; theme 2 - 800 words; theme 3 - 800 words) Conclusion - 300 words

This is not a precise rule; you can adjust the word counts to accommodate where more emphasis is needed or not, but it can be used to break a large word count into manageable sections.

Structure Resources

  • Essay planning table
  • Point, Evidence, Explain Example
  • Academic Language at Level 6
  • Words to Create Flow

Structure and Planning Podcast

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Essay structure and planning

Information on how to structure and plan your essay.


What is an essay?

An essay is a focused, academic discussion of a particular question, problem or issue.

Many of you have been writing essays for years, and are probably good at it. That's great, and everything you look at here will build on and develop those skills.

But it's worth asking: are there different things expected of a university essay from those for school, college, or other contexts?

The obvious answer is yes, and it takes time and effort to learn the range of writing skills needed to produce university essays effectively.

There are all sorts of reasons why essays are common forms of assessment. They allow you to explore a problem in-depth, express yourself concisely and precisely, and debate other people's published opinions on a topic.

They're also a good warm-up for traditional forms of academic publication, such as a journal article.

Academic essays usually follow an established organisational structure that helps the writer to express their ideas clearly and the reader to follow the thread of their argument.

An essay's structure is guided by its content and argument so every essay question will pose unique structural challenges.

301 Recommends: Glossary of Instruction Words

Our Essay Structure and Planning workshop will outline how to analyse your essay question, discuss approaches logically structure all your ideas, help you make your introductions and conclusions more effective, and teach how to link your ideas and ensure all essay content flows logically from the introduction. The Putting it into Practise workshop  

Have a look at our  Glossary of Essay Instruction Words (PDF, 100KB) , or watch this short  Study Skills Hacks video  on identifying the tasks in a question to help you identify what is required.

Planning stages

Essay writing is a process with many stages, from topic selection, planning and reading around, through to drafting, revising and proofreading.

Breaking the task down and creating a clear plan with milestones and intermediate deadlines will allow you to focus attention more fully on the writing process itself when you put your plan into action either as part of an assignment or an exam.

1. Understand the question

  • Is the question open-ended or closed? If it is open-ended you will need to narrow it down. Explain how and why you have decided to limit it in the introduction to your essay, so the reader knows you appreciate the wider issues, but that you can also be selective.
  • If it is a closed question, your answer must refer to and stay within the limits of the question (ie specific dates, texts, or countries).
  • What can you infer from the title about the structure of the essay?

2. Brainstorm for ideas

  • What you know about the topic – from lectures, reading etc
  • What you don't know about the topic, but need to find out to answer the question
  • Possible responses or answers to the question – any ideas about your conclusion.
  • Consider using a mind map to organise your thoughts…

3. Make a plan

  • Planning your essay makes it more likely that you have a coherent argument
  • It enables you to work out a logical structure and an endpoint for your argument before you start writing
  • It means you don't have to do this type of complex thinking at the same time as trying to find the right words to express your ideas
  • It helps you to commit yourself to sticking to the point!

The Hourglass essay

If you're stuck on an overall structure for your essay, try this simple model for organising a typical academic essay. An hourglass essay introduces a broad area, before narrowing the focus towards the specific question that you are answering. It finishes by placing that narrow area back into a wider context. 

Introduction: the funnel of the hourglass

Set the scene and lead your reader into your essay by introducing the broad area of interest and then narrowing towards your specific focus:

  • Start broad with a hook to catch the reader's attention
  • Provide some context for the hook. What does your project add to it?
  • Focus on the narrow area of your essay: can you summarise it in a single sentence mission statement?

Body: the stem of the hourglass

The body of your essay should be as narrow and focused as possible. Body paragraphs will take one sub-topic at a time and provide a logical flow of ideas for your reader:

  • Start each paragraph with a topic sentence to tell your reader what it will cover
  • Fill your paragraph with a range of supporting evidence and examples
  • Finish your paragraph with a final wrapping-up sentence to summarise and/or link ahead

Conclusion: the base of the hourglass

Your chance to reinforce your key messages and go out with a bang:

  • Revisit your mission statement: how have you addressed it?
  • Summarise the main points of your argument or findings
  • Finish with a broader scope, explaining how your topic might inform future research or practice, or where gaps remain

301 Recommends: Essay Planning Template

Use this template (google doc) to plan a structure for your essay, paying particular attention to the ways in which you have broken down the topic into sub-themes for your body paragraphs. 

Top tips and resources

  • Start planning early, leave your plan for a couple of days, and then come back to it. This may give you a fresh perspective.
  • It is often easiest to write the introduction last, but when you are planning your essay structure make sure you have your mission statement.
  • A good plan will make it much easier to write a good essay. Invest the time in making a plan that works.
  • Check what your tutor wants, but it is often best to focus on one element in great detail, rather than discuss several aspects superficially.
  • Make sure you allow time to proofread your work before submission!

Internal resources

  • Library Research and Critical Thinking - Referencing
  • English Language Teaching Centre (ELTC)– Language Resources  

External resources

  • Royal Literary Fund–  Writing Essays
  • University of Reading–  Planning and structuring your essay
  • Cottrell, S (2008) The Study Skills Handbook. Hampshire: Palgrave Macmillan
  • Bailey, S (2003) Academic Writing: A Practical Guide for Students. Routledge
  • Reading University–  Study Resources
  • University of Manchester–  Academic Phrasebank

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Study skills- essay structure.

  • Introduction to your Essay
  • Main Body of your Essay
  • Essay Conclusion
  • Essay Reference List

Essay Structure

This guide discusses basic university essay structure. 

A basic essay structure consists of these main elements:

  • Introduction
  • Reference List

Your essay is usually written in the third person, meaning you will use formal language such as: " it was suggested... " rather than " I suggested... "

It is important that your essay is clear to understand so that you can identify where you have met specific criteria. By producing a clear, well planned essay you are more likely to maintain focus and ensure that you are meeting the specific criteria asked for by your tutor. 

Essays do not have subheadings but are a continuous piece of text. The only subheading expected is to indicate the beginning of your reference list. Your reference list is not included in your word count but citations included in your text are included. 

Below is a link to a document to support you with structuring university essays and a video to support with overall essay structure. 

  • Structuring your assignment Use this document to explore examples of how to structure your assignments at university.

If you have any questions after reading this Library Guide you can ask questions at the Study Skills drop in, every weekday on the library website or in person on Thursdays in the Murray Health drop in space between 3:30pm-4:30pm. 

You can book a one to one appointment of up to one hour with a Study Skills Adviser to discuss sections of your work either on Microsoft Teams or at the St Peters Library or the Library in the Murray Health building. You are entitled to two appointments per assignment.

We run Masterclasses, open to all students on a rolling programme on topics such as Academic Writing and Assignment Planning. 

Book an appointment, look at the wider library website and explore our upcoming masterclasses below:

  • Library Website
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Check the University of Sunderland Generic Assessment Criteria below to gain a further insight into expectations for university study. 

  • Generic Assessment Criteria Generic assessment criteria all levels

Hull Uni Library (2022) Essay writing: Structuring your essay . Available at: (Accessed: 13 February 2024).

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Structuring an Academic Essay

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uk essay structure

The purpose of this resource is to:

  • Explain why the structure of your essay is important
  • Provide a basic, standard structure for academic essays
  • Suggest a practical strategy for creating a structure for your particular essay
  • Give you an opportunity to test your learning

Why does structure matter?

University writing consists of multiple genres (types of writing). These include reports, presentations, case studies, annotated bibliographies, reflective assignments, essays, and many others. In each case, a particular structure is used to achieve a specific purpose.

For academic essays, a simple, flexible structure is used to present an academic argument (or series of arguments).

Usually, your tutors will set a question or series of questions in the assignment brief, and your essay’s argument(s) will be a response to these. However, in some assignments, you may be given the option of developing your own question.

In either case, a well-organised essay structure will help you to:

  • Guide your reader through your argument
  • Make all your ideas clear
  • Be more persuasive
  • Demonstrate to your marker that you are answering the question
  • Discuss similar or related ideas together
  • Avoid including irrelevant or repetitive information

The basic structure of an essay

Academic essays have the same basic structure:


  • List of references

In the diagram below, the top triangle indicates a progression from general to specific information, while the bottom one indicates the reverse.

diagram of stages of structuring an essay

Introduction, Main Body, and Conclusion

An introduction is usually approximately 10% of the word count. Unless your introduction is over 250 words, it is usually best to present your introduction as one paragraph. This strategy helps signal the transition from your introduction into your main body.

Your introduction needs two primary elements:

  • Background information , i.e. context for the essay 
  • Preview of your essay

Background information orientates your reader ahead of reading your essay. Start with broader information and then narrow your focus.

You will need to include:

  • Key context, definitions
  • Reasons why the topic is important, relevant or interesting (to ‘hook’ your reader’s interest)
  • References for any definitions, statistics, ideas of other writers, etc.

Providing a preview of your essay , helps set the reader’s expectations. Choose one or more of the following options to best suit your essay:

  • A purpose statement summarising the aim(s) of the essay.

e.g. ‘This essay will discuss/examine/consider…’

  • An indication of your approach to answering the question.

e.g. ‘To do so, the [theory/model/approach] will be used.’

  • A thesis statement summarising your main conclusion for the essay.

e.g. ‘This essay argues that…’

  • A roadmap or outline of the sections of your essay.

e.g. First, [item one] will be presented; second, [item two] will be analysed…

  • A thesis statement is often a good choice because it presents your main claim upfront. This means your argument will be clearer to the reader.
  • Including keywords from the assignment brief will give your marker

The main body is where you present your answer to the essay question. In other words, this is where you provide your argument.

What is the main argument?

At a minimum, an academic argument is made up of two components:

  • A claim , i.e. your answer to a question in the brief
  • Support for the claim , i.e. logical reasons and evidence to convince your reader of your answer to the question(s) in the brief

Note: In many cases, an essay question requires more than one argument, or a series of sub-arguments. You may also have more than one question to respond to in the assignment brief.

A good academic argument often recognises complexity. For example, a simple “Yes” to the question “Does exercise benefit mental health?” is unlikely to get you a good grade, even if it is well-evidenced.

An argument can be strengthened by including critical thinking. For example, by considering:

  • Implications
  • Limitations
  • Potential objections
  • Counter arguments
  • The quality and/or relevance of your evidence
  • Alternative interpretations of your evidence

Organising your argument

Your argument will need to be organised into a series of main points. Each point has its own paragraph. Your main body will be organised like this:

  • Main point 1
  • Main point 2
  • Main point 3

There are various models of paragraph structure which can help you organise the sentences within your paragraph. There are some resources in the reference list you may want to use. However, whichever model you use, each paragraph will need at least:

  • A topic sentence: This summarises the main point of the paragraph.
  • Evidence and/or examples: This is where you convince your reader.

In addition, your markers are also likely to expect your paragraph to end with:

  • Criticality: Evaluation or analysis of your point and/or evidence. You may also link your point back to your wider argument here.

When moving onto a new point, it can be hel ful to use signal phrases such as ‘first’, ‘secondly’, ‘similarly’, ‘in contrast’, ‘next’ or ‘finally’ at the start of the next paragraph.

Conclusions remind the reader of what you have argued. This is your chance to ensure your reader takes away the main points you want them to remember.

Orgnaise your conclusion in the following way:

  • Restate your claim
  • Avoid adding new points or information here
  • e.g. general recommendations, ideas for future research, etc.


Your references should usually be on a separate page and laid out according to the referencing style required by your department.

Creating the structure of an essay

Writing your plan.

Attempting to develop a structure for your essay can feel daunting, and we all plan differently.  Before writing your plan , ensure you fully understand the question(s) in the brief. This may require background reading. Then undertake focused, critical reading that allows you to develop an answer to the questions in the brief and to provide evidence your argument.

You may want to use this step-by-step strategy to develop a robust essay plan that presents your argument clearly.

Diagram of a writing plan

Step 1. Express your claim concisely

Write an answer to the question(s) in the brief in one or two sentences. You can use these sentences as a basis for your thesis statement in the introduction and your conclusion.

Step 2. Identify your main points

These are the points that will make up your main body and together add up to constitute your argument. You can use these key points to write your paragraph’s topic sentences within the body of your essay.

Step 3. Organise your points

Arrange your points in a logical sequence. For example, you could organise your points in the following ways:

  • Thematically (i.e. theme #1, theme #2…)
  • Problem then solution(s)
  • Most important factor to least important factor

Step 4. Identify support for your points

This may be from your reading (e.g. data, evidence, theory, examples) and/or from your case study, if you have been given one. You may need to do additional research at this stage if you don’t feel your points are well-supported.

Step 5. Add any counter-arguments

You can include two types of counter-arguments:

A counter-argument in response to your wider argument . This will require at least one paragraph to:

  • Explain and evidence this alternative viewpoint
  • Present a well-developed rebuttal (i.e. to what extent this counter argument should be rejected and why)
  • Come to a conclusion (e.g. entirely reject the alternative viewpoint, or modify your original claim)

A counter-argument in response to individual points in the main body . These can be located within the paragraph about the relevant point or as a separate paragraph. These counter-arguments will still require a rebuttal and a conclusion, but this may be less in-depth.

Revising the structure

Once you have drafted your essay, you may need to revise your structure. For example, you may need to reorder your paragraphs, add a new paragraph, or delete a paragraph. This is a normal part of the writing process.

Why not test your knowledge from this resource by completing an exercise in Appendix One in pdf download of this resource.

Monash University. (2023a). How to build an essay: Body paragraphs.

Monash University. (2023b). How to build an essay: Outline.  

The University of Adelaide. (2014). Writing essays: Writing centre learning guide.   

The University of Birmingham. (2015). A short guide to paragraph structure.

The University of Birmingham. (2017). A short guide to essay planning and structure.   

The University of Melbourne. (n.d.). Six top tips for writing a great essay.  

The University of New South Wales. (2022). Write your essay.

Further Support

CAW offers writing development workshops across all genres of academic writing.  In order to build on your learning, you may find the following workshops useful:

  • Reading Critically to Support Your Writing
  • Critical Thinking 1
  • Critical Thinking 2
  • Using Sources Effectively – Avoiding Plagiarism

To view available workshops and book online, visit:    

To book a one-to-one tutorial with the Centre for Academic Writing:    

Guide to Referencing:

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Maria introduces this section on writing and assessments

Maria: Welcome to this section on writing and assessments. Writing is a major part of your university life. In these pages, you'll find techniques and strategies to support you in the essay-writing process. You'll also find example essay types and features of academic writing. Additionally, you'll find information on how to make the most of your feedback. Over the academic year, we also run workshops on academic writing, so keep an eye out for those. Remember, we're here to help you.

There are six topics in this section relating to Writing and assessments:

Critical essay writing (this page) | Reflective writing | Reports | Dissertations | Academic writing style, editing and proof-reading | Feedback  | AI

A very large part of your time at university will be spent writing, since it is the main method of assessment used at Sussex. While essay-writing is an opportunity to show your tutor how much you have understood of your subject and how widely and deeply you have researched the question, this is not the main purpose of an essay. The most important purpose of an essay is to critically analyse the main ideas of a topic and to decide on your own viewpoint. You then present this viewpoint in the form of an argument, weighing the evidence for and against your proposition. So you need to develop the skills of analysing materials and demonstrating what is correct and incorrect about them, and synthesising materials, i.e. comparing and contrasting the many different sources and texts you come across.   

Therefore, it is important to develop your writing skills. As with all academic skills, you are not expected to have perfect academic writing when you arrive ; it is a skill that you will develop as you practise it more and more. In these pages, we show you how to adapt your writing to different written assessments.

Ann Marie talks about her first essay assignment and how to get started

Ann Marie: It's a very scary process. You would just sit to start writing and then completely shut off and you'd be like, 'I don't know what to do.' And then after a lot of times, there was once when I sat down to write it, I took the whole day and I didn't write even two lines. It used to be like, sit down, read certain things, go back again, have a cup of coffee or tea or something like that, come back thinking I'll make it, make two lines. But then it didn't happen. But then again, it's a process of again, going back to it, I guess. The problem is, the more you read, the more ideas you have, and then the more you don't know where to start. And you're so confused. And it was one of my friends, actually, I was probably, I just was so lost. And I probably spoke to one of my friends and he was like, 'You should just know when to stop reading.' And then sometimes, and my housemate, because she did a course at Sussex the year before. So she was really very helpful. So she said, 'Just write, just continue writing. Don't think about the word limit. Don't think about what you're writing. Don't think if there is a structure to it or if it's beautiful and it's what you want to present as final. Just keep writing. Put down your thoughts. Let it all be there on a paper, on a piece of paper.' And when you see it and then when you re-read it, you yourself can formulate it and structure it better. But if you just keep it in your head and not start anywhere, you're not going to get it out. So that was a good piece of advice, I felt. So then that's how I started. I just started writing whatever I wanted to, whatever I thought could be an answer. I didn't think about perfection at that time. Just went with the flow and then took a break, went around, came back, re-read it, reorganised it - it probably looked nothing like how I had started it off with, but then yeah.

What type of academic writing do you need to focus on?

There is a lot to think about and practice when it comes to academic writing. Look in at the six areas below and see which applies to you. You can go directly to the ones you want to focus on:

  • Have you been asked to write an essay and need help to understand what is involved? If yes , go to Critical essay writing below (this page) for a plethora of information on academic essays.
  • Have you been set a reflective writing assessment and are wondering what to do? If yes , head to Reflective Writing for more information (takes you to a different page).
  • Are you writing a report and trying to figure out its components? If yes , the section on Reports will help you out (takes you to a different page).
  • Do you have a dissertation  to write and need some pointers to help start you off? If yes , good Luck! Click over to Dissertations to get the basics plus some encouragement (takes you to a different page).
  • Do you need some support with writing in correct academic English style or want help with editing and proof-reading? If yes , try looking through the information on Academic writing style, editing and proof-reading to check you are following the guidelines (takes you to a different page).
  • Would you like to know how best to collect feedback from your assessments and how to benefit from it? If yes , the section on Feedback has useful advice on the best ways to deal with this (takes you to a different page).

Critical essay writing

Georgia talks about her first essay assignment.

Georgia: I think my first assignment was an essay for one of my modules. I found it quite overwhelming because it's just, 'Here's an essay topic - go away and do it.' Although I'd done essays before in A-level and I'd done psychology ones before, it wasn't to the same level, and I didn't have to do anywhere near the same kind of research. Doing research for the essay was probably one of the things that took maybe the most time, especially at the beginning. I used Library Search, which was fantastic, and that's what I still use to find most of my research because it's a great way to see what the university has access to and you can break it down into chunks for keywords for what you need for your assignment, and then it will just pull up everything that has that in it. Obviously, that's not something I knew straight away. And those were skills that I developed. But the first one was a lot of going through the marking criteria, going through research, trying to understand the research, trying to bring it all together and making sure I answered the question, which is quite important and it's very easy actually to derail from. Referencing as well was something that I'd done a bit of previously. I did an EPQ and I'd had to do referencing for that. So I'd had some experience, but figuring out the referencing style and things like that, which I used Skills Hub for. I also used referencing software and that really helped me and took a bit of the stress away from having to figure out how to do references and how to write long references. It put all my research into one place and kept it for me whereas I know lots of people who did research and then couldn't remember where they found that bit of information from. And so that really helped me with my first assignment.

For many students, writing critical essays will form the majority of their assessment at Sussex. Because setting out an argument is such an important part of academic work, learning how to do it well is fundamental for university success.

There are many parts to writing a successful essay. This list is a basic order, but most essays require moving back and forth between stages as you refine your thinking and writing, rather than following a strict linear path.

  • understanding the essay title or creating your own
  • planning for the length of your essay
  • researching the subject
  • creating a brief essay plan
  • developing the argument
  • adding counter-arguments
  • writing a detailed outline
  • developing the paragraphs
  • sticking to academic writing conventions
  • proof-reading.

In order to get a good grade, your essay must :

  • prove you understand the topic
  • answer the question
  • show that you have read widely
  • demonstrate you have evaluated the evidence
  • display critical thinking
  • have a clear argument
  • contain relevant information to support your argument
  • be well structured and organised
  • conform to academic style
  • use consistent and accurate referencing
  • be professionally presented
  • be grammatically correct
  • have been proofread for mistakes.

Essay Questions

Feedback from tutors often focuses on students not answering the question. It may be that you know plenty of information about the topic and are keen to show off everything that you have read, but if you do not focus on responding to the question, you will lose marks. Take time to make sure that you have understood exactly what the question means, or composed a question that you can answer with precision.

Sara and Tavian talk understanding essay questions and structure

Sara: So when I get a question, I really have to have a think about that because I know often times it's the case of when you write a perfectly good assignment, but you haven't answered the question. So I think I break down the question. I see what the keyword is. Is it 'evaluate', is it 'discuss', is it 'compare'? I think that is a key thing to look at. And then what they're actually asking of you and what you're answering. So when I'm writing my assignments, I always make sure when I'm done with the paragraph to read that paragraph back and see if it's actually adding to what the question has asked of me. And I think that's very important because you can be so invested in your work and just writing a lot, but then at the end you're not actually answering the question and you're not going to get any marks, no matter how good your writing is. So I think going back, reading it through and keeping the question in mind constantly really helps. Tavian: So the Skills Hub, I was mostly looking at the formatting of an essay because I hadn't really written an essay. As I mentioned, well reports are mostly what we do in the Business School, at least for my course in my modules. So it had been almost since first year since I'd written an essay, and so I just wanted to understand a little bit more, okay, what the difference was. You know, do you use appendices or not? Because reports are very appendix heavy. And so yeah, that was really helpful for me to understand then, okay, what's expected? And then I had to adapt my approach.

Essay questions at Sussex

There are different types of academic essays at university. You may start university with essay questions that ask for description and explanation. As you progress throught your course, there will be more focus on critical writing. See Critical Thinking for more details.


A description is not intended to persuade the reader to agree with a view. You will be asked to give an account of a concept or a process. It should be accurate and factual. The aim of this essay type is to give the reader an informed understanding of what is being described.


Similar to a description, the purpose of an explanation is not to convince the reader of a point of view. The aim of this essay type is to give explanations as to why or how something happens and to establish the meaning of a theory or argument. Unlike a description, it also includes causes, purposes and consequences.

Critical argument

The most common type of essay question. The aim of this essay is to state a clear position and present a persuasive line of argument in order to convince the reader of this particular view. An argument should consider alternative perspectives and be supported with evidence throughout.

Decoding your Essay Title

Here are some useful tips to help you understand the question:

  • highlight words which tell you the approach to take (the directive words)
  • circle the words which guide you on selecting the subject matter of the essay (the topic words)
  • underline the words which the question is asking you to focus on (the limiting words)
  • ask yourself what the essay is really looking for. Can you identify the central question? How many sections are there to it?
  • find the links between what you have learnt through reading or lectures and the title.

Cottrell, S. (2013)

Let’s look more at directive, topic and limiting words:

  • directive words tell you what you need to do
  • topic words show you what content you must discuss
  • limiting words provide boundaries for your essay.

Look at the example question below. Can you identify the directive, topic and limiting words?

Discuss critically how semantics and pragmatics both have a role in the understanding of meaning

Now look below to reveal the three parts that are indicated:

Directive = Discuss, critically, both

Topic = Semantics, pragmatics, the understanding of meaning

Limiting = have a role in

Now, practise by breaking down the following question into the three types of question words:

Review the evidence for links between cholesterol levels and heart disease, and evaluate the usefulness of cholesterol screening programmes in preventing heart disease.

Directive words

Making sure you understand the directive word helps to stay on task and answer the question.

Activity: Directive words

Use the Dialog cards below to reveal the meaning of some of the most common directive words (seven) used in essay questions (there is a text only version below the activity):

1. Compare = Identify the similarities of two or more things.

2. Criticise = Identify weaknesses and disadvantages. You should also point out favourable aspects, so it should be a balanced view.

3. Evaluate = Assess how important or useful something is.

4. Critically Evaluate = similar to evaluate / weigh up the arguments for and against / assess the strength of the evidence on both sides.

5. Analyse = Break an idea into parts and consider how they relate to each other – investigate.

6. Assess = weigh up how important something is – similar to evaluate.

7. Contrast = similar to compare / looks at the differences.

Devising your own Essay Question

As you progress through university, there will be opportunities to devise your own essay titles. While this may seem to be a luxury at first, it soon becomes clear that it is harder than you think!

Here are some key points to consider when creating your essay title:

  • check the marking criteria first. You’ll need to come up with a question that enables you to meet the criteria
  • consider the right kind of directive word for the topic. If there are two main competing theories in the literature, a compare and contrast essay might be suitable. If you want to explore an innovative approach, you might like to critically evaluate the evidence in support of and against it
  • some words are not suitable as directive words. Describe, for example, leads to purely descriptive writing. Analyse or Evaluate would be better alternatives
  • keep the title concise, and stick to just one question
  • you may choose to use a short quotation in your title, but make sure that it links to the academic debate you want to focus on. The quote may provide the topic and limiting words, but you might need to follow it with a typical essay question to focus your essay. For example:

‘ There is not a brick in the city but what is cemented with the blood of a slave .’ (Bristol Annalist, early 18th century)

Critically evaluate this assessment of the impact of the slave trade on Bristol.

  • essay titles do not always use directive words – it’s up to you whether to use them. This title does not contain a directive word

        ‘In what respects was the debate over slavery fundamental to later history of the British Empire?’

  • ask a friend or family member to read your title to make sure it can be understood.
  • check that you can find research evidence relevant to the topic.

Planning and Structuring your Essay

Saira and amelia talk about planning their essay structure.

Saira: For me, what I do is I first start with a plan, so I'll just have a general idea of what's my argument. Because for some modules or some degrees, I guess you might need to have a bit of a balanced argument, but I know for Law you need to be quite persuasive and you need to understand what it is that you're trying to argue and set that out in the beginning. A lot of people tend to think that you have to wait till the end to say what you want to say. But that's probably the worst way to go about it, because you're going to be lost while you're writing. So I usually just have a bullet-point plan with headings. What's my introduction, what are my middle paragraphs and what's my conclusion? And then I have a separate section where I think about what are my academic sources I'm going to use. How am I going to compare them? Do they show different points of views? And then I just make sure that I have all my referencing and things sorted out. And then I usually do about two drafts. So the first draft, I just write things in my own words. And then the second draft I go through and make it more formal and put in, you know, proper referencing and then make it look nice: 1.5 line spacing, edge to edge, Times New Roman size 12. And then, yeah, that's pretty much how I go through essays. Amelia: The biggest thing for me coming from high school into uni was analysis. In high school, a lot of the analysis was like, what was my personal analysis? And then I came to uni and they're like, no, no, no. Like, you can have an opinion, but it has to always be backed up by academic research. And so changing my analysis from a personal analysis to an academic analysis was hard and still is really hard. And like, it's not, 'What is your opinion?' It's, 'What is your opinion on the research?'

The planning and structuring of your essay goes hand in hand with reading and researching it. Usually, they both happen at the same time: as you read more and develop your knowledge and opinions on the subject, you start to picture the shape of the essay in your mind. And as the structure of the essay begins to become clear, you will know which sources of information you need to investigate more, and which you can leave behind. 

Basic Structure of Critical Essays

Critical essays have three sections: an introduction, a main body, and a conclusion  (or a discussion for science-based essays) .  

You can imagine an essay like an hourglass, with the introduction and the conclusion/discussion as the wide top and bottom parts, where the general context of the essay is discussed. The main body is the very narrow part of the hourglass, where the focus is on very specific aspects of the topic . 

Read  the lists below of which   features are found in the three main parts:


  • the hook - a strong statement or surprising fact about the topic which engages the reader
  • background information - some background information about the topic. For example, a brief history or an explanation of the context
  • a thesis statement – what your argument and position is. This is the most important part of your essay and what the essay can be reduced down to. All the other parts of your essay act as extra details to your thesis statement. 
  • signposting - tell your reader what you will cover.
  • topic sentences – the sentence in each paragraph which outlines its main idea. 
  • use of sources, explanations, examples and data to support your topic sentence idea. Most essays, and all science-based ones, need multiple sources per paragraph.  
  • critical analysis of the evidence and sources. (In science-based essays, rgis comes in the discussion )
  • concluding sentences – final sentences in each paragraph which sum up the idea and may link back to the next question or to the next point.

Conclusion (for non-science-based essays)

  • a brief restatement of your argument
  • a summary of your main points
  • a strong closing statement - perhaps a prediction or a recommendation.

Discussion (for science-based essays)

  • a brief summary of your argument
  • critical analysis of the evidence and sources
  • a strong closing statement - perhaps the implications of your argument on other parts of the discipline, or a recommendation for more research.

Remember! Stating that ' more research is needed ' is not a very useful recommendation. Be specific about what the research should be on and what it should attempt to find out. 

There is more information on each of these sections below.

Planning for length

Planning starts with understanding your task, how much time you have, the number of words you have to write and what direction you're going to take.

Before you embark on research, give yourself realistic goals for the amount of material you need by sketching out a plan for length. This helps to breakdown the task into manageable sections, and to focus your reading.

Access this YouTube video talking about ' Planning for length '

Writing an essay outline

Elena talks about the structure of her science essay.

Elena: Once we have the essay topic - I found it also at the beginning very hard to just start writing. So what I do is I just write down thoughts or some bullet points of what I think I want my essay to go into. What I want to discuss, what the topics I want to include are, maybe some details, some of my thoughts. So I write that down first and then I actually don't have a structure I don't start with the introduction or I don't start with the conclusion. I usually start with what I feel most comfortable. So I take one of those bullet points that I jotted down. I do further research into it. Well, this is because it's also scientific, so it's a bit different. So I do research into it. I write notes, and I continue writing notes on what I find, and I just put that all into the document. Then once I have that, I begin to structure it. So I do the structuring later so that I have all the information that I want to include already in the document. So I structure it. And then what we have in scientific essays that's really important is the abstract or something that resembles an abstract, where in the introduction you have to include a summary of what the essay is about and the conclusions also. So then I work on that so that I have something that clearly defines what my essay will be about. So I work on that, and then I go into the body and then into the conclusions. And as a scientific essay or scientific topic, we always appreciate further research - like a little section of further research. So I develop that into the conclusion. And yeah, slowly, slowly it takes time. Editing, re-editing, maybe even proofreading. Having someone to proofread your essay is also very important. And yeah, like a student mentor. In first year, I would always go to student mentors to discuss my essay, how I can Improve it, how like critical opinions are always appreciated and what I did good as well, both negative and positive feedback.

After you have planned for length, you can start your research .

Before you plan the content of your essay, you need to decide a clear position on the question (e.g. you disagree with the question's statement, or you have identified the main reason for the phenomenon mentioned in the question) and think about a line of argument (i.e. how are you going to persuade the reader that you are correct?) You should identify evidence to support your argument, and find at least one counter-argument.

Next comes the writing! But starting an essay can be daunting, because you may not know exactly what to write about and in what order.  So, an easier step is to create a outline. It will also help you to stay on track throughout the process.  

An essay outline is like the skeleton of your essay. You include the essential information, and can play around with the order until you are happy with it. This is the experimental phase of your writing. Don't worry about writing full sentences or including every reference. Correct spelling and grammar aren't important in this phase. It's only after the essay outline is complete that you can start writing full sentences. You won't need to worry about wondering what each paragraph will be about or where to add a particular reference - you've already decided all this in your essay outline. 

 Your essay outline can be more or less detailed depending on what helps you. Some things you could include in your outline are:

  • a word count for each section
  • your thesis statement (main overall argument) in the introduction
  • topic sentences describing the main idea of each main body paragraph
  • concluding sentences for each main body paragraph
  • citations and references.

Experiment with how much detail works for you in your plan. It is almost impossible to write well without planning something beforehand, but it is also easy to overplan as an excuse not to get writing!

Access this blank  PDF  Essay plan template: Structure of an essay.

Access this YouTube video talking about ' Planning for content'

Developing your argument

Imagine that you want to change the brand of coffee that you buy for you and your flatmates. By reading and researching, you have investigated the different options, and with critical thinking, chosen the one you want to switch to. You now decide to gather your flatmates together and persuade them that the coffee you want to get is better than the coffee you all currently drink.

Coffee cup

 “ Stylised coffee mug ” by is licensed under CC0 .

Just like for a critical essay, in order to win them over you’ll need to develop your argument. It might be best to write down all of your the reasons for changing and deciding which ones are most likely to be persuasive:

  • there are both caffeinated and decaf varieties
  • the company has a carbon-offsetting scheme
  • I really like the flavour
  • it’s cheaper than the current choice
  • it reminds me of my holiday in Italy
  • it’s fair-trade.

You can probably cut out the personal reasons to persuade your flatmates because there isn’t any objective evidence for them. You are left with:

  • tthe company has a carbon-offsetting scheme

Next, how are you going to group these points? Carbon-offsetting and fair-trade are both about sustainability, so your argument will be clearer if these two points are kept together.

  • the company has a carbon-offsetting scheme and the coffee is fair-trade
  • it’s cheaper than the current choice.

Now think about the order they should be in. Which one of your reasons packs the biggest punch? All of your flatmates want to save money, so this is probably the best reason to put first. Decaf coffee isn’t drunk very often in your flat, so this one can go last.

  • there are both caffeinated and decaf varieties.

Your flatmates are going to want proof of what you say, so make sure you include evidence to back up each of your reasons for wanting to change coffee. 

  • it’s cheaper than the current choice. Show them a receipt
  • the company has a carbon-offsetting scheme and the coffee is fair-trade. Open up the company website
  • there are both caffeinated and decaf varieties. Bring them some examples!

You’ve also found a counter-argument to swapping brands: Your coffee is only available in two shops in town. Let’s bring this up last of all since it isn’t really related to price, sustainability or varieties of coffee. To make sure your flatmates don’t agree with the counter-argument, you need to explain why it isn’t such a big problem. Put the counter argument at the end. 

  • the brand is only available in two shops in town. However, one shop is on the bus route back from campus and you are happy to pick some up when needed.

Of course, you’ll start and end explaining that you want to change coffee brands.

You might not succeed in convincing your flatmates to switch what they put in their lattes, but you have succeeded in developing an argument. The process is the same for developing an argument in an essay, but with a bigger word count and more complex topics!

Complete the checklist to make sure you have done everything you can to develop the best argument possible.

  • I’ve decided on my position
  • I have a number of reasons for my position
  • I’ve selected the reasons that are most persuasive and I have evidence for
  • I’ve put the reasons into groups that are connected in some way
  • I’ve ordered the reasons/groups of reasons, putting the strongest ones first
  • I’ve attached my evidence to each reason
  • I’ve thought of some counter-arguments to my position and I have included their weaknesses in my essay.

Access this excellent YouTube video on ' How do I develop an argument? '

For extra resources, look at Making an Argument .

Main Body Paragraphs

If your essay is a sandwich, and the introduction and conclusion are the slices of bread at the top and the bottom, then your main body paragraphs are the filling. This is where you will put the main flavour to your essay – the arguments, the details, the evidence, the examples etc. Get this right and the rest of your essay becomes much easier to write.

Remember that for each main idea, you need a new paragraph, for example one effect of a situation; one reason why you agree with the question; one event in a timeline. Putting all the reasons why you agree with the question in one paragraph is too confusing for the reader, and will probably be a very long paragraph. Likewise, splitting paragraphs by the different sources that you have found (e.g. Paragraph 1: source 1 says this...., Paragraph 2: source 2 says this....) is also not a good idea if both sources are talking about the same concepts. It's better to put each of the concepts that they both discuss in individual paragraphs, showing the reader that you have synthesised their opinions.

The structure of a paragraph

Paragraphs tend to follow a general structure. You can adapt it to your needs but always keep in mind the main shape:

  • start with a topic sentence, which tells the reader the main idea of the paragraph. This main idea should of course fit with your argument
  • next, you can give more detail on the main point. What does it mean? What are the ins and outs? What are the reasons for it? What are its implications? Why is it important? What examples are there?
  • you need to include sources (usually more than one) to back up your main point, or the details of the main point.
  • a good way to include sources - especially in science-based essays - is to use the fact:citation sentence pattern. This is a paraphrased fact, followed by the citation of the source. Keeping to this sentence pattern makes it easy for the reader to follow your argument and not get distracted by your referencing. 
  • avoid starting or ending paragraphs with a reference.
  • to round off, write a concluding sentence which summarises the paragraph or links to the question or the next paragraph.

You may also find this structure called the PEEL model of paragraph writing.

Let's look at an example of a paragraph:

Using Evidence

The quality of evidence you have in your essay depends on how well you’ve done your reading and note-making. How well you present the evidence depends on the quality of your plan. In each main body paragraph, you have a main point, and further details you want to address. Select relevant evidence from your notes during the planning stage so that you know which evidence belongs to which point, and weave it into the paragraph to support your argument. It can be very tempting to include material that isn't relevant because you’ve worked hard to collect it and it's interesting. However, if it doesn't fit with your argument, leave it out.

Synthesising evidence

In order to develop an argument, you have to consult and refer to a variety of different views. This shows the reader that you have read widely, and you have presented a balanced, non-biased argument. It’s very likely that you'll need to use more than one source per paragraph in order for your argument to develop. Putting these different sources together, or synthesising them, is an important academic skill. It can show that there are multiple people with the same view on a topic, or can help highlight the nuances between different schools of thought.

Read this example of a main body paragraph using synthesis of two sources:

The first topic sentence tells us that the paragraph will look at fabrication being a part of psychotic behaviour, and the second sentence gives more detail on this. The third and fourth sentences synthesise what Elphick and Mitchell write, since both have similar opinions. Note the synthesising language:

  • and this viewpoint is also found in
  • both Elphick and Mitchell see fabrication as
  • albeit to varying degrees (This phrase acknowledges that there are some differences between Elphick’s and Mitchell’s work).

There are many more phrases that can be used to synthesise different sources! Keep an eye out for them when you are reading and note down useful ones.

Refuting Counter-arguments

Including counter-arguments in your essay shows that you have considered views that contradict ones which you have presented but have decided that they are not strong enough to sway your opinion. Using the synthesis table above, include a main idea that does not agree with your thesis and find some sources for it. Using your critical thinking skills, make sure to demonstrate why these main ideas are incorrect or refute them

Some counter-arguments may disagree with a small detail of a paragraph. In this case, it is fine to include them as one or two sentences towards the end of a paragraph. Other counter-arguments may disagree with a main point, or an entire section of your essay. If so, they deserve a paragraph or more dedicated to them. Read this example of a paragraph addressing and then refuting a main counter-argument.

This section of the essay is in support of Kernohan’s theories, but it would lose marks if the student did not mention some opponents of Kernohan. The topic sentence makes clear that this paragraph will introduce some counter-arguments, with more details in the second half of the sentence. Bayliss’ position is summarised, and then the rest of the paragraph explores the weaknesses of Bayliss’ argument.

Note the specifical language for refutation:

  • however, Bayliss’s research did not take into account
  • while it is true that (This is a concession that Kernohan’s work is not perfect, but the student then shows why this is not a big problem).

Like synthesis, there are many more phrases that can be used to refute counter-arguments, and you can collect them while you are reading. Look at this Academic Phrasebank for some great examples.

Writing Introductions, Conclusions and Discussions

While you are reading, pay attention to how the introductions and conclusions/discussions that you come across are written. Are the introductions similar to each other? Does each conclusion/discussion have a comparable structure?

Introductions should:

  • introduce your topic, giving some background information such as a brief history or the current context
  • explain how you have understood the question, in particular any terms that may have multiple interpretations
  • include your position - your thesis statement. For example, do you agree or disagree with the essay title topic?
  • list the issues you are going to discuss. Why are these the important ones? List them in the same order they appear in your essay
  • be roughly 10% of your word count.

Triangle pointing down with text. Read text version below

A triangle is overlaid in text going down the triangle to signify the scope, starting wide at the top and becoming narrower at the bottom, we have:

1) the background, history/context

2) definition of terms

3) the specifics of the topic in question

4) a thesis statement and position

Conclusions/Discussions should:

  • restate your position
  • summarise your main points
  • make it clear why your conclusions are important or significant
  • include a strong closing statement. This could be a prediction for the future, reference to further research, or a suggestion for a way forward

Triangle pointing down with text. Read text version below

A triangle is overlaid in text going down the triangle to signify the scope, starting at the pointed top and becoming wider at the bottom, we have:

1) restate position

2) summarise main points

3) strong closing statemnet

Other topics in this section relating to Writing and assessments:

Critical essay writing (this page) | Reflective writing | Reports | Dissertations | Academic writing style, editing and proof-reading | Feedback

Essay writing: Formatting

  • Introductions
  • Conclusions
  • Analysing questions
  • Planning & drafting
  • Revising & editing
  • Proofreading
  • Essay writing videos

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Essays are formal documents and should look professional Advice from the Skills Team

Whilst there are no hard rules about how you format essays, there are some conventions and common practices that are best to follow. If you use the settings on this page, you will produce an acceptably formatted essay.

Document layout

Visual display of the information on this page.

Margins - between 2 cm and 2.54 cm (1 inch) all around.

Line spacing - either 1.5 or double-line spacing.

Paragraph spacing - either 1 clear line between or at least 8 pt space after each paragraph (more if double-line spaced)

Alignment - left aligned (fully justified with a straight right-edge is not recommended as this reduces readability and accessibility). Some longer essays may require subheadings which should also be left-aligned.

Indents - no indents on first lines of paragraphs are needed.

It is also good practice to put your student number and module number in the header of the document and a page number at the bottom of the page.

Text formatting

Font - the default font that comes with MS Word (currently Calibri) is fine for academic work. You may see persistent advice in handbooks that suggests you should use Times New Roman or Arial. If you prefer these, you can change it - but this is no longer a requirement.

Font size - fonts should be 11 or 12 point.

Font style - headings and subheadings, if they are required (most essays will not use them), are usually formatted in bold and should be at least 2 point sizes larger than the standard text. Underlining should be avoided as this is seen as rather dated. Some text can be formatted in italics - see our page  Italics, when to use them , for guidance.

Shorter quotations in the text do not need to be italicised and should have double-quotations marks "like this" to indicate they are direct quotations. Longer quotations (what counts as this differs depending on your referencing style) should be created in their own paragraph, single spaced and indented by 1cm from both left and right margins:

For example:

Graduate attributes for employability are described as:

a set of achievements – skills, understandings and personal attributes – that makes graduates more likely to gain employment and be successful in their chosen occupations, which benefits themselves, the workforce, the community and the economy. (Yorke, 2006)

The main change in this definition compared to the earlier definition of graduate attributes from Bowden (2000) is that that the attributes are no longer ...

UoH Harvard/APA

Your reference list should be in alphabetical order (by author surname) and single line spaced. There should be a clear line space (or at least 6 pt space) between each reference. All references should be left-aligned with no indentation. For information about how to format individual references, see the Harvard Hull Referencing Guide.

UoH Footnotes

Your reference list should be in alphabetical order (by first author surname) and single line spaced.  All references should be left-aligned and have a hanging indent (all but the first line are indented by approx. 1cm). For information about how to format individual references, see the  Footnotes Hull Referencing Guide.

Other referencing styles

Please see your individual departmental guidance.

We provide here a Microsoft Word template that can be used for your essays. It has the correct layout and formatting, including useful styles.

  • Essay template

Download this template to somewhere you can access easily. When you click to open it, it will open a new document based on the template , leaving the original intact.

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How to Structure an Essay: Guide and Examples

Published by Ellie Cross at November 1st, 2021 , Revised On February 1, 2024

A standard academic essay consists of an introduction , the main body, and a conclusion. However, it is not the structure of an essay that challenges many students but the order of information within the body.

Not sure how to structure an essay and organise the information within it? This article provides valuable tips and templates to effectively outline an essay , make decisions about the structure, and present the text coherently.

The Rules of Essay Structure

There are a couple of essential points to be aware of when structuring an essay.

  • Make sure to present correct information in each part of the essay.
  • Figure out how to best organise the information within the main body.

The Main Parts of an Essay

There are three main components of an essay: the introduction, the main body, and the conclusion. The following table describes the attributes of each of these three components.

Putting Information Together in the Correct Order

Once you know how to organise your essay, the next step is to figure out how to best present information within the main body. Here are some tips and guidelines to help you with this.

The main body is the longest part of the essay, but it should follow a logical structure. Expand your argument from the most straightforward claim to the most complicated.

Start the first paragraph with a widely accepted claim and gradually state more complicated argumentative claims.

For example, you could start by explaining a widely accepted social concept and applying it to a specific situation. The knowledge of the general idea will enable your audience to comprehend your exclusive use of it.

The second rule that you should keep in mind is that background information should be presented at the start of the essay . While the introduction part of the essay includes the most relevant and vital background information, you can provide additional background information at the beginning of the body.

The third rule is that every piece of information presented in the essay should be directly related to the essay title and the thesis statement . Ensure everything in your essay helps advance your main argument or provide the necessary background.

Essay organisational templates in academic writing include the compare-and-contrast structure, the chronological approach, and the problems-methods-solutions strategy. These are briefly explained below:

Also read: How long is an essay

Compare-and-Contrast Approach

Choose this approach when there is a need to compare and contrast two or more subjects, arguments, or texts. For example, suppose you want to compare and contrast the effectiveness of different arguments in an argumentative essay or compare two different texts in a literary analysis essay . In that case, you will need to structure your essay around the compare-and-contrast approach.

You can base your essay on a compare-and-contrast structure using two methods: the block method and the alternating method.

Also read: How to shorten an essay

Alternating Method

The alternating method involves comparing and contrasting the subjects concerning a specific point of interest. Each paragraph of the body compares subjects in terms of one particular point of interest.

Below you will find a general template for the compare-and-contrast structure and an explicit example for an essay comparing the concept of distance education with conventional on-campus education.

Altering essay outline template

  • Thesis statement
  • Combination of arguments
  • Importance of topic
  • Strong concluding statement
  • A bold claim to signify the importance of distance education during the lockdown
  • The growing popularity of distance education over the last several years
  • Thesis statement: Distance learning offers advantages and opportunities for students worldwide, but it comes with many limitations and accessibility issues that must be addressed to make it as useful as on-campus education.
  • On-campus education: In a classroom environment, teachers can easily identify struggling students and offer them support in private
  • Distance education: The teacher cannot identify weak students, so they are unable to offer any help.
  • On-campus education: Challenges in getting to the classroom (disability, transportation issues, distance from home to the classroom)
  • Distance education: Issues such as inadequate tech literacy, poor internet connection, distractions at home
  • On-campus education: Teachers can encourage communication and engagement by interacting with the students
  • Distance education: Students can reach their tutor privately by email – ensuring improved communication
  • Presents a summary of how distance education is still an evolving field and presents more challenges than traditional classroom learning
  • Provide solutions as to how the issues with distance education can be solved as this form of education has become immensely popular over the last decade.
  • Distance education could prove to be a game-changer for educational institutes, but a lot of improvements need to be made

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Block Method

The block method involves exploring each subject in one go. You can cover each subject over several paragraphs if needed.

For example, you could write a couple of paragraphs about the advantages and limitations of distance education, and then write a couple of paragraphs about the advantages and limitations of on-campus education. Present the comparison between the two subjects in the paragraphs.

Below you will find a general template for the block method and an example for an essay comparing the concept of distance education with conventional on-campus education using the block structuring technique.

  • Point 1 (compare)
  • Point 2 (compare)
  • Thesis statement: Distance learning offers advantages and opportunities for students worldwide, but it comes with many limitations and accessibility issues that must be addressed to make it as effective as on-campus education
  • Advantages: Flexibility
  • Disadvantages: Issues such as inadequate tech literacy, poor internet connection, distractions at home
  • Advantages: Opportunity for students to discuss their problems with the teacher over an email or a telephonic call
  • Disadvantages: Teachers cannot identify weak students, so they cannot offer any help.
  • Advantages: Same classroom environment for all students. Those with low tech literacy are also able to participate in classroom exercises.
  • Disadvantages: Students living far away from the campus could find it difficult to attend on-campus classes regularly. Classrooms may not be adequately equipped for disabled students
  • Advantages: Teachers can easily identify students who are struggling to understand subject concepts and can arrange to help them through personal interaction and meetings
  • Disadvantages: Some students may find it difficult to approach their teacher to discuss their problems.

Problems-methods-solutions Approach

If an essay investigates a specific problem, whether theoretical or practical, then it should be addressed through the problems-methods-solutions structural approach.

The name of this method defines the structure the essay must follow.

  • Define the problem you are trying to solve
  • Propose a theory, method, or approach to address the problem
  • Present analysis and indicate a theory or method that could be implemented as the solution.

Propose a workable solution for practical problems. For theoretical problems, the answer could lie in the analysis your present. Here are a template and an example of correctly applying this structural approach to your essay.

  • Introduce the problem
  • Provide background information
  • Explain your method of solving the problem
  • Define the problem in detail
  • Explain its significance
  • Describe the application of your method or approach to the problem
  • Support the proposed solution by indicating some examples
  • Evaluate the efficacy of the proposed solution
  • Explain the implications
  • End with a strong concluding sentence
  • Problem: The growing Islamophobia in the West
  • The dominance of polarized news sources operating on a hidden agenda spreading misinformation about Islam
  • Thesis statement: There is a need to combat fake news and conspiracies by educating institutions and the public to enhance media literacy and curb the dangerous consequences of Islamophobia.
  • In this day and age, misinformation is spread among the public by design.
  • There is a realization among people that there is indeed prejudice against Islam or Muslims, especially as a political force.
  • There have been some efforts towards moderation and labelling on social media websites and mainstream media channels
  • But the efforts have gone mostly ineffective. The real solution lies in ensuring media literacy so users can identify the real from the fake.
  • Media literacy should be made a part of courses at colleges and universities.
  • This approach will help end consumers to evaluate any piece of information independently and separate right from wrong.
  • The proposed solution will start to give the desired results over a longer time, but it would be highly effective.
  • The solution will need a considerable amount of investment of organisation. But more importantly, it would require persistence and patience from the practitioners.
  • It would make more sense to dedicate our efforts towards teaching our next generation to make sure they don’t fall for fake news.

Enhancing the Clarity of Structure Through Signposting

Signposting can be defined as signs or hints to guide the reader through your essay. The use of signposting can help your readers predict your essay structure as they read and clarify the structure and organisation of ideas for yourself.

The Essay Structure Map

The main body of extended essays is generally split into several smaller sections, each exploring a unique point. It is recommended to end the introduction section by providing an overview of the essay structure and the type of information within each section of the main body.

The essay structure map enables the readers to understand your essay’s structure and the flow of ideas. It summarises what will be covered and the order of information. It is written in the past tense.

Transition Words and Phrases

It is advised to link different points presented in the essay’s body using transition words and essays. Transition words and phrases improve the flow of information and guide the reader through your text. Academic essays that use signposting and transitions are more effective than those that don’t.

The following example demonstrates how the use of transition words shows different relationships.

Transition words example

In this paragraph, I will discuss a few reasons why practice is important to mastering skills. Firstly, the only way to truly learn a skill is by actually doing what you’ll have to do in the real world. Secondly, I think practice can be a fun way of putting in the necessary hours. There are, however, some people who will disagree.

As you can see in the above example, with transition words, the reader does not need to wonder whether a sentence belongs to the previous argument or a new one. Moreover, it shows a clear link between sentences that are all part of one argument. The readers will find it easier to comprehend the information within the paragraph.

Likewise, use transition sentences to transition from one paragraph or section to the next. A good transition sentence relates to the ideas discussed in the previous paragraph and introduces the new one.

… Distance learning, then, seems to improve accessibility in some ways while representing a step backwards in others.

However, considering the issue of personal interaction among students presents a different picture.

Frequently Asked Questions

How to structure an essay.

An essay comprises three parts, including the introduction, body, and conclusion. The introduction introduces the topic, provides background information, and expressed the main argument. The body includes analysis, evidence, and interpretation. The conclusion wraps up your ideas.

Make sure to take your time to organize your essay and the sequence of information within the main body.

Do I have to stick to the original essay outline?

While you should try to stick to your original outline, if you notice your ideas have evolved as you improved your knowledge around the subject and the essay structure can be improved, then, by all means, you can depart from the initial plan. Just make sure to have a good reason for this change.

How important is the essay structure in academic writing?

An essay is a focused piece of academic writing that involves putting specific ideas ad facts together. Every piece of information presented in the essay should relate to the key argument in your thesis statement.

The use of correct essay structure can help you effectively and coherently present your argument. A well-constructed essay takes the reader through the essay by presenting ideas in a logical manner.

How to structure an English literature essay GCSE?

  • An introduction outline 
  • Write 3 main arguments 
  • Back your arguments using quotes 
  • Summarise in conclusion 

What are the components or parts of an essay?

The main components of a standard essay are an introduction, a main body, and a conclusion. Generally, an essay is five paragraphs long. 

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Expository essays are all about describing or explaining an idea, a topic, or a method in a rational and reasonable manner without their personal bias”. They involve thorough research to establish an impartial and composed view towards any given topic or idea.

A thesis statement is a single comprehensive sentence that describes the main idea of your essay. Everything else in the essay will connect back to the thesis statement that acts as the essay’s central theme.

The Sat essay is almost like a formal essay assigned in college for which you might have to examine some content. The SAT essay might be optional, but we suggest taking it and showing the universities that you are ready to be on board.

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Structure & cohesion

General advice for structuring all types of academic writing.

For advice on structuring specific types of writing, visit the relevant page under 'Types of academic writing'.

Structure in academic writing

Academic writing has a clear, logical structure to communicate your points and show the connections between them; a well-structured assignment is easy for the reader to follow and understand.

These general principles apply to structuring most types of academic writing:

  • Use a linear structure where points build on each other - don't jump backward and forwards.
  • Start with more general and then move to the more specific ideas and points.
  • Put more relevant/important information first.
  • Everything is relevant to the main argument or point of the paragraph.
  • Use cohesion to join ideas and points clearly - don't make the reader do the work.
  • Follow any structural requirements for your assignment or type of writing.

It has a beginning, a middle and an end: a guide to structuring academic writing [Google Slides]

Google Doc

Planning structure

The best way to write a well-structured assignment is to have a good plan before you start writing. What's your argument? What are the main points you want to include? What's a logical way to order these points? Don't just launch into writing with no idea of where you're going!

To make a general plan:

  • Make a list of the information and points to include.
  • Organise similar points into groups.
  • Put the groups in a logical order.
  • Within each group, organise the points logically.
  • Check the plan to make sure it meets task requirements.

Here's a step-by-step demonstration of planning assignment structure:

Planning: general structure [YouTube]  | Planning: general structure [Google Doc]

Paragraph structure

A well-structured paragraph contains one main point or idea - all the information included is relevant to this point. If it's not related to the main point, it probably shouldn't be there!

There are many ways to structure a paragraph, but they generally all include:

  • a topic sentence showing the main point
  • development of the point: more detail, examples etc.
  • evidence to support the point
  • critical analysis showing how evidence relates to the main point
  • a final wrap-up linking to the overall argument or next paragraph

However, this is only a guide - there are many ways to structure a paragraph. Reading sources from your field will help you to get a feel of ways to organise paragraphs.

Paragraph structure [Google Slides]


If the structure is the order of your points, cohesion is what ties them together and guides the reader through your argument. 

Create cohesion using words and phrases that show the relationships between points. For example:

  • basic connectives: and, or, but, so
  • giving more detail: for example, to illustrate, an example of this is
  • showing contrast: however, although, while, conversely, alternatively
  • showing similarity: another, also, similarly, collectively, taken together
  • cause/effect: leading to, the effect of this is, therefore, this may stem from
  • referencing words: this/that, who, which/that, the groups, these findings
  • showing implications: this suggests that, these findings may mean that, based on this

Cohesive words and phrases are shown in bold in this example paragraph about how language background affects maths skills development :

The time taken to pronounce number words is another linguistic factor that  could affect children’s arithmetical development. If number words take longer to pronounce, fewer items can be held in working memory, which could affect the strategies used to solve arithmetic problems (Geary et al., 1993; Geary et al., 1996). In East Asian languages, number words are generally short, one-syllable words, while in English and other languages they can be much longer. The effect of this on working memory is seen in Chinese children’s longer digit span memory compared to their American peers (Geary et al., 1993). It also  seems to influence the choice of strategies used by the two groups to solve arithmetic problems, with Chinese children using faster processes than American children (Geary et al., 1996). This limitation of working memory may mean speakers of less transparent languages rely more on slow procedural strategies than speakers of a transparent language, extending even to adulthood (Campbell & Xue, 2001).

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How to Write an A-Level English Literature Essay

A young woman is immersed in writing an A-level English Literature essay in a quiet café.A young woman is immersed in writing an A-level English Literature essay in a quiet café.

Writing an A-level English Literature essay is like creating a masterpiece. It’s a skill that can make a big difference in your academic adventure. 

In this article, we will explore the world of literary analysis in an easy-to-follow way. We’ll show you how to organise your thoughts, analyse texts, and make strong arguments. 

The Basics of Crafting A-Level English Literature Essays

Essay notes on a desk for 'How to Write A-Level English Literature Essays.'

Understanding the Assignment: Decoding Essay Prompts

Writing begins with understanding. When faced with an essay prompt, dissect it carefully. Identify keywords and phrases to grasp what’s expected. Pay attention to verbs like “analyse,” “discuss,” or “evaluate.” These guide your approach. For instance, if asked to analyse, delve into the how and why of a literary element.

Essay Structure: Building a Solid Foundation

The structure is the backbone of a great essay. Start with a clear introduction that introduces your topic and thesis. The body paragraphs should each focus on a specific aspect, supporting your thesis. Don’t forget topic sentences—they guide readers. Finally, wrap it up with a concise conclusion that reinforces your main points.

Thesis Statements: Crafting Clear and Powerful Arguments

Your thesis is your essay’s compass. Craft a brief statement conveying your main argument. It should be specific, not vague. Use it as a roadmap for your essay, ensuring every paragraph aligns with and supports it. A strong thesis sets the tone for an impactful essay, giving your reader a clear sense of what to expect.

Exploring PEDAL for Better A-Level English Essays

Going beyond PEE to PEDAL ensures a holistic approach, hitting the additional elements crucial for A-Level success. This structure delves into close analysis, explains both the device and the quote, and concludes with a contextual link. 

Below are some examples to illustrate how PEDAL can enhance your essay:

Clearly state your main idea.

Example: “In this paragraph, we explore the central theme of love in Shakespeare’s ‘Romeo and Juliet.'”

Pull relevant quotes from the text.

Example: “Citing Juliet’s line, ‘My only love sprung from my only hate,’ highlights the conflict between love and family loyalty.”

Identify a literary technique in the evidence.

Example: “Analysing the metaphor of ‘love sprung from hate,’ we unveil Shakespeare’s use of contrast to emphasise the intensity of emotions.”

Break down the meaning of the evidence.

Example: “Zooming in on the words ‘love’ and ‘hate,’ we dissect their individual meanings, emphasising the emotional complexity of the characters.”

Link to Context:

Connect your point to broader contexts.

Example: “Linking this theme to the societal norms of the Elizabethan era adds depth, revealing how Shakespeare challenges prevailing beliefs about love and family.”

Navigating the World of Literary Analysis

Top view of bookmarked books arranged neatly, symbolising literary exploration and analysis.

Breaking Down Literary Elements: Characters, Plot, and Themes

Literary analysis is about dissecting a text’s components. Characters, plot, and themes are key players. Explore how characters develop, influence the narrative, and represent broader ideas. Map out the plot’s structure—introduction, rising action, climax, and resolution. Themes, the underlying messages, offer insight into the author’s intent. Pinpointing these elements enriches your analysis.

Effective Text Analysis: Uncovering Hidden Meanings

Go beyond the surface. Effective analysis uncovers hidden layers. Consider symbolism, metaphors, and imagery. Ask questions: What does a symbol represent? How does a metaphor enhance meaning? Why was a particular image chosen? Context is crucial. Connect these literary devices to the broader narrative, revealing the author’s nuanced intentions.

Incorporating Critical Perspectives: Adding Depth to Your Essays

Elevate your analysis by considering various perspectives. Literary criticism opens new doors. Explore historical, cultural, or feminist viewpoints. Delve into how different critics interpret the text. This depth showcases a nuanced understanding, demonstrating your engagement with broader conversations in the literary realm. Incorporating these perspectives enriches your analysis, setting your essay apart.

Secrets to Compelling Essays

Structuring your ideas: creating coherent and flowing essays.

Structure is the roadmap readers follow. Start with a captivating introduction that sets the stage. Each paragraph should have a clear focus, connected by smooth transitions. Use topic sentences to guide readers through your ideas. Aim for coherence—each sentence should logically follow the previous one. This ensures your essay flows seamlessly, making it engaging and easy to follow.

Presenting Compelling Arguments: Backing Up Your Points

Compelling arguments rest on solid evidence. Support your ideas with examples from the text. Quote relevant passages to reinforce your points. Be specific—show how the evidence directly relates to your argument. Avoid generalisations. Strong arguments convince the reader of your perspective, making your essay persuasive and impactful.

The Power of Language: Writing with Clarity and Precision

Clarity is key in essay writing. Choose words carefully to convey your ideas precisely. Avoid unnecessary complexity—simple language is often more effective. Proofread to eliminate ambiguity and ensure clarity. Precision in language enhances the reader’s understanding and allows your ideas to shine. Crafting your essay with care elevates the overall quality, leaving a lasting impression.

Mastering A-level English Literature essays unlocks academic success. Armed with a solid structure, nuanced literary analysis, and compelling arguments, your essays will stand out. Transform your writing from good to exceptional. 

For personalised guidance, join Study Mind’s A-Level English Literature tutors . Elevate your understanding and excel in your literary pursuits. Enrich your learning journey today!

How long should my A-level English Literature essay be, and does word count matter?

While word count can vary, aim for quality over quantity. Typically, essays range from 1,200 to 1,500 words. Focus on expressing your ideas coherently rather than meeting a specific word count. Ensure each word contributes meaningfully to your analysis for a concise and impactful essay.

Is it acceptable to include personal opinions in my literature essay?

While it’s essential to express your viewpoint, prioritise textual evidence over personal opinions. Support your arguments with examples from the text to maintain objectivity. Balance your insights with the author’s intent, ensuring a nuanced and well-supported analysis.

Can I use quotes from literary critics in my essay, and how do I integrate them effectively?

Yes, incorporating quotes from critics can add depth. Introduce the critic’s perspective and relate it to your argument. Analyse the quote’s relevance and discuss its impact on your interpretation. This demonstrates a broader engagement with literary conversations.

How do I avoid sounding repetitive in my essay?

Vary your language and sentence structure. Instead of repeating phrases, use synonyms and explore different ways to express the same idea. Ensure each paragraph introduces new insights, contributing to the overall development of your analysis. This keeps your essay engaging and avoids monotony.

Is it necessary to memorise quotes, or can I refer to the text during exams?

While memorising key quotes is beneficial for a closed text exam, you can refer to the text during open text exams. However, it’s crucial to be selective. Memorise quotes that align with common themes and characters, allowing you to recall them quickly and use them effectively in your essay under time constraints.

How can I improve my essay writing under time pressure during exams?

Practise timed writing regularly to enhance your speed and efficiency. Prioritise planning—allocate a few minutes to outline your essay before starting. Focus on concise yet impactful analysis. Develop a systematic approach to time management to ensure each section of your essay receives adequate attention within the given timeframe.

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 SPSE Essays – Situation / Problem / Solution / Evaluation

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SPSE Essay Structure

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Problem / Solution Essay Example – Obesity

Consumption of processed and convenience food and our dependence on the car have led to an increase in obesity and reduction in the fitness level of the adult population. In some countries, especially industrialized ones, the number of obese people can amount to one third of the population (WHO, 2015). This is significant as obesity and poor fitness lead to a decrease in life expectancy, and it is therefore important for individuals and governments to work together to tackle this issue and improve their citizens’ overall health.

Obesity and poor fitness decrease life expectancy. Overweight people are more likely to have serious illnesses such as diabetes and heart disease, which can result in premature death (Wilson, 2014). It is well known that regular exercise can reduce the risk of heart disease and stroke, which means that those with poor fitness levels are at an increased risk of suffering from those problems.

Changes by individuals to their diet and their physical activity can increase life expectancy. There is a reliance today on the consumption of processed foods, which have a high fat and sugar content. According to Peterson (2013), in preparing their own food and consuming more fruit and vegetables, people could ensure that their diets are healthier and more balanced, which could lead to a reduction in obesity levels. However, organising such a change in diet and a reduction of food would need to be controlled by a dietician, which would incur further costs. In order to improve fitness levels, people could choose to walk or cycle to work or to the shops rather than taking the car. They could also choose to walk upstairs instead of taking the lift. These simple changes could lead to a significant improvement in fitness levels.

Governments could also implement initiatives to improve their citizens’ eating and exercise habits. Jones (2011) argues that this could be done through education by making changes to the curriculum to incorporate diet & lifestyle. This could be implemented in high school and could have a preventative effect on the younger generations rather than a cure for the obese older generation. Governments could also do more to encourage their citizens to walk or cycle instead of taking the car, for instance by building more cycle lanes or increasing vehicle taxes. While some might argue that increased taxes are a negative way to solve the problem, Wilson (2014) highlights that it would not be any different from the high taxes imposed on cigarettes to reduce cigarette consumption.

In short, obesity and poor fitness are a significant problem in modern life, leading to lower life expectancy. Individualsand governments can work together to tackle this problem and so improve diet and fitness. Of the solutions suggested, those made by individuals themselves are likely to have more impact, though it is clear that a concerted effort with the government is essential for success. With obesity levels in industrialized and industrializing countries continuing to rise, it is imperative that we take action now to deal with this problem.

​ [Updated 2022]

  • Jones, J. (2011) Educate for obesity. The Educationalist Journal 8 (4). pp34-56
  • Peterson, R, J. (2013) Healthier eating creates a healthier world. The New Scientist. 76 (6).
  • Wilson, C. (2014) Diseases connected to Obesity. Medical Journal. 55 (5). Pp23-56
  • World Health Organisation (WHO) (2015) Obesity the epidemic.  [online] Available at: h ttp://    [Accessed 10 October 2015 ].

Problem / Solution Essay – Obesity ANSWERS

Situation / problem / solution / evaluation.

Consumption of processed and convenience foods a nd our dependence on the car have led to an increase in obesity and reduction in the fitness level of the adult population. In some countries, especially industrialized ones, the number of obese people can amount to one third of the population (WHO, 2015). This is significant as obesity and poor fitness lead to a decrease in life expectancy , and it is therefore important for individuals and governments to work together to tackle this issue and improve their citizens’ overall health.

Obesity and poor fitness decrease life expectancy. Overweight people are more likely to have serious illnesses such as diabetes and heart disease, which can result in premature death (Wilson, 2014). It is well known that regular exercise can reduce the risk of heart disease and stroke , which means that those with poor fitness levels are at an increased risk of suffering from those problems.

Changes by individuals to their diet and their physical activity can increase life expectancy. There is a reliance today on the consumption of processed foods, which have a high fat and sugar content. According to Peterson (2013), in  preparing their own foods, and consuming more fruit and vegetables, people could ensure that their diets are healthier and more balanced, which could lead to a reduction in obesity levels. However, organising such a change in diet and a reduction of food would need to be controlled by a dietician expert, which would incur further costs. In order to improve fitness levels, people could choose to walk or cycle to work or to the shops rather than taking the car. They could also choose to walk upstairs instead of taking the lift. These simple changes could lead to a significant improvement in fitness levels.

Governments could also implement initiatives to improve their citizens’ eating and exercise habits . Jones (2011) argues that this could be done through education  by making changes to the curriculum to incorporate diet & lifestyle.   This could be implemented  in high school and could have a preventative effect on the younger generations rather than a cure for the obese older generation. Governments could also do more to encourage their citizens to walk or cycle instead of taking the car, for instance by building more cycle lanes or increasing vehicle taxes. While some might argue that increased taxes are a negative way to solve the problem, Wilson (2014) highlights that it would not be any different from the high taxes imposed on cigarettes to reduce cigarette consumption.

In short, obesity and poor fitness are a significant problem in modern life, leading to lower life expectancy. Individuals and governments can work together to tackle this problem and so improve diet and fitness. Of the solutions suggested, those made by individuals themselves are likely to have more impact, though it is clear that a concerted effort with the government is essential for success. With obesity levels in industrialized and industrializing countries continuing to rise, it is essential that we take action now to deal with this problem .

[Updated 2020]

Obesity: Reading lesson

The text discusses what obesity is, the main problems associated with being obese and offers initiatives to help reduce obesity in society. Students read text and identify the SPSE. Extra activity is to research another societal problem, plan and write a SPSE essay. The lesson includes all texts, teacher’s notes, & an outline plan .  Level: ** * * * [B1/B2/C1] TEACHER MEMBERSHIP / INSTITUTIONAL MEMBERSHIP

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 S.P.S.E – Writing & Reading Lessons 

Shanty Towns : Reading &/or Writing lesson

Text discusses shanty towns, the main problems associated with health and possible governmental solutions. This lesson can be done in a number of different ways. 1) Write a SPSE essay using the question OR write a SPSE essay using an outline. 2) Read the model answer text and identify SPSE. Example   Level: ** * * * [B1/B2/C1] TEACHER MEMBERSHIP / INSTITUTIONAL MEMBERSHIP  

Oil and Gas

Oil & gas industry : reading &/or writing lesson.

Text discusses running out of oil, the main problems associated with no more oil and gas and possible solutions. This lesson can be done in a number of different ways.  1) Write a SPSE essay using the question OR write a SPSE essay using an outline. 2) Read the model answer text and identify SPSE. Example .   Level: ** * * * [B1/B2/C1]   TEACHER MEMBERSHIP / INSTITUTIONAL MEMBERSHIP

Wind Energy: Reading lesson

The text discusses wind energy in the UK,  the problems of weather fluctuations & suggests other forms of sustainable energy to create a consistent energy source. Students read text & identify the SPSE. Extra activity: research another sustainable energy source, plan & write a SPSE essay. The lesson includes text, teacher’s notes, & an outline plan . Example   Level: ** * * * [B1/B2/C1]   TEACHER MEMBERSHIP / INSTITUTIONAL MEMBERSHIP


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 S.P.S.E – Academic Reading & Writing Lessons

Situation Problem Solution Evaluation  [S.P.S.E]

SPSE (Situation, Problem, Solution, Evaluation) essays are a common writing structure used at university. The aim of the S-P-S-E essay is to examine a problem and discuss two (or more) possible solutions. It finishes with a judgement evaluating the effectiveness of these solutions.

  • These lessons consist of  3 or 4 academic texts based on engineering topics but are general interest too.
  • Students read the texts and identify the problems, solutions, evaluation. 
  • N.B. Texts are not structured in SPSE format – each text can contain all SPSE key points.
  • Then write a 400-600 word essay based on these key points.  
  • All lessons include texts, teacher’s notes, outline plans, and model answer.

Go here for the basic information on SPSE structures, SPSE outline plans, SPSE language and a free lesson .

Burj Khalifa

3 Texts:  1) The construction of Burj Khalifa. 2) Whether it was a success in terms of a criterion called the ‘Iron Triangle’. 3) The project plan and oversights.

Burj Kahlifa SPSE Lesson

Burj Khalifa: SPSE Reading & Writing Lesson

Three texts on how the Burj Khalifa was built, the problems it encountered in the building and planning stages and what solutions were implemented. Students read three short texts, create an outline and then write an SPSE essay. The lesson includes all texts, teacher’s notes, an outline plan and model answer . Example   Level: ** * * * [B2/C1] TEACHER MEMBERSHIP / INSTITUTIONAL MEMBERSHIP

Nuclear Power – Hinkley Point C

4 Texts:  1) The reasons why the UK is investing in nuclear power. 2) Problems with the construction company and nuclear reactor technology. 3) Reducing emissions and improving economic investment. 4) Controversial issues with nuclear power.

Nuclear power SPSE reading and writing lesson

Nuclear Power: SPSE Reading & Writing Lesson

Four texts on the construction of HPC Nuclear Power Plant and the associated problems with the company financing it and unreliable nuclear reactor technology. Students read four short texts, create an outline and then write an SPSE essay. The lesson includes all texts, teacher’s notes, an outline plan and model answer . Example   Level: ** * * * [B2/C1] TEACHER MEMBERSHIP / INSTITUTIONAL MEMBERSHIP

Fracking – Shale Gas Extraction

3 Texts:  1) What is Fracking? 2) Problems with the disposal of fracking waste water. 3) A possible solution using modern technology.

Fracking SPSE Lesson by AEUK

Fracking: SPSE Reading & Writing Lesson

Three texts on what is fracking, associated problems with the disposal of fracking waste water mixed with hazardous chemicals and a possible solution using modern technology. Students read three short texts, create an outline & then write an SPSE essay. The lesson includes texts, teacher’s notes, outline plan & model answer . Example   Level: ** * * * [B2/C1]   / TEACHER MEMBERSHIP / INSTITUTIONAL MEMBERSHIP

Situation, Problem, Solution, E valuation (SPSE)  PDF Book

7 Lessons:   Obesity / Shanty towns / Oil and gas / Wind energy / Burj Khalifa / Fracking / Nuclear Power

SPSE 7x Lesson PDF Book

  Obesity / Shanty towns / Oil and gas / Wind energy / Burj Khalifa / Fracking / Nuclear Power

AMAZING VALUE – 7 Lessons in one book. SPSE Reading and Writing lessons. Example .

Teacher membership / institutional membership.

£20.50 – Add to cart Checkout Added to cart

SPSE Titles: Write an SPSE essay

Look at these topics and think of 2 problems / 2 solutions to these problems and evaluate whether the solution will be effective. Write 250 words and use sources where possible.

  • Plagiarism at university
  • Artificial intelligence
  • Global Migration
  • Climate Change
  • Unemployment
  • Cyber crime
  • Food security
  • Discrimination
  • Gender inequality
  • Off-shore banking
  • Superstar Companies
  • Homlessness
  • Traffic Congestion

Here are 20 possible topics to write an SPSE essay on. Look at these topics and think of 2 problems / 2 solutions to these problems and evaluate whether the solutions will be effective. Write 250 words and use sources where possible.  Level: ** * * * [B1/B2/C1] TEACHER MEMBERSHIP / INSTITUTIONAL MEMBERSHIP

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Types of Small Business Structures in the UK

Are you thinking about starting a business? These are the most common business structures — including their tax implications and how to get started.

Small Business Structures in the UK

Ezra Bailey

Getty Images

Some business structures are easier to start than others, which one works for you depends on various factors.

Are you ready to start a small business ? First, you must determine the best business structure for your company. The United Kingdom has four main types of business structures: sole traderships, partnerships, limited companies, and limited liability partnerships.

Different business structures provide different benefits. While a sole tradership is easy to set up and requires minimal paperwork, a limited partnership may offer additional financial protections or tax benefits. Below, we explore the different business structures in the UK, giving you insights into their main pros and cons, tax responsibilities, and guidance on how to set each one up.

The Bottom Line

Before you can begin trading as a business in the United Kingdom, you must choose your business structure. There are several different business structures in the UK, including sole traderships, partnerships, limited companies, and limited liability partnerships. Each business structure has its own pros, cons, tax liabilities, and legal requirements.

However, the most common business model is the sole trader, which is typically the easiest and fastest for those just starting out.

Sole Trader 

The sole trader is the most common business model. Over 3.1 million sole proprietorships exist in the UK , comprising 56% of the business population.

A sole tradership is typically the easiest to business structure to set up because it involves less paperwork, legal responsibilities, and lower startup costs. However, the biggest drawback to being a sole trader is that you take on personal responsibility for all business debts.

Typically the easiest and fastest way to begin your own business

Often comes with less paperwork and administrative responsibilities than other structures

Generally lower startup costs than other business forms

Your personal finances are at risk because you are personally liable for any business costs

If you are a high earner, then you may pay more tax than other business structures

Tax Implications and Responsibilities

As a sole trader, you must keep business and expense records, as well as submit a Self Assessment tax return each year.

Most locations in the UK require you to pay Income Tax on any profits you earn over £12,570, a figure known as your personal allowance. The amount you’ll pay ranges from 20% to 45%. Sole traders must also pay Class 2 and Class 4 National Insurance. In addition, if you reach a turnover of over £90,000 per year, you’ll also need to register for Value Added Tax (VAT).

How to Get Started as a Sole Trader in The UK 

As we noted above, setting up as a sole trader is relatively easy. You should inform HMRC that you’ve begun trading as soon as you can, though the official deadline to register for Self Assessment is 5 October. You can notify HMRC by registering for Self Assessment via their online website .


With a partnership, you’ll enter into business with one or more partners. You’ll each share responsibility for the business’s ownership, liabilities, and profits. A partner could be an individual or a “legal person,” such as a limited company.

A partnership has several benefits: you’ll share financial responsibilities, administration, and liability with your partners. Similarly to sole tradership, a partnership is also quicker and easier to set up than more complex business structures. However, this type of business can leave you more vulnerable to your partners' mistakes, and conflict amongst partners could derail your business.

Support and shared liability with business partners

Easy to set up when compared to other business structures

Less administrative tasks than other types of businesses

Vulnerable to partner fallouts or differences of opinion

Less personal autonomy than sole tradership

Each partner must register as self-employed and submit their own annual tax return. Each partner is legally entitled to their share of the business’s profits, must help cover bills and expenses, and is liable for their share of the business’s losses.

The rates of tax you will pay as a partnership are the same as those for sole traders. In addition, you’ll also need to register for VAT if you make over £90,000 per year.

How to Get Started as a Partnership in the UK 

To set up a partnership, you must:

  • Choose a Business Name: Note that you can not choose offensive names, the same as an existing trader mark, or include a variation of “limited” in the title.
  • Select a Nominated Partner: This partner is responsible for keeping business records and managing the partnership’s tax returns. 
  • Register with HMRC: Your nominated partner can register for Self Assessment with HMRC online.  

Limited Company (Ltd)

Most limited companies are either ‘limited by shares’ or ‘limited by guarantee’. In either case, this type of company structure ensures that the company itself is legally separated from the people who run it (including keeping company and personal finances separate). Because of this separation, the limited company can also enter into a partnership, as mentioned above.

The administrative requirements of a Limited Company are more demanding than those of a sole trader or partnership. You must regularly file your accounts and pay Corporation Tax. You are also required to keep strict documentation, including creating in-depth financial of every transaction. Failure to meet these requirements may result in a £3,000 fine by HMRC or disqualification as a company director.

Your company’s information will also be publicly available via Companies House, giving you less privacy than some other business structures.

Business and personal finances are separate, meaning you’re not personally liable for business debts or legal costs

Elevated professional status when compared to a sole trader; can potentially help you bring in more clients

The resulting limited company can enter into separate business partnerships

Can be more tax-efficient

Your information is publicly available via Companies House

Heavy administrative burden

Unlike sole traders or partnerships, limited companies are not required to pay income tax or direct national insurance. However, they are required to pay Corporation Tax—25% of their net profits. As sole tradership can come with higher tax payments, a Limited Company may provide additional tax benefits.

You must also pay Employers' National Insurance contributions if you employ staff (including yourself in a Director role).

How to Get Started as a Limited Company in the UK

Here are the steps to set up a Limited Company :

  • Choose a Name: You must follow several rules, including avoiding offensive names or registering a “same as” name (a name similar to another registered company). 
  • Choose Directors: Directors have several key legal responsibilities, such as keeping strict records, reporting company changes, filing accounts and tax returns, and paying taxes. 
  • Decide on Shareholders or Guarantors: For companies limited by shares, the shareholders' responsibilities for the company’s financial liabilities are limited to the amount that the shareholder has agreed to pay for the shares. This usually applies to for-profit companies. For companies limited by guarantee, there are no shareholders. Instead, the company is owned by guarantors who agree to pay a certain amount towards company debts. This is more typical for not-for-profit companies that invest profit back into the company. You must select at least one shareholder or guarantor who can act as a company director.
  • Identify PSCs: You must also identify people with significant control (PSC) over your company. This includes anyone with voting rights or owning more than 25% of company shares. 
  • Prep the Relevant Documents: You must prepare documents with recorded agreements on how your company will be run. 
  • Check the Records You Need to Keep: Detailed records about your company need to include financial and accounting information. 
  • Register the Company: Finally, you must register your company with an official address and a Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) code, which identifies what your company does and its primary industry.

Limited Liability Partnership (LLP)

You can set up a limited liability partnership with two or more individuals or legal entities. Just like a regular partnership, each person or entity is entitled to a percentage of business profits. Similarly to the owners of a limited company, those in a limited liability partnership have a limited liability — only amounting to the amount you invest in the business.

As with a Limited Company, your business information is made public via Companies House, giving anyone access to your account records.

The bottom line: An LLP offers protection for your personal finances. With an LLP, you’re only liable for your company share and are personally protected from any business debts that may arise. However, if you choose an LLP, you can’t keep your profits beyond the financial year. You’ll also typically deal with high administrative costs.

Separate business and personal finances

Only liable for debts up to the amount you invested

You may pay less tax than you would if you were a sole trader

Your business information is publicly available

High administrative costs

Yearly profits must be allocated to members in the year they are realised

The first rule of an LLP is that you must always have two designated members. Designated members take on more responsibilities than standard members, such as keeping accounts.

Unlike a Limited Company, an LLP is not a separate legal entity and is not taxed. Instead, members distribute profits and pay tax on their share by filing a Self-Assessment tax return with HMRC.

As such, you must register your LLP with HMRC for Self-Assessment and VAT (if you earn over £90,000 per year), maintain accounts, file returns, and pay tax. You must report any company changes to Companies House and HMRC, as well as comply with any additional applicable laws and regulations.

How to Get Started as an LLP in the UK

  • Choose a Name: Once you’ve chosen your name, you must include your business name and all partners’ names on any official paperwork, such as your invoices. 
  • Register Your Address: Your registered office address is your LLP’s “official” address. This should be where you’ll receive all written correspondence. 
  • Register Your LLP: Next up, you need to register your LLP. You can do this using approved third-party software, by post, or via a formation agent. 
  • Make Your LLP Agreement: You’ll also need to create an LLP agreement — where you’ll share details on how you’ll run your LLP, profit sharing, and responsibilities. All members must sign off on your LLP agreement. 

The UK's main business organisations are sole traderships, partnerships, limited companies, and limited liability partnerships. As this guide outlines, each has its own benefits, tax requirements, and legal responsibilities.

The sole trader is the most common business structure in the UK. Over three million sole traders currently account for over 56% of all businesses.

A sole tradership is typically the easiest business structure to set up and run in the UK. It typically comes with less paperwork, legal complications, and start-up costs than other types of business structures.

The best business structure depends on various factors, including personal liability, tax and legal requirements, and administrative responsibilities. While a sole proprietorship is the easiest to start and has less red tape, business structures like a limited company come with less financial risk, as your personal finances are separate from your business finances.

Tags: entrepreneurship , small business , United Kingdom

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