• Department of Mathematical Sciences
  • Study programmes
  • PhD program

The PhD program

The PhD program at the Department of Mathematical Sciences usually lasts 3 years, for students enrolled with a Master's Degree, and 4-5 years for students enrolled in the integrated program with a bachelor's degree (or equivalent). The program consists first of all of an independent research project resulting in the end of a PhD thesis with publishable results.

It is also a part of the PhD program to follow some PhD courses, and our PhD students are expected to spend an extended period (up to 3-6 months) at a foreign research institution during the PhD program.

PhD students (except industrial PhDs) are required to teach, typically as teaching assistants. Our advanced courses are taught in English. Our PhD students must be able to teach in English and to follow courses taught in English.

A PhD in mathematics will make you qualified for a wide range of career possibilities including continuing an academic career or going into the private or the public sector.

PhD students who hold a stipend from the University of Copenhagen will receive funding as follows: Students enrolled in the 3-year program will receive a salary throughout the PhD period. Students enrolled in the integrated program will receive a number of state education grant portions until they acquire the master's degree 2 years before handing in their PhD thesis. For the remaining 2 years they will receive a salary.

Both stipends also include a travel allowance for participation in conferences and for research visits to foreign research institutions.

For more information about the PhD programme see https://science.ku.dk/phd/

The Department of Mathematical Sciences offers PhD degrees in pure and applied mathematics, statistics, insurance and financial mathematics within four research sections and two centres:

  • Algebra & Geometry
  • Analysis & Quantum
  • Insurance and Economics
  • Statistics and Probability
  • Copenhagen Centre for Geometry and Topology (GeoTop)
  • Centre for the Mathematics of Quantum Theory (QMATH)

The department has about 45 tenured faculty, 30 postdocs, and 60 PhD students.

Applying for a PhD

  • After accepting a PhD stipend  
  • Mini-guide on how to fill the online application form

For current PhD students

See MATHnet  (department intranet) for courses, economy, travel etc.

PhD students

phd mathematics in europe

Theodor Henningsen, PhD student

phd mathematics in europe

Silvan Vollmer, PhD student

phd mathematics in europe

Taro Spirig, PhD student

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Institut Polytechnique de Paris

  • PhD student
  • Faculty member
  • Entrepreneur

Institut Polytechnique de Paris

By clicking on continue , you will visit the website of École Polytechnique, one of the founding schools of Institut Polytechnique de Paris.


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By clicking on continue , you will visit the website of ENSAE Paris, one of the founding schools of Institut Polytechnique de Paris.

Télécom Paris

By clicking on continue , you will visit the website of Télécom Paris, one of the founding schools of Institut Polytechnique de Paris.

Télécom SudParis

By clicking on continue , you will visit the website of Télécom SudParis, one of the founding schools of Institut Polytechnique de Paris.

PhD track Mathematics

PhD track Mathematics


Asset n° 1  .

Get ready for a PhD by starting research at an early stage

Asset n°2 

Be closely associated with the research activities carried out in a world-renowned innovation cluster

Benefit from individual and personalized supervision by a faculty member

  • Description
  • Associated Laboratories

The PhD Track Mathematics is a 5 year-program at Institut Polytechnique de Paris opened to excellent students having completed their Bachelor in Mathematics or Applied Mathematics with highest honors. This five-year PhD Track is intended to train future high-level researchers in scientific and mathematical disciplines. 

It starts with a two-year period with advanced applied mathematics courses in the chosen field. Students also participate in research projects carried out by IP Paris Laboratories involved in the Track and attend seminars on specialized research topics. Supervised by experienced researchers at the forefront of research, they thus benefit from first-class research experience. At the end of the second year, the students who meet the academic requirements receive a Master Degree. Those who have achieved outstanding results and identified a thesis subject and a supervisor in one of the involved Labs are allowed to start a three-year PhD program.

Students are offered two pathways:

The goal of this program is to provide advanced training in mathematical modeling in economics, finance and actuarial science at the highest international level, with a strong emphasis on advanced quantitative methods for both theoretical and empirical analyses. Specific application domains include stochastic modeling for sustainable finance and energy finance, including renewable energy production. 

This pathway offers a wide choice of courses in all fields of Theoretical and Applied Mathematics and Research Internships. It is also possible to combine these disciplinary courses with relevant courses in other disciplines (like in Physics, Mechanics, Computer Science or Biology for example). 

  • Bring excellent Bachelor students in mathematics and applied mathematics to the realization of a high level PhD in 5 years at Institut Polytechnique de Paris
  • Develop a coherent training program, based on solid scientific bases
  • Specialize in a variety of sub-areas of applied mathematics, to be chosen among the rich offer of IP Paris (second year).
  • Integrate into the world of research by spending time within the research Labs, conducting a research project under the supervision of a faculty member, writing a research report (second year) and preparing manuscripts for publication in international peer-reviewed journals (PhD years).

The five-year curriculum of the PhD track trains students in cutting-edge research for them to pursue international careers in prestigious universities or leading companies in their domain. 

Every year, the program of every student has to be discussed and validated by his/her tutor, who is a member of the IP Paris faculty. According to the student’s specialization wishes, the course program will be individualized as much as possible.

This pathway starts with a two-year period with advanced courses on mathematical finance, financial econometrics, advanced times series,  actuarial sciences and green and sustainable finance. Students also participate in research projects carried out by IP Paris Laboratories involved in the Track and attend seminars on specialized research topics. Supervised by experienced scientists at the forefront of research in these domains, they thus benefit from first-class research experience. At the end of the second year, the students who meet the academic requirements receive a Master Degree. Those who have achieved outstanding results and identified a thesis subject and a supervisor in one of the involved Labs are allowed to start a three-year PhD program.

The first year of the PhD Track is based on the Master 1, Parcours Jacques Hadamard , with a large choice of courses, both in Fundamental and Applied Mathematics.

The second year of the PhD Track is mainly based on the Master 2 program Mathematics and Applications proposed by IP Paris and Partner Institutions (with a large choice of Mathematical Specializations, like for example Algebra, Analysis and Geometry – Analysis, Modeling and Simulation – Mathematics, Vision and Machine Learning – Probability and Statistics, etc.).

During these two years, other Educational Units are also proposed: French (for non French native speakers), English, Research Seminars (at IHES), for example. 

In the first and second years, it is also possible to follow courses from other Departments at Institut Polytechnique de Paris (Physics, Mechanics, Computer Science or Biology) and from the Master 1,2 of Paris-Saclay Mathematics  Department.

  • Center for Research in Economics and Statistics (CREST)
  • Applied Mathematics Center (CMAP)
  • Applied Mathematics UER (UMA)
  • CMAP: Applied Mathematics Center (EP/CNRS)
  • CMLS: Laurent Schwartz Mathematics Center (EP/CNRS)
  • CREST: Center for Research in Economics and Statistics (ENSAE Paris)
  • UMA: Applied Mathematics UER (ENSTA Paris)
  • IDS : Image, Data, Signal (Télécom Paris)
  • CITI: Communications, Images et Traitement de l’Information (Télécom SudParis)

Admission requirements

Academic prerequisites.

Completion of a Bachelor in mathematics, with highest honors, at Institut Polytechnique de Paris or equivalent in France or abroad.

Evidence of research potential is essential as the main goal of such a PhD program is to train first class researchers. 

Students who have completed the first year of an equivalent program may exceptionally be directly admitted to the second year (4-year PhD program).

Language prerequisites

A certificate of proficiency in English (level B2) is required (TOEIC, IELTS, TOEFL, Cambridge ESOL), except for native speakers and students who previously studied in English.

How to apply

Applications are exclusively online. You will be required to provide the following documents:

  • Transcript 
  • Two academic references (added online directly by your referees)  
  • CV/resume 
  • Statement of purpose

You will receive an answer in your candidate space within 2 months following the closing date of the application session. 

Fees and scholarships

Estimated fees for 2022-2023 are subject to increase

  • Regular fees: 243€
  • Engineer students enrolled in one of the five member schools of Institut Polytechnique de Paris (Ecole polytechnique, ENSTA Paris, ENSAE Paris, Télécom Paris and Télécom SudParis): 159€
  • Special cases: please refer to the "Cost of studies" section of the FAQs

Applications and admission dates

Coordinators for the mathematics for finance, economics and sustainable development pathway.

Sonia Fliss

Stéphane Bijakowski 

Olivier Le Maitre 

Peter Tankov

Coordinator for the Mathematics Jacques Hadamard pathway

General enquiry.

[email protected]

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Fondation Sciences Mathématiques de Paris

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Doctoral programs


The FSMP is a partner in the COFUND MathPhDInFrance international docroral training program, cofunded by Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions within the framework of the European Horizon Europe programme “Marie Sklodowska-Curie Co-funding of Regional, National and International Programmes” (Grand Agreement n°101126554). MathPhDInFrance  offers grants for co-tutored theses between a laboratory in the Paris region and one in another. Read more ...


The international Doctoral Training in Mathematical Sciences in Paris -  MathInParis2020  - Cofunded by Marie Sklodowska‑Curie Actions within the framework of the European Horizon 2020 program (Grant Agreement n° 945332),  offered 40 PhD fellowships  through two calls in 2020 and 2021. Read more...

Stays for PhD students

The Fondation Sciences Mathématiques de Paris finances, for doctoral students who are members of a  laboratory affiliated with the foundation , scientific research stays in external laboratories (French or foreign) for periods of at least one month.


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PhD Pure Mathematics / Overview

Year of entry: 2024

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The standard academic entry requirement for this PhD is an upper second-class (2:1) honours degree in a discipline directly relevant to the PhD (or international equivalent) OR any upper-second class (2:1) honours degree and a Master’s degree at merit in a discipline directly relevant to the PhD (or international equivalent).

Other combinations of qualifications and research or work experience may also be considered. Please contact the admissions team to check.

Full entry requirements

Apply online

In your application you’ll need to include:

  • The name of this programme
  • Your research project title (i.e. the advertised project name or proposed project name) or area of research
  • Your proposed supervisor’s name
  • If you already have funding or you wish to be considered for any of the available funding
  • A supporting statement (see 'Advice to Applicants for what to include)
  • Details of your previous university level study
  • Names and contact details of your two referees.

Programme options

Programme description.

The The Department of Mathematics has an outstanding research reputation. The research facilities include one of the finest libraries in the country, the John Rylands University Library. This library has recently made a very large commitment of resources to providing comprehensive online facilities for the free use of the University's research community. Postgraduate students in the Department benefit from direct access to all the Library electronic resources from their offices.

Many research seminars are held in the Department on a weekly basis and allow staff and research students to stay in touch with the latest developments in their fields. The Department is one of the lead partners in the MAGIC project and research students can attend any of the postgraduate courses offered by the MAGIC consortium.

For entry in the academic year beginning September 2024, the tuition fees are as follows:

  • PhD (full-time) UK students (per annum): Band A £4,786; Band B £7,000; Band C £10,000; Band D £14,500; Band E £24,500 International, including EU, students (per annum): Band A £28,000; Band B £30,000; Band C £35,500; Band D £43,000; Band E £57,000
  • PhD (part-time) UK students (per annum): Band A £2393; Band B £3,500; Band C £5,000; Band D £7,250; Band E 12,250 International, including EU, students (per annum): Band A £14,000; Band B £15,000; Band C £17,750; Band D £21,500; Band E £28,500

Further information for EU students can be found on our dedicated EU page.

The programme fee will vary depending on the cost of running the project. Fees quoted are fully inclusive and, therefore, you will not be required to pay any additional bench fees or administration costs.

All fees for entry will be subject to yearly review and incremental rises per annum are also likely over the duration of the course for Home students (fees are typically fixed for International students, for the course duration at the year of entry). For general fees information please visit the postgraduate fees page .

Always contact the Admissions team if you are unsure which fees apply to your project.


There are a range of scholarships, studentships and awards at university, faculty and department level to support both UK and overseas postgraduate researchers.

To be considered for many of our scholarships, you’ll need to be nominated by your proposed supervisor. Therefore, we’d highly recommend you discuss potential sources of funding with your supervisor first, so they can advise on your suitability and make sure you meet nomination deadlines.

For more information about our scholarships, visit our funding page or use our funding database to search for scholarships, studentships and awards you may be eligible for.

Contact details

Our internationally-renowned expertise across the School of Natural Sciences informs research led teaching with strong collaboration across disciplines, unlocking new and exciting fields and translating science into reality.  Our multidisciplinary learning and research activities advance the boundaries of science for the wider benefit of society, inspiring students to promote positive change through educating future leaders in the true fundamentals of science. Find out more about Science and Engineering at Manchester .

Programmes in related subject areas

Use the links below to view lists of programmes in related subject areas.

  • Mathematics

Regulated by the Office for Students

The University of Manchester is regulated by the Office for Students (OfS). The OfS aims to help students succeed in Higher Education by ensuring they receive excellent information and guidance, get high quality education that prepares them for the future and by protecting their interests. More information can be found at the OfS website .

You can find regulations and policies relating to student life at The University of Manchester, including our Degree Regulations and Complaints Procedure, on our regulations website .

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  • UFR Droit Economie Management
  • UFR Médecine
  • UFR Pharmacie
  • UFR Sciences
  • UFR Sciences du Sport
  • AgroParisTech
  • CentraleSupélec
  • ENS Paris-Saclay
  • Institut d'Optique
  • Polytech Université Paris-Saclay
  • Accessibility

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PhD program - Graduate School of Mathematics

Key features.

  • 90 PhD students graduated per year out of 350 PhD students in total
  • 16 laboratories
  • 1 Doctoral School: Hadamard Doctoral School of Mathematics
  • 350 researchers

An international renown

Mathematics at Université Paris-Saclay covers almost the entire field of the discipline , from pure mathematics to interfaces with neighboring sciences : biology, computer science, scientific computation and engineering, theoretical physics.

In Paris-Saclay's PhD program, the scientific development of our talented students benefits from an exceptional concentration of renowned mathematicians. The Graduate School of Mathematics alongside the Fondation Mathématique Jacques Hadamard aims to attract the best young minds from around the world to this discipline, which is rich in career opportunities.

Mathematicians started to settle in the Saclay area about 60 years ago . Since then, thousands of graduate students in mathematics have been trained here. Nowadays, our alumni have spread across the world, and they have collected an impressive number of awards . "Orsay" and "IHES", for instance, embody the excellence of French mathematics worldwide.

Society's expectations of mathematics are high

It is estimated that in France, 9% of jobs, representing 15% of GDP, use mathematical skills. Nearly half of all key technologies are impacted by advances in mathematics. To meet these expectations, the Paris-Saclay area has an exceptionally favorable scientific environment.

Starting a PhD at the Graduate School Mathematics

PhD fellowships are available for students who have already completed, in France or abroad, a curriculum equivalent to a French Master's program . Consult the different Masters 1 and Masters 2 that we offer .

Each candidate must choose a PhD advisor and agree with them on a detailed thesis subject (alternatively, a few PhD projects are posted on the EDMH website ). Candidates usually start investigating for a potential PhD advisor as early as January. The next step is to apply for funding ; various types of fellowships are available, with most deadlines occurring in April and May (with some exceptions).  The various steps towards registration in the PhD program are detailed on the website of the Hadamard Doctoral School of Mathematics  (EDMH).

To consult the Hadamard Doctoral School of Mathematics (EDMH) website

Hadamard Doctoral School of Mathematics (EDMH) on video

Coming to france.

phd mathematics in europe

Support for international students

Need help to prepare your arrival in France? Get lost with all the things you have to do during your stay? Don't panic! We've prepared a summary for you. Consult the international student's web page to know more about the E-international welcome office, the Buddy Programme, French classes, Orsay/Versailles/Evry campus, the GATE, welcoming events...

  • See the web page for international students

phd mathematics in europe

Summer Schools

Université Paris-Saclay offers undergrad, graduate, and postgraduate students, as well as engineers and researchers, a selection of summer schools and short training programs in a range of thematic fields.

  • Discover the summer schools in Mathematics and submit your application.

phd mathematics in europe

International programs

Chateaubriand fellowship program, Fulbright, Taiwan Paris-Saclay Doctoral Scholarships... the Université Paris-Saclay allows international PhD students to pursue research for their thesis in France. 

  • To know more about these programs

To know everything about the PhD

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Doctorate and habilitation to supervise research (HDR in French)

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La Maison du Doctorat

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Associations of doctoral students and PhDs

If you have any questions about the PhD you can contact us at: [email protected]

Doctoral Programme in Mathematics and Statistics

The Doctoral Programme in Mathematics and Statistics offers dissertation topics and guidance pure and applied mathematics and mathematical statistics which are represented in the research profile of the department. These include analysis, inverse problems, mathematical biology, mathematical physics, mathematical logics and statistics. Topics bordering other research fields can be considered if they have a strong mathematical component.

Want to know more? Visit our profile & activities page to learn more about the programme.

  • All categories

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Graduate School of Science


PhD candidates carry out a programme of independent research, leading to a PhD thesis in typically 4 years.

A description of the research areas can be found on the website of the Mathematical Institute (MI) . Specific requirements of the PhD programme depend on the specialisation chosen and are determined in consultation with the supervisor of the thesis. The students actively participate in national and international meetings as part of their training. The PhD thesis is written in English, the language commonly used in the research groups.

An MSc degree is required for admission to the PhD programme.

Candidates can apply for a paid position at the Mathematical Institute at any time of the year. Please see the university's job portal for vacancies. Positions are filled on a merit basis. A paid position includes limited assistance in undergraduate teaching. It may also be possible to enter the PhD programme with self-obtained grants. Grants must provide for costs of living and for a bench fee.

Institute of Mathematics

Of the jagiellonian university.


  • Jagiellonian University /
  • Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science /
  • Institute of Mathematics /
  • Ph. D. studies /
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  • Ph. D. studies

PhD Studies

Doctoral school of exact and natural sciences.

Jagiellonian University in Kraków is a leading centre for mathematical research in Poland and provides a vibrant and active environment for students from Poland and around the world seeking a PhD degree in mathematics. In the four-years PhD programme, the doctoral student will work under the supervision of a professor on a research project leading to a PhD degree in mathematics. A teaching program for PhD students consists of advanced lecture courses, research seminars, reading classes, a doctoral colloquium, and can be further extended by other activities (summer schools etc). more information about the Mathematics programmee could be found in


Studies profile

We are open for candidates for PhD studies from all other the world. Every lecture we offer is prepared in both English and Polish to enable foreign students to understand the subject. Besides lectures prepared by our staff, we annually invite guests from different universities, all of whom are most successful mathematicians, to give lectures to PhD students. The Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science offers both great staff and conditions of studying. Lectures are commenced at new academical campus. All of which guarantees that PhD studies are carried out in best possible standards. It would also be very unfair not to mention great ambiance and history that accompany Krakow. The fields in which we specialize and which are covered in PhD programme are:     •    functional analysis,     •    differential analysis,     •    complex analysis,     •    analytic and algebraic geometry,     •    differential geometry,     •    chosen topics over applied mathematics,     •    differential equations,     •    approximation theory,     •    dynamical systems,     •    financial mathematics. Every PhD student has to attend and pass exams of several lectures provided by their individual program. Moreover, they should attend to seminaries and give talks on subjects connected to theirs actual research or thesis. Information about current seminars might be found at  www.im.uj.edu.pl. Program of the PhD studies is arranged to target several groups:     •    best mathematics graduates over last years,     •    teachers who ended their studies years from present time and who are already lacking some knowledge from their studies,     •    mathematicians working at other universities but at leave of absence for the PhD studies. Every PhD student accepted for the first year of studies is given opportunity to replenish or refresh their knowledge - a possibility to attend to the lectures for Bachelor and Master degree lectures. The Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science does whatever it takes to ease students in financial aspects of studying. We offer huge range of university scholarships as well as encourage students to apply for grants and external scholarships. In order to make our offer more attractive for the PhD students we invite guest lecturers as well as we encourage our students to attend to at least some of their lectures at some of universities from our partner list.

Further information

For further information please contact Ms Monika Kęder [phone (48 12) 664-76-67]

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Support PSL


  • PhD track in Mathematics and applications

The PSL PhD track in Mathematics and Applications is a fully-funded 5-year program structured around two phases. During the first phase, students draw on courses from PSL’s research master in Mathematics and Applications and start working towards their research project. The research master is a stepping-stone towards the second phase of the PhD track, during which students work on their research project in one of PSL’s labs ( CEREMADE or DMA ). During that second phase, students are mentored to gain state-of-the-arts research methods, write academic papers, present at academic conferences and prepare for the academic job market. | Application deadline:  3 january 2023 |

Visuel Maths

PHASE 1 | Research Master in Mathematics and applications

PhD track students will complete their research master (Year 2) in the Applied and Theoretical Mathematics (MATH) track. Students will explore advanced topics in mathematics in an up-to-date, transversal and transdisciplinary manner. They will gain expert knowledge in theoretical and applied mathematics through research-oriented classes and multiple internship opportunities. Please note: The Master's program (2 years) can be adapted for students who already have a Master's degree (or who have validated a Master's degree Year 1)   

Phase 2 | Doctoral studies

During their doctoral years, students will benefit from the following programs:

  • PSL interdisciplinary courses: PSL is a strongly interdisciplinary university with special courses that cut across our disciplinary graduate programs and are open to all graduate students
  • A CEREMADE Colloquium seminar is organized once a month (Master and PhD)
  • Students  are strongly advised to attend
  • An Analysis and Probability seminar takes place once a week (3 times a month), it is also recommended to participate. 

Resources for prospective students

Contact:  [email protected] Applications: 17 october - 11 december 2023

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Postgraduate study

Mathematical Physics PhD

Awards: PhD

Study modes: Full-time, Part-time

Funding opportunities

Programme website: Mathematical Physics

Upcoming Introduction to Postgraduate Study and Research events

Join us online on the 19th June or 26th June to learn more about studying and researching at Edinburgh.

Choose your event and register

Research profile

We are a multidisciplinary research group with close connections with the School’s Algebra and Geometry & Topology groups.

You’ll benefit from being not only in one of the largest mathematics research groups in the UK but also part of the Edinburgh Mathematical Physics Group – a joint research collective formed in 1999 with Heriot- Watt University and now part of the Maxwell Institute.

The School of Mathematics is a vibrant community of more than 60 academic and related staff supervising 60 students.

Our group pursues wide-ranging interests spanning a number of disciplines. A central goal is to understand the principles behind quantum gravity, through the study of black holes, cosmologies and spacetime singularities, and via the use of holography and the interplay with quantum gauge field theory through the gauge/gravity correspondence.

Particularly fruitful areas of research are the geometry of higher-dimensional black holes and their near-horizon geometries in the context of higher-dimensional generalisations of general relativity.

We’re fascinated by the various manifestations of supersymmetry: in string theory, supergravity and gauge theory. This has led us to several classification results on supersymmetric supergravity backgrounds, including a recent proof of the homogeneity conjecture. In addition we study gauge theoretic moduli spaces using supersymmetry and via integrable systems techniques, displaying an interplay between the algebraic geometry of curves and their associated function theory. This research has led to computer implementations of various algebro-geometric constructions.

Recently we have made progress in some purely mathematical problems suggested by the gauge/gravity correspondence: namely, the classification of certain exotic algebraic structures related to superconformal field theories, as well as that of certain types of homogeneous supergravity backgrounds.

Training and support

Mathematics is a discipline of high intellect with connections stretching across all the scientific disciplines and beyond, and in Edinburgh you can be certain of thriving in a rich academic setting. Our School is one of the country’s largest mathematics research communities in its own right, but you will also benefit from Edinburgh’s high-level collaborations, both regional and international.

Research students will have a primary and secondary supervisor and the opportunity to network with a large and varied peer group. You will be carrying out your research in the company of eminent figures and be exposed to a steady stream of distinguished researchers from all over the world.

Our status as one of the most prestigious schools in the UK for mathematics attracts highly respected staff. Many of our 60 current academics are leaders in their fields and have been recognised with international awards.

Researchers are encouraged to travel and participate in conferences and seminars. You’ll also be in the right place in Edinburgh to meet distinguished researchers from all over the world who are attracted to conferences held at the School and the various collaborative centres based here. You’ll find opportunities for networking that could have far-reaching effects on your career in mathematics.

As well as experiencing a vibrant research environment that brings you into contact with a broad group of your peers, your membership of the Edinburgh Mathematical Physics Group will give you access to a dynamic programme of seminars, lecture courses and conferences. There is a dedicated website and blog, and a comprehensive range of graduate activities:

  • Edinburgh Mathematical Physics Group

You will enjoy excellent facilities, ranging from one of the world’s major supercomputing hubs to generous library provision for research at the leading level, including the new Noreen and Kenneth Murray Library at King’s Buildings.

Students have access to more than 1,400 computers in suites distributed across the University’s sites, many of which are open 24 hours a day. In addition, if you are a research student, you will have your own desk with desktop computer.

We provide all our mathematics postgraduates with access to software packages such as Maple, Matlab and Mathematica. Research students are allocated parallel computing time on ‘Eddie’ – the Edinburgh Compute and Data Facility. It is also possible to arrange use of the BlueGene/Q supercomputer facility if your research requires it.

Entry requirements

These entry requirements are for the 2024/25 academic year and requirements for future academic years may differ. Entry requirements for the 2025/26 academic year will be published on 1 Oct 2024.

A UK first class honours degree, or its international equivalent, in an appropriate subject; or a UK 2:1 honours degree plus a UK masters degree, or their international equivalents; or relevant qualifications and experience.

International qualifications

Check whether your international qualifications meet our general entry requirements:

  • Entry requirements by country
  • English language requirements

Regardless of your nationality or country of residence, you must demonstrate a level of English language competency at a level that will enable you to succeed in your studies.

English language tests

We accept the following English language qualifications at the grades specified:

  • IELTS Academic: total 6.5 with at least 6.0 in each component. We do not accept IELTS One Skill Retake to meet our English language requirements.
  • TOEFL-iBT (including Home Edition): total 92 with at least 20 in each component. We do not accept TOEFL MyBest Score to meet our English language requirements.
  • C1 Advanced ( CAE ) / C2 Proficiency ( CPE ): total 176 with at least 169 in each component.
  • Trinity ISE : ISE II with distinctions in all four components.
  • PTE Academic: total 62 with at least 59 in each component.

Your English language qualification must be no more than three and a half years old from the start date of the programme you are applying to study, unless you are using IELTS , TOEFL, Trinity ISE or PTE , in which case it must be no more than two years old.

Degrees taught and assessed in English

We also accept an undergraduate or postgraduate degree that has been taught and assessed in English in a majority English speaking country, as defined by UK Visas and Immigration:

  • UKVI list of majority English speaking countries

We also accept a degree that has been taught and assessed in English from a university on our list of approved universities in non-majority English speaking countries (non-MESC).

  • Approved universities in non-MESC

If you are not a national of a majority English speaking country, then your degree must be no more than five years old* at the beginning of your programme of study. (*Revised 05 March 2024 to extend degree validity to five years.)

Find out more about our language requirements:

  • Academic Technology Approval Scheme

If you are not an EU , EEA or Swiss national, you may need an Academic Technology Approval Scheme clearance certificate in order to study this programme.

Fees and costs

Tuition fees, scholarships and funding, featured funding.

  • School of Mathematics funding opportunities

UK government postgraduate loans

If you live in the UK, you may be able to apply for a postgraduate loan from one of the UK's governments.

The type and amount of financial support you are eligible for will depend on:

  • your programme
  • the duration of your studies
  • your tuition fee status

Programmes studied on a part-time intermittent basis are not eligible.

  • UK government and other external funding

Other funding opportunities

Search for scholarships and funding opportunities:

  • Search for funding

Further information

  • Graduate School Administrator
  • Phone: +44 (0)131 650 5085
  • Contact: [email protected]
  • School of Mathematics
  • James Clerk Maxwell Building
  • Peter Guthrie Tait Road
  • The King's Buildings Campus
  • Programme: Mathematical Physics
  • School: Mathematics
  • College: Science & Engineering

Select your programme and preferred start date to begin your application.

PhD Mathematical Physics - 3 Years (Full-time)

Phd mathematical physics - 6 years (part-time), application deadlines.

We strongly recommend you submit your completed application as early as possible, particularly if you are also applying for funding or will require a visa. We may consider late applications if we have places available. All applications received by 22 January 2024 will receive full consideration for funding. Later applications will be considered until all positions are filled.

  • How to apply

You must submit two references with your application.

Find out more about the general application process for postgraduate programmes:

4,496 mathematics-phd positions

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  • mathematics-phd

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  • Last-24-hours 54
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  • University of Sheffield 155
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  • Delft University of Technology (TU Delft) 47
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  • Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e) 35
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  • Oak Ridge National Laboratory 28
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PhD Scholarships in Applied Mathematics – DTU Compute

Skip to main content. Profile Sign Out View More Jobs PhD Scholarships in Applied Mathematics – DTU Compute Kgs. Lyngby, Denmark Job Description If you are interested in gaining the qualifications

PhD position in mathematics or mathematical statistics, with focus on geometric deep learning

programme Is the Job related to staff position within a Research Infrastructure? No Offer Description The Department of Mathematics and Mathematical Statistics is opening a PhD position in mathematics

The Department of Mathematics and Mathematical Statistics is opening a PhD position in mathematics or mathematical statistics, focusing on geometric deep learning. The position covers four years

IdiPAZ seeks PhD in Mathematics , Statistics or Biostatistics for a replacement contract.

an EU programme Reference Number PTBIOAB Is the Job related to staff position within a Research Infrastructure? No Offer Description IdiPAZ seeks person with a PHD in Mathematics , Statistics Biostatistics

PhD in mathematics (M/F) (H/F)

23 May 2024 Job Information Organisation/Company CNRS Department Laboratoire Jacques-Louis Lions Research Field Mathematics History » History of science Researcher Profile First Stage Researcher (R1

PhD Student - Department of Data Analysis and Mathematical Modelling

15 May 2024 Job Information Organisation/Company Ghent University Research Field Biological sciences » Biology Biological sciences » Other Engineering » Other Mathematics » Applied mathematics

PhD in mathematics in the domain of statistical physics M/F

mathematical studies. One of the main objectives of the PhD is the general derivation of the hydrodynamic limit of the FEP with boundary conditions. Preliminary results were obtained in the case where the FEP is

PhD Programme in Mathematics , 40th cycle

cycle (Academic Year 2024/2025) of the PhD Programme in Mathematics at the University of Trento (Italy), jointly run with the University of Verona (Italy). Positions: no. 12 Scholarships: no. 12

PhD student in mathematics /applied mathematics

opportunity for mathematics enthusiasts to take part in a dynamic environment in mathematics , including applied areas such as finance and engineering. We are now looking for five to six PhD students in

PhD Stipend/Integrated PhD Stipend in Mathematical /Computational Methods for Cavitating Flows and Noise Propagation

to begin the PhD study in connection with the Master study. Thus a prerequisite for acceptance is that the candidate is enrolled in a relevant AAU Master's programme, such as Mathematics , Physics

Searches related to mathematics phd

  • mathematics
  • phd mathematics
  • phd in mathematics
  • computational mathematics phd
  • mathematics education phd
  • phd mathemtics
  • studentship mathematics
  • mathematics education
  • phd applied mathematics

17 PhD Degrees in Natural Sciences Mathematics in Europe for 2024

  • Natural Sciences
  • Mathematics

Natural Sciences (17)

  • Atmospheric Sciences (1)
  • Biology (35)
  • Chemistry (25)
  • Earth Science (17)
  • Geographic Sciences (9)
  • Imaging Science (1)
  • Applied Mathematics (3)
  • Computational Mathematics (3)
  • Physics (27)
  • Scientific Research Methodologies (1)
  • Space Sciences (2)
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  • Undergraduate Certificate (0)
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  • English (17)
  • Portuguese (2)
  • Italian (1)
  • Sinhala, Sinhalese (1)
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  • On-Campus (16)
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  • Applied Mathematics
  • Computational Mathematics

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PhD Degrees in Natural Sciences Mathematics

The subject of mathematics is often paired up with other subjects such as education, statistics, finance, and computer science. This pairing can give added value in the teaching, computer programming, and financial forecasting and planning fields.

In all, there are over 4000 Higher Education Institutions in Europe offering a wide range of courses at Bachelor, Masters and Doctorate level. With more and more of these organizations offering English as the language of education for at least some of their degree programs, universities in Europe are now of higher quality than ever before. Universities in Europe offer a friendly welcome to foreign students and to give a course of knowledge that meets their profession needs in today’s global demand.

Requirements for the PhD program often involve the student having already obtained a Master’s degree. Additionally, a thesis or dissertation primarily consisting of original academic research must be submitted. In some countries, this work may even need to be defended in front of a panel.

Best Universities for Mathematics in Europe

Updated: February 29, 2024

  • Art & Design
  • Computer Science
  • Engineering
  • Environmental Science
  • Liberal Arts & Social Sciences
  • Mathematics

Below is a list of best universities in Europe ranked based on their research performance in Mathematics. A graph of 130M citations received by 5.42M academic papers made by 1,388 universities in Europe was used to calculate publications' ratings, which then were adjusted for release dates and added to final scores.

We don't distinguish between undergraduate and graduate programs nor do we adjust for current majors offered. You can find information about granted degrees on a university page but always double-check with the university website.

1. University College London

For Mathematics

University College London logo

2. University of Oxford

University of Oxford logo

3. University of Cambridge

University of Cambridge logo

4. Imperial College London

Imperial College London logo

5. Catholic University of Leuven

Catholic University of Leuven logo

6. University of Manchester

University of Manchester logo

7. Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich

Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich logo

8. University of Amsterdam

University of Amsterdam logo

9. University of Bristol

University of Bristol logo

10. University of Edinburgh

University of Edinburgh logo

11. Karolinska Institute

Karolinska Institute logo

12. Federal Institute of Technology Lausanne

Federal Institute of Technology Lausanne logo

13. Pierre and Marie Curie University

Pierre and Marie Curie University logo

14. Lund University

Lund University logo

15. Delft University of Technology

Delft University of Technology logo

16. University of Copenhagen

University of Copenhagen logo

17. Technical University of Munich

Technical University of Munich logo

18. King's College London

King's College London logo

19. University of Southampton

University of Southampton logo

20. Utrecht University

Utrecht University logo

21. Heidelberg University - Germany

Heidelberg University - Germany logo

22. Radboud University

Radboud University logo

23. Sapienza University of Rome

Sapienza University of Rome logo

24. University of Groningen

University of Groningen logo

25. University of Sheffield

University of Sheffield logo

26. University of Helsinki

University of Helsinki logo

27. Uppsala University

Uppsala University logo

28. University of Nottingham

University of Nottingham logo

29. University of Birmingham

University of Birmingham logo

30. University of Bologna

University of Bologna logo

31. University of Padua

University of Padua logo

32. Erasmus University Rotterdam

Erasmus University Rotterdam logo

33. University of Glasgow

University of Glasgow logo

34. Aarhus University

Aarhus University logo

35. University of Oslo

University of Oslo logo

36. University of Leeds

University of Leeds logo

37. Ghent University

Ghent University logo

38. University of Warwick

University of Warwick logo

39. RWTH Aachen University

RWTH Aachen University logo

40. University of Liverpool

University of Liverpool logo

41. Polytechnic University of Milan

Polytechnic University of Milan logo

42. University of York

University of York logo

43. University of Munich

University of Munich logo

44. Eindhoven University of Technology

Eindhoven University of Technology logo

45. Vienna University of Technology

Vienna University of Technology logo

46. Norwegian University of Science and Technology

Norwegian University of Science and Technology logo

47. KTH Royal Institute of Technology

KTH Royal Institute of Technology logo

48. University of Zurich

University of Zurich logo

49. University of Barcelona

University of Barcelona logo

50. University of Milan

University of Milan logo

51. University of Hamburg

University of Hamburg logo

52. Newcastle University

Newcastle University logo

53. Technical University of Denmark

Technical University of Denmark logo

54. Technical University of Catalonia

Technical University of Catalonia logo

55. Maastricht University

Maastricht University logo

56. Free University Amsterdam

Free University Amsterdam logo

57. London School of Economics and Political Science

London School of Economics and Political Science logo

58. Linkoping University

Linkoping University logo

59. University of Vienna

University of Vienna logo

60. Karlsruhe Institute of Technology

Karlsruhe Institute of Technology logo

61. University of Gothenburg

University of Gothenburg logo

62. University of Bern

University of Bern logo

63. University of Erlangen Nuremberg

University of Erlangen Nuremberg logo

64. Leiden University

Leiden University logo

65. Polytechnic University of Turin

Polytechnic University of Turin logo

66. Catholic University of Louvain

Catholic University of Louvain logo

67. Claude Bernard University Lyon 1

Claude Bernard University Lyon 1 logo

68. Queen Mary University of London

Queen Mary University of London logo

69. Aalborg University

Aalborg University logo

70. University of Lisbon

University of Lisbon logo

71. University of Granada

University of Granada logo

72. University of Twente

University of Twente logo

73. University of Pisa

University of Pisa logo

74. University of Bonn

University of Bonn logo

75. National and Kapodistrian University of Athens

National and Kapodistrian University of Athens logo

76. Lancaster University

Lancaster University logo

77. Umea University

Umea University logo

78. University of Bergen

University of Bergen logo

79. University of London

University of London logo

80. Chalmers University of Technology

Chalmers University of Technology logo

81. Polytechnic University of Bari

Polytechnic University of Bari logo

82. Autonomous University of Barcelona

Autonomous University of Barcelona logo

83. University of Florence

University of Florence logo

84. University of Stuttgart

University of Stuttgart logo

85. Aristotle University of Thessaloniki

Aristotle University of Thessaloniki logo

86. University of Oulu

University of Oulu logo

87. Stockholm University

Stockholm University logo

88. Goethe University of Frankfurt am Main

Goethe University of Frankfurt am Main logo

89. Technical University of Berlin

Technical University of Berlin logo

90. Paris-Sud University

Paris-Sud University logo

91. University of Leicester

University of Leicester logo

92. Cardiff University

Cardiff University logo

93. University of Freiburg

University of Freiburg logo

94. Federico II University of Naples

Federico II University of Naples logo

95. Moscow State University

Moscow State University logo

96. University of Porto

University of Porto logo

97. University of Geneva

University of Geneva logo

98. Ruhr University Bochum

Ruhr University Bochum logo

99. University of Tampere

University of Tampere logo

100. National Technical University of Athens

National Technical University of Athens logo

Mathematics subfields in Europe

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  • Mathematics, Europe 23

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  • Mathematics Remove selection
  • Bioinformatician   1
  • Faculty Member   2
  • Postdoctoral   7
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  • Professor   1
  • Researcher   2
  • Denmark   2
  • Austria   1
  • Italy   1
  • Luxembourg   1
  • Portugal   1
  • United Kingdom   1
  • $70,000 - $99,999   6
  • Full time   12
  • Fixed term   12
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  • Direct Employer   12
  • Academia   10
  • Government   1
  • Charity/NGO   1

Found 12 PhD jobs

Group leader at católica biomedical research centre and assistant or associate professor at católica.

Católica Biomedical Research Centre logo

  • Portugal (PT)
  • Commensurate with experience and merit and adhering to institutional norms/national legislation
  • Católica Biomedical Research Centre

Group Leader + Assistant/Associate Professor, tenure-track position in Biological and Biomedical Sciences, Data Science, Engineering, related fields.

View details Group Leader at Católica Biomedical Research Centre and Assistant or Associate Professor at Católica

  • 45 days ago
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Postdoc in Probabilistic Modelling & Bioinformatics – DTU Health Tech

Technical University of Denmark (DTU) logo

  • Copenhagen, Hovedstaden (DK)
  • Competitive
  • Technical University of Denmark (DTU)

Do you have strong programming skills, background in probabilistic models or strong math/stats background?

View details Postdoc in Probabilistic Modelling & Bioinformatics – DTU Health Tech

  • 6 days left
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Senior Scientist in Automation (10326)

The Rosalind Franklin Institute logo

  • Harwell, Didcot
  • £42,500 - £52,500 per annum
  • The Rosalind Franklin Institute

The Rosalind Franklin Institute is a national research centre, funded by the UK government through UK Research and Innovation, dedicated to bringin...

View details Senior Scientist in Automation (10326)

  • 30 days ago
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Associate professor and/or assistant professor in epidemiology (molecular or general), biostatist...

University of Southern Denmark (SDU) logo

  • Odense, Fyn (DK)
  • University of Southern Denmark (SDU)

Can you explain variations in health, aging, and lifespan?

View details Associate professor and/or assistant professor in epidemiology (molecular or general), biostatist...

  • 7 days left
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Bioinformatics Scientist

IFOM ETS - The AIRC Institute of Molecular Oncology logo

  • Milan City (IT)
  • We offer a co.co.co contract, salary commensurate with skills and working experience
  • IFOM ETS - The AIRC Institute of Molecular Oncology

Our research aims at finding new therapeutic opportunities for colorectal cancer patients

View details Bioinformatics Scientist

  • 42 days ago
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Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology (LIST) logo

  • Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology (LIST)

Temporary contract | 24 months | Hautcharage Are you passionate about research? So are we! Come and join usThe Luxembourg Institute of Science and Tec


  • Save M-2469 – POST DOC IN MODELLING, SIMULATION, AND DESIGN FOR OPTIMAL PULTRUSION PROCESS You need to sign in or create an account to save

NOMIS-ISTA Fellowship Program

Institute of Science and Technology Austria logo

  • Austria (AT)
  • min 69,000 €/year
  • Institute of Science and Technology Austria

Call for proposals The NOMIS Foundation and the Institute of Science and Technology Austria (ISTA) have launched an interdisciplinary basic researc...

View details NOMIS-ISTA Fellowship Program

  • 48 days ago
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Postdoc in Smart Traverse for Mobile Robotics

Interdisciplinary Centre for Security, Reliability and Trust (SnT), University of Luxembourg logo

  • Interdisciplinary Centre for Security, Reliability and Trust (SnT), University of Luxembourg

About the SnT...SnT is a leading international research and innovation centre in secure, reliable and trustworthy ICT systems and services. We play an

View details Postdoc in Smart Traverse for Mobile Robotics

  • 51 days ago
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Postdoc position in Software Engineering or Computer Science

View details Postdoc position in Software Engineering or Computer Science

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Postdoc Computer Vision-based Anomaly Detection

View details Postdoc Computer Vision-based Anomaly Detection

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Postdoc in Computer Vision for Remote Sensing Applications

View details Postdoc in Computer Vision for Remote Sensing Applications

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Postdoc in Information Systems Engineering

View details Postdoc in Information Systems Engineering

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Sweden and the Netherlands: 16 fully-funded PhD positions

Netherlands Sweden PhD graphic

Are you looking for exciting PhD positions at esteemed universities in Sweden and the Netherlands ?

Over 16 fully-funded multiple doctoral scholarships in diverse fields are available at various universities in Sweden and the Netherlands for the year 2024. These fellowships provide funding for doctoral researchers to conduct their research projects at universities, research institutions, and other organizations in these countries. These PhD positions are funded by prestigious sources including the MSCA doctoral program and other funding programs.

For detailed information on specific doctoral positions, please visit the provided links to explore corresponding PhD scholarships, which include specific requirements and application procedures.

PhD positions available in Swedish universities:

1.  Computational condensed matter physics, Linköping University

2.  Urban Freight Management, Chalmers University of Technology

3.  eDNA environmental monitoring, Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet

4.  Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS), Luleå University of Technology

5.  Medical Science - Regional differences in gestational duration, University of Gothenburg

6.  Computational Sciences within the national Data-Driven Life Sciences program, Umeå universitet

7.  Computational biology of infection, Lunds universitet

PhD positions available in Dutch/Netherlands universities:

8.  Donders Centre of Neuroscience - Motor Disorder Rehabilitation, Radboud University

9.  Human-aligned Video-AI, University of Amsterdam (UvA)

10.  Multivariate Dependence Modelling and Statistical Machine Learning Algorithms for Patient Risk Profiling, Delft University of Technology (TU Delft)

11.  Computational Cognitive Neuroscience at the Predictive Brain Lab, Radboud University

12.  Atmospheric Sciences - Unraveling the mesoscale organisation of shallow convective clouds for better climate projection, Wageningen University & Research

13.  Dynamic On-Body and In-Body Compression Systems, University of Twente (UT)

14.  Modelling Micropollutant Removal using Charge-Mosaic Nanofiltration Membranes, University of Twente (UT)

15.  Economic Life Cycle Costing and Life Cycle Sustainability Assessment of Hydropower, University of Twente (UT)

16.  Environmental Life Cycle Assessment of Hydropower, University of Twente (UT)


  1. Best Master’s Degrees in Mathematics in Europe

    phd mathematics in europe

  2. Ph.D. In Mathematics: Course, Eligibility Criteria, Admission, Syllabus

    phd mathematics in europe

  3. PhD Position in Mathematics at the Eindhoven University of Technology

    phd mathematics in europe

  4. PhD in Mathematics

    phd mathematics in europe

  5. 5 Best Mathematics Schools in Europe

    phd mathematics in europe

  6. Doctoral School of Mathematics and Scientific Computing

    phd mathematics in europe


  1. 174 PhD programmes in Mathematics in Europe

    Mathematics. 28,453 EUR / year. 3½ years. The Mathematics programme from Cardiff University, aims to offer knowledge and expertise for a career in the academic world, or to pursue a variety of other opportunities in which a strong mathematical background is important. Ph.D. / Full-time, Part-time / On Campus.

  2. PhD program

    A PhD in mathematics will make you qualified for a wide range of career possibilities including continuing an academic career or going into the private or the public sector. PhD students who hold a stipend from the University of Copenhagen will receive funding as follows: Students enrolled in the 3-year program will receive a salary throughout ...

  3. PhD track Mathematics

    Contact. The PhD Track Mathematics is a 5 year-program at Institut Polytechnique de Paris opened to excellent students having completed their Bachelor in Mathematics or Applied Mathematics with highest honors. This five-year PhD Track is intended to train future high-level researchers in scientific and mathematical disciplines.

  4. PhD-FSMP

    The international Doctoral Training in Mathematical Sciences in Paris - MathInParis2020 - Cofunded by Marie Sklodowska‑Curie Actions within the framework of the European Horizon 2020 program (Grant Agreement n° 945332), offered 40 PhD fellowships through two calls in 2020 and 2021.

  5. List of PHD Programs in Mathematics in Europe

    Find the list of all PHD Programs in Mathematics in Europe with our interactive Program search tool. Use the filters to list programs by subject, location, program type or study level.

  6. PhD Pure Mathematics (2024 entry)

    The The Department of Mathematics has an outstanding research reputation. The research facilities include one of the finest libraries in the country, the John Rylands University Library. This library has recently made a very large commitment of resources to providing comprehensive online facilities for the free use of the University's research community.

  7. Graduate School of Mathematics

    An international renown. Mathematics at Université Paris-Saclay covers almost the entire field of the discipline, from pure mathematics to interfaces with neighboring sciences: biology, computer science, scientific computation and engineering, theoretical physics.. In Paris-Saclay's PhD program, the scientific development of our talented students benefits from an exceptional concentration of ...

  8. Doctoral Programme in Mathematics and Statistics

    The Doctoral Programme in Mathematics and Statistics (Domast) offers PhD thesis topics and high-quality supervision in several areas of mathematics. These areas include, for example, analysis, inverse problems, mathematical biology, mathematical physics, mathematical logic and statistics.

  9. Mathematics

    Mathematics. PhD candidates carry out a programme of independent research, leading to a PhD thesis in typically 4 years. A description of the research areas can be found on the website of the Mathematical Institute (MI). Specific requirements of the PhD programme depend on the specialisation chosen and are determined in consultation with the ...

  10. Ph. D. studies

    Jagiellonian University in Kraków is a leading centre for mathematical research in Poland and provides a vibrant and active environment for students from Poland and around the world seeking a PhD degree in mathematics. In the four-years PhD programme, the doctoral student will work under the supervision of a professor on a research project ...

  11. Mathematics (europe) PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships

    University of Birmingham School of Metallurgy & Materials. Applications are invited for one funded 3.5-year PhD studentship for the project titled "High-fidelity CFD and data-driven modeling of aerodynamic noise sources" in the group of Dr Zhong-Nan Wang at the University of Birmingham. Read more. Supervisor:

  12. 174 PhD programmes in Mathematics in Europe

    28,170 EUR / year. 3 years. The PhD programme in Mathematics and Statistics at the University of Sheffield is your chance to join the next generation of world-class researchers in mathematics and statistics, to contribute to knowledge and develop transferable research skills. Ph.D. / Full-time, Part-time / On Campus.

  13. Mathematics (fully funded) PhD Projects, Programmes ...

    Mathematics: Fully Funded SUSPRS PhD Scholarship: Mathematical and computational approaches to explore the reciprocal interaction between cell metabolism and radiation therapy in cancer. Funding providers: Swansea University Strategic Partnership Research Scholarships (SUSPRS) with Université Grenoble Alpes, France.

  14. PhD track in Mathematics and applications

    The PSL PhD track in Mathematics and Applications is a fully-funded 5-year program structured around two phases. During the first phase, students draw on courses from PSL's research master in Mathematics and Applications and start working towards their research project. The research master is a stepping-stone towards the second phase of the PhD track, during which students work on their ...

  15. Mathematical Physics PhD

    This article was published on 18 Jan, 2024. Study PhD in Mathematical Physics at the University of Edinburgh. Our postgraduate degree programme aims to understand the principles behind quantum gravity, through the study of black holes, cosmologies and spacetime singularities. Find out more here.

  16. 4,456 mathematics-phd positions

    PhD Programme in Mathematics, 40th cycle. cycle (Academic Year 2024/2025) of the PhD Programme in Mathematics at the University of Trento (Italy), jointly run with the University of Verona (Italy). Positions: no. 12 Scholarships: no. 12.

  17. PhD Program Mathematics

    Keywords: mathematics, fundamental mathematics, applied mathematics, funding, phd, program. Objectives : The doctoral studies at Université Paris-Saclay encompass the full mathematical spectrum, from most fundamental aspects (algebra, analysis, geometry, probability) to applications in various sciences (physics, biology) and industry motivated problems (Artificial Intelligence, scientific ...

  18. 17 PhD Degrees in Mathematics in Europe for 2024

    PhD Degrees in Mathematics The subject of mathematics is often paired up with other subjects such as education, statistics, finance, and computer science. This pairing can give added value in the teaching, computer programming, and financial forecasting and planning fields.

  19. Europe's 100+ best Mathematics universities [2024 Rankings]

    99. University of Tampere. 100. National Technical University of Athens. Below is the list of 100 best universities for Mathematics in Europe ranked based on their research performance: a graph of 130M citations received by 5.42M academic papers made by these universities was used to calculate ratings and create the top.

  20. Mathematics jobs in Europe

    Mathematics jobs in Europe. 17 PhD jobs to view and apply for now with Nature Careers.

  21. Sweden and the Netherlands: 16 fully-funded PhD positions

    PhD positions available in Swedish universities: 1. Computational condensed matter physics, Linköping University. 2. Urban Freight Management, Chalmers University of Technology. 3. eDNA environmental monitoring, Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet. 4. Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS), Luleå University of Technology. 5.

  22. To Test or Not to Test? The Graduate Record Examinations: Predictive

    Graduate standardized testing can ease the comparison of application files. The purpose of this study was to examine whether the Graduate Record Examinations (GRE) is predictive of several dimensions of graduate success on English-taught research masters' programs in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics at a large European ...