Child Care and Early Education Research Connections

Pre-experimental designs.

Pre-experiments are the simplest form of research design. In a pre-experiment either a single group or multiple groups are observed subsequent to some agent or treatment presumed to cause change.

Types of Pre-Experimental Design

One-shot case study design, one-group pretest-posttest design, static-group comparison.

A single group is studied at a single point in time after some treatment that is presumed to have caused change. The carefully studied single instance is compared to general expectations of what the case would have looked like had the treatment not occurred and to other events casually observed. No control or comparison group is employed.

A single case is observed at two time points, one before the treatment and one after the treatment. Changes in the outcome of interest are presumed to be the result of the intervention or treatment. No control or comparison group is employed.

A group that has experienced some treatment is compared with one that has not. Observed differences between the two groups are assumed to be a result of the treatment.

Validity of Results

An important drawback of pre-experimental designs is that they are subject to numerous threats to their  validity . Consequently, it is often difficult or impossible to dismiss rival hypotheses or explanations. Therefore, researchers must exercise extreme caution in interpreting and generalizing the results from pre-experimental studies.

One reason that it is often difficult to assess the validity of studies that employ a pre-experimental design is that they often do not include any control or comparison group. Without something to compare it to, it is difficult to assess the significance of an observed change in the case. The change could be the result of historical changes unrelated to the treatment, the maturation of the subject, or an artifact of the testing.

Even when pre-experimental designs identify a comparison group, it is still difficult to dismiss rival hypotheses for the observed change. This is because there is no formal way to determine whether the two groups would have been the same if it had not been for the treatment. If the treatment group and the comparison group differ after the treatment, this might be a reflection of differences in the initial recruitment to the groups or differential mortality in the experiment.

Advantages and Disadvantages

As exploratory approaches, pre-experiments can be a cost-effective way to discern whether a potential explanation is worthy of further investigation.


Pre-experiments offer few advantages since it is often difficult or impossible to rule out alternative explanations. The nearly insurmountable threats to their validity are clearly the most important disadvantage of pre-experimental research designs.

skripsi one shot case study


  1. Contoh Penelitian One Shot Case Study

    skripsi one shot case study

  2. The One-Shot Case Study

    skripsi one shot case study

  3. What is a one-shot experimental case study (pre-experimental research

    skripsi one shot case study

  4. One Shot Case Study

    skripsi one shot case study

  5. Contoh Penelitian One Shot Case Study

    skripsi one shot case study

  6. Rancangan Penelitian Eksperimental

    skripsi one shot case study


  1. One Shot

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    Tabel 3.1 One-Shot Case Study Treatment Observasi X O Sumber : Sugiono, 2017. Keterangan : X : Pemberian perlakuan (treatment) O : Observasi setelah treatment (dapat berupa post-test) Tujuan penelitian untuk mengetauhi keefektifannya proses blended learning dan capaian hasil belajar siswa dengan menngunakan desain one-shot case study.

  2. PDF BAB III METODE PENELITIAN A. one shot case study variabel yang hendak

    Quasy eksperimen merupakan desain perlakuan tunggal ( one shot case study ) merupakan desain yang paling sederhana. Terhadap sekolompok subjek diberi perlakuan (X), kemudian dilakukan pengamatan (Y). Dalam desain ini sekelompok subjek penelitian memperoleh perlakuan, selanjutnya diukur variabel yang hendak diamati (Latipun, 2004:114).

  3. Pre-Experimental Designs

    One-shot case study design; One-group pretest-posttest design; Static-group comparison; One-shot case study design. A single group is studied at a single point in time after some treatment that is presumed to have caused change. The carefully studied single instance is compared to general expectations of what the case would have looked like had ...

  4. PDF Pengaruh Sistem Pembelajaran Luring Dan Daring Terhadap Tingkat Stres

    The purpose of this study was to determine the difference in stress levels of students who use offline learning systems and students who use online learning systems during the pandemic. This research uses quantitative method with Pre-Experimental Design type One-Shot Case Study. This research was conducted at SDIT Nurul Amal with a sample


    research is a quasi experiment using the One Shot Case Study design. The sample in this study amounted to 15 children of group B consisting of 9 men and 6 women taken using sample purposive sampling technique based on the characteristics of the children studied. This study was conducted three times. The

  6. (PDF) Pengaruh Stimulasi Tugas Terhadap Motivasi dan ...

    Penelitian ini menggunakan quasi eksperimen dengan desain one shoot case study (Yurni & Hariati, 2022). Pada penelitian ini kelompok yang ada tidak dibedakan menjadi kelompok kontrol dan kelompok ...

  7. The One-Shot Case Study

    The One-Shot Case Study. The one-shot case study design is shown in figure 4.1e. It is also called the ex post facto design because a single group of people is measured on some dependent variable after an intervention has taken place. This is the most common research design in culture change studies, where it is obviously impossible to ...

  8. One-Shot Case Study: Kelebihan dan Batasan

    One-shot case study merupakan metode penelitian yang efisien dan fleksibel untuk mempelajari suatu fenomena atau kejadian secara mendalam dalam waktu yang singkat. Metode ini dapat menghasilkan data kualitatif yang kaya dan mendalam, namun juga memiliki batasan seperti kurangnya kontrol variabel dan tidak adanya kelompok pembanding.

  9. PDF Darussalam, Banda Aceh Universitas Islam Negeri Ar-raniry Fakultas

    dengan desain penelitian One-Shot Case Study. Sampel yang diambil adalah kelas X MIA 2 berjumlah 40 orang dengan metode purposive sampling. Instrumen yang diambil adalah soal post test hasil belajar serta analisis data menggunakan uji t. Hasil uji One-Way Anova diperoleh 0,015 < 0,05 maka, H 0 ditolak. Hasil penelitian


    Skripsi, Jakarta: Program Studi Pendidikan Tata Busana, Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Negeri Jakarta, 2023. ... deskriptif kuantitatif dengan desain penelitian pre-experimental design, one shot case study. Penelitian ini menghasilkan 5 produk blazer dengan konsep modular design yang dinilai berdasarkan teori dimensi kualitas produk dan teori ...


    Skripsi ini disusun untuk memenuhi salah satu syarat memperoleh gelar sarjana (S1) pada program studi Pendidikan Guru Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini, Jurusan Ilmu ... menggunakan rancangan One Shot Case Study. Sampel penelitian ini adalah anak kelas B 1 yang berjumlah 16 anak, terdiri dari 9 laki - laki dan 7 perempuan. ...

  12. PDF Pengaruh Sudut Pahat Pada Proses Bubut Rata Terhadap Tingkat Kekasaran

    SKRIPSI Skripsi ini ditulis sebagai salah satu syarat untuk memperoleh gelar Sarjana Pendidikan Program Studi Pendidikan Teknik Mesin oleh Sugeng Priyadi ... (One Shot Case Study) because in this research of the test material in the form of workpieces done by conventional lathe with variation of chisel angle. The

  13. PDF Bab Iv Hasil Penelitian Dan Pembahasan

    desain "One-Shot Case Study" yang penelitiannya hanya terdapat satu kelas yang diberi treatment/perlakuan yaitu pembelajaran dengan, metode resitasi dan demonstrasi. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan pada tanggal 28 Maret sampai 18 Mei, di MI Miftahul Islam Ringinharjo Gubung. Pada pembelajaran IPA

  14. PDF Hi, Welcome to Universitas Negeri Semarang Repository!

    Hi, Welcome to Universitas Negeri Semarang Repository!

  15. The one-shot case study design

    This study used experimental methods with one-shot case study design. The population of this study was class X SMK Pelayaran Wira Samudera Semarang. The sample was 30 students selected...

  16. PDF 1. Variabel dalam Penelitian Eksperimen

    Jenis one-shot case study dimaksudkan untuk menunjukkan kekuatan pengukuran dan nilai ilmiah suatu desain penelitian. Adapun bagan dari one-shot case study adalah sebagai berikut. Dengan X: kelompok yang akan diberi stimulus dalam eksperimen dan O: kejadian pengukuran atau pengamatan. Bagan tersebut dapat dibaca sebagai berikut: terdapat suatu ...

  17. Contoh Desain Penelitian One Shot Case Study

    Desain penelitian pra-eksperimental ada tiga jenis yaitu 1) one-shot case study, 2) one-group pre-post tes design, dn 3) static group design (suryabrata, 2000 : 55; nursalam, 2003 : 87). a) one-shot case study. prosedur desain penelitian one-shot case study adalah sebagai berikut. Dalam pre-experimental design terdapat tiga alternatif desain ...