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226 Hot Public Health Thesis Topics For Top Grades

public health thesis topics

Are you stuck trying to get the best current public health research topics for thesis and writing it? If yes, know you are not alone. A lot of students find the tasks challenging, but we are here to help. Keep reading our informative guide that demonstrates how to prepare an engaging public health paper.

We will also highlight hot 226 health policy topics for paper and other public health ideas for dissertation that you can use for top grades. Why settle for less when we can help you select the best college or university papers?

What Is Public Health?

Before looking at the top public health statistics undergraduate thesis topics or other public health research ideas, let’s start with the definition. So, what is public health?

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), public health is “the art and science of preventing diseases, helping to prolong life and promote health using organized efforts. Good examples of public health efforts include preventing outbreaks, educating the public on health choices, promoting fitness, preparing for emergencies, and avoiding the spread of infectious diseases. Public health

How To Write A Great Public Health Dissertation

If you are a graduate or masters student, one of the most comprehensive documents that you need to prepare is the dissertation. It is an expansive paper and comes at the end of your course. Remember that you need to ensure it is prepared well because a team of professors will ultimately evaluate it. So, here are the main steps that you need to follow to prepare a high quality dissertation:

Identify the topic of study Comprehensively research the topic and identify the main points to support it Develop the thesis statement for the dissertation (this thesis will ultimately be tested after gathering your data) Develop an outline for the dissertation. This guide should tell you what to write at what specific instance. Here is a sample outline: Topic of the study Introduction. Start with the thesis statement, followed by the objectives of the study. Then, the rest of the introduction should be used to set the background for the study. Literature review: Review relevant resources about the topic. Methodology: Explain the methodology that was used during the study. Is Results and analysis: Provide the results gathered during the study. Discussion and conclusion: Here, you should discuss the study results and demonstrate whether they approve or disapprove the thesis statement. If you found any gaps in the previous studies, highlight them too and call for further studies. Bibliography: This is a list of all the resources you used to prepare the paper. Write the first draft following the outline we have just listed above. Write the final copy by refining the first draft, proofreading, and editing it.

Awesome Public Health Thesis Topics

Here are the leading thesis topics in public health for top grades. You can use them as they are or tweak a little to suit your preference.

Public Health Thesis Topics In Mental Issues

  • What is the role of public health in addressing mental issues in society?
  • Seasonal affective disorder: A review of the disorder’s prevalence rates.
  • Society should always listen to the needs of mentally ill persons.
  • Eating disorders in adults: A review of the treatment strategies used for adults in the UK.
  • What is the relation between climate change and emerging public health issues?
  • Comparing depression prevalence rates in the UK to those of the US.
  • What are the main causes of anxiety disorders in society?
  • A review of the connection between HIV/AIDS and mental health issues in society.
  • Running a public health facility: What is the most important equipment?
  • Emerging public health issues in developing countries.
  • Analyzing the psychological problems of breast cancer.
  • What strategies should people use to prevent their mental health from social media dangers?
  • A review of the public health benefits associated with active lifestyles.
  • Stress: Why is it a major risk factor for mental health in many communities?
  • What are the most common mental health issues in society today?
  • Comparing the rates of depression and stress in China and the UK.
  • Addressing anxiety-related disorders: Is cognitive-behavior therapy the best treatment method?
  • A review of the economic burden of living with a person suffering from anxiety disorders.
  • How does depression impact the quality of life?
  • Comparing training of public health officers in the US to India.

Unique Research Topics In Public Health

  • Surrogacy: A review of associated ethical issues.
  • Prevalence of medical errors in hospitals: A review of the policies used to prevent the problem in the United States.
  • Blood transfusion: What are the side effects?
  • A review of doctors’ roles in promoting healthy lifestyles.
  • Maintaining healthy body weight: Comparing the effectiveness of the recommended methods.
  • A review of organ donation trends in Europe and Asia.
  • Analyzing the ethical factors around cloning: When should it be allowed?
  • The ethics of human experimentation.
  • Comparing the rates of heart attacks in women to men in the United States.
  • What are the main causes of heart attacks? Can it be prevented?
  • Progress in diabetes studies and treatment: Is it possible to get a cure in the future?
  • Biological weapons and their impacts on society: A review of the Leukemia rates in Japan.
  • Pre-diabetes in children: What are the main symptoms, and how can it be addressed?

Public Health Paper Topics On COVID-19

  • How will COVID-19 change life?
  • What are the advantages and disadvantages of self-isolation?
  • Life lessons that you learned during the COVID-19 pandemic.
  • What challenges has your community faced during COVID-19 pandemic?
  • School life during COVID-19 pandemic.
  • A review of mass media operations during pandemic.
  • What projects did you undertake during the pandemic?
  • A review of projects that your community undertook during the COVID-19 pandemic.
  • A closer look at the backlash against Asians in Europe at the start COVID-19 pandemic period.
  • Preparing for the next pandemic: What lessons did the world learn from the COVID-19 pandemic?
  • The best strategies for staying healthy during a pandemic.
  • Is there anything that we could have done to prevent the COVID-19 pandemic?
  • Comparing the effectiveness of Europe and American healthcare preparedness for tackling disasters.
  • A review of mental health status in a community of your choice during the COVID-19 pandemic.
  • A review of COVID-19 emergence theories: Which one do you think is more credible?
  • Comparing the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic to Ebola.
  • Vaccines development for viral infections: What made the development of the COVID-19 vaccine possible so fast, whereas that of HIV/AIDS has taken so long?
  • A review of the vaccine development process.
  • Time for review: How effectively do you think your government responded to the COVID-19 pandemic?
  • Rethinking public health on a global scale: Demonstrating why effective healthcare is only possible when looked at globally.

Interesting Public Health Research Topic Ideas

  • What is the importance of learning public health in school?
  • Identify and review a common public health issue in your community.
  • The history of human health: Comparing what was considered healthy in ancient times to what is referred to as healthy today.
  • Going vegan: How can it impact your health?
  • Excessive weight: Is it the new threat to human civilization?
  • Is bodybuilding healthy?
  • Body positive: Is it a new health standard or ignorance of body issues?
  • Things to consider when selecting healthy food to eat.
  • Why psychological health should be part of every community in society.
  • The health of newborns: What is the difference between their healthcare and that of adults?
  • Emerging trends in the healthcare industry: How can the latest trends benefit society?
  • Comparing depression and anxiety in two countries of your choice.
  • Physical wellness must include healthy behavioral patterns and nutrition.
  • A sense of belonging is paramount to personal and community health.
  • What is the relationship between spirituality and public health?
  • A review of stigmatization of mental health issues in a community of your choice.
  • Is it possible to prevent depression?
  • At what point should children start learning sex-related education?
  • Comparing the two main public health issues in two cities: London and New York.
  • What is the relationship between poverty and public health?

Hot Researchable Topics In Public Health

  • The resurgence of measles in society: The best guidance for clinicians.
  • Tackling the growing national drug problem.
  • Bioterrorism preparedness for global disasters.
  • A review of recent vitamin D recommendations for older adults.
  • Strategies for maintaining maternal mortality at low levels across the globe.
  • Efforts by Asian governments to reduce infections from using unsafe water.
  • Over-the-counter drug abuse in Europe: Compare two countries of your choice.
  • Health care providers’ roles in preventing bullying in society.
  • Knowledge management in the UK healthcare organizations.
  • The health benefits of good healthcare waste management.
  • Characteristics of dental wastes in hospitals.
  • Comparing the most prevalent public health issues in developed and developing nations.
  • Latest trends in financing public health.
  • The relevance of clinical epidemiology in public health.
  • Evidence based public health.
  • Epidemiological burden of HIV/AIDS in developing countries.
  • Addressing cervical cancer in developing countries: Is it possible to eliminate it completely?
  • Ethics in public health clinical research.
  • Comparing the strategies used in teaching and motivating public health professionals in developing and developed countries.

Research Topics In Public Health For Masters

  • Advertising and impacts on food choices in the community.
  • The use of stem cell technologies for cancer treatment: What are the latest trends?
  • Bio-printing: Is it the future of organ transplants?
  • Nutrition education: How does it promote healthy diets?
  • Exercising: What role does it play in promoting strength and balance in the elderly?
  • Weight loss surgery: What are the key advantages and disadvantages?
  • Heart disease is a major public health issue in society.
  • Alternative strategies for treating depression in society: Are they effective?
  • Healthcare leadership and its importance in public health.
  • Legal aspects of public health care in the society.
  • Mental disabilities in patients: A review of the emerging trends in the UK.
  • How does the United States promote the development of public health?
  • Inequalities in medicine: What impact does it have in public health?
  • The most controversial issues in public health in the UK.
  • What are the most preferred storage systems for medical supplies in the UK public health facilities?
  • Reimagining the public health systems on the globe: Where do you see the UK health system in the next 20 years?

Top Thesis Topics In Dental Public Health

  • Common oral health issues in Ireland.
  • A review of common problems of endodontically treated teeth.
  • The role of good leadership skills in dental education.
  • Child management techniques between male and female practitioners.
  • What role does ergonomics play in dentistry?
  • Dental material and bio-engineering: What are the latest trends?
  • A review of the relationship between diabetes and oral health in the society.
  • The role of electronic health care record systems used in public health.
  • Comparing dental health issues in the developing and developed countries.
  • A review of public awareness of dental health issues in a community of choice.
  • How can you ensure that all the food you buy is safe and healthy?
  • What strategies are used by your local health community to promote dental awareness?
  • Dental health management in California: What do you think should be done differently?
  • Are you satisfied with the strategies used to address dental issues?

Hot Thesis Topics Public Health

  • Mandatory overtime work for medical staff: How does it impact their commitment to their job?
  • Nursing shortage and its impact in public health.
  • Strategies for improving public health in the EU.
  • Mental health issues among asylum seekers in the United States.
  • Common mental issues among veterans returning from war: A case study of the United States.
  • What functions does management play in healthcare settings when handling key public health issues?
  • How poor relationships between nurses and doctors can impact public health services delivery.
  • Third-party players in public health and their roles.
  • Financial reporting standards in public health facilities.
  • What is the correlation between revenue collection in society and the quality of patient services?
  • Reviewing the coordination of public health officials during disasters.
  • The importance of staff training on quality of health services.
  • Comparing the differences between alternative medicine and conventional medicine in addressing public health issues in society.
  • Obesity: What are the main causes in child-going age?
  • A review of health consequences of caffeine.
  • Medical marijuana: What are the main pros and cons?
  • A review of the US Farm Bill Amendments that legalized use of cannabis in the US.
  • Doing sports: Is it always healthy?
  • Low-fat or low-carb diet: Which one is better in addressing overweight and diabetes issues?
  • Preventing communicable diseases: Evaluating the prevention strategies used in Asia.
  • What is the estimated cost of treating heart problems?

Controversial Public Health Dissertation Topics

  • Smoking and impacts of current efforts to address cancer in the society.
  • A review of the main causes of heart attacks in society today.
  • Tobacco ads: Evaluating their impacts and the relationship to the current cancer trends in the society.
  • Sleep disorders: Explain why they should be considered a public health issue.
  • Staffing shortage and the impacts in fighting COVID-19 pandemic in Asia.
  • Analyzing risk management of treating different diseases in the community.
  • COVID-19 pandemic in numbers: Comparing the infection rates in the developed and developing countries.
  • Reviewing strategies used in the US public health system to achieve equity: How effective are they?
  • Analyzing the main challenges in the UK medical care system.
  • Rising cases of suicides in the society: What are the main causes?
  • A comprehensive review of strategies used to prevent suicides in the 21st century in the US.
  • Use of vaccines to prevent diseases: Do adults still need the vaccines?
  • Heat-related deaths: What strategies should be adopted?
  • Chronic-diseases prevention: Comparing the strategies used in developing and developed countries.
  • Are we becoming too dependent on antibiotics in fighting diseases?
  • Opioid crisis: Are the doctors to blame for it?
  • Use of blockchain in growing accuracy of clinical trials in medicine.
  • What dangers are posed by nuclear wastes in society?
  • Assessing US industrial facilities compliance rates to cut down emissions.
  • Using clean energy as a strategy of improving public health: What are the expectations?
  • What is the healthiest country?
  • Evaluating the correlation between gaming and deviant behavior among children in society.
  • COVID-19 could have been prevented if WHO was more vigilant?

Public Health Research Questions

  • Is the high cost of medical healthcare in the United States justified?
  • What is the correlation between poverty and poor health in society?
  • Should health care for homeless people be free?
  • Unconventional medicine: Should it be part of the UK healthcare system?
  • Should doctors be responsible for medical errors?
  • Should medical officers or health facilities be allowed to promote selective medical products?
  • Should all healthcare facilities in the UK be required to have translators for non-English speaking clients?
  • Mental health issues associated with domestic violence: A case study of France.
  • Is it a good idea to legalize euthanasia?
  • What are the benefits of using surgical masks in public?
  • What are the most important lessons from the different waves of the COVID-19 pandemic reported on the globe?
  • Who is more responsible for the COVID-19 pandemic?
  • Ebola or COVID-19 pandemic: Which is worse?
  • What are the main causes of epidemics on the globe?
  • Public health planning: What are the most important things to think about?
  • Should governments pay the cost of rehabilitating drug addicts in society?
  • Teaching children healthy lifestyles: What are the best strategies?
  • What problems do people with autism face in society?
  • What are the leading causes of child mortality in your community?
  • Gun violence in the United States: Should it be considered a public health issue?
  • What illnesses are considered foodborne?

Easy Topics In Public Health

  • All workplaces should support breastfeeding.
  • What are the best strategies to reduce pollution in society?
  • Public health benefits of recycling waste in society.
  • Reviewing the causes of poor water quality in the developing world.
  • Comparing water quality standards policies in the UK and US.
  • Health impacts of the rapid depletion of o-zone depletion.
  • Better planning of infrastructural development is important for healthier societies: Discuss.
  • The US is better prepared to handle pandemics that might arise after the COVID-19 pandemic. Discuss.
  • A review of common diseases spread by vectors.
  • A review of key policies installed to protect employee health.
  • Legal age for consuming energy drinks should be set by the government to address the problem of diabetes.
  • Smoking: Should it be banned in public?
  • What are the best strategies for raising awareness in public?
  • Can reducing the workload of employees in manufacturing facilities improve their health?
  • Sunbathing should be restricted to prevent the risk of cancer: Discuss.
  • Should abortion be banned in society?
  • School-related stress: How can it be prevented?
  • Should birth control be made available and free for all teenagers?
  • What should be categorized as a bad health habit?
  • Compare and contrast two common treatment methods for treating behavioral disorders.
  • Internet addiction: What are the main dangers of internet addiction?

Other Public Health Topics For Research

  • How to stay healthy and safe during a pandemic.
  • Using a bicycle instead of driving is healthier.
  • Common mental disorders in India.
  • What is the biggest health issue among young people?
  • The impact of exercising in teenagers.
  • Why do teenagers experiment with drugs?
  • What impact does dispositional violence have on mental disorders?
  • Is telemedicine helpful in promoting better healthcare?
  • Unproven alternative medicine: What are the associated risks?
  • What alternatives do we have for antibiotics?
  • What is the difference between private and public healthcare?
  • A review of the main health issues associated with puberty.
  • What is the most dangerous disease of the 21st century?
  • Why are some people still afraid of vaccines?
  • Experimental treatment: Why do people agree to undergo it?
  • How can we improve the health of people living with chronic illnesses?
  • The best strategies to make people aware of the basics of healthcare.
  • A review of the growing awareness about reproductive health in the society.

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Public Health Theses and Dissertations

Theses/dissertations from 2023 2023.

Needs Assessment for a Web-Based Support Resource for Patients with a Pathogenic Variant in LMNA , Dylan M. Allen

Evaluation of a Story-telling Approach to Educate Minority Populations About Inherited Cancer , Celestyn B. Angot

Using the Genetic Counseling Skills Checklist to Characterize Prenatal Genetic Counseling , David A. Cline

Reframing Resistance, Resilience, and Racial Equity in Maternal Health: A Mixed Methods Exploration of Paternal Involvement and the Racial Disparity in Severe Maternal Morbidity , Marshara G. Fross

Student Perceptions of the Nonmedical Use of Prescription Stimulants and Preferences for Health Education , Ana Gutierrez

Relationships between Leading and Trailing Indicators at Construction Sites in Yanbu Industrial City, Saudi Arabia , Anas H. Halloul

Variability of Air Sampling Results Using Air-O-Cell Cassettes , Christina M. Haworth

Use of Silica Dust and Lunar Simulants for Assessing Lunar Regolith Exposure , Layzamarie Irizarry-Colon

The Aging Workforce: How it Relates to Incident Rates within a Distribution Warehouse and a Chemical Manufacturing Building , Elisabeth V. Jones

Fuzzy KC Clustering Imputation for Missing Not At Random Data , Markku A. Malmi Jr.

Piloting a Spanish-language Web-based Tool for Hereditary Cancer Genetic Testing , Gretter Manso

Development of a ddPCR Multiplex to Measure the Immune Response to Borrelia burgdorferi. , Kailey Marie McCain

A Healthcare Claims Investigation of Parasomnia Epidemiology, Associations with Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder, and REM Sleep Behavior Disorder Correlates , Anh Thy Ha Nguyen

Diet and Salivary Microbiome on Cardiovascular Risk and Glycemic Control in Participants with and without Type 1 Diabetes: The CACTI Study , Tiantian Pang

Evaluation of Two Methods to Estimate Wet Bulb Globe Temperature from Heat Index , Stephi Pofanl

Intimate Conversations: A Mixed-Methods Study of African American Father-Adolescent Sexual Risk Communication , Shanda A. Vereen

Assessment of ISO Heart Rate Method to Estimate Metabolic Rate , Karl Williams

Theses/Dissertations from 2022 2022

Outcomes of a Periodic Exposure Assessment of Workers at a University Campus , Logan M. Armagast

Evaluating the Effect of Public Health Governance Structure and Public Opinion on COVID-19 Disease Control Interventions , Daniel Chacreton

Alpha Synuclein: A therapeutic target and biomarker for Parkinson’s Disease , Max Chase

A Study of Noise Exposures for Amusement Park Employees by Positions and Ride Categories , Danielle M. Dao

Bayesian Network-based Diagnostic Support Tool with Limited Point-of-Care Ultrasound for Work-related Elbow Injuries , Cristina Maria Franceschini Sánchez

Host-Pathogen Coevolution Between Tasmanian Devils (Sarcophilus harrisii) and Devil Facial Tumor Disease , Dylan Garret Gallinson

Measurements of Generalizability and Adjustment for Bias in Clinical Trials , Yuanyuan Lu

Examining the Relationship between Racial Respect among Black Early Childhood Professionals and their Perceptions of Black Children , Kayla Nembhard

Etiology of sterile intra-amniotic inflammation: An exploratory study , Zoe M. Taylor

Evaluating and Improving a Novel Toolkit for Implementation and Optimization of Lynch Syndrome Universal Tumor Screening , Tara M. Wolfinger

Theses/Dissertations from 2021 2021

Exploring Adult Attachment in Intimate Relationships among Women who Were Exposed to Intimate Partner Violence in Childhood: A Convergent Mixed Methods Approach , Ngozichukwuka C. Agu

Comparison of the Effectiveness of Disinfectant-Impregnated Wipes Versus Detergent Wipes for Surface Decontamination , Jacob Amadin

Limited Point of Care Ultrasound Clinical Decision Support Model for Work-related Injuries of the Shoulder Utilizing Bayesian Network , Gwen Marie Ayers

Synthesis of a Multimodal Ecological Model for Scalable, High-Resolution Arboviral Risk Prediction in Florida , Sean P. Beeman

Feasibility of a Virtual Group Nutrition Intervention for Adolescents with Autism Spectrum Disorder , Acadia W. Buro

Defining Codes Based on the Consolidated Framework for Implementation Research in the Context of the Implementing Universal Lynch Syndrome Screening , Jasmine A. Burton-Akright

Americans’ Familiarity, Interest, and Actions with Direct-to-Consumer Genetic Testing , Riley L. Carroll

Does Better A1C Control Worsen Osteoarthritis? An Electronic Health Record Cross-Sectional Study , Sarah C. Cattaneo

Analysis of Post-traumatic Stress Disorder Gene Expression Profiles in a Prospective, Community-based Cohort , Jan Dahrendorff

Differential Privacy for Regression Modeling in Health: An Evaluation of Algorithms , Joseph Ficek

Does Time-Weighted Averaging for WBGT and Metabolic Rate Work for Work-Recovery Cycles? , John W. Flach

Screening of Pregnant Women with Opioid Use Disorder: Identifying Factors Impacting Implementation of Screening Recommendations Using the Theoretical Domains Framework , Tara R. Foti

Epigenetic Potential in an Introduced Passerine , Haley E. Hanson

Face Mask Use to Protect Against COVID-19; Importance of Substrate, Fit, and User Tendencies , Evelyn Kassel

Novel Educational Material for Patients with a Variant of Uncertain Significance (VUS) in a Cancer Risk Gene , Meghan E. Kelley

Mechanisms and Mitigation: Effects of Light Pollution on West Nile Virus Dynamics , Meredith E. Kernbach

Seasonality in Competence to Transmit West Nile Virus for a Widespread Reservoir , Kyle L. Koller

Mealtimes in Early Childhood Education Centers During COVID-19: A Mixed-Methods Assessment of Responsibilities, Interactions, and Best Practices , Joanna Mackie

Development and Validation of an Isothermal Amplification Assay for Eastern Equine Encephalitis Virus , Mikayla D. Maddison

Evaluating the Development and Implementation of Campus-based Sexual and Interpersonal Violence Prevention Programming , Robyn Manning-Samuels

Bait-and-Kill: Targeting a Novel Heme Biochemical Pathway in Hundreds of Cancers , Christopher G. Marinescu

Acclimatization Protocols and Their Outcomes , Ayub M. Odera

Promoting HPV vaccination with vaccine-hesitant parents using social media: a formative research mixed-method study , Silvia Sommariva

Sleep Diagnoses and Low Back Pain in U.S. Military Veterans , Kenneth A. Taylor

Theses/Dissertations from 2020 2020

Journey Mapping the Minority Student’s Path Toward Genetic Counseling: A Holistic Picture , Tatiana E. Alvarado-Wing

Using Observations from the UAW-Ford Ergonomic Assessment Tool to Predict Distal Upper Extremity Musculoskeletal Disorders , Zachariah T. Brandes-Powell

Do Similar Exposure Groups (SEG) differ from Air Force base to Air Force base? A Combat Arms Training and Maintenance (CATM) noise exposure comparison of Moody AFB and MacDill AFB. , Miriam F. Escobar

Predictors of Premature Discontinuation from Behavioral Health Services: A Mixed Methods Study Guided by the Andersen & Newman Model of Health Care Utilization , Shawna M. Green

Non-invasive Sex Determination and Genotyping of Transgenic Brugia malayi Larvae , Santiago E. Hernandez Bojorge

Does Gestational Diabetes Mellitus Increases the Risk of Preeclampsia Among Primigravid Women? , Astha Kakkad

Evaluating Effects of Cancer Genetic Counseling on Several Brief Patient Impact Measures , Alyson Kneusel

Impact of Heat-Related Illness and Natural Environments on Behavioral Health Related Emergency and Hospital Utilization in Florida , Natasha Kurji

The Quantification of Heavy Metals in Infant Formulas Offered by the Florida WIC Program , Naya Martin

Differences in Knowledge Acquisition, Perceived Engagement and Self-Efficacy in Latino Promotores Delivering the Heart Disease Prevention Program Su Corazόn, Su Vida , Samuel Matos-Bastidas

Spatial and Temporal Determinants Associated with Eastern Equine Encephalitis Virus Activity in Florida , Kristi M. Miley

Using Observations from the UAW-Ford Ergonomic Assessment Tool to Predict Low Back Musculoskeletal Disorders , Colins Nwafor

On the Importance of Context: Examining the Applicability of Infertility Insurance Mandates in the United States Using a Mixed-Methods Study Design , Nathanael B. Stanley

Exploration of Factors Associated with Perceptions of Community Safety among Youth in Hillsborough County, Florida: A Convergent Parallel Mixed-Methods Approach , Yingwei Yang

Theses/Dissertations from 2019 2019

The Ability of the U.S. Military’s WBGT-based Flag System to Recommend Safe Heat Stress Exposures , David R. Almario

The Relationship between Continuous Glucose Monitor (CGM) Derived Metrics and Indices of Glycemic Control , Ryan Bailey

“Man plans but ultimately, God decides”: A Phenomenological Investigation of the Contextual Family Planning Beliefs of Recently Resettled Congolese Refugee Women in West Central Florida. , Linda Bomboka Wilson

‘If He Hits Me, Is That Love? I Don’t Think So’: An Ethnographic Investigation of the Multi-Level Influences Shaping Indigenous Women’s Decision-Making Around Intimate Partner Violence in the Rural Peruvian Andes , Isabella Li Chan

An Assessment of the Role of Florida Pharmacists in the Administration of Inactivated Influenza Vaccine to Pregnant Women , Oluyemisi O. Falope

Epidemiological Analysis of Malaria Decrease in El Salvador from 1955 until 2017 , Tatiana I. Gardellini Guevara

Self-Collected Sampling Methods for Chlamydia and Gonorrhea Screening Among College Women: Exploring Patient-Centered Intervention Characteristics , Stacey B. Griner

The Relationship Between Hand and Wrist Musculoskeletal Disorders and Hand Activity and Posture , Warren M. Henry

Speeding Diagnosis and Saving Money Using Point of Care Ultrasound Rather Than MRI for Work-related MSK Injuries , Jared A. Jeffries

Mitigating Barriers to Chronic Disease Risk Factor Prevention and Management in Disadvantaged Communities , Krys M. Johnson

Comparing Family Sharing Behaviors in BRCA Carriers with PALB2 Carriers , Joy E. Kechik

Investigating Air Pollution and Equity Impacts of a Proposed Transportation Improvement Program for Tampa , Talha Kemal Kocak

Exploring Young Women’s Choice to Initiate Use of Long-acting Reversible Contraception: A Mixed Methods Approach , Helen Mahony

Evaluation of Clinical Practices and Needs about Variants of Uncertain Significance Results in Inherited Cardiac Arrhythmia and Inherited Cardiomyopathy Genes , Reka D. Muller

Effects of Medications with Anticholinergic Properties and Opioids on Cognitive Function and Neural Volumetric Changes in Elderly Australians , Malinee Neelamegam

Sundaas Story: A Mixed-Methods Study of Household Sanitation Provisioning in Urban Informal Housing in India , Sarita Vijay Panchang

A Retrospective Study of the Opioid Epidemic and Fentanyl Related Overdose Fatality Cases in a Florida West Coast Medical Examiner District Population , Anne Terese Powell

Using Predicted Heat Strain to Evaluate Sustainable Exposures , Samantha L. Thacker

Isokinetic Sampling Efficiency Differences for Blunt Edge vs Sharp Edge Sampling Probes , Cory A. Treloar

Using the Consolidated Framework for Implementation Research to Investigate Daily Pre-exposure Prophylaxis (emtricitabine/tenofovir DF) Implementation via Community-based HIV Testing Sites in Florida , Deanne E. Turner

“We can learn some things from them, but they can learn some things from us too”: Intergenerational Perceptions of Shared Infant Feeding Information , Alexis L. Woods Barr

Theses/Dissertations from 2018 2018

Comparison of Modeled and Measured Pesticide Concentrations in Air , Trenell Davis Boggans

Effectiveness of Biocide Substitution and Management Plan Implementation for the Control of , Adelmarie Bones

Design, Construction, and Characterization of the University of South Florida Wind Tunnel , Jason S. Garcia

Characterization of Scanning Mobility Particle Sizers For Use With Nanoaerosols , Michael R. Henderson

Validation of the Thermal Work Limit (TWL) Against Known Heat Stress Exposures , Danielle L. Kapanowski

Validation of a New Concept for Measuring Respirable Dusts , Xiao Liu

Occupational Noise Exposure Evaluation of Airline Ramp Workers , Adekunle Ogunyemi

Reduction in Needlestick Injuries Using a Novel Package of Interventions , Kamal Thakor Patel

Ability of the ISO Predicted Heat Strain Method to Predict a Limiting Heat Stress Exposure , Edgar Prieto

Developing the Evidence Base for Mental Health Policy and Services: Inquiries into Epidemiology, Cost-Benefits, and Utilization , Joseph L. Smith

Occupational Sharps Injuries in Medical Trainees at the University of South Florida: A Follow-up Study , Kourtni L. Starkey

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Health Thesis Statemen

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example of thesis title about health

Navigating the intricate landscape of health topics requires a well-structured thesis statement to anchor your essay. Whether delving into public health policies or examining medical advancements, crafting a compelling health thesis statement is crucial. This guide delves into exemplary health thesis statement examples, providing insights into their composition. Additionally, it offers practical tips on constructing powerful statements that not only capture the essence of your research but also engage readers from the outset.

What is the Health Thesis Statement? – Definition

A health thesis statement is a concise declaration that outlines the main argument or purpose of an essay or research paper thesis statement focused on health-related topics. It serves as a roadmap for the reader, indicating the central idea that the paper will explore, discuss, or analyze within the realm of health, medicine, wellness, or related fields.

What is an Example of a Medical/Health Thesis Statement?

Example: “The implementation of comprehensive public health campaigns is imperative in curbing the escalating rates of obesity and promoting healthier lifestyle choices among children and adolescents.”

In this example, the final thesis statement succinctly highlights the importance of public health initiatives as a means to address a specific health issue (obesity) and advocate for healthier behaviors among a targeted demographic (children and adolescents).

100 Health Thesis Statement Examples

Health Thesis Statement Examples

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Discover a comprehensive collection of 100 distinct health thesis statement examples across various healthcare realms. From telemedicine’s impact on accessibility to genetic research’s potential for personalized medicine, delve into obesity, mental health, antibiotic resistance, opioid epidemic solutions, and more. Explore these examples that shed light on pressing health concerns, innovative strategies, and crucial policy considerations. You may also be interested to browse through our other  speech thesis statement .

  • Childhood Obesity : “Effective school-based nutrition programs are pivotal in combating childhood obesity, fostering healthy habits, and reducing the risk of long-term health complications.”
  • Mental Health Stigma : “Raising awareness through media campaigns and educational initiatives is paramount in eradicating mental health stigma, promoting early intervention, and improving overall well-being.”
  • Universal Healthcare : “The implementation of universal healthcare systems positively impacts population health, ensuring access to necessary medical services for all citizens.”
  • Elderly Care : “Creating comprehensive elderly care programs that encompass medical, social, and emotional support enhances the quality of life for aging populations.”
  • Cancer Research : “Increased funding and collaboration in cancer research expedite advancements in treatment options and improve survival rates for patients.”
  • Maternal Health : “Elevating maternal health through accessible prenatal care, education, and support systems reduces maternal mortality rates and improves neonatal outcomes.”
  • Vaccination Policies : “Mandatory vaccination policies safeguard public health by curbing preventable diseases and maintaining herd immunity.”
  • Epidemic Preparedness : “Developing robust epidemic preparedness plans and international cooperation mechanisms is crucial for timely responses to emerging health threats.”
  • Access to Medications : “Ensuring equitable access to essential medications, especially in low-income regions, is pivotal for preventing unnecessary deaths and improving overall health outcomes.”
  • Healthy Lifestyle Promotion : “Educational campaigns promoting exercise, balanced nutrition, and stress management play a key role in fostering healthier lifestyles and preventing chronic diseases.”
  • Health Disparities : “Addressing health disparities through community-based interventions and equitable healthcare access contributes to a fairer distribution of health resources.”
  • Elderly Mental Health : “Prioritizing mental health services for the elderly population reduces depression, anxiety, and cognitive decline, enhancing their overall quality of life.”
  • Genetic Counseling : “Accessible genetic counseling services empower individuals to make informed decisions about their health, family planning, and potential genetic risks.”
  • Substance Abuse Treatment : “Expanding availability and affordability of substance abuse treatment facilities and programs is pivotal in combating addiction and reducing its societal impact.”
  • Patient Empowerment : “Empowering patients through health literacy initiatives fosters informed decision-making, improving treatment adherence and overall health outcomes.”
  • Environmental Health : “Implementing stricter environmental regulations reduces exposure to pollutants, protecting public health and mitigating the risk of respiratory illnesses.”
  • Digital Health Records : “The widespread adoption of digital health records streamlines patient information management, enhancing communication among healthcare providers and improving patient care.”
  • Healthy Aging : “Promoting active lifestyles, social engagement, and cognitive stimulation among the elderly population contributes to healthier aging and reduced age-related health issues.”
  • Telehealth Ethics : “Ethical considerations in telehealth services include patient privacy, data security, and maintaining the quality of remote medical consultations.”
  • Public Health Campaigns : “Strategically designed public health campaigns raise awareness about prevalent health issues, motivating individuals to adopt healthier behaviors and seek preventive care.”
  • Nutrition Education : “Integrating nutrition education into school curricula equips students with essential dietary knowledge, reducing the risk of nutrition-related health problems.”
  • Healthcare Infrastructure : “Investments in healthcare infrastructure, including medical facilities and trained personnel, enhance healthcare access and quality, particularly in underserved regions.”
  • Mental Health Support in Schools : “Introducing comprehensive mental health support systems in schools nurtures emotional well-being, reduces academic stress, and promotes healthy student development.”
  • Antibiotic Stewardship : “Implementing antibiotic stewardship programs in healthcare facilities preserves the effectiveness of antibiotics, curbing the rise of antibiotic-resistant infections.”
  • Health Education in Rural Areas : “Expanding health education initiatives in rural communities bridges the information gap, enabling residents to make informed health choices.”
  • Global Health Initiatives : “International collaboration on global health initiatives bolsters disease surveillance, preparedness, and response to protect global populations from health threats.”
  • Access to Clean Water : “Ensuring access to clean water and sanitation facilities improves public health by preventing waterborne diseases and enhancing overall hygiene.”
  • Telemedicine and Mental Health : “Leveraging telemedicine for mental health services increases access to therapy and counseling, particularly for individuals in remote areas.”
  • Chronic Disease Management : “Comprehensive chronic disease management programs enhance patients’ quality of life by providing personalized care plans and consistent medical support.”
  • Healthcare Workforce Diversity : “Promoting diversity within the healthcare workforce enhances cultural competence, patient-provider communication, and overall healthcare quality.”
  • Community Health Centers : “Establishing community health centers in underserved neighborhoods ensures accessible primary care services, reducing health disparities and emergency room utilization.”
  • Youth Health Education : “Incorporating comprehensive health education in schools equips young people with knowledge about reproductive health, substance abuse prevention, and mental well-being.”
  • Dietary Guidelines : “Implementing evidence-based dietary guidelines and promoting healthy eating habits contribute to reducing obesity rates and preventing chronic diseases.”
  • Healthcare Innovation : “Investing in healthcare innovation, such as telemedicine platforms and wearable health technologies, transforms patient care delivery and monitoring.”
  • Pandemic Preparedness : “Effective pandemic preparedness plans involve cross-sector coordination, rapid response strategies, and transparent communication to protect global health security.”
  • Maternal and Child Nutrition : “Prioritizing maternal and child nutrition through government programs and community initiatives leads to healthier pregnancies and better child development.”
  • Health Literacy : “Improving health literacy through accessible health information and education empowers individuals to make informed decisions about their well-being.”
  • Medical Research Funding : “Increased funding for medical research accelerates scientific discoveries, leading to breakthroughs in treatments and advancements in healthcare.”
  • Reproductive Health Services : “Accessible reproductive health services, including family planning and maternal care, improve women’s health outcomes and support family well-being.”
  • Obesity Prevention in Schools : “Introducing physical activity programs and nutritional education in schools prevents childhood obesity, laying the foundation for healthier lifestyles.”
  • Global Vaccine Distribution : “Ensuring equitable global vaccine distribution addresses health disparities, protects vulnerable populations, and fosters international cooperation.”
  • Healthcare Ethics : “Ethical considerations in healthcare decision-making encompass patient autonomy, informed consent, and equitable resource allocation.”
  • Aging-in-Place Initiatives : “Aging-in-place programs that provide home modifications and community support enable elderly individuals to maintain independence and well-being.”
  • E-Health Records Privacy : “Balancing the benefits of electronic health records with patients’ privacy concerns necessitates robust data security measures and patient consent protocols.”
  • Tobacco Control : “Comprehensive tobacco control measures, including high taxation and anti-smoking campaigns, reduce tobacco consumption and related health risks.”
  • Epidemiological Studies : “Conducting rigorous epidemiological studies informs public health policies, identifies risk factors, and guides disease prevention strategies.”
  • Organ Transplant Policies : “Ethical organ transplant policies prioritize equitable organ allocation, ensuring fair access to life-saving treatments.”
  • Workplace Wellness Programs : “Implementing workplace wellness programs promotes employee health, reduces absenteeism, and enhances productivity.”
  • Emergency Medical Services : “Strengthening emergency medical services infrastructure ensures timely responses to medical crises, saving lives and reducing complications.”
  • Healthcare Access for Undocumented Immigrants : “Expanding healthcare access for undocumented immigrants improves overall community health and prevents communicable disease outbreaks.”
  • Primary Care Shortage Solutions : “Addressing primary care shortages through incentives for healthcare professionals and expanded training programs enhances access to basic medical services.”
  • Patient-Centered Care : “Prioritizing patient-centered care emphasizes communication, shared decision-making, and respecting patients’ preferences in medical treatments.”
  • Nutrition Labels Impact : “The effectiveness of clear and informative nutrition labels on packaged foods contributes to healthier dietary choices and reduced obesity rates.”
  • Stress Management Strategies : “Promoting stress management techniques, such as mindfulness and relaxation, improves mental health and reduces the risk of stress-related illnesses.”
  • Access to Reproductive Health Education : “Ensuring access to comprehensive reproductive health education empowers individuals to make informed decisions about their sexual and reproductive well-being.”
  • Medical Waste Management : “Effective medical waste management practices protect both public health and the environment by preventing contamination and pollution.”
  • Preventive Dental Care : “Prioritizing preventive dental care through community programs and education reduces oral health issues and associated healthcare costs.”
  • Pharmaceutical Pricing Reform : “Addressing pharmaceutical pricing reform enhances medication affordability and ensures access to life-saving treatments for all.”
  • Community Health Worker Role : “Empowering community health workers to provide education, support, and basic medical services improves healthcare access in underserved areas.”
  • Healthcare Technology Adoption : “Adopting innovative healthcare technologies, such as AI-assisted diagnostics, enhances accuracy, efficiency, and patient outcomes in medical practices.”
  • Elderly Falls Prevention : “Implementing falls prevention programs for the elderly population reduces injuries, hospitalizations, and healthcare costs, enhancing their overall well-being.”
  • Healthcare Data Privacy Laws : “Stricter healthcare data privacy laws protect patients’ sensitive information, maintaining their trust and promoting transparent data management practices.”
  • School Health Clinics : “Establishing health clinics in schools provides easy access to medical services for students, promoting early detection and timely treatment of health issues.”
  • Healthcare Cultural Competence : “Cultivating cultural competence among healthcare professionals improves patient-provider communication, enhances trust, and reduces healthcare disparities.”
  • Health Equity in Clinical Trials : “Ensuring health equity in clinical trials by diverse participant representation enhances the generalizability of research findings to different populations.”
  • Digital Mental Health Interventions : “Utilizing digital mental health interventions, such as therapy apps, expands access to mental health services and reduces stigma surrounding seeking help.”
  • Aging and Neurodegenerative Diseases : “Exploring the connection between aging and neurodegenerative diseases informs early interventions and treatment strategies to mitigate cognitive decline.”
  • Healthcare Waste Reduction : “Implementing sustainable healthcare waste reduction measures decreases environmental impact and contributes to a greener healthcare industry.”
  • Medical Ethics in End-of-Life Care : “Ethical considerations in end-of-life care decision-making ensure patient autonomy, quality of life, and respectful treatment choices.”
  • Healthcare Interoperability : “Enhancing healthcare data interoperability between different medical systems and providers improves patient care coordination and information sharing.”
  • Healthcare Disparities in Indigenous Communities : “Addressing healthcare disparities in Indigenous communities through culturally sensitive care and community engagement improves health outcomes.”
  • Music Therapy in Healthcare : “Exploring the role of music therapy in healthcare settings reveals its positive effects on reducing pain, anxiety, and enhancing emotional well-being.”
  • Healthcare Waste Management Policies : “Effective healthcare waste management policies regulate the disposal of medical waste, protecting both public health and the environment.”
  • Agricultural Practices and Public Health : “Analyzing the impact of agricultural practices on public health highlights the connections between food production, environmental health, and nutrition.”
  • Online Health Information Reliability : “Promoting the reliability of online health information through credible sources and fact-checking guides empowers individuals to make informed health decisions.”
  • Neonatal Intensive Care : “Advancements in neonatal intensive care technology enhance premature infants’ chances of survival and long-term health.”
  • Fitness Technology : “The integration of fitness technology in daily routines motivates individuals to engage in physical activity, promoting better cardiovascular health.”
  • Climate Change and Health : “Examining the health effects of climate change emphasizes the need for mitigation strategies to protect communities from heat-related illnesses, vector-borne diseases, and other climate-related health risks.”
  • Healthcare Cybersecurity : “Robust cybersecurity measures in healthcare systems safeguard patient data and protect against cyberattacks that can compromise medical records.”
  • Healthcare Quality Metrics : “Evaluating healthcare quality through metrics such as patient satisfaction, outcomes, and safety indicators informs continuous improvement efforts in medical facilities.”
  • Maternal Health Disparities : “Addressing maternal health disparities among different racial and socioeconomic groups through accessible prenatal care and support reduces maternal mortality rates.”
  • Disaster Preparedness : “Effective disaster preparedness plans in healthcare facilities ensure timely responses during emergencies, minimizing casualties and maintaining patient care.”
  • Sleep Health : “Promoting sleep health education emphasizes the importance of quality sleep in overall well-being, preventing sleep-related disorders and associated health issues.”
  • Healthcare AI Ethics : “Navigating the ethical implications of using artificial intelligence in healthcare, such as diagnosis algorithms, safeguards patient privacy and accuracy.”
  • Pediatric Nutrition : “Prioritizing pediatric nutrition education encourages healthy eating habits from a young age, reducing the risk of childhood obesity and related health concerns.”
  • Mental Health in First Responders : “Providing mental health support for first responders acknowledges the psychological toll of their work, preventing burnout and trauma-related issues.”
  • Healthcare Workforce Burnout : “Addressing healthcare workforce burnout through organizational support, manageable workloads, and mental health resources improves patient care quality.”
  • Vaccine Hesitancy : “Effective strategies to address vaccine hesitancy involve transparent communication, education, and addressing concerns to maintain vaccination rates and community immunity.”
  • Climate-Resilient Healthcare Facilities : “Designing climate-resilient healthcare facilities prepares medical centers to withstand extreme weather events and ensure continuous patient care.”
  • Nutrition in Aging : “Emphasizing balanced nutrition among the elderly population supports healthy aging, preventing malnutrition-related health complications.”
  • Medication Adherence Strategies : “Implementing medication adherence strategies, such as reminder systems and simplified regimens, improves treatment outcomes and reduces hospitalizations.”
  • Crisis Intervention : “Effective crisis intervention strategies in mental health care prevent escalations, promote de-escalation techniques, and improve patient safety.”
  • Healthcare Waste Recycling : “Promoting healthcare waste recycling initiatives reduces landfill waste, conserves resources, and minimizes the environmental impact of medical facilities.”
  • Healthcare Financial Accessibility : “Strategies to enhance healthcare financial accessibility, such as sliding scale fees and insurance coverage expansion, ensure equitable care for all.”
  • Palliative Care : “Prioritizing palliative care services improves patients’ quality of life by addressing pain management, symptom relief, and emotional support.”
  • Healthcare and Artificial Intelligence : “Exploring the integration of artificial intelligence in diagnostics and treatment planning enhances medical accuracy and reduces human error.”
  • Personalized Medicine : “Advancements in personalized medicine tailor treatments based on individual genetics and characteristics, leading to more precise and effective healthcare.”
  • Patient Advocacy : “Empowering patients through education and advocacy training enables them to navigate the healthcare system and actively participate in their treatment decisions.”
  • Healthcare Waste Reduction : “Promoting the reduction of healthcare waste through sustainable practices and responsible disposal methods minimizes environmental and health risks.”
  • Complementary and Alternative Medicine : “Examining the efficacy and safety of complementary and alternative medicine approaches provides insights into their potential role in enhancing overall health and well-being.”

Thesis Statement Examples for Physical Health

Discover 10 unique good thesis statement examples that delve into physical health, from the impact of fitness technology on exercise motivation to the importance of nutrition education in preventing chronic illnesses. Explore these examples shedding light on the pivotal role of physical well-being in disease prevention and overall quality of life.

  • Fitness Technology’s Influence : “The integration of fitness technology like wearable devices enhances physical health by fostering exercise adherence, tracking progress, and promoting active lifestyles.”
  • Nutrition Education’s Role : “Incorporating comprehensive nutrition education in schools equips students with essential dietary knowledge, reducing the risk of nutrition-related health issues.”
  • Active Lifestyle Promotion : “Public spaces and urban planning strategies that encourage physical activity contribute to community health and well-being, reducing sedentary behavior.”
  • Sports Injuries Prevention : “Strategic implementation of sports injury prevention programs and adequate athlete conditioning minimizes the incidence of sports-related injuries, preserving physical well-being.”
  • Physical Health in Workplace : “Prioritizing ergonomic design and promoting workplace physical activity positively impact employees’ physical health, reducing musculoskeletal issues and stress-related ailments.”
  • Childhood Obesity Mitigation : “School-based interventions, including physical education and health education, play a pivotal role in mitigating childhood obesity and promoting lifelong physical health.”
  • Outdoor Activity and Wellness : “Unstructured outdoor play, especially in natural settings, fosters children’s physical health, cognitive development, and emotional well-being.”
  • Senior Nutrition and Mobility : “Tailored nutrition plans and physical activity interventions for seniors support physical health, mobility, and independence during the aging process.”
  • Health Benefits of Active Commuting : “Promotion of active commuting modes such as walking and cycling improves cardiovascular health, reduces pollution, and enhances overall well-being.”
  • Physical Health’s Longevity Impact : “Sustaining physical health through regular exercise, balanced nutrition, and preventive measures positively influences longevity, ensuring a higher quality of life.”

Thesis Statement Examples for Health Protocols

Explore 10 thesis statement examples that highlight the significance of health protocols, encompassing infection control in medical settings to the ethical guidelines for telemedicine practices. These examples underscore the pivotal role of health protocols in ensuring patient safety, maintaining effective healthcare practices, and preventing the spread of illnesses across various contexts.  You should also take a look at our  thesis statement for report .

  • Infection Control and Patient Safety : “Rigorous infection control protocols in healthcare settings are paramount to patient safety, curbing healthcare-associated infections and maintaining quality care standards.”
  • Evidence-Based Treatment Guidelines : “Adhering to evidence-based treatment guidelines enhances medical decision-making, improves patient outcomes, and promotes standardized, effective healthcare practices.”
  • Ethics in Telemedicine : “Establishing ethical guidelines for telemedicine practices is crucial to ensure patient confidentiality, quality of care, and responsible remote medical consultations.”
  • Emergency Response Preparedness : “Effective emergency response protocols in healthcare facilities ensure timely and coordinated actions, optimizing patient care, and minimizing potential harm.”
  • Clinical Trial Integrity : “Stringent adherence to health protocols in clinical trials preserves data integrity, ensures participant safety, and upholds ethical principles in medical research.”
  • Safety in Daycare Settings : “Implementing robust infection prevention protocols in daycare settings is vital to curb disease transmission, safeguarding the health of children and staff.”
  • Privacy and E-Health : “Upholding stringent patient privacy protocols in electronic health records is paramount for data security, fostering trust, and maintaining confidentiality.”
  • Hand Hygiene and Infection Prevention : “Promoting proper hand hygiene protocols among healthcare providers significantly reduces infection transmission risks, protecting both patients and medical personnel.”
  • Food Safety in Restaurants : “Strict adherence to comprehensive food safety protocols within the restaurant industry is essential to prevent foodborne illnesses and ensure public health.”
  • Pandemic Preparedness and Response : “Developing robust pandemic preparedness protocols, encompassing risk assessment and response strategies, is essential to effectively manage disease outbreaks and protect public health.”

Thesis Statement Examples on Health Benefits

Uncover 10 illuminating thesis statement examples exploring the diverse spectrum of health benefits, from the positive impact of green spaces on mental well-being to the advantages of mindfulness practices in stress reduction. Delve into these examples that underscore the profound influence of health-promoting activities on overall physical, mental, and emotional well-being.

  • Nature’s Impact on Mental Health : “The presence of green spaces in urban environments positively influences mental health by reducing stress, enhancing mood, and fostering relaxation.”
  • Mindfulness for Stress Reduction : “Incorporating mindfulness practices into daily routines promotes mental clarity, reduces stress, and improves overall emotional well-being.”
  • Social Interaction’s Role : “Engaging in regular social interactions and fostering strong social connections contributes to mental well-being, combating feelings of loneliness and isolation.”
  • Physical Activity’s Cognitive Benefits : “Participation in regular physical activity enhances cognitive function, memory retention, and overall brain health, promoting lifelong mental well-being.”
  • Positive Effects of Laughter : “Laughter’s physiological and psychological benefits, including stress reduction and improved mood, have a direct impact on overall mental well-being.”
  • Nutrition’s Impact on Mood : “Balanced nutrition and consumption of mood-enhancing nutrients play a pivotal role in regulating mood and promoting positive mental health.”
  • Creative Expression and Emotional Well-Being : “Engaging in creative activities, such as art and music, provides an outlet for emotional expression and fosters psychological well-being.”
  • Cultural Engagement’s Influence : “Participating in cultural and artistic activities enriches emotional well-being, promoting a sense of identity, belonging, and purpose.”
  • Volunteering and Mental Health : “Volunteering contributes to improved mental well-being by fostering a sense of purpose, social connection, and positive self-esteem.”
  • Emotional Benefits of Pet Ownership : “The companionship of pets provides emotional support, reduces stress, and positively impacts overall mental well-being.”

Thesis Statement Examples on Mental Health

Explore 10 thought-provoking thesis statement examples delving into various facets of mental health, from addressing stigma surrounding mental illnesses to advocating for increased mental health support in schools. These examples shed light on the importance of understanding, promoting, and prioritizing mental health to achieve holistic well-being.

  • Stigma Reduction for Mental Health : “Challenging societal stigma surrounding mental health encourages open dialogue, fostering acceptance, and creating a supportive environment for individuals seeking help.”
  • Mental Health Education in Schools : “Incorporating comprehensive mental health education in school curricula equips students with emotional coping skills, destigmatizes mental health discussions, and supports overall well-being.”
  • Mental Health Awareness Campaigns : “Strategically designed mental health awareness campaigns raise public consciousness, reduce stigma, and promote early intervention and access to support.”
  • Workplace Mental Health Initiatives : “Implementing workplace mental health programs, including stress management and emotional support, enhances employee well-being and job satisfaction.”
  • Digital Mental Health Interventions : “Leveraging digital platforms for mental health interventions, such as therapy apps and online support groups, increases accessibility and reduces barriers to seeking help.”
  • Impact of Social Media on Mental Health : “Examining the influence of social media on mental health highlights both positive and negative effects, guiding responsible usage and promoting well-being.”
  • Mental Health Disparities : “Addressing mental health disparities among different demographics through culturally sensitive care and accessible services is crucial for equitable well-being.”
  • Trauma-Informed Care : “Adopting trauma-informed care approaches in mental health settings acknowledges the impact of past trauma, ensuring respectful and effective treatment.”
  • Positive Psychology Interventions : “Incorporating positive psychology interventions, such as gratitude practices and resilience training, enhances mental well-being and emotional resilience.”
  • Mental Health Support for First Responders : “Recognizing the unique mental health challenges faced by first responders and providing tailored support services is essential for maintaining their well-being.”

Thesis Statement Examples on Covid-19

Explore 10 illuminating thesis statement examples focusing on various aspects of the Covid-19 pandemic, from the impact on mental health to the role of public health measures. Delve into these examples that highlight the interdisciplinary nature of addressing the pandemic’s challenges and implications on global health.

  • Mental Health Crisis Amid Covid-19 : “The Covid-19 pandemic’s psychological toll underscores the urgency of implementing mental health support services and destigmatizing seeking help.”
  • Role of Public Health Measures : “Analyzing the effectiveness of public health measures, including lockdowns and vaccination campaigns, in curbing the spread of Covid-19 highlights their pivotal role in pandemic control.”
  • Equitable Access to Vaccines : “Ensuring equitable access to Covid-19 vaccines globally is vital to achieving widespread immunity, preventing new variants, and ending the pandemic.”
  • Online Education’s Impact : “Exploring the challenges and opportunities of online education during the Covid-19 pandemic provides insights into its effects on students’ academic progress and mental well-being.”
  • Economic Implications and Mental Health : “Investigating the economic consequences of the Covid-19 pandemic on mental health highlights the need for comprehensive social support systems and mental health resources.”
  • Crisis Communication Strategies : “Evaluating effective crisis communication strategies during the Covid-19 pandemic underscores the importance of transparent information dissemination, fostering public trust.”
  • Long-Term Health Effects : “Understanding the potential long-term health effects of Covid-19 on recovered individuals guides healthcare planning and underscores the importance of ongoing monitoring.”
  • Digital Health Solutions : “Leveraging digital health solutions, such as telemedicine and contact tracing apps, plays a pivotal role in tracking and managing Covid-19 transmission.”
  • Resilience Amid Adversity : “Exploring individual and community resilience strategies during the Covid-19 pandemic sheds light on coping mechanisms and adaptive behaviors in times of crisis.”
  • Global Cooperation in Pandemic Response : “Assessing global cooperation and collaboration in pandemic response highlights the significance of international solidarity and coordination in managing global health crises.”

Nursing Thesis Statement Examples

Explore 10 insightful thesis statement examples that delve into the dynamic realm of nursing, from advocating for improved nurse-patient communication to addressing challenges in healthcare staffing. These examples emphasize the critical role of nursing professionals in patient care, healthcare systems, and the continuous pursuit of excellence in the field.

  • Nurse-Patient Communication Enhancement : “Elevating nurse-patient communication through effective communication training programs improves patient satisfaction, treatment adherence, and overall healthcare outcomes.”
  • Nursing Leadership Impact : “Empowering nursing leadership in healthcare institutions fosters improved patient care, interdisciplinary collaboration, and the cultivation of a positive work environment.”
  • Challenges in Nursing Shortages : “Addressing nursing shortages through recruitment strategies, retention programs, and educational support enhances patient safety and healthcare system stability.”
  • Evidence-Based Nursing Practices : “Promoting evidence-based nursing practices enhances patient care quality, ensuring that interventions are rooted in current research and best practices.”
  • Nursing Role in Preventive Care : “Harnessing the nursing profession’s expertise in preventive care and patient education reduces disease burden and healthcare costs, emphasizing a proactive approach.”
  • Nursing Advocacy and Patient Rights : “Nurse advocacy for patients’ rights and informed decision-making ensures ethical treatment, patient autonomy, and respectful healthcare experiences.”
  • Nursing Ethics and Dilemmas : “Navigating ethical dilemmas in nursing, such as end-of-life care decisions, highlights the importance of ethical frameworks and interdisciplinary collaboration.”
  • Telehealth Nursing Adaptation : “Adapting nursing practices to telehealth platforms requires specialized training and protocols to ensure safe, effective, and patient-centered remote care.”
  • Nurse Educators’ Impact : “Nurse educators play a pivotal role in shaping the future of nursing by providing comprehensive education, fostering critical thinking, and promoting continuous learning.”
  • Mental Health Nursing Expertise : “The specialized skills of mental health nurses in assessment, intervention, and patient support contribute significantly to addressing the growing mental health crisis.”

Thesis Statement Examples for Health and Wellness

Delve into 10 thesis statement examples that explore the interconnectedness of health and wellness, ranging from the integration of holistic well-being practices in healthcare to the significance of self-care in preventing burnout. These examples highlight the importance of fostering balance and proactive health measures for individuals and communities.

  • Holistic Health Integration : “Incorporating holistic health practices, such as mindfulness and nutrition, within conventional healthcare models supports comprehensive well-being and disease prevention.”
  • Self-Care’s Impact on Burnout : “Prioritizing self-care among healthcare professionals reduces burnout, enhances job satisfaction, and ensures high-quality patient care delivery.”
  • Community Wellness Initiatives : “Community wellness programs that address physical, mental, and social well-being contribute to healthier populations and reduced healthcare burdens.”
  • Wellness in Aging Populations : “Tailored wellness programs for the elderly population encompass physical activity, cognitive stimulation, and social engagement, promoting healthier aging.”
  • Corporate Wellness Benefits : “Implementing corporate wellness programs enhances employee health, morale, and productivity, translating into lower healthcare costs and higher job satisfaction.”
  • Nutrition’s Role in Wellness : “Prioritizing balanced nutrition through education and accessible food options plays a pivotal role in overall wellness and chronic disease prevention.”
  • Mental and Emotional Well-Being : “Fostering mental and emotional well-being through therapy, support networks, and stress management positively impacts overall health and life satisfaction.”
  • Wellness Tourism’s Rise : “Exploring the growth of wellness tourism underscores the demand for travel experiences that prioritize rejuvenation, relaxation, and holistic well-being.”
  • Digital Health for Wellness : “Leveraging digital health platforms for wellness, such as wellness apps and wearable devices, empowers individuals to monitor and enhance their well-being.”
  • Equitable Access to Wellness : “Promoting equitable access to wellness resources and facilities ensures that all individuals, regardless of socioeconomic status, can prioritize their health and well-being.”

What is a good thesis statement about mental health?

A thesis statement about mental health is a concise and clear declaration that encapsulates the main point or argument you’re making in your essay or research paper related to mental health. It serves as a roadmap for your readers, guiding them through the content and focus of your work. Crafting a strong thesis statement about mental health involves careful consideration of the topic and a clear understanding of the points you’ll discuss. Here’s how you can create a good thesis statement about mental health:

  • Choose a Specific Focus : Mental health is a broad topic. Determine the specific aspect of mental health you want to explore, whether it’s the impact of stigma, the importance of access to treatment, the role of mental health in overall well-being, or another angle.
  • Make a Debatable Assertion : A thesis statement should present an argument or perspective that can be debated or discussed. Avoid statements that are overly broad or universally accepted.
  • Be Clear and Concise : Keep your thesis statement concise while conveying your main idea. It’s usually a single sentence that provides insight into the content of your paper.
  • Provide Direction : Your thesis statement should indicate the direction your paper will take. It’s like a roadmap that tells your readers what to expect.
  • Make it Strong : Strong thesis statements are specific, assertive, and supported by evidence. Don’t shy away from taking a clear stance on the topic.
  • Revise and Refine : As you draft your paper, your understanding of the topic might evolve. Your thesis statement may need revision to accurately reflect your arguments.

How do you write a Health Thesis Statement? – Step by Step Guide

Crafting a strong health thesis statement requires a systematic approach. Follow these steps to create an effective health thesis statement:

  • Choose a Health Topic : Select a specific health-related topic that interests you and aligns with your assignment or research objective.
  • Narrow Down the Focus : Refine the topic to a specific aspect. Avoid overly broad statements; instead, zoom in on a particular issue.
  • Identify Your Stance : Determine your perspective on the topic. Are you advocating for a particular solution, analyzing causes and effects, or comparing different viewpoints?
  • Formulate a Debatable Assertion : Develop a clear and arguable statement that captures the essence of your position on the topic.
  • Consider Counterarguments : Anticipate counterarguments and incorporate them into your thesis statement. This adds depth and acknowledges opposing views.
  • Be Concise and Specific : Keep your thesis statement succinct while conveying the main point. Avoid vague language or generalities.
  • Test for Clarity : Share your thesis statement with someone else to ensure it’s clear and understandable to an audience unfamiliar with the topic.
  • Refine and Revise : Your thesis statement is not set in stone. As you research and write, you might find it necessary to revise and refine it to accurately reflect your evolving arguments.

Tips for Writing a Thesis Statement on Health Topics

Writing a thesis statement on health topics requires precision and careful consideration. Here are some tips to help you craft an effective thesis statement:

  • Be Specific : Address a specific aspect of health rather than a broad topic. This allows for a more focused and insightful thesis statement.
  • Take a Stance : Your thesis statement should present a clear perspective or argument. Avoid vague statements that don’t express a stance.
  • Avoid Absolute Statements : Be cautious of using words like “always” or “never.” Instead, use language that acknowledges complexity and nuance.
  • Incorporate Keywords : Include keywords that indicate the subject of your research, such as “nutrition,” “mental health,” “public health,” or other relevant terms.
  • Preview Supporting Points : Your thesis statement can preview the main points or arguments you’ll discuss in your paper, providing readers with a roadmap.
  • Revise as Necessary : Your thesis statement may evolve as you research and write. Don’t hesitate to revise it to accurately reflect your findings.
  • Stay Focused : Ensure that your thesis statement remains directly relevant to your topic throughout your writing.

Remember that your thesis statement is the foundation of your paper. It guides your research and writing process, helping you stay on track and deliver a coherent argument.


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Experiences of a London PhD student and beyond

Thesis Title: Examples and Suggestions from a PhD Grad

Graphic of a researcher writing, perhaps a thesis title

When you’re faced with writing up a thesis, choosing a title can often fall to the bottom of the priority list. After all, it’s only a few words. How hard can it be?!

In the grand scheme of things I agree that picking your thesis title shouldn’t warrant that much thought, however my own choice is one of the few regrets I have from my PhD . I therefore think there is value in spending some time considering the options available.

In this post I’ll guide you through how to write your own thesis title and share real-world examples. Although my focus is on the PhD thesis, I’ve also included plenty of thesis title examples for bachelor’s and master’s research projects too.

Hopefully by the end of the post you’ll feel ready to start crafting your own!

Why your thesis title is at least somewhat important

It sounds obvious but your thesis title is the first, and often only, interaction people will have with your thesis. For instance, hiring managers for jobs that you may wish to apply for in the future. Therefore you want to give a good sense of what your research involved from the title.

Many people will list the title of their thesis on their CV, at least for a while after graduating. All of the example titles I’ve shared below came from my repository of academic CVs . I’d say roughly 30% of all the academics on that page list their thesis title, which includes academics all the way up to full professor.

Your thesis title could therefore feature on your CV for your whole career, so it is probably worth a bit of thought!

My suggestions for choosing a good thesis title

  • Make it descriptive of the research so it’s immediately obvious what it is about! Most universities will publish student theses online ( here’s mine! ) and they’re indexed so can be found via Google Scholar etc. Therefore give your thesis a descriptive title so that interested researchers can find it in the future.
  • Don’t get lost in the detail . You want a descriptive title but avoid overly lengthy descriptions of experiments. Unless a certain analytical technique etc was central to your research, I’d suggest by default* to avoid having it in your title. Including certain techniques will make your title, and therefore research, look overly dated, which isn’t ideal for potential job applications after you graduate.
  • The title should tie together the chapters of your thesis. A well-phrased title can do a good job of summarising the overall story of your thesis. Think about each of your research chapters and ensure that the title makes sense for each of them.
  • Be strategic . Certain parts of your work you want to emphasise? Consider making them more prominent in your title. For instance, if you know you want to pivot to a slightly different research area or career path after your PhD, there may be alternative phrasings which describe your work just as well but could be better understood by those in the field you’re moving into. I utilised this a bit in my own title which we’ll come onto shortly.
  • Do your own thing. Having just laid out some suggestions, do make sure you’re personally happy with the title. You get a lot of freedom to choose your title, so use it however you fancy. For example, I’ve known people to use puns in their title, so if that’s what you’re into don’t feel overly constrained.

*This doesn’t always hold true and certainly don’t take my advice if 1) listing something in your title could be a strategic move 2) you love the technique so much that you’re desperate to include it!

Thesis title examples

To help give you some ideas, here are some example thesis titles from Bachelors, Masters and PhD graduates. These all came from the academic CVs listed in my repository here .

Bachelor’s thesis title examples

Hysteresis and Avalanches Paul Jager , 2014 – Medical Imaging – DKFZ Head of ML Research Group –  direct link to Paul’s machine learning academic CV

The bioenergetics of a marine ciliate, Mesodinium rubrum Holly Moeller , 2008 – Ecology & Marine Biology – UC Santa Barbara Assistant Professor –  direct link to Holly’s marine biology academic CV

Functional syntactic analysis of prepositional and causal constructions for a grammatical parser of Russian Ekaterina Kochmar , 2008 – Computer Science – University of Bath Lecturer Assistant Prof –  direct link to Ekaterina’s computer science academic CV

Master’s thesis title examples

Creation of an autonomous impulse response measurement system for rooms and transducers with different methods Guy-Bart Stan , 2000 – Bioengineering – Imperial Professor –  direct link to Guy-Bart’s bioengineering academic CV

Segmentation of Nerve Bundles and Ganglia in Spine MRI using Particle Filters Adrian Vasile Dalca , 2012 – Machine Learning for healthcare – Harvard Assistant Professor & MIT Research Scientist –  direct link to Adrian’s machine learning academic CV

The detection of oil under ice by remote mode conversion of ultrasound Eric Yeatman , 1986 – Electronics – Imperial Professor and Head of Department –  direct link to Eric’s electronics academic CV

Ensemble-Based Learning for Morphological Analysis of German Ekaterina Kochmar , 2010 – Computer Science – University of Bath Lecturer Assistant Prof –  direct link to Ekaterina’s computer science academic CV

VARiD: A Variation Detection Framework for Color-Space and Letter-Space Platforms Adrian Vasile Dalca , 2010 – Machine Learning for healthcare – Harvard Assistant Professor & MIT Research Scientist –  direct link to Adrian’s machine learning academic CV

Identification of a Writer’s Native Language by Error Analysis Ekaterina Kochmar , 2011 – Computer Science – University of Bath Lecturer Assistant Prof –  direct link to Ekaterina’s computer science academic CV

On the economic optimality of marine reserves when fishing damages habitat Holly Moeller , 2010 – Ecology & Marine Biology – UC Santa Barbara Assistant Professor –  direct link to Holly’s marine biology academic CV

Sensitivity Studies for the Time-Dependent CP Violation Measurement in B 0 → K S K S K S at the Belle II-Experiment Paul Jager , 2016 – Medical Imaging – DKFZ Head of ML Research Group –  direct link to Paul’s machine learning academic CV

PhD thesis title examples

Spatio-temporal analysis of three-dimensional real-time ultrasound for quantification of ventricular function Esla Angelini  – Medicine – Imperial Senior Data Scientist –  direct link to Elsa’s medicine academic CV

The role and maintenance of diversity in a multi-partner mutualism: Trees and Ectomycorrhizal Fungi Holly Moeller , 2015 – Ecology & Marine Biology – UC Santa Barbara Assistant Professor –  direct link to Holly’s marine biology academic CV

Bayesian Gaussian processes for sequential prediction, optimisation and quadrature Michael Osborne , 2010 – Machine Learning – Oxford Full Professor –  direct link to Michael’s machine learning academic CV

Global analysis and synthesis of oscillations: a dissipativity approach Guy-Bart Stan , 2005 – Bioengineering – Imperial Professor –  direct link to Guy-Bart’s bioengineering academic CV

Coarse-grained modelling of DNA and DNA self-assembly Thomas Ouldridge , 2011– Bioengineering – Imperial College London Senior Lecturer / Associate Prof –  direct link to Thomas’ bioengineering academic CV

4D tomographic image reconstruction and parametric maps estimation: a model-based strategy for algorithm design using Bayesian inference in Probabilistic Graphical Models (PGM) Michele Scipioni , 2018– Biomedical Engineer – Harvard Postdoctoral Research Fellow –  direct link to Michele’s biomedical engineer academic CV

Error Detection in Content Word Combinations Ekaterina Kochmar , 2016 – Computer Science – University of Bath Lecturer Assistant Prof –  direct link to Ekaterina’s computer science academic CV

Genetic, Clinical and Population Priors for Brain Images Adrian Vasile Dalca , 2016 – Machine Learning for healthcare – Harvard Assistant Professor & MIT Research Scientist –  direct link to Adrian’s machine learning academic CV

Challenges and Opportunities of End-to-End Learning in Medical Image Classification Paul Jager , 2020 – Medical Imaging – DKFZ Head of ML Research Group –  direct link to Paul’s machine learning academic CV

K 2 NiF 4  materials as cathodes for intermediate temperature solid oxide fuel cells Ainara Aguadero , 2006 – Materials Science – Imperial Reader –  direct link to Ainara’s materials science academic CV

Applications of surface plasmons – microscopy and spatial light modulation Eric Yeatman , 1989 – Electronics – Imperial Professor and Head of Department –  direct link to Eric’s electronics academic CV

Geometric Algorithms for Objects in Motion Sorelle Friedler , 2010 – Computer science – Haverford College Associate Professor –  direct link to Sorelle’s computer science academic CV .

Geometrical models, constraints design, information extraction for pathological and healthy medical image Esla Angelini  – Medicine – Imperial Senior Data Scientist –  direct link to Elsa’s medicine academic CV

Why I regret my own choice of PhD thesis title

I should say from the outset that I assembled my thesis in quite a short space of time compared to most people. So I didn’t really spend particularly long on any one section, including the title.

However, my main supervisor even spelled out for me that once the title was submitted to the university it would be permanent. In other words: think wisely about your title.

What I started with

Initially I drafted the title as something like: Three dimensional correlative imaging for cartilage regeneration . Which I thought was nice, catchy and descriptive.

I decided to go for “correlative imaging” because, not only did it describe the experiments well, but it also sounded kind of technical and fitting of a potential pivot into AI. I’m pleased with that bit of the title.

What I ended up with

Before submitting the title to the university (required ahead of the viva), I asked my supervisors for their thoughts.

One of my well intentioned supervisors suggested that, given that my project didn’t involve verifying regenerative quality, I probably shouldn’t state cartilage regeneration . Instead, they suggested, I should state what I was experimenting on (the materials) rather than the overall goal of the research (aid cartilage regeneration efforts).

With this advice I dialled back my choice of wording and the thesis title I went with was:

Three dimensional correlative imaging for measurement of strain in cartilage and cartilage replacement materials

Reading it back now I’m reminder about how less I like it than my initial idea!

I put up basically no resistance to the supervisor’s choice, even though the title sounds so much more boring in my opinion. I just didn’t think much of it at the time. Furthermore, most of my PhD was actually in a technique which is four dimensional (looking at a series of 3D scans over time, hence 4D) which would have sounded way more sciency and fitting of a PhD.

What I wish I’d gone with

If I had the choice again, I’d have gone with:

Four-dimensional correlative imaging for cartilage regeneration

Which, would you believe it, is exactly what it states on my CV…

Does the thesis title really matter?

In all honesty, your choice of thesis title isn’t that important. If you come to regret it, as I do, it’s not the end of the world. There are much more important things in life to worry about.

If you decide at a later stage that you don’t like it you can always describe it in a way that you prefer. For instance, in my CV I describe my PhD as I’d have liked the title to be. I make no claim that it’s actually the title so consider it a bit of creative license.

Given that as your career progresses you may not even refer back to your thesis much, it’s really not worth stressing over. However, if you’re yet to finalise your thesis title I do still think it is worth a bit of thought and hopefully this article has provided some insights into how to choose a good thesis title.

My advice for developing a thesis title

  • Draft the title early. Drafting it early can help give clarity for the overall message of your research. For instance, while you’re assembling the rest of your thesis you can check that the title encompasses the research chapters you’re included, and likewise that the research experiments you’re including fall within what the title describes. Drafting it early also gives more time you to think it over. As with everything: having a first draft is really important to iterate on.
  • Look at some example titles . Such as those featured above!
  • If you’re not sure about your title, ask a few other people what they think . But remember that you have the final say!

I hope this post has been useful for those of you are finalising your thesis and need to decide on a thesis title. If you’ve enjoyed this article and would like to hear about future content (and gain access to my free resource library!) you can subscribe for free here:

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Master of Public Health

A thesis is a substantive and original body of work that allows the student to synthesize and integrate knowledge from their public health course work and practicum experiences, apply it to a particular topic area, and communicate their ideas and findings through a scholarly written product. The thesis represents the culmination of the student’s educational experience in the Vanderbilt MPH Program.

The thesis may take on different formats, depending on the student’s track focus and interests. Regardless of the format chosen, the student must apply critical thought, systematic analysis, and clear presentation.

Each student is responsible for identifying a topic and appropriate format for their thesis with the assistance and guidance of faculty advisers and faculty thesis readers.

The practicum product must be distinct from the thesis. Although the practicum and thesis can be related, the student must be able to articulate how the two projects are independent from one another. The practicum is a practice experience that allows students to apply and develop skills in public health concepts. The thesis is the synthesis and integration of knowledge acquired in coursework and through the practicum and results in an original scholarly work.

View selection of published theses

Additionally, students have the option to pursue publishing their thesis products in scholarly journals.

2024 Thesis Topics

2023 thesis topics, 2022 thesis topics, 2021 thesis topics, 2020 thesis topics, 2019 thesis topics, 2018 thesis topics, 2017 thesis topics, 2016 thesis topics, 2015 thesis topics, 2014 thesis topics, 2013 thesis topics, 2012 thesis topics.

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UKnowledge > College of Public Health > Public Health M.P.H. Theses & Dr.P.H. Dissertations

Theses and Dissertations--Public Health (M.P.H. & Dr.P.H.)

Theses/dissertations from 2024 2024.

Cardiovascular Disease among commercially insured adults with type 1 diabetes in the US , 2016-2019 , Orighomisan F. Agboghoroma

Improving Black Maternal Outcomes in Christian County, KY: A Social Marketing Approach to Perinatal Provider Change , Ariel A. Arthur

Current Linkage to Treatment and Recovery Support Services for Patients with a Substance Use Disorder: A Survey of Kentucky Physicians , Seif Atyia, Terry Bunn, Dana Quesinberry, and Timothy S. Prince

Empirical Insights into Survivorship Care: A Cross-Sectional Study of CoC Accredited Hospitals in Kentucky , Amanda M. Beckett

Changes in Primary Care Availability in Appalachia , Whitney Beckett

Redefining ED Utilization: A Rabies Post-Exposure Prophylaxis Perspective , David Bennington

The Relationship Between Social Vulnerability and Cardiovascular Disease Outcomes in Kentucky , Karcyn Brummett

The Effects of Stigma within the PrEP Care Cascade Among People Who Inject Drugs in Rural Kentucky , Abby Burton

Dental Outreach in Academic Dental Settings , Tisha Clayborn

A Case Study in Prospective Program Evaluation , Sarai Rosemary Combs

A Case Study in Program Evaluation: A Prospective Program Evaluation of Timely Reporting and Action of an Infectious Disease Outbreak , Destiny Cozart


Fall 2023 COVID-19, Influenza, and Respiratory Syncytial Virus Vaccine Uptake in Kentucky , Abigail Dial

Human papilloma virus type 16 seroprevalence among men living with HIV , Ashley Duff

Adolescent Vaccination Rates and Pharmacists' Ability to Prescribe and Administer , Paul Jake Faulkner

McCovid Campaign – A Social Media Implementation to Decrease Vaccine Hesitancy in Rural Counties , Harper Ford

Interprofessional Collaboration in a Lung Cancer Screening Learning Collaborative , Angela Fu

Novel cannabinoid use among young adults in Lexington, Kentucky , Victoria A. Hamilton

Evaluating a High School MRSA Prevention Program: A Case Study , Jamie Henning

The Distribution of CP-CRE cases from 2013-2020 in the Commonwealth of Kentucky , Hannah Hiscox



Characterizing the Relationship Between the Presence of Depression Risk, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, and Benzodiazepine Use to Get High , Julia Kollitz

Trust in Local Health Departments: A Cross-Sector Analysis of Urban and Rural Communities , Kelsie Kwok

The Relationship Between Self-Reported Depressive Symptoms at 3 Timepoints and Infant Sleep Practices at 6-Month Follow-Up in a Population of Mothers in Santo Domingo, Ecuador , Kassidy Lane

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University of Washington

Health Systems and Population Health

School of public health.

example of thesis title about health

  • Thesis or Capstone: HSPop MPH
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  • Academic Programs
  • Health Systems and Population Health Master of Public Health
  • Program Experience: HSPop MPH

All UW Health Systems and Population Health Master of Public Health (MPH) students, regardless of their concentration, are required to write a thesis or complete a capstone project as their culminating experience.

Most students in the generalist concentration or Social and Behavioral Sciences (SBS) concentration choose to write a thesis. Students in the Health Systems and Policy (HSP) concentration tend to select a capstone project.

example of thesis title about health

A master’s thesis is original research presented in a scholarly format that generates new knowledge carried out using rigorous methods appropriate to the research questions, while also applying concepts and methods from one or more branches of science relevant to public health.

The thesis demonstrates the student’s comprehensive knowledge of the substantive area of the study and their chosen research methods. The thesis is the culminating work of the master’s program, and an opportunity to integrate and apply content, concepts, methods, and analysis.

Previous Thesis Examples

Thesis titles, along with Ph.D. dissertation titles from health services students, are available in the UW Library Research Archives.

example of thesis title about health

A capstone project is a scholarly project usually conducted for, or on behalf of, an organization, constituency, or community.

The capstone project allows students to expand and apply their analytical, policy, and leadership skills by exploring a question of policy importance. The capstone might take the form of an evaluation of the implementation of a piece of legislation or public program, the synthesis of existing data to inform the development of a policy agenda, the collection of new information that changes our understanding of a policy problem, or an analysis of the options available to address a specific policy question.

Previous Capstone Project Examples

Select capstone title examples. This does not include all Health Systems and Population Health MPH capstones from this year.

One Omada: Giving Voice to a Company’s Changing Product Offerings (capstone) Student: Siobhan Kelly Capstone Faculty Chair: Karasz Capstone Faculty Member(s): Chan

The 2020 Washington State Health Equity for Immigrants Report Student: Emily Gibson Capstone Faculty Chair: Baquero Capstone Faculty Member(s): Katz

The 2020 Washington State Health Equity for Immigrants Report Student: Cassidy Farrow Capstone Faculty Chair: Katz Capstone Faculty Member(s): Hagopian

Washington Food System Policy Gap Analysis During COVID-19 Student: Lance Frankel Capstone Faculty Chair: Baquero Capstone Faculty Member(s): Krieger, Colman

Policy Influences on Racial Health Disparities in Washington State: Labor, Housing, Governance, and COVID-19 Student: Hana Hartman Capstone Faculty Chair: Katz Capstone Faculty Member(s): Ornelas

Provide HTIP with a database of all of their evaluation and registration data from the past 12 years. Analyze this database for common themes and provide a set of recommendations for future actions HTIP can take to increase their webinar effectiveness. Student: Katherine Andersen Capstone Faculty Chair: Bekemeier Capstone Faculty Member(s): Rogers

Update and maintain a homeless deaths data set, incorporating meaningful information about homeless deaths in King County. Document the history of the Seattle Women in Black vigils and explore the role of public mourning in activism/organizing for public health issues. Student: Colleen McCarty Capstone Faculty Chair: Hagopian Capstone Faculty Member(s): N/A

What can we learn from the COVID-19 experiences of Sequim Food Bank (SFB), its visitors and volunteers? Student: Shafaq Babar Capstone Faculty Chair: Sharkey Capstone Faculty Member(s): Smith

Medical Provider Fluoride Prescribing Practices Student: Tiffany Bass Capstone Faculty Chair: Chi Capstone Faculty Member(s): Reynolds

Behavioral Health Equity in King County’s Mental Illness and Drug Dependency (MIDD) Sales Tax Fund Student: Christina Caso Capstone Faculty Chair: Chayet Capstone Faculty Member(s): Pfohman

Evaluating Rates of Quantity Not Sufficient Sweat Testing at Seattle Children’s Hospital Student: Marina Choi Capstone Faculty Chair: Klein Capstone Faculty Member(s): Rosenfeld

Using Texas Infertility Prevention Project (TIPP) data to inform sexual and reproductive health initiatives. Student: Katherine Greenawalt Capstone Faculty Chair: Harris Capstone Faculty Member(s): Ambrose

A Virtual Workshop Training to Help Social Networks Engage with Older Adults to Move Safely Student: Evelyn Le Capstone Faculty Chair: Meischke Capstone Faculty Member(s): Phelan

Select capstone title examples. This does not include all Health Services MPH capstones from this year.

The Impact of Medicaid Work Requirements of Tribal Health Systems and American Indian/Alaska Native Medicaid Beneficiaries Student: Daysha Gunther Capstone Faculty Chair: Katz Capstone Faculty Member(s): Duran

Fire Department – REACH Partnership Student: Thomas McAuliffe Capstone Faculty Chair: Meischke Capstone Faculty Member(s): N/A

Implementation Plan of FINDconnect in School Based Health Centers Student: Elizabeth Meiselman Capstone Faculty Chair: Niessen Capstone Faculty Member(s): N/A

Community Health Board Coalition Student: Colin Rhodes Capstone Faculty Chair: Krishnaswamy Capstone Faculty Member(s): Ornelas

Developing an E-Learning Module on Mentoring Student: Jacylyn Litzau Capstone Faculty Chair: Bekemeier Capstone Faculty Member(s): Baquero

Evaluation of medical dental integration strategy: A qualitative study Student: Catherine Pawloski Capstone Faculty Chair: Cunha-Cruz Capstone Faculty Member(s): Senturia

Evaluating the emergency preparedness capabilities of CMS-participating hospice and home health organizations in western Washington Student: Joshua Edrich Capstone Faculty Chair: Errett Capstone Faculty Member(s): Sconyers

County-based health coverage for undocumented adults; Recommendations on how to design health coverage that is accessible and trusted in King County, WA Student: Hannah Rapp Capstone Faculty Chair: Katz Capstone Faculty Member(s): Ornelas

Policy assessment of global rotavirus vaccine Student: Lauren MacHarg Capstone Faculty Chair: Fishman Capstone Faculty Member(s): Stergachis

Evaluating the quality of commentary and integrative health services Student: Sarah McDonald Capstone Faculty Chair: Petrescu-Prahova Capstone Faculty Member(s): Baldwin

Through the Eyes of Community/Cultural Mediators: A Qualitative Evaluation of the Community House Calls Program After Twenty Years Student: Janna Gross Capstone Faculty Chair: Kwan-Gett Capstone Faculty Member(s): Painter

Analysis of Death Records in Washington State Residents with Hepatitis C, Washington State, 2000-2016 Student: Kimberly Desmarais Capstone Faculty Chair: Painter Capstone Faculty Member(s): Jaenicke

In Quest of the Quadruple Aim – Development, Deployment and Assessment of a Team-Based Care Model in a Large Internal Medicine Primary Care Clinic Student: Nathan Morrow Capstone Faculty Chair: Painter Capstone Faculty Member(s): Masuda

The Diamond Project: Cross Jurisdiction Quality Improvements in Immunization Work Student: Kylerose Delaney Capstone Faculty Chair: Bekemeier Capstone Faculty Member(s): Cunha-Cruz

Department of Defense Transgender Policy: Exploring Barriers to Integration and Acceptance Student: Jenny Paul Capstone Faculty Chair: Spigner Capstone Faculty Member(s): Greenwald, Castro

Exploring the feasibility of non-potable water reuse systems in Washington State: professional perspectives on need, safety, economic viability, and impact on existing water/sewer utilities Student: Wesley Loven Capstone Faculty Chair: Spigner Capstone Faculty Member(s): Mazengia

Competencies, Trainings and Team Environment: A Qualitative Approach to Understanding the Needs of the CHW Workforce in a Primary Care Clinic Student: Leah Wainman Capstone Faculty Chair: Petrescu-Prahova Capstone Faculty Member(s): N/A

Pilot Study for Longitudinal Tracking of Eco-Evolutionary Dynamics in the Gut and Immune System Development in an Infant Cohort Student: Amanda Holmes Capstone Faculty Chair: Painter Capstone Faculty Member(s): N/A


Home > College of Public Health > Health Services Research & Administration > Theses & Dissertations

Theses & Dissertations: Health Services Research, Administration, and Policy

Theses/dissertations from 2023 2023.

Factors Associated with the Difficulty of Computerized Tasks Among Office-Based Physicians in the United States , Khalid Alshehri

Reducing Oral Health Disparities: Effectiveness of Preventive Dental Care on Treatment Use, Expenditures and Determinants of Service Utilization , Rashmi Lamsal

'The Very Structure of Opportunities Has Collapsed': How Taxation Policies Enhance, Decay, and Otherwise Affect the Distribution of Health & Health Services in the United States , Valerie Pacino

An Exploration of Policies, Equity, and Emerging Threats to the Traffic Safety Environment in the U.S. , Sachi Verma

Theses/Dissertations from 2022 2022

The State of Oral Health in People with Disabilities and the Impact of Family-Centered Care on the Oral Health of Children with Special Health Care Needs , Bedant Chakraborty

Theses/Dissertations from 2021 2021

The Ecology of Mental Health and the Impact of Barriers on Mental Health Service Utilization , Alisha Aggarwal

Health Service Utilization and Expenditure in Cardio-Metabolic Conditions in the United States Adults , Kavita Mosalpuria

Impact of Prescription Drug Monitoring Program on Drug Misuse and Drug-related Fatal Vehicle Crashes , Moosa Tatar

Theses/Dissertations from 2020 2020

Essays on rehospitalization under the Hospital Readmission Reduction Program , Yangyuna Yang

Theses/Dissertations from 2019 2019

Impact of Healthcare Delivery and Policies on Children's Outcomes after the Affordable Care Act of 2010 , Shreya Roy

Examining the Effects of Approaches on Reducing Hospital Utilization: The Patient-Centered Medical Home, Continuity of Care, and the Inpatient Palliative Consultation at the End-of-Life , Xiaoting Sun

Theses/Dissertations from 2018 2018

Essays on the Patient-Centered Medical Home in the United States Military Health System , Glen N. Gilson

A Multi-Level Assessment of Healthcare Facilities Readiness, Willingness, and Ability to Adopt and Sustain Telehealth Services , Jamie Larson

Healthcare Utilization for Behavioral Health Disorders: Policy Implications on Nationwide Readmissions, and Outcomes in the States of Nebraska and New York , Rajvi J. Wani

Theses/Dissertations from 2017 2017

Structural violence and gender-based violence in the United States , Sarbinaz Z. Bekmuratova

Community Benefits Spending by Private Tax-Exempt Hospitals in the U.S. , Wael ElRayes

Patient-Centered Medical Home Adoption in School-Based Health Centers , Abbey Gregg

Meaningful Use of Electronic Health Records for Population Health Management in U.S. Acute Care Hospitals , Niodita Gupta

Hospital Based Emergency Department Visits With Dental Conditions: Outcomes and Policy Implications in the States of California, Nebraska and New York , Sankeerth Rampa

Theses/Dissertations from 2016 2016

Adoption of Medication Management Technologies by U.S. Acute Care Hospitals after the HITECH Act , Aastha Chandak

The Impact of Electronic Health Records on Healthcare Service Delivery, Patient Safety, and Quality , Kate Elizabeth Trout

Essays on Immigration-Related Disparities in Health Behavior and Health Care Utilization , Yang Wang

Theses/Dissertations from 2015 2015

The Impact of Gasoline Prices on Medical Care and Costs of Motor Vehicle Injuries , He Zhu

Theses/Dissertations from 2014 2014

Provision, cost, and quality of robot-assisted radical prostatectomies in the United States , Soumitra Sudip Bhuyan

Organizational factors associated with the implementation of evidence-based public health interventions in local health department settings , Janelle J. Jacobson

Hospital cost shifting in the United States , Tao Li

Patient-centered medical home readiness in the veterans health administration: an organizational perspective , Anh T. Nguyen

Organizational and environmental correlates of electronic health records implementation and performance in acute care hospitals in the United States , Diptee Ojha

Assessing geographic variation and migration behaviors of foreign-born medical graduates in the United States , Samuel Tawiah Yaw Opoku

Theses/Dissertations from 2013 2013

Organizational and environmental correlates of strategic behavior and financial performance in the US hospice industry , Bettye Appiah Apenteng

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Mental Health Dissertation Topics

Published by Carmen Troy at January 9th, 2023 , Revised On April 16, 2024

You probably found your way here looking for mental health topics for your final year research project. Look no further, we have drafted a list of issues, and their research aims to help you when you are brainstorming for dissertation or thesis topics on mental health.

PhD-qualified writers of our team have developed these topics, so you can trust to use these topics for drafting your dissertation.

You may also want to start your dissertation by requesting a brief research proposal or full dissertation service from our writers on any of these topics, which includes an introduction to the topic, research question , aim and objectives, literature review , and the proposed research methodology to be conducted. Let us know if you need any help in getting started.

Check our dissertation examples to understand how to structure your dissertation .

Also read: Psychology dissertation topics & nursing dissertation topics

Latest Mental Health Dissertation Topics for 2024

Review the step-by-step guide on how to write your dissertation here .

  • Topic 1: Assessing the Influence of Parents’ Divorce or Separation on Adolescent Children regarding long-term psychological impact.
  • Topic 2: Investigating the impact of Trauma and Health-related quality of life on a child’s Mental health and self-worth.

Topic 3: Assessing the effect of Psychological training on males suffering from Post-Surgery Anxiety in the UK.

  • Topic 4: Investigating the Relationship between Mental Illness and Suicides- A case study of UK’s Young Adults.

Topic 5: Examining the behaviour of Mental Health Nurses taking care of Schizophrenia Patients in the UK.

Topic 1: an assessment of the influence of parents' divorce or separation on adolescent children in terms of long-term psychological impact..

Research Aim: This study aims to investigate the level of traumas experienced by the children of divorced or separated parents. The principal aim of this study is to explore the long-term psychological impacts of parents’ divorce on the life of children regardless of their gender and age in terms of mental wellbeing, academic performance, and self-worth.

Topic 2: An investigation of the impact of Trauma and Health-related quality of life on the Mental health and Self-worth of a child.

Research Aim: This study aims to assess the long-term impacts of the trauma children face in their early years of life on their overall mental health. Also, numerous studies have emphasized improving the quality of life for children who tend to experience multiple traumas and take them along in adulthood. Therefore, this study also proposed the impacts of traumatic childhood experiences on self-worth, mental health, and vitality of implementing firm intervention before the child reaches adulthood.

Research Aim: Postoperative problems may occur as a result of surgical stress. This study aims to examine different approaches to control post-surgical anxiety and improve patients’ lives in the short and long term, focusing on male patients in the UK. It will also give us an understanding of how psychological training and interventions affect anxiety in male patients and help them overcome this through a systematic review.

Topic 4: Investigating the Relationship between Mental illness and Suicides- A case study of UK's Young Adults.

Research Aim: This study aims to find the relationship between mental illness and suicides and risk factors in the UK. This study will specifically focus on young adults. It will examine different mental disorders and how they have led to suicide and will analyse further studies of people who had died by suicide and find evidence of the presence or absence of mental illness.

Research Aim: Negative behaviours and discrimination have been usually reported as a reason for the inconvenience in the treatment of mentally ill or schizophrenia patients, which negatively impacts the patient’s results. Health care professionals’ attitudes have been regarded as being more negative than the general public, which lowers the outlook for patients suffering from mental illness. This study will examine the behaviour of mental health nurses regarding schizophrenia patients in the UK and also focus on the characteristics associated with nurses’ attitudes.

COVID-19 Mental Health Research Topics

Topic1: impacts of the coronavirus on the mental health of various age groups.

Research Aim: This study will reveal the impacts of coronavirus on the mental health of various age groups

Topic 2: Mental health and psychological resilience during COVID-19

Research Aim: Social distancing has made people isolated and affected their mental health. This study will highlight various measures to overcome the stress and mental health of people during coronavirus.

Topic 3: The mental health of children and families during COVID-19

Research Aim: This study will address the challenging situations faced by children and families during lockdown due to COVID-19. It will also discuss various ways to overcome the fear of disease and stay positive.

Topic 4: Mental wellbeing of patients during the Coronavirus pandemic

Research Aim: This study will focus on the measures taken by the hospital management, government, and families to ensure patients’ mental well-being, especially COVID-19 patients.

Best Mental Health Topics for Your Dissertation in the Year 2023

Topic 1: kids and their relatives with cancer: psychological challenges.

Research Aim: In cancer diagnoses and therapies, children often don’t know what happens. Many have psychosocial problems, including rage, terror, depression, disturbing their sleep, inexpiable guilt, and panic. Therefore, this study is designed to identify and treat the child and its family members’ psychological issues.

Topic 2: Hematopoietic device reaction in ophthalmology patient’s radiation therapy

Research Aim: This research is based on the analysis of hematopoietic devices’ reactions to ophthalmology’s radiation.

Topic 3: Psychological effects of cyberbullying Vs. physical bullying: A counter study

Research Aim: This research will focus on the effects of cyberbullying and physical bullying and their consequences on the victim’s mental health. The most significant part is the counter effects on our society’s environment and human behaviour, particularly youth.

Topic 4: Whether or not predictive processing is a theory of perceptual consciousness?

Research Aim: This research aims to identify: whether or not predictive processing is a theory of perceptual consciousness?

Topic 5: Importance of communication in a relationship

Research Aim: This research aims to address the importance of communication in relationships and the communication gap consequences.

Topic 6: Eating and personality disorders

Research Aim: This research aims to focus on eating and personality disorders

Topic 7: Analysis of teaching, assessment, and evaluation of students and learning differences

Research Aim: This research aims to analyse teaching methods, assessment, and evaluation systems of students and their learning differences

Topic 8: Social and psychological effects of virtual networks

Research Aim: This research aims to study the social and psychological effects of virtual networks

Topic 9: The role of media in provoking aggression

Research Aim: This research aims to address the role of media and in provoking aggression among people

Best Mental Health Topics for Your Dissertation in the Year 2022

Topic 1: what is the impact of social media platforms on the mental wellbeing of adults.

Research Aim: the current study aims to investigate the impact social media platforms tend to have on adults’ mental well-being with a particular focus on the United Kingdom. While many studies have been carried out to gauge the impact of social media platforms on teenagers’ mental well-being, little to no research has been performed to investigate how the health of adults might be affected by the same and how social media platforms like Facebook impact them.

Topic 2: The contemporary practical management approach to treating personality disorders

Research Aim: This research will discuss the contemporary practical management approach for treating personality disorders in mental health patients. In the previous days, much of the personality disorder treatments were based on medicines and drugs. Therefore, this research will address contemporary and practical ways to manage how personality disorders affect the mental state of the individuals who have the disease.

Topic 3: How is Prozac being used in the modern-day to treat self-diagnosed depression?

Research Aim: In the current day and age, besides people suffering from clinical depression, many of the teens and the adults across have started to suffer from self-diagnosed depression. To treat their self-diagnosed depression, individuals take Prozac through all the wrong means, which harms their mental state even more. Therefore, the current study aims to shed light on how Prozac is being used in the modern age and the adverse effects of misinformed use on the patients.

Topic 4: Are women more prone to suffer from mental disorders than men: Comparative analysis

Research Aim: There have been several arguments regarding whether women are more likely to suffer from mental disorders than men. Much of the research carried out provides evidence that women are more prone to suffer from mental disorders. This research study aims to conduct a comparative analysis to determine whether it’s more likely for men or women to suffer from mental disorders and what role biological and societal factors play in determining the trend.

Topic 5: The impact of breakups on the mental health of men?

Research Aim: Several studies have been carried out to discuss how women are affected more by a breakup than men. However, little research material is available in support of the impact the end of a relationship can have on men’s mental health. Therefore, this research study will fill out the gap in research to determine the impact of a breakup on men’s mental health and stability.

Topic 6: A theoretical analysis of the Impact of emotional attachment on mental health?

Research Aim: This research aims to analyse the theories developed around emotional attachment to address how emotional attachment can harm individuals’ mental health across the globe. Several theories discuss the role that emotional attachment tends to play in the mind of a healthy being, and how emotional attachment can often negatively affect mental well-being.

Topic 7: How do social media friendships contribute to poor mental health?

Research Aim: This research idea aims to address how social media friendships and networking can often lead to a lack of self-acceptance, self-loathing, self-pity, self-comparison, and depression due to the different mindsets that are present in today’s world.

Topic 8: What role do parents play in ensuring the mental well-being of their children?

Research Aim: It is assumed that parents tend to stop playing a role in ensuring that the mental health and well-being of their children are being maintained after a certain age. Therefore, this study will aim to put forward the idea that even after the children pass the age of 18, activities and their relationship with their parents would always play a role in the way their mental health is being transformed.

Topic 9: A study on the mental health of soldiers returning from Iraq?

Research Aim: This topic idea puts forward the aim that the mental health of soldiers who return from war-struck areas is always a subject of interest, as each of the soldiers carries a mental burden. Therefore, it is vital to understand the soldiers’ mental health returning from Iraq, focusing on what causes their mental health to deteriorate during the war and suggestions of what to do or who to call if they do become unwell.

Topic 10: How the contemporary media practices in the UK are leading to mental health problems?

Research Aim: The media is known to have control and influence over people’s mindsets who are connected to it. Many of the contemporary media practices developed in the UK can negatively impact the mental well-being of individuals, which makes it necessary to analyse how they are contributing to the mental health problems among the UK population.

Topic 11: What is the impact of television advertising on the mental development of children in the UK?

Research Aim: This topic would aim to address how television advertising can negatively impact children’s mental development in the United Kingdom, as it has been observed in many studies that television advertising is detrimental to the mental health of children.

Topic 12: How deteriorating mental health can have an Impact on physical health?

Research Aim: This research aims to address the side-effects of deteriorating mental health on the physical health of individuals in the society, as it is believed that the majority of the physical ailments in the modern-day and age are due to the deteriorating mental health of individuals. The study can address the treatments for many ailments in our society due to deteriorating mental health and well-being.

Topic 13: The relationship between unemployment and mental health

Research Aim: How unemployment relates to concepts, such as a declining economy or lack of social skills and education, has been frequently explored by many researchers in the past. However, not many have discussed the relationship between unemployment and the mental health of unemployed individuals. Therefore, this topic will help address the problems faced by individuals due to unemployment because of the mental blocks they are likely to develop and experience. In the future, it would lead to fewer people being depressed due to unemployment when further research is carried out.

Topic 14: The mental health problems of prisoners in the United Kingdom

Research Aim: While prisoners across the globe are criticised and studied for the negativity that goes on in their mindsets, one would rarely research the mental health problems they tend to develop when they become a prisoner for committing any crime. It is often assumed that it is the life inside the prison walls that impacts the prisoners’ mental health in a way that leads to them committing more crimes. Therefore, this research topic has been developed to study prison’s impact on prisoners’ mental well-being in the United Kingdom to eventually decrease the number of crimes that occur due to the negative environment inside the prisons.

Topic 15: Mental well-being of industry workers in China

Research Aim: While many research studies have been carried out regarding the conditions that the workers in China tend to be exposed to, there is very little supporting evidence regarding the impact such working conditions have on the mindset and mental health of the workers. Therefore, this study aims to address the challenges faced by industry workers in China and the impact that such challenges can have on their mental well-being.

Topic 16: Is the provision of mental health care services in the United Kingdom effective?

Research Aim: Many people have made different assumptions regarding the mental health care services provided across the globe. However, it seems that little to no research has been carried out regarding the efficiency and effectiveness of the provision of mental health care services in the United Kingdom. Therefore, this study aims to put forward research into the mental health care services provided in well-developed countries like the United Kingdom to gauge the awareness and importance of mental health in the region.

Topic 17: What are the mental health problems the minorities in the United Kingdom face?

Research Aim: It is believed that the minorities in the United Kingdom are likely to experience physical abuse, societal abuse and are often exposed to discrimination and unfair acts at the workplace and in their social circle. The study investigates the range of mental problems faced by minorities in the UK, which need to be addressed to have equality, diversity, and harmony.

Topic 18: The impact the Coronavirus has had on the mental health of the Chinese people

Research Aim: The spread of the deadly Coronavirus has led to many deaths in the region of China, and many of those who have been suspected of the virus are being put in isolation and quarantine. Such conditions tend to have hurt the mental health of those who have suffered from the disease and those who have watched people suffer from it. Therefore, the current study aims to address how the Coronavirus has impacted the mental health of the Chinese people.

Topic 19: How to create change in mental health organisations in China?

Research Aim: Research suggests little awareness about mental health in many Asian countries. As mental health problems are on the rise across the globe, it is necessary to change mental health organisations. Therefore, the study aims to discuss how to create change in mental health organisations in the Asian region using China’s example.

Topic 20: Addressing the mental health concerns of the Syrian refugees in the UK

Research Aim: This research project would address the concerns in terms of the refugees’ mental health and well-being, using an example of the Syrian refugees who had been allowed entry into the United Kingdom. This idea aims to put forward the negative effects that migration can have on the refugees and how further research is required to combat such issues not just in the United Kingdom but worldwide.

How Can ResearchProspect Help?

ResearchProspect writers can send several custom topic ideas to your email address. Once you have chosen a topic that suits your needs and interests, you can order for our dissertation outline service which will include a brief introduction to the topic, research questions , literature review , methodology , expected results , and conclusion . The dissertation outline will enable you to review the quality of our work before placing the order for our full dissertation writing service!

Important Notes:

As a mental health student looking to get good grades, it is essential to develop new ideas and experiment on existing mental health theories – i.e., to add value and interest in the topic of your research.

Mental health is vast and interrelated to so many other academic disciplines like civil engineering ,  construction ,  project management , engineering management , healthcare , finance and accounting , artificial intelligence , tourism , physiotherapy , sociology , management , project management , and nursing . That is why it is imperative to create a project management dissertation topic that is articular, sound, and actually solves a practical problem that may be rampant in the field.

We can’t stress how important it is to develop a logical research topic based on your entire research. There are several significant downfalls to getting your topic wrong; your supervisor may not be interested in working on it, the topic has no academic creditability, the research may not make logical sense, there is a possibility that the study is not viable.

This impacts your time and efforts in writing your dissertation as you may end up in the cycle of rejection at the initial stage of the dissertation. That is why we recommend reviewing existing research to develop a topic, taking advice from your supervisor, and even asking for help in this particular stage of your dissertation.

While developing a research topic, keeping our advice in mind will allow you to pick one of the best mental health dissertation topics that fulfill your requirement of writing a research paper and add to the body of knowledge.

Therefore, it is recommended that when finalizing your dissertation topic, you read recently published literature to identify gaps in the research that you may help fill.

Remember- dissertation topics need to be unique, solve an identified problem, be logical, and be practically implemented. Please look at some of our sample mental health dissertation topics to get an idea for your own dissertation.

How to Structure your Mental Health Dissertation

A well-structured dissertation can help students to achieve a high overall academic grade.

  • A Title Page
  • Acknowledgements
  • Declaration
  • Abstract: A summary of the research completed
  • Table of Contents
  • Introduction : This chapter includes the project rationale, research background, key research aims and objectives, and the research problems. An outline of the structure of a dissertation can also be added to this chapter.
  • Literature Review : This chapter presents relevant theories and frameworks by analysing published and unpublished literature available on the chosen research topic to address research questions . The purpose is to highlight and discuss the selected research area’s relative weaknesses and strengths whilst identifying any research gaps. Break down the topic, and key terms that can positively impact your dissertation and your tutor.
  • Methodology : The data collection and analysis methods and techniques employed by the researcher are presented in the Methodology chapter which usually includes research design , research philosophy, research limitations, code of conduct, ethical consideration, data collection methods, and data analysis strategy .
  • Findings and Analysis : Findings of the research are analysed in detail under the Findings and Analysis chapter. All key findings/results are outlined in this chapter without interpreting the data or drawing any conclusions. It can be useful to include graphs, charts, and tables in this chapter to identify meaningful trends and relationships.
  • Discussion and Conclusion : The researcher presents his interpretation of results in this chapter, and state whether the research hypothesis has been verified or not. An essential aspect of this section of the paper is to draw a linkage between the results and evidence from the literature. Recommendations with regards to implications of the findings and directions for the future may also be provided. Finally, a summary of the overall research, along with final judgments, opinions, and comments, must be included in the form of suggestions for improvement.
  • References : This should be completed following your University’s requirements
  • Bibliography
  • Appendices : Any additional information, diagrams, and graphs used to complete the dissertation but not part of the dissertation should be included in the Appendices chapter. Essentially, the purpose is to expand the information/data.

About ResearchProspect Ltd

ResearchProspect is the world’s best academic writing service that provides help with Dissertation Proposal Writing , PhD Proposal Writing , Dissertation Writing , Dissertation Editing, and Improvement .

Our team of writers is highly qualified. They are experts in their respective fields. They have been working in the industry for a long, thus are aware of the issues and the trends of the industry they are working in.

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How to find mental health dissertation topics.

To find mental health dissertation topics:

  • Research recent mental health issues.
  • Examine gaps in existing literature.
  • Consider diverse populations or perspectives.
  • Explore treatment approaches or therapies.
  • Look into stigma and societal factors.
  • Select a topic that resonates with you for in-depth study.

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Public Health Theses

Theses/dissertations from 2024 2024.

Effect Of The Lifestyle, Exercise, And Nutrition (lean) Weight Loss Intervention On Anxiety Among Breast Cancer Survivors , Faiad Alam

Stakeholder Perspectives On Therapeutic Value Assessment , Victor M. Amana

Ecological Factors Influencing The Evolution Of Jamestown Canyon Virus In The Northern United States , Ellie Bourgikos

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Enriching An Acute Kidney Injury Prediction Model Among Percutaneous Coronary Intervention Patients: Leveraging Electronic Health Record Data , Enci Cai

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Energy Assistance And Health: Policy Recommendations , Gabriella Crivelli

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Unveiling Chagas Disease: An In-Depth Analysis Of Epidemiological Patterns In High Burden Latin American Nations , Nicole Del Castillo

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“How Long On Top Of The Hill?”: The Legacy Of Community Mental Health Programs, Institutionalized Relationships, And The Stifling Of Black Power (new Haven, 1963-1971) , Sophie Elizabeth Edelstein

Ivermectin Mda For Malaria Control And Plasmodium Species Diversity In Burkina Faso , Julia Ellman

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BMI's Early Echo: Deciphering Adolescent Body Mass Indicator On Adulthood Breast Cancer , Tianyu Feng

Comparing Immunogenicity And Relative Effectiveness Of Siil-Pv (pneumosil) To Incumbent Streptococcus Pneumoniae Vaccines And Higher-Valent Vaccines In Development , Laura Anne Fitch

Investigating The Impact Of Temperature Variations On African Trypanosome Transmissibility Within The Vector Tsetse Flies , Sophie Ann Genigeorgis

Prep-Aring For Prevention: Mental Health, Internalizations, And Contextual Factors As Barriers To Prep Uptake Among Sexual Minority Men And Nonbinary Individuals , Amanda Glatter

Maternity Care Deserts: Maternal And Child Health Associations , Dara Elizabeth Gleeson

Measuring The Differential Effect Of Internalized Homonegativity On Hiv Prevention Outcomes By Sexual Orientation Disclosure Status Among Ymsm Across Two Us Cities , Liv Gotte

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  • Rebecca Lobb, ScD, MPH
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  • Anita Misra-Hebert, MD MPH FACP
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Antibiotic Resistant E. coli in Children in Rural Tanzania: Characterizing Spatial and Temporal Patterns and Risk Factors for Resistance

The Assessment of Efficient and Sustainable Tools for Cholera Detection and Intervention in Low Resource Settings

Epidemiology, Diagnosis, and Careseeking Related to Risk Factors for Intrapartum-related Fetal and Neonatal Death in Rural Nepal

The Epidemiology of Resurgent Malaria in Eastern Zimbabwe: Risk Factors, Spatio-temporal Patterns and Prospects for Regaining Malaria Control 

Evaluation of the Reverse Cold Chain Guidelines for Temperature of Polio Specimen Transport and Viral Viability with Application to Field Data in Kenya

Improving Community-based Diagnosis of Pneumonia in Children: Validation of a Digital Auscultation Device

A Randomized Trial of the Effect of Buffer on the Serologic Response to Oral Polio Vaccine in Bangladesh and Timeliness of Routine Immunizations

Risk Factors for Antibody Loss After Hepatitis E Virus Natural Infection and Vaccination

RSV Vaccines on the Horizon: Data to Inform Clinical Trials and Implementation

 Sustainability of Interventions to Control Taenia solium Transmission and Genetic Variability of Taenia solium in Peru

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Dissertation & Thesis Examples 📖

Real-world examples and samples from leading universities

Need some inspiration for your study? You’ve come to the right place. Here we showcase a collection of dissertation and thesis   examples to help you get started. All of these are real-world studies from actual degrees (typically PhD and Master’s-level).

PS – If you’re looking for examples of specific dissertation chapters (e.g., literature review or methodology), you can also check out our collection of free templates .

Discipline-Specific Examples

  • Business & management
  • Political science

Stage-Specific Examples

  • Proposal/pitch
  • Literature review
  • Methodology

Examples: Business & Management

Below you’ll find a sample of business and management-related dissertations and theses covering a range of topics.

Title: Interaction Among Supply Chains: Consumers, Firms and Policymakers Author: Yuanchen Li Year: 2020

This PhD thesis examines the dynamics of supply chain relationships across three levels: the interactions between firms and consumers, suppliers and buyers, and firms and governments. The research aims to provide insights into the complexities of supply chain dynamics and their implications for various stakeholders.

Title: Essays in Firm-Level Patenting Activities and Financial Outcomes Author: Michael J Woeppel Year: 2020

This doctoral dissertation explores financial dynamics in two key areas: investment valuation and the performance of small innovative firms. The first chapter introduces a new metric, PI q, which incorporates the replacement cost of patent capital into the traditional Tobin’s q calculation. The second chapter examines small innovative firms, finding that they achieve higher returns for up to five years compared to non-innovators.

Title: Analysis of Design Artifacts in Platform-Based Markets Author: Vandith Pamuru Subramanya Rama Year: 2020

This dissertation investigates design issues within digital platform-based markets through three essays. The first essay explores the economic impact of augmented-reality games like Pokémon Go on local businesses, specifically restaurants. The second essay delves into the sponsored search ad-market, examining the effects of market frictions on bidding behaviors in auctions. The third essay examines user-generated content platforms, focusing on how the loss of elite status affects user contributions.

Title: Gaming the IRS’s Third-Party Reporting System: Evidence From Pari-Mutuel Wagering Author: Victor Charles Ferguson Year: 2020

This dissertation investigates if taxpayers deliberately avoid IRS third-party reporting mechanisms, focusing on an IRS amendment in 2017 that changed how gambling winnings are reported. Specifically, it looks at the impact on thoroughbred racing wagers in the US, using Canadian tracks as a control.

Title: Essays on Product Innovation and Failures Author: Moonsik Shin Year: 2020

This dissertation delves into how strategic decisions made by firms can lead to innovation failures, a relatively underexplored area compared to studies on successful innovations. The research is structured into three essays. The first explores how inter-organisational relationships, specifically investments from venture capitalists, can influence innovation failures due to pressures such as time constraints imposed on portfolio companies. The second essay examines the role of acquisitions in innovation failures, suggesting that challenges like adverse selection and integration issues post-acquisition can significantly hinder a firm’s innovation outcomes. The third essay looks at how incremental product development can lead to failures if new products are too dependent on existing technologies, which may themselves be flawed.

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example of thesis title about health

Examples: Psychology Dissertations

Title: Development and Validation of the Instrumental Support Inventory for Spouses Author: Ryan P. Egan Year: 2020

This research develops and validates the Instrumental Support Inventory for Spouses (ISI-s), a new tool to measure the practical support received from a romantic partner. The study involved two phases: initially, 372 married individuals helped refine the 39-item inventory across five categories through exploratory factor analysis, assessing reliability and validity. The second phase tested the inventory with 298 parents and their partners, using a longitudinal design, confirming its reliability and validity further.

Title: Dysfunctional Individuation, Spiritual Struggle and Identity in Emerging Adults: A Developmental Approach Author: Katheryn J. Klukow Kelley Year: 2020

This study investigates why emerging adults are participating less in organised religion, yet showing increased spirituality, attributing this shift to the process of religious identity development. The research involved a longitudinal survey of 788 students at a religious university, using structural equation models to analyse data collected at four points over an academic year.

Title: Depression Dynamics across a Decade: Density in Daily Depressive Affect and Yearly Depressive Symptoms Author: Raquael J. Joiner Year: 2020

This thesis investigates depression through a dynamic systems perspective, which views changes in depressive symptoms as part of an interconnected network of emotions and states, rather than isolated events. The research focuses on how the density of depressive affect—essentially the compactness and intensity of depressive symptoms—varies within individuals over a decade. By examining data at five different timepoints, the study aims to understand how these symptoms cluster daily and how this clustering influences transitions into or out of depressive states year by year.

Title: Maternal and Adolescent ADHD, Aggression, and Dysfunctional Discipline: Mediating Roles of Maternal Emotion Dysregulation and Stress Author: Natalie M. Ehret Year: 2020

This dissertation explores the challenges that parents face when both they and their children exhibit symptoms of ADHD, as well as oppositional defiant and aggressive behaviours. It investigates how these symptoms in mothers and adolescents may influence parenting discipline, focusing specifically on the roles of maternal emotion dysregulation and stress in shaping disciplinary practices. The study employs a process-oriented approach to better understand these complex dynamics.

Title: Linguistic Markers of Maternal Focus within Emotional Conversations: The Role of Depressive Symptoms and Maltreatment Author: Brigid Behrens Year: 2020

This study explores the relationship between maternal well-being and the language used during parent-child conversations about past emotional events. It specifically examines the use of first-person singular (“I”) and first-person plural (“we”) pronouns during a reminiscing task, to determine how maternal language might reflect cognitive biases. The research includes 229 mother-child dyads, both maltreating and non-maltreating, who are part of a larger clinical trial focused on Reminiscing and Emotion Training.

Examples of education-related dissertations and theses

Examples: Education Theses

Title: Functions and Purposes of Outdoor Education in Singaporean Education and Society: An Instrumental Case Study Author: Susanna Ho Year: 2011

This research aims to explore the roles outdoor education can play in Singapore, by conducting a case study of one school’s programme. Employing interviews, participant observations, and document analysis with tools like NVivo software, the study uses a grounded theory framework to interpret findings. It also incorporates Gert Biesta’s educational functions to assess outdoor education within Singapore’s specific context.

Title: The Impact of Internationalisation of Higher Education on Nursing Education in an Australian University: A Case Study Author: Elizabeth Alexandra Lavender Year: 2014

This study examines the impact of the rapid internationalisation of higher education on the School of Nursing and Midwifery at La Trobe University, Australia. It explores how global trends and policies, particularly the shift from ‘Aid to Trade’, have influenced educational practices within the school. The research uses a case study approach, incorporating document analysis and interviews with 15 university staff experienced in international education.

Title: Diabetes Education from the Podiatrist Perspective Author: Julia Yungken Year: 2020

This thesis investigates how diabetes education is delivered by podiatrists to patients, and the retention of this education over time. Through a series of four articles, the research first conducts a systematic review and meta-analysis to examine current educational practices. It then follows a study with three podiatrists and 24 patients over six months to observe educational retention. Additionally, a survey among Australian podiatrists assesses various educational methods and experiences. The study utilises diverse methodologies including observational studies, cognitive assessments, and surveys to understand and enhance the educational practices in diabetes care provided by podiatrists.

Title: Empowering Saudi Arabian Primary Teachers Through Participatory Action Research to Improve Their Professional Knowledge and Practices Regarding Gifted Learners Author: Faisal Yahya Alamiri Year: 2013
Title: Developing a National Assessment Model to Inform Educational Policy in Bhutan Author: Gembo Tshering Year: 2012

Examples of healthcare-related dissertations and theses

Examples: Healthcare-Related Dissertations

Title: Impact of the Increased Use of Telehealth on Health Care Management and Administration: The Case of New Care Management Practices Author: Immacula Pierre Year: 2024

This qualitative study explored the perceptions of healthcare managers on telehealth’s role and its influence on healthcare practices during the pandemic, focusing on aspects like provision and quality control. Through video-conferenced semi-structured interviews with 10 healthcare managers across various U.S. settings, the research aimed to understand the benefits, challenges, and the future role of telehealth.

Title: Healthcare Facilities Management Leadership Style Compared to Traditional Healthcare Business and Clinical Leaders Author: Joshua Ashlock Year: 2020

This dissertation explores leadership style differences between two groups within healthcare: traditional business and clinical leaders (represented by members of the American College of Healthcare Executives, ACHE) and healthcare facilities management leaders (represented by members of the American Society of Healthcare Engineers, ASHE). The research focuses on comparing transformational, transactional, and passive-avoidant leadership traits between these groups.

Title: Leadership Support as an Influence on Frontline Healthcare Employee Retention in the Washington Metropolitan Area (DMV) Author: Tamika Fair Year: 2023

This qualitative case study addresses the significant issue of high turnover rates among frontline healthcare employees in the DMV area, examining how the lack of support from healthcare leadership contributes to this problem. Through semi-structured interviews with 11 primary healthcare administrators in the DMV region, the research investigates how leaders engage with frontline workers and assesses their preparedness to tackle high staff turnover.

Title: Electronic Patient Portals: Promotion of Access by Healthcare Workers Increases Patient Engagement Author: Dena Todd Year: 2022

This integrative literature review examines strategies for promoting electronic patient portal (EPP) access in healthcare settings, a requirement highlighted by the Health Information for Economic and Clinical Health (HITECH) Act of 2010. The review underscores the importance of EPP systems in providing patients with access to their personal health information, including medications, lab results, diagnostics, and appointments. It discusses the potential risks for healthcare organisations that fail to offer such access, notably the loss of federal funding.

Title: Understanding Workplace Conditions Contributing to Physician Burnout Prevalence in Maryland State Author: Fatima Adefunke Queen Year: 2023

This dissertation utilises a qualitative multiple-case study to examine the workplace conditions that contribute to physician burnout in Maryland, particularly among primary care providers who show burnout rates of up to 50%. The study involved interviews with 21 physicians, including Medical Doctors (M.D.s), Doctors of Nursing Practice (DNPs), and Nurse Practitioners (NPs). Using Shanafelt’s well-being framework, the research aimed to understand the factors leading to burnout and its subsequent impact on physician attrition.

Examples of political science-related dissertations and theses

Examples: Political Science Theses

Title: The Influence of Peer Relationships on Political Socialisation Among College Students Author: Zachary Thomas Isaacs Year: 2021

This thesis investigates the role of peer relationships in the political socialisation of college students. This is an area not extensively covered by existing research, which primarily focuses on parental influence and often excludes the post-18 age group. A survey was conducted among college students aged 18 to 24, to explore how they communicate with their peers regarding politics and the effects of these interactions on their political socialisation.

Title: The Impact of Political Culture on Political Reactions: A Case Study of EU Sanctions on Russia Author: Kenzie Robin De Keyser Year: 2020

This dissertation examines the complex political impacts of European Union (EU) sanctions on Russia, taking into account the nuanced interplay between Russia’s political culture and the economic interdependencies between the EU and Russia. The research utilises the Cross-Cultural Competency (3Cs) Theorem to analyse key elements of Russian political culture—Russian Orthodox Christianity, geography, autocracy, and economic development— which are crucial in shaping the country’s political responses and governmental structure.

Title: Biased Representation: How Compulsory Voting and Campaign Finance Interact to Influence Government Responsiveness Author: Sarah Steinberg Year: 2016

This thesis investigates the interaction between compulsory voting and campaign finance, focusing on how they influence government responsiveness. It argues that the significant financial influence in political campaigns can lead to an elite bias, where government policies favour wealthier interests. The study uses statistical analysis and case studies from two countries to explore whether compulsory voting, which typically results in nearly universal voter turnout, can mitigate this bias.

Example: Dissertation Proposal

Example: literature review chapter, example: methodology chapter.

example of thesis title about health

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25 Thesis Statement Examples That Will Make Writing a Breeze


Understanding what makes a good thesis statement is one of the major keys to writing a great research paper or argumentative essay. The thesis statement is where you make a claim that will guide you through your entire paper. If you find yourself struggling to make sense of your paper or your topic, then it's likely due to a weak thesis statement.

Let's take a minute to first understand what makes a solid thesis statement, and what key components you need to write one of your own.

Perfecting Your Thesis Statement

A thesis statement always goes at the beginning of the paper. It will typically be in the first couple of paragraphs of the paper so that it can introduce the body paragraphs, which are the supporting evidence for your thesis statement.

Your thesis statement should clearly identify an argument. You need to have a statement that is not only easy to understand, but one that is debatable. What that means is that you can't just put any statement of fact and have it be your thesis. For example, everyone knows that puppies are cute . An ineffective thesis statement would be, "Puppies are adorable and everyone knows it." This isn't really something that's a debatable topic.

Something that would be more debatable would be, "A puppy's cuteness is derived from its floppy ears, small body, and playfulness." These are three things that can be debated on. Some people might think that the cutest thing about puppies is the fact that they follow you around or that they're really soft and fuzzy.

All cuteness aside, you want to make sure that your thesis statement is not only debatable, but that it also actually thoroughly answers the research question that was posed. You always want to make sure that your evidence is supporting a claim that you made (and not the other way around). This is why it's crucial to read and research about a topic first and come to a conclusion later. If you try to get your research to fit your thesis statement, then it may not work out as neatly as you think. As you learn more, you discover more (and the outcome may not be what you originally thought).

Additionally, your thesis statement shouldn't be too big or too grand. It'll be hard to cover everything in a thesis statement like, "The federal government should act now on climate change." The topic is just too large to actually say something new and meaningful. Instead, a more effective thesis statement might be, "Local governments can combat climate change by providing citizens with larger recycling bins and offering local classes about composting and conservation." This is easier to work with because it's a smaller idea, but you can also discuss the overall topic that you might be interested in, which is climate change.

So, now that we know what makes a good, solid thesis statement, you can start to write your own. If you find that you're getting stuck or you are the type of person who needs to look at examples before you start something, then check out our list of thesis statement examples below.

Thesis statement examples

A quick note that these thesis statements have not been fully researched. These are merely examples to show you what a thesis statement might look like and how you can implement your own ideas into one that you think of independently. As such, you should not use these thesis statements for your own research paper purposes. They are meant to be used as examples only.

  • Vaccinations Because many children are unable to vaccinate due to illness, we must require that all healthy and able children be vaccinated in order to have herd immunity.
  • Educational Resources for Low-Income Students Schools should provide educational resources for low-income students during the summers so that they don't forget what they've learned throughout the school year.
  • School Uniforms School uniforms may be an upfront cost for families, but they eradicate the visual differences in income between students and provide a more egalitarian atmosphere at school.
  • Populism The rise in populism on the 2016 political stage was in reaction to increasing globalization, the decline of manufacturing jobs, and the Syrian refugee crisis.
  • Public Libraries Libraries are essential resources for communities and should be funded more heavily by local municipalities.
  • Cyber Bullying With more and more teens using smartphones and social media, cyber bullying is on the rise. Cyber bullying puts a lot of stress on many teens, and can cause depression, anxiety, and even suicidal thoughts. Parents should limit the usage of smart phones, monitor their children's online activity, and report any cyber bullying to school officials in order to combat this problem.
  • Medical Marijuana for Veterans Studies have shown that the use of medicinal marijuana has been helpful to veterans who suffer from Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). Medicinal marijuana prescriptions should be legal in all states and provided to these veterans. Additional medical or therapy services should also be researched and implemented in order to help them re-integrate back into civilian life.
  • Work-Life Balance Corporations should provide more work from home opportunities and six-hour workdays so that office workers have a better work-life balance and are more likely to be productive when they are in the office.
  • Teaching Youths about Consensual Sex Although sex education that includes a discussion of consensual sex would likely lead to less sexual assault, parents need to teach their children the meaning of consent from a young age with age appropriate lessons.
  • Whether or Not to Attend University A degree from a university provides invaluable lessons on life and a future career, but not every high school student should be encouraged to attend a university directly after graduation. Some students may benefit from a trade school or a "gap year" where they can think more intensely about what it is they want to do for a career and how they can accomplish this.
  • Studying Abroad Studying abroad is one of the most culturally valuable experiences you can have in college. It is the only way to get completely immersed in another language and learn how other cultures and countries are different from your own.
  • Women's Body Image Magazines have done a lot in the last five years to include a more diverse group of models, but there is still a long way to go to promote a healthy woman's body image collectively as a culture.
  • Cigarette Tax Heavily taxing and increasing the price of cigarettes is essentially a tax on the poorest Americans, and it doesn't deter them from purchasing. Instead, the state and federal governments should target those economically disenfranchised with early education about the dangers of smoking.
  • Veganism A vegan diet, while a healthy and ethical way to consume food, indicates a position of privilege. It also limits you to other cultural food experiences if you travel around the world.
  • University Athletes Should be Compensated University athletes should be compensated for their service to the university, as it is difficult for these students to procure and hold a job with busy academic and athletic schedules. Many student athletes on scholarship also come from low-income neighborhoods and it is a struggle to make ends meet when they are participating in athletics.
  • Women in the Workforce Sheryl Sandberg makes a lot of interesting points in her best-selling book, Lean In , but she only addressed the very privileged working woman and failed to speak to those in lower-skilled, lower-wage jobs.
  • Assisted Suicide Assisted suicide should be legal and doctors should have the ability to make sure their patients have the end-of-life care that they want to receive.
  • Celebrity and Political Activism Although Taylor Swift's lyrics are indicative of a feminist perspective, she should be more politically active and vocal to use her position of power for the betterment of society.
  • The Civil War The insistence from many Southerners that the South seceded from the Union for states' rights versus the fact that they seceded for the purposes of continuing slavery is a harmful myth that still affects race relations today.
  • Blue Collar Workers Coal miners and other blue-collar workers whose jobs are slowly disappearing from the workforce should be re-trained in jobs in the technology sector or in renewable energy. A program to re-train these workers would not only improve local economies where jobs have been displaced, but would also lead to lower unemployment nationally.
  • Diversity in the Workforce Having a diverse group of people in an office setting leads to richer ideas, more cooperation, and more empathy between people with different skin colors or backgrounds.
  • Re-Imagining the Nuclear Family The nuclear family was traditionally defined as one mother, one father, and 2.5 children. This outdated depiction of family life doesn't quite fit with modern society. The definition of normal family life shouldn't be limited to two-parent households.
  • Digital Literacy Skills With more information readily available than ever before, it's crucial that students are prepared to examine the material they're reading and determine whether or not it's a good source or if it has misleading information. Teaching students digital literacy and helping them to understand the difference between opinion or propaganda from legitimate, real information is integral.
  • Beauty Pageants Beauty pageants are presented with the angle that they empower women. However, putting women in a swimsuit on a stage while simultaneously judging them on how well they answer an impossible question in a short period of time is cruel and purely for the amusement of men. Therefore, we should stop televising beauty pageants.
  • Supporting More Women to Run for a Political Position In order to get more women into political positions, more women must run for office. There must be a grassroots effort to educate women on how to run for office, who among them should run, and support for a future candidate for getting started on a political career.

Still stuck? Need some help with your thesis statement?

If you are still uncertain about how to write a thesis statement or what a good thesis statement is, be sure to consult with your teacher or professor to make sure you're on the right track. It's always a good idea to check in and make sure that your thesis statement is making a solid argument and that it can be supported by your research.

After you're done writing, it's important to have someone take a second look at your paper so that you can ensure there are no mistakes or errors. It's difficult to spot your own mistakes, which is why it's always recommended to have someone help you with the revision process, whether that's a teacher, the writing center at school, or a professional editor such as one from ServiceScape .

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    The thesis is the culminating work of the master's program, and an opportunity to integrate and apply content, concepts, methods, and analysis. Previous Thesis Examples. Thesis titles, along with Ph.D. dissertation titles from health services students, are available in the UW Library Research Archives. Theses & Dissertations

  13. Theses & Dissertations: Health Services Research, Administration, and

    The State of Oral Health in People with Disabilities and the Impact of Family-Centered Care on the Oral Health of Children with Special Health Care Needs, Bedant Chakraborty. Theses/Dissertations from 2021 PDF. The Ecology of Mental Health and the Impact of Barriers on Mental Health Service Utilization, Alisha Aggarwal. PDF

  14. 1000+ Research Topics & Research Title Examples For Students

    1000+ FREE Research Topics & Title Ideas. If you're at the start of your research journey and are trying to figure out which research topic you want to focus on, you've come to the right place. Select your area of interest below to view a comprehensive collection of potential research ideas. AI & Machine Learning. Blockchain & Cryptocurrency.

  15. Mental Health Dissertation Topics and Titles

    Latest Mental Health Dissertation Topics for 2024. Review the step-by-step guide on how to write your dissertation here. Topic 1: Assessing the Influence of Parents' Divorce or Separation on Adolescent Children regarding long-term psychological impact. Topic 2: Investigating the impact of Trauma and Health-related quality of life on a child ...

  16. Prize-Winning Thesis and Dissertation Examples

    Prize-Winning Thesis and Dissertation Examples. Published on September 9, 2022 by Tegan George.Revised on July 18, 2023. It can be difficult to know where to start when writing your thesis or dissertation.One way to come up with some ideas or maybe even combat writer's block is to check out previous work done by other students on a similar thesis or dissertation topic to yours.

  17. Public Health Theses

    The Cushing/Whitney Medical Library, collaborating with the Yale School of Public Health, is making Yale public health student theses available online. These theses are a valuable byproduct of Yale student research efforts. The digital thesis deposit has been a graduation requirement for a number of years, giving students options on how they ...

  18. Recent Dissertation Titles

    Recent Dissertation Titles HDL in humans: a complex system of proteins, each with its own unique size distribution, metabolism, and diet regulation MicroRNAs in Kidney Injury & Repair: Characterizing the Role of miR-132

  19. Theses and Dissertations (School of Health Systems and Public Health

    Discrete choice experiments in medical education : the role of management, health economics and research. Turner, Astrid Chrisilda (University of Pretoria, 2023-12-15) In this thesis, Discrete choice experiments in medical education: the role of management, health economics and research, the candidate utilised the stated preference technique ...

  20. Recent Dissertation Titles

    Recent Dissertation Titles. Antibiotic Resistant E. coli in Children in Rural Tanzania: Characterizing Spatial and Temporal Patterns and Risk Factors for Resistance. The Assessment of Efficient and Sustainable Tools for Cholera Detection and Intervention in Low Resource Settings. Epidemiology, Diagnosis, and Careseeking Related to Risk Factors ...

  21. Dissertation & Thesis Examples

    This PhD thesis examines the dynamics of supply chain relationships across three levels: the interactions between firms and consumers, suppliers and buyers, and firms and governments. The research aims to provide insights into the complexities of supply chain dynamics and their implications for various stakeholders. Download Example.

  22. How to Write a Thesis Statement

    Placement of the thesis statement. Step 1: Start with a question. Step 2: Write your initial answer. Step 3: Develop your answer. Step 4: Refine your thesis statement. Types of thesis statements. Other interesting articles. Frequently asked questions about thesis statements.

  23. 25 Thesis Statement Examples That Will Make Writing a Breeze

    What that means is that you can't just put any statement of fact and have it be your thesis. For example, everyone knows that puppies are cute. An ineffective thesis statement would be, "Puppies are adorable and everyone knows it." This isn't really something that's a debatable topic. Something that would be more debatable would be, "A puppy's ...

  24. Retraction note: Predictors of depression among school adolescents in

    Further investigation by the Publisher found that the study in the thesis included a total of 578 participants from 4 schools (Fig. 2) and the study in this article included a total of 584 participants from 6 schools (Fig. 2), suggesting some of the participants were different in both studies. ... Patient Health Questionnaires were used to ...