
Essay on Resilience

Essay on Resilience: Why it important & how to develop it? (1400+ words)

The word resilience is defined as the ability to recover quickly from difficult conditions, illness, or setbacks. The meaning of this word has become more important in today’s society. We are constantly reminded of how hard it is to get through an average day, let alone a rough patch in life.

According to the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) , there is a strong genetic and environmental basis for resilience. However, it’s not something we can acquire on our own. Here, are some ways we can be resilient and withstand difficulties in life with ease and grace.

Essay on Resilience

What does it mean to be resilient? The word “resilient” means “to bounce back”. This is what we’re aiming for: bouncing back from a challenge or adversity and achieving something healthy and positive as a result.

In short, resilience is about developing a sense of strength and flexibility to withstand hardships. It’s also about using those experiences to grow into a better person.

From surviving abuse to graduating college despite adversity, each struggle you’ve overcome has made you stronger and more capable of handling problems.

No matter how tough life gets, some people find a way to keep going. And that’s what resilience is all about. Resilience is the ability to come back from hard times or failure.

It’s the ability to bounce back after being knocked down. It doesn’t mean you won’t have bad days or tough moments, but it does mean you have the power to pick yourself up and carry on.

People with strong resilience are more confident, self-reliant, and secure. They don’t need outside approval for validation because they know who they are without it. Despite all the challenges in life, no one can take away your spirit. And that’s what makes you resilient.

What is resilience?

Resilience is not a matter of chance. It is a matter of choice and determination. It is your mental, emotional and physical ability to handle adversity and triumph in the midst of hard times.

This trait, which has become somewhat of a buzzword, allows you to push through struggles and difficulties in life and go on to live a happy, fulfilled life.

Resilience does not mean that you have to stay in the middle of a hurricane; it’s something you can cultivate in your life to help you live happier, healthier, longer. You need to work on building resilience every day. Without doing so, you will not be resilient. And the more you work on it, the better you will get at handling difficult situations.

Types of Resilience

There are many types of resilience. There is psychological resilience, which is the ability to overcome adversity and persevere in spite of circumstances. There is also social resilience, which is the capacity for communities to maintain their connections after an event or disaster.

Resilience can be seen in natural systems, such as trees that are able to survive under harsh weather conditions. It’s important for individuals and communities to have resilience because it can help people move on from difficult events in their lives.

But not all people are resilient enough.

Why it matters

Resilience is more important than ever because of a combination of factors. The first is that humans are evolving, which means that, as a species, we are becoming more and more resilient.

The second is that things, like work, relationships, and families, are becoming more and more challenging.

The third is that our brains aren’t equipped to handle the changing times; for instance, our ability to learn has declined.

The fourth factor that is changing and weakening our mental reserves is the rate at which we are growing.

The fifth factor that is contributing to the weakness of our brains is stress which is a physical process.

Stress and anxiety

Resilience is vital in being able to bounce back when we face life’s rough patches. If our mental and physical stressors are not dealt with, we will have difficulty maintaining a positive outlook on life.

“The emotional reaction to stress is our body’s way of protecting us.” In addition, stress and anxiety can be extremely harmful to our health and even life.

If we don’t have a good level of resiliency in our lives, our health can be affected and even in some cases, we can even die.

To help us develop resilience, we can take steps to reduce our stress and anxiety. These steps include getting more sleep, eating healthy and exercise, socializing, keeping a journal, and doing positive affirmations.

Coping with depression

Depression is an often misunderstood mental health condition. It is a harmful mental condition that we don’t talk about often.

Depression can affect us at any point in our lives and can negatively affect our lives and relationships.

But there are things we can do to develop resilience, so that we are equipped to cope with depression. There are many signs that depression is beginning to interfere with your life and people suffering from it often think that it is simply situational.

However, depression can impact your mental and physical health. With depression you may feel depressed, lethargic, have anxiety, and/or a lack of appetite or focus. You may feel like you’re going through the motions of daily life. You may have thoughts of self-harm or suicide.

How to develop resilience

First, get enough sleep. Sleep is essential for memory, thinking, stress, and most of all for our well-being.

Scientists have identified that sleeping in a timely fashion can improve memory function. Basically, getting at least 7 to 8 hours of sleep is important to prevent temporary memory lapses that impair everyday tasks, such as driving or reading directions.

Don’t procrastinate and give yourself breaks.

Stop and enjoy the simple pleasures in life, from eating to smelling flowers. Studies have found that activity, whether it’s cooking, walking, or playing with a pet, can actually lower stress levels.

Whether you find it productive to exercise or enjoy a nature walk, make sure you take a break to “recharge”.

Change your mindset

Resilience, like love, is a choice. When we begin to focus on the present rather than dwell on the past, or worry about the future, we begin to see things in a more positive light.

We begin to live in the moment and be thankful for all the good things we have in our lives. For some of us, these habits are easier said than done.

When we get caught up in worrying about what’s going to happen next, we forget to appreciate what we have.

We dwell on what might go wrong instead of taking the time to be grateful for all that’s going right in our lives.

Exploring the nature is another factor that makes you happy and resilient.

Be active and positive

Like any other word in the English language, resilience can have a myriad of meanings depending on who is saying it.

For some, it’s feeling strong and powerful, like we are in control of our lives. For others, it’s working hard to manage the things we have been dealt.

But, the truth is, as in all things, there is no one-size-fits-all definition for this word. Many people fall into one of two categories – those who say resilience is something you get from within and those who believe it’s something you can only acquire.

If you have learned how to maintain a sense of perspective and enjoy life while it happens, there’s a good chance you are going to be able to bounce back quickly if things get tough for you.

Get enough rest

The ability to cope with difficult times comes from having enough sleep. Insufficient sleep is a prime example of the challenge of being resilient.

Lack of sleep can affect your mental and physical health and increase your risk of illness, as well as developing obesity. Lack of sleep also leaves you feeling drained, which makes you less likely to be able to deal with some of the difficulties of life.

Sleep deprivation also impairs attention and concentration, which can lead to making serious mistakes, such as making critical career decisions, or even hurting others.

If we make it through the challenging times that life throws at us, we’ll find that we did have a great amount of resiliency.

The best way to gain resilience is by learning to bounce back from whatever life throws at us.

It takes a lot of work, determination, and discipline to go through a difficult time and get to the other side. However, it’s worth it in the end.

Essay on Resilience

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What Is a Resilience Essay

Let's start with the definition of essay on resilience . This paper discusses and analyzes how people survive and thrive under challenging circumstances. This term has been used since 17s century for describing human’s ability to cope and adapt to trauma, stress, or tragedy. We often speak about this issue in psychology studies or social care courses. 

These essays are usually not long — only 200–500 words. But it should be clear with definitions and types of analysis to provide. To know how this paper looks and how to make your own better, start with samples we prepare for students. 

Great Resilience Essay Examples

The best way of getting a good paper is to focus on a reflective essay on resilience. Look at this topic through personal perspective and feelings. Most of us have experience dealing with complex life events. Or we have friends or family in the same situation. Write clear and specify cases you want to describe for the paper. It can be your reflection on other conditions or the history of this topic. Discuss how this term is interpreted in academic work. 

To ensure your confidence in structuring reflection writing, use pdf examples we offer students for free! Learn about advanced writing from successful students!

Resilience College Essay Examples

In most cases, you will work with a resilience college essay while studying at the university. There are few things to remember while working with this topic for a student's assignment. First, it is necessary to base on academic rules or requirements. Second, you should have clear understanding of the theoretical background of this field. Essays should be grounded in theory. It's better to start by reading and researching the topic, even if you want to write about your personal feelings.

College essays about resilience usually do not include literature review sections or research methodology. But it still should be academically correct. Check all citations and style requirements. (APA, Chicago, MLA, or other.) 

Also, check sample college essays we offer for students. 

How to Write a Resilience Essay

Even a short essay on resilience should have its structure and reasonable argumentation. Let’s discuss a few steps to create a great sample of such a psychology paper . 

  • Start with research. First, figure out the term, application cases, and theoretical ground for future argumentation.
  • Define resilience essay topics. Students can have various approaches to term analysis. You should choose the one you want to focus on. 
  • Learn from samples. We have a lot of sound samples of such essays. Look how other students got this task to write excellent pieces.
  • Create an outline. This is the structure of the paper. Be clear with each argument at the beginning of the writing process. It means the outline is a roadmap for future writings. 
  • Start writing. Be constructive, use only solid argumentation and check all academic requirements.
  • Decide on resilience titles for essays. It should be attention-catching, including essential details.
  • Proofread! It is the last step. At the same time, it is one of the most important steps for good grades. So, have some rest before doing it!

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StudyBounty offers free essays on resilience, and anyone can check or download them. We try to make samples affordable for everyone. You can access them at any time and from any location without registration. Moreover, our examples will be accessible in the future.

Essays about resilience are demanding tasks for any student. You can start with research, read about this term, and decide on your writing approach. Write clearly and structure the text based on academic requirements. Your essay should contain three main parts — introduction, main body, and conclusion. Include personal views and as many details as needed.

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Published: Mar 13, 2024

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One aspect of resilience, another important aspect of resilience, personal experience, importance of resilience.

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Resilience, a personality trait, refers to a person’s ability to persevere when confronting confusion, difficult tasks, obstacles, and rejection.

Resilience is grounded in Conscientiousness (e.g., achievement striving, industriousness, and self-control.) People who are resilient tend to have higher “self-esteem, generalized self-efficacy, locus of control, and emotional stability” (National Research Council 2012)

“I’ve missed more than 9,000 shots in my career. I’ve lost almost 300 games. Twenty-six times, I’ve been trusted to take the game-winning shot and missed. I’ve failed over and over and over again in my life. And that is why I succeed.” Michael Jordan

When asked how he would handle the fight plan of Evander Holyfield in an upcoming heavyweight fight, Mike Tyson famously quipped: “Everyone has a plan until they get punched in the mouth.”

Regrettably, most of us at one time or another get punched in the mouth–whether that punch is the loss of a loved one, a major health issue, a job loss–or an F grade in a course or project.

For many people, writing feels aversive. People can be undermined by negative thoughts and feelings of self-doubt.

When writers first begin a task, their success and their willingness to undertake a project may be undermined by a negative inner voice. It is not uncommon for people to report self-defeating attitudes. Sometimes the inner critic warns there’s not enough time to complete a project. Or maybe the critic warns you don’t have access to the research you need. Worse yet, some people report feeling they don’t have the talent they need. The negative inner voice can indeed be crippling

Once a major draft is written and shared with an audience, it can be discouraging to receive negative feedback from readers. Rather than take criticism personally, you need to embrace it and use what you can–but forget the rest.  And remember that every text is likely to have its critics. Any best selling novel or literary classic has critics. When faced with difficult tasks, it’s common to struggle with self-doubt, the feeling that you don’t know what to write or don’t have the time needed to really refine your thinking.

Resources on Resilience

For a remarkable little book on stoicism and Resilience, check out T he Obstacle is the Way by Ryan Holiday.

At Writing Commons , we are eager to publish research and theory as well as pedagogical exercises that help students better develop their Resilience. Please see Contribute to learn about how you can collaborate with us and help students along the way.

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Carolyn Roy-Bornstein M.D.

Building Resilience One Paragraph at a Time

A daily reflective writing practice fosters flexibility and optimism..

Posted January 24, 2024 | Reviewed by Gary Drevitch

  • What Is Resilience?
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  • Writing about a painful situation can be empowering, giving us control over our own narrative.
  • Writing builds resilience by helping us identify inner resources that sustain personal well-being.
  • Processing emotions through reflective writing enhances self-regulation and improves emotional intelligence.

Carolyn Roy-Bornstein

Stuff happens. Our days cannot all be sunny. We will always have to deal with people whose personalities rub us the wrong way. Everyone suffers loss, experiences grief , and goes through their own stresses in life. We can’t avoid pain and trauma and loss altogether. But we can fortify ourselves with the tools we need to transcend these obstacles.

How can writing about negative experiences help me?

It is a grand irony that the very experiences that cause us the most pain are also the ones with the potential to be the most rewarding. Cultivating a daily reflective writing practice can help us through these difficult times with clarity accrued and wisdom gained. Reflection can help us mine those painful incidents for potential growth and learning. Writing about negative experiences, then examining our thoughts and feelings about them, allows us to work through difficult situations. We discover strengths within ourselves and, in so doing, develop the confidence and skill to manage similar future situations with new awareness and insight.

Why bother writing when things are going swimmingly?

Writing about positive encounters also has a role to play in resilience -building. As we write, we can reflect on the friends and family who support us, learning to appreciate people and events that may have been taken for granted before our daily practice brought them to the fore.

How can writing help me build resilience?

Resilience is characterized by the ability to be flexible, motivated, and resourceful. But resilience also includes qualities of creativity and imagination . A daily writing practice can help us flex that creative muscle, pushing us to view situations in new ways, to craft a meaningful narrative from difficult circumstances, and to identify our own inner resources even as we are drawing upon them. Concretely naming the attributes we possess deeply but may not have identified and owned allows us to tap into those same inner resources in the future.

Some aspects of resilience can seem like innate personality traits we have little control over. Things like persistence and optimism sound more like something we’re born with than something we can acquire, but our writing practice is integral in cultivating these qualities. Persistence requires determination and commitment to our work. Writing from others’ perspectives helps develop empathy, which is essential in deriving deep meaning from our work.

Our ability to reflect with our writing is perhaps the most important aspect of resilience. Writing about negative experiences, then examining our thoughts and feelings about them, allows us to work through difficult situations. We discover strengths within ourselves and add to our personal growth by developing the confidence and skill to manage similar future situations with new awareness and insight. Writing about positive encounters also has a role to play in resilience-building, as we learn to appreciate people and events that may have been taken for granted before our daily practice brought them to the forefront.

Writing helps us to pay attention to the emotional experience behind the events we find stressful and in so doing, helps us to better understand, process, and assimilate those emotions. New insights gained on the page inform and regulate our future reactions to similar stressors or triggers.

Reflective writing can be an extremely empowering exercise in resilience-building. Identifying inner strengths and marshaling those resources for the future makes writing a superpower we can all use in challenging times.

1. Castillo YA et al. Managing emotions: relationships among expressive writing and emotional intelligence. Integr Res Adv . 2019;6(1):1-8.

2. Jess-Cooke C. Should creative writing courses teach ways of building resilience? New Writing: The International Journal for the Practice and Theory of Creative Writing. 2015;12(2):249-259.

Carolyn Roy-Bornstein M.D.

Carolyn Roy-Bornstein, MD, is a retired pediatrician and the Writer-in-Residence at a large family medicine residency program where she leads physicians in narrative medicine workshops.

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Prosperity Now (2019). Racial wealth divide in Austin. Retrieved from https://www.austincf.org/Portals/0/Uploads/Documents/Reports/Racial%20Wealth%20Divide%20Profile%20Austin_February%202019_%20Final3.pdf

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Webster, D., & Rivers, N. (2018). Resisting resilience: disrupting discourses of self- efficacy. Pedagogy, Culture & Society, 1-13.

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Intake information for mental health.

MacGill, M. (2017). What is depression and what can I do about it? Medical News Today. Retrieved from https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/kc/depression-causes-symptoms-treatments-8933.

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Trading classroom authority for online community, dementia inevitable or preventable, strengths based approach for depression, depression in the military.

Reivich, K. J., Seligman, M. E., & McBride, S. (2011). Master resilience training in the US Army. American Psychologist, 66(1), 25.

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Home / Essay Samples / Psychology / Cognitive Psychology / Resilience

Resilience Essay Examples

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