Sales Cover Letter Tips, Templates, & Examples to Land Your Ideal Role

Aja Frost

Published: April 20, 2022

A strong sales cover letter can do a lot for you as an applicant — like demonstrate effective communication skills, show you're invested in the opportunity, and give you room to add some color to your application.

job application cover letter for sales

That said, stringing cover letters together is often one of the more grating, monotonous tasks job seekers have to put up with — but while putting a sound sales cover letter together can be a chore , it doesn't necessarily have to be a challenge . There are some key tips, strategies, and structures you can fold into your letters to make them as compelling as possible.

Let's take a look at some of those tricks, review how to arrange your sales cover letter, and see an example of what a solid one looks like in practice.

→ Click here to access 5 free cover letter templates [Free Download]

Sales Cover Letter Tips

Keep it concise..

You should aim to keep your cover letter between three to five paragraphs, and under no circumstances should it be more than one page. Employers fielding a high volume of applications could be leafing through hundreds of cover letters every day. If you're too long-winded — stringing together a multi-page history of your entire professional life — you're going to get overlooked.

Use a professional font.

A cover letter is a professional document, so it warrants a professional presentation. Don't get too cute with your font selection or colors. Go with something like Times New Roman, Arial, or Calibri — and always have the text be black.

Avoid flowery language without sacrificing flow.

You're not writing an English essay or preparing for a poetry slam here. Again, you want to keep things professional. Avoid flowery phrases like, " At your leisure " or " Please find attached herewith. ” That said, you want your letter to flow and sound natural, so try not to come off too stiff.

Highlight relevant skills.

Pore over the listing for the role you're applying for. What is the company in question looking for? What specific skills and qualities do they call out in the job description? Once you have those questions squared away, try to find ways to include those elements in your cover letter.

Reference quantifiable achievements.

In most cases, employers won't look at the skills you highlight and just take you at your word — you need to point to hard, quantifiable results that demonstrate you're the real deal.

How to Write a Sales Cover Letter

If you’re applying to a conservative company or work in a formal industry — like finance, healthcare, or law — include a full heading: Your name and address, followed by a space, the date, followed by another space, and the company name and address.

But if you’re applying to a less formal place, you can probably get away with simply writing your name and email address — followed by a space and the company's name and email address.

Maybe you’re not sure who will be reading your cover letter — but don’t write " To whom it may concern, " " Dear hiring manager, " or any other generic title. With a little research, you can usually find the hiring manager’s name.

Let’s say you’re applying for the SMB Account Executive role at Joyfull. Google "SMB sales manager Joyfull" and see if you can find the team’s leader on LinkedIn. When applying to a conservative company, write “Dear Mr./Ms. [Last name].” When applying to a startup or relatively relaxed organization, write “Dear [First name] [Last name].”

Your intro paragraph should highlight why you’re a great fit. It’s a high-level overview, rather than an in-depth exploration of your work history and qualifications, so keep it under four sentences.

The standard cover letter opening line is something along the lines of:

"I’m interested in becoming a sales representative on your SMB team " or " I'm excited for the opportunity to apply for the SMB sales representative role. "

While these sentences might not kill your chances of getting the job, they generally don’t help. You want to grab the reader’s attention and sell yourself from the very start — so don't be reluctant to try a personalized, compelling line that will draw the hiring manager in and make them want to read more.

Here are a few examples:

" I love working with small businesses — in fact, I’ve helped more than 300 in the past year at my current job — which is why I’m so excited about the chance to help SMBs discover Joyfull. "

" Every week, I write a blog post about a common SMB challenge. Helping SMBs overcome this obstacle isn’t just rewarding -- it’s also a great lead gen strategy. My passion for this type of work led me to your SMB Account Executive position. "

Do you know a current or former employee who speaks positively about the company? Mention them in your intro. In some cases, you might have their referral — either by submitting your application or connecting you with the hiring manager — but even if you don't, you can still drop their name.

For instance, you might say something like, "As a self-starter who thrives in autonomous, results-oriented environments, I’m drawn to the BDR role at Red Shelf. I’ve heard great things about the culture and learning opportunities from Sarah Grossman, who started as a BDR and now works on your L&D team."

First Body Paragraph

In this paragraph, choose a relevant work experience. What does "relevant" mean? You’re trying to show your existing abilities and knowledge map well to the role you’re applying for, so if you currently work in retail and you want to become a business development rep, you might write:

" As a floor associate for Wilson & Co., I help 60-plus customers every day with questions about brands, fit, quality, and more. This experience has taught me how to provide a positive customer experience and be helpful while driving sales — both skills I’d use as a HubSpot BDR. Finally, it’s made me comfortable approaching strangers and acting as a product expert, which would be invaluable when reaching out to inbound leads. "

Second Body Paragraph

The second body paragraph follows the same structure as the first. Take another relevant work or educational experience, and connect the dots to the role you’re applying for. Imagine you’re currently an AE applying for a manager position. Your second section could read:

“ In the past 16 months on the Pacific West team, I’ve taken several opportunities to grow my leadership abilities. I started a mentorship program for new reps, pairing them with salespeople who have been at the company for at least two years. This program has been a huge success — the half-year retention is 20% higher for participants versus those without mentors. As a sales manager, I’d continue to look for ways to support, mentor, and train my salespeople so they can maximize their potential. "

Third Body Paragraph

If you have another relevant experience, discuss it here. But you don’t have to add a third paragraph just for the sake of adding one — a lot of the time, a shorter cover letter is better, provided you can convey an appropriate amount of relevant information.

Let’s suppose you’re applying for a sales engineer role — a highly technical and demanding job that likely warrants a three-paragraph cover letter. You could say something like:

"After spending two years in customer support, I’m in my element when answering product-related questions. There’s nothing I enjoy more than getting a challenging ticket I can dig into — and there’s nothing more satisfying than finally solving it. As a sales engineer for HubSpot, I’d get the chance to talk to customers about the product on a daily basis and answer their most complex questions. In addition, I could use the communication skills I’ve honed as a support rep."

This section doesn’t need to be long or flowery. Many people end with unnecessary statements like, "Please let me know if I can provide any more information” or "Thank you for your consideration."

The problem with these? A hiring manager can safely assume you’ll give more info if asked and are appreciative of their time. You’ll seem like every other applicant who’s grabbed a generic template from the internet — which, okay, you might be doing, but they don’t need to know that.

Instead, reiterate your interest with a strong summary line like:

“The best days at work are usually the longest and most demanding — because I go home knowing I’ve helped multiple owners dramatically change the course of their businesses. Your hyper-loyal user base suggests being a Joyfull AE comes with even more opportunities to help young and growing organizations.”

Sales Cover Letter Template

Dear Jane Doe,

I’m passionate about [helping X type of customer, solving Y goal, working in Z industry] — which is how I found the [open position] at [company name]. The more I learned about [company’s] mission to [insert mission here, i.e. “improve the remote working experience,” “make personal finance easy”], the more excited I became. My [applicable skill #1 and applicable skill #2], as well as experience in [field] and knowledge of [related topic], would make me an asset to the [department, i.e. “Customer Development”] team.

As a [title] at [current employer or skill], I’m responsible for [doing X and Y]. This has helped me develop [ability] -- in fact, [insert proof of your skill, e.g. “my boss recently said I was one of the most resourceful employees he’s ever had” or “I’m known for my ability to stay collected and take the lead during high-pressure situations.”] I’d use [X skill] as your [job title] to [achieve main objective].

I’m also [skilled in X/possess Y and Z positive traits], which comes from my [previous work or extracurricular experience]. [In that role, on that team], I developed a knack for [skill/traits]. This was instrumental in [hitting specific milestones/exceeding expectations]. You’re looking for someone with [X skill/character traits], and I believe I’m a good fit.

Over the past [number of years], [company] has [accomplished X goal, such as “become a leader in the CRM space” or “used creative marketing and social media campaigns to become a household name in Colorado.”] It looks like you have ambitious goals for the future -- I hope I get the opportunity to contribute.

[Your name]

Sales Cover Letter Example

an effective sales cover letter example

Why It Works

This cover letter is effective for a few reasons. For one, it speaks directly to how the applicant's hard, quantifiable achievements align with both the role's required technical acumen and the more abstract qualities needed to thrive in it.

By alluding to the fact that they're familiar with the vertical the role serves, the applicant establishes the relevance of their experience — and by touching on elements like their experience with mentorship, they're demonstrating their growth potential within the role.

If you're in the middle of a job hunt, odds are you're going to write your fair share of cover letters — so knowing how to put a compelling one together is in your best interest. It might be the difference between ultimately landing a sales role and not even popping up on an employer's radar.

Professional Cover Letter Templates

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Five fill-in-the-blank cover letter templates to help you impress recruiters.

Powerful and easy-to-use sales software that drives productivity, enables customer connection, and supports growing sales orgs

Sales Cover Letter Example for 2024 (w/ Templates!)

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You've always had a knack for sales, but now you’ve come a long way from making cold calls and practicing your pitch in front of the mirror. 

You’re ready to turn your talent into a full-time gig.

There's just one hurdle left: writing that dreaded cover letter. Staring at the empty page that's supposed to sell your skills and experience feels a lot like standing in front of a tough client you just can't land.

But don't worry!

In this article, we're going to show you how to sell your professional skills, one sentence at a time.

Here’s what we’ll cover: 

  • What Makes a Great Sales Cover Letter Example
  • 5 Steps to Writing the Best Sales Cover Letter
  • 3 Essential Cover Letter Tips for Sales Pros

...and more!

So let's close the deal.

Sales Cover Letter Example

Sales Cover Letter Example

5 Steps for the Perfect Sales Cover Letter

You’ve seen what a great sales cover letter looks like. Now it's time to start writing your own . 

Simply follow these tried-and-tested steps:

#1. Put Contact Information in the Header

Kick off your sales cover letter with your personal information right at the top, similar to your resume . Here's the lowdown on what to include:

  • Full Name. Your whole name should sit at the top of the document.
  • Job Title. Be specific about the sales role you're targeting (e.g. Sales Manager ). This helps the hiring manager sort through heaps of applications more efficiently.
  • Email Address. Keep it simple and professional. Your old, quirky email won't cut it. For instance, [email protected] is a no-no, but [email protected] is good to go.
  • Phone Number. Make sure it’s correct, and if you're aiming for a job in another country, add the international dialing code.
  • Location. Usually, your city and country are enough. But if you're open to remote work or moving, say so.
  • Relevant Links (optional). If you have a LinkedIn profile or a portfolio, this is a good spot to include those links.

Next up, list the hiring manager's details:

  • Company Name. Put down the company you're looking to join.
  • Hiring Manager’s Name. If you can find it, include the name of the hiring manager for the sales department. The company’s website and LinkedIn are good places to look.
  • Hiring Manager’s Title. If you learn the hiring manager's official title, use that instead of just "Hiring Manager." For example, the person reviewing your application might be the “Head of Sales”.
  • Location. Note the city and country, especially if the company is global. You can get more detailed with the street name and number if you want.
  • Email Address (optional). If you manage to find it, throw in the hiring manager’s email as well.
  • Date (optional). Include the date you’re writing the cover letter. It adds a touch of professionalism.

#2. Address the Hiring Manager

Once you've laid down your contact information , it's time to address your cover letter to its intended reader. Skip the old ‘To Whom It May Concern’ —it's a snooze-fest.

First up, do a little digging. Look at the job ad, the company's website, or their LinkedIn page to find the name of the hiring manager for the sales role you're applying for. This way, you'll get their name and possibly their email too.

When it comes to addressing the hiring manager , it's good to be formal but not stuffy. Go for "Mr." or "Ms." followed by their last name. If you're unsure about their gender or marital status, just use their full name. Like so:

  • Dear Mr. Johnson,  
  • Dear Emily Johnson,

If you hit a wall and can't find any details about who the hiring manager or the head of the sales department is, aim your letter at the department or the entire company:

  • Dear Sales Department,
  • Dear Sales Hiring Team,
  • Dear HR Recruitment Team,
  • Dear Sales Division Lead,

#3. Write an Eye-Catching Opening Statement

Hiring managers usually only take a few seconds to scan each application. That means your opening paragraph needs to be as attention-grabbing as possible.

A good approach is to lead by stating why you're drawn to the sales job. A little enthusiasm for the field or that specific role can go a long way in catching a manager's eye.

Knowing a bit about the company can also set you apart from the crowd. The more clued in you are, the easier it is to show why you'd fit in well with their team. This signals that you're not just applying at random but are genuinely keen on this particular job.

If you've already got some experience under your belt, feel free to open with a big win or key skills that make you ideal for the role. 

That said, keep this part snappy. The aim is to hook the hiring manager into reading more about you, not going into depth about how you made your achievements happen.

#4. Use the Cover Letter Body for the Details

The main section of your sales cover letter is where you should get down to business and elaborate on who you are as a candidate. 

Remember - this isn't a place to copy-paste your resume . Instead, aim to showcase why you're the ideal candidate for the sales role you're eyeing by providing additional information.

So, to begin with, avoid repetition. Don't regurgitate your resume; add color to it. Discuss the achievements that prove you're good at closing deals or retaining clients. Look at the job ad and let it guide you. If they're seeking someone who can work in a fast-paced environment, highlight a time you thrived under pressure.

Also, be specific. If the job focuses on B2B sales, point out how you've succeeded in that area rather than discussing your retail experience. This tells the hiring manager that you understand what they're looking for and can deliver on it.

And, as we already mentioned, knowledge of the company is a big bonus. If you understand their sales approach, competitors, or target markets, say so. It shows you're serious about the job and have done your homework.

Need more inspiration? Check out more cover letter examples in this article. 

#5. Wrap It Up and Sign It

Ending your sales cover letter on a high note is crucial. This is your last chance to make a lasting impression , so don't drop the ball here.

Start by summarizing why you're the right pick for the sales role. Reiterate your key skills or most noteworthy achievement(s). You've made your case; now wrap it up in a neat package.

Finally, add a call to action. Prompt the hiring manager to do something next, like contacting you for a further discussion. This proactive step can set you apart and enhance your odds of landing an interview.

Lastly, sign off the right way. Keep it professional yet personal. Here's an example of what this could look like:

I’m eager to discuss how I can contribute to your sales targets and team goals. Please feel free to reach out so we can set up an interview at your convenience.

Best regards,

If "Best regards" feels too played out for you, here are other sign-offs you can consider:

  • Kind regards,
  • Respectfully,
  • Thanks for your time,

This last section is your final shot to resonate with the hiring manager. Make it count.

sales cover letter structure

3 Essential Business Cover Letter Tips

You're now up to speed on the basics of cover letters. 

Next up, we'll dive into some must-know tips to take your sales cover letter to the next level, starting with: 

#1. Match Your Resume

Going for that sales position? Then having a sharp application matters.

For that exact reason, get your cover letter to match your resume in style and formatting. A mismatch might come off as unprofessional. 

Keep your information straight and clean on the page, and ensure your fonts are on point from top to bottom. Oh, and while you're at it, get those margins and line gaps just right. Let's keep that cover letter snappy and on one page. 

Pitch yourself perfectly!

Or Use A Cover Letter Template Instead

Want to skip all the hassle? 

Our cover letter templates are just the ticket. Use our resume builder while you’re at it, and then match your cover letter to the T. 

Not to mention, with input from global hiring experts, all our templates are top-notch and industry-approved.

Problem solved!

sales cover letter examples

#2. Mention Qualifications

You can't skip talking about your qualifications in your cover letter, especially for a sales job. 

Qualifications aren't just a checklist for hiring managers; they're the building blocks that show you can do the job well. So, dig a little deeper than your resume. 

Sure, your resume says you led your team in sales for three quarters. But in your cover letter, you can say how you did it. Did you initiate a new customer engagement strategy? Or maybe you excelled at cold calls? Make sure to explain it. 

By expanding on your qualifications, you're giving the hiring manager a sneak peek into how you operate and what you could bring to their team. Trust me, they'll appreciate the extra insight, and it might just land you that interview .

#3. Add Any Relevant Links

As an extension of your sales resume , your cover letter is a great place to add any relevant links. 

Sure, your resume might have a section for your LinkedIn or portfolio, but why not make it easy for the hiring manager? 

Direct them straight to the good stuff. Add a line in your cover letter that says something like, "You can see examples of my sales achievements on my LinkedIn profile," and then hyperlink it.

Doing this sends a clear message: you're not just talking about your skills and achievements; you're showing them off in real time. It saves the hiring manager time searching for them and gives them an easy way to learn more about you right away. It's a small detail, but it could make you stand out in a crowded field.

Key Takeaways

And that’s a wrap on what makes a great sales cover letter!

We hope that our guide has made you more confident about writing your own sales cover letter and that you’ll land your dream job right away.

But before we go, let’s recap our most important points from this article:

  • Start your sales cover letter by including all your relevant contact information and then fill out the hiring manager’s contact information. Keep this factual, especially your email and phone number. Otherwise, you might miss an interview opportunity.
  • Add hyperlinks to your cover letter for convenience. Even if your sales resume already links to your LinkedIn profile or a sales portfolio, you should add them to your cover letter and make it easier for the hiring manager to see them.
  • The body of your cover letter is where you should go into detail about what makes you right for the job. Make sure you don’t skip your qualifications—they can make you stand out from other candidates and help convince the hiring manager you’re right for the job.
  • Before you send in your cover letter, sign it off professionally. Pick an appropriate closing line and add your full name underneath before sending in your application.

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  • Cover Letter Examples
  • Sales Cover Letter: Example & Tips for Sales Positions

Sales Cover Letter: Example & Tips for Sales Positions

Christian Eilers, CPRW

Our customers have been hired by:

You've got sales skills that could convince a fish it needs a bicycle. But convincing a hiring manager that they need specifically YOU in their team is a different story.

Let's craft a sales cover letter that showcases your talents like a blockbuster product launch, making hiring managers eager to buy into your career potential. Take a sip of coffee, and let’s get to business.

This sales cover letter guide will show you:

  • Sales cover letter example better than 9 out of 10 other cover letters.
  • How to write a sales cover letter that will land you more interviews.
  • Detailed instructions on highlighting your sales skills in a cover letter for sales jobs.
  • How to sell your candidacy on a sales position cover letter to get any job you want.

Want to write your cover letter fast? Use our cover letter builder. Choose from  20+ professional cover letter templates  that match your resume. See actionable examples and get expert tips along the way.

Create your cover letter now

sample cover letter example

Sample cover letter for a resume— See more cover letter samples and create your cover letter here .

Need to get more specific? Check out these cover letter examples:

  • Sales Associate Cover Letter
  • Customer Success Manager Cover Letter
  • Retail Management Cover Letter
  • Sales Representative Cover Letter
  • Sales Manager Cover Letter

Want to explore your options further? See our full selection of cover letter examples for every career:  Best Cover Letter Examples for All Professions .

Sales Cover Letter Example

William Wiley

Sales Professional

4437 Water Street

San Francisco, CA 94108


[email protected]

Detroit, 6/15/2022

Ronald Vogel

Sales Director

2296 Woodbridge Lane

Detroit, MI 48201

Dear Mr. Vogel, 

As a highly motivated and results-driven sales professional, my skills and experience make me an ideal candidate for the sales position at Brixor.

During my time at Enigma, I was responsible for developing new business opportunities and managing key accounts. One accomplishment that I am particularly proud of is successfully closing a deal with a major retail chain resulting in an 8% increase in revenue for my team. Without understanding customer needs and tailoring solutions to the client, that would not have happened.

What excites me about joining Brixor is the company's reputation for innovation and excellence in customer service. Seeing how the team uses cutting-edge technology to deliver personalized solutions that meet each client's unique needs is inspiring. I am confident that my experience in consultative selling and account management aligns well with the needs of Brixor's sales department. 

I look forward to discussing how I can contribute to Brixor’s lead generation and customer retention strategies during an interview or phone call.


This sample looks neat, right? Let's teach you how to write a sales cover letter like that. 

Use the Best Structure for Sales Cover Letters

Above, you just witnessed our take on a sales cover letter that sells.

But what was so great about it? Was it the intro? The template? Maybe the closing?

The answer is yes—it's all of these things. A great cover letter for sales jobs is one that is structured just right and which is pitch perfect .

Here’s what you should include on a cover letter in sales:

  • your contact information ,
  • the company’s details,
  • an opening greeting or salutation,
  • an introductory paragraph,
  • examples of the value you'd bring to the sales team,
  • reasons why this sales job is ideal for you,
  • a closing paragraph,
  • sign-off statement and your name,
  • a postscript (P.S.).

That’s our recommendation on what to put in the perfect sales cover letter. It’s kind of like the BANT framework , but to get the sales job.

Make sure the related resume for sales positions is in tip-top shape, as well:

  • Sales Associate Resume
  • Sales Manager Resume
  • Sales Representative Resume

Address Your Cover Letter for Sales Positions Correctly

To start a cover letter for sales jobs, first create a header section with the contact details of you and the recipient. 

List Your Personal Details

At the very top of your sales position cover letter, aligned to the left, is where you'll add your contact deets. Include your name , email address , and phone number , and a LinkedIn profile URL .

Optionally, you could choose to add your mailing address, job title, or branding statement.

Make sure it matches your sales resume to offer the sales manager a unified package.

Pro Tip : Don’t add the remainder of your social links, profile URLs, and portfolio information with your contact details as you did on your salesperson resume, unless the account executive cover letter template you choose includes an area for them .

Add The Date of Writing

A formal letter, such as a cover letter for sales, requires a date:

September 1, 2019

Whether you’re a director of sales or a store assistant, the date of writing is important on any formal letter (and a sales associate cover letter is a formal document).

Include Their Details

Next, add the addressee, which, in your case, is the hiring manager, sales executive, or HR director. Follow that up by inserting the company address just beneath.

Here’s what the finished sales job cover letter address area might look like:

address area on a cover letter

Addressing your cover sheet for resumes the wrong way is just like not including one at all, so make sure you get it right: How to Address a Cover Letter: Sample & Guide [20+ Examples]

Start Off on the Right Foot

The opening area, whether its a entry-level cover letter for sales or a senior sales position cover letter, is super important to get right.

Its prominent location ensures that it gets the most eye time, and if you’ve got to hook them here if you want a shot at them reading the rest of it.

Start with a Greeting or Salutation

Say you’re cold calling. After it rings on their end and they pick up, you just launch into your spiel: Hello, so would you like to buy our cutting-edge...

You can see why that wouldn’t work, right? You’re looking for conversion, not churn, and on your sales position cover letter, the same rule applies.

Finding the name of the dear hiring manager makes the difference between it feeling personalized and it seeming like it was mass-delivered to the entire sales district.

First names work miracles, as they immediately grab the attention of the Head of Sales or HR manager. But, you can be more formal and use their last name, if need be.

If you're unable to locate their name, don't stress. We've got some other ideas: Cover Letter Introductions [20+ Examples]

Craft a Strong Introduction Paragraph

The opening statement on a sales cover letter should be like the irresistible first line in any great sales proposal.

There are plenty of ways to go about this, but as long as they grab the hiring manager’s attention and makes them want to read further, you can’t go wrong.

Here's a great sales cover letter example opening:

Cover Letter Example for Sales Jobs: Opening Paragraph

As a longtime user and fan of Lansing’s peerless software offerings, I was thrilled to see the opening for an SaaS sales account manager. With my experience as an award-winning salesperson at AWS, I know I can use my skill set and product knowledge to become a valuable member of the Lansing sales team.

This sales cover letter sample is written about the company specifically. It gives a seductive taste of why you’d be perfect for their sales team.

It’s not only a great opening paragraph, but it’ll make them want to read more!

For other intriguing ideas, see: How to Write a Cover Letter: Sample & Guide [20+ Examples]

When making a resume in our builder, drag & drop bullet points, skills, and auto-fill the boring stuff. Spell check? Check . Start building a  professional resume template here for free .

A view from the Zety resume builder outlining the process of filling the work experience section, along with a selection of pre-written resume descriptions suggested for the specific position.

When you’re done, our easy resume builder will score your resume and our resume checker will tell you exactly how to make it better.

Show Your Worth in the Middle Paragraphs

It’s a hirer’s market . The odds don’t seem to be in your favor, but don’t stress. You’ll be one of the few who wrote a sales cover letter, and the only one who did it so masterfully.

These next two areas (a paragraph for each is suggested) give you plenty of room to motivate them to hire you; after all, a cover letter is also known as a motivation letter or letter of motivation . 

Explain Why You’re Perfect for Them

You’ve stunned them with that seductively sick sales start. Now, time to quickly and expertly reel them in by showing how you’re the perfect fit for their sales team.

Here’s what a job applicant might say on a sample sales cover letter:

Sales Cover Letter Example: Middle Part

At my current role with AWS, I have many responsibilities and achievements that would translate well into a role with Lansing. AWS has numerous software and cloud services, many which have counterparts at Lansing, such as their virtual machines and the machine learning catalog. On top of that, my accounts there have often all been lucrative clients for the company, and I’m sure that I could achieve similar results at Lansing, such as:

  • Reduced Customer Acquisition Cost (CAC) of main accounts by over 18%
  • Implemented new measures that increased lead generation by more than 37%

See that middle part of a cover letter for sales? With this compelling paragraph, they see that your acquired sales associate skills and sales experience makes you the ideal new hire for the sales job. Also, you prove it with quantifiable numbers.

Pro Tip : Remember using keywords on your resume ? It’s one of the most important ways to make sure it’s tailored . Add them on your inbound or outbound sales cover letter, as well.

Say Why They’re Perfect for You

You gave a powerful spiel just now. Good job! But now they look at you, the salesman or saleswoman, and get a bit guarded, like I wonder what’s in it for them?

It’s the same when applying to sales positions.

They already know money is a key part of why you’re selling them, but if that’s all there is for you, they’ll choose someone else. They don’t want to feel that you’re only in it for the money. You told them why you’re the best possible future salesperson, so now explain why this sales job is perfect for you:

Obtaining the SaaS sales account manager position at Lansing would be a dream turned reality. I’ve been a years-long fan and user of several of your consumer offerings, and there is no other sales team that would make me as excited to work for. Should I be honored with being chosen for the sales position, I’d certainly be the envy of my friends!

How about that sales job cover letter?

You’ve praised the company and explained why their sales team is the only one for you—the VP of sales or the hiring sales manager will feel like they just earned one hell of a commission after finding your cover letter!

Here’s a kicker for you. We’ve got a wealth of tips on these two central resume cover sheet paragraphs and on writing a senior or junior sales cover letter that will let you stand out: 35+ Successful Cover Letter Tips, Advice & Guidelines

Create a Compelling Finish for Your Sales Cover Letter

You’ve come so far, but don’t blow it yet by losing that momentum before you cross the finish line. Summon that second wind so you can end it with a powerful closing statement.

Use a potent closing sentence or paragraph to quickly tie it all together:

Sales Cover Letter Example: Final Paragraph

I would welcome the chance to discuss your current software sales objectives and show you how my successes at AWS can translate into growth and increased customer retention for Lansing.

This sales cover letter sample was easy-breezy, right? You wrapped it up with a bow by summarizing your cover letter in sales and then leaving the decision in their hands. For them, all they see is up and to the right!

Use a Complimentary Close

A closing sentiment followed by your name seals the deal.

Here’s how complicated that is:

Zosia Marigold

Not complicated at all, right? That closing sentiment (“ Sincerely ” here) is known as a complimentary close or complimentary closing, and that is then followed by your John Hancock to end the cover letter.

Ending strongly on a cover letter for sales positions is just as critical as an attention-grabbing start, like the perfect value proposition. Read this for more tips and examples: How to End a Cover Letter: Sample & Complete Guide [+20 Examples]

Add a Postscript to Seal the Deal

Wait, you said we were done!

I know, but just hear me out for one more moment, if you will. Adding a P.S., though not necessary, is a great writing hack when preparing a sales cover letter. Every great cover letter for salespeople contains a postscript.

Here’s what I mean:

Cover Letter for Sales: Example of a P.S.

P.S. I’d love the chance to sit down with you over a coffee and go over how I can bring similar results (12% increase in retention) to your company, as well.

A postscript near the end of a sales cover letter is a great way to seal the deal so you can get paid for sealing deals!

Key Takeaway

Writing a job converting sales cover letter wasn’t as complicated as you thought, now, was it?

Just remember to keep these points in mind for a successful cover letter for sales jobs:

Start with a bang —Your opening statement on your sales cover letter is important because it’ll determine if the VP of Sales or Director of Sales reads any further or slams the door in your face.

Show you belong together —This is your sales pitch, your spiel. Use the body area to show (and prove!) that you’re a perfect fit for the company and they’re the ideal sales team for you.

Finish strong —You held their attention to the end, but use a strong ending so they’ll be sure to move on to your resume and a lucrative sales interview.

Now you have a sales cover letter that’ll surely take you from Closed-Lost to Closed-Won in the company’s hiring funnel.

Have any questions on how to write a sales cover letter? Not sure how to address a cover letter for sales assistants, start your body paragraphs, or end your cover letter in a strong way? Get at us in the comments below, and we’ll answer your question. Thanks for reading!

About Zety’s Editorial Process

This article has been reviewed by our editorial team to make sure it follows Zety's editorial guidelines . We’re committed to sharing our expertise and giving you trustworthy career advice tailored to your needs. High-quality content is what brings over 40 million readers to our site every year. But we don't stop there. Our team conducts original research to understand the job market better, and we pride ourselves on being quoted by top universities and prime media outlets from around the world.

Christian Eilers, CPRW

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7 Sales Cover Letter Examples & Writing Guide for 2024

Stephen Greet

  • Sales Manager Cover Letter
  • Sales Cover Letters by Experience
  • Sales Cover Letters by Role
  • Write Your Sales Cover Letter

Sales are the lifeblood of business. Whether selling products or services, you take care of customers as they invest in your company. 

Sales mean selling well, and that makes all the difference in keeping clients happy and hungry for what you’ve got. Every business needs someone with sales skills—it’s just a matter of what you’re selling and to whom, which makes sales a versatile option for those looking to broaden their horizons.

Whether you’re joining sales or a seasoned veteran, you may need to write a cover letter with your  sales resume  when job hunting. So, we have seven sales cover letter examples, plus tips for selling your cover letter. We’ve done the heavy lifting to help you present your  top job skills  at every sales interview.

job application cover letter for sales

Sales Manager Cover Letter Example


Microsoft Word

Google Docs

Block Format

Sales manager cover letter template

Why this cover letter works

  • Before writing a cover letter , research the job role. If you’re familiar with the products and services the company sells and its target market during the interview, that’ll help you stand out among other potential hires.
  • Your resume tells employers about you, but your cover letter takes it further by telling them how you’ll fit in with their work culture. Some things just can’t be summarized into resume bullet points, and your cover letter is where you illustrate how you’ll apply your previous job experience in a new environment.

Sales Assistant Cover Letter Example

Sales assistant cover letter template

  • For example, Leo executes a seamless transition of his data querying expertise solidified as a data entry clerk at North Face into his sales assistant masterpiece. Therefore, never write off certain indirect experiences when applying for junior positions.

Pharmaceutical Sales Cover Letter Example

Pharmaceutical sales cover letter template

  • Emulate how Priya weaves in how she used Clear Spider and Fishbowl for stock management and BatchGeo and eSpatial for sales territory mapping. It’s about showing off your ability to use technology to skyrocket efficiency and results.

Digital Sales Representative Cover Letter Example

Digital sales representative cover letter template

  • You won’t be a perfect fit for every role. Still, past experience might offer an alternate perspective to draw on as you write your digital sales representative cover letter.
  • Company websites and  sales representative job descriptions  are a treasure trove of information. Just as you’d research a sales lead before pitching, do the research to show a potential employer how you understand and align with the company.

Sales Consultant Cover Letter Example

Sales consultant cover letter template

  • Credentials and experience can influence the company’s decision. Even if you don’t have exactly what they need, unique proof of results can help make up for what you might lack—or even bring a little extra something to the table. 
  • It’s not enough to just understand the company—show the prospective company how you plan to meet the needs of its target market to set you apart from other applicants.

Medical Sales Cover Letter Example

Medical sales cover letter example

  • Following the method of “tooting your own horn”, this cover letter takes advantage of supporting enclosures/documents like 2 letters of recommendation and a transcript of records to support her candidacy.

Car Sales Cover Letter Example

Car Sales cover letter template

  • Here you’re very much going to depend on powerful metrics. This car sales cover letter includes eye-catching achievements like – ‘34% growth in sales of hybrid and electric vehicles’ and ‘23% uplift in sales of eco-friendly models’. As a hiring manager, this is quite convincing of the candidate’s ability to make a profit for the company.

Sales Resume

Sell the package by including a sales resume with your cover letter.

or download as PDF

Sales consultant resume example with 2+ years of experience

Outsell Your Competition with Your Sales Cover Letter

Salesperson pops out of computer screen to depict outselling the competition with sales cover letter

As a salesperson, there are a few things you must do to raise the odds of closing the deal: do your research, show proof of value, and bundle it all up into an appealing package. 

Your cover letter is the same—demonstrating that you’re a candidate familiar with the company and its requirements is one thing, but if you can back that up with good examples of past results in a neatly presented document, that’s even better. All of that makes you downright irresistible as a prospective hire.

job application cover letter for sales

Step 1: Know the company and role

Before you apply for a job, consider how you’ll stand out from the many applicants crossing the recruiter’s desk. Between your sales resume and cover letter, the latter is your best bet at making a unique first impression. 

To hunt down a sales role, use the information in the job description and the organization’s website to set the perfect bait (we mean your cover letter). Different companies have different values, and tailoring your sales cover letter to address each company’s needs will help convince them you’re the right person for the role.

job application cover letter for sales

Step 2: Demonstrate achievement with details

The  format of your resume  works like a product pamphlet or brochure; it contains all the specifications you have that will meet the job description’s requirements. Your cover letter, on the other hand, functions like a sales pitch that helps convince employers you’re the best fit for the job. 

If you acquired an industry-specific certification like the CFA charter to boost your credibility as a salesperson, tell the hiring manager how you did it and how it affected your sales performance. If your sales team implemented a different approach to the sales process that positively impacted your win rate, elaborate on how the change helped you and what you learned. 

Going beyond resume bullet points helps employers paint a complete picture of your person, so don’t skimp on the details. 

job application cover letter for sales

Step 3: Presentation matters

Like selling products and services, your cover letter will draw more attention if presented in a neat, appealing package. While writing your sales cover letter, remember that hiring decision-makers often process hundreds of job candidates. Your document should end within one page, so reading it doesn’t feel like drudgery instead of an application. 

On that note, keep your writing simple, professional, and sincere. You’re applying for a job, not waxing poetic or jamming jargon into each paragraph. The language in your cover letter should be easy to read. Recruiters will pay attention to how you present yourself in your cover letter because how you sell yourself will often indicate how well you can sell on behalf of the company. 

The language in your cover letter should be accessible and easy to read so recruiters can grasp the material.

Once you’re done writing your sales cover letter, give it time to breathe before editing so that you can come back to it with a fresh perspective. If you have trusted people who can look over your document, even better—revise your cover letter using their feedback, and catch any errors or typos before sending your application, resume, and cover letter to the company.

Your Sales Cover Letter Outline: Start with Strategy

Group of 4 colleagues work on yellow laptops around large screen to outline sales cover letter

Now that you’re ready to craft your sales cover letter, we’re here to help. Let’s strategically go about this, much like any sales process you might already be familiar with from previous sales engagements. 

job application cover letter for sales

How to start a sales cover letter

Your contact info:  If you’re using a template, fill in the letterhead with your name, email, and phone number. Any filler text in the template should be replaced with the relevant details or omitted if they’re not required.

  • Formatting : If you’re using a block format instead of a template, include your address. While a template has your name on the letterhead, your name will be omitted from your address in a block format as it’s already present in your signature line.

Date:  Sales processes sometimes take a while, and job applications are no different. The date written on your career documents should be the day your entire application is submitted.

  • Formatting : Write the date entirely, e.g., February 1, 2023. This format keeps the month and date clear and straightforward compared to the DD/MM/YYYY and MM/DD/YYYY difference in regional date formats.

Inside address:  In short, the inside address is how you’ll contact the hiring decision-maker at your organization of choice. Start by naming the specific person in charge, then list their position, the company’s name, and finally the company’s address.

David Durfey, Director of Human Resources  Trek Bikes 801 West Madison Street Waterloo, WI 53594

  • Formatting : Each part of the address should be on a new line, but you can list the hiring decision-maker’s position next to their name. Add a double space between your greeting and the inside address.

Greeting:  First impressions count, and a good greeting or salutation can help your cover letter start with a bang. Try looking for the hiring decision-maker’s name on the organization’s website or social media, as that will add a personal touch to your writing. It also shows you’ve done your research to find out with whom you’ll be working. 

Dear Mr. Lloyd:

  • Formatting : Commas after the greeting are great for companies with more casual work culture, such as tech startups. If you’re applying to a bank or somewhere with a more formal setting, use a colon after the greeting.

job application cover letter for sales

How to write your sales cover letter

Body:  Your sales cover letter should have a maximum of four paragraphs, where you state your interest, demonstrate your enthusiasm, and show your eagerness for further discussion. Here’s where we get to the meat of the matter.

  • Formatting:  The body of your cover letter should be single-spaced, with double-spacing between paragraphs for easy reading. 

Opening paragraph:  Like your greeting, your opening paragraph is where the recruiter will glean their first impression of you. State your interest in the job and mention one or two relevant credentials. Don’t be generic here, like: 

I am interested in the sales consultant role at your company. I have three years of relevant sales experience in an adjacent field. 

This doesn’t tell the recruiter anything they don’t already know, and if you’re trying to get a sale on the street with this introduction, they’ll walk past you without a second glance. Instead, try: 

ProSites’ focus on innovation and growth in the medical and dental web marketing sphere speaks to me as a digital marketer and salesperson. While some treat sales as just another job to put food on the table, I believe my calling lies in empowering clients with practical tools to bring their business to the next level, and that shows in how I build relationships with each customer I serve.  

This opening catches the reader’s attention by first addressing the organization’s values, then showing how the candidate’s approach to work aligns with those values.

Paragraphs 2-3:  The next couple of paragraphs are where you’ll elaborate on the credentials and qualifications introduced in your opening paragraph. For each paragraph, discuss one clear and relevant accomplishment relevant to the job description requirements. Be detailed and specific, and quantify your results whenever possible like this:

Having developed specific experience in both B2B and B2C sales during 3 years at Adobe, I know how vital it is to foster the business-to-client connection, especially in our current digital age. My understanding of B2C marketing gave me a unique perspective in empathizing with our clientele’s pain points to help me exceed target sales metrics by 6% each year. To do so, I habitually nurtured viable sales leads by following up on them at designated intervals and establishing a two-way street by not just listening to their problems but also resolving them whenever possible. 

This paragraph tells the reader about specific, industry-relevant experience and links this experience with company values and metrics to further justify the candidate’s successful skill application. 

Closing paragraph:  You’ve done well introducing yourself and selling your capabilities as a competent candidate for the job; now, finish it with a sentence summarizing how your values and qualifications align with the company’s needs. Add a call to action at the end for some extra polish. This is bad: 

I think I’ll do well in this sales consultant role. Thank you for your time and kind consideration. 

It doesn’t exactly inspire confidence, and as a salesperson, one of the key personality traits is confidence, both in your product and in yourself. Instead, try something like:

Participating in and supporting client growth is an enriching experience that pushes me to excel in the context of my sales career. I look forward to joining Morgan Stanley, where I know we will achieve great things together. I hope to hear from you soon about how I can contribute as your next internal sales consultant. Thank you for your time.

job application cover letter for sales

How to end a sales cover letter

Signature:  This is the time to say “thank you” if you didn’t do so in the closing paragraph. Use a professional close like “sincerely,” or “best regards,” along with your real name. 

Best regards,

Natalie Walton

  • Formatting : If you’re sending any hard copies of your cover letter by mail or in person, make sure to quadruple-space, so you have room to sign your name in blue or black ink. 

Enclosure(s):  The sale isn’t final until all documents are complete. State “Enclosure(s)” at the end of your cover letter to let the reader know there’s more to come. Here, you’ll list in order of appearance your job application, resume, and other supporting documents required or relevant to the job description. 

Enclosures: Resume Application Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA) Certification FINRA Series 7 Certification

  • Formatting : If you’re listing more than one document, use “Enclosures” instead of “Enclosure,” so the reader knows what to expect. 

Snag Your Next Sales Role with a Selling Resume 

Horse runs with yellow envelope in mouth to deliver sales resume and cover letter

So, you’ve figured out how to sell your best cover letter, and you’re sure you’ve cracked the code to get the sale in the bag. But what about your sales resume?

If your resume is as ready to go as you are, that’s great! However, if you need to  check your resume  or use a  free resume template , that’s why we’re here. Pressed for time? Try plugging your details into this one right now.

Sales Manager Resume

Need a resume to pair with your sales manager cover letter?

Sales manager resume example with 4+ years of experience

You’re a heckuva sales pro, and you deserve a dazzling sales strategy to match—our cover letter and  resume tips  will get you on your way to becoming a sales superstar. With our tools keeping you polished and fresh, you’re sure to shine at your next interview.

Include as much information as you can about translatable skills and why you want to get into a sales career. For example, customer service is very important in sales, and you can gain experience in it from a variety of previous jobs. Additionally, if you’ve obtained a business or marketing degree, you could emphasize marketing analytics or lead generation skills that you picked up in your studies.

You understand the importance of metrics like conversions or customer satisfaction. Aim to include some pivotal metrics from your previous work achievements while relating them to how you’ll help the company achieve its goals. Additionally, connecting your passion for the position will help a lot. For example, if you’re applying to be a sales rep for a gym, you could explain how you’re passionate about getting more membership signups to help others improve their health and well-being.

You can keep a similar structure for each cover letter, but you should customize the specifics to connect with each new job you’re applying to. It’s the same as how you’d tailor your message for each prospective customer’s needs when you’re on a sales call or adjust your strategies for a specific target market.

Create my free resume now


Sales Representative Cover Letter Examples

While cover letters can seem like a daunting piece of the job application puzzle, they are essential if you’re serious about landing an interview. To help make the writing process easier, take a look at our sales representative cover letter example as well as this list of dos and don’ts.

  • Do get in a good mindset before you start writing. Imagine your prospective employer already considers you a strong applicant. A confident mentality will help you craft a quality letter.
  • Don’t use excessive formality. Your wording should be professional, but too much formal phrasing might come across as less than genuine.
  • Do highlight your skillset. It can be especially helpful to focus on relevant skills you possess if your sales-related work history alone might not be directly convincing.
  • Don’t limit your own value. Even though writing about yourself can feel a bit boastful, be careful not to downplay your worthiness as a candidate.

Sales Representative Advice

Sales representative jobs are in high demand. If you’re interested in a position as a sales representative, the right cover letter can make all the difference. That why we’ve created these cover letter examples. They’re specifically designed for sales representative positions. Choose from multiple template options and designs, and use the cover letter examples below to create your own job-winning cover letter in just minutes.

Cover Letter Tips for Sales Representative

When you are trying to find jobs as a Sales Representative, you need to be prepared to employ the tools of a modern job search. Here are five tips to get you started:

Be persistent. Even in regions with good job growth, getting hired can be a process. If you consistently follow up on leads and contribute to your hunt daily, you will find your new job much more quickly.

Take initiative in your search. Online tools and professional services can boost your success rate substantially, but you should never passively wait for them to do the work for you. Always push yourself to check more resources.

Take advantage of online marketing. Linkedin, Facebook and Twitter are amazing tools. You can use them to search for jobs, but they can also pair your name to professional topics and keywords, making you more noticeable and desirable to prospective employers.

Make a general game plan. It is important to have an idea of what markets you want to penetrate and how you want to approach the search. You should never limit yourself to a single avenue of job hunting, but building a search routing around your strengths will help stave off burnout when the hunt goes long.

Never stop networking. This is the ultimate key to finding your next job. Talk to everyone you can about the work that impassions you. Let the fire burn, and employers will find you.

Sales Representative Job Seeking Tips

When you are putting so much work into finding employers, you never want to impair your chances with a weak cover letter. A few simple tips can make a night and day difference when you apply for jobs as a Sales Representative.

Avoid dense regions of text. Employers see more cover letters than they would like. Big blocks of text feel like a lot of work to read, so busy managers will often skim or skip these sections. If you have a lot of valuable things to say, consider making a succinct bulleted list instead. The presentation change will make a huge difference.

Stay modern. A large part of the modern workforce has been in their field for decades. If you fit into this category, avoid listing jobs that you held more than 15 years ago. Notable exceptions are if the job highlights a rare transferrable skill or was just so impressive you can’t possibly leave it.

Be specific. A cover letter is full of summaries. Always consider listing exact examples of how you have found success in your past employment or education.

Stay on topic. Your hobbies may highlight your passion, but unless they directly apply to the job you are seeking, they have no place in a cover letter.

Put your name on your paper. More specifically, make sure that your contact information appears at the top of the cover letter in an easy-to-read format. Phone numbers and email addresses are absolutely necessary.

Create a Cover Letter With LiveCareer

Cover Letter Examples Success Stories

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*The names and logos of the companies referred to in this page are all trademarks of their respective holders. Unless specifically stated otherwise, such references are not intended to imply any affiliation or association with LiveCareer.

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Sales Cover Letter: Examples & Ready-To-Use Templates

I had an interview yesterday and the first thing they said on the phone was: “Wow! I love your cover letter.” Patrick I love the variety of templates. Good job guys, keep up the good work! Dylan  My previous cover letter was really weak and I used to spend hours adjusting it in Word. Now, I can introduce any changes within minutes. Absolutely wonderful! George

1. Sales Cover Letter Examples

Example #1: mid-level sales candidate , example #2: entry-level candidate (no experience), 2. how to write a cover letter for sales jobs step by step (template), 1. follow formal formatting rules on a sales cover letter, 2. create a professional cover letter header with contact information, saleswoman / salesman cover letter example template, 3. introduce yourself and describe the sales job to which you’re applying, sales cover letter sample: intro statement, 4. talk up relevant sales skills & marketing abilities.

If it’s not an open position but a company that you’re interested in, reference specific information about the company or the market that would affect that company – for example, ‘With your recent acquisition of (blank)...’ or ‘I saw that your competitor (blank) recently launched a next generation product...’ Tom McGee VP & GM of Sales & Marketing, Lucas Group

Example Cover Letter for Sales Associate: Middle Paragraph

Include specific numbers whenever possible to illustrate what you've accomplished. This include sales numbers, people you've trained, customers you speak with on a daily basis. This will give the hiring manager concrete details on your experience. Amy Nguyen Business Communications Lecturer at California State University, Los Angeles

5. Explain Why You’d Like to Sell on Their Behalf

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Professional Sales And Marketing Cover Letter Examples for 2024

Your sales and marketing cover letter must immediately grab the hiring manager's attention. Highlight your ability to increase revenue and expand market presence. Demonstrate your understanding of effective promotional strategies. Your cover letter should reflect your passion for engaging and retaining customers.

Cover Letter Guide

Sales And Marketing Cover Letter Sample

Cover Letter Format

Cover Letter Salutation

Cover Letter Introduction

Cover Letter Body

Cover Letter Closing

No Experience Sales And Marketing Cover Letter

Key Takeaways

Sales And Marketing cover letter

Crafting the perfect sales and marketing cover letter can be daunting, especially when you've realized it's a required step to land your dream job. You know it's not just a repeat of your resume—it's your chance to spotlight that crowning professional achievement that you're immensely proud of, packaged as an engaging narrative. With the fine line between formal and unique, and the need to keep it concise within one page, the challenge is to craft a letter that stands out without falling into the trap of overused clichés. Let's dive into how you can turn this document into a compelling story of your success.

  • Making excellent use of job-winning real-life professional cover letters;
  • Writing the first paragraphs of your sales and marketing cover letter to get attention and connect with the recruiters - immediately;
  • Single out your most noteworthy achievement (even if it's outside your career);
  • Get a better understanding of what you must include in your sales and marketing cover letter to land the job.

Let the power of Enhancv's AI work for you: create your sales and marketing cover letter by uploading your resume.

If the sales and marketing isn't exactly the one you're looking for we have a plethora of cover letter examples for jobs like this one:

  • Sales And Marketing resume guide and example
  • Social Media Specialist cover letter example
  • Social Media Marketing cover letter example
  • Brand Marketing Manager cover letter example
  • Assistant Brand Manager cover letter example
  • Communications Officer cover letter example
  • Analytics Manager cover letter example
  • Telemarketing cover letter example
  • Content Editor cover letter example
  • Community Manager cover letter example
  • Affiliate Marketing cover letter example

Sales And Marketing cover letter example

Carter Andrade

İskenderun, Turkey


[email protected]

  • Illustration of key achievements: The cover letter effectively highlights specific accomplishments, such as leading a financial remodel and securing operational bids ranging from $500k to $45M, which provides concrete evidence of the candidate's capabilities.
  • Results-oriented language: Use of quantifiable outcomes, like growing the client base by 50 new accounts, demonstrates the applicant's impact on the company's growth and their focus on achieving tangible results.
  • Alignment with the company's goals: The candidate expresses enthusiasm for contributing to the prospective employer's success, suggesting alignment with the company's objectives and enthusiasm for the role.

What should your sales and marketing cover letter look like - formatting and organizing your information

Have you ever wondered what are the must-have sections you need to include in your sales and marketing cover letter? Our builder sets those up for you with:

  • Header - dedicated to your contact information, the role you're applying for, and the date (don't forget to include your name);
  • Greeting and opening paragraph - to create a personalized and memorable experience for recruiters;
  • Body paragraph - emphasizing your skill set and knowledge that aligns with the role and helps you to stand out;
  • Closing paragraph - leaving a great impression and ending with an optional signature.

Use a cover letter template to discover the best formatting for your sales and marketing cover letter: that is single-spaced paragraphs and wrapping your content in a one-inch margin.

Ensure that both your resume and sales and marketing cover letter are in the same font . Stand apart from the crowd by using modern, yet simple fonts, like Chivo and Rubik, instead of the overused Arial and Times New Roman.

Did you know that the Applicant Tracker System (or ATS) won't be assessing your sales and marketing cover letter? Instead, submit your profile in PDF to recruiters to keep the same formatting and the design intact.

The top sections on a sales and marketing cover letter

Header with Contact Information: Includes your name, address, phone number, and email, so the recruiter can quickly identify you and know how to reach you. For sales and marketing roles, making it easy for someone to contact you mirrors the accessibility you would offer clients.

Opening Greeting: Address the recruiter or hiring manager by name if possible, showing attention to detail and personalization, which is crucial in sales and marketing for establishing a rapport.

Introduction: Briefly state your purpose for writing, your current role, and a standout achievement that aligns with the key needs of a sales and marketing position, like surpassing sales targets or executing successful campaigns.

Body of the Letter (Experience and Skills): Elaborate on relevant experiences, specific sales and marketing skills, and successful strategies you've employed in past roles to demonstrate your competence and how you’d bring value to the company’s objectives.

Closing and Call to Action: End your cover letter with a proactive statement expressing your enthusiasm for the opportunity, and suggest the next steps or indicate your intent to follow up, showcasing your assertiveness and drive, which are integral to sales and marketing positions.

Key qualities recruiters search for in a candidate’s cover letter

  • Demonstrated track record of sales achievements: Recruiters look for quantifiable success in meeting or exceeding sales targets as it directly indicates a candidate's effectiveness in selling products or services.
  • Strong communication and interpersonal skills: These are critical for interacting with clients, understanding their needs, and building lasting relationships.
  • Knowledge of sales techniques and marketing strategies: An understanding of methodologies like consultative selling or inbound marketing shows that the candidate can effectively attract and convert leads.
  • Experience with CRM and sales software: Proficiency in tools like Salesforce or HubSpot is important for managing customer relationships and sales processes.
  • Ability to analyze market trends and adapt strategies: Being able to respond to changing market conditions signifies that a candidate can help a company stay competitive.
  • Creativity and problem-solving abilities: The capacity to craft innovative solutions and tailor pitches to diverse clients is vital for standing out in crowded markets.

How to address hiring managers in your sales and marketing cover letter greeting

Goodbye, "Dear Sir/Madam" or "To whom it may concern!"

The salutation of your sales and marketing cover letter is how you kick off your professional communication with the hiring managers.

And you want it to start off a bit more personalized and tailored, to catch the recruiters' attention.

Take the time to find out who's recruiting for the role (via LinkedIn or the company page).

If you have previously chatted or emailed the hiring managers, address them on a first or last name basis.

The alternative is a "Dear HR team" or "Dear Hiring Manger", but remember that a "Dear Ms. Simmons" or "Dear Simon," could get you farther ahead than an impersonal greeting.

List of salutations you can use

  • Dear Hiring Manager,
  • Dear [Company Name] Team,
  • Dear [Department Name] Leader,
  • Dear Mr./Ms. [Last Name],
  • Dear [First Name] [Last Name],
  • Dear [Job Title],

How to start your sales and marketing cover letter introduction

The opening paragraph of your sales and marketing cover letter can seem like a real enigma.

Where do you start writing ?

In your sales and marketing cover letter introduction, focus on yourself by stating what:

  • gets you motivated and excited about the role;
  • you like best about the company, from culture to awards.

Write no more than two sentences, which are both authentic and show your enthusiasm for the opportunity.

Choosing your best achievement for the middle or body of your sales and marketing cover letter

Now that you have the recruiters' attention, it's time to write the chunkiest bit of your sales and marketing cover letter .

The body consists of three to six paragraphs that focus on one of your achievements.

Use your past success to tell a story of how you obtained your most job-crucial skills and know-how (make sure to back these up with tangible metrics).

Another excellent idea for your sales and marketing cover letter's middle paragraphs is to shine a light on your unique professional value.

Write consistently and make sure to present information that is relevant to the role.

Final words: writing your sales and marketing cover letter closing paragraph

The final paragraph of your sales and marketing cover letter allows you that one final chance to make a great first impression .

Instead of going straight to the "sincerely yours" ending, you can back up your skills with a promise of:

  • how you see yourself growing into the role;
  • the unique skills you'd bring to the organization.

Whatever you choose, always be specific (and remember to uphold your promise, once you land the role).

If this option doesn't seem that appealing to you, close off your sales and marketing cover letter with a follow-up request.

You could even provide your availability for interviews so that the recruiters would be able to easily arrange your first meeting.

Lacking experience: here's how to write your sales and marketing cover letter

As a candidate with no experience, it's important to be honest from the get-go of your application .

Use your sales and marketing cover letter to sell your unique talents. Choose an accomplishment from your academic background or your volunteer work to show the skills that are relevant to the role.

Focus on your career objectives and how you see the job to align with them. Be specific and, at the same time, realistic about where you picture yourself in five years.

Key takeaways

Within this Enhancv guide, we've provided you with plenty of advice and inspiration on writing your sales and marketing cover letter:

  • Always make sure your sales and marketing cover letter is tailored to the role you're applying for to make a good impression on recruiters;
  • In your sales and marketing cover letter include a header (with your name, the role you're applying for, date, and contact details) and an introduction of up to two sentences that highlight your key accomplishment or why you'd fit the role;
  • Focus your sales and marketing cover letter body on one sole achievement through your career and all the valuable lessons, skills, and know-how you've learned (that are relevant to the role);
  • Ensure your sales and marketing cover letter closing statement isn't generic and includes either a call to action or a promise;
  • If you lack professional experience, shift recruiters' focus to a relevant achievement (thanks to your academic or versatile experience) or toward your dreams and goals for professional growth.

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Sales Specialist Cover Letter Example & Templates

4.5/5 stars with 501 reviews

Ready to start your career as a sales specialist? The first thing you must sell is yourself, and the best way to do that is with a well-written cover letter for your resume that relies on your personality and qualifications. A cover letter can be used to catch the interest of the hiring manager and lead him or her to read your resume. Get started with this free sales specialist cover letter sample and the following suggestions that you can insert in your own letter.

Dear Ms. Reagan,

I am very interested in the sales specialist position with your company and would like to apply for the job. I have some experience in this field, and I know that I can do this job well.

I have been working in a national-chain department store and am ready to take the next step into sales. In my position, I interact with customers daily to answer questions, help them find specific items, and provide great customer service in general. I enjoy interacting with customers, and I take pride in keeping my section neat and tidy.

The job description asked for candidates with some experience in sales. Last year, I was the top salesperson at my store in terms of most sales and the enrollment of customers in credit-card accounts. I am experienced in using a cash register for ringing up purchases, handling refunds, and helping customers make payments on their store credit card.

I feel my experience in store sales has given me a good background to move into the position of sales specialist at your company. I would be glad to discuss my abilities further with you in an interview.

Average Rating

What to include in a sales specialist cover letter.

Based on the free sales specialist cover letter sample, here are some suggestions you can incorporate. Keep the message professional and don’t use clichés or jokes of any type. Keep the letter to four paragraphs. Include material from the job description and describe your ability to meet the stated requirements. At the end, ask the reader to review your resume. Remember to also ask for an interview.

Industry Specific Skills to Include

Adjust your message to match the job opening by including useful information. Here are some great qualities for a sales person that you can include along with the ideas contained in the free sales specialist cover letter sample.

● Customer service: Specialists should listen to their customers’ needs at all times. ● Interpersonal: You must work with many different people. You need to build good relationships with clients and others on the sales team. ● Self-confidence: Specialists should show confidence and use persuasive skills during sales presentations. Also, calling a potential client who is not expecting it, or “cold calling,” takes a good dose of composure. ● Stamina: Sales specialists are on their feet a lot and may need to carry heavy products.

Related Skills

  • [Product or Service] knowledge
  • Cash Handling
  • Sales forecasting
  • Inventory maintenance
  • Account management
  • Complaint resolution
  • Relationship building
  • Technical Support
  • Team collaboration
  • Sales expertise

More Resume Examples for the Next Step in Your Sales Career

  • Sales Account Executive Resume
  • Sales Assistant Director Resume
  • Sales Assistant Manager Resume
  • Sales Associate Resume
  • Automotive Sales Manager Resume
  • Beer Sales Representative Resume
  • Bid Manager Resume
  • Automotive Assistant Manager Resume
  • Automotive Salesperson Resume
  • Car Sales Consultant Resume
  • Automotive General Sales Manager Resume
  • Channel Sales Manager Resume
  • Direct Sales Representative Resume
  • Franchise Owner Resume
  • General Sales Manager Resume
  • Independent Sales Representative Resume
  • Inside Sales Representative Resume
  • International Sales Manager Resume
  • Jewelry Sales Associate Resume
  • Mobile Sales Associate Resume
  • Outside Sales Representative Resume
  • Sales Representative Resume
  • Route Sales Representative Resume
  • Experienced Telemarketer Resume
  • Veterinary Sales Manager Resume
  • Wine Sales Manager Resume
  • Wine Sales Representative Resume

More Cover letter Examples for the Next Step in Your Sales Career

  • Sales Associate Cover Letter
  • Salesperson Cover Letter
  • Director Of Sales Cover Letter
  • Sales Executive Cover Letter
  • Inside Sales Cover Letter
  • Lead Sales Associate Cover Letter
  • Outside Sales Representative Cover Letter
  • Regional Sales Manager Cover Letter

More Cv Examples for the Next Step in Your Sales Career

  • Account Manager CV
  • Bid Manager CV
  • Car Sales Manager CV
  • Car Salesperson CV
  • Client Manager CV
  • Sales Manager CV
  • Sales Officer CV
  • Sales Support Agent CV
  • Sales Team Leader CV
  • Technical Sales Manager CV

‡ Results derived from a study responded by 1000 participants of which 287 created a resume online.

job application cover letter for sales

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How to Write an Effective Sales Manager Cover Letter and Resume

Many job applicants write cover letters without much thought. However, this is a big mistake. When writing your sales manager cover letter, it will boost your job application if you can sell yourself as the ultimate candidate. A great cover letter, along with a great sales manager resume, is essential to acing the hiring process. 

In your sales manager cover letter, you can highlight your experience in sales manager positions that you have previously held as well as the successful strategies you used in those positions. Overall, your cover letter should establish yourself as a valuable asset to the company. The cover letter tips in this article will show you how to do exactly that. 

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Sales manager cover letter guide.

An impactful sales manager cover letter follows a fairly specific formula. In this section, we break down the necessary components and share some cover letter writing practices you can use when writing your own. You will also find an example that will help you showcase your sales manager skills. 

Why Does Your Sales Manager Cover Letter Matter? 

A sales manager cover letter is a key document because it acts as your initial sales pitch for why you should be hired. Your cover letter is your opportunity to distinguish yourself from other job seekers and tell the company about your sales training, exceptional qualifications, and past successful sales. Furthermore, it is a great time to show the company that you share its goals.

All of this is extremely valuable during the competitive application process. In fact, the Bureau of Labor Statistics estimates that jobs for sales managers will increase by seven percent between 2020 and 2030. This is on par with the growth of the United States economy as a whole, which means that the supply of sales managers is projected to keep pace with demand.

In a sales manager cover letter, you can add accomplishments and academic qualifications that you think will help you perform well in the job, and explain how the sales techniques you’ve mastered can increase company revenue. To write a powerful cover letter, you should highlight your strong work ethic and detail how you would contribute to a creative sales team. 

Essential Components of Your Sales Manager Cover Letter

To write a strong cover letter, you need to incorporate several components. Make sure that the following four things are included somewhere in your letter.

  • Soft skills. In the context of sales management, the most important soft skills are leadership qualities such as integrity, listening skills, reliability, and team-building. These are skills that you must have to be part of the sales staff of any company.
  • Sales management skills. It is good to provide evidence of your sales manager skills when writing your cover letter, as companies closely evaluate these skills when considering a candidate. These skills include coaching, selling, innovation, and other core sales management behaviors.
  • Sales skills. Of course, you need to establish yourself as an excellent salesperson. You can do this by mentioning your track record and prior experience. You can discuss a successful email campaign you ran in a previous role, different sales pipelines that you established, or your use of effective sales tactics. 
  • Accomplishments. You should also highlight the professional accomplishments you have achieved throughout your career. These may include being an award-winning sales manager or achieving a high percentage of sales growth after implementing successful campaigns.

5 Tips for Writing a Strong Sales Manager Cover Letter

Use the following tips to create a strong sales management cover letter that will impress anyone who reads it and improve your chances of landing an interview. 

  • Be professional. When writing your sales manager cover letter, you must maintain a professional tone in your writing. Remember that you cannot write the way you speak and that the hiring manager whom you are addressing is also a professional. The tone of your letter should be warm and friendly without being too casual.
  • Show your passion. A perfect cover letter will show how much you want to work for the company in question, why you have always admired it, how it aligns with your career goals, and what you like most about your career as a sales manager.
  • Be honest.  It is best to be honest when writing your cover letter, as lies can easily be discovered. Make sure that you are honest about the clients you have worked with, the teams you have led, and the sales you have made. Your references may be checked and, if any deceit is uncovered, you may ruin your chances of being hired. 
  • Research the company. One of the best ways to get information about the company is to read its annual report, which you can typically download from its website. This way, you can learn about its activities, accomplishments, mission, vision, and goals for the future. These are very important points that can impact future sales decisions. This strategy will also ensure that you align yourself with the company in your cover letter.
  • Proofread. Before sending your cover letter, you should read it many times to check for errors. Do this ahead of time so that you can make corrections. Your sales manager cover letter must not have spelling or grammatical errors. It must be fluid, and you should remember to write in an active voice. 

Sales Manager Cover Letter Example

Use the following sample cover letter to help write yours. This will aid you in finding your next job as a sales manager at the company you’ve always dreamed of working for.

Sales Manager Cover Letter Sample

[Your Name]

[Your Phone Number]

[Your Email Address]

Dear [Hiring Manager’s Name],

I am writing this letter to apply for the sales manager position at [company name]. I am very excited for this opportunity and I believe that I am the perfect candidate due to my extensive experience in the field.

Thanks to my studies and the hands-on professional experience I have gained in previous positions, I have developed extensive sales knowledge. In addition, I have increased the annual revenue of each client to whom I have offered my services, by an average of [X] percent.

I have worked closely with marketing managers from different industries throughout my career to develop effective sales strategies. I consider myself a professional with problem-solving, communication, and leadership skills. I can make decisions with sound judgment as needed. 

I possess a great work ethic that can contribute to your company as part of your sales team. As a sales manager at [Name of the Previous Company You Worked For], I have been able to facilitate online promotional campaigns for a wide variety of products and services, while also being in charge of a high-level and highly productive team.

Thank you for your attention and for the opportunity. I invite you to read my resume and learn a little more about my experience, studies, and training. I look forward to hearing from you.

Sales Manager Resume Guide

a woman holding a laptop after she has finished writing a sales manager cover letter

In this section, we will show you important tips, suggestions, and examples so that you can create an impressive sales manager resume. 

Why Does Your Sales Manager Resume Matter?

A sales manager’s resume includes all the details of a person’s professional life. Through a resume, the employer can determine if a candidate is a good fit for the company’s objectives. Once a hiring manager understands your relevant experience, they will have a better idea of how you will perform in the job.  

It is important to list any courses in sales training in addition to any bachelor’s or master’s degrees you hold. It is also important to mention your successful sales campaigns. This is also a suitable time to mention noteworthy clients you have worked with in the past.

Essential Components of Your Sales Manager Resume

Below are the components that your sales manager resume should include. You must follow these recommendations to write a successful resume.

  • Header. In the header of your sales manager resume, you must place your name in a larger font than the rest of the text. Then you can place your contact details, including your phone number, address, and email. Make sure that all your data is correct so that the company can contact you easily.
  • Executive summary. When writing your sales manager resume, make sure to include an executive summary that is impactful and communicates your achievements, experience, skills, and qualifications.
  • Professional experience. Make a list of your previous sales jobs, and include the position you held in the company as well as the years you were in that position. Also, include a list of the activities and achievements you carried out in that position.
  • Key skills. Knowing what skills to add to a resume can be hard. Focus on skills that a sales manager must have to perform well in their field. Include hard skills such as software management, financial forecasting, and sales planning, and some soft skills such as analytical skills, leadership, and critical thinking.
  • Key achievements. A key way to stand out from other sales managers is to show your accomplishments, so include industry-relevant achievements on your resume. It is important to be as specific as possible in this section. 

5 Tips for Writing a Strong Sales Manager Resume

Below are some tips for creating an impressive resume. Remember to pay attention to details, and focus on demonstrating why you are the ideal sales candidate.

  • Write an excellent summary. The executive summary is the first impression anyone who reads your resume has of you. Concentrate on writing a compelling summary that will make the hiring manager want to read on and learn more about your experience and training.
  • Quantify your achievements. It is good to include your achievements by quantifying them. As a sales manager, you should back up your achievements with references that show the results in measurable terms, such as the overall monetary worth of your campaigns or the number of employees you have been in charge of. 
  • Read the job description.  Make sure you read the company’s job post carefully. You can include keywords found in the job post so that your resume will pass through the applicant tracking systems (ATS). This way, you can be sure your resume will get into the hiring manager’s hands.
  • Focus on your sales experience. It is unnecessary to include all the information regarding non-sales jobs you had before starting your career as a sales manager. It is better to focus on the sales jobs you have held, even if you have only had an entry-level position, and describe all your accomplishments in detail. 
  • Design. You should use designs that look professional, clean, and minimalistic. That’s why we recommend that you look at sample resume templates and choose one that you feel comfortable with. In the next section, we look at some specific examples. 

Sales Manager Resume Examples

Below is an example of a sales manager’s resume and an example of the executive summary. As you’ll be able to see, our examples adhere to the components and tips discussed above.

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Sales Manager Resume Sample: The Executive Summary Section

Executive Summary

Sales professional with five years of experience leading successful marketing campaigns, including digital marketing, email marketing, and partner marking campaigns. Experience working with diverse clients, including several Fortune 500 companies. Highly qualified, proactive, and responsible, with strong leadership and negotiation skills .

Sample Sales Manager Resume Template

[Your Full Name]

[Your Address]

[Write a brief summary of your Sales Manager experience and accomplishments. This should be no more than a few sentences.]

[List your skills in bullet-point format, including managerial skills and soft skills.]

Professional Experience

[Company Name] | [Location] [Job Title] [Date Started – Date Ended]

  • [List your key responsibilities and accomplishments for each role.]
  • [Be specific and detail-oriented to show your impact.]

[Company Name, Location] [Job Title] [Date Started – Date Ended]

[Institution Name] | [Location] [Graduation Date] [Degree]

  • [Add details about relevant coursework, special achievements, and any honors.] 

Sales Manager Resume Template Resources

  • Sales manager resume . This is a Word resume template. The template is specially designed for a sales professional to list work experience chronologically. 
  • Marketing resume . This is a Word marketing resume template. This is an eye-catching template to list your studies, skills, and work experience. This is a bold design, but you can change the font and colors.
  • Minimalist resume . This is a Word template that you can use for your sales manager resume. The template has a minimalist style that you can customize, and you can also combine it with a minimalist cover letter template.

Importance of a Sales Manager Cover Letter and Resume

A compelling cover letter and a sleek resume are a sales manager’s way of communicating their sales experience to employers. You must have these documents ready and well-curated to get your next job in the industry.

Sales Manager Cover Letter and Resume FAQ

To write your sales manager cover letter, you should, first of all, address the hiring manager of the company directly. Start by explaining why you would be a good fit for the sales manager position. Describe how your skills and accomplishments will help you meet the company’s goals and how your vision aligns with their ideals.

In your sales manager resume, it is very important that you create a list of your skills. This list should include the skills you have in reporting, statistical analysis, use of systems, and soft skills such as communication, coaching, and leadership skills. You can also detail management skills on your resume .

When you are following an application process, you must follow the steps indicated by the recruiter or hiring manager. If the job ad suggests that you send the cover letter and resume together, then do it. They are sometimes kept separate in the application process, in which case they will be individually requested at different times.

A sales manager is a highly trained professional who must have skills in leadership, coaching, communication, customer relations, management, and personnel management skills, including hiring and recruiting sales representatives.

About us: Career Karma is a platform designed to help job seekers find, research, and connect with job training programs to advance their careers. Learn about the CK publication .

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Guide for Resumes & Cover Letters

FlexJobs has been the go-to platform for professional-level, legitimate remote and flexible jobs since 2007. Over time, we’ve learned a lot about writing cover letters and resumes that can help you land a coveted interview spot. We've also learned a variety of techniques to help you impress the hiring manager during an interview, and we want to share that knowledge with you.

Throughout this guide, we’re going to give you the tools you need to create cover letters and resumes that get results, tips that will help you ace your interviews, and information on what to do after the interview to help you land the job!

  • Proven strategies for what to include in cover letters
  • Formatting for various resume styles and types
  • A variety of interviewing techniques that impress
  • How to best present employment gaps

Guide for Resumes & Cover Letters

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Cover Letter for a Career Change

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Wednesday, April 6, 2022


Even if a cover letter is not explicitly required by an employer, it is vital and should always be a part of your job applications. A cover letter introduces you, demonstrates you have invested time and energy into researching the organization, highlights a few of your experiences or skills, and requests an opportunity to meet personally with the potential employer. It refers to your resume without repeating the exact same information.

Cover letters for career changers are essentially the same as writing any other cover letter. A career changer’s cover letter should still demonstrate that the applicant has researched the company, meets the qualifications of the job and aligns with the organization. The biggest difference between a career changer’s cover letter and any other resume is the main body of the letter because the body is the place where the applicant sells their qualifications.

There is no one way to write a cover letter, but if you are a career changer there are some key things you should consider:

  • Explicitly: “While my experience is predominantly in the IT space, I believe my ability to analyze problems and strategically identify solutions will translate well into your Operations Manager position.”
  • Subtly: “My career in IT has given me the ability to analyze problems and strategically identify solutions. I believe this has prepared me well for your Operations Manager role.”
  • Do you meet the minimum qualifications? If the answer is yes, be sure you use the same keywords from the job description to inform them of this fact. If the answer is no, ask yourself whether your other experience could make up for it in the hiring team’s eyes; then spell this out for them in the cover letter.
  • Your transferable skills should be on display. Your resume is the appropriate place to provide many of these transferable skills, but the cover letter is a chance to explain them more in-depth.
  • Make sure that you do not simply restate what’s on your resume. Instead, draw conclusions from what your resume shows and point out areas of unique “fit”. The cover letter should bring up relevant, employment related issues that cannot be easily expressed on the resume.
  • Your cover letter should be results-oriented. Just like resume writing, cover letter writing is marketing. You are marketing yourself to the organization, so be sure to sell your achievements and not just tell them your responsibilities.
  • How can I best convey this information? For some it will be the traditional paragraph format, others it will be in bullet-points or a combination of both. Paragraphs often tell a story whereas bullet points highlight key accomplishments or skills.
  • Tailor your cover letter for every organization. Your key points may be relatively unchanged, but do enough research that you can say something specific and unique in each letter.
  • Use assertive language. This demonstrates confidence and an ability to take initiative. However, be careful! There is a fine line between confident and cocky.

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Appointment Letter for Sales Manager [Template & Tips] 

A recent study has stated that more than 90% of employers offer appointment letters to candidates. This standard practice in the employment process serves as the formal written communication from an employer to a candidate. It confirms the job offer and outlines the terms and conditions of employment. An appointment letter is important to formalize the employment. Therefore, you should prepare a professional document carefully outlining the crucial details. In this blog, we will navigate the steps to write a professional appointment letter for a sales manager, along with a sample template and tips to write a compelling appointment letter.

Table of Contents

How to Draft an Appointment Letter for a Sales Manager?

Preparing an appointment letter for a sales manager requires you to take all the considerations into account like job responsibilities, compensation package, probationary period, terms and conditions, etc. You need to incorporate each detail carefully to ensure the candidate can comprehend the terms and conditions easily. Here is a step-by-step process you can follow to draft a sales manager appointment letter.

1. Begin With a Brief Introduction

The appointment letter should begin with a short introductory paragraph. Ensure that you use the full name of the candidate when addressing them. Continue this section by specifying the job position and company name.

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2. Specify the Job Role/Work Schedule

In this section of the appointment letter format for sales managers, provide details of the job title, work schedule, and employment terms.

A) Job Title

Mention a clear job title and the reporting authority in the appointment letter. Further, this section should have a list of responsibilities the employees have to undertake during the job. For example, managing the sales team, designing and implementing strategic sales plans, promoting lasting customer relationships, and identifying emerging markets are some duties that can be listed in an appointment letter to the sales manager.

B) Work Schedule

An appointment letter should include the starting date and the number of hours or days an employee will have to work in the specified role. This information is essential for the hired candidate to report on time for work and maintain a schedule accordingly. Additionally, you can include whether the work hours are firm or flexible and if a work-from-home option is available for some days a month.

C) Employment Terms & Relationship

Usually, this section highlights the employment relationship. This means whether the employment is at will (can be terminated by either party at any time and for any reason) or whether there are certain conditions governing the employment. Further, it has details on the probation period. This is the duration of time when the new hire is supposed to complete a short training. The probation period is essential to evaluate the suitability of the hired candidate for the role.

3. Mention Compensation Package With Commission Potential

Include details about the salary package, taxation, commission potential, and other relevant financial information in the sales manager appointment letter. Let’s discuss these in detail here:

A) Compensation Package

Mention the agreed-upon compensation with a detailed salary breakup including basic salary, financial reimbursement, and performance-based bonus. This ensures that the hired candidates are aware of the financial remuneration they will receive.

B) Taxation Details

The appointment letter for the sales manager should include the taxation policy and regulations applied and adhered to. Specify the percentage of tax the company deducts as required by the law.

C) Commission Structure

Several companies offer a percentage of commission on individual sales to their sales managers. Add details about the calculation of the commission and its payment in the letter. If there’s any overachievement commission for exceeding sales targets, write about that as well.

D) Bonus Options

If the company offers any standard bonus, include information about it in this section of the appointment letter. Details like the calculation of the bonus, its duration, how it will be paid (annually or quarterly), and criteria (if any) should be specified in the letter.

4. List Employee Benefits

The appointment letter should provide a list of employee benefits the new hires are entitled to. You can include the following benefits in the letter:

  • Leave Policy: This includes information about the leaves an employee is eligible for. Mention sick leaves, paid leaves, marriage leaves, maternity and paternity leaves, bereavement leaves, and more (if any).
  • Health and Dental Insurance: Specify the health and dental insurance plans the company offers and if the plans are subject to change based on specific terms and conditions.
  • Reimbursement of Travel Expenses: A sales job typically requires one to travel more frequently. These professionals attend conferences, workshops, and other events to reach out to potential customers and increase sales. Therefore, the appointment letter should mention the terms of travel expense reimbursements that sales managers will receive for traveling done as part of their job.
  • Training and Development Programs: The letter should provide information about the training and development programs the company offers to promote the professional growth of its employees. Additionally, you can mention any resources or courses available for upskilling opportunities.
  • Stock Options: If your company allows employees to purchase stocks of the company or any subsidiaries, mention its details in the appointment letter.

5. Add Privacy and Confidentiality Agreements

Data privacy has become prominent as the digital landscape is expanding exponentially. Moreover, every company has a procedure that employees follow to maintain confidentiality and privacy. Since sales managers work in a field that deals with a large amount of customer data, strategic data of the company, and other information, it becomes necessary to add certain agreements to the appointment letter. Here are the privacy and confidentiality statements that you must add to the letter:

  • Privacy Agreement: This agreement specifies that the employee is required to uphold all the privacy policies and procedures of the company. Additionally, the collection, storage, access to, and sharing of employee personal information will follow privacy legislation.
  • Conflict of Interest Policy: This policy ensures that the employee does not engage in any other employment or business activity. It is mentioned in the appointment letter of the sales manager to get a confirmation from the new hire that they do not have any contractual commitments or legal obligations prohibiting them from working for the company.
  • Proprietary Information and Inventions Agreement: This agreement protects the company’s intellectual property rights and confidential information like client lists, trade secrets, financial data, and other sensitive details. It also mentions that any innovations or inventions made by the employee during their tenure with the company belong to the company instead of the individual.

6. State Termination Conditions

The appointment letter to the sales manager also elaborates on the terms and conditions for the termination of employment. You can write about the notice period, termination reasons, process, and severance benefits (if applicable) in the letter. This ensures that both parties have a clear understanding of their rights and obligations.

7. Provide a Timeline to Accept the Offer

This section should provide a timeline for the selected candidate to accept the offer. This ensures timely completion of the hiring and onboarding process. Further, you can include any joining requirements to be completed by the new hires, like submitting necessary documents. A brief about the office location, dress code, and team structures can also be added in this section.

8. Sign Off Professionally

End the appointment letter for the sales manager by including terms such as ‘Sincerely’, and sign your name. This demonstrates professionalism and allows the candidate to know who to contact in case of queries regarding the appointment letter.

Sales Manager Appointment Letter Template

Let us now look at a sample appointment letter for a sales manager to understand how to write an appointment letter:

If you want to check out appointment letters similar to sales manager roles, check out the appointment letter for a marketing manager .

Tips to Write a Compelling Appointment Letter for a Sales Manager

Here are some tips for writing a compelling appointment letter for a sales manager:

  • Incentivize Overachivement: Attract the candidate by offering incentives for achieving over and above their established targets. You can also organize sales contests to motivate teams to outperform their previous targets. 
  • Highlight Your Unique Qualities: Mention the unique qualities like mentorship opportunities and diversity that make your company different from others.
  • Provide a Clear Compensation Structure: Sales is a competitive field, and there’s a need for certain financial motivation. So, when you write an appointment letter for a sales manager, ensure that you specify details like base salary, commission structure, bonuses, and sales metrics clearly. 
  • Verify the Details Before Sending the Letter: Always cross-check the details mentioned in the appointment letter to ensure that no discrepancies or misinformation can create confusion and conflict later.
  • Proofread the Appointment Letter: Check the letter for grammatical or other mistakes. This showcases your professionalism to the selected candidate and makes a strong case for your company.

An appointment letter for a sales manager is the formal intimation of the selection of a candidate and provides all the essential details they require to confirm their employment. As an employer, you must draft a comprehensive letter stating the job title, basic responsibilities, remuneration, bonuses, benefits, and more. Additionally, if you are looking for sales professionals, explore how to hire a sales manager to find the right candidate.


Answer: Here are steps to write a formal letter for an appointment: – Use a formal letterhead or an official email. – Begin with a brief introduction and mention the candidate’s name.- – Provide job title, description, and company name.  – Mention the start date and working hours. – Specify terms and conditions (if applicable). – Discuss compensation and benefits. – Give instructions to sign and submit the letter to confirm the appointment. – Conclude with a professional sign-off mentioning your name, designation, and signature.

Answer: Yes, the salary is mentioned in the appointment letter. You can specify the already-discussed and agreed-upon amount. You can also give a breakup of the compensation structure to include basic pay, additional bonuses, incentives, taxation details, and more. Providing compensation details ensures there is no confusion later and helps in resolving legal disputes related to pay.

Answer: While the joining letter confirms a candidate’s acceptance of the role and formalizes employment, an appointment letter provides a more comprehensive legal framework for both the new hire and employer. The latter is more legally binding and is sort of an employment contract.

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Shobha Saini, the Head of Human Resources at Internshala, has maintained a stellar track record in employee relations and talent acquisition. With eight exceptional years of experience, she specializes in strategic planning, policy-making, and performance management. A multi-talented individual, she has played a major role in strategizing HR practices in the organization.

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