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8 Creative Ways to Use Instagram Slideshow Posts

From travel to beauty to fashion, Instagram slideshow posts have opened up a world of possibilities for brands to share fun and engaging content. Not only can slideshow posts add depth to your Instagram feed, but they give you way more flexibility to share content without spamming your followers! From sneak peeks to product demos, here

From travel to beauty to fashion, Instagram slideshow posts have opened up a world of possibilities for brands to share fun and engaging content. Not only can slideshow posts add depth to your Instagram feed, but they give you way more flexibility to share content without spamming your followers!

From sneak peeks to product demos, here are 8 creative ways to use Instagram slideshow posts:

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How to Create an Instagram Slideshow Post

The steps for assembling an Instagram slideshow post are pretty simple. You can start by tapping the “+” button at the bottom of your screen and selecting the “album” icon. From there, you can pick up to 10 photos or videos from your phone’s library.

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Each photo or video can be edited separately with its own filter, or you can apply a filter to all the photos and videos you’ve selected. Also, you can only add one location and caption for your entire post.

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You can also change the order of a photo or video by tap-and-holding the media item and dragging it to another spot. To remove a photo or video from your post, tap-and-hold and drag it to the “trash” icon at the top of the screen.

presentation of instagram

When someone likes or comments on any of your photos or videos in your slideshow post, it will appear below the cover image. This could be a little confusing at first glance as comments may appear to not have a link with the cover image!

In feed, you’ll see blue dots at the bottom of slideshow posts to let you know you can swipe to see more. In grid view, slideshow posts are recognized by a “multiple image” icon in the right-hand corner of the thumbnail.

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1 . Create Before & After Sequences

The ability to combine up to 10 photos and videos into a single post makes Instagram slideshow posts the perfect outlet to share before-and-after sequences — which is ideal for users in the makeup, fashion, interior design, or fitness & health industries!

To create before-and-after sequence using Instagram slideshow posts, simply select your photos or videos in the correct order, write an engaging Instagram caption , and then post to Instagram. You can even share multiple before-and-after sequences in a single slideshow post if you want to highlight specific aspects of your before-and-after!  

If you’re looking to drum up even more engagement, ask your followers to “spot the difference” between your photos!

2 . Tell a Complex Story

If a picture is worth a thousand words, then what about 10 pictures? One of the biggest benefits of Instagram’s slideshow posts is that users can go even deeper with their visual storytelling!

Instagram slideshow posts give you the ability to really dive in and tell a complex or emotional story using a mix of photos and videos. Rather than posting a long caption to provide context and backstory, you can let your visuals tell the story for you.

Check out how  experiments with storytelling using Instagram slideshow posts:

3 . Show-Off Your Events or Take Followers Behind-the-Scenes

Have you ever scrolled through your feed only to see that several or more photos were posted from the same event? Not only is this kind of behavior on Instagram considered spammy, but posting multiple times in a row can cause you to get penalized by the Instagram algorithm, meaning your posts will be shown to fewer people!

Instagram slideshow posts have totally changed this. The ability to share multiple photos and videos in a single post gives users more flexibility to share relevant content without spamming their feeds.

You can also use slideshow posts to take your followers behind-the-scenes.

4 . Share a Surprise Reveal

Everyone loves a good surprise reveal, and Instagram slideshow posts are an exceptionally great place to share them!

If you have a big release coming up, you can use a slideshow post to tease your audience by giving them a sneak peek of what’s to come. For example, by touring your photoset, posting close-up shots, or even posting a riddle. You can be as creative as you like in designing your big surprise reveal! Of course, make sure that your last post is a cliffhanger so that your followers come back to see the final release.

5 . Showcase Your Products

For businesses in the makeup or fashion industry, Instagram slideshow posts provide a great opportunity to showcase your products in an authentic way. For example, beauty brands can post multiple images of product swatches on different skin tones, while fashion brands can show how an outfit looks on different body types.

If you’re releasing several products at once, like a spring clothing line, slideshow posts are also super handy for letting your followers browse your entire collection.

You can also use Instagram slideshow posts to share customer reviews of your products. Check out how Sweet Stuff Life did this in their first Instagram slideshow post:

6 . Demos and Tutorials

Another creative way to use the Instagram slideshow posts is to walk your followers through a demo or tutorial. A DIY blogger could feature how-to segments, as well as shopping lists, pro tips, and images of the finished product. Likewise, food bloggers could share visual guides for their recipes, and fashion bloggers could detail their “looks of the day.”  

Urban Decay is a great example of this. Check out how they use Instagram slideshow posts to show their followers how easy it is to apply their full spectrum eyeshadow palette.

Featuring a demo or tutorial in your slideshow post is a great way to engage with your followers while encouraging them to keep swiping!

7 . Host a Contest or Giveaway

Hosting an Instagram contest is one of the best ways to get new followers , and slideshow posts are a great place to feature your contest!  

For example, a fashion brand could post up to 10 different images of influencers or fans wearing the same shoe, but styled in different ways. And in the caption, they could poll their audience on who wore it best, offering prizes and incentives for participation!

You could also use an Instagram slideshow post to highlight each of the prizes that you’re giving away, explain your rules, and then demonstrate how users can enter your contests. With the last step, make sure to ask your audience to tag at least one friend in the comments to enter — this is key to your growth!

8 . Create a Roundup

Rather than picking one image to market one thing, users can now share lists of of their “favourite things” (think Buzzfeed). If you’re a business, you can even optimize your slideshow posts to showcase your most popular products or services.  

Regardless of your industry, Instagram slideshow posts are great for sharing roundups and countdown-type content, for example, your “Top 10 Favorite Mediterranean Destinations.” Plus, if you’re keen, you can turn that slideshow post into a longer blog post on your website, or vice versa!

Whether you’re a big retailer with thousands of followers or a food blogger working out of your home kitchen, there are a ton of great ways to use Instagram slideshow posts to market your business!

Ready to get moving with your Instagram marketing strategy? Later makes it easy for you to plan, manage, and schedule your Instagram posts!

Benjamin is a Content Marketing Strategist based in Toronto. You can follow his day-to-day on Instagram @benjaminchacs .

Plan, schedule, and automatically publish your social media posts with Later.

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How to Integrate Social Media Platforms (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn) Into PowerPoint

A powerpoint slide with four different social media icons in the corner

In today’s digital age, social media has become an integral part of our personal and professional lives. It allows us to connect with others, share content, and engage in meaningful conversations. With the rise of social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn, it is important to leverage their power and incorporate them into our everyday tools, including PowerPoint presentations.

Table of Contents

Why Integrate Social Media Platforms Into PowerPoint?

Before we dive into the world of integrating social media platforms into PowerPoint, let’s understand why it is essential to do so. By integrating social media into your presentations, you are taking advantage of the vast reach and engagement potential of these platforms. This enables you to interact with your audience in real-time, promote your brand, share updates, and stimulate conversation.

Furthermore, incorporating social media into PowerPoint presentations adds an element of interactivity and multimedia, making your presentations more engaging and dynamic. It allows you to seamlessly integrate live feeds, videos, and other interactive content, enhancing the overall impact of your presentations.

Benefits of Integrating Social Media Platforms Into PowerPoint Presentations

Now that we understand the importance of integrating social media platforms into PowerPoint, let’s explore the various benefits it offers:

  • Increased engagement: By incorporating social media feeds and interactive elements, you can actively engage your audience, encouraging participation and conversation.
  • Real-time updates: Social media integration enables you to showcase live updates from your social media accounts directly within your PowerPoint slides, keeping your audience up to date with the latest developments.
  • Enhanced visual appeal: By integrating social media content, you can add visual interest and variety to your presentations, making them more visually appealing and memorable.
  • Broadened reach: When you integrate social media platforms into PowerPoint, you have the opportunity to extend your message and content beyond the confines of the presentation room, allowing your audience to share and engage with your content long after the presentation ends.

Step-by-Step Guide to Integrating Facebook into PowerPoint

Now, let’s delve into the specifics of integrating individual social media platforms into PowerPoint. We’ll start with the ever-popular Facebook. Here is a step-by-step guide to seamlessly integrating Facebook into your PowerPoint presentations:

  • Step one: Open your PowerPoint presentation and navigate to the slide where you want to integrate Facebook content.
  • Step two: Access the “Insert” tab in the PowerPoint ribbon and click on the “Web Page” option.
  • Step three: In the dialog box that appears, enter the URL of the Facebook page or post you want to embed.
  • Step four: Select the “Display as Icon” checkbox if you prefer to have a Facebook icon displayed on your slide instead of the actual content.
  • Step five: Adjust the size and position of the embedded Facebook content as desired.
  • Step six: Save your PowerPoint presentation and test the embedded Facebook content by entering presentation mode.

By following these steps, you can seamlessly integrate Facebook content, such as posts, videos, or live streams, into your PowerPoint presentations, adding a new dimension to your slides.

Top Tips for Incorporating Twitter into PowerPoint Presentations

Twitter is another powerful social media platform that can be effectively integrated into your PowerPoint presentations. Here are some top tips for incorporating Twitter into your slides:

  • Hashtag display: Include a live Twitter feed displaying relevant hashtags related to your topic or event to encourage audience participation and interactive discussions.
  • Tweet quotes: Showcase impactful tweets from industry influencers or thought leaders within your presentation to add credibility and diverse perspectives.
  • Embed tweets: Incorporate specific tweets or Twitter threads directly into your slides to provide real-time examples and evidence to support your points.
  • Integration with polls and surveys: Utilize Twitter’s polling feature to gather audience opinions and display the results in real-time within your presentation.

By leveraging these tips, you can unlock the full potential of Twitter and create impactful PowerPoint presentations that actively involve your audience and foster engagement.

Enhancing PowerPoint with Instagram Feeds: A Comprehensive Guide

Instagram, with its visually captivating content, offers unique integration possibilities for your PowerPoint presentations. Here’s a comprehensive guide to enhancing your slides with Instagram:

  • Embedding Instagram posts: Incorporate specific Instagram posts or user-generated content directly into your slides to showcase engaging visuals and authentic social proof.
  • Live Instagram feeds: Integrate real-time Instagram feeds displaying your brand or event hashtag to encourage audience participation and amplify the reach of your presentation.
  • Creating Instagram-inspired slides: Channel the aesthetic of Instagram within your presentation design by using vibrant colors, filters, and square-shaped visuals.

By leveraging the inherent visual appeal of Instagram, you can elevate the aesthetic quality of your PowerPoint presentation and create a visually stunning experience for your audience.

Leveraging LinkedIn in PowerPoint: Best Practices and Techniques

LinkedIn, the professional networking platform, offers unique opportunities to connect with your audience on a professional level. Here are some best practices and techniques for leveraging LinkedIn in PowerPoint:

  • Showcasing professional achievements: Include LinkedIn recommendations, endorsements, or certifications relevant to your topic to establish credibility and create trust with your audience.
  • Displaying company profiles: Showcase company profiles from LinkedIn to highlight your organization’s expertise, achievements, and industry recognition.
  • Integrating LinkedIn SlideShare content: Embed SlideShare presentations or documents hosted on LinkedIn directly into your PowerPoint slides for easy access and enhanced sharing capabilities.

By strategically leveraging LinkedIn within your PowerPoint presentations, you can position yourself and your organization as industry experts and strengthen your professional connections.

Creative Ways to Integrate Multiple Social Media Platforms Into a Single PowerPoint Slide

If you want to take your social media integration to the next level, consider incorporating multiple platforms into a single PowerPoint slide. Here are some creative ways to achieve this:

  • Live social media mosaic: Create a dynamic visual using live feeds from various social media platforms arranged in a mosaic-like pattern.
  • Interactive social media hub: Design a slide featuring interactive buttons or tabs that allow your audience to navigate between different social media platforms and explore engaging content.
  • Real-time updates dashboard: Display a comprehensive dashboard showcasing live updates from different social media platforms, giving your audience a real-time snapshot of your digital presence.

By utilizing these creative techniques, you can create visually striking slides that showcase a multitude of social media platforms and captivate your audience’s attention.

Tools and Plugins for Seamlessly Integrating Social Media Platforms into PowerPoint

While PowerPoint provides some built-in functionality for integrating social media platforms, there are also several third-party tools and plugins available that can enhance and simplify the process. Here are some popular tools:

  • LiveSlides: This plugin enables you to embed live web content, including social media feeds, directly into your PowerPoint slides.
  • SlideShare: LinkedIn-owned SlideShare offers an easy way to share and embed PowerPoint presentations, complete with social media integration.
  • Twitter Visualizations: Tools like TweetBeam or TAGS Explorer allow you to visualize live Twitter feeds and hashtags, which can be integrated into your PowerPoint slides.

By leveraging these tools, you can streamline the process of integrating social media platforms into your PowerPoint presentations and create more impactful slides with ease.

How to Embed Live Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn Feeds in PowerPoint

If you want to go beyond static content and display live social media feeds directly within your PowerPoint presentations, here’s how you can do it:

  • Step one: Use a third-party tool or plugin that specializes in embedding live social media feeds.
  • Step two: Connect your social media accounts to the tool or plugin and configure the settings according to your preferences.
  • Step three: Once you have set up the feeds, select the desired layout and design options.
  • Step four: Generate an embed code provided by the tool or plugin.
  • Step five: In PowerPoint, navigate to the slide where you want to embed the live social media feed and access the “Insert” tab.
  • Step six: Click on the “Web Page” option and paste the embed code into the dialog box.
  • Step seven: Adjust the size and position of the embedded live social media feed as necessary.
  • Step eight: Save your PowerPoint presentation and test the embedded feed by entering presentation mode.

By following these steps, you can display real-time Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn feeds directly within your PowerPoint presentations, keeping your audience engaged and informed.

Best Practices for Designing Engaging Social Media Slides in PowerPoint

Now that you have learned how to integrate social media platforms into PowerPoint, let’s explore some best practices for designing engaging social media slides:

  • Consistent branding: Ensure your social media slides align with your overall presentation design and brand guidelines, creating a cohesive visual experience for your audience.
  • Legible font sizes and colors: Use font sizes and colors that are easily readable, even from a distance, ensuring your audience can effortlessly follow the content on your social media slides.
  • Consider visual hierarchy: Arrange your social media content in a logical order, prioritizing key information and keeping the design visually balanced.
  • Engaging visuals: Incorporate eye-catching images, videos, and infographics into your social media slides to capture your audience’s attention and support your key messages.
  • Minimal text: Avoid overcrowding your social media slides with excessive text. Instead, focus on utilizing concise phrases and bullet points to convey your message effectively.

By following these best practices, you can create visually appealing and engaging social media slides that effectively communicate your message and captivate your audience.

How to Add Social Media Icons and Links to Your PowerPoint Presentation

If you want to include social media icons and links in your PowerPoint presentation, follow these simple steps:

  • Step one: Find high-quality social media icons that represent the platforms you want to include (e.g., Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn).
  • Step two: Save the icons to your computer or cloud storage service.
  • Step three: In PowerPoint, navigate to the slide where you want to add the social media icons.
  • Step four: Access the “Insert” tab and click on the “Picture” option.
  • Step five: Select the social media icon file from your computer or cloud storage and insert it onto the slide.
  • Step six: Resize and position the social media icons as desired.
  • Step seven: Right-click on each icon and select the “Hyperlink” option.
  • Step eight: Enter the respective social media URL in the hyperlink dialog box for each icon.
  • Step nine: Save your PowerPoint presentation and test the social media icons by clicking on them in presentation mode.

By following these steps, you can easily add social media icons and links to your PowerPoint presentation, allowing your audience to connect with you on various platforms and further engage with your content.

Using Social Media Data in PowerPoint: Strategies for Visualizing Analytics

Integrating social media data into your PowerPoint presentations can provide valuable insights and add credibility to your content. Here are some strategies for visualizing social media analytics in PowerPoint:

  • Data-driven charts and graphs: Use visual elements such as bar charts, line graphs, and pie charts to display social media metrics such as follower growth, engagement rates, or post reach.
  • Heatmaps and word clouds: Visualize sentiment analysis or trending topics using heatmaps or word clouds to make complex social media data more digestible and visually appealing.
  • Comparison tables: Compare performance metrics of different social media platforms, campaigns, or time periods using tables to showcase key findings and trends.

By effectively visualizing social media data in your PowerPoint presentations, you can present compelling insights and make data-driven decisions that drive social media success.

Exploring Advanced Techniques: Embedding YouTube Videos Within Your PowerPoint Presentation

While social media platforms play a significant role in PowerPoint presentations, let’s not forget about the power of video. YouTube, with its massive library of content, can be seamlessly integrated into your slides. Here’s how you can embed YouTube videos in PowerPoint:

  • Step one: Open your PowerPoint presentation and navigate to the slide where you want to embed the YouTube video.
  • Step two: Access the “Insert” tab in the PowerPoint ribbon and click on the “Video” option.
  • Step three: Select the “Online Video” option and enter the URL of the YouTube video you want to embed.

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Time to upload a picture on Instagram. Or maybe a story? How many likes would we get? What’s the best moment to post? Developing a strong social media strategy is key to growing and engaging your audience. We’re sure you know how to do it efficiently, but after designing the best strategy, you need to present it now very visually! Reserve your strength for the social media content itself, for this presentation we have it all set! Write your information in the fun slides full of illustrations and circular shapes and gradients. Your strategies will look so convincing in the cool slides that your audience won’t be able to wait for your posts. Analyze your content’s performance, insights and tips for a successful Instagram brand!

Features of this template

  • 100% editable and easy to modify
  • 38 different slides to impress your audience
  • Contains easy-to-edit graphics such as graphs, maps, tables, timelines and mockups
  • Includes 500+ icons and Flaticon’s extension for customizing your slides
  • Designed to be used in Google Slides, Canva, and Microsoft PowerPoint
  • 16:9 widescreen format suitable for all types of screens
  • Includes information about fonts, colors, and credits of the resources used

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Presenting Instagram Marketing Working With Influencers To Increase Business Reach PowerPoint Presentation Slides. This complete deck consists of 52 professionally created PPT slides. You can edit the text, font, background, patterns, and colors of all the templates. Changing the PPT format to PDF, PNG, or PDF is also possible. It is compatible with Google Slides. You can view our PowerPoint presentation on multiple screen aspect ratios including standard and widescreen.

Essential Instagram KPIs For Business Growth

This slide highlights Instagram KPIs for measuring business success. The purpose of this slide is to help businesses track the success of their Instagram marketing efforts for making informed decisions. It includes elements such as leads, sales, conversion rate, etc.Presenting our set of slides with Essential Instagram KPIs For Business Growth. This exhibits information on five stages of the process. This is an easy to edit and innovatively designed PowerPoint template. So download immediately and highlight information on Create Successful, Captivating Visuals, Attention Grabbing.

Evaluation Of Instagram KPIs For Business Success

This slide highlights Instagram KPIs for effective performance. The purpose of this template is to identify business trends for making changes in strategies in order to achieve business goals. It includes components such as reach, engagement, followers, etc.Introducing our Evaluation Of Instagram KPIs For Business Success set of slides. The topics discussed in these slides are Icon For Effective, Evaluation Instagram Kpi. This is an immediately available PowerPoint presentation that can be conveniently customized. Download it and convince your audience.

Best Instagram Marketing Tools For Real Estate Business Lead Generation Techniques MKT SS V

The following slide outlines comparative analysis of different Instagram marketing tools which will assist real estate organization to select the best tool. It provides information about features such as reels template, interactive stickers, partnership inbox, find creators, and auto captions for reels.Present the topic in a bit more detail with this Best Instagram Marketing Tools For Real Estate Business Lead Generation Techniques MKT SS V. Use it as a tool for discussion and navigation on Interactive Stickers, Find Creators, Partnership Inbox. This template is free to edit as deemed fit for your organization. Therefore download it now.

Instagram Marketing Services Offered By Our Business Social Media Advertising Proposal

The purpose of this slide is to outline the most important services provided by social media agency to their clients social media specialist, Instagram audit, monthly consultations, and daily monitoring are the key services through which businesses can improve the client sales and profit. Increase audience engagement and knowledge by dispensing information using Instagram Marketing Services Offered By Our Business Social Media Advertising Proposal. This template helps you present information on Three stages. You can also present information on Instagram Marketing Specialist, Instagram Audit, Monthly Consultations using this PPT design. This layout is completely editable so personaize it now to meet your audiences expectations.

Latest Instagram Marketing Trends To Fuel Growth In Business Implementing Outbound MKT SS

This slide covers Instagram marketing trends to grow business more effectively. It involves trends such as enabling live content, integration of in app shop and branded AR effects to attract more prospects. Introducing Latest Instagram Marketing Trends To Fuel Growth In Business Implementing Outbound MKT SS to increase your presentation threshold. Encompassed with three stages, this template is a great option to educate and entice your audience. Dispence information on Live Content, Branded AR Effects, Growth In Business, using this template. Grab it now to reap its full benefits.

Best Instagram Marketing Tools For Real Estate Business Complete Guide To Real Estate Marketing MKT SS V

The following slide outlines comparative analysis of different Instagram marketing tools which will assist real estate organization to select the best tool. It provides information about features such as reels template, interactive stickers, partnership inbox, find creators, and auto captions for reels. Deliver an outstanding presentation on the topic using this Best Instagram Marketing Tools For Real Estate Business Complete Guide To Real Estate Marketing MKT SS V. Dispense information and present a thorough explanation of Interactive Stickers, Partnership Inbox using the slides given. This template can be altered and personalized to fit your needs. It is also available for immediate download. So grab it now.

Real Estate Branding Strategies To Attract Best Instagram Marketing Tools For Real Estate Business MKT SS V

The following slide outlines comparative analysis of different Instagram marketing tools which will assist real estate organization to select the best tool. It provides information about features such as reels template, interactive stickers, partnership inbox, find creators, and auto captions for reels. Deliver an outstanding presentation on the topic using this Real Estate Branding Strategies To Attract Best Instagram Marketing Tools For Real Estate Business MKT SS V. Dispense information and present a thorough explanation of Interactive Stickers, Partnership Inbox using the slides given. This template can be altered and personalized to fit your needs. It is also available for immediate download. So grab it now.

Overview Of Instagram Marketing Strategy For Restaurant Business Digital And Offline Restaurant

This slide shows the Instagram promotional strategy. The purpose of this slides is to generate more leads through social media platforms. It includes such as regular update posts and stories by using the latest technology hashtags, etc. Present the topic in a bit more detail with this Overview Of Instagram Marketing Strategy For Restaurant Business Digital And Offline Restaurant Use it as a tool for discussion and navigation on Strategies, Overview, Restaurant Business This template is free to edit as deemed fit for your organization. Therefore download it now.

Wholesale Marketing Strategy Instagram Marketing Campaign For Promoting Wholesale Business

This slide highlights Instagram marketing campaign run by B2b business which helps in improving brand awareness and drive more sales. It provides information regarding marketing objectives, campaign types, strategy, start date, responsibility and progress status. Present the topic in a bit more detail with this Wholesale Marketing Strategy Instagram Marketing Campaign For Promoting Wholesale Business Use it as a tool for discussion and navigation on Marketing Objectives, Campaign Type, Strategy This template is free to edit as deemed fit for your organization. Therefore download it now.

Wholesale Marketing Strategy Key Strategies For Marketing B2b Business On Instagram

This slide showcases various strategies which can be used in successful marketing of business on Instagram. It includes elements such as unique hashtags, customer testimonials, organic search volume, host giveaways, engagement, brand credibility etc. Increase audience engagement and knowledge by dispensing information using Wholesale Marketing Strategy Key Strategies For Marketing B2b Business On Instagram This template helps you present information on Six stages. You can also present information on Conduct Primary Research, Use Sales Script, Use Suitable Voice using this PPT design. This layout is completely editable so personaize it now to meet your audiences expectations.

Instagram Marketing Tactic Lead Generation Process Nurturing Business Growth CRP SS

This slide consists the working strategy of Instagram marketing that help businesses to reach more audience for product and services. Introducing Instagram Marketing Tactic Lead Generation Process Nurturing Business Growth CRP SS to increase your presentation threshold. Encompassed with said stages, this template is a great option to educate and entice your audience. Dispence information on Profile Optimization, Follower Growth, Posting Schedule, using this template. Grab it now to reap its full benefits.

Instagram Marketing To Build Audience Different Types Of Instagram Ads For Business MKT SS V

This slide shows five types of Instagram ads which can be used by Instagram business accounts to promote products and services. It includes photo, video, carousel, stories ads. Introducing Instagram Marketing To Build Audience Different Types Of Instagram Ads For Business MKT SS V to increase your presentation threshold. Encompassed with five stages, this template is a great option to educate and entice your audience. Dispence information on Photo Ads, Video Ads, Stories Ads, using this template. Grab it now to reap its full benefits.

Instagram Marketing To Build Audience Key Instagram Statistics For Businesses MKT SS V

This slide shows the major statistics which can be used by businesses to understand Instagram marketing. It includes engagement rate, reach, number of followers, etc. Introducing Instagram Marketing To Build Audience Key Instagram Statistics For Businesses MKT SS V to increase your presentation threshold. Encompassed with seven stages, this template is a great option to educate and entice your audience. Dispence information on Engagement Rate, Average Instagram, Visited Site, using this template. Grab it now to reap its full benefits.

Instagram Marketing To Build Audience Popular Business Related Instagram Hashtags MKT SS V

This slide shows top 50 hashtags which can be sed by organization while posting content on Instagram to increase content reach. It includes business to business and business to consumer. Present the topic in a bit more detail with this Popular Business Related Instagram Hashtags Instagram Marketing To Build Audience MKT SS V. Use it as a tool for discussion and navigation on Software, Businesstips, Smallbusiness. This template is free to edit as deemed fit for your organization. Therefore download it now.

Instagram Marketing To Build Audience Popular Instagram Marketing Trends For Business MKT SS V

This slide shows three trends of Instagram which can be used by the organizations to expand business social media platform. It includes live content, in-app shop and branded AR effects. Introducing Instagram Marketing To Build Audience Popular Instagram Marketing Trends For Business MKT SS V to increase your presentation threshold. Encompassed with three stages, this template is a great option to educate and entice your audience. Dispence information on Live Content, In App Shop, Branded AR Effects, using this template. Grab it now to reap its full benefits.

Instagram Marketing To Build Audience Steps To Create Instagram Business Profile MKT SS V

This slide shows 11 steps process which can be used to generate a business Instagram account. it also includes details regarding switching private to public account. Introducing Instagram Marketing To Build Audience Steps To Create Instagram Business Profile MKT SS V to increase your presentation threshold. Encompassed with one stages, this template is a great option to educate and entice your audience. Dispence information on Steps To Create Instagram, Business Profile, using this template. Grab it now to reap its full benefits.

Instagram Marketing Strategy To Increase Business Growth Plan To Increase Strategy SS V

The following slide outlines Instagram marketing technique through which digital marketers can drive traffic to website and improve companys sales. The slide provides comprehensive information about Instagram reels, and stories along with their specifications, strategies, and significant advantages. Introducing Instagram Marketing Strategy To Increase Business Growth Plan To Increase Strategy SS V to increase your presentation threshold. Encompassed with two stages, this template is a great option to educate and entice your audience. Dispence information on Strategies, Influencers, Visibility, using this template. Grab it now to reap its full benefits.

Key Instagram Statistics For Businesses Instagram Marketing To Increase MKT SS V

This slide shows the major statistics which can be used by businesses to understand Instagram marketing. It includes engagement rate, reach, number of followers, etc. Introducing Key Instagram Statistics For Businesses Instagram Marketing To Increase MKT SS V to increase your presentation threshold. Encompassed with seven stages, this template is a great option to educate and entice your audience. Dispence information on Business, Engagement, Account, using this template. Grab it now to reap its full benefits.

Instagram Marketing To Increase Different Types Of Instagram Ads For Business MKT SS V

This slide shows five types of Instagram ads which can be used by Instagram business accounts to promote products and services. It includes photo, video, carousel, stories ads. Introducing Instagram Marketing To Increase Different Types Of Instagram Ads For Business MKT SS V to increase your presentation threshold. Encompassed with five stages, this template is a great option to educate and entice your audience. Dispence information on Carousel, Stories, Explore, using this template. Grab it now to reap its full benefits.

Instagram Marketing To Increase Popular Business Related Instagram Hashtags MKT SS V

This slide shows top 50 hashtags which can be sed by organization while posting content on Instagram to increase content reach. It includes business to business and business to consumer. Increase audience engagement and knowledge by dispensing information using Instagram Marketing To Increase Popular Business Related Instagram Hashtags MKT SS V. This template helps you present information on one stages. You can also present information on Popular, Related, Hashtags using this PPT design. This layout is completely editable so personaize it now to meet your audiences expectations.

Instagram Marketing To Increase Steps To Create Instagram Business Profile MKT SS V

This slide shows 11 steps process which can be used to generate a business Instagram account. it also includes details regarding switching private to public account. Introducing Instagram Marketing To Increase Steps To Create Instagram Business Profile MKT SS V to increase your presentation threshold. Encompassed with one stages, this template is a great option to educate and entice your audience. Dispence information on Business, Business, Profile, using this template. Grab it now to reap its full benefits.

Instagram Strategies To Increase Conversion Rate Finance Startup Business Go To Market Strategy SS

This slide showcases the Instagram strategies to increase lead conversion rate. It includes strategies such as user-generated content, use Hashtags, live content and contests and giveaways and its positive impact. Increase audience engagement and knowledge by dispensing information using Instagram Strategies To Increase Conversion Rate Finance Startup Business Go To Market Strategy SS. This template helps you present information on four stages. You can also present information on Strategies, Contest And Giveaways, Positive Impact using this PPT design. This layout is completely editable so personaize it now to meet your audiences expectations.

Lead Generation Strategies To Improve Instagram Marketing Post Hashtags For Business Growth SA SS

The purpose of this slide is to highlight examples of search engine optimization SEO friendly hashtags by using which companies can increase leads and improve brand awareness rate. Deliver an outstanding presentation on the topic using this Lead Generation Strategies To Improve Instagram Marketing Post Hashtags For Business Growth SA SS. Dispense information and present a thorough explanation of Instagram Marketing Post Hashtags, Business Growth, Improve Brand Awareness Rate using the slides given. This template can be altered and personalized to fit your needs. It is also available for immediate download. So grab it now.

B2B Instagram Marketing Strategies For Business Growth

This slide covers 4 strategies for B2B enterprises to expand business with Instagram marketing. It includes strategies such as prize quality over quantity, engage with followers, showcase physical products and use location filters. Presenting our set of slides with name B2B Instagram Marketing Strategies For Business Growth. This exhibits information on four stages of the process. This is an easy to edit and innovatively designed PowerPoint template. So download immediately and highlight information on Prize Quality Over Quantity, Showcase Physical Products.

Benefits Of Instagram Marketing Strategies For Business Startups

This slide covers different advantages of using marketing strategies for Instagram. It includes benefits such as high engagement rate, association with target audience, visual articulation for business and boosts reach. Introducing our premium set of slides with name Benefits Of Instagram Marketing Strategies For Business Startups. Ellicudate the four stages and present information using this PPT slide. This is a completely adaptable PowerPoint template design that can be used to interpret topics like Boosts Reach, Visual Articulation For Business. So download instantly and tailor it with your information.

Four Strategies To Enhance Network Marketing Business On Instagram

This slide covers different strategies to improve business network marketing on Instagram. It includes strategies such as value added content, events, polls and transformation stories to grow network marketing. Presenting our set of slides with name Four Strategies To Enhance Network Marketing Business On Instagram. This exhibits information on four stages of the process. This is an easy to edit and innovatively designed PowerPoint template. So download immediately and highlight information on Value Added Content, Events, Transformation Stories.

Instagram Marketing Strategies For Business Growth

This slide covers three pillars to build Instagram marketing strategies for business growth and expansion. It includes content, delivery and interaction. Presenting our set of slides with name Instagram Marketing Strategies For Business Growth. This exhibits information on three stages of the process. This is an easy to edit and innovatively designed PowerPoint template. So download immediately and highlight information on Content, Delivery, Interaction.

Optimizing Instagram Profile For Attracting Customers Online Promotion Plan For Food Business

This slide showcases optimization of Instagram profile that can help restaurant to attract customers. Its key elements are restaurant logo, target keywords and hashtags, restaurant address and contact information. Introducing Optimizing Instagram Profile For Attracting Customers Online Promotion Plan For Food Business to increase your presentation threshold. Encompassed with four stages, this template is a great option to educate and entice your audience. Dispence information on Optimizing, Contact Information, Restaurant Address , using this template. Grab it now to reap its full benefits.

Paid Ads For Promoting Restaurant On Instagram Online Promotion Plan For Food Business

This slide showcases different type of paid Instagram ads which can be used in restaurant promotions. Ads include single image, video, carousel and slideshow ads. Increase audience engagement and knowledge by dispensing information using Paid Ads For Promoting Restaurant On Instagram Online Promotion Plan For Food Business. This template helps you present information on four stages. You can also present information on Single Image Ads, Carousel Ads, Promoting Restaurant using this PPT design. This layout is completely editable so personaize it now to meet your audiences expectations.

Strategies For Restaurant Marketing On Instagram Online Promotion Plan For Food Business

This slide showcases strategies that can help in restaurant promotion on Instagram. Strategies are - engaging with followers, using hashtags, post photos and videos, food bloggers collaboration and running contests. Increase audience engagement and knowledge by dispensing information using Strategies For Restaurant Marketing On Instagram Online Promotion Plan For Food Business. This template helps you present information on six stages. You can also present information on Engaging With Followers, Using Hashtags, Post Photos And Videos using this PPT design. This layout is completely editable so personaize it now to meet your audiences expectations.

Snapchat And Instagram For Customer Support Service IT For Communication In Business

This slide represents the usage of Snapchat and Instagram for customer care services in the organization. It includes brands engagements on these platforms by covering the total number of videos and snaps, received calls, likes, and comments. Increase audience engagement and knowledge by dispensing information using Snapchat And Instagram For Customer Support Service IT For Communication In Business. This template helps you present information on one stages. You can also present information on Snapchat, Instagram, Brand interaction Instagram using this PPT design. This layout is completely editable so personaize it now to meet your audiences expectations.

Preparing Instagram Influencer Marketing Goals Utilizing Social Media Handles For Business

This slide shows Instagram influencer marketing objectives. It provides information about brand awareness, traffic, lead generation, metrics, hashtags, mentions, bounce rate, comments, lead quality, influencer campaigns, etc. Present the topic in a bit more detail with this Preparing Instagram Influencer Marketing Goals Utilizing Social Media Handles For Business. Use it as a tool for discussion and navigation on Brand Awareness, Increased Traffic, Increased Leads. This template is free to edit as deemed fit for your organization. Therefore download it now.

Promoting Products On Instagram Through Video Utilizing Social Media Handles For Business

This slide shows promoting products on Instagram through video marketing strategy. It provides details such as Instagram story, Instagram live, news feed, reels, Instagram Television IGTV, Instagram story, product teaser, etc. Present the topic in a bit more detail with this Promoting Products On Instagram Through Video Utilizing Social Media Handles For Business. Use it as a tool for discussion and navigation on Brand Ambassador, Sale Announcement, Publishing Date. This template is free to edit as deemed fit for your organization. Therefore download it now.

Instagram Marketing Strategies For Increasing Customer Engagement Business Client Capture Guide

This slide covers various Instagram features to grow brand awareness, audience, leads, and sales. The highlighted Instagram techniques include reels, stories, polls or quizzes, and shopping. Increase audience engagement and knowledge by dispensing information using Instagram Marketing Strategies For Increasing Customer Engagement Business Client Capture Guide. This template helps you present information on four stages. You can also present information on Instagram Reels, Instagram Stories, Instagram Polls Quizzes, Instagram Shopping using this PPT design. This layout is completely editable so personalize it now to meet your audiences expectations

Instagram Company Profile Average Post Engagement Rate Of Business Accounts

This slide covers the average engagement rate of posts type published by business accounts which includes all posts and photo, video and carousel postings Introducing Instagram Company Profile Average Post Engagement Rate Of Business Accounts to increase your presentation threshold. Encompassed with four stages, this template is a great option to educate and entice your audience. Dispence information on Engagement, Business, Carousel Postings, using this template. Grab it now to reap its full benefits.

Instagram Company Profile Business Model Ppt Slides Background Designs

This slide focuses on business model of Instagram which covers key partners, activities, value proposition, customer relationships, key resources, channels, cost structure, revenue streams, etc Present the topic in a bit more detail with this Instagram Company Profile Business Model Ppt Slides Background Designs. Use it as a tool for discussion and navigation on Key Activities, Value Propositions, Customer Relationships. This template is free to edit as deemed fit for your organization. Therefore download it now.

Effective Instagram Marketing Benefits For Business

The slide showcases various benefits with applying Instagram marketing techniques that enhances your business expansion strategies. It covers brand strengthening, boosts engagement, sales expansion and growth. Introducing our premium set of slides with Effective Instagram Marketing Benefits For Business. Elucidate the four stages and present information using this PPT slide. This is a completely adaptable PowerPoint template design that can be used to interpret topics like Brand Strengthening, Growth, Sale Expansion, Boosts Engagement. So download instantly and tailor it with your information.

Effective Instagram Marketing To Promote Business

The slide showcases various tips to promote your Instagram account and expand your follower counts. It includes sharing compelling content, promoting, posting techniques, make use of features, engagement, analytics and run Ads, Presenting our set of slides with name Effective Instagram Marketing To Promote Business. This exhibits information on five stages of the process. This is an easy-to-edit and innovatively designed PowerPoint template. So download immediately and highlight information on Posting, Make Use Of Features, Engagement, Analytics And Run Ads.

Instagram Marketing Services Icon For Business

Introducing our premium set of slides with Instagram Marketing Services Icon For Business. Elucidate the four stages and present information using this PPT slide. This is a completely adaptable PowerPoint template design that can be used to interpret topics like Instagram Marketing Services, Icon, Business. So download instantly and tailor it with your information.

Instagram Marketing Strategies For Ecommerce Business

The slide highlights various strategies to propel your ecommerce business with Instagram marketing. It includes user generated content, tag products, following rules, use hashtags, monitor analytics and run paid ads. Presenting our set of slides with name Instagram Marketing Strategies For Ecommerce Business. This exhibits information on seven stages of the process. This is an easy-to-edit and innovatively designed PowerPoint template. So download immediately and highlight information on Monitor Analytics, Run Paid Ads, Use Hashtags, Following Rules.

Instagram Marketing Techniques For Small Business Icon

Introducing our premium set of slides with Instagram Marketing Techniques For Small Business Icon. Elucidate the four stages and present information using this PPT slide. This is a completely adaptable PowerPoint template design that can be used to interpret topics like Instagram, Marketing Techniques, Small Business, Icon. So download instantly and tailor it with your information.

Steps To Run Successful Instagram Marketing Campaign For Restaurant Business

The slide showcases a guide to run a successful campaign which help establish your brand identity and expansion. It includes determining goals, establishing rules, theme, choose hashtag, select winner, reward, content promotion and tracking contest. Introducing our premium set of slides with Steps To Run Successful Instagram Marketing Campaign For Restaurant Business. Elucidate the eight stages and present information using this PPT slide. This is a completely adaptable PowerPoint template design that can be used to interpret topics like Establish Rules, Define A Theme, Determine Goals, Track Thee Contest. So download instantly and tailor it with your information.

Different Types Of Instagram Ads For Business Instagram Marketing To Grow Brand Awareness

This slide shows five types of Instagram ads which can be used by Instagram business accounts to promote products and services. It includes photo, video, carousel, stories ads. Introducing Different Types Of Instagram Ads For Business Instagram Marketing To Grow Brand Awareness to increase your presentation threshold. Encompassed with five stages, this template is a great option to educate and entice your audience. Dispence information on Measurement, Solutions, Experience, using this template. Grab it now to reap its full benefits.

Key Benefits Of Using Instagram Marketing For Business Instagram Marketing To Grow Brand Awareness

The slide showcases various benefits with applying Instagram marketing techniques that enhances business expansion strategies. It covers brand strengthening, boosts engagement, sales expansion and growth. Increase audience engagement and knowledge by dispensing information using Key Benefits Of Using Instagram Marketing For Business Instagram Marketing To Grow Brand Awareness. This template helps you present information on three stages. You can also present information on Boosts Engagement, Growth, Sale Expansion using this PPT design. This layout is completely editable so personaize it now to meet your audiences expectations.

Key Instagram Statistics For Businesses Instagram Marketing To Grow Brand Awareness

This slide shows the major statistics which can be used by businesses to understand Instagram marketing. It includes engagement rate, reach, number of followers, etc. Introducing Key Instagram Statistics For Businesses Instagram Marketing To Grow Brand Awareness to increase your presentation threshold. Encompassed with seven stages, this template is a great option to educate and entice your audience. Dispence information on Statistics, Businesses, Engagement, using this template. Grab it now to reap its full benefits.

Popular Business Related Instagram Hashtags Instagram Marketing To Grow Brand Awareness

This slide shows top 50 hashtags which can be sed by organization while posting content on Instagram to increase content reach. It includes business to business and business to consumer. Present the topic in a bit more detail with this Popular Business Related Instagram Hashtags Instagram Marketing To Grow Brand Awareness. Use it as a tool for discussion and navigation on Business, Organization, Marketing. This template is free to edit as deemed fit for your organization. Therefore download it now.

Popular Instagram Marketing Trends For Business Growth Instagram Marketing To Grow Brand Awareness

This slide shows three trends of Instagram which can be used by the organizations to expand business social media platform. It includes live content, in-app shop and branded AR effects. Introducing Popular Instagram Marketing Trends For Business Growth Instagram Marketing To Grow Brand Awareness to increase your presentation threshold. Encompassed with three stages, this template is a great option to educate and entice your audience. Dispence information on Marketing, Business, Growth, using this template. Grab it now to reap its full benefits.

Steps To Create Instagram Business Profile Instagram Marketing To Grow Brand Awareness

This slide shows 11 steps process which can be used to generate a business Instagram account. it also includes details regarding switching private to public account. Deliver an outstanding presentation on the topic using this Steps To Create Instagram Business Profile Instagram Marketing To Grow Brand Awareness. Dispense information and present a thorough explanation of Business, Process, Product using the slides given. This template can be altered and personalized to fit your needs. It is also available for immediate download. So grab it now.

F827 Comparative Analysis Of Instagram Marketing Tools Marketing Plan To Enhance Business Mkt Ss

This slide shows comparison between various Instagram marketing tools which can be used to select suitable software. It includes features, pricing, pros, cons along with ratings of all tools. Present the topic in a bit more detail with this F827 Comparative Analysis Of Instagram Marketing Tools Marketing Plan To Enhance Business Mkt Ss. Use it as a tool for discussion and navigation on Comparative, Analysis, Marketing. This template is free to edit as deemed fit for your organization. Therefore download it now.

F829 Instagram Marketing Strategies To Boost User Engagement Marketing Plan To Enhance Business Mkt Ss

This Slide Covers Various Successful Instagram Advertising Strategies Which Can Lead To Enhance Customer Engagement Rate. It Includes Techniques Such As Business Account, Sponsored Ads, Hashtag And Cross Promotions. Increase Audience Engagement And Knowledge By Dispensing Information Using F829 Instagram Marketing Strategies To Boost User Engagement Marketing Plan To Enhance Business Mkt Ss. This Template Helps You Present Information On Four Stages. You Can Also Present Information On Engagement, Marketing, Strategies Using This PPT Design. This Layout Is Completely Editable So Personaize It Now To Meet Your Audiences Expectations.

Instagram Reels Strategies To Increase Followers Marketing Plan To Enhance Business Performance Mkt Ss

This slide shows four strategies which can prove helpful to business in increasing followers of an Instagram business account. These strategies are right audio selection, teasers, show brand identity and BTS. Introducing Instagram Reels Strategies To Increase Followers Marketing Plan To Enhance Business Performance Mkt Ss to increase your presentation threshold. Encompassed with four stages, this template is a great option to educate and entice your audience. Dispence information on Strategies, Business, Growth, using this template. Grab it now to reap its full benefits.

Process To Build Successful Instagram Marketing Strategy Marketing Plan To Enhance Business Mkt Ss

Following slide depicts nine steps procedure which can be used by marketers to develop Instagram marketing strategy for products. It includes stages such as set goals, target audience, competitors analysis, create business account, etc. Increase audience engagement and knowledge by dispensing information using Process To Build Successful Instagram Marketing Strategy Marketing Plan To Enhance Business Mkt Ss. This template helps you present information on nine stages. You can also present information on Successful, Marketing, Strategy using this PPT design. This layout is completely editable so personaize it now to meet your audiences expectations.

Instagram Marketing Strategy Proposal Instagram Marketing Services Offered By Our Business

The purpose of this slide is to outline the most important services provided by Instagram marketing agency to their clients. Instagram marketing specialist, Instagram audit, monthly consultations, and daily monitoring are the key services through which businesses can improve the client sales and profit. Increase audience engagement and knowledge by dispensing information using Instagram Marketing Strategy Proposal Instagram Marketing Services Offered By Our Business. This template helps you present information on four stages. You can also present information on Instagram Marketing Specialist, Instagram Audit, Monthly Consultations, Daily Monitoring using this PPT design. This layout is completely editable so personaize it now to meet your audiences expectations.

Real Estate Marketing Strategies Best Instagram Marketing Tools For Real Estate Business

The following slide outlines comparative analysis of different Instagram marketing tools which will assist real estate organization to select the best tool. It provides information about features such as reels template, interactive stickers, partnership inbox, find creators, and auto captions for reels. Present the topic in a bit more detail with this Real Estate Marketing Strategies Best Instagram Marketing Tools For Real Estate Business. Use it as a tool for discussion and navigation on Instagram Marketing Tools, Real Estate Business, Partnership Inbox, Interactive Stickers. This template is free to edit as deemed fit for your organization. Therefore download it now.

Small Business Instagram Marketing Tactics Icon

Introducing our Small Business Instagram Marketing Tactics Icon set of slides. The topics discussed in these slides are Small Business Instagram, Marketing Tactics Icon. This is an immediately available PowerPoint presentation that can be conveniently customized. Download it and convince your audience.

Instagram Software Tools For B2B Marketers Optimizing Business Performance With Social Media

The following slide outlines the various types of Instagram automation tools which can be used by marketers to post and schedule content on social media platforms. The comparison is made on the basis of features such as scheduler, real time analytics, keyword filtering, multi account management, etc. Increase audience engagement and knowledge by dispensing information using Instagram Software Tools For B2B Marketers Optimizing Business Performance With Social Media. This template helps you present information on nine stages. You can also present information on Software, Tools, Marketers using this PPT design. This layout is completely editable so personaize it now to meet your audiences expectations.

Instagram 9 Block Business Model Canvas

This slide represents the business model of a social media platform that assists in describing the rationale of how it should create, deliver, and capture value. The elements are key partners, activities, value proposition, resources, customer relationships, segments, channels, cost structure, revenue streams, etc. Introducing our Instagram 9 Block Business Model Canvas set of slides. The topics discussed in these slides are Key Partners, Key Activities, Value Propositions This is an immediately available PowerPoint presentation that can be conveniently customized. Download it and convince your audience.

Real Estate Marketing Ideas To Improve Best Instagram Marketing Tools For Real Estate Business MKT SS V

The following slide outlines comparative analysis of different Instagram marketing tools which will assist real estate organization to select the best tool. It provides information about features such as reels template, interactive stickers, partnership inbox, find creators, and auto captions for reels. Introducing Real Estate Marketing Ideas To Improve Best Instagram Marketing Tools For Real Estate Business MKT SS V to increase your presentation threshold. Encompassed with One stages, this template is a great option to educate and entice your audience. Dispence information on Best Instagram Marketing Tools, Real Estate Business, using this template. Grab it now to reap its full benefits.

Best Instagram Marketing Tools For Real Estate Business Innovative Ideas For Real Estate MKT SS V

The following slide outlines comparative analysis of different Instagram marketing tools which will assist real estate organization to select the best tool. It provides information about features such as reels template, interactive stickers, partnership inbox, find creators, and auto captions for reels. Deliver an outstanding presentation on the topic using this Best Instagram Marketing Tools For Real Estate Business Innovative Ideas For Real Estate MKT SS V. Dispense information and present a thorough explanation of Software, Interactive Stickers, Real Estate Business using the slides given. This template can be altered and personalized to fit your needs. It is also available for immediate download. So grab it now.

Google Reviews

Steps to create social media graphics in PowerPoint

Social media graphics in PPT that are engaging are an essential aspect of any digital strategy. Still, social media is a beast that requires constant feeding! Online platforms regularly demand new, eye-catching material to keep your products or services at the forefront of your client’s minds. Keeping up with social network postings can feel daunting if you’re a small business or freelancer. For every Instagram post, though, you don’t require a crack team of graphic designers. PowerPoint provides you with everything you need. This article will demonstrate how to create bespoke social media graphics in PPT using some of our favourite PowerPoint tools and BrightSlide, a free productivity and design add-on.

Why should you use PowerPoint? 

Use PowerPoint to create designs for the following reasons:

  • It is something you already own and are comfortable with.
  • You may make your graphic any size and form you desire.
  • Use a font you like that you have on your computer.
  • Background graphics and textures are available for free.
  • Free clip art can be inserted directly into the app.
  • You can resize, crop, and do some basic photo editing.
  • Your photographs will be saved at the resolution you chose.
  • Making many comparable visuals from a template is simple.

There are a lot of online content creation tools out there, and Canva is one of the most popular since it has pre-built components that let users create material rapidly. Many of these tools, however, have a few drawbacks:

  • You risk having your content appear just like everyone else’s.
  • The number of animation options is usually limited.
  • Many features, such as branding possibilities (custom colour palettes), are generally reserved for premium users.

You most likely already have PowerPoint and have some familiarity with it. You can start designing personalised social media graphics right away without learning a new application from scratch. You won’t have to worry about watermarks or low-quality exports from free versions of unfamiliar software.

Size of the post

Even though PowerPoint is best known for presentations, you may change the size of the slides to whatever you like. Go to the Design tab, select the slide size from the dropdown menu, and then Custom Slide Size. You can choose from various preset slide sizes or create your own. Instagram postings can be square (1:1), portrait (4:5), or landscape (4:6 ratio) (1.9:1 ratio). Because a portrait image or video takes up the most screen real estate, it’s a great way to keep casual scrollers interested. Note that you want your slide to be good and huge, so export it as an image, video, or GIF with high quality. We chose a size of 40cm × 50cm for this project. This article is a wonderful resource for determining the best picture sizes for prominent social networking platforms.

Prepare your slide

Setting up a grid to help you develop well-proportioned, balanced slides is one component. More on the importance of grids and guides can be found here. In PowerPoint, you may add guidelines by right-clicking on a slide and selecting Grid and Guides, then Guides. Individual guidelines can be added using the same dropdown menu. However, positioning these guides might be difficult because there is no quantitative mechanism to ensure that they are in the correct location.

To ensure that your post is consistent with your brand’s visual style, you must also set your theme colours. To customise the theme colours in PowerPoint, go to the Design tab, click Colours, and then Customise Colours under the Variants section. Select more colours by clicking on one of the colours. You can use the colour wheel or enter your RGB values. After that, you may give your new theme colours a name.

Get your photos ready

The usage of eye-catching imagery in your social media visuals is critical for capturing viewers’ attention. Consider using stock picture sites like iStock and Shutterstock, or explore the delights of free photography sites like Unsplash, if you don’t have a lot of high-quality photographs of your own.

There are a few ways to alter fantastic imagery in PowerPoint once you’ve gotten your hands on it.

Crop to the desired form

In PowerPoint, you may crop your images to whatever form you want, including a custom shape if you’re going to get fancy. To crop to shape, go to the Picture Format tab, pick Crop to Shape from the Crop dropdown menu, and then choose the shape you wish to use.

Insert your image and then go to Insert>Shapes to insert the form you wish to use for a more precise crop. Select the image, then the form, and use the Intersect Boolean tool to cut out the piece of the image you wish to keep. You can chop out different image areas by copying and pasting them many times.

Get rid of the background

Remove the background from the image if you only want to use the primary section. There are a few options for accomplishing this. One option is to use PowerPoint’s Remove Background tool, which may be found under the Picture Format menu.

To cut out a larger area of your image, you may alternatively use the PowerPoint Freeform Shape tool and the Boolean crop technique described above. This method takes a little longer but yields excellent results.

Unique layout for social media graphics 

Now we can work on the content, incorporating text and forms to create a visually appealing design. Remember to utilise your guidelines to put your information carefully. Check out the social media visuals your favourite brands post or visit design inspiration sites like Behance if you’re looking for ideas. Because social media visuals are often viewed on a phone screen, keep it simple and avoid using too much text to ensure that your message is conveyed.

Animate or save a social media graphic as a picture

You can select to save the slide as an image at this point. Change the file type to JPG by going to File > Save As. Each slide can be saved as an individual picture.

Export a movie or a GIF from a social media graphic

If you want to include animation, the last step is to export your personalised social media graphic. To time out the animations, first, record your slide. Go to the Slideshow tab and select Record Slide Show to record a slide show.

Click File > Export > Export as Video or Create Animated GIF whenever you’re satisfied with the timings.

We at Visual Spiders are experts at using all the tools available on the PPT to make your brand much more potent. You can contact us to help utilise the hidden tools of PPT effectively.

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Instagram Marketing

How to Create Captivating Visuals, Grow Your Following, and Drive Engagement on Instagram

Watch the full video

Instagram is the second most accessed network behind Facebook. The popular visual-first social medium sees over one billion active monthly users and 500 million daily Instagram Stories .

Everyone and their dog ( literally ) is on the social media platform.

“Everyone” includes individuals, pets, and, you guessed it, businesses.

The increase in brands who've developed a presence on the platform has skyrocketed. Oberlo estimates that 71% of US businesses use Instagram. But is it worth their time, and should your business also be on the platform? The answer is yes, and here’s why:

  • Instagram sees over one billion active monthly users and 500 million daily Instagram Stories .
  • There are 140 million Instagram users in the U.S.
  • Instagram is the second most accessed network behind Facebook. Users browse for an average of 53 minutes per day .
  • About 71% of US businesses use Instagram.
  • Nearly 45% of Instagram’s users are between the ages of 18 and 44 .

New Data: Instagram Engagement Report [Free Download]

of Instagram users follow at least one business

There are more than

active monthly Instagram users

of Instagram users have discovered a new product or service on the platform

It’s clear that Instagram isn’t just for personal use anymore. It’s now a global platform that allows brands to humanize their content, recruit new talent, showcase products, and inspire their audience.

Moreover, Instagram users aren’t just active — they’re engaged. About 59% of the platform’s active users visit the site daily, and spend at least 7 hours per week browsing content and interacting with friends and brands.

Instagram can also help you grow your brand awareness and introduce new products. Every month, 130 million Instagram users engage with shopping content. Instagram allows you to promote your brand and product in a friendly, authentic way without hard selling to your customers.

Even with all these Instagram statistics, you may still be unsure of how to get started. We know the platform can be a little intimidating at first, and that’s why we’ve created this guide.

Why Market on Instagram?

Instagram’s primary advantage over other social media platforms is its visual nature. If you have a business that benefits from the design of your product or if you have a service that has a visibly noticeable end result, Instagram is the best platform to showcase that content.

Video, imagery, and illustration are all great content fits for this social media platform, but your marketing strategy will ultimately determine what type of content to publish and how often to post it. Establishing a strategy before diving right into a new social media platform, no matter how well it works for everyone else’s business, will keep you focused on your goals and — most importantly — your audience.

Build Your Instagram Marketing Strategy

  • Set your goals for Instagram
  • Determine your Instagram target audience.
  • Conduct a competitive analysis.
  • Configure an editorial calendar
  • Build a consistent brand on Instagram
  • Grow your Instagram follower base.

Many businesses feel pressured to be present on every social media platform … and they forget about strategy. Don’t make this mistake.

Since Instagram is very different from other popular social sites, it requires a distinct marketing strategy . Start here to develop your brand’s own unique style.

1. Set your goals for Instagram.

Before you start posting on Instagram, ask yourself (or your team) one thing: Why are you on Instagram? As popular as the platform is, your answer shouldn't be, " ... because everyone else is ." To be successful on Instagram in the long-run, you must have a set purpose and goals so you can justify your time, energy, and monetary investment.

There's no right answer here. Maybe you'd like to use your Instagram feed to post and sell your products to customers, like Anthropologie . (Many ecommerce and physical products businesses are on Instagram for this reason.)

instagram marketing anthropologie

Maybe you're leveraging Instagram to share portfolio content so followers can see your product (or service) in action, like my esthetician, The Wicked Waxer .

instagram marketing wicked waxer

Perhaps you're on Instagram to simply build brand awareness by posting motivational quotes and fun visuals, like one of my favorite organizations, The Blurt Foundation .

instagram marketing blurt foundation

Maybe you'd like to use Instagram to share user-generated content so that followers can see real people using your product or service as Orangetheory does. (Many worldwide businesses or businesses with franchises do this, too.)

instagram marketing orange theory

Whatever the reason, be sure to define your Instagram goals first thing. And, guess what? Your Instagram can have multiple goals — you can post product images while also sharing user-generated content (UGC). It's less about the type of posts you share and more about why you're sharing them. If you know the why, you can know how to measure your performance and use Instagram Analytics tools.

2. Determine your Instagram target audience.

Determine the audience you want to reach before you begin marketing on Instagram. If you have other marketing strategies in place, draw from those to keep your efforts consistent. Don’t forget to consider factors like age, location, gender, income, interests, motivations, and pain points.

Don’t know where to start? Monitor popular events and interest hashtags related to your business. See who’s using and engaging with these hashtags and check out their profiles. You can also take a look at your competitor’s followers. Instagram makes it easy to define your audience.

3. Conduct a competitive analysis.

After you determine your Instagram audience, do a competitive analysis to see what other marketers in your field are posting.

If you already know your top competitors, start by reviewing their Instagram profiles. If not, search for terms related to your business and industry to find similar accounts.

Conduct a quick audit of related accounts to see what posts are getting the highest engagement, what popular hashtags they’re using, what their captions are, how often they post, and how quickly they’re growing. This information can serve as a benchmark as you start growing your own account.

While auditing your competitors’ content, take note of any opportunities they might’ve missed. Adding unique content into the mix will help your business to stand out from the rest.

4. Configure an editorial calendar.

Creating an editorial calendar can help you save time and manage your Instagram presence. Fill in your calendar with some Instagram post types and plan your captions, hashtags, and posting times in advance.

Your editorial calendar is also a great place to record any key events to highlight on your Instagram account, such as new product launches or special offers. With an editorial calendar , you can keep an eye out for real-time opportunities instead of scrambling for last-minute posts.

Manage and plan your Instagram content with our free calendar guide and template.

5. Build a consistent brand on Instagram.

Random or disjointed content confuses your audience and can cause you to lose followers. To prevent this, maintain a consistent brand aesthetic on your Instagram account.

Determine what this looks like by thinking about your brand personality. What are your brand values? How would your customers and employees define your brand? Are you bold, playful, gritty, or adventurous?

Apartment Therapy 's brand personality is bright, clean, and organized, and its account reflects all three of those traits. Ideally, brand aesthetic helps your brand become recognizable, meaning someone could see your picture in their feed and instantly know it’s yours … without seeing the name.

instagram marketing apartment therapy

Taco Bell is another great example of brand aesthetic. Its feed focuses on the bold, on-the-go lifestyle of its millennial audience and features fun images to drive engagement.

Once you determine your brand personality, refine your content to match. This can even apply to the color palette used in your photos.

instagram marketing taco bell

Brand aesthetic doesn’t just apply to visuals. Aim to post images with your brand narrative in mind, too. Including compelling stories in your captions can make your brand more relatable.

For example, Red Bull ’s feed features plenty of high-energy images and videos that add to its brand’s story.

instagram marketing red bull

6. Grow your Instagram follower base.

Growing your following takes serious time and energy. You may be tempted to take the easy way out and buy followers … don’t do this! Purchasing followers won’t actually drive engagement, which is really what you need to ensure your posts are being seen. (Also, Instagram's recent API changes will automatically delete those followers!)

Here’s what you can focus on to build a following the right way.

  • Make sure your username is recognizable and searchable. If people can’t find you, they can’t follow you! Fill out your bio. It’s the last thing someone sees before they make the decision to follow you so be sure to include who you are and what you do.
  • Once your profile is optimized (which we talked about in this section ), start posting. It’s a good idea to populate your feed with ten to 15 high-quality posts before you really start engaging people. If users visit your profile and find it empty, they probably won’t follow you.
  • Then, start following accounts that interest you and relate to your business. Think of Instagram like a community and look for other businesses in your area or influencers who might enjoy your product or service. As you follow accounts, Instagram will suggest related ones that you can follow, too.

instagram marketing hubspot related accounts

  • After you follow an account, interact with their content. This is the most natural way to draw attention to your own Instagram account without being spammy. When you follow or interact with an account, the account owner will get a notification. This could prompt them to check out your account and start following you. Always appreciate your followers by responding to their comments and engaging with their content.
  • Encourage others to share your content. Invite brand ambassadors to share your account or collaborate with similar accounts.

For a comprehensive guide to getting more followers for your business on Instagram, check out our blog post here .

Promote Your Business on Instagram

Once you establish a dedicated follower base, you can start converting those followers into paying customers. Here are some strategies.

  • Promotions: Deals, discounts, BOGOs, and other offerings are a great way to drive first-time sales with your Instagram audience. Be sure to include what your followers need to do to receive the offer, and mention a deadline to create a sense of urgency.
  • Contests: What better way to make someone a customer than by letting them try your product? Run contests that require someone to follow your account or post with a hashtag to enter.
  • Charity: 81% of millennials expect companies to make a public commitment to charity. Doing so can build affinity for your brand and help turn followers into customers. For example, Gap partnered with The Global Fund to help fight AIDS in Africa. Since 2006, it has helped raise over $130 million.
  • Teasers: Instagram is a great platform to show your audience glimpses of new products before they’re available. While you don’t want to spam your followers’ feeds with only product photos, a few images can build excitement.
  • Live launches: Consider showcasing a new product or service using Instagram Live. Then, drive users to purchase by including a purchase link in your bio.

Also, don't forget to leverage the link in your Instagram bio as well as your Instagram Story Highlights as these can connect followers to your website, blog, and product pages.

Lastly, be sure to promote your Instagram on other channels. Include an Instagram social share button on your website and share your Instagram on other social platforms. Sometimes the fastest way to gain more followers is to simply ask for them!

How to Present & Prove Social ROI

How to Create an Instagram Business Account

Before we begin, it’s important to note that Instagram is intended for in-the-moment content. To stay relevant among your audience, you’ll need to invest the resources required to post regularly.

The best way to keep your followers engaged is to keep your Instagram profile up-to-date. Below, we’ll dive into how to build and maintain a successful Instagram profile.

If you don’t have it already, download the Instagram app from the App Store or Google Play Store . You can view content on Instagram’s website, but you can’t upload it via your desktop. You’ll need the app for that.

Step 1: Open the Instagram app and click Sign Up With iPhone or Email

When you open the Instagram app, you’ll have two choices for creating an Instagram account for your business — Log In With Facebook or Sign Up With Phone or Email . Be sure to sign up with a business email so your Instagram profile isn’t linked to your personal Facebook account. ( Trust us , you don’t want to do that!)

Step 2: Enter your account details.

Under Full Name, enter your actual business name so your profile is recognizable to visitors. This name is what’s displayed on your profile; it isn’t your account username (or handle, for those Twitter folks).

Step 3: Pick a username.

The Username is a name unique to your profile and allows other accounts to engage with your brand. HubSpot’s username is @HubSpot .

Pick a username that is recognizable and easy to find. If your business name is taken, try to keep the first part of your business name in your username. Note : You can update your username later in your account settings, so don’t worry if you want to change it in the future.

Optimizing Your Instagram Account

After you’ve set up the basics of your Instagram account, it’s time to optimize it. Follow these steps to create a profile people will want to see on their news feed every day.

Step 4: Choose a profile picture. 

Your profile picture is your first impression on new visitors. For this reason, keep your image consistent with your branding and visual markers.

Consider using your logo or another familiar image. Instagram profile pictures are automatically cropped into a circle, so leave room around the corners of your image.

Step 5: Next up — your Instagram bio. 

Instagram bios have a 150-character maximum , so your goal here is a direct, concise summary of who you are and why people should follow you. Tell your audience about your business using a hint of personality. Instagram bios aren’t searchable, so don’t worry about keywords or hashtags (which we cover more below) .

In your bio, you can encourage users to take a specific action, such as using a certain hashtag or visiting your website. Your bio is the only place where you can feature a clickable URL and drive traffic to an external site.

instagram marketing bio refinery29

For this reason, it’s common for businesses to update their featured URL to align with their most recent post. If you decide to add a link, be sure to use a link shortener like HubSpot's Tracking URL builder or a tool like Bitly, , or to keep your profile from looking cluttered. Tracked URLs also help you better understand the amount of traffic Instagram is driving to your website.

Pro tip: For future edits, click on the Edit Profile button on your profile to change your photo, name, username, bio, and URL.

Managing Your Instagram Settings

Lastly, let’s review your account settings. In this section, you’ll be able to update contact information, privacy settings, and more.

Step 6: Adjust your settings.

Click on the three stacked lines in the upper right-hand corner of your profile, then click on Settings at the bottom of the window. (Under your username, you’ll see a few links that we’ll cover below.)

Within your settings, you’ll be able to do things like change your password, see posts you’ve liked, enable notifications, and much more. Here are a few things you should check out right away.

Manage your story settings — where you can manage who can see and reply to your Instagram Stories ( which we discuss below ). We recommend allowing all your followers to see and reply to your Stories to increase brand engagement. From your settings, click Privacy > Story to access your Story Controls. (You can also access this by clicking the gear icon in the top left corner when posting a story.)

instagram marketing settings story

Instagram will automatically import relevant information from your Facebook page for you to edit. You now have an Instagram business profile. Don’t forget to use the features that come with this type of account like profile insights.

Private Account — Here you can change your profile from public to private. Instagram will automatically set your profile to public — we don’t recommend changing it! As a business, you’ll want users to see your posts and follow your business without any obstacles. From your settings, click Privacy > Account Privacy , and make sure that's turned off.

instagram marketing settings privacy

Comments — This setting allows you to hide comments with certain keywords or phrases. To do this, you must enter the specific words and phrases into your Instagram settings and turn on the feature. Receiving comments is exciting and encouraging, but certain comments may go against brand values or offend your audience. From your settings, click Privacy > Comments to update these.

instagram marketing settings comments

Adding Additional Instagram Accounts — Add up to five accounts and switch between them without logging in and out. This feature also allows you to have multiple people logged into an account at one time. To add an account, click Add Account at the bottom of your settings. Enter the username and password of the account you’d like to add. To switch between accounts, go to your profile and tap your username at the top of the screen. Choose the account you’d like to switch to.

instagram marketing settings add account

The Beginner's Guide to Video Marketing

Types of Instagram Posts

Now that you’ve created and optimized your Instagram account, it’s time to start posting awesome content. Instagram allows you to post several types of content, including photos, videos, and Stories.

Let’s talk about the different Instagram post types and some best practices for encouraging engagement.

The most common post on Instagram is an image post. When posting images, share a variety of photos. Variety will show your brand is diverse and engage your followers in different ways.

It’s also important to remember that Instagram users are looking for genuine posts from brands — not blatant advertisements. Try to capture your company culture with lifestyle shots and behind-the-scenes looks. Avoid posting too many photos of your product.

Example: Nike’s Instagram includes product photos, but the majority show real athletes, concerts, and other types of content that promote the Nike brand personality as a whole.

instagram marketing image post nike

As you start to explore the platform, you’ll see there are countless kinds of images you can post to your account. Get creative! Take note of any concepts or styles you think would work well for your brand.

To get you started, we’ve compiled a list of some successful Instagram image types .

Behind-the-Scenes Posts

These posts offer a glimpse into the part of your business that people don’t normally see. It’s important that they don’t look staged — authenticity is key!

Example: Aeronaut Brewing Company provided an inside look at its company culture by showcasing its employees at work..

instagram marketing behind the scenes aeronaut brewing-1

Reposts From Employees

Great content can be right in front of you … on your employees’ Instagrams. (Just be sure to tag or credit the original poster.) Reposting photos from your employees is an easy way to curate authentic content and humanize your business. Not only will your audience engage with your brand, but they’ll also start to “bond” with your employees.

Example: Fenway Park often reposts images shared by the grounds crew as they prepare the stadium.

instagram marketing reposts from employees fenway park-1

Educational Posts

Educational posts offer snackable tips on how to do or make something. The photos or videos usually present the instructions in a way that is quick and easy to follow.

instagram marketing educational buzzfeed tasty

Influencer Posts

Influencer posts use the fame of a celebrity or well-known public figure to promote your brand. These posts often include a visual of the influencer using or interacting with your product. One of the main benefits of influencer posts is gaining the attention of another audience.

Example: Goal Zero shows renowned rock climber and photographer Alex Honnold using one of its solar power charging stations. Not only is Goal Zero reaching its own audience, but it's also reaching Alex’s 500,000-plus Instagram follower base.

instagram marketing influencer goalzero

Motivational Posts

A motivational post combines a simple visual with an overlaid quote or uplifting text. These posts encourage your audience and amplify your brand values. While effective, try to post these sparingly to avoid looking cheesy. Apps like Quipio and Typic can help you add text to photos in a way that’s consistent with your brand guidelines.

Example: Foundr often shares motivational posts to encourage its follower base of entrepreneurs, small business owners, and marketers. The posts also align with their mission as a business media company.

instagram marketing motivational foundr

User-Generated Content

Similar to employee reposts, user-generated content (UGC) is curated content from your fans and followers. Your tagged posts and posts with your brand hashtag are a great source for UGC.

Sharing your fans’ and followers’ photos not only make the original poster feel good, but it also shows that you truly care about your customers. Just be sure to credit the original post with a tag or in the caption. To repost user-generated content, screenshot and crop the original post or use a reposting app like Repost for Instagram .

Example: WeWork conducts an annual #DogsOfWeWork campaign and compiles the best submissions together into a yearly calendar. Although WeWork doesn’t repost every tagged image, their campaign helps create invaluable reach and engagement.

instagram marketing user generated content wework

Newsjacking (Trending Holiday Posts)

It seems like there’s a “holiday” for everything these days. Events like National Sibling Day and National Ice Cream Day generate a ton of engagement on social media. Join in the fun by participating in a local, national, or world trend. A newsjacking post is a great way to post humorous content that relates to light-hearted events.

Example: Corridor Brewing celebrated the Cubs' Opening Day. Through this post, the American restaurant chain tapped into a popular American pastime.

instagram marketing corridor brewing newsjacking post

30 Days of Instagram [Free Plan & Templates]

Capturing and Editing Instagram Photos

Now that we’ve explored what you can post on Instagram, let’s review some ways to make sure your content is successful. Unlike other social media platforms, Instagram’s simple profile layout forces you to focus on the quality of content … not the quantity.

While this is great for engagement, it also means that you can’t hide mediocre content. Do your very best to use high-resolution images on your Instagram feed.

Square images should be 1080 x 1080px. Landscape images should be 1080 x 566px, and profile images should be 1350 x 1080px. Regardless of what size you upload, every image will be shown as a square in your profile feed.

How to Take a Great Photo With Your Smartphone

You might be thinking How am I supposed to capture the perfect, high-quality shot without a high-quality camera ? No worries! Phone camera technology has become so advanced that it now rivals thousand-dollar cameras.

Amazing photography is no longer limited to those with professional cameras. You (yes, you!) can take eye-catching photos your audience will love using a tool you already have in your hands. Here are some tips to drive follower growth and Instagram engagement.

1. Follow the rule of thirds.

To instantly improve your photo composition, turn on your camera grid lines. Aim to place your subject at the intersection of one set of vertical and horizontal lines. This technique, known as the rule of thirds, is popular among painters, illustrators, and photographers.

Placing your subject off-center creates a slight imbalance that catches your viewer’s eye. To turn on your grid lines (on an iPhone), go to Settings > Photos & Camera and switch Grid to on.

instagram marketing rule of thirds

2. Focus on a single subject.

instagram marketing focus on single subject

3. Take advantage of negative space.

Negative space is the empty space around your subject. Leaving negative space around your subject will draw attention to the desired focus of your image and prevent it from looking crowded.

instagram marketing negative space

4. Look for interesting perspectives.

People are used to seeing the world from eye level. To create interesting and fresh photos, use shots from different perspectives. Change up your shooting perspective to capture a bird’s eye view or worm’s eye view. Experiment with different angles to find new perspectives on common sights.

instagram marketing interesting perspectives

5. Leverage symmetry and patterns.

The human eye is naturally drawn to symmetrical shapes and objects. Sometimes, it’s best to break the rule of thirds and center the scene in your frame. Leading lines are another more specific form of symmetry that pulls the eye into the photo. People are also drawn to patterns. A pattern could be man-made, such as a tiled floor, or natural, such as petals on a flower or vines on a wall. To make things really interesting, break up the pattern with your subject.

instagram marketing symmetry and patterns

6. Use natural light.

Standard overhead lighting creates harsh shadows and highlights that create unwanted dark and light areas in your photos. To prevent this from happening, use soft natural light wherever possible. Try taking photos next to a window, and for outdoor shots, the half-hour just before sunset and after sunrise often offers the most striking lighting as the sun is low on the horizon.

instagram marketing natural light

How to Add Filters and Edit Photos

Ever wonder why some photos just look so good? It probably has to do with how it’s edited. Editing photos only takes a few minutes and can massively impact the quality. Thanks to Instagram’s built-in tools and filters, editing photos is very simple. Follow these tips to make that photo of your homemade lunch look like a culinary masterpiece.

First, start with a great photo (using our tips above). No amount of editing can fix photos if they have poor composition or lighting.

Consider using other apps to edit your photo. Facetune 2 is a free editing app that allows you to apply effects like HDR and tonal contrast as well as adjust brightness, contrast, and saturation. VSCO is also another popular editing app with numerous free filters that resemble popular film stocks.

Step 1: Upload your photo and choose a filter.

When you upload your edited photo to Instagram, it’ll automatically crop your photo into a square. To change it back to the original width, press the icon with the two outward-facing arrows. At this stage, you can add additional Instagram filters — but don’t go too crazy. Each Instagram filter has its own personality that can drastically change a photo.

instagram marketing photo sizing

Step 2: Next, try adjusting your photo lux.

According to Instagram , “Lux balances the exposure and provides much-needed brightness” to photos. Lux make can make your image more vibrant and bring out details. To do this, press the wand icon at the top of the screen and adjust the level.

instagram marketing lux

Step 3: Make any final tweaks using Instagram’s editing tools.

Press Edit to adjust your photo’s alignment, brightness, contrast, structure, and more. Press Next when you’re done to add final details and publish.

instagram marketing edit photo

Instagram also lets you upload videos — as long as they’re a minute or less in length.

You can download professionally edited videos from your computer or videos you’ve edited in a mobile app. Splice is a free editing tool (from the same guys that made GoPro) that allows you to cut together multiple clips and add transitions, titles, and music.

Instagram videos default to playing without sound. Because of this, make sure at least the first few seconds of your videos don’t need sound to be understood. You can use your caption or prompt viewers to turn on the sound.

Open your Instagram and tap the camera icon in the top left-hand corner of the home screen. This is the in-app camera. You can also access this by swiping right on the screen.

Notice the settings on the bottom. The Normal setting, to which the camera defaults, takes still photos. You’ll see that the first setting to the right is Boomerang , which takes three-second, looping videos that play forward and backward. (We’ll cover the other settings later in this guide.)

Boomerangs allow you to put a quirky spin on traditional video. Boomerangs created using a burst of photos and stitching them together for a short, repetitive video. These kinds of posts are fun for circumstances like jumping, toasting glasses, or high-fiving.

You can also download Instagram’s Boomerang app to have a separate place to capture boomerang videos.

Do you have a video that’s too long for Instagram? Check out Hyperlapse from Instagram , which allows you to condense lengthy videos into shorter, post-able content.

It creates smooth, time-lapse videos with built-in stabilization. To create your own Hyperlapse videos, download the app and give it to access your camera. Tap the circle once to stop and start your recordings. Once you’re done recording, you can choose a playback speed between 1x and 12x. Save the final Hyperlapse video to your camera roll to upload later.

Instagram Reels

A direct competitor of the viral sensation TikTok, Reels is one of the newest Instagram features. Users can create fun, captivating 15 or 30-second loops of content for nearly any purpose. Quick tutorials, dance challenges, and informational videos all find a place in Reels.

Reels have their own explore page filled with content created using this feature. Regular videos, images, stories, and IG TV posts won’t show up here, so your business could have a great opportunity to see engagement from your audience with this content type.

How to Post to Instagram Reels

Step 1: open the reels feature..

Tap the plus icon at the top of the home screen. Then, tap Reels at the bottom right of the screen.

how to open the instagram reels feature

Step 2: Adjust your settings. 

There are five customizable settings you can configure before recording your Reel.

Select either a 15 or 30-second Reel .

How to add music to an instagram reel

Choose music from your favorite artists and genres by searching the song or composer in the search bar .

presentation of instagram

Create a slow-mo or sped-up version of your Reel by selecting a slower or faster pace for the recording.

how to change the speed of an instagram reel

Apply any filters or effects to your Reel recording.

how to add effects to an instagram reel

Set a timer to self-record a Reel. The feature will give a three or ten-second countdown before the Reel recording begins. 

presentation of instagram

Step 3: Record your Reel. 

Record your first clip of the Reel by tapping the clapperboard icon in the middle of the screen. You only need to tap this button once for the camera to begin recording. Tap the button again to pause the recording and switch to a new scene. To view how much time is left available to record in the Reel, check the progress bar at the top of the screen.

Step 4. Finalize the Reel. 

Tap the right arrow on the right side of the clapperboard icon to review your Reel. After reviewing it, you can go back to edit it by selecting the arrow in the top left corner . If you’re satisfied with your Reel, select Share To at the bottom right of the screen.

How to finalize an instagram reel

Step 5: Share your Reel.

Create a caption for your Reel and decide where to share it. The sharing options include:

  • Share to Reels
  • Share to Feed

Share to Reels.

Here, your Reel will appear publicly on the dedicated Reels page. You can also toggle the Also Share to Feed button on to share the Reel to your feed. Tag people, crop the profile image for the Reel, or include a business partner with additional settings. If you’re not ready to post the Reel yet, save it as a draft to publish later.

how to share an instagram reel to a story or news feed

Share to Stories. 

Here, you can share your Reel directly to your story, your close friends, or individual people you follow.

how to share an instagram reel to a story

Instagram Stories

Instagram Stories allow users to post at a higher frequency without overposting and clogging up their main feed. Stories usually feature less-polished, more organic images and videos. Like Snapchat Stories, your Instagram Story disappears after 24 hours.

Stories are all about authenticity. While your Instagram feed should feature polished photos, Stories can be a little more experimental. Use the feature to give a behind-the-scenes look at your brand or showcase your company culture. Do you have a dog-friendly office? Share photos and videos of the dogs in your Story. Stories are also a helpful tool to showcase live events your business hosts or attends, as this feature is much more time-sensitive.

How to Post to Your Instagram Story

Instagram offers three options for posting to your Story. You can tap the camera in the upper left corner, tap Your Story above your feed, or just swipe right to access the camera.

Your camera will default to Normal , but let’s review the other camera settings that we didn’t cover above.

  • Type: Creates a text post
  • Music: Pairs a music clip of your choice to an image or video
  • Live: Captures and publishes live content to your Instagram for your followers to watch
  • Superzoom: Adds an animated zoom to a video
  • Focus: Focuses on a subject and blurs the background
  • Hands-Free: This allows you to capture video without having to hold the record button

Like your typical phone camera, the thunderbolt icon controls the flash and the arrow icon switches the camera view between front and forward-facing. Instagram has recently added filters (like on Snapchat) that you can access by tapping the smiling face next to the arrow icon.

Step 1: Upload your photo and add a filter.

Stories make it easy to add personality to your content! Swipe to the left or right to access the filters. Select the pen icon to choose a color and add a doodle.

instagram marketing story pen

Step 2: Press the Aa icon to add text with your keyboard.

The smile icon allows you to add a location, GIF, music, poll, and many more fun features.

Instagram also allows you to tag another account in your Story, which is a great way to connect with other businesses and your followers. To tag someone, type the @ symbol followed by the username you’d like to mention. This makes the tag clickable so that viewers can visit the tagging profile. You’ll receive a notification if you’ve been mentioned in someone’s story.

Step 3: Publish your story.

When you’re ready to publish, press the Your Story icon or save it to your camera roll to publish later. You can also tap Send To to add to your Story as well as send directly to other users. Stories appear at the top of the Instagram feed and through your profile picture. To see who viewed your content, swipe up when viewing your Story.

instagram marketing story post

Instagram Stories are very similar to Snapchat — yes, Snapchat has facial recognition and Lenses (or filters). But, Instagram’s active user base combined with its search capabilities provide a great opportunity for businesses to be discovered. So if you’re wondering if your business should use Stories, the answer is “yes”.

How to Add Instagram Story Highlights

Instagram Story Highlights are Instagram Stories that have been preserved past their 24-hour limit and posted to an Instagram profile. You can find them in the small circles under an Instagram bio. Story Highlights are a fantastic way to showcase your best stories and post them semi-permanently to your account for your followers to see. They're also useful ways to showcase products, services, promotions, and more as your Highlights can include links to external sites.

Instagram Story Highlights can also serve as a menu of sorts. Many Instagram businesses use Story Highlights to post their business hours, current promotions or sales, team member or shop location information, behind-the-scenes video, and more. Because Story Highlights are located at the top of an Instagram profile, they're almost an extension of your bio. Instagram also allows you to add Highlight Covers (at 2000 x 2000 px and an aspect ratio of 1:1) to illustrate your Story Highlights and keep your profile on-brand.

instagram marketing story highlight covers

There are multiple ways to add Instagram Story Highlights. It's important to note, however, that you can't add images or video directly to your Story Highlights. Your Story Highlights need to be a previously posted (or currently live) or Instagram Story before you can pin it to a Highlight (or create a new Highlight).

One way to create and/or post to a Story Highlight is with a current Instagram Story.

Add an Instagram Highlight from Story

Step 1: open your current instagram story and click the heart icon labeled highlight ..

At this point, Instagram will ask you which Highlight you'd like to pin the Story to, or it will ask you to create a Highlight if you don't have any yet.

instagram marketing story highlight

Step 2: Edit the Highlight.

Once you add the Story to an existing Highlight (or use it to create a new one), you'll see the Highlight show up on your Instagram profile, below your Instagram bio. Once posted, Story Highlights can be edited to change the cover image, pick a new name, remove posts, or even add new ones from your Story Archive (which we'll talk about next). To edit a Highlight, click the three dots at the bottom of a Story Highlight and tap Edit Highlight .

instagram marketing edit highlight

Add an Instagram Highlight from Archive

You can also create or add to Story Highlights from your Archive, which is where your Instagram Stories are saved after their 24-hour limit expires.

Step 1: Access the archive.

You can access your Archive by tapping the three lines in the top right corner of your profile and clicking Archive . Your Archive also includes posts that you've removed from your Instagram profile; to toggle between Posts and Stories , tap Archive in the top bar for the drop-down menu.

instagram marketing archive

Step 2: Add the highlight.

From your Archive, you can choose old Instagram Stories to add to Story Highlights. Simply open an archived Story, click Highlight at the bottom menu, and choose which Highlight to add it to.

Highlights are useful ways to engage your audience by making temporary content permanent on your profile. Story Highlights are also close to your Instagram bio, making them noticeable parts of your Instagram profile. Use your Story Highlights to engage, inform, and delight your Instagram audience — much like HubSpot does.

instagram marketing story highlight hubspot

Instagram Live

As we talked about above, Instagram has a live video option that allows you to share content real-time. To start a live video stream, open the Instagram camera, swipe to the Live setting, and click the button to Start Live Video .

Once you start the live video, any followers currently on the app will receive a notification that you’re live. Live viewers can also comment on the live video using the built-in chat feature. Live video should be used sparingly to showcase exciting, real-time content or engaging moments like Q&As or reveals.

instagram marketing instagram live

Instagram TV, or IGTV , is Instagram’s newest video offering. Available to watch through the Instagram app or the standalone IGTV app , users can view long-form, vertical video from Instagram creators. Think: Cooking videos, interviews with celebrities, product reviews, and tutorials ... this is the content you’ll typically find on IGTV.

What's the difference between Instagram Live and IGTV? IGTV is uploaded footage, which gives users the opportunity to edit and fine-tune their video. Instagram Live is filmed and uploaded live .

To begin posting, download the IGTV app, create a channel, and upload a video between 15 seconds and 10 minutes in length. Verified accounts can run videos up to an hour long. At this time, IGTV videos can only be viewed on mobile devices using the Instagram or IGTV app — the platform does not support desktop viewing.

instagram marketing instagram live

How to Use Instagram for Business

Learn how to get followers, build your audience, set goals, and measure success.

presentation of instagram

How to Use Social Media in Every Stage of the Funnel

Use social media to attract, convert, close, and delight your customers.

Copy of LinkedIn - Laptop - 1104 x 736-2

How to Advertise on Instagram

Learn how to run Instagram ads, define goals, moderate engagement, and measure success.

How to Write Instagram Captions

One picture may be worth a thousand words, but there’s something to be said about the context words bring.

Writing remarkable captions can be tough, and that’s why we’ve come up with some tips to relieve some of that pressure.

1. Don’t rush the process.

Write several drafts and ask your friends or co-workers for their opinion. Yes, your content should be timely, but it should also be engaging. Instagram recently changed its algorithm to organize each user’s feed to show what they’ll likely find engaging. The visibility of each post will depend on the number of likes and comments it receives. Take the time to create content that will delight and engage your customers.

2. Consider the caption length.

Your captions can be up to 2,200 characters. (For comparison, Twitter allows 140.) Regardless of length, users can only see the first 3 to 4 lines of each caption. They have to click More… to see the rest. Because of this, place the most important content at the beginning of the caption so it’s always visible.

That being said, don’t shy away from long captions. In fact, Instagram can be a great storytelling medium. For example, Humans of New York writes longer captions with quotes from the people they photograph.

instagram marketing writing captions consider length

3. Engage, engage, and engage some more.

Always include a call-to-action in your caption. Encourage your audience to like, comment on, and share your photo.

You can also use your caption to direct people to your bio link, where they can check out a new product or blog post. Just remember to change the link so it corresponds with your most recent post. Tip: Use shortened tracking links in your URL so you can see how much traffic came from your Instagram account or a specific post.

Include a geotag. Adding a geotag gives users another way to find your content, which can lead to higher engagement.

4. Find your Instagram voice.

Every social platform has a distinct voice. What works Twitter may not work on Instagram. On Instagram, posts with a lighthearted, authentic tone tend to perform the best. Experiment with emojis and other fun tools to give your brand a distinct feel. Don’t expect to get it right the first time — it can take a while to develop your brand’s voice.

If you’re ever in doubt about what to write, keep it short. There’s little correlation between caption length and engagement , but short captions allow your visuals do the talking.

How to Use Hashtags on Instagram

Hashtags have taken over the internet. Hashtags refer to keywords or keyword phrases that are spelled without spaces and prefaced with a pound (#) sign. They are generally used to reference events, conferences, pop culture, entertainment, or reoccurring themes and are a great way to make your content more visible.

Originally popularized by Twitter, hashtags are now on multiple social networks.

Using Hashtags on Instagram

Instagram feeds are always changing, which makes sense considering that 95 million photos are shared everyday . With that much content, it can be difficult for your account to get noticed. That’s where hashtags come in handy.

On Instagram, hashtags aggregate posts from a wide variety of users into a single feed … although only public accounts can be shown when searching hashtags.

Instagram makes it simple and easy for users to find tagged content. When you search a word or phrase, the search results page shows you four parts:

  • Top, which displays the top Instagram accounts, hashtags, and locations that include your keyword (typically accounts that are popular or that you're following)
  • Accounts, which shows you the top Instagram accounts that include your keyword
  • Tags, which suggests popular hashtags that include your keyword and how many other Instagram posts have been shared with that hashtag
  • Places, which displays nearby locations that include your keyword

For example, if you’re planning on tagging your post with #coffee, you may want to tag related hashtags like #coffeebar, #coffeeholic, or #coffeehouse to broaden your post reach.

instagram marketing hashtags coffee

Using hashtags is easy! Simply create hashtags using characters, numbers, or emojis; you can add up to thirty to the caption. Just remember — your account must be public for your posts to appear on hashtag feeds.

Choosing an Instagram Hashtag

How do you choose which hashtags are best for each post? Our best answer is by brainstorming related keywords and researching relevant trends, which is actually easiest within Instagram itself.

Start in the Explore tab (the magnifying glass icon on the bottom menu). There, you’ll find popular posts and see what hashtags were used.

If you already have a hashtag in mind, you can also use this page to find popular, related hashtags. Just type the hashtag in the search bar, and filter your results by Tags to see how many posts have used that hashtag as well as other related hashtags.

instagram marketing

Try to blend general, trending hashtags and specific hashtags to increase your post reach and relevance. Also, consider creating your own branded hashtag .

Many businesses use their own hashtags to roll out a new product, manage an Instagram campaign, promote an event, and collect user-generated content. If you’d like to do this for your business, make sure yours isn’t being used for another purpose … and then encourage your audience to use it!

instagram marketing instagram hashtags

Formatting an Instagram Hashtag

Now, let’s discuss how to incorporate hashtags in your content.

First and foremost, don’t be spammy. Hashtags should be natural in your caption. Aim to use one to four hashtags to avoid overwhelming your audience and making your captions hard to read.

If your hashtags don’t naturally blend into your caption, tack them onto the end or even in the first comment. They’ll work the same no matter where they’re placed.

How to Create Videos for Social Media

Instagram Hacks and Best Practices

Let’s explore a few little-known Instagram hacks to make the most of the platform. We recommend downloading the latest version of the app to follow along.

1. Post to Instagram at the best times.

Instagram users are active at all times of the day. However, there are a handful of optimal times to post on Instagram . For peak engagement, the best times to post on Instagram across industries are 1 p.m, and 5 p.m. This is for the time zone of your target audience. Many users tend to engage with more content during off-work hours on weekdays.

2. Link Instagram to your Facebook page.

One thing that makes Instagram unique is that you can share your content seamlessly across other social networks.

We don’t recommend automatically linking to your other social platforms like Twitter and Facebook; what works on Instagram won’t always yield the same results on other channels, especially as you get up and running. For this reason, tailor your content to each platform.

However, linking your Instagram to your other social accounts like Facebook does increase the number of eyes on your posts. Remember, your Facebook Page will already be linked to your Instagram if you set up an Instagram business profile.

If you do decide to do this, go to your Instagram settings and click Linked Accounts under Privacy and Security . Log into Facebook and pick the Facebook Business Page to which you’d like to link. Next, under the Share Settings menu, the Facebook logo should be blue to indicate that sharing is on.

3. See posts you’ve liked.

You can see all the posts you’ve Liked in your Instagram settings menu. (Remember, tap the three lines in the top right corner of your profile and click Settings at the bottom.) From there, click Account Posts You've Liked.

instagram marketing settings posts you've liked

4. Reorder Instagram filters.

To maximize productivity, Instagram lets you reorder filters to position the ones you use most often at the beginning. To reorder or hide filters, open the Instagram editor. Scroll to the far right and click the Manage gear icon. Hold down the three gray lines to reorder the filters, or uncheck to hide it.

instagram marketing reorder filters

5. Hide posts you’ve been tagged in.

If someone tags you in a post, it’ll show up when you click the person icon in the menu under your Instagram bio. Your followers can see this, too.

You can hide a tagged post in two ways. One way is through each individual picture. Open a photo you want to hide and click the three dots in the top right corner. Click Photo Options , and from there you can select Remove Me From Post (remove the tag and hide altogether) or Hide from My Profile (leave tag but hide on profile).

instagram marketing photo options

If you don’t want to have to continually check and remove tagged posts, you can manually choose just to include the ones you do like. To do this, go to Settings Privacy Tags and turn off the Add Automatically option. Moving forward, you’ll be notified when someone tags you in a photo. When that happens, tap on the photo you were tagged in and choose Show on Profile .

From this screen, you can manually hide multiple photos and videos from your profile, too.

instagram marketing settings tags

6. Save photos and build collections.

There’s lots of incredible content on Instagram. Maybe you’ve seen content by competitors that you want to emulate, or maybe you’ve found some user-generated content you’d like to repost. How can you save this content to access later? Well, Instagram makes it easy — through Saved content.

On your Instagram feed, you can like, comment, and message posts. You can also save them, using the ribbon icon in the right corner. When you tap it, you’ll see Save to Collection pop up along the bottom of the post. If the image or video you’ve saved falls into a collection, such as UGC content or inspiration, you can create a collection for that content.

instagram marketing save to collection

Access your Saved content through your profile. Tap the three horizontal lines in the top right-hand corner and click Saved in the list. Under All , you’ll see all your saved content in chronological order. Under Collections , you’ll find that content organized into Collections.

instagram marketing saved

7. Leverage user-generated content.

Keeping up with your Instagram can be a lot of work, especially if you're managing multiple social networks at a time. As I mentioned at the beginning of this guide, in order for you to find success on Instagram you must be prepared to post content and engage regularly. If this sounds intimidating, don't fret; I've found the perfect solution for both — user-generated content .

User-generated content (UGC) is content featuring your brand or product that your customers, users, and followers post on their networks. UGC is a fantastic example of word-of-mouth marketing and helps drive brand awareness and conversions. Better yet? You can use that content for your own networks.

There are a few different ways to use UGC. Some brands share a branded hashtag and ask their customers to use it when posting about their products. The company then follows that hashtag to discover new content and asks the person permission to share their image. Other brands run specific UGC campaigns and contests to gather a lot of UGC at once and "flood" follower timelines with brand-specific content.

UGC campaigns don't have to happen on social media, either. My favorite example of UGC by the pet product brand, Chewy. We all know how much pets love boxes, and so do the folks at Chewy. They encourage customers to post pictures of their pets in Chewy boxes (seriously — it says it right there on the box!), and Chewy shares them on its social media. Not only does this provide the Chewy social media team with endless new content, but it shows potential customers real photos of real customers and their cute pets.

chewy boxes ugc campaign

8. Feature guest takeovers.

Your social media manager or management team deserves a break now and then! Consider featuring guest "managers" or employee takeovers on your Instagram. This strategy allows you to mix up your content and provide your followers with a behind-the-scenes look at what it's like to work for your company. (Or, if you feature customers, what it's like to buy from your company.)

The HubSpotLife Instagram does this with HubSpot employees around the world. Each employee takes over for a day and showcases their workspace, hobbies, and other parts of their life.

hubspot life instagram takeover

9. Make your Instagram an interactive space.

While likes and comments are important parts of Instagram engagement, there are other ways to turn your Instagram feed into a space to interact with your followers. Consider these tips:

  • Conduct a weekly or monthly "ask me anything" (AMA) with employees or executives where followers can leave questions in the comments.
  • Post a daily countdown to a product release or event (like INBOUND ).
  • Run a contest that asks followers to comment and/or share your posts in their Instagram Stories as entry methods.
  • Post information about your products and ask for feedback and reviews in the comments.

These are all strategies for making your Instagram a more interactive, conversational space.

Instagram Analytics

Instagram doesn't have a built-in, in-depth analytics platform like Facebook … yet.

When you switch to a Business Account, you do gain access to some limited analytics, such as follower growth, impressions, reach, and engagement. Access these by clicking on the View Insights option below your uploaded images and videos.

You can also track Instagram impressions, spend, and engagement on ad campaigns through Facebook’s Ad Manager. While helpful, these metrics are limited to individual posts and campaigns.

You can access more in-depth Instagram metrics using third-party apps. Iconosquare and Sprout Social allow you to track additional metrics such as followers and engagement over time, optimal post time based on previous posts, and performance compared to selected competitors. Although both platforms require you to pay to use them, you can start with a free trial to see if their analytics offerings are right for you.

The individual metrics you track on Instagram will vary depending on your goals, but you should always keep an eye on engagement (likes and comments) and your number of followers over time. If you’re posting valuable content, your account will steadily gain followers and engagement.

Whether or not you have the budget for more in-depth analytics tools, track these basic metrics to make sure your account is growing and performing well.

For a full list of free Instagram analytics tools, check out our blog post here .

Social Media Strategy Kit

Getting Started With Instagram Advertising

Let’s discuss Instagram advertising . Instagram advertising offers a unique opportunity for brands to engage with their audience. Since Instagram ads appear in feeds like any other post, they aren’t as obvious or disruptive as typical ads. They provide a natural way to encourage users to learn more about your business or product.

How Create an Instagram Ad

If you’ve ever set up a Facebook ad, you know the drill — setting up Instagram ads is done through Facebook’s ad platform.

To create your ad, select a current Instagram post you’d like to boost or create a new one in Facebook Ad Manager. If you haven’t run ads through Facebook before, you’ll first need to set up an account. You’ll also need to claim your Instagram Business account to link it to your Facebook page.

instagram marketing how to create an instagram ad

To claim your Instagram account, go to your Business Manager and, on the left side of the page, hover over the menu to click Instagram Accounts . Then click on Claim Instagram Account . Add your account information and click Next .

instagram marketing facebook instagram ads

Pick an objective and name your campaign. While Facebook offers many different choices, only a few include Instagram advertising as an option. To ensure you’re on the right track, pick from any of the following options:

  • Brand Awareness
  • App Installs
  • Video Views
  • Conversions

instagram marketing facebook instagram ads marketing objective

Once you’ve selected your objective, you’ll be prompted to name your ad set.

instagram marketing instagram ad set name

If you select the Traffic option, you’ll be prompted to select a destination for your traffic. Facebook lets you pick between a website and an application.

Next, target your ad with demographic and psychographic factors, such as age, gender, location, language, work, financial status, behaviors, and connections. You can also load previously-used custom audiences.

instagram marketing instagram ad audience

Select Edit Placements under the placements options and select Instagram under the available platforms. Don’t forget this step! Otherwise, your ad will only show up on Facebook. If you only want to run your ad on Instagram, make sure that no other placements are selected.

instagram marketing instagram ad placement

After you select Instagram as your placement, you’ll be asked to set the budget and schedule for your ad. Set a daily spend budget or a lifetime budget for the ad and indicate start and end dates for your campaign.

If you don’t set dates or a lifetime budget, your ad will run indefinitely on the daily budget you allocate. You can find more budget and scheduling options under the Advanced Options menu, which allows you to schedule your ad to run during certain hours of the day or set your ad to generate results as quickly as possible using the “Accelerated” delivery type. This option is useful for ads focused around timely events.

instagram marketing instagram ad budget and schedule

Next, set up your ad content. You can boost an existing post or upload new content to run as your ad. Instagram allows you to create Single Image or Video Ads, Carousel Ads, and Story Ads.

To maximize ad delivery, Facebook recommends using images that are 1,200 x 628 for news feed ads and 1,080 x 1920 for story ads. Facebook also recommends limiting your text on the image or video thumbnail.

Once your ad creative is uploaded, place your order and start running your first Instagram ad campaign!

How much should you spend on Instagram ads?

How much you invest in Instagram advertising campaigns should be tied to your campaign goal.

If you’re trying to gather more leads, consider the cost-per-lead and how that compares to other channels and your customer lifetime value (CLV). (For example, if your CLV is $3000, then it might be worth spending $500 on a campaign. These are just arbitrary numbers, but you get the gist.)

This is different for every business and industry. It also applies to other goals like increased website clicks and sales.

No matter your goal, it’s important to monitor and optimize your Instagram ads to make the most of your budget.

Instagram Marketing Helps You Grow Better

With one billion monthly active users, there’s no denying Instagram’s power and reach. What was once a simple photo-sharing app has transformed into an immersive social experience that allows users to explore a company’s visual identity.

Instagram users value high-quality content. Create visuals that provide your audience with interesting information or showcase your brand in a new, unique way. Optimize your content by writing entertaining captions that engage.

Creating and maintaining a platform that captures your brand’s visual identity may seem intimidating, but Instagram makes it fun and easy. Follow our guide and get inspired to make the most out of your Instagram marketing strategy.

Editor's note: This post was originally published in April 2017 and has been updated for comprehensiveness.


Allie Decker

Read more about instagram marketing on hubspot's blog.

Instagram Marketing Strategy Guide: Tips for 2024

Instagram marketing is competitive, but not impossible. Follow this guide and try our top strategies to succeed in 2024 and beyond.

cover image

Table of Contents

With over 2 billion monthly active users, Instagram is both the O.G. and trendsetter of social media marketing.

It’s not just a place for friends to trade vacation pics. Instagram has shaped social commerce, the creator economy, and how brands use social media for over a decade.

But forget about the big picture: How can you use Instagram marketing to grow your business in 2023? Do you need Instagram ads (or, worse, dancing Reels) for your brand to be successful? Are Instagram’s shopping tools a fun perk or an absolute necessity?

Find out how to use Instagram to grow your business online, no matter your industry or goals.

Bonus: Claim your free pack of 15 creative Instagram post templates made by Hootsuite’s professional graphic designers. Easily customize them in Canva, and start getting more engagement today.

What is Instagram marketing?

Instagram marketing is the practice of using Instagram to grow your brand awareness, audience, leads, and sales. As the most-used social media platform for people ages 16-34 , Instagram is a highly effective marketing platform for brands, entrepreneurs, and creators.

Instagram marketing strategies include:

  • Organic content . Photo, video, or carousel posts, Reels, Stories
  • Paid content . Instagram ads, including Stories ads, Shopping ads, and more
  • Influencer marketing .
  • Shopping tools . Shop tab, Product tags and catalogs, Live shopping, Instagram Checkout, Shopping ads

Why market on Instagram?

Instagram has more than 2 billion active monthly users , making it the world’s third-most-used social media platform . If you run a business of any kind, your customers (present and future!) are absolutely on the app.

People also love using Instagram. In a survey about preferred social platforms, Instagram came in hot as the number two overall pick . No wonder Instagram users spend an average of 12 hours a month on the app .

And guess what they’re doing there? Looking for things to buy.

That’s right: 44% of Instagram users use the app to shop on a weekly basis, and 62.4% of social users use Insta to follow or research brands, products, or services.

Some users even go beyond just commercial interactions: 2 out of 3 active users say Instagram allows them to build meaningful relationships with brands.

So get out there! Make some new bffs… in the name of business! (Want more intriguing Instagram statistics? Here’s our extensive list .)

How to set up Instagram for marketing

Creating a professional Instagram account doesn’t just lend your brand an air of legitimacy—it gives you access to important business tools like analytics (called Insights) and advertising options. Here are step-by-step instructions on how to change your Instagram profile to a business profile.

1. Head to your Instagram profile page and hit the hamburger menu in the top right corner.

2. Tap Settings and privacy .

Settings and privacy tab on Instagram

3. Scroll down to Account type and tools .

Account type and tools for professionals

4. Tap Switch to professional account .

5. Choose Continue and continue through the prompts

6. Choose the category that best describes you or your brand. Depending on your category type, you may be prompted to clarify if you’re a Creator or a Business . Both types of accounts have access to analytics and advertising tools, so choose whichever suits you best. Tap Next .

category that best describes Instagram account with suggestions such as comedy club artist and blogger

7. Review your contact information and update it as required.

review and update contact information

How to create an Instagram marketing strategy

Sure, some Instagram accounts thrive thanks to pure luck. But for the most part, brands with active Instagram followings and high engagement have executed some time-tested processes and techniques.

Follow these steps to create a winning Instagram marketing strategy for your own Instagram business account.

Understand your audience

If you don’t know who’s reading your posts, it will be hard to create engaging content. A strong Instagram marketing strategy starts with a deep understanding of your target market.

Where do they live? How old are they? Where do they like to hang out online? What kind of hashtags or online communities are they a part of? Look at your analytics and data from your offline marketing efforts, too, to determine who you’re talking to.

Top city location and age range of followers

These insights will help your team decide on appropriate content, a strong editorial voice and campaigns that will resonate. Just think about it: your Instagram presence will be very different if your followers are teen boys from India or suburban grandmas from Canada.

Learn more about defining your social media target market here.

Make the best Instagram profile possible

Think of your Instagram profile as your digital business card. It’s your first impression, so you’d better do it right.

Like a business card, there’s limited space to share what you need to share, so make sure you have a snappy bio packed with as many SEO keywords as possible.

Or, take a page out of this wine club’s book and get playful with the emojis. (Maybe you want to take advantage of Instagram Story highlights to showcase some past content, too.)

Vin Van Wine Bar Instagram profile with playful bio and highlights

It’s also best practice to make sure all your contact details are filled out and your URL is working. You’ll also want a high-res professional profile image that aligns with your business’ branding.

For more tips on making the best Instagram profile possible, here’s our deep dive into optimizing your social media profiles .

Align your social strategy with your business goals

Before you start posting up a storm, take a beat to make sure your social plan serves your bigger business goals.

Optical company Warby Parker, for example, regularly posts non-glasses-related content—for instance, a meme about soup. We’d take a good guess this sort of content is part of the company’s broader business goal to make the brand seem fun, approachable, relatable and human. (Or maybe they’re about to pivot into DTC soup; we’re speculating here.)

View this post on Instagram A post shared by Warby Parker (@warbyparker)

So, if you’re all about creating brand awareness, make a social plan that is focused on exposure and reach. Or, if you’re hoping to build your database of leads this year, your social strategy should be built around driving traffic into your sales funnel . In other words, there should be a reason behind everything you do.

In case it’s helpful, here’s a primer on how to set social media goals that make sense for your business needs .

Create a content calendar

What’s the best way to plan and organize your content? A content calendar.

As fun as off-the-cuff posts can be, it’s a lot of pressure to find that perfect moment every day that also happens to align perfectly with your business goals. Instead, brainstorm content pillars and plot out your social content in advance.

By carving out dedicated time to plan and prep in advance, you’ll be more efficient (and definitely less prone to typos.) Learn more about creating a social media content calendar here.

Schedule your posts in advance

With a scheduling tool (like Hootsuite, ahem), you can batch-prep a week or month’s worth of posts when you’re in the creative zone for maximum impact.

Hootsuite Planner content calendar

Scheduling your Instagram posts is also a great way to make sure you’re posting when your audience is most likely to be online . (Hot tip: Hootsuite will actually analyze your past posts and suggest unique-to-you times and dates for maximum engagement. What a sweetie.)

Start your free Hootsuite trial today

You can even schedule Instagram Stories, too!

Never miss a mention (or keep an eye on the competition)

Instagram marketing isn’t just about what you’re putting out into the world. It’s about being responsive and receptive to the people who are talking to and about you, too.

Hootsuite hashtag mentions on Instagram

Social listening is a key component of a strong Instagram marketing strategy. With Hootsuite Streams, you can track mentions, keywords and search terms most applicable to your business.

Want a running feed of industry news? Looking to catch all those Tweets that misspell your business name? Custom search streams will make sure you never miss an opportunity to react.

Get familiar with the algorithm(s)

Instagram’s algorithms control what winds up in people’s feeds, what makes the cut on the Explore page, and what winds up languishing in Instagram purgatory. If you wanna succeed on the platform, you better study up.

Put simply, Instagram’s algorithms look at information about content (Reels, feed posts, and Stories) and information about users (interests and behavior on the platform) to serve the right content to the right people.

Each algorithm considers information about the post (like relevance and popularity), the person who posted, your history of interaction with them, and your activity across the platform.

Want to learn more about best practices for mastering Instagram’s algorithms? We’ve got posts on Instagram’s primary algorithm as well as the ones that govern Reels and the Explore Page .

Experiment with different formats

While Instagram started as a simple photo-sharing app in 2010, the platform is a very different beast in 2023. Instagram now offers a variety of formats to explore.

You can cultivate the perfect Instagram grid on your main feed and share photos, videos or even carousels of pictures .

View this post on Instagram A post shared by Native Shoes (@nativeshoes)

Instagram Stories have a prime, top-of-the-feed position, capture millions of views daily…and disappear after 24 hours.

Native Shoes meet up with founder Tom Claypool

Instagram Reels , meanwhile, are a chance to play with short-form video .

Most businesses try a mix of these different content styles. What’s best for your unique needs? Well, there’s only one way to know what works best for your audience: get postin’, kid.

Try out a livestream

Instagram’s livestream feature offers a unique (and extremely engaging) opportunity to broadcast live to your followers.

Whether you’re giving a behind-the-scenes tour, sharing an exciting product update, taking questions from your audience, interviewing a brand ambassador, or even selling your wonderful wares, Instagram live streams are a thrill to audiences—a chance for an intimate interaction with the brands they love. (And you can repost that Live content to your feed later, too.)

View this post on Instagram A post shared by Western Living (@westernliving)

Here’s everything you need to know about going live on social.

Set up an Instagram Shop

Rather than directing customers from your account to your website, Instagram Shopping allows them to select and purchase products easily from the Instagram app.

An Instagram Shop is a brand’s customizable digital storefront. It allows customers to shop right from your Instagram profile.

Coal Miner's Daughter clothing Instagram Shop

Think of it as a landing page where users can discover or browse all your products. If you sell tangible goods, your Instagram Shop is a great opportunity to capture a ready-to-buy market right on the app… especially if you actively tag products in your Stories and Posts.

Find a step-by-step guide to setting up your Instagram Shop here.

Boost top-performing posts

Maybe Instagram advertising isn’t a fit for your business, but you still would love to get some exposure to a new audience. If that’s the case, Instagram’s boosting option is a lifesaver.

Just set the budget at your comfort level, define a target audience, and pay to give a regular Post a little extra juice. You can even boost Instagram posts right in Hootsuite —and then get back to your social media monitoring and scheduling in the very same dashboard.

choose goal for Instagram post profile visits website visits or messages

Measure content performance with analytics

The best Instagram marketing strategy is built on a foundation of knowledge. And the data you need for peak performance is right here in front of you, thanks to our old pal analytics.

Instagram’s own Insights offer plenty of, well, insight into which posts are doing well, which Stories are popping off, and exactly how many people saw your latest Reel. This info is incredible feedback to help you take your next batch of content even further—you’ll see what worked, what didn’t, and where some tweaks might be helpful.

Hootsuite’s own Analytics tool is really, really great for Instagram, too. (Really!) You can even schedule auto-reports that track your preferred metrics in a visually appealing package to really wow your team.

Hootsuite Analytics mixed overview

Try Hootsuite Analytics for free

Ultimately, there isn’t really any special trick to creating a great Instagram marketing plan: it’s all the same stuff that will make any of your social media accounts pop.

Check out our video recap of everything you need to know to create the perfect social media strategy here:

Most popular types of content on Instagram

According to a 2023 Statista study , 50% of weekly Instagram users said they prefer to consume funny content on the platform. Forty-six percent seek out “creative” posts, while 41% of active users like informative content.

This Recess post? Definitely funny.. .and definitely creative.

View this post on Instagram A post shared by Recess (@takearecess)

Other popular types of content, appealing to around 36% of users, include posts and Stories that are relaxing, inspiring, engaging or trendy.

In 2022, the most popular posts by number of likes were all by celebrities (save for one enigmatic egg ).

But what’s interesting is that the celeb posts that continue to drive engagement are all deeply personal—pregnancy announcements, dramatic makeovers, wedding photos, or jokey posts with friends. They’re not pushing tickets to their soccer games or advertising their movies. They’re being (seemingly) authentic, and fans connect with that in a big way.

So, even if you’re a brand and not a pregnant Kylie Jenner, there are ways to tap into that desire for connection. Get personal. Be silly. Express your values creatively. Showcase the people and personalities behind the scenes.

Helpful Instagram marketing tools: free & paid

1. hootsuite.

Hootsuite helps you plan great content, boost your follower count, and rack up more sales on Instagram — in way less time, with way less effort. Grow your account, manage all of your Instagram marketing in one place, and save time with Hootsuite, your all-in-one social media management tool.

  • Create engaging content using built-in creative AI tools, a hashtag generator, Canva editing tools, and more
  • Schedule posts, carousels, Stories, and Reels in advance
  • Get personalized recommendations for the best times to post on Instagram to reach more people
  • Boost organic posts and Reels with just a few clicks
  • Answer comments and DMs from all your Instagram accounts
  • Keep tabs on competitors, industry leaders, and relevant influencers
  • Track your results in real-time
  • Download custom reports to showcase your success
  • Handle Instagram, Facebook, TikTok, Twitter, LinkedIn, YouTube, and Pinterest from one dashboard

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2. Ads Manager

Ads Manager serves as a shared platform for both Facebook and Instagram—it’s a tool for creating and monitoring advertisements on Meta’s social networks. Ads Manager offers advertisers access to Facebook’s targeting capabilities and the flexibility to run campaigns on both platforms.

Ads Manager custom audience targeting by age and gender

Once your campaign is rolling, you can make modifications, engage with comments, and monitor performance. The Amount spent and Cost per result sections are there to help you gauge the effectiveness of your spend.

3. Instagram hashtag generator

Give your feed posts, Reels, and Stories a dash of viral magic with this Instagram hashtag generator. Everybody knows hashtags are social media’s secret sauce, but who has time to come up with them from scratch? This handy hashtag helper can do it for you.

4. Instagram username generator

Get a list of Instagram name ideas in a few seconds flat. It’s the perfect tool for businesses or individuals looking to nail it on Insta. Just answer a few Qs, and this AI username generator will whip up a list of inspiring handles to get you started on your Instagram marketing journey.

5. Instagram bio generator

Your bio is your chance to tell the world what you’re all about (within the character limit, of course). Give your Instagram profile a refresh with this quick Instagram bio generator. It works for business and personal accounts.

Visuals are everything on Insta, but we aren’t all graphic design specialists. Luckily, Canva can help you create eye-catching images and simplify your content creation process.

It even integrates with Hootsuite, so you can use templates made specifically for social media and save time bringing your ideas to life.

Canva eye-catching visuals and templates

Get Canva for Hootsuite

7. Content ideas generator

We know, we know: saying “build a content calendar” is easier said than done. If you need some help getting the creative juices flowing, this AI-backed content ideas generator is here to help. Answer a few Qs and you’ll be given ideas for social media posts, blog posts, videos, and more.

8. Panoramiq Insights

Panoramiq Insights seamlessly integrates robust Instagram analytics into your Hootsuite dashboard. (Oooh!) With Panoramiq, you can delve into account activity, explore follower demographics (very useful for targeted campaigns), and gauge the effectiveness of your Posts and Stories.

Panoramic Insights

Get Panoramiq Insights for Hootsuite

9. Instagram caption generator

A picture is worth a thousand words, so you gotta think words themselves have a pretty big impact, too, right? (And our experiments with Instagram captions prove it.) Generate Instagram captions in seconds with this AI-powered Instagram caption writer.

10. Engagement rate calculator

Your engagement is everything: it defines just how much you’re connecting with your audience. Determine your social media return on investment (ROI), enhance your media kit, and figure out which posts work and which need work with this easy engagement rate calculator tool for Instagram.

11. Adobe Lightroom

If Instagram’s editing options are falling short, it might be time to experiment with Adobe Lightroom CC. The app simplifies the use of professional photo editing tools and can even be enhanced with downloaded Lightroom presets.

Adobe Lightroom professional editing tool

Find more amazing tools marketers should use for Instagram here .

Instagram marketing FAQs

When was instagram created.

Instagram was released to the public in October 2010 . By the end of the first day, it had 25,000 users and hit one million users in under three months.

Does Facebook own Instagram?

Yes, Facebook acquired Instagram in 2012 for $1 billion . Since then, the company has restructured. Now, both Facebook and Instagram are operated by a parent organization called Meta (still helmed by Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg). Meta also operates Threads and Whatsapp .

Manage all your Instagram marketing alongside your other social platforms with Hootsuite’s time-saving tools. From a single dashboard, you can schedule posts, Stories, and Reels, engage with your audience, and measure your social ROI. Try it free today.

Get Started

Easily create, analyze, and schedule Instagram posts, Stories, Reels, and Threads with Hootsuite. Save time and get results.

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Stacey McLachlan is an award-winning writer and editor from Vancouver with more than a decade of experience working for print and digital publications.

She is editor-at-large for Western Living and Vancouver Magazine, author of the National Magazine Award-nominated 'City Informer' column, and a regular contributor to Dwell. Her previous work covers a wide range of topics, from SEO-focused thought-leadership to profiles of mushroom foragers, but her specialties include design, people, social media strategy, and humor.

You can usually find her at the beach, or cleaning sand out of her bag.

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How to Upload a Slideshow on Instagram

Last Updated: February 22, 2024

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Using an android.

wikiHow is a “wiki,” similar to Wikipedia, which means that many of our articles are co-written by multiple authors. To create this article, 15 people, some anonymous, worked to edit and improve it over time. This article has been viewed 199,018 times. Learn more...

Instagram is a social media application on which you can capture images, edit them using preset filters, and share them with your followers. A number of people use Instagram: friends, family, celebrities, bloggers - all of them share images that are either relevant to their platform, or to just provide a glimpse of their day to day goings. Instagram now has a video-sharing capability, which means you can also upload your multiple- captured moments at once via slideshow maker.

Step 1 Download Flipagram.

  • Downloading will take few seconds depending on how many photos you have selected.

Step 8 Tap

  • Double tap any photo to crop.
  • Tap and hold to drag and drop photos to change their order.
  • Tap photos to select other actions.
  • Duplicate photos to emphasize moments on your Flipagram.

Step 10 Tap the

  • Click “Choose Music Track” if you want to add music saved on your local disk.
  • Choose “Sound Recorder” if you want to add narration or your own voice in your slideshow.
  • If you don’t have any music in your device, you can also download the music by selecting “Find Music.”

Step 12 Select the time duration of your slideshow.

  • Choose from the fonts and color to change the style of the text to make it more appealing.

Step 14 Preview your slideshow.

  • A message will appear saying “Are you ready to finalize your Flipagram?” Hit yes to create.
  • Flipagram will begin processing your images and audio to your slideshow!

Step 16 Share your slideshow in Instagram.

  • Choose the start and end point of your video.
  • Add filter if you want.
  • Choose your cover.
  • Add a description, location, or share it outside Instagram.
  • Wait until Instagram uploads your slideshow, which may take longer than adding a photo, then you are done.

Step 1 Download Movie Studio.

  • Import images by hitting the + button on the top right.
  • To add a video, click the + button on the center of the screen.
  • You can also add videos by recording it or add images using your camera.
  • If you already have images or videos saved on your gallery, choose Import Photos/Videos.
  • Select the folder of the gallery where the images or video is located.
  • Choose the photo or video.
  • Add images and videos again by importing it to your gallery.

Step 6 Add effects.

  • Select the images or videos on your timeline. New options will appear on the top of the screen.
  • You may change the tone effect by choosing from Gradient, Sepia, or Negative.
  • Choose from the transition effects available for in clip and out clip.

Step 7 Add a title.

  • Edit the template of your text.
  • Add a subtitle.

Step 8 Add audio track.

  • Click the Add Audio icon at the bottom center of the screen.
  • Choose whether to record sound or choose music track from your file.
  • Mark the music you want to add and click OK. The audio will automatically cut into the end of your slideshow or video.
  • Change the volume of your audio by selecting the track.

Step 9 View your slideshow.

  • Make sure that your video is no more than 15 seconds long, or else Instagram will cut it.
  • Trim the video to lessen its length if it’s more than 15 seconds long.

Step 10 Save your slideshow.

  • Select the gallery icon on the bottom left side of the screen.
  • Choose your saved slideshow from your folder.
  • Add filter, if you want.

Community Q&A

Community Answer

  • Movie Studio not only allows you to add multiple photos, but you can add videos as well. Thanks Helpful 0 Not Helpful 0
  • You can purchase the premium version of Flipagram, which costs roughly $2. This will allow you to add or remove the “Flipagram” watermark. Thanks Helpful 0 Not Helpful 0
  • Instagram only allows 15 seconds of video time. Make sure that the slideshows you create are 15 seconds long or less, otherwise Instagram will cut the slideshow short. Thanks Helpful 0 Not Helpful 0

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Instagram Presentation Template

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Transcript: By Marie & Théa 29.02.2018 Summary Summary 01. 02. 03. History Presentation Surveys Designer History Kevin Systrom & Mike Kriegger Dates Dates 2010 2 months after 2012 Design Insta logos Little pub of Instagram Little pub of Instagram How use Instagram ? How use Instagram ? Surveys Surveys of Instagram %

presentation of instagram

Instagram Presentation

Transcript: Rise Many Companies Use Instagram to advertise their products, here are a few examples: Kim Kardashian Amaro Nike Taylor Swift Hudson Instagram is a free photo sharing and social network app. The app allows users to take a photo, apply a digital filter to it, and then share it with other Instagram users as well as their other connections on a variety of social networking sites. September 2011, version 2.0 went live in the app store- it included new and live filters, instant tilt shift, high resolution photos, optional borders, one click rotation and an updated icon. On April 3, 2012, Instagram for Android was released and it was downloaded more than one million times in less than one day. On April 12, 2012, Facebook acquired Instagram for approximately $1 billion in cash and stock. The development of Instagram began in San Francisco. It was developed by Kevin Systrom and Michel Krieger. The idea for Instagram was conceived when the pair decided to focus their multi-featured HTML5 check-in project Burbn, on mobile photography. Top 5 used hashtags: 1,000 comments per second Many celebrities use Instagram such as: Instagram is What is Instagram? #instagood #tbt #me 8,500 likes per second Instagram allows users to connect and share photos through: President Obama By: CaSandra Dolby No Filter #cute Channing Tatum March 5, 2010, Systrom closed a $500,000 funding round from Baseline Ventures and Andreessen Horowitz while working on Burbn. On March 6, 2010, Instagram entered the Apple App Store. In January 2011, Instagram added hashtags in order to help users to discover other people's photos. coach Gatorade Starbucks Jessica Alba Lo-Fi Top 5 Frequently Used Filters Available on: 40 million photos uploaded per day The End :) X-Pro II Lucy Hale 100 million monthly active users History of Instagram #love Statistics Apple

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Transcript: Instagram For Business By:Maxwell Walker What Does Instagram Do? Allows users to share the events in their lives with short videos and pictures Allows users to connect to each other and friends to communicate Allow people to see what their friends, family, and celebrities are up to Provides a platform for those looking to become famous through sharing their lives Who Uses Instagram? The platform is easily acessible to people looking for many diffent things, including Individuals looking to share their lives Companies looking to spread awareness of their brand Individuals looking to gain attention and become popular Content creators looking to gain money from sponsorships and through selling their personal brand Photographers looking to share their work Individuals looking to absorb this free conent and more from other accounts Why Do Business On Instagram? You can market your product or service to over 1 billion users across the world, through means such as Instagram-created advertising services for various forms of posts Paid sponsorships or brand endorements from prominent accounts Creation of company accounts to run giveaways and other events to spread awareness of your company brand Allow followers to enter into events by creating posts themselves to spread brand awareness Advertising on Instagram allow you to connect with a wide variety of demographics across the world, with the average user in 2018 spending over 50 minutes each day on the app. Specific Examples of How To Use Instagram For Your Business Examples of How You Can Use Instagram Create promotions for new products or projects to build interest for their release Create an account for people to find exclusive deals and offers for your brand Pay a popular creator to include, wear, or review your product in a short video for their audience who wants to get in on the latest products Create a giveaway in which users show their support for the company to their friends and others who view their posts to spread awareness

presentation of instagram

Transcript: Presentations Sharing Project Management Communication Pros Google Hangout spell check need internet connection complicated can send video messages worldwide calls Yahoo get the main points across tracks resources create meetings too much spam and ads (free acount) unlimited minutes need good internet connection can upgrade account for better features Pros inactive for 4 months your account expires (free account) Oovoo extra resources for entertainment can't delete account limited info to include sync contacts Ashley Cortero Cons record tasks up to 10 people for video conferences versatile templates free email service displays who is responsible for each task free to download shows different employee's tasks show presentations during web conference 25 mg email capacity Team Lab Office only those within the company email can be added or join site supports group chats some compatible media access on mobile app and desktop site fast and simple works for Android and ios don't need internet access Cons online storage Google Presentation not boring, but creative Facetime need internet text, voice and video can have personal calendar upload or create documents Skype must pay for upgrade great organization add polls, get feedback share files stream web chat access to your drive to create other forms of documents needed discussion groups great organization >10 gb email storage tracks all progress desktop sharing Prezi Cons Yammer up to 10 people indicates when your message is read share recorded chats Cons free to use free to download Pros update others what you're working on free or can buy a premium package send picture messages online collaboration Pros time consuming compared to other programs video call on desktop, phone or landline Cons Programs to Success Cons access to other Google programs keeps tasks on time keeps track of different projects diagrams/graphs Pros Gmail no calendar to keep track of management Pros work from desktop and phone real time collaboration Pros free to use 1000 minute video storage only Apple products usually need good internet connection doesn't work on Storm, Pearl or BB10 spam control Pros free to use Cons makes lesson or meeting more efficient Microsoft Powerpoint Sana Ahmad web cam enabled records quantity and pricing for products used quick way to share always need projector and screen to showcase HD video and voice Gantter Kik easy to stay focused can't import calls easily share documents Desiree Damaso share documents can't modify username Pros Basecamp no chat room Cisco WebEX Meeting Aaron Alvarez Pros video chat worldwide create projects opens may windows shows calender with due dates, tasks, meetings, important events for quick simple presentations has desktop sharing Cons limited saving space not many templates and editing options Cons -limited animation limited media needs a projector Upinder Singh access to all other Google Programs

presentation of instagram

Transcript: @MuradOsmann @HOWTOUSEPT2 @80/20Rule #CreateEngagement #PostOnRightDaysAndTimes # Over 300 million active users # Over 80 million pphotos are posted daily # 75% of Instagram accounts are from outside the United States # Over 40 billion photos have been shared # 3.5 billion photos are like on average daily #FeatureCustomers @VideoAds # A sneak peek can help your corporate story # Give followers a real sense of how things are behind the scenes # Emotional connection by humanizing the brand # Example: HubSpot @Sponsoring #UseTheRightHashtags @ConnectYourFacebook # Increase brand visibility and improve image # Could inspire followers to purchase the product or service # Kickstart hashtag trends, leverage popular hashtags # Example: Expedia's #ThrowMeBack campaign #INSTAFAMOUS @FollowAnd LikePhotos @HOWTOUSE #BehindTheScenes # Branded as the "world's most versatile camera, "GoPro needed a channel to show the world its innovative product # 2080 posts, 6.8 million followers to date # Key influjencers created user generated content (UGC) # Customer-centric: #MusicMonday, #TravelTuesday, Photo of the Day # Heritage content: GoPro's 140 sponsored athletes # Encourages content capture, create and sharing > engagement, intent and sales # 28% of Instagram users live in urban areas. # 26% of Instagram users live in suburban areas #19% of Instagram users live in rural areas Press here @AgeDemographics #Animals @WhoUsesInstagram? @TipOne @TipTwo @LocationDemographics # 29% of online females use Instagram # 22% of online males use Instagram @TheFatJewish @BrandYourself # Trackmaven recently did a study on Instagram accounts to see how filters affect engagement and found that Mayfair, no filter and Inkwell drove the most interaction. #UseTheRightFilters #2014ShortAwards - Best on Instagram: GoPro #FosterMoreInterest # Build awareness an introduce the audience to future plans # Encourages users to visit other platforms for additional info # Example: Ascension # Certain times and days of the week are better for posting pictures for follower and potential follower engagement # You can use a program like Iconosquare for a detailed analysis of your posting history vs. engagement. @TipThree # Follow a user you like with a large following # Like and comment on their photos @TipFour # Real name: Josh Ostrovsky # Has over 6.5 million Instagram followers # Became famous posting popular Internet memes # Now has a book deal, his own wine brand and a tv pilot @TipFive @CarouselAds # Certain hashtags will increase traffic to your page and views/likes of your photos #PromoteNewProducts #WaysOrganizationsUseInstagram @PersonalBranding # Instafamous: Those who have become famous via Instagram #ENGAGE # Visually highlight new features, products and services # Example: Xbox One @UseRelevantHashtags @SponsoredAds # Brand engagement - real people using products and services. # Showcase brand values while highlighting your customers' experiences # Example: GoPro # Originally named Burbn # Created by Kevin Systrom and Mike Krieger and launched in October 2010 # Instagram is a portmanteau of "instant camera" and "telegram" # January 2011, Instagram added hashtags (#) # April 2012, released to Android users # April 2012, Facebook bought Instagram for $1 billion # By May 2012, 58 photographs were being uploaded and a new user was being gained each second # 300 million users on December 2014 click here @WhatYouCanDoWithSponsoredAds @GenderDemographics #HowWellAreYouDoing OnInstagram? @HowToGainMoreFollowers @ImageAds @HISTORY # Certain filters are shown to have an impact on your engagement # Created an internet sensation by using his Instagram account to post photos of his girlfriend leading him, by the hand, through gorgeous landmarks across the world. # All pictures are the same pose @TipTwoCtd # Follow a user you like with a large following # Like and comment on their photos # Largest population of young users of any social media platform # 53% of online 18-29 year olds use Instagram # 25% of online 30-49 year olds use Instagram # 11% of online 50-64 year olds use Instagram # 6% of online people 65 years and older use Instagram # Iconosquare - the only app providing metrics for Instagram # Statistics, Facebook Custom Tab, Timeline integration and Cover picture generator # Optimization chart: track followers’ engagement with recommendations on best times to post @InstagramVideo @EngagingImages

presentation of instagram

Instagram Template

Transcript: Instagram - Instagram is a social media app where you can post pictures with your friends and family - You can follow your friends to see what they post Basics Basics - You can make your account private which makes sure that only people who follow you can see your profile Settings Settings - When you make your account private, you control who follows you. People have to request to follow you and you can either decline or accept the follow - Instagram lets you share pictures with your friends. If you find a picture you want to share with your friends, you can directly send it to them without having to leave the app just like Pinterest Features Features - You can edit photos in Instagram. You can put filters and other things onto photos you like - You can also get notifications when someone you follow posts a picture In conclusion, I believe that I should be able to have Instagram because I will be able to connect with my friends easily and share photos with them. I will use it within reason and not be on it all the time. Conclusion Conclusion

presentation of instagram

Transcript: What is Instagram? Should we use Instagram? Signing up and Sharing Photos INSTAGRAM: Photos and Social Media How To Instagram Privacy Concerns Strengths: Easy photo storing and sharing Good visual connection with publics Weaknesses: Unavoidable ties to Facebook Ads and spam content Brand development: showcase brand with unique images and content "Shop window" effect: create a visual display for ideas and products Follower relations: track follower interests and designs Celebrity promotions: use celebrity status to draw attention to products Download the Instagram app from the App Store or Google Play Sign-up and create an account Start snapping photos and add a fun filter Post your photos to your Instagram timeline and like and comment on your followers pics Stay connected with friends and family Build an image-based social network Share intimate life moments Start fun comment threads Just have fun! Either public or private account settings (similar to Twitter and Facebook, which now owns IG) Photo content is property of Instagram Data now used for Facebook ads Personal Uses "Instagram is a fun and quirky way to share your life with friends through a series of pictures." Professional Uses Bibliography Sign Up and Share Photos

presentation of instagram

Transcript: Here is description step by step how to use the application - A free photo-sharing application that allows users to take a photos, apply filters, and distribute them through its service and other social networks. An accurate information Here is how Instagram looks on the IPhone screen Instagram – A beautiful way to share your world. It's fast, free and fun! The application is compatible with iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch on iOS 4.0 and above, as well as phones on Android 2.2 or higher with support for OpenGL ES 2. It spreads through the App Store and Google Play respectively. The first issue October 6, 2010 Interface languages: English, Chinese, French, Italian, Japanese, German, Korean, Spanish and Portuguese In September 2011, was released version 2.0 application, which appeared live filters, instant change in the slope, four new filters, high resolution photos, optional borders, turn one click and update icon In April 2012 was released application for Android, which is a day were downloaded over a million times. Instagram

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Published February 24 th 2017

How to Post a Slideshow to Instagram & What People Think of the Latest Update

The Brandwatch React team reports on the reception of the latest Instagram update and shows you how to post a slideshow to Instagram.

Instagram’s latest update means users can now share multiple photos and videos in one post, but how has that gone down?

Post a Slideshow to Instagram

While this kind of content has been available to brands for a while  in the form of carousel ads, regular users are now able to try it out for the first time.

The React team wanted to find out what people thought of the new update, so took to the social data. We found hundreds of people talking about it, and have included the highlights from their conversations as well as a peppering of commentary from the Brandwatch marketing team throughout this article.

First, here’s how to post a slideshow to Instagram

Here’s how you do it:

  • Hit the plus button like you usually would to add a photo or video
  • In the photo window look out for the “select multiple” button
  • Choose up to 10 photos or videos to share with your followers
  • Edit the order and add filters to each photo/apply a filter to the whole group
  • Write a caption, tag people, add a location – all that jazz
  • You’re done!

What do people think so far?

The update offers answers to a number of user gripes with the platform. Where it was previously a place for only the best, people are now able to post a selection of images without having to worry so much about having just one quality image. In fact, Instagram’s explanation that “you no longer have to choose the single best photo or video from an experience you want to remember” was one of the trending phrases in the data surrounding the new update.

There were multiple comparisons between the Stories and slideshow features in the data. Where Instagram Stories are available outside of the feed, slideshows mean users can quickly flick through the post and then move on as opposed to clicking in and out of individual stories.

Wired’s positive review of the update was amongst the top-shared links, with David Pearce claiming “It’s going to make Instagram even more fun to browse.”

Post a Slideshow to Instagram

The article contains a warning. As social media platforms battle to become the place people go for everything, “Given its user base, Instagram is probably smart to give people everything they want so they’ll never leave. Yet it seems fair to wonder if, in doing so, Instagram might lose what made it so wonderful in the first place.” Given the general reviews of this update seem positive so far, the potentially negative effects remain to be seen.

Great uses of slideshows so far

Now it’s been rolled out properly, the new capabilities are an exciting prospect for marketers. It’s going to start with a scramble.

“Its a larger canvas for brands to market on with new possibilities for creativity. Like with all new tech and features, the strategy will come later. Brands will rush to explore what’s possible and once someone establishes what works others will copy.”

– Kristian Bannister, Digital Strategist at Brandwatch

There’s so much to experiment with. Here’s some of the fun and speculation we’ve seen so far.


Multiple photos and videos mean a longer, fuller story can be told in one post.

Check out this post from NBA as an example.

View this post on Instagram Along with celebrating Greatness on the floor, #NBAAllStar Weekend gave us the opportunity to give back to the community through @nbacares, @jrnba, @specialolympics & @makeawishamerica! (swipe left 👈🏼) A post shared by NBA (@nba) on Feb 22, 2017 at 3:44pm PST

Media outlets are likely to lead the way with this – take a look at what Vanity Fair have been up to.

View this post on Instagram What did the Oscars look like 20 years ago? Slide through to find out. (Link in bio for more.) #TBT A post shared by Vanity Fair (@vanityfair) on Feb 23, 2017 at 1:48pm PST

Here’s another example of powerful storytelling from @CNN .

View this post on Instagram Swipe to see more photos ➡️ Donald Trump was days away from taking the oath of office when Abdalla Ramadhan Munye and Habibo Mohamed landed in the United States. The Somali refugees had seven children in tow — two daughters, three sons and a niece and nephew they'd been raising for a decade. • But one of their daughters, Batulo, was told she would have to travel a few days later. Now, she is stuck more than 8,000 miles away. • The family was just settling into their new apartment in the Atlanta suburb of Clarkston when Trump went to the Pentagon and signed his travel ban. The stroke of a president's pen that day rewrote the first chapter of this Somali refugee family's life in the United States. (Photos: Melissa Golden for CNN) A post shared by CNN (@cnn) on Feb 22, 2017 at 8:39am PST
Now brands can target multiple personas with a single post, showing off different aspects of their product that will appeal to different segments of their following without spamming people.

– Emma Shanahan, Community Manager at Brandwatch

Multiple images mean brands can share a range of products or angles in a single post, which could do wonders for engagement.

@catbirdnyc are all over this.

View this post on Instagram Dusted with pale sapphires diamonds, mimics the twinkling of stars in the night sky. Scroll through, get to know the Organic Triangle Sapphire Ring by WWAKE, shown with our Serena the Swan. Both available at A post shared by Catbird (@catbirdnyc) on Feb 23, 2017 at 6:03pm PST

From recipes to instruction manuals, slideshows offer a great way to show off how to make or use something.

View this post on Instagram Key Lime Pie With Toasted Marshmallow Meringue INGREDIENTS 10 graham crackers 7 tablespoons butter, melted ¼ cup brown sugar 6 eggs, separated Lime zest 1 14-ounce can condensed milk ½ pint vanilla ice cream ½ cup key lime juice *(Regular lime juice works just fine if key lime juice is unavailable)* 1 tablespoon light corn syrup 1 cup sugar PREPARATION Preheat oven to 350˚F/180˚C. Place graham crackers in plastic bag and crush them into a fine crumb using a rolling pin. Alternatively, a food processor can be used to crush the crackers. Pour the graham cracker crumbs into a medium bowl with the melted butter and brown sugar. Mix until the crumbs take on the character of a coarse, wet sand. Pour the crumbs into a 9-inch pie dish. Press the crumb firmly into the dish, making sure to coat the bottom and sides of the dish evenly. Once the crust has been formed, place the pie dish into the refrigerator to firm up. Separate 6 eggs. Working with the yolks (reserve the whites for later), add the zest of 1 lime and whisk, either by hand or with an electric mixer, for 2 minutes. Add the can of condensed milk and continue to whisk until mixture is smooth and has a pale yellow color. Add in the ice cream and key lime juice. Continue to whisk for an additional 3-5 minutes. The filling should be smooth and airy when finished. Pour the filling mixture into the refrigerated graham cracker crust and bake at 350˚F/180˚C for 18-20 minutes, or until the edges of the crust begin to brown and the filling no longer jiggles when disturbed. While the pie is baking, combine the reserved egg whites with corn syrup and about ¼ cup of the sugar and begin to whisk vigorously to form the meringue. Continue to add the sugar in small increments until all of it is incorporated. Continue to whisk until mixture thickens and stiff peaks form, about 7-10 minutes. Top the baked pie with the meringue. Using a rubber spatula, spread the meringue evenly over the top of the pie, making sure to cover all the visible areas of filling. Once covered, use the tip of the spatula to shape the meringue forming small peaks a valleys in the topping. Bake at 350˚/180˚C for an additional 7-10 minutes to to A post shared by Tasty (@buzzfeedtasty) on Feb 23, 2017 at 2:52pm PST

Other benefits

Longer videos.

Another plus-point is the ability to upload lengthier videos. Adding each 1 minute clip to a slideshow means up to 10 minutes of ongoing video is possible in a single post.


According to , Kim Kardashian charges around $250k for a branded Instagram post. Will being able to post multiple images mean rates are reduced if your product is featured on the 9th or 10th swipe? Perhaps a Kardashian endorsement will become more affordable (though they might not be all they cracked up to be ).

With thanks to the Brandwatch marketing kids of Instagram for their thoughts.

Gemma Joyce

Head of Content

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5 Steps to Preparing an Engaging Industry Presentation You can make a great impression and generate interest with an exciting, informative presentation. Find out my five secrets to creating an industry presentation guaranteed to wow.

By Cyrus Claffey Edited by Chelsea Brown May 28, 2024

Key Takeaways

  • This article offers practical advice for delivering impactful presentations at industry events, emphasizing the importance of a comfortable stage presence, understanding your audience, designing effective slides and more.

Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own.

Industry events are a chance to network with your colleagues and impress distributors — but to really make the most of your time at a conference, you need to learn how to prepare a presentation that engages, informs and leaves an impact.

I've presented at some of the most important real estate and property technology events in the country as the founder of ButterflyMX . Here are a few tricks I've picked up along the way to wow any audience.

Related: 6 Tips for Making a Winning Business Presentation

1. Getting comfortable with the stage

I recommend taking a walk around the stage before your presentation. By familiarizing yourself with your environment, you can prepare yourself better.

And while you're on stage, a relaxed, comfortable presence goes a long way in keeping your audience engaged . Whether you want to play your presentation casually or more formally, audiences can sense discomfort, which prevents them from fully connecting with your message.

To project your sense of comfortability, focus on your body language . You can project confidence by speaking slowly and clearly and by walking across the stage to keep the audience's attention — even if there's already a podium or lectern set up on stage.

Unfortunately, if a speaker spends too long standing behind the podium, an audience might interpret that as a sign of indecision and inaction from the speaker. Instead, you can remove any barriers between yourself and the audience by using the whole length of the stage.

2. Familiarity with industry statistics

An audience that doesn't know me might be wondering why they should be taking my advice. I certainly don't blame them. When I'm watching a new presenter, I ask the same question.

If you can back up your claims with hard data, your presentation will ring true with listeners. You can cite industry-wide statistics or establish your own bona fides by citing stats that buttress your own credibility by establishing your company's success.

In my case, I'm happy to use a couple of statistics that prove how successful my company, ButterflyMX, is in the proptech industry. For instance, we serve more than one million apartment units, and if you're interested in how consumers feel about us, look no further than the internet — we have over 20,000 five-star reviews !

Related: 7 Ways to Captivate Any Audience

3. Knowing your audience

Depending on who your audience is , you'll have to adjust your game plan and prepare for different things.

I've spoken at conferences where the audiences couldn't be more different — a presentation that wows one crowd might have no information that's applicable to another. As the founder of a property technology company, I have the pleasure of speaking at a variety of different conferences that serve different markets.

For example, integrators and installers might value a talk on product features and hardware more than others. And if I'm presenting to an audience of property managers, I'll know to dial down the technical talk and focus on the benefits a robust video intercom offers, such as simplifying their day-to-day workloads.

Depending on your audience, you need to strike the right balance between talking about hardware specs and features.

4. Designing your slides carefully

Slides are a good opportunity to share the aesthetics, tone and values of your company — but you've got to make sure you use them effectively.

A slide with too much text looks busy, and it'll distract your audience and draw focus away from you. Instead, consider putting that information into your notes and speaking it aloud. Slides should focus on one or two visual elements, like bullet points, charts and graphs.

As for the actual design of your slides, you should ensure that you adhere to your company's brand guidelines. If you're unfamiliar with the concept, brand guidelines are a single, governing document that goes over important design concepts like the colors and logos that your company has.

Related: 6 Ways to Take Your Next Presentation to the Next Level

5. Asking for audience participation

Asking for audience participation is the ultimate way to ensure everybody is locked in and paying attention — but it's also a double-edged sword. You also need to be prepared in case asking the audience to participate doesn't necessarily go your way.

For example, you might generally ask if an audience has any questions at the end of your presentation. But you run the risk of running into a hostile, bad-faith question — or you might even be met with silence.

That's why I'd recommend you give the audience questions and tasks that have a little more structure. You could do things like asking for a show of hands, asking for specific anecdotes or taking a poll.

Polls have gotten an especially high-tech upgrade recently — see if you can set up an electronic voting system that allows audience members to vote with their smartphones. Then, you'd be able to throw the results on screen and watch them update in real time!

You should pepper these interactive sections throughout your presentation to ensure that audiences are engaged throughout your entire talk.

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Founder of ButterflyMX

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Tonix Pharmaceuticals Announces Presentation at the 2024 BIO International Convention

Presentation to highlight statistically significant Phase 3 results of Tonmya™ for the management of fibromyalgia

New Drug Application (NDA) submission to the FDA on track for the second half of 2024

CHATHAM, N.J., May 28, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Tonix Pharmaceuticals Holding Corp. (Nasdaq: TNXP) (Tonix or the Company), a fully-integrated biopharmaceutical company with marketed products and a pipeline of development candidates, today announced that Jessica Morris, Chief Operating Officer, will present at the 2024 BIO International Convention being held June 3-6, 2024 in San Diego, Calif. The presentation will take place on Tuesday, June 4, 2024 at 10:45 a.m. PT in Theater 1 at the San Diego Convention Center.

To schedule a meeting with the Company’s management at the convention, please submit a meeting request through the BIO One-on-One Partnering™ system or contact [email protected].

Tonix Pharmaceuticals Holding Corp. *

Tonix is a fully-integrated biopharmaceutical company focused on developing, licensing and commercializing therapeutics to treat and prevent human disease and alleviate suffering. Tonix’s development portfolio is focused on central nervous system (CNS) disorders. Tonix’s priority is to submit a New Drug Application (NDA) to the FDA in the second half of 2024 for Tonmya 1 , a product candidate for which two statistically significant Phase 3 studies have been completed for the management of fibromyalgia. TNX-102 SL is also being developed to treat acute stress reaction as well as fibromyalgia-type Long COVID. Tonix’s CNS portfolio includes TNX-1300 (cocaine esterase), a biologic designed to treat cocaine intoxication that has Breakthrough Therapy designation. Tonix’s immunology development portfolio consists of biologics to address organ transplant rejection, autoimmunity and cancer, including TNX-1500, which is a humanized monoclonal antibody targeting CD40-ligand (CD40L or CD154) being developed for the prevention of allograft rejection and for the treatment of autoimmune diseases. Tonix also has product candidates in development in the areas of rare disease and infectious disease. Tonix Medicines, our commercial subsidiary, markets Zembrace ® SymTouch ® (sumatriptan injection) 3 mg and Tosymra ® (sumatriptan nasal spray) 10 mg for the treatment of acute migraine with or without aura in adults.

*Tonix’s product development candidates are investigational new drugs or biologics and have not been approved for any indication.

1 Tonmya™ is conditionally accepted by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) as the tradename for TNX-102 SL for the management of fibromyalgia. Tonmya has not been approved for any indication.

Zembrace SymTouch and Tosymra are registered trademarks of Tonix Medicines. All other marks are property of their respective owners.

This press release and further information about Tonix can be found at .

Forward Looking Statements

Certain statements in this press release are forward-looking within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. These statements may be identified by the use of forward-looking words such as “anticipate,” “believe,” “forecast,” “estimate,” “expect,” and “intend,” among others. These forward-looking statements are based on Tonix's current expectations and actual results could differ materially. There are a number of factors that could cause actual events to differ materially from those indicated by such forward-looking statements. These factors include, but are not limited to, risks related to the failure to obtain FDA clearances or approvals and noncompliance with FDA regulations; risks related to the failure to successfully market any of our products; risks related to the timing and progress of clinical development of our product candidates; our need for additional financing; uncertainties of patent protection and litigation; uncertainties of government or third party payor reimbursement; limited research and development efforts and dependence upon third parties; and substantial competition. As with any pharmaceutical under development, there are significant risks in the development, regulatory approval and commercialization of new products. Tonix does not undertake an obligation to update or revise any forward-looking statement. Investors should read the risk factors set forth in the Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2023, as filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission (the “SEC”) on April 1, 2024, and periodic reports filed with the SEC on or after the date thereof. All of Tonix's forward-looking statements are expressly qualified by all such risk factors and other cautionary statements. The information set forth herein speaks only as of the date thereof.

Investor Contact

Jessica Morris Tonix Pharmaceuticals [email protected] (862) 904-8182

Peter Vozzo ICR Westwicke [email protected] (443) 213-0505

Media Contact

Katie Dodge LaVoieHealthScience [email protected] (978) 360-3151

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Tonix Pharmaceuticals News MORE

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NCI at ASCO Annual Meeting 2024 

NCI is excited to be in person once again to join the clinical oncology community at the American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO) Annual Meeting 2024, May 31–June 4, in Chicago.

Sessions Featuring NCI Leaders and Staff 

In addition to the sessions noted below, please view the ASCO Annual Meeting 2024 program guide to find poster sessions featuring NCI staff participants. 

All sessions listed are in central time (CT). 

presentation of instagram

NCI Leadership Presentation

The meeting’s Opening Session will take place from 9:30 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. on Saturday, June 1 . During this session, NCI Director W. Kimryn Rathmell, M.D., Ph.D., will present the NCI Director’s Address (at about 10:55–11:15 a.m.).

Also on Saturday, June 1, at 1:15–2:15 p.m., Dr. Rathmell will participate in a discussion with NIH Director Dr. Monica Bertagnolli titled, How and Where Will Public Investment Accelerate in Oncology? A Discussion with the NIH and NCI Directors .

NCI Experts Participating in Panel Sessions 

NCI experts will join their colleagues across the field of clinical oncology to participate in panel discussions during the meeting. View the presentation links for more information about each session.  

NCI Exhibit Booth #12023

NCI staff will be at the NCI exhibit booth (#12023) to answer your questions about NCI programs, resources, training, and opportunities.

Visit us during exhibit hours (9:00 a.m.–5:00 p.m.) at McCormick Place Convention Center on Saturday, June 1 through Monday, June 3.

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2 river flood warnings in effect for 8 counties in the area

16-year-old construction worker killed, 4 others electrocuted in severe storms, firefighters responded to the scene.

Holly Galvan Posey , Digital Content Producer

Michael Horton , Digital Content Producer , Houston, TX

Ninfa Saavedra , Digital Content Specialist

A 16-year-old construction worker died and four people were electrocuted during Tuesday’s line of severe storms in the Montgomery County area.

The storms, which had powerful winds reaching 75 miles per hour at times, resulted in widespread damage, including numerous downed trees and powerlines throughout the entire county.

In Magnolia, two structures under construction, including a partially built home collapsed. Authorities said the 16-year-old was working on the partially built home located in the 33100 block of Willow Heights when the home collapsed. The teen recovered from the debris and was pronounced dead on the scene.

  • SEE ALSO: Severe storms moving into Houston area bringing flood, hail, wind threats | Ground stop at IAH, 85K without power

In a separate incident in the Woodlands, a 35-year-old man was electrocuted by a lightning strike, and in Willis, two adults and a teen were electrocuted by a down power line. All four people are expected to survive.

“The Montgomery County Office of Homeland Security and Emergency Management urges all residents to exercise extreme caution around storm-related debris and to avoid approaching any downed power lines, as they may still be energized and pose a serious risk.” officials said.

Here’s what to know about downed power lines and how to protect yourself according to the  Electrical Safety Foundation International :

Use Precaution

  • Downed power lines can energize the ground up to 35 feet away. Even more in wet conditions.
  • Never drive over downed power lines or through water that is in contact with them
  • Never try to move a downed power line. Even using items that typically are not conductive will not prevent injury or death
  • If you see a downed line call 911

If a vehicle contacts a power line or utility pole stay away and call 911

  • Consider all lines to be live and dangerous
  • Stay in place or inside your vehicle unless you see fire or smoke
  • Warn others to stay at least 35 feet away
  • Tell others not to approach vehicle, downed lines, or anything that may be in contact with downed lines

In the Event of Fire or Smoke

  • Do not touch the ground and vehicle at the same time
  • Jump from vehicle with your feet together
  • Shuffle away, avoid lifting your feet
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  • Viewers share photos, videos as severe storms move through the Houston area | CLICK2PINS

Copyright 2024 by KPRC Click2Houston - All rights reserved.

About the Authors

Holly galvan posey.

Holly joined the KPRC 2 digital team in March 2024, leveraging her eight years of expertise in blogging and digital content to share her passion for Houston. Outside of work, she enjoys exploring the city's vibrant scenes, all while balancing her roles as a wife and mother to two toddlers.

Michael Horton

Michael is a Kingwood native who loves shooting hoops, visiting local breweries and overreacting to Houston sports. He joined the KPRC family in the spring of 2024. He earned his B.A. from Texas A&M University in 2022 and his M.A. from the University of Wisconsin-Madison in 2023.

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