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  • Life Insurance

Why Life Insurance Is Important

Why, When, and How Much You Should Get

How Life Insurance Works

  • Why Buy It If You’re Young and Healthy

How Much Life Insurance Do You Need?

When you don’t need life insurance.

Thomas Barwick / Getty Images

While we might not like to think about death, it’s a reality for everybody. And sometimes, it comes too early, causing financial hardship in addition to emotional pain. Life insurance can help with the financial impact of death, but people often don’t understand how it works and how much it costs.

In many cases, life insurance is relatively inexpensive and provides crucial protection for loved ones.

Life insurance provides a large payment to beneficiaries when an insured person dies. The payout might be hundreds of thousands of dollars (or more), and that money is often free from federal income taxes. To get coverage, you submit an application, which typically involves answering health questions and may include a brief medical examination. Then, if approved, you pay premiums to a life insurance company in exchange for coverage.

Some forms of life insurance, such as guaranteed issue life insurance, do not require a medical exam or health questions.

Life insurance comes in several forms; you can categorize them broadly as term insurance and permanent, or cash value, insurance. Term insurance is the simplest and least expensive form of life insurance, and it’s an excellent choice for most families protecting themselves from the untimely death of a family member. With term insurance, you select a term (20 or 30 years, for example), and insurance coverage ends after that time.

Life insurance provides much-needed funding when tragedy strikes, and being underinsured can be extremely risky. Some of the most common reasons to have life insurance include the following.

To Protect Dependents

If a spouse, children, or other loved ones depend on you, there’s a good chance you need life insurance . If you’re a wage-earner in the family, your death would leave dependents without a vital source of income. The result could be a domino effect of financial hardships that last for years. This is because lost income makes it hard to save for goals like education, which can mean children enter the workforce with heavy student debt. It’s also much more difficult to save for retirement if a spouse or partner has to support a family on their own.

Even if a family member does not earn an income, their death can have significant financial consequences. For example, the loss of a caregiving parent might require that the surviving parent hire others for caregiving, spend more time on household duties, or quit working altogether.

To Pay for Funeral Costs

When somebody dies, there may be several expenses related to their death. In addition to any medical bills, you may incur final expenses, such as paying for a funeral, memorial, cremation, and more.

The national median cost of a funeral with burial is $7,640. If you choose cremation instead of burial, the cost is roughly $5,150.   That may be a substantial and unexpected bill for anybody coping with the loss of a loved one. Life insurance can help cover those costs and ensure that survivors arrange a memorial that’s meaningful for them.

To Pay Off Debts

Life insurance proceeds can pay off debts that might otherwise leave your loved ones in a difficult position. Being debt-free provides significant relief if the household income drops or expenses rise from caregiving needs. Even if you don’t have family members depending on you, anyone who co-signed a loan for you will be responsible for your debts. Life insurance can prevent their good deed from becoming a burden.

Paying off debt after death is complicated . Depending on state law and how you borrow, a surviving spouse might be responsible for your debt. Check with an attorney licensed in your state to learn what to expect after death and how to best prepare for it.

To Protect Your Business 

The death of a key employee or business owner can cause financial problems for your business, which is why many organizations use life insurance to manage risk. If the person who dies is responsible for business development, sales may fall sharply after their death. Or if you need to hire help quickly to fill a crucial role, you might need cash to pay recruiters, a signing bonus, and the first several months of salary.

Although key person life insurance is an expense for your business, it might not be deductible.   Speak with your CPA before making any decisions or counting on a deduction.

Why Buy Life Insurance if You’re Young and Healthy

If you’re not worried about dying—and nobody depends on you financially—it could still make sense to buy life insurance. The cost of insurance rises as you get older, so locking in a low rate can be beneficial.

The table below shows sample monthly premiums for a 20-year term insurance policy (assuming a nonsmoker with average health).   As you can see, the older you get, the more you pay for insurance.

Waiting can also be problematic if you develop health problems (or discover previously unknown issues) as you age. Insurance companies charge higher rates or deny coverage if you have certain conditions, so buying when you’re young and healthy can help you avoid those issues.

There’s no way to know exactly how much money survivors will need. One way to arrive at a reasonable estimate , is to determine which expenses your dependents will need to pay, and for how long.

Survivors need to pay for housing and food, among other expenses, and it’s nice to include a budget for “wants” as well as those needs. Ideally, the funds should also help loved ones save for financial goals like retirement or education costs. And it may be helpful to pay off debts (such as a home mortgage, auto loans, and student debt) or provide enough money to fund monthly payments for an extended period.

A simplified approach is to use a multiple of your salary. For example, you might buy a death benefit equal to 10 times your annual salary—and add $100,000 for each child’s education expenses. That method may ignore important issues, but it’s a popular way to estimate insurance needs, and it’s probably better than doing nothing.

Some people don’t need life insurance. If your death would not cause any level of financial hardship for anyone, you might not need coverage. For example, this could be the case if your children are grown and self-sufficient, and you have accumulated more than enough assets to provide for a surviving spouse and anyone else who depends on you.

Most people are not financially independent, however. If you have a family—especially a young or growing family—it’s smart to explore your options before ruling out life insurance. The risk of leaving anybody in a bind is too great, and the results can be devastating.

Key Takeaways

  • Life insurance can provide a large payout when an insured person dies.
  • Proceeds from life insurance are tax-free and can pay off debts, replace income, and cover final expenses.
  • Life insurance costs are at their lowest when you’re young and healthy.
  • It’s wise to consider who might suffer financially (and what resources might help them) after death.

National Funeral Directors Association. " NFDA General Price List Study Shows Funeral Costs Not Rising as Fast as Rate of Inflation ."

IRS. " Publication 535 (2019), Business Expenses ."

Term4Sale. " Term Life Insurance Quotes ."

Study Paragraphs

Essay On Importance Of Insurance

In the intricate tapestry of modern society, insurance emerges as a foundational thread that weaves together protection, stability, and progress. By offering a shield against unforeseen financial losses, insurance empowers individuals and businesses to navigate a world fraught with uncertainties. This essay underscores the significance of insurance in contemporary life, elucidating its role in providing financial protection, enabling risk-taking, fostering stability, and contributing to societal advancement.

Table of Contents

Essay: The Crucial Role of Insurance in Safeguarding Individuals and Fostering Economic Growth

Insurance plays a vital role in modern society by protecting individuals and businesses from financial losses, allowing for greater risk-taking and economic development.

Importance Of Life Insurance Essay

Paragraph 1: Insurance provides financial protection

One of the primary virtues of insurance is its ability to extend a safety net against an array of hazards. These hazards, ranging from accidents and illnesses to property damage and unfortunate deaths, carry the potential to plunge individuals and families into overwhelming financial distress. Insurance stands as a formidable bulwark against such adversities, offering a safeguard that ensures individuals do not find themselves mired in insurmountable debt or financial ruin. By distributing the costs of potential losses across a multitude of policyholders, insurance effectively diffuses the burden, thereby preventing the catastrophic impact of individual financial calamities.

Paragraph 2: Allows individuals and businesses to take more risks

The absence of insurance could cast a pall of apprehension over significant life decisions. Ventures like starting a business, embarking on extensive travels, or investing in a home may be approached with trepidation due to the looming specter of financial catastrophe in the face of unforeseen losses. Insurance, however, catalyzes a transformative shift in this narrative. With insurance coverage in place, individuals and businesses can undertake these pivotal risks with greater confidence. This newfound security empowers economic and entrepreneurial pursuits, as the protective buffer against potential losses emboldens innovation, fosters business expansion, and fuels economic growth.

Paragraph 3: Provides stability and security

The tendrils of insurance’s influence extend beyond the mere realm of finances. In the event of life-altering setbacks such as the loss of a loved one or the ravages of natural disasters, insurance plays a profound role in upholding stability and security. Insurance payouts, be it life insurance or property insurance, stand as beacons of hope amidst the darkness of loss. They offer a lifeline that ensures financial security, mitigating the burden of potential upheaval. By freeing individuals from the clutches of financial hardship that often accompany unforeseen calamities, insurance empowers them to direct their energies towards constructive pursuits like work, development, and rebuilding.

Paragraph 4: Benefits society as a whole

The impact of insurance radiates through the societal fabric, rippling outwards to engender benefits that transcend individual and business boundaries. As individuals and businesses are shielded from the dire consequences of losses, their reliance on public welfare systems diminishes. This reduction in demands on public resources ensures a more efficient allocation of government funds and resources, ultimately contributing to the overall well-being of society. Additionally, insurance’s role in bolstering risk-taking and investment cannot be understated. By offering a protective umbrella against potential failures, insurance fosters an environment conducive to innovation, business expansion, and investment. The insurance industry itself is a robust source of employment, playing an indispensable role in the economy and propelling economic growth.

In a world where uncertainties cast their shadows across every facet of life, insurance stands as a beacon of security, prosperity, and progress. By providing a shield against financial losses, insurance not only enables individuals and businesses to take calculated risks but also contributes to the stability and growth of societies at large. Its role in alleviating fears of potential financial ruin and its capacity to stimulate economic dynamism make insurance a cornerstone of modern society. As individuals and businesses are empowered to stride forward with confidence, unburdened by the specter of unforeseen losses, the collective trajectory of progress is illuminated, forging a path towards a more secure, stable, and prosperous future for all.

Write Four Importance of Insurance – Safeguarding You and Your Future

Insurance might seem like a simple thing, but it’s actually super important. Here are four reasons why:

1. Protection from Unexpected Problems:

Life is full of surprises, and not all of them are good. Insurance is like a shield that protects you from getting hurt financially when bad things happen. It covers stuff like accidents, illnesses, and even damage to your things, like your car or house. So, if something goes wrong, you won’t have to pay all the money to fix it.

2. Feeling Secure and Stress-free:

Imagine if you had to worry all the time about what could go wrong. Insurance takes away that worry. It gives you a safety net, so if something bad does happen, you won’t have to panic about money. This lets you focus on the things that matter, like your family, your studies, and your dreams.

3. Helping You Take Risks:

Sometimes, you need to take risks to move forward in life. Insurance gives you the courage to take those risks. For example, if you want to start a business, insurance can cover you if things don’t go as planned. This way, you’re more likely to chase your dreams without being scared of failing.

4. Building a Better Future:

When many people have insurance, it creates a big pool of money that can be used to help anyone who needs it. This is super useful when something really big, like a natural disaster, happens. Insurance helps communities rebuild and get back on their feet faster. Plus, having insurance makes you part of a system that takes care of people and helps the economy grow.

So, even though insurance might seem like just another thing you have to pay for, it’s actually a super smart move. It’s like having a superhero cape that keeps you safe from money troubles and lets you take on life’s adventures without fear.

What Is Importance Of Insurance to Society

The Big Deal About Insurance for Everyone

Imagine if you had a magic shield that could protect you from money troubles when something bad happens. That’s what insurance is like for the whole society. Here’s why it’s a big deal:

1. Safety Net for Tough Times:

Insurance is like a safety net that catches you if you fall into a tough situation. When things like accidents, illnesses, or disasters strike, insurance helps to pay for the damages. This means people don’t have to lose all their money or belongings when something unexpected happens.

2. Helping Everyone Stay Cool:

Without insurance, people would always be worried about what could go wrong. But with insurance, everyone feels safer. You don’t have to stress out about money problems all the time. This lets everyone focus on their families, work, and living their lives.

3. Making Brave Choices:

Life is about taking chances, but some risks can be scary. Insurance gives people the courage to take these risks. For example, starting a business or trying something new. If things don’t go as planned, insurance can help with the costs. So, everyone can try exciting things without being too afraid of failing.

4. Rebuilding Together

When something really big, like a big storm, hits a community, it can be hard to recover. But insurance makes this easier. When many people have insurance, there’s a lot of money to help rebuild homes, businesses, and communities. This way, everyone can get back on their feet faster.

5. Growing a Strong Society:

Insurance is like teamwork for the whole society. When everyone chips in, there’s a pool of money that can be used to help anyone who needs it. This helps the economy grow and makes sure that everyone is taken care of when they need it most.

So, insurance isn’t just something for rich people or big companies. It’s a way for everyone to work together and protect each other. It’s like having a giant umbrella that keeps us dry when it rains unexpected troubles.

Essay On Importance of Life Insurance


Life insurance is a fundamental financial tool that provides security and stability for individuals and their families. This essay examines the significance of life insurance, exploring its benefits, the peace of mind it offers, the various types available, its role in estate planning, its contribution to long-term savings, and the factors that impact premium costs.

Benefits of Life Insurance

Life insurance serves as a safety net, ensuring that loved ones are financially protected in case of the policyholder’s demise. It guarantees that beneficiaries receive a lump sum payout, which can cover immediate expenses, replace lost income, and uphold the family’s quality of life. Families with young children find life insurance particularly valuable as it can provide for education and future needs, easing the financial burden during challenging times. Moreover, life insurance shields individuals from the strain of financial obligations, including mortgages and loans, ensuring that the family does not inherit these burdens.

Emotional Comfort

Life insurance brings more than just money – it brings peace of mind. When people have life insurance, they feel better knowing that their family will have financial help if something happens to them. This makes them less worried about what might happen in the future. Feeling less worried helps them live their current lives fully, without always thinking about what would happen to their family if they weren’t there anymore.

Different Kinds of Life Insurance

Life insurance comes in different flavors to match different needs. Some are like short-term helpers – they cover you for a certain time. Others, like lifelong guardians, protect you forever and also gather extra money over the years. There’s another type, too, called universal life insurance. This one mixes coverage with a way to save money, letting you build up a little fund. With all these choices, people can pick the one that fits their money goals and situation the best.

Role in Estate Planning

Life insurance plays a pivotal role in estate planning by ensuring a seamless transfer of wealth to beneficiaries. This proactive approach minimizes potential conflicts and legal complexities that can arise during inheritance. Additionally, life insurance payouts are generally exempt from inheritance taxes, making it an efficient strategy for passing on assets to the next generation with reduced tax implications.

Growing Your Money for the Future

Life insurance isn’t just about keeping you safe – it also helps you save and invest for a long time. With whole life and universal life policies, your money grows over the years. You can take out or borrow some of this money if you need it. This extra money can be a helpful backup during your retirement or unexpected situations, giving you more financial security on top of the money your loved ones get when you’re no longer here.

Factors Affecting Premiums

The cost of life insurance premiums is influenced by various factors. These include the policyholder’s age, health status, and lifestyle choices. Generally, younger and healthier individuals qualify for lower premiums. The coverage amount and the chosen policy type also impact costs. It is crucial for individuals to consider these factors while selecting a policy that suits their needs and financial capacity.

In conclusion, life insurance is an indispensable element of a comprehensive financial strategy. Its benefits encompass financial security for family members, coverage of debts, and peace of mind for policyholders. With a variety of policy types available, life insurance contributes to estate planning and long-term financial well-being. By understanding the factors that influence premium costs and making informed decisions, individuals can secure their family’s future and embrace life with enhanced confidence.

What Are The 5 Importnace Of Life Insurance – Exploring Its Role & Value

Life insurance might seem like a grown-up thing, but it’s actually important for everyone to know about. Here are five reasons why life insurance is a big deal:

1. Taking Care of Loved Ones:

Life insurance is like a promise you make to take care of your family even when you’re not around. If something happens to you, the insurance money can help your family with things like bills, school, and even just everyday needs. It’s a way to show that you’ll always look out for them.

2. Planning for the Unknown:

Life can be unpredictable. No one knows what tomorrow might bring. Life insurance helps you plan for the unknown. If something unexpected happens to you, your loved ones won’t have to struggle financially. It’s like having a safety net that catches you if you fall.

3. Covering Big Expenses:

Funerals and medical bills can be really expensive. Life insurance can help cover these big costs so that your family doesn’t have to worry about finding a lot of money quickly. It’s a way to ease their burden during a difficult time.

4. Passing On a Meaningful Gift:

Life insurance goes beyond finances; it’s a way to leave behind a meaningful legacy for your dear ones. By designating beneficiaries, you ensure that the insurance payout becomes a gift that keeps on giving. This support can empower your family to pursue their aspirations, educational goals, and future endeavors.

5. Peace of Mind:

Knowing that you have life insurance brings peace of mind. It’s like having a backup plan that ensures your family will be okay no matter what. This sense of security allows you to focus on living your life to the fullest without constantly worrying about the future.

In a nutshell, life insurance is a way to show that you care for your family even when you’re not there. It’s a tool that offers financial support, security, and a way to leave a positive impact on your loved ones. So, even though it might seem like something for adults, understanding the importance of life insurance is a wise step for everyone.

Argumentative Essay About Life Insurance

Life insurance, a contract between an individual and an insurance company, is a topic of paramount importance in personal finance discussions. It’s a widely debated issue with proponents asserting its crucial role in financial security, while skeptics question its necessity. This essay will argue that life insurance, despite its potential drawbacks, plays an indispensable role in securing one’s financial future.

The Positive Aspects of Life Insurance

Life insurance serves as a safety net, offering financial protection to beneficiaries during an emotionally challenging time. It replaces income, allowing families to maintain their standard of living even in the face of tragic life events. Furthermore, it can assist in mitigating debts and financial obligations, preventing families from inheriting burdensome liabilities. For estate planning, life insurance can minimize tax liabilities, preserving the value of the estate for the beneficiaries. Additionally, for entrepreneurs, a life insurance policy can ensure business continuity, covering losses and facilitating a seamless transition in the event of the owner’s demise.

Debate against life insurance

However, critics argue that life insurance isn’t always necessary, particularly for individuals without dependents. They contend that the premiums could be better invested elsewhere, yielding higher returns over time. Additionally, they point out that insurance companies often incorporate exclusions and complex terms, potentially resulting in denied claims. Critics thus advocate for careful consideration, only opting for life insurance when circumstances truly demand it.

Counterarguments and Challenges

However, it’s important to acknowledge the counterarguments. Critics argue that the cost of premiums may not justify the perceived benefits, especially for those with no dependents. The decision-making process can also be complex, with individuals grappling to choose the ideal policy that suits their needs. Furthermore, not everyone may need life insurance, particularly those with sufficient wealth or those without financial dependents.

Balancing the Scales

Despite these challenges, by assessing their unique circumstances, individuals can determine the necessity and extent of life insurance required. Consulting with financial advisors and incorporating life insurance into broader financial planning can lead to responsible decision-making.

In conclusion, while life insurance may not be a one-size-fits-all solution, it does serve as a crucial tool in securing the financial future of loved ones. It is a cornerstone of responsible financial planning and should be considered seriously depending on individual circumstances.

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What Parents Need to Know About Life Insurance

Hinterhaus Productions/Getty Images

  • What Is It?
  • Why Do I Need It?
  • Child Life Insurance

As a parent, you want to provide for your children. You likely have a budget for how you'll pay for their clothes, food, school, and other day-to-day needs. In addition, it's also important to have a plan should something happen to you unexpectedly, causing the family to lose your income.

A recent survey found that 42% of households would find it difficult to pay their living expenses (such as rent/mortgage, utilities, groceries, schooling) within six months of the death of their family's primary earner. This is at least partly because many families do not have life insurance. The survey found that only 52% of people in the United States were covered by some type of life insurance.

If you're a parent, it's a good idea to buy life insurance in order to protect and care for your family, even in the event of your unexpected death. Here is everything you need to know about what life insurance is, how it works, and how it can protect your family.

What Is Life Insurance for Parents?

Parents buy life insurance to provide money to a beneficiary in the case of their death. This money can support your family in your absence to pay the mortgage, fund their education, or pay other day-to-day expenses that you used to cover with your salary. Usually, the beneficiary is your surviving spouse or one or more of your children.

How it Works

If you name your children as beneficiaries but they are minors when you die, the insurance company can't pay the benefit directly to them.

However, you can name a custodian or set up a life insurance trust to hold the money in your children's name. If you set up a trust, you will need to appoint a trustee to manage it according to your instructions to care for your children until they reach adulthood.

You can buy life insurance through an independent carrier or through your employer. Coverage amounts can vary from $10,000 to $10 million, depending on the insurer, your health, and your financial situation. To maintain your life insurance, you pay a monthly premium.

Types of Life Insurance for Parents

There are two different kinds of life insurance: term life insurance and permanent life insurance.

Term life insurance is temporary and only covers a set number of years. You can choose between 10-, 20-, or 30-year terms. If you die anytime before your term is up, your beneficiary receives your full death benefit.

Permanent life insurance lasts your entire lifetime, but it is generally more expensive. Your beneficiaries receive your death benefit when you die, but there is usually also a cash value. The cash value is a separate saving component of your plan that you can borrow against if needed while you are alive.

Most healthy, younger parents tend to opt for term life insurance, especially if they are on a budget because it is generally more affordable while still ensuring that their children are financially taken care of until they reach adulthood.

Why You Need Life Insurance

It's no secret that it's expensive to raise a child. According to recent estimates, it costs approximately $233,610 to raise a baby to the age of 18, though this amount varies based on where you live and your lifestyle. If you were to pass away, your family would lose your income, affecting their ability to pay the rent or mortgage, buy groceries, pay for daycare, and handle other day-to-day expenses.

This is why life insurance is important for families: it helps cover these financial costs during your kids' formative childhood years in the event of your unexpected passing. Depending on your plan, your life insurance death benefit can also cover some or all of the costs of your children's education, including college.

Both Parents Should Get It

It's a common assumption that only working parents need life insurance because they are the ones that provide a salary to support the family.

However, stay-at-home parents should consider getting life insurance because, while they may not earn a paycheck, they do a lot of work to care for their children. If that parent were to die, it is unlikely that the surviving, working parent would be able to maintain that care on their own. Instead, they would need to find alternate daycare and household help, which costs money. Life insurance could help pay for this support.

How Much Life Insurance Do I Need?

Life insurance benefits are meant to replace any income you would have contributed to your family if you hadn't died. How much that is, of course, depends on your unique circumstances, but here are some expenses to factor in when looking at plans and calculating how much you need:

  • Your financial contributions (e.g. your salary)
  • How much you want to save for your child's education
  • Childcare costs (if you don't have childcare now but you are a stay-at-home parent, calculate how much childcare would cost to replace the work you had been doing at home)
  • Your mortgage or rent costs
  • Family expenses or bills
  • Other child-rearing expenses (such as extracurricular fees, camp fees, music classes)
  • Death taxes and funeral expenses (optional)

Life Insurance Is More Affordable Than You Might Think

It is common for people to overestimate how much life insurance costs, which is why families tend to opt-out of buying it. For example, in the survey mentioned earlier, 44% of Millennial respondents greatly overestimated the cost of term life insurance for a healthy 30-year-old.

The truth is, life insurance policies are much more affordable than you might think, especially if you buy a term life insurance plan.

Most life insurance premiums are between $100 and $550 per year —which amounts to a fairly low monthly fee.

How Life Insurance Is Priced

The annual price of your life insurance depends on what policy you buy, what company you buy it from, the coverage amount, and the length of the term. But other factors that affect the price include:

  • Age: The younger you are, the less you pay
  • Sex: People assigned female at birth generally pay less
  • Health: If you are in good health, you pay less
  • Smoking habits: Non-smokers pay less
  • Lifestyle: People with risky careers or that engage in risky hobbies pay more.

When To Buy Life Insurance

The younger you are, the more affordable life insurance is to purchase. Quotes tend to go up every year you wait because you are more likely to have a pre-existing condition and/or declining health, two factors that can raise your monthly premiums.

In addition, some insurance carriers allow plans to be purchased without a medical exam if you are under the age of 50 and healthy.

As a parent, buying life insurance early also protects your children financially earlier in their childhood.

Work-Provided Life Insurance Isn't Usually Enough

Many employers provide life insurance. This is called group life insurance.

These plans also may not fully cover your family's financial needs because they usually cover one or two times your annual salary. This could leave your family vulnerable within a year or two of your death.

It is true that you can usually purchase additional coverage at a group rate to protect your family for a longer period of time. However, most employer-provided policies are not portable so if you were to lose or switch your job, you would also lose this life insurance.

As a result, even if your employer offers group life insurance, you will likely want to purchase insurance through an insurance agent, or civic organization.

If you're a veteran, you may also be able to buy life insurance through the VA's life insurance program.

Should I Buy Life Insurance for My Child?

The decision is ultimately up to you and what you can afford. However, there are a number of reasons why you might want to also purchase life insurance for your child.

Not only can these plans help you pay for their funeral and other related expenses in the event of their untimely death, but they can also be an investment in your child's future.

Most children's plans only cover your child until the age of 18 or 21. At that point, they can be automatically switched over to an adult policy without an application, requalification, and regardless of their health. This can help you guarantee your child has life insurance in adulthood—and your child can always purchase additional coverage when and if they want to from there.

Children's life insurance plans can also be an investment in their future. Most plans offer a cash value—which is basically a savings account that builds up with a portion of the monthly premium you pay. Then, once the policy ends at the age of 18 or 21, your kids can use the money to pay for college, buy a house, start a business or pay for another life expense. They can also borrow against it.

Child life insurance plans are generally more affordable than an adult plan, with premiums as low as $5 to $10 in some cases.

However, some families choose to instead purchase other savings plans, such as 529 college savings accounts, as an investment in their children—and that's perfectly okay.

A Word From Verywell

As a parent, buying a life insurance plan for yourself (and your co-parent or partner) is one of the best ways you can guarantee that their family is taken care of financially in the unexpected event of your death.

While this is an added expense to your family budget, the benefits more than pay for themselves over time because they provide parents peace of mind.

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By Simone Scully Simone is the health editorial director for performance marketing at Verywell. She has over a decade of experience as a professional journalist covering pregnancy, parenting, health, medicine, science, and lifestyle topics.

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  • Taxes on Life Insurance Premiums
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  • Is Life Insurance Taxable?

Understanding how life insurance works and how to shop for a policy can help you find the best coverage to meet your family's needs. Life insurance is a contract between an insurance company and a policy owner in which the insurer guarantees to pay a sum of money to one or more named beneficiaries when the insured person dies in exchange for premiums the policyholder pays during their lifetime. The best life insurance companies have good financial strength, a low number of customer complaints, high customer satisfaction, several policy types available, optional riders, and easy application processes.

Key Takeaways

  • Life insurance is a legally binding contract that promises a death benefit to the policy owner when the insured person dies.
  • The policyholder must pay a single premium upfront or pay regular premiums over time for the life insurance policy to remain in force,.
  • When the insured person dies, the policy’s named beneficiaries will receive the policy’s face value, or death benefit.
  • Term life insurance policies expire after a certain number of years. Permanent life insurance policies remain active until the insured person dies, stops paying premiums, or surrenders the policy.
  • A life insurance policy is only as good as the financial strength of the life insurance company that issues it.

Investopedia / Theresa Chiechi

Types of Life Insurance

Many different types of life insurance are available to meet all sorts of needs and preferences. Depending on the short- or long-term needs of the person to be insured (or their family members), the choice of whether to select temporary or permanent life insurance a major consideration.

Term life insurance

Term life insurance is designed to last a certain number of years, then end. You choose the term when you take out the policy. Common terms are 10, 20, or 30 years. The best term life insurance policies balance affordability with long-term financial strength.

  • Decreasing term life insurance is renewable term life insurance with coverage that decreases over the life of the policy at a predetermined rate.
  • Convertible term life insurance allows policyholders to convert a term policy to permanent insurance.
  • Renewable term life insurance provides a quote for the year the policy is purchased. Premiums increase annually and are usually the least expensive term insurance in the beginning.

Many term life insurance policies allow you to renew the contract on an annual basis once the term is up. However, since the renewal premiums are based on your current age, the cost can rise steeply each year. A better solution for permanent coverage is to convert your term life insurance policy into a permanent policy. This is not an option on all term life policies, so look for a convertible term policy if this is important to you.

Permanent life insurance is more expensive than term, but it stays in force for the insured’s entire life unless the policyholder stops paying the premiums or surrenders the policy. Some policies allow for automatic premium loans when a premium payment is overdue.

  • Whole life insurance is a type of permanent life insurance, which means it lasts your entire lifespan. It includes a cash value component, which is similar to a savings account. Cash-value life insurance allows the policyholder to use the cash value for many purposes, such as to take out loans or to pay policy premiums.
  • Universal life (UL) insurance is another type of permanent life insurance with a cash value component that earns interest. Universal life features flexible premiums. Unlike term and whole life, the premiums can be adjusted over time. It also provides options for a level death benefit or an increasing death benefit .
  • Indexed universal life (IUL) is a type of universal life insurance that lets the policyholder earn a fixed or equity-indexed rate of return on the cash value component.
  • Variable universal life (VUL) insurance allows the policyholder to invest the policy’s cash value in an available separate account. It also has flexible premiums and can be designed with a level or increasing death benefit.

Top-Rated Companies to Compare

When shopping for insurance, you might want to start with our list of the best life insurance companies , some of which are listed below.

Term life insurance differs from permanent life insurance in several ways but tends to best meet the needs of most people looking for affordable life insurance coverage. Term life insurance only lasts for a set period of time and pays a death benefit should the policyholder die before the term has expired. That's in contrast to permanent life insurance, which stays in effect as long as the policyholder pays the premium. Another critical difference involves premiums—term life is generally much less expensive than permanent life because it does not accumulate cash value.

Before you apply for life insurance, you should analyze your financial situation and determine how much money would be required to maintain your beneficiaries’ standard of living or meet the need for which you’re purchasing a policy. Also, consider how long you'll need coverage for.

For example, if you are the primary caretaker and have children two and four years old, you would want enough insurance to cover your custodial responsibilities until your children are grown up and able to support themselves.

You might research the cost of hiring a nanny and a housekeeper or using commercial child care and cleaning services, then perhaps add money for education. Include any outstanding mortgage and retirement needs for your spouse in your life insurance calculation—especially if the spouse earns significantly less or is a stay-at-home parent. Add up what these costs would be over the next 16 or so years, add a little more for inflation, and that’s the death benefit you might want to buy—if you can afford it.

Burial or final expense insurance is a type of permanent life insurance that has a small death benefit. Despite the name, beneficiaries can use the death benefit as they wish.

What Affects Your Life Insurance Premiums and Costs?

Many factors can affect the cost of life insurance premiums . Certain things may be beyond your control, but other criteria can be managed to potentially bring down the cost before (and even after) applying. Your health and age are the most important factors that determine cost, so buying life insurance as soon as you need it is often the best course of action.

After being approved for an insurance policy, if your health has improved and you’ve made positive lifestyle changes, you can request to be considered for a change in risk class. Even if it is found that you’re in poorer health than at the initial underwriting , your premiums will not go up. If you’re found to be in better health, then you your premiums may decrease. You may also be able to buy additional coverage at a lower rate than you initially did.

Investopedia / Lara Antal

Step 1: Determine How Much You Need

Think about what expenses would need to be covered in the event of your death. Consider things such as mortgage, college tuition, and other debts, not to mention funeral expenses. Also, income replacement is a major factor if your spouse or loved ones need cash flow and are not able to provide it on their own.

There are helpful tools online to calculate the lump sum that can satisfy any potential expenses that would need to be covered.

Step 2: Prepare Your Application

Life insurance applications generally require personal and family medical history and beneficiary information. You may need to take a medical exam and will need to disclose any preexisting medical conditions, history of moving violations, DUIs, and any dangerous hobbies (such as auto racing or skydiving). The following are crucial elements of most life insurance applications:

  • Age: This is the most important factor because life expectancy is the biggest determinant of risk for the insurance company.
  • Gender: Because women statistically live longer, they generally pay lower rates than males of the same age.
  • Smoking: A person who smokes is at risk for many health issues that could shorten life and increase risk-based premiums.
  • Health: Medical exams for most policies include screening for health conditions such as heart disease, diabetes, and cancer and related medical metrics that can indicate risk.
  • Lifestyle : Dangerous lifestyles can make premiums much more expensive.
  • Family medical history: If there is evidence of major disease in your immediate family, your risk of developing certain conditions is much higher.
  • Driving record: A history of moving violations or drunk driving can dramatically increase the cost of insurance premiums.

Standard forms of identification will also be needed before a policy can be written, such as your Social Security card, driver's license, or U.S. passport.

Step 3: Compare Policy Quotes

When you've assembled all of your necessary information, you can gather multiple life insurance quotes from different providers based on your research. Prices can differ markedly from company to company, so it's important to make the effort to find the best combination of policy, company rating, and premium cost. Because life insurance premiums are something you will likely pay monthly for decades, finding the best policy to fit your needs can save an enormous amount of money.

Our lineup of the best life insurance companies can give you a jump start on your research. It lists the companies we've found to be the best for different types of needs, based on our research of nearly 100 carriers.

There are many benefits to having life insurance . Below are some of the most important features and protections offered by life insurance policies.

Most people use life insurance to provide money to beneficiaries who would suffer a financial hardship upon the insured’s death. However, for wealthy individuals, the tax advantages of life insurance, including the tax-deferred growth of cash value, tax-free dividends, and tax-free death benefits, can provide additional strategic opportunities.

Avoiding Taxes

The death benefit of a life insurance policy is usually tax-free. It may be subject to estate taxes , but that's why wealthy individuals sometimes buy permanent life insurance within a trust. The trust helps them avoid estate taxes and preserve the value of the estate for their heirs.

Tax avoidance is a law-abiding strategy for minimizing one’s tax liability and should not be confused with tax evasion , which is illegal.

Life insurance provides financial support to surviving dependents or other beneficiaries after the death of an insured policyholder. Here are some examples of people who may need life insurance:

  • Parents with minor children. If a parent dies, the loss of their income or caregiving skills could create a financial hardship. Life insurance can make sure the kids will have the financial resources they need until they can support themselves.
  • Parents with special-needs adult children. For children who require lifelong care and who will never be self-sufficient, life insurance can make sure their needs will be met after their parents pass away. The death benefit can be used to fund a special needs trust that a fiduciary will manage for the adult child’s benefit.
  • Adults who own property together. Married or not, if the death of one adult might mean that the other could no longer afford loan payments, upkeep, and taxes on the property, life insurance may be a good idea. One example would be an engaged couple who take out a joint mortgage to buy their first house.
  • Seniors who want to leave money to adult children who provide their care. Many adult children sacrifice time at work to care for an elderly parent who needs help. This help may also include direct financial support. Life insurance can help reimburse the adult child’s costs when the parent passes away.
  • Young adults whose parents incurred private student loan debt or cosigned a loan for them. Young adults without dependents rarely need life insurance, but if a parent will be on the hook for a child’s debt after their death, the child may want to carry enough life insurance to pay off that debt.
  • Children or young adults who want to lock in low rates. The younger and healthier you are , the lower your insurance premiums. A 20-something adult might buy a policy even without having dependents if there is an expectation to have them in the future.
  • Stay-at-home spouses. Stay-at-home spouses should have life insurance as they contribute significant economic value based on the work they do in the home. According to Salary.com, the economic value of a stay-at-home parent would be equivalent to an annual salary of $184,820.
  • Wealthy families who expect to owe estate taxes. Life insurance can provide funds to cover the taxes and keep the full value of the estate intact.
  • Families who can ’ t afford burial and funeral expenses. A small life insurance policy can provide funds to honor a loved one’s passing.
  • Businesses with key employees. If the death of a key employee, such as a CEO, would create a severe financial hardship for a firm, that firm may have an insurable interest that will allow it to purchase a key person life insurance policy on that employee.
  • Married pensioners. Instead of choosing between a pension payout that offers a spousal benefit and one that doesn’t, pensioners can choose to accept their full pension and use some of the money to buy life insurance to benefit their spouse. This strategy is called pension maximization .
  • Those with preexisting conditions, such as cancer, diabetes, or smoking. Note, however, that some insurers may deny coverage for such individuals, or else charge very high rates.

Each policy is unique to the insured and insurer. It’s important to review your policy document to understand what risks your policy covers, how much it will pay your beneficiaries, and under what circumstances.

What to Do Before Buying Life Insurance

Research policy options and company reviews.

Because life insurance policies are a major expense and commitment, it's critical to do proper due diligence to make sure the company you choose has a solid track record and financial strength, given that your heirs may not receive any death benefit for many decades into the future. Investopedia has evaluated scores of companies that offer all different types of insurance and rated the best in numerous categories.

Consider How Much Death Benefit You Need

Life insurance can be a prudent financial tool to hedge your bets and provide protection for your loved ones in case of death should you die while the policy is in force. However, there are situations in which it makes less sense —such if you buy too much or insure people whose income doesn't need to be replaced. So it's important to consider the following factors.

What expenses couldn't be met if you died? If your spouse has a high income and you don't have any children, maybe it's not warranted. It is still essential to consider the impact of your potential death on a spouse and consider how much financial support they would need to grieve without worrying about returning to work before they’re ready. However, if both spouses' income is necessary to maintain a desired lifestyle or meet financial commitments, then both spouses may need separate life insurance coverage.

Know Why You're Buying Life Insurance

If you're buying a policy on another family member's life, it's important to ask: what are you trying to insure? Children and seniors really don't have any meaningful income to replace, but burial expenses may need to be covered in the event of their death. Beyond burial expenses, a parent may also want to protect their child’s future insurability by purchasing a moderate-sized policy while they are young. Doing so allows that parent to ensure that their child has a head start towards protecting their future family financially. Parents are only allowed to purchase life insurance for their children up to 25% of the in-force policy on their own lives.

Could investing the money that would be paid in premiums for permanent insurance throughout a policy earn a better return over time? As a hedge against uncertainty, consistent saving and investing—for example, self-insuring —might make more sense in some cases if a significant income doesn't need to be replaced or if policy investment returns on cash value are overly conservative.

A life insurance policy has two main components—a death benefit and a premium. Term life insurance has these two components, while permanent or whole life insurance policies also have a cash value component.

Death Benefit

The death benefit  or face value is the amount of money the insurance company guarantees to the beneficiaries identified in the policy when the insured dies. The insured might be a parent, and the beneficiaries might be their children, for example. The insured will choose the desired face amount based on the beneficiaries’ estimated future needs. The insurance company will determine whether there is an insurable interest and if the proposed insured qualifies for the coverage based on the company’s underwriting requirements related to age, health, and any hazardous activities in which the proposed insured participates.

Premiums are the money the policyholder pays for insurance. The insurer must pay the death benefit when the insured dies if the policyholder pays the premiums as required. Premiums are determined in part by how likely it is that the insurer will have to pay the policy’s death benefit based on the insured’s life expectancy. Factors that influence life expectancy include the insured’s age, gender, medical history, occupational hazards, and high-risk hobbies. Part of the premium also goes toward the insurance company’s operating expenses. Premiums are higher on policies with larger death benefits, individuals who are at higher risk, and permanent policies that accumulate cash value.

The cash value of permanent life insurance serves two purposes. It is a savings account that the policyholder can use during the life of the insured; the cash accumulates on a tax-deferred basis. Some policies have restrictions on withdrawals depending on how the money is to be used. For example, the policyholder might take out a loan against the policy’s cash value and have to pay interest on the loan principal. The policyholder can also use the cash value to pay premiums or purchase additional insurance. The cash value is a living benefit that remains with the insurance company when the insured dies. Any outstanding loans against the cash value will reduce the policy’s death benefit.

Good to Know

The policy owner and the insured are usually the same person, but sometimes they may be different. For example, a business might buy key person insurance on a crucial employee such as a CEO, or an insured might sell their own policy to a third party for cash in a life settlement .

Life Insurance Riders and Policy Changes

Many insurance companies offer policyholders the option to customize their policies to accommodate their needs.  Riders are the most common way policyholders may modify or change their plans. There are many riders, but availability depends on the provider. The policyholder will typically pay an additional premium for each rider or a fee to exercise the rider, though some policies include certain riders in their base premium.

  • The accidental death benefit rider provides additional life insurance coverage in the event the insured’s death is accidental.
  • The waiver of premium rider relieves the policyholder of making premium payments if the insured becomes disabled and unable to work.
  • The disability income rider pays a monthly income in the event the policyholder becomes unable to work for several months or longer due to a serious illness or injury.
  • Upon diagnosis of terminal illness, the  accelerated death benefit rider allows the insured to collect a portion or all of the death benefit.
  • The long-term care rider is a type of accelerated death benefit that can be used to pay for nursing-home, assisted-living, or in-home care when the insured requires help with activities of daily living, such as bathing, eating, and using the toilet.
  • A guaranteed insurability rider lets the policyholder buy additional insurance at a later date without a medical review.

Borrowing Money

Most permanent life insurance accumulates cash value that the policyholder can borrow against. Technically, you are borrowing money from the insurance company and using your cash value as collateral. Unlike with other types of loans, the policyholder’s credit score is not a factor. Repayment terms can be flexible, and the loan interest goes back into the policyholder’s cash value account. Policy loans can reduce the policy’s death benefit, however, if you don't pay them back.

Funding Retirement

Policies with a cash value or investment component can provide a source of retirement income. This opportunity can come with high fees and a lower death benefit, so it may only be a good option for individuals who have maxed out other tax-advantaged savings and investment accounts. The pension maximization strategy described earlier is another way life insurance can fund retirement.

It’s prudent to reevaluate your life insurance needs annually or after significant life events, such as divorce , marriage, the birth or adoption of a child, or major purchases, such as a house. You may need to update the policy’s beneficiaries, increase your coverage, or even reduce your coverage.

Insurers evaluate each life insurance applicant on a case-by-case basis, and with hundreds of insurers to choose from, almost anyone can find an affordable policy that at least partially meets their needs. In 2022 there were 912 life insurance and annuity companies in the United States, according to the Insurance Information Institute.

On top of that, many life insurance companies sell multiple types and sizes of policies, and some specialize in meeting specific needs, such as policies for people with chronic health conditions. There are also brokers who specialize in life insurance and know what different companies offer. Applicants can work with a broker free of charge to find the insurance they need. This means that almost anyone can get some type of life insurance policy if they look hard enough and are willing to pay a high enough price or accept a perhaps less-than-ideal death benefit.

Insurance is not just for the healthy and wealthy, and because the insurance industry is much broader than many consumers realize, getting life insurance may be possible and affordable even if previous applications have been denied or quotes have been unaffordable.

In general, the younger and healthier you are, the easier it will be to qualify for life insurance, and the older and less healthy you are, the harder it will be. Certain lifestyle choices, such as using tobacco or engaging in risky hobbies such as skydiving, also make it harder to qualify or lead to higher rates.

You need life insurance if you need to provide security for a spouse, children, or other family members in the event of your death. Life insurance death benefits, depending on the policy amount, can help beneficiaries pay off a mortgage, cover college tuition, or help fund retirement. Permanent life insurance also features a cash value component that builds over time.

What Factors Affect Your Life Insurance Premiums?

  • Age (life insurance is less expensive)
  • Gender (female tends to be less expensive)
  • Smoking (smoking increases premiums)
  • Health (poor health can raise premiums)
  • Lifestyle (risky activities can increase premiums)
  • Family medical history (chronic illness in relatives can raise premiums)
  • Driving record (good drivers save on premiums)

What Are the Benefits of Life Insurance?

  • Payouts are tax-free. Life insurance death benefits are paid as a lump sum and are not subject to federal income tax because they are not considered income for beneficiaries.
  • Dependents don't have to worry about living expenses. Most policy calculators recommend a multiple of your gross income equal to seven to 10 years that can cover major expenses such as mortgages and college tuition without the surviving spouse or children having to take out loans.
  • Final expenses can be covered. Funeral expenses can be significant and can be avoided with a burial policy, or with standard term or permanent life policies.
  • Policies can supplement retirement savings. Permanent life policies such as whole, universal, and variable life insurance can offer cash value in addition to death benefits, which can augment other savings in retirement.

How Do You Qualify for Life Insurance?

To qualify for life insurance, you need to submit an application. But life insurance is available to almost anyone. However, the cost or premium level can vary greatly based on your age, health, and lifestyle. Some types of life insurance don't require medical information but generally have much higher premiums and involve an initial waiting period before the death benefit is available.

How Does Life Insurance Work?

Life insurance works by providing a death benefit in exchange for paying premiums. One popular type of life insurance—term life insurance—only lasts for a set amount of time, such as 10 or 20 years. Permanent life insurance also features a death benefit but lasts for the life of the policyholder as long as premiums are paid.

There are many types of life insurance policies available, each offering a variety of features. Understanding how life insurance works helps you choose the best coverage for you and your family. Once you decide what type of insurance you need and how much coverage makes sense for your situation, compare products from top life insurance companies to determine the best fit.

Insurance Information Institute. " What are the Different Types of Term Life Insurance Policies? "

Insurance Information Institute. " What are the Different Types of Permanent Life Insurance Policies? "

Internal Revenue Service. " Life Insurance & Disability Insurance Proceeds ."

Social Security Administration. " Liens, Adjustments and Recoveries, and Transfers of Assets ."

Salary.com. " How Much Is a Mom Really Worth? The Amount May Surprise You. "

State Farm. " What Determines the Cost of Life Insurance? "

Insurance Information Institute. " Facts + Statistics: Industry Overview ."

essay on importance of life insurance

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Life Insurance: Meaning, Benefits & How It Works

Life Insurance: Meaning, Benefits & How It Works

There is a big ‘if’ in the word ‘Life’ itself. The word ‘if’ represents all the challenges that life throws at you. Life is uncertain and the best way to deal with these uncertainties is to be prepared against them. One such uncertainty is death. While death is inevitable, premature death is uncertain and if it happens, it creates emotional as well as financial loss. While emotional loss cannot be compensated against, financial loss can be. This is where life insurance comes into the picture. Life insurance policies are designed to cover the risk of premature death. If the insured dies during the term of the policy, life insurance plans pay a death benefit. However, life insurance is a broad concept which cannot be summed up in the above two lines. So, let’s understand life insurance definition in details.

Table of Contents

What is life insurance?

Top 5 features of life insurance plans, different types of life insurance policies, types of life insurance riders, what is life insurance claim, tax implication of life insurance policies, how to buy life insurance plans.

Life insurance is a policy which covers the risk of premature death. If, during the term of the policy, the life insured dies, the policy promises to pay a death benefit. Life insurance policies are legal contracts where, against the coverage offered by the insurance company , you are supposed to pay a premium for availing the coverage. Moreover, besides premature death, many life insurance plans also cover survival to the end of the policy tenure wherein a maturity benefit is paid.

Some of the salient features of life insurance policies are as follows –

  • The individual whose life is covered under the policy is called the life insured or life assured
  • The individual who pays the premium for the policy is called the policyholder
  • The policyholder and the life insured can be same or different. When you buy a life insurance policy on your life, you are the policyholder and life insured. However, when you buy a policy on the life of your spouse or dependent child, you would be the policyholder but the life insured would be the spouse of the dependent child
  • Every life insurance policy has a specified duration and coverage level which you can choose
  • There are different types of life insurance plans and each plan has a different benefit structure

Importance of life insurance plans:

Here are the reasons why life insurance plans are important –

  • Life insurance policies provide financial security. They promise to give your family financial assistance in case of your premature death
  • There are different types of life insurance plans and each plan helps you in fulfilling your life’s financial goals
  • By investing in life insurance policies you can buy peace of mind for yourself as far are financial stability is concerned
  • Life insurance policies also give you tax benefits and help in lowering your tax liabilityGiven these benefits of life insurance plans, you should invest in a suitable policy.

As stated earlier, life insurance plans come in different variants. Let’s understand these variants and their respective features-

Term Insurance

Term insurance is the most basic type of life insurance policy. The policy promises death benefit during the term of the plan. On maturity, usually, nothing is paid. Term plans are the cheapest form of life insurance which gives you unmatched financial protection.

Salient features of term insurance

  • Term plans allow high coverage levels at a low cost
  • Coverage can be taken for very long durations going up to 30 or 35 years or till 85 years of age. Different plans have different options available

There are different types of term plans which are as follows:

  • Increasing term plans where the sum assured increases every year
  • Decreasing term plans where the sum assured reduces every year
  • Level term plans where the sum assured does not change
  • TROP or Term Plan with Return of premium option where the premiums paid are returned if the plan matures

Whole Life Insurance

Whole life plans, as the name suggests, run for your whole life and allow coverage till you reach 99 or 100 years. These plans are like term insurance plans but with indefinite coverage duration.

Salient features of whole life insurance plans

  • Coverage is allowed till 99 or 100 years of age
  • Different types of whole life plans are available in the market. You can buy endowment oriented plans, money back whole life plans, pure protection plans or even unit linked plans
  • Premiums under whole life plans are payable for a limited period
  • Under endowment oriented, money back or unit linked plans, there is also a maturity benefit if you survive till 99 or 100 years of age

Endowment Assurance

Endowment plans are traditional savings-oriented life insurance plans. These plans provide coverage against premature death. Moreover, on maturity, a guaranteed maturity benefit is also promised. Endowment plans, therefore, promise insurance as well as savings.

Salient features of endowment assurance plans

  • Endowment assurance plans are a combination of insurance as well as investment options
  • Coverage duration can range from 10 years to up to 30 years
  • The plan usually offers guaranteed benefits on death or maturity at 99 years of age
  • The plan can be a participating or a non-participating plan.
  • Participating plans earn bonus
  • Non-participating plans do not earn bonus

5. Guaranteed additions or loyalty additions are also promised under many endowment assurance plans

Money Back Plan

Money back plans are also called anticipated endowment plans because they are like endowment plans but with anticipated benefits. Under these plans, the sum assured is paid in instalments at specified durations over the policy tenure. This allows liquidity while at the same time providing life insurance notes coverage.

Salient features of money back plans

  • The money back benefits are called survival benefits
  • Money back plans are offered as participating plans where bonuses are added
  • In case of death of the insured, the entire amount of sum assured is paid irrespective of the survival benefits already paid earlier
  • The tenure of a money-back plan often ranges from 12 or 15 years till 20 or 25 years.

Unit Linked Insurance Plans

Unit linked insurance plans are unique life insurance plans which provide the double benefit of insurance as well as investment returns. Premiums paid for these plans are invested in market linked funds. This fund then grows as per the performance of the market. If the insured dies during the policy tenure, a death benefit is paid. On maturity, the fund value is paid which is equal to the premiums invested along with the returns that they earned over the term of the policy.

Salient features of unit linked plans

  • There are different types of investment funds suitable for different risk appetites
  • You can choose the premium that you want to pay, the investment fund and the duration of the plan
  • Partial withdrawals are allowed after the completion of 5 policy years wherein you can withdraw from the fund
  • Switching is allowed for changing the selected investment fund
  • Many unit linked plans also allow additional premiums through top-ups
  • Higher of the sum assured or the fund value is paid on death. On maturity, however, the fund value is paid

Child insurance plans are life insurance plans which are created to secure your child’s future. Under these plans, there is an inbuilt premium waiver rider. This rider waives the premiums in case of death of the parent who is also the policyholder. Though the premiums are waived, the policy continues and pays a benefit after the end of the term when the child needs it for higher education or marriage. Child insurance plans, therefore, ensure a corpus for the child’s future whether the parent is alive or not.

Salient features of child insurance plans

  • Child plans can be traditional endowment or money back plans or unit linked plans
  • Only parents of minor children can buy the policy
  • The life insured can be parents or the minor child. The policyholder, however, would always be the parent
  • When the child attains 18 years, he/she becomes the policyholder. The policy, then, vests in the child’s name
  • If the parent is the life insured, in case of death during the term, a death benefit is immediately paid. The plan, however, continues to run and the insurance company pays the premiums. Thereafter, on maturity, a maturity benefit is paid again

Health Plan

Life insurance companies also offer health insurance policies. These policies either cover specific illnesses or a list of critical illnesses. If the insured suffers from the illnesses covered by the plan, a lump sum benefit is paid as per the policy’s benefit structure.

Salient features of health plans

  • The plans are offered for a period of 5 years to 30 years
  • The plans pay a lump sum benefit irrespective of the medical costs incurred
  • Heart related illnesses, cancer and other critical illnesses are some of the commonly covered illnesses under health plans

Annuity plans or pension plans are retirement oriented life insurance plans. Under these plans you can either create a retirement corpus or avail lifelong incomes from an already accumulated corpus. Pension plans help you plan for your financial needs post retirement.

Salient features of pension plans

  • There are two types of pension plans – deferred annuity plans and immediate annuity plans
  • Under deferred annuity plans you can choose a policy tenure and pay premiums to build up a retirement corpus
  • Under immediate annuity plans annuity payments commence immediately after you buy the plan
  • Under deferred annuity plans, 1/3rd of the accumulated corpus can be withdrawn in cash through commutation. The remaining would then be used to avail annuities

Life Insurance Riders

Besides the above-mentioned types of life insurance plans, there are riders too which are additional coverage benefits. Riders are available with almost all types of life insurance plans (except health and immediate annuity plans). You can choose any rider as per your coverage needs by paying an additional premium.

Salient features of life insurance riders

  • Riders have their own sum assured which can be equal to or lower than the sum assured of the base policy
  • You can choose multiple riders
  • Each rider comes with an additional premium
  • Riders do not have any maturity benefit. They cover a specific contingency and pay a benefit only if that contingency occurs

Life insurance riders can be offered in the following types –

Now that you have understood life insurance meaning and the different types of life insurance policies, let’s understand claims. It is important to understand what is life insurance claim so that you can understand the benefits that you receive from different plans. Life insurance claims are of different types which can be understood below –

life insurance claim

Here’s a brief description of each type of claim –

Life insurance companies in India and their claim settlement ratios

In India, there are 24 life insurance companies operating in the market. Apart from LIC, which is owned by the Government of India, all other insurers are privately owned companies.

Life insurance companies are often judged by their claim settlement ratios. The ratio denotes the number of claims paid by the life insurance company against the total claims made upon it in a financial year. It is calculated as a percentage and published by the Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority of India (IRDAI) every year. The higher the ratio, the better the company is perceived to be since it can be trusted to settle its claims. You can, therefore, choose a life insurance company based on its claim settlement ratio among other things.

Here is a complete list of life insurance companies currently operating in India along with their published Claim Settlement Ratios for the financial year 2017-18 –

When talking about the benefits of life insurance policies, their tax efficiency was highlighted. Let’s understand how life insurance plans can help you save tax –

Tax benefits on premiums paid

The premiums that you pay for your life insurance plans (except annuity plans and health insurance plans) are allowed as a deduction from your taxable income under Section 80C. As per the provisions of this Section, you can claim a deduction of up to INR 1.5 lakhs by paying premiums of your life insurance policies. The premiums paid for annuity plans also qualify as a deduction but under a different Section. Pension plan premiums are allowed as a deduction under Section 80CCC of the Income Tax Act. The limit under this Section is also up to INR 1.5 lakhs but it also includes the deductions under Section 80C. Thus, you can claim a maximum deduction of up to INR 1.5 lakhs aggregately from life insurance premiums as well as pension plan premiums under Section 80C and Section 80CCC respectively. For health insurance policies, the deduction is allowed under Section 80D. You can claim a maximum deduction of up to INR 25,000 by investing in health insurance plans. If you are a senior citizen, you can enjoy a higher deduction as the limit increases to INR 50,000. Moreover, if you buy a health insurance plan for your dependent parents, you can claim an additional deduction. This deduction would be up to INR 25,000 if your parents are below 60 years of age and INR 50,000 if they are senior citizens. Thus, Section 80D offers you a maximum deduction of up to INR 1 lakh.

Tax benefits on claims

The claims received under life insurance policies are completely tax-free under Section 10(10D) of the Income Tax Act. Whatever be the type of claim that you receive, the entire amount would be allowed as a tax-free income without a maximum limit.

Tax benefit on commuted pension

In case of deferred annuity plans, 1/3rd of the corpus which you withdraw as cash is called the commuted pension. This commuted pension is completely tax-free in your hands under Section 10(10A) of the Income Tax Act.

Tax implication of annuities

The annuity payments that you receive from life insurance pension plans are considered to be an income in your hands. This income is taxable and would be subject to tax at your prevailing income tax slab rates.

Having understood life insurance meaning and its importance, it is imperative that you buy a life insurance policy for your financial needs. To buy the policy, you have two options which are as follows –

  • Buy offline
  • Buy online Buying offline means buying the policy from a life insurance agent or by visiting the insurance company’s branches. It is time consuming and involves unnecessary hassles. The easier way to buy life insurance plans is online. The online platform allows you to buy life insurance policies easily and quickly. Turtlemint is one such online platform wherein you can buy the best life insurance policy for your requirements.

The benefits of buying online from Turtlemint are as follows –

  • You get to compare the insurance plans offered by leading life insurance companies. You can, therefore, choose the best policy in respect of coverage and premium rates
  • Turtlemint gives you personalized assistance in case you have any queries about any life insurance policy before you buy. You can, therefore, clear your doubts and know exactly what the policy promises
  • Even in the case of claims you can contact Turtlemint’s team and they help you in getting your claims settled quickly and easily

Given these benefits, buying from Turtlemint is a wise choice.

To buy a life insurance policy, you need to fill up a proposal form and submit your relevant documents. The documents needed to buy a life insurance policy include the following –

  • Photographs of the life insured and the policyholder (if different from one another)
  • Identity proof
  • Address proof
  • Income related documents if you are paying a high premium and opting for a high sum assured
  • Medical reports, if required
  • Any other document as required by the insurance company

When these documents are submitted, the life insurance company verifies the information you mentioned in the proposal form. If everything is found to be correct, the life insurance policy is issued.

A life insurance policy proves to be a financial weapon in the face of contingencies. While you cannot avoid the challenges life throws your way, you can definitely insure the risks that you face. Life insurance plans promise coverage of your life risk and help you create a safe financial net for your loved ones. So, invest in a life insurance policy and secure your family’s happiness.

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Life Insurance: The Key Points Essay

  • To find inspiration for your paper and overcome writer’s block
  • As a source of information (ensure proper referencing)
  • As a template for you assignment

An Introduction to Insurance

An internet source, a journal article on insurance needs.

The ultimate aim of Insurance is without a doubt to minimize the risks involved in various aspects of life and in addition to this, to cover and compensate the owner if any loss is suffered by the owner. Insurance may be taken to cover the risks involved in life, property and business. Mainly there are two types of insurance, namely, life insurance and general insurance. General insurance is all about covering fire and miscellaneous insurance. This type of insurance covers several things from burglary, theft, fidelity guarantee, livestock and crops, employer’s liability and lastly to insurance of motor vehicles. Insurance is a system of sharing risk and is responsible to pay the owner who suffers any kind of damage covered in the contract. Insurance is an ace card that compensates a person when everything is against the victim.

The term life assurance better known as life insurance is basically a contract between two parties, one is the policy owner and the other is the insurer. A very common term is the face amount; this is nothing but the initial amount which is paid by the insurer to the policy holder when the policy matures or in other words the policy reaches the time frame. Life insurance policy covers all the risks involved in a person’s life but it does not cover other risks like fire, damage of assets etc, to cover such risks there is another insurance called non life insurance, this type of insurance covers all the risks involved other than the risks involved to ones life. Non life insurance covers risks ranging from fire, health, house and other important things. There are many agents involved in the process of getting a secured life insurance policy; these agents form a link between the insurer and the policy holder.

“It’s best to establish clear parameters in your relationship with your insurance adviser. You should be clear about what your adviser can, and cannot, do for you. Discuss what you require for your business and make sure they are prepared to offer this level of service.” (Choose an Insurance Adviser and present your risk). It is always advisable to have an insurance policy to minimize the risks involved. The current period of recession has signaled the beginning of unprecedented situations and one must be geared up to face these risks. The most important step before getting a policy is to review the needs; according to the needs an insurance policy must be taken. The policy must compliment the needs and it should be in proportion to the needs of an individual. For instance, if a person opts to take vehicle insurance, if he sets a very high amount ignoring the other needs, this situation can be dangerous in the future so in order to secure the future to some extent proper insurance needs must be identified and an appropriate policy must be taken. There are several people involved in guiding the people who think they need an insurance policy, in the case of ambiguity, the people should not be reluctant to approach the other people who can guide them in order to accomplish this important task.

“Most consumers depend on their employer for their health, life and disability insurance. But according to a recent report by the Center for Economic and Policy Research, this year’s recession will cause at least 4.2 million people to lose their health and insurance coverage. If the worst happens and the recession costs you your job, what would you do? (Recession- Proof Your Insurance Needs).

Both the articles stress upon the need to purchase an insurance policy. An In-depth reading of the articles suggests that the recession period has brought countless uncertainties with it and it is always good to be on the safer side. The need to purchase a policy becomes even more considering the fact that the recession is supposed to continue for another year or two. This is a clear indication of the fact that the future is not looking rosy for the businessmen as well as the normal people hence it is very fair to say that an insurance policy is a must at this point. It is now or never. If it is never then the people who opt to do the same are going to pay a very heavy price for this mistake.

Insurance often confuses the people and most individuals tend to stay away from insuring themselves from the uncertainties of the future. Many individuals tend to invest in stock markets, mutual funds, real estate etc but ignoring the important need of insurance can be devastating in the future. The awareness among many individuals about insurance is very low and this is another reason why individuals tend to stay away from purchasing policies. When an individual is not aware of a product, that individual is expected to avoid the product and the very same applies in the case of insurance too. Both the sources focus on the very same topic which is insurance and it should be made a point to be aware of the needs and accordingly the price of the policy should be decided. This is very important and both the sources used in the paper insist upon the same. An individual has to decide between a life cover or an investment plan and both the sources have given a good account of this. It is always good to go in for life cover because each passing day is making the life even more challenging than earlier and it is highly advisable to ensure that one’s life is secured. Insurance advisers plays a pivotal role in deciding which policy must be adopted and both the sources emphasize on getting the right man to advice. It is quite difficult to get the right man as there is commission associated with the deals that these people earn so they try to sell the policy which would benefit them the most rather than benefiting the insurer. Hence it becomes imperative to get hold of the right man. Family members are usually very helpful when it comes to finding the right man; any relative having good contacts can be very helpful in getting the right man. The final part is conducting a review which is another important aspect, for instance if a person opts for a child’s education plan than that individual has to ensure that the policy selected is in accordance with the goal set for the education. Goal refers to the monetary goal. All these points have been mentioned in both the sources used in the paper. If all these points are extensively followed than an individual can have a secured future.

Choose an Insurance Adviser and present your risk. In Business.co. UK. 2009. Web.

Recession- Proof Your Insurance Needs. In Wall Street Journal. 2009. Web.

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IvyPanda. (2021, December 7). Life Insurance: The Key Points. https://ivypanda.com/essays/life-insurance-the-key-points/

"Life Insurance: The Key Points." IvyPanda , 7 Dec. 2021, ivypanda.com/essays/life-insurance-the-key-points/.

IvyPanda . (2021) 'Life Insurance: The Key Points'. 7 December.

IvyPanda . 2021. "Life Insurance: The Key Points." December 7, 2021. https://ivypanda.com/essays/life-insurance-the-key-points/.

1. IvyPanda . "Life Insurance: The Key Points." December 7, 2021. https://ivypanda.com/essays/life-insurance-the-key-points/.


IvyPanda . "Life Insurance: The Key Points." December 7, 2021. https://ivypanda.com/essays/life-insurance-the-key-points/.

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Benefits of integrating insurance products into a retirement plan (PDF)

Permanent life insurance and deferred income annuities with increasing income potential outperform investment-only approaches in our analysis..

  • By 2030, gaps in investors’ retirement savings and needed protections are projected to exceed hundreds of trillions of dollars in the US.
  • This presents an opportunity for insurance companies to better serve customers to bridge these chasms, through modified investment approaches.

A lthough facing challenges, the US life insurance and retirement industry has enormous potential to grow. Our analysis reveals insights on how best to capitalize on this opportunity.

EY researchers estimate that by 2030, there will be a $240 trillion retirement savings gap and a $160 trillion protection gap. Insurers are uniquely positioned to address these gaps with products that offer legacy protection, tax-deferred savings growth and guaranteed income for life.

In this article, we explore how two products can be used to meet investors’ savings and protection needs: permanent life insurance  (PLI) and a deferred income annuity with increasing income potential (DIA with IIP), which represents deferred income annuities with persistency bonuses and non-guaranteed dividends. Can integrating PLI and a DIA with IIP into a retirement plan provide value beyond an investment-only strategy?

It is a complex question to answer. To judge the impact of PLI and DIAs with IIP, we analyzed five strategies, conducted across three different starting ages: 25, 35 and 45. For each strategy, our Monte Carlo analysis generated 1,000 scenarios based on randomized input from a range of factors, such as interest rates, inflation rates, equity returns and bond returns. The high-level results are shown in this summary article and elaborated upon in our full report.

Download the full report

The five strategies compared.

We examined a baseline of traditional investment strategies and then compared them against those that also factor in PLI and DIAs with IIP:

EY strategies and product specifications

For strategies that include PLI and a DIA with IIP, the value of these products is included in the total financial assets and considered part of the fixed income allocation. Thus, for strategies where an investor allocates a portion of their wealth to an insurance product, the amount invested in bonds decreases compared to the investment-only strategy.

In our analysis, PLI cash value (accessed via surrenders or loans) are used to fund retirement income during periods of market volatility, allowing investors to avoid liquidating assets from their traditional investments that have fallen in value.

We divided the investor’s assets between the investments and the insurance products. Different product allocation combinations were simulated in increments of 10% of total annual savings for PLI and projected wealth at age 55 for DIA with IIP. Allocation percentages were capped at 60% for PLI and 30% for DIAs with IIP. For each allocation combination, we calculated the after tax retirement income that an investor can sustain in over 90% of the market return scenarios.  We also calculated the legacy value at the end of the time horizon. 

The benefit to investors

Following this methodology, strategies involving PLI and DIAs with IIP excelled overall against investment-only approaches — although the implications must be couched in a bit of nuance, depending on whether the investor is focused more on retirement income than legacy. Here are six key insights on how the strategies compare:

1. PLI + investments strategies outperform investment-only and term life + investments strategies.

PLI tends to provide superior returns over fixed income in long-run scenarios, while the term premium acts as a drag on portfolio performance. PLI loans act as a buffer against market volatility as well, improving returns since the investor does not have to sell and realize losses on investments. 

2. DIA with IIP + investments strategies outperform other strategies in retirement income.

With DIAs with IIP + investments, the investor uses a portion of the balance to purchase the DIA with IIP and does not receive that balance upon death, boosting retirement income compared to other strategies. Projected legacy tends to be lower than PLI + investments but higher than the legacy from the investment-only strategy. The latter observation is a result of the DIA with IIP outperforming fixed income due to mortality credits and dividends.

3. Integrated strategies are more efficient than investment-only strategies.

For example, a strategy allocating 30% of annual savings to PLI and 30% of assets at age 55 to a DIA with IIP produced 5% higher retirement income and 19% more legacy than the investment-only strategy, because PLI and DIA with IIP both outperform fixed income. 

4. For investors with a higher risk appetite, integrated strategies remain better. 

We performed the same exercise described above, except that we calculated the retirement income (and legacy values) based on the amount that the investor can sustain in over 75% of the market return scenarios, reflecting the expectations of an investor with higher risk. Income and legacy do not improve as much, yet an integrated portfolio still provides benefits relative to an investment-only strategy.

5. Integrated strategies provide investors with the flexibility to focus on the financial outcomes most important to them: retirement income, legacy or a balance in between.

 We found that PLI and a DIA with IIP mix well together, whether a person is focused on retirement income, legacy or a balance. Higher allocations to a DIA with IIP emphasize retirement income, while higher PLI boosts legacy protection. The right mix depends on the investor’s preferences.

6. Allocation up to 30% of annual savings to PLI and up to 30% of wealth at age 55 to DIA with IIP may be appropriate when optimizing retirement income and legacy value outcomes. 

Results varied by investor starting age. But the projected retirement income and legacy values generally supported allocations of 10% to 30% to both PLI and DIAs with IIPs. An investor solely focused on maximizing legacy may still opt to allocate more to PLI, but when that allocation redirects too many assets away from equities, the reduction to retirement income can be substantial.

The results point to the value of PLI and DIAs with IIPs in a retirement plan: an integrated approach can give comfort and peace of mind to retirement investors by providing legacy protection, tax-deferred savings growth, and guaranteed income for life without sacrificing their present lifestyle. Insurers can use these products to strengthen their relationships with investors, seizing upon the possibilities in a marketplace that has proved challenging.

This article has been authored by Christopher Raham, Justin Singer, Ben Yahr, Ben Lee, and Annie E Mayer.

Investment-only approaches do not deliver as promising returns as those that are combined with PLI and DIAs with increasing income potential, an EY analysis shows, although there are distinctions to consider depending on whether more retirement income or legacy value is desired. Allocation levels should be approached with care.

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Essay on Insurance: Top 6 Essays | Insurance Management

essay on importance of life insurance

After reading this essay you will learn about:- 1. Meaning of Insurance 2. Fundamental Principles or Features of an Insurance Contract 3. Types 4. Double Insurance 5. Re-Insurance 6. Advantages/Utilities/Importance.

Essay on Insurance

Essay Contents:

  • Essay on the Advantages/Utilities/Importance of Insurance

Essay # 1. Meaning of Insurance:

Risk and uncertainty are incidental to life. These risks and uncertainties are increasing day by day due to increase in fastness of life. Man may meet an untimely death. He may suffer from accident, destruction of property from fire, sea, floods, earthquakes and many other causes. Whenever there is uncertainty, there is risk as well as insecurity.


It is to provide against risk and insecurity that insurance came into being. The main principle underlying insurance is the pooling of risks. It is a co-operative device to spread the loss caused by a risk (which is covered by insurance) over a large number of persons who are also exposed to the same risk and insure themselves against that risk.

According to W.A. Dinsale, “Insurance is a device for the transfer of risks of individual entities to an insurer, who agrees, for a consideration (called the premium), to assume, to a specified extent, losses suffered by the insured.

According the Mehr and Cammack, “Insurance is a social device for reducing risk by combining a sufficient number of exposure units to make their individual losses collectively predictable. The predictable loss is then shared proportionately by all those in the combination.”

According to D.S. Hansell. “Insurance is a social device providing financial compensation for the effects of misfortune, the payments being made from the accumulated contributions of all parties participating in the scheme.”

According to Schultz and Bradwill, “Insurance in its technical sense is a social device which employs the use of pooling technique to eliminate uncertainty,”

According to Justice Tindal, “Insurance is a contact in which a sum of money is paid by the assured in consideration of insurers incurring the risk of paying a large sum upon a given contingency.”

The agency which helps in entering into this arrangement is called Insurer or insurance company. The person who gets his life/property insured is called Insured/Assured. The agreement or contract, which is put in writing, is called Policy. The thing on property insured is called the subject-matter of insurance and the interest of the assured in the subject-matter is called his insurable interest.

To conclude, a contract of insurance is a contract by which a person, in consideration of a sum of money, undertakes to make good the loss of another against a specified risk, e.g., fire, or to compensate him or his estate on the happening of a specified event, e.g.. accident or death.

Essay # 2. Fundamental Principles or Features of an Insurance Contract:

Insurance contract is based on certain fundamental principles.

These principles are:

(i) Essentials of a Valid Contract:

The contract of insurance must have all the essentials of a valid contract.

According to Indian Contract Act, 1872, a valid contract must possess the following essentials:

(t) Offer and acceptance

(ii) Capacity to contract

(iii) Free consent of parties

(iv) Lawful consideration and object

(v) Contracts not specifically declared void.

(ii) Utmost Good Faith:

The contract in insurance is uberrima fides, e.g., both the parties must disclose all material facts. Concealment of any fact will entitle the insurer to deprive the assured of benefits of the contract.

Each party mush reveal to other party all information which would influence the other’s decision to enter into the contract. Although a party must not make any false statement, he is not bound to disclose to the other party all that he knows or ought to know about the transaction.

But there are certain cases where the knowledge of facts is almost exclusively on one side. In such cases, the contract is vitiated by non-disclosure of any material fact or a misstatement. Such contracts are known as contracts of uberrima fides or contracts based on ‘utmost good faith’.

The rule of caveat empter, i.e., let the buyer beware, does not apply to the contracts of insurance.

The assured knows more about the subject-matter of the contract than the other party (the insurer). Consequently he is under a duty to disclose correctly all material facts known to him to the insurer, so that insurer may be in a position to make an accurate estimate of the risk that he is undertaking.

It is not easy to define material fact. It depends upon the circumstances of each case. A material fact is one which goes to the root of contract of insurance, and which must be stated with perfect degree of accuracy. If the utmost good faith is not observed by either party the contract may be avoided by the other.

A proposer should disclose all material facts at the time of making the proposal not only those facts which he honestly thinks to be material but every fact which a reasonable man would have thought to be material.

(iii) Insurable Interest:

The assured must have an actual interest called the insurable interest in the subject-matter of the insurance. A person is said to have an insurable interest in the subject-matter (property or life) if he is benefitted by its existence and is prejudiced by its destruction. Without insurable interest the contract of insurance is void. It is the existence of insurable interest in a insurance contract that differentiates it from a wagering contract.

A banker has an insurable interest in the property mortgaged to it against a loan. A person has insurable interest in his own life. A creditor can insure the life of his debtor. A person has insurable interest in the building he owns.

An employer can insure the lives of his employees because of his pecuniary interest in them. A businessman has insurable interest in his stock, plant and machinery, building, etc. Husband has interest in the life of his wife and wife in the life of her husband.

Is it necessary in all forms of insurance?

Insurable interest is necessary to support every insurance contract. In case of Life Insurance, insurable interest must be present at the time when the insurance is effected. It is not necessary that the assured should have insurable interest at the time of maturity also.

In case of Fire Insurance, insurable interest must be present both at the time of insurance and at the time of loss. In case of Marine Insurance, insurable interest must be present at the time of loss. It may or may not present at the time of insurance.

(iv) Indemnity:

A contract of insurance is a contract of indemnity. The principle of indemnity is applicable to all types of insurance except life, personal accident and sickness insurance. That means that the assured in the case of loss against which the policy has been made shall be fully compensated and never more than the value of the policy. The insurer agrees to make good the loss but the insured, however, is not entitled to make a profit out of the loss.

A contract of insurance does not remain a contract of indemnity if a fixed amount is to be paid by the insurer to the insured on the happening of the event insured against, whether he suffers a loss or not. A contract of life insurance is not a contract of indemnity. In life insurance, the insurer is liable to pay the sum mentioned in the policy upon the happening of the contingency (death, or expiry of a certain period).

(v) Mitigation of Loss:

The next essential principle of insurance is that in the event of some mishap to the insured property, the assured must take all necessary steps to mitigate the loss. The insurer must act in a prudent manner as if he were in-insured.

However, he should do his best: yet in case of his own death he is not required to do so. If he does not do so the insurer can avoid the payment of loss attributable to his negligence. In nutshell, he is bound to do his best under the circumstances, but he is not bound to do at the risk of his life.

(vi) Risk Must Attach:

A contract of insurance is enforceable if and only if the risk has been attached. If the risk is not run the consideration fails, and therefore the premium received by the insurer must be returned The premium is to be returned even where the risk is not run or could not be run due to the fault, will or pleasure of the assured.

A policy is not attached till the risk begins and is not attached after the risk is determined one way or the other, except in those special insurance where both the parties being ignorant of the position of the thing insured, contract to insure it lost or not lost.

(vii) Contribution:

Sometimes a property is insured with more than one company. Where there are two or more insurances on one risk, the principle of contribution applies between insurers. The objective of contribution is to distribute the actual amount of loss among different insurers who are liable for the same risk.

In case of loss, any one insurer may make the payment to the assured the full amount of loss covered by the policy. After paying this amount, he is allowed to claim a contribution from his co-insurers in proportion to the amount which each has undertaken to pay in case of loss.

The principle of contribution is applied to any insurance which is a contract to indemnity. It does not apply to life and personal accident insurance.

(viii) Subrogation:

The principle (or doctrine) of subrogation is a corollary to the principle of indemnity and applies only to fire and marine insurances. It does not apply to life and personal accident insurances. If the insured party gets a compensation for the loss suffered by him, he cannot claim the same amount of loss from any other party.

Subrogation is a substitution of one person in place of another in relation to the claim, its rights, remedies or securities. Whenever, an assured has received full indemnity in respect of his loss, the insurer is subrogated to only the rights and remedies available to the assured in respect of the thing to which the contract of insurance relates. The insurer’s right to subrogation arises only when he pays the loss for which he is liable under the policy.

(ix) Causa Proxima or Proximate Cause:

The insurer can recover the loss only if it is proximately caused by any of the perils insured against. This is known as the principle of Causa Proxima. “Every loss that clearly and proximately results whether directly or indirectly from the event insured against is within the policy.”

The rule of proximate cause runs as Causa Proxima Non-Remote Spectator, i.e., the proximate and not the remote cause is to be looked to, and if the proximate cause of the loss is a peril insured against, the assured can recover the amount of the loss from the insurer.

The question, which is the causa proxima of a loss, can only arise where there are a succession of causes. When a result has been brought about by two or more causes, you must, in insurance law, look to the nearest cause, although the result would, no doubt, not have happened without the remote cause.

Proximate does not mean the nearest in time. The cause which is truly proximate is that which is proximate in efficiency. If the loss is the result of such an efficient cause, it will be regarded as having been caused by the proximate cause.

Section 55 of the Marine Insurance Act, 1963 lays down that unless the policy otherwise provides, the insurer is liable for any loss proximately caused by a peril insured against.

Essay # 3. Types of Insurance:

There are a number of types of insurance, but the following types stand out as being of special importance:

(i) Life insurance

(ii) Fire insurance

(iii) Marine insurance

(i) Life Insurance:

In life insurance contract the amount of the policy is definitely paid, it is a question of time only. The amount becomes payable on the death of the assured or on the expiry of a certain fixed period, whichever is earlier. Life insurance contract is not a contract of indemnity.

Life insurance is a contract by which the insurer, in consideration of a premium, undertakes to pay a certain sum of money on the death of a person whose life is insured, or on the expiry of a certain period, whichever is earlier. Life insurance contract is not a contract of indemnity. The loss of life cannot be compensated and only a specified sum of money is paid.

Fundamental Principles/Features/Essentials of Life Insurance Contract :

Life insurance contract is based on certain fundamental principles.

1. Essentials of a Valid Contract:

The life insurance contract must have all the essentials of a valid contract.

According to Indian Contract Act, 1872, a valid contract must contain the following essentials:

(i) Offer and acceptance.

(ii) Capacity to contract.

(iii) Free consent of parties.

(iv) Lawful consideration of object.

2. Utmost Good Faith:

The contract of life insurance is a contract of utmost good faith. The insured should be honest and truthful in giving information to the insurance company. He knows more about the subject-matter of the contract than the other party (the insurer).

Consequently, he is under a duty to disclose accurately all material facts known to him to the insurer. Concealment of any fact will entitle the insurer to deprive the assured of the benefit of the contract.

3. Insurable Interest:

In life insurance, the insured must have insurable interest in the life assured. Without insurable interest the contract of insurance is void. In case of life insurance, insurable interest must be present at the time when the insurance is Affected. It is not necessary that the assured should have insurable interest at the time of maturity also.

In the following three cases insurable interest is presumed and no proof is necessary, viz.:

(i) Own life

(ii) Husband in the life of wife, and

(iii) Wife in the life of husband.

The following persons have been held to have insurable interest:

(i) A person is presumed to have an interest in his own life and every part of it.

(ii) A creditor has an insurable interest in the life of his debtor,

(iii) A proprietor of a drama company has an insurable interest in the lives of actresses.

(iv) A servant engaged for a term of years has insurable interest in the life of his employer.

4. Contract of Indemnity:

A contract of life insurance is not a contract of indemnity. The loss of life cannot be compensated and only a specified sum of money is paid. That is why the amount payable in life insurance on the happening of the even is fixed in advance. Once the ‘sum of money’ payable is fixed, it is constant invariable. A contract of insurance, therefore, is not a contract of indemnity.

The loss resulting from the death of life assured cannot be estimated in terms of money and only a fixed amount is paid.

How to Effect Life Insurance (I.E., Procedure)?

A number of steps are taken to effect life insurance policy.

These steps are:

a. Proposal:

Before taking a life insurance policy, it is important to take proposal for which is available free from the office of Life Insurance Corporation. Agents also supply this form. The form contains a number of questions about the health of the person, family background, and the mode of paying premium.

As we know that the contract of insurance is based on utmost good faith. So the proposer must answer all the questions correctly. He should not conceal any factual information. Concealment of any fact will entitle the insurer to deprive the assured of the benefits of the contract.

b. Medical Examination:

After the proposal form has been submitted, a medical examination of the person to be insured is arranged. Such examination can be conducted only by a doctor approved by the insurance company. The medical report of the applicant is directly forwarded by the doctor to the office of the company.

c. Acceptance of Proposal:

The proposal form is sent to the company along with medical report and the comments of the insurance agents. The proposal form is scrutinised by the company and if the company is satisfied, the proposal is accepted.

d. Proof of Age:

The applicant has to furnish satisfactory proof of his age to the insurance company.

The proof of the age can be furnished through any one of the following:

(i) A certificate from the Municipal Birth Register

(ii) A certificate of High School

(iii) The horoscope of the assured

(iv) Service Book

(v) Certificate relating to the Baptism ceremony among Christians.

e. Premium:

When the proposal is accepted, it is intimated to the applicant and he is asked to make the payment of premium. On the payment of premium the policy comes into operation and the risk is covered then onwards.

f. Insurance Policy:

After receiving the installment of first premium, the insurance company prepares the insurance policy. The policy is in the form of an agreement between the insurance company and the assured to pay a certain sum of money to the assured on the happening of the event mentioned in the policy.

It bears the signatures of the officials of the insurance company. When the policy is ready, it is sent to the assured by registered post. It contains the assureds’ name, address, occupation, age, amount of insurance, number of installments, amount and date of premium, etc.

Different Kinds of Life Insurance Policies:

The life insurance policies are of the following types:

1. Whole Life Policy:

Under this policy, premium is payable throughout the life time of the life assured. The sum assured becomes payable only on the death of the insured. These policies are taken out to make provision for the dependants. This policy is also called ‘Ordinary Life Policy’.

2. Endowment Policy:

This is most popular form of life insurance. This policy is taken up for a specific period known as ‘endowment period’. The sum assured is payable either on the death of life assured or on the expiry of a fixed period, whichever is earlier. If the person does not die upto the maturity of the policy, he shall get back the insured amount after the maturity of the policy.

3. Joint Life Policy:

This policy implies to husband and wife or the partners of a business. They can have a joint policy. It is like Endowment Policy. The sum assured under a Joint Life Policy (on two or more lives) is payable at the end of the endowment term or on the first death of any one the lives assured, whichever is earlier. Such policies are usually taken by partnership firms to provide for the payment of the capital of the deceased partner.

4. With or Without Profit Policy:

Life insurance policy may be ‘with profit’ or ‘without profit’. The assured is entitled to the share in the profits of the insurer if the policy is a ‘with profit’ policy. Contrary to this, in case of ‘without profit’ policies, such a question does not arise.

5. Annuity Policy:

Under annuity policy, the amount is payable by the insurer not in lump sum but by monthly, quarterly, half-yearly or annual installments which are paid either until death or for a specified number of years. This policy is very useful to those persons who desire to provide a regular income for themselves and their dependants after the expiry of a specified period.

6. Sinking Fund Policy:

These policies are mostly taken by firms and companies to accumulate funds to pay off a liability or for making a provision for the replacement of an asset after a period of time.

7. Convertible Whole Life Policy:

This policy is issued as a whole life policy with a provision to convert it into an Endowment Policy after the expiry of a specified period (say 5 years). If this option is not exercised, the policy continues as a whole life policy with premiums ceasing at a certain age.

8. Group Insurance Policy:

This policy may be taken out for the protection of lives of all employees in a business concern. One policy is issued to the employer with individual certificates indicating the amount of insurance protection of each employee. Dependants of the employees are entitled to the benefits of these insurances.

(ii) Fire Insurance:

Fire insurance covers losses caused by fire. A fire insurance is an agreement between the two parties, i.e., insurer and insured, whereby the insurer undertakes to indemnify the loss suffered by the insured in consideration for his (insured) paying of certain sum called premium. Fire Insurance is a contract of indemnity. This contract does not help in controlling or preventing fire but it is a promise to compensate the loss.

A contract of fire insurance is a contract whereby the insurer, in consideration of the premium paid, undertakes to make good any loss or damage caused by fire during a specified period. Normally, the fire insurance policy is for a period of one year after which it is to be renewed from time to time.

A claim for loss by fire must satisfy the following two conditions:

(i) There must be actual loss; and

(ii) Fire must be accidental and non-intentional.

The risk covered by a fire insurance contract is the loss resulting from fire or some cause which is the proximate cause of the loss. If damage is caused by over­heating without ignition, it will not be regarded as a fire loss within the meaning of fire insurance contract and the loss will not be recoverable from the insurer.

Fundamental Principles/Essentials/Features/Characteristics of Fire Insurance Contract:

Fire insurance contract is based on certain fundamental principles.

a. Insurable Interest:  

In fire insurance, the assured must have insurable interest in the subject-matter of the insurance. Without insurable interest the contract of insurance is void. In case of fire insurance, insurable interest must be present both at the time of insurance and at the time of loss. In case of goods, insurable interest arises on account of (i) ownership, (ii) possession, and (iii) contract.

The following persons have insurable interest in the subject-matter of insurance in case of a fire policy:

(i) A person has insurable interest in the property he owns.

(ii) A businessman has insurable interest in his stock, plant and machinery and building.

(iii) Agent has an insurable interest in the property of his principal.

(iv) Partner has insurable interest in the property of partnership firm.

(v) Mortgagee has insurable interest in the property which is mortgaged.

b. Utmost Good Faith:

The contract of fire insurance is a contract of utmost good faith. The insured should be truthful and honest in giving information to the insurance company. Insured knows more about the subject-matter of the insurance.

He is under a duty to disclose accurately all factual information known to him. The insurance should also disclose the facts of the policy to the proposer. So utmost good faith on the part of both the parties is a must.

c. Indemnity:

The contract of fire insurance is a contract of indemnity. The assured can, in the event of loss, recover the actual amount of loss from the insurer. This is subject to the maximum amount for which the subject-matter is insured. The value of the policy undertaken is fixed at the time of contract. The actual amount of loss suffered is compensated and the value of policy is only the maximum limit.

If a person has insured his house for Rs. 40,000 the insurer is not necessarily liable to pay that amount, although the house may have been totally destroyed by fire; but he will pay the actual loss within the maximum limit of Rs. 40,000.

Kinds of Fire Insurance Policies:

The fire insurance policies are of the following kinds:

i. Valued Policy:

It is a policy in which the amount payable in case of loss is fixed at the time when the policy is taken. In the event of loss, the fixed amount is payable irrespective of the actual amount of loss. Valued policy is not a contract of indemnity. It can be legally challenged.

ii. Specific Policy:

The specific policy provides for the payment of a specific sum in respect of loss to the property and does not penalise under-insurance. This policy is also known as ‘Average Policy’ because the insurer usually inserts the average clause in the policy.

iii. Floating Policy:

The floating policy covers several lots of goods lying at different places under one insurance cover. It is always subject to average clause.

iv. Comprehensive Policy:

It covers the risks of the fire arising out of any cause that is civil, communication, riots, thefts, labour disturbances and strikes, etc.

v. Consequential Loss Policy:

In certain cases fire can’ cause the loss of business of the insured. Such persons to cover the risk of business due to fire, undertake the consequential loss policy.

vi. Re-installment or Replacement Policy:

In such a policy, the insurer has the right to reinstate or replace the property destroyed instead of paying cash. The modes of discharge by the insurer are alternative. If the insurer selects one, he cannot afterwards change to the other. If the insurer offers to pay, he cannot afterwards claim to re-instate and vice versa.

vii. Sprinkler Leakage Policy:

This policy covers the loss arising out of water leakage from sprinkles which are set up to extinguish fire.

viii. Average Policy:

In this policy, the average clause is inserted which means the insured will have to bear proportionate loss with the insurer in case where policy is taken for a certain amount greater than the value of the property.

The formula for calculating average amount of claim is given below:

Amount of Claim or Average Loss = Insured Amount x Actual Loss/Actual Value of Property

ix. A Blanket Policy:

It is issued to cover all the fixed and current assets of an enterprise by one insurance.

x. Declaration Policy:

Under this policy, trader takes out a policy for the maximum value of stock which he may expect to hold during the year.

(iii) Marine Insurance:

It is one of the oldest forms of insurance. It covers all marine losses, that is to say, the losses incidental to marine adventure. Marine insurance may be called a contract whereby the insurer undertakes to indemnify the insured in a manner and to the extent thereby agreed upon against marine losses.

A contract of marine insurance is an agreement whereby the insurer undertakes to indemnify the insured in the manner and to the extent thereby agreed, against marine losses. Marine insurance is an arrangement by which the insurer undertakes to compensate the owner of a ship or cargo for complete or partial loss at sea.

The contract of marine insurance is a contract of indemnity. The assured can. on the happening of the event, recover the actual amount of loss, subject to the maximum amount for which the subject-matter has been insured.

Subject-Matter of Marine Insurance:

The following three things are covered in the subject-matter of marine insurance:

1. Cargo Insurance:

The goods to be sent through ship is called ‘Cargo’. For the safety of goods, insurance policy is taken. The goods are generally insured according to their value but some percentage of profit can also be included in the value. At the happening of the event insurance company is liable to pay both value of the goods plus profit percentage. The rate of premium depends upon the nature of goods, packing, etc.

2. Hull Insurance:

When the ship is insured against any type of danger, it is called ‘Hull Insurance’. The ship may be insured for a particular period or for a particular trip.

3. Freight Insurance:

The freight may be paid in advance or on the arrival of goods. The shipping company will not be entitled to get freight, if the goods are lost in transit. The shipping company may insure the freight to be received which is called ‘Freight Insurance’.

Marine Insurance Contract :

Marine insurance is an agreement by which the insurer undertakes to compensate the owner of a ship or cargo for complete or partial loss at sea.

In other words, under marine insurance, the insurer undertakes to indemnify the insured in the manner and to the extent thereby agreed against marine losses.

Among the subject-matter of marine insurance are included:

(ii) Cargo, and

(iii) Freight.

Marine Insurance Contract is a Contract of Indemnity :

The contract of marine insurance is a contract of indemnity. The assured can, in the event of loss recover the actual amount of loss from the insurer. Under no circumstances, the insured is allowed to make profit out of the marine insurance contract.

However, it becomes difficult to determine indemnity when the loss occurs. That is why, most insurance policies provide a commercial indemnity rather than a strict legal indemnity. They promise to indemnify ‘in the manner and to the extent agreed’.

In case of ‘Hull Policy’, the amount insured is fixed at a level rather above the current market value and in case of ‘Cargo Policy’, the amount insured also includes an amount for certain charges and profit.

Marine Insurance Contract is a Contract of Good Faith :

The contract of marine insurance is a contract of uberrima fides, i.e., utmost good faith. Both the insured and insurer must disclose everything which is in their knowledge and can affect the insurance contract. The insured should be truthful and honest in giving information to the insurance company.

He is under a duty to disclose accurately all factual information known to him. The insurer should also disclose the facts of the policy to the proposer. If utmost good faith is not observed by either party, the contract may be avoided by the other party. So utmost good faith on the part of both the parties is a must.

Kinds of Marine Insurance Policies:

The marine insurance policies are of the following kinds:

1. Valued Policy:

The valued policy contains the insured value of goods which is made up of invoice price, charges like freight, shipping and insurance and 10 per cent margin to cover profits and other incidental expenses. That is, it is the C.I.F. price (Cost, Insurance and Freight Price) plus 10 per cent profit.

2. Open or Unvalued Policy:

In this policy the value of the goods insured is not mentioned and is to be calculated when the actual loss arises. Unvalued policies’ are rarely issued.

3. Floating Policy:

This policy is popular with those merchants who make regular and frequent shipment of goods through an established route. Instead of taking many individual policies, one running policy is taken and the necessary particulars relating to the voyage are given by subsequent declaration at the time of each separate shipment.

4. Voyage Policy:

In such a policy the risk is covered for voyage of the ship or a specified route. Each voyage is made the basis of marine insurance for covering the related risks from the port of departure to the port of destination. Generally, the cargo owner takes the Voyage Policy for each separate shipment of goods.

5. Time Policy:

These policies are taken to cover all marine risks for a specified period, usually on the yearly basis, Cargo-owners may also take up time policies covering all shipments during a fixed period.

6. Mixed Policy:

These policies are issued by combining both the time and voyage features under one coverage. In this policy, the coverage is allowed for a particular time and for a particular voyage or a definite route.

Differences between Fire Insurance and Marine Insurance:

Differences between Fire Insurance and Marine Insurance:

Essay # 4. Double Insurance :

When the same subject-matter is insured with two or more insurers and the total sum insured exceeds the value of the subject-matter, the assured is said to be over-insured by double insurance. As stated in Section 34 of the Marine Insurance Act, 1963, over-insurance and double insurance are valid unless the policy otherwise provides.

For instance, if Mr. X insures his factory worth Rs. 2 lakh with three insurers as—with A for Rs.90,000, with B for Rs. 80,000 and with C for Rs.70,000 there is a double insurance because the aggregate of all the policies exceeds the total value of Mr. X’s factory. If Mr. X insurers with A for Rs.80,000, with B for Rs. 70,000 and with C for Rs. 50,000 there is no double insurance.

A man may insure with as many insurers as he pleases. In case of loss, he may claim payment from the insurers in such order as he may think fit, but he will not get more than his actual loss, because a contract of insurance is a contract of indemnity. The insurers as between themselves are liable to contribute to the loss in proportion to the amount for which each one is liable.

If an insurer pays more than this proportion of the loss, he is entitled to recover the excess from his co- insurers. In India, Life Insurance Corporation of India being the only insurer of life there is no question of double insurance of life.

Essay # 5. Re-Insurance:

Every insurer has a limit to the risk that he can undertake. If at any time a profitable venture comes his way, he may accept a risk beyond his capacity, he may re-insure the same risk either wholly or partially with other insurers. This is known as re-insurance.

The re-insurer is not liable to the assured. This is because there is no private of contract between them. The re-insurance is subject to the clauses and conditions in the original policy, and is also entitled to any benefits which the Original policy is entitled to. The policy or re-insurance is co-extensive with the original policy.

If the original policy for any reason comes to end or is avoided, the policy of re­insurance also comes to an end. On payment of loss under the policy of re-insurance, the re-insurers are subrogated to all the rights of the original insurer including the rights of the assured to which the original insurer is subrogated.

Re-insurance can be resorted to in all kinds of insurance because the insurer has one insurable interest in the subject-matter insured to the extent of the amount insured by him.

Essay # 6. Advantages/Utilities/Importance of Insurance:

Immense are the benefits of insurance to the modern business. The goods may destroy due to fire beyond the control of man. The goods also destroy in transit. The workers are sometimes exposed to various risks which can cause death or permanent disability of some workers. Insurance has been helpful in solving these problems of business and private life.

Following are the advantages of insurance:

1. There is always a fear of sudden loss. Insurance provides security against such losses. Insurance gives security to both individuals and businessmen. Nowadays insurance covers various social welfare schemes also. There are schemes providing for sickness. Unemployment, health accident and old age insurances. These schemes are beneficial to poor people and also help in establishing social justice.

2. The fundamental principle of insurance is to spread risk among a large number of people. A large number of people get insurance policies and make the payment of premium to the insurer. Whenever a loss occurs, it is compensated out of funds of the insurer. The loss is spread among a large number of policyholders.

3. Insurance not only provides protection against risks but it is also a good form of investment. The insurance develops a habit of saving money by paying premium. In case of fixed time policies, the insured gets a lump-sum amount after the maturity of the policy.

4. Insurance helps in capital formation and economic development of the nation. Large funds are collected by way of premiums. These funds can be gainfully employed in industrial development of the country. The employment opportunities also increase by large investments made by insurance companies. So insurance has become an important source of capital formation.

5. These days large variety of policies have been designed for different purposes. Persons, by taking different types of life insurance policies, may provide against every type of his social and business obligation, i.e., for the education or marriage of the children, etc.

6. Insurance has helped the development of international trade on a large scale. Marine insurance provides protection against all types of sea-risks.

Related Articles:

  • Notes on Over and Under Insurance
  • Notes on Reinsurance: Meaning and Types
  • Notes on Insurance: Meaning, Need and Functions
  • Risk in Insurance: Meaning, Types and Its Transfer

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Life insurance

Our life insurance ratings methodology

Jennifer Lobb

Kara McGinley

Kara McGinley

“Verified by an expert” means that this article has been thoroughly reviewed and evaluated for accuracy.

Heidi Gollub

Heidi Gollub

Published 8:50 a.m. UTC May 24, 2024

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How we rate life insurance

To help consumers find the best life insurance for their needs, we evaluated 26 life insurance companies and over 9,000 life insurance policies for a variety of coverage types, amounts and durations. Each analysis took into account at least two of the following:

Term life insurance rates

We used data from AccuQuote , a national online insurance agency, to evaluate term life insurance policy rates. Our analysis includes rates based on the following:

  • Insured’s ages and gender: We looked at rates for males and females ages 30 to 75. 
  • Coverage amount: $250,000, $500,000, $1 million and $2 million policies were included in our analysis. 
  • Policy terms: We analyzed rates for coverage periods, or terms, ranging from 10 years to 30 years. 

Insurers with lower rates earned more points. 

>> Why this is important: Life insurance is meant to provide financial security to your beneficiaries if you die during the coverage period, but it shouldn’t break the bank while you’re alive. When all other factors are the same, how much an insurer charges for coverage can help you choose the right life insurance company and policy for you and your loved ones. 

Cost competitiveness of cash value policies

The cost of a permanent life insurance policy is more complex than the rate quote you receive. It includes the cost to provide coverage as well as any internal fees. We used Veralytic data to evaluate the cost competitiveness of cash value policies based on standard costs across the industry. Insurers received more points when their cash value life insurance policies were more cost competitive.

>> Why this is important: When you purchase a permanent life insurance policy, your premium payment is split into three buckets: the cost to provide coverage, internal costs and fees and your cash value account. When internal fees are high, a policy is less cost competitive and fewer dollars make it into your cash value account.

Historical performance

We used Veralytic data to analyze the cash value growth of permanent life insurance products offered by the insurers we reviewed. An insurer’s investment portfolio always drives the cash value of a permanent life insurance policy. Strong historical performance can indicate a better cash value return.

>> Why this is important: Investment performance is not guaranteed, but an insurer’s investment history can provide insight into the success rate of its investment strategy. Further, a strong historical investment pattern can yield lower internal costs throughout the life of the policy.

We reviewed consumer complaint data made available by the National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC) . NAIC complaints data reflects the number and type of complaints made by consumers to state insurance departments. Common reasons for complaints include delays, denials and policy cancellations. Each insurer is assigned a complaint ratio, and the average national complaint level is 1.0.

The lower an insurer’s complaint level, the more points it received.

>> Why this is important: Life insurance claims are often filed during what may be an extraordinarily difficult period of a beneficiary’s life. As such, the customer experience — and the absence of delays and unjustified claim denials — is an important factor when identifying the best life insurance companies. 

Reliability of policy illustrations

We reviewed Veralytic data to determine the reliability of an insurer’s policy illustrations. Policy illustrations provide insight into the projected growth of a policy’s cash growth. Insurers that have a history of providing reliable policy illustrations received more points in our analysis.

>> Why this is important: When you purchase a permanent life insurance policy, the insurer should provide an illustration to show how the cash value is projected to grow over time. This is particularly important if you’re relying on your policy cash value as part of your retirement planning, but some insurers offer more accurate illustrations than others. Choosing an insurer with a reliable policy illustration can lead to better cash value growth over time.

Financial strength

We leveraged Vertaltic data to assess each insurer’s financial rating as determined by the four major rating agencies: AM Best , Fitch , Moody’s and Standard and Poor’s . Insurers with a higher financial strength score received the most points.

>> Why this is important: An insurer’s financial strength indicates the likelihood it can meet its claim payment obligations. Choosing an insurer with high scores from each of the major rating agencies can leave you confident that your beneficiaries will receive a death benefit for an eligible claim.

Access to cash value

Cash value growth varies by company and policy. We used Veralytic data to determine which insurers offered policies that tend to grow cash value early in the policy. Insurers that had policies that showed earlier growth and thus more liquidity received more points. 

>> Why this is important: The rate at which cash value grows varies by insurer and policy. Some policies grow more in the earlier years of a policy’s life, which can give you access to a more significant amount of money should you choose to access your policy’s cash value. However, it’s important to note that better liquidity early in the policy may come with higher costs, so always weigh the pros and cons before choosing an insurer or policy.

Term life insurance conversion 

Some term life insurance policies can be converted to permanent life insurance while the policy is in effect, per the policy agreement. Insurers that offered term life insurance policies that can be converted to permanent coverage received points. 

>> Why this is important: Term life insurance policies that are convertible typically allow you to convert your policy to permanent coverage without undergoing underwriting. This is a good option if you think you may want permanent coverage but aren’t ready to purchase that type of policy.

Accelerated death benefit 

An accelerated death benefit is a rider, or policy add-on, that lets you access your death benefit before you die if you’re diagnosed with a terminal illness. Life insurance policies may include this rider automatically or make it available at an additional cost. When this factor is included in a rating, insurers that offered it received points. 

>> Why this is important: If you’re diagnosed with a terminal illness, an accelerated death benefit rider can help offset some of the costs you may incur or make up for a portion of your lost salary if you’re no longer able to work. 

Maximum face value for lowest eligible age

No-exam life insurance policies may not offer as much coverage as those that require full underwriting with a medical exam. When this factor is used in a rating, we give points to insurers that offer the highest coverage amounts for the lowest eligible age. Remember that the maximum coverage amount available with a no-exam life insurance policy may be lower for older applicants. 

>> Why this is important: If you’re shopping for life insurance but don’t want to get a medical exam, looking for no-exam life insurance policies with high coverage amounts can help you find a policy that provides enough financial protection. 

Age eligible for best term length/amount

All insurers have a maximum age limit at which they will no longer issue life insurance policies, but that age is often lower for no-exam life insurance policies. When rating no-exam life insurance policies, we gave points to insurers that issue coverage to eligible applicants over the age of 50. 

>> Why this is important: If you’re 50 or older and want no-exam life insurance, it can be difficult to find coverage. Identifying insurers that issue coverage to older individuals can narrow down your search.


  • Best life insurance companies .
  • Best term life insurance .
  • Best whole life insurance .
  • Best no-exam life insurance .
  • Best seniors life insurance .

Best life insurance methodology

The best life insurance companies offer competitive rates, low customer complaint levels and a high level of financial strength. Further, they have permanent life insurance products that are cost competitive, offer policies that provide cash value liquidity early on, have a strong historical investment performance and reliable policy illustrations. 

Best life insurance rating factors

  • Term life insurance costs: 35 points. 
  • Cost competitiveness of cash value policies: 15 points.
  • Access to cash value: 10 points.
  • Financial strength: 10 points.
  • Historical performance: 10 points.
  • Reliability of policy illustrations: 10 points.
  • Complaints: 5 points.
  • Term life conversion availability: 5 points.
See the results of our analysis in our rating of the best life insurance companies .

Best term life insurance

Term life insurance allows you to lock in rates and coverage for a set period, often 10 to 30 or more years. It’s also the most affordable life insurance option for most people. The best term life insurance company is one that has competitive rates, a low level of customer service complaints and desirable features, such as policies that are guaranteed renewable or can be converted to permanent coverage.

Best term life insurance rating factors

  • Term life insurance rates: 70 points. 
  • Complaints: 10 points.
  • Term life conversion availability: 10 points.
  • Guaranteed renewable: 10 points.
See the results of our analysis in our rating of the best term life insurance companies .

Best whole life insurance methodology

Whole life insurance offers coverage for the duration of your life, as long as premiums are paid. These types of policies also typically have a cash value that grows at a guaranteed rate of return. The best whole life insurance companies are cost competitive, have a high level of financial strength, low level of customer complaints, reliable policy illustrations and a history of strong investments. 

Best whole life insurance rating factors

  • Cost competitiveness of cash value policies: 35 points.
  • Historical performance: 25 points.
  • Reliability of policy illustrations: 20 points.
  • Cash value access: 10 points.
See the results of our analysis in our rating of the best whole life insurance companies .

Best no-exam life insurance methodology

No-exam life insurance can help get coverage without the need for a medical exam, as long as you’re eligible. The best no-exam life insurance policies have low rates, include accelerated death benefits and offer a high amount of coverage. They also can be converted to full coverage and are available to young and older applicants. 

Best no-exam life insurance rating factors

  • Rates: 75 points.
  • Maximum face value for lowest eligible age: 10 points. 
  • Accelerated death benefit: 5 points.
  • Age eligible for best term length/coverage amount: 5 points.
See the results of our analysis in our rating of the best no-exam life insurance companies .

Best senior life insurance methodology

Seniors shopping for life insurance see higher rates than most applicants, making the cost of coverage a significant factor. The best life insurance companies for seniors also offer reliable policy illustrations, have a history of strong investments, are cost-competitive and have a high level of financial strength. 

Best senior life insurance rating factors

  • Term life insurance rates: 40 points.
  • Cost competitiveness of cash value policies: 20 points. 
  • Historical performance: 20 points.
  • Reliability of policy illustrations: 10 points. 
  • Financial strength: 10 points. 
See the results of our analysis in our rating of the best life insurance companies for seniors .

Our star ratings explained

We determine our best life insurance star ratings by assigning weight to the key factors listed above. Each life insurance company can score up to 100 points, and its total score determines its star rating, which ranges from 5.0 to 1.0. The top scores earn 5.0 stars. 

How we collect data

Our insurance editors collect life insurance rate data from AccuQuote . We use data from Veralytic to analyze other important life insurance factors, such as the cost competitiveness of cash value life insurance policies as well as an insurer’s financial strength and historical investment performance. 

To evaluate each life insurance company and their policies, when applicable, we leverage information made available through an insurer’s website and product documentation. 

Our analysis of customer complaints is based on data from the National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC) . 

Our data is subject to three levels of fact-checking to ensure accuracy. Data is collected annually and ratings are updated each year.

USA TODAY Blueprint’s editorial standards

Our goal as insurance editors is to provide readers with an unbiased analysis of insurance products on the market and break down the pros and cons of each. 

For insurance ratings, we collect thousands of data points to evaluate by assigning weights to the most important factors. These weights determine each product’s score out of 100, which translates to a star rating. Top-scoring insurance products get 5 stars. 

Our ratings are designed to let rigorous methodology determine the winners so all star ratings are data-based. Advertisers never influence our editorial content. 

Blueprint is an independent publisher and comparison service, not an investment advisor. The information provided is for educational purposes only and we encourage you to seek personalized advice from qualified professionals regarding specific financial decisions. Past performance is not indicative of future results.

Blueprint has an advertiser disclosure policy . The opinions, analyses, reviews or recommendations expressed in this article are those of the Blueprint editorial staff alone. Blueprint adheres to strict editorial integrity standards. The information is accurate as of the publish date, but always check the provider’s website for the most current information.

Jennifer Lobb

Jennifer Lobb is deputy editor at USA TODAY Blueprint and is an experienced insurance and personal finance writer. Jennifer served as an insurance staff writer and editor at U.S. News and World Report and deputy editor of insurance at Forbes Advisor. She also spent several years covering finance and insurance for various financial media sites, including LendingTree and Investopedia. For nearly a decade, she’s helped consumers make educated decisions about the products that protect their finances, families and homes.

Kara McGinley is deputy editor of insurance at USA TODAY Blueprint and a licensed home insurance expert. Previously, she was a senior editor at Policygenius, where she specialized in homeowners and renters insurance. Her work and insights have been featured in MSN, Lifehacker, Kiplinger, PropertyCasualty360 and more.

Heidi Gollub is the USA TODAY Blueprint managing editor of insurance. She was previously lead editor of insurance at Forbes Advisor and led the insurance team at U.S. News & World Report as assistant managing editor of 360 Reviews. Heidi has an MBA from Emporia State University and is a licensed property and casualty insurance expert.

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Importance of a Life Insurance

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Life insurance corporation in india (lic) | essay.

essay on importance of life insurance


Essay on the Life Insurance Corporation in India (LIC)!

The LIC was established in 1956 by nationalising all the life insurance companies operating in India. Since then in the field of life insurance the LIC has near-monopoly, as the amount of life insurance business through postal insurance and state insurance is relatively much smaller. Life insurance is a very important form of long-term contractual savings. It both promotes savings and results in their institutionalisation or mobilisation.

The income-tax concession provides further incentive to higher-income persons to save through life insurance policies. The total volume of insurance business has also been growing in the country with the spread of insurance consciousness in the country.

It can grow at a faster speed, if the organizational and operational efficiency of the LIC can be improved (and there is a lot of scope for it), new kinds of insurance covers introduced, its services extended to smaller places, the message of life insurance made more popular, and the general price level is kept stable, so that the insuring public does not get cheated of a large chunk of the real value of its long-term savings through inflation.

The importance of the LIC as a capital-market or term-financing institution is very high. The annual net accrual o investible funds from life business (after meeting all kinds of payments liabilities to policyholders) and net income from its vast investment are quite large. Equally, its size of the investment portfolio outstanding is also very large. At the end of March 1995 this was about Rs. 53,500 crore.

The LIC is a heavy investor of funds in government’s dated market securities. In 1994-95, it had invested more than Rs. 44,000 crore in them. Besides it had sanctioned and disbursed financial assistance to the corporate sector amounting to Rs. 1,790 crore and 1,340 crore, respectively. Like banks, the LIC also is a captive investor in government bonds. Under the law, the Lie is required to invest at least 50% of its accruals in the form of premium income in government and other approved securities, sub­ject to a minimum of 25% in central government securities.

Besides, it has to invest in debentures of co-operative land development banks, and give loans to approved authorities (like state governments and electricity boards) for such social schemes as housing, water supply, electricity, etc. These investments and loans should add up to at least 87.5% of the premium income. Only the remaining 12.5 per cent can be made available directly to the private sector.

The loans for housing and investments in the share capital and bonds of other financial institutions, especially land development banks go, in the main, to the private sector. Therefore, the contribu­tion of life funds to the private sector is much more than what is indi­cated by the figures of its direct assistance to the sector.

The LIC funds are made available directly to the private sector through investment in shares and debentures and loans. The largest amount is invested in equity shares, followed by preference shares and then debentures. The LIC has played a leading role (along with the ICICI) in developing the underwriting (of new issues) business.

Now other financial institutions led by the IDBI have also become very important. Underwriting of new issues by the LIC is usually done with the objective of purchasing the issue for its own portfolio and not for le to the public.

The bulk of the LIC’s purchases of industrial securities are, however, made in the second-hand market, and not the new issues market for the simple reason that there are not enough new issues forthcoming in the market to meet the demand for issues from the financial institutions and the investing public.

The LIC is a very powerful factor in the securities market in large and medium-sized non-financial companies and is significant in size. In a great many individual companies its equity shareholding is sizeable, going up to 30 per cent. Thus, the ownership interests of the Lie alone in industrial equity show the hold the public sector financial institutions have come to acquire in the private corporate sector. Add to this the share-holding of other public financial institutions and their convertibility rights.

The total would make the public financial institutions the single largest group of owners of a large number of private-sector companies. However, these ownership rights (actual and potential) have been exercised to a very limited extent so far. As would be expected, the LIC’s investments in large companies are large. This is because the shares of such companies are normally more profitable to hold commercially and are relatively easier to acquire, too. The floating market supply of shares of good small companies is generally small.

The LIC acts as a kind of downward stabiliser for the share mar­ket, as the continuous inflow” of fresh funds with it enables it to buy even when the market is weak. Since it is a long-term investor rather than a speculator, it is happy to buy good scrips when their prices are low and therefore benefit from their price appreciation when the mar­ket improves. But, for the same reason, it does not usually sell shares from its holdings even when the market has overshot. This is partly due to the continuous pressure for investing new funds and partly due to the disincentive of the capital gains tax.

The result is that on the upward movement the stock market is not mellowed by the presence or the investment policy of the LIC. In this context it should also be noted that this kind of investment policy of the LIC (as also of the UTI and the GIC and its subsidiaries) does not facilitate or promote wider participation by the public in equity investment by acting as ‘seasoning’ houses for shares, releasing them for the general public when it is willing to hold them and buying back a part of them on the market downturn at lower prices.

These way price fluctuations on the stock market will be smaller, the public confidence and participation in the stock market will improve, and the public financial institutions will gain, if they do not count out the tax they pay the government on the capital gains they make in the process.

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