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Speech Writing for Class 10 CBSE

Speech Writing for Class 10 CBSE Format, Examples, Topics, Exercises

Basic  English Grammar  rules can be tricky. In this article, we’ll get you started with the basics of sentence structure, punctuation, parts of speech, and more.

We also providing Extra Questions for Class 10 English Chapter wise.

Speech Writing Class 10 Format, Examples, Topics, Exercises PDF

Purpose of Making a Speech

  • To convey information orally to a large gathering of people, forcefully and convincingly, and to convert the listeners to the speaker’s point of view
  • To pass on a wide range of information to a wide range of audience orally
  • To express an opinion, share a point of view, experience, observation etc.

Speech Writing

  • Salutation – the speaker greets chief guests, fellow speakers and listeners.
  • The key sentence carries the central theme or issue of the speech.
  • The speaker expresses his/her views on the topic. ;
  • Compare and contrast – bringing up the opposing point of view and arguing the strength of one’s own opinion vis-a-vis the opponents.
  • Summing up and concluding.

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  • A speech must begin with a catchy introduction in the form of an anecdote, quotation, statistical data or a thought-provoking question.
  • It must reflect the speaker’s clarity of thought, accuracy of facts, and balanced view through a comparison and contrast with other viewpoints.
  • It must bring credibility to views through quoting of adequate supporting data.
  • It must infuse humour through anecdotes.
  • Summing up or consolidation of ideas, suggestions/measures to improve the situation, and personal observations and predictions must be made.
  • It must be in persuasive and powerful language.
  • Vote of thanks to the audience must be delivered at the end.

Important Points

  • The speech must be written in the appropriate format and style.
  • Remember to keep within the word limit.

Sample Speech

Speech Writing Class 10 CBSE 1

Good Morning principal, teachers and dear friends. Today, I, Nisha, Secretary of the Literary Club stand before you to speak about the importance of reading. Reading improves awareness, vocabulary and knowledge. Unfortunately, there has been a steady decline in reading habits. The advent of technology with television, Internet, mobile phones, i-pads, etc. and today’s fast-paced life have led to a sharp decline in the reading population. Friends, believe me, reading is crucial for an all-round development. Students who read well do better in all aspects of schooling and beyond. As the world becomes more complex, reading is increasingly important for children trying to find their place in it.

Speech Writing Solved Example for Class 10 CBSE

Diagnostic Test – 7

Charu Majumdar, a student of Rose Public School, Jalandhar, is very worried and confused about the choice of career. Due to an exhaustive syllabus, which has not taught her any vocational skills, and the lack of proper guidance and counselling, she finds herself ill-equipped to deal with the job situation. As Charu, complete the following speech for the morning assembly of your school. Do not exceed 120 words.

Is Today’s Education Relevant to Students’ Needs?

Respected Principal, teachers and my dear friends, one question that we need to ask is (a) ………………………….? Students spend at least fourteen years at school, learning by rote (b) ………………………… . But after passing out of Class XII, (c) ………………………… .

They are unaware of their own potential and the available opportunities. There is a crying need to alter both (d) …………………………. and (e) ………………………… . The syllabus should help students think independently by encouraging them (f) Emphasis should be laid on an (g) ………………………… .

Parents and teachers must (h) …………………………. and not expect every child to (i) …………………………. Counsellors should guide the students (j) ………………………… . The whole system should be revamped so we, the students, benefit. Answer: (a) “Is today’s education relevant to students’ needs?” (b) at the time of examination (c) they are absolutely directionless (d) the obsolete curriculum (e) the outdated teaching methods (f) to ‘do’ rather than to learn (g) an overall development of personality (h) take a realistic look at the child’s potential (i) become a doctor or an engineer (j) and help them decide on a suitable career

Speech Writing Practice Example for Class 10 CBSE

Speech Writing Class 10 CBSE 2

An exhaustive syllabus, pressure of parents, intense competition and tuitions have taken a heavy toll on children’s playtime. As Nadeem/Amber, write a speech for the Parent-Teacher Association meeting of your school, entitled ‘We have no time to stand and stare’ in about 120 words. You may use your own ideas and ideas from the unit ‘Education’ in your Main Course Book.

3.5.3 You happened to overhear the following conversation:

Ram: I wonder what is happening here? Shyam: Don’t you know that a leather factory is coming up? Ram: Oh! So our village is doomed. Why don’t we do something about it?

Taking ideas from the unit ‘Environment’, the hints given below and your own ideas, write a speech in about 120 words on the impact of such a factory on the village. Give suggestions on how this can be overcome.

3.5.4 It is Road Safety Week in your city. You are Lucy/Pratim. You have to give a short speech on ‘Road Safety’. Study the information given below about road accidents in your city. Using the information given below and your own ideas, write a speech on the importance of road safety and of following the rules of the road, offering practical suggestions to students. Do not exceed 120 words.

Speech Writing Class 10 CBSE 4

Based on the above information, ideas from the unit Education and your own ideas write a speech on the topic: ‘Examinations Should Be Abolished’. Do not exceed 120 words.

Speech Writing Class 10 CBSE 5

Speech Writing Class 10 Format, Topics, Examples

Speech writing is an essential skill that students need to develop as they progress through their academic journey. Class 10 students are typically expected to write speeches that are persuasive and informative. Speeches should be well-structured and include a clear introduction, body, and conclusion. In this article, we will discuss the format of speech writing for class 10 students, along with some topics and examples.

Also Read: Speech Writing Class 6 CBSE 

Format of Speech Writing for Class 10:

The format of speech writing is similar to that of essay writing but with a more conversational tone. Each speech should have a clear introduction, body, and conclusion. The introduction should grab the audience’s attention and provide an overview of the main topic. The body of the speech should include supporting details and examples that provide evidence to support the main idea. The conclusion should summarize the main points discussed in the speech and provide a final thought on the topic.

Introduction: The introduction should grab the audience’s attention and provide an overview of the main topic. It should also include a clear thesis statement that tells the audience what the speech is about.

Body: The body of the speech should include supporting details and examples that provide evidence to support the main idea. Each point should be well-supported and presented in a clear and organized manner.

Conclusion: The conclusion should summarize the main points discussed in the speech and provide a final thought on the topic. It should leave a lasting impression on the audience and provide a call to action if applicable.

Speech Writing Topics for Class 10:

1. The Importance of Education 2. The Effects of Social Media on Youth 3. The Importance of Physical Fitness 4. The Benefits of Reading 5. The Importance of Recycling 6. The Dangers of Smoking 7. The Importance of Time Management 8. The Importance of Goal Setting 9. The Impact of Climate Change 10. The Importance of Mental Health Awareness 11. The Role of Women in Society 12. The Importance of Cultural Diversity 13. The Importance of Self-Confidence 14. The Importance of Volunteering 15. The Importance of Friendship 16. The Importance of Respect 17. The Effects of Bullying 18. The Importance of Honesty 19. The Importance of Gratitude 20. The Importance of Forgiveness

1. The Importance of Education:

Good afternoon everyone,

As we gather here today, I would like to talk to you about the importance of education. Education is the foundation of our future. It provides us with the knowledge and skills that we need to succeed in life. It helps us understand the world around us and make informed decisions. Education also helps us develop critical thinking skills and problem-solving abilities.

Moreover, education is not just about obtaining a degree or a certificate. It’s a lifelong process that never ends. Education helps us learn from our experiences and grow as individuals. It opens doors to new opportunities and helps us achieve our dreams. It empowers us to make a positive impact on our community and the world.

I urge everyone to prioritize education in their lives. Whether it’s pursuing a formal education or learning through other means, we must never stop learning. Education is the key to a brighter future, and we must invest in it today to reap the benefits tomorrow.

2. The Effects of Social Media on Youth:

Good morning everyone,

Today, I would like to talk to you about the effects of social media on youth. Social media has become an integral part of our lives, especially for the younger generation. While it has many benefits, it also has some negative effects that we need to be aware of.

Firstly, social media can be addictive, and it can lead to excessive screen time. This can affect a young person’s mental and physical health, leading to problems

such as anxiety, depression, and obesity. Additionally, social media can expose youth to cyberbullying and online predators, which can have serious consequences.

Furthermore, social media can also negatively impact a young person’s self-esteem and body image. Social media platforms are filled with images and messages that promote unrealistic beauty standards, which can lead to feelings of inadequacy and low self-esteem. This can also lead to harmful behaviors such as eating disorders and body dysmorphia.

While social media has many benefits, we must also be aware of its negative effects on youth. It’s important for parents and educators to monitor and limit screen time, and for young people to be aware of the potential dangers of social media. By promoting a healthy balance between social media use and other activities, we can ensure that youth are able to thrive in a safe and positive environment.

Speech writing is an important skill for class 10 students to develop. It requires a well-structured and persuasive approach that can engage and inform the audience. The format of speech writing should include a clear introduction, body, and conclusion, and should present supporting details and examples in an organized manner. The speech topics discussed above provide a range of interesting and relevant issues that students can choose from, with examples provided for each topic. Overall, speech writing is an effective way for students to express their opinions and ideas on important topics, and to develop their communication skills for future endeavors.

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Dialogue Writing for Class 10 with Format and Examples

Dialogue Writing Format Banner Image

Dialogue writing is a crucial aspect of language learning, especially for students in class 10. It serves as a fundamental tool for expressing conversations and interactions between characters in a story or a play. Dialogue writing, report writing , and notice writing format are important skills that every student should have. It is important for students of class 10 to master the art of dialogue writing as it not only enhances creative writing skills but also helps in effectively communicating thoughts and emotions. In this blog, we will explore the basics of dialogue writing, its importance, the writing format, and some useful tips and examples for class 10 students to improve their skills.

Table of Contents

What is Dialogue Writing?

Dialogue writing is the process of writing a conversation between two or more people, sharing their thoughts, feelings, actions, or any other things. It is generally used in various content forms such as stories, novels, plays, and scripts to bring life to the characters and make the narrative more engaging and relatable.

How to Write Dialogue for Class 10?

To write effective dialogue for class 10, it is essential to follow a structured approach. Begin by understanding the characters’ personalities and the context of the conversation. Use simple language and avoid complex jargon to ensure clarity. Pay attention to the use of punctuation and formatting to indicate speech and actions. Make the dialogue realistic by incorporating natural pauses, interruptions, and emotions.

Purpose of Dialogue Writing

What purpose do you think dialogue serves in a play, movie, or story? Does a tale have to have a conversation in it? Stories can feature a third-person narrator or a character who tells the tale from their point of view, unlike the format of a debate where two opposing teams argue and defend a certain resolution. What difference does it make if there are conversations rather than a single person telling the entire tale from start to finish?

Having dialogues along with stage directions rather than just stories can be said to be a better jotting fashion as it gives the readers a clear picture of the characteristics of the varied characters in the story, play, or movie. It also gives your characters life and, overall, a voice of their own. Dialogues portray the emotional state, mindset, background information, and poise of the speakers. This will always be more effective as it will let the readers connect with the characters on a more personal level.

Another genre in which authors can express their creativity to the point of violating certain formal grammar norms is dialogue writing. To emphasize a point, you may, for example, lengthen a word, write the term in capital characters, or use several questions or exclamation marks. For instance: YESSSS!

Stage instructions are an additional element of dialogue writing. Brief sentences included in parenthesis that describe the actions of the characters throughout the dialogue are known as stage instructions. For instance, Dan: I’m still sleepy, wiping his eyes.

The Importance of Dialogue Writing

Dialogue writing plays a significant role in storytelling by adding depth and realism to characters and their relationships. It helps in portraying emotions, conflicts, and resolutions, making the narrative more compelling and immersive. Moreover, it assists in conveying information in a natural and engaging manner, facilitating a better understanding of the plot and the characters’ motives.

The Different Types of Dialogue

Dialogues can vary based on the purpose and context of the narrative. Dialogues are classified widely into 2 categories:

  • Inner Dialogue
  • Outer Dialogue

Inner Dialogue: The quiet ideas that a character has and does not reveal to other characters are referred to as inner dialogue. These might be the internal thoughts or responses of a character to events or acts expressed by another character. There are no quotation marks around conversations within.

Outer Dialogue: Spoken ideas are what the name “outer dialogues” implies. They include every word that the characters exchange with one another in a dialogue. Quotation marks are usually used to surround outer discourse.

Dialogue Writing Format or Structure of a Dialogue

The format for writing dialogue follows specific rules to ensure clarity and coherence. Each character’s speech is enclosed within quotation marks, and a new paragraph is used for each speaker. Proper punctuation, such as commas, full stops, question marks, and exclamation marks, is used to indicate the tone and flow of the conversation. Moreover, tags like ‘he said’ or ‘she asked’ are used to attribute the dialogue to specific characters.

  • Every speaker is given a fresh paragraph. You indicate that someone is speaking by starting a new paragraph. Yes, your characters receive fresh paragraphs even if they only utter one word.
  • The paragraphs are all indented. This rule only applies when a chapter or scene break occurs, in which case the first line—including dialogue—is never indented.
  • The quote marks are used to enclose punctuation for what is spoken. To ensure that the reader understands how the conversation is being delivered, punctuation is placed inside quotes wherever it appears in the speech of the speaker.
  • End citations are absent from speeches that are longer than a few paragraphs. Further details on this will be provided below, but in general, when a character speaks for an extended period, you should break up their speech into different paragraphs and remove the quotation marks at the end before beginning the next one.
  • If the speaker is citing another person, use single quotes. In the event that your character remarks, “Man, don’t you love it when girls say, ‘I’m fine’?” the single quotes point to the words of another person.
  • Ignore the small conversation and concentrate solely on the relevant details. Get to the point and skip the small chat unless it’s necessary for character development. This isn’t real life, and if you have too much, it will feel even more artificial.

The Importance of Punctuation

Punctuation plays a crucial role in dialogue writing, ensuring clarity, conveying emotions, and enhancing the overall reading experience. By mastering the proper use of punctuation marks, writers can effectively bring their characters’ conversations to life and engage their audience.

Clarity and Readability

Proper punctuation in dialogue writing is essential for clarity and readability. Without punctuation, it can be difficult to distinguish between speakers, identify pauses and emphasis, and understand the overall flow of the conversation. 

For instance, consider the following example:

“I love pizza said Emily I could eat it every day.”

Without commas to separate the dialogue tags from the actual dialogue, this sentence becomes confusing and difficult to follow. Adding commas makes it clear who is speaking and what they are saying:

“I love pizza,” said Emily. “I could eat it every day.”

Conveying Emotions and Tone

Punctuation marks also play a vital role in conveying emotions and tone in dialogue writing. Exclamation points indicate excitement or surprise, question marks convey curiosity or uncertainty, and ellipses suggest hesitation or unspoken thoughts. 

For example:

“I can’t believe you won the lottery!” exclaimed Sarah.

“Are you sure you’re ready for this?” asked Tom, his voice filled with doubt.

“I… I don’t know what to say,” stammered John.

Enhancing the Reading Experience

Effective punctuation in dialogue writing enhances the overall reading experience by making the conversation more natural and engaging. It allows readers to visualize the speakers’ expressions, hear their inflections, and feel the rhythm of their exchanges. Without proper punctuation, dialogue can become flat and lifeless, detracting from the overall impact of the writing.

Common Punctuation Marks in Dialogue Writing

Here are some of the most common punctuation marks used in dialogue writing:

  • Quotation marks (” “): Enclose the spoken words of a character.
  • Commas (“,”): Separate dialogue tags from the actual dialogue and indicate pauses.
  • Periods (“.”): End complete sentences within dialogue.
  • Question marks (“?”): Indicate questions within dialogue.
  • Exclamation points (“!”): Indicate excitement, surprise, or emphasis.
  • Ellipses (“…”): Suggest hesitation, unspoken thoughts, or trailing off.

By mastering the proper use of these punctuation marks, writers can craft dialogue that is clear, engaging, and emotionally resonant, bringing their characters’ conversations to life and captivating their audience.

Tips for Writing Effective Dialogue

  • Understand the character’s background and personality.
  • Use simple and realistic language.
  • Maintain a balance between dialogue and narrative.
  • Avoid lengthy monologues and focus on concise exchanges.
  • Show emotions through actions and dialogue.
  • Use appropriate punctuation and formatting.
  • Read the dialogue aloud to check for natural flow and coherence.

Examples of Dialogue Writing



A couple, EMILY and DAVID, are discussing their plans for the weekend.

EMILY: I’m so tired of being cooped up inside all week. I want to do something outdoors this weekend.

DAVID: I agree. Maybe we could go hiking or for a bike ride.

EMILY: Those both sound great. I’m also open to other suggestions.

DAVID: What about going to the beach? It’s supposed to be a nice day on Saturday.

EMILY: That sounds perfect! We could go swimming, sunbathing, and walking on the beach.

DAVID: Sounds like a plan.

EMILY: I’m really looking forward to it.

DAVID: Me too.



Two friends, ANNA and BEN, are sitting at a table, sipping their coffees.

ANNA: So, I’ve been thinking about taking a cooking class.

BEN: Oh, that sounds great! I didn’t know that you were interested in cooking, is it a new thing or what?

ANNA: Yeah, I love cooking for friends and family, but I feel like I could learn a lot more.

BEN: There are tons of great cooking classes out there. I’m sure you’ll find one that you love.

ANNA: I’m looking at a class that focuses on Italian cuisine. I’ve always loved Italian food.

BEN: That sounds delicious. I’m sure you’ll learn how to make some amazing Italian dishes.

ANNA: I hope so! I’m also excited to learn about different cooking techniques.

BEN: I’m sure you’ll pick up some valuable tips. Let me know how the class goes!

ANNA: I will!

Dialogue Writing Exercises

Practice is key to mastering dialogue writing. Engage in various exercises such as creating dialogues between friends, family members, or fictional characters. Write dialogues that convey different emotions like joy, anger, fear, or excitement. Experiment with diverse scenarios and settings to improve your dialogue writing skills and develop a deeper understanding of character dynamics. 

  • Write a dialogue between two friends talking about their favourite books.
  • Write a dialogue between husband and wife about the rising prices of essential commodities.
  • Write a dialogue between two friends discussing if science is a blessing or a curse.

Dialogue writing is a valuable skill that enables students to express their creativity and effectively communicate ideas and emotions. By following the prescribed format and implementing the suggested tips, class 10 students can enhance their dialogue writing abilities and create engaging narratives that resonate with their readers. Regular practice and exploration of diverse dialogue scenarios will further refine their storytelling capabilities and contribute to their overall growth as proficient writers.

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Speech Writing

Speech Writing: Speeches are description, understanding and conclusive talk about a certain topic which enhances our knowledge about a certain issue. Speeches have changed a lot of lives when history is seen and it still does when published and read by people. This specific article contains speeches for classes 9 th to 12 th to improve their reading and writing skills and also making them aware of many things via speeches. This article includes speeches on topics like pollution, unemployment, Indian leaders, India of my dreams, Importance of yoga and many more. Speeches have been an important part of our history where speeches were given by our leaders on occasions like Independence day, Republic day, Children’s day etc. Speeches from our teachers and parents have motivated us to do a lot of things in life.

This article is specifically dedicated to students from class 9, 10, 11, 12 who are struggling to find speeches that will reflect their mindset and views on certain topics and can find it here with us. The topics with speeches have been listed below to ease the search process and so you will find your desired topic.

We hope to give the best of knowledge to the growing learners and make their experience better with our site.

Format of Speech Writing and Marks Details

Introduction: Greet the audience / principal / senior, tell them about yourself and further introduce the topic.

Body: Discuss on topic, Try to go the core of the topic. And also remember about time.

Conclusion: End of the speech and also give a message to the Audience

Speech on Independence Day

Intro: Respected Principal Sir/Madam, teachers and dear fellow students. On this prestigious day I’ve been given a chance to address this wondrous communion. In my love and honor I would like to dedicate a few words to my nation India.

Body: In a so diverse nation such as India, where its people are classified into various categories and classes, where the distinction seems so apparent but still we live under a common spirit. The Indian nation has its history and the world has its fair share to contribute. And Continue ……

Conclusion: At the end, I am so Thankful that I have given opportunity to talk on this great Day in front of You all. Thank You, Thanks a Lot!

Speech on Republic Day

Intro: Good morning everyone present here on this auspicious occasion of 72 republic day of our country. are respected principal mam teachers and all my dear friends I would like to wish you a “Happy republic day”. as we are celebrating our 72 republic day today I would like to give a small speech about this special occasion.

Body: Republic day is celebrated every year on 26th January to remember the historic moment when our constitution came into effect. As we all know India got its independence on 15th August 1947 and country it didn’t have its own constitution. On November 26th 1949 the constituent assembly of India adopted the constitution of India under the guidance of Dr BR Ambedkar… And Continue ……

Conclusion: At the end I want to end this speech by saying India is a democratic country. All the citizens living in a democratic country has the right to elect their own leaders. the constitution of India is made for people considering all the basic rights which they can enjoy all the citizens are treated equally, 2 there are many scope for improvement in every field but our government is evolving for the betterment of the country.


Speech on Girl Education

Intro: Respected Principal Sir/ Madam, teachers and my dear fellow students. Here, I standing in front of you to deliver a speech on the topic which is very important for the progress of our nation that is :- “Girl education”. Abraham Lincoln once had said “whatever I am and whatever i would be, I owe to my angel like mother”. This tell us  that women or a girl play a very important role in making strong nation.

Body: Educated girl is likely to increase her personal earning potential as well as reduce poverty in her community. After independence, India had taken many step to encourage girl education to attain highest peak of success. As women performs many roles with perfection like as a mother, a daughter, a sister, a wife, and sometime a Devifor a saviour of a family. And Continue …….

Conclusion: A very famous proverb had been said that “Behind every successful man, there is a hand of woman”. Also, if you educate a girl you educate a nation.

Topics for 9, 10, 11 & 12 Classes (Important Speech Writing)

Important Topics on several Topics have updated in this page for Practice. Students please keep update with this page for further updates –

  • Speech on Har Ghar Tiranga
  • Speech on Constitution of India
  • Long Speech on Wonders of Science
  • Long Speech on Aim in Life
  • Long Speech on The Himalaya Mountain
  • Long Speech on Aquatic Life
  • Long Speech on Unity in Diversity
  • Long Speech on Girl Education
  • Long Speech on Cinema
  • Long Speech on Save Tigers
  • Long Speech on An Ideal Teacher
  • Long Speech on Importance of Yoga
  • Long Speech on Balancing Life
  • Long Speech on Hindi Divas
  • Long Speech on Indian Farmer
  • Long Speech on India of my Dreams
  • Long Speech on Unemployment
  • Long Speech on Nobel Prize
  • Long Speech on Importance of Newspapers
  • Long Speech on Peer Pressure
  • Long Speech on Ayushman Bharat Yojana
  • Long Speech on Speech on Organ Donation
  • Long Speech on Sports and Games
  • Long Speech on Technology
  • Long Speech on The New Normal
  • Long Speech on World War 2
  • Long Speech on Aliens
  • Long Speech on Global Warming
  • Long Speech on Disaster Management
  • Long Speech on Career Choice
  • Long Speech on Corruption
  • Long Speech on Modern Women
  • Long Speech on Cricket
  • Long Speech on Computer
  • Long Speech on Forest
  • Long Speech on Indian Politics
  • Long Speech on Importance of Trees
  • Long Speech on Health is Wealth
  • Long Speech on Importance of Time
  • Long Speech on Agriculture
  • Long Speech on Examination
  • Long Speech on Social Media
  • Long Speech on The Culture of India
  • Long Speech on Television
  • Long Speech on My School
  • Long Speech on My Childhood
  • Long Speech on Knowledge Is Power
  • Long Speech on Hard work is the key to success
  • Long Speech on Making Earth a better place
  • Long Speech on Independence Day
  • Long Speech on Malnutrition
  • Long Speech on Republic day
  • Long Speech on Indian Education System
  • Long Speech on The importance of kindness
  • Long Speech on Indian Leaders As World Heroes
  • Long Speech on Corona Virus
  • Long Speech on Gandhi Jayanti
  • Long Speech on Pollution
  • Long Speech on Importance Of Water
  • Long Speech on World population
  • Long Speech on Internet Is Boon Or Bane
  • Long Speech on Child Labour
  • Long Speech on Importance of Education
  • Long Speech on Discipline
  • Long Speech on Deforestation
  • Long Speech on Mothers Day
  • Thank You Speech for Parents
  • Thank You Speech For Award
  • Thank you Speech for Friends
  • Thank You Speech for Farewell
  • Thank You Speech for Teachers
  • Thank You Speech for an Event

Speech Writing Samples

Samples on Speech Writing on some important Speech have updated in this page for more clarification. Hope Students will enjoy it –

speech writing for class 10 ssc

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  • How To Write A Speech

How to Write a Speech: A Guide to Enhance Your Writing Skills

Speech is a medium to convey a message to the world. It is a way of expressing your views on a topic or a way to showcase your strong opposition to a particular idea. To deliver an effective speech, you need a strong and commanding voice, but more important than that is what you say. Spending time in preparing a speech is as vital as presenting it well to your audience.

Read the article to learn what all you need to include in a speech and how to structure it.

Table of Contents

  • Self-Introduction

The Opening Statement

Structuring the speech, choice of words, authenticity, writing in 1st person, tips to write a speech, frequently asked questions on speech, how to write a speech.

Writing a speech on any particular topic requires a lot of research. It also has to be structured well in order to properly get the message across to the target audience. If you have ever listened to famous orators, you would have noticed the kind of details they include when speaking about a particular topic, how they present it and how their speeches motivate and instill courage in people to work towards an individual or shared goal. Learning how to write such effective speeches can be done with a little guidance. So, here are a few points you can keep in mind when writing a speech on your own. Go through each of them carefully and follow them meticulously.

Self Introduction

When you are writing or delivering a speech, the very first thing you need to do is introduce yourself. When you are delivering a speech for a particular occasion, there might be a master of ceremony who might introduce you and invite you to share your thoughts. Whatever be the case, always remember to say one or two sentences about who you are and what you intend to do.

Introductions can change according to the nature of your target audience. It can be either formal or informal based on the audience you are addressing. Here are a few examples.

Addressing Friends/Classmates/Peers

  • Hello everyone! I am ________. I am here to share my views on _________.
  • Good morning friends. I, _________, am here to talk to you about _________.

Addressing Teachers/Higher Authorities

  • Good morning/afternoon/evening. Before I start, I would like to thank _______ for giving me an opportunity to share my thoughts about ________ here today.
  • A good day to all. I, __________, on behalf of _________, am standing here today to voice out my thoughts on _________.

It is said that the first seven seconds is all that a human brain requires to decide whether or not to focus on something. So, it is evident that a catchy opening statement is the factor that will impact your audience. Writing a speech does require a lot of research, and structuring it in an interesting, informative and coherent manner is something that should be done with utmost care.

When given a topic to speak on, the first thing you can do is brainstorm ideas and pen down all that comes to your mind. This will help you understand what aspect of the topic you want to focus on. With that in mind, you can start drafting your speech.

An opening statement can be anything that is relevant to the topic. Use words smartly to create an impression and grab the attention of your audience. A few ideas on framing opening statements are given below. Take a look.

  • Asking an Engaging Question

Starting your speech by asking the audience a question can get their attention. It creates an interest and curiosity in the audience and makes them think about the question. This way, you would have already got their minds ready to listen and think.

  • Fact or a Surprising Statement

Surprising the audience with an interesting fact or a statement can draw the attention of the audience. It can even be a joke; just make sure it is relevant. A good laugh would wake up their minds and they would want to listen to what you are going to say next.

  • Adding a Quote

After you have found your topic to work on, look for a quote that best suits your topic. The quote can be one said by some famous personality or even from stories, movies or series. As long as it suits your topic and is appropriate to the target audience, use them confidently.  Again, finding a quote that is well-known or has scope for deep thought will be your success factor.

To structure your speech easily, it is advisable to break it into three parts or three sections – an introduction, body and conclusion.

  • Introduction: Introduce the topic and your views on the topic briefly.
  • Body: Give a detailed explanation of your topic. Your focus should be to inform and educate your audience on the said topic.
  • Conclusion:  Voice out your thoughts/suggestions. Your intention here should be to make them think/act.

While delivering or writing a speech, it is essential to keep an eye on the language you are using. Choose the right kind of words. The person has the liberty to express their views in support or against the topic; just be sure to provide enough evidence to prove the discussed points. See to it that you use short and precise sentences. Your choice of words and what you emphasise on will decide the effect of the speech on the audience.

When writing a speech, make sure to,

  • Avoid long, confusing sentences.
  • Check the spelling, sentence structure and grammar.
  • Not use contradictory words or statements that might cause any sort of issues.

Anything authentic will appeal to the audience, so including anecdotes, personal experiences and thoughts will help you build a good rapport with your audience. The only thing you need to take care is to not let yourself be carried away in the moment. Speak only what is necessary.

Using the 1st person point of view in a speech is believed to be more effective than a third person point of view. Just be careful not to make it too subjective and sway away from the topic.

  • Understand the purpose of your speech: Before writing the speech, you must understand the topic and the purpose behind it. Reason out and evaluate if the speech has to be inspiring, entertaining or purely informative.
  • Identify your audience: When writing or delivering a speech, your audience play the major role. Unless you know who your target audience is, you will not be able to draft a good and appropriate speech.
  • Decide the length of the speech: Whatever be the topic, make sure you keep it short and to the point. Making a speech longer than it needs to be will only make it monotonous and boring.
  • Revising and practicing the speech: After writing, it is essential to revise and recheck as there might be minor errors which you might have missed. Edit and revise until you are sure you have it right. Practise as much as required so you do not stammer in front of your audience.
  • Mention your takeaways at the end of the speech: Takeaways are the points which have been majorly emphasised on and can bring a change. Be sure to always have a thought or idea that your audience can reflect upon at the end of your speech.

How to write a speech?

Writing a speech is basically about collecting, summarising and structuring your points on a given topic. Do a proper research, prepare multiple drafts, edit and revise until you are sure of the content.

Why is it important to introduce ourselves?

It is essential to introduce yourself while writing a speech, so that your audience or the readers know who the speaker is and understand where you come from. This will, in turn, help them connect with you and your thoughts.

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speech writing for class 10 ssc

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SSC Boards 2020 | Guidelines for Writing Skills and Grammar

Guidelines for Writing Skills and Grammar

A gist of SSC Board Exams

The Secondary School Certificate Examination which is better known as the SSC Board Exam is conducted by various educational boards in India. The Maharashtra State Board, popularly known as the MH Board conducts this examination for all Std. 10th or SSC Board students around the first week of March every year. It also conducts an additional examination in July for all those students who may have failed to acquire satisfactory marks to successfully pass this examination in their previous attempt.

Also Read :  Important Tips to get full marks in the Writing Skills section of Board Exams

Breaking Misconceptions

Most often students tend to undermine the importance of English as a subject during their school and college days. This is because there is not much to rote learn or long answers to mug up. However, that doesn't reduce its importance at all. Instead, English grammar and vocabulary make one of the most scoring sections for the SSC Board examination. And this is what makes learning and practising grammar and vocabulary for your SSC boards a must-try thing.

Evaluation of the latest English Board Paper Pattern

As per the latest paper pattern, the English question paper will be divided into 80 marks for the written exam and 20 marks for oral and internal assessments. Furthermore, the 80 marks paper will be divided into three segments namely;

  • Reading Skills - 40%
  • Vocabulary and writing skills - 25%
  • Grammar - 15%

Students will be tested on their calibre, grammar, reading and writing skills. This latest change in the pattern has been welcomed with open hands as it unrolls an easier platform for learning and evaluation of a student's overall skills.

Before we move ahead, here's something to note. Firstly, this blog is going to be a long read. We have divided the topic into grammar and writing skills by dwelling on each separately.

What does this blog cover?

  • Topics for SSC English Grammar
  • Few tips surrounding important grammar topics
  • Topics for English Writing Skills
  • Tips on how to attempt each topic

(Additional tips are added at selective points that are highlighted in Italics)

So brace yourself and get your queries sorted. Gain insights into how to make your SSC exam preparation advantageous.

A sneak into SSC Grammar topics

Grammar comprises all topics right from that taught in Std 8th. These include articles, prefixes, suffixes, tenses, punctuations, etc. However, apart from referring to your Std 10th English textbook and grammar book, using reference material will prove to be an added advantage. Herein you can go on to explore the concepts of grammar in detail to gain additional insight into the topics along with offering practice.

Here are a few grammar and punctuation rules that you must adhere to while studying Std. 10th English books:

  • Understand the functions of every single punctuation mark. For instance, the full-stop is used at the end of an Assertive sentence; the question mark comes at the end of a question and commas are used to separate items in a sentence and so on.
  • It is important to know the difference between prepositions and conjunctions. Prepositions show the relationship between a noun and a pronoun whereas conjunctions are usually known to be joining words that join two sentences.
  • Gerunds are verbs in their 'ing' form that do the function of a noun whereas Participles are those verbs in their 'ing' form that function as an adjective.
  • Article 'a' will always be applied before a consonant unless it makes a vowel sound, similarly, the article 'an' will be used before a vowel unless that vowel makes a consonant sound.

Now that we have covered the grammar section, let us move ahead to the writing skills section, which holds equal importance in SSC English Examination.

Tips to expand your writing skills

Vocabulary and writing skills together contribute to 15% of your overall score. Thus, performing better in this section expands the possibility of raising your percentage to a great extent. The writing skill section is divided into 9 sections viz. as follows:

Here are a few points to consider when attempting the following sections:-

Letter Writing

Letter writing consists of two types of letters viz. Informal and Formal. Informal letters are written to parents, relatives, friends, etc. whereas, formal letters are written to people who hold some sort of authority. For example, principal, municipal commissioner, etc. The basic characteristics of a letter are the address of the sender, date, salutation, body, and subscription. When it comes to Formal letters, the only additions are the receiver's address as well as the subject or reference. In the SSC Exam, you will be given a choice between an Informal Letter and a Formal Letter.

Interview Questions or Dialogue Writing

In the SSC English paper, students are given the choice to choose one of the two i.e. either dialogue writing or interview questions. Dialogue writing includes creating meaningful conversations surrounding any given topic. Students must form at least six exchanges on the topic which usually includes generic ones related to our surroundings. On the other hand, under interview questions, you will have to prepare at least 8 to 10 questions to ask a business person, a politician, a celebrity, etc.

Tip : You can find plenty of examples for this section in your SSC English book.

Information Transfer

The basic format of Information Transfer is to either convert a paragraph into a tabular or graphical format or to convert a table/flowchart into a paragraph. In the SSC examination, you will be able to choose between a Non-Verbal to Verbal and Verbal to Non-Verbal question.

Speech Writing

Under the speech writing section, students will be presented with a topic which they are expected to expand further. Here students are tested on their views, counterviews, depth of thinking, knowledge, expertise of the subject and formatting of words. The topics can range from Farewell day speeches to that Republic Day.

Tip : Apart from practising on paper, reading and listening to speeches assist in enhancing individual vocabulary. Additionally, it broadens one's horizon on how to excel in the artistry of developing impactful speeches.

A Must-read : What are the Important Tips to get full marks in the Writing Skills section of Board Exams?


Furthermore, in this section, students are asked to prepare their views and counterviews. It can be based on any given topic or a statement. In addition to the statement, candidates will also be provided with a few pointers on the opposite on which you must base your response.

News Report or Expansion of Theme

News Report refers to presenting a formal description of an event that has happened in the past. The objective of this section is to test the student's capacity of conveying a piece of information to the readers formally and crisply. You must expand upon the headline provided. On the other hand, the expansion of an idea refers to elaborating on the meaning of a saying or a proverb in your own words. In the case of the SSC English examination, students are given the option to opt for either a news report or an expansion of the theme.

Developing a Story and Narrating an Experience

Developing a story generally involves the creation of a story based on the pointers furnished in the question. Many of the SSC English books will cover this topic through questions divided into those beginning with certain words or ending with certain words. A question that involves the narration of experience will test your ability to creatively describe a certain experience. The same rule of choice between these two questions applies herein.

Unearthing the potential medium to expand the knowledge base

best books for English Grammar and Writing Skills

Its no doubt that Std 10th books prove to be an amazing guide to help you in your studies. However, when it comes to reference material, it presents a platform to gain ample practice by blending textual and non-textual questions. Besides, it presents to students a platform that comprises everything including grammar, vocabulary, and writing skills thereby helping mould oneself in an overall manner. This would serve you a long way and get you an exceptional score in SSC Boards especially when it comes to solving the Std. 10th English paper.

Also Read : A Guide to ace the SSC Board Exam 2020 - Planning, Timetable, Tips, Books

Wish to know more about such rules of grammar to help you score well in the SSC board exam? Then Target Publications' Std. 10th English books would be your best bet. These books are completely divided and structured in a way to develop comprehension, grammatical, vocabulary and writing skills among students. This educational publication house offers a range of Std. 10th book for the subject of English, each catering to a different study aspect for the all-around development of students. A student can opt for any of the following SSC English books:

  • Std. 10th English Kumarbharati
  • Std. 10th IQB English Kumarbharati  (Important Question Bank for SSC board exam)
  • SSC Question Paper Set for English Medium

Target Publications has grown to become one of the most noteworthy contributors in the education industry when it comes to curating books that serve all the educational needs of SSC board aspirants. If you too want to excel in your Std 10th English grammar, do not forget to check out the Std 10th book offerings presented on our website for the SSC Boards exam.

Target Publications' has been hailed to be at the helm of the education industry when it comes to compiling books to serve all the educational needs of students. Want to be a maestro of Std. 10th English grammar? Go ahead and check out our Std. 10th books for the SSC Board examination.

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speech writing for class 10 ssc



Speech 🎤 writing ✍️ for student 👩‍🎓., 5 important speech writing topics for board exam 2024. (assured questions for board exam with 20 years of experience from omtex classes) 1. speech on blood donation 2. write a speech of about 20 lines that you would deliver on the occasion of independence day celebrations in your school. 3. speech regarding tree plantation 4. speech regarding violence against women . 5. speech about save electricity, what is a speech.

A speech is a means of expressing one's ideas on a certain topic orally or verbally. Speeches are made to highlight progress, environment, industry, friendships, cultural activities, sports, etc. By and large, one should see that the speech is interesting enough to arrest the attention of the audience. Speeches that are dull and uninteresting tend to make the audience restless and bored. Therefore, care should be taken to see that speeches are lively and the audience interactive.


A speech should have:

1. Salutation - honouring all those present

e.g. - Honourable Chief Guest, Respected Principal, teachers, parents and my dear friends.

2. Introduction - the topic to be spoken on.

e.g. - I am very pleased to say/it gives me great honour/privilege to speak on ………….

3. Body- containing the main points.

4. Conclusion - a brief summary and acknowledgements.


1. Prepare the speech so as to complete it in a reasonable span of time.

2. Keep all relevant facts and figures updated and ready to quote.

3. Sentences should be short and to the point but grammatically correct.

4. Keep quotations, witty sayings and proverbs handy to make the speech interesting.

5. If possible, give experience from real life.

A written speech should be spoken with proper pronunciation and diction. The speech should carry proper power and punch lines, to make it an outstanding one.

Model Example - 1

If animals could think and speak like humans, what would they say.

If animals could talk, they would say all the things we should hear, how they feel and what they need. We all know that when a dog walks to the door, he wants to go for a walk or when a cat sits in front of her bowl and says, "meow...meow...meow," she is hungry. But does the dog want to walk in the park or just in the backyard? Does he want to run? Does the cat want soft food or hard food or the hamburger my brother just dropped on the floor?

If animals could talk, they would plan their days instead of waiting for us to tell them what to do. They would be able to tell us where they want to go that day or for how long they want to go there. They could tell us when they are upset with us and why. They could tell us when they don't understand something we are telling them. They would say they are not happy being in a zoo. The best thing about animals talking is that they could tell us that they love us. 

Model Example - 2

Write a speech on independence day which is being celebrated at your school..

Respected Chief Guest, Principal, Teachers, Parents, and my dear friends,

Today, it is a great honour for me to talk about our Independence. We are celebrating 70 years of independence. It is with a sense of pride that I can say our great leaders fought hard to achieve independence for India. Two hundred years of British rule, their oppression and injustice came to an end on the midnight of 14th August, 1947.

In the words of Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru, India's first Prime Minister, I quote, "When the world sleeps, India will awake to life and freedom". Indeed, those fateful words were so true. India achieved freedom, freedom from oppression and freedom from British rule.

In these 70 years, we have seen progress of our great country in all spheres of life from agriculture to industry, from planet Earth to outer space. Yes, indeed, India has truly taken giant strides. We are now competing with other countries in all technological innovations and inventions. It rightly has been said that the strength of a country lies in its technical know-how. This knowhow was possible if the population was educated. It is also true that our population is second only to China, but in the educational sphere strides are being taken to achieve cent per cent literacy. And so, dear friends, this is our goal.

On the other hand, the last 70 years have also shown famine, droughts, floods, poverty, diseases, spreading corruption, terrorism and discrimination on the basis of caste, creed, etc. This is the negative aspect of freedom. We are a free people, yet we are not free; we are independent, yet we are dependent on the super powers for our well-being.

Hence, to conclude, I feel that it is the responsibility of every citizen to rise and make this country strong in all aspects. I do believe that strong people can make a nation strong. A strong nation can achieve great success. So, let us be one. 'United we stand, divided we fall.'I conclude in the words of Rabindranath Tagore.

"Where the mind is led forward by thee into ever widening thought and action, Into that heaven of freedom my Father:, let my country awake"

Model Example -3

A speech on the social issue of corruption given by you at a social gathering in your locality..

Dear Friends,

Together we have gathered here to take stock of a burning social issue - that of corruption. It is poison to our growth and development. Corruption, as reported by the media, is rampant all over the country and at all levels.

Corruption is not an issue which has taken birth just today or yesterday. It is a deep rooted problem that existed even in medieval times, but it was not so widespread. Today, even the common man is directly or indirectly entangled in this web. The future of our nation is bright, but it seems to be clouded and turning murky with this corruption gaining stronger ground every day.

It is up to us, citizens to root out this social evil. Primarily, we must not support organizations that are corrupt in their dealings. Further, we must create an awareness among the people clearly explaining to them that it is no one else but we who are the cause and victims of this corruption. We must also take the help of the media to expose officials who are corrupt and refuse to stop such practices.

So friends, come, lets pledge ourselves to uprooting this social evil once and for all so that we can march ahead onto paths of progress and prosperity peacefully.


Speech on Blood donation

Speech on Eye donation

Write a speech of about 20 lines that you would deliver on the occasion of independence day celebrations in your school.

On teacher’s day you have to speak on the topic ‘ my thoughts about my school ‘. Write a short speech that you will deliver in class.

You are a student of std. X. The school has organized a farewell function in honour of all the students of std. X.

On the occasion of ‘teacher’s day’ you are asked to speak about ‘the teacher/ guru in your life’.

Write a speech acquainting your class about the environment crisis that is worsening around the world.

Prepare a speech to be delivered to the students of std. Ix advising them how to study for std. X.

Write a speech on the topic ‘what can i do for india?’

Speech on India of My Dreams.

On the occasion of world environment day, you are asked to make a speech in your school on ‘save the tiger’.

Speech regarding eye donation [new]

Speech about my school

Speech about teachers day

Speech about solar energy

Speech about farewell day

Speech regarding tree plantation

Speech regarding cruelty towards animals

Farewell speech one

Farewell speech two

Farewell speech three

Farewell speech four

Farewell speech five

Speech regarding global warming

Speech regarding violence against women

Speech about save electricity

Speech you wish to give on the retirement of your favourite teacher.

Speech on good health and exercise

Speech to be delivered to the students of std. Ix on how to study for std.x.

Green city, clean city

Develop the talents

English - world language

Good manners

Hard work and success


State and Central Board Education


Ssc & hsc important speech writing for board exam., speech regarding blood donation, speech 1.        write a speech to be delivered among your classmates, regarding blood donation. blood donation                              dear friends, we have one life let us make our one life more meaningful by donating blood. blood donation is the mother of all donations. blood donation directly gives life to another human being. it is not only saves one individual but also the entire family of that individual. a person can donate blood thrice in a year. the donated blood will be thoroughly checked and stored up in a secured form. for donating blood a person must have a weight of at least 45 kg.                              many people have misunderstandings about bold donation. they feel by donating blood they will fall sick. but it is not like so, the donated blood will automatically regenerate by our body itself within four to five hours after donating the blood. a person will be prohibited from donating blood if he drank alcohol during the last six hours.                           so friends, let us put our hands together and make a promise to donate blood at least once in a year., write a speech of about 20 lines that you would deliver on the occasion of independence day celebrations in your school., on teacher’s day you have to speak on the topic ‘ my thoughts about my school ‘. write a short speech that you will deliver in class., you are a student of std. x. the school has organized a farewell function in honour of all the students of std. x., on the occasion of ‘teacher’s day’ you are asked to speak about ‘the teacher/ guru in your life’., write a speech acquainting your class about the environment crisis that is worsening around the world., prepare a speech to be delivered to the students of std. ix advising them how to study for std. x., write a speech on the topic ‘what can i do for india’, on the occasion of world environment day, you are asked to make a speech in your school on ‘save the tiger’., pdf file to your email immediately purchase notes & paper solution. @ rs. 50/- each (gst extra).

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Maharashtra SSC, HSC Board Result 2024 LIVE Updates: MSBSHSE Class 10, 12 results to be OUT soon; how to check here

Maharashtra ssc, hsc board result 2024 live updates: the maharashtra state board of secondary and higher secondary education (msbshse) will soon release class 10th and class 12th results at its official website. .

Maharashtra 10th, 12th Result 2024 LIVE Updates: Maharashtra Board will declare Class 10, Class 12th exam results soon at (PTI)

Maharashtra SSC, HSC Board Result 2024 LIVE Updates: The Maharashtra State Board of Secondary and Higher Secondary Education (MSBHSE) is  yet to declare the Class 10th and 12th results. As students are keenly waiting for the MSBHSE result announcement, they can check their scores on the official website after the declaration.

So far, no official information related to the MSBHSE result date and ti has been obtained. After the result is declared, students can check it on,, and 

Follow Mint for latest updates on Maharashtra SSC and HSC Board result.

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    Maharashtra SSC, HSC Board Result 2024 LIVE Updates: The Maharashtra State Board of Secondary and Higher Secondary Education (MSBHSE) is yet to declare the Class 10th and 12th results. As students are keenly waiting for the MSBHSE result announcement, they can check their scores on the official website after the declaration.

  24. SCERT Maharashtra Question Bank solutions for 10th Standard SSC English

    Get free SCERT Maharashtra Question Bank Solutions for 10th Standard SSC English Maharashtra State Board Chapter 5 Section 5: Writing Skill solved by experts. Available here are Chapter 5 - Section 5: Writing Skill Exercises Questions with Solutions and detail explanation for your practice before the examination