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  • Resume Help

300+ Action Verbs for a Resume to Make It Stand Out

Marta Bongilaj, CPRW

Our customers have been hired by:

I’ve made a comprehensive resume, but it still sounds plain like 100 other resumes. Seems familiar?

Might be that it repeats some worn-out phrases that no longer serve your resume’s main purpose—standing out from other competitive resumes. Replace boring phrases and cliché words in your application with strong action verbs for a resume, and see how it changes.

In this guide:

  • What are action verbs for a resume, and how to use them smartly.
  • 300+ action verbs for a resume grouped by keyword synonym.
  • Separate lists of resume adjectives to make your work stand out.

Want to save time and have your resume ready in 5 minutes? Try our resume builder. It’s fast and easy to use. Plus, you’ll get ready-made content to add with one click. See 20+ resume templates and create your resume here .

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sample resume example

Sample resume made with our builder— See more resume examples here .

Looking for other ways to improve your resume? Check these guides:

  • Best Resume Keywords to Pass ATS Scans
  • What Are Resume Buzzwords?
  • Improve Your Resume Quickly: Instructions & Tips
  • Best Resume Tips to Use in 2024
  • What Are the Best Fonts for a Resume?
  • Put These Skills on Your Resume: Skills Examples

Action Words: Resume Example

Matthew Lawson

Web Designer


[email protected]

Creative Web Designer with over 10 years of experience in website design. Enthusiastic about supporting DesignDazzle Studios in creating compelling websites with the best user experience by using strong expertise in user experience design. Increased conversion rate by 25% for a high-traffic website at WebWeave Creations by improving navigation.

WebWeave Creations, West Valley City, UT

June 2016–Present

Key Qualifications & Responsibilities

  • Coordinating with the marketing team on the creation of blog posts, leading to a 30% increase in organic search traffic.
  • Designing and developing a mothly average of 5 responsive website layouts using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
  • Collaborating with clients to understand their vision and implement it.
  • Utilizing user testing and feedback to make improvements to website functionality and design.

Key Achievement:

  • Redesigned the company's main client's website, leading to a 25% increase in conversion rates within two months.

PixelPerfect Design Co., West Valley City, UT

January 2013–May 2016

  • Managed multiple design projects for diverse industry clients.
  • Collaborated with developers to create clean and efficient code.
  • Assisted in the creation of a mobile-first responsive website design.
  • Recognized for exceptional aesthetics in overall design.

Bachelor of Fine Arts in Web Design

University of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT

August 2010–May 2014

Relevant extracurricular activities

  • Web Design Club member
  • Graphic design workshop participant.

Academic achievements:

  • Graduated with a 3.8 GPA.
  • Awarded "Best Senior Project" in Graphic Design.
  • Graphic design
  • Project management
  • Client communication
  • Team collaboration


  • Certified Professional Web Designer,, 2016
  • 2017, "Best Website Design," WebWeave Creations


Member of the AIGA since 2014

  • Presented a lecture on "The Importance of Website Aesthetics" at the AIGA 2017 National Conference, San Francisco.
  • English—Native proficiency
  • Running a local web design meet-up group.
  • Writing a blog on the latest web design trends.

What Are Action Verbs?

Action verbs (or power words) are words you can use on your resume to describe your work activities and professional duties . These words have positive connotations and can highlight your initiative and strengths. You should use them to replace passive-sounding words such as “responsible for.”

People tend to minimize their own achievements . Instead of being proud of their successes, they say: “Oh, anyone could do that.” But in a resume, minimizing your accomplishments is a bad thing, and you should avoid it. 

Using weak words may make recruiters doubt your candidature. And that’s why you should replace all the phrases that downplay your role with resume power words. No more “assisted,” “was in charge of,” or “worked with.” Instead, say: “initiated,” “coordinated,” or “collaborated,” and see the impact.

260+ Action Verbs for a Resume

You don’t have to frantically browse through thousands of words to find the right ones. We’ve done that for you. Just click one of those categories and jump to the action verbs list you need:

  • Team Player Action Verbs
  • Leadership Words for Resume
  • Responsible For Resume Words
  • Communication Power Words
  • Achiever Action Words

Worked On Action Verbs for a Resume

  • Improved Power Words
  • Researched Synonyms
  • Creativity and Problem-Solving Words
  • Managed Resume Verbs
  • Assist Resume Action Verbs
  • Utilize Resume Verbs

Pro Tip: Remember that you should use past tenses in a resume when describing your work activities from previous jobs. You can use the present form of resume action verbs to talk about the job you have at the moment.

Best Resume Action Verbs for Team Players

You don’t have to write “worked with 4 other team members on a project” over and over when presenting your work experience in your resume . Instead, use one of these resume action verbs to highlight your teamwork skills . How about “Partnered with team members” or “Contributed to a team project” instead?

Here’s a selection of resume words you can use to describe teamwork activities and collaboration skills :

  • Acknowledged
  • Assimilated
  • Collaborated
  • Contributed
  • Diversified
  • Participated
  • Volunteered

Best Leadership Action Words for a Resume

Did you just use the word “led” for the fifth time in your job application? Replace it with “chaired team meetings.” It’s a small change but makes all the difference.

Use the following resume power words to highlight your leadership skills :

  • Facilitated
  • Mobilized 
  • Orchestrated
  • Spearheaded

Resume action verbs are great for describing achievements on a resume. See more: Examples of Accomplishments for a Resume

Resume Action Verbs to Use Instead of Responsible For

If you plan to describe your work history by saying, “I was responsible for carrying out various duties,” don’t do this. Instead, be specific and use good resume words to showcase your accomplishments.

Here’s a bunch of resume action verbs you can apply to describe your duties:

  • Accomplished
  • Succeeded In

Best Communication Action Words for a Resume

Communication skills are all the rage today. But if you type “Communicated with XYZ departments” multiple times, the word becomes empty. Instead, try power words. Say: “Consulted subject-matter experts to clarify the key aspects of the project” or “Informed project stakeholders about updates and milestones.”

The following resume action words are great for describing communication at work:

  • Corresponded
  • Illustrated

Achiever Action Words for a Resume

If you’re one of those high achievers that headhunters seek , your resume might be filled to the brim with the word “achieved.” Try using other words to replace it—they’ll also carry more concrete meaning, thus making your work profile more attractive.

See these resume words that can replace the verb “achieve”:

  • Accelerated
  • Stimulated 

“At my previous company, I worked on multiple projects.” Boring. How about being more specific? Replacing words devoid of meaning with resume action verbs not only sounds better but also helps save space on the document. And that’s the key to making a one-page resume .

These resume power words can replace the verb “work on”: 

  • Constructed
  • Made Progress On
  • Put Together

When making a resume in our builder, drag & drop bullet points, skills, and auto-fill the boring stuff. Spell check? Check . Start building a professional resume template here for free .

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When you’re done, Zety’s resume builder will score your resume and our resume checker will tell you exactly how to make it better.

Resume Power Words for Improved

If improving things is your specialty, you might end up repeating this word endlessly. Try using other resume verbs as opposed. For example, if you’re writing a resume for a UX designer , you can change “improved the app interface” to “redesigned the app interface.”

These action verbs for a resume can be used to replace the word “improve”:

  • Reorganized
  • Restructured
  • Streamlined
  • Strengthened

Best Resume Power Words for Researched

A scientist’s resume might turn out swarmed with the word “researched.” But you can use other strong resume words to show your analytical skills , and we’ve featured them on the action verbs list below. 

Here’s a collection of resume action words to use instead of “to research”:

  • Investigated
  • Tracked 

Power Words for a Resume to Describe Creativity and Problem-Solving

Maybe you’re an artist, a designer, an engineer, or a natural innovator. You create something all the time. But repeating this word makes it meaningless. Instead, say: “Drafted a mock design for a smartphone app,” “Built a prototype of an engine,” or “Designed a collection of 10 garments”.

Try these action verbs examples to highlight your creative skills and problem-solving activities :

  • Established

Strong Action Verbs to Use Instead of Managed

Managers manage, and haters gonna hate. Don’t want a hiring manager reading your application to become one of those haters? Then replace the word “managed” with other good resume words that can help highlight management skills .

Change the word “manage” to one of these resume action verbs:

Resume Action Verbs to Replace Assist

Maybe you’re writing an assistant resume, and the word “assisted” just sounds natural. But after using it for the 5th time, it just sounds bad. Show what your job duties really involve by using a different resume word.

Here are 10+ resume power words to employ instead of “assist”:

Resume Power Words to Replace Utilize

At work, you might utilize various resources, methods, teams, approaches… But you could also substitute this word with a different one. For example, you can “apply a new method” instead of utilizing it.

Consider changing the word ‘utilize’ for the action verbs examples below:

  • Specialized In

You can use resume power words to upgrade your LinkedIn profile, too. That’s just one of the ways to improve it. Learn more: How to Optimize Your LinkedIn Profile

Plus, a great cover letter that matches your resume will give you an advantage over other candidates. You can write it in our cover letter builder here.  Here's what it may look like:

matching set of resume and cover letter

See more cover letter templates and start writing.

Key Takeaways

Here’s a recap of resume words and how to use them: 

  • Resume action verbs are words that introduce accomplishments. They describe job duties but leave room for all-important metrics.
  • Communicated
  • Coordinated
  • Individualized
  • Transmitted
  • Don’t ever simply say you’re skilled, a go-getter, or hardworking. Back it up with resume power words and concrete figures.
  • Action verbs for resumes can make your resume more readable. They’ll also help you prove your worth and get many more interviews.

Do you have questions about resume action words? Not sure how to use resume power words to get the best effect? Give us a shout in the comments! Let's talk about phrases to level up your resume wording.

About Zety’s Editorial Process

This article has been reviewed by our editorial team to make sure it follows Zety's editorial guidelines . We’re committed to sharing our expertise and giving you trustworthy career advice tailored to your needs. High-quality content is what brings over 40 million readers to our site every year. But we don't stop there. Our team conducts original research to understand the job market better, and we pride ourselves on being quoted by top universities and prime media outlets from around the world.


Frequently Asked Questions about Action Verbs and Resume Words

What are power words in a resume.

Power words are words and phrases that catch the reader’s attention. Power words in a resume are used to make the candidate’s job application stand out from others.

The most powerful resume words are verbs. They can be used to describe actions, duties, and tasks from the candidate’s most relevant experience . For example, instead of writing “responsible for running internal projects”, the candidate can use a power word and write “coordinated internal projects” and make a better impression on the recruiter. This way, it’s easier for applicants to showcase the qualities that employers value .

What are good verbs for a resume?

The best resume verbs are action verbs. They describe activities that involved physical or mental actions and provided a significant result. Good verbs for resumes suggest that the action was successful, which automatically boosts the candidate’s qualifications . They are perfect for describing accomplishments and worth researching when you're learning to write a good resume .

Here’s a sample action verb list: 

  • Demonstrated
  • Implemented
  • Represented
  • Revitalized

What are good action words for a resume?

Action words in resumes are synonymous with action verbs. These words or phrases are best for describing achievements, work experience, as well as skills in a functional resume . Using resume action verbs helps to catch the recruiter’s attention and to stand out from other applicants.

Some examples of good action words for a resume include: administered, advocated, created, completed, demonstrated, designed, enabled, estimated, facilitated, fixed, implemented, investigated, merged, managed, operated, overhauled, tested, transformed, utilized, updated.

You can find different categories of resume action words in this article:

  • “Team Player” Action Words
  • “Leadership” Words for Resume
  • “Responsible For” Synonyms
  • “Communication” Power Words
  • “Achiever” Action Words
  • “Worked On” Action Words
  • “Improved” Power Words
  • “Researched” Synonyms
  • “Creativity and Problem Solving” Words
  • “Managed” Resume Verbs
  • “Assist” Resume Verbs
  • “Utilize” Resume Verbs

What are resume buzzwords?

Resume buzzwords are verbs, nouns, and adjectives that can help the candidate to stand out from other applicants. They include action verbs for describing work experience, nouns that describe tasks and responsibilities, and personality adjectives that describe the candidate’s personal qualities and can be used during job interviews to talk about yourself .

While using buzzwords is encouraged, the candidates must do it right. Many resume buzzwords, such as “team player” or “passionate” are so overused that they became cliché, and can make a resume look bad . When writing a resume, it’s best to take a look at lists of useful resume buzzwords, as well as use a thesaurus to find synonyms whenever necessary. You can also easily improve your old resume by editing it and adding a few buzzwords here and there.

Should a resume start with verbs?

It’s good practice to start some sentences in a resume with action verbs. While the candidate’s personal profile usually starts with a strong personality adjective, job title, or a strong resume headline , the description of work experience should start with action verbs. For example, instead of writing “I was responsible for designing the app user interface”, they might say: “Designed the app user interface”. It not only saves space. Such descriptions of candidates’ duties make a better impression on the recruiter.

How to use action words in a resume?

Before you sit for your resume writing, read the job advertisement thoroughly. It often contains a whole host of hints to help you create a resume tailored to a specific job profile . When scanning the job ad, look particularly for key responsibilities, skills, and other requirements. Collate this information with your own experiences and abilities, and look for similarities. Then, find action words that describe such experiences and accomplishments accurately. While infusing your resume with action words, mind the right balance. Don’t try to stuff your resume with power words that finally make your document sound unnatural and stuck-up. One power word is fairly enough for one sentence, as it already gives it some extra boost.

Marta Bongilaj, CPRW

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Using action verbs in your resume can help bring your achievements to life. Try using these action verbs to make your resume stand out!

500+ Action Verbs to Make Your Resume Stand Out

In today’s competitive job market, your resume is your first interaction with potential employers. Making a strong first impression to stand out among applicants is crucial. Utilizing powerful action verbs can transform your resume from ordinary to remarkable, ensuring it captures attention.

Action verbs bring out your achievements and duties with energy and accuracy . They bring your resume to life, show off your contributions engagingly, and prep your resume for automated resume scanners . Simultaneously, action verbs subtly let the hiring manager know that you understand the core factors required to be successful in the role.

With that in mind, we’ve curated over 500 action verbs to help you craft an impressive resume . Before we jump into that list, though, let’s start by getting a handle on what exactly an action verb is and why they’re vital for your resume.

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What Is an Action Verb?

An action verb, also known as a dynamic or active verb, expresses an action, whether it’s physical (to run, to jump), mental (to think, to consider), or an occurrence (to happen, to linger).

On a resume, action verbs are typically used to craft great bullet points that describe your professional experiences and achievements . They should be used to quantify your work accomplishments and emphasize leadership skills , setting the scene for a more proactive and impactful rendition of your work history.

According to FlexJobs’ career experts, “It’s important to use action verbs on your resume to help an employer visualize you doing the work. And the more specific or descriptive the action verb, the more detailed their picture of you will be. This helps you as a candidate because you want employers to imagine you being able to do the job and do it well. The more descriptive your resume, the better.”

Action verbs can also make your resume easier to read: “By starting every bullet point with an action verb, you set a rhythm for the employer, who is likely skimming the document. They can skim a bit faster and retain more if you’re presenting the information consistently throughout. And that starts with using action verbs for resume bullet points,” explain the career experts.

With that in mind, you’re ready to dive into this list of action verbs for your resume .

300 Action Verbs for Your Resume

Many job seekers are using AI to build their resumes , whether that’s through specialized resume builders or generic AI interfaces. Regardless of where the foundation of your resume is being created, use these action verbs to adjust it before you push submit . We’ve categorized these action verbs into 20 common themes you might find in your work history.

1. Resume Action Verbs for When You Served as a Leader

Leadership is a quality in high demand across every sector. Use these action verbs to emphasize leadership skills on your resume .

  • Orchestrated
  • Spearheaded

2. Resume Action Verbs for When You Managed a Team

Managing a team requires a delicate balance of leadership and cooperation. Use these management action verbs on your resume to bring your leadership and organization to life.

  • Coordinated
  • Facilitated
  • Systematized

3. Resume Action Verbs for When You Implemented a Project

Project management requires being organized, having foresight, and taking constructive action. Use these project management verbs to highlight your skills .

  • Constructed

4. Resume Action Verbs for When You Increased Productivity

Productivity is essential to meeting customer demand in every industry, which is why employers look for candidates who can improve efficiency. Use these productivity action verbs for your resume to highlight your ability to increase output.

  • Accelerated
  • Accomplished
  • Capitalized
  • Strategized

5. Resume Action Verbs for When You Improved or Changed Something

Change can be a challenging and daunting task, but it is necessary for growth and success. Use these resume action verbs on your resume to show how you have made meaningful improvements or changes in your professional experience.

  • Ameliorated
  • Restructured
  • Strengthened
  • Transformed

6. Resume Action Verbs for When You Innovated or Invented

Innovation sets you apart in a competitive job market. Use these creative resume action verbs to show how you took a unique look at a situation or challenge.

  • Incorporated

7. Resume Action Verbs for When You Brought in Resources

Efficiently managing resources is crucial for any organization. Use these resume action verbs on your resume to demonstrate how you have successfully utilized resources to achieve goals.

  • Appropriated
  • Channelized
  • Commissioned
  • Reallocated

8. Resume Action Verbs for When You Increased Revenue

Companies value employees who can increase revenue and decrease costs. Use these resume action verbs to showcase your financial impact.

  • Accumulated
  • Effectuated
  • Outperformed

9. Resume Action Verbs for When You Developed Partnerships

Teamwork and collaboration are key in any role. Use these resume action verbs to highlight your ability to build strong partnerships and relationships.

10. Resume Action Verbs for When You Improved Customer Satisfaction

In customer-facing roles , it’s important to demonstrate how you have positively impacted customer satisfaction. Use these resume action verbs to show your ability to provide excellent service.

  • Recommended
  • Streamlined

11. Resume Action Verbs for When You Performed Research or Analysis

Employers value individuals who can gather and analyze data to make informed decisions. Use these resume action verbs to showcase your research and analytical skills.

  • Interpreted
  • Investigated
  • Scrutinized

12. Resume Action Verbs for When You Communicated, Spoke, or Wrote

Strong communication skills are important in any role. Use these resume action verbs to demonstrate your ability to effectively convey information.

  • Corresponded

13. Resume Action Verbs for When You Implemented Regulations or Processes

Being able to follow and implement regulations and processes is crucial in many industries. Use these resume action verbs to showcase your attention to detail and ability to adhere to guidelines.

  • Centralized
  • Revitalized

14. Resume Action Verbs to Showcase Accomplishments

Employers want to see results. Use these resume action verbs to highlight your achievements and contributions.

15. Resume Action Verbs to Show You Succeeded

Being able to work under pressure and meet tight deadlines is a valuable skill. Use these resume action verbs to demonstrate your ability to handle stress and deliver results.

  • Outdistanced

16. Resume Action Verbs to Explain Responsibilities

It’s important to highlight your responsibilities in previous roles. Use strong resume action verbs like these to make them more impactful.

  • Administered

17. Resume Action Verbs to Display Interpersonal Skills

Employers also want to see your ability to work well with others and communicate effectively . Use these resume action verbs to demonstrate your interpersonal skills .

  • Collaborated
  • Communicated
  • Contributed

18. Resume Action Verbs to Communicate Creative Attributes

For creative jobs or roles that require creativity, use these resume action verbs to demonstrate your inventiveness.

  • Conceptualized
  • Illustrated

19. Resume Action Verbs to Show Technical Aptitude

For roles that require technical skills and knowledge, it’s important to use action verbs that highlight your proficiency. Use these resume action verbs to focus the attention on your technical aptitude.

  • Demonstrated
  • Implemented
  • Troubleshoot

20. Resume Action Verbs to Describe a Promotion

If you have been promoted within a company , it’s important to showcase this growth and development in your resume. Use these action verbs to highlight your progression.

200 Other Resume Action Words by Industry

Not all experiences are universal, and some industries have specific jargon or terms that are critical to include . Use these lists to help you customize your resume to the following 10 sectors.

1. Resume Action Verbs for Accounting & Finance Professionals

In accounting & finance jobs , it’s important to demonstrate your attention to detail and analytical skills.

  • Distributed

2. Resume Action Verbs for Administrative Professionals

Administrative jobs are all about coordinating and managing the flow of information. Use these resume action words to show how you can do just that.

  • Categorized
  • Inventoried
  • Transferred

3. Resume Action Verbs for Computer & IT Professionals

Computer & IT jobs are defined by action, rather than credentials. Show your tech chops with these action verbs.

4. Resume Action Verbs for Customer Service Professionals

Customer service jobs thrive on interactions and the ability to mitigate poor experiences. Use verbs that reflect your customer-centric communication skills.

  • Acknowledged
  • Followed-up

5. Resume Action Verbs for HR & Recruiting Professionals

HR & recruiting jobs are all about people. Use resume action verbs to help you articulate your experiences in the HR & recruiting sector.

  • Corroborated
  • Individualized
  • Interviewed

6. Resume Action Verbs for Marketing Professionals

Marketing jobs are all about impact. Use dynamic action verbs to communicate your competitive, innovative approach.

  • Brainstormed
  • Represented
  • Specialized

7. Resume Action Verbs for Medical & Health Professionals

In medical & health jobs , compassion and precision should be your focus. Use these power verbs to reflect your dedication to your work.

8. Resume Action Verbs for Operations Professionals

Operations jobs are for the behind-the-scenes experts who keep things running smoothly. Use these active verbs to showcase your ability to manage and organize.

  • Consolidated
  • Decentralized
  • Reorganized

9. Resume Action Verbs for Project Management Professionals

Project management jobs need professionals who are both leaders and problem-solvers . Use these resume verbs to highlight your ability to plan, coordinate, and execute projects.

  • Established
  • Prioritized
  • Rejuvenated

10. Resume Action Verbs for Sales Professionals

Sales jobs require a unique mix of personality and strategy. Use these resume verbs to demonstrate your ability to close deals and build relationships.

  • Diversified
  • Invigorated
  • Jump-started
  • Masterminded
  • Neutralized

Top Power Verbs for Your Resume

Power verbs are the words that have an immediate impact on your resume. Combined with your hard skills , they demonstrate confidence, competence, and capability . While you’ll need to weave industry-specific action verbs through your resume, there are some that can be leveraged in nearly any situation. Use this list of 20 power verbs for your resume to help snag the hiring manager’s attention .

Examples of Resume Verbs

Once you have a list of verbs you want to use, you need to know how to use them. Use these bullet point examples to start brainstorming ways to create a more impactful resume .

  • Conceived and delivered a digital marketing strategy that led to a 20% increase in customer conversion.
  • Championed a customer service initiative that increased satisfaction rates by 25%.
  • Orchestrated the implementation of a new CRM system across multiple departments, increasing efficiency by 15%.
  • Engineered a set of protocols that reduced product defects by 12%.
  • Coordinated with external partners to secure $500,000 in grant funding for a sustainability project.
  • Cultivated a company-wide information security culture, reducing breaches by 40%.
  • Secured a partnership with a key industry influencer, leading to a 25% increase in social media following.
  • Supervised a team of 20 staff members to execute a product launch, beating the deadline by a week.
  • Authored a company handbook that streamlined training processes and reduced onboarding time by 30%.
  • Spearheaded a team of designers to overhaul the company’s website, exceeding project goals and improving user engagement by 30%.

Tips to Put Action Verbs on Your Resume

Simply using these action verbs isn’t enough; you have to use them strategically to tell your unique professional story.

1. Align With Your Industry

Your resume should mirror the language and norms of your field. Opt for action verbs that align with the industry’s expectations . Remember, a marketing resume doesn’t read like an engineer’s! Customize your verbs to match what’s valued in your line of work.

2. Align With the Job Description

When tailoring your resume to a job , it’s key to customize it to fit the job description. Read the job description carefully , looking closely at the action words and reflecting those in your work experience to ensure your application gets through the application tracking system (ATS) filters and grabs the hiring manager’s attention.

3. Align With Your Intent

Consider the role you’re going for and the qualities you want to shine through. Applying for a job in sales ? Your resume action words should emphasize communication and persuasion. Applying for a project manager job ? Use action verbs showcasing organization and leadership. Use your resume to tell a story that connects your career goals with what the hiring manager really wants .

4. Align Action Verb Tense

Be conscious of the tense you use when writing your action verbs . If you’re describing a past job experience, use the past tense; if you’re talking about current responsibilities and achievements, use the present tense. This will help to establish a clear timeline of your career progression and avoid any confusion for the reader.

Commonly Asked Questions About Action Verbs

Still have a few questions about when and where to use action verbs on your resume? We’ve gathered some of the most commonly asked questions to help you quickly write a better resume .

1. Why should you use action verbs on your resume?

Employers are looking for candidates who have a track record of taking initiative and achieving results. Action verbs help to convey this information in a concise and impactful manner.

2.  How do I fix weak action verbs on my resume?

Start by identifying the key skills and responsibilities of the job you’re applying for, then choose resume action words that highlight those qualities. You can also use a thesaurus to find more powerful synonyms for common verbs.

3.  Where do I put action verbs on my resume?

Action verbs should be used throughout your resume , specifically in the bullet points under each job experience or achievement. You can also use them in your resume summary  to grab the hiring manager’s attention from the start.

4. Should I focus on using strong action verbs on my resume?

Yes, using strong action verbs is crucial for making a good impression on potential employers. They help to convey your skills and accomplishments and impact more engagingly. Avoid using passive language or weak verbs that don’t accurately describe your contributions.

5. Will I need to use action verbs in my cover letter?

Yes, using action verbs in your cover letter is just as important as using them in your resume . This will help to demonstrate your skills and achievements in a more compelling way and can make you stand out from other candidates. Make sure to tailor the action verbs you use to the specific job or company you’re applying for.

Put Your Resume Into Action

Leveraging strong action verbs on your resume and cover letter is vital for showcasing your skills and achievements. Utilizing this list, you’re equipped to ensure your application stands out in the most impactful way.

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340+ Resume Action Verbs & Power Words [For 2024]

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Language matters in a resume.

Imagine this:

You’re a busy HR manager, and you read hundreds, even thousands, of resumes every day.

And every single one of them sounds the same.

“Responsible for”

“Critical Thinker”

“Team Player”

You’re bound to see these words on just about every single resume.

And guess what? They’re boring.

That’s where power words come in. They make your responsibilities and achievements really pop!

So, do you want your resume to really stand out? Use some of these 340+ action words:

  • Why Power Words Matter

How to use Resume Action Words [+Examples & Tips]

340+ resume action verbs and power words [w/ examples].

  • Resume Power Adjectives
  • Resume Buzzwords to Avoid

Why Power Words Matter 

Power words help show off your top achievements in the best way possible.

Don’t believe us? Let’s compare an example with and without power words.

  • Spearheaded company X’s content marketing operations.
  • Responsible for content marketing at company X.

See the difference?

Both of these examples say exactly the same thing .

The main difference is that the second wording makes you seem a LOT more competent.

Something to keep in mind - power words, action words, action verbs, and so on are synonyms. So, don’t be surprised to see that we use them interchangeably in this article!

Other than allowing you to stand out, action words can also be used to say one thing in different ways. We’ve seen way too many resumes that have “Responsible for” all over the place!

So, instead of:

  • Responsible for managing company X’s Instagram account.
  • Responsible for connecting with influencers in the niche.

You could say:

  • Managed company X’s Instagram account.
  • Connected with popular influencers in the niche.

In this article, we have conveniently grouped 340+ action words to help you upgrade your resume descriptions:

  • Resume Power Words for Team Work and Communication
  • Resume Action Words Management and Leadership Achievements
  • Resume Power Words to Showcase your Creativity

Resume Power Words for Problem Solving Accomplishments

Resume action verbs for research, analysis, and planning.

  • Resume Power Verbs for “Support”
  • Resume Power Words to Use Instead of “Improved”
  • Resume Power Words to Use Instead of “Responsible For”

Resume Action Words to Use Instead of “Worked On”

  • Resume Action Verbs that Mean “Use”

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Action words can really spice up your resume if done right.

Now, we’re going to explain all the do's and don’t of using power verbs...

Which power words should you use? 

The type of power words you use will depend on the position you are applying for. 

Do a detailed scan of the job posting and single out the key responsibilities and requirements. 

Determine which of your abilities and experiences apply to those job requirements. 

Then, look for power words in our list that describe those achievements. 

Pretty straightforward, right?

Although the power words will be specific to the position you are applying for, there are some general rules to follow: 

  • Choose resume power words that can be measured . This way you can follow the power word with a tangible achievement, for example: “ enhanced customer base by 35%.”
  • Don’t use subjective words . “I’m amazing at” , “I’m incredible at” aren’t as pleasing to hear as you might think. These statements make you appear self-involved, which recruiters find appalling. Don’t tell them you’re amazing, show them with a measurable power word!

How often should you use power words? 

Sadly, just like with anything good in life, action words will lose their value if you overdo it. Instead of power words, they’ll just look like sprinkled mambo-jumbo that doesn’t mean anything.

Also, your resume is swamped with power words, your hiring manager might get turned off and think you’re trying too hard. 

A good rule to follow is to not add more than one or two action verbs in a sentence.  

Use them appropriately and moderately. 

Resume Power Words for Teamwork and Communication

If your job was to give guidance or communicate information to a team, you:

  • 2. Advocated
  • 3. Clarified
  • 4. Corresponded
  • 6. Gathered
  • 8. Informed
  • 9. Interpreted
  • 10. Persuaded
  • 11. Publicized
  • Gathered external data for the project-planning personnel and advised on the implementation of capital projects. 

When you were part of a team:

  • 13. Enabled
  • 14. Encouraged
  • 15. Facilitated
  • 16. Fostered
  • 17. Inspired
  • 18. Supported
  • 19. Collaborated
  • Made a $6M merger through collaboration with an international team.

When you supervised a team: 

  • 21. Evaluated
  • 22. Instructed
  • 23. Mentored
  • 24. Motivated
  • 25. Regulated
  • Mentored 5 startup founders in the last 2 years. 

Resume Action Words for Management and Leadership Achievements

When you reach a goal:

  • 27. Achieved
  • 28. Attained
  • 29. Strengthened
  • 30. Initiated
  • 31. Coordinated
  • 32. Developed
  • 33. Managed
  • 34. Orchestrated
  • Coordinated data integrity within the company’s applicant tracking system. 
  • Strengthened the sales and service culture through coaching and guidance. 

When you gave a different approach to solving a problem:

  • 35. Implemented
  • 36. Recommended
  • 37. Overhauled
  • 38. Improved
  • 39. Streamlined 
  • 40. Prioritized
  • Improved and tuned networking equipment and overall computer network. 

When you worked with other people:

  • 41. Motivated
  • 42. Supervised
  • 43. Delegated
  • 44. Chaired
  • Supervised and motivated a team of 5+ sales associates. 

Resume Action Words to Showcase your Creativity 

When you helped the company innovate or launch something new:

  • 45. Conceptualized
  • 46. Designed
  • 47. Devised
  • 48. Determined
  • 49. Drafted
  • 50. Formulated
  • 51. Introduced
  • 52. Initiated
  • 53. Launched
  • 54. Originated
  • 55. Spearheaded
  • Designed a new feature on a mobile equation solving app. 

When you worked on an established idea:

  • 56. Adapted
  • 57. Applied
  • 59. Condensed
  • 60. Customized
  • 61. Fashioned
  • 62. Integrated
  • 63. Modified
  • 64. Patched
  • 65. Piloted
  • 67. Revitalized
  • Built the company sales processes ground-up.

When you introduced a finished project:

  • 68. Displayed
  • 69. Modeled
  • 70. Launched
  • 71. Performed
  • 72. Pioneered
  • Launched an e-commerce website to take the company business online. 

When you worked with data, statistics or numbers: 

  • 73. Audited
  • 74. Budgeted 
  • 75. Calculated
  • 76. Converted
  • 77. Crafted
  • 78. Documented
  • 79. Estimated
  • 80. Inventoried
  • 81. Programmed 
  • 82. Projected 
  • 83. Recorded
  • 84. Verified
  • Calculated monthly and quarterly investment forecasts.

When you corrected mistakes and errors:

  • 85. Debugged
  • 86. Diagnosed
  • 87. Established
  • 89. Rectified
  • 90. Lessened
  • 91. Reconciled
  • 92. Remodeled
  • 93. Rebuilt
  • 94. Upgraded
  • 95. Corrected
  • Debugged internal operating system issues, reducing company cost by 15%

When you kept company processes flowing seamlessly: 

  • 96. Conserved
  • 97. Maintained
  • 98. Operated
  • 99. Regulated
  • 100. Refined
  • 101. Simplified
  • 102. Standardized
  • Maintained design production under an extremely tight budget. 

When you prepared or helped prepare an event:

  • 103. Assembled
  • 104. Conducted
  • 105. Organized
  • Organized meetings and handled all correspondence for the Scranton branch.

When you analyzed a new idea:

  • 106. Experimented
  • 107. Detected
  • 108. Discovered
  • 109. Measured
  • 110. Mapped
  • 111. Probed
  • 112. Searched
  • 113. Surveyed
  • 114. Studied
  • Surveyed and documented weekly performance reports on a new marketing strategy.

When you analyzed existing practices and ideas:

  • 115. Analyzed
  • 116. Assessed
  • 117. Clarified
  • 118. Checked
  • 119. Examined
  • 120. Explored
  • 121.Evaluated
  • 122. Investigated
  • 123. Quantified
  • 124. Reviewed
  • 125. Tested
  • 126. Tracked
  • 127. Convert
  • Converted data into actionable insight, boosting revenue by 5%

When you contributed to solving a problem:

  • 128. Critiqued
  • 129. Diagnosed
  • 130. Identified
  • 131. Invented
  • 132. Proved
  • 133. Solved
  • Provided an extraordinary customer service experience, solved customer issues and upsold other products or services. 

Resume Power Verbs to Use For “Support”

When you were supportive of others through words: 

  • 134. Advised
  • 135. Answered
  • 136. Clarified
  • 137. Motivated
  • 138. Collaborated
  • 139. Fielded
  • 140. Guided
  • 141. Intervened
  • 142. Referred
  • 143. Resolved
  • Motivated co-workers by rewarding positive behavior, encouraging optimism and stimulating teamwork.

When you were supportive of others through actions: 

  • 145. Assisted
  • 146. Contributed
  • 147. Provided
  • 148. Volunteered
  • Volunteered in 3 non-profit social organizations.

When you taught others:

  • 149. Coached
  • 150. Counseled
  • 151. Demonstrated
  • 152. Educated
  • 153. Informed 
  • Consulted 5 startups that became successful scaleups in Europe and together received investments of over €28 million.

Resume Power Words to Use as a Replacement for “Improved”

Did you leave the company you worked for better than when you came in? 

That’s cool, but if you say you “improved” something four times in a row, it loses its impact.

Use the list below to mix it up:

  • 154. Amplify
  • 155. Boosted 
  • 156. Converted
  • 157. Customized
  • 158. Elaborated
  • 160. Integrated
  • 161. Lifted
  • 162. Merged
  • 163. Overhauled
  • 164. Raised
  • 165. Redesigned
  • 166. Refined
  • 167. Remodeled
  • 168. Reorganized
  • 169. Restructured
  • 170. Revamped
  • 172. Slashed
  • 173. Streamlined
  • 174. Strengthened
  • 175. Updated
  • 176. Upgraded 
  • Boosted the AdWords click-through rates (CTR) from 25% to 37% without additional costs, which increased monthly sales by $5,000. 

Resume Power Words to Use Instead of “Responsible for”

Using “responsible for” in a resume gets old fast. Instead, use these alternative verbs that *pop*:

  • 177. Accomplished
  • 178. Acquired
  • 179. Achieved
  • 180. Acted As
  • 181. Completed
  • 182. Created
  • 183. Executed
  • 184. Finished
  • 185. Forged
  • 187. Navigated
  • 188. Negotiated
  • 189. Operated
  • 190. Partnered
  • 191. Performed
  • 192. Prepared
  • 193. Produced
  • 194. Secured
  • 195. Succeeded In
  • 196. Undertook
  • Navigated three simultaneous projects between 3 departments within the budget limit. 

Most of your job descriptions will be describing things you contributed to. This makes it tough to be original and show value.

In this case, you should try to be as specific as possible by giving details about your accomplishments. 

Here’s a list to help you replace the overused “worked on” and show value:

  • 197. Arranged
  • 198. Compiled
  • 199. Composed
  • 200. Constructed
  • 201. Created
  • 202. Developed
  • 203. Engaged In
  • 204. Fashioned
  • 205. Forged
  • 206. Formulated
  • 208. Made Progress On
  • 209. Operated
  • 210. Organized
  • 211. Perfected
  • 212. Prepared
  • 213. Pursued
  • 214. Put Together
  • 215. Set-Up
  • 216. Undertook
  • Created over 25 professional logos for companies in multiple industries, from small startups to large corporations.

Resume Action Verbs that Mean “Use” 

Instead of “utilize” or “use” replace them with these power words:

  • 219. Deploy
  • 220. Employ
  • 222. Handle
  • 223. Mobilize
  • 224. Operate
  • 225. Promote
  • 226. Profit by
  • 227. Put to Use
  • 228. Restore
  • 229. Revive
  • 230. Resort to
  • 231. Specialize in
  • Handled full sales cycle for the company’s three biggest clients.

Resume Power Adjectives [w/ Examples]

Power adjectives have the same function as power verbs, but instead, they are…you guessed it: adjectives .

Unlike power verbs, you can use power adjectives beyond describing Professional Experience.

In this section, we'll cover how to use power adjectives in your resume summary, professional experience, and skills.

Then, we’re going to give you a complete list of the best power adjectives you can use in your resume.

Using Buzz Adjectives in the Resume Summary Section

The resume summary section is a short pitch to your prospective employer. You use it to summarize your most relevant experience, skills, and achievements.

When done right, adding some power adjectives can help your resume summary stand out.

Take a look at these examples:

  • Caregiver with 5+ years of extensive experience. Recognized for providing heartfelt emotional support to clients. 
  • Loving caregiver who has been working in an elderly home for 5 years. The perfect choice for delivering emotional support to clients.

The first example focuses on the candidate’s personal qualities, rather than her skills. Whereas the second example is professional and leaves a much more powerful impact. 

Want to know how to write the perfect summary for your resume?

Check out our complete guide, filled with professional examples and practical tips!

Using Power Adjectives in the Professional Experience Section

When you are describing your professional experience, power adjectives should be used sparingly. 

You already have plenty of action verbs in there, so don’t double down on the power words by adding an adjective. It’s either one or the other. 

Take a look at this example on how they can be strategically placed in a job description:

  • Developed harmonious relationships with 70% of the patients, resulting in higher overall patient happiness.
  • Developed relationships with 70% of the patients, resulting in overall patient happiness.

Using Power Adjectives in the Skills section

Don’t use power adjectives as a skill on their own. Don’t list “Intelligent” or “Professional” as a skill. Those are subjective personal traits.

Instead, use power adjectives only when they affirm your competency in another skill.

For example:

French and German vs Fluent in French and German 

Management skills vs Strong Management Skills 

The Best Power Adjectives [Divided by Category] 

Power adjectives for analytical thinking.

Are you constantly doing work that calls for putting your thinking hat on? 

This list is perfect for describing the detailed, calculating tasks you complete on a daily basis. 

They’re usually valuable for industries that require complicated critical thinking: IT , finance , telecommunications, engineering . 

  • 232. Astute
  • 233. Insightful
  • 234. Methodical
  • 235. Practical
  • 236. Calculating
  • 237. Intelligent
  • 238. Meticulous
  • 239. Shrewd
  • 240. Complex
  • 241. Investigative
  • 242. Objective
  • 243. Strategic
  • 244. Discerning
  • 245. Logical
  • 246. Perceptive
  • 247. Thoughtful

Power Adjectives for Creativity 

Use the adjective list below to describe creative work: 

  • 248. Cutting-edge 
  • 249. Imaginative 
  • 250. Novel 
  • 251. Sophisticated 
  • 252. Elegant 
  • 253. Ingenious 
  • 254. Progressive
  • 255. Unique 
  • 256. First-class 
  • 257. Innovative 
  • 258. Revolutionary 
  • 259. Unprecedented 
  • 260. Groundbreaking 
  • 261. Inventive 
  • 262. Robust 
  • 263. World-class

Power Adjectives for Productivity

  • 264. Accomplished 
  • 265. Economical 
  • 266. Instrumental
  • 267. Skilled 
  • 268. Adept 
  • 269. Expert 
  • 270. Productive 
  • 271. Skillful 
  • 272. Advanced 
  • 273. Fluent 
  • 274. Proficient 
  • 275. Strong 
  • 276. Competent 
  • 277. Ideal 
  • 278. Profitable 
  • 279. Superior 
  • 280. Constructive 
  • 281. Industrious 
  • 282. Significant 
  • 283. Qualified 
  • 284. Cost-effective 
  • 285. Influential 
  • 286. Smooth 
  • 287. Quality

Power Adjectives for Dedication

Recruiters love seeing genuine interest from a candidate. The words below are great for showing your dedication and high-spirits:

  • 288. Committed
  • 289. Devoted 
  • 290. Genuine
  • 291. Sincere 
  • 292. Dedicated 
  • 293. Earnest 
  • 295. Spirited 
  • 296. Determined 
  • 297. Energetic 
  • 298. Passionate 
  • 299. Wholehearted

Power Adjectives to Describe Hard Work

Are you a diligent and driven person? Are you prepared to pull up tiring all-nighters to complete important projects? 

Here are some adjectives that compliment your hard work: 

  • 300. Alert 
  • 301. Driven 
  • 302. Motivated 
  • 303. Thorough 
  • 304. Attentive
  • 305. Enterprising 
  • 306. Persistent 
  • 307. Tireless 
  • 308. Concerted 
  • 309. Focused 
  • 310. Studious 
  • 311. Vigorous

Power Adjectives to Describe You as Organized and Systematic

  • 312. Businesslike
  • 313. Detail-oriented
  • 314. Smooth
  • 315. Systematic 
  • 316. Controlled 
  • 317. Orderly 
  • 318. Step-by-step 
  • 319. Timely 
  • 320. Detailed 
  • 321. Precise 
  • 322. Structured

Power Adjectives for Communication and Teamwork 

Being friendly, understanding and sociable are key qualities for anyone working in a team setting or with customers and clients on a daily basis. 

Use these words to help describe your skills:

  • 323. Amiable
  • 324. Cheerful 
  • 325. Cooperative 
  • 326. Personable 
  • 327. Amicable 
  • 328. Clear 
  • 329. Cordial 
  • 330. Pleasant 
  • 331. Articulate 
  • 332. Coherent 
  • 333. Courteous 
  • 334. Positive 
  • 336. Cohesive 
  • 337. Diplomatic 
  • 338. Respectful 
  • 339. Charming 
  • 340. Conscientious 
  • 341. Harmonious 
  • 342. Team-minded

Resume Buzzwords to Avoid 

Buzzwords are the opposite of power verbs.

They’re boring, overused, and hated by managers world-wide .

Here are some of the most popular buzzwords you should avoid:

  • Hard worker
  • Strategic thinker
  • Outside the box
  • Responsible for
  • Specialized in
  • Results-driven
  • Team Player
  • Detail Oriented
  • In charge of 

Key Takeaways

Here’s everything we learned in this article:

  • You can use power words to spice up your resume and add variety to your language. They are mostly verbs but can also be adjectives.
  • To decide which power words to use, do a detailed scan of the job listing and identify the key responsibilities the employer is looking for. Your power words will be emphasizing how you have shown these traits. Be careful not to use more than one power word per sentence.
  • Try using power verbs more often than power adjectives. It’s all about action!

Looking for more ways to improve your resume?

Suggested readings:

  • How to Pick the Best Resume Format [+ Examples]
  • How to List Education On a Resume [13+ real-life examples]
  • What’s the Best Resume Font, Size, and Format [for 2024]

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500 + Best Resume Action Verbs for 2024

Using strong action verbs to describe your achievements and skills will make hiring managers take notice. Find lists of action verbs for different industries, jobs and interviews to add to your resume.

Ami Icanberry

As seen in:

brands image

Table of contents

  • What Are Action Verbs?
  • 240 Action Verbs to Describe Skills
  • 200 Action Verbs for Top Jobs
  • 80 Action Verbs for Top Industries
  • How to Use Action Verbs for Resumes
  • How to Use Action Verbs for Cover Letters
  • How to Use Action Verbs for Interviews
  • Key Takeaways
  • Action Verbs FAQ

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What are action verbs?

Resume action verbs are strong, dynamic verbs that describe your achievements, responsibilities and skills when you write your resume . These verbs are crucial because they bring life to your resume accomplishments and paint a vivid picture of your professional experiences.

Why are action verbs important?

Adding resume action verbs to your resume and cover letter will:

Showcase your achievements.

Provide impact.

Demonstrate skills.

Mirror what’s outlined in the job description.

Echoing back action words found in the job description and adding them to your resume and cover letter will help your application material pass applicant tracking systems (ATS) employers use to scan and weed out unqualified candidates.

Create my resume

240 action verbs to describe skills

Action verbs are valuable for showcasing your skills on a resume, within a cover letter , during an interview or in any professional setting where you aim to emphasize your capabilities and past experiences. Here are examples of action verbs used to describe various skills.

30 action verbs to describe communication

These action verbs can describe the various skills and activities involved in effective communication skills , whether verbal, written, non-verbal, interpersonal or digital.

  • Articulated
  • Facilitated
  • Collaborated
  • Corresponded
  • Transmitted
  • Coordinated

Communication action word examples:

  • Critiqued work of three junior designers.
  • Wrote weekly company newsletter to share project successes.
  • Co-wrote and edited pitches for investors.

30 action verbs to describe customer service

Using action verbs can describe the skills involved in providing excellent customer service , whether in-person interactions, phone conversations, emails or any other customer touchpoints.

  • Communicated
  • Followed up
  • Anticipated
  • Accommodated
  • Acknowledged
  • Streamlined

Customer or client action verb examples:

  • Handled phone calls and assisted customers with service issues.
  • Provided daily quotes and follow-up calls to our business clients.
  • Recommended food items based on dietary restrictions.

30 action verbs to describe computer skills

Using action verbs can effectively convey your expertise and accomplishments when describing your computer skills on a resume or during an interview.

  • Implemented
  • Troubleshot
  • Synchronized

Computer action verbs examples:

  • Developed custom web applications using HTML, CSS and JavaScript.
  • Integrated third-party APIs into existing software systems to enhance functionality and improve data accessibility.
  • Configured network infrastructure components, including routers and switches.

30 action verbs to describe teamwork

Check out these action verbs that help convey the teamwork skills and actions involved in collaborating effectively with others toward a common goal.

  • Contributed
  • Participated
  • Worked alongside
  • Built relationships
  • Resolved conflicts

Teamwork action verb examples:

  • Partnered with other local brands on events and promotions.
  • Collaborated cross-functionally between design and content teams.
  • Contributed and shared ideas during team meetings.

30 action verbs to describe interpersonal skills

This list of action verbs shows how you can effectively highlight your interpersonal skills , demonstrating your ability to communicate, empathize and negotiate in various professional settings.

  • Built rapport
  • Fostered relationships
  • Demonstrated

Interpersonal skills action verbs examples:

  • Encouraged clear channels of communication with team members, ensuring understanding of project goals.
  • Demonstrated empathy and understanding when addressing customer concerns.
  • Negotiated win-win solutions in cross-departmental meetings.

30 action verbs to describe research skills

  • Investigated
  • Synthesized
  • Scrutinized
  • Interpreted
  • Categorized

Research action verb examples:

  • Surveyed customers to improve service quality.
  • Verified previous peer-review studies.
  • Fact-checked all published data.

30 action verbs to describe analysis or problem-solving

  • Brainstormed
  • Prioritized

Analysis or problem-solving action verbs:

  • Forecasted and modeled financial data to present to executive stakeholders.
  • Tracked consumer satisfaction ratings from collected website data.
  • Tested and debugged SQL code.

30 action verbs to describe transferable skills

Transferable skills are those versatile abilities and qualities that are valuable across various jobs and industries, making them valuable in various career paths and job roles.

  • Communicate
  • Collaborate
  • Problem-solved

Transferable skills actions verbs examples:

  • Delegated tasks to team members based on their strengths and expertise.
  • Synthesized data from multiple sources to create comprehensive market reports.
  • Trained new employees, ensuring a smooth onboarding process and adherence to company policies.

200 action verbs for top jobs

50 action verbs for jobs in sales.

Using strong action verbs in sales jobs can make your accomplishments and contributions more impactful and memorable, demonstrating your ability to work toward and achieve sales targets.

50 action verbs for accountants

Emphasize your mathematical abilities and expertise in balancing budgets and managing spreadsheets with these accountant action verbs.

  • Consolidate
  • Investigate

50 action verbs for teachers

Use the following teacher action verbs to highlight your ability to convey information clearly and effectively to students of varying ages and backgrounds.

  • Demonstrate
  • Differentiate
  • Participate

50 action verbs for designers

Designer job titles include graphic designer, web designer, interior designer, fashion designer, industrial designer and more. Use these action verbs to describe how you create visual concepts, products and experiences.

  • Conceptualize
  • Incorporate
  • Personalize

80 action verbs for top industries

20 action verbs for the management industry.

Consider these action verbs to describe the various responsibilities and skills involved in effective management , whether team leadership, project management, resource allocation or strategic planning.

20 action verbs for the education industry

These action verbs can describe various roles and responsibilities within the education sector, such as teaching, curriculum development and student support.

20 action verbs for the customer service industry

Add action verbs to your customer service industry to describe your excellent communication skills and the ability to direct users to what they need.

20 action verbs for the IT industry

These action verbs are commonly used in IT resumes to describe various technical tasks, projects and responsibilities, showcasing your expertise in software development, system administration and network management.

How to use action verbs for resumes

Adding action verbs to your resume can greatly enhance its impact and make your accomplishments stand out. Here’s how you can incorporate action verbs into the five different sections of your resume:

1. Professional summary or objective statement

In this section, you want to grab the attention of the hiring manager right away. Aim for two to three strong action verbs to start your resume summary or objective statement . Use these words to describe your skills, experience and career objectives.

  • Results-driven social media manager professional with a proven track record in developing and executing successful campaigns.
  • Detail-oriented project manager with expertise in leading cross-functional teams to deliver projects on time and within budget.”

2. Work experience

Each bullet point under your work experience should start with a powerful action verb that describes your accomplishments and responsibilities. Use past tense for previous roles and present tense for current roles.

  • Developed and executed a comprehensive social media marketing strategy, resulting in a 50% increase in online engagement.
  • Manage a team of sales representatives , exceeding quarterly sales targets by 25%.

3. Skills section

Use action verbs in the skills section to describe how you applied your soft and hard skills . This gives employers a clearer picture of your capabilities.

  • Using strong communication , I collaborated effectively on diverse projects, ensuring success.
  • Skilled in analyzing data to identify trends and make strategic business recommendations.

4. Education

Even in the education section , you can use action verbs to highlight your achievements, honors or extracurricular activities.

  • Completed a thesis project on market trends in the tech industry, resulting in recognition at a national conference.
  • Earned Dean’s List honors for three consecutive semesters.

You’ll find the best resume content suggestions and action verbs in our Resume Builder , and can even get professional resume-writing help . Get ready for the job search by taking advantage of these resume-writing tools!

Want to check your resume for 30+ issues like typos, word length, customization and formatting? Resume Check catches your mistakes so hiring managers won’t.

How to use action verbs for cover letters

Action verbs can also significantly enhance your cover letter by demonstrating your achievements, skills and qualifications compellingly and dynamically. Here’s how you can use action verbs effectively in your cover letter:

1. Opening paragraph:

In the opening paragraph , you want to grab the hiring manager’s attention and introduce yourself. Use action verbs to describe your enthusiasm for the position and relevant experiences.

2. Body paragraphs

In the body paragraphs , use action verbs to describe your specific skills, experiences and accomplishments relevant to the job you’re applying for. Focus on how you can add value to the company.

Showcase your knowledge of the company and how your skills align with its goals and values. Use action verbs to demonstrate your understanding of the company’s needs and how you can meet them.

3. Closing paragraph

In the closing paragraph , reiterate your enthusiasm for the position and express your eagerness to discuss how your skills and experiences align with the company’s needs. End with a strong call to action.

Our Cover Letter Builder simplifies the process of tailoring your cover letter with impactful resume action verbs. Select a cover letter template , respond to a few prompts, and we’ll handle the rest!

How to use action verbs for interviews

Using action verbs during job interviews is a powerful way to demonstrate your skills, experiences and accomplishments in a dynamic and impactful manner. When crafting your responses, identify the key skills and qualities the employer seeks. Then, tailor your answers to highlight how you have used specific action verbs to achieve results in your previous roles.

The STAR method (Situation, Task, Action, Result) is also important when structuring your responses. Start with the action (the “A” in STAR) to emphasize your role and contribution in a particular situation.

List 5 words that describe your character.

I analyze symptoms and data to make informed decisions and deliver the most effective treatment interventions.

Tell me about a time when you had to deal with conflict on the job?

In a customer service role, I handled a situation where a guest was frustrated by a delay in their order. I responded with empathy, promptly communicating with the kitchen, providing updates, and offering complimentary beverages. By prioritizing communication and problem-solving, I ensured the quick delivery of their order and left the guest satisfied.

Key takeaways on action verbs

  • Adding action verbs to your resume, CV, cover letter, and interview captivates potential employers by highlighting your strengths.
  • Not all verbs are created equal for a resume. Select your words thoughtfully!
  • Diversify your use of resume verbs to enrich your job application.
  • Pairing action words with quantifiable figures in your resume.
  • Infuse your resume with active verbs throughout for optimal effectiveness.
  • Strategically utilizing resume action words can differentiate you from other applicants.

Action verbs FAQ

What’s the difference between resume action verbs and keywords.

Action verbs are dynamic and descriptive words used to highlight your accomplishments, skills, and responsibilities, showcasing what you have achieved in previous roles and how you contributed to projects or initiatives.

Resume keywords are specific terms or phrases directly related to the job you are applying for, strategically placed throughout your resume to align with the job description and demonstrate that you possess the necessary skills and qualifications.

How do action verbs enhance my resume and cover letter?

Action verbs add impact and clarity to your resume and cover letter by vividly describing your achievements, skills and responsibilities. They create a dynamic narrative that showcases your accomplishments and makes your application materials more engaging and compelling to potential employers.

Can action verbs help my resume get past applicant tracking systems (ATS)?

Yes, incorporating relevant action verbs in your resume can improve its chances of getting noticed by applicant tracking systems (ATS) . ATS scans resumes for specific keywords and phrases, including action verbs related to the job description, industry and skills required.

What are good action verbs for high school students or person with no experience?

Here are some action verbs suitable for high school students or someone with limited work experience . These verbs can describe various skills, achievements and activities demonstrating capabilities and qualities relevant to entry-level positions.

Leadership and Initiative: Led, organized, initiated, coordinated, facilitated, motivated, guided.

Customer service and assistance: Assisted customers, provided support, addressed inquiries, resolved issues, responded to requests, offered assistance, interacted with clients.

Teamwork and collaboration: Supported, worked with, contributed to, assisted in, helped, engaged with, participated in.

48 Great Resume Tips for Getting a Job in 2023

Interview Q&A: List Five Words That Describe Your Character

Storytelling in Your Resume: Why and How

About the Author

Ami Icanberry

Ami holds a B.A. in Journalism, completed the Professional Sequence in Editing from UC Berkeley Extension and is a Certified Professional Resume Writer (CPRW.) She’s an accomplished editor and content writer whose work appears in multiple notable publications including Cult of Mac, SF Magazine and Yosemite Conservacy.

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240+ Resume Action Verbs with Examples [2024]

  • December 18, 2023
  • In Resumes & Cover Letters

Resume Action Verbs That Will Boost Your Interview Chances

Resume action verbs demonstrate your strengths and communicate your expertise in a powerful manner. The correct use of action verbs can transform your resume from bland to impactful. In fact, action verbs can put you way ahead in your job search and make you stand out. Most importantly, resume action verbs clearly communicate why you are the perfect fit for the position.

Table of contents

What are resume action verbs, why are action verbs important in a resume.

  • How to Use Action Verbs to Make Your Resume Stand Out

1. Choose relevant action verbs

2. be specific and concise, 3. quantify your achievements, 4. use a variety of action verbs, 5. tailor your action verbs to different sections, 6. highlight accomplishments, 7. focus on industry-specific action verbs.

  • How to Use Action Verbs for Resume Achievements

List of resume action verbs

How To Effectively Use Action Verbs In Your Resume

Action verbs describe the responsibilities and acquired skills on your resume. Unlike passive, overused verbs, action verbs are dynamic and powerful. Using them in bullet points will communicate your expertise in a concise yet persuasive manner. Additionally, a hiring manager is more likely to read through your resume if you use strong, active verbs. Altogether, action verbs are a powerful way to describe your capabilities and set you apart from other applicants.

Action verbs make sentences more concise, easy to understand, persuasive, and have strong impact. They allow you to save space on position descriptions yet still highlight your experience. Because dynamic action verbs describe the exact actions you carried out, they create a more specific and detailed image of your responsibilities. Also, they are not as overused and cliché, which will make your resume stand out.

But, possibly the most crucial reason to use resume action verbs is that they improve scannability and readability. Using action verbs from the job listing will help you pass through the ATS (applicant tracking system) . Also, it will make it easier for the hiring manager to find essential skills and experience on your resume. Generally, powerful resume action verbs leave a more significant impact on the reader. They will make your resume memorable and unique and increase your chances of landing the job.

How to use action verbs to make your resume stand out

Using action verbs in your resume is an effective way to make your accomplishments and skills stand out to potential employers. Action verbs help convey a sense of action, achievement, and impact, rather than simply listing your job duties. Here are some tips on how to use action verbs effectively in your resume:

Select action verbs that are relevant to the specific job or industry you are applying for. Consider the skills and qualifications that the employer is seeking and use action verbs that align with those requirements.

Use action verbs that accurately describe your accomplishments and responsibilities. Be specific about what you achieved and how you contributed to the success of your previous roles. Avoid using generic or vague action verbs that do not provide clear information.

Whenever possible, quantify your achievements using numbers, percentages, or other measurable metrics. This helps demonstrate the impact of your actions and provides concrete evidence of your abilities.

Avoid repeating the same action verbs throughout your resume. Instead, use a variety of action verbs to showcase your versatility and range of skills.

Use different action verbs for different sections of your resume. For example, use action verbs related to leadership and management for your experience section, and action verbs related to problem-solving and communication for your skills section.

Rather than just listing your everyday tasks and responsibilities, use action verbs to illustrate specific successes. Using the STAR (Situation, Task, Action, Result) method, you can concisely provide context for your achievements and highlight the impact you had in previous positions.

Here is an example of how to utilize the STAR method:

  • Situation: Describe the situation at hand.
  • Task: Describe the assigned task.
  • Action: Describe the action you took to fulfill the task.
  • Result: Describe the positive outcome of your actions.

For example, using the STAR method, you can describe an accomplishment as follows: “Implemented a new sales software focusing on repeat customers, increasing annual sales volume by 19%.”

Your industry most likely has its own language and jargon that is used every day. So, when writing your resume, use action verbs specific to your industry or job function. This proves your expertise and familiarity within the industry, enabling your resume to stand out among other applicants.

How to use action verbs for resume achievements

To effectively use action verbs for resume achievements, follow these tips:

  • Identify your achievements. Make a list of your accomplishments in previous roles, such as projects completed, goals achieved, and challenges overcome.
  • Choose relevant action verbs.  Select action verbs that accurately describe your achievements. For example, if you increased sales, you could use verbs like “boosted,” “maximized,” or “accelerated.”
  • Tailor the verbs to the specific achievement.  Use action verbs that align with the specific accomplishment you want to highlight. For instance, if you led a successful team project, you could use verbs like “orchestrated,” “guided,” or “coordinated.”
  • Quantify your achievements.  Whenever possible, include quantifiable results to showcase the impact of your accomplishments. For example, instead of saying “improved customer satisfaction,” you could say “increased customer satisfaction by 20%.”
  • Incorporate the action verbs in your resume.  Integrate the action verbs into your bullet points under each relevant job experience. Start each bullet point with an action verb and provide a concise description of the achievement.

Here’s an example of how to use action verbs for resume achievements:

Previous Role: Sales Manager

  • Achievement: Increased sales revenue by 35% within six months.
  • Action Verb: “Boosted”

Examples of strong action verbs for resumes

These action verbs can help convey a sense of accomplishment and demonstrate your skills and abilities to potential employers.

Customer service action verbs for your resume

When crafting a customer service resume, it’s important to use action verbs that highlight your skills and accomplishments in this field. Here are some action verbs specifically tailored for customer service resumes:

  • Assisted: Provided support and assistance to customers in resolving their inquiries or issues.
  • Resolved: Successfully addressed and resolved customer complaints or concerns.
  • Communicated: Effectively communicated with customers to understand their needs and provide appropriate solutions.
  • Collaborated: Worked collaboratively with team members and other departments to ensure excellent customer service.
  • Listened: Actively listened to customers to understand their requirements and provide personalized assistance.
  • Advised: Offered guidance and advice to customers on product selection or problem-solving.
  • Negotiated: Engaged in negotiations with customers to reach mutually beneficial resolutions.
  • Empathized: Demonstrated empathy and understanding towards customers’ concerns or frustrations.
  • Managed: Effectively managed customer accounts, ensuring accurate and timely information.
  • Followed up: Followed up with customers to ensure their satisfaction and address any additional needs.
  • Upsold: Identified opportunities to upsell or cross-sell products or services to customers.

Creative Skills

Communication Skills

Leadership Skills

Management Skills

Helping Skills

Research Skills

Financial Skills

Efficiency Skills

Technical Skills

Teaching Skills

Resume Action Verbs

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Maximize Your Impact: 205 Action Verbs to Use on Your Resume

Updated: April 05, 2024

Published: August 02, 2023

So you’re working on your resume. Maybe you haven’t submitted your updated resume anywhere yet, or maybe you have, and it doesn’t seem to get anyone’s attention. Either way, you might be missing one of the most important elements of any resume: Action verbs.

marketer brainstorms action verbs on a resume

If you’re unfamiliar with action verbs, you might wonder how they’re different from those on your resume. If that’s the case, this article has some critical information you don’t want to miss.

The best part? Even if your resume is 100% complete right now, adding action verbs is as simple as replacing existing verbs with them. Keep reading to learn more about the best action verbs for your resume and how much you might miss out on without them.

Table of Contents

How Action Verbs Help Your Resume

The benefits of action verbs, action verbs at work, resume action verbs.

So what are action verbs? Well, they’re words that express and describe things that someone or something does. In the case of your resume, action verbs can help you illustrate all the hard work you’ve put into your career.

Wait, isn’t that what every word on your resume should do? To an extent, yes, but action verbs do more than describe your achievements.

They explain everything you’ve done and how you’ve done them. Actions speak louder than words — and action verbs speak louder than everyday words.

Now before we look at some of the most powerful action verbs and how to use them, let’s dig a little deeper into how action verbs can make your resume catch the eyes of your next interviewer.

If we wanted to detail every benefit of action verbs, we’d be here all day. To save you some time (time you can spend crafting the perfect resume), here are four of the best reasons to use action verbs.

If even one of these benefits could add something to your resume, it might be time to revise it with some powerful action verbs.

Action verbs show what you do (not just who you are).

Let’s think about the phrase “action verbs.” Verbs are straightforward enough: They’re words that describe doing or being something. Action verbs are more specific. They describe doing something, not any state of being.

This might not sound like a huge difference, but let’s look at an example of a regular verb you might see in a resume:

  • “I was the general manager at a fine dining establishment.”

Let’s swap that boring “was” out for some exciting action verbs:

  • “I supervised and managed the operation of a fine dining establishment.”

It’s a small change, but that should give you an idea of how more impactful action verbs can be compared to verbs that describe your state of being.

Action verbs make your resume more eye-catching.

Have you ever sifted through a stack of resumes? If you have, you might know how tedious and sleep-inducing that process can be. If not, imagine reading a book full of passive verbs — you know, the opposite of action verbs.

“I had many responsibilities… I was a department head…”

You get the picture.

While these might be great accomplishments, anyone reading that resume will probably move on to the next one in no time.

The language itself won’t win any awards, but the real issue is its overuse. You’re not just competing against subpar language. You’re competing against every resume that uses the same language.

Action verbs help your chances with tracking systems.

Like so many things these days, applying for a job might involve artificial intelligence. Depending on your stance, that might be a good or bad thing. One thing is for sure, though: You should write your resume with that in mind.

See, applicant tracking systems (ATS) streamline the application process for employers. These systems use AI to scan resumes for certain words and phrases. Some of these words and phrases include — believe it or not — action verbs.

While you may not need to include any specific words to pass through ATS, you should focus on using action verbs.

Action verbs make your resume easier to scan and read.

How long do you spend on a website before leaving? Is your mind made up after the headline?

Do you scroll through the page and look at the headers? Or do you scan the page in an instant, looking for one specific thing to tell you whether the page is worth your time or not?

Chances are you do one or all of those things — but did you know the same applies to your resume? That’s right. You can expect every employer reading your resume to scan through your resume like you would a website.

That’s where action verbs come in. Imagine someone scanning through dozens of resumes a day. What do you think would get their attention? Yep, action verbs — and the more specific to your industry, the better.

If you can get their attention with the right action verbs, you’re one step closer to having your resume read.

action verbs word cloud


You’ve heard it many times before: Communication is key. That’s because it’s true — in personal life and business.

So what could be better than some action verbs that communicate how well you communicate?

Best for: These action verbs have the potential to show what a great team player you are, so they’re great when applying for anything like a managerial role.

Not much can overshadow experience. It’s undeniable proof of your career until now, and you should use that to your advantage.

After all, your experience might be the one thing that gets you hired instead of a comparable candidate.

What we like: Experience-oriented action verbs can position you as an all-around great candidate with a proven track record.

There’s No Better Time for Action

Whether your communication skills are unmatched, your management style is cutting-edge, or you’ve just been in the game for longer than your competition, action verbs can tell employers what you’ve done and what you do.

There are countless strong action verbs for your resume as well, so you have many choices regardless of what you do or want to do. So which action verbs will go in your resume? Are you a creative genius, a rocksteady leader, or a communications expert?

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Resume Worded

Resume action verbs for 2024, curated by hiring managers at top companies, these action words will ensure your resume's bullet points stand out..

When you're applying for jobs, it's not the amount of experience on your resume that counts; it's how you write about your accomplishments that makes the difference. A well-written, impactful resume can catch a recruiter's eye and help give you an edge over other job applicants. Bullet points highlighting your achievements are an excellent way to pack a lot of information into bite-sized chunks that are easy for a hiring manager to skim through.

Your resume's bullet points should start with strong action verbs. Action verbs, like "Created" or "Implemented" , immediately tell a recruiter your involvement in your accomplishments. Strong, unique action verbs show hiring managers that you have held different roles and skill sets, and makes your resume more impactful.

To help your resume pack the most punch, choose precise action verbs to describe the role you played in each achievement. The strongest verbs are unique and specific -- not vague or cliche. Overused expressions such as "responsible for" will make a recruiter's eyes glaze over, and worse, they don’t provide much information about what you actually accomplished. Verbs like "Pioneered" or "Launched" are more clear and vivid, and help you sound more confident.

Choose a category to see relevant action verbs

We've worked with 20+ hiring managers to curate 200+ effective action verbs. Just choose a category that best matches the kind of experience you're trying to convey, we'll show you the verbs you should use.

Strong Accomplishment-driven Action Verbs

Use accomplishment-driven verbs to talk about all types of professional achievements. These verbs are unique and clear, but they’re not exclusive to any particular industry; they can be applied to a wide range of experiences and people.

  • Accelerated
  • Revitalized
  • Spearheaded
  • Strengthened
  • Transformed

Examples in action

These examples lead with strong verbs to highlight specific, measurable accomplishments.

Action verbs to demonstrate communication skills

When you want to demonstrate your ability to convey ideas or work on a team, consider leading with communication-centric verbs. Although communication is a “soft” skill, it can still achieve tangible results -- focus on those in your bullet points, especially if you’re targeting a job where you’ll be working with people a lot.

  • Co-authored
  • Co-ordinated
  • Communicated
  • Corresponded
  • Demonstrated
  • Facilitated
  • Interpreted
  • Interviewed
  • Recommended

Examples like these show the type of communication skill that you used as well as the outcome that each one had.

Action verbs to describe your entrepreneurial experiences

If you want to bring your entrepreneurial skills to the forefront, start out with strong verbs that show your initiative and ingenuity. These verbs can be helpful when talking about business ideas you’ve launched or projects you’ve conceived.

  • Established
  • Implemented

These types of accomplishments aren’t ones you’d see on a typical resume -- so if you’ve got this type of experience, don’t hide it! It’ll help you stand out from the crowd.

Action verbs to highlight Management and Executive skills

Being a manager or executive requires a specialized skill set and plenty of experience. To show that you’re the right one for the job, choose verbs that showcase abilities such as planning, evaluation, and delegation.

  • Administered
  • Consolidated
  • Prioritized
  • Reorganized

Management and executive roles are often competitive -- having concrete examples to show what you’ve achieved in similar roles could be crucial to getting the job.

Action verbs and words for leadership and mentorship experiences

If you have experience in leading and mentoring, opt for collaborative verbs that show how you inspire and bring out the best in others. Your ability to nurture others and encourage their growth is a great strength to possess, and will likely make a strong impression on a hiring manager.

  • Illustrated
  • Familiarized
  • Rehabilitated
  • Represented
  • Coordinated

Verbs such as “coached” and “taught” show how you led others to achieve the concrete results that you discuss in the bullet points.

Action verbs to demonstrate your research skills

For more research-based and analytical experiences, pick verbs that demonstrate how you gather, assess, and interpret information. While research and analysis often happen “behind the scenes”, they can still have a significant impact on a business.

  • Investigated

With these examples, potential employers will see not only how you gathered information, but also how you used it to make a difference.

Action verbs that show how you solved problems

Problem solving skills are essential, but can be hard to quantify. To highlight your abilities in this area, choose verbs that describe what specific action you took to find a solution to a problem.

  • Streamlined

Wherever possible, specific examples are always better than vague generalities. Simply saying you have “strong problem solving skills” sounds nice, but provides little information.

Action verbs which demonstrate how you improved existing processes

Although closely related to problem solving abilities, process improvement skills are a bit more specific. When talking about your work on business processes, use verbs that show how you’ve enhanced those processes to make them more efficient or effective.

  • Reorganised
  • Restructured

These examples demonstrate how you took action to improve an existing process, what the outcome was, and how it positively impacted the business.

Action verbs that are effective for financial or numeric-heavy roles

When you want to highlight your financial or accounting experience, industry-specific verbs such as “budgeted” or “balanced” show that you are knowledgeable in this area. Recruiters for these types of jobs may want to see that you have developed skills such as balancing books or making financial projections.

Because finance is a niche industry requiring specific skills and training, it’s best to stick with verbs (and accomplishments) that are specific to this field.

Action verbs for design and creative professions

If you’re a creative professional, you’ll want to showcase your skills at developing ideas and bringing them to fruition. Choose verbs that show how you conceptualize new projects, give them structure, and eventually execute them.

  • Conceptualized

Verbs like “designed” and “created” tell recruiters that you conceived a new idea that positively impacted your company.

Action verbs for all kinds of administrative or detail-oriented roles

Administrative and clerical work comes with its own set of skills such as organizing, compiling, and recording information. Use specific verbs such as these to explain what you accomplished in past jobs.

  • Systematized

When applying to be an office assistant or clerk, examples like these show that your efforts have contributed to the success of companies you’ve worked for.

Action verbs for engineering resumes

Much like financial positions, engineering and technical jobs are highly specialized. If you’re seeking one of these positions, you are best off using specific industry-related vocabulary to describe your skills and underscore your level of experience.

  • Extrapolated
  • Standardized
  • Troubleshooted
  • Architected

When looking for work in the tech industry, it’s important to include examples like these as proof of your technical mastery.

Examples of action verbs

Let's look at some examples of the action verbs above, and how they're used in practice.

create resume verbs

How to structure your resume bullet points

Here are two frameworks to keep in mind when writing your bullet points. Notice how we start with an Action Verb, briefly describe the task and finish with the impact we had.

create resume verbs

Here's another similar framework. The difference here is we start with the impact we had - in this case, it's a reduction in customer support calls. Both frameworks are equally effective.

create resume verbs

For more sample bullet points, visit Sample Bullet Points

Finding the words to tell your story can be a challenge, especially on a resume. But taking the time to choose the perfect verbs to illustrate your skills and experience can take your resume from good to outstanding -- and that edge may be just what you need to start landing the jobs you really want.

What are weak action verbs in a resume?

Weak action verbs are those that are generic and don't effectively describe your role. Common examples of such words include 'Assisted' and 'Worked with'. Words like these are too generic and often make genuine achievements sound insignificant. After all, recruiters want to know what you actually did , and weak verbs like 'Assisted' tell recruiters you did not take an active role in the work - you just 'assisted' or 'worked with' people, without any real accomplishment. Stronger words like 'Developed' and 'Implemented' are more descriptive and effectively demonstrate your contribution in your achievements.

What are some good action verbs?

What are some strong action verbs, top 200+ action verbs free pdf download.

Download all action verbs in a single PDF document and use them as an easy reference when writing your own resume and bullet points.

Instant download. No email required.

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Are you looking for impactful resume action words and power verbs?

Correctly using relevant action words and power verbs can put you light years ahead in your job search.

If you write your experiences in the resume like the following, you need to read this guide:

  • 'I am an excellent team player...'
  • 'I was responsible for managing...'

Instead of these generic words, you must use resume power verbs to make your resume all the more compelling.

Resume power verbs are words that help grab the reader's attention by clearly communicating your skills and experience. It also improves the wattage of your bullet points and improves readability.

Our 2023 Guide to Resume Words, focusing on Action Verbs Examples, will provide a detailed roadmap to shift your resume from 'oh well' to 'wow.'

You will get clarity on the following FAQs related to resume action words and power verbs:

  • What are power verbs or resume action words?
  • Why action verbs are important for a resume?
  • How to use action verbs on a resume?
  • What are some resume power adjectives?
  • 250+ example of power verbs in resume

What are Power Verbs or Resume Action Words?

Power verbs are action-based verbs with strong meaning in the English language compared to other verbs. If you use action words in a sentence, you become strong and confident.

In contrast, most resume bullet points start with the same words:

  • "Responsible"
  • "Managed"
  • "Held," etc.

These words are used so much that it has lost their meaning for the recruiters. So, to grab the recruiter's attention, it's important to use resume power verbs in the bullet points.

Also Read: How many bullet points should you add to your resume in 2023?

Why are Action Verbs Important for a Resume?

Action verbs are important because they help you communicate your strengths and experiences to the recruiter in a strong voice.

Let's see two examples:

Which one do you think is the most effective?

Both the bullet points mean the same thing, but the first one is more impactful to the recruiters,

Given below are two examples of how to use action words on a resume:

Also Read: How to create a compelling work experience section in your resume?

How to Use Action Verbs on a Resume?

A good resume is much more than a list of jobs with corresponding dates – it's a marketing document to show off your strengths and get you the job.

One of the most important elements of your resume is the action verbs (words that describe actions) you use. Action verbs make up your experience description; each should be relevant, concise, and targeted to a specific job.

1. Which Power Words Should You Use?

When using power verbs in your resume, it is important to choose measurable and relevant words for the job. This way, you can pair the power verb with a tangible achievement, for example, enhanced marketing ROI by 35%.

Here's a step-by-step guide:

  • Read the job description carefully, and identify the key responsibilities for the job
  • Determine which skills of yours match the job description
  • Look at power verbs to highlight these achievements in the resume
Also Read: What are some good resume synonyms for the word "teach"?

2. How Often Should You Use Power Words?

If you overdo the action verbs, then they will lose their value. The hiring manager might also think that you're trying too hard.

A general rule of thumb is to not use the same power verb in one "Work Experience" section twice.

3. Avoid Generic Resume Words

Generic action verbs are common on resumes. They don't make much of an impact. Instead, choose resume words representing a quantifiable achievement that is powerful, and dynamic, and show the employer how much of an impact you had on your previous company.

Also Read: How to say "innovative" in different ways on your professional documents?

4. Use Fresh Resume Action Verbs

Resumes are boring. You're not going to hook an employer with your vanilla resume and piles of text. That's why it's important to include the right words in your resume to make yourself stand out from the pack.

36 Fresh Resume Action Verbs Example

5. Avoid Passive Voice in Resume

We often unconsciously use the passive voice in resume writing, which can be difficult to detect. One simple way to tell the difference is to look at your verbs in the active voice. For example: If the verb in your sentence comprises two words ("was developed") or contains "to be" verbs such as "is," "are," and "were" (e.g., "were developed"), then you know the passive voice is at work.

By changing the passive voices to active voices, you will improve the readability of your resume.

Also Read: What skills should you include in your resume in 2023?

Kickass Resume Action Verbs to Replace Commonly Used Words

Strong resume words for 'planning' or 'strategic planning.'.

Additionally, check out this great resource for more action verbs around 'Strategic Planning'

Also Read: 10+ Strategic synonyms that will elevate your reusme

Good Resume Words for 'Managing.'

Also Read: 10+ Synthesize synonyms

Strong Resume Words for 'Organizing.'

Also Read: Synonyms for the word "build" that you can use in resumes and cover letters

Good Resume Words for 'Supervising' or 'Leadership.'

Also Read: 10 unique ways to say "teamwork" on a resume

Strong Resume Words for 'Executing' or 'Worked on' or 'Handled.'

Also Read: "Contribute" synonyms

Good Resume Words for 'Communication.'

Also Read: 10+ Synonyms for "motivate"

Strong Resume Words for 'Helping.'

Good resume words for 'creativity' or 'problem solving.', strong resume words for 'responsible for' or 'getting results', good resume words for 'team player'.

Also Read: Which keywords should you use in your resume in 2023?


Resume Buzzwords: 2023 List of Resume Verbs to Include and Avoid

Also Read: How to write a stellar resume in 2023?

What are Some Resume Power Adjectives?

Power adjectives are a more sophisticated way of listing your achievements and skills when compared with power verbs because, unlike power verbs, you can use power adjectives beyond describing Professional Experience.

This section will show you how to use power adjectives effectively in different resume sections.

Use Power Adjectives in Resume Summary

A resume summary is the first paragraph the recruiter sees in your resume. It’s used to grab the recruiter’s attention to read the whole resume.

And power adjectives can help you do that if you effectively add them to the resume summary.

  • Certified Cybersecurity professional with 4+ years of extensive experience adept at providing meticulous leadership and network infrastructure support by ensuring all systems and databases are up-to-date.
  • Certified Cybersecurity professional with 4+ years of experience adept at providing network infrastructure support by ensuring all systems and databases are up-to-date.

Power Adjective in Professional Experience Section

The professional experience section is the heart of the resume. And using power adjectives in a resume can help you hold the recruiter’s attention.

Also Read: What are some great examples of resume summaries for various job profiles?

Best Power Adjective for Resume

Given below are some power verbs which are categorized based on different soft skills:

Power Adjective for Creativity

Power adjective for productivity, power adjective for dedication, power adjective for hard work, power adjective for organization skills.

Also Read: How to use resume buzzwords the right way?

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the top 20 resume power words.

resume power verbs

What are Some Resume Buzz Words 2023 to Leave Off Your Resume?

You need to ensure that you’re not using popular Resume Buzz Words 2023 on your resume.

The resume already has limited space. So choose your words carefully to maximize the impact on recruiters.

Here are some Buzz Words 2023 to Leave Off Your Resume:

  • Hard-working
  • Responsible
  • Team Player
  • Result-driven
  • Specialized
  • Problem-solving

Why Do We Need to Add Power Verbs in a Resume?

When applying for a job, a candidate needs to appear confident and competent, so using power verbs helps you communicate your message more powerfully, confidently, and convincingly.

How to choose power verbs? Choose a power verb that describes your work most accurately. The aim is to convey what you’ve done in your previous jobs that led to measurable results.

Also Read: What are some of the best jobs for retired people?

Key Takeaways

To recap everything that we discussed till now:

  • Action verbs for resume are different from resume keywords. The latter pertains to professional job skills which the recruiter is looking for. The former helps to realign your resume from responsibility-based to achievement-based.
  • Simply stuffing your resume with action verbs will do you no good. It's always better to validate everything you say with quantifiable instances and achievements.
  • If everyone's special, no one's special. Resume buzzwords come and go with each passing season, and it's critical to be aware of the trend. Our section on the 2023 Guide to Resume Keywords will give you an idea of which ones to use and which ones to avoid.
  • Use our extensive compendium of action verbs for resume grouped by resume skills to revamp your resume!

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125 Easy Resume Action Verbs to Make Your Resume Better

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In This Guide:

What are resume action verbs, why is it important to know which words to use in a resume, how to use action verbs on your resume, where to include action verbs on a resume, worst buzzwords and their best action word alternatives for a resume, action verbs on your resume with enhancv, conclusion: resume action verbs.

Resume image 1

Quick Answer: "Resume action verbs strengthen your resume by emphasizing skills and achievements. Avoid buzzwords like ""detail-oriented"" and ""team player."" Use impactful action verbs like ""amplified,"" ""collaborated,"" and ""analyzed."" Incorporate them in the resume summary, work experience, skills, and achievements. Enhancv's examples can help you create a unique resume."

Let’s be honest – you probably didn’t think much about your resume wording when writing it. The whole thought of adding action verbs for resumes might’ve just slipped out your mind.

That’s normal, it happens quite often.

But, now that you’re aware of it you need to change your approach.

You might be surprised with what just a few resume action verbs and resume power words can do for your entire application.

Now, when I say power words , the ones that pop up in your head are probably phrases like:

  • “Detail-oriented”
  • “Team player”
  • “Hard worker”

Please stop.

First of all, these are called buzzwords . They don’t have their place in this article.

Second, we’re here to talk about resume action verbs. These are active words you can use to boost your resume and make it that much more powerful.

Action verbs and buzzwords are a slippery slope.

If you overuse or misuse them, you risk making the recruiter’s eyes roll all the way back into their head.

That’s where we come in. In this guide, we’ll be going through all you need to know about action verbs for resumes.

Sit back and let’s get you on the right track because you’re about to learn:

  • What action verbs are and why they matter;
  • How to use action words on your resume;
  • Which buzzwords to avoid and which words to use instead

If you want to skip ahead and see proven resume templates that got a fellow candidate like Akshay hired at Tesla, we’ve got you covered. You can see how other candidates choose their wording by clicking below so you can take inspiration for your own resume!


“In today’s competitive world, you have to present yourself in a unique way to stand out. Try Enhancv – I am glad to have discovered it, it has helped me get to Tesla!” – Akshay Rao

Now back to the matter at hand – action words for resumes. I’m excited, aren’t you? Let’s get right to it!

Resume action verbs are also referred to as action words or power words. These are verbs you can use throughout your resume to describe and strengthen your skills, achievements, and experience.

For the record, they don’t just blatantly describe your work.

They emphasize everything that makes you the best candidate for the job by showcasing your skills. Overall, it makes your resume stronger and more compelling.

The big reward of using the right action verbs (and avoiding the wrong and overused ones) can mean instantly catching the recruiter’s eye. On top of that, it makes you look even more impressive, potentially landing you the job.

So, you might want to start thinking about your resume wording and adding some strong resume action verbs to boost your chances.

Keep in mind that hiring managers go through a mountain of resumes when deciding who to bring on board.

To be precise, they spend exactly 7.4 seconds on each resume on average.

We understand it’s not a lot of time to grab someone’s attention.

And, that’s why it’s important to be using the best, most unique, and most powerful resume words. This makes your resume stand apart from the crowd immediately and increases the probability of you getting your dream job.

All because of a few action verbs.

Those resume action verbs can amplify the impact behind your skills and qualifications.

While things like your GPA are important, the hiring manager cares more about the results you may have been responsible for. If more job seekers were to use unique action verbs in a section of a resume, you’re more likely to leave a strong impression.

If done correctly, a single keyword or power word used to describe your capability (e.g. your soft skills and hard skills) can change the whole game. Whether you’re a high school teen or a war veteran, using resume power words will improve your overall application.

Now, it’s true that power verbs and resume words can make you seem more impressive.

However, that doesn’t mean you should lie . Don’t make it look like you’ve moved mountains unless you’ve actually, you know, moved mountains .

At the same time, don’t undermine your achievements either. Now is the time to impress and show off your skills, so don’t be too modest.

That’s why knowing which action verbs for resumes to use is crucial. Not understanding their effect is the difference between looking incredible and plain or mediocre.

Or worse, cocky and dishonest .

The moment some of you have been waiting for.

It’s time to learn how to use resume action verbs properly, including what not to do when using them.

You can probably already guess it with everything discussed so far:

Not all resume action words are equal.

We’ve prepared a list of the best words to use on a resume, as well as the ones you need to avoid like a plague. But, we’ll get onto that more later.

First, here are a few tips on using action verbs:

  • Don’t trust overused action words.
  • Be specific about your achievements and results.
  • Steer clear of passive voice.

Let’s go into a little more detail.

Avoid overused action verbs altogether

You wouldn’t want your resume to look and read like everyone else. So, why would you use the same generic words that everyone is using?

Some action verbs are as cookie-cutter and boring as you can get.

Recruiters have seen them so much that they’re basically white noise to them now. And, that’s no good.

Take a note of these words below and be sure to run away from them as far as possible.

Some of the most overused action words for resumes are:

  • Took part in;
  • Participated;

Don’t bore the hiring managers . Instead, try to wow them. Keep them engaged, keep them wanting more.

Use numbers and results that go alongside your resume power words

You need to be as specific as possible to really show what you can do and how you can help the company.

Recruiters don’t like it when you’re vague.

They do, however, love specifics and quantifiable data. So, choose your words wisely and reinforce them by including exact numbers and results.

Let’s compare and take a look at the examples below:

  • “Increased monthly blog visits”.
  • “Magnified monthly blog visits from 100,000 to 2 million in a year”.

While it’s easy to say “increased” and it gets the message across, everyone does. Look for a stronger action verb. And be specific about your results.

Numbers and results are especially important when it comes to your work experience section .

Use active voice in your bullet points

You might already be aware of this but, your resume format plays a big part in your application.

If you’re using passive voice when listing your accomplishments, it diminishes all the work you’ve put in to achieve a result.

Instead, you’re focusing on something other than the fact that you made it happen.

In other words, you’re not showing the employers how you’ve used your skills to make an impact. This puts a blind eye on your potential and prevents them from seeing what you’re capable of.

The solution?

Start using the active voice and always start with an action verb. That way, you’ll make the most impact.

There are a few key sections where you should include resume power words. This includes:

Resume summary

Under your work experience.

  • In a separate skill section
  • Using Enhancv’s staple sections

Let’s look at this in more detail.

Looking to make a strong first impression the moment the hiring manager picks up your resume?

Then, starting every sentence of your resume summary by using an action verb. It’s a great way to make an impact right from the start. Alternatively, if you’re using this space to talk about your resume objective , action verbs work just as effectively.

This is your professional experience section, the part where you talk about your professional background and achievements.

When going into detail about the job description here, you must absolutely include action words.

Action verbs on resumes are important, but it needs to be included especially under the work experience and certification section. When you do this, it amplifies how you’ve made an impact and shows how you were responsible for a positive outcome.

Use bullet lists to list down your accomplishments at each job you’ve had too. After applying this on your resume, employers will see how you stand out from the sea of candidates.

Under your work experience or certifications section as you’re describing how you’ve made an impact and how you were responsible for a positive outcome, you need to be using action verbs

Separate skill section

The hiring manager wants to see how beneficial your capabilities are for the company.

So, when you’re listing your skills separately, it’s a good time to include some powerful resume action verbs to show recruiters how much of an asset you are.

However, don’t just limit the use of resume action verbs for these specific sections of your resume. If you have additional experiences, e.g. volunteer experience, be sure to talk about the types of skills you’ve developed. When you do this, don’t forget about integrating those power words mentioned.

Enhancv’s staple sections

If you’re looking to create a compelling resume that stands out, Enhancv uses custom resume sections to ensure you’re unique from everyone else. Custom resume sections such as:

  • Most proud of

(We’ll look at this in more detail when looking at how Enhancv can help you use the right action verbs for your resume!)

It’s time to talk about what we mentioned at the start of this article – buzzwords .

Knowing how to use resume buzzwords is just as important as using the right action verbs. While there are some words you should definitely try and use such as:

The only problem with this is that they’re quite generic.

There are a plethora of buzzwords that will do you more harm than good. So, to make sure you don’t run into the same problem, here is a list of resume power words you should be using and ones to remove from your dictionary.

Resume Action Verbs for Leadership and Management

Worst offender: Strategic thinker

If you’re not thinking strategically, then you’re not really contributing, are you?

Strategic thinking is a given. It’s obvious, there’s absolutely no point in adding that word to your resume.

What to use instead:

Action verbs:

  • Implemented
  • Revitalized

Resume Action Verbs for Teamwork

Worst offenders: Team player; Go-To Person

Oh boy, the number of times I’ve put “team player” on my resume! As I’m sure hundreds of thousands have done, too.

Why would you need to say that you’re a team player?

Of course you are! Without teamwork, nothing would ever get done.

Think about the poor recruiters when writing your resume. Don’t use unnecessary buzzwords like these – think of a better way to describe yourself and your skills. Most importantly, you need to be showing them !

And, don’t get me started on being the “go-to person”. If you weren’t the go-to person for the job posting to begin with, then why would you get hired in the first place?

  • Collaborative
  • Cooperative
  • Relied upon
  • Co-authored
  • Collaborated
  • Contributed
  • Participated

Resume Action Verbs for Achievements

Worst offenders: Go-Getter; Bottom line; Result-Driven

“Go-getter” might be a term you’ve heard around, but it means absolutely nothing on your resume. The same goes for “bottom line” and “result-driven”.

Why waste valuable space on your resume telling the recruiters something that they’ve heard thousands of times before and, even worse, not backing it up in any way?

Instead of boring the hiring managers out of their minds and telling them nothing, try to prove to them the value you’ll bring. There are way too many words to describe achievements out there, depending on the achievement itself. I’ll list some of the best below.

  • Accelerated
  • Consolidated
  • Established
  • Outperformed
  • Streamlined

Resume Action Verbs for Research, Analysis, and Planning

Worst offender: Detail-Oriented; Hard Worker

Let’s be real – if you’re not detail-oriented, you probably won’t do a great job. The same goes for “hard worker”.

Both of these qualities should be obvious from your accomplishments and skills, not the fact that you’ve written some words on your resume.

  • Comprehensive
  • Investigated

Resume Action Words to Showcase your Creativity

Worst offender: Think outside of the box

If you choose to describe your creativity by saying you “think outside the box”, then… that’s not very creative of you.

If you genuinely are as creative as you’re trying to say, then you’ll surely be able to come up with a more, well, creative way to demonstrate it, right?

  • Unconventional
  • Imaginative
  • Resourceful
  • Brainstormed
  • Conceptualized
  • Constructed
  • Illustrated
  • Storyboarded
  • Transformed

Let’s go into a bit more detail with the staple resume sections mentioned earlier.

First, click here for proven resume examples and type in the job position you’re looking to apply for:

Enhancv 125 Easy Resume Action Verbs to Make Your Resume Better

In our example, we’ll use an entry-level resume. So, simply click on your link and it’ll take you to a page that looks like this:

Enhancv 125 Easy Resume Action Verbs to Make Your Resume Better

This page also has a full guide below for how to create a resume for your specific job position.

Once you’ve made it here, simply click on the “use this example” button and you’ll be taken inside the Enhancv app. At this stage, it’s where the fun begins:

Enhancv 125 Easy Resume Action Verbs to Make Your Resume Better

When you can use a proven example for your specific job resume like this, the entire resume-building process becomes much easier. You won’t get stuck with writer’s block either because you can get ideas with what’s already written.

On this entry-level resume example, the staple resume section of “strengths” would stand out because it’s so different from what employers are used to seeing.

Looking at the achievements sections, you’ll also notice the resume action verb “anchored”.

It’s unique, and the resume is designed to make an impact on your hiring manager by highlighting the results you were responsible for.

When you have a cheat code like this, creating a resume won’t be difficult anymore.

Best of all, Enhancv’s resume builder is free. So, you can test how good it is yourself at no cost.

The hiring managers won’t be ready for what you’ve got in store for them. What are you waiting for? Start building your resume now by clicking below!


“Enhancv has made modern professional resume writing a breeze! Beautiful templates, that has helped visualize years of work experience into a single page.” – Victoria Odonnell

I hope this detailed look at action verbs for resumes inspired you to go and write the best resume the world has ever seen!

Here’s a summary of everything we’ve been through:

  • Action verbs can make your resume stand out and emphasize your skills and achievements.
  • Steer clear of overused action verbs and buzzwords to avoid blending into the crowd and boring the recruiters.
  • Always write your resume in the active voice.
  • Support your action verbs with quantifiable data.
  • Use action words in key sections of your resume, such as the summary, the job description, and the skills section.

If you found this article useful or you have any questions, be sure to give it a share, and feel free to leave a comment below!

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24 action verbs for your resume that will get you the job

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What are action verbs?

Why use action verbs, the 24 best action verbs to include in your resume, how often should you use action verbs, 8 dos and don’ts of power words, what are hiring managers looking for in a resume.

3 sections your resume should include

What action words should you avoid?

Precision will take you to the top.

Lights, camera, action. Action verbs, we mean.

Action verbs help us set the stage for a strong resume or cover letter that best describes who we are as a person and why we’re the best candidate for the job. Action verbs for resumes are a must. We can’t make a great first impression on a hiring manager without powerful words amplifying all our accomplishments.

But resume writing is hard. Our job search shouldn’t start with vague, uninspiring words on our resumes when we can use action verbs to share all we have to offer. 

Grab a pen and paper, physically or virtually, and let’s dive into the power behind action verbs.

Hiring managers read dozens of resumes or CVs in a day, and we want ours to stand out. Action verbs, which express how we do things (rather than states of being), do that for us. The concept is simple: use words that express action, drive, and energy rather than imprecise or uninformative words. 

Action verbs describe our leadership and creative skills and how we best use our communication skills within a team. We use them to highlight how specific experience, knowledge, and skills to prove we’re the right person for a role.

Action verbs can slide right into bullet points or full sentences, so there’s always room to include them.

One big benefit of using powerful action verbs is that they steer us away from using generic words like oversaw or helped. Instead, we can say directed or trained and offer details about what those experiences looked like. These verbs make us sound more creative and emphasize our skills, goals, and passions.

Using strong action verbs in your resume will show your employer more about your personality than the vague words that people gravitate toward. They’ll paint a picture of what action items you managed or what impact you made on your team.

If you read through some of these examples on our resume action word list and find that they don’t sync up with you and your work experience, don’t fret. 

Here are 24 action verbs that can showcase your different skills or experiences, along with a few examples of how to use them: 

Words for leadership skills:

  • Tutored 

Words for sales experience

  • Coordinated
  • Systematized

Words for communication skills

Words for customer service experience, 8 examples of resume action verbs in action.

  • Advised: I advised customers on which spa package would best suit their needs 
  • Resolved: I resolved any issues that guests had and ensured that they enjoyed their time with us
  • Inspired: I inspired my team members to speak up for their mental health needs
  • Mentored: I mentored junior team members to develop their understanding of the industry
  • Documented: I documented our bookkeeping with proficient detail and care
  • Streamlined: I streamlined our pitching process to be clearer and more effective
  • Boosted: I boosted our store’s overall sales percentage by 25% within the first three months 
  • Strengthened: I strengthened our team’s collaborative skills to improve our sales strategies

Sometimes it’s hard to find the right words to articulate our thoughts. At BetterUp , our coaches can provide the guidance you need to gain confidence as you write or speak about yourself.


Too much of anything isn’t great — even action verbs in a resume. We want our resumes to have a sufficient number of action verbs, but we don’t want them to overwhelm our reader. 

Our words need to be descriptive. We love action language for our resumes, but we shouldn’t overdo it. Don’t try to be too fancy or confusing. 

Our advice is to refrain from adding more than two action verbs per sentence. Keep things concise, and make the few action words you use count. 

Everything in moderation, right?

We want to be responsible action verb users, so we need to review a few dos and don’ts for when we use action verbs in our resumes.

Learning and unlearning is a skill that teaches us plenty of new lessons. We’ll learn how to use action verbs most effectively and unlearn habits of using them poorly.

Let’s review these four dos and four don’ts:

  • Use them in bullet points and paragraphs 
  • A brief read over the job description, and see if you can apply any of those words
  • Make sure you clearly understand the meaning behind each word you use
  • Combine action verbs with quantifiable examples and results
  • Use subjective words that recruiters often hear, including “I’m awesome at…”
  • Rely on only those words to carry your whole sentence; remember to remain descriptive
  • Add an adjective or adverb with your action verb to elongate the sentence; don’t say you “effectively delivered” something, as effective is implied 
  • Use words that don’t apply to your skills and abilities


Recruiters and hiring managers are looking for people who can do the job — and do it well. Lucky for you, research has shown that when applicants use words that promote more detailed, positive images of themselves, they make a better first impression through their resume and interview .

Managing first impressions — or impression management — is everything. Action verbs will help you make a strong first impression to convince them you’re the best fit.

And hiring managers are busy people. They have tons of applications to flip through, and yours might be overlooked for a spelling mistake or generic opening — but not if you include the right keywords and action verbs and convey their desired characteristics. 

Before you write your resume or cover letter, familiarize yourself with the industry and requirements for job positions. It’ll help you narrow down the relevant keywords that recruiters are looking for. Keywords might be skills, levels of education, or specific programs or software. A hiring manager will use these keywords as a checklist to ensure that candidates match what they need.

We’ve compiled a list of characteristics that a hiring manager would want to see. Check them out and think about how you can incorporate them:

  • Strong sense of self-advocacy and understanding of your goals
  • Confidence in yourself and your abilities
  • Familiarity and experience with problem-solving strategies
  • Strong articulation skills and ability to communicate ideas, thoughts, and concerns
  • Sense of empowerment , motivation, and ambition
  • Knowledgeable about the industry and job responsibilities
  • Demonstrated resilience and self-efficacy skills
  • Ability to adapt to change and embrace learning opportunities


3 sections your resume should include 

Now that we know what action verbs to use in resumes, we must know where we’ll exactly use them. Your resume has many sections, but we need to cover three that make or break the page. If you’re ever having trouble formatting your resume, try using resume templates or ask a friend for help.

We have three sections you should include where action verbs help:

Introduction section

Shortly after your contact information, including a brief introduction is great. You can have a description of yourself, your objectives, or a summary of your qualifications.

An example of an objectives section could look like this:

I’m passionate about the environment, and I’m looking to find a job where I can advocate for more environmentally-friendly products. I’ve recently finished a contract with my local conservation association, and I plan on securing a similar opportunity.

Experience section

Action verbs have a fun time in this detailed experience section. It’s where you highlight all your relevant working experience to demonstrate you’re qualified for the job. You’ll want to write about where you worked, when, and your responsibilities. 

Here’s an example:

Buddy’s Painting, Sales Associate 

January 2018-May 2022, Palm Springs, California

  • Boosted sales by 15% within the first year of working there
  • Brought enthusiasm, attention to detail, and transformational leadership t o the workplace
  • Furthered sales strategies and inspired new marketing tactics

Skills section

Think of your skills and which ones match the job description’s keywords. If they’re looking for someone “detail-oriented” in the job post, emphasize that you possess that skill. However, don’t hesitate to include skills they forgot to list. Make sure this section is well-rounded and includes transferable skills .

Here are some examples of skills to include, but remember to make them relevant to the job you’re applying for:

  • Collaboration and teamwork
  • Analyzing and interpreting data
  • Public speaking and presenting work
  • Organization and time management


We’ve talked about the words we love to use, but we also have to highlight the words we’re ready to kick to the curb. Certain buzzwords or generic terms are downright boring. Why use them when we can use powerful action verbs? We want key action words for our resumes, not overused words.

Vague wording doesn’t help us build trust and a connection with hiring managers. We want to provide a detailed description that accurately and confidently portrays ourselves. 

For the future, we’ve compiled a list of eight words and phrases to avoid:

  • In charge of

Choosing action verbs for our resumes is what’s going to help us stand out from the rest. Being precise and mindful as we choose words to reflect on ourselves helps create an appealing resume and make a great first impression on hiring managers.

We do this by proofreading our resumes before we submit them anywhere. Take the time to clearly read over your words and think twice about how descriptive they are. Powerful action verbs detail our work experience and abilities in an empowering light. They should highlight everything we have to offer as an employee and as a person quickly and clearly. 

Find someone to help you pay attention to details and be more mindful of your words. At BetterUp , our coaches can help you slow down and note how your words reflect who you are and your goals.

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Explore effective job search techniques, interview strategies, and ways to overcome job-related challenges. Our coaches specialize in helping you land your dream job.

Elizabeth Perry, ACC

Elizabeth Perry is a Coach Community Manager at BetterUp. She uses strategic engagement strategies to cultivate a learning community across a global network of Coaches through in-person and virtual experiences, technology-enabled platforms, and strategic coaching industry partnerships. With over 3 years of coaching experience and a certification in transformative leadership and life coaching from Sofia University, Elizabeth leverages transpersonal psychology expertise to help coaches and clients gain awareness of their behavioral and thought patterns, discover their purpose and passions, and elevate their potential. She is a lifelong student of psychology, personal growth, and human potential as well as an ICF-certified ACC transpersonal life and leadership Coach.

10 interview skills, techniques and examples to land your dream job

Looking for a new job here are 6 things to consider, 8 signs of a good interview to prove you knocked it out of the park, how to ace situational interview question every time, stipend versus salary: how to navigate the differences, how to create a resume with chatgpt, video interviews are here to stay: how to adapt on camera, character references: 4 tips for a successful recommendation letter, 6 tips on how to answer promotion interview questions, similar articles, 12 resume career objective examples and tips for writing one, your linkedin profile is an important tool. don’t waste it, resume best practices: how far back should a resume go, how to create a video resume to land your dream job, 8 social skills examples: how socializing can take you to the top, 7 tips to make your resume stand out and get that job, what is job crafting, why does it matter, and how can you do it, the 16 best resume builders for every situation, resume dos and don’ts: 29 tips for writing your best resume, stay connected with betterup, get our newsletter, event invites, plus product insights and research..

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Take Your Résumé to the Next Level With These Action Verbs

Assisted …

Let’s face it: most résumé bullet points start with the same handful of words. Words that have become so overused at this point that not only are they beginning to lose their meaning entirely, but they’re also failing to illustrate the actual day-to-day duties of a particular job.

That’s a major problem when you think about how recruiters and hiring managers have their eyes on hundreds of applicants’ résumés per day. If you’re using the same dull, flat, and oftentimes boring words on your résumé, how can you expect it to stand out from the crowd?

That’s where action verbs can help. And not just any action verbs—but those that are powerful enough to convey not only what you did on the job, but also that you excelled at your tasks and on-the-job challenges.

create resume verbs

What is an action verb ?

Action verb: the grammatical definition.

First things first—a verb is a word that describes an action, state, or occurrence. As we all learned in grade school, a few basic verbs include run , walk , dance , jump , etc. Pretty simple, right?

What you may not have known is that these single-word verbs are more specifically defined as action verbs , or verbs that express an action that a person, animal, or object can physically do.

When trying to identify an action verb, ask yourself the question: what is the subject doing? The answer will be the action verb. For example, in the sentence Jane sings a melody , the subject is Jane. What is Jane doing? Jane is singing, so the action verb is sings .

Action verbs vs. linking verbs vs. stative verbs

In contrast, stative verbs express a state of being rather than an action, while linking verbs provide more information or context about the subject of the sentence. But it’s important to note that some verbs can be used as either action verbs or linking verbs, depending on the context of the sentence.

Linking verb example: Jane’s voice sounds lovely. In this sentence, sounds  is a linking verb because it links the subject ( Jane’s voice ) with the characteristic of having a lovely sound.

Stative verb example: Jane is a musician. Here, the verb is  serves as the stative verb because it connects our subject ( Jane ) with the trait of being a musician.

Want to know more? No need to wait, you can dive deeper into this explanation of action verbs of all kinds.

Action verbs in writing résumés

Action verbs are strong, vivid verbs that you can incorporate within your résumé as a solid replacement to everyone else’s typical go-tos. Here’s an example:

Option 1: Managed student volunteers

Option 2: Trained , supervised , and mentored a group of dedicated student volunteers

See how much more detailed, interesting, and compelling the second option is? Choosing a fresh action verb (or in this case, three) makes all the difference.

So whether you’re writing a brand new résumé from scratch for the first time or are simply refreshing your current one, here’s how to strategically make use of action verbs to really pack a punch:

How to use powerful action verbs in résumés

If you have any experience at all with résumé writing, you already know that it is deceptively difficult. Because a résumé’s purpose is to essentially “sell” yourself and your skillset to recruiters and hiring managers, each sentence needs to be carefully and thoughtfully crafted. You want to thoroughly describe your duties and responsibilities and your previous jobs while simultaneously telling the reader something about who you are as an employee— all while keeping it as brief as possible and trying not to be repetitive. That’s a tall order for just a few short bullet points !

Need help putting your résumé together? Check out our guide on writing an effective résumé.

That’s exactly why action verbs are so crucial to good résumé writing. By simply swapping out a few words here and there, you can more clearly showcase your skills, provide as much detail as possible, and lead with the most compelling words that will keep recruiters’ eyes on your résumé for longer.

Try sprinkling in some of the powerful action verbs below throughout your résumé, including in your job descriptions, summary statement, and even in your cover letter. (Pro tip: you can also use them on your LinkedIn profile in the same way!)

Solved a challenging problem

If you helped your team come up with a viable solution for an ongoing issue, consider using:

  • constructed
  • coordinated
  • established
  • restructured
  • strategized
  • transformed

Example: Researched reporting tools and restructured the marketing department’s internal reporting process, making it easier to analyze key performance indicators and prioritize team projects accordingly.

Supported internal stakeholders

Internal stakeholders are people whose interest in a company is the result of a direct relationship, such as employment, ownership, or investment. Whether you interacted directly with company investors or simply managed the needs of a team of employees, elaborate on your specific experience with:

  • collaborated
  • communicated
  • contributed
  • problem-solved

Example: Informed the board of directors of any emerging issues related to the business’s day-to-day operations, addressed concerns, and answered questions about proposed changes.

Do you often confuse the words resume and résumé ? Make sure you use them correctly before you get back to building up your applications.

Found ways to save time or money                                

Helping companies streamline their efforts and operate more efficiently or cost-effectively is no small feat, which is why it’s such an impactful accomplishment in the eyes of recruiters. To really drive the point home on your résumé, try using:

  • capitalized
  • consolidated
  • prioritized
  • reorganized
  • standardized
  • streamlined

Example: Streamlined the employee onboarding process by consolidating and standardizing all new hire training materials within one online software.

Grew sales   

On the other hand, it’s equally as impressive if you’ve played a major role in making the company money. Show off your stellar sales skills with:

  • outperformed

Example: Generated over $20,000 in revenue in 2020 and continuously outperformed all other sales representatives in the district.

create resume verbs

Launched a feature or project

Did you lead the charge on an exciting new endeavor or help launch a company-wide initiative? Illustrate just how important your role was with:

  • conceptualized
  • implemented
  • orchestrated
  • spearheaded

Example: Founded and served as volunteer editor of the first marketing department newsletter to help keep company stakeholders and employees in other departments up-to-date on important projects and team efforts.

Led a team             

Strong management and leadership skills are highly valuable for job-seekers in any industry. Set yours apart from the rest by using:

  • demonstrated

Example: Supervised and mentored a team of five graphic designers. Trained all employees on industry best practices and cultivated a company culture rooted in continued education.

Showed technical proficiency                  

Demonstrate your skills and showcase the amount of hands-on experience you have in your industry with:

  • troubleshot

Example: Identified content gaps on client websites and worked collaboratively with the SEO team to formulate content marketing strategies that drive organic traffic.

Action verbs in action

As you’re incorporating these dynamic action verbs throughout your résumé, don’t be afraid to show off a bit—that’s what a résumé is for! You already know what you’ve accomplished at previous jobs and how great of a candidate you are; simply choose your favorite action verbs and really let those accomplishments shine.

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Résumé? check! Now on to the cover letter .... Thankfully, we've got you covered on how to best write one.

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Ways To Say

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Action verbs help bring your resume to life by painting a picture for the reviewer, and affirming your skills. Begin each bullet point statement or phrase with an action verb that points the reader to the skill you are trying to highlight.

Management Skills

Financial skills, communication skills, research skills, technical skills, teaching skills, creative skills, helping skills, clerical or detail skills, stronger verbs for accomplishments.

You can also take your resume to the next level by inserting action-packed power verbs into your work history and branding statement.

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Resume Action Verbs

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Below, you’ll find a list of resume action verbs to use when building your resume. Create a high impact resume by replacing dull terminology like ‘was responsible for’, or ‘duties included’ with any of the high impact options below:

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  • Action Verbs to Use on Your Resume

person typing on a computer

Recruiters often see the same action words on a resume - led, responsible for, managed. And quite frankly, they have lost their meaning when it comes to properly communicating your accomplishments. So, let's spruce up your resume with a few action verbs and phrases that will catch the recruiters eye. 

When you created or wrote something...

Acted, Adapted, Combined, Composed, Conceptualized, Condensed, Created, Customized, Designed, Developed, Devised, Directed, Displayed, Entertained, Established, Fashioned, Formulated, Founded, Illustrated, Initiated, Instituted, Integrated, Introduced, Invented, Modeled, Modified, Originated, Performed, Photographed, Planned, Revised, Revitalized, Shaped, Solve.

When you were a research machine...

Analyzed, Clarified, Collected, Compared, Conducted, Critiqued, Detected, Determined, Diagnosed, Evaluated, Examined, Experimented, Explored, Extracted, Formulated, Gathered, Identified, Inspected, Interpreted, Interviewed, Invented, Investigated, Located, Measured, Organized, Researched, Reviewed, Searched, Solved, Summarized, Surveyed, Systematized.

When you managed a project or group...

Accomplished, Administered, Advanced, Analyzed, Appointed, Approved, Assigned, Attained, Authorized, Chaired, Considered, Consolidated, Contracted, Controlled, Converted, Coordinated, Decided, Delegated, Developed, Directed, Eliminated, Emphasized, Enforced, Enhanced, Established, Executed, Generated, Handled, Headed, Hired, Hosted, Improved, Incorporated, Increased, Initiated, Inspected, Instituted, Led, Managed, Merged, Motivated, Navigated, Organized, Originated, Overhauled, Oversaw, Planned, Presided, Prioritized, Produced, Recommended, Reorganized, Replaced, Restored, Reviewed, Scheduled, Secured, Selected, Streamlined, Strengthened, Supervised, Terminated.

When numbers and figures are your thing...

Administered, Adjusted, Allocated, Analyzed, Appraised, Assessed, Audited, Balanced, Budgeted, Calculated, Computed, Conserved, Controlled, Corrected, Decreased, Determined, Developed, Estimated, Forecasted, Managed, Marketed, Measured, Netted, Planned, Prepared, Programmed, Projected, Qualified, Reconciled, Reduced, Researched, Retrieved. 

When you creatively brought an idea to life... 

Acted, Adapted, Combined, Composed, Conceptualized, Condensed, Created, Customized, Designed, Developed, Devised, Directed, Displayed, Entertained, Established, Fashioned, Formulated, Founded, Illustrated, Initiated, Invented, Modeled, Modified, Originated, Performed, Photographed, Planned, Revised, Revitalized, Shaped, Solved. 

When you helped with a project...

Adapted, Advocated, Aided, Answered, Arranged, Assessed, Assisted, Clarified, Coached, Collaborated, Contributed, Cooperated, Counseled, Demonstrated, Diagnosed, Educated, Encouraged, Ensured, Expedited, Facilitated, Familiarized, Furthered, Guided, Helped, Insured, Intervened, Motivated, Prevented, Provided, Referred, Rehabilitated, Represented, Resolved, Simplified, Supplied, Supported, Volunteered. 

When you needed to explain technical expertise... 

Adapted, Applied, Assembled, Built, Calculated, Computed, Conserved, Constructed, Converted, Debugged, Designed, Determined, Developed, Engineered, Fabricated, Fortified, Installed, Maintained, Operated, Overhauled, Printed, Programmed, Rectified, Regulated, Remodeled, Repaired, Replaced, Restored, Solved, Specialized, Standardized, Studied, Upgraded, Utilized. 

When you were the teacher...

Adapted, Advised, Clarified, Coached, Communicated, Conducted, Coordinated, Critiqued, Developed, Enabled, Encouraged, Evaluated, Explained, Facilitated, Focused, Guided, Individualized, Informed, Installed, Instructed, Motivated, Persuaded, Simulated, Stimulated, Taught, Tested, Trained, Transmitted, Tutored. 

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Study this sample resume and explore the dropdowns below to learn how to craft a quality resume.

Access the full PDF guide to view all sample resumes and detailed advice.

Watch our video on resume-building .  In a hurry? Read our Quick Tips .

Example resume clickable pdf

Keep it simple. Name should be 14-18pt font. Contact information should be 11-12pt font. Add links such as Github, LinkedIn, or other professional portfolio sites. Make sure that this section is located at the top of the page. Do not put it in the header section of Word/Google Docs (that is, in the top margin) to ensure readability and Applicant Tracking System (ATS) compliance.

Summary (also called the Profile) is optional. If you choose to include this, make sure that it is highly tailored to the field you are pursuing. Express your goals and value beyond “looking for a summer internship”.

The Summary should be located between your Name & Contact and your Education sections.

Arrange your Degree and University along the left margin and your expected Graduation Date and GPA (if it is above a 3.5) along the right margin. Consider putting your Degree in bold to better highlight your skills and knowledge.

Align on the left margin and make a list or use bullet point formatting to ensure Applicant Tracking System compliance. Only list coursework that clearly demonstrates your value.

Be sure to spell out the title of the class; most people outside of UTD will not recognize the course abbreviation/numbers.

Classify your skills if you have many. Otherwise, start at the left margin and make a list. As long as you can honestly speak to your ability, you can add it to your Skills section. Don’t sell yourself short!

Soft skills (for instance, communication, active listening, customer service) do not go in the Skills section. Rather, work these into your bullet points.

Experiences can be Professional or Academic. In both cases, be sure to build out the sections like you would for a job—clearly demonstrate the skills you used and the results you gained. For Academic Experience, do not simply discuss the end results of the app you built or the topic you wrote a paper about. Keep in mind that you likely will not be hired to create that exact app again, but you will be called upon to use those hard and soft skills again. Sell your skills, not the particular project.

Start with a strong action verb. Try not to repeat the same verb.

Be specific—you want the potential employer to clearly picture your skillsets and work style.

Use a model like WHO ( What you did, How you did it, Outcome /Purpose) to ensure that you are covering all the important information. See our full guide for more examples of the WHO model and for other effective models. Add metrics—quantify where possible.

Add any experiences that you believe will help showcase you as a professional. Athletics or other non-industry organizations can be added; however, be sure to prioritize industry-related content on your resume. Do not add hobbies unless you are affiliated with an organization (for instance, a UTD Baking Club would be all right to list. However, you would not want to list simply “baking”.

Awards can go close to the end of your resume. You can also consider adding scholarships as part of your Education section.

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Word Resume Templates

Ready to start or update your resume? The next step of your career starts with a Microsoft Word resume template! Our 2024 resume templates for Word are designed by experts to showcase your skills and experience in a polished, organized document.

Kellie Hanna, CPRW

As seen in: * Foot Note

Featured Microsoft Word resume templates

Our Microsoft Word resume templates are professionally designed to highlight your career qualifications and guide the reader’s eyes to your strongest skills. Plus, they are easy to use and customizable, with our Resume Builder providing pre-written content suggestions tailored to your industry.


This all-purpose Word resume layout works for almost any job, with clean lines and elegant fonts contributing to its polished appearance

This Word resume template provides a streamlined look, topped with an attention-grabbing color header. The  two-column resume layout  gives you plenty of space to expand on your work history and skills.

Present yourself as a proactive, strong candidate using this Microsoft resume template, featuring bold fonts and a colorful two-column design.

“Connect the dots” of your career using this Word resume design’s unique dot graphics. Section headings are arranged on the left for quick navigation.

This Microsoft Word resume classy layout arranges sections in a tab layout for easy access, with subtle but striking fonts and colors.

This eye-catching design is laid out in quadrants, with your summary statement getting prominent placement in your Word resume template.


As the name suggests, this Microsoft Word resume template presents you as an attractive candidate, thanks to its dual-color combination and streamlined layout.


You can’t get much more polished than this Word resume template, which presents your qualifications in an uncluttered style.

Section headings are highlighted using box graphics, while the monogram design for the header adds a unique touch to this Word resume template.

Download free resume templates for Word

Start writing your professional document using one of these free to download Word resume templates.

Blue Grey Word Resume Template

  • Visually striking
  • Organized two-column layout
  • Unusual presentation may not fit every job
  • Limited space to present  work history  and  skills
  • Photo of job seeker may be inappropriate for many job applications

Modern Chronological Word Resume Template

  • Streamlined layout
  • Strong header with job seeker’s name prominently displayed
  • Easy to get cluttered if you have a lot of information to present
  • Looks a little plain compared to other layouts

Polished Word Resume Template

  • Bold section headings make for quick navigation
  • Color header makes for a strong statement
  • Icons at bottom are a unique graphic element, but leave less room for the rest of your resume
  • Black font against the header’s red background may be difficult for some to read

Columns Word Resume Template

  • Unusual “homemade” look
  • Each section neatly organized
  • Might not be appropriate for more professional jobs
  • Large header cuts down on space to feature your qualifications

Color Block Word Resume Template

  • Colors jump off the page
  • Summary and contact information prominently displayed
  • Not much room to feature  skills  and  work experience
  • Color combination might not work for everyone

Clean Elegant Word Resume Template

  • Color background helps your resume stand out
  • Creative  layout
  • Layout lacks room for summary and complete skills section
  • Using “skill level bars” may throw off readers and ATS

Minimalist Word Resume Template

  • Intriguing “centered” layout
  • Highlights important  skills
  • Unorthodox sections may confuse recruiters
  • Outdated  references  section

Geometric Word Resume Template

  • Attractive minimalist design
  • Subtle but effective graphic elements
  • Limited space to present your credentials
  • Packing in information can lead to “unbalanced” look

Swiss Design Word Resume Template

  • Highlights the  summary statement
  • Contact info can be difficult to find
  • Skills section is deemphasized

Contemporary Word Resume Template

  • Striking visual design
  • Plenty of space for  work experience
  • Employers and  ATS  may be confused by “About Me” section
  • Skill “ratings” may not appeal to everyone

How to create a Microsoft Word resume using our templates

Creating a resume using our Resume Builder takes only a few minutes. Just follow these steps:

Select your professionally designed template.

Open our Resume Builder and choose a template from our library to fit your personality and industry. You’ll be able to save as a resume template in Microsoft Word format.

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Build or update your resume with AI help.

Start a new resume or elevate your current one with our expert suggestions tailored to the latest trends in your industry. You’ll have the flexibility to add your own information or edit our suggestions to create a custom, professional resume that highlights your unique strengths and experiences.

My Perfect Resume Prewritten Suggestions E1715378604670

Save and download your finished resume

Complete the process — don’t forget to proofread!— and save your optimized resume. Download it as a Word document and you’re done! 

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See What Job Seekers are Saying About Our Excellent Builder

5 tips for your microsoft word resume.

1. Make sure your formatting is consistent.

The easy way to check your Word template resume layout is to display all the formatting marks for your resume. Just go to the “home” tab of your Microsoft Word screen and click the paragraph icon.

Now you’ll see how tabs, spaces and paragraph returns are used in your document. Make sure your formatting is consistent throughout, and when you’re ready to save the document, click the paragraph icon again to return to normal view.

2. Stick with a straightforward layout.

You might be tempted to use special graphic elements in your Word resume template to gussy it up, but employers (and the  applicant tracking systems  (ATS) they use to scan resumes) will find it easier to read your resume if you use simple lines and bullet points.

3. Give yourself some space.

What’s not in your resume can be just as important as what’s in your resume — aim to create an easy-to-read document by using white space in a smart way. Don’t clutter up your Word resume template with too much text; use peppy bullet points and phrases, and use margins that are at least 1 inch from the edges of the document. To see how experts in your field space their resume, visit out resume examples  page.

4. Links can be handy.

If you want to point employers towards a job network profile (e.g., LinkedIn) or a professional portfolio site, be sure to link the text of your Word resume. Highlight the URL you want to link to, go to the “Insert” tab on your Word screen, and click on the “Links” icon. Then enter the link to the URL.

5. Focus on the content.

While putting together a resume that looks its best is important, what you put in your resume is just as important. Make sure you have the right format for your Word resume template, with the help of our resume formats guide, and make sure each section of the resume addresses exactly what the employer needs — our handy guide on how to write a resume will give you all the tips you need.

Microsoft Word Resume Template FAQ

Yes, Microsoft Word provides templates to create a resume, as featured on this page. You can also use our own Microsoft Word-friendly resume templates to create your resume. Just follow the instructions above for constructing your resume using our Builder.

To create a resume using a Microsoft Word resume template, follow these steps:

Choose your template in Word.  To create your resume from scratch, click “File” in your Microsoft Word menu (you can also hit Alt+F on a PC or Command+F on a Mac). Click “More templates” to see a selection of Word resume template layouts. You’ll notice that the following screen also has a “Resumes and Cover Letters” option — click it to see a complete set of resumes. You can also enter “resume” in the “Search for online templates” box.

Choose Word Template

Create your resume.  Once you’ve picked a Word resume template, click it. You should see this screen. Click “Create” to continue.

Create Resume

Fill out your resume.  Add your information to the Word resume template.

Fill Resume

Save your resume.  Hit Ctrl+S (or Command+S on a Mac) to save your document. If you need to save your resume in a file format other than Word, click “More options …” On the next screen, you can choose to export your resume in PDF format by clicking “Export” or save it in a different file format (e.g., RTF).

Save File Resume

The best Word resume template for your resume is ATS-friendly, easy to read, visually appealing, and highlights the individual experience as well as hard skills and soft skills .

If you’re applying in a traditional industry, go for a resume template that has a neat, streamlined appearance.  For a more creative job, look into using a template with a bit more color and flair. Our Word resume templates are designed to showcase your career and style. You can choose the one that catches your eye, and it’ll get the job done. For more tips about putting together the perfect resume, visit our resume-writing resources section .

Our Word resume templates have a dedicated section for your work experience. Simply replace the filler text with your information. Use the job description to  create a targeted resume  for your Word template and combine  action verbs  with your  quantifiable achievements  to build a powerful document.

Not at all. Most employers prefer to have resumes sent to them as a Microsoft Word file. Just remember to review your resume before you send it in. Make sure your information is up to date, contains skills and work experience information that addresses what the job requires, and is neatly organized. The easy way to make sure your resume looks its best is to print it out — as long as it looks good in print form, it should look fine when you submit it electronically.

For free templates, visit our templates section — you’ll find a host of free templates of all types you can download and use to create your own resume. Our templates are ready-made to be downloaded in Microsoft Word or other formats such as  PDF  or  plain text .

Use our ATS Resume Checker to get rid of the guesswork. Upload your finished Word resume template and our ATS Resume Checker will provide it a score out of 100, suggestions on what to fix and what areas to improve. The closer you can get to 100, the higher the chance your resume will make it past the application tracking system and into a hiring manager’s hands.

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Just three easy steps

  • Select a template from our library of professional designs
  • Build your resume with our industry-specific bullet points
  • Download your resume and send!

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You've taken a big leap forward in your job search by choosing a resume template from MyPerfectResume.

‡ Results derived from a study responded by 1000 participants of which 287 created a resume online.

*The names and logos of the companies referred to above are all trademarks of their respective holders. Unless specifically stated otherwise, such references are not intended to imply any affiliation or association with MyPerfectResume.

create resume verbs

10 Best Resume Builders to Create A Great Resume – 2024 Guide

A re you exhausted from investing endless hours into creating an impeccable CV? This article introduces the top resume builders that will revolutionize your job application approach. Bid farewell to monotonous formatting and greet a remarkable resume that distinguishes itself from the rivalry. Prepare yourself to secure your dream job with self-assurance effortlessly!

>> Unlock Your Career Potential With Super Star Resume

10 Best Resume Writing Services

  • Super Star Resume - Best overall
  • ZipJob - Best for guarantees
  • Resumeble - Best with custom bundles
  • Let’s Eat, Grandma - Best for range of career service
  • ResumeSpice - Best for job seekers of any level
  • TopResume - Best customer service
  • Resume Writing Services - Best for affordability
  • Craft Resumes - Best for quick turnaround
  • Resume Companion - Best value resume writing service
  • - Best free service

When creating this compilation, we considered different elements such as affordability, ease of use, accessibility, the privacy policies of the companies involved, and more. The highest-rated services offer advice, templates, and tools and allow you to consult with experts who can help you craft an impressive resume highlighting your strengths to potential employers.

Our collection comprises free services and those that make use of professional writers’ skills. Some options require a subscription or one-time payment.

>> Secure Your Dream Job With Super Star Resume

Super Star Resume - Best Resume Builder Overall

Star Rating: 4.9/5

Super Star Resume is an innovative resume builder that completely transforms creating professional resumes. By offering a user-friendly interface and a range of powerful features, Super Star Resume enables individuals to produce exceptional resumes that effectively showcase their abilities, accomplishments, and work history.

  • Skilled and seasoned writers
  • Customized strategy aligned with unique career objectives
  • Timely delivery of resumes
  • More significant expense compared to certain other resume writing services
  • Restricted selection of additional services
  • Availability may be restricted depending on demand and geographic location
  • Intuitive resume builder: An intuitive interface that simplifies the resume creation process, offering modern templates for a professional look.
  • Customization choices: Users can personalize their resumes by selecting from various font styles, colors, layouts, and sections to align with their unique style.
  • Comprehensive content suggestions: Access to a collection of expertly curated bullet points, action verbs, and industry-specific phrases to craft impactful resume content.
  • Real-time previews and editing: Real-time previewing and editing capabilities ensure a visually appealing and error-free final resume.
  • Integration with professional networking platforms: Integration with LinkedIn allows users to maintain consistency between their online presence and resume.
  • Tailored resumes for different job applications: The duplication feature facilitates the creation of multiple resume versions, each customized for specific job applications or industries.
  • Resume analytics and tracking: Users can monitor the views and downloads of their resumes, gaining valuable insights to optimize their job search strategies.
  • Professional Resume : $169
  • Resume With Cover Letter : $199
  • All-Included : $199

>> Use Super Star Resume to Secure Your Dream Job

ZipJob - Best Resume Builder for Guarantees

Star Rating: 4.7/5

ZipJob is widely regarded as an excellent option for resume creation, especially for those who value guarantees. Their impressive 60-day assurance ensures that individuals searching for employment will experience a surge in interview invitations within this period.

If this desired outcome cannot materialize, ZipJob proactively offers a complimentary review and revision of your resume. This guarantee highlights their commitment to client contentment and showcases their unwavering belief in the superior quality of their resume writing services.

  • The starting package is cost-effective
  • Complimentary ATS check included
  • 60-day interview assurance with higher-tier packages
  • The design and layout made it challenging to read the resume
  • The summary section was overly lengthy and filled with clichés
  • The formatting of the education and training sections was subpar
  • Expert resume writers: ZipJob provides access to a team of expert resume writers with the skills and knowledge to review, evaluate, and optimize your resume for compatibility with Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS) and hiring managers.
  • ATS optimization: Meaning they ensure your resume is structured and formatted to navigate and succeed in ATS filters effectively. Employers commonly use these filters to assess and rank resumes during the initial screening process.
  • Keyword optimization: The resume builder online offered by ZipJob assists you in identifying and integrating pertinent keywords and industry-specific terminology. This practice heightens the visibility of your resume, making it more likely to capture the attention of hiring managers.
  • Job-specific content suggestions: ZipJob provides valuable advice regarding the most relevant and influential content to include in your resume for different job titles and industries. This guidance is invaluable in customizing your resume for specific roles.
  • Cover letter writing assistance: ZipJob supports the creation of impactful cover letters that complement your resume, strengthening your overall job application.
  • Unlimited revisions: One noteworthy feature of ZipJob is the option for unlimited revisions and updates to your resume. This ensures that your resume not only meets but continues to meet your specific requirements and mirrors your professional growth.
  • Collaboration with resume writers: the platform facilitates direct collaboration with the resume writers, enabling you to share additional information, discuss specific requirements, and seek clarifications at any stage of the resume creation process.
  • Launch Package: $139 (or $48/mo)
  • Fast Track Package: $189 (or $65/mo)
  • Premium Package: $299 (or $27/mo)

>> Use ZipJob to Secure Your Dream Job

Resumeble - Best Resume Builder With Custom Bundles

Star Rating: 4.3/5

Resumeble is a highly efficient and user-friendly resume builder that empowers individuals to create professional and compelling resumes. With Resumeble, crafting a standout resume becomes a streamlined process thanks to its intuitive interface and extensive range of customizable templates.

Whether you’re a recent graduate, a seasoned professional, or someone looking to change careers, Resumeble caters to all needs and skill sets. It offers helpful suggestions and expert advice to ensure your resume showcases your unique qualifications and achievements in the best possible light.

  • A 60-day interview guarantee is included
  • Budget-friendly package deals are available
  • It’s more established than some other websites
  • Keyword optimization: This feature helps optimize your resume by suggesting relevant keywords aligned with your target industry or job, enhancing your visibility to Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS) and recruiters.
  • Content import: Resumeble allows you to import your existing resume or LinkedIn profile, saving you the time and effort of manual data entry.
  • Real-time editing: You have the convenience of editing and modifying your resume in real time, providing the flexibility to experiment with various formats, sections, and content.
  • ATS compatibility: Resumeble ensures your resume is ATS-compatible, essential for better visibility and a higher chance of being shortlisted by employers using Applicant Tracking Systems.
  • Download options: The platform offers various download formats, including PDF, Word, and plain text, ensuring compatibility with diverse application processes.
  • Cover letter builder: Resumeble features an integrated cover letter builder, streamlining the creation of professional and personalized cover letters that complement your resume.
  • Career Pro Package : $159.00
  • Professional Package : $299.00
  • Premium Package : $399.00

>> Use Resumeble to Secure Your Dream Job

Let’s Eat, Grandma - Best Resume Builder for Range of Career Service

Star Rating: 4/5

Let’s Eat, Grandma is an inventive and progressive tool for creating impressive resumes. The platform streamlines the resume-building process, making it easier for job seekers to craft exceptional resumes. With Let’s Eat, Grandma, individuals can create unique resumes that catch the eye of employers and set them apart from the competition.

This user-friendly platform offers a range of customizable templates that allow users to tailor their resumes to showcase their specific skills and experiences. Let’s Eat, Grandma also provides expert advice and recommendations to help ensure that your qualifications and achievements are effectively highlighted in your resume.

  • Complimentary resume evaluation
  • Choices available for individuals from entry-level to executive-level positions
  • Extensive collaboration opportunities
  • Not specialized in academic CVs or federal resumes
  • Relatively higher pricing compared to some other services
  • Potential for a longer turnaround time compared to competing services
  • Expert choice: You can save your resume in multiple formats (PDF, Word, plain text) or easily share it with potential employers via email or a link, simplifying the distribution of your resume.
  • Error highlighting: The builder can identify potential errors, inconsistencies, or missing information within your resume and provide suggestions or alerts for improvement.
  • Section prompts: Pre-written prompts for various resume sections (e.g., work experience, education, skills) can help you structure your resume effectively and ensure you include essential details in each area.
  • Customizable sections: You can add, remove, or rearrange sections to tailor your resume to emphasize your strengths and relevant experiences.
  • Keyword optimization: The resume builder can recommend industry-specific keywords based on the job description, enhancing your resume’s chances of passing through Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS) and grabbing the attention of hiring managers.
  • Starter Package : Priced at $439, but there is an anti-inflation sale price of $389.
  • Accelerated Package : $549.
  • The premium Package : $689, but the anti-inflation sale price is $614.
  • Executive Concierge Service : $1,899 or as low as $119/month.

>> Use Let’s Eat, Grandma to Secure Your Dream Job

ResumeSpice - Best Resume Builder for Job Seekers of Any Level

Star Rating: 3.8/5

ResumeSpice , a renowned online resume builder, streamlines crafting professional resumes. This platform provides job seekers with a user-friendly interface and a wide selection of templates, enabling them to create impressive resumes that align with their career objectives.

With ResumeSpice’s seamless experience, users are guided through each resume section effortlessly while receiving valuable tips throughout the process. From personal details and work history to skills and accomplishments, this platform ensures that all crucial aspects of a resume are comprehensively addressed.

  • Additional assistance
  • Timely service
  • ATS optimization
  • Guaranteed interviews
  • Restricted revisions
  • Insufficient customization options
  • Restricted refund policy
  • User-friendly interface: ResumeSpice boasts an intuitive and user-friendly platform, simplifying the resume creation process and offering a seamless experience to users.
  • Extensive template library: The platform offers a vast selection of professionally designed templates tailored to various industries and job positions. Users can explore different styles and layouts to find the perfect match for their needs.
  • Import and export options: ResumeSpice enables users to import their existing resumes in formats like PDF or Word for easy editing and updates. Users can conveniently export their finalized resumes in multiple formats, facilitating sharing with employers or uploading to job portals.
  • Mobile-friendly design: ResumeSpice is optimized for mobile devices, allowing users to create and modify their resumes using smartphones or tablets.
  • Cloud storage: The platform provides secure cloud storage for users’ resumes, ensuring accessibility and updates from any device with an internet connection.
  • Resume tracking: ResumeSpice includes tools for tracking the performance of submitted resumes, such as monitoring views, downloads, and application outcomes. These features empower users to evaluate their progress and make data-driven enhancements to their job search strategies.
  • Entry Level Resume : $479
  • Professional Resume : $589
  • Executive Resume : $699

>> Use ResumeSpice to Secure Your Dream Job

TopResume - Best Resume Builder for Customer Service

Star Rating: 3.6/5

TopResume is an outstanding resume builder explicitly tailored for customer service professionals. It offers a seamless and user-friendly experience, enabling users to create exceptional resumes effortlessly. The platform goes beyond just providing a basic resume template, offering valuable suggestions and tips to optimize the content.

This ensures that each resume created on TopResume is unique and attention-grabbing in the highly competitive job market.

Besides its user-friendly interface, TopResume provides expert review services. These services allow skilled professionals to provide personalized feedback on resumes, helping enhance their overall quality further. By leveraging this feedback and incorporating attention to detail, customer service professionals can create compelling resumes that effectively capture the attention of potential employers.

  • Streamlined registration process
  • Well-designed and formatted one-page resume
  • The summary and Job Scope sections were overly extended
  • The training section needed to have prominence
  • Skill-based sections: The resume builder features dedicated sections highlighting essential customer service skills, including communication, problem-solving, conflict resolution, and relationship building.
  • Expert review services: TopResume provides expert review services where experienced professionals offer personalized feedback and recommendations to enhance the overall quality of your resume.
  • ATS compatibility: The platform ensures that the resumes created are compatible with Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS), which employers commonly use for scanning and filtering resumes.
  • Download and sharing options: Users can download their resumes in various formats, such as PDF or Word, and easily share them with potential employers or upload them to job portals.
  • Industry-Specific Tips: TopResume offers industry-specific tips and guidance to assist users in tailoring their resumes to the customer service field, helping them stand out among competitors.
  • Cover letter builder: Besides resume building, TopResume provides a builder that empowers users to craft professional and compelling cover letters customized for customer service roles.
  • Mobile accessibility: The platform is mobile-friendly, allowing users to create, edit, and update their resumes while on the go, using their smartphones or tablets.
  • Entry level : Up to 200$.
  • Professional level : Up to 200$-400$.
  • Executive level : Up to $350-$700.

>> Use TopResume to Secure Your Dream Job

Resume Writing Services - Best Resume Builder for Affordability

Star Rating: 3.3/5

While may be a different size than its competitors, it stands out due to its team of talented and experienced resume writers. The website is user-friendly and provides exceptional service. However, this service’s true strength lies in its writers’ expertise. sets itself apart by offering a comprehensive consultation process and goes beyond expectations by providing unlimited calls with its resume writers. This personalized approach distinguishes them from other companies and guarantees each client receives individual attention and support.

  • Experienced resume writers of the highest caliber
  • Unlimited phone consultations and revisions
  • More expensive than rival services
  • A limited range of products
  • Skilled and experienced resume writers: takes pride in its team of highly trained and professional resume writers who possess a deep understanding of crafting effective resumes.
  • Personalized service: offers a personal touch by providing unlimited calls with their resume writers. This unique feature allows clients to engage in direct communication and close collaboration with the writers throughout the resume creation process.
  • Competitive job market expertise: The writers at have knowledge of current job market trends. This ensures that the resumes they create are optimized to excel in today’s fiercely competitive job market.
  • Quality Assurance: The service maintains a rigorous quality assurance process to guarantee that the resumes delivered to clients meet the highest standards and align with their expectations.
  • Timely delivery: is committed to delivering resumes within the agreed-upon timeframe, ensuring clients receive their documents promptly.
  • Client satisfaction guarantee: offers a client satisfaction guarantee, assuring clients are fully content with the final resume. The service is ready to provide revisions if necessary.
  • Affordable pricing: provides pricing options that are competitive and transparent, making professional resume writing accessible to a wide range of job seekers. employs a pricing system that is clear and easy to understand for their resume-building services. The initial package begins at $270 , including a comprehensive consultation with a skilled resume writer and developing an individualized resume.

They offer extra options that enable customers to personalize their packages based on their unique preferences. This adaptable pricing strategy guarantees that clients can choose the services that align with their requirements and financial constraints.

>> Use Resume Writing Services to Secure Your Dream Job

Craft Resumes - Best Resume Builder for Quick-Turnaround

Star Rating: 3/5

Craft Resumes stand out as a well-established writing and editing service known for its ability to deliver effective outcomes. Our dedication to providing a 24-hour turnaround guarantees you’ll receive the initial version of your resume promptly.

Navigating our user-friendly website is effortless, making it easy to use our services. At Craft Resumes, we specialize in crafting customized resumes to match your skills, qualifications, and aspirations for your career.

  • Speedy completion
  • Customized CVs
  • Intuitive site
  • Insufficient details
  • Absence of assurances
  • Quick turnaround: Craft Resumes commits to delivering the initial draft of your resume within 24 hours, ensuring a speedy and efficient service.
  • Expert Writers: Craft Resumes prides itself on its team of experienced writers who possess expertise across various industries and stay up-to-date with current hiring trends. They’re dedicated to making your resume stand out and catch the attention of potential employers.
  • Unlimited revisions: We provide unlimited revisions to guarantee your complete satisfaction. If you have specific changes or additions in mind, our team will collaborate with you closely to implement the modifications.
  • Confidentiality and Privacy: At Craft Resumes, we prioritize the confidentiality and privacy of your personal information. You can trust that your data will be handled securely and with the utmost discretion.
  • Tailored resumes: We specialize in tailoring resumes to align with your career objectives, industry, and job requirements. Each resume is personalized to accentuate your unique strengths and qualifications.
  • Resume Writing : $229.00
  • Basic : $279.99
  • Optimal : $339.99
  • All-In-One : $499.99

>> Use Craft Resumes to Secure Your Dream Job

Resume Companion - Best Value Resume Builder

Star Rating: 2.8/5

Resume Companion is a virtual platform and service that specializes in aiding individuals in creating resumes that are professional and impactful. It offers an array of resources and tools to assist job seekers in crafting interesting resumes that effectively showcase their skills, experiences, and qualifications.

A prominent feature of Resume Companion is its user-friendly resume builder. This tool allows users to select from various professionally designed templates and personalize them based on their specific requirements.

Users can effortlessly incorporate their personal information, employment history, educational background, skill set, and other pertinent details to produce a customized resume tailored to their needs.

  • Intuitive user interface
  • High-quality templates
  • Efficiency-boosting functions
  • Cost-effective choice
  • Restricted editing features without subscription
  • Absence of extensive customization options
  • Limited availability of extra services
  • Cover letter builder: Resume Companion goes beyond resumes and provides users with a tool for crafting customized cover letters tailored to specific job applications. This feature guides users through the process, helping them effectively present their qualifications and make a compelling case to prospective employers.
  • ATS optimization: In today’s job market, many companies use Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS) to screen resumes. Resume Companion helps users ensure their resumes are ATS-friendly. The platform offers valuable tips and insights on incorporating relevant keywords, formatting the document correctly, and increasing the likelihood of passing through the ATS screening process.
  • Educational resources: Resume Companion extends its services by offering an informative blog and educational materials that cover various aspects of resume writing, job search strategies, interview techniques, and career development guidance. These resources provide users with valuable insights and advice to help them create impressive resumes and enhance their job search efforts.
  • Download and sharing options: Upon completing their resumes, users can conveniently download their documents in multiple formats, including PDF and Word. Resume Companion also makes it easy for users to share their resumes online or print them offline.
  • Customer support: Resume Companion values user satisfaction and offers customer support to assist with users’ questions or concerns while utilizing the platform. Users can access support through email or the platform’s contact form.

Resume Companion provides a cost-effective solution for individuals seeking an all-inclusive service. It’s vital to remember subscription renewal is required to access future editing services. In summary, Resume Companion offers a wallet-friendly option for those who desire a user-friendly resume-building experience without needing advanced writing abilities.

>> Use Resume Companion to Secure Your Dream Job

Our Ranking Methodology for Best Resume Writing Services

To comprehensively and objectively rank the top resume writing services, it is essential to have a thorough methodology. The first step in this process was conducting extensive research and analysis. This involved gathering a comprehensive list of reputable resume-writing services from multiple sources such as online searches, customer reviews, industry directories, and personal recommendations.

  • Feature analysis: Evaluate the functionalities provided by each resume builder, considering elements like template variety and quality, customization flexibility, user-friendly editing and formatting options, import/export capabilities, spell check and grammar tools, and integration with job search platforms and professional networks.
  • Template collection: Examine the assortment and quality of templates. Look for a wide range that suits various industries, job levels, and design preferences, considering these templates’ aesthetics, readability, and contemporary design.
  • Editing and customization: Scrutinize the adaptability and user-friendliness of the editing and customization tools each resume builder provides. Assess the capacity to add or modify sections, reorganize content, and tailor resumes to specific job requirements.
  • User interface and experience: Analyze the user interface and the overall user experience each resume builder offers. Evaluate the ease of navigation, instruction clarity, guidance or prompts, and the platform’s responsiveness.
  • Integration with job search platforms: Determine whether resume builders offer seamless integration with popular job search platforms and professional networks like LinkedIn or ATS systems. Consider how well the resumes can be transferred and their compatibility with these platforms.
  • Additional resources: Evaluate if the resume builders provide extra resources such as sample resumes, tools for creating cover letters, interview tips, or career advice. Consider the breadth and practicality of these supplementary resources.
  • Mobile-friendliness: Gauge the mobile-friendliness and responsiveness of the resume builders, recognizing the growing trend of mobile job searching and application processes.
  • Customer support: Reflect on the accessibility and quality of customer support services, encompassing options like live chat, email support, or knowledge bases. Assess the responsiveness and helpfulness of the support team.
  • Pricing and value for money: Appraise the pricing plans presented by the resume builders in terms of the value they offer based on features, usability, and overall service quality.
  • Industry reputation: Consider the standing and trustworthiness of the resume builders, considering factors such as awards, recognition, partnerships, and user feedback from reputable sources.

Buyer’s Guide: Why Use a Resume Builder?

Crafting a well-crafted CV comes naturally to particular job seekers. However, even the most seasoned experts may need help in resume writing. If you find yourself in need of help with creating a compelling resume, here are several ways in which the best online resume builder can be beneficial:

Resume builders provide users with pre-designed templates and helpful tips, streamlining the process of writing a resume and alleviating stress.

Offers Writing Tips

Promoting oneself requires considerable effort. Only some people possess writing skills, even if they enjoy self-promotion. To showcase one’s experience and knowledge effectively, a resume builder can help select the most appropriate words and phrases.

Improves Design

In every field, there are unique standards for an impressive resume. If you need to gain knowledge in design or the tools, resume builders can provide free templates to enhance your resume’s visual appeal and quality.

Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS)

Recruiters often use ATS systems to scan resumes. A good resume builder will help with formatting to ensure that your resume is easy for these systems to read.

What’s the Best Resume Builder?

The ideal resume builder for each individual may differ according to their specific requirements. If you prefer a tool that offers step-by-step guidance in creating your resume, we suggest using a builder that provides helpful tips and recommendations. If you prefer a resume builder that auto-generates a summary, we recommend using a tool that extracts information from your LinkedIn profile.

For those who enjoy having creative control over their resumes, we suggest using a platform with features. By selecting the resume builder that aligns with your needs and suits your industry and personal style, you’ll significantly increase your chances of capturing the attention of hiring managers.

Resume Builder vs. Resume Writing Service: What Matters for You

When it comes to crafting a resume, there are three options available. You can opt to create it independently, use a resume builder tool, or enlist the services of a professional resume writer. Your best choice will depend on your writing abilities, available time, and financial resources.


You have the choice to construct a resume entirely by yourself. The benefit of this option is that it costs nothing but requires a significant amount of effort. Along with composing all the information, you must possess graphic design skills.

This approach works well if you have these abilities, but with them, your options for creating a resume are unlimited. To overcome this limitation, you can use a resume builder or enlist the help of a resume writing service.

Resume Builder

A tool for creating resumes allows you to input your details into a template, resulting in an original appearance and layout with no design work. The top resume building tools also offer suggestions on enhancing your resume and tailoring it to match the specific job you are applying for.

While you are still responsible for writing the content, once it is written, you can quickly transfer that information into any other template with just a few simple clicks. Some of these services are free and many like to promote themselves as such, but most require a small payment to download your finished resume.

Professional Resume Writing Service

Professional resume writing services are expensive, but they offer the convenience of handling all the work for you. An experienced writer will gather relevant information about your background and transform it into a unique and engaging resume.

The process typically takes a few days, and the level of originality in the outcome largely relies on your choice of company and writer. However, we will not delve into these services further in this guide.

Are Resume Builders Worth It?

Definitely, without a doubt. An effective resume creator will guarantee that your CV is formatted correctly to navigate Applicant Tracking Systems and ultimately reach the hands of recruiters.

Is It Unprofessional to Use a Microsoft Word Resume Template?

Relying on a template will not set you apart, and there is a high likelihood that your application will be dismissed because your resume is identical to those of other job seekers.

Final Thoughts

Choosing the right resume builder is crucial in today’s competitive job market. Creating a professional and impactful resume that stands out from the crowd can significantly impact your job search. With the right tool, you can save time, improve your chances of landing an interview, and ultimately secure your dream job.

When selecting a resume builder, consider your specific needs and priorities. Look for features like customizable templates, industry-specific examples, and the ability to export your resume in different formats. Consider user reviews and ratings to ensure you choose a reputable and reliable platform.

Remember, an exceptional tool for crafting resumes should give you the power to present your skills, experience, and accomplishments effectively. It should simplify and expedite creating a resume without hassle. Investing in a reliable resume builder is investing in your professional future.

Therefore, explore the different options available for resume builders. Test out their free trials or demos and choose the best fit for your objectives. Our top recommendation is Super Star Resume . This meticulously designed resume can open doors to exciting career prospects and be a dependable companion on your journey toward success.

Ahad Waseem is a business, blockchain, and cybersecurity writer who often takes on art, politics, and economics too. As a linguistic engineer who writes to solve problems, he’s written for various tech and business publications. When he’s not writing, he’s probably on horseback, caring for his houseplants, or training Bonsai trees. He can be reached at [email protected] . McClatchy’s newsrooms were not involved in the creation of this content. We may earn a commission if you make a purchase through one of our links.

©2023 Miami Herald. Visit Distributed by Tribune Content Agency, LLC.



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  6. Create Resume in MS Word


  1. 195 Action Verbs to Make Your Resume Stand Out

    Using action verbs that are unique and powerful can increase your chances of capturing the attention of an employer and moving to the next step in the hiring process. Here's an example: Lacks strength and clarity: "Held weekly status meetings to share client updates.". Empowered and detailed: "Spearheaded weekly status meetings to ...

  2. 185+ Action Verbs to Make Your Resume Stand Out in 2024

    Action verbs convey doing —for example, "She walked to the door," or, "The dog chased the ball.". On your resume, action verbs show readers you accomplished something at your past jobs, you weren't just "responsible for" it. Instead you "streamlined" or "coordinated" or "executed" it. You got the job done and you ...

  3. 200+ Resume Action Verbs & Power Words for 2024

    CVs are often longer than resumes. With our CV maker, you can create a CV in the same amount of time. Monday to Friday, 8AM - 12AM (Midnight) and Saturdays and Sundays, 10AM - 6PM EDT (866) 215-9048. Resumes. Resumes . ... To add more action verbs to your resume, identify places where you used passive language such as "responsible for ...

  4. 300+ Powerful Resume Action Verbs (with Examples)

    Here's how you can substitute overused cliches with powerful resume action verbs: "Detail-oriented" - use an action verb from the "researched" category. "Team player" - use an action word from the "teamwork" section. "Thinks outside the box" (uurgh) - use an action verb from the "creativity" category. "Achieve ...

  5. 300+ Action Verbs for a Resume to Make It Stand Out

    Find over 300 action verbs for a resume to power boost your application. Replace worn-out "helped" and "managed" with powerful resume action words. Tools. Resume Builder Create a resume in 5 minutes. Get the job you want. ... See 20+ resume templates and create your resume here.

  6. 500+ Action Verbs to Make Your Resume Stand Out

    2. Resume Action Verbs for When You Managed a Team. Managing a team requires a delicate balance of leadership and cooperation. Use these management action verbs on your resume to bring your leadership and organization to life. Aligned. Coordinated. Delegated. Directed.

  7. 500 Action Verbs to Use on Your Resume Today

    Examples of action verbs include "run," "jump," "think," and "read.". A variety of action verbs can really spice up your resume and make it more interesting to read. The best place to use action verbs when you build your resume is in your work experience section. Start off your resume bullet points with action verbs.

  8. 340+ Resume Action Verbs & Power Words [For 2024]

    In this article, we have conveniently grouped 340+ action words to help you upgrade your resume descriptions: Resume Power Words for Team Work and Communication. Resume Action Words Management and Leadership Achievements. Resume Power Words to Showcase your Creativity. Resume Power Words for Problem Solving Accomplishments.

  9. 500+ Resume Action Verbs for 2024

    Here's how you can incorporate action verbs into the five different sections of your resume: 1. Professional summary or objective statement. In this section, you want to grab the attention of the hiring manager right away. Aim for two to three strong action verbs to start your resume summary or objective statement.

  10. 64 Action Verbs That Will Take Your Resume From Blah to Brilliant

    Show Who You Are. It's a good idea to include action verbs that showcase your personality. "Empowered speaks to your ability to give energy, authority, confidence and power to a group or a team to achieve a certain result," Raina says. "It suggests that you possess the confidence and the influence to be able to authorize and energize a team or group to have a powerful impact."

  11. 400+ Action Verbs for Resumes. Expert Guide and Top Examples

    Action verbs to describe accomplishments. When used to showcase your work achievements on your resume, verbs like "achieved," "implemented," "managed," "collaborated," "developed," "led," "resolved," "created" and "improved" help you to stand out to recruiters and hiring managers. Below you will find 50 ...

  12. 240+ Resume Action Verbs with Examples [2024]

    Here's an example of how to use action verbs for resume achievements: Previous Role: Sales Manager. Achievement: Increased sales revenue by 35% within six months. Action Verb: "Boosted". Boosted sales revenue by 35% within six months through targeted strategies and effective team management.

  13. Maximize Your Impact: 205 Action Verbs to Use on Your Resume

    Good, leverage that in your resume. Some positions require quick thinking and flexibility; action verbs can demonstrate that on your resume. These action verbs should give a potential employer a good idea of what you can handle. Action verbs relating to responsibilities. Forged.

  14. Resume Action Verbs for 2024

    Your resume's bullet points should start with strong action verbs. Action verbs, like "Created" or "Implemented", immediately tell a recruiter your involvement in your accomplishments. Strong, unique action verbs show hiring managers that you have held different roles and skill sets, and makes your resume more impactful.

  15. 250+ Resume Action Words & Power Verbs in 2023 [& Infographic]

    Resume power verbs are words that help grab the reader's attention by clearly communicating your skills and experience. It also improves the wattage of your bullet points and improves readability. Our 2023 Guide to Resume Words, focusing on Action Verbs Examples, will provide a detailed roadmap to shift your resume from 'oh well' to 'wow.'.

  16. 125 Easy Resume Action Verbs to Make Your Resume Better

    Use impactful action verbs like ""amplified,"" ""collaborated,"" and ""analyzed."". Incorporate them in the resume summary, work experience, skills, and achievements. Enhancv's examples can help you create a unique resume." Let's be honest - you probably didn't think much about your resume wording when writing it.

  17. Action Verbs For Resume: 24 Verbs That Will Get You The Job

    8 examples of resume action verbs in action. Advised: I advised customers on which spa package would best suit their needs. Resolved: I resolved any issues that guests had and ensured that they enjoyed their time with us. Inspired: I inspired my team members to speak up for their mental health needs.

  18. 300+ Resume Action Words to Help You Stand Out from the Rest

    The answer is by using resume action verbs. Example: . "Collaborated with 4 people in developing a new UX design project for ABC project." 💡 Pro tip: By changing "worked" to "collaborated" , you are using action verbs buzzwords in your resume to describe your experience more clearly to the recruiters.

  19. Action Verbs To Boost Your Résumé

    Writing a topnotch résumé is all about choosing the right words. Here's a comprehensive list of the most effective action verbs to include in your résumé.

  20. Resume action verbs

    Resume action verbs. Action verbs help bring your resume to life by painting a picture for the reviewer, and affirming your skills. Begin each bullet point statement or phrase with an action verb that points the reader to the skill you are trying to highlight.

  21. Resume Action Verbs

    Resume Action Verbs. Below, you'll find a list of resume action verbs to use when building your resume. Create a high impact resume by replacing dull terminology like 'was responsible for', or 'duties included' with any of the high impact options below: accomplished. achieved.

  22. Action Verbs to Use on Your Resume

    Action Verbs to Use on Your Resume. Recruiters often see the same action words on a resume - led, responsible for, managed. And quite frankly, they have lost their meaning when it comes to properly communicating your accomplishments. So, let's spruce up your resume with a few action verbs and phrases that will catch the recruiters eye.

  23. Best Resume Formats for 2024 [8+ Professional Examples]

    CVs are often longer than resumes. With our CV maker, you can create a CV in the same amount of time. Monday to Friday, 8AM - 12AM (Midnight) and Saturdays and Sundays, 10AM - 6PM EDT (866) 215-9048. ... Use past tense verbs to describe your achievements and duties in the role if you don't work here anymore; Educational Background. Degree ...

  24. How To Make A Resume (With Free Template)

    Choose 1.0 or 1.5 inch line spacing. Set margins to 1 inch on all sides. Save your résumé as a PDF or Docx, using your full name and sometimes the job title as the file name. Adhere to the ...

  25. Resume

    Study this sample resume and explore the dropdowns below to learn how to craft a quality resume. ... Keep in mind that you likely will not be hired to create that exact app again, but you will be called upon to use those hard and soft skills again. ... Start with a strong action verb. Try not to repeat the same verb. Be specific—you want the ...

  26. Free and Premium Microsoft Word Resume Templates for 2024

    5 Tips for your Microsoft Word resume. 1. Make sure your formatting is consistent. The easy way to check your Word template resume layout is to display all the formatting marks for your resume. Just go to the "home" tab of your Microsoft Word screen and click the paragraph icon. Now you'll see how tabs, spaces and paragraph returns are ...

  27. Property Manager Resume Examples and Templates for 2024

    Build Your Resume. Resume Builder offers free, HR-approved resume templates to help you create a professional resume in minutes. Start Building. 1. Summarize your property manager qualifications in a dynamic profile. A resume profile serves as a concise overview of your qualifications, expertise, and career aspirations.

  28. 10 Best Resume Builders to Create A Great Resume

    Premium Package: $299 (or $27/mo) >> Use ZipJob to Secure Your Dream Job. Resumeble - Best Resume Builder With Custom Bundles. Star Rating: 4.3/5. Resumeble. is a highly efficient and user ...