25 Essay Topics for American Government Classes

Writing Ideas That Will Make Students Think

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If you are a teacher searching for essay topics to assign to your U.S. government or civics class or looking for ideas, do not fret. It is easy to integrate debates and discussions into the classroom environment. These topic suggestions provide a wealth of ideas for written assignments such as  position papers , compare-and-contrast essays , and  argumentative essays . Scan the following 25 question topics and ideas to find just the right one. You'll soon be reading interesting papers from your students after they grapple with these challenging and important issues.

  • Compare and contrast what is a direct democracy versus representative democracy. 
  • React to the following statement: Democratic decision-making should be extended to all areas of life including schools, the workplace, and the government. 
  • Compare and contrast the Virginia and New Jersey plans. Explain how these led to the Great Compromise .
  • Pick one thing about the U.S. Constitution including its amendments that you think should be changed. What modifications would you make? Explain your reasons for making this change.
  • What did Thomas Jefferson mean when he said, "The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants?" Do you think that this statement still applies to today's world? 
  • Compare and contrast mandates and conditions of aid regarding the federal government's relationship with states. For example, how has the Federal Emergency Management Agency delivered support to states and commonwealths that have experienced natural disasters?
  • Should individual states have more or less power compared to the federal government when implementing laws dealing with topics such as the legalization of marijuana  and abortion ? 
  • Outline a program that would get more people to vote in presidential elections or local elections.
  • What are the dangers of gerrymandering when it comes to voting and presidential elections?
  • Compare and contrast the major political parties in the United States. What policies are they preparing for upcoming elections?
  • Why would voters choose to vote for a third party, even though they know that their candidate has virtually no chance of winning? 
  • Describe the major sources of money that are donated to political campaigns. Check out the Federal Election Regulatory Commission's website for information.
  • Should corporations be treated as individuals regarding being allowed to donate to political campaigns?  Look at the 2010 Citizens United v. FEC ruling on the issue. Defend your answer. 
  • Explain the role of social media in connecting interest groups that have grown stronger as the major political parties have grown weaker. 
  • Explain why the media has been called the fourth branch of government. Include your opinion on whether this is an accurate portrayal.
  • Compare and contrast the campaigns of U.S. Senate and House of Representatives candidates.
  • Should term limits be instituted for members of Congress? Explain your answer.
  • Should members of Congress vote their conscience or follow the will of the people who elected them into office? Explain your answer.
  • Explain how executive orders have been used by presidents throughout the history of the U.S. What is the number of executive orders issued by the current president?
  • In your opinion, which of the three branches of the federal government has the most power? Defend your answer.
  • Which of the rights guaranteed by the First Amendment do you consider the most important? Explain your answer. 
  • Should a school be required to get a warrant before searching a student's property? Defend your answer. 
  • Why did the Equal Rights Amendment fail? What kind of campaign could be run to see it passed?
  • Explain how the 14th Amendment has affected civil liberties in the United States from the time of its passage at the end of the Civil War.
  • Do you think that the federal government has enough, too much or just the right amount of power? Defend your answer.
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332 American Government Essay Topics & Research Ideas

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  • Icon Calendar 18 May 2024
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American Government essay topics present a comprehensive spectrum for exploration, each varying in depth and complexity. Some themes may include the functionality of constitutional democracy in the United States (U.S.), the examination of civil liberties and rights, or the intricacies of the federal system. Students may delve into the analysis of influential Supreme Court decisions, the evolving role of the Presidency, or the workings of Congressional lawmaking. Contemporary subjects, like campaign finance reform, immigration policy, or the impact of media on political discourse, are also important. Unraveling the politics of environmental policy or the checks and balances system’s practicality offers bright themes. In turn, investigating the role of lobbyists and interest groups or dissecting the dynamics of public opinion and voting behavior can give intriguing insights. Thus, American government essay topics not only foster a deeper understanding of the nation’s political landscape but also stimulate critical thinking and analytical skills.

Top Government Essay Topics

  • Privatization of Public Services: Merits and Criticisms
  • Freedom of Information Laws: Transparency and Accountability in Government
  • Understanding E-Governance: Potential and Pitfalls
  • Interrogating Federalism: Power Dynamics in Multi-Tier Governments
  • Political Polarization and Governance: A Detailed Analysis
  • Digital Surveillance: Privacy Concerns and State Interests
  • Immigration Policies: Comparative Analysis of Different Governments
  • Climate Change Policies: Effectiveness and Implementation Challenges
  • Political Accountability in the Age of Social Media
  • Public Health and Governance: Lessons From Pandemics
  • Decentralization in Government: A Thorough Examination
  • State Autonomy vs. Federal Overreach: Tensions and Resolutions
  • Analyzing the Concept of Sovereignty in the 21st Century
  • Justice System Reforms: Understanding the Need and Potential Approaches
  • Social Welfare Programs: Effectiveness and Public Reception
  • Education Policy and Governance: Ensuring Equal Opportunities
  • Tensions Between Civil Liberties and National Security
  • Emergency Powers: Necessary Tool or Slippery Slope to Authoritarianism
  • Campaign Finance Reforms: Balancing Transparency and Political Freedom
  • Understanding the Separation of Powers: Checks and Balances in Action

American Government Essay Topics & Research Ideas

Easy Government Essay Topics

  • Understanding Democracy: Basic Concepts and Principles
  • Different Types of Government: A Comparative Study
  • Voting Systems: Pros and Cons of First-Past-the-Post
  • Government’s Part in Economic Development: An Overview
  • Public Health: Government’s Responsibilities and Duties
  • Rights and Responsibilities of Citizens: A Closer Look
  • Elections: Understanding the Electoral College System
  • Why Do We Need a Constitution? An Elementary Explanation
  • Importance of Civic Education in a Democracy
  • Federal vs. State Powers: An Introduction
  • Social Security: Functions and Challenges
  • Government Regulation of Media: Freedom vs. Responsibility
  • Public Transportation and Government’s Involvement: An Overview
  • Differences Between Presidential and Parliamentary Systems of Government
  • Local Governments: Responsibilities and Functions
  • Citizen Participation in Government: Why Does It Matter?
  • Understanding Public Policy: A Basic Analysis
  • Freedom of Speech: Government and Constitutional Protection
  • National Security and Individual Privacy: Striking a Balance

Interesting Government Essay Topics

  • Privatization vs. Public Ownership: Theoretical Considerations
  • Decentralization of Power: Unraveling Its Implications
  • State Surveillance: Dilemma of Privacy vs. Security
  • National Debts: Examining Their Economic and Political Effects
  • Monarchies in the 21st Century: An Analytical Perspective
  • Cryptocurrency Regulation: Assessing Different Government Approaches
  • Digital Governance: Opportunities and Pitfalls
  • Constitutional Interpretation: Originalism vs. Living Constitution Theory
  • Understanding Federalism: A Comparative Analysis
  • Emerging Role of Artificial Intelligence in Governance
  • Climate Change Policy: National vs. International Responsibilities
  • Democracy and Technology: Influence of Social Media on Governance
  • Public Administration Reforms: Lessons From Around the World
  • Immigration Policy: Factors Influencing Government Decisions
  • Separation of Powers: An Inquiry Into Its Real-World Implications
  • Fiscal Policy during Recessions: Strategies and Outcomes
  • Authoritarian Regimes in a Digital Age: Unpacking the Complexities
  • Intelligence Agencies: Examining Oversight and Control Mechanisms
  • Social Equity and Government Policy: Challenges and Opportunities
  • Political Dynasties: Assessing Their Influence on Democratic Governance

U.S. Government Research Paper Topics for College

  • Gun Control Policies: Analyzing the Effectiveness in the U.S.
  • Unraveling the Complexity of U.S. Immigration Reform
  • Affordable Care Act: A Comprehensive Analysis Post Implementation
  • Effects of Social Media on the U.S. Electoral Process
  • Campaign Finance Laws in the United States: A Closer Look
  • Government Shutdowns: Causes and Consequences in the U.S.
  • Federalism in the United States: Changing Dynamics
  • Dissecting the Patriot Act: Implications for Civil Liberties
  • Constitutional Rights and Digital Privacy: An American Perspective
  • Polarization in American Politics: Causes and Effects
  • U.S. Tax Reform: An Analysis of Recent Changes
  • Influence of Lobbying on Law-Making in the United States
  • Supreme Court Appointments: Politics and Consequences
  • Federal Reserve’s Monetary Policy: A Comprehensive Review
  • Investigating the Role of Super PACs in U.S. Elections
  • American Infrastructure Spending: Assessing Need and Impact
  • Analyzing the U.S. Response to Climate Change
  • Understanding the U.S. Electoral College: Pros and Cons
  • U.S. Drug Policy: Lessons Learned From the War on Drugs

U.S. Government Research Paper Topics for University

  • Native American Treaties and U.S. Government: A Detailed Study
  • Rise of Partisanship: An Exploration Into U.S. Politics
  • Education Policy in the United States: A Critical Assessment
  • American Antitrust Legislation: A Review and Analysis
  • U.S. Military Strategy in the Post-Cold War Era: A Comprehensive Study
  • Housing Policy and Inequality in the United States: A Detailed Examination
  • U.S. Trade Agreements: Analyzing Their Success and Failures
  • Unfolding American Diplomacy in the Asia-Pacific Region: An In-Depth Review
  • Citizens United Decision: An Analysis of Its Implications on U.S. Elections
  • Racial Profiling and Law Enforcement in the U.S.: A Study on Systemic Bias
  • Space Exploration Policies of the U.S.: A Comprehensive Overview
  • Gerrymandering in the United States: Analyzing Its Impacts on Representation
  • Public Health Policy in the U.S.: Lessons From the Covid-19 Pandemic
  • Women in U.S. Politics: A Study on Representation and Influence
  • Privatization in the U.S.: A Critical Analysis of Its Effects on Public Services
  • U.S. Welfare Policy: An Evaluation of Its Efficacy and Inclusivity
  • Privacy Rights in the U.S.: Analyzing the Balance Between Security and Liberty
  • Minimum Wage Policies in the United States: A Comparative Study
  • U.S. Energy Policy: A Study of Transition towards Renewable Resources
  • Cybersecurity in the U.S.: Analyzing Government’s Role in Protecting National Infrastructure

American Government and Foreign Policy Essay Topics

  • Middle East Policies: A Review of U.S. Strategy and Diplomacy
  • Democratization and American Foreign Policy: A Critical Examination
  • China-U.S. Relations: A Study of Economic and Security Dilemmas
  • American Strategy in Containing North Korea’s Nuclear Ambition
  • Shifts in U.S.-Russia Relations: Post-Cold War Analysis
  • Climate Change and American Foreign Policy: An In-Depth Study
  • Human Rights in American Foreign Policy: Case Studies From the 21st Century
  • Evaluating U.S. Intervention in Afghanistan: A Retrospective Study
  • Cyber Warfare and U.S. Foreign Policy: Exploring Strategies and Consequences
  • U.S. and NATO: Analyzing the Changing Dynamics of Transatlantic Alliance
  • Latin America in U.S. Foreign Policy: A Historical Analysis
  • American Policy in the Indo-Pacific: Security, Diplomacy, and Economics
  • U.S. Foreign Aid: Analysis of Trends and Effectiveness
  • Arms Control and American Foreign Policy: A Review of Key Agreements
  • U.S.-EU Relations: Trade, Security, and Diplomatic Perspectives
  • American Policy Towards Israel and Palestine: A Critical Evaluation
  • The Iran Nuclear Deal and U.S. Foreign Policy: A Comprehensive Study
  • Global Health and American Foreign Policy: Priorities and Challenges
  • Climate Diplomacy in U.S. Foreign Policy: A Study of the Paris Agreement

American Government and Media Essay Topics

  • Media Influence on Presidential Elections: A Case Study
  • Influence of Media in Shaping Public Policy: An Analysis
  • The First Amendment: Press Freedom and Its Limits
  • Media Portrayal of U.S. Foreign Policy: A Critical Examination
  • Partisan Media and Polarization in American Politics: An Exploratory Study
  • Fake News and Its Influence on American Political Discourse
  • Public Broadcasting in America: A Historical Analysis
  • Digital Media and American Politics: Understanding the Shift
  • Social Media’s Influence on Political Mobilization: Case Studies From the U.S.
  • Media Bias in Coverage of Gun Control: A Comparative Study
  • Media Framing of Immigration Policies in the U.S.: A Discourse Analysis
  • Network News and Its Influence on Public Perception of the Presidency
  • The Power of Political Cartoons in Shaping Public Opinion
  • Censorship and Self-Censorship in American Media: A Comprehensive Study
  • Media Coverage of the Supreme Court: A Critical Review
  • Cable News and Polarization in U.S. Politics: A Longitudinal Study
  • The Role of Satirical News in American Political Discourse
  • Media and Public Perception of Climate Change Policies in America
  • Traditional Media vs. Social Media in U.S. Political Campaigns: A Comparative Analysis

American Political Parties and Elections Topics

  • Campaign Strategies in Modern American Elections: An Analysis
  • Transformative Elections in American History: Case Studies
  • Minor Political Parties in U.S. Electoral Politics: A Comparative Study
  • Influence of Lobbying on Election Outcomes: An Empirical Investigation
  • How Gerrymandering Shapes American Politics: A Comprehensive Review
  • American Presidential Primaries: A Historical Examination
  • The Electoral College: An Evaluation of Its Efficacy in Modern U.S. Politics
  • American Politics and the Issue of Voter Suppression: A Critical Study
  • Dynamics of Swing States in U.S. Presidential Elections: An In-Depth Analysis
  • Candidate Image Crafting in American Elections: A Semiotic Analysis
  • Polarization and Its Effect on American Elections: An Empirical Investigation
  • Public Financing in American Elections: A Comparative Study
  • Third-Party Candidates and Their Influence on U.S. Elections: An Exploratory Study
  • American Midterm Elections and Their Effect on Presidential Governance: An Analysis
  • Effects of Negative Campaigning in U.S. Elections: A Quantitative Study
  • Dynamics of Coalition Building in American Political Parties: A Case Study
  • Presidential Debates and Their Influence on Election Outcomes: An Empirical Investigation
  • Changes in Electoral Behavior in the American South: A Longitudinal Study
  • The Effect of Voter Turnout on Election Results: A Statistical Analysis
  • The Future of American Elections: Predicting Trends in the Digital Age

Government Research Paper Topics About the Executive Arm

  • Presidential Decision-Making in Times of Crisis: A Comparative Analysis
  • Foreign Policy Execution and the American President: A Critical Study
  • Cabinet Appointments and Policy Outcomes: An Empirical Investigation
  • Transformations in the Executive Office: A Historical Review
  • Executive Orders: A Quantitative Analysis of Their Use and Effectiveness
  • Exercise of Veto Power: A Comparative Study Across Presidential Administrations
  • War Powers and the U.S. Presidency: A Constitutional Analysis
  • American Presidency and the Pardon Power: A Legal Examination
  • Executive Privilege: Its Use and Misuse in American Politics
  • Presidential Succession and Continuity of Government: A Policy Analysis
  • Dynamics of Executive-Legislative Relations: An Interdisciplinary Study
  • The Vice Presidency: Evolution and Influence in Modern American Politics
  • Presidential Campaigns: Financing and Its Influence on Policy Outcomes
  • National Emergency Declarations and Presidential Power: A Constitutional Study
  • The Power of Persuasion: Rhetoric and the American Presidency
  • The Cabinet’s Influence on Presidential Decision-Making: A Qualitative Study
  • Presidential Nominations and the Confirmation Process: A Policy Analysis
  • Environmental Policy-Making in the Executive Branch: A Historical Review
  • Immigration Policy Execution and Presidential Discretion: A Comparative Analysis
  • National Security and the Use of Executive Power: A Critical Investigation

Legislative Branch of Government Essay Topics in American Politics

  • Committee Power in the U.S. Congress: A Quantitative Study
  • Bicameralism and Its Influence on Legislation: A Comparative Analysis
  • Parliamentary Procedure and Democratic Governance: A Policy Review
  • Policy-Making Dynamics in the Senate: A Historical Review
  • Congressional Oversight and Its Effect on Executive Power: A Qualitative Study
  • Gridlock in Congress: Causes, Consequences, and Solutions
  • House Rules Committee and Its Influence on Legislation: An Empirical Investigation
  • Legislative Agendas: Partisanship and Its Effects on Lawmaking
  • Lobbying and Influence in the Lawmaking Process: A Critical Analysis
  • Congressional Elections: Campaign Financing and Electoral Outcomes
  • Redistricting and Its Effect on the Balance of Power in Congress: A Quantitative Analysis
  • Filibuster and Its Impact on Legislative Efficiency: A Policy Analysis
  • Political Polarization in the House of Representatives: A Comparative Study
  • Congressional Ethics and Conduct: A Legal Examination
  • Minority Representation in the U.S. Congress: A Quantitative Analysis
  • Leadership Dynamics in Congress: A Historical Review
  • Term Limits and Legislative Productivity: An Empirical Investigation
  • Congressional Budgeting Process: A Critical Examination
  • Lawmaking and the Influence of Interest Groups: A Comparative Analysis
  • Checks and Balances: The Role of Congress in National Security Policy-Making

Political Behavior and American Government Essay Topics

  • Identity Politics and Policy Preferences in American Government
  • Shifts in American Political Behavior: Historical Analysis
  • Public Opinion, Ideology, and Policy Change in U.S. Politics
  • Media Consumption and Its Influence on Political Preferences
  • Digital Democracy: How the Internet Has Transformed Political Participation
  • Voting Behavior and Electoral Outcomes: An Empirical Examination
  • Effects of Civic Education on Political Engagement: A Comparative Study
  • Partisan Realignment and Its Consequences for American Politics
  • Dynamics of Political Polarization in Contemporary America
  • Political Trust and Its Relationship With Government Performance
  • Cultural Factors and Their Influence on Political Attitudes
  • Citizen Engagement and Its Relationship With Political Accountability
  • Exploring the Nexus Between Socioeconomic Status and Political Behavior
  • Environmental Concerns and Their Influence on Voting Behavior
  • Political Socialization and Its Impact on Political Affiliation
  • Understanding Populism in the Context of American Politics
  • Racial Politics and Its Effect on the American Government
  • Religious Beliefs and Their Influence on Political Behavior
  • Public Opinion and Foreign Policy: A Historical Analysis

Political Theory and American Government Essay Topics

  • Applying Rawlsian Justice to American Policy Making
  • Hobbes and the Foundation of American Political Structure
  • Lockean Ideals in the American Declaration of Independence
  • Exploring the Influence of Machiavellian Theory on U.S. Politics
  • Marxist Interpretations of American Economic Policies
  • Application of Communitarianism in U.S. Social Welfare Policies
  • Classical Republicanism and Its Echoes in American Government
  • Neo-Conservatism and Its Theoretical Foundations in U.S. Politics
  • Postmodern Perspectives on American Democracy
  • Utilitarianism and Its Reflection on American Economic Policies
  • Feminist Political Theory and Its Relevance in U.S. Politics
  • Concepts of Liberty in American Political Discourse: A Theoretical Analysis
  • Civil Disobedience: From Thoreau to Modern American Protests
  • Pluralism and Interest Group Politics in America
  • Exploring Libertarianism in the Context of U.S. Government Policies
  • Populism as a Political Theory: Reflections in American Politics
  • Deliberative Democracy in Practice: U.S. Town Hall Meetings
  • Contractualism and the American Constitution: A Theoretical Analysis
  • Understanding Identity Politics through the Lens of Queer Theory in the U.S.
  • Anarchist Theories and Their Relevance to American Political Movements

Public Policy and Administration Topics

  • Understanding Policy Feedback and Its Implications on Program Sustainability
  • Public Administration Reforms: Comparative Analysis of Best Practices
  • Fiscal Federalism and Public Policy Making in Decentralized Systems
  • Emergent Public Policy Challenges in Cybersecurity
  • Public Administration and Crisis Management: Lessons From the COVID-19 Pandemic
  • Public Policy Responses to Technological Disruption
  • Transparency, Accountability, and Ethics in Public Administration
  • Policy Diffusion in Intergovernmental Relations: Patterns and Challenges
  • Incorporating Behavioral Insights Into Public Policy Design
  • Interrogating the Influence of Lobbying on Public Policy
  • Urban Planning Policies and Sustainable Development Goals
  • Gender Mainstreaming Strategies in Public Policy and Administration
  • Public Administration’s Adaptation to Digital Transformation
  • Healthcare Policy Reforms: Balancing Efficiency and Equity
  • Exploring the Nexus of Public Policy and Social Justice
  • Multiculturalism in Public Policy: Incorporating Diversity in Service Delivery
  • Trade Policy Negotiations and National Interests: A Diplomatic Tightrope
  • Fostering Innovation and Creativity through Education Policies
  • Public Policy Making in the Age of Artificial Intelligence: Opportunities and Challenges

Questions About the American Government

  • American Government System: Why Does It Operate on a Two-Party Structure?
  • Supreme Court Appointments: How Do They Influence the Balance of Power?
  • Understanding the Bill of Rights: Which Amendments Have Provoked the Most Controversy?
  • Federalism in America: How Does It Affect State Policies?
  • Impeachment Process in the United States: What Are the Criteria and Consequences?
  • Why Does the United States Employ an Electoral College in Presidential Elections?
  • American Government and Lobbying: Is There a Need for Stricter Regulations?
  • Deciphering the Role of Super PACs in American Politics: Are They a Necessity?
  • How Does Gerrymandering Influence Political Representation in America?
  • Citizens United Decision: What Are Its Implications on American Democracy?
  • Understanding the Powers and Limitations of the American Presidency: Is It Truly a Democratic Office?
  • How Does the American Constitution Protect Individual Rights?
  • Campaign Finance in American Elections: How Does It Affect Political Outcomes?
  • Functioning of the American Legislative Branch: What Makes It Efficient?
  • Why Do Executive Orders Play a Vital Part in the Functioning of the American Government?
  • Effect of Gridlock in Congress on American Policy Making: Is It Detrimental?
  • How Does Public Opinion Influence Government Decision-Making in the United States?
  • Influence of Interest Groups on American Government: Boon or Bane?
  • Bicameral Legislature in America: What Are Its Rationale and Significance?

State and Local Government Essay Topics in the American System

  • Decentralization Dynamics: A Study of Power Shifts in State and Local Governments
  • Strategizing Municipal Finance: Effective Revenue Generation Models
  • State Sovereignty vs. Federal Guidelines: An Examination of Conflict and Cooperation
  • Examining the Efficacy of Participatory Budgeting in Local Government
  • Local Governments and Environmental Sustainability: Policy Design and Implementation
  • Diversity in Local Government Leadership: A Comprehensive Analysis
  • Education Policy Formulation at the State Level: A Comparative Study
  • Municipal Bond Market: Understanding Its Function in Infrastructure Development
  • Public Health Management at the State Level: Lessons From Pandemic Response
  • Understanding Land Use Policy: A Perspective From Local Governments
  • Fiscal Decentralization: Its Effect on State and Local Economic Development
  • Urban Planning and Local Governments: A Critical Analysis of Current Practices
  • Evaluating the Effectiveness of State Governments in Disaster Management
  • State Government Pension Systems: An Analytical Review of Their Sustainability
  • Public Transportation Policy: A Case Study of State-Level Initiatives
  • Revenue Sharing Between States and Localities: An Assessment of Current Mechanisms
  • Local Government and Community Engagement: Strategies for Effective Citizen Participation
  • Accountability Measures in State Government: An Investigation of Transparency Practices
  • Public-Private Partnerships in Local Government: A Review of Best Practices
  • Challenges and Solutions in State-Level Cybersecurity Policy Implementation

The Constitution and Bill of Rights Topics

  • Interpreting Freedom: First Amendment Controversies in the Digital Age
  • Second Amendment Debates: Understanding the Constitution and Gun Control
  • Protection vs. Privacy: The Fourth Amendment in an Era of Technology
  • The Eighth Amendment: Contemporary Challenges in the Context of Criminal Justice
  • Dilemmas of Due Process: A Critical Examination of the Fifth Amendment
  • Origins and Applications: A Deep Dive Into the Tenth Amendment
  • Historical Analysis of Constitutional Amendments: Understanding Their Significance
  • Cultural Shifts and Constitutional Interpretation: Exploring the Changing Landscape
  • Examining the Thirteenth Amendment: The Legacy of Abolition and Modern-Day Implications
  • Constitutional Equality: The Unratified Equal Rights Amendment
  • The Nineteenth Amendment and Beyond: Women’s Suffrage and Contemporary Gender Politics
  • Voting Rights: The Twenty-Sixth Amendment and Current Debates on Age and Citizenship
  • The Jurisprudence of the Supreme Court: Notable Cases Interpreting the Bill of Rights
  • Constitutional Debates and Democracy: Analyzing the Balance of Powers
  • Influence of International Law on Constitutional Interpretation
  • How the Bill of Rights Influences Modern Social Movements
  • The Constitution and Indigenous Rights: Historical Context and Present Implications
  • Reevaluating the Commerce Clause: A Critical Exploration in the Context of Globalization
  • Constitutional Perspectives on Data Privacy and Protection

The Judicial Branch of Government Essay Topics in American Politics

  • Deciphering Judicial Independence: Origins, Challenges, and Prospects
  • Understanding the Supreme Court: Composition, Function, and Influence
  • Appointment Controversies: Analyzing the Supreme Court Nominations
  • Federal Courts and Politics: An Examination of Judicial Decision-Making
  • Checks and Balances: The Judiciary and the Executive Power
  • Courts as Policy Makers: Exploring Activism Within the Judicial Branch
  • The Art of Interpretation: Statutory Construction in the Supreme Court
  • From Marbury to Modernity: The Evolution of Judicial Review
  • Exploring Sentencing Disparities: An Examination of Federal Courts
  • Diversity in the Judiciary: Assessing Representation in Federal Courts
  • Law, Order, and Ethics: A Critical Analysis of Judicial Conduct
  • Public Perception and Confidence in the Judicial Branch
  • Case Precedent and Legal Stability: The Doctrine of Stare Decisis
  • Securing Justice: The Role of Federal Public Defenders
  • Judicial Power in the Context of Constitutional Crises
  • Assessing the Effectiveness of Specialized Courts: A Comparative Study
  • Judicial Restraint and Activism: Ideology in Supreme Court Rulings
  • The Federal Judiciary and Civil Liberties: Trends and Implications
  • Administrative Law and Federal Courts: A Study in Regulatory Litigation
  • International Law in U.S. Courts: Application and Controversy

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122 american government research paper topics for you.

American Government Research Paper Topics

American government research paper topics lie under the political science category in schools, universities, and colleges. Many educators ask learners to write about these topics when pursuing political studies.

But, writing about these ideas is not an easy task due to the dynamic nature of politics. Ideally, political tides keep shifting every day. However, students should write about fresh and original ideas to impress their educators and earn top grades.

American Government Research Paper Outline

After picking a topic and researching it, a learner should write a paper with the following sections.

  • Introduction: This section should introduce your topic to the readers and briefly tell the readers what you’ll be discussing in the paper. It should also have your thesis statement or problem statement.
  • Literature review: Here, your paper should highlight relevant studies relating to your topics. Include information about past studies that you have used to research your title.
  • Methodology: This section should tell readers about your research methods and how you analyzed information about your topic.
  • Findings: Tell readers about your research findings in this section. You can describe and evaluate the results.
  • Conclusion: Summarize everything and tell the audience how your findings support your thesis statement. Also, recommend or suggest further studies on the topic if necessary.

Selecting interesting American government paper topics is perhaps, the essential thing when working on this assignment. That’s because you will spend a lot of time gathering and analyzing information. If you pick a dull topic, you won’t enjoy working on your paper. Here are exciting issues to consider when writing a piece about the American government.

Exciting American Government Topics

If the educator didn’t assign you topics for your American government essays, pick titles that you will find exciting to work with from the beginning to the end. Here are exciting ideas to consider for your papers.

  • Does the federal government have too much, enough, or the right power amount?
  • Effects of the 14th Amendment on the United States’ civil liberties
  • Why the Equal Rights Amendment failed
  • Direct democracy vs. representative democracy
  • Should the law extend democratic decision-making to the government, workplace, and school?
  • How New Jersey and Virginia plans led to the Great Compromise
  • What should the U.S. constitution change about the government?
  • States versus the federal government- Which deserve more power?
  • Which programs can compel more people to participate in local and presidential elections?
  • Is gerrymandering dangerous to presidential elections and voting?
  • A comparison of the United States’ political parties- What are their election policies?
  • Should the government require schools to secure a warrant for searching students’ properties?
  • Does the First Amendment provide the fundamental right?
  • Which branch in the federal government wields the most power?
  • How presidents have used the executive orders in the U.S. history
  • How many executive orders has the current President issued?
  • Should congress members vote by following the people’s will or their conscience?
  • Should the congress members have term limits?
  • A comparison of the House of Representatives and the U.S. Senate
  • Why do some people call the media the 4th branch of government?
  • How social media has strengthened political parties in the U.S.
  • What are the primary sources of funds for political campaigns in the U.S?

These are compelling topics that will captivate your professor or teacher to read your paper. Nevertheless, research your idea extensively to develop a winning essay.

Legislative Branch of Government Topics

Perhaps, you’re interested in a topic about the legislature. In that case, this category comprises topics you’ll find fascinating to work on from the beginning to the end.

  • The role of advocates, opponents, and experts in the rejection or passage of a bill
  • Why does the number of subcommittees and committees matter?
  • Describe the legislative process that the Senate follows
  • Why does the decisive vote by the Vice President matter to the Senate?
  • The 17th Amendment ratification in 1913
  • Why representatives should elect their house speaker
  • The essence of the 25th Amendment to the legislature and the house
  • How effective is the Senate in committee hearings and inquiries
  • Why the Congress should have powers to remove a seating President
  • Passing a bill- What is the origin of the two-third majority rule?
  • The importance of the Senate in approving presidential appointments
  • Why does the 25-year age limit matter when vying?
  • Why house representatives should sever for over two terms
  • The essence of the census in determining the representatives’ number
  • A critical evaluation of the Senate and House of Representatives
  • Is the American legislature an accurate reflection of women’s representation?
  • Is the United States Congress adequately constituted?

Consider these ideas and then explore them through research to develop informative papers. Aim to provide relevant and valuable information through your essay to impress the educator.

U.S. Government Research Paper Topics for College & University Students

Perhaps, you’re in college or university, and you need a topic for your research paper. In that case, consider the following titles for your essays.

  • How reliable are presidential election polls?
  • American government’s public relations and their essence in its success
  • Clinton and Bush war doctrines
  • What is the U.S. government’s stance on immigration?
  • Why the 2008 U.S. Presidential election was a biased female politician’s depiction in the mass media
  • How the constitution balances power between the government branches
  • How the U.S. government influence the American democracy
  • How the government’s bureaucratic processes influence modern America
  • How the U.S. government’s foreign policies affect the European politics
  • The government’s role in fighting against terrorism
  • How political scandals affect the U.S. government
  • How divisions in the U.S. government affect its functioning
  • Foreign policy by the U.S. government- Guns or words?
  • The U.S. government and church interconnections- How do they influence society morals?
  • The U.S. government policy on speech freedom in modern society
  • Should direct voting replace the Electoral College system?
  • The pros and cons of the U.S. government policy on marijuana legalization
  • The U.S. government censorship- Should citizens watch whatever they want?
  • An empiric study of money distribution by the U.S. government
  • What is the U.S. government’s policy on outsourcing?
  • Describe the U.S. government’s policies about the web
  • Does the U.S. government have a religious aspect?
  • What are the issues facing the Federal government in the U.S.?
  • How the U.S. government policies affect social inequality
  • The U.S. government’s main principles and their implementation during the XXI century

Some of the topics in this category require high-level research to produce quality papers. Nevertheless, you can write a good essay if you take the time to research your preferred idea.

Government Research Paper Topics about the Executive Arm

Maybe you’re interested in the executive arm of the U.S. government. In that case, explore these topics about this branch of the U.S. government.

  • Why the Department of Defense is the most significant arm of the U.S. government
  • Does the committee have the correct number of departments to meet the U.S. people’s needs?
  • Why is the cabinet comprised of the closest confidants of the President?
  • Is it right for the U.S. president to select the cabinet members alone?
  • Why the White House Chief of Staff has to be the closest adviser of the President?
  • Why do Vice Presidents have a unique approach to their role?
  • What is the national relevance of the President’s Oval Office?
  • Is it necessary for the First Family and the President to live in the White House?
  • Is the congressional delegation during the electoral vote a representation of the people’s will?
  • What is the meaning of the State of the Union Address for a President?
  • What are the President’s powers?
  • Explain how the federal government administers and enforces federal laws
  • Does the President have the ability to appoint independent national commissions heads?
  • How the Congress affects overwriting a President’s veto
  • Should the constitution allow the President unlimited powers to extend amnesties and pardons for federal crimes?
  • Advantages and disadvantages of the Affordable Care Act by President Obama

Most research paper topics in this category revolve around the cabinet, vice president, and President. Nevertheless, they can be the basis of good academic papers.

Politics Topics to Write about in High School

If looking for political topics for high school, this section has the best ideas for you.

  • Is it right or wrong for the U.S government to monitor the public?
  • Government incentives and globalization
  • Government aid and U.S. airways
  • What is the difference between a parliamentary government and a presidential government?
  • Should the U.S. government regulate the internet?
  • How religion affects the U.S. government
  • Business and government relations
  • Does the government control equality?
  • Influence of government policies on wealth and income distribution
  • Local and state government accounting
  • What is the role of government in the market economy?
  • Does the constitution give citizens obligations and duties to the U.S. government?
  • What are the principles of the United States government?
  • Does the U.S. government control the media?
  • Issues facing the U.S. federal government

These are exciting topics in American politics and the government for high school students. Nevertheless, learners should research their topics extensively to write quality papers.

Questions about American Government

Perhaps, you’re looking for questions you can answer in your paper about the American government. In that case, here are brilliant ideas to consider.

  • Between representative and direct democracy, which is the best option for Americans?
  • What can convince more people to participate in the U.S. election?
  • Between the federal and the state government, which is the most powerful and why?
  • Who funds political campaigns in the U.S.?
  • Is the media the fourth U.S. government branch?
  • Do Congress members follow their voters’ will?
  • How do the U.S. presidents use their executive privileges?
  • Why are presidential election polls unreliable?
  • Does the U.S. federal government have excess power?
  • What led to the failure of the Equal Rightnecessarynt in the Senate?
  • Why is the U.S First Amendment so important to Americans’ human rights?
  • Is reducing the federal budget deficit important?
  • Has the U.S. government contributed to citizens’ inequality?
  • How does religion affect the U.S. government and citizens?
  • What are the effects of the ruling party on the U.S. government?
  • What is the U.S. government’s role in the American economy?

These questions can be the basis of excellent American government research topics. Nevertheless, research your preferred idea to develop a winning paper.

Public Policy Research Paper Topics

Perhaps, you want to write about a topic that touches on the public interest. In that case, consider the ideas in this category.

  • Should the U.S. government legalize marijuana?
  • Should the U.S. government change the public healthcare policy?
  • Should the government ban alcohol commercials from television?
  • Should state governments tackle the high divorce rate?
  • Ways for the U.S. government to address the gun ownership issue?
  • Does the U.S. government infringe on the citizens’ privacy through public surveillance?
  • Should the U.S. government regulate university and college education fees?
  • How does the U.S. government benefit from the high number of people completing higher education?
  • Should the U.S. government require immigrants to learn the national language?
  • Should the U.S. government make vaccines compulsory?

Writing an American research paper can be fun if you pick the right topic. Therefore, take your time to identify the best issues to write about, and you will earn the top grades in your class.

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Top 100 American Government Essay Topics for Students

Sep 3, 2021 | 0 comments

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Sep 3, 2021 | Topics | 0 comments

Students who want to enjoy civics need to develop an interest in American government essay topics. Students can find it hard at first, but they might grow more interested and write thought-provoking ideas about the American government later on. This is because of their careful choice when writing essays with titles that are intriguing for them personally. If you need help writing a paper about American history, look no further than this list of essay ideas! You won’t be able to choose just one – these topics are sure to excite your interest and spark creativity in the best way possible. With any luck, by using them as inspiration for research work, students will not have much trouble coming up with quality essays that their teachers will take notice of.

American government essay topics

  • Problems with American Democracy
  • Foreign-Born American Can Become the President
  • The Current Relationship between the American Citizens and the United States Government
  • The Function of the Articles of Confederation
  • How politics originated in America
  • The 3 Branches of the American Government
  • Making of the New Government
  • American government: are they cruel or merciful?
  • Racial Segregation Of the US
  • An Accurate Assessment of the American Political System
  • Contributors to our Successful Government
  • The concept of power balance in the US government
  • Changes in the American Government
  • Three Branches of American Government
  • The United States presidents that Pleased the people most
  • Problems with the electoral college
  • President Trump and His Policies
  • What is the connection between the American government and the media
  • United States Government Welfare
  • Contentions between the American government and the citizens
  • Tension In California Politics
  • The Roots and Reform of American Government
  • Gay Marriage and the Government
  • Corruption in the US Government
  • How to reduce corruption in the US government
  • The Woman in the American Government
  • Electoral College Reform
  • Major Accomplishments of President Barack Obama
  • Federalist versus Antifederalists
  • What impact do social movements have on the American government?
  • The philosophy of politics
  • The Involvement of Government with the Daily Life of Americans
  • The Articles of Confederation
  • The First American President
  • Problems with the American constitution
  • How World War II Transformed American Government and Society
  • American Constitutional Law
  • Classical Conservatism vs Classical Liberalism
  • Historical Ideas That Influenced The American Government
  • The link between politics and religion
  • Direct Popular Vote vs Electoral College
  • How is terrorism affecting the US government?
  • How international relations have impacted the US in the last ten years
  • Should American democracy grant more power to the people
  • The American Republic Government vs Aristotelian Government
  • Why the American government should regulate internet safety
  • Privacy and the American Government
  • American Federalism and the New Deal
  • Foundations of American Government
  • How did the fourteenth amendment affect civil liberties in the US after it was passed at the end of the civil war?
  • Communist Ideas in American Government
  • What the US citizens think about the government
  • The Need for Diversity in American Government
  • Privacy: The American People vs the Government
  • Development of the American Constitution
  • Electing Supreme Court Justices
  • The pros and cons of democracy
  • The top priorities of the US government
  • Foundations of the US Government
  • Current Top Issues of the United States National Government
  • The Reaction of American Government to September 11
  • Bill and Bill: The Government and the American People
  • Do Americans enjoy enough civil rights?
  • Ideologies Of The American Government
  • Social Security: Impacts of Its Disappearance
  • The History of the American Federal Government
  • Is it the role of the government to prevent gambling addictions, and should they ban lotteries?
  • Why presidents deserve the privilege to serve for more than two terms if the citizens want them
  • The US government and Native American
  • What political decision has changed America the most
  • American Diets: Why Government Should Not Control It
  • Illustration of the Founding Principles of America
  • Checks and Balances System in America
  • How is the threat of terrorism affecting the American government?
  • Roosevelt as an American Leader
  • Why a female president is ideal for the US

Get Help from the Experts with your American Government Essay Topics Paper

There are a lot of interesting topics to consider when writing an essay on the American Government. Is there one that interests you the most? The list we’ve provided has some suggestions for where to start your research, but if none of them sounds like they would be suitable for what you want in your paper, don’t worry! You can also contact us and get help from professional writers with your paper today. Place your order now and see how great it feels not having homework at home tonight!  

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Lesson Plan: AP Government: Argumentative Essay Practice

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The Federalist Papers

Boston College professor Mary Sarah Bilder gives a brief overview backgrounding the Federalist Papers


This is intended as an end-of-course review activity for practice with the argumentative essay format included on the AP United States Government and Politics exam since the 2018 redesign. Eleven practice prompts are provided, reflecting content from Units 1-3.


  • Review the provided Argumentative Essay Prompts in either an individual or jigsaw format.
  • Write a thesis statement for your selected prompt(s) and identify the selection you would make from the provided list and the second piece of evidence you would choose.
  • If there are prompts for which you struggle to develop a thesis, or items on the bulleted lists with which you are not conversant, use the hyperlinked C-SPAN Classroom resources to extend your understanding of the required founding documents and SCOTUS cases that you found challenging.


  • Chose one or more of the provided Argumentative Essay Prompts , as assigned, and use the planning and exploration you did above to write a full essay in response to your designated prompt(s) in 25 or fewer minutes , since that's the time limit you'll face on the AP Exam!
  • Exchange essays with a classmate and evaluate each others' work.
  • 1st Amendment
  • Branches Of Government
  • Constitution
  • House Of Representatives
  • Separation Of Powers
  • Supreme Court

Topics Base

Everything begins with an idea!

American Government Essay Topics

Students who want to enjoy civics need to develop an interest in American government essay topics. Students who believe that essays about the American government are not interesting are yet to write thought-provoking ideas on the American government. We believe that American government topics should be the first thing students must carefully choose whenever they have an  American government essay to write. We are aware of the fact that students get confused about the US government essay topics to choose.

But we’ve decided to help students out of confusion by mentioning the best topic ideas they can write things about. By using the American government essay ideas that we’ve mentioned below, students will no longer have to struggle on what to write about. We took our time to select the best and popular American government research topics that students will find quite easy to write things about. We assure every student that the topic below will inspire them for beneficial research work, which is the essence of education.

Most Interesting American Government Essay Topics

So don’t hesitate and take a look at this list of American Government essay topics. It is sometimes a hard choice to make when writing an essay what you want to write about, and there are many American government topics to write about. Most importantly make sure that the theme of it is of interest to you because you don’t want your American government essay to be boring.

  • American Constitutional Law
  • The Roots and Reform of American Government
  • The History of the American Federal Government
  • Federalist versus Antifederalists
  • Foundations of the US Government
  • Electoral College Reform
  • Ideologies Of The American Government
  • Foreign-Born American Can Become the President
  • Problems with American Democracy
  • Roosevelt as an American Leader
  • American Diets: Why Government Should Not Control It
  • The Reaction of American Government to September 11
  • Tension In California Politics
  • Changes in the American Government
  • How World War II Transformed American Government and Society
  • Making of the New Government
  • President Trump and His Policies
  • Privacy: The American People vs. the Government
  • Contributors to our Successful Government
  • Social Security: Impacts of Its Disappearance
  • Corruption in the US Government
  • An Accurate Assessment of the American Political System
  • Development of the American Constitution
  • Classical Conservatism vs. Classical Liberalism
  • Illustration of the Founding Principles of America
  • Foundations of American Government
  • Electing Supreme Court Justices
  • Major Accomplishments of President Barack Obama
  • Historical Ideas That Influenced The American Government
  • Bill and Bill: The Government and the American People
  • The Need for Diversity in American Government
  • Gay Marriage and the Government
  • The 3 Branches of the American Government
  • The First American President
  • United States Government Welfare
  • Three Branches of American Government
  • The Articles of Confederation
  • The Woman in the American Government
  • American Federalism and the New Deal
  • The Current Relationship between the American Citizens and the United States Government
  • The Function of the Articles of Confederation
  • Direct Popular Vote vs. Electoral College
  • The US government and Native American
  • Racial Segregation Of the US
  • Checks and Balances System in America
  • Privacy and the American Government
  • Communist Ideas in American Government
  • The American Republic Government vs. Aristotelian Government
  • The Involvement of Government with the Daily Life of Americans
  • Current Top Issues of the United States National Government
  • Problems with the American constitution
  • What the US citizens think about the government
  • Why a female president is ideal for the US
  • Problems with the electoral college
  • The top priorities of the US government
  • How did the fourteenth amendment affect civil liberties in the US after it was passed at the end of civil war?
  • How politics originated in America
  • The link between politics and religion
  • What political decision has changed America the most
  • The pros and cons of democracy
  • How is terrorism affecting the US government?
  • How international relations have impacted the US in the last ten years
  • The philosophy of politics
  • How to reduce corruption in the US government
  • What impact do social movements have on the American government?
  • What is the connection between the American government and media
  • Why the American government should regulate internet safety
  • Do Americans enjoy enough civil rights?
  • The concept of power balance in the US government
  • American government: are they cruel or merciful?
  • Is it the role of government to prevent gambling addictions, and should they ban lotteries?
  • Should American democracy grant more power to the people
  • Contentions between the American government and the citizens
  • The United state presidents that Pleased the people most
  • Why presidents deserve the privilege to serve for more than two terms if the citizens want him or her
  • How is the threat of terrorism affecting the American government?

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US government and civics

Course: us government and civics   >   unit 1.

  • Separation of powers and checks and balances
  • Principles of American government
  • Federalist No. 51
  • Multiple points of influence due to separation of powers and checks and balances
  • Impeachment

Principles of American government: lesson overview

essay questions about the american government

Important documents

“What is government itself, but the greatest of all reflections on human nature? If men were angels, no government would be necessary. If angels were to govern men, neither external nor internal controls on government would be necessary. In framing a government which is to be administered by men over men, the great difficulty lies in this: you must first enable the government to control the governed; and in the next place oblige it to control itself.”

Key takeaways

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essay questions about the american government

10 Hardest AP U.S. Government and Politics Questions

What’s covered:, how will ap scores impact my college chances, overview of the ap u.s. government and politics exam, preparing for the exam.

This post will cover some of the harder AP U.S. Government and Politics questions. We will go through both the multiple choice and the free-response questions to give an overview of what to expect. We also offer a walkthrough of the exam: what kind of questions you’ll see on the test, what you’ll need to study, and which questions are trickiest for most students. Then, we’ll show you how you can ace your AP Government and Politics exam!

AP scores have little to no effect on the college admissions process . You aren’t required to report your AP scores on your application, and even if you self-report your scores they won’t really increase your chance of admissions. 

With that said, colleges do care about course rigor. The AP classes you take and your grades in these classes are much more important to the admissions process than your AP exam scores. Earning good grades in several AP classes shows admissions officers that you challenged yourself and are prepared to take on rigorous college classes.  

Want to see if your AP classes and course rigor will help you get into your dream school? Try our free chancing engine ! This tool will allow you to see your chances of acceptance at over 500 colleges across the country. In addition to course rigor, our chancing engine also factors in your GPA, extracurriculars, demographics, and outside involvement, and will even provide tips for how to improve your profile!

essay questions about the american government

The AP U.S. Government and Politics Exam (a.k.a. AP Government Exam) is made up of two sections, each worth half the final score of the exam. Section I consists of 55 multiple choice questions with an allotted 80 minutes, and Section II consists of 4 free-response questions with an allotted 100 minutes. In total, the exam is three hours long. This may seem intimidating, but don’t worry, we here at CollegeVine have you covered!

The AP Government questions in Section I can be difficult, but are ultimately straightforward. These multiple choice questions are all about knowing your vocab! Section II can be especially confusing for some students, so check out the breakdown below to better understand what you’re in for.

Section II Breakdown:

  • Question 1 is a concept application question. This section will require the student to apply political concepts to real-life and presupposed situations.
  • Question 2 is a Quantitative Analysis question. A supplied graphic is the focal point of this question. It could be a line graph to read, a chart to interpret, or a table to explain.
  • Question 3 is a Supreme Court Case Comparison Essay. This will have the test-taker apply Supreme Court decisions to real-life situations.
  • Question 4 is an Argumentative Essay. You will use foundational documents to support an essay asserting your stance on a prompt.

The most important thing to do is study, but how do you know where to start? By the time you are preparing for your AP exam, you should know what your current grade is in AP Government. Start by studying the topics and areas where your scores dip down below your average grade. 

Knowing your progress is paramount to doing well on the exam. If you can’t pinpoint which areas you struggle in, ask your teacher for advice and walk through your grades together. Once you know where to start, create a study plan for the areas you want to work on and decide which days you’ll study what content. It may be helpful to study with your classmates too! They’ll be able to offer advice on their test-taking strategies and you can all benefit from the shared knowledge. 

essay questions about the american government

Discover your chances at hundreds of schools

Our free chancing engine takes into account your history, background, test scores, and extracurricular activities to show you your real chances of admission—and how to improve them.

The AP Government and Politics Exam Questions do not scaffold in difficulty. The most challenging questions may be placed right before the easiest one on the test. This can be tricky for students that are expecting the first few questions to be a breeze. It is important to treat each multiple choice question as its own separate challenge.

The following section is a preview of some of the more difficult AP Government and Politics questions, both multiple choice and free-response. Each answer will be provided along with an explanation. These questions were sourced directly from previous administrations of the exam.

The answers for the multiple choice section are indisputable, but there is much gray area for valid free-response answers. For this reason, the provided answer may not be exactly what you’re thinking, however your answer can still be correct.

Multiple Choice Questions

Correct Answer: C

The reason that there are fewer Department of Education bureaucrats employed by the federal government is because their issues are localized by state, whereas the Department of Homeland security primarily addresses national issues.

Correct Answer: B

The correct answer is B because Hamilton is wary of a government overstepping its boundaries. It is not C because there is ultimately little talk of the press in this passage. It is not D because Hamilton is against listing the Bill of Rights. Many students may think that the correct answer is A, but it is not because Hamilton does not find these exceptions reasonable.

Correct Answer: D

The correct answer is D. This grouping together of similar voters is called Gerrymandering. Gerrymandering is when a congressional district is drawn to distort the real proportion of voters in an area. If there is a small majority of voters in one area, it can often be divided into smaller and oddly contorted districts that give the minority a slim but valid victory.

essay questions about the american government

This question can be tricky because it could be argued that A is a good answer since it could be true in some situations. Ultimately, however, D is the most correct answer. This answer has been proven repeatedly in American politics when popular candidates have won races because of their charisma rather than their policies. 

essay questions about the american government

Getting this question takes an in-depth understanding of bureaucratic procedures. You must know each piece of vocab used in this question to know which answers do not fit. For example, presenting a cloture doesn’t make sense in this situation because it is not the correct time for that procedure. Conversely, filing for a discharge petition is the correct answer because it makes sense in context.

essay questions about the american government

Correct Answer: A

This question is purely a vocabulary-based question. If you know all of these models, you are good to go. An important tip to remember is that the trustee model is typically contrasted with the delegate model, so if you know one, you automatically know the other! This question can be difficult because the politico model is a combination of the trustee model and the delegate model.

Free-Response Questions

essay questions about the american government

A student can score up to three points on this question by addressing each prompt correctly. For part A, the student should describe a political institution, behavior, or process connected with the scenario. For part B, they should explain how political processes, government entities, or citizens’ behavior can affect the policy mentioned in part A. The final part asks the student to use course content to relate the political institutions to the scenario.

essay questions about the american government

There are four possible points to reap from this section. The first is from interpreting the graphic  correctly, $8,000 to $9,999. The second part asks for any trend in the graphic. You could talk about how there is more spending in the north, or relatively less in the west, or another trend that you see. However, you must then support this assertion with evidence, which is worth two points. The final point is gained from a correct explanation of the principle of federalism as it relates to the graphic. For example, one could talk about the constitutional division of governmental powers and how it relates to public school funding.

essay questions about the american government

The third question in the free-response section, worth four points, is the Supreme Court Case question. The question above focuses on Town of Greece v. Galloway (2014). The first point is acquired by finding the similar constitutional clause between these two cases. The second and third points are earned by explaining the nuances of holding differences between the two cases. You must also explain why the information is relevant. The final point is obtained by describing the interaction between the holding in the non-required Supreme Court case and a relevant political institution, behavior, or process.

essay questions about the american government

The final question is the argumentative essay. The prompt above allows for many different answers. A student could choose any of the three options and, if presented well enough, earn all six available points. In order to get a perfect score, you must: present a thesis statement, support your claim with at least two relevant pieces of information (one of the two coming from foundational documents), use reasoning to explain why your evidence supports your claim, and respond to possible refutations.

Know what to expect

After reading this article, you’ll be much more prepared for what you’ll see on the test. First, you’ll answer multiple choice questions based on charts, graphs and vocab. After that, you’ll write about Supreme Court Cases, do some data analysis, and create an argument based on a given prompt. That doesn’t sound too bad, huh! As always, consult your teacher if you have questions that were not answered in this article.

Study the vocabulary

Because the multiple choice section is so large, most of the questions can be done quickly, as long as you are able to quickly recall the vocab definitions. Make flashcards, highlight your textbook, and form study groups so that you know the difference between the Commerce clause and the Supremacy clause like the back of your hand.

You can’t start too early!

The earlier you start studying, the better you’ll feel. We’ve all had the experience of cramming for a test the night before – it’s not fun! For a test as big as the AP Government and Politics Exam, it’s best to start as early as you can so the night before you can relax and get a good night’s sleep. A rested brain is a test-ready brain!

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128 Federalism Essay Topics & Examples

Need to write a federalism essay? Looking for good federalism topics and samples for inspiration? This article is a great place to start!

⭐ Federalism Essay Prompts: Federalism in the United States

🏆 best federalism topics & essay examples, 🎓 good research topics about federalism, 🔍 federalism essay topics: simple & easy, 💡 most interesting federalism topics to write about, ❓ federalism essay questions.

What is federalism? Essay writing always starts with research, and we can help you with it. In short, federalism is a mode of government that combines general and regional governments. Your argumentative federalism essay can focus on federalism’s importance. Or, you can show your understanding of a unique system of governance in the United States.

In this article, you will find 74 excellent federalism essay topics and research ideas. You can also read our samples and use our free topic generator !

With its extensive territory and large population, the US required a robust government to sustain its infrastructure and grow into the global superpower it is today. However, its unique circumstances at the time of the formation made methods that were standard at the time inapplicable, forcing the Founding Fathers to innovate.

As a result, even two hundred years later, each state retains a considerable degree of independence. Your essay can cover any of the many different topics of federalism and its theoretical and practical applications:

  • You can center your essay on the conflicting ideas of Aristotelian happiness and utilitarianism, with the Republican and Democratic parties representing the options, respectively. The purpose of a country is to make sure that its citizens are as happy and comfortable as they can be. However, the task becomes complicated when the question of what happiness means is taken into consideration.
  • The emergence of the United States as a federation is a great federalism essay topic that can be explained by the circumstances of the nation’s formation. After fighting off the British in the Revolutionary War, the territory that would become the United States remained a loose alliance of small states, which can be considered a confederation. However, the system was ultimately non-viable, and the Founding Fathers had to create a more centralized country by creating and ratifying the Constitution.
  • Alternatively, you can focus on the role if Constitution and its history. At first, many states formed anti-federalist movements and opposed the initiative, but eventually, they agreed to it after their concerns were addressed in the Bill of Rights. The Constitution has been amended many times, but its core has remained unchanged. The United States is still a federation, and its states can adopt many critical laws without requiring the approval of the central government.
  • Discuss the idea of federalism in other countries that do not currently use it, providing examples. How much do the United States’ unique circumstances contribute to its ability to maintain a federation?
  • Talk about examples of other federations that currently exist or have existed in the past. Some of their models differ considerably from that used in the United States.
  • Discuss the idea of confederations and the reason why few to no countries can be classified as one despite their titles.

Find more ideas and excellent federalism essay samples below!

  • Federalism and separation of powers In the American constitution, specific powers were bestowed upon the national government and in the tenth amendment of 1791, it stated “the powers not delegated to the United States by the constitution, nor prohibited by […]
  • Federalism System, Its Advantages and Disadvantages The system causes government to have control of itself because of great rivalry of power between the state and the nation.
  • The United States Federalism and Political Culture Having established the central values of the United States’ political culture, it is worth discussing how some of them align with the concepts of federalism and anti-federalism. Therefore, it can be concluded that federalism is […]
  • “American Federalism” Article by Derthick This article considers the issue of the effective distribution of powers between the central and federal administrations. Thus, it shows the division of powers between the national and federal administrations in 1965-1980 and the current […]
  • Healthcare Regulations and Federalism’s Impact Although the ACA established the regulations for getting the coverage on federal levels, the government had to allow local policy-making due to the high autonomy of many regions.
  • The Account of the Pros and Cons of Federalism To conclude, federalism and devolution are rather efficient forms of the state government provided they are properly implemented in the country.
  • The Federalist Papers to Understand the United States Constitution The purpose of the federalist papers was to convince the people of New York to ratify the proposed constitution because most of the other states had already done so.
  • The Impact of Fiscal Federalism on Financial Operations The ADA requirements influenced the fiscal and budgetary operations of American College Health Association in terms of enforcement of employment rights and observing the rights of employers and students with disabilities.
  • Cooperative Federalism in the USA A vivid example of the implementation of the concept of dual federalism is the United States of America in the form in which they were initially formed.
  • American Federalism: Why It Is Good for the Nation? In conclusion, it is necessary to note that historical, political, and cultural peculiarities of the United States make federalism the most appropriate type of governance for the country.
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  • The Current State of Federalism in the 21st Century The outcome of the civil war of the 60-is of the XIX century was the doctrine of eternal union, recognizing the U.S.as a single state, created by the will of the entire American people, excluding […]
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  • Current Issue in Federalism This has triggered the debate to shift from the state courts and legislatures to the federal courts with the interest groups looking for the best platform to present their case.
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Home — Essay Samples — Government & Politics — Federal Government — American Government

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Essays on American Government

The American Government is a fascinating and important subject that affects all aspects of our lives. Writing an essay about the American Government can help you understand how our political system works and how it impacts our society.

When choosing a topic for your American Government essay, think about what interests you the most. Do you want to explore the role of the President in shaping policy? Or perhaps you're more interested in the impact of the Supreme Court on civil rights? Once you have a topic in mind, consider the type of essay you want to write - argumentative, cause and effect, opinion, or informative.

For an argumentative essay on American Government, you could explore topics like the Electoral College, gun control laws, or the role of money in politics. If you're interested in writing a cause and effect essay, you could examine the effects of gerrymandering, the impact of political polarization, or the consequences of voter suppression. For an opinion essay, you might want to discuss your views on the role of government in healthcare, immigration policy, or environmental regulation. And if you're writing an informative essay, you could delve into topics like the branches of government, the history of the Constitution, or the functions of Congress.

To give you an idea of what a well-written American Government essay looks like, here are a few examples. For your thesis statement, you might consider statements like "The American Government plays a crucial role in shaping public policy," or "The balance of power between the branches of government is essential for a functioning democracy." In your , you could start with a brief history of the American Government, discuss the purpose of your essay, and provide an overview of your main points. And in your , you could summarize your key arguments, restate your thesis, and offer some thoughts on the future of American Government.

With these tips and examples, you'll be well on your way to writing a top-notch American Government essay!

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The Complexities of Ancient Roman Government and its Evolution

This essay is about the evolution of ancient Rome’s government, tracing its progression from monarchy to republic and eventually to an imperial autocracy. The monarchy, which lasted until 509 BCE, was replaced by a republic that distributed power across several institutions, including the Senate, consuls, and magistrates. The republic’s complex system eventually collapsed under the weight of corruption, rising inequality, and power struggles, leading to the rise of Julius Caesar and the transformation into the principate under Augustus. This new form of government concentrated authority in the emperor while maintaining the appearance of republican institutions. Despite the ultimate decline of the Roman Empire, its administrative systems have left a lasting legacy that continues to influence modern governance.

How it works

The governance of antiquated Rome remains a riveting and labyrinthine examination owing to its metamorphosis from monarchy to republic and, ultimately, to an imperial autocracy. Each phase of governance contributed distinctively to Rome’s enduring sway over Western civilization. The trajectory of Rome’s governance elucidates how a diminutive city-state managed to ascend as a global dominion through adaptation and refinement of its administrative frameworks across epochs.

The nascent Roman government assumed a monarchical form, enduring from the city’s mythical inception in 753 BCE until the ousting of the final king in 509 BCE.

Throughout this era, monarchs wielded expansive authority, often amalgamating religious, martial, and juridical powers. They were counseled by a Senate composed of the most influential nobles, whose clout burgeoned over time. However, the monarchy ultimately collapsed as burgeoning discontent over despotism and the concentration of power paved the way for a novel political paradigm.

Following the demise of the monarchy, Rome ushered in a republic—a audacious experiment in governance that dispersed power among myriad institutions and underscored the importance of checks and balances to forestall the excesses of regal dominion. At the heart of this system lay the Senate, which transitioned from a royal advisory council to a potent deliberative assembly comprised of Rome’s preeminent nobles. The Senate dictated foreign policy, orchestrated military campaigns, and oversaw fiscal affairs.

Executive authority was vested in two consuls chosen annually by the citizenry’s assembly. These consuls, serving as paramount magistrates, presided over governance, led the army, and were subject to mutual veto. This configuration forestalled an over-centralization of power in a singular individual. Additional magistrates encompassed praetors, who administered judicial affairs; quaestors, who managed fiscal administration; and censors, who supervised public morality and conducted censuses. The republic also instituted tribunes of the plebs—functionaries empowered to veto Senate decrees to safeguard the rights of commoners.

Notwithstanding its sophistication, the republic was not devoid of imperfections. Political authority remained entrenched among the patrician class, engendering social tensions with the plebeians, who were marginalized in significant decision-making. A succession of reforms gradually accorded the plebeians greater influence, particularly with the establishment of the Concilium Plebis, a popular assembly that promulgated laws binding upon all citizens.

The republic flourished for centuries, enabling Rome to extend its influence across the Mediterranean. Nonetheless, its intricate apparatus eventually proved unsustainable as Rome burgeoned into an empire. Escalating inequality, political malfeasance, and power struggles among ambitious generals strained the political edifice. The republic’s incapacity to redress these crises culminated in a sequence of civil conflicts that heralded the transition from republic to empire.

The republic’s denouement transpired when Julius Caesar crossed the Rubicon in 49 BCE, instigating a conflict that culminated in his assumption of dictatorial powers for life. His assassination in 44 BCE exacerbated the turmoil but paved the way for Caesar’s adoptive successor, Octavian, later known as Augustus, Rome’s inaugural emperor.

Under Augustus, the Roman government metamorphosed into a principate—a framework that retained the veneer of republican institutions while concentrating authority in the emperor’s hands. Augustus preserved the Senate and magistracies but eclipsed them with his formidable personal authority. As princeps, he commanded the army, finances, and foreign policy, while influencing Senate deliberations. This arrangement engendered relative stability following the chaos of the late republic, enabling Rome to prosper during what historians dub the Pax Romana.

Successive emperors perpetuated this paradigm, further centralizing authority and diminishing the role of traditional republican institutions. By the third century CE, the empire had evolved into a more overt autocracy, consolidated under the reforms of Diocletian and Constantine. The Senate retained nominal prestige but forfeited much of its practical efficacy. Instead, the emperor wielded absolute dominion through a network of civilian and military functionaries.

Ancient Rome’s governance is commemorated for its adaptability to changing exigencies, assimilating and refining concepts from diverse cultures. Its influence resonates in contemporary political systems, from the principle of checks and balances to the lexicon of governance itself. Despite the eventual collapse of the empire, its administrative legacy endures as a font of inspiration for scholars and statesmen alike.

It is imperative to underscore that this discourse serves as a springboard for contemplation and further inquiry. For tailored guidance and assurance of compliance with academic standards, one might consider availing themselves of the expertise of seasoned professionals at EduBirdie.


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PapersOwl.com. (2024). The Complexities of Ancient Roman Government and Its Evolution . [Online]. Available at: https://papersowl.com/examples/the-complexities-of-ancient-roman-government-and-its-evolution/ [Accessed: 25 May. 2024]

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"The Complexities of Ancient Roman Government and Its Evolution," PapersOwl.com , 21-May-2024. [Online]. Available: https://papersowl.com/examples/the-complexities-of-ancient-roman-government-and-its-evolution/. [Accessed: 25-May-2024]

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  • One person dies every 33 seconds from cardiovascular disease. 1
  • About 695,000 people died from heart disease in 2021—that's 1 in every 5 deaths . 1 2
  • Heart disease costs about $239.9 billion each year from 2018 to 2019. 3 This includes the cost of health care services, medicines, and lost productivity due to death.

Map illustrating heart disease death rates by county in the United States from 2018–2020 for adults ages 35+.

Coronary artery disease (CAD)

  • Coronary heart disease is the most common type of heart disease, killing 375,476 people in 2021. 2
  • About 1 in 20 adults age 20 and older have CAD (about 5%). 2
  • In 2021, about 2 in 10 deaths from CAD happened in adults less than 65 years old. 1

Heart attack

  • In the United States, someone has a heart attack every 40 seconds. 2
  • 605,000 are a first heart attack. 2
  • 200,000 happen to people who have already had a heart attack. 2
  • About 1 in 5 heart attacks are silent—the damage is done, but the person is not aware of it. 2

Did you know?‎

Illustration of plaque in the arteries.

Who is affected

Heart disease deaths vary by sex, race, and ethnicity.

Heart disease is the leading cause of death for people of most racial and ethnic groups in the United States. These include African American, American Indian, Alaska Native, Hispanic, and White men. For women from the Pacific Islands and Asian American, American Indian, Alaska Native, and Hispanic women, heart disease is second only to cancer. 1

Below are the percentages of all deaths caused by heart disease in 2021, listed by ethnicity, race, and sex.

Race or Ethnic Group

% of Deaths

American Indian or Alaska Native

Black (Non-Hispanic)

Native Hawaiin or Other Pacific Islander

White (Non-Hispanic)

Americans at risk for heart disease

High blood pressure , high blood cholesterol , and smoking are key risk factors for heart disease.

Several other medical conditions and lifestyle choices can also put people at a higher risk for heart disease, including:

  • Overweight and obesity
  • Unhealthy diet
  • Physical inactivity
  • Excessive alcohol use

What CDC is doing

  • Million Hearts ®
  • CDC: Heart Disease Communications Kit
  • National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute
  • National Center for Health Statistics. Multiple Cause of Death 2018–2021 on CDC WONDER Database. Accessed February 2, 2023. https://wonder.cdc.gov/mcd.html
  • Tsao CW, Aday AW, Almarzooq ZI, et al. Heart Disease and Stroke Statistics—2023 Update: A Report From the American Heart Association. Circulation. 2023;147:e93–e621.
  • National Center for Health Statistics. Percentage of coronary heart disease for adults aged 18 and over, United States, 2019—2021. National Health Interview Survey. Accessed February 17, 2023. https://wwwn.cdc.gov/NHISDataQueryTool/SHS_adult/index.html

Heart Disease

Heart disease is the leading cause of death in the United States.

For Everyone

Public health.


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  30. Heart Disease Facts

    One person dies every 33 seconds from cardiovascular disease. 1. About 695,000 people died from heart disease in 2021—that's 1 in every 5 deaths. 1 2. Heart disease costs about $239.9 billion each year from 2018 to 2019. 3 This includes the cost of health care services, medicines, and lost productivity due to death. View Larger.