How to Say, ‘Please Find Attached My Resume’ with Examples

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Should you say, ‘Please find attached my resume’?

How to say, ‘please find my attached resume’, examples of alternate messages for ‘please find attached my resume’.

When applying for jobs, it’s common for applicants to attach their resume and cover letter in an email to a hiring manager. And it’s a good idea to call attention to these attachments in the body of the email. One of the phrases that people frequently write is ‘Please find attached my resume,’ even though it is now considered overly formal. Learn why it may benefit you to choose a different phrase, and discover the many alternative ways to tell hiring managers that you’ve attached essential documents to an email.

In general, you should not include this phrase when attaching a resume or other documents to an email. Although ‘please find attached my resume’ is grammatically correct, it is simply too outdated for today’s professional setting. Similarly, the phrase is equally formal and old-fashioned. Using more direct phrases such as, ‘I have attached my resume for your review’ makes your language more relatable and eliminates the chance for confusion.

For recruiters who open hundreds of emails a day, knowing how to identify whether or not an email has an attachment is common knowledge. However, including a brief sentence to tell the hiring manager you have included an attachment is still a good practice. Although ‘Please find attached my resume’ may not be the best phrase to use, including one in an email is proper and polite, so consider alternate phrases that sound more modern and straightforward.

Follow these steps when adding and drawing attention to your resume attachment in an email.

1. First, ensure your attachments are virus-free

Even though business professionals commonly take steps to verify the safety of attachments before opening them, it’s always a good idea for you to run your files through virus-scanning software before you send them. One of the most common ways that hackers spread computer viruses is through attachments. You can do your part to protect the company’s network by keeping your files safe.

2. Second, follow the job listing’s instructions

It is important to read the job listing thoroughly to understand how the employer wants you to submit your resume and cover letter. Doing so demonstrates your ability to follow directions, so pay attention to the wording. If the instructions say to email your resume, you can choose to use the body of your email as your cover letter. Start with a formal greeting such as ‘Dear Mr. or Mrs.,’ and then write the three to four paragraphs that constitute a cover letter and end it with ‘Sincerely,’ followed by your name.

Only include your resume and cover letter as attachments in an email if the directions in the job listing specifically say to do so. In this case, you’ll need to write a short message in the body of the email indicating that you’ve attached your resume and cover letter as requested. Also, make sure you have formatted your resume correctly based on the job listing’s instructions.

3. Third, call attention to your attachments

Once you’re ready to submit your resume, it’s a good idea to call attention to your attachments with a short but professional and polite phrase. When you’re deciding what to say, choose a phrase that doesn’t sound too old-fashioned or unnatural when read aloud, such as ‘Please find my attached resume.’

Examples of acceptable alternative phrases for attachments:

  • I have attached my resume for your review/reference.
  • I attached my resume below.
  • My resume is attached for your review and consideration.
  • As the attached resume shows…
  • I have included/appended my resume for your review.
  • Please take a look at the attached resume.
  • Let me know if you have any questions regarding my attached resume.
  • My resume and cover letter are attached below.
  • Please have a look at the enclosed resume.
  • Please refer to the attached resume for more details on my…
  • Please see the attached resume to learn more about…
  • Please take a look at my resume and let me know if you have any questions.
  • I’ve attached my resume to this message and would love to be considered for the position.
  • The resume you requested is attached to this email.
  • You’ll find all the requested documents attached to this email.
  • I have attached my resume to this email, as requested.

4. Next, remember to attach your files

If you’re going to call attention to your attachments, make sure you actually include them. It is easy to let the message distract you and forget this final step. Rather than sending another message apologizing for not sending an attachment the first time, get into the habit of uploading the attachment when you first start the email. This way, you won’t have to worry about forgetting to add it before sending it to a hiring manager.

5. Lastly, consider file size and format

It is important to send files that are small and easy to open, especially for an employer who may access files on a mobile device. To do this, save your large files to an online cloud service that is accessible from anywhere. This makes it easy for anyone with your special link to access these files while saving valuable space.

If you used Microsoft Word to create your resume, you can also save your file as a PDF to make it easier to open from a device that might not have that program. This also ensures that your fonts and formatting look the same on all devices. Whether or not you use a PDF may also depend on the job listing’s specific instructions, so be sure to read them over if they ask for a particular file format.

Here are a few examples you can reference when looking for ways to guide hiring managers to your attached resume and cover letter.

Email example when you know the contact name

Dear Mr. Smith,

I am writing to apply for the position of sales associate, which was posted on your website. I have attached my cover letter and resume for your review. I believe you will find that my qualifications meet the requirements of your job listing. Please contact me at 555-555-5555 or email [email protected] if you have any additional questions. I look forward to hearing from you regarding employment with your company.

Email example when you’re addressing an unknown audience

To Whom It May Concern:

I wanted to thank you for the opportunity to apply for the store manager position. I believe that I am a strong candidate and possess the level of experience your company is looking for. Please look at the attached cover letter and resume to learn more about my qualifications and previous experience as a manager. You may reach me at 555-555-5555 or email [email protected] if you’d like to learn more information about me. I look forward to hearing from you.

Timothy Tucker

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How to Email a Resume and Cover Letter Attachment

Sample Email for a Job Application With Attachment

cover letter to be attached with resume

Ashley Nicole DeLeon / The Balance

Depending on the job for which you're applying, you may need to attach your resume and cover letter to an email as you reach out to the hiring manager. That's often the case with smaller employers. For other employers, you'll generally apply online or via a job board, but you'll still want to know how to properly attach a resume and cover letter in case you're coordinating any interviews via email.

What's the easiest way to attach your resume and cover letter to an email message? When you're asked to send a resume or cover letter via email, follow these steps to ensure you have correctly attached your documents. You'll also want to explain what you are sending and why, add your signature to the email, and include a subject line that will get your message opened and read by the recipient.

Key Takeaways

  • Most employers request a Microsoft Word document or a PDF file of your resume. 
  • It's easy to save your documents in the file format requested by an employer.
  • When saving your documents, use your name as the file name.
  • Include a subject line that states who you are and what job you are applying for in the email message.

Check the Employer's Instructions

When you apply for jobs via email , the employer may require you to send your resume and cover letter as an attachment to an email message. It's important to send your attachments correctly, include all the information you need so your email message is opened and read, and let the receiver know how they can contact you to schedule an interview.

What's most important is to follow the employer's instructions and send exactly what they have asked for in the format it's requested. If you don't, your message may end up in a spam or trash folder.

Save Your Cover Letter and Resume

When sending your cover letter and resume attachments, the first step is to save your resume as a PDF or a Word document. The job posting should specify how to send the attachment. This way, the receiver will get a copy of the resume in the original format.

If there aren't instructions on how to send your documents, submit your resume as either a Microsoft Word document (.doc or .docx) or as a PDF file. These are the formats most commonly preferred by employers, and it's easy to save the documents and add them as attachments to your email message.

You can either save your cover letter in document format or write it directly in the email message.

Save as a Word Document

If you have word processing software other than Microsoft Word, save your resume as a Word (.doc or .docx) document. Select File , then Save As .

Save a Google Doc as a Word Document

If you don't have Microsoft Word, you can save a Word (.docx) version of a Google Doc. Select File then Download and choose Word Document (.docx).

How to Save as a PDF

Whether the employer requests a PDF file or you opt to send a PDF, here's how to convert a document file.

To save a Word document as a PDF:

  • Select  File then Save As  in Microsoft Word.
  • Select  PDF  from the  Format  drop-down menu.

To save a Google Doc as a PDF:

  • Select  File then Download and choose  PDF Document .

Choose a Unique File Name

When saving your document, use your name as the file name , so the employer knows whose resume and cover letter it is, i.e., janedoeresume.doc or janedoecoverletter.doc.

Don't simply use "resume" as a file name because it will be hard to differentiate your resume from those of the other applicants.

Include a Subject in the Email Message

The subject line is one of the most important parts of the email messages you send to apply for jobs. If you don't include one, your message may not even get opened. 

Your email message must include a subject line, and it should explain to the reader who you are and what job you are applying for. Be specific, so the recipient knows what he or she is receiving. Employers often hire for many positions at the same time, so include both your name and the job title.

Add a subject to the email message before you start writing it. That way, you won't forget to include it afterward.

Here's what to write:

Subject: Your Name - Job Title

If the employer requests additional information, like a job ID number, be sure to include that too.

Write an Email Message to Send With Your Resume

Once you have saved your resume and cover letter, and they are ready to send, the next step is to write an email message to send with your documents.

First, open your email account. Then click on Message at the top left of the screen or click on File > New > Message .

You can either write your cover letter as part of the email message or send it as an attachment. Here's how:

Write Directly in the Email

You can either type your cover letter directly into the email message , copy and paste it from a word processing document, or if the company requests an attachment, send your cover letter and resume with the email message. So, your choices are to send a cover letter attachment or to use the email message as your cover letter.

If you are attaching a cover letter, your email message can be brief. Simply state that your resume and cover letter are attached. Offer to provide additional information and let the reader know how you can be contacted.

Be sure to follow the directions in the job posting for how to apply when sending your cover letter and resume or your application may not be considered.

Adding Your Signature to the Email

It is important to include an email signature with your contact information, so it's easy for hiring managers and recruiters to get in touch with you.

Include your full name, your email address, and your phone number in your email signature, so the hiring manager can see, at a glance, how to contact you. If you have a LinkedIn profile , include it in your signature. Do the same with any other social media accounts you use for career and business purposes.

Sample Email Signature

Jared Harshbarner 617-123-3790

How to Add Your Signature

To add your signature to your email message, click on File > Insert > Signature if you have a signature saved that you use for job searching. If you haven't created an email signature, type your contact information (name, email address, phone, LinkedIn) at the bottom of your message.

Attach Your Resume and Cover Letter to an Email Message

Once your email message is ready to send, you need to attach your resume and cover letter to your message:

Click on Insert > Attach File. Your email client will display a list of files in the default file folder of your computer. If your resume and cover letter are stored in a different folder, click on the appropriate folder.

Click to select the file you want to add to your email message , and then click on Insert to attach the document to your email message. Take the time to carefully proofread the message before you send it.

Before you click Send , send the message to yourself to be sure all the attachments come through, and your email message is perfect.

Send a copy of the message to yourself, as well as to the company, so you have a copy for your records. Add yourself as a BCC (blind carbon copy) by clicking BCC and adding your email address.

Then click Send , and your cover letter and your resume will be on their way to the employer.

Review a Sample Email Message

Here's a sample email message sent with resume and cover letter attachments to apply for a job.

Subject: Sarah Smith – Museum Docent

Dear Ms. Cooper,

I’m writing to apply for the summer docent program at the Museum of Local History.

I have extensive docent experience, having volunteered at both the Harbor Museum and ABC Art, and have led tours both as a student leader and a member of the town historical society. In addition, I’m a lifelong town resident and an enthusiastic amateur historian.

I’ve attached my cover letter and resume for your review. I hope you’ll contact me at your convenience to discuss the program and arrange an interview. Thank you for your time.

Sarah Smith 555-555-1234

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Is it better to send a word document or a pdf to apply for a job.

A PDF file retains the format of your resume and letter, so the recipient will see them as you wrote them when they open the file(s) you sent. A Word document is easily read by the Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS) that employers use to manage job applications. What's most important is to follow the company's application guidelines.

How can I be sure my documents are formatted correctly?

Send a test message, and email your resume and cover letter to yourself before you send it to the employer. That way, you'll know your documents are formatted and attached correctly.

ZipJob. “ Should You Send Your Resume as a PDF or Word Doc? "

Google. " Create, View, or Download a File ."

Microsoft. " Save or Convert to PDF or XPS in Office Desktop Apps ."

Adobe. " How to Convert a Google Doc to a PDF ."

How to Say ‘Please Find Attached My Resume’ in 2024

Background Image

If you’ve spent any amount of time job hunting, you’ve probably used the phrase ”please find attached my resume” many times before. 

But the question is, have you been doing it right?

This phrase has been floating around since nearly the dawn of time. And while that makes it tried and tested, it also makes it a bit outdated. 

One thing you can be sure it does not mean is that you should use it everywhere you see fit. 

So where exactly does that leave you? 

Keep reading to find out exactly how and when you should say ”please find attached my resume” the right way ! 

5 Cases You Can Use The Phrase “Please Find Attached My Resume”

Before we get to the different ways to say ”please find attached my resume”, it’s important to first understand when you should be using this popular phrase . 

Here are the top 5 situations where you can and should use the phrase:

#1. Submitting a cover letter

If you decide to submit your resume together with your cover letter , you can use the phrase ”please find attached my resume” to make sure the recruiter does not miss it . 

As a rule of thumb, if you’re submitting a cover letter it’s a good idea to include your resume alongside it. This shows that you have put in time and effort into your application or portfolio. It also provides the recruiter with a more comprehensive overview of your skills and qualifications for the job.

#2. Applying for a job online or by email

It’s also a good idea to specify what files you have attached when you are submitting a job application by email or using online forms. 

In this case, writing “please find attached my resume” can make the recruiter’s job easier . Just by skimming through your email or application form, they can already see what you have provided and where to find it. 

Imagine sifting through hundreds of applications, some without resumes, and having no indication of which ones include this key document. This one little phrase can help differentiate between a viable candidate and a waste of time. 

#3. Responding to an interview invitation 

If you have been invited to take part in an interview , it’s probably a good time to send your resume (if you haven’t already). 

An invitation shows that the company is interested in you and would like to know more about you . Thus, providing the hiring manager with your resume is a great way to show initiative while showcasing your skills and experience right off the bat. 

A simple “please find attached my resume” will ensure they do not miss the extra little step you’ve taken prior to the job interview. 

#4. Requesting an informational interview

Requesting an informational interview is another situation where it’s appropriate to use the phrase “please find attached my resume”. 

These informal interviews give you the valuable opportunity to ask questions and gain insights into the job and industry. Many applicants choose to send their resumes along with the request in order to validate their professional interests . We recommend you do the same. 

Of course, if the recipient of your request overlooks the attachment, it will be a wasted effort. So make sure to get their attention using this phrase. 

#5. Requesting a professional recommendation

Professional recommendations can make a big difference when you’re applying for a job. That’s why it’s important to make sure you get the best recommendations possible. 

What’s more important than who gives you the recommendation is what the recommendation says about you. The more personal and insightful the recommendation, the better!

In order to help the person writing your recommendation tailor the letter to you, it’s a good idea to provide your resume. While sending a recommendation request, simply add “please find attached my resume.”

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5 Bad Ways to Use “Please Find Attached My Resume”

While “please find attached my resume” can be super useful in certain situations, it isn’t always the best option. It can sound a bit old-fashioned , for one, and some people find the phrasing to be slightly awkward. 

That’s why many job applicants choose to go for some alternative options. But beware—different isn’t always better!

Here are a few common phrases we recommend you avoid using :

  • Please find attached my resume.
  • Please find attached: my resume.
  • Please find, attached, my resume.
  • Please find my resume attached.
  • Please find attached my resume for your review and consideration.

New to writing resumes? Here are the most common resume mistakes you should avoid. 

15 Alternative Ways to Say “Please Find Attached My Resume”

Now that we’ve looked at what not to do, let’s look at some better alternatives.

“Please find attached my resume” may be the original way to indicate that you’ve provided your resume, but it isn’t always the best. Sometimes, it’s better to change things up a bit. 

Here’s how to do it the right way:

  • I have attached my resume for your consideration.
  • My resume is attached for your consideration.
  • My resume is included for your consideration.
  • My resume has been included for your review.
  • I attached my resume for your review.
  • You will find my resume attached.
  • Let me know if you have any questions about my resume attached below.
  • I have attached my resume for your review.
  • I have included my resume for your review.
  • You will find my resume attached below.
  • As the attached resume/documents show(s)…
  • Please refer to my attached resume for more about…
  • The resume I’ve attached includes more information about…
  • I’ve included my resume for your reference.
  • To learn more about my involvement/experience with [something], refer to my attached resume.

If you’ve been looking for a job with no luck, check out our ultimate guide to job hunting !

Key Takeaways

Though slightly outdated, the phrase “please find attached my resume” is still used in 2024. You just have to be careful about how and when you do it.

Remember, this isn’t a phrase you can toss around in any situation. There are certain circumstances where it is appropriate, or even recommended. These include:

  • Submitting a cover letter
  • Applying for a job online or by email
  • Responding to an interview invitation
  • Requesting an informational interview
  • Requesting a professional recommendation

Once you’ve identified an appropriate situation to use it in, make sure to use it the right way . Avoid the examples we’ve provided of terrible phrases at all costs! Either stick to the original or pick one of the great alternatives we recommend. 

There’s no way you’ll get it wrong if you’ve followed these two easy steps!

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What to Say When Emailing a Resume (with Examples)

10 min read · Updated on January 11, 2024

Jen David

Introduce yourself professionally when you email your resume

You've written the perfect resume and tailored it to the role you're aspiring to. What should you do next? A few years back, you'd have printed it off on some quality paper, addressed an envelope in your best handwriting, posted it off, and settled in to wait for a response. These days, though, it's more common to email your resume. It's faster, it's more professional, and it's easier to share a file than a printout.

But if you're going to email your resume, what should you say? Should you attach a cover letter? How much detail should you include? 

So many questions! 

But fear not, TopResume is here to help you decide what to say when emailing a resume, and we have answers to all these questions and more. Settle in as we guide you through it.

Should I email my resume?

Yes! It's absolutely fine to email your resume when you apply for a job. In fact, it's usually preferred to printed correspondence these days. Of course, the most important point is that you should follow the instructions on the job posting. If it requests a printed resume or a resume uploaded via an online portal, you should definitely apply in line with those instructions. However, if there are no specific instructions, an email application is advisable. Just make sure you're addressing it to the right person!

General rules for emailing your resume

Before we get into the specifics, let's refresh on some general guidelines for emailing your resume to a company. After all, first impressions count, so using proper email etiquette is important.

Use a professional email address. “ HotLips69@...” may have seemed cool and funny when you set up the account, but does it really convey that you're a credible professional? If necessary, set up a new email account to use for job applications – and remember to check it regularly for responses!

Add a clear subject line. Make the point of your email clear with a logical  subject line – you could include the job title of the vacancy you're applying for, for example, or refer to the fact that the email is a job application or resume.

Choose a professional greeting. Think “Dear [name],” or even just “[name],” rather than “Hiya” or “Greetings.” While email is less formal than a letter, you still need to keep the tone professional.

Be concise. Short,  snappy paragraphs are easier to read on a screen, and no one wants to trudge through pages of waffle to find the information they need. Respect the reader's time by keeping it simple.

Add a formal sign-off. A version of “thank you” and your name is sufficient – you may also want to add your professional title, a contact number, and a link to your portfolio if you have one.

Don't forget the attachments! Make sure that you've actually attached your resume (and your cover letter, if required). Ensure they have sensible file names, too: “Jay Miller – Resume” or “J Miller – Sales Executive Resume” is more professional and easier to retrieve than something like “JM 010224 v3” or simply “Resume.” Also, double-check the file type that you're sending – check out our article  Word vs PDF  if you're not sure.

What to say when emailing your resume – the detail

So now we've reviewed the basics of email etiquette, let's get down to business. You need to know what to say when emailing a resume. Well, the exact wording will vary depending on the situation, the role, and your personality, but you'll certainly need to include the following:

Why you're emailing

Your reader may have a ton of open vacancies and is likely to receive many resumes for each one. Make their life easier by clearly stating the role you're interested in applying for. If you have a reference number for the vacancy, you can include that too.

Your elevator pitch

Briefly explain who you are , what you do, and why you're the right person for the open role. This doesn't need to take up a lot of space or be very detailed – the key thing here is to be convincing enough for them to want to open your resume document to find out more. Include whatever information is most pertinent to the role – that could be your academic qualifications, your industry experience, awards and accolades, or particular skills. Refer to the job posting to find out what the company wants to see in a successful candidate and ensure the requirements are reflected in your email.

A call to action

Encourage the reader to open your resume, reach out with further questions, or schedule an interview. This one little line can show your enthusiasm for the role, emphasize your professionalism, and prompt your reader to take the next step in progressing your application.

What to say when emailing a resume – sample messages

Do you need a bit more inspiration to craft your message? Take a look at these sample emails and use them as a frame for your own resume email. Remember, the job advert is your cheat sheet when it comes to deciding what details to prioritize here.

What to say when cold emailing a resume

To: Katie French

From: Matthew Cole

Subject: Sales resume

I've long admired XYZ Inc. as a leading supplier of home tech solutions and have heard many positive reviews about your company as an employer. To that end, I am attaching my resume in the event that a sales vacancy may soon arise.

As you can see, I have enjoyed a successful 10-year career in technology sales and am a committed user and advocate of your products. This year, I am on track to exceed my sales target by 46%. I would bring an extensive network of industry contacts and a proven ability to motivate sales teams to surpass expectations.

If there are no suitable vacancies at the moment, please feel free to keep my resume on file for future reference. I look forward to hearing from you soon.

Matthew Cole

Sales Manager, Acme Products

What to say when emailing a resume in response to a job posting

Subject: Sales Executive vacancy (Ref: ABC123)

In response to your advertisement for a Sales Executive, I am attaching my resume. As you can see, I combine eight years of sales experience with a degree in Marketing and three awards for excellence in sales roles. 

The advertised role is particularly interesting to me, as it will allow me to leverage my expertise in technical sales, provide the opportunity for international growth, and establish trusted relationships with your clients to open new avenues for revenue and increased sales.

Please don't hesitate to reach out to me if you have any questions; I look forward to discussing my suitability further with you at an interview.Thank you for your consideration,

Sales Executive, Acme Products

What to say when emailing a resume to a recruiter

Subject: Healthcare Roles

Dear Katie,

I saw on that you are recruiting for several healthcare roles, and would like to submit my resume for your consideration. I combine 10 years' experience as a Healthcare Assistant with numerous industry certifications and consistently receive positive patient feedback.

I look forward to hearing from you,

What to say when emailing a resume to follow up on a conversation

Subject: Finance Manager follow-up

Following our phone discussion earlier today, I would like to reiterate my interest in the Finance Manager position and attach my resume for your consideration.

As you can see, I am currently fulfilling the Finance Manager role at XYZ Company and am looking forward to developing my career within a global organization. I have a master's degree in Business Administration, as well as extensive experience in managing the finance function within a security business. I look forward to bringing my leadership skills to your team of finance experts.

Please reach out to me at 555-555-5555 when you have had a chance to review my attached resume.Regards,

Finance Manager, XYZ Company

What to say when emailing a resume following a referral

Subject: Events Manager vacancy

Dear Ms French,

Please find attached my resume. I have been referred to the Events Manager position by one of your colleagues, John Day, who I previously worked with at ABC Inc. Having delivered many successful events with John as my manager, I'm flattered that he has now asked me to apply for your open role. 

I've recently delivered a conference for 800 international delegates and a team building event for 5 national teams, both of which were very well received and were completed within challenging budgets. I am confident that I can bring a similar level of client satisfaction to DEF Inc. and look forward to discussing the position further with you.

Please don't hesitate to get in touch to schedule an interview at your convenience,


Should you attach a cover letter when emailing a resume?

Now we've covered what to say when emailing a resume, it's time to consider the cover letter. As you can see, we recommend that the body of the email be kept short and concise. If you feel the need to include more detail, you can consider attaching a cover letter as well as a resume. There's no obligation to do this unless a letter is specifically requested as part of the application instructions, but it does give you the opportunity to expand on key points of interest.

Top tip: You may like to read our article on  how to write a cover letter to make sure you get this part of your application bang on!

How long does it take to hear back after emailing a resume?

Don't panic if you don't hear back immediately! While email is a speedy way to apply, recruiters and hiring managers receive many resumes for every open role and need time to sift through them, create shortlists, and schedule interviews. That said, certain recruiters have a reputation for ghosting unsuitable candidates, or your application may simply have been overlooked, so there's no harm in following up after a week or two if you haven't heard anything.  

What to write in a follow-up email

Subject: Communications Assistant vacancy (ref: 12345)

I emailed my resume to you last week in response to your advertisement for a Communications Assistant. I just wanted to check that you'd received it, and to reiterate that I remain very interested in the role.

If you didn't receive the resume or have further questions regarding my application, please do get in touch with me either via email or by phone at 555-555-5555.

Email with confidence

Now you know what to say when emailing your resume in any situation, you're ready to apply for your dream job! Use this checklist to make sure you've nailed it before you hit the send button:

Correct email address and personalized greeting

Appropriate subject line

Clarification of the role you're applying for

Elevator pitch

Call to action

Professional sign-off

Attachments attached

Final proofread

If you feel that your resume isn't quite ready to be unleashed upon the world, why not get an expert opinion? Our free resume review will explain which areas need further work before you submit your application.

Recommended reading:

How to Write the Perfect Goodbye Email to Co-Workers & Clients

The Networking Email That Works Every Time

How To Use AI To Prepare For A Job Interview

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How to Email a Resume to an Employer [Template + Examples]

Melanie Lockert

3 key takeaways

  • Before you email a resume, consider seven best practices.
  • Follow five steps when writing a resume email.
  • Teal’s AI Resume Builder and Job Tracker with Email Templates can help you create a resume and email for every stage of the application process.

While today’s job application process typically starts in an online portal, it’s sometimes beneficial to email your resume and cover letter.

In this guide, you’ll learn how to email a resume in ways that increase your chances of progressing in the hiring process, including:

  • Tips on how to email a resume

What to write in an email when sending a resume

How to follow up on your resume email.

  • Resume best practices

Struggling to land interviews with your resume? Get started with Teal’s AI Resume Builder for free.

How to send a resume email

When you email your resume and cover letter, you’re pitching yourself for the job. 

Here are some tips to keep in mind when preparing an email to a recruiter or hiring manager:

  • Use a professional email address. Avoid sending your resume using an email you created when you were 15. Don’t use one that includes anything unprofessional. Your email address should be your full name, or a variation, so you’re clearly identifiable. 
  • Pick an optimal send time. You want to be at the top of the hiring manager’s inbox. That’s why early morning is the best time to send a resume email. If you’re working on it during other hours, consider scheduling the email. Gmail allows you to do this easily.

Schedule an email to send later in Gmail

  • Choose the right day. Let’s be real. Most people are busy on Mondays and winding down on Fridays. So your best bet is to send your email Tuesday through Thursday.
  • Follow instructions. Some job listings have specific instructions on how to email a cover letter and resume. Some even request you include a word or phrase in the subject line. Your ability to focus on the details and follow instructions properly can set you apart. 
  • Double-check. Typos happen and so do other digital mishaps. Use a tool like Grammarly to spell check and ensure your grammar is correct in your email, cover letter, and resume. Open your cover letter and resume and make sure the formatting looks good. Put the email address in last so you don’t accidentally send an incomplete email. 

Pro Tip: If you accidentally send an incomplete email using Gmail, you’ll see that your message has been sent and the options to “Undo” or “View Message” in the bottom left. Click “Undo” right away to unsend your email. 

These email best practices can help you start on the right foot. This is your first interaction with a company and you want to give a positive impression.

How to email a resume (7 tips)

Emailing a resume may seem simple, but there are nuances to consider when applying to a specific job. 

Here are top tips for sending a resume via email:

1. Create a well-optimized and formatted resume 

Resume creation is one of the most important things job seekers need to focus on. Your resume needs (not should) to be well-optimized and formatted. That means two things:

  • Tailor each resume to match the job position
  • Your resume is scannable and easy to read 

Using a resume template that fits your needs can help simplify the process. Teal offers a variety of templates to choose from, so your resume is easy to read and you don’t have to worry about the design and formatting all on your own. That way you can include the required sections and format your resume based on your desired role. Create a perfect resume using resume templates .

resume templates

2. Tailor your resume

Using Teal Analysis Mode and Matching Mode, you can easily create a well-optimized resume. Just enter the job description and get a Match Score on your resume. Plus, you’ll get keywords and tips for how to improve your resume so it can stand out. 

cover letter to be attached with resume

Start by using Teal’s Resume Builder. Simply upload your LinkedIn profile or existing resume and get a customizable resume. From there, you can make changes and access the Analysis and Matching tools. 

3. Prepare your resume for email

Your resume format matters. In a single document, you’re sharing highlights of your career journey and relevant skills. Choosing the right one can grab a hiring manager’s attention. Some common resume formats include:

  • Chronological resume
  • Functional resume
  • Combination resume 

These formats showcase information in different ways. Based on where you’re at in your career and the job you’re applying to, you can choose which format is ideal for your situation. 

Once your resume is ready and your resume emails optimized, the question remains:

Should you send your resume as a Word or a PDF file?

People often wonder what’s the best format to send a resume. First, go back to the job listing and see if there are instructions on how to email a resume. Some listings might say which format they prefer. If there’s no preference listed it’s up to you. But there are some things to consider when deciding between sending a PDF or Word doc for your resume file. 

Nicholas Hopkins, director and head of contract recruitment at VIQU IT Recruitment suggests using a Word Document for some important reasons: 

"You'd be surprised, but people still include personal details such as age. If the recruiter is committed to upholding diversity recruiting, they may also need to remove information such as your name, name of your school or university, and start and end dates for job experience. This is to limit potential occurrences of unconscious bias. Some common mistakes I have found people make when emailing their resume are including pictures or not including information on how recruiters can contact them."

Scott Lieberman, founder of Touchdown Money hires people for his small business and has been on the HR hiring committee of various companies for over 10 years offers a different point of view:

“Use a PDF formatted resume to attach to the email. A PDF ensures your resume is opened with the same formatting as you typed it.” 

So if you’re applying directly to a company, you might consider using the PDF format. You can feel confident that your formatting is intact. On the other hand, if you’re emailing a resume to a recruiter a Word Document may be a better option. 

Ultimately, the type of file you send is secondary to the contents of your resume. Make sure your resume looks organized and legible and that it’s optimized based on the job description. 

4. Write an effective email subject line

Emailing a resume won’t do much good if nobody opens the email. That’s where creating a clear and concise subject line helps. 

Avoid these subject line mistakes when emailing your resume:

  • Leaving the subject line blank
  • Only putting “job application”
  • Very long subject lines

Instead, keep the subject line simple using this formula:

[Full Name Application]: [Adjective] [Job Title]  [Seeking New Opportunity at] [Company Name] [Job ID if available]

Email subject line examples :

Brad Smith Application: Collaborative Software Engineer Seeking New Opportunity at Google #530 Katie Johnson Application: Results-Driven Social Media Manager Seeking New Opportunity at Buffer  Jerry Johnson Application: Dynamic Program Director Seeking New Opportunity at LA Phil 

That’s the basic formula. You can tweak it to your liking, but leading with the most important details can make sure it’s not overlooked or confused for spam or promotional email.

Remember, companies may be hiring for multiple positions, so listing the job title can be helpful. Including your name makes it easier to search and listing the company name makes it specific. Lastly, adding an adjective and verb can give them a taste of who you are and what you can do for the company. 

For more tips on crafting an effective subject line, check out this guide on email subject for job application.

5. Email the right person

To help your email stand out and be more professional, email the person most involved in the hiring process. If the hiring manager’s name is listed on the job description, use it when addressing your email. Copy and paste carefully to avoid any misspellings. 

If you don’t see a name but there is a job title, do a little research and see if you can find the contact. For instance, find the company’s LinkedIn page and search through the employees for the title the role would report into or recruiting titles. If no contact details are available, use “hiring manager” or “recruiter.”

6. Give context

Don’t just shoot off an email saying “Resume attached!” An email is a short-form style of communication. It’s essential you lead with your point and why it matters to them. Don’t assume they’ll connect the dots, share concise context in the email and subject line.

Resume email example:

Dear Hiring Manager,  My name is [Full Name] and I saw the [Job Title] position listed on [Website/Where you found it]. As a [Job Role] with [X years of experience], I’d love to be considered. Attached you can find my resume and cover letter. Thank you for your time and I look forward to hearing from you. Sincerely,  [Full Name] 

7. Optimize and attach the resume file

Your resume should be 10 MB or less. If your PDF file size is too large, use a compression tool to make it smaller. It should be small enough to send without compromising on quality or the ability to read it. It’ll be of no use if someone downloads your resume but can’t read it properly.

Additionally, your resume file name should be clear and include your name, job position, and company. Instead of a jumble of non-descript numbers and letters, it should look something like this: 

BradSmithResume_SoftwareEngineer_Google BradSmithSoftwareEngineerResume_Google BradSmith_SoftwareEngineerGoogle

Having a clear naming convention can make it easier to find your resume for all parties involved. It also shows you’re being specific and applying for a particular role at a company, instead of sending off the same resume to several companies. 

When you’re about to attach your resume to your email, do so carefully. You don’t want to send the wrong attachment or the wrong version of your resume. You can be extra careful and send yourself a test email with your resume. 

Here’s how to send an email and attach your resume in Gmail:

  • Log in to Gmail
  • Click on the “Attach files” icon (look for the paper clip at the bottom of your email)

Paper clip icon in gmail for attachments

  • Select your resume
  • Press “Open”

After following those steps, your email should have the attached resume ready to send. Teal can help you create various versions of your resume and ensure it’s the right file type.

Consider emailing a cover letter

While emailing your resume, you should consider emailing a cover letter as well. If this is in the job listing, this is a must. Even if it’s not a requirement, attaching a cover letter can provide more context about your experience and bring your resume to life. 

The key is to include your cover letter as another attachment. Many people copy and paste their cover letter into the email body or combine it with their resume file. This should only be done if instructed to do so. It’s better to keep your message short and sweet and provide all job application materials as attachments. 

This makes them easier to download and share with other staff members. It’s also just a cleaner and more organized way to apply for a job.

Here’s a step-by-step guide on what to write in an email when sending a resume.

Step 1: Address the hiring manager or recruiter

Your email should start with a friendly salutation like “Dear” and the email recipient. If you have the contact’s name, use it so it’s clear and personal. When there’s no name given, you can use hiring manager or recruiter. Avoid writing “To whom it may concern” which feels impersonal. 

Dear Hiring Manager,  Dear Recruiter,  Hiring Manager,  Recruiter,

Step 2: Write an intro

Your intro is where you set the stage. You’re establishing your reason for contact. Write clearly about your intentions and the purpose of your email. Here are some examples of several different situations and how to send a resume through email.

If inquiring about a job

I’m reaching out about your [job title] position listed on [website] and would love to learn more.

If applying for a job

I saw your [job title] posting on [website] and I’m interested in applying. 

If following up on a job

I wanted to follow up about the [job position] at [company]. Please let me know if there are any updates. 

Step 3: State your purpose for emailing

The body of an email is where you get to the heart of the matter and provide more details. 

I’m interested in the position and would love to know the best way to apply and submit my application. 
After reviewing the job description, I believe my skills and abilities would benefit your organization. I’ve attached my cover letter and resume for review.
I’d love to meet with your team to discuss my experience further. 

Step 4: End the email

The close of your email should remind them of your interest in the position—and have a dose of enthusiasm and gratitude so you leave a positive impression. 

I look forward to hearing back from you and learning more about the opportunity. 
I would love to discuss how my experience can be an asset in this position. Thank you for your time and consideration!
Let me know if you need anything else or have any questions. 

Step 5: Sign off

Your sign off can include “Sincerely” or “Best” and list your contact information. 

Example sign off :

[Full Name] [Email] [Phone Number] [LinkedIn profile, optional]

Tips on writing a resume email

The salutation and signature are easy enough, but the body of the email is where you’ll get more specific. You want to keep your message clear and inspire a call to action, which in most cases is a response, an interview, or a job offer. 

Tips to keep your resume email professional and concise:

  • Keep it brief
  • Don’t reiterate what’s in your cover letter
  • Avoid sharing too much of your resume in the body of the email
  • Aim for three to five sentences
  • Don’t copy and paste your cover letter in the body, unless instructed to do so

Teal’s Email Templates feature can give you a head start. Inside the Job Tracker , you'll find email templates for applying for a job, following up on an application, following up after an interview, and even resigning from your job , and giving two weeks notice . That way, you don’t have to start from scratch or reinvent the wheel, so you can use your time elsewhere. 

After sending an email with your resume and cover letter, the waiting game starts. It can be nerve-wracking, but there is one thing you can do (sparingly) to feel a little more in control—follow up. 

The art of email follow-up is crucial. You want to be enthusiastic but not too eager. Polite and not pushy. To follow up, send a well-written email using the email address you used to send your application materials.

Example follow-up email:

Dear [Hiring Manager’s Name],  Hope you’re doing well! I submitted my resume and job application materials for [job title] a few weeks ago. I wanted to check in and see if you have any updates on the hiring process. I’d love to chat with your team further about the role. Best,  [Full Name]  [Contact information]

Sending a follow-up may help you get a response so you know where you’re at in the process. It’s also about taking a proactive approach to your job search. In fact, some hiring managers expect interested candidates to follow up after an interview. That said, don’t overdo it. In most cases, you should wait until they respond before checking in again.

What NOT to do when sending a follow-up email after applying for a job:

  • Use a different email than the one you used for your application
  • Send an email too soon (wait a minimum of a week, but two to three weeks might be better) 
  • Be demanding
  • Forget to include your contact information
  • Fail to mention the specific job posting 

For a detailed breakdown on following up on an open role, check out this guide on how to follow up on a job application .

Create a resume you’re proud to send

Learning how to send a resume the right way can mean the difference between getting a response and getting lost in the void. When applying for a job, communication matters. The way you send an email, what you say, how you say it, are all considered before you get an interview. 

So make sure your message gets your point across with an optimized resume that’s named properly and attached to the email. 

To help you feel confident and create a resume you’re proud of sending, use Teal’s Resume Builder. Importing your LinkedIn to create a resume has never been easier and using the range of templates can help you design something that feels like “you.” Also, see how your current resume matches the job description, so you can make improvements and boost your chances of a callback. 

Using both the Resume Builder and Email Templates feature is a winning combo that can remove some of the pain of creating a resume and sending professional emails. 

Sign up for Teal today to access resume and email templates.

Frequently Asked Questions

What should i write in an email when sending potential employers a resume.

In an email sending your resume, write “My name is [Full Name] and I’m interested in applying for [Job Title] at [Company Name]. Given my [years of experience], I think I’d be a great fit for this role and would love to talk further. You can find my resume and cover letter attached to this email. I look forward to hearing from you and discussing this further.”

How do you professionally say my resume is attached?

When sending your resume via email, let the email recipient know which documents are attached by saying “My [resume, cover letter, etc] are attached to this email for review.

Is it okay to email your resume?

You always want to follow the instructions provided by the company in the job listing. If the job posting states that you should send your resume via email, it’s not only okay but also necessary to follow those instructions. Other companies may prefer you use their job portal or other online method to submit an application.

Does it matter what time you email a resume?

When you send a resume matters. It’s ideal to send it first thing in the morning so it has a better chance of being seen. This may help your email stay at the top of the inbox instead of getting lost among unread emails. If your email provider allows it (Gmail does), schedule your email to send the next morning if preparing the email later in the day.

cover letter to be attached with resume

Melanie Lockert

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cover letter to be attached with resume

Dive Into Expert Guides to Enhance your Resume

How to Email a Resume and Cover Letter to an Employer

Margaret Buj

When you are job hunting,  emailing your resume and cover letter  is a standard part of the process. But what is  the best way to email a resume ?

Potential employers are very quick to judge so it is essential to  make a positive first impression . The email you send is the first thing they see so it is important to get it right.

If you have spent time writing an attractive  professional resume  it would be tragic to fall at the first hurdle by making a mistake when you  email a resume and cover letter .

Thankfully, it is not rocket science. Using this step-by-step on  how to email a resume to a potential employer  will help to get your resume noticed.

Follow the employers’ instructions

When you are  sending your resume by email  it is important to follow the employer’s instructions to the letter. Failure to do so will show that you either have not read the job posting properly, or you have poor attention to detail.

The job advert normally gives detailed instructions on  how to send your resume in an email . The details often state the  resume format  you should use, what you should include in the subject line of the email, what attachments you should send, and when the deadline is, among other information.

How to choose the correct resume file format

Employers normally ask for resumes to be sent either as a PDF document or as a Word document (.doc). If the required resume format is not stated in the job posting you can send your  email resume as a .pdf or .doc.

There are various mistakes that candidates make on their resumes, so before you save it, make sure you have avoided the  most common mistakes when writing a resume .

To save your resume as a Word document  click ‘File’, ‘Save as’, then there should be an option to save it as a Word (.doc or .docx) file.

How to save your resume as a PDF  depends on what word processing software you use. Normally, you can click ‘File’, ‘Print to PDF’/’Export as PDF’, and then save the file. Read some tips on  choosing a good resume file name  to make sure that it is named appropriately.

Writing a cover letter

Depending on the position, you might need to  write a cover letter  to provide additional information on your  experience , expertise, why you are  applying for the job , and why you are a good fit for the position.

Sometimes employers give specific instructions on what you should write about in your cover letter, make sure you follow these. The  resume cover letter  should demonstrate why you are a strong candidate for a position.

The cover letter should be as well written as your resume and any other documentation you send an employer.  Use formal English .

There are two email  formats which you can use to include your cover letter . You can either copy and paste it into the main body of the email, or  include it as a PDF or Word document .

If you send the  resume cover email  as an attachment, you still need to write an email for attaching the resume.  Write a  formal email  stating why you are applying for the position and that your resume and cover letter are attached.

How to email a resume to a company: final checklist

Once you have written your  resume email and cover letter ,   there are some crucial things you should check before you send the email. There are some typical rookie mistakes to avoid, using a  resume builder  will help you to achieve this. Here are some final tips on  how to email a resume to a company.

Keep it simple

Do not use a fun, crazy, or alternative font, use a simple one such as Arial, Calibri or Verdana. Also, avoid using HTML as you do not know if the employer will be able to see it.

Send attachments correctly

It is incredible how many people forget to attach their resume to their email. This looks forgetful and amateurish. Double check you have included all the correct attachments before you send the email.

Don’t Forget the Details

The  email with your resume  should include a subject line and a signature with your contact details. The subject line should include the position which you are applying for, if you do not include this your email may never be opened.

Proofread everything many times

Typos and small mistakes look unprofessional. Before you  email a resume,  proofread all of the documentation. Check it for clarity, spelling, and grammar. Also, pay special attention to names.

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  • Cover Letter Tips

Should You Combine Your Cover Letter and Resume into One Document?

Ken Chase profile pic

The internet has impacted virtually every area of life, including the job search process. Gone are the days when a job seeker would simply hand an employer a cover letter and resume in paper form. Today, more companies than ever accept digital copies of those job search documents.

In fact, many companies and employers now only accept emailed digital cover letters and resumes so they can make use of applicant tracking systems (ATS). Unfortunately, there’s been little effort to standardize submission processes, and that can make it a little confusing for the average job seeker.

For example, how should you submit your emailed resume and cover letter? Should you send them separately or combine them into one document? In this post, we’ll examine both options and offer the advice you need to make the best decision.

What’s the difference between a cover letter and resume?

Before you decide whether to combine your cover letter and resume into one document, it is helpful to make sure that you fully understand each of these important tools. The fact is that each of these documents has its own role to play in the job search process, and they have some major differences:

Each of these documents serves a distinct purpose in the job search process. Resumes are designed to provide an employer with an easy way to quickly assess your qualifications. The main purpose of a cover letter is to help the employer understand your motivations, goals, and personality. Both are important documents, but they are not interchangeable.

Your cover letter should be a targeted document that focuses on your qualifications for a specific job role. It should contain information about why you are the best candidate for the position and what you hope to achieve for the employer if you are hired. Your resume is more of a marketing tool that highlights your skills, relevant work experience , and educational qualifications in an easily digested summarized format.

Structure and format

These two documents also have dramatically different structures and formats . Your resume will be divided into specific sections for easier consumption and will include bullet point lists of relevant skills and achievements. Cover letters look more like any other written communication, conveying your message in full sentences and paragraphs.

Cover letter and resume: to combine or not to combine?

Let’s get right to the main question here: should you combine your cover letter and resume into one document? As a general rule, you should try to avoid it wherever possible. Since resumes and cover letters serve two very different roles in the job search process, they should be treated as separate documents. The only time you should even consider combining these two documents is when the company has instructed you to do so.

Review the instructions

Whenever possible, it’s a good idea to get the submission guidelines for the position straight from the source. That means asking the company’s hiring manager how your resume and cover letter should be sent. If there are clear instructions, it’s important to follow them to the letter to maximize your chances of receiving the right type of attention. On those rare occasions when a company wants a combined document, the job posting will usually include that instruction.

Why you should not combine these two documents

In most instances, however, you will discover that the instructions are vague. Perhaps the only instruction is that your resume must be emailed. If that’s the case, then you should always choose to leave these two documents as separate files. There are several very good reasons to do so:

If you include these two tools in one document, applicant tracking systems may reject it. That can happen if the ATS mistakes your cover letter for a resume and assesses it based on its rules for resume approval.

Hiring managers often want to go directly to your resume to review your qualifications. If your cover letter is part of that document, it could be a distraction that frustrates your reader.

Your cover letter and resume serve different purposes. Keeping them separate helps to ensure that each document receives the attention it deserves.

What if employers request that your cover letter and resume be combined?

As we noted above, there may be times when a specific employer requests that a resume and cover letter be sent as one document. Obviously, that request should be honored if you want to be considered for an interview. The important thing then is to ensure that you combine them properly. The following tips can help:

Decide which document you want the employer to see first

Since the cover letter serves as your introduction, there is a case to be made for putting it in the front of the resume. If you want to make sure that the ATS scores your resume properly, however, you may want to put the resume at the beginning of the document. That can also help hiring managers quickly access your qualifications.

Create a new document

Make sure that you create an entirely new document for your combined file. That will enable you to keep them separate for other companies and submissions. Then copy and paste your resume and cover letter into this new document. Be sure to save the file with an appropriate file name. For example: JohnSmithResumeCoverLetter.docx or JohnSmithResumeCoverLetter.pdf.

Use proper formatting

When you paste each document into your combined file, make sure that you retain the original formatting. Also, be sure to include a page break at the end of the first document so that the next document begins on a fresh page.

Submit the combined file

Once you have your new combined file, submit it to the company. If the online job posting includes submission instructions, follow them to the letter. Otherwise, simply send it to the appropriate email address.

How to email your cover letter and resume

When emailing your cover letter and resume, either include the cover letter as an attachment or copy and paste its text into the email message. Don’t do both. 

It is generally recommended that you submit both the resume and cover letter as file attachments rather than having any part of them in the body of your email message. What you can include in the email text is confirmation that you have attached the resume and cover letter files.

Of course, you also need to decide whether you want to submit a Word document or a PDF file. Once again, review the job board instructions to see what the company is requesting. If there is no specific option listed, then the best thing to do is to submit each document in a Word file. 

Sample cover letter and resume template

Below, you will find a resume and cover letter template that you can use to ensure that your job search documents contain the information that employers want to see. You can use these templates to guide you as you create your own cover letter and resume:

Resume template

[Your first and last name]

[Your Phone number]

[Your Email address]

Professional Summary

[No more than three sentences highlighting your qualifications, experience, and achievements.]

Core Competencies

[Bullet point list of your relevant skills. Use multiple columns to list 12-15 top skills ]

Employment History

[Company name], [city], [state] | [Employment dates]

[Job title]

Job responsibility and achievement

[Repeat employment history for additional jobs, in reverse chronological order]

[Name of school], [city], [state]

[Degree], [major]

[Date you graduated] It should be noted that you don’t have to include education dates if you graduated more than one year ago. 


[Name of certification or license, organization providing it, and relevant dates]

Awards and Achievements

[Award, honor, achievement]

Cover letter template

[Your city and state]

[Recipient's first and last name]

[Company name]

[Company address]

Dear [Recipient's name],

My name is [your name] and I am interested in discussing the open [position name] position at your company. I have [length of experience] experience as a [your profession] and am confident that I can provide a great deal of value for your company if hired.

I have recently been employed at [relevant employer name], where I was responsible for [cite job duties using keywords that match the skills needed in the open position]. Prior to that, I [provide examples of job duties that show your qualifications to fill the company’s open job]. I would love to have the opportunity to use these skills as part of your team.

I have included my resume with this letter so that you can evaluate my qualifications and experience at your leisure. I appreciate your consideration and look forward to having the opportunity to discuss the position with you in greater detail.


[Your name]

You should choose to send your cover letter and resume as separate documents, unless the company has instructed you to combine them into a single file. More importantly, make sure that you get those critical job search tools into the right hands so that you can increase your chances of landing an interview!

Want to know whether your resume has what it takes to capture a hiring manager’s interest? Get a free resume review from our team of experts today!

Recommended Reading:

How to Tailor Your Resume to Different Positions (Examples)

How long should a resume be in 2023?

How to Get Your Resume Past the ATS Scans

Ken Chase, Freelance Writer

During Ken's two decades as a freelance writer, he has covered everything from banking and fintech to business management and the entertainment industry. His true passion, however, has always been focused on helping others achieve their career goals with timely job search and interview advice or the occasional resume consultation. When he's not working, Ken can usually be found adventuring with family and friends or playing fetch with his demanding German Shepherd. Read more resume advice from Ken on  ZipJob’s blog .

Illustration of a marked up resume

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cover letter to be attached with resume

How to Write a Cover Letter That Will Get You a Job

I ’ve read thousands, maybe tens of thousands, of cover letters in my career. If you’re thinking that sounds like really boring reading, you’re right. What I can tell you from enduring that experience is that most cover letters are terrible — and not only that, but squandered opportunities. When a cover letter is done well, it can significantly increase your chances of getting an interview, but the vast majority fail that test.

So let’s talk about how to do cover letters right.

First, understand the point of a cover letter.

The whole idea of a cover letter is that it can help the employer see you as more than just your résumé. Managers generally aren’t hiring based solely on your work history; your experience is crucial, yes, but they’re also looking for someone who will be easy to work with, shows good judgment, communicates well, possesses strong critical thinking skills and a drive to get things done, complements their current team, and all the other things you yourself probably want from your co-workers. It’s tough to learn much about those things from job history alone, and that’s where your cover letter comes in.

Because of that …

Whatever you do, don’t just summarize your résumé.

The No. 1 mistake people make with cover letters is that they simply use them to summarize their résumé. This makes no sense — hiring managers don’t need a summary of your résumé! It’s on the very next page! They’re about to see it as soon as they scroll down. And if you think about it, your entire application is only a few pages (in most cases, a one- or two-page résumé and a one-page cover letter) — why would you squander one of those pages by repeating the content of the others? And yet, probably 95 percent of the cover letters I see don’t add anything new beyond the résumé itself (and that’s a conservative estimate).

Instead, your cover letter should go beyond your work history to talk about things that make you especially well-suited for the job. For example, if you’re applying for an assistant job that requires being highly organized and you neurotically track your household finances in a detailed, color-coded spreadsheet, most hiring managers would love to know that because it says something about the kind of attention to detail you’d bring to the job. That’s not something you could put on your résumé, but it can go in your cover letter.

Or maybe your last boss told you that you were the most accurate data processor she’d ever seen, or came to rely on you as her go-to person whenever a lightning-fast rewrite was needed. Maybe your co-workers called you “the client whisperer” because of your skill in calming upset clients. Maybe you’re regularly sought out by more senior staff to help problem-solve, or you find immense satisfaction in bringing order to chaos. Those sorts of details illustrate what you bring to the job in a different way than your résumé does, and they belong in your cover letter.

If you’re still stumped, pretend you’re writing an email to a friend about why you’d be great at the job. You probably wouldn’t do that by stiffly reciting your work history, right? You’d talk about what you’re good at and how you’d approach the work. That’s what you want here.

You don’t need a creative opening line.

If you think you need to open the letter with something creative or catchy, I am here to tell you that you don’t. Just be simple and straightforward:

• “I’m writing to apply for your X position.”

• “I’d love to be considered for your X position.”

• “I’m interested in your X position because …”

• “I’m excited to apply for your X position.”

That’s it! Straightforward is fine — better, even, if the alternative is sounding like an aggressive salesperson.

Show, don’t tell.

A lot of cover letters assert that the person who wrote it would excel at the job or announce that the applicant is a skillful engineer or a great communicator or all sorts of other subjective superlatives. That’s wasted space — the hiring manager has no reason to believe it, and so many candidates claim those things about themselves that most managers ignore that sort of self-assessment entirely. So instead of simply declaring that you’re great at X (whatever X is), your letter should demonstrate that. And the way you do that is by describing accomplishments and experiences that illustrate it.

Here’s a concrete example taken from one extraordinarily effective cover-letter makeover that I saw. The candidate had originally written, “I offer exceptional attention to detail, highly developed communication skills, and a talent for managing complex projects with a demonstrated ability to prioritize and multitask.” That’s pretty boring and not especially convincing, right? (This is also exactly how most people’s cover letters read.)

In her revised version, she wrote this instead:

“In addition to being flexible and responsive, I’m also a fanatic for details — particularly when it comes to presentation. One of my recent projects involved coordinating a 200-page grant proposal: I proofed and edited the narratives provided by the division head, formatted spreadsheets, and generally made sure that every line was letter-perfect and that the entire finished product conformed to the specific guidelines of the RFP. (The result? A five-year, $1.5 million grant award.) I believe in applying this same level of attention to detail to tasks as visible as prepping the materials for a top-level meeting and as mundane as making sure the copier never runs out of paper.”

That second version is so much more compelling and interesting — and makes me believe that she really is great with details.

If there’s anything unusual or confusing about your candidacy, address it in the letter.

Your cover letter is your chance to provide context for things that otherwise might seem confusing or less than ideal to a hiring manager. For example, if you’re overqualified for the position but are excited about it anyway, or if you’re a bit underqualified but have reason to think you could excel at the job, address that up front. Or if your background is in a different field but you’re actively working to move into this one, say so, talk about why, and explain how your experience will translate. Or if you’re applying for a job across the country from where you live because you’re hoping to relocate to be closer to your family, let them know that.

If you don’t provide that kind of context, it’s too easy for a hiring manager to decide you’re the wrong fit or applying to everything you see or don’t understand the job description and put you in the “no” pile. A cover letter gives you a chance to say, “No, wait — here’s why this could be a good match.”

Keep the tone warm and conversational.

While there are some industries that prize formal-sounding cover letters — like law — in most fields, yours will stand out if it’s warm and conversational. Aim for the tone you’d use if you were writing to a co-worker whom you liked a lot but didn’t know especially well. It’s okay to show some personality or even use humor; as long as you don’t go overboard, your letter will be stronger for it.

Don’t use a form letter.

You don’t need to write every cover letter completely from scratch, but if you’re not customizing it to each job, you’re doing it wrong. Form letters tend to read like form letters, and they waste the chance to speak to the specifics of what this employer is looking for and what it will take to thrive in this particular job.

If you’re applying for a lot of similar jobs, of course you’ll end up reusing language from one letter to the next. But you shouldn’t have a single cover letter that you wrote once and then use every time you apply; whatever you send should sound like you wrote it with the nuances of this one job in mind.

A good litmus test is this: Could you imagine other applicants for this job sending in the same letter? If so, that’s a sign that you haven’t made it individualized enough to you and are probably leaning too heavily on reciting your work history.

No, you don’t need to hunt down the hiring manager’s name.

If you read much job-search advice, at some point you’ll come across the idea that you need to do Woodward and Bernstein–level research to hunt down the hiring manager’s name in order to open your letter with “Dear Matilda Jones.” You don’t need to do this; no reasonable hiring manager will care. If the name is easily available, by all means, feel free to use it, but otherwise “Dear Hiring Manager” is absolutely fine. Take the hour you just freed up and do something more enjoyable with it.

Keep it under one page.

If your cover letters are longer than a page, you’re writing too much, and you risk annoying hiring managers who are likely sifting through hundreds of applications and don’t have time to read lengthy tomes. On the other hand, if you only write one paragraph, it’s unlikely that you’re making a compelling case for yourself as a candidate — not impossible, but unlikely. For most people, something close to a page is about right.

Don’t agonize over the small details.

What matters most about your cover letter is its content. You should of course ensure that it’s well-written and thoroughly proofread, but many job seekers agonize over elements of the letter that really don’t matter. I get tons of  questions from job seekers  about whether they should attach their cover letter or put it in the body of the email (answer: No one cares, but attaching it makes it easier to share and will preserve your formatting), or what to name the file (again, no one really cares as long as it’s reasonably professional, but when people are dealing with hundreds of files named “resume,” it’s courteous to name it with your full name).

Approaching your cover letter like this can make a huge difference in your job search. It can be the thing that moves your application from the “maybe” pile (or even the “no” pile) to the “yes” pile. Of course, writing cover letters like this will take more time than sending out the same templated letter summarizing your résumé — but 10 personalized, compelling cover letters are likely to get you more  interview invitations  than 50 generic ones will.

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  • How to Answer ‘Tell Me About Yourself’ in a Job Interview

by The Cut; Photos: Getty Images

  • Online Students
  • Faculty & Staff
  • African American/Black
  • Asian, Pacific Islander & Desi American
  • DACA & Undocumented Students
  • First Generation
  • Hispanic/Latinx
  • Indigenous/Native/First Nations
  • International
  • Justice Impacted
  • Middle Eastern/North African/Arab-American
  • Neurodivergent
  • Students With Disabilities
  • Liberal Arts
  • Social Sciences

Create a Resume / Cover Letter

  • Earn Certifications & Badges
  • Expand Your Network / Mentor
  • Negotiate an Offer
  • Prepare for an Interview
  • Explore Your Interests / Self Assessment
  • Prepare for Graduate School
  • Explore Internships
  • Search for a Job

cover letter to be attached with resume

Building Your Resume & Cover Letter

Your professional story begins with creating your resume and cover letter. A resume is the foundational document in your job search. It lists your skills, work history, education, contact information and any other credentials or certifications you may have. Cover letters are an important part of the job application process as well because they help hiring managers develop a better understanding of your suitability for a position. Creating these ever important documents can feel daunting, but not to fear! SNHU offers you a free tool called SkillsFirst to create the ideal resume and cover letter!

cover letter to be attached with resume

resume guide: the basics

Step 1: Start With Your Heading & Education Sections

  • Your resume heading will often include the following: full name, phone number, email address, and link to public profile or portfolio (i.e. LinkedIn URL). You will want to ensure all contact information is correct and visually balanced.
  • Your education should be highlighted as well, included you major, any relevant coursework and projects, along with your graduation month/year (or expected graduation date). You can also include your GPA.

Step 2: Craft Your Relevant Experience Section

  • Your experience section should included your job title, employer, location, and the dates you were employed in that role (or currently employed). This section will also be organized in reverse chronological order.
  • Your experiences should be expressed with descriptive bullets points. Bullets should lead with strong action verbs , and use the present tense for current accomplishments and past tense for completed accomplishments.
  • TIP: Use the STAR Method to create strong action verb bullets!

Step 3: List Skills & Other Activities/Experiences

  • Your skills section should include any/all technical skills and soft skills you have achieved through your schooling and/or work experiences. TIP: Use the job description to be sure the required skills the employer is seeking is also listed on your resume to demonstrate you have what they are looking for in a candidate!
  • You can also use this section to site certifications you have achieved or are working towards.
  • If you have completed any relevant volunteer work, student clubs, community work, or civic engagements, you can add to a additional section like “volunteering”.

What If I’d Like Feedback On My Resume or Cover Letter?

  • You can always contact our talented team of Career Advisors to view and provide feedback on your professional documents!
  • Email [email protected] or call 888.672.1458.

How Do I Describe Work Experiences That Aren’t Seemingly Relevant To The Role?

  • Focus on broadly applicable and transferable skills . Understand that much of what we do is relevant. For example, customer service while working for Target is very much like customer service at EY, Wayfair, or Fidelity. True, the task might be different, but the principle is very much the same.
  • Customer service, communication, teamwork, training, time management all are relevant skills that you should highlight in your bulleted descriptions relevant to your future career!
  • Check out this article: How To Showcase Relevant Experiences

How To Beat The Applicant Tracking System (ATS) When Applying

  • Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS) are used by recruiters and employers to track a candidate’s job application throughout the recruiting and hiring process, making it easy for businesses of any size to filter, manage, and analyze potential candidates.
  • Learn how to  ensure your resume is successfully received and processed by employers.

Where Can I Find Resume & Cover Letter Templates For The Role I Am Applying For?

  • Check out the SkillsFirst videos posted under “Career Videos” to learn how to customize your resume and cover letter.
  • Cover Letter Samples
  • Resume Builder
  • Live Career

Functional vs. Chronological Resume Formats : Pros & Cons

  • When you use a  chronological resume , you start at the top, then   work your way down and backward . After your name, contact information, and optional summary, you list your work history, starting with your current or most recent job. For each job, you list where you worked, the dates you worked, your title, and all of your job duties.
  • Working your way backward, you cover your employment history until you’re out of jobs (or space).
  • The key highlight of a functional resume vs a chronological resume is that  functional resumes are skills-based . Instead of starting with your current job and moving backward, a functional resume  focuses on your skills and abilities , instead of your job history.
  • This formatting style is most helpful for those applying for jobs or internships with little to no experience .
  • Generally, a functional resume starts with your name and then a summary of your achievements and accomplishments, similar to the summary statement on any resume.
  • Each format style has its own unique pros and cons. You should carefully consider each when crafting your resume.
  • A hybrid resume includes an achievements section, but also provides a bit of information under each position, which helps gives context to your resume.
  • In this hybrid format, you are emphasizing your skills without de-emphasizing your work history. 

Career Resources

Swooped: land your dream job.

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Top jobs, AI resume and cover letter optimization, and one-click applications. Find your next job three times faster.

How to Optimize Your LinkedIn

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If you want your LinkedIn profile to get attention from the right people, use these tips make it stand out!

How To Create a GitHub Portfolio

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Learning how to create a GitHub portfolio is a great way to showcase your work as and make it easy …

What Is Relevant Experience? Definition and Examples For Resumes

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In this article, we define relevant experience, review key tips for identifying relevant experiences to include on your resume and …

How To Write A Internship Cover Letter

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LinkedIn Learning

cover letter to be attached with resume

What You Need to Know About Crafting a Stand-out Resume

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Using AI to Make a Career Switch

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Copilot in Word: Create and Refine Documents with AI

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Resume Makeover

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Rock Your LinkedIn Profile

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Creating GitHub Portfolios

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Landing a Job as a Skills-First Candidate

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Nano Tips for Writing a Resume with Sho Dewan

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Nailing your Interview, Resume, and Negotiation FAST

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Designing a Resume for Creatives

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Resume Tips for Leaders and Managers

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Finding a Remote Job

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Leveraging Your Transferable Skills to Drive Your Career

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Returning to Work with a Resume Gap

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Optimize Your Resume for Applicant Tracking Systems

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How to Highlight Your Job Skills

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Writing a Tech Resume

Vault guides.

The Vault Guide to Resumes and Job-Hunting Skills, Third Edition

The Vault Guide to Resumes and Job-Hunting Skills, Third Edition

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A proper résumé and effective job-hunting skills can go a long way in getting a foot in the door. An …

Career Videos

Resumes & applying for jobs – get your resume working for you, linkedin: creating your profile, using artificial intelligence ai to strengthen your resume, resumes and applying for jobs, filling in the gaps – addressing career gaps, how to use keywords in your job search, career service hours.

Whatcom Transportation Authority

Operations Supervisor

  • 12-May-2024 to 02-Jun-2024
  • - Operations
  • Bellingham, WA, USA
  • $84,960.00 - $113,904.00
  • To view the compensation and benefits document copy this URL into your browser address bar:

Priority given to applications received by Sunday, June 2, 2024, at 9:00 pm PST.

Please attach a resume and cover letter to the application. The cover letter will be attached to the same location as the resume. Your cover letter should address why you are interested in this position and what makes you a good fit for this role. 

In-person interviews are tentatively scheduled to be held on Monday, June 17, 2024. Please plan to be available.


  • The starting pay range is $84,960.00 - $93,672.00 . Placement upon hire will be evaluated based on the candidate's years of relevant experience. The full budgeted pay range for this position is $84,960.00 - $113,904.00 annually.

WTA is hiring an Operations Supervisor to backfill an internal promotion. This role includes employee supervision, passenger and public relations, route planning and accident investigation. They will participate in special projects within the division or agency.

Job Summary :

Responsible for the field operations of the transit system, including employee supervision, passenger and public relations, complaint processing, route planning and accident investigation.  Participates in special projects within the division or agency. Position involves rotating day, evening and weekend shifts.


  • Responsible for the supervision, support, and assistance of all aspects of field operations to ensure its overall quality, safety, efficiency and compliance with established policies and procedures.
  • Supervision responsibilities include selection, training, shift scheduling, employee evaluations, fitness-for-duty checks, work rule enforcement, discipline and initial grievance handling.  Participates in the hiring and termination process, as approved by the Division Director, Human Resources Staff and General Manager and in accordance with WTA personnel policies and procedures.
  • Monitors and reports on all aspects of service performance, including efficiency, on-time performance, quality of service, compliance with safety procedures and traffic laws.
  • Tracks employee attendance, approves employee time-off requests and reviews/approves staff time records.  Reports on all aspects of scheduling.
  • Implements WTA Fit-for-Work program, including making reasonable-suspicion drug testing determinations and assuring monthly random tests occur as required.
  • Participates in accident response, follow-up, and investigation.
  • Handles passenger-related issues and concerns including responding to complaints from passengers and the public.
  • Assists with the development and implementation of fixed-route or paratransit service changes, special event service, temporary detours and other planning duties as assigned.
  • Will be assigned to lead or participate in special projects within the division or agency.  


  • May evaluate vehicle accessibility at fixed-route stops and paratransit pick-up locations.
  • May operate transit coaches or paratransit vehicles in service during emergency situations (CDL required).
  • Performs Expediter or Dispatch duties when necessary.
  • Assists with public relations and educational programs, as directed.
  • Prepares Rider Alerts.
  • Performs other related duties as assigned. 


To perform this job successfully, each essential function must be performed satisfactorily. The requirements listed below are representative of the knowledge, experience, skill, and ability required. Reasonable accommodations may be made to enable individuals with disabilities to perform the essential functions.

Knowledge of:

  • Modern principles and practices of supervision and management

Ability to:

  • Exhibit strong supervisory skills including leadership, problem analysis, decision making, planning and organization, adaptability and flexibility, stress tolerance, conflict resolution and time management.
  • Exhibit logical thinking, problem-solving skills, and decision-making abilities when resolving day-to-day operational situations.
  • Communicate effectively, both orally and in writing.
  • Follow and enforce safe working practices.
  • Work effectively with employees at all levels of the organization, outside agencies and the general public.
  • Exhibit experience with basic computer programs including Microsoft Suite and learn software applications relative to areas of responsibility such as the Trapeze Suite for run cutting and markups, project management software, etc.
  • Administer the collective bargaining agreement and apply contract provisions and work rules.
  • Obtain a working knowledge of WTA personnel and operations policies and procedures as well as pertinent federal, state and local regulations.
  • Workday or swing shifts, any day of the week.


  • Many duties are performed in an office environment, but position also requires driving throughout WTA service area, in a variety of vehicle types (from automobiles to transit coaches). Occasional exposure to severe weather conditions while working outdoors.  Typical office equipment used to accomplish job tasks includes a computer, printer, fax machine, photocopier, calculator and telephone.  Radios used include desk-top, vehicle and hand-held models. 

Education and Experience :

  • High school diploma required.
  • Associates or B.A. degree preferred.
  • At least three years supervisory experience in a customer-service environment required.
  • Experience supervising union employees preferred.
  • Experience working in a transit environment preferred.
  • Other combinations of education and work experience may also be considered.

License or Certificates :

  • Valid Washington State driver's license at time of hire and ability to obtain a valid Commercial Driver's License (CDL) with appropriate endorsements within six weeks of hire and maintain licensing during length of employment.
  • Applicants must have an acceptable driving record (in accordance with WTA personnel policy POL-ALL-406-04 "Administering Employment Screenings") and must submit a five-year driving abstract.
  • Must pass a comprehensive background check (in accordance with RCW 43.43.830 through 43.43.840, Child / Adult Abuse Information Act.)
  • Obtain and maintain a valid and current CPR card within 3 months of hire


The physical demands described here are representative of those that must be met by an employee to successfully perform the essential functions of this job.  Reasonable accommodations may be made to enable individuals with disabilities to perform the essential functions.

  • Physical ability to perform essential job functions including, but not limited to, sitting for extended periods of time, standing, walking, stooping / bending, pushing / pulling (approximately 50 lbs.), lifting (approximately 30 lbs.), and climbing (stairs).
  • Has distant vision acuity of at least 20/40 (Snellen) in each eye without corrective lenses or visual acuity separate corrected to 20/40(Snellen) in both eyes with or without corrective lenses, field of vision of at least 70 degrees in the horizontal meridian in each eye, and the ability to recognize the colors of traffic signals and devices showing standard red, green, and amber.
  • Hearing unimpaired or correctable to minimum requirements of Section 391.41 CDL Physical Standards.
  • Full and complete use of all limbs to operate coach controls.
  • No history of cardiovascular impairment or related disease.
  • Meets all other minimum requirements of Section 391.41 CDL Physical Standards.
  • Must be able to comfortably and safely board, sit in and maneuver throughout vehicle.


All offers of employment are contingent upon a physical exam to obtain CDL licensing, and the successful completion of a pre-employment drug screen. This position is classified as safety sensitive and requires participation in the WTA's Drug and Alcohol program, including random drug and alcohol testing, and is a condition of hire and a requirement of continued employment. A comprehensive background check will be conducted to include driving record.

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  3. New How to Start A Letter for A Job you can download for full letter

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  4. Sample Cover Letter With Attached Resume

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  5. how to write a cover letter for my resume

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  6. Please Find My Cv And Cover Letter Attached

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  1. Nice & Happy Delivery Trailer

  2. open the attached resume and cover letter and your family a very happy birthday Krishna kadam op

  3. Documents Attached Cover Letter

  4. How to send email a resume |for jobs application

  5. Please See Attached Resume and Cover Letter

  6. CV & Cover Letter That Can Help You Get Jobs Faster


  1. How to Say, 'Please Find Attached My Resume' with Examples

    I have attached my cover letter and resume for your review. I believe you will find that my qualifications meet the requirements of your job listing. Please contact me at 555-555-5555 or email [email protected] if you have any additional questions. I look forward to hearing from you regarding employment with your company.

  2. How To Send an Email Cover Letter (With Steps, Tips and Example)

    To attach your cover letter, create a new email message in your email program and choose the paperclip icon. Browse through the files on your computer to find your cover letter and click to attach it to the email. 7. Include a brief email message Write a simple message in the body of the email to let the hiring manager know you've attached ...

  3. How to Write an Email Cover Letter

    I've attached my resume and cover letter to this email. I welcome the opportunity for an interview to further discuss how my experience and skills can be an asset to Boston Global. Thank you for your time and consideration. Regards, Melissa Firscht (908) 886-1924. [email protected].

  4. How to Email a Resume and Cover Letter Attachment

    Click on Insert > Attach File. Your email client will display a list of files in the default file folder of your computer. If your resume and cover letter are stored in a different folder, click on the appropriate folder. Click to select the file you want to add to your email message, and then click on Insert to attach the document to your ...

  5. How and When To Use "Please Find My Resume Attached"

    Here are four instances when you might use "please find my resume attached:" 1. When submitting a cover letter. The first occasion in which you might use this phrase is when you are submitting a physical copy of your cover letter to a hiring manager or recruiter. Mentioning your resume in your cover letter is a way of making sure your reader ...

  6. Emailing a Cover Letter: How To Guide With Example

    5. Attach your cover letter to the email correctly. To attach a file to an email, start by creating a new email message in your email program. Next, select the paperclip icon in the toolbar part of the email box. This will take you to your device's quick access ribbon, where you can select your cover letter from the appropriate file folder ...

  7. How To Email a Resume to an Employer (With Example)

    2. Attach a file. The easiest way to email your resume is by attaching the file directly to the email. First, save your resume file as a Word Document (.doc, .docx) or PDF (.pdf) file format. To do this, find "Save As" in your toolbar. From the file formats available, select Word Document or PDF.

  8. How to Say 'Please Find Attached My Resume' in 2024

    Top ↑ 5 Cases You Can Use The Phrase "Please Find Attached My Resume" #1. Submitting a cover letter #2. Applying for a job online or by email #3. Responding to an interview invitation #4. Requesting an informational interview #5.

  9. How to Use "Please Find Attached My Resume"

    Unless the job you're applying for requires a high degree of formality (like those in law or accounting), you should use different wording. Here are some other variations to avoid: "Please find my resume attached". "Please find attached: my resume". "Please see attached resume". "Attached you will find my resume".

  10. How to Send an Email Cover Letter (Samples & Tips)

    To write a perfect cover letter email for a job application, follow these steps: Use our email cover letter template. Apply a clear, strong subject line. Open with a proper greeting—address the hiring manager by their name. In the first sentence, explain why you're writing and what position you're targeting.

  11. What to Say When Emailing a Resume (with Examples)

    Make sure that you've actually attached your resume (and your cover letter, if required). Ensure they have sensible file names, too: "Jay Miller - Resume" or "J Miller - Sales Executive Resume" is more professional and easier to retrieve than something like "JM 010224 v3" or simply "Resume."

  12. Email Cover Letter: 5 Samples & Writing Guide + Expert Tips

    Add the job title to the subject line and first line of your email. Use the 3-paragraph cover letter format, but keep it short and snappy. Find resume keywords in the job ad. Include one big achievement relevant to the job. Expert Hint: Don't forget to attach your resume to the cover letter in your email!

  13. How to Write a Cover Letter (Expert Tips & Examples)

    Write a clear and professional subject line that includes the job title and your name. Compose a brief message in the body of the email, introducing yourself and stating the position you are applying for. Attach your cover letter and resume to the email, making sure they are properly named and labeled.

  14. Glassdoor Guide: How to Write a Cover Letter

    The cover letter is a tool to help introduce yourself in a memorable, personal way during a job application. A well-crafted cover letter goes over information on your resume and expands this information for the reader, taking them on a guided journey of some of your greatest career and life achievements.. Its purpose is to elaborate on the information contained in your resume while infusing ...

  15. 11 Steps To Email a Cover Letter

    6. Attach your cover letter Some organizations may instruct you to send your cover letter as an attachment. In such cases, check the job description to confirm the format the hiring manager requested. Next, ensure you save the cover letter in the correct format and confirm that the content is secure.

  16. How to Email a Resume to an Employer [Template + Examples]

    As a [Job Role] with [X years of experience], I'd love to be considered. Attached you can find my resume and cover letter. Thank you for your time and I look forward to hearing from you. Sincerely, [Full Name] ‍ 7. Optimize and attach the resume file. Your resume should be 10 MB or less.

  17. How to Send a Resume and Cover Letter by Mail to an Employer

    There are two email formats which you can use to include your cover letter. You can either copy and paste it into the main body of the email, or include it as a PDF or Word document. If you send the resume cover email as an attachment, you still need to write an email for attaching the resume. Write a formal email stating why you are applying ...

  18. Please Find Attached My Resume: How to Say It Right?

    Please find attached my resume. It's an idiomatic phrase, yes. It's grammatically correct, yes. But it reads like it's taken straight from the 1960s. You know, back when computers were the size of a building, and the only thing resembling a smartphone was called a Tricorder and you could see it on Star Trek.

  19. Should You Combine Your Cover Letter and Resume into One Document

    Create a new document. Make sure that you create an entirely new document for your combined file. That will enable you to keep them separate for other companies and submissions. Then copy and paste your resume and cover letter into this new document. Be sure to save the file with an appropriate file name.

  20. Guide for Resumes & Cover Letters

    Guide for Resumes & Cover Letters. FlexJobs has been the go-to platform for professional-level, legitimate remote and flexible jobs since 2007. Over time, we've learned a lot about writing cover letters and resumes that can help you land a coveted interview spot. We've also learned a variety of techniques to help you impress the hiring ...

  21. FAQs: Adding, Uploading, and Submitting Cover Letters

    Click Add next to Supporting documents at the bottom of the application review page. Select a reference letter, transcript, or portfolio from your device after clicking Upload file. Other files can still be added even if you've added a cover letter. Click Update to save the attached file (s). This takes you back to your application review page ...

  22. How To Write a Cover Letter (With Examples and Tips)

    Middle paragraph (s) Closing paragraph. Letter ending and signature. Your cover letter should be one page long and use a simple, professional font, such as Arial or Helvetica, 10 to 12 points in size. Your letter should be left-aligned with single spacing and one-inch margins. Show Transcript.

  23. How to Write a Cover Letter When You're Changing Careers (Sample + Tips)

    Let's review four key pieces of information you can weave into your career change cover letter. 1. Clarify your career change context. Explaining why you're interested in changing careers and how the role you're applying to fits within your larger career aspirations can preemptively contextualize your story.

  24. How to Write a Cover Letter That Will Get You a Job

    If you think you need to open the letter with something creative or catchy, I am here to tell you that you don't. Just be simple and straightforward: • "I'm writing to apply for your X ...

  25. Cover Letter Checker

    See your Match Rate increase. Update your cover letter document, click on the Upload and rescan button, then paste in the updated text of your cover letter. Your Match Rate will update. Continue this process with your resume and cover letter until you reach a match rate of 75% or higher. Start Optimizing Your Cover Letter.

  26. Create a Resume / Cover Letter

    Step 1: Start With Your Heading & Education Sections. Your resume heading will often include the following: full name, phone number, email address, and link to public profile or portfolio (i.e. LinkedIn URL). You will want to ensure all contact information is correct and visually balanced. Your education should be highlighted as well, included ...

  27. How To Write An Associate Consultant Cover Letter: With Examples

    Cover Letter Sample For An Associate Consultant To help you develop an understanding of successful cover letters, here is a sample cover letter for an associate consultant: Monika Paul Pune, Maharashtra (91) 92544-59888 [email protected] March 14, 2023 Mr. Rajiv Tyagi Wavewood Private Limited Pune, Maharashtra Dear Mr. Rajiv Tyagi, I am writing to apply for the associate consultant's role ...

  28. Operations Supervisor

    Priority given to applications received by Sunday, June 2, 2024, at 9:00 pm PST. Please attach a resume and cover letter to the application. The cover letter will be attached to the same location as the resume. Your cover letter should address why you are interested in this position and what makes you a good fit for this role. In-person interviews are tentatively scheduled to be held ...

  29. How To Combine a Cover Letter and Resume Into One Document

    3. Open a new document. To begin combining your resume and cover letter into a single document, start a new file on your computer in your preferred application or platform. Choose a file name that's professional and use your full name without any numbers to differentiate your application from the candidate pool.

  30. How To Write An Assistant Store Manager Cover Letter: With ...

    Assistant Store Manager Cover Letter Template. Here is a cover letter template you can refer to create your own cover letter: [Your Name] [City, State] [Your Phone Number] [Your Email] [Today's Date] [Recipient's Name] [Recipient's Company's] [Recipient's City and State] Dear [Recipient's Name], I am writing to apply for the mechanic position ...