Father of the Bride Speech Examples and Templates

by Ryan Hart | Updated on September 21, 2023 | Post may contain affiliate links. As an Amazon Associate we earn from qualifying purchases.

When it comes to a wedding, one of the most anticipated speeches is the father of the bride’s.

It’s a moment for the father to express his love and pride for his daughter, offer advice and well wishes for the newlyweds, and thank everyone for being a part of this special day.

But for many fathers, the idea of giving a speech can be intimidating . You want to make sure you come across as confident, clear, and knowledgeable, but where do you start?

Brainstorming and planning ahead can help you organize your thoughts and ensure you hit all the key elements. From there, you can start writing and incorporating techniques to make your speech stand out.

Father of the bride giving a wedding speech

What should you say in a Father of the Bride speech?

When it comes to delivering a memorable father of the bride speech, there are several key elements that you should incorporate. These elements will help you to create a speech that is heartfelt, emotional, and memorable for all the right reasons.

Introduce Yourself

Firstly, it’s important to introduce yourself and welcome the guests . This will help to set the tone for your speech and make everyone feel at ease. You can also take this opportunity to thank the guests for coming and for their support.

Share a Short Story

Next, it’s time to share stories and memories about your daughter. This is the perfect opportunity to reminisce about happy times and to highlight the qualities that make your daughter so special. You can also use this time to welcome your new son-in-law or daughter-in-law and to express your happiness for the happy couple.

Offer Words of Wisdom

It’s also important to offer some words of wisdom and marriage advice. This can be done in a concise and meaningful way, and can include quotes or anecdotes that have special meaning to you and your family. You can also share your hopes and wishes for the future of the couple.

End with a Toast

Of course, no father of the bride speech would be complete without a toast. Raise a toast to the happy couple and their future together, and share your pride and joy in their union. You can also take this opportunity to thank the maid of honor and the master of ceremonies for their contributions to the wedding.

Examples and Templates

When it comes to writing your father of the bride speech, having some examples and templates to draw inspiration from can be incredibly helpful. Here are a few resources to get you started:

"Ladies and gentlemen, I stand here as a proud father to [DAUGHTER'S NAME] . It feels like just yesterday that she was [SHARE A MEMORABLE CHILDHOOD EXPERIENCE] . Today, I can hardly believe she's marrying [GROOM'S NAME] , a man who [POSITIVE TRAIT OR ANECDOTE ABOUT GROOM] . As I raise my glass, I want to thank everyone for being here to celebrate this special day with us. To the happy couple, may your future be filled with love and joy."
"When [DAUGHTER'S NAME] was little, we used to [A SHARED ACTIVITY OR STORY] . Now as I watch her with [GROOM'S NAME] , I see a similar bond of [SHARED QUALITY] . I could not be happier for them. So here's to my beautiful daughter and her wonderful new husband. May your love continue to grow stronger with each passing day. Cheers!"
"As a father, you dream of the day your little girl finds someone who [VALUES OR QUALITIES YOU HOPED FOR] . Today, [DAUGHTER'S NAME] married [GROOM'S NAME] , a man who embodies all of these qualities. To my daughter and her new husband, I wish you a lifetime of happiness and love. May your marriage be as strong and beautiful as the love you share today."
"They say a father is his daughter's first love. Well, [DAUGHTER'S NAME] was my first true love. Seeing her today with [GROOM'S NAME] , I know she's found her [TERM OF ENDEARMENT: e.g. forever love, true match] . As I look at my daughter and her new husband, I am filled with pride and joy. Here's to a lifetime of love, laughter, and happiness. Cheers!"
"Raising [DAUGHTER'S NAME] has been my life's greatest joy. She's [POSITIVE QUALITIES OR TRAITS] . Today, as she marries [GROOM'S NAME] , I see those qualities reflected back at her, and it fills my heart with joy. To the newlyweds, may your love for each other only grow stronger with each passing year. Here's to a lifetime of happiness and joy together."
"I always knew [DAUGHTER'S NAME] would grow up to be [QUALITY, ACHIEVEMENT, OR TRAIT] . I am proud to say that [GROOM'S NAME] is the kind of man who values that about her. As a father, there is no greater joy than seeing my daughter so happy. To my daughter and her new husband, may your love for each other never fade. Cheers!"
"There are many moments in a father's life that he cherishes, but this moment, seeing [DAUGHTER'S NAME] marrying a man who is [POSITIVE TRAITS OF GROOM] , is truly special. To my beautiful daughter and her handsome husband, may your love story be filled with adventure, laughter, and endless joy. Congratulations and cheers to a lifetime of happiness together."
"As [DAUGHTER'S NAME] 's father, I've seen her grow and accomplish so much. Her marriage to [GROOM'S NAME] , a man who [COMPLIMENT ABOUT GROOM] , is another proud moment in a long list. As I raise my glass, I want to thank my daughter and her new husband for giving me the greatest gift of all - the gift of seeing my little girl so happy. Here's to a lifetime of love and joy together."
" [DAUGHTER'S NAME] has always been the [ADJECTIVE: e.g. light, star] of our family. Today, as she joins hands with [GROOM'S NAME] , I know she has found her perfect [COMPLEMENT TO PREVIOUS ADJECTIVE: e.g., beacon, constellation] . To my daughter and her new husband, may your love for each other be as strong and unbreakable as the bond between a father and his daughter. Cheers to a lifetime of happiness together."
" [DAUGHTER'S NAME] , from your first steps, to this walk down the aisle, I've had the privilege of being there. Now, as you step into a new journey with [GROOM'S NAME] , a man who [POSITIVE TRAIT OR QUALITY OF GROOM] , I know you will make beautiful memories together. As I look at my daughter and her new husband, I am filled with hope and happiness for their future together. To the happy couple, may your marriage be blessed with love, joy, and endless happiness. Cheers!"

Understanding the Role

As the father of the bride, you have a special role to play in your daughter’s wedding. Your speech is one of the most anticipated and memorable moments of the wedding reception, and it’s an opportunity to express your love and pride for your daughter and your new son-in-law.

Your speech should be heartfelt, sincere, and personal. It’s a chance to share your thoughts and feelings about your daughter, her new spouse, and their future together. Your words should be chosen carefully to reflect the love and support you have for the couple.

Remember that your speech is not just about your daughter, but also about your family. It’s a time to acknowledge and thank the guests who have come to celebrate this special occasion with you and your family. You should also take a moment to welcome your new son-in-law into the family and express your happiness at having him as part of your family.

When preparing your speech, it’s important to keep in mind the overall tone of the wedding. Is it a formal, traditional affair, or a more casual, relaxed event? Your speech should fit the tone of the wedding and reflect the personality of the couple.

Finally, don’t forget to practice your speech before the big day. This will help you feel more confident and ensure that you deliver your message clearly and effectively. With a little preparation and a lot of love, your father of the bride speech is sure to be a highlight of the wedding reception.

Brainstorming and Planning

Before you start writing a father of the bride speech, it’s important to take some time to brainstorm and plan. This will help you structure your speech and make sure you include all the important elements. Here are some tips to help you get started:

Step 1: Gather Ideas

The first step in planning your father of the bride speech is to gather ideas. Think about your daughter and her relationship with her new spouse. What are some of their shared interests? What are some of your favorite memories with your daughter? What advice do you want to give the newlyweds?

Write down all your ideas on a piece of paper or in a document. Don’t worry about organizing them yet, just get everything down.

Step 2: Organize Your Ideas

Once you have a list of ideas, it’s time to organize them. Look for common themes or topics that you want to cover in your speech. For example, you might want to talk about your daughter’s childhood, her relationship with her new spouse, and your hopes for their future together.

Create an outline for your speech, with each idea or topic as a separate section. This will help you stay organized and make sure you cover everything you want to say.

Step 3: Write Your Speech

With your ideas organized and your outline in place, it’s time to start writing your speech. Use your outline as a guide, and fill in the details for each section.

Remember to keep your speech concise and focused. Aim for a length of around five minutes, and avoid rambling or going off on tangents.

Step 4: Practice Your Speech

Once you’ve written your speech, it’s important to practice it. Stand in front of a mirror and read your speech out loud. This will help you get comfortable with the material and make sure you’re speaking clearly.

You might also want to practice in front of a friend or family member. Ask for their feedback and make any necessary adjustments to your speech.

Step 5: Deliver Your Speech

On the day of the wedding, take a deep breath and deliver your speech with confidence. Remember to speak slowly and clearly, and make eye contact with the audience.

End your speech with a heartfelt congratulations to the newlyweds, and a toast to their future together.

Writing Tips and Techniques

When it comes to writing a father of the bride speech, there are a few helpful tips and techniques that can make the process easier and ensure that your speech is a success. Here are some pointers to keep in mind:

  • Be yourself: The most important thing to remember when writing your speech is to be yourself. Don’t try to be someone you’re not or use language that doesn’t feel natural to you. Speak from the heart and let your personality shine through.
  • Practice public speaking: If you’re not used to speaking in public, it’s a good idea to practice beforehand. You can do this by rehearsing your speech in front of a mirror or recording yourself and watching it back. This will help you build confidence and get used to the sound of your own voice.
  • Know your audience: When writing your speech, it’s important to keep your audience in mind. Think about who will be listening to your speech and what they might be expecting to hear. Tailor your speech to your audience and try to make it relevant and engaging for them.
  • Keep it concise: While you might have a lot to say, it’s important to keep your speech concise and to the point. Aim for a speech that is around five minutes long, as this will keep your audience engaged without dragging on too long.
  • Use humor: A little bit of humor can go a long way in a father of the bride speech. Try to include some lighthearted jokes or anecdotes that will make your audience smile and help to break the ice.

Practicing the Speech

Now that you have written your father of the bride speech, it’s time to start practicing. Practicing your speech will help you deliver it confidently and avoid any last-minute jitters. Here are some tips to help you practice your speech effectively:

  • Practice in front of a mirror: Practicing in front of a mirror will help you see your facial expressions and body language. This will help you identify any nervous habits or gestures that you might want to avoid.
  • Practice with a timer: Timing is crucial when it comes to delivering a speech. Practice your speech with a timer to ensure that you are not going over the allotted time. This will also help you pace yourself and avoid rushing through your speech.
  • Practice in front of a friend or family member: Practicing in front of a friend or family member will help you get feedback on your speech. They can also help you identify any areas that need improvement.
  • Record yourself: Recording yourself while practicing your speech will help you identify any areas that need improvement. You can also listen to your speech to get a feel for your pacing and tone.

Remember, practice makes perfect. The more you practice your speech, the more confident you will be when it’s time to deliver it. So, take the time to practice your speech and you’ll be sure to deliver a memorable speech that your daughter and her new spouse will cherish forever.

Frequently Asked Questions

What should the father of the bride say in his speech.

As the father of the bride, your speech should be heartfelt and sincere. You should start by welcoming the guests and thanking them for coming to celebrate this special day with your family. Then, you can share some personal anecdotes about your daughter and her relationship with the groom. You can also express your love and pride for your daughter and offer some words of wisdom for the newlyweds.

How long should a father of the bride speech be?

Your speech should be long enough to cover everything you want to say, but not so long that it becomes boring or tedious. A good rule of thumb is to keep your speech between 5-7 minutes. This will give you enough time to say what you want to say without losing the attention of your audience.

What should a dad say to his daughter on her wedding day?

As a father, your daughter’s wedding day is a very emotional and special day for you. You should take this opportunity to express your love and pride for your daughter. You can tell her how much she means to you and how proud you are of the person she has become. You can also offer some words of advice and encouragement for her future with her new spouse.

Is it OK to read the father of the bride speech?

Yes, it is perfectly acceptable to read your speech from a written copy. In fact, it may even be preferable if you are nervous or worried about forgetting what you want to say. However, it is important to practice your speech beforehand so that you can deliver it with confidence and emotion.

Ryan Hart

Ryan Hart is a certified relationship coach and writer. His mission is to help make connections between people better, stronger, more meaningful, and longer lasting using technology.

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  • Father of Groom

Parents of the Groom Speech – Top Tips On How to Write an Impressive Speech

parents of the groom speech

On a wedding occasion, the parents of the groom speech as well as the parents of the bride are two of the most awaited speeches of the day.  Both the father and mother of the newlyweds are expected to give speeches for all the guests and share a toast as well.  If you are a parent on the groom’s side of the family, how can you write an effective speech?  Consider the following tips:

Keep it light and good –  A humorous statement, a funny story or a witty joke makes a speech more interesting and lively.  However, when you’re delivering a wedding speech, you should make sure that your jokes are healthy and clean.  Keep in mind that there will be children present during the occasion.  Also, you’ll want to stay away from making political or racist remarks that can offend someone in the audience.

Keep it at just the right length –  No matter how many good stories you would like to share with the crowd, you don’t want to take all the time for yourself.  Remember, this day is all about the bride and the groom.  Of course, you want to give other speakers the chance to give their best wishes to the couple.  Aside from the parents of the groom speech, the best man, the maid-of-honor and the couple will be giving their own speeches as well.  Ideally, five minutes should be enough to say everything that you need to say before making a toast.

Practice makes perfect-   Not everyone is used to giving out speeches to a crowd.  If you’re feeling nervous, that is perfectly normal.  However, you can feel a lot less tense if you can prepare your speech ahead of time.  Practice it in front of a mirror or even in front of a friend or your family member.  The more you say your speech out loud, the more comfortable you will be to deliver it.

However, do not memorize all the words.  If you do, there’s a good chance that you will forget some parts of it once you feel nervous.  If you think you might get lost in the middle of your speech, it’s a good idea to create an outline and write it down on a small piece of paper.

There are some exclusive examples of  parents of the groom speech online and you can observe how they are written before trying to compose your own. Click here for more information as it has great samples of time tested and proven wedding speeches for parents of the groom, funny wedding quotations, wedding etiquette secrets, as well as pointers on confident public speaking.


Father of the groom speech – groom yourself for success, father of the groom speech – it’s not just about pen and paper, father of the groom wedding toasts – 8 things you must know.

I think every parent would want to write an impressive speech for their child’s wedding. For the father of the groom, delivering a speech is a great pride and honor. Everyone who is present on that occasion will know that as a father, he raised a responsible adult who is now ready to start his own family. This article has given helpful tips on how to prepare and deliver a good speech. I’m glad that I came across this website a few weeks before my son gets married because I’ve been looking for this kind of information online. I will be checking out the sample speeches later.

Stay away from anything havnig to do with his past romances, love life, or anything of that nature. Even though it may be funny in private, his new wife, or her parents might not be too keen.Stick to material such as reasons why he is your best friend, for example reminiscing on a time when he was there for you when you ran out of gas, or when your grandpa died. Then make the correlation between how hes such a (great/reliable/willing/listening/caring/devoted/sacrificing/etc.) friend, to how you know hes going to be as a husband, yada yada get it?Good luck

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The Ultimate Guide to Wedding Speech Order & Writing Toasts

Weddings are a blast, but the speeches—whether heartfelt or hilarious—remind everyone why they’re there: to celebrate two people in love. This wedding speech guide covers all the basics.

Lindsay Pietroluongo

Michelle Gonzalez Photography

Wedding receptions are undoubtedly about the newly married couple, but between music, catching up with friend and relatives, and sampling dessert tables, there is a lot going on. Once the wedding ceremony is over, the day can quickly go from dignified to lively and raucous (in the best way possible, of course), and the wedding speeches are possibly the last time every guest will be seated at once. They're also what's going to make your big day feel extra personal and sentimental when loved ones share their favorite memories of you and your partner. If you're planning your wedding toast or speech order, or if you're in the wedding party and need to prep for your own toast, follow these guidelines and tips to know exactly what you should expect. 

Wedding Speech Length & Content

Who gives a toast at a wedding.

Your parents/parent figures, wedding party members, best friends, or close relatives are generally the ones who give speeches or readings throughout your wedding celebration, but ultimately, you can ask whoever you want if it will mean something to you. Keep in mind that speeches are traditionally given at the rehearsal dinner, the wedding reception, and sometimes during the ceremony, such as readings or blessings. Here are all the wedding speeches you'll need to plan for and who traditionally gives them at each event—but remember this can change depending on your personal preferences and what does or doesn't apply to you as a couple.    

Rehearsal dinner speeches

Since fewer people will be in attendance, these  rehearsal dinner toasts  can be longer and more involved than wedding day speeches. Say hello and introduce yourself, then welcome everyone and say how excited you are for the wedding. Tell a sweet, hilarious, or intriguing story that’s related to the couple or the wedding. For example, give your first impression of meeting the bride or groom; talk about how the couple met or got engaged; or share a childhood memory, like how the bride used to try on her mother’s wedding gown when she was a teenager. End with something sentimental and heartfelt about the couple or a quote about marriage, then wish the couple well.

  • Host(s): The rehearsal dinner is traditionally hosted by the groom's parents (if applicable). The father of the groom, mother of the groom, or other host will thank guests for attending. 
  • Wedding party: While the best man and maid of honor speeches should be reserved for the wedding reception, this is a chance for other bridesmaids and groomsmen to publicly share their well wishes for the newlyweds. 
  • Couple: The couple will take a few minutes to thank their relatives and wedding party for supporting and celebrating them. 
  • Other family members/important guests:  Grandparents and other close relatives may wish to share an informal congratulations during the rehearsal dinner. 

Wedding ceremony speeches and readings

  • Officiant: In addition to coordinating your wedding vows, the officiant may wish to share a personal story about the two of you during the ceremony, especially if they're someone you've known for a long time or have been in pre-wedding counseling. 
  • Ceremony readers: Friends and relatives who aren't already in the wedding party are great choices when deciding who will give readings during the ceremony. 

Wedding reception speeches

  • Best man: The best man kicks off the wedding speeches by giving a toast shortly after everyone is seated at their reception tables. 
  • Maid of honor: The maid of honor takes the mic immediately following the best man's speech. 
  • Host(s): The wedding reception is traditionally hosted by the bride's parents (if applicable). The father of the bride and/or mother of the bride will congratulate the newlyweds and give a toast.
  • Couple: The couple may wish to say a few brief words to kickstart the reception meal and thank guests for coming. 

Every couple has their own preferences and relationships when it comes to who gives  wedding speeches and toasts , and nobody should ever feel forced to give one. If the best man or maid of honor isn’t comfortable speaking in front of a crowd (or if there isn’t a best man or maid of honor at all), either skip it or hand the baton to somebody who will love getting up in front of a sea of eager faces. If a lot of people want to make a toast, consider arranging traditional toasts during the wedding and save the rest of the speeches for the rehearsal dinner.

How long should a wedding speech be?  

No matter how long you've known the couple, it's best to keep your wedding speech under five minutes, and aim for closer to three minutes if you can. Even if there’s a lot to say, talking for three minutes can feel like a long time—but with a simple template, you'll nail your moment in the spotlight. A great speech doesn't have to be full of perfected, eloquent wording; instead, it should evoke an emotion and convey a genuine happiness for the couple. Short and sweet wedding toasts can still be filled with plenty of charm! 

What do you say in a wedding speech? 

Since you want to keep your toast short and to the point, it's best to follow a simple outline. Regardless of your role, a great wedding speech should go something like this: Start by introducing yourself and sharing how you know the couple, followed by a short anecdote or story, and conclude by sharing your love and raising a glass to the newlyweds. Here are other speech examples: 

  • How to write a best man speech »
  • How to write a maid of honor speech »
  • How to write a father of the bride speech »
  • How to give a joint wedding speech »
  • How to give a wedding speech if you hate public speaking »

What should you avoid in a wedding speech?  

Inside stories may amuse the couple, but they can easily get lost on the rest of the crowd, and the last thing you want is crickets or awkward silence. No matter what, don’t bring up old flames or problems the couple has faced—this is supposed to be a happy, lighthearted celebration. Not sure if that hilarious but questionable story from a night out is appropriate? Skip it—children, parents, and grandparents are listening! Avoid insult humor, too. Remember, this is a toast, not a roast! For more tips, here's  how to write a funny wedding speech .

Reception Wedding Speech Order

1. the best man.

You might think that being best man is all about planning a raucous bachelor party and not much else, but this job does have a few  best man duties  to prepare for, most important being the best man speech. And when it comes to the wedding speech order, the best man usually goes first. The best man should introduce himself and explain how he knows the couple. For example, he can tell the story of how he and the groom have been buddies since high school and how they met the bride-to-be during spring break their junior year of college. He can then say something positive about the couple and their relationship, show gratitude for being part of their day and wish them happiness. (Pssst! Here's  how to write a best man speech .)

2. Maid of honor

When thinking about wedding speeches,  the maid of honor is usually top of mind . While the maid of honor can follow the same outline as the best man’s speech, it’s more common for their speech to focus on the bride. Drawing from past experiences together, the MOH can tell a heartwarming or funny story from their friendship or share an anecdote from wedding planning escapades. For example, maybe the veil didn’t arrive until the day before the wedding or putting together the favors was a complete nightmare, but the bride managed to keep her cool through it all. (Here are all our tips on  how to write a maid of honor speech , from start to finish.) 

3. Parents of either spouse

If one or both sets of parents are hosting the wedding , they may choose to say a few words to welcome everyone to the event as part of the wedding speech order. This toast will be fairly fast, especially if the parents made a lengthy or heartwarming toast at the rehearsal dinner. The  father of the bride speech  or parents' toast usually welcomes and thanks the guests, and then raises a glass to the other set of parents and the happy couple.

4. The couple

Sometimes the couple will opt to make a toast, particularly  if they are hosting the wedding . The main purpose of this toast is to be a  wedding thank-you speech  to everyone involved: the bridal party, family and guests. Couples may also express their excitement about starting their new married life together. Again, this is an optional (but nice) part of the wedding speech order, so if the couple is hesitant about speaking in front of a crowd, they can go from table to table during the reception to express their thanks in a more personal, intimate way.

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28 Best Examples of Wedding Speech for Mother of the Bride for Inspiration

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wedding speeches for mother of the bride

As the mother of the bride, giving a speech at your daughter's wedding is a cherished opportunity to share your love, joy and wisdom on this special day. It's a chance to offer heartfelt congratulations to the newlyweds and to express your own happiness and pride as a mother. Alongside the speech inspiration, we present our stunning collection of mother of the bride dresses that will complement your role and make you shine throughout the celebration.

28 Examples of Wedding Speeches for the Mother of the Bride

To inspire you to create a touching and memorable speech, here are 28 best examples of wedding speech for mother of the bride:

  • "To my dear daughter and her beloved partner, it brings me immense joy to be standing here as your mother, watching you both start a new chapter in your lives. Seeing the love and care you have for one another fills my heart with pride and happiness. I have watched you grow into a strong, independent woman, and I am so happy that you have found someone who complements you so well. [Share a personal anecdote about your daughter or the couple.]
  • "Dear family and friends, I am beyond honored to be standing here today as the mother of the bride. My daughter has always been a shining light in my life, and to see her so happy and in love warms my heart. I have watched her relationship with [partner's name] grow into something truly special, and I am grateful that they have found each other. [Share a memory or story about your daughter and her partner.]
  • "Good evening, everyone. It is a privilege to be here as the mother of the bride on this special day. Seeing my daughter so beautiful and happy fills me with pride and love. She has grown into a kind, thoughtful, and caring woman, and I am confident that she and [partner's name] will have a bright and happy future together. [Share a personal anecdote or memory about your daughter.]
  • "To my lovely daughter and her wonderful partner, it is an honor to be standing here as your mother on this special day. I have watched you both grow into loving, kind-hearted individuals, and I am grateful that you have found each other. I know that your future together will be full of love, joy, and laughter. [Share a heartfelt story or memory about your daughter and her partner.]
  • "Dear family and friends, it is with great joy that I stand here today as the mother of the bride. My daughter has always been an inspiration to me, and to see her so happy and in love brings me immense happiness. [Share a personal story or memory about your daughter and her partner, and express your admiration for the couple.]
  • "To my beautiful daughter and her partner, I am thrilled to be standing here today as your mother, witnessing your love and commitment to each other. I have watched you both grow into strong, independent adults, and I am proud of the people you have become. [Share a personal story or memory about your daughter and her partner, and express your admiration for the couple's love and commitment.]
  • "Good evening, everyone. I am the mother of the bride, and I am so grateful to be here today to witness my daughter and her partner start their lives together. Seeing them so happy and in love fills my heart with joy. [Share a personal story or memory about your daughter and express your admiration for the couple.]
  • "To my dear daughter and her partner, it is an honor to be standing here as your mother on this special day. I am so proud of the person you have become and the love and care you have for one another. [Share a heartfelt story or memory about your daughter and her partner, and express your admiration for their relationship.]
  • "Dear family and friends, it is a privilege to be standing here as the mother of the bride on this special day. My daughter and [partner's name] have a love that radiates throughout the room, and I am grateful to be a part of their journey. [Share a personal story or memory about your daughter and her partner, and express your admiration for their love and commitment.]
  • "To my lovely daughter and her partner, I am filled with joy and pride as I stand here today on your wedding day. Seeing you both so happy and in love brings warmth to my heart. [Share a personal anecdote about your daughter or the couple.] From the moment I met [partner's name], I knew that they were the perfect match for my daughter. Together, you two complement each other in a way that is truly beautiful. [Share a memory or story about the couple.] I am grateful that my daughter has found someone who loves and cares for her as much as [partner's name] does, and I know that your future together will be filled with endless love, laughter, and happiness. Congratulations to the happy couple!"
  • "To my darling daughter and her partner, it is an honor to be standing here today as your mother. When I look at you both, I see the perfect embodiment of love and commitment. You both have come so far together, and I am grateful to have witnessed your journey. [Share a personal story or memory about your daughter and her partner, highlighting their love and commitment.]
  • "Dear family and friends, it is a privilege to be standing here today as the mother of the bride. My daughter and her partner have a love that is truly unique and special. [Share a personal story or memory about the couple, highlighting their unique qualities that make their love special.]
  • "To my beautiful daughter and her partner, it brings me immense joy to be standing here as your mother on this special day. Seeing the two of you together reminds me of how important it is to find someone who truly complements you. [Share a personal story or memory about your daughter and her partner, highlighting the qualities that make them perfect for each other.]
  • "Good evening, everyone. As the mother of the bride, I am proud and overjoyed to be here today witnessing my daughter and her partner start their new life together. I have seen their love grow stronger each day, and it fills me with happiness to know that they have found their soulmate. [Share a personal story or memory about your daughter and her partner, highlighting the moments when you saw their love grow stronger.]
  • "To my dear daughter and her beloved partner, it is an honor to be standing here as your mother on this special day. The love and respect that you have for each other is truly admirable, and I am grateful to have seen your relationship grow into something truly special. [Share a personal story or memory about your daughter and her partner, highlighting their mutual love and respect.]
  • "Dear family and friends, I am the mother of the bride, and I am so proud and happy to be here today celebrating my daughter and her partner's love. Watching them grow into the people they are today has been a privilege, and I know that their future together will be full of happiness and love. [Share a personal story or memory about your daughter and her partner, highlighting the moments when you saw them grow into the people they are today.]
  • "To my lovely daughter and her partner, I am honored to be standing here today as your mother, watching you both start your new life together. Your love is a true inspiration, and I am grateful to have witnessed your journey. [Share a personal story or memory about your daughter and her partner, highlighting the moments when their love inspired you.]
  • "Good evening, everyone. As the mother of the bride, I am filled with joy and happiness seeing my daughter and her partner start their new life together. You both are an amazing couple, and I am grateful to have seen your love grow and flourish. [Share a personal story or memory about your daughter and her partner, highlighting the moments when you saw their love grow and flourish.]
  • "To my beautiful daughter and her partner, I am thrilled to be standing here as your mother, watching you both start a new chapter in your lives. Your love is a true inspiration to us all, and I am grateful to have witnessed your journey. [Share a personal story or memory about your daughter and her partner, highlighting the moments when their love inspired you.]
  • "Dear family and friends, it is an honor to be standing here today as the mother of the bride, celebrating my daughter and her partner's love. I have watched them grow into the amazing couple they are today, and it fills me with joy to see them starting their new life together. [Share a personal story or memory about your daughter and her partner, highlighting the moments when you saw their love grow and mature.]
  • "To my dear daughter and her beloved partner, I am grateful to be standing here as your mother on this special day. Your love is a true testament to the power of commitment and trust, and I am proud to have witnessed your journey. [Share a personal story or memory about your daughter and her partner, highlighting the moments when their commitment and trust inspired you.]
  • "Good evening, everyone. As the mother of the bride, I am honored and overjoyed to be here today witnessing my daughter and her partner's love. They are an amazing couple who complement each other in every way, and I am grateful to have seen their love grow stronger each day. [Share a personal story or memory about your daughter and her partner, highlighting the moments when you saw their love grow stronger.]
  • "To my beautiful daughter and her partner, it is a privilege to be standing here as your mother, celebrating your love and commitment. You both have found something truly special in each other, and I am grateful to have witnessed your journey. [Share a personal story or memory about your daughter and her partner, highlighting the moments when you saw their love and commitment shine through.]
  • "Dear family and friends, I am the mother of the bride, and I am filled with pride and happiness seeing my daughter and her partner start their new life together. Their love is a true inspiration to us all, and I am grateful to have seen their relationship grow into something truly special. [Share a personal story or memory about your daughter and her partner, highlighting the moments when you saw their love inspire others.]
  • "To my lovely daughter and her partner, I am honored to be standing here today as your mother, watching you both start a new chapter in your lives. Your love is the perfect embodiment of strength and resilience, and I am grateful to have witnessed your journey. [Share a personal story or memory about your daughter and her partner, highlighting the moments when their strength and resilience inspired you.]
  • "Good evening, everyone. As the mother of the bride, I am thrilled and overjoyed to be here today celebrating my daughter and her partner's love. Their journey together has been filled with love, laughter, and joy, and I am grateful to have witnessed it all. [Share a personal story or memory about your daughter and her partner, highlighting the moments when you saw their love bring joy and laughter into their lives.]
  • "To my dear daughter and her beloved partner, it is an honor to be standing here today as your mother, watching you both start your new life together. Your love is a true inspiration, and I am grateful to have been a part of your journey. [Share a personal story or memory about your daughter and her partner, highlighting the moments when you felt privileged to be a part of their journey.]
  • "Dear family and friends, it is a privilege to be standing here today as the mother of the bride, celebrating my daughter and her partner's love. They are an amazing couple who have overcome many challenges together, and I am proud to have witnessed their journey. [Share a personal story or memory about your daughter and her partner, highlighting the moments when you saw their strength and perseverance in the face of challenges.]

In conclusion, a mother-of-the-bride speech is a beautiful and meaningful way to celebrate the love and joy of your daughter's wedding day. With these 28 best examples of wedding speeches for the mother of the bride, you can find inspiration to create a speech that expresses your love, pride, and support for the newlyweds. Whether you choose a heartfelt, lighthearted, or poetic speech, the most important thing is to speak from the heart and share your genuine emotions with those you love. So take inspiration from these examples, and create a speech that will touch the hearts of everyone in attendance and leave a lasting impression on your daughter and her new spouse.

As you prepare for your role as the mother of the bride, we understand that finding the perfect dress is essential. Our collection of elegant mother of the bride dresses at Ever-Pretty is designed to enhance your elegance, confidence, and radiance on your daughter's special day. Each dress is carefully crafted with high-quality fabrics and attention to detail, ensuring both comfort and style throughout the celebration.

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"I felt like a queen in my mother of the bride dress from Ever-Pretty. The attention to detail and the quality of the fabric were exceptional. I received countless compliments throughout the wedding day. Thank you for making me feel truly special." - Sarah "I was amazed by the wide range of options available in the mother of the bride dress collection at Ever-Pretty. I found a dress that perfectly matched the wedding theme and made me feel elegant and confident. The fit was impeccable, and I couldn't have been happier with my choice." - Emily

Discover the perfect mother of the bride dress to complement your role and make a lasting impression on your daughter's wedding day. Visit our website to explore our stunning collection, read more customer testimonials, and find your dream dress. Make this momentous occasion even more memorable with a dress that reflects your style and personality.

If you're in need of more examples of wedding speeches, the following content may be helpful to you.

  • 10 best examples of wedding speech for brother for inspiration
  • 17 Best Examples of Wedding Speech for Father of the Bride for Inspiration
  • 15 Best Examples of Maid of Honor Speeches for Inspiration
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  • Who Gives Speeches at Weddings?

Here’s a breakdown of who typically gives speeches at weddings and when. Use our guide to help you figure out what works best for you and yours!

By Jennifer Prince

Bride giving a speech at her wedding

Weddings are emotional roller coasters. Besides the vows , few moments carry as much emotional weight as the speeches. As the clamor of reception chatter halts, the clinking of knives on glasses invites the honored toasts. It’s an opportunity for couples to give the floor to those they love and care about to welcome guests, tell stories, and possibly even have everyone shed a tear or two. But who gives speeches at weddings, anyway?

For those about to tie the knot, the question is not only about who speaks but also about how to manage that highly anticipated mic time. In the vast symphony of wedding logistics, speeches stand out as an unscripted time that can either be fun and intimate or total chaos, depending on who has the floor.

This comprehensive guide is tailored to couples looking to enhance their receptions and bring a bit of personality into their receptions. From parents and siblings to friends and officiants, here’s who speaks at a wedding reception.

Typical timeline and breakdown of wedding speeches

The question of who gives speeches at weddings is best answered by coupling the traditional order of wedding reception speeches with who should offer them. So, the order of speeches at the reception below gives great insight into the who and how of these times at the mic.

The welcome toast

Who gives the welcome speech at a wedding? This honor is usually reserved for the parents of the couple. The purpose of the welcome toast is to make the guests feel welcome. It also centers everyone’s minds on the reception and evokes emotions from sentimental memories.

Reflecting on the union, the parents conceptualize the toast as a welcoming bridge of life's chapters. Be it the father's wisdom, the mother's warmth, or both parents sharing the limelight, this speech introduces the evening, setting a tone that resonates through the night.

The blessing

A customary part of the wedding structure , the blessing can be religious or secular. Close family members, the officiant, or influential community figures often offer it. Additionally, the blessing is a solemn invocation of joy and future success over the union. It transcends the marriage into spiritual realms, humbling the gathering before nature, love, and divine grace.

The best man and maid of honor toasts

If you’ve been wondering who gives a speech at a wedding, don’t skip out on those standing by your side. After all, these speeches, often the most anticipated and, subsequently, the most terrifying, are the products of unabated friendship and cherished memories.

The best man and maid of honor carry the torch of humor, sentimentality, and a dash of mischievousness. They speak of golden-oldie escapades, enduring friendship, and the unyielding support that bonds the trio of friends in the silent contract of trust and secrets.


The newlyweds' toast

This heartfelt moment the newlyweds share encapsulates the essence of love, commitment, and partnership. While not as common in all cultures, this modern practice allows the duo to express gratitude. They can also recognize the start of their joined life and, perhaps, sneak in a few playful comments. Doing such a speech can give the audience a glimpse into the dynamics of their relationship. A toast for the bride and groom is common, but a toast from them makes the evening even more special.

Who gives a speech at the wedding rehearsal dinner?

The rehearsal dinner, a pre-wedding soirée, often includes its own set of speeches and toasts. Who gives the wedding toast at the rehearsal is often up for debate. Sometimes, it’s even up to the mother of the groom .

It’s common for the parents or significant guardians of the bride and groom to give speeches at the rehearsal dinner. These are appreciated as more casual expressions of love and support, free from the structured formality of the wedding day protocols.

The couple-to-be

In modern times, it's also not uncommon for the couple to say a few words of thanks and anticipation. This can be a touching moment for the couple to share their excitement and appreciation in a less formal setting. They can also give a bridal party toast to thank their attendants.

Who should I ask to give a speech at my wedding?

Selecting the right individuals to speak at your wedding is a decision of great honor. While wedding planning, it’s important to think about who gives the speeches at a wedding reception.

Even if you’ve already figured out how many speeches at a wedding you’ll have, choosing the right mix of presenters is key. Plus, there are a few things to consider when weighing your options.

Understand the culture.

Wedding traditions are often deeply rooted in cultural practices. Understanding the specific expectations of who gives the speeches at weddings can save you from a diplomatic misstep. In some cultures, the godparents might have a speaking role, while in others, the best man’s speech might be a highlight. Acknowledge and accommodate these cultural nuances when selecting your speakers.

Give weight to personal considerations.

Bridal couples must feel a profound connection with the individuals chosen to speak. Discussing the expectations and the content of the speeches can ensure that the personal tales shared are in good taste and align with the couple’s narrative.

Know who will be reliable.

A wedding speech is not the time for surprises. Ensure those who speak are familiar with public speaking. They should also have a friendly, reliable, and potentially sober disposition (at least until after the speeches!).

Think about the emotional ties.

The speakers should have a meaningful connection to the couple or family. It's not about status or impressive titles; it’s about shared history and a genuine desire to honor the occasion with a heartfelt address.

Wedding Toast by Photos by Lanty on Unsplash

Consider the personality and style of the individual.

The most memorable speeches are those that resonate authentically with the personality of the speaker. Whether it’s a quiet grace or an exuberant spirit, the speeches should be a natural extension of the speaker's persona.

Ensure the person is willing to prepare a speech.

The adage, ‘fail to prepare, prepare to fail,’ holds true for wedding speeches. The selected speakers should be willing to invest time and effort into crafting their message.

Wedding toast hints for speechgivers

If the answer to “who gives speeches at weddings” is you, then here’s a short guide to pulling it off successfully. A worthy wedding toast combines humor, sentiment, and brevity into a cohesive, engaging message.

It’s a balancing act that not everyone can pull off, but with a bit of guidance, anyone can deliver a memorable toast. Who gives a wedding toast on your big day is important to them, you, and your guests.

Dos and don’ts of wedding speeches

  • Do keep it short .
  • Don't overshadow the other speakers.
  • Do share personal stories.
  • Don't dredge up old and potentially embarrassing tales.
  • Do practice.
  • Don't memorize word for word.

Structure of wedding speeches

A good speech usually follows the simple structure of an introduction, body, and conclusion. A toast, however, is less rigid in form. Keep it light and memorable, and always end with a direct “to the happy couple.”

Wedding Toast by Al Elmes on Unsplash

FAQ about wedding speeches

Who gives speeches at weddings vs. rehearsal dinners.

Rehearsal dinner speeches tend to be given by close friends and family, often setting a more intimate and relaxed tone. In contrast, wedding speeches are a blend of formal and personal accolades, typically delivered by the bridal party, parents, and sometimes, the couple themselves.

Do people give speeches during the wedding ceremony?

Speeches during the actual wedding ceremony are less common but not unheard of. In religious services, clergy often deliver homilies that resemble speeches in their reflective and narrative style, sometimes allowing for personalized content.

Do the bride and groom give speeches?

As stated above, sometimes the newlyweds give some of the best speeches at weddings. However, if you want to add a creative twist, think about having a bride toast to the groom (or bride) or the groom to his partner. Giving a toast to the groom or bride from the newly crowned spouse can be a treasured moment.

Who will endorse your beginning?

Selecting who gives speeches at your wedding is an act of trust and tribute. Each speech, however, should not only resonate with the couple but also with the essence of the celebration.

Secure in the knowledge of who, when, and how these voices speak, you and your partner can rest assured that the echoes of the speeches will reverberate through the story of their marriage. If you’re wondering exactly how long your reception should be so that you can make time for speeches, check out Zola’s wedding reception timeline .

Even more answers

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In This Article

Best Wedding Toasts

  • Wedding Toasts Order
  • Traditional Toasts
  • Best Man & Maid Of Honor Toasts
  • Parent Toasts
  • Sister Toasts
  • Bride and Groom Toasts
  • Short And Simple Toasts
  • Classic Literary Toasts
  • Shakespearean Toast
  • Religious Toasts
  • Movie Toasts
  • Funny Toasts
  • Irish Toasts

Awesome Wedding Toasts

  • Wedding Anniversary Toasts

Wedding Toast Etiquette

  • Dos and Don'ts of Wedding Toasts
  • Wedding Party & Reception

100+ Best Wedding Toasts For Different Types Of Guests

Natalia Bayeva

Via Unsplash

Wedding toasts contribute a lot to the overall atmosphere of the wedding. Love, sincerity, romance… It can be difficult to put your feelings into words. We have collected the best wedding toast examples to inspire you. Find your perfect toast here!

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Brides Often Ask

What are some good wedding toasts.

Express warm wishes for the couple’s future, share a memorable story, and keep it heartfelt.

What do you say when toasting at a wedding?

Start by acknowledging the occasion, express gratitude, and wish the couple a happy life together.

What are some examples of great toasts?

Tailor your toast to the couple, include humor or sentiment, and keep it concise.

What is a good short wedding quote?

“Love is not about how many days, months, or years you have been together. Love is about how much you love each other every single day.” – Unknown


Wedding Toast Order

speeches wedding parents

There is also a traditional order that wedding toasts follow. Tradition isn’t set in stone, however, and you could rewrite the rules to fit your own wedding situation as you see fit. Below we have the simple order for wedding reception toast. This should be quite similar for traditional and non-traditional weddings.

  • The best man is usually the first to give a toast.
  • The maid of honor gives her toast next.
  • After this, the host of the event, usually the mother or father of the bride, gives their toast.
  • The parents of the groom may or may not follow with their toast.
  • At this time, a few select gusts might go next.
  • In some settings, the bride or groom, or the couple close with a toast of their own.

Any guests who would like to say something would usually notify the couple a few weeks before the wedding so that they can be added to the queue.

Wedding toasts are often given at the end of your speech, so you’ll want to go out saying the right words at the moment. The best wedding toasts ever are not too long or too short. And, whether they’re movie wedding toasts or toasts about love, they perfectly express your wishes for the couple.

Here are a few examples of the best wedding toasts:

“To the bride and groom, may the roof above you never fall in and may you both never fall out.”
“I wish thee health, I wish thee wealth, I wish thee gold in store, I wish thee heaven upon earth. What could I wish thee more?”
“Let us raise our glasses to the happy couple. May you grow old on one pillow.”
“May your joys be as deep as the ocean, and your troubles as light as its foam.”
“Here’s to the past, for all that you’ve learnt. Here’s to the present, for all that you share. Here’s to the future, for all that you’ve got to look forward to.”
“Keep love in your heart. A life without it is like a sunless garden when the flowers are dead.” Oscar Wilde
“May thy life be long and happy, Thy cares and sorrows few; And the many friends around thee Prove faithful, fond and true.”
“May you never steal, lie, or cheat, but if you must steal, then steal away my sorrows, and if you must lie, lie with me all the nights of my life, and if you must cheat, then please cheat death because I couldn’t live a day without you.”
“Here’s to the bride, May your hours of joy be as numerous as the petals of your bridal bouquet. Here’s to the groom, A man who keeps his head though he loses his heart.”
“Here’s to the new husband and here’s to the new wife. May they remain lovers for all of life.”

Traditional Toast Examples

Traditional wedding reception toasts are sweet, sentimental, and meaningful. They are more subtle and laid back, yet pack a punch like the examples below.

From Groom to Bride:

“When I first set my eyes on you, it was rainbows, flowers, and thunder. I knew you were the one for me and I couldn’t let you go. Your intellect, personality, and sweetness charmed me and I felt overwhelmed. The stars aligned in my favor when I realized that we lived the same things. The best part is that you love me too. I couldn’t be luckier, and I love you until my last breath.”

From Groom to Guests

“We want to thank you beautiful people for your presence here and for sharing in our joy. To our parents, friends, family, and associates, we wouldn’t be here today without all your efforts, support and guidance. Coming here today means the world to us, so thank you for loving and honoring us.”

General Toasts:

“The truth is this, finding a person who loves you just as you are is the best thing in life. They see you through your bad, good, high, low, and everything in between without bailing out. The person still sees the sun rise and set in your eyes. When you find that person, stick with them. I found mine, so raise your glasses as we toast to…”

From Best Man & Maid Of Honor

wedding toasts bride groom hands

The best man and the maid of honor are the leaders of the bridal party. The best man is leading the wedding – and his speech is something a lot of people are looking forward to. He has to follow the organizational part, keep in mind all the little things. It is also his responsibility to toast the bride.

The same goes for the maid of honor . She is the bride’s best friend, so she is the one to toast the groom.

Here are a couple of examples of best man and bridesmaid toast examples:

“Eve was very jealous. And, although there were only two in paradise when Adam came home too late, she counted his ribs just in case. We wish our young not to be so jealous, and her husband – not to give an occasion to count the ribs!”
“In the hearts of our young people, the fire of love burns. This is a sacred fire. So, let’s fill our glasses and drink to ensure that it never goes out in their hearts!”
“No matter how many years passes – be it 10 or 20 years of family life, – I want the groom to lose his head, but not his reason, looking at his lovely wife.”
“Friends! I offer to drink for a kiss! This is the idea that a man came up with because he did not find any other way to close a mouth to a woman.”
“They say it’s not a marvel that two people are different, but it’s a marvel is they can live together so happily. Live marvelously, our dear newlyweds!”
“A real woman can make a man think that he is the winner, though she was the one who was victorious. Look at our groom. He looks like a winner. Therefore, let us drink to his beautiful victory and the woman who allowed herself to be defeated, the bride.”
“Rumor has it in a perfect family the wife does not pay attention to where the money comes from, and the husband does not notice where it is going. May you have a truly perfect family!”
“What is the difference between a fairy tale and reality? A fairy tale is when the prince marries a snake, and she becomes a princess. Reality is quite the contrary. Let your life together be a fairy tale!”
“When a man is persistent, he will certainly achieve what a woman wants. Let’s drink to ensure that the purposefulness of men and the vagaries of women coincide!”
“May the two of you be poor in misfortune and rich in blessings. Here is to a wonderful wedding day and an even more marvelous marriage.”

Parent Wedding Toasts

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The father of the bride usually starts parental wedding toasts. For the newlyweds, their parents’ blessing is extremely important.

We believe that wedding toasts father of the groom examples also proves helpful.

Your children are getting married, so it is natural to give them some wise advice on the family life they are about to start together.

“Dear children! Let your marriage be happy! Live in friendship and harmony. We always want happiness to be long, and therefore I wish you happiness to be eternal, let your love burn bright, and friends remain true! Let’s drink to a happy union!”
“To live in love and harmony until the silver wedding, the wife must have a golden character, and the husband – an iron endurance. So, let’s drink to a reliable alloy of two metals, for the fusion of the souls of the newlyweds!”
“The meaning of life is a family, this is our destiny, in fact, for it is for the sake of the family and our children that live! Let your life be happy, and the smiles and joy of your loved ones warm your hearts with warmth and comfort!”
“The secret of a successful marriage lies in one popular wisdom: you do not need to love as much as possible, just as long as possible! So keep going, let your passion burn through the years!”
“Today we wish you happiness. May the Lord protect you from the storm and bad weather, bad people, from pain and illness, from hardships. May God grant you a lot of passion, ardor, and love! And a lot of happiness!”
“A spouse is supporting in life. Strengthening the pillars, we extend our life. So, let us drink to the spouses and for them to always love and support each other.”
‘I want to see you grow old together. Count each other’s wrinkles as the years pass by. See who losses all of the teeth and who will need the help of the walking stick first.’
“Always remember the most important four words for a successful marriage: ‘I’ll do the dishes.'”
1 John 3:18 – “Dear children, let us not love with words or speech but with actions and in truth.”
Genesis 2:24 Therefore a man shall leave his father and his mother and hold fast to his wife, and they shall become one flesh.

Sister’s Wedding Toast

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Preparing a toast to your sister may not be easy. However, remembering the special bond you share, all you need do is put it in words. Try to summarize what she means to you and the joy that you wish for her. You could even say a toast from your favorite movie you both share for something unique.

See some samples below.

“[Bride,] for as long as I have known you, you have always been someone who has been able to find the joy in everything. I am so glad that you can share this ability to see the joy in everything with [groom.] May your life together be joyous and full of love.”
“Here is to the groom with a bride so fair, and here is to a bride with a groom who is so rare.”
“May you always have walls for the wind, a roof for the rain, tea by the fire, laughter to cheer you up, and everything that your heart desires. Congratulations [bride] and [groom.]”

Bride and Groom Toast Examples

The Bride and groom would toast to the guests in appreciation for their presence among other things. See some sweet tips and wedding toasts examples to adopt.

Bride and Groom Toast Tips

Give thanks to parents Thank your parents and parent’s in-law for being sweet and gracious to you all your lives. If they also contributed to the wedding, make a special mention. Also, let the guests know you’ve got the best parents. Remind them that even though you’re married, they’d never lose your love. Recount beautiful times with them and some instances where they came through for you. Make a toast to them after your spouse. Give Thanks to all guests Guests braved the odds, elements, spare time, and finances to show up for you. Appreciating them would give a sense of belonging and pride. Remind them how they made your day special with their prayers, wishes, and gifts. Wish them a safe return to where they came from and make your next toast to them. Give thanks to special people Some specific people contributed to making your big day a success. These special people deserve a mention. These people include your parents, the parent inlaws, bridesmaids, maid of honor, groomsmen, family, and best man. Mention specific friends who contribute to your wedding one way or another, even in their absence. Thank them profusely and make another toast to them.

Here are some examples:

Groom Toast To Bride:

“The minute you acknowledge you want to spend forever with somebody, you want the rest of your life to start as soon as possible. Let our journey begin, (name).”

Bride Toast To Groom:

“To my soul mate and lover – we’ve scaled the Hoops, jumped the blocks, and now we’re here. I am most excited to do forever with you, (name).”

Groom Speech to Groomsmen

“And to my Best Man and Groomsmen, thank you for your immense support and presence here today. You know I don’t joke with my beauty Sleep and wouldn’t have made it to the wedding on time without all of you. Maybe my bride would have left me, so you saved my life. You are the best friends I could ever have, and celebrating our happiness with you today made our wedding more meaningful. Every one of you has earned a special place in my heart and that of my wife. We can’t wait to enjoy bonfires, barbecues, get-togethers, and make more memories with you because we’re stuck for life.”

Groom Speech to Bridesmaids

“Here’s to my bride’s Maid of Honor and Bridesmaids— you are angels. You all know our hearts and what your support and friendship mean to us. My bride is a stunner, from her make-up to attire and overall look. You all made it possible and on time. She appreciates you, as I do. Having you here and sharing in our biggest moment is one of the rarest gifts we could get. Your presence makes us feel special and complete and we’re blessed to have you girls, in our lives. You’ve proven formidable, loyal, and selfless and with you on our side, we can go through life with faith. Thank you from the depth of our hearts. We love you girls immensely!”

Short Wedding Toasts To The Bride & Groom

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You need to toast the bride and groom?

You might want to tell them everything you feel like sharing. Your overflowing emotions are quite natural if you are close to the couple. Still, make sure your wedding toast is not too long. After all, this is a very special day for the couple, and you have to help them keep to the general timeline.

Here are some short wedding toast examples to help you:

“Let your love last forever, and be longer than the last sunset.”
‘Two are better than one.” — Ecclesiastes 4:9
“I found the one whom my soul loves.” — Song of Solomon 3:4
“Here’s to the groom, a man who was able to keep his head, but lost his heart.”
“Follow the way of love.” — I Corinthians 14:1
“Deep love is stronger than life.”—Jewish proverb
“Nothing is real but dreams and love.” —Anna de Noailles
“Where there is love, there is no darkness.”—Burundi proverb
“Here’s to the newlyweds – may these two share everything with each other… and that includes the chores!”

Classic & Traditional Literary Wedding Toasts

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If you are looking for some wedding toast ideas, you might want to use some ready-made examples to boost your imagination. This list of classical and traditional literary wedding toasts is perfect for celebrating a wedding.

These toasts will give you some wedding toast inspiration, or just help you to spice up what you’ve already written.

Watching (bride) and (groom) together makes my heart sing with joy. I am proud to be a part of this special day. Let us toast to the newlyweds, who make us believe true love still exists. (Bride) and (groom,) may you find joy with each other each and every day from this day forward. My sincere congratulations! Remember this special day, as it is the day that your life together as husband and wife starts. To (bride) and (groom,) may you always find comfort, strength and endless happiness in each other. Please join me as I raise a glass to these two newlyweds.
“To love another person is to see the face of God.” — Les Miserables by Victor Hugo
“There is only one happiness in life: To love and be loved.” — George Sand
“Love her. The way you do just the one time.” — Red Wind by Raymond Chandler
“Love does not consist in gazing at each other, but in looking outward together in the same direction.” — Antoine de Saint-Exupery
‘It’s now or never, isn’t it?’—Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows
“We laugh and laugh, and nothing can ever be sad, no one can be lost, or dead, or far away: right now we are here, and nothing can mar our perfection, or steal the joy of this perfect moment.”—The Time Traveler’s Wife
“Health and life to you; The woman of your choice for you; A child every year for you; And may you die in Ireland.” —Irish proverb

Shakespearean Wedding Toast

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There are lots of examples of wedding toast speeches so you might want to be more original.

Shakespearean wedding toasts include the pieces of works by the great poet himself and those that have the same feeling about them. They add some Medieval atmosphere, which might be great for a boho or thematical celebration. After all, this period of literature is all about romance.

“God, the best maker of all marriages, Combine your hearts in one.” — King Henry V, Act V
“Doubt thou the stars are fire, Doubt the sun doth move, Doubt truth to be a liar but never doubt thy love.” — Hamlet
“Love is a smoke raised with the fume of sighs; Being purged, a fire sparkling in lovers’ eyes; Being vexed, a sea nourished with loving tears. What is it else? A madness most discreet, A choking gall, and a preserving sweet.” — Romeo and Juliet
“May a flock of blessings light upon thy back.” – Romeo and Juliet
‘Love looks not with the eyes, but with the mind, And therefore is winged Cupid painted blind.’ – A Midsummer Night’s Dream”May thy life be long and happy, thy cares and sorrows few; And the many friends around thee prove faithful, fond and true. May your voyage through life be as happy and as free as the dancing waves on the deep blue sea.”
“But rich or poor, quick or slow, may you know nothing but happiness from this day forward.”
“For each petal on the shamrock, this brings a wish your way. Good health, good luck, and happiness for today and every day.”
“May the light of friendship guide your paths together. And may the laughter of children grace the halls of your home. May the joy of living for one another trip a smile from your lips a twinkle from your eye.”

Religious Wedding Toasts

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If you’ve been wondering how to end a wedding toast, you can always add a bit of spirituality. It’s up to you to decide on whether religious wedding toasts are appropriate, depending on your and the couple’s religious beliefs. Bible love quotes make timeless wedding toast quotes .

Take a look at the examples and get inspired.

Song of Solomon 4:9: “You have captivated my heart, my sister, my bride; you have captivated my heart with one glance of your eyes, with one jewel of your necklace.”
Galatians 5:13 “Through love serve one another.”
Song of Solomon 8:7 “Many waters cannot quench love; rivers cannot wash it away.”
Corinthians 13:4-5: “Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs.”
John 3:16 “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life.”
1 John 4:18-19 “There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear because fear has to do with punishment. The one who fears is not made perfect in love. We love because he first loved us.”
Corinthians 13 “If I speak in the tongues of men or of angels, but do not have love, I am only a resounding gong or a clanging cymbal. If I have the gift of prophecy and can fathom all mysteries and all knowledge, and if I have a faith that can move mountains, but do not have love, I am nothing. If I give all I possess to the poor and give over my body to hardship that I may boast, but do not have love, I gain nothing.”
Corinthians 13:13: “And now these three remain: faith, hope, and love. But the greatest of these is love.”
Proverbs 10:12 “Hatred stirs up conflict, but love covers over all wrongs.”
Romans 12:9 “Love must be sincere. Hate what is evil; cling to what is good.”

Movie Wedding Speech Quotes

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Want some more original wedding toasts examples?

Think about movie quotes!

You can include quotes from some of the bride and groom’s favorite movies . Movie quotes are especially nice if you have a movie-themed wedding. Surprise the bride and groom with a well-known quote. These kinds of toasts are more memorable and help create an atmosphere of love and romance.

Casablanca: ‘Here’s looking at you, kid.’
When Harry Met Sally: ‘When you realize you want to spend the rest of your life with somebody, you want the rest of your life to start as soon as possible.’
Love Actually: “To me, you are perfect”
Bram Stoker’s Dracula: ‘I have crossed oceans of time to find you’
Serendipity: ‘It’s like at that moment the whole universe existed just to bring us together.’
My Best Friend’s Wedding: ‘Choose me. Marry me. Let me make you happy.’
Moulin Rouge: ’The greatest thing you’ll ever learn is just to love, and be loved in return.’
Bridget Jones’s Baby: ‘Sometimes you love a person because of all the reasons they’re not like you. And sometimes you love a person just because they feel like home.’
The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring: ‘I would rather share one lifetime with you than face all the ages of this world alone.’
Meet Joe Black: ‘Love is passion, obsession, someone you can’t live without. If you don’t start with that, what are you going to end up with?’
Good Will Hunting: “It doesn’t matter if the guy is perfect or the girl is perfect, as long as they are perfect for each other.”

Funny Wedding Toasts

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A bit of humor can never hurt. Laughter is essential for every wedding, it helps to reduce the stress of the importance of the event. Examples of funny wedding toasts will be especially helpful for the best man , as his toast is supposed to be more entertaining than the rest.

Don’t be afraid to bring a little fun into the otherwise serious celebration with these funny quotes.

“They say that in a good marriage, the husband is the head, and the wife is the heart. So, let us drink to the fact that our young people did not know in life either headaches or heartaches!”
‘Gravitation is not responsible for people falling in love.’ – Albert Einstein
‘Love is sharing your popcorn.’ – Charles Schultz
‘It is impossible to love and be wise.’ – Francis Bacon
‘True love comes quietly, without banners or flashing lights. If you hear bells, get your ears checked.’- Erich Segal
‘It’s so great to find that one special person you want to annoy for the rest of your life.’ – Rita Rudner
‘Being married means mostly shouting “What?” from other rooms.’
‘Marry a man your own age; as your beauty fades, so will his eyesight.’— Phyllis Diller
‘Love is a lot like a backache: it doesn’t show up on X-rays, but you know it’s there.’ — George Burns
‘All you need is love. But a little chocolate now and then doesn’t hurt.’ — Charles Schulz

Writing an awesome wedding toast can be nerve-wracking, but with a little preparation and practice, anyone can deliver a memorable speech that will leave a lasting impression.

“To the happy couple, I have known [bride/groom] for [number] of years and I have never seen [him/her] as happy as [he/she] is now. [Insert a personal anecdote or story about the couple]. [Bride/groom], you have found your soulmate in [bride/groom] and I couldn’t be happier for you both. May your love continue to grow stronger with each passing day. Here’s to a lifetime of love and happiness!”
“Good evening, everyone. I am honored to be here today to celebrate the love of [bride] and [groom]. [Insert a personal anecdote or story about the couple]. You two are the perfect match, and I am confident that you will have a beautiful life together. [Bride/groom], you have found your true soulmate in [bride/groom], and I am so happy that you have each other. May your love continue to grow stronger with each passing day. Congratulations and cheers to a lifetime of love and happiness!”
“Ladies and gentlemen, it is my pleasure to give a toast to the happy couple. [Insert a personal anecdote or story about the couple]. [Bride/groom], you two are a perfect match, and I have no doubt that you will have a long and happy life together. You have found your soulmate in each other, and I am honored to be here today to witness your love. May your love continue to grow stronger with each passing day. Congratulations, and cheers to a lifetime of love and happiness!”

Irish Toast Examples

The Irish are blessed with the gift of proverbs and gab. These traits infuse into prayers and wishes for the married couple like our examples below.

“May you have a love that never ends, lots of money, and lots of friends. Health be yours, whatever you do, and may God send many blessings to you!”
“Bless you and yours, as well as the cottage you live in. May the roof overhead be well thatched, and those inside be well matched”

Wedding Anniversary Toast

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“To a couple that we all know, admire, and love with all our hearts. We all wish the best for you and we toast to your health and happiness.”
“Here’s to the husband and here’s to the wife. May the two of you continue to remain lovers for life.”
“As you celebrate this happy day in your life, remember that the best days are yet to come. In the meantime, let us raise a glass to your marriage and to your health and happiness.”

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There is a certain etiquette to follow when writing your toast. This can guide you and act as tips that you can use in writing some of the best toasts this wedding season. Use the following when writing your toast , and you will find writing toast for weddings much easier than expected.

  • Keep it brief

One of the rules for writing a wedding toast is to keep it brief. While you might have a lot to say, you will find that having a short wedding toast is much better than a long one. To avert boredom on the part of your guests, anything under two to three minutes is perfect.

Practice saying your toast a few times after it is written. Even better in front of a mirror. This will help you greatly when it is time to do it live. If you build your toast around a quote for a wedding toast, this could help keep it memorable and easy to recall when you need it.

  • Catch and keep your audience’s attention

Speak clearly and audibly. And be it with toast quotes or a joke, insert something that will keep your guests attentive. You don’t want to struggle to be heard or try to speak over people already talking to one another.

  • Remember to raise your glass

Whether you are a drinker or not, remember to raise your glass to the couple at the end of your toast. Better to raise an empty glass than refuse to participate at all, at the end of your simple wedding toast.

Do’s and Don’ts of Wedding Toasts

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What to include and what better to avoid in a wedding toast?

  • Do get everyone’s attention. Do it tactfully! If you choose to do so by clinking at a champagne glass, it can be quite annoying.
  • Don’t make it long. Keep it as short, as possible. Speaking for two to three minutes should be the maximum.
  • Don’t say anything embarrassing! A wedding toast is not the time to swear, remember exes, or tell the stories of past failures. Don’t make everyone regret they gave you the mic!
  • Be sincere – your words should be truly heartfelt.
  • Don’t forget to raise your glass as you say the toast.
  • Do practice your toast at home – this way you will deliver your toast more smoothly.

Weddings toasts are beautiful endings to heartfelt speeches. They can be witty, funny, romantic, or traditional. We have put together wedding toasts tips that can help you prepare for your big day, whether for the bride, wedding party, parents, or even guests. Get ideas from this post and speak confidently on your big day.

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Singaporebrides | Weddings 101

How to thank your parents in your wedding speech.

By Tansey Tang

speeches wedding parents

You’ll be expressing your appreciation for all of your guests at your wedding, and there are some very special people you shouldn’t miss out. Here’s how to properly thank your parents in your wedding speech!

Y our wedding day is finally here, and all the months of hard work and planning have paid off when you see the loving and excited faces gathered to celebrate you and your milestone. Your heart is so full and bursting with appreciation for the dear ones surrounding you, and your wedding speech is the perfect opportunity to express your thankfulness for their presence and their help. Besides thanking the people who cried with you, laughed with you, and worked through the night DIY-ing with you, you’ll also want to set aside a few minutes to honour your parents and in-laws.

Saying thank you to your parents at your wedding isn’t just about thanking them for any financial or logistical help with your wedding; it’s about publicly expressing your gratitude for all they’ve done for you. Thanking your new in-laws is also a respectful way to address them for the first time. Being from our typically reticent Asian culture, you may feel uncomfortable expressing your appreciation to your parents, especially when you’ll be doing so on stage. We put together some tips and sample ways to say thank you to your parents and in-laws during your wedding speech.

speeches wedding parents

How Long Should the Thank You Speech Be?

Your thank you speech to your parents will likely be part of your wedding speech, where you have many special people to appreciate, such as your guests, your bridal party, your siblings, and anyone who has played a part in putting your wedding together. To avoid losing attention, you’ll want to keep your speech concise—about 5-8 minutes long each if the both of you are taking turns to speak. Your thank-yous to your parents is a key component of your speech, but probably won’t take very long.

What Should You Include in Your Thank-You Speech to Your Parents?

Your wedding is a big milestone, where you officially leave the household to form a new family of your own. You’ll want to thank your parents for all they’ve done in bringing you to this new chapter. You could express your gratitude for their unconditional love and support, acknowledge their hard work or appreciate their cooking, mention some values they’ve taught you to live by, or reminisce about some childhood memories that you’ll cherish. You could also talk about their role model characters or their example as a loving married couple, and how you hope to follow in their footsteps. If they contributed financially to your wedding, be sure to thank them as well, and appreciate any help they offered through the planning.

How Should You Thank Your In-Laws in Your Wedding Speech?

Your wedding speech is a great opportunity to let your new in-laws know how happy you are to be marrying their son or daughter. Thank them for raising a wonderful person, sliding in compliments about your partner, and win bonus points if you can relate them back to your in-laws. Express your appreciation at their efforts to welcome you into their family, and acknowledge any contribution your parents-in-law made to your wedding, whether it was financial or with the planning and organisation. Tell them how much you look forward to being part of their family.

speeches wedding parents

Parent Thank-You Speech Examples

Writing a speech isn’t an easy thing to do, but you don’t need to be completely original! Here are some wedding thank-speech examples you can draw inspiration from.

To your parents:

Mum, Dad, thank you for your love and support through the years. You’ve done everything you could to give us a memorable childhood, and always guided and supported us in achieving our dreams. From you, I learned that failure is simply an opportunity to learn and try again, that being kind to people matters more than being right, and that love means forgiveness and selflessness. Growing up, you’ve shown us a beautiful example of what a great marriage looks like, and Liz and I can only hope to follow in your footsteps as we begin our new chapter together.

To my parents, thank you for working so hard to bring us up. All the home-cooked meals, the weekend family time, and even the time you spent tutoring us over our homework—I appreciate everything you’ve done to give Jie and I such a wonderful childhood. As we grew older, you never failed to lend a listening ear, cheer us on, or give us sound advice as we navigated forks in our life paths. As I celebrate this milestone today, I want to thank you for your love and support that led me here.

To your in-laws:

Pa, Ma, thank you for raising such a fine young man that today, I am proud to call my husband. Daniel is so smart, caring, hardworking, and thoughtful, and that can only be a reflection of how you’ve brought him up. Thank you for always inviting me over for such delicious meals, and for welcoming me so warmly into your lives. I’m so excited to officially become part of your family.

To my new mum and dad, thank you for welcoming me into your family. Thank you for entrusting your beautiful daughter into my care. Liz is truly the ideal woman—she’s patient, supportive, strong, and so talented at what she does. I will everything in my power to give her the happiness she deserves. As we begin building our new life together, we couldn’t be more grateful to have your love and support.

Wedding Thank You Speech Tips

Now that you’ve overcome the challenge of finding the right words to say, it’s time to make sure you deliver your wedding speech well. Familiarise yourself with your speech, then practise delivering it in front of your mirror or friends, or record yourself, to see if there are areas in which you could improve your delivery. While it’s perfectly fine to read off a script, practising your speech beforehand will help you sound more natural on stage. Speak more slowly than you normally would, and make eye contact with your audience as much as you can. The most important tip? Speak from the heart!

Credits: Feature image from Ming Tong and Daryl’s Sustainable Wedding with Gold Accents at Botanico at The Garage by Bottled Groove Photography

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Published on: 4 July 2022

Category: Weddings 101

Tagged in: Wedding Speeches

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Wedding Speech Format


a. Greeting and Welcome: Start by greeting the audience and introducing yourself. Example: “Good evening, everyone. For those who don’t know me, I’m [Your Name], [Bride’s Name]’s [relation] / [Groom’s Name]’s [relation].” b. Relationship to the Couple: Briefly explain your relationship to the bride and groom. Example: “I’ve had the pleasure of knowing [Bride’s Name] since we were kids, and it’s an honor to stand here today.” c. Expressing Gratitude: Thank the hosts, guests, and anyone who contributed to the wedding. Example: “Thank you to everyone who helped make this day so special, and to all of you for being here to celebrate this joyous occasion.”
a. Sharing Memories: Include personal anecdotes or stories that highlight the character and journey of the bride and groom. Example: “I remember the time when [Bride’s Name] and I… [insert a funny or heartwarming anecdote].” b. Highlighting Qualities: Talk about the qualities that make the bride and groom special individually and as a couple. Example: “What I admire most about [Groom’s Name] is his unwavering loyalty and kind heart. Together, [Bride’s Name] and [Groom’s Name] are an incredible team.” c. Mutual Love and Respect: Emphasize their love story, how they met, and their journey to this day. Example: “From the moment they met, it was clear that [Bride’s Name] and [Groom’s Name] were meant to be. Their journey has been filled with love, laughter, and shared dreams.” d. Offering Advice or Wishes: Share some wisdom or advice for a happy marriage, if appropriate. Example: “Remember to always communicate openly, support each other through life’s challenges, and keep laughter at the heart of your relationship.”
a. Summarizing Key Points: Recap the main sentiments and highlights of your speech. Example: “To sum up, [Bride’s Name] and [Groom’s Name], your love and commitment to each other are truly inspiring.” b. Raising a Toast: Invite everyone to join you in raising a glass to the couple. Example: “Now, if everyone could please raise their glasses… Here’s to a lifetime of love, happiness, and endless adventures together. To [Bride’s Name] and [Groom’s Name]!”

Wedding Speech Example

Introduction: “Good evening, everyone. For those who don’t know me, I’m [Your Name], [Bride’s Name]’s [relation, e.g., best friend, brother, sister, etc.]. It is an absolute honor to stand before you today on this wonderful occasion. I’d like to start by thanking all of you for being here to celebrate the marriage of [Bride’s Name] and [Groom’s Name]. Whether you’ve traveled from near or far, your presence means the world to them.” Body: Sharing Memories: “I’ve known [Bride’s Name] for as long as I can remember. From our childhood adventures to late-night talks about our dreams, she has always been an incredibly important part of my life. One of my favorite memories is when we were [insert a funny or heartwarming anecdote, e.g., ‘when we were ten, we decided to bake a cake for our parents. It was a disaster, but we laughed so hard, and it’s a memory I cherish to this day.’]” Highlighting Qualities: “[Bride’s Name] is not only my best friend but also one of the most compassionate, thoughtful, and resilient people I know. She has always had a heart of gold, and she lights up any room she walks into. [Groom’s Name], from the moment I met you, I knew you were the perfect match for [Bride’s Name]. Your kindness, patience, and unwavering support have been evident from the start. Together, you bring out the best in each other, and it’s clear that your love is something truly special.” Mutual Love and Respect: “Their journey together began [insert how many years ago or how they met, e.g., ‘five years ago when they met at a mutual friend’s party’]. From that moment, it was clear that they were meant to be. Their relationship has been filled with love, laughter, and countless adventures. Watching your love story unfold has been a privilege, and I know that your future together will be just as beautiful.” Offering Advice or Wishes: “As you embark on this new chapter together, I want to share a few words of wisdom: Always communicate openly and honestly with each other. Be each other’s biggest supporters and celebrate each other’s victories. Keep laughter at the heart of your relationship, and never take each other for granted. Love is a living thing that grows and flourishes with care.” Conclusion: Summarizing Key Points: “To sum up, [Bride’s Name] and [Groom’s Name], your love and commitment to each other are truly inspiring. Today is a celebration of your journey so far and the beautiful future that lies ahead.” Raising a Toast: “Now, if everyone could please raise their glasses… Here’s to [Bride’s Name] and [Groom’s Name]. May your marriage be filled with endless love, joy, and laughter. May you continue to grow together, building a life rich with beautiful memories and happiness. Here’s to a lifetime of love, companionship, and incredible adventures. Cheers!” Closing: “Thank you all for being here tonight, and let’s continue to celebrate this wonderful couple!”

Short Wedding Speech Example

Introduction: “Good evening, everyone. For those who don’t know me, I’m [Your Name], [Bride’s Name]’s [relation, e.g., friend, brother, sister]. It’s an honor to stand here today and celebrate the love between [Bride’s Name] and [Groom’s Name].” Body: Sharing Memories: “I’ve known [Bride’s Name] for many years, and one of my favorite memories is [insert a short anecdote, e.g., ‘when we went on a road trip together and ended up getting lost but had the best time laughing and exploring new places.’]” Highlighting Qualities: “[Bride’s Name], you are one of the most kind-hearted and joyful people I know. And [Groom’s Name], from the moment I met you, I could see how perfect you are for [Bride’s Name]. Together, you make an incredible team.” Offering Advice or Wishes: “As you embark on this new journey together, my advice is simple: keep communicating, keep laughing, and never stop supporting each other.” Conclusion: Summarizing Key Points: “Your love for each other is truly inspiring, and I know you have a bright and beautiful future ahead.” Raising a Toast: “Now, if everyone could please raise their glasses… Here’s to a lifetime of love, happiness, and wonderful adventures together. To [Bride’s Name] and [Groom’s Name]! Cheers!” Closing: “Thank you all for being here to celebrate this special day!” This concise speech covers all the essential elements: introduction, personal anecdotes, compliments to the couple, advice, and a toast, making it heartfelt and memorable without taking up too much time.

Additional Tips for a Wedding Speech

  • Speak from the heart and be authentic in your words and emotions.
  • Aim for a speech that is between 5-7 minutes long to maintain the audience’s attention.
  • Mix heartfelt sentiments with light-hearted humor for an engaging and memorable speech.
  • Rehearse your speech multiple times to become comfortable with the content and delivery.
  • Focus on positive, celebratory aspects and avoid controversial topics or negative comments.

More Wedding Speech Examples and Samples

  • Best man speech
  • Father of the Bride Speech
  • Groom wedding speech
  • The Toast Speech on Wedding
  • Traditional wedding toasts
  • Bride to the bridesmaids toast
  • Maid of honour speech
  • Childhood stories Speech for Wedding
  • Mother of the bride Speech
  • Parents of the groom Speech
  • Tell anecdotes about the groom
  • Thank you for supporting our dreams Speech
  • The newlyweds toast Speech
  • Wedding Speech for Best Friend
  • Wedding Speech for Sister
  • Wedding Speech for Brother
  • Father of the Groom Speech
  • Mother of the Groom Speech
  • Bride’s Speech
  • Groom’s Speech
  • Groomsman Speech
  • Wedding Toast Speech
  • Sibling Speech for Wedding
  • Friend of the Couple Speech
  • Grandparent Speech for Wedding
  • Wedding Reception Speech
  • Emcee Speech
  • Thank You for coming Speech for Wedding
  • Wedding Welcome Speech
  • Vows Speech for Wedding
  • Pre-Wedding Dinner Speech
  • Wedding Planner Speech
  • Religious Leader Speech for Wedding
  • Cultural Ceremony Speech for Wedding
  • Destination Wedding Speech
  • Elopement Announcement Speech for Wedding
  • Wedding After-Party Speech
  • Engagement Party Speech
  • Renewal of Vows Speech for Wedding
  • Civil Ceremony Speech for Wedding

Wedding Welcome

Wedding Welcome2

Wedding Anniversary

Wedding Anniversary

Sample Wedding Speech

Sample Wedding Speech

Groom Wedding Speech Guide (PDF)

Groom Wedding Speech1

Short Wedding Speech Guidelines

Short Wedding Speech

How to Write a Wedding Speech

Step 1: let the crowd know you, step 2: plan in advance, step 3: give thanks to everyone, step 4: practice your speech, tips for wedding speech.

Tips for Wedding Speech

1. Know Your Audience

  • Gauge the Mood: Understand the overall vibe of the wedding. Is it formal or casual? Tailor your speech to fit the atmosphere.
  • Consider Relationships: Acknowledge both sides of the family and mutual friends. Make sure to include remarks that will resonate with everyone present.

2. Start with a Strong Opening

  • Introduce Yourself: Briefly introduce yourself and explain your relationship to the couple.
  • Grab Attention: Use a captivating opening line, a heartfelt quote, or a light-hearted joke to draw in your audience.

3. Keep It Personal and Heartfelt

  • Share Memories: Include personal anecdotes that highlight your relationship with the couple. Make sure they are meaningful and appropriate.
  • Express Emotion: Be sincere in your words. Express your genuine feelings about the couple and their union.

4. Include Humor (But Keep It Tasteful)

  • Lighten the Mood: Incorporate some light-hearted jokes or funny stories. Ensure that the humor is appropriate for all ages and doesn’t offend anyone.
  • Balance is Key: Mix humor with heartfelt moments to keep the speech engaging.

5. Focus on the Couple

  • Highlight Their Qualities: Talk about the bride and groom’s best qualities and how they complement each other.
  • Their Journey: Mention significant milestones in their relationship and how they’ve grown together.

6. Offer Good Wishes

  • Future Wishes: Share your hopes and dreams for their future together. This can include advice, blessings, or simply well-wishes for their new journey.

7. Practice Your Delivery

  • Rehearse: Practice your speech several times before the wedding. This helps you become comfortable with the content and delivery.
  • Timing: Aim for a speech that is between 5-7 minutes long. This keeps it concise and avoids losing the audience’s attention.

8. Stay Calm and Confident

  • Breathe: Take deep breaths to calm your nerves before speaking.
  • Pace Yourself: Speak slowly and clearly. Pause for effect and to let your words sink in.
  • Eye Contact: Make eye contact with the audience to engage them and appear confident.

9. End with a Toast

  • Raise a Glass: Conclude your speech by inviting everyone to join you in a toast.
  • Simple and Sincere: Keep the toast short and sincere, wishing the couple happiness, love, and a bright future together.

10. Be Yourself

  • Authenticity: Speak from the heart and be true to your personality. Authenticity resonates well with audiences and makes your speech memorable.

Additional Tips:

  • Avoid Controversial Topics: Steer clear of any potentially divisive or controversial topics.
  • Stay Positive: Keep the tone of your speech positive and celebratory.
  • Hydrate: Drink some water beforehand to keep your throat clear.
  • Notes: It’s okay to have notes, but try not to read directly from them. Use them as a guide to keep you on track.

Uses of Wedding Speech

  • Expressing Gratitude : Wedding speeches are an opportunity to thank everyone who contributed to the wedding. This includes parents, family members, friends, and even vendors. Expressing gratitude helps acknowledge their efforts and support, making them feel valued.
  • Sharing Stories and Memories : Speeches at weddings allow speakers to share cherished stories and memories about the couple. These anecdotes can be humorous, touching, or inspiring, adding a personal and intimate element to the celebration.
  • Offering Blessings and Well-Wishes : Wedding speeches often include blessings and well-wishes for the couple’s future. This tradition reinforces the communal support and love surrounding the newlyweds as they embark on their life together.
  • Highlighting Relationships : Through wedding speeches, speakers can highlight the relationships they have with the couple. This could be the bond between parents and their children, the friendship shared with the best man or maid of honor, or the connection with extended family members.
  • Providing Entertainment : Wedding speeches often incorporate humor and heartfelt sentiments, providing entertainment for the guests. A well-delivered speech can evoke laughter and tears, enhancing the emotional impact of the celebration.
  • Setting the Tone for the Event : The tone of wedding speeches can influence the overall atmosphere of the wedding. Speeches that are warm, loving, and sincere can create a joyful and positive environment, contributing to the success of the event.
  • Capturing the Essence of the Couple : Wedding speeches offer a platform to celebrate the unique qualities and journey of the couple. Speakers can reflect on the couple’s story, their strengths, and what makes their relationship special, creating a lasting tribute.
  • Encouraging Social Interaction : Speeches can help break the ice and encourage social interaction among guests who may not know each other well. Personal stories and shared laughter can bring people together, fostering a sense of community.
  • Honoring Traditions : In many cultures, wedding speeches are a significant tradition that adds to the ceremonial aspect of the wedding. Participating in this tradition honors the cultural and familial heritage, adding depth to the celebration.
  • Contributing to Wedding Memories : Speeches are often remembered long after the wedding day. They become part of the couple’s cherished memories, and recordings of these speeches can be revisited in the future, preserving the sentiments expressed.

What is the purpose of a wedding speech?

A wedding speech celebrates the couple, expresses love, and shares memories, adding a personal touch to the wedding ceremony.

Who traditionally gives speeches at weddings?

Traditionally, the best man, maid of honor, bride’s father, and sometimes the couple themselves give speeches.

What is the best way to practice my wedding speech?

Practice your speech by reading it aloud multiple times, recording yourself, and rehearsing in front of friends or family.

How can I make my wedding speech memorable?

Make your speech memorable by being sincere, adding humor, and including personal stories that highlight the couple’s relationship.

What topics should I avoid in a wedding speech?

Avoid controversial topics, inappropriate jokes, ex-relationships, and anything that might embarrass the couple or guests.

How do I start a wedding speech?

Start with a greeting, introduce yourself, and mention your relationship to the couple before sharing your stories and sentiments.

What should be included in a wedding speech?

Include personal anecdotes, heartfelt wishes, gratitude, and a toast to the couple in your wedding speech.

How long should a wedding speech be?

A wedding speech should typically be 5-7 minutes long to keep the audience engaged and the event on schedule.

Can I include quotes in my wedding speech?

Yes, including meaningful quotes or poems can add depth and resonance to your wedding speech.

How can I manage my nerves during a wedding speech?

Manage nerves by practicing thoroughly, taking deep breaths, and focusing on the couple and your message.


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How to write a heartfelt Wedding Speech for a best friend

Crafting a Wedding Speech for your sibling's special day

speeches wedding parents

The dos and don’ts of wedding etiquette in 2024

P hotographers and vicars are in a turf war for prime position at church weddings and “giving the bride away” sounds dangerously like something that could get you cancelled... It’s a modern minefield. So with the wedding season looming, what are the new hard and fast rules to stick to? We asked the experts.

Rules for the happy couple

Should brides give speeches these days .

Meghan Markle did it, but don’t let that put you off. Recent research from Guides for Brides suggests that as many as one in three brides is now giving a speech. So – good idea? “110 per cent,” says Rebecca Brennan-Brown, the founder of the wedding planning company Get Wed. “When have you ever let a man speak for you before? Why should you let men speak for you on your wedding day?” 

It doesn’t have to be formal and fussy, though: “One of our brides this year is adamant she wants to speak at some point, but doesn’t want it to be as formal as the traditional sit-down speeches. So instead, she’ll be saying a few words to welcome everyone to the drinks reception, then kicking it off with a champagne tower pour. Fun and feminist...”

Eco-friendly online invitations, or thick and fancy ones in the mail? 

Once upon a time, wedding invitations came on paper so thick you could hold back the tide with them. Plus a save-the-date card, a response card, the stiff envelope... It could all add up to a small forest. So what does the eco-friendly couple do? 

“Listen, if you do the thick and fancy printed invites , you’ll end up having to send an e-vite anyway, or chasing people a lot,” says Brennan-Brown. “While the printed invites always look great and give guests a taste of the day ahead, they get lost on kitchen counters and very few people actually RSVP to them. Whereas if you’re emailed an invite, it’s easy to click RSVP straight away. We had one couple this year get all 160 RSVPs within two weeks from their email invite, which is practically unheard of. Either way, the golden rule is to always connect your invite to a website where you can add and change information freely.”

Funds are tight. Can we ask guests to buy their own drinks?

“Absolutely,” says Brennan-Brown. “Most people understand that weddings are a huge expense , and that once you’ve paid for a venue , dinner and entertainment for everyone, it’s OK to ask them to pay for a few drinks.” That said... “We have had a couple in the past spend over £10k on flowers, then charge people for drinks in the evening. Each to their own, but there were some slightly bemused faces…”

“Couples should be as generous as possible towards their guests,” agrees Jo Bryant, an etiquette consultant who specialises in weddings. To her mind that means “planning the budget accordingly, allocating as much as possible towards the key elements of hosting: food and drink”.

If you need to cut something, she suggests, think: wedding favours. “These often add up to quite a large sum, only to be forgotten or discarded at the end of the day,” Bryant says. “The money might be best reallocated to the bar fund.”

Do you have to invite the tedious partners of fun friends?

Afraid so, says Bryant: “You should always invite both halves of couples who are in a long-term, established relationship, or who are living together, or who are engaged, for the whole day. Equally, if you are inviting someone who will know nobody, then they will appreciate having a ‘plus-one’.” 

Is it OK to ask for cash?

In essence, yes, says William Hanson, an etiquette expert and the author of the forthcoming book Just Good Manners . Be aware, though: “Older generations might be a bit squeamish about it, and it is their right not to give you any money if they don’t want to do that.”

Other than that, the idea is entirely logical, he suggests: “The whole point of a gift registry, originally, was that you were gifting household items to help a new couple set up. Now that most couples live together before getting married, they don’t need gifts for the home, so the concept is slightly outdated.”

If you do ask for cash, “guests must feel like they are giving money to something worthwhile, rather than just handing out cash, so honeymoon contributions are often popular,” says Bryant. “Guests may even give towards specific elements of the holiday – for example, a night’s hotel accommodation, car hire, a meal in a specific restaurant, diving expenses, ski passes etc. Couples can include a range of prices so guests can opt for something within their spending range.”

Do bear this in mind, however: “If you do have ‘means’, it is seen as rather jarring for a lot of Brits,” says Hanson. Best not to ask your friends to fund your private island honeymoon if you are an oligarch. 

Should you still expect your parents to pay?

There’s no hard and fast rule here, suggests Hanson, but there are important considerations: “I do suggest that if you have strong opinions about what your wedding is going to look like, it should be a crowdfunded operation, rather than one set of parents completely paying.” It is very hard to put your foot down and demand, say, a drum and bass rave after dinner, if your parents – more string-quartet-minded – are footing the bill.

Can you ban kids?

Sure, says Hanson: “Your wedding, your rules.” There are, however, some basic points of etiquette to observe if you do.

First: “You need to state that clearly on the invitation.”

Second: “You have got to be OK with your friends not coming to your wedding because of their childcare issues. So whilst it is your decision, you have to live with the consequences.” 

Third: “Stick to your guns and make sure that it’s one rule for everyone and there aren’t any exceptions.” Things can get ugly when little Olivia’s parents spend half the week’s salary on a babysitter, only to be seated next to a high chair at supper. 

Rules for the mother and father of the couple

Can modern fathers really still ‘give the bride away’ .

“Obviously this ‘giving away’ tradition goes back to a time when women were considered the property of men, and nobody in their right minds still believes that that is the case, because it isn’t!” says Hanson. “I personally don’t subscribe to the ‘giving away’ message – it’s quite outdated,” agrees Brennan-Brown. “But the tradition of having your father walk you down the aisle is something I find very sweet. It’s often a moment a lot of people look forward to.

“More and more, we’re seeing brides walk down the aisle with both parents or by themselves,” she says. “Twice in the last year, we’ve had the couple walk in together. I think the most important thing is you being comfortable. Don’t worry about the tradition.”

Should the groom’s parents put their hands in their pockets too?

Bad news if this is you, I’m afraid, because, says Hanson: “Yes, the groom’s parents should offer – but, as with anything, you only offer it if you actually can afford to and you only contribute if that offer is accepted.” 

“Weddings where the parents of the bride paid for the whole thing are now a rarity,” agrees Bryant. Contributions from the other side might come in the form of “a financial donation, or an offer to pay for an element of the day, for example the flowers, wine or transport”.

There is a glimmer of hope for parents, however: “Many weddings today see the couple paying for it themselves. This is especially true as couples are marrying later in life, and approaching the wedding with careers and salaries behind them,” says Bryant.

Should the parents still expect to be able to invite reams of their friends?

“It really should be the happy couple’s day, but if contributions are being made by parents on either side then yes, they should be able to invite their friends,” says Hanson. There is a line, however: “I think a general rule would be that the couple getting married should have met everybody invited. There shouldn’t be strangers at their wedding, so that they’re thinking, ‘Oh, who the heck are you?’ Unless, that is, they’re long-distance relatives and you haven’t met them for a very good reason.”

Where to put the step-parents?

“There are no hard and fast rules about who sits where, or takes which role,” says Dr Sandra Wheatley, a social psychologist at Potent Psychology, who has a special interest in families and relationships. “Your wedding plans should fit your family and its unique dynamics.” That said: “If there’s disagreement about details, the couple getting married should really get the final say. There may have been a time when the father of the bride’s word was final, but these days, especially since he’s unlikely to be footing the whole bill, the couple’s feelings come first.”

If, as the bride- and groom-to-be, you feel like your plans might be controversial, Dr Wheatley has the following advice: “This is one of those moments when the roles are reversed and you have to be the parents. Sit them down. Explain what’s expected of them. Hopefully they’ll be co-operative. If not, you might even tell them that it’s do it this way, or don’t come. Most parents will be horrified at the idea of missing a wedding.”

And if you are a parent, or step-parent, considering venting, or even simply displaying, your animosity towards another parent in this dynamic, Dr Wheatley has stern words: “The most remembered weddings are the ones where fights break out. Even if you’re just planning on being frosty, or obnoxious, it’s really worth considering that – as key members of the family – people are watching you. Behave badly, and it will be remembered and judged. It’s just one day. Take a deep breath and be polite.”

To hat or not to hat?

“It really depends on the style of the wedding,” says Bryant. That said, “it is a good idea for the mothers of the bride and groom to find out what each other is planning to wear, so neither is caught unexpectedly underdressed. That doesn’t mean to say they must both wear hats, but they can each make an informed personal decision.”

Rules for guests

Can you wear white .

A unanimous response here. “Definitely not,” says Brennan-Brown. “Some couples might be cool with it, but it’s 100 per cent not worth the risk. This is a huge no-no in my book.”

“White in large quantities is still very taboo,” agrees Hanson, “particularly for girls and even for a same-sex wedding. It’s perhaps less of a taboo for a male same-sex wedding but it will always look bridal and it’s always going to have those connotations.”

Is it OK to take your phone out in the service, if it’s to take photos?

There’s really no need, so no excuse, suggests Hanson. “The couple have probably paid for a photographer, who is going to be getting much better photographs than anything that your phone can do,” he says. “So turn the phone off, don’t touch it and focus on what’s going on in front of you – which is the most important thing of the entire day.”

When can you post photos on social media?

“Be cautious of sharing pictures immediately,” says Bryant. Some couples ask for people to wait, or even not to share photos at all, so check and respect their wishes. Having said that, “most couples love seeing the bits they missed,” says Brennan-Brown. “So unless you’re told otherwise, the day after is absolutely fine. It gives everyone an opportunity to relive the day.”

Drunken heckling in speeches – banter or boorish?

Hanson’s feelings are clear and concise: “Boorish!” Bryant, though, says it is all about context and tone: “At most weddings, an occasional heckle with good humour and undertones of fondness is fine. The flip side is that lots of heckling can offend, embarrass or hijack the speeches and is therefore inappropriate.” If in doubt, zip it. 

Best men hitting on the bridesmaids – a relic of the bad old days?

“Yes,” says Hanson. “That’s all I need to say on that.”

How to handle a mid-service tantrum?

“As a dad and a vicar I have been on both sides of this coin,” says a member of the clergy who would prefer to remain anonymous, safe from both bishop and the betrothed. “Generally, if couples are happy to have kids at their wedding, they are aware that there might be a few extra noises during the service.” 

That said, when he is officiating a wedding, he begins, tactfully, by pointing out the lavatories and fire exits, but also “the kids’ corner, where parents can take their kids if they are getting upset. Otherwise, it could be a side chapel, or the back of the church.” How to judge whether your toddler’s vocalisations are verging on the problematic ? If in doubt, move. “Taking full advantage of those spaces before kids go into full meltdown can really help,” says our reverend. As a parent and when a wedding guest, he himself has learnt to “load the nappy bag with a few quiet toys and less rustly snacks – it often helps distract them. And picking an end pew with an easy route to the door can really help ease your nerves.”

Rules for second-timers

White dress or not.

This is pretty simple, says Brennan-Brown: “ You can wear whatever you like . White is bridal, and just because you’ve been a bride before, that doesn’t mean you’re not a bride again! However, there are so many gorgeous coloured and floral dresses available now, you might decide you want to do something to distinguish this wedding, and that’s very cool too.”

What about presents? 

It is more common not to have a full gift registry, second time round, says Bryant: “Donations to charity are a popular option, allowing for guests to give something if they wish, but not directly to the couple themselves.” That is not to say, however, that you mustn’t invite gifts, she says. 

“ The likelihood is, if someone is getting married for a second time, they’ve probably been through a lot of stress and upset,” says Brennan-Brown. “I’m sure spending another few quid on a gift to celebrate your friend finding happiness again is quite insignificant to most guests, in the grand scheme of things.”


Ask Lisa: 'My daughter is getting married at the Elvis chapel in Vegas. What do I wear?'

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Weddings are a modern minefield, but these rules have you covered

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Speech development in children: What parents should know

Sponsored by eastern idaho regional medical center.

mother and baby son

This story is brought to you by Eastern Idaho Regional Medical Center, which treats more children in the pediatric ER, pediatric ICU and general pediatric floor than any other hospital in southeast Idaho. Speak with your provider for a referral to EIRMC Pediatric Therapies at (208) 529-7982 .

Communicating with words is one of the most important milestones in a child’s development. Parents eagerly await their child’s first words; it’s a time of huge growth and excitement. However, for some children and their parents, this transition to using language may be filled with confusion and doubt. Kids may become frustrated by a lack of ability to communicate. Parents share their frustration and wonder if their child’s speech is progressing normally or if they need therapeutic intervention. If you’re looking for answers, we’re sharing some things that parents should know about speech development in children.

EIRMC has pediatric occupational therapists who specialize in addressing speech and language issues in children. Ask your pediatrician for a referral to EIRMC Pediatric Therapies at  (208) 529-7982 .

Speech development and articulation

Articulation refers to the speech sounds that your child makes and how clear and easy to understand they are. Most children go through stages in their ability to articulate or speak clearly and understandably. While children vary in how quickly they master milestones in language and speech development, here’s a guide to help you determine how your child is progressing.

You should be able to understand:

  • About 50% of your child’s speech at the age of 2
  • About 75% of your child’s speech at the age of 3
  • 100% of your child’s speech at the age of 4

This doesn’t necessarily mean your child will be (or even should be) speaking flawlessly at 4 years old. Common speech errors are still expected at this age, but you should still be able to understand what your child means.

Articulation is a functional speech sound disorder with no known cause, according to the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA). Signs and symptoms include:

  • Substitutions: One or more sounds are substituted, such as “tat” for “cat” and “dough” for “go”
  • Omissions/deletions: Certain sounds are left off, as in “cu” for “cup” and “og” for “dog”
  • Additions: Extra sounds are added to words, such as “buhlack” for “black”
  • Distortions: Sounds are altered or changed, as in a lateral “s” or “z” (lateral lisp)
  • Syllable-level errors: Syllables are omitted, as in “tephone” for “telephone”

ASHA reports that stuttering usually begins between 2 and 6 years of age. Stuttering, stammering and disfluencies all contribute to a lack of smooth speech. Typical disfluencies include adding “um” or “you know” to speech or repeating words or phrases. These are not considered stuttering. However, people who stutter may have more disfluencies and different types of disfluencies.

Many children go through normal periods of stuttering lasting less than 6 months. Stuttering that lasts longer may require treatment. Risk factors for stuttering include:

  • Gender: Prolonged stuttering is more prevalent in boys than girls
  • Age: Children who begin stuttering at age three-and-a-half or older are more likely to continue
  • Family history: Children with family members who continued to stutter are at increased risk

Other things to look for to identify possible stuttering is if your child tenses up or struggles when talking. They may even avoid talking or tell you it’s too hard to talk. These and the risk factors above are warning signs that something may be wrong.

If you think your child may stutter, get help from a speech-language pathologist (SLP) as early as possible. Early intervention can reduce the chances that your child will continue to stutter.

Late talking in toddlers

The term “late talker” is often used to describe children who are not meeting milestones in the number of words or combinations of words they are using.

Around 18 months of age, most children:

  • Use at least 2 to 3 words consistently
  • Can follow a one-step instruction

The ability to follow a one-step instruction measures what your child understands and not how they speak. This is called receptive language. Examples of one-step instructions include “go find your shoe,” and “bring me the ball.”

Around 24 months of age, most children:

  • Are using 2-word combinations
  • A noun and a verb (“dog go” or “me eat”)
  • A noun and an adjective (“big ball”)

As noted earlier, it’s perfectly normal for children to reach milestones at different times. As a parent, use these milestone guides as a roadmap, but also be looking to see how your child is reacting.

A child may need therapy if they:

  • Become frustrated when they try to communicate
  • Have difficulty communicating with peers or at preschool

Speech-language disorders are most successfully treated with early intervention. However, it’s never too late to seek help if you or your child are struggling.


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All the Stunning Photos from  Yellowstone  Stars Ryan Bingham and Hassie Harrison’s Elegant Western Wedding!

The actors married in a 'cowboy black-tie'-themed ceremony in Dallas at Harrison's family farm

The Brothers Martens

Hassie Harrison and Ryan Bingham 's elegant western wedding was everything they dreamed of for their big day.

The actors, who play love interests on Yellowstone , tied the knot at Harrison's family home in Dallas, Vogue reported . The weekend, which kicked off with cowboy-cocktail welcome party, included a stunning ceremony held in a cathedral-style tented conservatory, and a performance by the bride and groom.

“There was a palpable sense of love and energy in the air, a kind of magic that's hard to describe,” Harrison told Vogue. “Seeing generations from both sides of our families, our friends, and especially the children all coming together was such a blessing. And then, there was the moment I locked eyes with Ryan as I walked toward him. Seeing the tears well up in his eyes—it just melted my heart. It was a moment so raw and filled with emotion, it perfectly captured everything we felt about stepping into this new chapter together.”

Below are all the pictures from the pair's special day.

Striking Couple

Harrison, 34, and Bingham, 43, first met while working together on the set of Peacock's Yellowstone.

But for Harrison, who plays Laramie, and Bingham, who plays Walker, it wasn't exactly love at first sight.

According to Vogue , it was Harrison's mother, who met Bingham at a charity event in Dallas, who encouraged the songwriter to reach out to her daughter.  “It truly was one of those serendipitous moments that make you realize life has a way of bringing people together at precisely the right time and place,” Harrison said.

Family Affair

Having a wedding at Harrison's family home in Dallas was always the plan for the couple, who wanted an intimate gathering — one that was a reflection of their Texas heritage, Harrison shared with Vogue .

Fun Festivities

To kick of the wedding weekend, the pair hosted a welcome party with friends and family at the Crescent Club in Dallas.

“That place holds so many cherished family memories, it was the perfect spot to start our celebration. We really went all out with the theme, turning the club into an old-time Western bar complete with a mariachi band, Texas wildflowers, and a great DJ," Harrison said.

Exclusive Invite

Southern Fried Paper designed the couple's invitations.

“I knew I wanted Western, but it had to be elegant Western, with tones of worn leather, delicate lace, and a soft, blush color palette,” Hassie remarked to Vogue of the palette and theme for the couple's nuptials. 

Flowing Florals

Both the ceremony and reception featured stunning florals that complemented the magic of the day. The bride and groom worked with Harrison's mother, sisters and wedding planners at   Gro Floral and Event Design to design a wedding that was reflective of the pair.

“From the start, Ryan and I just really wanted to create a day that wasn't just a series of events—but a heartfelt experience that centered around emotions, comfort, intimacy, and genuine moments with the people we love the most,” Hassie said. “Every choice was a reflection of us, and getting to witness it all come to life was incredible.”

Cowboy Black-Tie

Harrison went with a beaded, corseted gown by Galia Lahav. “It was the one the second I tried it on,” she said. “My sister Caroline insisted over and over again that I  had  to walk down the aisle in it.” The groom wore a custom-tailored Kiton tuxedo, custom-made Republic Boots, and an American Hat Co. hat, per Vogue .

The reception tent was designed to honor Gruene Hall , Texas’s oldest continually operating dance hall, while dinner featured classic Texas cuisine, including cornbread and caviar during the pre-ceremony cocktail hour to smoked wagyu ribs, chicken fried steak, and corn on the cob. 

Western Wonder

Everything at the wedding had a Western tinge—right down to the backdrop of the stage at the reception, which featured a live greenery wall and custom neon signs. Each detail of the backdrop was uniquely personal to the couple, including a neon Bingham's Bourbon sign (Bingham's personal bourbon brand) and the phrase "Live the Best of This Life," which were among the first words that the couple shared, Harrison told Vogue .

Before the night was over, the couple joined band Straight Tequila Night, who performed '90s country cover songs throughout the night on stage.

“The most special performance of the evening though was by far Ryan’s daughter, whose beautiful piano solo moved everyone to tears,” Hassie told Vogue . “It was a magical moment that we will never forget.”

After Party Lights

The bride's short, beaded, fringe dress that she changed into after the reception was designed by Netta BenShabu and made for a perfect late-night dancing look, Harrison dished to Vogue .

And it also made for the perfect look for one last surprise that the couple had up their sleeve...

The couple surprised their guests with an afterparty post-reception.

“We ushered all our guests into the backyard, unveiling a ‘cosmic cowboy’ after-party that was really a sight to see," Harrison said. The after-after party featured copious amounts of neon lights, a DJ, sweet treats and even a disco saddle hung from the ceiling of the tent.

Into the Wee Hours

The couple made an exit in style from the driveway of Harrison's house in a Cadillac Coupe Deville.

Of the moment, Harrison revealed to Vogue , “Despite what appeared to be this magical car ride into the night, we actually just took a quick circle around the block before ultimately slipping back into the house to join the rest of our wedding party as the last ones standing.

We kept the celebration going into the wee hours, dancing in my family’s living room. It was the perfect ending to a perfect night—and honestly, we couldn’t have imagined it any better.”

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Mother-of-the-Bride Speech Examples and Writing Tips

Here's how to write and deliver the perfect toast on this special day.

speeches wedding parents

Photo by Bokeh Company

In This Article

Raise your glasses to the moms taking the mic at wedding receptions to give their very own mother-of-the-bride speech. While we know moms are basically superhuman creatures with an endless array of skills and abilities, public speaking can be a feat to shake even the heroes among us—not to mention the added flood of mixed emotions that will be present throughout the day.

Delivering a heartfelt speech to a crowd of family members and newly minted in-laws will surely have you feeling a bit nervous, and we can't dismiss the act of finding the right words to convey everything you're feeling in the first place. But rest assured, mamas, we've got a guide to help you ease your minds and fortify your wits. We tapped three experts—wedding planners Amy Abbott and Paulette Alkire and Kylie Carlson, CEO of Wedding Academy Global —to walk you through the process of giving a pro-level mother-of-the-bride speech.

Meet the Expert

  • Amy Abbott is a wedding planner and the owner of Amy Abbott Events , a Los Cabos–based wedding and event planning company that designs celebrations throughout Mexico.
  • Kylie Carlson is the CEO of Wedding Academy Global , an educational service that offers certification training for the wedding industry.
  • Paulette Alkire is the lead wedding planner at Chalet View Lodge , a full-service wedding venue, boutique resort, and spa in Graeagle, California.

Below, find expert tips that will help you write—and deliver—the perfect toast on your son or daughter's big day.

Mother-of-the-Bride Speech Template

Just as all moms are unique, and no two mother-daughter relationships are alike, your mother-of-the-bride speech will be entirely personal to you and the bond you share. However, there are a few components that should be present in your toast. Here's a general outline to help you get started.

Acknowledge your guests.

Every great speech should start with a few words of gratitude for the people who have gathered to partake in the celebration with you. You can mix this into a full greeting to welcome guests if you are the first speech on the schedule of events.

Welcome your new son- or daughter-in-law.

No mother-of-the-bride speech would be complete without a warm welcome to their daughter's new partner. Abbott explains that a good way to honor your new son-in-law or daughter-in-law is to make it clear that you feel you're gaining a new family member and that they are welcome. You should also nod to how they have changed or complemented your daughter for the better.

Choose happy memories to share.

As you choose memories, focus on positive, happy moments. Telling a story that highlights how your daughter overcame something unpleasant or embarrassing shouldn't be shared on their wedding day.

Never mention your daughter's previous relationships or marriages, and don't talk about unfulfilled dreams. Only bring up the best memories of your daughter's life.

Highlight one or two big accomplishments.

Theoretically, the guests should already know what the bride does for a living. Reciting every success they've ever had, in detail, is completely unnecessary. You should, instead, express how proud you are of their accomplishments and highlight one or two.

Mother of the Bride Speech Tips

Here are our experts' best tips for writing and delivering your mother-of-the-bride speech.

Write your thoughts down on paper.

This momentous occasion is probably not the best time to wing it. Whether you use bullet points or an outline, make sure you pen everything you want to tell your daughter in your speech to avoid leaving out anything special. “Start the process informally by simply writing down any and all things you want to make sure to include, from fond memories to advice on love for the newlyweds. As you lay it out on paper, you’ll see that an organic flow may come together quickly,” says Carlson.

Remember to pause and breathe.

If your nerves are starting to get to you, you might start speeding through your speech; to combat this, take a deep breath and remember that it’s alright to take a pause. “Many people forget just how powerful a pause can be. If your nerves are getting to you, take a moment to gather yourself before continuing. Most guests will take this silence as you giving them a moment to fully receive the last bit of sentiment you shared. Center yourself by making eye contact with the bride, breathe, and continue,” says Alkire.

Don't feel pressured to be funny.

Sure, humor is great—but if you're not a naturally funny person, don't push your limits on your daughter's most important day. Just be your sincere and honest self. The rest will follow, and your daughter will love it.

Practice your speech beforehand.

Write your mother-of-the-bride speech well in advance of the wedding so you’ll have plenty of time to practice it. “Try giving the speech out loud on your own, run it by a few trusted friends or family members, and then set it aside for a bit. This gives you time to return to the speech in a week or two with a fresh perspective," says Carlson.

Increase the amount of time you practice your speech in the month before the wedding, advises Carlson. No matter what the speech, the calmest of presenters are always the most practiced.

Avoid inside jokes.

You might have some amazing inside jokes that will make your daughter laugh, but no one else will find them funny. "Avoid inside jokes to keep the speech inclusive of everyone listening," says Alkire.

Keep it short and sweet.

You're talking about your daughter, and we know you could probably go on about how amazing they are for hours, but a good rule of thumb is to limit your speech to three to five minutes.

Don't worry about crying.

This is one occasion that indisputably warrants tears—if you're afraid of getting choked up during your delivery, just remember no one will judge you for it. In fact, most people will think it's incredibly sweet and you just might make them need a tissue, too.

Olivier Truan Photography / Getty Images

Get Brainstorming!

Now that you have a slew of tips for writing your mother-of-the-bride speech, here are some questions to ask yourself to get the brainstorming process started.

  • Which of your daughter's qualities do you really want to highlight?
  • What's one of the best memories you have of raising your daughter?
  • When did you first know that their partner was "the one"?
  • What advice do you wish you'd heard from your mom on your wedding day?
  • What about their new marriage makes you the happiest?

Mother-of-the-Bride Speech Examples to Make Your Own

Does the mother of the bride give a speech? For these women, the answer was a resounding “Yes!” Get inspired with these actual toasts from loving moms.

Today is your wedding day. It's something a mother wishes and waits for from the time her daughter is born until she walks down the aisle.

"When Jewel was young she surrounded herself with lots of friends, some of whom are here today. They know our basement was always full with high school friends, just as your wedding is full of yours and Jason's friends today.

Time doesn't stand still; it is fleeting and it is amazing how quickly it passes. Like time, Jewel has never stood still. It seems like she is always running after one adventure after another. When her sister Mindy ran a marathon, Jewel had to keep up, so she started running. Mindy was content to say she checked a marathon off her bucket list, but Jewel had to keep on running, competing in a triathlon, and then an Ironman. Even getting her engagement ring was a race, a scavenger hunt adventure but still a race. This one she and Jason won together. Partners all the way.

Jewel and Jason, now it is your turn to embark on your own journey as a couple, to experience life with a loving partner. As you find your own route through life, remember to cherish each other. We know that through all the twists and turns of the road, you will support and care for each other with true love.

As you celebrate this wedding day, know it is not the best but the first of many blessed events in your lives together. We're thrilled you two have found the one for you. We wish you both joy, laughter, and love—from our hearts to yours.”— Eileen Roth

Thank you all for coming. I’m a strong mom, I have a strong daughter, and after this, I know I will need a strong drink.

"I would like to welcome Steve, and his parents Helen and Larry, and all of his wonderful, huge family into our family. I will not begin to mention all his brothers and sisters lest I forget one.

Steve: You are an amazing young man that I have grown to know and love. I met you after I fell skiing and I had cracked my ribs. I was on morphine and I was very happy...so please note that I am not always that crazy. Steve, when you asked to take me to lunch at my office, I knew that something was up. And it was—you asked to marry my daughter and we both cried. You have such a kind heart.

Adrienne: You are a strong, smart, and beautiful woman. I’m going to take this opportunity to apologize for the many things that I did with and to you while you were growing up. I’m sorry for many of them but not really for others, as they may have helped make you who you are today.

  • I am sorry for always giving you peanut butter for lunch every day...as we found out later that you were deathly allergic to peanuts.
  • I am sorry for dragging you to all the boys’ hockey and baseball games; however, you and Alysse retaliated by dragging them to all your dance recitals.
  • I am sorry for the overkill of health foods—especially quinoa. But on the bright side, you have become a fabulous cook. (And have now married a cook).
  • I am sorry that I made you follow me down the black diamond ski hills...but you have become a great skier.
  • I am sorry for taking you on all those crazy adventures—an impromptu helicopter ride; a million Walk of Life events; travel to England, Wales, California, Boston, Chicago, New Orleans...but hey, they were lots of fun.
  • I am sorry I made you watch all-night episodes of Gilmore Girls.
  • I am sorry for eating bags of BBQ chips...actually, that was just me.
  • I am sorry for taking you to so many dance workshops and involving you in many choreographies...but wow, you have become an accomplished dancer, actress, and teacher.

So, as a tribute to your dancing, I offer a musical toast to you and Steve. And the music is to ‘New York, New York’...the place where Steve proposed to you.”— Barbara Kennedy

“I want to thank everyone for being here celebrating Kayleigh and Adam; the Hodgins family, our family, and friends who have become family—welcome. Kayleigh’s father, her Derd, and I are tickled pink to host this beautiful evening.

As most of you know, Kayleigh faced physical challenges as a newborn and toddler but with every year, grew stronger and even more delightful. As she got older, she excelled in basketball and show choir, and happily graduated from FIDM. She then embarked on what promises to be a fulfilling career.

Kayleigh—it always has been and always will be an honor and absolute joy to be your mom. You light up any room just by being in it.

As a parent, you, of course, want your child to succeed in life—both personally and professionally. But one of the most satisfying rewards is seeing your child experience true love and happiness, which she has absolutely found with Adam. Thank you, Adam, for loving our girl, we’re thrilled you are part of our family.

Please join me in a toast to the bride and groom—congratulations! We all wish you the best for everything this new journey has to offer.” — Marla White

While every wedding is different, the mother of the bride typically delivers their speech during the  wedding reception  following the father of the bride's speech. In some instances—whether the father is deceased or unable to attend—the mother of the bride will kick off the wedding toasts by going first.  

Focus on personal anecdotes from your daughter regarding how the two met or when they knew that they had found " the one ." 

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How Prince Harry and Meghan Markle celebrated daughter Lilibet’s 3rd birthday

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Princess Lilibet is turning 3!

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle kicked off their daughter’s pre-birthday bash by celebrating at their Montecito, Calif., home with close friends and family Sunday, Page Six can confirm.

People was the first to report the news.

Meghan Markle, Prince Harry, Lilibet and Archie.

Last month, Markle — who also shares son Prince Archie, 5, with Harry — gave a rare insight into their second-born child’s personality.

The “Suits” alum, 42, told students at Lightway Academy in Nigeria that dance was Lilibet’s “favorite class” because of “all the jumping around.”

While giving a speech at the school about mental health, Markle shared a recent conversation she had with the toddler.

“A few weeks ago, she looked at me and she could just see the reflection in my eyes,” she recalled. “And she was [like], ‘Mama, I see me in you.'”

Meghan Markle, Prince Harry, Lilibet and Archie.

Markle expressed how much she missed her children during her and the Invictus Games founder’s three-day trek to promote mental health for soldiers in Nigeria.

“Today is Mother’s Day [in America],” she said during a speech at the Lagos State Government House May 12.

“So it feels appropriate that, although of course we are missing our children, I’m missing my babies, it feels very appropriate to be in the motherland and amongst family.”

Prince Harry ans Meghan Markle in Nigeria.

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Harry, 39, and Markle — who tied the knot in May 2018 —  welcomed Archie  and Lilibet in May 2019 and June 2021, respectively.

The family of four currently resides in Montecito in an ultra-private $14 million mansion .

Tensions have been high between Harry and Markle and the royal family since they  resigned from their royal duties in 2020.

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle in South Africa in 2019.

Their relationship became fractured even further after the release of Harry’s tell-all memoir, “ Spare ,” and the couple’s Netflix series, “Harry & Meghan.”

Last year, the royal family publicly ignored Lilibet’s 2nd birthday after acknowledging her special day on their socials the year prior.

A royal source claimed at the time that Harry’s dad, King Charles III, who is currently batting cancer , and Queen Camilla snubbed their granddaughter online because they “don’t mark the birthdays of non-working members.”

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Meghan Markle, Prince Harry, Lilibet and Archie.


The Best Wedding Speech Ideas We've Seen on TikTok

Maid of honor giving speech at wedding reception

  • Sarah is the Entertainment & Celebrity Editor for The Knot, with special focuses on pop culture and celebrity wedding news.
  • Before joining The Knot Worldwide, Sarah was a contributing writer for Bravo at NBC Universal.
  • Sarah has a degree in journalism and resides in New York City.

Giving a wedding speech is one of the biggest honors you can have as a family member or close friend of the newlyweds. While toasts commonly occur during the wedding reception, some couples may ask you to prepare a few words for additional events too, like the rehearsal dinner or the ceremony. Whether you're a seasoned speechwriter or you're preparing your first ever wedding toast, it can be hard to determine how to accurately convey your thoughts and well-wishes for the couple. Giving a great speech requires thoughtful planning before the big day. And if public speaking isn't your thing , you might be searching for wedding speech ideas to inspire your own.

Luckily for you, there's plenty of speech help online—especially on TikTok. The Gen Z-favored video-sharing app is a wealth of wedding inspiration, especially when it comes to toasts. If you haven't found yourself on "WeddingTok," there are thousands of videos of bridesmaids, groomsmen, parents and friends giving standout wedding toasts . And if you're trying to write the best wedding speech for a special couple, we're here to help. Below, we've rounded up our favorite wedding speech ideas we've seen on TikTok. Whether you're writing a best man speech , a maid of honor speech , or a toast for your child, these heartfelt videos will give you plenty of inspiration. Once you've narrowed down the kind of toast you want to give, use our ultimate guide for how to write a wedding speech to create a script that'll bring the house down.

Open With a Joke

@thatawkwardteacher how to make a bride instantly regret making you her maid of honor #moh #mohspeech #weddingtiktok #wedding #foryou #fyp #foryoupage ♬ original sound - Cassie

There's no better way to break the ice than with a lighthearted joke to get the crowd warmed up. You don't have to be a standup comedian to think of a groundbreaking joke either. Instead, steal a line from this maid of honor speech , which starts off with an apology (and a hair flip) for the guests who don't have the privilege of knowing the speaker personally. She then pretends to give a roast instead of a toast, further solidifying this as one of our favorite wedding speech ideas.

Give Honest Advice

@yourstorytold.co someone get her a Netflix special #weddingtiktok #singleaf #weddingfails #maidofhonorspeech #livingthedream #funnywomen #funnywomenoftiktok ♬ You Need To Calm Down - Taylor Swift

Read any wedding speech writing guide and you'll probably be encouraged to share a few words of wisdom with the newlyweds. But, if you aren't married yourself or you don't feel like an expert on all things love, you aren't out of luck. Take a cue from this maid of honor, who candidly (and hilariously) jokes about being single at the wedding.

Find all the vendors you need

Take a "humble" approach.

@bevideography "You're welcome" 🤣🤣 #weddingspeech #bestman #bestmanspeech #weddingtiktok ♬ original sound - BE Videography

Not sure what to write for your wedding speech? We love this best man's approach, who gives himself a pat on the back for introducing the happy couple. After all, no one would be at the wedding without him, so it's only fair that he gets a round of applause too.

Plan a Surprise Flash Mob

@baileypreddy My sister slayed 💁🏼‍♀️ #fypツ #foryour #foryourpride🏳️‍🌈 #lesbiantikok #lgbtqwedding #weddingideas #flashmob #bestfriendsgoals #mohspeech ♬ original sound - Bailey Preddy

The fun doesn't have to stop when your speech ends. If you're looking for speech examples that'll really wow the crowd, enlist the help of your fellow bridesmaids and groomsmen to surprise the couple with a flash mob at the wedding reception. This is particularly appropriate for those looking for fun ideas instead of wedding speeches—if public speaking makes you nervous, keep the talking to a minimum and let the flash mob take over.

Share a Cheeky Pun

@emerald_media Best opening line ever 🤣 #lesbianwedding #lesbiansoftiktok #lesbiancouple #weddingmoments #funnyweddingspeech #gaypride #fyp ♬ original sound - emeraldmediaservices

We're obsessed with this sweet wedding officiant speech idea. Making a cheeky joke at the start of the ceremony sets the tone for the rest of the event, but it also allows the couple to relax and shed any last-minute nerves before they say their wedding vows.

collage of couple on wedding day with full moon

Write a Custom Song

@lovestoriestv 🎥: @miketevesfilms #lovestoriestv #weddingtiktok #mohspeech #weddingspeech #taylorswift ♬ original sound - LoveStoriesTV | Wedding Inspo

You've probably seen your fair share of customized wedding speech songs, but this one takes the cake. If your best friend is a major Taylor Swift fan, take one of her classic love songs and re-write the words yourself. We have a feeling this would bring any Swiftie to tears.

Take a Trip Down Memory Lane

@jkfilmco How this dad knew her daughter had the hots for Manoli #weddingsspeeches #weddings ♬ original sound - J&K Film Co

The father of the bride speech is notorious for being emotional and heartfelt. If you're a parent planning a speech for your child, take a cue from this dad, who reminisces on the first time he saw his daughter interacting with her future husband at a high school basketball game.

Speak From the Heart

@daniel_k._films You have about 5 seconds to grab a box of tissues… #weddingtiktok #wedding #speech #fypシ #maidofhonor ♬ original sound - Daniel_K._Films

The wedding speech is supposed to be thoughtfully written—and while some wedding party members will want to crack jokes and lighten the mood, others might want to write something serious and touching. You'll need a box of tissues to watch this emotional maid of honor speech.

Arrange a Surprise Video Message

@lovestoriestv 🎥: @kateoliviafilms #lovestoriestv #mohspeech #weddingsurprise #weddingspeech #maidofhonor #MyStyle #BachelorReady ♬ original sound - LoveStoriesTV | Wedding Inspo

You don't have to be the only person who speaks during your toast. If there's a loved one who's unable to attend the wedding, coordinate a surprise video message ahead of time so they can also share a few special words with the couple from afar.

Tastefully Roast Your Friend

@katlyn.boone he really set him up😂 #wedding #weddingmoment #funnyweddingmoment #funnyweddingspeech #weddingspeech #funnyweddingmoments #brideandgroom ♬ original sound - Katlyn Boone Cinematography

If you know the newlyweds have a great sense of humor, don't be afraid to weave in a few lighthearted jokes. Take a cue from this best man's speech, where the speaker invites the groom to put his hand over his wife's, signifying the last time he'll have the "upper hand" in their marriage.

Honor Your Parents

@happycamperfilms Such special ways to honor their parents' memory on her wedding day ❤️ #wedding #weddingspeech #emotional #foryou #fyp ♬ original sound - happycamperfilms

This wedding speech is perfect for siblings. If you're looking for wedding speech ideas for your sister or brother, give your parents a shoutout in your toast like this maid of honor did.

Speak to Your Best Friend's Spouse

@newenglandcreative Speech of the century 😭 #wedding #weddingvideographer #weddingvideo #engaged #weddingdress #weddingvibes #weddingplanner #speech #love ♬ Worship Instrumental - Instrumental - Adrian Jonathan

If you're the maid of honor, you've probably been friends with the bride for a long time. And, as a result, you've likely seen the progression of the couple's relationship from the start. For a unique wedding speech idea for your best friend, consider speaking directly to their spouse. Talk about how it feels to see them grow together, and share what it's like to watch your friend be loved so genuinely. This creative tactic is a unique way to honor their relationship in front of loved ones.

Be Sentimental

@newenglandcreative Speech of the century from bride's dad 😭 Wait for it 😢 #wedding #weddingspeech #weddingdress #weddingplanner #speech #tears #imnotcryingyouare #dad ♬ See You Again (Piano Arrangement) - Alexandre Pachabezian

We dare you to watch this father of the bride speech without shedding a tear. Emulate this dad's speaking style in your own toast—writing a vulnerable and honest message will resonate with the crowd.

Reminisce on Your Friendship

@emerald_media When your BFF gives a speech.. #weddingvideo #weddingspeech #emotionalweddingmoments #bffgoals #fyp #viral #bestfriends ♬ original sound - emeraldmediaservices

As the maid of honor or the best man, you've probably been thinking about your toast long before the wedding day. We recommend digging back into the early memories of your friendship, as this maid of honor did, to share personal anecdotes and memories that illustrate your close relationship with the couple.

Give a Toast to Your Child's Spouse

@danleighvideography Bride's dad passed away before they got married. Father of the groom moves her to tears during his speech #trynottocry #imnotcryingyouare #fatherinlaw ♬ She's Somebody's Daughter (The Wedding Version) - Drew Baldridge

Consider this one of our favorite examples of a father of the groom speech. Since the bride's father passed away before the wedding, the groom's dad took over both speech duties and welcomed his son's new wife into their family.

Allot Time for a Couple's Toast

@lovestoriestv 🎥: @imageslifemedia #lovestoriestv #weddingspeech #howtheymet #funnywedding #funnyweddingmoments #HowBizarre ♬ original sound - LoveStoriesTV | Wedding Inspo

Now, it's common for the newlyweds to take the floor for a speech of their own. We love this bride's great wedding toast (and tasteful roast) to her future husband, who originally didn't think they'd be a good match.

Couple raising toasts after wedding reception speeches.


  1. Father of The Bride Speech

    speeches wedding parents

  2. 18 Best Mother Of The Groom Speech Examples

    speeches wedding parents

  3. FATHER OF THE BRIDE SPEECH TEMPLATE #weddingspeechbride

    speeches wedding parents

  4. 7 Great Father of the Bride Speech Examples

    speeches wedding parents

  5. Writing a Father of the Bride Speech That Will Wow the Audience

    speeches wedding parents

  6. 30+ Best Father Of The Bride Speech/Toast Examples

    speeches wedding parents


  1. Groom’s Fathers Speech Was So Special 🥹 A wedding 100 years in the making #emotionalweddingmoment

  2. Wedding Vlog 17: Parents and In laws Wedding Speech for the Newlyweds


  4. Emotional Father of the Bride Speech Brings His Daughter to Tears

  5. Wedding Speeches That Will Shock You

  6. Best Speech on Parents In English


  1. The Father of the Groom Speech: What to Write, Say & Do

    How to Write the Best Father of the Groom Speech. Make 'em laugh, cry and clink their glasses. If you're the father of the groom, you've likely been there for everything from your son's first diaper change and scraped knee to the blossoming relationship he's built with his partner. Now, they've decided to tie the knot, and he's asked you to ...

  2. Wedding Speeches: How To Write, Free Samples + Etiquette Tips

    Below, we'll see wedding speech examples for different parents. Wedding Speeches for Mother of the Groom "The first time I saw you, it was love. My little baby grew into a wobbly toddler, and then a smart child. The pre-teen and teen years and the next thing I knew, you've become a man. I am so proud of you.

  3. Short Wedding Speeches: Tips and Examples That Will Inspire You

    There are many ways to give groom short wedding speeches. Use this example as a guide to inspire you when writing your own. "Hello, everyone! Thank you for celebrating this special day with us. A big thanks to our parents for making today possible. Today is beyond special, and we're overflowing with gratitude.

  4. How to Write a Father of the Bride Speech From Start to Finish

    We've compiled expert public speaking and wedding speech tips to help you write an authentic, tear-jerker father of the bride speech that's sure to wow everyone in the crowd. 1. Start with a welcome greeting. Begin the speech by introducing yourself as the bride's father (or father figure), including your name. 2.

  5. How to Write a Father-of-the-Bride Speech: Tips and Advice

    Embrace your emotions. It's an absolute given that this is an emotional day for you, so don't feel the need to act stoic and put up a façade. Stay genuine and admit to how difficult it is to let ...

  6. Father of the Groom Speech: 10 Tips for a Memorable Toast

    Tip #7: End with a Wish for the Couple. The number one way to ensure you have a killer speech is to close with a powerful last line. If you have a strong last line, your guests will remember your father of the groom speech as a winner! Aim to keep it to one sentence. Try to make it a short sentence.

  7. Father of the Bride Speech Examples and Templates

    Step 5: Deliver Your Speech. On the day of the wedding, take a deep breath and deliver your speech with confidence. Remember to speak slowly and clearly, and make eye contact with the audience. End your speech with a heartfelt congratulations to the newlyweds, and a toast to their future together. Writing Tips and Techniques

  8. How to Write a Father-of-the-Groom Speech

    Keep it simple, state your name and relation to the couple, and cut the fluff, Peterson says. "For example, 'Hello, everyone. I'm Craig Jones and I'm the father of the groom.'. There is no ...

  9. How to Write a Wedding Speech: Your Easy Step-by-Step Guide

    End with a toast. Cap off your speech on a fun and sentimental note by ending with an actual toast. Dalo recommends this foolproof example: "Please join me in raising a glass to the happy couple. Cheers to X and Y, and best wishes for a lifetime of laughter!" Afterward, go in for a hug with the couple, making for the perfect photo op!

  10. How to Write a Wedding Speech: Examples, Tips, and Advice

    Father of the Bride Wedding Speech Example. "Good evening, family, and friends. I'm Daniel Lee, the father of the bride. I'd like to welcome you to this special occasion where we get to ...

  11. A Guide to Father of the Bride Speeches & Writing the Toast

    We're here to help. 1. Start your father of the bride speech with a few thank-yous. As with any wedding toast, it's extra important that you kick off your father of the bride speech by introducing yourself and thanking whoever needs to be thanked in your early sentences. Many father of the bride speeches thank the guests for attending, as ...

  12. Top 10 Father of the Bride Speech Examples

    Speech Example 1: The Classic Touch. Introduction: "Good evening, ladies and gentlemen. I am [your name], the proud father of the bride. On behalf of my partner, [partner's name], and our entire family, I want to extend a warm welcome and express our deepest gratitude for joining us on this joyous occasion.".

  13. Parents of the Groom Speech

    On a wedding occasion, the parents of the groom speech as well as the parents of the bride are two of the most awaited speeches of the day. Both the father and mother of the newlyweds are expected to give speeches for all the guests and share a toast as well. If you are a parent on the groom's side of the family,

  14. Wedding Speech Order & How to Write a Toast

    Maid of honor: The maid of honor takes the mic immediately following the best man's speech. Host (s): The wedding reception is traditionally hosted by the bride's parents (if applicable). The father of the bride and/or mother of the bride will congratulate the newlyweds and give a toast. Couple: The couple may wish to say a few brief words to ...

  15. 28 Best Examples of Wedding Speech for Mother of the Bride for Inspira

    To inspire you to create a touching and memorable speech, here are 28 best examples of wedding speech for mother of the bride: "To my dear daughter and her beloved partner, it brings me immense joy to be standing here as your mother, watching you both start a new chapter in your lives. Seeing the love and care you have for one another fills my ...

  16. Top 10 Mother of the Bride Speech Examples

    Love is an incredible journey, and I have no doubt you two will make it a beautiful one.". To the happy couple: "Let's raise our glasses to [bride's name] and [partner's name]. May your days be filled with shared dreams, boundless joy, and a love that only grows stronger with each passing year. Cheers!".

  17. Who Gives Speeches at Weddings?

    In contrast, wedding speeches are a blend of formal and personal accolades, typically delivered by the bridal party, parents, and sometimes, the couple themselves. Do people give speeches during the wedding ceremony? Speeches during the actual wedding ceremony are less common but not unheard of. In religious services, clergy often deliver ...

  18. Wedding Toasts Quotes: 100+ Toast Examples & Tips For Your Speech

    Bible love quotes make timeless wedding toast quotes. Take a look at the examples and get inspired. Song of Solomon 4:9: "You have captivated my heart, my sister, my bride; you have captivated my heart with one glance of your eyes, with one jewel of your necklace.". Galatians 5:13 "Through love serve one another.".

  19. How to Thank Your Parents in Your Wedding Speech

    Thank you for always inviting me over for such delicious meals, and for welcoming me so warmly into your lives. I'm so excited to officially become part of your family. To my new mum and dad, thank you for welcoming me into your family. Thank you for entrusting your beautiful daughter into my care.

  20. Wedding Speech

    Tips for Wedding Speech 1. Know Your Audience. Gauge the Mood: Understand the overall vibe of the wedding. Is it formal or casual? Tailor your speech to fit the atmosphere. Consider Relationships: Acknowledge both sides of the family and mutual friends. Make sure to include remarks that will resonate with everyone present.

  21. The dos and don'ts of wedding etiquette in 2024

    Rules for the happy couple Should brides give speeches these days? Meghan Markle did it, but don't let that put you off. Recent research from Guides for Brides suggests that as many as one in ...

  22. The Mother of the Groom Speech: What to Write, Say & Do

    Blake, you are truly everything I could have wished and hoped for and more for my son. And to have a new child is a dream come true. I am honored to be your mother-in-law. Now, if you would, please join me in raising your glasses for a special wedding toast to the newlyweds.

  23. Speech development in children: What parents should know

    Communicating with words is one of the most important milestones in a child's development. Parents eagerly await their child's first words; it's a time of huge growth and excitement.

  24. Lenny Kravitz teases Zoë Kravitz and Channing Tatum's wedding plans

    Lenny Kravitz has teased some details about his daughter Zoë Kravitz's upcoming wedding to Channing Tatum. The 4-time Grammy winner, 60, casually let it slip when his daughter will tie the knot ...

  25. All the Stunning Photos from Yellowstone Stars Ryan Bingham and Hassie

    The Brothers Martens. Both the ceremony and reception featured stunning florals that complemented the magic of the day. The bride and groom worked with Harrison's mother, sisters and wedding ...

  26. Gayle King's son, Will Bumpus Jr., marries at Oprah's house

    Gayle King announced that her son, William Bumpus Jr., and his fiancée, Elise Smith, married in an "epic" wedding ceremony at Oprah Winfrey's home.

  27. Mother-of-the-Bride Speech Examples and Writing Tips

    I am sorry for dragging you to all the boys' hockey and baseball games; however, you and Alysse retaliated by dragging them to all your dance recitals. I am sorry for the overkill of health ...

  28. How Prince Harry and Meghan Markle celebrated daughter Lilibet's 3rd

    Last month, Markle — who also shares son Prince Archie, 5, with Harry — gave a rare insight into their second-born child's personality. The "Suits" alum, 42, told students at Lightway ...

  29. Rachel Reeves attempts to reassure Scottish parents over VAT on private

    Rachel Reeves has attempted to reassure parents who send their children to private schools that they may not have to bear the entire cost of Labour's decision to impose VAT on fees.. Speaking ...

  30. Our Favorite Wedding Speech Ideas of All Time

    Honor Your Parents @happycamperfilms Such special ways to honor their parents' memory on her wedding day ️ #wedding #weddingspeech #emotional #foryou #fyp ♬ original sound - happycamperfilms. This wedding speech is perfect for siblings. If you're looking for wedding speech ideas for your sister or brother, give your parents a shoutout in your toast like this maid of honor did.