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Band 5+: The issue of gay marriage remains controversial. Some people think that this trend has adverse effects on the society while others believe that it is seen as a natural trend and right for people to choose this type of marriage. Should gay marriage be legal?

Gay marriage is illegal in many countries and it is still debating if it should be legalized. Although it has become a natural trend and people starts to accept as it is the right to choose, it is still considered as a threat to the society. From my point of view, gay marriage should be legalized in consideration of the freedom of choice.

Under strict religious and cultural groups, same sex marriage brings harms to community. Loving the same sex is a sin in some religions and it is forbidden according to the god. Religious leaders do not approve of this type of relationships and it is worse in the case of marriage. Similarly, in some restricted traditions, it is considered a mockery to the public. It can be ground to file a report to the police and can be sued for causing instability of peace. Hence, gay marriage should not be legalized in countries with restricted customs as it could create problems for gay couples.

Everyone has the right to freedom, and for the freedom of choice gay marriage should not be restricted under any circumstances. Constitution allows people to practice the right to choose. Legalizing gay marriage means a sign of respect to the country constitution. Being gay is an individual choice and to marry the same sex is exercising the right to freedom. Anyone who wants human rights should not limit the right of others.

Moreover, loving another human being and wanting to stay together is not a crime. No circumstance has proven gay marriage is a threat to the society. There has been no physical harm made to the public by the gay marriage. No study has shown there was a psychological affect to the community cause by lesbian marriage. As it is only considered by a few religious groups, gay marriage should be legalized.

To conclude, with the upmost salute to the right to choose and the freedom for people to practice, gay marriage should be legalized even if some groups are still against it.

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The Issue of Gay Marriages: Meaning, Importance and Cons Essay

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What is marriage, importance of marriage, same sex marriages, liberals view on same sex marriages, same sex blessings, christian stance.


Unlike the previous generations, the modern world is faced with a host of issues ranging from economical to social, both of which have significant impact on people’s day-to-day lives. From financial crises to same sex marriages, world leaders have had to confront these issues through decisions and stances, which will forever affect our society.

It is true that several decades ago, the issue of same sex marriages seemed to be like a mirage to many, as no one imagined how such culture would become accepted and assimilated in the world. 1

However, things have changed; instead of wondering how gay marriages could be accepted, the world is tasked with protecting the rights of gays and lesbians, as the practice has become acceptable in most parts of America and the rest of the world. As the world is torn in between legalizing same sex marriages or not, many people have constantly sought to understand the point at which, human beings deviated to accept what was initially condemned as sin.

Does this mean that the definition and meaning of marriage has changed with time to recognize the union between people of the same gender? If this trend is being accepted by some religious leaders, does it mean that the God who deemed it important for a man to unite with a woman in marriage has changed? Is same sex marriage right or wrong?

Indeed there are manifold questions, which linger in the minds of people while discussing the issue of same sex, with some states taking the step of legalizing such unions and ensuring that the rights of homosexuals are protected.

On the other hand, same sex has been accorded hostile reception in various parts of the world, with strong laws criminalizing unions of this nature. This paper explores the issue of gay marriages, with reference to the meaning of marriage, its importance, the cons of same sex marriage, and why some people support gay marriages.

Definitions of marriage widely vary, depending on the context in which the issue is being discussed. For instance, religious people have a different view of marriage as compared to the civil society and legal practitioners. Importantly, the definition of marriage is essential in understanding the importance of marriage and why gay people are getting accepted in the world today.

By viewing marriage in the context of love, some people argue that marriage is a step of love aimed at publicizing a relationship and cementing it to become legally recognized and eternal. Even though marriage is supposed to last as long as the two parties are a live, the bond is commonly broken by other factors, with divorce being the leading terminator of marriage unions. 2 In fact, it has been argued that the rate at which marriages break is almost the same as that at which people wed.

During the stage of marriage, people change as they learn one another and accept who they are regardless of their shortcomings and abilities. The mysterious thing about marriage is that two people who were once strangers become the best friends ever and swear to stick together forever. Marriage as an institution is usually recognized by the state and federal governments, through legislations, which define the union.

Besides the legal understanding of marriage, religion equally defines the institution from God’s intention and position. According to Christians, marriage was instituted by God through the intention of establishing an everlasting relationship between a man and woman. In the book of Genesis Chapter one, the bible explains how God created everything, including human beings, who were created on the second last day of creation.

In the same book, it is recorded that God chose to create human beings in His own image and likeness, by creating them male and female. This depicts the fact that human beings are a special creation of God for they resemble Him and represent His presence on earth. 3

This is one of the major differences between human beings and the rest of the creation. Unlike other animals, God breathed life into man after forming him from the ground, which He had previously formed. This exemplifies man as special and unique, as he was to perform various tasks on earth, including having dominion over the rest of the creation.

Another important aspect of Christians’ view on creation is the fact that God never intended man to be alone. God created the first man, Adam before creating Eve. In other words, He saw the need of creating Eve after realizing that life would be unbearable for Adam if he was to be left to stay alone.

This narrows down to the fact that God created the woman and the marriage institution as a way of completing humanity. It is worth noting that God had a clear intention of creating Eve and not by imposing her to Adam. It was evident that Adam needed companion; a suitable helper who could support him in fulfilling God’s task on earth. 4

The creation story, which gives the foundation of marriage, is further recognized by Moses. The bible states that a man and woman get united in marriage by leaving their parents for the sake of becoming one body (Genesis 2:24). 5 It therefore serves as a reference point in defining primary principles of marriage. This verse is equally important in understanding divorce cases and circumstances under which a person is allowed to remarry.

From the creation story, God created marriage in the same manner He created male and female. Thus marriage was not designed by individuals who found themselves to be male and female and chose to get united. Additionally, marriage is usually made in the presence of God, regardless of the parties involved, know the existence of God or not. Marriage between a man and a woman is also recognized by Jesus in the New Testament, based on the fact that it is God who joins a man and a woman in marriage. 6

From this foundation of the institution of marriage, the relationship of homosexuals has been excluded. God does not acknowledge the union of people of the same sex, but allows a man to get united to his wife to become one flesh and live to accomplish His purpose for them.

In other words, same sex marriages are considered as perversions of the covenant, which God ordained from the beginning. 7 The formal commitment between a man and woman to live together is what separates couples who cohabit from those who have legally been joined together in accordance with the word of God.

From a Christian point of view, the institution of marriage would not have been created if God saw it to be useless. After observing Adam, God noted that he was not going to perform his duties effectively on his own. He therefore needed a helper to stick by him. On this basis, marriage is meant to achieve human completeness.

When people get married, they become more responsible. 8 Thus one is expected to be more organized after marriage because of the presence of another person who offers a hand in every circumstance. This organization gives a person emotional stability, which is necessary in performing day-to-day tasks, without giving up.

It has been argued that marriage plays a major role in civilizing men. In other words, the union between a man and a woman has the potential of detaching them from immoral behaviors and self-centered activities. This is to say that married people become more committed to the needs of the family as compared to single people who are driven by their personal needs and wants.

As a result, married men are less likely to be caught in criminal activities like fighting and drinking, which are common among their single counterparts. Most married men are involved in intimate relationships with their family members, say children and wife, better than those in illegal relationships like cohabitation. This aspect is important in making men and women to become more responsible even as they grow up into adults.

It is also important to note that marriage helps one to void forbidden sins like homosexuality and incest. In most religions, homosexuality is highly condemned and victims are expected to ask forgiveness from the maker or face the punishment established in the land. 9

Many single people get involved in fornication and other related actions, thus exposing themselves to the risk of being infected with diseases like HIV/AIDs or unwanted pregnancies. Men who engage in homosexual activities are at a higher risk of contracting the disease through anal intercourse. This therefore puts gay people at a higher risk compared to heterosexuals.

Based on the religious foundation and understanding of marriage, many people have failed to comprehend the arguments for same sex marriage and why the world has given it more attention instead of outright condemnation as witnessed before. What is the theology of homosexuals? Is there a way that the world can be made to understand gay marriages? Does it mean that the foundation of marriage is outdated and does not apply in the 21 st century?

In recent years, the battle for gay rights has been reenergized even though gays were initially suppressed and remained unheard in the society. Many groups are pushing for equal rights with traditional heterosexual marriages.

In some cases, those who have declared same sex marriage as sin have faced immense criticism from the public since people who engage in these actions are normal and members of the wider society. 10 There is no doubt that gay activists have continued to progress, as some states have ratified gay rights to eliminate rampant discrimination against homosexuals.

According to the liberals, there is need for the world and the church to reconsider its position on same sex marriages. On this basis, it has been argued that soon people will realize how they have been misled to believe that same sex marriages are evil.

In fact, a section of bishops concur that Christianity is not defined by our views towards issues of marriage but rather a common relationship in Christ, characterized by major elements like repentance, Holy Spirit, faith, and baptism. 11 Some liberals affirm that the Old Testament scriptures, which condemn homosexuals, have long been discarded by most Christians in order to accommodate the rights of gays and lesbians in the society.

Liberals have been on the frontline in supporting the blessing of same sex unions. From the very beginning, God is described in Trinity: God the Father, Son, and the Holy Spirit. By the fact that human beings have been created in the image of God, they have been created to be in love with God and other people in the world.

Importantly, these relationships take varying positions, including marriage, which was instituted by God in the Garden of Eden when man was still innocent and free from sin. 12 According to Christians, marriage symbolizes the union between Christ and His Church, whereas traditionalists support marriage on the basis of procreation, mutuality, and sexual satisfaction.

Pro same sex marriage theologians affirm that such unions fulfill the primary intentions and purpose of marriage. For instance, same sex couples uphold self-sacrifice, faithfulness, fidelity, and mutual support among other pillars of marriage. In essence, gay marriages are practiced through sanctification, and couples are able to witness to the entire community with regard to how such unions are fruitful and beneficial to the married couples.

While many supporters of heterosexual marriages favor it for the sake of bearing children, theologians argue that there are countless heterosexual couples who do not have children because of various reasons like impotency, advanced age, or disability. 13 However, these shortcomings do not limit them from remaining married and fulfilling God’s purpose and intension for marriage.

Some couples undergo medical procedures to allow them to conceive or impregnate, yet they are blessed in the church without being undermined. Moreover, same sex marriages equally provide safe homes, which provide love and safety for raising children. This therefore does not make same sex marriages different from traditional marriages, where child-rearing is highly revered.

Supporters of same sex marriages argue that the position held by Christians who only recognize heterosexual unions is inadequate. By extending these boundaries to accommodate gays and lesbians, it would be easier to connect the church with the love of Christ for everyone. As much as the world has always known that marriage only takes place between people of the opposite sex, it is worth noting that this might not be always true.

For instance, a person may be of the opposite sex but appears different to his or her partner, a case which undermines marriage. 14 When married people do not see one another as members of the opposite sex, the scenario is likely to lead to infidelity and divorce instead of maintaining high standards of faithfulness and truthfulness. In other words, same sex marriages present a better picture of the love of Christ.

Furthermore, there is more satisfaction in same sex marriages as compared to opposite sex unions. Under normal situations, gays and lesbians can enjoy satisfaction without necessarily being in marriage even though members of these unions practice high levels of sanctification.

In fact, people in heterosexual marriages need sanctification just like those who have covenants to marry a person of the same gender. 15 Moreover, self-expression does not depend on marriage among gays and lesbians; they only require marriage for the purpose of self-donation, and experiencing daily challenges and rewards of appreciating one’s neighbors.

The question, which many people are confronted with, revolves around changing one’s sexual orientation to fit the demands of the state or society. Such attempts are considered to be unethical because it goes against one’s integrity and creates room for betrayal of relationships, in which we are recognized as witnesses.

On his part, God endeavors to heal, transform, covert, and change sinners to allow them to enter into a spiritual relationship. If the church is not interested in promoting these unions by destroying orientation, then it is misguided. This means that we do not need scientific theories and discoveries to explain the existence of varying sexual variations among members of the society. 16

From a genetic point of view, the sexual orientation of a person starts in the womb during all the development stages. Importantly, it is God who knows people when they are still in their mothers’ wombs, just the way he knew Jeremiah.

The Church is therefore supposed to help people understand themselves better and know how these gifts are consecrated by God, before a person is born. In addition, churches should be concerned with nurturing relationships, to allow parties in these unions to offer themselves for God’s service. This can only be achieved if marriage is extended to recognize gays and lesbians, who were also known by God before they were born. 17

Even though there are Christian bishops and priests who support same sex marriages, these unions remain sin before God because He created male and female and joined them in marriage. God was pleased with everything He created, including human beings. 18

Additionally, a godly marriage between a man and a woman is supposed to depict the ultimate relationship between Christ and the Church. This therefore excludes same sex unions from the holistic definition of marriage. Referring to such partnerships as marriage is illegal, and outright dishonest before God.

The bible also carries countless verses, which denounce homosexual behaviors. In fact, God only allows believers to engage in sexual activities within the confines of marriage. Gays and lesbians therefore undermine the true identity that was created in defining human sexuality. 19

In general, the issue of same sex remains debatable, since there is no consensus on the true definition of marriage and God’s perspective towards homosexuals. While Christians hold that marriage was ordained by God for men and women, liberals argue that it is God who creates homosexuals with different sexual orientations.

Like the sons and daughters of God, homosexuals are known and named in their mothers’ wombs before being born. This means that the true love of Christ to the church can only be realized if marriage boundaries are extended to accommodate homosexuals.

Busenitz, Irvin. “Marriage and Homosexuality: Toward a Biblical understanding.” The Master’s Seminary Journal 19 (2008): 203-216.

Good, Deirdre. “The Liberal Response.” Anglican Theological Review 93 (2011): 101-110.

Haldane, John. “Against Erotic Entitlements.” First Things: A Monthly Journal of Religion & Public Life 222 (2012): 19-20.

International Bible Society. NIV Bible . Colorado: Hodder, 2008.

Jost, Kenneth. “Gay Marriage.” Congressional Quarterly 13 (2003): 721-748.

1 Irvin Busenitz, “Marriage and Homosexuality: Toward a Biblical understanding,” The Master’s Seminary Journal 19 (2008): 204.

3 International Bible Society, NIV Bible (Colorado: Hodder, 2008).

10 Kenneth Jost, “Gay Marriage,” Congressional Quarterly 13 (2003): 721.

12 International Bible Society.

13 Deirdre Good, “The Liberal Response,” Anglican Theological Review 93 (2011): 105.

15 Ibid., p. 106.

17 International Bible Society.

19 John Haldane, “Against Erotic Entitlements,” First Things: A Monthly Journal of Religion & Public Life 222 (2012): 19-20.

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IvyPanda. (2019, April 13). The Issue of Gay Marriages: Meaning, Importance and Cons. https://ivypanda.com/essays/same-sex-marriage-9/

"The Issue of Gay Marriages: Meaning, Importance and Cons." IvyPanda , 13 Apr. 2019, ivypanda.com/essays/same-sex-marriage-9/.

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The Complex Issue of Gay Marriage

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Words: 537 |

Published: Feb 7, 2024

Words: 537 | Page: 1 | 3 min read

Table of contents

Introduction, historical context, arguments supporting gay marriage, arguments against gay marriage, counterarguments and refutations, case studies and comparative analysis.

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gay marriage essay ielts

The Case for Legalizing Gay Marriage: a Path to Equality and Justice

This essay is about the importance of legalizing gay marriage to promote equality, justice, and human dignity. It argues that marriage is a fundamental human right and that denying it to same-sex couples is a form of discrimination. Legalizing gay marriage affirms the legitimacy of same-sex relationships, provides essential legal and economic benefits, and improves mental health and well-being for LGBTQ+ individuals. The essay addresses concerns about traditional family values and religious beliefs, emphasizing that legal marriage is separate from religious marriage. It concludes that legalizing gay marriage reflects societal progress and a commitment to equality and freedom for all.

How it works

The inquiry into the legalization of same-sex unions transcends a mere discourse on individual liberties; it delves into the bedrock principles of parity, equity, and intrinsic human worth. The sanctioning of such unions constitutes a pivotal stride towards ensconcing the principles of respect and equitability for all individuals, irrespective of their sexual orientation. In societies that espouse freedom and parity, the denial of marriage rights to same-sex unions runs counter to these foundational tenets and perpetuates systemic prejudice.

A primary rationale advocating for the legalization of same-sex marriage is the recognition of marriage as an inherent human entitlement.

The Universal Declaration of Human Rights, enshrined by the United Nations in 1948, unequivocally asserts that “men and women of full age, without any limitation due to race, nationality or religion, have the right to marry and to found a family.” While silent on sexual orientation, the doctrine of non-discrimination insinuates that all individuals possess the prerogative to espouse their beloved. The deprivation of this entitlement to same-sex unions constitutes a blatant violation of their human entitlements and an inequitable manifestation of discrimination.

Furthermore, the legalization of same-sex marriage engenders societal parity by validating the authenticity of such unions. In numerous societal milieus, matrimony transcends a mere contractual pact between two individuals; rather, it metamorphoses into a communal institution that bequeaths social stature and legitimacy. When the state eschews recognition of same-sex matrimony, it telegraphs a message insinuating the inferiority or inconsequence of such relationships vis-à-vis heterosexual counterparts. This ostracism may precipitate pervasive social ostracization and bias. Through the legalization of same-sex marriage, societies can attest to the commensurate value of all relationships and cultivate a more inclusive and embracing milieu.

Another compelling rationale for the legalization of same-sex marriage lies in the bestowal of legal and fiscal advantages. Married couples enjoy an array of legal safeguards and perks, encompassing tax privileges, inheritance prerogatives, and spousal entitlements in healthcare and employment. Withholding these advantages from same-sex unions not only engenders financial adversities but also renders them susceptible during exigencies. For instance, sans legal recognition, same-sex partners may confront disbarment from rendering medical determinations for one another or from receiving survivor perks subsequent to the demise of a spouse. Legalizing same-sex marriage guarantees that same-sex unions garner identical legal safeguards and fiscal security as their heterosexual counterparts.

Additionally, the legalization of same-sex marriage exerts salubrious ramifications on psychological well-being. Research corroborates that the refusal to recognize same-sex unions may precipitate heightened stress, apprehension, and despondency among LGBTQ+ individuals. This mental strain is compounded by social stigma and discrimination attendant upon the dearth of legal acknowledgment. Conversely, empirical studies suggest that the legalization of same-sex marriage can ameliorate psychological well-being outcomes for LGBTQ+ individuals by vouchsafing social validation and attenuating experiences of discrimination. Upon the legalization of same-sex matrimony, such couples can fully partake in the institution of marriage and relish akin social and emotional dividends as heterosexual counterparts.

Opponents of same-sex marriage posit that it undermines traditional familial precepts or religious convictions. Nonetheless, it is imperative to delineate that marriage, as a legal institution, remains disparate from religious matrimony. Legalizing same-sex marriage does not compel religious entities to officiate or recognize same-sex unions; rather, it simply precludes the state from discriminating predicated on sexual orientation. In a pluralistic milieu, legislation must safeguard the liberties of all individuals, irrespective of personal convictions. Moreover, several religious sects endorse same-sex marriage, conceiving it as congruous with their tenets of compassion and rectitude.

Furthermore, the legalization of same-sex marriage emblemizes societal advancement and shifting attitudes towards LGBTQ+ liberties. Over the bygone decades, there has ensued a substantive paradigm shift in public sentiment, characterized by burgeoning support for same-sex marriage across myriad global arenas. This evolution reflects a broader appreciation of parity and the imperative to safeguard the liberties of all individuals, regardless of sexual orientation. Through the legalization of same-sex marriage, societies can evince their fidelity to these principles and take a resolute stance against discrimination and inequity.

In summation, the legalization of same-sex marriage is imperative for upholding human entitlements, fostering societal equity, and guaranteeing legal and economic safeguards for same-sex couples. It augments the psychological well-being of LGBTQ+ individuals and manifests a commitment to equity and rectitude. In a society predicated on equity and autonomy, there subsists no justification for depriving same-sex couples of the prerogative to marry. Through the legalization of same-sex marriage, we can engender a more embracing and equanimous realm wherein all individuals are unfettered to cherish and espouse whomsoever they elect.

Remember, this treatise furnishes a point of departure for contemplation and further scholarship. For bespoke guidance and assurance of compliance with scholarly canons, contemplate availing the expertise of professionals at EduBirdie.


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The issue of gay marriage remains controversial. Some people think that this trend has adverse effects on the society while others believe that it is seen as a natural trend and right for people to choose this type of marriage. Should gay marriage be legal?

  • 6.5 band Some people think spending a lot on birthdays and marriage celebrations is a waste of money but others think it is important to the young people and the society. Celebrations such as birthdays and marriages are most significant in everyone’s life. Nevertheless, It is a matter of intense dispute whether spending a lot on such an event is a waste of money, or whether it is crucial to the youth and society as a whole. This essay will delve into both sides of th ...
  • 5.5 band Talk about marriage in your country you should include your answer marriage. Totally there is no definite age for married, when the girl and boy get familiar with each other and the boy proposes the girl to marry and there are various marriages in Iran such as arranged marriages or marriage of convenience although, predominant these days’ boys and girls prefer to choose thei ...
  • A foreign language is like a frail, delicate muscle. If you do not use it, it weakens. Jhumpa Lahiri
  • 6 band what age they consider that rights for marriage and voting should be allowed The bar chart illustrates the results of a study of a thousand adults in five different states in which they were asked at what age they consider that rights for marriage and voting should be allowed as well as responsibilities to be trialled in a court of law should be granted to young people. In g ...
  • 6 band Some people think spending a lot on birthdays and marriage celebrations is a waste of money but others think it is important to the young people and the society. Discuss both views and give your opinion Occasions like birthdays and marriage provides us once in a lifetime opportunity to make memories. Many prefer to make it grand while others celebrate in a subtle way. In my opinion, wasting a ton of money on such parties rather than spending it on needy will be no good to people and society. On th ...
  • To have another language is to possess a second soul. Charlemagne
  • 6 band At the present time marriage partners are chosen by people themselves, but in the near past, this decision was made by their parents. In my view, despite those parents don't wish bad to their child, people should choose by themselves who they love. Due to that, they will spend whole their life together. The following essay will Since the dawn of the time, the marriage was an important part of our life. Because of that choice of a partner is a tough decision and people have to consider all details before the marriage. In the near past children almost hadn't rights to choose partner by themselves, in fact, only parents could decide who their child is going to marry. Parents raised a child and all decisions related to their child should be made by them. Parents know their kid better than everyone and when they are giving them in marriage, they are taking into account the character of kid. But currently this situation has been changed, due to that so At the present time marriage partners are chosen by people themselves, but in the near past, this decision was made by their parents. In my view, despite those parents don't wish bad to their child, people should choose by themselves who they love. Due to that, they will spend whole their life toget ...
  • 6 band In certain countries, marriage partners are chosen by people themselves, however this decision was made by their parents, which quite acceptable to some societies. Not only time period, but also place where they living affects decision of people. It depends on culture of country. The following essay will In modern world people have more rights to choose their own demands. Choosing life-partner is one of them. In the most of developed countries, the high amount of young people wouldn't accept the notion that their parents have the right to choose a partner for life, especially in western societies which support that marriage should be based on love. As marriage becomes a special moment in the life of somebody, he should marry the person he loves or he may regret it for the rest of his life. On the other hand, by arranging marriage, parents can protect their children from negative relati In certain countries, marriage partners are chosen by people themselves, however this decision was made by their parents, which quite acceptable to some societies. Not only time period, but also place where they living affects decision of people. It depends on culture of country. The following essay ...
  • Language comes first. It’s not that language grows out of consciousness, if you haven’t got language, you can’t be conscious. Alan Moore
  • 9 band Some people think that trial marriage is currently a positive trend for youngsters in order that they know each other better before marriage. Nowadays, the rate of divorce surges to a great extent, and one of the reasons is, the life partners do not know each other properly or any of them is not able to satisfy physically, which make people think about that engaging in cohabitation is good or bad before the marriage. I partially agree wit ...
  • 6 band Human activity has had adverse effects on plants and animals Some people think that its too late to solve this issue While others believe that necessary steps be taken to overcome this problem Discuss your views Humans are considered as more dangerous species in today’s world than other animals. It is undoubtedly true that human activities have adverse effects on other living creatures. Presently, some masses ponder that nothing can be done to solve this growing concern. Here, I would like to discuss both v ...
  • 6 band Advantages and disadvantages of love marriage and arranged marriage. Marriage is a turning point which comes in every body life. For marriage almost everybody has to choose between love marriage and arranged. Now with the passage of time both modes of marriage are equally popular among people. Both modes of marriage have their own merits and demerits. Love marriage ...
  • 8 band Marriage is seen as an important part of life. What are advantages and disadvantages of marrying a person at a young age? There is an idea that it is significant for both men and women to get married some day. However, one nuance should be taken into consideration when it comes to marriage: what is the best age to tie the knot. The following essay will examine the positive aspects and the drawbacks of the decision to g ...
  • A different language is a different vision of life. Federico Fellini
  • 8 band In many countries nowadays, people still live with their parents after marriage and also after having children. Do you think this trend has more advantages or disadvantages? In recent times, several individuals from around the world still live with their parents even after their marriage and having a child. Although it is stated that youngsters living with their parents have to deal with certain drawbacks, it is also argued that there are innumerous advantages when peop ...
  • 6 band The issue of gay marriage remains controversial. Some people think that this trend has adverse effects on the society while others believe that it is seen as a natural trend and right for people to choose this type of marriage. Should gay marriage be legal? Gay Marriage has been a controversial topic since last decades. While it is a natural trend and right of the people to choose this type of marriage, many believe it has adverse affect on the society. The issue of same sex marriage has cause emotional and political clashes between supporters and opp ...
  • I am always sorry when any language is lost, because languages are the pedigrees of nations. Samuel Johnson
  • 5.5 band Some people believe that we spend too much money on celebration occasions like marriage and birthdays. Do you really think that we spend to much money on celebrations? It is irrefutable that, celebrations are significant part of everyone's life. However, a few individuals reckon that they should spend large sums of money on celebrating marriages, birthday parties and so on. I believe that it is not necessary to spend too much money on these types of occasions. I a ...
  • 5.5 band How would be The future of marriage We reside in a very amount of human history within which several things can change, and most things will not be within their original kind in the close to future. One example is marriage. first thing to try and do is to induce clear on the nature of wedding itself. Let me outline it for you. marria ...
  • Change your language and you change your thoughts. Karl Albrecht
  • 6 band Arranged marriage used to be a norm in many countries around the world. Some people think that arranged marriage is no longer appropriate in modern society. What is your opinion? In the near past, arranged marriages were the standard in many countries in the world in which marriage partners are chosen by their parents. Arranged marriage, according to some, is no longer appropriate in modern culture. In my point of view, I believe that people should decide who they love on th ...
  • 5.5 band Data of divorce and marriage as well as martial status The provided set of graphs illustrates the number of weddings and separation as well as marital condition of Americans adults for the time period of 30 years beginning from 1970. A glance at the data suggests that total number of marriages has decreased over the years. While, the same remained unch ...
  • Language is the blood of the soul into which thoughts run and out of which they grow. Oliver Wendell Holmes
  • 5.5 band Some people say that marriages should be arranged by intermediaries. Others say that young people should be free to choose their marriage partners. Which viewpoint do you agree with? We are now in the 21st century when human rights is on the uppermost. Some individuals claim that future spouses should be considered as a freedom of choice rather than external interference from the seniors. Personally, I gravitate towards the idea of arranged marriage. Matchmaking marriages provi ...
  • 6.5 band late marriage. reasons and is it a positive or negative trend? In recent years, there has been an increasing number of individuals making a decision to give birth later in their life. This trend can be explained by several reasons, and from my perspective, the demerits of the tendency prevail over its merits. To begin with, there are several reasons why people ...
  • 6 band Effects of early marriage Early marriage is not an unfamiliar concept in society from then till now. Statistics show that 33% of women in developing countries marry early, which is not likely to stop increasing. Unfortunately, the negative consequences of this trend have raised great concern from the public. In which, compat ...
  • 6.5 band In the contemporary world, living together with your partner before marriage has become a tradition. The young generation think of marriage as a big responsibility In the contemporary world, living together with your partner before marriage has become a tradition. The young generation think of marriage as a big responsibility and believe in taking decisions wisely after analyzing all the pros and cons. As I belong to the same generation and understand the comp ...
  • Language shapes the way we think, and determines what we can think about. Benjamin Lee Whorf

IELTS Mock Test 2022 June Writing Practice Test 2

Question list, writing task 1.

You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.

The bar chart below shows the numbers of men and women attending various evening courses at an adult education centre in the year 2009. The pie chart gives information about the ages of these course participants.

Write a report for a university, lecturer describing the information shown below.

Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features and make comparisons where relevant.

You should write at least 150 words.

Writing task 2

You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.

Write about the following topic.

The issue of gay marriage remains controversial. Some people think that this trend has adverse effects on the society while others believe that it is seen as a natural trend and right for people to choose this type of marriage. Should gay marriage be legal?

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.

You should write at least 250 words.

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gay marriage essay ielts

The issue of gay marriage remains controversial. Some people think that this trend has adverse effects on society while others believe that it is seen as a natural trend and right for people to choose this type of marriage. Should gay marriage be legal?

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Fully explain your ideas

To get an excellent score in the IELTS Task 2 writing section, one of the easiest and most effective tips is structuring your writing in the most solid format. A great argument essay structure may be divided to four paragraphs, in which comprises of four sentences (excluding the conclusion paragraph, which comprises of three sentences).

For we to consider an essay structure a great one, it should be looking like this:

  • Paragraph 1 - Introduction
  • Sentence 1 - Background statement
  • Sentence 2 - Detailed background statement
  • Sentence 3 - Thesis
  • Sentence 4 - Outline sentence
  • Paragraph 2 - First supporting paragraph
  • Sentence 1 - Topic sentence
  • Sentence 2 - Example
  • Sentence 3 - Discussion
  • Sentence 4 - Conclusion
  • Paragraph 3 - Second supporting paragraph
  • Paragraph 4 - Conclusion
  • Sentence 1 - Summary
  • Sentence 2 - Restatement of thesis
  • Sentence 3 - Prediction or recommendation

Our recommended essay structure above comprises of fifteen (15) sentences, which will make your essay approximately 250 to 275 words.

Discover more tips in The Ultimate Guide to Get a Target Band Score of 7+ » — a book that's free for 🚀 Premium users.

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Some people think that all university students should study whatever they like. Others believe that they should only be allowed to study subjects that will be useful in the future, such as those related to science and technology. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.

Infqrmal letters: these letters are addressed to someone whom you know personally. begins with: dear betsy, ends with: with love, warm regards example 2: last month you had an overseas holiday with a friendfrom your college. they have just sent you some of your holidayphotos together. in your letter: talk about this letter ashpoints to your trainer.before seeing the sampleanswert - thank them for the holiday and the photos -explain why you didn't write earlier - invite them to come and stay with you at your place.., some people think that success is the best measure for inteligence, while others think that intelligence can be measured in other ways. what is your opinion, some people prefer to live in hot climates, whereas others love the lifestyles in countries with cold climates. discuss both the views and give your opinion., in some countries, health care and education are only partially funded by the government. some people argue that the government should be responsible for covering the full cost of these services. do you support or oppose the opinion explain your position..

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IELTS Writing Task 2/ Essay Topics with sample answer.

Ielts writing task 2 sample 235 - some say you should always marry for love, ielts writing task 2/ ielts essay:, some say you should always marry for love; others say that in an uncertain world it's wiser to marry for money..

gay marriage essay ielts

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Average temperature in Tyumen

The mean minimum and maximum temperatures over the year in Tyumen (Tyumen Oblast), Russia.

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  • The months of June, July and August have nice average temperatures.
  • Cold season / winter is in the months January, February, March, November and December.
  • On average, the warmest month is July with 25°C .
  • On average, the coolest month is January with -11°C .
  • The average annual maximum temperature is 8°C .
  • The average annual minimum temperature is -2°C .

Forecast for Tyumen

gay marriage essay ielts

broken clouds and no rain

partly cloudy and thunder

broken clouds and thunder

Interested in more climate information?

This site provides you with all the information you need about the climate in Tyumen .

Our site offers climate and forecast data for every country in the world. Are you going to Russia ? On this website you can find historical weather averages for many cities in Russia . Not sure yet where to go? We now have a tool which recommends destinations that suit your ideal climate conditions. Find out where to go with our weather planner .

Travel Inspiration

Be amazed by the Altai mountains

Be amazed by the Altai mountains

The Atlai mountains are a sparsely populated area that most tourists have not yet discovered. Definitely bucket list material for the adventurous travelers among us.

Visit the Kamchatka Peninsula

Visit the Kamchatka Peninsula

One of the most enchanting areas of Russia is the Kamchatka peninsula. It is how the earth must have looked like in prehistoric times.

The train journey from Bucharest to Brasov is one of the most beautiful in Romania

The train journey from Bucharest to Brasov is one of the most beautiful in Romania

In three hours, you'll get from Bucharest to Brasov by train. It is one of the most beautiful routes in Romania, certainly the most beautiful that can be done by express train.

The 10 most charming villages in France

The 10 most charming villages in France

Discover France's top 10 beautiful villages. From Normandy to the Côte d'Azur, experience quaint squares and cobbled streets. Which one will you visit this summer?

gay marriage essay ielts

Our Pride Runneth Over: L.A.’s 2024 LGBTQ+ Luminaries Revealed

W hen it comes to LGBTQ+ representation and advocacy, L.A. has been leading the way since pride rallies began during the late 1960s, when gay people first mobilized to stand up for their rights. Unfortunately, the fight must continue today, as trans people, drag queens and queer youth in particular, continue to be targeted in America. From entertainers to entrepreneurs, LGBTQ+ figures in our city who loudly and proudly speak and live their truth inspire us more than ever — during Pride month and all year long. Los Angeles celebrates the queer community’s cultural impact and its resolute expression of identity, love and freedom.  


"First and foremost, I am all about my community, and that is something I take into consideration with every single project I do, within my career and my daily life,” says popular web personality Gigi Gorgeous. “Visibility is the most important thing, so I always want to make that the top priority.” Gorgeous’ glamour and beauty get her attention, but it’s her honesty about the trans journey that resonates.

In addition to the book The T Guide with Gottmik, and a huge following on social media, she’s been using OnlyFans to share her life of late, providing exclusive content three times a week: “I post anything and everything from sexy to behind-the-scenes content. You never know what to expect.”

The Canadian-born Angelena, who is married to designer Nats Getty, says that this month and year-round, Pride is about “being proud of my sexual orientation, gender identity, transition and my career.”   onlyfans.com/gigigorgeous     – L.L.



"Drag was ignored by the mainstream media for so long,” says Randy Barbato, who, along with Fenton Bailey and their friend RuPaul, set out to change television as we know it with RuPaul’s Drag Race .

“The show is unlike other competitive reality shows — it’s a platform not just to win but to launch careers.” Indeed, thanks to World of Wonder, Bailey and Barbato’s Hollywood-based production company, they turned a franchise into an empire, spreading equality and acceptance and launching bona fide stars of the stage and screen. Among the pair’s offshoot projects: a podcast network; a streaming service; a tour and Vegas residency; DragCon (coming in July); and a new line of canned cocktails, House of Love.

The WOW business partners are 24/7 advocates for queer entertainers and see Pride month as prime time to celebrate them. As Bailey adds, “These days, Pride means an opportunity for LGBTQ+ artists to make some coin!”   worldofwonder.com     – L.L.


After publishing a long essay on digital reading and listening platform Everand, New York Times bestselling author Roxane Gay ( Bad Feminist , Hunger ) curated a series with LGBTQ+ writers.

“Each of the writers in this series — Julia Turshen, Randa Jarrar, Gabrielle Bellot and Elaine Castillo — is brilliant, unique and interesting,” Gay says. “I asked, ‘What would you write about if you could write about anything?’ Their essays answer that question, and how.” The five-part Everand Originals essay collection “Roxane Gay &” launched Jan. 24 with cookbook author Turshen’s look at disordered eating, and culminates with Gay’s Stand Your Ground , exploring gun culture from a Black feminist’s perspective, out May 29.

Notes Gay, “Pride is standing firm in who I am, living an open and vibrant queer life and advocating and fighting for my community and our right to live as our most authentic selves.”   roxanegay.com    – Jasmin Rosemberg


"I'm one thousand percent openly proud to be gay and I don’t always get that acknowledgment in the culture where I sit,” says Jason Lee, a leading voice in hip-hop news and commentary, respected by the likes of Cardi B. “But I also don’t lead with my sexuality.”

The Stockton native, who’s running for City Council in his hometown, made his name in a music community long driven by “testosterone heavy” energy and imagery, and at first kept his sexuality private. “I didn’t want to be labeled, or not respected for my business acumen, because I had a very clear vision of what I wanted to build,” he says of the mini-empire that includes his online show and podcast as well as the social media platform Hollywood Unlocked — a social media footprint of 3.6 million on Instagram alone.

 “TV, radio, digital content … I’ve learned how to monetize all these verticals,” adds Lee, who got his big break via The Wendy Williams Show and briefly served as a spokesperson for Kanye West (now known as Ye). “I show the community the idea of what a gay man looks like through a different lens.” 

– Shirley Halperin


As the founder, creative director and executive producer of JJLA, known for producing experiential entertainment and events in Los Angeles, Jeff Consoletti knows how to excite audiences and amplify important issues. Outloud, his digital series profiling queer artists (launched during the pandemic), has evolved into the essential entertainment stage at WeHo Pride, featuring superstar talents and local heroes.

 “Pride is a celebration of all things queer, a time to reflect on how far we have come as a community and to support one another in areas that need visibility, awareness and protection,” he says. “I look at the celebrations in June as a sort of ‘state of the union’ that should propel us forward into a year ahead of advocacy and activism. I’ve built my career on championing the LGBTQ+ community and ensuring that work celebrating, advocating and promoting queer people and issues are foundational elements of the events I produce, especially beyond Pride month.” 

  jj-la.com/staff/jeff-consoletti    – L.L.


Some of hip-hop's biggest stars have a single white lesbian in their orbit. Attorney Dina LaPolt counts Cardi B, 21 Savage and Tyga as clients, having built her practice repping Steven Tyler and the Tupac Shakur estate. To say the fiery mom of two can do it all would be to repeat her mantra. “I grew up in an Irish Catholic town being dragged to church every Sunday and told that gay people are going to hell,” LaPolt says of her childhood in upstate New York. She came out at 19.

“My college friends took me to my first gay bar, and I couldn’t believe people were holding hands in public.” In the legal world, her identity presented its own challenges. Says LaPolt: “Being gay … a woman … going to the wrong law school … having a tattoo … I was ostracized. People ask, ‘Why did you open your own firm?’ Because nobody wanted me!”

She’ll soon share her give-no-Fs advice in a motivational book. “Two things people know about me right away: I’m gay and in recovery, and I have no shame about it.”   lapoltlaw.co m   – S.H. Read an expanded Q&A with Dina LaPolt here .


The first transgender man to appear on RuPaul’s Drag Race , Gottmik, aka Kade Gottlieb, was one of the show’s most impactful contestants, proving that we can be whoever we want to be, “no matter what box society is trying to put you in.”

Now, he’s back as a cast member on Season 9 of RuPaul’s Drag Race All Stars . “Filming the show was one of the best experiences of my life, so getting to go back and film a season of All Stars , where we are playing for charity, was a perfect opportunity,” shares the Arizona native and L.A. drag performer. Gottlieb’s résumé also includes model, podcast host and co-author (with Gigi Gorgeous).

“My artistry is very in-your-face. I love wild costumes, makeup, hair and performing to songs that have a punk-rock, ‘crash the system’ type of energy. I’m also finally releasing music that has been in the works for years [and] touring the EP later this year.” gottmik.com – L.L.



"What one chooses to wear is such a powerful exterior extension of one’s inner world,” says Jason Bolden, who recently styled Nicole Kidman in skin-baring Atelier Versace for the New York Expats premiere; Cynthia Erivo in Louis Vuitton for the Academy Awards; and Justin Timberlake in Fendi for the Vanity Fair Oscar party. Next, the fashion superstar and creative director will be working on Erivo’s upcoming Wicked press tour, looks for the Summer Olympics in Paris and opening a bar in L.A.’s West Adams neighborhood.

Bolden co-founded JSN Studio with his husband, interior designer Adair Curtis. The two starred in Netflix’s 2019 reality show Styling Hollywood , which earned acclaim for spotlighting a successful Black gay married couple. “Pride is a self-affirming movement where shame to simply exist has no place,” Bolden says. “It’s important to reflect, celebrate the progress we’ve made and reenergize to continue fighting for basic human rights.”   jsn.studio    – J. R.



Nothing is too loud for outrageous performer Jackie Beat. From her legendary Casita del Campo parody shows to opening for Roseanne Barr in Las Vegas, the “drop-dead gorgeous, larger-than-life, world-famous drag superstar” (as her personal theme song tells us) has been dazzling audiences for more than 25 years. “I celebrate being loud and colorful!"

Beat says. “I’ll never understand people who want less: Less languages, less culture, less diversity, less color, less excitement. Why would you fear anyone or anything just because it’s different from you?” For Jackie, Pride means “appreciating the fact that what makes you different is actually a blessing and not a curse,” and she’s always stood out in the drag world, forging her own path without lip-synching or exposure from reality TV. The second season of her show Dr. Jackie: Unlicensed Psychotherapist , featuring famous friends Jane Lynch, Neil Patrick Harris and fellow drag legend Bianca Del Rio, recently premiered on OUTtv.   missjackiebeat.com    – Chris Nichols



Yuca's, the tiny taco stand in Los Feliz, opened by the Herrera family, is beloved in the area for its warm hospitality and authentic recipes, garnering rave reviews for nearly 50 years and inspiring L.A. food critic Patric Kuh to successfully nominate it for a James Beard award in 2005.

Second-generation owner Dora Herrera has also given back to her community in many ways, as a founding member of the Greater Griffith Park Neighborhood Council and Friends of Griffith Park, where she aims to hike every trail.

 “I like to show people who I am every day, in every way, in my everyday actions. I am a proud LGBTQ+ woman when I run my business, when I support our businesses and when I breathe,” she says. “I take the opportunity to change people’s perception of LGBTQ+ every day by being authentically the best Dora I can be, because Pride isn’t for a day or a month. Pride is a badge of honor you wear every day.”   yucasla.com    – C.N.  



Pride is an obligation for Jarrett Barrios, a Cuban American who settled in Echo Park after successfully fighting to get gay marriage legalized as a Massachusetts state senator — paving the way for equality across the U.S.

“In a world whose history has erased us, disparaged us or even sought to harm us, we can’t take for granted this privilege of expressing our love and our lives without fear,” he says. Barrios, who works in philanthropy, shares his life with husband Danny Feldman, the producing artistic director at the Pasadena Playhouse, which took home the 2023 Regional Theatre Tony Award.

Feldman, like Barrios, believes Pride is about “living open, honest and full lives with our immediate and extended families,” adding, “[It] continues to be a radical act for gay Americans.” Theater is a central part of their lives along with hikes in Elysian Park.   pasadenaplayhouse.org     – Michele McPhee

Taiwan-born, L.A.-based designer Onch is known for his vibrant and campy jewelry creations, which reflect his personal style and pride. Onch and his work are about standing out in a crowd and being bold about who you are.

 “I design to empower individuals to celebrate their unique personalities every day,” he says. “I believe in the power of an eye-catching piece of jewelry to boldly declare, ‘I am unapologetically me!’ Beyond celebrating my community, I’m committed to honoring all communities through my work, aiming to blend creativity with a strong message of unity.”

Best known for his appearance on MTV’s Paris Hilton’s My New BFF , Onch, who identifies as queer, has transcended TV to work with an array of pop stars and brands such as Hello Kitty and Kewpie. His latest projects include collabs with Kappa Toys, YRU Shoes, Strawberry Shortcake. a Pink's Hot Dogs jewelry line and Teletubbies/Pride jewelry collection. Onch.us    – L.L.


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Tyumen: Bourgeois Siberian oil capital

The Lover’s Bridge in Tyumen. Source: RIA Novosti

The Lover’s Bridge in Tyumen. Source: RIA Novosti

There’s something different about Tyumen. This city of over half a million people was the first Russian settlement in Siberia. Today, it’s the capital of the vast Tyumen Oblast, or province, that stretches from the Kazakhstan border north to the Arctic Ocean. Tyumen Oblast is home to the majority of Russia’s seemingly limitless oil and natural gas reserves. Some of the world’s largest drilling companies have officers here, and Tyumen residents enjoy much higher incomes than elsewhere in Russia. The result is a cosmopolitan city with a bright outlook on the future.

A stop in Tyumen provides an interesting glimpse into how modern Russia’s oil revenue has influenced Siberia’s oldest Russian city. Tyumen is a great stopover point on the Trans-Siberian Railroad and a short ride from Yekaterinburg (five hours) or Tobolsk (four hours).

How to get there

Direct flights run each day between Tyumen and Moscow or St. Petersburg ($450 roundtrip). Tyumen is also located on the Trans-Siberian Railroad. Trains leave Moscow in the afternoon and evening ($110-250, 32-38 hours).

In the 16th century, Russia started expanding eastward into parts of Central Asia ruled by the Tatars, an Islamic people who still live thoughout Russia. A band of Cossacks wrested control of Tyumen from the Tatars in 1580. Six years later, Russians established a fort in Tyumen on the Tura River.

For centuries, Tyumen vied with the nearby city of Tobolsk—once the official capital of Siberia—for the prestige of the region’s most important city. Tyumen won in the end, when the Trans-Siberian Railroad bypassed Tobolsk and was routed through this now oil-rich city.

Tyumen played an important role in Russian history during times of war. At the beginning of the Russian Civil War, the Bolshevik Red Army slowly pushed the White Army, commanded by Admiral Alexander Kolchak, into Siberia. Kolchak and his anti-Bolshevik forces holed up in Tyumen until the Red Army overtook them in January of 1918.

gay marriage essay ielts

Tura River. Source: Lori / Legion Media

During the Second World War, many Russian industries were moved away from the front to Siberian cities. Tyumen had already become an industrial capital during the early Soviet era, and the city became an ideal spot to relocate Russia’s western factories. As Nazi forces approached Russia in 1941, the embalmed body of Vladimir Lenin was sent from the Lenin Mausoleum in Moscow’s Red Square by train to the Tyumen State Agricultural Academy for safekeeping. In 1945, Lenin’s body was shipped back to Moscow.

Where to stay

Located in a stunningly remodeled Soviet building, The Hotel Vostok offers modern rooms ($80-125). Far more luxurious—and twice as expensive—is The Hotel Tyumen .

Some of the factories relocated to Tyumen during wartime remained in the city. The discovery of oil in the region catapulted Siberia’s oldest Russian settlement to further prosperity. Modern Tyumen is a vibrant city with a number of universities and a revamped center well-suited for exploration by foot.

Start your walking tour around central Tyumen on Ulitsa Respubliki. The city’s main drag has fine pedestrian walkways and leads wanderers past an impressive collection of tsarist-era buildings that recall Tyumen’s importance in the beginning of Russia’s colonization of Siberia.

From the southeastern end of Ul. Respubliki, head north toward the Tura River and take a brief side trip onto Ul. Ordzhonikidze to visit the Fine Arts Museum (47 Ul. Ordzhonikidze) which houses exhibits of classical Russian and Soviet art as well as traditional bone carving and works produced by the native people who live in the far north of Tyumen Oblast.

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Detail of wood carvings and windows on wooden house. Source: Getty Images

Back on Ul. Respubliki, you’ll soon see the city’s requisite Lenin statue by the local government buildings. A block away, opposite Lenin, is Tyumen’s city park, a delightful place to walk or hop on one of its amusement rides.

Most Siberian cities developed under the watchful eyes of the atheist Soviet regime and churches are usually not Siberia’s strongpoint. But this isn’t true in four-centuries-old Tyumen. Strolling up Ul. Respubliki, you’ll soon come to the Church of the Saviour (41 Ul. Lenina) and the Znamensky Cathedral (13 Ul. Semakova). Each of these stunning Baroque-influenced churches are located right off Ul. Respubliki and were built in the late 18th century.

Tyumen is also famous for its historic wooden houses. Heading further up Ul. Respubliki, stop to wander around some of the side streets and snap photos of these ornate wooden structures which provide a glimpse back in time. Near the Tura River, you’ll pass a civil war monument in remembrance of the Tyumen natives who died fighting the White Army and the Tyumen State Agricultural Academy (7 Ul. Respubliki) an impressive building in its own right where Lenin was stored during the Second World War.

Special Project: Discovering Russia

Near the end of Ul. Respubliki, take a walk over the Tura River on the Lover’s Bridge, a suspension bridge open to foot traffic only that has become one of Tyumen’s iconic sights. The other side of the river is a great place to see more of Tyumen’s signature wooden houses as well as take in the churches scattered around the city center.

Save the best for last and visit the Trinity Monastery (10 Ul. Kommunisticheskaya) at the end of Ul. Respubliki. A white wall surrounds the monastery, giving it the appearance of a mini-kremlin, and the golden onion domes of the 18th century churches within should not be missed.

Although navigating Tyumen is straightforward enough, the St. Petersburg-based travel company OSTWEST can arrange a city tour in Tyumen and the surrounding countryside. 

All rights reserved by Rossiyskaya Gazeta.

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Should Gay Marriage Be Legal

Should Gay Marriage Be Legal?

Profile picture for user mohan

The hot debate about gay marriage has sparked strong interest in whether or not gay marriage be legal? Undoubtedly, for some people the concept of same-sex marriage is complex and controversial, raising social, religious, moral and political questions, these contrast to those who opines that they too should have access to the same benefits enjoyed by heterosexual married couples.

The current trends and consensus over gay marriage has changed in recent years. The acceptance of gay marriage is as natural as heterosexual marriage. Proponents of legal gay marriage contend that gay marriage bans are discriminatory and unconstitutional. Its acceptance will not only benefit those who belong to this community but also the whole society. A number of countries allow same-sex marriage with number being growing up.

On the other hand, there are many reasons which contend legalization of gay marriage. Marriage has traditionally been defined as being between one man and one woman, and that marriage is primarily for procreation. Its opponents contend that homosexuality is a reversible and unfortunate lifestyle choice. There are many reasons such as poor child-parent relationships, sexual abuse, etc.. cause people to make such choices.

In my view, the gay people also have the right to enjoy same legal rights and protections as other human beings. I believe giving same-sex couples equal benefits as heterosexual couples would entitled them to other benefits too, for example, many companies offer health insurance benefits for married spouses. Not having benefits such as medical claims, inherit partner’s property, family discounts annoy gay and lesbian couples. Such unfair treatment not only frustrate them but is also not good for peace of society. The French president and his gay lady made a good example in support of gay marriage.

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Essay evaluations by e-grader

Grammar and spelling errors: Line 1, column 66, Rule ID: WHETHER[7] Message: Perhaps you can shorten this phrase to just 'whether'. It is correct though if you mean 'regardless of whether'. Suggestion: whether ...marriage has sparked strong interest in whether or not gay marriage be legal? Undoubtedly, for... ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Line 5, column 387, Rule ID: DOUBLE_PUNCTUATION Message: Two consecutive dots Suggestion: . ...-parent relationships, sexual abuse, etc.. cause people to make such choices. I... ^^ Line 5, column 390, Rule ID: UPPERCASE_SENTENCE_START Message: This sentence does not start with an uppercase letter Suggestion: Cause ...rent relationships, sexual abuse, etc.. cause people to make such choices. In my v... ^^^^^ Line 7, column 193, Rule ID: DID_BASEFORM[1] Message: The verb 'would' requires the base form of the verb: 'entitle' Suggestion: entitle ... benefits as heterosexual couples would entitled them to other benefits too, for example... ^^^^^^^^

Transition Words or Phrases used: also, but, if, so, for example, such as, in my view, on the other hand

Attributes: Values AverageValues Percentages(Values/AverageValues)% => Comments

Performance on Part of Speech: To be verbs : 12.0 13.1623246493 91% => OK Auxiliary verbs: 3.0 7.85571142285 38% => OK Conjunction : 13.0 10.4138276553 125% => OK Relative clauses : 7.0 7.30460921844 96% => OK Pronoun: 16.0 24.0651302605 66% => OK Preposition: 24.0 41.998997996 57% => More preposition wanted. Nominalization: 6.0 8.3376753507 72% => OK

Performance on vocabulary words: No of characters: 1573.0 1615.20841683 97% => OK No of words: 288.0 315.596192385 91% => More content wanted. Chars per words: 5.46180555556 5.12529762239 107% => OK Fourth root words length: 4.11953428781 4.20363070211 98% => OK Word Length SD: 2.90722471375 2.80592935109 104% => OK Unique words: 167.0 176.041082164 95% => More unique words wanted. Unique words percentage: 0.579861111111 0.561755894193 103% => OK syllable_count: 492.3 506.74238477 97% => OK avg_syllables_per_word: 1.7 1.60771543086 106% => OK

A sentence (or a clause, phrase) starts by: Pronoun: 4.0 5.43587174349 74% => OK Article: 6.0 2.52805611222 237% => Less articles wanted as sentence beginning. Subordination: 0.0 2.10420841683 0% => More adverbial clause wanted. Conjunction: 1.0 0.809619238477 124% => OK Preposition: 2.0 4.76152304609 42% => More preposition wanted as sentence beginning.

Performance on sentences: How many sentences: 17.0 16.0721442886 106% => OK Sentence length: 16.0 20.2975951904 79% => The Avg. Sentence Length is relatively short. Sentence length SD: 53.6914161304 49.4020404114 109% => OK Chars per sentence: 92.5294117647 106.682146367 87% => OK Words per sentence: 16.9411764706 20.7667163134 82% => OK Discourse Markers: 4.11764705882 7.06120827912 58% => More transition words/phrases wanted. Paragraphs: 4.0 4.38176352705 91% => OK Language errors: 4.0 5.01903807615 80% => OK Sentences with positive sentiment : 10.0 8.67935871743 115% => OK Sentences with negative sentiment : 4.0 3.9879759519 100% => OK Sentences with neutral sentiment: 3.0 3.4128256513 88% => OK What are sentences with positive/Negative/neutral sentiment?

Coherence and Cohesion: Essay topic to essay body coherence: 0.419422077535 0.244688304435 171% => OK Sentence topic coherence: 0.134177605398 0.084324248473 159% => OK Sentence topic coherence SD: 0.145238485495 0.0667982634062 217% => The coherence between sentences is low. Paragraph topic coherence: 0.271361256014 0.151304729494 179% => OK Paragraph topic coherence SD: 0.118532555292 0.056905535591 208% => More connections among paragraphs wanted.

Essay readability: automated_readability_index: 12.8 13.0946893788 98% => OK flesch_reading_ease: 46.78 50.2224549098 93% => OK smog_index: 8.8 7.44779559118 118% => OK flesch_kincaid_grade: 10.7 11.3001002004 95% => OK coleman_liau_index: 14.09 12.4159519038 113% => OK dale_chall_readability_score: 8.71 8.58950901804 101% => OK difficult_words: 78.0 78.4519038076 99% => OK linsear_write_formula: 8.5 9.78957915832 87% => OK gunning_fog: 8.4 10.1190380762 83% => OK text_standard: 9.0 10.7795591182 83% => OK What are above readability scores?

--------------------- Rates: 78.6516853933 out of 100 Scores by essay e-grader: 7.0 Out of 9 --------------------- Note: the e-grader does NOT examine the meaning of words and ideas. VIP users will receive further evaluations by advanced module of e-grader and human graders.

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Cities [ edit ]


  • 57.15 65.533333 1 Tyumen — Tyumen is one of the oldest cities of Asian Russia and one of Russia's wealthiest cities thanks to its large oil and gas industry
  • 58.195278 68.258056 4 Tobolsk — this relatively small town is the historic capital of Siberia and is a "must see" of the Urals region for its architectural treasure, a white-walled Kremlin (the only Kremlin in Asian Russia) and accompanying ensemble of cathedrals, bell towers, and churches. The surrounding area is dotted with ancient pagan shrines and burial mounds.

Other destinations [ edit ]

Understand [ edit ].

Tyumen Oblast actually encompasses the two territories to its north, Khantia-Mansia and Yamalia , making it the 3rd largest administrative division in Russia. The region around Tyumen is the heart of historic Siberia, with Tobolsk being the former capital of "Western Siberia," a region comprising today's Urals and Western Siberia . Some of history's most famous Siberians hail from this area, most notably Irving Berlin and Rasputin.

Even tourists just passing through this region should make a point of visiting Tobolsk for its magnificent and unique kremlin. Most will also visit historic Tyumen, the regional capital, located on the Trans-Siberian Railway .

Get in [ edit ]

Aeroport Roshchino ( TJM  IATA )

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Tyumen, Tyumen Oblast, Russia

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  • Tobol'sk
  • Kamensk-Ural'skiy
  • Pervoural'sk
  • Nizhniy Tagil
  • Khanty-Mansiysk
  • Nefteyugansk
  • Sterlitamak
  • Nizhnevartovsk
  • Oktyabr'skiy
  • Novotroitsk

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After Trump’s Conviction, a National Enquirer Editor Sends His Regrets

For Barry Levine, a former top journalist at the supermarket tabloid, the former president’s trial was its own kind of tear-jerker.

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A photograph of issues of The National Enquirer. One is open to a two-page spread. The large headline reads, “John Edwards Love Child Scandal.”

By Jacob Bernstein

Even before former President Donald J. Trump was convicted on 34 felony counts of falsifying business records to conceal a sex scandal, a verdict was being delivered on The National Enquirer .

The no-holds-barred supermarket tabloid was once famous for publishing salacious stories about celebrities and politicians. Now it may be better known for suppressing them.

“It’s just a tragedy for the paper,” said Barry Levine, the publication’s former executive editor, sitting in the living room of his one-bedroom apartment in Manhattan on a recent morning.

Was he being overly dramatic? Perhaps.

Even among those who consider it a guilty pleasure, The Enquirer can hardly be described as a national treasure. But try telling that to Mr. Levine, a swashbuckling journalist who worked there from 1999 until 2016 and whose professional and personal identity was shaped by it.

“I grew up with the romantic vision of ‘The Front Page,’ the press cards and hats, the larger than life personalities of Fleet Street reporters who did whatever they had to do to get the story,” Mr. Levine said. “I was in love with that type of journalism — and I found it at The National Enquirer.”

Long before it became known as a protector of Mr. Trump, the tabloid reported aggressively on politicians on both sides of the aisle, including Jesse Jackson and Sarah Palin.

Mr. Levine helped secure The Enquirer some mainstream respectability, thanks to a series of scoops on John Edwards , a Democrat who was at one point a serious contender in the 2008 presidential race.

On Mr. Levine’s watch, The Enquirer plowed hundreds of thousands of dollars into an aggressive investigation of Mr. Edwards, with some of that money going to anonymous tipsters and sources who said that the candidate’s squeaky-clean image was misleading.

In October 2007, the tabloid broke the news that Mr. Edwards had been involved in an affair with Rielle Hunter, a videographer on the campaign staff, while his wife suffered from an incurable form of cancer. Mr. Edwards at first dismissed the story as “completely untrue” and “ridiculous.”

After Ms. Hunter gave birth to a daughter, the tabloid delivered more scoops beneath gleeful headlines : “John Edwards Love Child Scandal!”; “John Edwards With Love Child! The Photos Everyone’s Been Waiting For”; “John Edwards Mistress Demands He Pay Love Child $10 Million”; “John Edwards’ Wife Tells Mistress, ‘I Hope You Die!’ Their Secret Showdown.”

The Enquirer’s coverage helped knock Mr. Edwards out of the race . It also paved the way for a criminal prosecution in which he was charged with federal campaign finance violations for payments to Ms. Hunter, a case that ended without a conviction.

The tabloid’s reporting on Mr. Edwards won new respect for a publication that had been derided as a bottom feeder in news media circles. All that collapsed, Mr. Levine said, during four days of testimony in a Manhattan courtroom in April. That was when David Pecker , the former publisher of The Enquirer, described under oath his efforts to help Mr. Trump suppress stories seen as damaging to his 2016 campaign.

Mr. Pecker told prosecutors that he had bought two stories and never published them, deploying the strategy known among tabloid hands as “catch and kill.” One of those stories came from a Trump building doorman who had heard a false rumor that Mr. Trump had fathered a child out of wedlock; the other was from a former Playboy model who said she had had an affair with Mr. Trump.

When Mr. Trump was slow to kick in for the cost of those cover-ups, Mr. Pecker declined to “catch and kill” a third Trump story — Stormy Daniels’s account of her sexual encounter with him in 2006. (Mr. Trump denies the encounter.)

“‘I am not a bank,’” Mr. Pecker recalled saying to Michael Cohen, Mr. Trump’s former fixer.

The testimony made Mr. Levine cringe, partly because it coincided with the financial downturn of the publication he loved — a change in fortune that is less debatable than the supposed loss of its moral compass.

The publication became a nationwide hit under a previous owner, Generoso Pope Jr. , who took the New York Enquirer, a New York City tabloid, and transformed it into The National Enquirer, a sensationalist supermarket staple. And in addition to running tales of extraterrestrials’ abducting human beings, it published a front-page photo of Elvis Presley lying in his coffin .

Mr. Levine noted that when he joined The Enquirer in 1999, its average weekly sales were slightly north of two million. Last year, the number was around 56,000. The Enquirer’s parent company has been trying to unload the tabloid since 2019; two deals have fallen through.

“There’s still a small population of people who are willing to plunk down the money to buy The Enquirer at the supermarket,” Mr. Levine said. “But the history I was part of is destroyed.”

The tabloid’s involvement in the political sphere came fully to light in 2018, when its owner, American Media Inc., admitted to federal prosecutors , as part of a non-prosecution agreement, that it had aided the Trump campaign by publishing articles favorable to the candidate and burying stories that might make him look bad.

But for Mr. Levine, the testimony of Mr. Pecker was the thing that guaranteed the tabloid could never regain the reputation it had built in its finest hours. “I don’t know how you can ever get that back,” Mr. Levine said, “particularly now, in light of the statements David Pecker made on the stand.”

On a nearby side table was a framed photograph of Mr. Levine with Elaine Kaufman , who died in 2010. Ms. Kaufman’s restaurant, Elaine’s , lay just a few blocks from Mr. Levine’s apartment on the Upper East Side, and he was a regular there, along with media luminaries such as David Halberstam, Pete Hamill, Gay Talese and Tom Wolfe.

In Mr. Levine’s bedroom, the walls were lined with framed articles about him and The Enquirer — many of them glowing — from mainstream news outlets including New York, Talk and The New York Times.

“Two in one year,” he said.

Several times during our 90-minute conversation, he mentioned that The Enquirer’s articles on Mr. Edwards had earned a Pulitzer Prize nomination. And just in case I had missed it, there was a framed drawing on yellow construction paper by his daughter that said in big black letters: “Pulitzer Prize Finalist.”

Never mind that Mr. Levine was stretching the truth, which was that the Pulitzer board had determined in 2010 that The Enquirer was merely eligible to submit its articles for consideration. The publication received no nominations in the end.

Ah, well. Who can blame a tabloid journalist for a little embellishment?

Mr. Levine, who grew up in Levittown, Penn., became besotted with journalism as a child when he would gaze at the famous faces — Elvis Presley, Elizabeth Taylor, John Lennon — on the covers of the magazines scattered across his parents’ coffee table.

At Temple University, he edited the student paper, The Temple News, and mimicked guys like the street-tough columnist Jimmy Breslin by puffing on cigars and sneaking into bars while still under the legal drinking age. He figured that if he was brave enough to enter, bartenders would serve him.

And did they?

“Of course.”

In 1976, during his freshman year, the first “King Kong” remake came out to much hype, and Mr. Levine hatched an idea for his first episode in stunt journalism: “Me and my buddies called the local papers to say l was going to climb city hall in a gorilla suit.”

After an evening spent in a tavern, Mr. Levine stepped into the costume, only to find he was in no shape to scale a building. Nevertheless, he got his picture in The Philadelphia Daily News the next day.

As a college senior, he worked nights as an office assistant at The Associated Press. From there he put in stints as a reporter at The Syracuse Post-Standard and The Baltimore News-American. It was a time of clanking typewriters, cigar chomping and whiskey, he recalled.

After the News-American folded, Mr. Levine ended up at The Star, a supermarket tabloid whose owner at the time, Rupert Murdoch had positioned it as grittier than People magazine and less antagonistic than The Enquirer.

Mr. Levine recalled accompanying the boxer Mike Tyson to Moscow shortly after his marriage to the actress Robin Givens. At the time she was shooting the ABC sitcom “Head of the Class,” and a plotline involved the students heading to Russia for a debate.

“Their marriage was on the rocks, and Mike was having all kinds of issues,” Mr. Levine said.

Ten days into the trip, the inquisitive reporter found himself at odds with the heavyweight champ.

“Mike dragged me to a stairwell and had me by the arms, and he said, ‘I could throw you over and because you’re American the Russians won’t care,’” Mr. Levine said. “All I could think was, ‘If he doesn’t throw me over, I have a great story.’ The lede was ‘To Russia without love,’ and then I wrote a sidebar, ‘My One-Round Fight With Mike Tyson.’”

In 1991, Mr. Levine headed a team of 15 reporters and photographers who sneaked onto Michael Jackson’s Neverland Ranch to cover Ms. Taylor’s wedding to the construction worker Larry Fortensky.

The centerpiece of Mr. Levine’s battle plan was the launching of a hot-air balloon, with a reporter and a photographer in the basket. It would float closer to the action than any plane or helicopter and thus would come up with the world’s best aerial shot of Mr. Jackson walking Ms. Taylor down the aisle.

“I hired this fly-by-night team who set up the balloon in this wooded area,” Mr. Levine said. “The winds were terrible, and the reporter Kate Caldwell and the photographer, whose name I forget, got in the basket. It got caught on some trees, which punctured a hole in the balloon and sent it down to earth in slow motion.”

The entrepreneurial zeal shown by Mr. Levine helped land him a job in 1992 as the managing editor of “A Current Affair,” a pioneering tabloid TV show that featured exhaustive coverage of O.J. Simpson’s murder trial and the Long Island shooting of Mary Jo Buttafuoco by Amy Fisher, the mistress of her husband, Joey Buttafuoco .

In 1999, when Mr. Levine landed at The Enquirer as its New York bureau chief, he stated that he would not rest until every limo driver and personal assistant in the city were funneling celebrity dirt to him and his reporters.

Politicians became a regular part of his beat. In 2001, he worked on the story of Jesse Jackson fathering a love child with Karin Stanford, an employee at his nonprofit, the Rainbow Coalition. What’s more, Mr. Levine and his team uncovered evidence that Mr. Jackson had used the organization’s funds to provide her with child support.

If the story seemed sleazy, the financial component gave Mr. Levine the sense he was doing valuable work. So did the fact that The Enquirer was pursuing scoops about Republicans and Democrats alike.

In 2008, Senator John McCain secured the Republication nomination for president and announced that Sarah Palin, then the governor of Alaska, would be his running mate. Days after the announcement, The Enquirer was about to report that the vice-presidential candidate’s teenage daughter was five months pregnant — but Ms. Palin headed off the tabloid’s scoop by announcing the news herself.

At the same time, an Enquirer team was still working the John Edwards “love child” story. When Mr. Edwards visited the baby at the Beverly Hilton in Los Angeles, the tabloid’s reporters and photographers confronted him in the lobby . And when he bounded into the men’s room and bolted the door, they hollered questions from the hall.

In the years after that high point, the supermarket tabloid business deteriorated as the news cycle sped up. Instead of going to war with a new rival, TMZ, or giving Mr. Levine the money to open a Washington bureau (which he was hoping for), Mr. Pecker followed a course of slowing revenue declines by increasing the issue price.

In 2016, Mr. Levine made his exit. “I wanted to write books,” he said. With Monique El-Faizy, he wrote “All the President’s Women,” a 2019 book centered on Mr. Trump’s alleged affairs. One topic not touched on in its pages was Mr. Trump’s dealings with Mr. Pecker and The Enquirer.

Mr. Levine said he wanted to focus on a straightforward account of Mr. Trump’s interactions and relationships with women. Moreover, he said, Ronan Farrow had already revealed details about the arrangement between Mr. Pecker and Mr. Trump in The New Yorker.

But he acknowledged another reason for the omission — the little matter of his own catch-and-kill with his former employer.

“I did sign an N.D.A.,” he said.

Jacob Bernstein is a reporter for the Styles desk. In addition to writing profiles of fashion designers, artists and celebrities, he has focused much of his attention on L.G.B.T. issues, philanthropy and the world of furniture design. More about Jacob Bernstein

Our Coverage of the Trump Hush-Money Trial

Guilty Verdict : Donald Trump was convicted on all 34 counts  of falsifying records to cover up a sex scandal that threatened his bid for the White House in 2016, making him the first American president to be declared a felon .

What Happens Next: Trump’s sentencing hearing on July 11 will trigger a long and winding appeals process , though he has few ways to overturn the decision .

Reactions: Trump’s conviction reverberated quickly across the country  and around the world . Here’s what voters , New Yorkers , Republicans , Trump supporters  and President Biden  had to say.

The Presidential Race : The political fallout of Trump’s conviction is far from certain , but the verdict will test America’s traditions, legal institutions and ability to hold an election under historic partisan tension .

Making the Case: Over six weeks and the testimony of 20 witnesses, the Manhattan district attorney’s office wove a sprawling story  of election interference and falsified business records.

Legal Luck Runs Out: The four criminal cases that threatened Trump’s freedom had been stumbling along, pleasing his advisers. Then his good fortune expired .

LGBTQ+ Pride Month is starting to show its colors around the world. What to know

Pride Month is kicking off around the world with parades and festivals in cities large and small

Pride Month, the worldwide celebration of LGBTQ+ culture and rights, kicks off Saturday with events around the globe.

But this year’s festivities in the U.S. will unfold against a backdrop of dozens of new state laws targeting LGBTQ+ rights, particularly transgender young people.

Here are things to know about the celebrations and the politics around them.


The monthlong global celebration began with Gay Pride Week in late June 1970, a public celebration that marked the first anniversary of the violent police raid at New York’s Stonewall Inn , a gay bar.

At a time when LGBTQ+ people largely kept their identity or orientation quiet, the June 28, 1969, raid sparked a series of protests and catalyzed the movement for rights .

The first pride week featured marches in Chicago, Los Angeles, New York and San Francisco, and it has grown ever since. Some events fall outside of June: Tokyo’s Rainbow Pride was in April and Rio de Janeiro has a major event in November.

In 1999, President Bill Clinton proclaimed June as Gay and Lesbian Pride Month.


Pride’s hallmark rainbow-laden parades and festivals celebrate the progress the LGBTQ+ civil rights movement has made.

In the U.S. in April, a federal appeals court ruled North Carolina and West Virginia’s refusal to cover certain health care for transgender people with government-sponsored insurance is discriminatory.

In one compromise in March, a settlement of legal challenges to a Florida law critics called “Don’t Say Gay” clarifies that teachers can have pictures on their desks of their same-sex partners and books with LGBTQ+ themes. It also says books with LGBTQ+ characters and themes can remain in campus libraries and gay-straight alliance chapters at schools need not be forced underground.

Greece this year legalized same-sex marriage , one of three dozen nations around the world to do so, and a similar law approved in Estonia in June 2023 took effect this year.


Rights have been lost around the world, including heavy prison sentences for gay and transgender people in Iraq and the death penalty for “aggravated homosexuality” in Uganda . More than 60 countries have anti-LGBTQ+ laws, advocates say.

Tightening of those laws has contributed to the flow of people from Africa and the Middle East seeking asylum in Europe.

In recent years, Republican-controlled U.S. states have been adopting policies that target LGBTQ+ people, and particularly transgender people, in various ways.

Twenty-five states now have laws banning gender-affirming care for transgender minors. Some states have taken other actions, with laws or policies primarily keeping transgender girls and women out of bathrooms and sports competitions that align with their gender.

GOP state attorneys general have challenged a federal regulation , set to take effect in August, that would ban the bathroom bans at schools. There also have been efforts to ban or regulate drag performances .

Most of the policies are facing legal challenges.

Since Roe v. Wade was overturned in 2022 , leading to restrictive abortion laws in most GOP-controlled states, LGBTQ+ advocates are worried about losing ground too, said Kevin Jennings, CEO of nonprofit civil rights organization Lambda Legal. On the eve of Pride, the organization announced a $180 million fundraising goal for more lawyers to challenge anti-LGBTQ+ laws.

Progress such as the 2015 Supreme Court ruling that legalized same-sex marriage nationwide could be lost without political and legal vigilance, Jennings said.

“Our community looks at what happened to reproductive rights thanks to the Dobbs decision two years ago and has enormous anxiety over whether we’re about to have a massive rollback of what we’ve gained in the 55 years since Stonewall,” Jennings said.


While big businesses from Apple to Wells Fargo sponsor events across the U.S., a pushback made ripples last year at one major discount retailer.

Target was selling Pride-themed items last June but removed some from stores and moved displays to the back of some locations after customers tipped them over and confronted workers. The company then faced additional backlash from customers who were upset the retailer gave in to people prejudiced against LGBTQ+ people.

This year, the store has said it would not carry the items at all its stores. But the company remains a major sponsor of NYC Pride.


Keeping the events safe is the top priority, organizers said, but there could be challenges.

The FBI and U.S. Department of Homeland Security issued an advisory in May that foreign terrorist organizations could target events associated with Pride. The same month, the State Department renewed a security warning for Americans overseas , especially LGBTQ+ people and events globally.

Law enforcement officials noted ISIS sympathizers were arrested last year for attempting to attack a June 2023 Pride parade in Vienna and that ISIS messaging last year called for followers to attack “soft targets.”

The agencies say people should always watch out for threats made online, in person or by mail. People should take note if someone tries to enter a restricted area, bypass security or impersonate law enforcement and call 911 for emergencies and report threats to the FBI.

NYC Pride has a heavy security presence and works with city agencies outside the perimeter, said Sandra Perez, the event’s executive director. The group expects 50,000 people marching in its June 30 parade and more than 1.5 million people watching.

“The fight for liberation isn’t over,” Perez said. “The need to be visible and the need to be mindful of what we need to do to ensure that the future generations don’t have these struggles is really top of mind.”

gay marriage essay ielts


  1. The issue of gay marriage remains controversial

    The issue of gay marriage remains controversial. Some people think that this trend has adverse effects on the society while others believe that it is seen as a natural trend and right for people to choose this type of marriage. ... Writing9 was developed to check essays from the IELTS Writing Task 2 and Letters/Charts from Task 1. The service ...

  2. Task 2 Academic The issue of gay marriage remains controversial

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  3. Band 6: The issue of gay marriage remains controversial. Some people

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  4. Band 5: The issue of gay marriage remains controversial. Some people

    The essay addresses the prompt by discussing the controversy surrounding gay marriage and presents a clear position in favor of legalizing it. The arguments are somewhat developed, but there is room for further elaboration and deeper exploration of the topic.

  5. The issue of gay marriage remains controversial

    people. have the freedom of choosing their lives. My opinion. , I believe gay. marriage. should be legal, and the following essay will provide answers to my opinion with examples. To commence with same-sex marriages are controversial these days, firstly. because humans have the right to choose what they want and.

  6. The issue of gay marriage

    The main unwanted effect homosexual. marriage. has on society is the disturbance of the natural balance in population. It is no secret that individuals of the same gender cannot procreate as they both have the same reproductive organs. Although, a certain number of homosexuals undergo complete transformations to be able to do.

  7. The Issue of Gay Marriages: Meaning, Importance and Cons Essay

    The creation story, which gives the foundation of marriage, is further recognized by Moses. The bible states that a man and woman get united in marriage by leaving their parents for the sake of becoming one body (Genesis 2:24). 5 It therefore serves as a reference point in defining primary principles of marriage. This verse is equally important in understanding divorce cases and circumstances ...

  8. IELTS essay The issue of gay marriage remains controversial. Some

    Gay Marriage has been a controversial topic since last decades. While it is a natural trend and right of the people to choose this type of marriage, many believe it has adverse affect on the society. The issue of same sex marriage has cause emotional and political clashes between supporters and opponents.

  9. PDF The issue of gay marriage remains controversial. Some people think that

    The issue of gay marriage remains controversial. Some people think that this trend has adverse effects on society while others believe that it is seen as a natural trend and right for people to choose this type of marriage. Discuss both these views and give your opinion. Author ...

  10. The issue of gay marriage remains controversial Some people ...

    Over the latest years, gay marriage has been a controversial topic since last decades. While it is a natural trend and right of the people to choose this type of marriage, many believe it has adverse effect on the society. Personally, I believe that this trend will benefit society. And this essay below will discuss and explain more about my points of view.

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  12. The Complex Issue of Gay Marriage: [Essay Example], 537 words

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