retail achievements resume examples

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retail achievements resume examples

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9 Real Retail Resume Examples That Worked in 2024

Stephen Greet

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  • Retail Resumes
  • Retail Resumes by Experience
  • Retail Resumes by Role
  • Writing Your Retail Resume

The importance of retail workers has never been more obvious than during the Covid-19 pandemic.

As a successful retail worker, you need to be organized, collaborative, and a people person.

It can be difficult to showcase these skills when writing your retail resume or writing an effective cover letter .

These nine retail resume examples have helped people land jobs in 2024 , so they’re a great place for you to get started.

Retail Resume

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Retail resume example with 3 years of experience

Why this resume works

  • Did you exceed sales targets? Improve customer loyalty? Reduce return rates? Estimating the degree to which you did these things on your resume will substantially increase your chances of getting an interview.
  • “Customer-oriented environment,” “Answered customer questions,” and “Directed customers” are sample phrases you can use to help show you know the value of customer service.

Retail Worker Resume

Retail worker resume example with 7 years of experience

  • Strongly show your customer service and communication skills and capabilities to solve problems instantly in your retail worker resume .

Retail Associate Resume

Retail associate resume example with 8 years of experience

  • This shows not only that you’re a strong performer, but it also cues the hiring manager that you know which metrics matter most in your role.
  • For example, suppose the job description repeatedly mentions they want a retail sales associate who is accountable. In that case, this is a strong indicator that you should include that as a skill on your retail associate resume .

Entry-Level Retail Resume

Entry-level retail resume example with 5 years of experience

  • Getting your first job as an entry-level retail associate can be difficult. How can you get into retail without prior retail experience? The good news is that retail workers, first and foremost, are in customer service. Any experience you’ve had working with people is relevant and should be included on your entry-level retail resume .
  • A  resume objective  is entirely optional. Still, it can be useful when you’re looking for your first retail role to quickly state why you’re qualified and deserve to get an interview. Include an objective if you’re willing to customize it to each position for which you apply.
  • Volunteer experience is worth including on your resume. Volunteer experience showcases that you’re hard-working and fundamentally interested in helping others. These are both qualities retail hiring managers are seeking.

Retail Supervisor Resume

Retail supervisor resume example with 8 years of experience

  • Diversify your bullet points from boosting employee retention, foot traffic, and seasonal sales, to even reducing security incidents to prove that you’re a comprehensive worker who’s got the talent to increase not just sales but a brand’s overall presence.
  • You can dive into the how and why of these details in your retail cover letter .

Retail Salesman Resume

Retail salesman resume example with 6 years of experience

  • In this case, take Carter’s example and check out how he decides to highlight that he’s maintained a high customer satisfaction rating even in a non-sales role to prove his credibility in keeping end-users happy— a valuable aspect of any sales position.

Luxury Retail Resume

Luxury retail resume example with 5+ years of experience

  • In your luxury retail resume , highlight your proficiency in sales management, growth, and ability to boost customer retention and satisfaction.

Retail Manager Resume

Retail manager resume example with 6 years of experience

  • Hiring is one of the most important functions for a retail manager! Including your experience in hiring will help you stand out among all the other applicants for the retail manager role to which you’re applying.
  • Including these metrics (even if they’re rough estimates) shows the hiring manager that you know what matters most to a retail manager.

Retail Customer Service Resume

Retail customer service resume example with 3 years of experience

  • Was there an instance where you went above and beyond to help a teammate in one of your past positions? Be sure to include that on your resume!
  • If you want to get detailed feedback on your resume, you can use our  resume checker .

Related resume guides

  • Retail Manager
  • Retail Sales Associate
  • Store Manager

How to Format Your Retail Resume

Two colleagues collaborate on career documents presented in background

Writing the perfect retail resume is the exact skill you need to earn a job as a sales representative, customer service representative, sales associate, or cashier. While the content of your resume is of the utmost importance, it’s also essential that you properly  format your resume  to ensure that it’s readable, logical, and complete. To that end, there are three formatting components you should be aware of, which include

  • Reverse-Chronological Format, Functional Format, and Combination/Hybrid Format
  • Contact Info and Header
  • ATS and Readability

retail achievements resume examples

Retail resume format types

The reverse-chronological format, functional format, and combination/hybrid format are the most popular formats for retail resumes in 2024.

Retail resume format choices:

  • Reverse-chronological   format : Start with the most recent employment history and work backward. Dates, educational institutions, and previous employers should be displayed.
  • Functional format : This type of resume highlights the strengths and skills you believe are important to an employer. On the other hand, names, places, and dates aren’t nearly as clear. If you have a spotty work history, this format de-emphasizes this history.
  • Combination/hybrid format : This is designed to combine the reverse-chronological and functional formats to incorporate the strengths of both. Make sure to mention skills you’ve acquired in the past that will help you with the specific job for which you’re applying.

While each retail  resume format  has its own set of advantages and disadvantages that you should be aware of, the reverse-chronological choice is ultimately the best option for retail. Many employers outright dislike the functional format for retail positions. The reverse-chronological format is ideal for retail resumes because it allows you to show prospective employers your most recent work history automatically, allowing them to determine if you have the experience necessary for the job.

Let’s say you’ve worked as a cashier and store assistant for eight years before becoming a supervisor or store manager for another five to ten years. You may be ready for another promotion to regional manager or even a corporate position. If you’ve had any experience in the retail industry, the reverse-chronological format effectively shows a pattern of lateral or upward mobility. The primary benefits of using the reverse-chronological format for retail include:

  • This format is easily the most popular option among recruiters and employers within the retail industry
  • The resume automatically positions you as searching for the next upward step in your career
  • Employment dates are linked, which emphasizes continuity and places more weight on your most recent experience

retail achievements resume examples

Including a contact header on your retail resume

When you’re getting started with your resume, it’s essential that you position your contact info and the resume header in the correct locations. Your name should always be included at the very top of the resume and can be set in the center or left side of the page. Consider placing your prospective job title in the line below your name, ensuring that these two pieces of information are seen first by potential employers.

Before you start typing your header, it’s important that you select the right font, color, alignment, and font size that potential employers expect from a retail resume. Classic fonts like Times New Roman and Arial are preferable in most cases. A resume should be formatted with simplicity in mind instead of style and flare.

As for the font size, the standard text should range between 11-12 points. On the other hand, headers should have font sizes that range from 14-16 points, and your name can be the largest. Most of your text should be black, but a touch of color in your headers or name is appropriate, which adds some nice contrast that will make the information on your resume pop. Like most professional documents, resumes should be left-aligned, making them easier to read. However, your contact information and name can be center-aligned if you choose. The types of info that should be placed in your retail resume header include:

  • Email address
  • Phone number
  • City and State
  • An optional LinkedIn or other professional URL

This example is clear, logical, and includes a small bit of color, attracting the eye:

Retail resume contact information.

Is your retail resume ATS-friendly?

If you want to ensure your resume is properly formatted and readable, make sure you think about ATS, which stands for applicant tracking system. This is a kind of human resources software that allows employers to organize sizable numbers of resumes efficiently.

In order to make an ATS-friendly resume, you’ll want to pay attention to:

  • Margins: Margins should never be less than one-half inches. The ideal margin is one inch on all sides.
  • Fonts: Any font you use should be easy to read. If your resume font isn’t clear, the ATS and hiring manager may find it too difficult to read.
  • Font sizes: The font must be large enough to read, making anything between 10 and 14 points acceptable.
  • Header names: Use capitalization, and don’t get overly creative in determining how to label your headers, as you don’t want to trip or confuse ATS software. 
  • Skills: Optimize your resume with keywords, your soft skills, and hard skills. Only include relevant information about your skills. Any filler should be eliminated if you want to provide prospective employers with a concise and effective resume.
  • Logical order: Sticking to the reverse-chronological format will allow you to make an ATS-friendly resume. Start with your name and contact information before detailing your work experience, education, and skills.
  • One page: The ideal length for any retail resume is one page.

We know it’s a lot to keep in mind, but our  resume maker  will ensure that you’re formatting for success without remembering it all.

How to Write Your Best Retail Resume

Job seeker works on blue laptop, holding hand to head in question of how to build job application

Writing an effective resume seems like a daunting task to most people. However, you can avoid this frustration by taking the process one step at a time. Not only does our  resume tool  ensure you don’t have to worry about format, but it will also help you include the right details in your document. 

As you write your retail resume, you’ll want to think about the following:

  • Objective or summary
  • Work experience
  • Top retail skills
  • Education and certifications
  • Projects, interests, or hobbies
  • Tailoring your resume to the job
  • Editing and proofreading

retail achievements resume examples

Should you write a retail resume objective or summary?

You could include a resume objective or summary when creating your retail resume. An  objective statement  is a concise and position-focused statement describing how you can add value to the employer, and the company needs that you can fulfill. The objective could include a short statement of your skills and qualifications for the position in question. Professional  resume summaries  tend to be a bit lengthier than objective statements and are meant to provide more in-depth details about your job experience, skills, education, and specializations over the course of a lengthy (10+ years) career.

Objective or summary for your retail resume? 

  • You want hiring managers to know you’re a good fit for a specific position
  • You’re an entry-level employee who has very little experience
  • You are making a career change
  • You’ve just moved to a new city or town
  • You have years of experience and want to tie this experience together
  • You want to hone in on key transferable skills
  • You believe that an objective statement isn’t enough to show your value to the employer
  • You want to emphasize your selling points clearly

Even though objective statements and summaries can help you get your point across to hiring managers, not everyone should use one. If you don’t have years of experience or your career path is streamlined and straightforward, a lengthy summary is unnecessary.

As for objective statements, they aren’t always the right fit for retail resumes. Your employer may believe that the objective statement you write is essentially all you offer as an employee. If the statement is too short or not descriptive enough, it may harm your chances. To better understand what a well-written objective or summary looks like, let’s take a look at a couple of poor examples:

  • Objective: “To be a sales associate in a retail store.”
  • Summary: “Experienced sales associate who is kind and helpful. Knows how to solve problems as they arise.”

The objective statement is far too vague and isn’t centered around the position to which you’re applying. It doesn’t tell your employer anything other than the fact that you’re looking for a job. As for the summary, it says that you have experience and a couple of soft skills but doesn’t sell this information at all. Employers won’t believe what you’re saying in the summary. Here’s an improved objective statement and summary:

  • Objective: “Eager to motivate and lead teams to 10% or greater sales through mentorship and accountability. Looking to improve my team-managing and problem-solving skills as a store manager with potential for career growth at ABC Company.”
  • Summary: “Dedicated cashier with more than 5 years of retail experience. Eager to provide attention-to-detail and organizational skills at XYZ, Inc. Received Employee of the Month three months in a row for efficiency and reliability during ownership changes. Achieved a streak of 530 days with no sick leave.”

These examples succeed because they discuss specific details rather than general ideas, telling employers something about you and your work.

retail achievements resume examples

Retail work experience

Try to include two to four job experience examples for your resume. However, it’s unnecessary to include every job you’ve had since your first. If you have ample experience, include those jobs most relevant to the role for which you’re applying. While writing down your work experience may appear straightforward, it’s easy to make mistakes in this section.

retail achievements resume examples

Writing your retail job descriptions 

The most important thing to avoid when writing an effective work experience section is to create a wall of text. If a prospective employer decides to skim through your resume, it’s important that they read the most relevant aspects of your past work experience. As such, this experience should be displayed via concise bullet points. Always use active verbs and language in these bullet points. Examples of active verbs for a retail resume include:

Make sure you use the past tense when writing about your experience. These verbs should prove useful when trying to condense your work experience. Avoid using personal pronouns like “me” and “I,” which take away from the professionalism of your resume. 

Three bullet point examples that should be far, far away from your retail resume:

  • Handled transactions for customers
  • Responsible for handling customer interactions calmly
  • Tasked with resolving customer issues

These are examples of passive work responsibilities, too vague to satisfy potential employers. Always go into detail about your accomplishments and past responsibilities with action verbs and hard numbers.

Three examples, on the other hand, that would serve your retail resume well:

  • Awarded Retail Associate of the Year in 2019 for incentivizing the team to increase sales with monthly competitions 
  • Exceeded annual sales targets by 30% by upselling subscriptions and items based on customer interest
  • Stocked, organized, and replenished inventory, completing tasks 15% faster than other sales associates

These are richly detailed bullet points that offer precise numbers and action verbs about past work experience.

retail achievements resume examples

Use metrics to quantify your impact in retail

You must be able to quantify the impact you’ve had on the companies you’ve worked for in the past. To accomplish this goal, it’s recommended that you use metrics to show exactly what a company would lose if they didn’t have you as an employee.

Did you exceed set sales targets or lower return rates? By putting your work experience into hard numbers, it becomes easier for potential employers to measure the kind of return they would get from hiring you. Try to include a couple of metrics for every job you list on your resume. More is always better! Some examples of ways to incorporate metrics into your bullet points include:

  • Daily number of customers you helped
  • Number of retail team members you managed
  • Sales goals that were met or exceeded
  • Loyalty program goals that were met or exceeded

These retail descriptions incorporate all the above:

Retail resume quantifiable job descriptions.

What are the top retail skills?

If you have ample past work experience, you likely have dozens of skills that could prove useful in the job for which you’re applying. However, you should include skills relevant to the specific needs listed in the job ad. Before you start listing your skills, you should know the difference between  hard skills and soft skills .

Hard skills refer directly to the abilities and knowledge that employees require to perform their responsibilities effectively. These skills are 100 percent job-related. Soft skills are more difficult to measure. For retail jobs, hard skill examples include:

  • Money handling and basic math
  • Product knowledge
  • Inventories 
  • Suggestive selling 

Some examples of soft skills that are ideal for the retail industry include:

  • Communication
  • Active listener 
  • Quick learner and adaptable 

Search for keywords in a job description ad that tell you the types of skills the company is seeking. You should typically list around five to eight skills on a retail resume.

retail achievements resume examples

What education and certifications do you need on your retail resume?

Most retail positions automatically require a high school diploma, which should be listed with the name of the school you attended, the years you attended, and the school’s location. Some retail jobs will require a little more education. While you may be able to obtain a position as a store manager with a high school diploma, an associate’s degree in marketing and sales management may help push your resume to the top of the list.

Most regional retail managers require a bachelor’s degree in business. If you attended a college or institution, include your GPA if it’s above 3.2 and any specialization or concentration. You might also want to list certifications and licenses to set your resume apart from others.

retail achievements resume examples

Projects, interests, or hobbies: Does your retail resume need these?

In most situations, it’s unnecessary to mention your interests and hobbies and the projects you’ve worked on in the past. However, there are some scenarios where adding this information is appropriate depending on your level of experience and the employer to whom you’re sending a resume.

Suppose you’re currently a high school or college student or are applying for an entry position. In that case, your lack of experience gives you the perfect opportunity to add projects, hobbies, and interests to your resume.

For  interests and hobbies , you could include:

  • Playing team sports
  • Studying foreign languages

Additionally, your retail resume could benefit from including projects like:

  • Creating a personal website with WordPress
  • Reorganizing your school’s entire library of 1,600+ books

retail achievements resume examples

Customize your retail resume for every job application

Writing an effective resume takes more than just listing your skills and work experience. It’s also important that you tailor your resume to each job to which you apply. Many applicants make the mistake of sending the same resume to every job. However, most hiring managers will pick up on this.

To properly tailor your resume, add company or organization-specific information to the objective/summary sections, the skills section, and bullet points. If the job ad you’re responding to mentioned they’re looking for a strong leader who can manage numerous team members, you should focus on your leadership skills throughout your retail resume.

retail achievements resume examples

Check for mistakes before submitting your retail resume to jobs

This is the simplest yet most overlooked aspect of formatting and writing a retail resume. Hiring managers and recruiters don’t like grammar and punctuation mistakes. Writing the word manager as “manger” is one of the more common mistakes on retail resumes. Carefully read through your resume to look for any issues with grammar, language, consistency, and formatting. Take advantage of our  free resume checker  to streamline this process.

Get Your Next Retail Job and Celebrate

Yellow cat in purple rocket depicts job seeker's career taking off

Now that you’ve made it this far, we hope you’re feeling confident about:

  • The  correct resume format  to use
  • How to write a  resume objective  or summary
  • How to list work experience
  • What retail  skills to include on your resume
  • What education and certification info should be provided
  • How to tailor your resume to each specific job

Congratulations on  writing your resume  and readying yourself for the next step. All that’s left is for you to go get the job!

Create my free resume now

Resume Worded   |  Proven Resume Examples

  • Resume Examples
  • Sales Resumes

11 Retail Resume Examples - Here's What Works In 2024

Now that we’ve seen how essential the retail industry is, retail workers have never been so in demand. if you’re new to retail or looking for your next position, this guide has you covered with everything you need to know to write an effective resume, including sample templates for you to use..

Hiring Manager for Retail Roles

Retail is a demanding and fast-paced industry. If you’re starting out in retail — or looking to move up the chain — you’ll need communication skills, great customer service, and the ability to solve problems on the fly. For those serious about the business, employers are also looking for people with business acumen, cultural awareness, and strong numeracy skills. While many retail jobs are part-time, there’s also an ongoing need for professional, full-time retail workers. You don’t need a specific background or experience to work in retail — soft skills, a good work ethic, and a professional, can-do attitude will get you a long way, especially in entry-level positions. In 2023 and beyond, look out for a growing shift toward online retail and eCommerce as well as emerging trends like machine learning, personalized shopping experiences, and influencer marketing. Technical skills, sales, marketing, and social media savvy will all land you ahead of the curve when it comes to retail positions in the near future.

Retail Resume Templates

Jump to a template:

  • Retail Associate
  • Retail Manager
  • Retail Salesperson / Retail Salesman
  • Retail Sales Manager
  • Retail Pharmacist
  • Store Manager

Jump to a resource:

  • Keywords for Retail Resumes

Retail Resume Tips

  • Action Verbs to Use
  • Related Sales Resumes

Get advice on each section of your resume:

Template 1 of 11: Retail Associate Resume Example

Retail associates work in a variety of industries and environments. Typically, they are responsible for the management, sales, and day-to-day operations of a retail store. The retail associate has many tasks they will be responsible for on the average day, including interacting with customers, processing sales, organizing and cataloging inventory, cash and transaction management, upselling, store KPI monitoring and reporting, and more. A retail associate is a great entry-level opportunity for someone with the right skills. To be considered for this role, typically a high school diploma is required, but an associates degree can help you land this role with more ease. Hiring managers will look for someone with previous customer-facing experience, such as prior roles held as a clerk, store officer, or customer support representative. Ideal candidates for this role have superb customer service skills, strong organizational skills, and no issue multi-tasking.

A resume for a retail associate with a degree in business administration and experience as a cashier.

We're just getting the template ready for you, just a second left.

Tips to help you write your Retail Associate resume in 2024

   highlight your ability to connect with customers.

The retail associate is the face of the store and brand. For this reason, it’s important to show what a positive impact you can make on the store’s image. Your resume should highlight any experience you have creating a valuable customer experience, or any customer satisfaction ratings you personally helped improve at prior jobs.

Highlight your ability to connect with customers - Retail Associate Resume

   Showcase your experience using POS software and systems

Most retail stores use point of sale (POS) systems to complete sales and track revenue. It’s important that you understand how to operate a POS system to land this job. Any specific retail software or POS system(s) you are proficient in should be clearly outlined on your resume in the skills section.

Showcase your experience using POS software and systems - Retail Associate Resume

Skills you can include on your Retail Associate resume

Template 2 of 11: retail associate resume example.

Retail associates are front-line sales assistants and the face of any retail store. As a retail associate, you’ll be working with customers as well as processing payments, cleaning, and handling stock. In many stores, you may be responsible for upselling and meeting sales goals, so make sure your resume highlights your soft skills as well as any previous sales or customer service experience.

Retail sales associate resume example template using a resume title and relevant keywords

   Title of resume contains retail keywords

Using the exact title of the job you’re applying for is an easy way to tailor your resume and get past ATS — particularly if you don’t have a lot of experience in a similar role. You can often find similar roles listed under different titles, like Retail Associate, Sales Associate, and Cashier, so make sure to include those keywords somewhere on your resume.

Title of resume contains retail keywords - Retail Associate Resume

   Other projects and qualifications

Listing volunteer work, projects, and short courses is a great way to bulk up your resume — as long as they’re relevant! This is especially true for students and recent graduates, who might not otherwise have a lot of traditional work experience. But don’t just stuff your resume — stick to particularly prestigious awards and qualifications you’re likely to need on the job.

Other projects and qualifications - Retail Associate Resume

Template 3 of 11: Retail Manager Resume Example

As a retail manager, you’ll be responsible for the day-to-day running of a store — think balancing a budget, scheduling shifts, setting sales targets, and motivating a team. There are multiple routes to becoming a retail manager, including working your way up the ladder as a sales associate, transitioning from a management role in a different sector, or pursuing a degree in business or another field relevant to your industry.

Retail manager resume example template showing career growth through job titles and strong action verbs

Tips to help you write your Retail Manager resume in 2024

   shows growth in promotions through retail positions.

When hiring for a management position, recruiters want to see leadership and ambition, which often means steady career progression. If you’ve been promoted to a higher position, simply list both titles under the same company heading. Even without a title bump, you can show growth by listing increased responsibilities in your bullet point achievements.

Shows growth in promotions through retail positions - Retail Manager Resume

   Bullet points feature strong action verbs which stress leadership skills

Leadership is a soft skill, which means you can’t simply list it in your skills section and move on. Instead, demonstrate it by leading with strong action verbs like “managed,” “directed,” and “oversaw.” Including clear metrics, like the size of the team you led, makes your achievements easy for a hiring manager to understand at a glance.

Bullet points feature strong action verbs which stress leadership skills - Retail Manager Resume

Skills you can include on your Retail Manager resume

Template 4 of 11: retail salesperson / retail salesman resume example.

Retail salespeople need a big dose of people skills alongside an awareness of sales and marketing strategies, business trends, and basic software and point of sale (POS) hardware. Retail salespeople need to demonstrate their ability to make a sale and may even work on commission, so make sure to emphasize the times you exceeded sales goals or provided excellent customer service.

Retail salesperson resume example template showcasing relevant skills and metrics

Tips to help you write your Retail Salesperson / Retail Salesman resume in 2024

   numbers and metrics relevant to the retail job title.

When it comes to sales, numbers are key. In other words, quantify your achievements! “Exceeded sales goals” sounds okay, but “exceeded commission goals each week by at least 15%” makes the scope of your accomplishment much clearer. If you have numbers for the amount of revenue you generated, sales you processed, or promotions you upsold — use them.

Numbers and metrics relevant to the retail job title - Retail Salesperson / Retail Salesman Resume

   Good use of skills section to stress retail and client-facing skills

A longer list of skills isn’t always more impressive. Keep your skills section easy for hiring managers to digest by listing only the most relevant hard skills you possess. For retail sales, this means things like POS and operating systems and data entry software. Soft skills, like communication and customer service, should go in your bullet points where you can quantify them.

Good use of skills section to stress retail and client-facing skills - Retail Salesperson / Retail Salesman Resume

Skills you can include on your Retail Salesperson / Retail Salesman resume

Template 5 of 11: retail sales manager resume example.

A retail sales manager is someone who oversees the sales processes and operations for a retail store. Depending on the company, the retail sales manager may oversee just one location or several stores within a region. As a retail sales manager, you will be responsible for overseeing sales within the store, conducting loss prevention strategies, tracking key KPIs, training retail sales associates, and more. To become a retail sales manager, you’ll need a combination of relevant experience and skills. Typically, hiring managers will look for someone with a minimum of an associate’s degree, although adequate experience may substitute for a college education in some cases. It’s extremely important that candidates for this role have considerable client-facing, customer service, and sales experience. Prior roles held as a customer care representative or inside sales representative are preferable.

A resume for a retail sales manager with a bachelor's degree and prior experience as a sales support manager.

Tips to help you write your Retail Sales Manager resume in 2024

   showcase your prior experience training and managing junior employees.

To become a retail sales manager, it’s important to show hiring managers that you have leadership skills. The retail sales manager will be primarily responsible for leading employee training, development, and conflict resolution. As such, it’s important to highlight times where you have successfully managed or trained employees in the past.

Showcase your prior experience training and managing junior employees - Retail Sales Manager Resume

   Highlight any experience you have interpreting sales data

Often, retail sales managers will be asked to track and interpret data about their store’s sales and customer activity. Highlight skills such as sales management, sales forecasting, and data entry on your resume will help you stand out for this role.

Highlight any experience you have interpreting sales data - Retail Sales Manager Resume

Skills you can include on your Retail Sales Manager resume

Template 6 of 11: retail sales manager resume example.

If you have experience in sales and customer service, and great organizational abilities, a role as a retail sales manager might be right for you. The retail sales manager oversees the daily operations of a retail store’s sales department. They typically manage the sales staff, set sales goals, monitor revenue, develop and maintain store budgets, track inventory levels, and train new sales staff. There are many ways to become a retail sales manager. A combination of education and relevant knowledge is ideal. A bachelor's degree in business is preferable for this role, though some organizations may overlook lacking education if the candidate has significant retail sales experience. It’s important that candidates for the role have previous sales experiences, such as prior roles held as retail sales specialists or business development representative. It’s also important that candidates demonstrate the desired skills, such as sales planning, budget planning, inventory management, and people management skills.

A resume for a retail sales manager with a bachelor's degree in business management and prior experience as a general manager of sales.

   Detail any prior experience improving a sales team’s productivity or morale

Retail sales jobs are often transient because they are popular roles among young people. Managing young salespeople is no easy task. The retail sales manager must be knowledgeable in creative techniques to engage and retain their staff - as such, it’s important to highlight the experience you have improving staff morale on your resume.

Detail any prior experience improving a sales team’s productivity or morale - Retail Sales Manager Resume

   Demonstrate your ability to implement sales strategies and incentives

As a retail sales manager, you will be tasked with implementing new strategies to boost sales and revenue. As such, it’s important to detail any experience you have creating and effectively executing new sales strategies or incentives on your resume.

Demonstrate your ability to implement sales strategies and incentives - Retail Sales Manager Resume

Template 7 of 11: Retail Sales Manager Resume Example

Retail sales managers are on the front lines of sales, meaning they will be having more customer interactions than sales managers in other positions. This applicant shows that they have the ability to work with both customers and employees in a way that supports business sustainability.

Retail sales managers should aim to show their ability to meet the needs of both customers and their employees, along with providing basic sales management accomplishments such as improving sales or reducing shrinkage.

   Emphasis on customer relationships

Businesses that are looking for retail sales managers are primarily looking for competent, friendly faces that will be able to handle any situation that arises for customers on the sales floor (or off of it). This applicant does that by referencing their focus on fostering “a positive customer experience”, attaining over 96 percent customer satisfaction with their team, and expanding the customer account base by 35 percent, to highlight a few instances. To demonstrate that you have an affinity for building and maintaining constructive customer relationships, you should aim to emphasize customer- or client-centered accomplishments at your past positions.

Emphasis on customer relationships - Retail Sales Manager Resume

   Interpersonal skills are indicated through achievements

While all sales managers can be expected to have a degree of interpersonal skills, retail sales managers generally need to have the ability to keep both their customers and their employees happy. In this resume, the applicant includes several accomplishments that give the impression that they have a solid ability to work with others. As examples, they list how they were among the few who received a teaching fellowship at their university, as well as their work to develop a project that led to 85 percent employee retention. If you want to show hiring managers that you care for others in a way that elevates their performance, provide data points that support it.

Interpersonal skills are indicated through achievements - Retail Sales Manager Resume

Template 8 of 11: Retail Sales Manager Resume Example

Retail sales managers should aim to show their ability to meet the needs of both customers and their employees, along with providing basic sales management accomplishments such as improving sales or reducing shrinkage.

Template 9 of 11: Retail Pharmacist Resume Example

A retail pharmacist is someone who approves, fills, and manages prescriptions. They may work at a privately owned pharmacy or for a corporate chain pharmacy. These professionals are responsible for receiving incoming scripts, filling them, ensuring medication is up to code, educating patients on their medication, and more. To land this role, you will need a relevant educational background. A degree in pharmacology or biology is most desirable. Moreover, you will need adequate internship experience and/or certifications to become a retail pharmacist. Apart from looking for the right education and technical skills, hiring managers will also be looking for someone who has customer-facing experience and strong organizational skills.

A resume for a retail pharmacist with a degree in pharmacy and experience as a drug safety associate.

Tips to help you write your Retail Pharmacist resume in 2024

   research the qualifications needed to become a retail pharmacist in your region.

Different states will have differing requirements to become a retail pharmacist. Some states may require a high education degree or particular licensing. It’s important to research your state's educational requirements to become a retail pharmacist and ensure you meet the necessary qualifications.

Research the qualifications needed to become a retail pharmacist in your region - Retail Pharmacist Resume

   Highlight your knowledge of drug safety

Retail pharmacists have the important responsibility of informing the public about the drugs they are prescribed. On your resume, you should highlight your ability to identify drugs with potential for abuse or misuse and highlight any experience you have effectively explaining complex pharmaceutical topics to an array of audiences.

Highlight your knowledge of drug safety - Retail Pharmacist Resume

Skills you can include on your Retail Pharmacist resume

Template 10 of 11: retail pharmacist resume example.

Retail pharmacists work in a retail environment, rather than in a hospital or healthcare setting. As a retail pharmacist, you’ll be responsible for dispensing prescriptions, counselling patients and providing advice on health and medication, and managing your store. This might include managing other staff, monitoring inventory, and ensuring compliance with safety regulations, which means your resume needs to emphasize both hard and soft skills.

Retail pharmacist resume example template using a resume summary to highlight accomplishments

   Focused on retail pharmacy

When applying for a specialized position like pharmacy, it’s best to include only your most relevant experience on your resume. If you don’t have a long work history, it’s okay to include more general retail experience, but ideally, you should focus on your experience as a pharmacist or pharmacy technician. If your degree is more relevant than your experience, list your education first.

Focused on retail pharmacy - Retail Pharmacist Resume

   Use a resume summary if appropriate

A resume summary isn’t just helpful for career changers — it can quickly contextualize your experience and highlight your top achievements. In your resume summary, include one or two of your most impressive accomplishments as well as a quick overview of the size of any teams you’ve led or the environments in which you’ve previously worked.

Use a resume summary if appropriate - Retail Pharmacist Resume

Template 11 of 11: Store Manager Resume Example

As a Store Manager, you're the backbone of a retail outlet - the linchpin holding everything together. From managing inventory to mentoring employees, your role is cross-functional and dynamic. Recently, companies are seeking store managers who are not just operations-savvy but also familiar with digital tools for inventory management and sales analytics. So, when you're crafting your resume, it's crucial that you not only highlight your past achievements but also illustrate your adaptability and potential for growth. More than just experience, your ability to lead and motivate a team towards meeting sales targets is highly valued. Include specifics about your leadership approach and the results it has yielded. Consider this a narrative of your professional journey; it's about your adaptability, leadership, and your command over retail fundamentals.

A concise and focused resume showcasing a Store Manager's digital literacy and team leadership achievements.

Tips to help you write your Store Manager resume in 2024

   showcase digital literacy.

In the modern retail space, digital tools are increasingly important. Add a section about your familiarity with inventory management software, POS systems, and other retail-specific digital tools. Show your willingness to learn and adapt to technological advances.

   Emphasize on leadership and team management

As a Store Manager, you're responsible for the team’s performance. Highlight instances where you've successfully managed a team, resolved conflicts, or improved staff performance. Metrics showing improved team performance under your leadership can make your resume stand out.

Emphasize on leadership and team management - Store Manager Resume

Skills you can include on your Store Manager resume

As a hiring manager who has worked with top retail companies like Walmart, Target, and Macy's, I've reviewed countless resumes for retail positions. The following tips will help you create a strong resume that stands out to recruiters and hiring managers in the retail industry.

   Highlight your customer service skills

Retail jobs heavily rely on excellent customer service skills. Make sure to emphasize your ability to interact with customers and provide top-notch service.

Instead of simply listing 'customer service' as a skill, provide specific examples of how you've demonstrated this skill in your previous roles:

  • Assisted an average of 50 customers per day, addressing their concerns and providing solutions
  • Maintained a customer satisfaction rating of 95% based on feedback surveys
  • Resolved customer complaints efficiently, resulting in a 20% increase in repeat customers

Bullet Point Samples for Retail

   Showcase your sales achievements

Retail employers value candidates who can drive sales and contribute to the company's bottom line. If you have sales experience, make sure to highlight your accomplishments using specific numbers and metrics.

  • Consistently exceeded monthly sales targets by 15% on average
  • Generated $50,000 in additional revenue through upselling and cross-selling techniques
  • Ranked as the top sales associate for three consecutive quarters

Quantifying your achievements helps recruiters understand the impact you've made in your previous roles and how you can contribute to their organization.

   Include relevant retail skills

When listing your skills, focus on those that are most relevant to the retail industry. Some examples include:

  • Point of Sale (POS) system proficiency
  • Inventory management
  • Visual merchandising
  • Loss prevention
  • Product knowledge

Avoid listing generic skills that don't specifically relate to retail, such as 'Microsoft Office' or 'teamwork'. Instead, prioritize skills that demonstrate your ability to succeed in a retail environment.

   Tailor your resume to the specific role

Retail positions can vary greatly, from sales associates to store managers. Make sure to tailor your resume to the specific role you're applying for.

For example, if you're applying for a visual merchandiser position, emphasize your experience in creating attractive displays and arranging products. On the other hand, if you're applying for a store manager role, focus on your leadership skills and ability to manage a team.

By customizing your resume for each role, you demonstrate to the hiring manager that you understand the specific requirements of the position and have the relevant skills and experience to excel in it.

   Demonstrate career progression

Hiring managers appreciate candidates who have shown growth and progression in their careers. If you've held multiple positions within the retail industry, highlight how you've taken on increasing levels of responsibility over time.

Sales Associate, ABC Retail (2018-2020) - Consistently met and exceeded sales targets - Provided excellent customer service, resulting in high customer satisfaction ratings Assistant Store Manager, ABC Retail (2020-Present) - Managed a team of 15 sales associates - Implemented new inventory management system, reducing stockouts by 30%

By showcasing your career progression, you demonstrate your ability to adapt, learn, and take on new challenges within the retail industry.

   Highlight relevant certifications and training

If you have completed any certifications or training programs relevant to the retail industry, make sure to include them on your resume. This can include:

  • Customer service training
  • Loss prevention certification
  • Product knowledge training
  • Sales techniques workshops

Including these certifications and training programs demonstrates your commitment to professional development and your dedication to excelling in your retail career.

Remember, only include certifications and training that are directly relevant to the retail industry and the specific role you're applying for. Avoid listing irrelevant or outdated certifications that don't add value to your application.

Writing Your Retail Resume: Section By Section

  header, 1. include your full name and contact details.

Your header should include your full name, phone number, and email address. Make sure your email address is professional - avoid using nicknames or numbers. You can also include a link to your LinkedIn profile if you have one.

Here's an example of a well-formatted header:

  • 555-123-4567 | [email protected] |

Avoid cluttering your header with unnecessary details like:

  • 123 Main St, Anytown USA 12345
  • 555-123-4567 | [email protected] | | @johnsmith | |

2. Skip the full address

In the past, including your full mailing address was standard on resumes. However, in today's digital age, it's no longer necessary and takes up valuable space. Instead, just include your city and state if you're applying for local retail jobs.

For example:

John Smith Seattle, WA 555-123-4567 | [email protected]

Avoid including your full street address like this:

John Smith 123 Main St Seattle, WA 98101 555-123-4567 | [email protected]

3. Highlight your retail specialization

If you specialize in a particular area of retail, consider including it as a subtitle under your name. This quickly communicates your expertise to hiring managers. Some examples:

  • John Smith Retail Manager | Fashion & Apparel
  • Jane Doe Sales Associate | Consumer Electronics

However, avoid getting too specific or wordy with retail job titles, like:

  • John Smith Retail Sales Supervisor and Visual Merchandising Coordinator
  • Jane Doe Customer Service Representative specializing in Troubleshooting Technical Issues for eCommerce Retailers


A resume summary is an optional section that highlights your most relevant qualifications for the job you're applying for. While it's not a must-have on your resume, it can be beneficial if you're changing careers, have extensive experience, or want to provide additional context not covered elsewhere in your resume. However, avoid using an objective statement, as it's outdated and focuses on what you want rather than what you can offer the employer.

When crafting your retail resume summary, focus on showcasing your skills, experience, and achievements that align with the job requirements. Use metrics and specific examples to illustrate your impact and value. Keep it concise and objective, avoiding buzzwords and soft skills.

How to write a resume summary if you are applying for a Retail resume

To learn how to write an effective resume summary for your Retail resume, or figure out if you need one, please read Retail Resume Summary Examples , or Retail Resume Objective Examples .

1. Highlight your retail expertise

Emphasize your retail background and the specific areas where you excel. Consider including:

  • Years of experience in the retail industry
  • Types of stores or products you've worked with
  • Key responsibilities and skills (e.g., customer service, sales, merchandising)

Example of a strong retail resume summary:

Accomplished retail professional with over 5 years of experience in high-end fashion boutiques. Skilled in delivering exceptional customer service, driving sales, and creating visually appealing product displays. Consistently exceeded sales targets by 20% and received multiple Employee of the Month awards.

2. Tailor your summary to the job

Customize your resume summary to the specific retail position you're applying for. Review the job description and identify the key requirements and skills the employer is looking for. Then, incorporate those elements into your summary.

For example, if you're applying for a retail management position, your summary might look like this:

Dynamic retail leader with 8+ years of experience managing high-volume stores. Proven track record of building and motivating teams, implementing effective sales strategies, and optimizing store operations. Increased annual revenue by 15% and improved customer satisfaction scores by 25%.

In contrast, a generic summary that fails to target the specific role might read:

Experienced retail professional seeking a challenging position in a fast-paced environment. Strong communication and organizational skills. Committed to delivering excellent customer service.

3. Showcase your unique value proposition

Use your resume summary to highlight what sets you apart from other candidates. Focus on your most impressive achievements, skills, or experiences that are relevant to the retail position.

For instance, if you have a track record of successfully training and mentoring new hires, you could mention:

  • Trained and mentored 15+ new sales associates, resulting in a 95% retention rate and improved team performance

Or, if you have experience with visual merchandising and store displays, you might include:

  • Created engaging product displays that increased foot traffic and sales by 10%

Avoid using generic or overused phrases that don't offer any unique value, such as:

  • Team player with strong communication skills
  • Detail-oriented and organized


Your work experience section is the heart of your resume. It's where you show hiring managers how you've applied your skills to make an impact for your previous employers. In this section, we'll break down all the components that go into writing a strong work experience section for a retail resume, including how to select the right experiences to showcase, and how to write about them effectively.

1. Focus on your most relevant and recent retail experiences

When selecting which experiences to include on your retail resume, prioritize positions that are most relevant to the job you're applying for, and are within the last 10 years. If you're applying for a sales associate role, focus on previous retail sales positions.

Avoid listing every job you've ever had. Instead, curate your list intentionally:

  • Sales Associate, ABC Clothing Retailer, 2019-2022
  • Cashier, XYZ Department Store, 2018-2019

Older or less relevant positions, like a high school summer job or a non-retail position, can be left off. Keep your work experience focused on what matters most for the role at hand.

2. Use strong action verbs to describe your retail accomplishments

When writing about your retail experiences, start each bullet point with a strong action verb that showcases the skills you deployed. Instead of writing passive descriptions like:

  • Responsible for assisting customers on the sales floor

Use powerful action verbs to make your contributions clear:

  • Greeted customers and provided friendly, knowledgeable assistance in selecting products
  • Managed cash register and processed up to $10K in transactions per shift

Other great verbs for retail: sold, merchandised, stocked, resolved (customer issues), operated (POS system). Show what you did, not just what you were responsible for.

3. Quantify your retail accomplishments with metrics

Numbers speak louder than words on a resume. Whenever possible, quantify your retail achievements to give hiring managers a concrete sense of your capabilities:

  • Exceeded sales goals by 20% for 6 consecutive months
  • Cross-sold an average of $50 in additional products per customer
  • Managed up to 5 associates per shift in assistant manager role

Not every bullet needs a number, but aim to include at least 1-2 per position. If you don't have access to exact metrics, estimates are okay too. Even general numbers like "Assisted 50+ customers per day with product selection and recommendations" are impactful.

4. Highlight your career progression and promotions

Showing advancement and increasing responsibilities in your retail career is a great way to catch a hiring manager's eye. If you've been promoted, make that clear:

Sales Associate, ABC Retailer, 2018-2022 Promoted to Senior Sales Associate in 2020 Trained and mentored 5 new sales team members Served as point person for escalated customer service issues

If your job title didn't change but your role grew, you can still show that progression:

Cashier, XYZ Store, 2019-2022 Began as cashier and was cross-trained to assist in merchandising, inventory, and customer service Stepped up to open and close the store as needed

Showing you've earned additional responsibilities and skills tells potential employers you'll be an engaged, growth-oriented team member.


The education section of your resume is an important component, especially if you are a recent graduate or have limited work experience. When applying for retail jobs, it's essential to highlight your relevant educational background and any coursework or training that may be applicable to the role. Here are some tips to help you craft an effective education section for your retail resume.

1. List your education in reverse chronological order

Start with your most recent degree or educational program and work backwards. This format allows hiring managers to quickly identify your highest level of education and any recent accomplishments.

Here's an example of how to list your education in reverse chronological order:

  • Bachelor of Science in Business Administration, ABC University, Graduated: May 2023
  • Associate of Arts in Marketing, XYZ Community College, Graduated: May 2021

2. Include relevant coursework and projects

If you are a recent graduate or have completed courses that are directly applicable to the retail industry, consider including them in your education section. This can help demonstrate your knowledge and skills to potential employers.

However, avoid listing every course you've taken. Instead, focus on those that are most relevant to the retail job you're applying for, such as:

  • Retail Management
  • Consumer Behavior
  • Sales Techniques
  • Visual Merchandising

3. Highlight relevant certifications and training

In addition to formal education, include any relevant certifications or training you have completed that may be valuable in a retail setting. This can include:

  • Customer Service Certification
  • Point of Sale (POS) System Training
  • Loss Prevention Training
  • Product Knowledge Workshops

These certifications and training programs demonstrate your commitment to professional development and can set you apart from other candidates.

4. Keep it concise for senior-level positions

If you are a senior-level professional with extensive work experience in the retail industry, your education section should be brief and to the point. Hiring managers will be more interested in your professional accomplishments and skills.

Here's an example of what not to do:

Bachelor of Arts in English Literature, XYZ University, Graduated: 1995 Relevant Coursework: Creative Writing, British Literature, American Literature, Poetry

Instead, keep it concise and focus on your degree and the institution:

Bachelor of Arts in English Literature, XYZ University

Action Verbs For Retail Resumes

Every retail position is public-facing to some degree, which means you should emphasize your ability to communicate, influence, and work as part of a team. If you want to highlight your business finesse, choose action verbs like Influenced, Promoted, and Recommended. If you’re aiming for a leadership position, action verbs like Motivated and Trained are ideal. For more ideas, check out our comprehensive list of resume action verbs . Leading with action verbs means your resume is focused on accomplishments, not duties — hiring managers are far more interested in knowing how many customers you successfully upsold than what areas of the store you cleaned. Remember that, at its core, retail is sales-oriented, which means that numbers are your friend. The more detailed you can be when listing your achievements, the more likely it is that your resume will wind up on the “yes” pile.

Action Verbs for Retail

  • Recommended

For more related action verbs, visit Sales Action Verbs .

For a full list of effective resume action verbs, visit Resume Action Verbs .

Action Verbs for Retail Resumes

Skills for retail resumes.

The skills you’ll want to list on your resume will depend on what type of retail you’re applying for — an experienced retail manager, for example, will need a very different skill set from an entry-level retail associate. In general, though, most retail jobs will call for a lot of soft skills — things like communication, problem solving, and customer service — that don’t belong on a skills list. Instead, highlight these skills through your bullet points, including metrics where you can to make the achievement more objective. You can list hard skills in the same way, or in a separate skills section. When it comes to hard skills, you’ll want to figure out which ones hiring managers are likely to be scanning for. Our list of top resume skills and keywords has analyzed over one million job descriptions to pull out the most relevant keywords recruiters and ATS are looking for.

  • Store Management
  • Merchandising
  • Sales Management
  • Retail Sales
  • Marketing Strategy

Customer Service

  • Inventory Management
  • Business Planning
  • Trend Analysis
  • Business Development
  • Customer Relationship Management (CRM)
  • Business Strategy
  • Sales Operations

How To Write Your Skills Section On a Retail Resumes

You can include the above skills in a dedicated Skills section on your resume, or weave them in your experience. Here's how you might create your dedicated skills section:

Skills Word Cloud For Retail Resumes

This word cloud highlights the important keywords that appear on Retail job descriptions and resumes. The bigger the word, the more frequently it appears on job postings, and the more 'important' it is.

Top Retail Skills and Keywords to Include On Your Resume

How to use these skills?

Other sales resumes.

Picture of a resume for a retail buyer role, emphasizing negotiation, procurement, and analytical skills.

Sales Manager

Regional Sales Manager resume featuring leadership and sales achievements.

  • Business Development Resume Guide
  • Account Manager Resume Guide
  • Account Executive Resume Guide

Retail Resume Guide

  • Sales Manager Resume Guide
  • Sales Associate Resume Guide
  • Operations Manager Resume Guide
  • Supply Chain Resume Guide
  • Real Estate Agent Resume Guide
  • Sales Engineer Resume Guide
  • Copywriter Resume Guide
  • E-Commerce Resume Guide
  • Advertising Resume Guide
  • SaaS Resume Guide
  • Merchandising Resume Guide
  • Fundraising Resume Guide
  • Buyer Resume Guide
  • Director of Sales Resume Guide
  • Hotel Manager Resume Guide
  • Sales Coordinator Resume Guide
  • Engagement Manager Resume Guide
  • Sales Executive Resume Guide
  • B2B Sales Resume Guide
  • Sales Leader Resume Guide
  • VP Sales Resume Guide
  • Relationship Manager Resume Guide
  • Retail Associate Resume Example
  • Retail Manager Resume Example
  • Retail Salesperson / Retail Salesman Resume Example
  • Retail Sales Manager Resume Example
  • Retail Pharmacist Resume Example
  • Store Manager Resume Example
  • Tips for Retail Resumes
  • Skills and Keywords to Add
  • All Resume Examples
  • Retail CV Examples
  • Retail Cover Letter
  • Retail Interview Guide
  • Explore Alternative and Similar Careers

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  • Career Blog

10 Retail Resume Examples That Will Get You Hired in 2024

retail achievements resume examples

Having a strong retail resume is essential when it comes to finding the job of your dreams in the retail industry. Your resume serves as a marketing tool that represents you and your skills to potential employers. It is the first document that hiring managers will look at to determine if you are a good fit for their company. Therefore, creating a powerful and memorable retail resume is crucial to help you stand out among other candidates and land your dream job.

What makes a great retail resume?

A great retail resume is one that effectively showcases your skills and experiences while highlighting your achievements and relevant accomplishments. It should be well-structured, visually appealing, and easy to read. It should also be tailored to the specific retail job you are applying for, including the job description and job requirements.

A great retail resume should feature the following components:

  • A professional summary that highlights your key qualifications, experiences, and achievements.
  • A detailed list of your work experiences, including job titles, job descriptions, and key responsibilities.
  • A collection of your relevant skills, including communication, customer service, and problem-solving abilities.
  • A list of your educational background, including any relevant degrees or certifications.
  • References and recommendations from previous employers or managers.

Common Retail Resume Mistakes to Avoid

When creating a retail resume, it’s essential to avoid certain mistakes that can hurt your chances of getting hired. Here are the most common errors to steer clear of.

A. Keyword stuffing

One mistake that many job seekers make is trying to stuff their resume with too many keywords. While it’s crucial to include relevant keywords to increase your chances of getting past an ATS (Applicant Tracking System), overdoing it will make your resume read awkwardly and come off as insincere.

B. Typos and grammatical errors

Another significant mistake that many people make is not taking the time to proofread their resume. Typos and grammatical errors make it look like you didn’t take the job seriously and can hurt your chances of getting hired.

C. Including irrelevant information

When creating your retail resume, you should be mindful of the information you include. You don’t need to mention the experience you have that’s not relevant to the job at hand, as it can be confusing for the hiring manager to understand your skills.

D. Emphasizing duties over accomplishments

One of the most common mistakes people make when crafting their retail resume is focusing on their job duties and not their accomplishments. Try to highlight how you’ve contributed to the company and the results you’ve achieved.

E. Not customizing the resume for the job

Lastly, you need to customize your retail resume to fit the job description. Every job posting is different, and you need to tailor your resume to match the skills and experience that the hiring manager is looking for. Make sure to read the job description carefully and highlight your skills that match the job requirements.

By avoiding these common retail resume mistakes, you’ll increase your chances of getting hired and landing your dream retail job.

Retail Resume Format Example

When it comes to creating a retail resume, it’s essential to consider the layout, structure, and overall formatting. Here are some key elements to keep in mind:

A. General Layout and Structure of a Retail Resume

A retail resume should be easy to navigate, with clear headings and subsections. Use bullet points instead of paragraphs to make it easier for hiring managers to skim through quickly. Use a font size of 11 or 12 and stick to a single font throughout the document.

B. Essential Sections to Include

When crafting a retail resume, there are a few key sections you must include to make it stand out to hiring managers. These sections typically include:

  • Contact information
  • Professional summary or objective statement
  • Work experience
  • Education and certifications

Be sure to list your most recent work experience first, and tailor your skills and responsibilities to the job you’re applying for.

C. Tips for Making Your Resume Visually Appealing and Easy to Read

A well-designed retail resume will not only convey your skills and experience, but it will also be visually appealing and easy to read. Here are some tips to keep in mind:

  • Stick to a clean, simple design.
  • Use bullet points and headings to break up text.
  • Use white space to your advantage.
  • Use bold or italic fonts to highlight important information.

Take the time to craft a well-designed retail resume that showcases your experience and skills effectively. With these tips in mind, you’ll be on your way to landing the job you desire.

Retail Resume Objective Example

A. what is a resume objective.

A retail resume objective is a statement that introduces your skills, experience, and career goals to potential employers. It typically appears at the top of your resume and is meant to catch the hiring manager’s attention by highlighting what you can bring to the table.

B. How to write a strong retail resume objective

To write a strong retail resume objective, it’s important to keep the following points in mind:

  • Keep it short and sweet. Your objective should be one or two sentences at most.
  • Make it tailored to the job you’re applying for. Use keywords from the job listing to show you’re a good fit for the position.
  • Focus on what you can do for the company, not what you want. Employers are more interested in how you can help them than how they can help you.
  • Keep it relevant. Don’t include information that’s not related to the job, like your hobbies or personal interests.

C. Example of an effective retail resume objective

Example: “Hardworking sales associate with 3 years of experience in the retail industry. Seeking a position at XYZ company where I can use my extensive knowledge of customer service and product expertise to exceed sales goals and provide exceptional shopping experiences.”

This objective statement is strong because it quickly highlights the candidate’s relevant experience and skills, while also showing their enthusiasm for the job and the company they’re applying to. It’s tailored to the specific job and uses keywords from the job listing to show that the candidate is a good fit. This objective statement is clear, concise, and effective in communicating the candidate’s value to potential employers.

Retail Resume Summary Example

A. What is a resume summary?

A resume summary is a brief statement that highlights your work experience, skills, accomplishments, and goals. It’s usually placed at the beginning of a resume and serves as an introduction to your professional profile. A well-crafted summary can grab the attention of the hiring manager and persuade them to keep reading your resume.

B. How to write a compelling retail resume summary

To write a compelling retail resume summary, you should focus on your relevant skills and accomplishments. Mention your experience in the retail industry, your ability to work well with customers, and any relevant training or education. Highlight specific achievements, such as increasing sales or improving customer satisfaction. Avoid generic phrases and instead use action verbs to illustrate your achievements.

C. Example of a persuasive retail resume summary

[Name] is a results-driven retail professional with over five years of experience in the industry. Skilled in customer service, inventory management, and visual merchandising, [Name] increased sales by 20% in their last role. With a strong track record of exceptional customer feedback, [Name] is able to build lasting relationships with clients and ensure their return. [Name] holds a Bachelor’s degree in Retail Management and is passionate about implementing innovative strategies to drive profitability and deliver exceptional customer service.

This summary highlights the candidate’s relevant experience, skills, and achievements. It uses specific examples to demonstrate their value and showcases their education and passion for the industry. A strong retail resume summary should communicate your unique value proposition and impress the hiring manager.

Retail Resume Skills Example

If you’re looking to secure a job within the retail industry, then your resume should highlight your relevant skills and experience. It’s key to think carefully about what recruiters are looking for, and tailor your resume accordingly.

A. Key retail skills to highlight on your resume

Some of the essential retail skills to highlight on your resume include:

  • Customer service: This includes being able to communicate effectively with customers, anticipate their needs and provide helpful information and advice.
  • Sales skills: This involves being able to persuade customers to make purchases, recognize sales opportunities and increase sales revenue.
  • Attention to detail: This is especially important in retail, where accuracy is critical when handling stock, cash and customer orders.
  • Product knowledge: Knowing the products you’re selling is important to provide accurate information and build trust with customers.
  • Time management: In busy retail environments, it’s essential to manage your time effectively to get tasks done quickly and efficiently.

B. How to list and describe your retail skills

When it comes to listing your retail skills on your resume, the goal is to make them as eye-catching and relevant as possible. Here are some tips:

  • Use bullet points: This makes it easier for recruiters to skim your resume quickly and identify your key skills.
  • Highlight your achievements: If you have any notable achievements in a previous retail job, make sure to include them. This could be anything from achieving the highest sales figures in your team to exceeding customer service targets.
  • Quantify your accomplishments: Numbers and statistics help to quantify your accomplishments and add credibility to your resume. For example, “Increased sales revenue by 20% through upselling techniques.”
  • Align your skills with the job description: Make sure your key retail skills align with the requirements listed in the job description. This will help your resume pass the initial screening process.

C. Example of a retail resume skills section

  • Customer service: Proven track record of providing excellent customer service to ensure customer satisfaction and repeat business.
  • Sales skills: Consistently exceeded sales targets by utilizing persuasive techniques and recognizing sales opportunities.
  • Attention to detail: Meticulously counted and organized stock, cash, and customer orders with 100% accuracy.
  • Product knowledge: In-depth knowledge of product lines to provide accurate product information and promote customer engagement.
  • Time management: Efficiently managed time to prioritize tasks and complete duties within a fast-paced retail environment.


  • Achieved the highest sales figures in the team for six consecutive months.
  • Recognized as the top-performing customer service representative, receiving multiple recognition awards from customers and colleagues.
  • Successfully implemented a new stock management system, improving stock accuracy by 15%.

When it comes to listing your skills on your retail resume, it’s important to be specific and targeted to the job for which you are applying. Showcase your skills in bullet points with achievements that quantify your accomplishments.

Retail Resume Experience Example

If you have experience working in retail, it’s important to showcase your skills in your resume. Here’s how to effectively showcase your retail experience:

A. How to effectively showcase your retail experience

Use specific job titles: Instead of simply saying you worked in retail, try to be specific about the types of roles you held. For example, if you were a cashier, specify that in your job titles.

Highlight relevant skills: Retail experience can be incredibly diverse, so make sure to highlight the skills that are most relevant to the job you’re applying for. For example, if you’re applying for a sales position, emphasize your experience in customer service and your ability to close deals.

Quantify your accomplishments: If possible, try to include numbers to demonstrate your impact. For example, if you increased sales by a certain percentage, be sure to include that information.

B. What to include in your work history section

When including your retail experience in your work history section, make sure to include the following information:

  • Company name
  • Dates of employment
  • Accomplishments (if applicable)

C. Example of a well-written retail experience section

Here’s an example of a retail experience section that effectively showcases the candidate’s skills and accomplishments:

Sales Associate  XYZ Retail | New York, NY | Jan 2017 – Present

  • Assisted customers with product selection
  • Shared product knowledge and features to meet customer needs, resulting in a 20% increase in sales
  • Processed cash and credit transactions accurately and efficiently
  • Collaborated with team on visual merchandising to ensure attractive product displays
  • Trained new sales associates on the sales process and product knowledge

By following these tips and including the relevant information in your work history section, you can effectively showcase your retail experience and land the job you want.

Retail Resume Education Example

When it comes to crafting a strong retail resume, the education section is often an afterthought. However, showcasing your education can help you stand out as a top candidate for the job. In this section, we will discuss what to include in your education section, how to properly list your education, and provide an example of a strong education section for a retail resume.

A. What to include in your education section

Your education section should include the following information:

  • Name of degree or certification (e.g. Bachelor of Science in Marketing, Certified Sales Associate)
  • Name of institution and location (city, state)
  • Graduation date or expected graduation date
  • GPA (if above 3.0)

You may also choose to include any relevant coursework or academic achievements.

B. How to properly list your education

When listing your education, be sure to list the most recent degree or certification first. Start with the name of the degree or certification, followed by the name of the institution, location, and graduation date. If you have multiple degrees or certifications, list them in reverse chronological order.

Here’s an example of how to list your education:

  • Bachelor of Science in Marketing, University of California Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA, Expected graduation date: May 2022, GPA: 3.5
  • Associate of Arts in Business Administration, Santa Monica College, Santa Monica, CA, May 2020, GPA: 3.7

C. Example of a strong education section for a retail resume

Here is an example of a strong education section for a retail resume:

  • Relevant coursework: Retail Buying, Visual Merchandising, Consumer Behavior
  • Academic Achievement: Dean’s List, Fall 2020

This education section not only lists the degree and institution, but also includes relevant coursework and academic achievements. It showcases the candidate’s strong GPA and their dedication to their field of study. By including this level of detail, the candidate shows that they are a top contender for a job in retail.

In your own retail resume, be sure to follow the guidelines for including your education section, and consider including relevant coursework and academic achievements to make your resume stand out.

Retail Resume Certifications and Licenses Example

A. why including certifications and licenses is important.

In the retail industry, including certifications and licenses on your resume is crucial because it shows potential employers that you have gone above and beyond the basic requirements for your job. Certifications and licenses demonstrate to employers that you are knowledgeable about specific products or procedures and can handle situations that may arise.

B. Types of retail certifications and licenses to list

When it comes to retail certifications and licenses, the options are vast. Here are a few types of certifications and licenses that you should consider including on your retail resume:

1. Retail Industry Certifications

These are certifications that show your expertise in the retail industry, such as the Certified Retail Management Professional (CRMP) or the National Retail Federation’s Retail Industry Fundamentals Certification.

2. Product-Specific Certifications

If you work in a specialized retail environment that promotes or sells specific products, such as jewelry, clothing, or electronics, listing product-specific certifications can make you stand out. Examples include the Gemological Institute of America’s Jewelry Professional Certification or the Apple Certified Macintosh Technician (ACMT) certification.

3. Occupational Health and Safety Certifications

Working in retail can also come with safety risks. Occupational health and safety certifications, such as the OSHA 10-hour General Industry certification, not only show your commitment to safety but can also make you a more attractive candidate.

C. Example of a certifications and licenses section on a retail resume

Certifications and Licenses:

  • Certified Retail Management Professional (CRMP)
  • National Retail Federation’s Retail Industry Fundamentals Certification
  • Gemological Institute of America’s Jewelry Professional Certification
  • Apple Certified Macintosh Technician (ACMT)
  • OSHA 10-hour General Industry certification

Including a section for your certifications and licenses can make a significant impact on your resume. It shows that you have gone above and beyond the basics and can handle challenging situations in the retail industry. By selecting relevant certifications that demonstrate your expertise, you can make yourself a more competitive candidate and increase your chances of getting hired.

Retail Resume Awards and Achievements Example

In the competitive world of retail, it’s crucial to stand out from the crowd. One way to do so is by highlighting your awards and achievements on your resume. Not only do these honors demonstrate your hard work and dedication, but they also show potential employers that you have a track record of success.

When listing your awards and achievements on your retail resume, be sure to follow a few guidelines. Firstly, prioritize your most impressive and relevant accolades. If you’ve won an award in a specific field or category, make sure to mention it prominently. Secondly, quantify your achievements wherever possible. Use statistics and numbers to show the impact of your accomplishments. Finally, don’t forget to tailor your achievements to the specific job you’re applying for. Highlight the awards and honors that are most relevant to the position at hand.

To give you an idea of what a retail resume achievements section might look like, consider the following example:

Retail Resume Achievements

Sales accomplishments.

  • Increased store sales by 15% over the course of one fiscal year through effective merchandising and sales strategies
  • Achieved top sales performance in the company for three consecutive quarters
  • Earned recognition from district manager for outstanding sales performance and customer service

Leadership and Management Achievements

  • Successfully managed a team of ten employees, resulting in high morale and increased productivity
  • Developed and implemented a training program for new hires, resulting in a 50% reduction in employee turnover
  • Earned promotion to assistant manager after demonstrating strong leadership skills and excellent performance

Customer Service Awards

  • Received the “Customer Service All-Star” award three times for maintaining high levels of customer satisfaction
  • Recognized by corporate for outstanding customer service skills and efficiency
  • Earned positive customer feedback in 95% of customer satisfaction surveys

By highlighting your awards and achievements in a section like the one above, you can show potential employers that you have a proven track record of success in the retail industry. Remember to prioritize your most relevant and impressive accolades, quantify your accomplishments, and tailor your achievements to the job at hand. With these tips, your retail resume is sure to catch the eye of hiring managers and land you the job you deserve.

Retail Resume Example for Sales Associate

As a sales associate, your resume should showcase your exceptional communication, customer service, and problem-solving skills. Key components specific to a sales associate resume include:

Strong customer service skills: Sales associates must be able to interact with customers in a positive and professional manner, handle customer complaints, and help them make informed purchasing decisions.

Product knowledge: Sales associates must have a thorough understanding of the products they sell, including their features, benefits, and limitations. This will allow them to answer customers’ questions and provide recommendations based on their needs.

Sales skills: A sales associate should be able to identify and capitalize on opportunities to sell additional products or services to customers.

Technical skills: Sales associates should know how to operate computer systems and point-of-sale devices.

Here’s an example of a well-written sales associate retail resume:

123 Main St. | Anytown, USA 12345 | (555) 555-5555 |  [email protected]

To obtain a sales associate position at XYZ Retail where my exceptional customer service skills and experience in sales and inventory management can be utilized to improve profitability and exceed customer expectations.

Professional Summary

Results-driven sales associate with four years of experience delivering excellent customer service while generating sales revenue. Proficient in point-of-sale operations, inventory management, and visual merchandising.

  • Strong customer service skills
  • Product knowledge on fashion and apparel
  • Sales skills emphasizing on upselling
  • Skilled in computer systems and POS Devices

Sales Associate, ABC Retail

Anytown, USA (2018-present)

Assisted customers in making purchasing decisions through product knowledge and exceptional customer service, resulting in a 15% increase in sales in 2020.

Upsold complementary products, resulting in a 10% increase in average transaction value.

Maintained and organized inventory, ensuring accurate stock levels, and completing orders on time.

Sales Associate, DEF Clothing

Anytown, USA (2016-2018)

Entered sales revenue into POS software with strict attention to detail, ensuring accurate and timely financial reports.

Tracked inventory levels, keeping the stockroom clean, and merchandise displayed attractively on the sales floor.

Bachelor’s Degree in Business Administration

XYZ University

Anytown, USA


This retail sales associate resume showcases the applicant’s strong customer service, sales and product knowledge, and technical skills, all of which are essential for success in this role.

Retail Resume Example for Management Position

If you are aiming for a management position in retail, understanding the key components that make an effective management resume is crucial. A strong retail management resume showcases not only your leadership skills but also your experience, education, and achievements in the industry. Here are some key components to include when creating your retail management resume:

A. Key components specific to a management resume

1. professional summary.

This section should be a brief overview of your background, highlighting your experience, skills, and achievements. It should be written in a way that grabs the hiring manager’s attention and encourages them to read on.

2. Relevant Skills

A retail management resume should highlight your relevant skills, including leadership, communication, problem-solving, customer service, sales, and inventory management. Try to provide examples of how you have used these skills in previous roles.

3. Accomplishments

Make sure to highlight your achievements in your previous roles, including any improvements you made regarding sales figures, customer satisfaction, or operational efficiencies. Consider using metrics to quantify your accomplishments.

4. Education

List your educational qualifications and any relevant certifications or courses that you have completed. It’s also a good idea to mention any industry-specific training you have received.

5. Work Experience

Provide a detailed overview of your work experience, starting with your most recent role. Focus on your leadership and management experience, detailing your responsibilities and achievements.

6. References

Include a section with contact details for at least two references, ideally from past retail employers. These references should be able to attest to your leadership skills and experience.

A strong retail management resume should showcase your leadership skills, highlight your experience and education, provide examples of your relevant skills, detail your accomplishments, and include references from past retail employers. By following these key components, you can create a management resume that will grab the attention of hiring managers and increase your chances of landing your dream retail job.

B. Winning Retail Management Resume Example

Here’s an example of a retail management resume that incorporates the key components mentioned:

John Smith 123 Main Street | Anytown, USA 12345 | (555) 555-1234 | [email protected]

Professional Summary: Results-oriented and motivated retail manager with 8+ years of experience in leading high-performing teams and driving sales growth. Proven track record of achieving operational excellence and delivering exceptional customer service. Strong leadership, communication, and problem-solving skills.

Relevant Skills:

  • Leadership and team management
  • Sales and revenue growth
  • Customer service excellence
  • Inventory management and control
  • Visual merchandising
  • Staff training and development
  • Budgeting and financial analysis
  • Problem-solving and decision-making
  • Strong knowledge of retail industry trends and best practices


  • Increased store sales by 20% through the implementation of effective sales strategies and customer engagement initiatives.
  • Streamlined inventory management processes, resulting in a 15% reduction in stock discrepancies and improved product availability.
  • Developed and implemented a comprehensive visual merchandising plan that led to a 30% increase in sales of featured products.
  • Successfully trained and developed a team of 15 sales associates, resulting in improved customer satisfaction scores and increased employee retention.

Education: Bachelor of Business Administration in Retail Management XYZ University Graduation: May 20XX

Work Experience: Store Manager | ABC Retail Store | June 20XX – Present

  • Oversee all aspects of store operations, including sales, customer service, inventory management, and staff supervision.
  • Develop and execute sales strategies to drive revenue growth and meet or exceed targets.
  • Ensure exceptional customer service standards are maintained to enhance customer satisfaction and loyalty.
  • Implement effective visual merchandising techniques to maximize product visibility and drive sales.
  • Train and develop store staff, providing coaching and feedback to optimize performance.

Assistant Store Manager | DEF Retail Store | January 20XX – June 20XX

  • Assisted the store manager in overseeing daily operations, including sales, customer service, and inventory management.
  • Managed a team of 10 sales associates, providing guidance and support to ensure a high level of customer service.
  • Implemented promotional strategies to increase store traffic and boost sales.
  • Monitored and maintained accurate inventory levels, minimizing stock shortages and overstocks.

References: Available upon request

In this example, the resume includes a professional summary, relevant skills, accomplishments, education, work experience, and references. The focus is on showcasing leadership skills, providing examples of relevant experience and achievements, and highlighting industry knowledge and expertise. The resume is formatted in a clear and organized manner, making it easy to read and scan for key information.

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retail achievements resume examples

  • • Provided exceptional customer service, leading to a 20% increase in repeat customers.
  • • Set up attractive product displays, resulting in a 15% increase in sales.
  • • Managed store inventory, ensuring timely replenishment of stock.
  • • Collaborated with the team to organize promotional events and sales.
  • • Assisted customers in product selection, ensuring satisfaction.
  • • Handled cash transactions efficiently and accurately.
  • • Participated in training sessions to enhance product knowledge.
  • • Maintained store cleanliness and organized product displays.

21 Retail Resume Examples & Guide for 2024

Your retail resume must prominently feature your customer service skills. Highlight instances where you've successfully handled customer inquiries or resolved issues. Demonstrate your efficiency and familiarity with point-of-sale systems in your retail resume. Include specific examples of your sales achievements and inventory management prowess.

All resume examples in this guide

retail achievements resume examples

Entry-Level Retail

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Apple Retail

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Assistant Manager Retail

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Fashion Retail

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Grocery Manager

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High End Retail

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Luxury Retail

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Merchandise Manager

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Merchandising Manager

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Retail Assistant Store Manager

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Retail Designer

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Retail Director

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Retail General Manager

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Retail Operations Manager

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Retail Pharmacist

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Retail Sales Supervisor

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Retail Salesperson

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Visual Retail

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Retail Sales Associate

Resume guide, what you’ll learn here, how to write a retail resume that shows your true value, how to create a catchy header for retail resumes, summary section to your retail resume: dos and don’ts, how to write an experience section for a retail resume, what are the best retail skills to put on a resume, is education required in retail resumes, which certificates are most required for retail jobs, do you need a language section for retail resumes, key takeaways.

By Experience

Retail resume example

Applying for a retail position?

In our long years helping job hunters get hired, we’ve come to realize one thing:

It takes a lot of patience and commitment to land your dream job in retail and make your way to the top.

You’ll come across hundreds of job openings in your local area, most of which have requirements that you can easily meet.

But despite that…

Your job hunt is yet to end because you’re not getting any calls.

Or perhaps this is your first time applying for a retail job, and you have no idea how to get yourself noticed.

The good news is:

Since you have the skills and qualifications to excel at the position, nothing will stop you.

You’re only missing one key piece in the puzzle…

And that is a killer resume that highlights your strengths and value.

So now you might be wondering:

How do I even get started with my retail resume? And if I already have one, what can I do to improve it further?

That’s exactly what we’re going to teach you this guide.

Let’s dive in…

  • How to look at the job application from the recruiter’s perspective
  • Ideal format and resume structure for retail job applications
  • Most important sections to put in your retail resume
  • How highlighting your relevant experience makes all the difference
  • Best soft and core skills for retail resumes and how to include them

Recruiters go through hundreds of retail resumes before settling on a final candidate. But… It’s impossible for them to read through all applications with the same level of focus and enthusiasm.

As a quick solution:

Companies have to use applicant tracking systems (ATS) to scan long lists of job applications. The software will then cut through the noise and only keep the most promising resumes for the final evaluation.

If you want to maximize your chances of getting hired , your resume must use an ATS-friendly format.

How do you that?

With a few simple tricks:

Always keep your retail resume to one-page long … Because that makes it easier to scan by both computers and human beings.

Of course, that doesn’t mean you should fill every single inch on the page with content. A proper font with lots of white space around the page are crucial for your resume design.

For the format:

We recommend the reverse-chronological structure for the retail industry. Simply because it does an excellent job portraying your experience and how you’ve developed.

It will also leave you enough space to feature other essential sections , such as skills and education.

Make sure to always save your retail resume in PDF format as it is easier to send in your job applications. It’s also the perfect format for maintaining the resume template on all types of devices.

Top retail resume sections

  • Certificates

What every recruiter wants to see in a retail resume

  • Industry expertise with demonstrated knowledge of merchandise and pricing
  • Practical experience with relevant POS systems
  • Customer service skills and communication
  • Ability to advise customers on various purchases regarding retail products
  • Proven multi-tasking skills and attention-to-detail

There are many ways you can be wrong about creating a header section for your retail resume. But there’s only one right way to do that.

First things first:

The header section should sit at the top of your resume so that it’s the first thing anyone sees. That offers you a chance to leave a memorable impression and hammer your name into the recruiter’s mind.

You must only add relevant contact details that might affect the hiring decision. That includes the following information:

  • Email address
  • City, State address
  • LinkedIn profile

You can’t place these details randomly on the page and expect the hiring manager to guess what is what.

That’s why you must always put your name at the top with a slightly bigger font, separated from the rest. Your job title will then follow with a smaller font to maintain a clear hierarchy.

Below that, you’ll include the rest of the personal details in the same font size and color style .

Here’s how that might look like on the page:

2 Retail Resume Header Examples

Looking good, right?

But still not quite there yet from the hiring manager’s perspective.

Here’s how you can make that better:

  • Always use a work email address to portray professionalism
  • Only include the “City, State” when it comes to your physical address
  • Feature a link to your LinkedIn profile to allow recruiters to learn more about you

Now — look at this example:

The summary is a tricky section:

While it makes you feel like you’re improving your resume, it can hurt your chances of getting hired if it’s not perfected.

How does that happen? You ask.

If your summary section is all filler content without any actual value, it will only weaken your resume. The last thing you want to do is make the recruiter feel like they’re wasting their time by reading your application.

Here’s how to write a summary section that sums up your retail expertise:

As its name suggests, this section should summarize your whole experience in three to four main ideas.

Write a small paragraph that tells the company why they should hire you. And use it to feature your best achievements and back that up with quantifiable results.

Remember also to include highly-specific soft and technical skills to highlight relevance.

Here’s an example:

2 Retail Resume Summary Examples

Let’s be honest here…

You wouldn’t hire yourself if your resume had a summary like the one above. Simply because it checks all the wrong boxes by being vague and generic.

Even worse, it doesn’t do a good job proving the candidate’s worth compared to others.

A good resume summary shows how you can help by:

  • Using action verbs in the past tense to establish clear causality
  • Highlighting your best, most relevant retail experiences and skills
  • Supporting your claims with accomplishments and quantifiable metrics

Let’s see a better example:

The summary is an excellent place to include ATS keywords strategically and increase relevance to the position. Read carefully through the job posting to identify any important keywords you can use here.

The experience section is the most crucial part of your resume because it’s where you’ll demonstrate your true worth. You’ll take headhunters from only knowing your name to believing you’re their perfect candidate.

To create a killer experience section, you must follow a clear set of expert-driven rules.

For instance:

Since you’re using the reverse chronological format, you must feature your employment history from the latest job to the oldest one.

Of course, you won’t have to include every single position you held in the past. Instead, you’ll focus on the best, most relevant ones.

Make sure each job you list includes the:

  • Employer or company name
  • Work duration (Month/Year)
  • 3-5 bullet points showcasing your responsibilities

Most job achievements in retail are easily measurable, which is great if you want to stand out from the pack.

Quantifying your performance in this section gives recruiters a more holistic view of what you’re capable of. And that makes the decision-making part a whole lot easier.

For instance…

Instead of writing “I was good at customer service,” you can show how the store ratings improved after you got hired.

Here are some questions to help you come up with more measurable achievements:

  • Did you increase sales by a certain percent?
  • Did happy customers compliment your customer service and communication skills?
  • Have you ever been recognized as employee of the month?
  • What POS skills do you have? And how were you able to use them to excel in the job?

Enough with the theoretical knowledge! Let's see some real examples…

2 Retail Resume Experience Examples

  • • Responsible for assessing customer needs and offered solutions
  • • Assisted with store product while following safety guidelines
  • • Helped with maintaining proper inventory levels and audits

Although it does get some parts right, the previous example will lose you endless job opportunities.

Three reasons:

**#1 — None of the duties are specific. ** Any sales associate working in any retail store or business can claim to handle such job duties. And even though they’re not lying, such overused phrases will only weaken your resume.

**#2 — The achievements are impossible to quantify. ** Let’s look at it this way:

There are major differences between sales associates when it comes to job performance. Some are super-friendly, diligent, and enthusiastic — while others may give off bad vibes and push buyers away.

A recruiter has no way of differentiating you from the second type — unless you help them with precise metrics.

**#3 — Weak language that doesn’t infer clear causality. ** Expressions like “responsible for” and “helped with” make you a secondary character in your own story. So, be sure to start each bullet point with an action verb to show your direct contribution in the workplace.

Here’s a much better experience section example:

  • • Improved Yelp ratings by 1.2+ through effective communication and outstanding customer service
  • • Recognized as Employee of The Month on five occasions for increasing store sales and maintaining trust when handling money
  • • Trained 4 junior cashiers and sales associates on POS systems and product knowledge

Retail skills can be broken down into two categories: soft skills and hard skills .

The difference between the two is quite simple:

Soft skills are personal characteristics that make you best fit to interact with others and thrive in the job.

A few examples of soft skills for retail include:

  • Interpersonal skills
  • Customer service

Hard skills, however, are learned abilities that lean more towards the technical and can be measured based on results. In retail, that includes skills, such as:

  • POS systems
  • Retail software
  • Money handling

The question now becomes:

Which soft/hard skills should you put on a retail resume?

That depends.

If you’re applying for a store clerk position, your resume section must focus on customer service skills and technical knowledge.

On the other hand:

A store manager’s role requires more commerciality and leadership skills.

So, it’s all about your background and plan for the future.

To help you accelerate your job hunt, we’ve gathered the best soft and core retail skills to include in a resume.

Best 10 hard skills for retail resumes

  • Payment systems
  • Cash management
  • Math skills
  • Quality assurance
  • Inventory management
  • Product knowledge

12 in-demand soft skills for retail jobs

  • Hospitality
  • Communication
  • Problem-solving
  • Positive attitude
  • Attention-to-detail
  • Sales skills
  • Productivity
  • Customer relations
  • Commercial awareness

The truth is:

Although a school degree isn’t so crucial for most retail jobs, companies often require a bare minimum level of education before hiring. Under the job requirements, you’ll see them asking for a high school diploma or GED .

If you have a GED or a better diploma, you must include an education section in your resume .

For managerial positions, employers will ask for a higher degree — such as a B.Sc in Retail Management. So, take your time to read through each application and make sure you meet the requirements.

Your education section should look something like this:

It all depends on which job position you’re applying for and your goals for the future.

If you’re a retail store manager, try to feature a project management certificate in your resume. Although it’s not required, such a certification will put its owner ahead of the competition.

Certificates are also crucial for climbing up the ladder and getting promoted quickly.

On the contrary:

It wouldn’t make a difference if you featured a sales management certificate for an entry-level job. In fact, you might come off as overqualified and not be considered for the position.

Here are some of the most sought-after certificates to list on your resume :

Top retail job certificates for your resume

  • Project Management Professional (PMP)
  • Certified Sales Professional (CSP)
  • Sales Management (SIOR)
  • Certified Manager Certification (CMC)

Language is a necessary tool for day-to-day interactions with retail customers. That’s especially true in areas where there’s a lot of cultural diversity and foreign customers.

Hiring companies will sometimes specify the languages they’re looking for in a retail applicant. But even if they don’t, a language section can offer a plus to your resume.

Here’s how to add languages to your resume :

List them all based on your level of efficiency. And make sure to start with the ones most relevant to the company’s customer profile.

  • Leave a bold impression on recruiters by customizing your resume to match retail job applications
  • Write a good summary that features accomplishments and retail-specific skills
  • Use your relevant work history as a key selling point to show your true impact
  • Include relevant keywords, skills, and phrases to get your resume noticed by applicant tracking systems
  • Add more sections such as education, certificates, and languages to make your application more noticeable when the competition is fierce

Retail resume examples

Explore additional retail resume samples and guides and see what works for your level of experience or role.

Entry Level Retail Resume Example

Retail Sales Associate positions are heavily influenced by trends in retail and customer service. For a more successful application, consider the following advice:

Include any sales-based experience, especially upselling and cross-selling strategies. Retail environments often focus on sales targets, so any skills that directly boost sales are valuable. Remember to feature your people skills as well, since establishing rapport and building relationships with customers are crucial. Additionally, do not simply mention your merchandising skills but also explain how they help to enhance store aesthetics and drive customer purchases; follow the 'skill-action-result' pattern to achieve this.

retail resume example

Looking to build your own Retail resume?

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4 Retail Resume Examples & Writing Guide

Looking to get hired in retail? Check out 4 sample resumes for different retail roles, plus tips on how to write your own. Learn what to include and avoid on your retail resume, how to highlight your most relevant skills and experience, and how to format it for maximum impact. Use these examples and advice to improve your resume and land more interviews.


Writing a resume for a retail position can be hard, especially if you don't have much experience. Many people applying for the same jobs makes it even more of a challenge to catch the attention of hiring managers.

But don't worry - this guide is here to help. It has tips and advice for putting together a retail resume that will show your value to potential employers. You'll also find some real-world examples of resumes from retail professionals. These samples give you useful ideas and a clear picture of what your resume should look like.

By following the best practices outlined here and looking at the resume examples included, you'll be able to create your own impressive resume. A well-written resume increases your odds of landing interviews and getting hired for the retail job you want. So let's dive in and learn how to build a retail resume that gets results.

Common Responsibilities Listed on Retail Resumes

  • Assisted customers in selecting products and providing product information
  • Processed sales transactions using cash registers and point-of-sale systems
  • Maintained store cleanliness and organization, including stocking shelves and displays
  • Conducted regular inventory checks and restocked merchandise as needed
  • Handled customer inquiries, complaints, and returns professionally
  • Collaborated with team members to achieve sales goals and provide excellent customer service
  • Followed store policies, procedures, and safety guidelines
  • Participated in store promotions, sales events, and product launches
  • Received and processed shipments of new merchandise
  • Maintained knowledge of current sales, promotions, and store policies
  • Demonstrated strong communication and interpersonal skills to build customer relationships

How to write a Resume Summary

A good summary or objective section in a resume is like a well-placed billboard you come across during your drive, it needs to capture attention, deliver information swiftly and effectively, stimulating the curiosity to find out more. For retail professionals who interact directly with customers, this part can highlight their skills and experiences associated with sales generation and customer engagement.

So, what captures the essence of your professional self?

Start with a Strong Statement

Begin with a well-composed sentence that captures the essence of who you are as a professional. This isn't about boasting those amazing sales numbers; instead, it should exhibit your understanding of the retail sector and your role in it. Display your authentic self; let them see the person beyond the salesperson.

Highlight Relevant Skills

Next, pull out the telescope and focus on your skills. Here, magnify those abilities that are high-value in the retail world. Customer interaction, multitasking, problem-solving, prioritizing tasks, are all transferable skills that hold value. Rooted in your experiences, your abilities should project the kind of retail professional you are.

Set Career Goals

Lastly, place a marker on where you see yourself heading. Your objectives relay your aspirations, and talent recruiters usually appreciate this insight. Addressing career goals isn't about name-dropping a desired position. Instead, discuss your intent to learn, grow, and contribute to the retail sector.

Traps to Avoid

Avoid generic platitudes in your summary. Blanket statements do little to distinguish you from the crowd. Offer specifics that convey your unique experiences in the retail sector.

Similarly, suiting up your summary in overused industry jargon can alienate readers. Remember, the aim is to maintain authentic representation.

Lastly, refrain from making unfounded boasts. Recruiters are experienced and can often see through inflated claims.

Remember, this section of your resume should serve as an engaging film trailer to your feature-length career.

Strong Summaries

  • A results-driven retail professional with over 10 years of experience in the industry. Proven track record in improving store sales whilst delivering top-notch customer service.
  • Customer-oriented Retailer with 5 years of experience and a passion for creating a positive shopping experience. Skilled in merchandizing, inventory management and resolving customer complaints.
  • Accomplished Retail Manager skilled in driving sales and revamping business processes. Demonstrable expertise in team leadership and customer relationship management.
  • Dynamic and deadline-oriented Retail Sales Representative with 3 year expertise in product knowledge, product promotion and customer-facing sales. Excellent ability to connect with diverse customers and close high-ticket sales.

Why these are strong ?

These are good examples because they clearly state the individual's potency in terms of years of experience, core competencies, achievements, and personality traits. These summarize the professional life of the candidate in a crisp but effective way, whilst enabling the HR manager to gain a fast understanding of the candidate's competencies. Furthermore, they also give a glimpse of what the candidate specializes in and what their major achievements / skills are. Summaries like these, with industry-specific keywords, also help a resume to rank higher in an automated tracking system.

Weak Summaries

  • Sales expert with two years of experience at a clothing store. I helped customers and conducted transactions.
  • Having been in the retail industry for years, worked all types of jobs from basic cashier to managing the whole store. Can work the cash register, fold clothes and I'm really nice to customers.
  • Worked five years. Sold clothing, food and technology. I'm reliable, punctual and have strong social skills.
  • I worked at a local store while in college, managed sales and cash register, have experience with different products and customer service.

Why these are weak ?

The examples provided above are considered as bad practices for a summary section in a Retail resume for several reasons. First, they lack specific details about the roles assumed, key achievements, and numeric results. They are also poorly written which does not leave a good impression on the employer. Second, they are mundane and do not provide a unique selling point to differentiate the candidate from other applicants. Additionally, they do not mention the skills and expertise gained in the retail industry, which could range from product knowledge to sales abilities, leadership skills, and customer engagement. Lastly, they do not provide a clear career trajectory or the candidate's career goal. This could make it unclear to the employer if the candidate is a good fit for the position.

Showcase your Work Experience

A powerful work experience section can significantly boost your chances of getting shortlisted for jobs in retail. It acts as a vivid portrayal of your professional journey and enables employers to evaluate your competence based on your past roles. Let's dive into understanding how to optimize this crucial part of your resume.

Prioritizing Relevance is Key

The work experience section in your resume is not just a summary of what you have done, but importantly, it should emphasize what you have accomplished that is relevant to the role you're seeking. Thus, prioritize roles and responsibilities that mirror the job you're applying to. If you've worked in diverse roles, curate the descriptions such that they align with the requirements of the position you're interested in.

Brag Smartly, Quantitatively

Numbers are universally convincing. Instead of saying "I was a successful salesperson," specify your achievements in quantifiable terms, like "Increased store sales by 25% in 6 months." These measurables effectively communicate your skills and achievements to potential employers.

Quantify your accomplishments and impact in each role using specific metrics, percentages, and dollar amounts to demonstrate the value you brought to your previous employers. This helps hiring managers quickly understand the scope and significance of your contributions.

Show Progression and Growth

Every employer appreciates an individual who shows professional growth. Start with your first role and subsequently list others, giving evidence of how your responsibilities increased or how your skills were enriched with each position. This is not only an indicator of your ability to take up higher roles but also demonstrates your potential to grow within the new organization.

Use Power Verbs for Strong Statements

Using weak or passive verbs drains energy from your statements. Power verbs like 'spearheaded', 'chaired', 'executed' give your sentences a dynamic tone. Even in the simplest of statements, a powerful verb can make a strong impression.

Keep Refining

Your first draft is not your final. Keep reviewing and refining your work experience section until it best reflects your abilities, significance, and suitability for the role. With due patience and thoughtfulness, you can create a work experience section that truly propels your value to potential employers.

Strong Experiences

  • Managed cash register operations, ensuring efficient checkout process and accurate accounting of daily sales
  • Handled customer inquiries and issues, providing information on products and processing returns
  • Collaborated with inventory management team to smoothly process new shipments and arrange merchandise displays
  • Led sales drives during holidays and promotional periods, consistently achieving sales targets
  • Implemented new sales tactics that led to a 15% increase in weekly revenue
  • Coordinated with multiple departments to ensure seamless customer experience

In these resume bullet points, the examples clearly elucidate the responsibilities and achievements in the retail position. They are considered good examples because they not only specify the candidate's duties but also quantify their accomplishments, showing potential impact if they were to be hired by a potential employer. Additionally, they use powerful action verbs like 'Managed', 'Handled', 'Collaborated', 'Led', and 'Implemented' to begin each point, which keeps the reader engaged and allows them to clearly visualize the candidate performing these tasks.

Weak Experiences

  • Worked at a store for a bit.
  • Sold some things.
  • Handled customers.
  • Did some retail stuff.
  • Money transactions.
  • Helped customers find stuff.
  • I was in charge for a while.

These examples are considered bad because they are too vague and lack specificity needed in a resume. Phrases such as 'Did stuff' or 'Worked at a store for a bit' do not provide any information about what the job entailed, the skills you might have used or learned, or how you contributed to the organization. They also do not show any indicators of your performance or achievements at the job, which is information potential employers need to evaluate your suitability for a position. Lastly, such bullet points do not use any power words or action verbs that catch an employer's attention and demonstrate your abilities.

Skills, Keywords & ATS Tips

Writing a resume for a retail position involves something more than mentioning your past experiences and education. It's crucial to include both hard and soft skills that are relevant to the job. By doing so, you increase the chances of your resume getting past the Applicant Tracking System (ATS) and catching the attention of a hiring manager.

Hard Skills in a Retail Resume

Hard skills are your technical knowledge or abilities, which are acquired through education, training, or work experience. In a retail setting, these are the specific skills you use to perform your job. They may include ability to handle cash transactions, knowledge of inventory management, customer service, and familiarity with Point Of Sale (POS) systems. These abilities are easy to measure and define, which is why they tend to carry weight in a resume.

Keep in mind that the job description will usually list these specific skills. By including them in your resume, you make it easier for the ATS to recognize a match, increasing your chances of moving onto the next stage of the hiring process.

Soft Skills in a Retail Resume

Soft skills, on the other hand, are personal attributes or traits that show how well you work with others and handle your job. These skills, such as communication, teamwork, or problem-solving, are harder to measure than hard skills but are just as vital in a retail environment.

Although soft skills are subjective and not easily quantifiable, they are highly valued in a retail setting where you need to interact with customers, manage difficult situations, and work effectively as part of a team. Showcasing these skills on your resume can make you appear more appealing to a hiring manager.

The Critical Connection: ATS, Keywords, and Matching Skills

Recruiters often use an ATS to filter through resumes. This software is used to match the required skills mentioned in the job description with those listed in resumes. Thus, for your resume to get past the ATS, it needs to have the right keywords – typically the hard skills and, to some extent, the soft skills.

Using keywords and skills from the job description in your resume is called "matching skills". This strategy is often effective in getting your resume past the ATS and onto a hiring manager's desk. By aligning your skills with the job requirements, you demonstrate your suitability for the position.

Remember, it's not just about listing skills - it's about illustrating how you used these skills in previous roles. But don't overdo it. The key is to focus on the most critical skills for the job you're applying for, and provide evidence that you have those skills.

In short, recognize the significance of both hard and soft skills in a retail resume, and understand the role of an ATS and keyword matching in terms of getting your resume noticed. By doing so, you increase your chances of securing an interview and eventually the job.

Top Hard & Soft Skills for Full Stack Developers

Hard skills.

  • Customer Service
  • Visual Merchandising
  • Inventory Control
  • POS Systems
  • Cash Handling
  • Time Management
  • Product Knowledge
  • Store Layout Design
  • Retail Software
  • Loss Prevention Techniques
  • Stock Management
  • Merchandise Displays
  • Retail Sales Analysis
  • Operational Retail Software

Soft Skills

  • Communication
  • Problem-Solving
  • Adaptability
  • Customer-Focused
  • Flexibility
  • Conflict Resolution
  • Detail-Orientated
  • Stress Management
  • Organizational Skills

Top Action Verbs

Use action verbs to highlight achievements and responsibilities on your resume.

  • Coordinated
  • Implemented
  • Prioritized

Education & Certifications

Including your education and certificates on your resume is crucial, and it's relatively simple! Start by creating a new section titled "Education" or "Credentials". For each educational course, include the name of the institution, the degree or certificate obtained, and the year of completion. For instance, "XYZ University, Bachelor of Commerce, 2012.". Similarly, list your certificates concisely in chronological order. Remember, relevance is key, so keep retail-related studies and certificates up front.

Some of the most important certifications for Retails

Validates the skills required for entry-level retail sales and customer service positions.

Resume FAQs for Retails

What is the best format for a retail resume.

The most effective format for a retail resume is the reverse-chronological format. This format emphasizes your most recent and relevant work experience first, making it easier for hiring managers to quickly assess your qualifications. It also helps to highlight your career progression and achievements in the retail industry.

How long should a retail resume be?

Ideally, a retail resume should be one to two pages in length. If you have less than 10 years of experience, aim for a one-page resume. For those with more extensive experience, a two-page resume is acceptable. Focus on including the most relevant information and accomplishments that demonstrate your suitability for the role you are applying for.

What are the most important skills to include on a retail resume?

When creating a retail resume, focus on highlighting skills that are essential for success in the industry. These include customer service, sales, communication, problem-solving, and time management. Additionally, emphasize any technical skills relevant to the role, such as proficiency with point-of-sale (POS) systems or inventory management software.

How can I make my retail resume stand out?

To make your retail resume stand out, use strong action verbs to describe your accomplishments and quantify your results whenever possible. For example, instead of simply stating 'increased sales,' write 'increased sales by 20% through effective upselling techniques.' Also, tailor your resume to the specific job description, highlighting the skills and experiences that align with the company's requirements. Finally, consider including a brief summary or objective statement at the top of your resume to grab the hiring manager's attention and convey your career goals.

As the face of the business, retail workers thrive in fast-paced environments, deftly handling customer needs with a smile. Their role encompasses everything from merchandising eye-catching displays to confidently resolving issues at the register. When writing your retail resume, spotlight accomplishments that showcase your customer service talents and ability to juggle multiple tasks. Use vibrant language to bring your expertise to life, like "Expertly guided customers through high-volume rushes" or "Creatively arranged seasonal products, driving 25% sales uplift." With a well-crafted resume, you'll demonstrate why you're the ideal candidate to deliver outstanding retail experiences.

Highly motivated and customer-centric Retail professional with over 8 years of experience in driving sales, enhancing customer satisfaction, and optimizing store operations. Proven track record of consistently exceeding sales targets, implementing effective merchandising strategies, and fostering a positive team environment. Skilled in problem-solving, communication, and adapting to dynamic retail landscapes.

  • Consistently achieved 120% of monthly sales targets through exceptional customer service and product knowledge.
  • Trained and mentored a team of 15 junior sales associates, resulting in a 25% increase in team sales performance.
  • Implemented innovative visual merchandising strategies, leading to a 15% uplift in store foot traffic and conversion rates.
  • Resolved complex customer issues with empathy and professionalism, maintaining a 98% customer satisfaction rating.
  • Collaborated with cross-functional teams to organize successful in-store events and promotions, boosting sales by 30%.
  • Exceeded sales targets by an average of 25% through proactive customer engagement and personalized recommendations.
  • Maintained a deep understanding of product lines, enabling effective cross-selling and upselling techniques.
  • Assisted in store layout optimization, resulting in improved customer flow and a 10% increase in average transaction value.
  • Received multiple "Employee of the Month" awards for outstanding customer service and sales performance.
  • Collaborated with the visual merchandising team to create captivating displays, driving a 20% increase in product sales.
  • Consistently met and exceeded sales goals, contributing to a 15% increase in department revenue.
  • Provided exceptional customer service, assisting customers in product selection and resolving inquiries.
  • Maintained accurate inventory records and performed regular stock replenishment to ensure optimal product availability.
  • Participated in store promotions and special events, driving increased foot traffic and sales.
  • Collaborated with team members to maintain a clean, organized, and visually appealing store environment.
  • Sales Techniques
  • Inventory Management
  • Team Leadership
  • Point of Sale (POS) Systems
  • Upselling and Cross-selling
  • Customer Relationship Management (CRM)
  • Retail Marketing
  • Store Operations

As a retail cashier, you are the face of the company - processing transactions swiftly and courteously while ensuring a positive customer experience. Key duties include operating cash registers, handling cash and other payment methods, bagging merchandise properly, and maintaining an organized checkout area. When crafting your resume, highlight any cash handling experience, exceptional customer service skills, and the ability to work on your feet for extended periods. Showcase your attention to detail and knack for efficient multitasking. Include any relevant certifications for cash registers, point-of-sale systems, or customer service training that could provide an edge.

Highly motivated and customer-oriented Retail Cashier with exceptional interpersonal skills and a passion for delivering outstanding service. Adept at efficiently processing transactions, maintaining accurate cash records, and resolving customer inquiries with a friendly demeanor. Committed to creating a positive shopping experience and fostering customer loyalty.

  • Efficiently process an average of 200 transactions per shift while ensuring accuracy and maintaining a friendly demeanor.
  • Demonstrate expertise in handling various payment methods, including cash, credit/debit cards, and mobile payments.
  • Consistently receive positive customer feedback for providing exceptional service and resolving issues promptly.
  • Collaborate with team members to maintain a clean and organized checkout area, contributing to a positive shopping environment.
  • Assist in training and mentoring new cashiers, fostering a supportive and productive team atmosphere.
  • Processed an average of 180 transactions per shift while maintaining a high level of accuracy and efficiency.
  • Demonstrated proficiency in handling cash, conducting price checks, and processing returns and exchanges.
  • Received Employee of the Month award twice for exceptional performance and customer service.
  • Assisted customers in locating products and provided informed recommendations, enhancing their shopping experience.
  • Contributed to store merchandising efforts by maintaining an attractive and well-stocked checkout area.
  • Provided exceptional customer service, assisting customers with product selections and addressing their concerns.
  • Maintained a clean and organized sales floor, ensuring an attractive and easy-to-navigate shopping environment.
  • Achieved top sales performance within the department, consistently exceeding monthly sales targets.
  • Collaborated with the visual merchandising team to create engaging product displays and promotions.
  • Demonstrated flexibility by working across multiple departments as needed, adapting to various roles and responsibilities.
  • Cash handling
  • Customer service
  • Point of Sale (POS) systems
  • Conflict resolution
  • Multitasking
  • Attention to detail
  • Interpersonal communication
  • Problem-solving
  • Time management
  • Sales techniques
  • Inventory management
  • Product knowledge
  • Loss prevention

A Retail Associate provides excellent customer service, processes sales transactions, and maintains an organized, visually appealing store environment. Essential skills include strong communication, attention to detail, and the ability to work collaboratively. When writing a resume, emphasize relevant retail experience, highlight achievements in customer satisfaction and efficient operations, and showcase your friendly, adaptable nature. Clearly communicate your passion for delivering a positive shopping experience.

Enthusiastic and customer-focused Retail Associate with a passion for delivering exceptional service and driving sales growth. Skilled in product knowledge, visual merchandising, and building strong customer relationships. Adept at working in fast-paced environments while maintaining a positive attitude and attention to detail.

  • Consistently exceeded sales targets by an average of 20% through effective customer engagement and product recommendations.
  • Developed a deep understanding of product lines, enabling me to provide expert advice and solutions to customers.
  • Collaborated with the visual merchandising team to create appealing displays, resulting in a 15% increase in product visibility and sales.
  • Demonstrated exceptional customer service skills, handling customer inquiries and resolving issues promptly and professionally.
  • Trained and mentored new team members, fostering a positive and supportive work environment.
  • Achieved top sales performance among team members, consistently ranking in the top 10% of the department.
  • Provided expert product knowledge and personalized recommendations to customers, driving customer satisfaction and loyalty.
  • Assisted in the implementation of new sales strategies and promotions, contributing to a 10% increase in department revenue.
  • Demonstrated strong problem-solving skills, efficiently handling customer complaints and finding satisfactory resolutions.
  • Participated in cross-functional initiatives to improve store operations and customer experience.
  • Consistently met and exceeded sales goals, contributing to the overall success of the store.
  • Provided exceptional customer service, assisting customers with product selection and answering inquiries.
  • Maintained a clean and organized sales floor, ensuring an inviting shopping experience for customers.
  • Collaborated with team members to execute successful sales promotions and events.
  • Demonstrated flexibility and adaptability by working across multiple departments as needed.
  • Active Listening
  • Effective Communication
  • Problem Solving
  • Goal-Oriented

A Retail Supervisor oversees store operations and staff. On their resume, they should highlight leadership abilities, excellent communication skills, and a track record of delivering outstanding customer service. Quantify managerial achievements, include relevant certifications, and use a clear, organized format to stand out.

Highly motivated and experienced Retail Supervisor with a proven track record of driving sales, enhancing customer satisfaction, and leading high-performance teams. Adept at implementing effective strategies to optimize store operations, improve inventory management, and foster a positive work environment. Passionate about delivering exceptional customer service and contributing to the overall success of the organization.

  • Oversee daily store operations, ensuring smooth functioning and exceptional customer service.
  • Manage a team of 20+ sales associates, providing training, guidance, and performance evaluations.
  • Implement effective sales strategies, resulting in a 15% increase in store revenue.
  • Optimize inventory management processes, reducing stockouts and improving product availability.
  • Collaborate with cross-functional teams to execute successful promotional campaigns and events.
  • Assisted the Store Manager in overseeing daily operations and ensuring customer satisfaction.
  • Trained and mentored sales associates, fostering a positive and productive work environment.
  • Implemented effective visual merchandising strategies, enhancing product appeal and driving sales.
  • Conducted regular store audits to maintain high standards of cleanliness, organization, and safety.
  • Handled customer complaints and resolved issues promptly, ensuring a positive shopping experience.
  • Provided exceptional customer service, assisting customers with product selection and purchases.
  • Maintained store organization and cleanliness, ensuring an inviting shopping environment.
  • Achieved consistently high sales targets, ranking among the top 10% of sales associates.
  • Demonstrated expertise in product knowledge, providing accurate information and recommendations.
  • Collaborated with team members to create engaging displays and promote featured products.
  • Sales Management
  • Retail Operations
  • Performance Management
  • Training and Development
  • Sales Analytics
  • Loss Prevention
  • Merchandising
  • Communication Skills

4 Retail Resume Examples for Your 2024 Job Search

Retail professionals excel at creating a seamless and enjoyable customer experience. As a retail expert, your resume is just like a well-organized store display - it should be visually appealing, easy to navigate, and effectively showcase your best assets. In this guide, we'll explore X outstanding retail resume examples that will help you make a lasting impression and secure your dream job in 2023.

retail resume

Resume Examples

Resume guidance.

  • High Level Resume Tips
  • Must-Have Information
  • Why Resume Headlines & Titles are Important
  • Writing an Exceptional Resume Summary
  • How to Impress with Your Work Experience
  • Top Skills & Keywords
  • Go Above & Beyond with a Cover Letter
  • Resume FAQs
  • Related Resumes

Common Responsibilities Listed on Retail Resumes:

  • Manage inventory: Monitor stock levels, place orders, and ensure that the store has enough products to meet customer demand.
  • Create sales strategies: Develop plans to increase revenue and attract new customers, such as promotions, discounts, and advertising campaigns.
  • Train and supervise staff: Hire and train new employees, assign tasks, and ensure that everyone is following company policies and procedures.
  • Provide customer service: Assist customers with their purchases, answer questions, and resolve complaints to ensure a positive shopping experience.
  • Maintain store appearance: Ensure that the store is clean, organized, and visually appealing to customers.
  • Analyze sales data: Track sales trends, identify areas for improvement, and adjust strategies accordingly.
  • Manage budgets: Monitor expenses, create financial reports, and make decisions to maximize profits.
  • Collaborate with vendors: Build relationships with suppliers, negotiate prices, and coordinate deliveries.
  • Stay up-to-date with industry trends: Attend trade shows, read industry publications, and network with other professionals to stay informed about the latest trends and best practices.
  • Plan and execute events: Organize in-store events, such as product launches and customer appreciation days, to drive traffic and increase sales.
  • Manage online sales: Maintain the store's website, manage online orders, and coordinate shipping and returns.
  • Ensure compliance: Ensure that the store is following all legal and regulatory requirements, such as safety standards and labor laws.

You can use the examples above as a starting point to help you brainstorm tasks, accomplishments for your work experience section.

Retail Resume Example:

  • Developed and executed a sales strategy that resulted in a 25% increase in revenue and a 15% increase in customer traffic within the first six months.
  • Trained and mentored a team of 10 sales associates, resulting in a 20% increase in their individual sales performance and a 10% increase in overall customer satisfaction scores.
  • Managed inventory levels and implemented a new ordering system, reducing out-of-stock items by 50% and improving product availability for customers.
  • Collaborated with vendors to negotiate pricing and coordinate deliveries, resulting in a 15% reduction in supply chain costs and a 10% increase in product margins.
  • Planned and executed successful in-store events, resulting in a 20% increase in sales during the event period and a 5% increase in overall customer loyalty.
  • Analyzed sales data and identified areas for improvement, resulting in the implementation of a new product line that generated $50,000 in additional revenue within the first quarter.
  • Managed the store's online sales platform, resulting in a 30% increase in online orders and a 20% increase in customer satisfaction with the online shopping experience.
  • Ensured compliance with legal and regulatory requirements, resulting in zero safety violations and zero labor law violations during the annual inspection.
  • Maintained store appearance and visual merchandising, resulting in a 10% increase in customer traffic and a 5% increase in overall sales.
  • Sales strategy development and execution
  • Team training and mentoring
  • Inventory management
  • Vendor negotiation and collaboration
  • In-store event planning and execution
  • Sales data analysis and improvement
  • Online sales platform management
  • Compliance with legal and regulatory requirements
  • Store appearance and visual merchandising
  • Customer satisfaction and loyalty improvement
  • Product line expansion and implementation
  • Supply chain cost reduction
  • Product margin optimization

Retail Cashier Resume Example:

  • Consistently provided exceptional customer service, resulting in a 95% customer satisfaction rating over a six-month period.
  • Implemented a new system for tracking transactions and balancing cash drawers, reducing errors by 50% and improving accuracy.
  • Cross-sold products and introduced new promotions, resulting in a 25% increase in sales for targeted items.
  • Resolved customer complaints and provided relevant information, resulting in a 90% customer issue resolution rate and improved customer loyalty.
  • Managed and maintained clean and orderly checkout areas, resulting in a 20% improvement in store appearance and customer satisfaction.
  • Stayed up-to-date with new products and promotions, resulting in a 15% increase in sales for newly introduced items.
  • Processed cash, check, and credit/debit card payments with 100% accuracy, resulting in zero discrepancies in balance sheets over a six-month period.
  • Issued receipts, refunds, change, or tickets in a timely and efficient manner, resulting in a 95% customer satisfaction rating for checkout experience.
  • Resolved customer complaints and guided them through the checkout process, resulting in a 20% improvement in customer loyalty and repeat business.
  • Exceptional customer service
  • Accurate cash handling
  • Transaction tracking and balancing
  • Cross-selling and promotion implementation
  • Complaint resolution
  • Checkout area management and maintenance
  • Product knowledge and staying up-to-date with promotions
  • Efficient payment processing
  • Timely issuance of receipts, refunds, change, or tickets
  • Guiding customers through the checkout process
  • Building customer loyalty and repeat business

Retail Supervisor Resume Example:

  • Implemented a new customer service training program that resulted in a 25% increase in positive customer feedback and a 10% increase in sales.
  • Reduced inventory shrinkage by 15% through the implementation of new inventory management procedures and regular staff training.
  • Managed a team of 15 employees, resulting in a 20% increase in overall team productivity and a 10% decrease in staff turnover.
  • Developed and executed a visual merchandising strategy that resulted in a 30% increase in sales and a 15% increase in customer satisfaction.
  • Managed a store budget of $500,000, reducing expenses by 10% through effective cost management and negotiation with vendors.
  • Implemented a new scheduling system that resulted in a 20% decrease in scheduling errors and a 15% increase in staff satisfaction.
  • Developed and executed a marketing campaign that resulted in a 25% increase in foot traffic and a 20% increase in sales.
  • Managed a store remodel project, completing the project on time and under budget, resulting in a 15% increase in store sales.
  • Implemented a new cash handling procedure that reduced cash discrepancies by 50% and improved overall store security.
  • Customer service
  • Team leadership
  • Visual merchandising
  • Budget management
  • Marketing and promotions
  • Project management
  • Cash handling and security
  • Staff training and development
  • Vendor negotiation
  • Problem-solving
  • Time management
  • Sales strategy
  • Performance analysis

Retail Associate Resume Example:

  • Implemented a new customer service training program, resulting in a 25% increase in customer satisfaction scores and a 10% decrease in customer complaints.
  • Collaborated with the visual merchandising team to redesign store layout and displays, resulting in a 15% increase in sales within the first month of implementation.
  • Managed inventory levels and restocking processes, reducing out-of-stock items by 20% and increasing overall sales by 5%.
  • Developed and executed a successful social media marketing campaign, resulting in a 30% increase in online sales and a 20% increase in foot traffic to the store.
  • Managed cash handling and payment processing, maintaining 100% accuracy and reducing transaction times by 10%.
  • Collaborated with the store manager to implement new store policies and procedures, resulting in a 15% increase in employee productivity and a 5% decrease in employee turnover.
  • Implemented a new customer loyalty program, resulting in a 20% increase in repeat customers and a 10% increase in overall sales.
  • Collaborated with the store manager to reduce shrinkage by 15%, implementing new security measures and training programs for employees.
  • Managed store displays and visual merchandising, resulting in a 10% increase in sales of featured products and a 5% increase in overall sales.
  • Customer service excellence
  • Sales and marketing
  • Social media marketing
  • Cash handling and payment processing
  • Store policy implementation
  • Customer loyalty program development
  • Loss prevention and shrinkage reduction
  • Employee training and development
  • Collaboration and teamwork
  • Time management and productivity
  • Adaptability and flexibility
  • Problem-solving and decision-making
  • Communication and interpersonal skills

High Level Resume Tips for Retails:

Must-have information for a retail resume:.

Here are the essential sections that should exist in an Retail resume:

  • Contact Information
  • Resume Headline
  • Resume Summary or Objective
  • Work Experience & Achievements
  • Skills & Competencies

Additionally, if you're eager to make an impression and gain an edge over other Retail candidates, you may want to consider adding in these sections:

  • Certifications/Training

Let's start with resume headlines.

Why Resume Headlines & Titles are Important for Retails:

Retail resume headline examples:, strong headlines.

  • Dynamic Retail Manager with a proven track record of increasing sales revenue by 25% through effective team management and customer engagement strategies.
  • Customer-focused Retail Associate with 5+ years of experience in providing exceptional service and driving customer loyalty through personalized interactions and product recommendations.
  • Detail-oriented Inventory Control Specialist with expertise in managing inventory levels, reducing shrinkage, and optimizing supply chain operations to improve profitability.

Why these are strong: These resume headlines are strong for Retails as they highlight key skills and achievements that are relevant to the industry. The first headline emphasizes the candidate's ability to drive sales revenue through effective team management and customer engagement strategies. The second headline showcases the candidate's customer-focused approach and expertise in building customer loyalty. Finally, the third headline highlights the candidate's expertise in inventory management and supply chain optimization, which are crucial skills for Retails professionals. Overall, these headlines are impactful and demonstrate the candidate's ability to add value to a Retail organization.

Weak Headlines

  • Retail Associate with Strong Customer Service Skills
  • Experienced Sales Associate with Knowledge of Inventory Management
  • Retail Manager with Leadership and Team Management Skills

Why these are weak:

  • These resume headlines need improvement for Retails as they lack specificity and don't emphasize the unique value or accomplishments that the candidates bring to the table. The first headline mentions customer service skills, but doesn't provide any context or results, such as customer satisfaction ratings or sales numbers. The second headline highlights knowledge of inventory management, but doesn't showcase any measurable achievements or certifications that could strengthen the candidate's profile. The third headline mentions leadership and team management skills, but fails to provide any examples of successful team projects or employee development initiatives.

Writing an Exceptional Retail Resume Summary:

Resume summaries are crucial for Retail professionals as they provide a concise yet impactful way to showcase their skills, experience, and unique value proposition. A well-crafted summary can immediately capture the attention of hiring managers, setting the tone for the rest of the resume and positioning the candidate as an ideal fit for the role.

For Retail professionals specifically, an effective resume summary is one that highlights their ability to drive sales, manage inventory, and provide exceptional customer service consistently.

Key points that Retail professionals should convey in a resume summary include:

Relevant Experience: Clearly mention the number of years of experience you have in Retail, highlighting any notable achievements or career highlights. If you have experience with different types of products or industries that are particularly relevant to the job, mention that too.

Product Knowledge: Showcase your knowledge of the products you have sold in the past, as well as any industry-specific knowledge that would be beneficial to the role (e.g., fashion, electronics, grocery).

Leadership and Teamwork: In any Retail role, leadership and collaboration are going to be core components. Emphasize your ability to lead a team, collaborate with stakeholders, and create a shared vision for the store, as these are key attributes that every hiring manager will want to see in a Retail professional.

Customer Service: Highlight your ability to provide exceptional customer service, identify customer needs, and empathize with customers to ensure their satisfaction.

Sales and Marketing: Show that you can analyze sales data, identify trends, and make informed decisions to optimize product performance and drive growth. Additionally, showcase your ability to create effective marketing campaigns to drive sales.

To nail the resume summary, use your best judgment to choose the right combination of these that align closest with the individual role you’re applying for. Remember, your resume summary will be one of the first things that a potential employer will see about you and your Retail career.

Retail Resume Summary Examples:

Strong summaries.

  • Customer-focused Retail Manager with 10 years of experience in managing high-performing teams and driving sales growth. Skilled in visual merchandising, inventory management, and customer service, resulting in a 15% increase in sales and a 20% improvement in customer satisfaction scores.
  • Detail-oriented Retail Associate with 5 years of experience in providing exceptional customer service and maintaining a clean and organized store environment. Proficient in point-of-sale systems and inventory management, resulting in a 25% reduction in out-of-stock items and a 10% increase in customer retention.
  • Sales-driven Retail Sales Associate with a proven track record of exceeding sales targets and delivering exceptional customer experiences. Skilled in product knowledge and upselling techniques, resulting in a 30% increase in sales revenue and a 95% customer satisfaction rate.

Why these are strong:

  • These resume summaries are strong for Retails as they highlight the candidates' relevant skills, experience, and quantifiable achievements. The first summary emphasizes the candidate's ability to drive sales growth and improve customer satisfaction through effective team management and retail operations. The second summary showcases the candidate's attention to detail and proficiency in point-of-sale systems and inventory management, which are essential skills for a successful retail associate. Lastly, the third summary demonstrates the candidate's sales-driven mindset and ability to deliver exceptional customer experiences, making them a valuable asset to any retail team. Overall, these summaries effectively communicate the candidates' value proposition and make them stand out to potential employers in the retail industry.

Weak Summaries

  • Retail professional with experience in customer service and sales, seeking a new opportunity to grow and develop in a dynamic retail environment.
  • Experienced retail associate with a background in inventory management and visual merchandising, looking to leverage my skills to contribute to the success of a retail team.
  • Retail manager with a focus on team leadership and customer satisfaction, committed to driving sales and achieving business goals.
  • These resume summaries need improvement for Retails as they lack specific achievements or quantifiable results that showcase the candidates' unique value. The first summary provides only a general overview of the candidate's experience without mentioning any specific skills or accomplishments. The second summary mentions inventory management and visual merchandising, but doesn't provide any examples of how the candidate's expertise in these areas contributed to the success of their previous retail team. The third summary mentions team leadership and customer satisfaction, but doesn't provide any quantifiable results or details on the candidate's successes in achieving business goals, which would make their profile more compelling to potential employers.

Resume Objective Examples for Retails:

Strong objectives.

  • Energetic and customer-focused Retail Associate seeking an entry-level position to utilize my strong communication skills and passion for providing exceptional service to contribute to the success of a growth-oriented retail company.
  • Recent college graduate with a degree in Retail Management and experience in inventory management and visual merchandising, eager to apply my knowledge of retail operations and customer behavior to create a positive shopping experience for customers in a dynamic retail environment.
  • Goal-oriented and detail-oriented professional with a background in sales and customer service, seeking a Retail Management position to leverage my skills in team leadership, inventory management, and sales analysis to contribute to the growth of a forward-thinking retail organization.
  • These resume objectives are strong for up and coming Retails because they showcase the candidates' passion, education, and relevant skills, while also highlighting their eagerness to learn and contribute to the success of the organization. The first objective emphasizes the candidate's communication skills and customer focus, which are important attributes for a Retail Associate. The second objective showcases the candidate's educational background and experience in retail operations, demonstrating a strong foundation for success in the role. Lastly, the third objective highlights the candidate's experience in sales and customer service, making them a promising fit for a Retail Management position where they can further develop their skills and contribute to the company's growth.

Weak Objectives

  • Seeking a Retail position where I can utilize my customer service skills and gain experience in the industry.
  • Entry-level Retail professional seeking a position to learn and grow within the company.
  • Recent graduate with a degree in Business Administration seeking a Retail position to gain experience in the field.
  • These resume objectives need improvement for up and coming Retails because they lack specificity and don't effectively showcase the unique value or skills the candidates possess. The first objective is generic and doesn't provide any information about the candidate's background, passion, or relevant experience. The second objective hints at a desire to learn and grow, but it doesn't mention any specific achievements, education, or industries the candidate is interested in. The third objective, although it mentions a degree in Business Administration, doesn't elaborate on the candidate's expertise, skills, or any particular area of Retail they are passionate about, which would make their profile more appealing to potential employers.

Generate Your Resume Summary with AI

Speed up your resume creation process with the ai resume builder . generate tailored resume summaries in seconds., how to impress with your retail work experience:, best practices for your work experience section:.

  • Focus on your customer service skills and how you have improved customer satisfaction metrics.
  • Highlight any sales achievements, such as exceeding sales targets or increasing revenue.
  • Describe how you have managed inventory and stock levels, and any improvements you have made to the process.
  • Showcase your leadership skills by outlining how you have trained and managed a team of retail associates.
  • Demonstrate your knowledge of the products you sell and how you have used this knowledge to improve sales and customer satisfaction.
  • Call out any awards, recognition, or unique accomplishments associated with your retail experience.
  • Mention any customer feedback praise or customer stories relating to your work.
  • Lastly, ensure that the language you use is the same language HR, recruiters, and hiring managers are familiar with - not just industry jargon.

Example Work Experiences for Retails:

Strong experiences.

Successfully managed a team of 15 sales associates, achieving a 20% increase in monthly sales and exceeding quarterly revenue targets by 15%.

Developed and implemented visual merchandising strategies, resulting in a 25% increase in foot traffic and a 10% increase in average transaction value.

Conducted market research and analyzed sales data to identify customer trends and preferences, leading to the introduction of a new product line that generated $100K in revenue within the first month.

Coordinated and executed store events and promotions, resulting in a 30% increase in customer engagement and a 20% increase in social media following.

Trained and onboarded new hires, resulting in a 50% decrease in employee turnover and a 15% increase in customer satisfaction scores.

Managed inventory levels and implemented a new ordering system, reducing out-of-stock items by 40% and increasing overall sales by 10%.

  • These work experiences are strong because they demonstrate the candidate's ability to drive sales, improve customer engagement, and optimize operations. The use of specific metrics and action-oriented language showcases the candidate's leadership skills and quantifiable achievements, making them a strong fit for a retail management role.

Weak Experiences

Assisted customers with their purchases and provided basic product information.

Restocked shelves and organized merchandise displays.

Operated the cash register and processed transactions.

Completed daily tasks such as cleaning and organizing the store.

Assisted with inventory management by counting and restocking products.

Greeted customers and directed them to the appropriate sections of the store.

  • These work experiences are weak because they lack specificity and do not showcase any unique skills or achievements. They provide generic descriptions of tasks performed without demonstrating the impact of the individual's work or the benefits brought to the company. To improve these bullet points, the candidate should focus on incorporating metrics to highlight their achievements, using more powerful action verbs, and providing clear context that demonstrates their customer service skills and ability to drive sales.

Top Skills & Keywords for Retail Resumes:

Top hard & soft skills for retails, hard skills.

  • Sales and Customer Service
  • Inventory Management
  • Point of Sale (POS) Systems
  • Cash Handling and Accounting
  • Merchandising and Visual Display
  • Product Knowledge and Training
  • Retail Analytics and Metrics
  • Loss Prevention and Security
  • Supply Chain Management
  • Vendor Management
  • Team Leadership and Management
  • Marketing and Promotions

Soft Skills

  • Customer Service and Satisfaction
  • Sales and Upselling
  • Attention to Detail and Accuracy
  • Problem Solving and Troubleshooting
  • Communication and Interpersonal Skills
  • Time Management and Prioritization
  • Adaptability and Flexibility
  • Teamwork and Collaboration
  • Conflict Resolution and Mediation
  • Active Listening and Feedback Incorporation
  • Empathy and Understanding
  • Positive Attitude and Enthusiasm

Go Above & Beyond with a Retail Cover Letter

Retail cover letter example: (based on resume).

As a Retail professional, you understand the importance of creating a positive customer experience and building lasting relationships with clients. Similarly, pairing your resume with a well-crafted cover letter can give you a significant advantage over other applicants and increase your chances of landing an interview. A cover letter is an extension of your resume, an opportunity to showcase your passion for the role and highlight your relevant experience. Contrary to popular belief, crafting a compelling cover letter doesn't have to be a daunting task, and the benefits far outweigh the effort required.

Here are some compelling reasons for submitting a cover letter as a Retail professional:

  • Personalize your application and demonstrate your genuine interest in the company and role
  • Highlight your understanding of the retail industry and how your skills align with the specific job requirements
  • Communicate your ability to provide exceptional customer service and create a positive shopping experience
  • Share success stories and achievements that couldn't be accommodated in your resume, such as exceeding sales targets or implementing successful merchandising strategies
  • Demonstrate your strong communication and interpersonal skills, which are essential for Retail professionals
  • Differentiate yourself from other applicants who might have opted not to submit a cover letter and show your commitment to going the extra mile.

In summary, a well-crafted cover letter can help you stand out from the competition, showcase your relevant experience and skills, and demonstrate your passion for the role. Don't miss out on this opportunity to make a strong first impression and increase your chances of landing an interview.

Resume FAQs for Retails:

How long should i make my retail resume.

A Retail resume should be one to two pages long. It is important to keep in mind that Retail employers receive a high volume of resumes, so it is crucial to make a strong impression quickly. This means that the most important information should be included on the first page, and unnecessary details should be left out. When deciding what to include, focus on relevant experience and skills that directly relate to the Retail industry. This can include customer service experience, sales experience, and knowledge of specific products or brands. It is also important to highlight any achievements or accomplishments that demonstrate your value as a Retail employee. Overall, a concise and well-organized Retail resume that highlights relevant experience and skills is more likely to catch the attention of employers.

What is the best way to format a Retail resume?

The best way to format a Retail resume is to keep it simple and easy to read. Use a clear and legible font, such as Arial or Times New Roman, and make sure the font size is no smaller than 10pt. Use bullet points to highlight your achievements and responsibilities in previous retail positions, and organize your experience in reverse chronological order, starting with your most recent job. It's also important to include any relevant skills or certifications, such as customer service training or experience with point-of-sale systems. Finally, make sure to proofread your resume carefully for spelling and grammar errors, as attention to detail is a crucial skill in the retail industry.

Which Retail skills are most important to highlight in a resume?

When it comes to highlighting skills on a retail resume, there are a few key areas that are important to focus on. These include: 1. Customer service: Retail is all about providing excellent customer service, so it's important to highlight any experience you have in this area. This could include things like handling customer complaints, assisting with purchases, and providing product recommendations. 2. Sales: Retail is also about driving sales, so any experience you have in this area should be highlighted. This could include things like meeting sales targets, upselling products, and closing deals. 3. Inventory management: Retailers need to keep track of their inventory to ensure that they have the right products in stock at all times. If you have experience with inventory management, make sure to highlight it on your resume. 4. Cash handling: Many retail positions involve handling cash and making change for customers. If you have experience with cash handling, make sure to mention it on your resume. 5. Communication skills: Retailers need to be able to communicate effectively with customers, colleagues, and managers. Make sure to highlight any experience you have with communication, whether it's in-person, over the phone, or via email. Overall, the most important skills to highlight on a retail

How should you write a resume if you have no experience as a Retail?

If you have no experience as a Retail professional, it is important to focus on transferable skills and relevant experiences that can showcase your potential as a Retail employee. Here are some tips on how to write a resume with no Retail experience: 1. Highlight your customer service skills: Retail is all about providing excellent customer service, so make sure to highlight any experience you have in this area. This could include working in a restaurant, volunteering at a non-profit organization, or even babysitting. 2. Emphasize your communication skills: Retail employees need to be able to communicate effectively with customers, coworkers, and managers. If you have any experience in public speaking, writing, or presenting, make sure to highlight these skills on your resume. 3. Showcase your organizational skills: Retail employees need to be able to multitask and stay organized in a fast-paced environment. If you have any experience in project management, event planning, or administrative work, make sure to highlight these skills on your resume. 4. Include

Compare Your Retail Resume to a Job Description:

  • Identify opportunities to further tailor your resume to the Retail job
  • Improve your keyword usage to align your experience and skills with the position
  • Uncover and address potential gaps in your resume that may be important to the hiring manager

Related Resumes for Retails:

Retail resume example, retail cashier resume example, retail supervisor resume example, retail associate resume example, more resume guidance:.

Sales Associate

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Retail Resume Examples & Writing Guide for 2024

Nikoleta Kuhejda — PR & Content Manager

The retail industry is flush with opportunities for employment. But without a compelling retail resume , you won't be able to turn these opportunities into a job offer. Follow our guide and discover resume tips, real-life samples, and detailed examples that will make your resume irresistible for recruiters.

Adidas Sales Representative Resume Template

In this guide, we’ll take you through the essential steps for tailoring a resume for retail. Keep reading to learn all about how to:

  • Select the correct resume format for your experience level in retail
  • Write a compelling resume summary highlighting your retail strengths
  • Choose key retail skills to include on your resume
  • Use descriptive bullet points to optimize your work experience section
  • Properly display your education and relevant certifications
  • Access top resources for job-seeking retail professionals

Still looking for a job? These 100+ resources will tell you everything you need to get hired fast.

1. Select the correct resume format for your experience level in retail

The first big decision to make when writing a retail resume is what resume format to use .

Resume formats differ from one another mainly in which section they emphasize the most. Thus, the resume format that will best suit your needs is highly dependent on your experience level.

Here are the 3 main types of resume formats and the purposes they serve:

  • Reverse-Chronological: This resume focuses on work experience, listing your most recent job first and working backward from that point. With this format, the work experience section will be the largest and most central section on the document.
  • Functional : The functional resume is often used by students or recent graduates, as it removes the focus from work experience. Instead, this resume focuses on education, skills, certifications, and unpaid experience, making it a great time for first-time or entry-level applicants.
  • Hybrid: The hybrid format combines elements from both the reverse-chronological and the functional resumes. It distributes focus more evenly between all sections, rather than having one section be a focal point. This format is often used by applicants with limited relevant experience, those who are changing career paths, and those with large gaps in their work history.

The reverse-chronological resume is typically considered the standard and is expected by most employers. However, if you lack relevant work experience, one of the alternative formats can help you create a more effective resume that highlights your strengths rather than your experience shortcomings.

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2. write a compelling resume summary highlighting your retail strengths.

A resume summary is a brief statement that starts out your resume by introducing you to the employer. In this summary, you should detail your most important skills, specializations, accomplishments, or any other factors that help you stand out from competing applicants.

To illustrate how to create a well-written resume summary, we have provided an example of a weak retail resume summary followed by a corrected example and explanation.

Incorrect retail resume summary example

Retail Worker with 2 years of experience in department stores. Excellent customer service skills and upselling techniques. Responsible for a significant increase in seasonal sales in a previous temporary position, which led to the winning of a staff award at the company.

Why is this Incorrect?

When writing a resume summary, you want to include as many specific and quantifiable details as possible. For instance, when the applicant says they were responsible for a significant increase in sales, they should provide the exact percentage and more contextual information regarding the type of sales being made.

Corrected retail resume summary example

Talented Retail Sales Associate with 2+ years of experience working in major department stores. Increased holiday sales by over 50% at most recent position through the application of exceptional customer service and upselling techniques. Recipient of company’s “Holiday Sales MVP” award in 2019 & 2020.

Why is this Correct?

This corrected example offers much more specific details, as well as using more engaging and compelling language. The details provided have the context needed to make a lasting impact on employers and show the value the applicant can bring to a company.

3. Choose key retail skills to include on your retail resume

No matter what job you are applying for in retail, it is crucial to show employers through your resume that you have a diverse skillset with many different abilities . This is best accomplished by including both hard and soft retail skills on your resume.

Hard skills are technical abilities that you learn through training and education, while soft skills are interpersonal abilities that deal with how you communicate and work with other people. Soft skills can be both inherent and learned.

Below, we have provided 10 examples of both hard and soft skills that help enhance your retail resume:

The best hard skills to put on your retail resume

  • Inventory management
  • Money handling and financial transactions
  • Point of sale (pos) systems
  • Basic accounting and bookkeeping
  • Product demonstrations
  • Suggestive selling
  • Upselling techniques
  • Product stocking
  • Opening and closing procedures
  • Sanitation and safety standards

Effective soft skills for your retail CV

  • Customer service
  • Verbal communication
  • Adaptability
  • Positive attitude
  • Active listening
  • Attention to detail
  • Conflict resolution
  • Time management
  • Multi-tasking

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Resume Analytics

4. Use descriptive bullet points to optimize your work experience section

When writing your work experience section , there is often a lot of information to cover in a relatively small amount of space. This means you need to select the very best responsibilities and accomplishments from your previous positions to highlight in your descriptions.

The key to writing the optimal work experience section is to keep your words succinct and organized. Bullet points work excellently for this purpose, helping to give your work experience section greater readability and visual appeal.

Here is an example of a work experience entry from a retail resume

Macy’s, Denver, CO Retail Sales Associate August 2016 to May 2019

  • Averaged 125% of sales goals quarterly for 2 consecutive years.
  • Managed inventory of 100+ items, including setting up store display windows and in-store merchandise displays.
  • Assisted an average of 50 customers per day, providing personalized recommendations for products that contributed to high sales goal achievement.

Retail Assistant Resume Example

5. Properly display your education and relevant certifications

In general, the minimum education requirement to work in retail is a high school diploma or GED.

However, a two or four-year degree in a related field, such as sales management or retail management, can not only boost your resume’s competitive edge but also help you gain access to higher-level positions.

Additionally, if you have any certifications that are relevant to the retail industry, including this on your resume is key and will show employers the dedication and extra value you offer as an employee.

Here is an example of a well-crafted education section on a retail resume

Howard Community College, Columbia, MD Associate’s Degree in Retail Merchandising Graduated: 2018


  • Management Certificate — Montgomery College

6. Include relevant extra sections in your retail resume

Incorporating relevant extra sections in your retail resume is of great significance when aiming to stand out in a competitive job market.

While your work experience and skills are crucial, extra sections provide an opportunity to showcase additional qualifications and experiences that set you apart from other candidates.

Including sections such as certifications, professional affiliations, volunteer work, or relevant projects can greatly enhance your retail resume.

Certifications, such as customer service or sales training, demonstrate your commitment to professional development and showcase your expertise in specific areas.

Here's an example of how to properly list certifications in your retail resume

  • Completed comprehensive training program covering effective sales techniques, customer service best practices, and product knowledge.
  • Demonstrated proficiency in providing personalized shopping experiences, building customer relationships, and driving sales.
  • Implemented upselling strategies resulting in a 15% increase in average transaction value.
  • Earned recognition for consistently achieving monthly sales targets and delivering exceptional customer satisfaction.

7. Top resources for job-seeking retail professionals

As you put the finishing touches on your customized retail resume, it's time to dive into the job search. Below are some excellent resources to kickstart your job hunt:

  • Industry-specific job boards: Websites, such as , , or are dedicated exclusively to the retail industry, featuring jobs from various retail sectors including store management, merchandising, and corporate positions.
  • Indeed : Indeed is a job site with a very broad focus. So, use filters to narrow down searches to roles that best fit your skills and experience.
  • Glassdoor : Think of it as a window into company cultures, salaries, and job listings. It's an invaluable tool for retail professionals to research potential employers.
  • LinkedIn : This isn't just a networking site, LinkedIn also provides job listings, company insights, and the ability to connect with industry professionals and groups focused on retail.
  • Professional associations: Professional associations play a pivotal role in providing networking opportunities, industry insights, continued education, and advocacy for retail professionals. For, example, you can join the National Retail Federation (NRF) or the British Retail Consortium (BRC).
  • Retail agencies: These recruitment agencies often have deep industry connections and can offer personalized job search assistance. Just look at Michael Page Retail , Hays Retail , or 24 Seven Talent . 
  • Courses and certifications: Online courses and certifications on platforms like Coursera , edX , and LinkedIn Learning offer flexible learning opportunities for retail professionals who want to improve their competitiveness in the job market. 

Don't forget that a job search is a marathon not a sprint! And you won't get far in this race without an outstanding retail resume. Make yours now! 

Retail Resume FAQ

How can i highlight my achievements in retail on my resume.

To really sell your abilities, quantify your achievements with numbers and percentages whenever possible. For example, "Increased sales by 20% through effective customer service strategies " or " Reduced inventory shrinkage by 15% through improved loss prevention techniques ”.

How can I make my retail resume ATS-friendly?

Use a simple, clean format without graphics or tables, which can confuse ATS software. Stick to standard fonts like Arial or Times New Roman, and include keywords from the job description. Then, save your resume as a Word document or PDF to ensure it's readable by most ATS systems.

Should I include references on my retail resume?

The standard practice is to leave references off your resume. Instead, note that they are available upon request and have them ready in a separate document. This saves space for more critical content and allows you to prepare your references for potential contact.

How important is the "interests" section in a retail resume, and what should I include?

An "interests" section can add a personal touch to your resume, but it should be concise and relevant . Include interests that demonstrate skills or qualities valuable in retail, such as team sports (teamwork), blogging about fashion (communication skills and passion for the industry), or volunteering at community events (customer service and community engagement).

How should I format my retail experience on my resume?

Use a reverse-chronological format to list your most recent job first. For each position, include your job title, the company's name, location, and dates of employment. Additionally, under each job, write bullet points detailing your responsibilities and achievements.

Nikoleta Kuhejda — PR & Content Manager

Nikoleta Kuhejda

A journalist by trade, a writer by fate. Nikoleta went from writing for media outlets to exploring the world of content creation with Kickresume and helping people get closer to the job of their dreams. Her insights and career guides have been published by The Female Lead , College Recruiter , and ISIC, among others. When she’s not writing or (enthusiastically) pestering people with questions, you can find her traveling or sipping on a cup of coffee.


  • Merchandiser
  • Retail Store Manager
  • Store Manager
  • Warehouse Clerk

All retail resume examples

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Retail Manager Resume Example 2024 (& Tips to Ace Yours!)

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From hiring and training new employees to managing budgets and increasing sales, being a retail manager comes with a number of responsibilities.

And, while you already have the skills and experience for the job, you may still struggle to put all that into a resume that helps you go forward in your career.

If this sounds familiar, worry not! 

With the right guidance, writing an effective retail manager resume is easy, and we’re here to teach you how to do that.

In this article, we will cover:

Retail Manager Resume Example

  • How to Build Your Retail Manager Resume (Step-By-Step)
  • 40 Skills For Your Supervisor Resume

Ready to land that retail manager job? Let’s dive in!

Retail Manager Resume Example

This is a perfect retail manager resume example because of the following reasons:

  • Reverse-chronological format. As a retail manager, you have plenty of work experience, and this is the ideal format to show it. Not to mention, it’s recruiters’ favorite, worldwide.
  • Contact information. The retail manager resume example above includes important contact information, such as the candidate’s full name, phone number, email address, location, and a LinkedIn profile URL.
  • Effective resume summary. In just 2-3 sentences, the resume summary in the retail manager resume example above underlines the candidate’s work experience, skills, and achievements.
  • Focus on achievements. Highlighting achievements instead of responsibilities, as in the retail manager resume example above, helps the candidate stand out.
  • Brief education section. Because retail management relies more on work experience than education, the retail manager resume example above includes only the key education details. 
  • Bullet points. Organizing information in bullet points instead of large blocks of text makes the resume look clean and easy-to-read.
  • Relevant retail manager skills. The retail manager resume example above  only includes skills which apply to the retail manager position and are most valued in the industry, such as customer service, communication, POS skills, and sales analysis.
  • Use of additional sections. This retail manager resume example includes language proficiency, which is always a good skill to have in a customer-facing role.

Here’s How to Build Your Retail Manager Resume (Step-By-Step) 

Now that you know what makes an effective retail manager resume, it’s time to get started with writing a job-winning resume for yourself. 

Here are the exact steps on how to do it:

#1. Format Your Retail Manager Resume 

There are 3 main resume formats :

  • Reverse-chronological
  • Combination

As a retail manager, however, your best bet is the reverse-chronological resume format as it is the most popular worldwide, and makes your retail manager resume well-organized and easy-to-follow.

On top of that, this resume format highlights your work experience in chronological order, which makes it the perfect choice for seasoned professionals. 

After choosing the right format for your resume, start working on the resume layout .

Here’s what this includes:

  • Use the right margins to make your resume look clean.
  • Use a simple and professional font. Instead of using a fancy font for your retail manager resume, pick a font style that is professional and easily readable on a PDF file and stick with it throughout your resume.
  • Pick the right font size. Generally, go for 11-12 pts for the body and 14-16 pts for headings in your resume.
  • Use bullet points to present information. This way, the recruiter will be able to easily skim through your retail manager resume.
  • Keep it short. Optimally, your resume should be one page . A resume focused on your key professional background details helps recruiters to quickly see whether you fit their requirements for a retail manager.
  • Save your resume in a PDF format (unless asked to do otherwise). This way, your retail manager resume will look as you intended no matter what device or OS opens it.

Or Use Our Tried & Tested Templates 

Formatting is an important step in creating an effective retail manager resume. 

Making a resume from scratch, though, can be a hassle.

You can spend forever tweaking the layout of your retail manager resume on Word, making sure it doesn’t spill over to page #2, adjusting margins and font sizes...

And let’s be honest - after all the effort, you will still end up with a basic, average-looking black and white resume.

With a resume like that, it can be hard to get noticed. After all, recruiters get dozens of generic Word resumes every day.

Want to create an attention-grabbing resume fast and easy?

Use our tried and tested templates to create a well-designed retail manager resume in minutes!

Just pick a template, fill in the content, and your retail manager resume is ready to impress the recruiter.

And the best part? 8 of our resume templates are free!

traditional vs novoresume template

#2. Add Contact Information the Right Way 

Now that you’re done with formatting, the next step is to write down your contact information.

This step is easy - all you have to do is make sure you fill in the correct information.

Otherwise, the company won’t be able to get in touch with you.

On top of that, something as simple as messing up your contact information can make you seem irresponsible or unreliable, and even more so if you have ‘detail-oriented’ included as a skill in your retail manager resume. 

So, to avoid that, simply make sure to list the following contact information correctly:

  • First name and last name
  • Title (optional)
  • Phone number
  • Email address

And, if you are active on LinkedIn, make sure to include the URL, too.

George Smith Retail Manager  

012-345-6789 [email protected]  Buffalo, New York

#3. Write a Powerful Retail Manager Summary 

Your retail manager summary is a valuable piece of information that summarizes your professional background in just 2-3 sentences.

As such, just like the most expensive items in the store are placed on the top shelf, your resume summary goes at the top of your resume to show recruiters that you’re a relevant candidate for the position in just a few seconds.

So, if your summary is on-point, they’ll move to other sections of your retail manager resume. If not, they’ll just move to another candidate’s resume.

To write a brief, but powerful retail manager summary, you should mention the following:

  • Your position and years of experience
  • Your most relevant skills in retail management
  • 1-2 professional achievements

Here’s an example of a retail manager resume summary which includes the information we listed above:

  • Efficient and customer-orientated Retail Manager with 10+ years of experience and a proven record of success in retail management. Excellent customer service, team leadership, marketing, and time management skills. Regularly exceeded monthly sales goals by up to 16% in 2022.

#4. Pack Your Work Experience With Achievements 

The next very important step in your retail manager resume is to fill out your work experience section.

First, let’s talk about formatting this section.  

As a general rule, your work experience section should look something like this:

  • Job title. It’s the first thing recruiters look for, and it should accurately show the role you had in the company.
  • Company name and location. In case the company is relatively unknown, you can also include a short description.
  • Employment date. Use the reverse-chronological order and the mm/yyyy format.
  • Achievements and responsibilities. Use 5-6 bullet points for recent jobs and 2-3 for older roles. 

Of course, if you simply list your responsibilities, you’ll end up with the same list as other retail managers: recruiting and supervising staff, managing budgets, analyzing market trends...

The HR knows that these are your responsibilities - they don’t need you to repeat what everyone else noted on their resume.

Rather, HR wants to know how you stand out from the rest of the applicants.

Want to know how to do this? In your retail manager resume, focus on achievements instead of responsibilities.

Sure, you managed the store budget, but how well did you do it? What changes did you make, and how profitable were they?

So, to take your work experience section from great to perfect, here’s what you should do:

  • Tailor your retail manager resume to the job you’re applying for by only including relevant work experience (e. g. since you already have relevant retail experience, focus on that and skip your part-time delivery driver job).
  • Use action verbs to describe your achievements (e. g. hired, trained, implemented, reduced, etc.).
  • Make your achievements quantifiable (e. g. “Hired, trained, and coached a team of 36 retail assistants” instead of “Hired, trained, and coached employees”).

Here’s an example of what an effective work experience section should look like:

Retail Manager

03/2018 - 12/2022

  • Consistently met and exceeded monthly sales goals by up to 43% for two consecutive years.
  • Exceeded annual sales goals for 2021 by $67,000.
  • Hired and trained 8 retail sales associates.
  • Increased employee retention to 98% by implementing an Employee of the Month program and an employee development system.
  • Implemented new customer service strategies, resulting in a 62% customer return rate.

#5. Keep Your Education Short

Because your work experience tells more about your skills as a retail manager than your education, you should only mention the key education details.

As such, start with your latest degree and list the following information:

  • University, college, or other institution
  • Program location (optional)
  • Years attended

Only include your high school education in your retail manager resume if you don’t have higher education.

And here’s what this looks like on a resume:

B. A. in Business Management

University of Birmingham


#6. Include Relevant Skills 

The next step in writing your retail manager resume is to list your skills .

Naturally, as a retail manager, you’re expected to have a wide variety of skills to help you with your responsibilities.

While you might think including all of your skills will show recruiters just how well-rounded you are, the aim of the skills section in your resume is to prove you’re the right fit for this particular position.

So, to create an impactful retail manager resume, you should tailor your resume and only include those skills which are relevant to retail management.

Here are some tips on how to do it:

  • Carefully read the job description and note the required skills.
  • If you possess these skills, include them in your resume.
  • Research the most in-demand skills for retail managers, and write down those that apply to you.
  • Make separate lists of your soft skills (e. g. customer service, decision-making, and adaptability) and hard skills (e. g. POS skills, sales analysis, and visual merchandising) related to retail management.

Not sure which soft and hard retail manager skills you should list in your resume? 

Worry not, we’ve compiled a list of 40 retail management skills to get you started!

List of Skills For Your Supervisor Resume 

20 soft retail manager skills.

  • Customer Service
  • Leadership 
  • Communication Skills
  • Active Listening
  • Problem-solving
  • Time-management
  • Decision-making
  • Stress Management
  • Organizational Skills
  • Multi-tasking
  • Motivational Skills
  • Critical Thinking
  • Strategic Thinking
  • Conflict Resolution
  • Adaptability
  • Collaboration
  • Interpersonal Skills

20 Hard Retail Manager Skills

  • Point of Sale (POS) Skills
  • Product Knowledge
  • Market Knowledge
  • Performance Management
  • Merchandising
  • Visual Merchandising
  • Marketing Strategy Development
  • Sales Analysis
  • Sales Management
  • Store Management
  • Campaign Management
  • Prospecting
  • Store Maintenance
  • Language Proficiency
  • Inventory Management
  • Negotiating
  • Sales Promotional Strategies
  • Database Management

#7. Take Advantage of Your Licenses & Certifications 

If you’ve done any industry-related training, you should definitely include your licenses and certifications to improve your retail manager resume.

In fact, additional training doesn’t just show you have the competence required for a retail manager.

To recruiters, it shows you’re enthusiastic, motivated, and eager to keep up with the latest trends in the retail industry, making you a valuable employee.

So, consider including the certifications and licenses you own in the following fields to your retail manager resume:

  • Human Resources

And here’s what you should include in the certifications and licenses section of your resume:

  • Certification or license name
  • Name of agency or body
  • Year of obtainment
  • Location (if applicable)
  • Expiration date (if applicable)
  • In progress (if applicable, add the expected date of obtainment)

Of course, if you have more than one certification or license, include them in the reverse-chronological order.

#8. Make Use of These Additional Sections 

Got some extra space on your resume?

Use some of these optional sections!

These sections add further depth to your retail manager resume and allow you to show off your unique experiences in the field.

Some such sections you can include in your resume are:

  • Associations and organizations, including your role in them, if applicable.
  • Publications , including interviews, scientific articles, studies, etc.
  • Conferences , such as International Conference on Business and Retail Management, International Tourism Retail and Service Conference, Global Conference on Services and Retail Management, etc.
  • Awards , both large-scale (statewide, nationwide, etc.) and small-scale (company-wide).
  • Personal projects , if any of them are related to retail management, business, marketing, and other similar fields.
  • Languages , which are especially valuable if you’re applying for a job in an international retail company.

And here’s an example of how to put these optional sections on your resume:

Additional Sections


  • Retail Industry Leaders Association (2016 - Present) Board Member


  • eCommerce Summit 2021
  • Future Stores Europe 2020

#9. Attach a Cover Letter to Your Retail Manager Resume 

From a recruiter’s perspective, picking the right retail manager can be a difficult task, and it’s not without reason.

In fact, research shows that employees’ performance, customer satisfaction and store’s financial performance largely depend on the retail manager.

As such, recruiters aim to hire retail managers who not only have the required skills but also share common goals with the company. 

And this is exactly why you need to write a compelling cover letter that shows you’re the perfect fit for the position and the company.

The point of a cover letter, however, is not to simply repeat what you’ve already written in your resume. 

Instead, a cover letter should cover your professional background in detail and mention anything of value that you’ve left out of your retail manager resume.

This might sound difficult, but actually you don’t even need exceptional writing skills to craft a convincing cover letter. 

Just follow these tips, and you’ll write an effective cover letter in no time:

  • Include your contact information in the header of your cover letter.
  • Start your cover letter greeting the recruiter .
  • Open up with a personalized paragraph highlighting your top achievements in the retail industry.
  • In the body of your cover letter, describe why you’re the retail manager they’re looking for by focusing on your work experience, skills, and achievements.
  • Make sure to research the company and explain how and why you’d be a great asset to their team. Don’t forget to mention why you wish to work for this company in particular!
  • Close your cover letter with a call to action.
  • Lastly, check our cover letter writing tips and cover letter mistakes to perfect your cover letter and land that retail manager job!

And here’s an example of a compelling cover letter:

manager cover letter example

As a retail manager, you know the role packaging plays in selling a product. Make sure your cover letter matches your resume by choosing one of our cover letter templates !

Key Takeaways 

By now, you have all the tools and knowledge to write the perfect retail manager resume (and cover letter!) that will help you land the job.

Before you start creating it, though, let’s go over some of the main points in writing a retail manager resume again:

  • Pick the reverse-chronological format to highlight your impressive work experience.
  • Write a compelling resume summary by focusing on your years of experience, skills, and top achievements.
  • Only include relevant work experience, and make sure to focus on your achievements instead of responsibilities to boost your resume.
  • Take your retail manager resume to the next level by listing your certifications, licenses, associations, languages, and other additional information.
  • Attach a convincing and personalized cover letter to secure your retail management job in the company.

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95 Examples: Top 15 Retail Skills for Your Resume

By Editorial Team on May 30, 2024 — 9 minutes to read

Retail jobs equip you with various skills that can shine on your resume. When highlighting your retail experience, be specific about the skills you developed. In this article, we’ll provide 95 example phrases to showcase the top 15 retail skills on a resume.

Core Retail Skills

Customer service excellence.

Customer service means providing an outstanding and positive experience that keeps customers coming back.

  • Handled an average of 50 customer queries daily, resolving issues promptly and efficiently.
  • Recognized as Employee of the Month for exceptional customer satisfaction ratings.
  • Trained new staff in customer service protocols, improving team performance.
  • Developed a rapport with repeat customers, leading to increased loyalty and sales.
  • Responded to customer complaints with professionalism, achieving a positive resolution rate of 95%.

Sales Expertise

Sales expertise means knowing how to persuade, negotiate, and close deals. Key skills include understanding customer needs, demonstrating products, and handling objections.

  • Achieved sales targets consistently, exceeding monthly quotas by 20%.
  • Utilized upselling techniques to increase average transaction value by 15%.
  • Provided personalized shopping experiences, driving repeat business.
  • Conducted product demonstrations, resulting in a 30% boost in sales.
  • Collaborated with the marketing team to develop effective sales strategies.

Product Knowledge

Having strong product knowledge means being well-versed in the details, uses, and benefits of the products you are selling.

  • Maintained up-to-date knowledge of all store products, including their features and benefits.
  • Assisted in the launch of new products by educating customers and staff.
  • Provided detailed and accurate information to help customers make informed purchasing decisions.
  • Attended regular training sessions to stay current on product developments.
  • Created informational displays that highlighted product features, increasing customer interest and sales.

Communication Skills

Verbal communication.

Being clear and articulate when speaking to customers is paramount. This means greeting customers warmly, answering their questions accurately, and providing helpful information about products or services. Friendly and engaging interactions can significantly enhance the customer experience and boost sales.

  • Provided exceptional customer service through clear and helpful communication.
  • Guided customers in product selection by effectively explaining features and benefits.
  • Resolved customer complaints by listening and responding professionally.
  • Delivered product demonstrations to small groups of customers.
  • Communicated store promotions and sales to increase customer purchases.

Written Communication

Accurate written communication is also key in retail settings. It’s used for writing emails, taking inventory notes, or creating promotional materials.

  • Crafted clear and concise emails to communicate with suppliers.
  • Prepared promotional materials such as flyers and product descriptions.
  • Maintained accurate inventory records through detailed written notes.
  • Documented customer feedback and suggestions to improve service.
  • Created training materials and manuals for new employees.

Listening Skills

Good listening skills are vital to understand customer needs and respond appropriately. This includes paying full attention to the customer, asking clarifying questions, and summarizing their points to ensure understanding. Active listening can lead to better customer satisfaction and loyalty.

  • Actively listened to customer concerns and provided effective solutions.
  • Asked insightful questions to understand customer preferences.
  • Took detailed notes on customer feedback for management review.
  • Listened to team members’ ideas to improve store operations.
  • Ensured customers felt heard and valued through attentive service.

Technical Proficiencies

Technical skills are a key part of retail positions, combining efficiency with customer service. You’ll often use various software to manage transactions and inventory effectively.

Point of Sale Systems

Mastering Point of Sale (POS) systems means you can handle transactions swiftly and accurately. These systems are more than just cash registers; they track sales, manage customer data, and sometimes even handle inventory. Familiarity with systems like Square, Shopify POS, or Lightspeed can make you a more valuable employee.

  • Managed customer transactions using Square POS daily
  • Trained team members on Shopify POS operations
  • Efficiently processed returns and exchanges using Lightspeed POS
  • Maintained accurate sales records through the Clover POS system
  • Handled mobile payments and contactless transactions effectively

Inventory Management Software

Knowing how to use Inventory Management Software means you can keep track of stock levels, orders, and deliveries. Systems such as NetSuite, TradeGecko, or Fishbowl help ensure that the store remains stocked and organized. These tools also aid in predicting future inventory needs based on sales trends.

  • Updated inventory levels using NetSuite daily
  • Conducted stock audits with TradeGecko
  • Managed reordering processes through Fishbowl
  • Forecasted inventory needs based on historical data using Cin7
  • Coordinated with suppliers using Ordoro for timely restock

Interpersonal Abilities

Your ability to interact well with others in a retail environment means effective team collaboration, handling conflicts adeptly, and showing genuine empathy.

Team Collaboration

Team collaboration means working well with your colleagues to achieve store goals. This includes sharing tasks, supporting others, and maintaining a positive work environment. You must communicate clearly, listen to others’ ideas, and be dependable.

  • Coordinated with team to achieve daily sales targets.
  • Assisted teammates with customer inquiries to ensure a seamless shopping experience.
  • Actively participated in team meetings and training sessions.
  • Shared best practices and strategies to improve store operations.
  • Collaborated with stock and sales team for efficient inventory management.

Conflict Resolution

Conflict resolution means addressing disagreements and finding solutions that satisfy everyone involved. In retail, this means handling customer complaints calmly and resolving disputes among staff effectively. It also means keeping a cool head under pressure and mediating conflicts to maintain harmony.

  • Resolved customer issues promptly and courteously.
  • Mediated disputes between team members to maintain a positive work environment.
  • Addressed and de-escalated confrontational situations.
  • Implemented solutions to prevent recurring customer complaints.
  • Trained new staff on effective conflict resolution techniques.

Empathy means understanding and sharing the feelings of others. In retail, it’s important to recognize and address the needs and concerns of customers and colleagues. Demonstrating empathy helps build strong relationships and improve customer satisfaction.

  • Listened attentively to customers to understand their needs.
  • Provided personalized service to make customers feel valued.
  • Supported colleagues during busy periods to reduce stress.
  • Showed understanding and patience with customer concerns.
  • Created a welcoming atmosphere by engaging warmly with every customer.

Operational Competencies

Operational competencies are important for ensuring smooth store operations, improving customer experience, and maximizing sales. They include skills such as merchandising, visual display arrangement, and stock management.


Merchandising means strategically displaying products to encourage sales and meet customer needs. You need to understand consumer behavior and market trends. This skill ensures shelves are stocked with products that sell well and appeal to your target audience.

  • Developed and implemented effective merchandising strategies that increased sales by 15%
  • Analyzed sales data to optimize product placement and drive customer engagement
  • Managed seasonal inventory rotations to maintain freshness and relevance
  • Collaborated with suppliers for timely product delivery and promotions
  • Ensured compliance with visual merchandising standards and brand guidelines

Visual Display Arrangement

Visual display arrangement means organizing and presenting products in an eye-catching way to attract customers. This involves creativity and an understanding of design principles. Your goal is to highlight products effectively, drawing customer attention and enhancing the shopping experience.

  • Designed innovative window displays that increased foot traffic by 10%
  • Utilized color theory and spatial arrangement to create inviting store layouts
  • Implemented themed displays for holidays and promotions, boosting sales
  • Trained staff on best practices for visual merchandising and display setup
  • Maintained cohesive brand image through consistent visual presentation

Stock Management

Stock management means keeping track of inventory levels, ordering new stock, and managing stock storage. Effective stock management minimizes waste, reduces costs, and ensures that popular items are always available for customers, improving overall store efficiency.

  • Oversaw inventory control processes, reducing stock discrepancies by 20%
  • Implemented automated inventory systems to streamline stock management
  • Coordinated with suppliers for timely replenishment of high-demand items
  • Conducted regular stock audits to maintain accuracy and prevent loss
  • Optimized storage solutions to maximize space and improve access for staff

Marketing Abilities

Marketing abilities mean promoting products to attract customers and increase sales. These skills are essential in retail, where you must understand customer behavior and market trends.

With good marketing abilities, you can create effective campaigns and strategies.

Another key aspect is analyzing the effectiveness of marketing efforts. Utilizing data to measure success helps you make better decisions.

Consider highlighting your social media skills. Platforms like Facebook and Instagram are vital for reaching a broad audience. Knowing how to use these tools effectively can set you apart.

  • Coordinated successful social media campaigns, increasing followers by 30%
  • Analyzed customer data to develop targeted marketing strategies
  • Created promotional content that boosted sales by 15%
  • Managed email marketing campaigns with a 20% open rate
  • Conducted market research to understand emerging trends

Digital marketing is another vital area. You should know how to utilize online platforms to drive traffic and sales. This skill includes SEO, SEM, and other online strategies.

  • Increased website traffic by 25% through targeted SEO strategies
  • Managed Google Ad campaigns, reducing CPL by 10%
  • Developed online promotions that increased sales by 20%
  • Coordinated digital advertising efforts across multiple platforms
  • Utilized Google Analytics to monitor and improve campaign performance

Understanding offline marketing techniques can also be beneficial. These strategies include flyers, in-store promotions, and local events to attract customers.

  • Organized in-store events that boosted foot traffic by 20%
  • Created eye-catching promotional materials for local ads
  • Developed loyalty programs that increased repeat customers
  • Coordinated community outreach efforts to enhance brand visibility
  • Implemented in-store displays that increased product sales by 15%

Effective communication is also essential. Whether creating engaging content or negotiating with vendors, strong communication skills make a significant difference.

  • Wrote compelling product descriptions that improved online engagement
  • Negotiated vendor contracts to secure better deals
  • Developed newsletters to keep customers informed and engaged
  • Conducted product presentations to boost sales
  • Collaborated with the sales team to align marketing strategies

Don’t forget to mention your creative abilities. Innovative marketing ideas can set you apart and make your campaigns memorable.

  • Designed unique marketing concepts that stood out in the market
  • Created imaginative ad campaigns that increased brand awareness
  • Developed themed in-store displays that attracted customers
  • Produced viral social media content that enhanced engagement
  • Generated creative solutions to market challenges

Frequently Asked Questions

What are some examples of retail sales skills to include on a resume.

Retail sales skills can encompass several abilities. Examples include customer service, effective communication, inventory management, point of sale (POS) system operation, and upselling techniques. You can also highlight your aptitude in handling cash transactions or your experience in resolving customer complaints.

How can I highlight retail skills effectively in my resume?

To highlight your retail skills, use action verbs and include specific examples. For instance, instead of just writing “customer service,” you can write “provided exceptional customer service to increase customer loyalty by 20%.” Tailoring your skills to the job description can also make a significant impact.

Which skills are essential to mention for a retail management position?

For a retail management position, emphasize leadership, team management, and strategic planning skills. Mention specific achievements, such as “Managed a team of 15 employees, resulting in a 30% increase in sales.” Highlight your ability to train staff, manage schedules, and exceed sales targets.

How should I list retail experience on my resume if I have no prior experience?

Even if you have no prior retail experience, focus on transferable skills and relevant experiences. Mention any customer service roles, teamwork, organizational skills, or volunteer work. For example, list a position like “Server at (…) Café” and highlight customer interaction, money handling, and efficiency.

What hard skills should I emphasize on my resume for a retail job?

For a retail job, emphasize hard skills such as operating cash registers, proficiency in POS systems, inventory management, and understanding of sales principles. Including certifications or training in these areas can also strengthen your resume. For example, “Certified in (…) POS system” shows specific expertise.

How can I showcase transferable skills from retail in my resume?

Showcase transferable skills like communication, problem-solving, and time management. Describe situations where you’ve used these skills outside of retail. For example, “Coordinated events for a charity, requiring strong organizational and communication skills.” These examples highlight your abilities even if they were gained in different contexts. Related: Top Transferable Skills Every Company Wants

  • List of 21 Important Technical Skills (with Examples)
  • 50 Inspiring Examples for 7 Communication Skills for a Resume
  • Technical Skills Examples for Resume
  • 12 Types of Personal Skills with 120 Examples for a Resume
  • 5 Stay-at-Home Mom Resume Strategies to Showcase Skills
  • 35 Examples: How To Highlight Work Experience on a Resume

5 Retail Manager Resume Examples for 2024

Creating a resume for retail management requires focus on your experience and skills. This article will show you effective resume examples and provide strategic advice. You'll learn how to highlight your achievements, key responsibilities, and use of industry-specific terms. By following these guidelines, you can improve your resume to better meet hiring managers' expectations.

Portrait of Marie-Caroline Pereira

  • 31 May 2024 - 4 new sections, including 'Position education properly', added
  • 31 May 2024 - 5 new resume templates, including Aspiring Retail Manager, added
  • 29 May 2024 - Article published
  • 26 May 2024 - Resumes approved
  • 24 May 2024 - First draft complete

  Next update scheduled for 08 Jun 2024

Here's what we see in top retail manager resumes:

Impact Shown By Numbers : Show metrics like increased sales by 20% , reduced costs by 15% , boosted customer satisfaction by 30% , and cut employee turnover by 10% to show value.

Include Relevant Skills : Include skills on your resume that you have and are mentioned on the job description. Some popular ones are inventory management , point of sale systems , merchandising , data analysis , and loss prevention . But don't include all of them, choose the ones you have and are mentioned in the JD.

Tailor For Junior Vs Senior : Junior resumes may show team support while senior ones show strategic planning . Adjust based on your experience.

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Retail Manager Resume Sample

Position education properly.

If you have been working for some time, place your education section after your work experience. Employers in retail want to see your job history first.

If you have recently finished an important course or degree, list your education first. This shows why you might have been out of work.

Emphasize customer service

In retail, customer service skills are important. Highlight any roles where you improved or maintained high levels of customer satisfaction.

Also, mention any awards or recognitions you received for your customer service skills.

Keep resume concise

Aim for a one-page resume if you have less than ten years of retail experience. This keeps your resume easy to read.

For more seasoned professionals, two pages is okay. Make sure every part of your resume is important and useful.

Junior Retail Manager Resume Sample

Quantify achievements.

Use numbers to show your impact. For example, mention how you increased sales by a certain percentage or how many team members you managed.

Retail employers appreciate these clear, quantifiable achievements because they show your effectiveness.

Aspiring Retail Manager Resume Sample

  •   Security Manager Resume Examples
  •   Maintenance Manager Resume Examples
  •   Campaign Manager Resume Examples
  •   Customer Success Manager Resume Examples
  •   Process Improvement Manager Resume Examples
  •   Business Manager Resume Examples
  •   IT Project Manager Resume Examples
  •   Portfolio Manager Resume Examples

Quick links

Retail manager, resume sample #1, resume sample #2, resume sample #3, junior retail manager, resume sample #4, aspiring retail manager, resume sample #5, additional resources, questions get in touch.

Nordstrom Fashion Retail Buyer Resume Examples

Photo of Brenna Goyette

Published June 2, 2024 8 min read

This article guides aspiring Fashion Retail Buyers on crafting a compelling resume for Nordstrom. It emphasizes showcasing relevant experience, understanding of fashion trends, and analytical skills. Tips include highlighting your ability to forecast trends and your successful buying strategies.

Nordstrom Fashion Retail Buyer Resume Created Using Our Resume Builder

Fashion Retail Buyer Resume Example

or download as PDF

Fashion Retail Buyer Resume Example (Text)

Saran Fauteux , Fashion Retail Buyer

[email protected]

(357) 620-6381

Norfolk, VA

Professional Summary

A dynamic and insightful Fashion Retail Buyer with 2 years of experience specializing in trend analysis, inventory management, and supplier negotiation. Demonstrated ability to identify emerging fashion trends and translate them into profitable buying strategies. Skilled in building strong relationships with vendors to secure competitive prices and ensure high-quality merchandise. Adept at analyzing sales data to optimize inventory levels and reduce overstock. Proven track record of enhancing product selection, increasing customer satisfaction, and contributing to sales growth. Brings a passion for fashion and a keen eye for detail to drive retail success.

Work Experience

Senior Fashion Retail Buyer at Nordstrom, VA

Dec 2023 - Present

  • Spearheaded the acquisition and launch of an exclusive designer collaboration with Marc Jacobs, resulting in a 25% increase in seasonal sales and expanding the brand's reach among millennials by 40% within the first year.
  • Negotiated advantageous terms with over 50 suppliers, securing early access to upcoming collections and reducing average procurement costs by 15%, which contributed to a gross margin improvement of 5% across the women's apparel category.
  • Implemented a data-driven inventory management system that decreased stockouts by 30% and reduced excess inventory levels by 20%, leading to a more efficient supply chain and an annual saving of $500,000.
  • Developed and executed a strategic plan for expanding into sustainable fashion, increasing the department's eco-friendly product offerings by 200% and driving a sales uplift of 35% in this segment within two years, significantly enhancing Nordstrom's brand image as a leader in sustainability.

Fashion Retail Buyer at Macy's, VA

Jul 2022 - Oct 2023

  • Spearheaded a strategic shift in the women's apparel category that resulted in a 25% increase in sales over a single fiscal year by identifying and capitalizing on emerging fashion trends, optimizing inventory levels, and fostering relationships with key suppliers.
  • Negotiated exclusive partnerships with three high-demand brands, leading to a 15% growth in foot traffic and a 20% increase in average customer spend within the first six months of launch at the Macy's Virginia location.
  • Implemented an innovative data-driven approach to inventory management which reduced stockouts by 30% and decreased excess inventory by 40%, significantly improving profitability and customer satisfaction ratings during my tenure.

Bachelor of Arts in Fashion Merchandising at Virginia Commonwealth University, VA

Aug 2017 - May 2022

Relevant Coursework: Fashion Trends and Forecasting, Retail Management, Visual Merchandising, Textiles, Brand Management, Consumer Behavior, Fashion Buying and Planning, Merchandise Math, and Digital Marketing Strategies.

  • Trend Forecasting
  • Negotiation
  • Inventory Management
  • Market Analysis
  • Visual Merchandising
  • Excel Proficiency


  • Certified Professional in Supply Management (CPSM) from the Institute for Supply Management.
  • Fashion Industry Essentials Certification by Parsons School of Design and Teen Vogue through Yellowbrick.

Tips for Writing a Better Nordstrom Fashion Retail Buyer Resume

Crafting a standout resume for a Nordstrom Fashion Retail Buyer position involves emphasizing your fashion sense, analytical skills, and understanding of the retail market. Here are key tips to help you create a resume that shines:

1. Tailor Your Resume:

  • Research Nordstrom’s Brand : Understand their target market, brand values, and current fashion trends they follow. Tailor your resume to reflect how your experience and skills align with Nordstrom’s ethos.
  • Job Description Keywords : Use keywords from the job description. This shows you have the exact skills they’re looking for and helps your resume pass through Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS).

2. Highlight Relevant Experience:

  • Quantify Your Achievements : Use numbers to quantify your achievements. For example, “Increased accessory sales by 20% through strategic vendor partnerships.”
  • Relevant Roles : Focus on previous roles that are relevant to a fashion retail buyer position. Highlight your responsibilities and achievements in these roles.

3. Showcase Your Fashion Sense:

  • Trend Forecasting : Mention any successful trend forecasting you’ve done or how you’ve adapted to rapidly changing fashion trends.
  • Brand Partnerships : If you’ve worked with notable brands or helped introduce new brands to a retail space, highlight these partnerships.
  • Product Selection : Discuss your experience in selecting products that meet customer needs and align with the store's brand.

4. Demonstrate Analytical Skills:

  • Market Analysis : Mention any experience you have in conducting market analysis to determine the potential success of new products.
  • Inventory Management : Highlight your skills in inventory management, such as optimizing stock levels or improving turnover rates.
  • Budget Management : If you’ve managed budgets, include this to show your ability to work within financial constraints.

5. Include Education and Certifications:

  • Relevant Degrees : Include degrees in Fashion Merchandising, Business Administration, or related fields.
  • Certifications : Add any certifications relevant to retail buying or fashion merchandising.

6. Professional Development:

  • Conferences and Workshops : If you’ve attended industry conferences or workshops, list them. This shows your commitment to staying current in the field.
  • Networking : Mention any fashion industry networks or groups you’re part of. This can demonstrate your industry engagement and potential for partnerships.

7. Format and Design:

  • Professional Layout : Use a clean, professional layout that makes your resume easy to read.
  • Personal Touch : Consider adding a small, professional design element that reflects your fashion sense, such as a tasteful color scheme or font, but keep it minimal.

8. Cover Letter:

  • Personalize Your Cover Letter : Write a cover letter that conveys your passion for fashion and why you want to work for Nordstrom specifically. Highlight how your experience and vision can contribute to their buying team.

Final Tips:

  • Proofread : Ensure your resume is free from grammatical errors and typos.
  • Update LinkedIn : Make sure your LinkedIn profile matches your resume and showcases your professional image.

By focusing on these areas, your resume will not only showcase your skills and experiences but also demonstrate your alignment with Norderson's values and expectations for a Fashion Retail Buyer.

Related : Retail Buyer Resume Examples

Key Skills Hiring Managers Look for on Nordstrom Fashion Retail Buyer Resumes

Incorporating keywords from the job description when applying for a Fashion Retail Buyer position at Nordstrom is crucial due to the company's employment of Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS). These systems are designed to screen resumes and applications by matching them against specific job descriptions, prioritizing those that contain relevant keywords and phrases. Nordstrom, a leading fashion retailer, receives a high volume of applications for their positions. As such, they utilize ATS to efficiently manage this influx and identify candidates whose resumes closely align with the job requirements. By strategically embedding keywords from the job description into your resume and cover letter, you significantly enhance your visibility to the ATS, thereby increasing your chances of progressing to the next stage of the hiring process. This approach demonstrates your attention to detail and your direct qualifications for the role, aligning your experience and skills with the specific needs and language of Nordstrom's job posting.

Here's a consolidated list of essential skills and key terms commonly encountered in job applications for fashion retail buyer positions at Nordstrom.

Related : Retail Buyer Skills: Definition and Examples

Common Action Verbs for Nordstrom Fashion Retail Buyer Resumes

Creating a resume for a position such as a Nordstrom Fashion Retail Buyer requires careful consideration of language, especially when it comes to action verbs. The challenge lies in finding a diverse array of verbs to accurately convey the range of responsibilities and achievements in one's career. Repetition of common verbs like "managed" or "led" can render a resume bland and undifferentiated, failing to capture the attention of hiring managers. To stand out, candidates must delve into a richer vocabulary that vividly describes their contributions and accomplishments. For example, instead of repeatedly saying "managed inventory," one might say "orchestrated inventory rotations" or "optimized stock levels." The importance of varied verbs extends beyond avoiding repetition; it's about painting a dynamic and compelling picture of one's professional journey. Each verb choice can highlight different facets of expertise and initiative, essential for a role that demands both creativity and analytical skills like that of a fashion retail buyer at a prestigious company like Nordstrom. By carefully selecting action verbs, candidates can craft a resume that not only showcases their qualifications but also their unique value proposition in the competitive landscape of fashion retail.

To provide you with an advantage in the competitive job market, we have curated a list of impactful action verbs designed to enhance your resume and secure your upcoming interview:

Related : What does a Retail Buyer do?

Editorial staff

Photo of Brenna Goyette, Editor

Brenna Goyette

Brenna is a certified professional resume writer, career expert, and the content manager of the ResumeCat team. She has a background in corporate recruiting and human resources and has been writing resumes for over 10 years. Brenna has experience in recruiting for tech, finance, and marketing roles and has a passion for helping people find their dream jobs. She creates expert resources to help job seekers write the best resumes and cover letters, land the job, and succeed in the workplace.

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