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16 Short Speeches About Life

At first, I set out to craft a speech about life . But as I delved deeper into the topic, I realized that summing up the vast tapestry of life in a single speech is a tall order. Life is not just one color or a single note; it’s a vibrant spectrum, a rainbow of experiences, moments, highs, lows, lessons, and memories. Each hue represents a different chapter, emotion, or milestone that contributes to our unique stories.

I also recognize that high school students might come across these words. I fondly recall my own school days when teachers would challenge us to pen down our thoughts on life. Such assignments, seemingly simple on the surface, often pushed us to self-reflection and growth.

With these memories and audiences in mind, I present to you not just one, but multiple speeches on life. Through these, I aim to touch upon the myriad facets of our existence, hoping that each reader, regardless of their age or journey, finds a sliver of resonance, a hint of inspiration, or a moment of reflection.

Speeches About Life

Speeches about life resonate with all of us because life, in its vastness and complexity, is the shared journey we all navigate. It’s filled with rainbows of experiences, highs and lows, and tales of courage, fear, triumphs, and setbacks.

Through these speeches, we get a window into the varied perspectives, learnings, and stories of others. They offer a mirror to our own experiences, sometimes teaching us, sometimes validating our feelings, and often inspiring us to see our path in a new light.

Moreover, life speeches bridge the gap between generations.

From a teenager in high school to a professional in their prime, everyone can find a piece of wisdom or an echo of their own story in these words.

By discussing life, we unite in our shared human experience, finding solace in the thought that we’re not alone in our struggles or joys. This universality, this binding thread, is what makes speeches about life timeless and impactful.

I have delivered these speeches in Toastmasters . I share these speeches when I teach about life and leadership. I have written them in the hope that you too will be inspired to write your speech about life and be an inspiration to others.

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Practice Answering Tough Questions

A speech about life aims to provide insights, share personal experiences, motivate the audience, or encourage introspection about the various aspects of human existence.

They can be both. Some speakers draw from their personal journeys and lessons learned, while others tap into universal truths and shared human experiences.

No, everyday experiences can provide profound insights. It’s about the message and the perspective, not necessarily the drama of the events.

Using storytelling, anecdotes, humor, and asking thought-provoking questions can make your speech more engaging. Ensure that the content resonates with the audience’s experiences and emotions.

Focus on authenticity, clarity of message, and audience engagement. Also, incorporating relatable stories or analogies can make the content memorable.

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About the author.

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Top 25 Best Motivational Speeches About Life: Short Motivational Speeches to Take Massive Action

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Best Motivational Speeches About Life

These are the top 15  best motivational speeches  about life to help motivate and inspire you!

Every day our motivational levels will waiver but if you can figure out how to stay motivated you will set yourself for an incredible amount of success in life.

Tony Robbins talks about this as push vs. pull motivation . Push motivation is usually where you have to push yourself to do something and oftentimes include a lot of willpower. Pull motivation is much easier, more natural, and flows easily as you want to do the specific event.

In this Psychology Today article it says that “Pull-based motivation is about tapping the desire to achieve something. It’s about establishing a quest and taking action not to remove a current pain, but to bring yourself closer to a deeply desired end. Maybe it’s completing a marathon or learning to play guitar.”

Ultimately you want to find activities in life that have you being pulled to do them. That usually happens when you begin to align your life with your goals, values, and daily routines. 

Motivation will determine how great your life ends up being. If you want to change your life you have to get moving, change your physiology, and create powerful habits. I listen to one of the videos as morning motivation every single day!

Here are the 15  best motivational speeches to help you get inspired!

Table of Contents

Top 15 Best Motivational Speeches

1.) tony robbins – why we do what we do (tedx speech).

Imagine speaking in front of the most wealthy and successful individuals in the world — what advice could you possibly give to billionaires and CEO’s? Tony Robbins is one of the few people that can motivate and inspire them as some of his top clients are those exact people. This TedX speech will help you understand why you do what you do.

2. Steve Jobs – 2005 Standford Commencement Speech

Steve Jobs Harvard commencement speech is one of the best motivational speeches of all time, not to mention the best commencement speech ever. While many of us admire Jobs and love his work, he was often very misunderstood by the masses. This rare and candid speech will show you how to follow your passion and create a life you love.

And the only way to do great work is to love what you do. If you haven’t found it yet, keep looking. Don’t settle. You have to trust in something – your gut, destiny, life, karma, whatever that somehow the dots will connect in the future.” — Steve Jobs

3. Les Brown – Georgia Dome Speech

Les Brown has some of the best motivational speeches ever. He is a world renown speaker, author, and trainer that has accomplished amazing feats in his life.

While his list of accolades is impressive when you learn where he came from it’s even more so. Enjoy this amazing speech live from the Georgia Dome in front of 30,000 people!

This is one of my favorites of all time. When things aren’t working, I listen to this inspirational speech about success to overcome challenges.

4. David Goggins – Driven

David Goggins is arguably the most badass human being ever. He’s been a Navy Seal, Army Ranger, ultra-marathon runner, and holds the pull-up record for most pull-ups in a 24 hour period (4,030)! When I think of the best motivational speeches I can’t help but add David Goggins!

5. Arnold Schwarzenegger – 6 Rules of Success (Commencement Speech)

Regardless of your political views, it’s hard to admit that Arnold has not accomplished an incredible amount in his lifetime. From moving to Austria to America to becoming a bodybuilder, Mr. Olympia champion, top-grossing actor, and governor of California.

6. Tony Robbins – New Year, New You

This is probably the video that will get you to reshape your life and vision more than most. If you’ve ever set a resolution only to fail while it’s still January (who hasn’t done that?) this video is for you.

Most of all, Tony talks in-depth about how to make lasting changes in your life. Instead of focusing on resolutions or abstract goals, focus on what really matters to make the change you need!

This is one of the best motivational speeches about life I’ve ever heard. Anytime I’m in a rut or feeling stuck, I always play this and get super inspired.

7. Mel Robbins – Secret to Self-Motivation

Mel Robbins is a top speaker and best-selling author after creating “ The 5-Second Rule ” and sharing it with the world. After getting to meet her in person, I can say she is incredibly inspiring and loves to help people.

8. Terry Crews Motivational Speech

Terry Crews is well known by many but his backstory & route to success is even more impressive!

9. Denzel Washington – Commencement Speech at Dillard University

Who doesn’t love Denzel Washington? His acting is incredible but his speech about succeeding in life is one of his truly epic performances. If you feel lost or disappointed with your life, this is a great video to get you motivated!

10. Admiral William H. McRaven – University of Texas At Austin

Do you make your bed each morning?

Admiral William McRaven shows why making your bed as part of your morning routine will give you discipline and start the day winning.

Let’s be honest, there are way too many amazing motivational speeches about life to only include ten. Here are some other incredible speeches that can change your life!

More Motivational Speeches About Life

11. extreme ownership with jocko willink (tedx speech).

Jocko Willink is a retired, ex-Navy Seal and also the best-selling author of “ Extreme Ownership .” If you don’t follow him on Twitter I highly recommend it as he seems like one of the most disciplined human beings alive.

After seeing him at a “ Success Live ” seminar I can say his intensity his second to none. Jocko gives one of the best motivational speeches ever with this TEDx talk!

12. J.K. Rowling – Harvard Commencement Speech

J.K. Rowling has an incredible story. From a broke waitress barely able to survive turned into one of the best-selling authors of all time. She has gone on to publish the Harry Potter series that also turned into one of the most successful movie franchises ever.

I love this quote from her epic motivational speech:

We do not need magic to change the world, we carry all the power we need inside ourselves already: we have the power to imagine better.”

13. Inky Johnson – One of the Most Epic Speeches About Life

Inky Johnson gives one of the best speeches about life challenges ever. After working his entire life to make it to the NFL, a freak injury in college paralyzed his right arm entirely. But instead of letting this injury ruin his life he turned his pain into passion by becoming a motivational speaker.

14. Eric Thomas – Motivation Addicts Speech

Eric Thomas aka “ET the Hip Hop Preacher” is one of the world  best motivational speakers of all time! In fact, if you type in motivational videos on Youtube his videos almost always come up first.

He is so passionate it’s hard to not love his message. His motivational speeches have taken over and this is one of my all-time favorites!

15. Jim Carrey Commencement Speech at Maharishi University of Management

Jim Carrey is often portrayed negatively in the media as of late but I think he’s incredible. He genuinely understands what’s important in life and wants to help others find the way to success. Jim used his vision to create an epic life and shares his gift with the world in this inspirational speech about life.

This might be the best motivational quote I’ve ever heard. Never forget, always follow your passion:

I learned many great lessons from my father — not the least of which is that you can fail at what you don’t want, so you might as well take a chance on doing what you  love .”

16. Ellen DeGeneres: Tulane University Commencement Speech

Ellen DeGeneres has overcome a lot of odds in her life and created a truly epic life. I love how much wisdom, inspiration, and humor is in this amazing speech about life. She is an incredible person who continues to inspire millions of people around the globe.

Really, when I look back on it, I wouldn’t change a thing. I mean, it was so important for me to lose everything because I found out what the most important thing is … to be true to yourself. Ultimately, that’s what’s gotten me to this place. I don’t live in fear. I’m free. I have no secrets and I know I’ll always be OK, because no matter what, I know who I am.”

17. Sheryl Sandberg Commencement Speech

Sheryl Sandberg is another amazing motivational speaker and COO of Facebook. Her speeches and words have helped inspire women worldwide.

18. Oprah Winfrey – Harvard Commencement Speech

Oprah is one of my favorite inspirational stories about perseverance of all-time. She had such a difficult childhood it’s nearly impossible for most people to even believe.

Yet she went on to become one of the most successful, wealthy, and influential people the world has ever seen. I love her message of positivity and fulfilling your dreams in life.

19. Will Smith Inspirational Speech – Pursuit of Happiness

This movie is phenomenal and really invokes a ton of emotion and feelings in this particular scene. Remember, never listen to anyone telling you what’s possible!

Don’t ever let somebody tell you … you can’t do something. Not even me. All right? You got a dream. You gotta protect it. People can’t do something themselves, they want to tell you can’t do it. If you want something, go get it. Period.”

Best Sports Motivational Speeches

Sports have created some of the best motivational speeches ever. Fake or real, these are some of the most popular motivational speeches from Hollywood!

20. Al Pacino – Any Given Sunday Speech

As a huge movie fan, I love this speech and consider it the best sports motivational speeches of all time. Al Pacino is an amazing actor and he delivers an incredible speech to motivate his team to victory.

“ On this team, we fight for that inch. On this team, we tear ourselves, and everyone around us to pieces for that inch. We CLAW with our fingernails for that inch. Cause we know when we add up all those inches that’s going to make the fucking difference. Between WINNING and LOSING…between LIVING and DYING. ”

21. Herb Brooks – Miracle Speech

While the speech is great it’s even better because it’s based on a true story about the Olympic team in the 1980’s! This speech propelled the U.S. to beat the Soviet Union and become the gold meal champions!

As Herb said, “ Great moments are born from great opportunity .”

22. Rocky Motivational Speech

Rocky might be the best motivational video ever. While the original is a little outdated there have been so many sequels it continues to stay relevant in mainstream culture.

If you learn about the story behind the movie it’s even more inspirational. At the time Sylvester Stallone was so broke he had to sell his dog and was sleeping on park benches. After watching a boxing match he got motivated and wrote the script that would change his life.

Check out my favorite quote from the Rocky motivational speech:

The world ain’t’ all sunshine and rainbows. It’s a mean and nasty place. And I don’t care how tough you are it’ll beat to your knees and keep you there permanently if you let it. You, me, or nobody is going to hit as hard as life. It ain’t about how hard you hit, it’s about how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward. That’s how winning is done! “

23. Ray Lewis & Eric Thomas – “Beast” Motivational Speech

This inspirational speech is from two icons – Ray Lewis and Eric Thomas. Ray is a former hall of fame NFL player who knows how to generate hype, excitement, and enthusiasm from his teammates. This was a no-brainer when selecting the best sports motivational speeches.

Remember as Eric Thomas said, “ Sleep, sleep is for people who are broke. I got an opportunity to make a dream become a reality. ”

24. Best Motivational Sports Speech 

The crazy thing about this inspirational speech is that it’s a true story!  This epic speech was delivered to a group of high school football players.

25. Tom Brady – Best Motivational Video To Prove Haters Wrong

Tom Brady is the greatest player of all time. He was doubted from the moment he walked into the NFL combine. Yet, he is still playing the game 20+ years later and is arguably the best quarterback of all time.

He’s proven the haters wrong with his relentless work ethic, consistent performance, and longevity in a physically challenging sport. I love this motivational video!

Remember what Tom Brady said, “ To me what separates good players from great players is to execute under pressure. ”

Enjoy the best motivational speeches to give you the momentum to take the next step!

Are you ready to make this the year that will change your life forever? Quit waiting and start creating success today!

Never give up, this is your year to create success! 

Do you think these are some of the best motivational speeches about life ? Which one of them is your favorite?

Did I miss a motivational or commencement speech that you love? Let me know in the comments! 

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About Michael Leonard

My name is Michael and I'm the creator of Inspire Your Success. My goal is to give you the tools, resources, and inspiration to build an epic freelance writing business.

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January 30, 2018 at 2:07 am

Love these and wanted to add 1 more from Eric Thomas, literally one of the most motivational people to so many people.

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February 7, 2018 at 7:10 am

Damn great call I totally forgot about ET — he’s one of the best!

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January 30, 2018 at 3:04 am

Glad you included Jocko. Highly recommended podcast.

February 7, 2018 at 7:09 am

Thanks Drew — Jocko is the man! After seeing him live I was ready to run through a wall haha inspiring guy!

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April 17, 2018 at 6:43 am

Amazingly informative and helpful post. Everything is good enough and website is very well designed. I am very glad that I have come across to your blog because you have shared a one of a kind blog which has all the things in a very pleasant manner. Basically I’m a writer I would like to share my website here and sometimes I wait for your post to get more this type of blogs. A good blog always comes-up with new and exciting information and while reading I have feel that this blog is really have all those quality that qualify a blog to be a good one. What a great post, love this education related post! Great blog you have Thanks for sharing.

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December 2, 2020 at 6:31 am

All are best speeches. Many i have listed but remaining i will listen soon. It is really motivational. Arnold speech is really motivational.

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December 2, 2020 at 6:33 am

JK Rowling speech is my favorite. She is a wonderful author and worked very hard to get success. Remaining all are best.

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  • Speech about Life for Students and Children

Speech about Life

Good morning one and all present here. I am standing before you all to share my thoughts through my speech about life. Life is a continuous ongoing process that has to end someday. Life is all about adoring yourself, creating yourself. A quote for you that life can be only understood backward but it must be lived forwards. Life itself is a golden opportunity to live a meaningful life and support others to do so. It doesn’t matter how many years you live. But it matters how well you live a quality life.

Speech about Life


The fear of death always threatens our lives. Every person has to face death sooner or later, but that doesn’t mean that it should discourage us from living life to the fullest or achieving our goals. A person is wise only when he/she is ready to meet destiny when it comes, but until that time enjoys every bit of it. It is a sense of readiness. It is a journey in everyone’s life wherein we have to cross the bridge of death to be able to wake up to a life eternal.

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Human life – A very Precious Gift

Human life is truly a very precious gift. Each moment of human life carries us an opportunity, to act to develop and express our virtues. Every moment unlocks the path to us to receive blessings. This is the truth that life gives us both positive and negative situations. What is really important is how we react.

Life is the gift of God in the form of trust that we will make it meaningful in whatever we can. We are all unique individuals. No one is born like you and no one will ever be, so cherish your individuality. Many times, I come across people accusing God of things that they don’t have. They always cursing their lives. But, do they realize that this life itself is precious? If we make it worth living and work hard towards positivity.

Life is a Journey, not a Destination

Life is nothing but a journey with lessons, hardships, heartache and special moments. It will ultimately lead us to our destination, our purpose in life. The road will not always be a plane; in fact, throughout our travels, we will face many challenges.

These challenges will always test our courage, strengths, weaknesses, and faith. Along our way, we may encounter obstacles that will come between the paths and we are destined to take.

In order to be on the right path, we must overcome these obstacles. Sometimes these obstacles are really blessings in disguise, only we don’t understand that at the time. The secret of life is best known to those who are not attached to anything deeply so much.

Therefore, they remain out of touch with worries and shifting fortunes of their lives. They are the people who do not measure their lives in terms of materialistic possessions, but by measuring their lives in terms of people they cannot live without.

Lastly, I will conclude that we should make life worthwhile. It should be with the love of our family and friends that life can be made beautiful. Life can be more beautiful and purposeful by discharging our duties in our family, at work, society and the world at large.

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30 Best Motivational Speech for Success in Life


  • Updated on  
  • May 18, 2024

Motivational Speech for Success in Life

In today’s fast-paced environment and competitive world, it is very easy to lose track of one’s passion and goals and become overwhelmed by the challenges one faces no matter which walk of life one hails from. If they speak particularly of people involved in business endeavors across industries, the candidates often face constant pressure to perform at their best and achieve success either in their career or personal lives. In this article, we have listed down the 30 best motivational speeches for success in life.

  • Define Your Why: Success isn’t a one-size-fits-all. What truly motivates YOU? Is it helping others, creating something beautiful, or pushing your limits? A clear purpose fuels your drive. Embrace the Climb: The road to success has twists and turns. There will be setbacks, but don’t confuse them with dead ends. Learn from your mistakes, dust yourself off, and keep climbing.

Success in Life Speech: Short and Long Speech

Befriend Persistence: Success isn’t a sprint, it’s a marathon. There will be days you doubt, but consistent effort is the key that unlocks your potential. Celebrate small wins, and they’ll build into a symphony of achievement.

  • Befriend Failure Too: It’s not a foe, but a teacher in disguise. Every misstep holds a valuable lesson. Analyze what went wrong, adjust your approach, and emerge stronger.
  • Set SMART Goals: Specificity is your friend! Make your goals S pecific, M easurable, A ttainable, R elevant, and T ime-bound. A clear roadmap keeps you focused and motivated.
  • Unleash Your Inner Learner: The world is your classroom! Never stop feeding your curiosity. Read, take courses, and learn from others. Growth is the fuel of success.
  • Find Your Tribe: Surround yourself with positive, supportive people who believe in you. Their encouragement will be the wind beneath your wings.
  • Embrace Continuous Improvement: There’s always room to grow. Seek out feedback, identify areas for improvement, and constantly strive to be the best version of yourself. Celebrate Every Step: Don’t wait for the finish line to pop the champagne. Acknowledge and celebrate your progress, big and small. It keeps your motivation tank full. Believe in Yourself: This is the ultimate hack. Doubt is a dream killer. Believe in your abilities, your potential, and your right to succeed. The world needs your unique spark.

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  • Silence the Inner Critic: That voice in your head whispering doubts? Challenge it! Focus on your strengths, visualize your success, and drown out negativity with self-affirmation.
  • Step Outside Your Comfort Zone: Growth happens just beyond your comfort zone. Don’t be afraid to take calculated risks, embrace new experiences, and watch yourself soar.
  • Find Your Passion: When you love what you do, it doesn’t feel like work. Pursue your passions with fervor, and success will naturally follow in its wake.
  • Turn Fear into Fuel: Fear is a natural reaction, but don’t let it paralyze you. Instead, channel it into action. Use fear as a motivator to push past your perceived limitations.
  • Practice Gratitude: Take a moment each day to appreciate the good things in your life, big and small. Gratitude fosters a positive mindset that fuels success.
  • Embrace the Power of Visualization: See yourself achieving your goals in vivid detail. Feel the accomplishment, the pride. Visualization programs your brain for success.
  • Give Back: Helping others isn’t just good karma, it’s a motivator. When you contribute to something bigger than yourself, it fuels your own sense of purpose.
  • Find Your Flow: There’s a state where everything clicks, and you’re completely absorbed in the task at hand. Identify what gets you into flow and create a routine to cultivate it.
  • Celebrate How Far You’ve Come: Look back and acknowledge your progress. Seeing how far you’ve come will motivate you to keep pushing forward.
  • Enjoy the Journey: Success takes time. Savor the learning experiences, the connections you make, and the journey itself. The road to achieving your dreams can be just as fulfilling as the destination.
  • Own Your Story: We all have a unique narrative. Embrace your experiences, both triumphs and challenges, because they shape who you are and the path you take to success.
  • Become a Master of Focus: Distractions are everywhere. Learn to manage your time effectively, prioritize ruthlessly, and create a focused environment to conquer your goals.
  • Fuel Your Body and Mind: Success is a marathon, not a sprint. Take care of yourself by eating healthy, getting enough sleep, and exercising regularly. A healthy body fuels a sharp mind.
  • Develop Grit: There will be setbacks, but don’t let them define you. Cultivate resilience, the ability to bounce back from challenges and persist even when things get tough.
  • Learn to Fail Forward: Failure is inevitable, but it’s not a dead end. Learn from your mistakes, adapt your approach, and use those experiences as stepping stones to success.
  • Embrace Continuous Learning: The world is constantly evolving. Stay curious, read widely, and seek out opportunities to develop new skills. A growth mindset is key to staying ahead.
  • Find Your Cheerleaders: Surround yourself with positive, supportive people who believe in you. Their encouragement will lift you up on challenging days.
  • Practice Self-Compassion: Be kind to yourself. Everyone makes mistakes. Forgive yourself, learn, and move on.
  • Unleash Your Creativity: Don’t be afraid to think outside the box. Challenge the status quo, innovate, and find creative solutions to problems.
  • Find Your Why and Revisit It Often: Reconnect with your core purpose, that fire that ignites your passion. Remembering your “why” will reignite your motivation when the path gets tough.

Speech About Life for Students in English

Now you have read it! The best and the brightest Thought for the Day. Write these quotes down or share them with anyone who needs an added dose of inspiration. You can also follow our page for more motivation.

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Anjali Chowdhury

An enthusiastic content writer with a total experience of almost 2 years. Dedicated to help students with study abroad.

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Transcript: The Power Of The Present Moment – Living In The Now

If you want to live an amazing life A truly abundant, happy life Make it a priority to LIVE more in the PRESENT MOMENT. You don’t need fancy cars, you don’t need millions of dollars. 
You don’t need THINGS.

All you need is within you now. All you need is this very moment, right NOW. This precious PRESENT MOMENT To be aware of all the miracles that are around you and indeed a PART of you, right now.

All unhappiness is formed when we take our being away from the present moment. Stress, disappointment and anger when we think about events of our PAST that we have no control over right now. Anxiety or worry when we think about the FUTURE, also of which we have no control over right now. Most of us seem to be always searching for some place else, some better moment in the future.

But that moment never comes. Because when that moment comes we want more. 
When we just stop and appreciate everything in this moment. Everything most take for granted.
Like the LIFE in our bodies. Like the ENERGY inside us.

Like the MIRACLE of human life.
Like the MIRACLE of creation. The wonder of this universe. The wonder of you being able to communicate to all the parts of your body without speaking a word.

The wonder of our senses. The sun, the rain, the air you breathe in right now. When we can truly grasp this powerful PRESENT MOMENT There are no problems There are only miracles. Many think being lost in the present moment might eliminate any chance of growth or success in their life.
 However, the opposite is true.

When everything you DO is infused with your presence, everything you DO is done with more quality, with more connection, with more love. And when you are more connected with everything you do, there is greater success on all levels. The success all of us seek is really just the FEELING we believe we will get in achieving it. So the SUCCESS itself is really a feeling. And any feeling, even the highest elation can be achieved RIGHT NOW when your attention, when your APPRECIATION is 100% focused on this perfect present moment.

When we stop seeking an end point, and instead make each moment an end in itself. When we can appreciate the journey so much that a destination is not needed. The journey is the new destination. The new miracle.

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Speech About Life

The most priceless gift we can receive is life. It is all about loving and creating ourselves as well as improving other people and society. It is a continuous, ongoing process that must come to an end someday. Here are some sample speeches about “life”.

  • 10 lines Speech On Life

Life is something to be valued above everything else.

In order to grow and express our virtues, life provides the opportunity to act in every moment.

Through life we have opportunities to receive blessings every moment. God has blessed us with many wonderful things to enjoy in life.

Our lives should be spent in a way that we can be useful to others.

With the gift of life, it should be our mission to care for and improve the world, as we are here to protect and nurture it.

There are various perspectives of living lives, but most important is what an individual does with it.

Our lives are made unique, worthwhile, and special by the people in our families, our relationships with our loved ones, and our friendships.

It is important to give respect to other life forms, and respect them as we do with ours.

We ought to be perpetually appreciative for the priceless gift that is life.

It is entirely our responsibility, how we spend our time, and what we do with it.

Short Speech On Life

Long speech essay on life.

Speech About Life

Everyone on this planet is living their own life, but when it comes to people, their existence is not without its challenges. However, there are also appealing facets to life that offer a glimmer of optimism and hope. We have people in our lives—family, friends, and other relatives—who make them special and worthwhile and enable us to recognise how special they are.

However, in the present, people's needs and priorities are shifting. The level of stress is rising along with a rise in materialistic desires. Thus, as stress levels rise, people are developing serious medical conditions and are finding it difficult to handle the challenges that life presents to them. Therefore, one hopes for a life that is free of stress. This is our fundamental human desire.

We encounter both happy and unhappy circumstances in life. What matters most is how we respond to it. As there is a saying that goes, “You are the universe, experiencing itself through itself,” this explains that life is given to us to feel things, to experience the conditions and the beauty that it provides, and though there will be ups and downs, there will always be things to appreciate.

People frequently blame God for things they don't have and curse their lives, but they don't realise how precious life itself is if we make it worthwhile and put in the effort. We have a responsibility to make the most of the time that has been given to us.

"My mama always said, life is like a box of chocolates. You never know what you're gonna get." - Forrest Gump

Life is a never-ending, continuous process that must come to an end at some point in the not-too-distant future. The purpose of life is to create and love oneself. The phrase "life can be seen in reverse, but it must be lived in advance" might serve as a better summary. Life itself offers the chance to lead a meaningful life and inspire others to do the same. How long we live doesn't depend on anything. A high standard of living should always be maintained.

Life is an ongoing process that must come to an end eventually. Life is all about creating and appreciating oneself. There is a quote that says "life can be only understood backward but it must be lived forwards". The potential to live a meaningful life and help others do the same is presented by life itself. It makes no difference how long you live. However, how well you lead a good life counts.

Life itself is a genuinely priceless gift. Every minute we have in our life gives us the chance to do something to grow and display our qualities. Every second opens a door for us to accept benefits. The reality is that both good and bad things happen to us in life. The crucial factor is how.

What Is A Good Life?

Different people have different definitions of what a good life is. Some would define it as a means of helping others, while others would define it as living life to the fullest. In the end, how we choose to live our lives and how we choose to use our time are entirely up to us.

The purpose of life varies from person to person, much like the values. For students, it can be to get good marks and be a bright student. For teachers, it could be to instil good values in their students. A life that is lived only to benefit oneself is not a life at all. A person must work hard and achieve goals if they have hefty salaries, great social standing, and materialistic desires.

Life- A Journey

Life is nothing more than a journey filled with lessons, challenges, pain, and memorable experiences. In the end, it will guide us to where we're going and what our life's all about. The path will not always be smooth; in fact, there will be many difficulties along the route.

These difficulties will always put our bravery, strengths, and faith to the test. We can come into roadblocks on the way that will prevent us from following the courses we are meant to.

We must get over these hurdles in order to be on the correct track. Sometimes the difficulties we face are actually blessings in disguise, although we are unaware of this at the time. Those who are not overly tied to anything can best understand the meaning of life.

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How to Enjoy Life Every Day

enjoy life

The “Every Day Mindset” is a simple, yet extremely powerful, way in which to live your life. What is this mindset? Put simply, it is a mindset that remembers that this day you are currently living will only ever happen once, and it, therefore, encourages you to make the most of it.

It is not about recklessly living life as if there is no tomorrow. The future is important to plan for, but it is important not to obsess about it to the extent that you neglect the present. Remember, the only way to get to the future is through a series of todays. Since this Every Day Mindset has changed my life, I would like to share with you 3 specific ways in which I apply it:

1. Enjoy Every Day

I choose to enjoy every day. I wake up early at 5am because I am excited about the day ahead, and throughout the day I try to maintain a positive attitude. Yes, sometimes “shit happens” and I don’t have a good day. But I figure if I at least try to have fun and be happy there is a good chance I will enjoy myself.

What I am particularly interested in is ways to enjoy my time at work. Most people know how to enjoy their leisure time, but many people struggle to imagine being happy at work. If this is you, here are a few quick tips:

  • Do what you love: this should be your ultimate career goal. I know it’s easier said than done, but just remember it is possible.
  • Make friends with your co-workers: in so many ways, it is our relationships with people that give us the most happiness in life. So take the time and effort to become friends with the people you work with.
  • Take pride in your work: even if you aren’t saving lives, chances are you are contributing in some positive way to society. Take pride in your work and you are sure to feel better about yourself.
  • Stop waiting: stop waiting for something to occur before you are happy. Because guess what? Chances are that a better title, more money, a car bay, or that nice corner office with the great view will not make a significant and lasting difference to your level of happiness.

2. Take Smalls Steps

I have some big dreams and ambitious goals for my life . I’m also human, which means I suffer from fear, self-doubt, and procrastination. This means that if I’m not careful, big and ambitious become overwhelming and intimidating. And the danger with feeling overwhelmed is that I won’t take actions towards my dreams and goals.

What I have discovered is that the big things can result from taking small steps. As Lao Tzu once said: “A journey of a thousand miles begins with one step.” What this means in the context of the Every Day Mindset is that each day I try to get a little bit closer to fulfilling my dreams and achieving my goals. And so long as I am making progress, I feel happy. Here is my favorite tip for taking small steps towards big dreams and goals:

  • Try to improve 1% each day: this doesn’t seem like much, but imagine how much you will have changed after just one month. So try being 1% happier, healthier, and productive than yesterday and see what happens.

3. Make Your Habits Daily

Motivation is an ongoing struggle for me because I find it comes in peaks and troughs. What I discovered was that during these troughs, many of my good habits would slip away. For example, when it came time to exercise I would tell myself “I will exercise tomorrow”, despite having previously committed myself to exercising at that particular time. When I changed my mindset to one in which I exercised every day, this excuse disappeared. And guess what? It made all the difference.

So to make a habit stick, commit to doing it daily. If you would like some suggestions for daily habits to incorporate into your life, I suggest reading my articles 24 Daily Habits and 12 More Daily Habits . Here are a few of my favorite habits from the aforementioned articles:

  • Exercise Your Brain: exercising your brain is as important (if not more!) than exercising your muscles. In the past year I taken to Sudoku and Kakuro as ways to stimulate my brain and have fun. Other suggestions are crosswords, quizzes, and brain teasers.
  • Celebrate Your Successes: I find it so important to take time each and every day to celebrate your successes . This doesn’t have to involve opening a bottle of bubbly – quite often a mental pat on the back will do.
  • Ping a Friend: I try to send a quick email or text to a friend each day. It’s a great way to stay in touch with friends when I am extremely busy.

How do you like to make the most of each and every day?

Photo by shinosan

About The Author

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Peter Clemens

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38 thoughts on “How to Enjoy Life Every Day”

' data-src=

I love this article, not only because it has some great advice, but because it acknowledges that we’re human! It makes you feel that anything is possible with the right mindset.

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:) Amen to that. There’s an ancient Sanskrit poem:

Look to this day! For it is life, the very life of life. In its brief course Lie all the truths and realities of existence:

The joy of growth, The splendor of action, The glory of power.

For yesterday is but a memory, And tomorrow is only a vision; But today, well lived, makes every yesterday a memory of happiness, And every tomorrow a vision of hope. Look well, therefore, to this day!

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goog article

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wonderful poem I like it

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nice poem .a memory of happiness brings a lots of happiness for tomorrow.

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Excellent article. I think our mind often dreams of certain circumstances where all our problems will be resolved. However, in practise it is here an now where we need to make the most of life. ~ Tejvan

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Good Job Peter– Especially for this time of year (where we put more awareness in being grateful), the every day mindset is a wonderful idea… todd

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Love your post! Those tips really helps me to enjoy life!

Alex Liu

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Great article, but not-so-great picture, especailly in lieu with the Hot Air ballon accident & deaths recently in Vancouver!

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Thanks for sharing the poem, great article by the way :-)

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A great reminder that we are always fully at choice. At the end of the day, it’s all about the choices we’ve made. Great article!

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Thank you, Peter. Many blessings for the work you do and the insight you share, CG

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Great article, I really love your style of writing. You are so concise and clear in your messages. I agree with the three things you mention, but really love “Take Small Steps”. It is required to have unlimited ambitions if you ever want to actually make them come true, but it is the every day and consistent mastering of the “small steps” that will get you there. You really are “changing” people’s lives. Keep the amazing post coming!

' data-src=

It’s important to remember not to get caught up in the daily grind. The simple things in life help us to really LIVE and not just EXIST day-to-day in a rut. Thank you Peter

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I absolutely love this. Completely wonderful and relevant advice.

' data-src=

Nice article !! A good guide to change life to live better .. now and today … in simple ways. Improving 1 % every day seems so realistic . How bout every one puts it on their to do list and make sure it gets done just like the other chores. Thats how we are tuned to do things isn’t it ? Sure would make a change.

deepus last blog post.. Truthful Compliments

' data-src=

Living in the moment is truly awesome, especially when you are a totally Lazy Dude like me …

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I really enjoyed this :) it topped off my evening after having a very spontaneous encountre with a stranger today :)

' data-src=

I’m a first time mother of TWINS…and have had an exhausting year…yes, not enjoyable, but exhausting. However, I want to change. After reading some of your material, I find your words to be uplifting, and real. Thank you for sharing.

' data-src=

That was a excellent article for me to fit it inspire me a lot.

Thanks peter,

' data-src=

Carpe Diem; Splendid article and picture. Life is about living moment-to-moment, day-by-day. It is about seeking out the essence of life within life itself.

By the way, I am sincerely interested in your work. I have plans to read your book.

I thought I would share with you a new book that I have recently published. It is a book on the acceptance of life. If we wait to live, we will never fully reap the benefits of life. My book is called, WAITING TO LIVE by Dr. Asa Don Brown. It can be found through a variety of bookstores and online stores.

Thank you for your time and efforts.

Warm Regards,

Dr. Asa Don Brown

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Great points about doing what you love and goals. Both work together. I think that doing what you love increases the quality of your life tremendously, even if you do it for a few minutes a day. If you begin doing it for a few minutes per day, you’ll see an increase in your life quality and will naturally expand that activity.

Along the lines of goals, sometimes it’s hard to stick to – setting a daily goal and tracking it on a calendar can be motivating. For example, putting a red ‘X’ mark over each day you do what you had planned for at least a few minutes. Seeing those red Xs pile up is inspiring and gives you a sense that you are really working on something.

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you seem to have your life together, i have but one question? where were you two years ago when i was digging my hole? funny things is, i strive for the bigger picture and you are right, most of us should look at today and what we have. thanks. my first time here and i am sure to come back.

' data-src=

Great article!

' data-src=

Thank you a lot for providing individuals with an extremely remarkable chance to check tips from this website. It is always very excellent and also full of amusement for me and my office mates to visit the blog the equivalent of thrice in a week to learn the fresh issues you have. And of course, I’m so actually impressed for the sensational guidelines you give. Selected 4 areas in this posting are particularly the simplest I’ve had.

' data-src=

Nice article, thanks for sharing.. Keep writing.

' data-src=

Hey!! That’s a great article. Thankyou 1% everyday and  the only way to get to the future is through a series of todays is something that My brain effortlessly understood. Thanks a lot.

' data-src=

I like what you have written.

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Yes! Jump for joy for simply being alive :)

' data-src=

I like your advice. Seems so good to do it everyday but i really have a hard time at work and my daily mind setting

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It is really true…..!

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“Make it a habit” I totally agree. We may feel upset but if we change what we think about the situation it will give us a different perception on how are we going to overcome such feeling.


' data-src=

Wow! this blog really motivates me to do my best everyday. Thank you for your hardwork creating and sharing this blog of yours.

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I enjoyed your article because of the human element you put into the article. Your article reminds me that life is all about choices. I am six months clear from stage 2 breast cancer, so I truly learned last year that a person’s perspective is their reality.

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The 10 Essential Rules for Slowing Down and Enjoying Life More

By leo babauta.

It’s an irony of our modern lives that while technology is continually invented that saves us time, we use that time to do more and more things, and so our lives are more fast-paced and hectic than ever.

Life moves at such a fast pace that it seems to pass us by before we can really enjoy it.

However, it doesn’t have to be this way. Let’s rebel against a hectic lifestyle and slow down to enjoy life.

A slower-paced life means making time to enjoy your mornings, instead of rushing off to work in a frenzy. It means taking time to enjoy whatever you’re doing, to appreciate the outdoors, to actually focus on whoever you’re talking to or spending time with — instead of always being connected to a Blackberry or iPhone or laptop, instead of always thinking about work tasks and emails. It means single-tasking rather than switching between a multitude of tasks and focusing on none of them.

Slowing down is a conscious choice, and not always an easy one, but it leads to a greater appreciation for life and a greater level of happiness.

Here’s how to do it.

1. Do less . It’s hard to slow down when you are trying to do a million things. Instead, make the conscious choice to do less. Focus on what’s really important, what really needs to be done, and let go of the rest. Put space between tasks and appointments, so you can move through your days at a more leisurely pace. Read more .

2. Be present . It’s not enough to just slow down — you need to actually be mindful of whatever you’re doing at the moment. That means, when you find yourself thinking about something you need to do, or something that’s already happened, or something that might happen … gently bring yourself back to the present moment. Focus on what’s going on right now. On your actions, on your environment, on others around you. This takes practice but is essential.

3. Disconnect . Don’t always be connected. If you carry around an iPhone or Blackberry or other mobile device, shut it off. Better yet, learn to leave it behind when possible. If you work on a computer most of the day, have times when you disconnect so you can focus on other things. Being connected all the time means we’re subject to interruptions, we’re constantly stressed about information coming in, we are at the mercy of the demands of others. It’s hard to slow down when you’re always checking new messages coming in.

4. Focus on people . Too often we spend time with friends and family, or meet with colleagues, and we’re not really there with them. We talk to them but are distracted by devices. We are there, but our minds are on things we need to do. We listen, but we’re really thinking about ourselves and what we want to say. None of us are immune to this, but with conscious effort you can shut off the outside world and just be present with the person you’re with. This means that just a little time spent with your family and friends can go a long way — a much more effective use of your time, by the way. It means we really connect with people rather than just meeting with them.

5. Appreciate nature . Many of us are shut in our homes and offices and cars and trains most of the time, and rarely do we get the chance to go outside. And often even when people are outside, they’re talking on their cell phones. Instead, take the time to go outside and really observe nature, take a deep breath of fresh air, enjoy the serenity of water and greenery. Exercise outdoors when you can, or find other outdoor activities to enjoy such as nature walks, hiking, swimming, etc. Feel the sensations of water and wind and earth against your skin. Try to do this daily — by yourself or with loved ones.

6. Eat slower . Instead of cramming food down our throats as quickly as possible — leading to overeating and a lack of enjoyment of our food — learn to eat slowly. Be mindful of each bite. Appreciate the flavors and textures. Eating slowly has the double benefit of making you fuller on less food and making the food taste better. I suggest learning to eat more real food as well, with some great spices (instead of fat and salt and sugar and frying for flavor).

7. Drive slower . Speedy driving is a pretty prevalent habit in our fast-paced world, but it’s also responsible for a lot of traffic accidents, stress, and wasted fuel. Instead, make it a habit to slow down when you drive. Appreciate your surroundings. Make it a peaceful time to contemplate your life, and the things you’re passing. Driving will be more enjoyable, and much safer. You’ll use less fuel too.

8. Find pleasure in anything . This is related to being present, but taking it a step farther. Whatever you’re doing, be fully present … and also appreciate every aspect of it, and find the enjoyable aspects. For example, when washing dishes, instead of rushing through it as a boring chore to be finished quickly, really feel the sensations of the water, the suds, the dishes. It can really be an enjoyable task if you learn to see it that way. The same applies to other chores — washing the car, sweeping, dusting, laundry — and anything you do, actually. Life can be so much more enjoyable if you learn this simple habit.

9. Single-task . The opposite of multi-tasking. Focus on one thing at a time. When you feel the urge to switch to other tasks, pause, breathe, and pull yourself back. Read more .

10. Breathe . When you find yourself speeding up and stressing out, pause, and take a deep breath. Take a couple more. Really feel the air coming into your body, and feel the stress going out. By fully focusing on each breath, you bring yourself back to the present, and slow yourself down. It’s also nice to take a deep breath or two — do it now and see what I mean. :)

Posted: 06.11.2009

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How to Enjoy Life More

How to Enjoy Life More: 20 Ways to Enjoy Every Day (2023)

Want to know how to enjoy life more? Some people believe that to enjoy life, they need to do things like:

  • Earn more money
  • Have the perfect relationship or friends
  • Become well-respected or famous

However, plenty of people have these things and more and are still unhappy.

The Vietnamese monk and 'father of mindfulness,' Thích Nhất Hạnh, wrote, 'So many conditions of happiness are available – more than enough for you to be happy right now.'

But if there are already so many things to enjoy in life, why don't we enjoy every day?

Because learning how to enjoy life takes practice .

We need to cultivate a positive mindset , develop good habits , and fill our life with meaning. Still, there's probably no better skill to practice than learning how to enjoy life to the fullest, right?

Here are 20 things you can do to enjoy life more.

1. Practice Gratitude

It's impossible to feel both grateful and unhappy at the same time. It's that simple. Try it and you'll see what I mean.

No wonder many scientific studies have found that being grateful can improve self-esteem, reduce negative emotions like envy, and reduce the risk of major depression. Grateful people also tend to take better care of their health, exercise more, sleep better, and have lower levels of stress hormones.

So, if you want to learn how to enjoy life, start practicing gratitude.

For example, you could start a gratitude journal or simply begin each day by writing down three things you're thankful for, such as, “Today, I am grateful for this nice cup of coffee in my hands, the book I’m reading that’s teaching me so much, and my adorable cat.”

2. Work on Mindfulness

Mindfulness is the act of being fully present and aware of where you are, who you're with, and what you're doing – without being distracted by thoughts, judgments, or emotions. 

Or, as the spiritual teacher Eckhart Tolle puts it, 'Wherever you are, be there totally.'

How to Enjoy Life More: Eckhart Tolle Quote

When we learn how to enjoy the moment, we can become calm, focused, and happy. 

To practice mindfulness, start by removing things that distract you from your environment, like social media, TV, and music. Then, quieten your thoughts by not paying attention to them and instead, focus your attention on your breathing.

You could also practice mindfulness by learning to enjoy the simple things in life, such as:

  • Going for a walk in nature and observing the sights and sounds
  • Doing some exercise and feeling your body
  • Taking pleasure in the small things, like a cup of tea or a hot shower

3. Put Yourself First

It's hard to enjoy life every day if you never put your own needs first.

If you want to feel content and peaceful, you need time to relax, have fun, be productive, explore new things, and develop healthy relationships.

So, the next time someone asks you to do something you don't want to do, consider saying no. This doesn't mean that you shouldn't be kind or help others. It just means that you need to take care of your own needs first.

Protect your time and energy. You deserve it.

4. Be Kind to Yourself

We all make mistakes and miss the mark sometimes. Be kind to yourself in these moments. Whatever has happened has happened. There's nothing you can do about the past except to learn from it. This could be incredibly tough in the beginning, but it gets easier with practice.

Look deeply, and you will discover that you deserve to be happy regardless of who you are, what you've done, or where you're going. You deserve to be happy just because you're alive.

Give yourself permission to be happy and at peace in this moment.

speech on enjoying life

5. Rest and Recuperate

It's pretty challenging to learn how to enjoy life to the fullest if you're tired, burnt out, or stressed.

We all need time to rest and recuperate .

However, there's so much happening in the modern era – we have to work, study, do housework, keep up with COVID-19, manage our finances , take care of family, and more.

'It's very important that we re-learn the art of resting and relaxing,' writes Thích Nhất Hạnh. 'Not only does it help prevent the onset of many illnesses that develop through chronic tension and worrying; it allows us to clear our minds, focus, and find creative solutions to problems.'

So, make time to learn how to relax and enjoy life.

For instance, you could take a quick nap, read a good book , go for a short walk, or even take a weekend trip somewhere quiet.

How to Enjoy Life More: Thích Nhất Hạnh Quote

6. Celebrate Small Wins

These days, social media can fool us into believing that life is about hopping from one experience or achievement to another. But life is not made of achievements or experiences – it's made of the moments between them.

Don't just celebrate milestones – after all, they only happen once every mile. Instead, learn how to enjoy life by celebrating every step of the way.

For example, don't just enjoy the exam results and business profits – enjoy every hour spent studying and every happy customer you serve.

7. Invest in Yourself

Investing in our personal development is an act of self-love.

When we do this, we're prioritizing our wellbeing. We're also developing our self-awareness, which breeds self-compassion, acceptance, and happiness.

Look for ways to improve yourself , and enjoy the process.

For example, you could take a free online course , journal, workout, meditate, or read a self-development book.

8. Nurture Positive Relationships

Having positive relationships in our lives is essential to feeling truly happy and content.

In fact, the biggest study on happiness ever conducted found that 'spending time with other people made study subjects happier on a day-to-day basis.'

So, work on improving your relationships with your close friends and family.

To help, you may want to learn more about the five love languages , which are different ways people show and interpret love. Understanding both your and your loved ones' languages can help you to improve your relationships.

How to Enjoy Life More: Use the Five Love Languages

9. Meet New People

Not everyone has lots of close relationships in their lives. Plus, sometimes we can outgrow friendships and need to establish new connections to take their place.

Remember, community and connection are essential to our happiness and wellbeing.

That said, with COVID-19 forcing so many people to self-isolate, making new friends has only become more challenging. However, it's still possible to strike up new friendships online with the help of social media platforms , Facebook groups , and online course communities.

Start interacting with others online over a shared passion, and enjoy the refreshing perspectives and personalities that become part of your life.

10. Consume Less News and Social Media

Perhaps one of the easiest ways to enjoy life more is to reduce the negativity in our lives – and one of the simplest ways to do this is to consume less news and social media.

'It can be damaging to constantly be reading the news because constant exposure to negative information can impact our brain,' says Annie Miller , MSW, LCSW-C, LICSW.

What's more, a new study published in the Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology concluded that social media causes negative effects on wellbeing – primarily depression and loneliness.

So, cut some of the negativity and save your attention for things that uplift you.

You could even use a tracking app to help you understand how you spend your time on social media and news sites.

11. Try New Things

Trying new things and exploring new places can invigorate our senses and expand our perspectives.

Is there something you've always wanted to do or learn? Is there somewhere you've always wanted to go?

Write a list of places you want to go, activities you want to do, and things you want to learn. Include some big things like becoming your own boss and small things like getting takeout from a restaurant you always see but have never visited.

Then, schedule some of these things in your calendar! Start small with quick wins and work your way up to the big-ticket items.

12. Get Rid of Clutter

You know what they say: 'Tidy space, tidy mind.'

It's no secret that a cluttered home can feel stressful and take longer to clean. On the other hand, clean and tidy spaces can help us feel calm and relaxed. Plus, we can earn extra money by selling our unwanted stuff.

If you want to get rid of some clutter, put aside some things to donate. You could also set yourself a challenge, such as adding one item to Facebook Marketplace or Craigslist each day.

13. Spend Money on Experiences, Not Possessions

Studies show that experiences make us happier than possessions. 

Why? The initial happiness of acquiring something new fades over time. However, experiences continue to provide joy through memories.

So, next time you want to spend money to feel joy, why not spend the money on an unforgettable trip or experience instead?

And hey, if you're stuck for ideas during COVID-19, there's always Airbnb Online Experiences !

How to Enjoy Life More: Try Airbnb Online Experiences

14. Exercise Regularly

Everyone knows that exercising improves health – but can it help us enjoy life today? You bet it can.

'Research demonstrates that exercise may be the most reliable happiness booster of all activities,' writes positive psychologist Sonja Lyubomirsky in The How of Happiness .

Whether you walk, run, lift weights, or play a sport, take some time each day to exercise and enjoy every day a little more.

15. Spend Time in Nature

Science has proven what we all intuitively know: Spending time in nature improves our health and happiness.

For example, one study found that walking in nature improves our mood and lowers cortisol levels – also known as 'the stress hormone.'

When you feel down, take a walk in the park, have a picnic with friends, read under a tree, or paint a landscape. Whatever you do, get back to nature more often.

16. Track Your Time

Sometimes, before we can learn how to enjoy life more, we first need to understand where our time goes.

If your days seem to be flying by and you're not enjoying them, keep a diary of your activities to track how you spend your time.

You may be surprised by what you discover.

When we become more conscious of how we spend our time, we can often find opportunities to reduce time-wasting activities and use the extra time to do things we enjoy.

17. Cultivate a Purpose

Without a meaningful purpose to help steer us, it can be challenging to feel secure, productive, and valued.

The British Prime Minister Winston Churchill once said, 'It's not enough to have lived. We should be determined to live for something.'

Whether you feel driven to help others, become the best person you can be, or combat climate change, try to develop a purpose to give yourself a direction and help you enjoy life more.

How to Enjoy Life More: Winston Churchill Quote

18. Contribute to Others

You can combine the positive effects of good relationships and a strong purpose by finding ways to contribute to others.

For example, you could volunteer for a local charity or help an elderly neighbor with chores. Look for opportunities on a website like VolunteerMatch or check out this list of virtual volunteer opportunities .

Alternatively, if you're tight on time, you could find small ways to help others each day. For example, you could donate items to charity, let someone in a rush go first at the grocery store checkout, or pick up a coffee and a sandwich for a less fortunate person.

19. Overcome Destructive Habits

It's pretty tough to learn how to enjoy life to the fullest while living under the dark cloud of a destructive habit or addiction.

Whether it's alcohol, procrastination, pornography, food, sugar, TV, social media, or gossiping, destructive habits are draining and bring out the worst in us.

Be honest with yourself about your vices and consider seeking help to overcome them. 

It may take a while before those clouds start to clear, but you can be confident you'll enjoy your life more when they do.

20. Commit to Mastering Something

Learning something new can be fun and interesting, but the initial excitement can often wear off quickly.

On the other hand, there's a deep sense of joy, pride, and satisfaction when we learn to master something.

Whether it's playing the guitar, cooking, or running Facebook ad campaigns , you can find enjoyment in the process of slowly mastering a subject, skill, or hobby that interests you.

And hey, you never know where mastery may lead you!

How to Enjoy Your Life FAQs

Can mindfulness make you happier?

Mindfulness can make you happier by helping you be “in the moment” more often. It’s easy to spend hours—or days or years—ruminating on past mistakes. It’s equally easy to spend hours worrying about the future. Mindfulness helps you be present with the moment and yourself.

How does clutter affect your life?

Physical clutter can lead to mental clutter. For example, a disorganized closet may make every morning stressful. By reducing clutter, you can create a calm, clean environment—which your mind may mirror. On the practical side, you may also find unused items to sell.

Summary: How to Enjoy Your Life and Your Job 

Learning how to enjoy life takes practice and effort, but the rewards will always be well worth the effort. Here are 20 things that you can practice to enjoy every day more:

  • Practice gratitude
  • Work on mindfulness
  • Put yourself first
  • Be kind to yourself
  • Celebrate small wins
  • Rest and recuperate
  • Invest in yourself
  • Nurture positive relationships
  • Meet new people
  • Consume less news and social media
  • Try new things
  • Get rid of clutter
  • Spend money on experiences, not possessions
  • Exercise regularly
  • Spend more time in nature
  • Track your time
  • Cultivate a purpose
  • Contribute to others
  • Overcome destructive habits
  • Commit to mastering something

How do you plan to practice enjoying life more? Do you have any tips on how to start enjoying life?

Want to Learn More?

  • 'I Hate My Job': What to Do When You Hate Your Job
  • How to Start a Productive Morning Routine for Success (Proven Method)
  • How to Motivate Yourself: 20 Ways to Find Motivation
  • Why Am I So Lazy? How to Stop Being Lazy and Take Control

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Marlon wayans says he's less interested in adventurous sex as he's aged, marlon wayans sticking to simple sex these days ... don't need 'circus act'.

Marlon Wayans says he's enjoying a simplified sex life these days ... preferring good old-fashioned missionary to more acrobatic lovemaking.

The actor-comedian got real about himself doing the deed during an interview with People , published Saturday ... admitting he's less inclined to go for circus-like sex as he's gotten older.

Marlon says he appreciates the simple stuff like "Missionary — it's great. I don't need to swing from ceilings and twist up nothing, because after we're done, I can just go right to sleep."

Basically, sounds like Marlon's not going for anything you might see in "50 Shades of Grey" ... or, "50 Shades of Black" -- his parody movie based on the naughty film series -- for that matter.

FWIW ... Marlon says his outlook on sex has changed a ton as he's gotten older -- adding he appreciates the simpler things in life these days, so maybe he once did go for the more adventurous acts.

Marlon's keeping his life real simple BTW ... saying he's not looking to complicate things with a relationship -- adding he's never had a huge desire to marry. He's got three kids from previous relationships, but he's never tied the knot.

That said, he's not closing the door entirely ... letting people know he's open to it if he finds the right person.

Sounds like any future wife needs to be cool with some low-key lovin' though!!!

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