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How to Include Relevant Coursework on a Resume (with Examples)

13 min read · Updated on September 11, 2023

Ken Chase

If you are a recent graduate struggling with a lack of work experience, knowing how to include relevant coursework on a resume can be one of the best ways to create a more compelling resume narrative.

One thing that many recent college graduates have in common with one another is a general lack of work experience. That lack of experience can sometimes make it difficult for them to construct a resume that sells their potential to be the best candidate for a job. Fortunately, there are ways to still create a strong and compelling resume, even without experience. For example, did you take classes that might be relevant to the position? If so, including relevant coursework on your resume may be the perfect solution to your resume challenges.

In this post, we will explain how you can identify relevant coursework and where it should be listed in your resume. We will also include several examples of relevant coursework on a resume so that you can see the best options for using these details to strengthen your job search efforts.

What is relevant coursework?

Of course, when we talk about relevant coursework, we are talking about those classes and educational activities that have direct relevance to the position you are seeking. The first thing you need to recognize is that many of the classes you took during your college career will not need to be included in your resume. After all, most degrees require that students complete any number of basic foundational courses that will have little if any relation to their chosen job — at least from a resume standpoint. 

So, what types of classes, achievements, and activities should you focus on as you identify suitable courses to add to your resume? While this sounds like a simple question, it actually requires some serious thought and evaluation. Fortunately, there are some basic rules that you can follow as you make that determination. Below are just some of the potentially relevant things that you might want to include in your resume: 

Coursework that demonstrates that you have a foundation of knowledge in a required aspect of the job you are seeking. For example, if communication skills are needed for the position, you should include courses that focused on business communications, writing, etc.

Projects that are related to particular job skills. For a marketing position, you should include any marketing-related projects you completed during your studies. Or you could include research projects you engaged in if you are seeking a job where research skills are essential.

Academic achievements can also be included, including notably high GPA scores or awards you received. Also, be sure to include any related extracurricular activities. That could include everything from clubs to sporting activities if they helped you develop skills that would be useful for the job.

Again, do not include coursework that has no bearing on the job at hand. This will require you to carefully consider each course to determine its relevance. One way to do that is to read the job posting and select keywords and phrases of import that seem to be describing the skills or educational qualifications needed for the job. Then go through your coursework and try to match courses to those skills. As you do so, remember that some basic courses like those involving communication—both written and verbal—may be included, since communication is one of those soft skills that every company values .

You can learn more about the difference between hard and soft skills by reading our excellent article, Key Differences Between Hard Skills and Soft Skills . A better understanding of those critical soft skills can help to ensure that you don't underestimate the value of any of your classes. There's a great chance that you have more marketable soft skills than you realize! 

When should you include relevant courses on your resume?

Before you add your job-related classes to your resume, you should decide whether it is necessary. For example, you can almost certainly benefit from including your relevant coursework on your resume if: 

You recently graduated from school or are beginning the process of looking for a job because you are close to graduation. Students and recent graduates typically have little or no real job experience to highlight skills. Fortunately, their studies and project assignments will likely have helped them to develop important skills that they can highlight in their resumes.

Your educational achievements are necessary to qualify for the position you are seeking. In those instances, your prospective employer will be interested in knowing that you have fulfilled those requirements and have the basic knowledge needed for the position.

There may also be times when you need to include coursework even after you have been in the workforce for some time. For example, if you are switching careers and your current work experience does not include the skills needed for your new job, that may not matter as much if you can show that your studies prepared you for the role. 

Including coursework related to your minor

As you select relevant coursework for your resume, don't forget to consider courses of study related to your minor too. Hopefully, you will have selected a minor that is at least tangentially related to your desired career path. If so, then chances are that some of the courses you completed may have some relevance that can translate to a useful resume listing. For more information about minors and when they can be added to your resume, read How to Include a Minor on Your Resume .

When should I take coursework off my resume?

Obviously, there will be times when you should forgo any mention of your courses in your resume. Some examples of situations where you might not need to list your specific coursework include:

When your coursework is not really relevant to the position you seek. Including irrelevant coursework could actually distract from your important skills and experiences.

Situations in which coursework was completed so long ago that the information is no longer useful. For instance, many technology-related courses can lose their value over time. Other examples include old marketing courses and other educational achievements that involve skills that have evolved rapidly in recent years.

If your resume is already filled with enough work experience and skills that there is no need or room for specific course details. Remember, you want to add your courses to enhance your value as an employee. If adding a particular course does nothing more than add length to the resume, skip it. 

Where should relevant coursework be listed in your resume?

In most resumes, the coursework should be placed in the education section, with a subheading titled “Relevant Coursework.” When creating this part of the education section, you should insert the subheading under the name of your degree, with a list of the courses you studied. For example:

Bachelor's in [Name of Degree]

[College Name, City, Graduation Date]

Relevant Coursework: [Course 1], [Course 2], [Course 3], [Course 4], [Course 5]

Alternatively, you can also opt to show your courses in a bullet-point list if your resume is short and you need to fill more space. You can even elaborate on each course with a few words to describe the skills you learned in class. For example:

Relevant Coursework:

If you have no actual work experience, you may even want to consider using your education section as a substitute for that experience section. If you choose that option, you may want to place the education section closer to the top of your resume and flesh out each course in the same way you would detail a job listing in your work experience section. That means using detailed descriptions that include quantifiable results highlighting your achievements.

Key tips to remember when listing relevant coursework

Before we show you some examples of how to list relevant coursework on your resume, there are a few tips that can help to ensure that your final product is as compelling as possible. By incorporating these ideas into your resume creation process, you can more effectively make that all-important great first impression on any hiring manager.

Only list relevant coursework if you lack sufficient work experience to meet the job requirements.

Always make sure that the courses you list highlight skills and knowledge needed for the position. If a course has nothing to do with your chosen line of work, it has no place in your resume.

Relevant courses may be related to hard and soft skills.

If you choose to use descriptions for each course, use that as an opportunity to insert relevant keywords from the job description. This can be a great way to ensure that your resume can get past any applicant tracking system .

Always proofread your entire resume to eliminate spelling mistakes, punctuation and grammar errors, and style or formatting discrepancies.

Make sure that you tailor your resume to fit the job you want. Since you will likely be applying for different jobs during your job search, you may need to modify your educational coursework details to align with the needs of each position.

Do not forget to include important skill information in your coursework descriptions. Again, try to use those job description keywords.

If you are maintaining an updated resume throughout your educational career, be sure to continually edit your resume as your coursework evolves over time. This can make it easier to keep it updated and can save you some time when your job search begins.

3 Examples of relevant coursework on a resume

In this final section, we will explore some different examples to show you how you can successfully incorporate relevant coursework into your resume. We have included a couple of examples of the most basic listing options, as well as an expanded sample that enables you to provide more details and skills. You can refer to these samples and use them as guides as you create your own relevant coursework section.

Example #1: The Basics

Bachelor's in Information Technology

My College, Anytown 2022

Relevant Coursework: Cyber Security 101, Business Intelligence, Application Development, Networking and Telecom, Artificial Intelligence

This simple listing would be a good option for anyone who has at least some relevant work experience but who still needs an additional boost to meet the job requirements. In this case, the job seeker's coursework listing is presented in a minimalist format, documenting the specific courses and areas of focus—but without any other information about those studies.

Example #2: Bulletpoint List of Courses

Cyber Security 101

Business Intelligence

Application Development

Networking and Telecom

Artificial Intelligence

This option is similar to the first example but presents the classes and areas of focus as separate bullet points. This provides additional emphasis for each area of study, while also taking up a bit more space in the resume. This can be a great option if your resume is a little short and you need to expand the content.

Example #3: Detailed Format

My College, Anytown

Completed in 2022

Certified Cyber Security Expert, skilled in protecting data, information, and infrastructure.

Coursework included training on risk analysis, threat mitigation, compliance assurance, and cloud security.

Completed multiple projects and research assignments designed to test knowledge and adaptability to various types of cyber threats.

 Business Intelligence

Business analytics certificate, training focused on data interpretation and communication to resolve business problems with a data mindset.

Course included 3 projects testing analytical skills using hypothetical business challenges based on real-world business scenarios.

 Application Development

Courses focused on the development of software coding skills used for web application creation, troubleshooting, and debugging.

Final course project involved the creation of an independent web app to streamline online sales processes for a test company.

Training focused on routing, packet switching, and cybersecurity needs.

Spent eight weeks as a volunteer networking intern for a local ISP, receiving hands-on training from experienced networking professionals.

AI and machine learning studies, emphasizing tech integration into business processes, impact on sales and marketing, and ethical concerns.

Conducted study for the course final, evaluating potential AI benefits for enhanced marketing in the digital age and impact on online sales.

This more detailed example is a superior option for those who have no work experience and need their educational credentials to highlight their skills. In this sample, each area of interest is accompanied by bullet point details describing the types of courses studied and the lessons or skills developed during those classes. In addition, bullet points are added to highlight specific achievements, describe studies and real-world application of skills, and demonstrate competency in the subject matter.

This type of format can enable your coursework section to serve as a replacement for work experience if you have never been employed. When used for that purpose, you can expand on each course listing to include additional skills and keywords from the job post. Simply add new bullet points where needed to flesh out each area of emphasis.

Again, if you choose to replace your work experience section with this relevant coursework section, make sure that you move this section closer to the top of your resume so that it receives more prominence. Basically, if your strongest selling point is your education, then make sure that your important courses are one of the first things that a prospective employer sees. Also, you may want to highlight your educational qualifications in your resume summary so that the reader expects to see those coursework details.

Don't underestimate the power of a well-crafted and compelling resume

Finally, it is important to reiterate just how vital it is that your resume makes the best possible impression. When you approach the labor market with little or no work experience, you are usually already at a competitive disadvantage. There will almost always be someone else who has a similar level of skill and educational background, as well as real-world experience. To compete against a qualified rival, you need a resume that can effectively sell you as the best candidate for the job.

For recent graduates and job seekers moving to entirely new careers, a lack of relevant work experience can be a major impediment to landing job interviews and employment offers. One way to overcome this obstacle is to learn how to use relevant educational coursework on your resume to highlight your qualifications and skills. Hopefully, this post and its resume examples can provide you with the inspiration and help you need to translate your educational experience into a compelling resume narrative. Fortunately, there are ways to ensure that your resume effectively positions you to have the best chance at landing any interview and job. To make sure that your resume is up to par, get a  free resume review  today. And if you really want to be sure that your resume is ready for prime time, take a few moments to discover just how easy it is to get professional resume assistance from our team of experts!

Recommended Reading:

What Should I Say About My Education On My Resume?

Ask Amanda: What's the Best Way to List Education on a Resume?

14 Reasons This is a Perfect Recent College Grad Resume Example

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When and How To List Online Courses on a Resume

Wondering if you should add online courses to your resume? This guide will tell you exactly when and how it’s worth doing.

3 years ago   •   11 min read

The appeal of online courses is simple — they’re quick, low-commitment, and often free. But are they actually useful? And more importantly, are they ever going to help you get a job?

There are many types of certifications that belong — and don’t belong — on a resume. Obviously, significant qualifications like degrees or mandatory professional accreditations should be listed, but what about short courses you can take fully online?

Do online courses belong on your resume?

The short answer is: It depends .

The longer answer is, there are a few things you should consider when listing an online course on your resume, like:

  • Is it relevant to the job you’re applying for?
  • Does it demonstrate key skills?
  • Is it from a reputable source?
  • How senior are you?

We'll discuss when to list online courses on your resume — and when to leave them off — in more detail below. First, let's take a look at how to list online courses on your resume.

Listing online courses on your resume: A step by step guide

  • Focus on relevant courses. If you've completed multiple online courses, choose 1-2 that are most relevant to the specific job you're applying for.
  • Choose where to list them. Online courses can be listed in your education, certifications, projects, or other section — more on that below.
  • List the name of the course.
  • Include the name of the provider.
  • Specify the date you completed the qualification.
  • Include 1-3 accomplishments or key learnings in bullet points (optional).

Here it is in practice:

courses on a resume

Examples of listing online courses in your resume

Here are some examples of the most effective ways to list online courses on a resume, as used by successful job seekers and verified by recruiters.

In your education section

List entries in this section chronologically, with the most recent qualification first. If your education section is the most relevant part of your resume (for example, if you’re a recent graduate or are changing careers), pin it at the top of your resume above your work experience .

EDUCATION & QUALIFICATIONS ABC Institute , Online SQL for Developers certificate, February 2021

When: If you’ve taken an online course recently — or if it’s particularly relevant or well-known and you want to emphasize it — you can include it in your education section.

List recent online courses in the education section of your resume.

More information: The must-haves when writing your education on your resume

As a separate online course section

Typically, you won’t want to dedicate too much resume space to your online course, as most of them can be covered in a couple of lines.

The exception to this is if you have multiple online courses or certifications that are all particularly relevant to the job. In that case, you can create a separate section for your online courses to help them stand out.

CERTIFICATIONS - Cisco - CCNA - SQL for Developers certificate from ABC Institute (2016)

When: This is a good idea for career changers who want to emphasize recent educational experience in a new field.

Only do this if it genuinely adds value to your resume — if you’re considering adding a certifications section to list a bunch of very short courses or to include qualifications in an unrelated area, it’s better to leave those off instead.

List online courses in a separate certifications section of your resume if you want them to stand out.

More information: How to list certifications on a resume

In a projects section

Projects give you a chance to include a few relevant accomplishments and demonstrate how you’ve used those skills in action. List the project name, your specific role, and 1-3 bullet points. If possible, make sure you also include a portfolio or GitHub link so recruiters can see examples of your work for themselves.

PROJECTS Project Name | Developer , Feb 2021 GitHub link: [link] - Designed the overall architecture of the editor using React.JS, with XYZ collaboration - Set up multiple authentication methods, including Google OAuth, magic link and Shibboleth SSO

When: If your online course included substantial project experience, or if you lack more relevant paid work experience.

List certifications in the projects section of your resume to showcase relevant accomplishments.

More information: How to list projects on a resume

In an additional section

Online courses in an additional section should be listed on a single line with a clear subheading: something simple like 'Online Courses' or 'Certifications' will tell a recruiter exactly what the section consists of. If it adds credibility, make sure to specify where you completed the course or who the provider was.

ADDITIONAL Certifications & Training: Online Course in Management (Coursera), Passed Resume Worded Examinations

When: An ‘additional’ or ‘other’ section at the bottom of your resume is ideal for things that don’t merit their own sections, or if you’re running low on space. This could include online courses that aren’t required but demonstrate relevant skills, or that are relevant but not noteworthy enough to include in a more prominent section.

courses on a resume

More information: Including skills and additional information on a resume

If you’re not sure if you’ve listed your online courses the right way, upload it to the tool below — it’ll scan your resume and give you detailed feedback and suggestions on how to improve your resume sections.

The best online courses to list on your resume

The best online courses to list on your resume are ones from reputable providers. Here are some of the best ones + examples of how (and when) to include them on your resume.

How to put Udacity on a resume

Should you mention a Udacity degree on your resume? Udacity offers "nanodegrees" that, despite their length, are well-regarded in professional circles. Udacity have gained a reputation for offering strong courses, partnering with reputable businesses, and requiring stronger effort to pass than similar online courses, which makes them a good option for picking up a new skill.

To list a Udacity degree on your resume, you have a few options:

  • List it in your education section
  • Put it in a separate certifications section
  • Include Udacity in your resume projects section

courses on a resume

Putting a Udemy certificate on a resume

Unlike other online course providers, Udemy doesn't grade students or require tests to pass. That doesn't mean you can't include a Udemy completion on your resume — just make sure it adds value before you do.

courses on a resume

Putting an eCornell certificate on a resume

If you have an online certificate from a reputable institution like Cornell, it's worth highlighting that on your resume. Be sure to specify that you hold a certificate, not a full degree — listing it in a Certifications or Additional Information section rather than your Education section can help make this clear.

courses on a resume

Putting a Lynda certificate on a resume

Getting a Lynda certificate with LinkedIn Learning can be a great way to boost an existing skill or change course with a new one. Like any unaccredited online course, it's important to back up your learning with other qualifications, projects, or professional experience.

courses on a resume

Putting a Coursera certificate on a resume

Coursera offers a wide range of certificate and other courses, which means it pays to be specific about which one you took. Be sure to note if it you completed a full certificate, the name of the program, and the specific provider — keeping in mind that some are more reputable than others.

courses on a resume

How to add a Google Data Analytics Certificate to a resume

A Google Data Analytics certificate on its own isn't going to be enough to convince a recruiter you have the skills they're looking for. So why include it? Because it's one piece of the puzzle — when included alongside technical skills, projects, and other relevant qualifications.

courses on a resume

Related : What You Need to Know About Google Career Certificates (and The Best Ones for Your Resume)

Putting a HarvardX certificate on resume

Like eCornell, HarvardX is Harvard University's online offering. The platform offers over 140 courses ranging from single subjects to full professional courses.

courses on a resume

Putting an EdX certificate on a resume

EdX is also a Harvard initiative, co-created with MIT. EdX offers accredited online courses from universities across the United States and is highly regarded as a provider of top-quality academic content — you can even complete a full degree program online or use EdX courses to transfer with academic credit.

courses on a resume

When to list online courses on your resume

Here are a few situations where listing an online course can be worth it:

If it’s required for the job

Anything listed in the job description should be addressed on your resume. If a specific qualification is mentioned in the job ad — either as a minimum requirement or as a ‘nice to have’ — you should list it on your resume. These must-haves are often set as filters on ATS software, which means that if you leave them off, you risk having your resume sent straight to the ‘no’ pile before it even reaches a recruiter’s desk.

If it adds credibility

Not all online courses are created equal. Certified courses are generally held in higher regard than non-certified courses, and a six-week online course from an accredited institution looks far more impressive than a four-hour Zoom workshop. You can increase the credibility of online courses by opting for a verified certificate or completing a project that puts the skills you learned into practice.

If you’re changing careers

When you’re looking to break into a new role or industry, either as a recent grad or a career changer , your education takes on an extra layer of importance.

Not only can taking an online course help you develop some of the basic skills you’ll need for the new position, but listing it on your resume is a good way to show that you have the skills required for the job and include the keywords necessary to get past Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS).

When to leave your online course off your resume

So, when shouldn’t you list an online course on your resume? Here are some general principles to keep in mind:

Keep very short courses off your resume

On the flip side, any course that only takes a very short time to complete (less than a few days or so) usually won’t be significant enough to include on your resume. In general, aim to include no more than 1-2 certifications — listing every single workshop or conference you’ve ever attended will only waste valuable resume space and dilute the impact of any genuinely relevant certifications.

Only list relevant online courses

This is the basic litmus test for everything on your resume: Is it relevant to the specific job you’re applying for? It doesn’t matter how impressive the qualification, if it has nothing to do with the role or industry you’re targeting, it’s better to leave it off.

Experience trumps qualifications

If you're a senior-level candidate or have at 8+ years of experience in your field, it's often a good idea to leave off short online courses from your resume, unless they're clearly credited, like an Executive MBA or similar. Most hiring managers only will focus on your formal work experience on a resume when you're at the senior level, and education, extra-curricular and online courses are much less important.

Reputation matters

Avoid notoriously unreliable institutions, which can do more harm to your candidacy than good. A lot of online for-profit colleges (like the University of Phoenix) have such bad reputations that it may be worth leaving those qualifications off your resume entirely, unless you can’t avoid it.

How can I find online courses?

Want to include online courses on your resume but aren’t sure where to find them? Here are some good places to start looking:

Check the job description

This is oft-repeated advice, but that’s because the job posting itself is almost always the best place to start when building your resume. If the ad mentions a specific certification candidates should have, it may be worth your while to pursue it as an online course — that way you don't need to take time off work.

Target specific skills

If you know what skills you need to brush up on, try searching for online courses that target those areas. If you aren’t sure, use the skills and keywords tool below to find the right skills based on your desired industry or job title.

Ask your network

The best way to know what qualifications are actually useful is to ask people with experience in similar roles. Ask your existing network, search LinkedIn or alumni databases for potential contacts, and ask for informational interviews with people who can help steer you in the right direction.

Ask them if an online course in the field is worth doing, and if there are any reputable ones they recommend. People who work in the industry will be more in-the-know about the right online courses to do and which ones are respected.

Choose a legitimate provider

The more well-known a course or institution, the better. Here is a (non-exhaustive) list of reputable online course providers:

  • CodeAcademy
  • FutureLearn
  • LinkedIn Learning
  • Google Analytics Academy

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  • Career Development

How to List Online Courses on a Resume (Examples and Tips)

courses on a resume

If you’re one of the millions of people who pursue continuing education through online courses – congratulations! In an ever-evolving economy where new technology can quickly render old skills obsolete, it’s vital for employees to continually upgrade their skills. In addition, employers appreciate workers who are invested in their own skill sets. However, those online courses and certifications may pose a challenge for your resume if you decide to seek a new job. In this post, we will explain how to list online courses on a resume the right way.

What are online courses?

The term online courses typically refers to MOOCs. MOOCs, or Massive Open Online Courses, are the leading source of non-academia education and professional development. You’ve probably heard of some of the more popular MOOC websites, like Lynda, Udemy, and Coursera. But there are actually hundreds more!

When you browse MOOCs, you will be inundated with so many options for ways to develop professionally. The courses, though delivered through the sites listed above, are actually designed by leading global companies and ivy league colleges. There are short- and long-term professional certification courses, online Master's degrees, and in-depth skill development courses. 

The true benefit of MOOCs though? They’re open-source. Meaning the content is free to access, and the certifications are still professionally verified. If you want to advance your career but don’t have the means or time to go back to school for a degree, online courses through MOOCs are excellent to know about. 

Here are some of the other popular online services that offer courses :

Khan Academy

Should you List Online Courses on a Resume?

You might be wondering whether you should list online courses on your resume. Does it add value – or is it even worth listing online courses on your resume? Or any online studies, for that matter?

The answer is – Yes!

The world is changing – faster than most of us realize. Today’s skills often have a short shelf-life, and smart employees will recognize the need to upgrade their talents. That’s the best way to ensure that you maintain and enhance your value as an employee. In the end, that value is what makes employers want to hire you.

Of course, most of us would struggle to hold down a job and go to a traditional college at the same time. Fortunately, the rise of the internet has presented workers with alternative options for continuing education.

Why is it important to show online courses on a resume?

Any way that you are able to showcase professional development on a resume is encouraged. For many people, their careers don’t inherently follow a linear path, which can make a resume appear less strong. However, if you have a section in your resume to describe professional development, you can list out your online courses, adding value. 

Online courses are appreciated by recruiters because usually for someone to enroll, it means they have an authentic desire to grow professionally. It also shows an affinity for keeping up with market and industry trends. 

For example, the field of UX design has become very popular recently. In that time, the ethics and standards have also changed significantly. If someone entered UX in the early 2000s and has kept the same job, a recruiter might question the relevance of their insight. If that same candidate also showed professional development courses throughout the last twenty years, it would indicate that they are up to date with trends and have likely obtained the skills to produce appropriate content. 

How to List Online Courses on Your Resume

MOOCs, including sites like Lynda, Udemy, and Coursera, offer workers valuable education, new or enhanced skills, and certifications that can carry real value in the marketplace. More importantly, employers need to be able to see how you’ve tried to keep pace with skillset changes. For all those reasons, you need to know how to list online courses on your resume.

Keep in mind that online courses are a recent phenomenon. That means that some employers may not understand their relevance – or even give them much credence. If you know how to list online courses on your resume, however, you can overcome those challenges. 

These tips can help.

Choose Relevant Coursework

First, it’s important to be selective when you list online courses on your resume. You may include continuing education courses on a resume , but that doesn’t mean that the employer needs to hear about every class you take.

Instead, think about the skills you need for the job you’re seeking. Which courses provided skills that directly relate to that job? Those are the courses that you want to emphasize in your resume. Try to tailor your list as much as possible, for maximum impact.

Don’t Include Any Courses That Could Be Considered “Beginning-Level”

Skip any courses that might present you as a novice in that skill area. So, if you took a course introducing students to PowerPoint, for example, you can leave it off your resume. Its inclusion would mark you as a beginner and detract from your other areas of expertise. In short, only include courses that enhance your credibility as an expert in your field.

Some other beginner-level certs that might be most effective when omitted are the use of Microsoft Word, the Google Suite, or how to organize files on your computer. Your resume should be reserved for your proudest achievements. A recruiter might get the wrong idea about you if you consider using Word as a proud achievement. 

Use online courses to advance your career

If you are interested in changing careers or pursuing a promotion at work, use online courses to your advantage! One of the biggest setbacks professionals face when trying to make a big career change is that a lot of the time, they don’t quite have the experience or meet the qualifications. Online courses can offset that. 

Perhaps you don’t have five years of data analysis experience on top of your project management job. But, if you took an inline certification course in professional data analysis, you could still come out as a top candidate. 

Choose Your Placement Wisely

Be smart about where you list online courses on your resume. Sure, they’re educational in nature, but that doesn’t mean that they belong in the education section of your resume .

Formal education is just that: formal. That includes university degrees and other college or trade school accomplishments. List those achievements in your education section, and then create a different section for your continuing education efforts. 

We recommend using a title like "Professional Development", "Certifications", or "Professional Training" (or something similar) to highlight these online courses and skills.

(We wrote a good post on including certifications on your resume .)

You can use that section to list online courses on your resume, as well as other professional development. Try to limit those courses and skills to no more than five or six. You can include everything from online courses to technical certifications in this section.

Depending on the relevance of these courses to the job you’re applying for, you can choose to include the section on either the front page near the top, or towards the bottom. 

Example of Online Courses on a Resume

Bachelor of Arts, Communications – Seattle University

Professional Development & Affiliations

Excel for Marketers –

Marketing Courses – UC Berkeley Extension

Affiliations – National Association of Sales Professionals, Think LA, SF BIG, IAA Board SF

Here is an example on a resume:

Online Courses on Resume Example

Focus on How You’ve Used Those Skills

How you list online courses on your resume matters too. While you might be tempted to just use a dry list of your certifications and other continuing education, don’t. Those skill enhancements are basically meaningless without context. In other words, you need to do more than just list them; you need to showcase their value.

The best way to do that is to cite projects or tasks where you have used those skills. So, for example, if you received software certification of some kind, include a project that involved that skill.

That helps to flesh out the coursework and demonstrate its value to any prospective employer. It might require a little more creativity and thought on your part, but the results will be well worth the added effort.

Closing Thoughts

When you know how to list online courses on a resume, you can enhance your image as an expert in your field. At the same time, you will also demonstrate a passion for your industry. Just remember to focus intently on showcasing value. That will help any potential employer to better understand why you’re the best candidate for the job!

Recommended reading:

How to Make Your Resume Stand Out in 2023

50 Resume Dos and Don’ts You Need to Know in 2023

Including Professional Development on a Resume (Examples)

Emma Elizabeth, Resume Writer, Emma Elizabeth, Resume Writer

Emma is a certified employment specialist with over 6 years of experience in career mentorship and employment training. With an affinity for technical writing, Emma is passionate about developing training, policy, and procedure manuals. In 2020 she helped design Colorado’s first state-certified training program for people with disabilities entering the workforce.

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How to List Relevant Coursework On Resume [Tips & Examples!]

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If you’re a college student, recent graduate, or entry-level professional, chances are you don’t have a lot of professional experience to list on your resume. 

This, in turn, might make you feel insecure about your application, especially considering that the work experience section is among the most important section of a resume. 

Well, listing your relevant coursework might just be the answer!

By listing the courses that are relevant to the job position or internship you’re applying for, you can show recruiters that while you don’t have much work experience, you have the right skills and knowledge for the job.

But what is the right way to list relevant coursework on your resume and is there a time when you shouldn’t list it all? And what exactly is relevant, to begin with?

In this article, we’re going to answer all those questions and more. Read on to learn:

When Is Relevant Coursework Necessary on a Resume?

  • How to List Relevant Coursework on Your Resume in 3 Steps

7 Tips on Listing Relevant Coursework on Your Resume

Resume example with relevant coursework.

And more! Let’s dive right in. 

What Makes Coursework Relevant?

Professional experience is one of the most important sections of a successful resume, but you first need to land a job to start building it. 

Which begs the question, how can a recent graduate or entry-level professional prove they’ve got what it takes for an entry-level position with no, or minimal, professional experience ? 

Well, this is where coursework comes in. 

Together with academic projects and achievements, as well as extracurricular activities, listing relevant coursework can help students and entry-level professionals show they’ve got the necessary skills for the job despite not having the relevant professional experience.

The coursework you list on your resume should actually be related to the position you’re applying for.

For example, if you’re applying for a job as a graphic designer, listing your achievements in your World History class won’t really impress recruiters. If, on the other hand, you mention that you were top of your class in Design and Layout , you’ll be effectively showing recruiters that you have great potential as an up-and-coming graphic designer. 

To sum things up, here are the top cases when relevant coursework is necessary on a resume:

  • When you’re still a student
  • When you’re applying with an entry-level resume
  • When you’re applying for an internship
  • When the coursework is directly related to the job position 

If, on the other hand, you have 2+ years of work experience in the field, as well as the needed skill-set, coursework on your resume will only take up space and can be skipped entirely.

Checking the job description is another way of determining whether you should add relevant coursework to your resume. If, for example, the job description requires that you list your majors, GPA, diploma, or portfolio, chances are they’ll also be interested in your coursework, especially if it’s relevant to the position. 

How to List Relevant Coursework on Your Resume in 3 Steps 

So you’ve established that you should include relevant coursework on your resume. Now, you may be wondering where exactly to include it. 

As a rule of thumb, coursework is listed under an applicant’s education history. Depending on whether you have any professional experience to list, the education section may come before or after the work experience section. 

Here are the four best ways to add relevant coursework to your resume: 

#1. Add a New Line in Your Education Section

Instead of creating a fresh section called “Relevant Coursework,” you’re better off just adding the courses to your education section.

As a student resume can be one-page max , this helps you to save up the space needed for other essential resume sections.

Here’s a practical example of what this looks like on the resume of a recent graduate applying for a high-school teaching position: 

BA in World Literature 

UC Berkeley

2012 - 2016

Relevant coursework: British Literature, American Literature, Medieval Literature, William Shakespeare, Language and Cognitive Development 

#2. List Your Relevant Coursework in Bullet Points

To make your relevant coursework more visible and reader-friendly, list them in bullet points underneath your diploma title. 

Here’s how the above Literature graduate’s resume would look like following this formatting: 

Relevant Coursework: 

  • British Literature
  • American Literature 
  • Medieval Literature 
  • William Shakespeare 
  • Language and Cognitive Development

#3. Explain How The Coursework is Relevant to the Position 

Finally, if you want to take your relevant coursework resume section to the next level, add detailed explanations to your courses to support how they’re relevant to the position you’re applying for or how they helped develop your skill-set. 

A recent study found that companies are suspending the use of degree completion as a proxy and instead now favor hiring on the basis of demonstrated skills and competencies . This means that your relevant coursework should aim to show exactly how it has helped you acquire the skills required for the position. 

Here’s an example of how that would play out for a journalism student applying for an entry-level reporting job at a newspaper:

B.A. in Journalism and Mass Communication

Northwestern University, IL

2015 - 2018

  • Writing and Reporting: Learned the ins and outs of news reporting through several practical assignments and exams.
  • Media Ethics: Got introduced to the most essential ethical theories and decision-making strategies in journalism and wrote a paper on Ethical Journalism and Human Rights that got published in the Political Communication Journal.
  • Gathering and Developing the News: Gained first-hand experience in interviewing, researching, newsgathering, and communicating with sources.

To make sure your coursework is as relevant as possible, check out the required skills in the job description. If you have taken classes that have helped you master those skills, then make sure to mention how by adding all the necessary details, as shown above. 

Here are seven tips you should always keep in mind when listing coursework on your resume: 

  • Take advantage of keywords . When evaluating your resume, recruiters scan it to look for the keywords that were mentioned in the job description (e.g. skills, experiences, etc.). You can re-read the job ad and, where relevant, include these keywords in your coursework section.
  • Tailor your resume to the job offer.  In order for your coursework to add value to your resume, it really needs to be relevant. So, if you’re applying for a job that doesn’t take academic background into consideration or that’s completely unrelated to your major, you’re better off omitting coursework altogether and focusing on other important sections, such as your hard and soft skills. 
  • List online courses. If you’ve completed some online courses that are relevant to the position you’re applying for, feel free to also include them under relevant coursework. 
  • Add value through other academic achievements. Relevant coursework can say a lot about your potential, but recruiters will be even more easily convinced if you support it with other academic achievements, including your GPA, extracurricular activities, etc. 
  • Show how you’ve grown. When you’re explaining your relevant coursework in detail, you can include how you’ve grown by listing all the skills you acquired in the process. Those can be both soft skills, like communication and interpersonal skills, and hard skills like programming or doing extensive research. 
  • Change the relevant coursework as you progress. Many college students start working in their freshman year. If that’s the case with you, make sure to update your resume from year to year to reflect your academic journey and most recently acquired skills. 
  • Check for errors. A well-written, error-free resume shows that you’re attentive to detail and that you care to make a good impression. 

relevant coursework resume

Key Takeaways 

And that’s a wrap! You now have all the necessary information to add relevant coursework to your resume effectively. 

Before you start working on your resume, though, here’s a brief summary of the key points covered in this article:

  • Listing relevant coursework on your resume is not mandatory but can be very helpful if you’re a student or an entry-level professional.
  • If you have at least a year of professional experience, drop your relevant coursework and focus on tailoring your work experience and skills sections to the position. 
  • Relevant coursework typically goes under the education section. You can either give a general or a detailed summary of your coursework. 
  • You can make a separate relevant coursework section only if the job you’re applying for requires a strong academic record. 
  • Your coursework needs to be relevant to the position. This means you should leave them out of your resume if they have nothing to do with the role.

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How To Include Your Relevant Coursework On A Resume

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In This Guide:

How important is it to list relevant coursework on a resume as a college student, how can i include relevant coursework on a student resume, when to avoid coursework on resume, what other sections can you add that can have more impact than coursework, volunteer experience, extracurricular activities, passions/strengths/interests, relevant coursework on resume – takeaways.

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In today’s hiring landscape, your resume needs to quickly communicate all of your potential value to an employer. If you’re a student or recently graduated, your practical job experience may still be poor – but your coursework is probably rich.

So should you include the relevant classes you took on your resume? You can!

However, there are some factors you should consider before listing your coursework. You need to think about where you are in your career, what is the position you are applying for, and how relevant your education is to the job description.

Don’t get scared, it is not so much. Stay with us. This article will help you decide whether you need to include your relevant coursework.

You can also browse through our Resume Examples where you can see a perfect one for your dreamed position.

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If you are a student or have just graduated, it is possible that you don’t have enough professional experience to show. So a good way to demonstrate your expertise is by including your relevant coursework.

However, if you already have a year or more work experience, this section won’t be much of a help.

Then you should focus on the professional experience and achievements you’ve accomplished.

Even if you are a student or freshly graduated, there are jobs, for which relevant coursework won’t be helpful. For example a cashier or a waiter. If you are looking for these jobs, better emphasize on your technical skills and past experience.

If you’re applying for a job that emphasizes the importance of academic experience, like an internship or other education-focused position, it would be best to include a relevant coursework section on your resume.

Whether they are needed or not, look through the job description. This could help you understand what to write. If they’re looking for a certain diploma, certification, portfolio or GPA, these are indicators that you should include.

How much coursework you fit into your resume and where you include it depends on three factors:

  • The number of relevant courses you’ve taken
  • The detail you want to include
  • The space you have

Most people include relevant coursework in the education section of their resumes.

To do this, just write “Relevant Coursework” beneath the degree name, and then use commas to separate the titles of the courses.

If you have enough space, you could also make a bullet list. This way it would be easier for the Recruiter to read.

Another way to write it is a separate section.

We, from Enhancv, have made that easy. Just go to our resume builder and make the most of it.

Write your relevant courses as a separate section if you want to include more than just the names of the classes. A perfect way to tell the Recruiter what you have learned through your studies when they are related to the job you are applying to.

Couple with academic achievements / GPA

If you don’t want to use a separate section, or you don’t have enough space for it, you can always couple them with your academic achievements or with your GPA.

Decide which to use in your resume, after you read the job description and see which is going to be more helpful to you to get that job.

If you have created a separate section for your coursework, just write the most important courses, depending on the job description.

Don’t put in all of your classes. It is going to take a lot of space and it would only distract the Recruiter.

If your coursework is crucial to the position consider putting it closer to the top of your resume.

If the class is necessary for the Hiring Managers don’t put it in the education section, because it could get lost along with all of the information.

Only list the names of your classes on your resume. Your university probably uses an internal system to number your courses, however, the employers wouldn’t know or care what the numbers mean.

If you have created a separate section for your coursework write just the most important courses, depending on the job description.

Don’t put all of your courses. It is going to take a lot of space and it would only distract the Recruiter.

Only list the name of your classes on your resume. Your university probably uses an internal system to number your courses, however, the employers won’t know or care what the numbers mean.

As we said earlier, coursework is a good way to show your educational achievements. However, there are times when it’s better not to include them.

If it’s been some time since you have been in school and the coursework is outdated, it might be best to leave the specifics off your resume.

What is more, keep an eye on the length of your resume. If you have just graduated or still a student, better make it no longer than one page. If there is no space for the related coursework, don’t include them if they are not specifically asked for in the job description.

Don’t include courses that are in no way relevant for the position.

If you have successfully finished a course in “Art History”, but you are applying to a position in a call center, don’t include it in your resume.

It will not help you to get the job you want and it will distract the Hiring Manager from your skills related to the position.

There are many other sections, which you can include if you have no experience. And sometimes, they could be much more important than the coursework.

According to Deloitte, 82% of hiring managers prefer applicants with volunteer experience.

They believe volunteer work makes you a good leader and strengthens your communication skills.

You should include your volunteer work when it is relevant to your professional development.

It can put you in good light and make you stand out among other applicants..

Check the great example from Avery Leclerq:

Enhancv How To Include Your Relevant Coursework On A Resume

If you don’t have volunteer experience or it is not related to the position you are applying to, choose one of the sections below.

Focus the Hiring Manager’s attention on your experience outside of the university. It could be any extracurricular activity related to the position you are applying to.

For example, you could have been part of your local AIESEC team and participated in their initiatives.

Or you could have been part of a student organization or a club and made your university a better place to study in.

Adding this experience in your cover letter tells the Recruiter that you have developed yourself, your organizational skills, and you are motivated to help others.

Another way to make your resume look good without work experience is by adding activities and projects that are related somehow to the position you are applying for.

Even if they were university or academy projects, you have gained a lot while finishing them.

Recruiters will see that you’re a person who is dedicated to their career path and gains better skills and experience with side projects!

These can help you in identifying yourself and your own personality with the company’s culture fit profile.

Be sure to highlight your personality and unique qualities.

See this example:

Enhancv How To Include Your Relevant Coursework On A Resume

As it’s clear, the candidate is an outgoing, extroverted person who enjoys nature, tech and education.

It is a creative way to show your hobbies and interest. What is more, the Recruiter could make a conclusion just by seeing the pie chart and the distribution of time.

There is another section you can use – Passion. It can be used to enhance the effect of the hobbies and interests section.

Adding them is not mandatory, but might be valuable when your life passions are relevant to the job.

Whatever you choose to include, always make sure you present it in a way that sounds and looks professional.

Enhancv How To Include Your Relevant Coursework On A Resume

When both are included, they give a complete picture of who you are – not only in your work time.

That will significantly improve your chances of landing an interview, especially if you have a resume without job experience.

Here’s all you need to know about putting relevant coursework on a resume:

  • It is not absolutely necessary to list relevant coursework in a resume;
  • If you are a student or just graduated they could help you.
  • If you have the experience, drop relevant coursework from your resume, and focus on your practical experience and skills.
  • Use the education section to present the relevant coursework, you can separate them with commas or make a bullet-pointed list.
  • Make a section only for your relevant coursework if the position you’re applying for requires a strong academic background;
  • If it is not wanted by the job description, better drop it and focus on volunteer and extracurricular activities, hobbies, and interests relevant to the position.

Still not sure whether or not you should put relevant coursework on a resume? Or maybe it has helped you get your dream job? Write to us in the comments below!

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How to List Coursework on a Resume

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Listing coursework on your resume is most effective when you are applying for a job and you don’t have a lot of experience, or if you are applying for a job that requires specific course completion. If you recently graduated from high school, college or a trade school, you may not have a lot of work-related experience. This article will show you how to include coursework on your resume to highlight your knowledge as a primary qualification. 

Recent graduates or people changing careers may not have enough related experience. This is the perfect opportunity to list coursework instead of experience. Before you can impress a hiring manager with your skills and talents, you first need to get an interview. Without showing experience on a resume, it might be difficult to reach that first step.

Be sure to include only the courses relevant to the position you are applying to, such as electives in business marketing, child psychology or medical terminology. If you completed a practicum or job shadowing as part of your coursework, be sure to include that also. 

By showing competence in specific areas with a coursework resume, you could potentially interview and impress the hiring manager with your qualifications and personality.

There are a few steps to follow to include coursework on your resume:

1. First, list relevant courses that show experience

For example, if you are applying for a job in education, you can list courses in child development, child psychology and any other classes that will show experience working with children.

2. Second, add internships to your resume

Many courses require you to complete summer internships that might not pay but offer experience in your field. For example, if you are applying for a law firm job, include your internship working as a file clerk or transcriptionist. During these internships, you probably learned to answer phones, talk with clients and specific legal terminology. Listing this on your resume shows you have a knowledgeable background working with attorneys, even if you might not have paid employment experience. 

3. Third, include relevant class projects on your resume or in your portfolio

While attending school, you probably completed several class projects. For example, if you are looking for a business marketing job, include project information where you learned marketing techniques. If you have pictures or examples of brochures and data analysis charts, you might want to include these as an attachment with your resume or take them in your portfolio when you go for an interview. 

4. Fourth, incorporate extracurricular activities and volunteer work

Even if you have never worked as a paid employee in the field you are applying for, you might have completed extracurricular activities or volunteer work. For example, if you are applying for a job with a newspaper, include your experience working on the yearbook for both high school and college. If you wrote articles for your school newspaper, include this experience and even some writing samples.

When including relevant coursework on a resume, you need to think about the best placement and how to prioritize highlighted courses. You should also include your GPA if it portrays your hard work, and incorporate online classes and extracurricular activities like volunteer work if it’s in the field you are applying for. 

Here are a few tips to consider when you are writing your resume:

List the school followed by the relevant coursework

When writing your resume, you need to determine where to include relevant coursework. The best place to include these classes is after listing the high school, college or technical school you attended.

Prioritize important classes 

You do not need to include every class on your transcript. Instead, choose relevant classes for the position you are applying for. If you are applying for a variety of jobs, you might need to change the courses on your resume for different applications.

Include your GPA 

If you have a 3.0 or higher GPA in your major area of study, include this as part of your resume. If you graduated with honors, you might want to include those details as well.

List relevant online courses

Many classes are taken online, and you should include the courses that are relevant on your resume. Just because you didn’t learn the material in a classroom setting doesn’t mean it’s not important. Including online courses also shows competency with computer skills. 

Show extracurricular activities

If you completed volunteer work as part of a class or with an organization, include these details on your resume to portray team experience and successfully working to reach a specific goal. 

Since you are probably listing coursework because you don’t have much experience, try to place this information near the top of your resume. If you are changing careers, you might want to list some job experience and highlight the relevant coursework near the middle with your education. There are several different ways to list coursework on your resume, but you need to make sure this content is organized and easy to read. 

You can use these templates when you are writing your own resume:

No relevant job experience:

College, University, or Tech School     

Anytown, State

Dates of attendance

GPA (if it’s above a 3.0)

Relevant coursework

Limited job experience:

Degree, Name of College, University or Tech School

Relevant coursework: (list 3 to 5 classes)

Although it may seem strange to list coursework on a resume, when you are trying to highlight your credentials and you don’t have relevant job experience, you need the extra help to secure an interview. Once you meet with the hiring manager, you can offer examples of how your coursework and experiences in school make you the right person for the job. 

The top 5 hard skills in 2021, according to LinkedIn:

Software development, project management, data analysis, digital marketing, product management, the 78 best online courses that can give your resume a major boost.

When you buy through our links, Business Insider may earn an affiliate commission. Learn more

  • LinkedIn created a list of the five most in-demand hard skills in the 2021 job market.
  • The skills include software development, project management, data analysis, and more.
  • Below are online classes from LinkedIn Learning , Udemy , Coursera , edX , and Codecademy to learn them.

Insider Today

It can be difficult to discern which skills companies are prioritizing, and what can make your resume stand out to recruiters. That's why LinkedIn uses its vault of business data to publish a job market roadmap every year.

This year, the company used LinkedIn Learning data to determine which courses correlated with promotions in 2020 . Using that information, LinkedIn published some of the top hard skills employers are looking for in 2021. 

Below, we listed out the skills recruiters are looking for — as well as some online courses you can take to learn them. E-learning platforms like LinkedIn Learning , Udemy , Coursera , edX , and Codecademy all offer free or affordable options to flexibly gain new expertise and even get a certificate of completion to add to your profile or resume.

Whether you want to learn to code in Python or Java , explore the possibility of a project management career , or transition into data science , there are plenty of certificates , mini-degrees , and online master's programs that can help you advance your career.

courses on a resume

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15 Ways to Age-Proof Your Resume and Land an Interview

Posted: February 17, 2024 | Last updated: February 17, 2024

<p> Crafting a resume that stands the test of time is crucial in navigating the ever-evolving job market and helping you <a href="">get ahead financially</a>. </p> <p>   Whether you're a seasoned professional or reentering the job market, age-proofing your resume ensures you present yourself as a dynamic candidate capable of meeting modern workplace demands. </p> <p>   From strategic content decisions to a focus on continuous learning, these 15 insights aim to position you as a candidate with enduring value, transcending the limitations of age-related biases.  </p> <p>  <a href=""><b>Make Money:</b> 8 things to do if you're barely scraping by financially</a>  </p>

Crafting a resume that stands the test of time is crucial in navigating the ever-evolving job market and helping you get ahead financially . 

Whether you're a seasoned professional or reentering the job market, age-proofing your resume ensures you present yourself as a dynamic candidate capable of meeting modern workplace demands.

From strategic content decisions to a focus on continuous learning, these 15 insights aim to position you as a candidate with enduring value, transcending the limitations of age-related biases.

Make Money: 8 things to do if you're barely scraping by financially

<p>   Age is irrelevant in showcasing your qualifications. Avoid mentioning your age to eliminate any potential for age-related bias. </p> <p>   Focus on the skills and experiences that make you an ideal candidate for the role. Employers are more interested in what you bring to the table, not necessarily the number of years you've been at it.  </p> <p>  <p class=""><a href=""><b>Do you owe the IRS over $10K?</b> Ask this company to help you eliminate your late tax debt.</a></p>  </p>

Never include your age

Age is irrelevant in showcasing your qualifications. Avoid mentioning your age to eliminate any potential for age-related bias.

Focus on the skills and experiences that make you an ideal candidate for the role. Employers are more interested in what you bring to the table, not necessarily the number of years you've been at it.

Do you owe the IRS over $10K? Ask this company to help you eliminate your late tax debt.

<p>   Prioritize recent work experiences to highlight your current skill set and relevance to the industry. Emphasizing recent achievements provides a snapshot of your capabilities without dating your professional history.  </p> <p>   By focusing on what you've accomplished lately, you present yourself as a professional in tune with the latest industry trends and demands. </p>

Focus on your most recent work experience

Prioritize recent work experiences to highlight your current skill set and relevance to the industry. Emphasizing recent achievements provides a snapshot of your capabilities without dating your professional history.

By focusing on what you've accomplished lately, you present yourself as a professional in tune with the latest industry trends and demands.

<p>   Omit basic skills that are assumed in a modern workplace, like knowing how to type or use email. Instead, use the space on your resume to highlight specialized or advanced skills that set you apart from other candidates.  </p> <p>   Employers expect a baseline of proficiency; impress them by showcasing the exceptional skills that make you a standout candidate.  </p> <p>  <a href=""><b>Make Money:</b> Discover 17 legit ways to make extra cash</a>  </p>

Don't include skills that are given

Omit basic skills that are assumed in a modern workplace, like knowing how to type or use email. Instead, use the space on your resume to highlight specialized or advanced skills that set you apart from other candidates.

Employers expect a baseline of proficiency; impress them by showcasing the exceptional skills that make you a standout candidate.

Make Money: Discover 17 legit ways to make extra cash

<p>   Opt for a professional and contemporary email address. Using outdated or whimsical email addresses may inadvertently convey a lack of adaptability or professionalism. </p> <p>   Your email address is often the first impression employers get; make sure it reflects your professionalism and attention to detail. </p>

Avoid using old email addresses

Opt for a professional and contemporary email address. Using outdated or whimsical email addresses may inadvertently convey a lack of adaptability or professionalism.

Your email address is often the first impression employers get; make sure it reflects your professionalism and attention to detail.

<p>   Showcase your commitment to staying current in your field by completing relevant online courses. Mentioning these courses on your resume reflects continuous learning and reinforces your relevance in the industry.  </p> <p>   It's not just about what you've done; it's about what you're still willing to learn and achieve. </p>

Take relevant online courses you can put on your resume

Showcase your commitment to staying current in your field by completing relevant online courses. Mentioning these courses on your resume reflects continuous learning and reinforces your relevance in the industry.

It's not just about what you've done; it's about what you're still willing to learn and achieve.

<p> Center your resume around your accomplishments rather than a detailed chronology of responsibilities. Highlighting specific achievements demonstrates your impact in previous roles, emphasizing your value to prospective employers.  </p> <p> Your achievements are a testament to what you bring to the table, making you a results-oriented candidate. </p> <p>  <a href=""><b>Get Out of Debt for Good:</b> Try these 6 clever ways to crush your debt</a>  </p>

Focus on achievements

Center your resume around your accomplishments rather than a detailed chronology of responsibilities. Highlighting specific achievements demonstrates your impact in previous roles, emphasizing your value to prospective employers.

Your achievements are a testament to what you bring to the table, making you a results-oriented candidate.

Get Out of Debt for Good: Try these 6 clever ways to crush your debt

<p> Tailor your resume for each application by incorporating keywords from the job description. This aligns your resume with the employer's expectations and helps with applicant tracking systems.  </p> <p> Keywords bridge your resume and the employer's specific needs, increasing your chances of passing through screening processes. </p>

Use keywords from the job description

Tailor your resume for each application by incorporating keywords from the job description. This aligns your resume with the employer's expectations and helps with applicant tracking systems.

Keywords bridge your resume and the employer's specific needs, increasing your chances of passing through screening processes.

<p> Keep your resume concise and impactful by limiting it to two pages. Focus on presenting essential information, ensuring the reader can quickly grasp your qualifications and achievements.  </p> <p> A shorter, focused resume respects the employer's time and increases the likelihood of it being read. </p>

Use no more than two pages

Keep your resume concise and impactful by limiting it to two pages. Focus on presenting essential information, ensuring the reader can quickly grasp your qualifications and achievements.

A shorter, focused resume respects the employer's time and increases the likelihood of it being read.

<p> Opt for a mobile number as your primary contact. Listing a landline may unintentionally convey a lack of familiarity with modern communication methods.  </p> <p> A mobile number signifies your tech-savvy approach and ensures that potential employers can quickly connect with you in our fast-paced, mobile-dependent professional landscape. </p> <p>  <a href=""><b>Break the Cycle:</b> 8 moves to escape the paycheck to paycheck grind</a><br>  </p>

Don’t list a landline phone number

Opt for a mobile number as your primary contact. Listing a landline may unintentionally convey a lack of familiarity with modern communication methods.

A mobile number signifies your tech-savvy approach and ensures that potential employers can quickly connect with you in our fast-paced, mobile-dependent professional landscape.

Break the Cycle: 8 moves to escape the paycheck to paycheck grind

<p> Emphasize your ability to lead and collaborate with diverse teams. Leadership and teamwork skills are timeless attributes that showcase your capacity to contribute positively to any workplace.  </p> <p> Demonstrating your ability to work well with others is an invaluable asset in any professional setting. </p>

Highlight leadership and collaboration skills

Emphasize your ability to lead and collaborate with diverse teams. Leadership and teamwork skills are timeless attributes that showcase your capacity to contribute positively to any workplace.

Demonstrating your ability to work well with others is an invaluable asset in any professional setting.

<p> Demonstrate your proficiency in relevant technologies. Highlighting your technological skills underscores your comfort with contemporary workplace tools.  </p> <p> In today's tech-driven environment, showcasing your comfort with relevant tools positions you as a candidate ready for the challenges of the modern workplace. </p>

Showcase tech proficiency

Demonstrate your proficiency in relevant technologies. Highlighting your technological skills underscores your comfort with contemporary workplace tools.

In today's tech-driven environment, showcasing your comfort with relevant tools positions you as a candidate ready for the challenges of the modern workplace.

<p> Ensure your LinkedIn profile complements your resume. A well-maintained LinkedIn presence provides an additional layer of professional visibility and credibility.  </p> <p> Your LinkedIn profile is an extension of your resume, offering employers a more comprehensive view of your professional journey. If your LinkedIn is filled out completely, it provides potential employers with more visibility of your skills. </p> <p>  <a href=""><b>Money Goals:</b> Make these 7 savvy moves when you have $1,000 in the bank</a>  </p>

Craft a professional LinkedIn profile

Ensure your LinkedIn profile complements your resume. A well-maintained LinkedIn presence provides an additional layer of professional visibility and credibility.

Your LinkedIn profile is an extension of your resume, offering employers a more comprehensive view of your professional journey. If your LinkedIn is filled out completely, it provides potential employers with more visibility of your skills.

Money Goals: Make these 7 savvy moves when you have $1,000 in the bank

<p> Quantify your accomplishments to add a tangible impact to your resume. Numbers and metrics lend authenticity to your achievements, making them more compelling.  </p> <p> Quantifying your achievements provides concrete evidence of your contributions, making your resume more compelling and results-oriented. </p>

Quantify achievements where possible

Quantify your accomplishments to add a tangible impact to your resume. Numbers and metrics lend authenticity to your achievements, making them more compelling.

Quantifying your achievements provides concrete evidence of your contributions, making your resume more compelling and results-oriented.

<p> Tailor your resume to the specific requirements of each job application. This customization demonstrates your attentiveness to the needs of the role and enhances your chances of standing out.  </p> <p> A tailored resume shows employers that you've put thought into how your unique skills align with their specific needs. </p>

Customize your resume for each application

Tailor your resume to the specific requirements of each job application. This customization demonstrates your attentiveness to the needs of the role and enhances your chances of standing out.

A tailored resume shows employers that you've put thought into how your unique skills align with their specific needs.

<p> Explore a functional resume format, emphasizing skills and qualifications over a strict chronological order. This format allows you to draw attention to your capabilities, which is particularly useful when transitioning between industries.  </p> <p> A functional format provides flexibility, allowing you to present your skills in a way that highlights your suitability for the role. </p>

Consider using a functional resume format

Explore a functional resume format, emphasizing skills and qualifications over a strict chronological order. This format allows you to draw attention to your capabilities, which is particularly useful when transitioning between industries.

A functional format provides flexibility, allowing you to present your skills in a way that highlights your suitability for the role.

<p>Remember, your age is just a number; your dedication to continuous learning and value creation is what truly matters. </p><p>Use your age-proofed resume to land your next dream role and embark on a successful journey to <a href="">build wealth</a>, proving that your potential remains boundless.</p> <p>  <p><b>More from FinanceBuzz:</b></p> <ul> <li><a href="">7 things to do if you’re barely scraping by financially.</a></li> <li><a href="">Can you retire early? Take this quiz and find out.</a></li> <li><a href="">12 legit ways to earn extra cash.</a></li> <li><a href="">Do you owe the IRS >$10K? Ask this company to help you eliminate your late tax debt.</a></li> </ul>  </p>

Bottom line

Remember, your age is just a number; your dedication to continuous learning and value creation is what truly matters. 

Use your age-proofed resume to land your next dream role and embark on a successful journey to build wealth , proving that your potential remains boundless.

More from FinanceBuzz:

  • 7 things to do if you’re barely scraping by financially.
  • Can you retire early? Take this quiz and find out.
  • 12 legit ways to earn extra cash.
  • Do you owe the IRS >$10K? Ask this company to help you eliminate your late tax debt.

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MassHire Career Centers for Jobseekers

MassHire is your one-stop solution for all things career-related

Whether you're in between jobs, seeking a new opportunity, or aiming for career growth, we've got you covered. Our comprehensive services include personalized career guidance, informative workshops, specialized training programs, valuable job referrals, expert resume assistance, and access to a wide array of job listings.

Visit a MassHire Career Center

Our network of 29 MassHire Career Centers is located throughout the state. Each career center offers help with your job search, occupational and educational training, and veterans’ services.

Employers work with their local center to locate jobseekers with specific skills. If you’re an employer interested in working with a MassHire, check out our MassHire Career Centers for Employers webpage.

Finding a Job

Finding your way through the job search process can be challenging. But don't worry, MassHire JobQuest is here to help. It's your one-stop destination to search for jobs, connect with career coaches, and showcase your resume for employers to discover.

Kickstart your job search journey by conducting a labor market assessment, and gain valuable insights into both present and future employment trends to make informed decisions regarding your career path.

Locate Training and Education Programs

Interested in a specific career path? MassHire can facilitate connections to training and education programs aimed at equipping you with essential skills for prosperous jobs and careers. Discover training opportunities through MassHire JobQuest. For inquiries about any training program, feel free to reach out to the career center nearest to you.

Re-employment Services

MassHire is here to help unemployment claimants get back to work faster. Claimants are randomly selected to join the federally funded Re-Employment Services and Eligibility Assessment (RESEA) program after they receive their first unemployment check.

Over five weeks, claimants will connect with their local career center twice. First, for a Career Center Seminar (CCS) and Initial RESEA Orientation. Then, for a RESEA Review session.

If you need to acquire new skills to become re-employed, you may be eligible for the Training Opportunities Program (TOP). This program is administered by the Department of Unemployment Assistance in partnership with MassHire. 

Job Support for Individuals with Disabilities

Career Centers offer assistive technology like screen readers and zoom text software for those who are blind or visually impaired, assistive listening software for individuals who are hard-of-hearing, and height-adjustable workstations. 

Job Support for Veterans

MassHire offers specialized employment and training services for Veterans and their families. Our dedicated statewide team assists Veterans in transitioning to civilian employment. Eligible Veterans and their spouses receive priority of service across all services.

Contact Information

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KNXV - Phoenix, Arizona

Arizona State University courses return to campus after flooding causes cooling issue on campus

ASU water main flooding

TEMPE, AZ — Arizona State University officials say repairs have been made, classes will resume and faculty should return to campus Tuesday following flooding and cooling issues on the Tempe campus.

ASU had asked faculty to work remotely and for courses to be moved online Monday after flooding caused a cooling issue on the Tempe campus.

The university told ABC15 that, on Saturday morning, a water line break caused flooding in the basement at ASU's Central Plant Facility.

"This facility operates essential pumps that distribute cool water, crucial for supporting the air conditioning systems across campus buildings. Facilities technicians are actively resolving the issue to ensure optimal cooling for key buildings until all the pumps are fully operational," a university spokesperson said.

ASU said any employees based in Tempe who can work remotely should do so on Monday, May 20. Additionally, one session of summer courses started last week, according to ASU's website, and according to the notice, "Faculty must move courses online."

The "University Services, Fulton Center, University Center A,B,C, and ASU Police" buildings were not impacted by the issue, ASU said.

In preparation for welcoming students and faculty back to the campus buildings Tuesday, ASU noted that: “Building temperatures may be warmer than normal conditions at the start of the day but will continue to adjust throughout the morning."

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Ncba series resumes after short hiatus caused by the heavy rains.

The series returns after a brief hiatus caused by the recent heavy rains that affected various golf courses in the country.

•Over 200 golfers are expected to grace the event at Muthaiga course, which is renowned for its challenging par-71 layout.

•The tournament will provide an opportunity for six standout performers to secure their slots at the 2024 NCBA Golf Series' Grand Finale.

Ruiru Sports Club's Chris Karimi in action during his home club's leg of the NCBA Golf Series

The 2024 NCBA Golf Series returns as the ‘Home of Golf’— Muthaiga Golf Club hosts the sixth leg this weekend. 

Over 200 golfers are expected to grace the event at Muthaiga course, which is renowned for its challenging par-71 layout.

The golfers will be vying for coveted slots to compete in the series' Grand Finale later in the year.

Muthaiga Club captain, Bo Ciera, said: “We are delighted as Muthaiga Golf Club to be hosting the NCBA Golf Series once again. NCBA has been a key partner of the club for a long time and we are delighted they have given us this opportunity to be part of the series.”

He added: “Our course is in impeccable condition, ready to challenge and inspire golfers of all levels and with the support of our partner NCBA and the enthusiasm of our players, I am confident the event will be a memorable one,” he added.

NCBA Group Managing Director, John Gachora, said: "As we return to Muthaiga for the next leg of the NCBA Golf Series, I am thrilled to witness the passion and skill of our golfers on display. This tournament not only showcases the best of Kenyan golf but also embodies our commitment to supporting the growth and development of the sport in our community."

The tournament will provide an opportunity for six standout performers to secure their slots at the 2024 NCBA Golf Series' Grand Finale.

These slots will be awarded to the Division 1 male and female winners, Division 2 male and female winners, the overall winner of Division 3 and the top performer in the Junior category.

At the same time, the NCBA U.S. Kids Golf Fall Local Tour tournament continues this weekend at the same venue with at least 186 junior golfers aged between 5 and 18 years old set to participate.

The tournament is jointly organised by U.S. Kids Golf and the Junior Golf Foundation Kenya courtesy of NCBA Bank. 

The event aims to provide the juniors with a platform to refine their skills and enhance their competitiveness as well as offer the junior golfers a chance to qualify for international tournaments organised by U.S. Kids Golf by earning points for Priority Status.

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Local News | After rider backlash, Maryland changes course…

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Local News | After rider backlash, Maryland changes course to retain all MTA commuter bus routes

Pam Brickell boards an MTA bus at the Mondawmin Transit Center in 2020. (Kim Hairston/Baltimore Sun)

In February the department said it would cut eight routes and reduce service on 26 more, including 10 in the Baltimore region.

“Due to overwhelming feedback from commuters, and a strong commitment to funding our transportation systems by the Moore-Miller Administration and the General Assembly, the Commuter Bus system will remain intact,” Maryland Transit Administrator Holly Arnold said in the release. “Our updated schedule balances our riders’ need for reliable public transit with available funding levels.”

The agency said in the release that it received nearly 830 public comments at a handful of public hearings between Feb. 1 and April 29.

The department said a new schedule will go into effect July 1 that has a decrease in bus trips across all routes while retaining the current span of service hours and geographic coverage. Ridership is at 43% of pre-pandemic levels, the department said in the release.

In December, Gov. Wes Moore said the state would reduce $3.3 billion in planned transportation spending over the next six years. The department said in February that daily ridership had dropped from 12,000 to 5,100 before and after the pandemic.

The proposed cuts would have discontinued service on eight routes: Columbia to Bethesda, Annapolis to Washington, Kent Island to Washington, Severna Park and Davidsonville to Washington, Churchville to Baltimore, Hickory to Baltimore, Pindell to Washington, and Prince Frederick and Dunkirk to Suitland,and Washington.

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Roger Corman, the B-movie legend who launched A-list careers, dies at 98

Neda Ulaby - Square

Cult film director Roger Corman often came up with titles before he came up with plots. His 1957 movie Attack of the Crab Monsters is one example — "I had no story," Corman told NPR's Renee Montagne in 2010 . Movie Poster Image Art/Getty Images hide caption

Over the course of his half-century long career, Roger Corman filled America's drive-ins with hundreds of low-budget movies. They had titles like Sharktopus, Teenage Doll and The Terror. The trailers — and titles — were often better than the movies themselves.

But Corman was also a major figure in American independent film. The directors and actors who worked with him at the beginnings of their careers are a veritable who's who: Robert De Niro, Martin Scorsese, Jonathan Demme, Francis Ford Coppola.

courses on a resume

"I think the task of the filmmaker is to break through and hit that horror that still remains in the unconscious mind," Corman said. "And there's a certain amount of catharsis there. He's pictured above in 2009. Kevork Djansezian/Getty Images hide caption

"I think the task of the filmmaker is to break through and hit that horror that still remains in the unconscious mind," Corman said. "And there's a certain amount of catharsis there. He's pictured above in 2009.

Corman died Thursday at his home in Santa Monica, California, according to a statement released Saturday by his wife and daughters. "He was generous, open-hearted and kind to all those who knew him," the statement said. "When asked how he would like to be remembered, he said, 'I was a filmmaker, just that.'" He was 98.

Corman was educated at Stanford and Oxford Universities before he became the dean of grindhouse. Back in 1990, Corman told NPR about making his first film, Monster from the Ocean Floor. It was the early 1950s, and Corman had read in the newspaper about a company that had invented a miniature submarine.

"I finished breakfast, called them up, said I was an independent filmmaker and would be interested in having their submarine in my picture," he recalled.

Putting free stuff in the flicks he pumped out for cheap became Corman's trademark — along with little-known starlets in even littler outfits, filmed on the littlest of budgets. Corman's thrift was legendary.

'Corman': King Of The B's, And A Nice Guy Besides

'Corman': King Of The B's, And A Nice Guy Besides

Dick Miller acted in dozens of Corman films, including the 1955 Western Apache Woman. "I played an Indian in my first picture and about halfway through [Corman] asked me ... Would you like to play a cowboy?" Miller remembered in a Fresh Air interview in 2004. "I said, Doing another movie already? He says, No, in the same movie. So I ended up playing a cowboy and an Indian in my first movie."

Corman released as many as eight pictures a year — a breakneck pace that rivaled even major studios. Once, as a joke, he borrowed a set (for free, of course) and shot a movie in two days and one night. That hastily assembled movie was the original, black and white, Little Shop of Horrors.

"Possibly the fast pace, the insane schedule, brought something to the picture that made it the more-or-less cult film it became," Corman said.

courses on a resume

Some of Hollywood's biggest stars got their starts working on Corman films. Above, Salli Sachse and Peter Fonda are pictured on the set of The Trip, a 1966 film written by Jack Nicholson and directed by Corman. AP hide caption

Some of Hollywood's biggest stars got their starts working on Corman films. Above, Salli Sachse and Peter Fonda are pictured on the set of The Trip, a 1966 film written by Jack Nicholson and directed by Corman.

Of course, it didn't hurt that the film featured a young Jack Nicholson playing a masochistic dental patient.

Nicholson showed up in a raft of Corman pictures, including a relatively well-regarded series based on works by Edgar Allan Poe, all starring Vincent Price.

But Corman was mostly synonymous with schlock — there was The Student Nurses in 1970 (followed by several subsequent nurse-focused films), the 1966 biker gang movie The Wild Angels , and 1975's homicidal hot rod movie Death Race 2000.

"The drivers are scored not only on how fast they can drive, and how many other drivers they could hit, but also how many pedestrians they could kill," Corman bragged. "Now that was the key. The picture was the biggest success we had, ever, and it led to all kinds of jokes that entered our era."

Corman received an honorary Oscar in 2009 for producing and directing more than 300 films and fostering the careers of Ron Howard, John Sayles, Sylvester Stallone and James Cameron.

"Probably all of his movies combined would not have cost as much as Avatar, " Cameron told NPR in 2010.

Repertoire Of Horrors: The Films Of Roger Corman

Movie Interviews

Repertoire of horrors: the films of roger corman.

Corman produced Cameron's first full-length feature, 1981's Piranha II: The Spawning, and taught him an essential lesson: "Your will is the only thing that makes the difference in getting the job done ..." Cameron said. "It teaches you to improvise, and, in a funny way, to never lose hope. Because you're making a movie, and the movie can be what you want it to be."

The movies Corman willed into being are their own loopy, glorious world of teenage cavemen, X-ray eyes and humanoids from the deep. His 300-some movies barely even rose to the level of camp. But many of Hollywood's most respected directors have at least one Corman credit buried in their resumes. And by teaching so many people how to deliver on-budget and on-schedule, Corman was arguably one of the most influential figures of American film.

In 1964 he married Julie Halloran, a UCLA graduate who also became a producer. He is survived by his wife Julie and children Catherine, Roger, Brian and Mary.


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  1. How To List Online Courses on a Resume (With Examples)

    If you want to include any online courses you have taken on your resume, you can use the following steps to incorporate this training: 1. Focus on relevant coursework. When deciding whether to include online courses on your resume, you must first determine their relevance. You may need to edit your list depending on the jobs you are applying to ...

  2. How to Include Relevant Coursework on a Resume (with Examples)

    Bachelor's in [Name of Degree] [College Name, City, Graduation Date] Relevant Coursework: [Course 1], [Course 2], [Course 3], [Course 4], [Course 5] Alternatively, you can also opt to show your courses in a bullet-point list if your resume is short and you need to fill more space. You can even elaborate on each course with a few words to ...

  3. How to List Relevant Coursework on a Resume (With Examples)

    Example of relevant coursework in an education section. Most people include coursework in the education section of their resumes. If you want to expand your education section, write "Relevant Coursework" under your degree name, and then use commas to separate the names of the courses. For example:

  4. How to List Relevant Coursework on a Resume + Examples

    When adding related classwork onto a resume, make a subsection at the end of the appropriate education entry. Place it below the degree, school name and location, and date of completion or estimated date of graduation. Use bullet points, or separate each course with a comma to save space.

  5. When and How To List Online Courses on a Resume

    Online courses can be listed in your education, certifications, projects, or other section — more on that below. List the name of the course. Include the name of the provider. Specify the date you completed the qualification. Include 1-3 accomplishments or key learnings in bullet points (optional).

  6. How to Include Relevant Coursework on a Resume

    On your resume, you can make a section called 'Relevant Coursework' and list any specific classes that are useful for the job you're applying to. For instance, if you are applying for a finance internship, list any business or finance courses you completed. In this section, you could also include any meaningful research experiences you had.

  7. How to List Education on a Resume: Tips, Examples, and More

    4. Keep your formatting consistent. While there are many different ways to format the contents of your education, consistency between each is key. Once you decide on a format, stick with it for your entire resume. 5. Keep it concise. In many cases, the education section should be one of the shortest on your resume.

  8. How to List Relevant Coursework on a Resume [10+ Examples]

    Listing relevant courses on a resume is optional. It makes sense to put relevant coursework on student and entry-level resumes. If you have at least one year of experience, drop relevant courses from your resume entirely, and focus on tailoring the job description and key skills sections. Use the education section to present the relevant ...

  9. How to List Online Courses on a Resume (Examples and Tips)

    Choose Relevant Coursework. First, it's important to be selective when you list online courses on your resume. You may include continuing education courses on a resume, but that doesn't mean that the employer needs to hear about every class you take. Instead, think about the skills you need for the job you're seeking.

  10. How to List Online Courses on Your Resume

    If you've taken courses that have taught you something that will help you on the job, by all means, include them on your resume, she says. Just keep the list of courses short, and confine them to a single, small area, such as a "Professional Training" section under your work history. 2. Keep it Relevant.

  11. How to List Relevant Coursework On Resume [Tips & Examples!]

    Relevant coursework: British Literature, American Literature, Medieval Literature, William Shakespeare, Language and Cognitive Development. #2. List Your Relevant Coursework in Bullet Points. To make your relevant coursework more visible and reader-friendly, list them in bullet points underneath your diploma title.

  12. How to List Certifications on Your Resume: Guide + Examples

    1. In a "certifications and licenses" section. The first place you should highlight your certificate is in a dedicated certification section on your resume. This section can be added either under the education section or the skills section of your resume. A common name for this section is "certifications and licenses" but you can also ...

  13. How To Include Your Relevant Coursework On A Resume

    The number of relevant courses you've taken. The detail you want to include. The space you have. Most people include relevant coursework in the education section of their resumes. To do this, just write "Relevant Coursework" beneath the degree name, and then use commas to separate the titles of the courses.

  14. How to List Coursework on a Resume

    1. First, list relevant courses that show experience. For example, if you are applying for a job in education, you can list courses in child development, child psychology and any other classes that will show experience working with children. 2. Second, add internships to your resume. Many courses require you to complete summer internships that ...

  15. How to List Online Courses on Your Resume

    If so, then include it in your resume. 3. Make sure your list is easy to verify. Include the course provider in your list and write course names exactly as they appear on the course provider's website. You should also make sure you take courses from a reputable provider. Before starting a course, check that the provider has a strong online ...

  16. How to Make a Resume: 2024 Resume Writing Guide

    To make a resume that fully demonstrates your experiences and goals, it's important to be strategic with the language, format, and sections you include. In general, there are three broad steps to making your resume: Identifying keywords and important skills. Choosing a format. Writing each section. In this resume guide, we'll offer tips and ...

  17. A Guide to Effectively Put Relevant Coursework on Resume [+ Examples

    1. Only Add Courses Relevant to the Job Description. Whether you're applying for an internship or an entry-level job, keep in mind that including coursework in your resume does not mean that you should add as many as you can. Only keep the relevant courses suitable for the job position. 2.

  18. Online Courses You Can Take to Build Popular Resume Skills in 2021

    Udemy (Courses can be bought individually or with Udemy subscription for $29.99 per month) Machine Learning A-Z™: Hands-On Python & R In Data Science, $89.99. The Data Science Course 2021, $94. ...

  19. 8 Best Resume Writing Courses for 2024: Get that Job!

    Workload. Best Free Course for Resume Writing and Job Search Basics (LinkedIn Learning) 2-3 hours. Best Intermediate Course for Business Style Resumes (University of Maryland) 13 hours. Best Beginner Course to Design Professional Documents and Build InDesign Skills (Skillshare) 2-3 hours.

  20. Top Resume and CV Writing Courses Online

    Learn more about Resume and CV Writing. The first step in getting your dream job is writing a great resume. Take a resume writing course from Udemy, and learn how to build a professional resume that showcases your skills, education, and experience — and catches the attention of hiring managers. Our range of courses taught by real-world ...

  21. 15 Ways to Age-Proof Your Resume and Land an Interview

    Keep your resume concise and impactful by limiting it to two pages. Focus on presenting essential information, ensuring the reader can quickly grasp your qualifications and achievements. A shorter ...

  22. MassHire Career Centers for Jobseekers

    Our network of 29 MassHire Career Centers is located throughout the state. Each career center offers help with your job search, occupational and educational training, and veterans' services. Employers work with their local center to locate jobseekers with specific skills. If you're an employer interested in working with a MassHire, check ...

  23. ASU on-campus courses resume after flooding, cooling issue in Tempe

    ASU had asked faculty to work remotely and for courses to be moved online Monday after flooding caused a cooling issue on the Tempe campus. The university told ABC15 that, on Saturday morning, a ...

  24. Writing Winning Resumes and Cover Letters

    This course will give you answers to those questions. You will learn how to convert a boring resume into a dynamic asset statement that conveys your talents in the language that an employer understands. After completing this course, you will be able to: 1. Identify the real purpose of a resume. 2. Identify relevant competencies for a position. 3.

  25. NCBA Series resumes after short hiatus caused by the heavy rains

    The series returns after a brief hiatus caused by the recent heavy rains that affected various golf courses in the country. •Over 200 golfers are expected to grace the event at Muthaiga course ...

  26. Maryland changes course to retain all MTA commuter bus routes

    May 22, 2024 at 11:15 p.m. The state has acceded to public demand to retain all 36 of its commuter bus routes but at reduced frequencies, the Maryland Department of Transportation and Maryland ...

  27. Serie A: Osimhen yet to resume training at Napoli

    Published. on. May 20, 2024. By. Mike Oyebola. Victor Osimhen missed training on Monday as Napoli commenced preparations ahead of their clash against Leece. Osimhen has not trained with his ...

  28. Best Resume Courses Online with Certificates [2024]

    Intermediate · Course · 1 - 3 Months. resumen de ventas y crm. quick resumecreator with javascript. create a resume and cover letter with google docs. writing winning resumes and cover letters. interviewing and resume writing in english. take your resume to the next level with canva. create a resume or curriculum vitae with libre office.

  29. Roger Corman, the B-movie legend who launched A-list careers ...

    Over some five decades, Corman filled America's drive-ins with hundreds of low-budget movies. Many of Hollywood's most respected directors have at least one Corman picture buried in their resumes.